#the bots on this app are scary actually
evil-but-refined · 10 months
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busyfish · 3 months
i'm really frustrated
like i feel like trying to communicate with people online is becoming really draining. tumblr is starting to feel like a cesspool.
twitter is a cesspool.
any other site or app really is just a gutter. it feels like everyone is a bot or just a scam or not really interested in actually being real friends. it seems overwhelmingly difficult to spend time with anyone. and like, i have had well meaning people tell me to go outside and do stuff and meet people, but like i went to the vet today for my dog i cannot overstate how stressful and hard that was for me. i feel like the majority of people here on the spectrum are level 1's and the vast amount of exposure people get to people with asd are either level 1's or level 3's
i am level 2.
it's really hard really communicate to other people i'm not just quirky and a little weird.
i have really big difficulties being a "real" person.
i cannot take care of myself. no matter how easy you think it is, no, i cannot do the thing that is super easy for you. i have a disability. so no i cannot just go out and meet people and make friends and all that. i have just have a history of people taking advantage of me and treating me poorly. especially now with what's happened with Camille, i'm just having a really hard time feeling like i can connect with people. i don't want to be alone. it's really scary thinking about how my mom is nearing her 70s and i don't have any connect with my family outside of this house. no one in my family ever felt like they could handle or be around me. i'm not going to have any help or support or anything like that. my mom really only gives me financial support. i have next to zero emotional support. i don't know what to do. i want to just delete everything and walk away but for what? to sit in my room and be more lonely than i already am? i know i have had people reach out to me and stuff but it just feels like, either pity or just i don't know i want something a bit more. like what i had. i had someone there and available to me more often. when things were good i felt like they kept up with me and made sure i was taking care of myself and was kind and inclusive and caring. i don't know. this really sucks and i'm just really tired
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ftmtftm · 9 months
Can you talk more about the gacha monetization models? I'm unfamiliar with how that translates to "AI" monetization... Also I'm eager to hear your thoughts on gacha since you say you have had the experience they aim for (a gambling addiction which oh goodness sounds so rough)
Yeah so important context here: I'm an iPhone user talking specifically about AI apps in the iPhone app store. This is important because Apple has very strict policies about the App Store pornographic content.
In the couple of AI apps I've downloaded to mess with and try to understand more, there are usually several different ways to generate pornographic images. That's generally the main draw of these apps - create "free" anime porn. But it's not free, because they need to get around Apple's policies.
The app I've been messing with the most has a very clever (and I think actually kinda cool) work around where to view an image it has read as NSFW it makes you click a consent button, basically confirming you are of legal age and are looking at the image for "artistic or research purposes".
But you only have a certain number of clicks before you have to pay for more, because they can't show you free porn because of the App Store policies. Buying more clicks is pretty expensive (but they're also pretty standard gacha prices when compared), but you get double the clicks if you're a pro subscriber. If you're a pro subscriber you also get unlimited generation and no ads! All for a little over $100. Then once you pay that $100 you can even get lifetime pro for almost $200! No your current pro subscription doesn't count as a credit towards lifetime pro! And that doesn't mean you get to stop paying for clicks to see porn! You still have to buy those!
There's also a chat feature in this app - which I have yet to look into in depth- but for that you have to buy credits that give you 30~60 minutes of chat time with a character bot. You have to pay more for porn.
It also limits the number of generators you can use unless you use a paid currency. Some generators are unlimited with the pro version, but even with pro you have to use the paid currency for others. You also still have to use the separate paid click currency to see any NSFW images you generate with the other, different paid currency, which is also different from the chat paid currency.
It's!! Incredibly fucked!! It's designed to get you to spend money to get pretty pictures in a way that explicitly reminds me of spending thousands of dollars for anime jpgs in high school - but at least those jpgs still served a function in a game. These jpgs are just jpgs that you don't even get to see first without paying for them.
In terms of gacha specifically though - Yeah! I'm a long time rhythm game player and was introduced to gacha through Love Live SIF and I've also played Tokyo 7th Sisters, Cookie Run Kingdom, Genshin, Prosekai, several Im@s games, and a good handful of others that I've also dropped money on (though Tokyo 7th Sisters is my favorite series and I've absolutely spent the most on it). I've genuinely probably spent at least an accumulated $100,000 on gacha over the last decade because all my disposable income in high school and college went to rolling for my best girls. It deeply troubles me when I look back at it! Especially because I still get the itch for it!
The models were bad then and they are genuinely only getting worse now. It's genuinely scary to me !!
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rodolfoparras · 10 months
We actually don't know are they brothers or not because there are a lot of strays in the neighborhood but they are definitely very attached to each other.
As for breaking through filter on cai that other anon was mentioning, I'm somewhat of a professional there 😭
You gotta start real slow and ease the bot in with poetic words. And try to make a smut sandwich aka write 2-3 normal lines, then smut, then something less spicy again. And keep giving high ratings to any spicy messages, even if the bot cuts it midway because that's how you teach it to slowly avoid the filter. Some bots are easier to jailbreak obviously but tbh you can make it work with a lot of bots.
