#the creature from the dungeon
greatkittydream · 7 months
The creature from the dungeon 4
“Thinking” ‘talking’ (righters input) Important/ very noticeable
Jacob pov
Jacob was currently resting up against a tree using the cloak as a sun shield for him and the girl. while he doesn't feel safe in this area he knows that he needs to take a break.
After that last minute run he's afraid he may have pulled something. there's a constant aching pain towards his thigh.
His arm, the one he used to stop the marble door also hurt probably a hairline fracture, if he's going by self diagnosis. He's currently trying to keep his arm as straight as possible. Using a bunch of sticks he's found and some Rags from the bags he stole as a makeshift cast.
Leaning forward sighing as he looked to his right. The small girl was currently playing in the sand without a thought in her mind. She doesn't know how close they came to death. nor does she probably care.
“Okay Jacob we're in some high fantasy bullshit, you more than likely have several torn muscles and a broken arm. And you can't afford to stay here for much longer because you'll run out of food. Why does life have to be so difficult? ".
Swinging his head back with tremendous Force knocking it into the tree for getting how much strength he has .Grasping on to the back of his head letting out a.
As the tree shook a coconut fill landing on his head.
looking over to his right he saw the coconut, a smile appeared on his face quickly reaching over to grab it. He pulled it close to him and he began peeling it, pinching at the skin and pulling it off.
'Now if only I had a way to crack open the coconut, oh wait I do thank you small child for the murder weapon’.
Smiling happily as he grabbed the rock next to him he had used as a murder up in moments ago. He raised the coconut into the sky and smashed it down onto the Rock unlike what he expected.
what would have normally taken him a few hits completely shattered the coconut during him and coconut milk, shell and flesh.
Deep breath in deep breath out.
'Okay motherfucker you want to play hardball?’
Looking up to the palm tree he saw at least a dozen more coconuts growing, unlike the normal fashion there growing more like grapes on a vine than an actual coconut tree.
Using his good hand he backed fist the tree shaking it as two more coconuts fell down. The Girl by this point had looked over to him and curiosity.
Thinking for a moment he just searched for the girl to come here as he grabbed the two coconuts that fell near him. As she approached him he had it the same next to him gesturing for her to sit down.
When she sat down he handed her a coconut in Jester to the rock. Not quite understanding what he's meaning she drops it and then picks up the Rock.
Shaking his head then putting the coconut back in her hand he guides her hand over the coconut as he raises it up then slams it down very gently. Getting what he's gesturing she does repeatedly until it cracks open.
With curiosity she looks inside seeing pale flesh and Milky water. living in an ecosystem more comparable to forests of Europe than a tropical climate she's Probably never seen a coconut before.
Taking a guess at this given the stereotypes of elves. Jacob pinches off a bit of the flesh and eats it. Seeing her idle do it she does the same. Her ears begin to wiggle.
She began ranting in a very high-pitched voice picking more flesh clean as she ate into her coconut. Jacob looking over his own. Now having to take into account his greater physique and apparent durability.
Raises his middle finger to just above the coconut then Jabs down quickly creating a small hole. raising the whole to his mouth drinking the coconut milk. The little girl next to him does the same out of her miniature Bowl.
After he made sure to get every drop out he put his two thumbs into the hole he created and then split it into half. he started eating the coconut flesh.
soon Jacob began to sing.
‘Take Me Home, Country Road, to the place I belong’.
When Jacob pause to take another bite of his coconut a peculiar thing happened from the small child next to him.
‘Tace Me Hame, Cooun, try Raad, to the plece I beloog’.
Ha, haa, haahaahaaaa.
Jacob went into a hysterical laughter, somehow hearing this small child try and mess up to mess up one of his favorite songs was just the funniest thing to him at that moment.
Before pausing to think of the implications. quickly turning to face the child and shove a thumb to his chest he said out loud.
In response.
Shaking his head
A smile appeared on Jacob's face quickly grabbing a chunk of coconut shell he pointed towards it.
And thus Jacob began partaking in the ancient tradition of teaching English to people who have no idea how to speak it.
Ada and the rest of her group were currently on the 160th floor. They had burned through every possible healing spell.
Every stamina spell, any other enhancement spell in order to get to floor 160. They were run ragged not a moment of rest was given until now.
Fact the smug bastard had snapped his fingers as his minions brought him out a stool to sit on.
‘you all may rest’.
Ada and her party collapsed in an unprideful manner. They had long since abandoned Noble Pride after entering the dungeon.
Covered in small cuts and breezes collapsed in a heap next to each other. taking in deep breaths whenever possible.
The entire group was looking at vect with murderous eyes. The entire time vect just looked at them as if this was the most entertaining thing in the world. Turning his head to his underlings.
‘Well, what are you waiting for set up our tents’.
The lap dogs did as their Master commanded, pulling out the tinting supplies needed for his much too expensive mobile home. The only good thing about this current situation is that they are making their way towards Aafje.
It made her blood boil thinking of what those bastards are doing to her sister. She swears upon all the gods when she ever gets out of this and protects her sister she will skin their dicks. And make them plead for death.
Then she'll spank her sister's posterior so bad it will match the Red Sands of the sacred desert in color. The bubbling rage in her was overshadowed by concern for her sister though.
As the group solely lost their ragged breath they huddled together. Lionheart was the first to try and make a fire. unlikely for him he wasn't a Dragonborn with fire breath.
So they had to settle for the old rub two sticks together method which raxs took up. Stone for his part was studying the movements of their captors.
Lionheart spoke up.
‘So am I the only one here thinking that they're actively throwing us into Danger’.
Stone responded.
