#the distance that comes from mia obviously being dead.
cornertheculprit · 2 years
Mia: ...Phoenix.
Phoenix: Mia...! Umm... H-How is Maya doing!?
Mia: Physically, I'm not worried. She'll recover completely. But emotionally, she's been hurt very badly by this case.
Phoenix: I-I see... ...! You don't mean...! She's learned who Elise Deauxnim really was?
Mia: ...Yes. I went to the medical office and talked with her. I told her everything I knew.
Phoenix: ...But why?
Mia: Maya is stronger than you think... I knew she could take it... All of it.
i was thinking about this exchange and specifically mia's line of "maya is stronger than you think" and it kind of got me wondering if it was a moment where mia actually kind of misjudged phoenix's feelings on the matter. because phoenix DOES think maya is strong! even if he doesn't admit it out loud (because he's a moron):
Maya: ...And then you look at me, and, well... I'm the daughter of the Master, but I'm still just a little girl. And on top of that, I'm the suspect in a murder trial.
Phoenix: (Um... But I think you're really strong too, Maya, for all you've gone through...)
it may just be how i was reading it but phoenix asking "but why?" was not a question of whether maya was strong enough to take it but rather a question of "she's physically and mentally exhausted and we just saw her collapse on the ground from channeling dahlia's spirit for so long. why would you tell her that the person she saw get murdered right in front of her was her mother NOW." and yes i do think part of it was because phoenix wanted to hide it from her for a little while longer because he wants to protect her and hiding things is his go-to for pretty much everything but it was never a matter of him not thinking she's strong enough to take in the information. and yknow i think something else to factor into this is that in recent years phoenix has spent much much more time around maya than mia has. because mia's dead obviously i know that but also even before that...at the beginning of turnabout sisters one of the things maya mentions right off the bat is that mia hadn't called in a while. she was getting more and more distant. and meanwhile maya has been hanging around phoenix for almost three years now and spent the seven months between aa2 and aa3 staying with him instead of living in kurain village. even all the way back in aa1 it was to phoenix that maya admitted the heartbreaking thought that she wished she'd never woken up from being tased at all. and it's interesting to me how it seems like in this instance mia looks at maya and sees the strong little sister she left behind who can take anything the world throws at her and phoenix looks at maya and sees his best friend who CAN take anything the world throws at her but who has already been through so much and who he doesn't want to see suffer anymore. because he saw her crying in the detention center more than once he saw her admit she never wanted to see a knife again after 2-2 he saw her in the aftermath of morgan's betrayal and in the aftermath of the engarde trial and everything else. and the different perspectives they seem to have really do affect how they treat her.
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blackbatcass · 4 months
how would you rank bat-children from bruce's least favorite to favorite? also i'd say do the same for ollie's kids but he would kill himself if you made him do that (mia still his fav though)
oh my god you guys do want me dead💀
I'll be honest, i don't think there's much value to be found in 'rank-the-favorites' discussions. like the honest answer is 'it depends' and i just don't think it's productive. I do think that in most cases wrt relationships with bruce, dick is always going to come out on top. as i've said those two are just on a whole other level. they Know Each Other in a way that no one else will even come close to. I don't think it's controversial to posit that actually raising dick from childhood adds a layer to the relationship bruce has with him that really can't be replicated with anyone else. like...jason was with him for 2-3ish years as a tweenager, cass and tim were adopted in their mid teens. meanwhile bruce was effectively dick's parent from age 8 onwards.
I also think the timing is something that would be almost impossible to replicate. dick entered the picture very early into bruce's years as batman. bruce was the one solid thing in dick's life after his parents died. they were literally each other's crutches through all that emotional turmoil and became, for better or for worse, extremely codependent. all that to say, dick and bruce's relationship is just so crazy insane that pretty much nothing compares. he just has the advantage. you can't recreate the mind bogglingly deep connection 25 yo bruce had with 8yo dick grayson it just can't be done.
on the other hand, cass also has something with bruce that can't be replicated by anyone else: she is Exactly Fucking Like Him. she is his carbon copy. they Get each other's rock-solid convictions & moral code sooo deeply. fandom tends to use this as evidence to point towards cass being the favorite child, but like as greta mysterycitrus has eloquently said in the past, she is exactly like him (derogatory). bruce obviously loves cass deeply, that is his daughter, but I don't think having that relationship with her is always easy for him. her existence points out some uncomfortable truths about himself that he doesn't always want to confront. I mean... if you were to meet yourself as a seventeen year old it would probably be weird as FUCK lol. I especially think the fact that cass has killed someone really fucks with his head and forces him to reevaluate his own morals/worldview.
and like...I don't think he always treats cass fairly. we see it over and over again in bg 2000. he thinks he knows what's best for her because he sees himself in her, but the things he thinks are best for himself are Not Healthy to say the least. he intentionally keeps himself at a distance because he initially did not want that close, father-daughter relationship with her: it was strictly batman and batgirl. and he thought that's what she wanted/needed. but being so singlemindedly driven to a cause with no boundaries or normal life is not exactly the best way to go for a teenager. so I think those two had a lot to figure out when the dust settled.
I have much fewer thoughts about jason, tim and damian simply because they are not my blorbos like dick and cass are lmfao. i do think tim deserves a whole lot of credit for stepping in to save bruce and helping when bruce was at his lowest. like. that was obviously NOT easy lol. bruce and tim are interesting because bruce held himself back from being a father to tim for so long, when jack was still in the picture. but when it comes to a head and tim gets adopted, it's just...natural? like there was nothing else that could have happened there? I am honest to god not the biggest tim fan and have not read enough of his comics to talk intelligently on him any more than that lol. but I do know bruce loves him very very much and would be lost without him<3
jason....jason. I mean what is there to say lmfao. if your dead teenager turned up and started mass murdering what would you do. I think it's pretty obvious to say that losing jason was soul-crushing for bruce and permanently changed him as a person; we see those aftereffects in his relationships to people like tim, steph, and cass. jason will never stop being his son, and bruce will never stop loving him. but things will never be the same again. I don't think jason's actions post-resurrection will ever be justifiable or forgivable to bruce. like even if jason woke up one day like 'suddenly i'm cured of being a villain' I don't think he would be welcomed back with open arms or anything. jason is a murderer. he has killed like a fuckton of people in cold blood. that is something that will never be okay with bruce. grappling with loving your son versus your son being a murderer which is antithetical to everything you have spent decades building...that's rough buddy. is that controversial? idk i spend as little time as possible thinking about jason todd
I think it hurts bruce to look at damian sometimes because he just can't stop seeing talia. I think he loves damian deeply but it isn't always easy. that whole timing of final crisis was just so messy that they didn't get off to a super smooth start and had to do a lot of work rebuilding that relationship. I think damian has to reconcile his childhood hero worship of bruce with the actual very flawed man which isn't easy. it has been a LONG ass time since i've read damian's comics so that's about all I got.
IN CONCLUSION! This is very long and I absolutely did not answer your question sorry. but these are kind of my cliffnotes thoughts on each of the wayne kids' relationships with bruce.
and yeah if you tried to get ollie to rank his kids he would knock himself out with a boxing glove arrow
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japanifornication · 1 year
oh man oh man. im always fond of phoenix w a praise kink and just. overwhelmed by love. miles fucking into him while whispering sweet nothings until he’s shaking from his orgasm after orgasm. make this slut cry from being loved and fucked! that one fic you wrote, “late night” was RIGHT up my alley and i swear i go back to it often
rubbing at the bags he can feel setting in beneath his eyes, phoenix has never been more tired in his life. not when he stayed up all night studying to get through law school. not the time he didn't sleep for three days a week before the bar and had to be forced to rest by mia. not when she was murdered, not even when he spent a night in city jail accused of that very murder.
the clop of two pairs of sandals patter into the distance as he watches maya, holding onto pearl's hand like a lifeline, head for their train under the flickering lights of the station. as they board, any remaining energy phoenix had escapes him and he sags back against the wall he's been leaning against, arms crossing over his chest as a sigh slips out of him.
it's hard to watch them go when they've only just got maya back, but with morgan headed to prison, they have a lot of things to sort out back in kurain, like packing up belongings and figuring out where they'll stay when they're there for training.
"it's getting quite late, wright."
he'd almost been falling asleep where he stood and the voice startles him, making him stand up straight and snap to attention. for a few minutes, he'd almost forgotten edgeworth was there. it's easy to forget, when it's quiet—he was dead for an entire year, after all.
"yeah. sorry to keep you waiting. you didn't have to do this, you know." phoenix says it automatically, like it's an obligation, even though he's not quite sure he is sorry after what the prosecutor did.
"i'm aware," is all edgeworth says, tucking a strand of hair behind his ear and then just briefly gripping at his elbow.
it's almost funny. when phoenix first met the man again on the other side of the courtroom last year, he looked like hell barely warmed over. edgeworth was the one with dark circles around the eyes, a permanent scowl affixed to his face. now, he looks oddly tranquil, if just a bit fatigued, and phoenix is the one who feels like garbage. things can change a lot in a year.
he clears his throat. "well. i won't keep you here any longer. let's get back to the car." he lets edgeworth lead the way back to his car—new since phoenix last saw it during state v. skye—and climbs back into the passenger seat, rattling off his address. it's a wonder he can even remember it in his current state.
it only gets darker as they head back through the city and by the time they make it to phoenix's apartment it's well into the night, not a hint of sun left in the sky. the car idles in the parking lot. neither make a move to leave or encourage the other to do so.
"so are you back living here?" phoenix finally gathers the strength to say. he means is he back residing within l.a. but the way it comes out almost sounds like he's asking if edgeworth is really, truly back from the dead and not just a spirit. "in l.a. i mean, not here obviously," he clarifies, as though there were any confusion whether or not edgeworth lived with phoenix. haha, very funny.
there's a slight squeak of leather as the man's hand shifts on the steering wheel, uncomfortable but not angry. "ah, i've only been back for a few days. i'm in a hotel, currently, but yes, i intend to find a new apartment."
"gotcha," phoenix says with an absent nod, chewing the inside of his mouth. "hey, um. i'm sorry about what i said, about… about you staying dead."
"wright, don't," edgeworth scoffs. "it's too late to take back words we've regretted, if anyone knows that it's me. don't waste your breath."
an exasperated laugh bursts out of the defense attorney. "okay great, because i'm not actually sorry."
edgeworth huffs at that with a slight shake of his head.
"but… do you want to come in for a beer or something? because this has been the longest day of my life and i'm sure even underneath that perfectly logical, stoic exterior, you can agree it's been exhausting." phoenix raises an eyebrow.
"a beer? tch." edgeworth's lip curls in distaste at the idea.
"what, not a beer drinker? i don't keep much in the way of wine or anything but i might have some whiskey," he offers instead.
edgeworth tilts his head, considering the offer with a slow blink. "i'm not sure you can afford my tastes, wright, but i'm intrigued." he unbuckles his seatbelt, indicating he's taken phoenix up on it.
"great." phoenix climbs out of the car and leads the way into his apartment building. he lives on the second floor, and they take the stairs up. it's faster, and he's not going to ask the man to take an elevator. it might have been a year, but he hasn't forgotten everything.
"sorry about the mess," he apologizes as he unlocks his front door. the last few days have been so long—he's been sleeping in his office and almost forgot about how much of a disaster his apartment is. he haphazardly tries to clean up before edgeworth can take in too much of the surroundings, scooping up dishes to bring to the kitchen and stuffing trash in the bin and kicking dirty laundry out of the way.
edgeworth is busy removing his shoes at the door and he manages to get the place looking a little less gross by the time he's done, then stops to take off his own shoes and jacket. he heads into the kitchen to see what he's got as far as alcohol, searching through his cabinets until he finds the bottle of whiskey he promised.
"how do you take it?" he asks.
"neat," comes the reply, edgeworth having followed him into the kitchen. he waits as phoenix pours them each a glass, then takes the bottle himself to inspect it. his eyebrows go up. "perhaps you've come into some fortune in my absence."
staring down into his rocks glass, phoenix tries to give a smile. it comes off weak. "if only. i inherited mia's liquor collection. went through most of it between you choosing death and now, if i'm honest."
adjusting his glass on the counter, edgeworth frowns down into his own drink. "ah. i see. ms. fey had good tastes, then?"
"i think she was gifted a lot of it, i'm honestly not sure." he lifts his glass to his lips, taking a deep swig. it burns on the way down. "sometimes i wonder… if i even knew her that well. if i'm doing any of this right. if she'd be proud of me. after a case like today, i'm not so sure."
"you saved her sister," edgeworth points out, palming his own glass and drinking from it absently. "i imagine that would mean a fair amount to her."
"yeah, i guess so. but i almost pinned a murder on an innocent woman. just feel like i should have figured out it was engarde a lot sooner, you know?" phoenix stands up straight, the tension awkward, and downs the rest of his glass in one go so he can pour himself another.
"i can see your point, though i believe you’re being a bit harsh on yourself. anyone under those circumstances would have struggled. i certainly fared no better, and i wasn’t the one whose loved ones were being held hostage for the majority of that case.” the words are mumbled thoughtfully over the rim of his glass before he takes another drink.
“why are you being so nice to me?”
his question obviously catches edgeworth by surprise, and the man finishes his whiskey before answering. “after hearing you be so honest about what you thought of my absence… i suppose it feels like obligation.”
the thought of any more drinks is immediately abandoned, because in the next moment, phoenix is grabbing edgeworth by that stupid cravat and pulling him close and smashing his mouth against his.
there’s a noise of protest, an initial objection, from edgeworth that seems to be more out of shock than anything, and then edgeworth’s arms are around his waist, crushing him close; he’s kissing phoenix back and he tastes like the whiskey they’ve been drinking and mint—toothpaste? breathmints? something else?—and phoenix sighs almost angrily against his mouth, furious he could have had this so much sooner if not for everything that had happened.
except that then edgeworth stops kissing him, to ask “wright, should i be doing this? surely you’re not drunk after a drink and a half.”
“i’m sober. kiss me, you son of a bitch.”
“it’s a bit rude to speak so poorly of the dead, you know,” he huffs in jest.
“good thing you’re not really dead.” phoenix’s hands fist in his hair as he tugs him back in for another kiss, and it’s all tongue and teeth and desperation, wanton for more.
before either of them knows what has happened, they’re standing in phoenix’s bedroom next to his bed. neither of them is particularly good at kissing and it doesn’t matter, because they’re kissing like it’s the last thing they’ll ever do and it’s driving phoenix insane.
unfortunately, edgeworth seems reluctant to do anything more than that. phoenix keeps trying to move things along—attempting to kiss down his throat, to bite him, to grab at his ass or unbutton his waistcoat—and edgeworth keeps grabbing at his wrists, moving them back to more appropriate places, kissing him like he wants to savor it rather than do anything else.
“just fuck me already,” phoenix finally groans, drinking in the way edgeworth laughs in response. when was the last time he even heard him laugh? not just a condescending chuckle from the other side of the courtroom, but actually laugh like he does now? when they were nine?
his back hits the bed as edgeworth shoves him away roughly. “fine. i’ll give you what it is you’re so desperate for.” he watches as the prosecutor tugs open his nightstand to survey the contents, and apparently finds what he expected to, retrieving the box of condoms from within and setting it atop the surface. “but i’m not doing this without some sort of safe word in place. it’s clear you’re not in a state to be taken at your word.”
“stoplight system,” phoenix replies, without hesitation.
that earns him a raised eyebrow, and for a moment it seems like he might be rejected, but eventually, edgeworth shrugs a shoulder and nods. “i’m familiar. that’s acceptable, can i trust you to actually use it?”
“funny of you to be asking me about trust right now.”
“wright.” there’s an obvious warning tone in his voice. “yeah. yes, i will use it correctly. green means go, red means stop, don’t stop unless i actually say that.”
there’s a hunger underlining edgeworth’s voice when he next speaks that makes all of phoenix’s skin prickle with desire. “alright. get on with it, then. tell me what you want.”
“god, thank you,” phoenix breathes. he sits up and grabs edgeworth by his belt, yanking him forward so he can undo it. “just want you to hold me down, make me take it.”
edgeworth blows out a long breath, but phoenix doesn’t look up, single-minded in his task now as he moves to unbutton the man’s slacks. the zip comes undone with relative ease, but the prosecutor’s shirt is long and held down by stays, partially blocking access to what he wants. it’s dark, and he’s a little drunk, and undoing the smaller buttons here is a bit harder, so he fumbles around with them as he talks. “you know. give it to me hard, don’t hold back, no matter what i say.”
edgeworth sheds his jacket and waistcoat and works his cravat free, discarding them on the side of phoenix’s bed before loosening the buttons of his shirt sleeves to roll them up. like this, phoenix can see the light hair that peppers his arms, usually hidden by clothes or distance across the courtroom or the fact that he thought the man was dead for a year. “is that how you normally prefer it?”
opting not to answer that, phoenix finishes unbuttoning the bottom of edgeworth’s shirt, giving him access to his boxer-briefs beneath. his fingers hook into the waistband and stretch it away from his skin, freeing the arousal steadily growing within and shoving them down as far as he can with the stays still hooked around his thighs.
he leans forward, gently cupping edgeworth's cock in one hand as he trails his lips down the side of it. the skin is so soft under his touch, but he doesn't get even a second to enjoy it; immediately, there's a hand in his hair, forcing his head back and away. he grimaces, baring his incisors but flooding with heat at the simple movement.
"someone's a bit overeager," edgeworth admonishes.
"yeah, well, when you've spent a year fantasizing about something you're positive you'll never get…" he steals a glance up at edgeworth's face, his chest starting to heave even though they haven't even started yet.
the man clenches his jaw, like the reminder hurts, but he feigns it away with a roll of his eyes. it doesn't fool phoenix, but he doesn't call it out. again, phoenix is pushed back to the bed like it's effortless, and edgeworth moves back to the nightstand to retrieve a condom from the box.
phoenix takes the opportunity to undo his own belt and slacks, shimmying them down along with his boxers around his hips. his thighs and hair are already slick with moisture, his dick swollen and begging to be touched.
he doesn't want to bother with the effort of fully undressing, so instead he rolls over while edgeworth applies the condom, ending up bent over the edge of his bed, ready and waiting.
he hears edgeworth spit into his hand, stroke it along his length then feels that hand on him for a brief, thrilling second, but he's already sopping wet, so it's unnecessary.
phoenix scrambles up the bed a little further but before he can really get anywhere, there’s a strong hand on his hip as the body behind him thrusts forward against him. with that one, swift movement, edgeworth is inside him, and he cries out, writhing against the sheets and trying not to just melt into uselessness.
a hand comes down against his shoulder, holding him down just like he'd asked for, but edgeworth leans in close and the other snakes over his mouth, preventing him from further cries as each snap of his hips makes phoenix want to scream. "is this what you wanted?" the man breathes hot and low in his ear.
he can only nod desperately, tears catching in his lashes as that cock rams into his g-spot and makes him quiver.
edgeworth doesn't stop. each thrust comes unbelievably hard, a loud slap of skin echoing through the room, but there's a pause between each one, and phoenix is grateful for that because otherwise he doesn't know how he would breathe. beads of sweat are already forming on the back of his neck, rolling down under the collar of his shirt. he quiets down, just panting against edgeworth’s palm, tasting the salt of his flesh, pushing back into each stroke and closing his eyes to bask in the feeling of him, to know it’s edgeworth pinning him down and spearing him open.
he's slick and needy and hasn't been so close to satisfied in what feels like forever.
he rocks his hips forward instinctively, trying to get friction on his own dick against the bed, but failing. edgeworth huffs out a condescending laugh in his ear. "not enough still? what are you, wright, a dog? must you hump something just to get off?"
phoenix whines at the suggestion but nods again against edgeworth's hand.
"yes?" he sounds mildly surprised, but not put-off. "alright." he straightens for a minute, pulling phoenix up so he can slide a folded pillow between the man's legs—phoenix's head is spinning and he lets himself be maneuvered bonelessly—before pushing him back down into the position they'd been in.
"are you sure this is how you want it, though, wright?" he asks in his ear again as they return to that pace of steady slams. "I'm happy to fuck you as hard as you'd like, but i had something a little different in mind." he slows down further, the thrusts turning into a sensual grind, no longer ramming into him with each one.
a sob leaks out of phoenix and he ruts against the pillow, mumbling against edgeworth's hand. his mouth is freed so he can speak. "please," he gasps. "tell me you're here to stay. that you won't leave again."
an anguished sound chokes out of the prosecutor. "i am not going anywhere, phoenix," he says after a moment of hesitation. there’s an edge to his voice, hurt but on the verge of something almost tender, and phoenix easily needs more.
"just need to feel it. need you to show me you're not going anywhere," phoenix begs. “just prove it to me, fuck me like you mean it.”
"oh, darling, i'm not leaving you." the term of endearment seems to slip out of edgeworth like it’s an accident, but he doesn’t take it back, and it feels like it stabs right through phoenix’s back and pins him to the mattress as much as the man himself is doing physically. edgeworth's hands reposition themselves to the bed on each side of his shoulders for more leverage and his cock grinds deeper into phoenix, forcing a strangled moan out of him. "i'm here to stay, and i'll prove it to you just like this whenever you'd like. that's it, open up for me, i want to hear you."
phoenix doesn't try to hold back his sounds anymore, more moans and whimpers and sobs escaping him in escalating volume as edgeworth fucks him and as he humps against the pillow. edgeworth has picked up the pace again, strokes coming faster, and phoenix's brain is dissolving into a puddle.
"harder, please," he whines.
"i'll give you harder, darling, but i want you to come first. you're doing so well," edgeworth murmurs, leaning down to kiss the top of his ear. "i know you can do it. it feels good, doesn't it? to grind on your pillow? be a good boy and come for me, phoenix."
a harsher sob is ripped from his chest. his hips roll against it more desperately even as edgeworth doesn't stop pounding into him. "i'm so close," he whispers shakily.
"i know," edgeworth reassures, lowering himself to further press into phoenix, more grinding into him again which just forces him more into the pillow. "does this help? if i drive you into it?"
"yes, yes, oh, miles…"
"come for me, phoenix, then i'll give you that hard, unrelenting fuck you want, to prove i'm not going anywhere. come on. come for me."
and phoenix does, rocking forward against the pillow one last time and causing his orgasm to explode through him. he clenches around miles and his cock twitches with each pulse and miles is still rolling his hips, forcing him into the pillow, and he can't come down, and he's fully crying.
"good boy," he hears from edgeworth, and the praise is music he never imagined he'd hear. "are you ready for more?"
he hasn't even stopped coming yet, he's not ready for more, but god does he want it anyway. "no," he offers unhelpfully.
"no? color, wright."
"green," phoenix spits, a string of saliva connecting his mouth to the bed where he was accidentally drooling against his comforter.
"good, so let me ask again. are you ready for more?"
having no intention of changing his answer, phoenix repeats himself. "no. it's too much."
he can almost hear the smirk in edgeworth's voice, and is glad they're both on the same page. "and you think i have any intention of stopping simply because it’s too much? how quaint. you can handle more."
another hard slam of his hips has phoenix shaking, pressing his face back into the softness of his comforter to muffle a yelp, but as quickly as it was given, it’s taken away as edgeworth pulls out.
“roll over, wright. i want to see the moment you break,” he’s commanded, and phoenix doesn’t make any rush of moving to do so. edgeworth grabs his shoulder and pulls, rolling him over anyway. hands grab his slacks and yank, and phoenix kicks to at least help get them off, along with his boxers.
arms hook under his knees and in an instant edgeworth is back inside him, making phoenix’s back arch against the mattress. the pillow is still under him, but now it's providing support, and edgeworth is still hitting all the right spots, and he blearily opens his eyes to find the man looking down at him.
the way edgeworth looks at him is almost reverent, quicksilver eyes soft but dilated with pleasure, hair disheveled and hanging in his face, sweat beading on his forehead. it's different from how phoenix imagined it might be, when he thought he was dead. then, he hadn't known this edgeworth so desperately trying to redeem himself. he'd only known the angry, spiteful one, full of loathing for everyone and everything, especially himself and especially phoenix. he'd thought his eyes would be hardened, creased between the eyebrows, a permanent scowl fixed upon his face. he can see a slight divot between his eyebrows, but it looks more in concentration, and there's no scowl.
