#the barbieler
monika-fan0 · 1 year
he is a goofy goober
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kiruliom · 10 months
does anyone else have entire concepts in their system, like alters with no physical form, theyre just an aesthetic or like something like kenopsia or space. but they still exist.
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hayirsizinnbirii · 2 months
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Angelarium - Barbiel, Angel of Scorpio by Peter Mohrbacher
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amai-6-art · 2 years
works ranging 2020-2022
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royalmilkteehee · 2 years
Not my usual “art”, but this is page one of my D&D Wizard, Barbiel’s, old Academy notebook pages that she still keeps in her spellbook (1 of 3)
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deceiver-a-day · 4 months
The First Pair of Pants Barbiel Guitéen Ever Made
• [x] don’t fit
• [x] lack a craftsperson’s skill
• [x] lack symmetry
• [x] lack pockets
• [x] use unconventional materials
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Ramiel and Azrael have been ttalking, which worries me more tthan itt perhaps should, Mastema gott his claws in deep and I don'tt know if tthey're all the way outt yett.
Couple tthis witth a bad feeling aboutt Abbadon, Samael and Verchiel being AWOL, tthe sittuattions regarding Phanuel and Jophiel, and obviously nott forgetttting Barbiel, shitt feels like itt's minuttes, seconds even, from hitttting the fan basically all tthe ttime.
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monika-fan0 · 1 year
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hirunoka · 1 year
I feel like a curious and dumb character in horror movies. You know when they read a book they shouldn't be reading and summon something unholy? Yeah, that's what reading demonology books for your silly little fiction makes you feel like especially if you do so at night, even though it's basically a dictionary 😂 it's funny when it's morning though.
John, the things I do to write about you, I swear. Never in a million years I thought I'd be reading *checks the book names again* The Dictionary of Demons: Names of the Damned and The Encyclopedia of Demons and Demonology
And yet, here we are. I don't even know if this will help and give me ideas, but we shall see. It feels like reading for college work.
Also turned out there is a supposedly fallen angel named "Barbiel" and yeah, not gonna lie, it made me laugh
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bugmeyer · 3 months
//Barbiel, Angel of Scorpio ♏️
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mmadeinheavenn · 1 year
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#🌫️ I know what you love | talking
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#🌫️ be not afraid | reblogs
#🌫️ barbiel's wrath | abt blog
trigger tags (filter out if you need to)
#necrology cw- anything involving the dead, wet specimens, real animal bones, meat, anatomy, etc.
#gore cw- anything involving open wounds, organs, etc. will always be drawings and never as actual images
#religion cw - anything with heavy religious themes, I am not religious, it is simply a big interest of mine
#blood cw- blood, or anything that looks like/is representitive of blood
#obsessive love cw - anything revolving obsessiveness, yandere etc. themes
#madness cw - anything that revolves around themes of insanity, corroded mental health, etc. think the spiral from TMA
#insect cw - bugs!!! will most likely just be millipedes and isopods, but cw anyway!!
#arachnid cw - arachnids!! spiders, scorpions, vinegaroons, and the like!!
#death cw - anything involving already being dead, descriptions of dying, or scenery meant to look like death
#eyestrain - anything thats brightly colored, that might hurt your eye
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kikiwooo · 1 year
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© @/kikiwooo
notes: gn reader
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On his shoulders. What can be better than that? With the height of his, enjoy the ride. He'll also grab onto your leg for you to not fall off.
"Steady now, wouldn't want you to fall off."
He loves to hook his hands under your thighs and lift you up, how should I explain this; front piggyback? Your height or weight doesn't matter to him, he's the prince of the abyss after all.
"You look rather..frustrated by this..~ Come on, look at me."
Carries you with only one arm just to show off, yeah that's fredrinn. He makes it a little game to win over your heart, his charming face and that smirk of his doesn't help at all.
"How's the weather up there darlin'~? Pretty good mhm?"
Throwing you over his shoulder seems like a effective choice actually. Especially when there's a fight and there are more enemies he can take so he just throws you over his shoulder like a potato sack and 🏃💨
"Stop squirming I don't want to drop you-! oi! Stop hitting my back now that's hurts-"
Guy's either princess carrying you or leading you by the hand like a true gentleman. Honestly it all makes the cold Duke's heart flutter. Aamon is clever, so clever that in a middle of the fight he can scoop you into his arms and ran to a nearby tower. (Don't forget his invisible cloak ability)
"I got you."
