#the dark side is becoming obsessed with star wars
bluevelvt · 9 months
when people think anakin wouldnt have turned to the dark side if qui-gon trained him im just ?????
i mean qui-gon took anakin to be trained cause he thinks anakin is the chosen one or this is at least a major reason why and like??? PALPATINE WOULD HAVE JUST PIVOTED LIKE
"it's such a shame my boy that the council and even your master only see you as the chosen one and not your own person"
"i hope that they trust you as a jedi and not just part of a prophecy"
"i fear that qui gon only wants you as the chosen one and if you weren't, you would never have left tatooine"
idk just gets on my nerves and feels like a slight against obi-wan who yeah wasn't perfect and the circumstances for becoming anakin's master weren't ideal but i think he was a great master and this idea also makes palpatine seem far less manipulative, cunning, and evil
the man once said he would gladly make vader again given the chance, even knowing how it would eventually end, so he's not stopping just because anakin has a different master
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writingwithcolor · 5 months
What Makes an Ethnic Villain "Ethnic" or "Villainous?" How Do You Offset it?
anonymous asked:
Hello WWC! I have a question about the antagonist of my story. She is (currently) Japanese, and I want to make sure I’m writing her in a way that doesn’t associates [sic] her being Asian with being villainous.  The story is set in modern day USA, this character is effectively immortal. She was a samurai who lost loved ones due to failure in combat, and this becomes her character[sic] motivation (portrayed sympathetically to the audience). This story explores many different time periods and how women have shown valor throughout history. The age of the samurai (and the real and legendary female warriors from it) have interested me the most, which is why I want her to be from this period.  The outfit she wears while fighting is based on samurai armor, and she wears modern and traditional Japanese fashion depending on the occasion. She acts pretty similar to modern day people, though more cynical and obsessed with her loss. She’s been able to adapt with the times but still highly values and cherishes her past.  She is the only Asian main character, but I plan to make a supportive Japanese side character. She’s a history teacher who knows about the villain and gives the protagonists information to help them, but isn’t involved in the main plot otherwise.  Are the way I’m writing this villain and the inclusion of a non-antagonist Japanese character enough to prevent a harmful reading of the story, or is there more I should do?
Why Does Your Villain Exist?
This makes me feel old because David Anders plays a villain with this kind of backstory in the series Heroes starring Masi Oka. 
I think you want to think about what you mean when you say: 
Villainous (In what way? To whom? To what end?)
Harmful (What tropes, narratives and implications are present?)
I’m relatively infamous in the mod circle for not caring too much about dimensions of “harm”. The concept is relative and varies widely between people and cultures. I don’t see much value in framing motivations around “What is less harmful?” I think for me, what matters more is: 
“What is more true?” 
“Are characteristics viewed as intrinsic to background, or the product of experiences and personal autonomy?”
“Will your portrayal resonate with a large audience?”
“What will resonate with the members of the audience who share the backgrounds your characters have?” 
This post offers additional questions you could ask yourself instead of “is this okay/not okay/harmful.” 
You could write a story where your antagonist is sly, sadistic, violent and cold-blooded. It may not be an interpretation that will make many Japanese from combat backgrounds feel seen or heard, but it’s not without precedent. These tropes have been weaponized against people of Japanese descent (Like Nikkei Japanese interned during World War II), but Japan also brutalized a good chunk of Asia during World War II. See Herge’s Tintin and The Blue Lotus for an example of a comic that accurately showcases the brutality of Japan’s colonization of Manchuria, but also is racist in terms of how Japanese characters are portrayed (CW: genocide, war, imperialism, racism).
You could also write a story where your character’s grief gives way to despair, and fuels their combat such that they are seen as calculating, frigid and deeply driven by revenge/ violence. This might make sense. It’s also been done to death for Japanese female warriors, though (See “Lady Snowblood” by Kazuo Koike and Kazuo Kamimura here, CW: sexual assault, violence, murder and a host of other dark things you’d expect in a revenge story). 
You could further write a story where your antagonist is not necessarily villainous, but the perceived harm comes from fetishizing/ exoticizing elements in how her appearance is presented or how she is sexualized, which is a common problem for Japanese female characters. 
My vote always goes to the most interesting story or character. I don’t see any benefit to writing from a defensive position. This is where I'll point out that, culturally, I can't picture a Japanese character viewing immortality as anything other than a curse. Many cultures in Japan are largely defined by transience and the understanding that many things naturally decay, die, and change form.
There are a lot of ways you could conceivably cause harm, but I’d rather hear about what the point of this character is given the dilemma of their position. 
What is her purpose for the plot? 
How is she designed to make the reader feel? 
What literary devices are relevant to her portrayal?
(Arbitrarily, you can always add more than 1 extra Japanese character. I think you might put less pressure on yourself with this character’s portrayal if you have more Japanese characters to practice with in general.) 
- Marika. 
When Off-Setting: Aim for Average
Seconding the above with regards to this villainess’s story and your motivations for this character, but regardless of her story I think it’s also important to look specifically at how the Japanese teacher character provides contrast. 
I agree with the choice to make her a regular person and not a superhero. Otherwise, your one Asian character is aggressively Asian-themed in a stereotypical Cool Japan way (particularly if her villain suit is samurai-themed & she wears wafu clothing every so often). Adding a chill person who happens to be Japanese and doesn’t have some kind of ninja or kitsune motif will be a breath of fresh air (well, more like a sigh of relief) for Japanese readers. 
A note on characterization—while our standard advice for “offset” characters is to give your offset character the opposite of the personality trait you’re trying to balance, in this case you might want to avoid opposites. You have a villainess who is a cold, tough “don’t need no man” type. Making the teacher mild-mannered, helpful, and accomodating would balance out the villainess’s traits, but you’ll end up swinging to the other side of the pendulum towards the Submissive Asian stereotype depending on execution. If avoiding stereotypes is a concern, I suggest picking something outside of that spectrum of gentleness to violence and making her really boring or really weird or really nerdy or a jock gym teacher or…something. You’re the author.
Similarly, while the villainess is very traditionally Japanese in her motifs and backstory, don’t make the teacher go aggressively in either direction—give her a nice balance of modern vs. traditional, Japanese vs. Western sensibilities as far as her looks, dress, interests, values, etc. Because at the end of the day, that’s most modern Japanese people. 
Sometimes, the most difficult representation of a character of color is making a character who is really average, typical, modern, and boring. 
- Rina
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yandere-wishes · 8 months
not a request
Yandere!Anakin Skywalker is shameless lmao. Bro's the Stare Master. He constantly stares at you and while he's constrained by the Jedi Code, it doesn't mean he won't make advances towards you. To make things worse, he's infantilizing. He treats you as if you're made of spun glass and insists on fighting all of your fights.
It doesn't take a genius to figure out who he's got eyes on, but unfortunately it opens up weaknesses for his enemies to exploit. His constant conflict with what he's been taught and his obsession with you builds up and eventually explodes.
omg imagine Boba Fett being a yandere for you??? Better yet, when Fennec comes into the picture, she becomes a platonic yan for you too. They work together watching over you, they share and take turns with you.
Some food for thought. If the format is weird forgive me it's 1:44 AM rn
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No No!! I'm in love with this!! We'll do Anakin in this post and Boba in the next one ~💜
This works so well if you're his Padawan. Only a few years younger than him and a little too naive to fully comprehend the emotions hidden behind your master's star-crossed stare. Still, there's an odd comfort in feeling his eyes wherever you go. Ease in the knowledge that he's never too far away should you need him. 
 You even welcome the lingering touches and reassuring forehead kisses. The inexperience in you longs for something, someone to hold on to. A safety of sorts that only Anakin can provide. 
He's the chosen one. 
The golden boy.
You should welcome this. Whatever this is exactly. 
But as you grow. As your skills improve. You begin to note that nothing changes. Instead, it only gets worse. When the two of you are out on the battlefield he's constantly pushing you behind him. And that's only if he can't restrain you to the ship all together. You can't even remember the last time you took out an R0-GR. Or the last time you even ignited your lightsaber. 
Anakin's all over you when you return to base. Hands roaming your body, searching desperately for the slightest laceration. He mutters teasingly in your ear as he pulls your hips closer. "My precious little girl" or "My darling little padawan". It's infuriating and frankly a little embarrassing. He treats you like a doll. Like his doll. A precious little thing too pure for the war torn universe.
You've started to notice how the clones and other Jedi avoid you. 
Eyes glued to the floor when you walk by. 
Even the senators skurry away when you enter a room.
Not gonna lie, the isolation is getting to you. 
Anakin detonates when the Jedi counsel removes you as his padawan. Deciding it best to switch your master. You welcome the change, the chance to breathe. It feels like you'll be free at last...
But then Anakin disappears and the clones turn on the Jedi. The younglings are slaughtered and you find yourself face-to-face with Darth Vader. 
It doesn't take a genius to figure out what drove Anakin to the dark side. It doesn't take a genius to know what weakness Palpatine -or rather Sidious- exploited to turn Anakin into a Sith. It's all your fault really. You got him too attached. If only you'd kept your distance, if only you hadn't been so weak. Anakin drags you back to Mustafa. Claiming that when the time is right you'll become his apprentice again. Only this time in the form of an Acolyte.  
