#the conversion rate
transarsonist · 1 year
but no yeah lets have the conversation:
"the CEO doesnt want to run that kind of website" Excuse, shouldnt have bought the 'go nuts show nuts whatever' website if thats the case. APPEAL DENIED
"we have to follow the TOS of the appstores we're hosted on" Excuse item one, no you dont, item two, you have since those days implimented infrastructure that would allow pornography and sex work on this platform Without violating TOS of any applicable app store. APPEAL DENIED
"we own the site we get to make the rules" Incorrect, this site has only ever made profit when the users willed it. we collectively own the site as a hive mind and no legal change in ownership will change that. APPEAL DENIED
"we have to keep this website safe for the children who use it" Argument based on fallacy banning pornography and sex workers does not prevent pornography and sex work from occuring on the site, it only forces aforementioned users to hide and avoid labling their content appropriately, which REDUCES the safety for children and sex workers alike instead of increasing it, this has been shown to the point that making this argument at all is tantamount to admiting fascist intent APPEAL DENIED
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ariaandherthoughts · 1 year
At what point does having monopoly money equal having real money
The question here is, monopoly money doesn’t inherently have value but due to having a face value, at a certain point; a certain amount of monopoly money Has to equal a certain amount of actual money for example, $500 in monopoly money is not worth a lot and most people wouldn’t pay more than a dollar for it. But 500k? That’s enough to fund multiple monopoly games.
All I’m saying is there is a technical conversion rate for Monopoly money into real money and I’m interested to figure out what that would be.
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sualne · 1 year
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he's fiiiiine.
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virfujiwara · 5 months
rip international fans
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orchres · 9 months
Hate to make an urgent post but this is, well, urgent. My mum is the equivalent of 200 USD away from completing payments on a loan she took in 2020 before she was laid off and hasn't been employed since. The bank told her that she has to get things squared away by the end of this week or they'll send auctioneers to come take our shit and those ppl are basically thieves they will take as much as they feel is necessary. That's not a threat I wanna see them make good on 😭 I want to raise at least 100 for her and I'm sure we can scrounge up the rest from friends n family. I would really appreciate any help at all with this!
kofi: https://ko-fi.com/azucarnegre
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malenjoyer · 4 months
Good morning 🙏🏼
I want to thank everyone their support with reblogging my stuff over the years and reblogging some of the context of the situation.
Tumblr and Instagram is filled with the most supportive people I’ve ever had the chance of meeting. The last time something like this happened, I didn’t have much support, not even from people I thought were close to me. It took me a year or two to be okay with being perceived again in fandoms. So I’m very grateful for everything.
I just wanted to post that I appreciate all of the asks and I’ve been reading all of them. I actually get anxious I’m spamming everyone too much so I probably won’t reply to everything. Please don’t feel pressured to support me financially, there’s is a free option on patreon to follow. I’ll post future project plans and occasional updates because I still love comics and I still love DC/Marvel. I do enjoy having people following along for my art/reading journey so I would always be okay with people just following for free. My brain is telling me this post is too long now so I will go 🙏🏼😭
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meowmeowuchiha · 1 year
Okay so because the search function on this site is busted I had to use Google to find the post and took a screenshot of it but
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This is hilarious enough, but OP did not get the correct conversion rate. I don't know how they got what they did, but I found the actual conversion rate. I wasn't meaning to, it was just a happy accident during research for a fic. But I found this.
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1 ryō is 10 yen. So you multiply that 35 million by ten, and you get 350 million. Like so.
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So then I ran that 350 million through a currency converter from yen to usd and
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cnestus · 5 months
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this photo doesn't look like much but it represents probably over a hundred hours of bee identification over the last few weeks. the right half of the drawer is mostly bees in the genus Andrena, a monstrously tricky group containing over 450 species across 47 subgenera just in the US.
i haven't been keeping track of my overall bee project's stats but i'd estimate i've IDed easily thousands of specimens across hundreds of species over the last year. not bad for someone who'd almost never keyed a bee past genus level until i started this. at some point hopefully i'll have the time to take some nice macro photos of a bunch of them. they won't be Sam Droege level but it'll still be fun.
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hillbillyoracle · 2 months
So I saw this screencap earlier
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And I thought it was a great chance to talk about something.
A lot of progressive folks are familiar with the fact that right wing circles use feminine as a derogatory term and that there's a real cost to that for women.
What people are less familiar with is how it hurts men - queer and straight, cis and trans.
And I'm not shocked given how common it is in left leaning spaces to be reactionary (read: dismissive or outright harass) when men try to talk about these what these issues look like for them.
When men talk about how they've experienced toxic masculinity and anti-feminine bias, in addition to the usual right wing responses, I'm starting to see a bunch of supposed feminists and trans/queer allies harass them as well - saying they're hurting women/feminine presenting folks by "centering men", dismissing their concerns as made up (even when there's research to back it up), "why aren't you talking about what this is like for cis and trans women instead??".