‘no, I've been thinking the same thing and I know damn well why. They're throwing us head first into danger to keep us weak. So when we do meet up with the other dogs we will still be on their leash. I mean why the bloody hell would they be forcing us to go at this insane rate’.
As much as she hated to admit it. It was a smart plan to force the stronger people you have prisoner to fight your battles, whittle down their strength until there more manageable. Conniving bastards.
‘So how are we going to get out of this?’.
Raxs asked as the fire just started to come to life.
Ada put in her response
'It's simple I was dead on target when it comes to they're inexperienced in the dungeon. will either trip them up at a boss room. Or get some healing item dropped along the way that they wouldn't know about. when my sister can be rescued then is when we spring our trap. Until then we will be patient. ’
A cold thought out plan sprung from her despite the seething rate she was fully composed. Or at least that's what she told her if it wasn't for the fact that that bastard might be the only way to get her sister out of here safely he would have been dead by now.
‘What about floor 195 they've got a miniature town setup down there’.
Stone input.
Lionheart was the one to answer his question.
‘Well if their leader is pushing us this hard it's safe to assume the other guys are as well. Even if they're severely under level they can still sneak and drift past the monsters if they're smart about it’.
‘I'm still not satisfied with this, Aafje is in too much danger and there's too many variables for us to just hope for it to pan out, I say we double time it to get down there quicker.’
Raxs said being a voice of Worry. Despite coming from a heavily militarized Society one of the few things the Orcs honored more than Marshall prowess is family. If a orc considers you family they will put your safety Above All Else.
Ada was in agreeance, but she knew logic came before Hope.
‘look I know your heart's in the right place but we can't just rush these things. I mean what do you think's going to happen, some magical Beasts are going to save my sister. and abandoned Heroes will come along to help them. this isn't a fairy tale. So we'll just need to tough it out through the worry.’
Her scathing comments hurt Raxe and despite knowing she didn't mean to her in it still did. she took a deep breath in and began apologizing. who knows maybe if she hoped some Heroes would help her sister.
Floor 183 is a gladiatorial pit home to the minotaurs. Beasts with a Bull's Head in a body similar to that of an Orc minus the green skin.
They hold tremendous strength, able to hack apart entire Spearman formation in a matter of seconds. shock troops of the highest order.
Swoosh scrunch BAM
And in a single swing I'm going to tell her was cleaved in half. The culprit was none other than a beastman.
Beastmen are fundamentally different from minotaurs although some unknowing May lump them in the same category there are some major differences.
For starters beastmen are sentient and come in a variety of shapes and colors. let's use the one that turn to this Minotaur into a chopped log as an example.
A mountain goat variant well basement typically live more towards the deserts of the world; it's not uncommon to find small populations here there in different climates.
Standing at 8 ft tall with digitigrade legs that end in hoofs. moving up the body you'll see a list that is very similar to that of a human's just with more rugged fur and thick muscle.
Moving up to the arms they are shockingly similar to that of a human aside from some key differences. For example they have much less rotation in their arms. in exchange they have a greater degree of musculature and back leading into their shoulders forearms, biceps, Etc.
While not all basement or lumbering beasts of muscle that use their fists far more than their brains that is the common stereotype. especially for the colder climatid ones.
Moving on to the top of the head it's exactly as you would imagine that of the mountain goats aside from the set of horns being a bit more bumpy giving it a more Spike appearance. that and a bloodthirsty smile on his face.
Another Minotaur was charging from behind with a large Stone Club raised above its head about to slam down. starting a spin at the waist leading into the arms and finally kicking off of the legs it launched out at attack with one of its hatchets.
A thick Burly thing that had more in common with a slab of iron than it did a proper short axe thick head which must have been 4 inches across in 10 in in height this Beast blade covered the wooden handle protecting the hand while allowing for more chopping power weighing dozens of pounds. this weapon would have been next to impossible to use for a normal person.
Burning the hands of this Beast Man it cut through the air as if it were a child's toy when it made contact with the club it already shattered it having the forward momentum to keep going it first made contact with the snout of the bull headed man. going completely through the skull severing it from the rest of its body showering the Beast Man and blood.
Unfortunately for this Reckless Berserker another bull man had already started its charge and was about to gut him from the side.
The Minotaur would finally be able to say it's bloodlust until a Sky Piercer spear stabbed the Beast through its stomach before lifting it by the Stab Wound and throwing it into the stands of the abandoned Coliseum.
A sky piercer spear is similar to that of a halberd except it has a longer point for the spear tip. And the end of the ax bit ends in a curve similar to that of a bill hook.
looking up the pole arm what you'll see is not what's commonly expected. a skeletal hand was gripping it rapidly moving up the body. you will see a giant skeleton 7 ft tall easy.
With a thick snort steam exited to the mountain goats nose and a satisfied smile was upon his face. He turned to his friend and spoke.
‘Hay Red, Why are we here again? Not that I mind spilling blood but this place is pretty empty. I don't think you're going to find another fragment here.’
A surprisingly light voice sounding more akin to that of a teenage boy than a beastial man.
‘One's here I feel it we just need to keep going lower besides won't your God be happy for this bloodshed’
The skeleton replied in a deep voice that sounded like gravel going through a concrete mixer.
‘heh got me there’
With a shrug of his arms he simply dropped his hatchets before sitting down watching as the body slowly turned back into Mana to be reabsorbed by the dungeon. Turning to his friend red he looked at his friend and pity.
Being forced to claw through the world to find pieces of your soul just to find memories of who you once were.
Red wasn't even his name. Red Hare it's just the last thing he remembers before winding up and that Undead body of his.
