#the ceramic coffee pour-over sucks too
atasteforsuicidal · 5 months
Unpacking and finding more broken things is making me really sad :(
One of my grandmother's plates and my first le petit prince mug, especially :(
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humanpurposes · 1 year
My Heart Belongs to Daddy part vi, modern!Aemond
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Series Masterlist // Main Masterlist // take the breath that's true
modern!Aemond x step-daughter
Warnings: 18+, language, family tensions
Words: 4500
A/n: Here we go, the penultimate installment! Part vii is going to be the last part and I can't really believe we're almost finished 🥲
And this is a complete coincidence I finished this today but HAPPY BRITHDAY to Ange aka @ewanmitchellcrumbs!! Consider this a little gift from me as a thank you for all your love n support 💚
Also available to read on AO3.
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She wakes startled, her heart beating furiously to the sound of raised voices coming from the kitchen. 
She’s in the middle of the bed, curled up on one side with the bed sheets bunched up around her.
After the mess of last night, Cregan had gone to the pub with Jace and Baela. Evidently he hadn’t come back but his things are still strewn about her room, the brown leather holdall by the wardrobe, his t-shirt on the floor, his aftershave on her vanity.
She runs her hands over her face and forehead, groaning at the headache pulsing in her head as the shouting continues.
It’s a rarity for Alys and Aemond to get so heated, usually their arguments are a cold war of curt remarks and furious glances. She holds her breath, listening for specific words but she can’t make anything out.
It concludes with Alys shouting at the top of her lungs, “FUCK OFF THEN!” followed by the kitchen door slamming, a pair of loafers clicking against the floor of the hallway and then the front door opening and closing.
She goes to the window, pulling the curtain back just enough to see Aemond’s silver Jag pulling out of the driveway. Something about seeing him leave feels so final.
Once she’s thrown on a t-shirt and some shorts she treads carefully down the stairs, afraid to disturb the eerie silence that hangs about the house.
Alys is leaning over the counter, cradling her forehead in her other hand. She breathes deeply and slowly, the cup of coffee in front of her long forgotten. 
Finally she tries to compose herself, taking a sharp inhale through her nose, looking at her and forcing a smile, as if there aren’t tears welling in her eyes. “That’s it then,” she says, her voice hoarse from the shouting.
Panic strikes her gut like a knife, twisting and twisting until it burns. “Did he say why?”
Alys huffs bitterly. “He said it was ‘differing priorities’. Says he wants to reconnect with his family–” she licks her teeth and makes a sucking sound with her tongue– “he thinks I’ll just get in the way.”
“Is that actually what he said?”
“Well how do you–”
“I just know!” Alys snaps and she flinches. Alys waves her hand vaguely in front of her face before she starts to rub circles against her temple. “I just… know.”
She looks down at the counter, hoping to find some way to make herself useful. There’s another cup in front of one of the stools. Black coffee, half-full. She reaches for it instinctively. She can’t see the prints of his fingertips and lips on the white ceramic, but she knows they’re there. He’s left a packet of cigarettes behind too, the same packet from the dinner party.
She pours the leftover coffee down the sink and squeezes some dish soap onto a cloth to clean it out. Her hands are shaking and she almost drops it twice.
“Gods, as if I even cared enough to interfere with his family,” Alys tuts behind her. “They never liked me.”
She can’t bring herself to disagree, but it’s not like the Targaryens are renowned for being welcome to outsiders, let alone the woman in her forties who took Alicent Hightower’s precious golden boy from her. She feels cruel for thinking that, especially because she knows she would never say that to Alys’ face. 
There’s a tapping sound coming from the counter, a nail against cardboard. She glances over her shoulder as Alys drums her fingertip against Aemond’s packet of cigarettes. Her head is tilted and she hums distantly.
“I never meant for things to go this far,” she says, “but it’s done now.”
She can still feel Aemond’s hands on her waist and stomach, pushing her against the sink and pulling her back into him.
Why end it with Alys now? Had he told her the truth? Surely this would have turned out to be a very different conversation if he had. So why didn’t he?
“I just know these last couple of months have been fucking unbearable without you.”
She slowly places the clean cup by the sink, squeezes the water and soap from the cloth and dries her hands on a tea towel.
She can feel her heartbeat in her throat, and wonders if she’ll be able to speak if she tries.
Alys doesn’t look up at her, still preoccupied with the packet. “What is it darling?”
When she doesn’t respond right away Alys turns to face her. Her mother can often be distracted, even when she tries to talk to her, there always seems to be something that’s more important. Not now though. She looks at her, really looks at her, with red cheeks, dried tears and her eyebrows raised in a sympathetic expression. Focused, ready to listen to her.
There’s an old harbour down by Blackwater Bay, two tall stone walls cutting out a little corner of the shore. In the summer people like to go down to swim there because the waves aren’t as rough as they are in the open sea and the kids in King’s Landing have made a tradition of jumping from the harbour walls. She used to go with Harwin and Jace, before Luke was really old enough to swim. The wall is highest right at the end, from a slab of concrete which everyone called ‘the table’ looking out on the other side of the harbour. Every year she told Jace she would jump from the table and every year she walked along the wall and clambered up onto the concrete. She would look down at the waves, rolling, colliding and roaring as they splashed up against the harbour walls. Suddenly her body would start to tremble and she’d forget how to breathe. She never managed to do it.
Now she thinks she’d take jumping into the bay over what’s about to come.
“I’ve done something really awful.”
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The train from Oldtown to King’s Landing takes four hours. Four hours when she has nowhere else to go, nothing else to do but put her headphones in and watch the snow covered hills and fields of the Reach race past in a blur of white and green.
In the end she had accepted the Masters programme at the University of Oldtown. Alys’ reaction couldn’t be described as enthusiastic, but she would have been less excited for her to stay in King’s Landing. 
Looking back, her first term had been good. She enjoyed her modules, liked all of her lecturers (even the stricter ones), was doing well on all of her assignments and she had access to the Citadel Library, which was far older and more impressive than the library at KLU.
She moved into a dorm room in the middle of the city just a few minutes from the main campus and made a few friends who all shared a flat in the well-to-do East District, which was where she did most of her socialising. On her free days she took herself to explore the city’s museums and bookshops, or she’d get herself a coffee and a cinnamon pastry and sit by the bank of the Honeywine, watching the boats and the flow of the water.
It should have been perfect, and it was in some ways. She threw herself into everything, research and essay writing, afternoons in pub gardens and parties full of strangers. Her life had become a tangle of possibilities and it was easy to let everything else slip away.
She ended things with Cregan well before she left for Oldtown. She told him half of the truth; she hadn’t been feeling like herself lately and she wanted space to feel like a person again. She didn’t tell him about Aemond or the incident at the dinner party, and she didn’t tell him that she felt like she was wandering through her own life like a lost puppy, looking for something she couldn’t quite put her finger on, something that would fill the space in her chest that seemed doomed to remain hollow forever.
He seemed shocked but he took it well. According to Jace he’s been getting rather close to Aly Blackwood, a KLU graduate from her year. Aly Blackwood is best known around King’s Landing as a goth with a heart of gold. She has tattoos and piercings, wears sleek eyeliner and black platform boots and spends every weekend going to concerts or music festivals. She’s smart and a people person, just like Cregan. If things are heading that way then she’s happy for them. He deserves someone like that, someone who doesn’t lie to everyone around her, someone who doesn’t fuck her mother’s boyfriend halfway through a dinner party, while her own boyfriend was only in the next room.
Oldtown was the perfect escape, until the 1st December came around. Everywhere she went there were lights and trees, couples huddling close together to keep out the cold, while Last Christmas played somewhere in the distance. She enjoyed as much of it as she could, especially when her new friends dragged her to go ice skating or to Oldtown’s annual Christmas market in the square. But she couldn’t shake the dread of having to go home and spending three weeks in the house alone with Alys. Three weeks of sleeping in the bed where Aemond used to fuck her.
She watches the window as the treeline of Kingswood vanishes, and the shoreline of Blackwater Bay stretches before her, which means the city is only minutes away.
She takes her phone from her pocket and looks at it with the same nagging impulse that so far, she’s successfully ignored for months. This is her last chance to call him before she gets to King’s Landing. She doesn’t even know what she would say. She doesn’t want to talk to him or see him, but she thinks it would be nice to hear his voice or just know that he’s thinking about her– if he is thinking about her.
She opens her notes app and the note titled really good advice.
Don’t engage.
Don’t listen to songs that make you sad.
It’s okay to let go.
The train emerges from a tunnel and slowly starts to halt as it comes into the glass canopy over the platforms of Central King’s Landing Station. She slips her phone back into her pocket.
Alys picks her up from the station. She’s not wearing her usual red lipstick and she’s cut her hair into a stylish bob that makes her look older– in a good way– but other than that, she looks the same. 
They hug stiffly and exchange the same mumbled greeting. “Hi. You alright? Yeah, good thanks.”
Snow drifts down from a dark grey sky, but it’s not cold enough for it to settle, despite Ella Fitzgerald’s wishes for a “White Christmas” through the car speakers. The traffic is busy so she has plenty of time to admire the lights and displays in shop windows, and the trees twinkling inside the houses as they get closer to Queen’s park.
The house is gloomier than she remembers, but then she left it in early September when the weather was still warm. That’s her least favourite thing about winter, it’s dark and it’s only 4pm. It’s cold too. She wonders if Alys came straight from the office.
She leaves her bag at the bottom of the stairs and follows Alys through to the kitchen. She squints at the harsh lights as Alys rummages through the fridge. “Didn’t have any time to think about dinner,” she says, “the last few days have been non-stop.”
“That’s okay,” she mutters, familiarising herself with the feeling of the white marble countertops under her palms. “I can walk down to the shops, if you need?”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” Alys says, “you’re a guest.”
That’s a new feeling, being a guest in her own house.
To Alys’ credit, she’s making an effort to be around more. She comes home from the office earlier than she usually does and on the weekends she brings her laptop to the lounge and works from there. 
She has reading she could be doing for uni but she’s too tired to read. Lately, every time she picks up a book the words blur and fade into one another. When she’s bored of scrolling through her phone or flicking through the TV, she tries her hand at baking gingerbread to get into the festive spirit. They turn out surprisingly well but then she’s just left sitting in the kitchen by herself, nibbling cookies and feeling utterly ridiculous for it. Why does being alone have to be so embarrassing, surely there’s no one around to care?
The worst part about being home is how obvious they’re both avoiding a certain topic.
They’re eating dinner around the island in the kitchen. The fridge is stocked up in anticipation for Christmas day (which seems unnecessary if it’s only for two of them) and in the meantime they’re living off simpler meals, mostly pasta or something with rice.
“Rhaenyra’s coming over for drinks on Christmas Eve” Alys says after a few minutes of silence.
She pauses her mouthful. Alys hasn’t so much as mentioned Rhaenyra since the dinner party after her graduation, and before that the wedding. She dreads to think this get together might include some other Targaryen relatives.
She swallows. “Why?”
Alys frowns. Rhaenyra and Harwin used to alternate their Christmases between their fathers, one year with Viserys, one year with Lyonel and the Rivers. That tradition had apparently been abandoned after Lyonel died not long after Harwin. Last year it had just been the three of them.
Alys shrugs. “Rhaenyra suggested it. We’ll just have a few glasses of wine. You’re welcome to join us if you’ve not got other plans.”
Other plans are unlikely; none of her friends are in King’s Landing. So far the holidays have just been a waiting game, but the festive season seems to drag on when you’ve got nothing interesting to do and no one to see. 
“I’ll be around,” she says.
Then they come back to silence, apart from the scraping of cutlery. She worries if she’s chewing too loudly, it sounds loud in her head.
Then Alys starts talking about a new client of hers. She becomes surprisingly animated, clearly excited about the new venture for Rivers PR, until she mentions an issue with contracts and some legal dilemma, then she goes quiet. It was Aemond’s job to sort that stuff out, make things more manageable for her. 
She tries to change the subject by telling Alys about Oldtown, her new friends and the possibility of a graduate role at the Citadel Research Institute. 
“One of my lecturers is a partner there,” she says. “They usually reserve two placements for Oldtown students.”
“How long would it be for?” Alys asks.
“Two years,” she says, taking a quick sip of the bittersweet grapefruit soda Alys had insisted she try, “it’s paid work, and then I’ll have a job by the end of it.”
“Sounds like you’ve got everything planned out nicely.” Alys doesn’t say it like a compliment. Her voice falls as she speaks.
“I mean, it’s only a possibility,” she says, “I’d have to get accepted. I was thinking about applying for some stuff in King’s Landing too–”
“Do you like Oldtown?” Alys asks. Her expression is utterly unreadable. She might be furious. She might not care at all.
She places her glass down. Her stomach aches with hunger but she finds that she doesn’t feel like eating. “Yeah, I do.”
“Well then I see no reason to force yourself to stay here,” Alys says and promptly goes back to eating. 
Her chest feels like it’s about to burst.
She told Alys the truth. She didn’t try to justify what she did. She watched her mother cry, stood there as she screamed at her and gave her space when she wanted it. Seven hells, she had moved to the other side of the continent to give her space.
She knows there’s no version of this where she isn’t the villain, where she doesn’t wake up every morning and feel like a shit human being. Part of her is still trying to accept that her mother might never forgive her, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t want to try.
The edges of her vision start to blur. “You’re here,” she says.
She watches Alys’ chest rise and fall and her lips start to tremble as she sets her cutlery down. She breathes as she hangs her head, gnawing slightly on her bottom lip.
She anticipates another argument like the one before, that will leave her with a hoarse throat and a tightness in her head.
Then Alys turns her head to face her with glassy eyes. “I hope you don’t think I’ve held you back.”
“What? No, why would you say that?”
“You seem so happy in Oldtown I just… I hate to think that you only went to KLU for me. Don’t get me wrong, I loved having you at home for another three years, but I just wanted you to be happy. That’s all I’ve ever wanted for you–” she gasps a small sob but snatches it right back. She wipes her eyes with her fingertips, careful not to smudge her makeup. “I’m sorry if I’ve made things… difficult.”
She can hardly believe what she’s seeing. “No, no, no…” she utters, reaching for one of Alys’ hands. Her throat feels thick and when she blinks she feels hot and heavy tears trailing over her cheeks. “This was all my fault. Mum, you’ve given me everything, and what have I done with it but just be selfish and stupid and–”
“Oh come here,” Alys huffs. They both stand and Alys wipes her daughter’s tears away with her thumbs. 
“But you must hate me,” she whimpers, “I lied to you. I hurt you.”
Alys strokes her hands over her hair and cradles her, bringing her into her chest like she used to when she was a child. “I wanted to at first,” she mutters, “of course I did. I never would have thought…
“You know, I never actually thought I’d have kids. My parents weren’t exactly great at making me feel like a priority, and I used to think I could never be a parent because, well, I didn’t know how to be one.
“But you were so perfect. From the moment you were born I just knew I loved you, like I had never loved anyone before, and I knew I never would love anyone more than you, ever.”
She clings onto her mother like she might fade away, with the material of her blouse between her fingers and her ear pressed to her heartbeat.
“You’ve always been my everything,” Alys whispers, “I just… I don’t want to lose you.”
She pulls herself away from Alys’ embrace so she can look her in the eye. “I really am sorry, for everything with Aemond.”
Alys hums shortly. “Was it just sex?”
She’ll never forget that night in the hotel room, how stupid she felt, how empty it left her, how lost she was for months after. Sometimes she wonders, if she could, would she take back what she said? There’s no point in getting hung up on what-ifs. 
She still feels lost in a lot of ways, but the dust seems to be settling now. She just hopes things will be a little clearer now.
“I think it was for him.”
Alys frowns sadly. “Oh you stupid thing.”
She wants to cry all over again, but it’s a fair statement. “Are you sure you don’t hate me?”
Alys considers the question. “Maybe just a little.”
By Christmas Eve her mood has significantly improved. The weight has been lifted from her body. She doesn’t have to spend an hour convincing herself to get out of bed. She doesn’t lose herself under the warm, running water of the shower. She doesn’t feel so exhausted from the simplest of tasks.
She and Alys finally get not one but two trees up. The ‘proper tree’ is in the dining room, with golden lights reflected in the silver and glass ornaments. In the lounge they have a smaller one that sits in the window. It has fairy lights shaped like stars and mismatched decorations, little wooden snowmen, plush reindeer and polar bears they’ve had since she was little and golden birds that belonged to Alys’ grandmother. She likes the small tree the best because every decoration has a memory. She feels like a little girl again, buzzing with excitement to spend Christmas day with uncle Harwin, aunt Rhaenyra and her cousins.
Tomorrow, she'll wake up slowly, have mimosas with her mum, roast some potatoes, eat too much food and fall asleep curled up on the sofa. Nothing else will matter. She won’t keep second guessing someone else’s every move. She won’t cry herself to sleep thinking of every little thing about her that isn’t good enough to be loved.
Alys is adamant tonight will be nothing like the dinner party in June, thank the Gods.
She changes into a mini dress with a colourful floral pattern and styles her hair nicely. She tilts her head at her reflection and puts in some pearl drop earrings, but something still feels missing. She shrugs it off.
She helps Alys put out snacks and drinks on the kitchen island and choses a playlist of all the essential Christmas songs, just in time for their guests to arrive.
Rhaenyra looks as stunning as ever, in a black two piece that fits snugly around a growing baby bump, bright red lipstick and gold jewellery on her neck and wrists. She hugs both of them tightly and smiles beautifully in a way that makes her think she might be genuine. 
Baela and Rhaena follow behind her, which is a pleasant surprise.
“No boys with you?” Alys asks as they all walk through to the kitchen.
“Thought we’d keep it strictly pleasant company,” Rhaenyra says, “nice to have a bit of calm before we go to dad’s tomorrow.”
“Right,” she and Alys say at the same time.
They all sit in the kitchen. The twins are a year older than her. Baela’s been working at her grandfather’s company while Rhaena’s found her way into being a stylist, always posting from film sets and photoshoots. She looks the part too, she tends to wear bright, bold colours and pairs them with patterns and materials that shouldn’t work together, but somehow they do.
They ask about Oldtown and she doesn’t feel bad about repeating everything she’s already told Alys. The attention is quite nice.
Given the baby, Rhaenyra can’t actually drink but she pours some cranberry juice into a wine glass and sips it elegantly. “Jace told me you and Cregan broke up?” she says once the charcuterie boards have been finished off.
In that moment she tries to think of all the ways someone might react when they’re not bothered by something. Unbothered people smile vaguely and play with their hair without it seeming nervous. Unbothered people crack jokes at their own expense and laugh things off. Unbothered people don’t take as long as she’s taking to answer a question. “Um.. yeah.”
“Oh well, that’s life,” Rhaenyra sighs. “You know I broke up with my first girlfriend before I went to uni.”
“Yeah. And then she married my dad.”
She and Alys look at each other. They both try to look concerned at first, until she sees a flicker of a smile on Aly’s lips. She slips too, and they simultaneously snort into laughter. 
But once the amusement wears off and Alys and Rhaenyra retreat to the lounge, she still feels guilty. 
Baela and Rhaena are gossiping about some shared friends. She only half pays attention.
Maybe Rhaenyra meant it to be reassuring, empathetic, validating, but Oldtown wasn’t the reason why she ended things with Cregan, more a symptom of a single problem.
She has a sudden urge to reach for her phone, but she’s left it upstairs.
She was doing so fine in Oldtown. She was happy, busy, things didn’t seem to bother her as much as they do in King’s Landing.
“What are you doing for new years?” Baela asks. 
“Oh um, nothing. Mum has a fundraiser she usually goes to.”
“Are you not going to go with her?”
A ballroom full of canapés, elevator pitches and entrepreneurs making small talk sounds like a living hell. “Definitely not.”
“We’re all going to Dracarys,” Rhaena says, “you know that club on Silk Street? Why don’t you join us.”
She starts to shake her head. Hanging out with Aemond’s cousins sounds like it could be a bad idea. 
“I know what you’re thinking,” Baela says, “but don’t worry, it’s just us, Jace and a few other girls. Cregan won’t be there, he’s gone back to Winterfell.” 
She releases a shaky sigh of relief. Right. Cregan. The person she should be worried about.
“He and Aly Blackwood are a thing now,” Rhaena says.
She keeps her eyes on a space on the counter. “Yeah, I heard.”
The kitchen falls to an uneasy silence. Baela and Rhaena look at each other and she can feel the anxiety radiating off them, restless and uncomfortable without something to fill the lull in the conversation. She doesn’t mind the quiet. 
They don’t stay too late. When they go to leave the snowfall is a little heavier and leaves a light dusting over the drive and the cars.
“Let me know about new years,” Baela says, “we’ll have fun!”
She supposes so, and besides, she could do with getting out the house and drowning her sorrows with a sensible amount of margaritas. 
She and Alys stand in the doorway as Rhaenyra’s Escalade pulls away and disappears down an otherwise empty street, leaving a trail in the snow that is quickly covered again. 
Alys checks the time on her phone and shows her the time: 00:02. “Happy Christmas, darling,” she says, wrapping her arm around her shoulders.
She smiles and leans into her. “Happy Christmas, mum.”
Alys grins and nods towards the stairs. “Now get to bed or Santa’ll skip our house.”
She giggles softly as she goes, entirely pleased that Christmas isn’t turning out to be a complete shitshow. Alys has left a new pyjama set on her bed, white, fluffy and impossibly soft. It makes a difference from her old Black Sabbath t-shirt. She readies herself for bed, brushes her teeth and takes a few sips of the glass of water she’s brought up with her. 
Her phone is plugged in on her bedside table, but it must be fully charged by now. 
The moment she reaches for it, the screen lights up and it starts to ring. The glare of the white text makes her eyes sting: Aemond Targaryen.
All the months of distance are gone in a moment. All the time she’s spent trying to move on are lost for just one glimmer of hope. It would be so easy to accept the call. She doesn’t care what she should or shouldn’t say. One movement of her thumb and she’ll hear his voice. 
Don’t engage.
It’s okay to let go.
She watches the phone ring until his name disappears.
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A/n: I also realised that I've been referring to Harwin's father as Simon Strong which is incorrect, it should be Lyonel, so I've gone back and corrected that.
General Taglist: @randomdragonfires @jamespotterismydaddy
Series Taglist: @marthawrites @urmomsgirlfriend1 @aaaaaamond @boundlessfantasy @sahvlran @tinykryptonitewerewolf @arcielee @tssf-imagines @aemondsfavouritebastard @skikikikiikhhjuuh @queenofshinigamis @lost-and-founds @izzydlb @dc-marvel-girl96 @xcinnamonmalfoyx @padfooteyes @castellomargot @pet1t3 @okfashionista @khaothick @babygirlyofthevale (I'm so sorry I said I was gonna add you for last time and I completely forgot 😭)
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ohgodimafraud · 9 months
wake me up next time (j/jk itaf/ushi)
heyy here's a small j/jk fic in the fun like haha everyones thriving in the future,they all made it to 2023 2024 and are grown and most of the characters are in love au. theyre about 23 here if the math is mathing (it might not be but theyre early-mid 20s) and probs were the last couple to get together imo bc theyre kinda dumb.
minors do not interact tyty~
Yuji gasped and jolted out of his sleep. Something had shattered loudly. 
Megumi’s side of the bed was abandoned and cold, but the sounds of the footsteps from down the hall were so distinctly his. He groaned at himself—that’s what he got for lying under the covers and believing he’d stay awake. Yuji squinted at the clock on his phone and found it wasn’t even six in the morning yet. What could he be doing up at this hour?
Yuji found his boyfriend picking up shards of glass with a dish towel before depositing them into a plastic bag.
“Morning. Wow, can’t believe you’re already up,” Yuji greeted with a smile that quickly dissolved into a yawn. Megumi flinched for a fraction of a second before he hummed and rose to dispose of the broken ceramic. “Oh sorry, didn’t mean to startle you! What time did you end up coming back?”
Megumi shrugged. “Dunno. Didn’t sleep much, honestly. Be careful. I broke a cup.” He gestured at the floor vaguely and sighed like talking had sapped him of all energy, 
“You look exhausted.” Yuji noted, frowning. He left out the addition that he sounded exhausted too. “Was it really rough?
Megumi shook his head and cleared his throat.”Nah. The only thing that was really a pain was the flight getting delayed.”
“Ah,” Yuji said, giving him a once over; his hair was unkempt as it always was in the mornings, but the dark shadows under his eyes only made their appearances when he’d been sleep deprived for at least a few days. “That sucks. Are you all jet lagged? I know you don’t sleep on planes.” He put his hand on Megumi’s shoulder. He got a confirmatory nod before Megumi shrugged his touch off and faced him. 
“I made tea if you want some.” He nudged his head in the direction of the tea kettle. Usually he has a few cups of black coffee in the morning, but if Megumi was planning on going back to sleep anytime soon, tea would be more forgiving. Yuji nodded and Megumi pulled two cups from the cabinet without issue and poured a helping of tea in each and set them down on the table. 
“Thank you.” Yuji smiled and scooted closer to his boyfriend and wrapped an arm around him. He’d forgotten to claim his welcome back hug, but he didn’t want to make his tired boyfriend stand up again, so this would have to suffice for now. 
Megumi shook his head but didn’t turn to face him. “Wait…d-dohh h-hihh- eh’cshht!”  He ducked into his inner elbow and shook against Yuji’s grasp. 
“Bless you.”
