#the mug was really well wrapped too? bubble and everything :(
atasteforsuicidal · 5 months
Unpacking and finding more broken things is making me really sad :(
One of my grandmother's plates and my first le petit prince mug, especially :(
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momotonescreaming · 1 month
Tommy version
It still felt a little novel, being allowed to just walk into Harbour Station.
Without worrying about getting caught, or kicked out, or trying to come up with another excuse to visit again. It felt very over there, out of reach. But now? Buck could park the Jeep and walk straight in, that giddy happiness bubbling up in his chest. He knew exactly where everything was now. All about the different hangars, which helicopter went where, where their lockers and kitchen was.
So when his and Tommy’s shifts didn’t quite align — he could walk straight into Harbour and surprise him.
The first time he did it Buck kind of felt like throwing up a little. He knew he liked Tommy, and Tommy liked him, but he wasn’t sure if this was something that was allowed. If they were quite there yet. He knew Tommy was out to his co-workers, had told them about Buck, but it was different to the 118. Tommy knew all Buck’s co-workers, his friends — so Tommy surprising him at the 118 was no problem at all. He could greet his boyfriend with a hug and kiss, knowing that Chim or Eddie was right behind him ready to crack a joke about how Buck got to see Tommy all the time, it was their turn now. And watch as his boyfriend greeted his best friends, enveloped quickly and warmly into the 118’s hold. Bobby inviting him to sit down and eat with them, no trouble at all.
Buck didn’t know Harbour that well. The only one he really knew apart from Tommy was Lucy, and that was a whole different thing.
So he walked into Harbour with his hands flexing nervously, awkwardly adjusting the bag of lunch he had intended to surprise Tommy with. Heart fluttering in his chest, at the thought of seeing Tommy again — but also at the level of unknown. All he knew about them was what Tommy had told him. And yeah, Tommy had said they were cool — were cool with him — just not on the level of family that the 118 was.
He didn’t have anything to worry about, in the end. Buck walked up to the first person he could see, some tech in a blue jumpsuit that looked familiar to the one Tommy was wearing that day they met. Asked if he knew where Tommy was, gut churning. Anxiety quickly relieved when the guy merely smiled and pointed to a nearby hangar, saying Kinard was in there.
It was different now. As soon as they spotted him making his way across the tarmac — Tommy’s co-workers, those he was closest to — one of them would shout across the Hangar that “Kinard, your man’s here.” 
Loud enough that everyone could hear them.
And Buck would feel that giddy swoop in his stomach again. He wasn’t some stranger, asking techs for directions. They knew him on sight. He wasn’t Buck, some firefighter from the 118. He was Tommy’s man, and his heart swelled at the sound of it.
Watching as his boyfriend appears from behind one of the helicopters, flight suit tied around his waist, crinkly grin on his face. The one that enveloped his whole face, like he just couldn’t hide how happy he was to see him. Buck could greet him with a kiss, arms wrapping around his waist, no longer worried about whether it was something Tommy was cool with in front of his co-workers. He knew Tommy liked it, liked him, even if he got teased to Hell and back for it. Got teased for the hard switch between the serious pilot Kinard, reserved and deadpan —  to a man horrifically down bad for his boyfriend. The happiest they’d ever seen him.
Buck got it, he felt happiest too.
Buck knew where the kitchen was now, the living room area, could head straight there and wait for Tommy to come back from a call if he really wanted to. Could grab his boyfriend’s hand and have lunch with him at work. He kind of did, want to, that is. Stealing away hours of each others time, in and around shifts because they needed to see each other.
He was welcome in Harbour, could have lunch at their tables and could drink coffee out of their ‘LAFD’s link from the streets to the skies’ mugs. The novelty hadn’t died down. The excitement. The honeymoon phase of it all.
How as much as he was inviting Tommy into his life, Tommy was inviting him into his. He tried, he made an effort, he was in this just as much as Buck was. This wasn’t one sided, this wasn’t Buck desperately throwing himself into a relationship that the other person didn’t care as much about. This was Tommy saying he wanted him to meet his co-workers, his friends. That he wanted his worlds to combine. He wanted Buck.
That still felt novel too.
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russellsppttemplates · 8 months
Daddy's here, buddy (Lewis Hamilton)
A look into the Hamilton household now that they are a family of three
Note: english is not my first language. After a long time on hold (I know it has been a while, like, a really long time), I'm finally posting this one. I won't blame you if you have left, especially since it took me so long, but if you're still around, I hope you like this, anon!
Thank you so much to everyone who likes and reblogs, your feedback is appreciated 🤍 and I'm taking requests so if you have any ideas or concepts you want to share, feel free to do so as I'll try to get to them the best I can!
my masterlist
Tw: mentions pregnancy, postpartum (difficulties walking, breastfeeding, soreness)
Tag list: @myloverjk-blog
As soon as Lewis was able, he flew straight back home, promising Toto and the rest of the team a detailed written debrief he worked on while he was on the plane.
When he landed, one of your friends was there to drive him straight home, "they are both doing well so the doctor discharged them this morning, they watched the race at home already with your mum", she smiled, noticing his antsyness, "we'll stop by my place so you can have a shower and change clothes, and then you'll get to meet him. I know I'm biased, and you'll be too, but he's the cutest little boy ever", she smiled, reassuring him that everything was well underway and that they were being careful with the baby's health.
"Carmen, can I have some water, please?", Lewis heard you call for his mother as he walked through the stairs that led the garage to the living area of the house, seeing the older woman pour the liquid into a mug and bringing it to you along with a straw.
"Hey, look who's here!", you smiled, handing the mug back to your mother in-law when you finished sipping from it.
Lewis walked closer to you, rubbing his mother's arm before he kissed the top of your head, taking a peek at the bundle in your arms. Baby Noah has been sleeping against your chest, pillowy lips agape without another care in the world, but he seemed to stir as he felt his father's presence in the room.
"Someone wants to meet daddy", you cooed as Lewis sat next to you on the sofa, arms expectantly held out as you transferred the baby to his arms.
Taking the baby wrapped up in the beige blanket and placing him on his chest, Lewis let one of his hands rest on his son's back to hold him close.
"Hey Noah", he whispered, looking up briefly to see his mother and wife smiling at them, "You were slightly early, weren't you? Daddy wasn't here when you came earthside, and I'm very sorry for it, but now we have all the time in the world", he whispered, softly touching his cheek and moving to stroke his head, feeling the soft baby hair.
Noah looked up at him as tears filled his eyes, "I couldn't wait to get home to you and mummy. I'm sure a lot of people want to meet you, I got told that much in the paddock", he smiled at the beautiful boy in his arms. "It's ok", Lewis whispered as the baby started getting fussy, opening his mouth and squinting his eyes closed as he cried loudly.
A quick look at the clock made you suddenly reach your arms out for your crying little boy, "he's hungry, it's just about time", you nudged, cradling him to you and kissing his forehead.
"I'm going to go, dears, leave you in your newborn bubble", Carmen smiled, "if you need anything, and I mean anything, call me, okay?", she checked, kissing your head and Lewis' before squeezing her grandson's little hand softly, "goodbye, baby boy, behave well for mummy and daddy, okay?".
After she saw herself out, you undid the top buttons of your shirt, unfastening the bra cover so you could feed your little boy, "That's it, good boy", you cooed, feeling your husband's eyes on you.
"We watched the race, congratulations on your podium", you smiled, your hand squeezing your husband's thigh once you balanced your baby on the feeding pillow.
"Thanks", he breathed out, "I still can't believe he's here, that he's ours", he shook his head, "we have our little boy here with us.
"Thank you for doing this for our family, I'm sorry I wasn't here sooner", he expressed, kissing your lips softly as Noah whined, "daddy can't kiss mummy, now? Oh, this is going to be interesting!".
"Am I doing this right? I think I am", your heard your husband say to your son as you started to wake up, "looks secured enough. Hopefully we won't have any explosions and nothing comes out of here".
Your hissing while trying to pull yourself up announced you were awake as your husband turned his torso slightly to face you, "mummy is awake, little love", he beamed, finishing popping the buttons on your son's clothes so he was comfortable.
By the time you found a way to pull yourself up and against the headboard, Lewis was sitting next to you, ready to pass Noah into your arms so you could feed him, "are you still feeling sore?", he asked, kissing your cheek.
"It's not as bad as yesterday", you assured him while you moved your boob so Noah could latch, ignoring the sting as his lips met your sensitive skin, "my back feels fine, but moving my legs might be tricky still", you offered.
"The midwife said that would be expected, so we'll just keep an eye out for anything serious, yes?", your husband said as you took the opportunity to rest your body against his naked chest, his arm going around your shoulders and softly tracing shapes on your bare skin.
"Can you burp him while I use the bathroom?", you asked as Lewis as he got up, burping him while standing up as you slowly got up as well, waddling to the en suite bathroom.
"Are you going to sleep now, little one?", he cooed, rocking him to sleep once all of the air trapped in his tummy got out, "you have a clean nappy, full tummy, and daddy needs to go and make sure mummy is okay", he chuckled, "with time, you'll see it takes her a while until she asks for help even though she's usually been needing it for way longer".
"Lew?", you called from the bathroom, "yes, darling?", he called back as he knocked on the door softly, asking for your permission to look inside, "I need to have a shower, but I don't trust my legs to keep me up, and sitting on the floor is not a good idea so, like - do we even have a stool I can sit on? -, I need something to support myself on", you asked.
"Noah is asleep, I can leave him here, in the middle of our bed, keep the door open and help you with your shower if that's okay", Lewis offered, "if I look around, I might find something, but I'm not sure we own a stool that can be put in water".
Weighing your options, you waddled back to your boys, kissing Noah's forehead and looking up at Lewis, "you don't mind helping?", you wondered.
Lewis placed Noah on the bed, making sure he was in an angle where you could see him from the bathroom, "c'mon, shower time, darling", he soflty nudged.
He turned on the warm water as you undressed yourself, disposing the underwear safely in the bathroom bin and walking into the shower compartment, thankful that Lewis insisted you needed a wide and ample space for it as it now perfectly accommodated the two of you once he had no clothes on either.
"Is the temperature good?", he asked and you nodded. Your body didn't feel wrong to you, just new, and Lewis seemed to be on the same page, tracing your hips and tummy softly while you wet your hair.
By now, the routine was so engraved in your lives that Lewis knew which steps followed which, only stopping when you needed to support yourself on him, to steal a few kisses or take a peek of Noah.
"Now he's sleeping well", you muttered chuckling as you wrapped a towell around your body, accepting Lewis' hand as he took you to the bedroom, "I have your underwear ready with those witch hazel round pads to help with the soreness", he added.
Helping you put them on along with the rest of your clothes he gathered from the drawers, your husband left a trail of kisses anywhere his mouth was close enough to your skin as he dressed you, "how about a nap? Noah surely kept us up so we could do with some sleep", he smiled, pulling you to lie against his chest while you cradled your son against your own chest.
"I know, baby, I know", you gulped, grabbing the silicone covers for your nipples while bouncing Noah on your bent legs, "mummy is trying to make this better for both of us, hopefully this works", you tried, fitting the piece and pulling Noah to you, encouraging him to suck.
The specialist had told you that using the covers would help you in days where the skin was extra sensitive, but its continuous use could mean that Noah would have to work harder to get his milk in, leaving him to get more tired and eat less, ultimately making him drop his weight.
"Hey, darling, I'm back", Lewis called from the kitchen, opening and closing cabinets as he stored away the things he bought from the shop.
"In the living room", you croaked out, holding the tears that threatened to fall as Noah seemed to drift off to sleep, "ah-ah, baby boy, you have to eat more, otherwise you won't grow", you groaned, taking off the silicone piece and biting your lip as his lips made contact with your skin directly.
The tears you worked on keep at bay fell down your cheeks as Lewis walked inside the living room, "hey, darling, I - what's the matter?", he checked you over, sitting next to you as you looked up at the ceiling.
"It hurts, a lot", you cried, "the only way it doesn't hurt is if I have these on, but with them he won't eat, so I have to compromise that", you allowed him to wipe your cheeks, "what a great mother I am, talking about compromise when I am feeding my baby", you scoffed at your own words.
"Hey, it's okay to talk about it if it hurts, darling. I'm so, so sorry, I wish I could do something to take that pain away", he comforted, kissing your cheeks as he pushed your bodies closing together.
"I will rub the cream afterwards, and we can try the silver nipple covers, we haven't done that yet", he suggested, his hands tracing shapes on your skin and squeezing the area, hoping to distract you from the pain you were feeling.
"I'll put him to sleep, okay? You can go and freshen up, darling", Lewis said as he bounced Noah on his arms after burping him, giving you time to use the bathroom and get a little bit of fresh air.
After splashing your face with water, you lightly dabbed the towell on your face before walking to the kitchen, opening the door that lead to the back garden and standing in the sun for a few minutes.
It was easy to get lost. A lot of people, specially the ones who were brutally honest about the whole experience, told you that much. Not out of spite or because they wanted to scare you, but rather because they cared enough to tell you about all of it. It was easy to lose yourself because all your focus was on your baby. Truth was, if you lost yourself, your baby would end yo suffering, too, so the whole situation required balance. Right now, the sun rays hitting your skin seemed to tip the scales to an even line.
"He's asleep already", you heads Lewis say, baby monitor on hand hand and another one with a cup of tea for you, "here, beautiful", he offered.
"Everytime I look at his face, I can't believe we made him. Such a perfect baby, how is he ours? But, it's also a lot sometimes", you breathed out, letting go of the guilt that was consuming you and recognising that you could love your family unconditionally and still admit that things could get hard. One didn't override the other.
"It's okay to admit that", Lewis said, pulling you to rest your back against his chest, "but we'll go, day by day, see what it brings us. You're doing so well, Y/N, you've been so strong for our family", he smiled, kissing the top of your head, "will you let me take care of you now?", he wondered, guiding you back inside for a little pamper session.
"Your tummy really is troubling you, isn't it, little one?", Lewis said as Noah didn't seem to settle down, cries and whimpers leaving the little baby's mouth as he rocked him back and forth, "should we try those massages daddy was taught in the baby classes?".
Laying Noah on the changing table, Lewis unswaddled him before holding his legs, "first we go into frog mode", he chuckled, pulling the little legs into position before wiggling his hips and tummy, "the nurse in the baby classes said to wiggle a little, and apparently you are very flexible at this point, so you're like putty almost. It's a bit scary, but you seem to be doing better, right buddy?", he said, noticing he was passing some gas already and his whimpers had died down.
As you came out of your shower, you watched the replied on your son's face as the noise coming from his diaper confirmed the reason from his previous pains, "Oh, that was a big one!", you giggled, approaching your boys as Lewis grabbed a new diaper, "I'm on it!", he said, kissing your cheek and taking care of changing Noah.
"Do you want to go on a walk this afternoon?", you wondered, "I feel a little better ans I want to start being a little more active. Nothing crazy, but rather a nice way to leave the house", you suggested, being met with your husband's sparkly eyes, "of course, darling. I'll get him a new outfit, we're going to be matching!", he smiled as he noticed the colour pattern you were going for.
