#the dadbod of destiny
oceaninwinter · 7 months
A little window into what I've been listening to this year. Highly recommend all these artists, songs, and podcasts!
Special shoutout to The Dadbod of Destiny Podcast where you'll hear my partner and I's voices!
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torobatl · 5 months
@ bungie give us Uluran dilfs. Bungie please. Bungie.
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telestoapologist · 1 year
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everything is FUCKED everybody SUCKS. but here’s hiraks and yaviks
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diejager · 11 months
wait did that person not know what cnc meant? not to be rude, but what did they think they were reading when it said cnc😭
i love your yandere price stuff so so so much omg grrrr 😵‍💫🩵 can you talk about any yandere price headcannons you have? kidnapping the reader and taking them home, locking the reader away and him using them like toy for his own needs 😖 you can make this non-con if you want, i don't mind since i know you have amazing ideas! :)
but please ignore this if it makes you uncomfy!!! 💐
On the contrary, this made me smile a bit too much to be seen as normal tbh… I’m actually not even sure what they expected from Non-con, sunshines and rainbows? Maybe the just didn’t expect that. And thank you!!🥰 I just ADORE you’re toxic dadbod!Price. It’s bloody genius 🤤
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Pairing: Yan!Captain John Price x fem!reader
CW: DARK, yandere, possessive behaviour, kidnapping, NON-CON, power kink, authority kink, breeding, pregnancy, basement wife, spanking, I def missed a few- WC: 1.1k
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Yan!Price isn’t afraid of showing others who you belong to. It might be in many purple and red marks on your neck, kisses and bites from the day before and accumulating with every passing day. Or it might be various dark bruises on your arms and thighs, placed in specific areas that would make it impossible to hide when you wear shorts, t-shirts and a tank top.
For someone known for his professionalism, he doesn’t hide his affection for you at all. Yan!Price hovers over you like a hawk, always keeping a hand on you. Whether it’s his hand on your shoulder, his arm around your hip, or his warm palm sliding down the hollow of your back, dancing on the edge of indecent and suggestive. 
Yan!Price may not be a firm believer of fate or destiny, but for you, he believes it was the iron hand of fate. He was destined to meet you when you were still fresh, a bright-eyed and happy soldier that passed the assessment tests and followed superiors like a lost puppy. You were a blessing to him, you didn’t challenge his authority, you did boast about your grades and you didn’t spew nonsensical dreams and goals of becoming a general, the best sniper or the strongest. 
Yan!Price is a respectable man with respectable habits, even with the subtle glances he throws your way and the hungry way his eyes rove over your body. With respectability, comes other less appropriate things he does when he’s on his own. His rank and power ooze from his form, the broad shoulders and gruff, yet kind, face inspire respect from others, but from you, he demands more. His carnality drowns his sense of duty with you.
Yan!Price has a deep need to sate his power kink, keeping his rank even in moments of intimacy. His words are law, his hands are the hammer and you, the thing he manhandles and bends to his will. 
Yan!Price likes to call you his pet when he punishes you for something that might or might not have been of your own doing. He bends you over his knee and makes you count the number of spanks he gives. If you miss one, he makes you redo them from the start, no matter the number of strikes. Or he uses you to his leisure, in a rough and demeaning way that makes you cry and whimper, apologise for something - anything so that he would stop.
Yan!Price calls you private - your rank - when he feels the need to use it, enforcing his authority kink. Fucking you dumb over his desk until you drool and lose all sense, babbling and crying. He likes hearing you beg, hearing you plead. Screaming “please” over and over again sends his body shuddering (He could care less if they were pleads for more or for him to stop, he doesn’t bother with that theoretics).
Or Yan!Price sings you poems and adoringly obsessive nothings, calling you love as he takes care of you, pulling you over the edge again and again, over and over, until you pass out from pleasure. He’s soft in those moments, caring and loving to his cute fiancé. He focuses on your pleasure over his, leaving his leaking and aching until you’re satisfied or out cold.
If he can’t have you transferred to his team - for whatever reason - he’d result in kidnapping you. Kidnapping is a harsh word, he’s not kidnapping you, he’s taking you away from a life of pain and hardship. Yan!Price is taking care of you at home, where you’re far from having a gun pointed at you or being threatened by a knife.
You start up in the basement if you act out too much. Yan!Price has the room built just right to fit your every need. The door’s locked with a dozen locks, he’s not paranoid, he’s simply planning in advance as a Captain should. He’s caring for you. 
When you start listening, he lets you roam the house, sleep in the same bed, eat at the kitchen table and shower in the upstairs bathroom. Yan!Price’s softer in this setting, he acts like your lover and husband-to-be - he is. He cooks for you, he helps you shower, he orders you around and he does everything to ensure that you live comfortably - or as comfortably as you can in this situation.
Try as he might, you don’t fall madly in love with him as he does with you. Loving embraces, mind-blowing orgasms, a comfortable life and a caring man seem meaningless to you. So Yan!Price decides to fuck a kid into you, what other option would make you marry him? You weren’t so heartless as to want to separate your child from their father. You’re too soft, too caring for the life of a soldier. How dreadful would it be to have a child out of wedlock? You’d marry him then, wouldn’t you?
Pregnant or not; subservient or not; happy or not; none of it matters, you’re his, his to love, his to care, his to fuck. You are his to do so. After everything he went through to take you, to care for and feed you, to give you a child, you owe him all the world. His pet, his private, his love, his wife, you owe Yan!Price so much that he could do anything he wants with you. You would let him let him use you as he wants, wouldn’t you?
He has a desk in his office where he can bend you over, he has a queen size bed where he can mount you, he has so many walls in the hose where he can push you against and he has a garage where he stores his car for other uses. 
You’re on your period? Doesn’t matter to him, he doesn’t shy from a bit of blood, he’s in the army. You’re in pain? Don’t worry, he’ll take the pain away with his cock. You’re sleepy? He doesn’t mind fucking an unconscious body, you’ll still react in your sleepy haze. You’re pregnant? He’ll be careful, he promises, he’ll only use his tongue and finger, he can fuck his hand or your warm mouth.
Although he’s rough and mean, Yan!Price loves you, he truly does. He cares for you. You’re his world. He even takes time off from his military campaigns to spend time with you. If you want something, he’d buy it for you. If you want him, he’d give himself to you. If you want more kids running around, he’d get you as fat and round as many times you want. But if you want freedom? The possibility of returning to your training? That wouldn’t be possible, he doesn’t approve.
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oceaninwinter · 1 year
Hey all! Exciting news! I'm in a podcast! You can hear me as an elven soldier toward the end of Episode 11 of The Dadbod of Destiny! Its a fun, family friendly, fantasy adventure! Check it out! So excited to be a part of this team and story! 😊
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