I've seen trans men accused of being TERFs or being liars (by other trans people even - wtf) when they talk about their experiences of allies actively excluding them from trans spaces or harassing them for using T4T tags. I've seen men be accused of lying about publicly accessible clinical research that shows men make up 75%-77% of suicide cases - or worse suggest they deserve it. I see posts about how men's complaints "aren't unique to them" and dismiss them because women also suffer things those authors assume are the same (even when the research contradicts this).
And here's the thing:
When you assume feminine=good/safe/gentle and masculine=bad/unsafe/enemy - you're parroting a conservative talking point.
There is no way around this fact.
A big part of what underpins child rearing being "the woman's domain" in conservatism, is the idea that men are inherently dangerous and therefore shouldn't really be around children without women present.
The reason why they blame women for abuse and rape - because they believe men are inherently dangerous and if a woman trusted them then it's her fault.
Part of why women have been effectively banned from many trades and careers for so long is the assumption that being around that many men presents an inherent danger to a woman.
"But!" you might be saying, "This person is clearly talking about men engaging in open conflict as good here!"
Yeah because conservatives see politics as an inherently male/dangerous/toxic sphere and uphold it as such.
I could go on and on really.
All of this is to say - please be more thoughtful in what you consume, comment, and reblog.
There are experiences specific to being masculine. Erasing that is one, a dick move, but two, particularly violent toward those talking about trans masculine, minority masculine, disabled masculine, and queer masculine experiences.
All privilege comes at a cost. Listening when people talk about that cost is key building a new more fair reality. Seeing the privilege is not worth the cost makes fervent allies. Want more allies? Don't be a dick to people having that realization.
Push back against the assumption of woman=good and man=bad when you see it - especially in community spaces. The amount of times I've seen domestic violence services only available to women is insane...
Do not let identarian politics blind you to the fact we're all human and working toward our own liberation should not come at the oppression of another. Believe me, those with real power would much rather you stay raging out at men in a similar class with you than directing your efforts at them.
The right wing wants you to believe it's either/or. Fuck that - it's both/and.
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marlynnofmany · 3 months
"Picture a plant that's all roots, except for an occasional fruit popping up above-ground. No stems or leaves. It gets all its food from the dirt. Got it? Cool, that's what a mushroom is. Mushrooms are the fruits of the fungus underground."
"That can't be right."
"Oh, not if you ask a real scientists; fungus aren't really plants any more than they're animals, but it's functionally accurate."
"Huh. So I can call a mushroom a fruit?"
"Sure, if you want to piss off the real scientists. Cucumbers really are fruits though, at least going by plant categories instead of food categories. Vegetables don't exist."
"Carrots are roots, lettuce is leaves, broccoli is flowers. Vegetables are just edible plant parts that aren't sweet enough to be called fruit. Or berries. Though there's some overlap."
"Right, I heard strawberries aren't really berries; something about the seeds?"
"Yup. Though the real freaky weirdos are the figs."
"...Do I want to know?"
"Not during mealtime! Enjoy."
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nsfandomdump · 5 months
So we all agree the Watcher paywalled streaming service is a bad idea?
Yeah? Yeah.
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I'm so proud of this young man! Just had another great handling session with Hobie the rescue Borneo python and he's come so far in such a short time. He's so confident once you have him in your hands!
Plus, he's so chatty! He makes lots of huffy little noises if he doesn't like how you're holding him. I just love this guy.
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karlydraws · 1 year
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This is so cursed I am going straight into spooky mormon hell dream
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sidetongue · 4 months
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when ur eyeball looks like you bought it from the dollar store
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lydiaas · 2 years
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JJ MAYBANK in S03E05 HEISTS  JJ... Let's get this out in the open.
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front-facing-pokemon · 7 months
Can you do Just One of the colors of core minior please please please please please
aaahhh alright. because you said five pleases. if you had said four, i wouldn't have done it. any more than six? i would've deleted the blog. this is a joke. here:
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if you hated the shelled minior so much, maybe this one will do it for you, nose rater
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welcome to more silly dog. i love how everyone is treating this thing like it's just a weird puppy. all pokémon are kinda like that. i even saw someone call tyrantrum a puppy or something like that and like. go off, i guess
okay. fair warning about this next ask. it's about the sea cucumbers thing again. still gross. less gross than before but still gross. those squeamish feel free to scroll past
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i would ASSUME it is based in biological truth otherwise i feel like it would just Not make any sense. but unfortunately it still does not make any sense because WHY is it a hand. is this just tpc wanting to take something really gross and make it into something cute for no reason?? they had to know people were apparently going to find all this shit from trying to figure out why pyukumuku has a hand coming out of its mouth. i don't understand the thought process behind any of this. nor do i understand why there are so many differing opinions on what the fuck is coming out of this thing's face-hole
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