#the arcana of astrology neptune
hii I would like to request reading
My initials are M.G.G
My pronouns are she/her
I would like to know what lady athena would like to tell me
Hello MGG, I'm sorry that this took so long to get to! Hopefully you don't mind the wait.
For this reading, I am using the Arcana of Astrology oracle deck by Claire Goodchild. I also directed the question to Lady Athena.
I’ll tell you what I tell everyone who comes to me for deity readings - Please note that I (nor any other person besides her and you) should not be used as the end-all-be-all for your communication with Athena. If anything seems strange here, I encourage you to talk to her about it yourself!
Question: What would you like to tell MGG? Answer: Neptune
[No image for this one because my phone camera took a dump.]
Neptune is known as the Mystic. It rules Pisces and the Twelfth House and is associated with the element of water. In this deck, its keywords are illusion, delusion, psychic ability, addiction, mysticism, and spiritual needs.
In astrology, Neptune is one of those "outer planets" that take a while to scoot around through the different signs, making it not as personal as the Sun through Jupiter or Saturn to an individual. This planet is associated with learning hard lessons about spirituality. Its positive influence is felt in making realizations about what personally applies to your spirituality. Its negative influence is felt in becoming so wrapped up in spirituality that it negatively impacts your health.
As a card in this deck, it calls for a time of solitude for self-reflection, isolated from outside factors. What do you want? What do you think?What do you seek? Try being still for a moment and learning these things without other people's influence.
And if you've been engaging in self-destructive behaviors, now is the time to stop. As long as you're alive, you have the choice to change your own ways. This card reminds you that you have the chance to come back from the brink of whatever may be dragging you down. Take it.
Leave feedback as another ask that I can publish publicly and tell me what parts felt right, if anything felt off, stuff like that. Until you do, you will be added to my greylist. Please reblog my reading guidelines and consider joining the Coven of Cards Discord server to get information about more in-depth readings by me and other folks.
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attichaos · 2 years
Tarot - Major Arcana
These are just short basic descriptions to help get through the cards
*longer read*
The Fool
Numerology: 0
Astrological correspondence: Uranus
Element: Air
Companion cards: All of the Major Arcana
Free spirit
Holding back
The Magician
Numerology: 1
Astrological correspondence: Mercury
Element: Air (All other elements present as supporting energies)
Companion cards: Wheel of Fortune & The Sun
Inspired action
Poor planning
Untapped talents
The High Priestess
Numerology: 2
Astrological correspondence: Moon
Element: Water
Companion cards: Justice & Judgement
Sacred knowledge
Divine feminine
The subconious mind
Disconnected from intuition
Withdrawal and silence
The Empress
Numerology: 3
Astrological correspondence: Venus
Element: Earth
Companion cards: The Hanged Man & The World
Creative block 
Dependence on others
The Emperor
Numerology: 4
Astrological correspondence: Aries
Element: Fire
Companion cards: Death
A father figure
Excessive control 
Lack of discipline
The Hierophant
Numerology: 5
Astrological correspondence: Taurus
Element: Earth
Companion cards: Temperance
Spiritual wisdom
Religious beliefs
Personal beliefs 
Challenging the status quo
The Lovers 
Numerology: 6
Astrological correspondence: Gemini
Element: Air
Companion cards: The Devil
Values alignment
Misalignment of values 
The Chariot
Numerology: 7
Astrological correspondence: Cancer
Element: Water
Companion cards: The Tower
Lack of direction
Numerology: 8
Astrological correspondence: Leo
Element: Fire
Companion cards: The Star
Inner strength
Low energy
Raw emotion
The Hermit
Numerology: 9
Astrological correspondence: Virgo
Element: Earth
Companion cards: The Moon
Being alone
Inner guidance
Wheel of Fortune
Numerology: 10
Astrological correspondence: Jupiter
Element: Fire
Companion cards: The Magician & The Sun
Good luck
Life cycles
A turning point
Back luck
Resistance to change
Breaking cycles
Numerology: 11
Astrological correspondence: Libra
Element: Air
Companion cards: The High Priestess & Judgement
Cause and effect
Lack of accountability
The Hanged Man
Numerology: 12
Astrological correspondence: Neptune
Element: Water
Companion cards: The Empress & The World
Letting go
New perspective
Numerology: 13
Astrological correspondence: Scorpio
Element: Water
Companion cards: The Emperor
Resistance to change
Personal transformation
Inner purging
Numerology: 14
Astrological correspondence: Sagittarius
Element: Fire
Companion cards: The Hierophant
The Devil
Numerology: 15
Astrological correspondence: Capricorn
Element: Earth
Companion cards: The Lovers
Shadow self
Releasing limiting beliefs
Exploring dark thoughts
The Tower
Numerology: 16
Astrological correspondence: Mars
Element: Fire
Companion cards: The Chariot
Sudden change
Personal transformation
Far of change
Averting disaster
The Star
Numerology: 17
Astrological correspondence: Aquarius
Element: Air
Companion cards: Strength
Lack of faith
The Moon
Numerology: 18
Astrological correspondence: Pisces
Element: Water
Companion cards: The Hermit
Release of fear
Repressed emotion
Inner confusion
The Sun
Numerology: 19
Astrological correspondence: The Sun
Element: Fire
Companion cards: The Magician & Wheel of Fortune
Inner child
Feeling down
Overly optimistic
Numerology: 20
Astrological correspondence: Pluto
Element: Fire & Water
Companion cards: High Priestess & Justice
Inner calling
Inner critic
Ignoring the call
The World
Numerology: 21
Astrological correspondence: Saturn
Element: Earth
Companion cards: The Empress & The Hanged Man
Seeing personal closure
And as always, merry meet <3
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soaringwide · 8 days
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Astrological Associations of the Tarot Major and Minor Arcana - Cheat Sheet
As someone who dabbles in astrology (and lightly in planetary magic), I recently decided to include the astrological correspondence of the Golden Dawn for the tarot in my practice and I found it to be an amazing additional information in some cases.
