#the circus is in town
fifthmooon · 1 year
the last pages of chapter 8 (vol 12) are just banger after banger. vash getting up, livio vs elendira, knives vs chronica and wait,, what is this... LEGATO BLUESUMMERS WITH A STEELCHAIR
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leidensygdom · 2 years
I love whenever I see someone be like “hey the wizard game is actually not that bad! You are exaggerating!”, then you check the profile and it’s either:
a person who has to tell you 30 times they are some sort of radfem in their description
a proud “anti-woke anti-sjw” alt right dudebro
someone who seems normal at first glance and then they casually reblog a post that’s like “we should be allowed to hunt trans people for sport : )”
Always make sure to check who is talking of what- The people who are more interested in defending this game are usually doing so because of very similar ideals to JKR’s, not because the game is actually anything tangibly decent.
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Timmy and Armie are in love. Get used to it. Your blog is nothing but hateful gossip.
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thepopoptic · 5 months
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Remember when being fat was a circus attraction?
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100yearoldcomics · 2 years
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July 28, 1922 Take Barney Google F'rinstance by Billy De Beck
[ID: Barney leans wearily on the flank of his horse Spark Plug, who sleeps standing upright. /end] Barney: No use talking. We gotta dig up two hundred bucks today. Then we'd only need $80.38 and you'd have your entry fee for the Abadaba Handicap. $200.00, it sounds like a million!! [INFLATION GUIDE: In 2022 dollars, Barney has to somehow scrounge up over $3,500 - and after that, he'd still be $1,417.04 away from the entry fee. /end]
[ID: Barney is surprised by a carnival ringmaster who offers him a deal. /end] Ringmaster: My friend, loan me your horse for a couple of hours and I'll pay you 200.00. You can trust me. I'm the man who's running the county-fair down the road.
[ID: Barney eagerly counts his money, a lit cigar in his mouth. /end] Barney: Oh boy! $200.00. And he paid me spot cash! He's a gentleman!
[ID: Barney watches as Spark Plug parachutes out of a hot air balloon onto the carnival grounds. /end] Barney: The cheap bum. I should have held out for two-fifty.
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starguardianniom · 1 year
I need to get this off my chest. Here goes: my dad told me yesterday that he apparently paid a prostitute to have sex with him a few years back, currently he's still seeing her today. Thing is, now he's 64, he has been living with my step mom for 20 years, they have no sex life, but my dad still has his sex drive up the walls, and paid someone because he was going crazy during the pandemic. Said prostitute is 51 years old. Apparently one of her "friends" threw away all her legal stuff, like official papers and birth certificate and all that, so she has no papers to say that she officially exist. Thing is, she came to Canada from Germany when she was a kid. So you could say now that she's kind of an illegal immigrant since she has no papers, despite the fact that she's been living for decades in Canada. And she still hasn't sorted this situation out, apparently she's the type of person who is very generous and loves helping others, but is very hard on herself and doesn't like getting help from other people. My dad tries to help her by telling her she needs to tell her history and send it to the officials so she could maybe get some official papers back, as since she currently has no way to identify herself, she has to pay everything in cash. Her parents are still alive and living in Canada, she also has a brother here too, and a sister in the states. Not gonna lie, I feel that woman is a bit of an idiot for walking around so long without papers and not asking anyone for help about it, apparently some of her friends tried to testify for her that she's been around for years, but still it's not enough, guess she needs her family too, which for some reasons she doesn't dare mention to them her problem. My dad is really head over heels for her, except, well, he's with my step-mom. If she finds out, he's gonna be out of the house, as she's been living in the house years before he got there so it's legally under her name and not his. He stills loves my step mom too though. So far I'm the fourth person he's told, apart from his 3 best friends, so I'm the first in the family to know about it. Somehow I feel like this is the plot of some romantic drama comedy movie or something. I'm seeing him being an idiot in love, and told him repeatedly to his face how stupid he was acting and how fucking lucky he still hasn't been found out yet, and he knows how thin is the line he's walking on, somehow can't pull out, the more he learned about the other woman the more he wants to help her. However, if they're discovered, she'll be fine, he won't be. They both know it, and she's smart enough to not walk with him in public, if they do, she's usually 5 feet in front of him, never holding hands or side by side. As his only daughter and child, I'm watching my old dad making a fool of himself in love, and if it falls to pieces, I'm not gonna be able to help him, as I don't live in the same province as him. In the end I told him to just tell me when she'll dump him, cause I doubt he'll be strong enough to break things first. But right now I get to see live how real the saying "Love makes you dumb" really is. Let me tell you how much I'm screaming and facepalming to hell and back inside. I almost feel like seeing a reboot of the movie Pretty Woman, with some more drama. It's gonna affect him more than me though. He's the one who has the most to lose between the 2 of them. The day I'll hear the end about it I'll tell you how it ended.
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moonage-gaydream · 1 year
Y'all, I hate to make ya look at AI art, given how much we hate it and shit...
