#the david statue looks just like will i swear
t3acupz · 8 months
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time for dinner, mr. graham
[ID: 6785 6703 710]
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hypocriticaltypwriter · 5 months
I don't think anyone is talking enough about the fact that The Lost Boys aren't exactly hot... They're just straight up gorgeous.
Like- when I see them, I don't think handsome or hot, or attractive, I think drop dead beautiful. Like- Marko is literally compared to a Greek statue of GODS. Don't get me started on Paul cause oh my sweet heavens he's just tooth rotting pretty 🫠 His big blue eyes and that smile he gives Michael at the cave- OH MY GOOODDD
And Dwayne.... Oh Dwayne is gonna be the death of be cause he's gorgeous AND hot. He's that perfect mix of rugged and alluring. I swear when he's got that stare at the in the video store or when they pull up to Michael I'm- [YALL KNOW THE ONE] Oh look I'm pregnant all of the sudden AHA
And David, my one and only David...🤤 He's got big blue eyes and pretty long eyelashes and a jaw sharp enough to cut through diamonds... THAT MAN IS MORE THAN JUST SEXY, HE'S BREATH TAKING TO LOOK AT 😫 even when he dies for crying out loud he's lookin like a fallen Angel I can't EVEN- *throws table*
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agentplutonium · 9 months
you know what?
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^ This comment from Lexi Sun (@autisticempathydaemon) is sticking itself into my brain (/pos). Here’s a short one shot with how i think this would go down (while taking some creative liberties with the ‘prompt’)
Prime Milo/Sweetheart & Asher (/Babe), Milo and Sweetheart have an adopted kid (this kid was abandoned after one of Sweethearts missions), there is gonna be no drama in this i can’t take it when there’s a kid around
(continued under the cut)
From day one, Asher was calling the kid little ghostie.
He knew this wasn’t Sweetheart and Milo’s biological son, but he couldn’t help it. The kid looks just like Sweetheart, he swears! Not to mention all the times he had pulled the slip on Asher and Babe while they were babysitting. Then, once he was found, the little menace would laugh at them for being worried. It was a game to the baby, and Asher has brought up this fact before.
“I think he’s just a toddler,” Milo would respond in a playful tone while packing up the kids things.
“I’m telling you!” Asher insisted. “He comes from two empowered, and while we don’t know much I’m betting that one of them was a stealth.”
“Uh huh,” Milo said, noncommittally. He motioned for Asher to hand over the baby.
“Hey, say what you want,” Asher said, finally handing the kid over, who was already reaching for Milo and cooing away, “I’m calling it.”
Milo gave his quiet hellos, kissing the side of his son’s head before turning back to Asher. “And I expect that, if you’re right, you’ll never let us live it down.”
“Damn right,” Asher said, smiling.
Milo chuckled. “Well, I better get him back before Sweetheart asks if I got him yet. Again,” he said fondly. “They just got home a bit before I got off and wants to see him. Thank you for watching him.”
“It was no problem,” Asher said sincerely. “If you need a babysitter don’t be afraid to hit us up. Babe has cancelled date nights before for the little ghostie. It’s always fun having him over.”
“Yeah, well, I think David’s mate would kill me if I gave you guys another chance before I gave them a chance,” Milo said. “I should probably also let Ma take him soon. It’s been a while.”
“A while,” Asher repeated, amused, “didn’t she have him the day of the last pack meeting? Two weeks ago?”
“Irrelevant,” Milo said with a smile.
Babe poked their head around the kitchen wall, nodding when they saw Milo. “Yeah I figured.” They leaned against the wall as they typed something into their phone.
“Figure what?” Milo asked after sharing a look with Asher.
“That you’re still here. Sweetheart is asking about you,” They teased.
Milo rolled his eyes, but Milo saw the way he smiled. “Yeah, yeah, tell them I’m heading out now,” Milo said with an amused huff. “I’m gonna go,” he told Asher. “I’ll catch you around.”
As they years passed, the less they were sure the kid even had powers. He wasn’t exhibiting the usual signs of an elemental, and he wasn’t a wolf. There was a chance that he was something else, but they all thought they would feel their core forming by now. Sweetheart was the most worried. Most of their friends at this point where kids from the pack, and it would be unfair to ask them to keep a secret like this, but they weren’t sure if the kid could get informed unempowered status at this point. The department would want to make sure that they weren’t empowered to avoid the paperwork. That could take ages.
It wasn’t until the kid was fourteen did they figure anything out.
Sweetheart had been home with him while he was sick, and Milo was on office duty for the day. Sweetheart was in the middle of making lunch for them both when they heard him cry out to them in fear.
Sweetheart was at his doorway in what felt like seconds, potentially phasing through a few walls to get there so fast but no one was around to confirm this. The kid was say bolt upright in his bed, eyes wide.
“My arm is gone,” he told them, panic rising in his voice.
“What?” Sweetheart asked, taking a few steps in.
He held up his right arm, which was in fact missing from the elbow down. He looked more freaked out the longer he processed it, tears forming in his eyes. Sweetheart’s eyes went wide, finally understanding what’s going on.
“Oh, honey,” they said, coming forward to sit on their bed. “It’s not gone. Can I touch you?”
He nodded, eyes not leaving Sweetheart.
“Look,” Sweetheart said, reaching out to touch where his arm would be, wrapping their hand his wrist. The second their skin made contact Sweetheart was able to tell exactly what the problem was. His powers manifested.
Their son was a stealth. Sweetheart tried not to be elated. He was freaking out and they need him to calm down.
“It’s still there,” Sweetheart assured.
“What is happening to me?”
Sweetheart’s chest aches at the fear that laced the kids voice. “I will explain everything, but I want to see if you can get your arm visible again,” they said gently. “Can you take a few deep breaths with me? It’s a lot easier to control it when you’re calmer.”
“So, I’m okay?” He whispered, sniffling.
“Perfectly so,” Sweetheart assured. “It’s even normal. For people like us, at least.”
“Like… us?”
Sweetheart gave a small smile, holding up their own arm and making their arm disappear just like his. Their son’s eyes blew wide at it, but there was a bit of relief behind his eyes.
“You can do it to!” He exclaimed.
“I can make a lot more than my arm disappear,” Sweetheart said, but we can worry about that later.” They took both his hands in theirs, and they breathed together a few times. As they sat there, Sweetheart couldn’t help but be relieved they were with him during this. It was a similar to their manifestation, and they knew how freaked out they were during that. After a few minutes of this, with nothing said between them, their son’s arm phased back. He looked very relieved to see it again.
“That was weird,” he said quietly. “Is… why did this happen to me?”
“This is going to sound insane,” Sweetheart said, “but you just manifested your powers. You’re like me.”
“Powers? Like… like Miles Morales?”
Sweetheart chuckled, “kinda like him, yeah.”
“Does,” he started, voice quieting when he went to speak again, “does dad know about your powers?”
Sweetheart tried not to laugh at that question. “Yes, he does. There’s a whole community of people just like us. It’s bigger than you think, too. Your dad, his friends, and your friends are all magical too.”
“Really? Why didn’t you tell me?” He demanded.
“Because it would have been breaking the law,” Sweetheart said truthfully.
Sweetheart smiled, smoothing down his hair as the spoke. “Tell you what,” they said, “I’m going to go finish lunch and then we can go into more detail then. How does that sound?”
Their son nodded. “Can I come out and help?”
“If you’re feeling up to it. You might wanna take a shower first though.”
Their son nodded, getting up. Sweetheart squeezed his shoulder on the way out of his room.
They were pulling up Milo’s contact before they were fully down the hall. He picked up on the first ring.
“That was quick,” Sweetheart commented.
“It’s you,” Milo said. “I’d drop everything for you. Besides, I’ve got most of the things done. I’ve mostly been sitting here with Asher.”
“Good, so you might be able to come home early?” Sweetheart asked.
“Depends on the reason,” Milo said, and Sweetheart could see the shrug he have them. “David is pretty big on having someone here, just in case.”
“Well he might understand this time,” Sweetheart said, “your son’s powers just manifested.”
“No fucking way,” Milo said, louder than he needed to. “Really? Did you get a read of what they were?”
Sweetheart laughed as they heard Asher perk up in the background. They waited until Milo explained what was happening. Milo put his phone on speaker after that, so Asher could hear too.
“Hi sneaks,” Asher said.
“Hi Asher.”
“So I heard that your son’s power manifested.”
“They did,” Sweetheart said, chuckling.
“Soooo…” Asher trailed off. “You gonna tell us?”
“He’s a stealth,” Sweetheart said.
“I told you!” Asher yelled. “I have been telling you since day one!”
“You have,” Milo responded, a smile in his voice.
“Sneaks he looks so proud right now,” Asher told them, “he’s basically glowing.”
“Shut up!”
Sweetheart laughed at the two’s squabbling. They enjoyed hearing their arguments, mainly because they were entertaining.
“Listen, I have to get back to this food for him. I’ll talk to you both soon,” they said.
“I’ll be home as soon as I can, Sweetheart,” Milo told them. “I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
“Tell little ghostie that uncle Asher had it right this whole time but his parents didn’t believe me,” Asher called.
Sweetheart laughed, “sure, Asher.”
