#the boar king
theribbajack · 1 year
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"Both of you, faithless fools who would dare to take up arms against the king of earth and sky!"
The words "Zonai Ganondorf" entered my head and I haven't been sane since. Perhaps in the Zonai version of the legend, the warlord "Gannon" sought after the secret stones, and the incarnation of Hylia draconified herself to stop him alongside the Ancient Hero.
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kagoutiss · 1 year
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the newly vassaled gerudo king is inexplicably handed a baby
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Ban and King: *arguing so loudly from their bathroom the entire Boar Hat can hear them* Elizabeth: Sir Ban and Sir King are fighting again... Meliodas: Nice. Merlin: You know what they're like, WHY would you make them share a bathroom??? Meliodas: Meliodas: Meliodas: I like drama.
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eden-west · 6 months
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You bet I'm team blue.
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He's actually harder to sketch than Byleth in all honesty. I want to make him right. 🥹 There are so many subtle details in his concept art that shows how unkept and tired this poor guy is.
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holmsister · 4 months
Hobbies that are suitable for a king that laios would totally be into:
- dogs!
- horses and horseriding
- FALCONRY - this is like ultimate kingly hobby and you have pet raptors!!!!!
- hunting in general
Like this is all stuff that kings historically were into and did and would not be considered unusual or undignified
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toushindai · 21 days
The Boar
Ganondorf and Rauru hunt together and discuss Zonai philosophy.
(Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, Ganondorf & Rauru (it is a &, not a / yet), 2.4k words, rated T. Warning for animal death.)
[ Read on AO3 ]
A rhythm establishes itself quickly at Hyrule Castle. In the morning Ganondorf and Rauru meet, surrounded by their advisers, to negotiate the terms of Gerudo’s subsumption into Hyrule; in the afternoon, Ganondorf is left free to arrange his own schedule. Well, moderately free. Based on the polite stonewalling of Hyrule’s soldiers, he can guess that any attempt to stray too far from the castle would be blithely discouraged.
So he is surprised when, the day’s discussions done, Rauru invites him to join a hunt in the lowlands of Central Hyrule that afternoon.
“I would be honored to hunt with you,” the Zonai says, delicate fingertips touched to the animal totem he wears at his chest. His secret stone dangles from a cuff on his wrist, but Ganondorf holds his gaze with a polite impassivity on his face.
“Your Majesty’s invitation is very generous,” he says, and there is no particular reason to refuse. “What time shall we depart?”
They ride out together after a light lunch, trailed by a party of servants and chattering courtiers whose names Ganondorf has no inclination to learn. They pick up on his disinterest quickly enough and fall back. Only Rauru rides at Ganondorf’s side, his horse dwarfed by Ganondorf’s black stallion. The Zonai sits straight up in his saddle, his long white hair for once gathered into a thick braid, and sends sidelong glances Ganondorf’s way as they ride along the paved path that curves away from the castle and towards the gate that separates the Great Plateau from the rest of the land.
“Do you hunt often?” he asks, his voice mild and reasonable. “I must confess ignorance as to what sort of hunting there must be in your desert home.”
An ignorance that will not keep him from attempting to claim Gerudo lands for his own, of course. He has been surprisingly rapacious at the negotiating table, demanding far more than the Gerudo have to offer, and all the while watching Ganondorf for his response. Ganondorf is not so stupid as to reveal the temper he is looking for. Now, Ganondorf only answers, “The desert itself offers little in terms of animal prey. There are elk in the highlands, but as for more accessible game, I have usually hunted monsters. Or at least, I did, until Your Majesties were so kind as to seal away the vast majority of monsters in the region.”
He does not sneer; he only smiles. Rauru inclines his head as though he thinks Ganondorf’s gratitude is genuine. “Gerudo is more peaceful now, then?” he asks.
“You might say that.” Ganondorf shrugs in his saddle. “It was previously the role of the Gerudo military to keep the monsters at bay. Now, of course, we welcome Hyrule’s gracious protection.”
Rauru hums in acknowledgment.
