#the band calabrese
h00d13d09 · 1 year
I'm honestly surprised these guys don't have more listeners. If you like spooky/halloween type of music and goth vampire aesthetic I really recommend them
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Here are some of my fave songs:
The whole "the travelling vampire show" album is my fave
Oh btw Davey (guy on the right) has a kitty named Terzo (yes THE Ghost Terzo)
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And they're dropping new songs soon! :D
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gameyface46 · 3 months
Hey, they look pretty good together!
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So yeah. Good Together by Lake Street Dive released a few weeks ago, and this was supposed to come out in June for the June project, but I’m counting it for June so I don’t have an excuse to not do a July project.
The roles were picked based on the 30th Anniversary Music Festival art, so Dedede represents drummer Mike Calabrese, Bandee represents pianist Akie Bermiss, etc. Marx is actually really cute! I should draw him more. He’s representing bassist Bridget Kearney here.
I actually really like how this turned out. This was supposed to be finished in a day, but… I couldn’t.
Signed and color versions below the read more!
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Yes it is read Cake Street Dive.
Now, thoughts on Good Together? I love it.
They really know how to start a song off. Most opening instrumental is so funky! I really like it! Favorite song is hard to pick… Dance with a Stranger, Seats at the Bar, Far Gone, Good Together… they all are great! Set Sail is so… wistful… I love it so much! It was the PERFECT album closer. Help Is On The Way is so groovy… ach! I love this album. The only song I kinda disregard is Twenty Five. Wistful like Set Sail, but personally not my cup of tea. I don’t prefer overly sad songs. But it’s still good, don’t get me wrong. But I won’t have it on loop like every other song. Please listen to Lake Street Dive if you have the chance! New favorite band besides Sammy Rae and the Friends. Hey, if you like them, I think you’ll like this group too!
Now for other matters.
Playing OneShot. Pretty good game so far. Niko is SO CUTE. Cold take, I know, but it’s the truth. The character designer designed so hard when creating them. Also I’m going in blind, which is a treat. I hear the story is VERY important, so yeah. I watched the Ace Attorney anime before playing the game, ruined it for me. Playing the Apollo Justice trilogy was a treat.
AAI2 released in the West, very glad about that. You KNOW I’m getting it.
That’s basically June, so see ya, and GOOD LUCK MY EARTHLY COMRADES! THE SUN IS COMING.
♪ We could be good together! ♪
also wtf there’s a tag limit.
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krispyweiss · 7 months
Song Review: Lake Street Dive - “Good Together”
As lead singles go, “Good Together” serves its purpose.
The title track from Lake Street Dive’s forthcoming LP, it’s an uptempo bit of soulful pop music goosed along by Chicago-style horns that finds Rachael Price and Akie Bermiss splitting lead-vocal duties before the whole band comes together on the cheeky chorus:
We could be good together/let’s knock on wood together/it feels so good to be good together
“Good Together” is the simpler side of LSD, the side where its rare talent and quirkier musical ideas are tamped down in the pursuit of the popular vote. The fate of Good Together will therefore hinge on which side dominates the album, which arrives June 21.
Grade card: Lake Street Dive - “Good Together” - B-
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carrionhearted · 2 months
favourite singers/bands?? i'm trying to get into some new music :3
WONDERFUL QUESTION, I HAVE MANY IN MANY DIFFERENT GENRES!!! I think I’ve gotta seperate these into genre-ish groups or it’ll quickly become a mess… okok…
Whimsical folksy: Sufjan Stevens, Le Loup, Big Blood, Vashti Bunyan, Linda Perhacs, Jordan Reyne
Southern folksy: Laura Marling, the Builders and the Butchers, Laurel Hell’s Ramblers, Lisa LeBlanc, The Devil makes Three, The Dead Brothers, Murder by Death, Benjamin Dakota Rogers, Brown Bird, Shawn James, Amigo the Devil, Ben Caplan
Folk Punk (ft yeehaw): the Bridge City Sinners, Hemlock Chasers, Blackbird Raum, Holy Locust, Broken Bow, Cousin Boneless, Harley Poe
Weird funky stuff: Oingo Boingo, Will Wood (obvs), The Diablo Swing Orchestra, Troldhaugen, UneXpect
Goth/ Gothic Metal: Cemetery Echo, Fields of the Nephilim, Sisters of Mercy, Attrition, Sopor Aeternus and the Ensemble of Shadows, Calabrese, Christian Death, The Damned, Type O Negative, Moonspell, London After Midnight, Rob Zombie
I also ADORE Kimya Dawson but idk how to categorize her stuff… it’s too special <3
If it interests you, here’s my most used playlist, curated for trekking through the woods!
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taminoarticles · 2 years
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— Tamino for ODDA Magazine, No. 23 / Fall/Winter 2022-23 / Spring 2023 (x)
"When the heart speaks, the mind finds it indecent to object," says Milan Kundera in his masterpiece, "The Unbearable Lightness of Being," Tamino's favorite novel. And it is that the music of this young Belgian-Egyptian singer cannot come from anywhere other than a heart that harbors feelings as pure as longing or melancholy. At 25 years old, Tamino has turned into a musical reference due to his complex themes and his deep and emotional voice that became known for the acclaimed song "Habibi," instant success in 2018. His first album, "Amir," was not long in coming to confirm his undoubted talent, capable of conquering even musicians like Colin Greenwood, a member of Radiohead and Tamino's frequent collaborator. Now, after taking a break from all this whirlwind of emotions, he returns to the spotlight determined to move us with "Sahar," his sophomore album, released at the end of September 2022, that shows us a more vitalistic and tender side of the singer, who takes us by the hand to guide us through the boulevard of broken hearts. Could there be a better company?