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munchmemes · 2 years
fall out boy lyrics, so much (for) stardust edition
❛  what would you trade the pain for?  ❜
❛  we were a hammer to the Statue of David.  ❜
❛  we were a painting you could never frame.  ❜
❛  you were the sunshine of my lifetime.  ❜
❛  i'd never go. i just want to be invited.  ❜
❛  every lover's got a little dagger in their hand.  ❜
❛  there's no way off the hamster wheel on this rat race.  ❜
❛  give up what you love before it does you in.  ❜
❛  no matter what they tell you, the future's up for grabs.  ❜
❛  is there a word for bad miracle?  ❜
��  we could dance our tears away.  ❜
❛  it's open season on blue moods.  ❜
❛  i guess i'm getting older 'cause i'm less pissed.  ❜
❛  you put the 'fun' in dysfunction.  ❜
❛  hold me like a grudge.  ❜
❛  the world is always spinning and i can't keep up.  ❜
❛  part-time soulmate, full-time problem.  ❜
❛  i guess somehow we made it back with a few dreams of ours still in tact.  ❜
❛  i got no map to my own treasure.  ❜
❛  i thought i knew better, i thought it would get better.  ❜
❛  i figured somehow by now, i would have got it together.  ❜
❛  if you put your heart in it, then we'll do more than just get by together.  ❜
❛  i'll call you up and demand you have no fun without me.  ❜
❛  i make no plans and none can be broken.  ❜
❛  do you laugh about me whenever i leave? or do i just need more therapy?  ❜
❛  love is in the air, i just gotta figure out a window to break out.  ❜
❛  i didn't take the love when i had the chance but i swear i'm not sad anymore.  ❜
❛  we all started out as shiny dimes but we all got flipped too many times.  ❜
❛  we did it for futures that never came and for pasts that we're never gonna change.  ❜
❛  i will never ask you for anything except to dream sweet of me.  ❜
❛  tell me, when the party ends, will you still love who i am?  ❜
❛  save your breath. half your life you've been hooked on death.  ❜
❛  be careful what you bottle up.  ❜
❛  i closed my eyes inside of your darkness and found your glow.  ❜
❛  shake things up and see what comes down.  ❜
❛  i got this doom and gloom in my mind but i feel all right.  ❜
❛  feeling so good right now 'til we crash and burn somehow.  ❜
❛  i know i've made mistakes but at least they were mine to make.  ❜
❛  all of my wildest dreams, they just end up with you and me.  ❜
❛  let's drive until the engine just gives out.  ❜
❛  i'll be whatever you need me to be.  ❜
❛  i cut myself down to whatever you need me to be.  ❜
❛  it's all just a random lottery of meaningless tragedy and a series of near escapes.  ❜
❛  i take pleasure in the detail, you know? a quarter pounder with cheese. those are good. the sky about ten minutes before it starts to rain. a moment where your laughter becomes a cackle.  ❜
❛  here i am, not sure you should take a chance.  ❜
❛  i like playing dumb, letting you figure me out.  ❜
❛  just another day spent hoping we don't fall apart.  ❜
❛  let's twist the knife again like we did last summer.  ❜
❛  i'm just trying to keep it together but it gets a little harder when it never gets better.  ❜
❛  late at night in my room, i lie awake and think of you and all your little dooms.  ❜
❛  last night, i dreamt i still knew you.  ❜
❛  i carved out a place in this world for two but it's empty without you.  ❜
❛  i've got all this love i've got to keep to myself.  ❜
❛  all this effort to make it look effortless.  ❜
❛  confront all the pain like a gift under the tree.  ❜
❛  oh please, i can't be who you need me to be.  ❜
❛  one day every candle's gotta run out of wax.  ❜
❛  time is luck and i wish ours overlapped more or for longer.  ❜
❛  but you know what they say, if you want a job done right, you gotta do it yourself.  ❜
❛  what is there between us, if not a little annihilation?  ❜
❛  i'm pretty sure as far as humans go, i am a hard pill to swallow.  ❜
❛  i spent ten years in a bit of a chemical haze and i miss the way that i felt.  ❜
❛  i felt you at the beginning but needed you at the end.  ❜
❛  stop me if you have heard this all before.  ❜
❛  oh, but you don't know me anymore.  ❜
❛  that's the way, the world, it used to be before our dreams starting bursting at the seams.  ❜
❛  we're out here and we're ready to livestream the apocalypse.  ❜
❛  the view's so pretty from the deck of a sinking ship.  ❜
❛  everything is lit except my serotonin.  ❜
❛  everything is lit but my lightning bolt brain.  ❜
❛  i just need someone to hold me even though you don't even know me.  ❜
❛  what a time to be alive.  ❜
❛  they say i should try meditation but i don't want to be with my own thoughts.  ❜
❛  when i said 'leave me alone' this isn't quite what i meant.  ❜
❛  bad news, what's left?  ❜
❛  i'm in a winter mood, dreaming of spring now.  ❜
❛  i feel like something that's been stretched out over and over again until i'm creased and i'm about to break down the middle.  ❜
❛  the stars are the same as ever but i don't have the guts to keep it together.  ❜
❛  life is just a game, maybe i'm stuck in a lonely loop.  ❜
❛  we thought we had it all.  ❜
❛  i need the sound of crowds or i can't fall asleep at night.  ❜
❛  i'm pretty positive my pain isn't cool enough.  ❜
❛  ache it till you make it.  ❜
❛  i think i've been going through it and i've been putting your name to it.  ❜
❛  i used to be a real go-getter. i used to think it'd all get better.  ❜
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happyhauntt · 6 months
gold rush modern au hcs
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series masterlist | writing masterlist | askbox
─── summary: the anya / nikolai brainrot is real and i want to start writing for their modern au so until i do, here are some fun headcanons bc i literally cannot stop thinking about them.
─── pairing: nikolai lantsov & anya kamenev (original character.)
anya lets her guard down when she's drunk and early on in their situationship it's the only time nikolai gets to take care of her.
like she calls him to come and get her from a frat party genya took her to and she's so cuddly he's honestly concerned she's been drugged and/or cloned
like 'who are you and what have you done with the girl who bullies me like her life depends on it???'
he's so soft for it when he realises she's just drunk and he tucks her up in her bed with painkillers and a trash can within reach and he sits on the couch until dawn to make sure she's okay and then slips out before she wakes up.
everyone: 'for someone who hates nikolai you sure are obsessed with him'. anya: 'no i'm not???' everyone: 'sure you aren't babe'.
they are the definition of 'fell first, fell harder' !!!
nikolai was out here pining for anya for years, and she just wakes up one day and gets slammed like a fucking freight train with the realisation. oh fuck. i'm in love with nikolai. somehow. how the fuck did that happen. WHY the fuck did that happen. my life is over.
this is right after nikolai is injured at winter fête during an assassination attempt against his father and her whole world just screeches to a halt.
genya and david are just in the corner and david's handing genya a wad of cash and they're laughing while anya has her little meltdown it's adorable.
entering into a friends-with-benefits situation when anya is engaged to vasily (it's an uno-reverse plot of their original story where nikolai is engaged to alina bc PARALLELS and also i can't let them be happy in any universe without first making them suffer) is a Bad Idea but these two are nothing if not self-destructive.
anya may be in love with him but she doesn't have the emotional capacity to Deal with that yet so she's just gonna fuck him.
being friends-with-benefits is all well and good until nikolai gets so fucking jealous of anyone who even looks at anya. she finds this hilarious (until someone's looking at nikolai and then she's throwing hands.)
anya is very insecure about her disability, especially because of her status and expectations, and nikolai makes it his duty to show her how much he adores every inch of her, every day.
anya is engaged to vasily and she and nikolai fully get caught by zoya sneaking out of the engagement party to go makeout in the bathroom. these two are gonna give her premature grey hairs honestly-
anya admits to nikolai that she misses being able to dance. nikolai helps her dance around her apartment by supporting her weight and they're giggling and suddenly they're slow dancing and it's so fuckin adorable.
it's hard to believe anya was so mean to him for literal years.
nsfw beneath the cut!
anya learning she's actually a sub is so fucking funny
like she is so submissive during sex but absolutely not at first. she has a dire need for control in her life and definitely runs their sex life/tops for the first few months.
it's really significant the first time she realises she trusts nikolai and surrenders that control to him, because what she really wants is someone to take care of her, someone to trust completely.
she's so bossy at first and then sex becomes this thing where she just melts and nikolai literally thinks he'll die the first time she allows him that control because it's like seeing anya for the first time, and he's so in love with her already even if it's just sex but in that moment he swears he fell in love with her again. knowing he had her trust like that was,,, everything.
teasing eachother like it's an olympic sport?? more likely than you think.
like she used to hate him (lol not really) and now it's her personal fucking mission to rile him up at any given opportunity. public events?? in the library?? at her own fucking engagement party?? you got it.
nikolai fucking anya in her wedding dress??? yes.
because she is a masochist and doesn't know when to stop hurting herself (or nikolai honestly) she's like 'hey it arrived from it's final fitting, can i show it to you?' and he wants to say no so badly.
she's marrying his asshole brother, there is no world where he wants to see this dress, see her in it, picture her wearing it for someone other than him.
but her eyes are so wide, so vulnerable, and he realises she needs this. needs him to be the first person to see her wearing it. needs him to understand.
so she comes out, and he's honestly,,, floored. and angry. and so, so turned on. his eyes grow dark and hungry and before they know it he's hiking the dress up to her waist and fucking her against the doorframe.
and it's so possessive and full of remember you're my good girl, not his and when you're saying your vows, you gonna think of this? think of me fucking you in this dress? you're so beautiful, my darling, he doesn't deserve you. look at me. you're gonna walk down the aisle and all i'll be able to picture is your face as you come for me.
it's so hot and the room smells like sex and nikolai takes a picture of her in the dress afterwards, draped on the bed, face flushed and eyes shining and happy. and he'll pretend it's their wedding night.
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andydrysdalerogers · 5 months
Cross-Checked ~ Chapter 14
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Andy Barber x OFC Leighton "Leia" Andrews
Andy Barber is having the best year of his life. His game is on point. It’s gets to play with his best friend and his fiancé just... dumped him?!. 
Reeling from a sudden change in status, Andy decides it’s time to just focus on hockey. Until his best friend's sister comes out with news that rock the entire organizations world., 
Andy has always carried a torch for the untouchable Leighton but in her hour of need, is now the time to shoot and score or risk getting cross - checked again? 
Warnings: Cheating (but not by the MCs); slow burn; friends to lovers eventually; SMUT!; pregnancy; jealousy; handsome goalies, evil exes...
A/N: The tag list is open!
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I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site, even if you give me credit. DO NOT REPOST MY FICS. Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
Banners by me!
Previous: Chapter 13: Fit For A Princess
Series Masterlist // Main Masterlist
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Chapter 14: Mother Knows Best
Week 26 
I’ve always appreciated Luke and Leia’s parents.  Their father would be at every game until he passed.  Their mother, Monica, would drive us to the early morning practices and take Leia to figure skating lessons.  They took me in when my dad bailed, and my mom had to work nights to support us.   
Monica was my support when Mom died and I was a scared 20-year-old, on my own for the first time. I had every respect for her.  
Until I was 25 at least.  
That’s when she checked out of all of our lives, Leia especially.  
Monica had it in her mind that she needed to remarry rich to support her children.  Her children that are amazing all on their own. She had a superstar son, who could have taken care of her and a daughter that started her own business.  But to Monica, Leia’s smarts were not enough for a woman in a man’s world. She believed Leia needed to give up her dreams and marry someone who will take care of her.  
This broke Leia for a long time.  
Luke and I did our best to hold Leia up while she dealt with the ramifications of her mother’s words. It unfortunately led to Bret and well here we are. We had gotten her past it.  I thought I had made her happy.  We were going to be a real family now.  
I did not have Monica Andrews on my bingo card.  
“Mom? What are you doing here?” Leia was standing at the door, gripping it like her life depended on it.  I moved quickly to be behind her.  
“Hi Mrs. Andrews.”  
“It's DeLaurentis, now, Andrew. Leighton, my goodness, you have really popped.”  
I flinch at the backhanded compliment. “Umm, come on in, Mrs. DeLaurentis.” I pulled Leia with me to allow her mother in. I looked at Leia and she shrugged with a confused look that must have matched mine.  I moved when she made it to the living room. “Mrs. DeLaurentis, these are my teammates, Linus Ullmark, Brad Marchant and David Pasternak and you remember Stella and Miranda. Guys, this is Luke and Leia’s mother, Monica DeLaurentis.”  
Everyone greets her and she says her hellos.  She turns back to Leia. “May I speak to you alone, Leighton?” I don’t like the way she says my girl’s name.  Like its a swear word. It grinds my nerves.  
As they walked into my office, I had a bad feeling in my stomach.  I turned to Miranda. “Get Luke back on the phone.”  