Every piece of his soul he finds he gets shards of memories from what he's gathered; he was some type of great warrior that was feared by many. although the faces of those he fought are always shrouded.
One thing always stands out to him though he remembers being hanged to death and that's it. He decided to give some words of encouragement to his lifelong friend.
‘Well if it's any consolation those memories probably ain't worth crap now you're a new person, who you were is probably not the same as you are now, and if all else fails I wouldn't mind becoming an undead to stay with you someone has to keep you company.’
With the grin on his face he could tell his friend was smirking, sitting down and hitting his shoulder. The two simply took in a moment to appreciate the spectacle before them.
Watching monsters dissolve back into Mana was always a beautiful thing. Well he did follow a god of violence he could also enjoy the Finer Things such as the array of colors and fractaling Light that came from strong beasts magic died.
‘Thank you hedre.’That's all that needed to be said for him to know it meant a lot.
“I guess the only thing left to do now is to go deeper, I wonder if I'll get to take anymore trophies it's been a while since I've gotten a good skull”.
6 hours later
Jacob pov
“After me and squeaks impromptu lunch and rest I'm actually feeling much better the pain is pretty much gone in my leg. I can't say the same for my arm though. does feel better though so that's a plus. I've decided that now is as good a time as any to begin our ascensions again”.
Standing up with squeaks next to him he began stretching and feeling out his limbs aside from the broken one.
He felt limber enough to continue on and he doesn't want to stay in this room anymore than he has to.
Seeing the cabin is just five more Islands away from them. He's fairly confident they can make it.
Jumping into the air to see how high his vertical can go. bending his knees and riding his jump he launches off the ground. to his utter Fascination and disbelief he reaches the height of the palm trees easily 20 ft.
‘Well damn, this will make island hopping easier I could just fucken skip half the distance’.
The squeaks was being cute again jumping about ears wiggling doing exasperated hand movements. with a chuckle he Emotion for her to come over.
Squeaks had gotten very used to what he was planning and the smile on her face couldn't be any brighter. Running over faster than he even thought she was capable of and making a leap of faith jumping onto his lower back before shimmering up.
Wrapping her arms around his neck and pointing forward she said something in her weird language. But he could figure go fly my steed.
Getting into a runner's position digging his rubber Croc into the sand getting ready to spring off into a Sprint jump. Each island had roughly a hundred feet of distance he could clear maybe 50 to 60 of that the rest would be a chest deep Jog and water surrounded by potentially deadly predators.
Well normally this would be very fucking stupid he had his old friend with him Mr murder Rock. and not to mention most of the beasts have left by now going back to deeper waters having lost interest in them.
He began his Sprint picking up speed to a pace similar to that of a world class athlete then slowly speeding past that into superhuman territory easily hitting 30 mph at its peak before he ran out of Running Room.
He jumped clearing 70 ft before hitting the water, and all his grandiose planning he forgot one major detail the harder you hit water without breaking the surface the more like concrete it becomes and holy shit it was a rough Landing.
Breaking the water and bending his knees immediately put a strain on his hurt leg. Not as healed as he wants though. But thankfully nothing broke he began moving his way through the water seeing shadows slowly come in near the massive Ripple. before they could get too close he already made it onto the next Island.
‘Okay squeaks I may have let my ego get a bit too big for me britches, but this plan definitely will work. We just need to be patient and wait for them to leave again. hope you like coconut because we're having it again.’
Walking over the palm tree on this island and giving it a hard smack, coconuts fell down and the little bundle of joy ran up to them and began motioning for his Rock.
‘Oh God I just adopted a child didn't I’
This one took longer than expected. I hit a roadblock with Them talking back and forth about what they should do to retrieve Ada's little sister.
I also got stuck on what I should jump to next and the dialogue between them. I also didn't want a Mary Sue moment so I didn't know if it was right to introduce my two newest characters or not. so I decided to make it satire hope it fits well.
by the way I'm planning on adding another dwarf later on any dwarf names the last name is going to be gold beard though
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vulturesawake · 4 months
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This is what it feels like when someone infodumps to me. By the way
Edit to add caption:
[desc begin: a six panel comic featuring an everyman character sitting on a couch with an autism creature loafing on the back of the couch. The creature jumps down to the seat and lies their head on the person's leg, much to their delight. Desc end.]
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fallenoftheromaempire · 3 months
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Recreation of a realization i had today
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possamble · 5 months
Do you have any headcanons or thoughts about Falin having a crush on Marcille pre-canon? Especially during her later years at the school/the years she was with Laios.
Just full on "awkward and slightly gnc teenage lesbian has a massive crush on the touchy-feely girly girl straight best friend" tropes everywhere. Even better bc it's the "best friend is also the popular girl while lesbian is the slightly ostracized quiet one" dynamic in school. Falin gets so so so good at not having a heart attack every time Marcille gets in her personal space. But she's so resigned to never saying anything bc why would a girl as blinding as Marcille ever like her back. She also doesn't make an effort to get over it either, she's just content to be trapped in that stable dynamic of silently being in love with Marcille while getting to enjoy CLEARLY being Marcille's favourite person. She gets so used to it that it's almost just background noise most of the time-- it would have to be, unless she wanted to be freaking out 24/7 bc Marcille is so goddamn affectionate.
Her feelings also definitely change throughout the time that they're in school together-- at first it was this "whooaaah pretty older girl" puppy crush that you can clearly see developing in the flashbacks we get (I think she doesn't even like... realize her fixation on Marcille is romantic at all until years after it starts, when she's 12-14 ish and all the other girls around her are talking about crushes). But then they get closer, over the years Marcille starts getting really attached and letting down her guard, and Falin gets to see the ridiculous side of her. She gets to calm her down from her tantrums when experiments don't work out, or help her clean up when something explodes in her face. I feel like the progression of her feelings from "schoolgirl infatuation" to "unrequited love" probably almost exactly corresponds to how slowly Marcille goes from trying to keep Falin at a polite but friendly distance (like she does with everyone else) to her facade completely eroding as she becomes her cheerful and ridiculous self again for the first time since her father died.