“tzssht! h’Kxxt! ndh-- KXxsh’uh!” 
“Bless you!” 
“heh’eISHschh’tuh!” He kept his arm up and sniffled and rubbed his nose with his hoodie sleeve as a buffer between his nose and wrist. “Excuse mbe.”  It was normal for him to sneeze in multiples on occasion, but that last one had been particularly harsh and left his throat feeling raw. He coughed briefly against the cuff of his sleeve and took a small sip of tea. A small tear escaped when he closed his eyes and trickled down his cheek. 
“You alright?” Yuji rubbed his back. Megumi pulled his sleeve down after a moment and nodded. The spray was extremely visible, but Yuji pretended like he didn't notice. 
Instead, he kissed his temple and frowned at the unnatural heat coming from his boyfriend. “Oh.” He put his lips there again, the back of his hand moving to both feel his boyfriend’s cheek and to prompt him to make eye contact.  “You’re really warm.” He brushed away the stray tear that’d continued marking a trail down to his chin. 
“Figured.” Megumi sniffled and took a slow sip of his tea. “You shouldn’t be this close.” 
“Why don’t you go back to bed while I make you some breakfast?”
“It’s not that serious.”
Yuji cupped Megumi’s cheek to turn him so he could see the pout directed at him. “That’s not fair. You had me stay in bed when I was sick last month and I didn’t even have a fever.”
“That’s different.” Megumi said, cheeks flushing as he turned away, distracting himself with the warm beverage in front of him.  
“I mean, not that I’m complaining. I think about all that time in bed a lot.” Yuji waggled his eyebrows. 
Megumi choked on his sip of tea. Coughing was better than attempting to respond to that in his current state.
“I’m not really hungry.” He sniffled again. And again. And then he pawed at his nose slightly with the back of his sleeve in an attempt to discreetly sop up any lingering moisture. 
Yuji nodded and passed him a napkin that’d been out of reach. “Hm. We could break out those massage oils Nobara gave us. I bet your neck is all stiff. Especially if you were sleeping on the couch.” The hurt seeped in just a bit in the last remark. 
“It was the middle of the …night,” Megumi said, scrubbing at his nose with the napkin before crumpling into it entirely, “hihhtx!”
Yuji may not have shared Megumi’s affinity for sneezing, but there was something adorable about Megumi’s little fits: from the way the bridge of his nose creased with a few small wrinkles to the frustrated sounds he’d make trying to stifle them, to the way he always looked frustrated with himself if he knew people were watching. 
“C‘mon, you can let them out. It’s just me,” he said when Megumi didn’t put the napkin down and continued his silent but uneven breathing pattern. 
“I-it’s not that.” He turned and blew his nose slightly. 
“Oh it got stuck?”
He confirmed with a nod. 
“Well, when it comes back don’t hold back.” Yuji patted his shoulder and gave him a thumbs up. “Do your best.”
The color rushed back to Megumi’s face and the distraction gave the tickle a chance to respawn stronger than before. “Ihh’tshh! TZtshh!  TsChh’eh! ihdtShhu! H-hih…hDjtSHhh’uh!”
“Bless you,” Yuji murmured as Megumi tended to his nose again. He handed him another napkin, noting that the original one looked spent. “Good job.”
A few years ago this would’ve earned him a smack, but instead Megumi sighed and leaned into Yuji’s hold, temple meeting shoulder in a way he only did when they were alone. Yuji combed through his hair, content to stay like this for as long as Megumi needed. 
“You shouldn’t let me be all over you, you know.”
Yuji easily  pulled him into his lap and then into the proper hug he'd wanted before. “I’m not gonna catch anything from you.”
“I’m gonna take your cold from you!” Yuji announced before quickly closing the gap between them and kissed softly on his lips that’d gotten cracked during his time away. When he pulled away, he noted that Megumi’s feverish flush had deepened and he knew exactly why but would definitely bring it up later. He put his forehead to Megumi’s. “Wake me up next time.”
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yonkimint · 3 years
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Still Want You [Jin x Reader]
28. No Son of Mine - Part 1 ✎
You can’t help but smile when you walk into Tae’s living room, two steaming mugs of tea in hand, to find him still pouring over the script. If you had a free hand, you’d snap a picture of him for the group chat. Jimin and Jungkook would roast him endlessly but you know they’d be proud too. Tae has worked so hard. He deserves this.
He barely looks up when you set the hot mug in front of him and you have to stifle a giggle when he lifts the hot tea to his lips and burns his tongue.
“Careful,” you say belatedly, “it’s hot.”
“Thanks for the warning,” he grumbles, swiping at his lips with the back of his sleeve.
You settle down on the floor between the couch and the coffee table, wrapping your palms gingerly around the hot ceramic, and grin at your best friend, “Where did we leave off?”
Tae eagerly points to a random line on the screen that you don’t remember reading at all but you shrug and rattle off your line. You’ve been at this for about an hour now — and you’ve read scripts with Tae a million times before this — but the novelty never wears off. Maybe it’s because Tae’s eagerness never wanes.
He’s wanted to be a professional actor for about as long as he’s known how to walk. He has been in every school play and he would have auditioned for child roles if his parents would have let him. You know he’s faced a lot of resistance with them but maybe this will finally prove to them, once and for all, that he has what it takes.
“y/n!” Tae calls, waving his fingers in front of your face. You blink at him and he rolls his eyes, “Line.”
You are mid sentence when the front door swings open and Jin steps inside. Despite the fact that you both left the club hours ago, he doesn’t look like he’s had time to clear his head at all. You bite your lip nervously when he stops in the middle of the living room staring at you and Tae blankly.
“Hi, hyung!” Tae chirps, his tone light, like nothing bad happened at all today. You glance at his face and you can see the uneasiness in his eyes but if anything, this once again proves his acting chops.
“I made tea,” you tell Jin, “Do you want some?”
He doesn’t say anything but he nods ever so slightly and you’re on your feet, off to the kitchen, away from your nerves and the tension your boyfriend has brought with him. You aren’t sure what the damage is yet but it must not be good if he can’t even speak to you.
You’re certain Hobi wouldn’t have told Jin what happened. He’s too ashamed but it’s still possible he could have made you look like the bad guy even though you were just trying to help. And a lot has happened since then. Hobi could be mad at you for any number of reasons in the years since then.
You suck in a deep breath and pull another mug down from the cupboard, filling it with warm liquid. You have to go back to the living room now and face the consequences of whatever happened tonight but you just hope there’s a way forward that doesn’t involve Jin losing his best friend and coming to resent you for it.
As you walk back towards the living room, you hear Jin say, “He told me she’s playing me. That the only reason she’s with me is because I treat her like her dad did.”
“Man, no offense, hyung, but fuck that,” Tae snaps, “he’s just mad because y/n knows his big secret. y/n loves you for you. She knows you could never be her dad and she would never want you to be.”
“She’s told me a couple times that she felt like her dad sent me to look out for her though. I wonder sometimes if maybe the line gets blurred for her,” Jin sighs.
You grip the mug tightly, ignoring how it burns your skin. 
He really thinks you’d get your feelings for him confused with missing your dad? You try to see it from his perspective before you get too irritated. You have talked a lot about how he makes you feel safe and how there are certain things he does that do remind you of your dad. But you always thought of it as your dad giving his blessing, not that Jin was there to replace him.
“You’ll have to ask her about that but I definitely wouldn’t take Hobi’s word for it of all people,” Tae says.
You take this opportunity to step back into the living room, before they go any further down that rabbit hole without you.
Jin is sitting on the floor beside your abandoned mug of tea and he smiles tiredly when he sees you. This all must be so exhausting for him trying to figure out what the beef is between you and Hobi and being met with resistance at every turn.
He reaches for the mug as you come around the table again and carefully sets it down on the wood grain. You bite your lip, knowing his mom will be mad if he leaves a ring on her furniture, but then his hand is in yours and he’s pulling you down to him.
“Thank you,” he whispers, pressing his lips to your temple before he turns back to the tea and takes a careful sip.
“I don’t want you to treat me like my dad,” you tell him, deciding it’s better for all of them to know you overheard their conversation, “That’s not why I’m with you.”
Tae starts to gather up his things and says, “I’ll give you two some privacy.”
“Actually,” you stop him, “I’d like you to stay. It’s time to talk about Hobi.”
Tae settles back down and crosses his arms over his chest. “I would just like to state for the record that I have been tolerating Hobi because y/n asked me to but I do not like him.”
You narrow your eyes at him, “Tae, you can just admit that he said something out of anger and held a grudge for a really long time and you’re mad about that but he’s still a family friend who you have conflicting feelings about.”
Tae raises a finger to stop you from rambling on, “That takes way too long to say and he told you he hoped your dad died and then a week later he did. I don’t like him!”
“He WHAT?” Jin roars. His eyes are blazing and you shoot Tae a scathing look for bringing up the part about your dead dad before you’ve had a chance to explain the events that led up to that comment.
To Jin, you offer what you hope is a pacifying smile and pat his hand until he calms down enough to listen.
“It’s not like he murdered my dad,” you reason.
“He manifested it!” Tae argues.
The two of you scowl at each other again. Maybe you shouldn’t have asked him to stay for this after all and you’re just about to tell him so when Jin asks, “If you knew what he said to her, Taehyung, you should have told me when it happened.”
“y/n asked me not to!”
“I don’t give a shit what y/n asked you to do. If he said that to her, you should have told me!”
Tae bows his head, cowed, and mumbles, “Sorry, hyung.”
Jin turns back to you, obviously holding back his frustration just enough to ask you, “What happened?”
You drop your gaze to your lap. Pulling your hand from Jin’s, you toy with imaginary loose threads on the hem of your dress. This is a big story and you need the words to come out right. 
Stealing a deep breath, you begin, “So the drama teacher used to let Hobi use the theater’s sound boards after school to record and one time, I came early to set up for one of the plays and he was still in the sound booth. That’s how we started working on the plays together. And that’s why I started to develop a little crush on him.”
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The Kind that Never Slows Down | Damian Wayne
✦ pairing — older!Damian Wayne x female!Plus Size Reader
✦ word count — 10k
✦ summary — Gotham is hit with a spell that changes your perception of Damian forever.
✦ warnings — nsfw, semi-public sex, non-con sex (not really but just to be safe), angst, language, light jealousy, light possessiveness, mentions of food, smut, unprotected sex (please don’t do this), consensual sex, vaginal sex, cunnilingus, fluff.
✦ author's note — this one should’ve been published a long time ago, but I just got around editing it. Hope you like it.
The abandoned building smelled like piss and mold, the only light available entered through a broken window, and you were pretty sure you had heard rats roaming around.
But you didn’t care. Robin’s hands were all over you, plump lips sucking on your neck like his life depended on it as he pounded into you.
It wasn’t enough.
He had skipped foreplay on your insistence. You needed him more than anything, if he didn’t fuck you right there in that moment you wouldn’t be able to survive.
He grunted out of pleasure as you clenched around him, gripping your hips to ground himself as he picked up his already relentless pace.
It still wasn’t enough.
Having his cum down your thighs and marks over your neck from his kisses wasn’t enough either. Your body craved all of him, including his whining and abrasive words.
Noise outside prompted him to part from you completely. Both of you fixed yourselves as best as you could in silence, avoiding looking at the other.
You followed him outside with a sense of guilt hovering over you like a dark cloud. You felt like you had just gotten out of a trance after committing the worst of the crimes.
Nightwing stopped you by yelling, “Where were you? I looked for you two everywhere.”
“We were looking for you,” Robin lied smoothly.
Nightwing’s shoulders slumped as he nodded. “Well, Zatana undid the spell.”
Suddenly Damian’s urgent voice as he said he needed you made all the sense in the world. His need for you and your need for him had been magic-induced.
Of course it had been! You two were mere acquaintances who fought all the time for the most minimal things in the world or ignored the other to the point of making people around you uncomfortable. It was a surprise that you worked well together at night.
“A lust spell, right?”
“Well, no,” Nightwing chuckled. “According to her, the spell showed people what their heart desires the most.”
Robin stiffened beside you, and you felt every drop of blood drain from your face and fall to your feet.
“Did you hear a lot of people having sex?”
“Yeah,” you croaked. “Tons of them.”
The moment you got home, you ripped your suit off and walked into the shower. You washed his cum off you, scrubbing your body twice just to make sure.
Wishing the soap could erase the marks on your neck and the memory of the way he had moaned your name, you decided to take a pill to sleep.
You hadn’t needed one of those in months, but Damian was that special. Or annoying.
God, you hated him and his stupid ego. He would surely find funny the lengths you would have to go to put this in the past.
He loved being the center of attention as much as he hated you, that was why you always tried your best to avoid him. When you didn’t avoid him, he made weird faces at you and scoffed every time you laughed.
Turning the lamp off, you hoped for the best.
Meanwhile, Damian ignored Dick’s inquiries. Why did his brother care if he was extremely quiet or if he looked like he was about to explode?
Your scent was all over him, still bewitching him, overpowering his sweat and the smell of everybody around him.
Looking down at his hands, the gloved palms that had hours before gripped and traced as much of your body as your suit had allowed him to, Damian clenched his jaw.
How could he have been so stupid? There was no other reason for you to beg him to fuck you the way you had — magic! He fucking hated magic.
But Dick’s explanation... that was worse. More stupid. He hated it too. His brother had to be wrong.
It wouldn’t be the first time someone from his family was wrong regarding magic, and Zatanna while an expert had her own biases.
Besides, his heart could have been desiring to get off the most just like yours. The two of you were busy people after all.
“Did the spell show you anything, Dami?”
The prettiest face he had seen in his entire life. “A pet demon.”
He regretted the lie the moment he said it. Damian wished a lot of things could be different. His mother would be furious if she knew how sentimental he was becoming, if she found out how often he gave into wishful thinking.
For once, he wanted to be open. But as always something was stopping him. Sometimes he wondered if he had been born to be like that or if his grandfather had simply lied.
Leaving the cave the moment he was dismissed, he trotted upstairs almost praying Dick wouldn’t follow him.
He couldn’t stop replaying the way you clung to him, or the harshness of your kiss. It had felt real, and too perfect to be happening to him all at once.
But you hated him, everybody and their mother knew that.
Barbara had never been subtle around you. There had never been a need for such a thing — she was like the older sister you never had, you two carried the other’s secrets and burdens.
Back when you met her, barely as a teen, she provided a safe place you only had ever dreamt of having. You vowed to give it all back; she deserved it.
“What’s up with the turtleneck?” She asked, unsubtly so with her bright eyes on your neck.
“I have a cold,” you feigned a rasp. Perhaps this secret wouldn’t be shared.
“Mmmh. Really?” She poured herself a cup of coffee. “Dick said Damian was feeling under the weather too.”
Yup. Definitely not sharing. It would be embarrassing. She had always had the theory that you were in love with Damian just because you complained about him on a weekly basis.
It was like she had never met him.
In a way, the theory was correct. But it lacked a lot of details — a spell had confirmed it from all things. It sounded ironic, quite suitable to your situation.
“Flu season, I guess.”
It was a bad lie. Everybody knew when flu season arrived because Tim started getting a stuffy nose and limiting his consumption of Red Bull in order to drink more water.
”Did the spell from the other night show you anything?”
You faked a cough, shaking your head. “I was busy on patrol.”
“I was too and I saw Dick.”
“That’s just wishful thinking, Babs. It’s cute, though.”
Her not seeing Dick would have surprised you. They had known each other for years, gone through so much together... most people wanted what they had.
“Is there a particular reason why you’re lying to me?”
You wrapped your fingers around your mug. The heat transferring from the ceramic to your palm reminded you of Damian’s breath on your lips.
Taking a gulp of coffee, you blinked rapidly. “You don’t think it’s cute?”
She rolled her eyes. “Everybody saw something. It’s how those spells work.”
“There must be something wrong with me.”
There really had to be something awfully wrong with you. Saying out loud that you wanted Damian more than anything in the world terrified you.
It was a normal thing. Not wanting him specifically, but wanting someone — everybody craved attention and love at some level, you just happened to crave Damian’s at every single one.
He was the problem, not you.
Movie marathons weren’t something Damian really cared for, but they were better than hearing his father complain about minor things like if he had ruined a goon’s lungs or whatever.
Alfred called it bonding time which he supposed was a fair assessment. He found Tim’s taste in movies quite good, and now he didn’t get the urge to strangle his slightly older brother in his sleep.
His stepmother was there too. Selina had been the reason why Bruce shifted his ways, she urged him to either find a balance or stop adding people to the team.
Duke made him pass a bowl of popcorn to Tim who did the same to Stephanie. The bowl landed on Dick who was on the row behind them, just next to Jason.
Getting more comfortable on his seat, his eyes fell on the empty spot to Duke’s right. Cassandra used to sit there until one afternoon Duke couldn’t seem to shut up and she asked you to switch places. You always went with the things Duke said, sometimes even asked his opinion.
Damian complained once, telling his sister to suck it up next time. But Cassandra would never do something he told her to, that was perhaps why she was his favorite.
Everyone around him was in an amazing mood which he didn’t understand. Bruce had just tried to tell a joke, and Jason was mocking how dumb it was.
Selina laughed loudly, in that way people did when they felt genuinely happy. At least that was what he supposed; Damian wasn’t sure he had ever experienced happiness.
The sound of an approaching wheelchair made his ears perk up. Not a single pair of shoes could be heard against the floor. Fighting a frown, he turned to look at the door.
Barbara waved at all of them with a smile, maneuvering her wheelchair to sit next to Dick’s seat. Craning his neck with the excuse of saying hi, Damian watched her give Dick a chaste kiss.
“Where’s (Nickname)?” Dick asked, lifting his arm to rest it on the back of Barbara’s chair.
“She said she was feeling sick. Although...” Barbara giggled, leaning onto Dick’s arm. “I heard the voice of a guy in the background so she might have company.”
Damian felt sick upon hearing such a thing. First, you had asked to be paired up with Duke for patrol and now this? It was too much even for your pettiness — granted, he had planned on putting more distance between you two, but he hadn’t gone around trying to find someone to erase you.
The thought never crossed him, not for a single moment. He had wondered why he wished to cling to a memory when he had never been the sentimental type, but he realized that to be the entire point of deep desires.
“Well, it’s time,” Stephanie commented, “she’s been single for too long.”
“Let’s hope we don’t have to scare him off,” Selina added.
Damian stood up from the now uncomfortable seat, forcing Duke to do the same so he could leave. Duke stared at him weirdly, with worry, as if he knew something Damian didn’t want him to.
He probably did. Damian had been careless two times in a row. God, he needed to get a fucking grip. Unconsciously, he fiddled with the neck of his sweater.
“Oi,” Jason called for him, “where are you going?”
“Out,” he answered angrily. “If other... members... may skip this, why can’t I?”
Barbara and Dick shared a sideways glance.
Only telling Alfred that he would be back later, Damian followed the path towards the garage. Skipping his bike for once, finding himself thinking he wanted to take as little shortcuts as possible for whatever reason, he took his car.
Damian had always been a fan of driving. He didn’t know why, it was tedious and didn’t serve many purposes in the grand scheme of things; not to him. Ever since he learned, he took every opportunity he got to drive whichever vehicle he could get his hands on.
Having control over vehicles and machines was nice, he supposed. If people were a little bit more like said things, everything would have been easier. The world would be boring, but easier to habit.
Saving people was easy, caring about them from afar gave him enough human interaction for his standards, but he would never understand them.
And for the first time since he tried to decode his mother’s attitude, he wanted to understand someone more than anything. Perhaps that way said someone would understand him back and untangle this mess.
The building before him wasn’t welcoming. He had never put foot into that place, but he knew every single person that lived there — patrol gave him that kind of knowledge. And he did some research months ago, but no one needed to be aware of such thing.
He pressed his ear to the door he had been looking for. The dishwasher was on, but he couldn’t pick up any other sound. Damian knocked on said door three times, quickly and loudly. There was no answer so he did it again. A door slammed shut inside the apartment, a groan accompanied by a string of curses got clearer as stomps approached him.
Standing tall and straight, he felt a thrill down his spine as the lock was loudly fiddled with.
You swung the door open, rubbing your eye. He observed you had thrown a turtleneck on, upside down. Damian walked past you without invitation, analyzing the living room.
There were no clothes scattered all over the floor like he had imagined he would find.
“What are you doing here?”
He ignored you, exploring the kitchen. Damian opened the fridge, narrowing his eyes as he inspected. He did the same with the cupboards.
Shoving your bedroom door open, he found the bed undone. The TV was on, playing an old movie. He heard your steps as you followed him, repeating your question.
“Is someone from the team in danger?” You asked next.
Damian pulled your closet open, tilting his head. You could’ve been more organized, he admitted to himself, but there was nothing unusual.
Craning his neck to look at you, he inquired, “Where is he?”
“Where’s who?! What’s going on?”
He stared at you, waiting for you to crack. To his surprise, you stared back — defiant, blinking less and less as the seconds passed.
You were mad, he could tell. It only made him grow more suspicious. Tensing under your eyes, sharp instead of soft like they usually were, he scoffed; he couldn’t show he cared.
“Dude,” you insisted, “you are scaring me. What happened?”
Shaking his head, he pushed past you again and continued his search. The bathroom was warm, the mirror fogged up and tiles sprinkled with drops of water.
He turned around, watching you again. Well, your hair was wet now that he paid more attention to it...
Damian checked in the small laundry room too, but he found bottles of detergent and folded towels next to your suit. Nothing else. No one else.
“Shut up.” He pointed at you with a finger.
“You are the one who came to my place to look for whatever or whoever you are searching for! Unprompted!”
He didn’t answer.
You went back to your bedroom to turn the TV off and pause the movie, resigned to the fact that he had ruined your self-care day.
No one knew you would be home that day. You had ignored everybody’s calls and avoided being active on social media just in case they were stalking you. Turns out the utmost secrecy isn’t enough to avoid Damian Wayne.
He stood in the living room, looking down at the coffee table as if expecting the furniture to turn into something else. Fixing his eyes on the centerpiece he knew Dick had given you as a gift because it reminded him of you, Damian furrowed his brows.
“Have you been alone the entire day?” He asked, feeling your presence behind him.
“My neighbor brought some cake. Other than that, yeah.”
“Barbara said you had... company.”
“I haven’t talked to Babs in days.”
Barbara had continued asking about what you saw that night with the spell, and you weren’t willing to say it still. Weeks had passed, but it felt like mere seconds had at times. It was so easy for her to ask, to assume things.
Only you knew the conflict you were feeling. She would never understand how awful it was to find out the one you desire the most is the one who likes you the least.
You had entertained the naive idea that he was in the same position, but the more you replayed what had happened, the more you convinced yourself it had been one-sided. He gave in because the release was pleasant, nothing else. People say things they don’t mean while having sex.
You had done it before, for fuck’s sake. You had faked having a good time before, who was to say Damian hadn’t done the same with you?
“Have you seen anybody else?” He blurted.
“My neighbor, I told you.”
He reformulated, “Have you had sex with anybody else?”
You considered lying, you really did. It would make the tension go away, you would have to see him around with other people but it would save you from a lot of embarrassment.
A part of you told you it was stupid, that you wouldn’t be able to take it. Much less when the people who usually took some interest in you tended to ghost you for whatever reason.
“Not since that night, if that’s what you’re asking,” you admitted.
“Good.” It slipped, but he didn’t care. He meant it, and it felt nice to say things he meant, no matter how harsh they could sound.
You rounded the room, crossing your arms as you stood in front of him. “Why are you here?”
“I was told you had company,” he repeated himself.
“And your logic was to interrupt me?”
You couldn’t believe him. Did he want you to be alone and miserable your entire life?
The worst part was that you would probably be. Finding out you liked him, that you wanted to have him around, that you craved his attention, and his touch, rocked your world and shattered it.
Who would ever compare to him? His flaws were other people’s better qualities, even you who didn’t know his good side that well was aware of that.
“Do you really hate me that much? I’ve never done anything to you!”
He finally lifted his head. You wished he hadn’t, you wished you didn’t have to see anything other than anger in his handsome features. “I don’t hate you. I would make your life a living hell if I did.”
“You could’ve fooled me,” you chuckled, way more sadly than you thought yourself capable to feel regarding anything that came from him. “You roll your eyes at me every time I visit your house, Damian.”
“It’s not intended at you.”
“The scoffs sure are,” you reproached him, “and your stupid comments of how unfunny anything that makes me laugh is.”
“It’s not because of you,” he shouted. Shaking his head, vexed, he twisted his mouth as he huffed his anger out through his nose. “Cassandra’s jokes aren’t even that funny.”
“Why don’t you laugh at mine?” He reproached now, crossing his arms to mimic your stance. “Why is it always one of my siblings or my friends who get a positive response but not me?”
“Oh, come on! You’re saying that like I didn’t come by hearing you say my name a few weeks ago!” Your words stunned him into silence which you used to your advantage. “You never tell jokes in front of me, how am I supposed to laugh at them? I always feel like shit because you only accept being around me on patrol, you entrench yourself in your room and make a point to slam the door shut just so I hear... you know what? Forget it.”
“I hate seeing you with them,” he said, wishing his words hadn’t carried that much emotion. “I always bribe people to not ask you out or to leave you alone, I have to watch you hug Jon and kiss my siblings’ faces. You’re always so damn nice until I appear... I prefer being alone than enduring your indifference.”
You widened your eyes. “You bribe people to not ask me out?!”