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I was still in shock that my mother was back in town, and she was married. I don’t remember being invited to that. “I’m surprised to see you, Mother.”  
“Well, I’ve been busy.”  
I looked at her left hand and the giant diamond on her finger.  “I can see that.  Congratulations.”  I stopped. “You married Summer’s father?” 
My mother looks put out by my question. “Its not like he’s still married.”  
“Mother, his wife died less than a year ago.” I was incredibly annoyed with her. Monica Andrews, sorry, DeLaurentis, had not been a shallow woman before my father died. She had been the typical stay at home mom that you see on old 50’s TV shows, apron and all. She had been my best friend, like any little girl would have. It was great. Until my dad died. She lasted five years. By the time I was 20, she was gone.  
“Don’t talk to me like that Leighton,” my mother huffed. “How come your brother isn’t here?” 
“He was named the Bruins all-star so he’s in Toronto right now.” 
“Well, I would like to meet with both of you at the same time.” She looked at me up and down again. “We have some things to talk about.”  
Andy walked in right them. “Mrs. DeLaurentis, it’s Luke.” He handed her the phone.  
“Lukas, when do you come back?... Well, I don’t want to have this conversation twice... The day you get back would be best...” She handed the phone back to Andy.  “I’ll meet you on Monday at the Cafe,” she said to me.  “Apparently, we have a lot to discuss.”  
I wasn’t sure if that was going to be a good thing or a bad. “Like what?” 
“I’d rather not say since you have company or rather Andrew has company.”  She gave a distasteful look to us. “I’ll see myself out.” She turned without a goodbye.  
My knees were shaking and I grabbed onto the island.  Andy saw me and immediately put his arms around me. “Hey, baby, take a breath.”  
“She didn’t even ask about the baby or anything,” I whispered. “I don’t want to go alone.”  
Andy snorted. “Like there was a chance that I would let you. The three of us will go, just like always, ok?”  He cupped my face.  “I won’t let anything happen.”  
If only I could believe him.  
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Monday comes and I don’t want to get out of bed.  I was in and out of sleep but Andy cuddled up next to me, running his hand through my hair and I was asleep. Cheeky brat knows how to calm me.  I groan when the alarm goes off.  
“Sorry, my queen.  I have a team meeting.”  He kissed my head, but I grabbed onto his arm.  
“No, you are warm and you’re comfy.  Mine.” I snuggle deeper into his chest and Andy lets out a low laugh.  
“I am yours, my queen, but I still have to get up. You wanted me to wake you so you could get ready for lunch with your mom.” He kissed my nose.  “Something about wanting to have that pregnancy glow so she couldn’t be a bitch about it.”  
I vaguely remember saying that to him, but he is right.  After the awful look she gave me about my bump, I don’t want to go in there looking anything less than perfect.  
The relationship between my mother and myself is complicated at best. When my dad died, my mom tried to be strong for us. But it was like half of her soul left with him.  My dad was smart, there was savings and a life insurance policy. But my mother got it in her head that she needed to find a way to provide for us. But she didn’t want to get a job. She had been a housewife and that’s all she assumed she knew.  
And that’s all she wanted for me.  
As I pull on the pale pink sweater dress and leggings, my mind drift to the day after Bret and I split.  
“Why are you breaking up? He will be a wonderful partner and provider for you Leighton.” My mom sips her tea at the hotel we met at. Yeah, you heard me, hotel. Because my mother left the house my father had built for her. Lucky that Luke bought it from her otherwise our childhood home would be long gone.  
“That is not what I want from my life Mother. I want a partner to grow with me, help me, not treat me like I’m a servant. Daddy didn’t raise me like that.”  
“You have no idea what your father wanted,” she retorted. “Bret is handsome, wealthy...” 
“Controlling, egotistical, narcissistic,” I finished for her. “He’s in Tokyo and he belittled me and dreams.”  
“I think you are making a mistake Leighton.”  
Andy pulls up to the hotel where they are serving afternoon tea.  I’m grateful as I am not allowed more than one cup of coffee a day, which is a tragedy onto itself. I see Luke sitting in the lobby. “Why didn’t you go inside?” 
“And be alone with the Mother? Do you hate me, Cubby?” He gives me a soft hug.  “Missed you.” 
“You were gone for four days,” Andy says as they man-hug. “Let’s not make her wait or suffer her wrath.”  
Andy guides me with his hand on the small of my back, Luke leading the way.  My mom is sitting at a table with Kyle DeLaurentis. Fuck my life. The new stepfather.  I try not to have a sour face because I don’t need to hear it from her.  “Hi Mother.”  
“Leighton, Lucas and Andrew, this is a surprise.” She gave us air kisses before she turned to Kyle. “This is Kyle, my husband.”  
Andy moves first. “Mr. DeLaurentis, it's nice to see you again. Andrew Barber.”  
“I’ve been watching Andrew. Bruins are looking good.  Lukas,” he offers his hand to Luke to shake. “Congratulations on the All Star nomination.”  
“Thanks,” Luke says tightly.  
“This is my daughter, Leighton,” my mom says.  
“Leighton, you look beautiful,” taking my offered hand and kissing my knuckles. I try not to shudder at the ick factor that I am getting from Kyle. I went to school with his daughter, Summer, and spent time with their family and I hadn’t felt this before but now I do. Andy, thankfully, pulls a chair for me between him and Luke and we sit as the waiter starts to take orders.  
“Andrew, can I ask why you decided to join us today?” my mother asked.  
He shrugs. “Leia asked me to come.”  
The waiter drops the drinks and an uncomfortable silence. My mother clears her throat and took a sip of her tea before she said, “you are living with Andrew now.” Not a question.  
I looked at her.  “Yes, I am.”  
She scoffed. “An unmarried, pregnant woman living with a man that is not the father.”  
I can feel Andy tense next to me. “Yes, she is. Except Leia and I are now together.”  
My mother gives us a sharp look. “And what about Bret?” 
“What about him? He left me, I told him I am pregnant. I never got a response. I’ve moved on with someone who loves and cares for me and my daughter.” Andy takes my hand and gently squeezes to try and calm me.  
“Love, please relax,” he whispers. I try to take a deep breath, but she doesn’t let up. 
“You should be with the father, Leighton.  A baby cannot be raised in a broken home.”  
“It’s not broken! She has a father! Andy is the father!” I stand up and move to the bathroom, trying not to cry. How can she say that? Our family is not broken. Me and Andy and Luke and Miranda are our own family. We make it perfect. The tears flow as I hit the door. I make it and take a few minutes to myself, letting the tears fall. Once I can gather myself, I clean up my face and head out. And ran right into my mother.  
“That display was embarrassing, Leighton,” she says sternly.  
“Embarrassing for whom? You?” I swallow the yell that wants to come out. “I am not some helpless woman who needs a man to take care of her. I have my business, I have my work with the team, I have Luke and I have Andy. Andy, who knows everything and still loves me. He loves my daughter, even if she isn’t biologically his. You have changed so much since Daddy died that I don’t even recognize you. You’re like a super Stepford wife and you only care about money and status.” 
“You have no idea what it's like for your partner to die and leave you with two children to raise!” 
“Raise? I was 14 when dad died. You didn’t raise me. You left us! I refuse to do that to my daughter.”  
“You ungrateful little brat!” I saw my mother raise her hand and I went to block her when another hand stopped her.  
“What the fuck do you think you are doing Mother? “Luke was raging at his mother. “Leia has gestational hypertension, and you are doing this? You need to leave!” 
“Lucas, how can you treat your mother this way?” 
“Easy. When someone is being a complete bitch to their daughter, I can easily make the right choice. Until you can apologize to Leia, stay away from her, don’t call.”  
“Lucas,” she cries.  
“I get it. You lost it when dad dies but that is no excuse.” 
Andy had been holding me and he turned me to walk out of the hotel as the tears fell. I knew my mother had changed but it was shocking to see it.  My mother had never tried to strike me before.  
But she would no longer be a part of my life.  
Suddenly, a sharp pain flashed through my body and I stopped and cried out. “Leia?” Andy holds me to him. “Baby, what’s wrong?” 
“I don’t know,” I cried. Andy lifted me up as Luke ran for the car. “Andy?” 
“Its gonna be ok, baby. We’re gonna get you to the hospital.” He kisses my head as Luke pulls up. Andy puts me in the car, climbs in after me and Luke races away.  
Please let my baby be ok.  
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miredinmiddleearth · 2 years
One final Rings of Power rant, then I put this away
I’m not an angry person. I know that’s laughable given my rants of late,😂 but I swear I’m not. 
I have this policy that I don’t waste anger on stuff that doesn’t matter, that I don’t truly care about. So before I put this show to rest, I want to defend why I think I SHOULD get angry with this show, and why others should, too.
I am angry because I am not a mindless troll. I am not a prejudiced bigot who is looking to join a torch-toting mob of hate, despite the fact that every article covering this show will swear that I am. All negative criticism is flung by the wayside and dismissed in an effort to keep afloat a bloated ship peddling steaming manure, and that makes me angry. 
I am angry because an artist I love has had his work mutilated. Not just in form but in spirit.
Let me put it this way: I feel like I have watched a hack of a sculptor buy the statue of David. He takes it home and decides he just wants David’s head, so he breaks it off. He sticks it on a body he’s carved out of limestone, melding the two with glue and bolts twisted into the marble. He tries to make the neck flow into the body of a different material, but the lines are painfully obvious. Also, he’s not a fan of David’s hair, so he chisels away the intricate curls and throws a hat on top.
This is what I feel like I have witnessed, and it makes me want to weep. Tolkien is not only unable to defend his own work, but he EXPLICITLY made his opinions known about adaptations of it. I hate the ruination of beauty. I hate waste, especially waste of potential. And most of all, I hate the evil that this show represents - the evil of greed and corruption and selfishness.
This is why I am angry. 
All done ranting. Thank you for letting me purge myself of all this rare anger. 
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low-budget-korra · 2 years
Comments on The Last of Us episode 08
- Not Ellie trying to make herself look like a threat using ber voice 😭
-I swear, show David is way more scary than game David simple because he feels more real. Like, a average middle aged man, not a threat at all. Which is awesome cuz looks can be deceiving and I couldn't help to notice how the people in his group is kinda terrified by him. And the way the actor was acting, just like Katelyn, just being chill and all is so much better than someone who is cartoonish evil.
Also, wtf he was proposing to Ellie. I know that happens in the game but damn And the fact that he worked with kids before? Damn. David was always a predator, even before the world ended. And the fact that he used his status as a "christian good man" to hide/ excuse his behavior... Thank God it's all fiction right? (Sarcasm)
Even James looked at him sometimes and goes like "bruh?". Btw, loved to see you Troy
-The torture scene. This is for everyone who was crying saying show's Joel as weak.
-I love the suspense during the whole episode. David group are really cannibals? Is Joel be able to defend himself? Is he come in time to save Ellie?