You can't escape him.
Not now, not ever.
Your fate was sealed the day he became your master.
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svsss-fanon-exposed · 5 months
Exposing SVSSS Fanon: 14/∞
In SVSSS, heavenly demons like Luo Binghe, Tianlang-jun, and Zhuzhi-lang have a vermillion mark on their forehead. In fanworks, other demons such as Sha Hualing and Mobei-jun are also depicted as having such a mark.
This conflicts with canon, as the mark is exclusively a symbol of the Heavenly Demon Bloodline, rather than all demons:
“You are no simple demon,” Shen Qingqiu said. “That mark on your forehead is a mark of sin—the mark of the demons who fell from the heavens." (7 Seas, Ch. 4)
I have often seen this mark referred to erroneously as "huadian (花钿, literally "flower ornamentation")." Though there are similarities in color and location between the two, huadian is a type of traditional-style makeup worn with hanfu, while the mark on a heavenly demon's forehead is 罪印 (Zuì yìn,literally "criminal seal" or "seal of guilt”), translated to english as "mark of sin."
It is a very specific, distinctive feature that heavenly demons have-- one that is most likely well-known to both demons and cultivators alike.
The mark of sin can be repressed, however it will reappear when angry:
For a split second, Luo Binghe’s expression was puzzled, causing his face to appear to soften, just a little. But soon this sliver of softness dissipated without a trace. His pupils contracted, and a red mark flickered at the center of his forehead in a burst of light. (7 Seas, Ch. 10)
Or when weakened:
When he looked, though Luo Binghe’s eyes were closed, the heavenly demon mark of sin had appeared on his forehead, lines of crimson pulsing along with his breaths. The red glow flickered on and off along with it. (7 Seas, Ch. 16)
Which suggests that it takes some amount of conscious effort to suppress and conceal.
Heavenly Demons (天魔,天之魔) are somewhat set apart from the demon race (魔族)as a whole, despite both being called demons. Heavenly Demons specifically did not originate within the demon world, but instead fell from the heavens:
Legend had it that these denizens of the heavens had fallen to depravity and become demons, so they were called “heavenly demons” for short.  (7 Seas, Ch. 2)
Falling to depravity here is the same as succumbing to heart demons (心魔), which aren't altogether easy to explain, but can be thought of as mental and spiritual instabilities resulting from negative emotions and obsessions. This is the same "Xin Mo" as the name of the sword.
In the Xianxia genre, anyone can "become a demon" in this way-- a similar (almost identical, since based on similar philosophies) trope in western fiction would be in Star Wars, where one "falls to the Dark Side."
Therefore, the mark of sin or zuiyin if you wish to use pinyin, is linked to the heart demons and corruption of the heavenly demons and their descendants.
This is evident from the first moment when the seal on Luo Binghe's bloodline is removed:
Once that stream of light touched Luo Binghe’s brow, it seeped into his skin, turning into a fiery red mark. Luo Binghe was lost to his bloodlust. He didn’t know why, only that his head ached like it was about to explode, and he nearly collapsed to his knees. His entire body roiled with a desire to inflict savage cruelty.  (7 Seas, Ch. 4)
This sudden bloodlust is a result of the unsealing of his demonic bloodline-- with the mark of sin appearing along with it.
The mark of sin does not have one fixed appearance, either:
When he tested Luo Binghe’s forehead with the back of his hand, it was still scalding hot, and the mark in the center of his forehead was growing even redder and brighter. (7 Seas, Ch. 16)
This occurs after Luo Binghe has been injured and poisoned, and is unconscious. The change in the mark's appearance is likely due to his weakened state.
The most significant example of this, however, is at Maigu ridge, when Luo Binghe has been entirely overtaken by Xin Mo's (the sword and the internal) corruption:
The dark-red mark of sin crept over his forehead, expanding outward until marks covered the entirety of his snow-pale face, then continued spreading down his neck. Xin Mo had fallen beside them, and it seemed to respond to the marks on Luo Binghe’s body: it glowed and dimmed, its purple light and black miasma circulating endlessly. (7 Seas, Ch. 21)
By the end of this, the marks extend all the way down his arms:
Luo Binghe’s arm around him slowly tightened. As his tears continued to flow, he suddenly noticed that the marks on his arm were rapidly receding.  (7 Seas, Ch. 21)
From this we can conclude that heavenly beings succumbed to their heart demons and fell from the heavens to become the heavenly demons. Their demonic power originated not from their species alone but from their heart demons, which their descendants inherited as their own source of demonic power which is why LBH suddenly was overcome with bloodlust when his bloodline was unsealed. The mark of sin appears as a curse to mark those who succumbed to heart demons and fell from the heavens, but it can be suppressed through self control (i.e. controlling those heart demons)while it will reappear when that self-control is compromised in some way. When Xin Mo preyed on LBH's fears and insecurities, it caused him to fall entirely under the control of his heart demons-- which lead to the mark of sin spreading over his entire body.
Now that the origins and nature of the mark of sin have been explained, it's easy to say that other demons will not have such a mark, since they are not from that same cursed bloodline.
Of course, does that mean that everyone who draws Sha Hualing and Mobei-jun with marks on their forehead is drawing them incorrectly?
No, not necessarily.
The only thing this tells us is that ordinary demons do not naturally have this mark, and it will not have the same features (such as glowing, spreading, responding to emotional state, etc.).
It is entirely possible and believable that demons, especially demon nobility, would paint or apply a mark to their foreheads as part of their fashion and a status symbol.
For an explanation of this, let's go back to the huadian. While the exact origins of huadian ornament and makeup are unknown, there is a folkloric origin story to it. In this origin story, a plum blossom was blown onto the forehead of a princess while she was out on a walk (or alternately, fell onto her face while she was taking a nap). Afterwards, she was unable to wash it off, but because it looked strikingly beautiful on the princess, it became a new popular fashion trend for women to apply flower ornamentation or makeup to their foreheads.
Something similar could have happened with demon culture.
Of course, the ancient heavenly demons from whose lineage Luo Binghe hailed were the most elegant and traditional of the demonic bloodlines—equivalent to the Demon Realm’s blue blood nobility. (7 Seas, Ch. 6)
The heavenly demon bloodline is the most noble and high-ranked in the demon realm, with heavenly demons considered princes and princesses:
As the future princes of demonkind, their bloodline was first-class. (7 Seas, Ch. 2) Tianlang-Jun’s younger sister counted as something like the demon race’s princess. (7 Seas, Ch. 12)
Therefore, it wouldn't be strange for other lineages of demon nobility to attempt to imitate their appearances-- this may have something to do with noble demons appearing more humanoid as well. It could also mean that a similar thing to the huadian origin story may have happened and demon nobility took up the fashion of wearing forehead ornamentation or makeup to denote their status, perhaps even having various specific marks to denote clans or individuals.
Of course while this is a possibility, it is not something that comes from canon itself and would still be a headcanon or fanon, so it should not be used in an argument for a canonical depiction of Sha Hualing and Mobei-jun with marks on their foreheads.
While a depiction of demons wearing marks on their foreheads is not necessarily without basis or explanation, the idea that they have these marks as a natural physical feature is canonically inaccurate.
One footnote: while heavenly demons do not originate within the demon realm, their bloodline would still be counted as part of the demon race-- this is evident in the fact that Zhuzhi-lang, also a mixed-bloodline heavenly demon (but half snake-race rather than half-human), has a bloodline more pure than Luo Binghe's and is able to suppress LBH's blood in SQQ's body (perhaps the fact that the demon race as a whole utilizing demonic qi instead of spiritual qi for cultivation is what creates the divide). Zhuzhi-lang is still considered mixed-heritage, though, so it is unknown where the boundaries within the demon race itself lie. It is also possible that there is an entire untold story about the origins of the demon race which would change up various arguments here, but we don't have that origin story, and therefore there is no context aside from what's in the novel-- we can only assume that demons originated within the demon realm, while heavenly demons entered it later after falling from the heavens-- but they are still considered part of the demon race despite a different origin.
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david-talks-sw · 25 days
Hello @David-talks SW,
I was just wondering do you, by any chance, have any quotes from George Lucas talking about The Sith or The Emperor's ultimate goal?
I can't find the exact quote but I think he said that Sidious' goal is to rule the galaxy, allow his apprentice to challenge him when the time is right (be it Vader or Luke had he turned to the Dark Side) and allow his apprentice to strikes him down.
All Sith is after immortality but from their point of view life after death does not exist. The closest thing to immortality is their own legacy. That is why Sidious is trying to find the perfect apprentice in I-III. He find that in Anakin. Vader fails him at the end of III with his fight with Obi-Wan Kenobi. He find another chance with Luke Skywalker and that is he is so obsessed with trying to convert young Skywalker over to his side.
At the end of the day, he doesn't care what happen to him as long as the Sith rule the entire galaxy after him forever.
It is consistent with what he told Yoda before their fight in the Senate in III: "DARTH SlDIOUS: You will not stop me. Darth Vader will become more powerful than either of us."