JUAN MARTI SERRANO. Hello Tamino, it is a pleasure to meet you! I'd like to talk a little about your past. You started in the music industry at a very young age, when you were only 14 years old, creating your own music band. Now, at 25, when you look back, how do you remember those years?
TAMINO. When I was 14, I started out playing in bands very locally in Belgium so I wouldn't call it "the music industry yet," we were performing but not making any money. That period of my life taught me a lot about band dynamics and sound checks, some stuff you have to learn. At 17, I went to study in Amsterdam and I started performing just by myself. Suddenly, when I created my first song in 2017, stuff started happening, I was 19-20 years old. Those years were quite crazy, a rollercoaster, a lot happened in a short amount of time. I was never home, touring all the time...
J.M.S. What was more fun, those old days or just now?
T. I couldn't say. There are aspects of it now that are more fun and there are aspects of before that are also more fun. The weird thing is that I've always taken this very seriously, in that sense nothing has really changed. If I would play in a small cafe show when I was 17 in Amsterdam I would take it as seriously as I am taking the show now. I don’t allow myself to go crazy like drinking the night before or whatever. I'm quite boring in that sense, I'm very dedicated to the shows and what I’m doing, I always want quality. I guess the scale is the only thing that has changed.
"I'm an introvert so that's where I get my energy, when I'm alone, I recharge my batteries." - Tamino
J.M.S. What lessons have you learned during all these years?
T. That I don’t really like traveling! [laughs.] I mean, I love being in other places, I love meeting new people and cultures but I don't like traveling itself. I know some people like flying, but I really hate it, I hate all the waiting around it. At the same time, when you are on tour with the same people all the time, sometimes in close spaces, I concluded, "Yes, I’m an introvert." I need time for myself, I need to read, to have space. That's the main thing that I have learned.
J.M.S. Have you ever thought about a life not linked to music? Have you ever contemplated a future detached from your role as a singer?
T. First, I really loved acting and directing. I was always making these little theater plays and forcing my little brother to participate in them. That was actually my first passion, I really, really loved it. I took it very seriously as well even though I was fucking eight years old or whatever. I acted until I was 15 or 16 along with the music but music eventually took over. The funny thing is that now my brother is an actor and a director. That was basically the only other aspiration I ever had.
J.M.S. Have you ever thought of revisiting your acting passion?
T. If I do anything with it I would really need to take it as seriously as music. It couldn't be a part-time thing, it would require a lot of my time and effort. I should just be able to give it my everything.
J.M.S. You consider yourself a composer before a musician. I would like to know what inspires you the most when creating your sound and your lyrics.
T. I really don’t know! [laughs] I think that’s the beauty of songwriting, you simply don’t know where it comes from. If I think about books or other music, yes. I can tell you about several people that inspire me the most. I really love reading a lot because it’s sort of this in-depth perspective of someone else’s life or whatever which is super inspiring for me. Something about reading a book makes me want to write a song as well. But the biggest thing of course is just living. The main thing behind my songwriting has always been finding a sort of inner world, also to work through things. I don't want to call it therapy because it is an art form and not every song must be autobiographical, it is just a place where I can let my emotions be and refine them in a way.
J.M.S. Now I am very curious to know what your favorite book is...
T. I really love "The Unbearable Lightness of Being" by Milan Kundera.
J.M.S. And tell me, when it comes to composing the narrative of your music, I would like to know if they are based on your own experiences or on the experiences of others. Do you find more inspiration in your life or in the lives of others?
T. I guess it's always a combination. You go through life experiencing whatever comes across your path but you are also an observer. It is always a little bit of both. I have to say that when something impactful happens to me there is of course an inner tension that wants to get out of me. That's the most natural state of being when wanting to create something. If that isn't there, life can be sometimes very still or dynamic, then it’s more a craftsmanship thing. I couldn't say if one stage is better than the other. I don't necessarily think that the best song comes from this struggle and tense state of being or maybe of the observer state of being. Both influence each other, it's like a dance.
J.M.S. Don't you think that many times writing music forces you to constantly immerse yourself in your memories and experiences as if it were an eternal and exhausting spiral of introspection?
T. It's the other way around [laughs.] It's not being a musician that makes me think about all those things all the time; it is just the fact that I always think about those things that probably made me into a musician. That it's just how I am and how I've always been. There is this beautiful song called "I Watched The Film The Song Remains The Same" by Sun Kil Moon. In this song, the singer thinks about his childhood and compares his friends to himself and how he always was drawn to the melancholic aspects of things and how things never leave him. He once had a fight at school and how that event is going to haunt him forever. I really relate to that emotion, to that song. That's probably the main reason why I make stuff.
J.M.S. Being a melancholic and nostalgic person but at the same time young and sensitive, have you ever stopped to think about what the hell you really know about life?
T. Of course! [laughs.] When you are a bit younger you think you know everything, you think you are invincible but of course, that grows out of you quickly normally when you grow into adulthood. I don't think being a songwriter is about knowing things, it’s more about exploring them and accepting the fact that you don’t know anything and you are just figuring it all out. I think that figures out all-out aspects of it that people relate to in a way because at the end if you look at songs from whatever era, you find similar things. Human experiences are not very different from each other.