For example, when you need an idea of timing, or when you need to define a person and their ''vibe'', or add a layer to the meaning of the cards. Particularly useful for Court cards which are notoriously hard to understand.
This is merely a list of correspondences or association and will not go into detail about the whys, because there are many different opinions on this depending on the author and time period. So this is just a synthesized version of what I personally use. I also need to point out that I use the RWS tarot mostly, not Thoth (although it was my first deck and I really need to get back to it at some point). So if you want to dive deeper, please visit the forum thread that has interesting discussions. For Minor Arcana, here from Biddy Tarot. For the Court cards specifically, here is what I found.
Note for the Court Cards: Pages are just their element in the most youthful/undeveloped form. The other Courts have two signs, that's because they rule the last 2 thirds of the signs + the first third of the next sign. It's a bit hard to wrap your head around but it adds necessary depth to their meaning.
It's cross-posted on my blog, with the addition of a visual I made as a reference you can download or print. Also on Pinterest and Instagram.
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The Fool - Uranus The Magician - Mercury The High Priestess - Moon The Empress - Venus The Emperor - Aries The Hierophant - Taurus The Lovers - Gemini The Chariot - Cancer Strength - Leo The Hermit - Virgo Wheel of Fortune - Jupiter Justice - Libra The Hanged Man - Neptune Death - Scorpio Temperance - Sagittarius The Devil - Capricorn The Tower - Mars The Star - Aquarius The Moon - Pisces The Sun - Sun Judgement - Pluto The World - Saturn
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Ace: Fire signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius II: Mars in Aries III: Sun in Aries IV: Venus in Aries V: Saturn in Leo VI: Jupiter in Leo VII: Mars in Leo VIII: Mercury in Sagittarius IX: Moon in Sagittarius X: Saturn in Sagittarius Page: Fire Knight: Sagittarius + Scorpio Queen: Aries + Pisces King: Leo + Cancer
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Ace: Water signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces II: Venus in Cancer III: Mercury in Cancer IV: Moon in Cancer V: Mars in Scorpio VI: Sun in Scorpio VII: Venus in Scorpio VIII: Saturn in Pisces IX: Jupiter in Pisces X: Mars in Pisces Page: Water Knight: Scorpio + Aquarius Queen: Cancer + Gemini King: Pisces + Libra
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Ace: Air signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius II: Moon in Libra III: Saturn in Libra IV: Jupiter in Libra V: Venus in Aquarius VI: Mercury in Aquarius VII: Moon in Aquarius VIII: Jupiter in Gemini IX: Mars in Gemini X: Sun in Gemini Page: Air Knight: Aquarius + Taurus Queen: Libra + Virgo King: Gemini + Capricorn
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Ace: Earth signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn II: Jupiter in Capricorn III: Mars in Capricorn IV: Sun in Capricorn V: Mercury in Taurus VI: Moon in Taurus VII: Saturn in Taurus VIII: Sun in Virgo IX: Venus in Virgo X: Mercury in Virgo Page: Earth Knight: Taurus + Leo Queen: Capricorn + Sagittarius King: Virgo + Aries
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monratarot · 3 months
Major Arcana - 12. The hanged man
Please like and reblog if you find this information useful! 🌸🎀💕
//don’t claim it as your own and/or repost it on other platforms//
Astrological sign or planet – Neptune
Element – water
MAYBE card
safely – he knows he cannot fall
prepare to make the sacrifices he can move on
“hang in there” and stay calm while things are not going as planed
♦ Qualities of the card - suspension, higher values, sacrifice ★ Associated object and location - a gent’s tie, a spider in a web, dew hanging on a tree
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✥Upright meaning
hanging around
you may have made sacrifices and you will see rewards
you may expect delays to travel plans and other projects
your project needs time to evolve(use this time to develop a perspective on your work and your ambitions)
try to see things from a new angle
home – waiting and delay may affect remodeling or house moves; try to invest your time wisely while you wait
relationship – you are unable to get the commitment you need from your partner; you may be unwilling to commit; now is the time for you to consider taking a step back to calculate all of your options
career and money – hold back on signing contracts or dealing with legal matters just now; trust your instincts
health - a need for a second opinion in medical decisions
✥Reversed meaning
rigid thinking
you might need to revise your expectations
you are stuck doing the same old things
a sacrifice you have to make
you are having difficulty making decisions
+ 2 of Wands = reversed - delays to plans
+ 3 of Wands = reversed - delays to travel
+ 8 of Wands = delay with moving and communication
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celticcrossanon · 1 year
BRF Reading - 11th of March, 2023
This is speculation only
Cards drawn on the 10th of March, 2023
Question: Does King Charles want Harry to succeed him instead of William?