I believe Dave Filoni said something alone the line of Maul's own goal in Rebel Recon, which was a behind the scene show of Star Wars Rebels (2014-2018). Mind you I think Dave Filoni's understanding of the Sith, in general, is akin to those of George Lucas' vision of them rather then the Jedi.
I could be wrong on the matter and I would be thankful if you could correct me on it.
Thank you.
Hey there!
I see @writerbuddha already answered you here.
Let me just add a few more quotes for your information!
"The Jedi are the enemy of the Sith because the Sith want to dominate the galaxy, to control everything, and for a thousand years they have had a plot against the Jedi." - Sci-fi Online, 2005
The Sith just wanna subdue and control everyone around them, including the Force itself, to fashion the galaxy in their image.
"The end game for the Sith was to bring the world into a very selfish, self-centered, greedy, evil place, as opposed to a compassionate place." - James Cameron's Story of Science Fiction, 2018
I go more into clarifying the Sith's goals here. Here's another quote that isn't in the linked post:
Q: So what is the Phantom Menace? There are lots of different ways to put it. It's the Dark Lords of the Sith, of which there are only two. That's the opposite of a Jedi. It's somebody that works with the dark side of the Force. There is one Sith Lord is who trying to wreak havoc and take over the galaxy, and he is the phantom menace. I think you get the idea. There is somebody pulling the strings for everything. - Premiere, 1999
Hope it helps!
To be clear, saying the Sith care about their legacy is giving them wayyyy too much credit. They're selfish assholes. The whole point of having an apprentice is that if they die, at least the lineage goes on.
But they're not planning on dying, they're trying to go against the Fates and do everything in their power to NOT die.
The Jedi are the ones who deal in things like a legacy. You tell the word "legacy" to a Sith and he'll laugh in your face, he doesn't care that his *worst case scenario* is safe and sound and will carry on without him, he wants to be the guy that carries on forever.
And as @unhelpfulfemme points out in the replies, this comes with a "might makes right" mentality.
"If scum like you managed to kill magnificent me, then I deserve to die for being so pathetic and losing to a worm, and you deserve to live for having overcome the badass warrior that I am."
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
I just finished the clone wars now I’m curious how would Yandere platonic anakin react if his friend he knew fromHis Padawan days , left the order ?
I'm not done with the Clone Wars series so sorry if you imagined this taking place at the end of that series- but I have seen the first two prequels which were his Padawan days. I hope what I have down will work :) Sorry this took months to make- I kept it a bit general so there isn't many spoilers for the series.
If things are too OOC, tell me how to improve as I am really new to Star Wars! I'm sorry if I trigger the Star Wars fandom with my lack of knowledge :(.
Yandere! Platonic! Anakin Skywalker with Darling who leaves the order
Pairing: Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Violence, Desperate yandere, Mutual friendship turned forced, Overprotective yandere, Displays of Anakin's corruption, Manipulation, Murder.
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For this concept the identity of your Master doesn't really matter.
All that really matters is they probably knew either Qui-Gon Jinn or Obi-Wan Kenobi.
This way you would've met Anakin Skywalker at some point.
Anakin is a very emotionally driven yandere.
In fact this is why he goes to the dark side as Vader eventually.
He tends to get too connected to people, which makes him a danger to others.
Ahsoka, his Padawan, and Padmé, his girlfriend/wife are good examples of this.
Personal connections are forbidden within Jedi.
That never really stopped Anakin from forming close connections, however.
In this concept you are another example of Anakin's emotions driving him.
The friendship between you both is really close.
Your Master was allies and maybe even close friends with his.
As a result you had become well acquainted with Anakin.
While Anakin held romantic feelings for Padmé as a Padawan, he felt he could let loose around you.
Anakin never liked the uptight rules of being a Jedi.
He didn't like it due to many reasons, such as the restrictions on relationships and just... angsty teen reasons.
You two met in your teens and while your Master got along with his, your Master felt Anakin would corrupt you somehow.
You were always warned to not take on Anakin's behavior as your own.
Yet you were more concerned with just relaxing and training with your fellow Padawan.
As with all of his close relationships, Anakin was always very protective over you.
Even during training he didn't entirely like he idea of going all out on you.
Although when you ask for it he relents just so he can say he 'told you so' .
You two share such a strong bond.
Nothing romantic, just one of best friends, maybe even siblings despite you not being related.
Both your Master and his thought your fate with him was intertwined with his...
Yet they dreaded the fact they weren't quite sure how.
Training with Anakin in your Padawan days made you both skilled Jedi.
By the time of the Clone Wars you had matured similar to him.
It surprised you when you learned Anakin had taken in a Padawan, Ahsoka.
You tease him about it sometimes, which causes Anakin to playfully swat at you to stop.
When Ahsoka asks about you Anakin reminisces about your Padawan days with each other and explains you are a friend.
A friend he doesn't think he could live without.
Then there's that fabled day.
The day Anakin got one of the most devastating pieces of news he'd think he'd hear as a Jedi.
You, his closest friend, wanted to leave the Jedi Order.
As the Clone Wars continued on... you decided to rethink your decision.
Your master had passed in battle and you felt a bit alone.
Sure, Anakin was still part of the Order and you could function on your own without your Master... but that wasn't the only issue.
There's reasons and ways a Jedi can quit the Order.
It's not like you can just ask to leave, however.
You are a young Jedi with no wounds that affect your combat ability.
Maybe you had differing beliefs from the Council and Order?
Maybe you had personal connections of your own like Anakin and wanted to leave to pursue those....
Either way you most likely want to go rogue or something and turn your back on your duty.
Something Anakin doesn't approve of, for selfish reasons.
He tries to talk you out of it.
He meets up with you and accuses you.
He admits he loves Padmé to you in private but keeps it secret. If you loved someone too then he suggests doing the same!
He even accuses you of abandoning him.
Does he not matter that much to you!?
He's your best friend! He cares for you!
Yet you want to abandon him your duty?
All of these words are hypocritical and you can sense it.
You two most likely argue heavily, causing your friendship to rift.
In fact, maybe you leaving the order is one of the factors that pushes him to the Dark Side due to his emotions.
He begins to blame you when you leave and go into hiding.
Anakin doesn't understand why you left at first.
Although part of him begins to when he starts giving more and more into the darkness within him.
Anakin may even begin to blame the Council and Order itself for you leaving.
Perhaps even the Republic, too
Ahsoka notices her master has a change in behavior after you left.
He's even more moody than usual.
He's... vulnerable, too.
Ahsoka notices he's trying to be stoic yet feels sad.
Devastated, actually.
Padmé no doubt tries to help Anakin through it.
He's worried for you.
When you were in the Order he was confident he could watch over you.
Now he's sent into a state of constant worry as he can't sense you.
How far out did you go?
After you left the Order you most likely don't meet Anakin for a long time.
He makes it a goal to find you again.
Maybe you meet him when he was still known as Anakin, he can sense you with the Force if he manages to get close to your location.
When he senses you with the Force then he no doubt hunts you down, abandoning any mission he was sent on.
It would be by chance but if he does meet you still as Anakin then he clings to you.
He missed you... he's always missed you.
He wants you to come back with him where he can keep you safe, you refuse.
He doesn't care how long it takes... he's going to try and coax you to stay by him once again.
You're supposed to support each other!
Ever since your Padawan days you've been by his side with a smile.
Why not now?
WHY do you fight him?
Why is he only able to take you with him after he's beaten you in a duel?
Why do you treat him as a monster... he's your friend!
A friend who refuses to leave you alone when you don't wish to be found.
If you had a family of your own there's no doubt Anakin would slaughter them.
He's corrupt and clearly has it in him to kill as he's done so before due to his rage.
After all, your family took you from him.
With them gone, you have no choice but to come with him.
Ahsoka's left horrified when she finds out what he's done.
Anakin doesn't care.
Now it can be just like old times between you.
Then there's if you meet him much later, when he's Vader.
Jedi are his enemy, yet when he meets you all alone...
He remembers you.
He knows you most likely aren't part of any side in this new war, since you left you aren't evil.
He actually praises you for leaving the Republic at least, maybe you knew something he did not?
He doesn't kill you, he spares you.
When you ask why... he says it in the best way he can.
"It's me... Anakin."
No matter how you cross paths again, be it with Anakin or Vader, his goal still stands.
He's found you...
He won't let you ever abandon him again, even if it costs you your life.