-OMG THE ACTING. Ellie was terrified the whole type, I think that was the first time she felt truly helpless. The relief in Joels's expression when he saw Ellie. My god
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beelzebuddy-catan · 1 year
The Not Entirely Human-Human Exchange Student pt.7
Summary: Solomon continues searching for a clue on who Cass is and how she is related to the Nephs while Cass starts to find answers about who the brothers really are. Warnings: Swearing, mentions of death and violence Spoilers: Through Lesson 7, Lilith's status, and a little bit of Nightbringer if you squint. Characters: Cass (OC), Lucifer, Mammon, Levi, Satan, Asmo, Beel, Belphie, Lilith, Solomon, Simeon, Luke, Barbatos, Diavolo, Charon (OC), Preta (OC) and Vas (OC). Notes: Psychopomps are beings in a variety of religions who escort souls to the afterlife. For those not as familiar with Greek Mythology, Charon is a psychopomp and the ferryman of Hades who takes souls buried with Charon’s obol (a coin) across the rivers Acheron and Styx. Nephilim (or as Solomon refers to them, Nephs) translates to "the fallen ones". While there are different beliefs on their identity and origin, they are the offspring of fallen angels (aka demons) and humans in this story. Previous Part • Next Part
Lucifer, who hadn’t joined them for breakfast, had sent a text asking to meet him in the music room. When she excused herself, Mammon, Levi, and Beel all looked like they wanted to stop her. The room only grew more uncomfortable when she told them she’d be fine. In their defense, it probably was too soon for her to say, ‘what’s he going to do, kill me?’ about meeting Lucifer.  
Despite his perfect posture, Lucifer seemed nervous. His arms were crossed, and it felt like he wasn’t really looking at her. Of course, she knew why he’d asked her here. There’s no way he’d move on like the other night had never happened.  
“How I acted the other night was inexcusable. You have my sincerest apology...Sometime in the near future, I’d like to treat you to a meal. To make up for putting you through a frightening experience.”  
“No thank you.” The only indication of his surprise was his eyebrows lifting slightly. “I wasn’t scared last night, so you have nothing to make up for." 
Without giving him time to respond, she turned and walked towards the door. Before exiting, Cass looked over her shoulder. “Next time, if you want to take me on a date, just ask.” With a wink, she left Lucifer standing in the room in a sort of stunned awe.   
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Though five rivers flowed from the other realms to the docks where he stood, it was a place existing separate from any realm, much like Reaper’s homes. It’d gone by different names throughout history, but it was something everyone knew. A journey every being would take one day.  
The Aetherworld. 
He hated coming here. Solomon looked out over the swirling waters of the Acheron. The fog that formed above the river wasn’t exactly unsafe, but it always felt suffocating. It reminded him of the basement he’d spent so many years trapped in.  
He disliked the ocean, but he hated the waters that carried souls to their resting places. The confluence of Acheron and Styx was the worst of them. This was the only place that existed that made him crave the sun’s light and warmth.  
There was something here that refused to let go. As if death itself clung to anyone who approached the river. The coldness seeped through everything, making a home wherever warmth remained. And it stayed, long after leaving the docks.  
“This is not a place for the living.” A voice so deep and loud it shook the ground spoke. “Only those guided by a reaper may board. King Solomon the Wise, son of David, you are no exception.”  
“I’m here on behalf of Lord Diavolo, Future King of the Devildom.”  
The lanterns on the gate behind him did little to dispel the darkness. Nor did the lantern hooked to the ferry. He always wondered how Charon was able to navigate the waters. Finally, the faint outline of the speaker could be seen.  
“That means nothing beyond those gates. Titles become as trivial as the positions they describe when that threshold is passed. You should know that better than anyone, King Solomon the Wise, son of David.”  
If names are so meaningless, why do you keep saying them? Solomon wanted to ask, but knew whatever Charon answered would be just as unhelpful as him not saying anything.  
The ferry came to a halt in front of him. He’d forgotten how imposing the psychopomp’s presence was. Despite being only half demon, there were few if any demons that rivaled his stature. His demeanor had changed from the last time they’d met. As if the anger he’d harbored was gone. Yet, those icy grey eyes would never change.  
“It’s about the Nephilim.”  
It was the only chance Solomon had of getting him to talk. He’d tried everything he could think of apart from contacting them directly. Were it not for Diavolo’s request not to involve Cate, that would have been his first choice. Being here was almost as risky.  
Charon didn’t answer. If silence could echo, the Aetherworld would hold the sound. It felt all consuming. As Charon stood before him, Solomon wondered if it was possible for him to go mad from the nothingness he existed in.  
“Psychopomps have no concern or interest with the doings of the living or the dead. We cannot afford to care. Nephilim or not.”  
The answer was just as he expected, but it’d been worth a shot. Solomon pulled out the Obol from his pocket and held it up for Charon to see. Barbatos had given it to him when he mentioned going to the docks. Apparently, Cass had been carrying the coin when she first arrived in the Devildom.  
“I do not require coins for passage. That was a falsehood created then spread by you and your conspirator.”  
“I know. This isn’t just a coin. It’s one of yours. You only created ten of these. I just need to know who you gave them to.”  
“From whom did you steal this?” Charon bellowed. The sound of his voice created waves around him.  
Shit. If Charon became angry enough it, the docks would send out a signal to alert Reapers of an emergency. “I didn’t steal it. There’s a human in the Devildom who arrived with no memories and that coin. I need to know if you gave it to her.”  
“Coins were only given to Nephilim. I do not know how a human obtained it.” Solomon sighed, that was his only lead. “This coin was last used by the Maiden of the Three Realms on the anniversary of the day Styx caught the Lightbringer.”  
“Who’s the Maiden–?”  
“I cannot tell you that.” This fucking guy. “The Nephilim who travelled the Aetherworld is not safe. She has yet to stand the tests of time.”  
Before Solomon had time to ask any other questions, Charon was gone. The ferryman had always been terse, but now he was just being cryptic. What he really needed was to spend time with someone who wasn’t dead.  
Solomon started towards the gates, teleporting to the Demon Lord’s castle once he crossed the threshold. The Maiden of the Three Realms. He’d never heard of that title. It was hard to remember the details of all the Nephs, especially after the stories they’d created reached Greece and humans began adding to the myths.  
Which Nephs were still alive that would receive the title of Maiden. Artemis wouldn’t have accepted a coin from Charon if he’d offered her one. Charon wouldn’t have risked Ares getting his hands on one even if he’d wanted to give one to Athena.  
The only maiden he could remember in mythology being associated with Charon enough to receive a coin was Persephone. But that wasn’t one of the myths Barbatos and he had created. Was it the poet Ovid who first wrote that story? The Neph who inspired Hades hadn’t been married. There was no one it could have been based on. So, who was the Maiden of the Three Realms?  
When she opened her eyes, the only thing she could see was Beel’s face. He was leaning over her, his face so close, it blocked everything else. She’d been certain Lucifer was going to kill her, and no one in the tomb had been strong enough to stop him.  
“You’re alive!” He sighed in relief, sitting down on the edge of the bed. “If Diavolo hadn’t shown up when he did, you’d be dead. I’m so sorry Cass. It’s all my fault.”  
“No, it’s not,” Cass finally managed to speak. “Luke wouldn’t have been there in the first place if it weren’t for me. Besides, I’m the one who stepped in front of Lucifer. That was my choice.”  
Beel was quiet for a moment. “Why did you do it? You’re not an angel or a demon or even some powerful human. Yet, you looked at Lucifer and still stepped between him and Luke and me. Why?”  
“Why wouldn’t I? I think if I only chose to stand up for what I think is right when it’s easy, I’d be betraying a big part of who I am.”  
Even though she didn’t know who she was, she knew that was important. If her memories ever did come back, she hoped that much was true. Beel considered her words for a while. Was he thinking about the war and his choice to save Belphie?  
“I want to make a pact with you.”  
Cass’s eyes widened at the unexpected comment. Never would she have expected one of the brothers to propose making a pact with her. Yet, she could tell Beel was being absolutely sincere. He really trusted her enough to offer that. Which is why... 
“I can’t do that to you.”  
...it was only right not to.  
“It’s not that I wouldn’t, it’s just, I can’t make a pact without being completely honest with you. There’s a chance that you’ll hate me after hearing it, and that’s fine, it’s just somethin–” 
“You don’t have to tell me,” Beel interrupted. “I trust you, Cass. Whatever it is, I know there’s a good reason you haven’t told me. Because you wouldn’t do it if it wasn’t a good reason. So, I’d rather you tell me when you’re ready then because you feel like you have to.”  
“And if you find out and hate me?”  
“I can’t imagine ever hating you, Cass.”  
She wanted to believe him. How could he not hate her for hiding Lilith and Belphie, though? She was tired of keeping secrets that weren’t hers but knew revealing them could cause things to get so much worse.  
“Okay. If that’s really what you want.”  
“Is it okay if I kiss you then?”  
Cass released a breathy laugh and nodded softly. Beel beamed and for a second, any worries she had disappeared. It was hard to believe the gentle giant who seemed to carry the only sunshine in the Devildom was one of the most feared demons in the world. And so, her third pact was made.  
“I assume you know why I asked to speak with you?” Lucifer asked once Cass closed the door to the music room.  
Breakfast had been tense that morning. Having been asleep for almost 24 hours after Lucifer almost killed her, Cass hardly let herself be bothered by it. If she’d known how rested almost dying could have made her, she might have asked Lucifer to have tried it sooner.  
Lucifer, who hadn’t joined them for breakfast, had sent a text asking to meet him in the music room. When she excused herself, Mammon, Levi, and Beel all looked like they wanted to stop her. The room only grew more uncomfortable when she told them she’d be fine. In their defense, it probably was too soon for her to say, ‘what’s he going to do, kill me?’ about meeting Lucifer.  
Despite his perfect posture, Lucifer seemed nervous. His arms were crossed, and it felt like he wasn’t really looking at her. Of course, she knew why he’d asked her here. There’s no way he’d move on like the other night had never happened.  
“How I acted the other night was inexcusable. You have my sincerest apology.” Lucifer approached her, stopping close enough that he could have a more imposing stance. “Let me make something absolutely clear, however. Your curiosity is leading you down a dangerous path. I believe I told you not to climb the stairs to the attic, and yet you did. 
“I don’t know how you were able to make it up the stairs since there is a spell cast to prevent any human, angel, or demon except me from entering. As you saw, there is nothing up there. Hopefully the other night served as a learning experience, and you’ll stop meddling.”  
Cass made sure not to react to what he said about the attic. He didn’t know she’d found Belphie. Did he cast a second spell on the room? He must have thought it was just a flaw in the spell on the stairs. Things were really working out in her favor lately.  
“I want to add, I am not saying this because of your pack with Beelzebub. As long as my brothers consent to it, I have no issues with you making pacts.” She wasn’t surprised Beel had told him. “Just ensure you don’t interfere with our family’s matters.”  
“Unless asked, I’ll mind my own business,” Cass answered.  
He nodded curtly before taking a step back. “Sometime in the near future, I’d like to treat you to a meal. To make up for putting you through a frightening experience.”  
