#the darlingest boy ever
themarsbar · 2 months
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shoshiwrites · 1 month
So I don't really ever post work photos because I'm not going to dox myself but please know that there is so much that I could post and so much that gives me fic brainrot. I'm currently processing a family collection that includes a small group of letters from a woman to her husband, dating from the time of their engagement in the 1930s through the late 50s, by which point they've been married 20+ years and are parents to four children.
I don't know anything about their marriage outside of these letters, but she always addresses him so lovingly? Which is all to say. I'm just supposed to sit there and unfold things?? And not think about Jo being a giant mushball??
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So you can see I'm very normal.
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mossy-covered-bones · 1 month
Best way to get a cat is to find one in a dumpster somehwere, i think. Close second is for them to just show up at your doorstep asking for pets
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kkpwnall · 1 year
wanted: pool boy at the vampire mansion
for my darlingest louseph @cheatghost who a few days ago sent me the words "pool boy steve at eddie's vampire mansion" at 6 in the morning and immediately got my brain whirring. like 0 to 60, dead asleep to wide awake and writing. so here's less than 1k words of pure ridiculous fun.
[also on ao3]
It’s not a bad gig, really. Even if it stipulates in his contract that he has to be shirtless while he’s on the property. But Steve also signed the contract in his blood so he’s not sure how legal it is. 
Plus the pay is insane. He quit his other jobs, and he’s basically got free reign of the pool all day. So he takes his time with the skimmer fishing out all the leaves and dead bugs, swims laps for a while. Spends the rest of the day in a lounger before adjusting the chemicals so it’s perfect by morning.
What do vampires need with a pool anyway?
The four guys stay in the house whenever Steve comes by, but they're friendly enough and wave at him through the dark tinted windows. 
One guy ogles him the whole time he works. Not that he really minds. So what if Steve gets to work early, just to put on sunscreen? Who’s gonna know if he puts some extra flex in his muscles while he works? And who cares if they’ve got the cleanest pool in all of Indiana? It’s not hurting anyone. 
But Steve's drawn to him the same way he was drawn to the ad in the first place, with his long dark curly hair and unending collection of black band shirts. His crooked smile and dimples and shining brown eyes.
It's just... they've never once spoken. And Steve is dying to get to know this guy who makes the goofiest faces at him. Who was pissed when Steve laughed the first time he did, hands up like devil horns, tongue lolling and eyes crossed. Until Steve made his own face back. 
This guy, who plays elaborate charades with Steve through the glass, trying and failing to do the classic walking-down-stairs bit. Who went boneless when one of the guys in his band (? coven? pod? Ask Dustin what a group of vampires is called.) dragged him away while Steve mimed crying, waving an imaginary hanky at him. This guy, who clutched his heart and fell over when Steve lowered his shades and winked at him one day.
And it's because of those shades that Steve has to drive all the way back to the mansion late one night to retrieve them from his usual chair.
When he gets there, someone’s floating in the pool. Someone, with long curly hair spilling all around their head. Someone, wearing all their clothes, and Steve can't tell from the weak pool light if they're face up or face down, but they sure as hell aren't moving. 
His lifeguard training takes over between one step and the next, as he bolts for the pool, launching into the water, and throwing himself forward with broad strokes. 
Except when Steve gets to him, the guy isn't drowning, he’s sputtering and swearing and pushing away from him in the water. “What are you doing here?!”
“You're not drowning...” Steve says blankly, trying to catch his breath as he treads water. 
“No! And thank you for the rescue, Lancelot, but you need to get out of here.” His long hair streams over his face as he spins while Steve paddles around him to make sure he’s really alright. 
“Lancelot?” he asks, just to keep the guy talking, to hear more from his honeyed voice. Better than anything he could’ve ever imagined. 
“A knight in shining armor,” the guy mumbles, trying to hide his face. “A hero rescuing fair damsels and slaying vile beasts.” 
Steve chuckles, but doesn’t miss the venom in his last words. He catches him by the upper arm to stop his spinning. “No, I know who Lancelot is, it’s just–”
It’s just he’s even prettier close up. It’s just his skin is freezing cold in the sun-warmed pool water. It’s just he’s looking at Steve, caught somewhere between a grimace and a grin, and his teeth are so so sharp. 
