#the artblock wasnt really about artblock and more just
deadunderorbit · 1 year
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I’m relearning how to draw (I don’t remember when was the last time I touched my pen)
Here’s some ghostsoap sketches :]
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@mostpowerfrog I MEAN. aside from my last post being insanely wrong, i was like also kind of right but i must admit i didnt expect it to be this cute <;3 good work on this thing !! and by this thing im talking about vampire x hunter if it wasnt clear ;;
let me ummm dump about the whole thing here real quick. so overall, its great !! and like it feels like it hit me way harder cuz of how long the wait was between the updates so i was just like getting residual hype in the background from wanting it to be complete and then when i saw u actually post about it was all like: It's feasting time. and like it was so worth !! the story doesnt need to be super complex to suck me in but it still had like really interesting elements to it that like make more sense now considering the direction u went
like, for some reason i expected it to be more wrapped up even tho i kno thats not really your style so i didnt even consider it going this direction BUT that also means my first post may be more true further into the story like arcen questioning his whole motivation for this and the whole bannon clan and also more stuff about vance and and. ugh this is also one of your strengths where combined with the exposition and worldbuilding and characters and the small bit of story we get to see it really makes it seem like theres a whole world with a grand long story to tell if we were to ever explore it which is SO COOL but at the same time kills me a lil bit knowing ill never have like 300 chapters of your comics ...
that leads me to ask, do you have a lot of ideas for your comics that dont make it in or do you just have this small story you wanted to tell and then had to come up with all the stuff around it to have an excuse to make it? like, "ok, cool design just dropped. i wanna have him fight some other guy cuz its cool." and then coming up with a motivation for the mc and the whole story? or is it more like you already had some plans for characters and a story like this and then just had to execute it?
but umm yeah i def like this more than tenfold rings EVEN THOUGH tenfold rings has the same strengths and it was still great but this feels like you took that in stride and then made a more polished pilot for a potential longer story, aswell as having like way more of a settled(?) artstyle... ?? ok at this point im just saying words but i mean its even more flowy and the pacing is suited exactly to my taste and the paneling is really cool and the art is kind of like janky on purpose? like working with a pen with no line weight change or tapering and then allowing some parts to look super off-model to exaggerate the characters better while still having a lot of cool perspective shots and composition, n then also not trying to make aspects look too polished like some lines in the background will be going to the middle of nowhere but the overall composition and look from afar is so strong it doesnt even matter (it kind of makes it sound like an insult but this is great i tell u bc i spend way too much time focusing on polishing some random thing no one will care about) so basically you kno where to put your strengths and what people will actually pay attention to so you dont have to spend too much work
the action for me is also way more readable i remember being a little lost in some panels of tenfold and it wasnt exactly focused on action so it didnt matter too much but everything in vxh is readable and that makes the action scenes feel like ... awesomesauce swagaliciousness !! ive gotta say i aspire to learn your ways because therses so many cool small things i keep noticing on rereads that you did with the art and i especially love the paneling and use of contrast IT JUST LOOKS SO GOOD !!
im sorry though that you had to fight thru artblock n burnout to just get it out, def fine with you doing whatever for your next projects as long as it makes you feel more comfortable with creating the stuff and without burning yourself out n all that :v whether its more pilot comics or some longer form thing or some other medium idc!! u can probably tell im insanely rabid about your art so ill literally take whatever you make. and this is like supremely strange to me because im never obsessed with anyone elses art so i guess you somehow managed to scratch that itch no one else could thus far :O
so overall thoughts: vampire x hunter SUPREMELY goated and you should feel good about it forever. and good luck with every endeavor you ever pursue in the future forever +maximum
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masozii · 8 years
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Convo with @alrunaa had us talking a mashup of FXV and Pokemon so I present: Noctash and Ardyn Oak~!! 
Aah artblock word dump below. 
Haven’t been feeling very good about my art lately. I have been really stuck and just cant bring myself to draw. i have been really artblocked lately and havent been able to finish much so i keep trying to draw and it has helped I think im nearly over it. I have only really produced sketches which I wasnt sure whether I wanted to post here or not. But I figure its all part of the process, and everyone has these points in their art progress so may as well post what I can. :) So i apologise for not posting as much lately and will try and post more often. even if they are just sketches.
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