#the cutening
audi-art · 4 months
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Keepsakes!! 💜🩵🩷
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masteroffakesmiles · 11 months
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goofyrpmaniacs · 1 year
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R: Alright, let’s figure out how to stop this. Oh but before that…*turns to Zekko*
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Z: What?
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*Roxanne hugs him out of cuteness overload*
R: OHMYGODMYBOYFRIENDISSOCUTE!!! I just wanna squish your cheeks like this *squishes Zekko’s cheeks* If anyone made a plushie out of you right now, I’d hug it everyday!! *squeeeeee*
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friendshipgirl · 2 years
The Re-Cutening
It was just another exhausting night after yet another attempt of world domination gone wrong. Tired from today, the five lab mice walk back home.
"Brain, I told you that those guys were not gonna fall for that mind controlling taffy," Raven said.
"I guess they didn’t like candy. Maybe we should have checked before we went all Willy Milly Nilly. ZORT!" Said Pinky.
"Don’t remind me," Brain muttered.
Daniel couldn’t help but to find that everything… bleak. He then looked around himself. Everything seemed to be bleak. In front of him was an ugly sewer rat that chewed on its tail before he hissed at Daniel, grossing him out.
"I wish everything could be more cuter for at least a while…" The yellow eyed mouse sighs, "I just want things to go smoothly for once."
Suddenly, something grabbed onto Daniel's tail. Looking down, there stood a huge, green snake with blue eyes and sharp teeth. The snake hissed, making Daniel flinch. Suddenly, a black and white cat jumped on top of it. Daniel shakes his head at the sight. If everything was cute for a while, things could be a lot better. It could even be a motivation for world domination by chance… under Brain's approval that is. Just as they made their way down the streets, they passed a bakery and something in the window caught Daniel's eye that made him reverse a bit. It was a plate of super adorable cupcakes smiling and dancing. One of them winked at Daniel, who had a huge grin on his face as he takes out a dollar.
Later at the lab, the exhausted mice soon get to their cage with Daniel carrying his cupcake in a box. It was difficult for him to get it in the cage before he finally sets it down, wiping the sweat of his forehead.
"Hey Danny, whacha got there?" Pinky asked.
"A Cute Cupcake! I heard these were super addictive," The taller mouse beamed, "Want a bite?"
"Ooh, Daniel I think I shouldn’t," Pinky said, noticing the warning sign, "It does have one of those signs that it’s dangerous on the side,"
"Pinky, that’s just part of the box," said Daniel, rolling his eyes, "Besides, it’s just a cupcake,"
"Okay, but just be careful, Daniel," Pinky warned as he scampered to his closet to change. Daniel takes a peice of the cupcake out as Brain comes up.
"Hmm. 'Too Cute To Handle, Consmume With Caution'" He read on the box, "What a load of balcony. Cupcakes that cute isn’t gonna hurt anyone,"
"Yeah. What’s it gonna do? Make me automatically cute as well?” Daniel asked as he and Brain shared a laugh before Daniel ate the piece. Oh, how delicious it was as it was cute, the strawberry flavor and the buttercream frosting. Suddenly, and unexpectedly, Daniel’s hands began to glow pink as sparkles flew around him, surprising them both as their laughter creased.They couldn’t tell if it was from the cupcake itself, but one thing that was clear was the way Daniel started feeling funny as the pink glow traveled up his skin and the sparkles got brighter, freaking Brain out.
"Daniel…?" he asked meekly, not liking where this was going.
"Brain, What’s happening!? I’m starting to feel all sugarplums and buttercups all of a sudden!" Daniel exclaimed.
"What?" Brain asked confusingly.
"I don’t know! I am literally all rainbows! And I can’t tell if it— it—"
Suddenly, a soft pink cloud exploded around him in a puff of rainbows, stars, and hearts. Brain coughs a little and looked at Daniel, though it was hard to clearly seem him with the somewhat sweet smelling clouds in the way and showing only his shadow.