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Curtis and Honey Autumn This or That 🍂
Week Six: Misty Mornings or Golden Afternoons
Summary- Short Drabble. Curtis Everett x Plus!sized Reader. Curtis is an early riser and admires the scenery.
A/N- Thank you everyone for sticking with me for this series. This is a nice simple one, but I love these kinds of moments for Curtis and Honey. Thank you again! Happy Reading.
Curtis and Honey This or That Masterlist
Life Is Short So Make It Sweet Masterlist
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He was always an early riser. Curtis just wasn’t one to sleep in when too much had to be done. But that was then, now with you in his bed with your tendencies to bury under the blankets and curl up against him, he was more inclined to stay in bed. 
But at camp though, it was always out the tent and starting a fire right away before the sun had even had a chance to crest the horizon+. After all, it was the only way to brew coffee or tea and that was your first desire of the day. He was happy to do it. Standing on Lake Supeiours edge, the crisp coolness made him zip his hoodie up just a bit more, readjust his beanie to cover the tip of his ears and tuck his hands into his pockets while waiting for the water behind him on the fire to start bubbling. 
The mist wisped over the water, hiding the surface except for the occasional break, where everything rippled with the constant flow of life moving beneath the surface. There was an occasional slap, the beaver dam they were camping near was taking advantage of the sunrise too, dragging branches and debris from one side of the little island they were staying on and ignoring Curtis standing on the stony beach watching them work. 
It was still too early to see the mainland shoreline, although Curtis knew it was nearby just beyond the curling of the mist still hovering. Soon the sun would dissipate it but would show off the multitude of leaves in its rays, and that's what he really wanted to show you, cause it would make you happy, leave you gasping in wonderment at how Minnesota could be as beautiful as your New York life. 
In his opinion, Minnesota was actually nicer than New York, but that was his opinion. Right now he was feeling just as at home as if he was in his own backyard and that was a sense of security he had always hung onto in his life.
The bubble of water sounded from behind him, the wood-burning scent drifted along with a loud pop of one of the logs snapping in the pit he dug out earlier. With a last admiring glance at the mist dancing in swirls that were now starting to drift up in the slowly warming sunshine, he went back to his original task. 
It wasn’t long till you popped your head out of the tent with a sleepy yawn, hair disheveled wildly while you were wrapped into his black trench jacket, using it like a blanket around your shoulders. You waddled to the fire, blinking at it while on one of the warm stones lining the firepit, Curtis started making two tin cups of coffee. Without a word, he handed one off to you which you tucked into the folds of the jacket, taking a tiny little sip after blowing on it. 
“Curtis this is better than the coffee pot at home.” You said wistfully as you tucked your face closer to the mug, letting the steam warm you up more. 
He laughed, moving to a stand and sipping from his own mug. “It’s cause it’s made over the woodfire. What woke you up Honey, it’s still pretty early.” His arm was raised, inviting you to cuddle into his side which you did. Allowing him to wander you away from the cackling flames and glowing coals near the cold water's edge. 
Now the mist was well above the lake, still hanging on, but it couldn’t hide the rising sun's burst of color making the lake a mirror mirage of autumn colors from the trees lining the edge. “This, right here.” You leaned into him, the two of you taking in the view. “I might not be an early riser, but I don’t want to miss these moments with you.”
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mouwrites · 10 months
hi! how are you? ⋆˙⟡♡
i was wondering if i can request a romantic male atsv matchup please?
i’m a girl, 19, aries, enfp, my pronouns are she/her. i could be really shy sometimes due to my bad anxiety, but mostly i’m very sweet and bubbly person, i’m super affectionate with people who i love. i’m also very sensitive and emotional person too. 
my height is 5’5, i have a petite figure, have some boob, long brown hair and green eyes, 
i would describe my style as a hyperfeminine. i’m polyglot and i speak 6 languages, and i’m studying linguistics in uni. my other passions are makeup, cinematography and music ofc! i’m obsessed with rabbits and bunnies ₍⑅ᐢ.ˬ.ᐢ₎♡ overall, i love cute things, such as clothes, accessories, makeup, stuffies and etc.
hope it’s okay! sorry for my grammar, english isn’t my first language. 
thank you and have a nice day <3
Hi there! :D I hope your day is even better!! <3 (and dw about your English, it’s flawless!!) Without further ado, I match you with:
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A handful of headcanons!
He loves how emotional and sensitive you can be
With your emotional-ness and his dark, brooding personality, you guys have a lot of deep talks
Life, death, dreams, disappointments—anything and everything that resides in the deeper parts of your minds
On that note, he appreciates that you’re a fellow intellectual
He loves to explore intellectual topics in discussion as well as emotional ones, so you’re a perfect fit; you can do both!
Conversations with you are the kindling to the warmth your relationship
As for your shyness, that’s not a problem for him
He’s not exactly a socialite himself, so he won’t be dragging you to parties or anything
But he’s not nervous around people like you are, so when you do go out in public, he takes the lead
Though he really doesn’t like socializing all that much, he’s more than glad to do it for you
He also loves taking care of you in general
He sees you as a delicate flower, small (in comparison to him, at least) and in need of guarding
He knows you’re the one when you return the favor :)
Being Spider-Man is hard work, and being able to come home to someone who’s soft and kind is the best thing in the world for him
He’s a pretty masculine guy, so he doesn’t take much interest in your more feminine side
But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t support you!!
He’ll often surprise you with some new makeup or a bunny plush, just to see your face light up
His nicknames for you include “dear,” “my flower,” and “my love”
He loves to be called “dear,” “honey,” and “my hero”
A little drabble!
The window flew open, a cold drift blasting through the living room. Drops of rain dribbled onto the carpet, soon overshadowed by the moisture pouring off a black trench coat that slipped through the opening.
The window clicked shut again, and all was quiet save for the ragged breathing of the man in the coat.
You stood up from your reclined position on the couch, hurrying over to him.
“You’re back,” you smiled, opening your arms and wrapping them around his middle. You hardly noticed the icy rain he was drenched in as it began soaking through your clothes.
“Yes, my love,” he breathed, still regaining the wind in his lungs. “Tonight was hard.”
“Do you want to talk about it?” You pulled away, looking with sincere concern into his goggles.
He pulled off his mask, revealing a pained expression that just about split your heart in two.
“Oh, Peter…” you buried your face in his shoulder again, rubbing circles on his back.
You pulled away reluctantly after a moment. “Let me make you something warm to drink, then you can tell me all about it.”
The smallest of smiles curved his thin lips, and he leaned down to kiss you. “That sounds perfect. Let me change into something more suitable. Something that doesn’t leave you sopping wet, at least.” A little glimmer in his eye made you giggle as you finally let go, leaving him to change.
You positioned yourself on the couch with two mugs of tea resting on the coffee table. Peter sat on the ground in front of you, wrapping his arms around your hips and occasionally leaning his head against your thigh as he spoke. He didn’t need the tea; your sympathy was far more warming than a hot drink could ever be.
And… a song!
We Belong Together (Ritchie Valens)
You're mine
And we belong together
Yes, we belong together
For eternity
You're my, my baby
And you'll always be
I swear by everything I own
You'll always, always be mine
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I hope you enjoyed! And thank you for your support, lovely!!
(divider by saradika)
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neiptune · 2 years
hello!! this event sounds so fun and ur writing always make me smile (i read most of you write, even for characters that aren’t particularly my faves— ur writing is just so lovely!!) could i request the prompt “you would break your back to make me break a smile.” with yuuta (if you’ve watched the jjk movie!!) i hope you’re having fun with this event!
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yuuta okkotsu x you would break your back to make me break a smile
a/n: i am so flattered, thank you for your kindness. you're the first person to request something jjk related and i wanted to share how excited i was when i received your message! i'm so happy i got to write this for you and i sincerely hope you like it as well <3
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The cup is way too hot and you're forced to switch it from one hand to another, which is pretty fucking difficult per se considering the bag full of snacks you've been carrying across the entire goddamn campus.
You knock again, with your head, a small mark already forming close to your right temple. He opens the door shortly after, one fist lazily rubbing his left eye and a yawn he doesn't even attempt to lessen in size nor sound.
“Hey, what're you doing here?”, he mutters, only slightly surprised at the sight of you standing by his doorway.
You let yourself in, not even bothering to reply, as you're positive the skin of your fingertips is about to melt away. You're wearing a green beanie and the mustard-colored scarf Maki has gifted you for your birthday. It's an odd combination that hides half of your face but you like having the opportunity to avoid the inconvenience of a frozen nose and chapped lips.
Yuuta watches you place a cup and a bag on his desk as you unravel yourself from that giant scarf you walk around in almost daily. He finds it bizarre, really, the fact that you always bring just one cup.
“How can you even sleep so much? What're you, a freakin' dormouse?”, you exhale as you plop on his unmade bed, vigorously rubbing your hands in hopes of getting some warmth from the friction. His room is way colder than yours, probably the coldest of the entire school. You wonder if that's also Rika's fault but you know better than to ask such a question.
“It's not like I have much else to do when I'm not on mission”, he shrugs, eyes curiously darting to the wrinkled bag abandoned on his desk. Now, the content of the cup he can easily guess: it's usually either cocoa or green tea, the only exception having been the day he had a sore throat and you had left a mug of piping hot milk and honey on the floor, outside his room. But food? It varies too much. It's too early for dinner and way too late for lunch, so what could it be? Have you baked something? Is it even going to be dessert? What are the chances of finding those lime and pink pepper chips he loves so much in there?
“It's a little bit of everything”, you end his silent rumination with an amused expression, “caramel corn, dried plums, shredded squid, daifuku, those disgusting chips you like, matcha kit kats. Would you shut the door? I'm freezing”
Yuuta tilts his head slightly, pensive. Then he reaches out to grab both the coat resting on his chair and the cup.
“Let's take a walk”, he proposes, and you have to suppress the horrified expression threatening to take over your features. You have to keep quiet and wrap yourself in your scarf again, exit the room and wait for him to grab an umbrella as the first snow of the season is expected for the evening. You have to keep the dangerous excitement bubbling in your stomach at bay, remind yourself that it means nothing. Even if he never asks for anything. Even if he never suggests doing anything. Even if it's the first time he hasn't politely asked to be left alone after a few minutes of painfully standard small talk.
So you end up strolling through a glacial Tokyo, pace slow but comfortable. Yuuta blows on his cup before taking small sips and soon insists on getting you a coffee because if your breath has to take the shape of small, misty clouds floating before your lips, he might as well make sure their density increases while you don't freeze to death.
There's a lot you don't understand about each other. Yuuta doesn't get why you care for him so tenaciously, how on earth you can even breathe through that scarf, when you had the time to learn about his favorite snacks or birthday, how you can hold real conversations with Inumaki.
As you accept to sit next to him on the grass right at the edge of a quiet canal, despite the stinging wind that's burning your cheeks, you too think about the things you don't understand about Yuuta Okkotsu. How he can sleep so much and still walk around with such dark circles, why he believes a curse should be allowed to control his life and keep other people away till the end of freaking time, why he refuses to do anything about his hands being always cold. Sure, you can guess. You can believe that he's this freaky guy who enjoys splashing around in his own misfortunes and basks in the idea of being doomed to loneliness, unhappiness, the destiny of a hero willing to immolate his whole life in exchange for everyone else's safety. Yet, you choose not to on the very same day he steps foot inside the campus. The day you, along with each of your classmates, almost slashed his throat right then and there, incredulous at the darkness he had been allowed to carry inside your school.
Still, you choose not to. Because Yuuta Okkotsu is kind, bent and resigned to the weight dwelling on his shoulders, willing to smile at Panda's dumb jokes, disappointed in Maki's initial skepticism, skeptical himself of the excessive credit Gojo gives him. And so, what if you're unable to lift the burden that follows him everywhere? What if you can't dissipate the shadows weighing down his gaze? You can keep his hands warm. You can buy something nice to eat, visit his room from time to time, just to make sure he's doing alright in his stupid, stubborn, seclusion. You can take note of precious information and make the most out of it: what makes him laugh, what's best not to mention, the fact that he doesn't like brown as a color and finds your scarf weird. You're willing to collect pieces and put them together for as long as it takes.
“Thanks”, he murmurs after a while, “I do notice, you know”
“Notice what?”
You, everything. Always.
“The willingness to go out of your way for me”
“I don't do anything, really. Besides getting you those nasty chips, but only because no one in their right mind would buy them and I feel sorry for the shop owner”, you're quick to hide your face behind your coffee, taking a quick and long sip that ends up burning your tongue.
“You would break your back to make me break a smile”, he insists, with a boldness even he doesn't know where is coming from.
“Jeez, didn't know you thought so highly of yourself”, you face the other way as you speak, because you can feel the heat rising up from your throat to the very roots of your hair. And Yuuta sees right through your embarrassed sarcasm, but he has to fight back a smile just in case Rika sees through it too.
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hackedpitabread · 2 years
ℕ𝕚𝕜𝕠𝕝𝕒 𝕋𝕖𝕤𝕝𝕒 𝕩 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣
Notes: takes place in the historical time, not during Ragnarok. Reader gender not specified.
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It had been a long day, everything just seemed to be going wrong. Owning a business was never easy, you knew that going in, but today was just more stressful than the rest. Every customer seemed to have a problem that your workers couldn’t fix, and you got several earfuls from a handful of unreasonable customers. With Christmas quickly approaching, you had more work than ever cut out for you. You couldn’t wait to get home and relax, maybe you’d continue the novel you were reading, or have a nice relaxing bath. Maybe you could have a nice moment with your husband, have a cup of tea, ask him about his day, or even just sit in a peaceful silence.
You hadn’t even noticed the New York streets pass you by as you walked home, so tired from your day and busy fantasizing about how you were going to relax once you got home. Your home wasn’t the newest, but it was a home and you were lucky enough to inherit the land and building from your parents. You lived on the upper east-side of Manhattan, but up until the last decade, it had been mostly farmland. Your home had four bedrooms (one of which was converted into an office), indoor plumbing and hot water, two above ground stories, and a basement laboratory.
You reached for your keys, having the sudden realization that you had been spacing out the whole way home, despite the cold, snowy weather. Sighing, you unlocked your heavy wooden door. You must be really out of it if you made it this far without realizing where you were. You quickly entered the house and shut the door behind you to not let the warm air out. You unwrapped your scarf from the secure spot around your neck, hung up your thick winter coat, and shook the snow off your boots before slipping into a pair of house shoes. This was your daily routine, and perfectly on time was the sound of your husband’s foot steps up the basement stairs.
You walked to the kitchen out of habit. You and your husband both had a particular order you had to do things in, and it just so happened you always met in the kitchen after you came home from work. You grabbed your favorite mug from the cabinet before grabbing the kettle to fill it wit water. You were really craving a nice hot mug of chamomile tea, and the first step to hot tea, was hot water.
As you were filling up the kettle wit water, you felt a familiar pair of arms wrap around your stomach gently, as Nikola rested his chin on your shoulder.
