#the best thing about this route is the writing already gives me pet names so i dont have to think stuff up for myself for ship stuff
amatres · 11 months
Okay, the first few collections of ascended astarion documentation while i observe the two under a microscope.
first, the day after turning
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Astarion: You are so beautiful… And you will be beautiful forever. Thank you for trusting me. Balaerra: What exactly happened? Astarion: You were drained dry, and at the height of your delirium, I granted you one drop of my own blood. Things will be a touch different for you than they were for me when I was a spawn. I'm imbibed with unfathomable new talents. I am fairly certain I can extend Mephistopheles' blessings unto you. Balaerra: Does that mean I need not fear the sun? Astarion: You need not fear anything. You will be stronger, swifter, sharper, but you won't be different. You were already perfect before. It's hard to improve. Astarion: For me, well… You probably expect me to turn into a sea of mist, run wrongside-up on roofs, and to call on legions of wolves in battle. That will all happen in due time. But for now, patience is required. I hear the whispers of the night, but I can't yet speak it's language. It's going to take a while to become acquainted with my new self Balaerra: Are you bound to Mephistopheles? Astarion: Mephistopheles has made a new monster, not bound a creature to his will. The Rite was honoured, the sacrifice is over. Everything lies ahead. I can see my path to a waking dream. From the crimson palace, I will govern day and night. Create a city of spawn who bow before me, cast a fog over the world for me children. Astarion: I wish we could retreat into our palace already, and spend a decade in each other's arms. But first we must manage the trifling manner of the brain. Perhaps it will listen to us. Perhaps it, too, will serve. Balaerra: We can't trust the brain. Astarion: We shall see. Baldur's Gate is a city of opportunity like no other, and I don't intend to let one like this pass us by.
and the 'can we talk about us answers. I actually got two answers when I asked 'what are we, so I'll put them both here. I asked twice because the conversation ends so abruptly after he gives his answer I got confused lmao.
Don't mind him being so bloody, i only ever long rest after we get our asses beat
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Astarion: Seven thousand souls have given me the power to carve out my own future, and I want you to be part of it .... Astarion: Little love, whatever could be the matter? Balaerra: Can we talk about the two of us? Astarion: Go on, then. I'll allow it. Balaerra: What are we, to you? Astarion: Aeterna amantes. Lovers forever, until the world falls down.
Afterwards, his response to 'can we talk about us' changes. I don't know if this is because I triggered it to change, or the response is random and I just got it twice, but interesting to note if it was intentional.
The game doesn't keep track of some things you've asked, or have or have no done, so I got to ask again about walking in the sun to see what he says. This is where the 'don't stray too far from me' line comes from, I'm surprised! For some reason I thought that would be from kicking him out of the party.
Another thing to note is Balaerra hadn't let him drink her blood since the initial reveal scene until he turned her, so I was surprised I also got that option here! Added her reaction to it in the screenshots bc it's funny to me.
As a final note for this convo, his 'sequester you in my palace' line when read sounded? like he was joking about it. Or at least being sarcastic, but you never know, he does get pretty possessive on this path.
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Astarion: My consort, we are so close to our triumph, I can almost taste it. Balaerra: Can we talk about the two of us? Astarion: You want to talk? Oh, that's very cute. Balaerra: You made me your spawn… What is going to happen to me? Astarion: 'Spawn' is an ugly word. I really do prefer 'consort'. Balaerra: What do you mean to do with me, as your consort? Astarion: As much as I wish to sequester you in a deep chamber of my palace and keep you all to myself, there's much to be done. First we'll take Baldur's Gate. Then we'll take over the world. We'll dominate it until the sun itself melts, and then we'll give ourselves to the night. Balaerra: Cazador could compel you - can you compel me? Astarion: Why would I need to? You're going to be wonderfully obedient. Balaerra: Does this mean I won't be able to walk in the sun if my tadpole is removed? Astarion: Don't you worry. You have supped of my blood. It will be no trouble to extend a fragment of my protection to you. Just don't stray too far. But you'd never dream of doing that, would you? Balaerra: Will you still drink my blood? Astarion: Of course I will, and you will drink mine. I can't wait to taste your lips after you've tasted me.
And then just the asking to kiss. Not really that important, though I will say the audio bugged and I got what, I think, is his pre quest line where he says, paraphrasing 'you are better every time' or smthing like that. probably glitched bc i never chose the option before bc pda flusters me lol
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Astarion: Little love, whatever could be the matter? Balaerra: Can we talk about the two of us? Astarion: You want to talk? Oh, that's very cute. Balaerra: Could I kiss you? Astarion: Can't get enough? I'm not surprised. Astarion: Delicious…
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eriexplosion · 11 months
Clone Wars - Shadow of Malevolence
Having expended everything I remembered about this three parter in the first part, I'm going into this one not remembering anything whatsoever.
First of all 'diabolical droid commander, General Grievous' I love that the writers simply do not know what this man is. Droid? Not a droid? Who knows, not the people writing this that's for sure!
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I love when the clones get the salt and pepper hair... absolute top tier look right there. And one of them even gets a name, Matchstick - taking bets on if he survives the episode because I have a haunting feeling the answer is no.
"The Jedi are never that harsh with their clones." "The care these Jedi show for their troops is a weakness." "A weakness we shall continue to exploit."
Cannot get over that this exchange between Dooku & Grievous is actually about Grievous punching a head directly off a battle droid and getting told off because they're expensive. It's weakness not to decapitate your troops with a single punch, this is why the Jedi will lose. Clearly.
Honestly, I think that there's a strong preference for Grievous in like, the 2D series where he's an incredible badass but I love coughing little freak Grievous. Most character of all time. He has several things wrong with him.
Their target is a medical station with 60,000 injured clones though, fucking. Hands off the boys, Grievous.
One thing I like about this episode is that it really gives us the first bits of the Ahsoka & Anakin sibling dynamic that works so well for me. We got lots of them interacting last episode, but I don't think it has quite the charm of their back and forth over how Anakin TOTALLY doesn't hate Ahsoka's flying he just enjoys her company so she should come with him as the gunner and definitely not fly. Awkward big brother Anakin is my favorite.
UNEXPECTED NALA SE APPEARANCE. I forgot she was here so early. Headcanon possibilities abound with that, is Omega on the station somewhere? What about early pre-deployment batch? Some of the behind the scenes stuff makes it sound like they were only allowed into the field because someone spoke up for them after 99 died, but they're probably still Nala Se's pet project to experiment on. So many options just with her being here.
"Broadside, if we make it through this one, drinks are on me." "I can already taste it."
I love that Plo Koon knows that this random smuggler's route is the habitat of DANGEROUS POSSIBLY SHIP EATING SPACE MANTA RAYS. Is he particularly knowledgeable in smuggler's routes or does he just know a lot about space marine biology? I hope that he has a book about the Purrgils.
The "It's just smiling at ya!" bit from Anakin. I adore him, god.
Also yep, Matchstick is gone, doomed by making plans for after the mission ;A; don't like that, put him back. (Also lost an unseen clone named Tag, which is the cutest name ever oh my god)
And once again Plo Koon saves the day with clear headed thinking mid-battle. Best Jedi master.
At the end there's another little exchange that caught my attention, this one between Nala Se & Anakin:
Do not take the lives you saved lightly. I don't. But I also can't take the lives I lost lightly.
Once again I am TORN UP by how much Anakin cares about people and wants to do right by them, that even in victory he's thinking about their lives being lost I am In Agony about it. But also, it's interesting to see this Nala Se who seems a little more caring about the clones. She didn't escape immediately and stayed to oversee the evacuation, for one, but also praising Anakin for the lives he saved. She's almost likable and then goes on to do things like drug Fives to lead directly to his death.
I was going to do all three tonight but I'm getting a little sleepy so third one tomorrow. I am going to be turning around the thought of Omega or the batch being on this station with Nala Se ALL NIGHT, I just know it.
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natimiles · 11 months
Come a Little Closer | Chapter 2
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Read: Chapter 1
Words: 3213
Pairs: gn!reader/Arthur; f!MC/Mozart
Tags: swearing; drinking; spoilers from Mozart’s and Arthur’s route in one big bowl of salad; lots of pet names (because I love it); MC is the one in-game, just to make it more clear; Mozart being petty; reader and Arthur being adorable and chaotic; suggestive scenes because we have Arthot as one of the main characters; Arthur simping over you.
Notes: Writing this fic is making me love Arthur so much. He used to share 3rd place in my heart with Jean. Now he's moved up to 2nd place, alongside Mozart :')
I don’t remember if there’s another piano outside Mozart’s music room in the mansion, but for the sake of the plot, we’ll assume there is.
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The best decision ever made in your life was giving Arthur a chance.
Well, actually, it was to follow Comte through that door; that’s the start of every happy moment of the past year. But, the writer turned out to be the best boyfriend you could ever ask for. He’s really faithful and head over heels for you, and he’s not afraid to show it (not anymore). You’ve only been dating for a month, but you’ve helped him so much. He opened his heart to you, and you didn’t run or judge; you just accepted him. So, it’s no wonder he can’t help himself; every day, he loves you more.
For the terror of half the mansion, both of you didn’t mind displaying your love, whether it was holding hands, hugging, or kissing. At any opportunity, you were glued side by side, and you couldn’t care less if there was someone else in the room watching. However, for the peace of mind of that same half of the mansion, Mozart was an overprotective brother. When he was around, it was difficult to be affectionate with Arthur; and your brother was around all the time, guarding you like a hellhound. Everytime he had an opportunity, he’d be there to prevent you two from doing something ’gross’, as he called it on a daily basis.
Arthur tried, but he couldn’t help being as playful as ever. He loved seeing Mozart fuming, his face all red with anger; it was funny as hell for him. On the other hand, you often felt caught in the middle of their fights, working hard to make them at least behave in each other’s presence. After all, you were determined not to let anything break the special bond you shared with both of them.
But it was so hard.
To be fair, Mozart was jealous of anyone who tried to get close to you. Arthur didn’t even need to worry about jealousy with the other residents, as your loving brother had that covered. One day, you went to help Napoleon and Isaac with their school. The emperor hugged you for a second longer and ruffled your hair when you got home. Mozart didn’t say anything because he knew Napoleon was a decent person. He had been a soldier and an emperor in his past life, which reassured the musician. However, it didn’t stop him from narrowing his eyes, clearly unamused. Napoleon let out his boisterous laugh, fully aware that he’d probably become overprotective too if you and he developed the same kind of relationship and bond you had with Mozart.
And you swear he had already glared at Sebastian once, when the butler flicked your head. This time you were actually grateful, because that flick hurt. 
But when it came to Arthur Conan Doyle, every feeling of repulsion was ten times stronger for the musician. He despised Arthur and his playfulness; he thought he was loud and unnecessary. Not to mention, he considered him a perverted scoundrel, always flirting and saying those repulsive things to you since your first day here. And now, with Arthur always by your side, being lovey-dovey and spreading his germs all over you… it was just ew.
That’s why he tried everything in his power to protect you; although he didn’t really have to try, it was just a part of who he was with the ones he loved. If you were gardening, sometimes Arthur would be there with you, a paper and his pen in hand. Bold of you to assume your brother wouldn’t see you two from his music room and show up, scoffing at every romantic word Arthur said to you.
Oh, so you were planning to bring Arthur to Mozart’s next performance at the ball? Too bad, you’re already his plus one, and the perv can’t come. But if he somehow manages to attend, you two won’t be waltzing too close that night because Mozart will play every song that involves dancing with lots of people around, maintaining at least an arm’s length of distance.
And if you think about inviting Arthur to your room or going to his… Don’t. Even. Dare. Mozart’s eyes say he’d kick down that door and hunt Arthur down until the confines of hell. You both believe it. However, it didn’t stop Arthur from sneaking into your room one night, knowing that Mozart was exhausted and sleeping soundly. You made sure that your boyfriend left before your brother woke up, and had to cover your neck with your hair and clothes for a few days. You also had to buy Theo’s silence, since his room was beside yours and he made sure you both knew that he heard some ’incriminatory noises’.
You were really, really patient; you knew he didn’t mean harm. The writer had a bad past that added to Mozart’s arguments, but he was different now. Arthur proved it to you every single day. Sometimes you risked saying that he got a little upset with your brother’s remarks about how he wasn’t worth the trust, but it was there for only a moment because you’d kiss him better.
“YN, is that enough rouge for Sir Isaac?” A soft voice pulled you out of your thoughts. 
You were washing the dishes from breakfast and stopped, looking at the woman holding a glass and examining it meticulously. “Yes, that’s enough,” you answered her and smiled. “And just call him Isaac, he gets all awkward when we call him Sir.”
“Oh, right. Thanks!” She smiled and got back to setting up Isaac’s brunch.
A week ago, MC suddenly came to the mansion. You were the one to find her lost in the hallway, asking her where the hell did she come from. She said the same story you’ve been through, and you stared at her for a good minute before pinching the bridge of your nose and asking her to follow you to the dining room, where everyone was having dinner peacefully. You’ve never seen Comte choke on his own wine before, or Leonardo deadpan for so long, asking how he managed to not notice two humans following him to the mansion in such a short period.
Apparently, Comte couldn’t resist helping lost people in the Louvre and involuntarily drawing them around his orbit.
You knew how scary and confusing it was to get there by accident, so you were the one who suggested putting everything on the table as soon as possible. She was a little scared, of course, but it helped that you and Sebastian were human.
And since then, you and her became friends really quickly, probably a human bonding thing since she also trusted Sebastian very much. She was the kindest woman you’d ever met, and you were determined to ensure she felt like part of the family; and she was already feeling like it. She tried getting along with everyone, and you may have threatened Theo and Mozart once or twice to be nice to her. She also wanted to be useful while staying at the mansion and started helping around, which is why she was asking about the amount of rouge Isaac had to drink.
“Oh, and don’t forget his sandwich,” you reminded her.
“Right!” She nodded and went to the pantry to get the ingredients. “Should I make it for anyone else?”
“Mmm, I guess not. Maybe Jean, but he takes a while to be convinced to eat something when he doesn’t know you well.”
“I noticed that,” she giggled.
“Oh, I think Arthur spent the entire night writing because he wasn’t here for breakfast,” you pondered. You’ve quickly kissed him goodnight the day before and haven’t seen him since. He must be really busy with his new manuscript.
“I can make a sandwich for him as well, if you don’t mind,” she offered.
“No, no. My darling makes me the best ones,” Arthur said, entering the kitchen. He walked to you and wrapped his arms around your waist from behind to not disturb you while you were busy, kissing the top of your head. “Morning, luv.”
“Morning, sunshine,” you smiled widely. “Want me to make you something?”
“Don’t worry,” he said with a smile, “I can make it on my own. You’re already busy.” He rested his face in the crook of your neck, inhaling your scent. His fangs would start hurting soon from smelling you so much and being so close without breakfast. But he’d endure it if it meant he could stay a little longer with you like this.
“I’m going to deliver Isaac’s brunch,” MC said as she grabbed the tray she had set up.
“Ok, thanks!” You smiled at her. As soon as she was out of sight, you felt Arthur nibble your neck. “Wha- Arthur!” You tried to sound upset, but it was clear you didn’t really mind.
“Yes, honey?” He chuckled. ”I’m just enjoying it while your hellhound isn’t here.” 
“I’d ask you to not call Mozart that, but this last month showed me that he is one.” You snorted.
“Indeed,” he said, kissing your neck and holding you more firmly by the waist.
“Do you think that if we set him up with someone, he’d stop?” You wondered out loud. “Having someone special might make him understand us better.”
“Maybe, maybe not…” Arthur stopped his advances with a final kiss and went to get something to eat and drink. He was on the brink of succumbing to his bloodlust. Yes, he had bitten you before, but always discreetly, never in the middle of the kitchen where anyone could walk in. He couldn’t risk Mozart destroying the whole mansion. “He’s not really interested in love, I think, and you could just talk to him about it. But I see you’ve got someone in mind, and you really want to give it a shot, don’t you?”
“Well, yes…” You said with a light-hearted laugh, putting the last plate on the dryer. You dried your hands and turned around, leaning against the counter with a mischievous expression. “We just need someone kind enough to put up with his attitude. And we thankfully have her now.”
As if on cue, MC arrived as soon as you finished your sentence, smiling brightly. “I’m back! What do you need help with now?”
You exchanged a knowing look with Arthur. It would be a little hard, since Mozart didn’t like the new resident at all; but it was worth the shot.
Easier said than done.
Comte threw a fancy banquet a few days later, and even Will showed up. He wanted MC to feel at home, and everyone knew he went all out when he was in a good mood. There was loads of delicious food you and Sebastian had cooked, along with some nice wine and rouge or blanc — for those who didn’t hold their liquor very well.
You convinced Mozart to play something at the party, even though he didn’t want to attend it in the first place. Your brother didn’t like MC, for some unknown reason. Yes, she was clumsy, a little stubborn, and too curious for her own good — much like you —, but she was also kind, gentle, and funny, and she was pretty too. So why did Mozart insist on being mean to her? You weren’t asking him to touch her, you knew he was germophobic; you just asked him to be nice! And he didn’t need to know you had some ulterior motives for wanting them to be friends.
Some puppy eyes were enough to make him agree on not only going, but playing at least a little bit on another piano that wasn’t his — you also had to make sure it was crystal clean for him.
“That was beautiful, Herr Mozart!” MC complimented with a smile after he finished another song. She was on the couch beside the piano, while you were sitting next to him on the piano bench.
Mozart didn’t respond; he just sighed in annoyance. You discreetly hit his ribs with your elbow and shot him a glare. “Be nice,” you muttered.
“I don’t have a reason why.” Another hit. “Stop that!” He hissed.
“He appreciates your compliment, MC,” you said with a smile as you turned your face to the woman.
His face looked like he wanted to deny it, but didn’t want to get hit again. “Whatever,” he rolled his eyes and left to get something to eat.
“He sounds angry, but he isn’t,” you said, moving to sit beside her on the couch. “You just have to learn how to read his moods.”
“Really?” She looked at where the musician went. Frowning, MC looked back at you. ”I don’t think Herr Mozart likes me.”
“He doesn’t like anyone,” Arthur said, sitting on your other side. “Well, except for YN, but who wouldn’t like this cute little thing?”
“Now that’s not true. He likes Jean too,” you said. Mozart was getting on your nerves lately, but you still loved him and wanted to protect him.
“Because Jean barely speaks. I guess they just have similar moods, always quiet and not wanting to be near any of us. You know, ’the enemy of my enemy is my friend’ kinda thing.”
“And I think he talked to Isaac at the last party,” you tried to defend him.
“Ok, darling, we get it,” he laughed and kissed your cheek, finding adorable how you were pouting. “He possessively loves you, likes Jean, tolerates some residents and definitely despises me.”
“And probably me too,” MC said, placing a finger on her chin and recalling all the times she tried to be friendly, only to have Mozart roll his eyes or respond rudely.
“MC, come eat something!” You three heard Vincent calling, always the angel trying to make her feel welcome.
“Yes, I’m going!” she answered and stood up. “Excuse me, you two,” she smiled at you and left.
You leaned on Arthur’s shoulder and he wrapped his arm around you, passing you a glass of wine that you just noticed he was holding. Even though he didn’t drink that much anymore, he certainly liked to share some wine with you. 
“I guess it’s gonna be harder than I thought,” you said and sipped the wine; sweet, as you liked it.
“Mmm, but I know you can do it.” He nuzzled his nose on your cheek and kissed it. “You always manage to accomplish what you want.”
You turned around to kiss Arthur on the lips, his hand already holding you by the nape. Then you heard Mozart’s voice ringing right in front of you.
“Hey, YN! Scootch a little bit for me, please.” He smiled at you and glared at Arthur. Without giving you a chance to react, he nudged your legs to the side, squeezing himself between you and your boyfriend.
“Mozart!” You looked at him and then to Arthur, who was equally bewildered. “What are you doing?”
“Sitting with my sibling,” he said, turning his back on Arthur and completely ignoring him.
