#the disaster that is evelyn trevelyan
wardenrainwall · 2 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Dragon Age: Inquisition Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Blackwall/Female Inquisitor (Dragon Age), Blackwall/Female Trevelyan (Dragon Age) Characters: Blackwall (Dragon Age), Female Trevelyan (Dragon Age) Series: Part 10 of The Disaster that is Evelyn Trevelyan Summary:
Evelyn continues to struggle with her feelings for Blackwall, and how to express general emotions.
It was late, quiet and so utterly peaceful. Evelyn lay on her bedroll in her tent, and Blackwall snored away, quietly beside her. Their bedrolls were as close as they could be, and Blackwall always made sure he lay on the crease between the two. Taking that small discomfort, because he thought he deserved nothing more, or simply to save Evelyn from it - Gods she knew it was both. Because the idiot man loved her. 
Evelyn blinked at the sudden wetness in her eyes and gritted her teeth, suddenly ridiculously angry about it. She barely resisted the urge to turn and bite the arm beneath her head. Her favorite pillow, if she was honest, which she never was. Usually, she found the most respite on these nights. Far from Skyhold, tucked into Blackwall’s side, basking in the heat his body put off even in the coldest weather. 
She sat up abruptly, and angrily wrapped her arms around her middle as the blanket pooled at her waist. Beside her Blackwall made a quiet sound, the arm that had cradled her head reached out, calloused fingers skimming up her spine. “What’s wrong, love,” his voice was rough with sleep. 
“Gods, I fucking hate you,” she spat the words out and heard him grunt quietly, his hand curving around her hip. 
“It’s the middle of the night, love, can this wait till the sun is up?” 
He accepted it. Expected it, and that only made her more angry. “Move,” she commanded. “Get on your own bedroll.” 
Blackwall’s hand immediately recoiled. “Ev,” he said quietly, cautiously as he obeyed. “What did-”
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contreparry · 1 year
happy dadwc Ann! a prompt for you: the aftermath of a scene you'll never actually write.
I don't know if I'll never write this scene, but if I do it's going to be in the very distant future so... does that count? Here's some of my Trevelyan's niece, Henrietta, for @dadrunkwriting!
"It's a diplomatic disaster, but we've dealt with worse," Lady Montiliyet said brightly, which only made Henrietta feel even more awful than she already felt. She met the lady once when she was a girl, and she had always admired the woman. She was so bright and pretty and funny, and when she spoke with Henrietta she made her feel grand and important. Even now she made Henrietta feel welcome with her warmth and cheer, but Lady Montiliyet didn't lie to her. Running away from home was, as she said, a foolish thing to do.
Aunt Evelyn said much the same, but she hugged her tightly and kissed the top of her head and said she was a "brave little fool," which was both wonderful and terrible. Henrietta didn't quite know how to feel about it now as she sat in Lady Montiliyet's office, with Lady Montiliyet sitting in front of her and Aunt Evelyn by her side on the brocade couch.
The brief moments of incandescent joy Henrietta felt when she rode into Skyhold (it was so grand, with stone towers that scraped the sky and bold banners that fluttered in the wind) and saw her aunt (so elegant, so composed, and she was so surprised when she saw her) dimmed when the enormity of what she had done was laid out before her.
Aunt Evelyn didn't yell. She didn't raise her voice once. But she was as frightening as Father when she was angry. And she was angry- she didn't even deny it (Father would have, he would have lied even while shouting). But it was a different anger. Henrietta peaked over at her aunt, who was pouring tea. Her smooth dark hair was as shiny as a blackbird's wing, swooping in a soft arch and tucked behind her ear. Aunt Evelyn felt so familiar and strange all at once, for even though her face was unknown to her Henrietta recognized her voice, her way with words. ("Oh, Henrietta! My darling niece, what a fool, brave thing you've done! The Hinterlands are no place for a child!")
"Eat your tea cake, Henrietta," Aunt Evelyn said. "You had quite the journey." She dropped two sugar cubes into Henrietta's teacup and a dash of milk, then slid the cup over. Henrietta nibbled on the cake and savored the lemon and honey flavors. She liked lemon honey cakes. Did Aunt Evelyn know that, or had she made a lucky guess?
"If I write a particularly contrite and carefully worded letter, do you think I can keep my brother from storming the castle, as it were?" Aunt Evelyn asked. She stirred honey into Lady Montiliyet's cup and handed it over, each moment precise and perfect. The perfect lady, Henrietta thought miserably. Aunt Evelyn wouldn't have run away from- Henrietta almost winced at the self-pitying thought that crossed her mind, because Aunt Evelyn had run away from home. At least, she ran away from Ostwick Circle, which was near enough to the same thing. No, Aunt Evelyn was just... good at the gentle arts that noblewomen were supposed to be good at.
"It's possible," Lady Montiliyet replied when she took the tea she was offered. "It has been some time since I've communicated with Lord Trevelyan, but he struck me as a fair-minded sort."
"Henrietta? What are your thoughts?" Aunt Evelyn asked.
"Me?" Henrietta nearly dropped the tea cake into her lap.
"You know your father better than I," Aunt Evelyn said gently. "What would you like to do?"
"Maybe... maybe if you write a letter... and I write a letter... maybe that will lessen his anger?" Henrietta suggested meekly. It couldn't hurt if she wrote to her father and let him know she was safe- and that she wouldn't be going to Orlais. Aunt Evelyn wouldn't make her continue the journey, right? She peered at her aunt from underneath her eyelashes and caught the brief smile that crossed her lips.
"Yes. That sounds like an excellent idea. If we ask Leliana to spare a messenger, that may ease your father's heart," Aunt Evelyn decided. "Perhaps we shall make a detour to the library when we finish our tea?"
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I realized I’ve never shared them side by side, especially since they don’t actively interact or exist in the same fics (alive) with one another, but!
Here’s Evelyn and Bron Trevelyan (yes, if you read Beautiful Disaster, Bron is Evelyn’s younger brother, who is deceased in her canon and AUs).
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katuary · 3 years
Day 1: Introduction
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Elissa Brigid Cousland (she/her)
Noble Human Rogue (Dual Longsword)
Born 15th Drakonis, 9:10
Takes her friends’ trauma so they don’t need to hold it, relies on cunning/speed/stealth, does whatever it takes to survive.
“I wouldn’t want to fight me either. Three steps ahead at all times. Known to stab as a warning. Killed a god, don’t try me.”
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Marian Astrid Hawke (she/her)
Two-Handed Warrior
Born 21st Cloudreach, 9:07
Kind, witty, charming, with a guilt complex for (and willful ignorance on the faults of) everyone she’s loved.
“Try hard, fail hard. Walking disaster, sorry in advance. Friends are family, hurt them and meet my giant sword. Fuck the Chantry.”
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Evelyn Augusta Trevelyan (she/her)
Mage (Knight-Enchanter, Winter)
Born 18th Solace, 9:16
Empathetic to a fault, resilient to an advantage, always willing to be proven wrong and learn.
“Lucky is an apt nickname; I literally fell into this. Everything is too much all at once, but tell me how I can help and I’ll try. “
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ziskandra · 3 years
Fic Round Up 2020
I didn't intend to do much writing in 2020. Perhaps participate in a single-fandom exchange or two, if any took my fancy. Then my city's second lockdown happened, the Premier told us to stay home, and I am a good citizen. I wrote more in 2020 than I have in any year since 2009 (when I was sixteen). So, I guess 2020 was good for something after all.
Anyway, without any further ado, I present 50 fics across 13 fandoms! (Ace Attorney, Aggretsuko, Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, Dragon Age, Game of Thrones, Golden Sun, Harry Potter, Mass Effect, My Fair Lady, Original Work, Persona 3, To The Moon, Your Name.)
Ace Attorney
A Good Forking; Ema & Klavier; Klavier Gavin is aroused by a particularly sumptuous steak, and Ema is not amused. (750 words, rated T.)
I (27M) have adopted a child (8F) in less than ideal circumstances. What can I do to be the best possible father for her?; Phoenix & Trucy; Shortly after adopting Trucy, Phoenix seeks advice in the r/relationships subreddit. (2.3k, rated G.)
The Disappearance of Trucy Wright; Phoenix/Edgeworth; Miles Edgeworth is forced to confront his complicated feelings on fatherhood. (10k, rated T.)
A Helping Hand; Franziska/Phoenix; Franziska offers to help Phoenix piece his life back together after his disbarment. Phoenix should suspect her motives, but finds himself drawn towards her methodology instead. (2k, rated E.)
Chasing Demons; Franziska von Karma & Ensemble; Franziska von Karma is haunted by ghosts. Who are they? What do they want with her? And what do they have to do with the identity of her mother, a family secret her father has always kept close to his chest? (20k, WIP, rated M.)
anything we dream; Fenneko & Retsuko; Just because something makes you happy doesn’t mean you have to do it forever. (1k, rated G.)
Crazy Ex-Girlfriend
Intermission; Audra/Greg; Recently divorced Audra Levine visits West Covina to provide moral support during her frenemy’s open mic night. (2.3k, rated T.)
Realization; Audra/Greg; Greg and Audra meet at Rebecca's open mic night, hit it off, and spend some quality time together before Audra leaves town. (2.2k, rated E.)