This is a one card reading
Card Drawn: The Hanged Man
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This is a major arcana card, so this is a big deal.
The Hanged Man is a card of inaction. It is about going into yourself and having a good hard think about things, and of trying to see things from a different perspective. It can be a card of sacrifice. It is also a card of not knowing what direction to take, of uncertainty, of looking at all the paths of action and trying to decide which one is the right one to take.
The first energy from this card is of inaction. Now is not the time to make any changes in the heirs, especially not with Prince William confirmed as heir with the Prince of Wales title.
In a wider sense, this tells me that Charles is adopting a 'wait and see' attitude with respect to Harry. He (Charles) is not going to overturn tradition and name Harry his heir instead of William - he can't, there are laws against it. William is heir and will be the next king and that is that. However, Charles is certainly having a good long think about the Harry situation, and he is trying to figure out what is the best thing to do for Harry and for himself.
The second energy from this card is that of delusion. The Hanged Man is the card that represents the planet Neptune, and Neptune is the planet of creativity, emotional responses (not rational - Neptune is all about being carried away on a flood of emotion), illusions and deluding yourself - applying rose coloured glasses to a situation is very Neptunian.
This tells me that King Charles is deluded when it comes to Harry. He has a huge blind spot where Harry is concerned. He can not see Harry clearly - he sees Harry through a rose coloured haze. The Harry he sees is the Harry that he wants, not the Harry who exists in reality. [This is borne out by their astrology, with Harry's Venus sitting on top of Charles's Venus-Neptune-IC grouping - meaning that Charles will always view Harry with rose coloured glasses and Harry's happiness will always be important for Charles to feel settled and happy himself]. So Charles is deluded when it comes to Harry, and that will never change, and he will make his plans for Harry based on that delusion and not on the reality of what Harry says and does. We can all guess how well that is going to work out.
This card tells me a lot about Charles's relationship with Harry. In terms of whether Charles would prefer Harry as his heir instead of William (not that Charles can do anything to change this, William is heir and that is it), the card tells me not yes or no, but that Charles is suffering from delusions when it comes to Harry, so if he does prefer Harry in his heart as his heir then that is a delusion, a fantasy, and not reality. It also says to wait and see - Charles's actions in the future will show his preference, but for now there is nothing to go on (card of inaction). We have to wait and see for an answer to that question.
The important bit is that there is nothing that can change the reality of the situation. William is heir and that is the end of it. Dreams, illusions and talking trees can not change that fact.