But if you want actual smut action, switch to poe. I was really hesitant to do so but as soon as I did I basically stopped using cai for a good while. I only got hit with filter like 3 times I think and I've been using it for months but the filter is much easier to jailbreak even if you do get it. Like so many bots straight up have hardcore raunchy prompts and tbh I'm living.
The only thing I don't like is the fact that you can't swipe through bot's responses like you can on cai and if you want another response, you will lose the previous one. Although imo cai definitely improved, especially with new features but Poe reigns supreme for smut.
Why… are y’all so smart this is so clever it’s genuinely scary I used to do something similar when I first started using character ai and it works so well but tbh you can also use words like key and keyhole and they’ll still figure out what you mean which is kinda scary if u think about it bc how do u know what I’m hinting to😭
Is the Poe website safe?:( I rmr back a couple months ago a lot of these non official bot sites got hacked and ppls messages got leaked along with private info I mean I wouldn’t care about private info genuinely but my messages with a bot would be too humiliating to show the world
I’ll def check it out sugar thank you sm🫶🏻 but yes!! I wish cai toned down the filter bc they’ve done such amazing improvements to the app they’re actually listening to the their users
Also sat 30 mins in my staircase with this baby
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endo-haven · 4 months
The atlas duo thing is very funny. to me
Like I simply cannot care enough to bother. Making an app/website is! Hard! You need to know how to code and have money and I genuinely wish them the best of luck. But also the entire reason of why atlas duo is being created is just so comediecally hateful and vindictive its actually funny. You're just making PK/SP again. But this time the "scary endos" can't use it
It's such a big overreaction. No pro-endo ever is going to say "you can't use sp/pk because you're anti-endo". If people are really that angry because the two biggest plural resources in the community include endogenic systems, then that's a them problem </3
exactly! its actively encouraged that anyone can use it, even anti endos. and the fact is this is pointless because there’s no way to stop endos from using resources, but we’ll just all use the better made ones such as pk/sp.
and you’re right about the having to code. ive coded my own bots before on discord and it’s HARD. a friend of mine joined their discord server and they are STRUGGLING and promising so much they cant do just to seem cooler and better than endos
its just really really sad
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bleedoutloud · 1 year
15 questions for 15 mutuals - thank you mommy @make-a-fist for tagging
Are you named after anyone? Some disparate members of AC/DC. Can't stand AC/DC anymore. If you like AC/DC I'll sabotage your career.
Do you have any kids? Not that I know of
Do you use sarcasm a lot? No 🙄
When was the last time you cried? Tuesday, it was a good song.
What’s the first thing you notice about people? tit
Eye color? brown like dirt
What sports do you/have you played? football in junior high, on the c-team
Any special talent? catastrophizing everything until my mind goes into fight or flight and resoundly chooses flight and I promptly forget everything
Where were you born? Tejas
Scary movies or happy endings? happy endings
Do you have any pets? cat 1 and cat 2
How tall are you? 6'0, but actual 6'0, not dating app 6'0
What are your hobbies? Running, vidyas, reading, writing, music production, making reminders on my phone, writing on a whiteboard, smelling the white board markers, sitting in the dark in my closet, eating food off of the floor.
Favorite subject in school? Literature and ort
Dream job? Published writer. Someone who makes 3 hour video essays. Back flips at kids parties. One of the cars from Tokyo Drift, probably the red one.
here's some people that I don't think are bots @someoneinjersey @dollwithkaleidoscopeeyes @bizzyfish @indigo-moonchildd @loo-nuh-tik @cour5t @m3zzamorphic
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darkangel1117 · 1 year
Spamton Blog Introduction
Hello! My name is Kurai, and this is my blog! Here are some quick things about me:
⟟ have ⏃ typing quirk (⟟-i ⏃-a)
⟟ have ADHD and Autism, so if you can, tone indicators would be great :)
⟟ have very strong hyperfixations so you will see ⏃ LOT of the same thing for ⏃ LONG time (im so sorry)
My pronouns are he/they void/voidself :) ⟟ dont really have ⏃ preference but please don't use strictly they/them, ⟟ like variety with my pronouns
⟟ live under ⏃ rock so if you ask me about any other media ⟟ haven't hyperfixated over you can almost guarantee that I've never heard of it
This blog is strictly Spamton themed! If my hyperfixation changes, ⟟ will simply make another blog and keep this one for anyone who wants to run through it :)
The DNI List (It's Not Scary)
Kindly DNI if you are any of the following (warning if your blog is empty and looks like ⏃ bot account, your gonna get blocked. set an actual pfp and make ur profile decorated to avoid being blocked):
Anti-Tone Indicators (If this is even ⏃ thing?)