J.M.S. Are you hoping to figure things out?
T. Yeah! You are always trying to figure things out I guess.
J.M.S. Your single "Habibi" made you reach fame back in 2018, a song that was highly applauded by the public and critics. How do you feel when you listen to that song? Do you still recognize yourself in those lyrics?
T. I recognize the boy who wrote it at the time. I was 18 so I have a lot of love for that younger self. It was a very courageous song to release especially at that age. I'm super happy that I did that at the end. It is still a song that I love performing. The beautiful thing about songs is that they evolve with you. When I'm singing it now,the feeling I get from the  song is different. There are so many memories attached to the song that come back and give me a similar feeling as it did back then, but the song changes a bit with you. It keeps on surprising me.
J.M.S. The same year [2018] you released your first album, "Amir." How do you remember the moment of releasing that first great work?
T. I was definitely nervous but at the same time, I was feeling like I had made something you really believe in and you are fully behind it. You feel that whatever happens to this, whatever opinions it can receive, this is what you wanted to make so it doesn't really matter. Well, it matters but at the same time it doesn't [laughs.] Let’s say hypothetically if I would have made an album that I wasn't proud of and I would release it feeling that it wasn't what I wanted to do, the bad opinions would have made me feel broken because I would be thinking "I knew it wasn’t good!" If I really like the work and someone doesn't like it it’s fine, I'm still going to like it. The curse of writing albums is that the moment you finish it a couple of months later you totally like hearing all the flaws and it’s very motivational because it drives you to start writing again and to try to make a follow-up with fewer flaws [laughs.]
"Right now I'm super focused on music, I really want to make a third album. I want to write a lot of songs in the next few months even though I know that's going to be super busy." - Tamino
J.M.S. But the reception of your album was really great!
T. I know [laughs.] But I can hear all the things I could have done better or just differently. One work drives the other.
J.M.S. In one of her songs, Spanish singer, Rosalia, mentions that fame is a bad lover. Nowadays, being famous entails enduring an intrusion into private life and overexposure to social media. How has your experience with fame been after gaining attention through your songs?
T. Fame is a very subjective term. In some sorts of bubbles, you can be famous, but in others, people don’t know you at all. Before social media, if you were famous, you were really famous. But now it’s like a big group of people know you but then a bigger group of people have never heard anything about you, so I wouldn't be able to call myself “famous.” I have experienced aspects of fame when I’m performing, because a lot of people who know my music have come together and maybe want to meet me in person after the show. And it can be overwhelming because suddenly there are a lot of people who have heard your music and want to express their love. But if I’m just walking on the street there are not enough people who really know me, rather it would be annoying. I feel really happy with my level of fame or whatever you want to call it, because it is really spread or very concentrated when I’m performing. Otherwise, I have a very normal life.
J.M.S. Look, I think if you have your own Wikipedia page, you're famous!
T. Oh, man! Then a lot of people can be considered famous! [laughs]
J.M.S. Singer, Lykke Li, declared that “sadness is a blessing.” Do you think that for artists it is totally true when it comes to finding inspiration?
T. Definitely. I've found many emotions inspirational. I guess sadness and joy are quite connected, they can’t be without each other. You can only be joyful because you know what sadness is like. The same thing goes for sadness. I like the yin-yang of that. That's basically everything. Everything comes down to that.
J.M.S. You say that you don’t like to explain your own songs, you prefer that everyone interprets them. So if we go by that idea there is not just one Tamino, but many versions of you for every person who listens to your songs, right?
T. Yes! I think people do that anyway. Life happens inside our consciousness so everyone has their own perspective. There are many versions of you because in everybody's mind you are somehow a bit different. There would never be one singular vision of a person.
J.M.S. This makes me think a bit about the mystery and how overexposed artists are today because of social media. You have managed to stay out of all that madness and remain very enigmatic. Do you think it’s important for an artist to be somehow untouchable and unreachable?
T. I do like some mystery [laughs.] In the first place as a fan of other artists I like it when they are not too revealing because I don’t want to know everything about them, I just want to experience their work. At the same time, I read for example a biography about Leonard Cohen because I was interested in his life. I do like some mystery and I think it is important for people to be able to experience the work as pure as possible.
J.M.S. After having listened to “Sahar,” I am left with the feeling that one of the main themes is loneliness. I would like to ask you, do you usually feel lonely or do you consider yourself a solitary person? Or otherwise, have you learned how to embrace loneliness and be comfortable with it?
T. Rather a solitary person than lonely. I don’t really feel lonely because I have really good friends. Loneliness is more about a state of being that you can feel from time to time and when you feel it you can dwell in it or call a friend and hang out. I do that when I feel lonely but I'm also very ok with being alone because it’s the only way I'm able to create. I’m an introvert so that’s where I get my energy, when I'm alone, I recharge my batteries.
J.M.S. One of my favorite songs on the album, “The Longing,” talks about letting go. Do you think you are someone who holds on to people or even memories or is it easy for you to let go?
T. I'm still figuring that out. I don’t know yet if I’m a super sentimental person who is very nostalgic and dwells in the past or someone who is quite always moving forward. Maybe I’m someone in between.
