#the arm flying into frame to smack him lmao
faunandfloraas · 3 months
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[clowns his hyung while doing aegyo voice]
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ice lolly, m | ksj
pairing(s): seokjin x reader
summary: You (accidentally?) deep throat a popsicle in front of Min Yoongi. It's not what it looks like! Well, it kinda is, but you have a good reason! You just want to give your boyfriend, Kim Seokjin, a mind-blowing blowjob and you read some stuff online and, uh... okay, that still doesn't sound like a good reason, but I swear it is.
warnings: rated M (18+) for language; established relationship; featuring seagull-BTS LOL; crack and fluff; smut (fem reader, m-receiving oral); ft Min Yoongi witnessing your, um, attempt XD; my tongue technology strikes again, maybe you'll learn something?
this is inspired by your hapless adventures, cat whiskers. you told me not to do it, but I'm a brat and I did it anyway LMAO get rekt
You read this thing online.
What if you just...
"What are you doing?"
You started with a shriek, jamming the entire ice lolly right into the back of your throat, instantly choking and yanking it out of your mouth, only for it to be flung off the wooden stick and fly across the sidewalk, leaving a long, ice-blue streak of melting sugar syrup ending with a demolished hunk of discarded popsicle.
A seagull immediately appeared to peck at it.
You gawked, still clutching the wooden stick, Min Yoongi standing beside the bench you were sitting on.
"Why did you try to deep throat your popsicle?"
A second seagull arrived to peck at the icy hunk of sugar water.
Your mouth was still open, mechanically jerking to face him with fire-red cheeks, and it wasn’t because of the bright sunny weather. He looked very much like a disgruntled cat with his expression, black eyebrow raised, dark brown eyes narrowed, pink lips slightly pursed. Yoongi squinted disapprovingly from under his wide-brimmed straw hat. He wore a long-sleeved black shirt under a white t-shirt, breezy black trousers, and sandals.
Yoongi hated the sun.
A third seagull flapped down onto the boardwalk and joined the other two to poke at the rapidly melting mess on the ground.
He raised a hand dismissively, eyes flicking away from you. "On second thought, don't tell me. I don't want to know." Yoongi jammed his black clutch under his armpit and ripped open his own cold sweet treat, turning away from you to face the ocean.
A fourth seagull flocked over to peck one of them in the head and assist in devouring the ice pop.
"Hey, hyung, what flavor did you get?" a smooth baritone voice piped, appearing in an aqua-and-pink colorful shirt and brown shorts with snazzy sunglasses and tan skin.
You were staring at the four seagulls eating your ice lolly with glee, somewhat frozen yourself, feeling a mixture of jealous, mortified, and absolutely ready to chuck yourself into the ocean if Yoongi said anything to out you to Kim Taehyung right now.
"I don't know. I told them to pick one at random," the straw hat replied.
A fifth seagull appeared, slightly smaller than the rest, poking one in the neck and squawking before trying to prod at the puddle of blue syrup with a small chunk of ice in it.
"I got strawberry," Taehyung replied.
Two more seagulls swooped down, pushing the other five all around. All of them were now pecking at the ice-blue sugar syrup, honking and squawking. Like laughter. One of the seagulls had a weird cry, like a cloth rubbed onto wet glass.
Or a windshield wiper on a car window.
You narrowed your eyes at the seven seagulls.
We they... laughing at you?
"Strawberry-flavored things are the worst."
You jumped as someone sat down next to you, ripping open a paper package. He was wearing a short-sleeved pale pink dress shirt with a flashy tie and long blue shorts. A familiar someone dressed like this. He placed his backpack down next to you, smiling brilliantly. Full lips, sparkling brown eyes, milk chocolate-colored locks framing his handsome face.
Your boyfriend, Kim Seokjin.
He grinned and leaned in, kissing you lightly. Then he became flustered and laughed awkwardly, a little squeaky, almost like a windshield wiper on a car window.
"Hah, sorry, you looked really cute just now."
You blinked rapidly.
Do you tell your boyfriend that you tried to deep throat your ice lolly in attempt to see if you could extend your tongue around the bottom because you read on a certain-website-not-to-be-named that it might be possible to suck dick and lick balls at the same time and you were determined to learn so you could perform said act?
And do you tell Seokjin that Min Yoongi caught you in the middle of it?
Seokjin cheerfully licked at his lemon ice pop, oblivious to your inner struggle.
"Where's yours? I thought you got one too?"
The seven seagulls cackled. You glared at them, ready to fight.
Never mind, you paled to the color of rice paper as the deep voice with a little rasp to it appeared beside Seokjin, straw hat and all. You wished you could merge with your pastel floral summer dress and float off with the sea breeze, straight into the ocean after seeing the deadpan expression of Min Yoongi holding a mint green popsicle.
He looked bored, but his eyes were mocking you.
"She dropped it by accident."
"Ah, really?" Seokjin frowned, nudging you with his hand. "Here, have some of mine. I'll share with you." He wrapped his arm around you and patted your shoulder fondly, holding his ice lolly out to you. You felt your heart skip a little at his kindness and closeness.
Yoongi smirked behind Seokjin's head.
You narrowed your eyes at him.
The seven seagulls flapped off, flying above five guys standing near you three, eating icy sweet treats together on the boardwalk this sunny day, enjoying this nice retreat to the sea. A lone seagull popped out from behind a trashcan, trotting over, eyeing the wet spot of sugar syrup soaked into asphalt.
It slunk away in a back corner, dejected that there was nothing left.
"Come on, hurry before it melts."
You nibbled off a chunk. Mmm. Cold, lemony, and delicious. You smiled at Seokjin gratefully and he smiled back, warm and inviting, his cheeks puffing a little like the edges of raised bread. A little sheepish at the public display of affection, but unable to help it when he was with you.
"You might as well stick the whole thing in your mouth," Yoongi said off-handedly, walking away to the group of five guys, leaving you choking on the bench again as Seokjin rubbed your back soothingly, worriedly asking you what was wrong.
"Erm, it's not what it sounds like–"
“I swear it’s not what It sounds like!”
Seokjin yanked the towel off his head, half-dried brown hair sticking up every which way, gawping at you with a slack jaw and shocked brown eyes. He was wearing his emerald green silk pajamas, fresh after a nice shower from the hot day. You too, wore a set of pajamas, a matching outfit with Seokjin.
“It’s not what it sounds like?” he sputtered, flabbergasted, partly flabbered but mostly aghast.
You opened your mouth and closed it. Then you opened it again.
“Okay, it is what it sounds like, but–!”
Why did you bring this up now? Well, your boyfriend was asking you if you wanted to take some medicine and sleep early because you said you weren’t feeling well at dinner. He was a sweet bean and wanted the best for you, and the truth came out in mid-discussion. Seokjin and you had left earlier than everyone else, declining the scenic walk home, mostly because you could no longer stand Yoongi making snide remarks that meant nothing to anyone else except you.
“You might need a bit more force to suck up that thick milkshake. Or wait for it to melt.”
“That’s a pretty big piece of steak. Maybe you should cut it a bit smaller, so you don’t choke.”
“You sure you don’t want to stay for dessert? We could stop by the store and get you an ice lolly on our way home.”
You glared at him all evening.
Yoongi just smirked when Seokjin wasn’t looking.
“Why would you do that in public?” Seokjin was saying, yanking you back to reality and out of your daydreams of socking that smug little shit in the face. “Why would you do that at all?”
“G-Gah, it… it just… just occurred to me…”
“It occurred to you to suck an ice lolly like a dick?”
Seokjin looked as if he was going to pass out and divorce you at the same time and you weren’t even married yet.
“Why, because you’re going to suck frozen dick at some point in your life? Because my dick isn’t ever at subzero temperatures, so unless you’re sucking Mr. Freeze or Subzero’s dick–”
You waved your arms in a panicky manner, flapping your sleeves like a fucking seagull. “No, no, no, I read something online–”
“Oh, you read something online!” he exclaimed, wiggling in place, and now it sure as hell sounded like Kim Seokjin was mocking you while also being disappointed in you and if that wasn’t the most big dad energy you weren’t sure what was. “Yes, because that totally means you should perform fellatio on an ice pop in front of Yoongi of all fucking people! Are you trying to get bronchitis or something–”
“I admit it was a mistake!”
“A miss-take! It was a terrible take! Cut! Refilm! Actually, no, because maybe don’t try to give a blowjob to a fucking popsicle at the boardwalk in broad daylight!”
You smacked Seokjin in the chest and he looked highly offended, finally shutting up for one goddamn second so you could (poorly) explain your logic behind the incident.
“Look, Yoongi was not supposed to be there. At all. I got mine first and you all were deciding and arguing, so I decided to sit down and eat it, but then I noticed it was a specific length–”
Seokjin’s eyebrows rose so high they nearly left his face.
You prodded him in the pecs and he winced, pouting at you.
“So, I tried to put it in my mouth, but then Yoongi showed up and fucking spooked me and I jabbed myself in the throat because I was surprised and ended up rocket-launching my ice lolly across the sidewalk and then these fucking seagulls showed up, those bastards–”
“None of this explains why you tried to do it in the first place.”
Your eyes shifted awkwardly.
Seokjin impatiently tapped his naked wrist that had no watch on it.
“I read it… in an online smut story I was reading…”
You perfectly handsome boyfriend might actually get a wrinkle if he continued to raise his eyebrows to the fucking moon. “You do what?”
You poked your index fingers together, biting your lip. “Because… I’m not very good at it… so I was thinking maybe I could learn some tips or something…”
Now his voice was soft, immediately dropping the act and his anger. You saw him reach out and place his hand over yours, wrapping his fingers around tightly, tugging. You looked up and he tilted his head, brow knitted in worry.
“Hey,” Seokjin frowned, full lower lip sticking out. “What do you mean, you’re not good at it? You are. I like everything you do.”
You chewed on your lip anxiously. “But… but…” It was a stupid thought and, honestly, not that big of a deal, but it had been eating away at you for a while, so you just winced and let it out.
“You never finish with my mouth.”
Rapid blinking was his response. His eyebrows disappeared under his brown hair again.
“And it bothers me. You always finish with your hand into my mouth, but I can’t seem to do it by myself.”
Seokjin’s lips parted, looking apologetic. “Why didn’t you say anything sooner?”
You wrung your hands, loosening his grip on you. “I don’t know, it seems weird to say in the moment and it’s embarrassing… I thought maybe I wasn’t good enough…”
“No, no,” he said gently, holding your shoulders and shaking his head. “I...” His ears turned bright red and he swallowed. “I just like… seeing it shoot out into your mouth.” He coughed awkwardly, squeezing your shoulders. “It’s, er, nice, watching my cum drip onto your tongue and lips…” Seokjin cleared his throat and smiled, cheeks puffing out, looking a bit like the sides of freshly baked bread. “I didn’t realize my selfishness was making you feel inadequate. That’s not it at all. I only wanted to make it easier on you, and, cough, it’s kind of hot…”
“O… oh.”
He patted your shoulder fondly. “It’s only a misunderstanding. We can do whatever you want next time, okay? I’m sorry I made you feel that way. I will do better.”
You nodded and smiled, feeling much more relieved about the whole thing. Seokjin always had the ability to help you let things go, and it always made you feel a little lighter. It was part of the past now and you wouldn’t be bothered if Yoongi teased you any longer, because you had the best boyfriend in the whole world. There was no need to feel embarrassed.
You wrapped your arms around Seokjin and gave him a big, fierce hug.
Only to be impaled in the lower stomach.
You jerked back, whipping your head down.
“No, no, no, stop! Stop looking!”
“Why are you hard?!”
Seokjin waved his arms and abruptly flapped his hands down on his massive tent. “We were talking about blowjobs! And you! What do you think is going to happen?” he spluttered, the red creeping from his ears to his cheeks now, matching the exact shades used on merchandise during Christmas time with emerald green pajamas and a red face.
You gawked at him and he gawked back.
“This is a perfect chance!”
“No, no, no, it is not, cease and desist, woman! Everyone is coming back soo–Gah!”
There was flurry of movement and Seokjin’s pajama pants were flung off, along with his shirt, and you were pushing him down onto the bed, him panicking the entire time, but he couldn’t have been that mad about it, because he was helping you by backing up, yelping as you hooked your fingers over the waistband of his underwear and yanked down, freeing his erection that nearly slapped you in the face.
“You trying to take out my eyeball?” you teased, grinning.
“You assaulting me and you’re upset that I’m fighting back?” Seokjin retorted, trying to hide his smile and be serious, but he was terrible at that and so were you, both of you grinning like a pair of idiots.
Well, you were certainly a little bit of an idiot for trying to deep throat a – you’re right, we’ll let it go (for now).
“I learned some things,” you said excitedly, forcing his legs open abruptly and making him squeak.
“Things? Ack!”
You leaned down and lifted his hard length up delicately, licking a fat stripe from base to tip, sighing softly as you came into contact with the velvety skin and his clean scent, Seokjin gasping above you, but suddenly this was not about him, this was about the cock in front of you and all the information you had complied to this point, ready to apply your learning. You wrapped your lips around the head, swiping your tongue on the underside, and Seokjin groaned, hips twitching but you grabbed them and pressed them firmly to the bed, shooting him a glare.
“Don’t interrupt me,” you growled around his dick.
He gave you a helpless frown. “Hello, I’m still attached to this di–”
You stared at him and slid your tongue out from your lips, swirling it around his girth, pressing the sensitive tip around the contours of your mouth, his eyes widening as he witnessed spit dripping from the wet muscle.
“O… oh…”
You let your eyes drift over his form, slowly, slowly, savoring the lines of his body, broad shoulders, shapely collarbones, the curve downwards to his trim waist, all the while taking him your mouth, tongue and lips soft and mouth tight, breathing deeply, eyes flickering up to his face and his expanding pupils, watching you with awe.
“Holy shit… and you’re not even naked… o-oh, fuck…”
You cocked an eyebrow, probably looking much more confident than you actually felt, but that didn’t matter. Fake it till you make it, right? And besides, every protagonist in every story has a moment of letting go and having courage and this was your moment, inorganic or not, flexing your tongue against Seokjin’s ever stiffening length, his breathing turning into wispy moans, watching you poised over him with his dick in your mouth, still wearing the silk pajamas and yet.
He watched you with amazement, love and lust in his brown orbs.
“You’re the most beautiful woman in the world.”
Your ears burned hot and you tried not to choke on his dick in embarrassment.
Don’t ruin the moment!
Somehow you managed not to freak out and pressed your lips to the base of his cock, hitting his crotch, the uncomfortable feeling of too full expanding your throat, the head practically plugging your airway, but one glance at Seokjin and the suffocation was worth it, seeing him tip his head back, messy brown hair sliding past his forehead, groaning your name with his eyes closed.
You pulled back a little, took a breath, and went back down for the kill.
“What the fuck…?”
Lower lip opening, tongue stretching out, only able to move the tip a bit at the top of his balls. Hm. This wasn’t working. You adjusted and cupped a hand under them, lifting the two soft mounds and pressing them to your chin, your tongue swiping out over them, his dick bending a little in your mouth (more flexible and a lot warmer than an ice lolly, by the way), and Seokjin was losing it above you, shuddering and whining, a mix of curses and your name as you turned your head to get a different angle, the tip of his cock pushed to one side of your throat, determined to see what was most comfortable and got you the best reaction, saliva coating his balls and causing them to become more slippery. You furrowed your brows and gripped his balls tighter, smearing the slick liquid over the soft skin and Seokjin moaned obscenely loudly, falling onto the bed, back arching.
“Oooh, fuck, fuck, fuck…”
Abruptly, your throat spasmed, reminding you that needed to breathe, and you pulled back, coughing and panting slightly.
“Does that feel good?” you wheezed. Not the sexiest. You grimaced and cleared your throat, asking again. “Did that feel good for you?”
Seokjin tipped his head up, brown eyes glazed over, breathing hard. “Ah… It feels nice, but I don’t think I could finish with that…” Your frown deepened, but he shook his head, sending his brown hair floating everywhere. “It’s not tight enough. But it’s an insane turn on, so I think I could cum faster after…” He coughed, cheeks flushing. “After feeling and seeing it, you know?”
Your frown erased and you nodded, gently rubbing his soaked balls, seeing him shiver and his breathing shallow. “I think I understand, yeah.”
“Can… ah, can you finish me, p-please, ack, you k-keep – fuuuuuuuck…”
You went down again, but this time your focus was on the tightness of your mouth, tongue sliding from side to side, bobbing your head in a smooth, swift motion, keeping your lips soft, eyes closing as you felt his cock twitch inside your mouth, completely focused on the sensation of Seokjin in between your lips, breathing him in, the soft scent of fresh soap and his sweetness, trying to remember if there was anything you had forgotten.
Ah, yes!
You tipped your head back slightly and Seokjin cried out, heady and erotic, as the head of his cock dragged along the roof of your mouth before burying into your throat, over and over, hot saliva and a squirming tongue amplifying the sensation, realizing you needed to relax your throat but clench your mouth muscles while relaxing your lips and doing all this while keeping track of where his cock was going in your mouth so you didn’t accidentally choke on his dick.
A whole new level of multitasking.
Was the writer of that erotica you were reading some kind of sex god, because what the fuck–
But it didn’t matter, because even if it was sloppy and you couldn’t focus on all these things simultaneously, Seokjin was feeling only pleasure, fingers curling in the sheets, barely able to choke out his words through his moans.
“F-Faster, please…”
Faster? You could barely keep up as it was!
“Please…” he whined and you obeyed immediately, faster it was, because you were weak for him, weak for Kim Seokjin and his pleading face, pupils so blown out he seemed intoxicated, drunk on pleasure, and that made you aroused too, seeing your effect of him, tightening ever more and increasing the pace, the wet smacking sounds quickening, echoing in the bedroom with his lustful groans of your name, so sweet and loving that if you weren’t going to pass out from how fast you were going, you were surely going to pass out from the overwhelming adoration in his eyes. It made you push for a little bit more, push your limits a little harder, made you feel like you could do this.
For him.
“Oh, fuck, I’m gonna cum, fuck!”
Seokjin gripped the sheets tight and threw his head back, chest expanding with a low moan, thrusting his hips up and cock jolting, shooting thick streams into your throat, and your eyes widened, forced to stop, feeling his cum pool, creamy and viscous, tasting the delicious saltiness at the base of your tongue, your eyelids fluttering a little at the feeling of the tip rutting against the roof of your mouth and more dribbling out, coating the inside of your mouth.
Oooh, fuck, it felt good.
You swallowed, feeling victorious and insanely horny, tongue circling round and round his flinching stiffness, able to sense the pulse and his shudders, descending again because you couldn’t get enough, so good, the feeling of him still in your mouth, him shivering at your persistent licks and light sucks, stroking his hips and moaning at the skin to skin.
The front door banged open downstairs and there was a lot of laughing and shouting.
Your eyes snapped open and Seokjin looked back at you in sheer panic.
The footsteps up the stairs proved they were being taken two at a time.
Never had Seokjin yanked his cock so fast out of your lips (sad) and snatched his underwear and pajamas, bolting to the bathroom and throwing himself in there in record time the literal second the bedroom door was yanked open by rambunctious strength and a grin whose front teeth were ever-so-slightly too large for his face.
“Hyung, noona!”
You were laying with your head in your hand and your elbow on the bed, which was probably too sexual and weird for Jeon Jungkook, but that was all you got that this moment. He gave you a slightly disturbed and confused look under his big black bucket hat.
“Where’s hyung?”
You coughed and lowered your hand, trying to get in a less awkward position. “B-bathroom…” you rasped. Oh no. Did you go too hard? You sounded a bit like the crypt keeper. Fortunately, you didn’t look like one, so there was that. You rubbed your throat, wincing at the soreness. You definitely went a bit rough. You weren’t no young spring chicken anymore. You were going to feel that in the morning.
Sacrifices had to be made.
Jungkook pouted, bounding up to you and tilting his head. He was a moving black fabric mountain with his long-sleeved shirt and billowy shorts. “Are you really sick, noona? Do you want hot tea or some milk?”
Oh my God, Jungkook, I just sucked some dick and that’s why I sound dead.
Don’t say that.
“I… I’ll be fine, Jungkook. Did you have a nice walk?”
“Oh, yeah! There were fireworks! I think the city was celebrating something, and it was so colorful and pretty…”
You sat there and nodded, trying to listen intently while trying not to think about how Seokjin was in the bathroom rinsing off his saliva and cum-covered dick literal meters from you and oblivious Jungkook.
You saw movement behind Jungkook’s excitedly bouncing head. No straw hat, just black hair flattened against his forehead, covering his cat-like, dark brown eyes.
He smirked, holding up a box.
Frozen ice lollys, the fizzy soda flavor that was light blue.
A muscle in your eye twitched.
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GeOrGeWeAsLeYpUnIsHmEnT. Don't ask, I'm going through a phase lmao-
Forgive me if his personality isn’t portrayed correctly, I shamefully admit that I don’t know a lot about our tall ginger 
Ngl I really love this one it just hits different
Enjoy :) <3
Warning: 18+, SMUTTY GIF BE CAREFUL!!!! 
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George has always been proud of the fact that he can make you laugh so hard your stomach hurts and you plead him to shut up. It was just something about the way your eyes lit up and you’d flush an adorable shade of red and god you just look so giggly and fuckable. You don’t even notice how everyone swoons and puts even more effort in making you laugh. It was so intimate to him, that whenever someone else besides his brothers made you laugh, he would sulk. 
“The joke wasn’t even funny, she probably laughed because she didn’t want to be rude!”, he’d complain to Fred. His brother would just clap him on the back sympathetically and tell him that the joke had been pretty decent. And George would slap him. And Fred’s middle name is petty, so he told you about it.
“He said what?”
Fred nodded, a smirk on his face. “He gets so bloody jealous, it’s kinda sweet.”
You blinked, still surprised. “I never noticed. Is that why he always gets so silent? Because he’s jealous that I laughed?”
“No, not because you laughed. It’s the way everyone stares at you, like they want a  piece of your a-”
“Enough”, you laughed, “I get it. And why are you telling me this now?”
Fred wiggled his brows suggestively. “I want to prank him. Please just laugh really loud when someone makes a joke. Exaggerate, put your hand on their arm, whatever. Just make him jealous, please?” Fred pleaded. 
You bit your lip, mulling it over. George is pretty hot when he’s angry.
“Fine, I’ll do it. But if he breaks up with me, I’ll expose you!”, you warned. 
Fred grinned “Deal.”
George was fuming as he watched you tutor the boys from your class. You were letting out adorable squeaking noises everytime they made a joke and shyly play with your necklace, drawing the attention to your chest. Glancing over your shoulder you saw him, his jaw clenched as he stared at the boys. Fred was next to him, giving you a thumbs up. You winked, turning back around and resumed your lesson.
George tried to concentrate on his book, but a partucularly loud giggle from your side brought his attention on you. Your boyfriend lost his cool the moment he saw you put your hand on one of the boys’ biceps. George slammed his book shut and sprang up from his seat, marching over. You weren’t quick enough to turn around and he splayed his huge palm across the front of your throat, slamming your head against his stomach. He smashed your lips together in a hard kiss. 
“Get your shit and go to my room.” He growled out, not caring about the audience. He likes showing you off. 
“But-” You tried to reason, gesturing to the boys.
“Now.” His tone was final and you nodded, excusing yourself from the lesson to grab your bag. You’ll just have to stay longer tomorrow.
He was already walking away with big strides, knowing you’d be a good girl and follow him.
“Move it” he said gruffly. You quickly went inside his dorm and he shut the door, turning around to give you an irritated look. 
“What’s wrong Georgie?” Your kept your voice soft, feigning innocence. 
He let out an angry huff. “Oh, nothing, besides having to witness you flirting with a group of boys-”, he spit out the word boys like an insult, “-right infront of my nose. Oh no everything is fucking fine, why don’t you go touch their arms again? Bet they‘re really fit!”
“I wasn’t flirting with anyone!” You argued, loving where this is going. 
“Now you’re lying as well? Fine.”
He grabbed your arm with one hand, the other pushing down your skirt and panties. Tugging you over his lap he put one of his legs over yours to keep you steady.
“Guess I have to remind you who is in control here.”
With that he started to spank you, hitting each cheek with practiced smacks. 
He cut you off with a harsh slap on the bottom part of your ass, making you hiss in pain.
You shut your mouth, but couldn‘t hold in the little whimpers of pain. You felt yourself getting wet, the way he was holding you down and doing whatever he wanted made you crave his touch on your cunt.
„Look at you“, he cooed „getting wet from your punishment.“
Still holding you down tightly, he spread your pussy, his middle finger tracing your slit, before pushing in slightly.
„What a pretty cunt, opening right up to me. So you do know who you belong to“, he mused.
Letting you go he made you sit up on his lap, face level with his and slipped two fingers in, his thumb on your clit. You jumped from the sudden pleasure, hands squeezing his shoulders and rocked your hips to meet his fingers.
„Ah George, please..“ you breathed, kissing him and pleaded some more.
„Please what? Wanna cum?“, he mocked you.
„Yes“, you whined with a high pitched voice, „Yes, please!“
He started to go faster, bringing you to the brink, only to pull out over and over again. His fingers curled and fucked you with ease, knowing exactly what got you off.
Yes were begging him, trying to find a way to appease his rage.
„Please“, you cried out, „Please, make me cum! I swear I didn‘t mean to! Ah it was supposed to be a prank. Fuck, George!“
His eyes widened in surprise and he immediately took his fingers out before you came and you sobbed, wanting his fingers back. You had been so close.
His hand came up to squeeze your jaw and you felt your own slick wetting your face.
„What the fuck did you just say?“ His jaw was set, eyes darkening with fury. His fingers squeezed harder and you winced.
„It was supposed to be a joke. You were so cute when you were jealous and I-“
Your face turned to your right and your cheek stung from the force behind his hand. He grabbed your hair, pulling your head back until you had to look down to be able to see his face.
„Cute huh? Lets see how cute I am when I fuck your face..“
Still holding your hair in his fist he pushed you on your knees, taking his hard cock out of his pants.
„Open your mouth, bitch.“
You open, sticking your tongue out as he leans over you, spitting on it.
„Keep your mouth open.“
You obey, hands behind your back.
George takes his cock, bringing it to your tongue and slowly rubs the head of his cock against it. He holds it there for a few seconds, pumping leisurely and the precum slowly slides down your tongue. You moan, wanting to taste him and he smirks menacingly. Letting go he takes your head in both hands, pulling you back and forth and you move your tonge along the underside.
Pulling your lips around him you suck gently, tongue playing with his tip. You moan when you taste him, taking him out to suckle on the tip. Slapping him on your tongue, your hands move down to touch his balls.
He forces your head down, making you gag as you try to take all of him. George clearly doesn‘t care and grunts, moving your head like you‘re his toy.
„Mmm fuck just like that. You know what‘s cute? Me deciding when you get to breathe.“ He moans out, hips bucking when your throat constricts around him. Your nails dig into his thighs, but George keeps fucking your face without a care in the world.
„Fuck yes“, he groans, „look at your pretty mouth stuffed full of cock.“
You gasp when he lets you breathe again. George takes his cock and rubs it along your lips and cheeks.
He gives you a pout, smiling. „Why are you crying baby, was it hard to breathe?“
„Please George“, you plead, voice meek, „Please fuck me, please please!“
He gives you a smirk, bending down to pick you up. You wrap yourself around his tall frame, ankles locking behind his back. He presses you against the door, kissing you harshly and slips inside with a hard thrust.
You cry out, holding on as he fucks you in a merciless pace, his kiss painful. His right forearm presses your head back against the door and your hands fly up to anchor yourself. The lack of oxygen makes you dizzy and you choke as you mewl.
„Gonna cum please!“
He pulls out with a growl, putting you down to turn your back to him. He fucks back inside, the side of your face pressed against the wood.
„You better keep your mouth shut if you don‘t want the whole tower to hear.“
You bite his palm to keep yourself from screaming when his cock hits that spongey spot inside of your cunt, making you see stars. George twitches inside of you, his own moans loud against the door.