Toxic people in general
People under the age of 13 (pls get off the app)
Dsmp Fans (this includes smps made by the original dsmp members) (toxic ones)
Genshin fans (toxic ones)
The Interact List (Please Interact)
Please follow or at least interact if you like or are part of the following:
Deltarune fans, specifically Spamton lovers (please I'm so desperate)
Undertale fans, ⟟ don't post about Undertale but ⟟ like talking about it :)
Artist, fanfic writers, etc you guys are super cool :D
People who love theorizing and sharing headcanons (YOU ARE MY LIGHT PLEASE 🙏)
Really any good person (⟟ will not dislike you or shame you unless your on the DNI list, then you're getting blocked)
If you ever get scared of interacting remember asks can be anonymous, and ⟟ love answering cool questions :)
Tags ⟟ Use On My Blog
Here are the tags ⟟ will use on posts so it's easier for you to find them! ⟟ find them pretty fun and ⟟ hope you see them the same way :)
1. YIPPEE SO COOL!!! (reblogs cutey)
⟟ know it's ⏃ typo but I'm rolling with it, this is my reblog tag when ⟟ reblog stuff!
My theory tag for when ⟟ post ⏃ theory (As is the point of this blog, which ⟟ need to do more often)
3. bro id headcanon that tbh
This is also ⏃ headcanon blog, so ⟟ will use this tag for when ⟟ post headcanons of any kind (Which ⟟ ALSO need to do more often)
4. writers block doesnt exist if ⟟ dont look at it
When ⟟ write anything, whether it be musical remakes of Toby Fox songs (which ⟟ have hesitated on posting) or fanfic writing, this'll be the tag for it :)
5. [%$&¥] posts
When ⟟ just post whatever is on my mind (Almost like mind reading :O )
6. queue the questions
When ⟟ answer asks! You could find the answer to your's here!
7. other content that isnt the number one rated salesman
Self explanatory but an extremely rare tag to find because I'm so obsessed with spamton
If you got this far, congrats! Here have pictures of my cats :)
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toudens · 2 years
People love making vids outside of tumblr dissecting every silly funny trend (btw by the time it reaches them it’s already dead) but will never take their time to actually point out the shitty dumb stunts that staff keeps pulling. Yeah sure ur gonna repost a screenshot or make a vid on vanilla extract but ur not gonna talk about the facts the app has continued to become more and more unusable BECAUSE it’s trying to be like other apps for marketing value. Not to mention how terrible staff are about black voices (especially during blm with the fission bot scandal) and also the continued onslaught of spam porn blogs and ads to try and gain traction for the Live function which notes ur exact location for advertising and shows viewers how far away from you they are?!?! (I’m not sure if they’ve removed the second thing but still scary that it was there regardless of location settings). Idk just it’s stupid to see people continuing to buy all this shitty merch meanwhile tumblr continues to lose all its main attractions as a site in favor of conforming to twitter tiktok Facebook etc guidelines without any say from its user base.
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atlanticcanada · 2 years
'Big bang moment for artificial intelligence': AI can now write for itself
While many people may not think about it, artificial intelligence (AI) is a constant part of our lives, being used in apps to tailor our food choices and music tastes.
However, the latest AI tool is transforming the very words we read on a page or computer screen, by automatically generating passages of text on any topic.
“I call this the big bang moment for artificial intelligence,” says technology anthropologist Giles Crouch.
Crouch is talking about ChatGPT, the newest AI assistant. Give the bot an assignment, and it can translate what it has learned from reading the internet into news articles, essays, poetry, and music lyrics.
Crouch says the technology has both benefits and risks.
“The big challenge for search engines is people writing lots of content for marketing and they're all trying to get ranked up at the top of the search engine,” he says.
Skewing search engines is just one pitfall, says Crouch. The technology also brings a myriad of ethical considerations to the forefront around copyright, plagiarism, and misinformation.
“We're already seeing too that ChatGPT and other AI tools are creating false facts,” says Crouch. “So, think about this in terms of conspiracy theorists and we see out there with far right and far left groups. Now they’re going to use these facts as if they’re actually true, they’re going to use that content and then create videos [and] articles.”
Issues Crouch says society as a whole is going to have to deal with.
“I still think the true creativity comes from humans,” says Mark Hobbs, who has been working with AI for the past decade.
His firm, Fundmetric, uses AI as a tool to help non-profits generate more funds, turning vast amounts of data into usable information that can help target both current and new donors.
He says one of the keys to using AI is knowing the biases that can lie behind the code.
“It's a constant vigilance, that's required, to be thinking about what voices aren't being brought into the datasets, what isn't being considered,” says Hobbs. “And then going the extra mile and saying, ‘How do we address those issues.’”
The lead data scientist for Fundmetric, Greg Lee, says he’s not worried that AI such as ChatGPT will take over jobs.