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paritarot · 2 years
Tarot Story and Astrological Correspondence : Chapter 3
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credit The Decan Wheel by Astrology & Tarot
วันนี้จะขอเล่าเกร็ดวิธีหนึ่งในการอ่านไพ่ Tarot เชื่อมกับ Astrology ซึ่งวิธีนี้จะทำให้เราได้มุมมองใหม่ๆจากการอ่านไพ่เพิ่มอีกมาก วิธีนี้เป็นการเทียบไพ่ Minor Arcana กับตรียางค์ (Decans) ในแต่ละราศีค่ะ
ครั้งหนึ่งได้เคยอธิบายเรื่อง Timing in Tarot ไว้เบื้องต้น เป็นการทำนายระยะเวลาที่เหตุการณ์หนึ่งจะเกิดขึ้นได้ด้วยการอ่านไพ่ Tarot สามารถอ่านรายละเอียดเพิ่มเติมได้ตามลิงค์นี้ค่ะ Timing in Tarot
ก่อนอื่นจะขออธิบาย concept ของตรียางค์คร่าวๆ ก่อนค่ะ ปกติแล้วเราจะคุ้นเคยกับการเห็นกระดานกลมๆ ที่แบ่งออกเป็น 12 ช่อง 12 ราศีกันอยู่แล้วใช่ไหมคะ ซึ่งเราเรียกกระดานกลมๆทั้งหมดนี้ว่า จักรราศี (จักร : ล้อ, วงกลม) - Zodiac Wheel
ใน 1 จักรราศีที่เราเห็นกันนั้นจะประกอบไปด้วย 12 ราศี เริ่มตั้งแต่เมษไปจนถึงมีน ซึ่งใน 1 ราศีนี้ก็จะแบ่งเป็นองศาได้อีก 30 องศา และใน 30 องศานี้จะนับได้เป็น 3 ตรียางค์ (1 ตรียางค์ = 10 องศา) ซึ่งจริงๆ เรายังสามารถจำแนกละเอียดลงไปได้มากกว่านี้ แต่จะยังไม่ลงรายละเอียดในครั้งนี้นะคะ เพราะเดี๋ยวจะยืดยาวจนเขียนไม่จบค่ะ
การอ่านตรียางค์หรือ Decans เทียบกับไพ่ Tarot ที่นิยมใช้กันนั้น จะยึดตามระบบ Chaldean Decans เป็นหลักในการเทียบเคียง ซึ่งจะใช้เฉพาะ Traditional Planets ที่จะมีแค่ Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn ไม่รวม Modern Planets อย่าง Uranus, Neptune, และ Pluto เข้ามาด้วย
หากลองพิจารณาตามรูป จะเห็นว่ามีการเรียงลำดับดาวดังนี้ Mars - Sun - Venus - Mercury - Moon - Saturn - Jupiter และเมื่อครบแล้วก็จะวนกลับมาที่ Mars ไปจนครบทั้ง 36 ตรียางค์ ลงท้ายที่ Mars อีกเช่นกัน
และเราจะเห็นอีกว่าไม่มีการนำไพ่ Ace และไพ่บุคคลอย่าง Page, Knight, Queen, King เข้ามาร่วมด้วย ส่วนตัวเรามองว่าการอ่าน Decans จะเป็นการลงรายละเอียดของสิ่งที่เกิดขึ้นอย่างเจาะจง ดูว่าสถานการณ์นั้นๆ กำลังดำเนินไปในทิศทางใด แต่ไพ่กลุ่ม Ace นั้นเป็นไพ่จุดเริ่มต้น ไม่ใช่ไพ่ที่บอกเล่าว่ากำลังเกิดอะไรขึ้น มีใครทำอะไรอย่างไรเหมือนอย่างไพ่หมายเลขอื่นใน Minor Arcana เป็นแค่จุดเริ่มต้น เป็นจุดที่บ่งบอกว่ามี Potential ในการพัฒนาได้ แต่ยังต้องอาศัยการลงมือทำ เปรียบเหมือนกับเรามีเมล็ดพันธุ์พืช ถ้าเราไม่เริ่มเพาะปลูก ถือมันเอาไว้ เก็บมันเอาไว้กับที่ ก็ย่อมไม่เกิดเหตุการณ์หรือเปลี่ยนแปลงอะไรได้
ส่วนไพ่บุคคลหรือไพ่ Court Cards ก็เป็นไพ่ที่บ่งบอกถึงลักษณะนิสัย บุคลิกท่าทาง บอกถึง Phase ของเหตุการณ์นั้นๆ ว่าอยู่ในช่วงริเริ่ม ดำเนินการ สำเร็จแล้ว พัฒนาสมบูรณ์แล้วหรือยัง หรืออาจเป็นเครื่องบอกว่าผู้ถามกำลังคิดทำอะไร แต่รายละเอียดจะเป็นอย่างไรต้องใช้ไพ่ Minor Arcana ชุดหมายเลขขยายความเพิ่มด้วย แต่ถ้าใช้ตำราไพ่ Thoth จะมีการนำไพ่ Ace และไพ่ Court Cards มาเทียบเคียงกับ Decans ด้วย ซึ่งถ้ามีโอกาส จะนำมาแบ่งปันต่อไปค่ะ
วิธีการอ่านไพ่เทียบเคียงกับตำแหน่งดวงดาวในแต่ละราศีมีประโยชน์อย่างไร ส่วนตัวมองว่าจะทำให้เราเข้าใจธรรมชาติและการแสดงออกทั้งของไพ่และดวงดาวในราศีได้ง่ายขึ้นค่ะ อย่างเช่น Venus in Aries ที่เท่ากับ 4 of Wands ซึ่งถือเป็นไพ่ดี ไพ่แห่งความสำเร็จและการเฉลิมฉลอง แต่ทำไมจึงเทียบเคียงได้กับศุกร์ในราศีเมษอันเป็นตำแหน่งที่ศุกร์อ่อนแรง หรืออย่าง 10 of Cups ที่เป็นไพ่แห่งความสุขสมบูรณ์ใบหนึ่ง แต่เทียบเคียงได้กับ Mars in Pisces ซึ่งเป็นราศีที่อังคารอ่อนแรงเช่นกัน เราอาจจะมองได้ว่า เมื่อเรายอมลดทอนคุณลักษณะและความยึดมั่น ความตัองดารส่วนตัวลง และให้ความสุขของคนที่เรารักเป็นเป้าหมาย เราอาจจะเกิดความรู้สึกอึดอัดคับข้องใจบ้าง ไม่สามารถทำตามใจได้อย่างอิสระ แต่ปลายทางนั้นจะนำมาซึ่งความสุขและพึงพอใจแก่ทุกฝ่าย หรืออาจจะเป็นการบอกให้เรารู้ว่า เราจะสามารถหาเส้นทางที่นำไปสู่ความสุขได้แม้จุดเริ่มต้นจะไม่ได้สมบูรณ์พร้อม มีข้อจำกัดต่างๆมากมาย แต่เราก็สามารถใช้ประโยชน์จากข้อจำกัดนั้นเพื่อนำไปสู่การบรรลุความคาดหวัง ที่อาจจะไม่ใช่แค่ความสุขส่วนตัว แต่เป็นการได้ดูแลคนอื่นด้วย เป็นต้น
