#the country to this day. especially with “sports washing” and how those institutions are still upheld in la liga today
bellcza · 8 months
hello! i was wondering if you could recommend any videos/articles explaining the history of everything (or at least most) of what’s currently happening (sorry if this didn’t make sense, i wasn’t sure how to word but i hope you understand what i mean! 😭)
hi! please don't apologize!! would love to help. here are some links explaining the history between rma and barcelona:
here is a short video getting to the basics: How The Spanish Civil War Shaped El Clásico: Real Madrid vs Barcelona (Roots of a Rivalry)
another one concerning how rma aligned with franco: Did Franco's Real Madrid Have an Unfair Advantage?
here is an article with more conteporary context to the inaccurate video rma released about barça and the regime that i mentioned in my last post.
this is a great tumblr post which explains this with more nuance and examples from the catalán perspective.
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Arina and Nina used to only meet once a week - at activities organised for the care home where Nina lived. Now, Arina is applying to become Nina's guardian, giving the 27-year-old hope she might finally be able to leave the institution where she has lived her entire adult life.
For the past few months Nina Torgashova has been able to enjoy an independence that had always been out of reach for her - shopping, cooking and washing her own clothes.
Things that would be every-day life experiences for most 27-year-olds.
But not for Nina, who has always lived in institutions, and moved when she was 18 to what, in Russia, is called a psycho-neurological care home. When the pandemic hit, she was able to savour life outside the home, with a volunteer, Arina Muratova.
Nina recalls the moment she found out she was leaving.
"I never thought anyone would take me. I had thought: "Oh no, I am going to be stuck in the care home."
It was April 2020 and the Covid-19 pandemic forced Moscow into lockdown. As visits to Nina's institution were stopped, charities lobbied for volunteers to be allowed to take responsibility for some of the residents until they could start up again.
Arina, a market research expert who loves nail art and embroidery, offered to look after Nina.
But when the 27-year-old got a taste for the freedom she'd never had, she decided she didn't want to go back.
Her 31-year-old friend was faced with a life-changing decision.
Arina has been involved in voluntary work for a decade - starting with helping children with learning difficulties and their families. She then became involved in adult care, which is when she met Nina through a Russian charity called Life Route. The charity organises trips and classes for the residents of some Russian psycho-neurological care homes (known as PNIs).
Arina started volunteering in PNI 22 - where Nina was living with hundreds of other residents - about four years ago. The care home looks after adults with a wide range of disorders, thought to relate to both cognitive disabilities and mental illness of varying severity.
Arina and Nina got to know each other through the charity Life Route which organises camps for the care home residents
Nina's diagnosis remains confidential to everyone except her care home director. This is usually the case for those residents the state judges are unable to live independently. So neither she nor Arina know why she is in the home, but Arina is surprised that she is.
Although Nina struggles with literacy and maths, Arina says she is very capable.
"She is such a quick learner and is well-adapted in everyday living," she says.
Nina was admitted to a home for disabled children when she was very young, before transferring to the PNI at 18. It is not clear whether she was taken to the children's home by her parents or was forcibly removed from their care.
She says they visited her there once, but she was frightened and hid under the bed.
"They were drunks. I was afraid. They stank of alcohol," she says.
Arina says Nina always stood out during her visits with Life Route, taking an active role in the activities and trips organised by the charity
"Nina was a very active person at her care home," says Arina. "She took part in various creative activities: amateur dramatics, arts and crafts workshops. She took part in sporting competitions, too: she played darts, she played football. Football was something she really missed after leaving the home."
When the lockdown last spring made these visits impossible, Arina suggested Zoom calls with the residents instead. But from the start is was clear this wasn't going to work - the home's internet simply wasn't strong enough. Other charities helping other care homes in Moscow and St Petersburg were facing similar problem
So these charities pressured the authorities to allow some care home residents to be released for the lockdown.
"It was all arranged in a day, and the next day the person was out. I cannot imagine anything like this before the pandemic," says Life Route's director Ivan Rozhansky.
Nevertheless Arina admits she was nervous when she made the initial decision to look after Nina. She was counting on Nina's relative independence, given she needed to work from home.
"There was a certain calculation in taking Nina. I had a lot of work to do, even during the lockdown. I realised I had to live with someone who'd be able to occupy themselves - at least some the time. With Nina it was clear that I'd be able to say: 'Now I have to work for three hours but afterwards we can make lunch together!'"
But Nina's move into the flat the charity had given the pair to live in during lockdown did get off to a slightly rocky start.
"She had very few possessions with her, just a small rucksack. She looked lost. While I was signing papers brought by the care worker, she walked around the flat. She didn't look especially overjoyed, and I had been counting on that.
"When I saw Nina looking so lost, I wondered if this had been a good idea. It's one thing to ask a person in a text if they want to move, but it's quite different to actually move them."
But not long afterwards, Arina shared a selfie with the other volunteers of herself with a grinning Nina, arms raised in joy.
Not only did Nina start shopping for food and cooking for herself, Arina arranged for her to have a maths tutor - important now she was buying things on her own.
"It's not that Nina doesn't understand things. She just never needed maths before," Arina says.
Arina herself began helping Nina with her literacy - she could read and write, but slowly and with difficulty.
"I need to be able to read and write," says Nina. "To be able to cook for myself, to go to work. I do want to have a job.
"I could make and sell friendship bracelets. I asked Arina: 'Do you know anyone who might want one?' She asked her mum, her mum was quite keen. I said: 'I will sort this!' Her mum picked the colours, Arina showed me a photo [of the colours], and I started making it."
Arina says she wanted to make sure she gave Nina responsibility for herself, rather than always taking charge, even if this did not always go to plan.
She cites the example of Nina wanting to learn to draw. Arina found another volunteer who could teach her over Zoom, and explained to Nina that she should make sure she joined the lessons. But after a while she discovered Nina had been missing some sessions.
"I don't want to chase another grown-up and pester them," says Arina. "I felt this was the kind of responsibility Nina could sustain, and we had conflicts around it."
But on another occasion Arina wanted to be more involved in Nina's life than regulations allowed.
Nina had complained of a terrible stomach ache and was admitted to hospital for several days of tests. Arina was not allowed to stay with her because she was not a relative or guardian.
"Pleas, send Nina some reassuring messages," she texted to the volunteer group chat. "Poor thing's terrified, she is having a third blood test and is scared."
Thankfully there was nothing seriously wrong.
As the Moscow lockdown eased in June, the Life Route charity was faced with a challenge.
"It became obvious that those people our foundation took to the assisted living flats for the duration of the quarantine did not want to go back to the PNI," says Ivan Rozhansky, the charity's director.
These institutions have been a focus of concern for some time.
In early 2019, Russia's deputy prime minister Tatiana Golikova ordered an inspection of living conditions in 192 psycho-neurological care homes. A consumer watchdog, Rospotrebnadzor, discovered violations of health and safety and other regulations in around 80% of them.