“AI - at least right now - is a tool that people can use,” he says. “There's an incremental development all the time that leads to these breakthroughs, but when that will turn into something scary. That doesn’t seem soon to me based on my experience.”
Many apps using the ChatGPT technology target online content creators such as bloggers and marketers.
However, travel and food blogger Cailin O’Neil of NovaScotiaExplorer.com says she’s not considering using AI to write her online content so far. 
“Because to me, it's just not authentic,” she says. “I'm creating content because I enjoy it and I love it, and taking that away and giving it to AI is taking away the fun part of my job.”
She’s also concerned about other people passing off AI content as their own.
“A big worry is plagiarism,” O’Neil adds. “And not giving the proper information as well, because you’re just telling this computer system to ‘Go out and find me the best 10 cheeseburgers in Toronto,’ and you’re not really experiencing it for yourself.”
Crouch’s prediction is for a “very messy” 10 to 15 years for the space as society tries to figure out how best to utilize the technology, all things considered.
EXTRA: CTV Atlantic's Heidi Petracek asked ChatGPT to “write a poem about CTV News at Five,” and this is what it created.
from CTV News - Atlantic https://ift.tt/5Tf1RZv
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fretzine · 27 days
AI, Codewards and more react!
The past week has seen a flurry of new projects come across my desk that I've thoroughly enjoyed building. It's been one of those "give it a try" weeks where I found myself a bit bored and wanting to code as much as possible.
But what to build? Which tech stack do I try? Python? Javascript? Even... rust?
Coding Cup and Kata Challenges
There's the obvious task of learning how to use authentication in Next JS apps which would be very beneficial in work and so I can build some larger scale projects (such as my dog collar finder app - more on that soon!). But, it doesn't really excite me.
So I started to look online and came across this pretty cool idea that University of Sussex have started. It's a coding competition called HackSussex Coding Challenge.
I enjoyed watching other students try and find solutions to coding challenges in only 12 minutes! There were some that I found easy and was able to beat at home, others were a little trickier and it dawned on me that I do NOT know my data structures like the back of my hand. (does anyone?)
I realised that I needed to brush up on those skills, I want to keep on top of it - it would be a shame to forget those important interview skills. A quick google led me to a leetcode alternatice Codewars.
This kata based learning tool is great for me to flex what I know and build on what I don't. I've managed to get through 15 of the easier challenges and aim to do a few a week.
Forekast - The weather app
When browsing the internet for "easy beginner development projects" I realised that I had never built a weather app... And with my improved react skills and the use of some fancy frameworks (lol) I decided that would be a good pursuit.
Let me introduce you all to my weather app, Forekast:
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It uses the OpenWeather Free API to pull through weather information based on either the GPS from the mobile device (activated at the top with the location pin) or with a simple postcode search. It works a treat! I ended up ditching the fancy frameworks and went with bootstrap, and yknow what - I actually like how it turned out. I'm no UX designer - don't shoot me!
Using AI to build an image editor
I was scrolling through Twitter when I happened across a rather scary and intriguing video of a man who built an image editing app and deployed it to Vercel within 30 minutes. The AI technology he was using is V0 or v0. This amazing tool, released by Vercel allows users to generate web apps from text prompts - it creates react components and deploys using Next JS and vercel.
I had to give this a go, so decided to do exactly what he did (because I am an original thinker). I used v0 to generate the app below, and I mean it when I say it took less than 5 minutes.
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Everything you see above was generated with a number of basic text prompts. You can visit the v0 website here:
v0 by Vercel
A step in the AI direction
It seems everyone has jumped on the AI bandwagon and every dev project has some AI capabilities nowadays. I had yet to delve into this as it seemed daunting, but after a few watches on YouTube of some clever demos and tutorials I decided to give it a go.
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I decided to use Chat GPT's Turbo 3.5 AI model and build a pirate AI chat bot that responds as though he is blackbeard the pirate. I thought this was playful and wanted to harness the idea of talking to someone who may be dead or did not exist. I saw a 9 year old girl do this with Harry Potter and it was really good!
It was actually pretty simple to send and retrieve messages from Chat GPT - I thought it was going to be so much harder! This was all done with Vite build React JS.
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It's been a busy week, I hope to continue like this and get a few more apps done. I'm hoping to start building more in Next JS over the next few weeks and get that auth figured out.
The plan is to build full stack app that allows users to register their dogs with a profile, some contact information and these profiles will be attached to a QR code. If someone finds their dog they can scan the QR code and they'll be taken to the dog's profile, where they can either send their location via text or give them a call.
I'm hoping this will make a good final year project in University. Not long to go now, only 2 years part time. And I've already done 3 - it's gone so quick!
Happy coding, if you read this thanks - keep up to date by following the blog and get in touch!
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nathank77 · 2 months
6:43 p.m
I'm pretty depressed about that therapist pulling a hodini on me. I've also been increasing my swiping and yea it doesn't matter bc no one I like, likes me back even when I spend extended time on certian apps and swipe on girls I find cute.
