#the amount of times i’ve replayed this…
nhlclover · 21 hours
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summary: in the wake of your painful break-up with jack, you find comfort and blossoming feelings with luke.
warning: part two to this fic, bsf ! luke hughes x reader, jack hughes x reader, angst, jack once again being a terrible (ex)boyfriend, little tiny bit of swearing
word count: 2.93k
In the days that followed your birthday, your head felt like it was in a blender. The entire day had left you confused, hurt, and angry. The sting of Jack's absence was a constant ache, and the silence that followed was deafening. You hadn't heard from him at all — not even a ‘sorry for bailing on your birthday’ text. The uncertainty about your relationship status gnawed at you, making you question everything.
Luke had been a steady presence during this time, though he couldn’t provide any more information about Jack’s whereabouts or reasons. He had barely spoken to his brother since their blowup at the arena. Their encounters were limited to brief, awkward glimpses at the rink, where Luke made a point to avoid prolonged interaction. In the meantime, Luke had been staying over at your apartment and occasionally at Jesper's. You hated how you had come between two brothers, creating a rift between two people who had once been so close.
The days dragged on, each one marked by the same painful silence from Jack. You tried to go about your daily routine, but the weight of your unresolved feelings made it difficult to focus. Work was a welcome distraction, though your colleagues noticed the change in your demeanor.
One evening, when you were sitting on your couch, a knock at your door drew your focus off the baseball game playing on your TV. When you opened the door, you were met with a remorseful-looking Jack.
“Can I come in?” he asked softly.
You hesitated momentarily, wondering if it was a good decision, but ultimately stepped aside and let Jack in. Jack had spent the last couple of days in a haze, his argument with Luke replaying in his head. His words had been harsh but true, piercing through the fog of Jack's self-deception and forcing him to confront the reality of his actions.
As he sat across from you at your kitchen table, the silence between you two was almost unbearable. Jack's eyes wandered, unable to meet yours, focusing instead on the bracelets on his wrists.
He took a deep breath, his eyes finally meeting yours. “I’m so sorry… for everything, y/n,” he said. “I know I’ve been a terrible boyfriend and I let you down, not just on your birthday but so many times before that.”
You felt your emotions rising in your chest, tears brimming in your eyes as you remembered your birthday. You remembered waiting throughout the night as everyone who wasn’t your boyfriend arrived to celebrate your birthday. The memory of the pitying glances you’d received as the hours passed by only amplified your heartbreak.
Jack reached out, taking your hand that was resting on the table in his. His touch was tentative as if he feared you might pull away. “I’ve been a fucking idiot,” he continued. “I never meant to make you feel like you weren’t important to me, and I know I’ve messed up more times than I can count, but… I don’t want to lose you. I need a second chance.”
You considered his words but couldn’t help but feel that they rang empty. You took a shaky breath, pulling your hand away gently. “Jack, it’s not a second chance at this point… it’s a fourth or a fifth,” you said. “The amount of times you’ve left me sitting in front of my mirror, my makeup completely done and so excited to go on a date with my boyfriend, only to have you text me that you can’t make it? I can’t keep doing that.”
Jack’s face fell, the true extent of his non-committal behavior sinking in. He looked down at the table, unable to meet your gaze. “I know, y/n… I’ve been awful, and I’ve let you down so many times. I can’t even begin to make up for all the times I wasn’t there for you.”
You wiped a tear from your cheek, trying to keep your voice steady. “It’s not just about the dates, Jack. It’s about feeling like I’m the last thing on your mind, like an afterthought.”
Jack’s eyes snapped back to yours, soft and desperate. “You’re not an afterthought, y/n.”
“Jack…” you shook your head. “If I was everything to you, you wouldn’t have missed my birthday. You wouldn’t have let me down time and time again. I can’t keep being disappointed. I can’t keep letting myself get pushed around like this. I feel like I’m a little girl again, crushing on the older brother of my best friend, wondering if he’ll ever give me the time of day or even spare me a glance.”
Jack’s shoulders slumped as the weight of your words hit him, each sentence like a physical blow. He knew you were right. He knew he had no defense. No valid excuse. He could see the pain in your eyes, shown with every tear that came down from your sullen eyes.
Jack recognized he was at the point of no return. You weren’t going to let him keep acting like this, at least not with you. A silence fell between the two of you as you read Jack’s anguished eyes, realizing he’d backed down.
“You should go, Jack,” you said softly, the finality of the words hanging in the air.
Jack nodded, standing up. He hesitated for a moment as if he wanted to say something, but knew there was nothing left to say, nothing that could change the damage that had been done. He simply walked to your side, pressing a soft kiss to the top of your head, before leaving you sitting at your kitchen table, alone.
The door closed behind him with a soft click. You sat there a moment, the still silence of the apartment pressing on you. The reality of the situation finally hit you, and you felt a sob rise in your throat. You buried your head in your hands, the tears coming hard and fast, falling to the wood below you.
It was a mix of sadness and relief that washed over you. The sadness of losing someone you once loved deeply, and the relief of finally choosing yourself.
In the aftermath of your breakup with Jack, life felt like a whirlwind of emotions. Everything from pain to sadness to solace passed by you. Luke, true to his nature, was by your side through it all. The pain of Jack's absence was tempered by Luke's unwavering support. Slowly, you began to see him in a new light.
At first, it was the little things. Luke always knew how to make you laugh; his lighthearted jokes became a soothing balm for your broken heart. You began to notice how he always seemed to be there for you, how he never seemed too busy or distracted to listen. One evening, after you’d complained about your day at work, he came over with takeout and offered to watch the new season of Bridgerton, despite having complained about it previously. As you ate and laughed together, a warmth in your chest began to develop.
The next few weeks brought more of Luke's comforting presence. He came over to fix your leaky faucet that your super had neglected to fix despite your incessant asking. Each hangout also functioned as his way to check in on you, ensuring you were doing okay since the break-up. One night, he brought you a bouquet of flowers, just because he thought you’d like them.
The repeated small gestures spoke volumes to you, changing the way you saw Luke. You realized that he’d always been there, quietly supporting you, understanding you in ways that Jack never did. That realization hit you during one of your late-night conversations, as Luke listened intently while you told a story from your day.
The days passed and the relationship you once had as children came back in full force. You started looking forward to the moments you got to spend with Luke. You began to crave his company, seeking him out even for the simplest things like grabbing coffee or taking a walk in the park, even offering to work out with him despite having to go through his intense hockey regimes.
It all came to a head one evening as you sat on your balcony, watching the sun set upon the city. The two of you sat in comfortable silence, the cool breeze blowing over your skin. You turned to look at him, the setting sun casting a golden glow on his face. It was in that moment that you realized just how much he meant to you.
The more time you spent with Luke, the stronger your feelings grew.
However, with your blossoming feelings came an overwhelming sense of fear and guilt. Fear, because acknowledging these emotions might disrupt the delicate balance of your lives, and disrupt the friendship you'd both held dear for years. Guilt, because crushing on your ex-boyfriend's little brother, even if you knew him first, felt like a cardinal sin, and the idea of causing a rift between them was almost unbearable.
You found yourself in a near-constant state of inner turmoil. The joy of being with Luke was tempered by the anxiety of the potential fallout. What if Luke didn't feel the same way? What if he did? The questions spiraled in your mind, each one bringing a new wave of dread. You were scared of complicating things, of making a mess of something so precious. Your friendship with Luke was one of the most important things in your life, and the thought of losing it because of your feelings was terrifying.
As these emotions churned within you, you started to withdraw slightly, afraid that any small gesture might betray your true feelings. You became hyper-aware of every interaction, second-guessing yourself constantly. Did that touch linger too long? Was that compliment too heartfelt? You began to isolate yourself, creating a distance in an attempt to protect what you had, but this only made the feelings more confusing.
Meanwhile, Luke noticed the shift in your behavior. He brushed it off, as he knew how stressed you were due to work, but when it remained for weeks at a time, he couldn’t ignore the growing distance. He noticed the way you hesitated around him, whether it was when you were going in for a hug or when you laughed, and it was missing the usual genuine ring to it. It was as if a barrier had formed between you, sending profound unease through him.
He started to question himself, wondering if he'd done something to cause your withdrawal. Was he too forward in his gestures of friendship? Did he unknowingly overstep boundaries in his efforts to make you feel comfortable around him again? As he reflected on your interactions and the days spent together, doubts crept into his mind. Maybe he misread your signals, mistaking your friendliness for something more. The fear of having made you uncomfortable ate away at him, casting a shadow over his every interaction with you.
Luke finally decided he couldn't ignore the growing tension any longer. He knew he needed to confront you, not only to ease his own concerns but also because he cared deeply about your well-being. You’d been dodging his calls, coming up with excuses to avoid one-on-one hangouts with him. It pained you to do that, especially after experiencing that with Jack, but you didn’t know if you could be in the same room as Luke without the fear of ruining things coming back.
Since you’d been almost completely ignoring him, Luke knew his only option was to go straight to your place and confront you directly. After a game, he left nearly as soon as media was done, speeding to your place, where he knew you’d be. Because, even though you were ignoring him, he knew you would’ve watched the whole game, your eyes glued to Luke whenever he graced the ice.
The knock at your door at eleven at night sent a worry through your core, but when you saw the curly-headed boy on the other side, the worry subsided before morphing into a different type of fear.
“Can I come in?” Luke asked when you opened the door. He was right about knowing you had watched the game, glancing at the ESPN post-game highlights playing on your TV.
You nodded silently, letting Luke inside. He didn’t sit down, instead standing in the middle of the room, fiddling with the bracelets on his wrists. The sight was all too familiar to when Jack came over a couple of months before. The reminder that you were crushing on your ex's younger brother pounded in your mind, discomfort washing over you.
He noticed the tension in your posture, the way your gaze flickered nervously whenever he tried to meet it. “I… I can’t shake the feeling that something's off between us recently,” Luke said. “Is everything okay?”
Your heart clenched at the concern in his voice. “Yeah, everything’s fine,” you said, putting up a mask of sincerity.
Luke could tell instantly that your vague answer was a lie. The way your arms wrapped tightly around your torso, one that donned his hoodie. “Y/n, if you think I’m believing that, you’re out of your goddamn mind,” Luke said.
You swallowed hard as you looked into his eyes, so full of warmth and genuine care, you found yourself unable to keep up the facade. You let out a sigh, shoulders slumping as you finally admitted, "No, everything's fucked."
His brows furrowed in concern, and he took a small step closer, a silent invitation for you to continue. "Luke, I… I don't know how to say this," you started, your voice trembling slightly. "But being around you lately… it's been… difficult."
Luke’s stomach churned as his fears suddenly came to fruition. He was right; he overstepped and misread your actions. You watched as Luke's expression softened even more, his eyes reflecting a mixture of confusion and concern. "Difficult?" he asked gently.
You took another deep breath, your hands trembling slightly. "I’ve been avoiding you because… I realized… I have feelings for you, Luke. And it scared me. Not just because of Jack and everything with him, but because you’ve been my friend for so long. I didn’t want to mess things up between us."