Does Rebecca Feel the Same Way?; Rebecca/Greg; Greg Serrano is still, hopelessly, helplessly in love with Rebecca Bunch, even if he does his best to hide it. (1k, rated M.)
silver place; Rebecca/Nathaniel; Upon reuniting with Rebecca after his sabbatical, Nathaniel finds himself feeling self-conscious about his body. (900 words, rated T.)
mirror image; Rebecca/Audra; Despite being a staunch feminist who believes women can do whatever they want with their body hair, Rebecca can't help but be intimated by Audra's impeccable personal grooming. (200 words, rated E.)
Dragon Age
Duty; Loghain Mac Tir; There are many times in Loghain's life where he could've died. Somehow, he survives. (6k, rated M.)
Skinned Knees; Loghain & Anora; Loghain and his daughter throughout the years, from her infancy to the Landsmeet. (2k, rated G.)
Divine; Cassandra/F!Trevelyan; After the Inquisition is disbanded, Evelyn Trevelyan and her lover, Divine Victoria, steal a quiet moment alone together. (2.1k, rated E.)
Selfish; F!Trevelyan/Josephine; An extension of the scene where Josephine and the Inquisitor cuddle in front of the fire. (1.6k, rated E.)
A Little Longer; Alistair/Zevran; It’s not the first time Zevran has assisted a friend in a loveless marriage. (750 words, rated E.)
The Secret; Alistair/Anora; In which Alistair tells Anora he might have a child. (1.6k, rated M.)
Jennies; F!Cadash/Sera; Malika's looking forward to introducing her family to Sera. Sera has her reservations. (1.3k, rated T.)
Unsaid; F!Hawke/Varric; After the events at Adamant, Hawke and Varric are interrupted during an inopportune moment. It leads to a discussion on what their relationship means to them.
To Find a Cure; F!Cousland/Anora; Letters written to and from Warden-Commander Cousland, Queen Consort of Ferelden, during her search for a cure to the Calling. (10k, rated M.)
Loud Enough; Josephine/Sera; After the Inquisition is disbanded, Josephine and Sera travel to Antiva. (1k, rated T.)
No Half-Measures; Anders/M!Hawke; After the Chantry explosion, Hawke is faced with a difficult decision. (600 words, rated T.)
Kept Waiting; Celia/Loghain; It’s no secret that the Teyrna is the one truly in charge of the teyrnir (and its Teyrn). (2.8k, rated E.)
Ripples; F!Hawke/Isabela; Isabela had thought she'd given up on love, but as it turns out, love hasn't given up on her. (500 words, rated M.)
Vulnerability; F!Hawke/Isabela; In the weeks following the Qunari invasion, Isabela and Hawke settle into a routine that cannot last. (1.2k, rated E.)
A Matter of Trust; Cassandra/Varric; A line in Varric's most recent romance serial, Holed Up in Skyhold, provides Cassandra with a new idea for their lovemaking. (3.8k, rated E.)
Right Hand; Cassandra/F!Trevelyan; After losing her left arm, Evelyn Trevelyan is all right hand — except where it matters to Cassandra the most.
Home; F!Hawke/Isabela; Two weeks after leaving Kirkwall, Hawke's still growing accustomed to her new home.
Game of Thrones
precendent; Arya/Sansa; Arya shouldn’t be thinking about Sansa like this. It feels like a betrayal. (450 words, rated M.)
Golden Sun
Into the Vortex; Isaac & Garet; After a decade trapped in a Psynergy Vortex, Isaac and Garet begin to wonder if they'll ever be rescued. (800 words, rated G.)
Harry Potter
Sorry; Harry/Hermione; In a world where Ron never returns to his friends, Harry and Hermione must navigate the events at Malfoy Manor together. (2.1k, rated M.)
Scoop; Rita Skeeter & Gilderoy Lockhart; Rita Skeeter investigates a lead from an unlikely source. (1.6k, rated T.)
across the veil; Luna & Harry; During Harry's sixth year, Luna attempts to provide him with some comforting news. (700 words, rated G.)
Beautiful Disaster; Rita/Lockart; Rita Skeeter will do anything for a lead. (1.1k, rated E.)
Mass Effect
Fleeting; Sloane/Jien; Stolen moments before the launch of the Andromeda Initiative. (1.3k, rated T.)
Sparks Fly; Jack/Miranda; When Jack had promised to smear the walls with Miranda, she hadn't meant it quite like this. (1.8k, rated E.)
Instructions; F!Shepard/Samantha; Samantha likes to make sure Shepard's taking care of herself, in every sense of the words. (1k, rated E.)
black and blue (fight on through); F!Shepard/Garrus; After the Battle of the Citadel, Garrus goes to say goodbye to Shepard, and is inadvertently promised a future instead.(1.5k, rated T.)
Piece by Piece;Miranda & Female Shepard; After the Commander’s first death, asphyxiating in the skies over Alchera, Miranda had been the one to piece Shepard back together again, like the world’s most elaborate jigsaw puzzle. The second time… well, she’s practically an expert. (550 words, rated T.)
Mark II; Miranda/Female Shepard; Shepard doesn't leave a body behind this time. (700 words, rated T.)
Control; M!Shepard/Garrus; Garrus will do whatever he can to save the man he loves – even if he can’t bring himself to say the words aloud. (1.3k, rated E.)
Practice; F!Shepard/Garrus; Garrus had thought he'd been nervous when he'd first slept with Shepard, but somehow he's even more flustered the second time around.(1.2k, rated E.)
My Fair Lady
no time for a chat; Higgins/Pickering; Eliza returns to 27A Wimpole Street to seek further phonetics instruction, and life soon resumes its familiar routine. Familiar until one fateful night, when Eliza overhears a heated discussion. It threatens to change everything and nothing at all. (2.3k, rated G.)
Original Work
Run Here; Sword Lesbian Princess/Sword Lesbian Princess From A Rival Kingdom; Much to the dismay of her mother, Princess Cassandra wishes to elope with her lover. Her lover has other plans. (1.1k, rated G.)
Aulia & Haidrul’s Enchanted Weapons and Wares; Daughter of a Blacksmith & Son of a Witch; Two elderly proprietors weave the tale of how they overcame societal expectations to go into business together. (10k, rated M.)
Persona 3
Deathseekers; Minako & Ensemble; They call themselves the Deathseekers and the end of the world is nigh. What else can they do but fight when Death seeks them out in return? (Fantasy AU) (600 words, rated T.)
To The Moon
Minisode 3; Robert/Eva/Neil/Roxanne; They wake up one morning and discover they have drunkenly married one another. (2.2k, rated T.)
Blame It on the Punch; Eva/Neil; After their semi-disastrous prom, Eva and Neil take the next step in their relationship. (4k, rated E.)
Your Name
do you remember?; Mitsuha/Taki; Mitsuha feels a supernatural pull towards the handsome architect she crosses paths with on the street one day, almost as though they've met before. (1.3k, rated G.)
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wetcatspellcaster · 3 years
end-of-year fic writer roundup
Thanks @hawkeish​ for the tag! (I say, as if I lowkey didn’t bully you into tagging me :’) )
word count: 380,935 words published to AO3 since my first foray into fic in february, by far the most words I’ve ever written in a year. It’s amazing what clinging to a hyperfixation for any sense of self while living alone in a pandemic will do to your productivity.
new things I tried this year: like hawkeish, fanfic in general! I’d never written fanfic before this year, and it was the perfect hyperfixation to pick up roughly 3 weeks before the first UK lockdown. While I was depressed in December, I made a new year’s resolution for 2020 to try to rediscover the joy of writing again by Any Means Necessary. Add a pandemic into the mix where I was cut off from all my friends in England, and I decided to focus on fanfic rather than original fic, because I needed to write only for me and I needed it to make me happy. Thank god it worked! Fic is literally the only thing keeping me going at times. It helped me recover from my depression and it remains my no.1 pandemic coping mechanism.
fic I spent the most time on: obvs all 325k of Eye of the Storm, given that my other published fics are 1/10 of the word count.
fic I spent the least time on: I think the one I’m currently posting, Fortress of Highever? Because I set myself a deadline for the draft that I met, and also Alistair is way too nice to cause half the drama of any of the other DA characters.
favourite thing I wrote: this works out very neatly, because it is absolutely A Man’s Word is His Bond. I think Eye of the Storm is kind of a hot mess, but this fic literally does everything I wanted it to. I just wanted to read something with the same kind of dynamic as Howl/Sophie from Howl’s Moving Castle (as in, dramatic disaster bisexual and his hypercompetent wife), so I wrote myself a trashy soulmate AU. I reread this fic whenever I am ill.
favourite thing I read: I’ve struggled with reading in general this year, favouring webtoons over both books and fics. But I really liked The Prince’s Penance by Ocreata which is a Sebastian/F!Trevelyan fic (I want to marry this version of Evelyn plz), Of Amulets and Dragons by MakjangCandy (Modern Girl in Thedas WITH ADDED KDRAMA TROPES, meaning it is literally a mashup of my two comfort genres) and a old Handers fic I found called A Little White Lie by CherieoftheDragons, which wonderfully lampshades how awful and inappropriate and endearing all of Hawke’s canonical flirting dialogue is.