That's probably the saddest part: Falin knows that she's clearly Marcille's favourite person on the surface level, but she doesn't quite fully grasp the enormity of what that means to Marcille. She doesn't get that she's the person who made the world colorful again for Marcille, that she is the first person outside of Marcille's family to really and truly make her laugh. She just thinks she's the beloved but dinky little short-lived sidekick, one of many that Marcille has had and will have.
Part of it is that, despite Marcille becoming such a clingy and affectionate best friend, I think her initial demeanour already did its damage. You see Falin being super adventurous and weird at first, bringing Marcille berries and other stuff, only to be rebuffed by Marcille exasperatedly saying she's working or looking kind of put off by it. And by the time you see her a little older, shes already quieter and better at masking -- and I'm not saying that that's entirely Marcille's fault (being the weird girl at an all girls academy for almost the entirety of her teenhood must have been brutal, my god) but she definitely learned that she's a potential nuisance to Marcille if she doesn't tone herself down. She learned that Marcille most likely sees her as a weird little kid following her around bc she has no other friends. And for the most part, she was never given any reason to unlearn any of that.
And that all very very smoothly transitions into Marcille being her "first love that was never meant to be anyway" when she leaves the academy. Chapter closed in her mind: she loved and pined from a distance and that was that. Every now and then she'll see another woman with Marcille's build or her shade of hair and be like ":( I miss her..." But then just kinda move on with her day. Same with when she's going through her own spellbook and finds a note that Marcille left her/correction that she made-- she'll smile fondly and reminisce about how much Marcille doted on her, and then move on.
Sometimes she thinks about contacting Marcille but convinces herself that it's too late (she spent too many months focusing on getting Laios healthy again and didn't mean to go no contact, but ah well). It's only when she has a practical reason to be reaching out that would also benefit Marcille ("Marcille is studying dungeons and we need a trustworthy mage to go with us to the dungeons") that she feels like she's allowed/that it wouldn't just be 100% a nuisance.
I almost think she didn't expect Marcille to reply at all, only to get a telegraph (or some in-universe equivalent of express mail, maybe magical pigeon carrier) that's like. EN ROUTE TO ISLAND. LETTER TO FOLLOW. and she freaks out like AAAA LAIOS SHE SAID YES WE HAVE TO CLEAN UP NOW.
I do think getting a response accidentally sparks a little hope in her, judging by the way she acts in the chp 57 flashback-- she's pouty that Marcille sees her as a kid, gets really worked up about being presentable, and then tries to play it cool when she actually meets Marcille (as if she didn't freak out and force Laios to shave while rambling a mile a minute about Marcille). She's an adult now, really and truly, and she's seen and survived things that her 18 yr old self would have never even imagined-- then all of a sudden, the person she was in love with since she was ten years old appears, and she's so desperate to be seen as mature and competent. She's trying soooo hard to impress Marcille with her newfound combat and dungeoneering experience...
Only to fall right back into their old dynamic. RIP. At least she gets the girl eventually, even if it takes dying twice and being the core catalyst behind an almost-apocalypse.
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theviolenttomboy · 4 months
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(cue Laios and his puppy dog eyes)
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the-pea-and-the-sun · 2 months
its so funny how fan redesigns of chilchuck and snufkin are so similar. not funny exactly its pretty awesome i jus dk how it happened. but fuck yea give those guys tails an more hair !!! shade the bridge of their noses !!! those dudes r creatures !!
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jellisdraws · 5 months
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“He’s perfectly harmless. Me? I’ll show you what your grey matter looks like if you so much as touch him.”
Sketch of Ceres and Caustus - he’s getting big as we level up (we just hit 4)
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nukacourier · 4 months
Sorry to post something not entirely Fallout related but. Laios Dunmeshi would thrive in the Fallout world. He'd hear about people eating giant roaches and crab men and giant mutated lizards and would simply ascend from the sheer joy of the notion
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koszmarnybudyn · 6 months
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Hermie creature
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themintman · 4 days
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N e ways here's Jack's actual design for the au I posted about the other day lmao
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Love this sorrowful lizard.
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creaturetap · 1 month
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can u post boobs on tumblr now i dont remember. better safe than sorry i suppose
anyway, homebrew drow features from the campaign im in. moth features my beloved <3 <3 <3 <3
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greatkittydream · 7 months
The creature from the dungeon 2
Aafje pov
"Big sis was talking to some weirdos not that it mattered we are on our way to the dungeon, but that is okay now that he's gone we will get to dungeon now and she will be forced to spend time with me". Gushing an excitement but keeping it in her mind as much as she wanted to squeal and move around she knew she couldn't. If her sister caught her now it would be ruinous. So she will settle for just being excited.
Ada pov
Hey Stone, I have a question for you which route do you think would be more profitable dropping straight down to floor 150. Or gambling it and dropping down to floor 160.Aye Well that would depend on how much we're willing to gamble. The dungeon may have reset the monsters down there by now; it's about that time of the month for the monsters to be renewed; we could run into some nasty beasties. At the same time though that also means the loot would be fresh if I were a follower of hashoot I would say absolutely luckily for you I'm not a follower of greed. so how about we do the sensible thing and drop down to 150 or 155.