Speaking such cloying flattery makes Ganondorf’s skin crawl. So, too, does the obvious pleasure with which Rauru receives it. Hyrule’s king cannot possibly believe Ganondorf’s act, this performance of the craven ruler begging for shelter; he is too wily for that. And yet he plays along, readily accepting the premise that Gerudo should be submissive to Hyrule. That Ganondorf should be submissive to him. His eagerness to have the Gerudo under his thumb is sickening in its audacity.
Now, Rauru says, “Perhaps that is the issue, then, with those insurgents of yours. They have been left without monsters to hunt and instead occupy their time harassing my borders.”
“Do you think so?” Ganondorf asks, his voice bland and too edgeless to mean Do you really think we have no reason to take up arms against you?
“Is there another explanation?” Rauru asks. His voice is bland, too. “This is a problem I have now that I did not have under your predecessor. If the cause is not boredom, then what am I to think? A simple failure of leadership?”
Ganondorf’s stallion tosses his head suddenly. With conscious effort, Ganondorf loosens his grip on the reins, although what he wants to do is cast them around Rauru’s throat and strangle him with them. “The Gerudo police our own, Your Majesty,” he says. “The insurgents will not trouble you for much longer.”
“That is good to…”
Rauru trails off. His gaze has gone suddenly distant, towards the edge of a wooded area. Ganondorf follows his line of sight and sees a wild boar scratching in the grass of the open field. It snuffles and, as they watch, ambles a little further from the trees.
With a tug on the reins, Rauru halts his horse. When he holds up a hand, the sound of hooves quiets from ten meters back as the rest of the hunting party stills as well. Then he readies his bow and takes aim at the boar.
“This has been a problem recently,” Rauru murmurs in explanation to Ganondorf’s nonplussed silence. “There is a sounder of wild boars in the Forest of Spirits, there. All well and good, but these days they have begun venturing out of their territory and endangering the Hylians living in the area.” The tip of his arrow tracks the boar’s oblivious movement. “It’s unfortunate, but the only recourse is to cull them.”
He shoots, and the boar goes down.
An obsequious cheer rises from behind them.
“My men will retrieve the carcass,” Rauru says, and with a click of his tongue he encourages his steed back into motion. Ganondorf does the same, although his gaze remains on the fallen beast until it is out of sight. There is a strange heat on the back of his neck.
“As for your insurgents,” Rauru says, easily resuming their earlier topic as they near the Great Plateau Gate, “you will have Hyrule’s support in subduing them.”
“That will be much appreciated,” Ganondorf lies.
They reach the Forest of Time in another half-hour’s ride, and then dismount to leave their horses with the grooms. “Do not injure him,” Ganondorf says as he hands over the reins to a wary-looking Hylian. “You cannot afford what he is worth.” Although it is far more likely that the stallion will attack the groom; he has a temper. If the Hylian is not careful, he may lose a finger.
And then it is into the forest in quiet pursuit. Again the hangers-on stay back, allowing the two kings their companionship—if that is what it should be called. They do not converse just now as they weave through the trees. Rauru only keeps glancing at Ganondorf, his eyes narrowed as though something troubles him. Whenever Ganondorf catches him staring, he shakes himself and looks forward again.
It is cool in the forest, the air verdant and the trees close. The ground is littered with pebbles and fallen twigs, and it takes Ganondorf a few minutes to learn how to ease his weight forward so as to not announce his presence with each footfall. Rauru seems to do the same without conscious thought. The Zonai is alert, but calmly so, his bright eyes roaming their surroundings whenever they do not catch on Ganondorf. There is a sort of irritating ease to his bearing. It does not seem to cross his mind that Ganondorf might be a threat to him. It would be so easy for Ganondorf to draw a hidden knife—he has one in the folds of his belt, of course he does—and drive it into Rauru’s bare midriff and drench this idyllic, peaceful scene in blood, but this never occurs to Rauru. Which is ironic, considering the inherent violence of a hunt. Hyrule’s king is a fool. Ganondorf never would have allowed a hunting party of his own to be so lax in their attitude.