“You look tired.” He commented, placing a gentle kiss on your cheek.
“You have no idea, the holidays always bring out the worst in people.” You sighed, turning off the faucet and closing the kettle. But suddenly, the kettle was gently snatched from your hands. You looked at the culprit with a confused and exasperated look on your face.
“Let me take over your tea.” Nikola said, releasing you from the hug before lighting the gas stove. “There’s a hot bath upstairs if you’d like to relax.”
Your heart soared and you swear you fell in love with him all over again in that moment. These were the types of moments where you were reminded of how caring and amazing your husband could be.
“You know me too well dear, thank you so much.” You kissed him on the cheek as he placed the kettle on the burner with care, making sure not to spill any of the water.
“Of course, but you should hurry before the water gets cold.” He said with a teasing smile before you hurried upstairs to claim your relaxing bath.
The bath was absolutely perfect, it was as if someone calculated how to get the perfect water temperature by the time you got home. Actually, knowing Nikola, he most likely did. The foamy mountain of bubbles only added to the relaxation, and after a couple of minutes you felt your stress from the day just melt away.
After your bath had cooled and you were all washed up, you changed into a set of clean pajamas after seeing how late it was. You made your way to the downstairs living room, where you found hear the peaceful sound of a crackling fire. There, in front of the brick fireplace, sat your husband, blankets on the floor, and two cups of chamomile tea in hand.
When you saw him smile at you, your heart felt like it would explode right out of your chest from how sweet this man is.
Maybe today wasn’t so bad after all.
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padfootagain · 1 year
Isle of Dogs (III)
Chapter 3: The New Docks Project
Hello! Hello! Here is a new chapter for my wolfstar series! I hope you like it!
Pairing: Wolfstar – Sirius Black x Remus Lupin
Warnings: none! Modern AU, tattoo artist x bookshop owner AU
Summary: Sirius and Remus have been kind of in love for a while, but are both too scared to confess their feelings. However, everything changes when their neighbourhood is threatened by a new real estate project. But if they might fail in their fight against the City, they could also find something sweeter along the way.
Word Count: 3020
Masterlist for the series - Main Masterlist
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Sirius was nervous, although he shouldn’t have been. He should have felt merry, and nothing more. Maybe a little excited. And he did feel like this too, he truly did. But then again, it was Remus and… how could Sirius ignore the banging of his heart against his ribcage at the mere thought of spending some time with his friend… and crush?
He was ridiculous. It was laughable, at this point, really… the way Sirius couldn’t control this stupid crush of his…
He kept on pacing, checking once more if everything was ready in the tiny garden before his house. It was a mere rectangle, only a few meters long, but it was enough to grow a few plants, some flowers. His neighbours were good at it, they had created a lovely space there. Sirius’s, on the other hand, was an empty square of dirt with a couple of agonizing plants set on the right corner, crossed by a tiny brick path. For once though, Sirius was grateful for his lack of skills when it came to gardening. Because, this time, instead of drawing only his neighbours’ glares, it gave him an excuse to see Remus.
Sirius went through his supplies once more: some fertilizer, a shovel, an old watering can… and that was about it, really. One thing was for sure, he wouldn’t woo Remus with his gardening supplies…
Waiting for his friend to arrive, he went back inside to prepare some tea, knowing Remus would love to drink a cup before starting their hard work. While he waited for the water to boil, and the kettle to whistle, Sirius pictured a smiling Remus accepting a warm mug, grateful of the simple offering…
A stupid, lovesick smile formed on Sirius’s lips. He heaved a sigh. Ridiculous… thoroughly ridiculous…
When the bell rang, Sirius jumped despite the fact that he had been waiting and expecting the sound to ring through his home. Desperately so, even: he had been looking at the clock every two minutes for the past hour.
Remus was perfectly punctual, as usual. It made Sirius smile.
He welcomed Remus with a grin, opening the front door. But he couldn’t hide his surprise when he spotted the two bags his friend was carrying.
“Brought some stuff to help!” the newcomer announced, guessing the reason behind Sirius’s amused frown. “Not to underestimate your skills, but I assumed that you wouldn’t have much equipment.”
“You assumed well,” Sirius nodded, laughing hard.
He offered Remus the tea he had prepared, and as Remus offered him the exact smile he had imagined, wrapping his fingers around the warm cup, Sirius was relaxed again. There was still a little bubbling nervousness at the pit of his stomach, but it was closer to excitement than proper nerves now. He was happy. More than any other feeling, Sirius felt happiness as Remus gave him a playful smile and teased him about his ridiculous Christmas mug. And as they bantered for a while and they sipped on their warm beverage, he watched Remus stealing another piece of chocolate as discreetly as he could… Sirius had a fond smile on his lips he couldn’t hide.
But then again, how could he not feel that way? When Remus was standing there in his tiny kitchen, looking comfy and adorable in an oversized woollen jumper that matched the colour of his eyes, with his smell of chocolate and vanilla filling up the room, with this quiet laughter that seemed unwilling to ever leave his lips this afternoon…
Sirius was ridiculous, at this point. It was ridiculous to be so fond of someone…
“So, let’s do some gardening!” Remus decided drinking his last gulp of tea. “I’ve taken a look when I arrived… the damage is serious…”
“I know, I know… that’s why I called for help.”
“You weren’t kidding about that. But then again, it’s pretty reassuring. Finally, something Sirius Black is terrible at!”
Sirius rolled his eyes at the teasing, but his annoyed expression wasn’t very convincing, thanks to the bright grin that lingered on his lips.
“Right, right… no need to remind me of my weaknesses, now, Rem!”
They walked outside, carrying the supplies they would need. It was a bright, sunny afternoon, surprisingly warm for that time of the year. Only a couple of lazy clouds were drifting in the sky, white and cotton-like.
Sirius had bought a few plants he wanted to add to his garden, and Remus chose the right spots for them, depending on how much sun they needed, how much space they would fill up as they grew. Meanwhile, Sirius nodded, listened, and obeyed every order Remus gave him. It was a little strange to see him so obedient, but then again, Remus supposed that it was out of ignorance about plants.
And it was true, for a part. But Sirius was also eager to comply because of the way Remus had rolled up his sleeves, revealing his arms to the sun, the freckles that coloured his skin and the white scars that drew strange patterns there. And Sirius couldn’t find it in him to contradict Remus, or to even properly joke around when he was busy staring at Remus’s hands. When Remus took off his jumper, and revealed the old t-shirt hidden under it, Sirius’s brain ceased to function whatsoever, because it showed an awful lot of his neck and his collarbones, and Sirius now had a very nice view on Remus’s biceps, and the way they moved and bulged as he dug a hole to plant some hydrangeas.
It was very very difficult to concentrate on witty remarks and playful banter when he struggled to avoid staring at Remus’s skin.
Little did he know that next to him, Remus was struggling as well. He was abnormally out of breath, and it wasn’t only due to the effort he put in digging this hole in the dirt. It was mostly caused by how close Sirius stood, by the little bit of sweat that glistened on his upper arms, over the tattoos that coloured his skin… And then there was his messy bun that revealed his earring, and the ink that peeked above his collar…
Remus was gone for. So much so… it was ridiculous at this point.
It took them a little longer than needed to complete their mission, it was quite late in the afternoon when they finally walked back inside for a well-deserved beer. But then again, they had both been easily distracted…
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Monday evening. Steady clouds that covered the night sky and yellowish lights of lampposts drowning the pavement in gold. It could have been a nice evening, if the friends gathered in the coffeeshop held by Marlene, Dorcas and Lily had not been so worried.
Instead of the usual cards and the poker chips and the whiskey being poured in shots, everyone was gathered around a copy of the Evening Standard. All but Sirius, who wasn’t there yet.
On page nine, the title said it all, but they read the article that followed anyway.
The New Docks project, or how to build a second Canary Wharf.
Plans for a new real estate project that was going to redefine the dynamic of the Isle of Dogs. Instead of parks and houses and small shops, there would soon be skyscrapers and bankers all around…
There was even a map that indicated the part of the neighbourhood that would be modified by the project. St John’s Park and the houses south of the small park would be entirely demolished. The future of Castalia Square and its community centre remained uncertain, but it seemed that it would disappear in the second phase of the project, planned to take place in eight years…
There wasn’t a single sound in the small group. Everyone was trying to digest the news.
Their neighbourhood was going to radically change, and not in a good way. And their own shops would be destroyed in a few years. Their little community would soon be gone…
Most in the group of friends jumped as Sirius opened the door, the little bell hanging above it ringing and breaking the silence in a high-pitched cry. He seemed out of breath, and was still carrying his bag filled with knitting supplies.
“Guys, have you read the papers today?” Sirius asked, skipping the hellos.
“We’re reading them now,” Lily nodded.
“It’s worse than what we thought,” Caradoc shook his head, too stunned by the news to fully comprehend it. He wasn’t certain if he ought to cry or shout, and most of his friends felt the same.
“But… does that mean that we’ll get evicted or something?” Marlene asked, taking Dorcas’s hand for support.
“What about our shops?” Lily added, on the verge of tears, and James wrapped a reassuring arm around her.
“Hey, no need to panic!” James said, his tone firm and reassuring. “We’re not there yet. I’m sure we can find a way to stop this from happening.”
“Stop this? How?” Peter asked, looking defeated already.
“James is right, we can stop this,” Remus tried to reassure his friend, but he didn’t sound very convincing either.
“I have more news from the grandmas,” Sirius announced, finally taking a seat around the wooden table. “Apparently, the first phase will start in a month, they are still trying to buy all the houses around the square. Which means that they want to destroy the park, in order to force people living around to cell their homes or shops. The second phase, that concerns our square, has not been validated by the city council or anything yet. But they’re announcing it anyway to put pressure on the city council.”
“What does that mean?” Dorcas asked, frowning.
“It means that a) the first phase of the project cannot be completed yet, and b) that the second one is not even in the project phase yet.”
“So, if we unite and we manage to convince people not to sell, then we can keep our neighbourhood intact.”
“What about the park? It belongs to the city, they can do whatever they want with it.”
“That’s the tricky part,” Sirius admitted. “Martha and the grandmas will be spreading the word tomorrow, so we can organize a meeting at the community centre by the end of this week, so we can discuss the situation. We should plan actions to stop the park from being destroyed.”
“What kind of actions?” James asked, frowning hard but looking for a way out too.
“Petitions?” Remus proposed, although he didn’t seem convinced.
“We could try contacting newspapers as well,” Sirius went on. “We could organize sit-ins, try to raise awareness about the fact that all these decisions were taken without asking us if we agreed or not! That ought to be illegal!”
“I don’t think it is, to be fair,” Remus shook his head. “I’m pretty sure it would even be legal for the city to just… evict everyone against some financial compensation.”
“That’s sick!” Dorcas complained, but Remus shrugged.
“I don’t know, I’m not a lawyer… but I wouldn’t be surprised.”
“We need to plan something, to get organized,” James nodded, lost in thought. “We need to stop all this.”
“Becky’s grandson works for the town. He’s going to get us more intel tomorrow,” Sirius said.
“But… if everything goes as planned… does that mean that we won’t have… this anymore?” Marlene asked, her voice a little shaky.
They all looked at each other, at this little circle of improbable friends. Monday evenings spent in laughter, and banter for hours, and love stories, even. This welcoming coffeeshop that sold the best scones in town, and the tattoo parlour with its music too loud, the grocery store that never ran out of crisps, the bookshop that gave away free bookmarks… the happy lives they had built together as they all became friends.
Remus looked down at the article again, at the papers splayed on the wooden table, with dirty ink that stuck to his fingertips as he touched the page.
Could all this really be gone?
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Sirius sat next to Martha and dragged his friends with him. The community centre was full, the grandmas had been busy, indeed. Sirius and his friends took some of the last seats available, and when the meeting started later on, some had to remain standing against the walls.
The old woman welcomed Sirius with a bright smile, although there was worry in her eyes.
“Ha, Sirius! Hurry up, young man! I thought you would be late again.”
“And make you wait? Never!”
His friends greeted her as well, but she paid extra attention to James, as she knew him quite well through their common friendship with Sirius. She also focused her attention on Remus quite a lot…
“Ha, Remus! Come sit next to me and Sirius. How is your shop these days?”
“It’s alright, Martha. What about you? How are you doing?”
“Oh, you know… the usual for an old woman like me.”
“Sirius said you had fun last week at the farm,” Remus offered her a kind smile, and Sirius failed to control the way his cheeks reddened at the mention of his name.
“Oh yes! Sirius and I always have fun! But you know what could make it better? And… oh, I know it would be a lot to ask, but…”
“What is it?” Sirius asked, a frown now appearing on his features. “Is there something wrong?”
“Oh, no… nothing wrong but… I wanted to go there tomorrow as well. But it is already a lot to ask from Sirius to spend an afternoon with me every two weeks…”
“What are you talking about? I’ll come with you tomorrow if you wa…”
Sirius muffled a cry of pain as Martha discreetly hit his shin with her came.
“Remus, I know it is a lot to ask to sacrifice your afternoon with an old woman like me but…”
But Remus laughed, shaking his head.
“It is no sacrifice at all, I would love to go with you.”
“Oh, that would be lovely! Would you mind terribly bringing a book? I’ve been wanting to rea more, but… my eyes get easily tired, and I often need people to read to me for a few minutes so I can rest my eyes. You can choose whatever you’d like!”
“Sure, I’ll bring a book. It will be lovely!”
Meanwhile, Sirius was staring at Martha with a deep frown, not understanding in the slightest what was going on.
“Why can’t I come with you tomorrow?” he asked after Remus had taken a seat and turned to talk with James and Lily, the ghost of a pout badly hidden on his lips.
But the old woman chuckled.
“Sirius, my boy. You’ll thank me later for that.”
“What are you talking about?”
“I give the two of you, my blessing. He’s very sweet. But you two really need a push in the right direction.”
Sirius’s eyes grew round with fear, and he glanced over at Remus to make sure he hadn’t heard a word of this conversation.
“I forbid you to do this!” he whispered, his voice sounding more like a hiss. “This is so much more complicated than you think…”
“Sirius… relax. I know what I’m doing.”
“You do not!”
“I do. Trust me.”
Sirius was about to speak again, when the meeting finally began.
Several people stood before the small crowd to present the facts, and all the elements that had been gathered about the project.
Around St John’s Park, only five buildings had been bought, the other owners having, for now, refused to sell. But they mentioned the pressure of the town, and none of them had any doubt that they would end up being forced out of their homes one way or another. More details were added about the skyscrapers they wanted to build, and the second phase of the development as well. All in all, it was an awful lot of bad news brought onto the group gathered on this Friday night in the Community Centre.
But then, actions against this project were discussed, for a rather long while. It was soon evident, though, that Sirius and James were the most adamant in the community and would have to carry the actions on their shoulders if they wanted anything to be done.
Still, several decisions were voted. Flyers would be printed and distributed around their neighbourhood, but also around Trafalgar Square, to raise awareness about their situation. Sit-ins were planned during the weekend. A petition was to be prepared and sent to the city council. For now, nothing too extreme. Another meeting was planned, two weeks later.
