#the delete button is there for a reason hahahaha
thepinkspov · 2 years
Dear Reader
I was so down ka ganina tungod kay na delete ang tanang vids sa ako demo. So mao to naghilak jd kog taman kay sayang kaayo akong effort ato 😭 ug kapoy na sd kaayo mag balik ug demo. Nag breakdown na sd ko ganina hangtud na abot sa point nga gi question na nako akong gi piling course. I want to divert my attention para di ko mag sigeg overthink coz I know inig mag overthink ko, mu balik na sd tong past struggles nako. I watched reels on ig, talked to my cat but still naa ra japon. Then I went to my 2nd acc on ig. I open our very little convo. Ddto ning balik kog basa sa akong confession nya hahahaha tapos iyang reply sd hahahaha litchon na wa jd akong kaguol kay sige kog katawa hahahaha hah alright gikilig pd diay HAHAHA gikilig kog taman sa akong confession nabuang na mn dagwy ko HAHAHHH so mao to tungod pd ana, wa ko ka bantay nga na click diay nako ang video call button 😭😭😭 I WAS CALLING HIM!!!! It was an accident!!!! I didn't mean it 😭😭 dugay pa jd kaayo to nako napalong kay busy mn kos akong gibati HAHAHAH then the moment nga na realize nako akong nabuhat, namugnaw ko!!!!! Literal nga namugnaw! And my mind went blank which also the main reason nganong dugay nako na click ang cancel button HAHAHAH. After ato ako gi cancel dayun tapos, gi off ang data and gi uninstall ang ig HAHAHAHA then ddto ko naka realize nga sayop ako gibuhat HAHAHAHAH dapat nag deactivate ko before nako gi uninstall ang app aron di ma notify ddto sa iyaha 😭😭😭 Mao to ning log in kos browser, found out naka duha diay kog dial 😭😭😭 so mao to mangayo ra kog sorry wa na tuyo. But I guess di na nya to makit an kay nag deact na mn ko HAHAHHH
Indeed, na divert jd akong attention.
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seungmin-jpeg · 6 years
HEY HANNAH DO YOU HAVE ANY WRITING TIPS (this is me 1. trying to improve my writing and 2. trying to find a convo topic bc i wanted to drop smth in your inbox lMAO) BC I FEEL LIKE MY WRITING IS,,, DETERIORATING YIKES -🐌
okay yes i have tips lemme think. im really tired rn so im to lazy to format this nicely oops but heres what i got… get ready for some rambling lol 
Write what you want to write, dont write for notes or write something you know others want but you yourself dont really feel like writing. Don’t feel pressured to write something you dont want to write. when you are writing because you want to write it, it makes everything a whole lot easier
come up with an idea and outline it a little if you dont want to get stuck. ngl i dont really do this, but it makes things a lot easier in the long run lol
if you’re writing a fanfic, dont feel like you need to keep the persons personality 100% accurate. in the end, we dont even know how said person would even react, we only see one side of them anyways. i like to think of it as having a character already created for you, you get to change what you need to change to fit the story. Using stray kids for example, changbin isn’t always some dark guy brooding in the corner, Jisung isn’t always some loud annoying dumb kid, chan isn’t always exhausted and on deaths edge, felix isn’t always a walking meme, so dont feel like you cant write for them because they dont fit your idea. (nothing is wrong with writing skz members like how i said above, because lets be real, its all kinda accurate anyways lol)
Just have fun with what you write, dont worry about editing anything, you can do that later. i just like to word dumb the first way through. editing and fixing plot holes comes later.
if you get stuck, talk with someone about your story, usually they can offer a little help, or just get you thinking enough to get inspired again.
but really in the end, write what you want to write, write how you like to write, and write at the pace you like. dont let anyone preassure you to do anything else or in any other way. writing is an art. you don’t tell an artist how to hold their paintbrush, no one should be telling you to change your writing. unless people cant even read said writing but i doubt that would ever be the case with anyone around here.
tada, heres my word dumb advice, this is just my opinion on everything, idk what other people think about said advice. also little things that dont really have to do with this but drive me crazy so im putting this here. regarding kpop fanfics, for the love of god, dont use romanized korean incorrectly. if you’re not sure about it please dont use it. omg it just, it makes my insides cringe its so not okay. also everyone, if its a series fic, please link the other parts of the series in each part. i dont read fanfic to often tbh even tho i write it, but nothing is worse than finding part 4 of a fic that seems really nice and not having any link to the other 3 parts. sure you can go search their blog but im lazy man. oh also adding a bit of a summary at the top of your fic when you post it is a nice idea, draws people’s attention. 
idk if this is even going to help because i have a lot of things to say on a lot of different writing things lmao but aaaaayyyyye there you go!!! to bounce the conversation back, whatchu writin bout 🐌anon 
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tefilovesreading · 4 years
It’s a match! Part. 2
Pairing: Charlie Gillespie x Fem!Reader
Word count: 2k
Warnings: None, language but that’s it.
Edited by: @theamazingtomholland​ 
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“What do you mean he sent you a good morning text?” Jo asked, almost choking on her toast.
“He asked for my number last night,” Y/N explained, her hands shaking while she tried to unlock her phone, “and when I woke up, I had a text from him saying good morning and wishing me a good day.”
“Damn the boy is a keeper,” her friend whistled and winked at her after she read the message.
“He told me he wanted to FaceTime.”
She sat on the stool next to where her best friend was sitting and rested her chin on her hand. The butterflies in her stomach felt more like hundreds of bees buzzing fiercely in there. 
“And you?” Jo questioned with an intrigued look on her face, “do you wanna do it?”
“I think so,” Y/N answered, biting the inside of her cheek, “he’s really cute, and I had fun texting last night.”
“Well that’s a new one,” the ginger girl joked. All their friends knew how much Y/N hated texting, leaving messages on read for days, or taking absolutely forever to respond. She always felt weird texting, not knowing very well how to keep the conversation going over text.
“Tell him you have thirty minutes, and then you have to go do something else,” Y/N furrowed her eyebrows in confusion and Jo rolled her eyes, “that way if you don’t feel comfortable you have an easy exit.”
“And what if I’m enjoying it?” Jo looked at her as if she was trying to explain how the water cycle worked to a kid, “Jo I’m being serious!”
“In that case, my love, you hang up and call him again after you tell me everything.”
“Who said I was gonna tell you anything, uh?” Y/N smirked and blew her a kiss after her friend gave her an offended look.
“Whatever, Y/N,” Jo flipped her off, “just tell him your professor was sick or something like that.”
“You’re a lifesaver, did I tell you that?” Y/N kissed her friend’s cheek and then jumped off, “I’m gonna go take a shower, see you later.”
“See you later, babe,” Jo said, “don’t forget to eat!”
“I won’t!” Y/N yelled, on her way to the bathroom they shared.
Y/N: Good morning! Hope you have a great day too
She smiled satisfied at her reply and hit the send button.
Y/N couldn’t remember the last time she felt so giddy about a guy, it was exciting, to say the least. Charlie seemed like an easygoing person and really easy to talk to. Sure she was nervous talking to him, but who wouldn’t? The guy was super cute and so nice to her, she already knew she’d be crushing hard.
Thirty minutes later, she was on her way to class with time to go to her favorite coffee shop and have a quick breakfast.
Charlie: Didn’t think you’d answer me so early hahaha Y/N: I have a class in like 20 minutes, wouldn’t have woken up this early if i didn’t have class lol Charlie: So you’re not a morning person Y/N: Oh no, absolutely not!!
She smiled at the boy in the cashier and laughed softly when he asked her if she was ordering the same thing she always did.
“Oh, can you add a brownie please?” Y/N asked politely, while she looked for her card on her bag. After paying for her food, she went to one of the tables in the back.
Charlie: Noted! I swear i try to not wake up early but i can’t Y/N: I bet you’re the kind of friend that wakes everyone up with a lot of noise  Charlie: How did ya know that hahahaha Y/N: I was just guessing, but you do seem like a loud person Charlie: I am, i won’t try to deny it Charlie: What about you??  Y/N: Mmm Y/N: It depends Y/N: But my laugh is extra loud, so I can’t say I’m a quiet girl
“Vanilla latte!” Y/N put away her phone and stood up to get her order.
“Thanks, Dylan,” she thanked the boy and grabbed a few napkins before making her way back to her table. 
Charlie: I bet your laugh is really cute
Her cheeks were burning after that message, and it took her a couple of minutes to tame the butterflies in her stomach before she was able to type a response. Because as much as she wanted to laugh it off and change the topic, she knew he was flirting with her and if she didn’t flirt back, their conversation was basically dead.
Y/N: Guess you’ll have to find out yourself ;).
That was a nice reply, right? She screenshotted their chat and sent it to Jo. If anyone knew how to flirt while texting, it was her best friend.
Y/N: How does it look? Is it too much?? Too little?? Y/N: H E L P
Jo’s response was quick as always. One of the many reasons she loved her.
Jo: Girl it’s fine Jo: Stop worrying about it Jo: It’s mysterious and a good way to tell him you wanna FaceTime Y/N: Ok ok thank you love ya Jo: Love you more  
Checking the hour on her phone, Y/N finished her bagel and gathered her stuff. She waved Dylan goodbye and left the coffee shop. She spent more time than she expected to in there and if she didn’t hurry she’d be late for class. 
It was times like this one that made her regret not knowing how to drive because even if all her classmates liked the Lyft program they had for free, she still felt unsafe getting in the car without a friend.
Back in the day, when she was still dating Lance, he’d made sure to call her and talk to her during the whole ride to wherever Y/N needed to go just to make her feel safe. After all, he was never a bad boyfriend, their paths just went in different ways and they both wanted different things in life.
Charlie: Yeah i guess Charlie: What if i call you later when you’re done with your classes??Charlie: No pressure
She could feel the blood rushing to her cheeks for the second time in less than an hour and had to bite her lip to stop herself from smiling. 