J.M.S. In “Sahar” through songs like “The First Disciple,” you talk about love and desire. At 25 years old, do you think our generation correctly understands what love is about?
T. I wouldn't be able to say what love is about, I don’t even know. That's a difficult question to answer. There is something about the whole dating app era that is a bit weird but at the same time, I have a lot of friends who found love, even myself. I would never say that we are a lost generation, we are very capable of love, finding it, and maintaining it. It just takes some work.
J.M.S. In both records, “Sahar” and ���Amir,” you can perceive that the great influence of bands like Radiohead is prominent. Actually, a component of the band participated in a single of your first album, “Indigo Night.” I would like to know your personal and musical connection with the band led by Thom Yorke.
T. Colin Greenwood, the bassist of Radiohead, was the one who played with us in that song, then we started touring together a bit, and then I asked him to play again in the new album so he plays in seven songs! We spent a lot of time in the studio and we already did a big concert in Istanbul in June. He is super.
“I guess sadness and joy are quite connected, they can’t be without each other. You can only be joyful because you know what sadness is like. The same thing goes for sadness.” - Tamino
J.M.S. Ok, we spoke about music, your “personality” as an artist… Tell us more about who Tamino is.
T. Well I can tell you that my favorite movie is “Phantom Thread.”
J.M.S. That movie in which the fashion designer lets himself be poisoned by his girlfriend in a kind of psycho-emotional game?
T. Yes! Love that movie! When I was a kid my favorite movies were “The Lord of the Rings” and they still sort of are.
J.M.S. Love “Lord of the Rings”, so homoerotic!
T. Which character makes you think those movies are homoerotic?
J.M.S. Most of them. All those sweaty and dirty men sleeping together in those dark and mysterious forests with voyeuristic trees with eyes spying on them...
T. Maybe I should rewatch them!
J.M.S. And Frodo and Sam, of course! Something between them was going on!
T. Oh yes! I can understand that!
J.M.S. And favorite musician?
T. So many! Anouar Brahem’s “Blue Maqams” has really inspired me for this album. The typical ones I have mentioned so many times like Leonard Cohen and Bob Dylan, Fairuz... I think when I really like something I always go back to it, that’s probably something that is very present in my personality. I have loyalty to those kinds of things. I rarely have anything like this new thing that I’m super into. I like a lot of things but I don’t love a lot of things. If I love something, it is with me forever in a way. There are a couple of books and movies that I would always go back to and I probably always talk about.
J.M.S. Any TV shows?
T. “Better Call Saul!” Just brilliant!
J.M.S. Let's talk about fashion, an industry that has been seduced by you since we all got to discover your music. Some houses such as Missoni included you in their advertising campaign and many others requested your presence in their shows. What is the meaning of fashion for Tamino and how do you go through your style?
T. I like just wearing clothes that make me feel I would say “I like myself,” but it depends on the day. Sometimes I like to wear a suit, sometimes I like to wear a t-shirt. What I'm wearing needs to make me feel aligned with the mood I'm in because then I feel that my interactions with people are better. I think that wearing what makes you feel comfortable that day makes you more connected to yourself.
J.M.S. Do you pay attention to the clothes you wear?
T. I definitely pay attention to what I wear. I love well-made clothes and good fabrics and designs. I really appreciate the quality. There are some brands that I'm really into like Yohji Yamamoto.
J.M.S. Would you like to participate actively and frequently in the world of fashion?
T. It’s funny because it was never an ambition when I was younger. It was something that just happened. It’s super cool but I’m very sober in fashion. It’s not like I’ve ever had a deep desire to make it in fashion, if something comes along and feels right like I really want to do it, then for sure!
J.M.S. Now that you have a well-grounded career in music and the support of specialized critics and your fans, what is the next step for Tamino?
T. First, we have the tour coming so I hope I will be able to enjoy it more this time, to be more at the moment. Right now I’m super focused on music, I really want to make a third album. I want to write a lot of songs in the next few months even though I know that’s going to be super busy. I want to spend some time in New York or anywhere else that can feel inspired. It’s time for something new.
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yalocalfanficaddict · 11 months
Band AU (Part One?)
These are just some songs I would assign Class 1-A characters if they were the lead singer in a band AU...feel free to request some genres if you want this to be a series and if you wish to use some of these as prompts for a fic. But please send me the link because I would LOVE to read it!!
The first genre to start this series issss *drumroll* Goth!
Class 1-A!
Kyouka Jirou ~ Spellbound by Siouxsie and The Banshees (Anything by Siouxsie feels like it would match her voice-ish, she's probably too low for Jirou but I still think it sort of matches?)
Hanta Sero ~ Enjoy The Silence by Depeche Mode (It sort of matches his dub voice -- which is what I'm trying to do for this series -- and I feel like the 'chillness' of Depeche's voice matches Sero's vibe)
Denki Kaminari ~ Hot Hot Hot!!! OR Let's Go To Bed by The Cure (Only reason why I give him two songs is because Hot Hot Hot sort of sounds like him singing bad on purpose imo)
Eijirou Kirishima ~ Bite My Hip by Bauhaus (Is it really a goth song assignment if Bauhaus isn't mentioned? Anyways, Kirishima gets this song because it fits his sort of nasally dub voice if you get what I mean?? Not to mention his shark teeth lol)
Katsuki Bakugou ~ Be My Death Cult by Calabrese (Totally didn't pick this one because of how much Bakugou screams 'DIE!')