As they walked out of the building, many were sceptical that all these actions could work, but they didn’t know what else could be done…
“We’ll have to dig into laws, and contracts and stuff like that,” Martha said, walking out of the building and into the fresh air of the street with the group of friends, holding onto Sirius’s arm.
“Yeah… I suppose so,” Remus nodded. “But none of us knows anything about the law. Maybe we should hire a lawyer.”
“That would be expensive,” Peter sighed.
“But many came tonight,” James argued. “If we pay as a group, it’s possible.”
Sirius shook his head.
“No need to worry about money. I’ll pay.”
They all turned to him with a frown, at the exception of James.
“What do you mean?” asked Dorcas.
“My uncle left me a little fortune after he died. I can pay for a lawyer. I can pay for ten, actually,” he gave his friends a toothy grin.
They all laughed.
“You will never cease to surprise me, Sirius,” Lily joked, giving Sirius’s shoulder a tender squeeze.
They kept on talking, but Remus remained quiet for most of the conversation. He was too lost in thought. About the project, about the actions to be taken… about the fact that there seemed to be many things that he still didn’t know about Sirius Black.
What kind of secrets did he still hide?
Tag list : @reg-arcturus-black @hells-escapees @wolfmoonmusic @omgrachwrites
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notw1ththatatt1tude · 2 years
Me again! (Sorry I'm just really curious. Feel free to ignore any of my asks if you don't feel like replying.)
Anyway, I just really love Shinsou and Bakugou's dynamic so I was wondering how you think they get along when it's just the two of them at home? Or when they just hang out together. Also, have their arguments and bickering ever escalated a little too far? What happened?
Oooo, this is a fun one.
Bakugou and Shinsou get along pretty well at home alone because Shinsou is so good at seeing through bullshit Bakugou doesn't feel much pressure to keep up the tough guy act. That said, Eri's existence is what keeps them from getting too out of hand, so alone means their friendly antagonism goes unchecked.
It started far outside the house, in a mall bathroom.
"I don't think that's sanitizer"
"What the fuck else would it be?" Bakugou kept walking, Shinsou lingering at the sink behind him. The dispenser was weirdly far away from the sink, but it turned out to very much be soap and Bakugou had already stalked out of the bathroom.
Que Shinsou spending thr next 45 minutes watching Bakugou trying to work around soap-hands because he stubbornly refuses to admit his mistake. Shinsou nudges him toward every door first, encourages Eri to hand him things, suggests whatever activity will force Bakugou to use his hands. He finally caves when the paper wrapping of his curry bun sticks to his hands in a dozen fragments to be scraped off one by one.
"Fine, yes, it was fucking soap, you sadistic bastard!" He blows the sticky soap-residue and incinerated paper scraps directly at Shinsou with an unnecessary loud bang.
The next morning, there's hand sanitizer in Shinsou's shampoo bottle.
Then just a dash in Bakugou's water bottle.
Shinsou starts to get nervous when the retaliation takes too long. If Bakugou is taking the time to plan his vengeance, he's going to make it worth his while. Another day passes and the rest of the family leaves for the weekend. Some quirk counseling thing with Eri in Hokkaido. He starts to wonder if maybe Bakugou let it go. He's in the kitchen, eating cereal out of a mug while he waits for the dishwasher to run. Bakugou was usually obsessive about not leaving dishes to pile in the sink, but maybe refusing to clean up after him was a roundabout way of vengeance.
Then the dishwasher starts to leak. Bubbles pour out through the bottom, until there's a carpet of them covering the kitchen floor. He's about to call for Bakugou to help him figure out what the fuck is going on when he realizes.
Soon Bakugou is cackling at his misfortune, "What? I just switched soap with soap!"
They're mid-arguement when Aizawa calls, telling them they're coming home early.
"Oh, yeah, that's cool. Yeah, everything's good here."
And suddenly they're on the same side, scrambling to find every towel they own. They think they have managed to erase all evidence of their antics before the family gets home, except neither of them thought to actually open the dishwasher. So when Aizawa does, a small mountain of bubbles falls out.
"Care to explain?"
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jayluvb0t · 6 days
Part 2 of Top-Tier Teasing
He made you laugh, even when all you wanted to do was scream, and he had this way of knowing exactly when you needed to be held close.For a while, you both sat in comfortable silence, the soft sound of the tea being sipped and the occasional crackle of the chocolate bar breaking the stillness. Jane’s arm was a solid warmth around your shoulders, his fingers tracing lazy patterns on your arm as he held you close.Eventually, he broke the silence again, his voice softer now, more genuine. “Hey. I know things are tough right now, but you’re gonna get through it. You’re not alone, okay? You’ve got me. And as much as I love making stupid jokes and being a menace, I care about you. More than you probably know.”You looked up at him, his cocky smirk replaced by something softer, more vulnerable. It wasn’t often that Jane let his walls down like this, but when he did, it always made your heart skip a beat.“I know,” you said quietly, smiling at him. “Thank you.”He leaned in, pressing his forehead against yours, his eyes flicking up to meet yours. “Anytime, babe. Anytime.”You stayed like that for a while, wrapped up in each other’s warmth. The stress of the day still lingered in the back of your mind, but with Jane by your side, it felt a little less heavy.And maybe, just maybe, with a little more tea, chocolate, and a few more inappropriate jokes, you'd be ready to take on tomorrow.
The warmth of Jane’s embrace was intoxicating, the soft hum of the evening wrapping around the two of you like a blanket. You sipped your tea, letting the tension in your body loosen even more. Jane had that effect on you—a chaotic whirlwind, but somehow calming in moments like this. His fingers traced small circles on your arm, and his steady presence helped ease the storm of stress in your mind.But of course, Jane couldn’t stay quiet for too long.“So,” he began again, his voice low and mischievous. “You know what my favorite part about stress is?”You raised an eyebrow, bracing yourself for whatever absurdity he was about to drop on you. "Oh god, here we go… what?"He leaned in, eyes sparkling with barely-contained mischief, his breath ghosting over your ear as he whispered, “It’s a lot like sex—once you’re done with it, everything just seems to fall into place. Nice and relaxed.”You nearly choked on your tea, a laugh bubbling up before you could stop it. "You’re an idiot."He smirked, clearly pleased with himself. "An idiot with great timing. I mean, hey, I’m just here to help you release all that tension. I'm versatile, you know? Tea, cuddles, dirty jokes… whatever gets the job done."You shook your head, setting your mug down on the coffee table and turning to face him more fully. "You really have no filter, do you?"“Not a chance,” he replied with a wink, his cocky grin firmly in place. “Life’s too short to not have a little fun. Speaking of…” He tilted his head, his eyes taking on a more playful glint. “I can think of a few ways we could get your mind off all that uni stress.”“Oh?” you asked, eyebrows raised in mock curiosity.
“And what exactly did you have in mind, genius?”He leaned in closer, his lips dangerously close to yours, his voice dropping to that low, seductive tone he often used when he was teasing his audience on stream.“Well, let’s just say… I know how to handle you.”The cocky smirk on his face told you everything—he thought he had you. Thought he’d be the one in control. You couldn’t help but laugh inwardly. Jane might think he was always the dominant one, but tonight? Tonight, you had other plans.You closed the remaining space between you, capturing his lips with yours. He responded immediately, his hands sliding around your waist, pulling you closer, his lips moving with that same wild energy he carried in everything he did. It was messy, hot, and exactly what you needed.But then you decided to shift the pace. With a swift motion, you pushed him back against the couch, straddling his hips. His eyes widened in surprise as you broke the kiss, looking down at him with a smirk of your own.“Well, well, well,” you said, teasingly running a finger down his chest. “What happened to all that control you thought you had?”For a moment, Jane looked genuinely taken aback, his eyes flickering with something between surprise and excitement.
0 notes
Tips for Packing and Transporting Fragile Items
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Are you going somewhere new? Take caution not to break anything expensive while transporting.
You'll need to be really good at packing to pull this off. Even better, ask whether your selected moving company offers packing as an additional service. So whatever you bring will be an exact reproduction of what was in your previous home.
Do you want me to assist you pack? Consider these five tips for packaging sensitive objects.
1) Make sure to get the correct boxes.
You've undoubtedly been gathering random boxes in preparation for your future move. Some will be ineffective, while others will be effective. Your moving boxes should be durable, correctly sized, and formed.
Too much free space inside the crates can make delicate objects fragile. Because of their mobility, they are more likely to break or become damaged. Invest a bit more in boxes that accommodate your belongings in this case.
When inspecting boxes, attempt to place each object in the one that is most appropriate for it. Cases with cardboard dividers are available, for example, to store eyewear. If everything has its spot, they are less likely to collide.
It is advisable to use the original boxes if available when transporting fragile objects. If the manufacturer could send your things in these boxes and packaging materials, that would be ideal for your move!
2) Make sure you have packing paper on hand.
When preparing to remove fragile things from a container, it is best to have plenty of packing paper on hand. Like mugs, glassware with a lot of space is perfect for stuffing with packing paper.
Glass picture frames and multiple layers of plates can be wrapped in packing paper for further protection.
After you've finished packing, you can crumple the packing paper to fit it into the empty spaces of a box. This can significantly reduce the area that fragile goods require to move about.
You must employ additional tactics if you hear activity inside the box when you open it. Continue reading down below.
3) Invest in a Tonne of Bubble Wrap
Bubble wrap is a lifesaver when preparing to move fragile objects. Use the packing paper from earlier as a robust initial line of defense for your delicate things. However, in most circumstances, more is needed.
The next barrier is burlap. The bubbles are designed to protect your possessions, so resist the urge to pop them whenever you want.
Place one or two layers of bubble wrap on top of the packing paper to safeguard your belongings. Mirrors and large objects such as bowls, vases, and platters can all be used for this purpose.
To offer further protection, line the interior of the boxes with bubble wrap. Partitioning huge things into smaller ones is another option. These dividers may be sensitive, so use cardboard and pack them with bubble wrap.
4) Consider renting moving blankets.
Layering is the most effective approach to remaining warm when it's freezing outside. When wrapping your fragile things, apply the same rationale.
Packing paper, bubble wrap, and removal blankets will be needed. These are ideal for covering and cushioning delicate goods such as furniture.
Vases, plastic tubs, lamps, and many other items can be further safeguarded by covering them in previously removed blankets.
A removable blanket is the finest option when moving delicate goods such as antique chests, dining chairs, tables, and highly polished furniture.
5) Seek Expert Advice.
Indeed, you can pack more effectively than that! Or do you not have time? After that, get a professional removalist to complete the job.
These individuals have substantial knowledge and experience in their industries. This bodes well for the safety of your belongings during the moving procedure.
Another skill they possess is the ability to pack quickly. Because they do this regularly, they can get everything onto the truck soon. You may complete tasks in half a day if you employ expert Ashfield rather than doing them yourself.
If you want extra protection if something goes wrong during shipment, you can check into several insurance solutions.
6) Keep your valuables safe during the transfer.
Transferring sensitive goods necessitates extra care and time, which might increase the stress of the relocation. Moving your possessions without a hitch takes more effort, but the result is worth it.
If you're constantly on the go and never have enough time to get things ready, the final resort—hiring a professional—might be the best option. With skilled removalists in Ashfield taking care of the transfer, you can rest assured that your possessions will be handled with care. Furthermore, you will be free to concentrate on what is essential in life.
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dienamights · 3 years
Ex’s and O’s | K.Bakugou
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» Pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x Fem!Reader.
» Word count: 6.7K
» Genre: hurt/comfort, Smut MDNI, Prohero!au
» Summary: Its bad enough that you’re spending your ex-boyfriend’s birthday curled up in bed, wearing his merch, drinking away your sorrows, but what’s even worse is having your eardrums pierced by the blaring music upstairs at the party thrown just for him.
» Warning(s):  Smut 18+ MDNI please, hurt/comfort, mentions of alcohol, dubcon since reader is under the influence while getting dicked down, drunk sex, oral sex and fingering (female receiving, we getting fed tonight), one pussy slap lol, manipulation, unprotected sex (don’t be silly, wrap your willy)
» Author’s notes: Hello! aaaah I’m actually pretty excited about posting this fic! First of all, its Bakuhoe’s birthday! and what better way to honor it than to feed you all some good ol angst sprinkled in with some good dickin’ down. Its been years since I’ve written smut and I’m actually really fuckin proud of it, yet real nervous but I hope you enjoy! Secondly, this fic is a part of Bakugous Birthday Bash! I’m so excited to read everyone’s work, thank you everyone for holding this event and allowing my ass participate to create this with you all ♡ be sure to read everyone’s contributions, I know it’ll be more than amazing since everyone worked so hard!
Happy Birthday to our favorite King Explosion Murder♡♡
Lastly, I wanna thank everyone for their support and helping me reach 200 followers already! You guys are the cutest thing ever and I promise I’ll update more frequent the minute I’m out of uni late june fml, thank you @tteokdoroki for giggling with me when i wrote cock for the first time lol
» Masterlist | Requests
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Rolling out of bed and flailing onto the floor as a start of your day ensures you that the following 24 hours will ultimately suck ass. Getting up and readying yourself for the day by looking through one of your cardboard boxes for your favorite Dynamight hoodie, the back of your mind keeps nagging you, trying to remind you of something buried deep in your subconsciousness, and you have half a heart to try and remember, because for some odd reason, you feel so fucking weary, as if the few steps from your bed to your bathroom are somehow now endless miles, almost making you breathe out in relief after finally reaching it.
And as you are making your coffee, that odd feeling keeps annoying you again, prodding at your brain to remember something, something. And ultimately, that's when your eyes fall to the counter. You knew this day was coming and you were dreading it for months, so as you look at the calendar on your kitchen counter, you frown, the quote of the day you always love reading so much long forgotten when your eyes fall on the date. 
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“You’ve gotta be kiddin' me.” You mumble at the calendar on your counter hatefully with furrowed eyebrows, as if it would either reply or change its date, it doesn’t do either, and your lips curl downwards even further. As in immediate response, you pick up your phone, your coffee pot tossed aside as you dial the number of the only person you could think might help you right now.
“G’morning y/n -” you hear Kendo’s voice through your phone, and you honestly want to sob right then and there, but you hold yourself, barely and speak over her overly cheery voice first thing in the goddamn morning. “It's Kats- Bakugou’s birthday” you whimper at the slip up, being so used to the first name basis you were in with your now ex-boyfriend.
“Yeah, was kinda hoping you would’ve forgotten.” She sighs, tugging at her bangs and pulling back her phone to check the time. “Tell you what, I get off work in an hour, then I’m spending the day with you. I’ll get tequila, I know you love your shots.” 
“Ken, it's like 10 right now..” you can’t help but pout, having alcohol in your system as an escape to help you forget about the entire day still sounding better than the urge to cry and crawl into a hole, even if it's at the start of your day. “Y'know what? Get those gummy worms I like too.” “Bet.” you hang up with a sigh, moving back to the kitchen to sift through your bubble wrapped kitchen utensils, barely forcing yourself to prepare breakfast as to not have your liquor on an empty stomach.