"Daniel! Are you alright!?" asked Brain in worry.
The shorter mouse tried to clear the smoke to get a better view of the young mouse looking dizzy. That is when he notices that Daniel looked a little— no— completely different. He was in a more chibi anime look, his eyes big and shiny, his cheeks all rosey red, even his tail was just a thinner line of black that formed the shape of a heart. Brain screamed in horror over what happened to him.
"What? Do I have another boogie?" Daniel asked, before looking into a nearby mirror and realizing his change in appearance, "Holy Cheese Bits, I’m a chibi anime character!"
It took about a couple of good long seconds of silence.
"Uh… Daniel," Brain started, "Don’t be alarmed, I’m sure we can—"
"IT'S SO AWESOME!!!" Daniel interrupted, "This is exactly what I wanted! To be a lot cuter after days of bleakness!"
"Daniel, how could you be so excited about that!?" Brain asked.
“Because, I always thought of myself as a cute person. Like an anime character! Or maybe a fairy tale version of myself that could never win,” Daniel explained, “But I got an actual cute little body and everything! How cool is that?"
"That is not cool at all!" Brain said, "I loved the way you were!"
"Hey, chill out Dude," Said Daniel, "I just want it to be for a while. Besides, it’s my first day with my new body and I really wanna enjoy it as much as I can. Oh, I’m so happy, I could BURST!"
Suddenly, a burst of rainbows flashed out his eyes right at the mirror, and suddenly, it was in an absolutely cute chibi anime look in adorable bubblegum pastel colors. The two mice stood in shock before Daniel looked at the mirror.
"Brain, did you see that…?" Daniel said in surprise.
"You can make everything cute!" Exclaimed Brain, "How is this possible!?"
"I don’t know, but look at it!" Daniel exclaimed happily, "It’s a lot better!"
"Better!? Daniel, how can it be better!? That cupcake is about to make the whole world cute!"
Daniel suddenly looked surprised. He did recall thinking about making everything cute for a while as world domination. Plus, it would be completely harmless to humanity and the environment. The yellow eyed mouse looked at Brain who was in a panic before smirking at him, "Say Brain. Are you pondering what I’m pondering?"
"Wait. That’s my line! And Pinky should be the one—!" complained Brain, before instantly becoming confused, "Wait… what are you pondering?"
It wasn’t long before the sly smug on the young mouse's face made the shorter mouse's eyes widen as realization strikes him like lightning. He was pondering about making him cute too!
"Woah, woah, woah! Wait a minute Daniel, we don’t have make everything cute to take over the world,” Brain exclaimed nervously.
Suddenly, Daniel stops in his tracks with an evil smile across his face as a strange feeling washed over him. He slowly begins to walk toward Brain.
"What are you doing!?" Brain demanded anxiously.
"Nothing, I was just wondering. If I wanted to, could I make everyone cute?" Daniel asked.
"Well… Uhh…" Brain said, backing away as he got really serious, "Daniel Mouse! Don’t you dare!"
"Why not? You know that if we make everyone cute, then we can rule the world,” Daniel said coldly as he continued to creep closer to Brain. The mouse gulped and stared at the grinning mouse who was now less than ten inches away from him.
"Daniel, I would agree that it would be great for taking over the world, but there is no way I’m gonna look like a creepy chibi anime creature!" Brain shouted.
"Don’t worry Brain. I’m sure you’ll get used to it," Daniel said mischievously before using the rainbow laser vision again on him. Brain exclaimed in surprise as the cute rainbows turn him into a chibi. Brain was absolutely adorable!
"Awwww, look how cute you are!" Daniel cooed at his best friend's appearance.
Brain blushed deeply in the most cutest way before covering himself with his arms.
"I am mortified…" Brain muttered to himself.
"Hey guys! Zort! What are you guys up too ov—" Pinky said as he and the girls came up before noticing how cute they were, "EGAD! You guys are adorable!"