Luke's posture softened, his concern melting. "Y/n…"
You pressed on, unable to stop the flood of words. "I’m so sorry if this makes things awkward or if it complicates your relationship with Jack. I didn’t want to burden you with my feelings, so I tried to keep them locked away but being around you… God, it got so hard and I couldn’t keep pretending they weren’t there. I’m sorry for everything, I’ve screwed everything up."
You didn’t know when the tears started, but you felt them slide down your cheeks, dripping onto Luke’s hoodie you wore. When you finally finished, you looked at Luke, your heart in your throat. He took a step closer, his eyes locked on yours. “Are you done freaking out now?”
You blinked, taken aback by his calm response. “What?” you croaked out.
Luke smiled, a genuine warmth that reached his eyes. “Y/n, I like you too. Fuck… I’ve liked you for a while now.”
Your heart skipped a beat at his words, hope mingling with disbelief. “You do?”
As kids, your parents would always tease about the two of you maybe liking each other, which you’d always deny. Quinn would always poke fun at Luke, saying he was in love with you, but you always brushed it off. Cause you were just friends.
He nodded, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. “Yeah. I've been… scared, too. Scared of losing what we have, of messing things up. But… I can't ignore how I feel, either.”
Relief and joy flooded through you, mingling with the lingering fear. “So… what now?” you asked, your voice barely above a whisper.
Luke took a step forward, closing the gap between the two of you, taking your hands in his. “Now, we take things one step at a time. And we’ll talk to Jack when the time is right. We figure this out together.” Luke told you. You felt your heart beat steady, Luke’s calming presence taking over. “But for now, can I kiss you?”
Your heart soared, and you nodded, a smile breaking through your tears. “Please.”
Luke's hand gently cupped your cheek, his thumb brushing away the tears that lingered. He leaned in slowly as you closed your eyes, anticipation fluttering in your stomach. The moment his lips touched yours, a spark ignited between you, sending a rush of warmth through your body.
When he finally pulled back, he rested his forehead against yours. “I've wanted to do that for so long,” he confessed, his voice barely above a whisper.
You smiled, your fingers tracing the line of his jaw. “Me too,” you admitted, feeling a weight lift off your chest.
Luke pulled you into a gentle hug, his arms wrapping around you tightly. The two of you stood there for a moment, just holding each other and savoring the moment. Eventually, you pulled back slightly, looking up at him. "What about Jack? How do we tell him?"
Luke sighed. “We’ll be honest with him. I’m sure he’ll be happy for us... Actually maybe not." Luke said, remembering his brother's words during their spat a couple months back. "But whatever happens, we’ll deal with it together.”
You nodded, Luke’s words allowing your nerves to calm a little. "Okay. Together."
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mugenn · 2 years
markbeom best friends
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st-hedge · 2 months
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It wasn’t on my 2024 bingo card that I’d draw V again. Anyway I’ll go ahead ramble in the tags
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bitfruity · 7 months
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found a template and made my own👀
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“How many times have you watched this Jeonghan x Rises the Moon tiktok?”
Me: Yes
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cyberthot666 · 1 year
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I think my soul just left my body
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inkykeiji · 1 year
You like otome games? 👀
kinda, yeah!!!!! i’m rly picky with them but i am open to any and all suggestions u have!! <33
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goldensunset · 2 years
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surrenderonvinyl · 7 months
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piichuu · 7 months
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FEATURING: levi ackerman, reiner braun, jean kirschtein, erwin smith, eren yeager
WARNINGS: fluff because it’s needed, gn!reader
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waking up beside you is levi ackerman’s favorite part of the day, especially if he’s gotten more hours of sleep than he usually does. it is mostly thanks to the amount of hours you’ve spent talking to him at night about anything and everything that causes his sleep schedule to better, so when he the day after gets to see your face, he can’t help but light up in a smile.
others might see him as this stone cold man with no feelings, but his heart is beating loud and clear in his chest, pumping blood for him to function. the many comrades he’s lost is the reason to his difficulties sleeping, the pictures of their dead bodies in his mind are constantly on replay and some nights, a few tears might fall from his eyes.
but now he gets to look at you after sleeping for more than seven hours, a record he’s broken after years of insomnia. his fingers trace over your cheeks while the corners of your lips curl up into a light smile.
your eyes are now halfway open while looking at him. his face is only a few millimeters away from yours, but his dark eyes immediately hinder you from hitting the man who is staring at you and probably has for a good while now. “good morning, levi,” you whisper as his lips inches closer to yours, but as he goes in for it, they’re instead met by nothing as you’ve started moving around to rest your head on his chest.
levi looks down at you with a raised brow, how come you suddenly didn’t want to kiss him? but instead of thinking about it any further, he once again leans in to kiss your lips, and this time you respond. it brings relief to his heart when your lips dance with his for a couple of seconds before he pulls away. “i hope you didn’t mean to dodge my kiss the first time,” he mutters, receiving a pair of wide eyes from you. “guess you didn’t even notice,” he chuckles.
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the night is cold as you and reiner are cuddled up in bed. his arms are tightly wrapped around your waist while your face is buried in the crook of his neck, but that is still not enough to bring the two of you warmth. the heater has been broken since weeks back, so reiner has been your personal heater for a good while now.
“should i grab more blankets? i think we have a few more in the living room,” he mumbles while one of his hands stroke your hair. his breath is hot against your cheek as you shake your head, moving away from his neck to look at him. “no, we’ll just get more cold if you leave, please stay,” you whisper, pulling him as close as you possibly can, almost to the point as to where you are melting into one another.
reiner chuckles lightly and leans down to press a kiss to your lips, but you lean back, away from him. “my lips are chapped,” you speak and even if reiner’s heart almost stopped beating in his chest at the sight of you rejecting his kiss, he now only shakes his head, letting out a quiet laugh.
“you know i’ve never cared about your lips being chapped, baby. mine are too when it’s this cold, but if you don’t want to kiss me, that’s okay,” he smiles gently. he’s too nice for his own good, but that is also what caused you to fall in love with him in the first place, so you reflect his smile and give his lips a quick kiss. “of course i want to kiss you, just don’t want to give you a bad experience.”
he rubs your cheek with the pad of his thumb and leans his forehead against yours. “you could never give me a bad experience. come on, move a little closer, i’m getting cold again.”
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after a long day away at work, all jean wants to do is putting his arms around your waist while holding you close to his chest. so when he sees you sleeping on the couch, the corners of his lips turn into a slight smile, seeing you all curled up in a blanket on the couch.
a pout does however spread over his lips when he thinks about it a little more clearly. you have most likely been up, waiting for his arrival until you were so exhausted that your eyes couldn’t stay open any longer. “have told you so many times not to wait for me, baby,” he mumbles as his feet lead him into the living room and towards the couch.
he doesn’t bother carrying you to bed, the couch is big enough for the two of you. so jean lies down behind you, wrapping his arms around your middle so he can do just what he’s been looking forward to all day, hugging you. fortunately for him, you don’t awake, only snoring slightly louder as you’re in his embrace.
“i’ve missed you so much today, took the day off so we can hang out all day tomorrow,” jean whispers as he rubs your hip. “we can go back to the bed tomorrow to cuddle some more there, but let’s just stay here for now. i just wanna hold you close for a while.”
he leans in to press a kiss to your cheek, but you turn slightly in your sleep as if you were avoiding his lips, but jean just lets out a chuckle, knowing you’re asleep and not aware of your surroundings. “i’ll kiss you tomorrow instead, look forward to it.”
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erwin has a habit of always drinking a glass of whiskey while focusing on paper work. he does however never lock his door, even if he’s aware of the fact that you might come inside just to try and get him to spend some lost time with you.
as you now enter his small office, he finally looks up from his desk and flashes you a sweet smile. his cheeks have turned slightly pink from the few glasses of whiskey he’s been drinking, but it is still not enough to make him tipsy. “hello, my love. are you doing okay?” he allows you to sit down on the chair besides his that he’s put there just in case you want to check on what he’s doing.
you lean your head on his shoulder and sigh. “i had a tiring day at work, but i’m happy to be home,” you mutter as one of his arms wrap around your waist and just as he’s about to lean down to place a kiss to your lips, you’re quick to turn the other way. “you smell like whiskey,” erwin chuckles at that and ruffles your hair. “i don’t believe it’s that bad.”
he presses a kiss to your cheek instead before resting his head on yours, finally taking a break from paper work. “i’ll go brush my teeth so we can kiss for a little while, does that sound good?” you nod and kiss his cheek, giving him a soft smile as the two of you walk to the bathroom together for him to freshen up his breath.
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the two of you are in the bath together after a long day at work. both of your bodies are sore and heads exploded, so a warm bath was just what you both needed in the evening. his chest is warm against your back while your head is resting on his shoulder. eren also has an arm around your middle to pull you closer and make sure you won’t slip underneath the water due to your exhaustion.
“maybe we should go sleep after this,” eren mumbles as his lips brush against your temple. your eyes are already closed as you’re loosely holding onto his arm. “mhm,” is all you succeed to get out, sleep wanting to take over as soon as possible no matter how much you try to fight it.
he rubs your waist gently and is about to give your lips a kiss, but just as he does that, you move your head slightly so his lips instead meet your cheek. “hm?” he looks down at you with a raised brow, but that is until he notices your heavy breathing and how you grow limp in his hold.
“oh, you’re asleep,” eren nuzzles his face into the crook of your neck and sighs. “how am i gonna get you out of the bath now?” he mutters as his grip on you tightens. but eren does however decide to stay in the bath for a little while longer before he’ll have to wake you up. perhaps he’ll receive a kiss or two while carrying you back to bed.
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TAG LIST: @moonmalice @timetobegone @q2iepie @awkwardaardvarkforever @chilichopsticks @sad-darksoul @anqelically @r0ckst4rjk @iheartshinichiro @sugurudarling @gunslxtz @asp7n @reiners-milkbiddies
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sc0tters · 8 months
His Home | Adam Fantilli
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summary: it’s Adam’s birthday and his debut in the NHL, little does he know you’re there watching
request: yes/no
warnings: sexual themes, p in v, oral (fem receiving), swearing.
word count: 3.07k
authors note: welcome back to what I like to call, kei told me not to behave (soft edition?). I’m kidding (sorta) this is a really different to what I usually write because it had a bit of angst in it? The first bit of regular italics are from the Adam birthday video that the bluejackets did and the second is a regular flashback!
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It was the clip Adam loved rewatching the most.
You were sat in your dorm in his hoodie and his hat (a detail that only he would pick up on) as you smiled “hey baby!” You smiled as you looked at your phone “now I’ve tried redoing this like eight times now.” You confessed letting out a little laugh.
The picture of Adam on draft night that you had taken after you two snuck out to Dairy Queen stared back at you “I keep on crying and you really don’t need to see me get all snotty again.” You shook your head as the pile of tissues on your bed was beginning to build.
Adam couldn’t help but stare at you in awe as you nervously thought about what it was that you wanted to say “point is I’m so proud of you for getting this far.” You two started dating in October of freshman year and you swore you’d kill him before he broke up with you with before trying long distance “I miss you and I love you.” You confessed wiping your cheek as another tear fell.
As you sucked at your cheek smiling unaware that Adam was doing the same thing “you’re gonna smash it tonight, so happy birthday and play your little heart out there.”