Mezo Shoji ~ I Don't Wanna Be Me by Type O Negative (This was so hard to assign because I still don't know TOO many goth musicians and is sort of considered a "baby-bat" in the community, haha!!)
Tenya Iida ~ This Charming Man by The Smiths (Listen y'all, I know there is controversy with The Smiths for...reasons and some consider them to be one of the first indie bands to ever form, but I've seen them in too many goth playlist so I'm counting it as such)
Rikidou Satou ~ Kiss Me Until My Lips Fall Off by Lebanon Hanover (Sorta sounds right on the dot when it comes to William Maybelline and Sato's english dub...)
Momo Yaoyorozu ~ Violet by Hole (Picture this: Momo screaming this song and *insert ship* staring at her in awe..I rest my case)
Fumikage Tokoyami ~ Out of Control by She Wants Revenge (Yet another hard one to assign! Everyone's voices are all so unique and so this is the best I could come up with!)
Mashirao Ojiro ~ Staring At Dark Skies by ANGST/JOY (Not my best assignment...but it'll have to do because I legit cannot think of anything else)
Ochako Uraraka ~ Incubus Succubus II by Xmal Deustchland (Honestly loved this german band, it's a shame they became pop and it's the closest I could get to find a singer that sounds like Uraraka)
Izuku Midoriya ~ Vicious Pastimes by House of Harm (The title kinda matches what he does in his pastimes which is scrapping with villains and all, haha)
Mina Ashido ~ Twilight by bôa (legit can't tell the difference sometimes)
Shouto Todoroki ~ Snake Dance by The March Violets (This one took forever to assign because of Todoroki's monotone voice, andd I totally didn't pick this song because of how much it mentions flames)
Yuga Aoyama ~ Walking on Both Sides by Pink Turns Blue (Again, totally didn't pick this one based on the title and how it matches with *insert spoiler that iykyk*)
Tooru Hagakure ~ Rose Blood by Mazzy Star (Hagakure is so high-pitched that it's so hard to find a song, but I think it matches her voice?)
Koji Koda ~ Mascara by Deftones (Koda barely speaks and so I legit just went with the softest sounding one I knew But at the same it's Deftones so...)
Tsuyu Asui ~ Step On Me by The Cardigans (I know Asui's voice is a bit lower-ish but I think it sort of matches her nasally voice)
Tell me how I did and if I missed any! Although I'm pretty sure we're all good...
Doing this sorta made me want to write a My Goth Academia fic, haha! I know some of the bands are actually considered alt, but please just let me be delulu.
What actually started this is that I've seen enough 'My Immortal' stuff floating around that it inspired me to put my goth knowledge to the test! Again, feel free the use this as inspiration, but please tag me or send the link 'cause I would be totally stoked to read it! If you want me to to this but in another genre and make it a series, just send an ask and I can do almost every genre except for certain sub-genre's of metal and country music.
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fitgothgirl · 1 year
It doesn't hurt my skin to go outside lately. 🥲 The foreseeable forecast is all 75F/24C-80F/27C. Probably still sounds hot to many but for my region, that's autumn starting to creep in on us! 🍂🍁
We put up a lot of Halloween decorations a few days ago too lol. Our neighbors across the street did some as well a couple days later, I wonder if we inspired them? I know it's still pretty early for a lot of people so didn't feel like a coincidence haha. I love that they’re fellow Halloween lovers though. 🎃
Speaking of, this was earlier this morning-
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Had to show off my new mug with my mug. :P Sleepy face after the concert last night, got home pretty late due to a delay in the start times. Super fun though. One member of Calabrese recently retired so Argyle Goolsby of Blitzkid is their touring bassist right now; he was a great performer! Here’s a clip of them covering Halloween and a couple more pictures-
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Also, my bf and I happened to see Calabrese exactly 10 years before to the day! So we got a repeat picture with Davey. Love bands you can just go up to before & after the set and are super down to talk. Davey’s hella nice too!
