#the current fronter is..............
rainbowkuriboh · 8 months
i feel really bad fronting
i know i have trouble speaking out loud
i know when i front i have a tendency to make us shut down
i feel like i make things worse
it makes me feel guilty
at the same time
i know sometimes it protects us and makes us feel safer in certain situations
which don't happen as often lately
but it could happen again
we never know
it's never completely safe
i'm always ready and waiting
even if it makes things harder sometimes
and i feel bad about it
i wish i wasn't this way
i wish i didn't have to be this way
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crabussy · 1 year
being a system is wild because I'll go FUUUCK I NEED TO SLEEP ITS SO LATE and the Sleep Robot will come and wrench the bodily controls from my feeble grasp and snork mimimi faster than you can say "was that moon from five nights at freddys security breach"
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All About Headspaces!
We thought it would be a good idea to write a post on headspaces (or inner worlds) as we understand them. This post will contain information that we’ve learned along with our personal experiences. No two headspaces work the same way, and no two systems will experience headspaces in a similar fashion, so don’t be alarmed if your system’s headspace functions differently from what we describe in this post!
What is a headspace?
A headspace (or inner world) is an imagined, fantasized place that exists within a person’s mind. Headspaces are not exclusive to systems - all sorts of people can build or create their own headspaces. Many created systems or paromancers may call their headspaces “wonderlands,” but they’re in essence the same thing. Any system member can start the process of visualizing a headspace, and as other members are included and collaborate together, their headspace can grow to involve the whole system and become a place of solace and rest.
The creation of mental “safe spaces” is often used in therapy for treatment of anxiety, PTSD, and other mental illnesses. When feeling overwhelmed, it can be immensely beneficial to have a gentle, peaceful place in your mind you can return to in order to calm down and relax. Headspaces are a skill taught in dialectical behavior therapy, and many therapists may incorporate building headspaces into their patients’ treatment plans.
Who can have a headspace?
Nearly everyone is capable of building and maintaining their own headspace! The one example we can think of for individuals who may struggle to create a headspace are folks with aphantasia. Since headspaces are visualization tools, those who are incapable of visualizing places within their mind might find themselves unable to create a headspace.
You don’t have to have DID in order to create a headspace, you don’t have to be a system, you don’t have to be traumatized or even struggle with mental illness! Headspaces are for everyone, regardless of ability or state of being.
Are headspaces the same as paracosms?
In our experience, if headspaces and paracosms are not the same, they are incredibly similar. Both are imagined worlds that exist within the minds of the people who create them. Our paracosm exists as a part of our headspace, and many other folks may find their paracosms are similarly connected to their headspaces!
Are headspaces physical places?
No, headspaces are imagined or fantasized places and only exist within the minds of those who create them. While experiences within the headspace may seem quite vivid or feel visceral and may even have physical consequences and effects on each individual, events that take place inside the headspace are not happening in a physical sense.
Some systems with particular spiritual beliefs may understand their headspaces as physical places which exist in alternate dimensions or somewhere else in the universe. While these individuals are deserving of having their experiences heard and taken seriously, most headspaces in fact do not function in this way.
How can I make my own headspace?
To start, try to find a calm, quiet environment where you can be by yourself for a while. Close your eyes, and try to imagine the first piece of your headspace. This can be an area like a beach or a meadow, or something simpler like a plant or a piece of furniture. As you imagine this space or item, ask yourself questions like:
- What does this place or object look like?
- What does it feel like? If I imagine myself touching the object, or the things in the place around me, what textures might I encounter?
- What does it smell like? What does it sound like? How does it make me feel?
Envision using all 5 of your senses to imagine this place or object. Once you have a pretty good idea of what it looks, feels, smells, and sounds like, spend a little time just sitting in your space or with your object. Then, take a break from visualizing. Later, come back to it and try to imagine everything exactly as you did before. By leaving and coming back to it regularly, you can help ensure your headspace can somewhat exist even when you’re not actively thinking about it!
If you need help finding inspiration for your headspace, you can turn to image sites like Pixabay, Unsplash, or Pinterest to help you discover what helps you feel calm and safe. If you have access to other members of your system, perhaps consult with them to see what they’d like to have in a headspace and what you could create that would help them feel safe and comfortable.
Once you are able to comfortably and reliably access the place or item you’ve created, feel free to repeat the process to add to your headspace! Our system created our headspace in this way, and by this point it is a vast world full of different areas for our alters to exist in when they’re not fronting. But it started with one room - a living room with quilts tossed over couches, rugs all over the floor, and big, bright windows with sunflower curtains. Gradually we added rooms, then an outside, turning it into a treehouse, and just kept expanding from there!