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We have them all
All the creators have either submitted the AU themselves or have given the ok to others or have given the ok to me personally
submission be upon ye (in submission prder)
It'd be appreciated if the creators could join the discord server here tho it's not a must it'd be super appreciated
I checked over these like a bigilion times but it'd be appreciated if you check and see if i tagged your works correctly and just let me know if there are any mistakes hopefully there are none
We all fall down by @ossadeaurata @mej2235 @marshmel-l0w7 (03/rise)
Guess I’ve Been… Disarmed by @phoenixdeleted (12/rise)
Sunset linings by @iamheretemporarly (12/last ronin)
When The World Crumbles by @tmnt-obsessed-ace (12/rise)
Shellshocked by @lieutenantbiscute (12/rise)
A mixed bag by @greatlyblessed (87/03/12/rise/og)
The Last Ronin Becomes a Discord Admin by @melonpalooza (03/12/rise/last ronin)
The Many Names of Hamato Leonardo by @just-a-lil-turtle-with-knives (03/rise)
Just Another Momma Softshell by @ariel-gremlinzkeep (12/rise)
Ghost in the Shell by @amevello-blue aka @bluepeachstudios (03/rise)
Memories by @theawesomeninja-xd (12/rise)
The Algae Is Always Greener On The Other Side by @obsidiancreates (12/rise)
Wedding Bells and Magic Portals by @melonpalooza (12/rise)
Same story different font by @tmnt-obsessed-ace (12/rise)
A Different Eldest Brother by @alicat54cwriting (multiple rise AU s)
Ghost in the server by @melonpalooza @amevello-blue aka @bluepeachstudios (03/12/rise/last ronin)
boundless by @onionninjasstuff (12/rise)
Two Souls by @virgilisspidey (12/rise)
I Think We Broke Time Continuum by @havendoesthings (12/rise/to be added)
Two Shades of Blue by @sad-leon (12/rise)
Not turtles forever 2 or is it? by @lionalovit (03/rise)
same raph au by @blackfire-fanfiction (12/rise)
Glitched out by @easterartist (03/rise)
Lost but never found by @tmnt-obsessed-ace (2012/rise)
Rotten Reflections by @nicoforlifetrue (12/rise)
For future reference AU by @ilovebeingaturtle
Lair Meshing by @poems-art-darkness-n-more (12/rise)
Mystic malfunction by @vanillavengeance (12/rise)
Atomic Pets by @wandering-ghost (rise/Godzilla)
Lone Hunter and Turtle by @midnightcreator12 (03/rise/star wars)
The Magical Life of the Hamato Quadruplets by @virgilisspidey (12/harry potter)
Slayers in a Half Shell by @virgilisspidey @shyartz03 (12/demon slayer)
Dear, Little Brother by @kat-theglitch (rise/big hero 6)
Once a Hamato, Always a Hamato by @easterartist (rise/undertale)
A Heart of Sunflower by @doctaaaaaaaar (rise/batman)
Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc by @posthocpaganda (og/house M.D)
tmnt omniverse by @glitter-alienzzz (03/12/og/ben10)
A Tale of Spirits by @unorthodoxx-page (rise/atla)
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inquisitor-apologist · 3 months
hi I would personally LOVE to read thousands of essays on your thoughts about the inquisitors, so if you feel comfy posting them just know they will be received with gratitude :)
Alright, I’ve got a 4-hour car ride, so nothing but time.
The first thing that I’d say is absolutely essential to my understanding of/obsession with the Inquisitorius is that they’re expendable. Both in-text and out-of-text, they’re disposable and that is absolutely essential to their whole existence.
On the Doylist level, the Rebels team created them/reincorporated them to canon to be the replaceable early series antagonists. They're there to build the characters up to face the real threats of Maul’s temptation to the dark and Thrawn’s existential threat to the Rebel cause. The rest of the Star Wars media that shows them only reinforces this.
In Kenobi, they're there in the background, to set up Reva (who is, in the show, functionally not an Inquisitor) and Vader, in J:FO they're scary bad guys meant to be defeated and killed for Cal's growth (though, notably, J:FO is one of the only pieces of Inquisitor media that views them as victims worthy of empathy), and, while I haven't read (all of) the Vader comics, they're in the Vader comics, not in their own stories.
On the Watsonian level, they’re a sort of… buffer between the true power of the Sith and the public. They’re the one attacking the regular Force-sensitives and taking babies (someone much more qualified than me could probably talk a LOT about the very interesting ways the Jedi, Empire, and Inquisition (like, come on) parallel and draw from Judaism and historical antisemitism) and they’re the ones the Rebellion direct their anger about the Jedi Purge at. It’s easy for the two masterminds and main perpetrators to hide behind the atrocities of a dozen faceless subordinates.
This is really clearly shown in Kenobi, where the Inquisitors are dismissed as “Jedi who turned to the dark side. Now, they hunt their own kind”. They’re not seen as victims who’ve been forced into self-destructive monsters, but as the perpetrators of their own genocide, personas that they readily claim. I mean, Reva is literally a survivor of the Temple Massacre who was turned into one of the Inquisitors that Obi-Wan dismisses as traitors. They’re very convenient, effective, scapegoats.
That’s honestly a very underrated part of Palpatine’s genius; one of his most important traits is his ability to manipulate the media. By creating the Inquisitors and delegating most of the work of completing the Purge to them, he distances both himself and Vader from any public outcry against the actions of the Inquisitorius (and, to some extent, their own actions), allowing Vader to be seen as a more legitimate military officer and extension of the Emperor’s will, which is itself legitimized by that distance.
The lines between the Emperor, Vader, and the Inquisitors are also very important. There's a very clear distinction between the Sith and the Inquisitors in of autonomy, which is the second thing that defines my view of the Inquisitors. The Inquisitors are largely pawns for Palpatine’s ends, manipulated and indoctrinated kids, and as such there’s kind of a spectrum of the Empire’s Force-sensitive hierarchy between Sidious, Vader, and the Inquisitors.
Sidious is the first extreme, where he chose everything; he Fell on purpose, became a Sith on purpose, consolidated power and killed the Jedi on purpose, became Emperor on purpose. And then there’s Vader, who very much chose to Fall, kill the Jedi, and become a Sith, but he was manipulated and pushed to it by Sidious. He chose, but Sidious kind of underlies all those choices, driving him to them. Lastly, the Inquisitors chose nothing; they were hunted and persecuted by Vader and the Sith, then tortured and indoctrinated to serve Sidious, brainwashed into continuing to serve. It’s really a gradient of autonomy, if you think about it; Sidious is the only Dark Sider afforded full choice, both by the narrative and in-universe.
The Inquisitors are, fundamentally, kids ripped from their family and people, tortured and indoctrinated into self-loathing and anger. They don’t get names; they’re told they were born wrong and tortured until they believe it, then pressed into service, because, while they might have been born wrong, they were also born useful.
This is why I kind of hate the idea of Inquisitors who choose to join, and one of the reasons I’m not particularly inclined to read the new Inquisitor book (also it apparently implies that the tortured inquisitors were actually just. Force-brainwashed??). One of the most interesting and most fundamental things about them is that they are victims of horrific genocide coerced into becoming their own oppressors. If you take that away, you make them so much less interesting—they turn into stock evil traitors.
The protagonist of the new Inquisitor book is, from what I’ve gathered, a jerk who was already half-fallen in the Clone Wars and who seized the chance to gain more power with the Empire. That’s just diet Vader, and I, personally, have seen too much of both real Vader and diet vaders, so I’m not interested.
So, uh, @stellanslashgeode, you asked me for my thoughts on Iskat Akaris, here they are. Sorry it’s probably not what you wanted.
So, like, there’s my opinion on the fandom-and-canon obsession with Inquisitors who chose the Empire. We literally haven’t seen pretty much anything about how the normal inquisitors join, can we focus on the actually interesting stuff? The Inquisitors' lack of autonomy, their lack of choice, is a huge part of what fascinates me so much about them, because it's very unique. Let's not take that away.
Another piece of why I think the Inquisitors are so interesting is how their abuse at the hands of the Empire shapes them, though this part has more speculation than the stuff above due to lack of clear information.
In canon, we know that inquisitors go through fucking hellish initiation criteria (“Isolation! Torture! Mutilation!”), stuff that absolutely breaks them until they no longer believe that the Empire can be stopped at all (“You can’t stop the Empire!” “She said something about becoming an Inquisitor… like it’s inevitable”). We also know that, however it happens, it's very fast and effective. The Vader Comics are set just months after Order 66, and there's already at least ten fully initiated Inquisitors.
Unfortunately, we never directly see the exact initiation protocols the Inquisitors are subject to, but we do get quick glimpses, like in the flashbacks from J:FO, and with Reva in Kenobi. Right now, I want to look at what those flashbacks from J:FO, together with the dialogue above, tells us about what exactly happens to Inquisitors.
In the flashback, we see Trilla, strapped to the torture chair that Cere's in later in the flashback, being subjected to Star Wars' favorite kind of torture, weird electricity chairs. I'm going to call them shockseats, just to distinguish them from real-life electric chairs. We transition from the torture to some time later, when Second Sister has been fully turned, wearing the Inquisitor uniform and everything.
That, annoyingly enough, is all we get to work with. It's basically the "Being tortured makes you evil" trope, but Ninth Sister's dialogue gives it some nuance. She says "Isolation! Torture! Mutilation!", and, well, we just saw the torture part, and I'm guessing the mutilation is the whole thing in the comics where Vader teaches the Inquisitors by cutting their limbs off, so that leaves isolation, which I think is probably a very significant part of the process.