„Want everyone to know how good you make me feel“, he moans into your ear, hissing when your teeth sink into his palm. He takes that as a warning that you‘re about to cum and pulls out, throwing you on the floor. Not giving you time to adjust he fucks your face again.
You gag around him and he leans he head against the door, groans turning into whimpers. Your nose is smushed against his pubic hair, drool leaking from your mouth.
„Fuck gonna cum ah-“
He cums in hot spurts down your throat, voice breaking when he calls out your name. He keeps fucking your face, slowly now and pulls out, crouching down infront of you.
„Please George“, you blabber, so fucking needy. You were delirious with want, just wanting to cum.
„This is your punishment“, he sneers against your parted lips. „You don‘t get to cum today.“
You‘re in the library again, sitting on George‘s lap when you tutor the boys. They don‘t dare to make a single comment, diligently taking notes and not once looking behind you. Your were leaning forward on your elbows, your face resting in your hands, when you felt George‘s hands glide up your legs. You ignored him and continued to teach, balling your fists when he slipped your skirt up. You felt him harden underneath you when he saw the bruises on your ass from yesterday.
You told the boys to mull over a question you asked them and leaned back.
„What are you-“
You didn‘t get far with your question when you felt his cock against your pussy. He slipped in slowly and you felt him stretch you, his hands holding you still.
You gasped in surprise, shading your face with your hand and bit your lip from making any noise.
George just sat there, hands rubbing your thighs and let you teach. You tried to hurry up, your cunt squeezing him accidentally when his fingers would graze your swollen clit. He fucked up into you whenever that happend, clearly not afraid to make you cum in front of everyone.
He gripped your waist pulling you back and his cock grazed your sweet spot, making you whine softly and press back. You were still frustrated from the day before, he hadn‘t let you cum at all.
„Be quiet or I‘ll stop“, he said, biting your earlobe.
„Yes, George.“
„There‘s my good girl.“ He kissed behind your ear and you made sure that the boys were busy with the essay, before you parted your legs to let your boyfriend play with your clit.
His fingers rubbed your clit slowly, before he gradually went faster, circling his hips so his cock would fuck your sweet spot.
„Um, whats the answer to question four?“
Your felt George go faster when he realized that it was ghe boy you touched and tried to answer.
„Um it‘s“, you choked on your words, hand gripping George’s wrist under the table, but he shook it off.
„Goblin revolution“, George responded, voice hard. „Now concentrate.“
The boy immediately looked down, not daring to ask another question. You had your face burried in your hands, tembling slightly.
George thrust up hard, acting like he was adjusting in his seat and you came on his fingers, biting your thumb to keep any noise in. You felt him cum inside of you, a warm feeling spreading in your cunt.
He went back to kissing your neck in attempt to cover his own moans, biting hard when he felt you squeeze him tight.
Slowly he pulled his hand away to bring it up to his lips and you heard him hum around the wet fingers.
Blushing you crossed your legs with him still inside of you and continued the lesson.
„I have my good girl back, yes?“
You flushed at the question, his voice a little too loud. George didn‘t care, he wanted them to hear.
„Yes George.“
And Fred was laughing his ass off behind you. Now everyone would know what a kinky fucking couple you are.
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yee-fxcking-haw · 3 years
Hi!! Could you possibly do a fic with Bakugo and Todoroki based on the lines from the song confident “she said it’s her first time” “I think she might’ve lied”
Where one of the boys are going on about their night with y/n and how it was their first time and the other says “I think she might’ve lied” and so on lol, thank you:)
I,,,, this ask,,,, I like it.
•She Might've Lied•
Summary: What the ask says lmao. Based off of the song Confident by Justin Bieber and Chance the Rapper. (College AU for legal reasons.)
Warnings: Oral (female receiving), mild overstim, multiple orgasms, mentions of a blowjob.
Pairing: Shoto Todoroki x Reader, mentions of Katsuki Bakugo x Reader (All aged up, 18+)
A/N: This turned into total fuckboy Todoroki but I am NOT mad about it, I simp aggressively. This is what my brain produced, I hope you like it! Thank you so much for such a fun request! I really enjoyed writing this.
Word Count: 1,428
   "Shoto- oh my God- fuck- fuck- fuck." You pant, back arching as you fist the sweat soaked sheets beneath you. 
   You shiver as he pulls you apart and works you over. Everything inside you feels so tight and hot and good. 
   The tip of his tongue zeroes in on your clit and your whole body jolts back, almost afraid of how incredible it feels. 
   "Fuck no." He growls before throwing an arm over your hips so he can keep you glued to the mattress. 
   He slides the other hand up the outside of your thigh before delivering a harsh slap to the meat of your hip. 
   Your head is thrown back as you whimper out his name, hands flying to his hair as your walls start to flutter. 
   He's not even using his damn fingers, he's ruining you with his tongue alone. 
   He drops his jaw and flicks his tongue against your swollen bud with fervent speed, your eyes cross and you cry out with little to no shame. 
   "There! Fuck! Right there, baby, you got it." You sob out, hips rocking as much as they can under his strong arm. 
   Everything builds and snaps at once. Ribbons of silky pleasure shoot up your spine and down your legs as your core clamps around nothing. 
   And he doesn't fucking stop. 
   He moves with urgency, with dedication. His hands grab under your knees before he pushes up to fold your legs to your chest. 
   "Hold these." He demands with his mouth still against your cunt. 
   "I cant- fuck! I can't…" You twitch as his tongue works relentlessly, body slowly but surely becoming overstimulated. 
   "You fuckin' better." He says, voice dropping to a bone chilling tone. He glares up at you, eyebrows knit together as sweat drips from the crown of his two toned hair. 
   "Holy shit." You sigh as you take your legs from him with a weak hold, prying yourself open for him. 
   "Atta girl." As soon as you have a hold of your legs, his hands are free to carry out his dirty work. 
   One comes up to play with your tits as the other slides down to join his mouth at your center. His long, skilled fingers slide in. They find that perfect spot instantly, rubbing at it as he pulls you closer and closer to the edge before you've even stopped cumming the first time. 
   "Sho! I'm gonna- oh my fucking god-" Your words turn into strangled cries as your whole body turns to mush. 
   You feel the tears fall, your cunt pulse, your vision blur and you just scream. Goosebumps are all over your skin as your toes curl and your whole body trembles. 
   He just licks and licks and licks. Slurping and savoring everything you give him. He's always so nasty with it, always so dedicated to reducing you to a sweaty, sobbing mess. 
   "That's it, that's my good girl." He pulls his mouth away only to mutter those sweet words. 
   His fingers still move slowly within you, working to help you ride the aftershocks of the mind numbing back to back orgasms he's just given you. 
   "You're always so messy." He muses, finally pulling his fingers out so he can run them between your folds and gather your release. 
   You watch with your jaw dropped, panting and overwhelmed. He brings the cream covered fingers to his mouth, tongue lolling out to make a show of tasting you before he closes his lips around them completely. 
   "You a dirty girl?" He asks after he pops his fingers out. He starts to crawl up your body, caging you with his arms. 
   You loathe the fact that he's still fully clothed, while you lay completely bare beneath him. 
   You just nod, eyes wide and mouth agape as he presses his lips between your breasts. 
   His eyes flick up to yours, eyes full of sin and depravity. 
   "Whose dirty girl?" He asks against your skin. 
   "Yours, I'm your dirty girl." You say with a weak, unreliable voice. 
   "That's fuckin' right." He kisses a trail up to your throat, under your jaw, and finally your lips. 
   "Don't forget that." He whispers before hopping up to his feet far too quickly. 
   He always does this, rips you apart then saunters away like it's nothing. 
   You two have been going at it for months now, a very tense friends with benefits relationship. More benefits than friends, though. You occasionally share a laugh, help each other with homework when you have time, but most of the time you just fuck. 
   "Where are you going?" You ask, still reeling as your nerves twitch and fire. 
   "Boys night, I'm late." He flips his hair a little before winking at you. 
   "Don't look so heartbroken, I'll be back later." He laughs as he pinches your cheek. 
   "I'm not heartbroken, fuck off." You smack his hand away, pulling a blanket around you before you roll off the bed and walk to the bathroom. 
   "Katsuki's coming over later, don't bother." You quip as you round the corner. 
   "Oh I forgot, he's a big fan of those sloppy seconds then, yeah?" 
   Bastard. A big part of your arrangement is the no strings attached part, meaning you can both fuck anyone else, as long as you let each other know about it. 
   Katsuki Bakugo had been trying to get into your pants for months. You'd finally gone down on him the other night during a movie, successfully blowing his mind.
   You'd told the poor fool you'd never sucked a dick before, just to make him feel special. His ego didn't need to boost, but he sure got off to the thought of being the first person to fuck your pretty little mouth. 
   "He's a big fan of a good fuck." You snap as you turn the shower on.
   Shoto comes up to lean against the door frame behind you, looking absolutely delicious in his joggers and his adidas shirt. 
   "You two have that in common then." He smiles wolfishly before slapping your ass. 
   "Make sure you wash the sheets before he comes, you made a pretty big mess." He calls out to you before strolling out of your dorm room. 
   You roll your eyes and huff as you drop the blanket and step into the shower.
   "I'm not fucking lying, she was such a whore about it, but she said she'd never done it before." Bakugo explains to a laughing Kirishima and Denki. 
   "Who's a whore?" Shoto waltzes into the common room where the rest of the boys wait for him. 
   "That cute chick you're always studying with, apparently she's got a freaky side." Sero chuckles, only making Bakugo turn a brighter shade of red. 
   "Oh yeah?" Shoto raises his eyebrows, glancing at Bakugo. 
   "She's fucking insane, best blowjob I've ever had. Not that you would know what that's like, icey hot." Bakugo sneers, arms crossing as he reclines into his chair.
   "Dude, there's no way she was that good if she'd never done it before." Denki says, leaning forward as he shakes his head.
   "I'm serious you sparky asshole, she said it was her first time!" Bakugo snarls. 
   Shoto can't help the bark of the laugh that leaves him, he runs his hands through his hair, then notices just how wet his chin feels. 
   "I think she might've lied." He sighs as he wipes his chin with the back of his hand, pulling it away to see some of your slick shining on the skin. 
   "What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Bakugo grumbles, glaring at Shoto. 
   "You can tell dude, you've seen the way she walks into a room." He explains, so full of himself after spending the last half hour between your legs. 
   "What, did she fuck you too?" Bakugo stands up, chest puffed up as he strides towards Shouto. 
   "Nah." He sighs as sinks into one of the chairs, ignoring Bakugo's advances.
   "I fucked her." Shoto grins up at Bakugo, every jaw in the room drops before the rest of the boys start to hoot and laugh. 
   Kirishima jumps up to hold Bakugo back as he spews profanities at cocky Shouto. Sero and Denki are beside themselves, wheezing clapping as Shouto sits and enjoys the chaos he's created. 
   It's safe to say you won't be seeing Katsuki tonight, but you will be seeing a lot of Shoto.
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marsofaries · 3 years
Noticing You {Bakugou Katsuki x Reader}
Word Count: 1.9k
Warnings: Cursing (its Bakugou lmao)
Summary: You thought he didn’t see you. That’s just when he started to notice you.
Notes: fem!Reader, shy!kind!Reader, Fluff, like a smidge of angst, happy ending
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You weren’t quite sure when it started... or why. It was your hyper-awareness for the one and only Bakugou Katsuki. He was, at first glance, just an overconfident jerk who couldn’t control his temper. But, that wasn’t truly him. Or at least you thought so.
He was kind. Not in the conventional kind of way— nothing about him was conventional. But you watched as he would leave a cup of coffee in the morning for Kaminari, claiming he had made too much. Or how he would place a blanket over Mina when she fell asleep in the common room. Or how he would stay up late just to play video games with Kirishima and Sero, even though he just complained the whole time.
Each little action just proved to you that he was different from what others thought.
Not only was he kind, but he was funny. You loved the little nicknames he gave everyone, laughing every time they came from his mouth. You never interacted with Bakugou, so sadly you didn’t have one. You often wondered what it would be.
And don’t forget that he was attractive! You couldn’t understand how people forgot this little fact. Yes he had a temper, but goddamn was he was fine. His soft blond spikes, his volcanic red eyes, and his taunt yet lean muscles. Everything just screamed ‘Greek God’ right at you.
Still, you knew he would never really see you. You might as well as have Hagakure’s quirk. You were quiet, always keeping to yourself. Quite like Todoroki, in a way. Although you smiled more, always trying to make each class member feel worthy of themselves. Some called you the “class therapist” which you thought was hilarious. It was derived from the fact that you always listened to what your comrades had to say, letting them rant about their problems and often giving reassuring advice.
“Stop! You’re going to make me have to have a therapy session with (Y/L/N)-chan.” Kaminari pouted from across the common room. You were observing Bakugou, as usual, hiding behind a thick book and a wool blanket on the couch. You knew that it would probably be seen as creepy, but you didn’t think it was like that. It was kind of like reading a book, how you spectate over the character and the story, becoming apart of the adventure— whether you were in the book or not.
Your head popped up at the mention at your name, having spaced out. It was a bad habit of your’s.
“Who the fuck is that?” Bakugou yelled, smacking the back of the electric boy’s head. A small huff of amusement escaped you. You knew he didn’t see you.
“Dude! She’s right there.” Kaminari hissed, digging an elbow into Bakugou’s side. Vermillion eyes darted to yours, and your heart skipped a beat. A soft smile adorned your face as you gave him a gentle wave. A small blush brushed over your cheekbones, not liking being the center of attention. You glanced back down at your book, curling your fingers tightly around the edges.
“See! She’s cute, right?” Denki shouted excitedly, quickly followed by an ‘oof’ noise. You assumed that he got punched.
You pulled your hand back under the roof, pouting lightly. It was raining... and it didn’t seem that it was going to stop very soon.
It was the end of the school day and class had ended a couple of hours ago. You were scouring the library shelves for a new book, staying longer that you intended. And now you were stuck here, unless you wanted to get soaked getting to the dorms.
You decided to walk around a bit, exploring the empty halls of the school. Wandering aimlessly, you had found that the school had a swimming pool, an anime club, and even an indoor tennis court. You peered out the window and huffed. It was still pouring.
Sighing, you peeked your head into another door, looking for a nice place to curl up and read your newest book. Your breath caught in your throat as your froze in the frame of the double doors. A massive gym greeted you, as well as one completely unaware Bakugou Katsuki.
The explosive blond was going to town on a worn punching bag, drops of sweat rolling down his tanned neck. You watched in some sort of flustered awe as the muscles of his arms tensed and contracted while his eyebrows furrowed in determination. This boy was truly gorgeous.
Not wanting to be caught, you slowly took a step back, yet squeaked as your hip bumped the frame of the door. As if that wasn’t enough, two of the theee book you had clutched to your chest slipped from your grasp, thudding loudly against the floor.
You dropped to your knees immediately— hoping, praying that by some miracle Bakugou hadn’t heard you. Maybe his music was loud enough...
“What the fuck are you doing here?” A sudden shout rang out, causing your head to snap up.
“Oh... hi, Bakugou-kun.” You stated shyly from your spot on the floor. You refused to look at him, keeping your eyes solely on the books you had just gathered. Bakugou fell silent, and you used that opportunity to get back to your feet.
You glanced back up to him, a light blush on your face. You weren’t the only one. Bakugou’s face had a slight flush— his hand gripping the fabric of his shirt tightly, right over his chest.
“Um, I’m sorry— I didn’t mean to bother you. I was, uh, just wandering around, because— you know, the rain, and....” You rambled on, gesturing softly towards the windows. A grunt of understanding interrupted you, making you look back at the blond. The blond that you had a crush on.
“You don’t have an umbrella.” Bakugou stated, staring out towards the pouring rain. He ran a hand through his hair roughly, turning away to hide the heat in his cheeks.
You watched in confusion as Bakugou ruffled though a plain black duffel bag.
You yelped as you shot a hand towards the flying object, hoping not to drop it.
It was a little red umbrella. Your heart skipped a beat.
“But what about you?” You looked up in concern, keeping eye contact for the first time since your meeting. You didn’t want Bakugou to be out in the rain, especially if he could catch a cold.
“I’ll be fine.” He answered gruffly, placing his earbuds back where they belong. You sighed, knowing that it wasn’t up for debate.
“Thank you.” You whispered with a red face and a pounding heart, even though you knew he wouldn’t hear you.
Something felt off.
Since the moment you stepped into that classroom, it felt like you were being watched. It wasn’t uncomfortable— or anything like that... just... off. You shrugged it off as you just being crazy.
You had left the umbrella at Bakugou’s door last night, as well as a little ‘thank you’ note. You hoped the hearts weren’t too much.
Pulling a book out on your desk, you jumped into your latest story. It was about a prince of magic, lost in a pre-quirk Earth. The prince had just landed when a small nudge to your shoulder startled you.
Your eyes were quick to find Yaoyorozu and Hagakure in front of you, small giggles errupting from the latter.
“Oh, hello girls!” You smiled, not at all displeased from being pulled from your book. You brushed a lock of your hair behind your ear, curious of the sudden interruption.
“Don’t look now, (Y/L/N)-chan, but—”
“Bakugou has been staring at you for the past ten minutes!” Hagakure squealed, interupping Yaoyorozu.
“I just wanted to warn you, in case you did something to make him mad—”
“Momo-Chan! Are you blind? Those are eyes of love!” Hagakure sang. You watched in confusion as the two continued to argue, wondering what in the world they were talking about.
Your eyes drifted over to the said blond, freezing as a vermillion stare immediately pinned you down. The girls were correct— you were being stared at. Bakugou’s eyes were shamelessly boring into your’s, making a deep flush crawl up your neck. He didn’t look angry perhaps— but confused, calculating. What threw you off, however, was the light blush kissing the top of his tanned cheeks.
Your eyes immediately flashed back down to your book, heart beating a million miles per minute. What was going on? Oh, how you wished your quirk was telepathy.
“I’m telling you! It’s looooovvve!”
A light breeze ruffled your jacket, making you pull it closer to your body. It was a Saturday evening, and you were just grateful for the break in training. Aizawa-sensei had been tougher than usual, and you were sure your muscles were about to give out.
You decided that a light walk around the town would be nice, reveling in the perfectly cool weather. A slight rumble emitted from your stomach, making you let out a small laugh. A small stop wouldn’t hurt.
Aoki’s. You heard of that place! It was Bakugou’s favorite place to get spicy curry. You distinctly remember, because it was one of your first times truly seeing him. Your only thought at the time was ‘of course Bakugou likes spicy food.’
Still, your mind had cataloged that moment, and here you were walking straight up to the counter.
Walking out with two spicy curries in hand (one with extra peppers), your brain hit a snag. You had ordered Bakugou some without even thinking about it. How would you give it to him? You weren’t even considered friends. What if he already ate? Would he think you were stalking him?
These meddling thoughts brought you all the way back to the dorm, still devoid of any solution. It’s not like you never surprised your friends with little gifts. Just last week you had given Midoriya a little All Might keychain. But this was different. Bakugou was your crush. Plus, you only spoke to him once!
At this point, you were thinking of just throwing the extra box in the fridge, maybe put a note with his name on it. Sighing, you opened the door, a sour expression on your face. It sucked having social anxiety.
“Hey, (Y/L/N)-chan!”
You yelped at the sudden greeting, confronted with a cheeky Ashido.
“Oh, hello.” You smiled, a bit surprised.
“Whatcha doing?” Mina questioned, dragging you in by your free arm. You yelped at the sudden tug, being pulled all the way over to the pair of couches in the common room.
“Ah, well— nothing important. Do you need anything, Ashido-chan?” You stuttered as you were dragged along. Mina had always been a bit.... enthusiastic, but you didn’t mind.
“Well, we were wondering—” Mina gestured over to the seats, and that’s when you took notice of your classmates. “—if you’ll hang out with us?”
The Bakusquad were all spread out, snack and sodas littered amongst the floor. You heart skipped a beat as you caught sight of the object of your affections grumbling angrliy to Kaminari.
“Can’t your raccoon eyes see that she was going to eat?” Bakugou suddenly cut you off, glaring hastily at the girl beside you. You watched in confusion as Kirishima and Sero shared knowing looks.
“Ah, it’s okay, Bakugou-kun! Well... I— mean, unless you don’t want me to, then I—”
“OI, WHEN THE FUCK DID I SAY THAT?” The blond sneered, avoiding eye contact with you. You looked down at your shoes, a small smile engraved on your lips. He was such a tsundere.
“Oooo, (Y/N)-chan! Is that two takeout boxes? You don’t have a secret boyfriend, do you?” Sero drew out mischievously. You watched in confusion as Bakugou suddenly tensed.
“Wha— no I don’t!” You vigorously denied, a deep blush on your face.
“Oh, she so does!” Kaminari yelled, throwing an elbow into Bakugou’s side. “Who is it? Tokoyami? Ojiro?”
“Oh, maybe Todoroki?” Mina chimed in. You sputtered noncoherently, desperately trying to clear up the misunderstanding. One, it was embarrassing. Two, you didn’t see your classmates (besides Bakugou) that way. Three, you didn’t want your crush to be thinking that you already had a significant other.
“Hey guys, I don’t think it’s very manly to—”
“Midoriya?” Sero yelled, adding to the chaos. You were feverently throwing your hands around, desperately trying to get them to stop. Also, you didn’t think Bakugou liked how loud they were being, judging by the silent, murderous glare.
“Ah shit, it must a girlfriend then!” Kaminari exclaimed, eliciting a laugh from the other three of the squad.
“No! It’s for Bakugou!” You suddenly exclaimed, tired of their teasing. The room immediately went silent as your word vomit sunk in. Crap.
If your face wasn’t on fire before... it was now.
The question came from the blond himself, his eyebrows up to his hairline. You shyly pulled the box marked ‘extra peppers’ out, sliding it gently across the coffee table.
“I, uh, saw Aoki’s, and I know it’s your favorite, and spicy curry is your favorite— always with extra peppers— with a side of rice,” You were talking and you couldn’t stop. Everything you said just stared to sound worse and worse— plainly laying your infactuation out in the open for all to see. “So, I got you some— but you don’t have to eat it! I should have asked— sorry.”
You reached to grab the box back, but it was snatched away before you could. Your eyes immediately flashed up to vermillion ones, surprised when you noted the flush along Bakugou’s tanned skin.
“Did I say I didn’t want it?” He scoffed, face a dark red.
“No.” You said softly, looking down at your fumbling fingers.
“Then I’ll take it!”
It’s been about a week since the little curry inscident, but no one said anything. You were suddenly so glad for your smart, yet extremely dense classmates. Or well, you hoped so. Everyday, scarlet eyes bore holes into your back... and everyday, your heart would beat a little faster.
Not only that, but the Bakusquad hung around you a lot more than usual. You were friends with about everyone in the class, but you weren’t really close with that friend group. For some ever reason, they decided to change that.
You walked down the halls, bag clutched in hand. Mina had told you that Kirishima had wanted to talk to you in the classroom. You weren’t sure what for, but you’d always listen if someone needed an ear. Her and Sero’s mischievous giggles were a little off putting, to be honest.
“Come on, dude! Just admit it! You are so whipped!” You heard a familiar cheery voice yell.
“Yeah, man! Confessing would be so manly! I can see it now.” Another person said, followed by a dramatic sniffle. You were hella confused now. Mina said Kirishima needed to talk to you? And now there was Kirishima, Kaminari, and another person.
“FUCK NO!” Oh, so the other person was Bakugou.
Wait... was Bakugou going to confess to someone?
You felt your heart immediately shatter, pulling your bag up to your chest. So he did have someone he liked. You could only bet how amazing they were. They would have to be the best. As soon as your crush had developed, you knew that your heart would end up in two. This was Bakugou you’re talking about. He was only focused on being number one. And if there was an off chance he developed a crush, it would have to be someone absolutely incredible.
Someone who wasn’t you.
Still, you forced a smile. You weren’t going to hold him back. You never would.
“Come on, man! I’m tired of see you googling (Y/L/N)-chan and grumbling about her all the time. Just ask her out already!”
You froze. The person Bakugou liked... was you?
Your face suddenly lit up, your heart beating faster than it ever had before.
Bakugou liked you.
Bakugou liked you.
Bakugou liked you.
Your face was million different shades of red, your fingers curled tight around your bag. What do you say? What do you do? Do you just... walk in there? Confess?
“SHUT UP, DUNCE-FACE! Even if I did confess— WHICH I WON’T, she wouldn’t even like me anyways..... she is her, and I’m, well, me.” Bakugou trailed off. Your heart broke. Never once had you ever heard Bakugou sound so... defeated. He sounded so unsure of himself. You hated it.
“Aw man, don’t be like that. We’re sure (Y/L/N)-chan likes you.” Kirishima said soothingly. You heard Bakugou scoff.
“Ah, the beast fell in love with the beauty. Poor (Y/L/N).” You heard Kaminari say, followed by a loud smack. “Dude! That hurt!”
You couldn’t help the small giggle that erupted from your lips. You loved your friends and their crazy antics.
The three within the classroom went silent, having definitely heard your giggle. You yelped as the door was suddenly pulled open to reveal a smirking Kirishima, a smug-looking Kaminari, and an absolutely furious Bakugou Katsuki.
Your face burned at the sudden reveal, but you gave a gentle wave anyway.
“Well, we’re just gonna head out...” Kaminari trailed off, giving you a wink as he squeezed past you. Kirishima followed him, flashing you a blinding smile and a thumbs up. This left you all alone... with your crush... that likes you back.
“Hello, Bakugou-kun.” You mumbled shyly, eyes locked on his. His entire face was red and he kept clenching his fists over and over again. He was no doubt planning the murders of his friends for their little set-up.
“How long... How long were you just fucking standing there?” Bakugou snarled, doing everything to avoid eye-contact. Of course he had chosen to become angry. It was easier for him, than the molten embarrassment— that was no doubt bubbling in his chest.
You pulled at the strings of your bag, suddenly feeling embarrassed for him. “Um... since you started talking about your crush.”
“Of fucking course.” He growled, running a shaky hand threw his hair. “Of fucking course you heard it all... Look, just forget that shit, okay? I won’t be fucking weird or anything to you.”
You frowned and put your bag down, slowly walking up to him. He had his eyes on the floor, not seeing you approach.
“Hey...” You mumbled as you placed gentle hands on his cheeks. He jumped at the sudden sensation, his vermillion eyes darting to yours.
“I like you, Bakugou. A lot. I have for awhile now.” You weren’t exactly sure why, but you felt confident. Maybe because you knew he liked you back, or maybe it was because he just seemed so shy in the moment. Whatever it was, you were grateful for it.
“You... you like me?” A small smile bloomed on the boy’s face, and your heart stuttered. You had never seen such a look on Bakugou’s face. It was gorgeous. “You like me!” He laughed.
Muscled arms suddenly wrapped around your waist, picking you up. You yelped at the suddenly lift, but it soon turned into a large laugh. Bakugou began spinning you around, a large crooked smile on his face.
“She fucking likes me!” He kept chanting as he twirled you around. You placed your hands lightly on the nape of his neck, smiling as you looked down at his face. Bakugou slowed to a stop, and gently lowered you back to the ground.
“You like me.” He grinned, all toothy and crooked. It was perfect.
“Yeah, I do.” You smiled, hands unmoving from his neck. Bakugou placed large hands on your waist, making sure to hold you flush against his chest.
“Of course you fucking do, I’m amazing.” He snorted.
You laughed at the sudden change of tone, looking deep into his entrancing, vermillion eyes. You gently curled your fingers into the soft blond at the nape of his neck, smiling brightly.
You liked Bakugou, and he liked you.
Suddenly, you were so glad to have noticed him.
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aitarose · 3 years
OUR LAST SUMMER (A.MIYA) —❥ pairing: miya atsumu x fem!reader
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synopsis: one summer was all the time you had together—all the time you had to bask in the sun-kissed rays and sand-filled beaches, share soft butterfly kisses and feel the comfort of being wrapped in his arms—until his boat sailed off into the sea, forever. 
word count: 3.0k
genre: mamma mia inspired, summer fling, somewhat stuck together, angst, fluff, casual/formal writing, second person
warnings: commitment issues, mentions of suggestive content, minor cursing, heartbreak?