Y/N: Sure, i’ll let you know once i’m done Y/N: But i have to say bye for now Y/N: Gotta pay attention haha Charlie: Get that degree! Charlie: Talk to you later!
Focusing on whatever her professor was saying was a hard task, she just wanted to pull her phone out and text Charlie, see what he was up to and get home as soon as possible, so they could FaceTime.
Sitting on the edge of her seat, she couldn’t help but bounce her leg to relieve the eagerness rushing through her veins. She still had fifteen minutes left, and then she’d be sprinting out of the classroom and going back to her apartment.
“Dude, do you gotta use the bathroom or what?” Sadie, the girl she always sat with during class, whispered through gritted teeth.
“Sorry,” she apologized, crossing her legs to stop herself from bouncing her leg. Although the new position didn’t stop her from moving her foot. 
“What’s up with you?” Sadie snorted once she realized Y/N couldn’t sit still.
“Nothing,” she replied quickly, scribbling on her notebook the pages she needed to read for the next class, “I just wanna go home.”
“But you have never been this eager to leave this class,” the girl commented without looking at her, too focused on taking notes, “you love this class.”
“I don’t know,” Y/N let out a sigh and checked the hour on her watch, “I just don’t feel like sitting here right now.”
Her classmate didn’t make another comment about her eagerness to leave the classroom, she just nodded her head as if she was telling her she understood.
“I think that’s all for today, guys,” the professor mentioned, leaning on the desk, “have a good day, and don’t forget to read the articles I mentioned.”
Y/N hurried to gather her things and waved Sadie goodbye before walking as fast as she could to the door. She needed to leave before the halls flooded with students. Y/N considered taking the stairs instead of the elevator but knowing how clumsy she could be, she opted for the latter. Falling down the stairs wasn’t on her plans.
Twenty minutes and a mile later, she dropped her keys on the bowl next to the door of her apartment and kicked off her shoes. She checked her out in the full-length mirror Jo had in their living room and shrugged. Charlie knew she was a college student, and it wouldn’t be weird to see her wearing a hoodie with her college’s logo, also, she was comfy and didn’t want to change into something else. 
She fixed her hair and made sure she didn’t have smudged mascara under her eyes and then made herself comfortable on the couch.
Y/N: Just made it home
Y/N: That was one hell of a long class haha
She bit her nails, the nervousness kicking in while she waited for a response from Charlie. Maybe he was busy now that she wasn’t. God if their schedules didn’t let them at least FaceTime, she felt like she’d start crying and delete the app. It wasn’t like she was talking to other guys though.
Charlie: Finally!! Charlie: Wanna FaceTime?? Or are you tired?
“Fuck no,” she whispered to herself before she started writing her reply.
Y/N: Nah! Let's FaceTime
Her heart started pounding on her chest when the video call entered and the phone started vibrating in her hand.  
“Shit, shit, shit,” she cursed before putting a smile on her face and answering the call. “Hey!”
Holy shit. His pictures didn’t make him justice. 
“How you doin’?” Charlie said and her cheeks blushed.
“It’s that a Friends reference?” she asked trying to hide her smile.
“I swear I don’t mean it in that way,” he laughed, and the way his eyes crinkled when he smiled made her heart flutter. “But seriously, how was your day?”
“It was good even though I hate waking up early,” the way Charlie was looking at her with so much attention, even if it was through a screen it  made her feel so confident, “I had breakfast at this little coffee shop near my apartment and then went to class.”
“But that sounds like a nice morning,” Charlie mentioned, his sweet smile never leaving his face.
“What were you up to anyway?”
“Not much actually,” he shrugged and the gesture made him look young, “I went for a run, then I had to film some tapes for a few auditions, and now I’m chilling.”
“You’re an actor,” Y/N pointed out, not even surprised about the new information he just revealed. It was Los Angeles after all.
“I am,” he smiled, and she swore she could see a pink tint on his cheeks, “I started back in Canada when I was about fourteen or fifteen.”
“Any chances I’ve watched it?” Charlie scrunched his nose and shook his head.
“Maybe, if you are into foreign films,” Y/N tilted her head confused at his answer, “It’s in French.”
“You learned how to speak in French for the movie?” Y/N furrowed her eyebrows together when Charlie started laughing.
“I grew up speaking French and English,” he explained with a soft smile, “I’m French Canadian.”
“That makes a lot more sense now,” she laughed off her embarrassment, “I’m gonna blame the fact that I woke up early today. I’m not this dumb, I swear.”
“Don’t worry,” he said and the smile faded just enough for her to notice his intense stare, “I thought it was cute.”
She bit her lip at his words and tried to look away from the screen, but Charlie’s eye contact felt as if he was looking right into her soul and she couldn’t break that connection even if she wanted to. And she definitely didn’t want to do that.
tagged: @chevyimpala00067​ @samanthawilliamspring​ @searchingunderthestars @luke-patt @moneybagmgk @angisbr @happinessinthedarkesttimes @knitsessed @cordeliascrown @crybabyddl @phantompogues @the-romanian-is-bae @doaspeggy-says
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comicteaparty · 4 years
June 10th-June 16th, 2020 Reader Favorites Archive
The archive for the Reader Favorites chat that occurred from June 10th, 2020 to June 16th, 2020.  The chat focused on the following  question:
How does poor web design affect if and/or how you read a particular webcomic?
it's a huge factor. if a comic is amazing in every way but the website or app makes it difficult for me to read i'm simply NOT going to read it. there are a lot of great series that i've put on the back burner just because the website is so annoying to navigate
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
i've honestly never run into a website so bad it stopped me from reading a comic i was interested in
FYI the worst comic app i've ever experienced is Aqua Kiss which I downloaded to read a single series. it's the most barebones app imaginable with no search bar. if you want to read something you actually have to manually load each calendar week to find it and some stuff are buried dozens of pages back. and to make matters worse it doesn't have a "history" or "bookmarks" feature either
Deo101 [Millennium]
The worst things with sites that I see often are 1: huge headers, and 2: laggy sites (not really site design, but its adjacent I think) Another is if the pages are too big on the screen, so you can't, for instance, see some panels all at once. Those kinds of things can really ruin a reading experience for me
One example of a website that is hostile to the reading experience is ZMYK which for some reason hosts vertical scroll comics but cuts them up into little pieces as if they were comic format so you can't actually scroll through the entire chapter as it was intended to
That kind of thing grinds my gears so much how can something you have to pay for be that incredibly bad
Deo101 [Millennium]
I've also seen some sites that have graphic design issues, where elements are illegible due to their color, and some have very busy and distracting backgrounds. Those kinds of things won't necessarily ruin it, but they're distracting
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
forward comic's website was doing this weird thing where the further I read the longer pages took to load. Near the end it seemed they were taking 10 full seconds. Still read the whole thing though. Reading manga on shady sites with terrible internet connection as a kid has desensitized me
Oh one comic I was interested in but didn't read because of the site: I was kidnapped by lesbian pirates from outer space. It doesn't have a website. To read it you have to pirate (hehe) copies of the archive.
It's a pretty sad story- the author was young and tricked into giving up the rights to her series
She ended up taking the site down to prevent the company from getting any more money off of it
Here's her post about it
I think it can be a good warning message to us
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
For me, the biggest thing that deters me from reading a comic is if the website isn't well optimized for mobile (as someone who reads a lot on the go). This includes the images loading bigger than the page, or navigation being hidden on mobile, or glitchy scrolling, or any number of ungodly things. Also, too many ads. That'll turn me away in a heartbeat.
Deo101 [Millennium]
Yeah ads are definitely a huge turnoff for me too
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
FYI the worst comic app i've ever experienced is Aqua Kiss which I downloaded to read a single series. it's the most barebones app imaginable with no search bar. if you want to read something you actually have to manually load each calendar week to find it and some stuff are buried dozens of pages back. and to make matters worse it doesn't have a "history" or "bookmarks" feature either
@carcarchu okay i just digested this comment and wtf
no search bar is laughably bad omg
how did you even find out about it
Deo101 [Millennium]
Yeah that's ridiculous hahahaha
it's a shame because there are genuinely good comics on there you can't read anywhere else?? and i found it because an artist i adore did a series for it but it got AXED after only 2 chapters and after that was pretty much scrubbed from the internet. i think it's a shame because it really had so much potential and it ended before the story was really able to start
it's a screenshot from the app. you can see that it is categorized reverse chronologically by week
the point of aqua kiss is to emulate monthly/weekly style manga magazines but in app form. however i think the execution of this idea was horrendous
Oh no! It must make reading there so challenging. As for me, if the navigation is so hard to understand/pages don't load properly when you click a link or when the website's colours hurt my eyes so much I can't stay there for too long.
Shizamura 🌟 O Sarilho
Honestly nowadays most of the CMS's out there share the same basic functionality and adaptability, so it's getting harder to screw up on that. Most sites are OK, if only a bit laggy. If the site takes less than 2 seconds to load and it's not so crowded that I have to look for the comic, I'm generally good.
Erin Ptah (BICP | Leif & Thorn)
How much bad/inaccessible web design I'll tolerate is directly proportional to how much I care about the comic.
I've dropped a couple series in the middle of the archive just because they changed the site design to screw up the tracking of bookmarking sites, so I would've had to figure out an alternate way to keep track of it, and it didn't seem worth the effort
mariah (rainy day dreams)
Oh yeah, I've totally had that happen too where I was deep into an archive, had taken a reading break for a month or two, and came back to find the urls had been updated and my spot was lost it isn't so bad if a comic also has an archive page, but ive stopped reading a few stories that it would have been too hard to track down where I was.