“No thank you.” The only indication of his surprise was his eyebrows lifting slightly. “I wasn’t scared last night, so you have nothing to make up for. I would like to say one thing. I don’t know what happened between when you arrived in the Devildom and when your brothers did, but I do know this, I’m not the one at risk of truly hurting your brothers.”  
Without giving him time to respond, she turned and walked towards the door. Before exiting, Cass looked over her shoulder. “Next time, if you want to take me on a date, just ask.” With a wink, she left Lucifer standing in the room in a sort of stunned awe.   
Diavolo had asked them to meet in the Council Chambers before classes. By the time she’d finished speaking with Lucifer, all the other brothers had departed. She now had the choice to either walk with Lucifer or by herself.  
Walking with Lucifer was the safer bet, but after what she'd just said, she’d rather sit through a year of uncomfortable breakfasts than whatever would happen on the walk with Lucifer. She was at risk of being killed without him though.  
As if hearing her concerns, she heard someone sing her name. Preta and Vas crossed the street to join her in front of the House of Lamentation. Preta had to be one of the most social demons she’d met in the Devildom. The two of them had gotten close partially because they always seemed to be around.  
At first, Cass thought the demon was just fond of Beel. Overtime though, she realized that they ended up going to a lot of places together because Preta was quite possibly the only being alive capable of eating as much as Beel. In fact, there were several times Preta had even managed to outeat him.  
Despite their outgoing nature and interest in the human realm, Cass was quick to learn that Preta did not get along well with Diavolo. While Cass found it hard to believe someone didn’t like the prince, she was even more surprised that Preta had grown up with Diavolo. Though Preta was open about disliking Diavolo, they never elaborated why.  
Cass still wasn’t entirely convinced that Vas was actually a demon. She’d never seen Preta completely in their human form and she’d never seen Vas in his demon form. Unlike the other demons she’d been around, he was overly cautious in his actions while always being sympathetic towards Cass.  
The demon also had a knack for knowing when Cass needed something, even before she knew. The café he worked at had become her go to for studying or taking a break away from the House of Lamentation. She’d look up from a book she was engrossed in and see a snack on the table or suddenly her near-empty cup would be full.   
“Aren’t you usually at R.A.D. already?”  
“Yeah, I had to stay behind to talk to Lucifer about something.”  
“Because he tried to kill you?”  
Cass stumbled at the question. How did they know already? How many other people knew? Had Lucifer pulled her aside before class knowing people would be talking about it?  Vas, who seemed to have expected Preta to ask the question and surprise her, caught her elbow and only let go when he was sure she wouldn’t fall.  
“Antichrist, Preta. I thought you weren’t supposed to bring it up.”  
“Only because it’s embarrassing that Dia’s right-hand man couldn’t even kill a human. No offense, Cass.” 
She tried not to laugh at the nickname. Despite him being the ruler of the Devildom, Preta didn’t treat Diavolo with any formalities. It was even more entertaining watching them and Mephisto argue about it. Interactions between the three made their childhood friendship more evident. It also made Cass think Preta’s dislike of Diavolo was more of a childhood grudge or the way siblings hated each other.  
“If only Lord Diavolo hadn’t found out about our death pool.”  
“Yeah, you were one of the few people who thought the human exchange student would make it this far. In my defense, it was before you got here Cass.” 
“It’s cool, I didn’t expect to live this long either.”  
Preta and Vas walked with her until she got to the council chambers. Diavolo had asked the brothers and exchange students to meet there before classes. Vas, ever the psychic, handed her some food for Beel as he was giving Preta something to snack on.  
Using her body weight to open the door, Cass entered the council chambers. Only the brothers had gotten there. Mammon was giving her a hug and whispering ‘you’re alive’ in her hair before the others even processed that she had arrived. Beel quickly followed, checking that her limbs were still attached.  
“You’re still alive? Well, that’s boring,” Asmo said.  
“Just for that, you’re not welcome to my next orgy.”  
“What? Cass, no, I’m sorrrryyyyy,” he whined, finally looking up from his phone.  
The angels and Solomon entered as Asmo started explaining why he should be invited to any and every orgy. Mammon was yelling over Asmo’s reasoning saying if anyone deserved to be invited it would be him. Levi wasn’t hesitating to mock Mammon when he took a pause. Beel was happily eating the snacks Vas had given her and Satan was ignoring everything around him as he read his latest book.  
Cass didn’t bother excusing herself when she stood up to talk to Luke, knowing they wouldn’t hear her anyways. Luke visibly relaxed upon seeing Cass and confirming that Lucifer was not yet in the room. Simeon and Solomon both seemed to mirror the sentiment upon seeing her.  
“Cass! I’m so glad you’re okay.” Luke rushed to her side, pulling her into a hug and mumbling apologizes into her side. 
She often forgot how strong the angel was given his relative height to those around them. It wasn’t that he was short, he was around 5’5. Even four inches taller than him, Cass felt much shorter than she was. Even Solomon, the only other human here, was above average height, somewhere between 6’3 and 6’4. 
Cass was able to assure Luke that she was completely unharmed before Lucifer, Diavolo, and Barbatos entered the council chambers. He didn’t leave her side the entire meeting. Cass wasn’t sure if that was because he was concerned about her or afraid of Lucifer. Either way, she enjoyed his company and wouldn’t complain.  
“Rise and shine, cowboy.” Cass banged on the door of the attic.   
“What the fuck did you just call me?” Belphie’s drowsy voice drifted from the bed. He rolled over, squinting at her.  
“You heard me, bitch.”  
Within the blink of an eye, Belphie was at the door. Whether he had been in his demon form when he woke up or after her comment was unclear. But there was no hiding the fact he was a demon now. He towered over her. It may have been intimidating if it hadn’t happened so often with his brothers.  
“Weird, I’ve never seen a human with horns and tail.”  
Belphie’s eyes widened as he realized that in his overreaction, he’d lost any upper hand he thought he’d had. She hadn’t noticed before, but he had the same color eyes as Beel, apart from that there were little similarities. Beel really wasn’t kidding when he said they were practically opposites.  
“How long have you known?”  
“That you’re Belphegor? Like the moment I saw you.”  
“There are literally pictures of you all over the place. You’re one of the most famous beings in the Devildom. Did you really think I didn’t’ know what you looked like?” Belphie didn’t answer, appraising her. Unlike the times Lucifer had given her the same look, it didn’t seem like a favorable assessment. “Why bother lying about it? I’d be more inclined to help you if you were honest with me.”  
“Is that so?” There was something annoyingly cocky about the way he said it. As if he knew she’d help him no matter what. “Why is it that you already made a pact with Beel then?”  
How the hell did he know that? Cass tried not to show her surprise, hands going to rest on her hips where Beel’s pact mark had appeared. Maybe she should have asked Beel more about Belphie and their relationship.  
“Because he asked me to.”  
Despite his attitude, it was the second time she’d said anything in such a short time that left him speechless. She thought back to what Lilith had said. He definitely didn’t act like he loved humans. At times, it seemed like he could barely stand looking at her. So, what happened?  
“What’d you do to trick him?” 
“Well first,” Cass said leaning in, Belphie mirrored her action unconsciously. “I treated him with basic empathy. Then, you’re not going to believe it, I respected him.” Belphie scoffed in response, leaning back. “I get it, you don’t like humans. I’m not too fond of you either. But I need you to know that I am going to help you.”  
Cass didn’t answer right away. Why was she helping him? She’d promised Lilith to help, but had she ever had a real reason? There wasn’t anything in it for her. Lucifer had told her several times now, let sleeping dogs lie and returned to the Human Realm at the end of the year. It reminded her of the question Satan had asked her outside the bookstore. Why do you care so much though? 
Her time at the House of Lamentation over the last few months flashed before her. All the times she’d seen the side of the residents here that they tried to keep hidden. How she knew all of them craved a connection that they were too afraid to share with one another.   
There were times Satan showed vulnerability about his relationship to Lucifer, how something he could never escape became so all-consuming he couldn’t see past it. The wrath he couldn’t run from had been with him for his entire life. And he hated it. He hated it so much and he struggled to fight against it. Something he chose to do alone.    
Yet, the demon was so much more than that. He’d become so much more than that. Because he wasn’t just wrath. He was smart and driven and understanding in ways his brothers never had to be. They knew who they were without their sins, they grew into them. But if he imagined existing without his sin, he was imagining Lucifer.  
Perhaps that’s where his compassion came from. He would look at something as small as a cat and realize they couldn’t do it alone. Because he had done so much alone and no one and nothing should go through that. Even when that anger builds inside, he knows what he needs most is the care he was willing to give so freely.  
There were the times Asmo woke her up after a night out begging her to just lay with him. His drunken pleas to still love him that only faded when sleep overtook him always sounded louder than the demon could possibly speak. How even in the silence that followed, she knew he wasn’t craving company, but acceptance. He was always running from the idea that without the perfect, beautiful image he presented, he would be unlovable.  
She’d lost track of the times his smile would fall when he thought nobody was looking. When he looked in the mirror, he always saw something different than everyone else. He saw the former Jewel of the Heavens. But he wasn’t that anymore, so what was he? His distant stares seemed to call out for someone to remind him that his worth was independent of his beauty.  
There was Lilith, who, despite wandering the halls of the House of Lamentation alone for centuries, asked for Cass to help her brothers only, not herself. Cass would never forget the way the ghost’s voice broke when she asked if she was a bad person. Lilith, whose biggest regret was that she was the root of her brothers’ unhappiness, never worried about her own desires or troubles.  
Beel, who lost not only Lilith during the war but Belphie because of the exchange program, continued to open his heart to people. She couldn’t help but smile thinking about the warmth the demon exuded and the overarching trust he’d given her. He carried the weight of all the decisions he thought he should regret but couldn’t bring himself to.  
She remembered the hopelessness when he told her about the war and how he couldn’t save the people he cared most about. How she’d woken up by chance to hear him tell her about the nightmares he was plagued with. The nightmares that ended with him alone in darkness. The nightmares that lead him to holding her hand to remind him he wasn’t alone.  
The demon was just like the pact marks he’d left behind, etched into her sides where he’d left bruises from catching her not so long ago. The patterns matching his birth marks were bold without being overpowering and reminded her of battle scars, as if the marks were a physical manifestation of the emotional scars he carried.  
Her thoughts drifted to Levi and the blush that appeared whenever someone correctly guessed his feelings, how he would light up when talking about something he loved. She couldn’t remember her past, but she was almost certain she’d never met someone harboring that much passion. That very passion Levi was so afraid to share with someone because he thought it’d only lead to him being rejected.  
If anyone bothered sticking around, he thought they’d only find what he saw in himself, that he wasn’t worth it. Because how could they see what Levi couldn’t, that he was worth love because of his quirks and not in spite of them. The fear that made him think no one would dare consider making a pact with him.  
Then there was Mammon, the demon so afraid that he couldn’t live up to the expectations Lucifer set for him, that he pretended he didn’t care. He let his brothers push all their insecurities and worries onto him because, at the very least, he could carry the things they couldn’t.  