In January of this year Russia's Ministry of Labour introduced a number of structural changes to the provision of care for those in PNIs, including a move to help social workers provide assistance for some people in private homes rather than in state institutions.
"Obviously, all these changes will not be realised immediately on January 1, 2021, but step-by-step the situation will be changing," Golikova said.
Maria Sisneva from the charity Stop PNI says the quality of life in Russian care homes is poor.
"At a PNI you will have 500-1,000 people living in close quarters, but with very different levels of ability, and different backgrounds, different needs. They live in extremely cramped conditions, at best they'd be two to a small room, often in corridors, in spaces similar to military barracks, isolated from the outside world. They barely have any real social experience."
The director of PNI 22, where Nina was living, is clear about the benefits of care homes, however.
"The main advantage of psycho-neurological homes is security," says Anton Kliuchev. "The residents are looked after by professionals, who know exactly how to help and support them, how to talk to them, how to take care of them."
Care homes for people with specialist needs and mental illness exist all over the world. But from the mid-20th Century in the US and some European countries, a process of deinstitutionalisation started, aimed at replacing long-stay closed facilities with care within the community. Yet, in Russia care homes are still the predominant model.
According to Russian government statistics, as of February 2020 there were more than 150,000 people living in PNIs.
Unlike many countries, Russia's assisted living provision is only in its infancy. National charities believe that if this alternative system were more established, many care home residents could leave their institutions.
"Right now the system in Russia is such that if a person is believed to be insufficiently independent by the state, there is nowhere for them to go apart from a PNI, or [for those with physical disabilities] an invalids' home," says Sisneva.
Life Route began to discuss how the assisted living arrangement could be made permanent for the nine people they rehoused during lockdown. The charity rented four apartments, including one for Nina to share with fellow care home residents Sergey and Ivan. Arina moved back to her own apartment, and began instead to spend one night a week at Nina's new accommodation on rotation with other volunteers.
But there was another hurdle.
The PNI can only release their residents' care permanently to Life Route if those people have what is termed "legal capacity" - in other words, the state considers them able to function independently in theory, even if in practice they are in a care home.
Nina does not have legal capacity - all decisions about her life are made for her by the director of her PNI. As Nina is so functionally able, it is not clear why this is, though experts say it can be simply a foible of the system. If, like Nina, someone has arrived from previous care such as a children's home, and has never been properly assessed, their legal status might never be challenged.
So Arina has applied to become Nina's guardian.
"One day it just sort of clicked. And I realised I had to do it."
If her request is granted, Arina will become responsible for every element of Nina's life - financial, practical, emotional and medical. As her guardian the PNI will finally share Nina's diagnosis with her.
The process won't be straightforward, she says, involving extensive financial, physical and psychological check-ups on Arina.
"Emotionally [the decision] wasn't easy either," says Arina. "But once I took Nina out of the care home, she became my responsibility."
This all-consuming obligation might explain why there are so few people who volunteer to become legal guardians in Russia.
While Arina waits to be granted Nina's guardianship, the PNI could demand that Nina - whose state benefits they are currently losing out on - return to them at any time.
Meanwhile, Arina says she is still working out the exact role she plays in Nina's life.
"I can never be Nina's mum. I will never be able to give her the childhood she deserved."
But she accepts that Nina sees her as much more than a friend. Nina expects her presence on all important errands: to the dentist, to get her ears pierced, to get registered at the local GP.
And these new responsibilities have come at a time when life has been tough for Arina in other ways.
"It wasn't just Nina who went through a big emotional change. I went through a lot emotionally, too - during this time my salary was cut; I have had complicated developments in my personal life."
But Arina says all this has brought them closer together.
"Once you have gone through all these experiences [alongside another person], it is hard to backpedal.
"I won't say I'm not anxious about it. I'm incredibly anxious. And there are certain people around me who freak me out even more. They keep asking me. 'Have you thought it through? It's for life!'
"I calm myself down by saying that we have a plan."
That plan is to work towards eventually restoring Nina's full legal capacity.
Nina needs to be deemed independent by the state if she ever wants to live alone or get a job.
Other than Arina, she has one other close relationship - with a man called Sasha, who she met in PNI 22, and who is now in assisted living in a different apartment. Nina regularly meets up with Sasha in the city, and is clearly fond of him. Arina is aware that Nina may want to eventually marry and she would need legal capacity for that too.
So Arina hopes Nina's tutoring will give her the option to be assessed at some point.
"Examiners look closely at a person's reading, writing and counting abilities," Arina has heard.
The process is not publicly available but anecdotal accounts suggest it can include everything from being expected to dance or sing a song, or even know the price of a loaf of bread.
Arina says they won't apply for Nina to take this test until she is as prepared as she can be.
In the meantime, Arina is involved in all the important moments of Nina's life.
"Maybe I'm just the type of person that is not afraid of responsibility. It is an unexpected - but actually a good thing - that has happened to me.
"I love her. There's not much to it. I love her very much."
My Friend from a Care Home is available to watch now on YouTube.
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sssuperbartola · 5 years
COVID-19: Update on Italy
To any non-Italian citizen currently on holiday and/or people visiting,
as many of you may have heard, the country of Italy has been declared the worst-affected country in Europe by numbers of COVID-19′s infected victims, and the second globally biggest contaminated country just after China. Due to these circumstances, urgent measures have been taken, as well as new emergency procedures that not only involve the most endangered zones, but also Italy as its whole. 
Specifically, in the earliest hours of the morning of Sunday 8th March 2020, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conti has approved and signed a new decree concerning the idea of putting the whole Northern Italy into a “red zone” of quarantine. The new decree focuses on enlisting the containment measures for said “red zone”, which regards the areas of Lombardia and the provinces of Modena, Parma, Piacenza, Reggio Emilia, Rimini, Pesaro and Urbino, Alessandria, Asti, Novara, Verbano-Cusio-Ossola, Vercelli, Padova, Treviso, Venezia. From tomorrow and until further notice, these areas will be isolated and will be “closed” from external visitors.
The new decree states as it follows:
- For the “red zone”:
Avoid any sort of movement of physical people in and out of the territories hereby mentioned by this article, including movements inside said territories, with the exception of proved work- and/or health-related necessities
Subjects tested positive to COVID-19 are prohibited from exiting their household
Subjects who show flu-like symptoms and/or respiratory infection with a fever superior to 37.5 C° (99.5 F) are to stay home and to limit their social exchanges with the exterior, and to contact their family doctor
Suspension of sports events and competitions of every order and category, both in public and private places. Possibility for agonistic athletes to compete and train with closed doors (in the outdoors, without an audience and following the Covid-19 sanitary norms in effect on March 4th.
Suspension of activities on pubs, arcades, gambling rooms, Bingo rooms, dancing schools, and dancing-related clubs with the application of specific fees in case of law-break.
Suspension of events and shows of any nature, including those of cinematographic and theatrical nature performed in any place, private or public may it be.