“Is that the only upsetting part from everything I said?” he snapped.
“No, no. Of course not. I just...”
He hummed. “It’s stupid, I know.”
“A waste of money, honestly.”
“If I didn’t, you would be with someone else right now. Probably Duke, you’ve always liked him.”
“You bribed Duke?” You let a small laugh out. “Duke? Our Duke?”
“Yes! Stop mocking me.”
“Duke knows everything, you know?” You admitted, uncrossing your arms.
You hadn’t been able to keep things to yourself for that long. Seeing Damian around suddenly hurt. The feeling had always been there, but finding out that he was your heart’s deepest desire wrecked your perception
When you told Duke, he reacted casually, as if you had told him the most obvious thing in the world. He said you and Damian were the only ones who hadn’t seen it.
“He knew certain things before I did, in fact,” you added. “Besides, I see him as a brother and he sees me as a sister.”
Damian nodded. It made sense, now Duke’s attitude seemed normal in comparison to what Damian had assumed.
He always assumed things. Bruce had told him once that he needed to learn to ask before acting out — this was the first time Damian found his father’s words useful.
“Why did you kiss me that night?”
“I believe it was more than kissing.”
“Yes.” Damian hadn’t been able to forget, he never would. “But why?”
“I felt... I don’t know how to explain it,” you confessed.
The room suddenly felt small, extremely hot. You shed the stupid turtleneck, it wasn’t like he hadn’t done the stubborn marks on your neck.
Make-up had hidden them well for a few days, and most of them had faded already, but there were two bite-marks, too big and deep, that needed more healing time.
“I was scared,” you told him, “that’s why I felt the rush to take your hand. And it was enough for a while, but then it wasn’t, I wanted you closer.”
“I couldn’t breathe. I assumed I was being poisoned. Then you took my hand and I panicked for a moment, I thought...” his voice broke.
You gave him time, trying your hardest to hide how surprised you were by hearing him like that.
“I thought you were having the same symptoms,” he rasped. “I’ve been trained to fight those things off, but you haven’t and I knew you would die. Your hand made it better for a few minutes, then I needed you closer too.”
“We can forget about it if you want,” you assured him, avoiding looking at his face in case your comment relieved him.
“I don’t.”
Damian reached for your hand in the same fashion you had that cursed —literally— night, shakily, urgently.
And in the same fashion he had, you allowed him to take it.
He brought you closer to him. You observed he looked more tired than ever, perhaps because things had been tense for the past weeks. You couldn’t have possibly looked too different.
“The spell doesn’t have to dictate this,” he said, tilting his head to look into your eyes. “It won’t. You know I don’t trust magic.”
“The spell is not the problem,” you whispered.
“I didn’t think there was a problem.”
“We have never spent time together outside of patrol, Damian.”
He sighed, nodding. “Get changed. Let’s go out.”
Only a lunatic would give their self-care day up for a guy. Well, you didn’t really care if people thought you were a lunatic, and Damian wasn’t just a guy — still, giving up the ice cream in your fridge was a sin.
A sin you were happy to commit.
Damian waited for you to get changed, patiently if anyone asked you. It had taken you a few minutes to even choose something appropriate, based on his own outfit because that was just logic.
He slipped his cellphone into his pocket while you locked the door. As you turned around to take off, he offered his hand.
You took it, intertwining your fingers with his as you walked down the hallway. In the middle of the stairway, you bumped into one of your neighbors who smiled sweetly at both of you. To your surprise, Damian smiled back.
Also surprised to discover he hadn’t taken his bike, you bowed as a thank you when he opened the door of his car for you.
“Do you want to put some music on?” he offered.
“You pick,” you said, curious as to what he would play.
You could’ve sworn he was nervous as he stared down at his phone, looking for something to play. He scrolled down, then up — he switched apps, then continued scrolling.
“I’m not picky.” Your tone was soft, an attempt to assure him.
“I don’t really listen to a variety of genres.”
“What do you listen to the most?”
“Classical. My mother got me used to it.”
You rested the side of your head on the backrest of the seat, looking at him. “You can play that if you want. Or we can just talk about the weather and whatnot. I think it might rain tonight. You like rain, right?”
He locked his cellphone, turning to face you. “Yes. It calms me.”
“I hated it as a kid,” you disclosed, hoping it would ease the tension and better his mood. “I was scared of thunderstorms.”
Igniting the engine, he prompted you to continue, “Not anymore?”
“No. My mom used to tell me that the only reason why they were so noisy was that the sky was happy to unwind and eventually I believed it.”
“That’s cute.”
“I had a phase in which I was in a bad mood if it didn’t rain.” You laughed at your own comment. “Now I like it just fine, less obsessively.”
“I had a similar fixation with snow.” He laughed too, and your stomach did somersaults — it was the first time you had heard him laugh genuinely.
Damian didn’t talk about life at The League often, he didn’t feel compelled when he knew the preconceptions that came with simply mentioning the place or his maternal family.
In fact, everything Batman Inc.’s members knew had been from Bruce. He liked the secrecy, those were parts of him and no one else. But he was willing to share tiny pieces with you.
He saw it as something supposed to be shared between two people interested in starting a relationship.
So he continued, “I would only climb mountains if they were covered by snow. My mother called me a brat many times, but she gave into my wishes for a while.”
“How did you grow out of it?”
“I broke my elbow.” He briefly looked to the side and then took a turn. “I proved her right, and I didn’t like not having the last word so I started despising the snow. I don’t mind it now.”
Before you could ask anything else, he pulled into the grocery store’s parking lot.
He picked a basket once inside the store, making a motion for you to follow him.
“What are we buying?”
“Fruit and whatever you want for a picnic.”
Realizing you weren’t near the fruits aisle, you gripped his sweater, steering him to the other side. Of course he wasn’t used to doing groceries.
He silently allowed you to guide him which was a win, Damian hated being told what to do no matter how small the suggestion was.
It didn’t take either of you too long to get everything you needed, but he spent ten minutes choosing a blanket as if he wouldn’t ruin the poor thing with mud and insects.
Passing the clothing area on your way to do checkout, you elbowed him on the side. He stared down at you, then followed your eyes as he realized they were fixed on something.
Damian groaned. “You’re so funny.”
“Oh, come on! You’re telling me you wouldn’t buy Batman underwear?”
“You’re lying.”
“I am not.”
You narrowed your eyes, keeping your laugh in when you saw what resembled a pout on his face. “Robin’s?” you tried.
You lost it at that. “Are they comfy?”
“Will you stop laughing if I say yes?”
“Only if it’s the truth.”
He just nodded, then did the gesture upward so you would resume the path towards the exit.
Pleased with his answer, you walked towards the checkout line. Damian stood behind you, breathing your scent in.
“Is that a new perfume?”
You craned your neck. “How did you know?”
Shrugging, hoping he was being nonchalant enough, he said, “I have a good nose.”
After a brief fight over who would pay for the groceries, —which he won by saying it had been his idea—, you left the store in direction of the park.
Your hand found his naturally, as if your palm’s place was to be pressed against his bigger one.
It felt good, but not really because of that bullshit —true, but bullshit still when magic was so unpredictable— of him being what your heart desired the most. The truth was that you could feel in his grip how much he wanted this to go well.
Swinging your clasped hands, you walked around the park, looking for the perfect spot to sit at.
You found a spot away from the kids running around, against a tree. Damian laid the blanket on the grass, placing the paper bags onto it next.
He slid an arm around your shoulders, using his other hand to eat.
“Do you think your family is already spying on us?” you asked gazing at him as you leaned onto his arm.
“I am certain.”
“You don’t mind?”
He lightly smiled at you, reaching for a strawberry. “Not at all. Do you?”
“Nah. I’m not looking forward to Barbara’s teasing, though.”
“Why did she tell us you had a guy over?” He bit down into the fruit.
“She has always said I have feelings for you.” You wiped the corner of his mouth with your thumb. It never occurred to either of you that you would need napkins. “And I guess she put two and two together when we covered our necks and used the same excuse.”
“In my defense, I could have blamed Tim.”
“In my defense,” you copied his smart-ass tone, “I didn’t want to talk about it.”
“You told Duke from all people.”
“Duke was supportive.”
Damian hummed sarcastically. “I’m sure everybody knows the details already. He loves to gossip.”
Seeing you frown before you turned to look to the other side, he reached for your farthest cheek, softly pushing your face so you would stare at him.
“I don’t care if they know.”
You wished you could have believed him. “If you didn’t, you wouldn’t have avoided me the same way I avoided you.”
“I cared,” he clarified, “not anymore.”
“What changed?”
“Me, my priorities… my vision of you, of this.”
You took an apple in your hand. Rolling the fruit in your grasp, you only nodded. Saying something else would have been nice, appropriate even, but words escaped you.
The fact that he didn’t hate you was still pretty new, shocking to some extent. His willingness to be seen with you by family and strangers alike was a huge compliment, and a big deal.
It was too serious so suddenly… you liked it no matter how scary it was. There had to be a reason why he felt so sure about this, and trusting Damian had never been a bad idea.
Except from that time when you ended up with stitches all over your arm, but you could let that go if it meant having him by your side. As corny as it sounded.
“Meetings will be weird, won’t they?” You sunk your teeth into the apple, hearing him chuckle.
“Less awkward, I hope. Although I enjoy vexing my siblings.”
“We can have fake fights in front of them if you want.”
“And blame them for our nonexistent problems?”
“Of course, I’m sure they will try to give their input either way.”
Damian groaned. He feared just that. It would be out of a place of care, he knew, but it didn’t make it less intrusive — he could picture Dick, sitting down in front of him in the cave, with a big smile and dangling his finger as he told him the way he was supposed to treat you.
He liked to imagine that Cassandra would only threaten him. Perhaps Stephanie would do the same and stop Tim from patronizing him.
Not wanting to ruin the moment by thinking what would Jason and Duke do, he shifted and changed the subject to the movie you had been watching earlier.
You explained that it had been one of your favorites and told him the plot between bites, amused by the fact that he was trying to look interested even though you knew it wasn’t his type of movie.
He told you about the movies the team was supposed to watch that day. You didn’t feel guilty for skipping; as much as you loved them, you needed time for yourself.
Spending time with Damian on this occasion counted as time for yourself, although you would make yourself clear to him that you would eventually need alone time for real. It was a mere exception.
The two of you walked around the park for a while, talking about random things. He was surprisingly easy to talk to once you tried, and God did you try.
It couldn’t get better than hearing him speak casually, about the architecture nearby and the types of flora around the park, in a light tone and with his hand in yours.
Your fingers played with his, and once again you found yourself in awe of him, of how comfortable he was with the mindless gesture and his willingness to keep up with it. You doubted someone would ever surprise you as much as Damian did.
Slowing down a little bit to take the scenery in, you naturally tightened the grip of your fingers on his.
It was such a nice day to be outside… perhaps the weather cast had been wrong and it wouldn’t rain.
The city was bathed in a pink glow as the sun set, unrecognizable. No one would have guessed such scenery to take place in a deeply violent and corrupted place, not even the most optimistic person in the world.
You remembered clearly how surprised Jon had been the first time he saw something other than thundering rain and gray skies in Gotham.
Glittering under the sunlight, the flowers at the end of the playground looked alive for once as the sky stunned many around you. And when you turned to look at Damian, curious about his reaction, you found his eyes solely on you.
The trees, so green under the light of dusk, had nothing on Damian’s eyes. Such thought, so familiar that you felt as though it wasn’t the first time it crossed your mind, so natural that you found it a fact and not an opinion, made you forget about everything around you.
He continued gazing at you, finding the curiosity in your beautiful eyes flattering. Oh, how much he enjoyed being the object of your attention.
The scenery behind you was gorgeous, he was certain of it. In his opinion, you complimented the view in ways nothing would ever do — there was something in your peaceful semblance as you tore your gaze off the sky and admired him instead.
You could’ve been sharing a silent moment with the strangers around you, one of those things he had heard you say once made the world make sense, yet your eyes were on him, on his face. And it made him feel important like nothing before had.
His father’s praises, the ones he had sought for so long were nothing in comparison. Dick’s patience although fundamental to his development as a man fell short against the way your eyes were shining for him.
Twilight swirled around you, but his eyes never left your face nor yours did his. The world didn’t exist, and if it existed, then it didn’t matter — not when you found him worth all your attention, not when he thought you to be brighter than the sun itself.
The air in the car as he drove you back to your place was thick and tense. He hadn’t said a word since he told you about that time Bruce inaugurated the school across the park.
Damian looked lost in thought, like often you had seen him while out on patrol. The places his mind took him had never compromised his performance — you admired that.
Bruce had called him out an infinite amount of times, but he couldn’t do anything else when Damian always delivered. You had wondered how he did it many times, but now you had to assume Talia taught him.
He walked you into the building, fingers brushing your wrist as you fell in natural silence.
Fumbling for your keys, you felt him lean onto the wall just next to your door. You took more time than needed to open the door, hoping he would say or do something.
When he didn’t, you pushed the door open and turned on your heel to face him.
“I had an amazing day with you,” he said, eyes on yours.
You breathed out, “I did too.”
Why couldn’t the day last longer? You logically knew you would see him again, but something inside you wanted him to stay. You wanted him to stay, better said.
Would it be too bold, too sudden, to invite him in? He probably had patrol that night — hell, you were supposed to be getting into your suit at that moment instead of pondering on whether you were brave enough to imply you wanted to spend more time with him; preferably in your room, naked.
Fuck it. If he said no, you would say you had patrol either way.
“Do you want to co—“
“Yes,” he answered before you could finish the question, letting a relieved sigh out.
You pulled him into the apartment, arm around his neck as you used your other hand to close the door.
His lips fell on yours as he kissed you slowly, arms delicately around your plump form. He took his time to map your lips with his own, somewhat afraid of kissing you wrong.
Damian grew confident as you attempted to kiss him more firmly, as steadily as your giddiness allowed you to. Tasting the fruit he had eaten earlier off his tongue, you wrapped your other arm around his torso, bringing him closer.
Smiling on your lips, he angled his face, kissing you with the same urgency he had the other night.
Eagerly, he tangled his tongue with yours until both of you were panting in search of air. As you caught your breath, Damian fiddled with the ends of your turtleneck.
Clearing his throat, he asked, “Can I take this off? It’s getting in the way.”
“I can take it off—“
“I would like to do it, if you don’t mind.”
“I don’t,” you assured him.
Damian slid the turtleneck off you slowly, huffing a small laugh when the blouse you were wearing under inched up. Placing the item to the side, he leaned to kiss your jaw.
Placing your hands on his sides, you slanted your head upon feeling his lips travel down to your neck.
He kissed the bite-mark left from before, softly, giving it small pecks. “Did I go overboard with this one?”
“A little bit. It’s been a pain in the ass to cover.”
“I’ll be more careful from now on,” he promised, leaving more light kisses over the area.
Your pulse quickened at the implication of his words. Damian felt the rush of blood on your jugular where he scattered wet kisses.
He trailed his lips up, breathing in your ear. You shuddered, fighting a whine as your hands looked for the hem of his crewneck sweater.
You inched the sweater up to his chest and waited for him to stand straight so you would be able to take it off. Damian was too busy kissing your face to care.
“Hey,” you did whine this time. “Damian, let me take it off.”
Smirking on your cheek, he hummed. Slowly, painfully so, he pulled away from you.
Once you had gotten rid of the sweater, you grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and pulled him into a kiss. He curled his arm around you again, wanting you flush against him.
He slid his hand down and took a handful of your ass, making you buckle your hips up. Dragging his lips to your jaw again, he said, “Your stupid suit didn’t let me do that last time.”
One of your hands stayed on his shoulder while the other landed on his hip. Your fingers played with the loops of his jeans as he continued gripping and grabbing your ass like he had never touched one.
Angling your face, you attached your lips to his neck. Damian’s grip on you tightened.
“I want to take it slow,” he whispered, “but you’re making it really hard.”
“Metaphorically?” You mouthed his throat, hand sliding down to his chest, squeezing itself between both your bodies.
“And literally,” he whined. You loved the sound, for once not demanding yet still bratty.
As your hand slipped downward, you continued kissing his neck, paying special attention to the juncture of his neck and shoulder. You hoped your lipstick wouldn’t dirty his shirt — or maybe you hoped it would, both were fine with you.
Damian put some space between you, understanding what you were trying to do. While you undid his jeans, he undid yours, considering it would be better to get rid of everything on his way now that he was still feeling patient.
Shoes and socks off, the two of you shed your jeans without care of where they landed. Now the living room’s floor truly was covered in scattered items of clothing and this time Damian enjoyed the view.
“Come here.” He reached for you, eyes on your chest as his hands ghosted your sides.
You looked up at him, unable to hide the enjoyment you got from his hungry eyes being all over you. Following their movements, you also observed their slow dilatation.
He inched a hand up your side. You assumed he would finally knead your breast but he merely ghosted its outline, head tilted as he watched his own hand move.
For a few moments, he only did that, almost as if he was in a trance. The warmth of your own palm on his lower abdomen as your fingers brushed the elastic of his boxers made him react.
You pushed him back, towards your bedroom, pulling the door open and shoving him inside. He smiled, lifting his arms in mock surrender.
Damian sat down on your bed, relishing into the smell of everything you owned — the bedding smelled like a mix of fabric softener and your delicious new heady perfume.
You got the urge to kiss his entire face, hands on his shoulders as he slanted his head back for you to do it comfortably. He relished on the gesture too, so spontaneous and warming.
He placed his hands on the backs of your thighs, urging you to straddle him. Watching you second guess yourself, he drew you closer to encourage you.
Giving a last kiss to his nose, you complied. Damian snaked his arms around your waist, a pleased smile pressing against your chin before he kissed your mouth.
You bit his lip, tugging on it. He crashed his lips against yours again just to then do the same himself, intentionally bitting harder than you had.
A moan escaped you. Feeling his cock twitch under your navel, you rocked your hips to watch his reaction.
His arms tightened around you as he tutted against your core. “This is the reason why I never train with you,” he groaned.
“I thought it was because I almost broke Tim’s leg once.”
“Don’t mention anyone else right now.”
Right. You had forgotten he had been jealous earlier.
Damian rolled over, switching places with you. He kissed you before you could pout, cradling your face with one hand while he held himself up with the other.
You placed a hand on his upper back while the other rested on the side of his neck, kissing him back with the same amount of passion he was kissing you.
He had you breathless in a matter of seconds, and as he broke the kiss, you saw his nostrils flare in attempts to catch his breath quickly.
Trailing kisses down your neck, he dropped his hand to your breast. This time he kneaded it, humming against your skin when you reacted with a small sound. His thumb brushed your nipple, playing with it while he busied himself with leaving marks on your chest.
So much for being careful, huh. At least those were easier to hide.
“Do you want me to eat you out?” He asked bluntly.
“If you’re in the mood.”
He kneeled on the bed, hooking his thumbs in your panties to slide them down. You lifted your hips to help him out, laughing when he threw your underwear behind him with little care.
You opened your legs for him, finding a comfortable position as he stayed there, taking all of you in, completely naked and at his mercy.
He kissed your thighs first, teasingly nibbling on them. Every time he got closer to the center, to where now you needed him instead of only wanting him, he pulled away and went back to your thigh.
Slowly, he dragged his index finger up and down your folds. Damian rested his chin on your right thigh as he watched his finger collect and smear your wetness, proud of the fact that he was the one who had made you wet. No one else.
Your breath hitched in expectant excitement as you saw him finally bury his head between your thighs. His tongue followed the same path his finger had outlined, at the same rhythm.
“You taste even better than I imagined,” he praised, licking his bottom lip clean.
As he gradually increased his rhythm, licking long stripes along your folds, you got bolder and urged him to be firmer by pushing your hips upward.
He moaned against your pussy, playfully sucking your labia to let you know he got the message.
Bringing an arm up to pin your hips back down, he used his other hand to open your legs a little bit more and part your labia.
Damian pressed his tongue on your clit, moving it gently at first. He wanted to know exactly what you liked and how. It didn’t take him long to switch between using his lips and his tongue which earned him a loud moan.
His hand caressed your thigh, eventually sliding between the mattress and your body to grab your asscheek.
You whined his name, reaching down to hold the back of his head. It was clear to you that he was enjoying every sound he managed to make you blurt, and it felt really good, but you needed more.
Out of nowhere, he tugged on your hips to slide you down the bed. Kneeling on the floor, he sucked fervently on your clit.
You fisted the duvet, begging him to keep going. Damian complied happily, mouth latched on your clit as your pussy swallowed his moans and the four walls of your bedroom made yours bounce.
They were music to his ears and his entire body. He could feel the tingling all over him, excitement and pride flowing through his bloodstream.
Massaging your ass, he couldn’t help but chuckle upon feeling both your hands on his head now. He allowed you to push his face farther in, not once slowing down.
Your hips bucked up and instead of restraining you, he moved with you. If you moved up he did down and vice versa. You got louder and he marveled at how responsive you were to him.
He growled, gripping your ass with force as he sucked on your clit until his cheeks were hollow. He let go only to repeat the motion, letting his tongue wander when he needed a break.
You tugged on his hair, squealing. Your body tensed in his grasp, prompting him to continue with his ministrations. Feeling the tremor in your legs as you tried to settle back down on the bed, he started lapping tenderly.
You caressed his hair, panting with your eyes closed. Damian lifted his head, hands softly dancing over your thighs as he stood up.
Feeling him hover over you, you opened your eyes albeit with a little difficulty. His mouth and chin glistened with your slick, wanton eyes inspecting your semblance.
“Do you want me to suck you off?” you rasped before clearing your throat.
He caressed your sweaty cheek. “Later.”
He shut you up with a kiss. “Later, please? I just want to be inside you.”
Nodding against him, you kissed him again. Tasting yourself off his tongue was addictive. You held him still for a moment, licking your slick off his gorgeous face.
Damian growled, deep and loud this time, hands already on your waist. “Should I wear a condom this time?”
“No. Unless you want to?”
He shook his head. He didn’t want a single thing to keep him from feeling you fully. Damian stood from the bed. “Get on all fours.”
You rolled on your side first to then do as he had told you, holding your breath as you waited for him to stand behind you.
He rested a hand on your hip. “Ready?”
“Yeah,” you gave him your consent.
Damian entered you slowly, little by little, less worried about hurting you and more about making you feel every inch of him as his cock filled you.
You breathed out through a whine. He gave you time to adjust to his size, leaning to kiss the scar on your back.
Wanting to stay like that forever, you waited more than you should have to. If he was aware, he decided to be patient — such thing only made you grow wetter.
“Go ahead,” you told him, hoping you didn’t sound too desperate.
Reaching over, he gripped your hands. “You feel amazing, beloved.” He kissed your shoulder, nibbling on your skin as he rocked his hips.
God, you didn’t know if his comment had been what flattered you or the pet name. Either way, hearing them was as amazing as the way he felt inside you, filling you like no one before him had.
His hands left yours. He opted for placing them firmly on your hips and thrust into you steadily, keeping you from moving too much.
Humming in pleasure, you held the edge of the bed in anticipation. He went faster exponentially, calculating every single one of his thrusts.
Having control over his thrusts and the movement of your hips was nice and all, but he needed you closer.
Slapping your thigh, he croaked out, “On your back.”
You missed his girth the second he parted from you so you could change positions, it made you feel empty.
Damian helped you get comfortable, holding your thighs open before you got the urge to rub them. He smirked when you glared at him, hand leaving one of your legs to hold his cock.
He penetrated you again, bottoming out immediately as he made himself comfortable on top of you.
“Fuck, Damian!”
His hips snapped forward involuntarily. Both of you moaned at the same time, he pushed against your g-spot and you throbbed around him.
His movements were rougher like this, wilder. It was as though he wanted to prove a point to himself, you didn’t know which and you didn’t care as long as he fucked you like he needed to be inside you in order to be complete.
“Say my name again,” he rasped the command.
And how could you deny him? You repeated his name as many times as your moans allowed you like a broken chant.
Damian’s pace got quicker every time he heard his name fall from your lips, a tad uneven as he allowed himself to get lost in the pleasure the mix of everything was bringing him — your walls gripping his cock, your hoarse moans and the angelic way honey dripped from your voice when you called for him.
You dragged your nails all over his back, moaning and whimpering in his ear. He was so loud in your own ear, saying things in Arabic that you couldn’t understand in such a fervent tone that you weren’t sure if you would come because he was fucking you into oblivion or because of his strained voice.
Hearing your name slip in his prayer-like monologue, you cried out upon feeling your stomach get tighter. You clung to his shoulders, letting him ram into you in unsteady thrusts that went from slow to hammering in seconds.
His tongue slipped, Damian started switching between languages. Grip on you tightening to the point of being bruising, he begged, “I need you to come first, please. I— shit.” He dropped his head into the crook of your neck as you wrapped your legs around his hips, clenching around him.
You threw your head back, arching up to meet his latest thrust as your orgasm flew through you. Distantly, you processed a few of the sounds you were making and some of the ones you were elating from him.
Strings of hot cum covered your walls. He growled on your skin, saying your name and something you couldn’t really understand.
You let him ride off his orgasm inside you, hearing the mess he was making as the wet sounds from your slick and his cum mingled. His mouth covered yours in a tired kiss, lazy and with a hint of the tenderness he had put to the side even though his intentions had been different.
Once the two of you had caught your breaths and he had made an even bigger mess, you pulled the bedding off the mattress and threw everything into the washing machine.