Also, it ain’t a Dragon Age fic, but any fan of the Magnus Archives, or anyone who has ever had to do work with GDPR in the UK should read Beholding the GDPR: How the Magnus Institute Updated Its Privacy Policy for the Twenty-First Century And Only Caused One Nervous Breakdown In The Process by shinyopals, which is one of the best and funniest goddamn fics I’ve ever read.
writing goals for next year: Finish Eye of the Storm without losing motivation in a motivation destroying world. Write my Modern Girl in Thedas project, if only to have a chance to drag another Dragon Age love interest within an inch of his life. Tentatively look at my original fic WIPs sidelong.
I don’t really have anyone to tag bc I don’t know many writers on tumblr! So instead I’ll just add a quick “Happy New Year!” here. And if anyone on here follows me cause they read my stuff, thank you so much!!
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heartslogos · 3 years
newfragile yellows [1004]
“You're going to make someone cry like that. Keep it up.” Skinner offers Ellana a slice off of her apple, and when Ellana declines Skinner shrugs and leans against the wall next to her. “Brooding?”
“In a manner of speaking.” Ellana holds a leather cord between her teeth as she uses her hands to untangle the other cords from it. It was poor form of her to let her get this badly tangled. But one can never truly assume that their possessions remain as they are when thrown into a pouch, and the pouch is on a person who gets thrown about by a dragon. It’s a small miracle of luck and chance that Ellana’s lyrium vials and various other sundry tinctures didn’t shatter and cause some kind of secondary disaster during that fight.
“There’s two more, you know." Skinner uses the knife she’s cutting the apple with to gesture out towards the vista overlooking Sahrnia, and in extension, the coliseums where the high dragons have taken to roosting.
“One,” Ellana corrects. “Evelyn took Bull, Pentaghast, and Sera to fight the second one.”
Skinner whistles. “Which one was that, the Kaltenzhan? The Ravager?”
“Kaltenzhan,” Ellana answers, spitting the cord out to flop over to one side. She jerks her head over her shoulder towards the metal staff leaning next to her normal one. “She got that off of it.”
“Is it possible to use two staves at once?”
“Yes, but just because something is possible doesn’t mean you should do it.” Ellana winds one of the several leather cords she’s freed from the knotted tangle around a finger to keep it in place. “She means to send it off to Dorian, but you know Dorian. He’d want a written report on what it can do and how much of its abilities we’ve explored thus far. Evelyn didn’t want to take an unknown weapon into a new fight against another dragon. I would have passed it onto Dalish but I haven’t found her.”
“Went back to Skyhold with the last caravan,” Skinner replies. “New marching orders from the War Table. She’s leading one of our secondary scouting squads into exploring further edges of the Graves now that clean up has done what they could with the dragon’s lair there. Trevelyan took the chief but didn’t take you on the dragon fight? Did you piss her off?”
“She wants me in top form for the third one. I’m assuming, if she’s in working order, we’re doing that tomorrow,” Ellana replies.
“As I said, did you piss her off?” Skinner shakes her head. “It’s like your entire life is jumping from one blazing hot fire to another.”
“It’s wonderful for maintaining my figure,” Ellana retorts dryly. “And what are you up to?”
“Got back from a patrol checking the mines earlier today,” Skinner says, “I’m on break. Supposedly to sleep, but it’s too loud.”
“Impressive, coming from you. You’re the one who sleeps with Dalish’s snoring the same room consistently.”
“Not that kind of loud. It’s the same loud Skyhold and the higher elevations of the Frostbacks are.” Skinner nudges Ellana’s shoulder. “You know what I mean. The kind of loud that comes from vastness.” Both of them pause, attention diverted towards a rising spot in the distance near one of the coliseums.
“Ah. They’ve started.”
“He’s going to come back rowdy.” Skinner pointedly raises her eyebrows and digs her elbow into Ellana’s shoulder.
“That’s one way of putting it, yeah.”
“Good luck with that.” Skinner pauses. “Though I’m pretty sure you deserve it in some way. Some kind of universal balance or what have you. You’d have to ask Grim or Stitches for the pretty way to say it.”
“What did I ever do to anyone to deserve the Iron Bull right after a fight with a high dragon?”
Skinner levels a flat look at the side of Ellana’s head.
“Do I need to answer that, Wolf? Do I really need to answer that one?”
“I don’t think it equates.”
Both of them glance back towards the coliseum at the sound of a deep resounding crack.
“Kaltenzahn’s are…?”
“Ice,” Ellana supplies, concern rising as they both stare at the far off structure. There shouldn’t be a sound that loud coming from over there. Avalanche?
“You don’t think that thing can make ice so damn big and heavy we’ll be hearing it from here do you?”
“Maybe the structure is collapsing.”
“That’s not something you should sound optimistic for.”
“The alternative is that the dragon is capable of making ice that big and flinging them about,” Ellana points out, “I think I’m in the right for being optimistic about structural collapse.”
Skinner sucks on her teeth. “Fair. Well. You said Pentaghast is up there. And Trevelyan’s handy with a flame. Sera too?”
Ellana nods.
“They’lll probably be fine. Won’t even need the chief to swing his sword.”
Skinner is probably right. Ellana shoves the leather cord back into her pouch — most likely immediately undoing all the work she’d put into untangling it. Not that she’d finished.
“Getting worried, Wolf?”
“I am in a constant state of worry,” Ellana says, “The only difference is if I’m acting on the worry or not. For clarification, at the point in time I am not acting on it. I’m just thinking about it.”
“You dote like a mother hen.”
“Considering that they’re up against a high dragon, I think my concern is fair as well as that of the mother hen’s,” Ellana stands up picking up both staves and leaning them on her shoulder as she walks back into the keep currently under construction and refitting for Inquisition purposes. “I’m going to let Stitches know to be more wary than usual. Is the local command post established yet? I might ask permission to meet them at their halfway point with some horses. Are you coming?”
“I’m on break,” Skinner grouses. “Why should I spend my break doing work? Fine. I’ll go. But only because I don’t have anything better to do.”
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flame2ashes · 5 years
You know what, I’m here for a 24 hour seminar on the disaster squad
Hell yeah dude. Here’s your abstract:
The Worst Squad in Thedas is essentially two things:
1) My catch-all term for my Dragon Age characters (but lbr they would be even more of a disaster squad if it was all eight of them). There’s a chance that in any AU I make for Dragon Age, all of them exist in the same world state. While I like the whole “They all existed, just the one I chose survived” thing, I prefer chopping off the second half and just making them all survive because I like imagining their interactions.
2) My canon-divergent, self-indulgent DA:I AU in which during the Conclave explosion, five people survived. One of them became the Inquisitor. We know what happens there. The other four escaped through another rift and thrust themselves into an adventure of epic antics and re-discovering the meaning of family. There are probably talking dragons, secret floating cities, evidence of otherworldly organizations coming to Thedas and leaving their stuff abandoned there, and other stuff that’s totally canon for Dragon Age. Totally.
Starring (in this AU):
Kaaras Adaar: The Vashoth mercenary of the Valos-Kas who was only just patrolling the back hallways of the Temple of Sacred Ashes when he came across the Room Where It Happened along with everyone else. Now he’s the leader of this motley crew of four that they have, though not by his choice. They just say that because he’s the oldest and the tallest. Still, he instinctively becomes the mom friend of the group, which is a lot easier when two of your team is 10+ years younger than you.
Maxwell Trevelyan: A Circle mage and estranged member of House Trevelyan, though said family denies his existence. He kinda got lost and ended up in the back hallways of the Temple of Sacred Ashes when he came across the Room Where It Happened along with everyone else. Now he’s thrust into the Wild World of Thedas for a second time (the first time was after the Circles fell) and isn’t really taking it well, but at least he’s got three random strangers turned friends turned new family to help him out. Just don’t ask him how he feels about his youngest sister Evelyn being the Herald of Andraste.
Ellana Lavellan: A city elf turned Dalish who then was assigned to spy on the events of the Conclave. She came along with the clan’s First, Mahanon, who absolutely hated her for some reason Ellana couldn’t understand. She was trying not to get caught when she ended up in the back hallways of the Temple of Sacred Ashes when she came across the Room Where It Happened along with everyone else. Now she’s stuck with three random people and despite saying that she wants to go back to Clan Lavellan, she’s scared to because then she has to tell them that their First is dead.
Malika Cadash: A Carta dwarf who was born into a high-ranking mafia family but honestly? She doesn’t want to be in the Carta anymore. She planned to defect during the Conclave with Edric but the plan fell through, which resulted in her running through the back hallways of the Temple of Sacred Ashes and coming across the Room Where It Happened along with everyone else. Though the events brought the four together, she’s been trying to get away still, but eventually finds herself staying on the team because as it turns out, she found friendship in these people. Also she ends up being Kaaras’ mom friend but she’s like an Aggressive Mom.
TL;DR it’s an excuse to imagine my DA characters interacting while also imagining what they’d be like if they had cool adventures. If you’re wondering why I use the default names it’s because……*Walks away*
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sassylavellen · 6 years
Dragon Age Retribution - Chapter One
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Story: Dragon Age Retribution
A short(?) story by Sam Shenberger
Words: 3,065
The Ostwick Circle of Magi was large and impressive. In the eyes of many, it put other Circles to shame. It was a large tower, slightly removed from the city and built with strong stone instead of marble like most of the surrounding buildings. Mages from all over the Free Marches were sent here to learn magic, not just from Ostwick. It was well known, but just like most Circles there was always an underlying tension between the Mages and the Templars in the aftermath of the Kirkwall uprising. Most people liked to pretend that everything was fine and that there were no such tensions, but they all knew that one day it would all boil over. It was certainly how Alyssa Trevelyan felt.
