#the akula dynasty
shark-draws-stuff · 1 month
The struggle is real for Ivany and Everest :P
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So some might know, but Ivany and Everest are part time Conjoined Twins, they weren't born together like Alyssa and Katie, and unlike their cousins, they can separate at will, this also means they got a lot to learn about working together :P
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shark-draws-stuff · 2 months
They be twinning
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Alyssa and Katie have a spare get along shirt they give to their cousins Ivany and Everest anytime they fuse, they all wanted to do some twinning by all wearing a get along shirt!
I think they look great ^^
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shark-draws-stuff · 14 days
Happy pride month everyone! Got some pride stuff I have with my OCS I plan on going this month! And what better way to start with the Akula twins!
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Alyssa is Bisexual
Katie is Asexual
Ivany Is Pansexual
Everest Is Lesbian
Definitely got more to do with my other characters. So stay tuned!
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shark-draws-stuff · 21 days
Assert Dominance
Alyssa and Katie got it
While Ivany and Everest fear
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Silly twins
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shark-draws-stuff · 13 days
Got some more pride month stuff! This time featuring my trans kiddos!
Marius is Trans masc, and Gillian is Trans Fem!
They are my babies and I love them ^^
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More on the way
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shark-draws-stuff · 4 months
I finished drawing icons for the main 8 characters of mine!
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These 8 will be the major focus of my series! As we follow each of them learning about their families history and the strange antics going on with em!
I'll be working on more for my other characters, so stay tuned!
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shark-draws-stuff · 3 months
Got a few doodles to share
First one is a mock title card for an episode of my project, if it had one of course!
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This would be the episode Alyssa and Katie learn about their dad fusing them when they were developing. Messed up stuff
It's actually a redraw of an older doodle I did with Freaktale frisk and chara
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Here's the same thing but Freaktale and 2020...
Oh speaking of redraws, I recently redrew some fanart for the game iron lung! Specifically what might lurk in the blood oceans.
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Here's the one from now vs the one from 2022
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I wanted to make it a shark because for some reason people are afraid of them, not sure why but okay
Anyways, that's all for now
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shark-draws-stuff · 7 months
Wowie zowie, I'm actually using this!
I used to only come on here for Freaktale stuff, but since the aus dead and I've had traumatic experiences with the undertale community I've decided to put the old blog on archive and use this one for my original project!
"The Shark Dynasty"
It is called!
Here's some cover art...
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Here's what I got so far
What is the shark dynasty you ask?
The Shark Dynasty is an original project of mine featuring my ocs. This series will focus on my OC Sky's 8 kids visiting him in the rural parts of Ontario for the summer. Something isn’t right with Sky’s property, and throughout the series it’s learned that sky’s land is corrupted by a mysterious dark magic, this magic creates a rips between dimensions as well as earth's timeline, featuring creatures from the past, present and future, while also being a host to supernatural beings.
It is revealed slowly that the kid's father is behind all of these actions.
That's basically what I got so far! I also have two short comics featuring 4 of the characters!
First one featuring Gillian and Ira (I'll introduce them below)
Gillian has a bunch of pet bugs, one of her Feeder roaches got loose into Ira's room
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Good stuff yes.
And the second one features twins Alyssa and Katey!
Alyssa listens to music, helps keep her calm, sometimes though she can get a bit intense while listening to her music, especially if brain power plays! Much to Katey's dismay.
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I should probably introduce the kids
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I I shared this one already, but I updated the Heights of the youngest three!
In case you missed, from left to right
Wolfgang is the oldest son of sky as well as the oldest of sky's kids. He's shy and mostly keeps to himself due to trust issues and being stuck in his life, unsure of what to do. He's very passionate about prehistoric life and loves talking about it when he feels open to someone he trusts. Wolfgang is troubled by his past of bullying and having parents who never truly understood him or his needs. Wolfgang is asexual.
Irais the oldest daughter of sky, she is the 2nd oldest of sky's kids. She's laid back and easy to vibe with, she enjoys spending time with family and friends. She's very passionate about different types of Comic, Manga and animation. She feels regret because she never paid much attention to her family as a kid and what they had to deal with growing up, despite being part of the same house.
Amar is the second oldest son of sky, he is the 3rd oldest child. Amar is described as an enthusiastic, energetic individual. However he feels depressed and keeps it hidden well, he feels he has no purpose in the world due to bullying. His interest is gaming, He loves any type of game.