Based on the vault vision and the Fortress Inquisitorius section in J:FO, most of the Fortress's prison has a kind-of panopticon feel, with see-through energy shields, guards everywhere, and several prisoners in one cell, so I'm guessing there are probably some deeper isolation cells. The isolation is probably where most of the indoctrination happens, because we never hear anyone saying anything during the torture scenes.
This is mostly headcanon from the scraps we get, but I'd say initiation probably goes something like this: 1. a survivor is captured 2. They're taken to Nur, and tortured on the way there (per Rebels) 3 The timeline here is annoyingly unclear but I think the ‘isolation’/indoctrination comes before the rest? 4. They're tortured in an attempt to get them to turn to the Dark Side 5. They're somehow fully initiated into the Inquisitorius with their full title and uniform 6. They're trained ('mutilation') 7. They're a full Inquisitor
obv I have headcanons (ie a full-on not-really canon-compliant system that I think works better than the disjointed 'being tortured makes you evil' bits we have now, but I'm trying to stay as canon-compliant here as possible) but I think this is about what we get in canon, and it’s kind of necessary to have a vague idea about what probably happens in order to understand them, and dang is this very important to basically their entire self-concepts.
In Kenobi, Third Sister is hated by all the others, probably for not going through what they did. We see throughout the show that she’s just as good, or better, than most of them, but because she wasn’t tortured (or, at least, not to the same extent), the rest despise her. She does the exact same things we've consistently seen all the other Inquisitor's do, but she's punished and derided for it. In J:FO, Second Sister goes out and threatens civilians in order to draw Cal out, and everyone’s fine with it, but when Reva does it, everyone hates her.
There’s no rational reason; she does exactly what they do , what she’s been taught to do, but she’s treated differently. The only reason for this, in-universe, is that she’s the only Inquisitor we know of that wasn’t brought in for being a Jedi—she explicitly hides that she was one. The rest of the Inquisitors clearly do hate each other, but it’s on a different level with her, because they do not see her as one of them. She wasn’t a Jedi, and thus she didn’t go through the same things they did. There seems to be a sort-of trauma-induced bond between the other Inquisitors. They hate each other, but they all see each other as Inquisitors, largely the same as them. They don’t share that with Reva because whatever happened to them didn’t happen to her, to the same extent.
Connecting to my earlier point about Inquisitors who chose to join, I think that that's WAY more interesting than a bunch of jerk coworkers who just decided to be evil.
These people were family in the Jedi, and then their whole family died as they watched and heard and felt it in their brains, and they were chased and hunted and tortured until they broke and brought back together, warped and different and told to call each other siblings—and at this point, aren’t they? They were raised together in the bowels of Nur, subjected to the same horror and misery; they’ve been through everything together, in the worst way possible, constantly competing and fighting and killing for anything they can get. Who else could understand them in any meaningful way?
I'm getting off-topic, but the physical abuse and torture of the Inquisitors seems fundamental to their identity, even if we don't know exactly what it entailed. 
So, with the isolation and indoctrination, I think it's fair to say that there's probably quite a lot of mental abuse there. The Dark Side, in itself, is pretty horrible mental health-wise (the Jedi actively use cognitive behavioral therapy just to prevent the possibility of the Dark) and being literally tortured and forced into it must be like. so much worse. Plus, isolation has been shown to be really fucking awful for your brain and the Inquisitor’s utter hopelessness (they literally do not believe that the Empire can be stopped and are really angry at anyone who tries) kind of seems like the whole being unable to believe that things can be better and getting angry at people who try to help part of depression? 
Basically I don’t really know enough about mental health to say definitively, but I’m guessing a core part of Inquisitor Initiation is like. Insane mental abuse to get them to crack.
This last bit is less supported, and I know even less about it, so I’m going to keep this real brief, but I think there’s a possibility of some sexual abuse as well? This is a pretty big thing in fanon with the Grand Inquisitor, and then there’s all the creepy pervy stuff with Seventh Sister that she did not learn from the Jedi, but that’s as much as I’ll say for that because I know nothing about this kind of thing.
So, those are really the three things that define the Inquisitors to me: their expendability, lack of autonomy, and how their abuse defines them. I could write more on this, but this post took a fucking month already, so I’ll stick to those points.
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wazzappp · 3 months
Alright whose ready to see my lose my mind over continually more ridiculous au ideas? Trick question your gonna see it happen anyway (I have. so much bullshit. i have an entire other au that I havent posted about yet and i am thinking. about the re7 au again brother. I have fallen into the pits don't come save me or I'll drag you down too).
also jesus FUCK @moosemonstrous coming in clutch again with both star wars knowlege and the ability to actually remember things beyond a day and a half of talking about them THANK YOU.
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The Jedi originally came to Tatooine looking for Gabe. Sensing his strength with the light side of the force they thought he would be a prime candidate for training. Unfortunately for them, Robbie and Gabe are a package deal. They begrudgingly allowed him to come along as well because he is also force sensitive, but a little older than they would usually let in for training. Robbie agrees to because 1. if he just says no who KNOWS if they'll just take Gabe away forcefully and 2. STEADY FOOD SOURCE. ROOF OVER THEIR HEADS. ADAQUATE MEDICAL CARE. NO MORE FUCKING SAND. He doesen't trust these people as far as he can throw them but FUCK anything must be better than here.
During a sparring session another padawan purposefully infuriates Robbie, causing him to reach out to the dark side. He nearly kills the other padawan with the strength of his outburst. It then becomes EXTREMELY EVIDENT that Robbie is VERY strong with the dark side of the force. As a result of this outburst, one of his eyes gets the usual 'sith look', he gets special training to try and suppress those feelings, and he gets permanent pariah status in the Jedi Temple (I have. plans. i am being vague on purpose because FUCK I want to draw this scene in my head so bad but I also want to get this out to yall in the same month so it will be coming later. my dramatic bitch syndrome demands it).
After the clone wars get started (he's around 16 at this point) the Jedi realize that they need more people to fight. Robbie, though being previously disqualified for his history, is accepted for training and assigned Jedi Knight Johnny Blaze as a master.
Unfortunately, along the way Johnny starts picking up more solo missions and eventually disappears about 6 months in and everyone thinks he's defected (he's spying on the sepratist's for the republic). Which MEGA sucks for Robbie because 'holy shit the unstable padawans master defected' is getting thrown around and thats really not great. He wanders off deep into the temple where he can hopefully find a place to throw his feelings around in peace and stumbles into the artifact room, which opened in response to sensing the dark side. Bad news, you cant use the same method to get out.
Even MORE unfortunately one of these sith artifacts starts talking to him. After telling him how to get tf out of the vault and convincing Robbie that things are about to get bad ('I FELT what you could to out there kid do you REALLY think they're gonna let you stay? You gotta get out of here. And if you take me with you I can guide us to a ship they can't trace')
So Robbie sets out to run away, fully planning on taking Gabe with him and gets second thoughts while packing to which Gabe goes 'fuck that were GOING' (he's like. 11. But he'll be damned if Robbie goes somewhere and leaves him who knows how long). While escaping via unauthorized ship takeoff, Elis holocron makes it look like Robbie has fully gone to the dark side and there are clones sent to stop him.
Robbie responds by using the force to throw another ship at them and escapes with Gabe. Now they're both on the run. Robbie wanted by the jedi council for kidnapping, and Gabe wanted back to complete his training.
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Eli died as a dark side user and a wannabe Sith. He never really graduated into full sithhood and spent most of his time working for Senator Ivanov and his dealings in Hutt space. He was OBSESSED with the prospect of immortality and sought ways to survive even after death.
When he was used as a scapegoat by Ivanov (he reported Eli to the Jedi council to make him look a little less suspicious), his back up plan of imbuing a holocron with his force presence was put into use. He's been sitting gathering dust in a vault of darksided relics for the past 10 years, just waiting for his chance to get out.
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Gabe is an EXCEPTIONAL student in the Jedi temple. He enjoys learning about the force and how to use it, and for the most part gets along with his peers. His mobility aid has been improved since Robbie first built it for him out of scraps he was allowed to take from working on ships on Tatooine. Some days are still better than others, and there are times when a wheelchair is more appropriate, but generally the braces are good for daily use.
He is VERY defensive of his brother and absolutely will not hear a bad word said about him (many bad words are said about him. everyone things Gabe is incredibly sweet, but also to blinded by his love for his brother to see that he poses a threat). It very much so does frustrate him, he's just better at dealing with those feelings then Robbie is.
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Anakin gets his fun force choking so I think that Robbie should get something fun and funky and special too so enter: JAW BREAK!! Yes it is very ring inspired but I wanted to make it MORE. So fuck it he rips the whole jaw off its hinges I think this would also probably kill you very dead.
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Plus some doodles because brainrot brainrot brainrot brainrot
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kazoosandfannypacks · 5 months
You seem like the kind of person who would be interested in my favorite of my unhinged AUs.
Basically it goes like this. In Episode I, Obi-Wan skipped through the great Trials of becoming a Jedi Knight because he was the first Jedi to kill a Sith Lord, Darth Maul, in over a hundred years. (This is canon. I read The Official Star Wars: The Phantom Menace Movie Scrapbook obsessively as a kid before I had unrestrained wookieepedia access. Do not question my deep lore knowledge.)