You loathe the fact that you remembered his birthday, always reminded of him no matter how long ago since you’ve last seen him, being the center of the media’s attention for years as the number 6 hero in japan has its perks, well, in his case, but to you? Nothing but trouble and heartache as every channel you flip through plasters his face, whether it be about some big rescue mission he partook in or a new rumor about a potential lover to the explosive hero, followed by him almost attacking a reporter, yelling to them about ‘needing to mind yer goddamn business and keep my fuckin’ name outta your mouths’. Therefore, you opted long ago to stay away from the TV to avoid seeing him, his captivating rubies for eyes, covered by that goddamn mask you like to push up to his forehead, sweeping his bangs away and exposing his sweaty forehead that he bumps against yours as he makes love to you, still in his hero costume, all battered and dusty and so incredibly hot you have to- 
You grip your coffee mug tighter, almost to the point of breaking the handle off of it, placing it rather roughly onto the table before pushing your food away, appetite gone with the thought of whatever paradise you were thinking you were in before now long gone and never coming back, all because of you, of your action, of your mistake.
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Kendo walks in with a bright smile on her face, as if her overly cheerful attitude will balance out the void you’re slowly but surely falling in. She shakes the bag of snacks in your face as you blink your eyes back into focus. Dragging your heavy feet across the floor to get to your kitchen to retrieve the shot glasses. Only kissing her cheek in thanks when you snatch away whatever it is she brought with her to lift your mood.
She eyes the boxes by your kitchen, the four placed haphazardly in your living room and the one you're using as a stool while filling your shot glasses, tongue sticking out to try and fill each one to the brim without spilling any on the new coffee table that she failed to notice before is still wrapped in bubble wrap that prevent any damage during the moving process.
“y/n…” you hum in response, a frown falling on your lips as the third glass spills a bit and the liquid pools on the plastic.
“Don't you think that you should’ve probably unpacked a while ago? Hasn't it been, what, five months?” 
“I didn't know you were gonna come here to harass me about my life choices, Kendo”
She flinches away, your tone venomous, almost feeling it as a slap to her face, before leaning in when she sees your eyes start to water.
“If I did, that just means it's true… that just means it happened, and I did the stupidest thing- you know what,” you wipe the few tears that managed to escape away with the sleeve of your sweater, looking down at the shots in front of you. “It, it doesn't matter anymore just- can I just drink and try to forget about how my life has gotten nothing but fucking worse since the day I left him?”
You questioned your worth that one time, that one time all those months ago. Thinking that by doing what you did and leaving, he’d drop everything and run behind you, chase after you and win you back, but he didn't, and as you sit surrounded by the evidence of how much of a failure you find out you are without him, you regret ever questioning it, ever questioning him. Because to you, living in denial was so much better than whatever hell this is.
So all you could think of is to just drown yourself in alcohol until your mind is too numb to think of the possibilities of how you could have avoided this, how you could’ve been a less of shitty person, and stop imagining how your life would be now if you just swallowed all your insecurities and just stayed. Despite the neglect, despite not being prioritized, because in some weird twisted way, those lies held you with warmth that you were never able to find after uncovering the ugly truth you’re living in right now. 
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You lay on your living room floor, the alcohol swirling in your system and clouding your vision as you trace imaginary shapes in your ceiling, the voice of Kendo muffled as she rambles on and on about her day, the amount of outlaws she bitch slapped - a term she uses to get a laugh from you - and how she considers herself the unluckiest being in the whole world for having Monoma as a partner of all people, seriously contemplating who she should beat up first between him and the villains.
“Must be nice,” you voice, low and slow, scared of how Kendo would react to what you’re about to say, yet your intoxicated self unable to stop your mouth from uttering the words. “To have a purpose in life, to not be quirkless and lost like us.” your face twists in an ugly scowl at your ceiling, but mostly to yourself for putting a downer on whatever mood your friend is trying so hard to build, proven by the hitch of her breath before she enters your peripheral vision when she leans over you, all upside down and pouty.
“What’re you talki-” the shrill ringtone of her phone breaks you away from each other as she leaps to fetch it and silence the god forsaken thing by answering the call. “Battle Fist here, yes sir, I was partnered up with Phantom Thief for the patrol at area B, n-no sir I wasn’t informed.” Kendo breaths out in irritation, pinching the bridge of her nose as she starts tapping her feet aggressively on the floor, eyes falling onto yours when you look up at her all weary and sad, knowing what she would tell you once she hangs up. “That dumbass is gonna be the end of me I swear.” She crouches down to your level and kisses your forehead, promising to be back in the morning with hangover food, before she leaves and locks the door behind her. 
Now you’re left all alone, back aching from laying on the hardwood floor and eyes watering as you feel your loneliness eating you up inside, the god awful music thumbing loudly in your ears followed by the cheer of people as you-
You sit up abruptly, groaning at the dizziness of the swift movement as your hands fly to cover your ears, a failed attempt of ensuring your brain doesn’t begin to spill out from them, because of the loud voices, the bass shaking your entire fucking apartment by how strong it is, and you curse yourself for falling for the scheme the landlord pulled you in, paying half of the rent everyone did, just because you lived right below the penthouse that hosted the loudest parties in the area, 4 days out of the fucking week. 
The money hungry shameless bastard praised the apartment the minute it spiked your interest all those months ago, selling it so well you actually moved in the next week, anything to stop feeling like a burden to Kendo as you couch-surfed her apartment. Only to realize within that first week from your downstairs neighbors that he rents the penthouse to host parties of all sorts, and due to its location in the city, it was pretty popular, yet you didn’t have the money to move out again, nor the heart to concern your friend with your problems, as she was a hero with other responsibilities aside from taking care of your hopeless self.
So you get up, barely gathering yourself onto that elevator to tell off whoever the fuck will answer the door first to turn the music down. You pound the door with your fist repeatedly the minute you reach it, the door opening so suddenly you almost punch the man standing in front of you in the chest, the cool air created from the door cooling your warm cheeks as you squint at your victim for the day.
“Listen here, you buttfaced moron” you start to chew the person’s ear out, your sight blurring yet still able to notice how bright his hair is, how fiery and familiar it looks, and you’re certain you’ve seen it somewhere before. “I’m trying to drink away my regrettable life choices and cry over my ex-boyfriend, so if you would just turn down the-”
“y/n?” oh, that’s where. Your stomach drops as Kirishima looks down on you, the bright smile he flashed to whoever he was welcoming now dropped with his eyes almost bulging out at your presence, you both stand in silence, the boy unbuttoning the collar that suddenly feels like it has a chokehold on him while you cross your arms and hope the floor would swallow you a floor down back into the comfort of your home.
Kirishima basically is shutting down the second his eyes lay on you, breaking a sweat as your eyes never waver, despite how you fail to stay standing straight, what was he supposed to say? ‘Hey we’re throwing a birthday party for your ex-boyfriend because he's been feeling depressed from the day you dumped his ass’ ? No!  He wouldn’t do that to his friend, but what was he gonna say now?
Well, he didn’t have to really think about what to say to you, because his other friend didn’t hesitate to push him forward, slurring something along the lines of ‘lettin the hot ladies in so they can take a look at the prettier blond, aka moi’. In his moment of panic, the redhead stumbles forward, his cup slipping from the tips of his fingers and meeting its doom by the floor, whatever was filling it now staining your pants as you both look at the mess between you.
“Woah bro, we said you gotta get’er wet but not- '' Denki's cackle stops him from continuing whatever filth he was gonna spew out - thankfully - before his eyes drop down to your chest, or more like what was covering it. “Hey! You a Dynamight fan? Hey Bakuhoe, comere for a sec.” 
Dear God, move, for the love of all that's pure in this god forsaken world, move! Run!
All you could do is shake and breathe in short segments as your widened eyes meet his unamused ones, the garnets in his eyes glistening at your sight, he stands straight and so tall, suited up in his usual attire. Dressed for the occasion, words aren't able to describe his beauty. You try not to let your brain be dazzled by how incredibly handsome he looks. He is wearing a dress shirt, in the deep color of wine that complements his eyes, dress pants hugging his long legs, not to mention the open collar, and no tie. He looks like a long, lean Lothario. 
At that your eyes drop down to the floor, specifically the now stained carpet, your hands wrenching the end of your hoodie to distract yourself from the piercing rubies that haunts your dreams.
You build up some courage, enough of it to lift your head to continue what you came here to do, so you open your mouth, and drop a few IQs while you’re at it. “The m-music is loud and m’tryin’ to sleep,'' you mumble, noting how Kirishima leans down to make up the words you are saying over the sound of the blaring music while Bakugou narrows his eyes at you as if disregarding his sight will make him hear you better. “So, if you could turn down the heat, that’d be,” 
“You squiffed?” The blond grunts, leaning his face close to yours to inspect it, and he catches a whiff of alcohol in your breath, his eyebrows furrowing at your response. “No I'm not squinting-” 
“Yeah you’re drunk alright,” he huffs at your less than intelligent reply, pushing his glass of whiskey - you figure since it's always been his drink of choice - against Kirishima’s chest, telling him to lower the fucking volume and grabs you by your bicep. “C’mon, I’ll take you home.” you stumble at the force used against you, no matter how weak it actually is, before you barely straighten yourself to push his hand away. “I can walk down all by myself, thank you.” Of course you’d expose where you live, you dumbass.
He doesn’t question your integrity, just continues to basically drag you to the elevator before pushing your apartment door open when you choose your floor, irked to find your misplaced trust in the people of the complex by not locking your door after leaving. He barges into your bedroom and tells you to change out of your fucked up pants and proceeds to saunter to your kitchen to get you water, eyeing the boxes that he comes across during that small trip.
He stands awkwardly by the door when he sees you standing in the middle of the bedroom, sifting through countless moving boxes with your pants on the floor, thrown next to a pile of clothes that he can only assume that its supposed to be your laundry ‘basket’, until you opt against wearing any since you can't seem to find anything to replace them. And when he asks you if you just moved in, his expression sours when you shake your head no and explain to him that you’ve been living for months in this space, after chugging that cup of water like you’ve been parched for days.
“Birthday party?” You ask out of the blue as you play with the strings of your hoodie, your ears perking up at the confirmation hum you receive. “Hmm, thas’cool… I-I guess.” 
Bakugou’s impassive as he gently pushes you onto your bed, eyes meeting yours as he covers you up with your blanket. “Get some rest, I’m leaving.” He said, slowly stalking away from you and barely reaching your door as your big mouth talks on its own. Your body sitting up and facing his retreating back.
“That's what you always do, you always leave”, you utter and you see him stiffen his shoulders before he spins to face you, so fast you almost want to check up on him about getting a whiplash.
“Hah?” it's one syllable, but it shakes your very core, that one sound making you almost shake, overwhelmed by the amount of emotions, the amount of pain that one sound has. He steps closer to your bed, the stomps of his feet sounding like gun shots in your ear, and you pathetically lift up the blanket to cover yourself up, cowering behind it like it's some pseudo shield that might protect you from him.
“I’m the one that leaves?” he growls at you, his eyes sizing you up when you react to his forceful approach, leaning back to look down on you, but his lips are still curled in a frown, he tries to hold himself from blowing up at you, his feelings oddly enough still raw in his chest the moment he lay eyes on you the first time since you left, threw him away and walked away, probably finding someone better, probably finding someone who you tolerated, unlike himself, but when he sees you straighten up your back to rebuttal him, an automatic response to whenever he raised his voice at you from all those years ago, he knows he is in for a fight. 
He snarls when you nod at him, your eyes hard and glaring up at him, not knowing that your silence is by your better judgement since you don't trust your voice, knowing it’ll fail you, probably crack and show him how much he actually is affecting you by his closed off posture and demeaning look down at your frame.
“Real fuckin’ rich of ya, y/n.” He snaps back, his hands brought up to his hair, tugging at it. “As if you didn’t pack your shit,” he kicks at yet another cardboard box fucking spewed in your room, noting its heavy weight when it didn't move but an inch by his action. “Dropped your keys by the fuckin’ door,” as an emphasis, he throws your apartment key at you, making sure it doesn’t actually hit you, but falls onto your lap. “And left. Without a single fuckin’ word, like I'm some lowlife who didn't deserve an explanation, like I didn't deserve anything! And-” that hurt, goddamn it. 
Exhaling deeply, he focuses on how your eyes look a little less glossed over, a little more sober, but holding fear, and he almost steps back and out when he looks at how you’re fighting tears, almost wanting to bust his own kneecaps than to see you like this, always wanting nothing for you but to be happy, to never upset about anything no matter how small it might be.
Then why did you leave him? Left him to drown by his lonesome self, waves of his insecurities and sorrow crashing into him, pulling him even further down to his inevitable doom.
Despite the fact that you both yearn for each other, long to feel one another, engulf yourselves in the others presence. You both stand your ground, eyes glaring despite the emotions hidden behind them, mouths shut and curled into ugly scowls regardless of the words you wish to speak to each other, whispers of promises into each other's ears about being together forever, in spite of not knowing what the future holds.
Bakugou breathes out again, recalling all those months worth of coping mechanisms to exercise when placed in anger inducing situations like this one, the time in therapy spent to better himself, to control himself, to be the best version of himself, for you, hoping that one day you’ll pity him enough to want to come back, knowing full well he would never hold a grudge against you and welcome you back with open arms, intending to never repeat whatever it is he did that made you think of him as so unbearable you couldn't spent another day with him.
You on the other hand, are barely holding in the tears, wanting him to just leave your sight, so you can go back to the world of denial where he didn't look like straight out of a magazine, looking as captivating as always, as if your absence did not have an effect on the hero, of course it wouldn't, why would a quirkless extra have an effect on the great Katsuki Bakugou, that's what he used to call them, right?
“Just leave, Bakugou-” his ears pick up the way your voice breaks at his name, the way you utter it sounds so horrendous, because you aren’t meant to call him Bakugou, you’re meant to call him Katsuki, Katsu, Suki, your Suki. Not- “I hate you.”
The room suddenly spirals. The floor panels misalign themselves into zigzags. Bakugo’s eyes shatter like a glass window. He tries to hold himself against the tears that threaten to fall, stomach wrenching as if reaching from inside of his body, but it’s useless. He brings his hand up close to his chest and sinks his head, letting the words overtake him.
Oblivious to his internal struggle, you pile whatever courage you have left in another attempt to ask him to leave, aware that your body wouldn’t aid you in pushing him away physically, you open your mouth, only to gasp after a moment of silence when he pounces on you and grabs you by the neck, sliding a hand behind your head and leaning your face impossibly closer to his “you fuckin’ hate me? show me you hate me then,”
Then he's pressing his lips against yours, your half foggy mind all too surprised by the flow of motion you can only try to keep up with his feverish kisses, you try to pull away, to push him away, to no avail, Bakugou only stopping his assault on your lips to growl at them again “Show me then, hah?” 
But he wouldn't even let you, his grasp on your neck loosening to circle around your back to push you to him even more. His kisses get more and more aggressive, trying his best to show you how much he was hurt by what you said, by what you did, after all this time, almost begging you to not let him have to voice out whatever he’s feeling because he would do so much of a worse job than he is doing now.