He was all over you as the two of you shared a shower, so close that scrubbing off took you way longer than it should have.
In all honesty, you didn’t mind. You were too happy to complain about his annoying little antics that you couldn’t wait to get used to.
”Should we suit up?” You asked him, watching the water drip down his chest like it was the most interesting thing in the world.
“They can manage without us for a night.”
“You want to skip patrol?”
Drying his arms, he copied your tone, “You don’t want to spend more time alone with me?”
“Of course I do,” you replied immediately. “But you love patrol.”
He stood still, somewhat stiff in front of you. “Not enough, it seems.”
You dropped the topic at that and went on with drying your body.
He only put his underwear back on while you slipped a pair of panties and a t-shirt, awkwardly trying to find something to change the topic.
“Do you want some ice cream? I have a tub in the freezer.”
“Sounds good.”
A nice moment you shared, silently eating ice cream. He sat close to you the entire time, brushing your side.
It felt natural, as though you were supposed to be doing that and not anything else. Patrol could wait, and his family, and your friends, and the entire world.
The world stopped so you two could enjoy the moment, the day. Or perhaps it didn’t and you just couldn’t bring yourself to give this up for it — but he couldn’t either and that meant everything to you.
Damian never skipped patrol, he hadn’t done it in the worst moments of his life and you never expected to see the day in which he would find something more worthwhile.
You found a clean sheet for the bed in the laundry room which saved you from having to squeeze yourself with Damian on the couch. Maybe it was time to get a bigger one.
He rested his head on your stomach, cheek against your belly as he looked up at you. You could tell he wanted to say something, his brow was ever so slightly furrowed, and his eyes seemed clouded by a thought. He looked pretty nonetheless.
He traced his fingers over your thigh, drawing little doodles. You could make some up by feel — a flower, a bat, his name, a few stars, his name again, an R inside a circle, a heart, his name for the third time.
“I think I would’ve broken my oath to my father if you had had someone over.”
You slid your hand off his hair to caress his cheek, too worried to hide your frown. Damian took his promises and oaths seriously, more seriously than anything else. You had seen his family use said thing against him.
“It wouldn’t have been worth it,” you tried to reason with him. “It wouldn’t have changed anything.”
“Would you have gotten mad at me?”
“I don’t know,” you admitted. “It would’ve depended on a lot of things. Without context, obviously, but...” Realizing you were about to make up excuses for something that hadn’t even happened, you decided to ask, “Why are you still thinking about that?”
“I don’t want you to forget about me. Ever.”
“Are you planning to say goodbye or something of sorts?”
“No!” He glared at you for even considering such a thing to be a possibility after everything the two of you had talked about, after everything you had made him feel. ”But I...” Damian scoffed. “I can’t explain to you how horrible it felt. My eyesight clouded the moment Stephanie said it was time for you to start seeing someone.”
“Jealousy does that to us.” You tried to sound wise by saying it, an attempt you found quite pointless as you replayed it in your head.
Silently, he lifted his head off your stomach in order to lay down next to you. Shifting so he would be comfortable, you held your head up with your hand to properly gaze at him.
Damian mirrored your position. He told you, in a hushed tone like it was his deepest secret, “I felt like you were replacing me.”
Stephanie only had said that because it was the truth. Your relationships always fizzled out after the first two months so you had stopped trying. Then there was the fact that Damian himself had sabotaged who knows how many of them...
From her perspective, it made sense.
“Damian...” you trailed off, in vain. “I don’t know what to say.”
“Tell me you won’t.”
“I won’t replace you as long as you don’t replace me.”
You thought he would find the comment insulting even though it was perfectly sound. But for God knows which time that day, Damian surprised you by scoffing with nonchalance.
Dismissing your worry, he slid closer to you, resting his forehead against your flexed arm. “I couldn’t possibly be happy without your perfume all over me.”
Grabbing him by the hair, you forced him to lift his head. His eyes found yours in a second, curious. You dropped your hand to his neck, sliding it up to his cheek.
Giving him the sweetest kiss you had ever given, tracing the side of his gorgeous face tenderly, you hoped you were doing a good job expressing what you wanted to communicate.
You were. He gave you in return the brightest smile you had seen in your entire existence. It was all for you, something you had caused, something you wanted to see for the rest of your life.
Damian pulled you onto his chest, laying on his back. He mindlessly ran his fingers over your side and up and down your back while you listened to his steady heartbeat.
You couldn’t possibly feel complete without him ever again.
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the-swedes-knees · 3 years
Time in A Bottle (Agent Mobius x Reader)
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Summary: Everyone has a guilty pleasure. For Mobius, it's a slice of pie in a very specific slice of time.
Word Count: 1.8k
Located in the middle of Downtown, bordering on the corner of old-time druggies and newly gentrified condos was a moderate sized building with an exorbitant monthly rent. 
It was a theme restaurant, if the theme was 'we opened in 1953 and we'll be damned if we change the decor'- done up in chrome and frosted glass windows that clashed against the surrounding brick and mortar. The neon sign bearing the establishment's name had burnt out years ago, but it wasn't the type of place one would seek out.
Unless you were Mobius, that is.
Technically, he shouldn't be here.
His unit was nearly a mile out, or, more accurately, they would be within the hour. Dates like this, where a simple flap of a fat pigeon's wing could ripple into Nexus event after Nexus event had a name. A proper designation in their severity and frequency of necessary resets.
But he just always referred to them as 'a real pickle'.
You glance up at the front door as the brass bell affixed to the frame jingles loudly. The man that enters looks around the place before making eye contact with you and smiles. He points to the empty bar and you nod your head.
Once you finish refilling the other customer's drink, you see that he's made himself comfortable in the middle stool.
"Hey there." You greet from the opposite side of the counter. He offers a sheepish greeting in response as you set a water down in front of him, balancing a plastic straw on the rim of the glass. "Can I start you off with some coffee? Just made a fresh pot."
"That'd be great, thanks."
You place the mug and matching saucer in front of him and pour. For a moment you look up at him, and he's smiling a very genuine smile- something very rare these days.
As soon as it's full to the brim you're reaching under the counter and grabbing a clean glass sugar pourer, placing it right next to his cup.
"How'd you know?"
"Customer service intuition, I guess." He thanks you before unfurling the napkin containing his flatware. Like someone with real proper manners, he drapes the napkin over one of his legs before stirring an ample amount of sugar into his drink.
You can't help but notice just how much he fits in to the whole aesthetic with his well fitted brown suit and slim tie. New York offered a multiplicity of personalities, and you'd become quite numb to anything and everything that would walk through that door.
Yet, someone about this man was intriguing, familiar in a way. Like in the past life he was a PI that you hired to confirm your husband's affair.
Both a confidant, and a stranger.
"Feel free to take your time, but, do you know what you'd like?" You note his closed menu pushed to the side. He raises his eyebrows and nods while mid-sip, and you pull out a notepad and pen from your apron.
"Sure do, could I get two slices?" He points the vintage rotating pie cooler to your left and specifies his selection.
Easy enough. You put two generous slices onto separate plates, and he declines your offer of whipped cream or ice cream on top.
"Good choice, this one's my favorite."
"You don't say." The knowing twinkle in his eye wasn't noticed as you busied yourself with refilling his coffee. He holds his hands up in mock defeat and sighs. "Well, I guess you'll have to join me." The ceramic scraped against the quartz tabletop as he pushed one of the plates across the bar, directly opposite himself.
"I'm on the clock-"
"Don't worry, another customer doesn't come in for-" He pauses to flex his arm, riding his jacket sleeve up just enough to check his wristwatch. "12 minutes and 43 seconds."
"Am I supposed to trust you on that?" You raise an eyebrow, and his only response is a slight head tilt and pushing the second slice a nudge closer to you.
It wasn't every day courteous men offered you a break in the form of your favorite desert. Your face screwed up in contemplation as you looked at the only other two patrons in the diner before giving in and grabbing a second set of flatware. "Well, it is slow-"
"For a Friday?" He has another bite before setting down his fork and dabbing at his face with his napkin.
"Is it Friday already?" You sigh, bent over the counter to take a bite of the pie. Delicious as ever. "Hardly feels like it, all the days are melding together."
"I think this one will stand out."
"What is the date, anyway?"
"May 4th." You make a hum of acknowledgement and he gives you a lopsided grin. "2012, incase you forgot the year too."
"I'll mark it in my calendar," You laugh, using your hand to cover your mouth as you continue to chew. "'The Day I Met-'"
"Mobius." He introduces himself, extending his hand over the counter and you shake it. His grip is firm, authoritative. Before you can reply with your own name, he refers to you by it while maintaining perfect eye contact.
You can't explain why, but it feels so right when he says it. Like it was perfectly made to be pronounced in his charming Texan drawl with just the faintest hint of gravel.
While you're fixed in a stunned silence his eyes deliberately dart to the lapel of your uniform. You follow his gaze and laugh at yourself for neglecting that you were indeed wearing a nametag.
"So Mobius... like, from maths?"
"Yeah, like math." He eyes his untouched water and picks up the plastic straw. His fingers move carefully, removing the straw from the perorated paper. You watch with curiosity as the man twists the paper once and pinches the two ends together with his thumb and index finger.
Mobius holds his opposite hand out to you, confident, waiting. With a bemused smile you allow him to guide your hand. His skin is warm, presumably from the way he had cradled his coffee mug, but it's comforting in a way. His rough hand guides you, your finger tracing the geometry of the paper-straw shape.
"A path that twists and turns... but always ends back at the same spot."
"I wasn't very good at math." You admit, and gesture around as if working in a place like this was a testament to that fact. "Why does it matter that it always ends where it began?"
"Well, that all depends on perspective. Maybe it doesn't matter. But to the one who observes it, it makes all the difference." You quirk an eyebrow, silently pressing him to elaborate. "Maybe that point's... where you got your first kiss, the feeling when your favorite football team scores a winning touchdown, a perfect sunset-"
Mobius catches himself trailing off, and looks down at his plate. He puts another bite onto his fork and cheers it to you.
"Or having pie in good company."
You look around the mostly empty diner before bracing your arms against the counter, leaning in as if you were to whisper some great secret.
"Has anyone ever told you you're a bit odd?"
"No-" His eyes crinkle as he laughs. "No, that's a new one. But you find it charming." He winked, actually winked, and leaned back in his stool, smirking into his coffee.
Your fork was halfway to your mouth as your just stared at him, frozen. You feel your mouth open and close a few times as you try to think of a somewhat dignified response.
"How would you know that?"
"I just know things." He shrugged.
"Like what?" You challenged.
"How about, Paul- over there." You crane your head to follow his line of eye, your coworker currently bussing a table that had just left. "Worked in this place five years, loves Coke- from the glass bottle, nothing else. Has a girl on the Upper East Side and runs a decent sized internet radio station out of his apartment."
"You're one of his listeners." You narrowed your eyes at him, a perfectly reasonable explanation.
"Oh, no. Hyperpop... not my style."
"Alright, BBC Sherlock-" You countered. You give a subtle head tilt to a woman sitting in a far off booth, papers spread out on the table around her pancake combo. Whoever she was, she definitely wasn't a regular. "How about her?"
"Mrs. Braverman. Youngest of eight siblings, English teacher at the charter school up the avenue. Actually prefers imitation maple syrup to the real thing."
You know very well Mobius could be talking out of his ass. But he's confident, nonchalantly so- like this was a game to him and he was obviously winning.
"What about me?"
"Thought you'd never ask." Your anticipation is palpable as he swallows his final bite, taking the time to wipe his face of crumbs before smiling softly at you.
"You are... a poem of a person. Charming, capable, when you walk into a room people notice- even if you convince yourself that they don't." His gaze is steady, patient, and he's looking at you as if you're the only person in the universe. "You have big dreams, far beyond all... this... and you're gonna make it."
The sound of the door chime breaks you out of whatever hypnotic state you had found yourself in. Sucking in a breath and blinking away the very beginnings of tears in your eyes you tell the new customer to sit wherever they like.
Mobius took this chance to check his handheld, sighing at the time and the ever-growing slope of the branch variation.
The reset charge would be set soon, with or without him there.
"Look at that. Duty calls." He stands up and pulls a billfold from his jacket pocket, not even counting as he puts the cash down on the counter.
Mobius turns to leave, but hesitates. He turns back around to face you and places his hands on his hips. Allowing himself to play into the fleeting illusion just a tad longer.
"One more thing I know about you-" Mobius rubbed his chin in careful consideration. "You have a date tonight."
"Ah-" You wag your finger at him and shake your head side to side, "got one wrong."
"Did I? Ah- well... How about we change that?"
You pause. The plates you had been holding found their way back to the counter as you set them down slowly. Once again in a very short time span, he had left you speechless.
"That... was possibly the lamest pickup line I've ever heard." Though you mean it to be snarky, it sounds more like praise coming from your smiling lips. "I get off at 6:30."
"Alright." He looks perfectly pleased with himself as he lightly knocks on the counter with his fist. "It's a date."
Walking out the door, Mobius gave one last look at the diner before reporting to the event site.
He knew would see you again, always at 9:45.
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ohbuckie · 3 years
bucky barnes x fem!reader
summary: bucky simply shows you how much he loves you.
warnings: fluffy smut, unprotected sex, oral sex (f receiving)
word count: 1.4k
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He licks his lips after he kisses you. He’s always done it—always wanted to taste your chapstick, to guess what flavor it is.
You only smile and cup his cheeks, pressing your mouth against his again to give him another taste. His hands find your waist and he pulls you into his body, rubbing small circles into your back with his thumbs. Your arms snake around his neck, your nose pushing out a long exhale against his cheek.
He’s mastered the art of kissing you over time. He knows which way you’ll turn your head when you first lean in, he knows that you like his bottom lip between your teeth. He knows that he’d kiss you all day—until your lips were swollen and sore—if you’d let him. He knows that you always put on chapstick after you brush your teeth, and that your lips are a much better delivery system for him than the tube on the nightstand is.
You arch your back into him, desperate to feel closer, and feel him grin against you. That big, stupid, toothy smile that only comes out when you’re alone together.
“Stop smiling.” You mumble against his cheek. “I’m trying to kiss you.”
“Sorry.” He chuckles, taking your chin in his hand and positioning his mouth over yours again, softly pecking your lips.
It’s been too many days to count, and he still makes you weak in the knees. His lips meet your cheek, and then your chin, and then your jaw, and they soon make their way down your neck, nibbling and sucking gently, though not hard enough to leave any marks.
He smells like coffee beans and cucumber body wash, which has grown to comfort you over the years. His hands are calloused, his lips unusually chapped, his hair perpetually messy. He cups your breast in his hand, pushes your (his) shirt above her chest, finds the clasp at the back of your bra and pulls it from your shoulders. His lips wrap around a nipple, sucking gently while his thumb rubs over the soft skin covering your ribs. He’s never been shy of giving attention to your chest, and it makes you smile how predictable he can be.
You twirl his hair around your fingers, close your eyes to feel him above you, wrap your legs around his hips.
“Bucky.” You whisper, arching your back up into him. “James.”
“Yeah? You okay?”
“I’m perfect. Just want to get to the good stuff.”
He smiles. “Be patient,” he kisses the valley between your breasts, “I’m getting there.” Another kiss. “And don’t call me ‘James.’”
Early morning sun pours through the open windows, breeze circulating through the messy room, chirping birds shouting at nobody in particular. Bucky doesn’t seem to hear them, though, when both of his hands push your sweats down your hips and he kisses the newly exposed skin, making you shiver. He’s gentle in his actions, even with the rough skin of his hands, and the scratchy stubble that covers his chin.
The air outside is cold, and raises bumps across your arms and legs. Bucky rubs his warm hands over your chilled skin once your pants and underwear leave your ankles, and he works his way up. Inner thighs, lower stomach—he kisses delicately and lovingly, staring up at you with adoration.
His tongue touches you, warm and wet, and trails over your most sensitive area, the one that only he really knows how to operate. You feel his breath over your legs, his lips wrapping around you. He sucks, licks, rubs—does everything just right, as always. A moan escapes from plush lips that have been robbed of their chapstick by greedier ones, and your fingers push through his soft hair, making a fist around it and pulling lightly.
With a tongue slithering inside of you and teeth grazing your sensitive bud, your mouth falls open in a silent prayer, one that asks whoever’s listening to never let him leave you. Your eyes close and your hips push your core upwards, hungry for more.
A stripe up your center, a finger dipping into you, a thumb against your nerves; he moves them how he’s supposed to, slowly and smoothly, with purpose and precaution. He’s a puppeteer and you’re his doll, reacting to the way that he pulls at your strings exactly how he expects you to, your expression of ecstasy stuck in one position, much like the ceramic face of a play-thing.
His manipulations are unmerciful, and you quickly fall apart in his hands, letting him observe how you cry out and then crumble into yourself. Your bottom lip is painted with the blood that you’ve summoned with your teeth, and you only notice it when you taste it, your tongue darting out and retreating back into your cavernous mouth bearing the gift of metallic flavor and red-tinted saliva.
His underwear falls to the floor, and he’s ready for you right away.
You’ve been doing this for years now, over and over again, but he still looks at you like you’re the only woman he’s ever had, though you both know that that’s untrue. The look on his face is nothing short of mesmerized as he rakes his eyes down your body, hardly even blinking, as if he might miss something.
The stretch of the two of you joining together is familiar, but still feels as good as it did the first time, which wasn’t anywhere close to as sweet as this moment is. He falls over you, holding himself up by his arms, which allows you to kiss along the scar that joins his metal arm with his flesh. He pushes your chin up with his nose, kisses down your throat, sinks his teeth into the fragile skin of your collarbone. You inhale sharply when he rolls his hips, exhaling slowly while you get used to it.
You nod. “Perfect.”
He usually has a routine, but now’s not the time for that. Right now, he’s more focused on being close—being loved, being happy—than he is on how many times you finish.
You accept what you’re being given, however many inches out of his eight, and a gentle pace that, despite its softness, is more than satisfying. He holds your hips down with his large hands, pushes down hard enough that you can’t move unless he allows it, not that you want to.
You watch his triceps harden and his abs tense as he works towards a climax—his first, your second. His jaw tightens and his lower lip is offered to his teeth, who hold it tightly and threaten to unleash his muffled noises if he lets go. He’s hypnotized by the way that he disappears into you with every push, and the way that he’s returned to the world with every pull.
Nothing could ruin this moment in which he is silently worshiping you, studying the way your body moves, both inside and out. You clench around him, mostly by accident, when he pulls one side of the knot in your stomach and it nearly comes undone.
“I’m right there.” You warn him, and he nods, picking up his pace only by a little bit until bliss washes over you again. It’s less intense than last time, but far from tame.
He mutters out a string of curses when he loses the tempo he’s been conducting from the start and spills into you, stilling, holding himself against you until it’s over. He takes a breath and leans down to kiss you. It’s full of affection and sentiment, and his lips seem to melt against yours instantly, falling into the pattern that they always do.
He withdraws, leaving you empty, except for the seed that he planted inside of you, and wipes you with a cloth, dampened with warm water from the bathroom. He throws it and lets it hit the wall near his hamper so that he can crawl into bed beside you.
“I love you.” He kisses you, still staring at your lips even after he pulls away.
“I love you too.” You start to sit up, pulling the shirt that still hangs from your shoulders back down to where it’s supposed to be.
“Nuh-uh, we’re not doing that today.” He insists, catching you by your shoulder and carefully pushing you back against your pillow.
“Doing what?”
“Getting out of bed.”
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subspencer · 3 years
would you grace us with some ✨handsy✨ ✨bratty✨ boyband Spencer or sm bec if I know anything it’s that the short hair on him? ooooooo have mercy that does it for me brain goes brrrrrrrr
- 🦋
hmmm brrr. boyband reid. this is just fluffy with no such smut to speak of, i’m sorry if it lets you down bestie 💔 feel free to send more boyband concepts in if you still need to scratch that itch.
wc: 1192 content: just a lot of flirting/sexual tension. i’d rate it 16+ to be safe but it’s really just pg-13.
The thing about Spencer’s adorable new haircut is that he knows how good he looks.
He knows it from the way you look at him, like two eyes just weren’t enough to soak all of him in. At any given point of the day, he’d look over at you to find that you were already looking at him.
He knows it because you can't keep your hands off of him all of a sudden. It was your idea to keep the relationship private in the first place, and now you can barely follow your own rules at work. You won’t even make it out of the parking lot before your mouth is on his, fingers coming up to twist those luscious strands.
And this kind of knowledge can't be trusted in Spencer's hands.
See, he was fine with keeping the relationship a secret in the beginning. It made it exciting, to be stealing glances across the office and tip-toeing into each other's hotel rooms.
But he doesn’t want that anymore. Now, he was dying to be able to love you out loud and in the open. To show off to the world that you were his.
He wanted to take you out on real dates and hold your hand in public without avoiding all the places your friends might be at. He has so many pictures of you that he wants to put on his desk so he has something to smile at when he’s doing paperwork. You tell him he could just look at the real thing, but even you agree that the photo of you two in your matching dinosaur pajamas deserves to be framed.
He didn’t want to go out to dinner with the team and time his exit from the restaurant twenty minutes apart from yours. Or have to wait at least an hour before the others fell asleep before he was in the clear to sneak into your hotel room just to see you.
He just had to get you on the same page.
You wanted those things too, but not at the expense of losing the privacy in your relationship. And the incessant questioning that would no doubt come from nosy friends was almost overwhelming even as a hypothetical idea in your mind. How could you tell them what you and Spencer were when you didn’t know for yourself?
He didn’t think it was half as scary as you made it out to be. He just needed to show you that the benefits of being together openly far outweighed whatever else may follow.
And if your willpower wore down each time he flicked his gorgeous hair out of his eyes or brushed his delicate fingers across his lips, he was happy to use it to his advantage.
His current favorite way of torturing you was to fiddle around with his pencil, twirling it between those lithe fingers connected to sculpted, veiny hands. At one point, he tapped the clean rubber edge of it against his lips, biting down on it ever so gently. It was so simple and yet so effective, he could feel your eyes clinging onto his every action.
You weren’t going to make it out of the building before jumping his bones at this point, but he had to nail in the coffin just to be sure.
It was just too easy for him when you left your desk and went into the empty break room for a fresh cup of coffee. Or rather to get a reprieve from watching Spencer’s little stunts. He followed in shortly behind you, not bothering to shut the door after himself.
“Hi,” he smiled sweetly, brushing his hand against the small of your back. It’s a spot he knew lit butterflies through your body. Your breath hitched at the touch as he leaned in incredibly close to grab a cup from the cabinet above you. You could smell his cologne and feel the warmth radiating from his skin, and it would be so easy for you to turn your head and place a kiss on his neck. He hummed in your ear as he brandished the cup, “Make me some too?”
Wordlessly you took it from him, dryly swallowing the air stuck in your throat. As soon as you did, his fingers trailed down your hands and across your forearms, leaving valleys of goosebumps in their wake.
The coffee pot shook in your hands as you poured the liquid into two cups, doing your best to focus on them and not Spencer’s arm wrapping loosely around your hips. A little too low to appear friendly.
He reached across you to grab the sugar packets, once again invading the sensible amount of personal space two coworkers should have. As he stirred it into his cup, some of the coffee splashed out and began to trickle down the edge.
His thumb ran across the ceramic, scooping the liquid before bringing it to his mouth and gently sucking it clean. All while he looked into your eyes, unable to make contact with them because yours were fixated on his lips. He released the digit with a soft pop, breaking your trance.
“I’m sorry, what was the question?” you recollected the air in your lungs, shuffling objects around on the counter to distract from how flustered you felt. You refused to look at him again, afraid of what you might do if you did.
“I didn’t say anything.” His smirk extended from the left edge of his mouth to his ear, wide as day. “You feeling okay?” He slowly swept your hair away from your neck and shoulder, leaving your skin tingling at the feather-soft feeling of your hair brushing against it, followed by the graze of his knuckles.
A completely unnecessary move for checking the temperature of your forehead, but an extremely effective one for Spencer’s true purposes.
“Mm fine,” you swatted his hand away, not even convincing yourself with the tone you carried.
“Are you sure?” he whispered directly into your ear, cupping your chin as you instinctively turned to face him.
Your nose brushed just barely against his as you turned, not expecting to be so near him already. There was a moment of quiet as both of you stood still, exchanging the same air. The world around you fell into space, it was just you and him, standing together here. You tilted your head back, reaching your lips up to his as you let your eyelids flutter closed.
At the exact moment you did, Spencer’s hand left your face. His arm left your waist as he stepped away from you, leaving you cold in the absence of his body heat.
“No kissing at work, remember? Can’t have anyone finding out about us.” He recited your ground rules right back to you, coy as ever as he began to walk backward out of the break room.
Pride swelled in his chest when he saw you through the window, staring blankly at the abandoned coffee cups, dazed and confused as you tried to piece together what just happened. What happened is that he won you over to his side.
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dirtydobrik · 4 years
your heart was glass, i dropped it - j.w.
plot: you and jeff have been together for a few years but when you stumble across an engagement ring, your relationship changes
word count: 1650
note: i started writing this over the summer with no direction on how to end it but champagne problems by taylor swift inspired me to finish this (title is a lyric from the song)
“Babe, can I use your computer?” you asked, as you poured yourself another cup of coffee. You had spent the night at your boyfriend's, and even though you had taken the day off from work, you needed to check if any emails you had gotten required an immediate response.