“I’m Steve,” he says, moving closer. Entirely entranced by the pool light, the moonlight, the starlight, glimmering in his eyes. Steve’s hand has a mind of its own, rising out of the water to cup the guy’s cheek with a wet palm, “And you’re…” 
Gently traces his lower lip, runs his thumb over the sharp canine, careful not to touch the pointed tip. 
“You’re beautiful,” Steve breathes. 
The guy surges forward, reeling Steve in with a hand on the back of his neck, and kisses him fiercely. Steve kisses him back just as fervently, wraps his arms around his waist and kicks out with his legs to keep them afloat, as his tongue slides past the guy’s teeth to swirl and dance with his. 
It's messy and uncoordinated and they sink and bob in the water as they move against each other. The guy's fingers tangle in the shaggy hair at the base of his neck, twisting and snagging. Steve groans and stretches a broad palm up between the guy's shoulder blades, pressing further into him, drinking all of him in.
“It’s Eddie,” he says, pulling back and panting when they finally part. “I’m Eddie.”
Steve grins at Eddie and kisses him again, pushing them through the water towards the edge at the shallow end of the pool. He can think of better uses for his legs right now.
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fbfh · 1 year
hii! could I request headcanons for leo and a reader (gender neutral or female, whatever u prefer) with chronic fatigue? there's barely any fics with cfs rep and he's my comfort character so i thought i'd ask T-T. i adore your writing and it's great to see that the hoo fandom is still alive. thank you sm!!
oh man oh boy I love this one anon. my dearest darlingest anoniest anon. one song that always makes me think of how it feels to be in a relationship with Leo is acolyte by slaughter beach dog. Leo can always tell when your fatigue is getting bad, sometimes before you can. There's this sort of soft way he looks at you when he knows you just need to rest a little. Whatever your needs are, Leo will always be sure to meet them. If you need to lay down and sleep or rest for a while, he'll make sure you're in optimum napping conditions. Need some cuddles? he's already spooning you. Need to be alone? no problem, he's gonna work on some of his prototypes in the garage for a while, just text or call if you need anything. forehead kiss. longing warm gaze.
"I love you, estrella."
punctuated by another kiss, ofc. he always has ibuprofen or other pain killers for when you start to feel achy, and he's better at helping you keep track of your meds than your pill tracker app. Leo's love language is "I invented this for you to make your life easier", like the guy who invented rubber gloves. Leo loves you to the point of invention. he's joked for years that he's going to build you a Jetsons house, so everything is perfectly automated. all you need to do is sit in a chair while you glide down an assembly line and everything will be done for you. sometimes you text him and tell him you're having a jane jetson day. he always comes right over with snacks and tea and anything else you might need. he'll cuddle you for a while, help you out with some housework, do a little meal prep for you. he never, ever makes you feel bad or even neutral about having chronic fatigue. if it ever gets you down, he'll be right there with hugs and kisses and the sweetest, softest, most encouraging words. he tells you how he would hold up the sky for you or crawl out of hell, so helping with laudry and dishes when you're having a bad day is really no problem at all for him. he's happy to do it, happy to know your needs are met, happy to be the one to meet them. if you get any other symptoms like headaches or sore throats, he'll get every home remedy under the sun from his mom and you'll try them out until he finds what will work for you. Leo slowly makes good on his joking promise to make you a jetsons house, and you soon find your place filled with inventions here and there from Leo, little things to make your life easier. and they work. it takes so much stress out of your life knowing that your dish washer can now rinse, wash, dry, and put away your dishes, that your fridge organizes itself and prints out lists of what you're running low on - it can even send them to your phone to automatically order them. you have a roomba that Leo turned into the monster truck of roombas. not only does it vaccuum, but it also sweeps, mops, picks up your floor, can get you stuff from other rooms, and folds laundry. it's also a dehumidifier. you named him mr. butlertron. and Leo loves every motherfucking moment of it. even if all you can do is sit or lay down in the same room as him while he cleans or cooks or works on his projects, it always makes it so much better because you're there. you're there with him, so everything is good. perfect.
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geekeryisafoot · 10 months
Every glimpse we get of Corpse God's original world is more and more hilarious because Corpse God is like "life was awful I was an enemy of the world my only chance for solace was traveling to a new world in an elaborate magical suicide" and then you see his sorcerous former coworkers who spend their entire 2 seconds of screen time going "oh we're talking about Corpse God? My darlingest baby boy, the sweetest child to ever grace this world who I miss dearly and wish enternal happiness on? That Corpse God? If you say 1 bad thing about him I'll remove all the blood from your body"
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stormyoceans · 22 days
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these days i feel like i keep falling behind on things and can't keep up with all the shows i want to watch and the people i wanna talk to and the posts i wanna make but never ever doubt that im checking on my boys daily and feeling so incredibly proud of them and everything they're achieving!!!!!!!!!