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notes: this was an impulse blurb because i haven’t posted any actual fics in nearly a month so here you go lol asdfjl IT’S A LITTLE ROUGH BUT I HOPE IT’S LEGIBLE LMAO AND ITS SHORT AS HELL SORRY JALSD MY BRAIN D!ED
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You remembered the first time you’d seen him.
He was a stranger, a man that you’d never once met before—standing smack-dab in the middle of your dock, the place you’d always come to clear your thoughts after hours upon hours of work, though you didn’t technically own it. It was just tradition, an accustom that you’d grown so used to that it seemed like everyone’s daily—well, everyone but his.
There were few people you didn’t know on the island, having been a member of the local family business of hotels and inns. Your little paradise, the chains of suites and saunas that you liked to think were a hidden wonder of the world—hidden to only you and the reoccurring tourists that would stay on your infamous Greek Elysium. 
The usual familiarity was scarce at the sight of his bright blonde hair and sun-kissed skin, light freckles peppered across the swells of his cheeks—no doubt caused by countless hours at sea as he stood beside a large sailboat. He appeared to be a free spirit, much different to all of the others that would find stay on the shores. 
It was a common getaway, an escape from the reality of life and the troubles that came with emotional attachments and labor. Every personality was alike, each one masking the pain of all that tied them down—wishing that they’d ever have to board that boat back to the mainland, and just stay in a world without worries and never-ending surf. 
But the way he was standing with his body language in reaction to the sea, made you think that perhaps he wasn’t like all of the other’s who came and went. That perhaps he was a free spirit entirely on his own, one that didn’t force the necessities of comfort and relaxation on his mind—it just came naturally.
“You lost?” Your voice called out, the sound ringing with the wind chimes against his sails—diverting his attention from the white peaked waves to your melodious sound. He gave you his full attention, immediately focusing on your approaching frame—a look of relief arising on his face. 
He reached behind his neck, scratching the roots of his hair whilst a sheepish smile gleamed in the light. “Thank god, you found me!” He chuckled, the browns in his eyes sparkled with golds and copper, complimenting his overall look perfectly—in all honesty, you didn’t think you’d ever seen such a handsome man. “I docked around a half-an-hour ago, just didn’t know where I was supposed to head next.”
“Would a beautiful girl like yourself happen to have the time to help a poor sailor out?”
Shaking your head, you grinned, scoffing slightly at the obvious flirtation, before walking towards him. Your feet moved in small steps, thoughts dancing around the idea of a summer fling—after all, it wouldn’t be the first time something like this had happened. You, an eccentric woman, one with the island, always seeming to attract men of all natures with not a care in the world.
Maybe he would be your new conquest, your newest mark in the endless journey of love that you never wanted to conclude. Another man who’s mood would turn from complete adoration to disgust when you’d reject his love and send him off to sea—never to be met again. Simply a memory you’d look back on when your past ran wild and smile in nostalgia. 
You plopped down on the end of the dock, head thrown back as your feet touched the water—a refreshing feeling taking over your entire body. The man watched in amusement at your obvious compatibility with the ocean currents and approached you as you patted the place beside you—an open seat reserved for him.
“So, sailor.” You mocked, swinging your jaw to face him with a sing-song tone. “Tell, me. What brings you to my island?”
He raised his eyebrows, creases appearing near his forehead with youthful wrinkles at their wits—not hiding how enamored he was at your playful tone. “Your island?” There was a matched mood in the both of your speech, potential feelings rising in the pits of your stomachs. “I’m sorry, gorgeous. Last I checked, you didn’t own all of Greece.” 
You scoffed, kicking your feet up to splash his ankles—cold sprays of salt water hitting the skin of your shins up to your thighs. “Well, last I checked lonely sailors didn’t talk back to pretty women—or are you just an enigma Mr...”
“Miya.” He replied, concluding the sentence that you hadn’t been able to finish with ease—identity revealed to the girl he’d already festered a crush on, despite it only having been a mere twenty minutes since you’d first begun to speak. “Miya Atsumu.”
‘Y/N L/N.” You held out a hand with a shit-eating grin as he gripped it firmly, shaking your palm enthusiastically whilst your eyes held his—a silent stare down in the midst, the morning sunrise changing to one of noon, reminding you of the ticking time. “And how long did you say you’ll be staying here?”
“Well, I’m here for my brother’s wedding.” Atsumu shrugged, nudging your shoulder with his and gazing out to the countless other sailboats in the bay. “Technically, I’m only meant to be here for a few weeks...”
“...but I’m sure I’ll find something here to keep me longer.”
And that he did. 
He’d managed to find a countless number of reasons to keep himself busy. Infinite excuses not to set his sail at sea—excuses that had nothing to do with the start of Osamu’s wedding festivities, or with the waning fear of his workplace calling him back to play, or even the worry of his heavy pockets running dry of cash.
Perhaps it had something to do with how his heart pounded whenever you were around. The artery nearly jumping out of his chest in the times you’d grab his hand and pull him along the stone-studded paths throughout the tropical trees,  giving him tours of your favorite spots—laying picnic blankets under the shade and sharing piña coladas with pink straws. 
Or the constant days at the beach. How you’d share an umbrella only for it to fly away in the wind—leaving the two of you out in the open rays of the sun, vulnerable to burns that Atsumu always managed to obtain. You later having to help him wash off in a cool shower—concern furrowing at your brows with every wince and whine he’d muster. 
Treating him as your own personal island dweller, you’d become attached at the hip. Neither one of you wanting to be without the other for longer than a day—knowing that your time was limited, but ignoring it all the same. The summer was one of new opportunities and experiences, things that you had already set your mind to—only now having his name next to those goals.
Your first impressions had been correct, he was undoubtedly different from all of the other flings you’d had in the past—and you’d come to realize this on the day he’d asked you to be his date to his brother’s wedding. The brother that had no idea you existed, whom you hadn’t ever planned on meeting was inevitably getting an unexpected guest.
That unexpected guest being you, of course, arriving with Atsumu on your arm and wearing a beautiful shade of baby blue. Osamu and his bride had welcomed you with open arms, no suspicions at all when they’d noticed the genuine look of happiness in the blonde’s eyes—a look that they hadn’t seen come out of him in a very very long time.
“Was it everything you dreamed it would be?” He whispered, lips pressed against your hair—arms holding you close as the gentle orchestrals echoed in the night night breeze. The shadows of candle lit jars and paper lanterns covering your face in defined shades of grey—making you look all the more gorgeous.
You sighed into his chest, taking in his sweet scent, that of fresh oranges and salt—the smell of the ocean never truly washing away from his aura. “I loved it, actually.” An earnest tone spoke out from your mouth, sincere admissions flowing like waves, reaching his ears and giving him little dreams of the future—your future.
“It was one of the most beautiful ceremonies we’ve hosted, and I truly mean that.” Your voice was soft, quiet as to not disturb the calm mood in the moonlight—the stars shining down on every pair on the dance floor, even the young children blowing kisses in each other’s direction, not knowing the true feelings of love, yet wishing for them in their hearts. 
Atsumu took a step back, holding your hand in his and spinning you beneath the stringed bulbs—smiling warmly as you let out an uncontrollable giggle—complaining how he was making you dizzy with glee. He didn’t think he’d ever felt so utterly full of admiration for a single person in the entirety of his life.
With a smirk at the corners of his cheeks he pulled you in, twirling you back around and into the safety of his tanned arms—the physical contact was nothing new to you, yet there was something in the way his palms held yours that made you feel like there were ulterior motives to his antics. 
“Steady there, sailor.” You whispered, slightly out of breath—not only from the tireless dancing you’d endured all evening, but from the minimized distance between your bodies. His lips were a mere centimeters away from yours, so close and also so far. “Wouldn’t want you doing something you might regret.”
He shook his head, leaning in to commit to the thing he wanted most in the world—his fingers reaching up to guide your chin to his, the calloused skin of his thumbs tickling your sensitive nerves and setting free all of the festering butterflies in your chest. 
“Trust me, gorgeous, when I say that I don’t have regrets.”
His words were quickly muffled as you pressed your lips against his, smothering any quips that could possibly arise and drowning them in an ocean of pure desire and infatuation. It felt like you were on ecstasy, the uncontrollable yearning for his intimacy finally being yours to have and to hold—all coming together in one innocent kiss in the middle of an almost empty wedding reception. 
Your palms held his jawline, pulling him as close as possible whilst doing your best to convey your display of passion as small and intimate—not wanting to steal the celebrations of the day from the bride and groom—who’d in all honesty, disappeared themselves hours before, no one having seen them since then.
A quiet gasp rose from your throat as he bit your bottom lip, wanting more even though he knew that it wasn’t the time you could grant his wish—anticipation for the night to come, when you’d leave the party hand-in-hand, rushing from the back of his brain to the frontal lobe as he pulled away.
“’Tsumu.” You breathed out, eyes locked on his with giddiness underlying the tiredness in your voice. His expression matched yours, one of completion and success—patting himself on the back in imagination with the knowledge that he’d won your attention. “What was that?”
He stepped aside, still holding your hand in his, leading you off of the stone platform and into the gallery of cloth-lined tables with scattered guests—drunk in happiness and alcohol, blind to any real-world worries. The moment felt like a fever dream, an event that only occurred in film and television—nothing that you’d ever expected to experience yourself.
But with Atsumu, anything seemed to be possible. The slim probabilities becoming a zero percent error whenever he set his mind to a goal, bringing you along with him every step of the way. His calls out to you raspy from ahead, scratchy from the amount of hollering and applause he’d performed for his twin during speeches and vows.
“That,” he began, glancing back at you as you ran together towards his little villa, “that was only the beginning of the rest of our endless summer.”
And he was right, it certainly was the beginning of something. Something special and real—something that you’d never once felt in your life, right in your arms, right in front of you. He was your perfect match, you were tired of denying it—but there was one thing that the two of you had forgotten in the blissful montage of stolen kisses and sleepless nights.
Every beginning has an end. 
All stories have a final chapter, one that no reader wanted to page through—but couldn’t resist knowing the final outcome of their two favorite characters, what could possibly happen to their relationship, their future, their unspoken and unequivocal love for one another that had manifested on the ink blotched pages. 
Some had happy endings, epilogues in which the main love interests proceeded to get married, have a few kids that’d run around their fenced backyard with the sprinkler system running on overdrive. That was the dream, the dream that seemed so idealistic to most, the ideal life to live—to grow old holding hands against the oak wood of your rocking chairs as the sun set over the horizon. 
But that wasn’t your ideal life, and neither was it Atsumu’s. 
So, your story wasn’t one of those lucky fairy tales that had a happily ever after. It wasn’t a bedtime story that you’d read to your grandchildren or younger relatives, nor was it a time you’d try to forget as it ended right where it had initially begun—on the public docks of your inn house, in front of his weary sailboat.
The only differences being the setting sun rather than the rising dawn and the twinkling stars appearing in the dark sky in contrast to their disappearance in relation to the morning clouds. Perhaps it was the universe telling you that it was all coming to an end, shooting off into the darkness with the explosions of nebulas and constellations. 
“So, this is it.” Atsumu spoke aloud, possibly to you or the emptiness of the sea. The usual warmth in his tone sounding robotic and unkept, unfamiliar to your heart, unfamiliar from the man you’d come to hold such strong feelings for in a mere three months. “This is our last night, our last minutes.”
He turned to face you, hands holding the limp ropes whilst pulling them tight and wrapping them in their holsters, billowing the sails in the strong night breezes—there was said to be a storm brewing, and it was ever so timely to have happened the same night a hurricane was forming in your blackened and broken heart. 
You’d never seen such a sorrowful expression on his face, used to the typical dumbstruck happiness and easygoing nature that was void and lost, that absence setting in the reality of your relationship’s oblivion. He let go of his secured ties, elbows leaning against the railing and towards you as you stood at the edge of the doc. 
“It doesn’t have to end here, you know.” He suggested, his voice shaky and unsure—not knowing what your response would be—not knowing that you loved him, too. “You could come with me, see a world that isn’t an isolated island—we could travel together, see all the other wonders—we could be happy, forever.”
Your breath hitched, chest airtight, all of the oxygen in your lungs at max capacity—catching in your lungs with no chance of getting out. His words had somehow managed to itch the hidden and sensitive regions of your heart—the ones that had always been guarded from others, the places that he’d been able to weasel his way into. 
At the look on your face, he already knew your answer. An unspoken rejection standing stale in the humid air between you, the still distance growing further and further despite your motionless stances. Two broken hearts longing for one another with no resolution to be met. 
He bit his lip, holding back tears in the nightly shadows and nodding his head—believing that he’d been right all along. That his presumptions about you had actually been correct, that he hadn’t been different, that he hadn’t been your person amidst the countless other personalities you’d fallen for over the summers—that he’d simply been another paradisiac fling that you’d thrown away. 
But he’d never been so wrong. 
You did love him, you loved him with your entire soul—your entire existence. There was no dream you wanted more than to be with him forever, to spend every single moment in his company of laughter and contagious smiles. To pepper him in kisses and take morning dips in the ocean as the sun rose over the horizon. 
He was your soulmate, the other half that you never thought you would find—an egocentric and boastful man unlike any other you’d met before. Atsumu was your salvation, but with the fear of commitment and settled life at the back of your brain, you had no choice but to watch as his love faded into remorse. As his undying love was pulled beneath your currents of self-doubt. 
“Thank you.” He spoke, words dull yet also meaningful—full of every last confessional emotion he had to make, full of all the lost ‘I love you’s’ and goodnight wishes in the past seventy-two days of being in each other’s arms. “Thank you for letting me love you.”
And with those words, your heart sailed into the vast horizon—through the swift currents and past the submerged rocks, peaking in the rising and falling black waves. The bright white sail of his stern shading into grey as he became nothing but a speck in the night—lost to the endless sea and unknown future, a future without you. 
A future that you’d never know anything of, communication gone, forgotten between you and stripped away by the receding tides. The tides that had come just as fast as they’d gone—a physical representation of the whirlwind love story that you’d lived during the most memorable summer of your life. As you’d never be able to forget him. 
You’d never be able to forget the first man you’d ever loved. 
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taglist of bestie boos <3:
@bokoutoebutmain​ @boba-duckie​ @ryuomen​ @sexy-bee-juice​ @nekomabvc​ @cambodianprincess6
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aitarose.tumblr 2021. do not copy, claim, or mimick my writing, works, themes, copy and paste my words, or headers and tags as your own. do not use my blog as a template for your own, or base your theme on mine.
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pangtasias-atelier · 3 years
Dragalia Digest
Well, I come after several months with a story for a game that I’m sure none of y’all play lmao but I am not immune to stoic green dragon man that got me desperately playing Dragalia for a few weeks lol
This was originally meant to be a short story but it just kinda got longer and longer so here’s a 4.8k story about a really, really, really big Midgardsormr. Though the fat content isn’t like the entire story cause I just do that for some damn reason lol
WARNING: This story is a fat kink story. So like, if some rando finds this and you still click on this, that’s on you~
“Uhh, were we expecting any visitors?” Careful to shield his eyes from the blazing gaze of the sun, Ranzal peers up at the sky. Looming over his much thinner and shorter companion, the built mercenary stands besides Luca.
“None whatsoever,” The blue haired bunny archer stares at the small shadowy speck in the distance. His arms remain crossed as his line of vision follows his partner’s. “And it’s just the two of us guarding today,” A grin spawns across the width of his face from his thoughts. He reaches for his quiver and delft slots an arrow into his bow. “So, we’ll shoot now, ask questions later!” His shit eating grin plastered onto his face, his tongue sticks out a fraction of an inch.
“We ain’t doing that,” Ranzal swings his open palm down onto Luca’s head.
Luca’s bow and arrow immediately plop onto the floor as he nurses his aching head. “That hurt!” Gritting his teeth, his eyes return to the ever-encroaching shadow in the sky. He continues to grumble under his breath about his pain all the while he watches.
Ranzal ignores all of Luca’s comments, his mind more concerned with the vaguely familiar approaching figure. The encroaching figure’s speed far faster than either could ever hope to achieve running, it only takes a mere extra few seconds for Ranzal’s brain to process the figure. “You almost shot at one of the Greatwyrms, you idiot!” The crisis averted regardless, Ranzal still picks a fight with Luca for his recklessness.
“You’re the idiot who doesn’t know his own strength! It would’ve all worked out regardless!” The two facing each other, Luca on his tip toes in a poor attempt of sizing himself up to somewhat compare to Ranzal, a feat that Luca has no hopes in achieving, they completely fail to ignore the complete disappearance of the day’s calm weather. Light breezes of winds pick up, the blades of grass and other fauna swaying in the sun’s light. Their shouting match more important, their focus only returns to their original issue upon the two almost losing their footing from a particularly strong torrent of wind.
Their eyes widen as the wind Greatwyrm Midgardsormr flies above them by only a few feet; their eyes only widen further as a figure jumps off said Greatwyrm.
“Looks like I finally reached my favorite descendant’s humble abode,” Alberius outstretches his arms with a cheery grin. His eyes roam across the expansive open field only to find nothing but interspaced buildings.
“Euden ain’t here right now,” Ranzal decides to clear up Alberius apparent confusion.
“They all left for some training along with all the dragons, so it’s just good ol’ Ranzal and me here guarding the place,” Luca’s chest puffs out in pride.
“A fine duo for guards indeed. Then I will gladly help defend the castle grounds. It is the least I can do during such an impromptu visit,” The sun seemingly shines directly behind Alberius, his entire radiant figure gleaming in the light as his hair flutters in the wind behind him. However, he suddenly clears his throat. “Though my partner here is in need of-” The ground trembles upon Midgardsormr’s descent. Though a crash landing is more apt, a sizable indent in the ground where he let himself fall. “Mids just needs some rest, so a room would be much appreciated,” His voice picks up in speed and pitch. Midgardsormr glares at Alberius for using his nickname.
“The place where dragons usually hang out is all empty so I can show Mids over there while Ranzal shows you to a room in the castle,” Midgardsormr’s glare towards Alberius intensifies.
“No need,” Alberius raises an open palm in the air. A small chuckle escapes him with a small grin. “If I wish to foster better relationships between dragons and humans, then what better way to show those ideals than cohabitation? I shall rest and watch over Mids,”
“If you could point us to a building that would be much appreciated,” A light strain mars Midgardsormr’s voice yet he keeps a straight face throughout his fatigue.
“It’s that group of buildings over there,” Ranzal points behind himself, large similar looking buildings not too far off in the distance.
“Thanks,” With a quick wave of goodbye, Alberius takes a quick pace ahead of the trotting Midgardsormr, the Greatwyrm keeping a speedy pace as well.
“They sure are in a hurry,” Luca huffs to himself. His brows furrow.
“They’re probably just tired from all the flying, that’s all,” Ranzal smacks Luca in the lower back. “Now, back to patrolling,”
Luca dutifully marches beside Ranzal. The duo once again all alone with their unexpected visitors resting, the two joke back and forth amongst each other, Luca regaling about possible new tricks to use on their teammates upon their return. Their patrolling turns out to be more formality than anything. Soon, the sun begins its slow descent and the two call it quits. Upon their return to their rooms, the two pause in their tracks as a quick clang rings out.
"Questions first, shooting later," Ranzal stresses with a whisper, his eyes staring daggers at Luca. Luca simply sticks his tongue out. The svelte archer nimbly makes his way towards where the noise came from as Ranzal follows behind him.
Luca immediately stops upon turning another corner. He makes no noise when Ranzal bumps into him from behind from the unexpected stop. Listening in on their intruder, Luca's ears twitch. A clear lack of concern from their intruder is evident from the turned-on lights and humming, Luca remains still. The sound of rolling wheels adding to the noise, the intruder finally steps out.
Alberius pushes out a cart chock-full of varying plates of food. With a quick flick, he turns off the lights before bustling on down the hall with a pep in his step.
"Must have company over or something," Ranzal scratches the side of his head.
"Regardless, we're following him," Luca announces, his shoulders tense.
"Luca," Ranzal outstretches his hand, the limb hanging in the air above Luca's shoulder, Ranzal not used to hearing the archer sound so serious.
"I was saving that carrot cake for a rainy day," Luca cries out, wrapping his arms around Ranzal's waist as he buries his head in Ranzal's chest. "It's not fair,"
"Dumbass," Luca clinging to him for his dear life, Ranzal simply carries Luca by his ass. Following Alberius from a distance, he follows him all the way back to the buildings the dragons sometimes reside in.
Alberius none the wiser, he even leaves the door open.
"Quit your moping. It's not that serious," Ranzal pries Luca off of him and puts him back on the ground. "They were tired when they got here, so they were probably also low on supplies,"
"But so much food? Including my carrot cake," Luca dejectedly stares at the floor.
"Well, Midgardsormr is a dragon so he probably needs to eat a lot. I'll go and buy you a carrot cake at the market another day, my treat,"
"Deal!" Luca immediately cheered up figure perks up. "I've never seen a dragon eat before, so I'm not passing up this chance," Luca drags a willing Ranzal behind him. Though the two immediately stop at the scene that awaits them.
Midgardormr’s true form no longer in sight, he currently takes advantage of his human form. The change between forms is of no shock to Ranzal or Luca, Midgardsormr having elected to use his human appearance often, his new figure is the kicker.
Dwarfing even the size of his towering, built draconic form, Midgardsormr’s human form is, for a lack of better words, fat. The rooms constructed with dragons’ large frames in mind, Midgardsormr’s lard happily occupies every available inch. So many engorged, heavy rolls make up the entirety of his bloated body. A decent sense of proportions is somehow maintained despite Midgardsormr’s elephantine figure. His stomach large enough to smother a trio of beds pushed together, the pale oceanic blubber oozes on down onto the floor. An overwhelmingly large amount of fat swaddling his body, the lower roll making up a portion of his stomach is smothered by the upper tube of fat right above it and even smothers and obscures his navel. The middle roll of fat is wider to the point that one would find it easier to grab someone by the waist than to grab its love handle. The roll of fat right above it not as massively wide, it instead rests comfortably atop the roll below it. Still rather wide as well, the extreme width of said roll’s love handle is comparable to that of Ranzal’s bicep. His chest impacted from his new size just like his crushing gut, two bulbous sagging mounds of fat reside where a chest once was. Each breast alone is larger than a person’s head. Each one larger than even Midgardsormr’s bloated face. Both tits splay out to the side, the uppermost roll of his stomach making a fine bed for his pillowy breasts as they noticeably sink into his billowing fat. Connected to his great doughy chest is his numerous amounts of neck folds and extra chins, each smooshed up against one another and the lowest one even spilling onto the upper crests of his breasts. Connected to that is his face, most of the space taken up by his blubbery over bloated cheeks sagging with fat. His face hard to make out in the vastness of his corpulence, the main indicator of his face lies with his vibrant long mop of rich green hair that cascades down in between the crevices and folds of fat lining his back. His hair flowing onto his tail, his tail is completely invisible from the front with so much fat blocking the view. Two horns stick out on top of his head, though those are no longer as prominent as they once were with fat pooling around it in all directions. Midgardsormr’s arms bulge out on both sides of his face, the two pillar-like appendages forced at an angle from the bunched-up fat from the sides of his stomach. His arms are completely useless with both being unable to budge a fraction of an inch. The upper portions of his arms surpass the width of a tire. His elbow basically absorbed in his own arm fat, his forearm is far less as wide as his arm yet is still equally swaddled in so much fat so as to be incapable of movement. His wrist follows suit, the doughy circular mass of fat affixed to his forearm while also nearly swallowing his fingers. So bloated, the sausagey fingers are basically the only portion of his body that Midgardsormr can move, albeit for short periods of time. The entirety of his arms billowing in lard, his shoulders are practically nonexistent from being buried under so much flab. His back is covered in a litany of rolls just like the rest of his body; the flabby landscape is akin to a rolling field with the numerous mountains and valleys for folds of fat. Each fold cascading and jutting out alike, none of them compare to his couch sized ass cheeks. The shapeless lard stuffed ass pools out onto the floor behind him. His tail runs down the middle of his ass, the once large tail absurdly small in comparison to the extreme width of his ass. It rises into the air like the rest of his figure, so much bad placed on top of more fat to give the appearance of rising dough. His ass jutting behind him, his immovable elephantine legs jut out on both sides of his body. His great stomach takes up as much space as needed, his legs splaying out at somewhat of an angle as a result. Bits of what could be described as his inner thighs seep underneath his stomach however, most of his legs press against the doughy sides of his gut, rolls on his thighs and rolls on his stomach intersecting to create new folds of fat that seemingly mesh together. The entire length of his barrel shaped legs presses against his stomach with his fat having nowhere else to go. His thighs caked in vast amounts of fat, the width of one thigh alone surpasses that of even the largest of doorways. His shins sink into the mass of fat that is his thighs. His feet are in the same predicament, most of them swallowed by the quicksand of fat. Every single inch of Midgardsormr packed with copious, overly exaggerated piles of fat, Midgardsormr’s mammontine body is a caricature of a caricature.
“I brought you some food Mids,” Alberius is ignorant of his two guests. Unable to wheel an entire cart up the rolling hills of fat comprising Midgardsormr’s body, he instead carries the serving platters in his hands. He carefully navigates the oceanic pile of blubber that is Midgardsormr’s body, obviously used to doing so numerous times. Trekking upwards, he perches himself atop Midgardsormr’s breast, nestling his back directly in between the folds of fat where his arm and necks and cheek meet. Alberius rests the extra serving platter on Midgardsormr’s free breast. “This’ll help you get back your energy,” Alberius pats his round chipmunk cheeks with a smile. Alberius pauses as he notices his silence and the bright red blush adorning his face. “What’s wrong? You’re usually begging for-”
“We-” Midgardsormr wheezes out in response. “have guests, “He averts his gaze away from the dumbstruck Luca and Ranzal.
Alberius whips his head around. His eyes go wide. “I’ll be right back,” Patting Midgardsormr’s arm, he climbs down. Luca and Ranzal still outside, Alberius first closes the door as he steps outside. Or at least tries to, Midgardormr’s blubbery stomach wedged in the middle of the doorway. “Hello,” Alberius starts off rather meekly, the smile on his face only half formed. “I’m sure this isn’t something you expected to see,” He gives a weak chuckle before letting out a sigh. “Look, please keep this to yourselves. Mids is rather embarrassed about the whole thing,”
“How soft is he?” Piping up, Luca completely ignores Alberius as he stares behind him.
“Huh? Well, he’s pretty soft, I guess?” Alberius fumbles his words.
“I doubt he’s more than just ‘pretty soft’,” Luca walks past Alberius, his eyes purely focused on the soft, fleshy pile of lard in front of him. His grubby little hands press down into Midgardsormr’s stomach, his entire wrist and more sinking into it. “This is way better than soft! Hey Ranzal, you gotta try this!”
“What do you think you’re doing!” Voice rising in intensity, Midgardsormr panics as Luca lets himself fall into his stomach. “Stop your ridiculousness,” Midgardsormr attempts to squirm, however he only succeeds in wobbling the entirety of his fat around, rolls of lard sloshing into one another.
“He’s even got a vibrate function,” Luca teases with a content sigh.
Ranzal still with Alberius, he merely sighs. “So, curse got him or something?” He gestures towards Midgardsormr.
“Not exactly,” Alberius hesitates, focusing on using all his brainpower for what to respond with. “He, just kinda really enjoys human food,” Alberius shrugs, awkwardly laughing.
“Oh,” Ranzal stares at Midgardsormr who is struggling against an eager Luca.
“So, you’ve been feeding him so much he got this big?” Ranzal raises a brow.
“W-well we both enjoyed it so it just kinda happened! Only his human form is affected from all his eating so we kinda reasoned it’d be fine, and it is. He looks rather dashing like this if I do say so myself,” Beginning to regain his gushing nature over Midgardsormr, Alberius gives a confident grin. His teeth gleaming, his eyes are closed as he speaks next. “So, I’d be grateful if you don’t say a word to anyone about this,” A response not given, Alberius opens his eyes. The spot in front of him devoid of another person, Alberius turns around.