“Of course,” Jeff said. "Just don’t get sucked into work, you took the day off for a reason," he reminded.  
"I'll only be an hour, two tops," you promised, giving him a quick kiss before taking your coffee mug into his office and settling into his desk chair. You powered on his desktop computer and silently hoped you didn’t have a lot of work to do.
You opened a new web browser to log into your email account, but a website in the bookmarks bar quickly caught your eye. Curious as to why he had a jeweler bookmarked, you clicked on the link. Your heart stopped when you saw a diamond ring pop up on the screen. The ring was stunning: it was simple and elegant but also modern and everything you could possibly want in an engagement ring. But a part of you knew you didn’t want the ring, or any ring. Despite being together for almost three years, you and Jeff hadn’t really talked about marriage, and to be honest, you weren’t sure it was something you ever wanted.
An engagement ring made everything real. It elevated what the relationship was and required a level of commitment you weren’t sure you could handle. Aside from the pressures of a marriage, you were also worried about how this would affect your career. You were currently working as an intern for an entertainment attorney and in your third and final year of law school at UCLA. Your future was still ahead of you and you had no idea where you would end up. Jeff's life was heavily based in LA, and you knew you didn't want to do a long distance relationship with him but you also didn't want to force yourself to stay here.  
You needed to get your mind off of the ring, and finally got to work. You logged into your email to reply to the few you had, as well as reviewing a handful documents and answering a few phone calls. An hour and a half later, you were finalizing your last email when Jeff knocked on the door. He poked his head in to make sure you weren't on a call before crossing the room and wrapping his arms around your shoulders. You felt yourself tense up when you felt his arms and prayed he didn't notice as you took a deep breath and tried to relax. Jeff rested his chin on the top of your head, looking at the post-it notes you had randomly placed on his desk.
"Busy morning?" he remarked, and you nodded.
"But I'm done now," you said, your eyes quickly scanning the email you just written and hitting send. You signed out of your email account and closed the browser. You set the sticky notes you needed to keep into a pile and tossed the others into the small trashcan before spinning around to face your boyfriend. "What's our plan for the day?" you asked, needing something to distract you from the looming thoughts of a proposal.
"Let's take a drive," Jeff grinned.
His hand rested on your inner thigh as he drove along the coast. The windows were rolled down and Jeff was humming to the songs playing softly on the radio, but your mind was elsewhere. You absentmindedly picked at the skin around your nails as you imagined potential scenarios that could lead to a proposal tonight. You knew you weren't thinking logically right now, but the engagement ring Jeff had bookmarked kept clouding your judgment. You knew stopping to watch the sunset over the cliffs wouldn't necessarily lead to a proposal, you guys did that all the time. But the fact that you did it so often made you think it was a reasonable way for Jeff to ask you to marry him.
You saw Jeff's mouth move but you didn’t have a clue what he was saying.
"Babe, are you okay?" he repeated, looking over at you.
You nodded. "Sorry, I just have a lot on my mind and a killer migraine right now," you lied.
 When you got back to Jeff's apartment, you told him you were going to take a nap while he edited a video.
  “What’s goin on with you?” Jeff asked, as you diced an onion for the homemade tomato sauce you were making for dinner.  
“Nothing,” you muttered, not wanting to start a fight. You scraped the diced onion off the cutting board and into the hot pan. He could tell you were distant and distracted by something but he had no idea what it was.
"It's obviously something. You've been quiet and ignoring me all day," he pointed out and you scolded yourself for making things obvious.
"Jeff, I really don't want to talk about it," you insisted, your eyes silently pleading with him to drop the subject. He sighed, desperately wanting to have the conversation. He hated how closed off you were, how you never talked about your feelings, how you used work and school as an excuse to get out of things.
But he knew you wouldn’t say anything, so he dropped the subject, instead telling you about his day. He watched you force a smile as he talked and even though he knew you were trying to act interested, your mind was elsewhere.
You added crushed tomatoes into the pan, and asked Jeff to fill a pot with water so you could boil it for the pasta.
 You took two plates out of the cabinet and plated the pasta. You brought them over to the kitchen table, where Jeff was already sitting.
“Smells delicious,” he grinned, and you gave him a half smile and a quick thanks.
You sat down across from him, telling him about how work had gone and what your schedule for next week looked like, but the entire time, you couldn’t stop thinking about the engagement ring. The candles on the dining table remained unlit and you knew Jeff was a romantic, but thoughts of him getting down on one knee and proposing kept creeping into your mind. As badly as you wanted to be fully present with him today, you just couldn’t.
"Are you sure everything is okay?" Jeff asked, putting his fork down and locking eyes with you. You nodded, unable to form a sentence, but he didn’t believe it. “Honey, talk to me,” he urged, annoyed that you had been avoiding something all day.  
You sighed, dropping your metal fork on to the ceramic plate. “It's nothing, I just don’t want to ruin what we already have,” you said, staring blankly at him.
Jeff’s eyebrows knit together, confusion plastered across his face. “What the hell are you talking about?” he questioned. Things between the two of you were fine and he didn't have a clue what could ruin it.
“I know about the ring, Jeff,” you admitted and his jaw dropped. Not wanting to start a fight, you stood up from the table, pushing your chair back. Jeff reached for your arm, his eyes meeting yours, and you reluctantly sat back down. His hand wrapped around your fingers, as you rested your hand on the table. He didn’t know what to say, so he waited for you to talk.  
 "I can't say yes," you whispered, looking down at the kitchen table. Jeff slowly ran his thumb across your cheek to wipe away your tears. He was at a loss for words. "I love you, Jeff, I truly do. But I'm about to graduate law school and I'm just starting my career. I don't want to pass on an incredible opportunity because it's not in LA, and I know that your life is here, and I wouldn't ever make you move for me but long distance sucks," you rambled on, telling him about how you weren't sure you ever wanted to get married or have kids and how you were too young to make life decisions. You could tell Jeff was biting his tongue, trying to hold back.
"I love you," he spoke softly, his eyes watering.
"I love you, too, but that's not all that matters. You deserve to be with someone who can commit to you. You deserve to have the family you've always dreamed of. You deserve someone better than me."
"But I want to be with you," he insisted. Your teary eyes met his and you slowly shook your head. You couldn’t let him stay with you, not when you knew you couldn't give him everything he wanted in life.
"I'm sorry." You stood up from the table, trying to hold back your sobs, leaving him lost and confused.  
"I didn’t buy it," he muttered, his eyes bloodshot as he leaned against the doorframe of his bedroom, where you were packing all of your things. "But would it have been the worst thing in the world if I asked you to marry me?"
You took a deep breath, turning to face him, but when you opened your mouth, no words came out. All you could do was nod, silently breaking his heart.
You finished filling your duffle bag and slung it over your shoulder. Your eyes filled with tears as you avoided meeting Jeff's gaze, not wanting to make the situation worse than it needed to be.
"I love you," you said, standing on your toes and giving him a kiss on the cheek. "And I'm so sorry," you whispered before opening the front door and walking out, leaving behind the love you shared and the life you two had built together.
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restapesta · 4 years
it’s no secret i’m absolutely obsessed with @ianandmickeygallavich because they’re an amazing human and incredibly creative. they have a series of prompts that i find helpful and interesting when i feel like writing, but i’m struggling.
should you be so inclined, #28 on their sentence starter prompts 😉
Hiii! This is based on the prompt: “This for me?”/”Yeah, it made me think of you.” It’s pretty short, and a little smutty (*wink*), hope you don’t mind. Enjoy!
IAN VS COFFEE -- maybe both?
Mickey’s mornings mostly consisted of two things: his husband and his coffee. If by any chance he had to pick between the two, the latter one would be the obvious choice, much to Ian’s dismay.
Sunday mornings were the only ones when Ian let himself sleep in, something Mickey appreciated greatly -- usually Ian was up at the crack of dawn, and considering how Mickey didn’t really like being in bed alone, he was usually up with him, the couple heading down for breakfast and coffee together. But when Sundays rolled around, Ian would make sure to wake up Mickey as late as possible in the best way possible, getting under the covers between Mickey’s legs and having shudders of pleasure act as his alarm clock.
Today had been no different, Ian’s tongue expertly rolling over Mickey’s cock, making Mickey moan in his sleep, the loud sounds coming from his own mouth eventually making him stir awake. Ian’s mop of orange hair was bobbing up and down, and Mickey thanked God for giving Ian such a great mouth.
“Morning, Gallagher.” Ian pressed a kiss to Mickey’s lips after he had sucked him off, making him come hard.
“Morning, Milkovich,” Mickey replied. “Feeling chirpy this morning, I see?”
Ian smiled goofily, pressing his lips against Mickey’s again, wrapping a hand around his neck, lightly pressing his fingers against it, feeling his pulse. “Very chirpy.” He placed open-mouthed kisses on Mickey’s neck, leaving marks and bruises, and Mickey was just about to get hard again when he smelt the faint scent of coffee coming from downstairs.
He placed his own hand against Ian’s cheek, stopping his actions gently. Ian looked up, confused. “What’s up?”
Mickey resisted the urge to reply you. Instead, he pushed Ian off of him, pulled his boxers up, and got out of bed. He gestured towards the door, “Coffee.”
“Youn serious right now?”
Mickey shrugged, suppressing a smile. “As a heart attack.”
Leaving an incredulous Ian to jack off by himself, he made his way to the kitchen, feeling satisfied it was devoid of the usual pack of Gallaghers. He smiled at the fresh pot of coffee somebody had made, making his way straight to it.
“Good morning to you too.” He whispered under his breath, turning to the cupboards to grab a cup to pour the liquid in. He stopped short when he saw a mug with a post-it-note stuck to it.
A post-it-note that had “MICKEY” written on it in capital letters. He grabbed it off of the shelf, eyebrows furrowing slightly. He peeled the yellow sticker off after inspecting it, and he almost dropped the ceramic container when he saw what it was.
“You like it?”
Mickey jumped slightly when Ian suddenly appeared behind him, wrapping his arms around Mickey’s torso, resting his chin on Mickey’s shoulder.
“What the fuck is this? This for me?” He shot Ian a glance.
The mug was black and pretty big, large enough for Mickey’s unhealthy dose of caffeine to fit in; but the size wasn’t what made Mickey’s eyes widen in surprise. It was the huge “BE GAY DO CRIME” written in rainbow font on the front.
“Yeah, it made me think of you.” Ian pressed a kiss on his husband’s neck. “My gay Southside thug needs to have an appropriate mug for his favorite thing in the world.”
Mickey couldn’t tear his eyes away from it. He didn’t even bother correcting Ian about the whole favorite thing in the world -- he just asked, “Where the fuck’d you get this?”
“Ordered it on eBay. Piece of shit took two weeks to get here.”
Mickey smiled and put the mug down, touched by the gesture. Turning around in Ian’s arms, he muttered, “Sappy motherfucker.”
“You know it, babe.” Ian joked, pressing a kiss to Mickey’s waiting lips.
Just as it was about to deepen, Ian pulled away.
“Where you goin’?” Mickey asked.
Ian opened another cabinet and pulled a mug out, just like Mickey’s, only white. He smirked.
The smile Mickey gave him was blinding.
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fortheloveoffanfic · 3 years
Behind Closed Doors
Keanu Reeves x OFC (Emma Mathers) (A/n- yes the title was inspired by Taylor Swift's Illicit Affairs)
Masterlist Behind Closed Doors Masterlist
Warnings- Angst
Clandestine Meeting
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“I miss you.”
Emma looked up from the text, taken aback. Her doe eyes were wide and the words which might have previously served to put a small smile on her face simply had her pulling half of her lower lip between her teeth. Stiffening her stance, her mind went rigid and though the keypad was opened and awaiting her reply, Emma didn’t quite know what she should say. So, instead, she glanced up, trying to keep her cool as she looked across the room, meeting his gaze from where he sat at the breakfast bar, phone in hand and morning paper discarded near his half finished bowl of cereal.
Keanu’s whiskey orbs stared back at her, practically willing her to start typing a response, to hopefully admit that she felt the same. It had been almost a week since Miranda’s return, and since then, Emma had gone back to avoiding Keanu like the plague. Even being in the same room with him was too much, though, considering that over seeing the twins’ breakfast was part of her job, mornings were proving to be hardest, and by all means the only time they actually spent together. “Everything okay Em?” Using his free hand, Keanu shifted his spoon around in his ceramic bowl, acting so nonchalant that it hurt to watch. Whoever said he wasn’t a good actor had to have been a good liar.
“Yeah,” sucking in a sharp breath, she nodded stiffly, giving the text, which he’d seen her read, one final glance before locking the phone and setting it down on the granite counter. Without further ado, she carried on, getting orange juice for Matt and then cleaning up a spill Poppy had made while trying to pour more milk into her sugary, colorful cereal. “Let me help you with that,” she mumbled sweetly, hurrying over to collect the roll of paper towels and subsequently tearing off a couple blocks to sap up the fallen milk.
Still on the counter, her phone chirped again, and when she was finally finished, Emma read yet another text from Keanu, that time through the notifications, “Can I see you tonight?”
Already exasperated, Emma rolled her eyes, clenching her jaw as she hastily snatched up the cell. She hated that he was just sitting there, acting like he wasn’t engaged, trying to reel her back in despite the consequences. She hated that she actually wanted to see him anyway, even more. But what Emma hated the most was knowing that no matter what, she was already Keanu’s closeted secret. “You’re seeing me right now,” she angrily tapped the little blue send button, tossing the phone back to the cool surface, only for him to respond almost instantaneously.
“You know what I mean……” Was his reply, and when Emma took the chance at sneaking a glance at him, Emma could see that Keanu’s eyes had softened, silently pleading with her to give in. In that moment, she could slowly start to feel her resolve wavering; everything she’d worked so had to build up over the past five days or so diminished by just one look. Suddenly, she felt strange chill run through her, not as a consequence of the environment, it was actually quite warm that morning. It was actually from the memory that arose upon reminiscing on the last time she’d been alone with Keanu. That day when Miranda had come back, the way he’d touched her while they laid in bed, how his smell, as predicted, had stained her sheets and finally, how he’d come into her room that night, caressing her cheek and kissing her forehead as if he cared. Emma knew that she shouldn’t have been falling for it; a relationship with Keanu was fruitless, he couldn’t offer her anything but private pleasures and then insurmountable hurt. Still, she wanted it, she wanted him.
Clutching the phone tightly, Emma quickly tried to blink away burning tears, staring at the words on the bright screen. “I’m sorry,” another one came in, followed up with, “Please, I promise we can talk about this.”
“There’s nothing to talk about.” Emma’s fingers worked quickly, and it hurt her to type those words while knowing that there was so much she wanted to say.
Again, before she could set it down, Keanu sent, “Don’t say that. I don’t want to end things this way. Just let me fix this.”
“How?” Emma was about to hit send again, when, in a flurry of floral silk, Miranda sauntered into the room, immediately going to wrap her arms around Keanu’s broad shoulders. He stiffened visibly, hurriedly dropping his phone face down, and Emma was left to silently watch the scene unfold, taking note of the way Miranda met her eyes briefly before laying a lingering kiss to his cheek.
“Good morning darling,” she sung near his ear, unable to bear anymore of it, Emma swallowed her hurt and get back to tidying the kitchen and tending to the children. Though, that didn’t quite stop her from listening, “I can’t believe you left me in bed, all alone.”
Chuckling softly, Keanu took a minute before coming up with a response, “You know I like to get an early start. Did you sleep well?”
“Just fine,” Miranda hummed, sashaying over to the refrigerator and scanning its contents until she spotted the overly expensive, extremely exotic, organic creamer that she usually took with her coffee. “Emily,” she turned to Emma, who by then, had long grown tired of trying to correct her, “Why don’t you get my mug and pour me some coffee?"
Miranda, as Emma had come to learn, had the oddest sense of humor and seemed to get off on ‘accidently’ treating her like a maid. And sometimes, like her very own lady in waiting. “Sure,” Emma managed through gritted teeth, all but snatching the handcrafted mug off a shelf in the cabinet and then half filling it with scalding black liquid. “Anything else?” The ordinarily polite quip was actually meant as a petty jab, though Miranda didn’t seem to get that.
“There is actually,” stirring in some of the creamer, not even looking Emma’s way, “Do you think could whip me up an egg white omelet?”
That time, before Emma could speak, Keanu was interjecting, “Mandy,” he tried to sound light and teasing, the edge of annoyance kept at bay, “You know that Em isn’t a maid. Besides, the tutors are coming soon and she has to get the kids ready.”
“Well I’m sure you can do that Keke, I have to finish prepping for my meeting with the wedding planner and I can’t do that on an empty stomach,” pouting dramatically, Miranda summoned up her best puppy eyes for Keanu, “Please darling? For the sake of our wedding?”
“I…..” Keanu stuttered, and Emma hoped with everything in her that he wouldn’t feed her to the lion, but of course, she couldn’t be so lucky, “Why not?” Defeated, Emma’s sigh was soft, and before she knew it, Keanu was rounding up Matt and Poppy and flashing her sympathetic look before herding them towards the hallway after announcing that it was bath time.
She waited until Keanu was gone, and from the minute Keanu was out of earshot, Miranda began the inescapable torture. She cared very little for those who she proudly referred to as help, though Miranda did like hearing herself talk enough to ramble on to anything with ears. “I don’t know if Keanu’s mentioned it,” she carried on, popping a grape from the bowl in the fridge into her mouth, “But we’ve decided on a winter wedding in New York. We’re doing it at the Weylin on New Year’s Eve.”
“That’s……” Emma’s voice was soft and it took everything in her to not break down at the thought of Keanu marrying someone else. Worst yet, it was so close, just over a month and a half away. “That’s nice.”
“It is, isn’t it?” Emma was in the process of gathering the egg whites, expertly separating them from the yolks like her mother had taught her so long ago. “It’s going to be a grand affair,” she explained exuberantly, “And I’ve got a designer from Dior working on a custom dress. I’m already in talks with a couple magazines, we’re going to cover the entire thing.”
Furrowing her brows, Emma slowed down as she moved on to chopping the seasonings. A publicized wedding? That didn’t sound much like Keanu at all; he was notoriously private and hated the press getting in on his life. It was why he’d avoided social media and had pitched out thousands for Matt and Poppy to be homeschooled. “Are you sure Keanu will like that?” Emma’s tentative probe was soft and unsteady and she knew very well that it wasn’t her place to ask.
“Well why wouldn’t he?” Miranda sank into a seat at the kitchen table, nearest to the window, where the warm light was filtering in and washing to room with a heat contrasted perfectly by the low setting of the air conditioner, “The publicity will be great for him too. God knows he needs it sometimes, if he didn’t work so much, there wouldn’t be anything for anyone to write about.”
“I think that’s the point,” foolishly, Emma countered, “I mean, he does hate having his life all over the media, he likes privacy. Right?”
“Oh God,” she burst out laughing, rolling her eyes, “You’re a naïve little thing aren’t you, Emily? Every celebrity plays that little game. But in our world, no matter what you do, everyone is gonna know everything about you, and it sells. And as long as it sells, who gives a fuck about privacy?”
Fumbling for words, Emma slid the now finished omelet onto a pristine white plate, “I’m sure its not possible to know everything.” The conversation was starting to make her uncomfortable, and Emma desperately wanted an out.
“Of course it is,” Miranda cackled loudly, “This is Hollywood dear, there are eyes everywhere.” Emma had just set the plate and cutlery down in front of Miranda, and was already, leaving the kitchen hoping to get back to cleaning up later that morning when the older woman added, just as she was at the mouth of the long corridor, “Just remember that Emily, every secret, every nose job, every hidden pregnancy, every affair…..it always gets out, sooner or later.”
She paused for a minute at the mere mention of the word ‘affair,’ though, Emma didn’t want to have some kind of teary episode right there in front of Keanu’s wretched fiancée, picking up a quick pace not long after. She had to get to her room before the heat had completely risen to her face and the tears had inevitably started falling, she couldn’t be caught like that without reasonable explanation. Emma was almost there, her door was straight ahead after she’d climbed the stairs, and her head was down as she toyed anxiously with the knot of the robe when someone grabbed her arm, effectively startling her. “Hey,” Keanu side stepped in front of her, looking around to make sure that they were truly alone. “I was hoping to get you alone.”
“Uhh….” Blinking away the shock she’d left the kitchen with, Emma tried to act normal, ignoring the rapid beating of her heart, “I um…..what do you want?”
“To see you, alone. Just the two of us,” before Emma could object, Keanu cut her off, “I know you’ve been avoiding me, and definitely I deserve the cold shoulder. But I have something planned, just for the two of us.”
“Ke-” Torn, Emma half sobbed, knowing that she badly wanted some time alone with him but also knowing that with Miranda back it would be a risk.
“I know,” he sighed, “But I miss you, so much baby,” he leaned in, stealing kiss which she readily reciprocated, “I just want to be with you,” he peered down the stairs, ensuring that Miranda wasn’t nearby, his baritone dropping an octave as Keanu placed a hand on her waist, stepping closer, “I know you’re mad at me, but don’t you miss me too sweetheart?”
“I’m not mad at you, and I do miss you” Emma laid a gentle hand on Keanu’s shoulder, a couple rogue tears slipping past her lashes, “But this is wrong, you know that.”
“I do,” he whispered, bending to press his forehead to hers, “But I can’t help it, you’re all I think about sometimes,” swallowing thickly, Keanu continued, “I’ve put something together and my sister has been asking for the kids for a while now. Miranda is gonna be out with her girlfriends tonight, say you’ll come with me.”
Licking her lips, Emma ignored the voice in her head that urged that it was a bad idea, “Where?”
“Its a surprise,” Keanu smiled faintly, catching her lips in a brief peck, “But I promise you’ll like it. Just dress in jeans, and your leather jacket cause we’re taking the bike. Okay?”
Hesitating, Emma eventually nodded, “Okay,” she sealed with a kiss, reluctantly untangling from him, walking off with a backwards glance, her tormented gaze meeting his hopeful one last time.
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“Ke….” Emma emitted soft, breathy, delighted giggles that seemed to get lost the minute it was cast out in the atmosphere. The lights were turned down low and past the clear, glass double doors, a sleek, modern fireplace was lit on the porch that jutted out over the edge of the cliff, overlooking the darkened ocean. The heels of her boots thudded softly on the rich hardwood as Emma stepped further into the primarily glass abode. The high ceilings, supported by thick fiberglass beams, matched the floors when she looked up in awe, and eventually, when she reached the open doors leading to the cool outside, where a salty breeze blew her freed tresses, Emma was almost at a total loss for words, “This is……”
A wide, proud smile split his lips. Keanu was glad she liked it, he’d pulled a lot of strings to get them that place for a few hours. It was far off from the lively city and the thick surrounding foliage should have protected them from being discovered by any prying eyes. For a few precious hours, they could be free. Slowly, he approached Emma where she stood, grasping the cool railing, mouth still agape as she looked forward. Snaking his arms around her waist and pressing his chest against her back, he laid a kiss no the side of her head. It was so perfect, it always was; being with her.
Everything faded when she was in his arms; the chill of the night air, the glow from around the pool and the quiet crackle of the fireplace. When they were alone together, nothing mattered but Emma. Keanu had never felt that way about anyone, not even Diana, the mother of his children, the woman who ran from their family and broke his heart. He’d tried making it work with her for as long as they could, but in the end, she wouldn’t have married him, much less stick around and raise two children. Keanu had almost given up on finding someone, someone who’d love Matt and Poppy the way he did, be the mother they deserved and the woman he’d spent the rest of his life with. Even when he'd met Miranda, there hadn’t been much hope left, but he was willing to make it work. Though, lately, Keanu had taken to wondering if the woman right there in his arms was actually the one he’d been waiting for. She’d taken his breath away with her unmatched beauty and now, with each passing day, he was giving a little more of his heart away to Emma. It wouldn’t be long till she’d own the part he’d reserved for someone special. She was special, “Absolutely stunning."
When Emma turned slightly in his embrace, she found that Keanu was looking right at her, chuckling musically when he bent and nuzzled her cheek and tightening his hug so she couldn't escape his affections. "Are you talking about the view or something else?"
Peppering her cheek with kisses, his rough salt and pepper beard grazing her satiny skin, Keanu hummed, "Maybe someone else….." Finally, Emma spun so they were chest to chest, her arms winding around his neck, tangled her fingers in the ends of his hair, disheveled from wearing his helmet, "You look so beautiful tonight," his eyes softened, gaze clouded over with something uncertain though unwavering, "You're always so beautiful," Keanu leaned down, capturing her lips.
He tasted like tobacco and something uniquely him, the same thing she thought about when falling asleep at night. From the minute they’d first kissed, that night in Paris, tension practically shoving them into each other’s arms, Emma thought that his lips seemed like they were meant to lock with hers; Keanu always knew exactly what she needed.
Tilting her head, Emma let herself melt against him, submitting to the comfort of his warmth and the security of his kiss. Even if everything else was wrong in their lives, even if everyone would inevitably get hurt, at least they had that. Kisses that completed them, even if just for a little while.
A little while.
One day they’d have to go back to living without each other. Inhaling deeply, filling her lungs with the kind of fresh air that was usually absent in the city, Emma pulled away, her hands pressing against Keanu’s chest in unspoken protest, and in an attempt to keep her from walking away, he loosely circled her wrists, “What?” Knitting his brows, he frowned deeply, “Did I do something wrong?”
