#the best week ever
elsaclack · 4 years
Em!! I just read you can hear it in the silence and oh my God it's probably one of my favourite fics of all time!! Which it's not surprising considering that I truly love you writing but it's so good!! I don't speak English so this may sound weird but the way they test each other in each repeat like little by little getting closer... Part of me was like give me a thousand repeats of that lol /1
and the actual heartbreak I experienced when Amy balks after their date I truly felt it so hard and then they falling in love and how Jake is always waiting for her... I love that in every universe (and fic) he has always carried a torch for her but never pushes her. And him being so surprised and nervous when she actually asks him out. I don't know I'll send you this and I'll keep remembering things I loved about it /2
I don't know I'll send you this and I'll keep remembering things I loved about it. You covered so well already but if you ever revisit that fic again it would be great to read Jake's POV since the night everything started, personally I'm a sucker for the pining and Jake's mind and I obviously believe you get his voice right. I'm way past the word limit and probably past normal asks etiquette or something lol so again I'll just say I truly loved the fic. Will be rereading later 💛. /3
FHALDSFKAHSDFLKJ okay i am SEVERAL days late responding to this but these made me SO HAPPY i can’t begin to tell u,,,,HFALDKSFASDFL THANK U!!!!
also!!!! u KNOW i gotta shout out @capnperaltiago for coming up with the original idea that sparked that fic!!!!!!! mel’s basically a goddess walking among us can u believe
so i have thought about going back and doing jake’s pov sort of like what i did with on my heart like a tattoo, but i’ve realized that in you can hear it in the silence, jake’s pov is mostly him very patiently waiting for amy to get out of her head and figure things out lmao. so it’s like him buying coffee every morning and mostly goofing around on his computer while being acutely aware every time amy tries to furtively watch him across their desks
i did have his pov of that date scene kind of planned out in my head and i may or may not have written it below the cut bc ur such an angel,,,,,,,,,,,
It’s the fact that she’s pressed up on the balls of her feet, her arm slung so firmly round the back of his neck he’s almost positive he’ll have a crick in his neck tomorrow (if he ever makes it to tomorrow), and the muffled noises buzzing against his lips that all lend themselves to his staunch belief that he is, in fact, dead and gone to heaven.  There’s no other explanation, he thinks, for the searing heat of her throat beneath the razor’s edge of his teeth or the electricity crackling from the tips of her fingers as she rakes them through his hair; no other explanation for the way her spine arches eagerly as his palms slowly, experimentally drag their way up the natural curve of her waist.  He has died and gone to heaven, officially, because he’s clumsily kicking his front door closed so that he can make out with Amy Santiago away from the prying eyes of his nosy neighbors.
Jake’s halfway through the mental image of dotty Mrs. Carmichael’s scandalized expression if she were to walk past them when Amy’s body suddenly stiffens - it’s the only warning he has before she hisses “shit” in his ear and recoils her head so quickly it bounces off the wall behind her.
(When he managed to back her into said wall is a mystery all its own.)
“Oh, god, Amy -” the alcohol still flowing pleasantly through his system makes him feel slow, sluggish; he reaches up to touch the place her head hit the wall, steadying himself with a grip on her bicep. “What’s wrong?  What happened?”
She’s looking up at him with an unfamiliar expression, something that makes the pit of his stomach stir and churn in a wholly unpleasant way, kiss-swollen lips parted and chest heaving in a way that makes him think she might be struggling to breathe properly.  “I’m - I can’t -” she gasps.
Like a bucket of ice water over his head, dread bursts through his system all at once.  It hadn’t occurred to him, in the haze of kamikaze and longing in the back of that cab, that she wouldn’t want him.  It hadn’t occurred to him to ask.
He tears himself away from her at once, stumbling backwards until his body collides with the wall opposite her.  "Oh, my god, Amy,” he chokes, doing his best to wipe the feeling of her body beneath his hands by rooting his fists in his hair and tugging none too gently. “I’m - I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry, I just - you’re, you’re so pretty and - I’m a little d-drunk, I didn’t mean to - god -”
She’s shaking her head violently before he’s finished speaking, eyes shining with unshed tears, and he’s never wanted to be swallowed whole by the ground more than in this moment. “No, no, no, that’s not what I - you didn’t do anything wrong, Jake, you didn’t do anything wrong at all!”