Lionheart butted in onto the conversation. I'd say we go down to 160 there will be tougher opponents down there. and it's been a while since I've had it actually exercise some force against an opponent. You can get all the fights you want just know if you die I'm skinning your scaly ass. but if it were up to me I'd say we stick somewhere around the 150s we just got our tank back and we need to get some practice.
If it's any constellation I just leveled up last mission. Raxs spoke up. I don't know if that changes anything but my overall magical power and physical power has increased.
Well good on you that brings you up to 35 right. Keep that up and we might reach 40 by the end of the year, I tell you what we dropped down to floor 155 explore Maybe, maybe hit 165 and I'll buy you an ail, Dwarven promise.
Well thank you Stone it's been a bit since I've had some good drinks. you know which Tavern will take us the last one we went to kind of hates us now. Well it's their fault for calling me a Kobalt. I'm a noble Dragonborn not some lesser-born dragonkin. Did you really have to keep the bar through the window though all he said is he's never seen a Kobalt that big before he was obviously new to the city, probably any city. And that's exactly why he is still alive. I took pity on the boy if it were any more prouder of my skin or sadistic he would have been very dead by now.
so. Interrupting this conversation knowing full world this would just devolve into banter We're heading to 155 and then making our way down. A resounding I came from the group. Well then let's not dilly-daddle. with that the groups are making their way to the teleportation Customs room. When using a teleportation Crystal you must go through this room in order to vent out any possible monsters, parasites, diseases or other illegal Goods that can be smuggled out of the dungeon or are potentially dangerous to The Wider population.
They didn't notice was a figure slinking away back into the crowd making his way to a familiar looking face.
Vect pov
Floor 155 huh.
That is correct my Lord. responded a kneeling dark elf whose hair is black as night.
Let's give him 10 minutes that should give them time to orient themselves and potentially collect some loot for us. Lilith get your weapons ready and be sure to inform the others of what's going to happen.
As you wish. and with that he left.
Jacob pov
Jacob had found himself in a cave system, an expansive one from what he's gathered. He did the echo test and from what he gathered from it this cave Network seems like it could go on for Miles potentially.
Normally people would start freaking out and praying that they could live. After all, they were potentially kidnapped by something Supernatural. Jacob isn't like most people, He's thinking of every logical explanation he can find if only out of denial.
Walking out for what felt like hours occasionally taking a drink of his water bottle he dropped it. looking down to bend over to pick it up he noticed something startling. "My stomach's gone” looking down he noticed the large portion of fat missing.
Normally people will be ecstatic at losing weight being healthy but Jacob he needed those fat stores if he was going to survive potentially long tracks without food. not to mention whatever caused this rapid loss of fat could not be healthy. Quickly lifting up his shirt to see abs?
"What the hell is happening? I know for a fact I did not work on any musculature in my stomach region even if I lost 20 lb from the looks of it. I should not be showing musculature to this extensiveness” Looking over his body.
what had once been a very lean body with very little musculature had become A still rather lean body with obvious musculature looking more like a Roman statue.
Most people would be thankful to God for this, Jacob wasn't he knows damn well this was not natural in the slightest. The body generates muscle mass by tearing muscle fibers and then regrowing them thicker after use. whatever is happening to him cannot be good.
"Okay let's calm down. I'm more than likely in some type of illegal experimentation focusing on creating natural enhancements for people that are too lazy to go to the gym. I can think of a lot of pharmaceutical companies that would do this, or even governments".
**deep breath in deep breath out**
Okay let's make the best of a bad situation. when normally gaining muscle you will also become more flexible because you also mess with attendance while moving well I cannot confirm at the moment.
I can take an educated guess and assume I will not be as flexible; most of this muscle appears to have just grown. As disturbing as this is this could prove beneficial if… physical means are needed to ensure survival.
With shaky hands he begins tracing the muscle outline along his body and a curious way still thoroughly freaked the hell out and scared but also rather curious of his new situation. He began testing the limits of his physical capability and he proved right as well.
Yes his muscular sure did increase his physical strength by many orders of magnitude. But he is still not more flexible this is also messed with his Center of balance as he's unused to the weight distribution he is currently under.
**Tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap**
Looking over his shoulder he saw a small child running towards him with tears in her eyes. Not even looking where she was running she had bumped into his leg and Fallen flat on her butt. looking up with teary eyes she saw him and had a look of Horror.
The first things he noted were her more pointed ears. The next thing he noticed was a deathly Pale Man chasing after her with similarly pointed ears except his eyes were as black as night.
And then a few more men of similar Look to Him showed up they had all focused on the child completely ignoring him. the girl had backed away from Jacob not noticing the men behind her until one of them grabbed her by her hair.
omecay erehay oungyay ingthay i'llyay ebay uresay otay aketay oodgay arecay ofyay ouyay i'llyay oldhay illstay iyay ightmay evenyay etlay ouyay enjoyyay isthay.(It's Pig Latin if you're curious)
The man pulled her quickly to his face looking like he was about to kiss her.
Whoa Bad Touch Bad Touch. quickly running up and grabbing the man by his shoulder pushing him away he accidentally launched him back a good 5ft. The little girl fell back and clung to his leg for dear life it didn't take too much to understand what was happening.
Well it did a lot, this was an elf somehow and he didn't know exactly what was happening but he knew it sure as shit not to let something like this happen in front of him.
I'm going to say this one time you touch a child in front of me I'm going to skin you alive and use your fucken Shinbone as a flute. growl at the end.
owhay oday ouyay inkthay ouyay areyay otay alktay otay usyay ikelay atthay eway areyay ordlay exvay ersonalpay ounselcay andyay ouyay illway obeyyay ouryay emandsday . ateverwhay ouyay areyay andyay opstay eakingspay inyay ouryay arbaricbay anguagelay. uckingfay ongrelmay. spit entered Jacob's face.
