#the aus my mind can spin here...
halavibe · 4 months
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choi san and jung wooyoung for vogue korea
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lil-vibes · 1 year
i would die if you wrote anything expanding on that post about chuuya being taken over by baki and just floating all over the place and speaking with an echo until he gets to dazai at the ADA office - that was a great idea, very cool
yooo thanks man !!!
here you go, a little more brainworms regarding that au!
• when Baki wakes up in a back alleyway and tries to stand up they overdo it and snap Chuuya's spine in the process. they try to walk and all of a sudden they are on the ground with mild pains from the vessel' legs. they aren't sure how a human body works, so for now they decide to just float.
• Baki, in my hc, is very curious for just about everything because it's quite rare that they 'view' the world through a humans' eyes
• piggybacking off of that, i think that they'd have trouble expressing their thoughts in the beggining (speaking in short, sometimes conflicting/unfinished sentences) because using human vocal cords without snapping them is difficult and also words have changed since the last time they were actively using them. Ranpo just chucks a dictionary at them and they absolutely ABSORB every word
• i also think that they'd want to sword fight with both Fukuzawa and Golden Demon/ Kouyou for fun
• they can make Dazai float and he just about gives up on life ( something something 'your human existence can not deny mine' yeah me thinks)
• i personally think that theyd be slightly more chill than expected, however when they get upset, or emotions generally run high, the control over the body begings to wobble. some examples of that being:
- the overlapping voices are the most common ones. they are a mass manifested through war and suffering and vengeance, thus Baki has to be extremely careful of how loud they speak because there's a great chance that someone's eardrums will explode.
- corruption markings are a damn near permanent fixture on Chuuya's skin, more so to help remind everyone that this isn't Chuuya in control right now (Dazai is constantly stressed about it, and has to consistently tell himself that it's fine), but they tend to grow and glow and move around like they are alive too, as if also taking offence that Baki is agitated. they also burn if touched directly
- people around an Agitated Baki feel like they are about to poof out of existence simply by being too close. Mori nearly dies once because Baki can see his general soul and is not pleased. it kinda feels like your blood suddenly starts running the other way, or your like heart is beating backwards and double in speed. not fun !
- sometimes birds fly into the windows. maybe the sky tints red, maybe there is ringing in the ears, static in the brain of those around them. maybe looking at Chuuya's form hurts a little, burns a little, blurs around the edges. what were his features again? what color were his eyes? his hair?
• Baki loves Chuuya and learning all about him :] ( "and his name? what is his name? we would love to know who our vessel is."
"it's Chuuya Nakahara.."
the entity thinks, hums for a bit, vibrations making the lights swim around it, then pleased, it smiles "hmm Chuuya... it suits him a lot" )
• disregarding stormbringer for a moment, when asked how exactly one traps a being like it, Baki kindly informs them that there are runes carved into every bone inside Chuuya. yes, they do mean every single one.
• also, and that's a little.... gruesome, but it's a misconception that Baki and Chuuya share only a consciousness. "it's like that most of the time, but right now what you are looking at is ... ah, let's say, our clothes. we are woven in-between his skin and bones and every blood vessel, but also we are separate. it's like a hand pupet? we are under his skin :)"
• Baki absolutely says unhinged things like its normal
• they also find it funny to tease Ranpo because they recognise just how smart of a human he is but also he's just that to them. a human
• i also have this scene when someone complains about the sun or something so Baki just,,, shifts either the Earth or the Sun a bit so that it's not shining directly at the person. everyone FREAKS abt this btw
• Baki also loves the Akutagawas and Kouyou bc Chuuya loves them :]
some skk things bc i love them:
• Baki tells Dazai, hand pressed against his heart, looking him dead in the eyes with that slightly unhinged expression "no wonder you hold onto warm things, for you have been warm once, then never again. no wonder you seek to be warm again" and Dazai just has to go through his day after that
• okay last thing off of the top of my head, but somehow they (the ada) get into the topic of worship and Baki casually drops that yes! they get prayers sometimes but nothing even begins to compare to the feeling of the worship from their most devoted person. naturally everyone wants to know who that is, and Baki tilts their head a little and then points to a Very Confused Dazai (Ranpo and Kunikida are exhanging money in the backround btw).
("but... i don't worship the hat rack?? what?"
"oh, but that can't be" they sway a little from their perch on Dazai's desk, appearing as if deep in thought. after the day, Dazai knows better. "but we can distinctly recal feeling a sort of warmth from you. say, how do you define worship? because it can be food offerings too. or thoughts about us or even just the pure, unrelenting faith that as long as you believe in us, your wish will be made into existence"
Dazai blinks at them, stunned.
"so now, has your answer changed?" )
• LAST one. Ranpo asks them if Dazai has ever nullified corruption with a kiss and Baki is like we think so? but Dazai denies that hard. Baki counters by saying that every place where 'coruption' has been nullified burns to this day. twice on left the wrist, once at the forearm. once at the right hand, once at the cheek, and once ot the lips. Dazai may or may not work harder to resolve the issue after that (he's never gonna beat the gay accusations)
(end of skk things hh)
• when it's time to surrender themselves back to Chuuyas will, Baki tells the ada + the Akutagawas and Kouyou, that when their time finally comes, when Chuuya is either one of them or dust in the wind, they will remember the kindness they have experienced. that they will live forever in the mind of a god
• Chuuya is so, so confused after waking up
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ikeucity · 24 days
brought the heat back. | chapter one - the alphas' claim
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pairings. omegaverse!au ot7 x reader warning. contains heat, rutting, extreme jealousy, obsession, emotional intensity, explicit sexual content, slow-burn, omegaverse!au, explores themes of power dynamics, omega submission, alpha dominance, scenting, manipulation, unprotected sex, knotting, creampies, and non-consensual elements. reader discretion is strongly advised. mdni. wc. 20k+
in a world where instincts rule, you're an omega thrust into the role of housemother for enhypen—a group of seven alphas. what was meant to be a simple assignment turns into a delicate dance of control and desire, as you struggle to maintain your composure while the alphas slowly break down your walls. every interaction is laced with tension, every glance a spark, building up to moments that almost cross the line. a story of power, temptation, and the fine line between duty and desire, leaving you—and the alphas—wondering how much longer you can resist.
⚠ disclaimer: this story is a work of fiction and does not represent real-life events or the members of enhypen.
© inspired by enha's bthb.
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the day had finally arrived.
the day your father had decided, without your consent, that you would become enhypen's omega. it was a decision he'd made with a cold, calculating logic that left you feeling like a pawn in his game.
"it's the perfect arrangement," he'd said, his voice smooth and persuasive, as if he were selling you a new car instead of your life. "they're a rising group, destined for greatness. you, my dear, are the key to their success."
you'd tried to argue, to explain that you weren't some prized possession to be bartered away, but his words had been like a wall, impenetrable and unyielding. "it's for your own good," he'd insisted, his eyes cold and distant. "you'll be protected, taken care of. and besides, you'll be their housemother, a stabilizing presence in their lives."
you knew he was talking about the scent, the undeniable pull of an alpha's pheromones, the way they could make your body sing and your mind spin. you knew the dangers, the potential for loss of control, the way your omega instincts could take over, leaving you vulnerable and exposed.
but you also knew the thrill, the way an alpha's touch could send shivers down your spine, the way their scent could make you crave their attention. you weren't exactly a saint when it came to alphas, but your father's iron grip on your life had always kept you in check.
your father, however, had always been obsessed with control, with ensuring that you never fell prey to the intoxicating allure of an alpha's scent. he didn't want you to experience the "special" connection he spoke of.
he wanted you to be a mother figure, a calming presence, not a lover.
that's why he'd insisted on the specialized necklace, a silver chain that glinted subtly against your skin. it was a subtle yet powerful measure to ensure that you could navigate the complexities of living with multiple alphas without succumbing to the intoxicating pull of their scents.
it was a constant reminder of his control, a symbol of the power he held over your life.
and now, here you were, standing before the new flat, its pristine walls and clean scent of fresh paint and disinfectant signaling a new chapter. a chapter that had been written for you, not by you.
as you walked through the open floor plan, your eyes caught glimpses of the details that made this place special.
the kitchen, with its gleaming marble countertops, seemed almost luminous under the light streaming in through the tall windows. it was the kind of kitchen that begged to be filled with the clatter of pans, the sizzling of food, and the warmth of shared meals.
the living room flowed naturally from the kitchen, an inviting expanse of space with plush couches that seemed to promise evenings of relaxation. you walked to the full-length glass windows and looked out, the sprawling cityscape unfurling before you.
the view was mesmerizing, a mixture of towering buildings and patches of greenery that gave the city its unique charm. the sunlight wrapped around you, creating a cocoon of warmth and anticipation.
today, everything hinged on meeting the seven alphas who would share this space with you.
you sat down on one of the plush couches, fingering the cool silver pendant thoughtfully. the flat was silent except for the steady hum of your thoughts.
each passing minute brought you closer to meeting your new flat mates, and your curiosity about their scents and reactions grew with each tick of the clock.
the necklace was more than just a suppressor; it was a tool that allowed you to engage with the alphas on your own terms. it tempered the potent chemistry that could otherwise lead to overpowering, uncontrollable urges and mind-blowing sex.
your thoughts wandered to how they would perceive you, whether they’d notice the necklace for what it truly was or dismiss it as just another piece of jewelry.
you wondered how your controlled scent would blend with the natural fragrances that these alphas would bring into the flat.
would they sense the latent undertones of your scent trying to break free, or would it remain masked under the necklace’s suppressing charm?
boy, were you curious.
the reflection in the vanity mirror showed you a person eager yet apprehensive. your simple oversized hoodie and loose shorts ensemble was meant to project casual confidence, but you felt a flicker of self-doubt.
you let your hair loose, hoping it would make you look more approachable, more at ease.
just then, you noticed that your pendant looked dull, with slight traces of oxidization and dirt. a wave of self-consciousness washed over you. you quickly darted into your bathroom to find some baking soda and a cloth, intent on making it shine again.
the last thing you wanted was to appear careless, especially on such an important day.
as you carefully scrubbed the pendant, the scent of vanilla began to fill the small bathroom. your natural aroma, normally subdued by the necklace, now permeated the air.
you'd be fucked if they were actually here, aware of how strong your scent could be.
you shake your head, brushing away the negative thoughts as you hasten to finish cleaning.
unbeknownst to you, the sounds of luggage wheels and sneakers have abruptly stopped just outside the flat's door while you remained oblivious to the vulnerable position you were in.
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"i'm sick of this," jay grumbles, frustration clear in his voice as he stands by the door of their new flat, rummaging through his pockets for the key. the crisp evening air carries the scent of freshly cut grass and blooming flowers, a stark contrast to the tension hanging between them. "assigning us another housemother after the fuck-up from last time..."
"what do you mean, 'fuck-up'?" jungwon asks, curiosity piqued.
jay scoffs, his voice laced with sarcasm. "remember that last one, the one who was supposed to be a professional omega? yeah, she turned out to be a total psycho. always sneaking around, trying to get into our rooms, even when we were there. it was creepy as hell."
jungwon's eyes widen in disbelief. "she was trying to seduce all of you?" he clearly recalls being ignored by her. not that he cared, as long as she was doing her job, he didn't really need anything else from her.
"not just seduce," jay explains, shaking his head. "she was trying to get us to sign some crazy contract that would make her our permanent omega. she even tried to slip something into our drinks one night. it was a total nightmare."
jungwon chuckles, finding the situation oddly humorous. "i can't believe i missed all that. she always avoided me like the plague. guess i should be thankful for that."
"you were the lucky one," jay mutters, rolling his eyes. "the rest of us had to deal with her constant hovering and manipulative tactics."
"wow, that's messed up," jungwon says, his voice low. "i can't believe she tried to manipulate you guys like that."
"yeah, it was a total disaster," jay says, his frustration returning. "that's why i'm not exactly thrilled about having another housemother. i'm hoping this one is actually a professional and not some crazy stalker."
jungwon glances around, trying to lighten the mood. "well, at least this place looks amazing. maybe this time it'll be different."
"let's hope so," jay says with a sigh. "i'm just hoping we can actually get some peace and quiet around here."
sunghoon chimes in, a playful smirk on his face. "you know, the worst part wasn't even the creepy stalker vibes. it was her scent. it smelled like… burnt cabbage and old socks. i swear, i almost fainted every time she was near."
"oh god, i remember that," jake adds, his face contorting in mock disgust. "it was like she'd been rolling around in a dumpster before she came to work."
"at least she was good at cleaning," heeseung says, trying to be diplomatic. "her cooking was… questionable, but she kept the place spotless."
"yeah, but she was way too suffocating," sunoo complains, fanning himself uselessly with a small electric fan. "it was like she was trying to smother us with her… intense… affection."
"intense affection, huh?" jay laughs, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "more like intense desperation."
"she was like a moth drawn to a flame, but the flame was us," niki adds, his voice laced with amusement. "and she was the moth."
"okay, okay, enough with the moth analogies," jungwon says, chuckling. "let's just hope this new housemother is a little less… intense."
"and hopefully her scent isn't as bad as burnt cabbage and old socks," sunghoon adds, earning a chorus of laughter from the rest of the group.
"speaking of housemothers, how does this whole system even work?" jake asks, his curiosity piqued. "i mean, we're idols, we're busy, we're stressed. why do we need an omega living with us?"
"it's a bit of a weird system, honestly," heeseung says, leaning against the doorframe. "the idea is that omegas are supposed to be calming presences, a source of comfort and stability. they're not necessarily there to mate with us or breed us, although that can happen sometimes. it's more about the emotional and physical connection."
"so, like, a big, cuddly teddy bear?" sunoo asks, his eyes wide.
"pretty much," heeseung says with a laugh. "it's supposed to help us manage the stress of being idols, the constant pressure, the lack of personal space. it can be tough, you know? being an idol is tough enough, but the sexual frustration is hell."
"yeah, we haven't had an omega in a while," jay says, his voice turning serious. "it's been a long time since we've had someone to… you know… fuck."
"i can imagine," jungwon says, his eyes filled with sympathy. "it must be hard to keep your urges in check."
"it's not easy," jay admits. "but we're professionals, we handle it. still, it's nice to have someone around who can provide some comfort and support."
"comfort and support, my ass," jake mutters under his breath. "what we really need is a good, hard fuck."
"don't be so crude, jake," sunghoon says, rolling his eyes. "we're not animals."
"speak for yourself," jake retorts with a smirk. "i'm a man with needs."
"yeah, and those needs are definitely getting neglected," niki adds, his voice filled with a hint of frustration. "it's been months since i've had a proper heat."
"i know, right?" sunoo says, his voice laced with a hint of longing. "i'm starting to think i'm going to turn into a werewolf if i don't get some action soon."
"don't worry, sunoo," jay says with a playful grin. "we'll find you a nice omega. someone who can handle your… intense… needs."
"oh, i'm sure i can handle it," sunoo says, his voice dripping with sarcasm.
"hey, i'm just trying to be supportive," jay says with a shrug.
"well, let's hope this new housemother is a good one," sunghoon says, his voice laced with a hint of hope. "someone who can actually help us relax and unwind."
"and someone who doesn't smell like burnt cabbage and old socks," niki adds, earning another round of laughter from the group.
jake, however, remains skeptical. "honestly, i think it's gonna be worse having an omega around. either we won't like her, or we'll want to mate with her. there's no in-between."
jungwon sighs, shaking his head. "let's at least give her a chance before we jump to conclusions."
"wow, this place looks amazing," jungwon comments, his eyes gleaming with interest as he surveys the surroundings. despite being farther from hybe, the secluded location promises better privacy for him and the rest of the members.
"do you think we'll each get our own room?" he asks, his excitement barely contained.
"god help us if we have to room with jay again," sunghoon teases, earning a playful glare from jay and laughter from everyone else.
"it's boiling out here," sunoo complains, fanning himself uselessly with a small electric fan. sweat trickles down his back, causing his clothes to cling uncomfortably.
silently, niki offers him some tissues, which sunoo gratefully uses to wipe his forehead.
growing impatient, jake casts an irritated glance at jay, who is still fumbling with the key while trying to balance his camera and a small bag. jake's frustration shows in his tapping foot, his smile faltering slightly.
"what's taking so long?!" he groans, frustration softened by a grin. the weight of their luggage is getting to him, and he is eager to get inside and relax.
heeseung, sensing jake's impatience, tries to stifle a laugh at his friend's antics.
in his typical, unintentional comedic style, jake decides to take matters into his own hands. with a dramatic groan, he pretends to force the door open, twisting the doorknob as if attempting to break in.
his eyes widen in surprise as the door unexpectedly swings open with a loud thud, the doorknob hitting the wall.
the sudden noise startles everyone, but jake bursts into laughter at the unexpected turn of events. "well, that's one way to make an entrance," he chuckles, stepping inside with a grin.
"it was unlocked the whole time?" sunghoon remarks cautiously, eyeing the open door before carefully stepping inside. he surveys the surroundings, a hint of surprise on his face.
their eldest member, the ever-composed heeseung, remains unfazed by the unlocked door. he places his duffel bag on the kitchen counter, already making himself at home. "weren't we supposed to meet our housemother here? what if she's already inside?" heeseung comments, looking around the living room as he casually grabs an apple from a bowl on the table. he nods approvingly at the space, clearly impressed.
the rest of the group is equally taken with the place. sunoo finds a spot near the window, entranced by the scenic view and busy taking photos and selfies. the soft light filtering through the curtains casts a warm glow on his face, perfect for his snaps.
jungwon and jay work together to drag the luggage into the living room, while jake and sunghoon take a moment to relax on the sofa, clearly needing a break after the journey. the plush cushions sink under their weight, offering a much-needed respite.
"you know, that last housemother was actually really scared of jungwon," jake said, chuckling. "she would always avoid him, like he was some kind of monster."
"yeah, i remember that," sunoo added, his eyes widening in amusement. "she would literally run away whenever he got near her."
"i guess she didn't know how scary jungwon can get," jay said, his voice laced with a hint of teasing.
"what do you mean?" jungwon asked, his brow furrowed in confusion. "i'm not scary."
"oh, you're not scary?" jay said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "you're just the quiet, unassuming one who can stare a hole through someone with his eyes."
"yeah, and you always seem to know exactly what everyone is thinking," sunghoon added, his voice filled with a hint of awe. "it's kind of creepy, to be honest."
"i'm just good at reading people," jungwon said with a shrug. "it's a skill i've developed over the years."
"a skill that has clearly intimidated some poor, unsuspecting housemother," heeseung said, his voice laced with amusement.
"i guess she didn't realize that i'm actually a pretty nice guy," jungwon said, his voice tinged with a hint of amusement.
niki's excited voice echoes through the hallway as he counts the bedrooms. "eight! hyung! we each get our own rooms. there are eight bedrooms and two baths."
"for real?" jungwon's eyes widen with excitement, and he quickly mumbles an "i have to see this" to jay before darting off to explore. jay, amused by jungwon's enthusiasm, chuckles and waves him off, easily managing the luggage.
as jungwon opens the bedroom doors one by one, niki follows along, both mentally noting which rooms they prefer. the scent of fresh paint and new furniture fills the air, adding to their excitement.
"ah, sunoo would love this room," niki points out, noticing a room with plenty of mirrors, a feature sunoo appreciates. he then heads off to find sunoo, leaving jungwon to continue his exploration alone. the sound of their laughter and playful banter fills the flat, a promising start to this new chapter.
jungwon's cat-like eyes land on a slightly ajar metal door, piquing his curiosity. he has deduced they aren't alone in the house, and the earlier incident with the unlocked door only confirms his suspicions.
he also recalls being briefed about meeting their housemother upon arrival.
smart, perceptive, and a bit nosy, jungwon pushes the heavy door open with silent steps, ready to greet the new member of their household.
the weight of the door surprises him momentarily, stirring a fleeting thought about the possibility of their housemother being male. such arrangements aren't unheard of, especially given past experiences.
he doesn't question it further, despite the metal door sticking out like a sore thumb.
entering the dimly lit room, jungwon takes a moment to appreciate the neatness before an overwhelming scent of vanilla invades his senses. it was very subtle, but it was definitely there.
it smelled really good.
the room is small but well-kept, with a minimalist aesthetic that speaks to a sense of order and control. a few carefully chosen items adorn the space: a framed photo on the nightstand, a stack of books on a small shelf, a potted plant in the corner. it's clear that the person who lives here values simplicity and functionality.
jungwon's gaze drifts towards the closed bathroom door, where the faint sound of running water can be heard. he knows he should leave, that he's literally breaking into someone's private space, but something holds him back. a strange mix of curiosity and anticipation.
he takes a step closer, his senses heightened, his body reacting to the intoxicating aroma that hangs in the air, getting stronger and stronger. it's not the burnt cabbage and old socks of the previous housemother, nor the dumpster smell that had made him gag.
this scent is different, something entirely different.
it's like the finest delicacy any alpha could have, a sweet, creamy vanilla that whispers promises of pleasure and indulgence.
jungwon's breath hitches, his heart pounding in his chest. he's never encountered an omega scent this potent, this alluring. it's like a siren song, drawing him in, tempting him to succumb to the primal urges that surge through his veins.
he wants to run, to warn the others that their housemother is actually here, but his feet seem rooted to the spot.
he's trapped, captivated by the aroma, his senses overwhelmed by the intoxicating vanilla that surrounds him.
"uh, hello?" he calls out, his voice barely a whisper.
he takes a step closer, his gaze fixed on the closed bathroom door. the sound of running water continues, a steady rhythm that seems to echo his own racing heartbeat.
"is anyone there?" he asks again, his voice a little louder this time.
still, silence.
he can't help but feel a surge of excitement, a thrill that courses through his veins. he's never been this close to an omega with a scent this powerful.
he takes another step closer, his senses on high alert. he can feel the heat rising in his body. he wants to push open the bathroom door, to see who is behind it, to see the person responsible for this intoxicating scent.
"hello?" he calls out again, his voice now laced with a hint of urgency.
the sound of the running water suddenly stops.
and then it hits him like a sharp slap to the face, the scent of vanilla, amplified, intensified, a wave of pure sweetness that crashes over him, leaving him breathless, his senses reeling.
jungwon's eyes widen.
"fuck," he whispers, his voice rough with desire.
his alpha instincts are screaming at him, telling him that this omega is his, meant for him, destined to be his mate. he can already imagine the feel of her soft skin against his, the taste of her sweet nectar on his tongue, the way she'll arch her back as he claims her, knots her, makes her his.
"god, i'm so hard," he mutters, his hand instinctively reaching for his pants, a desperate attempt to soothe the growing ache in his groin.
he knows he should leave, knows he should respect her privacy, but the primal part of him, the alpha within, refuses to be ignored. the scent is too powerful, too alluring, and he's too far gone to turn back now.
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your heart races as you freeze, hearing a muffled "hello" from outside the bathroom door. the cloth in your hand is long forgotten, the one you were using to dry your necklace.
you were freaking out.
they weren't supposed to be here yet.
you knew you had like an hour at best, that's why you grew complacent. if only it wasn't a pain in the ass being so heavy, you would've shut the damn metal door to your room.
the scent of cinnamon invades your senses, making every nerve in your body tingle with anticipation. your knees threaten to buckle under the overwhelming desire coursing through you, hands gripping the sink to balance yourself, pussy slicking up as if preparing your body to submit to the alpha that offered this scent.
heat radiates from your body, intensifying with each passing moment. you rub your thighs together, seeking some kind of relief.
you hear muffled speech from behind the door that you can't really make out.
tongue tied, you find it hard to speak, hands shaking as you try to take a step back, gasping at your pathetic and flushed reflection in the mirror and end up dropping the necklace with a light thud.
your eyes were going blurry from the sensory overload making you panic even more.
it was the first time you felt so weak, dropping to your knees you desperately tried to look for the necklace despite seeing your surroundings spin.
the hunger in your stomach is almost feral, demanding to be sated by the source of that delightful aroma. but you fight against it, knowing the consequences could be severe.
you really hated your father right now.
this must only be one of the men you were supposed to care for, and he smells like a damn bakery. if things were different, you'd have no issue busting your door wide open for him to come in and take you.
but you can't, god you fucking can't.
you were a complete mess, your face flushed and sweaty as you desperately look for an escape. but you almost reel as you feel his scent grow stronger, heart dropping as you now see the shadow of a figure under the crack of the door.
the alpha stands on the other side, his mouth watering at the scent of your arousal. he could tell his scent was affecting you too, he could smell you leaking for him.
jungwon attempts to lean closer, the door being the only barrier that stopped him from getting to experience you.
"fuck, i can smell you," he groans, his voice filled with desire. he inhales deeply, biting his lip to hold back the moans.
"i want to see you, can i? i'm jungwon." his voice, god, his voice was perfect.
you bite your lip hard, inching away from the door and to the corner of the bathroom, mind buzzing as you do everything to try to resist the temptation.
"you're wet, aren't you? come on out and play with me, bunny," he growls, his voice dripping with lust. the way he announced that he could smell your arousal made you whimper in a mix of embarrassment and need.
"n-no," you squeak, your throat tight. "um, can you give me a moment?"
your whimpers drive him wild, he rolls his eyes at your voice, in each way it cracked, desperately trying to appear composed.
he huffs in frustration, twisting the doorknob but it was fucking locked, he holds back the urge to punch the door.
with a closed fist just as he swings, he lets out a disgruntled sigh as he grits his teeth. “please,” he mutters, the locked door refusing to budge.
"please, let me in," he begs, almost desperate. his voice makes your knees weak, and you slide to the floor, the cold tiles numbing your senses.
"i'm sorry but i can't. you need to get away... your scent is too much." you whimper, voice cracking in desperation.
hearing you, he slams his fist against the door, making the hinges rattle. his scent amplifies even more and you didn't know it was possible, filling the air until it overwhelms your senses to the point you were seeing white.
tears brim in your eyes as your slick drips down your thighs.
you teeter on the edge, torn between restraint and surrender, unsure what awaited you on the other side of that door.
you were screwed.
this was not the type of welcome you wanted to give them.
you were not a stranger to alpha's being affected by your extremely potent pheromones, but it had been a very long time since you had equally been affected this bad.
in different circumstances, you would be thanking the lords above for having such an appetizing alpha be in your midst, his scent was mouthwatering.
you could only imagine how mind-blowing the sex would be like.
but your father's words echo in your mind, a stern warning that keeps you rooted to your spot. despite being briefed beforehand of the boys you were to care for, there were still rules set in place.
no matter how badly you or they wanted it.
before you can gather your thoughts, the heavy, rhythmic pounding on the door intensifies, mirroring the rapid beat of your heart. each thud reverberates through the room, echoing the alpha's growing impatience and barely contained desire.
"please," his voice carries a rumbling need that makes your skin prickle. "i won't hurt you. i just want to see you, and meet you. i'm the leader, sorry for scaring you." despite his calm tone, you noticed how it held a twisted undertone, your instincts going haywire, it really was best that you trusted it, because behind that door was a devilish smirk on jungwon's face.
so you remained hidden.
despite your body's yearning, a sliver of rationality keeps you sane. you clutch at the cool tiles, willing them to ground you against the scorching wave of pheromones that floods the room.
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sunghoon languidly stretches out on the plush sofa, a lazy smirk tugging at his lips. the plush velvet cushions sink beneath his weight, and he lets out a contented sigh.
“man, i’m starving. i can’t wait for our housemother to whip us up a meal. god, i hope she knows how to cook,” he muses aloud, his voice laced with a hint of sarcasm.
jake, sprawling on his stomach beside him, chuckles at the thought. he rubs his face against the linen and yawns loudly, playfully kicking sunghoon’s leg as he stretches his own limbs, still feeling the lingering fatigue of their journey.
the scent of fresh laundry and a faint hint of pine from the air freshener mingles with the lingering aroma of the road, a mix that reminds him of home.
as jake buries his face deeper into the cushion you had vacated moments ago, a faint but inviting scent of vanilla invades his senses, igniting something primal within him.
"what the hell?" jake gives sunghoon a confused look, deep in thought.
he swore he smelt something good.
first, he was utterly confused, yet now he finds himself on all-fours, nose burying deep into the fabric, searching for that scent that tickled his nose. it looked hilarious, quite frankly.
he was trying to smell more of you.
his mouth waters, and without a second thought, he licks the spot on the cushion, groaning softly as he chases that tantalizing smell. his arousal is unmistakable, his length straining against the denim of his jeans.
sunghoon looks at him in utter shock.
“but it smells so fucking good,” jake murmurs, momentarily lost in the scent that lingers in the linen. the sensation is so intense that it sends shockwaves through his entire body, leaving him aching and desperate for more.
his brothers can’t help but notice the sudden shift in atmosphere, as jake’s pheromones blend with his aroused state, it's a potent mix that makes their noses crinkle slightly.
“dude,” heeseung laughs, shaking his head, though his shoulders tense, “stop releasing your scent. you’re gonna make me throw up.”
“you like that? sniffing the sofa like a dog?” sunghoon teases, earning a playful shove from jake.
“hey, i’m just trying to get a whiff of our new housemother,” jake retorts, his voice laced with a hint of seriousness. “she smells amazing.” he inhales deeply again, a dreamy look on his face and this time piquing sunghoon’s curiosity.
“wait, you’re serious?” sunghoon raises an eyebrow. “you think it’s her?”
“she’s the only omega in the house,” jake replies, his voice growing serious. “there’s no mistaking it. it’s her scent.”
“come on, jake,” sunghoon says with a chuckle. “you know being bitchless makes your nose a little oversensitive.”
“i’m not fucking around, man,” jake says, his voice growing serious.
“i’ve got a good nose for omegas. i know what i’m smelling.” he leans back into the sofa in a relaxed position, sitting down properly beside sunghoon.
“there’s no mistaking it,” jake continues, his eyes darkening slightly. “it’s the kind of scent that makes you want to protect and claim. it’s driving me nuts. bet she's hella cute.”
“well, looks like we need to be careful,” heeseung interjects, his voice taking on a serious note. “if she smells as good as you say she is, we can’t just go around acting on our instincts.”
“yeah, yeah, i know,” jake mutters, though his eyes still hold that primal glint. “but i'm telling you now, it’s not gonna be easy.”
“especially not with you acting like a lovesick pup,” sunghoon smirks, earning a glare from jake.
“shut up, sunghoon,” jake grumbles, though there’s no real heat in his words. “let’s just hope she’s a good cook, like you said. maybe that’ll distract me.”
“or maybe you’ll just end up sniffing around the kitchen,” sunghoon laughs, the tension easing as the group falls back into their usual banter.
“try it,” jake gestures to the sofa, and everyone looks at him in slight disgust.
“after you got your slobber all over it? no. you’re a goddamn weirdo,” sunoo sassily replies.
“okay, okay, we get it, she smells good, whatever,” jay says, raising his hands in mock surrender. “i still think you're just being extra.”
“yeah i’m just glad she doesn’t smell like a dumpster,” heeseung jokes, earning laughter from the others, propping up his legs to rest against the coffee table, slumping back in the sofa chair.
heeseung tries to push the image of the last housemother out of his mind. her scent had been a constant assault on his senses, a cloying mix of burnt cabbage and old socks. he’d found himself constantly holding his breath whenever she was around, and he’d been relieved when she’d finally left.
heeseung couldn't help but feel a little uneasy.
jake was usually the most level-headed of them all when it came to omegas. he was the one who always kept his head straight, even when surrounded by the most potent scents.
but now, he was acting like a lovesick puppy, sniffing the sofa like it was a new toy.
“you’re going to have to get your head straight, jake,” sunghoon says, his voice firm. “we can’t let this omega turn us into a bunch of hormonal messes.”
“i know,” jake says, his voice a little subdued. “i just… can’t help it. she smells so good, i'm telling you guys just a small whiff and you'll know what i mea-"”
“or maybe, you’re just being a drama queen,” heeseung adds with a chuckle, trying to lighten the mood.
“yeah, man, you’re probably overreacting,” sunghoon says, giving jake a reassuring pat on the back.
their conversation is abruptly interrupted as an overwhelming wave of their leader’s pheromones sweeps through the room. the heady mix of cinnamon, musk, and arousal has everyone snapping their heads toward the source, their instincts kicking into high gear, hearts pounding with a mixture of dread and excitement.
heeseung feels a familiar tightness in his chest. jungwon’s scent, even when not directed at anyone in particular, always had a way of making him feel a little off-kilter.
"jungwon, knock it off," heeseung yells, hoping his younger member could hear him, shielding his face with his hand. "you’re giving me a headache."
"you guys always overdo it," sunghoon complains, nose crinkling at the mixture of jungwon and jake's pheromones thick in the air. "it’s like you’re trying to knock us all out with your scents."
a subtle bang echoes from a distance making everyone flinch and straighten up.
niki, who was usually so calm and collected, felt a surge of panic. he could sense the tension in the air, and he could smell the desperation in jungwon’s scent.
he knew that something was wrong, and he knew that it was going to get worse before it got better. it was a gut-feeling.
niki’s eyes darted to the hallway, he could smell the faintest hint of vanilla, mingling with the cinnamon and musk of jungwon’s scent. it was a very sweet yet overwhelming combination, and it was making his head spin.
niki knew that he had to do something, but he didn’t know what.
he was just a young alpha, and he had never experienced anything like this before. he felt helpless, trapped in the middle of a storm that he couldn’t control.
the rest of the group exchange concerned looks, wrestling with uncertainty—except for jake, who remains laser-focused, his entire being thrumming with adrenaline and want.
"where the hell is he?" heeseung asks, his voice laced with a hint of annoyance. "i can smell him all over the place, but i don't see him."
jake’s eyes narrow as he takes in the lingering scent of cinnamon, mixed with the faint but unmistakable aroma of vanilla.
he puts the pieces together, a cold realization dawning on him.
"he's with her," jake growls, his voice low and dangerous. "he got to her first."
"what?" jay exclaims, his eyes widening in disbelief. "he wouldn't-"
"i know it," jake says, his jaw tightening.
with a fierce determination, jake races toward the closed metal door, his mind singularly focused on getting to where jungwon was.
"jakey boy said she smelled amazing," sunghoon stands up from his seat, "so let me confirm what got his balls in a twist," sunghoon explains to a perplexed sunoo who was beyond confused at the turn of events, his gaze fixed on the damp spot where jake had been sniffing.
he eyes it warily, not sure what to expect.
driven by curiosity, sunghoon crouches down, a mix of intense disgust and anticipation on his face as he reluctantly leans closer to get a whiff. the moment he inhales, his heart pounds rapidly, each beat echoing through his body, leaving him breathless.
his expression turns unreadable as he processes the revelation that's torn his world apart.
"holy shit," he murmurs, eyes wide with a mix of shock and something deeper, something primal.
seeing sunghoon's reaction, the others swarm around him, one by one leaning in to catch a whiff of the intoxicating scent, each of them reacting with varying degrees of disbelief and arousal.
"shit, he's right," jay breathes out, his voice tinged with a mixture of awe and confusion.
"this is insane," sunoo mutters, shaking his head as if to clear it, but the scent lingers, wrapping around his senses like a vice.
"wow, that's something," niki says, his eyes wide with a mixture of fear and fascination.
heeseung, however, remains in deep thought, his mind racing as he tries to think of a way to calm the situation down. 
"it's safe to say we're fucked," sunghoon declares, his words slicing through the air like a blade, sending a ripple of shock and surprise through the group, hearts pounding even harder. "no way in hell am i- can we hold ourselves back if she smells that good."
"what?" heeseung's voice is laced with bewilderment and a rising urgency as he shoves sunghoon aside, the scent hitting him like a tidal wave the moment he gets close enough.
heeseung, usually so composed and in control, feels a tremor run through his body. the scent hits him with the force of a physical blow.
like your scent was calling him, promising a pleasure so intense that it could kill him.
heeseung takes a step back, his eyes widening in disbelief. the scent makes his entire body ache with a desire he can't quite explain.
and he knows that he's in big trouble.
a sudden snarl escapes him, primal and possessive, as the truth sets in.
"get jungwon out of there, now," he orders, urgency lending speed to their actions as they hurry toward jungwon, driven by a near-maniacal desperation.
heeseung grits his teeth, taking slow, deliberate steps to follow his brothers. the scent clings to his nose, making him bite back the overwhelming urge to bury his face into that sofa like jake pathetically did moments ago.
he knew that an omega’s scent was a powerful thing. it was a primal force that could drive alphas to the edge of madness.
he had seen it happen before, and he knew that it could happen again.
heeseung knew that this was going to be a long, difficult, and potentially dangerous situation. he had a feeling that this housemother was going to be a lot more trouble than they bargained for.
so who the hell are you?
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"i'm done asking nicely, open the fucking door," jungwon's voice booms, a raw, primal command that vibrates through the air, making your entire body tremble. it's a sound that stirs the omega within you, urging submission, making you crave his touch.
it propels you to crawl toward the door, each movement a testament to your surrender to his dominance. the anticipation is a physical ache, a throbbing in your core that mirrors the pounding of your heart.
jungwon presses his body closer to the door, panting with anticipation, his need a feral intensity that you can feel through the wood. his desperation makes your own body thrum in response, a desperate hunger that mirrors his.
"i'm gonna break this fucking door down—" jungwon's howl gets cut off as jake tackles him, knocking him aside in a flurry of unexpected and aggressive desperation.
"you think you can just waltz in here and claim her like she's some prize?" jake snarls, his grip tightening on jungwon's arm.
"get off me," jungwon growls, struggling against jake's hold. "you don't know shit, have you smelled her? think you could resist not taking her?"
"you're a goddamn idiot, jungwon," jake snarls, his grip tightening even more.
"i found her first," jungwon growls, his voice thick with need as he loses himself to his alpha instincts. the fact that one of his best friends is all up in his face, ready to throw hands, means absolutely nothing. "back the fuck off."
"she's not yours," jake says, his voice dripping with disdain. "she's not even leaking for you."
the two aren't trading blows, but jake's grip is fierce, his muscles taut with a desperate need to hold jungwon down.
jungwon, who was so close to convincing his 'bunny' to open the door, is beyond furious at the interruption. he knew you were about to give in to him, but for some reason even his best friend seemed to know how amazing you smelled.
you finally reach your bathroom door, bracing yourself for what is to come. completely unaware of the events that have transpired outside, with trembling hands, you unlock the door, eyes glazed with lust, body numb and needy. your mind was screaming at you to let yourself be taken by jungwon.
whimpers escape your lips as your gaze finally locks on the man responsible for the tantalizing aroma.
he's beautiful.
his sharp jawline and piercing eyes are a vision of alpha dominance. his hair is slightly ruffled from the apparent struggle, adding a touch of wildness to his already captivating features. his skin, smooth and flawless, is the color of warm honey, and his lips, full and inviting, are slightly parted, revealing a glimpse of his pearly white teeth.
"jungwon?" you whisper, but your eyes widen in horror as you see him being pinned down by another man.
another alpha.
your hands quickly cover your nose and mouth as the new scent, cool and crisp, a stark contrast to the warm cinnamon, makes you dizzy.
it also smells heavenly, but it's starting to become too much.
the mix of their pheromones is giving you sensory overload, leaving you feeling vulnerable and exposed. jungwon's eyes meet yours, something feral and intense stirring within him.
"bunny," he whispers, lying on his back with a stabbing pain from his side, the wind knocked out of him by jake’s tackle. his voice is lined with raw longing and frustration.
he's yet to know your name, but the way his name rolled off your tongue felt like it was only natural.
jake lets go of jungwon, his eyes blazing with fury.
without a second thought, jake lunges toward you. he’s a whirlwind of raw alpha energy as he finally takes the time to get a good look at you.
oh god, you are perfect.
you are a vision of raw, untamed beauty. he clicks his tongue, a low, guttural sound, as he takes in the sight of your arousal pooling between your thighs, a testament to jungwon’s previous assault.
the sight of you, so vulnerable and desperate, ignites the devil within him. he almost gets distracted, lost in the sheer perfection of your body despite being covered by a worn-out hoodie and shorts, a masterpiece that he longs to claim despite it being his first time to lay his eyes on you.
your tear-stained face, proof that you are very likely at your breaking point, only makes his cock even harder.
your scent, a heady mix of vanilla and jasmine, it’s a drug that courses through his veins, making him crave you with a desperation he can’t control.
he's losing it.
his eyes narrow, vision tunneled, only seeing you.
"the scent you left on the sofa is nothing compared to having you here in front of me, omega," jake growls, his voice a low rumble that sends shivers down your spine. he leans in, his nose trailing up sensually on your neck, inhaling deeply as he groans desperately, his hot breath giving you goosebumps as you resisted giving in and pulling him in. as he pulls away to catch his breath, his hooded eyes meet yours and what seemed like time stopping between you, he whispered,
"sorry for what i'm about to do to you."
his hunger is evident as he wastes no time and devours your body with this soft lips, hands shamelessly roaming your body, squeezing your tits, making you gasp cutely against him.
"please," you whimper, the word barely a whisper, your body trembling with need and fear. the omega in you is screaming for submission, for the alphas to take control, to claim you.
jungwon struggles to his feet, his eyes dark with possessive rage. "get your hands off her, jake," he snarls, his voice a dangerous growl as he watched the scene unfold in front of him.
jake smirks, his grip on you tightening. "make me," he taunts, his eyes never leaving yours. "she's leaking for me now, jungwon. she wants this."
"no," jungwon roars, his alpha instincts kicking into overdrive. "she's mine."
jake wastes no time, ignoring jungwon's pathetic attempts to try to win you over, because he was the alpha in front of you now.
his touch is rough and possessive, pouncing on top of you with a desperation that speaks of longing, pinning you to the sticky floor soaked with your own arousal. the air crackles with the electricity of your connection, an untamed energy that threatens to consume you both.
both of your moans and cries mingle in the air, his feverish licks and kisses driving you to the brink of oblivion. he holds your frail arms above your head, capturing your lips in a kiss that is sloppy and desperate, his tongue dancing around with yours.
his cool, musky scent envelops you, as if promising a lover's journey that ensnares your senses and leaves you begging for more. jake is passionate, raw, and extremely intense.
this man definitely knew what he was doing.
"fuck!" jungwon's helpless cry echoes, tears welling as he claws toward you with an almost wild desperation and burning jealousy.
"get off her, jake!" jungwon roars, his voice breaking with raw emotion. "bunny, look at me-"
but before he can reach you, niki grabs him, holding him back firmly, his own breath ragged and filled with turmoil.
“jungwon, snap out of it,” niki pleads, pulling jungwon away from the charged scene, torn between his own instincts and the need to protect everyone involved.
niki’s body feels like a taut string, every muscle screaming with the need to intervene, to protect you, to protect everyone from the chaos unfolding.
niki's own senses are momentarily fucked, the air making him dizzy, his heart pounding in his chest. he feels a surge of panic, knowing that this situation is spiraling out of control.
caught in jake’s embrace, you suffocate in his scent, that was slowly consuming you, making you feel like you're on the verge of shattering.
“you’re a fucking mess,” jake snarls, his voice rough with barely contained desire as he buries his face in your neck. “you’re dripping all over yourself because of that prick, but you’re going to be mine.”
“fuck, i can smell how wet you are. let me taste that pussy baby,” jake moans, releasing your hands to bury his face between your slick thighs. your shorts weren't too tight anyway, so he slips them to the side, along with your soaked panties, licking up your juices as he slurps it all up. he didn't hold back, the way you could hear his tongue lapping at your slick folds, it sounded so dirty.
his tongue messily flicks your swollen clit, licking long and delicious stripes up your slit, not letting a single drop go to waste.
his hands don't shy away from lifting your hoodie, exposing your tummy. he wanted to see your tits but is too busy drowning himself in your wet pussy.
jake is a mess.
"you taste so fucking good," he whimpers.
"you're gonna let me do what i want with this pretty pussy, baby?" your desperate grip on his shirt tugs him closer, your eyes pleading for him to devour you, your voice shaky and filled with want.
"mhmm," you urge him on breathlessly, your chest rising frantically. fuck, you've never been eaten out this good.
"wanna carry my pups? pump you full of my seed?" he whispers in your ear, dragging his teeth along your skin, jaw clenching as it takes everything in him not to mark you right off the bat, sending shivers down your spine.
you nod frantically.
his dick strains painfully against his pants as he humps against your soaking core, the slight sting from his jeans rubbing on your clit making the pleasure tormenting. but the sight of such a gorgeous man falling desperate for you makes you smile.
"yes i want it, need you inside me please," you beg, your voice a fractured whisper.
he spreads your legs wide open, your pretty pussy on display. jake moans loudly at how willing you are and loosens his belt. but before he can unbutton his pants, jay intervenes to grab him in a chokehold, lifting him off you with a tense, determined expression.
"get the fuck off her, jake!" jay growls, his voice filled with authority and anger.
you yelp at the empty feeling of the alpha being pulled off of you, so you decide to quickly replace the feeling, using your own fingers to slide into your wet folds, while your other hand wantonly squeezes your own breasts.
desperate to keep the pleasure coming.
"fucking get off me, jay- you fuck!! let me go-" jake shouts, fighting jay's grip, voice filled with rage and desperation as he attempts to bite his friend's hands off.
jay’s expression is strained, holding his friend back despite the arousal he also feels from the smell of your arousal, his breath hitching as jake struggles.
"jake, this isn't you! calm the fuck down!" jay's voice wavers, trying to maintain control.
it takes everything in him to ignore the sensation of his own rock-hard length pressing against jake's back. he is also reacting to your intoxicating scent.
he knows that he needs to be strong, to protect you from this fucked up situation, but his own body is betraying him.
and it's just the first day.
but you?
you were gone. drowning in your own pleasure, eager to cum.
jay almost loses it when he notices you desperately fucking yourself on your fingers, knuckles deep into your gaping hole, laying there on the floor.
open for the taking.
his eyes widen momentarily, the sound of your fingers squelching as they travel in and out of your sopping hole making him groan.
he decides to close his eyes, breathing in deeply to calm down his raging boner but his thoughts are loud. fuck, you were stretching yourself out.
seeing you put on a show for them, jake growls, still attempting to break free from jay's grip.
"you fucking prick, let me go! she's mine!" jake's voice is filled with raw desperation and anger.
much more forcefully, jay drags jake away to retreat back into the living room.
meanwhile, jungwon thrashes against niki's hold, his eyes wild with desperation. "let me go, niki. she needs me."
niki's grip tightens, his voice strained. "hyung, please. you need to calm down."
jungwon's vision blurs with tears as he sees you on the floor, the sight of you, so vulnerable and desperate, now that jay has jake at bay, this was his moment. he had to taste you, your scent has been torturing him long enough.
"niki, please," jungwon begs, his voice breaking.
niki's own heart aches at the sight of his hyung's desperation. he knows he has to be strong, to keep jungwon from making things worse. "you're not thinking straight, hyung. you need to calm down."
jungwon's body shakes with the effort to break free, but niki's hold is unyielding. "i can't just leave her like that, look, she needs me to help her- i need to help her," jungwon cries, his voice raw with pain.
before jay could drag jake away to fully exit your room, his eyes catch sight of a necklace on the floor. his eyes widen as he realizes just what type of necklace it is.
alarmed, he shouts at sunghoon, who stood by your doorframe, stunned like a deer-in-headlights, staring at your disheveled state, then glancing at jay holding jake back for his dear life.
the chaos of the situation and his own emotions warring within him were all too much.
"sunghoon, the necklace!" the command snaps sunghoon out of his trance as he frantically searches for the necklace, trying to ignore the overwhelming scent in the room. is jay fucking with him? what fucking necklace.
he didn't even know why he needed to look for a necklace and almost let jay's words pass through his ears, clearly doubting jay, almost convinced he was just messing with him.
not until he saw something shimmer in the corner of his eye as he tried to look everywhere but at you.
with his arm shielding his nose and a hiss, he cautiously approaches to retrieve the necklace that was by your bathroom door, his movements filled with confusion and arousal.
"damn it, where is it…" sunghoon mutters, his vision blurring slightly as he tries to focus. the urgency in jay's voice piercing his fog.
even in this frantic state, sunghoon notices your desperation, your eyes pleading as if spellbound. the urgency in your gaze prompts him to call out to jay as he held back any impulse to say 'to hell with it' and just claim you for himself.
"i found the necklace. now what?" sunghoon's voice wavers, urgently clutching the small object.
"put it on her," jay orders decisively, his tone leaving no room for argument. sunghoon curses under his breath as his stomach churned, hesitating, his body shaking with restrained arousal.
but he walks towards you anyway, as you lay there pathetically arching your back against the carpeted floor.
you looked so slutty.
he could come just from watching you. those tear-stained eyes, soaked shorts and pathetic cries.
fuck, you even looked like you pissed yourself.
why the hell did you look like everything he's ever wanted?
"fuck, jay, i don’t know if i can. i can barely even keep myself in check." he confesses, his voice barely audible over the roar of blood in his ears as he crouched down, he was trying. "she looks too good."
then your scent started to invade his whole being.
he was starting to see red, his hands trembling as they reached out for you slowly, the sounds in the room seemed to fade out, only your pathetic whimpers and pants danced with his raging heartbeat ringing in his ears.
"help me, alpha," you sniffle, your voice trembling as you reached out for him with the same hand you were using to fuck yourself.
your wet fingers coated in your own juice grazed his the back of his knuckles, the touch of your hand nearly breaking his resolve. he wanted nothing more than to lick it off, also getting a taste of what made jake lose his mind.
but he holds himself back from that impulsive thought.
your raw desperation cuts through his haze, filling him with conflicting emotions.