However, in this version of the story, someone points it out during the Clone Wars. It's just an offhanded comment in a council meeting. It shouldn't amount to much. But one of the other masters, thank The Force no one remembers who, offhandedly mentions that "Wait, didn't we find out Darth Maul is still alive a couple months ago?" and another council member jokingly makes a remark along the lines of "Shouldn't Obi-Wan's knighthood status be revoked?"
That would've been the end of the conversation, except that Master Kenobi and his padawan are there for the conversation, and Anakin appreciates the humor of the situation a little too much.
"Of course, the experiences he's already gained on the field are more than sufficient to make up for what's lacking in Master Kenobi's trials," Mace says, "he shouldn't require any further action."
But Anakin, who has secretly seen Obi-Wan hold his head up a little too high at being the only living Jedi to kill a Sith, and has heard him bring it up at more than one occasion, begins snickering, if not outright laughing. He apologizes for his impertinence, stating that he finds it funny that he now outranks his master by a technicality.
So, although the council agrees Obi-Wan can retain his knighthood, Obi-Wan decides that, no, he's always been a follower of the rules, he's not gonna let the rules slide on this one, either. And with that, he requests the council's permission for a Defintely-Not-Selfishly-Or-Spitefully-Motivated-Mission-To-Hunt-Down-And-Kill-Darth-Maul-For-The-Good-Of-The-Galaxy, which the council concedes to, because knowing the Disaster Lineage, either Kenobi would find a way to do it anyways, or Anakin would attempt to beat him to the punch and gain the title of Master behind their backs.
Obi-Wan spends the rest of the Clone Wars chasing down Darth Maul, and though he is unsuccessful at killing the fallen Sith warrior, he does manage to drive him off Mandalore and prevent the Duchess from dying, so that's at least a little consolation.
Anyways, because of all this, Anakin isn't nearly as upset about not having the title of Master when he's given his seat on on the council, because, hey, look, Obi-Wan's on the council too, and he's not even officially a Jedi Knight yet. In fact, Anakin argues that he's just killed Dooku, and since Darth Maul is still out there somewhere, he's the first Jedi to kill a Sith in a hundred years or so, right? Doesn't this grant him the rank of Master?
The entire council sighs at this technicality, but "right, Master Skywalker is," and because he's been given the title that he's more than earned by then, Master Anakin Skywalker never turns to the Dark Side and Order 66 never happens.
📔 send me any book emoji and I'll tell you about a fanfic idea that I daydream about but haven't written
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yandere-wishes · 4 months
Opinion on the absolute ANCIENT history of Star Wars legends? Meaning Tulak Hord, Marka Ragnos and such
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Anon I am SO SO SO SORRY this took me forever to answer. I loved the ask so much that I wanted to have the perfect mood and ambiance for when I answered it. Suffice it to say that that hasn't happened for a good while now. But I sincerely hope that you are still lurking around this blog and get a chance to see my response. I cannot express how excited this ask has made me!! I harbor an extremely unhealthy obsession with ancient Sith lords and their lore
I'm going to start off by saying that, if we were in the Star Wars universe I would have already become a Sith lord. Due SOLELY to how much Darkside lore I read~🖤❤️
I swear whenever I see a new Sith lord my brain goes: "Omg he's so ugly." Then he proceeds to live in my head rent-free for three days and on the third night, I find myself dreaming of making out with him... this has happened one too many times...It might be a little bit concerning. XD
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Tulak Hord gives off major samurai vibes so I feel like he does follow some sorta Sith honor code. That being said he most likely acquires his darling as either a war trophy from some rival or conquered planet. Or she's a wide-eyed Acolyte who he can twist into his perfect darling. 
He's also so pretty and I want to kiss him so badly!!
 I'd love to be his little darling, a war trophy won in battle. Kept locked away within his fortress. A prize none but him are worthy to see. 
After each bloody campaign, he returns to you, his starlight. A dividend that keeps him fighting, keeps him tethered to the dark side of the force. He fights to provide you with an empire, to win your praises at his many accomplishments. 
 Little does he know of the aversion you harbor for him.
Tulak Hord the monster who took everything from you.  
No, but to be fair, I'd still be MADLY in love with him. Just imagine Lord Hord coming home from the battlefield, bloodied and still high off his bloodlust. 
Imagine straddling him as you lovingly peel off his bloodied armor. Kissing his flesh every time it appears from under his armor. He'd run his clawed gauntlets over your back tracing your spine. Making you shiver from the frigid steel. Your warmth feels welcoming, innocent, he longs to corrupt it. 
Then obviously kissing when you get to his helmet. Deep and passionate. Filled with hate and love. Out of fear, you've learned to play your role as a doubtful lover, a devoted wife, to a fault. 
"The universe is more complicated than you could ever imagine, starlight. Be thankful that I've shielded you away from all its inconsistencies."
It's getting harder and harder to remember why you resist him so much. Why push him away when his presence is so overwhelming? Consuming you wholly. 
"Thank you, my lord." 
If you were his Acolyte things would play out a bit differently. He'd have trained you for so many years. Building you up to be the ultimate weapon and simultaneously his ideal darling. You're too far gone, mistaking toxins for affection. You've learned to cherish every bruise and broken bone that comes from him.
You were such a naive little girl when he first took an interest in you. Now he's morphed you into the scourge of the battlefield. The mere mention of your name sends generals running away in fear. 
He finds you after every campaign. Permits you the honor of washing his armor and tending to his wounds. Basking in the way your nimble fingers apply bacta to what little scars he may have received. 
Tulak is such a tremendous master. Personally seeing to your wellbeing and recovery. 
He pulls you onto his lap, kissing your open wounds as he stitches them for you. Sometimes he pulls his helmet up and plunges his tongue into the trauma lapping at the blood and broken muscles as he ravishes in your delightful moans. He'll whisper sweet praises into your ears, telling you how proud he is of all you've accomplished, what a stupendous sith lord you shall make someday, ruling by his side. All while his iron-clad fingers work bruises into your soft flesh. 
You are his perfect little doll.
Tulak Hord's perfect little acolyte.
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Would it be wrong to say that I kinda want to be Marka Ragnos' concubine? Or just his pretty little princess who's always at his beck and call!! Look he's literally a giant hulking red alien with golden horns... what's not to love!! 
Plus I'd give anything to just sit on his lap as he holds court. Tracing patterns across his chest and relishing in the feeling of his claws scraping across your flesh, leaving his mark even when he's focused on galactic domination. 
Prior to that Marka would totally dress you in the most ethereal dresses!! All lavish golds and blood reds. Somedays they'd be full-blown multilayered dresses and other days (when he wants to show a bit more dominance) he'll have you wearing danity silk dresses that show more skin than you are comfortable with. 
He'd also shower you with praises throughout the day. Calling you his "sweet little princess" and "pretty girl". look getting called "pretty girl" by a sith lord is free therapy and I am HERE for it😤😍😤😍. 
I also have this random headcanon that Marka Ragnose is (in some ways) a father figure to Vitita/Valkorion/Tenebrae. That being said it's only logical for Marka Ragnos' darling to be (younger) Vitita's mother figure. In a twisted forceful way, they're kinda like a happy family. Also forced Yandere family is one of my fav tropes, so I had to reference it here lol. 
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Okay, guys seriously this ask has made me so happy since the MOMENT I got it!! If anyone wants to send in asks for any Star Wars Sith lords (well-known ones, obscure ones, hated/loved ones) my ask box is wide open. 
In conclusion, I've been collecting Sith Lords to simp over like an 8-year-old collects Pokemon cards. Sith lords are unconventionally HOT and I'd totally be down to be there sweet little darling !! Like please just let me be a Sith Lord's cute little side piece, the eye candy that hangs off his arm. His pretty little bunny girl that'll do anything to please him.
(*Concerningly looks down at the pride and self-respect I just smashed.* "Whoops...that wasn't supposed to happen") 
Anon I think I answered your question with these little stories. I am very much IN LOVE with the ancient Sith lords. And it doesn't just stop at Tulak and Marka. I literally NEED a harm of Sith lords. Look they may not be conventionally handsome, but there's something about "the dark forces warping their appearance" that makes me go absolutely feral!! 🤣🤣😍😍
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someonesblog1555 · 1 year
Mars opposite Pluto: This aspect isn’t talked about much because it tends to be somewhat rare. The best way to describe it is a taboo and magnetizing attraction to one another. One partner may be very intimidated by the other. In my personal relationship I have found the Pluto partner to be the obsessive one, while the mars partner tends to rebel against Pluto’s controlling nature. The sexual connection here isn’t over exaggerated. Sex is a power play. Sex is a mode of control and manipulation from both sides. This aspect can also breed vengeance. The Pluto partner desperately wants to possess the mars partner, and in doing so can become aggressive, and needlessly cruel to the mars partner. Overall this relationship includes dramatic displays of affection, and an overall taboo vibe to the entire relationship. The best way to describe this relationship is the famous quote “all is fair in love and war” because when this aspect is present the partners will do whatever it takes to win. Regardless of who gets caught in the middle.