Suspended opening of museums and any artistic institutions and places of culture
Suspension of religion and civil ceremonies (funerals included). The opening of places of worship is influenced by the adoption of measurements apt to avoid assembly of masses and to ensure the respect of the security distance of at least 1 meter ( ~3 feet)
Suspension of any form of organized gathering and manifestations, whether it be of ludic, sportive or religious reason.
Closing of schools, academies, university and any place dedicated to education of every order and grade until April 3rd.
Closing of gyms, sports centers, public pools, S.p.a., thermal centers.
Security distance of least 1 meter ( ~3 feet) must be respected
Senile people or people affected by chronic pathologies or suffering from immunodeficiency congenic or acquired are not to exit their homes, with the exception of  serious cases, and to avoid clogged places
Partners and/or escorts of patients recovered or in domestic quarantine are not allowed to stay in waiting rooms of the emergency departments and reception desks
Visitor hours for patients are now limited in structures designated to medical treatment.
Closing of shops and touristic landmarks on Saturdays and Sundays
Suspension fo school exchange programs and educational travels
-  For the rest of the national territory: 
Avoid any sort of movement of physical people in and out of the territories hereby mentioned by this article, with the exception of proved work- and/or health-related necessities
Subjects tested positive to COVID-19 are prohibited from exiting their household
Subjects who show flu-like symptoms and/or respiratory infection with a fever superior to 37.5 C° (99.5 F) are strongly suggested to stay home and to limit their social exchanges with the exterior, and to contact their family doctor
Suspension of sports events and competitions of every order and category, both in public and private places. Possibility for agonistic athletes to compete and train with closed doors (in the outdoors, without an audience and following the Covid-19 sanitary norms in effect on March 4th.
Suspension of activities on pubs, arcades, gambling rooms, Bingo rooms, dancing schools, and dancing-related clubs with the application of specific fees in case of law-break.
Suspension of events and shows of any nature, including those of cinematographic and theatrical nature performed in any place, private or public may it be.
Suspended opening of museums and any artistic institutions and places of culture
Suspension of religion and civil ceremonies (funerals included). The opening of places of worship is influenced by the adoption of measurements apt to avoid assembly of masses and to ensure the respect of the security distance of at least 1 meter ( ~3 feet)
Suspension of any form of organized gathering and manifestations, whether it be of ludic, sportive or religious reason.
Closing of schools, academies, university and any place dedicated to education of every order and grade until March 15th 
Closing of gyms, sports centers, public pools, S.p.a., thermal centers.
Security distance of least 1 meter ( ~3 feet) must be respected
Senile people or people affected by chronic pathologies or suffering from immunodeficiency congenic or acquired are not to exit their homes, with the exception of serious cases, and to avoid clogged places.
Partners and/or escorts of patients recovered or in domestic quarantine are not allowed to stay in waiting rooms of the emergency departments and reception desks
Visitor hours for patients are now limited in structures designated to medical treatment.
Suspension fo school exchange programs and educational travels
The aforementioned measures are to be followed by everyone, as well as follow the standard hygienic norms (wash your hands frequently, sneeze on your elbows, do not borrow or lend any personal object, etc...)
With that being said, if you or someone you know have the intention of going to Italy in the nearest future, I strongly suggest that you cancel your trip, especially if you wanted to visit the North. You can always earn the money back. A life is not that easy to get back. If you are already spending a significantly long period of time in Italy, follow these rules as well, you are not an exception and your well-being is important, too. 
Were any of you to manifest symptoms that may indicate you are contaminated with the coronavirus:
DO NOT PANIC: the virus is indeed extremely contagious, but its killing rate stands at 1-2%, which is way lower than the killing rate of the common flu, and has stronger outcomes in patients already sick and/or very old with a very low immune system. REMEMBER: the most dangerous characteristic of this virus is its spreading rate.
DO NOT go to the nearest hospital or emergency center, because this will only increase the possibility to contaminate more people. 
DO NOT CALL 122 or 118, as these numbers are the emergency numbers for ALL TYPES OF EMERGENCY and not just the coronavirus. These numbers should be always free and left for other emergencies-- call this number ONLY if the patient suffers from extremely severe breathing faculty.
CALL THE NUMBER OF PUBLIC UTILITY 1500 which was created to help possible infected victims and give them any instructions on how to proceed from there.
According to how serious your symptoms sound on the phone, the sanitary operators will personally perform a pharyngeal swab at your residence/place you stay at the moment, which then will be sent to a laboratory to be analyzed.
Under no circumstances you will go out during the verification test of the swab, for you may be infected and don’t know that.
If the first one turns out negative, the sanitary operators will perform a second swab after a period of 24H to confirm the absence of the virus. While all of this happens, one should remain in quarantine at home for a minimum of 14 days - the time of incubation of the virus, and let the medical staff perform periodical visits and monitoring (all of which will be determined by the staff and the staff alone according to your situation)
If both swabs are negative, and the symptoms subdue, I suggest you still stay indoor for precautions and await any further instruction by the medical staff that followed your case.
If the swabs are positive and/or your symptoms get worse, the procedure requires you, or whoever has been confirmed contaminated, to be collected and transported to the nearest hospital and get treated with an intensive cure.
Here are the numbers for emergency Region per Region
Bear in mind that this post is not exhaustive and that only contains a concise summary of what you should and should not do in this situation. 
Please follow these instructions and rules, and keep track of all the news for very little is now permanent and prolonged. News media can be confusing so this paper should help with the most important measures.
Stay safe
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Journey on the Hogwarts Express
When he lifted his head, Carmella tried to discern through the bruises and cuts masking his face, desperate to recognize just one of her father’s features. His usually jovial brown eyes were now slits, his eyelids swollen to size of golf balls, red bleeding into the chocolate of his irises. His sharp nose was crooked, twisted into a 45 degree angle, blood gushing from his nostrils. His welcoming smile, which Carmella had inherited, now featured chapped black lips and chipped front teeth, smeared with blood.
Yet, seeing her father in such physical pain was not what shattered her heart; it was the shame tainting the warmth of his eyes, as if he were somehow to blame for the rearrangement of his face into a black and blue mess. But he couldn’t be.
Her father was not the type to be intertwined with trouble, violence, and crime. He was not the type to come home, staining the pristine carpet with blood, hurriedly packing her clothes into a suitcase, whispering nonsensical phrases like “must escape” and “have to hurry.” He was a quiet and focused, but loving and devoted man, working from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the Departement de la Cooperation Magique Internationale. He would make crepes every Sunday morning, buy raspberry gelato when she was missing her mother just a bit too much, drive her to the local pool for her swimming lessons, and travel to the beach at the end of term. He was her everything, her idol, her best friend, especially now that her mother was gone. He couldn’t possibly be to blame.
“Pardonnes moi,” he uttered, when he had finished ransacking up her room. He approached her and kissed her forehead, tears cascading down his cheeks.