Silence. You didn’t know what to say or how to react. That was probably the last straw, pushing your patience to its limit.
“And I was with my boyfriend,” you glared at him.
“Yes, and now I’m here to keep you company and protect you.”
“That’s not-!” You huffed indignantly and sighed. “Mozart, we need to talk.”
“I’ll leave you two,” Arthur said, reading the room.
“Don’t worry, luv.” You stood up and grabbed Mozart by the hand, marching out to his music room.
The musician grinned seeing he accomplished what he wanted. He sat on his piano bench happily, but his smile died down when he looked at you. You were leaning your back against the closed door, with your eyes closed, and pinching the bridge of your nose.
“Is everything ok, little one?”
“No, Mozart, it’s not.” Your tone was serious, and he almost panicked. You never used such a tone with him; you were always kind and sweet, even before you two developed this sibling-like relationship.
“What’s wrong?” He asked, his voice filled with concern.
Sighing, you moved to sit beside him, mustering up enough patience and courage to speak your mind. “You know I love you, but you’re driving me crazy. I know you don’t like Arthur, but you’re not being fair with him or our relationship. You’re not being fair with me. You have to stop being overprotective, possessive and petty.”
“I’m not petty!” He said with an indignant tone.
“So you know you’re being overprotective and possessive.” You raised an eyebrow. “At first, it was kinda amusing, and it’s nice to feel loved and have a reliable brother. But seriously, I can’t even hug my boyfriend without you freaking out. You just straight-up squeezed yourself in between us!” 
“Well, you were too close for unmarried people and etiquette says it’s rude to others in the room.” He crossed his arms, maintaining an adamant tone. You couldn’t help but notice he didn’t even refer to you as a ’couple.’
“Are you fucking kidding me?” You deadpanned at him and he grimaced at your swearing. “You’re being petty right after denying it! I’m a grown-up, Mozart. I can make my own decisions, and you know what? The best decision I’ve made was to start dating Arthur.”
“He’s not reliable,” he huffed. “You know he flirted with everything that moved and breathed. He was with a different woman every night. He tried to bite you!”
“I know,” you rolled your eyes. “And stop mentioning the bite! Half the mansion thought about biting me in my first week here. Even Jean almost bit me because he was starving himself.” You mentioned his best friend on purpose and got the reaction you wanted: he flinched. You leaned your head on his shoulder and held one of his hands, your fingers intertwining. Your tone was softer now, as if you were patiently explaining something to a child. “You have to understand that you’re not only affecting Arthur when you do that, you’re affecting me too. Arthur is the best boyfriend I could ever ask for. He changed and he shows it to me everyday. I love him and he loves me so much. So please, please… respect me and try to at least tolerate my boyfriend. Can you do that for your dearest little sibling?”
“I can’t say no to you when you ask like that,” he sighed, squeezing your hand and resting his head on yours. “I’m sorry,” he muttered. It was difficult for him to apologize, to admit he was wrong. He now realizes the distress in your voice; he caused it to you. He tried to protect you, to shield you from any harm these unusual residents could possibly do to you, but he was the one upsetting you in the end. “I just… tried to be a good brother to you; to prevent you from being hurt.”
“I know,” you turn your head to look at him and smile. “And I appreciate you looking out for me. Just don’t overdo it, okay?”
“Ok, I promise I’ll try.”
“Good. Now, how about we go back and play the piano for everyone at the banquet? We can play that four-hands piece you compose for us.”
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If you want a reference for Mozart sitting in between you and your lovely boyfriend: Harry Potter. When Ron sits between Harry and Ginny and just “excuse me, I need to sit here”. But Mozart doesn’t even offer you anything to eat, HASIUHEASUIEHAS.
Read: Chapter 3
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keysmashhhhhhhh · 6 months
OMG I've missed tag games!! thank you so much @fernandoalonzoo for that tag!!! :))))
Are you named after anyone? my first name no but my middle name is the name of my my mum's sister who died before i was born :)
When was the last you cried? today, yikes its been...a day for sure, from my boss being a dick, to my work friend accidently spoiling the race results for me and another friend calling me up only to talk about herself, yeah its been a time but im feeling better now i'm on tumblr :)
Do you have kids? omg no, i barely take care of myself however i did buy a colindar and a cheese grater for uni yesterday and that felt very adult and responsible.
What sports do you play/have you played? i used to do swimming, netball and cricket as a kid but nothing serious
Do you use sarcasm? its in my dna
What is the first thing you notice about people? HAIR OMG ALWAYS HAIR i dont know how to explain it i can just read people by their hair
What is your eye color? blueeeeee
Scary movies or happy endings? happy endings always :)
Any talents? speedy reading and writing skills, also just an uncanny knack for hunting things down (sort of rainbolt style if anyone gets that reference) like give me an obscure piece of information or a blurry photo and i see it as a challenge to find it. comes in very handy during research projects
Where were you born? nearly on tower bridge (see photo) in london
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basically, my mum went into labour and the hospital was on the other side of the bridge to where we lived and then whilst in labour the bridge went up and my mum was stuck waiting for the boat to pass so she could drive but yeah she did make it to the hospital on time yay - i was born in the same room as Paul McCartney's daughter and also Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin from Coldplay, their kid was also born in the same place. its like less than a minute away from Abby Road - so all in all a cool place to be born :)
What are your hobbies? reading books, watching tv, going on lots of long walks, plotting routes across the world that ill never travel - f1 of course and generally tumblring it up with my mutuals :)
Do you have any pets? no :( my dad is allergic to just about everything
How tall are you? i actually dont know haha, kind of medium height i guess
Favorite subject at school? history for sure best subject
Dream job? something where i get to talk about things im passionate about, journalist perhaps??? im not sure
this was so much fun!! sorry for recounting such a long explanation of where i was born its just such a fun story :)
tagging: @fandomchaosposts @love4lando @formulapisces @sof1shticated @multiseb21 @481boxboxbaby
i have many more people id love to tag but i've got to run for a train so thats it but if you see this consider yourself tagged!! also if you're tagged but have already been tagged/dont feel up to it, dont worry!!!!! anyways hope everyone is having a lovely day :)))
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sailorhyunjinz · 3 years
Do you write yandere? If so, can I request skz yandere headcanons on how they would react when S/O rejects them because she doesn't wanna deal with whole drama that would come with dating an idol?
i mean kinda?? i have a seungmin yandere fic in my drafts sooo BUT YEAH
oh also, requests are not open but im just gonna do this one cause headcanons are kinda fun BUT REQUESTS ARE CLOSED <33
also why is the felix one so short-
Warnings; yandere!skz, rejection, k-dnapping, slight gaslightning or like manipulation, restraints, threats, aggression, mentions of masturbation, stockholm syndrome
nobody rejects him. nobody.
you two were friends from school and you were sooo happy when chan made it as an idol, finally persuing the dream he had been yapping on about for years. 
but in the midst of that he realized that he had feelings for you, he missed you all the time, just wanting to hang out with you and maybe explore the things he had on his mind. so,, he decided to confess when you guys were at a cafe.
“look y/n,,, there’s something I wanna tell you” he started to which you tilted your head
“nooo,,, are you guys going on a tour again,,, i wil miss you sooo much channie” you said with a pout but the boy shook his head.
“i like you y/n” 
your mouth stood agape, this was not what you expected and truthfully,,, not what you wanted. 
“chan,,, y-you know thats not possible” you said with a frown, looking at him straight ahead.
“of course it is,,, why wouldn’t it be? w-what are you trying to say y/n?!” his voice started growing louder, you looking around in order to see that people werent turning their heads towards your table. 
you have made a big big mistake my friend- 
wont even hesitate to keep you hostage in his basement LIKE IM NOT JOKING-
might just tie you up and like,,, not even do anything to you, just talk to you and admire you, maybe tracing your facial features and cuddle closer on the cold floor
just wants to keep you as a pet or smth and you are scared out of your mind cause you cant move cause of the restraints, you cant speak because you have silvertape across your lips that he only removes to feed you but if you start screaming you wont get any so you deicde to just stay calm and quiet before someone saves you and play along. 
i mean you do,,, kinda fall for him but you know you cant,, but you cant help but to fall for him and miss him whenever he’s out on schedule things
he always returns to you and you get so happy when you see the little crevice of light from outside when he opened the basement door
whenever he lies next to you, you put your head against his shoulder and take in his scent the best you can
he told you everyday that he would let you go if you agreed to date him but you shook your head,, maybe cause you liked being his prey. 
he’s more of the threatening type of yandere,,, like,, not that he’s violent but if you try to block his number he will create new ones and keep on sending you messages about how you have betrayed him and how he wished that you loved him back and all that,,,,
you guys often meet because you go to the same college and are students in the same department sooo,,,, avoiding him is pretty impossible 
he stares a lot at you,,, you guys have a couple of classes together and he just stares the entire time, his eyes are just filled with revenge, he somehow wants you make you his, own you but he doesnt know how yet, for now he can just look.
watch this fucking message conversation just be this;
[why did you talk to him during class?]
[you could have just asked me]
[nobody loves you like i do. no one y/n]
you are never getting rid of him basically,,
he’s gonna get to you first ;))
i feel like he goes more to the stalking route than the kidnapping and drugging and whatnot- 
ok,,, you rejected him,,, but that doesnt mean you’re getting rid of him.
ohmygod what if he turns into a peeping tom- cause he obviously knows where you live. 
like yall were not even that close?? he just saw you backstage at one of the concerts and thought you looked good so he decided to go up to, you werent an idol so no problem he thought.
but he gets a bit too,, hasty with his decisions and often falls for people randomly and so when he politely greeted you and gave you his number you simply shook your head, explaining that this wouldn’t be possible since you worked in the same industry and you needed to stay clear out of any scandals in order to keep your job. 
no was not answer in Hyunjins mind. 
luckily he managed to catch your full name by flickering through some papers in an office and also saw your full adress there, knowing exactly what he was going to do on his free time. 
if im being completely honest,,, i have no idea-
like,,, he gives me kinda pervy yandere vibes,,,
what if youre like his ex before he became an idol and now he wants to get back together with you-
oh,,, he masturbates to your pictures-
i feel like he always thinks about you, wondering what you like and wants to write songs about you but he doesnt do much-
but when he finds out that you have been hired by the same company as him to work as a like,,, economics accountant thingy he is all of a sudden vEEERY interested-
always asking the manager of when the group will have meetings with the accounting team,,, although they had nothing to do with them-
he just wanted to be in a conference room with you (and think pervy things about you in your tight office skirt and white blouse)
you went to the toilet on day and you saw him lurking around the same floor,,, WHICH ONCE AGAIN WAS NOT CONNECTED TO THE GROUP AT ALL- 
and idk,,, probably sneaks in with you and locks the door before you even react that theres someone else in the toilet- 
i feel like he’s pretty mild,,, but when he’s alone with you he is aggressive broooo
probably pins you to the wall and threatens you or smth along those lines,,,,,
(writing this is what my life has become to-)
“what do you think you’re doing?”
you turn around again, you had just thought of just leaving with a vague answer to his question but he was not having it. 
his words sounded cold, his dark voice making an entrace, the exact one you’ve heard on many of the songs you listened to.
“felix,,, you have to understand,,, u-um,, if we date theres gonna be some issues” you said but he just stared at you with cocky eyebrows and a dark gaze, running his tongue on the inside of his cheek.
“do you think i care? would i ask you if i cared?” he said to which you shook your head automatically, what more could you do?
“you get until tomorrow to think and if i don’t get the answer i want well,,, we’ll see what i’ll do to you.”
he plots shit behind your back yk?
he’s more of the sneaky type of yanderes (oop spoiler to a fic heh)
like he makes this like fucking year long plan where the objective of the mission is to make you obssessed with him-
he starts kinda subtely,,, first its going to the same gym as you and like,,, knowing where you placed your stuff
and then he starts putting small notes like under your waterbottle when you went to grab something that say like “i think youre cute, call me” and then his number
you obviously dont react,,, because why the fuck would you contact a stranger at the gym 
BUT THEN you realize that its him, its mf kim seungmin. yo,,,, u didnt know he went to this gym,,, that was not,,, the best-
of course you got a bit interested,,, you wanted to know how he was off camera,,, like just in his everyday life and i meeean,,, he was attractive but obviously you should stay away bc,,, he’s a celebrity but seungmin didnt want to stay away
he notes somehow started to get more aggressive,,, suddenly being like “why are you ignoring me?” and such,,,
and one night you were left alone in the gym with him,,, it was sooo quiet, only the sounds of your strained breaths as you lifted a dumbell
here where the plan came to play ;))
he’s obsessed with you and you are not going anywhere, even if you rejected him. 
he’s more clingy?? LIKE HE WILL NOT LEAVE YOU
ok sure,, he falls more into the stalking category too,,, 
also veeeery much a obssessed kinda yandere,,, like his mind is not thinking about how to like capture you,,, more about how to make you soooo comfortable and fool you into loving him despite the circumstances?
i just imagine that you work in a cafe and jeongin often meets you there when he buys coffee and you are already in awe when you see fucking yang jeongin enter the coffee shop on your shift but you were even more excited when he leaves his phone number on a napkin and slides it over the counter before leaving. 
you thought about it,,, contemplating multiple times but,,, you decided it would be best not to since well,,, safety purposes 
but he would visit you and every day his face got more and more perplexed cause he wondered why you didnt call
mf would not leave you alone, he would even wait outside the coffee shop until you finished your shift and walk you home,,, so now he knew where you lived- 
and then do the same thing over and over again until you talked to him.
does. not. give. up. 
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miekasa · 3 years
any spare levi headcanons tonight????? 😁😁😁😁
Sure, why not, he is the love of my life after all. These are pretty random, and fit in some sort of generalized modern boyfriend au. Hopelessly domestic, as that is the nature of nearly everything I write for Levi, anyway. Also still terribly obsessed with the idea of him with a motorcycle, so there’s that.
He owns at least six black blazers. They’re nearly identical; slight differences in texture and cut, one with lapels, one that’s boldly all leather that you swear you’ve never seen him wear. They’re kind of his go-to staple, other than a sweater.
That being said, he doesn’t exclusively wear all black. His closet leans towards more neutrals, sure, but he’s not allergic to color. You might not catch him wearing neon orange on the average day, but he’s not averse to a nice shade of green, any shade of purple that suits his mood, even a softer pink.
He has towels and rags he sets aside especially for you when he comes over. He always washes them and put them back in place when you leave so that they’re ready to go for next time.
Claims to not have any attachment to the shows/dramas you watch, but he’s totally backseat watching. Halfway into every single series, he starts sitting down when you turn it on, and scoffs at dumb decisions the characters make.
He splurged on one of those frame TVs that look like a painting when they’re idle. It was a good investment in his opinion.
He doesn’t hate Starbucks drinks—there’s worse things out there in terms of quality of tea. What he despises about the establishment is the way they call out names for you to pick up your order. He’s learned that mobile order ahead is the way to go.
Has slippers for around the house, so consequently, you have slippers for walking around his house. He keeps both pairs (and a few extra for friends and guests) tucked neatly beside the door for easy access; yours always go next to his.
Does not understand the purpose of a robe. Buy him one tho and he will suddenly find an excuse to wear it: making breakfast, lounging around watching TV, doing some light cleaning and dusting. It’s comfy, alright, he can admit that much.
The little puppy you got him that he swore he was not going to warm up to now gets the royal treatment. The best doggie goods and treats, top rated shampoos, cutest drying towels, even a miniature couch he constructed just for the pup. They’re best friends, there’s no breaking that bond now.
Speaking of the puppy, affectionately named Captain, Levi can be found walking him every day shortly after work. They have a few different routes, but they always pass by the local vendors/market, who enthusiastically anticipate their appearance every day. Some of the older ladies running stands have even taken to bringing a few treats with them for Captain—after bundling up some goods for Levi, too, of course.
Captain also has a special doggy backpack Levi uses for when he’s on his motorcycle. If you follow anybody on TikTok in his area, you’re bound to see at least one video of the pup while Levi’s out riding. He’s become viral on social media without even knowing it.
(When you show him a video someone posted of him and Captain with well over 100k likes, and a million views, he only rolled his eyes. But remembers that particularly day; remembers the folks had a kid who politely asked to pet the dog, so he let him. He also maybe asks you to send the link to him).
On the subject of the motorcycle, there was a good few weeks he wouldn’t let you on it. Always found an excuse, a smart reply that was punctuated with gentle push on your forehead and calling you too clumsy for it. Later, you found out it’s because he’d ordered you a helmet; didn’t want to risk you riding without one.
He always keeps it in the storage compartment should he make a stop to pick you up while he’s riding; and he usually wears at least two layers to have a spare to wrap you in before you get on.
When he cooks, he always makes sure there’s enough for leftovers and/or to give you some later. He also bakes frequently, and at least once a week, he stops by with some kind of treat for you—“Trying out a new recipe, let me know if you think it’s missing anything.”
On the subject of food, he won’t police what you eat to annoying extent; he knows that not everybody has the time or will to make pasta from scratch like he does. But, he will smack your wrist if you consider ordering fast food when you’re over at this place. Give him 30 minutes and a single pan, he’ll make something much better than whatever you can find on Uber Eats.
Really, though, he doesn’t mean to obnoxious about the homemade food thing, it’s more habit for him. Growing up, he had to learn to be resourceful, so buying fast-food isn’t ever at the forefront of his mind. Cooking for you also turns out to be something somewhat intimate that he enjoys, so just let him.
Once bought an Apple Watch because he liked the look of them, it wasn’t insanely expensive like other high end watches, and it could connect to his other devices, so why not? A week later he returned it, the ping of his notifications were in one too many places for his liking.
You tried to convince him to keep it—“At least for when you’re jogging! It can track your activity and calories!”—but he clicks his teeth. He’ll survive without keeping track of them.
He learned the hard way that jogging with Captain is no good. His legs are too tiny and Levi ended up carrying the puppy the entire time. Captain is more of a walk dog… or ride on the back of his bike dog.
If you changed anything in his phone settings—like the ringtone for you contact, or the sound his keyboard makes—he wouldn’t go back in and try to figure out how to reset it. Unless it was something obnoxious, like adding an autocorrect shortcut to say something lewd.
He doesn’t really listen to music when he’s just walking. When he’s on a run, that’s fine, but he somewhat prefers to just… hear the environment around him when he’s on a stroll or a break from work. The only reason he’d have headphones on in public is to take a phone call, but even then, he’d prefer to wait until he’s somewhere more private.
He likes having you over at his apartment and has contemplated asking you to move in. He doesn’t want to rush anything, though, so he’s content with your sleepovers for now. (Though he really cannot fathom that you call them “sleepovers” like you’re 14. Please).
He speaks to his mother at least once a week, and she always asks about you. Levi tells her that you’re fine, gives her small updates about you, but Kuchel really just wants to know when the wedding is. He pretends to be busy whenever she starts asking and conveniently ends the call.
Occasionally, he’ll stop by and take you out for lunch. Depends on how much time he has during the day for himself, but he always enjoys sharing a meal with you.
Whenever you’re out with your friends drinking, Levi will pick you up. Even if you already told him that you’d Uber home; as soon as you text him that you’re going to leave soon, he’s already on his way.
He makes pretty good cocktails himself. Teases you for running his alcohol supply dry when the truth is he has more of your favorites in his cabinet than his own. He secretly likes the way you flirt with him when you’re tipsy.
You don’t always cuddle on top of each other when you sleep together. You can just lay by each other and that’s enough; but sometimes, you catch Levi turning towards you in his sleep, reaching for your hand. His body seems to search for yours subconsciously, and you swear there’s a hint of a smile on his sleeping face when you put your hand within reach.
Do not try to pay for dinner when you’re out with him. He’ll pull the “I’m going to use the restroom” move and pay the bill behind your back if he needs to. Open your own doors, maybe; pull out your own chairs, sure if you want; but not this.
He flosses very diligently every night. Mostly because he fucking hates the dentist, so if he takes the extra steps and is extra careful with his teeth, he doesn’t have to go as often, right?—Wrong, it’s the one time the roles are reversed, and you and Hange have to wrestle him into the doctor’s office.