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We’re all a bit thicker and the guys are a bit harrier lol. (Also my bf has had eye surgery!) We cute cute, good times :3 🥰
Today was a lazy day, tired from going to bed late but I took a trazodone so I’m not tired from insomnia at least. But overall I actually do think I feel it that I’ve taken only a half dose of Wellbutrin the last two days. I’m going to go back to the full dose tomorrow and just keep up with the trazodone. Even though I didn’t take a full dose the last two days, I was too nervous to not take the trazodone too lol. Plus I just wanted to do one thing at a time and feel it out. But now I’m being reminded how much the Wellbutrin helps me so I’m in a bit of a pickle with the insomnia. Again, must see doctor…
Speaking of the doctor… My bisalp consult appointment is coming up this Friday!! And I have no other plans besides that until 9/28, and I’m going to enjoy this good rest after these concerts. And what’s 9/28 you ask? Take a wild guess lmao…
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imadhatt3r · 1 year
🎶✨️when you get this, put 5 songs you actually listen to, then publish. Send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers/mutuals (non-negotiable, positivity is cool)🎶✨️
(Because qbomb always needs more exposure)
(Discovered them thanks to nimona, I love the energy and sort of a twist on the queen bee archetype)
(Another small band that needs exposure, I love the angsty/agressive lyrics and energy of the vocal and music)
(This list can't just be punk, so I'm putting a quasi-comedy/rap song in here as a diversity hire. Tiny meat gang's wordplay is on another level, and I highly recommend them to anyone who appreciates things like that)
(A punk/metal/rock (you often can't tell exactly in these genres) band. Their music is just lots of fun, and sometimes that's just enough of a praise)
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Thanks @ifritfan for the tag! :)) (sorry its taken me forever to do it lol)
1️⃣ first song i remember listening to: If I Die Young by The Band Perry. This song was my first FAVORITE song ever :)
🧒middle school anthem: Monster by Skillet and Animal I Have Become by 3 Days Grace. I was a baby emo and i still love both songs 🥺
🚗road trip: My car doesn’t have bluetooth so i mostly listen to my CD’s. I have Infestissumam, Impera, and Ceremony and Devotion (Ghost) and the 3 Days Grace self titled album :)
🫣guilty pleasure artist(s): I have a few, Ayesha Erotica (I strictly only 🏴‍☠️ her music), Slayyyter, Mareux, Lana Del Rey, and ABBA
💯know all the lyrics to: Pretty much all Mitski, LDR, and Ghost. And A Fever You Can’t Sweat Out (P!atD). And a good amount of Type O Negative. I really enjoy memorization so I could go on for a while :)
😭song that makes me cry: ooooo, Life Eternal (Ghost), Two Slow Dancers, Pearl Diver, Eric, I Don’t Smoke, That’s Our Lamp, and probably more by Mitski, Ghost Waltz, Melting Waltz, and Ethan’s Waltz by Abel Korzeniowski, and the whole String Quartet 8 in C Minor by Dmitri Shostakovich! The story is what makes me cry buts its actually a bop
🤬song to scream: I Miss the Misery (Halestorm), Death Knell, Mummy Dust, Watcher in the Sky, Twenties, Spirit, Faith, and probably more Ghost, I Hate Everything About You (3 Days Grace), Addicted (Saving Abel), Moskau (Rammstien), and I Don’t Wanna Be Me (Type O Negative)
🔥fav music video: RRRRRRRATS!!! and He Is (Ghost) but normally im not much of a music video person :/
🥰current fav band: DEFINETLY Calabrese and Sleep Token atm! I love them both SO much and I heavily recommend them both, esp if you like Ghost!!!
🏟️want to see live: RAMMSTIEN AND FALL OUT BOYYYYYY!!!!!!
🏝️one song on repeat for the rest of my life: Serenade for Strings in E Minor By Antonin Dvorak!!! Its so pretty I love it :)))
🔁stuck on repeat: My top songs for the month have been: Inamorta (Mareux), I don’t wanna cry (kurrfew), DEATH OF A PREDATOR (Banshee), All Things End (Hozier), Strangelove (Lebanon Hanover), Kiss Me Thru the Phone (That Kid), Bananza (Akon), Faeries Aire and Death Waltz (John Stump and Julio Abreu), Summertime (Mareux), and last but NOT least: Eat Your Young (Hozier)
Gonna tag: @copias-thicc-thighs and @serpent-of-temptation :))
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turuin · 12 days
Poi un giorno cerchi e trovi su Youtube un pezzo di una band calabrese che risale a quando avevi vent'anni e che tu avevi su CD e quasi ti commuovi.
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radiomaxmusic · 3 months
June 21, 2024: 5pm ET: Feature LP: Lake Street Dive - Good Together (2024)
Click To Listen: RadioMax Live Stream Lake Street Dive is an American multi-genre band that was formed in 2004 at the New England Conservatory of Music in Boston. The band’s founding members are Rachael Price, Mike “McDuck” Olson, Bridget Kearney, and Mike Calabrese. Keyboardist Akie Bermiss joined the band on tour in 2017 and was first credited on their 2018 album Free Yourself Up; guitarist…
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Okay so I'm gonna share a list of horror rock/horrobillly/horror whatever bands I like because not enough people listen to this stuff and some of it is so fucking good it's criminal how few fans it has.
The Nekromantix (pictured)
Bloodsucking Zombies From Outer Space
Ice Nine Kills
Dark Divine
The Misfits
Cat Dead, Details Later
Dead Vampires
The Brickbats
Hola Ghost
Guana Batz
The Coffin Nails
The Coffin Caddies
Os Catalepticos
Mad Sin
Koffin Kats
Cancer Slug
Michale Graves
The Crimson Ghosts
American Werewolves
The Rosedales
The Nightshift
Horror of '59
The Other
If I think of any more or you guys have any to add let me know and I'll add them! And please check out some of these bands, they might not all appeal to you (their styles are pretty varied) some of them probably will! And if you like horror I highly recommend them!
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krispyweiss · 2 years
Lake Street Dive Cover Traveling Wilburys “With Care” for Halloween
Lake Street Dive had themselves a Halloween party, performing the Traveling Wilburys’ “Handle with Care” - in costume.
Akie Bermiss is hilarious as a no-affect Roy Orbison; Bridget Kearney’s top-hatted Tom Petty is a hoot.
Portraying George Harrison, Bob Dylan and Jeff Lynne are Rachael Price, Mike Calabrese and James Cornelison, respectively. They’re good, but Bermiss and Kearney really bob for them apples on this recreation of the Wilburys’ around-one-mic MTV video.
With Ian MacGregor pulling a Jim Keltner on the kit, this addition to LSD’s long-standing All Hallows hallucination tradition is a trip.
“Please enjoy, and handle yourselves with care this coming winter season,” the band said in a statement.