“Pourquoi? What’s going on?”
“Ma cherie, you need to leave France. It’s not safe for you here, anymore,” he replied, shooting a furtive glance over his shoulder, scrutinizing the dark street below.
“Papa, s’il-te-plait! Tell me why you’re so terrified!” Carmella pleaded.
“A few months ago, when You-Know-Who began recruiting international wizards, to expand his influence I suppose, I was approached by la Republique to go undercover as a Death Eater and obtain information on his possible plans,” he began, running a shaky hand through his jet black hair.
“You… what?” Carmella tried to process his sudden revelation. And yet, it seemed to make sense. Recently, her father had been coming home from work in the middle of the night, with deep blue bags under his eyes, showing less enthusiasm and interest in his job than usual. She had just attributed this change of schedule to him and the rest of his department fighting against Lord Voldemort, not pretending to join him.
“Carmella, we don’t have much time,” he exclaimed, grabbing her suitcase and heading for her bedroom door.
“Wait, Papa! What’s changed? Why do we have to leave?”
“No, Carmella, you have to leave,” he sighed, turning to face her. “You-Know-Who’s plan worked. He has gained international support with many dark wizards, to the point that he has infiltrated la République de la Magie and unfortunately…”
“Uncovered that you double-crossed him,” Carmella finished, finally grasping the reality that her family was teetering on the verge of implosion, tears welling up in her eyes. “Well, okay, so we’ll disappear! We’ll go to South Africa or Thailand, you know, somewhere where You-Know-Who will never find us!”
Her father shook his head.
“No, Carmella! You have to disappear! Don’t you understand? Now that You-Know-Who has discovered that I have betrayed him, you have a massive target on your back. He knows that you are the most important person in my life, so he won’t retaliate by torturing me, but by capturing and killing you.”
“Haven’t they already attacked you? Isn’t that punishment enough?”
“This?” he asked, motioning his face. “This is for not going quietly. Once they find me, and they will, not matter how many times I Disapparated and Apparated to keep them off my scent, this will look like kindergarten’s play compared to what they have in store for me. Trust me Carmella, every moment that I’m with you, I am putting your life in danger.”
“But, where am I supposed to go? You’re my only family!” she weeped. “How am I supposed to leave you?”
“I have already made arrangements for you to stay at Hogwarts this year. I am close with the Headmaster, and he’s agreed to admit you to the school and help you find a family to stay with over the summers.”
“If you’re just shipping me off to school, then why can’t I stay at Beauxbatons?”
“Because Albus Dumbledore is not at Beauxbatons, and he is the only man You-Know-Who has ever been afraid of. I trust him and I trust that as long as you are in his care, you will be safe. I’ve put a lot of thought into this, ma cherie, and it’s the only way to keep You-Know-Who from finding you and hurting you. I’m sure of it,” he added, observing Carmella’s skeptical expression.
“I still don’t understand why you can’t come with me. I don’t understand why Dumbledore can’t protect the both of us!” 
“Because going underground, hiding from You-Know-Who, constantly looking over your shoulder, that’s no life for a girl like you, who has so much potential ahead of her,” her father replied gently, placing his hands on her shoulders. “Besides, your mother would never forgive me if I put you in harm’s way. Once You-Know-Who is caught, I promise I will find my way back to you. But for now, my life will just be too unpredictable,” he added, wiping her tears and pulling her into a tight embrace. 
A pop resounded in the empty street outside. Carmella and her father froze, fearing the worst. Slowly, she moved towards the window and slightly pushed the curtains aside. Looking up at her was a man with a long silver beard and flowing hair. He sported brilliant robes of midnight blue, embroidered with golden stars, matching the night sky, and half-moon spectacles were perched upon his crooked nose.
“Dumbledore,” she breathed, bittersweet relief washing over her. She looked back towards her father and forced a smile, a new wave of tears blurring her vision. It was time.
“You’re new,” a voice interrupted Carmella’s reverie.
She looked away from the point on the window she had been fixing for the last hour, reliving her farewell to her father. Sitting in front of her was a teenage boy with shoulder-length black hair, a shadow of facial hair, and a mischievous twinkle in his brown eyes.
“You’re observant,” she replied, her gaze returning to the train window, watching the pastures and farm animals zoom past her.
“Anything from the trolley, dears?” a kind-faced woman asked from the hallway, pushing a cart filled with sweets and pastries. Carmella was about to refuse, wishing to be left alone so as to lose herself in her thoughts once again, when her stomach thundered loudly. She had gotten so caught up in the whirlwind of leaving her father and the country behind that she had forgotten to eat.
“Yeah, I’ll take Bertie Botts’ Every Flavour Beans and some Chocolate Frogs,” the boy answered, pulling out a velvet money bag and counting some gold coins.
Carmella walked over to the trolley, absorbed all of the options, and ordered some Cauldron Cakes and Pumpkin Juice. She thanked the woman, handed her some Galleons and returned to her seat, hurriedly opening the packaging of her sweets.
“I’m Sirius, by the way,” the boy said, between mouthfuls of chocolate.
“I’m Carmella,” she replied, after taking a deep swig from her juice.
“So, how come I’ve never seen you before? You’re clearly older than 11, so you’re not a first year.”
“Maybe I got held back a few years,” Carmella smiled, surprisingly grateful for the distraction from her solemn thoughts.
“I don’t think that’s how Hogwarts works,” Sirius laughed. “C’mon, what’s the real reason?”
“I’m a transfer student.”
“You must be the first of your kind. Where from?”
“Beauxbatons Institute.”
“Ahh, a French girl! I knew there was something I liked about you.”
Carmella blushed. She didn’t usually fall for troublemakers, but something about Sirius’s carefree attitude eased her nerves about leaving her whole life behind and starting a new school in a foreign country.
“Well then, welcome to Hogwarts! If you want, I can give you a comprehensive tour when we get to the castle, teach you the ropes, let you know who you should befriend,” Sirius said, motioning himself, “and who you should avoid. Wait, you haven’t been sorted yet, have you?”
“Yeah, you know, into houses. They don’t have those at Beauxbatons?” Carmella shook her head in response. “Ok, well, there are four of them: Gryffindor, the best house, for the brave and the mighty, and then Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin,” he elaborated.
“You seem a bit biased. I’m assuming you’re in Gryffindor?” Carmella grinned.
“Is it that obvious?”
“Hey, Padfoot, where'd you get off to?” a voice called from the hallway. A curly-haired boy with round glasses peaked his head through the door of the compartment, a smirk slowly appearing on his freckled face.
“Nevermind, I get it now,” he added, winking at Sirius. He plopped down next to him, grabbing one of his Chocolate Frogs and surveying Carmella with a puzzled expression.
“You’re new.”
“Yeah, James, we’ve already established that,” Sirius said, rolling his eyes playfully. “This is Carmella. She’s from Beauxbatons, as in France.”