I haven’t had to experience weird websites in a while, but I do sometimes go to an unknown website to read the comic/manga I’m looking for. Mostly what I’ve had trouble with is unnumbered chapters, of that it’s unclear where/how to start reading in general.(edited)
Like, I get to the page for that specific comic and then there’s no easy “start reading here” button anywhere
And when I do find the chapters list, I don’t know which end of the list is the beginning bc it’s unnumbered
chalcara [Nyx+Nyssa]
Is a "First page" button enough or are you looking for a "new readers start here" button? (<- is redisigning her page)
Is there a difference? :0
chalcara [Nyx+Nyssa]
hm, sometimes yes.
Some old running comics have different jump-on points (schlock mercenary for example).
Ooh I see
Well when I first go on the site, I just want to start reading so idk
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
So, I always try to read every comic that's featured in the book club all the way through. Like even if I don't particularly like the opening, or if the comic is thousands of pages long, or I don't have time to meaningfully discuss the comic, I do try to at least give the comic a fair shake by reading through the entire archive. There have been four exceptions. One was because of content (it was a gag a day comic, and the content was SO horrible for SO long that I just couldn't stand it anymore. real "punching down" type of humor). Another was because the comic was literally deleted before I could get to it. The remaining two were because the site design/organization were so awful that the comics were unreadable. One of the two comics had a custom built, hand-coded site (I assume), and it just... didn't work properly. Like the "previous" button seemingly took you to a random page, the "next" button and the "latest" button led to the same place, etc. I'm not sure the creator ever bothered to test the site. The other one used some pre-built stuff, so it was ok... but you had to scroll to the top of the page to go to the next page. Not only that, but the author was posting all their comics to the same archive - which means one page would be the comic that was actually meant to be read for the book club and the next few pages were a completely different comic entirely. And this wasn't a gag-a-day either - it was a story based comic, so the three action minimum to get to the next page made things absolute hell to keep track of.(edited)
chalcara [Nyx+Nyssa]
Uff, yeah, that sounds horrible.
Nyx+Nyssa's page is currently a barebone mess, but I made at least sure the navigation works. :/
Having the comic be deleted while you’re reading it sounds like such a weird experience lmao
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
i mean, it wasn't thanos snap style lol
Was the website gone too or?
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
it was in between days
nah the website was still there, it's just that the author had decided to reboot their comic and forgot that they had submitted it to the book club
Oh okay I imagined Thanos snap style
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Not really a design but a site thing: I can't do comics without an archive of some sort. On platforms like Tapas or WT, the episode list serves that purpose perfectly fine. I personally need to be able to see how many pages there are, and I need a way to go to specific pages easily. It might sound like a small complaint, but it's a big thing for me! There have been comics that piqued my interest, but once I saw that there was no archive of any form, I left forever. Sure, I might be missing out, but there are also lots of good comics out there that have accessible archives. My life isn't long enough to read them all, so I'm letting myself be very picky.
I can manage a very basic site just fine. But if a site is hard to navigate, or just makes reading the page/getting to the next page difficult - I'd be likely to give up eventually. Doesn't matter about the quality of the comic, but if it's a chore to just read it, it's going to put me off after a while
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
I will note - if you want me to actually discuss your comic in the book club, please do have an archive link, and probably a cast page too. Like the lack of one doesn't stop me from reading entirely, but I can't discuss anything without being able to look back at specific moments. (and one of those archives that just has dates doesn't count - lemme know what the chapter is!)
For example - when I read webcomics on dA, I was absolutely fine with either the author having a dedicated folder with the pages in order. Another option was to link next and prev pages in the description. But if I had to go find each next page, I just wouldn't.
By an archive do you mean kinda like a chapters list?
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
A list of all the pages, ideally
That also list the chapters somehow
Short version: if I feel like I'm spending half as much time navigating the site as I am actually reading, it's gonna get old real quick
And same copperine. As long as it’s organized well, I will probably read it
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
Like maybe you click on a chapter link to get to a list of the pages, or maybe it's just a list of the pages with the chapter names as headers
some sort of organization
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Yeah! (I admit my own comic's archive page isn't the prettiest, but it's 100% functional.)
I only have a chapter list so far ^^; idk how to go about getting an archive
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Chapter list is totally fine if your chapters tend to be on the shorter side
chalcara [Nyx+Nyssa]
I like having chapter lists around, although coding them can be a handful Not sure if to go for an archive with thumbnails or just with page numbers though.
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
It's also workable if you also have like... a dropdown menu for individual pages on the actual pages? So it only takes 2 clicks to go to a specific page (first click to go to the chapter, second click to go to the page)
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
OH yeah, there was also a dA comic in the book club once that didn't have any next/previous buttons. However, it was a short comic - the bare minimum for getting into the book club - so I still read it all the way through. But it was pretty annoying to do so. (it was also pretty obviously a fetish comic, but that's not really relevant to the discussion XD)
I want to post by scene so I’ll be dividing chapters like “chapter 3 part 1” to hopefully that will be better
I'll always take functional over pretty
Haha I’m not sure if I want to know the comic for that one
Also what is “punching down” humor?
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
Like, the author was a straight man, and nearly every joke was making fun of people who weren't those things.
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
it's like making fun of people but
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
you're intentially trying to put them down
that's punching down in my imo rip
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
Well at least I know what to call it when I see it in the future ._.
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
Like, occasionally I see a shitty joke in a comic and I keep reading because maybe the author improved (we do sometimes get comics with archives that date back decades in here) But this comic was just so consistently awful for so long that I couldn't stand it
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
oof that aint good
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
Though that's kinda off topic lol
Oh yeah
So bad site design...
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
Anyway, I don't really wanna post the examples of the comics I talked about in here cuz I don't wanna call anyone out
Actually, hold on, lemme check something
I feel I haven’t had too much experience with bad site designs, but I might have just forgotten(edited)
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
ok yeah
so, the comic where you had to scroll up to the top of each page to click to the next one, and the site was multiple comics alternating pages that made the story rough to follow
Oof yeah having to scroll up to click next won't stop me but it is a bother
I like having the next button both on top and the bottom, even if they update page by page(edited)
It just feels convinient
Yeah same
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Re: punching up/down, here's an overly simplistic set of examples: billionaires making fun of poor people is punching down. Poor people making fun of billionaires is punching up.
chalcara [Nyx+Nyssa]
's good webdesign pattern for everything with continous content - e.g. blogs, web-novels, webcomics.
Ideally you have one on top, between content and comments and under comments
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
the comic that alternated storylines & required scrolling back up to go to the next page was Antibunny: http://vinnied.comicgenesis.com/d/20061002.html if you see that page I linked and click next a few times, there's no obvious distinction between the main story and the spinoff story (no, like, header change between the two, and the art style looks similar), so you can see how it'd be confusing to follow and the scrolling is just icing on the cake (it used to be even worse) the only reason I feel comfortable sharing that is because the author uploaded the comics to new sites, and fixed all those issues in the process: http://antibunny.net/
Oh nice. So they realized the problem
Aren't they in this server? Or am I thinking of another one
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
Yeah, the author is in this server
I thought so
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
Hence why he realized, because we told him that there was a problem during the book club
I'm not gonna take anything said here as a comment on anyway btw
It’s cool that submitting their comic to the tea party resulted in some good feedback :3
You love to see it!
It always makes me happy when webcomic community stuff helps people out, that seems like the ideal outcome
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
i agree on that yeee
It’s like having a friend point out a spelling mistake. Embarrassing but you can live with the knowledge that your work is now a little bit better(edited)
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
Yeah kinda off-topic, but I love it when the author of the comic for the book club joins the server. Like not only does it mean that the author could join in on others' discussions in the future (pay it forward 'n stuff), but... it's just really sad when I see a comic pop up in the book club and the author seemingly forgot they submitted it.
How long does it usually take to get to a comic? :0 that they would forget they submitted it?
I always hope I can help others out or support them, and I hope they feel the same
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
The book club had a very very long wait list in the past. These days, not so long.
And I guess if you submit a comic with a website, the people here can be your beta testers
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
what's odd is that five months ago, the wait list was six months but now, the wait list is two months y'all need to submit/resubmit your comics
I tried going to submit mine yesterday and the site doesn’t let me v.v says you’re booked for July
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
oh yeah, so it is
Maybe later :3
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
i guess Rebel doesn't want the queue to get too long
I would submit mine but I'm only at 10 pages and I believe you need to have 20 to submit
Ooh they have a minimum?
Gotta count my pages now
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
I mean it makes sense. Hard to discuss a comic that only has the cover for chapter 1
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
"Let us dissect this cover image for an entire week"
It would be a hilarious April fools challenge
Idk I think it was 20 minimum?
@snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights) can you shed any light on this
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
The sign up form is where you would normally find that information.
... very good point
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
But the form is currently unavailable, and it's possible that Rebel might change the requirement when it becomes available again
Thank you for the heads up
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
FYI, https://comicteaparty.com/ is where the form will be available eventually
Shizamura 🌟 O Sarilho
They accept resubmissions now?
I def like arrows on the top and bottom of pages for sites to be more of a thing, as well as clicking the image for the next page too! Honestly there hasn't been a make or break, mainly preferences, and the most complaints i have are with the mobile formatting. I think most comics have been pretty solid in functionality that i've read, and it's clear that having their own website is becoming mainstream enough for there to be help, tips, and tricks to making it work!
mariah (rainy day dreams)
I definitely prefer if I can just click on the comic image to go to the next page especially for mobile.