"miles," he breathes, just a whisper on his breath. he's struggling to even catch it with the force he's being fucked with, knocking the air out of his lungs, but he gulps down another breath and tries again. "m-miles. take off the condom."
a dry laugh huffs out of edgeworth and he hesitates. "are you delusional?"
"i promise it's safe. please…" he's crying again and he hates that he's crying again but he can't stop the tears from leaking down his cheeks. "please. i need you to prove you're not going anywhere. need you to fill me up and make me yours."
again, edgeworth blows out an affected breath, this time much more obviously struggling with the decision. "you're sure?"
"yes, i'm giving you the green light, please, god," he pleads.
"fuck, phoenix." in an instant, he pulls out again, looking down as he uses one hand to attempt to take off the condom. it takes a minute to get it off, but eventually he does, and it gets tossed in the trash beneath the nightstand before the man drives back into phoenix's hot cunt, filling him now with no barrier between them.
there's no way to prevent the flood of tears now, no longer just a trickle but practically a waterfall. he pushes edgeworth's arms away from under his knees to adjust, instead hooking his legs around the man's waist like he can draw him in deeper if he tries hard enough, like he can just pull edgeworth into his body and keep him there forever.
for edgeworth's part, at least, he grips a hand under phoenix's thigh and with a slight grunt helps shift them up onto the bed properly, and then they're chest-to-chest and the prosecutor is kissing down his jawline, tongue delving out to lick up the salt of his tears and god, phoenix is so overwhelmed.
"how long have you been dreaming about this, wright?" that deep, sultry voice mumbles right against his ear.
phoenix answers honestly, and he's not just crying from the overwhelming amount of pleasure anymore. now he's ugly crying, and it's embarrassing, and his hands find the front of edgeworth's shirt and twist in it, holding on to it like a lifeline. "a long time but—but i thought you were dead," he chokes out. he can feel alarm crackle through edgeworth like ice underfoot, but it's too late, they've already plunged through. "i th-thought you were fucking dead, that i'd missed my chance—"
his words are muffled by a kiss, one that's just as desperate and hungry as phoenix feels. he half-sobs, half-moans into it, clumsily attempting to reciprocate as best he can.
"i know. i'm so sorry, phoenix," edgeworth hisses against his mouth when they part for air. his movements have slowed, this thrusts languid but striking deep, and phoenix just encourages him, heels pressing against his ass with each inward stroke. "shh, you're alright. i'm not going anywhere." the words sound like a promise.
another pathetic mewl bleeds out of phoenix, energy sapped from him at the apology. his legs fall from around edgeworth's hips, coming to rest on the bed, because he can't hold them up anymore, and it just spreads him wider, lets the man fuck him deeper. he sniffles and presses his face into edgeworth's shoulder to hide his tear-strewn face.
"there you go, darling. relax. i'll give you what you need. you're being so good for me." edgeworth's breathing is labored and phoenix can feel sweat through the man's shirt.
his hands let go of the front to wrap around his back, crush him closer. it's too slow, too intimate, it's not what he asked for or wanted, but somehow it is what he needed.
the rhythm of edgeworth's thrusts start to falter and suddenly there's a hand on phoenix's jaw, turning his face towards his. "look at me."
phoenix does. the expression on edgeworth's face is so hard to read, but it seems almost close to adoration, or maybe obsession, and a shiver runs down phoenix's spine.
"i'm here, phoenix. because of you."
those six words are phoenix's undoing. his hands claw for purchase against edgeworth's back, fingertips catching in the folds of his shirt as his whole body tenses, pleasure slamming into him like a fucking freight train and forcing an orgasm out of him unlike any other. he feels edgeworth jolt against him and knows the man is coming too, leaving that tangible evidence that he's here, he's alive, he's alive he's alive he's alive, i'm alive.
for the first time since prosecutor miles edgeworth chose death, phoenix wright feels alive.
spent and exhausted, phoenix can't even complain when edgeworth collapses atop him. instead, he hugs him close, albeit weakly, eyes falling shut and just cradling the man against him, reluctant to let him pull out or leave just yet.
when they finally do part god knows how long later, no words are exchanged. edgeworth painstakingly withdraws from inside phoenix with a grimace, then helps him clean up in silence. he doesn't say anything as he removes the rest of his clothing, leaving phoenix to extract the implications from that action himself and disrobe as well, tossing the rest of his clothes to the floor.
they climb back into bed and phoenix finds himself hesitating to get closer until edgeworth draws him in himself, an arm sliding around him possessively.
before phoenix can drift off, he clears his throat and asks hoarsely, "should we… talk about what just happened?"
edgeworth dismisses it with a half-hearted shrug. "if you'd like. in the morning, perhaps?"
fear grips phoenix immediately and he swallows, looking up at the man. "will you still be here? in the morning?"
a long, tired sigh hisses out of edgeworth's chest. "i may have nightmares still, and may not be in bed when you awake. but yes. i will be here, in the morning."
"you promise?"
edgeworth searches his face for understanding. he doesn't seem the type to promise things, and perhaps that's why the response is delayed, but after a long moment, he nods slowly. "i promise."
phoenix buries his face against his chest, and in a few minutes, he's asleep.
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Aro Volturi N.S.F.W Alphabet
Info on Reader: Reader is an Elemental Gift user like Benjamin
CW/TW: a SLIGHT MENTION of assault but NO DETAIL AT ALL (as a SA survivor I do not use this lightly but I do like representation and not having the survivor be that cliche broken doll we end abusers here thank you)
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How you two met:
You…..oh you. You’re standing with the Cullens wondering how the FUCK you got here.
Why am I here? What’s with this tiny little kid who can touch me and tell me things. Awe but she’s cute.
You’re just a bored Vampire who knows Carlisle and is Esme’s BFF.
You’re a nomad, and a badass one, see your gift is the Elements like Benjamin, it’s why Amun has his eye on you and is freaked out.
You and Benji are buddies now. Benjamin specializes in Earth and Water. You specialize in Fire and Air.
So now, here you are watching a bunch of cloaked baddies stomping towards you. But Carlisle and you have spoken frequently, the Volturi aren’t bad.
However, they are cautious.
And caution bred by fear is something you know to be wary of.
So you keep yourself a bit behind Carly. Waiting and watching.
The leader— that must be Aro you think, flings his hood back and suddenly you feel your entire chest clench up and a yank within yourself towards him. “Oh what the fuck.” You growl. Glancing UP at the Old Gods you couldn’t help but snap at them “ARE YOU ALL KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW?! HIM?!”
The platinum haired man barked angrily, “who dares?!”
Aro is too busy glancing at his brother Marcus who’s smiling. He nods at Aro and huffs a bit of a sigh.
The raven haired man turns ever so slowly, casting his red gaze over the crowd and it falls to Carlisle. “Carly.”
“Who is that behind you.” Aro can feel his chest hurt like a chain is being pulled.
Carlisle looks confused and glances behind him where you are shaking your head face palming—looking embarrassed.
Edward and Bella are utterly confused, before Edward listens to Aro’s and your thoughts and gets a look of disgust, “REALLY.” He barks.
The entire field is utterly still as you’re heaving, standing on your tip toes in front of the bronze haired vampire pointing at Edwards cringing face, “but it’s—“ he starts, you let out a growl and sparks fly off you.
Edward shuts up.
“I will light your ass on fire.” You whisper hiss.
The Volturi are just tilting their heads like WTF.
Marcus is trying not to laugh, Caius has just become stunned glancing between his brother and the woman across the battlefield.
Aro is getting GIDDY.
“And who is the girl.” He asks.
You turn, your hips swinging with attitude and your arms crossing as you scoff. “Psh, get a load of this Mother fucker,” you whisper to yourself glaring across the expanse of space. “HEY. I have a name.”
His First Impression:
Of course my mate swears like a sailor.
Is Aro’s first thought.
His next thought is that you’re awful adorable. Awe so lithe and cute and— Much too … hm, much too adorable to be mine I would think how In the —a violent wind kicks up and flames burst out from your body enveloping your form as you take a few steps forward.
Ah there it is.
“You wanna ask me my name— darling.” You smile wide at him.
“Of course,” his purr is laced with annoyance, but he’s far too intrigued. “Who might you be?”
“I’m y/n. No last name, my parents were assholes.” You shrug. “So, we doing this trial or we figuring the whole—“ you wave your hand between the gaping maw of land between you two, “bond thing.”
Aro pauses, a twitch on his lips, “after the proceedings cara mia.”
“Ooo… love me a man that speaks Italian—” You smirk, raising a brow and cock your head to the side.
Aro makes a stifled choked off growl as his eyes go black— thank God he lost the ability to blush as arousal slammed into him like a freight train.
You’re obviously annoyed, and have as Caius mutters ‘more balls than a Christmas tree’ and you are ready for this trial to be over.
Frankly so is Aro he wants to drag you back to Volterra and bring you to heel.
Not that he thinks that’s going to happen.
But he loves playing with fire. And you’re full of it.
He watches you glance at the Cullens and the half-breed. “Alright Nessie come on let’s show him what you can do kiddo.” You scoop the girl up and you and the Cullens walk over with Jake behind you.
When does he know of his feelings?
When within reaching distance you set Renessme down and pat her head, “okay tiny Loch Ness, say hello.”
Bella is panicking, but she trusts you it seems, she better, you have no qualms frying— sans mate— every vampire here. They do their little song and dance. Aro tries to talk about the danger and you feel your temper boil over.
“Darling.” You croon taking a step forward with a sharp but soft smile.
You remind him of a lioness, purring softly but ready to tear into him with one movement.
He raises a brow; you are in 6 inch heels putting you nose to nose with him. “Yes carissima?” He breathes deep and nearly groans out loud, you smell so good, like spring and a heady feminine scent like perfume edged in lilacs and lavender.
“Could you pretty pretty pretty please just keep an eye on little Nessie— I hate to tell you but she’s quite important to me and I can assure you she fits in with humans better than the Cullens do.”
“And if I don’t.”
You let flames dance in your gaze. “I’ll roast everyone here except your brothers and their mates and make you start the fuck over without me.”
Aro’s done.
Cupid has struck him in his dead heart.
He’s never been more terrified or aroused or enraged at once at your dulcet threat purred from such sweet lips.
He wants to grip you by your hair to him, pick you up and haul you to somewhere private and teach you a lesson.
He wants to fight you. And it’s quite clear you’re ready to rumble, though he’s not sure you’d let him win. Or that it wouldn’t end up tangling in a bed somewhere on fire. That’s fine too.
A manic grin spreads across his face, eyes going pitch black as he snatches you up by the waist and hauls you closer loving the startled look in your eyes settling into something dark and wanting. “And if I agree?”
The brothers roll their eyes.
Go figure you’d be as bat shit as he is.
“I’ll leave with you right now.” You give him THAT look matching his almost mad grin.
A low purr echos from him making Bella clap her hands over Nessie’s ears. “Una ragazza così meravigliosa, credo che mi piaccia come funziona la tua mente.” Such a wonderful girl, I think I like how your mind works.
But your plans to drag your mate off end as Alice shows up with her witness right when he’s about to whisk you off for some obvious adult time.
Both of you sigh put out and exasperated.
Yes you just about ended an entire potential threat with batting pretty eyes and coaxing the leader of the Volturi into some fun.
But now that’s ruined because of the psychic. Alice is looking rather embarrassed as the proceedings go. Given that she probably saw how everything was about to go down.
Aro can sense you’re as annoyed as he is, that and you’re not leaving his side. And you don’t mind touching him but you’re not because oh yeah he needs to focus. But oh he can see your hand twitching towards his own.
He can easily turn his gift off and so he does and grips your hand, quickly jerking you to his side.
Electricity lights along your skin at the contact and both of you jolt a moment and glance sideways looking amused.
This was going to be fun.
How’d you end up with the Volturi?
Alice and her witnesses ease their concerns about Nessie. Aro placates the Volturi as you linger back behind him a bit. Everyone just poof! Vanishes.
“So ah, can we get my stuff first before you whisk me off around the world?” You ask sweetly.
Aro’s a bit startled, “you wish to leave already?”
You realize he would be willing to stay for a bit and let you acclimate.
“Nah where you go I fucking go, come on baby. Let’s get the fuck outta dodge.” You give him a teasing shove as you walk by making Carlisle’s coven silently shake in mirth at his surprised expression.
Carlisle murmurs, “Good luck Aro.”
“Fuck off Carly.” The King growls back before following you.
That’s all they wrote.
You were in. And you made yourself at home quite easily.
Jane and Alec adore you— you saw them and just SQUEEd. “OMG they’re so DEADLY but so CUTE!”
Jane wasn’t quite sure what to do with you picking her UP and hugging her nuzzling your nose to her cheek, “she’s just a tiny tot of doom I adore it! We’re going to burn the SHIT outta people.”
Alec just sat starry eyed as you ruffled his hair, “I know boys don’t like being picked up.”
Jane had become a koala on you. And you didn’t mind.
Well. You’re Mama now. Aro couldn’t be more pleased as you continue to help develop their skills trying things outside of the box.
See, that’s also a sort of talent you have— you can help people learn how to use their gifts because of how you think. Not a gift per say, but certainly useful.
Jane it turns out can utilize the fire element.
Alec can utilize air.
With you knowing both you’re easily able to teach Alec how to hone his targets and even allow his gift to POP UP near someone rather than from his hands.
Jane is capable of setting shit on fire now.
Aro isn’t sure if he’s proud or worried.
Bit of both. But you are STERN with their use of powers. And when Jane set Felix’s foot on fire she was forced to shine everyone’s shoes in the Volturi in the afternoon and write 200,000 times at HUMAN PACE. “We do not light family on fire.”
She never did it again.
The inner coven loves you. Caius and you are besties Marcus is like a big brother always doting on you. Athenadora and Sulpricia are of course still together as companions, and don’t worry about his ex wife— they were on the rocks she’s ecstatic someone else can keep him in line.
The coven instantly takes to you, in fact you’re now basically Mother to everyone. Scolding, teaching, comforting, you do it all. But you’re also a leader and a ruthless one at that.
A perfect fit Aro thinks.
How’d he deal with his emotions?
You are driving Aro FUCKING CRAZY.
Literally mad.
You know how to push his buttons and you are not one to do as told. So for him, he who has anyone bending to his will to see you just cock a brow at him and laugh “awe.”
He wants to choke you half to death.
You are a Queen. He tells himself. It’s to be expected that you’d challenge him.
Sulpricia finds it HILARIOUS and you two are besties. Fuck that’s all he needs. She is ever so encouraging of your independence.
He often finds himself in Sulpricia’s study pacing rampantly, “what am I going to do with her?”
“You know you like it.” Sully says lounging back on her couch. “If you didn’t you wouldn’t be so utterly ass over tea kettle.”
Aro is not good with his emotions when it comes to jealousy. And he is JEALOUS.
You’re perfect to him, utterly beautiful, you are the sun and he Icarus stupidly flying as high as he can towards you in hopes to reach the light.
You’re also inclined to let him touch you whenever you want to express things without using words— and you’ve learned to let him speak to you telepathically as well.
So often you just sit with your pinkies touching on a couch and have back and forth silently except for the occasional twitch on your lips at a humorous comment.
You’ve managed to make him huff a laugh occasionally.
But he is utterly posessive. He does not like it when men stare too long, admiring is one thing, but nothing escapes Aro.
So when a lower guard had been in trouble for an infraction and when you had disciplined him the utter disrespect for a concubine replacement was across Aro’s mind and…welll—
Guard died.
You had just looked startled and gave a ‘oh well’ kinda shrug before touching ARo’s hand. Feel better baby?
Yes you called him baby in private, so modern, and he would NEVER admit he loved it. Baby, darling, love, honey, the list went on and each one twisted his insides into ribbons of absolute adoration.
You had actually taken to the bond so well Marcus had informed him that it was practically cemented.
His only hang up was himself.
Who does he ask for help?
Didyme is no longer there— his dear sister, a deep sorrow as he was accidentally responsible for her death.
Marcus however is always there to be the voice of reason, and he sits Aro down and listens to his brother spill his guts. Aro is terrified, he is well aware he is THE monster that makes OTHER monsters keep in line.
But for you to look at him like that? He could never bear it. His heart would break.
Marcus sighs, “Aro come here.” He drags his brother to the training grounds.
Where Aro get’s to see his mate literally tear apart the entire guard with blades…. Did his eyes deceive him— were those made from vampire ash and fangs?!
You pause your onslaught, “oh hi darling!” You prance over and smile, “like them? My witch-smith friend made them for me! Fucking bastards kept coming for me after awhile and ya know I just hate the idea of wasting shit.”
Marcus glanced at Aro and gave him a I told you so.
“Everything okay?” You ask looking concerned. You are dragging him along as he partially willingly let’s you take him to his sister’s gardens. “What’s wrong?”
And so, he exhales and does the one thing he’s never done with his gift.
He touches your hand and shows you his own thoughts.
He expects your recoil. Expects you to shun him. Expects your hatred and braces himself for it.
You gasp and when he’s about to drag his hand away and you grip him tighter. “No don’t…let me…” and so you watch— thousands of years of memories over the course of a week or two. Asking silent questions as the images play, getting silent answers in return.
And so, in return, you show him your human life— a life that had been riddled with abusers, torment and lack of love, the iron in your spine that had solidified your creation when you had dragged yourself from an open alley way at dawn into the sewer system after being left to die being drained by a nomad after a brutal assault. You shared with him that it had taken a lot for you to even move after what had happened.
Esme had found you.
And so your friends made sure you were okay even if you didn’t follow their diet.
You both spend time going over your pasts, Aro gently asking questions and you doing the same to answer as best you could.
It was why Rosalie and you got along so well, there were some experiences one could only understand by going through it. And you both had learned how to cope with the trauma you had.
Aro is patient, both of you taking time to feel through each others wounds, taking time to rework into each others personal space.
Marcus is stunned to tell Aro that the bond is nigh unbreakable after this exchange.
The Kings magically -coughs- big brother Marcus loses his shit finding out and Caius leads the search party with Demetri— cough cough— find the nomad and he’s now in a box limb free 15 feet below the dungeon with a tube connecting him to the surface, his tongue removed and he only gets blood once a year. *Jane lit them on fire multiple times to practice her accuracy and aim*
You find out of course, and smile through the dry sobs as all three embrace you like a big protective group hug. For the first time in a very long time, it’s safe.
Truly safe.
What happens when he tells you?
Aro is a man of few words, and honestly not much is needed between you two with the ability to go back and forth with his gift.
So in the middle of a walk in Didyme’s gardens he merely grabs your hand gently and kisses the top of your fingers.
And you’re flooded with his emotions.
The warmth and tenderness and absolute adoration is almost enough to restart your dead heart as venom pools in your eyes. “Aro…”
He loves you, loves you more than his own life, would give anything for you to make you smile.
This isn’t the love that is complacent, to just sit idle and rust away, he wants to chase you for eternity, whatever it takes to keep you at his side.
And you flood him right back— lowering the barriers you had and after a moment he merely leans down and presses his forehead to your own, giving the two of you time to just bask in the warmth of affection that’s swirling back and forth akin to the waves of the tide under the moon and sun at twilight.
First Kiss?
The leaders of Volterra were in the throne room, the Queens having their own thrones behind their husbands but visible carved in different woods to represent their personalities with different intricate features much like the brother’s thrones holding different crowning points but all the same color.
Your own is the same color as Aro’s throne, but mingled with mahogany accents. Ruby red stones slotted at the top with a crescent moon and sun carving emboldened with gold spiked halo.
Caius' mate's throne is a pale color, affixed with branches and beautiful earth like tones, complimenting her grounded nature.
Marcus’ Witch Mate is merely embellished in a ash throne, deep red almost black gems and the symbol for the overall witch and vampire alliance above her throne.
With all three positions of Queen in Volterra taken up by a true mate, it is the most stable the Volturi have been in several millennia.
But that day in particular was rough, there were a few traitors that had been brought forward— and one of them had managed to get loose from Felix as Aro had been gaining information lunging for the King’s throat.
You moved so fast no one even saw you as you streaked forward like a ghost and lobbed the vampire’s head off holding a blade made of vampire teeth expertly with an animalistic snarl.
You had positioned yourself in front of Aro, crouched, blade poised and your eyes wide and wild, teeth flashing with a dangerous snarl.
Marcus’ witch had already shielded Aro but paused when she saw how enraged you were. Athena and Sulpricia had faltered, Caius looked utterly proud.
You spun round, dropping your blade— knowing Felix and the others had everything in hand as Aro had reached for you, the two of you locked in an embrace, his hands holding your face still as your own hands grasped his wrists. Foreheads pressed together—
The coven was used to this, a private conversation but you could feel the utter terror that had gone through him when he saw you out of the corner of his eye. If anything had happened to you—he was almost angry at you.
But he could easily sense the rage that had consumed you at the thought of someone hurting him. Despite knowing the guard and Jane would Never allow it, your instincts had taken over.
No one would ever take from you again.
And you had been frightened.
Behind that rage when he got past it was utter fear that he’d be gone and you’d be all alone again all the tender memories would be the last you’d have of him as you gave a dry sob before the venom dropped from your eyes— a true show of vampiric emotion that was a rarity.
“Carissima, no. I’ll not leave you that easily.” He murmured and not giving a flying fuck about anyone in the room kissed you full on the mouth gathering you up in a tight embrace.
“I’m sorry,” you whispered half broken against his mouth. “I’m sorry-“
“I know I know, shhh cara mia shhh,” gathering you up he merely flitted out of the room leaving the others to deal with the issue.
Tons of snuggles. He had bundled you up to him in his private rooms and merely kept your hands together enjoying the shared emotions knowing the other was close and safe.
Aro knew exactly how to calm you, he merely showed you all his favorite memories, of the coven, of his travels, the antics his brother’s got up to. He replayed the moment he first saw you.
That always made you laugh of course she swears like a sailor.
First Time?
It’s in an elevator.
Okay so here’s the thing. The Volturi have these massive events, and your official coronation happens at one of these.
Aro is so proud.
And so fucking jealous as you are danced across the floor with other vampires— who are oh so respectful and as they should be as Aro watches from the upper floor like an angel of death.
You look stunning, your smile lighting up the entire ballroom, friends from near and far are there— even then Cullens— God bless Carly he even had animal blood brought for him.
You’re dancing around with Nessie laughing and watching the girl child giggle like a fiend before handing her off to the Shifter Aro hated the smell but it was what it was.
Over the course of the evening he was getting awful tired of sharing you. And as the evening wound down to an end you both were just going to take the elevator back up to the private rooms as the Ballroom was on the top floor of Volterra.
The energy crackled in the small space and you both glanced at one another. It was like a short fuse had been lit on a stick of dynamite.
We’re so not doing this in an elevator are we?
You didn’t realize you had said it out loud even as you both gravitated towards one another and his hands tangled into your hair sending gold pins flying to the ground as his mouth found yours and you let out a deep moan as his tongue swiped your lips before you happily opened them.
“We’re going to be patient. Cara mia. ” He said sternly more to himself than you— then groaned when your teeth tugged gently on his bottom lip knowing it drove him crazy. “Sarai la mia morte. Sulla mia tomba scriveranno 'ha giocato con il fuoco ed è perito felicemente’” his voice became heated as his hands moved over your form, “non mi importa più, vieni da me mia fiamma, brucia con me.” You will be my death. On my grave they will write 'he played with fire and perished happily'. I don't care anymore, come to me my flame, burn with me.
His hands were gripping your backside and hauling you up, pressing himself firmly between your thighs before grinding against you. But when his teeth scraped your neck your brain shorted out—
“Oh for gods sake Aro just fuck me already—” your hands were scrabbling at his waist coat and shirt pleased how easily the buttons pinged off the walls of the elevator.
Your mate let out a pleased noise, one that was utterly inhuman when your hands tangled into his raven locks and knocked the golden V pin to the floor allowing the ocean and pomegranate scent of his to curtain you from the world as he bent his head down and kissed you as if it were the last thing he would get to do just then. Right before he smacked his hand against the emergency stop button jolting the ride to the private floor still.
If you thought his kisses were something to be swooning over— because he always knew what you needed.
Well his gift extends to much and he is in tune with it.
Your mind is his favorite place to be, and he brutally uses what he knows to his advantage as his fingers skim up your legs flinging your skirt over your thighs to teasingly grind himself against you till you’re almost clawing at him half feral.