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vmbral · 5 months
5 songs I'm into RN
Calabrese — All the Devils in Hell
I don't usually listen to songs for the lyrics themselves unless they relate to an oc?? This is the case. Sorry. Calabrese is very cheesy and very fun tho!
Aeon Sable — White Snow
Another band I've been vibing with lately, in general. Special mention to their song Dancefloor Satellite. I've been spamming it and this one for more than a month now, both of them are in Angoul's playlists
She Past Away — Rituel
I feel like a fraud putting just one song because I could do multiple for each band. Anyway She Past Away is chef's kiss all over and a constant for me
Anders Manga — Breathless
Darkwave my beloved. This one gives me Astreul vibes and destroys me as a result
Nox Novacula — Pray for Sleep
These are a new discovery for me and so I've been vibing pretty hard with them lately. Goth. Surprise
Tagged by @captainqster and @avaritia-ffxiv tysm for the tags! I loved yours and I love doing these bc for me it's always like
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Not tagging anyone in particular this time, if you see this just do it!
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fallingthruspace · 5 months
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Recently came back home to android after about 8-ish years with iPhone, felt like sharing my lock & home screens.
Lockscreen is a pic of vampire goth rock band Calabrese at the Santa Cruz boardwalk in CA. I've been really into these guys lately & you guys should absolutely check them out on Spotify.
Home screen is artwork by the amazing @dappermouth . Search up wallpaper on her blog & you should find this one + some others that are super rad.
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lamilanomagazine · 6 months
La Spezia Estate Festival, al via la 56^ edizione del Festival Internazionale del Jazz
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La Spezia Estate Festival - V edizione. Al via la 56^ edizione del Festival Internazionale del Jazz. La 56^ edizione del Festival Internazionale del Jazz della Spezia, spettacoli in Piazza Europa con Russell Crow, Mr. Rain, Irene Grandi, Edoardo Bennato, Nina Zilli, Max Giusti e Raul Cremona, Giorgio Panariello, Goran Bregovich. Nella mattinata del 5 aprile a Palazzo Civico il Sindaco della Spezia Pierluigi Peracchini insieme Alessandro Maggi, direttore artistico della rassegna la Spezia Estate Festiva e Lorenzo Cimino direttore artistico del Festival internazionale del Jazz, hanno presentato la V edizione di "La Spezia Estate Festival" - la rassegna dedicata al Teatro - la prestigiosa 56^ edizione del Festival Internazionale del Jazz e i concerti di musica leggera che porteranno alla Spezia i più grandi spettacoli che attualmente girano l'Italia. Grandi nomi del teatro Italiano quali Alessandro Preziosi, Carolina Benvenga, Mariangela D'Abbraccio, Oblivion, Giorgio Panariello e Marco Masini, Beatrice Baldaccini e ancora la grande musica leggera con Mr. Rain, Cristiano De Andrè Edoardo Bennato e Nina Zilli. I grandi interpreti della musica Jazz mondiale: Paolo Fresu & Uri Caine, Dado Moroni, Eddie Gomez, Joe La Barbera, Mike Stern and Randy Brecker, la voce di Irene Grandi e le incursioni di Goran Bregovich e Russell Crow. "Una nuova bellissima stagione estiva è alle porte – dichiara il Sindaco della Spezia Pierluigi Peracchini – nel corso di questi anni abbiamo assistito ad una crescita importante in termini numerici di pubblico, arrivando nel 2023 ad oltre 20.000 presenze, e questo grazie ai grandi artisti che hanno calcato il nostro palco e agli spettacoli di altissimo livello che sono stati capaci di catalizzare e andare incontro alle esigenze di un pubblico eterogeneo e sempre più vasto. Siamo molto orgogliosi di questa nuova programmazione che, anche quest'anno, siamo certi sarà molto apprezzata e che riserverà altre grandi sorprese che annunceremo." La rassegna vede protagonisti, dal 7 luglio al 20 agosto, nomi quali Alessandro Preziosi, Carolina Benvenga, Mariangela D'Abbraccio, Oblivion, Giorgio Panariello e Marco Masini, Beatrice Baldaccini e il corpo di ballo che renderà omaggio a Raffaella Carrà con l'omonimo musical a lei dedicato. E ancora: i 5 musicisti della Rimbamband, Raul Cremona, Max Giusti e il filosofo rock Matteo Saudino. Spazio anche alla musica sul palco di Piazza Europa con Mr. Rain (12 luglio), Cristiano De Andrè (16 luglio), Edoardo Bennato (22 luglio) e Nina Zilli (10 agosto). PROGRAMMA LA SPEZIA ESTATE FESTIVAL 2024 Domenica 7 luglio Alessandro Preziosi in MOBY DICK in collaborazione con "LIBRIAMOCI" adattamento di TOMMASO MATTEI LIVE ELETRONICS PAKY