Idk about resubmissions tho
chalcara [Nyx+Nyssa]
... Wow. I absolutely HATE clickable images on mobile, because they usually mess with the pinch-zoom.
i've had sites that didnt have image click throughs and the arrow..... was like SO TINY XD
chalcara [Nyx+Nyssa]
Didn't think anyone would actually like it, so... huh.
i kept going back and forth
chalcara [Nyx+Nyssa]
yeah, navigation needs to be bigger on mobile for safe tapping.
mariah (rainy day dreams)
Oh, re:resubmissions, I'm pretty sure you can if it's been long enough? I think @snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights) mentioned it recently as an option. But maybe a tangent for #general
i dont mind the pinch zoom being a little more difficult from time to time cause usually the clickable image is worth it to me
mariah (rainy day dreams)
am also fond of sites that allow left/right arrows to let you move forward and back on desktop
mariah (rainy day dreams)
Mainly it's just for like Krispy said, reading on mobile and tiny next/previous buttons.
ye my dummy thicc fingers prefer the click through image for sure
ohh yes Boogey that too
it took me hours of googling to find the very simple comicpress option to just turn that on on my site
Mmm I do like sites that allow pinch zoom though
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
I also prefer clicking on the image to go to the next page
mariah (rainy day dreams)
My fingers small, but still dummy T-T
It makes it easier to get a better look at the page
iweudhweiu Mariah XD
Especially if it's got smaller font
chalcara [Nyx+Nyssa]
nyxandnyssa has a seperate navigation for mobile that's much bigger and skipping scene select to make tapping easier.
I've had the hover text def bum me out for some comics, where you click the image and it just displays the text, then you gotta click the tiny next bar def killed me there
I've never had issues with pinch zoom affecting clickable images but I can imagine it would be annoying
but! never breaks me out of a comic for me to stop reading-! i persevere in the face of adversity XD
i've never encountered a site so bad i couldnt continue reading. maybe stuff where i'd stop reading until i was less frustrated but i'd come back later.
That’s something I’ll have to consider for my site then
mariah (rainy day dreams)
I feel like Smackjeeves had a really obnoxious auto pitch & zoom before they updated most recently. I like when I can turn it off on my phone. I'd rather do it myself most of the time and let my phone try to auto it X')
I usually read on desktop more often than on mobile so it’s good to hear from other’s experiences
Idk I've never used a custom site yet
same dae, except on tapas and webtoons!(edited)
comics with their own website i'll boot up my computer for a single update of
Even on webtoons I read on desktop
omg your power, webtoons feels so choppy on desktop to me
im definitely lucky that our site got a mobile friendly version i remember the 'ol pinchy zoomz was tiresome on our site for sure
I get headaches from reading on my phone unfortunately :/
Idk what the difference is between reading mobile and on a desktop but my brain doesn’t like it
Like, I can text fine???? But reading a comic for some reason is like “no”
So yeah, comics on desktop for me
ohh!! it could be the close proximity!
Ooh :0 maybe?
i know i get motion sickness depending on how close/ far i am from screens
Maybe it’s something like that... :O
whatever the reason sorry you get headaches and motion sickness from comics :'0
Every once in a while I’ll try again to read on mobile I never learn
the only reason i dont like mobile is sometimes comics text is a combination of too small there and the font is hard on my dyslexia
so i see if zooming in on my computer helps
The lesson here is that it’s good to have both mobile and desktop options
yep :'D
ohhh yea def agree. I know that feeling and i sometimes ... have a Time reading my own work XD (i admit it lol!!)
sometimes my own comic is hard on my dyslexia for The Effect so i never have hard feelings with other comics
ewiudhiwue the things we do AT WHAT COST XD
Meanwhile I use the same font for everything
wait im gonna generalize this more so it can be a party
Please post that on pillowfort so I can reblog it
you can post it for yourself if you want dae!
i'm having a hard time logging on asdfgjh
Rip sure
Ah see I have both
Because hand lettering
It's great for feeling right for a comic but also eternally wondering if it's readable
Ooh yeah I guess that would count as both
What’s your comic btw :0
Wait, we’re supposed to be talking about website design right
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Yep! If it gets too off topic, you can always continue in another channel that's more fitting.
Ah sorry! Sure thing
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
Mobile is too small for me
mm archives were mentioned already, and how it can really turn readers away to simply not have one at all? my favorite archive is https://www.vaingloriouscomic.com/comic/archive 's but i've seen some where they attempted an all picture archive and it backfired by just being a page of all empty boxes. this didn't deter me from reading it and it got fixed pretty quick tho~ mine is one of these and its a very chonky slowmoving page cause i uploaded the first 90ish as fullsized pictures. nobody's ever complained so idk if it's ever deterred anyone from reading but i know i gotta fix it someday.(edited)
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
I really dont mind any kind of web design in particular though tbh. I prefer desktop sites but it’s fine if the design isnt great
Have you guys ever gone to a comic website (for a single comic) and the colors used in the background were so bright that it felt like they were blinding you to the point it was hard to read the actual pages?
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
My archive is down right now becayse it broke and I dont know how to fix it lol
i def want a fully view-able archive but we're gonna be hitting 800 pages and i dont know how well that will work XD
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
But I have a navigation bar now
u could have multiple pages of archive, krispy!
i'm starting a new page for chapter 2
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
Or dropdown menus
but its probably important to have a dropdown if u have more than 1 page, yeah
mariah (rainy day dreams)
I want to switch to picture archives, but I haven't found a good plug in/way to get my word press to do it :( if anyone has recommendations...
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
I wish I knew how to make dropdown menus
i'll have to bring that up ! we dont do the tech work for our site ( thank gosh seriously) but i love archives that show full pages
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
If I could make dropdown menus I would be unstoppable
I miss the drop-downs on SJ
i feel like dropdowns are smth i pretty much only exclusively see on hiveworks comics
i wonder what their secret is,,,
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
I’ve inspected the elements on so many hiveworks sites lol
I want to know
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
they use word press I think
for their comic sites
just have to do some digging with the site html and csss
Right click and inspect maybe...
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
Php stands for my Personal hell pit
if i could go undercover for yall i would XD
also!! @mariah (rainy day dreams) i use elementor for mine
its not perfect and breaks like every time i update it but it works asdfg
chalcara [Nyx+Nyssa]
... I'm currently writing a sparkling fresh wp-plugin for my page (comic easel wasn't doing what I wanted), but I am also a software dev who enjoys coding.
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
My template I use functions in mostly php and xml and its gibberish to me but functions so well I dont know how to improve it to have specific things I want
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
my knowledge with site design is basic at best lmao
chalcara [Nyx+Nyssa]
wordpress is a bit special in that it does most things more complicated than strictly necessary.
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
but I do like fiddling with stuff
^that too lmao
I know Shiza of osarilho is really good at web designing? she's made some beautiful work with her site!
i want to ask shiza for more help but not before i have some money to pay her :')
she's helped me a lot already
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
I can do html and css at the babiest level
mariah (rainy day dreams)
I'll check that out Boogey, thanks! Even if it does break X') And I guess I'll just make a note to start stashing money to hire shiza XD im definitely at the point where my site needs a general face lift, but I don't have the spoons for it.
imo i've made some really pretty pges with it. it's a drag and drop that's excellent at galleries, but it doesn't like when you don't have even rows for some reason
the wordpress plugin, Elementor, i mean.
I've been wanting to try comicpress for ages
I just don't know where to start
mariah (rainy day dreams)
I'm gonna move over to #shop_talk for my response
I had someone who was gonna help me out but we lost contact so it's on the back burner
OOPS yeah
But for websites in general I prefer to have one that feels very basic than one that feels too busy or crowded
I'm not a graphic designer at all lol
If I do try an independent site I'm planning to pay a coding friend to help me
yeah i have no idea what I'm doing when working on my site, it's kinda basic, but at least it looks nice
I just use a premade theme on my ComicFury site
It works and that's good enough for me so far
Oh I guess the other thing that would put me off reading a comic is if the site isn't formatted for mobile, and/or particularly if the site doesn't have adaptive formatting
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
same, but editted it hard core so it looks like it's own thing lmao
I usually read on my phone because my computer is where I work so I like to get off it for hobbies
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
but for me uh i guess mobile i try to read it either on tapas, webtoon or its own site
I find just clicking the page to the next one helps me a lot lol I don't do a lot of zooming
It's personal preference a lot tbh!
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
I like my comuter because its big
Mine is not
Shizamura 🌟 O Sarilho
did anyone talk about paying me please you don't have to do that
Idk but you can pay me
Idk what for but
I'll take money
mariah (rainy day dreams)
I absolutely would have to if you made my site awesome X') work is work, and you should be paid for it
Shizamura 🌟 O Sarilho
fair enough
Just send me a DM whenever you're up for that and lemme take a look at what you already have
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
I would hire someone to do web design for me but I dont have the funds & I dont wnat to make someone do work for me for free
sierrabravo (Hans Vogel is Dead)
I've been meaning to set up my own website for a while now, since the collective i was originally hosting my webcomic with kinda fell apart, but it's so much work and i'm hella intimidated :'''D
@sierrabravo (Hans Vogel is Dead) there's been some related discussion in #shop_talk and I believe @boogeymadam might be able to advise (I'm sure others can too but I'm going off the convo from earlier)
Shizamura 🌟 O Sarilho
@sierrabravo (Hans Vogel is Dead) depending on how much it is I can help you out
Admin Reminder Remember this channel is for experiences as a reader first and foremost, so #shop_talk and #general are better if you want to discuss your own stuff.
thank you for the reminder :3
I would say poor web design is something I have a complicated relationship regarding webcomics. On the one hand, outside of a site being 100% completely broken, I'm willing to sit through a lot to read. So in terms of affecting whether I read a comic the first time or not, there isn't much to say there. But it does affect how engaged I am with the comic. Cause if I can't easily go back to re-read a page, easily find things like character names, have to deal with extreme lag cause the host is garbage, have to deal with eye bleeding color schemes, etc. you can bet your bottom dollar 1 time is all that comic is going to get in terms of reading it. I can only subject myself to so much, and if I don't feel like reading a comic again because of the site itself, I'm going to quickly forget it in favor of comics whose sites don't make me cry. I do give more leeway to sites created by creators in many respects. But professional bigtime hosts like Tapas or Webtoons literally have no excuse for some of their garbage design choices. And some of their design choices are super duper garbage.
that's true yeah, there's a big distinction of the quality expectations between sites by small creators and those of big companies like Webtoons
At the same time, though, I know from first hand experience that poor design choices are literally influenced by user data for bigger companies. So for every decision I consider stupid- at the same time they probably did the AB tests that showed crappy design A had better results for their conversion rates than user friendly design B.