“My pretty little mate—“ he croons at you, “you looked so beautiful cara mia,” kissing down your throat before biting marks into your flesh licking them before continuing on as his teeth jerk the fabric of your bodice and sleeves off not even bothering with his hands. “E tu sei tutto mio, cazzo.” And you’re all fucking mine.
You were busy molding your hands against his form, loving how it was just ratcheting up his half mad with desire motions, twitchy, greedy, desperate to touch, “What was it you joked about that one time?” He was referring to a memory with your best friends over drinks.
You gulped and shivered a bit. “I believe I said sometimes a girl just wants to ahem— get slammed to a wall and fucked stupid?”
He smirked as his hands tore fabric off you letting his fingers to glide along your skin, allowing your own to do the same and showing you know exactly what he liked through the bond of touch.
If you’d been human the air would have left your lungs as he pressed his body tight to your own, pinning you in place letting you feel what you did to him, the hard length of his cock pressed into your belly. “What do you say we take care of that, hm?”
You’re speaking in tongues before he even takes you fully, and roughly, there’s no slow tender love making and frankly you’re just glad for it.
His wild smile sliding into a predatory proud smirk when you’re just a mess; whining at him, begging, pleading, twitching against him and oh you’re just so pretty when at his mercy.
He literally has the tongue of the devil.
“Did I finally break you little one?” He croons despite his rough movements sending you into another shockwave of bliss as your nails make claw marks in the wall.
Fuck he had— you’ll do anything if he’ll just continue.
Your submission is like a drug, he’s mad on it, hands digging against you, making small fissures of cracks along your hips that make you groan gleeful as you push closer for more of his touches.
“That’s right bambi, give me everything.”
That’s all you hear before he’s fucking you into the wall of the elevator, sinking his teeth into your shoulder and neck just to relish in the pain and pleasure filled noises that escape from you as you beg for more, more, just please give more it’s all you want.
“My good bambi.” He growls as he begins it all over again, rumbling in your ear as your try to escape the onslaught of sensations— but happy you can’t as his grip has you immovable. “You’re not escaping me just yet.”
You’re both a mess, not that either of you care. Adjusting yourselves as best you can—
You’re lucky his private rooms are close and he simply carries you and flits you both into his rooms; you both end up continuing what was started.
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
He is a touch telepath, he knows exactly what you need.
But he also surprises you with what you didn’t even know you needed.
Snuggles, so many snuggles— Aro is not a tactile person— but with you?
Forget it.
He’s practically melting into your form and trying to fuse himself to you.
Massages, nuzzling your hair, biting.
Lots of biting— but not hard bites, love bites. Pressing his teeth to your skin to leave little imprints that he just can’t get over. You always poke fun at him for it.
Plus let’s face it.
Bite = Love.
He and Caius are on one mind with that.
He also took a note from Marcus and you both enjoy the heat of the baths together after a particularly long rough romp.
Which turns into a bath romp.
Because ahem *REASONS*
“I’m King I don’t need a reason to have you— now come here.” He’ll huff imperiously when you giggle at him as he drags you close into his embrace kissing you.
Okay he lies.
You looked too pretty in the bath.
Aro can’t help himself. That’s the reason.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He is SHOOK when you tell him your favorite thing about him is his hands. You never feel misunderstood.
Even in the rare fights you simply huff and reach out to him, wiggling your fingers with a pleading glance; or if he won’t take your hand you’ll walk over sit in his lap and headbutt your forehead to his like an angry cat.
But usually Aro will take your hand and you both have a deep understanding of where you’re both coming from.
After a few moments it’s settled.
You kiss his hands, he knows you love how he plays you like a finely tuned instrument when alone.
Love when he delves his fingers into your hair and cradles you close even if you’re in the throne room— he’s the fucking king he can do what he likes damn it.
But Aro is startled by this— everyone hates touching him even though he can control his gift, they seem to think that— aside from his brothers and sister in laws— that he just loves to dive into people’s minds for funsies.
No it’s awful. Plain awful. He can barely stand his own mind why would he want to traverse someone else’s?
But that brings us to what he likes about you— he LOVES your head space. When he’s stressed it’s his favorite place to be because you have a vivid imagination, as a writer as well you show him stories you’ve thought of and worlds you’ve created with vivid detail. He finds it quite amusing to use watch your thoughts too on a daily, you like it simply because he’s close.
But aside from that it’s you.
Just You.
Just ALL of you.
He can’t pick don’t make the man pick, he would just keep you near him for eternity which you seem to have no issues with.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically…I am a disgusting person…)
He is quite a posessive person.
Two Words:
Breeding Kink
You’re his and his alone, so the idea of ah— claiming you that way just sends him off into the ether.
The fact that you both have a breeding kink and literally can’t have kids is a GREAT thing because you’ve literally sat there a absolute mess after round five and thought out loud as he tenderly cleans you up, “shit thank god we can’t reproduce because I am 100% sure that’d have knocked my ass up—” which has had him shaking in mirth having to pause to control himself after a few moments.
Beg him for it.
Make that whining needy noise in the back of your throat at him for him to finally give you what you need.
He’ll just lose it, pin you by the throat and well— you’ve broken a few beds this way.
He has no shame.
Just glances at the bed, hits speed dial to the furniture store and orders a new one.
His only other favorite thing with C as he soon found out from O (you’ll see) was he adores when you swallow down everything he gives you. That’s got him rumbling in Italian about what a good girl you are and how much you please him.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He’s a MASSIVE Pleasure Dom. And when I say Dom.
With very mild Sadistic tendencies. (Thanks a lot Caius ya pervy fucker)
However he is also a very sincere soft streak when you’re a very good pet.
He picked up pet play from his sadistic brother hearing him call his amore Bunny. One day down the rabbit hole that is Google and he was hooked.
But he calls you Bambi. It’s an Italian term for baby-girl.
It also works because you become like a damn deer in the headlights when he pulls the Dominant voice on you.
It thrums with a low purr and has the capability to just make your brain go wait what?
You had been pissed as shit at him. “I don’t know whether I want to strangle you or fuck you to death!” You paused because you had literally throat pinned him to the wall, the stone crumbling beneath him, feeling the muscles of his neck working as he swallowed nervously.
You were about to let go but saw his eyes had gone totally black and expectant and startled but excited.
He was just as fucking confused as you both calculated in a matter of seconds what had happened.
You were first to catch on. “Oh?….OH...….oooooohhhhhhh ….. you….you son of a….” You sputtered as he got a sly grin, “you can’t just look at me like— you are so ill behaved!!”
He wasn’t far behind and raised a black brow at you looking mischievous, “…..and what are you going to do about it mia regina?”
Next thing he knew he was face planted on his office floor with your boot pressed on his cheek making him groan low. “Gonna make you regret mouthing off to me is what I’m going to do my Aro.”
Edge him. Don’t let him touch you all day till he begs. He loves when you exert your authority especially on him? Oh forget it.
Queen Slay.
Literally you are his Queen and you are the only one who get’s to fucking tell him what to do.
And you ruthlessly do so when he’s in the mood. All you hear is “mia regina?” He’ll croon at you, as your hand comes up and drags him to you by his tie.
“would you like to be of service to me Aro?”
Magic words. He’s done, let him have you and he will literally just focus on your pleasure.
Worship Kink.
You had dropped to your knees at his desk and laid your head in his lap and he almost lost his god damn mind. You purred at him, “il mio maestro”.
Aro .exe has stopped fucking working.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Thanks to the tactile telepathy as well as the fact that he and his brothers have slept their way through history, Aro is a very mixed lover.
When I say greedy as a lover, he wants your pleasure for himself. And will literally drive you to it till you’re sobbing for mercy.
He has none.
But he does take pity on you when he knows you’re truly at your limit with touch.
You weren’t inexperienced but his own experience blew yours out of the damn water. Can literally have you on the edge in mere minuets. And is SMUG about it.
Fucking smug bastard just watching you with that smirk on his face and a ‘well?’ Kinda expression.
You have to beg if you want it.
You have to plead, you have to let him hear you or he’ll just keep going and I quote ‘hmmm I can’t hear you cara mia, you’re being so quiet you know that makes me want to fuck you harder, come now, let me hear you— don’t make me have to drag it from you baby girl. You know I love to hear your sweet sounds.”
Could probably kill you if you weren’t already dead with what he can do with his hands.
His tongue is even better.
When asked which you preferred you had just panted desperately after a hard orgasm, “any. All. Both. God just…holy fuck.”
He cracked up over that. “My poor baby I broke her.”
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Loves having you in his lap.
Prefers to see your face and eyes, seems to need it.
But occasionally he just loves gripping your neck from behind and feeling you gasp against his grip as he slams into you roughly.
Adores anything that has you clinging onto him for dear life.
Likes being in a position to mark you. Favorite thing ever.
You had once tested his patience (willfully hoping for this outcome) a bit too much and he had pinned you completely immobile to the desk of his office and fucked you within an inch of your immortal life gagging you with his black tie.
“you just have to test me don’t you mia regina?” He had growled in your ear leaning over you, his hand crunching the ornate wood to splinters as you keened and whined for him to keep going. “Such a ill behaved thing you are, should just keep you here like this for when I please hm?”
He was not joking, you were kept there quite happily under his desk sitting at his feet your head on his lap waiting and absolutely willing.
He could feel your hands grip his thighs, “quit that I know what you’re trying to do and it’s not going to work—“ his voice teetered off in a guttural growl as he looked down.
You were biting his shirt looking up at him already nudging yourself between his thighs your teeth digging into his trouser zipper and tugging down.
his hands were gripping your hair jerking you up to kiss him deep, a growl against your lips, “Fucking damn it— come here.”
When you can get him to swear which is rare— yeah…
He didn’t exactly sound angry.
But he sure fucked you like he was though.
“This is what you were after hm? You brat!” A harsh laugh as he pinned you down a bit harder, “fine then I should ensure you’re good….and….sated…shouldn’t I bambi?”
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Very sincere.
Teasing but only in a very sexual way.
Borders on humiliation but he respects you too much.
Very serious though when he focuses on you.
He’s focusing on all the sensations you’re sending him, letting you know what he’s feeling as well which just sets you into the damn ether.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
It’s ARO.
The man is vain.
The man is neat.
Clean and pristine.
He’d give a regal huff of annoyance, “I am not a heathen darling.”
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Ohhh you wouldn’t know it but he’s such a god damn romantic.
He is. And he MAKES time for you. The schedules are changed so you have time together more often— something that was never done before.
Operas, romantic walks out in Volterra at night.
Your favorite was your trip to Germany in the winter with a big cozy cottage and a big fire and lots of bedding to ahem— destroy.
Aro has penguin brain.
He brings you small gifts that made him think of you— you have a bracelet that has special charms he had custom made for you, a lochness monster for when you met, a castle obviously for Volterra, a doe, different tiny items that speckled through your life, each one means something— you hardly ever take it off.
You have a collection of very sparkly stones in many jars that he found on his missions.
They are actually gemstones— insert eye roll— they set off pretty prisms through your shared rooms.
“Aren’t you going to make jewelry of them?” Aro asks.
“No darling they are perfect just as they are.” You smile.
Aro actually has the literal voice of a damn angel.
He sings to you in Italian, soft dulcet sweet tones and dances you around your rooms teasing you relentlessly.
Aro writes beautiful poetry. He will at least write one every few months when inspiration comes to him.
You have your own private box at the opera house. As well as being allowed to fund artists across the world, you’ve found incredible talent on broadway and other venues.
Flowers. Aro ensures care for a private greenhouse for you on the roof, each flower has a meaning, and they all bloom year round given the proper temperatures on the greenhouse. “Why would I send you flowers when they die so easily.” He asks kissing your cheek as you smile over the new blooms. “This is everlasting, much more fitting.” He muses.
All his poetry is in a beautiful book Caius got you for your birthday.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Why would he do that when he has you?
He is a patient man.
He can wait.
And he has pristine control over himself.
He is too old for pre-pubescent raging hormone crap.
But he will legit melt for you if you do it for him. Prefers it slow, enjoying your touch and loves to watch as you take instruction.
You’re such a good girl for him.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Aro is a kinky bastard.
MASSIVE Pleasure Dom.
Worship Kink.
Controlling Orgasms *you don’t get to come till he gives permission*
Collaring *your Volturi necklace is LITERALLY on a collar*
Overstimulation. *his gift allows him to know when you’re pushed to hard and when you can take a bit more. When you’re craving that over stimulus, he’ll give it happily. Knowing he can turn you into a babbling speaking in tongues, drooling, eyes rolling back mess just— just— GAH.*
Breeding Kink *Aro has a true breeding kink, ask him to fill you up beg him for it and he’s going to lose his mind.*
Gagging. *he loves to gag you, but also loves being choked by you or you grabbing onto his tie.
Wax Play *you’re a fire elemental user, bringing candles into play is just oh it’s nice. * Prefers to have it done TO him. Your air element gift also allows you to cool the wax quickly and give new sensations.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Aro is private, he prefers somewhere comfortable to take his sweet time with you.
Rooms Private, hotel, somewhere he can just lavish you and enjoy everything you can give him.
He’d rather take the time to find a nice comfy setting.
But every blue moon— he’ll just look at you in that specific dress molding to your thighs.
He will drag you into an alley way and just rail the shit out of you keeping you quiet with a firm grip over your mouth as he hisses the dirtiest things in your ear.
You two once had a quick rendezvous in a changing room at a theatre. -shrug- it was empty oh well.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
“Master?” You bat your eyes at him
His nostrils flare as he breathes in and just knows exactly what you want and you smell so fucking good.
The tone you use.
He knows. You want him. That’s it.
Unless it’s a trial— and DO NOT DO THIS BEFORE TRIAL.
And if you happen to when he takes your hand send him your fantasies after seeing him standing there all regal and watching his mouth form syllables so well and how much better it’ll be with his mouth— ahem— busy somewhere else.
He will be so mad at you.
He’s glaring at you behind a mask of calm and you can feel the fucking tremor in his limbs.
You just bat your eyes innocently at him and smile.
His face: you’re in SO MUCH trouble.
Brat energy??? During Trial?!??! Now is that the time to give brat energy!!???
Oh. Oh. oh you are so in trouble. When he gets done with ripping some poor idiots head off— okay not really they broke the rules— stalks over to you; grabs you by your oh so pretty collar, “come with me bambi.”
And just pulls you along to your rooms with you giggling the whole way and practically prancing behind him like a— well like a doe prancing into a lions den.
He’s tossed you over his shoulder once and just flitted out of the rooms into your private chambers, hurling you onto the bed before ripping into your clothing. “You best be ready for your punishment.”
“Oooohhhhhh absolutly master.”
“that’s my girl.”
The coven just rolls their eyes. Aro is less manic with you there and you surprisingly bring ease to the coven— so ya know what if that’s what does it whatever.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Humiliation. No.
Impact play is one thing, but to intentionally hurt you no.
If he does impact play one hand is always touching you to ensure you’re okay.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Giving? The man has a wicked tongue.
His oral game is LEGIT.
Will have you in a puddle of twitching ecstasy in mere moments of teasing because he knows where to touch and that’s not just his tongue but his hands.
Will kiss you all over before even getting to the ahem— final destination.
You’re either ready to combust or ready to strangle him when he finally just begins to devour you.
Eats pussy like a man starved but has all the time to enjoy.
Smug as Fuck.
Expect him to just watch you as you’re coming back down from the absolute height he threw you up to and glaring down at his smug grin as he waits before beginning all over again.
Will go all night if you’ve been ill behaved.
Your record is 20 before you BEGGED for a break.
He finally took pity and gave you a warm bubble bath and snuggles and praises.
It wasn’t that he didn’t like receiving, however it was more just a “hm, that’s nice—“
But with you.
Especially when you had decided to walk into his office, lay your head in his lap as you had sat yourself under his desk so he could work while he played with your hair (you have a comfy cushion there who was he to argue if that was the best way to be close and he could get work done??!!)
But his work was abruptly halted when you had nuzzled his cock through his trousers dragging your mouth wide as he became painfully hard in record time.
“what is it you think you’re doing bambi?” He purred looking oh so curious.
“Nothing.” You muffled around him as your teeth found his zipper and trouser buttons with a rather feral sound.
Upon finding out you had no gag reflex and having your nose buried in his pelvis as you moaned around him he was done for and he didn’t even care.
Work was forgotten.
Loves when you pleasure him, but of course has to be in control for the most part.
Buries his hands into your hair and loves throat fucking you, praising you the entire time. “What a good thing you don’t need to breathe dolcezza.”
You had hummed around him ecstatically.
The reward for this is always drool worthy.
Play with yourself as you do and let him see you do so keeping your clothing out of the way and you’ll have him break finally, that cool haughty composure cracking as his gaze goes just utterly uncontrollably wild, his hips moving a bit harder.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
You both fuck rough.
But you both also love the slow and sensual moments too.
Especially if you have the time to just drown in one another.
It just depends on the situation.
Rough And Fast:
Slow and Sensual is how it usually starts off, he’s so attentive, so soft and cherishes you, that is till you growl at him for more and he has of course no other option but to give you what he wants.
You’re his queen after all what kind of mate would he be if he didn’t give in?
But has today been exceedingly trying for either of you?
Or is your mate quite amped up from a particularly rough trial?
You’ve been pestering him haven’t you? Hmmm.. yeah buckle up.
You’re in trouble and therefore need to relearn where your place is— it’s in your bed, beneath him losing your mind out of pleasure.
And he is all too happy to provide that lesson if you seem to forget.
You try to forget often. You damn brat.
Slow and Sensual
However sometimes he just wants to be gentle. And frankly so do you, you want to just bask in the bond you have and slowly explore all over again despite knowing you have memorized one another to heart by now.
Doesn’t matter, you still find things that surprise you, things that make you smile.
Places that when touched cause a jolt— well that’s new.
“I could spend my entire life mapping out your body carissima.”
“that’s an awful long time in bed.”
Aro would just smirk kissing down your sternum, “oh what a pity— I suppose my brothers shall have to cover for me hm?” Bite marks being pressed into your flesh, “I plan on leaving so many of these that I forget where they are so I can find them later.”
“Such an evil overlord.” But you’re giddy, he’s going to make your entire world tilt again with those slow careful hands of his and you’re going to enjoy every second of it.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
You’d be surprised that such a patient man could be so damn impatient for you.
He’s not as impatient as Caius but not AS patient as Marcus.
So it’s a toss up when he’s twitchy during trials and catches a glimpse of you floating down the hallway in all your grandure and he mentally tosses a coin.
Nope he can’t take it that flash of leg just set him off.
“Excuse me I do belive I remembered something that needs my attention.”
The others just inwardly roll their eyes.
Next thing you know you’re gagged by his tie in his office pinned over the desk with his teeth buried in your neck and frankly you expected this you wore that damn skirt with the slit in it to tease him.
Seeing this just makes him let out a feral noise and a laugh at the end, “oh you planned that hm?” He nibbles the outer shell of your ear, “missed me did you?”
You can only nod as he continues, eyes rolling back as he knows exactly what you’re needing and it’s certainly not gentle right now.
“I have exactly fifteen minutes before my brothers come looking for me— think you can be a good girl and make me come?”
You smirk against the gag in your mouth before purring at him; and it’s off to the races.
He’s in trouble quite often for this— but who’s to argue with him.
He’s king he can do what he wants…. At times….
Okay most of the time.
Plus he’s always in a MUCH better mood.
I wonder Why.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
While Aro does love to experiment your safety is his utmost importance.
But he’s a curious bastard and you are right behind him on that scale so sometimes your games become a bit risky.
Never life threatening but oh boy do you two get a grin and just glance at one another, “you know we haven’t done that yet.”
“No…. No we haven’t….”
And that’s how it usually starts.
The worst thing you two can realize is you both utter “I don’t know”.
Well now you have to know if either of you are able to ahem— arrive— under rather dire circumstances such as utilizing your gift (don’t worry your gift doesn’t hurt him he knows how to use fire too surprise surprise.).
You almost had a heart attack though and nearly killed him after.
He just cackled that manic laugh that had you joining in after hitting him several times.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Need I say more than one word?
Aro takes his time most occasions, his slow, slow sweet time.
Now— you’d THINK that the rougher encounters would last a shorter period.
You’re wrong.
So wrong.
He lives for it you’re going to be so happy you’re a vampire and can’t really get sore except for when you both leave cracking handprints on one another.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Crops, leather gloves, feathers, ben wa balls are huge and he likes that they are silent but give you that teasing sensation. Wax candle play is huge for both of you and you enjoy long luxurious heated baths and sauna sessions with one another.
Ooooo he loves it.
Leather gloves area huge thing for him but not for what you’d think— he likes to challenge himself.
Sure he can know what you’re feeling but he wants to be in tune with your physical responses as well and so occasionally he dons them just to test his knowledge.
Damn smug overlord is just as good and you hate it and now he’s smirking at you while popping his jaw with his hand on his elbow waiting for you to come back into your body.
“Shut up.” You rasp as your head spins.
“I didn’t say anything.” His raven hair slides across his face as he grins wider.
“Me?! Smug! Why I never…” -cue the dark chuckle before he starts it up all over again, “maybe once more to ensure you remember it’s not just the gifts edge hm?”
“Ohhhh I’m going to die.” But you reach for him biting his leather clad hands.
“No you won’t.” He hums happily, “I won’t let you. You’re not allowed to leave me bambi.”
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
But so are you.
He’s not as bad as Caius but he is close, and he only does it with LOOKS.
His eyes are utterly expressive, as is that mouth of his, so when he glances at you in just the right way you can feel it drop down in your gut and sizzle.
And he does it during trial. Oh but when you do it you’re in trouble. Psh.
He’ll tease you and brush your hand as he walks by just to know that you’re basically twitching from frustration at the end of the day and about to boil over as he leans down and licks your neck. “Bambi, awe, was I too mean to you? Hmm I should make it up to you shouldn’t I?”
He always makes it up to you.
The man has the best ways to use his mouth aside from running the coven and giving orders.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Aro was quite clear studies, and private rooms were to be soundproofed.
He’s loud, swearing (which he normally does not do), praising mess of a man, it’s needed.
And you love it.
You can practically feel the vibration in his chest when he purrs at you, less growling, he’s not as violent unless you get him too worked up.
No no no, he loves making you melt, and knows exactly what to croon at you to make your mind go blank.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
He’s more posessive than Marcus. And that bleeds into a protective nature.
A bit controlling, but he knows very well he can’t do that to you as he had to Sulprica. BUT it doesn’t stop him from trying as gods forbid anything happen to you.
Less Jealous than Caius.
But his ah— mood swings can cause for quite an interesting feat.
Since Marcus and Caius were always the brunt of the bashing and warfare, and he the brains behind the operation, many seem to think he has no bite marks on his body due to not being in the fray.
The problem is Aro becomes too violent. Especially because of his talent when touching his victims it tends to become a frenzy. Once he had decimated an entire coven single handedly because the rage they had was swamping him.
His brothers had to pin him down and try to relay calm emotions— his sister Didyme thankfully had been the one to bring him back.
You yourself are now that calm place.
At one point, a guard had been careless enough to have thought about you in ah— that way— Aro was aware you were quite beautiful, your personality no nonsense and many of the guard and lower guard considered you a maternal figure almost otherwise a very good friend.
But this guard.
Ohhh he coveted. What was not his.
But what was worse, was that on the way to the throne room he had spoken to you rather crassly, you merely ignored him; he wasn’t even worth your time. But he had glanced you over as if you were a rather tasty morsel, the imaginings of you spread out beneath him had Aro’s hands cracking his wrists.
You saw the change slightly as you were behind him. His spine went poker straight. “You dare.” It was worse, the guard had actually tried to think of how to lure you away to him— you were a queen so surely infidelity was expected—
The rumble in his chest was a whole new sound you’d never even heard.
Both Marcus and Caius were sitting straight up and narrowing their gaze at Aro before Marcus flitted over and guided you to Aro’s throne placing you on it and standing protectively in front of you.
“Marcus?” you peered behind the eldest king and he hushed you gently.
The guard was torn apart in mere seconds.
It was utterly ruthless and with no mercy.
“People tend to forget Aro is only about a thousand years younger than I.” Marcus muttered.
You blinked. Aro was at least five thousand meaning that Marcus was Six, Caius being the youngest at three.
Aro speared the entire guard with a terrifyingly cold glare before flitting over to you, gripping your head back by your hair and sinking his teeth into your shoulder and neck with a low growl.