He’d still follow Lucifer to hell because Lucifer needed him. And Lucifer trusted Mammon with things he trusted no one else with because he knew Mammon could handle it. Because despite his shortcomings, he was there when nobody else was, when nothing else was.  
When Cass was scared or felt alone, Mammon was there. All the false bravado was done both for himself but others as well. Because no matter how worried they might be, Mammon was willing to be a fool to bring them comfort. He’d been doing it for so long, he’d forgotten what it was like to not be put down. Because he cared so much, he always put the people he loved first.  
So, when she finally answered Belphie, she repeated what she’d said to Beel, “Why wouldn’t I?”, because she was willing to do whatever she could for the demons she’d come to love. As Belphie pondered her response, she added, “but don’t think for a second, it’s because of you.”  
After contemplating her decision, he began asking questions about how she got past Lucifer and how she could see the room if he’d cursed it. She tried answering the questions the best she could, but she didn’t know much more than him.  
“What’s so special about you? Why did Lord Diavolo choose you of all people? I mean, you’re below average at best.”  
“I’m really starting to enjoy your company, you know that? Too bad you’re stuck, or we’d have a blast at the formal dance Diavolo’s hosting.”  
“Dance?” Belphie scoffed.  
“All the exchange students and student council members are having an exchange party at the castle.”  
“Kind of grateful I’m stuck in here for the moment.”  
Cass rolled her eyes at Belphie’s comment. “Oh, I forgot, I brought you something.”  
She slid a few pieces of paper under the door for him. Initially, she’d considered giving him a phone, but she didn’t get service in the attic. She’d decided to print off some pictures of his brothers since he’d last seen them to decorate his space.  
Belphie’s eyebrows furrowed as he picked up the papers and flipped through them. The mask he’d been wearing melted, if only briefly, as a smile tugged at the corner of his lips. She’d considered telling him about Lilith, but after the ghost’s warning, decided against it.  
“Why?” Contempt returned to his voice as he glanced up from the pictures, but it didn’t quite reach his eyes. Cass shrugged, not having an answer that he would believe. “What do you want?”  
“Not everything has an ulterior motive.” Belphie didn’t answer, just muttered an insult under his breath before looking at the pictures again “Sometimes people do things just to do them.”  
Maybe that’s why she decided to help them in the first place, even before she felt this way. Because sometimes people do things just to do them. Because humans do things just to do them. And she was, if nothing else, still human.  
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Good luck on the Davi-- wait shit, wrong blog- All jokes aside, now that you've gotten into Milgram I NEED to know your thoughts on either Kotoko or Muu, I don't mind which one honestly can you tell I support women's wrongs
Thanks for the- I mean David who?
I see you have… certainly a taste, in characters. Yeah, I’ll talk about those, though as a warning I still haven’t obsessed over them as much as I have over some of the others, so opinions are subject to change.
CW: Murder, mentions of suicide.
>Muu: Inordinate amounts of silly, I kinda love her and want to see where she goes in Trial 3. I need to know what made her so fucked up. What makes her want to be a “queen bee” so badly, and what That One Girl did to “knock her off her throne.” And I just have to know what she meant in After Pain when she said “I love YOU”, like what’s the deal with that? That’s not even getting into “counterattack as a suicide note”, which seems to imply she knew attacking That One Girl would imply social suicide? At least that’s how I see it. But what made her decide to do it anyways, then? Clearly it wasn’t to regain status if it was “suicide.” Am I just reading the lines wrong?
Like all the other characters, she’s really interesting, especially because she doesn’t even seem to realize how fucked up she really is. It’s wild to see her talk about Haruka, like being idolized to that extent is just normal for her. But it’s also weird, because she lies to Es about not throwing buckets of water on anyone (well, technically she may have just thrown water in bottles or something, but the idea stands), so she clearly knows some of what she’s doing is wrong.
The fact she’s usually paired with Fuuta is also really interesting, but if I start talking about parallels and stuff I am going to end up destroying my brain way more than I can afford to lol.
Anyways, I love her a lot, she’s really intriguing :D
I would have voted her ass guilty every day of trial 2 :D
>Kotoko: One of these days I’m going to have to sit down, really look at Harrow and figure out what the hell is actually going on in her murder(s). How many hoodies can one woman wear? I swear to God, the only character with a more complicated storyline so far is Mikoto “How many people did you guys even kill” Kayano.
Anyways, Kotoko. I feel like I’m repeating myself, but she really is super interesting. Righteous and clearly well-intentioned, but she’s somewhat hypocritical and too prideful to notice. I’m really interested in seeing how she’s going to take getting guiltied this trial, because let’s be honest here, unless her video is the most heartbreaking, sympathetic piece of media ever produced, her ass is not getting forgiven by the fandom after what she pulled post-trial 1. Do you think she can get a worse ratio than Muu did this trial? I could honestly see it if her video doesn’t help her.
I also just really wanna see how her second Voice Drama goes, I want Es to go fucking feral. You know they are fucking pissed at this woman.
I am so excited for Deep Cover, I can tell it’s gonna be real fun.
Anyways, she may not be one of my favorites, but Kotoko is still a really good character and I really wanna see where she goes.
Thanks for the ask, and I hope you’re satisfied with the answer! Take care!
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stcrsabcve · 1 year
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(—) ★ spotted!! CATHERINE "ROCKY" KENNEDY on the cover of this week’s most recent tabloid! many say that the 26 year old looks like WALLIS DAY, but i don’t really see it. while  the F1 DRIVER is known for being CONFIDENT my inside sources say that they have a tendency to be A PERFECTIONIST i swear, every time i think of them, i hear the song I’M GOOD (BLUE) BY DAVID GUETTA AND BEBE REXHA {she/they / ciswoman} 
Name: Catherine "Rocky" Kennedy Nicknames: Rocky, Cat (usually reserved for family or close loved ones)Age: 26 Height: 5'8" Gender: ciswoman Marital Status: unmarried Sexuality: Lesbian Mother: Kathy Kennedy Father: Jonathan Kennedy Siblings: Jordana Kennedy (41) Lydia Kennedy (39) Mackenzie Kennedy-Holder (33), Jonathan "Johnny" Kennedy (28) Frankie Kennedy (23-24) Extended family: Micah Kennedy (22, Nephew) Madeline Kennedy (21, Niece)
it was obvious early on that Catherine was going to share more than just her name with her mother. Baby photos of the pair shared all over showing the fact that Katherine Kennedy gave birth to a mini version of herself.
Much to Kathy's dislike their name and looks were where the similarities stopped. From a young age Kathy had tried to get her into modelling, and young Catherine showed no interest. She always showed far more interest in chasing her older siblings around and getting herself into trouble (the family laundry was considerably larger for a long time and it hadn't had anything to do with the youngest Kennedy's birth)
Age 3 Catherine earned her nickname "Rocky." She had been playing nicely with a young boy at an event the family attended. The Kennedy parents paid no attention to it until a loud 'Thwack!' was heard and the boy began crying. No one heard exactly what was said but 3-year-old Catherine insisted that the right hook she delivered to the boy's face was justified. Jonathan had simply scooped her up, placed a gentle kiss to her right hand and said "Well, aren't you my little Rocky" The name has stuck ever since
Quick Fire Facts (Because brain no longer wants to paragraph?)
Discovered her love of racing around age 10 when her father was invited to spend a weekend at a NASCAR race in promotion for Keeping Up With The Kennedys. He let her have the hot lap they offered and that was that. No more ballet or modelling for her, she only wanted to race.
She had a natural talent for racing but having the money and connections from her parents really helped push her career forward.
2020 she was signed as a back-up driver for mercedes f1 team. At the beginning of 2023 she made headlines by breaking her contract to jump ship to ferrari to race as their main driver. Mercedes was convinced she'd stay with them for longer out of loyalty despite Ferrari offering a better deal. Clearly Mercedes forgot what her last name is.
Is the Kennedy gremlin child. Doesn't mind getting her hands dirty, works on her own cars. Loves stirring Johnny up with as many dirty rags as possible
Loves to party. Will take any excuse to go clubbing. Has been caught DUI twice but Kathy has seen to it that TMZ never got their hands on that.
Has an on and off again girlfriend. She's pretty sure she loves her but she can't commit to the same racing suit let alone a relationship
Never really had much of a problem with the cameras from KUWTKs following her around. She never knew any different and it works in her favour. She is more likely to be sponsered and get adversiting deals as she was already famous before racking.
Wanted Connections The besties 0/?:
I imagine this person(s) is very good at matching Rocky's chaotic style energy. Someone she can go to and party with but also someone she can cuddle with on the couch and watch TV with
On and off again girlfriend 0/1:
(—) ★ CATHERINE KENNEDY {wallis day} would like to see their ON AND OFF AGAIN GIRLFRIEND. they should be 24 TO 30 years old and some fc suggestions are SOPHIE SKELTON, JESSICA PARKER KENNEDY, ABIGAIL COWEN, UTP . Their relationship is amazing when it’s going well and a true dumpster fire when it’s not. Rhea travels the world a lot during F1 season and spends a lot of time at the track it’s UTP how this affects their relationship. Rhea has given up counting how many times they’ve split up but continues to come back to her every single time. Everything else is utp and plotting. .
Current and Past Flings 0/?: what it says on the tin really!
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puresafelovely · 2 months
CALL-OUT POST FOR @definitelynotpetedavidson
my husband is so inconsiderately hot. it's rude. it's inappropriate. it's probably "out of spite" knowing him. or maybe he just thought it would be god tier humour to look that stunning and cool even when - ESPECIALLY WHEN - he's not even trying to look good. His hair is almost always perfect as he wakes up... he's got cute lil cheekies and looks like if you combined the statue of david with a china doll and a cherub. he actually IS countless cherubs in a trench coat trying to sneak in to see the most fucked up R-Rated horror movie possible. i swear being attracted to my husband has ruined my life for nearly 4 fuckin years. and you can bet your life that i will let him and his perfection continue to ruin my life until i die first (because he is actually too perfect and sexy and sweet to die ever, so we have agreed he has to die last cuz i would burn the moon and stars if i had to exist in a world where he doesn't anymore for even five damn minutes).
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aclamclriver · 4 years
Hi saw your blog name "like a marble statue". I've always thought Adam looks like a marble statue that one day decided to walk off his podium because he got bored in the museum. He got central heterochromia because his sculptor never decided his eye color, considering he's just a white marble statue.
okay so true story i could have SWORN i made that title after a quote about adam,  but after thirty minutes looking for it i’m pretty sure i hallucinated the quote and now i’m not entirely sure where i was going with this but honestly?  truly?  someone sculpted that man.  someone went in with a chisel and carved him out of marble and god himself came down and kissed his brow and sent him out to ruin our lives like
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please god i just want peace 
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sunkissedpages · 3 years
instead of you [part sixteen]
pairing: [best friend’s brother] tom holland x college!reader
summary: you didn’t expect to spend your summer pretending to be your best friend’s girlfriend- then again, you didn’t expect to fall for your best friend’s brother, either.
warnings: swearing, mentions of alcohol, smut (18+) additional warnings under the cut
word count: 3.1k
series masterlist
smut warnings: female masturbation, porn, mentions of choking
“‘We’? Like, you and me?” you clarified, hoping you had misunderstood.