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Which boggles my mind
I wonder if there's some kinda causation-correlation thing going on that the A/B tests could not detect accurately
Rebel mentioned sites that have eyebleedy color schemes and I'm in the same boat; will read the comic, just will be turning down the screen brightness a looot. Sites that have a huge space of extremely neon background that distracts from the comic make me reluctant to read on the site, and I'll look for a mirror before trying. That white background of the 2 big comic hosting sites can at least be affected and turned dark by nightmode when needed, while nightmode doesn't work on half the bright comic sites I've tried it on. u-u
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purplesurveys · 4 years
What was the last kind thing that someone did for you? Over dinner I complained under my breath that it was hot and uncomfortable, but my dad picked up on it and readjusted the electric fan so that it would be little more pointed at my direction. Do you know anyone whose birthday was yesterday? John Cena, if he counts lol.  Tell me about the strangest dream you've had recently (if you can remember) Most of them have been sooo weird recently. The last vivid one I can remember involved Ed and Rosemarie from the TLC show 90 Day Fiance because I was watching their episode before I took that nap hahaha. I dreamt they got married and some people from my high school were invited ksksksks so weird. When was the last time you laughed at yourself? Why? There was an unfamiliar (and kinda large) bird that flew over me and my mom here at the rooftop and I completely panicked and ran for the stairs. We had a good laugh about it afterwards because we sounded so stupid screaming.  Name one of your favourite foods that starts with the letter 'A'. Does it have to be in English? I really like alimango, which is just crab in English. I’ve tried racking my brain for English words but the closest thing to being a ‘favorite’ of mine is avocado, but I only like it when it’s incorporated in other dishes, like cheesecake.
Who was the last person you text messaged? Have you ever seen him/her cry? Angela’s mom - I thanked her when she sent me a birthday greeting. I’ve never seen her cry but I’d be heartbroken if I did; she’s one of the kindest people I know. When was the last time you updated your Facebook status? I only make statuses when I give a birthday shoutout to a loved one, so the last time I did my own post was for my dad back in January. But as for stuff I post in general, I shared a news article literally a minute ago. How many likes/comments did it get? Hasn’t gotten any yet. Do you know anyone named Angela? My best friend is named this. I also used to have a friend we called Angel, but ever since she migrated to Toronto she apparently started going by Angela so her too I guess. When was the last time you felt confused? Why? An hour-ish ago. I was left really confused by that foreign-looking bird because we only ever get to see maya literally everywhere I am in the Philippines. How many lipsticks do you own? What colour is your favourite lipstick? I don’t have any kind of lipstick. Have you eaten any kind of dessert today? I had a slice of cheesecake; it was also the last slice :( Have you ever liked someone whose name started with 'C'? Nope. What colour eyes did they have? Do you know anyone who has an unusual pet? No. The most exotic ones I can remember are Michelle’s cockatiel, Moonmoon, and a super super past friend who used to have a snake, who I think was named after a wrestler. How old are you? Do you think you look younger/older than your actual age? I’m 22 but I def look younger. I’m always the friend that gets asked for an ID. Who was the last person you talked to, whose name started with 'J'? My sister. How did you meet him/her? She...was brought to the house, where I was waiting, after she was born? Do you have a friend named Hannah? What colour hair does she have? Yup, I have a close friend. Last time I saw her it was dyed a very very light brown, almost blonde. Name 3 of your best friend's favourite foods. It’s impossible to guess Angela’s because she’s That Friend who says “anything is fine” when asked where she wants to eat lmao, and she really is always happy with whatever restaurant we end up picking so I’m guessing she likes all the food. I know Gabie likes albondigas, Yabu katsu, and any kind of pasta. When was the last time you had mixed emotions/feelings? Why? This morning when I found out our lockdown has been extended until May 15. I was ok with the extra time at home but I was also no longer ok with the extra time at home. Idk, it’s a weird feeling overall. How far away is the person you love/like? 15 minutes if I drive as fast as much as I feel restless to see her. Maybe 25-30 minutes if I drive more carefully. It’s a little comforting - and poetic - though that I live in the lower part of the city and having a rooftop allows me to see the higher portion, so whenever I miss her I just gaze at the peak of the mountain, where she lives.
What was the last thing you put in the bin? The sachet of 3-and-1 coffee I opened to make the cup of coffee currently beside me. Can you remember the last time you had a sudden change of mind? I was feeling okay and a bit playful this afternoon but for some reason both of my parents snapped at me at the same time, so it effectively destroyed my mood and I stormed to my room, as hot as it gets in the afternoon, and slept for the next 5 hours. Have you paid anyone a compliment today? Who? I don’t think so. When was the last time you had butterflies? Why? Yesterday. Gonna be a bit of a story but here we go - I was surprised to see my girlfriend’s dad send a friend request on Facebook (we’ve been friends for a while now) so I figured he pressed the wrong buttons, unfriended me, and just added me again so I thought nothing of it and accepted the request. Told Gab about it shortly after and she said it was a spam account pretending to be him and told me to unfriend it immediately. I’ve heard enough of spam accounts getting private information off of unknowing people, so that’s Butterflies Part 1 for me because the damage had already been done with me adding him.
Anyway minutes after, his dad messages me and says there’s an account pretending to be him and if I already accepted the friend request, I had to unfriend it immediately. DUMB MOVE ON MY END but I replied, thanking him for the heads up and told Gabie “I talked to him, everything’s ok!” and then Gabie gave me Butterflies Part 2 when she said “...are you serious? Are you even sure it’s him?” so I started panicking because I thought I took the bait and I started thinking about all my private shit already being taken lmao. So I deleted the message and asked Gabie how I could prove if it’s the real Dad, so she said to check the profile and thankfully the account that messaged me was her dad so it was a false alarm hahahaha. Tl;dr, I would do AWFUL in a scam. Is there anything you hope will happen in the near future? For the virus to disappear, for the lockdown to end, for my unemployment/job-hunting anxiety to end.
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dreamingsushi · 5 years
Before we get married - Episode 2
Tumblr media
Soooo!  Seems it gets better after a few episodes, so let’s hang on to this one!
The episode starts next morning at Weiwei’s office.  I think Han Kefei needs to see a psy-something, you decide which one is best suited.  She’s disgustingly funny in a way.  Even though it’s so exaggerated, I think that so far I like her the best.  At least what she wants, we know haha! She doesn’t think it’s weird that he handcuffed Weiwei, neither does she thinks that him doing anything to her would be rape.  No no no!  Weiwei is the victim because he didn’t have sex with her.  Thank god you are not my friend girl.  Weiwei dear, I hope you lock your door when you sleep, in case any of the guys Kefei brings back home would try and go to room : she wouldn’t think they did anything wrong.  Well maybe she would, in the sense that they shouldn’t pick you over her.  She’s so sassy though haha!
How cute is this.  Kefei tries to get a date with Kehuan by asking him to teach her about stocks, but actually, it’s his assistant.  And we’ll stop calling him assistant, his name is Yan Baiyang.  Apparently he is pretty much in love with Kefei and asks Kehuan to coach him on how to date.  How cute.  Obviously, Kefei is pissed of when she’s him, but then she bumps into him and her sexual desires awake so they end up in a hotel room.  I’ll take the drama as a caricature from now on, it’s way funnier like that.  The scene is overly acted.  They’re about to woohoo and then he confesses his feelings for her.  Big mistake.  Kehuan absolutely agrees : don’t talk about your feelings, it’s pathetic not romantic, it’s going to scare her away.  I think she’s just wild.  Well, let’s hope for Baiyang Kehuan can fix that.
To Kehuan’s many flaws, let’s add that he is a stalker.  He followed Weiwei to a convenience store.  Well didn’t really follow, but knew she likes going there through a collegue. Tries to pay for her stuff.  Bothers her about her retirement plan with her boyfriend because he deems it’s not like her.  I also think so, but he doesn’t even know her.  Is he a soothsayer of some sorts?  Well, I must say he knows how to piss her off.
Weiwei has to stay at work later that night.  Her boyfriend offers her to take her home how sweet of him, but then a collegue comes in.  So he just leaves and text her see you on Saturday to go visit houses.  It’s always about plans, oh god. That guy...  No wonder she’s bored with you.  And then Kehuan calls her.  She’s already pissed off because she’s doing overtime so she just hangs on him.  I must say though, this guy has really nothing to do.  He keeps on calling her.  Girl, just call the police at some point, this is harassement.
When she’s done, she goes again to the solo KTV machine, listens to the same song.  She is upset by her boyfriend.  Good, be upset, he was not nice to you.  I agree.  Now dump him and get someone else.  He talks to her like she is a child.  I think he doesn’t really like her, he just likes the fact she pays her part and won’t ask for his money.  Then Kehuan comes looking for her.  And this is not important. But the videoclip with the lyrics is not in sync with the music playing.  IT BOTHERED ME. Anyways, not important.  But details are details.  Make the clip fit with the music if it’s KTV.
He blurts out something about not liking to break up on the phone.  You go girl, no need to break up, you are not an item.  Tell him, good bye and stop stalking me.  I loved the line “The song has ended, so did our relationship”.  That was perfect.  Leave and don’t look back.
Okay.  I might start liking this drama.  Kehuan follows out of the cabin and says he’s sorry and wishes her happiness with her boyfriend.  Than he pushes on her forehead : he pressed the delete button!  THAT IS SO CUTE.  First best moment of the drama.  He asks her to do the same, so she does and when he opens up his eyes again, he pretends they don’t know each other.  I don’t dislike him right now.  She definitely thinks he is insane hahaha.