“You know, I have more appealing qualities than just my nationality,” she replied.
“And I would be happy to get to know them.”
“Oh, I’m sure you would,” James chuckled. “I’ve never heard of Hogwarts accepting transfer students. Must be some pretty special circumstances for Dumbledore to let you in so late.”
“Yeah, must be. So, what year are you both going into?” Carmella hurriedly changed the subject, not interested in rehashing the mayhem of the past few days to two strangers.
“Fourth,” James and Sirius answered together, not pressing the matter any further.
“You do that a lot?”
“Yeah, we’re often confused as twins,” James answered knowingly. Carmella attributed this to some sort of inside joke, due to their completely dichotomous appearance, although their personality traits did seem to align quite perfectly.
“I’m a fourth year too. Maybe you can help me catch up on the coursework?”
“Well, who are we to refuse a fellow student in need? Although, I have to warn you, I don’t know how much help we’re going to be. I don’t think we’ve done homework since March,” Sirius said.
“Of this year?”
“Of our first year,” James replied, causing an uproar of laughter from the three.
“What’s so funny?” Two more faces appeared at the door: a tall boy, with shaggy brown hair and a scar on his eyebrow, and a small, mousy boy, already changed into his school robes.
As the boys sat down in the compartment and introduced themselves to Carmella, she smiled, genuinely, for the first time in what seemed like years. She mentally pinched herself, so as to not be foolishly and naively optimistic that she may be able to return to some sort of normalcy at Hogwarts, but she couldn’t help herself. She looked around at the four joyful faces staring back at her, stuffing another Cauldron Cake into her mouth, and she couldn’t help but feel a wave of hope wash over her. Maybe, just maybe, she could make Hogwarts her home.
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news-ase · 4 years
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news-sein · 4 years
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news-lisaar · 4 years
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kennethherrerablog · 6 years
Thousands of Greyhounds Need Homes. Here’s Why You Should Adopt One
Kelly Faircloth adopted her first greyhound, Shadow, in 2001. The sleek black dog sporting a large scar on its side sidled up to her, and she fell in love.
“He kind of stuck his butt up in my lap,” she says, describing her visit to a rescue center where she met Shadow for the first time. “And I said, ‘Well I guess this is the one’.”
Faircloth, president of Greyhound Rescue & Adoptions of Tampa Bay for the past 14 years, has lost count of how many she has fostered since — but the number is definitely more than 75, she says.
Over the next three years, between 7,000 and 14,000 greyhounds (according to some estimates) like Shadow will need foster or forever homes after Florida voted in November to end greyhound racing. The figure is staggering, but greyhounds are low-maintenance and cheap to adopt, experts say, making them the perfect dog for anyone looking for a new best friend.
The thousands of dogs that will come off of the active greyhound tracks in Florida — three of the state’s 11 tracks stopped offering live racing shortly after the vote — will likely find homes across the country. And there are still six tracks throughout the South and Midwest, not including Florida, so you can still do your part to give a retired racing greyhound a new home if you live outside the state.
Why You Should Adopt a Greyhound
Full disclosure: My wife and I have owned a greyhound for a little more than a year, and she has completely changed my life. There’s a certain specialness about these animals that Greyhound Advancement Center co-founder Ken Wuelfing says creates a cultlike atmosphere around groups of greyhound owners.
They’re not common at most dog parks around the country, so here’s a quick description of your average greyhound: They’re skinny creatures with heads smaller than their necks, and they weigh from 57 to 90 pounds depending on the sex. (Our female, Tiki, weighs in at 68 pounds).
“The thing about greyhounds is they act so grateful,” says Faircloth. That is truly the best way to describe the pure joy they seem to exude at merely lying next to you on the couch — it’s a far cry from life in a kennel and on the track.
But we’re Penny Hoarders, so there are more than intangible, lovable properties that make greyhounds great pets.
They Are Perfect for You if You Work From Home
Greyhounds don’t bark. Seriously.
They may whine a bit when you get home from some time out of the house or might even have been taught to “speak” in their foster home or during training (Tiki knows Spanish, so if I say “habla” she happily barks). But, for the most part, they’ll quietly examine the world around them (with long ears erect, of course.)
“They’re almost invisible until you want attention or they want attention,” says Wuelfing, who worked from home beside his greyhound for the last 10 years with clients such as insurance giant Liberty Mutual. “Having an unprofessional phone experience was not really something that was an option.”
Also, they make great apartment dogs since they don’t move around a lot or make much noise.
Greyhounds Are Cheap and Relatively Low Maintenance
Adopting a greyhound costs anywhere between $200 and $300 with shots and an initial veterinarian appointment included. A greyhound puppy will cost you well over $2,500, and most dogs of any breed bought from a breeder or pet store can cost between $750 and $2,000, according to this study from Bankrate.
Greyhounds seldom shed and shouldn’t require regular grooming appointments, which can run more than $40 at a pet store. And, since time is money, you won’t spend huge chunks of your day walking your greyhound. They love to run… for a bit… but they’re mostly couch potatoes.
Greyhounds Make Excellent Starter Dogs — and Great Training Programs Are Available
All the above reasons make greyhounds excellent starter dogs.
“They’re very easy to handle,” says Wuelfing, who, with his wife Joanne, has put nearly 500 greyhounds through the Greyhound Advancement Center, a training program that partners with a local prison. “They don’t tend to be afraid of people.”
And through the Wuelfing’s center, you can get a fully trained dog for an additional $150 to $200. The program, which lasts up to 10 weeks, matches a greyhound with an inmate at Florida’s Hardee Correctional Institution, during which time they learn to sit, stay, come, shake and perform other commands. (As I mentioned, Tiki is bilingual.)
There are several training programs across the country, including Second Chance Greyhounds in Georgia, Greyhound Inmate Experience in Michigan and Greyhound Friends of New Jersey.
“It helps their personality blossom and better connect with people,” Joanne Wuelfing says.
We put Tiki through the program (she graduated at the top her class in August of 2017!), and it proved to be invaluable. She has never once pulled away while on a leash.
Some Pros and Cons to Know About Before You Adopt a Greyhound
At this point, you may be convinced that you should bring home one of these deerlike dogs. But, as with all breeds — and especially since they have a unique upbringing on the track — greyhounds have quirks that might be pros or cons depending on your lifestyle.
1. They tend to be nervous nellies
Greyhounds may have rarely interacted with humans or dogs other than their fellow breed while on the track. So when they’re thrust into the larger world, they can be more shy and anxious than other breeds.
But, like other types of dogs, they also have their own personalities, and you should meet and bond with one you plan to adopt before doing so.
2. Those weird heads? Yeah, they need a special collar
You can’t just throw any old collar on greyhounds. Because of their head-to-neck-ratio, you’ll need to order a martingale collar, which is thicker and tightens around their neck without choking them.