The day had started as normal as any other for Alyssa. She had woken up at the crack of dawn, commenced her private studies before breakfast, and when the shadows from her windows crept up the walls to the portrait hanging above her bed, she had left to start her classes. She was excited that this morning's class was her last before she would perform her harrowing, and become a true Mage in the circle. As she walked down the corridor, a voice called to her.
"Alyssa! Hold a moment!" said the voice. She knew who it was, and with a small sigh before she turned, she looked over her shoulder at him. It was Varahel, an elf about her age who had once been a servant to another noble family before they discovered he had magic and sent him here. He was a little clingy, Alyssa thought, but mostly harmless.
"What is, Varahel?" she asked, but continued walking. "Is something the matter?"
"No, not at all." said Varahel quickly. "I just... I just wanted to wish you luck."
Alyssa shook her head as Varahel caught up with her. "My harrowing isn't until tomorrow. There's no need to worry so much."
"But you'll be going into the Fade alone!" said Varahel in a tone of nerves. "Who knows what manner of demons you might meet there! What if you were to meet a desire demon?"
"Varahel, you worry too much." she chuckled. "If you go into the fade trusting nothing and no one, odds are you'll survive."
"You say that with such resolve..." replied Varahel. "It's almost as if you trust no one ever."
They reached the door to the classroom as they spoke, but before going inside she turned again to face him.
"I know what it's like to be betrayed. Perhaps I truly don't."
She was about to enter the room, but at that moment another mage came running down the hall. "Alyssa!" he cried as he dashed towards them. "Alyssa, come quickly!"
"Harold?" said Alyssa in confusion. "What's wrong?"
"It's Benny..." Harold said between gasps. "He's set fire in the library... You have to help him before the Templars get to him!"
"Shit,” mumbled Alyssa under her breath "Let's go!"
They rushed off. The library was only halfway back down the corridor. Sure enough, she could hear a commotion outside before they reached it. "Out of my way please!" Alyssa called as she shouldered her way to the door. She suddenly felt her hand being taken and someone tried to pull her back.
"Alyssa, wait!" cried Varahel. "You could get hurt!"
She yanked her hand from his. "I'll be fine. You stay here and keep yourself out of trouble. Don't let the Templars in before I've had a chance to speak with him." Without another word, she opened the door and went inside.
Sure enough, a good portion of the library was on fire. Alyssa looked around, but could not see very much through the smoke. With a wave of her hands, cold ice erupted before her. The magical ice almost immediately melted, dowsing the flames nearby. Alyssa continued further in. "Benny?" she called out. She heard a scream from a few feet away and hurried towards the sound. There in the center of the library stood a little boy, who could barely be over ten. He stood in a small ring from which all the flames were emanating. "Benny!" she called to him again. He looked up, crying. "Miss Alyssa!" he called to her between sobs.
"Benny, are you hurt? Are you alright?" she shouted over to him. He nodded quickly.
"I'm scared Miss Alyssa!" he choked out. Alyssa noticed that the circle around him was closing in on him slowly. Time was running out.
"It's going to be alright..." said Alyssa, trying to stay calm. "Benny, look at me!" He looked up, tears still flowing from his eyes. "Everything will be okay," she said as she raised her hands. "Do you remember what you learned in elemental summoning last month? About how to conjure ice?"
"I've tried, Miss Alyssa!" cried the boy. "It vaporizes as soon as I summon it." The circle was closing ever nearer, and Alyssa could hear a commotion outside again. The Templars were coming.
"It's okay, Benny!" she said with an encouraging smile. "Try it again." He raised his hands and attempted to summon ice, but with a small poof it disappeared as quickly as he called it. "I can't do it!" he shouted in despair.
Alyssa heard the door burst open on the other end of the library and the cries of surprise from the Templars. "It's okay Benny," she said again. "We can both do this. Together! But I am going to need you to help, okay?"
"But I can't!" cried Benny.
"Yes you can! Close your eyes..." Benny shut his eyes tight. "Good! Good, Benny!" Alyssa called back to him. "Now, listen to my voice and concentrate. Concentrate hard on the spell you are casting. Think cold thoughts, think of the thick snow in the midst of a winter's night, think of the ice that freezes the lake..."
Benny held his hands up again, and this time the spell worked. Ice crystals began forming. Alyssa raised her own hands and did the same. "That's good! You're doing great Benny!" she called to him. At that moment, the Templars came storming over.
"Stop, Mage!" cried one of them. Benny's eyes snapped open and his ice disappeared. Alyssa shouted over her shoulder.
"Step back!" she cried. There were five Templars, all of whom came nearer.
"What magic is this!" cried the second Templar as he attempted to step closer and drew his sword. The circle was almost upon Benny's feet now. He screamed in horror as the flames began to lick at his shoes.
"NO!" Alyssa cried, and with a shout, she threw both her arms in the air and ice crystals erupted all around her, covering the entire library. Alyssa looked around to see that the flames around Benny had stopped, and he stood safe amidst the ice. "Are you alright, Benny?" she said as she rushed over to him. He threw his arms around her and sobbed. "I didn't mean to, Miss Alyssa!" he said. She hugged him back and glanced over her shoulder. The five Templars sheathed their swords and approached.
"Come with us, child." Said one as he pulled Benny away from Alyssa.
"No!" cried Alyssa. "He's only a boy, he didn't know what he was doing!"
"He is old enough to cast such a spell." Said a voice. At that moment, another group of Templars entered, lead by a man with long flowing grey hair and a silver beard. "And you, Alyssa..."
The other Templars all knelt at the sight of the man. "Knight Commander Markus" they said, almost in reverence.
Alyssa stood up. "I was trying to help! I stopped the fires!"
"Yes," said Knight Commander Markus sternly. "And in doing so froze half of the library solid. You have prevented one disaster and caused another. There will be diseplinary actions for you both."
"Uncle..." Alyssa said softly. Markus merely glared at her, then turned and left. The other Templars followed, escorting Benny with them. One Templar came over to Alyssa and gently grabbed her arm to lead her out too.
"I'm sorry, Alyssa." she said quietly.
"Amanda, you must know I was trying to help!" Alyssa pleaded.
"I know, sister." Amanda replied. "I'm sorry. This is a difficult day for us all, I'm afraid."
Alyssa turned to look her sister in the eyes. "Why? What's wrong?"
Evelyn woke slowly to the sounds of bird song. Her window had once again blown open in the late autumn breeze. She rubbed her eyes and stretched in her bed. "This seems familiar", she thought. With a groan, she threw the blankets off her and got up. Her bedroom was spacious, and everything was clean and organized. She groaned again as she realized she had slept in past noon once again. Evelyn crossed over to a shelf and picked up two clean fluffy towels.
Down the hall from her bedroom was a washroom. It had a large, luxurious tub and shelves full of fancy soaps and brushes. Evelyn took a piece of soap - a small, well-used bar that smelled like lilacs - and lit a small fire in the fireplace. She then undressed and stepped into the tub. The water was cool, but refreshing. She had drawn the water from the well to the tub the night before, to avoid the water being freezing cold if she had drawn it from the well in the morning. Slowly she sat down in the tub. For as big as it was, her legs were still too long for it and her feet dangled over the edge, warming her toes by the fire. As she tilted her head back, she caught a glance of herself in a mirror. With one hand, she brushed her auburn hair out of her face. A lot had changed in the year she had lived with the Trevelyans.
A year had gone by since that day at the tourney. More than a year, in fact. Holli Trevelyan had proven to be a good student, but there had been a lot of work that needed to be done. She was in no fit state to fight when they started, and the first several months of training mostly revolved around building up her strength and flexibility. It wasn't long before Holli began to practice swordplay. Evelyn wouldn't let her use an actual sword until she was sure she wouldn't accidentally hit her. It still happened, of course, but neither of them had been seriously injured yet, and when it happened they would just laugh it off. Surprisingly, Evelyn thought, Holli was okay for a human. Even her brother Stephen warmed up to her eventually. Evelyn didn't know too much about the rest of the family. All she knew for certain was that Holli and Stephen had two older siblings, and a lot of cousins. She had never stepped foot inside the actual estate. Even so, Evelyn had gotten to know several of the servants. Most of them resented her because she got to live in a cottage while they lived in the servant's quarters. Evelyn felt awkward about it, and usually tried to avoid them. She did become friends with the gardener servant, another elf named Bhani. Bhani even helped tend to her own cottage garden, and every so often Evelyn would play cards with her and her husband.
After a good long time, Evelyn finally stood up and dried herself off. She put her smallclothes back on, but paused as she picked up her trousers. "I've worn these pants and this tunic for the past two days... I should probably wear something different." she thought to herself. She had another set of clothing back in her room she could wear for the day. With a sigh, she folded her clothes neatly and set them on a shelf before leaving the washroom.
Evelyn entered the hall and as she was about to enter the bedroom, she suddenly screamed. There was a woman wearing a long coat standing in her sitting room. Her scream startled the woman too, who also screamed and backed up into one of the tables and nearly fell over. Evelyn let out a sigh of frustration. It was just Holli.
"Maker's balls, Holli! Don't scare me like that!" Evelyn shouted, attempting to cover her body.