"Pinky, say anything else and I’ll hurt you!" Brain exclaimed angrily, threatening to bop him in the head.
"What happened to you guys?" Raven asked.
"It was the cupcake. It not only made me cuter, but check it out!" Daniel said before firing at the TV, making it more colorful and bubbly.
"Oh my! You can make anything cute!" SugarBaby said happily, "Can I be cute next!?"
"Woah, wait a minute," Raven said, "If we made everything cute, it might have some messy results,"
"Come on Raven. This exactly what I wanted, to be cute for a while," Daniel said, "Plus, this could be the opportunity to take over the world!"
"That sounds motivating," Pinky said, "Well what are you waiting for Danny? Let 'er rip! Troz!"
Daniel nods before firing at them. By the time the sweet smelling clouds vanished, they were all super cute chibis.
"It worked!" SugarBaby said happily.
"Yeah!" Pinky agreed.
"It looks so real…" Raven observed, "And really weird.
"We look amazing!" SugarBaby declared.
"And we smell good! Look at us!" Pinky added happily.
"You know, this could be motivating," Brain said to himself before turning to Pinky, "Pinky, are you pondering what I’m pondering?"
"I think so Brain, but why do they cal a tomato a fruit?" Pinky asked as Raven rolled his eyes.
"No Pinky," Brain said, "If everything was cute, we’d be the cutest of all. Meaning we’d rule being cute, which means we’d rule the world! It’s that simple!"
"So this will be the day we rule the earth!?" SugarBaby asked.
"Not a doubt SugarBaby," Said Brain, "Daniel, you ready to get your wish? We’re making everything cute!"
"Got it," Daniel said with a determined look, "Let’s get kawaii!"
Later, the mice were traveling downtown as Daniel made the whole Apiverse cuter than before.
Daniel: If this trash heap had a twinkle In its little trash heap eyes If this sewer bug had rosy cheeks This bus became pint-size What if all the dogs were puppies And the puppies all were sad? What if cuttlefish were cuddly And we pedicured your dad?
If Joy's eyes sparkled and dazzled If Maya's clothes were candy canes If Blue's pawprints could talk like chipmunks If Thomas was a smaller train
What if, what if, what if The world was cuter? What if, what if, what if A little more kawaii What if, what if, what if We all rode scooters? And we'd all have our chance to shine Leaving Perfects Behind!
If all these dumb online agreements Were a chat room just for kids If you could mine for blue rock candy Found in layers of cake where you dig
If Rudolph's nose was a night light Or if Ian's staff was plush If Emmet could sneeze out butterflies Or John had anime blush If SpongeBob had a baby face If Smurfette's hair had some pink Oh, and let’s not forget Lauren If she make stars when she winks!
What if, what if, what if The world was cuter? What if, what if, what if A little more kawaii What if, what if, what if We all rode scooters? And we'd all have our chance to shine Leaving Perfects Behind!
The five mice looked around themselves, proud of their work.
"I bet they’ll go crazy over being this cute," Raven said, unsure.
"Oh, come on Raven," Said Daniel, "It’s just for a while. Besides, how overbearable can cuteness be?"
French Narrator: Four weeks of obviously overbearing cuteness later…
We then see the mice all paranoid and traumatized from how cute everything is. They were either running around screaming their heads off or rocking back forth in deep thought. This cute style was driving them all insane.
Daniel: It has only been four weeks AND NOW I'M LOOSING MY MIND!
Brain: I can’t stop singing this stupid song!
Pinky: The smiley sun makes me blind!
Raven: I’m sick of hearing giggles!
SugarBaby: I got sugar in my eyes!
Daniel: You guys pondering what I’m pondering?
Brain: Daniel, don’t do a reprise…
Daniel did do a reprise as he looses it and begins to loose his temper, trying to break something but it turns into sparkles and rainbows.