Wrapping up
We know this post doesn’t go into much detail, but we hope this is useful to folks as a bit of an introduction to headspaces, what they are, and how to go about making one! We’re including some links below to posts and articles about headspaces and inner worlds - hopefully they can help even more! Best of luck to y’all with your endeavors to create a headspace that fills you and your system with peace and comfort!
^ this link uses “tulpamancy” language - our system has switched to “paromancy” language, which is less racist and less culturally appropriative! the guides on tulpa websites are still quite useful, but we wanted to include a disclaimer on the terminology.
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(Image ID:) A pale orange userbox with a cluster of multicolored flowers for the userbox image. The border and text are both dark orange, and the text reads “all plurals can interact with this post!” (End ID.)
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the-withering-system · 3 months
We love when our parents take our changes in personality as an explicit attack on them, instead of the dissociative disorder they know you have.
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vexedallay · 2 months
2, 15 and 26 for the ask game? /nf
2. show us a picture of your handwriting?
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Our handwriting changes constantly lol. There are some pages in notebooks and things that have like 5-10 different handwritings, and not just because we were switching. But this is it right now!
15. what do you think of when you hear the word “home”?
The feeling of the other members of my system surrounding me /pos
26. fave colour and why?
Currently, white lol. It's because I'm Quixis rn and that's my color coding, that's literally it-
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gumy-shark · 1 month
plurality will have you forming parasocial relationships with people that don’t even exist in real life
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irojewne · 1 year
i love love love lesbians i lvoe my lesbian friends i love lesbian stories i love lesbian pictures i love lesbian ocs i love lesbian songs i love butches i love femmes i love studs i love pillow princesses i love stone tops i love nonbinary lesbians i love trans lesbians i love lesbian headcanons i love lesbian ways of existence i love seeing lesbians happy and safe if ur a lesbian u should make everyone venmo you 400 dollars
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not-the-organ · 3 months
/ they give heart a flower, it smells nice. /
(Heart has been messing around and causing minor problems that go unnoticed, probably overlooked by whatever Soul has been doing. He was in his room when he was suddenly given the flower. They squint at it for a few moments and then set it on their bedside table, clapping their hands together happily.)
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thespacehound · 5 months
Going through the blog archive on lawisnotmocked is something that can be so personal (derogatory)
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gardenssystem · 1 year
I was finally able to purchase a few of what you might call "creature comforts". Those being: a tunic, a pair of comfortable cotton linen pants, a hookah, and the more essential trans tape.
I experience the worst dysphoria in our system, and have much difficulty fronting for more than a few days usually. I would like to be able to front longer. The difference in time period to the one that I am accustomed to also shocks me back into headspace quite often. I am hoping that being able to wear familiar clothing after binding with the tape will help quite a lot.
- Laucian
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forshadowing · 9 months
typed a whole post out and then googled something quickly mid-sentence. new term learned!
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our-inspire-verse · 1 year
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*looks at calendar* damn. That was a little over a month after he became front stuck and it was right before. The Trip.
Anyway. Thought it would be silly to just post it since it would erase the date.
Zim is still the main of our 3 hosts, and fronts most often to this day. Funny how things change.
The system basically got cut in half within almost 1 day, and then slimmed even more after that.
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thenetvvork · 2 years
I think my most toxic trait is that i would smoke out of a pickle Rick glass pipe
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Oh mods Grian and Scar we're really in for it now (ref to the one Ariana Grande meme)
Kinfession I (Red Son) always was annoyed by Mei's constant puppy video spam but now that she's not here I miss her :((
Mei kins/fictives hmu/j
Awwww I get that entirely :[ I hope you can find a Mei who is just as silly and annoying with the spam as you remember!!
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rq-slashers · 2 months
okay okay !!!! a really good friend of mine is a median sys so they’ve explained it to me and it makes sense i think ^_^
it’s really nice to understand u guys more ! i hope to get 2 know you all in tha future :}
also “sunshine” AWWWW !!! ( it’s literally my tag but hhhh )
— ☀️
oh epic, i waz kinda worried i wazn't explaining very well 😭 idk how much the otherz will post on here/uze their signoffz but i'll be yappin for sure !!!! n you can send however many azkz u want or azk 2 talk 2 some1 in particular whenever :3 /nf
im soooooo much nicer than toby fr (lying) /silly
-severzz 😍 (trying 2 decide if i like it more w 1 z or 2,,,,,,)
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theweebsystem · 7 months
opinions on moths
I think they're neat 👍 - Makoto
They're very pretty. - Chidori
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