3 hours earlier
Ada pov
Ada and her friends have begun to make progress towards the dungeon on the 156th floor now. They were in a marsh swamp land that had either swarming monsters using large numbers to overwhelm opponents.
Or singular strong monsters there was no in between. some of the monsters in this area included killer Hornets and greater snap Jaws AKA alligator.
The party agreed to set up camp here although not having gone up not but one floor. The next floor was the most aggravating part of this entire dungeon to most parties. It was a labyrinth most people skip it but seeing as they are trying to not get attention of raid monsters they can't exactly just use teleportation Magic. They decided they'll do this later and spend the time setting up camp and grinding on Monsters to see if they can get any good loot drops.
Stone can be seen setting up the tents along with his mini Forge. although a common stereotype that all drawers can forge it is true. After all you don't have to be a blacksmith but you have to know how to fix your own stuff.
Raxs Can be seen putting up a wall using trees and Moats he is digging. Lionheart was somewhere in the area clearing out monsters. And Ada was setting up magical wards to keep the more demonically charged creatures at Bay.
**swish swish crack thunk.**
Raxs had almost been hit with a magical crossbow bolt, Without years of experience and the instinct to dodge he would have been killed. Just like the tree he was setting into place beside him was snapped in half.
The other bolt was making its way towards Stone. He had the luck of being near his Anvil at the time. A magically imbued item which gave it extreme resilience to all form of damage allowing it to handle even the strongest of materials to work with.
Without uttering a single word the party left into action understanding what was happening. Dungeon killers, fellow dungeoneers that would kill and steal the loot off of those that had more wealth or had just been weakened. The most frowned and scorned upon are the community.
Ada herself assesses the situation. crossbows were a newer development. They allowed for greater power at a lower fire rate. They could also be enchanted more than a bow. And with the Power released from those bolts it won't surprise her if there's some pretty hefty enchantments on the crossbows that fired them.
Her face formed into a scowl. She never liked hurting people, It was the job of the nobility to protect those that cannot themselves. With that said however those that would pray upon fellow dungeoneer weren't people in her eyes.
# Fourth level Divine protection.
Fourth level divide protection is a magical barrier that can be applied to up to 10 people, Or concentrated on fewer to make it stronger at first level it can stop physical attacks relatively well. At second level it provides protection against magical attacks as well. At the third level it provides close to immunity to physical attacks. At fourth level it provides close to immunity to magical attacks. At fifth level it provides immunity to Enchanted items. This process will repeat itself until the 10th level although theoretically possible to go higher no one has achieved it so far.
Raxs and stone were not idle either, for raxs part being away from his great Shield only having his Morning Star by his side got into a locking position. Bringing his left arm forward and bending it. This turned the platemail into a solid shape with few gaps effectively turning it into a shield.
Readying his right with the morning star in it to strike his opponents come near. Raxs was a reactionary tank; he needed his opponent to make the first move before he made his decision. And not seeing the enemy only knowing the general direction he decided to wait.
Stone duck behind his anvil Ada could already hear him patting and cursing around for his weapon. haha, found it now you little fucks are going to get it. Stone, had in her humble opinion a very creative language well dwarves are known to be crude he was creatively crude. When I'm done with you I'm going to turn your fucken guts into a bagpipe and play a nice tune at your funeral.
Stone is waving around his weapon angrily while wielding a double-sided Hammer ax. with heavy enchantments the hammer side of the weapon is Enchanted to wear when it smashes into a Target it will cause ice to freeze around the struck in Target or area. the ax is imbued with Fire magic meaning when it hits a Target it will unleash a torrent to flames.
Pointing her finger into the air and releasing Illusion magic she releases an explosion of multiple colors. She just informed their damage dealer that they were in trouble. Depending on how far he went out he should be back in either a few seconds or a few minutes that is if he isn't already beating the crap out of them.
# 2 level Dark Thorn bindings
Dark Thorn bindings is a magical can trip which summons a binding thorn bush from the cursed continent the higher the level the stronger the restrictions are.
Pitch Black Vines covered in thick Thorns appear out of the ground around raxs and stone. Ada for her part was left untouched it appeared they value taking out the melee fighters of the group before the ranged.
A volley of four bolts was unleashed. Ada's magical barrier had lit up in a bright flash of blue protecting her and stone. Around the group eight figures could be seen jumping out Dark Elves covered in black leather, wielding weapons Intended to cause as much pain and suffering as possible jagged and poisoned.
One of the figures was rushing his way towards the unarmored stone. Jumping high into the air with a deathly scream prepared to bring down two daggers into Stone's eyes. The daggers themselves looked more similar to meat hooks with how jagged and serrated they were.
Stone's arm was wrapped in the thick black Vines piercing into his skin a little. for any other opponents this would have been disastrous, unable to avoid the attack. or use his two-handed weapon.
The dark elves made one mistake however they attacked a party of dungeon delving nobility. Each one of their levels five times out of a normal person and at level 37 this dwarf is going to kick their ass. Ripping one of his arms free pulling Vines out of the dirt gripping his weapon at the middle of the pole and Swinging hard. The hammer side of the weapon made contact with the jaw of the dark elf.
Dark Elves perceive time at a slower rate than most species when in fighting. Using Speed and Agility to outmaneuver their opponents. This cocky dark elf had jumped into the air hoping to land a fatal blow making it to where he couldn't use any of his natural advantages.