The words sink in slowly; tentatively, he lets his hands fall back to his sides.  “Okay,” he says slowly, “so...so what just happened? ‘Cause I thought - I mean, it seemed like it - things were going...like, really well -”
She presses her hands over her cheeks, now flaming red, and the tears seem to be defying gravity where they’re clinging to her lower lashes.  “It was,” she mumbles - her voice high and warbling, the way he’s only heard once before, seconds before a break down, and he cannot possibly fathom why because he’s her soulmate and they should be celebrating - “I’m sorry, I’m - I need to go - “
Those words - we’re soulmates! - stick in his throat as she tears out of his apartment, escaping in nothing more than a strangled half-shout as she disappears around the corner.  He’s halfway through the motions of chasing her to the elevator when he stops himself.
You’ve gotta let her come to you, Charles’ voice echoes in his head.  She has to work this out on her own.
Well, I royally screwed that up, he thinks back miserably.
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jencala · 5 years
Misti-Con 2019
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What can I possibly say about this Misti that isn’t just incoherent gushing?  I’ve always been blessed to have amazing friends, but the week I spent at Misti with this group of fabulous friends was just... beyond words.  We literally came from all over the world and despite most of us knowing each other online for at least a year, this was the first time most of us had met in person.  There was no awkwardness, no lack of conversation; it was like we had known each other forever and just fit together seamlessly.  
My friends and followers know I tend to gush so don’t be surprised about what I’m going to do right now; gush. There are so many wonderful people I spent time with last week, but I want to take a minute and spread some love to a specific few who made the week at Misti incredible.  ;-)
@the-ginger-magician  We were so lucky to be able to fly to Misti together and especially because you know I’m such a shit flier.  lol  You made the flight calm and stress-free and it felt like 5 minutes instead of two hours.  Rob, I can’t gush about you enough.  You are so much fun, so sweet, funny as hell, your hugs are just the best, and I miss you so damn much.  Why are you so far away damn it???  Time for an inside joke.  Remember, I’m always right damn it, and when I tell you to go for it, GO FOR IT.  ;-)  
@steelchildrocks Oh my bebe, I love you so much.  We kept talking about cuddle time before the trip and I’m so glad we got to have so many of them!  You are so beautiful inside and out and I wish apparating was a thing because I’d be in France right now hugging you.  You made me smile so much and I still can’t believe you dragged me up for karaoke.  lol  Je t’adore, ma bebe!
@siriusfirstchocolatesecond  I swear there wasn't a time I spent with you last week I didn’t smile or laugh.  Next Gen isn’t even my thing, but your Teddy makes me so happy.  I am so glad you  were able to go at the last minute and even meet us at The Cauldron before the con.  I just adore you!
@weasley-is-my-kingg Oh Jade, you sweetheart.  You are such a lovely person and I’m so glad we got to know each other better.  Your Rowena kills and I am so glad we had so much fun together.  
@bringblackback  Oh my heart... Lotta, you glorious creature.  You are so talented, so sweet, so funny, and an absolute metamorphogus.  Our drunken videos from the 90′s party will forever be hidden deep on my phone never to be spoken of again. LOL  I am so glad you were able to go and I got to know you better because I just love you to bits.  
@olivandersdaughter Oh Tracy, my friend, I love you.  We have been lucky enough to spend time together in person before, but I’m really glad we had this time at Misti together too.  You make me smile and are so damn talented in so many ways and I just love you to bits.  I wouldn’t have missed those Lit panels for anyone other than you, my love!  
@linmanuelmirandarights  I am so glad we started talking at the bar that night!  You are so much fun and beautiful inside and out!  I am so glad we became friends and you joined us in our shenanigans.  Even if you had to find out a side of your brother you might not have wanted to know.  lol  I just adore you and remember the saying; what happens at Misti stays at Misti.  ;-)
@siriussly-serious  Jay, where do I start, my friend?  You are a tiny force to be reckoned with and light up any room you are in.  You made me feel so special and I’m keeping that ring forever, alright?  Getting to finally know you in person was amazing and you are just one of the most wonderful and talented people I know.  You killed it with the fanfic reading, karaoke, and the lip sync battle in public, but most importantly you kill it with being an incredible friend.  SO many inside jokes and I still think Nigel is a bit confused even though we explained it.  lol  I will never try to keep up drinking rum with you, you lush.  Thank you for being you and such a wonderful friend.  I love you to bits.