At Kehuan’s office, Ziyuan (that would be his girlfriend) comes and bring desserts for everybody.  Shu Ming asks when she and Kehuan will get married.  You can see on Kehuan’s face that he is so unhappy from seeing her there.  I don’t know why he doesn’t break up with her?  Since the beginning, he looks so annoyed when he sees her.  There’s no way he still has feelings for her.  He is staying with her for some weird reason?
I must talk about the actress here.  That character doesn’t do justice to her.  Nita Lei is so much better than that.  Well in the previous drama I saw with her (Someone like you 听见幸福) she was so good. Or maybe she’s still good but I don’t like the part.  Anyways.
Ziyuan and Kehuan eat together at the restaurant, probably to celebrate his promotion.  I think the best word to describe Ziyuan would be carpet. She’s like begging for Kehuan to step on her.  Stop trying too much please.  Thank you.
OMG.  I kept myself so many times from writting OMG.  But this time.  OMG.  SHE PREPARED THE WHOLE WEDDING WITHOU TELLING HIM.  He’s so pissed at her.  I really don’t get why those two are together, it’s nonsense.  Seriously.  She’s like, are you angry?  Duh he is.  He just tells her : well I wasn’t mentally prepared for this, after all, I never proposed to you.  BAM.  She is so embarrassed.  And she is unable to use a fork.  That’s funny.
Weiwei and her boyfriend (forgot his name) go and see houses.  I totally get Weiwei’s feelings as I am also looking for a house.  Nothing seems to be perfect.  And her boyfriend is so cringy.  The floor is uneven and he still wants it.  They are not going to move out of there any time soon if they buy this.  Why is he so stuck up to buy that one...  So he’s like, well let’s save more money so we can buy a better house.  AND SHE BURSTS.  She tired of saving every penny.  You go girl.  That Kehuan did a good job on you.  Planning your life for the next 60 years is not a good idea.  At least, she realises it’s not her plan, it’s his plan and he says that if they don’t find anything good the next day, they will just rent something together.  Good boy.
Kehuan invited Kefei for lunch.  Naturally she tries to hit on him but it doesn’t work at all : this guy is not for you girl, move on.  You are allergic to eat, go eat somewhere else.  I didn’t really get what happened there, I can’t read that well traditional characters.  But basically, that scene meant nothing.
Weiwei is meeting friends at the restaurant and... one of them is long time no see Ziyuan.  She’s so annoying.  This is twisted omg.  So the two other friends have the time of their life, taking pictures together while completely ignoring Weiwei.  Wow.  This is so rude.  Anyways, Ziyuan insists on letting her boyfriend pay for her, Weiwei says she’s uncomfortable, follows her to the door and... Kehuan’s there. Hahahaha.  So funny.  AND HER BOYFRIEND COMES TO PICK HER ON A SCOOTER! THIS IS PRICELESS.
I’ll call him Scooter Delivery Boy now.
So back home, Ziyuan badmouths Weiwei saying she dresses out of fashion.  And then she’s like “I know you are angry about the wedding, so I though a new environnement would make you more sure about it so I contacted a real estate agent to sell the house and buy a bigger one.”  I just can’t.  What is wrong with that girl...
So the first people to go and visit the house.... Li Haoyi (Scooter Delivery boy) and Weiwei.  And Kehuan that doesn’t know.  And Ziyuan that pretends to like Weiwei.  Ziyuan goes with Li Haoyi to see the building’s society or something like while Weiwei stays alone with Kehuan.  They quarrel a little, he lifts her up to the balcony and threatens to push her down.  There are so many things that so wrong with this drama T_______T  She pushes him to go down, calls him crazy, he says he still has feelings for her and ask her to kiss him.  I want to point out the romantic music in the background.  This is so romantic, yep.  She pushes him away, he pushes her against the bay wind and traps her wrists.  The others come back, they don’t realise anything, Kehuan insists on giving her a lower price, Weiwei will not buy, Scooter delivery boy is upset because he really likes the house.
Now I get it.  Ziyuan’s mom is the reason they are still together.  She’s in total denial.  He wants to break up with her, but she won’t let him and she pretends everything is fine to keep controlling his life.  So basically, she’s deseperate.  I don’t like her.
The episode ends on Kehuan learning that Weiwei and Haoyi works for the same company.
I am still not sure if I enjoy or not this drama.  We will see.  It is definitely getting a little better and I did enjoy myself once or twice.  I still don’t recommend this to a younger public.  There are a lot of cringy things, lots of things that makes me uneasy.  I mean, many of the stuff happening should be treated less lightly.  Like the fact that Weiwei could be attracted to Kehuan, despite every thing he does... It gives a bad image.  I hope it will change with time.  Because right now he is a stalker-almost-rapist and that’s... nope.
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WIP tag meme
aaah, I was tagged over 2 months ago by @parkkate O.O sorry for not doing this sooner @parkkate​ XD I’ve been offline for a few months! Just now catching up on everything I missed! but I’m ignoring asks for now because my inbox is a mess
The Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous.
I’m gonna cheat and only do this for my drarry wips, since I post everything else on another account now, and tbh I have so many drarrys it’s still gonna be a long ass post XD
Oh man *sweats nervously* I’m a bit of a hoarder in all aspects of my life...I don’t even know where to begin! 
I’m not tagging anyone cos I was tagged 2 months ago and I have no idea who has and hasn’t done this and don’t want to be a pain. But if you wanna do it, go a head, and please tag me so I can be nosy and hopefully find someone with a wip problem as bad as my own so I can be less embarrassed XD
Also I’m putting this under a cut for reasons
1. 4th year au idea 
Sooooo, right off the bat, I often open a new file to jot down an idea even though I have docs specifically to dump ideas...and then at some point during the process of jotting down basic details of the idea...I start writing it....? This is one such occurrence...but I had to open it to check...and now I want to keep writing it XD
But also yikes it’s super dark
2. ... 4th year au idea
I swear, this is an entirely different wip and I am going ‘wtf’ at myself because wtf that’s confusing! I had also totally forgotten the existence of this before opening it....probably because of the name of it and the only reason I apparently have 2 files the exact same name is that one is a word doc and one is a libre office doc XD
3. drarry character death idea
Soooo, I need to stop turning idea files into wips without changing the names because I actually forget they are wips apparently
Also, I really want to finish this RIGHT NOW IT HURTS SO GOOD GIMME GIMME GIMME
4. Veela fic followup
LOL LOL LOL I’m rewriting my veela fic so I don’t know what the fuck I’m going to end up doing with this XD I might have to try and merge it with the re-write if the story has a similar outcome when I’m done. or maybe I’ll just turn this into its own thing....
5. Veela fic present tense
I really need to get back to working on this, this is actually the full re-write that re-doing the tenses spawned...I was binge writing this before my life went to hell but then my life went to hell and I went offline for like three months and didn’t do any writing or anything XD
although, the last time I looked at it I got the itch to change it back to past tense so who fucking knows what I’ll do with it now
6. Veela fic Draco pov
Curse my obsession with alternate povs of the same story and Draco for being such a good angsty pov
7. Veritaserum idea start
At least this one has ‘start’ in it so I know it is in fact a wip and not just an idea outline XD
7. Veritaserum
So, turns out I started that fic over in a new file and just left the old one lying around XD I do that too often. I should delete that other one...
Also...this better not turn into another ‘Amortentia’ with me unable to think of a fucking title and going with the file name because lame
This is also my first time trying to do god’s eye 3rd person instead of 3rd person pov...also first time trying to do this weird structure thing...I dunno but I like it XD
8.  CTS followup
9. CTS sequel
Two separate followups set at different times in the same story verse... I hate myself. I love them both. I can’t pick which one to stop writing so I’m gonna keep them both around and try and make them merge at some point...
10. MMB saying sorry
11. another erase the shame
12. next erase the shame
I work on followups and lose interest so often (usually because people bug me for followups and I get very ‘fuck you’ about it and stop writing them...but I keep them around and tinker with them every now and then soooo they’re still technically wips
13. Tea and Coffee oneshot series (Tea and Coffee, Coffee and Dark Marks, The Cottage Kitchen, next untitled one)
There’s also a present tense version of the first one of those *sweats nervously* first 3 are finished, of course, but my original purpose is lost to them becoming a long fic soo....gonna merge them into one long fic soon...once I decide what tense I like better......kill me now
14. Communion of the Soul (folder name)
This is the sequel to One Touch and this is spread across 5 files because apparently I did that and even though each time I got to work on it I have to figure out which file holds which part of the sequel timeline and which I feel like working on...I have yet to merge them into one file to make my life easier...