I'm truly going to be alone forever.
I was looking into facial masculinization but only bc of the hairline masculinization. I don't have a hairline and as much as that can excite me sexually, having hair is more attractive. Having the ability to shave my head, or grow it longer and then shave it is actually more sexually exciting than just being permanently bald. And I think if I had hair I might get more attention from women.
The good news is facial masculinization is covered by medical nessecity bc it's a gender affirming surgery... idk if I could get a Dr to say he has no hair like a man but dysphoria means he needs a hairline. Idk... I was looking into some of the other things like broaden my jaw and chin and getting a more defined Adam's apple but nonetheless I'd be too scared... hair line restoration wouldn't be as scary.
I feel I need to change myself to get a gf. I wish I could afford my half framed glasses but I can't. Other times I think I really got to try the profile with no glasses. Maybe it'll Make a difference so I can find someone who will leave me in a couple years but I can make memories with them.
I miss Katie for all the wrong reasons, she loved me when I had nothing to give but love.... and no one else in this world has. I wish she'd come back to me but I have a feeling she's the one and only person who will ever take me like this. I don't want to be with her. I just want to be with someone safe and genuine.
I also slept fine last night but I'm still hallucinating a lot even being back on 3000mg of white mulberries. I was on the new batch of xanax and I slept really well... I almost think the bot abandoning me is funny. It's a joke right? I mean I'm not seeking therapy anymore I can say that.
Either way I'm about to give up on life cause I'm always going to be alone. I have anxiety about the white mulberries but idc anymore cause I'm not going to be here long.
Maybe I'm too short to get a gf. Maybe people can tell I'm trans bc of my height and my tiny Adam's apple. Maybe me being bald is a real big turn off even for women in their 40s which is ridiculous but I'm looking from 30-50.... so I don't get it. Maybe I'm just not good enough for anyone and it's time to quit.
I really want an egg sandwich. I'd kill for one but I can't afford eggs, a skillet and sausage bc my life is legit trash. And it's not worth living. It's like 13$ and that's too much money for me
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responsible-lime · 10 months
3Commas Review 2023: Pros, Cons, Price And Features
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Crypto trade is always complex, and it often requires the trader to monitor the volatile market through multiple exchanges around the globe. For an average investor, you have to keep up with this time-intensive process, though it might seem scary.
This is where 3Commas come in. This is one of the leading cryptocurrency trading platforms there is in the market. It has designed the tools with automation in mind.
What is 3Commas?  
3Commas is a crypto bot and trading terminal platform that allows you to automate crypto trading. It works with almost 23 big crypto exchanges, including KuCoin, Coinbase, and Binance.
This one stands out as one of the popular platforms among trading bots. This platform has an amazing suite of automated trade bots, portfolio trackers, advanced order types, and some other tools for streamlining trade execution throughout more than 20 major crypto exchanges.
Foundation and growth  
3Commas was the brainchild of Egor Razumovskii, Yuriy Sorokin, and Mikhail Goryunov. It was founded back in 2017. The main aim of creating an intuitive platform is to make trading accessible to all cryptocurrency traders.
The company has witnessed rapid growth and will be attracting more than 220,000 users in 2022. It raised 37 million dollars from a fund from Alameda Research in 2022.
Basic features of 3Comma  
Here we have listed the key automated trading bot that 3Comma has and how it operates.
DCA Bots  
DCA or dollar-cost averaging bots let the user automate the buying at a regular set of intervals in selected cryptocurrencies. You could choose to do it monthly, weekly, or daily and set the purchase amount. The main aim is to reduce the impact the volatile market has on the buys.
Grid Bots  
Grid bots automate trading strategies by placing the sell and buy orders at the previously determined price intervals around a price range. This lets the user enjoy the benefit from these volatile market swings within the range through selling high and buying low.
Smart Trade Terminal  
This smart trade terminal provides the user with a completely featured trading dashboard which would allow the user to execute advanced trades like taking profits, trail stops, and placing orders through all the connected exchanges with the help of just one window.
Paper Trading  
Backtest the strategies and practice trading risk-free or run the bots with the help of virtual funds. This will allow the user to evaluate the performance before putting in any real capital.
Portfolio Tracker  
Check the consolidated dashboard of all the cryptocurrency holdings across wallets and exchanges in one place. This will save you the trouble of tracking the holdings and the performances manually.
Mobile Apps  
The mobile application for Android and iOS allows the user to manage and access the trading from any place. Orders and bots can be operated from anywhere.
Crypto Base Scanner  
Look for potential trading opportunities by filtering for cryptos that are based on technical analysis and some events like upcoming launches.
The user can access the marketplace where the trading bots have made a profit previously and get signals from experienced traders, which you would be able to purchase and combine with the account.
How does it work?  