“You sure do like to eat huh? Well, lucky for you, I’ve got plenty of recommendations for good stuff,” Ranzal in front of Midgardsormr’s oozing stomach, he grabs a serving platter full of meat. “Looks like you probably know way more about food than me at this point,”
“Great idea, Ranzal!” Carefully navigating himself off Midgardsormr’s overly plush and soft, cushiony stomach, Luca joins Ranzal in fetching him food. He focuses more on grabbing sweets and treats rather than the hearty filling of meat like Ranzal.
Alberius stands with his mouth slightly agape. Not expecting such a rather positive reaction from the two, his confused eyes gaze up towards Midgardsormr. His eyes gaze back down at Alberius and instead of confusion plastered all over his face, embarrassment mars the wide, doughy landscape of his cheeks.
“What do you two think you’re doing?” A bit of panic seeps into his voice as he stares wide eyed at the two overeager men. Encumbered by the mountainous pile of flab making up his body, his only hope for assistance is Alberius, the man too surprised to help him out.
“Giving you a helping hand,” Ranzal plops himself down where Alberius once was. Holding his tray with a shocking amount of delicacy, the overflowing tray manages to avoid a single spill as its holder makes itself comfortable in between the crevice of where Midgardsormr’s chins, arms and chest meet.
“Yeah! Hafta make sure you’re nice and full; you’re our guest afterall,” With an abundance of cheer and pep in his voice, Luca gladly takes a seat on the other side of Midgardsormr akin to Ranzal’s position. “Your partner sure brought you a ton of food. It must take him forever to feed it all to you. We're just speeding up the process,”
“I do not mind the time it takes for Mids’ appetite to be sated. His stomach rivals the depths of the hungry sea and I have placed it upon myself to aid him,” Alberius gloats to himself, proud of his nonsensical statement. “Though on the other hand...” Alberius turns his attention even further away from Midgardsormr’s predicament as he finds himself increasingly lost in his own thoughts.
“Alberius!” Midgardsormr shouts, a slight huff to his voice from the mere effort. “Do so-” The rest of his sentence becomes muffled nonsense as Luca shoves a forkful of his carrot cake into his mouth.
“See, he’s fine with it. Just relax already, big guy,” The serving tray resting on his lap, uca pats Midgardsormr’s tube of fat for an arm.
A generous portion of cake placed into his mouth, zero words are needed to coax the embarrassed, reluctant dragon. His hunger always creeping up on the back of his mind, he obediently chews on the mildly sweet and moist dessert. Despite the heaping helping of cake, it only takes him a few moments for it to all go down his greedy gullet. A slight chill escapes his voice as he speaks next, a clear, obvious contentment to his bashful face. “I am not-” His sentence once again ends up rendered pointless with another serving of food offered right to his mouth, this time by Ranzal.
“If ya got time to complain, then ya got time to eat,” Ranzal grins and watches Midgardsormr chew through the half portion of steak, his bulbous cheeks wobbling to and fro from the simple act of eating. Ranzal leans back into the comfort of Midgardsormr’s arms and cheeks, his bulk sinking into a fair amount of his plush body.
“I,,,,” Quickly finishing the second offering, Midgardsormr struggles to get a coherent thought out, his stomach doing most of the thinking for him. His half-lidded eyes switch between Ranzal and Luca. Even that movement is groggy and sluggish, as if any sort of movement is foreign to him. “I’m hungry,” Huffing out the words, the last portions of his embarrassment scream at him, yet his stomach thanks him as more food finds its way into his cavernous mouth.
“Happy to help, big guy,”
“All you had to do was say something,”
Midgardsormr finds himself unable to even come up with a retort to either of them, his mind simply focusing on the delectable dishes offered to him as he gobbles them all down. A generous portion of food enters his mouth only for another to be promptly stuffed inside the instant he finishes the former. Ranzal and Luca offering the barest of times in between each offering, Midgardsormr finds zero complaint in such a speedy stuffing. His oceanic gut churns as it craves more and more food, the numerous servings of food already stuffed inside him merely a start meant to whet his appetite. Human food having such an effect on him since his very first taste of the cuisine, he simply found himself unable to get enough of the food. Alberius far too eager to feed him, Midgardsormr’s appetite directly grew alongside his waistline. With two people eager to stuff him full of such delicious food, his stomach yearns for more. As when Luca finds his tray devoid of any food, Midgardsormr mentally whines at the minimal break in pace, Ranzal’s speedy stuffing still not enough. Or when Ranzal goes to fetch him more food as well upon Luca’s return, the two planning their switches to keep a steady pace of food going into his mouth at all times. And he eats it all willingly. Far too willingly, his body basically begging for every morsel they toss his way. Until the food ends up all gone, an entire cart’s worth of food able to serve as a veritable feast stuffed inside the expanse of his stomach. A bit of a huff escapes past his lips, his flushed rounded cheeks huffing and puffing for air.
Alberius remains completely ignorant to the current ongoing events. The rather loud huffs coming from Mids and the increasingly loud churning in his stomach falls on deaf ears. He merely paces around a bit as he continues to mutter to himself. “It does take me a rather long time to feed him,” He paces around a bit. “And that’s just for one feeding,” Alberius’ concentration only breaks upon hearing Midgardsormr’s needy voice.
“Alberius,” Mids whines. He breathes heavily, the entire mass of food sitting comfortably in his stomach. A tiny spackle of food smears his lips and cheeks.
“Yes,,,” Alberius stares wide eyed at Mids. He instinctively steps forward a few paces before he ends up right in front of Mids’ stomach and places a gentle hand on the upper lip of one of his many rolls.
“I’m hungry,” The statement leaves his lips as plainly as he thought of it, his aching stomach craving and wanting for me.
“No problem! I’ll serve you,,,,” Turning to the cart, he freezes mid step. His mind races as he comprehends that the entirety of the cart has been devoured.
“Don’t tell me you thought that was enough to fill him up,” Luca chides as he cheerfully lies on top of Midgardsormr.
“He’s been practically begging all this time. Seems like he’s been holding back quite some time,”
Hearing the implication, Midgardsormr goes to speak only for him to find no words, his face flushing a bright vibrant red.
“Mids,,,” Alberius elects to speak instead. His own face matches the intensity of Mids’ blush. “I’ll bring you all the food I can!” Storming off in a rush, a fervent intensity in his step.
The overall rather silent atmosphere of the night ends up disturbed a few minutes later as Alberius’ soft grunts sound out. His figure approaching, he comes with two carts this time alongside a bundle full of an assortment of bread. “This was,” Alberius takes a pause to catch his breath, his chest heaving as he takes in several gulps of air. “This was everything I could find,” A radiant smile illuminates his face before he goes to place as much food as he can on a serving tray. Upon grabbing as much as possible, he climbs up the roll ridden hill that is Midgardsormr’s body. He gently moves aside Midgardsormr’s mane of green hair before sitting on the plush rolls of back fat. Able to get a better view of Mids’ face, he peers down at him with a gentle smile. He brings a bread roll to his mouth, Mids’ devouring it whole. “You should’ve told me you haven’t been feeling full as of late. You always brushed me off when I asked about you being so tired often,”
“I’ve been eating way too much lately,” Mids takes another bread roll. “You’ve been spending so much on food just for me,”
“That’s it?” A small snicker escapes past Alberius. “Seriously?” His snickering erupts into laughter. “Mids, it’s more likely that you’ll eat everything before I run out of money,”
“You don’t have to be so blunt,” Mids murmurs.
“I’m sorry but it’s true. And if you’re worried about me spending too much, just know that your happiness is worth more than anything else,” Bubbling laughter still escaping him, Alberius reaches for more food with a renewed vigor. “Now, to make sure you actually end up full tonight,”
His fear turning out to be completely mundane, Mids holds back his remark at Alberius’ placating yet loving remarks. Both from embarrassment and from having his mouth being stuffed with food. The two’s conversation over, Ranzal and Luca get off Midgardsormr to grab some more food as well. Not having been used to two people feeding him yet adjusting to that quite well, he finds no issue in adjusting to three people impatient to stuff him. His cheeks caked in fat, the jutting mounds of flab hide the ridiculous amounts of food stuffed inside his hungry maw at all times. Barely able to keep up with the supply of food, his mouth sluggishly gives each dish a few chews before swallowing it to make room for the next batch of food coming his way. So much food packed inside, the individual flavors and textures jumble together. Yet his addiction to human food is all the same, Midgardsormr greedily devouring it all while still wanting for more. His stomach is so vastly bloated that even as he slowly begins to feel his aching hunger subside, the hill of fat appears no different than before, zero tautness in the blubbery expanse of his gut. However, before he can fully claim himself as full, Alberius’ loving face peers down at his.
“Sorry to say, but we’re fully out of food,” Both hands gripping the tip of Mids’ horns, Alberius leans down for a quick peck, his face neatly slotting itself between all of Mids’ fat. “Did you end up full at least?” Both Ranzal and Luca gone, the two having left after confirming there was no more food in the entire castle, Alberius goes to make himself comfortable. He lies down in between the jutting crevice of Mids’ chest where each moob juts out to the side. He rests his head right on Mids’ multiple folds where his chins and necks mold together.
“Almost,” Mids admits, a slight bit of sadness sounding in his voice.
“Wait, seriously!?” Alberius’ face turns a violent tinge of red. “That’s kinda hot,” He admits as his hands rub at as much of Mids’ expanse as they can reach. “Then next time I’ll make sure to get you enough food to where you’re begging me to stop feeding you,” A small yawn makes it past Alberius’ lips. The infectious yawn worms its way into Mids’ mouth before he lets one out too; the entire expanse of his body jostles and jiggles from the action, Alberius taken along for the ride as the human bed shakes beneath him.
“You better,” Mids merely replies, the overtaxing churning of his gut making him rather drowsy.
“Once we make it to Hinomoto I will,” Alberius lazily pats whatever fold of fat his hand rests on. “If we leave first thing in the morning, we should make it in a few days,”
“Deal,” Letting out one final prolonged yawn, Mids begins to snooze off, his entire body rising and falling with each breath he takes.
Come morning, the two guards find zero trace of their visitors besides a completely barren kitchen and a hefty bag of gold.
“So, what’re we gonna say happened?” Luca scratches the side of his head as he stares at the vacant room where Alberius and Midgardsormr once were.
“We go out for drinks, then we replenish the pantry,” Ranzal happily holds up the bag of gold in his hand. “Then we split the rest that’s left,”
“Deal!” The two head off on their merry way to enjoy their day, yesterday knight a pleasant experience decided to be kept as their little secret.
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0oolookitsme · 2 years
@fishnets-fingers REST OF THE PART 18 FEEDACK IS HERE!!!!! <33333
[“Okay. This is a prime college make out hotspot but,” he pauses, looking around] wait those are real?? i didn't think so!!!
[“You did tell me you were bored from painting from reference pictures of the internet. So, I had to bring you out to the best spot in a college town,” he shrugs.] AWWWWW
[Birds chirping, a dull buzz of crickets from the trees.] all i can think right now is that it'd be fun to take a nap over there lmao
[“Phoebe?” She suggests hesitantly. She’s not an idiot. Phoebe went to school in Chapel Hill and she must have been the one to show Harry this.] who she? *squints*
[ “Don’t be mad I’d rather be here with you right now in the sun rather than come here when it’s dark and-“] i mean it' defo not pleasing to hear but why would she be mad?
[“Please you have to be blind to not notice that she’s very very attractive. Light blonde, upturned button nose, legs that could go on for days. Please if you had passed up on that, I would smack you,” she laughs.] ahhh, why is t always some blonde chick??
[“What do you have planned for the flower braiding ceremony for your Aunt?”] oooh that sounds good!
[“Oh, like prayer things, lamps, and utensils for the ceremony and all. My grandmum shelled out money to buy those in silver and it’s got an antique look to it. Pretty cool. She insists that we now use them for every little thing so she can justify the money she spent on it,” she chuckles.] hahaha! niceeeeeeee!!
[“Sure I’d love to. I’ll even swing by early to get pictures of all you guys before it starts.”] not surprised <3
[Harry had just texted her out of the blue asking her to get ready for a date and to get her paints ready.] *grins*
[She envied women who could work with their bangs] there are those kind of women??
[Truth be told Harry had already got a peak at her work when he was sitting up straight, feeding her carrots dipped in hummus when she became snippy. He couldn’t help it, she was tiny and he had a better vantage.] heart: fluttering
[What he didn’t get to see was her reaching for her pencil again to sketch him in the paper, lazily lounging on his car as he soaked up the sunshine] i absolutely adore this woman
[“You don’t have to. I’ve been thinking of upgrading to something else and I wouldn’t have thought about doing it if you didn’t do that. So in a way, you’ve helped,” he says, not wanting her to spend her money. Plus, he was looking into getting something in gold after seeing all the gold she wears.] interesting. WAIT. THE GOLD CHOICE IS INSPIRED BY HER???? FUCKING AWWWWWWWWWWWWW
[“So that’s settled then. We’re not going.” He smiles in victory.] damn that was smart
[He always had this need to fill in uncomfortable silences. They most often felt awkward to him. But the silence with her was like falling asleep in the warmth of a sunbeam during the harsh winters. He was at ease. Although poets and movies described love as rainbows, a bolt of lightning, sparks flying, universe halting sensations, he came to the conclusion that the best kind of love was slow. Not like that fiery passionate displays of affection he was so used to watching in his precious romcoms.] shut up or else i'm gonna cry at 4pm.
[What he felt with Layla was like watching the sky slowly become dark with the promise of flickering stars. Like they were stitched together at the seams of a universe that ultimately didn’t belong to them. Like watching a flower bloom. Or watching a pot of stew bubble at the stovetop. Slow. Gentle. Sure. Peace. Fervent. Steady.] *tears up* *re-reads* *cries*
[She’d painted him. He feels his heart soar. He occupied a third of the art board. She got him exactly right. He could even make out the small Gucci on the frame of his sunglasses. His soft brown curls, the mole near his mouth, the tattoos on his arm, the floral design of his Fleetwood Mac t-shirt, the black stipe that ran on his baby blue trousers, his rings, everything was there. Her attention to detail was incredible. She’d captured the bustle of the college town without actually experiencing it, all from a distance.] Honestly, if I could, I would throw Harry off the stage and play the role of Layla's boyfriend.
[ “You’re so talented baby,” he coos.] I agree.
[He liked peeling masking tape from her artwork] same!
[“I’m taking you to an art museum for our next date] not me already looking forward to it.
[“Come here,” he mutters, grabbing her waist and pulling her to his chest. She walks backwards, so she’s trapped between the cold shiny body of the car door and Harry. He leans down to press his lips to the top of her head, whiffing generously at the concoction that he was frankly getting addicted to - baby soap, coconut, cocoa butter and Charlie Red. “I love you.”] *tears up*
[“Thank you,” she whispers, face flushing a warmth at his admission, it still somehow made her want to pinch herself.-His body reverberates against hers as he laughs, head thrown back. Boyish and carefree.-“What?”-“Thank you?” He sputters between giggles. “Who says thank you after someone else I love you?!?”-“Shut up!”] fucking crying.
[“Hello hellos,” Layla beams at the screen, as her friends’ faces fill up their designated rectangles] I literally memorized this half as 'The one with loads of socializing' lmfao
[Susan and Heidi] SUSAN!! HAHA HEYY GURL!
[Granted the calls were fewer but it didn’t stop them from sending random memes on the group every single day.] we love some good memes 😌
I bet Susan seems a little too gentle to people at the first sight but then they're like: ah, so I was just breaking down a shield since these last 6 months? lmao, just my thoughts on her
[“That’s really sweet of you. Is it that middle aged Lebanese woman?” Layla asks.] I love that you used 'Lebanese' here
[“Lails, when are you leaving for New Orleans?”] *flashbacks of The vampire diaries and The originals*
[“Have you met her? She’d probably be there before they open up,” Grace comments and it makes them laugh.] 😂😂
[“Nice. I hope you land it, bitch. This way when you tell your family about Jake, you can throw a government job at their faces,” Susan says] YASSS!!!
[Grace reaches for her juul and takes a big puff, letting out the smoke.] wait what's that??
[Her asthma kicked up in minutes and it happened that she’d forgotten her inhaler at home that day] ohh :(
[“Yeah. It comes in loads of flavours and it’s basically vapour.”] I still didn't get it but okay 👍
[“Babe!” Jake calls out. “I got the Maggi you wanted.”] I already like him
[Jake pops up behind Grace. Hands coming to rest on her shoulders, massaging them. ] nods
[“No no. It’s Maggi,” Susan states. She pronounces it like the name ‘Maggie.’] *snorts*
[“Shit. He’s right.”] wait fr?? ...oh wow, my whole life was a lie
[He also fingered me right there in the open. There was no one there but still,” Grace grins proudly.] alright. now I believe that there love is deep deep.
[“I also managed to rip out the necklace from his neck. He was in dude heaven because of his job well done,” she laughs and the others join in too] 😂😂
[“Shut up. You literally have sex until one of you taps out. With dudes it’s over after he comes. Like if Jake comes too soon, he fingers me but he’s the only guy that’s ever done that. The other dudes I slept with just come and collapse without a care about you,” Heidi explains.] hmmm
[Not Harry. I literally have to push Harry away when he’s going down on me,” Layla says with a smug face.] *grins with narrowed eyes, if you know what I mean*
[“Oh no. They didn’t force you to take drugs, did they?” Heidi asks, sitting up straight.] it better not be that or else I'm jumping in through the fucking screen of my laptop
[She’s an architect and she’s just this gorgeous person you know. She’s this hard core queer activist, she is a professional kuchipudi dancer, and she’s very humble] ooooooooooohhh i like her
[“Both. I’ve been crushing on her quite hard and she came over to my house, along with her friends, when my parents were at work and we somehow ended up in the kitchen and I just kissed her.”] 🎶kiss in the kitchen like it's a dance floor🎶
[“Does Meghana know?” Heidi inquiries.] ...who dat?
[“Meghana says she wants a break for a while,” Ramya continues. “She wasn’t mad or anything. She’s just sad.”] that's not any better than her not being mad if I say so
[“I’m just scared that I’ll have to choose and I don’t know.”] ah
[“Why can’t I love both Meghana and Krishna?”] I mean- there is something like a poly relationship..
[“Guys, I think I might be polyamarous. I’m not just saying things because I can’t choose. But I’ve been the kid who had so much love to give to others. I’ve tried the monogamy route with Meghana and you guys know, it’s something I don’t side with. Meghana gets jealous when I talk or flirt with others but I’ve never really cared when she does it, even if the flirting leads to more. So yeah, I know you bois don’t agree with-“] OMG YAYY
[“Just because we don’t side with something doesn’t make us any less proud and you any less loved,” Grace reassures.] :)
[“Yes, bitch. Go be yourself unapologetically. That’s all we want for you,” Layla chimes in.] YASS!!
[“Thanks ladies.” Ramya wipes her nose with the back of her hand. “I was just scared you guys would be disappointed in me.”] aw :(
[Layla notices something moving and finds a paper airplane flying into her room and landing softly at the foot of her bed.] :D
[Will you be able to come over and spend the night with me??
You won’t be here for five days and I just want a good cuddle that’ll keep me going that long.
I’ll even throw in a shoulder massage and let you scratch my back to help you doze off.
xox] ok now. I need to calm down.
[“Aiyo! How precious!” Heidi squeaks, with her hand on her chest.] LOVE THE AIYO!!
[These are Harry’s favourite types of mornings. When he wakes up to see his sweet girl deep in slumber beside him. She woke up with a jerk today and rolled over to his side, and he took that as an opportunity to ink some kisses on her skin. Secretly, he prefers morning sex. As much as Layla pouts to go brush her teeth beforehand, there’s something about the lazy, uncoordinated, unhurried gentleness of it all. He noticed that she was very reactive and sleep warm in the mornings, from having burrowed under the covers all night long. That’s how she ended up on top of him now, catching their breaths, basking in their post-coital bliss. Both bodies covered in a sheen of sweat they managed to work up. Harry found having her full weight on him to be comforting, like having his personal weighted blanket that was warm - her ice cube feet and hands being the only cons.] 💖💖💖💖💖
[“Har,” she props her head up, so she can look him in the eyes. “Please don’t make me feel guilty for wanting to experience things.”] aw hell naw
[“No, listen to me. I’ve dreamed of going to [New Orleans ever since I watched the Princess and the Frog. When we got to planning the trip, way before I booked my plane tickets for spending time with Auntie and Uncle, I just knew that Halloween and New Orleans together were right up the things I love. I mean think of me going cemetery tours at this time of the year and watching the Halloween parade at the French Quarter. Plus, the food. Ever since Earl and I made that gumbo from his wife’s recipe book - I was in love. I would love for you to join us. I really do. I had so much fun at the Smoky Mountains and Vermont but we’ve booked this months in advance.”] dayum
[“The grill bar downtown is hosting a horror movie trivia contest and I just thought about how much fun we would have. With you as my partner, I’m sure that coupon gift has our names on it. And there’s the town’s fall fair in Chapel Hill. It sucks that you’re not here, that’s all,” he tells her. His accent was much thicker with his sleep raspy drawl, it never failed to make Layla melt.] ohh
[“How about we have a trivia contest of our own? We could do it with Mitch and Sarah when we FaceTime again. We could do boys versus girls or couple versus couple. It could be fun,” she proposes.
“We could, I guess,” he replies, warily.
“Why do I have a feeling this is just not about the trivia contest?” She sighs, pushing a brown ringlet that stuck to his forehead because of the sweat.
“I just stupidly thought that we’d spend all our time together because you’ll be leaving in a soon,” he mumbles.
“It’s not stupid. I do really want to spend all my time with you too,” she reassures him. “I promise once I’m back from this trip, I’m all yours.”
“I’m sorry that I’m going to be leaving soon,” she continues. “I told you this before, let’s take it one day at a time, yeah?”
He nods. “I’m going to miss you so much, baby.”
“I’m gonna miss you too,” she coos, as she closes the distance between their lips] okay. this whole last half made me tear up. pass me a handkerchief, will you?
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beanst0ck · 4 years
my friend wanted the tsukishima version of this so i had to do it 🥴
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pairing: tsukishima x reader
word count: 1438
cross posted on my wattpad
Kissing His Best Friend [[Tiktok Challenge]]
- the gentle wind ruffled the trees and bushes surrounding the high school of crows
- while the air outside seemed cool and fresh, the air inside the gym was hot and stuffy
- the boy’s volleyball team was practicing extra hard especially two certain first years
- halfway during practice the third years got called out of the gym by a teacher to discuss something about their grades, leaving the rest of the team to either continue practicing or take a break
- hinata and kageyama continued to practice hard while tsukki grabbed a water bottle and sat against a wall, waiting for the rest of the team to return
- out of the corner of his eye he spotted nishinoya and tanaka trying to do tiktok dances in sync and failing miserably
- tsukki knew about a lot of tiktok trends and dances thanks to his energetic teammates, but he didn’t spend most of his day mindlessly scrolling through the app
- he had things to do, like studying and watching his dinosaur documentaries, so he didn’t have time to waste doing silly tiktok trends
- snapping out of his thoughts he noticed he was in the camera’s frame and grimaced, trying to scoot away but his upperclassmen immediately noticed
- “tsukishima!! join us!!”
- “no.”
- nishinoya and tanaka pouted at their teammate’s salty behavior, but immediately brightened up noticing a certain someone walk through the gym doors
- “(y/n)!!”
- they ran past tsukki and opened their arms in hopes that they’d be able to trap you in the ultimate bear hug
- sadly for them, you dodged them just in time, leaving them to face plant onto the floor
- you slowly walked away from them and upon noticing your best friend you jogged over to him
- “tsukki!!”
- nishinoya and tanaka sniffled while patting each other’s back, knowing they’ll never be able to have you because your heart belonged to the salt shaker
- tsukishima greeted you and asked you why you were still at school even though school had already ended a few hours ago
- “the teachers wanted me to drop off papers to the captains of all the teams we have, all i need is daichi and i should be free to go!”
- “daichi isn’t here.”
- he had to hold back his laugh once he saw your reaction to the captain’s absence
- “i did not just walk across campus for daichi to not be here.”
- “hate to break it to you, but you did.”
- “tsukki! you’re supposed to be nice to me!! >:(“
- you smacked his arm and this time tsukishima couldn’t hold back a chuckle at your childish attitude
- nishinoya and tanaka’s ears perked at the sound of tsukishima’s chuckle
- they literally looked at each other like ‘ 👀 ‘
- yamaguchi, being the literal angel that he is, offers to show you where daichi is so you could deliver the packet of papers to him
- you literally go “really?🥺”
- tsukki definitely didn’t get salty, no sir he didn’t
- except that maybe he did-
- nishinoya and tanaka decide to set their unspoken plan into motion and cough to get the attention of the group
- “you know what tsukishima? why don’t you go with yamaguchi?”
- “but it’s not my job to deliver-“
- “dont disrespect your upperclassmen!! besides, (y/n)’s feet must be sore from walking around the whole day!”
- tsukki sighs, knowing that arguing with the two of them is literally impossible
- so he embarks on a mini adventure with yamaguchi to deliver some papers to daichi
- just when you’re about to tell nishinoya and tanaka that they didn’t have to do that and you were perfectly capable of delivering those papers yourself they turn to you with one of the biggest smiles you’ve ever seen
- “(y/n)! we have a plan!”
- “...ok?”
- so there you stood as nishinoya and tanaka explained their ‘ perfect plan ‘ on how you would get to kiss tsukishima
- “you’re the only one that tsukishima can tolerate enough to do this!!“
- “...you’re just using me for tiktok views aren’t you?”
- “...”
- “*sigh*”
- nonetheless you agreed because,,, who would pass up the opportunity to kiss tsukishima? exactly no one
- and if you said you would,,, no you wouldn’t stop lying to yourself
- if anything went wrong and your friendship nearly gets ruined you could blame it on nishinoya and tanaka
- so they start setting up the area
- tanaka tells hinata and kageyama to practice on the other side of the court, just incase one of kageyama’s sets goes astray and ends up hitting someone
- nishinoya and tanaka set up the phone and begin recording, not knowing when tsukishima would walk through the doors
- “what if he doesn’t catch me-“
- “don’t be so negative (y/n)!”
- you had many many doubts about this plan
- but you went along with it because you got an excuse to kiss tsukishima
- soon you heard footsteps from outside the window and signaled tanaka and nishinoya
- they gave you a thumbs up, wishing you luck and hoping that their plan wouldn’t fail because if it did you would most likely stop talking to them
- as soon as the doors opened yamaguchi and tsukishima stepped inside, now was your moment!
- “tsukki! catch me!!”
- tsukishima turned his head to the sound of your voice, his mind not registering the words you said when he saw you quickly running towards him
- when you jumped he instinctively held out his arms and caught you, almost stumbling backwards from the force
- your legs were wrapped around his waist and your hands were on his shoulders as you let out excited giggles, happy that he actually caught you
- “idiot, why’d you do that? what if i didn’t catch yo-“
- without thinking you grabbed his head and smashed your lips against his
- tsukishima, still not processing that you jumped for him to catch you, also could not process that you were kissing him
- taking his lack of response as a ‘im not kissing you back’ you slowly pulled your lips away but didn’t get the chance to as tsukishima placed his hand behind your head to kiss you back
- mind you, tsukishima was still carrying you, just with one arm bc he’s strong 🥴
- nishinoya and tanaka were hyping you up with tears in their eyes from sadness or happiness is up to you to decide
- yamaguchi was secretly recording because he wanted to have his own video proof that he was there to witness the moment
- even hinata and kageyama got distracted mid set-
- oh no
- o h n o
- hinata and kageyama got distracted mid set
- hinata was so focused on the scene that his hand unconsciously followed his eyes and he accidentally sent the ball flying towards the two of you
- just as the two of you pulled away from the kiss tsukki noticed the ball flying towards the two of you and turned his body around so it wouldn’t hit you
- instead of the ball hitting your head it ended up hitting his
- the gym remained quiet as tsukishima rubbed the back of his head in an attempt to soothe the pain of the spike
- hinata was absolutely distraught, knowing he was about to suffer the wrath of the angry salt shaker
- “tsukki!! are you ok??”