15. Crumbling Facade
ugh working on this always makes me want to re-write restraint and actually put in the major plot line, or what was supposed to be Harry’s major plot line before the relationship crap got away from me and I had to cut out all the plot stuff because by the time I got around to addressing it, it started reading like a completely different fic and I had to cut a huge chunk and end it instead, because back then I sucked more than I do now and couldn’t juggle
sooo...I still work on this in starts and stops and then get frustrated for having to stick to Restraint’s chain of events when I have better ideas now for working in Harry’s plot about his damn magic problem and ARRGEHGEHGFVEDHDBVUIOFNBFKDB EFBVJ
I should just let Crumbling Facade take me where it wants to take me and fuck Restraint
16. Potter’s Insatiable Heart
This is my longest wip at 130k XD and I’m stalling now because if I keep going with it where I was intending to go it will end up my longest fic and I’m getting intimidated by the length and how much work it will be to edit that long of a fic so I just go in and write a few paragraphs now and again, get scared of the length and move on to another wip XD
I also periodically binge read this bitch because I love it to death even though it’s severely flawed XD
17. Corset Drarry
oh boy, when I started writing this this I was weirded out by writing a kink I didn’t understand and kind of tailed off and left it...then I did kinktober for voltron and now I’m laughing at myself because corsets and lingerie is so fucking tame after that kinktober list and all the the crap I wrote for it XD
18. Music in the Periphery
Emily bugs me about finishing this a lot...I bug me about finishing it, progress is non-existent because I have a clear plan for it and when I have a clear plan I can’t write for shit
19. Saying Sorry (Round 2) (MMB)
I gotta kick that habit of starting over with something but keeping the first attempt and still working on it parallel to the second attempt, because then I wind up with 2 fics too similar to each other to post both and I’m completely unable to pick which one I like more *facepalm*
Also, MMB is dead if I can’t stop turning the next fic attempts into angst, I just look at that big fluffy mess and want to angst it all up
20. scrapped MMB ficlets - theo’s letter
not technically drarry thought the greater series is drarry...torn between making it mmb or making it its own fic for a rare pair
21. Weather the Storm
*cries* my 6th year war au, I have such plans for this, but the plans get in the way of writing =(
22. Soulmate AU (folder name)
fucking hell, this is 10+ files and I’m not naming all of them, current count is 5 completed versions 60k+ each, 1 incomplete alternate version, all of which I’m seriously unsatisfied with, none of which I can bear to delete, all of which I periodically go and tinker with, thus leaving them all wips i’m such a fucking hoarder but also I have never gotten over all the awful comments that were on the original soulmate fic on ffnet before my purge and now I can’t ever be satisfied unless it is perfect and wont result in such horrible comments again
23. Turnabout (folder name)
Once again, multiple wips in here of the same 60k finished fic I’ve been unhappy with since the moment I finished it and keep trying to fix by starting over and changing things here and there to change the course of the story. Honestly ready to hit the delete button with this one unless my latest attempt pans out, liking it so far buuuut I’m a mess about my writing so who knows
In the Ways that Matter was based off this fic XD
24. Dependency 
Oh boy, I abandoned this cos it was so dark I got too uncomfortable writing it...I’ve since started revisiting it after being in the Voltron fandom gave me a new tolerance range for dark content XD
Plan on posting this on anon if I ever finish it, obviously changing the title XD it stopped being relevant after the first 30k anyway 
25. Dependency V2
LOL light version of the above that removes most of the dark aspects while maintaining the core plot, but I’m finding it a bit dull XD not sure how long I’ll keep trying to chug along with it
26. *censored title*
hahahaha omg why is this in a different subfolder, this is actually one of the soulmate au ones only it’s actually a spin off au of the original soulmate one I from ffnet and therefore it’s new ground and I’m less unhappy with it
.....I’m probably going to stop working on turnabout today and work on this instead now
(censoring the name because I might post this on anon because I’m too scared to post another drarry soulmate fic under my own name)
27. Retrospection
Sooo, I’m always on and off this fic cos it triggers my anxiety and depression, but fuck that I want to write it so I keep trying XD
I’m also thinking of splitting the two main plots and only going with 1 and using the other to write another story....see if that eases how difficult it is for me to write without self triggering
28. Sequel to mornings
29. Sunrise (loose prequel to mornings)
30. Surrender
but also I really really really love what I wrote so far and now I’m itching to write more *cries* making this list is leaving me with so many open files to work on
31. day 2 ass worship
32. day 3 sensory deprivation
*laughs nervously* the kinktober oneshots that starting turning into a long fic hahahaha cos I really needed more wips
33. Perception of Angels
*wistful sigh* one day I will be able to finish a heavily plot driven story full of fantasy elements and creatures and magic I made up, and when that day somes, Perception of Angels....or that timetravel war au drarry fic idea I have sitting around.....which isn’t on this list only cos I’m not stupid enough to start writing it
So that’s all the drarry files in my wip folder.... I also have heaps more for other ships and fandoms, but I’m keeping that separate =)
And...now I have some writing to go do, cos after 2 months of being unable to write thanks to the bullshit in my life, I started binge writing again 2 days ago =) and opening a few of these to remind myself what they were has a lit a fire under my ass
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callmeakumatized · 7 years
My Girlfriend’s Boyfriend - Ch. 18
Prev. Ch. Ao3 FF.net
Marinette and Plagg Flashback, part 2/2
Marinette clamped her hands over her mouth, but the scream wouldn't stop coming. And, dang it, she couldn't stop staring.
That…that seriously was exactly what she thought it was, right?
'Cause cats that talk don't actually exist.
When her lungs finally begged for mercy, Marinette let in a large gasp of air, preparing for Scream Session Round 2.
It only came out as a flat wheeze.
Luckily, her lack of oxygen to dive into a full-fledged scream turned out to be a bit of a blessing. Red-faced and close to hyperventilating or not, she was thankful she was able, in the slight lull from one frantic, panicked sound to another, hear what was going on in the room next door. Or, rather, noticed the deep, sudden silence that was once a busy fencing practice that had just been shocked into silence, presumably by some girl's blood-curdling scream.
Not a moment later, hurried footsteps and quiet voices could be heard coming up to the locker room.
Marinette looked quickly around, trying for all her might to keep her head on and think of some sort of plan – because that's what Ladybug does, dang it – and failing at everything. Tikki was currently busy being absolutely no help. The red Kwami was going in dizzying circles, deep in the throes of her own thorough freak-out. And the little Kwami in the locker didn't look like it would be of much use either, considering the large yawn he had just let loose before curling up in a ball.
Closing her eyes, Marinette thought hard...and came up with a plan. A…crazy plan. Per usual.
Shoes, phone, Kwami, locker, Adrien. Shoes, phone, Kwami, locker, Adrien.
Marinette's head did nothing but swim around with those thoughts, the sounds of footsteps getting closer.
"Tikki!" she yelled quietly (yes, it's a thing). "Spots on!"
Shoes –
Ladybug grabbed the pair of shoes from Adrien's locker, leaping over the set and reaching the door in a quick bound. She took the laces and wrapped them around and through each other and the handles until there was a thick, tight, and super cute bow holding the doors secure.
Phone –
Skittering back around a way where the students that had just tried to jimmy the door wouldn't see Ladybug messing around in their locker room, Ladybug wrapped around another row and skidded to a stop in front of Adrien's locker. Above all else, Ladybug was determined not to make this trip a total bust – while Chat Noir's secret identity had been a big blow to her internal functioning systems, she hadn't had time to deal with the emotions buzzing around that, and, therefore, still needed to nab that phone and delete that stupid message. She grabbed the phone and then stared at her next target.
Kwami –
This part was going to be a bit harder, maybe, and, depending on how fast she was, could blow up in her face.
A strained smile was the only thing she offered the suddenly suspicious Kwami before grabbing him around the middle. The banging on the large room's door and the excited voices on the other side of the row of frosted windows covered up the mewling yowl the kitten let loose.
Locker –
Nope. That part of the plan wasn't going as planned. She had hoped to make it look like Adrien's locker wasn't actually messed with, but as fast as Ladybug had grabbed the black Kwami from inside, said Kwami started fighting against her grip, phasing through her fingers almost faster than she was able to grab onto him.
"Get your paws off me!" he yelled at her, skittering around the air.
"I need your help!" Ladybug whisper-screeched back, landing hard on her stomach after another failed attempt to keep the Kwami still. "Please! I'll bring you back – I'm Ladybug for goodness' sakes! Can't you just trust me!?"
Plagg laughed humorlessly, settling on top of the locker she had just dropped ungraciously from.
"What's going on in there!?" a stern, pompous voice came from the other side of the door.
M. Dargencort.
Marinette looked back to the cat Kwami with the biggest eyes she could pull, begging him to please help her.
Plagg only stared back, tail flicking.
Just when Ladybug thought she'd lost all hope and was about to make her exit, the raspy voice replied, lilting in a way that was almost teasing.
"You're the baker girl, right?"
"Yes?" Ladybug whipped around, looking frantically between the kitty and the door to the locker room. Her feet directed her backward, but her eyes stayed on the cat who had just floated up to her.
"I like cheese. Feed me, and I will stay with you."
"Ah, yea-!"
"Mess with me or my boy, and you will wish that you had never laid eyes on me."
"-aaaauuuhhhhhhhh…" Ladybug finished with another wheeze. The door to the room banged, like someone was trying to push their way in.
Marinette didn't have a choice.
She'd already stolen a phone, anyway.
Could it really get much worse?
As she zipped away, Kwami in hand, she heard a loud, familiar voice yell out from the locker room.
"Plagg!? PLAAAGG!"
Although Tikki had seemed reasonably twitchy at the school, Ladybug resisted the urge to transform as of right now just in case her Kwami had come to her senses enough to scold her. For right now, Ladybug needed a clear thought process, not a little bug laying into her. That would inevitably come sooner or later, and, while she could still choose, Ladybug chose later for the time being.
Plagg, meanwhile, poked around in Marinette's room, ignoring Ladybug stomping around and pacing, and definitely ignored every probing question she shot at him, trying to make sure he really was Adrien's Kwami, that he was Chat's Kwami, that there weren't other cat Miraculous holders, and so on. He seemed to draw the line at a favorite colors comparison, choosing then to float away.
"So why am I here?" he finally asked, tone drawling lazily with an edge to it Ladybug did not like. In the next moment, Plagg tapped on the computer keyboard and, for some reason Ladybug couldn't make out, her hidden folder of Adrien pictures blew up in full view, Plagg viewing the horde with a wicked grin on his face. "Oooo, nice collection!"
Ladybug was frozen. How did he even find that!?
(No really? Where did he find it? Because she hadn't been able to find it the last time she looked…)
Another click on the keyboard and a collection of documents popped onto the screen.
"Save me, Adrien! Golden hair and lipid pools of green. How I long for –"
Ladybug leapt to the computer, exiting out of everything as quickly as possible
Where had that even come from!? GEEZ, 14-year-old Marinette was whack –
Marinette was already rushing across the room – HOW DID HE EVEN GET UP THERE THAT FAST!? – to her loft bed where Plagg sat lazily, looking through the contents of her diary.