“No,” her voice broke unexpectedly, her eyes shining, bright with unshed tears, “Not really, its just…..” The words wouldn't come, at least not the ones that would help Emma elucidate exactly what she wanted Keanu to know. She didn’t want to ruin their one perfect night, but she didn’t want it to be their only perfect night. Emma wanted more, more than she might ever get with him, “You just……you do everything right, you know?” Shaking her head sorrowfully, she sniffled, “Almost everything.”
Casting his head towards their feet, Keanu nodded faintly, his chuckle dry and humorless, “Yeah,” he huffed, “I know what you mean.” Thinking on the matter for a moment, Keanu knew that his heart had been begging him to do the right thing, be the man that they both needed, but he simply couldn’t. Maybe if he didn’t have kids, or were just a few years younger. There were so many ‘maybe’s. “I’m sorry,” he mumbled, trying to hug her.
“You always say that,” Emma slunk out from between Keanu and the guard rail, strolling along the balcony, trying to put some space between them so she could think properly, “But nothing changes.”
“I’m trying,” Keanu reasoned.
“Are you?” When Emma turned towards him, some of her hair whipped against her flushed cheeks, “Cause it feels like you’re just saying that to get me to shut up about the real problem.” Scoffing, she swiped at her eyes, “What are we doing Keanu?”
His lips quivered, an explanation absent. There was nothing he could say to fix it, he knew that, but he wanted to, he needed to. Keanu needed her. He knew he’d been playing childish games with Emma, sneaking around and stealing moments. He was too old for it to make sense, and Emma deserved to be more than his shadowed lover. “We’re……” He trailed off, wishing things were easier.
“You know what it feels like?” Folding her arms, Emma ignored the new dryness in her throat, opting not to move when Keanu approached her, racing out to lay a hand on her hip, probably worried that she was about to end things between them.
Licking his lips, Keanu’s gaze flickered to hers and he swore he already knew what she was going to say. He knew because he felt it too, “What?”
Emitting a frustrated sigh, exasperation fueled by the complexity of their lives and the knowledge that things were bound to stay the same unless he changed them. Emma, despite her better senses, raised her hand to cup his cheek, rubbing her thumb along the corner of his lips, as she tilted her head to the side, regarding him with obvious pain in her eyes, “It feels like I’m falling in love with you even though I shouldn’t.”
Keanu’s arm slid around to her lower back, urging Emma closer, pecking her forehead, “I’m falling in love with you too,” he whispered, muffled by her skin.
Relived by his admission, Emma relented to holding Keanu in a tight hug, pressing her ear over his steady heartbeat. They stayed like that for a while, faces turned towards the vast ocean beyond the mountain, the water darkened, only defined by the rippling glow; the distance so undefined that it was easy to liken it to themselves. An unbound beauty that may have remained largely unexplored. “Come on,” Emma eventually pulled away, grabbing Keanu’s hands so they wouldn’t be completely separated, “Let’s not waste the rest of our night,” she mustered up a small smile, one that was returned by Keanu who, like her, still seemed troubled, but was willing to put it past them, just they could make the most of their stolen moments.
Tagging- @harrisongslimited @magnificentclodpiebanana @keandrews @greenmanalishi @rdjloverxxx @danceoftwowolves @planetkt @wheretheriversrunintothesea @nonsensicalobsessions
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mulderist · 4 years
Five Times Mulder Got Scully Coffee, And One Time He Didn’t
MSR || 2k words || @today-in-fic
A/N: I wrote this on the fly based on a post about types of intimacy including knowing your partner’s coffee order.
1 “we leave for the very plausible state of Oregon at 8 a.m.”
It was her first assignment with Spooky Mulder; a crisp Wednesday morning in September. From the backseat she checked her boarding pass once more while the taxi arrived at Dulles International. The red-orange sunrise broke through the distinct wing-like architecture of the main terminal building. The driver idled then popped the trunk and hoisted out her carry-on letting the wheels click to the pavement. She knew she over packed. She thanked him and adjusted the strap on her leather satchel as the cab pulled into the congested river of departure drop-offs. 
The sliding doors opened with a breeze of recirculated air and she paused to let a cluster of businessmen pass by. She scanned the corridor and saw Mulder hovering near the escalators, a duffle bag at his feet. He was wearing a smart light blue shirt with a striped tie. She grinned at the fact that his dark grey suit jacket didn’t fully match his lighter dress pants. On her approach she noticed a particular boyish charm to the curl of his hair. He caught her eye and gave a wave. She quickly smiled and shifted her shoulder bag once again while she pulled her carry-on behind her.
“Good morning sunshine,” he stated while balancing two cups in a flimsy caddy, “I hope you don’t mind but I grabbed some coffee.”
“Thank you, Mulder.” She was genuinely surprised. He set the caddy down on the lid of the square trash can and pulled out a cup, handing it to her.
“How do you take it?”
“Uh, just cream and sugar.” Mulder fished around in the middle of the caddy and found her accoutrements. She slowly removed the lid and doctored up her drink. 
“Not too early for you is it?” He asked after taking a sip from his cup.
“Reminds me of residency,” she said, shaking her head with a smile and pouring a splash of cream. “The line between late night and early morning was pretty hard to differentiate at times.”
“I find it’s when I’m my most productive. However the T.V. choices leave a lot to be desired,” he said with a shrug, reaching down for his well-travelled duffle bag. He unzipped it and pulled out a folder.
“Is this my debriefing?” Scully asked.
“A little light reading for the flight,” Mulder replied, watching her tuck the documents in the pocket of her shoulder bag. “C’mon, looks like we’re at the C gates.” She followed him down the corridor and to the entrance of the shuttles.    
2 “I’ve heard the truth, Mulder. Now what I want are the answers.”
He offered to drive her home. She was exhausted but insisted she was fine. He squeezed her hand when she left to go find her car in the hospital parking deck. 
Restlessness had set in when he arrived at home. Eyes darted to his cell phone on the desk, making sure he hadn’t missed a call. She’d call if she needed to. He shuffled through a stack of files he took from the office, looking for a particular case that matched a tip from Frohike. He flipped it open and returned to the computer keyboard, adding to the paragraph he was working on. The TV droned on in the background, coffee finished its brew cycle in the tiny kitchen. 
Three taps on the door. He turned down the TV and listened then heard three more. He walked across the room and peered into the peephole then quickly flipped the lock and opened the door 
“Hi,” she began, “I’m sorry I didn’t call.” She sucked her lower lip. “I couldn’t sleep.”
“Come in,” he said stepping aside. She exhaled and slowly entered his apartment, brushing a wave of hair behind her ear. He quickly stacked his work and moved the pillows on the couch. She took a seat, fingers knitted tightly together in her lap. Her eyes closed as she climatized to his space. He gave her a minute and stepped into the kitchen. When returned she had pulled her hand away from her face, gracefully dabbing at her eye with her knuckle. He set two mugs down on the table and joined her. 
“If you want to talk..”
“I don’t,” she said curtly, not intending to sound that short with him. “Not..not yet.” Her anger was still fresh. She was a raw nerve. He pressed his lips together and was patient. He had all the time in the world for her. Another slow exhale to steady herself and she reached for a mug. Cream and sugar. Warmth from the ceramic radiated against her hand; she felt another wave ready to break. He saw the downturn and gently took the mug from her, placing it next to his. She fought so hard but reluctantly crumbled. He embraced her; a shelter from the storm.
3 “Oh I don’t know Mulder, some things are better left unexplained.”
“So tell me more about this talking doll you found,” Mulder stated. Scully swallowed her bite of food and blinked at him.
“I never said it was a talking doll, Mulder. And besides, that was weeks ago, why are you still hung up on it?” He tossed the brown end of a french fry back into the bag and licked the salt from his thumb. 
“Color me jealous.” 
She stuffed a napkin in the empty fry container and added it to the trash on the table.
“Please tell me this hasn’t kept you up at night.”
“Not more so than usual,” he said with a shrug collecting their fast food wrappers. They left the outdoor seating area and started to walk down E Street. The lunch dates were a little more frequent than before. Her remission and recovery brought them closer together. Scully didn’t want to assume he missed her when she took a well-deserved weekend to herself but Mulder was shit at hiding how clingy he could be. It was all part of the process. He tapped the back of her arm and pointed at a coffee shop window. She agreed and he held the door. The wonderful aroma of roasted beans and steamed milk hit her senses. She peeked at the bakery case as he went to place their order. Mulder soon presented her with a cafe au lait and a wink. Her lips pursed as she blew on it. His gaze shifted to the perfect “o” of her mouth complimented by a subtle glossy lip tint. He then proceeded to burn his tongue as he eagerly went to drink his Sumatra roast, snapping him back to reality.
4 “Get over here, Scully”
The lights in the office were dim. He had set-up the slideshow reel to provide visual aid to a fairly vague case detail. However the only detail he was concerned with at the moment was the taste of her lips. A hint of honey from her lip balm, the whisper of milky coffee. Their cups grew cold and lonely sitting on his desk while they turned up the heat hiding amongst the shadows. 
She was needy and pulled no punches. Hand rested firmly against his cheek as tongues danced and twisted. His stubble coarse against her fingertips. Last night at the ball field had ignited a spark. Remembering the feeling of his hands on her hips, cheek to cheek in the cool night air. His weight against her with each swing of the bat. He held her close once again; entwined together in a dark corner of the basement office.
“Remind me to bore you with slideshows more often,” he said, catching his breath. A warm smile crossed his face as he admired her. 
“Shut up, Mulder,” she said before kissing him once again.  
     5 “What if there was only one choice and all the other ones were wrong?”
Three weeks had passed. Scully discovered she was leaving small items behind; a toothbrush, a sweatshirt, a travel sized hairbrush. Evening was still the preferred time of day. Dinner, maybe a beer or a glass of wine followed by ignoring the T.V. Mulder knew just the right amount of pressure to put on the tired muscles of her neck. A rush of circulation flowed through her. She leaned back against his chest and his hands wandered followed by his lips. She loved how he tenderly nipped at her earlobe, He was hard against her lower back and she worked her advantage between his legs. Clothes were shed like new skin. He was swift to carry her from the couch into more comfortable surroundings. 
The linens held her scent, the walls held their cries. Deep and passionate. Primal. Two become one. He broke first and she was quick to chase him down. Chest heaving, muscles aching in the best way. They lay together as heart rates slowed. He traced her jawline, a thumb laid claim to her full lower lip. Lust-laden eyes blinked heavily. She decided to stay. Naked, satisfied, and loved.
Morning arrived with a deep yellow glow. She slowly shook off her slumber and reached beside her, feeling an empty bed. Her ear perked up listening for the shower but heard nothing. She slid to his side of the bed and glanced at the clock. Two hours before work. Her hand clutched the bedclothes to her chest and she heard keys hit the wood table in the other room. Mulder nudged the bedroom door open. Scully smiled and ran a hand through her hair, sitting upright. 
“Morning,” she said. He approached and kissed the top of her head. 
“I got us some coffee. Cream and sugar, of course.”
“You’re too good to me,” she said before realizing it. There was always so much unspoken between them. Affection was a given but rarely vocalized; arousal and desire usually won out. They operated well without words. She blushed and swung her legs over the edge of the bed tucking the sheet closer. 
“Hey. I wouldn’t have it any other way,” he said. 
6 “We will find him -- I have to.”
She needed an out. It was too much too fast and the fuel from her anger was on fumes. Scully dried her hands on the edge of her jacket and stormed down the corridor towards the elevator. That might have been the first time she actually threw a drink at someone. A bit dramatic but she would deal with that later, right now she needed to leave. 
   Her cell phone chirped and she promptly ignored it. The car shuddered as it idled in the parking deck, her head lay back against the headrest, a hand on her belly. She fought against an angry sob. The caller was persistent. She tried to collect herself. Another series of rings and she finally answered.
“Agent Scully? It’s Skinner.”
“Where are you right now?”
“I’m on my way home. Is something the matter?” she questioned.
“You tell me,” Skinner replied with concern. She closed her eyes and slowly caressed her belly once again. He was the only one she could trust right now. He was trying to be a friend. She exhaled and asked if he could meet her in Georgetown.
Scully sat down at a familiar cafe with small outdoor tables nervously fidgeting with her phone. She didn’t want to deal with the questions, she just wanted to find him. She wanted to talk to him about what was going on and they could figure things out together. She needed to find him. Her attention shifted as a couple walked past with a friendly golden retriever. The animal bumped its nose into her leg then happily licked her hand before it’s owners chuckled and led him back down the sidewalk.
Skinner arrived and set down two cups of coffee along with a handful of sugar packets.
“I got you decaf.” he said sincerely as he took a seat, “hope that’s alright.”
“That’s fine. Thanks,” she said, reaching for the cup then removing the lid and adding half a sugar packet. Her heart ached and she was sure Skinner could see it. He was quiet, not wanting to overstep his boundaries.
“I uh, I just want you to know that I’m your ally in all of this. And if you need to talk…” he trailed off when he saw the change in her expression. She pressed her lips together.
“That means a lot, sir. Thank you.” She brushed away an errant tear and swallowed hard. They had much to discuss.
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scripts4dreamers · 4 years
I literally JUST sat down, pt. 5
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Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Six, Part Seven
AN: The case stalls, but no one’s willing to give up on you just yet. Characters: Spencer Reid, Penelope Garcia, Derek Morgan, Aaron Hotchner, Jennifer Jareau, David Rossi. Pairings: Spencer Reid x reader Spoilers: None Warnings: Mentions of crime and violence, alcohol
Saturday morning dawned cold and bright but you hardly felt rested. You’d spent the better part of the night trying to squash your panic, curled up under your duvet with your phone in your hand, convinced that the second you closed your eyes something terrible would happen. The facts of the case bounced around in your mind like wasps, angry and frantic, trying their best to get out, but it was no use. You simply had to accept it, someone you worked with was stalking you. They were stalking you and murdering innocent people in some sick attempt to fulfil the fantasy in their mind, and that put everyone in your life at risk.
You’d realized it the night before and the thought alone made you feel sick. Stalkers were, by nature, unpredictable so there was no way for you to know which of your friends would be a target. The stalker could see any of them as a threat and decide to take matters into his own hands. Your only comfort came in knowing that your parents were on a cruise near New Zealand, and all your friends were safe under Rossi’s roof. For now.
You sighed and forced yourself out of bed, pulling on the most comfortable set of clothing you had and shuffling downstairs. As you made your way into the kitchen you were met by a sea of friendly faces and your spirits lifted slightly.
“Morning, Sunshine,” JJ greeted sympathetically, “we were wondering when you’d be up.”
“What time is it?” You asked, accepting a cup of coffee from her gratefully.
“8:17,” Spencer answered, giving you a small smile.
You smiled back and looked around, doing a mental headcount of all the faces at Rossi’s kitchen island, “Where are Morgan and Prentiss?”
“Morgan went to meet the M.E.,” JJ answered, slinging a protective arm over your shoulder, “and Em-“
“She’s still in her room,” Garcia cut in, pushing a cupcake on a plate towards you, “she’s awake but she won’t come down.”
You frowned and looked at JJ for clarification. JJ sighed and gave you a gentle squeeze.
“She’s-uh-she’s taking this whole thing pretty hard,” she admitted softly, “she doesn’t want to admit it, but you know how she is.”
You nodded, “I’ll talk to her,” you said, pushing yourself away from the kitchen island and pouring a second cup of coffee.
You trudged up the stairs, exhaustion tugging at your eyelids with every step. Emily’s room was next to Morgan’s and, before knocking, you just took a minute to watch. Emily was sitting on her bed with her back towards the door, staring intensely at something in her lap that you couldn’t see and your heart dropped.
Your stomach hurt from laughing so much as you watched the man Emily had brought over scamper off with his tail between his legs. Some real life FBI agent he’d turned out to be.
“That. Was. Brilliant,” you laughed, jostling her with your shoulder, “you, Emily Prentiss, are brilliant.”
“Why thank you,” she smiled, “god sometimes it’s too easy. It’s just too easy with these guys. What, do they think we’re stupid or something?”
It was girl’s night. The first you’d had in months and, quite frankly, you needed it. Your workload was killing you, and the weight of all the death you saw on the regular was making it difficult to find joy in anything anymore. Which was why you had your girls. Emily had dragged you all out to a local bar and plied you with alcohol until you were laughing and giggling like a bunch of preteens at a sleepover. It was wonderful, and you could feel yourself getting lighter and lighter with each passing minute.
“Almost definitely,” you agreed, taking another deep swig from whatever drink Emily had forced on you.
“Or they at least think we’re stupider than them,” JJ clarified.
Emily made a noise of agreement and rolled her eyes, “Which is why I personally have no interest in dating them.”
“Not that we could even if we wanted to,” Garcia pointed out, “I mean, who has time to date with this job?”
“Not me,” you said, “I haven’t been on an actual date in ages.”
“Well I’m sure we can find someone who’d be willing to take you out, Y/N,” Emily teased with faux innocence, “let’s think, ladies; who do we know who’s smart and funny, with a similar work schedule, who Y/N might be attracted to and who already thinks she’s wonderful?”
“Hmm,” JJ played along, “ooo that’s a tough one.”
“I’m stumped,” Garcia agreed, “oh wait! Here’s a crazy idea, what about Reid?”
JJ and Emily gasped, clutching their chests with looks of surprise so melodramatic that you couldn’t help but laugh, despite your embarrassment.
“Oh my god, Reid!” Emily agreed, “It’s perfect, Penelope Garcia you are a genius.”
“But wait, Y/N swears she’s not into him like that, guys, remember?” JJ joked.
“Ooohhh,” Emily and Garcia chorused.
“Well, I guess it’s hopeless then,” Emily joked, slinging an arm around your shoulder and pressing a kiss to your cheek, “you’re stuck with me, Y/L/N.”
You smiled and kissed her back, leaving a lipstick smudge on her pale cheek, “Nowhere else I’d rather be, Prentiss. Nowhere else I’d rather be.”
Garcia clapped her hands together in excitement and pulled out a camera, “Everybody say BAU!”
“BAU!” You all cheered in unison, collapsing into laughter the moment the flash went off.
“Hey, you,” you greeted, “you not coming down for breakfast?”
Emily’s head snapped up and you caught a glimpse of the photograph in her hands. It was the one from that girls night, one of the last you’d ever had at the BAU. Not that anyone had known that at the time. You could see the resentment in her eyes, and the pain and you felt a sharp stab of guilt for everything you were putting your friends through.
“Garcia’s bought those cupcakes last night, they’re really tasty.” You continued, stepping hesitantly inside, “I could fetch you one if you’d like.”
“I’m not hungry,” she replied simply, “but I’ll take the coffee if you’re giving.”
You smiled and handed Emily the cup, taking a seat beside her on the bed. For a moment you just sat in silence, drinking your coffee together and thinking, but eventually the silence had to break.
“Em I know you’re mad-“ you started.
“Mad?” She interrupted with an incredulous laugh, “Y/N I’m not mad.”
“Yes. You are,” you insisted, “you have been ever since I came back to the unit. I mean, come on, you made me share a desk with Reid so that your purse had its own spot.”
Emily sighed and stared down into her cup, tapping her manicured nails against the ceramic, “Okay maybe I was a little bit mad,” she agreed, “but can you blame me? You left without saying goodbye!”
“I said goodbye!”
Emily rolled her eyes, “Not properly. You never really explained why. One day everything was fine and the next you’d handed in your resignation. It sucked, and I was mad,” she sighed, shaking her head, “and then I blinked and suddenly it’s a year later.”
“Time flies.” You agreed.
“Yeah! Yeah and a year later you still couldn’t tell me you hadn’t actually resigned?” She probed, “How’s that supposed to make me feel? I’ve been walking around like some sort of idiot thinking that you’re gone for good.”
You nodded and nudged her shoulder with yours, deciding to ignore the ‘gone for good’ comment and focus on everything else, “Well, hey, let’s make a deal. After all this is over, we’ll meet up at your tombstone and you can yell at me all you like for keeping you in the dark, deal?”
Emily snorted and you felt the tension lift, “Okay, point taken.” she chuckled. You hummed your agreement and you lapsed back into comfortable silence before Emily continued, “But hey, the desk thing worked out great. You and Spencer seem to be getting along again.”
You felt yourself flush with embarrassment, giving Emily the ammunition she needed to start teasing you mercilessly. It was nice, and familiar and it made you feel grounded in a way you didn’t realize you were missing before.
“You’re so predictable,” she laughed, “making sad puppy dog eyes at each other from across the room all day.”
You shoved her over, which she responded to with an indignant yelp.
“Yeah well, unfortunately we’ve got more to worry about than my abysmal love life,” you reminded Emily, “so will you please come back downstairs with me?”
You stood and extended your hand, which Emily took with a soft smile, letting you pull her to her feet.
“Okay, agent Y/L/N, but only because I’m hungry and I don’t want JJ to eat my cupcake.”
“Mmhmm,” you agreed sarcastically, threading your fingers together as Emily tucked the well worn photo back into her pants pocket.
She must’ve brought it with her from home, you realized with a start. She’d dragged that photo with her all this time.
It made your heart swell and you couldn’t stop yourself from saying, “Hey, Prentiss?”
“Yeah, Y/L/N?”
“It’s still you and me, you know? You’re still stuck with me.”
She stopped, a soft smile creeping onto her face as her dark eyes softened. For a moment you just looked at one another, really seeing the person in front of you for the first time in a year. Then she squeezed your hand and you kept moving.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know that, you sap.”
The rest of the weekend was as close to bliss as Spencer could imagine while working a potentially catastrophic stalker case. He didn’t know what had happened while you were upstairs talking to Emily, it wasn’t his place, but he knew that you looked happy when you came back down. Emily looked happy too and, when she took a seat beside him, she shot him a knowing wink, which made him blush.
After that, the team was back. Morgan had confirmed with the M.E that the newest victim hadn’t been drugged, and he had indeed been tortured before he was killed. He’d also confirmed that the contents of the victim’s stomach was another grizzly message from the killer; tandoori chicken and sparkling wine, the exact meal you always ordered at the little restaurant you went to after a long case. Everyone had gotten eerily quiet when that came out. But you moved on, going through case files and reports together in the hopes of coming across some common name. It was a fairly thankless task. The only plus side was how much time Spencer got to spend with you, reading files, pouring coffee, just talking in the garden during lunch. Spencer was giddy with it, and Emily noticed.
“Real subtle, Lover Boy,” she teased on Sunday night, as Spencer watched you disappear back into the house for a drink.
He flushed and looked away, “What-uh-I don’t know what you mean.”
Emily rolled her eyes but smiled fondly, collapsing into the outdoor couch next to Spencer, “Sure.”
Just then you’d walked back out, and Emily let the matter drop for the time being. By the time Monday morning rolled in, Spencer finally felt like they had a handle on things. The picture was still murky and undefined, but now they could at least grasp its edges and make out its overall shape. The team had a long way to go, but it was something, and they’d managed to get by with less in the past. Coming in separately had been Hotch’s idea. It was likely that the UnSub was watching the team and coming in together would tip him off to the fact that work was being done outside of the office. Secrecy was their biggest weapon right now, Hotch had reminded them, secrecy and surprise. The UnSub couldn’t know what they knew. Not now, not ever. It was essential to the investigation.
Spencer remembered looking over at you when Hotch said that. He remembered the way you’d looked, the nerves and anger bubbling underneath your calm demeanor, and the way that his resolve had hardened.
“So what have we got?” Morgan had asked, “Officially, I mean.”
Hotch pressed his lips together, “White male, late twenties to mid thirties,” he’d explained, “try and float the idea that we’re looking into an ex boyfriend from high school or college. Anything we can do to throw him off.”
Spencer repeated it to himself like a mantra as he walked through the FBI building and stepped onto the elevator, bound for the sixth floor. As more agents piled in, the hairs on the back of Spencer’s neck stood up and his anxiety spiked. Is it you? A voice in his head whispered as he glanced at the dark haired man from Sex Crimes. Or you? He wondered, as a sandy haired agent with a long scar met his eye. Is it any of you? The doors finally opened on his floor and Spencer practically leapt out, forcing himself not to look back and keep his pace as normal as possible as he pushed open the doors to the BAU.
Spencer was the last to arrive, just as planned and, because of that, you’d already taken your space at his desk. The sight of you looking totally at home surrounded by his books and files made Spencer unreasonably happy and his nerves settled. Or at least, they did until he noticed the particularly devilish look in Emily’s eye, and the lack of a second chair at his desk.
“Emily, where’s my chair?” He asked.
She shrugged, “How should I know?”
You looked up at the noise and smiled at Spencer, making his heart leap into his throat.
“Sorry, Spence, there was only one when I arrived. I looked all over the office but the other one seems to have just vanished,” you explained, pushing yourself away from the desk, “you take this one, I’ll stand.”
Spencer sighed, “Don’t be ridiculous, Y/N, sit down. I’m fine with standing.”
“No, Spencer. I’m already taking up half your desk space. I’m not stealing your chair as well. Sit down.” You frowned.
“Or,” Emily interjected, with faux innocence, “you could just share the chair.”
You both froze, staring at Emily like she’d just grown a second head.
“Come again?” You asked.
“The chair,” she repeated, resting her chin on her hand, “you could just share it. Instead of arguing and wasting valuable time.” She shrugged, a smile tugging at the corner of her lips, “Just a thought.”