From a dark elves perspective he could feel the hammer making contact with his cheek, As it broke Teeth and Jawbone alike slowly spreading through it. Almost as in slow motion he could feel his cheek flesh tearing as broken teeth fragments flew out of the other side ripping holes in his other cheek as he was sent away.
Being launched this side with a great force his back slammed into a half-made wall. A deafening crack Was Heard his spine along with several ribs were probably just broken. Ripping free from the depressingly low level spell. Stone was counting for his part. He knew that with him immobilized they would take the charge to him. and so he counted on them to do it full of false confidence thinking that he was immobilized.
That's one of your fucken sadistic cunts, So who's next.
One of the Dark Elves was spinning in the air using a cloak to hide where he exactly was in the General shape of it Landing next to his Fallen comrade. Pulling out a vial of red liquid and pouring it down the gullet of the dark elf that had been brutally struck down. Launching back up with a vigor sit down dark elf was back and he was staring that dwarf dead in the eyes.
The eight Dark elves started circling around the group creating two circles going in opposite directions of each other. There Capes kept fluttering about to disorient their opponents. Four more bolts fired off this time aim for Ada seeing where this was going to go she prepared a spell to create dirt golem. When the arrows bounced off her magical Shield she activated it.
From out of the earth a 8 ft tall vaguely humanoid shape stood up. Dirt golem your instructions are to block any incoming projectiles and try to keep melee Fighters at bay. with bright green eyes they flashed a bit brighter understanding its mission.
Seeing a dark elf get a bit too far away from the pack the golem extended its arm as a massive dirt surge out of its arm like a pillar. The pillar of dirt slammed into the dark elf wrapping around its body. As the dirt wrapped around his chest and back it pulled him in, crushing him with all the strength in that column of dirt. when it was brought face to face with the Golem the Golem brought him into its body to suffocate the dark elf.
With a muffled Scream the dark elf was completely absorbed into the golem. The Golem expanded ballooning out and then quickly compressed Itself. With a definite crunch blood could be seen seeping through the golem, it's eyes its mouth and any other whole or crack blood was pouring out.
The dark elf party paused for a moment and then the dirt golem spat out the crunched body bone poked through skin and all separate angles limbs bent in ways that they weren't meant to. The Golem completely uncaring Scanning for any projectiles that could potentially harm its master.
Tearing their head towards the direction it was coming from the pitch black swamp, this sound of thunderous footsteps along with the squelching of mud and water. leaping out from that Darkness was Lionheart they're Dragonborn. Spinning in the air and delivering a thunderous kick he knocked the head clean off of one of the dark elves.
The head itself was launched with such a great force that even while missing a jaw and most of its neck it still managed to get sent into the darkness of the swamp. The body did several summer souls in the air before falling on the floor.
Slamming his fist together the Dragonborn showed a vicious you're in fighting monsters was fun and all but fighting people was even funner in his opinion.
Thank you for sacrificing yourself to bring me entertainment. Your screams are suffering shall be told for Legends after our deaths in the dungeon community.
You'll be told about as myth and legends. Because the ass beating I'm about to give you will be unlike any other so prepare yourselves.
All was going well. Except for one tiny problem in the midst of the commotion, blood splattered onto Ada's bag normally she would just be upset about having to clean it but a scream was heard from it. and she recognized it for whatever inconceivable reason her sister was in that bag.
The dark elves capitalizing on this rushed for the back the six melee units left head formed up a wall near as the ranged opponents went to go grab it. Thinking Fast she sent out a gust of wind powerful enough to launch the range units back to feet. This also had the effective knocking her sister out of the bag.
Aafje was Now next to the Headless corpse in a pool of its blood she let out a terrified shriek as tears began to swell in her eyes. Holding on to anything she could as if it would save her from this nightmare. Ada could tell from here these bastards were getting off on her suffering.
Aafje RUN. standing up and starting to run, the four dark Elves started to give chase Ada was about to launch a lightning bolt at those mongrels but the dark elves had a trick up their sleeve. Using a counter scroll her magic was launched back at her her Shield protected her from the brunt of it but she still suffered a minor burn on her left hand.
One of the Dark Elves fired up bolt at her feet tripping Aafje up. As she fell on her back the thing she was holding revealed to be a teleportation crystal. Aafje was screaming crying mess she Unleashed magic into the crystal sending her to some random floor on the dungeon.
And a bright flash of light she was gone.
Use the tracing Crystal and follow her, we can use her as Leverage. one of the brat bastards said. Before she or her party could do anything they had used the crystals on hand they had.
It would appear that we are now at an impasse. So here's what's going to happen: we're going to stop fighting, you're going to put down your weapons and you're going to tie this rope around yourself. and if you don't well I'm sure that little elf wouldn't mind having some Noble blood put into her.
Lionheart looked like he was about to go feral with them out of growling and baring of teeth shown. Ada wasn't much far off high Elves were typically very composed But in this moment years of training to be eloquent when out the window.
Fine Raxs spoke out. Just know when they get back I'm going to rip your spine out.
we'll see. Was all that was uttered by a soon to be dead man.
jacob pov
Wiping the spit out of my face I knew how this was going to end. I could give up the child and be left alone. Or I can listen to my morality and fight these guys. Sometimes I wish my morality wasn't so strong.
let's see or going up against taking a closer look at the group there was four of them clad in Black cloaks in what appear to be miniature daggers with very serrated edges. “Fuck the only winner of a knife fight is the man dying on his way to the hospital”.
Jacob had set a plan into motion he accepted he was probably going to die. But giving your life for a child isn't the worst way to die. Picking her up he hurt her squeak
“aww that's just fucken adorable”.
Holding her from under her armpits he could see her role of her knees and hold on to his hands he was holding her in front of him as if to hand it to the dark elf.