อย่างไรก็ตาม ด้วยความที่ตรียางค์นั้นมีแค่ 36 ตรียางค์ แทนความหมายไพ่ได้ 36 ใบ เราก็อาจจะเทียบไพ่กับตำแหน่งของดวงดาวได้ไม่ครบ บางตำแหน่งเราอาจต้องเทียบเคียงกับดาวและราศีตามไพ่ Major Arcana แทน เช่น Virgo Moon ไม่มีไพ่ Minor Arcana ต้องเทียบเคียงกับไพ่ The Hermit (Virgo) & The High Priestess (Moon) หรือ Pisces Venus แทนค่าด้วยไพ่ The Moon (Pisces) & The Empress (Venus)
ใครที่สนใจอาจจะลองเทียบเคียงตำแหน่งดาวในพื้นดวงของตัวเองเทียบกับไพ่ได้ค่ะ ว่าถ้าถอดรหัสดาวในพื้นดวงเป็นไพ่แล้ว ตำแหน่งใดจะได้ไพ่อะไรกันบ้าง ก็อาจจะได้รับมุมมองใหม่ๆของการอ่านพื้นดวงที่แตกต่างไปจากเดิมอีกมากเลยทีเดียวค่ะ
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centerspirited · 4 months
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Change is gonna come. Pluto Enters Aquarius
Pluto, one of the outer planets, known as a  Lord of Karma, Is about to make a astrological transit.
Now you might be thinking “Well, Planets transit all the time. Why is this any different”?  Well the outer planets aka the Karmic Planets are not the fastest moving objects in the realm of Astrology.  The fastest  of the karmic planets is Saturn which completes its transit of a house  in 2 and half years. Uranus transits every 7 years, Neptune every 14 and Pluto every 15 years.
Pluto, in astrology, represents power in its raw form. The force of life and death. It governs transform,  procreation, secrets, dominance and esoteric knowledge . It is the ruler or governing planet for the sign of Scorpio. It is represented by the Major Arcana Death Card in the Tarot.
Pluto entered the house of Capricorn January 27 2008 and with periodic retrogrades(all planets retrograde throughout the course of their transits) will remain in that sign until March 23rd.  On March 24 it will begin its entry into the sign of Aquarius.  It will remain one the cusp of Aquarius/Cusp for much of this year.
Because the planet’s orb, the energy it exerts (8 degrees to either side of the planet’s current position) in house, it effects will be felt in both houses/signs. It will announce itself in some fashion, bursting in on the scene and then recede into the background, The best analogy is  like turning on a radio?then reducing its volume.
The transition or change that will be felt both inwardly and outwardly. While the outer planets can produce dramatic effects during its travel of a house, Pluto builds slowly and subtly , having the next 15 years to effect its changes. As with all planets,  it goes retrograde through the course of a year.  On May 2 it begin will move back into House of Capricorn, regressing to 27 degrees until October 11th On that date it will go direct again in Capricorn.
While  on the Cusp from March to May, Pluto  will finish up its work from the  long transit in the sign of Capricorn.
  Capricorn, cardinal Earth sign, is concerned with personal ambition, rules, boundaries and limits. With Pluto in Capricorn you may have to work on a lengthy project or endeavor, learning the rules of how things worked, who was in those changes and the way things function depending where Pluto transited through Capricorn in your chart.