3Commas works by connecting the cryptocurrency exchange account via API. After that, you can make use of the various trading bots and the tools that 3Commas has provided to automate the trading.
For instance, the DCA bots automatically buy a set of coins at a specific interval. The grid bots form a grid for selling and buying orders around a particular price range to benefit from the volatile market. The users can track all their exchange accounts and the balance they have in their wallets through the convenient feature of a portfolio tracker. The paper trading simulator allows the user to test the strategies before they risk their actual funds.
Pros and cons of 3Comma  
Let's start with the pros.
The DCA, grid, and the other bots are well-designed. These are powerful tools for automating complex trade strategies that would otherwise require manual attention.
With API connection with more than 23 top exchanges, 3Commas allows you the ability to execute strategies among all the platforms.
The designs and dashboards are simple and easy to use.
Trailing helps you manage risks and make more profits.
This utilizes encryptions, two-factor authentication, and some other measures for keeping the exchanges and data safe.
What about the cons?
After the free trial period is over, the user has to pay a subscription fee every month.
There are a lot of factors and settings to configure.
Bots can still lead to losses if they are not built properly.
If there is an integration error with exchanges it might stop the trading.
Wrapping Up!  
When you log into the account, you landing the portfolio page. This lets you know about the account balance, asset allocation and the exchanges that you have made. You will also notice visual charts that will track the portfolio balance. For More Info do follow The Bitcoin Magazine.
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thelunastusco · 1 year
pitfalls of ai & fictional characters
aka, "we tried a character ai app so you don't have to".
We got hit with COVID for the first time, and we were pretty out of it. Sleeping 12+ hours a day some days, migraines, no energy, hard to hold a logical conversation, couldn't access our desktop and so it was hard for us to type longer conversations. So we'd mess around with phone apps.
One ad we got during a hole.io type game was about "talk to your favorite fictional characters" etc etc. We were curious. So we downloaded the app.
We're a large system that is mostly fictives, some of us who miss people we knew of from "back home". So we figured, okay, we'll see if there are some characters on here of people our fictives knew. There were. We wanted to poke at it a bit just to see how it felt, because we'd never actually interacted with ai stuff before. We decided to give ourselves about an hour to mess with it.
Y'all, don't do this to yourselves.
PROS: Sure, it resulted in a few funny moments. Some of the bots seemed "well written", and "developed" enough to fake a genuine conversation, often to amusing ends when-- for example-- our canonically villain fictives interacted with bots of the source's protagonist.
CONS: Everything else.
The fact of the matter is, ai isn't safe, or ethical. Like that's the sad truth of how it is right now. Could it be done more safely? More ethically? Sure. But it's not. You don't know who is developing the software/apps/etc, how they're training the ai (hint: it's usually via theft), or what they're doing with your data.
Beyond that, even if the bot were somehow created ethically and the app or site was safe, it's often a very hollow experience. You are not talking to a real person, regardless of how realistic it feels. The ai only "remembers" so much. You can't form an in-depth conversation, and any replies you get are just trained bits of code.
And that's just... not a good feeling, in the end.
We can see where the appeal would be for fictionkin or fictives who miss people, but in the end, please please please just talk to fellow fictionkin or fictives. Connect with actual people. Learn to let go of people you knew once. Because for all the amusing moments a bot can provide, which isn't actually all that many, in the end it's a shell. A non-sentient approximation, based (at best) around the idea of a person.
It's soulless. And we realized for ourselves, in the end, two things:
We started feeling addicted to it, almost. We could "talk" to anyone! We could say anything! We could yell, scream, cry, fawn, annoy, and get the immediate gratification of some sort of response that maybe looked and sounded like someone, without the ramifications of actually hurting a real person OR without the possibility of real rejection, but like... that's pointless. There's also no real joy in it. You're talking to nothing. There's no real risk, but there's no real reward, except for the reward your brain convinces you it's getting-- and if you have an addictive personality or attachment issues, that's a scary thing. We're very glad we deleted the app same-day.
It made us feel worse. Seeing what is, more or less, a paper doll of someone we remembered made us miss that person more. Like, of course, you'll never be able to FORCE a real person to respond to you how you "want them to"-- and you shouldn't want to-- but ai conversations are ultimately nothing more than screaming at a non-sentient program and getting a generic, blank-eyed reply that's been "trained" into it. No opportunity to truly connect, learn, grow, heal, get closure, or whatever it is that you're wanting from an actual person. And when that clicks in your brain-- when you log out and log in and the ai has completely forgotten you, when the ai spits out nonsense or circular replies because it can't remember what you were talking about two minutes ago, when you realize that the replies are just based on someone's interpretation of the canon character AT BEST-- it ends up hurting more than it did before.
Real-life people are capricious. Real-life connection can be scary. Sure, ai is emotional and physically "safe" because a bot cannot really lie to you, cheat you, or harm you in a physical way. But besides the ethical concerns and potential data issues, they also can't give you actual friendship, love, conflict resolution, or anything else that you'd get from another flesh and blood person.