The sentiment was well understood as the entire guard backed the fuck away from the dais— he closed the wound before his head shot up and he snarled at the coven tucking you into his embrace your face buried into his robes. “She is mine.” It was a quiet, soft voice that spoke.
“Aro.” you muffled tugging his sleeve and looking up at him.
He showed you “what he had seen and tilted his head. Would you mind cara?”
You lit the bastard on fire with a scowl aimed at the body winding your arms about Aro’s waist and nuzzling into his solid form.
A soft kiss in your hair, his body relaxing. “That’s my bambi.”
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Aro although he is lithe and tall….he’s not exactly easy to handle.
9” decent width, knows how to use it.
Be forewarned, he knows what he’s doing.
Tactile Telepathy, good luck remember to keep your head on straight.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
It’s less of a wistful like of yearning.
And more a burning bonfire of desire always in the wing of his mind ready to take over the forefront.
One glance at you and he wants you— granted he thinks it might cool down over the centuries but when you look at him like that and bite your lip and grin.
Nope. This isn’t going away. Not at all.
He of course has excellent control so he is able to push other desires to the back of his mind, but once finished you are certainly at the front of the line.
Super high.
You both are insane.
You can be sitting reading and next moment with one small brush you’re gone from the library and you’ve tackled him through the doors of your rooms and pinned him to the floor.
Good luck!
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Aro LOVES resting with you.
He likes to just lay with his hands on your body and watching your thoughts, you’re his favorite mind to go through and he just adores it.
You both can spend hours like this if you were allowed—
He likes when you drag your fingers through his hair.
Makes him melt.
Kiss across his eyes and kiss his hands as he brushes your mouth with his fingers trying to learn you all over again.
“I don’t think I’ll ever get enough.” He murmurs to you lazily. He has you nestled in his arms your head tucked under his jaw.
“That’s fucking fine by me.” You giggle.
He rolls his eyes and huffs a soft laugh kissing the top of your head. “Of course she swears like a sailor…”
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theladyofdeath · 4 years
The Office {2}
A Court of Thorns and Roses mini-series, part 2/8.
A year in the life of office workers, an 8 part mini-series.
Based on a prompt sent in by @the-regal-warrior​
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A month had passed.
A horrible, dreadful, incredibly uncomfortable month.
Rhysand had taken a few weeks off, using his built up vacation hours, claiming he was going to visit his parents, but I know full well that his mother lives half an hour away, on the other side of town, and his father is dead to him. So, that left me with one conclusion - he was ignoring me.
Which, I didn’t blame him.
Since his confession, and our kiss, I broke things off with Tamlin. It was long overdue, even I knew that much. Rhysand was right in a lot of what he had said that night. Tamlin not treating me right, being a main point. 
It was the right move.
Even if it created so many more issues, so much more tension. I had to move out, of course, because the house we lived in was under Tamlin’s name. It was a shame, really, because I loved that house, had worked for two years to make it my own. It was in a great part of town, half a mile from my favorite spot along the Sidra. But, in the end, even though half of the shit in that house was mine, all I left with were my paintings, my supplies, my clothes, and everything that was in the bathroom.
I hope he had fun showering having to dry himself with paper towels.
Anyway. Tamlin had been ignoring me at all costs since, which was fine, it’s not like he had to come up from the warehouse all that often. 
What hurt so much worse was that Rhysand sat six feet away from me, his desk nearly facing mine straight on, and he wouldn’t even look at me. I just wanted to run over to him, shake him by the shoulders, and tell him to say something.
I didn’t even care what, at that point.
The day went on, the hours passing slow. Every five minutes, I would look up from my desk at reception, but Rhysand was into his work. And as soon as the clock his five, he was out.
I wanted to call after him.
But I didn’t.
I simply shut down my computer, collected my belongings, and pulled on my jacket before heading to the parking lot. There was a tall figure leaning against the side of my car.
But it wasn’t who I wanted to be waiting there.
“Tamlin,” I breathed, half statement of annoyance, half question. 
He pushed off my little car as he said, “Hey.”
“Move, please,” I mumbled. “I have to get home.”
“What’s the rush?” he asked, with an annoyance in his eyes that faded a second later. “Look, I just...can we go get a coffee? I think we should talk.”
“Whatever you have to say there can be said here,” I replied, simply, crossing my arms.
“I think you should come back home,” he replied, simply, directly. “I think you should come home and we should work this out. This is ridiculous, Feyre. We’ve been together for five years and you suddenly just break it off. Obviously, I was doing something wrong, but I want to correct it.”
The sigh that came out of me was full of annoyance. “Tamlin, there was a reason we were engaged for two years and never set a date. We’re not meant to be. Okay? So, please, move.”
“This is about him, isn’t it?”
I stilled and hated that I met his gaze once more. He must’ve seen my hesitation, though, because his eyes were clouded with anger, his lips pursed.
“I knew it,” Tamlin scowled. “I fucking knew it. You cheated on me, didn’t you?”
“What, no, I-”
“Look me in the eye and tell me that,” Tamlin ordered.
Shaking my head, I met his gaze, once more. “He kissed me.”
“And did you fight him?”
I stood motionless, silent.
Scoffing, Tamlin stepped aside.
I got into my car and quickly drove away with an unsettled feeling that I had just made everything so much worse.
The next morning was eventful, but not in the exciting way.
I arrived at the office just before eight and made myself comfortable behind the welcome desk. After pulling up Helion’s schedule to inform him upon his arrival what to expect for his morning, the door opened and Rhysand came in. For a brief moment, our eyes connected. I gave him a small smile.
To my surprise, and utter delight, he returned it. 
I watched as he took off his jacket and hung it over the back of his chair. He grabbed his lunch and took it to the break room to put it into the fridge.
Then, the door flew open with such a force that those of us who had already arrived looked its way.
Tamlin came hurrying in and the look that was in his eyes was one I had seen many times - one that I loathed.
I stilled. “Tam?”
But he wasn’t looking at me. He was storming to the other side of the room, where Rhysand had just re-entered through the break room door.
“Tamlin!” I shouted, rising from my desk chair.
But he was on a mission, it seemed, one he couldn’t be talked out of.
He didn’t get far, though, because Cassian stepped in Tamlin’s path with a little tube of pepper spray and was firing it, right into Tamlin’s eyes.
Everyone began panicking, as everyone within spitting distance was instantly covering their eyes.
Rhysand and Cassian included.
Then the chaos began. Helion arrived shortly thereafter, and called for security to come take Tamlin away, letting him know that he wouldn’t be welcomed back on the premises. I nearly felt bad. Yes, Tamlin was an idiot, but to lose his job?
At least I wouldn’t have to keep seeing him everyday.
Everyone who had been affected rinsed their eyes out, and Cassian was giving a talking to about using pepper spray in the office under emergency circumstances only, even if Cassian protested that it had been, in fact, an emergency.
Meanwhile, I sat in shock at my desk, trying to process what the hell had actually happened.
Tamlin had come to kick Rhysand’s ass.
Rhysand saw Tamlin coming, but didn’t have to react, because Cassian tossed out some pepper spray.
Tamlin got dragged out by security.
And fired.
And me? Well, I had some apologizing to do, it seemed.
Lunch time came and I saw Rhysand get his lunch and carry it outside. It seemed like it was now or never.
I figured now was better, because the idea of never made me want to vomit. I grabbed my lunchbox from the fridge and followed Rhysand.
I found him sitting on a bench out front, eating his sandwich.
He looked up at me, surprised, as I sat down next to him.
“Hi,” I said, refusing to open my lunchbox.
“Hey,” he said, after swallowing a bite of my sandwich.
“Crazy day, huh?” I asked, in hopes of making decent small talk before getting into the heavier stuff.
But Rhysand just arched a brow, humored. “Are you referring to your fiance storming into the office to kick my ass?”
I sucked my bottom lip into my teeth.
He chuckled. “I assume you told him about the kiss, then.”
I nodded.
“Does that mean you broke up?” he asked, taking another bite of his sandwich. Apparently, unlike myself, this conversation didn’t have any effect on his appetite. 
I blinked. “We broke up a month ago.”
That did make Rhysand halt. “What? Why?”
I rolled my eyes. “You very well know why. And I was going to tell you weeks ago, but then you went MIA.” I looked away from him, away from those piercing violet eyes as I went on, “Look, what I said that night...I was just surprised. I was thrown off...it wasn’t what I had been expecting, but I realized that I felt the same way about you. So I broke it off with Tamlin. Then, last night, we got into it, and the reason for why I left him came out. Hence, his alpha-male presence in the office this morning.” 
He said nothing, but he slowly lowered his last bite of sandwich onto his lap.
“I’m sorry,” I breathed. “About all of it. Really, I am. I’ve made a mess of it, and I know that. And you don’t deserve that. And I’m sorry.”
“Wow, Archeron,” he began, rubbing the back of his neck with one hand, the other still clutching what was left of his sandwich. “That was, uh, a lot to take in.” 
I knew that tone.
As I shook my head, a slow grin swept across his mouth.
“It’s fine,” he said, a minute later. “I’m not mad. And I wasn’t ignoring you. Well, that’s a lie, I was...but, not because of anything you did. I was embarrassed.”
At my look of surprise, he started laughing, quietly. 
“The thought of coming in every day to see you, thinking I messed everything up between us, our friendship….well, let’s just say seeing you at work was my favorite reason to come to work.” He was looking at the cars driving past as he finished off his sandwich and crumbled up the paper bag it had come in. 
When I said nothing, he gave me one last smile and rose. 
“Well, back to work, I guess,” he said, sighing, then headed for the door.
I was left on the bench, blinking rapidly.
“Oh,” he said, turning around to meet my open-mouthed gaze. “You busy tonight?”
“I- no.”
“Wanna get some dinner?” he asked.
“I…” I could hardly get the word out of my mouth. “Yeah.”
“Seven okay?” he asked.
I nodded, not trusting another word that came out of my mouth.
“Great,” he grinned. “It’s a date.”
Then he was gone, through the doors and out of my sight. My heart was thudding against the inside of my chest as I looked down at my unopened lunchbox, completely forgetting that I was supposed to be eating my lunch, and my break was almost over.
I didn’t even care.
I had a date with Rhys.
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msbeccieboo · 6 years
Arrow 7x16 brain dump
So another episode, another triumph!! Star City 2040 was AMAZING!! The episode was almost all I had hoped for and so much more to boot! We got Mia  Smoak’s origin story, and got brought somewhat up to date with the future storyline, whilst still leaving plenty of unanswered questions. The episode could easily be seen as a backdoor pilot episode for a next gen spin-off, that no doubt is in the works for when Arrow comes to a close. There is lots to deal with from this week’s offering, so without further ado….
Olicty and Mia
This will be short and sweet as we only got a minute-long flash of them as a family unit.  But OMG THE BIRTH!! HDVKVHWDGRFJLBHSDNVSDLK!!!!!!  My heart was so full, even in that short scene 😍 I had always had reservations about seeing a Felicity pregnancy storyline during the show run, but it seems like Beth has crafted the story so cleverly as for the pregnancy to not be so much of a focus-puller from the main story arcs for the season and for Felicity herself. This is what a talented and female-driven writing team does people!!! We will get the bulk of the pregnancy falling over hiatus, and the birth we have seen already here, and still get to keep some fluffy fanfic-y moments between her and Oliver in the present day. This is win-win as far as I’m concerned! But I digress…the birth!! We hear Felicity’s labour-screams (*shudders* 😬), whilst we get a tour of their new home, and Oliver is right there by her side!!!! Holding her hand, they exchange “I love you so much” and I diieeeeedddd!!! 
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Source: oliverxfelicity
This was so adorable, and then Oliver’s little chuckle at Felicity’s joke? GAAAAHHHH!! Mia is handed back to them by Nurse Random, and the happiness on both of their faces, along with Felicity’s tiny “hi”, and the forehead kiss (I love a forehead kiss) just broke me!!  Tears, all the tears! No drama, just a beautiful family moment.
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Source: feilcityqueen
Continued under the cut
The “abandoned farmhouse” I thought we’d get, based on the trailer this time last week, in fact turned out to be a beautiful, warm, secluded family home, obviously lovingly furnished and lived in for a while by Oliver and Felicity. I guess this begs the question of when do they leave Star City for this new home, given that the team never knew about Felicity’s pregnancy? I think Olicity will leave by the end of the season for sure. And then that’s it for Olicity, and Oliver in this episode. Personally, I never expected to see Oliver in this episode. I don’t expect to see him in the future scenes before the end of the season, or even at all, as any future timeline reveals would scupper whatever tomfoolery they intend on cooking up in the next crossover *rolls eyes*.
Mia’s montage
Gosh I just love a montage! We immediately snap from new-born Mia to the most adorable toddler badass ninja Mia!!
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Source: ebett
Look at that little face!! It was a stroke of genius casting James Bamford’s daughter here, as she already has some killer little fighting moves!  I am in love 😍 She then transitions seamlessly into a slightly older version, before the teen/adult Mia that we already know.  Can I just say that I adore the fact that she always has a little blonde ponytail just like Mama...my heart!!! Oh and who is her trainer?? Only Nyssa fracking Al Ghul!!!!! YAAAAAAAAAAASSSSS!!!
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Source: felicittysqueen
What a fantastic surprise! I squealed! I stan one set of sister wives and their daughter! Much like finding Connor’s true identity last week, just this little twist was so exciting! I love spoiler-free season 7!!
Agggghhhh these two! We finally got a little more insight as to why Mia seemingly hated Felicity so much. She seems to have been relatively well adjusted, if not feeling both isolated and suffocated in her small town (all this as well as having been trained to be a ninja by Auntie Nyssa), prior to leaving for Star City. Her relationship with her mother looked easy and loving, and I loved how her protective instincts kicked in when she returned home and Felicity didn’t reply.
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Source: felicitysmoakgifs
Let’s just take a moment to appreciate how chill Felicity is when Mia nearly attacks her! The way Emily has chosen to portray Future!Felicity with a new-found calm and poise is fabulous. She is such a boss (as if there was ever any doubt), with echoes of Moira but still all of ‘our’ Felicity’s heart. I loved her slipping back into her babbles over the comms over Mia’s ‘type’; Nana Donna would be so proud!!
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Source: felicitysmoakgifs
The turning point in their relationship comes when Mia stumbles upon Felicity’s secret bunker, compete with desktop pics of Oliver as GA and William pictures 😭😭 Two of the people that Felicity loves most and has seemingly lost? 😭😭This discovery leads Mia to realise that Felicity is still partaking in some vigilante side-action, which is the crux of their relationship breakdown. Vigilante’s have been outlawed, and painted as the ultimate big bads, something Felicity has obviously tried to make Mia see sense of.  But Mia has clearly seen and heard all of the propaganda surrounding them, we don’t know where Oliver is, but we know he and Felicity have vowed to continue saving people, taking them away from Mia, and in turn, making her grow to resent the vigilantes irrespective of the heroic stories her mother has told her. Felicity keeping her own present vigilantism from Mia is the last straw for her. She is young, unworldly at this point, and clearly has strong feelings of abandonment from both parents, and the idea of Felicity being caught as a vigilante and taken away from her makes her snap. Cue Mia escaping to Star City to get her freedom, and to ‘find herself’ in cage fighting (the obvious career choice haha), and generally be a broody teenager. There she ‘learned’ even more about Vigilantes, only with the government spin on it, further driving that wedge and distance from Felicity and developing her hatred for them. This is where we see their relationship at as they reunite, a few years later, by the sounds of it.
Felicity being the empathetic angel that she is, has absorbed all of Mia’s hatred and disappointment, which I think is why she seemingly just ‘takes’ all of Mia’s attitude. Felicity also knows all too well the disappointment of being lied to by the person you love the most (looking at you S4 Oliver). She loves her so much and sees so much of Oliver in her, that it must be heartbreaking for her to know how she has disappointed her. That line where she tells William “I’m used to being a disappointment to her” is a gut punch. Yet she is so so proud of her! 😭😭
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Felicity realises that she should have told Mia the truth, and immediately apologises, but it takes the rest of the episode’s events to unfold before Mia really starts to understand the situation Felicity and Oliver were put in, why they made the choices that they did, and allows her to accept Felicity’s apology and start to mend fences. The final scene with them had me in tears for the 46232th time this episode, and you can really see how much they love each other, and their bond that still remains.
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Source: felicitysmoakgifs
I know she has been divisive so far, but I love Mia, and can understand where she is coming from in her attitude.  This is a girl who is 20 years old, remember, and whereby in some ways she has had to grow up incredibly fast, she is still very naïve and emotionally unaware as well. I see so much of Oliver in her, as does Felicity.
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Source: olicitygifs
Her reaction to danger, physicality etc (hellooo handstand press-ups!) is down to training, yes. Her brooding, rash decision making and acting alone are character traits straight from Oliver. Her rage/anger reaction to the lies from Felicity and Connor scream S1 Oliver to me.
This is my take anyway haha, I know some will disagree, but I am officially a Mia Smoak stan!!!
William didn’t take centre-stage this week, but he still had so many amazing moments. Ugh I love this boy so much!! His relationship with Mia continues to grow and be the cutest thing ever! Like I said last week, I love seeing William draw the light out in Mia, in the same way as Felicity always does with Oliver. All the little sibling moments that they share are so heart warming I could dieeeee! The “show off” line, “you’re just more useful to me not dead”, “oh good now there are two of you”, “now I got a sister to hate instead” the list goes on!! And then Will making Mia pose as his EA, and her distain at that are a hilarious call-back to their parents…Olicity S2 ftw!!
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I clearly have already spoken about her, but let’s just take a moment to appreciate that FELICITY IS ALIVE BITCHES!!!
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We saw that Felicity had been looking out for William all along, investing in his start-up under the pseudonym City of Emeralds Capital, see my Wizard of Oz meta here. Then we finally got to see the reunion between her and both of her children, and it was epic. Her and William just murdered me.
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Source: felicitysmoakgifs
I love that he just went to her and embraced her straight away 😭💗😭 William had every reason to hate Felicity, something she acknowledges, but the love he still has for her after all these years, ad the profound effect she had on him in the short time they were together in our time just had me in tears so hard.  Every time I scroll by a gif of this moment, I tear up (awkward when I’m ninja-tumblring at work 😬)! William, being that bit older than Mia, and having known Felicity and Oliver at an earlier point in time, allowed him to understand and forgive her pretty much immediately. I’m glad; we only have the energy for one broody Olicity baby! And once reunited, William and Felicity are a force to be reckoned with!
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I loved seeing them hack together at the Gala! And then in their last scene together, when Felicity thanks him for keeping faith in her and holding on to the Hozen for all this time ruined me yet again.
SmoaknHawke has arrived people!!
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Connor following (following, not stalking) Mia and William all the way to Galaxy One to save their arses was so cute!! He is a good little Diggle and will always have his (girl)friend’s back, whether she is crazy pissed at him or not! Tiny Mia getting him up against the wall was a total mood haha! We discover that Connor is in fact Agent Hawke 🔥🔥, working for Nightwatch…a good version of ARGUS?? Is this where Dig is at? I want to see Dig! David Spoiler Ramsay already told us that he’d be in the FFs, so that was my only disappointment of the episode, that we didn’t see him.
But back to my newest OTP!! Mia was still so mad with Connor (and the world) for lying to her about his identity, then again for following her, and again for being a secret agent. He is so apologetic…that boy is GONE!! He just wants to keep her in his life! The “because I care about you”, “entire relationship is based on a lie” exchange was so charged!!! 
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Source: mia-smoak-gifs
I loved Connor talking up the heroes to Mia, whilst still acknowledging her pain. Connor’s compassion is straight up John Diggle, adopted or no. This also led into the ultimate shade, with Mia’s iconic line:
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Source: oliverxfelicity
😂😂😂 Mia’s very existence as a child of Olicity already angers a certain comic-loving demographic, so this line was extra satisfying for me.
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If a next gen series does happen, I will be so excited to see where these guys go…especially will the addition of William (and to a lesser extent, Zoe). The FTA scenes and lift/fight sequence was so so good!!
FF storyline
I suppose I should actually cover this haha! Lots of new stuff. We saw Rene interact with the Team…and reveal he thought Roy was dead!! Dinah’s line about Rene getting all the age but no wisdom was just 😂😂😂 There is mention of a terrorist organisation called Edencore, now going under the alias of Galaxy One, who Rene is directly working with in the Glades. They, along with Rene (hello new, crappy version of Malcolm), are planning on setting off a clusterfuck of bombs to level Star City so they can rebuild in their image. To cover their evil arses, they plan on placing the blame on vigilantes, namely Felicity. Anyway, once everyone is reunited (with a bit of an awkward hug between Felicity/Dinah…not sure if that was intended or not?) and introduced (“This is Mia, these are mine and Oliver’s impeccable genetics” gahhhh!) they deduce that the bombs are scheduled to detonate at an event that night, where everyone is in hoods and masks…how very convenient haha!
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Felicity wearing a green mask is just 😭😍😭
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Source: noonecanknowmysecret
Her and William are an unstoppable hacking duo as they seek out the slimy bad guy (forgot his name) so Mia can go kick his arse!! I almost HAD ANOTHER LITTLE CRY WHEN Felicty say to Dinah “No-one’s called me overwatch in a very long time” waaaahhh!! Mia obviously runs in half-cocked and on her own (like father like daughter) to confront the slimeball, and just when it looks like she’s in trouble and massively outnumbered, she takes down the whole fracking room on her own! “Oh this will be fun” YAAAASSSS!!!
She is AMAZING in the field (a total badass, as Felicity later tells her). That cape move she did was 🔥🔥🔥 She loses Slimer in the kerfuffle, following him out into the crowd, that Rene has stirred up by announcing the vigilantes “show them what heroes look like” yaaaasss! Then, with no time to spare, Mia shoots the inch-square detonator out of his hands with an arrow in the most epic shot everrrrrr! I feel like if the new series does happen, this could be the opening title sequence shot!
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Source: felicittysqueen
The fight stunts/effects this episode were amazeballs! I think this episode needed to be ‘big’, due to the absence of Oliver and the mixed reactions to the FFs so far, and it totally delivered!
Other folk
Roy! Future Roy continues to do things for me…so hot 🔥🔥 He seems to be enjoying being back with a team again, but we still have little-to-no idea of his past 20 years. He gets scary angry out of nowhere whilst interrogating one of Dinah’s contacts, and beats the crap out of him. I cut a whole Roy/Edencore/present/FF spec from this review and put it here if anyone feels like a laugh!
Rene continues to have terrible hair, unlike when Oliver was mayor….oh those were good hair days….*sighs dreamily*. He is complicit in the plan to level the city, but is talked around by Zoe, who he finally realises is one of the Canaries (well, duh). He ends the episode still playing the role of evil mayor, but is he really ‘good’ again now?
I’m not keen so far on adult Zoe, but maybe we just need to see more of her? Or maybe we can just forget her, like her Dad? She will surely form part of the next generation team if a spin-off happens, so I guess we will see her interacting with FTA soon.
Dinah doesn’t have much going on, other than fight scenes, and awkward hugs.
The overarching theme of this season is legacy, and this episode is the most blatant about that I think. We see here, Oliver and Felicity’s literal biological legacies in William and Mia, and how being their children has affected their outcomes. Will is a flourishing CEO and tech wiz, thanks largely to his time with Felicity, and maybe the fact that he’s been able to succeed so well in a somewhat normal life is down to their absence from his life post-S7, but he missed out on growing up with his parents 😭 Mia on the other hand, grew up with Felicity (at least, if not Oliver for some of it), who had to have her trained in order to protect her, should the day ever come that her identity is revealed. So Mia had the parental love growing up, but was otherwise isolated from the world, no schooling, never left the town etc.
We also see Oliver’s legacy as a hero manifesting in his children. We see them finding their way on this journey, finding their own reasons and routes of being heroes. William didn’t need asking twice to join Felicity, and stand up to help. Mia was far more reluctant, with her fears of losing people, and (at the time) still in the belief that Vigilantes weren’t the heroes Felicity claimed them to be. Despite taking more convincing, the hero blood runs strong in her veins, and we went from the ‘I don’t want this life, heroes are bad’ mentality to “Let’s go save the City” in no time.
On the flip side, we see the future state of Star City, and way people have been affected in future shows Oliver to have left behind more than one type of legacy, not all good. Was he right in his choices to save the city/world? Of course! Or his way of going about doing it? Possibly not.