The hands you placed on his chest in a failed attempt to push him away are now just placed over his pecs, welcoming their warmth and the way they flex under your touch, your right hand clenching over where his thumping heart is, and he almost sighs in relief, the movement feeling like it holds together all the broken pieces of his heart to make it whole again.
Almost like that gesture calmed him down, Bakugou’s rough touches start to soften, very caring as they glide to your hips before sliding underneath your - oh my God it's your special edition Dynamight hoodie! His amused chuckle tickles your lips as he pulls away when he feels you stiffen at the realization, barely letting you breathe in ease until he places his lips against your ear. “Love how m’still the only one sprawled over yer tits.”
“But I still want the real thing, lemme see ‘em, hm?” And just before throwing a dumb retort and embarrasing yourself even further, the article is tugged eagerly off of your body and thrown haphazardly on the floor. Earning yourself a low whistle when he realises you’re wearing nothing underneath. Bakugou all but shoves you onto the bed, spreading your legs when you try to rub them against each other for any friction, wedging his body neatly between them as his teeth gently bite your soft buds, pulling them slightly before captivating the nipple entirely.
His tongue flicks against your hardening nipple while keeping a watchful eye at the sinful expressions your face makes, his one hand toying with and twisting the other nipple while the other slides down to tease your needy cunt, pressing his fingers against your -fucking soaked- panties, swearing under his breath at the feeling of your walls trying to clench around his fingers just from that one movement. Sitting on his haunches, he lifts your hips with ease to pull your panties right off, eyes travelling between your heaving chest and your exposed pussy. Before lowering himself and finding comfort in biting and sucking your nipples again.
Bakugou’s smirk grows with your moans as his tongue dances over your sensitive nipples, he presses his finger against your walls, and you immediately keen at the prodding feeling that almost feels foreign after all this time apart. His thumb pushing your pussy lip to the side to see you suck his finger in like the good girl he knew you always were.
“Ba-ba-ba,” you struggle to talk, your drool collecting at your lips, stopping you from forming any words as you feel a breeze hit your spit covered tits, whining at the feeling and wanting him to pull your nipples in the warm cavern of his mouth again. Bakugou’s eyes focus on the spit line connecting his bottom lip to your nipple before disconnecting it to smash his lips against yours in an effort to shut your blabbering up.
“Ba-ba, what? y’better not be callin’ me Bakugou with my fingers deep in yer pussy baby, its Katsuki for you, yeah?” he taunts with a fake pout that immediately turns into a grin at the way you hold your pathetic sobs, pressing another finger in your tight cunt, reveling in the wet sounds your pussy makes as he thrusts his fingers in and out of it, soaking his fingers in your slick as he curls them, eager to hear the squelching sounds it would make when his cock is shoved deep inside you. “Or better yet, lemme hear you say Suki, hmm?”
“Suki- p-please, eat me out” you throw your head back and bring your hands down to play with your clit, showing him where you want his lips to be, as if the blond doesn't already know where it is, and he scoffs at the thought, slapping your hand away and giving another slap to your clit, earning a moan from you from the sharp pleasurable pain.
“Yea, yea I fuckin’ know already, needy slut,” he growls, keeping eye contact as he circles your clit with his tongue before sloppily eating out your cunt, making a mess of both drool and your arousal, mumbling “my needy slut.” to himself, and you do hear it, yet you brush it off with the thought that your lust must be messing with your brain.
Your chest still flutters at his words and your walls clench in on his fingers as he curls them again in a way you didn’t know would make you yelp like it did. He thrives off of how your body responses so easily to him, your back arching and the squelching getting louder as his fingers pick up speed, his tongue so skillful in drawing circles around your clit before sucking it again. A whine escapes you when he draws his head away from you, only for you to see the way his eyes darkens, his chin glistening from your arousal when it catches the light.
“Let go for me princess,” he whispers uncharacteristically, making you question if the glint in his eyes is from his desire for you or something else. “Lemme see you fall apart for me, alright?” the way he’s almost begging you to come undone for him takes you by surprise, and your body curls in on itself so fast, not realizing your orgasm was creeping up on you until it hits you. The knot in your stomach breaks as you gush around his fingers, white crossing your vision as he slows his pace to help you come down from your high. 
Your shuddering body lays on your bed, eyes unwavering as they meet Katsuki’s, his fingers stuffed in his mouth as he moans around them at your taste. It's all a blur after seeing that unravel, and you’re so woozy that you don’t register him discarding his clothes until he lays above you. Placing himself between your legs as he pumps his cock, hardened from seeing you fall apart on his tongue and fingers, his tip leaking precum and burning a bright red.
His movement is almost too quick for you as he dips his head into your leaking hole before pulling right back, a breathless chuckle escaping him when you whine and roll your hips and try to suck him in again, wanting to feel the stretch of him inside of you.
“Didja wanna say somethin’ princess?” he taunts you, one of his hands holding you down by your stomach while the other is wrapped around his length, teasing you in the ways that he knows drive you crazy, he leans in, using the tip of his cock to spread your pussy lips open and running it along your slit to coat it with your arousal.
“Katshu, p-please I-” you hiccup, your fists tightening on your bed sheet as you try to rock your hips up get more than just his leaking tip, but your begging is always interrupted when he isn't hearing what he wants you to say.
“Say you love me.”
You freeze at his demand, your widening eyes looking up at him before you pout your lips, not thinking about surrendering to him, no matter how much you want your cunt stuffed full of him right now.
“I don’love yooou-” you gasp as katsuki’s grip onto your waist tightens and you feel as he gives a thrust into your sopping cunt, arching your back at the burning stretch of being filled up by his thick cock. Katsuki’s hand traces down your left thigh before cupping behind your knee, hiking your leg up and out, close to your chest to expose more of yourself to him, wanting nothing more than to see his dick seething in and out of your tight pretty pussy, and by almost muscle memory, you did the same thing with your right leg, replacing his hands with your own, presenting yourself to him.
“Y’see that? Fuckin’ know you like the back of m’hand, y’think someones gonna- ah, take the fucking time to work you like I did?” he's right, absolutely right, he ruined you for any other potential lovers and he loved it with every fiber in his being, knowing this means you’re always going to be wrapped around his finger. You moan as he pushes more of himself into you, bottoming out and holding one of your tits and squeezing when he feels your walls do the same to his cock.
You hate it, after all this time, you’re still a blubbering mess the second he was one fucking inch deep in your pussy, sucking him in and clawing at his back begging for more. No self respect, no dignity, you hate it, how come after all this time he gets to come here and fuck you like you belong to him, like you’ve belonged to him despite everything that has happened.
You only realize that your eyes are closed when Katsuki’s breath hits your face, and you open them wide, noting how wet your lashes have gotten from your tears, only for him to kiss at the tears gliding along your right temple and licking the ones on your left. He breathes out a chuckle and when he leans to look at your eyes, the humor and menace you expect to see in his eyes are nowhere to be found, clouded by a solemn look instead.
“What? Yer cryin on me now, huh? Y’think a few tears are stoppin’ me?” His voice is masked so well, because he sounds like he was simply enjoying a game, like an imp that had branched from a demon. “C’mon, not gonna tell the birthday boy you love’em?”
“I don't love you, I hate you, h-hate you-” you keen as drool pools at your lips, your body betraying you as it shakes from pleasure, letting go of your legs to wrap them around his slim waist, to bring him in closer, if that was even possible, stopping his deep thrusts that were brushing up against your cervix, it feels pathetic, denying him the pleasure of telling him you love him while clinging onto him like he's your last breath of fresh air, because in a way, you feel like he is, like him leaving would just collapse your lungs and stop your heart from beating, you know that he’s gonna leave you. While your spent body would lay on your bed and you'd cry because you didn't tell him you love him, yet you wouldn’t ask him to stay, knowing deep down that you don't deserve it, you don't deserve him.
You feel his weight on top of you as he rests his elbows by your head, his lips brushing against your ear as he repeats again with every shallow thrust into your warm insides, his cock twitching from time to time in your walls. “You love me.” he says it once, twice, thrice. Every time his voice lowers more and more to a broken whisper, almost a plea instead of the cocky taunt he started off with.
Your legs are starting to ache from the grip they have around him, so you loosen up, your mind easy since his thrusts haven’t been rough nor painful. And when you do, you notice two things immediately, first, your thighs are so soaked from how he's making you feel, probably ruining your bedsheet at this point, second, he pushed his chest away from yours to look you directly in the eyes, one hand molding around your thigh to keep it from wrapping around him again while the other is placed on your stomach, his thumb inching closer and closer to your clit, wanting to toy with it, toy with you, but not ready to give you any satisfaction until you admit to him, please just tell him, that you do still love him. All insecurities, all battle scars, all emotional constipation as layers he covers himself with, that no one gives a fuck to peel off, to see who he really was, except you.
His red eyes lock onto yours as your chest heaves with breathless sobs at the lost of his warmth, and when you think he's lowering himself back down, he pulls out suddenly, sending a  shiver down your spine as you gasp, now feeling like you're frozen over, your tears coming from lack of both pleasure and warmth.
Suddenly your face is met with the pillow and you feel his hands on your hips as he lifts them up and off the bed, your half intoxicated, half aroused mind barely registering that you’ve been flipped over on your stomach until you feel his cock prodding at your cunt, easily sliding in like they’ve been made to be warmed up in there, when you know Katsuki would argue that your pussy was made just for him and to warm his dick.
He presses his chest against your back, pushing you onto the bed as he thrusts his hips roughly, pulling out fully before seething himself right back in, your moans and whimpers muffled by your pillow from being pushed down by his hand as his other holds your hips firmly. 
Then what happened next probably shocked him more than you, despite how delirious you’ve become due to his relentless thrusting, his dripping tears feel cool on your bare warm shoulder, one by one as his groans and moans turn into strangled sobs, before Katsuki digs his teeth into that shoulder, to both hear you scream and to muffle his cries from you. 
“because I love you” he sobs, detaching his teeth from their grip and kissing the bite marks before resting his forehead against it, but his thrusts never cease, getting sloppier, as if the confession is pushing him off the edge. Dragging the tip of his nose from your bitten and bleeding shoulder to the back of your ear, his own face flush and warm against you as he breathes harshly against your ear and kisses along it.
“So-” he moans again, the hand behind your neck now turning your face so he could see your fucked out expression, the tears streaming down your face and the drool that pools under your cheeks, with your tongue lolled out and your eyes barely focusing on his form.
“You better say you do too, becau-”
“I love you.” you gush, like saying it is a breath of fresh air, your eyes never leaving his teary ones, your gaze so intense and fixated on him with no regards to the way the snapping of his hips against yours is shaking your entire body against the bed. 
With new found vigor from your confession, Katsuki grabs onto the meat of your ass, hammering into you from behind with force that pushes you against the bed even further, your pulled hair jerking your head back so he can listen to the lewd noises you are making, long forgotten the will to cover your pleasure and hiding your moans.
Your ass heavily slaps against his thighs as he grabs your hips with both hands and pounds into your sopping wet cunt, relishing in the way you’re begging for him. “Y’like it when I fuck you baby, hmm? Like it when I stuff you so fuckin’ full of me?” He growls, feeling you push your ass back every time you repeat ‘yes’ to his questions. “Yes, yes love it, love you, please please don’t stop, please ‘Suki. Yes, gonna cum ‘Suki please” you weep, your head pounding from the grip he had on your hair and your eyes crossing as you feel his thrusts stutter, getting sloppier when you bounce your ass against him, his hand coming down and slapping it.
“That's fuckin’ right, cum on this cock, c’mon baby” he brings four of his fingers to rub your clit with urgency, and you can’t help but arch your back as your orgasm hits you again, screeching as you feel your walls tightening on him, squeezing him for what he’s worth. “F-fuck ah, y-you’re so- Fuck” his heavy weight falls on you as he fills you to the brim with his milky seed, forehead pressed against your shoulder as he rocks his hips against you, pushing more of his load inside before slowly pulling out, gaze flutters down to where your bodies were once joined, seeing your mixed arousal seeping out of your hole and he has half a mind to push it back in with his fingers.
But he flips you over effortlessly, the sight of your crossed out eyes and wet cheeks squeezing his chest at the realization he might’ve been too rough on you, so he wipes your cheek with the palm of his hands and revels in the way you lean towards him, turning your face to kiss his palm. “Say it again.” barely a whisper, as you flip his hand and kiss the back of it as well, and he almost repeats himself, thinking you didn’t hear him, but your hands reach up and cup his face, bringing him towards you. “I love you Katsuki” and goddamn if that wasn’t the most beautiful thing you’ve ever spoken. “Again,” “I love you, Katsuki” “Again,” you giggle, and he knows that's probably what angels sound like.
Your thumb brushes over his warm cheeks, red from showing vulnerability, and you pull him even closer, “Happy birthday, ‘Suki.”
“Yea,” He breaths out, his lips barely brushing against your bitten and bruised ones. “It really fuckin’ is.”
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aaaaaaaaah! Hope you enjoyed it! Lemme know what you think of the smut, I also changed my writing style from past tenses to present tenses or tried to at least
Borrowers (taglist):
if you want to be tagged with for any of my fics let me know ♡
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barnesafterglow · 3 years
summary: you’re just a tad accident prone. but that could never make bucky mad, right?
pairing: roommate!bestfriend!bucky x reader
word count: 1.1k
warnings: lots of swears, mentions of stitches/minor injury, mentions of fire, fluffy fluff
a/n: so. unfortunately my blog @/youalloverbarnes got marked as explicit and they won’t overturn my appeal so i'm trying to start over! this was originally written as part of @msmarvelwrites​ 2k writing challenge! hopefully i won’t get fucked over by tumblr this time :’)
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You had just shattered a mug… again.
“Doll, I think we’re going to have to start buying plastic cups,” Bucky said with a sigh.
Being your best friend since high school, he knew your tendency to be accident prone; it just came with the territory.  Besides, there had never been any major injuries - well besides that one time you had fallen off your porch and taken him down with you, leaving him with a broken ankle just in time for graduation.
Besides, it was sort of endearing, your sheepish smile and the blush that raced to your cheeks. Bucky had the urge to kiss that smile off you and assure you that he loved every single accident, no matter how embarrassed you got. God knows how badly he wanted to.
He moved to grab the broom and sweep up the large ceramic shards, while gently pushing you towards the living room.
He saw you open your mouth and shushed you before you could get a word out. “Go. I don’t need a trip to the ER to get you stitches tonight.”
You rolled your eyes, but walked out of the kitchen anyway. As you reached the door, you turned around with a wide grin.
“You know, for Halloween this year, you might as well dress up as my knight in shining armor.”
You gave a flirty wink before strutting into the other room. Bucky’s blush just then could have rivaled yours on your worst day.
Bucky heard a clatter and a thud, knowing you had just slipped and fallen in the shower. Despite not being surprised, he still opened the bathroom door to make sure you hadn’t broken anything this time. He saw that blush again as you looked up from your place in the tub, the shower curtain wrapped around you.