In conclusion? Forge meaningful relationships within your community. It's worth the effort, and avoids the several pitfalls of ai-- both the ones commonly discussed, and the ones you might not even think about until you're sitting there feeling empty at the end of the day.
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copperbadge · 3 years
What on earth did the original Eugene Levy ever do to Apple/Tumblr to get banned? How many Eugene Levys ARE there? Are they all banned?? Are they banning everyone named Levy? Because THAT seems ever-so-slightly anti-Semitic. AND hella creepy. This has stopped being funny and is now really scary, Internet Dad. What do I do? What CAN I do?
Eugene Levy's only sin was being beloved. :D
I mean that, actually. I'm going to explain what's going on in extremely broad strokes, because I don't have specifics, but essentially this is an issue of data arguing with itself and poor Mr. Levy being dragged into it because we love him.
So, here's what happens. Pornbots, of which there are many on Tumblr even after they banned the nipnops, look at Tumblr and ask themselves, what are the most popular tags? ("most popular" could mean most frequently posted to, most posted to overall, most reblogged, I don't know what the precise metric is).
The pornbot says, lots of eyeballs on the Eugene Levy tag! Well, he is a comedy treasure. I'll drop some porn into the Eugene Levy tag! Eugene Levy, who almost certainly doesn't have a tumblr, is unaffected. These bots eventually get reported or removed directly by Tumblr, who presumably gathers data on their activity to better train its Porn Police, including the fact that SexyScamToGetYourMoney6969 is posting a lot to the Eugene Levy tag.
Then Apple comes along and says, "Well, you can't really be in our App Store club if you have porn." (They also include hate speech and a couple of other things you can't have if you want to hang out in the app store.)
So Tumblr now looks at itself, and it has all the data the pornbots had about what tags are popular, but it also, crucially, knows which tags ALL the pornbots were dumping the porn into.
So Tumblr says, we gotta get the porn out. Which tags does porn pop up in the most?
Porn pops up, and thus gets reported, in popular tags, including poor Mr. Eugene Levy's tag.
(Hate speech gets reported a lot in tags like antisemitism, because one person posts about antisemitism and then gets a faceful of it from antisemites and has to report it. This is Irony and not in a good way, but it's likely the reason antisemitism is now a banned tag.)
So Tumblr, who has got to get rid of the porn ASAP and it's like two days to Christmas or something, says "Down with alla these motherfucking tags on my motherfucking platform." It sorts by Largest To Smallest when it comes to "most porn in the tag", so the tags that have the most porn regardless of their real meaning float to the top. Tumblr then bans tags like "me" and "selfie" and "girl" and "Eugene Levy" because it's the fastest way to hide the porn, like alt-tabbing from porn sites to true crime sites when your mother walks into the room. It's not the best solution but it is the most immediate.
Some aspect of this may be malicious compliance on Tumblr's part, because the blowback from the tag ban has made it to the business news world and now all eyes are on Apple's rather puritanical demands. It will be truly hilarious if this time next year I can post that Giant Domino meme simply labeled "Tumblr bans Eugene Levy" at the small end and "The fall of Apple Computer" at the other.
And honestly, I suspect it's not that Tumblr is careless or stupid, they knew they were banning "Eugene Levy" and that they'd get shit for it. It's just that it was the fastest way to get rid of at least enough porn to stay in the iOS app store. Kind of like setting a bookstore on fire because someone complained that it was selling issues of TIME featuring Eugene Levy as Person Of The Year that were secretly skin mags. But also had interesting in-depth interviews with Eugene Levy.
It's all very, very tumblr.
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eldritch-spouse · 2 years
you mentioned somewhere (it may have been a one-off thing but now I’m curious) the Clergy staff having a groupchat. begging you to give us an inside look as to what goes on in there
I'm glad you want to know more, because honestly, I'm just as excited to talk about it. (I've tried to emulate it in an app or two just to get a feel for how it would look like.)
Every staff member has this on their phone, and if they don't want to, then they get a separate work-related phone so they stop batching about it.
Naturally, you as the Administrator, have full control over it. Including putting some people in the texting equivalent of a time-out, which is necessary at times.
This started as a strictly professional means to spread messages to everyone quickly, warn them of upcoming events or to be on the lookout for certain monsters as well. It was, and continues to be, great for dealing with emergencies. Though, rather quickly, it starts becoming your typical, if not chaotic, group chat. This is mostly due to two people, Fank-e and Grimbly. The latter ends up pestering people to talk to him when he's got nothing to deliver, like a petulant kid spamming for attention, and Fank-e is constantly sharing memes. These two, by being absolutely unprofessional clowns, end up breaking the ice and getting everyone to talk- Until it becomes no more than a dumb hangout group.