Daniel: What if, what if, what if The world was less cuter? What if, what if, what if A little less kawaii What if, what if, what if We had no scooters? ( offkey due to frustration ) I’m sick of having a chance to shine Leaving Perfects Behind!
"Okay, okay, calm down," said Brain, settling them down, "We'll figure this out. We got into this mess, we can get out of it,"
The music stops much their relief. But Brain was not relieved just yet.
"Alright! How do we turn this all back!?" Brain asked furiously.
"I’m thinking," Daniel responses, "It might have something with doing something gross,"
"I hope so," Brain said, "I have slim chances of trusting you every now and then you know. And it is horrible to be this cute when you have a squeaky toy noise when you are squeezed,"
"Okay! So let's try a different approach," Daniel says, looking at the others, "If we don’t want any of this kawaii, we should do something… NOT kawaii,"
"Like what? Narf!" Pinky asked.
"Well, I think doing something gross will turn it all back in a snap," Replied Daniel.
"Yeah, how are we supposed to find anything gross!? EVERYTHING IS CUTE!" Brain shouted.
"Okay well, we know there must be noting disgusting in the world because there must be something kawaii, unless it is too gross to be cute," Daniel said, "Remember when somethings didn’t become cute because it was too gross?"
"Of course!" Pinky replied, "There are those weird things that never become cool! Like when someone doesn’t show up in a picture and suddenly it becomes ugly!"
"Exactly. And those disgusting things that people don’t care about," added Daniel, "But what…? WHAT COULD IT BE!?"
Just then, the rat, snake and cat from before showed up unexpectedly. Those were one of the only things Daniel failed to make cute. It was like they knew he wouldn't succeed. The mice smile wickedly, but it was hard to show it because of how cute they were.
"CATCH THOSE UGLIES!" Brain yelled before they all tackled them. It wasn’t long before they got their grip, looking all crazy.
"Alright you ugly disgusting things," Brain said in a spooky tone, "Change us back!"
He then licks the rat in hopes of it turning back to normal before giving it to Pinky to have a turn. As Pinky licked it, the rat looked over to SugarBaby coving her ear with the slimy scales of the snake as Raven rubs her hair on the cat. Daniel grabs the rat and looked at it evily before licking it in a gross way as possible.
"Think it will work?" Raven asked.
"Hopefully!" Daniel answers. Suddenly , in pink clouds, the mouse turned into his usual form before the other mice went back to normal. All around them have also turned back to normal as well. Knowing that it worked, the mice cheered except for Daniel.
"Well, that is something new about Daniel Mouse." He said to the rat before letting it go along with the snake and cat. Suddenly, Daniel coughed sickly. It was painful. Just then the other mice didn’t feel so well.
"Oh no…" Brain said in dismay before he coughed again.
The next day, the mice were very ill in bed from the animal disease and are currently being treated.
"Well Brain, Pinky, I really have learned my lesson," Daniel said meekly, "I guess sometimes cuteness is overbearing even for a guy like me,"
"Don’t worry Big Brother, I’m sure once we learn a thing or two, it will pass," SugarBaby said.
"Yeah, maybe," Daniel answered sarcastically, not sounding too hopeful considering Brain's desire for taking over the world, "But not counting on it,"
"At least it was fun while it lasted. We kinda really needed it," said Raven, "Oh! And I heard you girlfriend Dot was the same too,"
"Raven, I rather talk to Brain about our plans when we get better," Daniel coughed.
"Me too," Brain said.
"Why? Wgat are you two planning on doing when we get better?" Pinky asked.
"Well Pinky, the first thing we do is recover from cuteness, and then, it’ll be the same thing we do every night," Brain responded.
"TRY TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD!" Both Brain and Daniel shouted, before coughing sickly from yelling to loud.
"I think it’s best if we lay off the cuteness for a while actually," Daniel said and the nodded in agreement.