- you were quick to gently grab his head and rub the back of it, occasionally rubbing your hands through his hair in an attempt to distract him from the pain
- suddenly all the pain tsukishima felt was gone lMAO-
- tsukishima nodded and exited the gym with you
- he set you down outside and told you to wait while he went to go get his things
- all hinata got was a bonk on the head?? which was?? shocking??
- hinata mentally thanked you for soothing the salty monster’s wrath
- once tsukishima returned back to you he squatted down in front of you and you looked at him like ‘🤨’
- “what are you doing?”
- “don’t your feet hurt? hurry and hop on before i change my mind.”
- oh boY
- you were so quick to jump onto his back for a piggyback ride
- on the way home you asked tsukishima if he liked you and he literally sCOFFED
- “we kissed and you still doubt my feelings for you? do you need another one to clear your head?”
- i mean... you didn’t say no to that
- the next day nishinoya and tanaka show you the video they took
- people were fawning over how fast tsukishima was to turn his body so you wouldn’t get hurt
- tsukishima acted like he didn’t like the attention but this little shit was eating it up
- if you wanted to do more tiktoks with him involving kissing he was not going to deny you
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haikyuu mlist
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Witcher Of The Night (Chapter 1)
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Characters: Geralt of Rivia x small!Naive!Reader
Summary: You've woken up being hunted by an Alghoul. You were in a death race and hollered for help. Though, it seems like the human you've first seen didn't exactly appeared to look human all through out as his eyes glowed beneath the moon light. You've talked to him but he didn't seem friendly at all except for his awakened friend. The words coming out of their mouth seemed baffling because they were acting like they didn't live in earth, and deep inside you were in denial because they really weren't.
Warnings: Monsters? The word 'whores' and cusses? Blood? A lot of modern references because reader lives in modern day era in earth.
Words: 3,800+
A/N: Hello! Yes, this is my first Geralt fic! There will be eventual smut in the future chapters. I can just tell. LMAO. I ain't good with medieval things but I'm trying! I hope this isn't a failure nor a disappointment, spuds! 😅 Reader lives in modern day earth in this fic but magically woke up in The Witcher’s dimension, alright? This turned to be comedic because of the modern references from the reader. 😂🤣🤣 I had fun writing this! FOR REAL! 
Taglist: @alyxkbrl @himarisolace @barkingbullfrog​
Disclaimer: PNG's used in edits are not mine even the GIF's too. However, the edits and oneshots are definitely from moi. Characters and said monsters aren't from moi as well. (GIF taken from Tumblr!)
MY WORKS ARE NOT TO BE POSTED ON ANY OTHER WEBSITES. My official username in Wattpad is “TATATHEPOTATO” and that’s the only other site I have aside from Tumblr. Thank you, Tater tots!
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Tweaks of branches echoed around the unspecified woodland. The satisfying crack of the frail wood felt on the soles of your feet which wore some nasty pink Havaianas slippers as the night sky became colder than from what you were accustomed with.
You were running away from god knows what as you've heard a loud thud beside the tree you've woken up with. Taking a trip down the memory lane, your forgetful mind could only recall a lake in which you were drowning in and the sudden flash of lightning occurred above you as the water rested upon your face.
Then after that terrifying nightmare, you suddenly woke up in the middle of nowhere. A slightly dead looking forest before you've heard the rustle of some twigs and leaves beside you.
Having a vacation in the forest of Switzerland has never been a dream and considering how God smacked you in the head unconscious and teleported you in Switzerland was entirely bewildering from the start.
Your heart was hurriedly pounding out of your chest as you sprinted as fast as you can. Abnormal shrills whistled with the wind that made you mewl as you ran for your life. There has been cuts and bruises across your knee from how you've stumbled upon a large log that hid beneath the earth-like soil. No pain has been sent to your nerves yet because of the adrenaline rush rising in every part of your veins with the need for the hushed voices to stop.
"Ah!" Another loss of one's footing, you've tripped over a large rock and fell face flat. Face now covered in grime and soot as you've heard the intangible whisper of words for the tenth time.
"Leave me the fuck alone! If this is a prank, it's not funny because I'm hurt!" you shrieked in the night and no one in particular. Limbs were turning feeble and shaky, but you've offered all your will power to survive in the damn forest if you were about to get murdered and be found after a year where your body has already been eaten by some wild animal.
The hushed voices were coming closer to a definite scare that took your heart out of your chest. You've pushed yourself up and began sprinting with a limp as you saw the end of the forest; like a meadow was waiting for your damn demise as you won't be outrunning the murderers behind you.
You stood in the middle of a grass field. So, this was the end for you. The voices inside your head spoke as you've scanned the whole area and saw a peculiar wooden house in the middle of the vast area.
The wooden house seemed to be made of Hazel twigs, daub and wattle. Its whole structure was darn weird to be seen in the era you knew you were in. Year 2020. It looked medieval, old and superannuated. The house's structure had a timber frame with a light glowing inside the open panels of its windows.
Human. Someone can help you. Based on the clothes that hung on the sides of a wooden fence in logs, you knew there was someone living inside the peculiar looking house.
Then, you've heard a loud roar. It was enough for you to spun on your heels and see who had been chasing you like a wild boar.
Yet, it wasn't a normal wild boar that could calm you down just a slight because it was just an animal.
The one chasing you didn't seem a murderer nor an animal. Its body appeared to live on the ground, like a zombie who came to life and had no lower body. Though, it had a large stomach and uses his burly arms to chase you down the forest. With Bright cardinal eyes wrathfully staring you down as you stood rooted on the ground in the middle of the field; your heart seeming to run out of oxygen because of what you were witnessing.
You didn't know if it was an alien or a zombie. Proper thinking thrown out of the window as you were running away from the nightmare that was bound to kill you in your sleep, if you were even sleeping.
Your feet ran a trek to the house; looking behind. Focal point completely at the fast carcass crawling to where you were, tons of disgusting looking saliva dripping out of its eroding jaw and you were screaming for help as you skedaddle away.
Until your head hit a hard wall, but not enough for you to fall unconscious.
Vision falling like a kaleidoscope world, you blinked repeatedly and squinted you eyes up at the wall. Though, you were met with a clothed robust chest and a strong warmth he radiated through the crispy, cold Autumn wind. You've scanned him from chest to face and noticed a coin-like silver necklace just a meter away from your face that had a symbol of a wolf.
You didn't know if you were just still dizzy from your newly awakened-self but it was as if your world spun around you as the brawny, marvelous man towered over you like a lion over a mouse. His jawline impressively great enough to cut a bitch; a prominent, cleft chin that can be quite tempting to poke at and eyes that were glowing in Aurum like a star in the night sky or a pot of gold in the other end of the rainbow, with majestic half-tied hair that ended below his shoulders tinted in ivory that stood upon the Tartarean night.
Though, despite of how dashing, grimy and haggard he appeared before you. The scowl on his face was enough to take you to step back from how disturbed he looked like.
You've seen him somewhere. In the movies back in your laptop when you were having a marathon of something.
Lord of the rings. Right, you were dreaming about it in the middle of being chased in your nightmare. That explains why he appeared.
You clapped excitedly as you lifted your chin to stare into his beautiful blazing gold eyes. The grumpy looking man cocked his head to the side as he scrutinized and studied your filth-filled face and you couldn't help but notice the concealed scrunch of his nose if you weren't staring a little bit too closely.
"Hmm," it was the first word you've heard from this intimidating man standing in front of you and hearing such an impossible, low timbre of a hum that vibrated from his chest could get your knees weak from such a tone because you didn't know if it was scaring you or telling you to run for the hills instead.
"Legolas?" your voice croaked out loud, voice turning small when you've received only a grimace that wouldn't be considered as a fake smile, much to your dismay. Your scrutinizing eyes noticed something different from one of the Lord of the Rings character and it was the maturity of his face, "--a middle aged Legolas! Help me! Use your arrow thingy--" he pushed your shoulders to stay behind him, making you stumble from the impact but not enough to ignite another bruise to your knees. Your eyes staring weirdly at his back as you studied the long metal knightly looking steel wrapped around his thick, large, powerful looking palms.
"---Oh, a sword would suffice." you muttered, suddenly uninmpressed because you wanted him to have an arrow instead of a sword to live in your fantasies and continued to hid behind the large build of his body, taking a peek as you saw the bizarre looking creature who screeched so loud that it echoed all over the meadow. You've unconsciously held onto the hem of the wool sweater behind the first human you've ever encountered other than the creature who planned to eat you alive.
"There's a zombie!"
Geralt felt the hand tugging at his sweater. He was close to jumping from the sudden physical touch because of how sudden you've reach out for him regardless of meeting him just tonight. His eyebrows in a tough knot and expression unreadable as he eyed the Alghoul running towards you. The hand holding the hem of his clothing was instantly right out of your hands as he prepared his stance and tread towards the critter like he was confident enough he could eliminate him.
He swung the sword, aiming for the head using just one hand as he lifted it with no trouble; like it was his own weapon and you couldn't help but watch the whole scene unfold before you. The Alghoul jumped using its arms but he was stronger, faster, braver and definitely had no sweat with the upswing of his sword as he slashed the head off the creature with one blow.
Well, he was great. Too great with the sword indeed.
Black blood spurt as he'd cut his head off with no remorse, some of its blood flying off to your grimy sleeveless top and face as you winced from the gore and stared at the head rolling on the ground till it hit your toes.
You just wanted to scream out loud but it seems like your jaw has been stuck and you had no voice to start.
The man seemed to be unruffled at the fact that he just cut the creature's head off with his sword, turning his back at face front that you saw black fluids on the smooth wrinkle of his forehead and cheeks.
"It's an Alghoul," he abnormally grumbled so deep that you mistaken it as a growl. You could feel your tongue stuck in your throat and heard his heavy footsteps coming close. Your eyes still focused at the monster's head scratching your feet that you haven't realized that the man who saved you was actually in front of you already, grabbing its head and throwing it away to save you from another nightmare.
Faded set of footsteps came echoing in. Lighting up a startle from you as you heard a door swish out loud in the open. Until, a budding pitch of a man has said the name of your gory savior in the middle of the night.
"Geralt?" Jaskier hesitantly stepped on the creaking, wooden porch. Eyes still weary of sleep and fatigue as he blinked to the both of you who stood at each other in just an arm reach.
Your savior mumbled another distasteful hum as he observed the short woman before him who seemed to be in total shock; staring at the ground where he'd took the head of the Alghoul away before sighing and taking a step back and away from you to take a look at his bloody sword. "Why, who is this adorable, small grimy lady here in the middle of the night?" the light tone of the man's voice made you blink twice; snapping you out of your reverie.
You turned your head and studied the somnolent man standing outside of the porch, hair disheveled like he'd been disrupted by such a beauty sleep. He looked younger, like he was in his 20's and had a youthful beam with lean muscles beneath the white undershirt wore under a Tunic. Jaskier placed both hands on his hips before pointing a finger at you, sending you a bright smile other than the moue you've received from the man named 'Geralt,' "You came here for Geralt, I suppose? One of your..midnight sashays with him?"
Geralt didn't need to look at his friend and ignored everything he said by walking towards a beautiful brown horse, "Jaskier," he lowly reprimanded as he eyed his horse with an indecipherable expression of his.
Jaskier deeply sighed, his shoulders going up and down from how he did and you eyed him with a baffling twist of your eyebrows.
"First and foremost, you ruined his nap and now he can be as grumpy as an--an Alghoul! An amputated Alghoul!" he blinked in surprise, peeking behind you to see the creature who had its head cut-off laying on the muddy ground.
Geralt continued to pet his horse as your eyes snapped to him, his back on you as you heard his horse neigh, the man named Jaskier still rambling about the creature who laid dead on the ground.
"Alghouls appear in old necropolises and crypts," he scratched his temple with a finger, walking down the path till he was studying the corpse on his foot, "It's a miracle that they've hunted you down. They seldom appear in the forest! Also, they knock down their victims and eat them alive. Right, Geralt? You've taught me these!"
Geralt ignored him and continued petting his horse.
You eyed the man named named Jaskier and watched him walk back to you, a solemn smile on his face because of your unfortunate experience with the forest. Suddenly, realizing about the information he'd uttered, you were sure it was just like those creatures in the movies like Resident Evil or The Walking Dead.
"So, it's basically a zombie!"
Jaskier stared at you like you've eaten a dead mouse. Forehead creasing as he tried mouthing the word you've said, giving his friend a once over as he does, "A zom--what? please do enlighten me, Geralt as to what is a Sombre when I can see with my own splendiferous eyes that the monster he'd killed is an Alghoul--"
You've huffed and bit the insides of your cheeks, fists tightening on either side as you stubbornly bantered, "Z O M B I E. Zombie."
Thus, at the retort; Jaskier had his hands on his hips with his chest puffed out like he was trying to intimidate you. But, it was a failure because he never looked intimidating from the start, "A zombie. Alright. I understood you but not entirely, dirty maiden. Geralt--" he looked over his friend who was now already on the side of you, startling the both of you and sky-scraping from your side as you lifted your chin to see him oddly closing his eyes, breathing you in.
Was he smelling you?
You eyed Jaskier like you were finding it peculiar and he just gave you a shrug, "Your scent..It's...It's...otherworldly, " Geralt uttered, completely resonant and low-pitched that vibrated your calming nerves, "It attracted the Alghoul," he continued with a frown and another sniff before humming in disdain.
"Very out of the ordinary," the latter muttered beneath his chest, a snarl coming out of his mouth as you swallowed the butterflies wanting to come out of your mouth by how monumental he was and you feel so small, "Who sent you?"
You took a step away from the man, eyeing him weirdly as he stubbornly took a step close like personal space wasn't known to the world you are in, "Uhm, no--no one?" a pathetic stutter came out of your lips and felt the tremble of your fingers because of a thought running in your mind that he was also as dangerous as the Alghoul they were saying; maybe even more treacherous, "I came out from my mother’s reproductive organ? You know what, Geralt--"
Jaskier suddenly cut you off, crossing his arms behind him as he watched his friend tower over you, an amused grin etched on his face because you were actually crumbling like a rat before the ginormous cat, "Geralt. A letter G. Not a J. G E R A L T---"
"---Alright, GERALT!" you stopped taking steps back and declared out loud, mocking their accent that you couldn't distinguish. Your palms were outstretched in front of you, ceasing Geralt from pushing you away but not enough to be touching his torso. A pleading look in your eyes that made him breath out of his nose, "---Just please tell me where the airport is and I'm off to my country,"
The man in front of you stared you down, completely uncanny at what you were voicing out. You winced and realized you wouldn't get an answer from him and tried to ask help from his friend instead, but Jaskier was fast to distract you and criticize the clothes you wore, "What even is that clothing?"
You blew out air out of your mouth loudly, not believing their words. They were acting like they weren't actually living in earth at all, "It's casual! Don't judge!"
Jaskier also gave a huff, not believing the outlandish behavior from a lady and continued complaining to the Witcher who seemed to never have the decency to give you space, "Cas--what? Geralt, this woman is foolish. Don't even attempt to ravish her in any way. Utterly not worth it! She's a cuckoo with that flimsy short trousers, an odd looking footwear and a thin top like the Alghoul has taken all of her silk. Unless, this woman is actually your type, well--I wouldn't judge you for your taste in women because most of the time it is utmost round the bend--"
His spouts were cut short as you managed to get a proper look at the strangely, beautifully rugged man before you, giving him one of those tired, puppy eyes that made his frown much less more like it as he waited, "I just wanna go home," your voice sounded so vindicated and you were sure his eyes were really glowing under the night sky, "---please tell me where the airport is and I'll go, or you can probably help me with my wounds first before you shoo me away,"
You've felt the burns from your wounds and ungracefully tried to avoid those glowing eyes that seem to suddenly make your heart pound. Damn you and your horrid types, "Do you...have a car?" you asked no one in particular as you watched the stars that also seemed to be peculiar because of how many they were.
His horse neighed from a distance which gave you an idea that their house didn't have a garage nor do they have a car. You peeked behind Geralt and saw his horse standing behind the stables, "Oh, you have a horse. A beautiful brown horse, I take it we're in a province, I see."
Again, no response from him other than Jaskier's sighs. It was like taking to the wind, but actually talking to a corpse.
You could feel the heat of his stare and it was making you conscious of how you actually looked like, so you continued to avoid his eyes and looked at anywhere but him, "We're in Switzerland right? Or in a province in the U.K, Scotland or Australia considering your accents?"
The only response you've gotten from him was a mere seven word that made you scrunch your nose by how weirder they get, "You aren't from here, I can tell."
"Way to tell her that she's a woman and not a man, Geralt. Stop stating the obvious,"
You ignored their utterance as they've also ignored your question. All you needed was an airplane to get you back to where you came from and escape from this madness. Yet, they seem like to be beating around the bush which began to slightly irritate you because you were sounding like a broken record, "So where's the airport, gentlemen? I still need to feed my cat at home and I'll tell the entire universe that its the end of the world with the zombies. Gotta' tell them a zombie apocalypse is happening--my phone!" you patted the pockets of your shorts and felt your Android phone inside. You've fished it out and pressed the home button, the bright light gleaming beneath the night and both men couldn't help but stare at you in oddity.
"Your what?" was the only thing Jaskier has muttered, looking at what you were holding. Geralt  observed the unfamiliar looking thing in your hand and squinted his eyes shut at the bright light, "It's--there's no signal! Where are we?" you tapped on your phone repeatedly and found the GPS not working as the results were indefinite.
Jaskier marched till he was beside his friend, clasping a cold hand on his burly shoulders, cocking his head to the side and clasping his other on his own hip as he gave you a look, "Not just simply absurd but also a strange one, Geralt. You definitely pick the best ladies, First was Renfri; the rebel princess, second is Yennefer; that cunning beautiful mage in which you’ve been in love with and the other hundred are your whores--"
Geralt cocked his head to the side, an unexpected small smile lifting his lips as he continued laying his golden eyes on you, "Year 1268. In the far north kingdom of Kaedwen,"
You nervously nodded, crossing your arms at how exposed you feel from the man before you especially that your clothes were also thin for a weather you were in. Fingers were feeling like ice and you couldn't help but shiver, "Kaedwen? Padawan? Star wars references, I see. Okay, okay, this is getting out of hand and I know you're still in character but please tell me that this is a prank and you're just fond of cosplay,"
"Hmm," His smile was quick to fall, like it has only been a hallucination of your imaginations. Geralt studied you from head to toe. Your breath catching in your throat at how barren you felt with just a simple scan of his eyes and also by how beautiful he looked. Such a pain but soothing for the eyes. He caught the bruises and wounds all over your body and heavily sighed another one before turning his back away from you and letting Jaskier lightly stumble on his feet after giving him a manly tap on the shoulder.
"He's letting her in," Jaskier mumbled to himself and watched Geralt walk away, completely amused as he couldn't believe it, "He really is!"
He scratched his disheveled bed-head and huffed another one, pointing at the retreating man who entered their wooden cavern. "Based on how long I've been a friend with this grumpy Witcher, that answer was either a yes, or a no."
"---Unfortunately, it seems like a no because he took off without a word," he gestured with a finger and used his other to welcome you like a humble gentleman giving way for a princess, "---but also an approval that you can stay in our humble abode to cure that wounds you have which is oddly strange because he never lets anyone in, yet here you are. A grubby ground breaker,"
He eyed the Alghoul's blood on your top and face, his face morphing into disgust as he pointed a playful finger at you, "---And you, small rat. Need a bath," before waggling them around to tell you his point, "---However, you don't get to take my bed,"
The hopes of having your sleep or tightly shutting your eyes, repeatedly wishing inside your head to wake up on your mattress back at your apartment would definitely be a difficult task especially from what you've witnessed. Though, maybe closing your eyes shut and having a nap was the only cure to the nightmare you were living in; taking note at how long this dream of yours have been occurring. It was technically a nightmare full of magical creatures and magic that promised you would only be a mere dream of yours.
That is, when you've opened your eyes after repeatedly wishing up at the sky to wake you up in your dream and saw Jaskier walking in, leaving the door open for you to make yourself at home completely answered your questions.
You weren't dreaming and it appears to be like you were in a different dimension.
"Oh, I'll be damned,"
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faulty-writes · 4 years
Can I get headcanon of Deku, Bakugou, and Mirio (individually) who are going up against petite reader in a close combat class? But, what reader lacks in height she makes up in strength bc she's like,, miruko level buff 👀👀. Thicc muscular thighs, big biceps, and gorgeous back muscle that makes the boys go crazy 😤👌💕💕💕. Bonus points if she's a freestyle wrestler and tackles the boys with her entire body weight lmao
Icons Made By Yours Truly 
Izuku Midoriya 
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Midoriya was nervous when he heard Aizawa announce the pairings for the close combat exercise. Why out of everyone did he have to face you? In a way, you almost reminded him of Kacchan. With your loud voice, determination, and the fact you would never back down or give up. During training exercises, you’d always talk smack and the fact you were a tad muscular was intimidating. But at the same time, Midoriya found himself attracted to you because of that.
Still, he activated his quirk as he stood across from you. You were smirking and doing some stretches which caused his mouth to grow dry, but he quickly shook his head and waited until Aizawa gave the signal to start. Once he did, Midoriya tried charging at you. However, he didn’t expect you to be quicker and you threw him off guard when you passed him and knocked him clean off his feet. “Better be careful Deku, I’m just getting started,” you warned and Midoriya wasn’t sure if he was afraid or turned on.
“Ah!” Midoriya cried out when you jumped onto his back causing him to stumble over his own feet. He had tried his best not to fall as he didn’t want to hurt you. However, you sensed his hesitation and leaned back. Forcing your weight to finally make Midoriya crash to the ground. Then you proceeded to wrap your legs around his waist and tightened your arms around his throat as if you were trying to choke him out. He reached out, trying to pry your arms off but you weren’t budging anytime soon. His face was turning red and he knew you were cutting off his oxygen. “U-Uncle!” he quietly spoke and gasped for air when you finally released him.
Katsuki Bakugou 
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Bakugou and you were always going head to head, you were like the second Deku in his life. However, there was that clear attraction between you two that often went ignored. Despite the fact that everyone else could see it. Still, you and Bakugou were always trying to one-up each other, and whenever a close combat training exercise came. Aizawa seemed to enjoy pinning you two against one another, you partly wondered if that was because it was somehow entertaining for everyone else to watch two people beat the shit out of each other.
Of course, this training exercise was a little different. You had been the victor lately in your small rivalry competition and Bakugou was getting tired of it. When the combat began, he charged at you. His quirk causing smoke to rise and it momentarily blinded you. “DIE!” Bakugou screamed as he shot himself through the air and above the smoke. You hissed and kicked off the ground, grinning when your vision finally returned and Bakugou growled. “DAMN YOU.” he used his quirk to propel himself toward you, but you quickly dodged and grabbed him by the throat.
“Get the fuck off!” he growled, though your body was smoking and there were burns scattered across your arms. You managed to pin him to the ground, your knee was digging into his back and your hand was fisted into his hair. “So, how many victories is that in a row? Must be a shame always being the loser,” you commented before he growled and pressed his hands into the ground. His quirk sounded off and it caused dirt to fly everywhere. You coughed before pulling his hair. “Don’t do anything stupid, you know you can’t outmatch me. After all, I have brains, beauty and muscle,” you commented, grinning as you flex your bicep but Bakugou only rolled his eyes. Fuck, he hated losing.
Mirio Togata
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Mirio and you were close friends and even closer work out buddies. Though Mirio always liked your build and slight muscular frame. You were petite, but he always thought that was a cute aspect. However, things were a little different when it came to training exercises. He had faced down with the rest of the class 1-A in a close combat scenario and you happened to be the last one standing. “Well, looks like you’re the only left sunshine. But I won’t go easy on you.” he warned and you laughed, “I didn’t expect you to.” you said, smirking as you waited for him to make the first move.
Of course, you expected Mirio to use his quirk. But you were far too used to Mirio and his tactics, which made it easy to dodge. However, when he disappeared into the ground once more. You used your quirk to manipulate the Earth and shake things up for Mirio. Just as expected, when he came back up. He was confused as to what happened and at that moment, you grabbed his arm and slammed him into the jagged uneven ground.
Mirio wasn’t expecting it when you straddled him and proceeded to use your muscular thighs to squeeze his head. Your nails were digging into his wrists as you were holding his arms straight up. It didn’t seem like he was trying to fight back, but he was flustered and tried to speak to you. “Uh...sunshine, why are you uh...” you blew a raspberry, “Shut it,” you demanded before leaning over, placing your hands between the space of his legs and proceeded to lift Mirio up. Only to slam him back into the ground.
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monamourbladie-mb · 4 years
Darth Vader/Sith Anakin x reader where he’s v protective and someone flirts with the reader and he gets really mad
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Protecting What’s Mine - Suitless Vader!Anakin Skywalker x Reader *SMUT*
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As you can tell, most of you guys wanted more anakin smut! i have 3 other requests and the others were all Anakin smut lmao im sorry this took so long to get to you guys! i decided to combine these all :)
Words: 1.4k
Plot: You and your husband, Darth Vader are the most feared couple in the galaxy. Some jerk has the nerve to hit on you, and Anakin is less than thrilled about it.
Extra Info: smut, jealousy, drinking, death
Ever since Anakin had become Darth Vader, everything had changed for the both Anakin and Y/n. She had taken his hand at Mustafar, and slowly her attitude towards the dark side had changed.
Both were now Sith - long forgetting the Jedi Order, much to Obi Wan’s dismay. Tried as he might, he doomed himself trying to bring them back to the light.
Now, Darth Vader and Empress Y/n plotted silently to overthrow Palpatine and take his throne - and the two worked solely for each other’s interests. Through it all, they grew closer and were finally able to be public about their marriage.
Anakin was much more clingy with Y/n than he had ever been. She never left his side practically, and whenever she did he was always on high alert to make sure no creeps tried to make their way towards her.
One particular night, Anakin and Y/n were out at a party Palpatine had thrown in celebration of the downfall of the Order. Anakin was talking with some of his newer friends, while Y/n walked over to the bar to get a drink.
She sat down at the bar, resting her chin on her hand as she waited in silence. A few moments passed and the seat to her right was taken up. She flicked her eyes over to look, then turned back towards the bar.
“Hello, gorgeous,” the man smirked, leaning closer to her. Y/n scoffed and turned, “Hello?” she mumbled. “Something you need?”
“You to come home with me.” he winked, taking a swig of his drink.
Y/n fought back a laugh, “As if I’d come home with someone like you. I’m not interested.” she turned back around, wishing to give no more attention to the stranger.
“C’mon, doll. I promise I’ll give you a good time~” he flirted and touched her arm, his words slurred from the alcohol.
She recoiled from his touch and sneered at him, “Dont touch me!” she snapped, inching more towards the left.
“Feisty,” he chuckled lowly, “I love feisty women.”
“Stay the fuck away from her,” Anakin’s loud, menacing voice struck the man frozen. He gulped and turned, his eyes widening, “L-Lord Vader-“
Without a second of hesitation, Anakin moved his hand up and started to choke him using the force. His eyes widened and he grabbed his throat, choking, “L-Lord Vader, please I wasn’t-“
Anakin moved him toward him with the force, hoisting him up in the air as the entire bar fell silent to watch. He squeezed his neck tighter and furrowed his eyebrows more, clenching his jaw, “Don’t you ever go near my wife again, do you understand me?”
Y/n tried as hard as she could to pull her mind out of the gutter, but she couldn’t help but feel very turned on by the sight in front of he - her angry husband using his infamous force choke. She pressed her legs together in hopes to alleviate the arousal growing, to no avail.
Anakin quickly moved his hand to the right and the man went flying into the wall, his dead body smacking against the wall leaving a small indent. Anakin huffed angrily and smoothed down his robes, looking back up at the shocked crowd. “Sith business. Go back to your drinks.”
Everyone immediately went back to what they were doing, not wanting to piss off the already livid Sith Lord any more than he already was.