In 2023, Pluto will tidy up loose ends in anticipation of its journey through Aquarius..Capricorn’s which governs authority, time,  maturity and  material reality will filter these proceedings, concluding old business and concerns. Pluto in Capricorn will lay down the groundwork for a new structure, employing a different sets of rules and limitations.
  The aspects produced byPluto on the Capricorn/Aquarius cusp  will produce a variety of Aspects(Conjunctions, Trines, Squares, Oppositions) that we’ll need to navigate in the coming year. Check back for updates and latest forecasts  in the coming month.
  Pluto, the power of change will offer transformation in all our lives. Being open and ready for it may be the most productive thing we can do.
Aeion is a professional astrologer and tarot card reader with 30+ years of experience. His approach is based in the belief that divination should be employed to enhance one's life experiences. Let Astrology and Tarot be your tools for better living.
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Tarot Lessons 101
Lesson 14
The 13th card of the Major Arcana numbered 12 is The Hanged Man
Numerology: 12/3
Astrology: Neptune
This card is about growth, suspense, surrender, change, not rushing decisions. In reverse it's about being impatient and vulnerable, selfish.
Careerwise and financially this card indicates a suspension of your duties in order to meet the requirements of others. Healthwise this card indicates a necessary sacrifice of your resources and freedom to make a recovery. Relationships this card indicates a unique situation where you can abandon yourself to the relationship itself and allow it to take you to an expected insight. Travel and lifestyle this card indicates a suspension of activity. Education this card indicates sudden insight from lots of learning. Spiritual awareness and self-development this card indicates a necessary sacrifice.
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activatedspirit · 2 years
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Notes on The Fool (The Wanderer)
Four Pillars Society Tarot by Gary Rosenberg (GAR) and Nyxsaurius Fallsong
 Legend: Through the Tiger’s Maw and Cracking Egg, a new existence has begun
 Artist’s Notes:
A black translucent egg is seen hovering over the mostly formless ground. Within the egg can be seen what appears to be a brain and a heart. The egg is cracking and there seems to be some kind of energy radiating through, enveloping the egg as if it were about to crack open. On top of the egg is a cream-coloured top hat with a pink band. At a strange angle, a tiger can be seen. Hanging from the tiger’s maw is the bindlestiff that is normally carried by either vagabonds or the Fool in many tarot decks. The Tiger is walking away from the egg. Around the card can be seen various barely formed sigils that seem to be almost shifting in a manner as if they were constantly reforming in synch with the egg. 
Potential and Possibility have amazing potency. The only limits come from the imagination or lack of it. If you combine the Fool’s (0) Possibility with the Focused intent of the Magus (1) then manifestation will occur. Nothing and Everything in a constant dance. Yet no matter how much becomes manifest, potential never becomes diminished. Each time the egg opens, an existence runs its course, the fool’s quest begins and ends again and it all returns and begins again. The realized heart of the Fool from earlier existences finds its way by chance into a new cycle of becoming. 
About the Archetype: 
Many people see the sequence of the Major Arcana as representing a journey towards self-actualization. This journey may be a physical one, a psychological one, or a spiritual one. Following the Golden Dawn teachings, this journey starts with The Fool. The Fool’s number is 0 and as such he or she holds the potential for all things. The Fool is beyond duality and indeed one way of looking at the Major Arcana is as the journey back after the fall into duality (represented by the Magician and the High Priestess) and the reconciliation thereafter. The Fool is both seed and egg, representing the potential to be all. He / She is the hero of Joseph Campbell’s Hero cycle. We represent the Fool anytime we embark on a new phase of life, especially ones where we leave our safety zones and enter the unknown. Consider Alice jumping down the rabbit hole or Jack about to climb the beanstalk. It is not accidental that so many of these metaphors seem somewhat Freudian. In adolescence, we individuate from our families and awake to our own sexual identities, almost a literal fall to adulthood. 
Above everything else this breaking away and embarking on our own adventure is exhilarating as it is frightening. Jack joyfully climbs the beanstalk as Alice slides down the rabbit hole as Dorothy travels to Oz. They maintain their curiosity, their nerve, their instincts, and their intelligence.
In typical depictions of the Fool, he has his belongings tied onto a staff he carries representing the qualities he brings into the adventure. In my version, the guitar symbolizes exactly that. The dog barking at his feet represents the Fool’s instincts and intuition which help guide him or her along their way.
 Astrological Correspondence:
Planet: Uranus (Element of Air)
When the tarot was first popularized, the only planetary attributes that were used were the Sun, Moon, and the five classical planets (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn). Uranus was not discovered until 1781. This was followed by the discovery of Neptune in 1846 and Pluto in 1930. Originally The Fool, The Hanged Man, and Judgement were said to be ruled by the elements of Air, Water, and Fire respectively while the World had both the planet Saturn and the element of Earth attributed to it. 