Chorus: They’re dinky, they’re Pinky And The Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain!
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daily--cats · 3 months
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blueberrybunic · 4 months
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kangel + ame // cutenic
like/rb & credit if using ; requested by @akitonome
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muxas-world · 4 months
Cuties ❤️
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jaybutnotthebird · 2 years
The Wolf Returns
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here’s a link to the fanfiction that preceeds this comic:
sorry for the shitty quality, Im still figuring that out
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blixndbunny · 1 month
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FUCKING NEED!!!!!!!!!!!! *Throws everything across the room with my telekinesis*
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audi-art · 1 year
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My style of the cutening!!
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rozyrne · 2 months
For a minute or so now, Ewan had been admiring this particular teammate from a distance. He spotted the red bandana and wanted to introduce himself! But that’s when he noticed. This particular teammate was cute… very cute. If the mage wasn’t so confident in his own charms, he’d almost feel threatened.
“Hello! Hiya!” Ewan finally gathered his courage and approached Rosado. “Nice to meet you! I’m Ewan, and I’ll be your teammate this month!” Smiling, he reached into his pouch and pulled out some kind of fruit he found on the island. It was a type of mango, with a distinctly sweet smell. “Here! I went foraging for fruits and found this! It’s really sweet and yummy, I promise! Consider it an introduction gift, heehee.”
HAIR: WASHED. SKIN: CLEAR. CUTENESS? TOTALLY PERFECT. he was feeling his absolute best today——maybe it was something to do with the sea salt and the island breeze, the waft of palm and flora in the air, the ample sunshine.
but he was completely sure he was killing it.
too bad the games weren't set to start for another couple days, because no one'd be standing in his way otherwise! "hm, hm hm ~ ♪ " airy, aimless tune decorates his arrival wherever he goes, from the island's mess hall to the stables down to the sparkling shoreline to check out the sea life.
so was it really so surprising that he'd caught someone's eye along the way?
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"hi ewan! yes... snake pride!" a small fist pump answers the other boy's enthusiasm——which he's glad to see! a lot of his peers, he'd noticed, were taking this vacation super seriously, or a " 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐭𝐡 " and all that. and there wasn't any problem with that or anything, but it was nice to see someone else who looked just happy to be here and have a good time, maybe get in some fun competitive spirit!
examining the bright-colored peace offering extended, rosado giggles before accepting it without a question. "aw, you're so sweet. thanks." hand stows it in a pocket for later ; not too sure what he was going to do with a mango. he could eat it, of course, or maybe a treat for carmilla? "no need for gifts or exchanges though, really——we're teammates after all, right? so we're already on the same side!"
"oh, almost forgot. i'm rosado. flew all the way here from elusia, just in time for a summer getaway. can't wait to see you out there!"
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goofyrpmaniacs · 1 year
R: *runs and is in front of her*
Sh: What? Want me to make you cuter?
R: Stop this, Shayna.
Sh: Psssh! You can’t tell me what to—
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skylarmoon71 · 1 year
Aaron Hotchner- Oneshot (Criminal Minds)
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"Hotch, you need to see this."
There was a part of him that thought he knew what he was walking into. They'd just rescued a victim from an unsub that took quite a while to track. So when they got there and the man was already subdued, unconscious on the ground, Hotch was relieved.
Through their survey of the woman's house, it became apparent that this wasn't a normal freelance photographer. The many papers and maps of the DC district caught him off guard. His eyes ran over the stickers placed expertly on all the locations of the previous murders. All leading up to your house.
"We need to get her back to quantico."
It's obvious now that there are a few things he needs answered.
When they seat you in the interrogation room. Your face remains neutral. You can't say you didn't see this coming.
"Aren't you going to ask for a phone call?"
"I think the first sign of guilt is rushing to get my attorney Agent Morgan." He smiled, turning his eyes to the glass behind him.
"Good call."