You brought your fingers up to your lips “I’m so proud of you my star.” The video ended as your kissed fingers pressed against the camera ending the video like you did all of your FaceTime calls that you had with him.
Honestly Adam was surprised that he wasn’t sick of that video anymore with the amount of times that he had replayed it “sorry she can’t be here tonight.” Kent knew how upset Adam was that you were unable to make it to his first game.
What was the actual twist of the knife was that you hadn’t responded to anything on all platforms and went as far as to turn your locations off on everything “I just don’t remember making her mad.” Adam sighed as he frowned looking at his lock screen that was a picture of you two in front of the yost one evening.
You were in your Fantilli jersey and he had his arms wrapped around you as he kissed your head “she’s probably just stressed with that class you said she was taking.” Kent shrugged trying to keep a straight face.
The whole team had come together to plan this. The only thing that could possibly be making you stressed right now was the fact that you were trying to not get caught in Columbus.
Yes, the boys convinced you to change around some things as they felt like you being there was the birthday and debut gift that money truly couldn’t buy “I guess you’re right.”
Thankfully for you, Adam never noticed that you were there as you sat far away from his parents and family.
The game ended in a win and Adam was even able to get some points on the board so it was safe to say that you were all excited about more than just the win.
Wanting to give him some time with his family you stayed hidden for a bit mainly getting to know more of his teammates “you know he’s clueless about this right?” Kent smiled as he saw the excited look on your face.
Adam knew it probably sounded terrible but as he listened to his dad’s opinions about the game he couldn’t help it as his eyes wondered off to find you.
His brain hoped that by some divine act you were actually there.
And that was when he saw you.
Well not you, actually the top of your head “shut up!” Adam let out a gasp causing you to turn around in his direction.
Both of you had grins on your faces and tears forming in your eyes “w-what are you doing here?” He asked quickly pushing past people to making sure that he wasn’t dreaming.
As your flowery perfume pushed into his nostrils he knew that you were really there “couldn’t not be here tonight.” You mumbled holding your arms out as he pulled you into a hug.
Usually you would have groaned at how sweaty he was but today you just loved feeling him against you “happy birthday my love.” You smiled looking up at him before you placed a kiss on the hockey players lips “how long are you here for?” The hockey player wanted you there for as long as possible “fly out on Sunday my love.” So that basically meant that you had three whole days with him as well as another game to watch.
At this point the cameras had turned away wanting to give you and Adam the moment in private or at least as private as it could be for being stood out in the open “go get showered and then we can all catch up.” Julia proposed looking at her son as she wrapped her arm around you.
You had gotten to know his parents over the summer and nothing made them happier than seeing the smile on their sons face whenever he looked at you.
So you knew that you were going to sound bad when you thought about this because as fun as it was getting to catch up with Adam’s family and watch him smile as he interacted with his parents.
What you truly wanted was to be with him on the couch talking like you used to.
The Michigan air was cold around Ann Arbor but that wasn’t something you and Adam were complaining about.
No instead you two were comfortably on the couch in your dorm as your roommate was in a class “what are you thinking about?” Adam smiled as he realised that you were staring at him.
His thumb massaged your hip as his baggy basketball shorts left the area of your skin exposed “I’m gonna miss these moments with you.” You confessed as you two loved being on top of each other on the tiny two seater couch.
Before a frown could form on your lips as the thought of the draft came along Adam brought his face closer to yours “the draft is a long way away baby.” The hockey player cooed “so for now let’s enjoy this.” He added pressing his lips against yours.
So as the Uber let you two out at the door of Adam’s apartment building you couldn’t help but smile as you grew excited “are you guys sure you don’t want to come up for a bit?” Adam looked at his family members in the car as he wrapped his hand around you “you two should go have fun.” Julia clearly didn’t mean it in the way that flashed through your mind but it still made you smile as you send her a nod.
You two watched the car drive off before you turned to make your way into the building “can’t believe that you’re truly here.” Adam mumbled pressing a kiss onto your head as he took in the familiar scent of your shampoo.
His hand slid lower now resting on your ass that he gave a squeeze “Adam!”
You squealed jumping as you walked into the elevator.
That resulted in a laugh from the boy who quickly joined you before the doors shut “you can’t blame me for missing you.” His words were true as he locked his hands on either side of you “thought about you all day.” Adam confessed hovering his lips over yours.
A smile formed on your face “I did too,” as you leaned up to kiss him the doors opened causing an awkward meeting for you two with an elderly couple “I’m gonna need to you walk in front of me.” The hockey player‘s whisper sent shivers down your spine as you looked down to see that he was hard.
Trying to keep the giggle from leaving your lips you nodded adjusting yourself so that you could walk in front of Adam who now had one hand on your waist and the other carrying your bag “have a good night.” You sent the couple a smile as the boy forced you out of there as quickly as he could.
You looked to Adam with a teasing look on your face “you got a little problem?” You joked seeing that nobody was in the hallway.
Adam scoffed as he shook his head “not only is this your fault but it also isn’t little.” The boy corrected you as he stopped in front of his door “let me get your keys.” You smirked dropping your hand into his pocket.
If he could tell what you were trying to do then Adam was being a good sport for putting up with it “those aren’t my keys.” He warned as you palmed his dick between the fabric of his pocket and his boxers “I know.” You pressed a kiss against his ear before you pulled his keys out quickly unlocking the door to his apartment.
There was a spilt second before Adam practically pushed you both into the apartment “someone’s needy.” You teased watching as he dropped your bag pressing the door shut with his hand before he made a beeline for you “I know.” Adam repeated your words as he wrapped his arms around your waist.
Giving you a small moment to bring your hands to his neck before he kissed you. You two finally had that moment you had longed for where he could kiss you properly.
His tongue fought with yours as there was no longer the need to behave as someone was watching “fuck,” you moaned feeling his hands cup your ass “jump baby.” Adam didn’t need to tell you for a second time as your legs locked around his waist.
The walk to his room was short, not that either of you truly would have cared because you two were just enjoying the feeling of each others lips “god I’ve missed this.” The hockey player cooed dropping your body onto his bed.
You smiled up at him as he joined you on his bed still wanting to soak in the taste of your lips.
Sure it was etched into his brain but that didn’t mean that Adam wasn’t feeling this sense of being high each time he got to feel your lips against his skin “Adam,” you whined as his hands ran over your waist.
His smile was clear as he pecked your lips one final time “I wanna taste you baby.” Adam shook his head as your hand brushed over his cock.
You tried to protest “it’s your birthday,” you pointed out as you simply wanted to make him feel good “and all I want to do is taste that pretty cunt of yours.” Adam shot back as he shifted down his bed.
Adam hooked his fingers in the waist band of your pants “you look so fucking good today.” The hockey player gushed as he was met with the sight of your lace panties “you knew you were gonna get fucked tonight didn’t you?” The Canadian smirked as he let your panties slide down your legs.
Your head bobbed as you nodded “please A,” you pleaded grabbing at his sheets as Adams breath fanned your cunt.
To say that you were soaked was an understatement as even in his dimly lit room Adam could still see the way that your pussy glistened “gonna make you feel so fucking good tonight.” The hockey players voice was shaky before his tongue ran up your slit settling on your clit.
It was like he was starving at the way he locked his hands around your thighs “shit Adam!” You cried bringing your hand down to his hair gripping onto his locks.
His eyes caught yours as you drove your hips into his face desperate to get off in that very moment.
His tongue swirled around your sensitive nub as he brought his fingers to your soaked cunt “god I’ve missed this,” the vibrations of his laugh sent shivers up your spine as your body shook.
Sure phone sex was a thing but this was a whole new level.
After weeks of not being able to get off through phone sex as your fingers and the sound of Adam’s voice could only do so much.
You were now getting exactly what you wanted “I’m gonna come,” you groaned scrunching your face as your body shook.
Adam nodded as you clenched around his fingers “let go baby.” He smiled lapping up your release as he was reminded how much he missed this.
But just like usual Adam didn’t slow down his movements as you rode his face through your orgasm “n-no A,” you shook your head trying to bring your body up and off of the bed.
His smirk was clear as he continued sucking you clit “baby,” you whined literally pulling his head up as you kissed his lips.
Tasting your release on his tongue made you squirm “you taste so sweet.” Adam groaned as your cunt rubbed against his clothed dick “baby I’m gonna come and I gotta do it in you.” He grunted as you nodded.
It took him seconds to undo his pants as you pulled his jersey over your head leaving you in your bra “god you’re gorgeous.” The hockey player smiled as he grabbed the condom from his wallet.
After you two were caught up after a big game with no condom Adam now had one that lived in his wallet for whenever you two would need it.
Before Adam could rip the wrapper open you had your hands capturing it so that you could wrap it around his cock “don’t tease me baby.” The hockey player warned bringing his hand to your head as you kitten licked the tip of his cock.
His precum oozed out of his swollen tip as you looked up at him with a smile “giving you everything you want tonight.” You mumbled pushing the condom over his cock as you kissed his lips swallowing his moan in the process.
Slowly Adam’s knees sink into the mattress as he comes down to your level “I just want you tonight.” His confession made your heart burst with love and pride “you have me Adam.” You nodded watching as he pressed his hands against your shoulders softly pushing you against the mattress.
Adam let his lips start at yours showing you an immense amount of love before he moved them to your cheek then to your jaw.
His journey slowly continued to your neck “A-Adam!” Your voice shook as your eyes screwed shut.
It made him smile as he pressed a kiss to each of your breasts “I want to take my time with you.” The hockey player cooed rubbing his fingers in your hips as he kissed your stomach “Adam please.” The desperation in your voice made him smile as he stopped.
The boy moved up to the point where his head stood just above yours “I love you baby.” Adam mumbled pressing his forehead against yours as his free hand drove his cock over your clit before he let it slide into your cunt.
You both gasped as the familiar feeling came over you both “this cunt feels like it did just back then.” Adam let out a grunt as you nodded “please move.” You begged making him smile.
He listened to you beginning to slowly bring his hips away from you before he brought them back to yours “you feel so good.” The Canadian cooed as you lifted your legs up to wrap around his waist like it was on instinct.
Like usual he was always so vocal “don’t stop,” you pleaded leaning forward to kiss his lips.
Adam almost collapsed at your neediness “god you’re out of this world.” Your cunt clenched around his cock at those words.
The moment was soft, it seemed that you two weren’t interested in having hot and steamy sex tonight. Not when you had missed the simple sheer contact that you two were having now “so full.” You blurted out as you swore that his cock had grown as it hit parts of you had it had never seen.
The hockey player didn’t think that he was going to last long as you continued to drive your hips against his “I love you.” You cried as his hand found its way between your bodies landing on your clit “this cunt was made for me.” Adam groaned as you nodded “all for you.” You agreed as you kissed him.
It was needy as Adam’s thrusts grew staggered at the way you clenched around his cock “I’m not gonna last,” Adam confessed as he shook his head “me neither,” you cried as the pressure on your clit increased.
It made your eyes shut as the coil in your stomach threatened to snap “love those noises.” The hockey player felt his head drop against your shoulder.