"fuck," he moans, placing his palm flat on your stomach, feeling your warmth. he just wanted to. wanted to feel the warmth of your skin, see if his touch had any sort of effect, wondering silently and watching you in awe, as he hoped maybe you liked the way he was emitting his strong and woody alpha musk.
his eyes rake over your body, your hoodie rised up and fell just below your chest, exposing your tummy, likely from jake's assault.
he could imagine it now, filling you up and fucking into you hard.
you could take him.
he'd fuck you so deep, he easily pictured how your stomach would bulge out as he fucked into you, showing just how deep he could go.
"you want it?" sunghoon growls, his voice low and dangerous. "want me to fill you up, make you mine. fuck, you look so good like this, begging for it." the way he was breathless and entranced by you had him mumble the words like a chant, rather than directed at you, it was like he was lost in his own world.
you whimper, your body reacting instinctively to his words. "yes, anything. help me..."
sunghoon's hand trembles as he fights to maintain control. "fuck, i want to. i want to so bad-"
"sunghoon, what the fuck are you doing? the necklace is designed to dampen her pheromones around alphas, so we don’t end up in fucking situations like this," jay explains urgently, with a tinge of possessiveness as he sees his friend try to cop a damn feel while he was struggling to keep jake in check.
sunghoon clicked his tongue, not appreciating how he just got cockblocked when it was clear how much you wanted him.
"why do i always get stuck with the difficult tasks?" sunghoon mutters, resigned but determined, forcing himself to focus.
taking a deep breath, he grips your arm tightly, positioning you to face away. with effort, he clumsily clasps the necklace around your neck, his hands shaking.
instantly, the potency of your pheromones reduces. sunghoon collapses into a breath, realizing your scent lessened and no longer triggers his alpha instincts. relief and frustration war within him as he struggled to catch his breath.
it's like he ran a marathon, his lungs were burning as the adrenaline was yet to wear off.
you slump into his arms, going limp as sleep welcomes you, feeling completely spent.
sunoo then bursts into the room, his expression filled with concern as he looks at your exhausted state.
"let me take her," sunoo asserts, lifting you gently to the sofa in the living room, his touch protective yet tender.
sunghoon releases a breath he doesn’t realize he had been holding, shaken by the intense events. lost in thought, heeseung's reassuring hand on his shoulder brings him back to the present.
"you definitely took your fucking time." sunghoon mumbles, frustration and exhaustion evident.
"sorry, looked like you guys had it all under control."
heeseung appeared nonchalant, but in reality, he was watching everything play out in his own perverted way. he loved seeing you desperate, enjoying the show as he let his members go crazy. as he silently watched the chaos, heeseung was already planning. he was silent but he knew from the minute he smelled you, he was definitely going to do anything to claim you in one way or another.
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silence hung heavy in the living room, thicker than the lingering scent of your pheromones, even with the suppression necklace you wore. the air conditioning hummed, a feeble attempt to mask the tension that crackled between the alphas.
jay finally broke the silence. "so, have you two knuckleheads calmed down yet?" he asked, his voice firm, laced with a hint of exasperation. jake and jungwon, heads slumped, shame etched on their faces, looked like they'd just been kicked in the balls.
jake, still on the sofa, rubbed his face, elbows propped on his knees, eyes glued to your sleeping form. you lay there, a picture of peaceful slumber, oblivious to the storm raging in the room.
jake swallowed hard, the taste of your arousal still lingering on his tongue, a cruel reminder of his own raging need.
"never been so pussy-drunk in my life," he mumbled, more to himself than anyone else.
he's always been the smooth operator, the alpha who makes omegas beg for his touch. but here he was, a slave to your scent, his usual confidence replaced with a pathetic ache.
he bit his lip, remembering how he'd shamelessly rubbed himself against you, desperate for a taste, a scent, anything. it was embarrassing, a blow to his alpha pride.
you were captivating, your body a masterpiece, your scent a siren's call. it was no wonder he'd lost his damn mind.
and he wasn't the only one.
"she's something else," jake muttered, trying to shake off the lingering effects of your scent. "can't believe how strong it is, even with the damn necklace."
jay nodded, his struggle mirrored in his own tense expression. "we need to get our shit together, guys," he said, his voice a low growl. "we're responsible for her, not just for ourselves. but it's a real kick in the balls that we had to welcome her like this."
jake ran a hand through his hair, frustration etched on his face. "yeah, i get it. it's fucked up. but she just… fuck, i don't even know her name and she makes it hard to think straight." he glanced at sunoo, who sat close to you, seemingly unaffected, his composure an infuriating contrast to their own struggles.
"how do you do it, sunoo? how are you so damn calm?" jake's voice was tinged with desperation.
sunoo hummed thoughtfully. "she's beautiful, and her scent is… pleasant, like a sweet vanilla cake. but it doesn't drive me crazy like it does you guys." he smiled, but his eyes remained cool, devoid of any amusement.
"maybe i'm just better at controlling my urges."
the other boys groaned, their envy palpable. they wished they could bottle sunoo's willpower and chug it down.
"you’re telling us you wouldn’t give in if she asked?" jake challenged, his voice laced with disbelief and a hint of desperation.
sunoo's smirk widened. "oh, i wouldn't say no. but the point is, i don't feel compelled—unlike you guys."
"you've always been the goddamn zen master, sunoo," jay said, his voice tight. "but we gotta find that inner peace too. we can't lose control around her."
like he almost had.
he'd seriously considered knocking everyone out earlier, taking you for himself, the way you'd let anyone have you at that point had him in a chokehold.
he'd wanted to claim your heat, to use you, to feel the power of your scent. you were practically begging for your pussy to be used and abused by how you were stretching yourself out.
jake's eyes darkened with a reminiscent heat. "everything about her, her scent, body and god- if only you guys knew how good she was for me." the boys found themselves staring at your form, the fact that jake, probably the most experienced with women but never got obsessed, was speaking like this.
jake continued with a groan, "and her heat? fuck me. i mean, i ate her out, kissed her. full-on, tongue-down-the-throat action."
jay cast a worried look in jake’s direction, a flicker of jealousy hidden beneath his facade. "we're all affected, jake. it's not just you." he turned to jungwon, who had been unusually quiet and staring holes into the tiled living room floor.
"what about you, jungwon? you just disappeared earlier."
"i've never seen hyung like that before," niki said, his voice laced with curiosity. jungwon sighed, inwardly agreeing.
he couldn't even quite explain it himself—it was the first time he'd ever lost control. usually, he's the picky one. never drunk on an omega’s scent and loved that he never had any attachments to anyone he's been with.
but this time? he had been completely overwhelmed.
jungwon sighed, rubbing his temples. "i don't know what came over me. i went in her room cause i was curious, turns out she was there and the next… i was trying to break down her bathroom door but jake just barged right in."
jake's eyes flared with a mix of frustration and understanding. "you think i didn't feel the same way? the moment i got close to her, it was like i was drowning in her scent."
jungwon's jaw tightened. "but you got to her first, jake. you always do."
jake took a step closer, his voice lowering to a growl. "what are you trying to say, jungwon? that i shouldn't have? that i should've let you have her?"
jungwon's inner dialogue screamed at him, even jungwon couldn't make sense of the intense rage he felt at this moment.
"i'm saying," jungwon spat, "that i lost control for the first time in my life. do you know what that feels like? i was crying, jake. crying because i couldn't handle it."
niki, who had been listening intently, chimed in. "i think we're all just tired, maybe the exhaustion is just catching up to us considering we've been working non-stop."
heeseung, who had been silently observing the conversation, finally spoke. "and that's why she was assigned to us, we need her here. although i've never seen you so aggressive before, won. these things can happen." his voice held a hint of empathy, but his eyes were sharp, his own emotions simmering beneath the surface.
but heeseung wasn't unaffected at all no matter how composed he looked. lee heeseung was jealous.
if he had the chance to be in their shoes? to get a taste, and to be inches away from you, he could die a happy man.
the moment he'd caught a whiff of you, he was gone. he wanted you, he wanted nothing but to drown in you. but no one had to know that.
no one had to know he'd been watching the whole thing, reveling in the chaos, in seeing you lose your mind and how you begged his members to fuck you. heck, it didn't even matter who it was, he knew the face of a whore that loved being fucked dumb the minute he saw you fuck yourself with your fingers when jay pulled jake away. he chuckled, when he saw that.
desperate little thing, he was curious to see if you could manage to face them tomorrow or they could wake up and you'd already taken all your things and left. the embarrassment being too much for a sweet baby like you to handle.
jungwon sighed, running a hand through his hair. "i can't explain it. all i know is, the moment i entered her room, i was gone. i really don't know what would've happened to her."
heeseung's eyes narrowed slightly, calculating. he had been watching everyone's reactions, noting their weaknesses and desires. it was clear that competition for you was fierce, and he intended to come out on top. he would bide his time, wait for the perfect moment to make his move.
he could see the desperation in jake's eyes, the frustration in jungwon's, and he knew he had to play his cards right.
"thanks for stepping in, jake," jungwon added, his voice laced with a hint of resentment. "although you ended up getting to her first."
"i'm sorry, man," jake apologized, his voice earnest. "i just lost control and didn't want you to beat me to it. it was a spur-of-the-moment thing, i promise." he stumbled over his words, his cheeks flushed with embarrassment.
"if any of you were in my shoes, you'd understand and do the same exact thing!" jake continued, his voice rising in defense.
the group fell into a contemplative silence, the tension easing slightly, but the undercurrent of desire still very much present. sunghoon broke the quiet with a chuckle.
"jake, you even licked the spot where she was sitting," sunghoon said, his voice laced with amusement.
jake groaned, his cheeks burning with embarrassment.
jay chuckled, his eyes tinged with concern as he looked at you, fast asleep. "it's hard on everyone. we just have to manage and apologize to her when she wakes up."
jungwon leaned back against the sofa, closing his eyes, silently listening to his members. he was feeling exhausted, but he couldn't help but glance over at you, your sweet voice echoing in his mind as you called his name.
sunghoon's expression shifted from playful to serious as he turned to jay. "jay, how do you know so much about this necklace anyway?"
but sunghoon's thoughts were far from innocent.
he remembered vividly how you had begged him earlier, your eyes filled with a desperate need that had nearly broken his resolve. the memory of your voice, pleading for his touch, sent a shiver down his spine. he had wanted to give in, to claim you right then and there, but he had held back, knowing that the others were watching.
he found himself envying jake's boldness, wishing he had been the one to taste you first. the scent of your heat still lingered in his mind, a tantalizing reminder of what he had almost had. he clenched his fists, determined to find a way to get closer to you, to make you his.
as he questioned jay about the necklace, his mind was already working on a plan. he would wait for the right moment, when the others were distracted, and then he would make his move. you had begged for him once, and he was determined to make sure you would beg for him again.
jay's analytical mind kicked in. "i've come across omegas with these necklaces before. as far as i know, it's a method to help manage their pheromones. so, if her scent is this strong even with the necklace, it's rare but not unheard of then it means her heat is going to be even more intense."
sunghoon raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "so, she's special?"
jay nodded. "very likely. her scent being this potent means her pheromones are unusually strong so we need to be extra careful."
niki, ever so attentive, noticed the way jay was leaning against the wall, as far away from you as possible, his arms crossed, his feet shifting nervously. niki held back a snicker.
"hyung, you look awkward. feeling it too?" niki quipped, his voice laced with amusement.
jay glanced at you, his composure slipping for a moment. "i'd be surprised if anyone wasn't affected," he admitted, turning his gaze to heeseung, who had also been unusually quiet.
heeseung's eyes were thoughtful, fixed on you intently. "i actually called management earlier. asked if there'd been some sort of mistake."
"and?" jay probed, his voice tinged with curiosity and a hint of unease.
"no mistake. she was directly assigned to us. a special recommendation," heeseung replied, his tone resigned, as if the weight of the situation was beginning to settle on his shoulders.
"feels like they've thrown a rabbit into a den of wolves," heeseung sighed, running a hand through his hair, his frustration palpable.
jay tried to lighten the mood with a wry smile, though his eyes betrayed his concern. "should we be happy or scared?"
jake raised an eyebrow, his usual bravado masking the turmoil inside. "can we fuck her though?" he asked, only to be met with incredulous stares from the others. he shrugged defensively, feeling the heat of their judgment.
"seriously, jake?" sunoo said, rolling his eyes. "she's right here, lying in her slick." his hands gestured to your peaceful figure, his voice laced with a mix of protectiveness and exasperation.
"come on, i know you guys want to," jake muttered, though a flicker of doubt crossed his face.
"we're supposed to protect her, not take advantage of her," sunghoon interjected, his voice strained. but even as he spoke, he couldn't help the intrusive thoughts that crept in, imagining what it would be like to give in to his desires. he clenched his fists, battling the primal urge that surged within him.
if he even so much as tried to get close to you, he probably wouldn't be able to control himself. even with your stupid necklace on.
sure, your scent was tolerable now, but it did absolutely nothing to quell his urge to fuck you dumb, a thought that gnawed at the edges of his restraint.
sunoo took the initiative and gently lifted your delicate frame into his arms with ease.
"where are you taking her?" sunghoon asked, envious of the younger's arms wrapping around you.
"i'm going to give her a bath, and then i'll tuck her in," sunoo replied, heading towards your room. "and yes, before any of you say anything, i'm not going to do any funny business." his voice was firm, though he couldn't help but wonder if he could truly live up to his own promise.
sunoo's expression softened as he carried you down the hallway, your vulnerability evident in every step he took. he felt a fierce need to protect you, to be the anchor in the storm of emotions swirling around them.
the members watched him disappear down the hallway, a mix of admiration and frustration in their eyes. they knew sunoo was the best person for the task, even if it stung that he seemed less affected by your pheromones. each of them grappled with their own desires, the struggle to be better men weighing heavily on their minds.
"hey, sunoo, wait up!" jake called out, his voice a mix of concern and a hint of desperation. "i need to talk to you about something."
sunoo paused, turning back to face jake. "what is it?" he asked, his expression curious.
jake hesitated for a moment, then took a deep breath. "i need to know how you do it. how are you so calm around her?" jake asked, his voice tinged with genuine curiosity as he stared at your sleeping face, peaceful as you lay in sunoo's arms.
sunoo chuckled softly. "it's not easy, jake. i'm not some kind of saint. i'm just... trying to do the right thing."
"but you're not even affected by her scent, are you?" jake pressed, a hint of envy in his voice.
sunoo paused, considering his answer. "i'm not saying i'm not affected. i'm trying to focus on the fact that she's our responsibility now. we need to protect her, not take advantage of her. she's also here to do the same thing."
jake sighed, running a hand through his hair. "but her scent is... it's all i can think about."
sunoo nodded, understanding. "i get it, hyung. it's hard for all of us. but we have to be stronger than our instincts."
"i know that-" jake said, his voice filled with frustration. "you know i'm never like this, my mind just goes blank, and all i want to do is be close to her."
"then channel that desire into protecting her," sunoo suggested gently.
jake nodded, a flicker of respect in his eyes.
as sunoo continued down the hallway, jake watched him go, a mixture of admiration and frustration swirling within him. he knew sunoo was right. they needed to be better than this. they needed to be stronger. but it was a hard lesson to learn, especially when faced with an omega as irresistible as you.
the rest of the members watched the exchange between jake and sunoo, their own emotions swirling within them. they knew they were all struggling with the same thing. they were all trying to control their urges, trying to be better men. but it was a constant battle, and they were all afraid of losing.
unpacking their belongings, the boys pondered their situation. the day's events weighed heavily on them, the gravity of living with you sinking in. it would be a test of their self-control and respect for boundaries, a challenge they hadn't anticipated.
after all, the presence of something—or someone—irresistible always has a way of redefining boundaries and pushing limits. they could feel the tension in the air, the unspoken thoughts and desires simmering just beneath the surface.
"we need to set some ground rules," jungwon said, his voice firm. "for all of our sakes. no one is to be alone with her unless absolutely necessary. and if anyone feels like they're losing control, they need to speak up."
the journey ahead was uncertain, but one thing was clear: life in that house would never be the same again. they would need to navigate this new reality with care, each step a test of their resolve.
but before anything else, they definitely needed to apologize. the weight of their earlier words hung heavy in the air, a reminder of the lines they had crossed. they owed it to you, and to themselves, to make amends.
guess it's time to call it a night.
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you stirred, a soft groan slipping from your lips as you stretched, your body still heavy with the remnants of sleep. the events of the previous night were a hazy blur, a confusing mix of intense sensations, overwhelming scents, and a strange sense of vulnerability. but as you shifted under the covers, you felt a sticky discomfort between your thighs, a reminder of just how wild things had gotten. you were still dirty with your own juices, your skin tacky where the evidence of last night clung to you.
the memory made your cheeks burn. how their scents had overwhelmed you, driving you to the brink of madness. you’d surrendered to the primal pull of their pheromones, your body reacting instinctively, craving their touch.
you were an omega, after all—this was your nature.
but there was more to it. the way they had struggled to control themselves, the way they looked at you with a mixture of lust, desperation, and a bit of fear—it all filled you with both embarrassment and a strange, unexpected sense of power. you might be an omega, but you were also their housemother. and you were determined to be damn good at it.
you sat up slowly, wincing at the stickiness that clung to your skin. heat rushed to your cheeks as you realized just how far things had gone. you’d never been the center of so much focus, especially not from seven incredibly attractive alphas.
"oh, god," you whispered, burying your face in your hands. "what a mess."
with a deep breath, you forced yourself out of bed, the sticky remnants of last night making you cringe as you moved. the bathroom was a refuge, the cool water washing away the evidence of your loss of control, but the scent of your own arousal still lingered faintly, a subtle reminder of the chaos you’d been caught up in.
you were their housemother, not their plaything—even if a part of you had craved being used.
stepping out of the shower, you paused, taking a deep breath. you could hear their voices, muffled by the closed door, the low rumble of laughter still tinged with an undercurrent of tension.
another deep breath, and you were ready.
you dressed quickly, pulling on clothes that made you feel in control, and pushed the door open, walking into the living room with newfound confidence.
"morning, boys," you greeted, your voice steady, your eyes meeting each of theirs with a mix of amusement and defiance. the room fell silent as you entered, their surprise evident in their wide eyes and dropped jaws. they’d expected a meek, submissive omega, not the confident and strong presence you exuded.
you stood tall, chin up, a glint of determination in your gaze that caught them off guard. they exchanged uncertain glances, unsure of how to react to this unexpected display of strength from you—but they definitely liked it.
a smirk tugged at the corner of your lips as you met their stunned expressions with a knowing look.
you may be an omega, but you were no pushover. you were here to take charge, to show them you were more than just a pretty face and a tempting scent.
"i hope you boys are ready for a new day," you said, your voice calm but firm. "i would also like to start with introductions, shall we?"
they exchanged looks, a mix of surprise and respect flickering in their eyes. they may have underestimated you. you were a force to be reckoned with.
"well, good morning to you too, bunny," jake said, a hint of amusement in his voice. jungwon narrowed his eyes at jake, only he called you that, and now jake was clearly trying to piss him off.
"i’m surprised you’re still alive after last night," niki chimed in, a smirk playing on his lips. his casual speech as if he'd known you for years was a tactic he used to make you feel welcome. "the name's niki, i thought we’d have to call a priest to exorcise you."
you chuckled, shaking your head. "well, it’s a good thing i’m a tough cookie. my name is y/n, it’s great to officially meet everyone."
"i’m jungwon, not sure if you remembered it from yesterday, but i’m glad to know you're doing fine," jungwon said, his voice tinged with a mixture of embarrassment and admiration. "this is definitely not the response i- we expected from you—pretty impressive."
"i’m surprised you didn’t break down that bathroom door, jungwon," you said, your eyes twinkling with amusement. "you were practically tearing it off its hinges."
jungwon blushed, his cheeks turning a deep shade of red. "i… i don’t know what came over me. sorry about that... it kind of makes sense now why only your door is made out of metal."
"to keep your scent in?" jay added, noting that only your door was fortified with a thick layer of metal, mainly for your heat cycles so you could go through them without risking anything happening between you and your housemates. you nodded, and he beamed at you with a bright smile. "I'm jay, but i have a big feeling you already know who we are?" you chuckle, nodding again. "yes, i do. i was briefed beforehand."
"that's great then," heeseung chimed in. "also, we're really sorry about what happened yesterday," he added, his voice laced with concern. "still you have to be careful, and try not to take off your necklace so i don’t do anything you wouldn’t want me to…"
at heeseung’s comment, the room grew noticeably quieter. the boys’ faces fell slightly, their eyes narrowing as they processed the older alpha’s words. they exchanged looks, and you could almost see the gears turning in their heads. heeseung’s attempt at flirting wasn’t going unnoticed, and they didn’t seem too thrilled about it.
"oh, so now you’re the responsible one, huh?" jake teased, but there was an edge to his voice that hadn’t been there before.
"yeah, and last time i checked, you weren’t the only one here who needs to be careful," jungwon muttered, his eyes darting between you and heeseung, clearly not thrilled with the idea of the older alpha getting too close to you.
sunghoon scoffed, crossing his arms over his chest. "since when did you become the knight in shining armor? i thought we agreed we’d all look out for y/n."
"i’m just saying," heeseung replied, raising his hands in mock surrender, though the smirk on his face showed he wasn’t entirely backing down. "someone’s gotta step up and make sure we don’t all lose our heads."
"oh, please," jay interjected, rolling his eyes. "if anyone’s losing their head, it’s you. i saw the way you were looking at y/n last night."
heeseung chuckled, clearly enjoying the playful banter, but there was an underlying tension that none of them could quite shake. "jealous much?" he teased, though there was a flicker of something more serious in his gaze as he looked at you.
the boys all huffed in their own ways, a mix of jealousy and possessiveness swirling in the air. you couldn’t help but laugh softly at their antics, feeling a strange sense of pride in the way they were all vying for your attention.
"you’re all ridiculous," you said, shaking your head with a smile. "but i appreciate the concern. let’s try not to tear each other apart, okay?"
they all nodded, albeit grudgingly, and you could see the tension easing as they realized the truth in your words. whatever had happened last night, whatever was brewing between you all, it was clear that you were the one keeping them grounded. and they clearly wanted you to know they wanted you and bad.
as you stood there, surrounded by seven alphas who were all trying—and failing—to hide their growing affection for you, you knew you had them exactly where you wanted them.
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as the weeks passed, you settled into your role as the housemother to the seven alphas. the tension from that first heated encounter with jake and jungwon lingered in the air, but you made it your mission to focus on building a strong bond with each of them. you knew that if you were going to make this work, the dynamics between you all had to be solid.
in the mornings, you’d wake up early to prepare breakfast, the smell of food luring them one by one into the kitchen. jake was usually the first, his sleepy eyes lighting up when he saw you. he’d lean against the counter, watching you with a look that was hard to ignore, the subtle hints of desire always simmering just beneath the surface.
“morning, y/n,” he’d greet you, now a regular part of your mornings together. you’d roll your eyes, but the smile tugging at your lips betrayed you.
“morning, jake. sleep well?”
“better now that i get to see you first thing,” he’d reply, that playful smirk making your heart skip a beat.
jungwon, on the other hand, was more reserved, but you noticed the way his gaze would linger on you when he thought you weren’t looking. he’d help you with the dishes after breakfast, his fingers brushing against yours just a little too often to be accidental.
“thank you for breakfast,” he’d say quietly, his voice laced with something more than just gratitude.
“anytime, jungwon,” you’d respond, your voice soft, the tension between you both thick in the air.
then there was niki, always up to some mischief. he’d sneak up behind you, pretending to steal a piece of food, but his real goal was always to make you laugh. his antics were innocent enough, but the way he looked at you when he thought no one else was paying attention spoke volumes.
“play a game with me,” he’d say with that boyish grin, leaving you flustered.
sunghoon was the quiet observer, always watching, always aware. you’d catch him looking at you from across the room, his gaze intense and unreadable. but when he spoke to you, it was with a gentleness that contrasted with the sharpness of his gaze.
“if you need anything, just ask,” he’d offer, his tone sincere, as if he was waiting for the moment you’d need him.
jay was different. he was open with his admiration, always complimenting you, always making sure you knew how much he appreciated you.
“you’re incredible, you know that?” he’d say after you’d done something as simple as organizing the living room.
“i’m just doing my job,” you’d reply, but the way he looked at you made it clear he thought you were doing much more than that.
heeseung was the hardest to read. he’d flirt with you openly, his words dripping with suggestion, but there was a seriousness to him that kept you on your toes.
“you should be careful,” he’d say one evening as he passed by you in the hallway, his voice low and teasing, “or i might just lose control.”
and then there was sunoo, sweet and affectionate, but with a sharpness to him that kept the others in line. he’d sit with you in the evenings, just talking, but the way he’d casually drape his arm over the back of your chair or lean in a little too close told you he wasn’t immune to the pull you had on them.
as the days turned into weeks, you found yourself growing closer to them, each interaction laced with an undercurrent of tension that was impossible to ignore. they’d become more protective, more possessive, and you couldn’t deny the thrill that ran through you at the thought of how deeply they cared for you.
then, the day came when they won 1st place on the chart. the excitement was palpable as they celebrated in the living room, laughter and cheers filling the air. they decided to go live on weverse to share the moment with their fans, and you watched from the sidelines, a proud smile on your face.
but as they interacted with the fans, you noticed something—an undercurrent of tension that hadn’t been there before. their smiles were just a little too tight, their laughter a little too forced. it took you a moment to realize what was happening—your scent, which had been subtle before, was now filling the room, and it was affecting them.
heeseung was the first to falter, his hand gripping the back of the couch as he tried to focus on the screen.
“are you okay?” one of the fans asked, their concern evident even through the chat.
“yeah, just… a little hot in here, that’s all,” heeseung replied with a strained smile, his eyes flicking to you for just a second too long.
the others weren’t faring much better. jake kept shifting in his seat, his gaze darting between you and the camera, while jungwon’s jaw was clenched so tight you thought he might crack a tooth. niki’s usually carefree demeanor was nowhere to be found, and sunghoon looked like he was ready to bolt from the room at any second.
they managed to get through the live without too much trouble, but the moment it ended, the tension in the room was suffocating. they were all trying to act normal, but it was clear they were struggling to keep their composure.
“maybe we should have a drink tonight,” jay suggested, his voice a little too eager, as if he needed something to distract him from the way your scent was driving them all mad.
“yeah, to celebrate,” niki added quickly, his eyes darting to you, silently pleading for you to agree.
you hesitated for a moment, but the thought of spending the evening with them, seeing how far this unspoken tension could be pushed, was too tempting to resist.
“sure, why not,” you agreed, your voice soft but steady.
the relief on their faces was almost comical, but you knew that tonight was going to be anything but chill. the unspoken desires that had been simmering for weeks were about to come to a head, and you weren’t sure if any of you would be able to hold back.
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as the evening settled in, the atmosphere in your flat grew cozy and intimate. the boys had made themselves comfortable, sprawled out on the couches and chairs, the tension from earlier slowly ebbing away. you set out some snacks and non-alcoholic drinks for niki, who waved off the fact that he wasn’t drinking with a carefree grin.
“i’m fine, really,” niki assured you, leaning back against the couch with a casual shrug. “i don’t need alcohol to have fun.”
“you say that now,” jay teased, ruffling niki’s hair, “but wait until you’re old enough to join us for real.”
the rest of the group chuckled, but the playful banter soon shifted to more serious topics as you all settled in for the evening. the conversation eventually turned to you, and they began to ask more about why you were assigned to them.
“so, how did you end up as our housemother?” sunghoon asked, his curiosity clear in his tone.
you hesitated, the weight of the truth pressing down on you. but something about the warm, relaxed atmosphere made you feel like you could finally open up to them. you sighed, running a hand through your hair as you gathered your thoughts.
“my father,” you began, your voice soft but steady, “he was the one who assigned me to you guys. without my consent.”
the room fell silent, the boys listening intently as you continued.
“he’s always been… difficult to break away from. his control over me is something i’ve struggled with for years. when he told me i was going to be your housemother, it wasn’t a request. it was an order.”
you paused, glancing around at their faces, seeing a mix of surprise, concern, and something else—perhaps a bit of anger on your behalf.
“i was tasked to be a housemother who is supposed to provide support and comfort, not… mate with any of you. that was his rule. he made it very clear that my role here was to keep things running smoothly, to take care of you, but nothing more.”
“that’s… messed up,” jake muttered, his brow furrowing in concern. “you should’ve had a say in it.”
“yeah,” jungwon added, his voice laced with frustration. “you deserve to make your own choices.”
you smiled softly at their reactions, feeling a warmth spread through you at their concern. but there was more to the story, and you decided it was time to let them in on a part of you that they hadn’t seen yet.
“there’s something else,” you said, a hint of mischief creeping into your tone. “i’m not as good as i seem, you know. i’ve had my share of… rebellious moments.”
their eyes widened in interest, and you could see the curiosity sparking in them, eager to learn more about this side of you.
“i’ve had a few relationships with alphas in the past,” you admitted, your voice low but teasing. “my father wasn’t too happy about that, of course. but i wasn’t always the obedient daughter he wanted me to be. i’ve broken a few rules, pushed a few boundaries.”
you could see the intrigue and admiration in their eyes as they absorbed this new information about you. the thought that you had a more rebellious streak, that you weren’t just the dutiful housemother they thought you were, seemed to ignite something in them.
“what kind of boundaries?” heeseung asked, his voice laced with curiosity and a bit of something else—something darker, more possessive.
you smirked, leaning back in your chair as you took a sip of your drink, letting the tension build.
“let’s just say… i’m not afraid to challenge the status quo. and i’ve never been one to shy away from what i want.”
the room grew quiet again, the weight of your words hanging in the air. you could see the effect it had on them, the way their eyes darkened with desire, the way their bodies seemed to tense with the unspoken tension that had been building between you all for weeks.
“sounds like you’ve got a bit of a wild side,” jay remarked, his voice teasing but tinged with admiration.
“maybe,” you replied with a playful shrug. “but it’s not something i show just anyone.”
“lucky us, then,” sunoo chimed in, his tone light but with a glint of something more in his eyes.
the conversation flowed easily after that, with the boys asking more about your past, eager to learn everything they could about you. they were captivated by the idea that there was more to you than met the eye, that beneath the surface, there was a complexity they hadn’t yet uncovered.
as the night went on, the drinks loosened everyone up, the conversations growing bolder, the laughter more frequent. but beneath it all, the tension stayed and it kept everyone on edge, waiting for something to happen.
and as the night continued, you couldn’t help but wonder how much longer you could all hold back, how much longer you could pretend that the desires simmering just beneath the surface weren’t ready to boil over.
the drinks kept flowing, the boys were getting looser, their usual composed selves giving way to a more relaxed, playful side.
sunghoon was trying to beat niki at a makeshift game of rock-paper-scissors, while jay and jake were locked in a mock debate about the best way to eat ramen.
“i’m telling you, jay,” jake said with mock seriousness, “you have to let the noodles soak for exactly three minutes. not a second more, or you ruin the whole thing.”
jay shook his head, a grin on his face. “no way, jake. if you wait that long, the noodles get too soft. you need to eat them while they’re still a bit firm. that’s the perfect texture.”
“how about we just eat them and not worry about it?” niki interjected, grabbing another snack off the table. “food is food, right?”
the room erupted in laughter, and even you found yourself chuckling at their antics. the atmosphere was light, and for a moment, it felt like you could all just enjoy the night without any of the usual tension hanging over you.
but then, your phone buzzed in your pocket, pulling you out of the moment. it was a message from yuki, their manager. you opened it, your eyes scanning over the words quickly, and your stomach tightened as you read the contents.
“as a gift,” the message began, “we’re sending over some omegas for the boys. they’ve been working so hard, and it’s time they recharge properly. your presence has been a big help, but they need more help than what you can offer them. the omegas should arrive shortly.”
you frowned slightly, the words sinking in. it wasn’t that you had deep feelings for the boys—your role as housemother was clear in your mind—but there was something about the idea of these new omegas coming in that didn’t sit right with you.
maybe it was the way the message subtly suggested that you’d been a crucial part of keeping the boys sane, or maybe it was just the thought of these other omegas being brought in to meet their needs.
you quickly pushed the thoughts aside, schooling your features into a neutral expression as you heard a knock on the door. the boys looked up, their conversations pausing as they glanced at you, curiosity and a hint of something else in their eyes.
“looks like our guests are here,” you said, forcing a smile as you stood up to answer the door.
when you opened it, you were greeted by a group of pretty omegas, each of them dressed to impress, their scents sweet and alluring in the way only omegas could be. they were polite, smiling at you as you welcomed them inside, but you couldn’t help the slight twinge of jealousy that gnawed at you, even if you knew you shouldn’t feel that way.
“boys, these are your… guests for the evening,” you said, introducing the omegas to the group. your tone was light, but there was a subtle edge to it that you couldn’t quite mask. you caught jake’s eye as you spoke, and for a brief moment, you saw something flash in his gaze—something like disappointment, or maybe even regret.
the omegas settled in, their attention quickly turning to the alphas, who were doing their best to be polite, but you could sense the tension in the room. the new scents were pleasant, sure, but they didn’t compare to yours. you could see it in the way the boys’ eyes kept drifting back to you, even as the omegas tried to engage them in conversation.
as the evening wore on, it became more apparent that the alphas weren’t as interested in their new guests as yuki might have hoped. jay tried to make small talk with one of the omegas, but his eyes kept flicking over to where you were sitting. sunghoon, usually so composed, seemed distracted, his gaze lingering on you even as one of the omegas tried to catch his attention.
it wasn’t long before the new omegas began to notice the boys’ lack of focus. their smiles faltered slightly, and you could see the confusion in their eyes as they realized that the alphas weren’t as enamored with them as they should have been. the tension in the room shifted, becoming something more uncomfortable as the omegas began to feel the awkwardness of the situation.
“are you guys okay?” one of the omegas asked, her voice tinged with uncertainty as she glanced between the boys and you.
“yeah, we’re fine,” jungwon replied, a bit too quickly, his gaze darting back to you. “just… tired, i guess.”
the excuse was flimsy, and everyone in the room knew it. but no one said anything, the awkward silence stretching on as the alphas struggled to maintain their composure.
you could feel their gazes on you, even as you tried to focus on the new omegas. but it was clear that the boys were more interested in you than their supposed gifts, and that realization brought a strange mix of emotions. you weren’t sure whether to feel flattered, irritated, or something else entirely.
the evening dragged on, the atmosphere growing more strained as it became clear that the alphas’ attention wasn’t on the new omegas. the girls eventually excused themselves, leaving the flat with polite smiles and a sense of discomfort.
once the door closed behind them, the room fell into an awkward silence. you glanced at the boys, who all seemed to be avoiding eye contact, their earlier drunken cheerfulness replaced with something more somber.
“well,” you said, breaking the silence, “that was… interesting.”
“they weren’t really our type,” sunghoon mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.
“yeah, and their scent was too strong,” sunoo added, his nose wrinkling slightly as if recalling the overpowering sweetness of the new omegas.
“it’s not that they weren’t nice,” jake said, finally meeting your eyes. “it’s just… they weren’t you.”
the words hung in the air, and you could feel the weight of them, the alphas had tried to keep things professional, tried to respect the boundaries set by your role as housemother, but it was clear now that those boundaries were starting to fray.
"but maybe you guys could have done something?" you say, a hint of frustration creeping into your voice as you look around the room at the boys. "it’s not gonna sit right with management that you made them leave without anything happening. they could get suspicious… and fire me."
the gravity of your words seems to settle over them like a heavy blanket. sunghoon shifts uncomfortably in his seat, avoiding your gaze, while jake and jungwon exchange uneasy glances.
they all know the stakes—you’ve been doing your best to keep things under control, balancing your role as housemother with the complicated feelings swirling around, but this… this was a visible failure.
“we didn’t mean to make things hard for you,” heeseung says softly, his tone apologetic as he saw you were clearly distressed. “we just… weren't feeling it.”
“yeah, it’s not like we were trying to mess things up,” sunoo adds, a bit defensively.
you sigh, rubbing your temples as the weight of the situation sinks in. “i get that, but management won't. they’re expecting certain things to happen, and if they think you’re rejecting what they’ve arranged, they might start asking questions. questions i can’t answer and if they find about what almost happened...”
“we’re sorry,” jungwon says, his voice sincere. “we didn’t think about how it might affect you. we were just… being selfish.”
the room falls silent for a moment, the tension thick in the air as everyone grapples with the implications of what’s happened. you can feel the worry gnawing at you, the fear that this could be the thing that tips the balance, that makes your already precarious situation even more unstable.
“look,” jay finally speaks up, his tone more serious than usual, “we’ll figure something out. we’ll talk to management, make up some excuse… anything to keep you out of trouble.”
you nod, appreciating the sentiment, but you know it’s not that simple. “just… be careful.”
the boys nod, their expressions a mix of guilt and determination. they know they’ve put you in a difficult position, and they’re willing to do what it takes to fix it. but the underlying tension between you all—those hidden desires, the unspoken feelings—it’s clear that this is just the beginning of something far more complicated.
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the boys arrived home from practice, their laughter and chatter filling the hallway as they kicked off their shoes and dropped their bags by the door. the smell of sweat and exhaustion mixed with the familiar scent of the apartment, a comforting reminder that they were finally home. but as they turned the corner into the living room, their footsteps slowed, and the playful banter tapered off.
you were sitting on the couch, legs tucked under you, a relaxed smile on your face as you chatted with kai, an old friend from childhood. he was an alpha too, but there was a casual ease between you, the kind that came from years of familiarity. kai had dropped by to check in on you, as he often did, being one of the few people who knew you well enough to see through the façade you sometimes had to put on.
“hey, guys!” you greeted, waving them over. “this is kai. we’ve known each other since we were kids.”
kai looked up and offered a polite nod, his expression friendly. “nice to meet you all.”
the boys, however, didn’t seem too keen on the friendly atmosphere. their smiles were a little too tight, their eyes narrowing just a fraction as they took in the sight of you and kai sitting so comfortably together. there was a brief, awkward silence before jake, ever the smooth talker, stepped forward.
“so, kai,” he said, his voice dripping with casual interest, “what brings you around? haven’t seen you here before.”
kai didn’t miss a beat, completely unaware of the subtle undercurrent of tension. “just checking in on y/n. she’s been through a lot lately, and, well, we’ve always looked out for each other.”
“oh, have you?” jungwon chimed in, his tone light but with a hint of something else. “that’s… sweet.”
sunghoon, who was standing by the arm of the couch, glanced at kai’s relaxed posture, then at the way you seemed so at ease around him. “must be nice to have such a good friend around.”
kai chuckled, oblivious to the growing tension. “yeah, we’ve been through a lot together. nothing like old friends to keep you grounded.”
“hmm,” jay murmured, crossing his arms over his chest. “yeah, i guess it is important to have someone who really knows you… inside and out.”
the innuendo in jay’s words made kai raise an eyebrow, but you quickly stepped in, sensing the direction things were headed. “oh, come on, guys,” you said with a laugh, nudging kai playfully. “don’t scare him off. kai and i are just friends. always have been, always will be.”
“yeah,” kai added with a grin, “nothing like that between us. y/n’s practically family.”
sunoo, who had been watching quietly from the sidelines, finally spoke up. “well, that’s good to know. wouldn’t want any… misunderstandings.”
kai blinked, finally catching on to the subtle jabs. he glanced between you and the boys, then smirked, leaning back casually. “you guys don’t have to worry about me. i’m not here to step on any toes.”
“toes?” niki echoed, his tone a bit sharper than intended. “what toes?”
you sighed, rolling your eyes at the whole situation. “guys, seriously. kai’s just a friend. there’s nothing going on, okay?”
heeseung, who had been quiet the entire time, finally spoke, his voice calm but with a clear edge of possessiveness. “we’re just making sure, y/n. can’t be too careful, you know? he's also an alpha.”
kai chuckled, getting to his feet. “alright, alright. i can take a hint. i’ll get out of your hair.” he turned to you with a smile. “you know where to find me if you need anything.”
“thanks, kai,” you said, standing up to walk him to the door. “i appreciate you checking in.”
as you saw kai out, the boys exchanged glances, a silent understanding passing between them. they might not have had anything to worry about with kai, but the way they felt seeing you with another alpha made it clear—those possessive instincts weren’t going away anytime soon. and neither was their desire to be the ones closest to you.
as you headed to the kitchen to start preparing a meal for the boys, the atmosphere in the living room remained tense. the usual banter and easygoing chatter were replaced with a heavy silence, each of them stewing in their own thoughts. they weren’t exactly thrilled about how close kai had seemed with you, and though you’d reassured them, the possessiveness gnawed at them.
you hummed quietly as you moved around the kitchen, unaware of the cold stares and subtle pouts they were exchanging behind your back. you were focused on making sure everything was just right for them—after all, you were their housemother, responsible for their well-being. but to them, it felt like you were so much more than just someone to take care of their needs. they were struggling to keep their instincts in check, and the sight of you moving so effortlessly around their space only made it harder.
“she’s way too comfortable with him,” jake muttered under his breath, his eyes narrowing as he watched you from the doorway.
“i didn’t like how he was looking at her,” sunghoon added, leaning back against the couch with a frown. “like he had a right to be that close.”
“it’s not like we can do anything about it,” sunoo said, though there was a sharp edge to his words. “we’ve got rules to follow.”
“rules,” jungwon scoffed quietly. “who’s enforcing them? her father? he’s not here.”
there was a pause as they all considered his words, a new tension building in the air. they knew the rules—strict boundaries were set to keep things professional, to prevent anything from crossing the line. you were their housemother, meant to provide support, comfort, and nothing more.
but the more time they spent around you, the harder it was becoming to stick to those boundaries.
“but she’s different,” jay finally spoke up, his voice low. “you guys feel it too, right?”
niki, who had been quietly fuming, nodded in agreement. “but we can’t—”
“who says we can’t?” heeseung interrupted, his tone cold and firm. “like what jungwon said, who’s enforcing it? if we’re smart about it… maybe we don’t have to follow the rules.”
the room fell into a contemplative silence, each of them turning over the idea in their minds. the thought of finding a way around the restrictions was tempting, more than tempting—it was becoming necessary. the longer they were around you, the more their instincts screamed at them to claim, to protect, to keep you close in a way that was more than just a caretaker.
“it’s not like she’s against us,” sunghoon murmured, glancing toward the kitchen. “we’ve all seen how she looks at us. there’s something there. she just doesn’t act on it because of the rules and her daddy issues.”
“and she’s more rebellious than she lets on,” jungwon added, remembering some of the stories you’d shared. “maybe she’s just waiting for us to make a move.”
“or maybe she thinks we’re not interested,” sunoo said, his voice barely above a whisper. “but that’s bullshit. we’re all losing it, trying to keep it together around her. i know she sees it.”
as they spoke, the tension between them grew, the slow burn of desire simmering just beneath the surface. they were all on the same page, they just hadn’t admitted it to each other until now. the thought of breaking the rules, of finding a way to make you theirs despite everything, was becoming more appealing by the second.
“we have to be careful,” jake cautioned, though his voice was thick with need. “if we mess this up… we could lose her. for good.”
“then we don’t mess it up,” heeseung replied, his eyes dark and determined. “we take it slow, make sure she’s on the same page. but we don’t back down. not anymore.”
you walked back into the room, carrying a tray of food, completely unaware of the decision that had just been made. as you set the tray down, you noticed the change in the atmosphere, the way their eyes were on you, intense and unwavering. it sent a shiver down your spine, though you couldn’t quite place why.
“everything okay?” you asked, trying to ignore the sudden, almost predatory way they were looking at you.
“yeah,” jay said, offering you a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes. “just… talking.”
“about what?” you pressed, curious.
“nothing important,” sunghoon replied smoothly, though the flicker in his eyes suggested otherwise. “just… the future.”
“the future, huh?” you mused, taking a seat on the couch. “well, let’s focus on dinner first. you guys need to eat after practice.”
they nodded, but the tension remained, the conversation you’d interrupted leaving them all on edge. as they started eating, the silence between bites felt charged, the air thick with unspoken words. you could feel it too, that something had shifted, but you couldn’t quite put your finger on it.
and as the meal went on, they kept stealing glances at you, their minds racing with possibilities, each one more dangerous and thrilling than the last.
the rules were starting to feel like chains, ones they were more than ready to break. they just had to find the right moment, and the right way to show you that the connection you shared was more than just a professional bond. it was something deeper, something they were no longer willing to ignore.
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as the days went by, you noticed the change in their behavior. it was subtle at first—a lingering touch here, a suggestive comment there. but it was clear they were testing boundaries, pushing the limits of what was acceptable in this delicate arrangement. you found yourself torn between the thrill of their attention and the fear of what it could mean if things went too far.
it started with heeseung. he was always the smooth talker, the one who knew exactly what to say to make your heart race. his hand would brush against yours when he passed you something, his voice dropping just a little lower when he spoke to you, his eyes holding yours a second too long. it was as if he was daring you to react, to acknowledge the unspoken tension between you.
then there was jake. he was more direct, his compliments laced with flirtation that left little to the imagination. "you look beautiful today," he'd say with a smile that made your knees weak, even though you were just wearing a simple outfit. "i bet all the other omegas are jealous of you." his words were playful, but there was an edge to them, a hint of something deeper that made your heart beat faster.
jungwon was different. he didn't say much, but his actions spoke volumes. he found excuses to be near you, to help you with small tasks around the house. his touch was always gentle, almost reverent, as if he was afraid of crossing a line but couldn't resist the urge to be close to you. it was his quiet presence that made you feel the most vulnerable, the most aware of the growing attachment that was taking root in your heart.
sunghoon, on the other hand, was more mischievous. he loved teasing you, making jokes that were just on the edge of inappropriate. "careful, y/n," he'd say with a smirk. "if you keep spoiling us like this, we might never let you go." his words were lighthearted, but the way he looked at you, with a glint of something darker in his eyes, made you wonder if there was more truth to his joke than he let on.
and then there was niki. though he was the youngest, his maturity showed in the way he handled himself around you. he wasn't as forward as the others, but his presence was always there, watching, waiting. he had a way of making you feel seen, like he understood the internal struggle you were going through. his quiet support was a comfort, but it also made you painfully aware of the line you were dangerously close to crossing.
jay and sunoo were no different.
jay's protectiveness was endearing, but there was a possessive undertone to it that sent shivers down your spine. he always made sure you were comfortable, that you had everything you needed, but there was a certain intensity in his gaze, a silent claim that was hard to ignore.
sunoo, with his sweet nature, was the most surprising. his flirtation was subtle, almost innocent, but there was a confidence behind it that made you blush. his compliments were genuine, but the way he delivered them, with that knowing smile, made you wonder if he was more aware of your feelings than you realized.
you found yourself caught in this web of desire, each of them pulling you in their own way. you wanted to resist, to keep things professional, but it was becoming increasingly difficult.
they were making it difficult, each of them trying to catch you in moments when you were alone, when your guard was down.
your heart raced every time one of them came close, every time their hand brushed against yours, every time their eyes met yours with that undeniable heat. it was exciting, intoxicating even, but it was also terrifying.
you knew the risks, knew what could happen if things went too far. but the way they looked at you, the way they spoke to you, made it so hard to remember why you needed to keep your distance.
and so, their plan continued, each of them playing their part in this slow, deliberate seduction.
and you?
you were caught in the middle, torn between the thrill of their attention and the fear of what it could mean if you gave in. but with each passing day, with each stolen moment, you could feel your resolve weakening, your heart betraying you as it slowly but surely started to fall for them.
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the room was charged with an almost unbearable tension as the photoshoot wrapped up. it was your first time joining them on set, and you could feel the weight of their stares on you the entire time. despite your best efforts to appear unaffected, the nearing heat had started to influence them, making it increasingly difficult for them to mask their true feelings. the necklace you wore, designed to suppress your scent, was barely doing its job, and you were acutely aware of the way their eyes lingered on you.
as the staff milled around, packing up equipment and congratulating the boys on a successful shoot, you found yourself caught in a subtle but intense dance of stolen glances and fleeting touches. the air was thick with the unsaid, the unacknowledged desires that simmered just below the surface.
you tried to focus on anything but them, knowing that letting your guard down even for a moment could lead to something you weren’t sure you could control. but as they moved around you, changing out of their outfits and into more casual clothes, the proximity made it impossible to ignore the way your body was reacting, the heat creeping up your neck as you fought to stay composed.
then yuki approached, his presence as always, calm and authoritative, but this time there was a hint of something in his eyes that made you uneasy. “y/n,” he called, drawing your attention away from the boys, who were now shirtless and toweling off the sweat from the shoot.
“yes, manager yuki?” you responded, trying to keep your voice steady, though you could feel the intensity of the alphas’ gazes boring into your back.
“i’ve arranged for an alpha to accompany you when your heat starts,” he said, his tone matter-of-fact, but loud enough that the others could hear. “it’s important that you’re taken care of properly, given the situation.”
a sharp silence followed his words. you felt the air in the room shift, the tension spiking as the alphas all paused in their actions, their attention snapping to the conversation at hand.