On the flip side, if there are any doctors you routinely avoid and/or forget to schedule check ups for, fear not, because Levi will do it for you. He’ll drive you there, too—the only caveat being, that he usually doesn’t tell you where you’re going until you’re almost there. You think he’s doing the mysterious man surprise date thing and then boom, he’s pulling up to the ophthalmologist. Good luck.
He’s purchased a physical, paper copy of the news on every one of your anniversaries, birthdays, and other special occasions. He keeps them all neatly tucked away in a drawer. Sometimes, he looks back on them—sees what was happening in the world around you on that day. Maybe someday he’ll cut them up and bind them together in a book for you.
He doesn’t like having headphones in when you’re home with him, and preferred if you didn’t either—unless it was for work or school. He welcomes you to use his speakers and play your music aloud; he likes listening to what you listen to. If you look closely, you can catch him humming along or tapping his foot when he really likes a song.
Saves pictures you send him in an album in his camera roll. Occasionally can be found scrolling through them—particularly if you’ve been away on a trip, or he hasn’t gotten the chance to see you because of conflicting schedules.
He takes relatively short showers and doesn’t have a strong preference for the water temperature, so he lets you shower first. Unless you want him to join you, of course.
It’s not hard to tell when Levi wants you. He becomes noticeably more touchy, even if that margin isn’t too wide by anyone else’s standards; and he rarely tries to hide it. It only happens in the privacy of your apartments; but he’ll come on to you—leaning a bit further into conversations, a hand on your knee, a kind of cloudy look in his eyes.
Sometimes he forgoes the attempts at being subtle, just kisses you out the blue, carefully backs you up against the wall, puts his hands on your hips. He can be awfully direct when given the opportunity.
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lovelylapins · 3 years
making sense
or: “when adrien couldn’t make sense of what marinette was saying, and the one time he could”
It didn’t make sense for Adrien to become so curious and intent on figuring out what exactly caused Marinette to trip over her own words, but then again Marinette didn’t make much sense most of the time.
In his defense, he could partially excuse some of the trouble due to his harsh schedule; the long hours and small breaks in between causing him to remain out of the loop for a large majority of things that occurred within their friend group - and for that matter, kept him away from deciphering out most of what Marinette was scrambling to say. He could also justify some of it to the fact of the rough start to their friendship, which he could without a doubt say left for some awkward tension afterwards. But then they had moved past that, and as time passed and he got more opportunities to be around her, Adrien still found himself grasping at straws and wondering what on earth she couldn’t quite get out sometimes.
He chalked his curiosity up to just friendly antics. Yes, as her friend, he was naturally inclined to learn more about her, from her interests to her dislikes to finally understanding what caused her to react the way she did.
It was normal. Or at least, as normal as he had convinced himself while also ignoring every single one of Plagg’s ‘helpful’ critiques on the subject matter.
He had even brought it up to Nino on one occasion, wondering if he had anything that might help unlock the mystery of it all and give him a much needed new look onto the matter.
“Trust me, Marinette’s just a fast thinker. Her mouth has trouble catching up is all,” Nino had reassured him, slapping an arm around his shoulders as they walked up the steps to their school. “Don’t worry too hard on trying to figure out what she’s trying to say.”
Adrien frowned. “Easy for you to say. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her get that type of way around you.”
“She has.” Shaking his head, Nino laughed. “Trust me, she definitely has.”
“About what?”
“Most recently? I almost opened her locker door by mistake last week, and she started rambling on for a minute about nothing.”
“And did Marinette end up telling you why?” Adrien prompted, preparing himself for any notes he’d get to mentally jot down.
“Apparently, she had a moldy sandwich at the bottom of her locker that she hadn’t taken out yet and didn’t want me to catch a whiff of it. To be honest though, I’ve smelled worse smells whenever you take off your shoes.” Crinkling his nose, Nino cast a quick look down at Adrien’s feet. “I’m about ninety percent sure there was nothing nowhere near moldy in her locker. But hey, I’m not going to question it. Girls always have weird stuff going on, you know?”
Adrien nodded. “Yeah, I know.”
(He did not know.)
Later that day, when Adrien found himself taking refuge in Marinette’s locker during an akuma attack, he made sure not to open his eyes out of respect for anything she might have in there. He did though, out of pure morbid curiosity, take a big sniff of the air surrounding him before he called for his transformation.
He found himself musing over his findings a half hour later, in intense thought even while he dodged a punch from the akuma and called for his cataclysm.
Cookies. It just smells like cookies in there.
It made no sense for her to get so flustered over nothing. But Adrien had come to realize that nothing making sense was nothing new when it came to this.
Over time, he was proud to say he got the gist out of the majority of Marinette’s feelings and reactions towards an abundance of things.
When Chloé said something particularly harsh to someone in the class, or Lila let loose another lie that would ultimately lead to another issue later in the day, she would usually get agitated and annoyed. When the class managed to execute a plan perfectly, or she slid into her seat just before the bell rung and avoided being reprimanded, she would perk up and be all smiles throughout the day. He caught the general idea for her pet peeves and more noticeable likes, along with the small jumps and tendency to
But with him? He, sadly, still hadn’t figured it out.
And when it finally made sense to him, for why she never made any sense at all, he had only one crushing thought.
Embarrassingly, he hadn’t come to the realization after formalizing final thoughts and testing out a hypothesis, achieving his final conclusion and obtaining his answer. He so dearly wished it had been that case though, not only to save his ego but to satisfy the overwhelming urge to figure it out. Adrien didn’t usually take so long to find out something, save for his Lady’s identity, but that in itself was an excused and special case. This though, the reason behind one of his closest friend’s odd behavior, was even more extraordinary.
And it had been uncovered before he could even try to pretend not to find it out.
Headed to fencing practice, albeit late, Adrien was taking a shortcut through the school in order to save time and get out of a scolding from the fencing teacher. It wasn’t like him to be behind on his schedule, but he had been caught up helping Ivan write out a new poem for Mylène after class ended. As a result, he was forced to shove on the rest of his fencing gear on his way there, adjusting his gloves and already wearing his mask instead of putting it on last before he stepped into the ring.
Adrien could hear Marinette and Alya before he saw them, voices loud enough they echoed through the hallway. At first he tried not to eavesdrop in their conversation, but it was easier said than done when he was naturally inclined to listen and listen to whatever his friends had to say, even more so when they weren’t attempting to hush their voices in any way.
Still, he managed as best as he could. Hurrying his pace, he had hoped to walk by and out of earshot quickly, only picking up a few keywords from their conversation.
Then his name had been spoken, right as Adrien passed them. And then again, but this time when he was intently hearing.
“I’m just saying, it can’t be that hard to talk to Adrien. You’ve had, what, like almost a year to get over your crush?”
“You make it sound so simple! If you were in my shoes - wait. Shh, that could be one of his fencing mates.”
“Don’t worry, Mari. It’s not like he wouldn’t already know. At this point, pretty much everyone in class knows how you feel about Adrien.”
“Yeah, everyone but him.”
Their voices had began to fade, Alya and Marinette turning the corner while Adrien continued on his way to fencing practice. If it wasn’t for the fact his mind already knew the route, and that walking was second nature to him, he was sure he would’ve given out a long time ago. At practice too, while he’s in the midst of running through his warm-ups, it seems strange that he’s managed this far, that he hasn’t completely lost all ability to function or ran off to ponder for a bit as Chat Noir on some high building, away from the rest of the world.
Instead, only one thought runs through his head.
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Visions of sugarplums
Pairing: Agent Whiskey x female reader
Content: Pining, workplace romance, fake dating if you squint, oh no we’re snowed in, mention of food, kissing, making out, mostly-non-explicit sex (under-18s, jog on), so many sweet pet names you’ll get cavities, romantic Jack because apparently I'm a sucker for that
Word count: ~4800 (yeah. Jack is a demanding muse)
Prompt: “Hoping one day you’ll make a dream last” (Let Her Go, Passenger), for @yespolkadotkitty‘s follower celebration writing challenge 🎉
Note: I said canon Whiskey who? This cowboy drinks respect women juice.
Part two: Kentucky welcome Part three: Just say you will
Taglist (if you’d like to be tagged, un-tagged, or make a request for future fics, feel free to let me know): @writemessystarwars @keeper0fthestars @flightlessangelwings @yespolkadotkitty @emesispo @songsformonkeys @beccaplaying
A whirl of snow stings your cheek like a slap as you hurry through the grounds of the posh ski resort that sprawls across the valley, dotted with cozy cabins and million-dollar chalets.
Your sheer stockings, low-cut dress, and teetering heels are no match for snow bursts and the wind that cuts through you like a  knife. Inwardly cursing your alter ego and her penchant for skimpy fashions, you tug your thin coat more tightly around you.
This mission was supposed to be a piece of cake. A few days at a luxe resort, posing with your partner as an arms dealer and his girlfriend to get close to your target, and everything was going swimmingly...until your search of the target’s study during a cocktail party was interrupted by two of his security staff making their rounds ahead of schedule. The adrenaline rush of your narrow escape is still humming in your veins.
Beside you, long strides making quick work of the path, Jack Daniels has transformed himself from intelligence agent to wealthy gun runner with the world on a string. The cashmere overcoat that cost more than your first car is the perfect finishing touch to his sharp suit, and his dark good looks stand out even in the hazy moonlight.
Rounding the corner of a chalet, Jack slows his steps to a stroll. A strong arm pulls you flush against his side as he walks, letting an easy laugh float on the wind like you’ve said something witty. Before you have time to wonder what’s going on, another couple materializes in the pool of light from a lamp, squinting against the gusts that throw fresh powder into the air like confetti.
“Evening,” Jack says with a tip of his hat and a winning  smile, the very picture of a genial Southern gentleman. “This weather sure is pickin’ up, ain’t it?”
The couple mutter their agreement  and hurry on their way. Once they’re out of sight Jack’s hand slides to the small of your back, guiding you as you both quicken your strides again. Your teeth are chattering by the time the wind blows you onto the porch of your own cabin, and in a fumble of hands on the doorknob you step together into the blessed stillness of the spacious room.
A  cheerful whistle pierces the air and you turn to find Jack brushing snow off of his black Stetson and favoring you with a lopsided smirk. Even damp with melting snow he manages to be striking, all sultry eyes and dashing mustache and wayward strands of dark hair curling over his  forehead.
“Nothin’ like a little skirmish to get the blood pumping.” He carefully sets the hat on the fireplace mantel to dry. “I feel like...”
“...A tornado in a trailer park,” you finish with him, earning one of those wide, dimpled grins that always dazzles you a little in return.
“Just so,” he says.
“That’s another one in the ‘win’ column.” You try to suppress a shiver as you pull the flash drive that might as well be a smoking gun from the cleavage of your dress. “A few bumps in the road, but we got what we needed.”
Jack ignores the congratulations, stepping close to take your chilled hands between his large ones. His hands aren’t much warmer than yours, but the thrill that trickles down your spine has nothing to do with the cold.
The frown lines between his brows deepen. “Darlin’, you’re colder than a well-digger’s belt buckle. Go on and have yourself a hot shower while I get a fire started and check in with HQ.”
“I can wait, I’ll help you,” you offer.
He shakes his head, already moving toward the fireplace. “Don’t you worry, sugarplum, ol’ Jack’ll have this place snug in no time. You just get comfortable.”
Helpless against the lure of hot water and fuzzy socks, you rummage in your suitcase for a change of clothes. Still, you stop at the bathroom door to look back at Jack where he’s stacking logs with the same determination furrowing his brow as when he’s reviewing dossiers or cleaning his guns.
The two of you have been almost inseparable for the year that you’ve been working for the Statesman agency. Even your code name was assigned with your partnership in mind, a little inside joke Champ never gets tired of telling when he introduces the two best agents in the New York office: “...Because you can’t have a Manhattan without Whiskey and Vermouth!”
Jack comes on as strong as his namesake liquor, but you’ve seen the  steely nature under his flashy Southern charm, the practice behind the effortless shows of skill, the tender heart he hides with bravado.
And he has no idea you’ve fallen in love with him.
As though he can feel your gaze, Jack looks up, his stern expression relaxing. He gives you a wink and waves one hand to shoo you along before getting back to his task.
With a sheepish smile, you duck into the bathroom and turn on the shower before you can do something stupid.
Like asking him to join you.
"Mission report, Agent?”
Champ’s projection flickers into the armchair across from Jack, looking like some kind of Halloween effect with the flames dancing over the logs in the fireplace behind him.
“We’ve got all the intel we need.” Jack adjusts his glasses, stretching his legs out in front of him with a sigh. “Agents ready for pickup.”
“Glad to hear it. Where’s Vermouth?”
Jack glances toward the sound of running water. “She’s just showerin’ to warm up. We got caught in a snow flurry coming back to the cabin.”
“That so?” The ghost of a smile flits over Champ’s face. “I thought you’d want to be the one warmin’ her up.”
Jack’s not sure if he’s more annoyed by the teasing, or how quick he is to take the bait. “Champ, this ain’t a Fourth of July picnic. In case you’ve forgotten, I’m on a delicate mission with my partner.”
“Now, don’t get your feathers ruffled, son,” Champ says mildly, reaching for a highball glass. “You confided in me about your feelings, and I’m just givin’ you a little nudge of encouragement.”
“I did not confide in you.” Jack leans forward to jab a finger at the hazy image of his boss. “You tested Ginger’s new truth serum on me.”
Champ’s grin is distinctly unrepentant. “Well, you looked like a man who needed to get somethin’ off his chest. ‘Sides, I won twenty bucks from Tequila for being right.”
Jack only grunts, slumping on the couch again. “Your granny’s special mint julep recipe, my ass.”
“Jack, she’s a pretty girl. Smart as that whip of yours. You think you’ll be the only one to notice? Anybody can see Vermouth thinks the world of you, but one of these days she’ll be wearin’ another man’s ring if you don’t stop pussyfooting around and make good on all that flirtin’ you do.”
That idea settles in Jack’s stomach like a bad oyster.
Of course, Champ has a point.
You are pretty. No, scratch that...beautiful. You’re a hell of a good agent -- the quickest route to Jack’s bad side is to suggest otherwise -- but you’re so much more than that. Your sweetness and spirit are more than a man like him can hope to deserve, but damn if the way your eyes light up when you smile doesn’t thaw something long dormant in his chest.
If he’s been hell-bent on keeping things professional between you, his dreams are anything but. When he closes his eyes he sees you, soft and yearning and his. His to have and hold until he wakes up aching, with your phantom touch lingering on his skin.
He’s starting to forget why professionalism was so important to him in the first place.
“Champ, you got anything else related to this mission? Been a long day here.”
“Matter of fact, I do.” Thankfully, Champ has the grace to go along with the change of subject. “That storm’s kickin’ up too much snow to get a jet in there. You’ll have to hunker down and wait for a pickup in the morning.”
Well, if the universe wants to hand Jack another night in your company, who is he to argue?
“Copy that,” he says out loud. “We’ll await contact in the morning.”
Champ smiles. “Plenty of time for any long-overdue conversations you might want to have.”
“You’re startin’ to break up. Whiskey out.” Jack pulls off the glasses and tosses them unceremoniously onto the coffee table, scrubbing a hand over his face.
Sparing a glance at the darkening sky outside the window, he hauls himself off of the couch to put another log on the fire, trying not to think about how Champ just might be right.
When you emerge from the bathroom in a cloud of fragrant steam, Jack is lounging on the couch in front of a crackling fire. He’s traded the designer clothes for jeans and a faded button-down shirt and managed to tame his tousled hair. You know he takes pride in his trademark hat and bespoke suit jackets, but there’s something about him when he’s dressed down and softer around the edges that tugs at your heart.
He looks up when you come into the room, cheek dimpling with a smile. “Well, don’t you look like a new woman? Thought you were fixin’ to turn into an icicle on me for a minute, there.”
“Here’s hoping our next assignment involves sandy beaches and umbrella drinks.” You hug your sweater around yourself. “What’s the word from Champ?”
“Looks like we’re here for the night on account of this storm.”
As if on cue, a gust of wind rattles the windows, making you jump.
“Come and have a seat by the fire, sweetheart.” Jack picks something up from the coffee table and waves it at you. “Got a protein bar and some water for you. I don’t know about you, but a handful of damn canapes ain’t going to see me through to morning.”
“You sure know how to wine and dine a girl, cowboy,” you tease, dropping onto the couch.
His laugh is as good-natured as ever. “When we get back home, I’ll cook you the best steak you’ve ever had.”
“The best steak since the last one you cooked for me?"
“Well, a man should always be improvin’ his technique to keep a woman happy.” His dark eyes twinkle with mischief, and you roll your eyes but can’t quite smother a laugh.
The protein bar tastes something like chocolate-flavored chalk but you’re hungry enough to make quick work of it, washing it down with gulps of water. Jack nudges your shoulder and you find him offering his flask with a wry smile.
“’Fraid it’s all I've got in the way of dessert.”
The whiskey inside burns its way down your throat and mellows to spread its warm glow through your chest. With a sigh, you hand back the flask, watching Jack’s throat ripple with the swig he takes before reattaching it to his belt.
The liquor’s fire contrasts with the chill of the day in your bones, setting off a shiver that shudders through your shoulders and arms.
“Honey, you still cold?” Jack’s voice is rough-edged with weariness and whiskey.
“Well, I like a nice walk in the snow as much as the next girl, but I was half naked in that ridiculous outfit,” you say dryly.
One corner of his mouth quirks upward. There’s something unreadable in those fathomless eyes as he watches you for a moment before opening one arm, arching a brow in invitation.
Some tiny, winged creature takes up residence in your chest where your heart should be, and you immediately scold yourself. Jack’s your partner and your friend. Of course he has the decency not to want to see you miserable after a long, cold day.
So you tell yourself, even as you go to him, nestling into his side and letting his arm come around you to hold you close. His hand is relaxed on your shoulder, his thumb trailing back and forth in a gentle rhythm.
“Better?” he murmurs.
You feel like home, you think.
With Jack’s heartbeat steadfast and comforting under your palm, the last of your reserve dissolves. You tuck your head into the crook of his neck and melt into his warmth, breathe in his scent, musky and tinged with leather and sandalwood.
Quiet descends on the room, fleece-soft and a little sleepy, as you stare into the fire and let your mind wander. The hypnotic trace of Jack’s thumb over your shoulder is the only indication that he’s still awake.
You sneak a look at him. His eyes glitter black in the gathering dark and his profile is regal, carved into the stern dips and hollows of a Roman sculpture by the play of light and shadow from the fire.
He’s beautiful. You wonder if anyone’s ever told him.
He hums in answer, almost the purr of a contented cat.
“Do you ever think about retiring?”
A soft snort of laughter rumbles against you. “You callin’ me old?”
“We both know I’d punch anyone who did,” you scold, giving his chest a playful swat. “I just mean...do you ever imagine doing something else? Something more peaceful?”
“Well, I’ve got a patch of land in Kentucky with a farmhouse. One day I suppose I’ll give up the apartment in the city and trade the Silver Pony in for a ridin’ mower.”
You frown. It’s a jarring reminder that after all this time, Jack still has his secrets. “You do?”
He nods. “It’s been in my family for generations, my granddaddy left it to me. Always thought I’d raise a family there. Houseful of kids, dogs, the whole nine yards,” he says ruefully.
He doesn’t have to tell you why he never did.
The tragic loss of Jack’s wife and unborn son is no secret in the agency, and you might know better than anyone about the hole they left in his life. It’s always broken your heart for him, but the idea of this family home that sits empty but for his ghosts makes it suddenly, achingly easy to imagine Jack building a cradle in the barn and reading bedtime stories and teaching little ones to ride their first horses.
“Maybe it’s not too late,” you offer. “You never know.”
He squeezes your shoulder for an instant, a silent recognition of your kindness, before going on with a breezy sigh. “What about you? You fixin’ to go plant yourself by a pool somewhere with a fancy drink in one hand and a book in the other?”