Above the others Xavier is most comfortable on carrying you on his back. For him it's the most efficient way if you get injured and run for aid. Just,, just imagine him bending down to his knee and waiting for you to settle on his back🥺🥺
"Jump now, that way we'll be faster."
Just like Aamon, the Ashura king himself prefers to carry you in his muscular arms, I mean who doesn't want that?? Also won't miss any opportunity to flustee you making you hid into his chest, you bet he's grinning ear to ear.
"Look at me love, I want to see you~"
Gord doesn't see the need to carry you, he can make you float instead but won't do that you need to beg for...literally. What, ain't standing next to him is enough for you? With how an ear sore(affectionately) you are he will, with a flick of his wrist will make you float. Go ahead and take the opportunity to bump his nose.🤫
"Tsk, don't get any ideas..."
Carrying? What's that? Take a seat instead, don't forget the belt.
Holds you like a kitten/puppy, just like a baby animal in general. He's a big guy what did you expect? Hanzo doesn't really like having you close to him because of the demon inside him who makes comments such as how sweet your blood smells...
".......must you stand this close? .......fine...come here."
Tries to throw you over his shoulder just to tease you then falls to the ground with you. As playful as Claude can be he's a hopeless romantic and most of the time is clueless about literally everything. He's getting advices from his best man, trust Dexter on this. He's showing how should Claude carry you-
"(Name)- heyy, trust me on this, please one more time-! No I won't drop you I promise-"
If you specifically want him to carry you, he'll do it without saying anything, be it princess carry(his favorite) or any other styles. But mostly you two will be riding with Barbiel, he's behind you, arms on the both of your sides. His reflexes are fast, he'll catch you before his mind can proceed.
"The weather is quite nice don't you think darling? Would you accompany me and Barbiel for a little walk?"
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sighed-the-snake · 1 year
So, about Furfur's angel book. Remember the part about Baraqiel?
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Image text: BARAQIEL. Dominion. Angel of the Sky. Appearance: Hair an eye-burning jinnjer. Eyebrows with the appearance of a grisly slug. Often draped in red. Occashunly damp, most likely singed.
I recently got my hands on a copy of A Dictionary of Angels, Including the Fallen Angels, by Gustav Davidson.
And here is the entry for Baraqiel!
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Image Text: Barakiel (Barachiel, Barbiel, Barchiel, Barkiel, Baraqiel, etc. -- "lightning of God") -- one of the 7 archangels, one of the 4 ruling seraphim, angel of the month of February, and prince of the 2nd Heaven as well as of the order of confessors. Barakiel has dominion over lightning and is also one of the chief angels of the 1st and 4th altitudes or chora in the Almadel of Solomon. In addition, he is a ruler of the planet Jupiter and the zodiacal sign of Scorpio (as cited by Camfield in A Theological Discourse of Angels) and Pisces. With the angels Uriel and Rubiel, Barakiel is invoked to bring success in games of chance, according to De Plancy, Dictionaire Infernal.[Rf. Ginzberg, The Legends of the Jews I, 140.]
Lightning of God We see Crowley let off some lightning while too angry to control himself, and an angel of lightning could easily be considered an angel of the sky.
Archangel Baraqiel We assume Metatron was referring to Satan when he spoke of the Prince of Heaven they lost. Could he have been referring to Crowley? There was a lot of hatred in the look Metatron gave Crowley in the bookshop.
Crowley also told Beelzebub that the whole erasure from the Book of Life thing was something they said just to scare the Cherubs and that it wasn't actually a thing. We think of fat little cupids when Cherubs are mentioned, but Cherub is just the singular of Cherubim, and those guys are just one step below the Seraphim.
And he was teasing them.
Crowley says he understands what Aziraphale is offering him better than his angel does. If he was a Seraphim, then I believe it.
I know Furfur's book places him as a Dominion, but Neil can be an unreliable narrator, and who knows how accurate a demon's book might be. Neil could have also just decided to make Crowley a Dominion instead. Afterall, the angel guarding the Eastern gate in the bible was a Cherubim, but Neil and Terry changed that to Principality when they made Aziraphale.
Also, if Crowley was hanging out with "Lucifer and the guys," that suggests he was a high ranking angel. You're friends with the people you see every day. They were probably his office buddies.