"so, yuki, who’s the lucky alpha?" you asked, a playful lilt in your voice as you leaned closer to him. he laughed, matching your tone as he began to share the details.
unbeknownst to you, the alphas could hear every word. sunghoon, who had been adjusting his shirt, froze, his hands stilling as he processed what you were saying. jungwon, already on edge, felt a wave of jealousy surge through him, his expression darkening as he exchanged glances with jake, who was equally tense.
"i hear he’s quite the catch," yuki teased, completely unaware of the firestorm his words were sparking among the alphas. "i bet you're looking forward to it."
"oh, i am," you replied with a grin, your excitement genuine, feeling the anticipation build in your core, god, it had been hell having to be around the boys, you find yourself wanting to give in to them. but somehow, seeing there could be a distraction, a very hot distraction, maybe it would help you sort out your feelings. "it’s been a while, and i’m pretty desperate for a good fuck right now. he sounds perfect."
your words were like a punch to the gut for the alphas. jake, usually so confident, felt a rare stab of insecurity, his mind racing as he imagined you with another alpha. sunghoon’s jealousy turned into something darker, more possessive, while sunoo’s usual brightness dimmed even further, a frown tugging at his lips.
"you seem too eager for this," jay muttered under his breath, barely loud enough for anyone to hear, but the bitterness in his tone was unmistakable. he shot a glare at jake, who was clearly struggling to keep his own emotions in check.
"fuck the rules," jake snapped, his eyes narrowing as he looked at you from across the room, chatting animatedly with yuki. "there’s no way we’re letting her mate with someone else. it's bad enough i have to share with you guys."
meanwhile, you were painfully aware of the effect you were having on them. their stares, once affectionate and teasing, were now filled with something darker, more intense. it was taking everything in you to maintain your composure, to act like their proximity wasn’t making your pulse race, wasn’t heightening the ache building inside you.
"yuki, you really know how to pick them," you joked, but there was an edge to your voice as you felt the alphas’ eyes burning into you from across the room. "can't wait."
“y/n, can you help me with this?” sunghoon called out, his voice smooth yet laced with something deeper as he adjusted his outfit. you stepped closer, your fingers brushing against his as you straightened his collar, his breath hitching slightly at the contact. his eyes locked onto yours, dark and full of unspoken desire, and for a moment, it felt like the world around you disappeared, leaving just the two of you in a bubble of sexual tension.
but it wasn’t just sunghoon.
as you moved around the set, you could feel the other alphas’ eyes on you, each one fighting their own instincts, trying to maintain some semblance of control. heeseung, usually so composed, seemed on edge, his jaw clenched as he watched you interact with the others. when your hands briefly touched his while passing a prop, you noticed how his fingers lingered a second longer than necessary, the heat of his touch almost searing.
the alphas exchanged glances, jealousy simmering beneath the surface. jake’s hand tightened around the hem of his shirt as he pulled it over his head, his knuckles white with suppressed frustration. jungwon's eyes darkened, his gaze flicking between you and sunghoon, anger and possessiveness clear in his expression. but before jay could interrupt the two of you, yuki waves you over, beckoning you to come to him and reels you in a conversation about hyunjin, the alpha you were going to meet.
after what felt like forever, and the piercing glares you received, yuki finally decides to leave. and now you were left with the boys, who were just about done wrapping up.
“you’re really going through with this?” jungwon asked, his voice tight as he stepped closer, his proximity causing your heart to race. “letting some other alpha take care of you?”
you tried to maintain your composure, shrugging nonchalantly. “why not? it’s the best option, jungwon. we all know the rules. i can’t mate with any of you. i have needs of my own.”
“rules,” sunghoon scoffed, his eyes narrowing as he crossed his arms over his chest. “i'm really starting to hate that fucking word.”
“i’m just trying to do what’s best,” you whispered, but the words felt hollow even to you.
“what’s best?” heeseung echoed, his voice soft but full of meaning as he stepped closer, so close you could feel the heat radiating off him. “or what’s easiest?”
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returning home, the atmosphere was even more suffocating. the moment you stepped through the door, it hit you—your heat, crashing over you like a wave, the intensity nearly overwhelming. the air was thick with their pheromones, reacting to the sudden change, amplifying the tension to an unbearable degree.
jake was the first to approach, his presence overwhelming as he came too close, his hand hovering near your arm. "you okay?" he asked, his voice low, dangerous. the concern in his eyes was real, but so was the desire, barely contained.
"i’m fine," you lied, trying to pull away, but the brush of his fingers against your skin sent a jolt through you, your body betraying you, craving more. you couldn’t stay near them, not like this—not when the pull was so strong, when every fiber of your being screamed at you to give in.
jungwon stepped closer, his voice softer, but his eyes were dark with something far more intense. "you don’t look fine. maybe we should... talk."
panic surged through you as it took everything in you to ignore him. your pulse quickened, each step toward your room feeling like a battle against the instincts threatening to take over. but just as you reached the hallway, heeseung stepped into your path, blocking your escape with an intensity in his eyes that sent a shiver down your spine.
"where do you think you’re going?"
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yuujispinkhair · 21 days
Had this silly little thirsty thing in my head for weeks and I have enough courage to say it skdh
Letting Yuji thighfuck you as his reward
Making Sukuna thighfuck you as his punishment
Idk- I feel like Yuji would love it.. cause he's so sweet and thinks you're cute all over *kicking my feet*
And- now idk how you'd make Kuna submit like that- although, that subby college kuna is on the mind yk hehe
anyway- that is all, ily and I'm loving the Hockey AU so far mwah 💗💕
AAAH RISA I LOVE THIS 🥵🥵 Thank you so much for sharing this with me!! 💗
Yuuji x Reader, Sukuna x Reader. 700 words. 18+. Smut. Thighfucking (Reader is sitting on a kitchen counter with her legs crossed). Praise kink, cum-eating in Yuuji's case. Degradation kink, overstimulation, squirting/piss in Sukuna's case. All characters are of age. Minors don't interact. Divider @/benkeibear
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Yuuji is happy about anything you give him. He is so in love with you and your body it drives him crazy to push his leaking cock between your beautiful thighs. He walked into the kitchen, seeing you sitting on the counter in that short skirt, and he was instantly rock-hard. He laughed sheepishly and apologized for his dick, but you smiled at him and put a hand on the large tent in his grey sweatpants.
"It's ok Yuuji. I like how much you want me. Come here, baby."
The moment Yuuji realized what you had in mind, he was already pushing his sweats down eagerly, lips opening in a loud moan. It felt dirty, and that excited him.
Yuuji is always a nasty one. Cute but nasty and very horny. So he is all too happy and grateful that you let him rub his horny cock against your soft skin. It looks so hot how his swollen, wet mushroom head peeks out between your plush thighs, drooling pre-cum all over himself and smearing it between your sexy thighs when he fucks them. Things become more slippery with each horny thrust, and it makes Yuuji moan shamelessly.
You tell him to look at you, and when he does, you pet his hair and coo at him,
"You are so sweet, Yuuji. Such a good boy. I love you so much, baby."
And Yuuji nuts so hard 💗 His large hands dig into your thighs, his moans all high-pitched and cute, while his pretty cock throbs and shoots Yuuji's thick warm cum down your thighs.
You don't even have to tell him afterward that he should lick you clean. That sweet boy is already on his knees, caressing your calves with his large warm hands while he eagerly licks his cum off your thighs while moaning against your skin how much he loves you.
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Sukuna (I also imagine fucktoy Sukuna from "Bad Boy - Good Toy" here) grits his teeth to hold back his moans and glares angrily at you while he ruts desperately against you. Angry at himself for being such a needy mess for you, who needs to touch you so bad that he is even ok with this!
He thought you would let him fuck you tonight, but you just grinned at him and laughed mockingly, telling him that bad boys don't deserve your pussy. "Next time, you better behave nicer throughout the day. You are such a brat, Kuna. I really have to put you in your place."
He hates how fucking hard he got when you talked to him like that and when you sat on the kitchen counter and pointed to your legs with that cruel smile on your pretty face.
"If you are so needy, you can put your pretty dick here, baby."
He hates that he didn't even hesitate but pulled his cock out immediately, slapped it against your thigh, and then pushed it between your crossed legs with an angry and horny hiss falling from his lips.
And now Sukuna is standing here in the kitchen with his jeans and boxer briefs pooling around his ankles, fucking your thighs like some dog in heat. Fast and desperate. Groaning anytime his throbbing cock glides through the tight warm gap between your thighs.
He feels his head spin as you milk drop after drop of pre-cum out of his aching cock, while taunting him about how excited he is. But fuck, it feels good, and the way you smile at him makes him feel so strange.
"Aww look at you, Kuna. You are so pathetic. You gonna hump yourself against me until you make a mess all over me? So cute. My little horny slut."
It's too much. Sukuna growls a needy-sounding "Shut up, brat!" even as he feels his muscles contract, unable to hold back the intense orgasm that makes his whole muscular body shake as he cums all over your legs and the kitchen floor like some little excited loser, shooting his milky seed everywhere.
You don't let him go, only press your thighs together tighter and squeeze his orgasming cock, forcing Sukuna to give you every last drop of cum he has in him. He is whining by the end, so over-stimulated that tears gather in his eyes, and he even squirts a little, hearing you laugh when the sticky mix of his warm piss and cum trickle out of his angry, swollen cockhead.
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Both of them drive me INSANE!! Yuuji is such a cutie, and I want to praise him all day!! And Kuna is my favorite little brat who brings out my sadistic side. I am so in love with both of them!!
Thank you so much for sending me this sexy idea!! 💗
I hope you enjoyed your little fun time with our boys ;) Who is your fave?
Comments and reblogs would be very sweet 💗
And if anyone wants to read more about this subby version of Sukuna, you can find two sexy stories about fucktoy Sukuna here: Bad Boy - Good Toy
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stllmnstr · 2 months
every fragile thing
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pairing: park sunghoon x f reader
genre: enemies to lovers, figure skating au, college/university au
word count: 12.3k
warnings: alcohol consumption, jealousy, non graphic descriptions/depictions of injuries, use of the american (usa) university system, a kiss or five
soundtrack: get him back! / brutal / jealousy, jealousy / good 4 u / the grudge / bad idea right? / drivers license - olivia rodrigo
After an ankle injury lands you in mandated physical therapy sessions instead of on the ice where you should be training for nationals, you're absolutely certain you must be the most frustrated, emotionally volatile figure skater on the planet. Park Sunghoon proves you wrong.
every fragile thing has one of two choices: become stronger or shatter into a million pieces.
note: hi hello yes this is me on a new blog with the same name. I deleted my old one and wasn't sure if I planned on remaking/reposting but here we are! if you've read this before, then I hope you enjoy just as much this time around. and if you haven't, I hope you love figure skater sunghoon just as much as I do! happy reading ♡
Silence. One word, two syllables. A fairly straightforward term with a meaning that can be easily deduced from a quick scan of its Merriam-Webster definition. 
But unlike many words, silence is one that’s typically learned through experience. Through stilted moments, pregnant pauses, dreamlike moments in the dead of night while the world around you is at a standstill. 
In the moments just before the music starts, when it feels as if the audience around you is holding their breath. And you stand at the center of it all, blades of your tightly laced skates against ice, chest rising and falling in time with your heartbeat, mind spinning with possibility. In those moments, your long trained muscles take over, following the memory of countless repetitions as your body prepares to do what it knows best. 
There’s a question in that silence. One that’s asked with baited breath. 
Will I land this skill? Will I go home with a medal around my neck, cold weight a familiar comfort against my skin? Will this be my best performance yet? Will they love it? Love me?
That, as you’ve come to learn, is your favorite kind of silence. The kind that’s filled with endless possibility, with the promise of something beautiful or disastrous or some odd mix of the two to come. 
The feeling of freedom, of flying as blade cuts through ice, as your body defies gravity with every jump, every spin. 
But that is very much not the kind of silence that greets you where Dr. Min eyes you warily over the top of his pristine clipboard, a crease forming between his dark eyebrows. Frowning, he glances at the paper once more before returning his gaze to you. 
“You’re sure you’ve been resting? No weight on the fracture at all?”
It takes a good chunk of your willpower not to roll your eyes. Mostly because you’re lying through your teeth, but who’s keeping track? 
“Yes, I’m sure.” Gesturing to the thick black boot the lower part of your left leg and foot have been imprisoned in for the better part of a month, you add, “This thing’s still coming off in two weeks, right?”
Two weeks is pushing it, but you’ve done more with less. Two weeks puts you exactly three months out from regionals, which gives you exactly ninety-one days to pull together the most jaw dropping program you or the judges have ever seen. One that’s certain to land you on the podium and secure a spot at nationals. 
Once again, you thank your lucky stars for Coach Lee. She’s been with you since you were still struggling to lace your own skates, and there’s no one else you’d trust to have you ready for regionals in such a short time frame. No one else you’d bet your fate on like this. 
“That was our original time frame, yes…” Dr. Min trails off, avoiding your gaze in a way that has your stomach dropping unpleasantly. 
“And we’ll be sticking to it, I’m sure.” You hate the way the end of your phrase turns up like a question. 
Dr. Min sighs. “Look, ___, our original time frame was ambitious to begin with, and I hate to tell you this, but your ankle is not healing as well as we’d hoped. Fractures don’t heal overnight, and the best thing for you right now is rest.” 
The argument is already forming on your tongue. “But—”
“I know it’s hard to believe, but I’m not trying to ruin your life, ___. Truly. I’m saying this to you as the parent of an athlete and a former athlete myself. Pushing yourself now will only lead to reinjury in the future and will also very likely shorten your career. Your ankle needs to heal before you skate on it again. It needs to heal before you so much as put weight on it. And you need to let it heal completely.” The sincerity in his voice is hard to stomach when he says, “Believe me when I tell you that you’ll regret it for the rest of life if you don’t.”
And logically, you know he’s right. Know that this will be nothing but a minor setback if you allow it to run its course. If you follow his advice to rest and heal. But skating has never been something you’ve done with the logical parts of yourself. And Dr. Min doesn’t get it. You tell him as much. “You don’t understand what you’re asking me to do. Regionals are in less than four months, and—”
“I hear you. Believe me, I do. But this is your third year of university, which means you have another shot at nationals next year. If you push it and try to skate before you’re ready, you may very well lose that chance too.”
“So I’m supposed to do what? Sit around and do nothing until my ankle decides to cooperate?” Even voicing the possibility has you suppressing a grimace. 
But Dr. Min has different thoughts. “Yes. That is exactly what you need to do.”
You don’t avert your gaze. Neither does he. Finally, after a moment, he sighs. “My recommendation at this point is still rest, but—”
“But?” Your excitement is impossible to contain fully. 
Dr. Min levels you with a cautionary look over his clipboard. “But, if you’re going to do anything, our athletics department does also run a physical therapy program, which I think could be beneficial. It would help to retain flexibility, mobility, and agility in the areas of your leg that support your ankle. It could help get you back on the ice faster and maintain the leg strength you’ve built. There’s a group session that runs on Tuesday afternoons—”
“Yes,” you nod, not bothering to hear the end of his statement. “Yes, I’ll do that.”
“I… okay.” As much as you want to hate him for it, Dr. Min has a point. And while you doubt physical therapy will be anywhere near as grueling as your usual workouts, it sounds a hell of a lot better than doing nothing. 
You’ve never liked hospitals. The odd juxtaposition of white, lifeless sterility and a culmination of some of life’s most painful moments has always left an unpleasant taste on your tongue. 
It’s one that has you double checking the address Dr. Min forwarded to you as you enter the oddly cheerful building that is apparently home to a renowned athletics physical therapy facility. Despite the medical purpose, there’s a distinct liveliness that envelops the space. 
The woman at reception informs you that this is indeed the right building and the session you’re attending has just begun in the room to your left. 
Pausing at the door, you’re struck with a sudden timidness. A physical therapy group for athletes will obviously be filled with, well, athletes. And although you can’t speak too harshly on that particular subsect of people, being one yourself, they can be intimidating. It must be the competitiveness, you think. The drive to push, succeed, win that gives off such a distinct aura.
Steeling yourself with one last breath, you remind yourself that’s why you’re here. To get back to that version of you that has everyone else feeling a little shier. That version of you that eats, breathes, and sleeps with ice skates laced on your feet and visions of the top of a podium driving your every decision. 
With determination straightening your brow, you push open the door. 
And immediately find yourself grateful for the mental preparation as three heads snap in your direction.  
Hitching your bag up an inch on your shoulder, you try not to melt under the sudden awkwardness. Thankfully, one of them is better at breaking ice than you.
“Hi,” the boy closest to you is the first to fill the silence. He’s all smiles where he gives you a friendly wave, moving a stray hair out of his eyes with a flick of his head as he tells you, “I’m Jungwon.”
You offer your name in return, trying on a smile to match his friendliness. You have a feeling it comes more naturally to him than it ever will to you, though. 
Regardless, he offers an equally cheerful, “Nice to meet you.” Glancing over to where the second boy is moving through a series of stretches, Jungwon makes eye contact, silently telling him he’s up next. 
Even mid-stretch, he acquiesces. “I’m Niki,” the second boy follows. 
“And I’m Jake.” The last boy doesn’t need any prompting from Jungwon. Nodding towards the walking boot that covers the bottom half of your left leg, he glances at a similar one that he wears on his own. “Looks like we’re twins. Tore up my achilles pretty bad in my last soccer match,” he explains. “What about you?”
“Fractured my ankle,” you return, a rueful smile dragging your lips up. “Figure skater.”
“Ah, man.” Jungwon winces. “That sucks.”
You shrug, forcing a nonchalance you don’t feel. “No worse than a busted achilles.” 
“That’s cool that you skate though,” Jake offers. “Kind of a funny coincidence, actually. There’s another—”
Whatever it is, he doesn’t get to finish the thought. At that moment, the door opens again, this time revealing a middle aged woman in a white physician’s coat. Her name tag reads Dr. Kim, and she introduces herself as such to you. 
“Looks like everyone’s here, including our new members.” She gives another cursory nod in your direction. “Welcome again.” Glancing around, the instructor pauses. “Oh, wait. Except for—”
“I’m here, I’m here.” For the second time in the span of a minute, the door behind you opens. You don’t miss the glance that passes between Niki and Jake. You turn to face the new arrival, but his back is to you as he sets his bag down and begins the process of switching his shoes. 
The way the new member enters with a dismissive wave of his hand and lack of proper greeting has you thinking tardiness is not an uncommon trait of his. Even from behind, you can feel the waves of arrogance he exudes. That seems to align more with your preconceived notions of athletes. 
Studying him for another second, a sinking feeling of dread begins to build in the pit of your stomach. Long, dark hair. Unnaturally graceful movements, even if all he’s doing is digging through his bag. Tall stature, broad shoulders, long legs. 
An athlete’s build through and through. Perfectly suited for the ice. 
“Great.” Despite the statement, Dr. Kim’s tone is flat. “Well, we were just getting started and introducing ourselves since we have someone new joining us today.”
“Hi,” he offers, still fixated on his bag, yet to offer as much as a glance in your direction. If anything, it only serves as a confirmation of his identity. “I’m—” You don’t even need to hear him say it. 
At that, he does finally look up. 
Gaze locking with yours, a moment of confusion is quickly replaced by a furrow in his brow, the slight downturn of his lips. He’s not thrilled to see you either. 
A beat passes. 
Neither of you break eye contact. 
The silence extends to the point of discomfort for all four onlookers, each of them hesitant to break the tension that’s rising by the second. 
Finally, Dr. Kim takes a knife to the tension. “Do you two know each other?” 
Park Sunghoon. Renowned figure skater at your rival university. Someone with such a natural knack for carving lines through ice that whispers of prodigy have been shadowing his footsteps since the minute he put them on a rink. 
Someone with his head so far up his own ass you’re not sure how he can see half the time, much less keep his hair looking so perfect. 
Oh, you know him alright. 
And it would seem he remembers you as well. 
It also answers Dr. Kim’s question well enough. 
“Ah, good.” It sounds like a question, like she’s hoping your acquaintance will be a positive thing instead of a disaster. You don’t have the heart to tell her otherwise. “The figure skating community is tight knit, I suppose.”
You suppress a scoff. That’s one word for it, you guess. 
You remember when it felt that way to you, too. Before tight knit became too small. Back before university, when it felt like it was you and Park Sunghoon against the world, instead of against each other. Back when the two of you didn’t skate for opposing teams but instead were members of the same club. A time when you took the ice together, skated as partners until he—
You force your thoughts to stop in their tracks. Your blood pressure has spiked enough in the last few days, and thinking back on long days spent with Park Sunghoon will only send it skyrocketing again. 
If anything, you’ll use this opportunity to practice perfecting your poker face for when you inevitably run into him at future competitions. 
And future competitions means you need a healed ankle, not a bruised ego. And certainly not an unpleasant trip down memory lane. 
Turning away from Sunghoon, you’re the first one to answer when Dr. Kim asks if you’re ready to get started. 
“Yes,” you tell her, determination written across your brow, in the set of your shoulders, and perhaps most noticeably, in the way you avoid Sunghoon’s wandering gaze for the next two hours. 
Without the rink, days are quick to meld into one another. It may be concerning, considering that you still have a set schedule of classes and homework to follow, but your life has revolved around training for so long that it’s hard to tell Mondays from Wednesdays without a set practice schedule. 
Thankfully, you do still make it back to the clinic at the right time on the right day, this time for another session with Dr. Kim and your fellow band of broken athletes. 
Including him. 
Aside from the glaringly obvious exception, you’re not as bothered at the thought of returning as you feared you might be. 
Jungwon, Niki, and Jake have proven themself pleasant enough company, and Dr. Kim seems to have built an understanding of how difficult it is to be forcibly removed from the sport you love. As such, she’s one of the least aggravating medical professionals you’ve spent time around. 
“Hey,” Niki greets when you arrive. “Did you have a good weekend?”
You shrug. “Good enough. Mostly just catching up on homework.” Setting your bag down and switching out your shoes, you join him on the mat, beginning the series of warm-up stretches Dr. Kim instructed you through last week. “What about you?”
“Not too bad. I got some good news from my doctor, actually.” He switches legs in his stretch, and you’re almost envious of his flexibility. He’s a dancer, and an exceedingly good one at that. One with an unfortunate knee injury at the moment. “My x-rays are looking a lot better. He thinks I might be able to start easing back into regular use by next month.” 
“That’s great,” you smile, even as a pang of jealousy stabs somewhere near your gut. “I’m really happy for you, Niki.” 
“A month still feels like forever, though, doesn’t it?” He sighs. “I can’t remember the last time I was out of the studio for this long.” 
Jungwon slides down onto the mat next to you, joining in on the stretch routine. “Consider yourself lucky, man. They told me at my last check-up that I probably won’t be able to do any jumping or kicks again for at least three months even though the fracture is already mostly healed.” He shakes his head. “No jumping or kicking,” he echoes, sarcasm dripping from every word. “You know, things that are super easy to avoid in taekwondo.”
“If it’s any consolation, I just got told that I’m gonna have to sit out of regionals this year. Which means I’ll have no way of qualifying for nationals.” You wonder how many times you’ll have to admit that particular reality to yourself before the sting starts to fade. 
“That sucks.” Jake agrees, coming down to the mat and occupying the spot next to Niki. “I’ll probably have to sit for this entire season, too. I love my team, but it’s so frustrating watching them play when I know I could be an asset on the field.”
“That’s true.” You’re struck by a sudden wave of sympathy. “At least skating is an individual sport, so the only person I have to disappoint is myself.” 
“Speaking of skating,” Jungwon sounds hesitant as he approaches the subject. “Do you and Sunghoon, uh…” he pauses for a moment in search of a neutral way of framing the unmistakable tension that surfaced the last time he saw the two of you together. “Do you two know each other?”
Grimacing internally, you suppose an explanation was bound to be solicited after your icy reunion. “We skate for rival universities.” Your gaze fixes on a spot on the ground. “And before college we used to, uh, we used to skate for the same club.”
The three boys share a glance. It’s hardly an explanation for the venom you said his name with but before they can press you further, the subject in question enters the room. 
Again, he takes his time setting his bag down, getting his things ready. This time, he also pulls out an obnoxiously big pair of headphones, secures them over his ears before he bothers to turn around. Despite the fact that all three boys offer him friendly smiles and waves, he returns the gesture only with a tight smile, making his way to the mat on the opposite side of the room before he begins his stretch routine.
It’s a message that rings loud and clear. A frown passes between Jake, Jungwon, and Niki. It’s obvious to you, then, that you’re the reason he chose to set himself up as far away as physically possible. 
So be it, you think, letting the slight roll right off of you. It’s not the first time he’s given you the cold shoulder for something he plays an equal part in, and you doubt it will be the last. 
Besides, it will only make your sessions pass by quicker, if the burden of avoiding gazes and minimizing interactions falls on his shoulders instead of yours.
With nothing but a shrug, you adjust slightly, ensuring that the only view he has of you is of your back. 
It’s a pattern that continues as physical therapy sessions start to become a regular routine in your week. Sunghoon, with his apparent disdain for anyone’s time but his own, is always the last to arrive. He also continues his habit of picking the spot in the room furthest away from you. 
Despite the fact that you’d like to chalk it up to his social ineptitude alone, that explanation doesn’t track. Although there’s still a certain aura of aloofness that follows where he goes, it’s too often that you see him smiling at a joke cracked by Jake or sharing easy conversations with Jungwon and Niki.  
Hell, he even interacts with Dr. Kim with a level of warmth you didn’t know was possible coming from him. If there’s any disdain in their conversations, he directs it all towards his right wrist. It’s why he’s here, you assume. Encased in a brace similar to the one you wear on your left ankle, his right forearm seems to be the reason for his attendance. 
It’s hard to not be envious. While a wrist injury is nothing to scoff at, it doesn’t necessarily keep you off the ice. Not in the same way a fractured ankle does. 
Refocusing your thoughts, you push the boy across the room firmly out of mind as Dr. Kim helps adjust you into the next stretch.
“How about now?” Dr. Kim pushes your spine a fraction of an inch further, pressure light but demanding. Before, this much flexibility would have been an easy request of your body, but lack of use has your muscles feeling tight. “Any tightness or pain?”
“No.” The bead of sweat on your brow begs to differ, as does the way the negation slipped through gritted teeth. 
But you’re frustrated. Annoyed at the progress you’ve lost, at the new limits of your body, at the way you feel like a stranger in your own skin. 
Across the room, you miss the flicker of annoyance that flits over Sunghoon’s features. Headphones on as always, you imagine you’re nothing more than a blip on his radar, a pesky intruder that’s easily ignored as long as he has his back to you. 
“Hm,” Dr. Kim muses. “You’ve retained more flexibility than I expected.” She offers you a smile. “That’s a good thing, a sign of a quick recovery.”
You suppress a grimace. It should be a good thing. You should be recovering quickly. If only you could get your stupid body to cooperate. 
Stealing another glance at the boy across the room, you can’t help the way a small burst of rage bubbles in your stomach. Prodigy. Why does he always get to be the anomaly, the exception to the rule? His injury is already less severe than yours, and he’s probably recovering quickly, too. Without even having to fake it.
Easing you out of the stretch, Dr. Kim jots down a quick note. “I’ll have Dr. Min run another x-ray at your next visit.” Nodding towards your ankle, she adds, “I think there’s a good chance that things are looking a lot better, and updated x-rays will help guide our next sessions.” She pauses for a minute. “I don’t want to get ahead of myself or get your hopes up, but I think we might be able to start putting some weight back on it soon. Start getting it stronger again.” 
You’re hesitant to let your excitement grow too much. But it would be a lie if you weren’t already counting the days until your next visit with Dr. Min in your head. “Thank you,” you tell her. “I’ll hope those x-rays come back looking good, then.”
“Me too,” she smiles. “I’ll see you next week, then. Hopefully with good news.”
You nod, returning her smile before heading to the door to gather your things. Jungwon catches you on your way out. 
“Hey, ___, hold on a sec.” When you turn back towards him, he tells you, “The rest of us are gonna grab lunch at a place nearby, if you want to join.”
Your uncertainty must write itself across your features, because he’s quick to add, “Don’t worry. Sunghoon won’t be there. He’s got a class right after this.”
Slightly embarrassed by the way he read you so easily, you nod. “Sure. Lunch sounds good.” Despite their friendliness with Sunghoon, you’ve come to like the three of them. And it’s been far too long since you broke up the monotony of class, homework, and medical appointments with something as simple as lunch with friends. 
And as long as he’s not there, you imagine it will be nothing but pleasant. 
It doesn’t take long for them to prove you wrong. 
Niki barely lets you get one bite in before he asks, “So, what exactly happened between you two?” Even without the name, the question is obvious. 
Still, after choking on the sip of water you’d been taking, you answer, “Who?”
Jake just gives you a look. 
You sigh. “Like I said, we used to skate for the same club. We, uh, never really got along, I guess.” Avoiding eye contact, you add, “And now we skate for rival schools. I suppose it’s only natural to not like each other.”
Niki doesn’t miss a beat. “Yeah, that sounds made up.”
Jungwon swallows his bite, parts his lips like he has something to say. Internally, you heave a sigh of relief. If any of the three of them spare you, you have a feeling it would be him. “I mean, it does seem like something else must have happened.”
Or not. 
“You don’t have to tell us,” he adds. “But it’s just… I mean, the two of you can’t even look at each other.”
Sighing, you suppose the circumstances do look odd from the outside. “There was… an incident. Back when we used to skate together.”
“What?” Jake asks. “Did he steal your skates right before a show or something?” 
“No, no.” You shake your head. “It happened on the ice, actually. During a program.”
“Wait,” Niki interrupts. “You said you used to skate together. Do you mean like, as partners?”
The guilt on your face says it all. 
“No way.” Jake says. 
Jungwon’s eyes grow bigger. “What did he do?”
“Yeah,” Niki turns to face you fully. “Wouldn’t being his partner be a good thing? At least on the ice, I mean. I know he can be a little insufferable, but isn’t he some sort of prodigy—”
“Prodigy, my ass.” You’re so sick of that goddamn word. “Wasn’t a prodigy when he dropped me in the middle of our program at junior nationals, was he?”
The way all three or their jaws drop in unison is almost worth the admission. 
But the thing is, he was. No accusatory fingers pointed in his direction after it happened. No one blamed prodigy Park Sunghoon for the mishap. 
No, it was decided fair and square by the jury of public opinion that the mistake was entirely your fault, your burden to bear. And it’s not like you were immune to the criticism. Whispers followed where you went. And you always, always managed to hear them. 
Maybe if you’d trained a little harder, completed the second rotation a little sooner, the skill would have gone off without a hitch, they mused. Hell, maybe if you’d stuck to your diet a little better, those last two pounds would have spelled the difference between a perfect landing and your ass on frozen ground, program music still crescendoing as onlookers watched with horrified fascination.
“Oh,” Jungwon grimaces. 
“That’s rough,” Niki agrees. 
And they don’t even know the worst of it. Don’t know that back then, at fifteen, you’d had a giant, soul crushing, earth shattering, massive crush on your skating partner. That you searched for his approval just as eagerly as you’d sought out your coach’s. 
That you’d squeezed in as many extra practice sessions as physically possible for five months leading up to the routine just to make sure you were as close to flawless as possible, just to make sure you were chosen to be his partner on the ice. 
That you giggled, giggled, when you saw the matching costumes the two of you would wear for the first time. 
That you followed where he went with long sighs and lovesick eyes. That you looked forward to the grueling hours you spent on the ice with him, turning perfection into something even greater. 
That your heart skipped a beat every time you ran through your program, every time he caught you with sure hands and a strong grip. 
That Park Sunghoon never made a mistake, never let you fall, not once. 
Not until a spotlight was spinning dreams into reality and you were already anticipating the secret smiles you’d share with matching gold medals around your necks. 
Not until it all shattered in a single moment. 
It was cold, as you laid there on the ice, sprawled out and unable to move from the sudden shock of it all. Luckily, you’d avoided any critical injuries. You had staggered off the ice with nothing but some bad bruising, the worst of it staining your ego and your heart. 
And after it all, no matter how many times you passed him on your way to the locker room, shared the ice with him, or searched for the gaze he pointedly avoided across the room, Park Sunghoon never uttered the two words that just might have made you forgive it all. 
Instead of an apology or even the decency of an explanation, you got a cold shoulder and a lost friendship you were too confused by to mourn. 
In the end, you’d decided to turn it all into a blessing in a very thorough disguise. From that moment onwards, all of your time on the ice was dedicated to you and you alone. Never would you let anything but the sheer strength of your own will, your own goals, motivate you to become better, faster, stronger. 
And you found that victory tasted even sweeter, when the full weight of it could rest on your shoulders alone. When no one could whisper behind their palms that the only reason you stood on the podium was a prodigy of a partner. 
So fine. Park Sunghoon didn’t owe you shit. Not an apology, an explanation, or even a second glance. 
And if he was a prodigy, an ice prince or whatever stupid title he’d earned alongside his medals, well, you’d just have to be even better.
But now, sitting across from new friends with a fractured ankle and a ruined shot at medalling this year, a quiet part of you admits for the first time that maybe, just maybe, part of that resolve is nothing but spite in disguise. Part of the anger you’ve clung to for so long isn’t directed at him, but at yourself. 
That it was embarrassing to fall in front of a crowd, yes, but it was also humiliating to know that he was hearing all those little comments about your inferiority too. To realize that his silence meant he probably agreed. That you were a liability of a partner, unequal in both skill and importance. That he could move on from the incident, from you, completely unscathed. 
That your little crush was entirely one-sided, just like the respect and admiration you’d once felt for him. 
You stare at the half-eaten lunch in front of you, appetite suddenly completely gone. 
“What a coincidence that the two of you ended up injured at the same time,” Jake muses. 
“And in the same physical therapy group.” Jungwon nods. 
“Yeah,” you echo hollowly. “What a coincidence.”
When Park Sunghoon speaks to you for the first time in five years, it’s completely by accident.
As the weeks have continued on, you’ve fallen into a perfect routine during your shared physical therapy sessions. A routine of avoidance, ignorance, and as much space between the two of you as physically possible. It’s become so easy that the two of you navigate it with the kind of grace only two elite figure skaters could ever manage. 
If anything, it’s more awkward for the other members of your session than it is for the two of you. Jungwon, Jake, Niki, and Dr. Kim are the ones suffering as they try to stay friendly with both of you without icing out the other. 
It must be why he doesn’t even bother to check who it is that’s standing right next to him as he reaches for his bag on the shelf near the front door at the end of another session. Must be why he says it in a voice so casual you don’t think it’s him at first. “How pissed do you think Dr. Kim will be if I’m late again next week?”
Even though the voice doesn’t quite fit, you half expect to see Jake standing next to you when you turn to the side. 
Sunghoon realizes his mistake at the exact same second you do. You watch as shock flickers across his features, quickly replaced by something guarded, unreadable. Just as completely closed off to you as always. 
It pisses you off, the way he’s so utterly and completely unaffected by you. The way he can brush you off as easily as a piece of dust. Insignificant. Unimportant. Unwanted. It has you freeing the reins on comments you should bite back instead. 
“Hard to say.” Ice and resentment drip from every syllable. “Then again, I’m surprised you care about what she thinks. Doesn’t seem like something that would bother you.”
That at least earns you some of his emotion. Another bout of shock crosses his face before it shifts to confusion and falls finally to anger. You can see it in the furrow of his brow, the set of his jaw. The flare of heat in his eyes. 
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
If he falls to anger, you’ll rise above it. At least on the outside. There’s no accounting for the way your gut twists in rage. Still, you offer him a smile that’s almost as fake as it is sickeningly sweet. “I’m sure you’ll figure it out if you spend enough time thinking about it.” It’s patronizing, and intentionally so. You hope it annoys him enough to keep him up tonight. 
Reaching for the front door, you take your exit first. The hallways of this building have become familiar over the weeks. Even with anger clouding your vision and a bad ankle, you trace a steady path to the parking lot. You’re halfway to your car when the sound of your name stops you in your tracks. 
You freeze for a moment, turning the sound of it over in your brain, stuck on the way it almost sounds like a plea, a prayer coming from his lips. The sound of footsteps draws nearer. They fall quickly, as if he’s running. Your indecision still renders you immobile. 
“Hold on a second. Did I… Did I do something to upset you?”
If you thought you were angry before, you’re surely seeing red now. How dare he. 
Spinning around, you only hope you sound as outraged as you feel. “Is that supposed to be some kind of joke?”
“What? No.” His brow furrows. “I mean, I know our schools are technically rivals and all, but we haven’t really seen each other in years.”
“Right, because you’ve been so sunny and welcoming since I joined the group.”
“I was giving you space. You practically bolted like a scared cat when you saw it was me.” He runs a hand through his hair. You hate the way it falls perfectly back into place. And you hate the way he looks so good doing it. “But clearly you’ve got something against me.”
The audacity, the sheer, utter audacity. There’s no trace of humor when you say, “You’re hilarious, really.” And there’s no room for debate when you turn away from him again, continuing to walk towards your car. 
“Wait,” he tries, but it falls on deaf ears. “God, ___, would you just hold on for a second, I—”
You turn. To do what, you’re not entirely sure. But before you can decide, the grip he has on his car keys loosens, the fingers of his right hand less dexterous than usual thanks to his arm brace. He still has his reflexes though. With his other hand, he manages to stop them from falling completely. 
“Better take care of that.” You jerk your chin to where he awkwardly fumbles with his keyring, trying to find a better grip. “Wouldn’t want to drop those too.”
His gaze snaps to you, eyes wide, mouth slightly slackened. The keys fall from his grasp, metal clinking delicately on the pavement. A million questions swim across his features, none of which you’ll give the grace of answering. 
Instead, you turn around once more. You make it all the way to your car, all the way out of the parking lot, all the way home. 
And he never says your name once. 
The following Tuesday, you are the last one of the group to arrive. And while you would usually never pass up the opportunity to best Sunghoon at anything, including being the latest arrival, competition is not the reason for your tardiness. 
It’s avoidance. That, and the fact that you had to spend eleven minutes giving yourself a pep talk in the car before you could work up the nerve to approach the front doors of the clinic. In the end, it’s a glance down at the boot on your left foot that does it. You’ve let Sunghoon ruin your chance at a gold medal once, and you’ll be damned if you let him do it again. 
Besides, your last visit with Dr. Min was a good one. Your ankle hasn’t healed quite as much as Dr. Kim suspected, but progress is progress, and you’re making plenty of it, according to your most recent x-rays. 
You enter the session with an apology for Dr. Kim and concentrated efforts to not let your gaze wander to the back corner of the room as you make your way over to where Jake and Jungwon sit. Starting your stretches, you assume Niki is over with Sunghoon, but you can’t work up the nerve to confirm that. 
Despite her initial annoyance at your tardiness, Dr. Kim is equally pleased at your latest x-ray results and gives you the green light to switch out the resistance bands you’ve been using for the next level up. Just as you’re reaching for the set of red bands on the shelf next to the treadmills, a set of obnoxiously smooth hands gets there first. 
Turning to Sunghoon with narrowed eyes, you grab the end of the band set he just snatched out from under you, eyes ablaze. 
The little fucker has the gall to roll his eyes. “What are you doing?”
You yank on the band. He doesn’t even flinch, grip steady. “I’m trying to follow Dr. Kim’s instructions,” you inform, tone flat. 
This time when you yank again, he yanks back. Much to your annoyance, he’s able to exert enough force to have you stumbling forward. “You’re trying to provoke me.”
“And it’s working,” Niki whispers to Jake and Jungwon in the back corner of the room. Dr. Kim just shakes her head. 
“Just take the green bands,” Sunghoon suggests. 
“They don’t have enough resistance. I need these ones,” you argue. “Why don’t you take the green ones?”
“Pretty sure if one of us takes the lighter bands, it should be you.” Sunghoon tightens his grip. “Or are you seriously trying to claim that you’re stronger than me right now?”
“I’m using them for my legs, you absolute jackass. Which are definitely stronger than your forearms.”
Sunghoon cocks a brow. “Should we put money on it?”
“You are such a dick. Dr. Kim literally—”
“Has another set of red bands,” the woman in question interrupts. She levels the two of you with an exasperated look as she holds them out in front of her. “There’s another set of every color on the equipment shelf next to the door.”
“Oh, right,” you nod, pulling back a little on your end of the band before you release it, just to hear the small cry Sunghoon lets out when it snaps against the skin of his good wrist. “Thanks.”
And the satisfaction that comes from completing your usual number of reps with a higher resistance is almost as gratifying as when you see Sunghoon rubbing at the still reddened skin on his left wrist as you pack up to leave for the day. 
“Those two are gonna kill each other,” Jungwon tells Jake and Niki as the three of them walk to their cars, brow creasing in concern. 
“Or something,” Jake agrees. 
Niki hoists his bag up on his shoulder. “My money’s on ___.”
A contemplative look passes between Jake and Jungwon before they nod in unison, “Yeah.”
You’re in the middle of passing a medicine ball back and forth with Jake the following week when he asks, “Are your school’s finals next week too?”
And although it’s hard to believe, first semester is already drawing to an end as the days get shorter and assignments get longer. 
“Yeah,” you nod. “I’m up to my ass in essays right now.”
“Same,” Jake agrees. “Sometimes it makes me wonder how I do it when I’m training, too.” Although you agree, a pang of jealousy is the only thing his words inspire. Of the skaters on your team that are preparing to compete as you speak. That have already choreographed their routines and selected their music and are spending every waking moment perfecting each and every detail of their program. 
It’s hard. It’s brutal. You’d be the first to admit that. But you miss it all the same, so much it hurts. 
A moment passes before he continues. “Well, anyway, Jungwon, Niki, and I were thinking that since none of us are training right now, we should celebrate the end of the semester like everyone else does.”
You arch a brow. “You’re gonna have to be more specific than that.”
“Right, sorry,” he apologizes. “Consider this your formal invitation to get absolutely shitfaced with us next Friday.”
The laugh that bubbles in your throat is so unexpected you can’t quite bite it back. While you have your fair share of good, old-fashioned fun, he’s right. Every other semester, you’ve celebrated the end of finals season with a cup of hot tea and an early night in bed. Traded one source of stress for another as you woke up bright and early the next day to hit the ice. 
You send him a smile, tossing the medicine ball back in his direction. “Count me in.”
The following Friday night finds you double-checking the address on your phone before tentatively knocking on the front door of what you hope is Jake’s apartment. In the middle of the university district across the city from your own, you can’t say you’re familiar with any of the buildings outside of the athletic complex, which you’ve only ever visited for a handful of competitions. It strikes you then that this is also the university Sunghoon attends. And, stomach dropping, that you never actually asked who all would be attending tonight.
Before you have the chance to spin on your heel and high-tail it down the stairs you just climbed, the door swings open. It’s not Jake. 
“Oh,” you mumble. The boy who opened the door is not Jake, but he is very much attractive. “Sorry. I’m looking for Jake Sim’s apartment.” Your voice turns up at the end like a question. 
“You’re in the right place,” he smiles, and it’s gorgeous. “I’m Heeseung, Jake’s roommate. You must be ___.” He opens the door wider, allowing you space. “Come on in.”
“That’s me.” You offer him a grateful smile as you enter, hanging your coat and sliding your shoes off. 
The interior is surprisingly sophisticated, for a college boy’s apartment. It’s clean, for starters, and as you follow Heeseung down the hallway towards the kitchen, you can’t help but be impressed by their choice in decor. 
“Help yourself to anything.” Heeseung gestures to the impressive spread of snacks on the table. “But first, can I get you something to drink?”
“Um…” Your lack of alcohol-related knowledge is apparent, and the uncertainty must be obvious, because Heeseung just smiles again. 
“I’ve got you.” There’s an undertone of something in his words. Something playful, something bordering on flirty. But it’s too subtle to tell for sure, and you’re not one to bet on losing odds. He reaches for a glass and a handful of ice cubes. “Do you like fruity flavors?”
“Yeah,” you nod. “That sounds good.” Besides, it’s been a minute since you’ve been well and truly flirted with at a college party by a boy that looks like he could spell trouble in his sleep. This could be fun, you think.  
Glancing towards the adjacent living room, you notice the usual familiar faces. Jake and Niki are sitting on the couch while Jungwon chats with a pair of boys you don’t recognize. Eyes tracing the perimeter, you feel your shoulders tense when they land on a familiar silhouette. Sunghoon has his back to you, but his identity is just as unmistakable as it was on your first day of physical therapy. Like Jungwon, he’s talking to another person you don’t know. 
Oh, well. It’s too late to back out now and too early to make an exit. If you and Sunghoon can coexist in a room once a week without starting too many fires, you’re sure you’ll manage to get through tonight just fine. 
Heeseung hands you a full glass. It’s cold where it meets your fingertips. 
“Should we join them?” He inclines his head toward the living room and you nod. 
Following in his footsteps, you wave a quick greeting to Jake before taking a seat next to Heeseung, enough space between you and Sunghoon for you to relax slightly.
“How do you and Jake know each other?” You ask, searching for something to fill the silence, to keep the conversation flowing. “Do you play soccer together?”
Heeseung shakes his head. “No, we’ve been friends since elementary school. But I am on the basketball team, which helps. I feel like student athletes just kind of get each other, you know?”
You do know, and you tell him as much. The crazy schedule, the unwavering commitment. It’s much easier to explain to someone that’s living through the exact same thing. 
“Speaking of which, you’re a figure skater, right? For the university across town.”
You arch a brow. “I’m surprised Jake told you so much about you.”
“Not nearly enough,” he flirts, and this time it’s blatant. 
You take another sip of your drink with upturned lips, weighing a response on your tongue. Before you can decide how many cards you’d like to show, you make eye contact across the room with the one person you were hoping to avoid. 
Sunghoon looks equally—scratch that—even more displeased to see you. Jawline so taught you could cut your finger on it and lips drawn in a straight line, he’s pissed where he locks eyes with you from his seat. Sunghoon is the one to avert his eyes first. Throwing back whatever’s in his cup, he slices through the moment of tension with a knife. 
If Heeseung notices the way your breath splutters, he doesn’t comment. Thankfully, Jungwon chooses the next moment to say his hellos and introduce you to the boys you hadn’t recognized earlier. 
“Sunoo,” he nods towards the boy he’d been sitting with earlier, who offers a friendly greeting. “And that’s Jay, over by Sunghoon. And you’ve already met Heeseung.”
“And you all go to school here?”
“Yeah,” Jungwon nods. “Jay and I live together, and Sunoo is Niki’s roommate.”
“You’re deep in enemy territory,” Heeseung elbows you lightly, teasing. “What are we gonna do with you?”
You lift your now empty glass towards him, grinning. “Get me another drink, hopefully.”
Sending you a wink, he takes the glass from your outstretched hand before standing from the couch. “On it.” You watch his back retreat into the kitchen, oblivious of the second one that follows it a handful of moments later. 
Jay, as it turns out, is not an athlete, but does play guitar for a local  band your friend has been raving to you about for ages. He’s already promising you two sets of complimentary tickets to every one of their upcoming shows by the time you realize Heeseung’s been gone for a while. Too long. 
Excusing yourself, you head toward the kitchen. And it’s just your luck that you find the person you’ve spent the evening avoiding, instead of the one you’re searching for. Even with the buzz of your first drink fading rapidly, your inhibitions are feeling low. 
Sunghoon barely has the chance to register your presence before you’re laying out accusations. 
“I know you don’t like me, but do you really have to spend the whole night glaring at me like that? In front of everyone?”
Sunghoon’s shoulders tense, a confirmation that he hears you, but he says nothing. Instead, he just swallows the remainder of his drink in one large gulp. His eyes are still flaring, and if you didn’t know any better, you’d think you did something to piss him off. 
But it’s just like him, to avoid conversations he doesn’t want to have with the end of another drink. To treat you like someone not even worthy of a response. You don’t know why you expected anything different. Scoffing, you notice the full drink sitting on the counter. Heeseung must have had the chance to refill it before disappearing. 
You move to step around Sunghoon and reach for it when he finally says, “I’m not glaring at you.”
The gaze you level him with is incredulous. “Do you think I’m stupid? I have eyes—”
“For all I know you are stupid!” Sunghoon sighs, drags an open palm down the length of his face. “I mean, are you really gonna let some guy you just met pour your drinks all night?”
“Heeseung?” You’re confused why all of his rage seems to be directed towards something so insignificant. “He’s Jake’s roommate”
“And a complete stranger to you.”
It’s infuriating, the way he assumes his opinion should hold any weight in your life. The way he thinks he has any say in your decisions. “So should I avoid all the food now too?” You’re being petty now for the sake of it. “I mean, since you’ve been in here unsupervised for quite a while now.” You take another step towards your drink and he moves, blocking your path with his body. 
When you look up, you find his eyes already trained on you, and there’s no ice in them now. Just pure, unadulterated heat. Fire. Flames that lick the base of your spine. “You’re so fucking agitating, you know that?”
“I’m agitating?” You take another step forward, hoping the proximity will force him away. It doesn’t. If anything, he leans into it. Into you. 
You reach for the drink again. This time, he stops you himself. Fingers of his unrestricted hand wrapping around your wrist.
“Yeah.” His words are low, voice a caress even as it drips venom. You feel his breath ghost across your cheekbone. “Real fucking agitating.”
Your eyes are still locked on his, and you search them for a hint of something coherent, something that makes sense. Every bone in your body drawn taught, it’s as if muscle memory reverts you to the last moment you were like this, the last moment he held you this close, body entwined with his own in a familiar embrace. Your wrist slackens in his grasp. 