But, if hunting is a genteel thing in Hyrule, then so be it. Ganondorf still intends to demonstrate his own prowess. The first quarry, a trim young buck, falls to an arrow from Ganondorf’s bow, as does a doe soon after. Rauru seems to realize then that this may be a competition and takes down a doe of his own. Each time, they leave their spoils to be claimed and processed by the servants in their wake. When they miss their next target—Rauru’s shot goes wide, too hastily aimed, and the buck startles out of Ganondorf’s sights—Ganondorf lowers his bow and turns towards the Zonai.
“Is it only deer in these woods, Your Majesty?”
“Yes.” Rauru lowers his own weapon and strides forward to retrieve his fallen arrow. Ganondorf watches his movement, the swinging of his thick braid of hair. “They are the best hunting in Central Hyrule. There are boar elsewhere on the plains, but as with those in the Forest of Spirits, we don’t typically kill them.” He pulls the arrow from the ground and returns it to his quiver, then turns back to look at Ganondorf, his face lofty and placid. “Unless they exceed their territory and cause problems, of course.”
“Of course,” Ganondorf agrees, calmly. As though the insinuated threat bores him. That heat prickles on the back of his neck again, but its warning is superfluous. He walks towards Rauru and then past him, his gaze once more scanning the woods around them. Behind him, Rauru too resumes his procession. They walk in silence for a moment, surrounded by the rustling of leaves and the occasional flitter of a bird or insect, and Ganondorf turns thoughts slowly over in his mind, looking for the right angle of approach.
At last he gives a grunt, halfway to a contemplative laugh.
Rauru’s ears twitch as he tries to resist the bait. He fails, and with diplomatic curiosity in his eyes, he prompts, “Hm?”
Ganondorf shrugs. He gives another smile that is not a sneer. “It strikes me as very Zonai of you to leave the boars be only until they inconvenience you.”
Something in Rauru’s face pulls shut very abruptly. “What do you mean by that?”
A fitting question, given that there are a great many things Ganondorf could mean by that. Ganondorf has done his own research into Zonai culture, Zonai history; there was a time in his youth when his interest in the people of the sky bordered on obsession. He learned how they lived on the surface once but fled to the sky to separate themselves the surface-dwellers; he learned how they reengaged with the surface only when they needed resources they could not gather on their own. There is something extractive, if not outright exploitative, in the Zonai attitude towards other tribes. Rauru’s founding of the kingdom of Hyrule is an unsubtle continuation of the same.
But what Ganondorf says is, “Boars were sacred to your people, were they not? A symbol of sacred power and force, and one of your ruling houses.”
A pause. “You are very knowledgeable,” Rauru says. It does not sound like a compliment. “However, I believe you may misunderstand what you have learned. The House of Boars was one of our ruling powers, yes, but the animal itself was never sacred. And that house’s prominence faded many centuries ago. Their vision for leading our people proved… misguided.”
“Misguided?” Ganondorf presses, affecting idle curiosity. Rauru does not respond. The tips of his ears are trembling; it would be unnoticeable if not for the way his many dangling earrings shake. Ganondorf continues, “Perhaps I do misunderstand. Your Majesty must forgive me if I do. But what I have heard is that the House of Boars was home to the most powerful and most imposing of your people. It was their place to draw the dividing lines between the Zonai and all others. The Hylians called them barbarous for that, and feared them. Is that why you call them misguided?”
Rauru straightens. “Yes, as a matter of fact,” he says, and the idleness is gone from his bearing. Now there is coldness and scorn, and neither one hides the defensiveness in the angle of his chin. “They did not only draw dividing lines, as you say; they sowed division.”
“And for that, the rest of your people decided to stamp them out of existence.”
“They were too selfish,” Rauru continues, speaking over Ganondorf. “Too hungry for power at the expense of those they ruled over. When the last ruler of boars took up arms against the other houses, there was no choice but to put an end to them.”
“Just as you cull the wild boars now,” Ganondorf observes.
Rauru searches his face, his eyes intense. Ganondorf leaves him nothing there to find. The Zonai asks, “What are you trying to say, Ganondorf?”
For a moment, Ganondorf does not have an answer to that question. Rauru is uncomfortable on the subject of his ancestors and he wants to make Rauru uncomfortable. Rauru is a hypocrite like his ancestors and refuses to see it. But there is something else here, something that has been gnawing up Ganondorf’s spine since Rauru took aim at the stray boar on the Great Plateau. Or since Ganondorf first learned how the Zonai suppressed the worship of power in favor of other virtues, long, long ago.