If looks could kill, Emily Prentiss would be dead. Spencer was considering pouring a bottle of water over her head when he caught your eye and blushed bright red. He hated how easy it was for you to undo him, how quickly he became completely obvious about his feelings towards you.
“We-we can’t share,” you stuttered.
“Why not?” Emily asked.
“Because!” You protested, “Spence is a germaphobe. He’d be uncomfortable sharing with me.”
“I wouldn’t feel uncomfortable,” he said without thinking, “not with you.”
You paused, surveilling him with a kind of softness in your eye that made his stomach all fluttery and weak. Emily watched the exchange with amusement, but didn’t interrupt, just waiting to see what happened as you and Spencer sized one another up.
“Okay then,” you agreed, “let’s...share. Somehow.”
Spencer fiddled with the strap of his satchel, but breathed an inward sigh of relief as the tension passed. The office chair Emily had left you with was a big one, and Spencer didn’t exactly take up a lot of space, but it was still tight. There was no getting away from casual touches, the pressure of your leg against his, the smell of your perfume clinging to your hair when it brushed by him, the low roll of your voice as you hummed along with the song in your head. Almost all of his senses were suddenly filled with you instead of empty space. The whole thing made his brain short-circuit. Maybe he hadn’t thought this completely through. As you read through a case file, Spencer caught Emily’s eye across the desk and mouthed ‘I hate you’ at her while you weren’t looking.
“You’re welcome,” she mouthed back, shooting him a wink as she turned back to her laptop.
You shifted in your seat, sending another rush of scent through Spencer’s nose.
“Is that-” he started, “are you wearing a different perfume than normal?”
You met his eye, a little confused, but played along, “It’s new, yeah. I bought it just over a week ago but it hasn’t been warm enough to wear it, why?”
“I’ve smelled it somewhere before,” he explained, riffling through the evidence box he kept on his desk until he found the right bag. He was acutely aware of your eyes on him as he sliced through the seal, reached in with a glove between his fingers and pulled out the letter that had been left at your apartment. He inhaled, filling his nose with the familiar scent, and his stomach dropped, “I knew it. Here, smell.”
You followed his lead and Spencer watched your eyes widen with horror when you confirmed his theory, “Oh my god, he scented the paper.”
“With a perfume you hadn’t even worn yet.” he continued.
“Which means he had to have known that I’d bought it, and that I’d intended to start wearing it soon,” you followed, “which means he must have been following me that day.”
“And if he was, there’s a chance one of the stores has him on camera. Do you remember when and where you bought it?”
“I do.”
“Get that information to Garcia, we’ll have to talk to the store owners before they erase the tapes, and then she can track your movements and see if anyone’s a little too close for comfort.” he said.
Your eyes lit up with that intelligent sparkle that Spencer had always loved, the one you got in the moments when a case finally started to seem solvable.
“Spencer Reid, you are the key to everything, aren’t you?” you teased.
He opened his mouth to respond, his cheeks already flushing bright red, when Hotch’s door opened and their team leader stepped out, a stony expression on his face.
“Alright everybody,” Hotch’s voice boomed through the bullpen, “briefing room now please. We’ve got a case.”
Taglist:  @ourfavoritesergeantbarnes​, @confused-and-really-hungry, @word-scribbless​, @reidloversisforever​, @ashookykooky​, @l0ve-0f-my-life​, @shilohpug​, @tangerinenotions95​, @petitchatonbleu, @pirateismywayofspeaking​, @must-be-a-weasley-92​, @whovianayesha, @holding-on-to-my-youth, @quie-pls, @fear-less-write-more​, @astraea-writes​, @mac99martin​, @word-scribbless​, @levylovegood, @easygoingtheatre​, @purpleraindrops, @eevee0722​, @bisexualdisaster106​, @sgold, @openheart12​, @shilohpug​
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hunnybadgerv · 3 years
About Distractions | Mass Effect | Guardians in the Darkness
Summary: Nyx tests her welcome in Kaidan’s apartment during leave, but it pays off in spades with a brilliantly concocted method of distraction.
a/n: Inspired by one of the prompts from this list 50 Types of Kisses Prompts. “#34 Kisses that start on their fingers and run up their arm, eventually ending on their lips” requested by @theoriginalladya, While she left the choice of characters up to me, I couldn’t resist some additional cuteness for these two. Yep, I’m totally playing favorites.
Link to AO3
About Distractions
Nyx Shepard never really ascribed to the whole quiet morning thing. Growing up on Alliance vessels and stations, she was used to a certain kind of hurried pace accompanied with more than a little noise, a bit of a rush as everyone scurried about to grab breakfast, start their work or their routines, and get ready for the day. For once, the commander herself found she didn’t have anywhere to dash off to; there weren’t serving hours she had to be conscious of for Kaidan’s kitchen. No duty station waited for her relief; no PT officer would come breathing down her neck for her absence. She just poured a large mug of coffee, which was really all she ever needed to start any day on a high note.
Apparently, that heady aroma was all it took to pull Kaidan out of his slumber, too. Because she had barely sweetened her cup when he appeared in the kitchen doorway wearing a sleepy smile in search of a cup of his own. Stepping up behind her as she savored her first sip, he pressed a soft kiss on the cap of her shoulder, mumbling something that resembled good morning. Turning quickly, she pressed a kiss to his warm skin and sneaked away as he reached past her to open the cabinet.
By the time he realized that she as confiscated his coffee mug, Nyx was at the door. She leaned against the doorjamb and grinned at him over the edge of the huge steaming mug. Without a word, she winked at him and ducked out, headed for the sofa. She harbored no illusions that the distance would save her from a reprisal. If she were lucky though, it might be too early for a proper counterblow. Even so, a nervous little chuckle crept into her throat as she shuffled across the room and stole his corner of the sofa, too—just for good measure.
One lazy sip later, Kaidan leaned in the doorway of the kitchen staring at her—with his cup, in his spot. Nyx wasn’t precisely sure how to read that look he shot her yet. It was a new one; one she’d only seen in the past few days since leave officially started. But she figured it didn’t bode well. The stalemate continued, neither looking away, as they sipped at their coffee, her from his mug and him from a far smaller innocuous-looking plain white one that probably started its life in a diner by the looks of it.
Her nerves prickled; the corners of her mouth lifting higher as each silent minute ticked by. She was sure he was thinking something, planning something. Even so, he didn’t move. Kaidan just stared, and it made her pulse race.
When she shifted and grabbed the datapad off the end table, he finally moved. A vibration of her omnitool told her she had a message flagged important, which meant leave be damned it was something she needed to view in a timely manner. Further distraction to keep her attention pulled from where it probably should be. Out of the corner of her eye, she clocked Kaidan’s approach and set the mug on the table behind her—keeping herself between it and its rightful owner, as if that would keep the pilfered vessel, and its precious contents, safe.
She shifted her hand to pull up the message as Kaidan draped himself across the majority of the sofa.
“I think we might have to go out and get you one of your own,” Kaidan suggested, blinking up at her with those inviting amber eyes.
“What makes you think that would stop me from just stealing yours anyway?” Nyx challenged, biting her bottom lip.
“Oh!” He looked up at her like he was shocked to learn about this trait. “And here I’d heard that the great Commander Shepard was a paragon of virtue. Fighting for all that was right and just in the universe.”
Her brow raised and she gave him an incredulous look. “You shouldn’t believe everything you read, Lieutenant.” She pressed a quick kiss to his forehead before returning her attention to the message waiting for her.
Nyx felt him shift before she heard the sound of ceramic on glass. Her sharp gaze snapped toward him as his lips brushed the top of her knee. She gave him a sweet little smile and pressed her fingers through his sleep tousled hair. Her attention was rapt, Kaidan was even beautiful all disheveled like that, maybe more so. Her fingers traced his jaw and he caught her hand, bringing it to his lips as he stared up at her. Damn, he’s distracting, she thought.
The intensity of his gaze didn’t waver, and she couldn’t bring herself to look away either, message be damned. His lips inched up the length of her index finger, kissing every knuckle and eventually teasing up to her wrist. Only then did his amber gaze lower; he rotated her hand and pressed his lips into the center of her palm. Languidly, he made his way to the inside of her wrist, sucking gently at her pulse point. Her heart raced under his thorough attention.
How did he expect her to be able to read anything when he was doing that? She wondered wordlessly. When the angles allowed it, Kaidan’s gaze found hers again, though hers never wavered. Except for the way he moved her arm this way and that, the commander sat entirely still and completely entranced.
When he reached her shoulder, Kaidan skated his fingertips across her collarbone then his palm caressed her neck. Nyx hummed in approval, while her heartbeat thudded through her veins. His thumb caught her jaw and shifted her head as his lips approached her neck. It was her weakness—he’d discovered it fast. A violent shiver wracked her body when his lips grazed that spot where her neck and shoulder met. Anticipation thrummed through her body, electric tingles that sang through her nerves.
Nyx could feel his smile against her skin and the hum in his chest reverberated through her only exacerbating the goosebumps his kisses raised across her skin. Her pulse raced beneath his teeth which teased at the thin skin an inch above that spot. Another inch and he sucked sharply making her flesh throb against his tongue. Like putty in his hands, she couldn’t think of anything beyond the sensations he sparked in her. She sighed by the time he took her earlobe between his lips.
“Kaidan,” she breathed quietly.
All she got in reply was a curious hum. His mouth, otherwise occupied, refused to be deterred from its purpose.
“You are my favorite distraction,” she answered. Another hum, this one sounded more pleased than curious. “I really need you to kiss me.”
His head turned barely a degree and his mouth pressed against the corner of her jaw.
“Cold,” she directed.
He chuckled and moved markedly, dropping another kiss into the divot at the base of her throat.
Kaidan tipped her chin upward and opened his mouth against her throat over her larynx and dragged his teeth across it lightly, the same way she did to him more than once.
“Warmer,” she breathed softly. A shiver radiated through her once more and her hand tightened on the arm of the sofa.
The tip of his nose skimmed the underside of her jaw, a kiss landing on the point of her chin.
“Warmer,” she encouraged again, laying the datapad back on the table without even a glance. It clattered raucously before landing on the floor. She’d worry about that later.
Nyx brushed her hand over Kaidan’s stubbly cheek, debating whether to lunge for his lips or wait. Her blue eyes studied his in a patient moment. She wasn’t sure if the electricity she felt was just her own desire or something more, but it left her breath shaking. As he eased toward her, his eyes closed almost as gently as the way his mouth brushed against hers.
Warmer, she thought.
As if he’d heard it anyway, the kiss deepened in tender lazy increments. Her fingers traced over his neck; she needed to touch him, but didn’t want to interfere with whatever he planned.
They had nowhere to be but right here. No responsibilities looming. They could spend their morning idly focused on nothing but the softness of one another’s lips against the other’s skin. And Shepard could find no reason to argue if that was Alenko’s plan; it seemed 100% sound to her as she held him close and savored every slow second of it.
“Best distraction ever,” she mused between leisurely deep kisses.
“Glad you approve,” he replied before he slipped his tongue into her mouth.
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balladeer-angelo · 4 years
Pretty pretty please☆ 39, with carlos x reader cuz i have an extreme thirst♡♡♡
this turned out so long and I’m so sorry but I just had too much fun with it lol enjoy!
Carlos x Reader
39: “Are you trying to turn me on or are you really just that oblivious?”
He wasn't sure what was going on this week, but he swore you were up to something.
It all started Monday morning, the beginning of a busy work week for both you and Carlos. You were in the kitchen cooking breakfast, pancakes with a warm cream cheese frosting, humming and swaying in your pajama shorts and a tank top while you whisked the batter. He shuffled into the kitchen with a 'good morning' yawn, immediately going for the fresh pot of coffee. You greeted him, pouring some batter into the sizzling pan. He was leaning against the counter, sipping his hot cup of Joe when you turned to ask him if he slept well as he'd been having trouble just keeping his eyes closed most nights. Those tired eyes of his zeroed in on your chest, something white and translucent drizzled across your cleavage. He almost choked.
"You've got- um..." His voice rumbles out from behind the ceramic mug, teetering off as he continued to stare like he had fallen into a trance. You tilt your head, waiting for him to continue. "Your chest. There's... stuff on your-." He points at you and draws in the air with his finger.
You look down and click your tongue. "Ugh, damn it." You whined. "Guess I wasn't paying much attention while I was making the frosting."
You tug down the front of your top just enough to reveal the rest of the sticky mess and, inadvertently, the valley between your breasts. Carlos watches you drag two fingers through one of the many tiny ropes of frosting and place them in your mouth. His cock stirs at the sight and he finds himself completely mesmerized. You pick up as much as you can, casually cleaning off your digits with your tongue like he's not in your company, mumbling to yourself that at least you didn't do a bad job. Carlos wonders if you'd let him rut his cock between your breasts so he could paint your chest and watch you lap all that up as well. Then the two of you would eat the pancakes you'd made right after and he'd give you a lingering kiss and be on his way.
His eyes dart to the tiny clock on Mr. Coffee. He doesn't have time. With a sigh he sets down his cup and lumbers over to you to plant a kiss to your forehead, doing all he can to avoid looking at your chest any longer lest he ends up being late.
"You're not gonna eat?" You pout up at him and he gives an apologetic smile.
"I gotta go in early today. New recruits. 'Lot of ropes to show."
"Fiiine." You groan dramatically, though he knows you're not actually upset. "Don't go too easy on 'em."
He chuckles and gives you one last kiss to the crown of your head. "You got it, boss."
The next day, he had found a pair of your panties, the thin kind with a lot of lace embroidered on it, in the back pocket of his pants. He wasn't even the one to notice them first. One of the new recruits had openly pointed at something pink poking out of his pocket, nosy as to what it was. He tugged it out and immediately crushed it in his hand before shoving it back into his pants upon realizing that it wasn’t a handkerchief. The other men snickered amongst themselves and Carlos roughly cleared his throat. "Alright, alright. Settle down."
He called you as soon as he was on his lunch break.
"Any idea how your panties ended up in my back pocket, babe?"
"Hm? My panties?" You sounded genuinely confused over the soft tapping of your fingers on a keyboard.
"Well, they're not mine. Pink and lace aren't exactly my style."
I was wondering where those went! Must've gotten mixed together during laundry day. I usually wash the intimates separately."
He pulls your underwear back out to look at them. The silky fabric felt soothing against the new callouses sprouting on his palm. He's curious how they might feel wrapped around his rousing cock.
"Guess so..." He mutters to himself.
Your voice cuts through the polluted thoughts filling his mind and he's reminded then by the silent ticking coming from the wall that, once again, he doesn't have the time to find out.
"Is there any chance you could swing by the grocery store after work? We're running low on eggs."
"Sure thing."
By Wednesday, his suspicions were steadily mounting to almost headache-inducing levels. You had stopped by his workplace to go over paperwork with one of the higher-ups, something boring. Carlos was tasked with helping you pull down some files in one of the archive rooms. He watched you squat down in front of one of the shelves to pull out one of the many brown boxes on the bottom, sifting through its contents. Carlos finds that he really likes you in formal wear. A blazer, dress pants, and heels were a good look on you.
"Carlos, can you reach up there and start pulling down the boxes at the top for me?" You pull him out of his thoughts yet again and he carefully walks over to you, shins gently nudging against your back as he reaches up and grabs a box with both hands.
He keeps up this uniform pace; taking boxes from the top shelf and placing them in a pile to your right while you search the pile you've made beside your left. He's not even entirely sure what you're looking for and he figures he should probably ask. But your exclamation catches him by surprise, as does the way that your body is slotted up against him when you suddenly rise to your feet.
"Oh! I think that's the one!" You take his arms and lower them so they're caging either side of your waist, removing the flimsy top to the box he's still holding. Carlos swallows hard, staring at your hands from over your shoulder as you rummage through the files. Your ass is perfectly pressed right into his crotch, warm and soft. It rubs against him in such an unassuming manner as you shift your hip to one side. You're not even leaning any of your weight into him but he can feel every inch of you through his clothes, licking at the sweat on his skin like fire on gasoline.
There's no way you can't feel how hard he's getting. Just as he starts imagining just how fucking hot it would be if you let him fuck you right up against these shelves in this cramped dingy space, if you let him stuff his now aching cock into you from behind while he uses his fingers to keep you quiet, you're tilting your head up to peck his chin and slipping out of his arms before he can even muster up a single word.
"Found it! Thanks a bunch, babe. I'll be back to help you clean up in a sec!"
You trot out of the room with the files you were looking for, leaving him with a box that was slowly beginning to slip out of his clammy palms and a throbbing hard-on. His groans fill the stuffy room, frustrated and grumpy. When you had returned to help him like you said, the boxes that had been disturbed were put back in their place, though precariously and not alphabetically, and Carlos was nowhere to be found.
Thursday was the day he was sure he would combust on the spot. You had the day off while he was scrambling to get out of the door on time, somehow managing to snooze through his alarm once sleep had finally found him. While he was in the bathroom briskly scrubbing his teeth, he catches something out of his peripheral vision in the shower, something pale pink and... thick.
He slides the glass door open and nearly spits up all the foaming toothpaste in his mouth. It's one of your toys, a dildo, your favorite one, suctioned to one of the tiles on the shower wall at a particular height. Upon closer inspection, he notices that it's got a glossy wet look to it that he knows isn't water. It looked as if it had just been used.
He could feel his heartbeat in his groin again as he stared at it with his toothbrush dangling between his lips. When did you use it? This morning? You did wake up before he did, and it's not like he could go and ask you about it since you were already gone to take care of errands. He could text or call you, but... He starts to imagine how you must've looked when you decided to play. Hands pressed against the glass, fogged-up with steam, wriggling your pussy back onto the heavy hanging toy while your moans get drowned out by the rushing water crashing down on your dipping back.
Did you think of him while you were fucking yourself? Did you imagine it was his cock instead? Were you breathing his name into the glass so he wouldn't hear you? If you needed to get off so bad, you should've just asked him to take care of you! He would even lay there and let you use him, use his body, his hot cock to chase your pleasure. Ride him all throughout the early morning haze, coming over and over again around him and letting him fill you up with copious amounts of his cum.
He finished brushing his teeth with yet another painful erection that he couldn't take care of because time just wouldn’t allow it. Thoughts of you naked and writhing beneath him, fervently sucking him off, peering over your shoulder at him with that knowing smirk as his hips slam into the plump flesh of your ass are all that flood his head for the rest of what felt like the longest day of the week for Carlos.
After another tedious and grueling day of work, he was ready to go home and enjoy a nice relaxing weekend with you. Friday could've come sooner but he was too exhausted to complain, too eager to get inside and wash off the sweat and grime of the day. He stumbles through the door and his eyes are scanning the apartment for you almost instantly.
"Babe? You home?" He calls out, toeing off his boots by the door.
"In the bedroom!" Your voice echoes from down the hall, a sound he's quick to follow despite the fatigue setting in his body. When he finds you, the sight is enough to have him quietly groaning to himself, something familiar churning in his lower belly.
"Hey! How was work?" You ask cheerfully, naturally, as if you weren't just laying in bed on your belly reading a magazine, wearing one of his shirts with the sleeves rolled up to your shoulders, and some panties. The very same ones that had found their way into his pocket on Tuesday.
"Fine." He mutters though he isn't sure if you even heard him.
You toss the magazine onto the end table next to the bed and hop up onto your knees to stretch your arms above your head with a soft sound of exertion. His eyes never leave the sight of the sheer rosy fabric framing your ass.
"I just got off a few hours ago. It was such a slow day. But, T.G.I.F., right?"
You slide off the mattress and saunter towards the door, your arm brushing across his and you swear you feel him tense up at such a passing touch. A quiet current flowing through a tightly wound wick that was ready to ignite at the smallest spark.
“I’m gonna take a shower.”
His hand grabs your wrist and holds you in place for the merest of seconds before he whips you around to face him. “Are you trying to turn me on or are you really just that oblivious?”
The look of surprise you give is authentic enough to have him second-guessing himself. Your blinking eyes, tilting head, and questioning hum almost dry up all the grounds for such a snap interrogation.
“I thought that maybe you really weren’t paying attention that morning when you got frosting all over your chest. And maybe you really did get our laundry mixed up cause there’s no way you could’ve slipped your panties into my pants without me knowing. But your little stunt at the office? And leaving your toy out in the bathroom where you knew I would see it? And now this?”
He gestures at his shirt hanging off your body, barely covering the lace culprit he had mentioned. “I’m startin’ to think that these little coincidences aren’t actually so coincidental.”
The look you give him could best be described as cat-like. A cat who rolled her red ball of yarn wherever she went with her tail held high cause she knew a certain someone would inevitably get snagged in her threads. And he was the big cute puppy she had banked on who got all tangled up.
“It took you this long to come to that conclusion, huh?”
The look on his face you would describe as utterly dumbfounded. Whether it was because of your overtly bold confession to his allegations or the fact that you weren’t coyly trying to deny it like he must’ve thought you would, you weren’t really sure.
“It started out as a coincidence that Monday morning, I’ll give you that much. But after I saw how riled up you got because of it -and don’t try to act like you hid it well- I just wanted to see how far I could take this little experiment before you caught on.”
You easily slipped your wrist from his hand, slowly slinking back inch by inch toward the door. “And especially since we were both gonna be too busy and tired through the week to even do anything, I thought it would be fun to keep you all hot and bothered for me until the weekend when we could let loose.”
You pause in the doorway, watching his expression. Heat had flooded his face, all the way to the tips of his ears though his hair did a good job hiding that. He looked like he was still processing all the details, seemingly at a loss for words at the moment. You took the opportunity to pull off his shirt, leaving you completely bare to him sans those damnable panties.
“I really am surprised it took until the end of the week for you to figure me out. And you’re accusing me of being the oblivious one?”
Whatever words he did manage to find come out in a splutter, the flush on his cheeks clouding over. His eyes follow the curve of your spine when you turn your back to him and playfully wiggle your hips.
“C’mon, puppy. You scrub my back and I’ll scrub yours. And maybe I’ll even show you how I used that toy of mine yesterday.”
The look you give him and those tacked on odds is ultimately what propels him forward, scooping you up into his arms and giving your shoulder an impish bite, relishing the taste of your skin and the sounds of your squeals and giggles as he carries you toward the bathroom.
He snarls into your ear, "You’re in for one hell of a weekend, fox."
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Rubber Ducky
Pairing: Peter Parker/Tony Stark Rating: Explicit (E) Word Count: ~6.3k Notes: I was totally inspired by RDJ’s latest insta post! Between the motorcycle, gray hair, big ole’ combat boots, and the rubber ducky - it was hard not to write about it. Add on S’s insatiable need for that silver fox goodness and here we are! Warnings: There’s some smut in here, but that’s about it. Summary:
Born to old money, Tony is in the limelight simply because he exists. After a misunderstanding caught on video, he's personified as a spoil socialite & no matter what he does, he can't escape the title. Instead of letting it get him down, Tony uses it to his advantage - if anyone were to find out what he really did with his life, his reputation would be ruined. No one needed to know that he threw clay for a living or that one of the most successful ceramic business belongs to him.
When things become to much to handle on his own, Tony reluctantly takes on a personal assistant by the name of Peter Parker.
Preconceptions are a funny thing - Peter finds out just how nefarious they can be when he gets to see the real person behind the Tony Stark public persona.
Or: the one where RDJ and a rubber ducky serve as the best muse.
Read it on AO3 here.
In hindsight, Tony should’ve known his reputation would come from a spectacular misunderstanding.
In the early years, Tony was not nearly as schooled in maintaining his composure – especially when he deemed himself correct. One misunderstanding caught on camera later and he was officially known as “Manhattan’s Spoiled Brat” to every major gossip rag and tabloid that could get their hands on information to print about him; true or otherwise.
From that point on, no matter what he actually did, Tony’s movements in the media were always framed with the perception of spoiled, outlandish, and in some circles, downright rude. It didn’t matter that before the paparazzi ambushed him outside of his apartment, he spent the morning setting up some private dog walking for the local shelter dogs. He couldn’t ever pull the trigger on actually adopting one – but he digressed. Those out for a story and a story only took their photos, heckled him, and reported half-truths and words taken out of context.
Despite the initial turmoil over it, Tony found himself with a lot more free time in the sanctity of the space he called his own. Other socialites didn’t want anything to do with him – the mere thought of being out papped drove them all mad. To avoid too much attention, Tony took his peer[s dismissal and ran with it – if a bad reputation got him the privacy that he sought, why wouldn’t he take advantage of it.
It all seemed to work out in his favor, because if his fellow socialite peers ever found themselves privy to his actual occupation, Tony knew he could count himself on the list of social outcasts that no one talked about – in fact, the few people he knew like that weren’t even spoken about in the circles he was forced to affiliate himself with. Being old money had so many advantages, but in the long term, Tony could have easily done without it.
Never one to care about the money, unless it was supposed to be caught on camera in some way shape or form, Tony enjoyed his solitude and the time he had to chase after his one true passion – pottery.
The addiction started halfway through his time at MIT. Desperate to escape the confines of his dorm and the information that didn’t interest him in the least, Tony found himself wandering the streets of Cambridge, his eyes wide and peeled for the bright shine of cameras being clicked. In his slow meanderings, Tony caught the sight of an interesting looking woman, the dreads in her hair and the big pot in her hands dragging him in. And when she felt his presence, instead of getting upset, she shot him a smile and slowed her step – the woman obviously not afraid of Tony’s attention.