The sound of your whimpers hit the walls making Adam sure that he was going to get an awkward knock on the door tomorrow from his neighbour “right there oh-” your voice broke as pleasure pulsed through your body.
It made you shake against him as your hands locked in his hair “so so good,” you groaned gasping for air as white specks painted the backs of your eye lids.
Adam’s orgasm came right after yours making you both sweat as you came down from your highs “you okay?” The hockey player asked as his hands brushed your hair out of your face.”
You nodded with a smile “yep.” You watched him throw the condom away in the trash can next to his bed before you made grabby hands wanting him to come back to you “I want a cuddle.” Your confession made him laugh.
Of course Adam listened as he held his hands out to you “happy birthday baby.” You mumbled as you lay your head against his chest.
The boy smiled as he ran his fingers through your hair “thanks for making my birthday one to remember.” He cooed enjoying how this felt.
With you in his arms he knew that one thing was sure.
Home for Adam wasn’t a tangible place, it wasn’t a rink or his childhood home.
His home was right here, you were his home.
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Brand New One Shot - Second Preview
I cooked a little :3c
Warning for masturbation!
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You made your way up to his tower, replaying the scene in the lobby over and over in your head. Things were going well, weren’t they? He seemed so apologetic when you told him how you felt. And then he just…disappeared like he always does. You really didn’t mean to push the issue, but perhaps you came on a little strong. Plus your rescue of him was a little more than awkward. Not that you minded the closeness, even if it was fleeting. The picture of his head resting against your chest flashed in your mind repeatedly. You could feel the heat rise to your cheeks once more as you were now mere steps from Lucifer’s door.
Focus, you mentally scolded yourself, can’t think about that. It was an accident! It won’t happen again so just…focus. No wonder he ran!
You stood in front of his door now, your knees somehow weaker than they were a moment ago. Those mental images really didn’t help at all. With a deep inhale, you went to knock, but you stopped short when you heard something from beyond the door. You heard your name.
What?, you thought, How…How did he know I was here? Lucifer didn’t sound angry fortunately, but the inflection in his voice made him sound almost sad. And…breathless? You cracked open the door slowly, a little embarrassed at being caught. You went to open your mouth to apologize for the intrusion, but not even a whisper left your lips. Because what you saw in that room left you completely and utterly frozen where you stood.
Lucifer, the great ruler of Hell, was propped up against the obscene amount of pillows on his bed with his pants pooled at his ankles, his very much erect dick in his hand. His eyes were shut, he hadn’t seen you catch him in this extremely vulnerable state.
Run, run, run, RUN! your mind screamed. Everything in your brain was telling you to shut that door and get out of there as fast as you could. But your body refused to react, you remained motionless. You were completely entranced by the scene before you. You watched as Lucifer stroked his cock, mumbling a number of curse words with your name leaving his lips like a prayer.
“Hnng, G-God damn it-ffffuuuccckk….” Lucifer mumbled, his hand gradually picking up the pace as he stoked his shaft.
You tried to wrap your head around what you were seeing, but you were coming up blank. You couldn't believe this. He’s…He’s touching himself…to me?!? How is this…? Why would he…? Your brain was a jumbled mess at this point. It was really beyond your comprehension. You felt tension pool in your stomach at the sight of him becoming undone at the mere thought of you. The sinful sounds he was making went straight between your thighs, to the point where it became uncomfortable that you weren’t giving yourself any attention. The tiniest bit of you wanted to push open that door and give him what he really desired. But before you even begin to think about acting on your carnal instincts, you watched Lucifer's hips bucked up as he came all over his hand. It took every fiber of your being to hold in a whimper that threatened to escape your throat.
Lucifer’s breathing was labored, you watched him toss his arm over his eyes and throw his head back on the pillows. "What the hell is wrong with me?!" you heard him ask. "Why am I doing this?! It’s been months now and I’ve barely had a normal conversation with her! And of course the only time I’ve really talked to her was after my damn head was forced against her…her…s-shit.” He waved his hand, a tissue appearing between his fingers. You watched as he cleaned himself up, thankful that he still hadn’t looked towards his door. Lucifer kicked himself out of his pant and swung his legs over the side of the bed, his head hanging low. “And what an absolutely fantastic exit I made! “Sorry, gotta go! My dick is hard as a rock right now because of you!” Great job, Lucifer! No wonder she thinks I don’t want her here!” He sighed heavily. “I can’t do this anymore. This isn’t right. I need to stop being a coward and just tell her how she makes me feel…”
A small gasp escaped your lips. Fuck.
Lucifer's head shot up immediately, his panicked eyes fixating on the door. You didn't even close it behind you as you took off sprinting down the hall, praying to anyone who could hear you that he didn't see you. You didn’t stop running til you made it back to your room, slamming the door behind you. Your knees gave out from under you as you dropped to the floor. In that second, it all clicked for you. Why Lucifer seemed to avoid you at every turn, why he tripped over his words when he spoke to you, and why he practically begged you not to leave the hotel.
Lucifer liked you. Lucifer really liked you. That thought alone could have made you scream if you weren’t trying desperately to hold yourself together. And it’s not like you didn’t have passing thoughts about him. He was gorgeous, after all. But not only that, you saw how he acted with the others at the hotel. He was sweet, and silly, and fun, even though you never got to experience it first hand. Now you knew where Charlie had gotten it from.
But of course those thoughts never stayed. He didn’t like you, right? So instead of wallowing in what could never be, you thought it best not to dwell. But now…now those thoughts were coming back in full force. The aching between your legs only grew as the very fresh images of Lucifer naked and moaning in his bed flooded your mind.
There was a knock at the door.
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fxrmuladaydreams · 2 months
i love you (po5)
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pato x introverted!reader
summary: feelings begin to rise after the barber race
wc: 716
notes: this is just me trying this (writing for indycar) out! pls be nice, i’ve only watched a few races and am still learning what’s what. also i promise i’m working on the george story!!
You winced at the screen in front of you, watching as Pato’s car came in contact with Pietro’s, sending the Rahal into the barrier. You hold a hand in front of your mouth as you watch Pato continue driving, grateful that he was okay.
You know he’s going to be upset about the penalty, the radio message coming through your headphones confirms that. He sounds frustrated, angry even.
You know he wanted to do well. For his career obviously, but you knew a small part of him wanted to do well for you. You were still fairly new to Indycar, having watched races from home, sometimes yours, mostly his after he told you he liked having you there when he got home.
This was only the second race you’d attended in person, the first being the previous week in Long Beach. You and Pato had a private relationship. He knew you were more introverted and didn’t want to force you into the limelight before you were comfortable. He was ecstatic when you told him you were ready to attend a race with him. After spending almost a year together, slowly building your relationship, he was excited to finally be able to show you off and introduce you to his other love, racing.
He kept an arm around you during the race weekends, giving you his Arrow McLaren hat to wear while he was driving. He introduced you to the team and showed you his car, rambling on about different things while you smiled and nodded along.
You could tell he was disappointed to finish in the midfield in Long Beach, and seeing him angrily get out of his car after the Barber race you knew he was equally if not more upset.
You stand quietly to the side while he talks with his engineer, following behind him as he walks to the driver lounge.
He keeps quiet as he unzips his race suit, letting it fall to his waist. He searches through a cabinet, finally pulling out a snack, and another he tosses to you.
You don’t know what to say to him, afraid of how he’ll respond. He speaks first though.
“Sorry it was a shitty weekend.” His eyes don’t meet yours as he sits down.
You sigh, sitting next to him. “That penalty was bullshit.”
He looks up at you surprised. He could probably count the amount of times he’d heard you curse on one hand. “It happens.” He shrugs.
“No, it’s not like you wanted to hit him, because why the hell would you want that? And they made you drive through the pit, dropping you down so far you were driving by yourself!”
The scowl on his face slowly disappears, turning into a smile as you keep talking to him, angrily defending your boyfriend.
“They need to open their damn eyes and watch a replay-”
“I love you!” Pato laughs.
You freeze, your eyes widening at the man sitting next to you. “You… what?”
It’s then that Pato realizes what he’s said. He wonders if he should backtrack, attempt to take it back to make the terrified look on your face go away. But it’s as if someone plays a video of your relationship in his mind, showing him all the time you’ve spent together and how you’ve grown with one another.
“I love you.” He says quietly. A blush covers his cheeks as he looks down at his lap. “I wanted the first time I told you to be special, but it just kinda came out just now.” He looks back up at you and sheepishly smiles. “Look, you don’t have to say it back, I know we’re taking things slow, and even having you here was a big step so I understand if-”
It’s him who’s cut off this time as you press your lips to his. You gently hold his face in your hands, pulling away to look into his eyes.
“I love you too.” You murmur.
He grins before leaning in to kiss you again.
“I’m gonna win one soon. A real win, not because someone DQ’ed, and it’s gonna be for you.” He says when he pulls himself away from you, keeping an arm wrapped around you tightly, as if he’s not planning on letting you go.
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strnilolo2 · 9 months
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summary: while filming a video with the boys, they question your ability to sleep anywhere, and in any position.
word count: 914
warnings: one or two curse words, lots of dialogue, lowercase intentional.
an; this is my first time publishing a piece of mine, please let me know if there’s anything i can do to better my writing :)
|| i think im going to continue writing even if this doesn’t get any attention, as i enjoy writing on here. ||
“top three sleeping positions?” nick laughs as he reads the question out loud.
“why don’t we let Y/N talk to us about that”, you roll your eyes as the attention is brought onto you.
“nick i don’t even sleep weird, what are you on about” “don’t put false accusations onto the internet like that” you laugh as you take a sip of your drink.
“oh no you definitely sleep in some insane positions” chris adds from the passenger seat.
“can we just talk about the amount of times i’ve seen y/n asleep, first of all?? i could leave the room for two seconds and come back to you like this” the car irrupts into laughter as matt mocks you with his hand spread across the car.
“i do not! how dare you say that!”
“i will pull out pictures right now.”
a few weeks earlier..
the group had just gotten home from filming a video, chris and nick automatically going to their respective rooms for the night. you plop down onto the L shaped sofa, and begin to watch tiktok with matt.
“are you sure you’re not going to fall asleep if I go get a blanket?” matt asks, only to earn a hum of a response.
“i’m going to rock your shit if you fall asleep” no response. matt leaves to retrieve a blanket from his bedroom, only to come back to the inevitable. your phone sits beside your head, the tiktok you were once watching replaying over and over. matt laughs at your sprawled out state, one leg rests on the top of the couch, the other almost completely bent beside you. quickly snapping a photo, matt places the blanket over you and turns off your phone so that he too, can finally rest.
present day
“oh.. my god. there’s actually no way you guys have been taking pictures of me asleep” you loudly question. “that’s some stalker type shit” you bend your legs beneath your body, sitting criss cross.
“I have some too” Chris replies before searching his phone to find it.
last week..
getting home late from a party, you and nick decide to watch a movie together in his room before going to sleep.
“should we tell matt and chris we’re home?” you question nick as he begins to search for the perfect movie to end the night.
“no, im sure they can see it on life360. plus, i don’t know about you, but im not getting up” nick grabs the blanket from the bottom of the bed and gets comfortable.