DI MAIO. Produzione PATO S.r.l. Domenica 14 luglio Carolina Benvenga in UN'ESTATE FAVOLOSA. Produzione Stefano Francioni Produzioni. Lunedì 15 luglio Mariangela D'Abbraccio in ANIMA LATINA. Produzione Nidodiragno / CMC. Giovedì 18 luglio Oblivion in OBLIVION COLLECTION di e con gli OBLIVION GRAZIANA BORCIANI, DAVIDE CALABRESE, FRANCESCA FOLLONI, LORENZO SCUDA,FABIO VAGNARELLI. Produzione Agidi. Sabato 20 luglio Giorgio Panariello e Marco Masini - Il ritorno. Produzione Friends & Partners Martedì 6 agosto Beatrice Baldaccini e il corpo di ballo che renderà omaggio a Raffaella Carrà. Direzione artistica : Claudia Campolongo. Regia: Gabriele Colferrai. Coreografie: Angelo di Figlia. Corpo di Ballo: Silvia Gattafoni, Ilaria Gattafoni, Valerio Angeli, Nicholas Jay Cugge, Giovanni Di Tizio. Band: Michael Cappai, Omar Ceriotti, Domenico Vena, Claudia Campolongo, Gianluca Sambataro. Produzione: Nuovo Teatro Verdi. Venerdì 9 agosto Rimbamband. Un gruppo di 5 musicisti pugliesi che suonano e provano a far ridere. Un mix di musica, mimo, clown, tip tap, teatro di figura, rumorismo, fantasia teatrale, parodie. Mercoledì 14 agosto Raul Cremona in BRAVISSSSSSIMO! Produzione Amaca Spettacoli Srl. Domenica 18 agosto Max Giusti in BOLLICINE. Produzione Lea Production Srl. Martedì 20 agosto il filosofo rock Matteo Saudino presenta VITE RIBELLI. Produzioni Fuorivia. INFO E BIGLIETTI Ingresso per tutti gli spettacoli de La Spezia Estate Festival (tranne PANARIELLO VS MASINI): intero: 10 euro + pv, abbonamento: (minimo 5 spettacoli) biglietto a 8 euro; ridotto studenti: 5 euro Dall'abbonamento è escluso lo spettacolo di Panariello e Masini, i cui prezzi sono: POLTRONISSIMA 65 euro I POLTRONA 59 euro II POLTRONA 53 euro III POLTRONA 44 euro (biglietti in vendita presso il Botteghino del Teatro Civico e sul circuito Ticketone. INFO: Botteghino del Teatro Civico (ingresso da via Carpenino), aperto dal lunedì al sabato dalle ore 8.30 alle ore 12.30 (il mercoledì anche dalle 16 alle 19). Tel. 0187/727521 – email: [email protected] I CONCERTI Venerdì 12 luglio Mr. Rain Ingresso: Posto unico in piedi 30 euro + prevendita. Prevendite Ticketone e Vivaticket. Martedì 16 luglio Cristiano De Andrè in #DEANDRÉ BEST OF LIVE TOUR I biglietti per il tour sono disponibili in prevendita su TicketOne e Ticketmaster. Ingresso: Poltronissima gold € 50,00 + pv I poltrona € 40,00 +pv II poltrona € 30,0 + pv Lunedì 22 luglio Edoardo Bennato Ingresso: I settore € 40,00 II settore € 35,00 (i prezzi sono comprensivi di prevendita) Sabato 10 agosto Nina Zilli  Ingresso (prevendita inclusa): I settore € 32,00 II settore € 30,00 PIAZZA EUROPA Uno straordinario programma per il Festival Internazionale del Jazz della Spezia, giunto alla 56ma Edizione. Da luglio un prestigioso cartellone di concerti per il più longevo festival musicale italiano dedicato al jazz, che si svolge alla Spezia e dintorni ininterrottamente dal 1969. Con la direzione artistica di Lorenzo Cimino, uno dei più apprezzati trombettisti contemporanei, la 56ma Edizione del Festival si terrà in Piazza Europa e si svilupperà attraverso appuntamenti con divi internazionali, e progetti speciali in omaggio a giganti del jazz. Si parte mercoledì 24 luglio con Goran Bregovic - THE WEDDING AND FUNERAL BAND Giovedì 25 luglio con Mike Stern / Randy Brecker Band - Featuring: DENNIS CHAMBERS, LENI STERN & CHRIS MINH DOKY MIKE STERN e RANDY BRECKER Sabato 27 luglio con Irene Grandi con il suo spettacolo "Io in Blues". Domenica 28 luglio Omaggio a Bill Evans con Dado Moroni - Eddie Gomez - Joe La Barbera Lunedì 29 luglio il duo Fresu-Caine  Martedì 30 luglio Russell Crowe per un eccezionale finale INFO E BIGLIETTI I biglietti della rassegna La Spezia Estate Festival, dei concerti e del Festival Internazionale Jazz saranno in vendita presso il Botteghino del Teatro Civico a partire dalla seconda settimana di aprile. I biglietti del Festival Jazz e de La Spezia Estate Festival saranno in vendita anche online sul circuito Vivaticket; gli abbonamenti soltanto al Botteghino del Teatro Civico. Ingresso per tutti gli spettacoli de La Spezia Estate Festival (tranne CAROLINA BENVENGA e PANARIELLO VS MASINI): - intero: 10 euro + pv, - abbonamento: (minimo 5 spettacoli) biglietto a 8 euro; - ridotto studenti 5 euro. Dall'abbonamento sono esclusi gli spettacoli di Carolina Benvenga e Panariello/Masini, i cui prezzi sono: INFO: Botteghino del Teatro Civico (ingresso da via Carpenino), aperto dal lunedì al sabato dalle ore 8.30 alle ore 12.00 (il mercoledì anche dalle 16 alle 19). Tel. 0187/727521 – email: [email protected]  ... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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