Ganondorf holds Rauru’s stare for a moment longer; then he breaks it deliberately to look around. There, in the distance, he sees a flash of brown between the trees. He draws his bow unconcernedly and, several deliberate seconds later, lets the arrow fly. The buck lets loose a shrill animal scream as the arrow pierces its ribcage.
“I find your ancestors very interesting, Your Majesty,” Ganondorf says, as the echoes of its agony die away. “They condemned the House of Boars for their worship of power. But I do not think that you have disavowed the Boar as thoroughly as you think you have. You have only made it into something you are unwilling to name.” He lets his lips twist in a facetiously gracious smile. “Be careful, King Rauru, that Hyrule’s enemies do not claim it in your stead, lest you leave your kingdom undefended… and destined to fade away as your own people have.”
Rauru’s face grows hard and contemptuous. His lips curl, just slightly, revealing the tips of very, very sharp teeth. For just a moment, Ganondorf lets his own smile reveal a hint of cruel triumph.
Then Rauru composes himself, his face going blankly mild once again. He inclines his head and touches his fingertips to the totem on his chest. “I will certainly take that under advisement, Ganondorf,” he says, “in the spirit in which it was meant.”
And for the rest of the afternoon they pursue their quarries without much conversation at all.
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cuties-in-codices · 1 year
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the wheel of fortune: animal edition
in a german fortune-telling manuscript, ca. 1450-1473
source: Munich, BSB, Cgm 312, fol. 144r
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god tywin lannister deserved worse
just remembering elias death and i wanna puke and the way tywin talks about elia and what happened is so damn gross
but rip tommen and myrcella we all know what’s about to happen in the next book :/
the cycle of violence just keeps spinning and damn you tywin for beginning it
(i got a bit crazy in the tags 💀)
#rest in peace elia and rhaenys#i’m one of those crazy ppl who thinks jaqen h’ghar is aegon 💀#literally lost the teeny tiny amount of credibility i had#anyways i think doran’s in on it and i think rhaegar switched out asharas child for aegon paralleling the baby swap jon does#the pact made in braavos about viserys and dany marriages is a half truth half lie#and arianne being sent to faegon is simply doran testing his heir. if she messes up then whoever’s spying for doran will correct her#gerold dayne knows too much that’s why doran thinks he’s too dangerous#but this would make the dornish plot sooooo much more interesting and would show that no doran hasn’t been doing nothing#it would also automatically make the daynes more important#jaqen (aegon) was in kings landing to kill robert but got caught by varys. syrio was sent to find him. ned cleared out the black cells tho#saving aegon in the process. fun how we’re actually introduced to this character through lyanna starks mini me arya#aegon was able to kill robert with a boar tho so mission accomplished.#now he’s in old town trying to hatch his dragon egg. the stone beast taking flight in danys vision is aegon being symbolically depicted…#..as a spinx#i’m crazy delusional. but ppl who think faegon is actually aegon are even more delusional than me#plus the real aegon being alive fulfills the suns son part of quaithes warnings#i like this theory bc it makes the dorne plot more interesting and it explains whatever is going on with jaqen h’ghar cause he is sus#yes yes i know i’m delusional 💀 i just think it’d be a very interesting twist#kinda hoping no one sees this post at this point bc i know no one will take this theory well lol#i do think this theory can be supported by the text tho#and cerseis throw away line about ned stealing asharas baby would suddenly become peak foreshadowing#barristan comparign dany to ashara would also be peak foreshadowing bc ashara would take the place of gilly in this parallel and she was dis#dishonored by someone at harrenhall. likely aerys and then she turned to a stark probably brandon for comfort#tbh i think it was ashara who lied to brandon about what happened to lyanna. perhaps she was trying to mess with brandon’s wedding and#was trying to get back at rhaegar for humiliating elia at the tourney. i highly doubt it was baelish who lied to brandon cause brandon#has little reason to believe him and no reason to trust him. ashara tho? arthur daynes sister and elias lady in waiting? also his lover?#anyways varys the spider potentially stealing aegon away (if he did take a child it was the false aegon) is there to parallel the others#who ride ice spiders taking crasters sons. tbh i think it was aegon who decided he wanted to train as a faceless man so he could get revenge#on his own terms. and the sea lord of braavos at the time was in on it and helped aegon with his plans#the unveiling coming up is going to be a lot more important than arya just reclaiming her identity. yes im delusional lmao. rant over
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incorrectsdsins · 2 years
Demon King: You have darkness within you.