He ended up walking half a mile a couple of steps behind the unnamed woman, the pot in her hands becoming more and more interesting the longer he got to look at it. The workmanship of it was obvious, the lines were neat and the dip of the pot perfectly symmetrical around the rim. Not for the first time, Tony marveled at the intense beauty of handmade work – he longed to work with his hands in the creation process. His father wanted him to put that energy into machines and technology that would further their wealth. Tony, on the other hand, he just wanted to create – no pressure, no expectation… just creation.
The building they stopped in front was all open space with big windows. Locking eyes with the woman, Tony rushed ahead of her and opened the door, holding it and his breath as she walked through the door. Upon entering, Tony noticed the multiple rows of what he knew to be pottery wheels, each one of them gleaming in the wash of sunlight that flowed in from the streets. Sucking in a breath, Tony had to stop himself from gravitating towards one.
A soft voice turned him around, his heart beating wildly – in the moments since walking in, Tony completely forgot the woman was there. “The dedication you showed in following me here is more than enough for me. Do you want to learn?” the still unnamed woman asked, her cheeks crinkling in the corner as a smile overtook his face.
It didn’t take but an extra second for the excited ‘yes’ to slip out of his mouth. He understood an opportunity when it was presented to him and didn’t want to squander it.
Without saying anything else, the woman walked by him, sat down at one of the wheels and looked expectantly at the one next to her.
From there, Tony found in himself natural talent and a burning desire to learn all he could about the craft. Despite having the means to buy his own wheel and supplies, Tony returned to Nona’s, the old woman insisting he call her nothing but. Over the course of the last two years of his undergraduate degree, Tony split his time between uninteresting studies and the maddening obsession of wet clay and the never-ending possibilities the potters wheel could bring.
The art brought him joy and when he graduated and Nona gifted him his very own wheel and her blessing of finally being ready, Tony took to it with a passion he never experienced before. No one in his circle would understand the desire to get his hands dirty or create something that could easily be bought at some auction, or fancy gallery opening. So, he kept it a secret – the thing he treasured most in the world was his and his alone.
That trend continued for many years after that. In order to keep up his expected persona, Tony put himself in the public’s eye a few times a year to cause a ruckus, whether it was with scandalous photos he manipulated himself, or a random appearance in a place he was supposedly blacklisted from. And between those times, Tony threw clay and created a whole line of masterpieces that culminated into a pretty popular business.
As his talent and the demand for his work grew, Tony let the smallest bit of pride settle deep within him. Despite not being satisfied with the way the world saw him, his most favorite piece of himself was flourishing – and on his own merit, nonetheless. Making something out of himself away from his father’s money meant so much and each step he took towards that brought him a peace he wasn’t sure would ever exist for him.
After almost 10 years of being in business, Dirty’s Pottery was finally unmanageable by himself – especially if Tony wanted to keep the anonymity of the business. No matter how much he didn’t want to bring in another person into the folds of his life, Tony knew he needed the help.
Which is why, when Peter Parker walked into his life, Tony was thrown so off guard. For most of the morning leading up to the interview, he felt a sliver of dread start to worm its way into the confines of his chest. Just seeing someone for a position like this took an amount of trust that Tony had not ever given to anyone – ever – in his entire life. The need for it was the only reason he forced himself to get his shit together and actually give the guy a chance at actually getting the job.
His entire attitude changed when he caught the glance of milk chocolate eyes that shone, well-kept facial hair, and a smile that so obviously hid a beautiful personality behind the lengths of it. In that moment, Tony wondered about so many things – where did this guy come from, how did he walk around in those pants without getting hit on with every step, and his favorite – what could he do to get this person to stick around. All of that without a single word being exchanged between them.
When Peter finally did start to speak, Tony couldn’t help but get lost in the interesting human sitting in the chair next to him. Instead of making it a formal affair, Tony poured them coffee and nestled into the remaining chair in the small office Tony kept slightly clear in his workshop. He went so far as to start the conversation with a question totally off the wall, which Peter answered with ease and kickstarted what turned out to be a couple hours’ worth of back and forth between the two of them.
It was obvious, in the way it took Peter a little while to open up to him, that his reputation proceeded him. Before Peter even walked in the door, he was looking at him a certain way – and Tony couldn’t wait to do everything in his power to prove that perception wrong. In true Tony Stark nature, Tony started by finishing their conversation out in the main room of the studio, his hands covered in red clay, the length of his hair pushed back with a bandana he’d taken to wearing over the last few months. The interested eyes that watched his hands with fascination brought a smile to his face and the job offer to the tip of his tongue.
“The job – it’s yours if you want. You’re smart, capable – the experience you came in with is amazing. I’d be pretty stupid to not snatch you up while I have the chance. But hear this now,” Tony said, his voice dipping. “If you fuck with me, I’ll ruin you. Understood?”
An awkward chuckle was his answer, Peter’s eyes flashing with some sort of feeling as he nodded his head. “Understood, Mr. Stark. This is a big opportunity for me – I wouldn’t screw that up for 5 minutes of media attention.”
And just like that, Tony was sold. He extended a clay covered hand out, a challenging quirk to his brow as he looked up, his own cognac colored eyes meeting Peter’s after a moment. “Cut the Mr. Stark shit, it’s just Tony.”
Grinning, Peter returned the handshake, his soft hand wrapping around Tony’s like it fit there, like if he let himself think about it, Tony could’ve sworn it’d been there his whole life. The contrast of wet clay and pale skin did something to him – something that, after 45 years of life, Tony couldn’t remember experiencing ever before.
It took a while, coaxing Peter from whatever picture he painted in his head about Tony and what he knew about him. The first few months together were tense – when they attempted their first staged photo for the public eye, Peter looked at him skeptically, as if the entire situation was crazy. Then, Tony stepped in front of the camera and pulled his mask on, his expression and demeanor changing to suit the air and attitude needed to portray the spoiled persona he’d been keeping up for years now.
The click of the camera was rapid, like the change in Tony was just as eerie for Peter as it was for the man himself. He turned and smiled and smoldered enough to make sure he had a few pictures to play with over the next few weeks, then dropped the whole act the second he could – Tony more than glad to be done with this part of his act until the next need for it came to be. Shrugging his shoulders and letting the conceded air rush from him, Tony shot Peter a smile – his assistant’s facial expression telling him much more than he needed to know.
“It is just an act, isn’t it? I’ve never seen someone put on another skin like that before,” Peter mumbled, his ears a little red from the blush that slowly spread down his cheeks with every word. His long fingers fiddled with the dial of the camera, brown eyes down casted in what Tony could only assume was apprehension or embarrassment.
“Everyone does it, Pete. Sometimes, it’s just more necessary than others. I had one little mishap and all of the sudden, I was painted as something that I’m not – something that I never will be. No matter what I did after that, things didn’t change. So, I use it to my advantage. Put a little chum in the water for the sharks every now and again and live my life the way I want it in between.” Tony shrugged then, his hands already working to take off the stupid jacket that pinched between his shoulders.
Peter was quiet for a few minutes, the two of them moving around each other in the slightly uncomfortable silence. “I’m just a kid from Queens. I couldn’t even imagine what that’s like. I probably would’ve taken the opportunity you did, too. It sucks you have to be someone different, but I get it.” A soft smile could be seen on his face, the look one of Peter’s that Tony quickly became enamored with – the shine of it hitting him in the gut, supplying him with his next bit of energy from all the goodness hidden within it.
Though it wasn’t monumental, things between them changed. While Peter used to come and go without much fanfare, Tony was surprised when he started to stick around a little longer after their work was done for today. Where the conversation could easily be described as stilted before, words started to flow between them easily – now that the damn was broken, it was like there was no stopping the conversations that could so easily exist.
And they did, flow easily. Peter graduated from Columbia with an Economics degree – a career field he quickly understood was not for him after two years in a job that he absolutely hated. The shared hatred for what they studied in college opened up the door for actual passions, ones in which Tony quickly came to find that Peter had many of. Including pottery, though he never did anything aside from buying it until coming to work for Tony.
“Your coffee cups are actually why I wanted this job,” Peter admitted out of the blue, the two of them settled on the soft couch in Tony’s living room after a long day of boxing and shipping orders. “When I first started college, I was dirt pour – living the dream, you know. I got the short end of the stick in housing and ended up having to find my own apartment. It was a shit hole, but I had a Dirty coffee mug to drink out of every day – so things couldn’t have been as glum as they really were. For some reason, I thought of that when I saw the ad – felt compelled to apply.”
Shifting a little, Tony let their shoulders brush – the physical contact between them also flourishing now that Peter didn’t think he was such a piece of shit. He leaned in, applying the slightest bit of pressure to the firm deltoid he felt through Peter’s shirt. “And now you get to drink out of them whenever you want,” Tony remarked, the joking tone of his voice pulling a smile from them both. “Never thought you’d run into me when you signed up for this gig, did you?”
“I didn’t. Honestly, when I saw it was you, I almost turned around and walked right out the door. If it wasn’t for the way you look sitting behind the potters wheel, I might’ve done exactly that.”
A chuckle fell from Tony’s lips, the tightness in his chest that’d been building up from that first day finally loosening, whatever happened in the minutes between stepping in front of the camera and that moment obviously winning him a bit of favor.
“I do look good behind the wheel, don’t I?” Tony answered, a shit eating grin on his face.
Peter reached over, swatting his thigh in joking exasperation. “Shut up.”
That exchange stayed with him after that, a subtle reminder of the distance between them narrowing. Tony didn’t even know if Peter liked anything about him other than the way he looked, or the way his mugs held coffee – but a small bit of hope sat in his chest, regardless. Things were so different now, all smiles and laughing, inside jokes between the two of them that didn’t cease to be funny, no matter how many times they stopped dead in their tracks to deal with the chuckling fits that spontaneously occurred at the thought of any of them. It had to mean something, even if it wasn’t the sort of intensity that Tony wanted.
Like most things in his life, Tony got his answer in the form of a shout, or at least, the closest a kiss could come to the form. About a year and a half into their working relationship, Peter was finally comfortable, so comfortable in fact, he allowed himself to fall asleep in the many different spaces he’d been invited into in Tony’s home and workshop. That particular day, Tony walked into his office to find Peter passed the fuck out, a cute string of drool lulling from the side of his mouth. His eyes were moving behind his eyelids, hands clenching by his sides.
For a second, Tony thought to wake him up, what he thought was distress making him want to take care of Peter in the only way he knew how. Resisting, Tony walked around his office quietly, grabbing his smock and the most recent designs before trying his best to sneak past Peter without waking the sleeping beauty up. He was about to step away from the edge of the couch when a hand shot out, grabbing his wrist.
“Pete, what – “ Tony started to exclaim, his body falling towards Peter stopping the rest of the words from coming out of his mouth. Without being able to suck in another pull of breath, Tony’s lips were covered, all of Peter pressing fully against him, lips and obviously interested cock, included. Waiting for the other shoe to drop, Tony kept himself still, the need to flatten Peter out and press into the contact so close to winning out, despite knowing it probably wasn’t his best course of action.
A gasp of breath against his lips alerted Tony to Peter’s conscious state, the man pulling back from him in the next second.
“Tony?” Peter gasped; the words still tinged with sleep. “Is this real? I was just dreaming – “ He stopped then, realization of what he just said grinding everything else to a halt. “Oh god.”
Putting a finger across Peter’s lips to stop any other words from spilling out, Tony leaned back into his space, their faces mere inches away from each other. “I dream about it, too.” Tony mumbled as he closed the distance and pressed their lips together – this kiss one they were both conscious and aware of.
The fingers slipping into his hair were the only sign that he needed. In a desperate attempt to get more skin right in that very moment, Tony climbed onto the couch, his knees pressing into the cushions bracketing Peter’s hips. His own hands moved to grasp whatever skin he could reach, Peter’s nap on the couch affording him stomach and back from a ridden-up shirt.
Plush lips were such a distraction, the thickness of Peter’s bottom lip ridding him of any thought other than right that second and skin and more kisses that felt like straight heat touching him. Peter’s fingers dug into his scalp, blunt nails cutting into the skin in the most tantalizing way possible.
An annoying need for oxygen pulled them apart, Tony panting into the skin of Peter’s neck as he continued to explore the long planes of skin there. If this dream haze was the only way he got what he’d been wanting since he first laid eyes on Peter, Tony would take it – simply because he never let himself and he really, really, really wanted this; wanted Peter.
Hands on the side of his face stopped his assault, Tony pulling  away with so much reluctance – his entire being shouting against the disparity of the action. Peter brushed their noses together, his fingers caressing Tony’s face, cupping behind his ears – each digit moving restlessly.
“I want you,” Peter said plainly, the seconds of silent stares and heavily panted breaths already forgotten – the words already enough to change the way the world tipped on its axis. “I want you. Have wanted you for so long. Please, Tony – “
Whatever was going to come next, Tony cut him off – their lips sealing back together now that they were both on the same page, both ready for the next step – both wanting each other.
Not in any frame of mind to do anything other than kiss, be kissed, and pull at clothes in hopes that they came off, Tony did just that – his fingers slipped under the soft t-shirt covering Peter’s chest, the pads of them tracing the smooth skin of rippling abs, and the slightest bit of chest hair just starting to coat over trim pecs. He pushed the shirt up until it rested under Peter’s arms, his brain unwilling to allow him to pull away from their kiss to actually take it off.
Peter, like he did so well over the past few months, took the matter into his own hands. He pulled away from Tony to yank his shirt up and over his head, eager fingers doing the same to Tony’s once he got the memo and shifted so Peter was able. Soft hands found the thick patch of hair covering his upper chest and the straight path down his abdominals that trailed down into the confines of his now too-tight boxer briefs. The touch was like electricity, each inch of perusal like a shock rolling across the surface of his skin.
Moaning, Tony let his hips drop, the bulge in his pants pressingly deliciously against Peter’s erection, the slide of his jeans against his passion both tantalizing and harsh – the perfect combination. In an attempt to gain more friction and a better position, Tony climbed off of Peter’s thighs, slotting himself between muscled legs, instead. Instantly, Peter wrapped his thighs around Tony’s hips, using his strength and leverage to pull him close, closer than either ever thought they would ever get.
The next few minutes were a flurry of kisses against bare skin and hands wandering all the inches they could – Tony focusing on the softest little swell of Peter’s stomach, the roundness of it only enhancing the strength the rest of him portrayed. They fumbled and thrust, erections grinding through several layers of jean and fine clothed underwear. It was glorious and not enough all in one breath. Tony forced himself to create space between them in hopes of furthering things along, his shaky hands making quick work of Peter’s pants and then his own.
Completely naked in front of him, Tony was surprised to not feel a single shred of self-consciousness. In all of his imaginings, he thought he might curl in on himself – there weren’t many people that knew the real him; baring himself this way to Peter, Tony no longer had the pleasure of anonymity, the barrier of protective shell he tried to keep with him at all times. A grinning Peter brought him away from those thoughts, his own lips turning up in a smoldering smirk.
“Reach behind you – I think there’s something in the side table we can use for lube.”
The words came out panted, like Tony needed every shred of oxygen in his body to deliver them, yet, he couldn’t bring himself to be embarrassed – Peter fumbled over himself to get to the drawer, his upper body twisting to reach, despite Tony pinning his legs down into the cushions of the couch below them. A sound of triumph left them both when Peter righted himself, a small bottle of lube in his grasp.
“Any reason why you have lube in your workshop office?” Peter asked through a chuckle, his hands already moving to grip Tony’s bare skin, the lube sitting on his stomach in offering.
Ignoring the question for the moment, Tony reached up to grab the bottle, his lips busy tracing the lines of Peter’s abs until he found himself face to face with a delectable erection, the tip of it glistening with the tangible exertions of their efforts. He brought his eyes up to glance at Peter, the usual honey-hazel completely overtaken by black pupil and want – so much want.
His tongue peaked out to sop up the leaky moisture, Tony letting a moan slip from his lips before redoubling his efforts, his lips wrapping around Peter tightly. It was erotic, bobbing up and down on the most beautiful erection while maintaining such intense eye contact. The state of Peter’s eyes matched his own, the glassy nature of them making his own cock throb – the smear of precum he felt himself thrusting into a tell-tale sign of what this did to him; what Peter could so easily drag from him.
“Jerking off, of course,” Tony finally answered, his lips pulling away from Peter’s cock with a loud pop that echoed around the small office. “I practically lived here before you came to my rescue. I’m not a saint.”
To emphasize the point, Tony snapped open the cap of the lube, his eyes flashing as that sound too seemed to bounce off the walls. A weak moan left his lips when he turned the tube over to dump a good amount of lube over his fingers, the implication of what came next and the frigid cold of the lube doing something to him. Peter grinned up at him, his hips rolling up in the most obvious form of permission.
Taking Peter’s cock back into his mouth, Tony let two of his fingers slip between the crease of firm butt cheeks, the tip of one tracing a tight rim. With the thought of distraction, Tony sucked hard and pressed his finger in, breaching the muscle with a kind of ease that had him moaning around the thick cock in his mouth. The boil of heat and arousal felt like it was consuming him – he’d feel lucky if he actually got to the point of slipping inside Peter without completely embarrassing himself.
Long fingers dug into thick, salt and pepper locks, Peter’s grip tight and flexing rhythmically with the bob and pull of his mouth around the most luscious erection. Slowly, Tony opened Peter up, his fingers working in tandem with his cleverly talented mouth. Little by little, he felt the muscle around his fingers relax, Peter easily able to take three fingers after his careful ministrations.
The grip in his hair tightened, forcing Tony to look up to gauge the situation. The sight he was met with caused his cock to throb again, the tip now completely covered with pre-cum and weepy, each second passing filling out the appendage more and more, Tony feeling so fucking close to burning already.
Peter’s pupils were completely blown, the glassy nature of them from before overtaken by a sort of heat that Tony didn’t know existed. His hair was in disarray, the obvious toss of it back and forth showing in the tangled strands. Sweat covered him, the tiny drops on Peter’s forehead the only indication that he too was physically straining himself, desperately trying to hold himself off.
“Fuck me, Tony. I need it – need you,” Peter gasped out, his fingers tightening in Tony’s hair even more. “Please.”
Not one to deny himself or those he cared about, Tony pulled himself up and away, Peter’s pulsing erection slapping against his chin for the effort.  A laugh left his lips as he sat up completely, nervous hands moving to grab the lube. The snick of the cap opening made them both jump, each man completely wound up and ready to go off at any moment. Dumping a generous amount of lube onto his cock, Tony reached down to spread it, smearing the last little bit of it around Peter’s entrance – the thought of the sticky-slick slide pushing him into position faster than he thought imaginable.
Nudging Peter’s thighs, Tony settled further between them, the muscles there clenching with the subtle pressure of a cock head against the relaxed rim; the feeling jolting them both. He sucked in a quick breath, his chest expanding with the long pull of air. Breathing back out, Tony pressed forward, thrusting his hips without hesitation until they were pressed soundly together, Tony’s pelvis to the warm flesh of Peter’s ass.
“Oh, fuck –“ Tony babbled, his head hanging between his shoulders as he held himself above Peter, giving them both a moment to adjust to the heat and tightness – the overall feeling of their connection blazing up between them.
Peter’s answer came in the form of a swift clench of muscle around Tony’s cock, the heat of it all burning any ounce of self-control Tony might’ve had. His hips snapped forward, the sound of skin slapping against skin pulling a groan from the depth of his chest. If this was what just being wrapped up in Peter felt like, Tony couldn’t even begin to fathom what the end result of their joining would be like.
A little bit desperate, Tony dropped down until their chests were pressed together, hands moving to urge Peter to wrap his thighs a little higher up his chest to better the angle. With that done, he nestled his face into the side of Peter’s neck and let go.
Every thrust was accompanied by the sweetest sounds, both men contributing to the groundbreaking symphony of passion and connection. The slap of skin on skin and breathy moans were the only thing that could be heard around the room, each crescendo of sound driving Tony that much closer to the edge he never wanted to reach – staying there, in that moment, it would’ve been the best thing in the world.
Yet, he found himself chasing the feeling of jumping over the peak, anyway. Peter was clamping down around him hard, the constant press of Tony’s dick against his prostate creeping him towards the edge – the man’s cock was slick between them, each thrust pulling yet another pulse of pre-cum from the tip to guide the way. Their stomachs provided the friction to Peter’s cock that Tony couldn’t, his attention completely consumed by thrusts and sweat and the heat surrounding him.
With his orgasm impending, Tony picked up his pace, the rhythmic strokes from before completely gone, replaced with an animalistic push and pull that was quickly driving him towards completion. He didn’t want to reach it until Peter did, however; the clench of muscles around his touch sensitive cock a good indicator of how close Peter was, too.
After another few hard thrusts, Peter wailed, his hand slipping into Tony’s hair to pull at the locks.
“I’m gonna cum – oh god, Tony!”
Holding on just long enough to see the look of pure ecstasy on Peter’s face, Tony thrusted once, twice, three times before letting himself go – his orgasm washing over him deliciously, the feel of it like passing out and coming to all in one shot.
Tony felt his arms give way, his body crashing heavily into Peter’s. They were covered in sweat and semen, both physically exerting their bodies to the point of exhaustion, but completely sated, nonetheless. Pressing a kiss to Peter’s neck, Tony let himself relax, not giving two shits about the sweaty stickiness between them.
“We should have been doing that for ages now,” Peter whispered, his voice deep and wrecked sounding, a sort of pleasure radiating from him as the words left his lips.
Chuckling softly, Tony wrapped Peter up, his arms squeezing him tightly to his chest, the two of them settling into the gentle comfort surrounding them in that moment.
“Well, you’re definitely not getting rid of me, now.”
Loosening the reins on the idea of his public image got a little easier the longer Tony spent in Peter’s arms. Without much to rely on in the personal life Tony cultivated throughout his existence, his image was really the only thing he had. Even if that image was one that wasn’t the best – at least the world knew something of him. Yet, the closer he got to Peter and the effortlessness of their relationship, the less he cared about what people thought of him – of his sassy, diva, socialite attitude that he’d been cultivating for so long.
Instead, Tony felt the need to let little pieces of himself shine through as the months past. It became clear that being his genuine self was important to Peter – the man seemed to like all the pieces of him and wanted the world to see him in all of his glory.
It’d been too long for him to completely pour his public persona completely down the drain – there were too many people that came to expect a certain sort of thing from him. And he wasn’t anywhere close to being comfortable with a public reveal of his face in conjunction with his pottery business, but – they were slowly making progress.
Several months after finally coming together as a couple, Tony and Peter were back where things started to change for them – Peter behind the camera, watching as Tony put on his mask to face the public. This time, they were camped in front of a sleek, all black motorcycle – the bike one of Tony’s most recent glutinous purchases (he happened upon it a week or two after Peter mentioned how sexy he thought it would be, Tony on the back of a bike like that). Tony let Peter pick out the outfit he was sporting, the straight black pants and stiff collared jacket one of his absolute favorites.
After several of these over their time together, Tony understood Peter’s feelings on the smolder he let free when posing for these types of photos – there was a love-hate relationship with the particular faces he made throughout the process. On one hand, Peter hated the reason for the false look – pleasing people was never something he became accustomed to, even after spending so much time with Tony. On the other hand, Tony knew that Peter found it irresistible – the fact that he could kiss it off of him now only adding to that feeling.
Peter let it go on for a while – they shot several different poses in, on, and around the bike. Directing him from behind the camera, Peter made comments here and there, most of the time allowing Tony to do what he wanted. When his limit was reached, Tony found himself slapped across the face with a rubber duck, the toy hitting him before he could even see it coming.
“I can’t take that look anymore. I want to pull you off that bike and ravage you. But I can’t – because we’re in public.”
Peter’s eye caught his, the truth of his words existing in the small space between them. Grinning, Tony let the rubber duck rest against his thigh, a smirk slipping across his lips. He heard a series of clicks before Peter was staring him down again, a mix between lust and hilarity playing across his face.
Later, when he downloaded the pictures, Tony couldn’t stop the big bust of laughter that fell from his lips, a huge smile slipping across his cheeks. He quickly opened up the one he would post and did the customary touch ups in Photoshop before sending it to himself, anticipation and excitement sitting in his chest at his most recent idea. Tony didn’t hesitate, bringing up Instagram and posting the photo without a second thought.
The thunk of a phone hitting the ground in the other room, followed by fast footsteps coming his way was the clear sign that Peter saw the picture – his boyfriend appearing in the doorway of their room a moment later with the most affectionate look on his face making Tony feel like he was about to burst open at the seams.
“All of those pictures and that’s the one you post?” Peter questioned, his long legs carrying him over until he was inches from Tony. “That rubber duck can’t be all that good for your image.”
Reaching out, Tony pulled Peter until they were chest to chest, his boyfriend’s arms wrapping around his shoulders to narrow the space down even further. “Someone told me it needed a change,” Tony mumbled, his words somewhat muffled by the press of his lips against Peter’s as he spoke. “Thought it might be a step in the right direction.”
Peter’s answer came in the form of a desperate kiss, their tongues and teeth clashing in the best of ways. “I love you, you fucking dork.”
Pressing back in for another kiss, Tony let himself revel in the feeling taking him over in that moment. After so long, it felt good to take the tiniest step out of the closet – there were many more to take, but at least he knew the effort was appreciated. He let himself stay lost in the kiss for a while, the desperate caress of soft lips and eager hands the only thing that really mattered.
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