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tiredflowercrown · 9 months
it's delicate but i will do my best (to seem bulletproof)
My dearest darlingest boy must finally see the world. And so he shall.
People think being dumb is easy. That you can just breeze through life without any worries. Oh you would never be moving up but you also wouldn’t move down. Not when you are at Chad’s station. That assumption isn’t correct. Not when you are Heir Apparent of the Kingdom of Sardinia.
His entire life had been training for the throne, for being the sole ruler of one of the most powerful kingdoms in Auradon. It wasn’t until he was twelve and little miracle baby Chole was born, that there was any doubt about his future. Now, even as he was eighteen and she was six, there were rumors of the crown going to her instead.
Chad wasn’t entirely stupid, he knew that he would never be the best. Never have the best grades or be the most popular. He knew that most people thought of him as some sort of dumb dolt who only did Audrey’s bidding. And perhaps he was. But it still didn’t change the fact that Sardinia, his kingdom and his people, were his number one priority. If it had to make the choice between his longest oldest friend and his people, there would be no question. No hesitation.
Everyone just looked at him and saw nothing. Lights on but no one’s home they would say. They didn’t see the mountains of paperwork he sorted though weekly, or all the proposals that he had helped his parents send to King Adam. He had sat by his parents side, forever waiting for a budge, for the sliver of hope to be given breath. His dear mother had always been too kind, and the high king too harsh. So when news came of others, they took the small fracture, the small what if, and rejoiced.
His pushback against the initial villain kids had been purely selfish. Why them? Why the ones that no one had asked for? No Tremaines or the Gothel girl? No one who any kingdom had wanted off had gotten off of the Isle, Queen Snow had warmed up and began to love Evie but that didn’t negate that she had never wanted her off the Isle beforehand.
It wasn’t til afterwards that Chad found out that Ben had never known about any of the motions to get children off the Isle before his proclamation. That Ben thought he was alone in his wishes. Chad had sealed his fate due to his pettiness, until Dizzy got off he would never get a chance to get close or apologize or explain that they did have allies. Just another thing that silly stupid Chad Charming had screwed up. Another reason to give the crown elsewhere.
People rarely looked at him and saw his parents. They saw the spoiled greedy prince, a harold of the old times. Someone who didn’t care who he hurt as long as he was on top. Someone who’s wealth and position mattered more than the people they were supposed to serve. They often forget that kind does not mean nice.
All he would ever be to the general public, to high society at large would be Chad Charming, the pretty boy with much to him.
But to his kingdom, his people, his Sardinia. He was Crown Prince Chadwick Geoffrey Theodore Nikolai Denzil Anastasius William François Reginald Leopold Hamnet James, heir to the throne of Sardinia, the kingdom of kindness, of the wish fae. That’s what mattered most to him. To carry on his parents legacy in the best way that he could, even with the bridges he’s burned, Chad will do his best to continue further into a golden age.
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1moreoffkeyanthem · 8 months
feeling tender in this chilis will you tell us what ur styles find most attractive or love the most about each other or even what they find the most endearing, my dear? <3
My darlingest, Absofuckinglutely!!!
Dude I have a million AU’s, but all across the board? Stan and Kyle are SO RIDICULOUSLY IN LOVE!!! Even before they knew it, they were. I’ll always deliver the Tenderness. And u know my styles are pretty consistent across every universe, so these STAY true:
Starting with what Stan loves about Kyle emotionally? His PASSION!!! Kyle cares SO MUCH about EVERYTHING. And everyone. He sometimes gets carried away, and Stan will be silently smiling while trying to cool the fire down, because he adores it but like damn Ky you don’t need to get this worked up over the gas station clerk’s struggle with his kid? It’s so cute to him tho.
