#the branches you graft are as equally valid
difficult to explain the emotions the stupendium's shine through evokes in me but suffice to say. wough💙
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Hi Fate! 1 , 2 + 3 for the meet the shipper ask game ^^ -@softlygenti
hi Lexi!! :DDD
do you have any unique hobbies?
uhhh not really unique (and its less of a hobby now since it's actually my job) but ive always liked baking knfkdjslf. Aside from that my hobbies are drawing, writing, playing video games, and listening to music and imagining animatics i don't have the ability to make!
who was your very first fictional crush?
uhm. my wife <3. (by this i mean Phone Gal, she's the first crush i evver remember having - i had a really weird relationship w/ romance around that time and i also think it's really funny that i still have my first ever crush as an f/o)
what’s your favorite lyric in a song? why does it resonate with you?
hmmm this is a hard question. i'm probably going to have to go with the line "Family trees don't need be organic / The branches you graft are as equally valid" from Shine Through by the Stupendium! it resonates with me so much because found family is a concept that's very important to me, and i have friends that i consider more family than my actual family (notably my dad)
okay this got more serious than intended but oh well <3
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kerricaine · 1 year
"Family trees don't need be organic/the branches you graft are as equally valid"
The troublemaking thief, Rycalci
No past, no future, Rycalci, or Ryki, lives in the moment, jumping from whatever holds her interest at that second. While small, she packs a punch, and uses her diminutive size and mastery of wind to get into many situations. She's allied herself with Catholiena's pirate crew in their fight against the Arkadian empire.
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monorayjak · 6 months
Found Family
Family trees don’t need be organicThe branches you graft are as equally valid — The Stupendium, “Shine Through” Photo by Ryan Beirne on Pexels.com Just a small heads up before diving in, I am sick. Simple as that. I am sick and I am writing this while sick… so expect some odd word choices and potential errors. One of my favorite tropes in writing is the “Found Family,” its something I’ve…
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Writing through the Fog
Writing is trickery. It is a deft sleight of mind that tilts our attention in the correct position where the light slithers through a slat, laying claim to words. The words begin to bulge against the peripheral to the point at which nimble fingers catch them as they spill down on the page. Patterns emerge in the midst of chaos. Entire worlds and the people that define those worlds are created. Just from that nifty sleight of mind. That subtle tilt. That Confidence trick.
Once learned It will make for a smoother ride along the asphalt. The stars will align in an affirming pattern. The gorged moon will cast its light in all the right places as it falls through branches and windows and glimmers against every surface we catch in our eyes. Gifts for the ravenous imagination. They are everywhere. Gifts that can be transmogrified into ideas and stories. Snatches of humanity which clicks every choice and misstep, every tear and laughter into place. And above all, we seem to be in control. Holding the power to sculpt, pluck, rework, amplify, embroider, temper words until the image closest to our mind’s eye is reflected back through ink. Rinse and repeat if necessary. It’s an ongoing process. This need to control.
But in an attempt to shape our mind into discernible patterns, It transforms us.The realization of this is unnerving. The control sought is, in fact, an illusion. Just another trick we have picked up along the years. We are not in control. It is precisely the opposite. We are, in fact, the marionette of our work when all the tears have been shed, all the sweat and ideas have been wrenched out. We just become another element to the formula.
I have no choice but to give into the humility of that fact and hope it makes me become a better writer. I’m in service of the words, toiling away at the story. I strive for completion and validation and transformation. To be seen and to see. It’s on going process. Exhilarating and debilitating in equal measures. There is space between these polarizing extremes. In this space, I find an odd comfort in the familiarity and quotidian routine in sitting down every day pushing words out. I can find happiness in the pursuit of it all. It’s a purpose, a vocation, a calling. So I devote myself accordingly.