Holli steadied herself and stood up straight. "I'm sorry!" she said, brushing some dust off her coat. "I just wanted to surprise you."
"I'm not even dressed..." Evelyn mumbled, embarrassed.
"If it's any consolation, you look well." said Holli.
"Been waiting to see me in my smallclothes, have you?" Evelyn snorted. Holli merely shrugged and they both burst out laughing. Holli reached out and hugged Evelyn.
"I've missed you, Ev." she said.
"I've missed you too,” replied Evelyn. "How was your trip to Antiva?"
"Very good." said Holli. "I got to see all the exotic locations and ancient buildings... But I have something I bought there that I wish to show you."
"Oh? What's that?" asked Evelyn, her interest peaked.
Holli took a step back and untied the belt around her long coat. "This!" she said as she threw the coat off to reveal that she was wearing a set of leather armor. Evelyn looked her up and down in confusion. There really wasn't much to this armor. Holli was basically only wearing armored shoulder pads, a leather breastplate that only covered the breast, and reinforced short trousers. Her arms, midriff, and lower legs were completely exposed.
After an awkward pause, Evelyn cleared her throat. "What is this?" she asked, trying her best not to speak what was actually going through her head.
"It's Antivan speed armor!" Holli replied as she put her hands on her hips confidently. It was obvious that she was pleased with herself.
"And..." Evelyn began but she couldn't force herself to stay silent anymore. "Holli, what is this supposed to be?"
"Don't you see? I can be flexible in this armor! Look!"
She picked up a nearby fire poker and began swinging it around like a sword. Evelyn watched her. To be fair, she was actually moving with the proper stances like Evelyn had taught her, but she had much to learn. Holli ended her little show by pointing the fire poker at Evelyn.
"Holli..." said Evelyn as she took the fire poker from her. "Holli, you're my friend and I'm going to be completely honest with you. That's not armor."
"Yes it is." said Holli defensively.
"Is it?" said Evelyn. She turned the fire poker around and poked Holli in the midriff, then again in her arm and then her leg. "You're exposing way too many weak points."
"I can still move quickly in this armor! My movement isn't restricted!" she said defensively.
"You're doing it again," said Evelyn, shaking her head. "You're focusing on one part of the point and not learning the full lesson. Yes, you can move quickly, but at the cost of defense. You need to find a balance, not go from one extreme to the other. Right now, you're wearing as much armor as I am."
Holli snorted. "At least my breastplate is made of reinforced leather, I doubt your brassier is."
"That's not the point." laughed Evelyn. At that moment, the door opened and Stephen entered.
"Holli, I was told you-" he began, but stopped short at the sight of Holli in her skimpy armor and Evelyn in her underwear. Evelyn once again shouted in surprise and attempted to cover herself. Holli, meanwhile, was unphased. "Maker's breath..." Stephen mumbled in confusion.
"You were told what, Stephen?" Holli asked, hands once again on her hips.
"I was... I was told you were here,” he said, looking up at the ceiling so as to avoid eye contact with either of them. "I was sent to fetch you. Mother wishes to speak with us both about something important. You should perhaps change your clothes first. Or put on clothes..."
Holli picked her coat back up and threw it over her shoulders. "Come on, brother." she said with an annoyed tone. "You've seen me at my worst." She clapped him on the shoulder as she made her way to the door.
Evelyn shuddered. "I really do not want to know."
"No! It's not like that!" cried Stephen, flustered. Holli laughed
"Ev, I'll talk to you later." she called over her shoulder as she left. Stephen remained a second longer.
"One time she was shitfaced drunk and I had to help bathe her... Long story."
"Wasn't asking" said Evelyn firmly, wincing at the thought.
"Good. I try never to think of that. She labors under the impression that it was funny." he replied. "Well... anyway... Good day, Evelyn."
Evelyn smiled and nodded, then backed away into her bedroom and closed the door. Stephen shook his head. "This is... not how I thought this day would go,” he muttered to himself.
Back in her room, Evelyn quickly threw on some clean clothes. "That sure was awkward..." she thought to herself. She looked at herself in the mirror again as she buttoned up her clean tunic. She wondered what was happening with Stephen and Holli.
Stephen and Holli entered the Trevelyan Estate and made their way up the stairs to Holli's quarters.
"You still haven't told me what this is about, Stephen." Holli said as she stepped behind a panel to change her clothing.
"It... It will probably be easier for Mother to tell you than I." said Stephen evasively. "I haven't heard the whole thing myself."
Holli stepped out from behind the panel to look at him. She had taken off her armor and was now only wearing her smallclothes. "It's not about the Winter Ball again, is it?" she asked.
Stephen glanced over, but immediately turned back away. "Maker's breath, Holli! Have you no shame?!" he shouted in frustration. She chuckled and stepped back behind the panel.
"You need to lighten up, Stephen." She said as she got dressed. "You're an adult now, you can't keep playing the baby brother card. Whatever it is that mother wants to talk about, I doubt it's anything too important."
"It's about father." said Stephen shortly. Holli stepped out from behind the panel again, dressed this time, and with a serious expression on her face.
"What about father? Is everything okay?"
Prologue - Next Chapter
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ladymdc · 6 years
ladymdc writes things!
All of my fics are posted to Ao3 - here.
I do have a Master List that I will keep updated, but there are some drabbles/prompts not on Ao3; these can be found - here.
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DA:I - Finding Light Series (Cullen Rutherford x Evelyn Trevleyan): 2 long fics & 4 100-word drabbles
1. Feathers & Fur
A tear in the soul lets the Fade in. Not wishing to harm His children, the Maker breathed life into the rend with the promise they could be whole once again, but the fall from Grace removed that promise. A gift turned curse as the rend was freed from those who created Sin, allowed to also turn their back upon them. To harshen their punishment, the broken soul, longing to be whole, continues to feel the call of its missing piece in dreams. That Cullen was hers, within reach, was the Maker’s cruel joke. (My “canon” Trevelyan/Rutherford fic with a soulmates twist.)
2. Silver & Gold
A character study focusing on the feelings & moments that matter most; presented in 100-word drabbles. This work will cover the entirety of DA:I, Trespasser & beyond.
DA:I - Who Needs the Sunshine Series (Cullen Rutherford x Evelyn Trevelyan): 1 long fic & 8 drabbles/one-shots.
Negentropy: [n]: (1) negative entropy (2) the randomness/chaos a living system expels to keep its own entropy low to achieve order and organization, structure and function.
Evelyn Trevelyan lives to create order out of disorder, but after the New Haven disaster she finally accepts the mysterious Nightingale��s perpetual job offer, and she learns a little bit of entropy isn’t so bad after all. (A love/smut story.)
DA:I Stand Alone:
Wandering in the Dark (Cullen Rutherford x Evelyn Trevelyan Noir AU)
C.S. Rutherford was no hero, so when a dame with dark verdant eyes and a sharp wit strode into his office, it was a good thing she wasn’t looking for one. Surviving was the only thing he was good at; the question was, would he survive her?
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wardenrainwall · 1 year
Last Line Monday Whenever
They had survived. Against all odds, they lived, and they would live. “I love you,” she told him, the words no longer so hard to say. The dam seemed to break when she nearly died at the Winter Palace. Thom’s answer was a soft crooked smile. He shifted up, brushed a kiss against her lips, and echoed the words back. Then he sat up and grabbed the prosthetic leg he’d leaned against the edge of the couch when they had stretched out.
I haven't been writing much lately, which makes me incredibly sad, I miss it so, and was desperately wanting to write something soft and tender, and Disaster!Evelyn and Thom deserve it.
Tagged by @kojottek and I'll tag.... @illusivesoul and I don't even know, it's been so long I've no idea who else to tag anymore.
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contreparry · 3 years
For DADW: “Heads, I do it. Tails, you do it.” Varric, Inquisitor, and shenanigans of your choosing. :)
Sure! Here's some Varric and Inquisitor shenanigans for @dadrunkwriting!
Being summoned into Josephine's office was never a good thing. Evelyn learned that on the second day she knew the woman, when she was forcibly invited to teatime to discuss her past and how to best "reintegrate herself into Society." Josephine had been perfectly polite throughout their little chat, but Evelyn was horribly aware of Cassandra's grim expression and Leliana's vaguely amused smile the entire time. Ever since that day Evelyn sought to make herself busy, just to avoid the uncomfortable polite conversation while she frantically tried to recall all the etiquette lessons she learned when she seven and forgot by the time she was ten.
So when she entered Josephine's office and caught sight of Varric lounging on a low sofa, Evelyn released the breath she hadn't realized she was holding. Thank the Maker, at least she had someone to commiserate with! She sat down on the sofa next to him and smiled weakly. Varric grinned lazily at her.
"So, any idea what we're in for?" he asked.
"No. But Josephine said it was urgent," Evelyn replied. Well, the messenger said it was urgent, but Josephine's messengers were eerily good at imitating Josephine's tone. The message sounded terribly urgent, so she left her letter half finished and rushed down to Josephine's office to see what the problem was, her mind full of what possible disasters could await her.
"Chin up, Your Inquisitorial-ness," Varric said. "It can't be that bad if Skyhold's still standing, so we'll just sit around and have a tea cake or someth-"
"So sorry to keep the two of you waiting," Josephine announced as she swanned in, perfectly composed with a sheaf of paperwork in hand. "I've handled most of the problem on my own, but I need one of you to speak with Cole. There was a bit of an incident last night."