By the end of the episode we find ourselves with the ultimate OTA legacy. An FTA comprising of the same skillsets as OTA; Mia as leader (no doubt) and skilled fighter, William running the tech and the brains of the operation, and Connor with the tactical experience, government ties, and all the Diggle Yoda-wisdom.
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Source: smoakmonster
And that’s that, sorry this was another whopper….
Thank you to the beautiful gif-makers, as always! You guys put the sparkle in my ruby slippers 💗💗
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Felicity Megan Smoak-Queen is the past, present & future HBIC
Whew, that episode was a wild ride.  Caution: episode 7x16 spoilers ahead>>>
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The episode began with Felicity giving birth to her and Oliver’s daughter.  Oliver was by her side, holding her hand, and telling her how much he loved her.  In typical Felicity style, she told him she loved him too but would love him more once the baby was out lol.  Once the baby was out, swaddled, and handed to her parents, Oliver kissed the top of Felicity’s head.  It was such a beautiful moment and Oliver was glowing with joy.  There is only one person who can make him that happy.  I’ll give you three hints:
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Damn, looking at those gifs makes me wonder how they only created one child together.  Oh yeah, the Arrowverse writers suck and Oliver is going to be dead or go missing soon.  Whatever happened, he was not physically present for the rest of the episode but he was certainly there in spirit.  The episode was more focused on Felicity as a mother.  
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The mother to William--Felicity and William didn’t get much time together but she made an impression on him that lasted a lifetime.  Bonding over all things STEM and what it means to love Oliver Queen, William followed in genius stepmother’s footsteps.  Despite the distance between them, he kept the hozen that Felicity gave him and responded to a signal that took him all the way to Lian Yu for her.  William learns in this episode that Felicity (dba City of Emerald Capital) was the angel investor for his company.  She was watching over him the whole time.  
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The mother of Mia--We saw highlights of Mia’s life, starting with her birth, and then it cuts to a young Mia being trained by Nyssa.  That was an awesome surprise.  Felicity may have hid her daughter from the world in an attempt to protect her but she also made damn sure her daughter would be able to protect herself when the time came by having Nyssa give her LOA-level fighting and archery skills.  Of course, I’d much rather have Oliver be there to do this with her (although you know Mia would never get properly trained because Oliver would always let her ‘win’ -- also think of all of times Felicity has barely tapped him and he said ‘ow’ lol).  Exhibit A of our bamf vigilante being a total cupcake for his girl:
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More bruises from her than Deathstroke. ;)  Anyhoo, back to Nyssa.  I love that she is alive in the future and obviously, she and Felicity have put their passive-aggressive animosity aside and forged some type of friendship.  Felicity trusted Nyssa more than she trusted NTA and that is forever a BIG MOOD.  Based on the awkward hug between her and DD, it seems Felicity remains wary of her former teammate.  I am also confused why, after 20 years and knowing RR is still shady af, Felicity would tell him about Mia.  But I have to say, despite my misgivings, the introduction of ‘this is Mia.  These are mine and Oliver’s impeccable genetics’ was accurate, perfect, and exactly how I would expect Felicity to describe their daughter.  Cause look at these impeccable genetics. <3
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The mother of invention--We’ve been watching Felicity create a security system to protect her family since she left witness protection.  It is this system that will become the program known as ‘Archer’- the one used in the future to protect the Glades.  It appears that Archer will be the catalyst to launch Smoak Tech.  We been knew but it is nice to have confirmation.  Except Felicity shouldn’t have based it in Star City.  They don’t deserve her or Oliver.  More on that later.
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The future is bleak without Oliver Queen.  Felicity clearly misses her husband.  She is still wearing her wedding band.  The picture of the mantle of her, Oliver, and baby Mia was the key to opening her secret lair inside the house.  She wore an emerald green mask while undercover.  Wherever Oliver Queen is, he is not far from Felicity’s mind or heart.  
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Yet our Queen continues to fight.  This is one of the many reasons Oliver fell in love with her.  Felicity has a desire to help others, to protect the city, to serve the greater good.  She was the one who wanted to come back to Star City from Ivy Town; heck, she never stopped helping the team while they were away.  Being Overwatch, even before she officially had a codename, was Felicity’s purpose.  
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She will help people through Smoak Tech but Felicity will always want to do more. This is what makes her the perfect life partner for Oliver Queen and the Green Arrow.  So here’s my quibble with the FFs.  We’ve spent seven years evolving Oliver Queen from being on a solo suicide mission to fighting to live and reconciling the two sides of himself to working to achieve a balance between his life under the hood and his life in the light.  Felicity was one of two people who guided him on that journey of self-discovery and was instrumental in Oliver wanting a life outside of the mission.  Oliver himself has said he hoped one day he could hang up the hood.  This man would be perfectly happy to stay at home, cooking for his family and loving on his wife.
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Yet tonight, Felicity sounded like season 1 Oliver.  In order to be a hero, you have put others above all else, including your own family.  Okay, but what happened to finding a balance?  And according to Connor, John and Lyla were not around much.  I just feel like OTA are getting thrown under the bus and the message that the show was built on is getting muddled to create unnecessary drama/tension/angst/gritty backstory? for the future character’s story lines.  I’m aware that a spin-off is imminent and this is not the first time that Arrow had to bend itself into a pretzel to launch another show.  But this time, Arrow is coming to an end.  I don’t want Oliver and Felicity to have spent years sacrificing to save a city that time and time again turned its back on them.  I don’t want Oliver to never get the chance to be with the family he worked so hard to even think he deserved.  I don’t want Felicity to have to hide, constantly living in fear and missing the love of her life.  I don’t want Olicity to be torn apart once again.  
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Yikes, I need a Felicity Smoak pep talk.
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Okay Felicity, I believe that he is going to be okay.  We’ll all be okay.  The writers will fix this clusterf**k of a future and Olicity will raise their family together, as a team.  Always.  They (and we) will get the ending that they (and we!) deserve :)
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Aww Shit...{w/@V_Bloodletter}
I was in hideout motion and it was all going rather well. Wrath knew of my location, I had imparted that info to him before I left. But the rest of the Brotherhood was clueless to my whereabouts. And for now I planned on keeping it that way for a while. I needed the seclusion, the down time away from people, all people, even the Doggen. Although I did bring a male Doggen with me to my new residence. As of yet I hadn’t decided if this was going to be a full time thing or just until I finally finish pulling my head out of my ass. But for the time being I didn’t need to make that decision. I made sure that I could be reached when needed and that I was on the streets when it was my time to work patrol. It was imperative that I stay low-key right now. No one else needed to understand that but myself. I had managed to stay away from the Manse as well as my Penthouse. Although I had it all wired to feed into my system here in the middle of BFE. And that was why I was able to have a front row seat to all the wondrous things that Doc was up to at the Commodore. The night she decided to break into my place, an alarm went off and at first I was up and ready to demat to the high-rise but then I saw who it was. So I grabbed a bottle of Goose along with some beef jerky then sat back and watched the show. That was up until the end and I knew that Doc wasn’t really hurt or did any extreme damage to my property. Although that didn’t diminish the fact that she intruded where she had no business intruding. And that shit would be fucking dealt with. I wasted a few minutes in gearing up and locking my place down before I vanished into thin air. When I came to form on my balcony it was like the place knew I was there. The glass doors slid open gracefully, black pillar candles lit up to full flames and as I stepped inside the doors closed and locked down.
::Every inch of my body ached in so many ways I couldn’t figure out what sound to make first, so in a exhale of breath they all came out at once. I chuckled darkly catching my breath again before I finally let my eyes open to take in my surroundings now that the sedative had released me from it’s grip, I hadn’t forgotten where I was by any stretch of the imagination. It was more to check that no one was waiting with a weapon close enough to do damage. Scribe knows Vishous could be the one doing so for all I knew, rightfully so given what I’d just done to his penthouse and his trust by my intrusion. I shifted my position a simple inch which caused nothing but sheer pain to radiate outwards but I needed to get out of this fucking tub then figure a way out of this place before the man himself showed up to exact revenge only to find the neighborhood doc half dressed and covered in blood waving at him like some retarded seal. The image alone had me laughing to myself as I found my feet and stepped out of the tub to tuck my gun back into its holster. Before I gazed into the mirror and gave myself the once over. My wounds weren’t healing as fast as I liked which meant the daggers were laced with more than just a heavy sedative, he was a sneaky bastard I’d give him that. He liked to torture more than I gave him credit for. Just when you thought you were safe and far away you’d realize he still had you. I took another minute to gather myself before I’d start working on an desperately needed exit plan. It was then  I noticed the candles scattered throughout  light up almost on cue with the sound of the locks I’d known to the the remaining windows slam into place. There was only one person who could make such a thing happen without setting off the alarms I had earlier:: 
Shit. Shit. Shit.
::There was no way I could run and hide anywhere in this penthouse that he couldn’t find me, I wasn’t going to turn this into a cat and mouse game for many reasons. The biggest one being, he wouldn’t tolerate it anymore than I wanted it to happen.. I swallowed the contents of my stomach that had suddenly decided that now was the best time to crawl their way up my throat. Cautiously I half wondered  if I should at least pretend to be surprised? Or act like I would have in the past and played the foolish stupid doc but I couldn’t.  I did this of my own free will. I knew what I was doing every single step of the way and I wasn’t, for once, going to let that scare me.:: 
You watched me the entire time didn’t you?
I leaned my shoulder against the bathroom door frame and watched as Doc tried to collect herself, at least somewhat. With a tatted brow cocked, I shook my head and still I didn’t speak. I pretty much knew if I spoke right now, none of it would be without cursing or growling and who knew what the fuck else. I would never bodily hurt Doc. She was family. But she also betrayed me and my trust. Even though I had no desire to step foot in my Penthouse, that didn’t mean that it was open to any fucking person that wanted to trespass on my property. Actually it pissed me off more with the fact that I even had to come here when I didn’t want to. I glanced around before letting my eyes finally settle on the female. “What do you think?” Again I just shook my head and pushed away from the wall, to stand fully up. “I will go with sixty seconds of whatever excuse you have for doing what you did and then…” My shoulders came up in a nonchalant shrug. “And then you stay a safe distance from me until we get you back to the Manse, to Wrath and Rhage. They can deal with this fucking shit.” I didn’t even attempt to hide the frustration and anger from my tone. What would be the point to? Not even my Brothers had ever tried or thought to not only come to the Commodore but to destroy my property and break into it. 
::My first immediate thought was at least he gave me sixty seconds, it was shortly followed with an inner cringe by just the thought of Wrath and Rhage knowing what I had just done. I felt a bone deep shudder follow before I even opened my mouth to speak my peace::
I’m not going to make excuses, Vishous. I have two valid reasons for coming here. 
::I was trying not to get frustrated at the looks I was getting or the anger that was flowing off the brother in waves thick enough to push me over, he had every right to be giving them. For now my only choice was to speak what I had to say and hope that he saw that it wasn’t in some malicious intent that I came busting in. I didn’t move from where I stood just pushed my shoulders back a little and stood to face him a little more, hoping he’d at least appreciate the gesture::
You just left, Vishous, without a single word to anyone. That in itself is none of my business but it was something completely out of character in all the years I’ve known you. I run, you don’t. You stand and fight till you’re bloody and raw then you fight harder. So when I went to find you, to ask you for help and no one had seen you in weeks, yeah I came looking for you. Besides Rhage, you’re the one person I’d sacrifice everything for. The guards you left in place weren’t exactly going to let me in, you weren’t answering your cell and panic had set in. If you were up here in trouble what would you have me do? Leave you? 
::I stopped talking at that point, there was nothing else I could say I was exhausted and I ached in places that I didn’t even know I had. Punishment was coming no matter how hard I prayed otherwise. I wasn’t going to beg for for it to be any different.::
If or when I get a change I’ll ask Fritz to make arrangements to have everything fixed at my expense however you wish it to be done. I wouldn’t change what I did, Vishous and I’d do it again without fail. 
I made my way into the living room, obviously watching Doc as she stumbled her way from the bathroom. I didn’t know what the fuck was going on or why she was here or what the hell happened to her. I shook my head and shot a text message to #Fritz . ‘At the Commodore, send a car to pick up the Doc ASAP and she will need medical treatment.’ I slipped my phone back in my pocket and headed to the bathroom again. It took a few moments to retrieve the first aid kit and to retrieve a bottle of Goose from the kitchen. Once I had everything that I needed for the situation at hand, I went back to where Piper was and started barking out orders. “Sit down…” I shot a glance around the spacious room and shrugged. “It would appear that my table is the only suitable place to have a seat.” I had emptied my Penthouse out almost completely over a year ago and to date, I still didn’t want to be here. But unfortunately I had no fucking choice in the matter. I placed the kit on the flat surface and started unpacking the few items that I would need. “I contacted #Fritz and he will be sending a car to pick you up soon.” I didn’t want to delve too deep into the things I was being asked. Answering questions was not high at the top of my list right now or any time for that matter. But this was Doc and she deserved some info. I blew out a breath and gave a dead look. “I needed to go MIA. I had given Wrath a head’s up on what I was doing. But yeah, no I didn’t post it on the Brotherhood bulletin…” I shook my head, glanced at you for a moment. “Next time maybe I will shoot you a text to let ya know that I am on the lamb. As for your question, my eyes are everywhere. Never doubt that.” 
::I moved somewhat slowly towards the table nearly jumping out of my skin when I heard the order barked at me, it wasn’t so much the order it shook me from the haze I momentarily found myself in again. Then once again I found myself staring at Vishous as I sat on the table before him, hating myself for the millionth time since I started this adventure. Once I heard his confession I knew exactly how he felt, it was why I ran, why I left.. All he wanted was space, plain and simple yet I forced him out of that in some foolish attempt to find him on my own. I glanced down at the kit, cautiously pushing it away before placing my hand on his and finding his gaze again.:: 
I deserve every ounce of this pain I’m feeling right now, Vishous and you can cancel Fritz. I have a ride downstairs that if I leave here Rhage will fucking kill me for. I mean, even more than he will for the rest of this shit. Which he will and Wrath? Fuck me, those two are going to ...I don’t even want to think about it. So, no, Vishous, you don’t owe me any explanations as to why you left, Guess just remember I’m a little more emotional than the rest of them? 
::I chuckled hoping to ease the tension in the room but failed horribly, the pain it caused nearly knocked the air right out of me. I took a chance and punched his shoulder, before I even  another cautious joke. He was taking things a little too lightly for my liking. It was all too weird.:: 
As for your security, I’d like to know what the fuck you had those daggers laced with. Also, I’m pretty impressed. I expected explosions and fireworks but you came with nothing but stealth.
::I glanced at Vishous  again, arching a brow::
You’re being far too quiet. Too reserved, Vishous. If this was anyone else you’d have torn them a new one by now. I destroyed your penthouse, your trust. Yet you’re sitting here trying to tend to my wounds?  
I snorted out a grunt and shook my head. “I assume that your ride downstairs is Rhage? Because yeah, I’m not letting you bail out with anyone else tonight. No fucking matter how irritated I am with you right now.” I flinched at first when I felt you rest your hand on mine and I had to remind myself in the next breath that it was okay...For the moment. “No, I don’t owe you any explanations but for now, I will tell you that I am good with where I’m at. The Manse and all that goes with it, you make sure that they are all good. And if you need me, I will work...a little better on replying to messages.” The corner of my lips turned up in a half grin. That was doing pretty good for me, considering that I had no desire to be within the city. “As for the rest, no.” I looked at you sitting there and narrowed my eyes a little. “Come now, do you really think that I will let you or anyone make repairs to this place? No, I will take care of it myself and obviously beef up my system that you completely destroyed.” I gave you a pointed look. “Right now, I need to be quiet but no fucking matter how pissed I am at you for destroying whatever property I have or even betraying me, you are my friend and we will deal with it. I might not want to speak with you or see you for a while but that doesn’t mean I’m cutting you out of my life.” I nodded at the barrage of marks covering the areas that I could see. “Show me where to start.” 
I can handle however you want to deal with me, V. Quiet or loud or hell even throwing things at me, I just couldn’t handle you cutting me out completely. That would probably kill me. Just like it would if any of the others did and I shouldn’t have done it you when I left without a word if I would ever return and for than I truly am sorry. As for my ride downstairs being Rhage..
::I paused for a moment closing my eyes as I sat up a little straighter despite the burning pain it caused, he’d have to look at the gashes no matter how much I protested otherwise. I’d also have to confess that I did this without letting anyone else know and I already knew Fritz was probably letting my male know of my whereabouts and condition as we spoke. That was going to be a conversation I knew I would have to sit and simply take without saying a single word.::
Rhage has no idea I’ve left, I mean I did leave a note that told him but whether he's actually found it yet is unknown. I can tell you one thing, he’s going to be a whole lot more agitated than you are, also a fuckton more vocal about it, he was actually the reason I was looking for you. Or at least the scalier part of him was. You should probably take a look at the wounds where those damn small daggers that lined the railing got me, they didn’t go too deep but whatever they were laced with are making it really hard to stay awake and don't even get me started on the pain right now. The rest I can handle later or have someone at the manse look at.
I just shook my head and gave a chuckle. I glanced at you a moment before I went to work on cleaning each bloody wound. “I see some things never change. You running out and doing things that you shouldn’t be and of course doing them on your note while leaving a note behind.” My grin widened a little when you mentioned about parts of my security system that did cause you some issues. “At least I know that it all wasn’t a fucking a waste. And yes, you are more than likely right, you will hear much more from Rhage than you will from me.” I snorted out a grunt once i cleaned most of the blood away and started in with bandaging the areas. “That is not a yes or a no as to who is picking you up…”One black brow rose almost to my hairline and I locked my diamond eyes on your face. “What exactly do you mean that you came looking for me because of Rhage? I know I have been MIA and no, I am not living within the Manse but I do still keep nightly contact with Wrath. And nothing has been said or relaid to me that there is an issue with any of the Brothers. So yes, you will need to explain what the hell is going on.”
I am fully capable of taking care of myself, if this doesn’t prove that face than I don’t know how the hell else to prove it to any of you. I mean I could have gone out hunting Lesser or something but I chose to do this. 
::I hissed out a breath, glaring at you when the disinfectant hit some of the larger wounds. Sometimes I wanted nothing more than to be looked at as more than just the Doc but I guess that day wasn’t going to be today, besides I wasn’t about to argue with the man whose house I just broke into or who was currently helping me out. Besides, Vishous so far hadn’t torn my ass apart when he rightfully could have. Sighing I bit down into my lip to suppress the slight twinge of shoulder pain as I sat up straight again:: 
There is nothing wrong with him, I just have a few questions or maybe I’m more curious? The beast seems to be acting a little weird around me, not like I want to eat you weird but the complete opposite. Infact…
::I nearly jumped clean out of my skin glancing over my shoulder at the doors when I heard the pound coming from the opposite side, groaning loudly:
You weren’t by chance expecting company were you? 
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for the fanfic trope selector: bruce/tony & 6 ! :)
The prompt was “Next Generation” so I get the feeling this turned into… not what you wanted, but it was fun to write anyway, so I hope you like it all the same! (and give ‘er a good ole fashioned reblog)
Gravel crunches heavily under Ginny’s feet. The unyielding scents of ash and sweat linger in her nostrils, burning and raw. It’s eerie, walking through the hollowed out ruins of the old, industrial building. The film of grime clinging to her skin feels like a million eyes, the echo of her paces the creeping crawl of spindly robot arms, following her. Watching her.
A sudden clattering of rubble sets Ginny spinning on her heels. Raising her hand is a reflex – willing the swarm of nanites curled around her chest to migrate down her arm, to form a repulsor beam in her cupped palm.
She lets off a shot.
“Oi,” sputters a very indignant, very familiar voice. Ginny watches strong, chiseled arms swat the repulsor beam away, rough, calloused hands tamping down the fire that’s caught at the hem of an army green tank top. The stilted, smokey-blue light cast through the sunken roof highlights taupe tones under brown skin.
“Odin’s Arsehole! Would you watch where you fire that thing? We aren’t all of us tough as Asgardians, yeah?”  
A chill runs up Ginny’s spine. The swish of her ponytail against the nape of her neck turns her stomach.
Ulla rolls her eyes, kicking the rubble at her feet with the steel toe of her mud-caked boot. Her smile is disarmingly casual as she maneuvers around the wreckage to draw closer. Ginny’s shoulders drop.
“Obviously,” Ulla replies. “Would it hurt you to think before you act?”
Ginny shrugs with one shoulder, then turns again, giving Ulla her back. She hears the rasp of Ulla’s fingers through her short, wavy hair, followed by her deep, long-suffering sigh.
“Penny for your thoughts, Virginia Banner?” There’s something ritualistic about hearing her full name from Ulla’s mouth, the way her lips curve around the vowels, tongue languid and slow, dropping consonants. It stirs up the faintest traces of a smile.
Picking at the raw, bloodied skin around the beds of her nails, Ginny replies, “we haven’t come across a single bot in four days. That doesn’t worry you?”
“I suppose if you’re one to look a gift horse in the mouth, it does,” Ulla says.
Ginny frowns. “I’m serious.”
“As a coma,” Ulla replies. A warm, familiar hand lands on Ginny’s shoulder, and Ginny allows herself to be moved, to be spun around so Ulla’s deep, brown eyes can look into her own, every bit as deep and brown.
“I know how bad this is, Ginny,” Ulla says. “It’s End of Days bad. I get that. But if I’m constantly looking over my shoulder, I’m going to wear myself into the ground before I’ve had the chance to do anything about it. And I can’t let that be how this story ends.”
Ginny worries her lip. It tastes faintly of copper. “Anxiety,” she says. “It– uh. It runs in families, you know.”
“Let us look over your shoulder for you then, yeah?” Ulla offers. “At least to rest. You’re jumpy enough to kill us all before the apocalyptic hellscape we live in’s had the chance.”  
Ginny’s answering smile is rueful, and it makes Ulla purse her lips. Ginny taps her bicep with the back of her hand. “‘Fraid it doesn’t work that way, Thunderstruck.”
She takes a step back, putting distance between herself and Ulla, to pace backward through the pulverized mess of what used to be a concrete floor. “Why don’t you go rally the troops, huh? It’s been a week since we lost radio contact with Nat. I’m sure Hawkeye Lite is about ready to jump ship. We need to hit the rendezvous point before there’s no one left to rendezvous with.”
Ulla frowns. “Cooper and Lila are still MIA,” she argues. “He’ll not just up and leave.”
“Oh, believe me,” Ginny says. “That might be the best case scenario.”  
Ulla takes a purposeful step back, arms spreading wide. “Fine,” she says. “We’ll give it another few hours before we stop to make camp. I’ll get everyone going.”
Ginny nods, but makes no move to follow Ulla as she takes another step back.
Ulla frowns. “Are you not coming?”
Ginny diverts her gaze upward, combing through what’s left of the rafters, looking through dinge and grime for flashes of bright, stainless silver. “Go ahead,” she says. “I’ll catch up. I just wanna do one last sweep of the place. Make sure we’re not being followed.”
Ulla sighs. It sounds deep and perturbed. “You could at least give the apocalypse a chance to be the thing that does you in.”
Ginny doesn’t reply, nor does she dare to look over at Ulla as she speaks. It’s quiet for a moment – eerily quiet. Cities and towns used to be filled with noise and chaos and sounds of life. Now, the only sounds are ones of danger, and their absence makes Ginny’s hair stand on end.
Finally, Ulla’s boots track through the rubble, fading away into nothing until a fire burns in Ginny’s chest. She wipes fervently at the wetness on her checks, then reaches into the pocket of her fraying tactical pants and pulls out a small, folded paper square.
The image is faded, almost to nothing in the areas where it’s creased. Ginny unfolds it with careful, shaking fingers, and runs the same fingers reverently across the smiling faces she uncovers. Three pairs of dark brown eyes stare back at her, all sandwiched together in a loving embrace. They’re so familiar, yet she almost doesn’t know them from memory. It’s sits with her uncomfortably, how time and trauma and violence pull memories apart like candy floss. Even memories of herself.  Ginny traces the lines of two vivid orange pigtails, and the empty space where a front tooth is missing from a child’s innocent smile.
“We just have to find Strange,” she whispers to the two men smiling up at her from her photograph. Even now, all these years later, she feels the weight of them pressed solidly against each of her shoulders. “Wherever he’s hidden himself, Billy thinks he’s close to finding a way in. We’ll find him, and then this’ll all be over. We’ll fix everything, okay?”