Last time, he dropped you. Sent you scattering across ice until the only thing you could taste was the bitterness of defeat and the sharp sting of humiliation. 
Last time, he let you fall. 
You have no idea what he’ll do now. 
In the end, it’s the sound of approaching footsteps that has the two of you springing apart, your wrist falling from his grip. In the scramble, you remember your original target. 
Despite the long melted ice, this drink feels even cooler in your grip, a stark contrast to the simmering heat just beneath your skin. 
When Heeseung enters, he’s tucking his phone into his pocket with an apologetic look. “Sorry, I had to take a call. My brother gets chatty at the worst times.” Nodding to your hand, he smiles, “You found your drink.” 
“Yeah, I did.” You take a step closer to the living room, closer to Heeseung. Further from Sunghoon. 
Glancing between the two of you, there’s a hint of uncertainty when Heeseung asks if you want to rejoin the others in the living room. 
You put his worries to ease and your questions to rest when you agree easily, not even bothering to give Sunghoon a second thought. 
You do seek his gaze one last time, though, before you follow Heeseung back to the party. Looking directly at him, you raise your glass in a mock toast. Without breaking eye contact, you bring the cup to your lips, swallowing half the drink in one long sip. When you do finally turn away, it’s to find the empty seat next to Heeseung. 
The rest of the evening passes in a pleasant blur, trading stories and laughs with the people around you while Heeseung keeps the seat at your side warm. Sunghoon does you the favor of disappearing from sight after your stand off in the kitchen.
It’s easy to relax into the company of everyone else, so much so that you don’t see Sunoo until you’re running right into him, the contents of his cup saturating the front of your shirt. 
It’s a problem Heeseung is quick to solve, and the gray hoodie he offers you is cozier than any of your own with a scent that’s almost addicting. 
He’s sweet, you think. Sweet and charming and forward in all of the right ways. It’s solidified when he offers to join you on the porch when you tell him you’re stepping outside for some fresh air. It’s cemented when he accepts your refusal with nothing but a smile and the request that you “come back quick.”
Stepping outside, it takes you a moment to realize that you’re not alone. It would appear that your earlier assumption that Sunghoon must have gone back to his place was wrong. There’s no drink in his hand, but the way he sways with the gentle midnight breeze makes you think he’s still working through everything he downed earlier. 
Silently, you glance up at the cloudless night sky, at the way the stars seem to wrap around you. Gaze returning to Sunghoon’s back, you suppose the simplest course of action would be to leave before he realizes you’re here. You turn to do just that, to make good on your promise to Heesung, when the sound of your name stops you in your tracks. 
Or at least, you think that’s what he says. It’s hard to tell, with the way his syllables and sounds slur together. Turning back towards him, you find him already looking at you. He repeats your name, and this time around, it’s a bit clearer. 
His eyes trace a downward line from your face to your change in clothes. Something in his face crumples, withers. 
“‘M sorry,” he slurs, words not lining up quite right through the inebriation. 
“That day.” The sudden onset of sincerity in his tone makes him seem more sober than he is. “I should have caught you.”
The stars in the sky suddenly don’t seem so far away. You must have heard him wrong. A crease forms between your eyebrows, eyes scanning over his features. They’re laid open in their honesty, no trace of deception. 
“I wanted to catch you. I tried to.” He sighs. “Was my fault.”
“I…” You search for words, for the vindication you’d always imagined you’d feel at his admission. In its absence, you find only confusion and an odd pang of regret. “What?”
“I’m sorry,” he repeats. 
“Sorry for what? Why are you bringing that up?”
He just shakes his head, eyes falling to his feet. 
“I’m sorry,” he says again. Like a broken record. His pain is wrapped up in there too, trapped in a loop time has never quite let it escape. 
When you return to the party, it’s with a jumbled excuse of needing to check on a pet cat you don’t have. 
In the haste of it all, you forget to so much as exchange numbers with Heeseung. But you do find the time to pull Jake aside on your way out the door, to make sure that he helps Sunghoon get home safe. 
The next morning greets you with a pounding headache and an unfamiliar hoodie draped over the back of your desk chair. It takes a moment of searching through hazy memories before recollection of that particular string of events finds you. 
With a sigh, you head out in search of water and Advil, sending Jake a quick message that you’ll stop by his apartment later to return Heeseung’s hoodie. 
Even a handful of hours later, you can’t decide if you hope Heeseung is home or not. It’s a Saturday afternoon after a long night, so you figure the odds are high. But you still can’t pinpoint whether that feeling in your gut is excitement or dread. 
In an effort to delay the inevitable, you take a detour before visiting Jake’s apartment again. Your rival university’s sports complex is just as nice as you remember it, large, pristine buildings that hold everything an athletics department could dream of. Fondly, you remember the first time you skated in this stadium, back in middle school. It had felt so big, then, so special, to be skating for such a large crowd. 
It felt even more special to be sharing the ice with someone who put dreams in your head and butterflies in your stomach. Still fairly new to pair skating, the two of you had put on a program with a less than favorable amount of deduction. 
But still. It was yours. It was special. It was shared. 
You wonder if he knew then, that one day he would be the reigning king of this very same rink. 
Probably, you think. Park Sunghoon never had the habit of letting things feel impossible. 
Looking down at the boot on your foot, you miss it, all of it, all at once. The late nights. The early mornings. The bruises and cuts and aching muscles. The determination after defeat. The elation after glory. The feeling of flying every time blade touches ice. 
The sign posted next to the stadium is an advertisement, a reminder, of the upcoming regional championships. There’s a pang of loss, a moment of grief, for your program that will have to wait for next year. 
But your x-rays are coming back better every time, and Dr. Kim is sure you’ll be back on the ice by the time spring comes. 
For the first time in a long time, you think it’ll be okay. You know you’ll be okay.  
In front of you, the stadium door opens, and you realize you’re standing right in front of the exit. 
“Sorry,” you mutter, quickly moving to get out of the way, but then you take a closer look. “Coach Kang?” you ask, just as she says your name with the same air of disbelief. 
It’s an odd feeling of synchronicity, to stumble into your childhood skating coach just as you’re reminiscing on the past. 
“It’s been so long,” she beams, pulling you in for a warm hug. “What are you doing here?”
“Just visiting a friend. What about you?”
“Coaches’ meeting,” she explains. “Trying to see if I can get some of my junior skaters in to watch a few practices before regionals.” Nudging you with her shoulder, she adds, “speaking of which, how’s your program coming along? Are you getting excited?”
You shake your head. “I’m actually off the ice for this one.” Glancing down, you lift your booted foot in explanation. “Ankle fracture has me out for the rest of the season.”
“Oh, no.” Coach Kang places a consolatory hand on your shoulder. “I’m sorry. That has to be so hard.”
“It’s okay, actually.” You don’t know who’s more surprised, her at your admission, or you at the fact that you actually mean it. “Everything is healing up nicely, so I’m looking forward to an even better program next year.” 
“Well look at you, all grown up.” She smiles. “I can say that thirteen-year-old you would not have had such a good attitude about it. Honestly, I’m surprised a fracture was enough to stop you. You were always so stubborn about things. You and Sunghoon.” She lets out a short laugh as your shoulders tense at the mention of him. “I was just thinking about you two the other day, actually. We had a skater fracture his tailbone and argue until he was blue in the face that he still wanted to compete.” Shaking her head, she adds, “It reminded me of that time Sunghoon insisted on skating even though he’d just sprained his wrist.” She shakes her head again, releases a small laugh. “Never could keep you two off the ice.”
It all checks out, the stubbornness, the determination even when it was stupid. But you’re hung up on one detail. You’re sure you could list every one of Sunghoon’s skating injuries just as thoroughly as he could. But before the current one, you can’t recall any wrist injuries. “What? When did he sprain his wrist?” 
Coach Kang waves her hand flippantly, like the sinking feeling in your gut isn’t intensifying with every passing moment, like she isn’t about to confirm a realization you’re already dreading. “Oh, you remember. It was just a few days before nationals that one year.”
That one year. She skirts around it, for your sake probably. But you know exactly what she means, when she’s referring to. 
And suddenly, you’re falling through air again, plummeting towards ice as a hand makes a desperate attempt to catch you. As sheer will alone is no match for injury weakened bones and ligaments and muscles. As you’re sliding across frozen ground and he’s gripping his wrist with pain on his face and terror in his eyes. 
As your head spins, spots clouding your vision from the force of the impact. Before the world goes black, your eyes search for him. 
And in those last few moments of consciousness, you watch as his mouth moves to form words you can’t hear. 
“I’m sorry.”
Raising your fist, you pound at the door again. One, two, three times. At this rate, your knuckles will be bloody before you get a response. 
But before you can start your assault on the wood in front of you again, the door swings open slowly, revealing a familiar frame. 
“You absolute idiot.”
“Well hello to you too.” Rubbing at his eyes, you appear to have just woken him from a nap. If his head is feeling anything like yours was this morning, you almost feel sorry. 
But there are more pressing matters at hand. “Were you ever going to tell me?”
“That I’m an idiot? Probably not.”
“That you sprained your wrist three days before nationals? That you skated anyway? That you attempted to catch a person quite literally spinning through the air with a wrist injury?”
A beat of silence passes. 
And then another. 
Sunghoon suddenly looks wide awake. “Oh.”
“Yeah, oh. What the hell were you thinking?” There’s fire in your eyes, an anger that’s directed towards him but not in the ways he’s used to. 
He pauses for a moment, eyes searching your features for another beat. Finally, he sighs. “Would you have let me skate if I did?”
It’s not the answer you expect. And it’s just like him, to answer a question with one of his own. “I… what?”
“You heard me.” His eyes don’t leave yours. “Would you have let me get on the ice if you knew I was hurt?”
And what is it, him and his habit of asking ridiculous questions like they don’t have obvious answers. “What kind of question is that? Of course not. No one in their right mind would have let you do that program with a wrist sprain, much less your partner. And I love Coach Kang, but I’m about to file a negligence suit against her, because what the hell kind of—”
“Stop talking.”
“Excuse me?”
“Sorry,” he grimaces, and you’re still getting used to the way apologies sound on his lips. “That came out wrong. What I was trying to say was that you… Well, I… I mean…” He trails off for the third time, casts a tentative look at the way your eyebrows only raise higher and higher every time he stops a train of thought in its tracks. His gaze falls down, somewhere between your nose and chin. An exhale passes through parted lips. Something in his resolve slips. “Oh, fuck it.”
And then he’s kissing you. 
Lips against lips and hands in your hair. It’s messy and awkward, and you can’t quite get the timing right. 
Sunghoon pulls back a fraction of an inch, catching his breath and letting you do the same. 
“What are you doing?”
There’s heat in his eyes and fondness too, a soft sort of expression that only melts further every time he looks at you. But now there’s anxiety in the mix, a crippling fear that he’s misjudged everything entirely, done something horribly wrong. 
“I’m sorry.” Before today, you could count his apologies on one hand. Now, you’re running out of fingers. “Did you not want—”
This time, it’s you that pulls him down, hands lacing around the nape of his neck, exhaling a soft sigh against parted lips that sends his mind spinning. 
And it’s only the second time, but it’s already better. Already a natural rhythm that the two of you seem to fall into with a little more grace. 
The expanse of his door is cold against your back when Sunghoon pulls you into his apartment with his good hand, and he’s a quick study. Attempt number three is an even greater improvement as hands search for new skin to discover and things start to fall into place, one at a time. 
Reaching for Heeseung’s forgotten hoodie, Sunghoon breaks the kiss only to toss it somewhere outside your current plane of existence. In this moment, you exist only within the space the two of you occupy, everything else an afterthought. 
And you have the feeling attempt number four will be your best yet. 
“Are you ever gonna join me or do I just have to stay out here looking stupid forever?”
You don’t even take a moment to consider. “The second one.”
“Come on,” Sunghoon pleads, skating back towards you where you remain planted firmly to the bench on the perimeter of the rink. He moves towards you with a grace that used to inspire a raging, stomping green monster of envy. Now, you just admire the way he cuts across the ice with the agility of a dancer. “It’s fun out here, I promise.”
Avoiding his gaze, you let your eyes fall to your feet instead. They’re already laced up in your favorite pair of skates, black boot all but forgotten since you had it removed at your last visit to Dr. Min’s office. Since he gave you the green light to return to the thing you love most. 
You had been ecstatic then. Brimming with so much extra energy Sunghoon had to physically intervene to prevent you from accidentally knocking over an elderly lady on your way out of the hospital. But now, with the opportunity you’ve been dreaming of for long, hard months at your fingertips, something in you hesitates. 
Sunghoon says your name, and suddenly he’s serious. “This is all you’ve been talking about for months.” Sliding down onto his knees in front of you, you’re suddenly at eye level. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing.” He casts a doubtful glance. “Really, I just…” It’s hard, to speak your fears into existence, to let them take flight. Even if the boy in front of you makes it a little easier. “What if it’s not what I imagined?”
It’s a million little worries wrapped up in one. What if your ankle isn’t the same? What if it’s never the same? What if you’re not as good as you were? What if you’re not good enough? 
Sunghoon hears them all, and puts them to rest with a smile, a gentle touch as he rests his forehead against yours. “You and that big brain. Always worrying about the wrong things.”
“Hey! I—”
“It won’t be what you imagined.” He draws back a few inches, and your eyes have nowhere to land but on his own. “It will be different. It will feel weird, and your legs will feel wobbly, your muscles will feel weak, and your ankle might give out.”
Your lips flatten into a thin line. “If you’re trying to make me feel better, you’re doing a terrible job.”
Sunghoon just pinches your cheeks together, forcing your lips to purse. “So you’ll show up. Over and over again. Every day until your skates start to feel like a second pair of feet and the ice starts to feel like home again. Until your ankle and your muscles and your stamina are all built back up, in a way that’s different from before but will feel familiar before you know it.” He presses a single, delicate kiss to the tip of your nose. “Until I’m dragging you off the ice instead of onto it, because your boyfriend needs attention and is feeling a little jealous of all the time you’re spending here instead of with him.”
You roll your eyes. “You’re so needy. It’s gross.”
Sunghoon only smiles. “Only for you.”
This time, when he gets back on his feet and extends a hand, you take it. You follow him onto the ice and headfirst towards your insecurities feeling a little bit like a newborn deer, a bike without its training wheels. 
He laughs when you stumble and brushes hair out of your face when you pout. 
After an hour, you’re already feeling more solid than before. After two, that feeling of flying is starting to return. 
It’s somewhere just before hour three when Sunghoon says, “Remember how I told you earlier that you’re worrying about the wrong things?”
“Yeah.” You drag the word out slowly, not liking the hint of deviousness in his sudden grin. 
“This is what I was talking about. Instead of worrying about getting back on the ice, you should be worrying about how long it will take you to be able to beat me on a lap around the rink.”
“You absolute asshole. I fractured my ankle!”
Already halfway around the rink, Sunghoon just laughs. 
outtake—five years ago. 
Sunghoon’s vision is blurry. It’s a terrible combination of things—the exhilaration of the spotlight, the pain in his wrist, the grief of an egregious error. The sudden onset of tears that sting in the corners of his eyes and fall without his permission. 
Despite all of it, he finds his way back to his dressing room. Choking back a sob, he reaches for the glass of water he’d left out earlier. It tastes acidic on his tongue, burns like regret on the way down. 
Stupid, he was so stupid. His hands tangle in his hair. He wants to pull it out. Wants to scream until his throat is raw and he can’t anymore. 
It was a terrible enough decision to gamble his own fate on an unhealed injury, but as the reality of the situation comes crashing down around him, he realizes he’s done something much worse. 
Eyes open, eyes closed. It doesn’t matter. All he can see is you, sprawled out on ice, limbs bent unnaturally, eyes dazed at the impact. 
The unexpected impact. Because you trusted him. You trusted him so much that of course you’d never considered what you would do if his hands failed, if his wrist gave out. If he decided to risk your program, your fate, you, all on a whim, on an inflated sense of self-importance and a lack of regard for the injury he was so certain he could power through. 
He couldn’t imagine it, three days ago. Telling you that he was injured, that he couldn’t skate the program. He couldn’t imagine watching as the features he bashfully considered so, painfully pretty twisted into disappointment. Into anger. 
So he turned his shame into resolve, into determination. One that allowed him to catch you with a fractured wrist in every practice run, every time, except for the time that mattered. Biting back grimaces and cries of pain all for the fool’s hope of seeing you smile in a few days’ time, a gold medal around your neck. 
Instead, he got to see you spinning through the air, slipping through his fingers, landing with a sickening thud. He wants to ask what hospital they took you to, wants to ignore the pain in his wrist a little longer and run there himself, just to make sure that you’re okay.
But then he imagines the way you’ll look at him when you see him. The way all that disappointment and anger he’d wanted to avoid so desperately will surely be all you have to offer him. 
He understands. He does. He wouldn’t want to see him either. 
Turning away from the mirror, he tucks away his shame for the future. But that only leaves his gaze landing on the bouquet of flowers sitting on the table. The one he’d spent nearly an hour agonizing over, the one his mother had assured him a dozen times you would love. The one he made sure had all of your favorite colors. 
He snuck his own favorite in there too, in hopes of what exactly he can’t be sure, but he knows he likes the way they look together—your favorite color and the deep blue irises that represent his own. 
It seems to stupid now. After everything, after this, he can’t imagine you want his flowers, and even less his favorite color. He can’t imagine that you want anything to do with him. 
So he doesn’t seek you out. Not in the hospital that day, not when you’re cleared to practice and back on the ice again, not when chance has the two of you colliding five years later. 
Not until he watches you walk away from him with all that anger and resentment and disappointment he’s been so avoiding for so long. Not until it strikes him in the face and he realizes that he can’t live with it, can’t let bygones be bygones and hope time and the absence of him in your life have healed you for the better when it still hurts to even look at you. 
On a dressing room table, five years in the past, a bouquet of flowers wilts. 
And Sunghoon learns that with love and patience and a little bit of sunlight, beautiful things, even the fragile ones, bloom when you water them.
note: thank you for reading! as always, comments, reblogs, and asks are very much appreciated :D
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smileysuh · 9 months
christmas puppy
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🌙 staring. Jaehyun x afab!Reader
🔮 preview. “God, you’re so jealous,” you laugh. Your best friend’s brother doesn’t usually act this way, at his frat, everyone knows you’re his, no one would dare come near you- but here, in your hometown, surrounded by past crushes and would be romancables, it’s open season, and it’s clear that it’s making Jaehyun uncomfortable.
tw/cw. multiple sex scenes, airplane sex, best friend's brother Jae touching reader while his sister is drunk/asleep next to them, fingering, multiple orgasms, phone sex, dirty talk, praise, slight stalking/use of snapmaps to obsess over a crush, jealousy, unprotected sex, Jae is a munch, sibling antics, 'loser' jae, exhibitionism, directed masturbation, etc… I pet names: (hers) angel. (his) puppy.
👹 rating.18+ explicit I wc. 11k
🍭 aus. uni/frat au, best friend's brother Jae, boy next door Jae, Christmas, secret romance, established relationship, etc…
☀️ mlist + an. It's the way I'm kind of in love with him, he's so stupidly soft
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“We really shouldn’t be doing this,” you groan as your best friend’s brother slips his hand under your shirt, pressing you tighter against the door of his frathouse bedroom.
“You’re right,” Jaehyun concedes, but his lips continue their fevered pace against your throat, and his thumb brushes by your nipple, making you moan louder.
“Your sister-”
“Never has to know,” he finishes for you.
He pinches your nipple gently and it has you whining, your panties growing wetter by the second. But it’s only a brief distraction before your mind is spinning again. “We need to stop,” you say, but in the same sentence, you reach between your bodies to palm Jaehyun’s cock through his jeans.
“We can stop,” Jaehyun nods, finally pulling away from your neck to look you in the eyes. “Tell me to stop.”
You stare at the prettiest man you’ve ever seen. The man you grew up with. The older brother of your best friend, the boy next door. He’d been at the center of all your fantasies in high school- but you’d never thought you’d actually end up in this situation with him… repeatedly. 
You can’t say no, and you both know it.
Jaehyun smirks, a pretty dimple on display, and then he’s smashing his lips to yours. His hands wrap around your waist, and he tosses you onto his bed. By the time he’s kissed down your body and lifted up your skirt, all your objections have dissipated from your mind.
There’s only you and Jaehyun, and right now, that’s all that matters.
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“I’m literally dying to see you,” Nari grins the moment you open Facetime.
You laugh, setting your textbook aside. “You’re seeing me now.”
“Don’t be like that,” Nari rolls her eyes. “You know what I mean. Christmas! Just a few more exams, and by this time two weeks from now, we’ll be making cookies and Christmas shopping and watching movies and hitting on cute boys at the skating rink-”
You smile at the thought, although your heart picks up speed at the mention of boys.
“I hear Mark Lee is going to be home for Christmas, and so is his cousin Jeno- I’m thinking, if we play our cards right, maybe we can swing a double date, or we could invite them to my family Christmas party and see what happens under the mistletoe!” Nari continues.   
“Are you still crushing on Mark?” you laugh, shocked that her infatuation with her old high school crush is still alive and well despite going to a different uni than the resident hockey prodigy.
“Of course!” Nari’s expression falls. “Wait, aren’t you still into Jeno?”
“Honestly?” You take a deep breath. “We’ve done a whole term at our new universities, and I feel like it would be better for me to find someone here. Long distance isn’t my thing.”
“Well, in that case… I suppose I can talk to my brother and have him set you up with one of his frat friends,” - the thought of Jaehyun setting you up with anyone other than himself is almost comical, and you have to fight the laugh that bubbles inside of you - “actually, that brings me to the reason I called! I know you and Jae were going to leave to fly home around the same time, but it turns out you booked the same flight- what are the odds huh?”
Your heart skips a beat again. You hadn’t thought much of telling Jaehyun your flight time three nights ago after he’d fucked you stupid- hadn’t realized there might be an ulterior motive to his question. 
Of course he’d get the same flight as you.
You’ve been sleeping together for just over two months now, and the fratboy always has a way of ending up in the same room as you- although, he’d been using Snapchat maps to do it originally. 
The man is obsessed- and you kind of love it.
You’d mentioned wanting to join the mile-high club to him the fourth time you’d hooked up, when you’d discussed sex bucket lists, but you’d never imagined he would remember it- or try to put it into practice.
“Anyways, I know you two aren’t close,” Nari explains, “but I thought you might want to coordinate with him, and when you land, I can pick you both up from the airport, save your mom a trip.”
You swallow thickly before nodding. “That would be nice.” 
It would be nice… but it won’t be easy.
You’re shocked you’ve even kept your little secret this long, and you’re dreading what it will be like once you’re in person with your best friend. Hiding the fact that you’re fucking her brother while at uni with him is one thing, doing it in front of Nari will be another. 
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“I know what’s making you tense,” Jaehyun says, pulling his face from between your thighs and straightening to stare down at you.
“Exam season?” you suggest, mind half occupied with the final you have tomorrow.
“You’ve had big tests before and it’s never taken this long to make you cum,” Jaehyun scoffs. “Not that I mind, of course,” he leans down to press a quick kiss to your lips, adjusting on top of you while his cock slides between your wet pussy lips, teasing you. “You’re worried about seeing Nari.”
“Are you seriously going to talk about her while you put your cock in me?” you laugh, wrapping your arms around his broad shoulders.
“I’m not inside you yet,” he grins, pausing his grinding movements. 
“And I hate that you’re not,” you groan, your core still throbbing from the orgasm he’d just given you with his tongue.
“Be for real with me for a moment,” Jaehyun urges, leaning down to press his lips to your throat. “Is it really the worst thing in the world if Nari finds out about us?”
“It’s been two months. We’ve been fucking for two months, angel. I know you don’t like to use official terms but come on… you know what we are to each other. Isn’t Christmas the best time to tell everyone?”
“Tell them what? That we’re fucking?”
“Don’t make me use the G word, because I will,” he warns.
“The G word?” you fake innocence.
With a low groan, Jaehyun pushes his cock into you. “Christmas is the best time to tell everyone that you’re my girlfriend.”
“Is that what I am?” you tease, although your stomach erupts in butterflies at the notion. 
Jaehyun tangles his fingers with yours, pressing them against the pillows while he begins to thrust into you. “Uh huh.”
“You’re so soft, puppy.”
“I’m actually really hard,” he smirks, looking down at you with mischievous eyes. “No one makes me hard like you do.”
You laugh. “How romantic.”
“Look-” he swallows thickly, holding your hands tighter while rutting into you, “we’re flying home together- Nari might guess it even if we don’t tell her.”
“If you look at me the way you’re looking at me right now, it will be kind of obvious,” you admit. 
Jaehyun has taken to staring at you like a lovesick puppy, and your new uni friends are the first ones who pointed it out to you. At the time, you’d assumed they were being crazy- when you’d first started fucking Jaehyun, you’d thought he’d always just be your best friend’s hot older brother. You’d had no way of ever anticipating that he’d fall for you as hard as he has.
“So we should just tell her,” Jaehyun suggests.
“What if I want to keep you as my dirty little secret?” you sigh. “Just for a bit longer.”
You can feel his hot breath against your face, can see that he’s not happy with the idea, but he nods anyway. “Whatever you want, angel.”
“Thank you, puppy.”
Lifting your head off the pillows, you press your lips to Jaehyun’s, and that’s the last you have to say on the matter before getting lost in him.
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“Fuck, angel,” Jaehyun groans, digging his fingers into your thighs while your panting and muffled moans fill the small airplane bathroom, “I don’t know how I’m going to go five days without this.”
You can only groan against his palm, eyes rolling into the back of your head while he fucks you harder. Your own fingers work your clit, and your pussy is clinging desperately to his cock.
You’re already on the edge- Jae had been teasing you under your blanket at your seats, and the exhibitionism of this whole situation has your heart racing a million beats a minute. 
“I’m sure we can find some time for a few quickies, right?” Jaehyun asks, and you can hear the desperation in his voice. “My sister isn’t going to hog you the whole time-”
You open your eyes, giving Jaehyun a warning look. It’s cute that he’s so worried about his sister- but you hate when he brings her up while balls deep inside your wet pussy- your orgasm so close you can almost taste it-
“Fuck, yeah, you’re right- shit,” Jaehyun gives his head a small shake. “We’ll make this work,” he insists, taking his hand from your mouth so he can crash his lips to your own, fucking you even harder.
It’s a wonder that the whole airplane isn’t rocking with the intensity of his thrusts, and you nearly have a heart attack when the plane hits turbulence just as you both cum.
You cling to each other, shaking with emotion as the small bathroom jolts and rumbles.
The plane steadies out and Jaehyun smiles into your kiss, laughing a little at the way you’d both reacted.
“We should get back to our seats,” he whispers.
“You go out first, I’ll be there in a sec,” you nod, allowing him to help you back onto your feet.
Your legs feel like jelly, and with one final press of his lips to your own, Jaehyun pulls up his sweats and then slips out of the airplane bathroom, leaving you alone with your thoughts and anxieties. 
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“Seriously, I should be pulling my own bag,” you say for the third time since Jaehyun had lifted your luggage off the carousel. 
“You’ve got a bag,” he grins, eying the duffle over your shoulder.
“When Nari sees this, she’s going to know something is up.”
“Maybe she’ll think I’m just being a good brother,” Jaehyun points out. “Besides, she won’t know I pulled your bag through the airport. She’ll just show up with her car, and watch me put your stuff in the trunk. That’s not so bad, is it?”
You suppose he’s right, but your nerves are getting the better of you.
It’s hard to stand so close to Jaehyun without latching onto his side. It’s cold out too, and your jacket is fine, but you know Jaehyun is warmer- know that if you were to sneak your hands under his parka and touch his perfect abs, you’d heat up in no time-
“There she is,” Jaehyun tells you, eying the line of cars waiting to pull up for a brief stop in front of the terminal.
Nari has brought her family Range Rover, and soon the boxy SUV is coming to a stop in front of you. Your best friend jumps out of the driver’s seat, running around the large car to throw her arms around you.
She belts out your name as she embraces you, the fur hood of her jacket tickling your nose. You can’t help but smile, melting into the hug. 
“I can’t believe you’re finally here!” Nari grins, pulling away to get a good look at you. “It’s been way too long, babes!”
You hear a small scoff, and you turn to see Jaehyun already busy at work putting your luggage in the back of the SUV.
“I missed you too, Jae,” Nari calls. “But this is my best friend, excuse me for welcoming her first.”
“I didn’t say anything,” the dimpled frat boy smirks, and you’re struck by the beauty of Jeong genes. Both siblings have perfect black hair, perfect little dimples that pop out when they smile, and perfect brown eyes that are always full of admiration when they look at someone they care about.
After one more small squeeze, Nari bounds over to her brother. You watch as Jaehyun lifts her from the ground, spinning your best friend around while she squeals with delight. 
“Jeeze, Jae,” Nari gasps when she’s set on her feet again, “have you been bulking again? You’re fucking huge!”
You want to groan at the statement, because it’s so true. 
Jaehyun had always been attractive, but then he’d gone to uni, joined the football team- and now, he’s as sexy as ever. His shoulders are broad, his chest sculpted by the gods, his arms all beefy and thick and always ready to throw you onto his bed-
The pretty fratboy notices you staring, and he flashes you a wink over his sister’s shoulder. You break eye contact, staring down at the pavement. 
“Was the flight okay?” Nari asks, coming over to join you again. 
“We hit a bit of turbulence,” Jaehyun answers smoothly. “But I’d say it was a good trip.”
Your skin heats at the memory of him railing you less than an hour ago. You wonder if your panties are wet from watching him be the hottest man you’ve ever seen- or from his cum still dripping out of you.
It feels dirty- but exhilarating at the same time. Jae’s your sinful little secret, and despite the wish that he didn’t have to be, it’s part of the fun.
“You seem off, babes,” Nari says, reaching over to touch your arm. “Are you okay?”
“Just tired.” You smile softly. “Didn’t sleep much on the plane.”
“Well, when we get home, I can make us some espresso martinis,” Nari winks. 
Before you can say anything else, a car honks behind you, making you jump. 
“We should get going,” Jaehyun says, reaching for the door to the driver’s passenger seat. “Don’t want to hold up the line.”
Instead of entering the car himself, Jaehyun looks at you pointedly. When you furrow your brows with confusion, he makes a small motion with his head, a motion that says ‘get in.’
While Nari hurries around the front of the car, you step closer to her brother. “You’re opening car doors for me now?”
“Just being chivalrous,” he grins.
You can feel his breath against your face, can see it in the cold air- he’s so close, his lips all perfect and pink and plump-
“Get in bitches, we’re going home!” Nari yells as she hops into the car.
And just like that, the spell is broken. You tear yourself away from Jaehyun, getting into the SUV while he closes the door behind you, taking his own seat in the back.
“Okay, so I know you’re only here for five days, but we still have to do all our Christmas traditions,” Nari says as she carefully pulls out of the terminal line. 
“All of them?” you squeak. You’d figured you’d do a few of the things you’ve been doing with Nari since high school, but the idea that you’ll do all of them? “Do we have the time?”
“Well, if we start tonight with a girls' night, we can bake cookies, have a sleepover, watch some Christmas movies, have our espresso martinis- and then tomorrow we can go skating. I’m pretty sure the Lee boys will be there, I bumped into Mark yesterday and he said he has to be on the ice every day, even during his break-”
“You’re still into Mark, huh?” Jaehyun laughs, leaning forward from the backseat to join the conversation.
“Of course.” Nari flips a long, dark, silky smooth strand of hair over her shoulder, eying her brother through the rearview mirror. “He’s literally adorable.”
“Sure he is,” her brother scoffs.
“Anyways, as I was saying,” Nari grabs your thigh, squeezing gently, “Mark said Jeno was flying in- I think last night? So if we go skating tomorrow, we could probably see them both, maybe get apple cider from the parking lot food truck together after a cute little double date-”
“Double date?” You can feel Jaehyun’s breath against your neck. “Since when are you both into Lee’s?”
“Since when are you joining in on girl talk?” Nari fires back at her brother. “Can’t you let us plan in peace?”
“I told you I’m not into Jeno anymore,” you say quietly, feeling your skin prickle under Jaehyun’s hard gaze as you address his sister. 
“Yeah, your whole long-distance thing- well, who says this has to be a relationship? We can have a bit of fun, can’t we?”
You and Jaehyun both sigh, and you hear the fratboy sit back in his seat, clearly exasperated.
“This is what happens when you join girl talk, Jae,” Nari scolds her brother. “If you don’t want to hear the juicy details, put some headphones on.”
“I’m fine with juicy details,” Jaehyun notes, “I just don’t like hearing about your random hook-up plans.”
“As if you wouldn’t hit on Irene if you saw her around town while you’re here,” Nari points out.
“Irene?” You perk up at the mention of the girl who used to be the cheerleading captain at your high school. She’s a year older than you, one year younger than Jaehyun- You swivel in your seat to address the man you’ve been sleeping with for two months. “You have a crush on Irene?”
“Oh my god, have you never heard this?” Nari practically wiggles in excitement. “Jaehyun was obsessed with her. Like- truly obsessed.”
“I was not-”
“You a hundred percent were!” Nari insists. “When Jae’s obsessed, he does this thing where he low key stalks the girl- like, looks at her location on Snapmaps and then just ‘happens’ to end up in the same place and bump into her-”
Your skin tingles. You’d known Jaehyun had used that tactic on you, but you hadn’t realized that it was a common theme of obsession for him. 
When you sneak a look over your shoulder at the fratboy, you find his entire face has turned pink. “Nari, stop-” he groans.
“I’ll stop if you stop,” his sister fires back.
“Fine, yeah, I won’t say anything,” Jaehyun sighs.
“Good!” Nari grins in triumph. “So as I was saying- if we do skating tomorrow, and make gingerbread houses the next day, we can get most of our traditions done before the Christmas eve party.”
“You know what?” You take a breath as the car comes to a stop at a red light. “It sounds like you have this whole thing planned, so let’s just do it. Whatever you want.”
“Really!?” Nari beams, turning to look at you.
“Uh huh,” you nod. “Whatever you want.”
“Eeee!” your best friend throws her arms around you, leaning over the middle panel to hug you tight.
“Nari, the road!” Jaehyun yells, hand grabbing at the shoulder of your seat.
“Right-” Nari pulls away from you, turning her attention back to driving. The light is green now, and she hits the gas just as the person behind you begins to honk. “I’m just so excited- girls' night!”
“More like girls' week,” Jaehyun sighs from behind you.
“And what about it!?” Nari grins. “Babes,” her attention shifts to you again, “we should do takeout tonight. I know your mom is probably going to cook, but I’ve been missing our pho place for literal months-”
Jaehyun perks up behind you. “The pho place down on Wayfare?” 
“As if there’s any other pho place,” Nari sasses.
“Shit, I could go for some of that too.”
“Then get it yourself, we’re discussing girl’s night, Jae. You’re not invited.”
You can’t help but grin to yourself at their bickering. 
Soon you’re pulling up in front of your houses. When Jaehyun takes your luggage out of the back, you grab the handle, offering him a small smile. “Thanks for this, I can take it from here.”
“Have fun tonight,” he tells you.
“With your sister? Always.” 
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You haven’t been on skates since last Christmas, and stepping onto the ice makes you wobbly. Nari grabs onto your arm, giggling at your antics. 
“Don’t make fun of me,” you tell her, although you’re grinning at your own ineptitude as well.
“I’m not,” she insists. “You’re adorable. Jeno’s gonna love this, it will give him an excuse to come hold your hand.”
“Jesus, I already told you I don’t want Jeno-” 
As the words escape your mouth, you catch sight of the Lee cousins. Mark is wearing blue jeans, a red crewneck and a beanie, his cheeks flushed. He’s grinning at the man next to him, the Lee Jeno in question.
Your sentence gets caught in your throat, because damn, even from across the rink, Jeno looks good. Unlike his colorful cousin, Jeno is in full black. Joggers and a hoodie, but even through the thick fabrics, the broad set of his shoulders is undeniable. 
Had everyone gotten hotter in the past few months? 
“Where did you say Jeno ended up going to uni again?” you ask.
Nari grins knowingly. “He went down south somewhere, a lacrosse scholarship, remember?”
Jeno had been a lean jock type in high school, but now, he looks like certified Angus beef, and you want to take a bite. 
You might call Jaehyun puppy these days, but if anyone embodies some good labrador retriever energy, it’s the two cousins who catch your eye and come skating over. 
Your heart begins to thunder in your rib cage, and suddenly, the winter jacket you’re wearing feels much too hot and heavy- or maybe that’s just you.
“Look what the cat dragged in,” Nari beams, looking Mark up and down. “Didn’t think I’d see you again so soon.”
The hockey player gives your best friend a look, “I mean, I did tell you I’d be here every day, didn’t I?” 
You can see Nari begin to flounder next to you. “She mentioned Jeno would be in town, so I insisted we come today,” you say smoothly, catching the younger Lee’s eye. “I guess I was wondering how your lacrosse scholarship was going.”
“Yeah?” Jeno grins. “I can tell you all about it.” He holds his arm out to you, and with one final smile to Nari, you accept his offer, wobbling a little as you join Jeno and begin to skate around the rink. “Where should I start?”
“Wherever you want, I don’t know much about lacrosse.”
“Well…” Jeno takes a deep breath, and then he launches into a rundown of his team's wins and losses, giving all sorts of details and using lingo that you can hardly keep track of. It’s the most you can do to watch your footing and not slip while latched onto his large bicep.
In the periphery, you can hear Nari and Mark chatting behind you. You’re happy she’s finally getting some time with her crush, even if it means you have to take one for the team and entertain Jeno… although, he’s doing a pretty good job entertaining himself.
“Anyways,” Jeno sighs, “enough about me, how has your first term been treating you?”
“It’s been great!” you smile. “I love my classes, my teachers are very good at what they do-”
“How about your personal life? New friends, boyfriends-” Jeno trails off.
You find yourself giggling. “Wow, Jeno, that was smooth.”
His ears turn pink, and he adjusts your hand on his arm, pulling you closer. “I’ll take that as a no?”
“You should take it as a… it’s complicated.”
“Most things are,” Jeno nods. “But they don’t have to be.”
“They don’t?”
“Sometimes it can be as simple as I think you’re hot, you think I’m hot, lets see what happens.” 
“Is that what you want?” you ask. “To see what happens between us?”
“I’m definitely curious about it… and I feel like you are too.”
You open your mouth to say something, and that’s when you catch sight of Jaehyun. He’s leaning by the opening to the rink, arms crossed over his chest. The white cardigan he has on was a Christmas present from his mother last year, and his jeans are black. He looks extremely striking, as always, and he’s staring right at you, a smirk on his lips.
“I uh…” you swallow thickly, considering letting go of Jeno’s arm-
Behind you, Mark’s voice gets louder. “You really think you can skate faster than me?”
“We should race,” Nari insists.
“You’re so on.” 
A moment later, the two are whipping by you and Jeno, giggling like children. The distraction makes Jeno perk up, and you feel his muscles flex under your fingers.
“You should join them,” you suggest, seeing it as your only easy way out of this situation.
“Are you sure? Won’t you fall?”
“I’ll be okay,” you insist. “Seriously, I know you want to.”
“You’re the best,” Jeno grins. And then he does something you never would have expected him to do. He leans down and presses his lips to your cheek.
As suddenly as he’d made his move, he’s darting off, and you’re left shocked in his wake.
You freeze where you are, and then you begin to wobble. Your skates slip on the ice and your arms fly out, trying to help you balance-
But it’s no use, after a few seconds of sliding around, you begin to fall backward-
Strong arms catch you, and you find yourself clutched to Jaehyun’s chest while he looks down at you. “Hey, Angel.”
“Puppy-” you gasp, clinging tightly to his woven cardigan. 
He helps you straighten, only to pull you tighter to his body, leaning forward so his lips brush by your ear when he says, “I wanna kiss you so fucking bad.” 
“It’s only fair, isn’t it? Jeno just got to kiss your cheek, why can’t I?”
“We can’t do this here-”
“You’re right,” he nods, pulling away from you, “let's go somewhere private.”
Your whole body is alight with tingling energy. You’re drawn to Jaehyun like a moth to a flame, and it takes every ounce of your self-control to pull away from him- although, you latch onto his arm a moment later when you begin to slip again.
“Puppy,” you say in a hushed tone, “we talked about this.”
“We never talked about Jeno flirting with you in front of me,” Jaehyun points out, beginning to lead you toward the wall of the ice rink where you’ll be able to grab the ledge for support. 
“I’m sorry about that.”
“It’s not your fault. He has to learn his place.”
“God, you’re so jealous,” you laugh. Your best friend’s brother doesn’t usually act this way, at his frat, everyone knows you’re his, no one would dare come near you- but here, in your hometown, surrounded by past crushes and would be romancables, it’s open season, and it’s clear that it’s making Jaehyun uncomfortable. 
“I’m protective,” he corrects you. 
You make it to the edge of the rink and you grab onto the side, steadying yourself and turning to look out at the ice. Mark is easy to spot in his red crewneck, making a fast lap with Nari and Jeno quick on his heels. God, you’d really held them all up with your wobbly skating.
“They look like they’re having fun,” Jaehyun notes, following your gaze.
“Yeah, Nari’s always been good on the ice.”
Jaehyun laughs. “That’s what five years of figure skating will do to you.” 
“I wouldn’t be able to stand it, my feet are already hurting from these skates and I just got here.” 
“I could always offer to take you home, we could get some alone time.” Jaehyun moves closer to you, and it takes everything for you to not lean against his shoulder. 
“I’d love to, but-”
“But this is girl’s time,” he finishes your sentence for you. 
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be,” Jaehyun sighs. “Nari has missed you. I don’t blame her for that.”
A minute later, your best friend stops in front of you with the Lee boys in tow. “Ready for another go around the rink?” she asks.
“I’m just slowing you guys down, maybe I should just… stand here,” you suggest.
“I’ll keep her company,” Jaehyun smiles, and you don’t miss the way his eyes shift to Jeno, who straightens under his gaze. 
“Or we could go grab some apple cider from the food truck,” Jeno pipes up. “Mark and I have been here a while, I’m done with skating if you are.” 
Nari looks at you, then at Mark, then to Jeno- you’re not really sure how to respond yourself.
“Apple cider sounds perfect right now,” Jaehyun says smoothly. “It will be my treat. But hey, Nari, I know you love skating, how about you stick around here with Mark for a while? Looked like you two were enjoying yourselves.”
“Uh… I mean, if that’s okay with you?” Nari reaches out for your hand. “We’ll do a few more laps then we can come join?”
“Whatever you want,” you nod, squeezing her fingers gently. 
“Okay, well,” a grin appears on her face and she sneaks a glance at Mark before looking at you and her brother again, “I guess we’ll meet you in the parking lot.”
As she and the hockey player dart away, you push off from the wall, only to begin wobbling. Two sets of steady hands grab your arms and you find yourself squished between Jeno and Jaehyun.
“Easy there, angel,” Jaehyun breathes.
Jeno tightens his grip on you but doesn’t say anything, and they help you off the ice. 
You can feel the tension in the air, and it only gets thicker as you try to find somewhere to sit to take off your skates amongst the young families all lacing up to get in the rink. It’s Jaehyun who nabs you a seat, insisting you’re the first to get your skates off. But he doesn’t stop there, as you struggle with the tight knots, Jaehyun gets down on a knee, brushing your hands aside.
“Looks like Nari did these up for you, huh?” he muses with a grin on his face.
“Yeah, something about tight laces for ankle safety,” you huff, leaning back and allowing him to do the work.
Jaehyun opens his mouth to respond to you, but Jeno beats him to it. “So you two are pretty close, huh?”
You exchange a look with your best friend’s brother. “Well, I mean- we grew up together,” you point out.
“Right, neighbors, I forgot about that.” Jeno nods to himself. “And you’re at the same uni now?”
“Yup,” Jaehyun says flatly, pulling your first skate off while you let out a sigh of relief. 
“See much of each other?” the lacrosse player asks. 
“In passing,” you lie, and it makes Jaehyun smirk to himself as he continues to your second skate. 
Jeno doesn’t question you further, and as soon as you’re free of the torture devices that had been strapped to your feet, you dart to the skate counter to retrieve your shoes, leaving the two alpha males to their own devices. 
When Jaehyun and Jeno find you again, they’re chatting easier now- some shared love for a sports team. It allows you some reprieve as you all head outside and get in line at the food truck. 
It’s odd to be in a situation like this. Two gorgeous, beefy, tall men on either side of you- this would have been a dream of yours back in high school, but now, it falls oddly flat. 
Mark and Nari join you by the time you make it to the front of the line, and Jaehyun buys a round of apple ciders despite the Lee cousins protesting. “It’s the least I could do for the guys who entertained these two goofballs before I showed up,” Jaehyun insists, nudging his sister playfully.
The conversation quickly returns to sports, and Nari pulls you aside. “So…” she grins. “How was Jeno time?”
“How was Mark time?” you counter. 
“He’s just as cute and sweet as I remember,” Nari practically swoons. “I’m so happy Jaehyun decided to cockblock you and not me- but Jeno likes you, I’m sure of it.”
“Can we drop this whole Jeno thing?” you groan, eyes darting over her shoulder to the group of men who are still talking about football of all topics.
“He’s so hot though! Why are you being like this?” 
“I told you, I don’t want anything long distance.” and also I’m in love with your brother. 
Nari crinkles her nose with distaste. “You’re no fun.”
Your gaze shifts to Jaehyun, and he flashes you a small wink that makes your heart race in your chest. 
This whole thing is getting out of hand.
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It’s very hard to focus on your gingerbread house with Jaehyun hovering around the kitchen. He’s come and looked in the fridge about six different times, you’ve watched him down three beers, eat an orange cup, a few pieces of beef jerky, and then grab a bag of chips.
“Did you guys not have dinner or something?” you find yourself asking with a laugh.
“Huh?” Nari looks up from her immaculate creation, then swivels in her chair to eye her brother. “Actually, that’s a good question, why are you eating so much?”
“Are you two fat-shaming me?” Jaehyun questions before plopping more chips in his mouth. 
“Oh my god, Jae, fuck off-” Nari rolls her eyes.
The football player grins. “If you must know, I’m bulking. I’m allowed to bulk, aren’t I? I was at the gym for three hours this morning.”
“That doesn’t sound healthy,” Nari muses.
“Yeah? Well, look at these.” Jaehyun’s in a muscle shirt, and as he lifts his arms to flex, you find yourself beginning to drool. You have to tear your eyes off of him, your skin heating with excitement.
God, you want him so bad-
“Put your guns away, Jesus, neither of us want to see that!” Nari screeches. 
Jaehyun only grins, approaching the two of you at the dinner table. “Nice gingerbread houses.”
“We’re almost done,” Nari smiles, inspecting her perfect little edible art project. 
“What’s next for girl’s night?” Jaehyun asks, leaning over his sister’s chair.
“Christmas movies,” you respond, trying to focus on your own craft despite Jaehyun’s eyes being glued to you.
“Sounds fun.” 
You reach for your martini, and you can feel Jaehyun watching that too.
“How much have you guys had to drink?” Your best friend’s brother questions.
“Who are you? The party police? God, Jae, just leave us alone,” Nari groans.
“Fine, have it your way.” Jaehyun straightens again. “Just pace yourselves okay?”
You wonder, as the night continues, the motives behind Jaehyun’s warning. Nari generally does the opposite of what her brother asks her to do, and true to form, she ends up drinking much more than she’d initially planned.
By the time you settle into the living room to watch a movie, she’s hiccuping, her skin all flushed as she cuddles under a soft blanket. “Stupid Jaehyun,” she groans, “telling me not to drink. Who does he think he is?”
“He’s just watching out for us,” you sigh, scrolling through Netflix to find the movie you’d agreed on.
“Why’s he have to be such a big brother party pooper all the time?” Nari asks. “He’s so lame.”
You can’t help but smile. And you can’t agree with her either, a small sound of semi-affirmation is all you can muster. 
You’re not fifteen minutes into the movie when you hear soft footfalls behind the couch, and you turn to see Jaehyun leaning over you. “Hi,” he grins.
Your eyes dart to Nari, who is passed out in the corner of the couch. Alcohol has always made her sleepy, and you wonder if this was Jaehyun’s plan all along.
“Can I join you?” he asks. 
“As long as you don’t wake her up,” you whisper after a few moments of contention.
Jaehyun comes around the couch and you wiggle over to make room for him in the middle. He sits down carefully, allowing you to adjust the blankets over you both. His arm immediately falls around your shoulders, and you can’t help the sigh that slips out of you.
“Missed you,” he says softly, pressing a kiss to your cheek.
“Missed you too,” you admit.
His free hand finds your thigh under the blanket and you shift nervously. 
“Nari is asleep. We both know what happens when she drinks. She’s out cold, angel.” Jaehyun’s angled towards you now, his lips ghosting past your throat.
“What about your parents?”
“They’re at a Christmas party, they won’t be home till the AM.” He nuzzles your ear and the contact makes you shiver, turning slightly toward him while he parts your thighs. “Can I touch you?”
“You’re already touching me,” you breathe.
“You know what I mean.” His fingers toy with the waistband of your sweatpants. “Tell me to stop.”
You can only release a small sigh of pleasure as he kisses your throat again, abusing your sweet spot while his hand slips under your pants, bypassing your panties too.