"Cole? What happened?" Evelyn asked, dread pooling in her stomach. Did he run into former Templars who recognized him? Was he trapped in some magical mishap? Was he trying to make peace with Sera and, in his Cole-like fashion, only frightening her more?
"Cole is fine, I promise," Josephine said soothingly. "Please sit down."
"Oh," Evelyn perched back on the edge of the sofa as Varric leaned forward, his expression a little less relaxed than before. He was still smiling, yes, but there was a tenseness in that smile that hadn't been there until Josephine mentioned Cole and 'an incident.'
"Well, from what I can gather, he was trying to help. And he did, albeit in his own way," Josephine explained slowly as she settled down in an armchair and set the paperwork in her arms on the tea-table. "But it took a little time and some of Cole's brand of magic to soothe the raw nerves of several of our visitors- some members of noble families who have been feuding for ages- and while I believe things are patched up..."
"You want us to give him the privacy talk, Ruffles?" Varric asked, and Josephine's relieved smile should have been comforting. It usually was! When Josephine was relieved it generally meant that everything was under control, that everything was safe! But in this case- Evelyn sighed and sat up straighter.
"I suppose there's no time like the present. Varric?"
"Heads, I do it. Tails, you do it," he declared, and he pulled a copper coin out of his coat pocket. He offered it out to Evelyn, and she took it in her hand, warm metal pressed into the meat of her palm. She set the coin on the back of her thumb, flicked it up, caught it, and pressed it on the back of her hand. She lifted her hand and looked straight at an engraved gryphon.
"Tails. Bad luck, Trevelyan," Varric said gravely, and Evelyn wondered why she thought playing a game of chance against Varric Tethras was ever going to turn out in her favor. She deposited the coin into Varric's waiting palm and stood up, politely smiling at Josephine and Varric in turn.
"I'm glad I have plenty of practice in giving awkward talks, then," she said crisply. "I'll get to it right away." All those Circle lessons she taught the young apprentices about growing bodies and magic were finally going to be applicable. She hoped.
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Lara’s Master Writing Post
My Master Writing List can be found as a page here, and writing prompts only found on Tumblr can be found by searching my tag “writing prompt.”
But I realized I’ve never shared an easily mobile/rebloggable version before so here goes. Was just going to share again because I’ve updated it but also because I’ve gotten a lot of new followers since the last time I shared this. I suppose though since it’s Fanfiction Appreciation Day, though, I may as well share!
Dragon Age Inquisition - Lightning Struck Series - Cullen Rutherford and Evelyn Trevelyan
1. Eye of the Storm - Work in Progress
Evelyn is far too naive, young, and overwhelmed by everything asked of her after the Conclave. She tries to put on a brave face, but she’s slowly falling apart. Cullen is far too weary, self-loathing, and searching for redemption in his role as the Commander of the Inquisition’s forces, but he doesn’t think he’s worth finding any. They both feel broken, but maybe they can find a way to feel whole again.
Main canon fic for my Cullen/Evelyn pairing.
2. Moments Passed - Work in Progress
What if Cullen was sent to the Ostwick Circle instead of Kirkwall after the Fifth Blight was ended? An AU exploring the relationship between he and Evelyn Trevelyan after they meet following his relocation to Ostwick.
3. Miss Grey - Work in Progress
Commander Cullen came to Haven from Kirkwall to join the Inquisition, but he didn’t come alone. And no one quite knows what to make of the small Tranquil who follows him wherever he goes, never out of his sight.
4. Rehabilitation - Completed Work
Modern AU that focuses on Cullen’s lyrium withdrawal and recovery after he is sent to a rehabilitation center under the care of Dr. Evelyn Trevelyan. Follows his recovery and their blossoming relationship as he makes it through his addiction and eventually sets out to help others who wish to follow in his footsteps. Little to do with DA:I.
5. Even Doves Have Pride - Completed Work
An arranged betrothal leads to a rebellious, wild Evelyn, and her father enlists a certain former Templar-turned-bodyguard to keep her in line until the big day.
Modern Bodyguard AU with eventual smut and romance featuring lots of references to popular songs, including Prince, Led Zeppelin, and Tom Petty. Features little to do with DA or DA:I.
6. Bound to Burn - Work In Progress, Co-written with WindySuspirations.
A trip to Redcliffe to make reparations for the Mage Rebellion brings more complications that expected when rooms run short and the naive Inquisitor finds herself in close quarters with the man she can’t possibly ever have - her smirking Commander.
7. What Are the Odds - Completed Work
A chance encounter at the Hanged Man for some stress relief leaves Knight-Commander Cullen with a few questions, and an insatiable desire for the mystery woman he met.
DA2 & DA:I AU that places Evelyn in Kirkwall following the rebellion at the Gallows, where she meets and becomes involved with Cullen before he joins the Inquisition.
8. Dream a Little Dream of Me - One Shot
Evelyn’s usual wanderings of the Fade take an unusual turn when it starts to recreate the desires she has for the Commander, becoming more vivid each time she dreams. And Cullen finds himself waking from dreams that seem so real he swears he can still feel and taste her on him.
There’s no harm in indulging in fantasies, right? Unless there’s more going on than simple imagination.
9. The Deal - One Shot
Evelyn wishes she could more easily soothe all of Cullen’s issues, and help him sleep better at night. But after yet another bad night’s sleep, she gets an idea that just may work.
10. Discretion - Tumblr Prompt One Shot
A brief flare of jealousy in Evelyn makes Cullen wonder why he tries so hard to keep things private.
11. An Awkward Start - Tumblr Prompt One Shot
The Commander gets caught in an intimate moment, but it turns out better than he could have expected. Based on the Tumblr prompt, “You weren’t supposed to hear that,” requested for Cullen.
12. Just One Dance - Tumblr Prompt One Shot
Cullen asks for help from the last person he’d usually seek out, but an evening he dreads turns into confusion as it reveals things they both didn’t realize they wanted. Modern AU. Based on the Tumblr prompt, “Just pretend to be my date.”
13. The Dance of Love - Prompted One Shot
A first date on Valentine’s Day takes a turn when Cullen accidentally takes Evelyn to a dance club. Modern AU.
14. The Sun and The Moon - Marian Hawke/Fenris, Work in Progress/Very Slow to Update
Chronicles the important moments in the romance of the fem!Hawke/Fenris pairing that features in Eye of the Storm and other works in the Lightning Struck series. Inside are some spoilers for Eye of the Storm, as well as some background/headcanon Cullen moments.
Dragon Age Inquisition - Just Say Lass Series - Knight-Captain Rylen and MGIT Abigail Henderson
1. After Rain - Work in Progress
Abigail Henderson just wanted more out of life as everything began to fall apart - a chance to start over, a chance to be herself again.
When she ends up in Thedas, she finds more than she bargained for - as does the former Templar who finds himself fascinated by the woman from a place called Earth. Also features Inquisitor Evelyn Trevelyan from the Lightning Struck series.
2. Just Like Heaven - Work in Progress
Knight-Captain Rylen just wanted to do what he could to help defend the innocent people of Thedas - especially when the sky split ope and demons started falling out of the Fade.
When he somehow ends up in a place called Earth, instead, he has to come to terms with every part of his strange new reality - including the fascinating woman, Abigail, who finds him and helps save his life.
3. Wicked Game - OC/OC WIP
He’ll break your heart, Abigail. A man like that is used to having the world cater to his every whim, and you’ll never be enough. Be careful.
Companion piece to Just Like Heaven, a collection of semi-one shots from the perspective of Abigail Henderson’s soon-to-be ex-husband, John Baker. Gives insight into how they met, how their relationship began, how it fell apart, and later on will include insight into scenes from its parent fic.
4. Knight-Captain Rylen Appreciation Week 2018 - Completed Work
Collection of drabbles and one shots to celebrate Knight-Captain Rylen Appreciation Week!
5. Of All the Things to Fangirl Over… - Gift One Shot inspired by this art piece by Sloth-Race
MGiT Abigail Henderson has one of her first - very common - experiences in Thedas, and Rylen can’t quite figure out why she’s so excited about it. Set within After Rain canon.
6. Burning Up - Tumblr Prompted One Shot
Abigail meets a dashing Starkhaven stranger one night at the bar she works at, but one drunken decision turns into more when he comes back the next day. Modern Thedas AU. From the Tumblr prompt “You make adorable sounds.”
7. Stud - Tumblr Prompted One Shot
After a long day’s work at Skyhold, Abigail helps Rylen work through his stress. From the Tumblr prompt “Your skin is so soft.”
8. Never Enough - Tumblr Prompted One Shot
Rylen finds a few moments along with Abigail. From the Tumblr prompt, “Try to keep quiet…we wouldn’t want to get caught.”
9. His Lass - Tumblr Prompted One Shot
From a Tumblr prompt to see Rylen take care of things for himself when he’s away from Abigail.
10. Anniversary - Tumblr Prompted One Shot
From a Tumblr prompt for Rylen to see Abigail in a pretty dress and all dolled up for the first time.
11. Stolen Moments - Giveaway fic prize for Kawakaeguri
Each time, every time, just a smirk and the words “my lass,” and she caves. But why bother resisting if she doesn’t want to? Set within After Rain canon.