There’s something terrifying about the prospect of starting over, of finding Strange and resetting the timeline and erasing the last decade of her life. Erasing the way it feels to have Ulla’s hand on her shoulder, steady and hopeful and optimistic in a time when hope and optimism are all but dead.
The last memory she has of her fathers is around the breakfast island. Smells of motor oil and cardamom and pancakes, the sizzle of them frying on the stove, the rough scratch of sleep-heavy laughter, nimble fingers tressing her hair, massaging her scalp, while the sun filters lazily through the windows, all of Manhattan spread out beneath them.
It’s an easy trade.
“I’ll see you soon.”  
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prettywordsyouleft · 6 years
Becoming Human - Chapter 13
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Previous Chapters:  1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12
The most common calls I received daily were on Kboy availability. Since they had limited it to only 100 of each Kboy in existence at one specific time, it caused some frustration in those who wanted a particular idol and couldn’t obtain it. And it wasn’t from lack of trying, I had been offered great deals by many of the callers in hopes I could slide one out the door secretively for them.
The most requested were Bangtan Boys. It would be several times a day that I was declining requests for all the members of the popular boy group and adding more names to our extensive waiting list for when one would become available. It was estimated on some of the members that they would remain fully booked up for the next two years. I tried to understand the outcry that many supporters had to the best of my ability and sympathise with them on the phone that their first choice was taken. Most would just move on to getting another Kboy and wait their time to receive the bot of their true desires through a face-up.
There were the rare times where the caller would refuse to accept the situation for what it was, and the verbal abuse could get heated. It wasn’t my decision to limit Jimin at 100 pieces only. Some days I wished we could take away the exclusivity on some models just to stop the complaints we received. Then again, I wondered if we did that, how many would run themselves into debt to get more than one. They weren’t exactly affordable.
“Welcome to KBoys Cyborg Call Centre, you’re speaking with Yerin, how may I help you today?”
“I wish to lay a complaint with your manager.”
I frowned, it wasn’t every day the conversation started out this way. “Of course, I can transfer you through to a manager but I may be able to assist you first, can I please hear of your issue?”
“I want to speak to whoever can make changes to this ridiculous situation!”
“What seems to be the problem, customer?”
She let out a heavy huff of air. “I have been waiting now for seven months for a Suga model to be available, and still I am told I’m no where near being at the top of the list, and that there has been no availability of this model for the past four months. How exactly is this good business?”
“I’m afraid it is company protocol to maintain only one hund-”
“I don’t care, the problem here is that you claim you cannot give out stock of this robot but you don’t limit what others have! That’s the real issue here!”
“Can you please explain to me what you mean by that?”
“I’ve heard that there is a girl in America who has managed to get all seven members of BTS! What on earth would she need with all seven of them?! It’s outrage. Here I am waiting like others are, and she has all seven. Is this favouritism because she’s obviously wealthy enough to buy all of them?!”
I closed my eyes to think of the most appropriate way to reply to the disgruntled caller. The person she spoke of was no stranger to us in the office; Mia Gates was one of the biggest promoters of Kboys in the States. Not only did she have her own Youtube and Instagram accounts showcasing her daily life with her BTS bots, but she often held meetups just so people could see her collection in person. It was a blessing and a curse, she had gotten the company a lot of overseas sales, but it also made things difficult for us when we got calls like this.
“I’m sorry customer; it’s not our intention at Kboys Cyborgs to make you feel insignificant. The person you are talking of also has waited for models to be available to purchase herself. There is no favouritism here.”
“Ha!” The caller was not subdued, and I didn’t expect her to be either. “It’s not fair she has all seven. You should take them from her and allow those who are waiting a chance!”
I rubbed my face tiredly, I had already experienced two other less than desirable calls today and I was starting to feel my composure waver. “I am unable to proceed with your request, I’m afraid. There is no authority in this building that could do that for you either, my sincerest apologies.”
“If you were sorry, you would give me what I want!”
“I’m sorry customer, could I have your registration number and I can tell you exactly where you are in the-”
“I don’t want that, I want you to do something about this, at once! Clearly, you don’t have good taste in men at all, because it doesn’t sound like you are waiting on a BTS bot yourself. Unless you already have one, do you?!”
“No customer, I do not have one. And it is not in my job description that I am required to share my personal details either.”
“Did you just get smart with me? The customer is always right!”
“If you cannot speak to me calmly, I have the right to hang up on you, customer. I cannot help you further. If you would like I can transfer you to my manager but I am afraid she would say the same as I have.”
“You’re a disgusting, greedy person, and I hope you suffer greatly!”
The phone line went dead, and it was only then that I realised tears were silently running down my cheeks. I reached for a tissue on my desk and dabbed it at my face, frustrated that I was crying yet again today.
My emotions were all over the place since the assessment day. I wasn’t normally someone who would easily break like this, and it was as frustrating to me to cry yet again, as it was to have to fight needlessly with a client. I didn’t like this lack of control over myself and I pulled off my headset, signalling to Younha that I needed some fresh air.
Heading into the bathroom, I went over to the sink and turned on the water, splashing the cool liquid up onto my face. I looked up into the mirror, watching the droplets run and fall off my chin, my face staring back at me blandly. For the past few days, I hadn’t bothered with anything more than minimal eye makeup, unable to put in the effort like I usually did. This meant my imperfections were showing through, my skin looking dry and tired, evident dark circles forming under my puffy eyelids. I smiled weakly, wondering how bad I appeared to others. For some reason, the face I saw looking back at me now was more comfortable than it usually appeared.
“Perhaps because I look more human-like?” I said to myself and then smiled more genuinely, going over to wipe my hands dry and head into the cafeteria. I grabbed a bottle of water from the refrigerator and twisted the cap off, taking a couple of gulps, before glancing around me.
In the corner of the room sat a familiar individual. His dark eyes were regarding me, much like they had the first time I had seen them.
“How did you get in here?” I asked, placing the lid back over my water, not wanting a repeat of our first meeting in here again.
He smirked. “I escaped.”
“No doctor said he was going to send you to the scrap bin again, did they?” We shared a knowing smile and in that moment, I felt a huge rush of emotions, wanting to cross the distance between us, to speak all of the apologies I had come up with since we had been apart and to fix things between us. Yet I remained rooted to my spot, my body not yet ready to accept the feelings within my head. And my heart.
Leo seemed to have some understanding of this, and instead he got up, moving closer to me but still maintaining a space between us. “Would you come and save me again?”
I bit my lower lip, my ability to talk snatched away from me, along with my breath. All I needed to do was will my body to take one step forward.
“You don’t look well, dark circles under the eyes indicate fatigue, anaemia or an allergic reaction. Have you been eating well? Are you allergic to anything? Why is your charging not successful? Is there-”
“I missed you,” I blurted out, Leo’s eyes widening at my statement. Glancing away from him, I tried to not let the tears come out yet again.
“Say it again.” How it was possible for his voice to sound huskier in that moment, I was unsure. It caused my heart to skip several beats and I started to feel weak through my legs. I wasn’t prepared for the effect that Leo would have on me now that I was back in his company. There was only one strong notion within me then, and that was to make sure I was never away from him again.
The taller man shifted closer and I couldn’t help but look up at him. His eyes searching mine, trying to understand the conflicting messages I kept sending him. He tentatively reached out for my hair, messily tied back but no doubt looking as frazzled as I felt. He smiled and tilted his head to the side. “Won’t you tell me again?”
“Why do you need to hear it?” I managed to breathe out and his smile grew wider.
“Because it’s all I’ve been hoping to hear from you, noona.”
“I missed you, a lot.” A blush rushed to my cheeks and I looked down at my confession.
Arms soon encircled around me, pressing my frozen body against his. “I missed you even more, I’m sure of it.”
Next chapter 
A/N: *UNINTELLIGIBLE SCREAMING!!* Finally, we get back to the progress in their connection we all wanted right? Or is that just me? 
Next chapter will be posted Monday 17th (NZST)!
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mbq-butwithart · 6 years
Sakura had a slight feeling- no, she was pretty sure everyone else knew something that she didn’t.
At first she ignored the obvious signs, chalking it up to her imagination. But soon, she was certain everyone was acting weird.
Ino kept elbowing her and giving her saucy winks and giggling behind her hand. Kiba kept shooting her devious grins and wished her an ‘interesting night’. Tenten avoided her eyes and questions, smiling secretively. Naruto and Sasuke were nowhere to be found.
Honestly, she’s had it up to here with their cryptic nonsense. She got enough of that from Sasuke, Kakashi and Neji and that was already too much.
Speaking of a cryptic Kakashi, earlier while she was being annoyed by Tenten’s refusal on explaining her downright confusing behaviour he appeared suddenly. He pressed a copy of his favourite series into her hands, saying that it might be useful later on.
She considered burning it, but on a probably stupid whim, she kept it and tucked it into her basket. She had rose this morning with the idea of bullying her teammates in enjoying the day with her on a picnic, but Kakashi rattled off a nonsensical excuse and disappeared, which left Naruto and Sasuke, who were MIA.
The basket was heavy with food. She had been extra careful in preparing this food, so it was neither burnt or tasteless. The least her teammates could do was appreciate her efforts and eat it. But they were missing. And no one would tell her anything.
In hindsight, she probably should’ve stayed in bed, or at least downed another cup of coffee.
She was passing through the streets when she spotted Neji.
“Hey, Neji-san!” She yelled, waving her free hand.
At the sound of her voice, he turned and waited until she stumbled up to him.
“Ah, Sakura-san. I was looking for you.”
“Really?” She smiled. Here was a person without any silliness in him, he would surely tell her if he had seen her bonehead teammates.
“Yes, I was given something to deliver to you.”
While he searched in the pouch by his side, Sakura posed her question. “You haven’t by chance seen Naruto or Sasuke today, have you?” She inquired hopefully.
Neji was silent as he pulled out a small slip of paper and handed it to her. She took it, albeit confusedly.
“This will help you.” And he turned and strode down the street, quickly and gracefully. The pinkette glared at the brunette’s back. He had given her an answer, but not the one she wanted. At least he didn’t giggle.
Curiosity won over and she carefully placed her picnic basket down and opened the small piece of paper.
In neat handwriting that looks suspiciously like Shikamaru’s, the note said:
‘I take life, I give life, I house life.’
Pink eyebrows rose in disbelief. A riddle. A riddle! A riddle?
She should’ve definitely stayed in bed. Today was getting ridiculous. A picnic while watching the sun set was becoming to look like an impossibility. She rolled her eyes. Oh what the hell. She apparently didn’t have anything better to do anyway.
Time to put her big brain to work. Three possibilities sprung to mind immediately. The perks of being smart.
One, was a god. But do gods house life? Plus there weren’t any statues or temples in Konoha. Nothing to represent a god. Strike.
The second possibility a hospital, where babies were born and people died. Some people had to stay there too. But hospitals didn’t ‘give’ or ‘take’ lives. Just saved them or failed to save them. Strike. Which striked out medics as well. The terms didn’t apply. They helped life into the world, and yes sometimes they had to take people off life support machines, but they didn’t house life.
The last option looked at it a little less obviously. What was life? What gave life? Could be chakra, but chakra was too broad a subject, and she would never figure out where the next clue was. Every living thing had chakra. What was she gonna do? Check every person and tree?
The answer hit her then. Of course, a tree. A tree took in water, which was important for life, and it gave off oxygen, which also was important for life, and it was a habitat for wildlife.
It took life to sustain itself, then gave off life as a bi-product, and it housed many creatures.
But which tree? Konoha was quite literally in a forest. It must be their favourite tree. The big cherry blossom at the top of the small hill behind their training grounds. Where they relaxed after sparring. Where she had planned to have her picnic.
When she was there, Sakura walked the distance around the trunk, then looked up in its branches. Her eyes narrowed when she saw Shino there, watching her. They had obviously chosen the ones who could keep secrets to dole out the riddles.
He hopped down and handed the paper he held, before leaving with a quiet ‘good luck’. She thanked him. It wasn’t his fault the rest of team seven were infuriating. She could still be polite.
She was gonna break their little necks when she got to them.
She opened the riddle with more haste.
Choji’s writing. It smelt like potato chips.
‘What makes stressed turn back?’
Sakura’s clear green eyes narrowed. The sentence was confusing, but the bad grammar must’ve been intentional.
What got rid of stress?
Sakura’s answer was work until her mind comes off the problem, but that was most likely not the answer. Ino was sort of typical. What did she do?
Rant, eat sweets, complain, then go solve the problem by force.
Sweets. Stressed turn back. Oh, stressed backwards was desserts.
Sakura giggled. This was easy.
Many places sold sweets, but only one shop held the word ‘desserts’ in their name. Sakura skipped all the way there, glad to be making some progress. Shikamaru was there, looking bored out of his mind. She patted him on the back while he slunk off. This process repeated. She solved the riddle, she met someone and received the next.
Naruto’s handwriting was on the paper the lazy genius handed her. It wasn’t even a riddle. ‘This place sells the r- food EVER!’Answer, Ichiraku. The riddles kept getting easier and easier from there.
Hinata. Ino’s handwriting. ‘My pollen brings all the bees to the yard.’ Answer,Flowers: Yamanaka shop. Hinata ran off giggling with a smirking Kiba before she had a chance to interrogate her.
Ino. Hinata’s handwriting. ‘Toughest material on earth, but pretty enough to melt hearts. Outshines the stars, reflects love.’ Answer: Diamonds: Jewelry shops. Ino handed her a bouquet with a small smile.
Sakura clutched the red tipped yellow roses, orange roses, honeysuckle, daises and daffodils to her chest.
Friendship turned to love, passionate enthusiasm, bonds of love, hope, new beginning.
Her heart sped up along with her pace.
Tsunade of all people, stood at the entrance of the jewelry shop. She handed her student a brown paper bag with instructions not to open until she was at home. Sakura placed the bouquet and the bag carefully in her picnic basket. All Tsunade said was ‘I approve’ before handing Sakura her riddle.
Sasuke’s handwriting. ‘Here, gratitude I gave, mistakes were made.’ Answer: The bench he left her unconscious on. Her heart skipped. She could tell this little hunt was drawing to a close.
On that cold unforgiving bench, sat her masked former (but forever, in her heart) sensei. His smile was visible underneath his mask even as the day came to a close and the sun retreated, giving way to a midnight blue sky.
He clasped her free hand with his larger ones and neatly slipped the paper he held into it.
“I’m happy for you.” He said, and then he was gone. Leaving her with her heart hesitant but hoping against hope. She glanced at the flowers once more, reminded herself of their symbolism and smoothed out the paper Kakashi gave her..
‘Come home, Sakura.’ was written. Her hands shook as she dropped the paper in her basket and followed the route she knew so well she could follow it blindfolded. The streets that were full of her friends were only occupied by civilians who paid her no mind except to greet her or glance curiously at the flowers in the basket.
What was only under two minutes felt like hours until she arrived at her apartment.
She moved away from her parents’ house to here, where everything was purely her. Her green bedspread, white furniture, bright red rug, secondhand couch that used to be white, her mahogany desk, her bookshelf and her endless pile of scrolls and books.
Until it wasn’t just her. Their invading was subtle, Naruto left a bloodied shirt that she washed and he never retrieved it, Sasuke brought lunch over and left his plate there. Then they started to crash on her couch, or on her bed when she was away on missions. And then suddenly she found herself picking up cup ramen at the store and polishing Sasuke’s kunai in her spare time.
It wasn’t just green, white and red anymore. Suddenly there was black, orange, navy blue, crimson and a myriad of colours that made up them. And she knew that if any attempts to separate these colours were made scars would be left behind.
Her hand hovered over her doorknob. She could turn around and stay at Ino’s, she’d understand. They’d all understand. But that would erect a wall she would lament over all her life there would be what ifs that would eat her from the inside out until she was as hollow as a dead tree.
The cold metal sent shocks down her arm when her palm closed around it. She took a deep breath and opened the door.
Inside was dark, but she didn’t flick on the lights. She knew this small space inside out. She headed straight to her bedroom without even putting down the basket. Just as her fingers were about to touch the brass metal of the doorknob, she caught her reflection in a full length mirror. Her eyes trailed from her open toed sandals up to her almost knee length blue-green sundress to her simple silver necklace up to her face.
Her face which was only graced by lipgloss but held so much hope and fear and hesitance and anticipation and love.
She turned away before she started wasting time staring at someone she saw everyday but looked so different with that emotion reflected on her face from her heart.
She could sense them and they could sense her, hesitating. She had better go in before they start worrying and doubting themselves.
She closed her eyes, and opened the door.
Their scent accompanied their chakra signatures. She breathed the air in deeply and adrenaline replaced her blood.
Her eyes fluttered before she opened them fully and she drank in the sight before her.
Sasuke, pale and cool and perfect like the moon.
Naruto, sunkissed and warm and vibrant like the summer’s sun.
Sat on her green bedspread with their fingers intertwined.
And their other hands reached out towards her.
She exhaled.
She didn’t move backward, and she didn’t move forward.
She froze, unsure, as the moon and the sun looked at her as if she was their world.
Sasuke looked indifferent, except his eyes followed her every move, took in every detail. Naruto’s smile held confidence but he unconsciously bit his lip and his hand tightened around Sasuke’s for comfort.
They were just as nervous as she was. She let out a breathy laugh that sounded more like a puff of breath.
Tears slipped down her face and before the first drop dripped off her chin, they were there by her side. Sasuke took the basket and set it down. He took up the bouquet and passed the paper bag to Naruto. Sakura watched them without a word.
Naruto almost tore open the bag and took out a small velvet box. Her heart stopped.
Sasuke plucked a cherry blossom flower that she didn’t notice from the assortment of flowers and tucked it behind her ear. His fingers lingered as they combed through her hair.
Naruto carefully opened the box, and in it was a delicate silver ring with three gemstones; emerald, sapphire, onyx. To remind her of their eyes.
The necklace around her neck was removed, and the ring was slipped down the chain.
A question was in their eyes as Naruto held it around her neck, hesitating to clasp it.
Sakura laughed again, this time hearty and loud. She wrapped her arms around their torsos and crushed them to her in an almost rib cracking hug. She was dimly aware of the necklace being clasped and being carried to her bed.
They laid there laughing, fingers intertwined, stealing kisses and hugging. Them three. As it was meant to be.
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likesugarandcyanide · 6 years
AN: For the life of me I couldn’t write this in 1000 words or less. May not be the last David piece I write. The next on my to do list is a one shot for Ace Merrill; hope it doesn’t melt my brain.
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“Why not ask them? They’re real cute.”
That was an understatement; they were minors. It was obvious to Mia the moment she noticed them – they had a certain inexperience in their stiff movements, like they were afraid of getting caught for staying out too late. She rolled her eyes at her new friends and spun to face them, not concerned about the people she was bumping into as she walked backwards down the boardwalk.
“Trust me, Sara. There are better fish in the sea besides those wet behind the ears brats over there.” Mia smiled. “Bet they wouldn’t even know where to stick it if ya got naked and asked them to fuck ya; no offence Andy.”
Andrew – her date – curled up his nose and flipped Mia off. His friends all teased and laughed at him until Sara brought up her hand and silenced them – the queen bee had spoken.
“What do you suggest then, Mia? We came here to party. Are you going to show us a good time, or do we need to find someone else to do it?” Again, they laughed.
Brats. Mia nearly forgot they were from out of town; students on break. She huffed a sigh of annoyance. “I suggest ya listen to me. This place is a hot spot for tourists, but it’s also pretty dangerous for those who are not from here. Ya go around lookin’ for some fun and ya might just get more than ya asked for.” Ya might just find yerself with more holes to fuck than swiss cheese. Or become the domestic bitch of a Surf Nazi and his lackeys; much to choose from ‘round here.
A variety of bizarre and irrational people inhabited the boardwalk after dark; some harmless and some that even Mia wouldn’t dare cross. She promised the college students a night to remember and she’d be damned if she went back on her word. Her dull green eyes swiftly combed through the busy crowd – her guests needed dates, yet no one really struck her fancy. No one seemed good enough.
Until he surfaced – a platinum blonde that came to the amusement park every night – sauntering from the metal bowls of the radiantly lit roundabout. He was a handsome creature, always dressed in black and always in the company of others. Mia thought he’d be fun to hang with; his friends were an active bunch. She had seen the fat security guard, Ed chase them through the park a couple times. It couldn’t hurt to ask.
“How ‘bout them? The guys near the carousel; mullet and his friends. They’re cute, right?”
Sara took a look – nice catch. “Will they bite though? Looks as though they won’t … guys like them have a certain taste.”
“They’ll bite – trust me.” Mia bobbed her head. “Look at you. Good enough to eat.” She licked her lips to emphasize her point.
The queen bee was satisfied. She sent Mia and one of her own – Lauren – to reel them in. The sassy brunette returned minutes later, dragging Lauren behind her. Sara knew the guys had agreed; both girls were bouncing in glee.
An hour later, the troupe was set up on the beach. Andrew made a fire between them with pieces of dried wood and each of them paired up, resting around the pit like a mass of witches. The loud uproar from the boardwalk was drowned out by the pleasant music playing from the ‘rock box’ laying in the white sand – Paul, the blonde with the teased hair called it that.
So far, it had been a good night.
Mia was buzzed. She took a deep swig from her beer and burst into a fit of laughter; 2nd bottle in. “Don’t tell me … I wanna try again. Almost remembered this time.” She nearly tumbled off Andrew’s lap and would have if not for the tight grip he had on her waist.
The curly haired male – Marko was his name – urged her on, rolling his wrist. He and Paul had been playing a game with her; music trivia. Mia was losing. “Ya get one more try, little sister. Get it wrong and ya have to chug the rest of yer beer.” He laughed as she whined in defeat.
“It’s Love Bites,” Andrew answered for her. “You know; Def Leppard.” Obviously she doesn’t know it. He leaned down and whispered the lyrics in her ear, inciting a shiver from her.
Paul quickly accused her of cheating; Marko agreed. “Ya have to do it. Help is against the rules, so bottoms up.”
Mia whined again. “Do I have to?” She hated the sharp taste of beer; it didn’t exactly slake her thirst, but she couldn’t exactly tell Marko no when he offered her bottle after bottle. Her eyes drifted over to David for the first time that night, blaming the bonfire for the heat she felt as he stared at her. Don’t disappoint me, she imagined him saying. Even with Sara glued to his arm, Mia felt like his attention was on her alone. She smiled and toasted him, tossing back the remainder of her drink. Some of the amber colored liquid trickled down her chin, but Andrew helped her clean it up.
“Bravo,” Marko cheered. He happily took up his date’s limp arms and like a marionette forced her to clap too. Kayla had passed out between his knees in a drunken sleep, ignorant to the world around her.
Mia laughed and faked her best bow, leaning back against Andrew’s chest. His warm scent was almost too much for her. She nuzzled her nose into the crook of his neck and sighed in relief.
“Not bad, Maria. Not bad at all.” David applauded her. The entire group seemed to quieten down. He curled his lips up into a teasing grin. “Have to admit, for out-of-towners you guys have major balls to party with strangers you barely know, considering the rumors coming out of this place.”
“Rumors? You mean the whole ‘murder capital of the world’ thing?” Sasha – the girl with Paul – gave a nervous laugh. She noticed the bold declaration on her way into the city; it was brushed in all capital letters on the flip side of the ‘Welcome to Santa Carla’ sign. Welcome my ass, she remembered thinking. White hot dread burbled in the pit of her stomach, but once the beach came into view, all undesirable thoughts about the sunset colored words faded away. Sasha hadn’t really thought about them until David mentioned it – the fear began to burble in her stomach again.
“No ‘fraid not. He means monsters; things that go bump in the night.” Dwayne, the quiet one voiced.
Lauren thought he may be joking, yet his eyes held no humor in them. In fact, none of the four guys were laughing. She knotted her brows together and shot them a bemused look. “You guys are just trying to get a laugh out of us, right? Scare the out-of-towners.”
“Ignore ‘em. The natives here do this sometimes,” Mia interrupted, rolling her eyes. “They claim Santa Carla is infested with vampires. Every year people go missing and their bodies never turn up, but it’s not true. Vampires don’t exist.” She was beginning to feel uncomfortable – Andrew had tightened his grip on her waist. His skin was pebbled in goosebumps.