“Fuck, angel, you’re already so wet,” he moans in your ear. “Such a dirty girl, letting your best friend’s brother touch you like this while she sleeps next to us.”
You hate that his words turn you on even more. Hate that your entire pussy tingles with interest, his index finger brushing over your clit and making your mind hazy. 
“Have you missed this as much as I have?” he asks.
“It’s been two days puppy, we’ve gone longer-”
“That’s not the point,” Jaehyun insists, slipping one digit into your tight pussy, stroking your aching walls while you struggle to hold your moans at bay. “It’s torture, being this close to you and having to pretend we’re not-” His voice catches, and his breath is hot against your skin.
“Not what?” you whimper.
“Not totally obsessed with each other,” he says finally, adding a second finger to work you open.
“Only one of us is obsessed, puppy.”
“Yeah? Your pussy says otherwise, angel. You’re practically dripping on my hand.” 
“Please what? Close already?” Jaehyun applies pressure to your clit with his palm, pumping his digits into you even harder.
“We can’t-” you swallow thickly. “I can’t-”
“Can’t what? Cum while Nari sleeps next to us? I’m sure you can angel, she never has to know, that’s what you keep saying, right?”
“Puppy,” you open your eyes, reaching up to cup his face. “The bathroom.”
Jaehyun pulls his hand from your pants immediately. “After you.” 
You catch him licking his fingers clean as you stand from the couch, careful not to wake Nari as you tiptoe to the bathroom down the hall, Jaehyun hot on your heels. 
You’re quick to turn the light and fan on, hoping to muffle any noise. The moment the bathroom door is closed and locked behind you, Jaehyun has you pressed against it. His lips are hot against your own and he quickly tugs your pants down to your knees. You try to thread your fingers through his hair only for him to capture your wrists, pinning them above you while his free hand slips between your legs again.
His digits slide into you easily, and your back arches, thighs twitching. “Fuck, puppy-” 
“I’ve missed watching you cum,” Jaehyun groans. “Wanna make you cum like this before I fuck you properly. You can do that for me, right? Cum on my fingers? I think I deserve it after having to watch you and Jeno yesterday.”
The mention of Jeno has your stomach twisting into knots, your orgasm building much too quickly as Jaehyun works you open, his palm firm on your clit.
“Come on, angel,” his grip on your wrist tightens, “I can feel you tensing up, just let go for me.”
You bite into your lower lip as you cum, your core throbbing while Jaehyun works you through it. You’re doing your best to muffle your own sounds but it’s difficult with the amount of pleasure coursing through you.
You can feel Jaehyun watching you intently, can feel his heavy breaths on your skin as his fingers thrust in and out of your gushing pussy.
“So fucking perfect,” he groans. 
“Puppy-” you whimper, desperation overtaking you.
“Fuck me? Please?” All your inhibitions have flown out the bathroom window. All you want now is Jaehyun. 
“Thought you’d never ask,” Jaehyun grins. 
He lets go of your wrists and you move to the sink, lifting yourself up and onto it while Jaehyun works on his belt. Your skin tingles, your eyes fixed on the bulge pressing against denim. As soon as he’s pushed his pants down, releasing his aching cock, you’re grabbing at him to pull him close, lining him up with your core-
“Fuck!” Nari’s voice is loud on the other side of the door. “Oh my god, Y/N, open up!”
You freeze for a moment, but when loud banging begins, you jump into overdrive. 
You push Jaehyun away from you, hopping off the sink to pull up your sweatpants- “Get in the shower,” you whisper at him before turning your attention to the door, “One moment!” 
The next thing you do is flush the toilet, then turn on the faucet while Jaehyun clamors into the tub, still fumbling with his pants while you close the curtain. 
“Oh my God-” you hear again, and your heart thunders in your rib cage, realization overtaking you.
You unlock the door quickly, throwing it open just in time for Nari to stumble past you to the toilet. She sinks to her knees, a gagging sound filling the room as the consequences of her drinking are brought up. 
“Nari,” you sigh, immediately moving to grab her hair, pulling it away from her face while she pukes. 
There’s nothing else to be said, nothing else to be done while you take care of your best friend, her brother hiding in the shower with his cock probably still hard and aching. 
As things begin to settle for Nari a short while later, you stroke her back. “Feeling better?”
She nods, letting out a pitiful groan. 
“Do you want to stay in here? Or do you think we can go to the kitchen so I can grab you some water and crackers for your stomach?”
Nari takes a moment to consider it, and then she mumbles, “Kitchen.” 
You help her to her feet, supporting her out of the bathroom. When you reach the kitchen, you take her to the sink just in case anything else comes up, and you hurry to get her some water.
As you hand her the cup, Jaehyun stumbles into the kitchen. “Are you two okay? I heard noises.”
“She just had a little too much to drink,” you explain softly, still rubbing Nari’s back.
“Well, I hate to say it, but I told you to watch your liquor tonight,” Jaehyun grins.
Nari glares at her brother over the rim of her cup. “Fuck off and die.” 
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The Jeong family Christmas party is always one of the best nights of the year. You arrived early to help prep appetizers, and you’d been in the house not five minutes before Nari forced you into an ugly Christmas sweater - as per her family tradition.
Now, as the house is full of all sorts of people, you feel like an absolute mess with the stupid reindeer on your chest. Although, to be fair, Nari’s is even worse. And Jaehyun’s? Maybe the most hideous of them all- however, his handsome face is more than enough to make up for it.
Jaehyun’s clearly pent-up, and it’s obvious he doesn’t give a shit about your ugly Christmas sweater. He keeps looking at you as if he wants to throw you against the wall and fuck you stupid with the entire party watching, and you’ve done your best to avoid him all night.
It doesn’t help that Jeno and Mark have shown up, the hockey player distracting Nari and leaving you open to the younger Lee, who keeps finding excuses to start a conversation with you. 
“So when do you head back to uni?” Jeno asks, leaning closer as he nurses the beer in his hand.
“On the twenty-sixth.”
“Shit, in two days?”
“Uh huh.”
Jeno cocks his head to the side. “You couldn’t stay longer?” 
“I’m actually moving into my own place on January first, so I’ve gotta get home and pack and prep for classes next term, that sort of thing,” you explain.
“Sucks. It would have been nice to spend some more time with you.”
You notice then that his beer is empty, and instead of responding to his statement, you suggest getting him another round. When you move to the fridge, you find that all the Corona’s are gone, so you excuse yourself to grab more from the cooler out on the back deck, hoping for some reprieve.
It’s a cold night, your breath hanging in the air as you open the cooler, reaching down for the beer you need.
You hear the door open behind you, the noise of the party getting loud only for it to be muffled again when the door is shut once more. “I’ll just be a second,” you call, expecting it to be Jeno who’s followed you outside, however, when you turn, it’s not Jeno’s chest you bump into, it’s Jaehyun’s.
“Hey, angel.”
You let out a sigh, looking up at his handsome face. “Hi, puppy.” His arms wrap around you, and you let out a groan. “What are you doing?”
“It’s cold out here, I’m warming you up,” he insists, dimples on display as he grins. “Also, I found something inside.”
“Yeah? What did you find?”
Jaehyun reaches into his pocket, pulling out something small and green. “Mistletoe.” 
He doesn’t even bother holding it over your head, he simply cups the back of your head with one hand and draws your lips to his own. 
This is the worst place to be kissing Jaehyun. Anyone could open the door from the kitchen and find the two of you making out, but you also can’t say no to him anymore, not when your entire body is yearning for him in a way that you can’t even put into words.
You melt in his embrace, kissing him back. 
His tongue glides against your lower lip, and you open your mouth, accepting him into you while he releases a low groan, tugging you closer to his warm body. 
There’s a shattering sound inside, and a scream, then laughter, and the commotion causes you to pull away from Jaehyun, looking over his shoulder toward the door.
“We should go back inside,” you sigh.
“For Jeno to keep flirting with you?” Jaehyun scoffs. “I’m not a huge fan of that idea.”
“As if you weren’t talking to Irene earlier, don’t think I didn’t notice her arrive an hour ago.”
“There’s a difference between me and Irene, and you and Jeno.”
“Yeah? What’s that?” you laugh.
“I don’t give a fuck about Irene anymore, but with you and Jeno, I’m not so sure.”
Your heart tightens in your chest. “Jae-”
“Puppy,” he corrects you.
“Puppy,” you sigh, “there’s nothing between me and Jeno. I’ve been trying to avoid him all night.”
“Not as hard as you’ve been avoiding me.”
“Yeah, because you look at me like you want to bend me over the next horizontal surface and fuck me stupid!” you laugh.
“Are you a mind reader now, angel?” Jaehyun grins.
“Something like that,” you shake your head at his antics, patting his chest with your free hand. “Seriously, I’m getting cold, we should go inside.”
“Fine,” Jaehyun sighs, releasing you. “You can head in first, I’ll give it a minute before following.”
You can’t help but give him one final kiss, a kiss that lingers before you tear yourself away, brushing past him to enter the warmth of the house again.
Jeno is still standing in the kitchen, and you hold out a Corona as you approach. “Here.”
“Can I ask you something?” Jeno watches you add a few more beers to the fridge. 
“Of course.”
“When you said your love life is complicated… it’s Jae, isn’t it?” 
Your skin tingles as you close the fridge, turning to match Jeno’s gaze. “I uh-” You swallow thickly, looking around to make sure no one is listening before you lean in closer to the lacrosse player. “Was it that obvious?”
“No… and also sort of. There were signs, like, the way he just followed you outside, but I actually asked a friend about you,” Jeno admits.
“A friend?”
“Yeah, I uh, went to lacrosse summer camp with this dude for a few years, turns out he’s a pledge in Jaehyun’s frat. He confirmed things.”
“Which pledge?” 
“Promise he won’t get in trouble?” Jeno laughs.
“Cross my heart.”
“His name is Jaemin. He says you and Jaehyun have been a thing since the start of the year. He said it seemed pretty serious.” Jeno studies your face, and you’re not sure what he’s really looking for from you in regard to a response. “I guess… I guess I’m just wondering why you two aren’t open about it here, or at least, why you aren’t as open about it as you seem to be at the frats.”
“He’s my best friend’s brother,” you say quietly.
“You really think Nari would care about something like this?” Jeno asks.
“She’s very… competitive about my time,” you explain. “And as I said, this is her brother we’re talking about. Their relationship is… complicated”
“Most family dynamics are,” Jeno concedes. “But if you ask me, I don’t think she’d have that big of an issue with it.”
���I’ll keep that in mind,” you sigh, although you’re not sure how well Jeno knows Nari.
“Listen, now that you’ve made it clear you’re into someone else, I’ll leave you alone,” Jeno says finally. “I didn’t mean to step on any toes.”
“You didn't,” you assure him. “How were you supposed to know about Jaehyun? It’s not your fault. No harm, no foul.”
“I mean, I did kiss your cheek, which feels pretty innocent, but looking back now- Jaehyun was totally watching when I did that,” Jeno laughs. 
“Okay, maybe there was a little harm,” you admit, joining him with a giggle, “but seriously, don’t worry about it. I’m the one who has to sort this whole Jae thing out, not you.”
“Good luck with it, really.” Jeno reaches out and gently squeezes your shoulder, offering you one more smile before he turns and disappears into the other room.
Nari finds you a short while later, explaining that the Lee cousins had left. She gives you a complete rundown on Mark while the two of you sip wine and giggle by the fireplace. Other people begin to dissipate as the night goes on, and soon, you find yourself heading to the door. 
Your best friend gives you a tight hug, and then you catch sight of her brother over her shoulder.
“Leaving already?” he asks.
“I’m pretty tired,” you admit.
“You can’t say goodbye without hugging at least two of the hosts, and seeing as our parents are in the kitchen discussing land equity, I guess that leaves you with me,” Jaehyun grins, holding his arms open for you.
“Jesus, Jae, you’re such a dog,” Nari rolls her eyes.
With a laugh, and a shake of your head, you step into Jaehyun’s embrace, hating how your body reacts to him. You’re aware of Nari standing just a few feet away, but you can’t help the way you lean closer to his ear. “Goodnight, puppy.”
Jaehyun’s body tenses slightly, and you pull out of the hug, offering him a small smile.
“Goodnight, y/n.” 
It feels weird to hear him actually call you by your name instead of calling you angel. 
You don’t like it, and the feeling sticks with you while you head next door to your own house.
After a quick hello to your mother, and an acknowledgment that your dad is still at the Jeong Christmas Eve party, you go upstairs, ready to go to bed. Only, as soon as you enter your room, your phone begins to ring, and you pull it from your pocket.
“Hey, puppy,” you laugh. “Miss me already?”
“Look out your window.”
Your gaze lifts, heart already picking up speed. 
Growing up with Jaehyun’s room directly across from your own had led to a few tense moments in your teens. One day, you’d seen him fresh from a shower, towel low on his hips- but other than a few near-naked moments, you’d done your best not to be a peeping tom. It’s interesting to have him directing you to be nosey, and you approach the window with your phone held tight in your hand.
Jaehyun’s standing in his room, and he waves his fingers at you. “I didn’t think we’d be reduced to this,” he admits, “but fuck it, if this is the only way I can have you tonight, then I guess phone sex is my new best friend.”
“Phone sex, huh?” you laugh. 
“You got to cum with me yesterday, but I didn’t, and I’m feeling it, angel.” As if to prove his point, Jaehyun’s free hand slides down his chest to his pants, and he grips his cock through the fabric. “You’re making me crazy.”
“I’m not doing anything, puppy. You’re the one being insatiable. I’m just a good girl in her bedroom while her neighbor watches and touches himself.” 
“I shouldn’t be the only one having fun though,” Jaehyun says, and you can hear his breathing getting heavier already while he palms himself through his pants. “How about you lift that stupid fucking reindeer sweater and show me those tits I love so much?”
“Yeah? Is that really what you want, puppy?” You grab the hem of the ugly sweater, slowly lifting it to reveal a strip of your abdomen. 
“Fuck, why haven’t we been doing this every night since we got here?” Jaehyun groans, stepping closer to his window to get a better look at you.
“We’ve been busy,” you remind him, allowing the fabric to drop down again. “I’m actually pretty tired-”
“If we don’t do this on the phone, I’ll be forced to come over there, explain to your mother that you’re my evasive little tease of a fuck toy, and rail you in your bedroom.”
The thought makes your pussy throb with desire. “We can’t have that, now can we?”
“So be a good girl, angel, and take off your sweater.”
“Take off yours,” you counter.
Jaehyun doesn’t waste a moment, he tears the fabric off his body, muscles rippling under unblemished skin. 
Fuck, you’ve missed him too, but you haven’t allowed yourself to acknowledge just how much you’ve missed him until this very moment. 
You follow suit, taking off the ugly Christmas sweater.
“Bra too,” he says, voice husky as his hand returns to his cock.
Unlike Jaehyun, you haven’t mastered the art of removing your bra with one hand, so you put your phone on speaker and set it on the windowsill. You’re slow with your motions, flashing your best friend’s brother a flirty grin as you reach behind your back. 
“Fuck-” he groans, watching one strap slip off, then the other. As you drop the bra to the floor, Jaehyun pulls down his pants, and your mouth begins to water at the sight of his cock.
You wish you were closer to him, wish you could see the pretty vein that runs along the underside of his dick-
“I want you in my mouth, puppy,” you admit.
“Angel-” Jaehyun moans, wrapping his hand around his girth. 
“Wanna suck you off till you see stars,” you continue, reaching up to grab your breasts, teasing your fingers over your nipples, and letting out a shaky breath.
“I wanna eat you out till your thighs are shaking around my head and you’re squirting all over my tongue.”
You immediately fumble with your pants, pushing them down around your ankles and then your panties too. 
“Tell me how wet you are,” Jaehyun commands as you bring your digits to your clit, swiping through your pussy lips to collect the moisture there.
“I’m drenched, puppy, and I’ve been drenched since that kiss we had by the cooler outside.” 
“You should’a let me fuck you,” he says smugly.
“I know, I know.” You hear him swallow thickly. “Rub your clit for me, and don’t be gentle. I’m way too horny to last- had a wet dream about you last night and I can’t get you out of my head.”
“Tell me about the dream?” you urge, applying pressure to the sensitive bud between your thighs.
“We were back in my room at the frat,” he starts. “No one was gonna bug us. No sisters or pledges. Just you and me. I took my time with you, letting you grind on my thigh in your sweatpants till you were begging for me to get you naked and do whatever I wanted to you.”
“And then?”
“Stripped you, got between your thighs, made you scream, made you cry and drool and say please-” You can see his hand picking up speed on his cock, and your pussy throbs as you work your clit. “Finally gave you my cock, folded you like a fucking pretzel, and gave you everything you wanted.”
You slip a digit into your pussy, releasing a frustrated groan. 
“I know that sound, angel. What? Fingers not big enough for you?” Jaehyun laughs.
“Nothing is big enough except your cock,” you whimper, quickly adding a second. 
“True, but you’ll still cum for me, right? I wanna watch you cum.”
You bring your second hand to your clit, and the moment you touch it, electric tingles erupt across your skin.
His dirty talk - as well as the fact that you haven’t fucked him in a few days - has you close to the edge already. 
“I wanna watch you cum too,” you tell him. “Wish you were cumming inside me though, filling me up just right-”
“Fuck, that perfect fucking pussy squeezing me for all I’m worth-”
“Puppy,” you whimper, feeling your emotions building with your orgasm.
“Yeah, angel, I’m there too- gonna be good and cum with me, right? Gonna let me watch you as you fuck yourself with your fingers wishing it was my cock inside you-”
“Puppy, call me puppy, angel- fuck,” he groans loudly and the sound goes straight to your core, which pulses around your fingertips. 
You can’t hold off any longer, your orgasm hits you like a ton of bricks. A strangled gasp escapes you, your eyes closing, head falling back as white-hot energy surges through you.
Jaehyun releases his own sound of pleasure, panting hard on the other end of the line. Muffled moans and whimpers ensue as you work yourselves through your highs, your body aching for Jaehyun to be there with you instead of in his room next door.
As your orgasm passes, you slowly come to a stop, opening your eyes again to stare at your best friend’s brother. He’s already wiping away his cum with a tissue, and he flashes you a wink. 
In retaliation for the flush that immediately consumes you from such a small act, you take your fingers from your pussy, lifting them to your lips.
“Jesus, angel,” Jaehyun moans, his motions coming to a stop as he watches you. 
“Bet you can’t wait to taste me again, puppy.”
“I can still come over.”
“Not a chance in hell.”
“It was worth a shot, though, huh?” he laughs.
“Goodnight, Jaehyun.”
“You don’t wanna stay on call? Maybe Facetime while you fall asleep or something?”
“I’ve gotta shower-”
“Take your phone with you.”
It’s so hard to say no to him, so you don’t. 
His eager encouragements and filthy mouth help you cum two more times - once in the shower and once in bed - before you finally pass out while on Facetime with the man who owns your heart.
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Nari knows you well. Better than almost anyone, and because of this, gift-giving with her is always easy. She gets you a box set of your favorite perfume before opening the present you’d gotten for her (skincare from her favorite Korean brand). 
As you settle onto her couch afterward, however, you realize just how well she knows you.
“So… what’s going on with you and Jae?”
“Hmm?” You nearly choke on your wine.
“You called him puppy last night.” You stare blankly at her. “As you were leaving. At first, I thought it had to do with me calling him a dog right before that, but… I don’t know, it felt too natural, and he seemed way too happy and smiley afterward.”
“I didn’t uh…” you swallow thickly, “I didn’t realize you’d heard that.”
“I bet you didn’t,” Nari shakes her head knowingly. “The more I thought about it, the more everything seemed to be natural between the two of you. Him helping you with your bags when I picked you up from the airport, him buying us all apple cider at the rink- the way he helped you on the ice. Even the way he hung around while we did our gingerbread houses. There’s something between you two, isn’t there? You guys are too natural together for there not to be something.”
“I mean… he’s your brother-”
“And he’s annoying, and lame, and a loser- but if you can look past all that, well… he’s a good guy at heart. And I’ve always wanted you to end up with a good guy.”
You can’t believe the words coming out of Nari’s mouth.
“There is something,” Nari states after your silence lasts a moment too long. 
“Nari, I wanted to tell you-”
“I get why you didn’t, but seriously, fuck that, tell me everything!” 
You’re shocked that she’s practically wiggling with excitement. As if this isn’t her older brother you’re talking about.
“What do you want to know?” you ask finally.
“When did it start? How did it start? Is he actually good to you? Does he stalk you on snapmaps?”
Her flurry of questions are almost too much to keep track of, and you set your wine glass down to get your bearings. “He’s good to me,” you admit. “Almost too good- and yeah, he still stalks me on snapmaps.”
“That creep!” Nari laughs. “So he’s like obsessed obsessed.” 
“I guess so.” Your skin heats at the admission.
“You know what, I can’t believe I’m saying this but you two are kind of cute together. But, if he breaks your heart, you get me in the divorce and I’ll disown him.”
You giggle at how serious Nari is about this. “Deal.”
As the word leaves your mouth, the back door opens and Jaehyun trudges inside, a bundle of wood in his arms. There’s snow in his pretty dark hair, and his cheeks are pink from the cold. He looks up and flashes you both a smile as he kicks off his boots. “Thought you guys might want to get the fireplace going today so I chopped some provisions.”
All week, you’ve been hiding your affection for this absolute puppy of a man, but you don’t have to do that anymore.
You stand from the couch, smiling warmly at him. “She knows, puppy.”
“She knows?” he repeats, freezing in place. He looks from you to his sister, then back at you again. 
A huge smile appears over his face and he drops the firewood, practically running at you, hopping over the couch and nearly whacking Nari in the process only to wrap his arms around you and pull you into a tight hug. He spins you around the Jeong family living room, burying his face in your hair.
“We don’t have to hide anymore!” he yells in your ear.
“No more hiding,” you agree as he sets you down, only to cup your face and kiss you deeply. Your skin flares at the realization that you’re doing this in front of his sister, but Jaehyun doesn’t seem to have a care in the world.
When he breaks away from you, he turns to Nari, grinning triumphantly. “This is my girlfriend!”
“Wait, you two are like, official official?” Nari asks.
“We are now,” Jaehyun states, but he falters, turning to you. “We are, right?”
“Yes, puppy, I’ll be your girlfriend,” you laugh.
He kisses you again, grinning the whole time, and you can’t help but smile as well. 
“Fuck, you two are really cute,” Nari groans. 
“This is the best Christmas present ever,” Jaehyun announces.
Nari rolls her eyes. “I’m not gifting you my best friend! Jesus, Jaehyun, get a life!” 
“She’s my gift, no takebacks,” your puppy boyfriend insists, staring at you with stars in his eyes.
“You know what, we always did say we wanted to be sisters,” Nari sighs. “I guess we can officially welcome you to the Jeong’s now.”
“We’re not getting married-” you protest.
“Not yet, anyways,” Jaehyun quips, earning an elbow to the ribs. 
“Yeah! Put him in his place!” Nari cheers. 
Jaehyun holds you closer, bringing his lips to your ear. “Does this mean I can take you upstairs and fuck you now?”
“Fucking hell-” Nari squeals, “do neither of you know how to whisper?! I did not need to hear that!”
“Then you should find some headphones, because this one can be kind of loud.” Jaehyun pokes your stomach and you slap his hand away.
“Fine, shit,” Nari rolls her eyes, “look, as your best friend,” her eyes find yours, “I’ll give you half an hour to fuck my brother before I demand you come back downstairs for our usual Christmas festivities, deal?”
Before you can even answer, Jaehyun is throwing you over his shoulder. “Deal!”
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☀️ mlist + an. thank you for reading! I was feeling in the Christmas spirit, and I thought Jae would be so good for this :)
🍭 support me by. sending a tip here or here - or become a patron to access monthly bonus content and extensions for fics like this one :) find the Patreon teaser below! 
🔮 preview. “Oh, we’re a hundred percent fucking at the Jeong family Christmas party. I’ve been needing you since dinner, angel. You won’t make me wait any longer, will you?”
cw/ tw. Unprotected sex, deep throating, oral, pussy eating, multiple orgasms, soft/romantic sex, dirty talk, mutual orgasm, praise, quickie, slight exhibitionism (fucking upstairs at a party),  I petnames. (hers) angel (his) puppy.
👹 rating. 18+ explicit I wc. 3k I teaser wc. 200
🌙 staring. Jaehyun x afab!Reader
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“Ya’ll are like a pair of fucking wild animals,” Nari whispers as she takes her seat between you and Jaehyun at the dining table while her parents prepare to bring food from the kitchen for your meal. “You can’t keep your hands off each other for ten minutes to eat a family dinner together- I thought the honeymoon phase was supposed to last a few months and it’s been over a fucking year.”
No one is more shocked than you are that you find yourself at the Jeong house for a second Christmas in a row while still completely enthralled with the oldest Jeong sibling. As supportive as Nari has been, it’s clear she’s salty about her brother getting much of your attention these days, and you can’t say you blame her for that.
This Christmas, you’re spending a week and a half in your hometown, and Jaehyun’s been trying to monopolize on your time with a fire that rivals even his sister’s. 
“You don’t have to sit between us, you know,” Jaehyun quips.
“I think the fuck I do,” Nari retorts with a snort. “This is a PG dinner with our parents you whore.”
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ddejavvu · 1 year
I’d love to see a jake seresin x secret wife au. The dagger squad doesn’t realize he’s married until Phoenix invites reader out to the bar with them! Thanks you’re the best!!
You're reminded just how little you know Natasha when she invites you out for drinks, and you end up at the bar adjacent to the naval base. You've been inside only once with Jake before, when you were still dating and he was going through training at top gun. Now he's a graduate, and the place brings back fond memories. You've chatted, of course, when she stops by for breakfast at the bakery you work for, but you've never discussed her career before.
"Hope you don't mind we're close to base," She grins, "My friends wanted to meet here, and I get free drinks 'cause the bartender likes me. They have this bell system to embarrass all the assholes here, and I think I ring it more than she does."
"I've been here before," You admit, tentatively grabbing her arm as she weaves through the crowd, "My husband and I came here once, a long time ago. I don't think the bartender was a woman, though."
"She just bought the place a few years ago," Natasha nods, sliding onto a stool at the bar, "Careful, don't put your phone on the bar."
You tuck the device safely away in your pocket as a brunette woman turns to you, a sweet smile on her face as she recognizes Natasha.
"Hey, Phe," She hums, and you don't have time to ask what the nickname means, "Brought a friend?"
"I'm Y/N," You introduce yourself, noting that they seem like close friends, "It's nice to meet you. I'm Penny."
You nod and beam at her when she offers you an identical bottle of beer to the one Natasha takes. You decline, though, ordering your usual instead. Jake's out with his friends tonight, but he's pledged to be a responsible drinker in case you need to be picked up from your girls' night.
"Can I get, uh," Natasha peers through the crowd, turning back when you assume she's found her target, "Five more?"
"Fanboy's got one already," Penny hums, taking four chilled bottles from beneath the counter, "You want help carrying them?"
"We're good!" You wrap one hand around two bottles, trusting Natasha to lead you towards her friends in the hectic crowd. You don't remember it being this busy when you'd come with Jake, maybe the new management really helped.
She treks you all the way over to a pool table along the wall, where a few men in jeans and t-shirts are huddled. You're taken by surprise, though you're not sure why. You'd automatically assumed her friends would be women, and you wonder if that's concerning. Possible internal bias aside, you smile at the men who stand to greet you.
"Hello," You wave, handing off beers to the two that meet you first,"I'm Y/N, you're Natasha's friends?"
"We are," A tall man grins, holding a hand out for you to shake now that it's not wrangling beers, "I'm Reuben. But you can call me Payback, if you want."
Natasha still has one of the beers in her hands, and you hear the man beside her, who she greets as Fanboy, mention something about the bathroom. Apparently you still have someone to meet.
You refocus on Reuben, "Payback," You tilt your head slightly to the side, "Is that a callsign? Are you a pilot?"
"We all are," The man who'd taken the other beer from you nods along with Payback, a burnt red mustache on his lip, "Natasha's is Phoenix. And I'm Rooster."
Your stomach drops.
"Wait, uh- Rooster? And- and Phoenix, and Payback," Your head spins slightly with recollections of Jake's crazy work stories, and you take a step back, "Are you- you're all stationed to this base?"
"Temporarily," Rooster frowns, "Hey, are you okay?"
"My husband-" You don't get the words out before he emerges from the bathroom, stopping dead in his tracks with a furrow in his brow that wrinkles his forehead.
"Darlin'?" He calls, just loud enough to be heard over the music.
"Jake?" You're equally incredulous, "I- these are the friends you're going out with?"
"Yeah, I-" He wanders closer, still at a general loss for words, "You know Phoenix?"
"Natasha gets breakfast at the bakery," You breathe, now that he's close enough to hear your dumbfounded murmur. You have an audience, but you don't care, not as Jake's confused expression melts into a sheepish smile.
"Well, small world. You look stunning tonight, honey."
"Thanks," You grin bashfully, keeping one hand on your drink and using the other to cup his cheek, tugging him down into a quick kiss. No matter how chaste it is, it gets a reaction.
"Oh," Fanboy gawps, "You're- her husband? You- Hangman, dude, you're married?"
"I am," Jake hums, ringing an arm around your waist and taking the beer from Natasha that she's too shock-stricken to hand to him. He pops the cap off on the edge of the pool table, bringing the fizzing mouth to his lips for a swig. He swallows, "Six years and counting."
"You're married to Hangman," Natasha- er, Phoenix repeats, "You married him?"
"Uh, I did," You laugh, twisting the ring on your finger.
"He never wears a ring," Rooster narrows his eyes at Jake accusatorily, "What, you're keeping her hidden away or something?"
"No," Jake scoffs, "It kept getting dirty when I was doing maintenance on my jet. I keep it on my dog tags, Bradshaw."
He brandishes the chain with both his ID and wedding band on it, and Rooster takes a swig of beer in response.
"How the hell was I supposed to know that, man? I don't stare at your chest in the locker room."
"Well you're missin' out," Jake drawls, turning to grin at you, "Ain't that right, honey?"
"Jake," You hiss, "Not here!'
"Oh, don't get all fussy. Most of these guys have seen my dick," He waves a dismissive hand in the air, nearly spilling his beer. You swear you hear someone mumble, 'unfortunately', but Jake drowns them out, "They don't care if we flirt. Hey, whaddya say we sharpen up those pool skills of yours?"
"Alright," You nod, letting him lead you over to the table, "Natasha, can you hold my drink?"
She takes it like it's her duty to protect you, even though your big strong husband has just bent you over the pool table. It takes you a few tries to be able to hit the ball at all with your clumsy grip on the cue, but when it finally cascades the colorful targets around the table, Jake whoops, landing a congratulatory smack to your ass that his friends groan at.
"Nice goin', darlin'. Gonna beat Bradshaw into the ground in no time."
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i-cant-sing · 5 months
Time Traveller AU pt 4
Part 1 is here. Part 2 is here. Part 3 is here. AU masterlist is here. Check out my MASTERLIST for more.
Part 5 is here.
Two weeks had passed since you and Baldwin had met Salauddin. As much as you tried to stay in your room to try and work on your time machine a bit, Sibylla was far too excited with the wedding preparations and was dragging you along. Even the maids were too eager to do everything, be it dressing you up or accompanying you around the castle. You suppose it was their way of trying to get in your good graces so that you'll choose them to be your court ladies. Its all politics really. The few moments that you did try to have for yourself, they'd be with Baldwin. You cant ever have meals without him, even if you were sneaky. You theorised that Baldwin probably had someone in the kitchen to inform him the moment you're having a meal made so that he can join you too (and proceed to handfeed you the first and last bite from his plate).
You decide its finally time to bring up the agenda you had in mind. "Baldwin?" You call softly, earning a surprised look from him because he's used to your admonishing tone. "Yes, princess?" he quickly closes his book, giving you his full attention.
"Do you think... it could be arranged for me to travel?" He raised a brow. "Travel? Where?"
You mustered up the courage. "Egypt."
"Egypt? Why?" Of course he was alarmed because at the time Egypt was under Muslim rule, and Salauddin was the sultan of Egypt. It was his territory and it was far too.
"Why not? I thought you said you would show me the world." You reminded him of his promise when he was trying to bribe you into marrying him.
He sighed and nodded. "That can be arranged. Come on, now." He took your hand and pulled you towards him as he moved towards the corner of his room, keeping you facing him. "I always keep my promises, princess." He whispered kissing your chin before turning you around to face the mirror.
"See? Now you've seen the world. In fact-" He spins you back to him before turning you towards the mirror again. "-ooh! Now you've seen the world twice!" He keeps on spinning you back and forth a couple of more times making you laugh before you get dizzy and lightly smack his arm.
"Be serious for once, Baldwin!" You glare at him. "Dont you get tired from your flirting attempts?"
His eyes twinkled as he cupped your face with his hands. "Never!"
With your face still in his hands, you repeated your request. "I want to go to Egypt, Baldwin." "But why? Do you want something from there? Because I can have it brought here-"
"No." You cant believe you have to manipulate him. Eh, he'll get over it. "I... I dont have a family, Baldwin. I was an orphan and well- things werent great at my orphanage, so I ran away. I wanted to find out about my family, about my parents. What happened to them. So I've been travelling here and there. I suppose thats how I developed an interest in history." You could seem his resolve melting with the way his eyes softened, so you continued on. "Please, let me go to Egypt. I think... I think I might find some clues about my family there. And if I dont..." you chuckled. "Well, I could always write something on Salauddin."
"Do you really want to go?" You nodded eagerly. He smiled. "Alright. I'll talk to Salauddin. If he gives permission, then you can go. I dont think I could accompany you there. Guy has been stirring up some problems here and I cant have him try to start a rebellion."
"Its okay, I can go alone." "Well, not alone. I'll send my best knights along." Shit. Oh well. Better them than Baldwin.
Breaking the pattern for once, you decided to initiate affection and gave him a hug. "Thank you, Baldwin!" You heard him inhale sharply, his body stilling for a moment before his arms slowly but surely wrapped around your frame, and you felt him melt into you a bit. This is psychology 101, okay? Pavlov's dog experiment, if you reward him for "good behaviour", he is more prone to be "good".
If only you knew this may have been the first time in more than a decade that he's been hugged. And now that he has... it only cements more in his mind that your hugs are his- you are his.
As expected, Salauddin agreed and allowed you to come to Egypt. However, Baldwin still delayed your trip by almost a week under the pretence to make "necessary arrangements for your trip".
It was just him trying to find excuses to make you stay longer, or even change your mind about leaving at all.
"You know it's going to be soooo hot in Egypt? What if you get a heat stroke?"
"I'm going with Salauddin. He's been living in the desert for so long, I'm sure he'll teach me how to protect myself from the sun."
"You- what if you get thirsty? You won't get cold water!"
You looked at him baffled. "Salauddin literally had a box of ice in the desert- he served us ice water. Did you forget? I'm beginning to think you might be suffering from a heat stroke."
He huffed. "Surely, you cant be safe in Egypt without me by your side. People will attack you for being my weakness!"
Your heart skipped a beat. I'm his weakness?
You shake your head. Not the time. "How would they even recognise me? I'd be in a niqaab! Besides, I thought you were sending your "best knights" with me." You said turning around to fold your clothes.
Baldwin's hand reached for your wrist and he pulled you back to him, your body stiffening against his hard chest. Damn, how long did he work out for? Just a few weeks ago, he couldnt even stand for long without passing out.
He rested his chin on your shoulder. "I'll miss you." He mumbled, and the corner of your mouth quirked up. "I know." You replied as you tried to break out of his arms and return to your packing. But Baldwin spun you around, his brows furrowed. "You wont miss me?" His eyes held deep concern, while his voice reminded you of a scared child.
He's adorable.
His grip on your arms tightened the longer you stayed silent. Fearing he'd change his mind about the trip, you cupped his face and brought it closer to yours, staring into his eyes.
"No." Hurt flashed through across those blue pools, but you continued. "Because the mere thought that you would be waiting here for me will make me want to return home early." His face softened.
"Home? You consider this your home?" He whispered, clearly affected by your words.
Oh, he's about to die when he hears what you've got next.
Your eyes smiled. "You're my home, Baldwin." You knew if this was an anime, then right now Baldwin would be animated with a pink background with halo behind him, and probably cupids shooting arrows and crying.
His reaction proved you right. Baldwin pulled you in for a tight hug, hiding his head into your shoulder and before you either of you could react, you both fell on your bed, though Baldwin didnt let go of you.
When he finally pulled away, he caressed your cheek with one hand. "What?" you asked with a lazy smile. He didnt say anything, just kept tracing your face with his fingers, looking at you as if he was in a trance. Considering you were leaving tomorrow, you didnt move from the bed. You didnt want to break whatever fantasy Baldwin was in (truthfully, you didnt have the heart for it. He looked like something was healing inside him.) So you stayed there next to him, letting Baldwin run his fingers though your hair and falling asleep to that.
"How did I get so lucky?" He whispered to himself, still looking at you in awe.
Baldwin didnt sleep that night. No, he wanted to memorise your face.
The next morning, you were sent off with a small entourage, even though Baldwin wanted to send you with a bigger one, but you reasoned with him that a large group of people would only draw more attention to you.
"Be safe, princess." Baldwin said, pressing his lips to your forehead. You smiled and nodded. "I'll be back before you know it." He gave you a lopsided smile before pulling out a pouch and placing it in your hands. It was heavy. "I have given the knight commander gold to cater to your every need, buy anything you like but- I still want you to have this. Just in case." You peeked into the pouch and your eyes bulged out at the gold coins in there. "Its too much, Baldwin. I cant take-" He cupped your cheek. "I insist. If- God forbid, things go wrong, I want you to use this to get out." You leaned into his touch. "Nothing will happen to me, Baldwin." He prays so (he and his church is praying for your safe journey). "I know, but please- keep it. For my peace of mind." You finally conceded, giving him a hug before starting your journey.
From Jerusalem, you first reached Salauddin's caravan in the desert, where the Kurdish leader was waiting for you.
"So, have you come up with a plan to leave Baldwin?" He asked, guiding you inside his tent, taking note of the niqaab you were wearing. It was the one Baldwin had helped embroirdered for you- he recognised the ugly flower on your sleeve.
"Its not a priority at the moment." You lied, deciding it wouldnt be good to reveal all your cards to him. After all, he is a conquerer. You dont know what kind of games he may be playing.
He raised a brow at you, setting up the chess board. "Then why are you going to Egypt?" He wanted to gauge your expressions, but your eyes were solely focused on the chess board as you made the first move.
"I have some matters to take care of. Personal matters." You watched him move his black pawn.
"Anything I could help with?" He asked. You took his bishop. "No, you have already helped a lot. Thank you. But I must ask- how did you just agree to Baldwin when he asked if I could go to Egypt?"
He scoffed, taking your knight. "You think I did this for free? Please, your husband had to pay a pretty penny to take his "little heaven's angel" through the desert safely. Honestly, how have you bewitched him?" Salauddin gazed at you. "Either he's too stupid or you're much smarter than you look, the latter is something I highly doubt, so it only leads to one conclusion- Baldwin is stupid." He mocked.
"Hey! Dont insult my fiance." You admonished, looking back at the board to make your next move. He leaned forward with his elbows on the table, looking at you expectantly. "Or else what?"
Your eyes finally made contact with his, and he could feel he had insulted you somehow. "Or else... you'll regret it." You threatened, which he didnt take seriously, because- why would he? You're nobody.
His eyes lit up. "If you were any less threatening, Y/n, you'd be a dandelion." You rolled your eyes, clearly not amused. "Say whatever you want, but you and I both know you didnt do it for the money."
"What do you mean?"
"Mmhm, I dont know. Dont you have enough money already? I think- oh, you made a mistake there." you smirked taking his queen and now his king was left wide open for attack. "I think... you were scared to say no."
"Excuse me?" He moved his king. You chased him with your knight.
"You heard me." Your rook pushed his king into the corner. Frustratedly, he tries to escape by moving his king diagonally, but you were quicker with your bishop.
"Why would I be afraid of a man whose own brother-in-law is starting a rebellion against him and he's been allowing him to do so just because his sister claims to love him?" He taunted at the messed up family dynamics. Of course he knew how ready Baldwin was to give his kingdom away to Guy to be perished, but that was before he was cured of his leprosy.
You had boxed his king from all sides. No escape. "Why wouldnt you be? The same man was only just a 16 year old when he defeated you on the battlefield devastatingly. And that too, when he was so sick, his face was melting off." You knocked down his king. "Can you imagine how strong he is now that he's cured?"
His anger was subtle. Eyes glaring at you, mouth pulled into a thin line, his nostrils flared ever so slightly.
Clearly, you had struck a nerve.
"You shouldn't play with fire." He warned. You twirled his king between your fingers. "Who said I was playing?"
You both sat in silence for a few more moments, with you mostly relishing in your victory. "So, what do I get for winning again?"
His eyes narrowed, though they werent as hostile as they were a few moments ago, "You get to keep your head."
"Am I always playing for my life everytime we play chess?" "Yes." "Huh. So how does it feel to know that I will outlive you?" You teased, making him roll his eyes as he stood up, leading you out of his tent.
"My men are going to accompany you to Egypt. They're ready, so-" he looked at you with a scowl. "Leave."
"Aww, thank you, aljedu!" You waved, leaving before he could get mad at you for calling him "grandpa".
The journey to Egypt took a little over 4 days, but you really cant complain with the small army of people at your service. Even the men and women Salauddin had sent with you made sure to cater your every need, and more importantly, help you and your entourage survive the desert.
The pyramids were still as magnificent as in the future, though the area was now surrouded by a bustling market of sorts. As your caravan moved further into the town, you saw a large centre built that had the traditional Islamic architecure elements- huge domes, minarets, white pillars. The colourful tile works (prominents turqoise and dark blue themes) and a few gothic arches displayed the catholic influence as well.
"What's that?" You had asked one of the knights. "Thats the madarasas." You nodded as you recalled reading about it in "the golden age of Islam" era. Madarasa was essentially an educational institution that were devoted to the study of law, maths, science, medicine, religion, philosphy and other subjects. The complex itself consisted of a mosque, a library, a boarding house. They were home to both students and professors, and were maintained by charitable endowments and unlike a modern day college, it lacked a specific curriculum or institutionalise system of certification. Information was usually passed on informally from teacher to student, and both men and women were able to attend.
It was heaven for anyone who seeked to learn, and this was exactly where you would be going to get help for your time machine.
But that would have to wait, as you were now lead to Salauddin's palace for rest. It was massive and just like the madarasa, it was also beautifully constructed. The palace spread over on a large area of land, and although it was was around 80-100 feet in height with those humongous pillars at each corner, the palace was largest in horizontal dimensions. Inside, after passing a throng of soldiers stationed who kept their gaze lowered even though she and most of the females were completely veiled, you saw a huge pool that continued throughout the palace, even through sharp corners. It almost looked like the castle was built around the turquoise pool. Despite it being hot as hell outside, the palace was cool and insulated even though there were no air conditioners or fans and was open enough to be well ventilated. You had seen the palm date trees through the city, but there was a huge new variety of exotic plants inside that you dont think would be able to survive in the desert.
Egyptians were truly ahead of their time.
After dinner, you were sitting in your room with your maids. They were talking about the hospitality of Muslims and all, helping you unpack and get ready for bed.
"Alright, time to sleep." You said with a yawn and they all immediately began leaving. All but one maid, who had to stay by your side at all times even when you were bathing. Apparently, Baldwin had ordered her to do so because he didnt trust anyone in the foreign lands.
"You can go to your chambers with the others, Isabella." You smiled politely at the blonde girl, no older than 19. She shook her head, her brows furrowing in concern. "No, princess. It is my duty to be with you at all times. What if you need me for something?"
"I wont." You smiled tightly. The sooner she left, the sooner you could sneak out of here and go to the madarasa. "You must be tired from all the travel. Please, go rest. I insist." But it was like she couldnt imagine committing a grave sin like this.
Fine. If she's not going to leave then-
"Isabella..." you come close to her, fiddling with your thumbs. "Can I trust you, Isabella?"
She nodded obediently. "Of course, my princess."
"I need to get out of the palace for some time." You tell her slowly, letting her absorb the words. Automatically, she responds. "I can have them arrange a tour tomorrow-"
"No, Isabella-" you let out a distressed sigh, rubbing your forehead as you paused for a dramatic effect. "I need to go out right now."
"Now? At night time?" The young girl wondered what possible emergency you could possibly have. "Oh, um- well, I can have the guards prepare a-"
"No!" You turned around, reaching for her hands. Isabella's eyes widened. A princess- royalty is touching her? You tilted your head sligtly, eyes making a desperate plea.
"I have business that I need to take care of on my own. I-" you sigh dramatically before looking at her with most remorseful eyes. "I have to find my family. I need to- I cant get married without them attending. I- I- just need them and I know! I know they're here! I can feel it!" Isabella's face softened at your "distress" but you can still see her hesitance, and so before she could protest, you squeezed her hands. "I tell everyone I am an orphan but- the the truth is... I was a slave. I was stolen from my family and- and I was raised with other slaves. It wasnt until I was 8 that I had ran away. I've been running from my owners for a long time, all while trying to find my family. I dont care if they're dead but- I need to know. I need to know, Isabella. You... you understand why, right?"
Tears slipped from Isabella's eyes as she nodded her head feverently.
"Of course I do, princess!"
You pulled your shawl around you tighter. Temperatures really did drop significantly at night in deserts. You were now standing outside the madarasa you had seen earlier in the day after convincing Isabella to stay behind and pretend to be you under the covers in bed while you went out.
The building was much more quiet now, although the market was still alive but people were less and everyone was mindful of how much noise they made.
You quietly walked into the madarasa, pretending to be one of the several servants who were entering the place. Inside, the area was designed in the shape of a rectangle without a roof in the center. The moon light illuminated the common ground in the middle while lanterns were lit all around the 4 sides, numerous doors on each side.
Keeping your veiled head down, you walked past many scholars and students. You wanted to enter a room, but with all the doors closed, you feared you'd enter the wrong room with someone who wouldnt be as forgiving to a stranger entering this place.
But luck was on your side tonight, as your eyes finally caught sight of an ajar door, and you slipped in once you noticed no one was currently in the room. The room was far more spacious than you had anticipated and even though the equipment was far too old, you recognised it to be a sort of lab. Nearing the desk in the corner, you noticed some papers spread around with some maths done. Even though the numbers were in Arabic, you recognised it- algebra.
"What are you doing here, woman?" You look upto find a man in his late 30s with a white turban and a black beard looking at you angrily. "Who sent you here? By Allah! Leave right now or I will have you punished for trespassing and attempting to seduce a pious man you devil-"
"I'll leave but I cant go without correcting your error." You said pointing to his papers.
He blinked at you. "What error?"
You laughed tauntingly. "Im surprised you dont see it." The man's brows furrowed as he marched over to you. "There is no error! I am the finest mathematician of this decade, if not century! I study astrology, biology, physics, alchemy, philosophy and you dare tell me that I made an error?! I am Al-Abbas ibn Bashir! Who are you to correct me woman?!"
You stared at him unamused. "The square root of 8 is not equal to the square root of 4 + square root of 4." You said pointing at his paper. He squinted at you, trying to process your words before looking where you were pointing.
"Yes, it is. It is additive-"
"Not everything is additive." You sighed, pulling out a blank sheet of paper and solving the question step by step for him. "See? Square root of 8 is 2.818 while square root of 4 is 2, so since we have two square roots if 4, it'll be 2 plus 2, which adds to 4."
You sat down on his chair while he looked over your explanation, trying to find an error in your work. There were none.
Abbas looked at you, brows still furrowed. "You- fine, you are correct. I made a small error-" "Small?" You teased. "Yes, small!" He snapped back as you chuckled. He continued. "But that doesnt explain what youre doing in my office. Who are you?"
You rested your head on your palm and stared at him. "I have work for you."
"And what might that be?"
"Hmm, depends. Are your studies purely theory based or... experimental as well?"
Abbas gave you a nod. "I like to mainly focus on theories, but I like to test my theories as well, so from time to time, I do have to conduct experiments as well."
"Fantastic!" You straightened up and grabbed a paper as you began drawing a tool. "Here, I have mentioned the dimensions and I need you to engineer this for me." He took the paper from you. "What exactly is it?"
"I cannot tell you." "Why?" "Well, I'm a scientist too, and I dont want you to stealing my work." You replied as you pulled out your coin purse that Baldwin had given you. "I suppose this would be sufficient for you?" You placed 5 gold coins in front of him.
Abbas scoffed. "You think you can buy me? I dont care for money!" He stood up, turning away from you.
You raised your brow. "Name your price."
He shook his head. "I cannot be bought, woman. I am a man of science. I have far more important things to be doing with my time-"
"Like making more mistakes?" He glared at you. "One small error. Thats all it was. Besides, just because I made a small miscalculation doesnt mean youre smarter than me."
You smiled under your veil.
"Wanna test that?"
Abbas had decided to work for you after you had outsmarted him in every subject he presented. I mean you only had to touch the basics of what you had learned in 6th grade science class but he was- bamboozled.
After he had recovered from his shock, he had agreed to work for you on the condition that you check his work for mistakes and impart some of you teachings. He swears he wont copy any of your "works". You gave him the gold coins and told him to work under complete discretion and that you'd meet him again in 3 days time, when you're ready to return to Jerusalem.