But I fall behind this routine sometimes. When my mind becomes bleary, ponderous, convoluted. The days get longer. My limbs strain against air that feels like molasses. A loathsome personality emerges that carries unsavory attributes that suffocate and snuff out any potential qualities that have dressed me up as a human being who had dreams and purpose, who owned the tools needed to graft pieces of oneself with focus and energy and efficacy. What a fictitious person had I been fashioning all those years? Nothing but a crazed ego. A lie I told myself to feed into the delusion I could actually become a writer or even be a happy, functional person. I let the pen slip from my fingers. Words are too disjointed in my head. They don’t stretch up to the standard I place them against. I grow tired and bitter and begin to utilize a brutal benchmark on which to judge myself. I trawl online till my stomach clenches and my throat constricts. The words pathetic, stupid, jealous, obsessive, indulgent, self-obsessed, undeserving, crazy, mediocre begin to shoot up like a geyser. These new, delightful attributes continue to rush forward till I forget what is real and what is not.
So what is left to do? Or say?
I cling on a surface, knuckles protruding and veins popping, clinging on a long held, desperate mantra.
Depression is a lie.
Perhaps. I think we tell ourselves all sorts of fanciful notions. Those that enable us to hold our heads high, eyes engaged with the world, our arsenal fully stocked and intact. Then there are the other lies we tell ourselves. Lies that are more effective. We fall into them without question or hesitation. They are penetrating in their effect which is why we accept these strain of lies unequivocally. We don’t have to work to reinstate them over and over again. They just appear like caked dust over an abandoned, splintered chair relegated to the corner where no one ever sits for comfort. But I want a lie that requires a little more effort from me now. A little more care. I want to be a participant. I want to feel the wind kiss my cheeks as I chase that special something that could change my mindset, change my life. So I hook myself onto the exploration and pick up that pen again. And maybe, just maybe, the lie I fashion will become something concrete and real. The fake it till you make it variety. One that doesn’t require self-loathing and abusive language skewing my perception and life.The fog and noise are still there but I’m writing my way to a clearing. I think I’m finding my way. There is a downy whisper brushing against my ears. I’ll follow it till it becomes a crisp language I can understand. This is my starting point and I think I’m finally okay in not knowing where I’m going. And tapping into that crazed ego isn’t such a bad idea after all. It refuses to let me fail. And I’m down with that. The alternative doesn’t bear thinking about. Not anymore. I want to finish that book I’ve been writing. I want to connect with people. I want to laugh again. I want to dance. I want to be silly. I want to rid myself of certain inhibitions.I want to find joy and curiosity in the mundane. I’m ready for peaks, no matter how small. Or at least I want to be.
It’s a start, right?
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pets-beaty · 6 years
via How Webs | Information | Technology | Education | Entertainment | SEO | Lifestyle
Plant Caring Article that How to Communicate With Different Plants
The experience of plants to be in the world is very different from the experience of our animals. Because plants can not move, they exist in a state of deep acceptance and peace in themselves. Emotions such as fear, hatred, jealousy, possessiveness, etc. are completely unknown to plants and would not serve any useful purpose. On the other hand, plants are able to experience a wide range of higher emotions, as we could hardly imagine.
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Plant Caring - How to Communicate With Different Plants
At the same time there are feelings that plants share with our animals, such as love, pain, joy, thirst, etc. It is the feelings that we share with plants that form the basis for our ability to communicate with them.
Feeling with plants is not so much different from feeling with people. For example, when we have sex with someone who really engages us, we feel a tangible wave of sexual energy that connects us to that person. In the same way, we feel connected to that person through a perceptible wave of anger and fear as we enter a room to look at someone who is crazier than hell. When a baby smiles at us, we feel a zipper of joy that automatically makes us smile back. However, most of our interactions with other people do not have this sense of belonging and emotional directness. Usually we do not even look at the people we talk to, let alone that we sympathize with them. Because of our social training, we tend to view sharing feelings with other people as threatening. We learn to close and defend ourselves, and to keep our interactions as sterile as possible.