Air is the element of thought and any undertaking begins with an idea. We wish to learn something or find out what will happen when trying something and we do it. Often this requires a leap of the imagination if not faith. Air is the element of Spring and of all new beginnings and starts. 
Uranus is often called the ‘awakener’ astrologically there can be many startling changes in whatever area of our chart Uranus is travelling through at the time. The influence of Uranus is innovative, intuitive, and inventive and encourages us to use the talents we have in ways we had never thought of before.
 In a Reading: 
When the Fool turns up in a reading it is often an indication that we cannot reason ourselves out of our current state. Instead, we need to trust the adventure and our instincts and jump. It may indicate that we have embarked on a new stage of life and we need to go with it in a spirit of openness and joy. The Fool tells us to trust our hearts and let go of fear-based thinking. It is possible that the Fool is cautioning us against reckless behaviour and telling us that we are close to ‘falling off a cliff’. Usually, we seldom come that close to disaster without feeling it on some level so once again the Fool is telling us to trust those instincts.
 The reversed or badly aspected Fool quite often tells us we need to reason things out more than we have and that our actions of late may have been a bit foolhardy. It may indicate that in pursuing our own path we may have been inconsiderate and neglectful of those around us. It may also be an indication that we need to connect more with our inner selves. 
Fate’s Whisper:
At first glance, the most relatable part of the card is the Fool’s bindlestiff. Traditionally it was held by the Fool however he is nowhere to be seen. The Tiger of Chance, which holds the Spark of Life in the Four Pillars Legend, could be easily blamed for eating him. That isn’t the case though, the mind and heart of the fool seem to be in this egg of sorts. Knowing the Fool it could be another leap he is about to take. 
It is also worth noting that the top hat seems to be a part of the egg as if they are both a part of the same being. Could this be another trick of the Tiger? It would seem that until the egg hatches anything is possible.
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nasiknews · 2 years
Assigning the Transpersonal Planets to the Major Arcana
Assigning the Transpersonal Planets to the Major Arcana
The transpersonal planets Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, formally “discovered” in the modern age, can shed light upon the nature of three elemental Major Arcana cards of Tarot: The Fool, Hanged Man, and Judgement/Aeon. Study of the archetypal resonances of these planets will broaden the meanings beyond the visible, or commonly ascribed, nature of these cards. Classical traditional astrology only…
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illumoonated · 4 years
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the MOON (XVIII) - Pisces’ Card - Water - Ruled by Neptune
Upright: Hidden Things, Abstraction, Subconscious, Illusion, Deep Dive
Reversed: Confusion, Mixed Messages, Unusual Dreams, No Clear Path
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lilithiansun · 4 years
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Daily Tarot Card #34: XII - The Hanged Man (Upright) Martyrdom, sacrifice, release, surrender, letting go, confinement, uncertainty, feeling trapped, self-limitation, lack of direction.
We find ourselves trapped in situations we think we can’t escape. However, we are the ones trapping ourselves. Confinement turns out to actually be self-limitation. Once we realize this, we can finally let go. One can achieve this by looking at the situation from a different angle.
The Hanged Man is astrologically associated with the planet Neptune.
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cosmopoliturtle · 2 years
Now that you mentioned all your starters have a motif what are the other starters?
Ye I can give a kind of break down of each generation. I guess as a disclaimer though some of them 100x more blatent then others just based on where my headspace was at the time of drawing them (the bulk of the redesign project took over something like, 5 years).
A lot of them I didn't intend for people to have a "eureka" moment while looking at them because it was mainly just a way for me to get inspired and find imagery that I felt would tie the starter Pokemon to one another. Also I feel like the brunt of the motif is usually in the last stage of the evolutionary line but that isn't a hard rule so I'll still be labeling them by their first stage. So that being said here is the list:
Gen. 1  Motif - Planets/Roman Astrology
Bulbasaur Line - Venus 
Charmander Line - Mars
Squirtle Line - Neptune
Gen. 2 Motif - Chakras
Chikorita Line - Anahata, Ajna
Cyndaquil Line - Muladhara, Manipura
Totodile Line - Vishuddha, Svadhisthana 
All of them have purple markings to represent Sahasrara
Gen. 3 Motif - Epic of Gilgamesh
Treecko Line - Enkidu 
Torchic Line - Gilgamesh
Mudkip Line - Utnapishtim
The Mesopotamian influence stuck around for the legendary trio as well, particularily Groudon who was inspired by Gugalanna
Gen. 4/Hisui Motif - Imperial Regalia of Japan
Turtwig Line / Decidueye - Bronze Mirror
Chimchar Line / Typhlosion - Magatama 
Piplup Line / Samurott - Grass-Cutting Sword 
Gen. 5 Motif - Greek Myths
Snivy Line - Myth of Perseus 
Tepig Line - Myth of Hercules 
Oshawott Line - Myth of Odysseus
A couple of other Pokemon throughout the generation have some slight Greek motifs but it didn't carry out throughout the whole thing i.e. the Timburr line and the Golett line
Gen. 6 Motif - Minor Arcana
Chespin Line - Pentacles
Fennekin Line - Wands
Froakie Line - Cups
Honedge Line gets to stand in for Swords (harhar)
Gen. 7 Motif - Celestial Objects
Rowlet Line - Stars
Litten Line - Sun
Popplio Line - Moon
Like Gen. 5 the theme also trickled down to a few Pokemon throughout the series i.e. Komala, Turtonator, and Drampa
Gen. 8 Motif - Treasures of the Tuatha Dé Danann (More obvious in their gigantamaxes)
Grookey Line - Stone of Destiny - Gigantamax
Scorbunny Line - Sword of Light - Gigantamax
Sobble Line - Spear of Lugh - Gigantamax
I tried to incorporate the 4th treasure, the Cauldron of Dagda, into Eternamax Eternatus 
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hovee-studies · 3 years
Tarot + Astrology (pt.1)
The Major Arcana and their astrological representations.