“What, and not get to play fake criminals at cocktail parties with you?” you scoff. “Not a chance.”
His smile is sharp and sweet as molasses. “Well, I'm always happy to escort the most beautiful woman in the room.”
There’s something so plain and sincere about the sentiment that you’re taken aback.
Jack throws around compliments like other people talk about the weather. But you know when he’s just greasing the wheels of conversation, filling the space between words...and this isn’t it.
Ignoring the rush of heat into your cheeks, you default to the safety of humor. “Flattery will get you everywhere, Agent Whiskey.”
The smirk, the laugh, the sly innuendo you’re expecting don’t come. He shifts to look at you, so close and so handsome it hurts, and the naked admiration in his eyes makes your breath catch in your throat.
“Ain’t flattery, sugarplum.” His thumb travels fleetingly to the bare skin of your neck above the collar of your sweater. “You’re as pretty as a Kentucky sunrise and twice as bright, and that’s the truth.”
“Jack, that’s the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me...that anyone’s ever said to me,” you blurt out, and mean it.
His dimple deepens, and a dash of his usual devilish charm flashes across his face. “Well, if we’re bein’ honest with each other, I must confess to thinkin’ lots of complimentary things about you.”
You can barely hear him over the hammering of your heart.
“Is that so?”
“Yes, ma’am,” he drawls. The flicker of his glance to your lips is so quick, you could almost miss it.
But you don’t.
Maybe it’s the whiskey, maybe it’s the wind wailing in the eaves, maybe it’s the thrill of almost being caught by the bad guys, but something prods you on, dares you to play with fire. Your hand shifts almost imperceptibly on his chest, letting the tip of one finger find the warm, tanned skin at the open neck of his shirt.
“And what are you thinking right now?”
Something hot and swaggering flares in his eyes and you know, you know he’s picked up your gauntlet.
“Well, sweetheart...” His hand moves from your shoulder, trailing lazily to the nape of your neck. He tilts his head to watch goosebumps erupt in the wake of his touch before turning that smoldering gaze on your face again. “Right now I’m wonderin’ what you’d say if I were to kiss that pretty mouth.”
“I’d probably ask what took you so long.”
You barely finish the sentence before his hands cradle your face and his lips are on yours, stealing your breath with their plush softness.
Nothing in your experience of lukewarm flirtations and flaky boyfriends has prepared you for Jack’s affections. He’s a force of nature, possessive and generous by turns, and his approving hum when you open for him and the hot slide of his tongue against yours have you clinging to him like you’ll drown if you let go.
It’s only when you’re nearly dizzy that you break away for air. “Jack,” you whisper, sinking a novel of emotions into one syllable.
His lips brush your forehead. “I’ve got you, sweetheart. My beautiful girl.”
“I’ve always been your girl, Jack.” You rest your forehead against his, closing your eyes against the glaring, shimmering audacity of the words. “I love you.”
The exhale that fans over your cheek is your name. Your real name, the one thing he almost never calls you. His hand is gentle, tilting your chin up. “Look at me.”
You gather the nerve to lift your eyes to his, only to find them soft. Happy.
“Honey, I love you.” His dimple makes an appearance with an apologetic smile. “Hell, I was smitten from the first handshake. But you were a new agent, and things were workin’ out so well, I never wanted to upset the applecart by tellin’ you so.”
Your laugh is breathless with relief. “Well, then,” you say, toying with the button that stands between you and his bare chest. “I guess we’ve got some lost time to make up for.”
“Oh, I like the sound of that.” With the agility of his training, he hooks one hand around the back of your knee and the other around your waist and moves you to straddle his lap. His big hands splay across your back to pull you snugly against him as he traces the line of your jaw with his nose. “Now where were we, darlin’?”
Your head is spinning with the nuzzling of his nose over your pulse point and the broad warmth of his chest pressed to yours and the growing hardness under the tight denim of his jeans.
“You were--” You break off in a gasp as his teeth graze the sensitive skin of your neck. “You were kissing me better than anyone else ever has.”
“Baby, I’m gonna make you forget about ever kissin’ anybody else.”
You don’t bother telling him you’re way ahead of him.
Jack’s hair is soft and thick when you weave your fingers into it like you’ve always wanted to, stroking where it hints at curling at the nape. When your hand slips under his collar to shape the strong column of  his neck, caress the vulnerable skin under his jaw where his pulse is thundering in time with yours, the low growl in his throat sends heat spiraling straight to your core.
He surges up to capture your mouth again, a hot, demanding crush of lips and tongues that makes you move restlessly against him, wanting more. He doesn’t miss it, and when he slides one hand to your lower back to press you even closer on his muscled thighs every nerve in your body lights up.
“I want you, Jack,” you plead between kisses. “Need you.”
His hands slide underneath your sweater and come to rest, warm and calloused, on the soft skin over your ribs. When you least expect it, he gentles the kiss into something almost chaste and when he pulls away, just enough to look into your face, his eyes have gone solemn.
“Tell me to stop, sweetheart. I will.”
You could burst with love for this man.
“I’ll strangle you with your own lasso if you do.”
Jack barks out a surprised laugh, lighting up with a grin before he goes in for another kiss. “Gonna take care of you, sweet girl.” His voice is silky against your lips. “Gonna give you everything you need.”
His hands move, bringing your sweater with them to whisk it over your head, and you feel the weight of his appreciative gaze roving over your bare skin and sheer bra.
“I can’t remember when I’ve seen anything so gorgeous.” His hands are back at your sides, fingertips teasing at the edges of the purple lace that leaves little to the imagination. When his eyes meet yours again, they’re blown dark and deep with desire. “And I reckon you’d look even prettier spread out for me on that big bed.”
That’s all it takes to have you scrambling to your feet, shimmying out of your leggings and socks as you cover the handful of steps to the luxurious bed that faces the fireplace. You reach for the clasp of your bra, but a click of Jack’s tongue halts your movement.
“Slow down, there, honey.” There’s a hint of command bleeding into his voice that you know well from missions, the sound of him giving orders and expecting them to be obeyed that always kindles a flame in you. “Let your man unwrap his gift.”
A blush warms your cheeks and trickles down your neck as you drop your hands to your sides and wait for him beside the bed, anticipation tingling in your limbs.
Jack has beautiful hands, as graceful as they are strong, but they’ve never been so mesmerizing as they are now, making quick work of his shirt’s buttons and carelessly shedding it to the floor.
You’ve seen him shirtless before -- it’s hardly avoidable when you spend most of your lives together -- but never like this. Never when you’re openly staring at his broad shoulders and lean waist and the smooth planes of his chest, all bronzed in the glow of firelight. And certainly never when he’s calling himself your man and looking at you like he’s starving and you’re his favorite meal.
His arms slide around your waist and the heated press of his skin against yours tears a soft whimper from your throat. He catches it with his mouth, blends it with his own hum of satisfaction in a searing kiss.
He keeps his lips on yours even as he eases you back onto the bed, laying you down on the fluffy comforter with his hand cradling the back of your head. He stands again for as long as it takes to shuck off his jeans and kick them away before he’s crawling over you, settling his warm weight over your body and into your welcoming arms. You’re so swept up in the kiss that reunites you that you barely notice the skillful flick of his fingers that frees you from your bra...until he bends his hot mouth to your breasts and lightning spikes through your veins.
“So perfect,” he praises against your tender skin. “So good for me.”
He’s perfect. Even more than you’ve imagined on the lonely nights when you give yourself over to fantasies just like this, of Jack pressing you into a mattress and murmuring sweet sentiments in that liquor-and-honey voice while his clever hands find you more than ready for him.
A whine escapes you when the cool air of the room suddenly replaces the heat of his body, leaving you bereft.
“Don’t you worry, honey.” Jack’s voice drops an octave, even as a smirk coaxes his dimple out of hiding. “I said I’d take care of you.”
Warm hands slide your panties down your legs and off, and he strips off his own boxers to come back to you in all his naked glory.
His strong biceps cage you in and his mouth finds yours again as your hands roam greedily over golden skin and taut muscles and the hot, hard length between you.
“Jack, you’re so beautiful,” you sigh, over his panting breaths into your neck. “I’ve wanted this. Wanted you, for so long.”
He raises his head to look at you, lush lips parted and eyes blazing. “Honey, you’ve got me. For as long as you’ll have me.”
He kisses you like he’s sealing a promise.
And then he’s inside you, like he belongs there. Maybe he always has.
Every surge of his body, every stroke of his hands, every gritted curse and word of praise pressed to your skin makes stars burst behind your eyelids, and when you’re clutching blindly at his back and keening his name like an incantation, his voice is a desperate rasp in your ear.
“Let go, sweetheart. I’ll catch you.”
You do. And he does.
And when he grips bruises into your thigh and shudders in your arms and buries a broken declaration of love in your hair, you know beyond a doubt there will never be anyone else.
If there’s a heaven, Jack’s pretty sure he's died and gone there to be lying in a cloud of down comforters with you tucked close to his side, head pillowed on his shoulder and legs tangled with his own. The bare skin of your back is petal-soft under his stroking fingers as he watches the firelight dance on the ceiling.
“I love you, Jack,” you murmur, and his heart swells too big for the prison bars of his ribs.
“I love you too, sweetheart.” He laces his fingers with yours on his chest, brings them to his lips. “You know, I dreamed about this,” he confesses.
You raise your head, resting your chin on his chest to look at him. “You did?”
“I did. Felt a little guilty about it, if I’m bein’ honest, but I don’t guess I could help it.”
“I won’t hold it against you.” Your eyes sparkle at him in the dim light. “Did I live up to your dreams?”
He smiles, sweeping a stray lock of hair away from your face. “Oh, honey, they couldn’t hold a candle to the real thing.”
You look pleased with that answer, nuzzling a kiss into his neck before settling your head on his shoulder again.
“I can’t wait to get you home,” he muses. “Have you in my own bed.”
He feels you smile against his skin. “As many nights as you want, cowboy.”
“Careful, there. I might take you at your word, you’ll go home and find movers at your place.”
You sigh out a laugh that’s music to his ears and draw idle shapes on his skin with your fingertips in the quiet.
“Jack,” you say again, soft as a peach blossom.
“Yeah, honey?”
“Will you take me to that farmhouse sometime?”
His greedy heart can already see you there, breathing life into the place.
You, perched on the kitchen counter, feet swinging in time with your chatter while he cooks for you. Sitting with him on the porch swing to watch the sunset splash its tapestry of pink and orange and lavender across the sky. Soft and sweet underneath him in the big cherry wood bed, greeting the pale glow of morning with sleepy eyes and kiss-swollen lips.
A backyard wedding.
Tiny, mewling cries in the night and your silhouette framed with moonlight from the picture window while you nurse a baby who has Jack’s eyes back to sleep.
The peace that washes over him is too good to be true, too hopeful for his battered heart, too honest for his life of compromises.
He closes his eyes, drinks it in anyway. Claims it. Squeezes you a little closer in his arms.
This is the dream that lasts.
“That’s a promise, sugarplum.”
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imagine-this-fandom · 4 years
BNHA x Fem! Reader: The Rescue- Purple Ragdoll
The rescue intro: here
Happy New Year everyone! Hope everyone is staying safe and had a good New Years Eve. Thank you all for your support, I'm really happy to be writing for you. I apologize for the lateness of this chapter, but I hope you all enjoy!
Inko led you back into the main store and past rows of all sorts of tanks. She paused and tucked Izuku into one of them before she continued along, stopping in front of a door with cute little pawprints running up the side. At the top of the door, the word CATS was in big bold letters. She opened the door and ushered you inside, carefully closing the door behind you.
You took in the chaos of the cat room, eyes following Inko as she expertly dodged cats and weaved through various cat toys on her way to a cat tree in the back. The room was filled with cats of all shapes and sizes.  You decided it would be best if you stayed put. The last thing you needed was to accidentally step on one of the cute animals. That would be a rather unfortunate end to your budding experience as a pet owner. When Inko saw that you were standing alone, she made a tutting noise and went back, grabbing your arm before leading you over to the quiet corner she had scouted earlier.
You followed her curiously, trying not to trip on the felines winding around your legs, which was an intense feat as they seemed to really like you for some reason. You came to a stop in front of one of those hanging cat hammock things. Inside, was a fluffy cat with strangely lilac tinted fur that was ruffled and sticking out at all angles. You searched your limited knowledge about animals before settling on the breed. The cat before you was the sleepiest looking ragdoll cat you had ever seen. The fur under his eyes was darker than the fur around it, giving it the illusion of deep purple eye bags. He looked kind of run down if you were honest as if no amount of naps in the world could make him energetic. He was definitely not what you expected. He reminded you of Grumpy cat but exhausted.
Inko smiled warmly at you while clasping her hands to her chest, watching your reaction closely.
“This is Shinsou! I think he’d be the perfect cat for you.”
Like the black cat from earlier, there was something really intelligent about Shinsou. Either that or the look of confusion he shot Inko was purely coincidental and you were misreading things. Regardless, there was something about him that you gravitated towards.
“You’re sure? He wouldn’t be happier with someone more experienced?” Inko just shook her head and lifted the drowsy cat out of his hammock. He wasn’t too concerned and had accepted his fate at this point in time, not really having the energy to protest anyway. She carefully deposited the cat into your arms and bustled off to gather supplies for you. You looked down at the bundle of fluff in your arms and he, in turn, stared up at you with a bored expression.
Shinsou was vaguely interested in how this would go.  Considering he was not a normal cat by any means, it should prove to be an interesting experience. If all else failed, he was intelligent enough to escape and come back to the store, he mused. But for now, you hadn’t done anything that indicated you were going to be difficult to work with and Inko seemed to approve of you, so he just yawned and settled into your arms, enjoying the change from the flannel hammock to your warm arms.  You were kind of freaked out by the newness of the situation, but Shinsou didn’t seem to care what was going on, and his nonchalant attitude put you more at ease.
While you waited, you began to pet him. A smile tugged on your lips as he basically melted in your arms, face pressed against your collarbone and a contented purr escaping his chest. He was obviously enjoying your soothing touch, more than he wanted to admit to himself even. That was encouraging, and you decided then and there you would die for this animal should the need ever arise.
When inko returned with a cat carrier, you were a bit hesitant to put him inside. You were bonding! As reluctant as you were, the carrier was probably your safest and easiest method of getting him home. You laid him inside on the cat bed and he was out like a light within minutes. He was peacefully sleeping as you latched the carrier shut and listened to the instructions Inko gave you. You were determined to be the best pet owner possible for him.
It wasn’t long before you left the shop, new pet in hand and a strange new warmth settling in your chest at the thought of sharing your home with your sleepy new companion. ~~~~~
You sighed tiredly as you closed the door behind you, happy to be out of the biting cold. You had let Shinsou sleep in his carrier on the way over, so you just popped the door open once you were inside so he could explore when he was ready. You gave his sleeping form a small smile before you retreated to your bedroom for the night.
He was still sleeping when you woke up around 8 the next morning, so you let him be and began your morning routine. You hummed to yourself as you waited for your coffee to brew and scrolled through social media on your phone.
Shinsou roused at the rich scent of coffee filled the air. As a human, he swore it almost ran through his veins. He took after his mentor in his love for coffee, the bitter beverage giving him the energy his training and hero work often stole. Inko always had tea instead when she worked at the pet store, so the familiar scent was quite a shock to his system. He stretched lazily before ambling out of the pet carrier. His purple eyes locked on the mug you held as you made your way to the couch.
You smiled brightly at him as you sat down, not noticing where his intent gaze was directed.
“Hey pretty boy, sleep well?”
He turned his gaze to you, almost disgusted by the fact that you were so awake and perky already. Usually, it took him at least half an hour to fully wake up, so your sunshine smile was absolutely unfair considering how early it was. He gave you a deadpan stare in response that triggered an even wider smile. Good grief.
He hopped up onto the couch beside you, waiting for an opportunity to steal your beverage.
He didn’t have to wait long though, you had just taken a sip before your phone rang. You looked down at the contact name and your expression twisted into one of weary acceptance. You hit the answer button and stood, coffee abandoned as you paced and listened to the voice on the other end of the phone.
Shinsou would smirk to himself if cats could. He made a beeline for the cup and quickly drank his fill. Meanwhile, you were not having nearly as good of a time.
“Sir, please, it’s my first day off in weeks. Are you positive no one else can cover the shift?”
“I wouldn’t be calling you if I didn’t already know, (y/n). Are you going to show, or not? Need I remind you that you’re on thin ice with your attendance?”
You bit your lip, the tiredness settling into your expression before you took a deep breath and forced your customer service smile.
“Yes sir, I’ll see you in an hour and a half”
“Good. Don’t be late.”
You heard the line go dead on the other side and nearly screamed, hands clenching against the phone as you resisted the urge to throw your device. The job was infuriating, but it was steady and dependable. You didn’t have a quirk, so finding work was a bit of a process, and you couldn't afford to be choosy at the moment. You lamented this fact as you sunk onto the couch beside him, any energy the coffee had given was now sapped away.
Shinsou had only caught bits and pieces of the conversation, but he already knew he didn’t care for your boss. He had only known you for a day, but he didn’t like how quickly that sunshine smile disappeared as if covered by stormy clouds. It was disconcerting. He watched your expressions go through the stages of grief before settling on tired acceptance.
You sighed heavily and scratched the top of his head.
“Sorry, buddy. I wanted to spend the day getting to know you, but the big boss says I have to get to work.”
You pouted unhappily before stretching. You hated your job, but you weren’t going to spend time feeling bad for yourself. You had to be strong, this job was what enabled you to have Shinsou too, so at least something good came of it. You scratched behind Shinsou's ears before standing and plastering on a fake smile.
"well, no time to waste if I want to get to work on time. I'll be back before you know it. Try not to wreck the house while I'm gone."
He watched you leave and go to your room to prepare for work. He took this time left alone to look around. The living room was fairly plain but comfortable enough. There weren't any photos or personal touches up on the wall. He wandered the living room, mapping it out in his head and taking careful note of any possible escape routes. By the time he had explored all the open rooms, you had found your way back into the main room. You were holding a few bobby pins in your teeth as you fixed your hair into a high ponytail.
Your uniform was typical of a barista and he could just make out the logo of a local cafe on the corner. Huh. Juniper Glow. He actually recognized the cafe. He frequented the place when he was still human. It was open 24/7 so it was a lifesaver after long patrols. He couldn't remember ever meeting you, but it had been quite some time since he had visited. Maybe you were new?
You grabbed the essentials needed for your job, grimacing as you caught sight of the clock. You crouched down and scratched under Shinsou's chin before you shouldered your purse again.
"Alright Shinsou, I'm heading out. Be good for me, okay? Don't trash the house.  I'll see you in a few hours."
Shinsou stopped himself from nodding, knowing it would only freak you out, and stared at you with a tilted head as if to ask "cause trouble, who, me?"
You gave him one last dazzling smile before dashing out the door.
Shinsou watched the door close and was surprised to find himself a bit disheartened with the quiet now encompassing the house. He supposed he was used to the noise now. From the crowded cat room to the way you spoke to him like a person, he wasn't used to the silence anymore. He wondered how much other things would change as he stayed with you.
Some things never changed. Despite having no hero work or classes, Shinsou was still tired all the time. You found his tiredness endearing and took every opportunity to cuddle him while he napped.
The first time this happened, he was surprised. He was peacefully napping on the couch while you were occupied with a hero documentary. He was content to snooze next to you when a sudden movement changed his position. You had carefully scooped him up and he was now resting in your lap. He would have moved, but honestly? You were comfortable and warm. Not to mention you were petting him too. The soft strokes and your fingers carding through his fur relaxed him. He melted into your touch and was surprised when he started to purr at the attention. You smiled, your documentary no longer the center of your attention.
He wouldn't admit it, but he was quite enjoying your attention. At first, he thought this whole pet thing was going to be a fun challenge to exploit and then escape. However, he was growing attached to you. That might end up a problem. He was going to be human again, one day. He would make sure of it. And he couldn't let you get too used to him.