Meliodas: Everyone does.
Demon King: You can't ignore me forever.
Meliodas: I'm not ignoring you.
Demon King: Then what will you do with the sharp edges of your soul?
Meliodas: Chop vegetables.
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geekgreekgirl · 1 year
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Inosuke trying to wake up his comatose bestie
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ladymerlin-lab · 1 year
Merlin: Have you ever seen something that changes your life and you are just like... "wow"
Escanor smiling: Of course, I saw you.
Merlin, trying not to blush: ...darling that's so cute and sweet, but it kinda makes this awkward because I was gonna show you a picture of Arthur and Hawk in matching dinosaurs costumes.
~Escanor's mind: God I love her so much~
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Part 1/?, yeehaw
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autumnsorbet · 8 months
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Twitter art challenge
Merlin x King Arthur
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And if you're wondering this is a au version of Merlin and Arthur even though I think the Merlin and Arthur from the seven deadly sins and the four nights of the Apocalypse manga could be together since there's only a three to four year age difference between them as of right now but because Merlin is technically still 8 years old physically and it's just using magic to disguise herself as a woman even if Arthur was attracted to the adult form of her I just feel it's a bit weird so this is a au version of them where Merlin is an adult woman I explain it more below
original art from the manga Veil by @/_K0TTERl_ )
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swordfangs · 2 years
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Princess of Nothing
(Princess Mononoke screenshot redraw with my ginga characters!)
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braemjeorn · 1 year
*bangs door like Rickman's Snape in PoA* since it seems I will be loitering in the fandom for a while...
*pulls down presentation screen* ...i have much to discuss concerning episode 4.
might contain spoilers beyond season one and the 13th (12th?) volume so either sit down and take the popcorns or swipe on.
Well now. I have a few points and questions to present.
First. This.
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Why didn’t they include the curse? It's important because I feel like it's the reason for all of the brothers' challenges we see in Bojji's story? (Like darn it, you got one brother back but you lost the other then you lost them all—? Sorry, Aide.)
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I've been making up the voice for this line and it came out more feral and deranged. Like Coraline’s Other Mother.
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How he grew a moustache so fast!? Did his battle campaign run for so long?
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I didn't realise Desha zapped his cape to rags so... the robes did not precisely decay because of time. Ouken's captivity might not have been that long when Miranjo came to picked him up. Or even if ten years have passed, it makes no difference.
I overthink how the first time we saw Meifu's mama she wore purple and in the painting there - ya'll see her necklace!? Do you know who else wears those designs?!
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Ha-sama, you mama's boy... (*agressively swipes tears*)
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Also you know how to wear a cape, sir. Aaah, it was very it was a very cool scene >A<!!!
Look at the princes growing up.
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(This confirms the age gap ‐ Ouken is really their baby, huh?)
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Their love and hate relationship has so much story to tell.
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That's all I think. But this is already the 4th episode and we've already seen all of the brother's scenes from all of the existing trailers so I don't think we're going to see them anymore...ah, pity. The banners are cool tho...
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When I was younger my friends kept up with Naruto and from what I get it was a really long journey. I'm not quite prepared to keep up with such an ominous journey for this manga/anime where the ending is still foggy - what if it turned out like GoT? Half raw just to appease fans?
On another note: if they made this episode as Shakespearean as Hiling hearing and looking for Daida in the throne room (another acc's description, not mine), that's gon be bomb, especially when Ouken revealed his immortality.
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shannonsketches · 10 months
WW said the Rito evolved from Zora but their king looks like this
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So I have to believe at some point the gerudo switched from castle townies to fish sticks
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