The plan was to collect your tool from him and then give him a couple more tools to design which you would collect 2 weeks later when you visited Egypt again. Because while you do need to work on your time machine, you also need to find ways for Baldwin to go to war with Salauddin again, because originally Baldwin dies of leprosy, but since you already cured that... you need to find a way for Baldwin to die and so far, a war seems to be the only answer.
But youve seen their relationship... Baldwin and Salauddin wouldn't simply jeopardise everything like that. They have a good bond, a strong friendship even.
However, if highschool has taught you anything, even the closest friendships end because of misunderstandings.
And so, a week later, you were back in Jerusalem with your new tool and a new plan in mind.
You walked up the stairs and towards Baldwin's office. Since you had arrived earlier than he was expecting, you wanted to surprise him. Honestly, you missed him and his adorable expressions-
You stopped at the foot of the door, your heart dropping at the sight.
Baldwin and a woman... kissing.
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okwonyo · 2 months
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PREC𝒾S ⠀⟡​⠀​ seven minutes in heaven with your ex boyfriend.
( 엔하이픈 희승 ) ୨୧ f .. r 1800 university au slight angst fluff exes to lovers getting back together ── flirting heavy make out skinship use of profanity ⠀ 。。 ⠀ recue𝒾l
DED𝑖CATED to ✶ to my puppy riri @isoobie mwah 🎀
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a good portion of your life decisions has to be rethinked. half of the said portion needs to be modified, or even, destroyed with your bare hands.
starting with the one that let you here in the first place; agreeing to go to your friend’s party. leading you to end up in the middle of young adults drenched in sweat added to the scent of pure alcohol and other substances, loud music buzzing all the way to your brain, the ground vibrating as bodies jump up and down along the beat. not that you are shaming anyone ─ it is not as if you weren’t on the dance floor as well. vibing to the music after one of your friends dragged you to it with her, you bumped into a few people you could recognize the face or name’s first letter of. some you knew way better but decided to ignore until you were ready to face.
without even realizing, the simple fact of letting yourself loose around your friends made you stay at the party, that you were originally planning on staying for one hour to, much longer. as all your favorite songs were playing on the speakers, you didn’t even notice most of the people leaving. then when you did, the couch was too comfortable to get up just yet and quickly a bunch of people gathered around you until forming a full circle with you in it.
the second decision you should have made was leaving as soon as you saw a guy that you can’t reckon the name or existence of finishing his bottle of beer eagerly before putting it flat on the center of all of you. not because seven minutes in heaven is a silly game, although it is, there is a more important reason you should have avoided being in this circle or this party as a whole.
now, the bottle landed on you, heeseung being the one who spinned it in the first place. you find yourself trapped in a ridiculous closet with your ex boyfriend. which you haven’t seen in the flesh since he left korea during a whole year. and no, not even when he came back three months ago.
(not because you resented him. most likely because you were too nervous to confront him about your relationship’s current situation.
everything was too complicated, acting as if he was your ex boyfriend made your heart lighter and slowly became a reality as the months passed by.)
you could practically hear the grin growing on his face as you walked into the small piece, you wanted to kill him when he opened the door for you.
arms crossing themselves under your chest, you watched heeseung close the door behind him. his grin being ten times bigger than when your eyes met in the circle, “so─”
he got cut off as soon as he started talking, “we are not,” you emphasize on the last word. “kissing”
he fakes a saddened sound and a little pout, it doesn’t last long, though. his beautiful smile is back on his lips when the thought that you saw right through him runs in his mind because of course, he was ready to for it. he steps in front of you, “why?” he asks, tilting his head to the side. his voice is deep and slowly goes into a whisper, “are you getting shy? we already did that plenty of times before.”
the sound of his voice solely makes you court-circuit. you can feel your whole face getting red at the memory of his hot mouth on yours, the way he sighs in your mouth after a long time being away, his tongue traveling inside of it, his hands all over your body like he wants to make sure every part of it is still there, you remember it well. your eyes shot back and forth between his lips and his eyes ─ panic quickly settingin.
heeseung seems to notice your state of mind because he tilts his head to the other side, his smile turns into a playful smirk and he cocks one of eyebrows. a hum leaves his chest and vibrates in his throat as his mouth is still closed, silently asking you for an answer.
you cringe when you finally make your heart beat normally again, “we─we are exes!”
instead of ‘we haven’t seen each other for more than a year’, because it would be too weird, this is the only excuse you can come up with.
“is that all?” he chuckles, he takes another step towards you. for a second; he seems hurts, you brush it off. you furrow your eyebrows deeper at his movements as well as at his question. your excuse should be enough, alas it seems like it isn’t, “are you going out with anyone else these days?”
his body was beginning to be too close to yours for you to keep eye contact. you huffed anyway, as if you weren’t too busy mourning your semi-failed relationship with him to fall for somebody else. his stares is insistent on you and you can’t help but drag your gaze anywhere but on him.
you released a breath you didn’t know you were holding, “no, i am not,” there is no reason, for why you didn’t just tell him it was none of his business, not one you can wrap your head around at least. maybe you are not so petty anymore or maybe you don’t want heeseung to think you are in a relationship.
heeseung head falls, looking at his shoes. he stayed silent for a worrying amount of seconds, so much that you looked up to his face just to see him fighting a smile from spreading all over his face. he nodded while fighting for what seemed to be his life, slowly going back to looking at you. his tongue poked his cheek, despite all his efforts, he was still smiling.
he steps closer to you again, now you have to tilt your head up to look at him, “good,” he affirmed with full confidence, like the way he carried himself in front of you, “you don’t need anyone else,” there rest of the sentence is unspoken but still written all over his pretty face: other than me.
these simple words make all your control over your mind vanish. all the thoughts in your head vanishes in a few seconds, getting quickly replaced by the sugarcoated words of the man in front of you, who keeps on coming impossibly closer to you. he slowly is cornering you between the small closet’s wall and himself — before you can touch it, you almost trip over your feet as you walk backwards, his strong hand hold your lower back to prevent you from falling. your hands hold onto his biceps, you can feel his skin under your palms, your fingertips sinking in the muscles beneath them.
your heart is racing so much that you can feel it in your feet, warmth floods through all your body and you feel embarrassed by the thought of how red your face must be at this exact moment.
“are you okay?” he asks you gently. and hell, you could make a mess of his mouth right now.
you only press your lips together and nod, letting out a weak sound of ‘mhm’. then you just stare at him for a while, your chest rises and falls, your breath is heavy, the tension is building and heeseung is very close from combusting, you know it. however, he doesn’t lean in just yet, he wants you to make it ─ he wants to make sure you want it.
he speaks up again but his words are barely registered by you, “the only reason you have been feeling alone is because i wasn’t there,” nodding your head, your gaze too focused on his biceps. “i have been feeling the same as well,” he whispers, your thumbs rub against his skin, your mind is empty. he tucks a hair strand behind your hair, “but i’m here now,” he assures. “hm?”
you nod, although you didn’t really listen. there is only one option left.
your hand goes up to his shoulder, brushing against his neck to the back of it before reaching his hair. you lean him down as you put yourself on your tiptoes, heeseung lets you do whatever you want.
softness closes over your mouth. as usual, heeseung sighs into it, as if he has been craving this for months, and maybe he did. you could feel your body getting weaker. his arms hugging your waist gently the same way yours hug his neck ─ you both pulled each other as close as you could. your mouth fell open and he gently licked into your mouth.
he kisses you softly, carefully and kindly. heeseung always kisses you like that when he has missed you. his hands grip into your shirt as if he doesn’t want to you go away from him, bringing you closer and closer as the kiss goes on, he wants to melt into you.
he pulls back quickly, feeling himself losing it, “i missed you so much,” he tells you. his breath brushes right against your mouth. you can only look at him, not knowing what to say, with your gorgeous eyes and flushed cheeks. he whines, “don’t look at me like that,” and his tongue goes back to working in your mouth.
he wants to devour you.
you mind completely clouds over when heeseung tilts his head to the side in hope to get better access to your mouth, and his wish is given to him in a silver plate. you let out a song you are too embarrassed about to not throw into the bin of your deepest and darkest memories. you release a shuddered breath against his mouth when his hand drags itself from your waist to your nape, sending you chills through it. heeseung’s hand on the back of your head made your lips press even more against his.
you don’t know how long heeseung kisses you breathless but suddenly he slowly leans back up, his grip on your waist getting tighter. you slowly gets lifted off the floor for a hug-kiss. the joy bubbles up in your chest, threatens to burst out off your chest, and heeseung has to stop the kiss because you are smiling too hard.
you hug him tightly, hiding your face in his shoulder while his lips travel on your neck, leaving kisses here and there while you giggle. you missed him so much.
for sure, you could stay like this forever and you would if it wasn’t for the loud banging against the door. the seven minutes are over, still heeseung kisses you ─ a few quick pecks before putting you back on the floor.
he stares at you for a moment, a curse gently leaves his mouth and weirdly because it’s him, it doesn’t sound so be, “you are so pretty.”
you fight the urge to roll your eyes. feeling so soft and flustered, suddenly even more shy than earlier.
heeseung dragged you out of the closet with his hand in yours. you put a lot of effort in avoiding eye contact with your friends, which happened to be the majority of the people present here. with an arm hugging your waist when you both reached the couch, heeseung made you both sit on it. his arm lay heavy on your shoulders while he swooped in to kiss you softly on the cheek.
everyone groans loudly. you are both so back.
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(..◜ᴗ◝..) thank u for reading ! ^^
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kookslastbutton · 2 months
Guilty Pleasures ༓ jjk, kth (m) | chapter v
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✑ Summary: Three years of being Seoul's power couple earns you nothing but a big fat divorce settlement and your face plaster on every gossip column around town. You're angry, hurt, and desperately want to move on, but worst of all? You're still in love with the man who started the whole mess, even though the most he can ever see you as is a friend. The renowned actor you've hired to be your company's new endorser seems to have a soft spot for you though. He's easy on the eyes, you'll admit, but who actually wants a divorcee like yourself? It's unrealistic really.
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pairing: ex-husband ceo!jungkook x ceo!reader, actor!taehyung x ceo!reader
genre/AU: angst, smut, fluff, loverstoexesto ?, coworkers2?, unrequited love
Word count: 14k+
Warnings: oc and jk are both 30, Taehyung is 32, swearing, tornado of emotions, morally grey characters, mentions of toxic relationships, mentions of broken home/families, mean relatives, mentions of therapy, struggles of self-blame, regret, guilt, denial, self-deprecating in some areas etc., mentions of alcohol consumption, mentions of sexism in the media and business world, there is one scene depicting some physical violence (tame) , finally some fluff!, and I won't spoil any more
playlist: Unkiss Me, Apologize, Hate That I Love You, etc.
a/n: OMG....ignore the fact that this is releasing a month after ch. 4. 🫠 i'm sorry. On the bright side, I'm VERY excited to share this with you AND this actually isn’t the last chapter. There’s one more after! I hope you enjoy 🥰 ALSO, this is GP!Taehyung in this chapter (....😮‍💨)
<< prev. | series masterlist
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"This can't be right," you mutter to yourself for the umpteenth time, eyes heavily fixated on your laptop screen. You've been scrolling through the latest press releases all morning, a cup of tea growing cold beside you.
Ever since Jimin’s text last week, rumors about your ex-husband stepping down from his position at JeonX practically spread like wildfire, with nearly every journalist adding their individual spin on the matter—some suggest personal issues, while others hint at possible disagreements within the company.
Despite the influx of information, however, it all remains too vague and inconclusive. An official statement from the company directly would help clear up speculations, but it’s been crickets. Their silence only makes you consider the validity of the rumors even more.
Why would they make such a critical leadership change right after their newest product launch though?
This question, among others, continuously swirl in the back of your mind and you find the entire predicament ironic. You used to be one of the first to know the ins and outs of the company, easily able to distinguish the truth. Now, you're left in the dark like everyone else, dependent on the media for answers.
Before your eyes have time to skim the next group of articles on your screen, your phone rings.
It's Taehyung.
“Hey,” you answer casually, momentarily forgetting the significance of the call.
“Morning!” His voice is gravelly yet carries a cheerful tone. He seems quite upbeat for a foggy Saturday at 8 a.m. “Are you still okay to carpool to my parents' place today? Tan and I are on our way over.”
Dammit. Of course, this isn’t just any old Saturday—it’s the day of Taehyung’s family gathering. It had slipped your mind that you asked to ride together a few days prior. Given that it would be a five-hour long commute, driving separately seemed less convenient and enjoyable. Besides, you’d miss out on having Tan on your lap, his head poking out of the passenger-side window.
“Yeah, I’m good to go,” you reply, trying to sound more confident than you feel. “I’ll be ready when you get here.”
“Great! See you soon.” Taehyung hangs up, and you put your phone down with a deep breath.
To be blunt, you're still extremely nervous about the affair. Surely his family knows who you are and has seen their fair share of articles about you. So how will they react when you show up next to Taehyung at their family function? He says they’ll like you, but it's hard to accept.
Nonetheless, you know how important this family gathering is to him and how much he wants you to be there. Not only is it a family event, but it’s also a celebration of his recovery from a motorcycle accident that could’ve been much worse.
As you pour your cold cup of tea down the sink, you try to push away the unsettling mix of thoughts, focusing instead on the next task at hand— how you should dress. Prior conversations with Taehyung advise you that something polished would be ideal for the occasion, as his family appreciates a touch of elegance, yet your mind blanks on a tangible option. Surely, there’s something in the back of your closet that would do the trick. Right?
Well…you’re right-ish.
Upon searching through rows of hangers, arms growing tired, you finally find a somewhat suitable sundress. You’re hoping it won’t look too casual, but you don’t seem to have a better alternative with your closet currently overtaken by work clothes.
Wasting no further time, you quickly slip the dress over your head and observe how it fits in the mirror. Not bad, you think, before deciding on a few complimentary jewelry pieces. The saving grace of this choice of clothing is that it can easily be dolled up, which is exactly what’s needed today.
Soon, you hear the muffling of an engine and when you peek through your bedroom window, you’re unsurprised to see Taehyung’s car pull into the driveway with a very excited Tan poking his head out from the backseat. A small smile forms on your lips at the sight.
Sparing one final look in the mirror, you slide into your shoes, toss your bag over a shoulder, and head outside to meet them.
“Hey!” Per usual, you're met with a warm smile as you hop into Taehyung's car but before you can return the greeting, Tan bounds onto your lap, tail wagging eagerly. “God, I’m so sorry about him,” Taehyung reaches for his dog, but you quickly reassure him it’s alright.
“I’m happy to see you too, Tan,” you laugh, petting him affectionately. Your focus then shifts over to Taehyung, "Thanks for coming to get me."
“Of course,” he replies, smile widening as he watches Tan settle into your lap. “I’m really glad you’re coming with me," he continues, pulling away from the curb. "My parents are looking forward to meeting you.”
You nod, trying to calm your fluttering nerves. “I’m looking forward to meeting them too.” This time, when you glance his way, you take in his attire—a crisp white button-up shirt, sleeves rolled to the elbows, and black dress pants. It’s a classic look, yet it seems oddly refreshing on him. It's not like you expected Taehyung to look bad or anything; far from it, but did he always have to look this good? A queasy feeling soon settles in the pit of your stomach...maybe you should have worn something else.
Before you're able to fully turn away from him, Taehyung speaks up. “You look really nice today,” he says softly, eyes lingering over your face and down your body before shyly refocusing on the road. “That dress is beautiful on you—it really suits you.”
“Oh, thank you,” you reply with a shy smile of your own, unexpectant of his comment. “You don’t look half bad yourself.”
Something about the subtle exchange of compliments stirs a bundle of nerves in both of you and even with averted eyes, neither of you finds it entirely unpleasant.
The rest of the drive is long, but luckily, soon fills with lighthearted conversation and laughter. It's become easier and easier to be around Taehyung, you think.
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After more than a few bathroom breaks—mostly due to Tan’s persistent whining—you finally catch sight of Taehyung’s parent’s house.
It’s even more picturesque than you imagined, with its charming architecture and well-tended garden. In the distance, the ocean glimmers, tying the scene perfectly together.
“I meant to mention earlier, but my parents have an oceanfront view,” Taehyung says casually, pulling up to the house. “We can go down there later if you’d like. It’s private access.”
“Really?” You glance over at him with anticipation, your excitement clear. You can already taste the saltiness of the water. “If it’s really okay, I’d love that.”
“It’s more than okay,” he assures with a smile. “In fact, it’s a done deal. The best time to go is in the evening. We can even use the excuse that we need to take Tan for a little stroll if necessary. Family bonding can get a bit overwhelming without a few breaks.” He lets out a chuckle but stops when he notices your slightly demure expression.
“Hey,” he turns to you with gentle eyes. “Everything okay?”
You blink, momentarily pulled from your thoughts. “Oh, yeah, sorry. I was just thinking it’s been a while since I’ve gone to any kind of family affair. They know I’m coming, right?”
Understanding your apprehension, Taehyung shifts the gear into park and places a light hand on your arm. “Absolutely, and please believe me when I say they’re more than ready and excited to meet you. They’ve asked about you so many times—I’m pretty sure I’ve lost count. I’m really happy you’re here with me too, so I hope you don’t feel like you’re intruding because I promise you’re not at all. And if at any point you need a moment to yourself, take it. I want you to feel as comfortable as possible, and I’m confident my family will want the same.”
With his hand on your arm, you find yourself wrapping yourself in the comfort of the gesture, nerves slowly easing in the process. “Thanks, Tae,” you reply, feeling a tad lighter than before.
“Are you ready?”
You nod, signaling him to remove his hand to take the key out of the ignition. As his hand leaves your arm however, you feel a subtle, unexpected shift—wishing the warmth of his touch could linger just a moment longer.
But hold up.
Since when did he affect you like this?
Dwelling on it further proves to be futile because before you can blink, the house’s front door swings wide open, revealing an older, petite woman with a kind and inviting smile. You both step out of the car immediately, Tan happily trotting around the yard confidently.
The woman pulls Taehyung into a big hug once close enough, and it’s all the evidence you need to deduce that she must be his mother.
“We were wondering where you were!” she starts. “Everyone’s here except you.” It’s a light scold, not that Taehyung minds from the giant grin spreading across his face.
“Forgive me, Mom. I guess we’re fashionably late,” he replies.
Mrs. Kim looks up and down her son with adoration, hands still gripping his arms. “Look at you,” she coos, as if proud. “My son is so handsome. I’m so happy to see you here, healthy and well.”
“Mom, this is __.”
Her eyes then shift to you, standing somewhat awkwardly beside them. If possible, her warm expression brightens even more, taking you by surprise.
“My goodness, I’m being so rude," she says, stepping toward you. "It’s wonderful to finally meet you, honey. Are you okay with hugs?”
“Sure.” You offer a sincere smile and embrace her. When you do, you feel a sense of peacefulness that you hadn’t ever before, soothing any lingering tension. You can’t help but assume that many of Taehyung’s qualities must come from her.
“I’m so pleased that my son brought you today,” she says, pulling back from the hug. She takes in your clothing as well. “You're absolutely lovely, my dear. Doesn't this color work wonderfully on her?” She glances at Taehyung, who merely nods in agreement.
“You’re the one who looks beautiful, Mrs. Kim,” you return the compliment, feeling a tad embarrassed by all the praise. “I love your earrings by the way. Are they jade?”
She nods, pleasantly. “Thank you for noticing. They’re indeed jade. My husband gifted them to me for our anniversary last year. I told him he didn’t need to get me anything, but that man is so persistent. Speaking of which, you should come inside and meet him.” She turns around at once and ushers you and Taehyung into the house. He allows you to go first.
As you follow Mrs. Kim up the steps, Tan bounds ahead excitedly. The aroma of delicious food fills the air the further you walk, and soon you’re greeted by a cozy, homey atmosphere.
Finally, you find Taehyung’s father in the kitchen, washing his hands at the sink. “Honey, Taehyung’s here and he brought __ with him.” Upon hearing your name, the man quickly dries his hands on a towel and extends a friendly hand your way, eyes twinkling.
“Hello, __! I’m glad you could come today. We’ve heard so much about you.”
“Likewise,” you reply, “Thank you for welcoming me into your home. It’s gorgeous in here.”
“Well, we have our son to thank.” He directs his attention to Taehyung, reaching out and patting his son on the back with a proud smile. “He bought this house for us after all. He’s a good son.”
You glance at Taehyung in surprise, intrigued to learn more about this new bit of information. However, seemingly flustered by the comment, you decide it’s better to save it for another time. His mother is quick to step in.
“Taehyung, dear, why don’t you show __ around and introduce her to everyone?” she suggests smoothly. “They’re all in the living room. We’ll gather everyone to have lunch soon.”
Taehyung nods at the suggestion and begins leading you through the house, until you reach the living room at the end of the hall. The room is even larger than you anticipated upon entering, its high ceilings finished with a delicate glass chandelier. A grand piano sits in the far corner as well where a number of children huddle together, each taking turns playing a few notes.
One by one, Taehyung starts introducing you to his relatives and despite your initial apprehension, each person you meet greets you with nothing but warmth and kindness. Not even a single person shows discomfort towards you or makes a dig into your personal life (though you’re certain they’re well aware of who you are). It’s no wonder Taehyung boasts about his family so often—they truly are a close-knit and respectable group of people.
At least, that’s what you think until Taehyung asks, “Where's Auntie and Uncle? I haven’t seen them yet.”
One of Taehyung’s cousins looks a bit hesitant before replying, “Oh, Tae, I’m sorry, but we haven’t heard anything from them so they might not be coming today. Maybe they had last-minute plans. It’s a bit of a shame, really.”
An odd silence settles over the room at this, conversations lower in volume, and a few knowing glances are exchanged among relatives. The abrupt shift seems to throw a wrench into your previous statement of closeness since, evidently, the absence of Taehyung’s aunt and uncle casts a dark shadow over the cheerful gathering.
Sensing an awkward lull, Taehyung tries to lighten the mood with a bright smile. “Well, I’m sure we’ll still have a great time. I’m just happy to see everyone here.” He gently redirects the conversation to something more upbeat, attempting to remedy the unusual tension.
Just then, a small figure bursts into the room, capturing everyone’s attention.
A little girl, no more than six or seven years old, runs straight toward Taehyung with arms outstretched. “Taetae!” she shouts, using the affectionate nickname as she latches herself around his legs.
Taehyung's face breaks into possibly the happiest grin you’ve seen in response as he kneels to lift her up effortlessly, holding her close as she giggles. “Hey, sweetheart! I missed you!” His voice is filled with affection, though there’s a hint of shock as well.
Eagerly, the little girl secures her arms around his neck. “I missed you too! Mommy and Daddy said we might not be able to come, but here we are!”
“Well, I'm so glad! Have you been a good girl for your parents?” he asks with a playful tone.
The little girl nods vigorously. “Yes! I’ve been helping Mommy with so much lately.”
“Good job!” Taehyung says, giving her a high five.
You’re unsure exactly how the two relate, but the longer you watch the interaction unfold, the more evident it becomes that Taehyung’s a natural at connecting with children. His playful demeanor and patience make it clear that he has a special way with them. It’s heartwarming to see, quite honestly.
“Taetae, who’s she?” the little girl asks suddenly, her big, curious eyes setting on you.
Taehyung smiles and gestures for you to come closer. “This is __. She’s my friend.” He looks at you and adds, “This is my little cousin Eun-ha. We’re quite close.”
“Hi, Eun-ha,” you greet with a soft smile. “It’s so nice to meet you.”
She doesn’t return your greeting, but rather leans into Taehyung’s ear and whispers something you can’t quite hear.
Taehyung chuckles softly, though it does little to conceal your curiosity. “No, Eun-ha,” he says, shaking his head. “We don’t kiss like in my movies. But yes, she's very pretty.”
Though you wish otherwise, your surprise is barely hidden as you process the revelation.
“Why not?” Eun-ha asks, puzzled. “You kiss lots of pretty people in the movies.”
Flustered, Taehyung clears his throat. “Who’s letting you watch my shows? You’re a little young for those I think.”
“She likes to watch them when she can’t see you,” a new voice interjects.
Following the voice, you see two adults entering the room– Taehyung’s aunt and uncle. Their expressions are clearly stiff and somewhat distant, a stark contrast to the warmth of the rest of the family.
“Well, I guess it’s okay then,” Taehyung responds, maintaining his usual beaming smile. “Auntie, Uncle, it’s good to see you.”
His aunt and uncle offer polite but somewhat curt greetings.
“Glad to see you’re alright, Taehyung,” his aunt says, her tone lacking warmth.
“Hello,” his uncle adds, his expression neutral. “I see you’ve brought a guest.” He nods toward you.
“Yes, this is __,” Taehyung introduces you, “She’s a friend of mine and a colleague as well.”
The pair glance at you briefly, their eyes betraying a lack of interest.
“Nice to meet you,” his aunt says, though the thickness in her tone suggests otherwise.
“Likewise,” you respond, trying to match their formality with a friendly smile.
“You know, when I heard my nephew was bringing a guest, I wasn’t quite sure what to expect,” she continues, though the implication is unclear.
“I’m sorry?” you ask, trying to grasp her meaning.
“My apologies. I work as an editor for a journalism outlet, so I’ve come across your name before,” she explains. “It’s always interesting to see people in person after reading about them. I can’t say I ever imagined having the opportunity today.”
“Oh,” you say, trying to keep your composure. “I hope the coverage has been accurate.” You know they haven’t been, aside from a couple of progressive news outlets. Based on her rigid stare, you don’t think she belongs to either of them.
“They’re accurate most of the time,” she replies, her eyes narrowing slightly. “Although, there are always…different perspectives on such matters.”
You offer a polite, tight-lipped smile in response. Despite your best efforts to remain composed, however, your hands unconsciously clench into fists at your sides, indicating your bubbling discomfort.
“Well, I’m sure those articles are just one side of the coin,” Taehyung chimes in, attempting to smooth over the conversation. “I’m of the mindset that you really don’t know a person until you spend time with them. And I can assure you, those overpriced tabloids have it all wrong.” He shoots you a reassuring look.
In the midst of it all, Taehyung’s father steps into the room, oblivious to the tension. “Alright everyone, it’s time to eat!” he announces, his voice carrying a cheerful note. “Let’s gather around now.”
Neither you nor Taehyung’s aunt speak another word to each other as you follow his father into the dining room. You take a deep breath along the way, an attempt to steady yourself.
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As lunch begins, Taehyung’s father stands at the head of the table, a broad smile on his face as he raises a glass.
“We want to thank everyone for being here today to celebrate Taehyung’s recovery,” he begins, his voice filled with heartfelt sincerity. “We’re grateful for this family and for the love and support that has carried us through. To Taehyung!”
“To Taehyung!” everyone echoes, lifting their glasses in a unified cheer.
From then on, the meal progresses smoothly, with conversation gradually returning to pleasant topics. Dishes are passed around, and laughter helps lighten the mood. Taehyung’s parents share stories of their journey together, their voices rich with wisdom and nostalgia. As you listen, you get a glimpse of the morals that have shaped their family. It’s so different from your own upbringing, and you feel honored to be a part of it today.
Yet it's still difficult to ignore the lingering heaviness in your chest from your earlier interaction with Taehyung’s aunt. Even now, her sour expression is directed your way, though she seems to withhold her remarks, perhaps due to Mr. and Mrs. Kim’s presence.
Don’t take this personally, you repeat in your head. There’s likely some underlying history or traditional views being projected onto you. This isn’t really about you…don't take it personally.
Midway through the meal, Taehyung’s mother intrigues everyone by pulling out a collection of old photographs. She begins sharing the backstories of various childhood photos of Taehyung, the corners of her eyes crinkling with joy and amusement as she recounts each memory. Taehyung, visibly flustered, tries to hide his blush as his family teases him.
“Oh, look at this one!” his mother exclaims, holding up a particularly old photo of a much younger Taehyung with a hilariously exaggerated hairstyle. “He was so determined to be a rock star!”
The room bursts into laughter, and Taehyung grins sheepishly, his cheeks rosy. “Is this really necessary? I mean __’s here…”
“Come on, Tae, it’s cute!” you say with a smile, giving his arm a playful shove. As you do, Taehyung’s aunt’s eyes widen slightly. Her gaze shifts sharply between you two, and a flicker of disapproval crosses her face. You stop your playfulness upon first notice, finding it hard to ignore.
“It’s embarrassing,” Taehyung retorts, unaware of his aunt’s reaction.
“Oh hush,” his mother replies with a warm smile. “Let a mother indulge in the memories of her children. You’re all grown up now, and with your busy schedule, I hardly see you anymore.”
“Alright, fair point,” Taehyung concedes. “Carry on.”
When the meal winds down, Taehyung’s aunt clears her throat and speaks up. “Is everyone ready for dessert? I’ve baked a homemade cake,” she announces, tone carrying a hint of forced cheerfulness. Turning to you, she adds, “Would you mind assisting me in the kitchen, __? I could use an extra hand.”
Taehyung immediately offers to help, but his aunt insists on speaking with you alone, masking it as an opportunity to get to know you better.
Once you’re in the kitchen and away from prying eyes and ears, Taehyung’s aunt’s demeanor shifts abruptly. She returns to her previous blunt and unreserved nature. “I need to be honest with you,” she begins, her voice low and steely. “I don’t think you should be here.”
Her words sting, yet a part of you can’t help but wonder if there’s some merit to them.
“I know this is a family event, and I’m sorry if it seems like I’m intruding. Taehyung invited me.”
“No, that’s not what I meant,” she dismisses, venom lacing her tone. “I mean, you shouldn’t be here with Taehyung.”
“I’m not sure what you’re referring to—”
“Oh please, don’t pretend I don’t have eyes, Ms. __,” she interjects sharply. The use of your formal name sends a chill down your spine. “You may be friends now, but I can see there’s more going on beneath the surface. Unlike the rest of my family, I won’t just stand by and let it happen. So, if you think you can charm your way into my nephew’s life just like you did with that ex-husband of yours, then you’re mistaken. I won’t allow you to ruin his life.”
Ruin his life? You ruined Jungkook’s life and now you are about to ruin Taehyung’s? Confused and hurt, you finally realize the root of the matter–she's convinced you’re a gold digger.
You’re stunned by the accusation, struggling to find words as she continues. “There’s nothing you can say to change my mind either. Even if the articles aren’t exactly true, you still have a past, and Taehyung deserves better—someone without all these complications. Don’t you agree? Maybe if you hadn’t been married before and were ten years younger, things might be different. But honestly? A woman your age should already have a family of her own.”
Silence falls heavily in the kitchen after her final words, the only sound being your labored breaths. Your throat goes dry and your hands clammy as some of your deepest insecurities take root, striking right at your core.
It’s true—you’re 30 years old, divorced, and without children. It’s a stark contrast to your peers.
You’d always imagined your life turning out differently, but here you are, alone and without any kind of companionship. You weren’t expecting to be reminded of it all today.
“I think you’ve made yourself clear about how you feel,” a voice speaks up, and you think it’s yours, until you realize it’s much too deep.
Taehyung’s aunt looks momentarily stunned to see her nephew standing in the doorway, his expression a mixture of shock and anger. But she quickly regains her composure. “Taehyung, I was just—”
“Please don’t,” he interrupts, voice firm. “If I had known you were going to be this cruel towards someone I deeply care about, then I’m sorry I invited you.”
He steps closer, his gaze unwavering. “You have no right to judge someone you don’t know based on rumors and assumptions.”
His aunt’s face softens, though her disapproval remains. “I’m only looking out for you. I don’t want you to get hurt.”
“I don’t need you to protect me from my own choices,” Taehyung replies, his voice calmer. “I’ve made my own decisions, and __ is a part of that. If you can’t respect that, then maybe you should reconsider how you approach these situations.”
Taehyung’s aunt stands silent for a moment, her gaze shifting between Taehyung and you. She seems to weigh his words before finally nodding and turning back towards the dining room, her displeasure still evident.
Taehyung turns to you, his face etched with worry. “Are you alright?”
You hesitate, unable to give a clear response. “I… I think I need some air,” you finally say.
“Maybe it’s time we take that walk down to the beach,” he suggests gently. “What do you think? Of course, if you’d prefer to go solo, that’s completely your call too. I’ll understand either way.”
You nod, appreciating the idea. “I’d like you to come with me.”
“Let me grab Tan and we can head down,” Taehyung says with a reassuring smile.
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The sound of the waves grows louder as you approach the ocean, providing a soothing backdrop to your racing thoughts. It's even more beautiful up close, you think, observing how the sun reflects off the water.
As you walk along the shore, Tan runs ahead, chasing the waves and barking playfully. The sight of him brings a small smile to your face, easing some of the heaviness in your chest.
Taehyung walks beside you, his presence peaceful, though neither of you are quick to speak.
Finally, after a few minutes pass, he breaks the silence.
“I’m really sorry about what happened back there," he says quietly. "My aunt's always had more traditional perspectives, but I didn’t know how rigid they’d gotten. Regardless of how she might've made you feel, I want you to know that you’re very important to me and I couldn't care less about what the public says. The rest of my family seems to love you too so far."
You take a deep breath, the salty air filling your lungs. “It’s not your fault, Taehyung. But thank you.” You pause, your face visibly conflicted. “To be honest, I’ve heard variations of it before from other people. I just didn’t expect her to be so… direct.”
He nods, turning to you with sincerity. “I know it was hurtful, and even though I didn’t hear everything she said, you didn’t deserve it. It's not true, either.”
You manage a small, tight-lipped smile, but it hardly matches how you feel inside. “Well,” you begin, continuing your walk, “some of it's true, I think.” Taehyung looks at you with concern, though you struggle to hold his gaze.
“Wanna sit?” he suggests lightly, gesturing to a spot on the beach with a clear view of the waves ahead. "Tan'll be fine to roam around on his own."
You nod slowly in reply, a gentle breeze caressing your face and feathering against your legs as you move.
Once you reach the area, you tuck the skirt of your dress beneath your thighs and take a seat on the soft sand. Taehyung sits down beside you.
“So,” he starts again, his eyes never leaving your face, “what’s true?"
You take a moment, watching the waves crash against the shore before forming a response. “It’s just…” Your voice falters as you search for the right words. “I’m 30 years old. The natural course for someone my age is to have a family, a couple of kids, and of course, be married. Or at the very least, have a reliable romantic partner.”
“Instead,” you take a short breath, “it feels like I’m living in a completely different reality from everyone else. Divorced from a big shot CEO, without children, and painted as some kind of spinster or gold digger for the media to exploit. Being a woman, there's really no in-between which makes it that much harder to overcome."
Upon finishing your thought, an unmistakable nervousness bubbles up within you. Had you just overshared? Were you too honest? Although unsettled, everything in you hopes that you didn't just overstep your boundaries with Taehyung, as the two of you hadn't had this deep of a conversation before. You find yourself holding your breath as he replies.
"To have all that unnecessary pressure placed on you is unfair,” he says quietly. “I can’t imagine how tough it must be to feel disregarded and reduced to so little. I'm so sorry, __. I'm sorry that we gets so fixated on image and what’s deemed proper that we often forget the real meaning behind things. I know it might be hard to believe, but there’s more to your story than what others see or say. More than even you might think, too."
As if inevitable, your vision goes misty and a tear spills down your cheek upon hearing his words, though you're quick to wipe it away. It's not that the words themselves are monumental, but rather, they confirm the closeness of your relationship. Few people have ever understood or cared to understand you, so you had stopped expecting it altogether, especially after your divorce. Yet somehow, Taehyung always surprises you, being one of the few who truly does.
Feeling a bit more comfortable, you admit, "I know it's probably an overstatement, but I can't help but feel like I'm alone in ways that are hard to escape. Some days I just don't know what to do with it all. Does that make sense?"
“Sweetheart,” Taehyung says softly, taking the hand you used to wipe your tears and lacing his fingers with yours. The warmth of his touch sends a comforting spark through you. He’s never called you that before, and it feels unexpectedly intimate—almost domestic, if you didn’t know better.
“It makes complete sense, especially given what you've gone through and still are. You don’t ever have to feel alone anymore though,” he continues. “I’m here for you. You have Jimin and Namjoon too. And the three of us? We’ll always have your back.”
Your eyes soften as you meet his gaze. He’s looking at you with such warmth and innocence, yet he hasn’t fully grasped the weight of your words.
“I appreciate it,” you say gratefully. “It’s not all one-dimensional, though. When I say I feel alone, I mean relationally as well because, given my age and marital status, it's unlikely I'll find any real companionship. I’m just considered ‘used goods' after all.”
“Used goods? Who the hell said you're used?” Taehyung’s voice rises, not in anger but in genuine offense. Amid his reaction, his hand slips from yours.
“Our entire society?” you retort, raising your voice before lowering it again, realizing he means well. You pull your legs up to your chin and hug them. “I’m divorced, Tae. I’m no beauty queen. Just used goods, as I said.”
You both stare out into the distance, falling into a brief silence.
“Well, I for one think you’re very gorgeous,” he says softly, still gazing ahead. “So please, don’t call yourself used. You’re definitely not.”
“Do you wish you were still married?” he interjects gently, eyes returning to yours, searching for the truth. He wants to add, To Jungkook? but keeps it to himself, not deeming it his business.
You take a moment to process his question before responding.
“Some days I do,” you admit. “Not just with anyone, though. I’ve already learned my lesson the hard way. Jimin tried setting me up with a few of his coworkers a while back, but I declined. They’re so far away that I doubt anything would work out. Plus, not to be harsh but who in their right mind would risk it with me anyway?”
“I mean...I would,” he replies almost immediately, insistence in his voice. There's no trace of bluff at all and for a moment, your heart feels like it's doing about a hundred somersaults in your chest. Taehyung's seriousness makes it seem like he means it in a deeper way, but it can't be—he’s merely speaking figuratively because of your closeness.
“Of course you would,” you reply, grabbing his hand again and smiling gratefully. “Because you love me, right?”
You pose the question playfully, feeling your mood lift slightly, but Taehyung’s expression turns stunned, like a deer caught in headlights.
“I do,” he finally murmurs, deep and meaningful, a soft glimmer in his eyes. “I really do.”
"Hu-" you choke on your words, still trying to process his. You never finish, though, as Taehyung suddenly moves to stand up, a newfound cheekiness taking precedence over his face.
“Come on,” he says, “on a warm day like this, we should find a way to enjoy ourselves. Dance with me.”
“What?” you ask, though to be honest, you're not surprised by his spontaneity. “Dancing is a no, Tae. You know I have zero rhythm.”
He doesn’t reply to your argument but instead draws his phone from his pocket, tapping around until light jazz music starts playing. He turns up the volume as loud as he can before placing it on the ground beside you.
“What are you doing?” you watch as he begins swaying his body from side to side, snapping his fingers when the beat feels right.
“I’m dancing by myself since you refuse to get up.”
You laugh, “I happen to like it this way. You can be my source of entertainment.” You adjust yourself so your legs are stretched out in front of you, feet crossed as you lean back on your arms.
He chuckles and continues dancing in small circles. You feel a little guilty the longer you watch. But then...
“__,” he calls your name, low and raspy. He steps over towards you and leans down until he's face to face with you. You like the way the sun glows down on his face, and the thought crosses your mind—he looks incredibly handsome. “__,” he calls your name again, and you realize you've been staring a little too long.
“Sorry,” you reply. “Sun’s making me dazed.”
He gives his usual boxy smile, and damn, why are you feeling so affected by him today? It’s not usually this much.
“Will you please dance with me? I don’t mind dancing by myself, but I prefer a partner.” He pouts and you know you’re done for.
“I’m not going to be good though,” you reply, reluctantly rising from your comfortable seated position. Taehyung pulls you into his hold the moment you’re on your feet. It's a little rougher than he meant, and your bodies accidentally collide in the process.
“Shit, my bad,” he says, taking a small step back.
“It’s fine," you assure, doing the same but not before catching a whiff of his cologne. You can't quite place the scent, but it’s nice...really, really nice.
As the music continues to play, you both sway gently to the rhythm. Taehyung’s touch is warm and steady as he guides you through each simple step. You feel a strange sense of comfort and safety in his arms, and for a moment, it feels like the rest of the world fades away.
“I didn’t realize you were such a good dancer,” you start. “You’ve been keeping secrets from me.”
He spins you gently, and you let out a surprised laugh, the sound mingling with the soft notes of the jazz music. “I had to take ballroom dancing lessons for a role I played years ago,” he replies smoothly, “but I enjoyed it, so I kept it up.” When you come back to him, he holds you a little tighter, and the closeness feels more intimate and special than you anticipated.
“You’re doing great, by the way,” he whispers, his breath warm against your ear. "Even with barely any practice."
“All thanks to you,” you reply, a shy smile tugging at your lips. “I guess it’s kinda fun.”
“See? Not so bad,” he says with a triumphant grin.
You glance towards the ocean, feeling a rush of spontaneity yourself. “The water looks so inviting. We should go in.”
He quirks a brow, taking in both of your more formal attire. “Dressed like this?” he asks.
You don’t answer. Instead, you slide out of his hold and run towards the water, laughing and splashing him once he’s close enough behind you.
“Hey! This was expensive!” he shouts, but there's no threat in his voice, only amusement.
“Well, you shouldn’t have worn it around me then!” you tease, splashing him again.
Now nearly drenched, Taehyung huffs and bends down to scoop water into his palm. “You’re gonna get it…” You back away quickly, but he follows after you. “Come here, I have a very special gift for you __,” he says mischievously, water spilling from his hand as he chases you.
You both end up playing in the water for the next ten minutes, splashing and laughing until you find yourself regaining confidence. At some point, Taehyung unexpectedly tackles you from behind, his arms wrapping so tightly around your waist that no amount of movement would free you.
You find yourselves too lost in amusement to notice your closeness until small droplets of water begin falling from above.
"Was that rain?" You stop all movement, but his grip doesn’t loosen. "Tae?" You call his name when it seems he doesn’t register your question, twisting your head over your shoulder to peer at him.
“Oh…um, sorry,” he finally stammers, a faint blush rising to his cheeks as he realizes the tight hold he has on you. His body flushes against your back.
“No, it’s okay…” you struggle to conceal a blush of your own, the warmth of his embrace a little overpowering. "So, I think we should head back. I'm pretty sure it's raining."
He nods and slowly unwraps his arms from around you. "I agree, but where's Tan?" His eyes frantically scan around the beach. "Tan!" he calls, and soon, two fluffy, slightly damp ears pop out from behind a rock.
"Aww," you exclaim, bending down to pick up the little dog when he trots over. "Look at him. We neglected the baby."
Taehyung snorts at your remark. "He'll be okay. It barely started."
You pretend to cover Tan's ears and shoot Taehyung a faux alarmed expression. "He can hear you, you know."
Taehyung chuckles and gently cups Tan’s face while he nestles in your arms, planting a soft kiss on the top of his head. “Sorry, buddy,” he says with a grin. As he looks up, he catches a prolonged gaze in your eyes and raises an eyebrow. “What? You want one too?”
“Oh, uhm, no,” you laugh, a bit nervously, shaking your head. “It’s just nice to see you so endearing.” You think back to how Taehyung had interacted so sweetly with his younger cousin, Eun-ha, earlier. It’s a side of him you're finding increasingly appealing.
Taehyung's gaze softens as he replies, “I like to take care of those I love.”
Love, you repeat quietly to yourself. It sounds so different when he says it.
You smile and, side by side, head back to the house.
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The faint drizzle of rain quickly turns into a downpour, with a flash of lightning illuminating the sky and thunder rumbling in the distance. Despite the potential inconvenience, Taehyung’s parents insist that it would be better for both of you to wait until morning to drive back.
"It isn't safe," his mom advises, fluffing a pillow in the guest bedroom. "The two of you can stay here for the night. I’d offer the living room sofa too, but some of your cousins are staying over as well."
"Thanks, Mom," Taehyung replies, and when she leaves the room he casts a brief glance your way. “I’ll sleep on the floor.”
“What? No, you can sleep in the bed with Tan." You pause, eyes scanning the room for an alternative spot. “This chair looks pretty comfortable. I’ll grab a blanket and make do.”
"Okay no, I’m not letting you sleep on that old, dusty chair and risk waking up with a giant kink in your neck.” Taehyung places his hands on his hips, his tone firm. “Why don’t we just sleep in the bed together? For some inexplicable reason, my parents chose to put a California King in here so there should be plenty of room. I’ll even sleep on top of the covers.”
“No, it's fine. Tan needs his space."
“Sweetheart." There it is again, that same petname from earlier. Why do you not seem to hate it? "Tan is so tiny he’ll literally curl between us," he argues, though it does little to convince you.
“Tae, I told you it’s—”
“Alright, I’ll take the chair then-” Taehyung starts to move toward it, but stubbornly, you block his path. There's no way he's sleeping on a chair when you're the guest here.
“You will do no such thing!" Naturally, you place your hands on your hips. “This is your home—well, your parent's home and I won't be subjecting you to sleep on something that small. Seriously Tae, I'd fit much better on it than you would given our height differences.”
A small, frustrated sigh escapes him as he counters, “I'd really rather you be comfortable, especially in an unfamiliar environment. So can we please stop arguing about this? It’s really unnecessary. Either I take the chair or we both find a way to share the bed. You can’t tell me you and Jimin never shared a bed before, and he’s your friend too!"
“Yes, but that’s different,” you insist. “Jimin and I have been friends for years! There’s a strong trust built between us.”
“What do you mean by that? You don’t trust me?” His face mirrors that of a sad, puppy-dog.
“Tae, it’s not that at all,” you say softly, trying to sound reassuring. “I do trust you. It’s just… I guess I just meant that Jimin and I have a long history together. We’ve grown very comfortable with each other in ways you and I haven’t yet.”
Taehyung’s brows furrow in concern. “What are you really worried about, __?”
You shrug, feeling a bit flustered. “Nothing…”
Your mind immediately drifts back to the beach—how he listened, held your hand gently, the way his eyes crinkled when he laughed, and what it felt like to be held so close under the rain. Everything felt so genuine, warm, and openly vulnerable.
You share similar feelings with Jimin, but they have limits as you are definitely only friends… best friends, to be precise. With Taehyung, you figured it would be the same; however, after today, you're realizing more and more how unsure you are of where the limits are (or where you want them to be), and it startles you.
But it’s not this alone that fuels your apprehension tonight— there’s something else.
“You know I won’t do anything right?” Taehyung asks, his voice earnest. “I sleep with five pillows!”
You raise an eyebrow, a faint smile tugging at your lips despite yourself. “Five? What the hell, Tae? Are you a princess?”
“Yes,” Taehyung says, more nonchalantly than expected, “but stop deflecting. It sounds weird and a bit kinky, but why won’t you sleep in the bed with me?”
Should you tell him?
Your expression grows serious as you explain, “Because it can be very intimate,” you murmur softly. “Maybe I'm overthinking it all, but the last time I shared a bed with someone it...uhm...it was…”
“...with your ex-husband,” Taehyung finishes for you, his tone gentle with understanding. His eyes soften as he looks at you.
“Yes…” you admit, your voice barely above a whisper. “It’s silly, but I haven’t done it in a long time. Even Jimin and I haven’t shared a bed in years.”
“I’m sorry…” Taehyung says, his voice filled with genuine regret.
“Tae, you don’t have to be sorry,” you say, shaking your head. “It’s my own issue. I’ll just sleep on the chair, alright? It’s only one night.”
“Not happening, you’ll take the bed with Tan.”
“Seriously,” you start to protest, but he’s already moving toward the foot of the bed with determination in his eyes. He grabs the blanket from the end and rushes over to the chair with haste. You run after him, pulling at his arm, and both of you end up laughing, the tension gradually breaking.
“It's been a very long day and I'm quite tired, __. How about turning off the lights, please?” He spreads out the blanket and settles into the chair with a satisfied sigh. Then, there’s a loud creak followed by a distinct cracking sound.
“Fuck—” Taehyung swears as the chair suddenly collapses under his weight. He rises from his seat, grimacing at the broken chair. “I knew it was old, but damn, I didn’t think it was that old.”
“Shit, please tell me this wasn't a family heirloom or something.”
“Uh… I don’t think so?” Taehyung scratches his head, looking sheepish. “I’ll let my mom know in the morning. It’ll be fine, okay? No worries. But, um, I’ll sleep on the floor instead.” Taehyung then grabs a couple pillows and a blanket and starts forming a makeshift bed on the floor. While you watch him, your heart softens despite your exhaustion.
“Alright, enough,” you sigh, exasperated. “If we keep this up, we’ll just be going in circles all night. Let’s just share the bed, Tae. It’s not worth you being uncomfortable.”
Taehyung looks up, concern written over his face. “Are you sure? I don’t want you feeling uncomfortable either. I’m happy to—”
“I’m sure,” you cut him off, doing your best not to overthink it. “You're the one who'll be driving for five hours tomorrow anyway, so let’s just get some decent rest. It's okay, really.”
After a good long pause, you both end up climbing into the bed, each taking your own side as Tan curls himself at the foot of the bed. Taehyung reaches over to turn off the light, but despite the calmness of the room, you find yourself unable to sleep right away. You’re unaware he feels similarly until he unexpectedly breaks the silence.
“Are you warm enough?” he asks quietly. “We have more blankets if you need them.”