No one told you why you were brought here. You had an inkling feeling you knew why though. The actual killer was probably locked up. So that could only mean one thing.
"They found the maps."
You were so sure you had this under wraps. When someone else entered, your form straightened. He oozed authority. His gait, stature, eyes. Everything about him just emitted leadership.
"My name is Aaron Hotchner. I'm the Unit Chief of this department." He brushed his tie, taking a seat. He dropped the file case onto the table, opening the folder. You swallowed.
"Why am I here?" You need to keep your voice level.
"How did you know Mr. Keller would be at your house?"
You were right.
"I saw the news. Figured I was better safe than sorry."
"There was no way to know he'd come after you specifically."
"Life is unpredictable. I was prepared. "
"I noticed the other markings in your maps. You seem to have a strange hobby."
"What can I say, maps intrigue me."
"It says here that you live alone. No family or spouse."
"Is there a question in there somewhere Agent Hotchner."
Morgan observed the interaction carefully.
"You don't seem very concerned about your position." Hotch stated
"I'm innocent. What do I have to be concerned about? You came in here and intentionally stated your name and position. A tactic used to disarm and intimidate. Your agent here was being overly friendly, building a rapport with me in hopes that I would lower my guard and unintentionally spill some kind of information on the case. Except I'm not some crazed fan, or killer. So you can drop the act. "
Morgan couldn't hide his surprise. When you realized all that you said, you pulled your hands off the table. Hotch studied the action. Your hands were now laying in your lap defensively.
On the other side of the glass Reid, Prentiss and Rossi were conversing.
"Did you see that kid?" Reid nods.
"She profiled him." Reid mutters in awe. The buzzing of Reid's phone made him look away. He answered.
"Hey Garcia."
"Hi, so I did a deep dive on your little photographer. For the most part it's pretty normal. On social media there's shots of all the gigs she's done. Her work is pretty popular. Bank accounts are average. No strange transactions. Aside from her love for fantasy romance novels online, there's nothing that even significantly suggests serial killer. "
"Why do I feel like there's a but coming?"
"Ever the genius. But! Three years ago she was involved in a shooting. She was shot point blank in a bank heist. Reid, it says here that she saved a child. Eight year old Shelly Combs. The doctors called her recovery miraculous. From what I can tell, she's a hero. After that is where it gets a bit strange."
"Strange how."
"Well I'm reading some of her online activities. Before the accident there was very little information on any kind of brain teasers. But five months ago that increased. There's these mini tournaments they hold. You basically create names and compete. It helps you interact with people all around the world. The challenges range from historical events, to math, to psychology. Just about any kind of intellectual challenge. Reid, from what I'm seeing here-"
"She's a genius..." He muttered.
"Thank you Garcia."
Reid hung up the phone, and Rossi turned.
"Good news."
"I think I figured out why she had those maps." He didn't say much more, just headed for the door. Both Hotch and Morgan turned upon his entrance. The door closed and Reid approached.
"What day were you born? "
You narrowed your eyes.
"You have the files, why are you asking me?"
"I think you know."
Hotch caught the brief look of uncertainty cross your eyes.
"March 24th, 1982. 12:25pm. Saint Bonaventure Hospital. San Jose, California. "
"How many lakes are there in Texas?"
"Seven Thousand and Three. "
"How many are natural?"
"Only one has been recorded as a natural lake. Caddo. Located in East Texas. "
"How many bones are there in the body?"
"Two Hundred and Six. Four in the leg, twenty-seven in the hands, twenty six in the foot-" You stopped yourself, exhaling heavily. When you reached to press a hand to your temple, Reid concluded his study. They'd gotten it all wrong.
"Hotch, you can let her go. She's not an unsub."
They were a little confused when Reid walked in spouting random facts, but when you started answering, it all became clear.
"You were in a shooting, that's why you still get migraines. " You frowned. This was what you had been trying so hard to avoid.
"They were right about you. Spencer Reid. The youngest to join the FBI. A genius."