Anakin began to walk over towards Y/n, and she bit her lip in anticipation. He sat where the creeper sat and he rest his hand on her thigh and creeped it up her skirt slowly, “We’re going home right now.” he moved his hand up and flicked his finger across her underwear slowly, looking at her darkly, “understand me?”
Y/n nodded quickly and bit her lip, taking in a sharp breath and feeling very small next to the tall, menacing man she called her husband. “Y-Yes daddy...” she spoke softly. He smirked, knowing she only called him that when she was very, very turned on.
“That’s right baby.” he leaned in, teasing his lips closely to hers and chuckled, moving his finger more firmly against her clit through her underwear, “You belong to me and me only.” he pressed his lips firmly against hers, capturing her in a heated kiss.
She whimpered softly and kissed him back, gripping the seat tightly to keep her composure so she didn’t strip him down right then and there.
“We’re going home right now,” he snapped suddenly, pulling on her arm firmly but not enough to hurt her, making her stand up. She bit her lip and followed him, grabbing onto his arm as he guided them outside. “I’m never leaving you alone again. No one is allowed to go near you.”
“I didn’t do anything-“
“You didn’t, no,” Anakin sighed, walking past one of his troopers, “Trooper, fly us home,” he mumbled and the trooper nodded, “Yes, Lord Vader.”
Anakin turned to Y/n and looked at her darkly, making her heartbeat speed up from just the look alone. “I just want to remind you who you belong to.”
As soon as Anakin and Y/n got home, he brought her straight to their grand bedroom. He slammed the door shut behind them and instantly pressed her against the wall, pushing his hands against her head, making her gulp from his intimidating stature.
“You are in so much trouble, Angel,” Anakin spoke darkly, stroking her cheek with his hand, smirking. “I-I didn’t-“
“Still. You needed to be reminded as to who owns you,” Anakin captured her lips in a heated kiss, making her whimper softly. She wrapped her arms around his neck and tugged at the ends of his hair, deepening the kiss as Anakin growled.
Swiftly, he moved his hands behind her back and picked her up, not breaking the kiss as he pressed her down on the bed.
She let out a small noise as he moved his hands up to squeeze her breasts as he kissed her harder, moving his hands down to slide her dress off slowly.
“A-Anakin, please just..”
“Patience, sweetheart,” Anakin smirked and got her dress fully off, immediately sucking on her breasts as she let out soft, faint moans as she gripped onto his back tightly.
Anakin pulled away after attacking her breasts with rough kisses and bites to take off his sith robes, throwing them to the floor as he moved his hand down to slide her underwear off; his other gloved hand pressed against her hipbone to keep her down.
“Look at you,” he spoke lowly, sliding her underwear off completely and teasingly swiping his finger inside her. “you’re dripping.”
She whined and squirmed around, trying to get back the feeling of his fingers inside her, “Ani-“
“Stop squirming,” he gripped her hipbone tighter and spread her legs apart further, stroking himself slowly as he chuckled down at his desperate wife. He leaned down and kissed her deeply as he thrust himself inside her slowly, stretching her fully out as she gasped, “Anakin!”
He growled lowly and started to thrust roughly into her, gripping her hips tighter as she moaned louder, “Fuck, just like that!”
He kissed her neck softly in contrast to his rough thrusts, losing himself in the feeling of her tightening around him tighter by the second.
“God, you feel like heaven...” he moaned into her neck, noticing her voice get breathier as she moaned louder.
“A-Ani, p-please, im so close...” she moaned louder, gripping his back tighter as he moved his hand down to rub her quickly, thrusting into her as hard as he could, “Let go... c’mon Angel, let go...”
After a moment, the knot snapped she came undone intensely, squirming and moaning loudly as it washed through her. He found his high and helped them ride them through, slowing his thrusts down until he pulled out and laid beside her.
He wrapped his large, muscular arms around her smaller frame and sighed heavily, kissing her hair, “I love you. I don’t want to ever lose you.”
Y/n hummed softly and hugged him back, pressing a soft kiss to his chest, “I love you. You won’t ever lose me,” she replied.
“All of this... all of this is for you. For us. So wet could be happy,” Anakin sighed, playing with her hair gently.
“I know. And i’m so thankful,” she pecked his lips softly. “I’m so glad I can rule beside you, my love.”
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house-of-tykayl · 4 years
cystar tho (headcanons)
cyborg and starfire are the cuddliest couple ever. the PDA is incredible. star will perch on his shoulders like he’s a climbing post/bird perch and generally just drape herself all over him bc he’s got a lot of surface area and she wants comfy. and cy will just grab her out of midair for huggles before letting her float away again like a balloon headed straight for the atmosphere. star will float higher when she wants to look over his shoulder at something (bc hes the only titan taller than her) and sometimes cy will just reach up and touch her waist and lead her around in the air like that while they chat
the other titans support them, but are simultaneously disgusted by the excessive amount of PDA. cy sometimes milks star’s affection to troll everyone, especially at the breakfast table. “hey star i havent had my morning kiss today” “oh apologies” “do that long tongue thingy again babe” “if you two dont let me eat my waffles in peace for just ONE morning i will open a portal to the seventh circle of hell and chuck the both of you inside”
star is living for the unabashed affection bc cyborg has no qualms about being proud boyfriend in public. like he’ll wrap an arm around her and go “hey star’s my girlfriend :)” and the grocery store clerk’s like “we know, that’ll be $15.99″ and star’s just beaming, holding the plastic bags full of snacks and unorthodox food combinations
if cy’s generous with the lovin wait till you see star lmao. “you are looking most beautiful today!” she keeps saying shit literally no one else will say, either (possibly) coz of the robot thing or just coz starfire’s being starfire, and cyborg’s just like *clutches_chest.jpeg* because she a lil weirdo but she makes him feel normal and appreciated and that he’s great the way he is, that he’s desired even if a lot of him isn’t organic anymore. like yes!! my boyfriend is comprised of 80% robotic parts!! he is extremely strong and the “cool”!!! is he not absolutely wonderful???
ok but starfire can almost never get enough touching, and cyborg’s just like aight *picks her up and carries her around on his arm for an hour* and she’ll just be giddy the entire time
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more under the cut
star doesnt have a lot of preconceived notions of what a normal human relationship is, outside of things she sees on TV and robin’s incomprehensible push-pulling over the years. so she doesn’t care one bit about the fact that she’s cuddling a robot. she’d figured starting a relationship with anyone on earth would be something different for her regardless– so a lot of the things cyborg used to think a partner would find problems with, end up not happening because man, this alien chick. “may i lay together with you in your bed?” “girl are you saying you wanna sleep while standing up?? on my charging port???? surrounded by 3478012 cables and wires?????” “is there no room? then may i sleep on the floor?” she just wants to be with him
heck more bed shenanigans would involve like, cyborg awkwardly trying to lie down on star’s bed, and it feels weird coz he hasn’t slept in a real bed for years and while it feels nice he’s kinda sinking into the mattress and he’s self-conscious about leaving a dent in the frame?? or like rolling over at night and squashing star which would be awkward coz he’s more than a little heavy?? then star hops in and cuddles close and is all like shhhhhhhhh slep time
silkie is usually very happy about cyborg’s presence in star’s room, if only because he can gnaw on cy’s legs while they sleep. cy begins to think it’s also revenge since there’s a lot less space on the bed with himself in it, and silkie struggles to find room near starfire to sleep at night. they eventually just get a bigger bed. silkie is a lot less stressed– but cyborg still wakes up with chew marks in his legs
if either of them are too tired from a battle that day, the other will carry them to bed. BB laughed his ass off the first time he saw starfire princess carrying cy to his room (star’s perfectly capable of carrying his weight but her arms aren’t necessarily long enough to hold onto him properly, making it a little cumbersome and awkward), but cy just tiredly gives B the finger
cy will talk to star in awkward broken tamaranian and she’ll get all giggly. everyone else assumes it’s cute flirting, but he’s actually whispering dirty, raunchy shit. that she taught him. and she continues to teach him tamaranian, occasionally dropping new words while otherwise speaking english, and waiting for him to ask about what they mean.
cy will sometimes smack star’s ass and then run for his life before she can return the favor, because he always ends up with an overly-enthusiastic handprint-shaped dent in his ass. it’s a terrifying game of tag. BB will chase them chasing each other with a camera to add to his album of “cyborg’s dented ass” photos that he shares with the whole titans network
cy teaches star about the niches in earth/american culture, the kinds of things that are a little harder to learn about on your own, or things she otherwise wouldn’t have had a reason to learn. he tells her about old american tv shows and explains obscure slang words and how to make telemarketers hang up first and what the contra code is and why he mashes it in every time he boots up a new video game. it’s a crash course mix of useless trivia and miscellaneous culture that makes star’s head spin– but she’s excited about learning all the same, the power of just knowing more makes her feel more comfortable on a planet where she is always a foreigner
it’s kinda why star adores all the different nicknames cy has for her like “fly girl” “baby doll” etc because it makes her feel “in” coz she gets all these cool nicks of names like other earth people!! she fits in!!!! and he’ll say it so fondly it makes her blush half the time. cy definitely notices and thinks its super cute at how excited she gets over pet names. she tries to nickname him back at one point but it felt awkward and she struggled to come up with them, and cy reassured her that he liked her saying out his name anyway, its cool. just be yourself babey
cy loves teaching star things in general, he’s patient and she’s always an eager student. he once took a few hours showing her how to play video games and while she didn’t really take to it, she did learn how to not break the controller whenever her virtual car’s about to crash into the divider (she still shrieks when it happens though)
initially, star is a bit nervous about touching some of cyborg’s robot parts like the implants and consoles coz she’s not sure how to deal with them? alien tech is one thing and earth tech is another, and then there’s the advanced shit that made up cyborg’s body and literally keeps him alive. she’s petrified at the thought of accidentally breaking something like what if she presses the button that turns off his lungs???????? and cy is like why the fuck would i have a button to turn off my lungs?? so one day cy just sits her down so she’s leaning back against his chest, and he looks over her shoulder as he shows her how to navigate his arm console. press this button and choose this option, no the screen wont break even if you press hard, dont use the browser to download malware on my arm like BB did, etc. the ui’s pretty intuitive and star gets it pretty quickly, then she gets all excited. cy teaches her about all the maintenance he does on his body and how his charger works and all that shit and she like oooooo
“if the t-car is your baby, does this mean i am its mother? cyborg does she like me enough? should i assist in changing her oil? *panicking* WILL SHE ACCEPT ME AS HER ADOPTED K’NORFKA?!”
(the t-car is a sassy one, easily jealous and protective– but ultimately, she does approve of starfire, if only just barely)
they spend a lot of time in the garage together. whether cy’s fussing with the t-car or putting together a new gadget, star’s a helpful assistant when it comes to welding or heavy lifting. and while she doesn’t necessarily get programming, she still helps cy with all the calculations and math involved in it; the concept of physics as she has encountered on earth is primitive compared to tamaran, and cy will often challenge her to crack a tough equation before his computer can. while the computer usually gets a result first, star will just explain that its answer was wrong in the large scheme of things, before she starts going in depth into that nerdy science shit to find a more effective way to wire whatever project they’re working on and cy’s just like  ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ heart eyes ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ at how smart she is
they fucking love food. while all the titans are hanging out in the common room, star and cy spend an inordinate amount of time in the kitchen. star will literally eat anything, at any time, and cy would go like “yo star want a sub??” and shes like “YES I WOULD LOVE THE EDIBLE SUBMARINES” and they go make the tallest sub ever and then Eat it
they just cook together a lot, one of them being head chef for the hour and the other being the kitchen assistant. cy’s usually in the lead when they’re making food for the other titans (to prevent food poisoning), and star is happy to learn new recipes that aren’t lethal to her friends– that, and licking all the mixing bowls clean. cy purposely gets sauce etc on his face so that star will see and lick it off too. then star will very unsubtly smear food on her face so that cy will wipe it off with his finger and then things get handsy. (they’re both aware it’s a game, but they pretend like they don’t.)
cy gets them matching aprons and a tiny chef hat for star. she asks him why it’s so tiny or even necessary but he just thinks its cute af on her lol
it helps cy’s ego when star will also eat literally anything he puts in front of her while enjoying it unironically. of course, cy quickly learns that starfire’s favorite “earth” foods are things that most people wouldn’t consider food at all, so while he’ll prepare Real Food for himself, he had to start a new custom cookbook for the random combinations of ingredients that starfire likes to ingest. he’s torn between feeling like his chef skills go to waste on her, or being proud at how good he’s become at figuring out the kinds of food combos she likes based on the flavors and consistencies she’s inclined to. but ultimately she’s just so cute and happy when she smiles at the taste of m&ms on raw steak that cyborg’s just like ahh. fine.
cyborg: *sighs while writing* “edamame in a cherry-chocolate reduction: get a handful of fresh edamame, washing is optional, pour hershey’s chocolate sauce all over it, add cherries but don’t remove the pits or the stems, sprinkle in some drops of 7up, then cover that shit in mustard. stick it all in the microwave for 1 minute, doesn’t really matter what temperature? prep time: 3 and a half minutes. the fuck did i just write”
star: *wolfs down that edamame shit like its the best goddamn thing ever*
meanwhile, while cy can’t stomach star’s tamaranean food, he does go out of his way to learn how to prepare the stuff himself, for whenever star’s sick or feeling down. the nostalgic taste of home tends to help her feel better. the bowls of wustlepus might keep trying to strangle him, but hey, cy can handle it
cy used to think we was master of stuffing his face, but he quickly found out that you do not challenge an alien with 9 stomachs to an eating competition and expect to win. it’s still fun, of course, to pick a restaurant and watch her slowly but surely put away food with a grace that cy doesn’t (care to) have. robin and BB cheer will them on, raven is disgusted but plays referee anyway (even though it’s not like the result ever changes)
“are the table manners required for today’s duel of excessive food consumption?” star will ask cy innocently, but she’d be smiling a lil smugly because she knows she’s gonna win like always
(at some point, the restaurant manager will start eyeing them nervously from the doorway of the staff room, unsure about whether to ask the titans to leave before they run the kitchen dry, or to take advantage of the publicity.)
cy and star are a couple that isn’t inclined to subtle about anything. that means smooching all the time. mwah noises. flirting. glomps. yelling at shit together for fun– cy just expresses himself loudly, while shouting at each other is a form of affection on tamaran. they’ll sometimes wrestle, sometimes arm wrestling and sometimes all out full-body on the floor (actual wrestling tho, not a innuendo; star usually wins). they keep denting walls and furniture with their messing around and the other titans are like /(e_e)\ *passing out earplugs* and at some point robin is like guys… just… keep it in your rooms please
but being loud isn’t exclusive to daytime. nobody fucking knows how the hell an alien and a robot get it on, but based on all the god damn noise at night, they’ve apparently figured something out. maybe more than one something. it is a mystery
“hey, star… ever heard of a vibrator?”
most of their making out happens in the gym tho, let’s be real. they’ve been checking each other out for years in there. now they just get frisky after (or during, or before) a workout, culminating in yet another “workout”. they never lock the door, and after enough incidents the other titans just end up boycotting the gym entirely in lieu of the other training room
with the added privacy, star opts to work out in the gym without a top on. or a bra. then she heads for the treadmill
“you never wear clothing, cyborg, so why should i?”
cyborg keeps dropping his weights on himself and just ends up covered in dents, two mangled prosthetic legs, and having done no training at all
they’re such a peppy excited pair that sometimes things can get a bit too wild. there’s a pile in the back of cy’s room made up solely of dented/crushed/melted/ripped arm and leg prosthetics, all damaged because cy was busy pampering his superpowered alien gf a lil too much. starfire feels super bad but cy is like, he has to fix his limbs after a lot of battles anyway, it’s no big deal. he also hasn’t bothered to suggest a workaround yet because watching her lose control is hot (and maybe getting his hand melted is kinda kinky)
they sometimes troll the other titans– usually robin– by whispering in tamaranian behind them and snickering, pretending like they’re talking about them. robin used to be extra miffed by this, but after learning that cy’s tamaranian is actually still shit enough that he has yet to learn to string together a proper sentence longer than 3 words, robin knows they’re just fucking around with him. at one point robin turns around on the couch and throws some tamaranian right back at them and cyborg’s like :O what the fuck? what the fuck?? and star’s like yeah actually robin asked me to teach him tamaranian too. and robin’s like :) and cy is grumpy he can’t antagonize him with it anymore (and that it’s not exclusively his and star’s code language anymore, but really, you can’t own a language like that)
star likes to cart cy around while flying, but he’s just so bulky that he doesnt look all graceful and shit like robin; he just looks kinda goofy dangling in the air with her holding him under the arms. but even if he felt a little self-conscious, he forgets it quickly when she lets him skim the ocean with his feet or take him up over the clouds– he’d thought he lost everything with the accident that left him a robot, but getting to fly like this is something he never could’ve even dreamed of even when he was all human. like. this must be what it actually means to be living. everything happens for a reason
cy gets a UV lamp installed in his body just in case they get stuck somewhere and there’s no sunlight for star, he can’t replace the sun but it might help
he also turns his heaters up a bit when they’re cuddling coz he knows she likes warmth, as long as he’s not running the risk of overheating his system, but his metal parts can be cold to the touch and while she doesnt mind it at all he just wants her to be cozy….
cy’s like the only titan taller than star, so she usually floats to be eye level with him. he big and bulky and strong and he reminds her of galfore, and that’s part of why she always felt protected and safe around him. not to mention star’s been getting taller than most earth people her age; she sometimes feels like a tall poppy, sticking out of the crowd too much. so she lowkey enjoys being smol for once compared to cyborg, especially if she ever feels like hiding behind him, or being carried by him, the comfort of a sort of bodyguard that she doesn’t necessarily need but is there if she wants
i keep bringing this up but star sitting on cyborg’s shoulders/arms like. the result is this tall stack of a couple that towers over all the other titans– then like everyone will be chilling on the couch when they hear making out noises from above and they look up and its just star floating around cyborg’s head as they smooch and everyone’s like -_-
all the meme fun aside, they’re always able to confide in each other whenever they’re upset. they’ll sit together in silence and just lean on each other or hug and wait for someone to spill. if (when) it comes down to “will i ever fit in?”, because that kinda worry never completely goes away, they’ll be reassured that they know the few places they’ll always be accepted– and that’s in the titans, or in the unconventional relationship between a half robot and an alien nuclear bomb
star likes being around cy coz he’s so sturdy, in more ways than one– he’s strong enough to tank stuff so it’s safer to roughhouse with him. she loves being able to give the biggest of hugs without worrying too much about crushing a ribcage (earthlings and their Fragile Little Bones!)
cy loves how small star is compared to him bc shes fun to pick up or pluck from the air and cuddle ♥ and she’s so warm, just radiating heat both literally and metaphorically and she’s so full of life and heart, and cy’s once again reminded of what it really means to be human– by a goddamn alien, no less
they like to touch each other’s faces, just caressing n stuff like they do in “how long is forever” and the teen titans go comic #24, staring into each others eyes and shit and going all (uwu) they just love to touch each other okay even back when they were just friends!!!!!!!
HAVE I MENTIONED THE SMOOCHES. star will just kiss cy all over his face because its fun and she knows he likes it. then cy returns the favor, except with increasingly exaggerated kissing and nomming noises because it makes star laugh and blush like crazy. it’s horribly embarrassing for anyone else watching. star & cy are usually standing in the middle of the corridor by this point, and then robin was gonna head to his office, but once he sees the path is blocked– by this no less– just returns the way he came without a word
if anyone tries to make star feel uncomfortable for being alien or misunderstanding something, which does still happen sometimes, they’ll quickly find out they’ve got the goddamn terminator comin for their ass. or they’ll turn around and see 6 foot tall robot man with arms crossed and red eye glowing and he’ll be like (: hey there (:
star keeps leaving the garage with motor oil all over her face. none of the other titans knows how to address it, or if they even should, so they don’t
anyway theyre in love
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taesthetes · 5 years
the duality of man.
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Once again, soft boys with pretty smiles—specifically one named Park Jimin—will surely be the death of you.
pairing: park jimin x reader genre: fluff type: college au word count: 4,632 words warnings: none author’s note: based on a true story — except he was my marketing project partner and not on the dance team but we’re great buds now lmao i’m never gonna let him live this down
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Group projects are the worst. You would rather shove a cactus up your behind or rip out a dry tampon than partake in one of those again. Hell has places designated for professors who assign those grade crushers. However, there is an even more special spot reserved for the heathens who assign random students to a group.
Because here you are, sitting in the library and tapping the end of your pen against your notebook absentmindedly, as you wait for your group members to show up. Your friends all said Basic Drawing was a good, fairly easy class to take to check off your lower division art requirement. What they did not tell you was that there was a group project focusing on frame by frame drawing animation with the minimum of one hundred frames that was worth forty percent of your grade.
You are quite certain Kim Taehyung is not going to show up, purely based on the fact that you saw him do several keg stands last night. Hungover is never a good look on anybody, and everyone on campus knows that Taehyung would not be caught dead looking like a two on a beauty scale of one to ten. As for the freshman in your group—Jeon Jungkook, was it? —you passed by him earlier today, and he gave you his sketchbook, mumbling something about drawing out some of his ideas in there and that he will not be able to make it to the meeting because of an impromptu football practice.
So, that really only leaves you with—
“Hey, ________.”
Park Jimin.
From what you know about him, he is a quiet one and is good friends with Taehyung but more on the wallflower side. Jimin greets you softly, and you give him a small smile in response. He slides into the chair across from you, pulling out his own drawing book and pencil.
“Tae can’t make it unfortunately,” Jimin says, and you nod in acknowledgement before replying, “Yeah, Jungkook gave me his notebook. He has football practice.”
You slide the notebook towards Jimin, who opens it and flips through the various drawings. “These are all really nice. Check out this hummingbird one.”
He flips the book towards you to give you a better look. “Oh, wow. That’s amazing.”
“You think we should do this one for the project?”
You hum quietly, contemplating. “Well, we can’t make Jungkook draw all one hundred frames of it, and it might be hard for the rest of us to replicate the bird. Maybe we can find each do separate animations with a connection?”
Jimin’s eyes light up as he nods enthusiastically. “That’s a good idea! I think Tae likes drawing nature best, so if Jungkook’s bird can fly around until it lands on a tree branch and we can zoom out from there to show a full landscape. Tae would be down for drawing that part.”
“But what about you? What do you want to draw?”
“Oh! Um...” Jimin is quiet, contemplating over his answer before answering quietly, cheeks reddening. “This might be a little weird, but... I like drawing mechanical things? Not just cars, but like old telephones and clocks and devices... and yeah...”
He trails off, and you give him a reassuring smile. “It’s not weird at all! That’s really cool! Those are always so detailed, and there are a lot of reflective surfaces, and those are never easy. You must be really good!”
Jimin brightens up, pulling out his own sketchbook. “Really? You think so? I’ve been drawing this toaster, and I thought it would be cool to do an animation of bread popping out of it, but Jungkook’s bird looks really pretty, and it’ll fit with Tae’s art better, too...”
“We can still include it!” Jimin gives you a curious look, and you quickly explain, “How about if the bread pops out from the toaster, but in a comical sort of way, like how in cartoons, the toaster looks like it’s being squeezed before the toast shoots out, and then a sunny side up egg is placed on the bread, but then we do a sort of rewind on the egg? The egg returns back into the cracked eggshells, which come together back into a solid egg, and then the egg cracks open, but a baby hummingbird pops out of it. I really like drawing food, so I can do the toast and egg part of it.”
Jimin is silent, mouth slightly agape, and you flush a little, rambling on. “I know it’s a little eccentric, but I think our professor will like it, and—”
“You’re a genius.”
Your cheeks warm up even more at his compliment. “I, uh, I—thank you?”
Jimin laughs, eyes turning into moon crescents, and your heart nearly jumps out of your chest. “You’re welcome, but really, that’s such a creative way to mix everyone’s strengths and just wow. Jungkook and Tae will love this.”
You smile widely. “You really think so?”
“Of course! And, um, since our parts of the animations are connected, do you want to work on them together?” Jimin shyly asks, fiddling with the ends of his scarf.
“Oh! Yes, of course, when are you free?”
“If you don’t have plans after this, we can work on them now?”
“Sounds great! I’m done with classes, so I’m free.”
You give him another smile, and he beams back at you brightly. Your heart skips a beat, and you internally chide yourself. Curse your heart for being so weak against soft boys with pretty smiles.
But you swear, something about this boy in particular makes you think that he will be the death of you.
⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆
You and Jimin manage to get through twenty of the frames needed that night and in the week’s class sessions, so he suggests meeting up in his and Taehyung’s shared dorm to work on the remaining ones on Thursday and Sunday evening. Taehyung would be busy with his play rehearsals around that time, so their room would be free. The two of you had already texted the group chat about the animation plans, and the others were quite enthusiastic about the idea. Taehyung had notified you all that he and Jungkook will work on their half of the project on Friday together.
You had finished all your Thursday classes for the day and made a stop at your dorm to collect your art supplies before making your way to Jimin’s dorm building. You are currently standing outside of the complex on the steps, texting Jimin to let you in. The sun was already beginning to set, and you can feel the weather getting chillier. You pull down the long sleeves of your shirt to cover your fingertips. You mentally chide yourself for not putting on an extra layer—Joy had warned you before you left your shared dorm, but you did not think it would be this cold.
“Hey, _______!” Jimin waves at you from the front door. You hurry over to him, the bag filled with art tools hitting against your side noisily, as the eighteen by twenty-four large drawing pad tucked clumsily under your arm nearly falls. Jimin quickly grabs the drawing pad, and you smile gratefully. “Thanks, Jimin.”
“No problem! Maybe next time, we should meet at your dorm—if that’s okay with you, I mean!” Jimin hurriedly adds, and you chuckle quietly. “That’s totally fine. My roommate won’t mind.”
“Great,” Jimin murmurs before stopping in front of an open door. “Well, uh, here’s my dorm. Feel free to sit anywhere! You can use Tae’s desk if you want—or mine! Either one is good!”
“Thanks, Jimin.” You set your items down carefully on the surface of Taehyung’s desk, which is surprisingly clean, compared to his art space you see every class. The two of you fall into a familiar groove as last time, one where Jimin draws his portions while you draw your solo frames of the eggs receding into the egg shells before cracking open once more. It may sound simple, but repeatedly drawing a realistic egg changing its position by a millimeter is tedious and quite frankly, a bit boring.
Last time, you and Jimin engaged in a game of twenty questions, but it ended up with thirty extra questions between the two of you. Amongst other things, you had learned that his favorite color was blue, he loves anything that is chocolate except for ice cream, he is a sucker for those Christmas Hallmark movies, and he still believes Candy Crush is the greatest game to ever exist, no matter what anyone says. He is a nursing major, hoping to become employed in the pediatric ward, and is minoring in studio arts with an emphasis in drawing, much like yourself. He also briefly mentioned being on the school’s dance team. You know your school has several dance teams, and although Jimin never specified, you can easily imagine him in ballet. You are not well versed in the types of dance, but from what you can remember when you saw The Nutcracker and Swan Lake as a child with your parents if that is anything to go by, Jimin would fit in with those elegant and graceful dancers.
“Do you mind if I put on some background music?” Jimin says, and you shake your head. “Go for it.”
The melodic, soothing notes of the piano fill the air before a lilting voice accompanies it. A couple minutes later, a softer voice is heard, and you are startled, peeking over to your project partner. Jimin’s gaze is concentrated on shading the corners of his subject as he quietly sings along. He looks over at you a few seconds later, flushing a pretty shade of pink.
“Sorry, I do that sometimes,” he apologizes, “Tae always complains about it when he’s studying. I’ll stop now.”
“No, it’s totally okay! Your voice is really nice,” you rush to say before wanting to smack yourself on the forehead. Your voice is really nice? That has to be the lamest compliment you can say. His voice is more than nice. It was absolutely wonderful and warm and—
“Really? You think so?” Jimin beams at you, and you lose your train of thought, flustered.
“Yeah, your singing is beautiful.”
“Thank you,” he shyly says. His smile becomes even brighter if that is even possible, and you feel that all too familiar rush of adrenaline to your heart as it pumps even faster.