Further, their skinny bodies and long legs make it difficult to walk up and down stairs (along with the fact that they probably don’t initially even know what stairs are) or eat and drink from regular dog bowls. So you will need to buy special platforms for their food and water, and you might want to consider the layout of your home.
3. They do come with some health considerations
Greyhounds tend to eat a lot of wet food on the track, which means they usually have plaque problems once they retire. The organization from which you adopt should include a thorough teeth cleaning with its adoption fees.
You will want to brush your greyhound’s teeth daily. And you can buy oral-care drops to add to your greyhound’s water bowl.
Also, make sure the vet you pick is familiar with the breed. Greyhounds need a specific type of anesthesia that differs from what’s used on other dogs.
“The teeth are the big thing,” Joanne Wuelfing says. “They really don’t have many other problems.”
4. They may not get along with your cat
While Faircloth has fostered plenty of greyhounds alongside cats, some greyhounds are just not compatible with kitties. That can be due to an association with the fake rabbit they chase while on the track.
I once pulled a muscle trying to catch Tiki when she slipped out of her collar and chased a cat through our neighborhood park. (She Was off leash at the time — our mistake.)
5. You might have to crate them for the first few days
As I mentioned before, greyhounds likely have no idea what a house or apartment is — let alone something like a washing machine. They’re used to living in a crate.
The organization from which you adopt will likely provide you with a temporary crate to keep your greyhounds in while they adjust to the sights and sounds of their new home. (Tiki only needed to stay in her crate for the first day when we went out for food.)
6. Don’t expect a Labrador-like personality; they’re more like big cats
When planning to adopt, don’t expect your greyhound to be a dog that will shower you with affection like a lab or other overtly enthusiastic breed. They are very happy dogs, but for the most part, they will just stand next to you and lean on your legs when they want to show you they love you.
They’re sort of like big cats in that way.
7. They love to run — for a few minutes
Also like cats, greyhounds are happy to lie around the house all day. If you have a big backyard or take them to a large dog park, you can get them to sprint a few times.
It’s fun to watch.
8. If you don’t have a fenced yard, you’ll need to keep them on a leash
Remember my story about Tiki spotting a cat?
On the track, she easily topped 40 miles per hour while running one of the dozen races she won in her 200-plus race career. So you can imagine what would happen if she managed to run free.
That’s why Faircloth recommends that Greyhound owners have a fenced yard or keep their dogs on a leash at all times. “They are fast,” she says. “And if they spot a bird, they are going to take off, and no human is going to catch them.”
9. They are totally going to be the stars at the dog park, but don’t expect them to make too many doggie friends
As I mentioned earlier, greyhounds don’t really know how to be dogs since they have had a unique upbringing on the race track. So most of them will be awkward at making friends when you take them to the dog park.
But, they will be a total hit with the humans there.
10. But, they are fiercely (OK… passively) loyal to the dogs with which they live
Greyhounds might not understand anything about your current dog, its breed or behavior, but they will form a tight bond. So tight that when we separated our greyhound and whippet during a trip out of town, Tiki pooped inside, ate a few sets of blinds and developed an ulcer from the separation anxiety.
As long as we keep them together, the greyhound does very well when we go on long trips. But it’s truly heartwarming to see the love Tiki has for her sister, Josie.
It emphasizes an opinion we tell everyone: Greyhounds are the most lovable dog breed in the world. Despite all their quirks and weirdness.
Alex Mahadevan is a data journalist at The Penny Hoarder. His greyhound, Tiki, can inhale her food in one bite.
This was originally published on The Penny Hoarder, which helps millions of readers worldwide earn and save money by sharing unique job opportunities, personal stories, freebies and more. The Inc. 5000 ranked The Penny Hoarder as the fastest-growing private media company in the U.S. in 2017.
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Thousands of Greyhounds Need Homes. Here’s Why You Should Adopt One published first on https://justinbetreviews.tumblr.com/
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antionetterparker · 6 years
J.R. Watkins: 13 fascinating facts to know before joining [Review]
It’s not often you come across a business that’s been around for 150 years.
J.R. Watkins is a popular network marketing company that offers a range of products from lotions and soaps to spices and oils.
J.R. Watkins isn’t exactly George Washington, but close, and almost as old.
With an intriguing rags-to-riches story, J.R. Watkins became the largest MLM in the world at one time.
1. What does J.R. Watkins sell? J.R. Watkins sells natural, environmentally friendly personal and home care products, as well as gourmet foods, including spices, extracts, baking decorations, and cooking sprays.
2. What are J.R. Watkins’s most popular products?  Their spices and extracts are now rivaling the industry leader, McCormick. Their body care products, sporting old-time labels that make it clear these products have been around for a long time, are also popular. Who can resist hand creams labeled, “Creme pour les Mains,” and hand soaps labeled, “Savon pour les Mains,” especially when those labels have a genuine apothecary look and feel?
3. How much does it cost to join J.R. Watkins? You can join Watkins for $29.95.
4. Is J.R. Watkins a scam? No, Watkins is one a legitimate business selling real products. Their products can be bought in retail stores, and some of their brands are rivaling long-time industry leaders.
5. What is J.R. Watkins’s BBB rating? A
6. How long has J.R. Watkins been in business? Since 1868
7. What is J.R. Watkins’s revenue? We couldn’t find any numbers published online.
8. How many J.R. Watkins distributors are there? We couldn’t find any numbers published online.
9. What lawsuits have been filed? In 2015, Watkins sued McCormick for underfilling their tins of black pepper—essentially using deceptive marketing and packaging practices. [1] In 1954, J.R. Watkins was slapped for using a specially denatured alcohol in its liniment without paying the tax for it. [2]
10. Comparable companies: Pampered Chef, Seacret Direct
So is it too late to get involved?
Product-wise this company might be legit, but if you’re just interested in the business opportunity, there are better options out there…
Click here for my #1 recommendation
Either way, here are 13 things to consider before joining J.R. Watkins.
#13. They’re an American institution
They’ve been around for a long time. Like about 150 years long.
If you’re looking for established, this company is literally historic.
The J.R. Watkins administration building in Winona, Minnesota is now a museum and has been added to the National Register of Historic Places [3], and his house in Plainview, Minnesota where he mixed his first batch of the company’s signature liniment was purchased in 2008 by the Plainview Area History Center [4].
#12. They tap into the vintage craze
Antique stores aren’t just for grandma anymore.
From college kids to Macklemore, thrift shopping is in, and the whole nation is going retro. Who doesn’t love nostalgia?
J.R. Watkins sets themselves apart from the “futuristic” vibe most MLM companies are rocking nowadays by really leveraging this trend and maintaining the original aesthetic of their bottles. Their products have that vintage charm that people love.
In fact, they love it so much that there are actually “Watkins Collectors” who collect vintage Watkins products in bottles that date back 100 years or more. [5]
#11. Give direct sales a good name
Their history is woven into the fabric of America’s. A lot of people’s grandparents or great-grandparents sold for them. “The Watkins Man” was a household name back when they were still a door-to-door sales company, and people actually looked forward to a knock on the door from their local Watkins Consultant. [6]
In fact, there’s even a sappy (ahem, “heartwarming”) made-for-TV movie inspired by the life story of a Watkins salesman called Door to Door.