Dragon Age - And the Sky Will Burn Series - Modern Kirkwall AU Co-Written with Dismalzelenka
Part One: Your Arms Feel Like Home - Work in Progress
Two women with no connection to each other. A chance meeting and a quick goodbye. Neither of them expected everything to change.
Abigail Henderson was enduring a blind date turned cautionary Tinder tale. Solona Amell was just doing her job bounty hunting for a local bail bonds office. When Abby’s date and Solona’s target turn out to be one and the same, neither of them expects how quickly their lives will turn upside down.
When an altercation with local law enforcement is caught on video and begins to circulate the Internet, they both find themselves thrown headfirst into the lingering mage-templar conflict still gripping the Free Marches twenty years after the violent destruction of the Kirkwall Chantry. Their personal lives aren’t left unscathed either, as both women find themselves grappling with strange new acquaintances and relatively unwanted attractions to two former Templars now working as detectives with the Kirkwall City Police Department.
Tensions rise as past transgressions begin to surface, but everyone has secrets to hide.
Part Two Coming Soon!
Dragon Age Stand Alones
Beautiful Disaster - MGiT Cecilia Moore and Cullen Rutherford - Work in Progress
When she thought about how much she wanted to get away, she never realized just how far she would end up.
Just another Modern Girl in Thedas story.
Hero Worship - Mara Trevelyan and Garrett Hawke - Work in Progress
The Inquisitor can’t seem to think straight around the heroic and devilishly handsome Champion of Kirkwall. And he doesn’t make it any easier on her when he unexpectedly invites her to his room one night.
And what starts off as a fling turns into a whirlwind romance neither one of them is prepared for.
Out of the Ashes - Nemaine Tabris and Alistair WIP (on indefinite hiatus)
Nemaine Tabris’ life just seems to go from bad to worse after the traumatic interruption of her wedding causes her to be conscripted by the Grey Warden Duncan. But in the midst of the Blight, she finds herself thrown together with someone who just may help her survive and thrive.
In the Grotto - Knight-Captain Rylen and Cassandra Pentaghast - One Shot
Knight-Captain Rylen discovers what makes Seeker Pentaghast happy, and does his best to help her find some stress relief.
Inspired by this piece by SangoSweetz (NSFW Art)
The Hope of the Desert Bloom - Adoribull Giveaway fic prize for SoulRebel
Too much to hope, too much to dream that maybe - just maybe - this time it could be something more.
Mass Effect - Stress Relief Series - Fiona Shepard and Garrus Vakarian
Part One: Goose Bumps - Completed Work
Fiona Shepard woke up on a Cerberus operating table, apparently after being dead for two years. She wants nothing more than to see a familiar face, someone who will have her back as she works with her former enemies and tries to save the galaxy. Again.
And then after one trip to Omega, she’s reunited with her best friend in the galaxy.
But he looks at her differently, now - and she can’t seem to shake this new feeling. Especially not once she realizes it’s not really a new feeling.
Part Two: Ride or Die - Work in Progress (on hiatus)
It had been one hundred and eighty-four days when they finally sent for her.
Commander Fiona Shepard had spent six months relieved of duty, essentially on house arrest.
She had spent her time distracting herself, preparing herself, and resisting the urge to write to *him* for a prison break.
But now the Reapers have arrived, and all she can think about is getting back to him, and keeping the promise she made.
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katuary · 2 years
2021 AO3 Recap
A little sparse some months, but hoping to get my writing motivation back now that I've stopped taking my professional exams. Here's to my 2021 progress, and looking forward to what I can do in '22! :)
New Works:
Liars: Drakestone and sela petrae. Hawke pretended she didn't know better. (heavily angsty Act 3 Anders x Hawke one shot)
Wake Me: When the quiet becomes too loud for Anders, Hawke knows she’s the perfect antidote. (flangsty Anders x Hawke one shot after Anders moves in)
Girls Like Braids: Elissa goes to her brother for help fixing the disaster she's wrought of her hair. He insists on hearing how the disaster happened in the first place. (fluffy Cousland sibling one shot for Pride 2021)
Compromise: A quiet midnight moment between Ferelden’s new King and his future Queen. (flangsty Alistair x Cousland one shot set between the end of DAO and beginning of DAA)
Burn: The events leading to and following the Chantry explosion, told in snapshots from Bethany’s perspective. Marian isn’t the only protective Hawke sister. (short and not-so-sweet one shot of Bethany's perspective at the end of Act 3)
Ether: Elissa learns of an unfortunate incident at the Vigil shortly after resigning command of the Fereldan Wardens. (angsty one shot of Cousland learning of Anders' "death" post Awakening)
Distractions: A stop at the Spoiled Princess yields a much-needed distraction for Elissa and Alistair. (fluffy Alistair x Cousland slow dancing one shot)
Ongoing Projects:
Aftermath: The events in the wake of the Kirkwall Chantry explosion. (My Anders x Hawke continuation post DA2) Five chapters posted this year, hoping to finish this in 2022!
Endurance: The end and aftermath of Trespasser and the following months for Inquisitor Evelyn Trevelyan. (My Cullen x Trevelyan continuation post Trespasser) Four chapters posted this year, moving to my primary priority once Aftermath wraps up!
Three Circles of Hell: Hawke knows she has never been enough where it counted. The wrong skill, the wrong position, the wrong decision. It shouldn’t surprise her that she continues to fail. (Hawke's Very Bad No Good Last Weeks of Act 2) Finished the final chapter in December!
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deimcs · 7 years
★★★ for hekate!! and ★★ for a shepard of your choosing!
thank you aah ♥♥ i did two boys so i’m gonna go with two girls now ~
★ hekateShe has a wife; a legit wife, at least according to the avvar laws.her name is Valkyrja ( @necrolitasi oc ) and they met some months after hekate joined her brother’s Inquisition. She had a fling with Blackwall before that but nothing too serious; she had obviously had other relationships with other women but in Valkyrja she found the perfect partner, as stubborn and loving as her. They even followed up the avvar tradition with Hekate being abducted by her spouse during the night to seal their bond before the gods.
★ hekateWhen she was little she used to dream about her unknown sailor father coming to get her away from her unloving mother’s house to sail with him across the sea. One of the first tattoos she got just to piss off her mother and step-father was a wind rose silhouette and even if her father never showed up her fascination with the ocean remains.
★hekateShe makes the best impressions. Maybe it’s because she used to mock her step-family a lot as a self defense mechanism but it kinda stuck with her even after she fled. She loves making people laugh and that was also the best way she knew to cheer Helios up when they were little; she would just start impersonating his father making him look silly instead of stern, secretly celebrating every small smile and laughter her brother sniffled out. Now she just uses her Iron Bull Voice when she wants to tease him or scare the living shit out of some poor soldier. Varric and Sera think she’s some kind of mage after all.
★ evelyneShe looks very shabby at first. Her hair is trimmed all wrong, usually covered in sweat or chemical smells, she rarely wears make up, even just to cover her scars that never completely healed. But aside from her body she’s very meticulous and tidy. Her armor is always polished, her guns loaded and ready, she always has everything under control and her cabin is a temple of order.
★ evelyneShe’s a glutton! She keeps it secret as if her love for sweet food could ruin her renegade reputation but she used to make contact with a certain merchant on Omega every now and then to retrive some special synt-chocolate muffins, so similar to the ones she used to dream about when she was just an orphan still living on Earth. 
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novamm66 · 7 years
Red Sky in the Morning; Chapter I
So here it is.  The reason why my artwork has slowed down and my pic-lits stalled.  They morphed into something bigger.
I want to say a heartfelt thank you to @scottishvix  @littlesnowarrow @slothquisitor @lechatrouge673 & @x-elfled-x who encouraged supported me to get this far.  I have the biggest heart eyes for you.
You can find it on AO3 here.
 Seeker Pentaghast was angry. In fact, she was past angry and was coming up on absolute white-hot rage.  The feeling of uselessness was gnawing at her spirit.  Three days ago, she had returned from her attempt to find Hawke with Varric Tethras in tow; a dwarf with a smart mouth who wouldn't know a straight answer if you stabbed him with it.  Two days ago, the conclave had exploded and the world that Cassandra knew disappeared. Her rage was keeping her grief and exhaustion at bay, but that wouldn’t last much longer.  There was nothing to be done but wait, fight and pray.  So she did just that, waiting to see if the only survivor of the disaster at the conclave, who was clinging to life in the cells below the Chantry, would wake up.
 Cassandra snorted in disgust as she reached the end of the room they had commandeered in the Chantry. She angrily glared at the book titles on the shelves in front of her.  Finding nothing helpful or distracting, she turned to pace back once more. The trip to recover the mysterious woman had done much to work off the anger and fear Cassandra first felt after the Breach had appeared.   Then the waiting had begun.  She had passed the last two days fighting, watching the prisoner writhe in pain in the cells, and pacing the room that had become their headquarters.  She lost count of the number of times she had made the trip past Leliana poring over reports at the table.  Soon it would be time for her to replace Commander Cullen on the front lines leading the soldiers. Cassandra snorted.  Sleep was for the weak.
  The prisoner has to survive.  She has to fix this. Or answer for it.
The Seeker kept pacing.