“But it’s true. Vampires do exist,” Marko argued. He laid his finger against the thin, pale skin beneath Kayla’s chin. The nail on his pinkie was long and looked razor-sharp in the flickering light of the bonfire. “Keep your eyes here and don’t look away.” No one expected what happened next. Marko slid his nail along the length of her neck; a wet spurt of blood spilled out and ebbed into the v cut of her blouse. Kayla didn’t even wake up. She wheezed, slumped her head, and died.
Andrew’s blood ran cold. His mind couldn’t process the facts; she’s dead. He killed her right in front of you. What will you do, Andy buddy? Panic – that’s what he did. A terrified scream tore from his throat. He nearly tossed Mia from his lap trying to fool his body into believing that he didn’t just witness his friend being wrung like a stuck pig.
The fear was infectious. Lauren lurched forward and vomited on her shoes. The queen herself was speechless; she didn’t feel the icy hands of death on her until it was too late.
“Why? God Why?” Sasha grabbed Paul by the arm; her only relief being one of the four responsible for Kayla’s death. Yet as she took a look at his face, her stomach knotted in repulsion. His lively eyes were sunken in, cheekbones high and bulging from his skin. Paul was a monster – no a vampire. Like a fish, she opened and closed her mouth, unable to form words. The vampire leapt onto her and sank its fanged teeth into the junction of her neck and shoulder. Sasha was knocked backwards onto the sand, but all she could remember before her world went black was the look of fear on Lauren’s face as Dewayne tore her head from her body. There was so much blood.
Across the fire pit Mia was in awe, bound by the limbs around her waist and the fierce yellow eyes that stalked her; David’s beautiful eyes. She noted the amount of blood trickling from his mouth – the honey bee no doubt – splashed across his human face and in his blonde hair. It brought more questions than fear; a tinge of arousal that made her nipples harden beneath her blouse. Her hand reached for him, begging silently to be touched. However, it wasn’t David that brought her to reality; it was Andrew. Her name on his lips sent a shiver through her body that felt like ice water on her skin. Mia shot him a look of shock and released the breath she didn’t know she had been holding.
“Snap out it, Mia. We have to run – don’t leave me alone – we have to get up and get out of here.” Andrew shook the tiny girl in his lap. He was thankful that her eyes had focused, staring at him instead of through him like a pane of glass. She gave a brief nod and Andrew took it as the push he needed to yank her up and go. He pulled her behind him and away from the horrifying sound of his friends being bled dry.
Andrew could see it – the boardwalk – in the distance. How far had they wondered out? It shouldn’t be this far, yet it felt like he had been running for hours. He was too sacred to look over his shoulder, afraid that he’d see the vampires closing in; his hand was still attached to Mia’s wrist. If not for the soft wheezes of exhaustion coming from her mouth, he might of thought she had already died.
“Andy … please. I can’t keep up.” Mia could hardly breathe. She struggled to keep up and missed a step, dropping into the sand with a loud oomph. The weight nearly pulled Andrew down on top of her.
He turned to her with annoyance in his eyes. Almost there … almost and you trip. Damn drunken sow. Andrew tore his hand from her like he’d been burned and thought about stomping onto her back – the same cute ass that had been in his lap earlier was sticking right up into the air. He was too afraid to make a rational thought; too scared of being torn apart that he circled around and left her. Better her than me, he thought hoping that they would be satisfied with her alone. How wrong he was – Mia sat up in anticipation.
Andrew barely made it a few feet away before David swooped down in front of him. They can fucking fly? He shrieked in horror, but found that his vocal cords weren’t generating a sound. A wet and warm liquid streamed down his shirt, almost like he’d pissed himself. However, before he understood that his neck had been tore open like a dressed pig David shoved his razor like nails into his stomach and ripped them up and through the teen’s fleshy tissue. His large intestine spilled out and hung like a length of rope from the slit in shirt. Andrew’s body doubled over and landed in the mucky red sand with a heavy thump.
Mia cried in mock fear. “Please … please don’t hurt me.” Fat, hot tears soaked her face. She was too caught up in her act to notice David narrow his eyes.
From down the beach she heard Marko laugh. He came down from the air, nearly falling on his ass – Paul and Dewayne landed next to him. “Gets better every time I hear it.”
“Ya think? The scream needs a little work, honestly.” Mia could never seem to get it right. She smiled as Dewayne dipped his head; he agreed with her.
“A little late considering he was dead before hittin’ the ground – David really did a number on ‘im – but no doubt better.” Paul helped Mia stand, avoiding a punch to his side from her. “Come on; wasn’t even the best part. Yer dolly took the cake, leavin’ ya to die. Wasn’t expecting ‘im to run off with ya though.”
Dewayne brushed his fingers through his windswept hair. “Me neither. It was split second.” He watched David nudge the body with his boot and smiled. Out of David’s control; he’s not happy.
The blonde in question moved over to them and stood in front of Mia – Paul backed out of his way. He slid a finger beneath her chin and tilted her face up to meet his. The uncertainty in her pale eyes was almost cute. “What have I told you about playing with your food?”
“Sorry David,” she uttered. Mia wanted to promise him she wouldn’t do it again, but even she knew it wouldn’t be wise to lie to him. His stained thumb rubbed at her cheek; she had no doubt he was smearing blood onto her skin. It smelled delicious. “I did good, didn’t I? Tricked them into going along with us, just like you asked.”
Some habits were hard to break. For Maria it was her obedience; she was something of a pet before David turned her and even now she was expecting a beating for going against his plan. Sometimes he wondered if she liked it a little too much. He sighed and dug his nail into her bottom lip, drawing a thin line of blood. “Yes, but don’t disobey me again.”
Mia smiled. Of course, she thought. What she did was kiss the pad of his finger, sinking her mouth down on it. The metallic taste of blood flaked off onto her tongue, urging her to moan. She was right, Andrew was a good choice. Had he not been, Mia was sure Sara would have. So bitter; her blood must have tasted like honey. Her lips made a sharp pop as she moved off David’s finger.
“Was she good?” Mia was curious. Her lips pouted as he smiled – some of her blood was still around his mouth.
“I’ve had better,” he admitted. Pompous ass, Mia thought. That smirk he gave her knotted her stomach in the most wonderful way.
Mia could only think of one way to find out. She leaned forward and kissed him. A satisfied moan left her mouth as David moved against her, allowing her to taste the blood on his tongue.
Just like honey.
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neganandblake · 7 years
I think I liked you better when you didn’t have a knife in your hand, Peaches... Chapter 119 - Picture books & Ass Grabbing
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When Blake finds herself sold out to the Saviours by her abusive fiancé, she realises that she's certainly not on her own anymore and finds an unlikely friend in Negan. And Negan does NOT like men who beat their girlfriends, one tiny bit…. Look out for friendship and maybe something more…
Chapter 119 - Picture books & Ass Grabbing
[Negan realises that Mia and Blake are indeed a popular duo at the Sanctaury...but the dark-haired Saviour eventually manages to find some alone time with the pair.]
Everyone had been excited to see Mia back at the Sanctuary.
Everywhere Negan seemed to fucking turn that day, there they were, the dining hall, down at the marketplace, the goddamn hallways, workers and lieutenants alike, cooing at the kid and talking to Blake like she was their everything.
It was fucking obvious to him now that Peaches was revered in this place. Not in the way he was. When his men and women spoke to him, it was with fear and respect in their voices.
But to Peaches….they showed utter love and devotion. Even workers he had never even seen before, came crawling out of the woodwork the moment they caught sight of her, coming to say hello.
Negan had kept his distance at first, observing the way these people laughed and joked with her, touching her arm warmly as she chatted back to them completely lighting up every room she was in.
And the kid didn't do too badly either, acting as shy as she had been when she had first arrived at this fucking place to begin with, before realising that these people, unlike those dead pricks outside, were not here to do her any harm.
Negan had even caught the baby girl standing up on the benches in the dining hall at lunchtime, pointing at food she liked on peoples trays so fucking charmingly in-fact, that the poor-fuckin' sons of bitches were pushovers enough that they would quickly laugh and offer Mia whatever she wanted.
Negan admired that in her immensely, as he had left the room wordlessly, chuckling to himself as he had ran a hand over his bearded chin, swinging Lucille up onto his leather-clad shoulder as he went.
But as great as Blake and the kid being popular was, Negan had found himself getting kinda ansty and bored by mid-afternoon at the lack of attention he himself was getting from his favourite girl.
Usually he would have found Blake at least once today, placed her in a compromising position or two, the two of them barely able to keep their hands off of each other for long, and screwed her brains out already.
But with the kid now a permanent feature here in their lives, this enjoyable task was proving a little harder than Negan first had realised.
Even speaking to Blake today had proved to be tough enough, just about getting the chance to exchange a few teasing words with the blonde woman, before Mia had complained that she needed to go to the bathroom for the hundredth time.
And, waving his hands of all responsibility in that area, Negan had sloped off in a huff, as Blake and Mia had skipped away to do what ladies normally fuckin' did in bathrooms.
HIS  fuckin' bathroom again, no doubt!
And so it was late afternoon by the time the unusually cheerful and buzzing atmosphere of the Sanctuary had died down to a mere simmer, and Negan, pacing the long quiet hallways in search of the two women, had finally heard their voices, floating low and quiet down the echoing corridors of the drafty factory building.
Negan gave a wide grin to himself as he approached the door ahead of him now, swinging Lucille from his hand a little and bowing his head as he listened.
"And do you know what animal that is?" came the voice of Blake gently, in a tone contrasting the teasing one she usually reserved for speaking to him with.
There was small pause before the voice of Mia was heard.
"Tha..tha…I know tha is…" she said excitedly, sounding like she was wriggling about a little. "Tha donk! Tha donk!"
Negan heard Blake let out a small laugh.
"Yeah that's right, that's a donke-"
But Blake wasn't able to get through her entire sentence before Mia cut across her loudly.
"What tha won? I laik tha won!" she said as Negan took a couple of silent steps forward and peered around the doorway, his chocolate eyes finally settling on the pair of them.
The two ladies were sat in the library, both huddled together on the dusty floor with a large book propped open on Blake's lap, as Mia leaned over her, pointing with chubby little digits at whatever was in the large white book.
"That's a penguin," said Blake quietly, neither of the pair noticing Negan's presence in the doorway yet, as Mia fawned over the image in the book splayed out in front of her. "They like to live where it's very, very cold."
Mia gave a delighted squeal at this, peering at the page with great interest.
"Ca' we go see pengwen?" she asked placing her pudgy little hand to Blake's shoulder before clambering onto her lap.
But it was at this, that he saw Blake's eyes wash with a sort of sadness, that broke his heart to see.
Negan of course knew that it would be likely that Mia would never get to see a penguin in her lifetime.
Not only was travel near to impossible these days but the zoos were all but ruined, and the likelihood that there were even any penguins left on this continent was near unmanageable.
"Perhaps…someday…" Blake murmured in a quiet voice, as Mia gave a sudden yawn, rubbing at her tired eyes with her little fists.
It had obviously been a long day for her….for both of them in fact, judging by the way Blake's eyes blinked slowly as she let out a small puff of air.
But it was then that Negan, leaning in, causeda floorboard to creak beneath his boots, drawing both of the women's eyes to look his way, finally noticing his presence.
Blake offered him a warm, coy smile, that made him feel like he truly belonged here, warm and happy with her right beside him.
"Hey stranger," she purred out gently, wrinkling her nose as Mia scrambled to her bandy little legs, running towards him suddenly on small sock-covered feet.
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"It Eggy!" she said in a slurred little voice, making grabby hands at him with her sticky hands. "Eggy, we gon' shee pengwen!"
Negan readjusting his grip on Lucille and rolling his eyes a little, obliged the toddler almost immediately, bending down and lifting her up into his arms with a stiff groan.
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"That so?" the dark-haired man commented. "You plannin' on takin' a trip on those goddamn tiny legs of yours, beansprout? You bustin' outta this place? Huh?"
And with that, Negan made a grab for her tiny sock-covered foot, making the teeny girl squeal with delight.
"Noh Eggy, don' do tha!" she giggled, pawing at his leather-clad chest, her chubby fingers grasping hold of his zipper.
But Negan didn't relent, chuckling as he pressed his face close to hers, grazing his stubbly chin across her pudgy cheek.
"Noh Eggy tha tickuls!" she cried out, wriggling from his grasp and prising herself from him once more. until Negan was forced to set her down, watching as the laughing baby girl ran back toward Blake, who had gotten to her feet, large picture book tucked under her arm.
But the caramel-blonde woman looked a little strained now, giving a frown as she placed a hand to her head, wincing slightly and closing her eyes for the briefest of moments.
"You alright, Peaches?" Negan asked her almost instantly, standing up straight and staring over at the woman he loved, a dark and concerned look passing over his long features.
But she blinked a couple of times, offering him a flash of a smile.
"Yeah…I'm fine…just feeling a bit light headed is all…" she muttered.
Negan's gaze lingered on her for a long moment, hearing the lie in her voice, but he played it cool, clenching his jaw tightly, but carrying on as though nothing had happened.
"Well perhaps you're runnin' on empty, Darlin'," he growled, as Mia clutched Blake's hand with her tiny paw, before peering up at the dark-haired man. "It's a good fuckin' job I've arranged for some dinner to be brought up to my room then isn't it?"
At his words, Blake's stared up into his face, smiling at him warmly.
Fuck, it was good to be back with her here again….knowing that yesterday he could have lost her for good.
He was enamoured by her, this hurricane, who had appeared in his life, changing it for the better.
He was different man around her. Softer, more sympathetic….to them at least!
And Negan couldn't help but grin goofily as she and Mia slid past him hand in hand, heading out the door.
"Hmmm, it's about time we got room service, isn't it Mia?" the blonde woman uttered in a sarcastic tone, her eyes sparkling gleefully as she teased him. "You gonna serve it up on a silver platter too?"
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But Negan gave a chuckle as he ran his tongue over his lips, eyeing her with awe.
And before Blake could let out another smart-mouthed comment, Negan's hand had clamped around Blake's jean-clad ass, giving it a hard and needy squeeze.
The blonde woman instantly stopped in her tracks abruptly, giving a sudden squeak and causing Mia to stare up at the pair in fright, as Negan leaned his lips in towards Blake's ear.
"Now baby, you have gotta stop with that damn attitude of yours…." he growled in a wolf-like manner, giving another low and throaty chuckle. "Because you're gonna make Daddy wanna eat something' else completely, Peaches…"
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But he almost immediately caught Blake narrow her green eyes toward him, as she slowly looked his way.
She had obviously not been expecting this possessive act from him. But the dark-haired Saviour should have known better than to presume Blake would just let something like that, slide that easily.
"Well maybe, if Daddy delivers like he promised on dinner…" she purred in a delicious voice, taking this opportunity to press her cheek to his stubbly one, her lips finding his ear now, causing Negan's mouth to curve up into a wide grin. "Then maybe he can get what he wants for dessert."
But what Negan didn't notice was Blake's hand snake around his waist.
And it wasn't until Negan feet the short sharp slap of the large, hard-bound picture book colliding with his ass, did he raise both his dark eyebrows to the heavens in utter surprise, gazing at Blake as she smirked, pulling away from him.
"But I guess we'll have to see…." she murmured airily, strutting away and heading out into the hallway ahead of Negan, as Mia still clutching onto her hand tightly, peering up at Blake with great interest, wondering what she was missing.
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And Negan was, for the first time in a long, long time, rendered utterly speechless….
….shaking his head in wonderment, and letting his chin drop to his collarbone as he let out a small laugh….
…before swinging Lucille back up onto his shoulder once more, and following his two favourite girls out of the door, and back up towards his room.
More in love with the blonde woman now, than he had ever been before.
Credit belongs to the gif owners.
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‘Sunburnt Country’ Chapter 2
Everyone makes mistakes when starting a new job. For new God Jack, sometimes your mistakes are realising an ancient and great evil. Thankfully, he’s managed to contain his spill to the continental Americas. His dads may want to help but Jack is determined that they stay retired. Keeping them out of the latest apocalypse is going to take drastic measures. Hopefully a trip to the other side of the globe will be enough to keep them out of the way.
Season 16 but let’s just set in Australia
on ao3 | chapter one
Take me back to hell. At least it was cooler there.
It had been three hours since Jack had dropped them in the middle of nowhere. Not just nowhere, Dean had decided, but the worst nowhere ever dreamt up.
There was red dirt and blinding blue-white sky as far as the eye could see. It was a struggle to even see that because the sun was so friggin’ bright. Had this place ever heard of clouds? It should really get onto that. Even if Dean did manage to keep his squinted eyes open, there was nothing much to see but heat haze and yellowish trees and shrubs. Surely that wasn’t healthy - plants that dry should just give up and die. After five minutes in this place, Dean sure wanted to.
So maybe it wasn’t The Hell, he concluded, but it sure as shit was hell on Earth. Freaking Australia.
They headed in a general easterly direction after Cas had made some remarks about “the East Coast” and “population density”.
After about an hour of walking, Dean was kind of hoping Sammy would have arrived at one of his bright ideas. Unfortunately, the only bright thing around here was the sun. His brother looked thoroughly out of his element, the back of his shirt already soaked in sweat under a layer of flies. Apparently being a walking lore encyclopedia didn’t prepare you for being dumped in the middle of Australia. So now Earth Hell had broken Sam. Freaking Australia.
Four weeks. Four weeks. It had started to feel like it was too good to be true. Four weeks since they’d defeated Chuck, since Jack had become God with a capital G and Cas had come home. The first four weeks of his life where things had seemed ok. There was nothing hanging over his head and he actually had time to breathe. Of course it wouldn’t last.
A massive snake suddenly jerked to life from where it had been sunbathing a few feet Dean. It sped off into the underbrush. Was that a fucking Death Adder? Forget monsters, he was going to die getting bitten by some dumb fucking snake in the middle of Earth Hell. God, what he wouldn’t give to be back hunting hillbilly vampires in Bumfuck, Ohio right now. At least you don’t accidentally step on vampires.
At some point they’d all ditched their seasonally appropriate autumn layers and stripped down to t-shirts. An hour in, Sam had made them stop and apply a generous layer of sunscreen which Jack had mercifully packed. Sure, they were all going to die, but at least it wouldn’t be of melanoma.
Cas stopped briefly ahead of Dean to wipe the bottom of his shirt across his sweating face. He’d shucked the trench coat after about five minutes of being here. Dean was still getting used to seeing the guy out of his one singular outfit. Usually, he’d be enjoying the sight of Cas all sweaty in just a t-shirt and jeans, but right now he just wanted to die a little. Scratch that, he wanted to die a lot.
Ahead of them Eileen ground to a halt, bent over in exhaustion. Puffing heavily, she signed something to them which Dean didn’t catch at all, but he figured it was something along the lines of “Stop” or “My whole body hurts”. Equally likely was “I too am getting weirdly nostalgic for real Hell and would like to go back there” or “What the actual fuck Jack why didn’t you drop us on a beach? I heard Australia has great beaches.”
Whatever it was Cas at least seemed to get it and signed something back to her.
Dean nodded, it appeared they’d agreed to take a break. Maybe if they waited till the sun set being here might become bearable.
Sam pulled up next to Dean, sweat absolutely dripping off his large frame.
“Did you get that?” Dean asked between shallow breaths.
Sam shook his head, “Nope.” he panted.
Cas and Eileen were retreating off the road, heading towards the shade of a mostly dead looking eucalypt. Dean hesitated. He needed to get out of the sun, but the dying tree looked like it could be a haven for snakes. Then again the entire continent was a haven for snakes, so how much more dangerous could that particular spot be?
“Why the hell would Jack dump us here man?” Dean asked Sam as he collapsed onto the ground.
“I’m sure he has a plan.” Sam’s muttered. Speaking in whole sentences indicated his breath might be returning to him.
“You know I love him and I’m glad it’s him up there instead of Chuck, but the dude is also three. He took his favourite teddy bear to heaven with him.”
“I thought you took that?” Sam responded.
“No. Why would I- I’m just saying that I don’t fully trust he’s not going to accidentally kill us-”
Sam held up his hand to silence Dean.
“But dude-”
“Do you hear that?”
Dean strained his ears. He heard flies, and some weird bird noises.
“It’s an engine.”
Sam shushed him again as he began to reply, turning around to look back down the direction they’d come from.
Dean squinted. In the distance a speck of billowing dust was just visible.
“Oh, thank God.” Dean breathed.
“Thank Jack.” Sam corrected.
The cloud of dust slowly grew as it approached them until it became a bright orange Kombi van.
The Kombi van ground to a halt in front of them, obviously surprised to see another living thing in the barren hellscape.
The passenger door flung open to reveal a young hippie-looking woman with a scarf tied around her dreadlocked hair.
“You blokes okay?” she asked with a lilting accent.
Sam’s face broke into a relieved smile, “Yeah, we’re just looking for a ride to the nearest town.”
The woman exchanged a look with the driver of the van – a young hippie-looking man with matching dreads and a rainbow tie-dye shirt. He turned to them with a suspicious look, “How’d you all wind up out in the sticks?”
“We were never in any sticks.” Cas frowned from the back where he and Eileen had joined them.
“Our car broke down.” Eileen supplied quickly, “And there was no reception, then our phones went flat so… could we get a ride?”
The hippies exchanged a quick glance.
“Sure thing!” the woman beamed, jumping out to slide open the back door to the van. The man looked less pleased but said nothing.
The hippies introduced themselves as Kit and Mia. Two English backpackers who, for some inexplicable reason, had voluntarily chosen to come to Earth Hell. Then again, Dean thought as he was jostled on the bench seat between Cas and Eileen, things could be worse. Jack could’ve sent us to England. This was the land of spiders, sharks, snakes and unbearable heat, but at least they weren’t going to run into the pompous dicks known as the British Men of Letters.
Mia supplied Sam with a map, pointing out that they were in the middle of Queensland - one of the more populated states according to Cas. That didn’t say much for the rest of the country.
The map was also used to point out all the exciting Australian tourist spots Kit and Mia had travelled to. They’d just come from a large rock called Uluru, which actually was smack bang in the middle of nowhere. Dean found out that Jack had ditched them somewhere just off to nowhere’s east. Some other exciting rocks they’d seen had been called Karlu Karlu, but by far their favourite was apparently one over in Western Australia shaped like a wave. Dean was beginning to think a lot of the tourist attractions in this country were just large rocks…
The backpackers announced they were now on their way to a campsite outside of Stonehenge and could drop them off in town if they’d like. Dean was not very good with international geography, but he was pretty sure Stonehenge was in England and not the Australian desert. Then again, he did live in a Lebanon in Kansas, so apparently people just weren’t original with names here either.
As it turned out, the Stonehenge they were headed to was nothing like the one in England. Generously called a town, it was more a few buildings clustered around two streets in the middle of nowhere. Population: 30, the hotel was also the pub and the main tourist attraction was “The Address Book” – a dry paddock a few miles out of town where visitors could arrange rocks to spell their names in the dirt so they could feel like they’d left some sort of mark on the uncaring landscape. These strange English backpackers’ rock obsession was clearly getting out of control.
Kit and Mia dropped them outside the rustic looking hotel with a wave before disappearing back into a cloud of red dirt.
“Well, they seemed nice.” Eileen said as they watch the Kombi van disappear.
Nice was the word for people around here it seemed. Nosy was another. The hotel owners – Josie and Johnny – seemed more interested in getting their whole life stories rather than letting them book a room.
Dean stood to the back of the room with Cas letting Sam and Eileen fill Josie and Johnny in on their “holiday trip across the country” and “car troubles”.
Car troubles…
He gripped Cas’s arm, “Do you think Jack moved Baby?!” he frantically whispered.
Cas turned to Dean.
“I’m sure he would have…” Cas lied. “Where did you leave her?”
“In the motel parking lot. They’re gonna tow her…” Dean ran a hand over his face, “She’s gonna get impounded!”
Cas looked at Dean. There was real concern in his eyes but also a look that plainly said Dean we currently have more pressing issues with which to concern ourselves than your car, can you please keep it together?
Dean’s imminent break down was interrupted by the squeaking of an opening screen door.
“G’day Josie, G’day Johnny!”
A thickset woman breezed into the room accompanied by the smell of sweat, dust and sheep – or maybe that was just them – and a wide grin under her trucker cap.