“im going to lay this way, i dont have my glasses and i can’t see the TV from there” you begin to move the pillows on ‘your’ side of the bed, to the bottom where you’ll be laying.
“don’t get your feet near my pillows, smelly” nick shoves your feet away from his pillows, to which you oblige.
moments later, chris, deciding to make sure the two of you didn’t die on your way home, enters the room, only to discover both of you asleep. laughing at the positions you both are in, he takes a picture with the flash, waking up nick in the process.
“what the hell are you doing??” nick whisper shouts, covering his eyes as chris loses it, almost falling on the floor laughing.
“why is she asleep like that, oh my god, her feet are almost in your face” chris, unable to contain his laughter, or volume, causes you to wake up.
“stop” you get up from your spot in nicks bed, and wrap the blanket around you to go sleep in matt’s room. “you guys are way too loud” you grumble, before opening matt’s door to finally, maybe, gain some peace.
chris and nick finally make eye contact after watching you slowly walk away, and instantly laugh out loud, disturbing the peace once again.
“woah this is NOT about me why am i in that picture” nick sticks his hands out, pushing chris and matt back as they fall to the side laughing in sync.
“HIS EYES ARE GLOWING” matt manages to get out between fits of laughter. you cover your face in embarrassment, being caught lacking in your blissful moments of sleep.
“you guys are terrible, why would you take such horrendous photos of me, i am INNOCENT” the boston accent coming to surface in your words.
“no babe, with the way you sleep, you would think you belong in an institution”
“nick, that was an insane statement. anyways my favorite sleeping position is on my stomach with one arm hugging a pillow next to me, and the other underneath my head, and then i also have one leg all the way across the bed, and the other bent up”
the group bursts into laughter again, mocking you.
“omg and flat on my back, but I have to have pillows on all sides and my legs have to be spread out” you join the boys in laughter, acting out the position.
“you’re crazy” matt pushes your shoulder back to keep you from hitting him in your fit of laughter.
“oh no don’t think you’re safe matt. I caught you last week with your face stuffed into the pillow, don’t go calling me crazy.”
the video ends, that question being the last. you and the boys drive home, only for you to be caught again, asleep in the backseat with your head against the window.
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matty-bear · 5 months
“But I’m Not Yours.” [M.S] 
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Type: fic! 
pairing: matt sturniolo x fem!reader
warnings: sfw, angst 
summary: You realize you have developed very strong feelings for Matt but you never expect the pain and heartbreak that would come with it. 
notes: based on what i’m going through right now with a crush/friend I’ve had since September 🔥 I made a playlist to try to cope with my feelings for him earlier and it’s nearly 10 hours long 😭 I need serious help guys… Anyways, hope you enjoy reading this! :D
WC: 3725
I’m somebody you call when you’re alone 
I’m somebody you use, but never own 
You and Matt have been attached to the hip ever since y’all met in high school. You were very lucky to become friends with the boy considering how he skipped the majority of school due to his anxiety. When he did come, you tried your best to keep him grounded when his anxiety got too overwhelming for him and prevented him from partaking in anything. 
At the beginning of y’all’s friendship, you were both very affectionate with each other and it wasn’t unusual for someone to see the two of you hugging or clinging onto one another. The two of you found so much comfort in each other in such a short amount of time so all of this came very naturally and quickly for y’all. 
Around a year into your friendship, you realized something that would soon become an issue after getting rejected by a crush. The day you got turned down, you texted Matt telling him what happened the moment you got home. As he was comforting you and giving you advice, one thing that he said stuck to you.
“I feel like it’s a lot easier to have a crush on your friend. You won’t have to worry about befriending your crush since you already know them!”
Matt’s words replayed over and over in your head for the next few days. And the more you thought about what he said, you soon came to the realization that you had a crush on him. The moment you realized, it all became so clear to you. How could you ignore the multiple signs that were in front of your face? 
Every time y’all hung out together, you felt extra giddy inside and when you looked at each other, your heart beat so loudly in your chest that you were surprised it didn’t jump out of your skin. Not to mention how nervous you got when you caught him looking at you! Another factor that played into you liking the boy was how much he genuinely cared for you. He was one of the only few people that really understood you and was constantly there for you. You’ve opened up to him about so many things and he’s remembered all of it.
And when I mean all of it, I mean all of it. 
He remembered every little detail about you and it made you so happy that someone actually cared. How could you not like a boy like Matt? Sure he was very attractive, but he has such amazing qualities that make him a great person to be around. You enjoyed every little moment you had with him. Even if it was a short conversation that the two of you had during passing period at school, you cherished every single moment you had with him. 
When you came to terms with your feelings, you found yourself falling for him. And you fell hard. Nick would even say that you were “whipped for him.” (Which wasn’t far from the truth. The boy had you wrapped around his finger without even knowing it himself.) The more y’all hung out, the more your feelings grew and you soon couldn’t take it anymore. After about a month and a half of discovering your feelings for Matt, you confessed to him. You were an anxious and shaking wreck when you opened up to him. 
You feared that he wouldn’t feel the same and possibly cut off your friendship. And you couldn’t bear losing Matt over some stupid feelings that you couldn’t control. But after you confessed and heard Matt say “Y/N, I like you too” and the boy proceeded to go into his own little confession where he gushed about you, you felt like you were over the moon. 
However, due to some of his relationship trauma, the boy wasn’t very keen on getting into a relationship with you at the moment. He was still healing from an old relationship from about two years ago that left him heavily scarred. He told you that he would absolutely love to be in a relationship with you but not at the moment since he needed to heal. So, like any good person would, you heard him out and agreed to put a hold on getting together. 
Ever since you two confessed to each other, the physical touch increased significantly. There was more hugging and y’all even started holding hands secretly in class since neither of you were big fans of PDA. Matt would even write you notes on small stickys telling you how much he loved and appreciated you. It always made your heart flutter when you read those notes and you always kept them in a notebook along with other small things he wrote for you. 
As y’all’s feelings for each other grew, you both got more open in terms of relationships. As in calling each other subtle pet names like ‘Love’ or telling each other what you’d want in a relationship. Every time you told Matt about what you’d want to do with a guy, he always told you that he’d be willing to complete your wishes. This always made you so happy because he actually wanted to make you happy when y’all got together. 
However as weeks passed, you noticed Matt started to get distant and less affectionate. 
There was no more hand holding, notes, hugs, and your goodnight messages were getting left on seen or delivered. He even asked you to stop with the pet names, which you obviously did because you didn’t wanna make him uncomfortable. All of this made you very upset because he was all over you one moment and really distant the next. You were very confused and hurt. 
So you decided to text him. 
When you messaged him confronting him on why he’s been getting distant, you felt your entire world crumble to your feet when he told you that he no longer had feelings for you and the entire time it was just mutual feelings. He went on and said that he apologizes and that his past relationship is getting him confused on being able to differentiate between crushes and a strong friendship. Feeling very hurt and upset, you told Matt that you understand and that you’d wait for him because of how strong your feelings were for him. After y’all’s conversation, you sobbed for hours. 
You thought you actually had a chance with him and went through all of that together just for him to tell you that the feelings were mutual all this time?.. 
You were absolutely crushed. 
As time passed, y’all began to grow distant and you felt that things were starting to become awkward. And this made you panic. The mere thought of you getting distant from Matt was starting to frighten you a little because you relied on him so much and he was one of the only few people you had. You opened up to him countless times about how you’ve felt and the same response that he gave you was “you’re just not talking to me as much as you used to. I try to talk to you but it’s like you’re not even trying to engage in a simple conversation with me anymore.” 
This response obviously made you feel like you were the issue and made you feel absolutely horrible. You began to think that your strong feelings for the boy were getting in the way of y’all’s friendship and you didn’t want that. So you tried your best to get rid of these feelings as best as you could just so things could go back to normal. It seemed to work for a little while but your feelings were always there, no matter how hard you tried to push them away. 
I’m somebody you touch, but never hold 
And you’re somebody I’ll never really know 
Time skip to about three months later, you and Matt are somewhat back to normal and you managed to get rid of your feelings. 
Or so you thought. 
The main thing you missed the most about yalls friendship was the physical touch. You missed his hugs; his warm, comforting hugs that never failed to keep you at bay. Matt also seemed to miss this part of y'all's friendship and agreed to take the physical touch slowly to get back into the old rhythm of things. Soon enough, you both eased back into the hugs, which you were wanting and wishing for the most. You still felt awkward engaging in them sometimes and you just didn’t know why. 
Despite you thinking that you two were back to normal, you continuously felt like you were losing him. Matt, knowing you better than anyone, immediately picked up on your off behavior and asked you how you were doing in private. It took you a minute, but you soon told him how you felt about the current situation. After the boy let you rant, he gave you nothing but sweet reassurance about how he would never leave you and that he treasured very much. This made you feel a lot better and you both shared a hug. One that felt nostalgic to you. It was warm, and very comforting and didn’t hold any awkwardness or tension. 
But as the days passed, you couldn’t help the aching feeling in your chest each time you saw him laughing with his other friends as you were left off to the side. Was it jealousy? You really didn’t know. He just seemed to want to hang out with other people besides you and he seemed a lot happier. You obviously didn’t confront him about it because you felt selfish thinking about it. Sure you hinted about the fact that he kept leaving you for other people but never told him straight up in fear that you would ruin y’all’s already rocky friendship. 
This caused you to take a rather large step back and distance yourself due to feeling that he no longer had any interest in y’all’s friendship. Him leaving you for other people multiple times was a sign of him losing interest, right? Sure, he could have other friends. You would never hold him back from that. But he kept leaving you in the dust. Despite this, you always found yourself drifting back to him. You couldn’t help but to drift back because you missed him so much. 
Every time you watched him interact and have fun with his other friends, you always had an aching feeling in your chest because that’s how you two used to be. Laughing over stupid shit and not caring about a single thing around you. You just focused on each other. 
You missed it. 
The two of you were getting distant. You knew it deep down. But the two of you always pushed the thought of it away and acted like y’all were fine. 
When it obviously wasn’t.
There was something holding yall back. 
And you knew that that something was your strong feelings for him. It had to be. It was ruining everything. 
I know I’m not the one you really love
I guess that’s why I’m never given up
You tried so hard to get rid of your feelings for Matt. And you actually thought you succeeded at some point. But when he told you about a crush that he developed on a girl, you couldn’t help but feel upset. Sure, y’all’s situation-ship happened a while ago but he seemed to have very strong feelings for this crush of his. He moved on and you were still longing for him deep down. You were very happy for the boy and gave him advice on how he should approach this crush of his because that’s what friends do but you always felt this aching in your chest afterwards. 
This feeling only worsened when he told you that he asked the girl out. It made you think back to how y’all used to be. He was so hesitant to get into a relationship with you and told you that he didn't want to get into one anytime soon but he didn’t hesitate to jump into a relationship with this girl who he only knew for about a month. It made you feel really hurt. It made you feel like he led you on. 
‘Cause I could give you all you want, the stars and the sun
But I’m, I’m not enough 
As weeks passed and you watched Matt get deeper into his relationship, you felt your heart twist and turn. You wished that was you. You thought it was going to be you in a happy relationship with him but it was clear that it wasn’t. He was all over his newly found girlfriend and hung out with her nearly every single day. When you two talked, he was always texting her and didn’t pay much attention to you despite you being right next to him. When you texted him, he always gushed about her.