@ami-acts  I saved you for last, Mama.  So many people call me Mama, but you are my Mama.  What can I say about the most incredible and caring woman I know?  Finally getting to hug you in person was wonderful and this week meant the world to me.  You are always there for me even 4,000 miles away, but in person... fuck Ami, I just can’t thank you enough for being you.  You are so loving, so smart, so funny and fun, but most importantly you take care of people in a way that makes them feel so special and loved.  There is no one on earth like you and I am so blessed to call you my friend.  I know I’m a handful and drive you batty sometimes, but you never make me feel that way even when you have to pour me into bed and I call you horrid for it.  LOL  I love you, my friend.  So damn much.
So now I’m almost in tears again thinking of this wonderful time with my friends and how much I miss them all, so I’m done gushing.  For now.  We had enough tears when we all said goodbye, but it’s just a “see you later”.  We will all be together again in the same place sometime soon because I refuse to think otherwise.  
Thank you to MistiCon for another amazing time, thank you to my friends for putting up with my insanity and for being such wonderful people.  I love you guys.
*Many of the photos posted above were taken by Ami and credit goes too her IG @amishoots. 
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bicolor-art · 2 years
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A tale of two Primuses
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journen · 2 years
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This was not worth all the time i spent on it. 😩
But here is another addition to the high school teacher mustache Cody and Obi-Wan au. They are chilling in the teachers room probably before school starts 👌 Why do i like this au so much lol.
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kinstein-art · 2 years
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how the hell am i supposed to act normal and focus on stuff when the only thing i can think about is them
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terracyte · 3 years
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the shoulder pads look cool but don’t do much against the cold
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artsymeeshee · 3 years
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taking comfort in one’s presence 
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ourstarscollided · 2 years
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dear julie, it's like, if we were two paintings in a gallery, you’d be the one surrounded by rope and a security guard to make sure no one got too close. i’d be that painting in the back, maybe with a plexiglass case if i’m lucky. love always, luke
- from all the letters i’ll write (and all the fires i’ll start) by the birthday girl, @tangledstarlight!
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senvurii · 3 years
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Hi me and @samsquatchem​ accidentally created a small town horror au, called wood claimed (or wc/wcau) and its all i can think about rn
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bl00doodle · 2 years
Hey hi, I absolutely adore your trans girl sonic so much,, I was wondering if we could get some more art of her!
Maybe even your thought process behind her design for curiosity's sake?
Thanm u sm !!! 😣😣😣💕💕💕 theres a buncha requests ppl sent tht im working on !! Just Still Super Busy w School OTL Heres the design ive got so far since the last post!
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As for thought process, its rlly chaotic so bear w me- i was basically just trying to conjure up cutie sporty gal thoughts in my brain idk ??? uhh if u mean where the clothes came from it was vv lowkey inspired by that "human sonic' by yuji ukawa and from sonic's 'fave clothes' from sonic ova, it was supposed to be just plain black sporty shorts but my gf told me it'd be so cute if it was those 70's red running shorts!! so i went with that !! idk if sonic would wear shirts like a normal person so i didnt give her any here AHSKHKSJ PLUS ITD BE SO CUTE TO SEE THE HEART SHAPE CHEST.... i just think the heart shape is so cute... the lil star knee pads bc idk its cute !!! plus it makes me think of the bounce pads in the games!! the colors r just red, white and yellow to keep the color palette consistent... bc i like it HAHA
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kirbybot · 2 years
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little mermaid or pirate au…. take your pick because they can do both! day 3 of @dr-rarepair-week-blog
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chaos-wraith · 3 years
Made my first ever Minecraft mod :) It was super fun to see wizards come to life in block game!! Original wizards from @wizardsisananimal Feel free to download and check it out for yourself!
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asdeadasasquirrel · 3 years
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Dad for One Week: Day 4: I’m not like you.
“ I chose my path, you chose the way of the hero. And they found you amusing for a while, the people of this city. But the one thing they love more than a hero is to see a hero fail, fall, die trying. In spite of everything you've done for them, eventually they will hate you.
Why bother?”
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thebotjock · 3 years
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How dare you love me like you've never known fear When you've got more troubles than minutes in the year
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