Still... this was nice. He liked being held and cared about, even though he was used to being and working alone. He was ostracized for having a villain's quirk, so he was definitely not used to people spending so much time with him. Midoriya and his mentor were his support system, but this was somehow different. He would have to think about this more... But for now, he would enjoy these moments with you.
Fortunately for him, these moments became quite frequent. You loved having Shinsou with you and nearly every moment spent at home was spent with your cat. You talked to him as you cooked, you watched TV with him on your lap, you even let him sit on your bed while you read before heading to bed.
This routine continued for months and you admitted for the first time since you moved to Japan, that you were happy. ~~~~~~~~
You opened the door for Shinsou. The sun shone brightly on the two of you as you waited. Shinsou trotted out and joined you on the porch before you closed the door, being mindful of his tail.
The two of you set off at a leisurely pace. You had decided to take Shinsou with you on your trip to the local farmer’s market. You wanted to get some produce for a fruit dessert you wanted to try and also stop by the bakery that was nearby. You smiled down at Shinsou as he plodded along by your side. He was such a clever cat and you found him fascinating. The few times he had gotten out, he merely followed you to work before going home. Unbeknownst to you, this was his way of making sure you stayed safe. While he couldn't fully protect you in this form, he would do his absolute best to protect you should trouble to arise.  When you took him out on purpose for the first time, he stayed dutifully by your side.  This lead to many walks when the weather was pleasant.
He was secretly pleased now that you trusted him to stay with you as you go places. This also meant he could spend more time with you. Although, he wished he was human for these walks. He had been with you for four months now, and he knew you quite well. He enjoyed his time with you and that simple companionship he shared while living with you had grown to be more than fondness on his end. He started to care for you more than he thought he would. He became more worried about your safety, upset on your behalf whenever your boss inevitably called you in on your few days off. He did his best to remind you of your own health, making sure you went to bed at a semi-decent hour. He cared about you, really cared about you. And it was moments like these he couldn't deny it anymore. He looked up at you as the two of you walked.
He wanted to know what it was like to hold your hand, fingers entwining as you babbled cheerfully about your day, him content to listen to your sweet voice. He wanted to compliment you on the sundress you chose to wear for your trip to the market, he wanted to tease you about how excited you were getting for fruit. But that didn’t seem to be a possibility, so he had to content himself with these small outings and the fact he could still be with you as a friend.
You were chatting about all the delicious things you were going to buy, looking back over at him with a bright sunshine smile that he hadn't expected to adore as much as he did.
"Ooh! And don't think I'm leaving you out, there are a bunch of fruits cats are allowed to eat! I can't just treat myself and leave my best boy hungry!"
He would have smiled, but instead settled on a rumbling meow, purr sneaking into the noise.  Warmth filled his chest as you turned back to face ahead. He walked with you for a while more, the warm feeling of the affection fading but also growing more intense but in a new way.
Shinsou blinked in confusion as a strange sensation started to take over, the warmth shifting, contorting into something different. His head was swimming and his entire body was starting to tingle. He almost tripped over his own paws as he made his way to an alleyway, not wanting you to see him this disoriented. His gaze swimming in front of him. He stumbled into the alleyway, his body felt like it was on fire. Fire spread through his nervous system as his body gave up fighting and the bubbling feeling spreading through his veins surged through him. All at once, there was a pop sound and the feeling disappeared, leaving Shinsou panting on the cold concrete of the alley. He opened his eyes and was quickly struck by the difference in sensations he was feeling as well as the heightened colors. He groaned and threw his arm over his eyes before realizing the change in limbs. He quickly sat up and realized with awe that he was human again. Naked, but human. A grin spread across his face and he wobbled to his feet, getting used to being tall again. He took a few minutes to reorient himself.
He heard your voice calling his name and butterflies took flight in his stomach. You sounded worried and upset, voice frantic as you repeated his name. You were looking for him. Cat him. Well, that was a problem. He looked around for a hiding place and was relieved to spot a fairly out of sight around a corner.
As much as he would love to go out there and sweep you off your feet in his true form, he knew that would be absolutely terrifying and the worst way he could go about this. He peeked out from behind the corner, watching your worried form as you carefully searched the alleyway. He ducked back behind the wall before you saw him and his eyes landed on a convenient clothesline. Huh. How convenient. He’d have to think about the uncanny timing later because he heard male voices floating down the alleyway. He grabbed the clothes and threw them on, making a mental note to compensate the original owner when he gets the chance.
Meanwhile, you were looking between two men in front of you. They had followed you into the alley, insisting they were worthy of your attention and could help you find your cat. However, they didn’t really seem to know what personal space was and were quite insistent. You were obviously uncomfortable, a nervous smile in place, but they didn’t seem to understand. You inched backward until your back met the bricks behind you as you put distance between the men trying to avoid coming off as impolite. You really just wanted to find Shinsou and go home.
“Excuse me gentlemen, but I really should be going…” Your eyes darted around, searching for an opening to escape. Your eyes stopped their search when the man closest to you put his hand on the wall, leaning closer and effectively caging you in.
“Oh come on, we’ll worry about finding your cat later. Besides, you look a little turned around yourself, like a little deer that lost its way.” He smiled in a way that you believed was meant to be charming.
“Oh, no, I'm not lost.” You cringed back and gave him a nervous smile.
“This little deer looks thirsty,” The second man commented, tilting his head as he looked you over appreciatively. “We should take her for a cup of tea.”
You bit your lip, clenching your fists in an effort not to wring them nervously. Or wring their necks, you were undecided at the moment.
“No thanks, my sister's expecting me.” You bluffed, hoping it was enough to deter the two men.
“She's pretty cute for a Deer. How old are you, anyway? You live around here?”
The first man ignored your poor attempt of diversion and continued to press, not giving up.
“Leave me alone.”
You cringed away, dipping your head away as your mind swirled with possible lies and excuses to give to get away from them. You had other things to do, namely finding Shinsou.
The second man rolled his eyes at his friend, nudging his shoulder playfully. “You see? Your mustache scares all the girls.”
The first once chuckled, reaching out a finger to lightly brush against your cheek. “So? She's even cuter when she's scared.”
Tears pricked your eyes as you scrunched them closed, hot embarrassment and anger threatening to spill over. You jolted a little as a hand rested softly on your shoulder from beside you and gently pulled you away from the men and against a warm chest.
“There you are, sweetheart. Sorry I'm late. I was looking everywhere for you.”
A deep voice rumbled from the mystery man behind you. His grip was soft, almost nonexistent to give you the option to escape. But… He felt safe, for some reason.
The first man looked at the stranger, irritated gaze flickering between him and you, prompting you to lean more into the stranger. You were already going with his story, so you were going to make it convincing!
“Hey, we're busy here.” The first man scowled.
You could hear the smirk in the Stranger’s voice with his next words.
“Are you really?”
Both men made sounds of protest before something strange happened. Their limbs went slack, all tension disappearing as a glazed look appeared in their eyes, the words dying on their tongues.
“It looked to me like the two of you were just leaving.”
You watched in awe as the men walked away, just like that. As soon as your would-be tormentors were out of sight you whirled around to face your mysterious hero. Any words of thanks you were thinking of immediately fled your mind upon seeing him.
Oh no, you found him very attractive. He had unruly purple hair that flared out as if he had just been caught in the wind. Striking purple eyes that seemed even more brilliant considering the dark circles under them. You were fairly certain you would have gotten lost in them had you not noticed his bizarre choice of clothes. He was wearing a T-shirt that was a little bit too small for him and sweatpants and was...barefoot? You blinked in confusion at his feet before he cleared his throat and you snapped out of your daze.
“Are you alright?” He regarded you with concern, those dark purple eyes focused on your own.
You nodded quickly.
“I'm alright, thanks to you. What did you do to them, was that your quirk?”
He cringed at the mention of his quirk and one hand went to rub the back of his neck in discomfort as he averted his eyes.
“Yes, my quirk is brainwash. I can control people, but only after they’ve responded to a question of mine.”
He waited for the rejection and distrust that came with telling people about his “Villain” quirk. While people like Midoriya told him it could be used for good, most people still jumped to the criminal conclusion first. And although he hoped you would be different, he knew it would hurt so much more if you found his quirk frightening. He actually cared what you thought of him.
Your eyes widened and you considered the new info you gathered. You noticed he looked apprehensive, he was waiting for you to respond. An excited smile spread across your face.
“That’s an amazing quirk! It’s so useful! You could talk villains into custody, help in hostage situations, and stop fights before they even happen! There are so many possibilities! That’s so cool!”
Shinsou was shocked silent. Your beaming smile was dazzling and his mind refused to form coherent thoughts. The butterflies from earlier came back full force and it took him a second to remember how to breathe.
“You… really think all that?”
His voice was hesitant and hopeful but you misunderstood his quiet for awkwardness.
“I really do! Sorry if I got carried away there, I just think it’s a really cool quirk.”
You gave him a shy smile, trying to tone down your enthusiasm.
“And... Thank you for, you know.”
You gestured awkwardly to the direction the men went.
“I was starting to get really uncomfortable there. You were a lifesaver.”
You shot him another smile and he felt the tips of his ears go hot and his chest fill with warmth but pushed the feeling down and disguised it with a lazy smirk.
“Don’t give me all the credit, I just wanted to prevent their murder. You looked plenty capable. Still, I couldn't pass up my chance to find a smooth way to talk to you."
You grinned, quite taken by his charming words. Still, you had other things to worry about.
"Hmmm, as much as I'd love to continue getting compliments, I'm on a mission."
He raised an amused eyebrow.
"Oh? My apologies for keeping you.  If I can be of any assistance, just say the word."
You looked him up and down before nodding in confirmation.
"Yep. You'll do. You're purple, so I need your help to find my purple cat. Think you can manage it?"
He considered your words before grimacing.
"As much as I'd love to be your knight in shining armor and find him, that's not going to be so easy, all things considering."
Your amused look faded into one of confusion.
"And why is that?"
He avoided looking at you for a moment, his anxious behavior starting to worry you.
"Ask a question only your cat would know."
You stared at him in confusion, starting to wonder if the man was as sane as you had first thoughtAfterall, you had found him in an alleyway without shoes, so your chances weren't the best.
He grimaced and tried again.
"Ask me something only your cat would know, humor me, please. You can decide not to believe me or run or whatever, but please do this for me and listen first."
You were beginning to get scared. His tone was so much more serious than before. Still, something about him was familiar, and felt safe.  Taking a deep breath, you focused on him, scanning his face as you decided on your question.
"What did I call Shinsou when he broke my favorite mug?"
He honestly looked taken aback for a moment, eyes wide before he started cracking up, deep chuckles shaking his shoulders.
"of all things to ask, you chose the moment when I messed up?"
You froze, the implications of his words sinking in. There's no way... You scowled at him, enraged at the idea of someone pretending to be your best friend.  Still, the more you thought about it, the more similarities you saw. He really did look like the human version of your cat, eyebags and all. It was uncanny, but you knew that you wouldn't be able to tell for sure unless he answered.
He stopped laughing a leveled you with an amused smirk. "You called me an emo furbie before flinging yourself onto the couch and proclaiming that love was dead and you had been punished for your addiction to caffeine. "
You felt like you had been sucker-punched. Your brain short-circuited and you inhaled heavily. Shinsou's smirk dropped and he watched you with concern. He reached out to you as if to help you, but hesitated, unsure if you would want him to touch you. He looked at you with panic as your expression morphed between anger and something he couldn't identify.
"Shinsou... It's really you? But how? You're human now, how did that happen?"
He gave a small sigh of relief that you actually believed him.
"It's a really long story, but I was a human first. I'm a pro hero, but I was hit by a quirk that turned me into a cat. I thought I was going to be a cat forever until I met you. Somehow you were the missing piece that countered the quirk"
You nodded tiredly at his explanation, still a bit in shock, but less upset. You sighed and stepped forward, grabbing his hand before yanking him after you as you started walking.
He stumbled after you, confused but also pleased that you were holding onto him.
"uh, where are we going?"
You rolled your eyes before looking back at him.
"First, we're going to go get you some actual clothes. And shoes. Then we, are going home. You're still my Shinsou, and I'm still you're (y/n). Things have just shifted a little."
You flashed him a small smile, some of that sunshine that he loved shining through your eyes and he swore his heart skipped a beat.
"I'd love that. And I can't wait to tell you everything. The story, and how much I care about you."
You blushed as he raised the hand you were holding to his lips and kissed your knuckles, a small smile of his own in place.
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fanfic-collection · 3 years
Loki x Reader: Road Trip ft Bucky
Guess what? I wrote another fic and I DONT KNOW WHATS GOING ON. But I want Loki and Bucky to be best friends and I have a lot of Winter Soldier/Bucky feels and I needed to express them somehow so yea. But don't worry, I'll get back to the honeymoon fic, I just had to express some Bucky feels. There's like no angst in this at all, I just had to write Bucky
You walked into the living room and slapped a brochure onto the table between Loki and Bucky. “We’re going on a road trip!” You announced with excitement.
Loki lowered the book he had been reading and raised his eyebrow, looking down at the brochure.
“Route 66?” Bucky read aloud, “Oh man, Steve and I always talked about driving across that.”
Loki set his book down beside him, marking his page. Wistfully he added, “Thor and I once drove a distance along it. What year is it now? I think it was in the 1960s?”
You looked between the two of them bewildered, “Wait what?”
Bucky crossed his arms, “You do realize it was made in 1926, right?”
You cursed softly, grabbing the brochure from Bucky and quickly scanning it. “Am I the only one who hasn’t been to this place?”
“Sorry, love.” Loki stood, wrapping his arm around you and giving you a side hug.
Bucky chuckled, “It’s the most famous road in America, it connects the Midwest to the Pacific Ocean. You can drive the whole distance on one consistent road without branching off and get to California.”
You waved your hands emphatically, “Which is why we should go on a road trip on it! Bucky, my best friend, Loki, well duh, and you two are like, best friends. We would make the perfect trio. We would take turns on snack duty, navigation duty, and driving. Stark has the money for a convertible. Just the three of us, sailing down the road, eating, laughing, hanging out. Just friends being friends! What better a vacation than that?”
Bucky exchanged glances with Loki then the two looked back at you.
Sam and Natasha walked in at that moment.
“What’s going on?” Sam asked.
“Loki’s sweetheart, here, is trying to get us to go on a road trip along route 66.” Bucky replied.
You rolled your eyes at the pet name but smiled as Loki rested his arm on your shoulder.
Natasha nodded thoughtfully, “Yea, I’ve heard of that. Famous road, cutting through the western states, right?”
You pointed at her, “Eh? Does everyone know about this?”
“Don’t look at me.” Sam held up his hands, “Are you lot sure about this?”
“Well we haven’t made any plans, Sam.” Bucky said, also standing now.
“Plans, yet,” You corrected.
“Does Stark know that you plan on using him to finance this?” Loki queried mildly.
“He will. He always finances my plans.” You beamed up at Loki.
Loki smirked.
Sam shook his head and snorted; Bucky laughed.
“Alright, I’m game if you are.” Bucky said once he had stopped laughing.
“As you command,” Loki bowed low before you, “I will go where you go.”
“Good. I wish to go on a road trip.”
“Then I guess it’s settled. What’s the next step?”
Loki and Bucky stood with the bags, road trip supplies, snacks, and anything else that might be necessary for a two-to-three-week trip. Loki’s magical pockets may have been employed.
Moments later you came roaring into the lot where they were waiting, car skidding to a stop with a loud squeal of tires.
“Hello, boys.” You said, lowering your oversized sunglasses to stare over the rims to look at the two of them.
Bucky rolled his eyes at you as you popped the trunk of the car and he started tossing luggage in the back.
A tinge of pink rose on Loki’s cheeks and the back of his neck at the crop top shirt you wore, ideal for getting as much sun with the convertible top down on the long drive across the sunny plains.
Bucky sighed looking at Loki, “Alright you two love birds, you can’t be completely,” he waved his hand, “like this, the whole time or I’m getting a cab.”
Loki cleared his throat. True to form, he was wearing a black suit. “Apologies Bucky.”
“Sorry.” You mumbled.
“I’ll get snacks first. I guess Loki’s navigating then? No sense in having you switch from the driver’s seat.” Bucky jerked his chin at you.
Once everyone was settled in, you more carefully backed the dark green convertible out of the lot and took off down the road.
“So I thought about using a good old fashioned map to have us navigate.” You explained as you drove.
Loki looked at you aghast.
You grinned at him, “Sure, I thought it’d be fun. We could have a no phones rule, go completely electronics dead except for music.”
“You’re saying to the guy with a vibranium arm.” Bucky called from the back seat, sitting in the middle with his arms stretched out and watching the empty highway.
“Ok, almost completely.” You shot back.
“Your technology backwards planet is already bad enough as it is.” Loki muttered, resting his elbow on the door of the convertible. Despite his hair being slicked back heavily, some of it still fluttered wildly in the wind.
“Don’t you guys still ride horses everywhere?” Bucky called.
You laughed. The navigation indicated you should correct your course and you complied while Loki ignored the comment and rolled his eyes.
“Alright Bucky, snack me.” You ordered. There was a light tap to your head. “Hey!”
“Oh right, I thought you said smack me. Right, right, what do you want?”
Loki snickered and you shot him a glare before saying, “You got my favorite chips, right?”
“Of course.” Bucky passed up a travel sized package of chips to you, pre opened and you set them between your legs and began to eat as you drove.
From time to time, you’d pass one on to Loki.
“Loki, are you sure you want to wear a suit for a six hour car trip? With only breaks for bathroom stops and gas?” You glanced to the right.
Loki shrugged, “I’m comfortable.”
“Hey! It’s the Wrigley Field!” Bucky called from the backseat.
You and Loki looked in the direction Bucky was pointing. It was indeed a giant baseball stadium.
Again, Loki shrugged.
You imagined Loki had seen more impressive things in his lifetime than any sporting event humans could make, but hey, it was still neat. Reaching for the camera, you tossed it back to Bucky and indicated for him to take a picture. “We’re making a scrapbook!”
Bucky shook his head ruefully, “Alright.”
Over the next few hours you were on the highway and out on the real road, driving southwest. The three of you had stopped at a number of attraction spots, switched positions, gotten lost once or twice, refueled and now Bucky was driving, and you and Loki were in the back seat as the sun getting low in the sky.
You had packed a few blankets, just in case. The top of the convertible was still down, and Bucky was listening to some music that Sam had recommended, quietly nodding and humming along to it. Your eyelids felt heavy as you sat huddled in the back, the blanket wrapped tightly around you, leaning into Loki. Loki wrapped his arm around you, rubbing your bare arms through the blanket and murmuring gentle words of comfort. Between the roar of the wind, the soft lull of the music and Bucky’s singing, and Loki’s soothing words, you felt a smile spread across your face. You curled your legs up onto the seat and huddled into Loki, resting your head on his shoulder and wrapping your arms around his waist.
You were filled with your favorite snacks and drinks, tired from the hours of driving, and content to be with your best friend and well, Loki. Your heart swelled at the thought as you sank deeper into the soft material of Loki’s suit. All you could smell was him, even his hair seemed to whip around less in the wind. Maybe the blanket was holding it down. It felt so soft against your face. You wished you could stay in this moment forever, capture it with your camera and keep it in your scrapbook. Loki’s tender hands gently sliding over your thigh, his thumb rubbing soothing circles into the sensitive skin as he whispered sweet nothings to you.
The car slowed down and the wind didn’t whistle in your ears so drastically. Perhaps you had reached a town. You weren’t fully aware of your surroundings either way, too engrossed in the complexity of Loki holding you. It wasn’t the first time, and you doubted it would be the last time, but you could never stop marveling at how incredible a feeling it was.
“Love.” Loki murmured softly.
You suddenly realized you weren’t moving, though there was the vague sensation that you still were.
“We’re at the hotel.”
Bucky stood on the other side of the car door, leaning down and looking at you. He looked tired but amused. “No fair sleeping before we got here.” He said mussing up your hair. “C’mon, we got a long day tomorrow. And I am not sharing a room with you two.”