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In order to be able to communicate with plants (or people), you must be able to regard them as your equals. If you are afraid (ashamed) to talk to homeless people, beggars, crazy people, etc. then you will also find it difficult to talk to plants. However, it is easier to communicate with plants than to communicate with people because plants do not have defense and self-esteem agendas that contain our own defense and ownership interest agendas. Feeling with plants (or people) does not mean that they have to gush all over them; all it means is to recognize them as beings whose feelings are as important to them as your feelings to you.
When you first learn to communicate with plants, it helps to be in daily contact with the same individual plants. Ideally, you should go out at least a few minutes every day, preferably alone, to the same tree or meadow. If you can not do this, growing garden or house plants will work just as well, although it is easiest to communicate with large trees. This is because from a feeling (light fiber) point of view, people and trees are very similar - the light fiber (auric glow) configurations of both people and trees are quite similar, while that of insects, for example, is very different from both. It is easier for people and trees to communicate with each other than to communicate with insects.
Now even the least paranormal person going to a big tree could pick up something of the personality (state of mind) of that tree. How does the tree feel - happy, sad, loving, happy, heavy? Can you pick up his gender: feel a male or female presence - or the age of it: young and powerful or old and soft?
This is not so difficult to do - you can call your senses to support your feelings, like seeing pictures in the clouds, except that you do it by feeling instead of thinking - by relaxing in the process instead of arranging. It is exactly what a rationalistic materialist ("scientist") would call "anthropomorphism."
Prickly trees (such as palm trees and Joshua trees) have, for example, a brutal, masculine energy. Cedar trees are usually clowns or wise guys. Banana trees are cheerful and loving. Crying trees really have a sad look about them. Tall, upright trees have proud and regal personalities. Trees that seem to reach the sky longingly reach out to the sky.
A good time to learn how to make emotional contact with trees is when they die. The next time you see a tree being felled, pause and calm your thoughts and look attentively. You could easily feel the pain of the tree just before it falls, because trees (and all beings) are full of power at the moment of their death and deeply affect the beings around them. Lumberjacks shout triumphantly "Wood!" When a tree falls to bridge their sense of shame and rupture - to block communication with the tree at the time of his death. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
Another good time to pick up the feelings of plants is when they are moving. Plants are happiest when they are in motion - blown by the wind and the rain. Whisk back to them when they wave at you (it is only polite). Watch how they dance in the wind. See how the trees that hang over paths and footpaths offer blessings for everyone who passes by them. See how the young growth tips are more vigilant, more powerful, and naively more turbulent than the older and softer lower leaves. Be aware of the consciousness of plants: when you walk through a forest or pasture, you feel that you are walking through a crowd of people who are all looking at you.
Some people absorb the feelings of plants by seeing faces in the bark or leaves. They lay that thought-form (of a face with a laughing, stiff, saucy, etc.) on the feeling of the tree, because so most people are conditioned to interpret feelings - by associating them with facial expressions.
What we strive for are feelings that can be held immediately, without the need for sensory indications. The senses, however, can be a useful point of reference and act as a bridge between imagination and pure feeling, that is how they function in dreams. If you look at your feelings instead of your mind, your visual attention is not focused on anything, but everything that falls into your field of vision, you stand out with the same impact (liveliness), as in dreams. To see in this way, you must keep your mind still and you must be in a joyful and desolated mood. If you are busy or grumpy, you can no longer see what plants feel, then you see a baby smiling at you.
Much of our social training involves learning to stifle our senses - not seeing what's right for our eyes, not listening to what our ears hear, being offended by smells, disturbed by touch. By cutting off our senses, we feel apathetic and separate from our world. Therefore, if we renew our sense of belonging that we had wanted as babies, we must put our senses back into our feelings. And because they are not so threatening, feeling with plants is a good place to start.
Not only do different types of plants have different feelings associated with them, but there is also a considerable individual variation in personalities between different plants of the same species, between different type of branches on the same plant and even between different leaves on the same branch. By keeping a leaf slightly between your thumb and forefinger, you can feel which leaves want to be picked for medicine or nutritional purposes and which ones want to be left alone. The leaves that want to be picked have a high, lively appearance, while leaves that do not want to be picked feel dead in your hand.