"I could say the same about you."
"I'm not a genius." The insinuation alone seemed to agitate you.
"A bullet went through my head. Straight into the frontal lobe. For most people that guarantees death, but I got dumb headaches and a brain that now needs constant information to stay active. You must be pretty proud of yourself."
They realized that the topic wasn't exactly one you wanted to have.
"You were tracking the unsub, trying to solve the case." When he saw your hand ball into a fist, he knew he'd hit the mark.
"I was too late. When I saw the first body I tried triangulating the others. I had an estimate for the other two women, but when I called the precinct I kept getting denied. They thought I was another person looking for fame. The last one is where I spotted the pattern. How ironic that it led right back to me. It felt justified. Why should I live when two innocent people who didn't stand a chance lost their lives. It wasn't fair."
There was regret and shame in your eyes. All of which they could all relate too. There was very little Hotch could say that would give you a piece of mind. So he decided right then, why not give you a reason, something to help you move on.
"If you were given the chance, would you help people?"
Your eyes darted up. There's a bit of hesitance, he can see that. But also hope.
"I..." You gulp.
"I'd like to try."
That was all he needed to hear.
"So you're just like our boy wonder." Garcia was currently probing you for information. While you kept adjusting your blazer.
"Not exactly. I don't have any qualifications to be an actual agent. So I'm consulting. I've applied to start my studies in Criminology."
"But you are smart."
The statement pauses your constant fidgeting.
"I'm not." Your eyes move to Reid. He's filling out a crossword. Your eyes mark each movement.
"He'll be done in five seconds." Garcia scoffs.
"There's no way you can know that he'll be-"
"Done." Reid states, placing the paper down. When Garcia gapes at Reid, he raises a brow.
"What." Reid asks.
"It's nothing." You head for the bathroom.
You feel a bit annoyed. It was wrong of you to get riled up over this. But everytime they compared you to Reid, it felt like an insult to him. He was special. You weren't. A part of you knows you really have no place in the BAU. But you wanted to help. Regardless of your insecurities. You never even made it to the bathroom. You were just standing at the side, staring at the images of respected agents. Ironic this is where you ended up.
"Are you regretting your decision?" Hotch's voice pulls you out of your little pity party.
"I don't regret it. I just feel like I'm in high school again trying to prove I belong. "
"You have nothing to prove. I asked you to come."
"I know."
"Then you know you're capable of a lot. I didn't ask you here so you can compare yourself to anyone. I want your insight. You'll be a part of this team."
He's right. All he expected was what he already knew you were capable of. But it doesn't stop you from worrying. That at some point you'll fall short, and that will cost someone their life. So you banish the thought from your mind. For now, maybe you just have to focus on what you can control.
"What's the case?"
He just sends you a smile, and you fight back one of your own as you head to the table with the rest of the team.
As the weeks fly by, you find yourself becoming more comfortable with the team. Your very first case was a bit gruesome.
The profile has led you to believe that whoever this is, he's not reliving some traumatic childhood memory. He enjoys this. The pain it causes not just his victims, but the family. That's why when they were about to confront the unsub, you weren't in the field. You didn't have the training to be out there with them. They'd told you to stay at the station while they went through the list Garcia compiled of possible suspects.
So you wait.
But sitting around in that building was making you anxious. They've been gone for a while, yet still no word. All you'd done was step out of the precinct for a few minutes to get some air clear your head.
"Sir, right now we're working to find the man responsible. There's nothing else we can do, please go home." From the exasperated tone of the officer, you know this man has probably visited multiple times. It's understandable.
The older man turns to you, and you mean to walk over and comfort, but something about his body language is off. You aren't sure why, but you mentally go over the profile in your head.
"He may be unsuspecting. There's a good chance he'll insert himself into the investigation. A concerned relative, even a reporter."
Swallowing, you do your best to school your features.