Crowley said in the beginning of S2 that he worked "very closely with upstairs" on his nebula project. Anyone who has worked for a hierarchical business knows that lower order employees aren't even allowed to talk to the higher-ups directly. They would have to submit their issues to their direct supervisor, and that request would go up the chain until it's taken care of, probably never reaching the highest levels of the company. If Crowley was working directly with "upstairs," and his crossed fingers suggest a close collaboration, then he must have been a very high rank to be allowed to talk to them directly.
It is also worth noting that the use of the singular seraph, in the Book of Isaiah, is translated as "flying fiery serpent."
Ruler of the signs Scorpio and Pisces Crowley is hissy and wrathful and WILL CUT YOU, but he also loves children, and turns goats into birds so he doesn't have to kill them, and breathes life back into smooshed doves, so this makes perfect sense to me. Who's our moody little snek, you're our moody little snek.
Invoked to bring success in games of chance We have already seen him outsmart Heaven and Hell with Armageddon. He is uncommonly sharp-witted and capable for a demon, or even an angel. Look at the way he invented regulations for the Rules of Engagement so convincingly that Shax backed down, and how he got Muriel to sneak him into Heaven. I would definitely want an occult force like Crowley-Baraqiel on my side if I was doing something risky.
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flower-boi16 · 8 months
Always weird to me that Viv insists upon using real demonic names for characters and places but instead of using one the names of an actual fallen angel for Vaggie like calling her Azzy but she's actually Azazel or Barbie but she's Barbiel
But no it's way better than one of the only sapphic/lesbian characters in Viv's entire catalogue is not at all subtly named after female genitalia! That's not at all kind of a subtle micro aggression and low-key invalidating lesbians who don't have those parts! Real good representation Viv
Honestly, I think Viv just named Vaggie that way solely so she could make that joke and nothing else. I do agree that naming Vaggie after a real fallen angel would have been a lot better than just naming her after...vagina.
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roxxiies · 19 hours
This is my first time requesting for something on Tumblr, so I'm a little nervous. Anyways.. If you don't mind, I'd like some wholesome headcanons with Leomord and Faramis (separately). I rarely see x reader content for these two, but I'm too shy to post my own works for them qvq
a.n.: hello, anon, I would love for you to join our little fandom and watch it grow <3 don't be shy hihi we're very kind
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Leomord, the ever knight, swears loyalty to his allies and even more with the people he cares about. He might even see you as part of his kingdom.
As the knight of his kingdom, he would offer some sort of advice on strategy on the battlefield.
And if you really asked for it, he would even let you ride Barbiel—just don't go running off with it. He knows his horse prefers you more than him—
Leo is patient and very encouraging, so whenever you practice and train with him, he won't hesitate to offer praise and give some constructive feedback here and there.
On the battlefield, he would keep an eye on you and would only step in when you’re really in trouble. He just loves how tough you are, just like during practice. Even if he won’t admit it, there’s a bit of pride in how well you’ve learned from training with him. 
But if you really were in a tough spot, he would swiftly charge in and save you. He won't abandon you no matter what happens, even if you fail. He would reassure you that mistakes happen and it's okay to fail once in a while.
“I...I’m sorry, I failed you,” you murmured as you were settled in front of him while he guides the horse.
He huffs, shaking his head, “You fought well, and for that, I am proud.” The only sound was the galloping of his horse, “But please remember, do not push yourself too far...” it'll make him sad.
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He knows the faith of the people relied on the queen, and when you encouraged Vexana's will to step up once again, Faramis swore he's just going to pay you back once.
But now, Faramis always enjoys your company. He'd notice how you actually took a liking as he talks on about the things he knew for the past years.
if you let him, he would really ramble endlessly! And for a second, he forgets his worries and responsibilities.
He would even try to actually take you to one of the hidden places within the Land of Dawn. Spending hours exploring arcane secrets—he trusts you, just don't tell his queen about it.
In times of doubt, he'd be the one who will reassure you. Maybe it's something about how he uses his words or just... his presence alone.
On the battlefield, he would usually keep an eye on you if not with the core. Even though, you shouldn't be too hesitant to tower dive.
It's crazy how much he times his ultimate when it comes to you.
Faramis often stays awake late at night due to him being weighed down by his responsibilities. And sometimes, you silently join him and offer your presence as support. Even though you'd be quiet, this would still cause his heart to swell as he takes the sincerity of your care for him.
“You're still up? Did I not tell you to rest—”
“Fara, I'll just accompany you.”
He paused, then abruptly reached the vials nearby as he lowered his gaze, trying to cover his flustered cheeks.
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