╔═════ ∘◦ ⛧ミ ◦∘ ══════╗
A little guide:
red - fire signs
green - earth signs
yellow - air signs
blue - water signs
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»»————- ★ ————-««
These cards are ruled by the following signs:
4. The Emperor - Aries
5. The Hierophant - Taurus
6. The Lovers - Gemini
7. The Chariot - Cancer
8. Strength - Leo
9. The Hermit - Virgo
11. Justice - Libra
13. Death - Scorpio
14. Temperance - Sagittarius
15. The Devil - Capricorn
17. The Star - Aquarius
18. The Moon - Pisces
»»————- ★ ————-««
These cards, however, do not have a sign which rules them. Instead, they have planets and elements:
0. The Fool - Uranus, Air
1. The Magician - Mercury, Air
2. The High Priestess - Moon, Water
3. The Empress - Venus, Earth
10. The Wheel of Fortune - Jupiter, Fire
12. The Hanged Man - Neptune, Water
16. The Tower - Mars, Fire
19. The Sun - Sun, Fire
20. Judgement - Pluto, Fire
21. The World - Saturn, Earth
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servantofthefates · 3 years
The stars are carved into the cards. A reader’s ability is fragmentary without knowledge of astrology.
Each Major Arcana is a sign or a planet. This is crucial when you are identifying people. Who will you marry? Who will your child be? A Pisces or an Aries?
The Fool is Uranus. They are both unpredictable.
The Magician is Mercury. They are both intelligent.
The High Priestess is The Moon. They are both intuitive.
The Empress is Venus. They are the Queen of Queens.
The Emperor is Aries. They are natural leaders.
The Hierophant is Taurus. They embody stability.
The Lovers is Gemini. They represent duality.
The Chariot is Cancer. They carry their home with them.
Strength is Leo. They are the epitome of bravery.
The Hermit is Virgo. They are both analytical.
Wheel of Fortune is Jupiter. They are givers of abundance.
Justice is Libra. They both strive for fairness.
The Hanged Man is Neptune. They both love introspection.
Death is Scorpio. They are the masters of transformation.
Temperance is Sagittarius. Both are about achieving balance.
The Devil is Capricorn. Both are tied to the physical world.
The Tower is Mars. They are equally destructive.
The Star is Aquarius. They both have many dreams.
The Moon is Pisces. They are natural mystics.
The Sun is The Sun. They represent life and vitality.
Judgement is Pluto. They are both ruthlessly vindictive.
The World is Saturn. Commanders of the material.
Moreover, when predicting the future, the signs’ corresponding Court Cards indicate timing. When will your dream come true? A month from now or two?
The Knight of Wands is Mutable Fire Sagittarius. End of November to most of December.
The Queen of Wands is Cardinal Fire Aries. End of March to most of April.
The King of Wands is Fixed Fire Leo. End of July to most of August.
The Knight of Cups is Mutable Water Pisces. End of February to most of March.
The Queen of Cups is Cardinal Water Cancer. End of June to most of July.
The King of Cups is Fixed Water Scorpio. End of October to most of November.
The Knight of Swords is Mutable Air Gemini. End of May to most of June.
The Queen of Swords is Cardinal Air Libra. End of September to most of October.
The King of Swords is Fixed Air Aquarius. End of January to most of February.
The Knight of Pentacles is Mutable Earth Virgo. End of August to most of September.
The Queen of Pentacles is Cardinal Earth Capricorn. End of December to most of January.
The King of Pentacles is Fixed Earth Taurus. End of April to most of May.
If you can remember these, reading tarot will be a breeze.
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