Alyssa and Katey
Alyssa and Katey are the middle daughters of sky, they are conjoined twins. Alyssa is Energetic and kind hearted, she's distracted easily. Katey is calm and observant, she usually observes people closely. The twins trust each other deeply as they've experienced everything together, Katey is usually the voice of reason, but sometimes Alyssa might disagree, they often have short clashes with each other, but these never result in arguments unless under stress. They both go through depression due to their condition and how people have treated them because of it.
Marius is the second youngest son of sky, he is transgender male who never agreed with the gender he was born with. Marius is energetic and quirky while also being quit if he feels uncomfortable.
Marius struggles to make friends, he has a hard time distinguishing good and bad people. However, if Marius feels close with someone he is the complete opposite, friendly, funny and smart.
Marius Enjoys Crystals and is very spiritual, he's a sucker for astrology.
She second youngest child of sky Akula.
She is a transgender female who is uncomfortable with her body and doesn't believe it ever fit her.
Gillian is very passionate about learning new things and would rather solve her problems in a civil way. Because of this, she isn't the best fighter of Sky's kids, but this doesn't mean she isn't capable of it.
Gillian is very desensitized towards her current situation. She often sees the best in people and had a harder time picking up on red flags.
Despite Gillian being knowledgeable in things like science, she is very spiritual and believes that a lot of unexplainable events should remain unexplained. She also enjoys the micro world!
Finn Is the Youngest Son and Youngest Child Of Sky.
He's described as a typical boy, loves games and enjoys the funny stuff in life.
Finn is very cocky and often gets into situations that can be described as chaotic. Often charging into battle head first rather than observing first.
Despite this he's got a good heart deep down,
Now for their cousins.
These 4 are more like side characters, they have backstory, just haven't really thought of it yet 🤔
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From left to right we got
They're pretty chill, they enjoy the casual stuff in life, but they also experience crazy adrenaline rushes and is often seen doing some more intense things.
They never truly agreed with the gender they were born, they identified as non binary.
Everest is often described as shy and reserved, however, when she's with her sister Ivany she's the life of the party, she feels closest to her sister and trust her the most
Ivany is described as sweet caring and a bit on the timid side, she's pretty close with her sister as they share a bound after Everest opened up to Ivany about bullying she had experienced.
Alexander is an average kid, he enjoys playing games and sports, he's got a decent group of friends he hangs out with.
Oh also one more thing about Ivany and Everest
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prepare for some weird shit
Ivany and Everest can merge together like Alyssa and Katey while also being able to separate, what? You thought these kids were humans? Nah nah nah, they are something else, though it'll take some time to explain.
Now why is this weird? Well I'm not sure if I mentioned this or not, but sky conjoined Alyssa and Katey while they were developing, he did the same with Ivany and Everest, though it wasn't successful as they can separate anytime unlike Sky's Twins
The reason Sky did this is because he himself had absorbed his twin when he was created, and he wants to see how others would live out what he could have experienced...
Yeah sky's messed up, at least the twins are okay with the idea, well they are now, when they found out you can imagine how devastated they were when they found out first.
Speaking of Sky
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Here's him next to his wife Adhira, and his beast form with and without wings! (Used a reference for them)
Adhira is Energetic, caring and sweet, though she can get defensive if provoked, she is very protective of each of her kids especially!
And now other side characters.
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We got
Terry the troodontid, what species? Anyone's guess.
He's an ally of sky's kids as well as sky Himself, he's also an old OC of mine! Used to be a Jurassic park troodon
Edwin aka Legion is a mysterious figure that is sent by sky to keep an eye out on sky's kids.
Ivy Is A Plant Princess, she's laid back and would rather be a normal civilian.
And Richard... he's just Richard, that's all.
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And here's death, aka the grim reaper (I used a reference for this one as well, you'll notice I use references for a lot of dinosaur drawings, I wanna practice with em better) one of the kids gets all sad and starts thinking about a permanent solution to a temporary problem, so he appears and sacres the kid into rethinking that.
That's all I got for now, I'll try to keep this updated.
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shark-draws-stuff · 5 months
Ivany and Everest cosplaying the Mothra twins!
This is a redraw of a pic I did with just Ivany and mothra, now that she's got a twin sister it makes more sense!