He leaned into the doorframe with his arms crossed, looking at your predicament. “Well, this is a new one.”
“Sorry! ‘Was trying my hand at a private concert and got a little too into it.” There was that blush again. It was really starting to drive Bucky crazy, but in the best way.
He grabbed a towel and handed it to you after helping you to your feet, his hand on your lower back to steady you.
“C’mon klutz, we still have a movie to watch. Don’t make me wrap you in bubble wrap again.”
Your blush deepened as he watched you shuffle to your room to change, and the smile he gave you as you shut your door made your heart beat faster than any fall could.
“Oh god. Oh fuck. No no no n-”
Goddamnit. Bucky was home. You were just trying to set up a nice little surprise for his birthday. He had gone out with Sam and Steve, and was planning to spend the evening with you; he claimed that was the only present he wanted. Naturally, you chose to totally ignore this, and had been planning for weeks.
You called up his ma for his favorite cake recipe, and had been practicing it at Nat and Wanda’s apartment until you got it perfect. So while he was out with the guys, you got to work. Everything was divine: the cake, the icing, the decorations, and you were incredibly proud. After getting a text from Bucky saying that he was almost home, you put the cake on the desk at the end of his bed, along with his presents, and pushed the candles into the top. But then everything went wrong, because of course it would. You were using the matches you just had to have that one time you had gone to a little hole in the wall shop downtown. And because you were a little excited, you kinda sorta maybe dropped the lit match on to his bed. Onto the very beautiful quilt his sister had made him. And there was a perfectly round burn mark right in the center.
So that’s where you were now, frozen in place as you waited for Bucky to make his way through the apartment to his room.
“Y/N/N? What’s goin-” He looked from you, to the bed, and back to you. “Oh.”
Immediately, tears flooded your eyes as you began to apologize profusely. You didn’t know how Bucky would ever forgive you. Your mind was racing as you pictured all your years of friendship going down the drain because of your stupid fucking cake.
“Hey. Hey, listen to me. It’s not a big deal. Becca’s got a million more. She won’t be mad, and I’m certainly not.” He laid his hands on your shoulders, trying to get you to look him in the eye. You turned away, trying to make a break for your room, but he grabbed you again, this time by your wrists, and pulled you to his chest.
“Listen to me, please. I appreciate this so much. I appreciate you so much. It was just an accident. That won’t make me stop loving you.”
“You what?” You had been friends for a long time. You had said “I love you” a million times - before bed, on your way out the door, even just laying on the couch with your head in his lap. It wasn’t anything new. But this was. The look of pure adoration in his eyes, the way his eyes flicked down to your lips and back. This was different than any moment you had ever shared.
“I love you. I’ve loved you since the day you spilled water all over my textbook in chemistry class. Every little accident makes me love you more.” The glimmer in his eyes told you even more than his words did, and you think back to his reaction to every clumsy fall, every broken plate, every paint splatter in the carpet. It was always an exaggerated sigh and a fake eye roll as he made his way to help you clean up; never leaving you to deal with it yourself.
This whole time you were waiting for the day your mishaps would push him one step too far, so far that he would walk out and never look back. But every one just made him fall in love with you even more. With a soft smile, you stand on your tip toes and press a sweet kiss to his lips. As you wrapped your arms around his neck, you said something you never in your life thought you would.
“I hate accidents except when we went from friends to this.”
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veryberryjelly · 3 years
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What we're here for
pairing ; spideychelle x reader
prompt ; A is anxious the whole day and finally breaks, B lays down on the couch with them to cuddle and calms them down, while C cooks dinner and makes tea.
wc; 0.7k
Even walking up the stairs to her shared apartment, y/n was so tired of everything. She had felt awful this morning but she had an important meeting that she couldn’t miss so she forced herself out of bed, before either peter or mj were awake, knowing that they would be able to tell something was wrong and convince her to stay home today, which she really couldn’t do.
When she walked through the door of their apartment, the first thing she saw was her lovers curled on the couch together, mj with a book in her hands and peter tinkering with a function of his suit.
At the sound of the door to their apartment opening and shutting, both of them lifted their heads to see y/n looking absolutely exhausted and drained.
“ hey, love. How was work ?” she heard mj call from the couch but she didn’t answer. She hung her bag on the hooks by the door and slid her shoes off, trying to keep herself together for just a little longer. She went into their room, shutting the door behind her as she headed straight for the closet to change out of these clothes and hopefully get this horrible feeling off her.
She thought that sliding on a clean tank top and some sweatpants would make her feel better but it really didn’t.
So she walked out of the bedroom and into the living room where peter and mj had discarded their respective activities and were talking to eachother in low voices. Their eyes lifted to y/n as she walked over to the couch and instantly curled up in mj’s arms, wrapping her arms around the brunette’s torso.
“ what’s wrong, babe? We haven’t talked to you all day “ mj asked softly, lifting one of her hands to brush some hair from y/n’s face, hoping to get a better look at her.
y/n didn’t answer, but mj could feel a damp spot forming where her girlfriends head rested. Her arms tightened slightly around her and she looked over to peter, silently asking him to take over.
y/n was way too wound up in her own mind to notice mj leaving and peter wrapping his arms around her tired body.
While peter rubbed his hands up and down y/n’s back, whispering calming words in her ear, mj rummaged around the kitchen looking for the type of tea she knew y/n loved and ordered a pizza, walking over to the couch a few minutes later with a single mug of tea , pulling a blanket from the back of the couch to drape over the three of them.
“ what happened today, baby ? “ peter finally asked y/n, his fingers still rubbing against her back as mj put the blanket over all three of them, coming up to sit behind y/n.
“ just woke up feeling anxious, and I had this huge meeting at work today and it didn’t go well but I couldn’t come home and it’s just sort of been… bubbling up all day” her voice was quiet but it was audible to the only people she wanted to hear it. Her face was still buried in the crook of peter’s neck as she spoke, seeking comfort in the familiar scent of his cologne.
“ you should have stayed home, then. “ he spoke carefully.
“ I know, but I couldn’t just not go to this meeting, I could’ve gotten fired. I can’t miss anymore work just because I don’t feel good “
mj and peter had no rebuttal to that. They knew how much she liked her job and loved her co-workers. But that wasn’t their concern right now. Right now, all that they were worried about was making y/n feel better in that moment.
“ okay, just try and forget about work tonight. We can stay here and watch that show you love, and if I’m not mistaken, mj just ordered a pizza so we don’t even have to get up to cook” peter let out a soft laugh and y/n did to. So the mood had lifted slightly.
“ thank you.” y/n muttered softly, pulling back from her boyfriend and settling in the couch between both of them, lifting her hand to wipe her tears from her cheeks as mj grabbed the tea from the coffee table and offered it out to the girl sat between her and her boyfriend, pressing a kiss onto the top of her head before speaking.
“ it’s what we’re here for, love “
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warmblanketwhump · 3 years
safe enough to fall
a little university-themed thing I wrote using @sicktember prompts: comfort item, sneaky temperature check, medicine, unlikely caregiver, and lightly inspired by these prompts
the grip of the winter’s cold was their constant, unrelenting companion - but sometimes, B just wished it would be a little less faithful.
It doesn’t ease in the morning, when B wakes up coughing with a cold nose and stiff limbs. It stays as B shivers through the lukewarm shower and the hurried layering of clothes over damp, goosebumped skin. It sticks to them like cling wrap on the bus, in the lecture hall, the windy walk to their next class, makes them tense their rattling jaw, and leaves them hunched over and huddled up, desperate to conserve any scrap of heat.
This was a fact of their university existence - that after the pleasant crispness of fall, their poor, scholarship-funded body was plunged into four months of frozen hell. They didn’t like to complain - after all, they were getting a free education. But no one told them how brutal their university’s winters would be, nor that dorm heating was little more than a few puffs of warm air every hour, or that regardless of how many layers they pulled on, they’d be chilled to the bone until late March.
Their final class of the week is in a drafty science lab, and they hold back a groan. The cold's not the only source of their dread - it was the thought of spending 90 minutes with their perky, overly friendly lab partner, A.
A, whose parents were well-off, well-known benefactors of their university. A, who lived in a nice house with proper heating and had the money for a warm winter coat. A, who obliviously chattered on about anything and everything. Besides that, they were just so...happy. All the time.
The can afford to be, B thought miserably. There was no way all that sunshine could be real.
B really tried to tamp down their bitterness, but it was hard to listen to someone gush on about their amazing weekend their family spent on some tropical island when B spent the same weekend wrapped up in blankets, trying to stay warm enough to study their nomenclature notes.
Two minutes before class, A bounds into the lab like a freed golden retriever and begins their usual volley of caffeinated questions, which B responds to in short, clipped answers. Suddenly, the questions stop and A’s brows furrow.
“You look cold. Are you okay?”
B shifts on their stool and tucks their fingers into the sleeves of their worn secondhand coat, pulling it tighter with a shudder. “I am cold. It’s winter.” They cough weakly into their elbow - the nagging cough has gripped them for weeks now.
“Are you sick?”
Direct, then. That was new. “No. At least, I don’t think so. I don’t have a fever or anything.” In truth, they had been feeling a little lower than usual the past couple of days, the chill a little deeper, the aches more pronounced, the cough a bit more painful. But in their book, that was hardly enough call themselves sick. B sniffles and A opens their mouth to comment further, but the professor calls the class to attention, and the moment is gone.
90 minutes later, they’ve got their work cut out for them - a ten-page lab report that’s going to count for nearly a quarter of their final grade. And as luck would have it, it was a partner project, which meant B got to spend more time with the equivalent of human rocket fuel.
“So...do you want to just knock this out tonight?” A's eyes dart around nervously.
B frowns - it’s almost the weekend, and they figured A would have plans with friends this evening. But B sure doesn’t have anything going on., so they don’t protest. “No… I s’pose we should get as much done as possible while it’s still fresh. Want to go to the library?”
“Ugh." A cringes. "Do we have to? That place is like a tomb.”
B huffs indignantly. “It's not that bad," they mumble in a weak defense of their favorite study spot. A shoots them a glare, and B rolls their eyes. "Do you have somewhere better? It's Friday, so most places are closing up.”
“Well, my parents decided to go on some last-minute ski trip to the Alps again, so my place is free," A says as they step out into the biting wind. "Plus, I have a ton of food and it's actually warm in there, unlike these buildings.”
The promise of decent heating and food that wasn't from the dining hall was enough for B. "Fine. Your place." The pair trudge through the bitter wind as the sun begins to set, and soon they arrive at A's parents’ home - a beautiful, winding estate just a couple minutes away from campus. B has to bite their lip to keep their jaw off the ground - in the blustering snow, this place looks straight out of a Christmas card. Another reminder of how they don’t fit in this world.
Will you stop? B chastises themselves. A having money isn't a personal attack on you. Just enjoy the free food, finish the assignment and get over it.
Despite the towering exterior, B's house was quite cozy, colored in warm neutrals and filled with soft, comfortable furniture. Just past the mudroom, they spot a big living room filled with with an enormous overstuffed couch, squashy-looking pillows, and soft throw blankets. Everything about this place screams warm. A rubs their arms, suddenly aware of how cold they are. The heat nearly makes them dizzy, and they can feel the temperature difference as it seeps into their cold skin.
"Want some cocoa?" A tosses their bag into the corner and heads for an electric kettle in the kitchen, and B follows. "It always helps me warm up." B nods. A couple minutes later, A pushes over a steaming mug with the top entirely covered in marshmallows.
B wraps their chilled fingers around the mug and takes a sip, and the warm, rich liquid feels like heaven to their cold body. "That's amazing."
A smiles. "It's the good stuff." They sip in a surprising silence for a few moments, before A sighs in resignation. "As much as I wish this was just a social call, this report isn't gonna write itself." They grab a bag of popcorn and nod their head toward the living room, and B follows dutifully. A flicks on the gas fireplace and tosses B a throw blanket, and the pair gets to work.
After a couple hours of studying, three instances of indignantly thrown popcorn, and a dramatic reading of the periodic table, B realized that they may have misjudged A. Deep down, under the bubbly exterior, A was a genuinely kind, sweet person. It wasn't an act - they just were human sunshine. And the longer they spent time with them, the more B realized they didn't mind their company at all.
"Alright." A drops their pencil and rubs their eyes. "If I have to balance one more equation, my brain's gonna explode. Study break time." A flips on the TV and puts the volume on low.
B leans their head back on the couch and pulls their throw blanket to their chin, trying to ward off the shivery feeling in their core. Despite the heat of the fire, the mug of hot chocolate, and the thick blanket, they just can’t seem to get warm.
Their face feels hot, but their blood feels chilled and heavy, the weight of it making them ache deep down in their bones. B wraps their arms around their knees, trying to rub away the throbbing pain and get some warmth into their skin. They glance out the picture window at the now-blowing snow. It's gonna be a miserable walk home.
"B, you're shivering." A's turning to look at them now.
B startles. "It's-It's nothing. Just a chill." The concern in A's voice triggers their flight response. "I....I should probably get back to the dorms. It’s late–" They're cut off with a hacking cough that leaves them breathless and they wince at the ache in their chest.
"B, it's snowing, and you haven't even had dinner-"
"Where's my jacket?" They push themselves up and toss the throw blanket off, instantly regretting it as the air invades their pocket of hard fought warmth. They’re trembling and dizzy and desperately freezing, but they cannot stay here. Then, the world tilts and they fall back on to the couch. For a moment, they're just laying in an icy, spinning world, trying to catch their breath, when warmth suddenly envelops them.
A's tucking the same thick grey blanket around their shivering form. As they pull away, their hand lightly brushes over B's neck, then freezes. B twists away from the gentle touch, but it’s too late. Realization floods over A's face. Caught. "You lied. You are sick."
B groans, even as their fingers weave into the chunky knit and pull the warm layer closer. "A, please. Just let me go home. I'm probably contagious. You don't want me here."
"B, you look like death warmed over. I'm not sending you out in a blizzard when you're feverish like this. I won't do it." There's a spark in their eyes and a set to A's jaw that dares B to challenge them.
B leans back, defeated. Even though they want nothing more than to run out of this room, they're too weak to stand and too cold to move. So here they'll stay.
It's okay. Someone's here. You can give in now.
No. I can't. I can't let them see me like this.
What choice do you have? You already look awful. Let them help you.
A covers them with another blanket and places a gentle hand on their back, rubbing slowly. The firelight flickers, casting light and shadow across their solemn face. “B. Tell me what you're feeling, and I'll get you what you need.”
B swallows down the rising panic, the helpless vulnerability they feel, and takes a shallow, shaky breath. “I…I guess I just feel….not right. I’m always cold...but it's...worse.” They sniffle weakly, trying to still and order their swirling thoughts. “Chills, fever, cough, sore throat, kinda stuffed up. And it just hurts everywhere.”
A nods slowly, then leaves the room. They return in a few minutes with a few small bottles, carefully scanning the labels and holding them up for B to see.