Mars/Venus conjunct Lilith: From the very start the attraction here can feel as magnetizing as it is frightening. It can create an intense and raw connection between two people. Although there is clearly darkness creeping into the intimate moments together. With this aspect you may question if this relationship is right. You feel so drawn to each other, yet there is a repulsion that you can’t quite put your finger on. A relationship filled with intense stares, and indescribable tension. It’s the unbelievable sex that’s followed by a horrible gut feeling afterwards. Its giving into your temptation even though you know it’s wrong. This person, although they may be attractive, just irks you. Not in the way that would make you grossed out, but something deeper. Nonetheless, the sexual connection is incredible. It’s the type that keeps both partners coming back for more even after countless betrayals, and no matter how many people have been hurt. For some reason you can never shake the thought and this person, and they can never shake the thought of you.
Moon conjunct Lilith: This emotional connection. The type they write about in movies. The type you write home about. I see the darkest parts of myself reflected back to me when I am with you. You probably know this person better than they know themselves. You probably see their motives long before they can even recognize them. This bond is intuitive. It’s deep. A lot of time can pass, but when you reunite it feels as if you just saw each other days ago. It’s home as a person. You know each other. Too well. You know what they think, and what they feel, but since Lilith is involved things quickly get complicated. Both the moon and Lilith person have an extreme emotional attachment to one another. So much so that they can never truly close the book on their relationship. It’s always a farewell, but never a forever. With this connection. You always come back together. There is no final goodbye.
Venus trine Neptune: “I see stars in your eyes.” Was poetry written by Venus-Neptune people? Or was it written for them? Probably a mix of both. When these two planets meet in Synastry it feels as though actual magic is present within the relationship. It might as well be a perfectly written novel. There are tragedies. Passion. An overwhelming love for one another, and just an overall ethereal vibe to the entire relationship especially in the beginning. If you had any dreams or hopes for what love would be, then Venus trine Neptune would make those dreams a reality. In fact it would probably exceed your expectations for what love could be. Still this aspect signifies delusion. It also tells of an unconditional love. No matter what your partner does. You still love them. And the same is applied vice versa. Almost nothing could make you despise this person, you will always see the good in them.
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thewriterowl · 5 months
Luke’s self-promised timeframe for his father is coming to an end and it does not seem like Anakin Skywalker is ready to break free from the grasp of Palpatine nor the Dark-side. Now fearing his presences is making Vader obsessed, now fourteen-year-old Luke decides an escape is needed and a change in plan is unavoidable.
Running to familiar, and unfamiliar, faces and from both his father and his friend, Jedi apprentice Din Djarin, Luke fears the changes he has made are becoming uncontrollable and dangerous than originally believed.
And the next installment of the Sunburst series has begun!
Please read the notes in this first chapter as it will explain a bit of the romance portion if you are at all concerned about it. Even though it is a bit, maybe, on the spoiler-y side, I want to ensure everyone feels comfortable with it. I will also be happy to explain and answer questions/concerns about it too if necessary!
Also, as I mentioned in the end notes, this will not be updated constantly for awhile. Been dealing with some writer's burn-out/block where I do want to write but it just doesn't come as easy right now I think due to exhaustion. So Saturdays and what they may bring will probably be a surprise to us all for a few weeks as I get my groove back. So Sunburst, Ghosts of the Bent and Broken, and other little things will just be tossed around on who gets attention.
But, other than that, I am excited to be back in this universe! I hope you all enjoy this next portion of this time-travel-fix-it!
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mysticalstuff · 2 months
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Bound by possession
Why aren’t there any fanfics of this man??? It’s absolutely preposterous!!!
Author's Note: This fanfiction explores the psychological complexities of a Yandere character and contains themes of manipulation, violence, and obsession. Please proceed with caution while reading.
Summary: Leonard "Bones" McCoy is a respected doctor aboard the USS Enterprise. However, beneath his calm and professional exterior lies a deeply possessive and obsessive side. When he meets a new crew member named Y/N, his fixation takes a dark turn, and he becomes determined to ensure their love remains exclusive, no matter the cost.
The Encounter-
Y/N stood nervously in the sickbay, waiting for their turn to get a routine medical check-up. As the door slid open, Dr. Leonard McCoy entered, his piercing blue eyes immediately fixing upon them. His heart raced as he met their gaze, sensing something intense in his expression. "Y/N, step right up," McCoy said, his voice dripping with an unsettling combination of concern and possessiveness. "I'll personally take care of you."
As the Bond Forms-
Over the next few weeks, Y/N found themselves drawn to Dr. McCoy's presence. He was always there, offering a helping hand or a comforting shoulder. At first, it felt flattering, but soon, his obsession became suffocating. One evening, Y/N accidentally mentioned a new friend they'd made during an off-duty gathering. McCoy's face twisted into a jealous glare, his grip on the hypospray tightening. "No one should distract you from me," he growled, injecting the medicine into Y/N's arm. "Only I can take care of you properly."
The Hidden Desires-
As days turned into months, McCoy's possessiveness grew more dangerous. He would sabotage any potential relationships or friendships that threatened his exclusive bond with Y/N. His actions became increasingly violent, as he resorted to unorthodox medical procedures to keep them close. One night, Y/N woke up in the medical bay, strapped down to a bed. McCoy stood over them, his eyes flickering with a manic obsession. “I just want to protect you, Y/N," he whispered, holding a scalpel ominously close. "I can't let anyone else have you. We will be together forever, even if it means... removing any obstacles."
The Revelation-
Y/N's friends aboard the Enterprise began to notice their withdrawal and strange injuries. Concerned, they confronted McCoy, unaware of the horrors he had unleashed upon Y/N. Cornered, McCoy's sanity snapped. He lashed out, attacking anyone who dared to threaten his connection with Y/N. In the chaos, Y/N managed to escape, desperately seeking refuge from the man they once trusted.
To Escape or Embrace?-
Was the only thing that came to Y/N’s mind, With the help of their loyal friends, Y/N plotted an escape plan to a distant planet. However, deep down, a part of them yearned for the toxic comfort they once found in McCoy's obsession. The struggle to free themselves from his grasp became a battle against their own conflicting desires. In the end, Y/N made a difficult choice. They would confront McCoy one final time, hoping to either break free completely or embrace the dangerous love that bound them.
End of fanfic.
I am considering writing for Star Wars next!
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hopefulsidney · 8 months
Some people believe that AFO could be Deku’s father, while some others believe Monoma could be AFO’s son, or related to him in some way. But, ever considered that both Deku and Monoma could be AFO sons?
With the end of the series rapidly approaching, and the amount of evidence that has been gathered, it's very likely that the DFO theory could be true and that AFO could very possibly be Deku’s father. But there’s another character that could very possibly be related to AFO; Monoma. As characters have developed and with the discovery of quirk marriages, it is very likely that AFO would have multiple children, very much in the same idea of Endeavor and having the “perfect” child. This could be backed up by the fact that there’s a possibility he could have experimented on them due to the knowledge of his work with Dr. Garaki. These ideas make it a possibility that Monoma and Deku could both be children of AFO, in turn making them half-brothers.
Monoma & AFO
Quirks - Monoma’s and AFO’s quirks are almost exactly the same, and some people see Copy as a weaker and inferior version of AFO since there’s a time limit and an inability to use two quirks at once. Plus they’re two of the three quirk-based quirks.
Monomania - They both have a singular obsession, Monoma’s being Class A and AFO’s being OFA and becoming Demon King.
Poses - AFO and Monoma do very similar poses, and have one of them for their pop figures.
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Comics - AFO has said that he’s influenced by comics (Chapter 364) and Monoma has Franco-Belgian comics listed as his likes in his Shifuku. If he was his son and/or groomed by AFO, he could’ve had Monoma read the comics that he and his brother read in their youth to influence him to help with his plan to become “Demon King,” then resulting in him having his hobby in reading Franco-Belgian comics.
Similar appearances/features with AFO and Yoichi
Monoma and Yoichi have similar features, some being similar hair and eye shapes, and they both have white pupils. In my opinion, if someone drew Monoma or with longer hair I don’t think anyone would be able to tell the difference. And it’s not uncommon for a parent's child to take after their siblings instead of themselves due to the complexity of genetics. 
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I also noticed that Young AFO looks like a slightly older Monoma. They have similar eye and head shapes, other than AFO having a more defined chin, which makes sense as facial features tend to sharpen with age. As of recent chapters, as AFO continues to de-ages with the effects of rewind, he gains a similar appearance to Monoma as seen in these panels.
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Monoma’s Birthplace
This could be a coincidence, but The League of Villain’s old bar base and Nomu warehouse was located in Kamino Ward, Yokohama City. This is located in Kanagawa prefecture, which happens to be where Monoma was born. (Ultra Analysis).