“Yeah, it’ll only take a second,” Tom assured you.
You looked to Sam for help, but he looked just as lost as you were. “I’ll go try and find a microwave to heat up your leftovers,” he offered and took the container back from you. “I’ll be right back, babe.”
You watched him shrug past both you and Tom and then disappear into the hallway with a sinking feeling in your chest, knowing he trusted you completely. He had no reason not to, and that’s what consumed you. 
“What do you want?” you muttered, reluctantly stepping to the side to let Tom in. 
He didn’t answer right away, giving you a moment to collect yourself. His eyes followed you around the room as you found your pants and tugged them on. He averted his gaze when he realized you were getting dressed mumbling a “sorry” as he trained his eyes on the carpet. 
You sat on the edge of the bed and looked at him expectantly, waiting for him to explain why he was there. 
“You weren’t there today,” was all he said. 
You blinked. “Yeah?”
“Was it because of me?”
“I wasn’t feeling well.”
Tom’s tongue poked at the inside of his cheek. “Is that all?”
“I had a lot to drink last night,” you reminded him. 
“So you don’t remember anything?”
“I never said that.”
“So it was because of me?”
“I never said that either.” You sighed. “If you’re here to ask me if I told him you kissed me, I didn’t. And you could’ve just texted me to ask.”
“No that’s not why- I don’t have your number anyway.”
“I’m in the trip group chat with your family.”
“Oh, right. I’ll save it to my contacts.”
The tension in the room was palpable. It felt like all of the air had been sucked out and replaced with thick, suffocating silence. Arbitrarily, you wondered who the most famous person in his phone was. He was a Marvel actor, he probably had Simu Liu’s number, right? Who would your contact information be sitting in between? Maybe if you ever forgave him for what he did you could ask him. 
“Is something funny?” The firmness of Tom’s voice cut through your train of thought and brought you back to the present. “Why are you smiling?”
“It doesn’t matter,” you said despondently. “Sam’s gonna be back soon. What did you want?”
“I just wanted to check up on you. Sam said you were sick.”
“Oh, so you wanted to see if I was lying?”
“No! God, why is it so hard to believe that I’m genuinely concerned about you?”
“Because last night you only seemed concerned about yourself.”
Tom pursed his lips and shoved his hands in his pockets, expelling a breath harshly. “Okay, I deserved that.”
You hummed in agreement, and let your eyes trail down the veins of his arms to where they disappeared into his pockets. It looked like he was fiddling with a coin or something small, but you couldn’t tell. 
“Are you feeling better?” he said the last part through gritted teeth.
“Yes, thank you. This chat has helped considerably.”
Tom rolled his eyes. “You’re impossible, you know that?”
“Well, lucky for you I’m not your problem to deal with. I'm Sam’s.”
He flexed his hand in his pocket and sighed. “Okay, well, I also wanted to apologize again for...” the word kiss seemed to die on his lips, poetic irony at its finest. “Being a dick.” Less poetic. 
He finally fished his hand out of his pocket, holding a delicate piece of paper between his pointer and index fingers. He shifted uncomfortably where he was leaning against the dresser. “We went to the Academic Gallery today. I saw this in the gift shop and thought of you.” He presented you with what turned out to be a postcard, creased down the middle unevenly and smudged with pen ink.
You turned it over to look at the front first, admiring the artwork printed on it. It was a picture of Michelangelo’s David drawn in swoopy black lines and filled in with watercolor paint. Instead of a museum, the statue was in the middle of a garden, the centerpiece among dozens upon dozens of flowers. 
 “Sorry it’s folded,” he mumbled. “It wouldn’t fit in my pocket.”
You flipped it over to read the back only to see iou scribbled in his handwriting and nothing else. You turned it over again to see if you had missed something on the front, but there was nothing.
You looked up at him in confusion. “Iou?” 
“Yeah, you know... I feel really bad about last night, and I don’t really know how to make it up to you so I’m letting you decide.”
“That’s not really how it works.”
“I think that this counts as an exception, since we’re kind of in uncharted territory.”
“Maybe for you. My boyfriend’s brothers make out with me all the time.”
“Fuck you, I didn’t make out with you- it was barely a peck.”
You narrowed your eyes at him. “It was more than a peck.”
His cheeks were beginning to grow pink with what you couldn’t tell was either embarrassment or frustration. He cleared his throat awkwardly and changed the subject. “Anyway, if you ever need a favor or anything, just let me know. Think of it as me owing you one.”
“And do I have to give back the postcard when I cash in this ‘favor’?” you asked.
“No, you can keep it.”
“Good, because I was going to keep it anyway.”
He chuckled in spite of himself and shook his head. “Knew you’d like it.”
You flattened the card on your lap, smiling as you tried to iron out the little crease with your fingers. 
“It’s pretty, thank you.”
Tom nodded in acknowledgement and straightened his posture. “I should get going. I just wanted to give you that, and see how you were doing since tomorrow’s a travel day and I know you get a little motion sick sometimes. I didn’t want... whatever you’d come down with to make it worse.”
How did he know that? Had Sam told him? You didn’t have time to ask because he was already walking towards the door. He paused when he reached it and turned his head towards you, hand already on the knob. 
“Good night, y/n.”
“Good night, Tom.”
  He opened the door and let himself out into the hallway, catching it suddenly on his foot as he saw Sam coming off the elevator. Tom held the door for Sam, since his hands were full, and then said goodnight to his brother as he finally left.
“Sorry, I couldn’t find the microwave,” he explained. “I had to ask the night manager and they heated it up in the break room for me.”
“Oh, Sam, you didn’t have to do that! I would’ve eaten it cold.”
“I know you would have, and that’s why I’m not letting you.” You gave him a look, which he ignored and handed you the container of food. “It’s carbonara, it’s one of the things Rome is known for. I couldn’t have you eating it lukewarm.” 
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.”
He ran a hand through his hair and took a seat next to you on the edge of the bed, pulling the ottoman closer to use it as a makeshift table. He watched as you tried the first bite, gauging your reaction. It was something he did whenever he cooked for you, especially if he was trying out a new recipe. He always needed your approval, and valued it above anybody else’s. But he hadn’t even made this, and as his eyes searched your face you found yourself wondering if they were looking for something else. 
“Do you like it?” 
You breathed a quiet sigh of relief. Your paranoia was starting to get the better of you. “It’s delicious,” you assured him. “I’m sad I missed dinner.”
“I’m sad you missed the whole day. Spending time with my family without you was hell.”
“Oh come on, it’s probably good that you got some real family time.”
“It’s real family time when you’re there. It felt like something was missing.” 
You let a small smile slip past your lips despite the guilt that bubbled under the surface. You pushed it down and took another bite of the carbonara. 
“You’re not just saying that to make me feel better, are you? It can’t have all been bad. Tell me about the good stuff. I wanna hear that.”
Sam nodded and pushed his curls back again, grinning like he’d been caught. “Fine, maybe there were some okay moments.”
“And what were they?”
“We went to the Accademia Gallery today. I think you would have really liked it. They had a whole wing of instruments from some of the most famous inventors and musicians from history. They even had pianos from Bartolomeo Cristorfori, the inventor of the piano.”
“Wow,” you said, impressed. “I bet it was beautiful.”
“Of course if it was played, it wouldn’t sound anything like the piano we’re used to hearing today, but I’m sure it would still sound incredible.”
“Even if it hasn’t been tuned in a few hundred years?”
It was his turn to give you a look. “Yes, of course.”
“And they had a Strativerius, I don’t even want to know how valuable that thing is. It must cost millions. I took some pictures for you, but I know they won’t compare to the real thing. The lighting in museums never does the art justice.”
He handed his phone to you to scroll through. You swiped the photos, smiling whenever you came across a selfie he’d taken with a statue or painting. You reached the pictures of David and couldn’t help but zoom in on-
“Hey!” Sam yelped and grabbed his phone back from your hands.
“Michelangelo would be so ashamed of you! I bet he’s rolling in his grave right now.”
“No way! If anyone appreciated good dick, it was Michelangelo.” 
“If you don’t want me to judge these statue’s penises, don’t take pictures of them.”
“I didn’t take pictures of their penises! I took pictures of the whole statue- you’re zooming in on- you know what, nevermind. Arguing with you about this is pointless.”
“Smart boy.”
Sam rolled his eyes at you and put his phone in his back pocket. “Oh yeah, did Tom give you that postcard?”
“He told you about that?” you asked, suddenly panicking. Sam hadn’t said anything about last night so far, but maybe Tom had-
“Yeah, said he wanted to give you an iou for the limoncello last night.”
“He said you paid the tab for it since he left his wallet in the room and that he wanted to pay you back for it.”
“Oh. Right.”
Another lie. You had very much not paid for the drinks last night. Tom had. And you knew he had to make an excuse for why he was buying his brother’s girlfriend something from the gift shop, but to add another lie to the ever-growing list made your throat burn with regret. You wouldn’t be able to keep the secret forever, and it was only a matter of time before everything came crashing down around you. 
In the morning you took the train from Rome to Naples, and then took a taxi to Sorrento to spend the last bit of your week in Italy by the sea. The atmosphere was much more relaxed than it had been in the busy cities of Rome and Florence. Even though there were still hordes of tourists, they were far more dispersed and less overbearing than you expected. The whole town seemed slowed down, like it had escaped the chokehold of time. 
Sam’s parents took everyone out to lunch by the water and went over the schedule for the next day and a half. 
“So, you’re on your own after dinner tonight, and then tomorrow morning we’re going to take the ferry to Capri for the day before our flight that night,” Nikki explained as she read through the spreadsheet on her phone. 
“There’s an Irish pub down the street from our hotel,” Harry said. “Do you guys want to go after we eat tonight?”
“I’m down,” Sam agreed. 
“Sounds good,” Tom chimed in.
The boys all looked at you for your answer, but you hesitated. Thinking about what happened the last time you drank didn’t make you eager to do it again, and you were already exhausted from travelling.
“I’ll pass.”
“What? Why?” Sam asked, sticking out his bottom lip in a pout.
You leaned into him, resting your head on his shoulder with a sigh. “I’m tired, and I’d rather go somewhere Italian... since we’re in Italy.”
Harry shrugged. “Your loss.”
“We’ll have a shot in your honor, babe,” Sam said and pressed a kiss to your temple. 
“Please don’t. Something tells me you’ll have plenty to drink without an extra shot for me.”
“You know us so well.”
After dinner, you walked back to the hotel with the Hollands and said good night to Sam’s parents before parting ways to your separate rooms. Sam went with you to change into clothes for going out while you changed into pajamas. 
“Are you sure you don’t want to go?”
You nodded from where you were on the bed and yawned. Sam didn’t push any further, instead resolving to finish getting ready in silence. He paired his black jeans with a pair of converse and a dark green button up over a black t-shirt. 
He turned to you for approval.