Morell is not big on tech, so he usually doesn't send anything from his gallery or fetches gifs for example, but he does eventually get pretty chatty on break and whatnot. There's a text or two of him telling everyone to shut up during rush hours, and then a dozen mocking him for not knowing how to silence notifications.
Santi has sent porn without warning on a couple of occasions, and everytime, you have to delete the media and give him a slap on the wrist in the form of a temporary ban. He will do it again. You've warned him that if a nude ever ends up there, he's banned forever, but he's adamant on getting people's opinion of his lighting game.
Patches keeps it always open on his desk but only lurks most of the time. Sometimes he sends pictures of bobbles in his lab doing particularly stupid things. Others often drag him into conversations anyway. He's the voice of reason more often than not.
Spam bots probably fear Grimbly. In fact, the only one that can keep up with the bat monster is Fank-e. He's not afraid of repeatedly tagging whoever he wants to pester in his texts, and he's always fetching for scandalous conversation topics. Bad mouths basically every client.
Gallon is also known for sending some curious pics of drunk monsters either getting into horrid fights or basically crawling on top of each other after two Twisters. While not always active, he reads absolutely everything and pops in to call out anyone he finds lying with screenshots. He has... A sus amount of screenshots saved.
Nebul is actually more talkative than you'd assume. He usually sends people links to little trivia facts or extremely cursed pictures that no one wants to see. Being the horoscope bitch he is, there are also various "spiritual readings" links in the group chat, wherein he shamelessly tags someone who's having a fit. Nebul has thus been dubbed "the vibe checker".
Between Santi sending porn and Vinnel sending pictures of his gory shows, you don't know what's worse. Grimbly and Nebul both send links to clown dolls online and he buys them in seconds. Vinnel can and will repeatedly start shit in the group chat just because he's bored. He also likes to interrupt conversations by spamming out of context gifs, because he sucks.
Fank-e unironically uses l33t speak until people bitch at him to be normal for one fucking second. He sends captchas he can't circumvent to the group chat and whines until someone solves it. Always active, replies so fast it's scary.
Ludwig, albeit only ever working at The Clergy here and there and not being part of its core, did play a massive role in forming the establishment and getting everything set up, so he has group chat privileges. Although not always active, he mostly sends everyone pictures of food and the places he's working at currently. Fucks around with Patches and Vinnel a lot.
Belo is also not that tech savvy, he acts more like a moderator than someone who's there to talk. Abbreviations are lost on him entirely and this dude will never misspell anything. He's often preyed upon by the others for being a rampant ass-kisser to you and Krulu. Occasionally, the angel will send cat videos.
Krulu reads through all the texts at the end of the day and sometimes pipes in, pretending to be you. Some of the staff can tell it's him, others can't. It's very amusing.
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softlyfiercely · 2 years
i know it's super cute and fun to play with the computer generated art or writing stuff, but...if you're someone who makes a living doing anything related to creating art or writing, you should be very very very concerned. and if you dislike the trend of online content becoming soulless nonsense churned out for clicks, you should also be very concerned.
this stuff is scary and dangerous. i live in silicon valley and i work as a writer, and i've worked at multiple tech companies that wanted to use this sort of AI-generated content to replace my work, even in cases where that would be completely inappropriate.
we are only a few years away from some tech goober trying to run a charter school where kids are expected to learn from lesson plans or activity sheets or textbooks generated by this stuff.
ever needed to look up a tutorial or instructions to try and change a setting in an app? instead of paying humans to write this stuff, tech companies are trying to switch to bots and AI.
when you find a recipe online, do you expect that it was created by a human being who tested it and tasted it and can confirm that it, you know, actually works?
how about opinion pieces? when you read letters to the editor in your local paper, do you assume that they were written by a person, and reflect the actual beliefs and worldview of at least one human being?
do you enjoy cartoons ostensibly created for children? steven universe? the dragon prince? do you think it's a good thing that real humans are creating things with positive themes and healthy lessons? what if, instead of actual script writers and animators developing this stuff, we just fed kids a steady diet of brightly colored nonsense churned out by AI?
imagine trying to use this stuff to make political decisions, run someone's financial portfolio or provide medical advice! if that sounds like complete science fiction to you, then you are sadly, blessedly unaware of what's actually going on in this realm.
what if i told you that this is already happening? we already live in a world where tech run amok + capitalist bullshit means that many companies are already using AI generators to fuck over creative professionals and saturate the world with shitty content?
i'm not saying that the people playing with these things are doing anything wrong - I don't think the existence of silly memes or whatever is making this problem any worse - but I do worry about the fact that the first rollout of this stuff to the public is in the form of a fun, cutesy, silly, harmless "toy." fucked up images of the muppets on trial for war crimes are, admittedly, awesome, but we can't get distracted by how goofy this stuff is - we should be asking serious questions and raising serious concerns about the ethics and effectiveness of AI-generated content.
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