The two of you fall into a comfortable silence once more as you work on your drawings. An hour passes by quickly, and soon, the two of you finish your respective parts and start to work on the joint portions: the frames that incorporate the toaster and the bread. You and Jimin manage to complete four frames before you take notice of the time. The bright 9:48 p.m. stares back up at you on your phone when a message from Joy pops up, asking where you are. You quickly type back a response before hitting send.
“Hey, Jimin, it’s getting late. Do you mind if we stop here?”
“No, of course! It’s dark out, let me walk you back,” Jimin offers as he helps you put your art supplies back in your bag.
“Are you sure? It’s a bit far...”
Jimin frowns at you. “All the more reason to walk with you. It’s far, dark, and late. You shouldn’t go out alone like that.”
He slings your bag over his shoulder, shaking his head when you reach for the drawing pad tucked under his arm. “It’s okay, I’ll carry it! Did you bring a sweater? It’s a lot colder at night, too.”
“... No, I didn’t,” you say sheepishly, tugging your sleeves down. “But it’s fine! We’re walking, so the exercise will keep the heat circulating.”
His eyebrows furrow slightly before he goes to one of his drawers, rummaging through it and taking out a hooded sweater. “Here, put this on.”
“No, it’s fine, I—” You start to protest but he interrupts softly, “I don’t want you to get sick. Please put it on.”
Defeated and knowing he is right, you grab the sweater, quietly thanking him as you slip on the warm article. It smells faintly of laundry detergent along with a mix of something woodsy and citrusy. The hem is long, reaching mid-thigh, and the sleeves extend over your fingers, enveloping your hands entirely. Jimin smiles at you shyly, ducking his head, as the two of you begin to walk out of his dorm.
“You look really cute, _______.”
Your heart hammers loudly in your chest as you bring up your hand to cover your face, blood rushing to your cheeks and a silly smile making its way across your face. You murmur a quiet thank you to him, and crimson blooms on the apples of his cheeks.
Once again, soft boys with pretty smiles—specifically one named Park Jimin—will surely be the death of you.
⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆
“Our baby is turning into an adult!”
It is Saturday night, and Jisoo is wailing, clutching onto you tightly, as the rest of your friends are scurrying around to hang up streamers and put up balloons around the sorority house. Rosé and Yeri are struggling to tape up the banner, and Eunha walks in with several bottles of sparkling pink lemonade. You had picked up the gorgeous cake decorated with loopy cursive saying “Happy Birthday, Lisa!” from the shop earlier, and it was stored safely in the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, which was also packed with drinks. Sooner or later, Lisa will walk in with Umji, who was trying to keep her preoccupied for the most part.
“She’s coming!” you hear Soyeon yell, and there are a few more screams before everyone finds their places just as the door opens.
“Happy Birthday, Lisa!” A chorus of voices exclaims as the grinning birthday girl walks in. A pink sash and crown is placed on her amid the cheers. Someone pops a bottle of champagne and turns on the music as the multicolor fairy lights blink on and off above your heads. The party has begun, and Yeri starts to hand out the pretty pink Jell-O shots made earlier. The party is in full swing, and Joy pulls you onto the dance floor among the other girls.
Several shots, a game of beer pong, and a slice of red velvet cake later, you may be more than a little bit tipsy, but you are having the time of your life. Jennie pulls you aside and away from the loud music, eyes sparkling with mischief, as she waves her phone in front of your face to show you a text from her boyfriend.
“The surprise is here.”
“What?” Your mind is slightly fuzzy as you try to concentrate and read the message. And as if on cue, when you reach the last word, the front door opens, and a group of boys come in. Your mind finally registers the connection between the text and your university’s hip hop dance team in front of you.
Oh, right. The surprise.
Sowon and Eunbi tugs Lisa forward to sit on a chair that has been placed in the center of the dance floor, and all the girls start to scream, raising their glasses, before quickly fumbling for their phones to videotape as the boys start to dance around the guest of honor. Shirts are thrown off, body rolls are done, and the birthday girl—scratch that, every girl in the room—seems to be highly enjoying it.
Jennie pulls you closer to the front. “C’mon, I need to get a good video of Jongin.”
“Why take a video when he’s going to give you a personal recap later tonight?” You hear yourself saying. Wow, your mind to mouth filter really takes a hit when alcohol comes into play.
She laughs, her cheeks turning a rosy shade, before she yells above the noise, “You’re right, but it doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy the current show right now.”
Well, you cannot argue with that logic. And you deserve some eye candy after a stressful week filled with pop quizzes and semester paper deadlines. You reach for your phone, opening up the camera function, and start to film, focusing first on Lisa’s reaction. Grinning and cheering along with the rest of the girls, you zoom out to get the whole group dancing before your eye catches on one figure in particular.
Oh my god.
Your eyes widen and your mouth pops open in surprise as you drop your arm, phone loosely grasped in your hand. Your other hand comes up to cover your mouth in shock. You really had too much to drink because that cannot be—
Jimin makes eye contact with you, and he stops mid body roll.
You were right.
Jimin is going to be the death of you.
“I need another drink,” you shout to Jennie, quickly tearing your eyes away from him. She nods in acknowledgement, giving you a thumbs up before continuing to cheer on her boyfriend. You lightly push your way to the kitchen, making a beeline to the fridge. Taking out two bottles, you take two shots first without a chaser, ignoring the slight burn in your throat. You then mix vodka and soda into a red cup for yourself, chugging down half of it immediately afterwards. You really hope the effects of alcohol will come soon.
“Hey, can you pass me the vodka?”
“Yeah, here y—” You pause, turning over to face the familiar voice.
“Hi.” Jimin smiles at you sheepishly. His shirt hangs loose on him, unbuttoned still, with the sleeves rolled up. You try hard to concentrate on his face.
“H-hey, Jimin.” You take a sip of your drink. Maybe another sip, too, for good measure, you think to yourself before downing the rest of it. “So you’re a part of the hip hop dance team...”
“Uh, yeah, Jongin told us his girlfriend wanted us to, um, dance for a party.” He rubs the back of his neck awkwardly. “Oh! Sorry, I’m probably making you uncomfortable, I should button this up.”
He reaches for the one of the middle buttons of his shirt, fumbling for a bit, and you cannot help but let a laugh bubble up from your throat. He halts, looking up with a questioning gaze.
“It’s just—you were literally out there, stripping and body rolling for everyone to see, and you’re worried about making me uncomfortable now?” You smile, the hazy feeling of alcohol making its way into your mind along with  the familiar skipping of your heartbeat all because of this all too endearing boy standing in front of you. “You’re really cute, you know that? Like not cute in the physical sense—I mean, you are, you have a cute face and cute butt but also wow, your body is like sculpted by the gods—but wait, I’m getting sidetracked, what was I saying again?”
Leaning against the counter, Jimin has an amused grin on his face now, and you are flustered, face warm from not just the alcohol. He laughs, reaching forward to tuck a loose strand of hair away behind your ear, and your face feels as if it is on fire. “You were calling me cute. But not in the physical sense, but also yes in the physical sense.”
“Oh! Right.” You find yourself nodding, and Jimin lets out another chuckle, smiling widely at you. “So as I was saying, you’re really cute, like your personality is adorable and soft and I have fun doing the art project with you and you make me hate group projects a lot less and you look really kissable, did you know that?”
“No, I didn’t know that, but thank you for telling me.”
Well, you hear no rejection in that, and the alcohol running through your veins gives you that boost of confidence to finally act on your feelings.
“So can I kiss you?”
Jimin is positively beaming at you, and you think his eyes look more sparkly than ever. He reaches over to softly grasp your hand and intertwine your fingers with his. You admire how soft his hand is, squeezing it lightly, before giggling to yourself when Jimin squeezes your hand back gently.
“How about this? How about you give me a kiss on the cheek now, and tomorrow, when you have had less to drink, if you still want to, you can kiss me?”
Positively giddy, you lean over and press a kiss against his cheek. Jimin’s eyes crinkle as the corners of his lips upturn into another wide smile. He gazes at you tenderly as you stare at him with all the stars in your eyes.
Maybe, you think blissfully, you already died and went to heaven because you just kissed an angel.
⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆
You awake past five p.m. the next day, extremely glad that it was a Sunday. You are beyond grateful that you are experiencing no sort of hangover. You are briefly reminded of Irene telling you all to appreciate your youth because once you are out of university, your body just somehow knows and you will be suffering the worst kinds of morning hangovers after only a couple sake bombs the night before. Reaching for your phone, you flick through the mass of notifications, such as several Instagram ones for photos you were tagged in, no doubt from last night. Joy had texted you, saying she went to Sungjae’s place. You scroll back to the top, eyes widening when you read it.
[ 4:27 p.m. ] Jimin: hey, we’re still meeting up at your dorm to finish the art project? At 6?
Hurriedly, you swipe open his message and type out a response.
[ 5:13 p.m. ] you: yes! I’m so sorry I just saw this
Immediately, the three bubbles pop up, and a new message appears.
[ 5:13 p.m. ] Jimin: it’s cool, no worries!! I hope you’re feeling fine. See you soon!
You send back a quick confirmation text before throwing your phone aside with a groan. A rush of memories from last night hits you from your mortifying confession to Joy dragging you home soon after, and you just want to bury your face into your pillow and go back to sleep. Maybe last night was just a bad dream, and you did not make a complete and utter fool of yourself in front of your project partner.
Unfortunately, you are very much awake, and after laying there for thirty minutes, you pull yourself off your bed with a heavy sigh and start to get ready, brushing your teeth and washing your face. Embarrassed or not, you refuse to throw your grade out the window over a boy. You are going to get through this project no matter how painfully awkward it will be.
You change out of your pajamas and tug on a sweater and a pair of leggings that were thrown haphazardly on your desk chair. You finish just in time as the lighting up of your phone screen indicates another text from Jimin. When you check, it’s a short message saying he is at the front of the building. You respond, telling him you are coming down right away, before grabbing your room key, and going down to meet him. You take a few deep breaths in the elevator, hoping to calm down your racing mind and heart.
You see Jimin standing outside, drawing pad leaning against his leg and bag over his shoulder. Distracted, he taps away at his phone with one hand, while the other clutches onto what looks like a drink from the nearby coffee shop. You push open the door, greeting him nervously.
He looks up at you, tucking his phone in his pocket, and seems startled for a millisecond before grinning happily. “Hey!”
He extends the drink towards you, and you hesitantly take it. “I figured some hot chocolate might help after all the drinking from last night. I wasn’t sure if you like coffee, but everyone likes hot chocolate, right?”
You smile gratefully at him, hands curling around the warm drink. “Thank you, Jimin. I love hot chocolate.”
“Yeah, of course! My friend works there, so I get a pretty good discount if you ever want to get another one. With me. Only if you want to!” He looks a little flustered as he follows you into the building and onto the elevator.
Your smile only grows wider as you begin to relax, taking a sip of the drink. “I’d love that. And I want to apologize if my drunken self made things super weird last night.”
“O-oh! Actually, I wanted to ask if you remembered what you said last night,” Jimin says and you nearly freeze in your steps as you get off the elevator. You would be lying if you said you had not hoped he would just accept your apology and move on.
“... Yeah, I do remember all the embarrassing things I said,” you mumble, unlocking your door and gesturing for him to come in. He walks in, carefully leaning his drawing pad against your desk and placing his bag alongside it. After closing the door, you carefully place the cup of hot chocolate on your nightstand before turning to face him.
“Were they all true?”
He stares at you, biting his bottom lip nervously, as you anxiously fiddle with the strings of the hooded sweater you pulled on, scared to answer. Taking a deep breath, he continues, “Because I think you’re really cute, you know that? But not just in the physical sense, but also yes in the physical sense. And you look really kissable, especially when you’re wearing my hoodie, did you know that?”
Shocked, you are frozen for a few seconds as your brain finally processes what he said. And then, you look down with a thudding heart and realize you are indeed wearing the sweater he lent you days ago.
“And,” Jimin speaks up, and your eyes meet his. He reaches over and takes your hand, interlocking your fingers once more. “My offer from Saturday still stands.”
His words from last night echo in your mind, and you can recall him gazing at you with the most tender smile. How about this? He says, how about you give me a kiss on the cheek now, and tomorrow, when you have had less to drink, if you still want to, you can kiss me?
And yes, you still very much want to.
So you do.
Jimin’s lips are soft and gentle, pressing against yours delicately, as his hands cup your face and your eyes flutter close. You can feel his heart thudding rapidly inside his chest, and you know yours is as well. Your fingers curl as they tug on the ends of his scarf, bringing him even closer to you.
When you finally pull away, Jimin places a small kiss on the tip of your nose, causing you to adorably scrunch your nose up before burying your face in the crook of his neck. He laughs, wrapping his arms around you and hugging you tightly. You are absolutely too cute and too soft for him.
He swears, you are going to be the death of him someday.
⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆
You all receive an A on the completed animation. And you will have to thank Taehyung and Jungkook one day for not coming to the first group meeting. Who knew having group members who don’t show up would pay off for once?
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@ashphoenix06 @weirdmixofweirdness @honestlyitsjustkennaswriting @emma-wrote
TW: Violence anxd Blood
(I dont have a title for it lmao)
I could hear Jack in the next room recording his let's play; I heard him laugh and giggled. "My best friend is an idiot." I checked my phone, waiting for him to be done. I looked around and wondered how the hell i got here. Four years ago i was just someone just watching his videoes. Now? He's one of my best friends....something i would've laughed in your face for even suggesting it could happen. And yet here i am.
Suddenly the hairs on the back of my neck stand up...something's wrong. I realized its too quiet. I look toward Jack's game room and realize its silent.... except for a faint static sound.
"Jack?? You ok in there dude?"
My question was met with silence.
"Jack?" I get up and walk towards the door to the room hes in. The sound makes me shiver. 'What the hell is that?' I wonder.
"Hey... You ok?" I say as i knock on the door
"Ye-yeah...Im good...hey listen i dont think i can go tonight."
I frown "Huh? The whole reason anyone is coming is because youre here in LA for a while and they havent seen you in forever"
I hear him breathing hard "Just...go and tell them im sick"
I turn the knob slightly to open the door "Jack, are you sure youre ok?
I jump back, startled at the rage and pain mixed in his voice.
"Uh..o-ok...... If you need something let me know" I turn and walk out of the apartment hes renting and frown as i step onto the street
'What the hell was that?' I wonder.
I see a text from Amy asking if we are on the way. I dial her
'Hellllooooo?' I hear her boyfriend Mark's goofy voice
'Hey guys...jack is sick. He's not coming tonight'
Theres a pause as they take in the confusion and hurt in my voice
'What happened?' Asked Amy
'Fuckin beats me. But if he was a girl id guess PMS. He yelled at me! But its whatever. I'll just go hang out at home. I dont feel much like going anywhere anymore"
"No. Im going to come get you." Amy said. "Ill invite Katherine and Tyler and Ethan and we will all hang out at our house.... I dont want you alone right now"
I knew why. Mark and Amy knew all about the nightmares, the panic attacks. All of it started ten months ago and whenever they could, they kept me company
I was quiet...thinking back. To that night that everything came crashing down. The facade i built up was torn away.
"Ugh. Youre talking to them AGAIN? Why do you feel the need to be up their asses"
I jumped, startled by Brandon speaking from the doorway
"Jesus babe. You scared me! Im watching Jack's video and talking to him and Mark."
'Yeah. Like you do every freakin day. You ever think they get tired of you?" His words dripped coldly, stabbing at a well known insecurity and finding their mark
I took a deep breath "No. Because they would say so. They would tell me 'hey. I dont feel like talking' and that would be that"
Brandon rolled his eyes "Yeah. Whatever. I dont see why youre friends with them anyway. They take too much priority. You should be focused on other things...like me"
Now it was my turn to roll my eyes "I focus on you enough. Come watch with me! Its funny!"
"No. Thanks. I have better things to do. You should too" his voice getting that edge to it...the one I knew too well, it made me cringe but at the same time pissed me off
"I really dont get what your deal is." I said
"My deal is they stick their nose where it doesnt belong and they dont know when to walk away....especially that little Irish asshole" he sneered.
That struck me for some reason "Hey! Jack has never done anything to you Brandon. Neither has Mark for that matter. Back the hell off" I said, standing up and facing him
His green eyes flashed darkly "You need to watch how you talk to me. Thats another thing, you get mouthy when you talk to them. You forget where you belong"
I stared at him...wondering how the hell it had come to this. He wasnt always this way...and i wasnt always afraid of what would happen...
Mouthy?! If standing up for myself and people i care about makes me mouthy then i guess so! And what do you mean they dont know how to walk away? What the hell are you talking about? Whatd Jack do that was so bad?"
He barked a laugh out "When we went out to LA for you to see them, he didnt like how he perceived i was treating you. He threatened me. Him and Mark. Threating me! Not that you care"
I thought about that trip. About the bruise on my face i got the first night for a hug that lasted too long. The bruise on my arm when i wanted to go dance but not with Brandon... Thats when Jack, Mark and Amy had begged me to stay there.
To leave Brandon... Thats when they peeked behind the curtain i had kept up for the last two years.
"What do you mean by threatened?" I asked warily. Not sure what happened
" He waited till you went to the bathroom with the girls and slammed me up against the wall and said if i knew what was good for me Id 'treat you better' and he better not hear of it again" Mark just stood there and watched it and when i went to say something to him he said it was better that Jack did it because he wouldve done worse! Thats what your precious friends did." He spat. Words dripping with disdain.
I stood speechless.... I didn't think anyone gave a crap. Sure they said they did and wanted me to leave...but i didnt think i was a friend worth threatening someone over
"Well. Thats what happens when you care about someone. You protect them" i said quietly...before i realized what that would set off, then steeled myself for it
The atmosphere of the room changed. It went from normal to almost foggy. The tension grew thick. Brandon stepped up close to me, his 6ft frame dwarfing my 5'3" one.
"Im the ONLY person that gives a shit about you. They keep you around for entertainment. You think they care? You could disappear and in a month they wouldnt even remember your name. Im the one that takes care of you. Im the one that made you who you are. You would still be in your moms house in that backwoods town if it wasnt for me! You keep forgetting just where you stand in this relationship Alison. Keep pushing and im going to have to reteach you some things" his words were almost a whisper
"Now. Unless you want me to wait and kick his ass myself to make him leave you be, i suggest you not talk to him as much." He said smiling...it didnt quiet reach his eyes though. Those were cold and hateful
The thought of him putting hands on jack was too much. I stepped up right in his face
"You can do whatever you want to me. Say what ever you want to me....but dont you EVER threaten one of them again!" I spit out the words, my emotions and courage suprising me
I shouldve prepared myself, but the smack caught me off guard and i fell against the wall. He grabbed me and turned me to face him, pressing my back to it
"I told you. Dont. Speak.To.Me.That.Way" he spit out as he painfully grabbed my chin and forced me to look at him.
"Brandon.. Let go!" I cried. He just laughed and hit me in the ribs on each side. I went down to my knees
"Get up you pathetic bitch. You want to stand up for your man, then do it"
"Brandon. Hes my friend. Why do you have to be this way. Hes a friend!" I yelled through my tears
"Oh. I know. Because why would he want something like you? But you seem to forget how to talk to me" his words dripped in hatred and anger. He grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and drug me to my feet. "Now. Are you going to do as told? Or do i need to convince you further?"
I breathed in sharply, pretty sure a rib was at the least bruised if not broken. But then i thought back to what he said. Thought of what hed do to Jack....because he really was that possesive.
"Im waiiiiting Ali. Or do you need a visual of what ill do to him? Id probably start at his kneecaps. Break those and hes at my mercy. Then ill work over his ribs and his face...if im feeling generous i might stop before theres a need for ICU...."
That did it. I went numb and saw red. I couldnt feel the pain in my face or ribcage anymore. The thought of it sent me flying into his face
I think it suprised him because i had never fought back before. Id always bowed down to whatever he wanted. Because i thought i loved him. Because i thought he was all i had.
I screamed as i drove myself into him and out into the living room. He tripped on his own feet and i landed on him, throwing fists anywhere theyd land. I heard a crack as i landed one on the bridge of his nose and blood started to flow. He yelled and grabbed me and flipped me over. He smacked me in the face and his body weight pinned me to the floor
"You dumb cunt. You really thought that would work? Did you really think you could make me do what you wanted by fighting back????? Youre mine and you will obey me!!" He punched me in the face and i almost blacked out. He looked up to the coffee table and saw his pocket knife and got a look of pure evil in his eyes. "And apparently you need a reminder of the fact that whats mine is MINE" With one hand he held my wrists as i struggle to break free, with the other he grabbed the knife and popped it open, the blade sharp and gleaming.... This was it... I knew i was going to die. Hed threatened so many times and hes finally going to do it.
He lifted the bottom of my shirt up, exposing my stomach. "Now. Hold still sweetheart" he purred coldly.
I started to kick and scream as i felt the knife drag across and slice my skin open....and the world went black..
I slowly came to, blinking against the fluorescent lights. I opened my eyes slowly, letting them adjust. Feeling dizzy, worn out... What the hell was going on?
"No. Shes been out of it since she came up here. Theyve given her medicine to help her rest and keep her calm. No, i dont know what they think yet...... Yes i know you want to kill him but the fact is, youre in England and hes here in Texas... Jack. Dude ill let you know, i promise...alright. Bye'.... I knew that voice..
I was confused. What is Mark talking about and why the hell does he sound so close? My eyes finally cleared and i could see Amy on the couch against the windows... Mark was pacing back and forth. His hair messed up like it is when he constantly runs his hands through it....i knew that was a nervous tic of his... I realized I was in a hospital bed
"M-Mark? I croaked out. Throat dry
He turned sharply "Alison!" Rushing to the bed side he grabbed my hand "Hey...welcome back" I looked to the other side where Amy had perched on the bed next to me, a worried look
"What.....what the hell happened?" I murmured, thoughts jumbled. I looked in Marks eyes, they were wet with tears that he blinked away quickly. "That bastard almost killed you.... The neighbor heard you screaming and called the cops....when they got there they could hear it so they busted in... He broke four of your ribs, gave you a concussion and cut you all up....you had me and Amy on emergency numbers so we got here this morning....youve been here about 24 hours." Tears streamed down his face as he squeezed my hand. I felt Amy rub my arm and looked over to her.
"You guys didnt have to come all the way here for me. Really.... Thats crazy. Amazing. But crazy"
"Heh" mark laughed "jack wanted to jump a flight from England... Oh i better call him"
He walked outside the room and shut the door
"Alison....I want you to come home with us when you get out of here. Im not leaving you in that apartment." Amy said, determination on her face. I knew there was no arguing.
"Ok...maybe for a little while..." I trailed off. We sat in silence for a moment
"By the way....cops said you broke that assholes nose and an orbital bone. Also busted his ribs when you were kicking him when he cut you...nice job" she laughed bitterly
Ali??" Amy said over the phone. I snapped out of my daydream. "Yeah Amy...Im here. Um...Im just not up to people tonight... I promise im ok. If im not, I'll call you." I said
It was quiet for a moment and then Mark spoke up "Are you sure? We can be to your place in no time." I smiled "Yeah guys. Im sure. Ill talk to ya'll tomorrow" i hung up the phone after saying goodbye and walked to my car. Pondering what my life had become in just a few years..... 'Screw this. Im going for a drink' i said aloud.
I went back to my apartment and picked out my black dress from the back of the closet. I felt like wearing it for the first time since i bought it. I held it up to my body and studied my reflection and laughed, remembering the day i bought it
"Amy..... I really dont think i can come out in this" i said from inside the dressing room
"Alison Jaymes if you dont step out here right this minute im crawling under the door!' She said laughing
I grimaced...embarrassed to be in something cut so low.....sure my legs looked great and it gave me great cleavage but..... id be a laughing stock if i walked in anywhere in this...but i knew shed do what she said. i cracked the door and peeked out, making sure no one was around and stepped out.
Amy's eyes widened "holy crap! Girl. You have to get that. You look amazing!!!!"
"Yeah. Right im sure. And where or when would i wear the damn thing.... It shows too many of...these" i said bitterly as i traced the light scar down my arm and then one on my leg...both left that night by Brandon
Amy stepped closer to me "Ali, you look amazing. Please get it. Especially since your hair is that cherry cola color. Your green eyes pop and this dress just completes it. You.look.amazing..... I bet Jack would be speechless....and thats hard to think of" she laughed, looking at me mischeviously
I threw my head back and laughed. "Yeah. Speechless as to why i would wear something like this. I could have a Playstation attached to my head and he wouldnt notice me. Not that way..and thats fine. But.....this would be good to wear out to get drinks...meet a stranger....dance. Hmmm"
I finished my eyeliner was applying my red lipstick. I stepped back from the mirror and admired myself. Id lost about thirty pounds in the last few months and had to admit i didnt look half bad.....i slipped my heels on and grabbed my coat and walked to the car.
As i was putting the keys in the ignition, my phone rang. I looked down at it as the screen lit up with Jacks face
"Hello? " I answered. Not knowing what to expect
"A-alison?" Jacks voice came through the phone raspily. It made me shiver
"Yeah Jack. Whats up?" I asked, a little worried now. He didnt sound like himself
"Hey...im really sorry about that... I-I didnt mean to yell at you at all. Its just...hard to fight those headaches and....well im just sorry ok?" He said, rushing through his words. I could tell he was tired. Worriedly i said " Are you sure you dont need anything? I have medicine in my purse. I could go get you some food or something...." Losing all thought of going out. Wanting to know what was actually going on
"Yeah...maybe...maybe some soup or something?" He asked. I smiled "Sure. I can do that. Give me a little bit and I'll be there, ok?" He sighed "Ok...and Ali? Again im really sorry-"
"Ah ah" i stopped him. It doesnt matter now. We're good. " i hung up, still worried, but glad to not end on a bad note. I got back out of the car and hurried inside. Instead of changing i just grabbed some sweat pants and old tshirt to change into when i got there.
About an hour later i knocked on the door. Jack opened it and invited me in...not speaking. I was carrying some chicken soup from the diner i loved going to. Homemade and it smelled amazing
"Hey. Thanks for coming back....what is all that?" Jack chuckled as i put the food and a bag from the pharmacy on the counter
"Well, i got tylenol, ibprophen and even some icy hot and vicks..... I didnt know what was causing the headache so i just grabbed what i use for different ones" I studied him for a moment.... "You sure you're ok? You freaked me out"
He looked at me with a sad expression "Yeah...im really sorry Ali...i dont know what happened. I feel like an asshole" he stared at the ground. I stepped toward him and put my hand on his shoulder. "Hey. I told you not to apologize anymore. All is forgiven. I just want to make sure youre ok Jack. Thats all that matters..ok?" He looked up, his blue eyes staring into mine and nodded. "Yeah...okay" he sighed and relaxed.
The he looked me up and down "what the hell are you wearing?" He laughed
I looked down, suddenly remembering the clothes in the bag on the table and the fact that i had my dress on. Blushing i laughed "Well. I was on my way to get a drink when you called.....i brought some clothes to change into.. I look dumb i know, i just didnt want to take the time to change' He looked down at my feet "were you going to wear your converse to the bar??" He said teasingly.
I laughed "No! I had heels on, but i didnt think you needed to see all that! Shut up!" I said throwing my hands up. Uncomfortable under his gaze all of a sudden. Feeling his baby blues on me
He touched my arm lightly and chuckled "hey. Im sorry. I didnt mean anything by it. Honestly you look great Alison. Ive never seen you dressed up like this"
I stared at my feet for a moment, trying to regain composure. "Well. Let me go change. You start eating" i said. Grabbing the bag with my clothes i went into the bathroom and changed.
After eating we sat down and popped in a movie. As it played i watched Jack from the other end of the couch...studying him. He seemed normal....i guess. There was still something off...but maybe hes just getting sick.
I held out the bowl of popcorn wed made and offered it to him. When he didnt notice i took a piece and tossed it at the side of his face
"Huh?! What the hell?" He said. I laughed "dude. You were spaced the hell out!" He grabbed the bowl and then looked at me mischeviously. He got a handful of popcorn and lobbed them at my face, laughing
"Hey! I threw a single piece! Not fair!" I dove over to his side of the couch for the bowl, giggling as he transferred it to his far hand and held it out of reach. "Urghh. Why am i so..short?" I growled as i struggled to reach it.