Loki tilted your head down and kissed your forehead. “Come, let’s get you some proper sleep, loathe as I am to move.”
You smiled, “That sounds nice.”
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yoshkeii · 4 years
Bokuto Confession hcs!
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࿐ character: Bokuto Koutarou
࿐ genre: fluff, soft, confessions!
࿐ requested by: GreenTheSimp on Ao3!
࿐ imagine/scenario: “some Bokuto headcannons on how he asks Khai out? Plus maybe him being a goof towards his s/o.”
A/N: fyi, most of these will be coming from my Ao3 since I started writing there first! it’s not much and i generally don’t proof read these so im sorry if there are small errors, this one is a bit longer since I made two chapters for it. im so bad at writing istg,,
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≫ ──── ≪ Confession Time ≫ ──── ≪
❀ First, Bokuto would be oblivious to his crush and his feelings for you till it was brought up multiple times by his team, and eventually at the volleyball camp from the other schools. Most likely Kuroo nagging him about the certain someone, Khai, Bokuto talks about so much.
❀ You and Bokuto were friends for quite some time, maybe at least a year or so. And being in the same class as him, you guys had time to interact with each other and even plan hangouts whenever you could.
❀ And yes, this man talks 24/7 about you without even noticing- this varies from your interactions during the school day, your conversations during classes and lunch, stupid dumb texts you guys have once in a while, the answers you give him from the many of many questions he asked you... the list goes on and on. This makes it easy for his friends to identify his fucking crush on you. him being so oblivious about it hurts their brains istg
❀ He's extremely bubbly around you, super friendly and kind but you usually brush it off as his normal personality. ibetyou'llbeoblivioustooaboutit.
❀ Once Bokuto awakened to his crush and feelings for you he found it extremely difficult to act like it was normal before. The slight blush on his cheeks was a much solid shade. His heart skipping beats every time he saw you walk in the room. Your laugh, your smile, anything about you made him so nervous around you now. When you directly smile at him, hearing your laughs at his jokes or actions will make this man just seize to exist.
❀ Bokuto can't stop thinking about you after that thought, always finding his mind wandering to the dorkiest, sappy shit thing he would do with you.
❀ Sometimes he found himself avoiding you at some points just so he can keep himself in check and not be an embarrassment around you-
❀ He still craves your attention but he gets a lingering fear he might mess something up so he has an internal fight with himself and it just- hurts him sm- poor owl,,
❀ Akaashi finds himself trying to motivate and support emo Bokuto at these moments, usually through texts or calls when they aren't near each other etc.
❀ You would generally think he would just confess to you as soon as he had the chance but actually took this on a slow thoughtful ride. To the point, it did affect his skill at practice, which notified his teammates about it fairly quickly. Bokuto was so deep in thought about it all he was unsure how to process his confession, when, where, what would make you happy, if you liked him back and such.
❀ This eventually leads to him asking Akaashi, the team, and friends (from the other teams' ofc-), on how he should confess to you. All of the answers didn't seem to fit Bokuto in a comfortable way either, which is hella surprising. Before he decided to do something pretty simple.
❀ Earlier today, Bokuto asked you to wait for him a few minutes after class. Knowing you two had different club activities after school, him having volleyball and you have [Khai's favorite activity]. It was the best option to get your attention since your clubs ended at different times made it difficult. And so you did, meeting him outside of your classroom, just you and him.
❀ Bokuto felt anxious about being alone with you, especially like this.
❀ "Hey, Khai..?"
❀ "What is it, Bo?"
❀ That little nickname you gave him, always and I mean always made his heart skip 10 beats. The blush on his cheeks grew a shade darker.
❀ "Wanna walk home.. t-together...?" Bokuto quickly mustered out the words, knowing his throat would dry up sooner or later.
❀ Both of you actually took a similar route home after school, which you guys figured out on a rainy day.
❀ "Oh, sure! Don't you have practice though?" You tilted your head innocently, your hair moving as well revealing the smallest of details that made Bokuto swoon.
❀ "Coach said we should rest for our game tomorrow"
❀ "Ah- that makes sense, I forgot about that-" You giggled lightly before you took the lead of heading out of the building.
❀ Bokuto froze at your giggle before you dragged him behind you. Your hand softly around his wrist. "C'mon slowpoke," you teased.
❀ He smiled slightly before he caught up to you. Walking aside from you at the same pace.
❀ It was an awkward walk. Bokuto was oddly quiet which made you slightly worried.
❀ "Bokuto? You alright..?" You finally broke the silence, looking up at the Ace to your right.
❀ "P-perfectly fine!"
❀ "You stuttered."
❀ "Did... I..?"
❀ "Yes, dummy- What's wrong?"
❀ "I-... Damn it. Khai."
❀ Before you knew it, he pulled you into a kiss. His large hands cupping your face as he planted his lips softly onto yours, pulling away from a little with only a few inches from your lips. Bokuto looked straight into your brown eyes, staring back with his golden eyes. The blush on his cheeks flushed with shades of red.
❀ "I like you. Wait- No.. I love you." Bokuto muttered softly, feeling his breath on your lips made you shiver.
❀ You just giggled, before it grew into genuine laughter. He widened his eyes removing his hands from your face.
❀ "H-hey..!! What's so funny!?"
❀ "It was so obvious Bo~"
❀ "Was.. was it!? I-"
❀ You cut him off, "I love you too Koutarou."
❀ Him hearing you use his first name WITH you saying ily to him, made his day. A bright smile plastered on his face, he hugged you lifting you up and kissing your face all over.
❀ "HEY HEY HEYYYY!! Khai likes me back!! Actually, Khai LOVES me!" Bokuto exclaimed happily
❀ After that, Bokuto was back to his normal, loud, excited self throughout the walk. You guys began to have your simple conversations again, him poking you with questions trying to get to know you even more. Having the lingering doubt he had from rejection and negativity was lifted-off from him. He even mentioned having your first date so soon-
❀ He couldn't wait to bring the news to his team and friends.
❀ He can't wait to see you by his side every day.
≫ ──── ≪ Confession Aftermath ≫ ──── ≪
❀ After the confession, Bokuto would rarely ever leave your side. So he does get clingy to you as he does with Akaashi. He's not much for PDA but he's also not against the thought, he unconsciously hugs you, wrapping his arms around your torso, waist, arms, and sometimes around your neck at least- Sometimes light kisses and pecks but those are generally rare unless he's really excited about something.
❀ He gets really flustered sometimes when you addressed him as your boyfriend the first few days and maybe weeks after starting the relationship. He's just not used to it- It gives this hunk of a man butterflies in his stomach a lot.
❀ Whenever you guys had to leave each other for your designated classes, you tend to find cute notes in your locker whenever you open them. Having cute phrases, flirts, compliments, and silly pick-up lines. You already knew it was from Bokuto because you... sometimes catch him lurking around your locker- just never brought up to him knowing it would genuinely make him sad.
❀ Bokuto just finds it cool that you don't know at first okay-
❀ You always tried to go to his practices and even games when you guys were just friends. Knowing that if Bokuto saw any of his friends out in the stands made his confidence skyrocket so much-
❀ But since you guys are now in a relationship, it makes Bokuto smile so much every time he spots you in the stands of the crowds. Cheering him on boosts his confidence so fucking much- like if this man is in emo mode please cheer for him, it helps a ton (Akaashi and the team might thank you also-)
❀ Long-lasting phone calls that continue till like 3-4 am. Sometimes facetime/video calls if you both have the ability to! He loves seeing your face, he finds it so fucking adorable with all your smallest features and details.
❀ Bokuto probably changed your contact name on his phone to something like "baby owl" with like emojis or something- or literally, just nick (pet) names he has for you- "baby, bae, cloud, cutie, feather, angel, king/queen, prince/princess" and so on. He looooves having names for you because it makes him smile every time he finds things that remind him of you (which generally is how he figures some of them out-)
❀ Whenever this man finds you sad, upset, stressed, or literally in any negative emotion. He will try his damn hardest to make you feel better even if its the slightest, and if it is the slightest he'll keep going to you are perfectly fine and dandy.
❀ He'll even go out of his way to skip practice if needed to comfort your sad butt- He'll give you cuddles, so many cuddles. He's practically a cuddle monster so better prepare for how long you'll stay in his arms afterward-
❀ Whenever you guys are just cuddling in general, he loves to nuzzle his face into your hair, your neck, and shoulder. Just craving the touch and comfort of his lover. Even if it's the slightest of motion, he'll take whatever he can get!
❀ Continuing on the cuddling situation, one of the secret things he loves about you is how you smell. The shampoo you use for your hair, the body wash, perfume or cologne.
❀ Since it's fall season (as of I'm writing this ofc-), Bokuto will drag you around for some walks in the cool weather through parks. Honestly hoping to find leaves to pile and fall into with you! I'd think one of Bo's love language would be quality time (and words of affirmation.) So hanging out with him makes this owl the happiest man to walk on this planet.
❀ Whenever you are cold on these walks, he won't hesitate to wrap his arms around you. If it's a specific part of your body that is cold, for example, your hands. He'll definitely hold his hands over yours. Maybe planting a kiss on them afterward (accidentally getting flustered seconds later-)
❀ Bokuto might also just stare at your hands clasped together, noticing the size difference for the 100000000000000th time
❀ Honestly, he likes to use Instagram and Snapchat filters with you. It's really cute af,, he's such a dork for couple things
❀ Body issues? Bokuto will love every part of you no matter what, comforting that every part of your body is perfect as it is. He'll softly plant kisses wherever you feel insecure. He'll cuddle you till you agree with him that you are a perfect human being.
❀ Don't try to sneak out of it. He's hella stubborn with topics like these- He ain't that dense and dumb guys,,
A/N: I love me some Bokuto huuuuu
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darlingsdevil · 4 years
Of The Valley (Joel x F!Reader)
Chapter 1: Autumn Days
Summary: Life in Jackson is never easy. Consoling angsty teenagers, wading through the mysterious waters of Joel’s romance language and with a child of your own on the way? Life is about to get a lot harder.
Of The Valley Masterlist
RDR2 Masterlist
Taglist (comment to be added or removed): @fangirl-inthe-us @sidepuff
A/N: This fic will follow pre revenge plot TLOU 2. It will follow the flashbacks and such, up until the day after the dance, then it will sprout out differently. I don’t recommend reading this until you have finished the game.
Welcome to my Fanfixtion. I hope you’ll enjoy your stay here!
The sun rose slowly above the eastern mountains, streams of sunlight pouring into the old windows. The bustling of mid morning Jackson was loud outside, even louder in the crowded restaurant. You kept up with the never ending pile of orders though.
You waded through the chattering crowd, holding dirty plates close to you, you placed them on the back counter and returned to your post by the front of the bar.
“Maria,” You called out cheerfully as the older woman sat down at the bar. She responded with a smile.
“I’ll take an order of scrambled eggs and bacon. Side of toast will do just fine too.”
“Bacons in high demand right now. I can only give you a few pieces,” You replied, writing down the order on a piece of paper.
“As long as it’s bacon, I don’t care if I get one piece or five.”
“Anything to drink with that?”
“Nope. Unless by any chance you’ve got coffee, then I’ll have to buy a cup for me and for Joel.”
“No coffee yet. The trader’s from the south aren’t due for a couple more months, I thought? I’ll be first in line to get those beans when they do come through though,” You said, backing away from the bar to place the receipt on the far counter.
“You might have to fight Joel for that spot, you know,” Maria chuckled.
“On second thought, I’ll be second in line, I do know he loves his coffee. Almost as much as you love bacon.”
“That’s probably true,” Maria responded with a shrug.
You went back to taking orders and bringing out food to customers, chatting with your friends here and there. When Maria’s order came out, you brought it over to her quickly. Breakfast sounded amazing right now, you would definitely order some food once your shift ended. At least the crowd had died down, only a few stragglers were left in the restaurant.
“Here you are. Scrambled eggs and bacon. With some toast,” You said, placing the two plates in front of her.
“Thank you.” Maria grabbed a fork and dug in. There were no more orders coming out from the back, so you took this time to rest. You grabbed a rag and began wiping down the bar. Maria glanced over at you briefly, like she was looking to say something.
“Penny for your thoughts, Maria?”
Maria sighed and set down her fork.
“I need a favor.”
“What type of favor?” You tried your hardest not to sound suspicious. When Maria needed a favor from you, it usually wasn’t good.
“It’s a small one. Nothing too bad,” She said slowly.
“Okay,” You blinked, setting down your rag.
“I need you to go on patrol today.”
“Nope,” You said dismissively.
“Come on, do it for me? You’re our best shooter next to Tommy. There’s a large group of infected near the north that can easily be picked off by two snipers. Tommy’s already up there waiting.”
“I told you I’m not going on anymore patrols.”
“I know, but please, I wouldn’t ask if it weren’t important.”
“I’m not going, Maria. I can’t go.” You shook your head.
“Look, I know why you don’t want to go out, I do, but I really need you to. No one else can do the job as well as you.” It was true. You were Jackson’s best shot next to Tommy. You owed Maria more than a couple favors, it seemed she was cashing in now.
“I’m not going there alone.. I can’t go alone,” You repeated.
“You won’t be alone. I’m having Jesse escort you there. We need you,” Maria negotiated.
“You’re having a kid escort me?”
“Look, Jesse’s more than capable. Just because he’s 17 doesn’t mean he can’t take you up there,” Maria said.
“Will Jesse stay?”
“No. He’s going to meet up with Eugene after to finish patrolling a route,” Maria told you, finally picking up her fork. The second waitress arrived which meant you were off for the rest of the day. It pulled you away from your thoughts. You had been working since three in the morning, helping the restaurant get ready since they opened at four. It was seven now.
“I need someone to stay with me other than Tommy. Someone, someone I trust well,” You replied, your head swimming in what ifs.
Maria sighed, staring down at her food.
“I can ask Joel if he could. He won’t be happy, it’s his first day off in awhile. But just this once I will, okay?” Maria asked you. You breathed out a sigh of relief. You couldn’t say no to Maria. You owed her too much. Even if you tried your hardest to get out of it, it would never work. At least you would be going with someone you trusted. Of course.. you hadn’t seen or talked to Joel in awhile though. Hopefully things wouldn’t be too awkward.
“I haven’t been out in a long time, you know, I probably won’t be the best shot,” You told Maria.
“You’re going on the damn patrol,” Maria glared at you with humor. It was worth a shot.
Joel met up with you an hour later near the stables. He didn’t look happy. Your stomach was doing somersaults thinking about going back out there. You weren’t just nervous, you were terrified.
“I’m sorry I made you come out here to escort me. It’s a stupid job, I know,” You said to him while you were retrieving the horses. You surrendered your horse back to the stables after you left the patrol job, you would rather have someone else take her out then have her stuck in the stables for eternity. Luckily though, she was in for the day.
“Yeah,” Joel grumbled. It stung a little, but you would be angry too having to go out on an escort when it was your first day off in awhile.
You looked down at your feet, the wet mud covering your worn leather boots. “I’m sorry. I am. I didn’t want to do this either.” You said, sounding defeated.
Joel didn’t respond, instead he went off to retrieve his own horse. The stable worker brought you Levia, her dark coat shimmering in the morning sun.
“It’s been awhile since she’s seen you. How long has it been, three or four months?” The stable worker asked, handing you the reins.
You shrugged. “Three months,” You laughed nervously. The worker didn’t know anything of course, no one did.
“Been that long, huh? I think Levia missed you,” The worker said, patting Levia’s side.
“I missed her too.” You gently pulled on the reins and muttered a thanks to the worker. You took Levia outside to the chilly, late autumn air. While you waited for Joel, you gently petted Levia, she neighed softly, you could tell she missed you. You missed her too. You wondered if her new owner was treating her as well. Levia was spoiled with you.
Joel came out of the stables with his own horse, Caesar. Caesar was a stallion with a dark brown coat with white markings near the top of his head. Levia’s coat was completely black.
“I missed you, girl,” You muttered to the horse. Joel led Caesar towards you.
“You ready to go?” He asked.
“I need to log out a couple guns from the armory first. Been a while since I’ve been around here, they change anything for procedures?” You asked, heading towards the armory. Levia and Caesar’s hooves clicked behind you against the mud. Joel walked beside you, standing further away from you then he usually did.
“Not that I know of. It’s not changed since you’ve been out.” Jackson was always changing procedures for how to check things out, especially near the gates.
“That’s good. They might not even recognize me up here,” You joked, in an attempt to lighten the mood.
Joel just shook his head. “Don’t think they would have forgotten you, it’s only been three months.”
“I’m not coming back after this, they probably will,” You said, walking up to the table set up for guns.
Joel began to say something, but you cut him off by talking to the man at the table.
“Two rifles please. One with a scope,” You asked.
“Sure thing,” The man responded, getting up to fetch the two guns.
“You’re not coming back?” Joel questioned behind you. You could practically feel the confusion from him.
“No, I’m not coming back. Already been reassigned to the bar. You haven’t been there in awhile, have you?” You said quickly, trying your best to sound nonchalant.
Joel dismissed your question, “Maria told me you were just taking a break?”
“I never said I was taking a break. I’m done with patrolling, Joel.” You turned to face him. Joel looked angry, lied to. You never lied, you simply avoided him for three months.
“You know you could have told me that instead of avoiding me for three months pretending like you were coming back?” Joel glared at you.
“When the hell did I say I was coming back?” You hurled right back, crossing your arms in a defiant stance. This was not how you wanted your morning to go.
“Excuse me, miss, here are the guns,” The man cleared his throat behind you. You swiveled around and took the guns from his hands.
“Thank you. Put our names down for -” You began but were quickly cut off.
“Already done. You guys be safe out there, okay?” The man nodded to you.
“Sure thing. Thanks for the guns.” You hadn’t been forgotten it seemed, at least not yet.
Not wanting to cause any more of a scene, you left quickly, heading towards the gate. You felt bad thinking you had been leading Joel on by letting him think that you were coming back, but truth be told, you never said anything to him. It all got back to him through rumors, rumors ran rampant in Jackson, always had and always will. Which is why you kept your secrets under closed lips, the only one who knew of most of them being Maria.
The gates were opened for you and Joel, and as you stepped out of Jackson a wave of nausea immediately hit, a deep sinking feeling like you weren’t meant to be out there. You took a deep breath, hoping to calm your racing nerves. It was hard to, especially with Joel breathing down your neck. Luckily, he didn’t notice, and if he did, he didn’t say anything.
You pulled yourself up onto Levia’s saddle. It felt foreign to be back on a horse. You gently squeezed her side with your feet to tell her it was time to go. Levia was a well trained horse, and immediately started into a slow gallop. Caesar and Joel following behind you.
Levia followed where you lead here, through the dirt paths for a couple minutes until Joel finally spoke.
“You know where you’re going?” Joel’s voice was condescending.
“Yeah. Been there a couple times. It’s common for infected to be in that area this time of year. It’s a sniper's nest. Shouldn’t be too far from here actually. Thirty minute ride at very least,” You responded. It wasn’t worth your time to quip back at him.
“You sure you know where it is?” Joel questioned.
“Course I do,” You snapped back. Looks like it was worth your time.
“Been awhile since you’ve been out here, that’s all.”
“Just because I haven’t been outside the walls in awhile doesn’t mean I have forgotten where to go, Joel,” You scoffed, rolling your eyes. You were beginning to regret asking Maria to assign Joel to escort you to the nest. And if things went south for you, you weren’t sure Joel would back you up, with the way he was acting towards you, you could tell he was pissed.
It was silent for a few moments. Joel taking in what you said earlier about not returning to patrols.
“Why aren’t you returning?” He asked, his tone much lighter this time.
You bit your tongue, “Patrol work just wasn’t fit for me anymore,” You replied plainly.
“You are our best shot.”
“Look Joel, I just didn’t want to be on patrol anymore, simple as that.” You shut his question down. Of course he would have questions. Everyone did.
Joel didn’t believe it for a second, he knew something was up.
“Haven’t seen Mark in a while either. Where is he? Taking a break too?” Joel questioned. You prayed he would stop bothering you.