Horikoshi Loves Making Star Wars References
In Class B’s Sports Festival play, ‘Romeo and Juliet and the Return of the Prisoner King of Azkaban,’ Monoma reenacts the “I am your father” scene from Empire Strikes Back with him portraying Romeo, who’s an amalgamation of the characters Romeo, Luke Skywalker, Frodo and Harry Potter. Tetsutetsu could be a representation of AFO, as both Kamino Ward and Final Arc AFO and Tetsutetsu's play character are based on Darth Vader, like AFO. Monoma, being in the role of Luke, could be a foreshadowing element of his connection to AFO. Additionally, this is the only scene of the play we see illustrated/animated which potentially highlights its importance to the overall story.
On top of that, Mirio and Eri referred to him as the “dark side of U.A.'' which can be a reference to the dark side that the Sith practiced and was associated with in Star Wars, that could anticipate a connection with AFO.
  Now, it is possible that Deku being AFO’s son could be a red herring. However, with all of the evidence supporting the 'AFO is Deku’s father' theory, I find this doubtful. This also brings attention to all the evidence supporting the 'Monoma could be AFO's son' theory. I am surprised that I have never heard anyone talk about a possible relation, and with all of this in mind I believe there is some likely evidence that could point to Deku and Monoma being half-brothers.
Horikoshi loves making Star Wars references pt 2
When the original DFO theory became popular people would say Deku, All Might, Gran Torino and AFO would fit into the role of Luke Skywalker, Obi Wan, Yoda and Darth Vader. However, we’re missing out on who would fit into the role of Leia. Most people would answer with Shigaraki but it wouldn’t make sense for Shigraki, the main villain, to be Leia since Luke and Leia were always allies. So if Deku and Monoma were, in fact, half-siblings, this would mean that the role of Leia would fit Monoma more than it would Shigaraki.
Mirror AFO and Yoichi
The Deku and Monoma quirk dynamic shares a similarity to the Shigaraki brothers, Yoichi and AFO. Monoma and Yoichi share similar features/appearances, like them sharing the trait of white eyes. However, Monoma has a similar power to AFO and also shares similar personality traits with AFO, like having a singular obsession over one thing. Deku, on the other hand, shares similar features with AFO, most notably his curly hair and people have said his silhouette could look like an adult Deku. Even so, Deku is the one that possesses the power of OFA and shares personality traits with Yoichi like their similar strong sense of justice.
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Battle Intellect
AFO is shown on multiple occasions to have a genius intellect. Deku and Monoma have both proven that they have a high intelligence and skill when it comes to strategizing and analyzing in battle. They could have inherited their intelligence from AFO if he was their father.
Ability to hold multiple quirks naturally
AFO, Deku and Monoma are the only 3 characters who have quirk-based quirks, meaning that their base level quirks only work when coming into contact with another quirk. They are the only ones who can naturally hold multiple quirks without body modifications or suffer any repercussions, i.e. becoming incapacitated, having cracks form on their body, having their lifespan shortened, etc.
Class counterparts
Speaking of parallels, Monoma and Deku are very similar to each other to the point they can be called each other's counterparts for class A and B. Both characters share similar backgrounds, being told they can’t live up to being a hero because of their quirk status. Both are the biggest influences to their classmates, despite not being the official leaders or representatives. Their quirks are direct counterparts as well; Deku’s quirk can be given to others and Monoma’s “takes” quirks from others. They’re also, coincidentally, both placed in seat 18 of their respective classrooms.
However, I believe Deku isn’t the only counterpart Monoma could have. It’s been shown multiple times that Aoyoma and Monoma counterpart each other as well. Their personalities are very similar; both are fond of posing dramatically, frequently attempt to grab the attention of their classmates, despite frequently being ignored or brushed off, and are highly insecure of themselves and their quirks and try to hide it by acting eccentric and flamboyant. Additionally, both characters have a habit of breaking the 4th wall in their own respective ways, both shown to be very observant, hinted to come from French descent, and are highly insecure of themselves and their quirks and try to hide it by acting eccentric and flamboyant. 
These character traits that all three characters have could indicate all of them having a connection with AFO, especially since two characters already have a canon connection. 
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Ship wars and why they don't let us appreciate and enjoy good characters (Akane Kurokawa and Kana Arima). PART 4
¿Akane and Kana's downfall?
So, in the past few weeks, I've been watching some videos and seeing certain comments that make me wonder about the reading comprehension level of some people who read Oshi no Ko's manga.
Because, ¿since when did we start calling a character development a “downfall”? I think that at this point (and because this is the fourth post I have done on this topic), we are all aware of the great capacity that anti-fans have to distort a story and misinterpret the motivations behind certain characters' actions, for the sole purpose of making them look bad.
So this really shouldn't surprise me. BUT, when I tell you that the way Kana and Akane's respective haters are reacting to the new paths their characters have taken in the story IS WILD, I mean it. ¿Perhaps are we reading a different story? I genuinely believe that could be the only logical explanation for all this madness.
None of you will let me lie when I say that the favorite arguments of Kana's haters are that her character is “practically useless to the story”, and that her only purpose is to be a possible romantic interest for Aqua. Ah, or my favorite (sarcastically), that Kana's character is so “obsessed” with Aqua that she literally became an idol just because he asked her to, and that “proves how dependent she is on him, and how horrible she is”. Wow.
As many of us already know, currently in the manga, Kana is no longer an idol. She decided to leave the group B-Komachi to pursue her passion of being an actress again. And no, that decision had nothing to do with Aqua.
In fact, you could say that this was the first step she took to overcome her dependence on him. Because it's true: Kana became an idol because Aqua asked her to, and one of the motivations that made her continue on that path was the idea that, one day, she would become his favorite idol, his star. HOWEVER, this doesn't make her a “horrible character”. That makes her an exceptionally good and well-written flawed character.
She's not perfect, as LITERALLY NO ONE in the story is. But Kana has one of the best backstories that perfectly explains the reason behind the decisions her character has made so far.
Kana's character is the perfect representation of the consequences that child actors have to face in the entertainment industry. (something that, as we have always known, is a central theme of Oshi no Ko: the dark side of the world of entertainers. Kana may not be involved in the revenge plot the way Aqua or Akane are, but she is by no means unnecessary to the overall story).
Kana's mother and manager, both, ditched her when she began to lose popularity and her career was falling apart. This left her with severe traumas, something haters love to overlook.
She learned that she would only receive her mother's support and affection when she shined on stage. She learned what it felt like to be abandoned, even by her fans, if she wasn't “good enough”, if she wasn't the "genius actress Kana Arima".
This is where Aqua comes in.
The importance of having someone who believes in us.
Aqua offered Kana the opportunity to have a fresh start in the industry. This time, as an idol. But not only that, here comes the most important thing: Aqua gave his UNCONDITIONAL SUPPORT to Kana.
For her, the feeling of having someone who supports you and is on your side no matter what happens is very important. It's something precious. Kana's “obsession” with Aqua isn't something that came from nowhere. In fact, it's not even an obsession. It's attachment, it's affection and yes, it's dependency, but it has a reason: Aqua is the person who restored Kana's trust in herself as a performer, who told her he believed in her and in her talent.
He became someone special to her. That's why she later developed feelings of love towards him and, consequently, wants to be with him. There's nothing wrong with that, and it's not pathetic either. However, it is true that because of the unhealed wounds that Kana still has due to her past, it isn't an entirely healthy thing.
The importance of believing in ourselves.
Since we know that no character in Oshi no Ko is perfect, then we have to recognize that no relationship in the story is either. Aqua and Kana's relationship isn't perfect. And that's okay, since there are reasons for it.
Kana often let Aqua's actions affect her to a worrying level (such as when she became depressed when Akane and Aqua became a real couple.). Witnessing that, we readers wanted nothing more than for Kana to stop being affected by it. For her to realize that her feelings for Aqua, at that time, were doing her more harm than good. And it finally happened, during the incident with the film director.
It was at that moment that Kana surely realized that she was losing herself because of her feelings for Aqua. For her character, that time was her lowest moment: she thought she had lost Aqua to Akane, and along with him, her motivation to continue being an idol. After all, that hasn't been her true dream, at least not like it is for Ruby and Mem. And, all of that together, began to affect her performance on stage, especially after the audience started to favor Ruby more.
For that reason, Kana thought that the only thing she had left was her acting career, and she desperately wanted to rebuild it. In that vulnerable state, Kana was about to make mistakes she normally wouldn't make, like sleeping with a director to get an important role in a movie. After all, she's the one who has the most experience with the dangers of the industry. But, I'll say it again for the people in the back: that was her lowest moment. When a character hits rock bottom, they can only go up. And it's exactly the path Kana's character is on now.
¿But do her haters realize that? Sadly, but not surprisingly, no. They don't.
For Kana's haters, the fact that she has given up being an idol is “proof that her character is a waste” and that the “author no longer knows what to do with her”.
Before, they hated Kana because she joined B-Komachi only because of Aqua, and complained that she had no personality and was toxic because she couldn't decide for herself. Now that Kana has left the group to focus on what SHE is passionate about, they say her character no longer has a purpose and is facing her downfall.
Little do they realize that it's a time of great growth for Kana, who has taken the first step toward stopping suffering from her feelings for Aqua. Perhaps even finding a better way to deal with her traumas and finally heal.
But yeah, of course, let's keep saying it's her downfall, I guess.
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