"Because its fun to play keep away" Jack laughed. I tried to get up to steal it but he held me with one arm. "Thats not fair either!" I laughed, collapsing as he poked me in the side. I looked down at him, one arm stretched over the side of the couch with the bowl of popcorn and me pretty much just laying on him....suddenly very aware of my face's proximity to his face...i flushed crimson and sat up and adjusted myself so i was again leaning to the other side of the couch
"Rude. Im ticklish and short...whats your flaw?" I jokingly pouted. He threw his head back and laughed. "You don't have the time or mental space for all my flaws Alison" Jack got up "Ill be right back. I want to make sure the video uploaded right" he walked into his game room, leaving the door cracked open.
After about five minutes i stood up, stretching and went to the kitchen to get a drink. As i was standing there, my back to the living room, i heard...laughter? My head whipped around...that didnt sound like Jack though. It was...weird. I sat my glass on the counter and creeped up to the crack in the game room door.
"Jack....hows the video?" My question was met with silence so i pushed the door open.
Jack sat in the corner of the room, on the floor, back to me with his head in his hands. His head was moving...twitching side to side..
"J-Jack? Are you ok?" I walked slowly to him...suddenly aware of how very silent it was...i couldnt even hear outside nosies....
I reached my hand out and right as i was about to grab his shoulder he spoke...pained....like he was fighting with the words.
"Al-Alison....go back to the living room....please....please just go.....just go in there ok? Give me a little bit...Im-Im fine but i need you to go...shut the door....please ali"
I shrunk back...he sounded almost desperate. "Jack. Please...let me help you...if youd just tell me what's wrong...."
He laughed bitterly "No. I need to be alone on this...please just go....and....do one other thing?" he sounded serious. I swallowed hard, fighting the urge to jerk him up and find out what was going on.
"What is it?" I asked softly.
"Ali.....just remember..no matter what i say when i get like this .. I love you. Ok? I dont say it enough but i do. You're always there for me " i stood there...replaying his words, my heart hammering in my chest as he suddenly bent further down, face almost touching the floor and grabbing his head. I ran out of the door and shut it, my hand lingering as i wispered "i love you too......"
I sat looking at my phone, trying to distract myself. It buzzed with a new message. It was from my cousin Jennifer.
J: Hey cousin. What're you up to??"
Me: Nothing. Over at the apartment Jack's renting while hes in LA. You
J:Nm. Ooooooo Jack huh? You ever admit to yourself, or him, what a major crush you have on him? Or still in denial?
Me:Jen! No. And im never telling him that! Its fuckin weird. He's my best friend and thats it
J: whatever. You know, you just need to grab him by the shirt and lay one on him. I bet yall would be down and dirty in two seconds
Me: omfg Jen. Im done with you lmfao. Jesus. Dirty ass mind
J: Yeah. Like you haven't daydreamed about him saying your name in that cute little accent in the bedroom. But seriously....say something. Youll never know till you do
Me: yeah ok. Thanks Dr Phil.
I put my phone down, laughing at her. Then looked up when i heard the game room door open. Jack stepped out, looking as though hed been through a war.
"Jack!" I just up and hurried to him. Wrapping an arm around his waist i led him to the couch. "Sit your ass down. And tell me whats going on" i demanded as we sat on the couch.
He looked at me, his blue eyes searching mine. "Alison. There are some things i never want you to deal with....and that is one of them" i reached my hand out, cupping his face. "Jack. Youre my best friend. And i swear to you Im here. No matter whats going on...ok?" He nodded and closed his eyes, leaning his head to the side trapping my hand to his shoulder.
He suddenly looked up. Almost....frightened.
"Jack?" I said quietly. He turned toward me.... Everything became very still, his head twitched to the side. "Damnit" he whispered, standing quickly. This time i followed him as he walked away.
"Oh no. We aint doing this shit again. What the hell is happening" i demanded. He suddenly stopped at the closed bedroom door and i ran into his back
Jack....c'mon. This isnt funny." I said, angry and little bit terrified
He began to laugh but....it was off. It sounded....higher pitched and crackling. Suddenly he shook his head "No! Leave her alone!!!" He shouted, smacking the side of his head.
"Jack! What the hell!?" His head twitched side to side. I stepped back, the hair on my arms standing up. Something is wrong here. I reached out slowly, touching his shoulder and in a whisper choked out "Ja--Jack?"
Suddenly i was being twisted and thrown backwards against the wall, his hand at my throat, head hanging to his chest. "Jack!" I screamed. "WHAT ARE YOU----"
My words died in my throat as he raised his head, his beautiful blue eyes had been replaced by emotionless black. His head cocked to the side as he grinned evily at me.. Teeth seeming longer
"Alison" the thing purred "Dont you know when someone says to leave them alone. .you should? You know the saying about the cat and curiosity dont you kitten?" All color drained from my face
"An--anti? What. How?" I stammered. Not believing this" he got rid of you....you were gone!
The demon threw his head back and laughed. "Oh Ali....you think this...weakling could kill ME? You think id be defeated by your BOY?" He spit out mockingly, his grasp tightening on my throat. "Jack and i. We are the same person. Without me, theres no him" he giggled that insane laugh again. Id only ever heard it in videos....it was so much worse in real life
"Anti. Hes NOTHING like you. Hes pure good. Strong, smart and successful. Youre just a glitched out bitch that has become a joke. Your angry turtle voice isnt going to scare me. Show me something worthwhile or get the hell out!"
His gaze locked onto mine, it felt as though he was staring deep into my soul.....then he smiled, the grin sinister.
He leaned right into my face, waving the knife that was in his other hand and running it gingerly down my arm. "Should i leave a few more scars? Im a bit more well learned in this than Brandon was though Princess.....i bet my scars will run deeper..maybe ill let Jack watch as i cut you.. I think hed enjoy it" he growled. I stiffened at his words.
"Anti. Youre nothing like him. Youre not even HALF the man Jack is' i spit out, pissed off and scared. He studied me for a moment and leaned over into my ear. His breath hot on my neck
"You think hes just so perfect? Such a good boy?" He purred into my ear "i just want to cut you....to make you feel pain. Him? He wants you to enjoy it when he hurts you" his knife traced my side as he spoke. " They say Im from hell and some of the things in his head when hes around you almost make me blush" the words came out half amused and half disgusted. He leaned back and laughed, the sound twisted and distorted. "Hes a pussy. Cant even do anything about this.....he couldnt even save you from Brandon...and he reallllly wanted to let me loose that day. Had him against the wall and everything" The glitch laughed darkly
"And now. He gets to watch while i kill you.....i might even let him back to reality after so he can feel your blood on his hands" Antisepticeye giggled again.
"Jack! I need you to wake up.....i need you to fight this! Please!" I pleaded, searching for any sign of him in the abyss that his eyes had become. "Jack!!!" I raised my hand and slapped him almost instinctively.
All of a sudden he fell to his knees. Clutching his head. "Aghhhhh!!!" His yell ripped from his throat, the sound of torture.
"Jack. Fight him! Please!!!! " i dropped to my knees in front of him and grabbed his face in ny hands. When i forced him to look at me his right eye shown that beautiful blue color...the other still black. "Jack. Come on. Please. You can do this. Please come back! I didnt tell you i love you too!! You have to come back so i can tell you!!"
I began to sob as he fell to the floor, jerking and holding his head, cries of pain eminating from deep within.
And suddenly.....he was still.
I reached for him, still on my knees. "Jack?" I said softly as i touched him. I rolled him over. His eyes were closed and he was too still for a long moment
Then he coughed. I sank to the side, butt hitting the ground and sighed. He half sat up and looked at me. Both eyes the most beautiful shade of blue id ever seen
We stood up and after a moment he looked at me. "Alison....oh my God. Your neck..." I looked at him "My neck?! Thats what youre going to comment on??!?" I half yelled incredulously. "Really?! Not the fact that Anti has been screwing with you??? You didnt think we needed to know?!"
Jack stepped closer to me, fingers trailing my throat....tracing the sore spots left by anti's hand. "Im so sorry....i didnt mean to...i.... Oh God whats happening to me?! He cried out.
I stepped forward and buried my face in his chest hugging him tightly. Both of us crying.
"Jack.....i almost lost you." I whispered.
"He almost killed you Alison......that asshole almost......and i couldnt stop him! How fuckin useless am i? He cried out
I stepped back and looked at him and then held him tightly. "Jack. You didnt do anything wrong " i said
"It was MY hand around your throat Ali!!!" He yelled as he pushed away. "Dont you get it? I stay so far away so i dont end up hurting anyone." He turned his back to me, wiping his face and walked to the bedroom.
I followed him and sat beside him on his bed. Silence stretched out. Neither of us knowing what to say. Then he spoke "I cant believe i threw you into a wall and choked you..."
I laughed and before my brain could filter my words i said "Oh cmon....it wasnt that bad. I mean, if not for the whole Anti posessing you thing it wouldve been kinda hot!".... Then realizing what i said i fell backwards and just laughed, soon he was laughing his ass off right next to me. "What the ACTUAL FUCK Alison!!???" He sputtered, the fuck sounding more like FOOK in his accent, as he laughed more. "I dont fuckin know. I was almost choked out by a demon glitch Jack!" I shot back through my laughs.
Soon the laughter died and i sat up. Taking a deep breath...Suddenly he grabbed my hand and said softly.. "Did you mean it?"
I looked at him. "Did i mean what?" I asked. He looked down at the floor and then spoke as he raised his gaze to meet mine "When you said you loved me......did you mean it?
I stared at the ground a long while...then stood up fidgeting with my hands and i walked back across the room, putting my back to him as i spoke
"I-i....mean..." I sighed hard and just let the words out "Yeah. Ive always meant it when i said it Jack.... For the last three years." I heard him stand and walk up behind me. "Well alison....you couldve said something." He said softly
I laughed and turned to face him "Yeah. Let me just tell my best friend that somewhere along the way i fell for him. Let me open myself up to THAT rejection. Ha! No. Thanks im good with that." He studied my face intently, then reached up and pushed my hair behind my ear and cupping my chin
"What kinda of an idiot would reject you?" He asked softly and then said "well....ok im an idiot for not noticing.....but not that big of an idiot. I have my limits you know..' and with that leaned his face down and pressed his lips to mine. The world stopped for a minute, and then i wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back as he pulled me against him.
When he pulled back we were both breathless "Jack....." I said and then stopped. Not knowing what to say so i leaned against his chest. Wrapping my arms under his to hold him. His hands trailed up and down my back as we stood there, completely comfortable in our slience.
He sharted shaking and laughing again out of no where. I stepped back and he shook his head "Sorry. Sorry. Just what you said earlier... I cant believe that came outta your mouth!"
Putting my hands on my hips i glared at him playfully "you just haaad to go a ruin a great moment didnt ya!" Then i started laughing too.
He put his hands on my shoulders "Ali...hon. Im sorry its just hilarious hearing you say that! Dirty minded much?" Then he stopped and very slowly stepped closer and closer to me until my back hit the wall softly and he stared me down with a serious look.
"J-Jack?? Very funny. Ha ha. Stop it"
He smiled. His blue eyes twinkling. "What? I just wanted you to have a better memory of being backed into a wall by me is all" his hand softly pressed to my throat as his mouth captured mine again, more urgent this time, pressing his body to mine. Softly but in control of my every move.
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peblezq · 6 years
Older!Richie Tozier x Older!Eddie Kaspbrak
SPOILER ALERT! Do not read this if you haven't read the book “IT” by Stephen King! I don't wanna ruin the end for you if you don't already know how it ends.
This is my own version of the ending of “IT”, but in the movie universe. So basically, this is how I think IT: Chapter 2 (2019) should end… a whole year before it even comes out, lmao
Hi! I deleted my fanfiction side-blog because I’m a self-concious moron, so I’m gonna post this on my main blog.
This idea has been floating in my head for a while now, so I wrote it down.
I wanted to write an alternate ending to the novel “IT” by Stephen King, but it’s in the movie universe; so The Losers Club are kids in the 1980s, and adults in the 2010s.
This is a rewrite of the second - and final - battle against Pennywise. I changed a lot of stuff about the battle to fit into the movie universe, however, I kept some references from the book and mini series scattered in here :)
I’m just gonna start right in the middle of the battle scene because there’s no need for me to write the entire book before this, lol.
Sorry if there’s any typos or grammatical errors. I only read through this once before posting, haha.
Story starts below the cut! I hope you guys like it :)
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The tunnels of the sewer were darker and murkier than they remembered. The rancid stench hit all of their senses like a hundred busses driving on the freeway and hitting a single tree. The blood and bruises on the five remaining losers are just the tip of the iceberg to the pain that they feel. The fear impaled each of them in every way that it possibly could. How did they conquer this thing before? How the hell did they beat IT?
Eddie can feel his lungs collapsing on him like he's left floundering in the ice-cold water of the Atlantic Ocean. He struggles to gasp for air as each loser is preoccupied with their own fear.
Just as Eddie is reaching for his inhaler, he feels a hand grab his with the plastic tube of placebo medication. He looks up, startled, but then quickly eases his tense shoulders as he makes eye contact with none other than Trashmouth Richie.
His brown doe eyes are still prominent and huge, even without his thick frames to magnify them. Blood drips when the corners of his lips lift ever so slightly, revealing a small, but powerful smile. Eddie’s heartbeat thumps so hard that he might have a stroke with the way his blood is flowing through his veins right now. He drops the puffer and folds his hands around Richie’s, returning the smile. All of the losers suddenly notice what's happening, and they all join in, holding hands and suddenly feeling less afraid than before.
The moment is stolen away when Pennywise swipes a large tentacle arm to separate them, throwing each loser to a separate wall in the room. Eddie sees Richie fall on his face, crushing his nose and wailing in pain. He sees his other friends, all grown up and vulnerable as they all scream and groan in pain. He sees his puffer, lying on the cold sewer floor not too far from Pennywise. He frowns, furrowing his eyebrows in concentration as he struggles to crawl over to it. If he thought he couldn't breathe before, he was truly kidding himself. His chest feels like three knives are stuck in various places. One in the back, one in the side, and one close to his heart. As he collapsed on the moist cement, he determined his ribs must be cracked from the sudden impact against the wall.
The gashes on his face start to sting as salty tears roll into them. He pushes himself up, his arms and legs shaking violently as he stumbles to a crouching position. He quickly determines he cannot walk to his desired location fast enough, so he settles for crawling again. He reaches out and grabs the cold, plastic and metal tube with fake medicine, ignoring the fact that the cut on his forearm is coating it in his thick red velvet of blood. Eddie stumbles to his feet, vaguely hearing his friend’s desperate screams for him to stop.
“Eddie!! Watch out!” Beverly croaks out in a hoarse scream. Eddie ducks, stumbling backwards as he does so whilst feeling a rush of air above him before standing up as straight as he can. He notices Pennywise's other arm swoops back in the opposite direction, but he doesn't even flinch. He just glares at the clown as he steps back, avoiding the impact before quickly pulling up his medicine in front of the clown from Hell. Pennywise frowns and starts to charge at Eddie, causing an uproar of screams behind him from his beloved friends.
“It's time to take your meds, asshole!” Eddie belts hoarsely as he squeezes the contents of the medication onto Pennywise's face. The clown stumbles backwards, holding ITs face as it shrieks out in pain. All the losers quiet themselves immediately as IT lowers its hands, revealing half of the clowns face to be melted and burnt. Pennywise sneers at Eddie, its melted mouth drooping as it does so.
Eddie’s sudden adrenaline rush allows him to punch the clown in the face, causing it to fly backwards. Eddie stumbles forward, ready to shoot more medicine on ITs face. Pennywise jumps up, grabbing Eddie as IT slowly grows and shifts into a half spider-mantis-clown nightmare. ITs jaw breaks open, pulling more and more as thousands of rows of sharp teeth reveal themselves to Eddie. The losers start to scream in horror again while Eddie's body goes limp as he catches a glimpse of ITs deadlights at the back of ITs throat.
Ben, Bill and Richie try to help Eddie, but the freeze as they too catch a glimpse of ITs deadlights. Beverly shields her eyes and searches around herself in a panic, trying to find some sort of weapon. The nail-gun that Mike provided them with glimmers in the corner of her eyes, and she quickly stumbles towards it. She picks it up, readies the trigger, and climbs the piping beside the creature. She pushes the end of the gun to its heart and pulls the trigger, causing it to screech out in pain.
The three men on the ground blink and stumble out of their trance whilst IT throws Eddie as it stumbles backwards. Eddie smacks against the cement wall, a loud crack echoes with the impact before he rolls onto the floor. Every loser hurries to his aid, falling on their knees as they gingerly check his pulse.
“Eddie!” Richie cautiously holds Eddie’s face as tears begin to cloud his vision. “Eddie Spaghetti…”
“Don't...call...me...that…” Eddie sputters out, violently coughing up blood to punctuate the end of his sentence. The four remaining losers can't help but smile in this bittersweet moment.
Eddie barely notices the others since his vision is slowly blacking out, only showing Richie’s face in the centre of his pinhole-vision. He attempts to smile at his friend, but it seems to distort Richie’s features, causing him to frown pitifully at Eddie.
“You...looked...better...with...glasses…” Eddie comments.
“And you look like shit,” Richie jokes. “You've seriously seen better days, my friend,” he adds, forcing his lips to form into a faint smile.
“Beep...beep…” Eddie starts coughing again, slightly leaning over to spit his blood away from his friend’s face. Eddie tries another smile, but he knows it looks crooked and forced. He leaves it anyways, willing to spend his remaining energy on this moment.
Richie’s breathing suddenly becomes shallow as the situation sinks in. His hands, still gingerly holding Eddie's face, starts to tremble. He suddenly becomes very aware of his close proximity to Eddie, and to his pounding heartbeat skipping occasionally. His fear builds up, but it's barely for the clown anymore. Richie does not want to lose Eddie. Not again. Not ever.
Richie acts impulsively, knowing that this could very possibly be the last chance he gets to do this. He leans over to close the gap between him and Eddie, locking lips with him. Eddie’s eyes widen for a moment before he gently closes them, leaning into the kiss as best as he can from lying on the ground. Richie smiles into the kiss as he tilts his head to deepen it without hurting Eddie too much.
Ben blinks, completely dumbfounded. He respectfully leans back to not invade their moment. Beverly and Bill lean back as well, but they smile endearingly after the initial shock eases away. Ben’s lips soon tug into a smile moments later.
Richie tastes his and Eddie’s blood in the kiss, but he doesn't care. Richie suddenly feels weak, trembling hands grab onto his hair, pulling him down even more. Eddie suddenly winces in pain, causing Richie to quickly peel away from Eddie.
“Sorry!” Richie blubbered out nervously, feeling like a child again.
“I've… wanted… to do that… for a long… time…” Eddie responded, ignoring Richie’s apology.
Eddie’s eyes started to close, but Richie wasn't having it. “No! No, goddammit, you are not dying on me today!” Richie belted. The three other losers notice Pennywise behind them, sluggishly stumbling towards them for another round.
“Don't…  be… afraid,” Eddie coughs, “and kill… that fucking… clown…” Eddie forces one last smile before letting out a long, slow breath.
“No, Eddie!” Richie yells.
“Ed's!” Richie tries again.
“Eddie Spaghetti?” Richie’s voice becomes quiet as Eddie doesn't respond. Eddie’s muscles have become slack, and his lips are parted ever so slightly. Richie blinks, and Eddie is thirteen again. His skin is smooth with no sign of ageing wrinkles, and his hair lush and full of life again. Richie is a child again, too. He’s suddenly wearing his glasses, and the sounds of his friends' voices are their voices from their childhood.
“Richie!” Bill yells from behind.
“Richie, its up!”
“It’s coming, Richie!”
Richie can't even decipher whose voice is who anymore as they scream for his help. He cradles Eddie’s face and whispers, “I've always loved you, Ed’s.”
Richie sluggishly stands up and turns around, his eyebrows furrowed and his lips pulled into a thin line. He glares at Pennywise who still has a partially melted face from Eddie’s puffer. ‘Don't be afraid,’ Eddie’s voice echoes in Richie's head as he marches towards the demon clown, filled with anger and determination. The losers are not kids anymore, and they’re here to kill this clown.
“First, you kill Stanley,” Richie’s voice is dark, somewhat startling his friends as he marches in front of them. “Then you almost killed Mike,” Richie leans forward and picks up the axe that he dropped a long time ago. “And then you killed Eddie,” Pennywise tilts its head, smugly raising the un-melted eyebrow. “Now I'm gonna return the favour, asshole!” Richie lifts the axe and swings it, slicing off Pennywise’s arm in one swift motion.
“I'm gonna fucking kill you!” Richie screams as he continues swinging the axe at the clown. Black tar sprays out of each gash and floats up in the air above IT as the shapeshifting alien stumbles backwards. The other losers take swings on the clown themselves with pieces of pipery from the sewer floors, impaling it and smacking it with double the force each time.
They get IT to the ground, not showing mercy as they continue to attack the beast. All of them fight with a fire in their eyes that hasn't been lit since childhood.
Richie slices the chest cavity of Pennywise, barely flinching as its black blood sprays all over him. The four remaining losers drop their weapons and kneel beside the creature. They each claw into the monster, ignoring its shriek of pain as they dig deeper inside of IT. They hear cracking and slurping noises as they bury their hands deeper until they find the large cavity they were looking for. They grab the heart together and rip it out with their bare hands.
They keep pulling as they notice a cord attached to the heart, and they rip it right out, revealing the physical form of ITs deadlights. They throw the heart onto the cement and Ben stomps on it, causing it to burst out its gooey black tar blood.
They stare at it for a while as the children and Bill’s wife slowly float down. Bill hurries to her aid whilst Ben and Beverly head towards Eddie. Richie continues to glare at the corpse of the monster, feeling completely numb.
Suddenly, Ben’s desperate voice cries out, “I feel a pulse!”
They emerge from the depths of the sewers, squinting as they make contact with daylight. Bill adjusts his unconscious wife over his shoulder whilst Richie does the same with Eddie. They all continue to rush towards their cars and they immediately head to the hospital.
Bill’s wife is fine, but she hasn't spoken a word since the incident. The doctors say that the shock of the traumatic event has silenced her, and they can't tell if she will ever speak again.
News on Eddie hasn't come back yet, and Richie can't stop pacing. All he can think about is every moment in his teens after their summer fighting IT. He remembers how every day, the kids slowly drifted apart from each other. He remembers when Ben moved away, and how they rarely saw Mike since he was homeschooled, and how Stanley made new friends that didn't irritate him as much. Stan did still talk to them from time to time, and he said goodbye at the start of summer when they all moved away for college. Richie didn't go to college, he just moved to Los Angeles and auditioned for many talent agencies until he got accepted. He then auditioned for Saturday Night Live, and the rest is history now.
Richie sits down, nervously shaking his leg as he ponders how different his life could've been if he just picked up the damn phone and called his friends once in a while. The only friend he even saw between graduation and now was Bill. Richie never approached Bill, but he saw him at one or two movie premiers with his actress wife - who may be scarred for life now since she just had to come here instead of listening to Bill’s warnings to steer her away from danger.
‘Such a stubborn lady, but I guess that’s why Bill fell in love with her,’ Richie muses to himself as he rests his chin on his hands. His thighs feel like they might become numb if he keeps the pressure he’s using with his elbows right now. Richie pushes his hands further up his face, covering his features as he groans in pain. ‘I probably should've seen a doctor. Every-fucking-thing hurts.’
Richie starts thinking about his relationships - or rather, lack thereof - throughout his adult life. He dated one girl - an actress he worked on a rom-com with in his twenties - but that lasted for maybe a month because their relationship was too public. They were constantly pestered by paparazzi, and they rarely spent time with each other outside of their press tour. He realized that their relationship wasn't real when the buzz from their movie died down a bit. It was all an accidental publicity stunt on their parts. They parted ways on good terms, and they're still good friends to this day, still working on the odd film with each other now and again.
Richie only ever had hookups after that, and he didn't enjoy any of them. He sighs, realizing that all this time, there was one person he secretly wanted to spend the rest of his life with, but it took a battle with the demon clown from his past to have this epiphany.
‘I'm a grown-ass, middle-aged man, and I just now realized that I was suppressing romantic feelings for my childhood best friend? Fuck that. I am not gay!’ Richie groans again, rubbing circles in his temples and he closes his eyes. ‘I did kiss him though. That's...pretty gay.’
“Hey, you should really see a doctor.” Bev’s voice startles Richie, causing him to sit up and look over at her like a deer caught in headlights. ‘God, I hope I didn't say any of that out loud.’
“No, I'm fine,” Richie snaps. He awkwardly looks away, feeling guilty for snapping at her. “I'll leave the medical resources for the people who actually fucking need it.”
“There are plenty of doctors here, Rich. You're not going to stop anyone from saving Eddie,” Beverly sighs, sitting down beside him. “And you do need a doctor, too. You may not be dying at the moment, but you're clearly in a lot of pain.”
“I don't care,” Richie mutters, slouching as he glares at the opposite wall. “I'm not seeing a doctor until I know that Eddie is okay.”
Beverly sighs again, looking off to the side before looping her arm around Richie and resting her head against his shoulder. Richie glances at her over his shoulder and smiles at the floor. “You're hurting my neck,” Richie mumbles under his breath, his smirk more prominent now.
“I don't care. I'm going to sit here like this with you until we know that Eddie is okay,” Beverly replies with a bittersweet smile.
Richie finishes by tightening his tie. He briefly smiles at himself in the mirror. He turns around when he sees Beverly walk in the reflection behind him. He watches her as she examines him, smiling and patting down his shoulders.
“You look great, Rich,” Beverly compliments with a bashful smile.
“Thanks, Bev.”
She pauses. “They’re all waiting for you outside,” she says with a small smile.
“Yeah, yeah,” Richie takes one last look at himself in the mirror, dusting his suit jacket and adjusting his tie one last time. “I always show up fashionably late to any event.”
“This isn’t just another one of your movie premieres, Rich,” Beverly pouts with a raised eyebrow. Richie sighs, suddenly becoming rather fond of his shoes.
“I hope we all continue to stay in touch after all of this...” Richie’s voice falls, and he clears his throat nervously.
“Me too,” Beverly replies, smiling brightly. Richie faces her, and she pulls him into a tight hug. He holds her just as tightly, suddenly feeling the tears overwhelm him.
“Dammit,” Richie mumbles as he wipes his tears over her shoulder. “Don’t tell anyone I cried.”
Beverly pulls back and wipes the second tear that escaped his eyes. “I promise.” He wipes her escaped tear and they give each other quick smiles before walking out of the room. Richie and Beverly meet Ben, Bill, BIll’s silent wife, and Mike in the hallway outside of the room. They all walk close together into the cathedral, and they meet the gazes of all the people who ever knew Eddie Kaspbrak. They all walk slowly, trying to avoid eye contact with anyone as they head for the front of the church. They try to ignore the whispers of people wondering who they all were and how the losers even knew Eddie. Many of them glared, knowing they must be the old friends he went off to visit - and who they believe caused his demise.
The five remaining losers - plus Bills wife - make it to the open casket. They all look down at Eddie’s features that have been touched up to look presentable. Richie’s eyes are stuck on the cleaned and stitched gash on Eddie’s cheek, remembering the blood no longer oozing from it as Eddie took his final breaths. His eyes then fell to his lips. They’re pale and cracked, and there’s no trace that they were ever coated in his own blood. Richie ponders that Eddie’s lips no longer look as soft as they felt when Eddie was still alive. Richie blinks when he realizes that his own tear hit Eddie’s nose, and he quickly started rubbing at his own face, trying to rid himself of them.
All of the losers joined hands and leaned in around Richie, protecting him like a forcefield. They all loved Eddie, but Richie’s love for Eddie was so much more, and every remaining loser learned that the moment Richie kissed him.
“Why did you have to die?” Was all that Richie was able to croak out that day before his best friend - his soulmate - was buried.
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