She began muttering something in a language he didn't understand holding on to his arms as if begging. When the dark elf got close enough to grab her he launched his foot square into the dark elf's dick. “ If you're not fighting dirty you're not fighting at all”.
Pulling the child he has to dub squeak into his chest and spin back around into a roundhouse kick square into the elves chest that was currently holding his ruptured testicles in pain. when the kick landed he forgot his own strength and balance for a moment when it landed he'd definitely felt something break he also fell flat on his back.
Knowing the dark elves most likely are out of their stunt he began to roll backwards holding the child in his arms. just in time too as a dagger landed where his face was. Grabbing dirt and gravel from the floor and throwing it at the dark elves face.
The dark elf fluttered its cloak around its face blocking all the dirt and gravel that would have hit it. such a childish unarmed move would never land against the noble Elegance of a dark elf. This creature should be honored it was about to die to their hands.
And then the elf got punched in the face. Well not what Jacob hoped for, it still obscured the vision and one not to waste an opportunity launched with a speed he didn't know he had. Or at least shouldn't have had and gave a mean uppercut to where the general idea of the face was lending it on the left side of the jaw and sending the dark elf into the sky. it was lights out.
“Holy shit balls I'm actually doing this, how the fuck am I doing this”. Jacob had zero confidence in himself but somehow he was surviving. Out of the corner of the eye he saw the other two making their sprint towards him. hopping back and forth between each other hoping to disorient him. Thinking quickly he grabbed the dark elf's body as it was falling to the ground now, one arm having the child capped around his elbow and waist and the other holding on to the face of the dark elf that he had just knocked out.
Holding the dark elf up as a human shield and hopes of deterring then from getting closer or at the very least use him as a human shield. The dark elves took it in stride and began circling him. This reminded Jacob of something when guts from berserk fought those assassin dudes. Unlike Guts he isn't a master swordsman that can scare the shit out of demons. jumping back into the corner of a wall he heard a faint scheduling behind him but paid it no mind.
“Normally having your back against a wall in a fight is a horrible idea but seeing as how these pedophiles use teamwork it's the best option I can come up with”.
The dark elves pause and take a moment to consider what to do from here, they don't have their arranged weapons they left it back at the camp in chase of the girl. They're obviously High tier opponent is some sort of Monk class. Getting into a wall like that stop them from doing their techniques.
Setting the girl down behind him he quickly took off his shirt this perplexed. And he waited for them to make the first move. The one previously writing In pain had been drinking something and gotten up. Brandishing his own dagger frothing at the mouth and rage it said something.
atwhay areyay ouyay aitingway orfay illkay imhay.
All three launched at him at once more than he wanted but hopefully this will work. throwing his shirt forward towards the directions of the daggers all of them aimed for his midsection. They pierced through the shirt but did its job with how Jagged they were their weapons were now stuck in the fabric.
Not wasting any time, the one that had just got up he slugged right in the cheek. the next one spinning around doing a poorly conducted back fist towards the back of the second one's head. his hand throbbed he had just potentially braking something.
The final one had gotten the knife free but it been too late charging forward grabbing the knife-wielding wrist and using his other had to grab the back of the left knee. Raised him behind to the sky and slammed him onto the ground using his shoulder. he felted crack the same hand that was on the knee was now forward and slammed down onto the face breaking the nose.
**Huff Huff Huff Huff Huff Huff**
Taking a moment to assess the situation and adrenaline beginning to calm down he took in the situation. There was a child now clinging to the back of his leg saying something over and over and over again. go and take a guess and say that's thank you. for currently unconscious murderers and pedophiles.
And he was now shirtless having to look after a small child. “Well To the victor goes the spoils”, taking a quick moment to take the Cape of one of them to replace his torn shirts with the benefit of having a hoodie and taking all four of their bags.
It doesn't matter what's inside they have stuff. Slinging his back in the four others around one of his arms and picking up the small girl with the other lending her rest on his elbow he began to March forward.
Back where the group had been unconscious, the one that had been uppercut it began to arise and use what he had managed to hide to wake up his fellow dark elves.
That rat bastard when we find him we'll make his suffering legendary.
**Scuttle Scuttle Scuttle**
Turning around their anger turned to horror, monsters were flooding out of the walls they were warded off by the presence of a raid boss. but now since it was gone they could do as their Instinct told them.
Centipedes spiders of all varying sizes came out but none smaller than that of a wolf.
One centipede took charge of each one of its mandibles the size of a great sword.
**AAAAAHH– squelch. munch crunch munch crunch munch.**
Chapter 2 end
the scene where those elves got eaten think of it like the scene from Kong Skull Island where all those insects came out the Woodworks. also please inform me if I'm doing better or worse in writing u/qeze for the advice in writing tools he gave me.
Previous https://www.tumblr.com/greatkittydream/742254581036302336/the-creature-from-the-dungeon-1?source=share
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blujaydoodles · 1 month
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I can't remember whether I ever posted this guy? Drex 'Pooka' Berenockt is Melliwyk's homunculus servant, because she may already have two familiars and the tiny servant and unseen servant spells but none of those things have hands and an intelligence higher than 2. he has wings modeled after an earwig's origami'd into a back panel and he curls down into a sphere when he's deactivated. he is also A Leetol Guy and I love him 😌
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lazlolemur · 4 months
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Art trade me realize I’ve never posted my dear changeling Klyde’s (he/she) real form onto here! And thus telling on myself about my tastes in monsters but alas
Artwork by scribblemakes!
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possamble · 5 months
I like the way you think. Do you have a farcille playlist and would you be willing to share it
thank you!!!
all ive got so far is just a very lighthearted chill vibes one
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