“Mark? He’s around. Got taken off patrol too,” You said quickly. You held on tightly to Levia’s saddle in hopes to calm your nerves.
“Maybe I should pay him a visit, been awhile since I’ve seen him.”
“He won’t answer. He’s sick right now,” You lied straight through your teeth.
“Sick. Yep. What does he have?”
“Will you stop bothering me, please?” You barked out, letting anger seep through your clenched teeth. You took a glance behind you at Joel. He looked annoyed, if looks could kill, you would already be dead.
“Sure thing, boss,” Joel told you. You rolled your eyes. This was going to be a long trip.
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fischerfrey · 3 years
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Chapter 2: Apprentice Curse-Breakers
Summary: The new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher has some extracurricular activities in mind, and Ben struggles with the events of last year.
Pairings: Eventual OC/Merula Snyde
Word count: 3k
Warnings: Mild swearing, canon typical mean Merula
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Chapter 2: Apprentice Curse-Breakers
Their first class of the year was DADA, and that made Verna extremely nervous. Rowan had made it clear they didn’t think Rakepick could be trusted. In their words, she had been shifty at best and suspicious at worst last year when she had worked with Verna. Rowan was not happy about Rakepick’s appointment as a professor and that made Verna uneasy too. She had always known Rowan had far better judgement than her, and most days Charlie and Ben agreed with that sentiment. So, after breakfast, when the Gryffindors were filing into the DADA classroom, the mood between the four friends was not over the moon. Rakepick was already in the classroom, writing something at her desk. The class went through some major decorative changes each year when a new teacher took it over. It had become routine by now. For Rakepick, the theme seemed to be artifacts of various sizes and ages, that were spread all over the room on pedestals and tables, cabinets and other surfaces.
“Cursed items,” Rowan noted, when they took their seats.
“A niffler,” Verna replied, pointing out Sickleworth, Rakepick’s niffler whom she had had an unlikely partnership with last year, while investigating the Sleepwalking curse.
That was when Professor Rakepick got up from her seat, cleared her throat and snapped her wand, closing the classroom door and making writing appear on the blackboard in front of the class.
“Welcome to Defence Against the Dark Arts,” she announced, in a tone that implied not a small amount of unimpressedness. “I realize I am your fifth instructor in as many years, and that most of your other teachers’ methods were as questionable as their characters.”
Next to Verna, Rowan balled their hands into fists. They obviously had a thing or two to say about that.
“This year, I am not only going to teach you how to defend yourselves, but how to attack the Dark Arts,” Rakepick continued. “You will receive the finest instruction from someone who has actually faced the worst the Dark Arts have to offer.”
Something about the speech did make Verna listen. She couldn’t deny being interested in learning combat spells, the more the better, because she was sure to need them. From the corner of her eye, she also saw Merula listening intently. This year was gonna be another one spent trying to beat Merula to the top of their class. DADA was pretty much the only subject where she had any chance at all. Usually, it was Rowan and Merula vying for the title, but Verna wasn’t hopeless when it came to duelling and martial magic.
“They say this position is cursed,” Rakepick was saying now. “But breaking curses is what I do best. Now let’s get started, take out your books.”
After a whole class spent on how to deal with Ghouls, Verna was feeling much better about DADA. Maybe Rakepick wasn’t going to be so bad. Rowan didn’t feel the same way.
“She might know what she’s talking about, but she has no teaching experience, and I still don’t trust her after the way she dealt with you last year Verna,” they were saying, a little heated. “I think you should be careful if she decides to ask something from you, or… something…”
“Don’t you think you’re maybe overreacting a little bit?” asked Charlie.
“I agree with Rowan,” Ben inserted. “I don’t like her either.”
“We’ll be careful,” Verna assured her friends. “But Dumbledore must’ve had a reason hiring her.”
“Yeah, that’s true… I don’t know, I just don’t like this…” Rowan said and slowly the conversation turned to more casual matters, such as Barnaby Lee’s new pet crup puppy. The general consensus seemed to be that it was extremely cute.
After the day’s classes Verna was officially introduced to one Percy Weasley in the library. She and Charlie headed there to get started on charting out how much cramming they’d have to do for their O.W.L.s, only to find Bill and Percy already there, both noses buried deep in books, a scrappy-looking rat sitting on the table next to their study-material.
“Oh, hi Verna,” Bill said with a smile. “Did you two come to actually study?” The surprise in his voice was neither flattering nor unexpected.
“We came to plan on studying,” Verna told Bill, as she and Charlie sat down.
“Well, that’s better than nothing,” Bill chuckled and then patted Percy on the shoulder. “Percy, this is Verna.”
“I know,” Percy said in a manner that seemed much too adult-like for an 11-year-old. “She gave us a rather short introduction of Gryffindor common room last night, but I haven’t had a chance to properly introduce myself, I’m Percy Weasley, future prefect, Head Boy, and Minister for Magic.”
“It’s really nice to meet you, Percy, sounds like you have your future pretty well planned out,” Verna said and emulated her tone and smile to Beatrice from the previous night, with wildly different results. It appeared Percy was not a fan of hers.
“If you let him, he’ll plan your life for you, too,” Bill said, amused.
“This is my loyal rat, Scabbers,” Percy continued.
“Loyal?” asked Charlie. “It runs off every chance it gets.”
“There’s something off about that rat, yeah…” Bill agreed.
“Ron likes him!” Percy defended his pet.
“Ron’s eight, he likes everything except for spiders,” Charlie complained. Both of the older Weasleys seemed to have such a weird aversion for poor Scabbers that Verna felt bad for it.
“I have a rat too; his name is Hamish. He actually belonged to my brother, but I’ve been taking care of it in his absence.”
This seemed to appeal to Percy, whose tone towards Verna changed a little, when he said: “That’s really kind of you, to take care of your brother’s pet.”
Verna considered this a victory.
Their study session was cut short, when Professor Rakepick approached their table something like thirty minutes into Verna and Charlie trying to figure out what exactly to focus most on.
“Mr. Weasley,” she started, and all three of the Weasleys replied with an immediate ‘yes?’.
Verna stifled a laugh.
“William Weasley,” Rakepick specified. “Come with me. You too Miss Malinda, we have work to do.”
Exchanging a glance with Charlie, and Rowan’s misgivings about Rakepick running on a loop in her head, Verna followed Bill and the professor out of the library.
“What is this about?” she whispered to Bill.
“No idea, I guess we’ll find out soon, though…”
Rakepick took them up to her classroom, where Merula Snyde was already sitting on one of the desks, preoccupied with changing the colour of her painted nails to pay much attention to Verna and the others entering. Verna wasn’t happy to see her. Whatever Rakepick had in mind seemed to involve Merula, and that was never good news.
“Cease your activities Miss Snyde, we have important matters to discuss,” Rakepick commanded, and Merula immediately jumped down from the desk and stood straight. Verna and Bill walked up next to her as Rakepick went on to stand beside the teacher’s desk. She was tall and had a bearing of someone accustomed to commanding respect. Verna found it quite easy to believe she was capable of handling anything that was thrown at her. That’s how I want to be, she thought briefly.
“Congratulations you three. Of all the students at Hogwarts, I’ve chosen you to be my apprentice curse-breakers. Mr Weasley for his bravery and determination, Miss Snyde for her ambition and strength, and Miss Malinda for her natural talent, and obvious connection to the cursed vaults.”
“Why is Merula here?” Verna asked without missing a beat. She was not about to compromise her chances of rescuing her brother for the sake of Merula’s ambitions. She knew by now that Merula would never sacrifice her chances of getting whatever power and knowledge the vaults could give her, not for Jacob’s sake, not for anyone’s.
“Because she is a powerful witch and you’d be a fool not to accept her help, after all, I had to save you from Mr Copper’s attack just months ago.”
Merula remained quiet but gave Verna a smug grin.
“Enough. We need each other’s help to find the next vault and end its curse before anyone gets hurt,” Rakepick said. “I’m going to train you so that you can be more of a help than a hindrance to me, starting with the Incarcerous spell. Wands out!”
The three of them spent the next three hours attempting to learn the Binding spell with Rakepick’s instruction. She was a good teacher. Strict, demanding, but very clear in the way she instructed them, not leaning on any extra flash, just taking the simplest route to the desired outcome. Unsurprisingly, Bill was the first one to nail the spell. He had two years’ worth more experience and had always been talented. When Verna finally managed to cast the spell on Merula, she felt a sense of accomplishment far greater than if they had used training dummies. The spell conjured ropes that wound tightly around Merula, trapping her arms and binding her legs together. She wobbled for a while and then stumbled to the floor with a grunt. Verna couldn’t help but grin.
“Verna, I don’t think she can breathe…” Bill interrupted her victorious train of thought.
“Oh, shit,” Verna cursed. “Finite Incantatem!” she pointed her wand towards Merula and the ropes around her unbound. “Are you alright?” she asked despite herself.
“Of course, Malinda, mind your own business,” Merula spat, looking more hurt by the audacity of Verna asking her if she was okay. She got up and dusted off her ropes, avoiding looking at any of them.
Rakepick cleared her throat and said: “This is a valuable lesson; we are a team now. A family. No matter what happens, we must protect one another. Do you understand?”
With a sideways glance at Merula, Verna nodded. She hadn’t had this good of a chance to finding any of the previous vaults. Rakepick was an accomplished curse-breaker and now it started to make sense why she had singled out Verna the previous year. Maybe she had already known she’d work here this year and need Verna’s expertise with stopping another curse roaming the halls of Hogwarts. That was something good to tell Rowan, at least, to put their mind on ease.
“And the rest of you?” asked Rakepick with impatience.
“Of course,” Bill said immediately.
Merula eyed both of them with nothing short of disgust and then said: “Fine.”
“Good, then that’s all for tonight, you can go.”
Rakepick ushered them out of her class, and the three of them were left standing in the empty, darkening corridor. Verna had no idea about the time, but she guessed it was quite late and that they most definitely had missed dinner.
“So that was kind of… strange,” Bill said, but he sounded more excited than anything.
“Finally, someone is doing something in this school,” scoffed Merula.
“And I don’t want you or your megalomania getting in the way of saving my brother,” Verna exclaimed.
“Don’t worry Malinda, you finally have capable people helping so there’s a chance you won’t fuck this up.”
“Fuck off Merula.”
The shorter girl laughed, but there was nothing humorous about the sound. “You like to pretend you’re above the rest of us with your little mission to save your brother, but let’s face it; you’re just scared to admit you like feeling special. You want what’s inside those vaults just as much as me.”
“Shut your mouth about my brother,” Verna snarled. “I’m nothing like you.”
“Of course you’re not, cause I’m not pathetic.”
Verna instinctively reached for her wand and Merula did the same, taking a threatening step closer.
“Verna, we should… probably go… now,” Bill interrupted and placed himself between the two girls. He then proceeded to practically drag her towards the Gryffindor common room by the arm.
“I had it under control,” Verna said once they were out of earshot.
“Maybe, but I’d rather not take either one of you to the hospital wing in several different pieces.”
“Fine, yeah, you’re right or whatever… She just gets on my nerves.”
Bill gave her a curious look Verna couldn’t quite place, and then said: “Yeah, I know. You shouldn’t let her get to you that much, it’s what she wants.”
“I know, it’s infuriating.”
“You’re gonna have to be able to work together somehow, though.”
Verna frowned. “I’m not risking my brother’s, or anyone else’s life because of some school rivalry, don’t worry.”
“Good,” Bill said and then stopped. “Is that… Ben?” he asked and pointed to an alcove not far from where they were standing. It was dark so he was partly concealed in shadows, but when he heard his name, he looked towards them.
“Oh, hi Verna, Bill…”
“What are you sitting out here for?” Verna asked and went to her friend. Ben looked rough, like he hadn’t slept.
“I wanted to be alone and there’s always someone in the common room or the dorm…”
“Oh, sorry, I can go- “
“No, actually, can I talk to you for a second, Verna… I…” he trailed off and looked at Bill apologetically.
“I’ll go on ahead, don’t stay out long though,” Bill said reassuringly. Then he walked off to the direction of the Gryffindor tower.
“What did you want to talk about?” asked Verna and sat on the bench in the alcove next to Ben.
For a moment, Ben didn’t look like he was going to answer. Verna had the sudden urge to hug him, but she didn’t move, fearing that Ben would change his mind and leave like last night. Finally, he cleared his throat and stammered: “I’m scared that someone’s gonna take control of me again, and make me do something worse, or that I already have but I just can’t remember.”
He really was in a state. Gently, Verna laid a careful hand on his shoulder.
“We’ll work this out, you don’t have to deal with all this shit on your own, Ben, I’m the reason you’re in this mess in the first place.”
“I still don’t remember what really happened before I attacked you… Do you… do you really believe me? That I was controlled?”
“I promise you that I do, please at least stop worrying about that,” Verna assured him. Ben huffed out a breath and his shoulders relaxed a bit.
“Thank you, Verna, I don’t know if I’d be as understanding if I was in your shoes…”
Verna bit her lip. It wasn’t a pleasant thing to hear, but she couldn’t exactly blame Ben. Everything had gotten so messed up last year with Rowan and Ben arguing and Verna feeling like she was losing touch with them both. They used to all be so close and now every single interaction was laced with something like doubt. An uncertainty Verna wanted so badly to get rid of.
“We should head back to the common room before Filch finds us here, c’mon,” Verna said and got up.
Ben stood to follow and they were about to head after Bill, when suddenly Ben grabbed Verna’s arm and pulled her behind him.
“Look out!” he yelled and took out his wand but before he could so much as utter an incantation, a purple light hit him and knocked him to the side. Verna looked frantically for the source of the spell, and had her wand out in seconds, but she wasn’t fast enough either. Suddenly she felt her entire body stiffen up, as she was hit with what must’ve been the full body-bind curse. As she hit the ground quite painfully, she saw a hooded figure approach them from the shadows of the corridor. Desperately she tried to move, knowing full well it was not going to work. Her breathing came in shallow gasps as she lay there, helpless to do anything. The red-clad figure walked closer and kicked Verna’s wand out of her reach, as if it would’ve been any use for her in this state anyway.
“I told you death was coming to Hogwarts, Verna Malinda,” the figure said in a voice that was impossible to place or describe. It was modified with magic. “We still need you alive, but before this year ends, one of your friends has to die…”
Verna tried to focus on getting her fingers to move, to do something, anything. Her thoughts were a flurry of desperation and anger. The hooded figure leaned over Verna. She couldn’t make out a face or anything that could be used to recognize the attacker. Verna braced herself for something worse, but nothing happened. Instead, the figure stalked off, back into the shadows.
Verna was still trying to force her uncooperative muscles to move, when she saw Ben move in the corner of her eye. The boy sat up and Verna lost sight of him. She heard his footsteps and a muttered spell, and then felt her body able to move again. Without a second glance at Ben, Verna shot up like a lightning bolt, chasing into the direction the hooded person had disappeared to. She had to catch them, she had to. Her ears rang and when she looked down to her wand hand, it was shaking. She wasn’t sure if it was anger, fear, or both.
“Verna, wait!” she heard Ben’s voice, and footsteps echoing after her.
Of course, there was nothing and no one to find. Verna was getting sick of this. She balled her hands into fists so hard her nails dug into her palms. How could she have let the wizard incapacitate her like that? Ben caught up to her and Verna took notice of him now that she could think a little more clearly. He seemed fine, just a little rattled.
“Verna, hey, it’s okay,” Ben tried to reassure her, but it wasn’t okay. Someone had threatened to kill one of her friends. The thought made her chest feel like it was filled with water. The ease with witch this stranger had knocked both of them out of the game made Verna feel sick all over.
“This is bullshit.”
She took a deep breath. “Are you alright?” she then asked Ben.
“Yeah, you?”
Verna nodded. “Do you think that was someone we know being used against us?”
“I don’t know to be honest… but we should head back now, before someone else attacks us…” Ben said and there was nothing to it, he was right. Verna knew she wasn’t going to find anything but trouble if she stayed here, so she followed Ben back to the Gryffindor common room.
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antialiasis · 3 years
Worldbuilding June (Pokémon edition), Days 8-12
Whoops forgot to post these for a couple of days, too busy with a load of Things as always.
8. Who rules in your world?
TQftL never brings up government, but each region has its own human government, generally just standard representative democracies similar to what we have in the modern world. Ouen has an elected parliament and president. It's a fairly utopian world with little scarcity and politics play kind of a background role - they keep things running, they have some different parties, but there's low polarization and usually they work pretty smoothly together and have little conflict. The situation in other regions is similar - movement is very free and conflict between them is rare and minor in the grand scheme of things.
QftLverse Pokémon, once again, have their own societies and are not subject to human rule except in a limited way while they're with a trainer, as per the Agreement, an all-encompassing contract dictating how the relationship between humans and Pokémon should work. Different Pokémon species govern themselves differently, but their societies are generally based on smaller self-governing groups. The Scyther society has a single leader, who is meant to be the simply strongest in the swarm, and anyone can challenge them to a duel to the death to take their place at any time.
The Morphicverse is once again close to Earth, with different countries having different modes of government. The Poké-USA's politicical climate resembles the actual USA's political climate in ~2007, but if I ever wrote references to the current president I wouldn't make him an outright Bush expy or anything, beyond being from the conservative one of the two highly polarized parties.
9. What religions and myths/legends exist in your world?
The QftLverse's human society is basically post-religious. Legendary Pokémon are revered, but not worshipped - people don't pray to them, ascribe natural phenomena to them, expect them to watch over them personally, perform symbolic rituals associated with them, etc. That said, humans do have myths concerning them - not always accurate ones. The story describes the human myth behind one set of legendaries early on before the reality much later turns out to have been fairly different, for instance.
QftLverse Pokémon have their own myths, legends, religions and beliefs. The Scyther society explored in the spin-offs has a bit of a vague mythology going on explaining the sun, moon, stars and clouds, but it's not very important to them, more of a just-so story. Meanwhile, they live by a system of ethics known as the Code that they consider sacred and all-important, though it doesn't have a godly figure behind it as the source of it, only a philosophy. Other Pokémon might variously have straight-up religion (whether worshipping legendary Pokémon or something else), be entirely areligious, or something in between; most will have myths and legends in some form, though.
The Morphicverse has a form of Christianity, which is functionally a lot like ours; this also means they had a version of Judaism. Other specific religions don't come up, but they'd at the very least be as varied as real-world religions. Like in real life, there are many sects and variants, and as many individual interpretations of faiths as there are people. The villain cult in particular has fringe views that in no way resemble the mainstream. And like in real life, many people nominally believe but don't really practice their religion, and many are agnostic or atheist.
Legendary Pokémon in the Morphicverse are cryptids - there are myths and legends about them, and people think they're neat, write fiction and make movies about them all the time, but in the modern day, actually-for-real believing that they exist out there ranges from mildly eccentric to entirely unthinkable. Worship of legendary Pokémon exists, but in the way that modern neo-Paganism does. It's not remotely mainstream, generally seen as a weird hippie thing, and the notion of Arceus appearing in the flesh one day and declaring he created the universe is about as fantastical to most people as the notion of the Norse pantheon doing the same in our world.
10. What traditions are observed in your world?
QftLverse human traditions are mostly just secular holidays - commemorations of important days in the region's history, etc. It's tradition for most children to go out on a Pokémon journey the spring after they turn ten years old, and participate in a First-Timers' League in the autumn if they manage to stick it out for the whole journey and collect all the badges - there are kids who don't, but it's rare for them to not want to, and other kids may see them as no fun.
Every year in Green Town, there is a Pokémon Festival originally built around the legendary Pokémon Chaletwo's yearly brief visit to the outskirts of the city (which may or may not be ditched in the next revision); it hosts a number of Pokémon-themed events over several days. One of them is a starter Pokémon giveaway, where most kids go to get official starter Pokémon, who have specifically volunteered and been trained to work with beginning trainers - though many kids have had Pokémon as pets/partners since they were young and journey with them instead, or their parents otherwise get them a Pokémon who's up for a beginning trainer. (Many Pokémon kind of like the idea of journeying with a beginning trainer, in the way that many people like the idea of getting a kitten rather than an adult cat - just something special about having been with them from the start. Though getting a starter who's actually been trained to deal with kids is recommended over just finding any random enthusiastic Pokémon.)