Somehow, this company managed to build a nostalgic, positive image instead of the negative connotations that door-to-door sales usually conjures.
J.R. Watkins is the traditional “American success story”, and their classic, sentimental brand builds trust in people and invokes all the warm fuzzies. And it’s been proven time and time again that emotional connections drive sales. [7]
#10. Once the largest direct sales company in the world
In the 1940s, J.R. Watkins was the largest direct sales company in the world. [8] Obviously, they were doing something right. They might not be as trendy as Le-vel or Purium, but they’ve been around forever.
#9. Filed for bankruptcy in the 1970s
Glory days don’t last forever. J.R. Watkins peaked in the 40s and, much like the high school prom queen who ends up fat, ugly, and poor, 30 years later they hit rock bottom. [9]
While they’ve since rebounded and worked their way back up, they never fully recovered. In fact, nowadays, they aren’t even a top 100 MLM. [10]
#8. Purchased in 2018
In January 2018, Swander Pace Capital acquired Watkins’ lines of home and personal care products, creating a separate business under the name of “J.R. Watkins.” Watkins, Inc., the original company, will continue producing their spices, extracts, and gourmet cooking ingredients. [11]
#7. Struggling to keep with the times
As charming as the vintage wares can be, companies still have to update their image to keep up with trends and modern times, and J.R. Watkins seems to be struggling.
They’ve whipped up some creative social media campaigns, but they turned out to be fairly unsuccessful as the company only gained 2,000 followers over the course of an entire year. Sorry Watkins, but my 16-year-old little sister has you beat two-fold, and all she does is post pictures of her manicures. [12]
#6. 3-way compensation plan
J.R. Watkins offers their distributors, “consultants,” three ways to sell their products.
They can buy at wholesale prices and sell at retail prices, pocketing the difference. The company suggests prices but consultants can charge what they wish. Commission ranges from 15-49%.
They receive commission on sponsoring new team members who make product sales. Commission ranges 10-15%.
They can earn income through incentivized bonuses and leadership rewards. There are three main levels – consultant, manager, and executive – each of which has a bronze, silver, and gold level. Moving up will get you bonuses and additional earnings.
#5. Annual fee for distributors
The sign-on cost of $29.95 is actually an annual fee required to maintain a Watkins Membership, cheaper than a lot of MLMs (hint: SeneGence, Monat, or Norwex). The initial package to become an Independent Watkins Associate includes some training and literature to get you started and up to a 35% discount on product. You need to purchase $100 of product a month to stay active and qualify for commission.
That being said, upgrades in membership are encouraged and will lead to higher earnings. These range from $69.95-$349 in monthly orders that include product for home party settings on the lower end and product for “serious business builders” on the high end. The first three months of web maintenance for a distributor’s personal sales website are free, but afterward there’s a monthly fee for that as well.
#4. Quality, trusted products
Some of their main products include:
Hand creams
Pain relief
Home cleaners
Their products are backed by over a century of usage, and they are safe and effective. In fact, when the FDA recently banned the use of 19 antibacterial ingredients commonly used in hand soaps and body washes, causing most body care companies to panic, J.R. Watkins could smugly sit back and relax, because their products have never included these banned ingredients. [13]
They’re truly “committed to providing the highest quality products by using pure ingredients.”
#3. All-natural
In 2008 they introduced a line of all-natural personal care products capable of competing with the popular Burt’s Bees, although they’ve yet to catch up with Burt’s popularity quite yet.
They also started selling food dye made with 100% natural vegetable juices, which is huge. People have been freaking out for the past decade about synthetic food dye and its correlation to health problems. [14]
#2. Extracts are now the #2 brand in the nation
The company’s extracts — vanilla, lemon, almond, etc. — are now the No. 2 U.S. brand.
Extracts and spices are a rough market. McCormick basically has a monopoly on them, which you’ll notice at pretty much any supermarket around the country. Most extract companies only experience growth in the low single-digits, but J.R. Watkins’ extracts have been hitting double-digits. [15]
#1. They sell their product in stores
This one might be a deal-breaker.
A lot of changes have been introduced by the new ownership that pulled J.R. Watkins out of bankruptcy in the 70s and back into the green.
Namely, in the 90s and early 2000s, J.R. Watkins started introducing their products into retail stores. While they still have some products exclusively available through their consultants, the company now sells many of its products everywhere from Walmart and Hy-Vee to Whole Foods, Walgreens, Ulta, and even Target.
While this has been great for the company overall, it isn’t great news for distributors. Do you really think you can compete with the likes of Target?
The fact is, retail is cheaper and more convenient for consumers.
And the proof is in the numbers – their retail channels now make up a large majority of their $120 million in annual sales. [16] While this company shows a lot of promise, they may be phasing out their direct sales methods.
You definitely wouldn’t want to join J.R. Watkins expecting it to replace your day job.
They’re not a bad company at all, but there’s just more sustainable income opportunities out there.
Look, I’ve been involved with network marketing for over ten years so I know what to look for when you consider a new opportunity.
After reviewing 200+ business opportunities and systems out there, here is the one I would recommend:
Click here for my #1 recommendation
via https://mlmcompanies.org/jr-watkins/
0 notes
mlmcompanies · 6 years
It’s not often you come across a business that’s been around for 150 years.
J.R. Watkins is a popular network marketing company that offers a range of products from lotions and soaps to spices and oils.
J.R. Watkins isn’t exactly George Washington, but close, and almost as old.
With an intriguing rags-to-riches story, J.R. Watkins became the largest MLM in the world at one time.
1. What does J.R. Watkins sell? J.R. Watkins sells natural, environmentally friendly personal and home care products, as well as gourmet foods, including spices, extracts, baking decorations, and cooking sprays.
2. What are J.R. Watkins’s most popular products?  Their spices and extracts are now rivaling the industry leader, McCormick. Their body care products, sporting old-time labels that make it clear these products have been around for a long time, are also popular. Who can resist hand creams labeled, “Creme pour les Mains,” and hand soaps labeled, “Savon pour les Mains,” especially when those labels have a genuine apothecary look and feel?
3. How much does it cost to join J.R. Watkins? You can join Watkins for $29.95.
4. Is J.R. Watkins a scam? No, Watkins is one a legitimate business selling real products. Their products can be bought in retail stores, and some of their brands are rivaling long-time industry leaders.
5. What is J.R. Watkins’s BBB rating? A
6. How long has J.R. Watkins been in business? Since 1868
7. What is J.R. Watkins’s revenue? We couldn’t find any numbers published online.
8. How many J.R. Watkins distributors are there? We couldn’t find any numbers published online.
9. What lawsuits have been filed? In 2015, Watkins sued McCormick for underfilling their tins of black pepper—essentially using deceptive marketing and packaging practices. [1] In 1954, J.R. Watkins was slapped for using a specially denatured alcohol in its liniment without paying the tax for it. [2]
10. Comparable companies: Pampered Chef, Seacret Direct
So is it too late to get involved?