You turn slightly toward him. “I’m okay for now, but thanks for checking.”
He gives a soft, reassuring smile. “Alright. Just let me know if you need anything. Sleep well.”
“Thanks, Tae.” You roll back onto your side and close your eyes. “You too.”
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As the night deepens, the storm outside continues its relentless drumming against the windows. At some point, Taehyung jolts awake to a faint but unmistakable sound.
He blinks groggily at first, adjusting to the dim light filtering through the curtains. Then he notices your restless movements and hears you murmuring softly in your sleep, a note of distress in your voice.
"__?" he asks quietly, still half-asleep. "Are you okay?"
When you don’t respond, he shifts closer, concerned by the unease on your face. Seeing your share of the blankets has slipped off, he gently tugs them back over you, making sure they cover you comfortably.
Amid the movement, a muddled groan escapes your lips—something between a whimper and a sigh, "Mmm… no…"
It doesn't take a genius to figure out you must be having a nightmare of some sort. “It’s just a dream,” he whispers soothingly, brushing a stray hair from your face. “You’re safe here with me.”
He gently takes your slightly trembling hand and holds it gently in his. “I’m right here, __,” he sighs softly. “No matter what happens, I’ll always be here.”
Taehyung isn’t sure how much time passes before your restlessness stops, but he stays awake, hand clutching yours until it does. Eventually, assuming you’ve finally entered a more peaceful sleep, he releases your hand and rolls onto his side.
What he doesn't expect is for you to unconsciously follow him over, your body snuggling against his back. The warmth of your body against his is comforting, but he knows he can't let you stay there and risk any awkwardness in the morning. So with the utmost care, he rolls over to face you and gently adjusts your body until you're lying comfortably on your back again.
"I hope you'll be able to sleep better now," he whispers, his voice barely audible above the storm. "Goodnight."
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Following the reunion, you and Taehyung part ways with mutual thank-yous and promises to see each other soon.
Time seems to vanish afterward as you find yourself increasingly buried under an endless pile of work projects. Apparently, over the weekend, a notable investor reached out to your company with hopes of setting up a meeting.
Namjoon is nearly tripping over his words when he relays the message to you.
"Can you believe it?" Your secretary stands within a foot from your desk, excitement evident in his voice. "They want to meet with us! This could be huge for our company."
You share his enthusiasm but your need to remain holistic in the matter tempers your ability to feel overly zealous. Meetings with investors always carry significant opportunities; however, there's no guarantee a deal will be struck. Truthfully, it depends on a number of factors, their level of interest outweighing them all.
Plus, every meeting requires extensive preparation—late nights where you tirelessly hunch over your computer, perfecting every detail of the pitch and this one promises to be no different.
"Did they happen to mention a time or date for further discussion?" you ask, matter-of-factly. Namjoon nods, pulling out his phone.
"Yes, they suggested next Wednesday at 10 AM.”
You weigh the proposal in your mind. “That should give us enough time to get everything in order, then,” you conclude. “Please put it in our calendar and let them know we’ll be ready to meet on that day.”
From then on, the remainder of your week unfolds exactly as you anticipate—relentless preparation, long nights, and meticulous planning until the small of your back aches for relief. One might say it's an exaggeration, but the only breaks you can afford are for primal necessities like eating, sleeping, and using the bathroom.
Even your weekend is spent within the walls of your home office, a far cry from previous weekends when you used to visit the book café or meet up with Taehyung.
Speaking of which, you haven’t really gotten to see each other since his family gathering and though it was only a week ago, the lack of his presence leaves you feeling a bit disheartened. He replied to your text yesterday, but even so, it was brief—something about a new project or talk show interview was keeping him busy as well.
By the time Wednesday arrives, your neck is so riddled with the stress of the upcoming investor meeting that you can barely focus on your proposal notes. Everything in you hopes that the investors will be impressed enough to partner with you, but thinking about it does nothing except heighten your nervousness.
In search of some kind of solace, your mind wanders to Taehyung instead. The memory of the small dance you shared with him on the beach is once again vivid, as if it happened just moments ago—the soft sand beneath your feet, the sound of the waves, and the way his gentle hands gripped around your waist.
But why does this memory, out of all the possibilities, feel so soothing?
You've been struggling to come to a plausible conclusion since the day it happened, yet deep down, you know it’s not as trivial as it seems. You miss it, your subconscious hums, you miss him.
Just then, Namjoon pokes his head into your office, signaling that the investors have arrived in the conference room. You send a curt nod in reply and gather your notes, refocusing your mind on the task at hand; everything else will have to wait.
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Turns out, you might have been a bit too pessimistic about the investor meeting. They’re surprisingly pleased with your plans and proposals, nodding along to each of your points. However, their request for a day or two to reach a final decision catches you a tad off guard.
Rather than grapple with the uncertainty though, you decide to mentally prepare for whatever comes next... starting by decompressing at the bar downtown, a glass of their strongest alcohol in hand.
At first, finding a seat proves to be a challenge as you navigate through a sea of sweaty bodies. But luck, seemingly on your side, provides you with an empty chair at the far end of the bar. While you sit and order your drink, you can't help but wonder what Taehyung might be doing tonight. Should you text him to see if he’d join you, even if only for fifteen minutes?
Slipping your phone from the side pocket of your bag, you curse silently at your apparent haste. Your subconscious was right—you really have missed him, damn.
All at once, your thoughts are put to an abrupt stop when you take a quick glance around the bar, your gaze unprepared to land on two familiar silhouettes at the opposite end—Namjoon, with Taehyung next to him, drinks in hand. You don’t know how you failed to notice them before. They’re laughing, clearly enjoying each other’s company, and for a moment, your face lifts into a smile.
But that smile quickly fades when you catch sight of two women sauntering over to join them. Your initial joy is swiftly replaced by a sharp sting of jealousy and you chastise yourself for the feeling. Who are you to react this way? Taehyung can do whatever he wants—why should you care who he’s out with?
Forcing yourself to shake off the feeling, you take a sip of your drink, but your gaze keeps drifting back to the group. It’s obvious that the taller of the two women, arguably as stunning as Taehyung, is laser-focused on him, her hand brushing his arm lightly as she laughs at whatever joke he’s just told. Probably a dumb one, you think bitterly; it's obvious she's not just there for the humor and booze. It's strange to witness, as you've only known Taehyung to allow a few, select women to touch him so openly—his mother, his onscreen cast members, and you.
Okay __, stop, you scold yourself. This is a bad idea; you’re getting too involved for your own good. Hastily, you finish your drink and head out of the bar, the cool night air brushing against your skin. If Taehyung goes home with her, it’s none of your business.
You're barely a few feet outside the bar's door when you hear commotion echo from a nearby alley. Alarmed, you whip towards the noise, your eyes widening in disbelief. There, in the dim light, you see your ex-husband doubled over, clutching his stomach, while a shadowy figure stands in front of him, fist clenched.
You’re not sure where the courage comes from, but within seconds, you're springing to action, racing towards the scene with a surge of adrenaline. “Hey!” you shout as loudly as you can. The attacker glances back, frazzled, then bolts into the night, leaving Jungkook hunched against the alley wall.
“Oh my god, are you okay?” you ask frantically, rushing to his side and helping him to his feet. He flinches away from your touch initially, his face a mix of panic and agony. “It’s me, Jungkook. It's __. Can you hear me? It’s okay, I’m here,” you reassure him the best you can, hoping to ease him.
Jungkook takes a few shaky breaths, body still weak as he struggles to hold himself up against the wall. His eyes are glazed, and he seems disoriented. “I… I didn’t expect you,” he mutters, his voice strained.
Offering him an arm, you help him steady himself. “Let’s get you out of here, okay?” He nods weakly, and as you guide him towards the parking lot and into the light, you ask, "What happened back there? Do you need me to take you to the hospital?"
Jungkook sighs, wincing slightly. “No, it’s... I’m fine. He was just a kid—no more than 21. Angry, probably a little drunk, and accused me of being the reason his father got fired. At first, I was confused, but then I vaguely recognized him as being one of our employee’s sons. Pretty sure it was my dad who fired his—I was probably just an easier target."
You both fall into a contemplative silence as you continue walking. Of course Jungkook's father, the chairman of the company, would be behind this, you think. Previous times spent with him had shown you how ruthless he could be when it came to the "well-being" of his company. Whoever the kid was, he probably had a right to be angry, but physically taking it out on Jungkook wasn’t justifiable by any means.
“You sure you don’t need a doctor?” you ask, glancing at him with concern.
He shakes his head dismissively, "Don't worry about me," he replies. "A couple of punches to the gut won't kill me. I think it's about time I head home though."
You nod in agreement. “Where did you park?”
He points to a spot on the far left side of the parking lot, and you nearly groan at the sight. “Did you have to bring your bike tonight?” you ask, a hint of exasperation in your voice.
Jungkook gives a weak smile, understanding the inconvenience of the situation. “Thought I’d ride it in case I needed to get somewhere fast,” he replies, his voice strained but with a touch of humor.
"Come on," you say, walking him toward your car instead. "We might not be married anymore, but there’s no way in hell I'm letting you ride your bike home in this condition. You can pick it up tomorrow."
Jungkook chuckles weakly. “Damn, and to think we were about to ride it together for old times’ sake. You used to be pretty good with my motorcycle back when you were my girlfriend, __." You roll your eyes, patience thinning. If this is another one of his sexual advances, you’re long over it.
"Yeah, well, that was before Taehyung’s accident scared me half to death," you retort. "And for the record, I was never your girlfriend. We went from work partners straight to I do." You open the passenger door and help him into the seat, giving him a gentle shove. "Now sit tight and no more motorcycle talk."
Jungkook leans back and raises an eyebrow with a playful smirk. “Well, what are we gonna talk about then? It’s a twenty-minute drive to my place.”
You slide into the driver’s seat and start the engine, giving him the go-ahead to enter his address into your car’s GPS. “Are you really whining already?”
As Jungkook taps away on the GPS, you’re suddenly reminded of a series of past car trips you shared with him. It’s almost like déjà vu.
“Seriously, __,” he starts, allowing his playful demeanor to fade. “Thank you for doing this for me. I know we… well, we aren’t exactly on the best terms.”
From the corner of your eye, you observe the way he aimlessly stares out the window, unsure whether to meet your gaze.
"We may not be in the best place, but that doesn’t mean I’d just leave you there," you sigh, gripping the steering wheel tighter. A long pause follows afterward until the question that's been gnawing at you finally slips from your lips. "How's everything with the company?"
Seemingly unfazed, as if he’d been anticipating the question, Jungkook replies, “I’m guessing you’ve heard the rumors.”
“Hard not to,” you say, keeping your eyes on the road.
He takes a deep breath before continuing, "Well, it's um... it's a sabbatical. I know it's probably a shock, right? My father isn’t too thrilled about it, so he’s delayed the official announcement until we reach a final consensus. But things have been... complicated. Our newest product launched recently, and it’s doing well, but now I think I need some time for myself. To take a step back.”
Well, shit.
Even with all the rumors, you never would have guessed in a million years that the truth of the matter was an impending sabbatical. Jungkook has always been the type to work himself until his hands bleed, so this is the last reason you expected to hear.
“I’m glad to hear you’re finally letting yourself have a break, but honestly, it doesn’t sound like you at all. Feel free not to share, but what do you mean by ‘complicated’?” The way he frames it sounds almost ominous.
“You really want to know?” He finally glances at you for the first time since getting into the car, his eyes carrying a hint of vulnerability.
“Only if you want to share,” you reply cautiously.
He looks down at his hands, gathering his thoughts. “So, remember when we last saw each other a few months back? Well, I’ve been reflecting a lot on our relationship since then. I know I wasn’t fair to you, __, and I really wish I could take it all back. You never deserved any of it. I was incredibly selfish and I’m truly sorry.”
You remain silent, thrown off by how quickly everything circles back to your fragile past together. Still, you allow him to speak.
"Before we parted ways, you suggested I see a professional, and… I thought I'd finally take your advice for once. It’s strange because I’d never gone before, but…”
He pauses, searching for the right words. “I’m starting to understand a lot about myself—why I react the way I do and how I handle things. It’s been tough, but I’m trying. I guess I’m taking this sabbatical because I need to figure myself out, away from work, so I can be better and stop hurting people around me."
For the first time in a long time, as you listen to your ex-husband, you realize he's beginning to sound genuinely mature. If it's true that he's been seeing a therapist and taking a sabbatical to prioritize his well-being, then you're extremely proud of him.
Yet, a small part of you remains stubborn, wishing he had made these changes earlier—imagine where you might be now if he had.
“Thank you for being open enough to share this with me," you respond slowly, careful not to misspeak. "Though I’m still a little surprised, I have to say I’m really proud of you for seeking help. I’ve been seeing someone as well, and it took me some time to settle in too, but I suppose that’s part of the healing process—being uncomfortable to an extent. We’ve had our share of challenges with one another, but despite everything, I’ll always wish the best for you, Jungkook—including your health and mental well-being.”
As you pull into the driveway of his house, parking the car near the front door, Jungkook takes a deep breath and turns to you, visibly affected. "It means a lot that you'd say that, __," he starts hesitantly, hands fidgeting in his lap. "I know I've made a lot of mistakes, and I understand if you can't forgive me completely. But I want you to know that I am sorry. I wasn’t fair to you and I'm not proud of my behavior at all."
You nod in response, a small, tight-lipped smile forming. His remorse for the past is finally sincere, yet even now, as he looks at you with those hopeful eyes—the same ones you carried for months on end—you know he's searching for more than just your forgiveness.
But this time, you don’t think you can offer him more than that.
Because while you grew fond of him during your marriage, you've come to realize how unearned and misplaced that affection was. He broke your heart not once, but twice. And although you can never hate him, deep down, you can't ignore the lingering sting you feel when you're around him.
It's both sobering and eye-opening.
So, rather than reversing into old emotions, you simply say, "I believe you, Jungkook, and I think with time I'll be able to forgive you. If there’s ever a time when you’re in dire need of help, like tonight, I’ll do my best to be there. I’m afraid that’s as far as we can go, though."
It’s written all over his face that it’s not what he was hoping to hear, but respectfully, he doesn’t press further.
"I understand," he says, fingers reaching to for the passenger door handle. "Thank you again for being there for me tonight, and for driving me home. Please feel free to reach out if you ever need me as well. I hope for the best for you too, however and with whoever you choose."
The two of you exchange a brief look of gratitude before he finally pulls the door open and steps out of the car, making his way to his front door.
"Have a good night, and rest up," you call out to him. He smiles, gives a wave, and heads inside.
As you slowly back out of the driveway, you sigh, leaving only one person ruminating in your mind: Taehyung.
Then, inevitably, images of the stunning woman at the bar with him intrude your thoughts, stirring a deep, unsettling emotion within you.
Does it really matter that much who he's out with?
Are you really that jealous about it?
Mentally, you go back and forth as if plucking petals from a large sunflower… Yes. No. Yes. No. Until—Silence.
You can't seem to give a straight answer. It's like the closer you and Taehyung grow, the more undefinable and knotted your feelings become. Yet, the further apart you are, the more unnatural it feels...
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Well, your indecisiveness doesn’t get any better by Friday because, finally, after what feels like an eternity, you and Taehyung have plans.
You’re heading out for dinner at a restaurant of his choosing tonight, as he insisted you go somewhere new. Where could it be? You have no clue, and while surprises aren’t usually your thing, his enthusiasm when you confirmed plans earlier has left you intrigued. There’s also this faint, inexplicably giddy feeling in your stomach that won’t go away, coinciding with a slight nervousness.
With such a seemingly important occasion, you find yourself in front of your bedroom mirror, twisting from side to side in what’s probably the fifth outfit you’ve tried on. But nothing seems to fit quite right. You’re feeling especially frustrated to be frank, as something that usually takes you twenty minutes is turning into a whole hour.
You end up tossing one final dress over your head—a bit more elegant for the occasion, but it’s one of the few items you own that accentuates your body down to the last detail. The dress hugs around your waist and falls just above your knees, its rich color perfectly complementing your skin tone. But isn’t it a little revealing? The neckline dips down further than you remember.
Crap—the alarm on your phone suddenly chimes, reminding you that Taehyung's arriving in ten minutes. You're running out of time.
"You’re being ridiculous. It’ll be fine,” you reassure yourself, smoothing down the skirt of the dress. “You're just friends. He won’t care.”
“Friends” stings more than you anticipated, leaving a bitter aftertaste and a deflated feeling in your chest.
Nevertheless, you give yourself one last look in the mirror, apply a quick swipe of lipstick, and head downstairs. Just as you finish slipping on your shoes and grabbing your purse from the coat rack, the doorbell rings, causing your heart to leap from your chest.
Deciding to rip it off like a band-aid, you toss open the door, and there he is—standing on your doorstep with his signature boxy grin and gently tousled raven hair. Taehyung's dressed in a tailored blazer and matching slacks over a crisp white t-shirt, and you find yourself at a complete loss for words as if you’ve forgotten what it’s like to be around him.
Maybe it’s something in the air, but he appears equally stunned, looking you up and down with wide eyes. His gaze soon softens into admiration as he takes in your entire appearance. “Wow,” he chokes, clearly impressed. “You look amazing.”
You feel a rush of warmth at his compliment and muster all your strength to keep from looking away flustered. “Thank you,” your voice wavers slightly. “You look pretty great yourself.”
Tongue in cheek, he replies with a playful smirk, “I was hoping you’d say that,” which prompts you to lightly punch him in the arm.
“Don't be arrogant.”
He chuckles, rubbing his arm with a grin. “Shall we head out?”
You nod and step outside, locking the door behind you.
The drive to the restaurant is a brief one, and you're immediately struck by the charm of its exterior when you arrive—stone walls, covered with vines of ivy and warm glowing lanterns. Inside is even more beautiful, with wooden shelves lined with old books and bottles of fine wine wrapping around the room. You're starting to understand why Taehyung was so insistent on bringing you here; the place perfectly reflects his taste and, unexpectedly, yours as well.
One of the hosts leads you to a deep mahogany table after confirming your reservation. The closer you get to it, the more you notice the crisp white linens and small tealight candles that sit on top, setting a romantic scene. If you had to describe the feeling, it would be as though you’ve been transported straight to a quaint corner of France.
"So, what do you think?” Seated across from you, Taehyung looks at you with bated breath. His fingers fidget with the edge of the table, nervously anticipating your verdict.
“Honestly? It’s so charming,” you reply, glancing around in awe. “I didn’t even realize we had a place like this around.”
At this, his demeanor relaxes, and a pleased smile spreads across his face. “It’s a bit hidden, but once I found it, it quickly became one of my favorite spots.” He pauses, then adds, “This is actually the same restaurant I wanted to take you to months ago, before my accident.”
“What? You’re serious?” you blink in shock as the realization slowly sinks in. You take another look around the restaurant—the rows of books, the bottles of wine, the elegant dining atmosphere—and suddenly, it all makes sense. How did you miss it before? “I’m sorry we didn’t come sooner,” you say softly, regretful of having turned down his offer before.
“It’s okay,” Taehyung's quick to reassure you, reaching out to lightly touch your hand. “What matters is that we’re here now. And honestly, I’m just happy to finally share it with you.” He gives you a warm smile, and immediately, you feel a small lump form in the back of your throat.
“Thank you for bringing us here tonight,” you say, “It’s wonderful, and I’m really glad we could make it up.”
“Of course,” he replies, “I thought it was a place we’d both enjoy.”
Everything about his responses seems to carry a heightened level of endearment and attentiveness, as if there’s more hidden beneath them.
Perhaps selfishly, you also sense there’s something uniquely special about this night—something you believe only exists between the two of you. So, when Taehyung retracts his hand, you feel a fleeting instinct to reach out and grasp it again, but you stop yourself short.
What are you thinking? This isn’t a date.
Needing a distraction, you grab the menu and start scanning the options.
Taehyung sees the way your gaze drifts and tilts his head, a concerned expression on his face. “Everything alright?” he asks gently.
You nod, forcing a smile. “Yeah,” you reply, trying to sound casual. “I'm just getting pretty hungry with all the food I smell.”
He chuckles, "Same here," then picks up a menu of his own.
The two of you sit in silence for the next few minutes, fixated on the food and wine list. You find yourself stealing glances at him from time to time, and unbeknownst to you, he does the same.
After the waiter takes your orders, Taehyung leans forward, resting his chin on his palm. “How’s everything at work been? I’ve been meaning to ask.”
Your face lights up at this. “Highs and lows," you reply, voice brightening, "but we got some exciting news today. I met with a potential investor earlier this week, and they’ve agreed to partner with the company. It’s a big win for us!”
Sharing your enthusiasm, Taehyung raises his wine glass, implicating you to follow suit. “This calls for a toast,” he says. “I know it must have meant long nights for you, but I’m so glad they recognized the value of you and your work. Seriously, __, you should be incredibly proud of this!"
You clink your glass with his, a light chuckle escaping you. There's something uniquely satisfying about sharing even the smallest things with him.
The conversation flows more comfortably from there, with Taehyung eagerly asking about the details of your new partnership. You reciprocate by asking about his current work projects, and soon, you both get lost in discussion, naturally causing your conversation to grow increasingly spontaneous. By the time your food arrives, the two of you must have easily covered fifty topics.
With the evening gradually becoming one of the most enjoyable you’ve had, the initial butterflies you felt at the start almost fade away... almost. That is, until you near the end of the meal and Taehyung looks at you with a seriousness in his eyes.
“I’m really glad we could do this tonight," he says, "We’ve both been so caught up with work lately that we haven’t had much time to spend together… I’ve missed it."
"Missed..." The simple six-letter word echoes in the back of your mind in a hushed murmur. It feels nice knowing you aren’t the only one affected by the recent distance.
“Me too,” you reply, more breathy than intended. Before you can fully process your words, you find yourself adding, “I’ve missed you a lot myself.”
A flush of embarrassment twists in your stomach the moment the words leave your mouth. You shouldn’t have said it like that—it almost sounded like… pining? God, you can’t even blame it on the alcohol at this point; you barely had one full glass of wine. Contrary to what you'd expect, Taehyung looks at you with a hint of shyness.
“You know,” he begins, briefly eyeing your dress, “you really do look great tonight. I’ve been a bit worried these past couple of weeks, seeing how much you work and how little sleep you get. But now… I'm relieved to see you looking so well.”
You blush. If only he saw you before tonight—greasy hair, bloodshot eyes, and oversized sweats on, you think. Evidently, tonight was an exception.
"I guess I've been worried about you too if I’m being honest,” you admit, shifting slightly in your seat. "The last time we saw each other was at your family reunion. It feels like it was ages ago for some odd reason."
“I know what you mean,” he says softly, gaze lingering on yours a moment longer than usual. “It’s strange going so long without seeing each other. It feels…unnatural.”
All at once, you pause, unsure if you heard right. Did Taehyung really say "unnatural"? It’s exactly how you’ve felt about the distance this entire time, but you hadn’t expected him to feel the same. Your mind struggles to process the sheer coincidence and its possible implications—was there something more to your relationship than you had realized?
While you try to make sense of it all, Taehyung’s raspy voice pulls you back to the present. “Well, uh, we should probably head out,” he suggests lightly, breaking the silence. You nod in agreement, though it does little to deter you from your thoughts.
You find yourself fidgeting with the hem of your dress the entire drive back, occasionally glancing at Taehyung in silence. His hands grip the steering wheel tightly, eyes focused on the road, yet you could’ve sworn his mouth parted at one point as if he was about to say something. But then, he held back. You wonder what he might’ve wanted to say, but you’re no better—hesitant to breathe a word yourself.
Why are neither of you speaking all of a sudden? It feels tense and unfamiliar.
In what feels like a blink of an eye, you're standing at your front door again, Taehyung close beside you. The space between you feels smaller this time, with unspoken words still lingering, but it’s clear that despite having your keys in hand, neither of you are ready to part ways just yet.
“__?” He speaks first, voice barely above a whisper.
“Yes?” You respond, turning to face him fully.
Taehyung takes a deep breath when you do, his usual warmth replaced by a heavy, unreadable expression. “There- there's something that’s been on my mind,” he begins, voice trembling slightly. “I've been going back and forth tonight on whether or not to tell you."
“Okay, what is it?” you ask, pulse quickening.
“It’s about us..." He hesitates, gnawing on his bottom lip slightly before continuing. "Earlier tonight, when I said I've missed being able to see you, I wasn’t lying. If anything, it was likely an understatement because, no matter how busy I was, I kept thinking about you—our time at my parents' place, and how you always came to visit me when I was in the hospital."
He pauses, his fist clenching nervously.
"I’ve realized since then that maybe the reason why is because somehow…you've always been more than a friend to me,” he confesses softly.
Searching your face for a reaction, Taehyung mistakes your blank expression for discomfort. Little does he know, however, that your stillness is merely due to shock, as every nerve in your body threatens to awaken. It feels surreal, you think. Sure, you had a small inkling that tonight felt different and Taehyung was sweeter than usual, but eighty percent of you chalked it up as nothing more than overthinking or projection.
Now, you realize how short-sighted you’ve been, convincing yourself that you could only ever be friends and denying the rest when it's been quite the opposite.
“I’m sorry," he adds sheepishly. "It must be a lot to take in. I don’t want to lose you or our friendship, but with my feelings growing, I think I’ll always want more. I thought it would be better for you to know.”
You see the sincerity in his eyes as he speaks, and though he patiently waits for your response, you’re unsure where to start. It’s not that you question Taehyung’s genuineness or intentions, or that you don’t reciprocate his feelings—you haven’t shared such a deep connection with someone in a long time, if ever.
Rather, it’s the years of a mostly apathetic marriage that leave you feeling wary.
What would a relationship with Taehyung be like?
Would you truly love each other?
For how long?
What startles you most is the possibility that if you and Taehyung really do this and it doesn’t work out, you’ll be left even more devastated than before.
When you finally speak, your voice wavers slightly. “To tell you the truth, a big part of me is relieved that you told me all of this,” you admit slowly, your hands clammy. “I thought I sensed a shift between us at your parents' and again this evening. But I also thought I was reading too much into things, convinced it was just us getting closer as friends do."
"I guess what I’m trying to say is that I was wrong because I've been wanting more with you too," you continue. "It's like the further away we are, the worse I seem to feel, and I can't help but wonder what it would look like if we were more than friends. The thought scares me as much as it excites me, though…for reasons I'm sure you already know."
You're uneasy about how he'll react until, all at once, his eyes fill with warmth and his hands gently reach for yours, thumbs rubbing soothing circles on the backs.
“Do you remember when we were at the beach and you asked who’d risk it for you?” Taehyung asks. You nod, recalling the exact moment. “You also asked if I loved you, and I agreed to both that day. I didn’t realize how much those words would come full circle, but I meant it then, and I mean it now. I will love you, __, in the way you've always meant to be. I'm pretty sure I'm at least halfway in love with you already, and not just because we're friends."
Wordless, you stand facing each other, your hands still held in his, eyes steady in the brisk night air. His gaze then drifts from your eyes to your lips and back again. The movement is subtle, but in that brief moment, you let your eyes fall to his lips as well.
Taehyung’s waiting for your answer, but you can’t stop thinking of what would happen if you just…
Adrenaline takes over from there, and before you fully process it, you’re leaning in to close the distance between you, pressing your lips to his. The sudden touch catches Taehyung off guard, but he quickly responds with gentle, tender kisses. A soft smile tugs at his lips as he deepens the embrace, one hand finding its way to your face while the other rests on your back, pulling you closer.
Sooner than you realize, he begins deepening the kiss as well, eliciting small, breathy moans. At this point, you can feel the tent forming in his trousers, but he makes no move to grind into you yet. Rather, the hands that grip around you tighten, not enough to hurt, but enough that your body pushes further against his firmer chest. You suspect your back will meet the hard surface of your front door within the next three seconds, allowing your entire neighborhood a show, but before then, you're interrupted by a subtle stirring in the pit of your stomach.
"Wait, I'm sorry-" you suddenly break the kiss, a rush of nerves returning. It’s been a long time since you’ve shared such meaningful kisses with someone, and the intensity of it has you feeling overwhelmed. "I'm so sorry," you repeat.
When Taehyung sees you aren’t backing away but rather standing completely still, he settles his hands around your waist, gently drawing you further into a soft embrace. "You don't need to apologize," he assures. "I'm the one who took it further than I should've when I want this to be comfortable for both of us.”
You take a small breath, "You didn't do anything wrong, Tae, I'm just a little nervous due the newness of everything. I think I’d be best if we wait before going any further tonight….but I’m also not ready for you to leave yet. Is there any way you could maybe come in for a bit? To lounge?”
Taehyung nods, “I completely understand wanting to wait. The last thing I want to do is rush anything.” Concerned about possibly pressuring you, he adds, "Are you sure about me coming in though? It's getting late and I don't want to keep you up."
"Please," you murmur, "just for a little while, if you can.”
“Okay," he agrees, thumbs brushing lightly against your sides, "I can stay."
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a/n: ajdfhg, TYSM for reading!! Love you all 🥰
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seratopia · 1 year
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miguel o'hara x reader (fluff) - intoxicated → she/her pronouns!
modern ceo au! what happens when miguel is drunk
It's extremely rare when Miguel goes out to drink with coworkers, it's rare enough when Miguel gets out to go anywhere in general. He's either cooped up in his office, glued to his work, or glued to you at home.
You suggested to Miguel earlier this week about getting out to a bar, along with a few of the other higher-ups of the company. It's healthy to get out, you said, even if all he's going to be doing is drinking alcohol and eating meat.
Miguel's only good with people in a more professional sense; he's not the best at being all buddy-buddy with people he usually works with. He's quiet the entire time he's at the bar, occasionally taking a bored nibble at a bowl of loaded fries.
He kind of regrets this; surrounded by loud music, loud people, TV's with sports games playing in the background. He just misses you, he wants to come home and make food with you.
One of his coworkers, nudged him in the side a bit, obviously gesturing towards the wide array of various drinks and juices.
"Might as well have a drink while you're at it." He says, and Miguel is just stone-faced the entire time. The man walks away towards the remaining group of coworkers, possibly to either go dance, or to stare at girls from afar.
Considerably, it's been a while since he's had a drink. One or two wouldn't hurt, especially as a last minute scrounge for enjoyment in this god-awful bar.
Slowly, Miguel nurses on a drink provided by a suspiciously sleek bartender, leaning his cheek into his palm whilst taking a couple sips. He can feel the wolfish eyes of various women & men staring at him, feeling somehow exposed in his tight white button-up and simple pants. If only you were here, to sit in his lap and run your little hands against his chest.
The thought makes his head spin, a violent hot warmth running up his cheeks, his mind being blurred like a smudge on someone's reading glasses. The room's almost tilting sideways, the thoughts in his head dissolving away. (miguelito is a lightweight because i say so)
Miguel's drunk, for the first time in literal years.
He doesn't like it; he feels out of control of his body, unable to think or function correctly. He feels like a different person entirely, his eyes replaced with jelly and the tips of his ears turning scarlet.
The drink tasted good and all, but Miguel's thoughts on you feel magnified, every feature, every action you do running through his head like a cassette tape. He misses you more, and he really wants to see you.
Cleverly, he pulls out his phone, sighing to himself on the counter. It takes him a moment to put in his phone password correctly, fingers drunkenly tapping on the screen until he can find your contact.
. . .
You receive a text notification at about 9:43. Expectedly, you knew Miguel probably wouldn't make it through the whole night, but you're proud of him for trying. You open up your phone, amidst watching a show in bed.
miguelito💞💓: My love, I am intoxicated.
The text makes you giggle a little, imagining him all red-faced and tripping over himself with his coworkers.
Conveniently, you receive another text, one from the person you asked to keep an eye on Miguel.
It's a picture of Miguel with his head leaned against the counter, lovingly zooming in on a picture of your face with his phone. His ears are red, and there's a half-drunken drink beside him.
james q: he says he misses you. want me to take him home? you: it's okay, thanks tho. i'll be there in 10 to get him. james q: 👍
Assuming Miguel's still on his phone, you shoot him a text.
you: i see u looking at me
You giggle to yourself, and Miguel is visibly both shocked and excited, peering left to right as if you were magically in the bar.
miguelito💞💓: Please pick me up. I hate it here. you: ok sweetie, be there in 10
. . .
Despite the hour, the bar is bustling as ever, populated with underage girls wearing slip dresses and drunk frat boys. You worm through the building, searching left and right for your husband through the cacophonous bar.
Finally, you spot him where the counter is, big head tucked into crossed arms.
Gently, you slip your hand onto his shoulder, warmly rubbing him awake. At first he flinches, staring at you as if you were a stranger. He relaxes a few seconds later, lovingly and drunkenly fixating on you.
"Hey hun, I'm here to take you home." You say, and Miguel feels so warm, so comforted in contrast to the rash environment of the pub. He wants to kiss you, but he's too drunk to focus.
Without a word, Miguel rises from his bar stool, arms and hands immediately inching around your shoulders. He doesn't realize it, but he's pressing more of his body weight onto you, leaning on top of you like a slug.
Seeing you roll away the finest, sexiest piece of man as if it were nothing makes the party around you fume, their thoughts of asking for a number shattered within a minute or two.
Miguel trails after you, gluing himself to your back as you maneuver yourself out of the stuffy bar. Finally, you're out in the cool air of the dark, muffled edm music booming from the block's other counterparts.
The sidewalk is somewhat barren, scattered with a few people smoking or walking.
"I missed you, s'much." Miguel slurs, seeing the outline of your car in the dark parking lot.
"I know you did, baby. Now you get to come home with me and we can do whatever you want, like we promised." You say, unlocking your car with the press of your key.
He smiles just a teensy bit, his heart warming at the thought of snuggling up to you in bed, or cooking a late-night meal of sorts with you while a show plays in the background.
Miguel's the passenger princess tonight, adjusting the seat backwards so he can actually sit. He stares at you the entire time through bleary eyes, watching you start the car as if it were the most artistic and most beautiful thing ever.
"I love you." Miguel says, and you can feel the gratuity in his voice.
"I love you too."
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© 𝒔𝒆𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒐𝒑𝒊𝒂.
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Honey Girl. Chapter Eleven.
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previous chapter (10). series masterlist. the playlist.
chapter synopsis - There’s no denying it anymore - not that you’d want to. You and Bucky fit together in every sense of the word.
pairing - dads bestfriend!bucky barnes x female reader - soulmate au
warnings - smut. cursing. alcohol consumption. harassment, and then conversations surrounding past incidents of harassment. bucky calls reader a whore (not viciously).
word count - 5.3k
authors note - this is a long one!! I got a bit carried away with the smut, but honestly… it was a little overdue. I needed bucky and honey to get a little down and dirty sometime soon, and there’s no time like the present. as always - your love and support is invaluable to me, and i’d be nowhere without it. love you <3
as always, if you enjoyed this, please consider reblogging!! reblogs are the only way to circulate my writing, which generates more of it. feel free to send me a comment or an inbox, too!! thanks, my loves!! <3
masterlist. inbox.
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Your hips sway gently to the music that plays as you watch your own reflection in the mirror. Sweeping a makeup brush across your cheeks, you laugh as Bucky presses open mouthed kisses to your bare shoulder.
“Getting ready takes ten times longer when you’re here, you know.”
Your soulmate laughs, wrapping his arms around your middle and pulling your back into his chest as he sways with you.
“You love it,” he murmurs into your ear. “You got a lifetime of this, honey. Get used to it.”
“God help me,” you giggle, squealing as he pinches your side. “I’m never going to get anywhere on time ever again, am I?”
“Worth it though.”
He winks at you in the mirror, and you can’t help but chuckle, shaking your head. Spinning in his arms, you lean up to press a lingering kiss to his lips.
“Luckily for you, Lacie is the worst person at being on time. I actually don’t think she’s been punctual to anything, ever. You have to tell her six if you want her to be there at eight.”
“I like her more every time you tell another story.”
“I feel like I should warn you.”
“Uh oh.”
You fight back the smile threatening to take over your face.
“She means well. She’s got a heart of gold, and good intentions always. She’s just… blunt, sometimes. She doesn’t mess around, or avoid the tough conversations. She’ll always tell you exactly how it is. And sometimes that can come across as rudeness, or that she’s a little… prickly? But she’s not, I promise.”
“Hey,” he murmurs, pressing a quick kiss to your forehead. “I get it. And I trust your judgement, always. You’re a good judge of character - I’ve never doubted that. She loves you and she wants to protect you, and so do I. I think you’ll find we have a lot more in common than you think.”
“I hope so. This is kind of a huge deal for me. And the more I think about it, the more worried I get.”
“Worried about what, honey?”
Bucky leans back against your dresser, using his hands on your hips to keep you against his front. You tilt into his body, resting your head on his chest.
“That you won’t like each other, or something. Which is stupid, I know. But the two of you mean so much to me, and I can’t lose either of you, and I just…”
“You’re spiralling.”
You exhale a breath you didn’t know you were holding, wrapping your arms around his middle.
“We’re gonna have a fun night, okay? If you put too much pressure on it, it’ll crumble under its own weight. Just breathe, baby. It’s dinner and drinks. Nothing you haven’t done before.”
“Dinner and drinks.”
“Exactly. Thankfully, actually, because I’m starving.”
“You’re always starving.”
“You know me so well.”
He chuckles as he leans down to press a sweet kiss to your lips. It ruins what was left of your lip gloss, but you don’t mind.
“It’s us against the world, remember? That includes double dates.”
You shake your head, scoffing as you break away to pull your shoes onto your feet. Taking a step back, you check your reflection in the mirror, not missing the way Bucky’s eyes follow the shape of your body all the way down and back up again.
“Quit that.”
“Quit what?”
“That, Barnes.”
“What, honey girl?”
“You’re insufferable.”
“You love it.”
You grab your purse and your jacket, giving him a once over to make sure he’s ready.
“We need to go. We actually should have left about ten minutes ago, but someone couldn’t keep their hands to themselves.”
“You want an encore?”
He lurches forward, fingers digging into your sides as you thrash in his hold. Your knees buckle as the tickling continues, punching at his biceps to get him to stop. You finally break away, panting as you keep him at arms length.
“Pull that shit again and I will kill you, James. You hear me?”
“I’m so scared,” he jokes, laughing infectiously.
You grin as you push him out of the door, shaking your head as you do it.
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
The restaurant Lacie has picked is perfect.
It’s a place the two of you have been to many times - intimate but not too quiet. It’s all candlelight and real wood and big, open windows. You can hear the sound of chatter and laughter from down the street, warm and inviting.
A wave of nostalgia overcomes you as you stand on the sidewalk and wait for your best friend. You spent your 21st birthday here with Lacie, getting drunk on sweet cherry cocktails and dipping pieces of fresh bread in olive oil to soak up the alcohol. The entire night consisted of giggling and gossiping, until you’d wobbled home in your high heels, hands tightly clasped together just like when you were kids. You both fell asleep tangled in Lacie’s pink ruffled bedsheets, cuddled up and wearing your old matching Looney Tunes pyjamas.
“What’s goin’ on in that pretty head of yours?” Bucky asks, swinging an arm around your shoulders.
“Just thinking about all the nights me and Lacie have spent here. We’d always order the Cocktail of the Day, no matter what it was. Sometimes it was the best thing we’d ever drank, sometimes it was so vile we’d down it in one to get it over with.”
He laughs all deep and hearty, the sound vibrating through you where you’re pressed into his side. You’re looking down the street when you hear a shout from the opposite direction.
“Is that my bestie and her soulmate I see? Looking hot as ever?”
“Yeah, baby!”
You start walking towards her voice, grinning as you go. She holds out her arms, bracing herself when you run into them.
Lacie hugs you like she hasn’t seen you in years - and honestly, it kind of feels like it. She squeezes you as tightly as she can, cutting off your oxygen supply. You don’t mind one bit, squeezing her back just as tightly.
You hook your chin over her shoulder to see Bucky and Cameron shaking each other’s hands, going through first meeting formalities. Breaking away from Lacie, you pull her soulmate into a friendly hug that he reciprocates eagerly.
“I’ve heard so much about you,” he smiles, linking his hand with Lacie’s as if he’s scared to be apart from her for too long.
“I’ve heard so much about you!” you repeat, leaning into the warmth of Bucky’s hand on the small of your back.
“It’s true, she has. Probably too much,” Lacie laughs, guiding you all to the hostess at the front door.
You’re seated outside, on the terrace with a gorgeous view of the coastline. It’s breezy but not windy, warm but not hot. It’s perfect. The sun is starting to begin its slow descent, and the orange glow lights up Bucky like he’s a heavenly being, some sort of celestial creature. It’s hard to read the drinks menu when all you want to do is stare at your soulmate for hours on end.
“Babe… shall we get a cocktail of the day?”
“You remembered!”
“Of course I did,” your best friend giggles, kicking your shin under the table. “Remember that one that was full of rose petals, and we kept accidentally eating them?”
“Or the one with the sour sugar on the rim? Must have been the most sour thing I’ve ever tried.”
“This isn’t filling me with hope,” Cameron chuckles, setting down his menu to put his trust in Lacie anyway.
The waitress brings over four pink cocktails in rocks glasses, popping straws in them when she reaches the table.
“Cherry and lemon,” she informs you. “It’s delicious.”
She’s right. It’s definitely one of the, if not the best cocktail you’ve ever had in this place - a million times better than the rose petal one. When you’ve all ordered your food, conversation turns to the elephant in the room. Soulmates.
“So you guys were strangers, right?” Bucky asks the two people across from you.
They both instantly light up, ecstatic to be able to tell their story.
“Complete strangers. We’d never met each other in our lives. I walked into the gym as usual, and there he was. All gorgeous and tanned and tattooed and muscled.”
They interlink their fingers, beaming at each other.
“I could see it all instantly,” Cameron takes over. “Living together, marriage, kids, the rest of our lives. It was like a vision, this prediction of what’s to come on a big screen in my mind.”
He leans in to kiss Lacie, all tender and so full of love. Anyone within a fifty mile radius can feel their connection.
“So, Lacie said you guys already knew each other?”
You knew this line of questioning would happen sooner or later, but you didn’t realise just how nervous it’d make you feel. Bucky senses your anxiety instantly, wrapping his fingers around yours under the table. His thumb rubs gentle circles into the back of your hand, the familiar and comforting motion calming you down easily.
“Uh, yeah. We’d known each other for a few years. He’s my dad’s best friend.”
“Oh, shit. I mean Lacie explained back when you told her, but that’s so… complicated. How did your parents take it?”
“We… don’t know,” Bucky explains. “We haven’t exactly had that conversation yet.”
“But you guys have been soulmates for like two years, right?”
“It’s been complicated, like you said,” you pick up. “I wasn’t home for a lot of it, I was back in California for work. And we tried to tell them, but my Dad got sick, and then it turns out that they actually already knew. So, maybe in hindsight, complicated is actually an understatement.”
Lacie laughs with nothing but love in her eyes, stepping on your foot affectionately in a gesture of solidarity.
“Told you they were complex, Cam.”
“A lot more complex than us, lovebug,” he chuckles.
“You hear that, baby?” Bucky leans over to whisper in your ear. “We’re complex.”
“Wouldn’t have it any other way,” you whisper back, turning your head to press a kiss into his jaw.
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
The food is divine.
It’s all small plates, Mediterranean inspired and delicious. Seafood, charred vegetables, beautiful mixes of herbs spices with everything doused in olive oil and balsamic.
“Holy shit. I don’t think I can eat for a week after this.”
“You gonna have to unbuckle that designer belt of yours, Cameron?”
You’re met with a cacophony of laughter and shaking heads.
“I like her,” he tells Lacie with a smile. “I see why you two work.”
“Aha, I’ve earned the Cameron seal of approval! Hear that, Lace? He likes me.”
“Oh god. My bestie and my soulmate are gonna be friends. There are so many embarrassing stories that are going to be shared, aren’t there?”
“So many,” you and Cameron say in unison.
Lacie’s shaking her head but she can’t stop laughing, buzzed off of the speciality cocktails and the joy of having her favourite people get along.
“Okay, okay, before we get into that,” she intervenes, “we’re having brunch with my sisters and their soulmates tomorrow. So I hate to be a buzzkill… but I’m gonna have to cut this short, before we pass the point of hungover beyond return.”
“Say hi to them for me, won’t you? I haven’t seen them in so long.”
“Laura’s getting married in a few months - I’ll make sure you two get an invite. They’d love to see you again soon, they both ask about you all the time.”
“Sounds perfect.”
You say your goodbyes, hugs and promises to see each other as soon as possible exchanged with love and excitement.
“I’m moving into Cameron’s place finally, and I’m gonna need your help decorating, babe. Will you come shopping with me sometime this week? I trust your taste.”
“Of course, Lace. I’d love to. Just text me, and we’ll arrange something.”
She presses a lipgloss stained kiss to your cheek, smelling like strawberries and giggles from your childhood.
“Bye, you two! So lovely to see you again, Bucky.”
“You too, Lacie. Good to see you guys, and good to finally meet you, Cam.”
“Cam,” Lacie whispers to you. “They’re besties already.”
You can’t help but laugh, waving them off with Bucky’s hand entangled with yours. After they’ve gone, you both sit back down at the table, exhaling.
“See? Wasn’t as bad as you thought, right?”
“I never thought it’d be bad,” you tease. “Just thought it’d be… intense. Which it was, but in a good way, I think.”
“You wanna have a drink just the two of us? Then we can go home, get into our pyjamas, rewatch an episode or two of Twin Peaks.”
“Sounds perfect,” you assure, standing up to press a quick kiss to his cheek before getting ready to make your way to the bar. “The usual, my love?”
“Surprise me, honey.”
You saunter inside, leaving Bucky sitting pretty on the balcony. The breeze gently blows the linen of his shirt, billowing the material and making him look like an angel.
“Can I get two old fashioneds when you get the chance? Thank you.”
The bartender nods her head at you, giving you a gentle smile before turning away to make your drinks. You take a seat on a stool, resting your feet in your heels for a moment.
“Excuse me?”
A pause.
“Excuse me, miss?”
A man slides into the stool next to you, tapping you on the shoulder to get your attention.
“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t know you were talking to me.”
“I don’t usually do this, but I saw you across the room and just had to tell you that you are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”
You spin around in your place to get a good look at the man who’s speaking. He’s only got a few inches of height on you, but he’s built stocky and strong, with a certain glimmer in his eyes that leaves a strange feeling in your stomach.
“Uh, thank you. That’s kind.”
You try to spin back around, but a clammy hand wraps itself around your forearm, effectively stopping you.
“You’re hurting me.”
“Sorry, sweet thing. Just wanted to talk a little more.”
His voice is dripping with condescension, terribly masking venom and ill intent. The whole situation feels tense and too charged, and you’re desperate to find a way out without upsetting him. You look over to the bartender, trying to catch her attention.
“So you’re here by yourself? Pretty girl like you, you shouldn’t be alone. You don’t know who’s around.”
Your heartbeat picks up, hairs on the back of your neck standing at attention. You’re screaming to Bucky in your mind, begging for him to sense your unease as soon as possible. This man still has a grip on your arm, his other hand moving to rest on your thigh. A cold chill overcomes you, and you know it isn’t from the ocean breeze.
“I’m here with my boyfriend,” you choke out. “He’s waiting for me.”
“Really?” he asks, squeezing his grip tighter. “Where?”
“Right here.”
A familiar voice booms from behind you, rumbling through your bones. You exhale shakily, desperate to turn around but unable to.
“This your daddy, sweet thing?”
“He’s my boyfriend, actually.”
Your voice is shaking, and Bucky hates how vulnerable you sound. You feel the sharp pang of sadness stab through his chest momentarily.
“Take your hands off the lady, asshole. Now.”
When the man doesn’t move, Bucky steps in, plastering himself to your back.
“I won’t ask again,” he reiterates, tone deep and low.
The man seems to get the message, judging by the way he slowly backs away from you. The minute he’s far enough away, Bucky slips a hand under your hair to hold the back of your neck, pulling you into his body. You melt into him, resting your head on his chest and breathing him in.
“Oh, your old fashioneds! I’ll start them now. Sorry!” you hear from behind the bar.
“It’s okay, don’t worry about it.” Bucky says over your head to the bartender. “We’re gonna get going.”
You assume she nods, because Bucky pulls you gently off your stool, leading you towards the door.
“Come on, angel,” he murmurs into your temple. “Let’s go home.”
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
Bucky’s hand doesn’t leave yours the entire way back to his house.
You both spend more time at your place than you do at his, so it makes a nice change. You love being here, because it is so completely enveloped by Bucky.
You see him everywhere. His favourite soft grey blanket strewn across the back of the couch, his handmade green mug that you bought him in California left ready on the counter by the coffee machine, the weathered and worn blue plaid pyjama pants he loves folded on the bed.
You hear him everywhere. The trees that he planted in the backyard rustling in the breeze, the soft hum of the refrigerator that he fixed himself six months ago, the reruns of vintage shows that play on the TV when he knows you need some background noise.
You smell him everywhere. The lingering scent of his cologne on every surface, his favourite laundry detergent that clings to his comforter even after he’s slept in it time and time again, the salt from the breeze that billows through the house when he leaves the windows open.
You feel him everywhere. The indent of where his head has laid on his pillows, the fingerprint shaped divots in the arm of the couch where he rests his hand as he watches a movie, the light switch in the hallway that has worn away due to him always pressing it with his elbow when he walks through the front door.