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Even if you can not tune in to the feelings of plants, you can still "talk" to them telepathically. Plants can talk to you in your mind and they do not seem to be distinguishing (from the beginning) from your own thoughts. That is to say, it will seem to you that you are the one who thinks these thoughts, when in fact they are the plants that send you messages. That is why it is important to keep your own mind as quiet as possible - to be in a relaxed atmosphere - if you expect plants to talk to you; if your own mind buzzes, it is impossible that the plants get a word in it. All thoughts or feelings that you have while sitting under a tree or working with plants are probably messages from the plants.
So how do you know if you actually communicate with a plant and not just that you imagine it? The answer is: you do not. You just go with your intuition instead of going with your concepts, what you have been taught. Instead of hypnotizing yourself to believe that the world of concepts is real, you hypnotize yourself to believe that the world of feelings - of magic - is reality. The only difference between these two equally valid points of view is that one of them talks to you, and the others do not.
If you feel like you are talking to plants, do not forget that what you are programmed to call the 'real' world is just a fabrication of your imagination. And if you start to call something else the real world, it becomes something else the real world; it becomes as real as this.
If you are in doubt, always ask the plant: "Do you, Mr. or Mrs. Plant speak to me, or do I just imagine it?" And if you always get the same answer, "It's me, the plant, it's me, the plant!" - Just assume that it is indeed the plant that talks to you and listen to what it has to say. You can ask questions and get answers, both questions and answers that come as if you have a conversation in your head.
It is easy to learn to talk with house and garden plants, because they especially like to discuss things such as fertilization, watering, shade, grafting and transplanting, etc. But in addition to such everyday matters, plants (especially large trees) can give you useful advice on all kinds of things. Take them your all types of  problems; Ask them what they think you should do. Some of my best friends and trusted advisors are trees.
Whether you are aware of it or not, you have been communicating with plants all the time. The soothing, healing, calming feeling that arises when you are gardening or outside in nature is actually your psychic attunement to the cheerful vibrations of the plants around you. To follow this feeling a step further - to the source - is to bring yourself into direct communication with the plants. It is as easy as smiling to a baby.
Plant Caring - How to Communicate With Different Plants
http://bit.ly/2F3NICY January 03, 2019 at 03:11PM http://bit.ly/2ReJjnd http://bit.ly/2F590Rx
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kerricaine · 1 year
"Family trees don't need be organic/the branches you graft are as equally valid"
Andy as Rycalci, the thief and troublemaker of the team lol"
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everysongineverykey · 2 years
did you guys know that ummm this world's not half as blue as the one you think you're passing through this fantasy that you've fabricated's desaturated and gray and you have to see that you can't escape it if you keep running away you've got this power inside and it's frightening drowned in emotion this ocean you're siphoning chromatose down to the tide that you're hiding in no one should be as alone as you try to be family trees don't need be organic the branches you graft are as equally valid so if your party of one's world is pallid go plant some paladins packing a palette
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everysongineverykey · 2 years
while we’re talking about the stupendium. Shine Through my absolute beloved, absolutely gender cosplay and banger lyrics and cool scenery (yes it was sponsored but despite that it’s still perfect)
if shine through has a million fans i am one of them. if shine through has ten fans i am one of them. if shine through has one fan i am that fan. if shine through has zero fans that means i am no longer on the earth etc etc they went OFF with that one. "no one should be as alone as you try to be" "family trees don't need be organic, the branches you graft are as equally valid, so if your party of one's world is pallid go plant some paladins packing a palette" "so you don't feel ready? well, who does? aren't you scared that you aren't enough? does it make you wanna yell (oh woah, oh woah oh woah) why the hell you agreeing with that stuff?" "this fantasy that you've fabricated's desaturated and grey and you have to see that you can't escape it if you keep running away"!!! and there is a reason i included their shine through outfit in my stupendium gender envy post. LOVE the rainbow eyeshadow
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