Product-wise this company might be legit, but if you’re just interested in the business opportunity, there are better options out there…
Click here for my #1 recommendation
Either way, here are 13 things to consider before joining J.R. Watkins.
#13. They’re an American institution
They’ve been around for a long time. Like about 150 years long.
If you’re looking for established, this company is literally historic.
The J.R. Watkins administration building in Winona, Minnesota is now a museum and has been added to the National Register of Historic Places [3], and his house in Plainview, Minnesota where he mixed his first batch of the company’s signature liniment was purchased in 2008 by the Plainview Area History Center [4].
#12. They tap into the vintage craze
Antique stores aren’t just for grandma anymore.
From college kids to Macklemore, thrift shopping is in, and the whole nation is going retro. Who doesn’t love nostalgia?
J.R. Watkins sets themselves apart from the “futuristic” vibe most MLM companies are rocking nowadays by really leveraging this trend and maintaining the original aesthetic of their bottles. Their products have that vintage charm that people love.
In fact, they love it so much that there are actually “Watkins Collectors” who collect vintage Watkins products in bottles that date back 100 years or more. [5]
#11. Give direct sales a good name
Their history is woven into the fabric of America’s. A lot of people’s grandparents or great-grandparents sold for them. “The Watkins Man” was a household name back when they were still a door-to-door sales company, and people actually looked forward to a knock on the door from their local Watkins Consultant. [6]
In fact, there’s even a sappy (ahem, “heartwarming”) made-for-TV movie inspired by the life story of a Watkins salesman called Door to Door.
Somehow, this company managed to build a nostalgic, positive image instead of the negative connotations that door-to-door sales usually conjures.
J.R. Watkins is the traditional “American success story”, and their classic, sentimental brand builds trust in people and invokes all the warm fuzzies. And it’s been proven time and time again that emotional connections drive sales. [7]
#10. Once the largest direct sales company in the world
In the 1940s, J.R. Watkins was the largest direct sales company in the world. [8] Obviously, they were doing something right. They might not be as trendy as Le-vel or Purium, but they’ve been around forever.
#9. Filed for bankruptcy in the 1970s
Glory days don’t last forever. J.R. Watkins peaked in the 40s and, much like the high school prom queen who ends up fat, ugly, and poor, 30 years later they hit rock bottom. [9]
While they’ve since rebounded and worked their way back up, they never fully recovered. In fact, nowadays, they aren’t even a top 100 MLM. [10]
#8. Purchased in 2018
In January 2018, Swander Pace Capital acquired Watkins’ lines of home and personal care products, creating a separate business under the name of “J.R. Watkins.” Watkins, Inc., the original company, will continue producing their spices, extracts, and gourmet cooking ingredients. [11]
#7. Struggling to keep with the times
As charming as the vintage wares can be, companies still have to update their image to keep up with trends and modern times, and J.R. Watkins seems to be struggling.
They’ve whipped up some creative social media campaigns, but they turned out to be fairly unsuccessful as the company only gained 2,000 followers over the course of an entire year. Sorry Watkins, but my 16-year-old little sister has you beat two-fold, and all she does is post pictures of her manicures. [12]
#6. 3-way compensation plan
J.R. Watkins offers their distributors, “consultants,” three ways to sell their products.
They can buy at wholesale prices and sell at retail prices, pocketing the difference. The company suggests prices but consultants can charge what they wish. Commission ranges from 15-49%.
They receive commission on sponsoring new team members who make product sales. Commission ranges 10-15%.
They can earn income through incentivized bonuses and leadership rewards. There are three main levels – consultant, manager, and executive – each of which has a bronze, silver, and gold level. Moving up will get you bonuses and additional earnings.
#5. Annual fee for distributors
The sign-on cost of $29.95 is actually an annual fee required to maintain a Watkins Membership, cheaper than a lot of MLMs (hint: SeneGence, Monat, or Norwex). The initial package to become an Independent Watkins Associate includes some training and literature to get you started and up to a 35% discount on product. You need to purchase $100 of product a month to stay active and qualify for commission.
That being said, upgrades in membership are encouraged and will lead to higher earnings. These range from $69.95-$349 in monthly orders that include product for home party settings on the lower end and product for “serious business builders” on the high end. The first three months of web maintenance for a distributor’s personal sales website are free, but afterward there’s a monthly fee for that as well.
#4. Quality, trusted products
Some of their main products include:
Hand creams
Pain relief
Home cleaners
Their products are backed by over a century of usage, and they are safe and effective. In fact, when the FDA recently banned the use of 19 antibacterial ingredients commonly used in hand soaps and body washes, causing most body care companies to panic, J.R. Watkins could smugly sit back and relax, because their products have never included these banned ingredients. [13]
They’re truly “committed to providing the highest quality products by using pure ingredients.”
#3. All-natural
In 2008 they introduced a line of all-natural personal care products capable of competing with the popular Burt’s Bees, although they’ve yet to catch up with Burt’s popularity quite yet.
They also started selling food dye made with 100% natural vegetable juices, which is huge. People have been freaking out for the past decade about synthetic food dye and its correlation to health problems. [14]
#2. Extracts are now the #2 brand in the nation
The company’s extracts — vanilla, lemon, almond, etc. — are now the No. 2 U.S. brand.
Extracts and spices are a rough market. McCormick basically has a monopoly on them, which you’ll notice at pretty much any supermarket around the country. Most extract companies only experience growth in the low single-digits, but J.R. Watkins’ extracts have been hitting double-digits. [15]
#1. They sell their product in stores
This one might be a deal-breaker.
A lot of changes have been introduced by the new ownership that pulled J.R. Watkins out of bankruptcy in the 70s and back into the green.
Namely, in the 90s and early 2000s, J.R. Watkins started introducing their products into retail stores. While they still have some products exclusively available through their consultants, the company now sells many of its products everywhere from Walmart and Hy-Vee to Whole Foods, Walgreens, Ulta, and even Target.
While this has been great for the company overall, it isn’t great news for distributors. Do you really think you can compete with the likes of Target?
The fact is, retail is cheaper and more convenient for consumers.
And the proof is in the numbers – their retail channels now make up a large majority of their $120 million in annual sales. [16] While this company shows a lot of promise, they may be phasing out their direct sales methods.
You definitely wouldn’t want to join J.R. Watkins expecting it to replace your day job.
They’re not a bad company at all, but there’s just more sustainable income opportunities out there.
Look, I’ve been involved with network marketing for over ten years so I know what to look for when you consider a new opportunity.
After reviewing 200+ business opportunities and systems out there, here is the one I would recommend:
Click here for my #1 recommendation
0 notes