“Can you take this? Any problems with this one?” B had to take a moment and match the brand names with their usual knockoff brands, but soon they had a couple over the counter medicines picked out, along with something for their cough.
A glances at the medicine labels once more. "This one says to take with food. I've got some leftover chicken and dumpling soup I can heat up - does that sound okay?"
B nods almost imperceptibly. "Sounds wonderful." A gets up to heat the soup, and B feels the anxiety rising in their stomach when they're not in the room with them. A returns with a mug and manages to gently spoon a few sips of broth into B's mouth before B starts falling asleep, clutching the grey blanket even tighter to their shoulders.
A smiles sadly. “That blanket's my favorite whenever I'm not feeling good. It's the best thing you could have to fight off what you’ve got. Trust me.”
B curls into the soft fabric. It was as if the warm environment of the apartment and the comfort of the blanket had been a signal that it was safe to leave survival mode, rest for a moment, open the floodgates that had been holding back whatever had been ailing them for weeks.
After B takes their medicine, A’s eyes shift awkwardly around the room. “So….when you’re sick, do you like having someone with you? Or do you want to be by yourself?”
A sudden rush of emotion crashes over B. They’d so rarely had the choice. It takes all they’ve got not to throw themselves around A and beg them not to leave. “Stay, please,” they ask in a small, trembling voice. “If it’s not too much trouble.”
A smiles halfway and gently pats B’s leg. “Seeing as how I live here, I don’t think that’ll be a problem.” They take their spot at the end of the couch and pull B’s legs over their own, flicking the TV to a familiar movie. B tries to keep up with the plot, but they keep falling in and out of a fitful, restless sleep, tossing, turning, unable to get comfortable enough.
When B’s about ready to cry from exhaustion, A’s there, covering them up with another blanket, bringing them a glass of water, gently stroking the damp hair off their forehead before laying a cold cloth over it. They flinch at first, but the cool dampness eases the fire of their fever, even for just a moment. The last thing B remembers before falling unconscious is a gentle hand squeezing theirs.
It could be minutes or hours later when they jolt awake from a fever dream in a cold sweat, choking and coughing. They’ve kicked off their blankets and the cloth is nowhere to be found, but the chills are back in full force. A appears in B’s blurred vision, hand held to B’s forehead. “Poor thing. Your fever’s worse,” they murmur.
B’s still gasping for breath, curled up in the fetal position, body wracked by the shakes as they try force the words through their chattering teeth. “A...It's so cold. I’m so scared.”
If B was more lucid, they’d see something in A’s eyes crack wide open at their weak, fearful cries. A pulls the trusted grey blanket from the floor and wraps it back around B, rubbing their arms to try and make them feel warmer. There's something in the tenderness of the gesture, and B’s panicked gasps turn into soft, quiet sobs. They try and cover their face with one hand, but A’s hand is there, catching their wrist and wiping the tears away with their thumb.
“Hey. You’re gonna be okay. We just gotta get through tonight, alright?” A’s voice matches their usual cheery demeanor, but B can see the fear in their own eyes. They don’t know what they’re doing either.
“Why are you helping me?” B whispers in a tear-roughened voice.
A shrugs. "You're sick. You need help. Is it that so surprising?"
B's eyes flash a delirious spark. "You don't get it. I'm a broke scholarship student. I'm nothing like you. I'm not fun, or bubbly, or rich, or any of those things you are, and I don't fit in here. So why?"
B can't stop the words now, every single insecurity laid bare. "Why do you try to talk to me when I'm nothing but rude to you? Why'd you invite me here? Am I just a project to you? Why are you helping me? I'm not worth it!" The words spill out before B can stop them, and the raw hurt in A's eyes nearly rips B's heart out of their chest.
B claps their hand over their mouth, tears flooding their eyes. Now they've done it. They've laid it all out there. A's gonna kick them to the curb. And B won't blame them one bit.
But instead, A just looks at them, and pulls B into a hug. Their voice wavers only a bit as they whisper in B's ear: "You're not a project. You are completely worth being cared for. And you’re not the only one who knows what it feels like to not fit somewhere. Trust me.”
Alone. In a big, empty house. Studying on a Friday night. No plans of their own.
A, are you lonely, too?
Their words are so simple.
And yet they're everything B didn't know they needed to hear. A's got one arm around their shoulders, and one hand threaded through their sweaty, fever-damp hair, and they're cradling B so tightly it’s like they're the one who needs to be held.
B can't find the words to apologize or comfort them back. They're too tired for that. But they wrap their other arm around A and let their head rest on their shoulder. They stay like that for ages until their head begins to drop, and A shifts so they’re both laying down, B curled against A, A’s arm wrapped around their shoulders as they tuck a blanket around them both.
And finally, finally, B lets go. It's safe to fall, this time around. Because for the first time, there's someone there to catch them.
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twicecorner · 3 years
On Bubble, Jihyo said that she'd like to visit ONCE's homes over food and spend the night. Say it with me now: The Fic Writes Itself. -SenhorToque
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its almost like she knows😵‍💫maybe she be wanting it too👀
Incoming Call from Unknown Number
“Hi! This is Park Jihyo from Twice! Thank you for adding your application to my Jihyo x ONCE world tour! I looked over each application thoroughly and yours is perfect for my trip! You’ll be accompanying me on the last leg of my trip based on your current location. You will be my travel buddy, tour guide, and house mate for the last 2 weeks of my trip. I hope you’re ready! Transportation, housing, and meals will be fully paid in advance, so you don’t have to worry about any of that! I’m looking forward to meeting you and getting to know you^^ -Jihyo”
-Time Skip-
It’s been the best 2 weeks of your life. You and Jihyo clicked immediately. You were nearly shaking as you stood at the airport holding up a sign with her name on it. When she walked out of the gate you almost lost your breath. 
“Hi!” The two of you excitedly introduced yourselves to one another and got acquainted before heading back to your apartment. 
Jihyo was one of the best people in the world to travel with. She loved being outdoors and discovering new places and things to do in each respective place. She was hesitant at first but opened up to trying so many new foods. She loved a good night out, experiencing the local nightlife and contrasting it to the bustling daytime. She was also a great housemate. Even only after 2 weeks of living together, she got the hang of how you lived. She helped with laundry, occasional cooking, cleaning. Jihyo was just all-around great to be around. 
Somewhere during the weekend between the 2 weeks, something had changed. The two of you seemed very comfortable around each other, everything was so easy and simple. Everything moved smoothly and you got along really well. You didn’t know if she was like this with the rest of her travel buddies she’d found, but she also mentioned that you were the only male one she decided to take on. You wanted to ask why but decided best to just go with the flow and not make anything weird between you. You didn’t know what would happen after the two weeks if you’d stay in contact with her if she’d even remember you if you got free tickets to the next Twice concert, but for the time being, you couldn’t care less. You had Park Jihyo walking around your apartment in nothing but a blueish pullover and short shorts, her hair in a messy bun, just woken up, getting ready to start the day. 
Jihyo comes into the kitchen where you’re making a fresh pot of coffee and raises her arms above her head, yawning. “Ahhh I’m drained after yesterday’s hike, we were in the sun for so long! Let’s take it easy today.” She smiled and walked over to you, pulling a mug from the cupboard. At that moment, seeing her in the morning sunlight, the revenants of sleep slowly wearing off of her, you knew you wanted more than just 2 weeks with her. She looked at you with big eyes as you poured her cup of coffee. 
“I was thinking the same thing. Why don’t we have some coffee, go for a little walk then spend the rest of the day inside!” You suggest handing her the mug.
“That sounds perfect!” She flashed a gummy smile and went to sip her coffee by the window.
-Time Skip- 
You had gone out to the park for a walk in the morning then spent the day watching various YouTube videos, shows, and movies on the couch with Jihyo. At one point you decided to watch a scary movie and she instinctively got closer to you, practically jumping into your arms at each jump scare. You eased your arm around her shoulder to hold her close when you yourself felt tense at a heated part in the movie. You stayed in that position with her until the movie ended. The night ended with one of Jihyo’s favorite movies, Thor, where you busted out laughing at her impression of Thor throwing his hammer. She stood there with a wooden spoon in hand pretending to whip it around and throwing it on the couch, putting her hand out expecting it to return - of course, you picked up the spoon and brought it magically back to her hand. The two of you crashed onto the couch laughing. 
It was starting to get late so you asked Jihyo to order some food while you went to take a quick shower. “I’ll get cleaned up then we can eat and watch some more! Order whatever you want, surprise me!” 
“Okay!” Jihyo held up a thumbs up and made a determined-looking face. 
You showered and wrapped the towel around your lower half before walking back to your room to get dressed. Upon arriving at your room you realize you left your phone in the bathroom and head back to get it. You open the door surprised to see Jihyo fixing her hair in the mirror. 
“Oh fuck! You scared me…” You say, your towel almost dropping as you practically jumped. 
“Ah sorry, I thought you were done” Jihyo giggles
“It’s okay haha I just forgot my phone.” The two of you were now in the close space of the bathroom and the hallway. You notice Jihyo scan you up and down, the first time she’s seen you shirtless, basically naked in only a towel for that matter. You step closer to her as she’s in the doorway before reaching around her small body to grab your phone on the counter, she steps to the side to allow you easier access. Now the two of you are face to face in the doorway, your backs to each side of the door frames. No words are shared as you feel the tension rise between you. Instinctively, you move your hand up to her face to brush some of her stray hairs behind her ear. The close distance allows you to practically be at a face-to-face level. To your surprise when your hand brushes against her face, she seems to lean her head into it. You stare into her eyes before taking the leap of a lifetime. You move your hand back down across her cheek to caress her face before pulling her slowly in for a kiss. She reciprocates and your heart does a backflip. Her lips touch yours and they fit perfectly together, the kiss quickly turns passionate as you pull her closer to you with your other hand on her hip. She reaches up to wrap her arms around your neck pulling you into her. You back up against the door frame and her body presses against yours. Your hands take their own path and slip under her pullover to grip her small waist. You lick her bottom lip, begging for permission to taste more of her. She obliges and opens her mouth, now your tongues are dancing together. She bites your bottom lip and pulls it out, looking up into your eyes - hers are now filled with lust and passion. She pulls away for a moment, kissing your jaw up to your ear. 
“I need you.” She whispers into your ear before biting your lobe. You grip her hips harder and lift her up. Her legs wrap around you and you feel your shaft beginning to harden under your thin towel. Your left hand holds her ass while the right drags up under her sweater along her naked back and gripping at the back of her neck. You continue the heated makeout session and bring her to your bedroom. Tonight, Jihyo was not staying in the guest bedroom... and little did you know that after that night, she would never be sleeping in the guest bedroom again. Jihyo could have stayed with any other person in this world, but she decided to stay with you, in your apartment, and now in your arms. There has been an undeniable tension between the two of you and now was the time to let it out.
You toss her onto the bed and she scoots up to rest against the headboard. Surprisingly, your towel has held up this whole time. You crawl up in front of Jihyo and reach out to pull at the bottom of her sweater, she gets the hint and pulls it off then you move to help her out of her shorts. You’re suddenly caught in a daze, staring at Park Jihyo sitting on your bed naked. You take in all her beauty, hypnotized kneeling before her. She snaps a finger at you and raises an eyebrow while looking at your towel. 
“Oh right.” You nervously laugh and pull it off. Jihyo’s eyes widen as she takes your body in as well. 
“Looks like I made a good choice with you.” She smirks while tapping her chin. “Don’t just sit there, come here and kiss me”
You lunge forward, one hand on her jaw and the other holding you up on the headboard. You kiss her passionately and she snakes a hand down to lazily stroke your length. She takes her thumb and rubs your precum from your tip around it. 
“Fuck” you moan at her heavenly touch. “I wanna taste you.”
You switch positions so now you’re laying on your bed and you motion for Jihyo to take her place. You lick your lips as Jihyo kneels above you straddling your face. The sight of her moist folds entices you like a 4-course meal and your mouth waters. She lowers herself down and you stick your tongue flat out. Jihyo starts furiously riding your face with a fistful of your hair in one hand and the other digging into the headboard. She moves her hips back and forth and in a circle, your tongue slipping through her folds. Soon you find your tongue inside of her and she loses control, her clit brushing against your nose and her juices flowing down your chin and jaw. Her moans are like music to your ears, urging you to keep pleasuring her. Your hands grab at her ass aiding her maneuver over your face. Your forgotten cock strains against your stomach and Jihyo looks back to notice it. She hastily turns around and bends down over your body to take your length into her mouth. You moan into her folds at the new pleasure and angle. From here you can easily dip your tongue in and out of her hole while also teasing her back entrance with your finger. Your tongue switches between fucking her and circling her clit. Jihyo bobs her head up and down and moans around your cock sending jolts of pleasure up your spine. Soon, you’re bucking your hips and the tip of your length is hitting the back of her throat. You continue sucking and licking at her dripping pussy and slide a finger into her ass. At this, she pulls off your cock for a minute to sit up and moan loudly
“Oh fuck yes that feels so fucking gooood”
Before continuing her assault on your cock. She massages your balls with one hand while swirling her tongue around the tip and bobbing her head up and down. You piston your finger in and out of her ass at the same rate you tongue fuck her. The pleasure is too much for her and you start to feel her pussy walls pulsate on your tongue. 
“Fuck I’m gonna cum soon if you keep doing that”
“That’s the goal isn’t it baby?”
You piston your finger faster and suck on her clit. Jihyo counters by sucking harder on your cock before taking it to the final level. She slightly adjusts her body to slide your cock between her tits. 
“Holy shit Jihyo your tits feel so fucking good”
The newfound pleasure is too much for you and you can feel your stomach start to knot. You take your fingers out of her ass and switch it up too. Now your fingers plunge into her pussy and your tongue takers their place on her asshole. Jihyo fucks you with her tits while licking the tip every time they come above her mounds. She yells out in pleasure when you curl your fingers and find her spot while your tongue plunges into her asshole. 
“Shit I’m gonna cum soon!” 
“Me too Jihyo” 
“Mmm yeah cum all over my big tits, empty your balls all over me. Let me cum all over your pretty face”
You both increase the speed of your jobs and soon it’s too much to handle. The pleasure from the sex mixed with the fact that this wasn’t a dream is too much. You buck your hips into Jihyo’s tits and your cock pulsates while spurting ropes of thick cum onto them and into her mouth. The sight and taste of your cum sets Jihyo off and her pussy clenches around your fingers and her juices leak all over you while she quivers and moans on top of you, her hips bucking back into you. It takes a while for you both to come down from your intense orgasms. Jihyo slowly rocks back and forth as you lap up her sweet nectar and you slow your hips in and out of her tits. She finishes cleaning off your cum from her mounds and rolls off and laying next to you.
Both of your chests heaving up and down as you take in everything that just happened. You look at each other not knowing what to say. Finally, Jihyo pipes up.
“Well.. I definitely didn’t have that on my itinerary for this trip” She giggles and smiles up at you
“You’re beautiful when you smile” You reply, partially still in a post-orgasm haze. Jihyo snuggles into your chest and you wrap your arms around her small body before you both easily fall asleep.
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