Similarly, my Kyles are some of the most empathetic people you ever did see. He just senses things about people and his first impressions? They’re usually right. If Kyle gets a Bad Vibe from someone, that’s a good sign to steer clear. When Stan isn’t sure what to think of a new person, Kyle is, and tells him with no hesitation. He’s so instinctual in general and can diffuse a bad situation at the drop of a hat. If he doesn’t get too riled up lmao. He just KNOWS. And he’s so trustworthy too, like you need someone for something? Kyle. He’s very self aware for the most part and stays on top of what’s going on mentally, but when he lets loose? Stan is just gazing in wonder at his firecracker of a sbf in absolute love.
On Kyle’s side of things: dude Stan is the sweetest human being on the face of the planet. Where Kyle is a fighter, Stan is a LOVER. He is so vocal about the things and people he loves, and he’s really protective of them! (Where Ky is a Defender, Stan is a Protector) Stanley Marsh my sweet loverboy and he tries SO hard to perform these sweeping romantic gestures and it’s even more endearing when he fails (unfortunately he is indeed kind of a loser) but is so cute oh my goddddd like ok king try to serenade your bf and slip on the ice and smile that soft smile when he helps you up.
When he takes a stand on something he is FULLY into it. Another thing u know about my Stans is that he’s ALWAYS vegetarian and that will never change bc he LOVES animals. And if he randomly brings home a stray cat (hi Moose) Kyle cannot say no because dammit Stan is already so attached and he looks so cute making those Eyes at you and his love of all creatures great and small is so precious!!! And Kyle, who thrives on passion, really really likes to see Stan get so stoked about that kind of thing. Stan is also such a dork and he WILL infodump about fob’s discography or lotr it’s so cute!
On that previous note, Kyle likes validation. His love language is words of affirmation. And Stan gets stoked about Kyle, and he will not hesitate to express it!
So, physically, ohhhhh boy I may need to chill with the hcs because I absolutely have too many. Starting on that with Stanley Down Bad Marsh and his adoration of Kyle:
Stan 100% absolutely has a thing for Kyle’s hair. Kyle hates his hair for a lot of the time growing up but Stan LOVES IT!!! Out here mega down horrendous and going “kyyyyy take your hat off I’m sad” and Kyle folds bc when Stan’s feelin down he is so comforted by a mass of red curls and he has indeed cried one of the times Ky cut it short (this may or may not be the reason ojv Kyle has shoulder length hair)
While I do have some Tall Kyles out there, most of them are on the shorter side, and all my Stans are Big Boys. And Stan very much enjoys the size difference. He LOVES picking Kyle up, feeling like a knight in shining armor (my Stans are PROTECTORS FR) and just holding him oh my god he gets so excited when Kyle actually LETS him! (Oh wow what a surprise I’m turning this into OJV hc hour) so OrangeJuiceVerse Kyle is 5’7 and like maybe 130 soaking wet, Stan loves to just snag him lmao Ky may get insecure abt his size sometimes but Stan’s gonna love it he genuinely thinks it’s so cute
His FRECKLES! Bruh every Kyle I’ve written has beautiful faint freckles EVERYWHERE and Stan will be connecting them like constellations. Most of his features are sharp and pointed and like something out of an elven fantasy and then there’s the freckles and hair that juxtaposition omg stan is enthralled.
Kyle is JUST as enthralled with Stan! He is a classically HANDSOME dude like this guy looks like a disney prince and his eyes are the prettiest shade of deep blue you’ve ever seen! Kyle may not get distracted as easily as his counterpart, but he’s staring into those eyes and spacing out. And oh my god directly to jail for Kyle bc when Stan’s got his arms out, it is SO over for him!!! Like ok ATLCTS headcanon one time smokejumper Stan and fae prince Kyle were at the Stenny Apartment once Ky figured out how to pass as human and Stan took his hoodie off and he was wearing a tank top underneath and that sweet vegan firefighting king is built! And Kyle sees the burn scars and is reminded of how much Stan cares about the forests and yep that was the first time they did ~activities~ smh but same, wood nymph Ky, I have a crush on ATLCTS Stan as well
It’s worth noting that most of my Kyles are somewhere on the ace spectrum too. But Stan Marsh exists, is built for hugs, and is the hottest guy in the universe to him.
Thank you so much for the ask my love I love to talk about the boys and how much they are simping <3
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quotidian-oblivion · 5 months
Weird questions: 4, 16, and 20 <3
4. What’s a word that makes you go absolutely feral?
16. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever used as a bookmark?