Leliana was cold and clinical in her anger.  Her inability to find anything on the cause of the explosion was not improving her state of mind.  She would find out who was responsible, who killed the Most Holy, and she would make them pay in the only way she knew how.
The information on the prisoner was only slightly better.  Leliana examined the report in front of her again, looking for anything unlikely she had missed.  She had argued for days with Divine Justinia about allowing her scouts to do backgrounds and follow the attending parties coming to the conclave.   Leliana had known that tensions would be high and well informed is well armed so she had pressed the argument.  But even with all of the information that Leliana had gathered, she had more questions than she started with.
The prisoner had arrived as an official member of the Ostwick Circle; the name on the registry was Evelyn Trevelyan, but the description of the woman who left Ostwick under that name didn’t match the physical traits of the woman downstairs.  The report showed that the delegation sailed on time but the boat had arrived 2 days late, not uncommon with the storms on the Waking Sea.   It seemed that the woman who got off the boat in West Hill was not the same one who had gotten on and that was worrisome.
Leliana drummed her fingers on the table in counterpoint to Cassandra's pacing as she tried to think of all the possibilities to fill the holes in the prisoner’s timeline.
Their heads snapped up as the door was pushed open by the apostate elf that arrived offering assistance, shortly after the Breach ripped the sky apart.  
“It appears she will survive,” he said.  “Although I don't know exactly when she will wake up, my guess would be in the next few hours.”
“What can you tell us, Solas?” Leliana asked. “I don't believe that she was the cause of the tear in the Veil.  That would have taken immense power, which she does not possess. The mark on her hand, however, is a mystery and it is killing her.  It is possible that her only chance to stop the spread of its magic is to close the Breach.  That might save her or kill her.  This magic is unlike anything I've ever seen before.  But she fights it, she has a great will to live it seems.” “Do you think she can use the mark to close the Breach?” Cassandra asked “I think it is possible Seeker, she seems to have overcome the power struggle inside of her and that is a good sign that she will have control over the mark as well. So it is reasonable to hope.  It may be the only hope we have.”  Solas nodded to both women and left the room. The silence left by his departure was broken by Leliana clearing her throat. “Cassandra, I believe it would be best if we request that Commander Cullen remain at the forward camp so that you and I can be available to interrogate the prisoner.”
Cassandra frowned. “His past is his past Leliana and he is making the amends that he feels are due. We cannot hope to save Thedas if we don’t trust the people we have left.”
Leliana held Cassandra's glare for a few moments before replying, “I believe it would be best to not test the limits of either the Commander or and more importantly, the unknown mage all our lives may depend on.” Cassandra snorted, “Fine.  You are right, but we must send him reinforcements.  They've been up there for hours.  They are running out of time.” “I know.” Leliana sighed heavily as she led the way out of the room.
Varric Tethras stared at the glowing hole in the sky while rubbing oil into Bianca’s stock.
 “Well shit.  I don’t want to write this story.”
He turned as the Chantry doors opened to reveal Solas wiping his hand on his tunic.  “Is she gonna live, Chuckles?”
“It would appear so,” Solas said with a sigh.  “They are simply waiting for her to wake up.” “They're planning on taking her up to the Temple?”
“I believe so.”
“How long?”  Varric squinted at the sky.
“No more than a couple of hours.”  Solas regarded the dwarf thoughtfully.
“Well then, I had better get a nap in before we fight our way back up that bloody hill.”  Varric shook his head as he turned and walked back to his tent.
Heaviness, suffocation, like being trapped under a soaked wool blanket or caught in a fishing net.
Can't breathe.  Fear.
Run! Run!
Pain.   Voices.   Anger.
She was being torn apart by the fire and ice fighting through her blood, cracking her bones burning and freezing her simultaneously.  There was nothing but agony.
 Please just let me die.
Kiaya woke with a start, rolled off of the cot and retched on the floor.  She tried to crawl away from the mess and came to a rest on her knees, realizing that her hands were secured with heavy iron shackles.  
 Where am I?  What happened?
At that moment Kiaya became aware that she wasn’t alone.  Her eyes darted around the cell that she found herself in.  The guards, one templar, wore matching expressions of distrust and anger.  Before fear could seize her heart, pain exploded in her left hand.  Kiaya tried to curl in on herself, hampered by the shackles, green lightning shot up her arm.  She could feel the foreign magic twisting and fighting with her own.  Whatever it was ended as abruptly as it began; Kiaya stared at her hand, desperately trying to remember what had happened.
 She could remember arriving at Haven, when, yesterday?  Kiaya spent a moment holding down the panic of not knowing how much time had passed. Their party had arrived late.  It had taken Malcolm, Lydia, and Evie longer than they anticipated convincing Kiaya to take Evie’s place with the delegation.  Although after Kiaya had taken one look at her sister, her decision was made.  But she made them work for it.  So their arrival was after dusk the first day, long after talks already begun.  She had been so tired, and it was so dark.  She spent all her time watching her steps and feeling very uncomfortable in the circle robes she had long ago run away from.
I’m not even supposed to be here.
The alternative would have been what exactly? Would Evie have survived to be here?  That would be better?
Everything after that was there but not, like trying to form images in the fog. All except...
 Kiaya’s search of her memories was interrupted by the door to her cell opening.  Two tall women wrapped in shadows entered the room.  As they came closer and into the light, Kiaya’s eyes widened in recognition.
Andraste’s ass.  This is bad.
 Kiaya stood outside the doors of the Chantry, staring at the green glow in the sky.  Her hands were still bound, but now with rope and the Seeker had paused to speak to the guards before heading through town leaving Kiaya alone with her thoughts for a moment.
 “This can’t be true,” Kiaya whispered. “This can’t be real.  They can’t be gone. What am I supposed to do now? How…”
 “Alright, let’s go.” Cassandra approached her laying a hand on her elbow.  Kiaya struggled not to flinch away at the touch; it would not do to show fear. “Come with me.”
 They walked through the rows of tents, and crowds of people began to form, the rumble of angry voices getting louder.  Kiaya could feel the anger and the fear building around them like a solid force ready to crush her.  The only thing seeming to keep it at bay was the threatening glare that the Seeker aimed at anyone who came remotely close to them, as well as the grip on her sword.
 It was an immense relief to reach the gates of the village, away from the hatred and blame for the destruction of the Temple.  Breathing was much easier without all that anger pounding at her, although the Fade fire falling from the sky was a little concerning.
 Great, I’m getting punchy.  That is going to make this so much better.  When did I eat last?  When did I sleep?  Kiaya was frantically trying to find the strength that would get her up this mountain.
 “Let’s go.”  Cassandra approached her, drawing a knife.  She cut through the ropes quickly, turning to look up the hill.  “Follow me.”
 Kiaya walked behind the Seeker trying to rub life back into her hands.  “Seeker?  There’s really no one else? Nothing left?”  Kiaya couldn’t quite keep the faint hope from her voice.
 Cassandra looked back at her, reading the hope in her eyes and feeling the first pangs of sympathy for this mage.  “No, there is nothing left.  You will see.”
  Kiaya was shaking; she was not used to climbing a mountain at such speed.  Her knees were throbbing and the muscles in her thighs were starting to ache more and more with each step.
 “Seeker, stop!”  Varric called out.  Kiaya had been so distracted by the constant struggle of making her knees bend that she had forgotten he was behind her; he must have been watching her struggle for a while.  Kiaya liked him instantly.  His humour and friendly banter made Kiaya feel more relaxed than she had any right to be. Closing the rift with Solas’ help had been excruciating and she was still trying to figure out how it worked. It was like grabbing on to burning coals and pulling them as hard as she could. Which hurt.  A lot.
 “What is it?”  Cassandra asked, annoyance at another delay apparent in her voice. “We are almost at the forward camp.  There is no time to lose.”
 “Your prisoners have voted, we need to catch our breath,” said Varric as he stopped on the path next to Kiaya.
 “I’m fine,” Kiaya snapped but she couldn’t hide the shaking in her legs now that they had stopped moving.
 Shame immediately rolled over her at the surprised expression on Cassandra’s face and the amused arch of Varric’s eyebrows.  
 “I apologize, I’m not fine. Please if I could have a moment, I will be able to move faster.”  Kiaya moved to sit on a boulder on the side of the path.
 As she sat down, Solas moved over to her.  “What is wrong?  May I offer my assistance?”
 Kiaya smiled at him. His genuine concern for her well being was touching.  “Thank you for your offer.  I have been dealing with this for years.  I have a trick.”
 There was no way she was going to be able to roll up her leather pants.  She rubbed her hands together, drawing magic into herself.  She slowly ran her hands over her legs, first one knee and then the other. As her hands moved, a thin layer of shimmering ice formed and sunk into the leather of her breeches.   Frost ferns formed patterns on the surface. Kiaya sighed as the cold and healing sunk into her knees.  It was a great relief.
 “It has been an age since I have seen water magic handled with such skill.”  Solas knelt at her side watching her work.
Kiaya laughed, “My Grams was a watermage.  Besides, when you’re on the water, water magic is important.” All the blood left her face as she realized what she said.
 Damn it Fucking Shit.
 “Alright, I’m ready. Let’s get going.”  Kiaya couldn’t meet anyone’s eyes, so she didn’t see the thoughtful look on Varric’s face or the calculating one that Cassandra gave her as she filed the information away.
 Kiaya’s face was grim as she led the way up the path.
 You need to be careful.
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