The recent doodle
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The one from 2020
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Anyways that's about it :P
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shark-draws-stuff · 10 months
Okay, So uh
I've decided to move on from Freaktale... don't panic, it's in good hands, much better than I could ever give it.
It's actually got a team who's working on making it into a game! Pretty exciting!
The reason why is because I feel Freaktale has been holding me back from other projects of mine, plus I've never really had positive experiences working on the au.
That being said, I don't want to let this blog go to waste! And I feel it'll be a great place for one of those neglected projects of mine!
It's kinda related to Freaktale, but only in the fact that it has The Virus From Freaktale In It. As he's my original character and I want to use him for my new original project!
I don't want to reveal too much yet, but I'll give the basic premise of it!
Aight so,
The project is called "The Shark Dynasty"
The Basic Premise goes as followed
The Shark Dynasty is an original project of mine featuring my ocs. This series will focus on my OC Sky and his 8 kids visiting him him in the rural parts of Ontario for the summer. Something isn’t right with Sky’s property, and throughout the series it’s learned that sky’s land is corrupted by a mysterious dark magic, this magic creates a rips between dimensions and earth's timeline, featuring creatures from the past, present and future, while also being a host to supernatural beings.
It is revealed slowly that the kid's father is behind all of these actions.
I'll share the kids together, but I want to introduce them individually when I get their profiles ready and actually written down. So it's probably gonna take some time. I'll give you the kids names from Left To Right (Oldest To Youngest as well)
Alyssa & Katey
And Of Course Sky! With both his main forms.
More information will come about when I get the time!
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shark-draws-stuff · 7 months
Yo yo, been a bit, so you know how Sky has a cursed form? Well I'm working on Designs for him and his kids since it's a family curse. I'll share them when they are done, but right now, I've got a few comics to share with the kiddos!
First we got Marius and Finn wanting ice cream, but Wolfgang finished it
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And last comic for today is Ivany and Everest surprising Amar with their ability to merge, while Alyssa and Katey watch for support
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That's all I got for now, wpp post more when I get more comics finished!
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shark-draws-stuff · 6 months
I redrew the kids.
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Oh also, shading Practice featuring the kids father
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Anyways that's about it, until I post again.
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shark-draws-stuff · 9 months
Look what I did, it's finally out on my main channel!!!!!
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shark-draws-stuff · 8 months
Brain power
Featuring Alyssa And Katey
Alyssa and Katey usually listen to music to keep them calm, Alyssa however is very physically expressive when listening to music, and usually dances or taps her leg to the beat, and it can get intense especially when listening to Brain Power by Noma
Katey sometimes has to deal with these chaotic dances from her sister.
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shark-draws-stuff · 1 year
Harpy Eda on her way to smite my OC Sky, even though she has the power disadvantage.
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shark-draws-stuff · 2 years
The Shark Dynasty
Ah yes, it’s time for the freaktale creator to share his odd original project about family and stuff. This series is still in the story writing stage but I feel I can share what I had in mind!
Here are the characters!
Sky Akula 
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Sky is a father of 8 who spends to much time at work, though he wants to spend time with his family more... he’s got secrets I think.
Adhira Akula
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Adhira is a surprisingly nerdy lady, however she can turn serious mode when the situation calls!
Wolfgang Akula
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Wolfgang is the oldest child of Sky and Adhira, he’s been through stuff and doesn’t trust many people.
Anna Akula
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Anna is a outgoing cheerful young lady who can kick ass if needed, oh she’s also lesbian!
William Akula
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Will is likes punk, he’s a family man and looks out for his family, he’s got a big group of friends, though they aren’t the best group.
Alyssa and Brianna Akula
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Alyssa and Brianna are conjoined twins, Alyssa is a tomboy who’s energetic and loving! Her sister Brianna is more lady like and quiet.
Micheal Akula
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Micheal is a shy boy who needs to work on his confidence.
Gillian Akula
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Gillian is a smart young girl who loves dinosaurs, bugs and comics. she’s very close with her younger brother.
Finn Akula
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Finn is a gamer, he’s kind hearted unlike most however.
Terry Akula
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Terry is the relatable pet everyone loves.
Ivany and Everest Akula
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Ivany and Everest are sky’s nieces, Ivany is very sweet, caring and enjoys a lot of things, her sister Everest is more shy and reserved, they are both extremely close, so much so they can fuse together like Alyssa and Brianna, why? gains powers!
And that's all the characters you need to know about for now :P
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