It was always about her. 
You knew he was deeply in love with this girl. It was clear. And you knew you couldn’t do anything to make him change his feelings for her. As deeply as you wanted to get together with him, you didn’t dare to get between his relationship. What kind of person would you be if you did? A horrible one that’s what. And you didn’t want that.
So you stood by the side, watching him be happy with his girlfriend. You never told Matt that you still had feelings for him. Why would you bother? He would immediately reject you. You tried to find new crushes but each time you drifted back to him. Even though you genuinely thought you were deep in a crush with someone else, your heart prevented you from doing anything with them because it knew you were still not over Matt. 
You missed him. He was so caught up with his girlfriend that he started talking to you less. Yes, he did text you here and there but it was mainly about his girlfriend. You didn’t say anything about it because he was actually talking to you. And you took everything that you could get because you missed him. 
All I really wanted was that look in your eyes
Like you already know that I’m the love of your life
As much as you missed y’all’s friendship, you missed the intimate moments the most. As much as you tried to ignore the fact, you knew you did. You missed how he looked at you as if you were the love of his life. You missed the love-sick notes he wrote you every day. Hell, you still had them in your notebook! You couldn’t bring yourself to get rid of them. As much as it hurt you each time you flipped to the page, you didn’t have it in you to throw it all away. It reminded you of what y’all had. And you missed what y’all had. You missed the subtle hand holding, the back hugs during class, the small gifts y’all gave each other, the late night calls where you often fell asleep with each other on FaceTime. You missed everything y’all did. 
Like you already know you’re never sayin’ goodbye 
But I’m not yours 
Matt would never know the things you would do for him. Hell, you would do anything and everything for him. Everytime he asked you to do him a favor, you didn’t hesitate to do it for him. You dropped everything for him. Which sounds very unhealthy but you couldn’t help it. You missed him and loved him. You were whipped. You were wrapped around his pinkie finger. 
And he was oblivious about all of it. 
You wanted all of it back. You wanted to be all over him and be able to gush about him openly. And you missed how he would gush about you as well and how he seemed so obsessed with you. However you knew you would never get it back because he was so in love with someone else. 
You clinged and held onto every moment y’all had with each other. Even if y'all were simply standing next to each other, you cherished it. At least you were with him. At least you saw him. It made you feel desperate but you just missed him. You tried so hard to try to spark up a conversation but your stupid feelings just made you feel awkward. 
You had no idea what to do and you blamed it on your undeniable feelings for the boy. Your heart prevented you from acting like how you usually would with him and you didn’t know how to fix it. 
I want more, I want more
But I’m not yours 
All you wanted was to get together with him. Yes, you did miss how y’all’s friendship used to be but all you really wanted was to be happy with him. That's what your heart longed for. To show him how madly in love you were with him. But you couldn’t because he was dating someone else and had no plans on breaking up with his girlfriend. You knew how happy he was with her. She always boosted his mood when he was down (You used to boost his mood when he was down.) and just made him so happy in general. She was the perfect girlfriend for him. She never hesitated to show her love for him or post him on her story. They were practically made for each other and everyone knew it. You had to admit you were a little jealous. I mean, how could you not be? You were watching the love of your life be happy with someone else. 
And I can’t change your mind
But you’re still mine
As much as you tried to discard your feelings, they never went away. You tried everything in the book; giving him icks, distancing yourself, picturing him doing embarrassing things, you tried everything and none of it worked. Your feelings were going to permanently stick with you and you had no choice but to accept it. 
Eventually you did accept it and just allowed your feelings to swallow you whole. Which was a very horrible mistake on your part because the urge to be as affectionate as possible and urge to gush over the boy grew stronger. You wanted to tell him how you felt about him so badly but you knew that it would ruin everything and cause him to drift even farther away from you. 
Matt was the number one person in your heart. The boy that you cared the most about. Your favorite person. You would do anything for him. But you knew that he didn't feel the same about you. You probably weren't even on the list of people he cared for. You were most like an extra in his life. A person who he doesn't speak much to unless it was necessary. (Or if he wanted to talk about his girlfriend) You were perfectly fine with being an extra. (You really weren't deep down.) As long as he was still in your life, you were happy.
I should’ve known that it was dumb love 
15 dozen roses 
All the things that I’ve done for you not to notice 
The reason why this whole situation hurt so badly was because Matt was your first genuine crush. You did have quite a few crushes and even dated a few people in grade school but the outcome never turned out well. Two years prior to your realizing that you had feelings for Matt, you were in a relationship that you had to end yourself because you were highly uncomfortable and didn't want to lead the person on. (Ending it was very difficult for you because you never initiated the break ups. The person you were with usually did.)
Matt was your first love. People say first loves hurt the most because it's the first experience of a deep emotional connection with someone. Some people are lucky to have a successful first love where they get married and even potentially have a family, but the vast majority experience severe heartbreak. And that's exactly what you were going through. And you continued to allow yourself to get hurt by the boy because you couldn't bear to lose him. He was just too important to you. 
Can’t believe I chose you over all my best friends 
What the fuck did I do?
In the end? 
You were willing to give up anyone and everyone for him. If he told you to drop someone because they weren’t “good enough for you,” you would do it in a heartbeat. He knows you better than everyone else so he had to be right! Right? And he wouldn’t lie like that to you either right?
You would choose Matt over anyone. All your friends knew you favorited him. (They also continuously told you how unhealthy this situation had become) They knew how head over heels you were for him. Hell, they often brought up his name randomly in a conversation that you weren’t a part of just to see how quickly you would turn around. They found it funny how much you loved him. 
But you didn’t find it funny whatsoever because he was causing you so much pain. 
And he didn’t know it. 
And he never will. 
Just to not be yours 
As you continued to hold onto the few remaining threads of y’all’s relationship, you watched him be happy with his girlfriend. You watched and wished that it was you and wished that you could be happy with him. 
To this day, you still struggle with your feelings. You kept going into denial about them but they always hit you with full force when you thought you finally got rid of them. 
You will continue to wait for him. For however long it takes. Even if you have to watch him get into a hundred more relationships, you will continue to stay by his side; waiting for when you have a chance to finally capture his heart like he did to yours. 
But for now, you will continue to watch on the sidelines and wait. 
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angelelliee · 1 year
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-> Did i take it too far?
Summary ; Your heart yearned for Abby. Abby doesn’t even know your name.
Pairing ; modern!jock!abby x quiet!crybaby!reader
Word count ; 5.8k
A/N ; slow burn in my opinion. In this one everyones best friends and they all go to the same school 🫶🏻 maybe I’m also just a bitch who likes public rejection just for the asshole to feel bad and make it better idk I’ve written my fair share of these fics :3 also Abby is mean 🥰
Cruel summer masterlist
It felt childish to say you had a crush. Were crushes even a thing anymore? The second you saw Abby you knew you were shit out of luck. She was rough and bulging with muscles. And she never looked your way. You couldn’t count how many times you’d watch her from across the room or from your spot during lunch. The amount of times you’d wish she would look over and lock eyes with you.
How badly you wanted to know if she knew your name. And how badly you hoped she did. It was foolish. Childish as you said. There was no time for this. No time to worry if the pretty girl knew your name or knew of your existence.
You twirled your fingers around each other as you aimlessly listened to your friend talk nonsense at the table. You caught yourself peering over at Abby. You could only see the back of her head but that was enough for you. The tight feeling wound around your heart again. Foolish. So utterly stupid. “You lookin’ at Abby again?” Dina asked with a smirk.
“Excuse me?” You glared at the female beside you as she laughed at your expression. “Do you know how many times I catch you looking at her? I counted 15 yesterday, 3 today already”
Your face flushed. You grew hot and uneasy. Was it noticeable? Was your infatuation for a girl who didn’t know you were even alive that obvious? “Don’t worry though. I’m the only one who’s noticed. You should talk to her” your own laugh startled you. “Me? Talk to Abby?” The idea did cross your mind.
Going up and introducing yourself seemed normal. But knowing you, you'd forget your name and fumble over a simple “hi how are you?”
“I can’t” you stood up with your trash and tossed it out with a small huff. “I don’t have the balls. Nor do I think it’s a good idea” Dina stood beside you with a small sigh. “You’ll get there. I have to go now though. See you later tonight” you waved to your friend and nervously twisted the sleeves of your jacket again.
You wished the floor would suck you under. The annoying feeling of dread and hope never left your stomach. Was it so terrible to want to be seen? “Excuse me” you tensed at the sound of that familiar voice. “I’m sorry” you said quickly as you stepped out of Abby’s way. She didn’t look at you. And she didn’t say anything else. “I’m uh-“
Your jaw clenched as she walked off with ease. You rolled your lips again in pain and moved to leave the room before anyone could see the embarrassed crease on your face. “Who was that?”
“I dunno. She was in my way” Your face dropped as you heard the distant conversation. This place was hell. It was your own personal hell where it was constantly confirmed every day and almost every minute that you were a shadow. The door slammed behind you as you hustled away to hide until your class.
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You laid on your back quietly as you replayed the events from earlier over and over again. Until it drove you almost crazy. Your fingers rubbed into your forehead as if you were trying to find the ‘delete all memories’ button. You were an idiot.
All you could squeak out was “I’m uh-“ who the fuck is “im uh-“ you groaned loudly as you pulled a pillow over your face. You wish you didn’t listen to Dina. That girl gave you too much confidence sometimes. While it was good when it came to many things, surely, it was never good when it came to this.
You were quiet. Stuck to yourself and Dina and Ellie. You liked to skip parties and smoke weed in your favorite spot. You liked to people watch and talk shit about said people in the comfort of your dorm. You never once saw yourself being the type to approach someone you liked.
“Open up” Ellie’s knuckles were rough against the wood that separated you and your two best friends. “Dina thinks you passed away. Let us in please” you hopped off the bed and padded over to the door, opening it with a small tug. “You know what she said about me today?” Ellie’s frown was immediate. “She said I don’t know her she was in my way”
Ellie’s scoff was comedic. And Dina’s “oh what the-“ was even better. You shut the door with a grunt and leaned your forehead against it. “Babe. Are you sure you even like her?” You rolled your body around by your head so you could face the two girls that sat on your couch. “Do you like her or do you like her muscles?” Dina’s finger pointed at you. As if she found some big secret.
“I’ve seen your ex-girlfriend before, on your Instagram before the purge. Abby has the same muscles” your eyes cast down to the rug that laid on the hardwood. That had to be it. You were just lonely and needed something to spice your life up. The room was quiet for a moment before you sighed and joined them in the other half of your dorm.
You tried to start talking but kept interrupting yourself with heavy huffs and small groans. “I’d like to think she’s a good person” Ellie looked at you sympathetically. “She plays for the college hockey team” you snorted loudly. “And?”
“And that makes her a dick!” Your eyes shut once your head gently thud against the wall behind you. “I’m just lonely,” you admitted.
Embarrassing. Shocking. Mortifying.
Your stomach felt heavy at the small coo Dina released as she sat beside you. “I just like to dream that maybe she knows my name” you hated that your voice cracked. You didn’t want to cry. Not over some girl.