Pokémon have all kinds of different traditions. The Scyther society as explored in the spin-offs has a number of traditions and rituals, including a sort of blood baptism of new hatchlings, the leader of the swarm teaching all the adolescent Scyther about the Code, and First Prey, where each of the adolescents is sent out to hunt prey on their own for the first time, with a male and female witness following, so they can prove their ability to kill and to feed themselves. Afterwards, they're expected to publicly offer a symbolic piece of the meat of their first prey to some members of the swarm, and doing so signals respect; you don't technically have to, but in practice everyone always offers it to the leader and not doing so would be taken as outright disrespect.
The Morphicverse is once again culturally similar to the real world and has mostly similar sorts of traditions. Pokémon training is less culturally ingrained there, but still a very common hobby for kids.
11. What are some ways people communicate with pokémon in your world, or pokémon with each other?
In the QftLverse, humans learn to understand Pokémon speech as a mandatory subject at school. Pokémon inherently understand human speech, but they speak anime-style, usually in syllables of their species' name (which is what the species are named after). They share one language, which is not based on exactly what the syllables are but the tone and the way they're combined, hence why it works regardless of the species.
In the current version of the fic, this is pure handwave worldbuilding: it's established that it happens at school at the beginning, and then we just move on to the story, where every human simply understands what Pokémon are saying at all times. In the next revision I'd give a bit more proper worldbuilding attention to it - let the language barrier be a little more present, humans vary in exactly how good they are at it (luckily it's already the main character's best subject at school), and otherwise treat it less like it's just an excuse to act like Pokémon speak English.
In the Morphicverse, Pokémon do communicate but they don't do complex communication - instead, it's closer to the sort of communication most animals do in the real world. They can express how they're feeling, draw attention to something interesting, sound the alarm about something scary, ask another Pokémon to follow, and can do this in a somewhat more efficient and intelligent way than most animals generally do. But one way or another, they don't communicate complicated abstract ideas, neither to humans nor to one another. Pokémon don't automatically understand human speech here, though they're very quick learners when it comes to commands, and they can pick up a fair amount just by being around humans, allowing them to get the gist of basic statements and requests without being explicitly taught them, though anything abstract would still be entirely lost on them. You could tell a Pokémon you've lived with for years "I lost my hat, can you help me find it" and they'll go look for your hat, but they'd be lost if you tried to ask them for anything much more complicated than that.
12. What is the gym circuit or adventuring organization like in your world?
In the QftLverse, gyms are meant to be taken on in a specific order and gym leaders are accordingly expected to keep their Pokémon below a certain level. To be officially sanctioned by the League, a gym needs to have a theme - usually a type, although Rick got away with a legendary theme because he gets away with everything because he is hypnotizing League officials with his Mewtwo super-clone I was twelve years old. Every year there's a First-Timers' League in the autumn in each region, where new trainers who have collected all eight badges of their region face off (except for the bit where I somehow made a guy who'd been training for years be part of it without thinking about it properly). There's also a global Old-Timers' League for more experienced trainers, which crowns a world champion; this doesn't involve badges and is just a tournament. Trainers are advised to stick to official routes, while Pokémon who want a trainer seek out the routes and others avoid them; going off-route has the potential to lead to run-ins with Pokémon who are more hostile to humans. It's not forbidden but it's drilled into kids' heads that you're not supposed to.
The Morphicverse's gym circuit is not too dissimilar to that, but gym leaders are expected to carry a variety of Pokémon teams to take on challengers of different skill levels, who can take on the gyms of their circuit in any order. Kid trainers are strictly meant to travel only along official routes, which are thoroughly monitored to be safe, and often take public trainer transportation; when they're eighteen they can get an adult trainer license with which they can take their Pokémon anywhere they like, at their own risk. Mostly kids do it as a hobby, and many young children dream of being professional trainers, but only a fraction are actually good enough to make money off it, so most either quit it after a few summers on realizing it's not for them (they might release their Pokémon or keep them as pets, depending on how high-maintenance they are), or continue to do it as a side hobby. There exist college-level training schools for those who really want to dedicate their lives to it, but by that point in time most people will have dropped their pro trainer dreams.
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purplesurveys · 3 years
When you were younger, did your mother or father ever let you open a few presents before Christmas or your birthday even arrived?  We open all our presents the night of Christmas Eve to begin with; but no, they don’t tease by letting us open a few of them before our usual schedule.
If you could receive a 100 dollar gift card for either blouses, pants, dresses, shoes or purses, which would you chose?  If I could change blouses to shirts, then I would go with that because I’ve recently gotten into t-shirts and sweatshirts and no longer the trendy and preppy tops I used to like haha. But if not, I would go for shoes.
What is your favorite thing to do after crying? Ex: Sleep, listen to music, have some alone time, talk to someone, etc?  It varies as it depends on how much I cried. The harder I cried the more I’d want to sleep it off, because it can actually get pretty exhausting. Sometimes I’ll reach out, sometimes I write. It’s really different every time, but at the end I’m just glad I can no longer even remember the last time I cried out of sadness.
Do you think Trump will be assassinated, or will he survive his term?  Well we know the answer to this. It’s satisfying to notice him disappear off the face of the Earth immediately after his term, though. I don’t have a clue what he’s up to now.
Last time you felt suicidal?  For some reason I felt down last Thursday and I felt the slightest, slightest tinge of suicidal thoughts. No idea where it came from.
Last time you had butterflies?  Ugh idk but it was probably BTS-related hahahahahahah
Biggest asshole you know?  Certain politicians.
Did you ever leave someone because you know you’d hurt them?  No, I was on the opposite side of the coin for this one. I was broken up with because they believed they would hurt me, if not already doing so.
What song did you last listen to?  Hip Hop Phile by BTS.
Ever ridden in a police car?  Nopes.
Ever witnessed a murder?  Hmm, not that I can recall. I do remember having to monitor crime stories for one of my very first journalism assignments and the one time I didn’t tag along to the fieldwork with my classmates, they got to witness a stabbing incident :/ By itself of course it always sucks to have violent situations like those, but as a reporter it would’ve been interesting to see the scene and its aftermath.
Have you ever lied under oath?  I don’t think so, no. I can’t even remember the last time I was put under oath.
Have you ever failed a subject before? I’ve failed exams but never an entire class.
Have you ever had a deadly animal as a pet?  No.
Have you ever kissed someone of the same gender?  Well yeah, I dated one.
Have you ever been in a hot tub before?  Sure.
Have you ever been to a movie that sold out?  I’ve never experienced trying to buy tickets only to find out they’re all sold out, but that’s also probably because we have hundreds of malls in Manila alone and you can always find a theatre that are still offering tickets.
What movie last made you too scared to go to sleep?  I’m not usually that way with horror movies, but I do remember running into a jumpscare on TikTok while I was scrolling at 3 AM. Not fun.
When you’re on a laptop, do you hook up a mouse or use the touchpad?  Touchpad. I never use a mouse.
What’s your mom’s mom’s name?  Agnes.
Would it be hard seeing someone else kiss the person you like?  I’m not interested in anyone so this shouldn’t be a problem.
Have you ever been tempted to steal?  Sure, but the urge is never so strong.
What is the main character’s name in the book you’re reading? I’m not reading anything.
Do you have a favorite local band? Who are they? Nah. I did have a Ben&Ben phase, though I haven’t revisited their music in a long time.
Who’s the last person you saw naked, aside from yourself?  I’m not sure about completely naked, probably still my ex. As for partially naked, my dad sometimes goes shirtless at home as most Filipino dads do lol.
Who’s your favorite horror monster/killer?  The most iconic for me would be that porcupine looking ass from Resident Evil 4, I believe it was meant to be for one of the boss stages or something. Anyway, it’s memorable for me just because that fucker had been impossible to defeat and I loved watching my older cousin do attempt after attempt. I don’t think he ever got to beat him and by the time he did us cousins were already adults, lol.
On a side note, we called him ‘Porcupine’ as kids since a shitload of spikes would stick out of him unpredictably during the boss stage, and I thought that nickname had been just our thing; but I’m actually surprised that that villain actually comes up when you do a simple ‘Resident Evil 4 porcupine’ search haha. I guess other people called him the same thing too.
What kind of music do you prefer to listen to when driving?  I usually put on a playlist of BTS’ rapline; I tend to enjoy high-energy songs while driving.
Would you ever own a hairless rat, cat or dog?  I don’t see why I wouldn’t when it comes to the dog. I don’t want a cat or rat. 
All the people you’ve kissed, what did their names start with?  G.
What did you and your ex fight about most?  It was about the deeper, more profound stuff. We never saw eye to eye about the future, if we were helping the other grow, etc. Someone was always scared or insecure about something that the other could never help with fixing.
Don’t you love long hugs?  Sure, I love getting hugs as long as I’m comfy around the one giving it.
And long kisses?  Mhm, they’re nice.
Have you ever purchased condoms?  Only for Angela when she had still been too shy to ask for it herself. 
Have you ever gone on vacation with your boyfriend/girlfriend?  No. We had gone out of town for daytrips, but never for a fully-decked out vacation.
Have you ever trashed your ex’s car after an argument?  I wouldn’t do anything that loud. My resentment’s a lot more reserved and subtle, definitely on the passive-aggressive side.
Would you leave a note on a car claiming responsibility if you damaged it?  If I left like a paint scratch, no. If I was somehow stupid enough to manage wrecking the car then yes.
Have you ever used someone's handicapped parking pass to get a parking spot?  Oh that’s just gross. No. I do remember unknowingly parking over a spot meant for the handicapped once just because the paint was so fucking faded. It was genuinely so hard to tell but in the end I ended up just getting out of the spot and looked for another just to be on the safe, unassholey side.
Are you embarrassed to tell people your job?  Not at all! I love telling people I work in PR and sharing the brands I work with...it’s just a bitch trying to explain what exactly it is I do on a normal day. I’m still blanking out on it now that I’m thinking about it, haha. PR’s a challenge to summarize in one or two sentences.
If you ran over an animal would you keep driving?  I honestly have no clue how I’d deal with it. Ideally I would pull over and help bring it to the side of the road, and try to ask for help from passersby as well. I’m still not sure what I should/would do next.
Where’s the best place to eat a romantic dinner?  French, Spanish, and Italian restaurants always seem to carry a pleasant, date-y atmosphere to them, so any of those cuisines should be ok. I also like quieter restaurants with warm yellow lighting, since that makes me feel at home the most. The place definitely doesn't have to be super popular; I would just want for it to serve good food.
What hobby would you get into if time and money weren’t an issue?  Flying planes.
What would be the most amazing adventure to go on?  Probably something that’s booked with thrill-seeking adventures? Like a day of wakeboarding, paragliding, skydiving, riding an ATV...I would be exhausted as fuck and sleep for the next three days, but I can’t even begin to imagine how fun it would be.
When people come to you for help, what do they usually want help with? Writing stuff. < Yeah, essentially. My friends ask me for general life advice too.
Has anybody criticized the way your significant other looked like?  Yeah. But I always defended her.
Have you written or drawn anything for somebody else?  I mean I’ve written long letters, but I haven’t made a poem or song for anyone.
Who has impressed you most with what they’ve accomplished?  These days it would probably be Arlan. He just finished his Masters in Journalism at Columbia and I couldn’t be more proud. I remember wanting to attend Columbia too, but seeing how my love of journalism turned out...I’ve long accepted the fact that that route was not meant for me, hahaha.
What is something you think everyone should do at least once in their lives?  Finish a painting, which can also serve as a callout to me lol.
What would you rate 10/10?  Seafood.
What do you hope never changes?  My relationships with my best friends.
Would you ever have sex with the last person you texted?  No, I barely have a clue who she is and she seemed decades older when she called me up this morning.
Is there anyone that you’d love to just spill your guts to?  I’m good.
Where is the person you have feelings at right now? 
Are you happy with your relationship status?  Yessssssss. I love not having to worry about another person to spend on LOL
When did you last cry? What for?  Two Saturdays ago. The one-year mark of my breakup had been coming up and an overwhelming wave of emotions just flooded me all of a sudden, I guess. There was happiness and relief from not being stuck in it anymore; feeling sorry for myself as I remembered the turmoil and deterioration I went through in the latter part the year; anger for the shit she pulled; and there was also just the general feeling of being grateful that I’m still here after everything.
Do you think you’re wasting your time on the person you love? 
When’s the next time you’ll kiss someone?  No clue. I’m not holding my breath for it and that’s okay.
Were you ever scared to death of anyone you knew? Or are you currently?  Yeah, unfortunately I’ve always been surrounded by at least one person who terrifies me.
What’s the longest you’ve been away from home by yourself?  Nothing more than a day. That’s something I have yet to try out.
Have you ever been made fun of, because of what you look like?  Athenna was relentless in her insults. I dunno why I was friends her for as long as I was.
Have you ever made fun of others, because of what they look like?  If they’re some random person on the internet with disgusting political views, then yeah; but it’s just thoughts I keep in my head and I never verbalized the bullying. But not anyone in real life. Do you think it’s cute when you’re leaving a place, and a guy says “no hug?”  If I’m friends with the person I’ll banter with them for a bit until I give in for a hug. If it was any other guy I barely know...I would be disgusted and throw them the dirtiest glare.
Do you wear short shorts (if you’re a girl)? I didn't know short shorts were specific to females. < LOL same. Anyway no, not these days. I used to but they’re not really a part of my personal style anymore.
Who are you the most uncomfortable around?  Relatives with the wrong political views.
Who has your heart?  Nobody.
Should cloning ever be allowed to happen?  I don’t see the point. No.
Are you impatient with really shy people? If it gets to the point that they seem aloof and radiate very I-could-not-care-less-about-getting-along-with-any-of-you vibes, then yeah I feel like I would get irritated pretty fast. But I was an extremely shy person once too, so I’m typically friendly with them and I would usually be That person who constantly stays next to them so they feel like they belong.
Does your house have air conditioning throughout, or do you have one that sits in your window?  It sits in the window, as with most households here.
What is the most ridiculous band name you’ve heard recently?  I haven’t encountered anything wacky recently.
Would you ever get a fashion mullet?  No.
Do you believe that Jesus lived and is returning?  No.
Do you believe in spiritual gifts?  No.
Do you believe in callings?  Not really, no.
If you were rich, would you get a professional photoshoot done?  Hell no. I get extremely sheepish in front of a camera and a thousand times worse at posing.
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allthings-chaos · 4 years
Knight Rider 2008 X Reader
Description: Reader steals a car with Artificial Intelligence that is much like KITT.
It was about four in the afternoon when you received a call from an unknown number, which you decided to answer. Normally it was a telemarketer and you would try to annoy them to the point where they’d simply hang up.
Not this time, though. You didn’t recognize the voice, but it seemed to be someone of importance, at least, so you decided to not hang up, figuring it was probably the best decision.
“Is this (Y/N) (L/N)?” The voice asked after you had answered the phone, before you could even say hello.
You raised a brow, wondering how someone had gotten your number, and also knew your name. “It might be. Who is this?”
This person didn’t even bother to answer your question. “Ms. (L/N), it appears that you have either unintentionally or intentionally stolen an asset from Knight industries. We request that it is returned immediately.”
“First of all, you didn’t answer my question, and second, what did I steal? I’m not exactly the smartest crayon in the box.”
“I am aware of the fact,” The man probably would have laughed if it weren’t a serious matter. “I have an agent en route to retrieve the asset that was stolen.”
“How do you know that I’m stupid?” You were enjoying talking to this person, even though you knew that you definitely were not stupid, and that you had in fact stolen some “asset” on purpose. You wouldn’t make yourself the enemy, yet. “Who’re you sending? They’d better be hot.”
“This is a serious matter, Ms. (L/N).” You were reminded once more, “But to answer your question, it does not take much to find out you were a high school dropout with a 2.0 GPA.”
“So are you stalking me or something? Because it really seems like it. I also prefer to be called (Y/N), not by my last name. Thank you.”
The man sighed, “The agent I am sending will be there within a few hours, do not try and run. We will find you.”
When the line dropped, you laughed to yourself, petting the steering wheel of a sweet white mustang that you had in fact stolen just an hour ago. Did you plan on giving it back? Possibly, but what was the point in hiding it when you could have some fun with it?
Even though you’d been told not to run, you did. Well- not exactly. You drove out of your small garage, and drove down the street just under the speed limit. You’d miss the car after it would be taken back, but that was okay. You’d just sneak in and steal it right back. For some reason the car was labeled “KATT” whatever the hell that meant.
While you waited for the “agent” to pick up the car, you parked at a grocery store and went inside, grabbing a case of hard lemonades while you were there. Walking out into the parking lot, however, you realized the car was missing. “Already? Sheesh.. They must have teleported.”
“Ms. (L/N), please get in.” The car rolled up, a door swinging open as it stopped in front of you.
“Did I already drink today?” You raised a brow, as you looked at the time on your phone, before shrugging and hopping in. “So, are you the cat thing then?”
“No, I am the Knight Automated Tactical Technology.”
“What now? That’s a mouthful.”
“Or K.A.T.T for easy reference, KATT if you prefer.” The car told you.
“I’m on drugs, aren’t I?” You weren’t even driving, as the car drove by itself.
“You do not appear to be.” A hologram screen appeared, which seemed to display all of your vitals.
“I feel like that’s a violation of my privacy, but okay. How’d you do that?”
“I scanned you,” The car stated, which just confused you more.
“I thought I just stole a car..” You huffed, “I’m definitely going to jail for this.”
“As long as you do not attempt to prevent me from returning, you will not face any charges. Mr. Torres is under the impression that you were unaware that you stole his technology.”
“So I can for sure accidentally steal you again.” You laughed once again, already planning to when the next chance arose.
“I’m afraid they would realize that you were not truly stealing me by accident if that were to happen.”
“Well that sucks.”
Later on that day, you were sitting in a lawn chair, while you sipped on a lemonade that you had bought earlier, when someone in a black mustang pulled into your little driveway. The guy that was driving got out of his car, before he made his way over to you, while you.. Tipped your sunglasses down and checked him out. “Your fly is down.”
“What?” He was fooled, as you simply went back to reading your magazine. “It was not-”
“So what’s your name?” You asked, while not taking your eyes off of the new magazine.
“Michael Knight.”
“Ah.” You had a thing for annoying people, apparently.
“I need the keys to the car.” Mike told you, to which you shrugged.
“I never had any keys,” You finally looked up at him, setting the magazine down. “So is she that one’s girlfriend then?”
Mike actually laughed at that, “It seems like it sometimes. How’d you get a hold of her?”
“That’s for me to know and for you to find out.”
“She did not ‘get a hold’ of me. I came here.” KATT had her own story, though she was likely covering for her new friend, so that she would not be in any sort of trouble.
“Then I suppose if that’s true, we’ll be leaving.” Mike shrugged, “KATT, follow behind us.”
“I can use a tow hook if necessary.” KITT finally spoke up, just offering help.
“That will not be necessary.” KATT quickly told them, “I can follow.”
You just watched them, not really seeming to care all that much. Though, the interaction was interesting. You certainly were going to get your hands on that car again, maybe not soon, but at some point.
After Mike and the two cars had left, you simply went back inside your house to plan for another day, where you would take the car once again- only next time, you would not be giving it back.
Author Note: I hope you enjoyed this small story! I plan to do more as I come up with more ideas- and I am also open to requests. Just to add a little information, KATT is a character that I made up years ago and wrote some fanfictions with. She is basically a copy of KITT, with just a few differences(including her having a female voice). To name a few, her job is to search and rescue, as well as provide comfort to victims of a crime. She is housed in a white mustang, and her light bar in the front is blue as well. That is all! Once again, requests are open. I mostly write about the 2008 version of Knight Rider but I can for sure do some for the 1982 version!
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