20. If a witch offered you the choice between eternal happiness with your one true love and the ability to finally finish, perfect, and publish your dearest, darlingest, most precious WIP in exactly the way you've always imagined it — which would you choose? You can’t have both sorry, life’s a bitch
Thank you for the askkkkkk!! /gen
4. Superciliousness.
I love it so much, every time I say the word out loud I stim and squeak and go absolutely feral
I first heard the word in Pride and Prejudice, I was listening to the audiobook and then I heard it and I paused and just violently shook my fists and shrieked like OMG THIS WORD IS JUST BRILLAINT
And it only took me 4 months to find out what it actually meant. And how i found out was a dialogue from BBC Merlin
"Still think I'm arrogant?"
"No. More... supercilious."
"That's a big word, Merlin. You sure you know what it means?"
"Very good."
"Doesn't quite mean that."
"No. These are other things you are."
"hAnG On."
Yeah- I can keep quoting till the end of the scene. Yes, I'm obsessed.
16. I don't... use bookmarks 😅
I just close the book then when I need to get back on the page, I flip through the pages and find a scene which looks unfamiliar then continue reading. I know it's not very practical but I don't much mind it and I like relying on my memory and flipping through pages, refreshing myself on what i've read so far.
20. Neither do I want both. I'm taking this question a bit seriously and I believe that whatever and whoever is planned for me, I'll meet them or not meet them and I'm okay with that.
Tysm again, rosie-ig!!
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forerussake · 7 months
9 Fandom Peeps to Get to Know Better
I was tagged by @hideyseek thanks so much my friend!!!
3 ships you like: WEILAN my babes my beloveds my absolute darlingest boys! also weilan derivatives: LUOLIN (Luo Fei from Detective L/Lin Nansheng from The Rebel). Can I list anything not vaguely Guardian-related atm???? Eeeehm why not: QINGYA (Qingming and Boya, from The Yin Yang Master: Dream of Eternity specifically), bc how can you not ship it when the shipname is literally in the Chinese title of the movie (晴雅集).
First ship ever: ooooomf you think i remember that? probably sth Tolkien-related? Glorestor (Glorfindel/Erestor) perhaps? idk.....
Last song you heard: uuuuuhm Poor Unfortunate Souls from the Little Mermaid (but specifically the OG Broadway Cast version)
Favourite childhood book: ohhh there is too many to choose :((( I will just list a few. De Wereld van Sofie by Jostein Gaarden (printed originally in Norwegian, but I read it in Dutch, hence the Dutch title. Iit really turned my world upside down when I was eight.) Secondly Mark Tijsmans's De Ridders van de Ronde Keukentafel (which I guess was my first experience with the Major Character Death rating, at around the same age. I remember crying so hard.) I loved the Grey Ranger series by John Flanagan also (also read in Dutch, obviously). And definitely also The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel series by Michael Scott, which my aunt recommended to me. I'll stop now.
Currently reading: actively? nothing. technically I'm still halfway into the first volume of MDZS, but i have been for over a year so... I still need to finish Yu Hua's Brothers also, bc my high school Chinese teacher gifted that book to me (signed by the translator even) upon graduation (5 years ago) and I never finished it because it's sooooo long and I keep getting distracted, and I feel vaguely guilty about still not having finished it.
Currently watching: Parallel World!!! Which I'm having a blast with. Bai Yu and Ni Ni are sooo much fun together. But I briefly interrupted it to finally watch Shadow and Bone. I'm gonna get back to Parallel World soon though.
Currently consuming: nothing. though I should probably get myself something to drink soon. It'll be lunch time in like half an hour. I'll do it then.
Currently craving: not really anything? I think? More sleep probably, but that is an always problem.
Thanks again for the tag <333
Tagging: @omaenanimonoda @the-marron @lucientelrunya @dual-domination @pangzi @programmedradly @mjsakurea @aredhel-of-doylkien @deathofsanity if you want to :)))
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motheatenscarf · 8 months
Also, yeah, barely 1 conversation in, and already full of grief.
I've had this nagging suspicion that Elidibus was probably pretty young when the Final Days hit and had a few reasons for that interpretation. One was of course how small he is, and how the camera framed him to look even smaller and so... lost and confused when he died. The other is just kinda vibes? They emphasize his role as an "emissary" who keeps the peace in the Convocation, and I think I read somewhere there's a story out there that describes him as being like a little brother to the rest of them.