You swallowed thickly in hopes it would get rid of that damn knot in your throat. “I like to think maybe she would say yes if I asked her out” you laughed lamely. “It’s a dream though. And it’ll stay that way” you accepted the tightly packed cone with a small sigh.
“I think she would. You’re pretty” you laughed wetly as you lit the end of the cone. “Thanks El” you mumbled and took a long inhale.
You stared out the window after the three of you finished. The high sat happily on your body and your brain was like mush. Yet Abby still resided. You remembered how good she looked today. Wearing a tight long sleeve and those stupid cargo pants. You could still tell how thick her thighs were.
You wanted to hold her hand so badly. Wanted to walk beside her and proudly say she was yours and you were hers. Again, a girl can dream. “I think I’m gonna tell her she played good tonight”
“Are you that high that you think we’re at a hockey game right now?” You laughed into your pillows and rolled onto your stomach. “No! No. I’m gonna tell her she played good tonight and introduce myself”
“There we go. That’s a good fuckin’ idea!”
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Except it was a horrible idea. A horrible stupid idea that left you crying in a stall while shakily texting the group chat for support. You did it. Like you had said prior, you approached Abby. Head high, cutest outfit adorning your body, a small smile plastered on your glossy lips.
“You played well last night, Abby” Abby’s gaze met your eyes slowly. Confusion painted her freckled face. And at first you thought she was smiling genuinely. Till she laughed. Till the 4 other girls that sat with her laughed. You squeezed your binder to your chest a bit tighter.
“Seems like you’ve got a fan” one mumbled. “You were there last night?” You nodded numbly. Just wanting this to be over so you could leave. “What’s my jersey number?” You felt your mouth grow dry as she smirked at you. She was such an asshole yet she looked so attractive doing it. “37…” you trailed off, your body suddenly overheating at the laughter that filled your ears.
You wished there was a way to shrink yourself. To go back in time and slap yourself out of doing this. “Have a good day” you ended the conversation quickly and scurried off.
“I should’ve just stayed quiet” you muttered as your head rested against Dina’s chest. “It’s stupid” Her hand was warm against your back. “It’s not stupid” her voice was soft. She was so tender with you. You often wished everyone was like that. “I think you just fell for the wrong person” Ellie was kneeling in front of you. Her fingers pushed aside a piece of hair so you could look at her. “You fell for the worst person on the face of this earth”
“I did. I fell for someone who bullies me.” You sniffed and sat up a bit straighter. This would’ve looked weird to anyone who came into the ladies room. Three girls huddled in a little circle and ones crying. Typical for a Friday night at a party. Not typical for a Tuesday afternoon. “Do you have any more classes today? I’m gonna skip mine so you can come back with me”
Before you could answer, the door swung open. Abby took her time entering, eyes trained on her phone. And when she did look up she made eye contact with you immediately. You probably imagined the look of shame on her face.
Ellie was the first to stand. “Cmon” she put her hand out so she could help you up. You gathered your stuff with Dina’s help. “You got a staring problem, Anderson?” Ellie was rough, her face and tone of voice giving away that she was pissed. “Nope. Sorry” she stepped aside with a small squeak of her shoes. You could feel her eyes on you as you left quickly behind the two.
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You were thanking whoever was above that you had no classes till Wednesday afternoon. You were alone for a while. Enjoying the silence as you aimlessly scrolled through your apps. You stopped crying after you settled into your pajamas and knew you were safe from the outside world till tomorrow.
Your phone buzzed again with another notification. This time it wasn’t Ellie sending another stupid pun. It was from Instagram. More importantly it was from Abby Anderson’s Instagram.
Abbs_Ander : hey
Your jaw clenched as you stared at the dm. The little gray message reading “in chat” under her username. You typed out a simple “hey” right back. You were cautious. You weren’t sure if this was a joke or not.
Abbs_Ander : did i make you cry today?
You scoffed. She was really that dense huh? You sniffed before replying “why’s it matter?” You hated how you stared at the chat box. How you anxiously waited for her to reply. How excited you were that she found your Instagram.
Abbs_Ander : because. I wasn’t expecting to walk into the bathroom and see you on the floor.
Abbs_Ander : I didn’t think that would hurt your feelings.
You sat up and held your phone in both hands. What the fuck was happening? You squeezed your eyes shut, opening to type out “it did. Since you suddenly care.”
Abbs_Ander : I’m sorry
You clench your jaw and with a double tap you like her message and shut off your phone.
Enough of whatever that was.
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The next day in class you felt your phone vibrate again in your pocket. Dina cast a glance at you as you opened it under the desk.
Abbs_Ander : hey
You looked over at your friend and tilted your phone so she could see the screen. You held your breath as her eyes widened, mouthing a “what the shit” to you.
Abbs_Ander : I like what your wearing today
Abbs_Ander : you’re*
Dina looked like she was on the verge of crying from how hard she was trying to keep her composure. “Don’t open that till we see Ellie” you nodded wordlessly and shoved your phone back in your pocket. You looked over your shoulder, tensing when you saw Abby already looking at you.
You looked away quickly and went back to trying to write your notes. But once the time hit 4 pm, Dina was practically cramming her stuff into her bag. “Quicker. Pack quicker, we have to go” you laughed as you tried to neatly put your stuff away. Abby’s ears perked at the sound of your laughter. She never noticed you until now. Until you approached her.
She was intrigued. Someone who was so quiet and friendly approaching her was uncalled. It never happened to her. “Don’t tell me you like that little fan of yours” her gaze was harsh as she looked at her teammate. “Shut the fuck up” she hauled her bag onto her shoulder and stomped her way down the aisle of tables and left with her friends in tow.
“Does anyone here want to tell me why Abby is texting her?!” Dina announced as she let herself and you into Ellie’s room. “She did what?” You handed the phone to Ellie’s awaiting palm and sat beside her. “I didn’t think that would hurt your feelings?!” She scoffed. “Oh then she said she likes your outfit and used the wrong your”
You stifle a laugh against your knuckles before taking the phone back. “Tell her to fuck herself” You snorted as you began to reply “I’m surprised you noticed”
You hated the feeling of excitement that settled in your heart when you replied to her. Or when the little green dot would appear next to her name. You listened to the two girls talk about whatever came to mind as you waited for her to reply. No. You couldn’t do this to yourself. She was just being nice. She felt bad she made you cry and come next week it would be over. You’d just be another face to her.
Abbs_Ander : you’re really pretty
Abbs_Ander : yellow is my favorite color
You tried to hide the stupid smile that dared to overcome your face. “Hey! Don’t text her” You shut your phone quickly and set it aside. “I’m sorry!” You laughed and scooted closer to Ellie so you could rest your head on her shoulder. Yet the thought of texting Abby back was heavy on your mind.
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You were on and off texting. You’d text a bunch during the day then ignore each other for a week. Abby would view your stories of your selfies and your videos of Ellie doing something stupid and you’d like her stories of her photos of her at practice or announcing another win. And that was it. You never spoke in person. You never approached her like you did before.
You stayed separate. Abby wasn’t meant to be yours. You came to that conclusion a while ago after you saw she was clearly on a date. Curse you for following her back. You wished that was your hand in that photo she posted. You wished it was your posts she reposted and you so badly wished she would just talk to you in person. There it was again.
That funny feeling in your heart. Where you find yourself laying in bed listening to music and thinking about her. About how she was probably so warm at night. How nice it would just be to be wrapped in her arms. How good it would feel to know she was all yours. You got yourself so wound up in the glee of texting her, you forgot who she truly was.
Sometimes you felt like Abby was going to ask you to hang out. She’d drop hints on where she was. What time practice ended. What you were up to. And while you debated heavily on agreeing and going wherever she was, you weren’t going to be some lost puppy following her around. You’d prefer to be the lost puppy who watched from afar and day dreamed about her.
Abbs_Ander : do you wanna do something tonight?
You breathed deeply before trying to think of a reply. What do you say to that? ‘Oh yes please I’ve been thinking about this day since I first saw you months ago!’ Absolutely not.
“Like what?”
Abbs_Ander : idk. Something private
Uh oh.
Abbs_Ander : I don’t wanna get caught with you lol
There it was. There was the real Abby Anderson you knew and unfortunately liked. She didn’t wanna be caught with you. Caught with the girl who’s friends with the weirdo potheads. The quiet girl who is a pothead.
You opted to leave her on read. How could she think you’d just be okay with that? And you were so stupid to almost believe she liked you.
Abbs_Ander : you’re really pretty. I’ve said that multiple times before
Abbs_Ander ; and I want to see you
You glared at your phone before hastily typing out “I’m good. Have a good night”
Fuck Abby Anderson. And not in the way you’ve dreamt about.
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“Hey” you stopped your fingers from fiddling with the keyboard on your laptop so you could look up. And meet the gaze of the one person you did not wanna see. If you had told yourself months ago that “yes Abby is a dick. Leave it alone” you would’ve.
“Hi” you answered quietly and went back to typing. She stood in front of the picnic table you were perched on. You didn’t dare to look at her again. Hoping it was just some mirage and Abby wasn’t actually standing before you. “Are you ignoring me?” You scoffed suddenly. “Excuse me?”
“What did I say that made you want me to leave you alone?”
You looked at her wordlessly. Her brows were tightly creased. And she looked genuinely confused. You rolled your lips together in silence as you weighed your options. “Read the texts back and you let me know”
The table creaked from the added weight of another person. “Maybe it was because you said you didn’t want to get caught with me.”
Abby’s knuckles knocked gently against the wood as she listened. You closed your computer with a quiet snap, nails tapping against the top as you watched her. She avoided your gaze. “We both know why you texted me. It was out of pity. You felt bad because you made me cry. And you continued to text me because you felt bad”
Abby finally met your eyes. You felt yourself shrink a bit before sitting up straight again. “You don’t actually like me, Abby. Be honest”
“No I don’t. My friends made me feel like shit. That’s why I texted you”
You could tell she was angry. She was clearly hiding something. Something she wasn’t just going to tell you about. You nodded in agreement as you listened to her. “I’m sorry that I like you” her eyes dragged towards yours at your statement. You were so filled with emotions that you just started letting it out.
“It must be so gross that someone actually likes you for you huh? It’s so goddamn awful that I see you and not just the hockey getup. that someone who has no social status has a crush on you. Isn’t it, abby?”
“It is. It fuckin’ freaks me out.” You nodded slowly as your lips begin to wobble. You swallowed again and stood up abruptly. “Well i'm sorry. I’m really sorry it’s me and not some ice dancer” you grabbed your laptop and walked off quickly, feeling Abby’s eyes on your back as you walked towards the doors of the next building you needed to be in.
During the time you two were texting, Abby was beginning to feel something for you. She felt seen for once. She was struck by how you asked how her day was. How you didn’t ask if she was single or if she wanted to fuck. How you genuinely wanted to know her. You wanted Abigail, not Abby.
You were sweet. You were so sweet and gentle and real. She could tell you were real by how you spewed your emotions at her. Yet she despised how her chest did that stupid thing again.