"Is there something I can help you with?" You hope your voice isn't too shaky.
"It's just my daughter, she was taken by that monster."
His sadness lacks the usual markers you spot from a person that grieves. You take a small step back. There's no way for you to run without him picking up on it. You're scared.
"Can you help me?" He takes a step forward.
"I-I'll talk to one of the officers. Just stay right there." You try to move back, but he pulls out a gun. Someone screams, and others scramble from in front of the station. You know cops will begin rushing out in the matter of seconds. If it comes down to it, he'd start shooting recklessly. His plan was to go down with as many people as he can. Without thinking you jump at him. He doesn't anticipate it, neither do you. Both your bodies tumble, and a shot goes off.
The bullet has struck your shoulder, but the gun is out of his reach.
The yell of many officers echo, and you keep your head pressed to the floor. Your attacker isn't as obedient. He jumps upright, charging at them, and a number of bullets resound in the area. You just stare as he falls like a tree right in front of you. He's merely a few inches away, and his face is directly in front of you, eyes wide, body unmoving. Your entire body is shaking. Whether from shock, or fear, you don't know. Even when an officer rushes to help you to your feet, you don't really move. Those eyes seem engraved in your mind. They carry you away, and all you can do is wait for the team.
"Thankfully the bullet went directly through. We're keeping her overnight for observation, but she'll be cleared to leave tomorrow. I'd suggest she take time off to get fully healed. "
"Thank you."
Hotch shakes the man's hand as he walks away. When Hotch turns back, they all seem to rise from their seats.
"They're going to keep her overnight, but she's fine. " Garcia exhales, and Morgan rubs her shoulder. Everyone looks more relaxed.
"You all should get some rest. We had a tough case. I'm going to see her."
For the most part they seem reluctant, but there's a subtle look of guilt in Hotch's eyes. He blames himself. Rossi gives his shoulder a squeeze.
"Get some rest yourself Aaron." He nods, and they disperse. Hotch watches them exit, turning back to head down the hallway. When he turns a corner, he knocks on the door before him as he enters.
Your head lifts, and you smile.
Your tone is loud and peppy. You press your fingers to your lips as he closes the door.
"Shhhhh! Don't be so loud."
He stifles a laugh. It's obvious that you were high on painkillers.
"What did they give you?" He asks to take a seat.
"Morrrrphineeeee." You grin.
"It seems you have a very low tolerance."
"Yep!! Runs in the family." You basically sing.
He leans back in the chair, and you look at him.
"Why so sad?"
You push out your lips, and he wishes he had a camera to record this behavior. Because when you came to, he was sure you wouldn't believe a word. His eyes run over your body. The bandages on your shoulder trigger his guilt.
"I'm the reason you got hurt. I brought you into this. I left you unprotected."
"It's not your fault Hotchy. You're a good boss. You gave me a job!! Now I fight crime like a hero. We're like Batman and Robin." You whisper the last part like it's a secret.
"Thank you for looking out for me Batman." Your head presses back into the pillow, and Hotch can't help but feel relieved that it all worked out. It appears you're drifting off to sleep. He just reaches over, gently taking your hand, and you squeeze it softly.
"Thanks Hotchy.." You murmur.
"You're welcome."
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daily--cats · 2 years
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Cottagecore Cats ♡
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galkanojo · 4 months
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self-indulgent Cutenic Iono (pkmn scarvio) icons!
credit is appreciated, but not required!
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screwzara · 2 years
LDF au
at some point, i imagine boboiboy showing Ali some his powers,
and just-, boboiboy petir piggybacking Ali while running through obstacle course
That... Is the cutest freaking image i have ever imagined omg omg-
Petir definitely would do that i mean, Ali you got some privileges bro
Angin, Daun and Api when they find out about this: What?! Why don't you give us piggyback rides >:(
Petir: Hmph *looks away with suspiciously red cheeks*
I can't get this outta mah head *screaming from the cuteness*
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