“Fake girlfriend approved?”
“Fake girlfriend approved,” you repeated and gave him a thumbs up. 
“Okay, well I’m headed out,” he announced. 
“Have fun! Don’t kiss any cute girls without me!” 
It was something you always said to each other, but it sounded strange since it was supposed to be coming from his girlfriend. Sam just chuckled and blew you a kiss as he let himself out. 
You heard him greet his brothers outside and then listened to their footsteps fade into the distance before pulling up an incognito window on your phone. It had been weeks since you’d been able to get off and it was killing you. The amount of stress this trip had given you only made it worse. You were wound so tight that you were sure you’d snap soon if you didn’t get some relief. 
And you thought that maybe if you rubbed one out it might help you forget about... the confusing feelings you had for your best friend’s brother. 
Seeing as you had the night to yourself, you figured you might as well take advantage of it. You copied a link from your notes app and pasted the url into the address bar. You didn’t feel like digging through your luggage to find your earbuds so you set the volume low enough for only you to hear. 
The video started playing and you let your hand wander from your side up to your neck, brushing your hand lightly across your collarbone. You traced the curve of your breasts with a finger before squeezing one of them gently, feeling your nipple harden under your palm. You only had one hand to use since the other was holding your phone, but you made do. 
The video was one of your favorites, one you found yourself watching at least once a week. It was one of the few videos of hetero couples you had favorited, and it started with the guy going down on the girl before fucking her...
You admired the muscles on the man’s back, watching intently as they flexed whenever he moved his head. The woman moaned, struggling to keep her legs open while he brought her closer and closer to orgasm. 
You let your hand travel down further until it was sitting at the waistband of your pajama shorts. You knew you had a while before Sam would be back, but you were too impatient to wait. You propped your phone up on a pillow next to you to free your other hand as you started to play with your clit. 
You pictured someone’s head in between your thighs, imagining them moaning against your pussy as they tasted you for the first time. 
The man was taking his pants off now and lining himself up with his partner’s pussy. You tried to follow along, putting yourself in the moment with the couple. You gathered your own wetness on two of your fingers to lubricate them and slid them inside yourself, sighing in relief. Your entire body tensed as it accommodated to the stretch and you gave yourself a few beats before moving your fingers. 
When you finally did, you felt yourself relax and sped up your pace so that it matched the actors on screen.
The angle the video was shot at hid the man’s face and you found yourself wondering what he looked like. If you squinted you could almost picture Tom- no. You tried to shake the thought from your mind, but it was already there. 
Closing your eyes didn’t help either. You just imagined Tom’s fingers sliding in and out of you instead of your own, imagined the veins on his arms becoming more pronounced as he tightened his grip on your thigh. 
“Fuck,” you cursed, knowing you should stop. 
You were too close to stop now, and the pleasure was clouding your judgement. Suddenly the man brought his hand up to the girl’s throat and began to choke her, sending her hurtling into her own orgasm. You moaned accidentally, thinking about Tom’s hand around your throat. You curled your fingers up so that you were hitting your g-spot and whimpered pathetically.
This was wrong. This was bad. Not only were you fantasizing about your best friend’s brother, but you were confusing yourself even further. 
You tried to fight it, at least that’s what you told yourself, but all you could hear were Tom’s moans echoing through the speaker. You pictured the way he’d look on top of you. His eyes would be so dark and he’d be smirking like the cocky asshole he was, chain hanging down in your face- just inviting you to take it into your mouth. It didn’t take long before you felt your orgasm begin to build. The video was still playing in the background, the man still chasing his own high and bringing his partner to her second orgasm, but you’d tuned it out by now. You came around your fingers thinking about Tom’s hips snapping into yours. 
You were fucked.
lmk what you think!! i always appreciate feedback
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x-reader-theater · 3 years
can you do rossi x male reader who is some sort of royalty and in love with rossi and is willing to leave his royal duties to marry David but since David is low key famous and v. respected readers family thinks its ok for them to marry (i just want to see rossi as a prince) (more than ok with it not being modern time but don't have to write it in medival)
I'm making this a young Rossi, one that has retired from the BAU but hasn't gone back yet, to make it more plausible that he'd be in another country. Also, this country is one that I made up and I will not be saying the name of because I don't have one lolll
This got long so if anyone wants a part two I'll continue this. Edited by @mystic-writes
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Gif by @reidgifs
"Why, my good cousin Gerard, you have waited almost as long as my son to get married! And that's saying something!" your father, the king, says at the dinner table.
"Father, please don't bring this up now…" you mumble into your wine glass.
Your father looks up at you and glares. "Why shouldn't I bring this up now? You should have been married years ago to some lovely woman of high status!"
"But, what if I don't want to marry a woman? Ever think about that!" you exclaim, leaning over the table towards your father. "What if I want to marry a man!"
There's gasps at the table.
"But, don't you want to have children? What if you become king, and you have no heirs?" you mother asks from her position to the right of your father, where she's been delivered to for her entire life.
You shake your head. "I don't want children. And besides, I'm never *going* to become king. You made sure of that," you mutter. "Newsflash! Medicine has actually improved tremendously, and I have four older siblings who are never going to die before me. I'm never going to be able to BECOME king! AND!" you shout, standing up at the table. "Being royalty is nothing more than being a painting for people to ogle at! We have all this money and status and we don't need it! What about the people who we supposedly rule over? What are we doing to give them houses, or food, or jobs? We sit in our ridiculously large castle, which we don't even use half the rooms in, by the way, and there are people that don't even have a house! So, I don't even want to become King. The first thing I would do, as king, would be dismantling and abolishing the royal family, once and for all!"
There's more gasps and you slam down your napkin, which doesn't make a sound but does make a point, and you run out of the dining hall that you only use if your father has guests over. Most of the time the family eats in the kitchens.
You run up to your room and shed your fancy clothing, before putting on a t-shirt, jeans, and a black hoodie with nothing on it. You slip some trainers on and run to the front door, using all the hidden hallways you discovered as a child to make your way to the front of the castle.
You quickly slip your way through the front doors and up to the gate. You give a wave to the guards there and stop, waiting for the gait to open.
"Your highness!" one of the guards exclaims and you roll your eyes.
"Please, don't," you say, putting a hand up. "I just want to get out. Can you open the gate for me, please!"
"But- but we're supposed to go with you! What if you get hurt!" the other guard shouts.
You reach into one of the back pockets of your jeans and you take out a knife, flicking it open, and hold it out to the guards. "I can take care of myself."
They look at each other, back at you, before they nod and press the buttons to open the gate. You smile and thank them, putting your knife away, you make your way into the city.
The walk is long but it clears your head, and you find a bar open late. You walk in and the musty smell hits you immediately, and you smile. Walking in, there's only a couple people in here, and three are sitting at tables drunk off their asses. One, a very handsome, older man, is sitting at the bar, talking to the bartender.
You walk in and sit away from him, six stools away, and when the bartender comes over, and you try to order, a drink is placed in front of you, and you frown.
"Courtesy of Dave," he says, tilting his head to the handsome man, and you look over, and the man smiles and lifts his drink to you before taking a sip.
You look down at your own drink and frown, before picking it up and taking a sip of your own. It's bourbon. Good old American bourbon. And it's exactly what you wanted, and needed. You look up to thank the man when you startle. He's sitting right next to you.
He goes to speak but you cut him off, asking, "How did you know?"
"I'm sorry?" he asks, his breathtaking smile faltering for a moment.
You point to your drink. "How did you know this is what I wanted?"
He smiles again and takes another sip of his own drink. "You came in looking lost, and anyone who's lost needs a good finger of bourbon."
You smile and take another sip. "Your accent. It's American."
"And yours is not," he says, and you smile back at him.
"I'm [Y/N]," you say, holding out your hand for the man to shake. He does, and you feel the calluses on his fingers. "Were you in the military?"
He nods, and his smile widens to a grin. "I was. As well as law enforcement." You nod, and pull your hand away, though you really don't want to. "What about you?"
"Oh, uh," you say, not really knowing what to say to that. "I-I don't really do anything important." Dave nods, seemingly content with that answer and you let out a breath of relief. "Anyways, what do you do now? I do not think you are in law enforcement here."
He shakes his head. "No. I'm just writing now. Traveling the world now that I don't have to stay in one place anymore."
You nod. "I wish I could travel. I want to see Spain, and England, and Japan, and America. And other countries too, but those are at the top of my list," you say.
"Well, as an American, I would love to show you around one day," he says with a grin.
You grin back.
That grin drops however when you hear someone behind you. "My liege? There you are!"
You flinch and turn around slowly to see the captain of the guard, Heinrich, standing there in his full plate armour that really has no use anymore.
"My prince, we must get you home. Your mother is worried sick!" he exclaims, and you look up at him sheepishly.
"'Prince'?" Dave asks behind you.
You turn around and grab his hands. "I swear, I will explain it all one day, but I really have to get back. It was lovely having a drink with you. I would love to do it again some time!"
Heinrich grabs your arm like he used to do when you were a child and drags you out of the little bar, outside where a car is waiting, leaving a stunned Dave behind.
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cha0ticr0b0tic · 2 years
Izzy Brainrot, Part 4
Working through an Izzy post I found last night about masking, let’s go!
We know Ed is a social chameleon; masking is second nature to him (for example, the way he acts around Calico Jack is different than how he acts around the French aristos is different than the way he acts when he’s with Stede, etc.)
Stede had to mask for most of his adult life in order to uphold the tenets of upper-class white masculinity in the 1700s (gross), but once he became a pirate he could let the mask drop, allowing for authenticity.
Izzy? Is always Izzy, no matter what environment he’s in. There is no mask, you can always count on Izzy to be 100% Izzy all the time. This makes him a super interesting foil to Stede – there’s an authenticity present in both characters, but Stede’s brand of authenticity is soft while Izzy is rough all over, not just around the edges. A lot of this is based in class (there are some great posts about Izzy’s accent and class status around here somewhere, I’ll put links to them in the comments when I find them). But, consider this:
Izzy is masking, has been masking, and now we can’t tell what’s mask and what’s Izzy himself. 
We can really only speculate about Izzy’s backstory until we get canonical evidence (David Jenkins give it to us I swear to God) but whatever it looked like, it couldn’t have been pretty. I can’t see Izzy turning to piracy for shits & giggles. Even before turning to piracy, Izzy likely had to develop a tough outer shell or risk being eaten alive. We see the upper-class bullying Stede endured as a child, and maybe this is another way we can see Stede and Izzy as foils. Something tells me Izzy as a kid went through hell on a daily basis. He’s small, he’s from a working-class family, he’s a young man, God forbid he cry or show any sort of weakness. Showing righteous anger, though? Getting into fights and winning them? That works. 
The mask becomes his identity. If anything, being a pirate affirms that mask. Izzy’s trading out hierarchy on land for a different kind of hierarchy at sea. Either way, he’s still a small guy who’s got to work for respect. If anger, violence, and a willingness to get his hands dirty earns him that respect, that’s all well and good for him. 
(there is going to be more to this but I’m going to stop here for now)
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