He’s in all four corners of this house, plastered all over it north, south, east and west. His very being lives in the walls, the floors, the ceilings. His spirit has cemented itself into the foundations, down through the Earth that it’s built on.
You couldn’t love it more if you tried.
And now, you see glimpses of you. Your toothbrush and shampoo in the bathroom, your mug waiting ready at the coffee machine, the smear of nail polish you accidentally spilled on the coffee table one evening that won’t quite come off. Your pyjamas folded next to his on the bed, your shoes next to his at the door, your socks next to his in the top drawer.
Neither of your places are yours or his, now. They belong to the two of you. You refer to my apartment as our apartment. He refers to his house as our house. You’re not sure when it began, but it’s happening more and more as of late. It makes you happy beyond words.
Your place, his place… doesn’t matter. Home is wherever you’re together.
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
Bucky kneels in front of you where you sit on the edge of the bed, unbuckling your heels. He digs his thumbs into the bottom of your feet, releasing some of the tension firmly but carefully.
“You sure you’re okay, honey?”
“Yeah, Buck. I’m okay.”
You look down at him, caressing his stubbled cheek gently. He looks back up at you with those big blue eyes blown wide, so full of concern you can practically feel it buzzing around the room.
“If you wanna talk about it…”
“I know. I can talk to you about anything, baby. And I will, when I need to. Look… it was scary in the moment. But I also knew that you were on the terrace outside, and that you’d come and get me eventually. Plus, it’s nothing I haven’t dealt with before.”
He takes a pause, still working his thumb into your soles.
“You deal with this stuff a lot?” he asks after a moment.
“Yeah. All girls do. You know that.”
“I do. It’s just… I don’t know. It’s different, when it’s the person you love the most in the world.”
“I get that. It’s not different for us, though.”
“I know, baby. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologise, my love,” you whisper, tracing your fingertips across the features of his face. “You came along and saved me, so.”
“I would have come sooner, you know. I felt it in my chest pretty quick, but got stuck talking to a client of mine. I was inching away for so long before I had to just tell him to leave me alone.”
“It’s okay, we’re all okay. I don’t wanna focus on it. It’s done now.”
“Promise me you’ll talk to me anytime if you need to, though?”
“Promise,” you reassure, linking your pinky finger with his.
You both sit like that for a while, just thinking. You’re still tracing his face, following the beautiful lines and curves as if it’s a colouring book. Focusing on the warmth of his hands on you, you can’t help but let your mind wander to how he handled the guy at the bar. You’ve never seen him so assertive, almost threatening. And the more you think about it, the more you realise - you liked it. Obviously, the situation was unpleasant and far from ideal, but when you hone in on the way your soulmate swooped in to save you…
“What are you thinking about, pretty?” he asks, noticing the way your eyes have clouded over.
“Just the way you looked in that bar. All strong and domineering and in charge.”
There’s a dirty smirk making his way onto his handsome face, all mischievous and cunning.
“Yeah. You walked in and saved me like it was nothing. I felt so safe, with the hottest guy in the world protecting me.”
You dance your fingertips across Bucky’s face, tracing his bottom lip.
“I could have killed him,” he murmurs, nipping at the pad of your thumb. “Touching what’s mine.”
Oh. You’ve never heard him speak about you like this, but you’re glad you’re already sitting down - otherwise you’d be melting into a puddle on the ground.
“Mhmm? Yours?”
“You know you’re mine, angel. I have no doubts about that.”
The juxtaposition of it all is making your head spin. Bucky is knelt below you, looking up at you with his ocean blue eyes, but he’s still the one in charge. He’s the one making your knees buckle while his are digging into the carpet.
“I am yours,” you whisper.
“I know.”
His confidence is killing you. There’s sweat dripping down your back already, a bead of it slowly trickling down the curves of your spine. Your chest heaves as you refuse to break eye contact, desperately anticipating his next move.
“You like me like this, don’t you, honey? Sat at your feet, watching you, ready to do whatever you want. Do you even know how much power you hold? Do you even understand the things I would do for you?”
You might pass out if he keeps talking like this. To shut him up, you shove your thumb into his mouth, groaning when he laves over it with his tongue.
“I’ll give you anything,” he mumbles around your digit. “Just say the words.”
“Want you to fuck me,” you choke out.
You press down on his tongue for a minute, taking a sick satisfaction in how his eyes water. There’s spit dripping down his chin and your wrist. It’s depraved. You want more.
“Like I’m yours.”
“Prove it. Show me. Make sure I don’t forget it.”
He bites down on your thumb before slipping it out of his mouth, licking a stripe from the bottom of it to the top.
“Oh, sweetheart,” he chuckles. “You don’t know what you’ve just asked for.”
He rises suddenly, pulling you off the bed by your arms so you’re standing in front of him. He takes your place at the edge of the mattress, and you realise that you never had the advantage you thought you did.
You raise a brow at him, and the stormy look you receive in response makes you shut your mouth.
“I won’t ask again, angel. Strip.”
You go to reach for your hem when a hand darts out and catches yours.
“Ah ah ah. What’s the rush? Put on a show for me, baby. Come on.”
You slow right down, carefully undoing the zipper on your dress before gently pulling it up to underneath your chest. You don’t miss the way Bucky’s breath hitches at the sight of what you’ve had on underneath your outfit all night. You pull it up and over your head softly, standing in front of him in your lacy black underwear that you’ve been waiting to debut.
“Fuck, honey girl. Is that new?”
You only nod before stepping forward to stand in between his legs, smiling when his hands fly straight out to rest on your hips.
“You still want me to strip? Or shall I keep this on, let you enjoy it a little longer?”
“Keep it on,” he mumbles against your stomach, pressing kisses to any skin he can reach. “Wanna fuck you in it.”
“Where do you want me?”
You laugh, leaning down to press your lips to his quickly.
“Come sit here,” he decides, patting his thighs.
You go to oblige but stop, pouting at Bucky where he looks up at you.
“What is it, baby?”
“This feels unfair,” you point at him. “You’re wearing all your clothes.”
“Which is the way it’ll stay, until I decide otherwise.”
With that he pulls you down into his lap, manoeuvring you so you’re sat with your legs spread apart by his, back pressed to his chest. You look straight ahead to see yourself in the full length mirror, with Bucky’s self satisfied expression behind you.
“Want you to see what I see,” he explains, running his fingers across your thighs in a featherlight touch. “You should see how pretty you look when you come.”
He cups you over your underwear, both of you groaning in unison.
“This is all for me? All mine?”
All you can do is nod, not trusting your voice anymore. Bucky hooks your panties to the side and runs a finger through your wetness, smothering it around and making a mess on purpose.
“I love you like this,” he murmurs into your ear. “All messy and careless and desperate for me. You’d do anything I asked. So good for me.”
He slides a finger into you, pulling it out swiftly and adding a second. There’s no resistance, only your warm, wet heat sucking him straight back in. You buck your hips, trying to get him to curl them how you like.
“Please,” you whine, squirming in his lap. “Please, Buck.”
He knows exactly what you need, crooking his fingers to hit that spot just right. He can play you like an instrument, plucking at your strings until you’re teetering on the edge in no time.
“Wait,” you plead, gripping his wrist. “Don’t wanna come yet.”
Bucky slows his movements to a halt, kissing your neck and catching your eyes in the mirror.
“No, baby? Why?”
You grab his hand and remove his fingers from you, sucking them into your mouth without breaking eye contact with him. When you’ve licked them clean, you lean back to murmur into his jaw.
“I wanna come on your cock.”
With a gentle kiss to his jaw, you add ever so politely,
Bucky’s never been one to deny you anything, and he’s not about to start now.
“Fuck, look at you. I’ve turned you into a whore.”
“You love it.”
He chuckles all deep and low, the sound rumbling through your body. Pushing you off his lap, you’re confused for a moment before he starts undressing, putting on a show of his own for you.
“C’mere,” he says finally, now fully naked and sat back in his original spot at the edge of the mattress. “Come and watch how pretty you look when you’re sitting on my cock.”
You settle back where you were, legs spread wide by his thick thighs. One of his arms is wrapped around your middle, keeping you firmly plastered to his chest as his other hand lands at the base of your throat.
“Okay, baby. S’all yours. Take what you need.”
His arrogance is doing nothing to soothe the ache between your legs, your arousal dripping through your pretty lace underwear. It’s ruined, but you couldn’t care less.
Lining him up and sinking down, you both groan at the sensation. He fills you up perfectly, almost as if you were made for each other. When you realise you were, your legs go jelly.
“Atta girl. Use me, baby. Fuck yourself, that’s it.”
You use his thighs as leverage, rising up onto your tiptoes to slam back down. Finding a steady rhythm, you feel a funny sense of pride at doing it yourself, at being the one to take you both apart.
Bucky’s praise doesn’t stop, the timbre of his voice in your ear like melted honey, all warm and golden. He presses kisses into your shoulders, your neck, your back, anywhere he can reach. When he can tell you’re getting tired, he starts canting his hips upwards when you come down. He knows he’s hit the right spot when you half collapse backwards into him, whining. His hands tighten their grip on your hip and your throat, keeping you upright.
Your soulmate directs your head back towards the mirror, forcing you to look at your fucked out reflection.
“Look at you,” he hums. “You look wrecked, baby. Such a fucking mess.”
“For you,” you slur, still willing your legs to do the work.
You’re so close you can taste it, and Bucky knows this. His hand that was on your hip migrates to between your legs, where he rubs slow but firm circles on your clit. Your knees buckle, and he knows you’re done for.
“Look at yourself,” he demands, keeping your head up with his grip on you. “Look how fucking pretty you look when you come.”
You watch yourself - the way your jaw drops open and your muscles tighten, back arching up and away. You then shift your gaze to Bucky’s reflection just in time to watch him finish. It’s the most beautiful sight you’ve ever seen - his teeth sunken into your shoulder, sweat dripping down his chest, eyes blown so wide you can’t tell they’re blue anymore.
The two of you sit like that for a while, still connected in every sense of the word. You’re trying to catch your breath, every bone in your body completely relaxed. Bucky’s arms circle your middle, ensuring every inch of his skin is pressed to yours.
“Told you,” he mumbles into your jaw. “Prettiest sight in the fucking world, honey girl.”
You tilt your head up to look at the two of you, the way you fit together so perfectly.
Yeah, you think. Prettiest sight in the world.
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tag list
@lillytracy6996 @securegorgon @roostersforevergirl @povlvr @val-writesstuff @dreadfulxives18 @1deadpool26 @abbygraceasd @nyutasgirl @mavrellover91 @winterslove1917 @f-this42 @skewedcherries @noisesinthedark @kandis-mom @black-cat-2 @harrystylesandthegoobs @vladsgirlxx @h0nestly-though @arienotari @nash-dara @wandaneedstherapy @galaxy-dusk @justherefortheficandsmut @cremebruleequeen @cjand10 @buggy14 @avengers-fixation @blueberrybambi @beautiful-loserr @sarah1barnes @miss-rebel-without-applause @ragingrainbowshipl @shamrockqueen @savemeroman @jenn-f @8crazy-freak8 @daddyjackfrost @openup-yourmind @adangerousbalance @mandijo17 @daddylorianisastateofmind @rcarbo1 @casa-boiardi @spideegwen @navs-bhat @mssbridgerton @asuni921 @middle-of-the-earth @mfrnchsk
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kithtaehyung · 3 months
minted (m) (snippet) | myg
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title: minted (m) pairing: street king!yoongi x street cart vendor!reader rating/genre: m (18+) ; angst , smut ; haegeum au , gang au summary: all you do is wake up, sell your fruit on the dusty streets below your flat, and go to sleep. but everything changes when a customer you always look forward to seeing turns out to be dangerous. really, really dangerous. note: again, this wasn't on the docket for 2024 until i saw one (1) mint yoongi edit on my pinterest feed💀 anyways, this is dedicated to hali @sailoryooons for ur belated bday, nary @joonary for being a cutie pie and letting me adopt the tangerine cart girl idea in general, and luce @minttangerines for ur url and for being a wonderful friend. love you all! warnings: language, violence, weapons (guns/knives/chopsticks/etc.), blood/wounds mentions, drugs, alcohol, murder, gang activity, poor reader is just trying to get through the day, mint!yoongi, haegeum!yoongi, tatted!yoongi, his eyebrow is pierced, knife held to the throat, tension, reader suffers from “my cabbages” levels of disaster, orange!jimin, fight scenes, both versions of yoongi have their own red warning labels smut warnings: to be dropped on drop day but lmfaoooo est. drop date: july 2024! teaser word count: 486 total word count: projecting 15-20k✌️
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With a head full of thoughts, you stare into nothing, stirring your noodles and waiting for the heat to die down. 
Maybe you should’ve just walked a shorter distance and checked the shops you originally wanted to browse. If things went to plan, you could’ve been back home by now, freshly showered and curling up on your worn bed. 
But instead, your feet are sore, your head is anything but washed, and you have to trek home empty-handed—on the first day off you’ve had in months. 
Defeated, you sigh, going back to your bowl and watching diced vegetables swirl in aromatic broth. 
At least the food in this area seems good. And the fading decor really adds to the… 
You can’t pull your eyes away from the group walking in, bringing heat from the sweltering sun on their clothes and in their eyes. 
But you can only kid yourself for so long because the one that has your gaze tethered is the man in front. The one you haven’t seen in weeks. The one looking right back at you with a visage so shadowed you feel like moving tables to let him pass. 
As he gets closer, you swallow hard, not expecting to see him and having no earthly idea what to do. 
But from the slight confusion pinching his forehead, he didn’t expect to see you, either. Which makes it even weirder when he slowly takes your chopsticks right from your fingers. 
Hold on, what—
“What are you—”
A lone, long digit over lips is the only response you get, silencing you immediately before you whip your head around to watch him rush past. 
All of them waste no time rushing up the stairs, a myriad of blues blending in with gritty paint and smoke. 
And just like that, your reunion is over. 
Home. You need to go home. Leave, leave, leave, because something is bound to be going down upstai—
A thud faintly shoots out into the staircase, and you spin around again in your chair, eyes snapping to the ceiling. 
Even though you’re on high alert, you realize with a quick sweep that no one else is noticing. Or moving. Or even paying attention to anything else but their own company. 
Does no one else care about the commotion? Do hits happen in this area that often? 
Mind running, you can’t decide what to do. Because even though Yoongi’s guys have plenty of weapons, he clearly had nothing since he needed to borrow your damn eating utensils.
Another crash rains dust on conversations around your shoulders, causing you to look up one last time. 
Go home, go home, go home. In what universe would Yoongi himself ever need your help here?
With one more look at your noodles, you curl your lips before biting a side. 
Already yelling at yourself for choosing to book it towards the back staircase.
tbc :)))
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⟶ what do we feel! | 🥢 join the taglist 🥢 | masterlist
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inkedells · 1 year
I have a request if you’re looking for one! Your innocent reader with the plushies has my mind SPINNING. How about Joel making her squirt for the first time? I can just imagine the reader getting all anxious about the sensation she’s feeling and Joel realizing she’s about to squirt. I know he’d talk her through it so good 🥵😩
oh. em. ef. gee. thank you for absolutely blessing me with this request
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A/N: sequel to my dbf!joel fic featuring plushies, and now squirting (things get absolutely filthy so consider this your content warning for a joel who's so absolutely obsessed with reader squirting). read the first part to this AU here, but this can also be read as a standalone!
words: ~700
joel masterlist
mdni! | requests open but responses not guaranteed.
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Joel sat naked, propped up against your plushies just as you were the other night, his legs splayed out in front of him to make room for you. With the back of your head resting on his chest and your legs intertwining with his, he was rhythmically rubbing your clit as his hard cock subtly grinded against your back.
“You like it when I play with you like this, cupcake?”
Your head thrashing, your hands reached up behind you to find his face and bring it down for you to kiss him. The angle was difficult, but the way it forced the kiss to be nothing more than a sloppy clash of your mouths only made it hotter.
“Wore these stockings just for me, didn’t you?”
You nodded eagerly, biting your lip as Joel’s free hand caressed the lace that hugged your thigh.
“You’re my fuckin’ toy,” Joel rasped, stretching the fabric until it snapped back against your sensitive skin and pulled a whine out of you, “Say it. Say, ‘I'm your toy, Joel.’”
“I’m—fuck—I’m your… I'm your toy.” As Joel continued to rub your swollen clit, an urge began to creep up on you, something you didn’t know how to explain—but you blurted out what you thought it was despite the embarrassment of it all.
“I think I have to pee... oh god.”
Immediately, Joel knew you were about to squirt. But he said nothing, instead playing with you even more strategically.
“Joel, seriously, I’m,” a shaky whine when he let the fingers of the hand which was previously caressing your leg, slip inside your pussy, “I’m not lying, please.”
He didn’t say a word for a few seconds, seemingly contemplating something. “Touch yourself.”
“W-What, no, I have to…” You cut yourself off and began to push Joel’s hand away from you in an effort to get up and address what you believed to be “the issue” between your legs. 
Joel immediately pulled you back against him. "You're my good girl, aren't you?"
Tears prickling your eyes, you blinked them away before nodding and forcing your tense muscles to relax.
"What are you?"
"I'm your--I'm your good girl."
"Then do what I say. Touch yourself, little girl, let me show you what it's like to fuck my face 'till you're dumb."
Whimpering, you shakily began rubbing circles on your clit. You felt extremely overstimulated, to the point where your legs were vibrating with it. With rapid breaths, you felt Joel slip out from beneath you and place himself with his face between your legs.
His eyes never left yours as he gripped your wrist and pulled your hand away from your pussy before licking a slow, long stripe along your seam. A few more licks, and his fingers were back on your clit, this time moving back and forth rapidly as his own hips fucked your sheets. The tingling feeling only grew more intense, forcing your pent-up energy to manifest into actions, actions like your hands flying to his hair, pulling on it with fervor, your convulsing torso, and the opening and closing motions of your trembling legs.
Joel saw all these signs and took it as his signal to give you your final instruction before he stuck out his tongue.
“In my mouth, fuck, please. Put it in my mouth.”
You didn’t understand what he meant until it was happening.
With your feet planted flat on the bed and your hands shooting to clutch your plushies, your entire body shook with it as clear liquid gushed out of you in pulses, splashing Joel’s tongue and soaking the bottom half of his face. It felt extraordinary, like nothing you had ever felt before, and you knew the pleasure of it all was intensely heightened by Joel’s receptiveness to it; the way he moaned as he drank you down and continued playing with your pussy, eagerly grinding his cock against the mattress, mumbling praises when he could, telling you how good you tasted and returning to finger fucking you in an effort to coax even more out of you.
“Beautiful, god, so beautiful, I need more,” Joel pressured, groaning in frustration when the stream stopped. “F-Fucking give me—give me more.” His mouth closed around your clit and began to suck. As if sensing that you were about to protest his ministrations, he swatted your inner thigh and rasped out in a voice hoarse from arousal, “I’m not stopping until you give me what I want, sweetheart.”
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if you enjoyed, see the rest of my works here!
taglist for this AU: @777-wonders, @scarlettstarletts, @pedrosbabygirl , @deathsholywaterr , @devilmademewriteit , @jakegyllenhl
4K notes · View notes
nolita-fairytale · 1 year
give you my wild, give you a child | carmen 'carmy' berzatto x pregnant fem!reader oneshot
summary: your second trimester while pregnant with baby bear is way sexier than you expected.
warnings: smut, breeding kink, language, 18+ only, barely proofread.
word count: 3.7k
a/n: hi it's me with the second trimester sexapalooza smut i promised @starbritestarlite and @carmensberzattos. and with this new season, let me know if you want to be added to my carmy taglist!! i wrote this as a companion piece to the 'make my heart heart surrender' universe, specifically for the 'carmy as your baby daddy' headcanon/social media au series. anyways, i've been thoroughly enjoying season 2 and am sitting into the fact that i've created my own universe inside of their universe. god we love fanfic. anyways... this is nsfw so 18+ only.
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Today 2:21 pm
Carmy “my baby daddy” Berzatto: On the way home for lunch. 
You: Hurry, baby. 
Carmy “my baby daddy” Berzatto: You good, sweet girl?
Your reply is almost instant, and Carmy wonders what could possibly come next as he sees the three dots appear below your message, indicating that you’re still typing. 
It’s a link, his eyes widening as soon as it appears in his iMessage history with you. 
You: Hottest Sex Positions For Pregnant Women | Cosmopolitan 
Before he can notice that it feels ten degrees hotter in the room, that his face has turned cherry red, that his pants are beginning to feel unbearably tighter, he’s interrupted by the sound of a familiar voice. 
“You good, chef?” Marcus asks, as he passes by, noticing the red tones that have risen to Carmy’s cheeks. 
“Wh-, oh yeah!” Carmy answers, almost too quickly, as if he’s been caught doing something he shouldn’t be doing. 
Marcus shoots him a strange look, examining his boss’ face. 
“Just uh… gotta go home for lunch.”
3:03 pm
“What took you so long?” you practically growl as soon as Carmy gets through the door. 
He hasn’t even had a chance to close it properly before you’re on him like a moth to a flame. Dressed in the cutest pair of white shortalls, you’ve been working from home all day – or rather, mindlessly clicking through your e-mail while waiting for Carmy to come home all day, your mind preoccupied with the fact that Carmy hasn’t been home to give you exactly what you want. 
What you need, may be the better description. 
It’s as if the spirit of Eros himself has taken you over, unable to focus properly as your rapidly changing body needs is practically screaming out for one thing and one thing only: 
To be properly and thoroughly fucked by the man that got you here in the first place. 
“I-,” he begins, attempting to explain that he was running a little behind and got caught up giving feedback to one of his new line cooks before your mouth is on his in an all-consuming kiss. 
Now that he’s here, you regret even asking him, careless for the why when it feels this good to have him pressed up against your body. Your lips are desperate, hungry, intense, as you tangle yourself into him. It’s as if you can finally relax, like you can finally take a breath, now that your husband is finally here. 
He lets out a little groan of surprise against your mouth, as if you’ve charged towards him like the sexual equivalent of a tasmanian devil. 
And in his defense, you have.
“Baby,” he whispers against your lips. “Should we-, can we even-, shouldn’t you be working?”
He’s not wrong. 
You should be working. 
But the unbelievable and insatiable need for sex – for sex with Carmy – is the only thing driving you these days, holding you hostage to its unbelievable and all-encompassing power. You’re like a woman possessed as you reluctantly pull away from him to put his mind at ease. Your lust-filled eyes look him over, his curls already wild from a long day at the restaurant, as you shake your head ‘no.’
“I finished all my work for the day and signed off early. Perks of being a start-up sellout,” your well-kissed lips inform him. 
Carmy’s head spins in response to your answer.
Maybe it’s the prospect of the sex. 
Maybe it’s the way it’s the way your mouth feels against him as you kiss down his jawline and his neck.
“Okay, but I gotta be back at the restaurant at 4:15,” he smiles in agreement, more than happy to oblige.
“That’s plenty of time,” you coo, nibbling on his earlobe.
This time it’s Carmy who initiates, using both of his hands to cradle your face before his mouth is over yours again. The kiss starts slowly this time as he inhales deeply, taking you in. You shift closer, pressing your slightly-rounder-these-days belly against his body once more. He moans, his hands immediately traveling down your body, to your hips as he breathes you in again, wanting nothing more than to stay like this with you forever. His touch ignites something in you and you allow yourself to surrender, lost in the feel of his hands against you. His hands are everywhere – your hips, traveling up your belly, dancing across your fuller-than-normal breasts – and finally the drawn-out unrest of your mind can finally find peace.
He’s starting to get used to this. 
And he’ll admit that he really, really likes it. 
Carmy changes positions with you so that he can press you up against the front door as you continue your passionate makeout. 
Your first trimester had been hell – mornings spent on the bathroom floor together while you hurled the contents of your stomach into the toilet, days where you barely had the energy to get out of bed, nights where you were too hot to sleep that all you could do was lay on the cold tile of the bathroom floor, frustrated tears pouring out of the corners of your eyes – your body undergoing the hardest reset of your life. 
So when the fog and tumultuousness of your first trimester subsided, it was a more than welcomed change – and in so many ways. You’ve traded mornings of flat ginger ale, saltines, and sympathetic back rubs, with mornings spent tugging on Carmy’s perfect curls while you cried out his name.
“You smell like sandwiches,” you giggle in between kisses. 
“Ah shit. I should shower,” he sighs, reluctantly. 
He knows your sense of smell has been heightened lately, and he can’t imagine that smelling like a spicy Italian sandwich would be much of a turn on for you. He begins to pull away, but there’s now way in hell you’re letting him go as you grab his hands in yours. 
"No, Carmy, I can't wait,” you whine, the sound of your voice the most needy, beautiful thing Carmy’s ever heard in his life. 
“You could join me,” he offers with a raise of an eyebrow, presenting a solution you can absolutely get behind. 
“Uh huh. Yes please,” you nod eagerly, a girlishness to the way you answer him. 
Your usage of the word’s got him harder than a rock and he loves this side of you. Your sex life had been great before the pregnancy, but there’s something different about it now. Something about how needy you’ve been – the only thing that can possibly quell the fire inside of you being him – has him unraveling at the seams. 
How could he possibly say no when he’s more than eager to give you exactly (and then some, if it’s up to him) what you want? 
Your fingers are still tangled in his, licking your lips as you add, “My baby daddy thinks of everything.”
Carmy shakes his head, tugging at your hands as he leads you towards the bathroom, mentioning that he still can’t get over the fact that you’ve chosen to call him that in front of everyone you’ve ever known. You remind him that it’s cute, and though he’s not sure he gets it, he lets you do it anyway because it makes you happy.
As you both reach the bathroom, you patiently wait as Carmy turns on the shower, running a hand through the stream of water to check the temperature. One minute he’s focused on the cool water coming down from the showerhead, and then next he’s caging you in between his body and the bathroom sink. 
“You miss me this much, pretty girl?” he murmurs dreamily, his hand trailing up your inner thigh. 
You nod, taking note of how perfectly his top lip fits in between yours. 
“Yes, baby. Thanks for coming home for lunch,” you manage to get out, in between desperate kisses. 
“No need to thank me,” he smirks, a newly-found confidence in his voice. 
His hands are tugging at the hem of your shorts, as if he could slide the overalls down your body this way, a small pang of frustration welling deep in his stomach as he realizes that’s not going to happen. He kisses you with a fervor that makes you dizzy, as Carmy fumbles with the straps of your overalls. Trying his best to unclasp one side, he tosses the strap over your back, a clang sounding out within the four walls of the small room as the metal of the claps hits the porcelain of the sink. 
Carmy lets out a groan as he tugs at the second strap, causing you to giggle. 
“These stupid things,” he huffs, a look of embarrassment running through his brilliant blues. 
“Here, baby,” you say, slipping one of your arms out of the tangled strap. 
He groans as soon as his eyes meet yours again, more than happy to help you out of these damn things.
He pulls the overalls down with a rigor that stops right as the overalls drop to your waist, revealing your white tank top – one that you’re not wearing a bra underneath. 
“Sweetheart,” he groans, his hands ghosting over where your nipples stand erect against the fullness of your breasts. 
“You been like this all day?” he mutters against your skin, leaning down to drag his mouth over your still-clothed breasts. 
“Mmmmhm. Needed you,” you moan, your eyes closing as you lose yourself in the pleasure he’s giving you. 
He’s so incredibly hard right now it’s not even funny. 
By the time you open your eyes again, Carmy’s on his knees, so gentle, so tender with the way he slides the rest of the piece of clothing over the bump that’s been growing inside of your belly.
“Yeah,” you confirm. 
You shimmy out of your overalls as Carmy jumps back to his feet, removing your tank so that the only thing you have left is the pair of panties you’re still wearing. Before he can kiss you again, you’re tugging off his shirt, a sacrifice, an offering to the bathroom floor. 
“Should be warm enough, yeah?” you ask, gesturing towards the shower. 
“Yeah,” he agrees with a nod, removing his shorts. 
You feel all the blood in your body rush south as you see how hard he is already, swallowing hard. Carmy helps you into the shower, like the gentlemen he is, and you hope that’s where the gentleness ends. 
Before you can say anything else, he’s pulling you towards him, wrapping one of your legs around his waist as the warm water begins to wash over the both of you. 
“I’m so sorry, pretty girl,” he hums as his nimble fingers slip between your legs. He groans as soon as he feels how goddamn wet you are. 
“Fuck, honey.”
“See? I told you I needed you, Carm,” you pant, letting out a high keening moan as he draws lazy circles around your clit. You’re already bucking your hips into his hand and he’s barely started touching you. 
"You're so sensitive. So responsive, sweet girl,” he teases you, as he drags his fingers through your folds. You are so unbelievably wet that he’s not sure how he managed to get so damn lucky. 
"I just want you to fuck me, Carm. I’ve needed it all day. I need you to make me feel good," you beg, completely lost in the way his fingers feel as he slides two into you already. 
It’s like his touch sets fireworks off in your brain, setting your nerves on fire as you cry out. 
"Yeah?” he taunts you, an almost amused tone in his voice as he sets the slowest rhythm. “Think that’s how we got here in the first place, pretty girl.”
"I know,” you whimper, moving your hips against his fingers for any kind of friction. For something more. For something faster. For something deeper. But at this rate, with how much he seems to enjoy teasing you, with how horny you are, you’ll take anything. 
“But nothing feels as good as you, Carm.”
Your words go straight to his dick and he’s not sure he’ll ever be able to leave you alone ever again – might as well quit his day job in exchange for this all-day never-ending second trimester sexapalooza you both seem to be caught inside of. 
He’s practically choking on his words as he manages to ask you:
"What’s that, baby? Did you touch yourself while I was gone?" 
You nod pathetically, moaning as he buries his thick fingers deep inside of you. He pauses, feeling the way your walls pulse around him as he stays inside of you, wanting to memorize this moment forever. 
In any other circumstance, he’d make you fall apart on his fingers, and then his tongue before you even went there, but with your recent admission, he’s decided that he has to have you now. In one swift motion, Carmy pulls his fingers from you, releasing his grip on your leg, eliciting a whine at the loss of him. 
Before you can even protest, he’s turning you around in the shower, and you can feel his hard-on pressing against your backside as he pulls you close.
“Sweetheart, you can’t just say things like this,” he taunts you, playfully, as he drags his cock through your folds a few times. 
“Carm,” you whimper, bracing your hands against the shower wall. “Don’t tease.”
“What’s that?” he coos, pressing his thick tip against your clit. 
“I don’t think I can take it. Please, baby,” you whine, so desperate for him to be inside of you. You push your ass back against him, offering your body to him for the taking. 
“Fuck!” he grunts out, because he just can’t resist you like this. 
You let out a sharp cry, as Carmy pushes himself inside of you, finally giving the thing you’ve wanted all day long. 
Carmy sets a slow pace at first, burying himself all the way to the hilt, so that you can feel all of him – every single ridge, every single vein of his cock with each thrust – and with how sensitive, how turned on you are, you’re already seeing stars. His hands hold onto your waist, controlling the speed of your lovemaking, as you press your hands against the shower wall, bracing yourself. You want him everywhere, all around you, consuming you with every fiber of his being, as if all you can do is hold yourself up and let him know how good he’s making you feel. 
Carmy’s lips are on your neck, leaving love bites across your shoulders, murmuring sweet nothings about how well you take him and how good you feel. And then he’s speeding up the pace of each thrust, pulling you back towards him. His hands are all over you: pressing you back against his chest, squeezing your breasts, pinching your nipples as he takes care of you. 
His wife. 
The mother of his child. 
The love of his life. 
You turn your head just enough so that you can kiss him as Carmy’s hand reaches up to cup your face, making sure that he can kiss you properly too. This time you’re standing up taller, grinding against him, wanting to touch your husband more than you need to hold yourself up against the wall. Your hand slips behind you, grabbing at whatever parts of him that you can, bracing yourself against him, as if you could get Carmy even closer to you, while the other is guiding his across your body, your fingers tangled together. 
He’s perfect. 
This is perfect. 
It’s what you’ve been aching for all damn day. 
“I need you, Carm,” you moan into his mouth, as the consistent feel of him thrusting in and out of you has you delirious. 
"You have all of me, baby,” he reassures you in the tenderest tone of voice he can muster, his other hand resting just underneath your breasts as he fucks you. 
He’s not sure what ‘more’ could mean at this moment, but the dirty talk is so hot that he’s more than willing to find out. He slows down his pace, dragging his cock in and out of you and the most delicious pace. 
"Yes,” you pant, pulling away from the searing kiss, your head hanging low. Your hands return to the shower wall as you arch your back, bending at the hips so that you can take him deeper as you add:
“I want to make you a daddy." 
His hips stutter for a second, caught off guard by what you’ve just said. 
"You-you are, sweetheart,” he chuckles, slowing his pace down for a moment as he watches himself disappear inside of you over and over again. 
“Carmy,” you groan, in response to his change pace. 
You’re grinding your ass against him, begging him to speed up, but his hands return to your hips, stopping you. 
The sight alone, and what you’ve just said, he thinks to himself, might kill him. 
You whine as Carmy brings his movements to a halt, trying to get him to fuck you again. But he can’t let what you’ve just said go unrecognized as he stills your hips. 
"What was that? You like walking around like this, hmm? Everyone knowing what I've done to you?" he asks you, holding your hips so that you can’t move.
You’ll give him anything to get what you want. 
Even if it means saying it again. 
“Yes, baby,” you sigh, and Carmy lets out another moan as you squeeze around him. 
“I want to make you a daddy. Just fuck me. Please.”
“Oh fuck,” Carmy mutters, knowing he’s not going to last much longer if you keep that up. 
He pulls out of you, and before you can protest, he’s slamming back into you in a way that makes you sob. He sets a brilliant pace this time, and you're arching your back, pressing your hands against the wall even harder – and all you can do, all you want to do, is take it. Hearing you chant his name over and over takes over him. He’s a man determined, with a single-minded focus on giving you exactly what you want. 
He’s reduced you to a moaning, mumbling mess, as you chase both of your orgasms. 
“Touch me, Carmy,” escapes your lips, and he’s more than happy to oblige, his fingers immediately coming to your clit. 
He’s so goddamn talented, using his cock and his hands to make you fall apart. 
You feel a familiar coil in your belly, and with the way you’re squeezing around him, Carmy can tell your close. 
“Come on, sweet girl. Go ahead and let go for me,” his voice sturdy, confident, strong. 
And seconds later, your eyes slam shut as you’re crying out his name, falling over the edge as your husband pulls the most delicious orgasm from your body. 
“That’s it, sweetheart. That’s it.”
He’s right behind you – literally and figuratively – as Carmy’s thrusts become more erratic, finally letting go after exercising an impossible level of self control. He spills inside of you with a grunt, holding you against him as he pauses. 
Breathless, you throw your head back, grateful that his shoulder is there to catch you. With the slightest turn of your head, you’re able to kiss him, placing the gentlest kiss against the corner of his mouth before Carmy’s hand comes up to lift your chin towards him again, so that he can kiss you properly. 
“Holy shit, Bear,” you sigh, a sense of relief washing over you. 
“Yeah,” he pants, trying to catch his breath with you. 
You both take a beat, a moment to let your brains catch up with your bodies, just holding onto each other – savoring the way it feels to be in each others’ arms. 
“I should uh… I should probably still shower,” Carmy starts, beginning to come back down to earth. 
You turn back towards him, wrapping your arms around his neck, entertaining him with slow, lazy kisses in between words. 
“But why don’t you dry off and get into bed?” Carmy suggests, using a quiet yet direct tone, almost as if it’s an order. 
It’s as if he knows that, though the last orgasm he’d just given you had been world-rocking, there’s no way in hell you’ll be satiated today with just one. 
“Really?” you ask, hopefully with a giggle. 
“Yeah,” he nods. 
“Heard, chef,” you tease him, eliciting a playful eye roll from him. 
He releases you, giving you the time and space to wring out your hair and step out of the shower. 
And as you do what he says, he rewards you for it, spending the rest of the afternoon with his face buried between your legs until he’s ready to go again. 
“And we’ve got a special tonight. Lemon chicken piccata. We’re talkin’ major Berzatto family recipe, ok? So let’s make sure we’re talkin’ up, alright?” Richie announces, following it up with a reminder to all of his servers of the main talking point during tonight’s pre-shift meeting. 
Carmy thinks he’s been stealthy as he attempts to sneak back into the restaurant, considering he’s thirty minutes late. He feels lucky that since everyone is preoccupied with the pre-shift meeting that they couldn’t possibly notice him slipping in this late. He hears the meeting end, making a mental note that tonight’s mise has been done right, praying that tonight’s service goes smoothly. 
He has, afterall, been using up a lot of extra energy lately…. 
“Hey, Jeffrey. We were wondering when you’d be in tonight,” Tina comments, as she returns to the kitchen, ready to lead service tonight. 
“Oh uh, yeah. Sorry, got caught up with some stuff,” he mumbles, avoiding her gaze as he doesn’t have an excuse or a cover story. 
“Mmmhhhmmmm,” she sounds, passing him by, because it’s no secret what Carmen Berzatto’s been up to lately. 
“Yo, cousin!” Carmy calls out, in search of Richie. 
Carmy makes his way into the dining room, and as soon as Richie sees him, knowing what time it is – knowing that Carmy’s running late – he smirks. A blush runs over Carmy’s cheeks as Richie shakes his head with a laugh. 
It’s as if Richie can see right through him, and suddenly, Carmy’s feeling incredibly exposed.
Richie wags a finger at his cousin, his laugh beginning to build. 
“Ahhhh man, cousin,” he sighs, an amused look on his face as he continues. “No one warned ya, huh?”
“I-,” Carmy starts, searching for any and all excuses he could make up on the spot, to no avail. 
“Men can’t resist a pregnant woman. Sheesh. Enjoy it while you can, jagoff.”
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azuries · 3 months
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here it is!! my VERY self indulging sees!ryoji au masterpost ;w; i hope you guys enjoy reading through it! i was heavily inspired by all the amazing art and content ive seen of the concept that i wanted to explore it too!
Moonlight Trio
Yukari and Ryoji going shopping (SEES!Ryoji winter clothes variations)
Ryoji accidentally hitting MC with his scythe
SEES!Ryoji sketch dump
SEES!Ryoji Theurgy splash
SEES!Ryoji Theurgy Storyboard
Ryomina in Tartarus
Cooking with Yukari
SEES!Ryoji Sprite edit
SEES!Ryoji fanmade P3RE screenshots
Ryomina SEES!Ryoji animatic
feral SEES!Ryoji
Clumsy SEES!Ryoji
Charmed Ryoji
All Out Attack Splash
SEES!Ryoji Cut In Splash
silly mitsuru and ryoji comic
Twitter post
After Ryoji finds his resolve through the Hero, he offers to join his team. He gives him a choice to go through a better, yet harder way to get through Tartarus, a way only he can access. It features new bosses, content, and a new spin of the final fight with Strega.
Contains: Art, battle stats, Theurgy, combat dialogue, Tartarus dialogue and banter, and more!
Full post under the cut:
This AU explores the idea that instead of Ryoji leaving for the last  month, he offers to join the team as a temporary team member to lend his power to help SEES reach the remaining floors of Tartarus before he merges with Nyx. More events happen that prolong the time you spend together. 
Ingame, it’s treated like a bonus mission and an addition to get to know Ryoji better during the aftermath of November. 
As a new addition to the team, he’ll join SEES in the dorm and have his own version of FTEs with plant tending, movie watching, book reading and cooking. He’ll have interactions with other party members. 
The player will also get to know more on his personal feelings as the Appriser. Through conversing with Ryoji, you learn in depth about Tartarus, and the player gets to see a more subdued side of him as he tries to come to terms with his identity. 
He uses an evoker to trigger his form as Thanatos instead of using it to summon a Persona.
The player can choose to go through this route, or play the game like how it was originally set. The ending remains the same.
Party Stats:
Level: Scaleable, 2 levels higher 
Element: Dark and Almighty
Weakness: None, reflects pierce damage 
Combat style: Prioritizes debuffing, tank 
Theurgy - Death’s Call: Deals massive almighty damage to all foes. Fears both enemies and allies. 
Theurgy condition: When Ryoji sees his friends suffer a lethal blow, he feels determined to take vengeance.
Theurgy Personality bonus:
Chance to grant Arcana Burst even without completing your Major Arcana stack.
+ More damage to weak foes. 
Inflicts distress to all foes in start of battle. 
Ryoji’s first Tartarus entrance dialogue: 
Ryoji: - So this is Tartarus.
I, I can feel her. She’s keeping an eye on us. On me.
Remember that I’m here to help. Tartarus is Nyx’s realm, but I should know a better way to help you get to the top. 
Keep in mind that I may not be as impenetrable while I’m here, and shadows will be a lot more hostile if we go this way. Are you sure you wanna do this?
> Nowhere to go but up.
> Let’s do this.
> Are you sure there’s no other way?
Don’t worry. Whatever‘s waiting for us, I won’t let anything happen to you. They’ll have to get through me first. 
First Summon dialogue: 
I have to do this. Everyone..I’m sorry for what you’re about to see. 
Get out here, Thanatos! 
Turning into Thanatos (Persona Summon) 
If this is what it takes.
Please look away.
Do what you must!
Shift dialogue:
All up to you! 
We’re in this together!
Receiving end of shift dialogue: 
I’m on it! 
They’ll get what's coming to them.
Item use: 
This will help, right? 
Getting healed:
I don’t deserve this.
I-I hope it was enough. 
It’s over.. Why do we still try?
Guys? What’s going on?!
Come on! Take me down if you can! 
So, how about dinner?~
You’re kidding me! 
What is this?! 
Before All Out Attack:  
We’re going in! 
Before splash art: 
And that's how it's done! 
Splash art Caption: 
All Out Attack splash art line:
Pointless to deny your fate.
Basic victory dialogue: 
I hope it was worth it. 
Heh, how was that? 
Battle aftermath:
That was impressive. You’re all amazing!
Stairs discovery
Found the stairs. There’s no time to lose! 
Found the way up! You know best, leader.
Ooh, something shiny! 
Hey, guys! Found something useful? Maybe?
SEES advantage: 
They never saw it coming! 
Ambush / enemy advantage: 
Leader, stay close to me!
Hit by crit: 
That’s impossible! 
SEES Tartarus dialogue w/Ryoji 
Junpei: Hey, so.. Ryoji… What’s with the long scarf? And how do you not slip from it when you run? 
Ryoji: I don’t think it’s that long! 
Yukari: Seriously? Out of all the questions you can ask him, that’s what you go with? 
Mitsuru: For someone with no prior experience, you’ve been keeping up well, Ryoji-kun. 
Ryoji: I’m glad you think so, Kirijo-senpai.
Akihiko: Don’t push yourself, though, alright?
Junpei: Ryoji! Now that you live with us, we have got to continue the game we were playing! 
Ryoji: I don’t think you’d want to…Didn’t I delete your save on accident?
Junpei: Eh, I wasn’t paying much attention to the story in the first place. 
Ryoji: I never got to thank you before for helping me settle in, Fuuka. How about I take you out? 
Fuuka: Oh, of course! Let’s invite the others too!
Junpei: …Yikes, dude.
Fuuka: I’ve always wanted to do karaoke with you all. You should join us, Ryoji-kun!
Ryoji: Oh, m-me...?
Junpei: Yeah, you’re always holed up in your room and we never know where you’re out at night! How about we sing our hearts out instead? 
Ryoji: Ahh.. haha..I… I’ll think about it. 
Ryoji: *Humming Mass Destruction* 
Aigis: Ryoji-san. Were you the one making those sounds? 
Ryoji: Sorry! Makoto-kun and I were listening to some songs, and now I can’t get it out of my head. 
Ryoji: Aigis..About what happened before. I feel like I should apologize one more time. 
Aigis: Instead of apologies, let’s make a promise. That we’ll see this through, together.
Ryoji: …Yeah. You’re right.  
Aigis: It’s strange. In the real world, you’re impenetrable. But in Tartarus...
Ryoji: Until the promised day, I’m an obstacle to Nyx. I wouldn’t put it past her to limit my power. 
Mitsuru: So she was expecting this. Well, we just have to plan accordingly, then.
Aigis: I decided to live, but…how do I even begin? How would I know? 
Ryoji: I already sense life within you, Aigis. You’re doing more than enough.
Ryoji: Wandering Tartarus must feel repetitive. Maybe I can try something! I can add some arcade machines? 
Ryoji: Oh… but if I do that, Tartarus will just take it away again. *sigh* Nevermind, then.
Ken: Can.. Can you actually do that?!
Yukari: *sigh* Of course he can’t. 
Akihiko: How are you holding up, Mochizuki? Think you can still keep up?
Ryoji: Heh, that’s not even a question, Senpai.
Ryoji: I hope I’m not bringing you guys down. What do you think, Koromaru-san? 
Koromaru: *barks enthusiastically*
Fuuka: Hahaha. Koro-chan seems to enjoy your company!
Yukari: Whew..! You guys notice the shadows have gotten…much more alert?
Akihiko: You’re right. It’s like we unlocked the deepest depths of Tartarus that Nyx didn’t want us to see.
Junpei: Jeez Ryoji, you weren’t kidding. The shadows of this detour are a whole different monster! 
Ryoji: I’m sorry, Junpei. But I promise it’s just a little longer. 
Junpei: Who am I to back down from a challenge? This’ll be a piece of cake! 
Mitsuru: Are you settling in the dorm well, Ryoji-kun?
Ryoji: Oh. I am, thank you. 
Mitsuru: Of course. Just let us know if you need anything.
Ken: Did anyone hear footsteps in the boys’ dorm last night? 
Yukari: Must have been Aigis sneaking to Makoto’s room, even if I told her to not leave past curfew…
Aigis: It was not me. I was out for my monthly checkup. 
Yukari: Then… who was it?
Ryoji: It wasn’t me! 
Yukari: No one said it was you! 
Ken: So, where have you been living before, well, all of this, Ryoji-senpai?
Ryoji: I-I actually don’t know. Anything outside of school and Makoto-kun becomes a blur.
Fuuka: Ryoji-kun…
Ryoji: You’re amazing to lead such a capable team, Makoto-kun. You look good like this. 
Yukari: Ryoji-kun and I went thrift shopping the other day. It was actually pretty fun!
Ryoji: Thanks for taking me out, Takeba-san. I wanted that jacket, though.. 
Yukari: Unless you wanna blind someone with that thing, there’s no good reason to wear it! 
Ryoji: *sighs sadly*
Ryoji: There were so many couples on Paulownia Mall for Christmas Eve. It was lovely to see.
Junpei: Ooo, does our newest member have a special someone they have in mind?
Ryoji: I-I wouldn’t say that..
Junpei: Hahaha! You’re like a tomato right now, dude! 
Ryoji: Hey, knock it off!
Ryoji: Wait, you’ve reached past the 200th floor?! Akihiko: All in a day’s work. Everyone has been putting in their all. 
Akihiko: You’re hardly breaking a sweat. What’s your routine, Mochizuki?
Ken: I’m guessing it’s him not being human in the first place?
Akihiko: Ken, that’s not..!
Ryoji: It’s alright, I don’t mind. He has a point, though.
Yukari: I won these chocolate bars, I brought them in case anyone wanted a snack. Want some? 
Ryoji: Oh, that’s okay. I don’t eat sweets that much. 
Mitsuru: I have to say it was quite convenient for the Kirijo Group to have an extra weapon. 
Ken: Yeah, and what’re the odds it was a scythe too?
Ryoji: Hahaha…. I guess.
Koromaru *bark*
Aigis: Koromaru-san is asking that if you’re Death, what will that make of the Reaper?
Junpei: I bet Ryoji here can take him down, no problem! 
Ryoji: I’d rather not stick around to find out. For your sakes.
Ryoji: I was told you lost a close friend to the Dark Hour. I’m sorry for your loss.
Mitsuru: …Thank you, Ryoji-kun.
Akihiko: He’d want us to move forward. There’s no use dwelling in the past.
Ryoji: I guess you’re right. I’m here to help however I can. 
Koromaru: *bark bark* 
Junpei: Hey… you think Koromaru sensed Ryoji’s true identity? 
Ken: Oh, do you mean because  of dogs’  intuition to ghosts and spirits? 
Fuuka: I don’t think Ryoji-kun’s just any ghost though..!
Ryoji: Hey Takeba-san. Can I ask you something?
Yukari: I swear, if it’s you trying to ask me out again…
Ryoji: Oh, that’s not what I was gonna- Wait, do you want me to? Because-
Mitsuru: -I think I saw something important there, leader. Let’s check it out.
Ryoji: This feels too familiar.
Junpei: Kyoto was so fun! School trips should happen more often. 
Yukari: *glare*
Junpei: Eep! 
Ryoji: Ah-! I-I swear, that wasn’t our intention! It was all a misunderstanding! Leader, tell her! 
Mitsuru: Ryoji-kun. Make sure not to strain yourself. 
Ryoji: I’m fine, please don’t worry. I can’t let up in front of a pretty girl like you, now can I? 
Fuuka: Leader… Ryoji seems tired. 
If Makoto has low SP: 
Ryoji: You don’t look good…Please, pace yourself. I don’t know what I’d do if something happened to you.
Plant tending event
anddd thats it so far!! if this post ever needs updating, i definitely will!
thank you so much for reading! it really means a lot!
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