But I recently had an AI thingamajig paint a portrait of Kid Rock, and I think it's pretty spot on 👀
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bananafire11 · 15 days
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Hello pardner
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thebibliosphere · 8 months
Do you ever just read something, and you're like, wow, whatever the fuck is wrong with me, at least it's not that?
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Shoutout to this guy, they had a Mario but I didnt ss it in time
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It's gonna be my BIRTHDAY soon and I really need to rustle up some CASH so if u feel like this blog has made your life MEASURABLY WORSE (or just weirder) over the past year, perchance consider tipping your town fool? THANK YOU (kofi / paypal)
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leidensygdom · 2 years
Ha ha, go fuck yourself you pedo supporting crossdressed freak! Hogwarts Legacy is a legend and creeps like you should be killed!
Completely normal answer by someone that is absolutely not a TERF 💖 Sorry ma'am, I guess I'll have to draw more trans people now
(It's a fucking game, not even a good one, is it really the thing you wanna send a kys for? Is this the hill you wanna die on? Joining a gate group looks ugly on you)
EDIT: Actually it's a perfect time to plug this one, they're 96% of their goal :)
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chiihara · 2 months
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zhouxiangs · 4 months
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Pack your things and get out of my house. And don't you ever come see me again, Ming. You have no right to give me an order.
MY STAND-IN (2024) | Episode 4
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100yearoldcomics · 2 years
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July 30, 1922 Harold Teen by Carl Ed
[ID: Harold and Lillums walk around the carnival, ordering from a food stand. Harold carries Lillums' dog Pretty under his arm. Behind the couple, her kid brothers Cyclone and Tuffy commisserate. /end] Tuffy: Psst! Cyclone! he wants to shake us! Harold: How come we always gotta drag those young wildcats along? Lillums: Shh! Moms insisted on it! Food Merchant: Four Eskimo pies?
[ID: Tuffy ties Pretty's leash to the merry-go-round behind the couple's back. /end] Cyclone: What's th' idea, Tuffy? Tuffy: Pretty needs a workout! Harold: Let's put 'em on the merry-go-round for an hour or so! Lillums: No, I'd be afraid to leave them alone!
[ID: They're horrified as Lillums is pulled off by the whirling merry-go-round. While they're busy reacting, the kids run off. /end] Lillums: Good heavins! Where's Pretty going? Pretty: AWK! Tuffy: Let's go!
The fourteenth lap: [ID: Harold chases Pretty around the carousel. Tuffy & Cyclone peek out from behind a food stand, happily gawking. /end] Cyclone: Round again! Round again! Willie!! Around, around, around! ♪♪♪♪ Tuffy: Let's hunt up a banana peel! Harold: (puff) (puff)
The 29th Lap: [ID: Lillums looks on in horror as Harold continues desperately sprinting after her dog. /end] Lillums: Gracious, haven't you got him yet? HURRY! Harold: (puff) I'm (puff) gaining (puff) on (puff) him.
[ID: Harold slips on a banana peel in hot pursuit, thrown up in the air, heels over head. The kids watch, still happy. /end] Cyclone: Too bad! Just as he was about to pull off a thrillin' rescue! Tuffy: Banana peels is as slippery as they ever was! Pretty: Gurk!
The 58th Lap: [ID: Harold desperately tries to keep up with the carousel, holding onto the back of one of the bench seats set into it. /end] Harold: SWEET CATS, ain't this thing ever gonna stop? I'm gettin' so winded an' dizzy, I don't know where I'm at!
[ID: Harold grabs hold of one of the carousel's poles and pulls himself onto the deck, huffing and puffing with exhaustion. Lillums watches angrily. /end] Lillums: Ohh! The brute! Quitter! Jellyfish! Harold: Whew!
[ID: Harold is literally kicked off of the carousel by a carnie. He lands on his face while the kids peek out from behind their stand and watch. /end] Carnie: Stealin' a ride, huh? Cyclone: Oh! Baby! What a darb of a tailspin!
[ID: Lillums glares at the scuffed-up Harold as she holds Pretty tight to her chest. The kids stand behind Harold happily. /end] Cyclone: Gosh, how that dog kin run! Tuffy: Allus just a step ahead of him! Haw! Haw! Harold [thinking]: [ID: a lightbulb /end] Lillums: To think, I MYSELF had to rescue poor Pretty, and after it STOPPED.
[ID: Harold rolls up a sleeve and chases after the kids angrily. An embittered Lillums huffs off. /end] Harold: Yas! An' you young pirates better keep a step ahead of me. From now on... Lillums: You need not wait for me. I'll find my way home ALONE!
[ID: Harold chases the crying kids around a hot dog stand. The proprietor, standing in place, swivels his head around and around to watch the chase. /end]
[ID: The hot dog guy hits Harold on the back of the head with his frying pan, sausages flopping out of it. /end] Tuffy: Slow up, Cyclone, we win! Hot Dog Guy: Cut it out! I'm gettin' cockeyed watchin' you guys! Harold: Woof. SFX: BONG!
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ozzgin · 17 days
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