"February 14th, 2015," he read out loud. "Today was a crazy day! Adrien wrote a love poem to me and –"
Marinette made it up the stairs just to see that Plagg had already floated back down.
"Tikki!" she begged. "Help me!"
"I actually responded! It was amazing! Except I forgot to sign the letter. I am such an airhead!"
Tikki, finally realizing what was going on, darted after her other half, Marinette coming from the other direction.
"Then Kim got Akumatized because of Chloe (no surprise there) –"
Marinette ran smack into Tikki in midair, Plagg somehow suddenly sprawled out on her origami garland, swinging back and forth while continuing to read.
The diary fell with a smack on the floor, and Marinette finally managed to grab onto the little imp, fingers unnecessarily tight around his scrawny middle. Tikki took the diary back to its "magic box", slamming it in place and snapping the lid shut. Both Tikki and Marinette took a breather from their sudden, completely unnecessary exertion.
"What," Marinette pushed out through a sharp exhale, "do you want to eat?"
Plagg grinned widely.
"Smart girl," he said triumphantly, phasing through her fists easily and up to her face. Tikki joined the two a moment later. When the Kwami looked at her ward and opened her mouth, Marinette waved a dismissive hand in a I'll tell you later, but it's messed up and you're not going to like it gesture. (Yes…it was a thing. Especially between those two.)
"Cheese, right?" she said, raking in a deep breath and shaking her head, thinking. "Cheese… What – What about…gâteau de fromage?"
Plagg went still, one whisker twitching, his eyes taking on a slight faraway look.
"…because he would never give up on anyone, you know? I mean, yeah, he's just beautiful to look at, but…he's beautiful on the inside too. Not…Not perfect but…beautiful." A pause. "Adrien's genuine. I always knew that if he…If we were together, he'd never let me down."
Plagg, who was making gagging noises during the whole recorded speech, made an exaggerated gagging sound at the last sentence. Tikki slapped him.
"To erase your message, press 7. To save it in – "
A loud, long beeeep sounded through the speaker as Marinette hurried to erase the message.
"Message erased. To listen to – "
Marinette pressed the red button to end the call and heaved a sigh of relief. Her body flopped over the counter, face pressed into the cool surface.
"So…" Tikki began, Marinette only half listening (Incoming Lecture, T-2 seconds and counting!) "What are you going to do now, Marinette? You have Adrien's phone and his Kwami. And he knows his Kwami was taken. He's probably freaking out, Marinette."
"I know, I know," Marinette told the countertop. Another sigh escaped her that turned more into a raspy groan, as she raised her head. "I…I have a plan, Tikki, but…"
"But I'm not going to like it." It wasn't a question.
"But you're not going to like it."
"Bahaha then I'm probably going to love it!" Plagg said excitedly, shooting up in the air to touch cheeks with Tikki, giving the red Kwami a glinting look, before coming to sit in front of Marinette's face. A smirk made it onto her face despite herself. For the short time that she had known Plagg, he seemed a bit of a…troublemaker of sorts. A rule-breaker. This was something Marinette could get used to. Especially in the fact that suddenly she had someone on her team for her shenanigans. Suddenly Tikki's scolding glare toward the two of them seemed more humorous than guilt-inducing. She turned her gaze away from Tikki and settled on Plagg, coming to stroke his little head while she told her plan.
It was stupid. It was beyond stupid. It was ludicrous and he wasn't going to fall for it and he would know it was her and he'd break up with her and never speak to her again and – !
"Girl," Plagg said from the yarn ball cushion she had hastily made for him. "Chill."
Ladybug took a deep breath, trying to ignore the way it shook.
"So…it really has been Adrien this whole time?" she asked the Kwami for the sixth time that night.
Plagg promptly bit her.
While she sucked on her finger and scowled at the black cat, Plagg sat looking completely unaffected.
"I warned you what would happen if you asked me that again," was his only reply. "And I don't know why you do. You know him better than anyone. Well, anyone besides me."
"I thought I did…"
"Look, Chica," Plagg started, turning fully around and looking up at Ladybug directly. "The boy has to act a certain way at all times, never has a chance to be himself. He wears masks constantly."
Something Ladybug had definitely been piecing together in the last few hours.
"Who would want to act like 'Adrien Agreste' all the time? A superhero? Pft. No. The dude is the same person. So sue him if he acts like the free cat he is when he dons the ears. Which look fabulous on him, by the way. And I know how much you like the way he looks"
Ladybug smiled a little at Plagg's words. Adrien in cat ears…
That was something she could definitely get used to thinking about. Mulling over. Fantasiz- NOPE. NOT GOING THERE RIGHT NOW.
Ladybug fanned her suddenly warm face. Chat Noir…was a good kisser. That…That meant that Adrien Agreste was a good kisser. And that she – she! – Marinette Dupain-Cheng, had macked on, sucked face with, kissed the Bejeebus out of Adrien That's-A-Fine-Pair-Of-Lips Agreste.
Plagg rolled his eyes at his temporary ward, muttering something about 'hormones'. Suddenly his ears twitched and he froze, listening.
"Ladybug, one more thing before we wrap this up. Well, two. If you mess up my boy, I will mess you up. And the other thing. I need more cheesecake in my life."
Ladybug didn't have time to respond before she finally heard what Plagg must have noticed before: the sound of running feet headed their direction.
Briefly, Ladybug wondered if this was a wise decision. Sure, she felt more secure in the mask, but…technically, this was her boyfriend. If anyone would recognize her, it would be him. But if anything, Ladybug getting caught would just lead to something of an identity reveal. Marinette being caught would only lead to a disaster. Though hopefully, with all the changes she had made, her identity – classmate or girlfriend – would go unnoticed. Sneakers from her mother, a flowery swim cap over her hair, fluffy pink mittens, an oversized t-shirt, and a cheap black mask over her real Ladybug one, and she was set.
In all honesty, if he hadn't recognized her when she dressed up as a garbage-picking delivery girl with a motorcycle helmet and a gross poncho, he probably wouldn't notice her real identity now. It was too late to change anyway.
A wild-eyed young man came barreling around the corner of the alley. Though Ladybug had known he was coming, she was entirely unprepared for a solid mass of lithe boy to ram straight into her. The impact made her yelp and both of them were suddenly slammed against the brick wall. Ladybug was about to make a quip about the situation when she froze, feeling the sudden presence of a hand tracing up her side.
One look at his face and Ladybug could tell Adrien hadn't done it on purpose. He was still blinking dazedly, trying to steady himself, and seemed to just use her as leverage to straighten up. He hadn't moved, however, and Ladybug, who hadn't planned on being this close to him right now for many different reasons, panicked. One look in her eyes and everything would be over. She needed to do something! She needed to do something right now!
Hands deprived of their previous package (had Plagg and his cushion flown into the garbage can? oops), Ladybug looked somewhere – anywhere – for some sort of distraction, especially when Adrien, now bending down to inspect what his hand had grazed just a moment before, dragged his fingers across her waist again. Cursed suit! She was going to be figured out from her danged suit! Looking around frantically, she saw the picture still clutched in his other hand and made a mitten-fingered grab for it.
Ladybug was, temporarily – or maybe eternally, she hadn't decided yet – lost to the world. She had seen every photoshoot of Adrien's, every tabloid piece, every blog snapshot, and every phone photo she could get her hands on. Dating Chat Noir had toned that down considerably, and now, looking at this picture, Marinette felt her throat go very, very dry. It was evidentially a formal wear shoot, the lighting dark and dramatic and the promps and Adrien set in front of a bright green screen, as if he were posing at night in a scene that could be put anywhere. He must have taken it from the collection as something that definitely wouldn't be missed. In all modeling aspects, it was a bad shot – his face was scrunched up a bit, cheeks puffed out as if he was about to pop with laughter. His suit coat was hung carelessly over his shoulder and he slouched over with one hand on his knee.
It was perfect. A perfect shot of a carefree Adrien with the perfect backdrop to make his green eyes stand out. He was happy, and Ladybug was overjoyed.
When Adrien tentatively lifted up the shirt she had over her suit a little, and then lightly brushed his fingers over it again, Ladybug spoke automatically, forgetting what they were actually doing there.
"You can touch more of that if you want to," she almost whispered, still a little breathless from staring at her newest treasure.
When she felt the form next to her stiffen, Ladybug blinked slowly.
Well crap.
She whipped around to see the damage that had been done, the irreparable tear in their relationship that screamed of bad trust and ill-usage and overall realization gleaming from the tears in his eyes…
All she saw, however, was a red-faced boy frozen with his hand still outstretched, staring into space.
"You – Your phone and cat's in the garbage. Sorry. I-love-you-k-thanks-bye!"
Ladybug dashed out of the alley clutching the picture to her chest, laughing maniacally at what her life had become.
A few things started happening in the next week and following year since the Kwami Disaster.
Marinette started keeping cheese in her locker for her new friend.
For some reason, mysterious things started happening around the school. Some said it was a ghost pulling pranks. Pranks that Marinette and Plagg thought were quite funny.
And Marinette Dupain-Cheng was almost able to talk to Adrien Agreste full-on in the eyes.
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realtalk-princeton · 7 years
thank you everyone for doing this we love you
Response from Princess Mia:
Of course!
Omg sorry my answer to this is literally NOT POSTING. Sorry, bear with me as I try to get it up!!!!
Response from Nick Carraway; HAHA was gonna say, Mia completely disregarding the actual question I love it 😂
Response from Princess Mia: Hahahaha sorry that was a mess! 😂😂😂 Okay, so this is what I was trying to post! For some reason, I kept pressing the post button and it deleted everything but the first sentence every time I tried.
“Of course!
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