And not to say that there's a 1-to-1 equivalent for all Scions and Convocation members or that would be contrived and antithetical to the themes, but BOY did that whole description give me big Alphinaud vibes. I don't have a personality or backstory or whole life or name figured out for what "my" Azem is the way a lot of people do, but in the way all reincarnation stories rely on repeating motifs, I figured Elidibus was to Azem what Alphinaud is to my WoL. Which is to say, her darlingest baby boy and anything ever happened to him she would kill everyone and then herself. Or, y'know, since Azem was probably better adjusted, she'd just... apparently leave and never come back after trying and failing to find ANY solution that didn't rely on sacrificing her little boy.
So, simultaneously confirmation and eradication of that theory.
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First, confirmation, since I KNOW this is Elidibus, I HEARD that voice com from that face at the ass end of Endwalker. It describes him as "Confused BOY," he is just a boy, probably a teenager, he is the convocation's Alphinaud.
But also, uh, hey, Azem... said that he'd see a "falling star" and apparently knew the WoL was coming to Elpis?
Uhhh... does that mean Venat told Azem about what was coming? I... don't... like that. The entire reason the tragedy of the ancients is so compelling is because it was a disaster any outsider could have seen coming and their society was so monolithic that they couldn't conceive of any other way to stop it. But because they were still just people, they gave anything and everything to stop it and save each other, and didn't know what to do with the grief and the pain in the aftermath.
I'm gonna keep playing to see if more gets said about this, but already off to an... interesting start.
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fairyhaos · 9 months
yena its officially happy shua day in my country WOOHOO !!
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henrysglock · 2 years
The end of the year is near! Give a shoutout to your favorite blogs and tag them to spread positivity before the year ends!
omg hey yeah!! my faves, in no particular order:
@aemiron-main - what if hypothetically i was a boy looking to comprehend the minutiae of the stranger things narrative and you were an analyst with crazy good pattern seeking skills and perchance— no but seriously the shit you notice is insane. speak your truth and keep up the good work, i love u man 💞
@heroesbyler - babe…my sweet cheese. my favorite bi girlie. my fellow STEM nerd. gorgeous. show stopping. impeccable. CEO of Brenner analysis. Your brain is so big, you’ve changed lives babe. also *points at a pic of you* this is what the peak cis ally looks like!! right here!! you’re just so. aghhhh. I’m so lucky i met you!! i love u ☺️ 💞 mwah
@hot-wheelz - your video edits are the most insanely funny shit, oh my god, and your art slaps SO fucking hard. I’m so lucky to be irls with you, you’re literally so much fun to be around. thank you for coming back to tumblr and being my friend 🥺💞
@magentamee - my dearest darlingest bre. my first byler tumblr friend, the first person to read my first ever fic, who encouraged me to write fic at all, my sibling in arms in the hoseg//ate trenches, the first person i ever talked to about the dark themes in ST…look at us now. 🥺💞 sending u so much love hon, you deserve the world
@jonahlea08 - the flatterer…a tumblr user after my own heart…you make writing such an enjoyable experience. i live for your comments and your encouragement has sustained me through so much writers block. thank you so much for all your love and ideas and the care you put into reading my stuff. it means more than you know. i’m wishing you the absolute best 2023 💞 (also i’m working on ch 13, i promise!! i’ll have it up this week for sure)
@bylertruther - denise my beloved. we don’t speak often, but when we do you always have god-tier insights. you really understand the narrative and it is a privilege to be mutuals with you fr 💞 I’m always so thrilled to see you in my mentions, i always know I’m in for something really really interesting and perspective altering
@wibble-wobbegong - you give me hope for the next generation of media consumers fr. you Get It. you have the Brains and the Critical Thinking Skills. we love to see it!! i always love seeing your posts and reblogs, you always have cool shit to add on too. keep it up, dude!! i can’t wait to see what else you come up with while we wait for st5 💕
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kkpwnall · 10 months
✨ fic writing review 2023 ✨
tagged by the dearest and darlingest @thefreakandthehair @fragilecapric0rnn @gothbat99 @fastcardotmp3 and @heybluechild
rules: Feel free to show whatever stats you have. Only want to show Ao3 stats? Rock on. Want to include some quantitative info instead of stats? Please do this. Want to change how yours is presented? Absolutely do that. Would rather eat glass than do this? Please don’t eat glass but don’t feel like you have to do this either.