Abby stood with a small groan, staring at the door before seeing your bag caught her eye. She picked it up by the handle and put it over her shoulder. She wasn’t done with this conversation.
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“Abby ambushed me today and I forgot my fuckin’ bag”
“Okay potty mouth” Ellie kicked the chair out from across from her so you could sit. “Where were you sitting?” You set your laptop and phone down with a huff. You didn’t realize you were bagless till you got to class and had to write your notes on your laptop. “At the picnic table in the courtyard. I was writing and she came out of nowhere” you stopped for a moment.
“She texted me last night again and asked to hang out” Ellie’s brows raised in shock. “I almost went. Till she said she didn’t want to be caught with me” Ellie threw her head back with a long groan. Her hand covered her face. “There’s so many problems with this one. You really need to be find someone else to like”
You stared at the brunette for a beat of silence before laying your forehead on your arms. “I’m sorry” her hand wrapped around your forearm in comfort. “I know how hard it is to really like someone and they turn out to be a bigger asshole than expected” you looked at her quietly and smiled a little. “Your bags gone” Dina breathed heavily as she sat across from you.
You had forgotten you texted Dina about it, seeing as you had zero confidence due to that interaction. “Shit” you sighed, rubbing your hands against your face. “I looked everywhere,” she promised. You smiled at her once more before resting your head on your arms again. The two girls shared a look before changing the topic.
Your phone buzzed loudly against the lid of your laptop cover. You pulled it off and under the table where you could see without lifting your head up.
Abbs_Ander : I have your bag. Meet me in the locker room for it.
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The evening rolled around and you trailed down the long hallway quietly. It was cold, you realized that you were underdressed the second you walked in. You didn’t change, seeing no point when it was just to get your bag. It was quiet as you opened the door to the locker room. You grit your teeth in angst as you walk into the eerily quiet area.
“Abby?” You called, hoping it was either just her or no one. You were really wishing she would’ve just dropped it at your dorm and left. But things were never that easy for you. You continued to look around quietly, gripping your phone and the edge of your dress simultaneously. “Surprised you came” you clutched your chest in shock as you spun around to look at the voice.
“Here” she jutted the bag out towards you, avoiding eye contact. “Thank you” you whispered, carefully taking the bag from her. Your fingers brushed against hers tenderly. “You’re right about what you said ya know?” She started. You held your bag at your side as you looked up at her. “About what?”
“That I hate that you have a crush on me”
You scuffed the toe of your shoe against the concrete floor. She breathed harshly before continuing. Surprisingly. “Also how much I hate that you look at me from across the room. How much I hate that you approached me that day.” Abby stepped a bit closer. “But what I fucking hate the most is how much I liked it” your forehead furrowed quickly as you looked at her straight on. “I fucking hate how i thought about you the rest of that day. You came up to me and said you liked how I played when you weren’t there.”
Abby stopped a couple inches from you. “I hate you walking past me with your loud mouth friends and I can smell your perfume. Or how when you hand me a pencil now and again and I see your nail color. I hate that I look forward to seeing what you’re wearing for the day. And I hate….no I fucking despise how I made you cry” you listened intently.
Your mouth was dry from how you were opening and closing it like a fish. “I went on that date the other day and I couldn’t stop thinking about you. I got excited when I found your Instagram on the first try and I….i typed out the same message five times before texting you. And you replied and I got excited”
You kept your eyes on her regardless of her not looking at you. “I just don’t want my teammates to tear you apart. That’s why I wanted to meet in private. It was hard enough knowing you cried once or however many times over me, I couldn’t handle knowing my friends were assholes to you”
You shut the gap between you two. Abby kept her eyes on the floor, now staring at your pretty shoes. All your clothes were pretty. You were pretty. “Abby,” you whispered. Your palm was gentle as you pressed it against her shoulder. Abby inhaled suddenly through her mouth and surged down to press her lips to yours.
Her rough hands were sweet against your soft face as she pulled you close by your jaw. You gasped airly as you began to kiss back, dropping your stuff to wrap your arms around her neck. You were struggling with standing on your tiptoes to reach her lips. “I hate how horny you make me too” you snickered and shrugged. “I can say the same thing” Abby’s arms were suddenly under your thighs, wrapping your calves around her waist.
Your back pressed against a cold locker, causing you to arch into her as you continued your kissing.
“I’m gonna destroy you” her voice was thick with dominance. Her large hands were squeezing your thighs and ass as her lips left a trail of wet kisses along your neck. “Come to my place after practice” you tugged her ponytail softly to get her attention. “We can take our time there”
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Friday night. Ellie and Dina had some bright idea to go to a party and you made some lame excuse about “wanting to just watch movies and ignore the outside world” but you promised you’d be there for the Saturday outing.
Abbs_Ander : I’m here. What number?
You bit your lip in anticipation as you replied with your room number and bounced towards the door. Before she could knock you had already opened the door for her. “Hi” you greet shyly. Abby’s lips were pinker than usual. And she was smiling just a bit.
“Hey” she greeted. She seemed nervous as she walked into your room. Looking around for a spot to set her bag down. “C'mere” her hands were back on your face like earlier. Her lips were cold from practice, her hands warm and slightly shaking from being pressed against you. She was so tall and lean, and she could easily manhandle you.
You felt your thighs clench at the thought of that and began to lead her towards your bed. “Do you want this?” Her voice was low, forehead pressed against yours and noses rubbing together. “Would it help if I admitted I’ve thought about this?”
“Fuck” Abby’s lips were on yours again in a second, one hand cupping the back of your neck and the other was eagerly pulling at the fabric of your silk sleep shorts. “Lay down. Let me show you what the real thing is like” you laughed softly and kissed her once more before flopping onto your bed.
Abby’s front made contact with your core as she slotted herself between your awaiting thighs. “Has anyone made you cum before?” You shook your head shyly as you looked up at her. “I’ve been with a couple people but they just don’t know where it is…” you trailed off bashfully. “Don’t get shy. They didn’t know where the clit was?”
You nodded as you bit your lip. “Yeah” you gasped as her thigh made direct contact with your pussy through the thin material of your sleep shorts. “I just found it” she teased, hands gripping onto your hips tightly “take my pants off, sweetheart.” You rubbed your palms down her chest and stomach. Nimbly taking ahold of her belt and undoing it with carefulness.
And once she shimmied out of the fabric, you felt lightheaded. Her thighs and legs were toned. And you could see a distinct bulge in her boxers. “You know what that is?” She purred, her hand going to the back of your head to guide you to look at her. “That’s my cock. And you’re gonna suck it” you knew it was a strap. But the way she said it so easily made your pussy grow wetter. “On your knees” she knelt one knee on the bed and the other stood on the floor.
You dropped down onto the floor with a small grunt from the sudden hardness on your bare knees. You wished at that moment you had opted for a rug over here like you planned. You rubbed the silicone toy through her boxers softly as you looked up at her. Eyes glinting with excitement. Abby’s lips pursed in a coo as you pulled her out slowly. “Big isn’t it?” She teased.
Your eyes locked with the silicone tip of Abby’s cock, gazing up at her with wide eyes. “Open” Her order was soft yet affirmative. You’d be stupid to not obey. Considering you’ve been dreaming about this since you first saw her in a muscle tank. You wrapped a hand gently around the base.
You opened your mouth carefully and with ease took just the tip in to get a taste and feel. Abby’s lip caught between her teeth as she watched you. Her eyes were shining with nothing but lust. You pushed your mouth further down the toy, lips stretching around the girth. “Look at me, princess.” You felt her fingers tap your cheek to get your attention.
“Look at me. Remember who’s cock you’re sucking”
You locked eyes with her again as the tip of her cock nudged the back of your throat. Her grin was widening as she saw just how deep you had taken her. “Gettin’ it nice and soaked for me right, princess?” You nodded as best you could, eyes never leaving hers.
“Get on the bed” rough fingers cupped your jaw and led your mouth off her, leading you to the bed with ease as she kissed you again. “Get on your knees” she tapped your cheek with two fingers. You smiled lightly as you followed her instruction. You got onto the bed and pushed your ass up.
“Fuck” you heard Abby inhale as she pulled the sleep shorts and your panties down with one pull. “I’ll get a taste of this pussy next time” the comment alone made you clench, your pussy entirely wetter than before. “Ready?”
“Yes- yes please” you sounded pathetic. You knew you sounded pathetic but you needed Abby inside you. You needed to feel her slide in and fuck you however she pleased. You gasped loudly as you felt the tip ease in. “Oh fuck look at that…just lettin’ me in” she purred, continuing to push in carefully.
“Good girl” you moaned into the pillows once she fully sat inside you, squeezing your hips and ass. Whatever skin she could get her hands on. You dug your nails into the sheets as you panted heavily, pushing your hips back against her. “Needy little princess” she started to push her hips back and forth. Giving you more time to warm up.
Her muscled arm reached around your neck. Her bicep setting under your jaw and her lips against your ear. “Tell me how good this feels” your eyes rolled back into your head as she started to thrust hard and deep. Hitting spots you didn’t even know were there. “Feels so- fuck…so good” you whined heartily, reaching one sweaty palm up to hold onto her forearm.
“You sound so pathetic ya know? Crying on my cock like that” you moaned even more at her cocky snicker, biting your lip as she moaned hotly against your ear. “But you make me feel so good, I can feel it” she assured, flexing her arm to choke you a bit more. “Abby” you moaned louder.
“Takin’ it like a fucking champ” you could cry from how good it felt. Being so full and degraded like this. Abby’s husky fucked out voice in your ear. Her cock inside you. Kissing your g spot over and over again. “Bet you sound so pretty when you cum as well” she stuttered at the end, grunting out an airy ‘fuck’ as she thrusted harder.
Her hips were relentless, her free hand reaching over to grab yours that was fisting the sheets. “I want you to cum” Abby groaned. Her teeth nipping your ear. “Can I cum?” You asked almost too quickly. “Please. Please Abby” you begged. “Shit…my pretty fucking girl” she pulled away to grab your hips so she could begin properly pounding into you.
“Soak my cock. Fucking do it” Her head rested between her shoulders as she kept up her infiltration. Your shaky hand reached down to circle your clit. “That’s so hot holy- fuck” you cried out her name in pleasure as you felt yourself cum suddenly. Your ears were ringing, your pussy definitely dripping, and her hands never leaving their spot from your hips.
“That’s it. Good job, princess” you huffed heavily and reached back to grab her hand again. Fingers intertwined softly as she slowed down. Her chest moving up and down rapidly, the same as yours. You groaned when you were empty but took the opportunity to lay down with a grunt. Abby was shuffling around behind you. Which gave you time to mentally prepare for her to leave.
“Scoot” you cracked opened your eyes and moved over limply. Her body was warm. Hands tender as she pulled you close to her side. You laid your head against her shoulder. “Hope that was good” you snickered at her comment. “It was perfect” you looked up at her right when she looked down at you.
The small smile on her raw lips was intoxicating. And right before you could lean up to kiss her, the door opened. The sound of loud conversation and laughter filled the originally quiet room. You looked over quickly causing Abby to do the same. Ellie was the first person you made eye contact with. And the look on her face was immediately scary.
“Oh this” Ellie stopped momentarily. “This is fuckin’ rich”
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