words & fics
71,554 words published
3 fics published
2 multi-chapter fics posted, 1 complete
top fics by kudos
driving in your car - in the immediate aftermath of defeating vecna, steve, robin, nancy, and eddie have to navigate life getting back to "normal", and steve tries to deal with his unrequited feelings for eddie. because eddie is straight, right? (65k, ongoing)
if it wasn’t for bad luck i wouldn’t have luck at all - eddie was born on friday the 13th, and he’s been bad luck ever since. in the hospital after he dies and gets reborn again, dustin and steve try to change his mind. his luck just might start to turn around (5.5k)
wanted: pool boy at the vampire mansion - steve answers an unusual help wanted ad in the classifieds that’s pretty sparse on the details and gets more than he bargained for (884 words)
fandom fic events in 2023
@thefreakandthehair's winter fic challenge (upcoming)
winter gift fic exchange (upcoming)
continuing wips into 2024
driving in your car - just one chapter left to go!! aiming for january :)
co-authoring a [redacted] au
and just so so so many wips i have going that i want to write and can't wait to share with you all!!
not sure who's done this one yet and who hasn't, so with no pressure and no obligation: @cheatghost @judasofsuburbia @figthefruitfaeth @steddielations @stargyles @starryeyedjanai @harmonictechnicality @yournowheregirl @scarcrossdlvrs @patchworkgargoyle @hellsfireclub
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Regency, Gothic, Romance, and Dragons
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My two reactions to this book were, in no particular order:
*giggles, flips hair, kicks feet, swoons*
I thought Stephanie Burgis's Scales and Sensibility was a lovely, fluffy romance book with tiny adorable lap dragons, but the sequel was somehow all that and then some and was even better! So let's talk Claws and Contrivances.
*Some minor spoilers for Scales and Sensibility below the break*
This book follows up with the dear, delightful Rose Tregarth as she lives with the Parry family at Gogodd Abbey in Wales after the tragic death of her parents prior to the events of the last book.
Unlike Elinor, who is thrust into the role of "poor relation who is barely not a servant in the eyes of the family but is functionally servant," Rose is loved and valued by her Aunt and Uncle Perry and her rambunctious cousins. Possibly the only person who doesn't see Rose as valuable is herself.
Which is absolutely ridiculous, because our girl is on a mission to single-handedly save...basically everyone in her immediate vicinity. Including the illegally smuggled baby dragons in the neighbor's gothic manor that is actively decaying into ruins.
Rose has had a "justice for all" bent for her whole life, but it has sharpened since her parent's death because somewhere in the trauma of dead parents and being forcibly separated from her sisters, Rose has decided that she is not worthy of care and that the fact that she didn't see her father blowing literally every penny the family had on a ponzi scheme in time to stop him means that her imagination and dreams are a fatal flaw on par with fratricide. And thanks to that, Rose spends half the book planning to marry her love interest off to her younger sister and trying to talk him into thinking that he doesn't care about her.
Rose. Girl. Honey, sweetie, friend. LET THE MAN LOVE YOU. HIS ASS IS SMITTEN.
The smitten ass in question belongs to one Cornelius Aubrey. Those of you who read Scales and Sensibility will recognize our boy as Benedict's grouchy scholarly friend who might miss a house burning down around him if he was buried in a good book and who is ABSOLUTELY INSISTENT that dragons are not magic. I liked Mr. Aubrey in the first book. In this book, I would take a dragon attack for the man. Aubrey is quietly steadfast, makes logic and fact two of the sexiest things ever, and is absolutely not afraid to ask Rose who is going to care for her.
Literally, this man had me screaming.
As a recovering academic, Aubrey gave me EVERYTHING that is good and idealized about academia and "for the love of the research" about scholars, and then he could back that shit up with being genuinely sweet and adorkable but with surprising quiet strength. Do I sound like I'm in love? Because I might be in love.
Now, this wouldn't be regency fantasy without our dearest darlingest dragons, and where Elinor only had Sir Jessamyn to deal with, Rose had Rhiannon, Griff, and Llewelyn to look after. We don't spend a lot of time with Llewlyn, but Rhiannon and Griff have just as much--if not more--personality as Sir Jessamyn, and I love all our little scaly friends. They all get individualized magic powers, and I actually think I prefer that to a standardized set of dragon powers, which tends to be more the thing.
I super do not want to offer any more plot spoilers for this book because I want y'all to go out and read it. Stephanie Burgis has done a phenomenal job with this book, and it is criminal that these books aren't better known.
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