“G’day Jen!” Johnny called from behind the desk, “The parts are just out the back. I’ll go grab ‘em.”
Johnny disappeared through a door behind the desk.
“Well hello,” Jen turned to the four of them “Where’d you fellas blow in from?”
“Kansas.” Sam answered.
“Hurricane straight to Oz then?”
“Uh no just-”
“Oh, actually Jen-” Josie interrupted, “Sam, you said your car was a write-off?”
“Yeah, it’s-.”
“You said you had a car you’re tryna get rid of didn’t ya Jen?”
“Yeah, yeah I do…” Jen agreed, “Kid fucked off to Sydney and left me to try and sell his shitbox of a car like I don’t have enough crap sitting round my place. Still runs fine though. It’ll get you out to Longreach at least and you’re bloody well not gonna find anything else closer. Only looking for a couple of K for it anyway.”
“Oh ok, that’d- that’d be great.” Sam said, taking a second to translate her broad accent.
Eileen just stared. Evidently she had not been able to understand Jen at all.
“She’s selling us a car.” Sam explained.
“Oh good. We should take that.” Eileen agreed.
“What model?” Dean interrupted, mind still on his poor baby abandoned and alone in a shitty motel carpark, but he had to be practical.
“Holden Commodore, mid-90s or something.” Jen replied.
Dean nodded sagely, “Ok… good, we’ll take a look at it.”
Jen nodded, apparently satisfied, as Johnny came back out with a large package.
“Parts are all in here.” He said as he passed them over the counter to Jen. “Still want me to come out and give a hand tomorrow?”
“Nah yeah that’d be great.” Jen hefted the box into her arms, “You think you could give these guys a lift out? They’re gonna come look at the Commodore.”
“Yeah course.”
“That would be great.” Sam agreed.
“Well I’ll see youse tomorrow. See ya round Josie!”
“See ya Jen!”
Jen left with her box leaving Sam and Eileen to continue trying to get them a room.
“Is that a good car?” Cas whispered, leaning over to Dean.
Dean hesitated, “I have no idea.” He confessed.
What felt like hours later they finally escaped Josie and Johnny’s interrogations and made it to their rooms. Dinner and breakfast provided by the in-house dining facilities, which incidentally were also the only place in town to get dinner and breakfast, had been arranged courtesy of the managers. They’d also arranged to meet Johnny early tomorrow morning for a lift to Jen’s station.
The rooms themselves were small but sweet.  Homey floral bedspreads and wallpaper and, mercifully -air conditioned. Red dirt seemed almost baked into the white tiles of the bathrooms, but Dean was grateful for a place to finally change out of his sweat soaked clothes and wash off the layer of grime that had been covering him since he got there. Good luck to Kit and Mia getting the stench of four sweaty, filthy hunters out of their fancy Kombi. It had taken him 30 minutes in the shower to free his own nose of the smell.
Showered and in clean clothes, Earth Hell felt a little bit less hellish.
He returned from the shower to the welcome sight of Cas and four plates of hamburgers.
“I asked Johnny if we could take dinner to our rooms after our taxing day.” Cas handed Dean the nearest plate. “I assumed we might want to formulate some sort of plan for the coming days without being overheard.”
“You’re seriously the best, man.” He said, taking the plate from Cas.
Cas smiled, “Sam and Eileen will be here in a moment.”
Dean hungrily took a chunk out of his burger. Damn that was… He stopped, pulled back from the burger.
What the fuck is that?
He chewed slowly, “Um, what are these Cas?”
“Johnny said it was “A burger with The Lot.”’
“Is that…pineapple?” he examined the burger more closely. It was leaking purple. “Cas, why is it purple?”
“That would be the beetroot.” Cas said around a mouthful of his own burger.
“Why the fuck is there beetroot on my burger?”
Cas shrugged, “I think I like it. Johnny said it was an “Aussie Classic”’
Dean placed the burger back on the plate and stared out the window. The sun was still over-bright as it reflected off the barren red earth, even this late in the day. Great, so now Earth Hell had even managed to ruin burgers. Freaking Australia. Dean just wanted to go home.
“Ok, so nearest international airport is Brisbane,” Sam sat at the small table in Cas and Dean’s room, laptop open on a flight search site, “Which is fourteen hours away.”
“Wait, there’s no international airport in the state?” Dean asked as he stacked their empty plates onto the corner of the table to make more room. Despite the beetroot and pineapple insanity, all four burgers had been quickly demolished.
“No, Brisbane’s still in Queensland. It’s on the coast.”
“Jesus. Alright, so we buy that car, drive to Brisbane and get the hell outta Dodge.”
Sam frowned, “You do know it’s like a thirty-hour flight back home?”
Confirmation that Jack had dumped them to the literal ends of the Earth “That’s fine.” Dean lied.
“There may be an issue with getting back into the US.” Cas interrupted from the bed where he was perched next to Eileen, their fake passports spread out in front of her.
Sam and Dean turned to face them.
“Because we’ve all got Australian passports. We’d need visas to get back in and I’m the only person who’s a real citizen… or at least not wanted by the FBI.” Eileen explained, holding the passports out to the brothers.
Sam took the passports from her hand, frowning at the golden kangaroo and emu crest under a neatly emblazoned ‘Australia’ at the top.
“But we’re clearly American… And Irish.” Dean argued.
“Yes, but we can’t prove that. And…” Eileen glanced a look at Cas, “Jack’s given us enough so no one will question us being here. But if he really doesn’t want us to leave then I don’t think our identities are secure enough to get us back into America.”
“It’s still worth trying. Jack’s not gonna let us get stuck in jail for trying to get back home.”
“He might if he thinks it’s safer than whatever it is he’s trapped in America.” Sam voiced.
“So we just sit here and wrestle crocodiles and look at rocks or whatever it is Australians do and just hope Jack sorts it out?”
“No Dean,” Cas said, “we’re not just going to sit around, but Sam and Eileen are right. Jack doesn’t want us there right now. Besides, there’s no use running back until we at least know what we’re fighting.”
“Ok great, I’ll get onto researching. Oh wait, all our stuff is in the Bunker, in America, where we can’t go.”
Dean yanked the passports out of Sam’s hands. Flipping over the documents for a ‘Castiel Murphy’ and an ‘Eileen Murphy’.
“What the- Did Jack make you guys married?!” Dean looked up at Cas and Eileen.
“Siblings according to our birth certificates.” Cas replied, “I think he wanted to give us a reason to be all together.”
Dean gave him a dead pan glare.
“Ok, I think maybe we should take a break,” Sam suggested hesitantly, shutting the lid of his laptop. “It’s been a long day… At least tomorrow we can get the car and maybe start heading to Brisbane and see if we can figure out a way to fly home.”
Dean grumbled but realised it wasn’t worth arguing further that night. I’ll be swimming my way back at this point he thought.
Sam and Eileen left for their room with a good night, leaving Dean staring out the window towards the setting sun and Cas staring across the room at Dean.
“The Impala’s going to be fine Dean.” Cas said, interrupting his thoughts.
Dean huffed a laugh, “Yeah I know.”
“We can get Donna or Jody or Claire or someone to drive her back to the bunker till we get back.” Cas continued.
Dean looked up at him, “I’m sorry but there is no way I’m letting Claire drive that car.”
Cas smiled. He seemed to be doing that more often. Dean had never even noticed how little Cas used to smile until now.
Cas came over and sat in the chair where Sam had been and placed his hands on the table. He met Dean’s gaze, seeming genuinely concerned.
Four weeks. Things hadn’t been perfect, but they had seemed damn close. Sure Dean was mad to be stuck in freaking Earth Hell with nosy ass motel owners and no car and a sun that seemed personally out to kill him but… He took one of Cas’s hands in his own. His stomach still flipped a little every time he did that. Here was an ex-angel sitting across the table from him worried about his dumb car and enjoying stupid beetroot-ridden-burgers and holding his hand like they were awkward teenagers.
Here was Cas. Cas who, just over a month ago, he’d thought was gone forever. Dean still couldn’t quite wrap his mind around the fact that Cas was here and he wasn’t going anywhere. They were on the other side of the planet and Cas was still choosing to stick with him., but they were stuck there together.
Not that he has any other choice right now, a small traitorous voice in the back of his brain tried to remind him. He quashed it down. Everything was alright. He was worried about Jack and whatever it was he’d unleashed and he sure as hell didn’t want to be here but… compared to the nightmare they’d been living not so long ago, he’d take this in a heartbeat. Sam was here, Eileen hadn’t been Thanos-snapped out of existence and, if he wanted to, he could just lean across this small, stained motel room table in Bumfuck, Queensland and kiss that worried frown right off Cas’s face.
And it was a good thing that at least kissing Cas, even here in Earth Hell, somehow still felt like home.
0 notes
nettvnow-blog · 7 years
All For One | Episodes 7-15
Episode 7: Stop Me If You’ve Heard This One
Characters: Dorothy (Gwenlyn Cumyn), Ariana (Xavier Lopez), Portia (Claire Gagnon-King), Alex (AJ Simmons)
Plot: In this episode Portia so happily welcomes everyone and by that she means everyone to this inclusive event for a good old fashioned, Girls Night*
It’s been a week of Dorothy being MIA with her friends, though she’s not necessarily missing out on any action with Miller (oops, my hand slipped). Alex being Alex throws down the third degree on wanting more deets on her friend’s boyfriend but Portia’s quick to put everyone back on track because she has an agenda for the night. Of course she does and Alex is OBVIOUSLY loving it...see below for loving it expression.
It’s a valiant effort from Portia to host a night to help show Dorothy that she doesn’t need a sorority to make her feel like she has sisters and truthfully, we have to agree with Portia! MST or not, she’s got these girls for life. Dorothy’s still a bit of a downer but she’s fully on track to recover from the Blanket Burrito incident of 2K16 and is ready to get this party started. We start off with a 90s karaoke event which Alex is quick to turn off the camera for (rude) but we pick back up just in time for truth or dare, where the Inseparables get to take a hold of the reins for a bit!
Ariana is the clear winner in the ‘Who Wishes They Were Anywhere but Here’ category as we’re met with one snarky comment after another and it finally gets under Alex’s skin when Ariana provokes her during her choice of picking truth, sparking some not so great memories from Alex’s past.
The night takes an awkward turn and in an attempt to salvage what’s left of the their night Alex slowly but sure begins to open up. There was a boy, they dated in high school and it ended badly, end of story. So why is this different than any other high school fling? Well, he was a runaway and Alex was supposed to help protect him but instead ended up hurting him and let him down, making him disappear. Guys, we’re gearing up for some really great character development, especially with Alex, so let her grow on you.
Portia, taking the reins once again transitions from this sad moment to a round of crank calling and just like that, we’re back on track!
*A gender inclusive sleepover event!
Episode Takeaway: Portia is too good for this earth, what did we ever do to deserve this cinnamon roll?
Best Inseparable Line: I like to feel the cool breeze between my toes because breton needs to give us more of a reason to think he’s weird.
First thought: Hi, hi, hi how do I get invited to one of these inclusive sleepovers also Portia, where can I get that onesie?
Final thought: I still don’t know where to get that onesie and Dorothy, I promise you, no one wants to hear what you and Miller might get up to over the phone. Gross.
Episode 8: A Revelation or Two
Characters: Dorothy, Ariana, Portia, Alex, Connie (Linnea Currie-Roberts)
Plot: So things are about to get heavy and not hot and heavy in the way that we’d hope (Dornie!) but something’s going down in Connie’s sorority, Psi Pi Alpha and Dorothy is ready to help her through it. So we find out that Connie did in fact put MST down as her first choice and was rejected which is bizarre given that her cousin, Anne, is the President. Legacies don’t just get shut down like that guys!
So as it turns out, Rick, President of the Student Union and infamous ex-boyfriend of Anne, told her to reject Connie, for what reason? We’re not so sure but it smells like blackmail to me. Connie being Connie says she doesn’t want to react because she loves Anne and of course she doesn't want to do anything to make matters worse for her. Now here, we get a firsthand view of a not lover’s quarrel, the first of many I’m sure, when Connie so straightforwardly yells, “Dorothy, you’re not my girlfriend!”
Except that it isn’t...Because Connie reveals that Anne was told to block two pledge and guess who pledge number two was...All because of Douchcanoe, Owen Rochefort. We shouldn’t be surprised at this revelation but we are and I’m shookth (am I using that right?) at Cumyn’s performance to keep it together when I’d be a baby crying on the floor.
Dorothy shares her news with the trio we’ve come to love and you can only imagine where they each stand on this. Alex is for ‘Team Don’t Do Anything!’ While Ariana is on Team ‘Let’s Rock This Shit! Personally,’ I’m on ‘Team Let’s Rock This Shit.’ Nevertheless, Alex talks some sense into Dorothy and they plan to take Rick down at the next Student Union gathering.
Episode Takeaway: Alex’s moral compass seems to be rubbing off on Dorothy...kinda and Ariana is definitely a lot more dark than we thought she was...Hacking the Pentagon, what?!
Best Inseparable Line: This is why I don’t date guys, from our favorite cookiemonster *cough* Laure Hollis, with an honorable mention from monochrome stating the obvious, ur a lesbian.
First thought: GUYS CONNIE IS BACK!
Final thought: Rick the Dick is a thing, also I want to see these hyena videos that Ariana’s talking about.
Episode 9: Vengeance Interruptus
Characters: Dorothy, Alex, Ariana, Portia, Treville
Plot: So that went well...not. As you can see, our beloved leading ladies are covered in what appears to be...fruit, so I’m assuming their non-violent, Rick the Dick, confrontation went well. So you guys ready for the rundown? After getting cleaned up, Alex lets us know she was well prepared, cue cards and all until they realized that everyone at the student union...LOVES and I mean LOVES the student union in a not cool scientology way, yikes.
They’re two hours into the meeting and Alex finally gets her chance to speak but Rick and being the charming man that he is, diplomatically states he’d love a sit down. It should’ve ended there right? But it didn’t because Dorothy, oh our sweet and firecracker of a girl, decided to pick a fight with Rochefort in hope of provoking him in front of Rick.
As if her night couldn’t get any worse, Treville springs a surprise visit and Dorothy is not prepared. Straight to the point, Treville asks for an explanation of Dorothy’s earlier antics and boy were we not prepared for this version of Treville because she is ON IT, even shooting Alex down as she tries to be a good friend and explain but on the premise that Rick is evil, Treville grants her permission to continue the validation of her earlier outburst but despite her best rebuttal Treville is once again ON IT. She gives off some, “don’t mess with me vibes,” and guys, I AM HERE FOR IT.
Episode Takeaway: Treville is a badass, Dorothy still has a lot to learn and Alex is pretty great despite her motherly antics.
Best Inseparable Line: So gang, let’s regroup: how do we get Dorothy into MST? sometimesawesome asking the important questions in life but also, agreed.
First thought: *nods absentmindedly to The Beatles, Revolution*
Final thought: I need more Treville in my life.
Episode 10: I Solemnly Swear That I Am Up To No Good
Characters: Dorothy, Portia, Ariana, Alex, Miller (Dan Mousseau)
Plot: Welcome back viewers and oh...gross...kissing. Now I know that I said I loved the chemistry between Miller and Dorothy because it’s there, absolutely! But after the not-lovers spat that Dornie had in episode 8 how can I not be rooting for them? So Miller finally removes his face from Dorothy’s long enough for us to get an update, I’m all about new love, romance and all that jazz but c’mon you gotta remember your friends. We find out there isn’t any updates on Rick, but judging from the episode title, we’re in store for something good and oh if it isn't Miller with the interruption suggesting that maybe Dorothy can do something about it just on the DL.
So Miller comes up with a brilliant plan to take down Rick by exposing him for his other misdeeds, but this time be smarter about it by going after him for something the team can actually prove. I hate to admit it, but Miller’s onto something, let the sucking face continue.
And we’re back, with Miller and Dorothy a respectable distance away from each other, we finally get to hear this diabolical plan of theirs which now includes Portiana and Alex! This moment also strikes the first time that Miller meets Dorothy’s friends and it’s all great until Alex shows up...Because it turns out she knows Miller and she knows him by Anton. We’re with Breton on this one, wtf?!
Episode Takeaway: Portia’s a Hufflepuff, Ariana’s a Slytherin, Alex is a Ravenclaw and Miller is a hippogriff.
Best Inseparable Line: I don’t think u 2 attacking each other’s faces will stop Rick, preach on monochrome, preach on!
First thought: Gross, turn the camera off if you’re gonna mack.
Final thought: Shit just hit the fan, cue dramatic zoom in and zoom out on Alex’s face!
Episode 11: Don’t You Dare Look Back
Characters: Dorothy, Portia, Ariana, Alex, Anton/Miller
Plot: So Anton...Anton is Miller and Miller is Anton. Got it? Okay, good. Well whoever he is, is doing a shit job at trying to save face as he tries to hurdle Alex outside away from prying eyes and ears but leave it to Dorothy to intervene at the right time.
So here’s what we find out, Anton is Miller’s middle name and he knew Alex in high school, are you guys thinking what I’m thinking? Absolutely, he was totally Alex’s high school runaway boyfriend. Dorothy, trying to continue the conversation gets shut down hard and I mean hard as Anton/Miller loses his cool and yells for them to drop it. Strike one bruh...strike one.
The episode takes a bit more of a serious turn as Alex confesses that she thought he was dead, Anton/Miller takes a step forward, his hand going straight to comfort her by grabbing her forearm, a very intimate and affectionate move might I add. In front of Dorothy. Strike two.
Dorothy quite literally inserts herself into the conversation, standing between Alex and Anton/Miller and tries to reel the conversation back to herself, naturally. She turns to Anton/Miller looking for some sort of clarity and he at least has the decency to reply with, “it’s complicated.”
Okay, now every time I’ve seen this episode I’ve had to pause at this moment (1:41). The acting is phenomenal and not much is even being said. There are three things I love especially about this moment, 1) Ariana’s reaction to watching this go down. 2) Dorothy’s stance after confronting Anton/Miller and 3) Anton/Miller might be the tallest one in the room, but right now he’s looking very, very small.
The scene continues with Alex powerfully taking control of the situation, kicking everyone out of the room to talk to Anton/Miller. Some go quietly, some go kicking and screaming, Dorothy.
The gloves come off and underneath all that macho, pie-baking, scruff, there is a real human in there who felt things. Anton/Miller admits how dejected he felt after being dumped, to which Alex reminds him that she didn’t break up with him, she just told him that he might be better off with a better family that could care for him. Honestly, both sides are pretty heavy to take in but I feel for both of them, I really do. The acting from Simmons and Mousseau are phenomenal and it’s quite possible one of the shortest episodes of the series thus far and just wow.
Episode Takeaway: Anton/Miller might not be such a bad guy after all.
Best Inseparable Line: I think Akari^89 takes the cake with this one...
First thought: Anton/Miller is TOTALLY trying to save face right now and I hope no one buys it. Especially Dorothy and Alex.
Final thought: Where does this leave Alex and Dorothy but also Dorothy and Anton/Miller?
Episode 12: Bugaboo
Characters: Dorothy, Ariana, Portia, Alex, Miller
Plot: Things seem to be going swimmingly as the entire gang (Miller and Alex included) have banded together to help take down Rick. Miller seems to be handling it better than Alex, if the way Alex’s pacing gives anything away.
Portia makes drinks, because of course she does and Miller continues to rattle off any ideas to take Rick down, but it’s Alex with the not-so-legal tactic to get what they need, by bugging Rick’s office. Miller has this devlish gleam in his eye and it most definitely does not go unnoticed by Dorothy. The plan takes on a life of its own with Portia and Miller placing the bug, Ariana hacking the video camera and Dorothy in the least bitter way possible (yeah, right), asks Mom what her role is and we can totally tell she’s not having it with being shafted to backup for Miller and Portia while Alex heads up everything from base AKA Dorothy/Connie’s apartment. Speaking of Connie, where is she? I miss her.
Six hours later the plan is moving forward and we’ve got Alex at the helm alongside the Inseparables which spark the conversation on what’s been going on with Alex and Dorothy. You have to feel for them because this really isn’t anyone’s fault but when feelings are involved well, I’m sure you guys know how it goes.
The walkie talkie banter is pretty solid in this episode, in addition to the Miller backstory Alex divulges too. Long story short but they met at a mall, Miller’s parents had just passed away and he left to avoid getting stuck in a group home. We can’t blame him there, but unbeknownst to us, he had an aunt and uncle ready and willing to take him in, he just didn’t want them. Oh and not to leave you guys hanging but the bugging of Rick’s office was a success!
Episode Takeaway: Alex is a boss at executing plans, walkie talkies need to become a thing again, jealous Dorothy is probably one of my favorites and Alex admits that the Inseparables are real friends!
Best Inseparable Line: So how did teeny bopper Alex meet Anton and faaaalll in loo~ooove. Breton, I despise you but I also love you.
First thought: Dorothy has some feelings.
Final thought: Dorothy still has some feelings.
Episode 13: 100% Success Rate
Characters: Dorothy, Ariana, Alex, Portia, Connie, Miller
Plot: The squad is in full celebration mode after the successful hacking/bugging of Rick’s office and it appears that foam swords are now part of this crew’s celebration. You do you! Alex takes this moment to confront Dorothy and clear the air, quite frankly I’m a bit peeved at how standoffish Dorothy is being, when Alex has been nothing but kind to her, given the circumstances. Dorothy is awkward as hell and Alex is still the best for being so supportive. Plot twist though: Alex tells her to be careful because Miller is cool but the Anton she knew wanted to set the world on fire. Another plot twist, apparently Rick might be involved in some heavy coke smuggling ring, things sure have changed since I was in college.
This is probably a great time for Connie to show up. HI CONNIE! After a quick rundown on what’s been going down, Connie doesn’t exactly disapprove but she doesn’t exactly approve either. Either way, we’re just happy to see Connie back in our lives and in Dorothy’s (squeal). So naturally, this is a great time for Monty to be brought back up and for Connie to even ask about Miller. The roomie reconciliation ends and everyone comes out of Dorothy’s room to get back to celebrating. There’s an awkward conversation between Dorothy and Miller about Connie that honestly leaves me with a bad taste in my mouth but I suppose time will tell and Miller officially goes back on my Do Not Trust list. The episode segues into a group dance because why not and the episode ends in a rather dramatic way with a dark room and Alex back at the helm with a message to the Inseparables: Keep an eye on Dorothy and don’t trust Miller. This doesn’t feel right.
Episode Takeaway: Dorothy doesn’t know how to be cool. CONNIE IS BACK. Ariana and Miller fake sword fighting is everything, fake sword fighting in general is awesome.
Best Inseparable Line: And as usual Dorothy has the subtlety of a hammer. Sassyinspanish is quickly becoming my favorite.
First thought: Do we get another episode of Jealous Dorothy?
Final thought: Alex is the real MVP.
Episode 14: The Red Pill
Characters: Dorothy, Alex, Ariana, Portia, Miller
Plot: To say things are getting out of hand would be an understatement. There hasn’t been any incriminating evidence on Rick, Douchcanoe seems to be a very willing participant to do whatever Rick tell him to do and our Musketeers are once again left asking themselves what more can they do? Alex and Miller are at each other’s throats because once again one of Alex’s plans haven’t flourished so the overall frustration is understandable. Ariana’s dark side is showing again and I’m starting to feel like things may not be so great in the foreseeable future.
The bug seems to be useless right now and instead of trying to think of a more strategic approach Miller goes 0 to 100 real quick. I do however agree with one approach that they’re going for, and that’s making Rochefort look weak to Rick. The way to do that? By using Portia as bait and I am NOT here for this, especially with how Ariana is pushing her to do this.
Episode Takeaway: Rick the Dick drinks cherry coke. Ariana’s quick with the quips.
Best Inseparable Line: Ariana SWEETHEART pls save it for fanfiction.net. Akari^89 with the mic drop!
First thought: Why are Alex and Miller fighting?
Final thought: I am NOT here for Portia being pushed into a corner and being used as bait. Not one freaking bit.
Episode 15: Backstab in the Back
Characters: Dorothy, Portia, Ariana, Miller, Alex
Plot: It’s party time back at Casa de Castlemore, the drinks are flowing and everyone seems to be in a great mood except, Portia. Can you blame the girl? We get a rundown from Rick himself as Dorothy plays the tape of Rick tearing into Rochefort after his let up AKA being seduced by Portia. Plot twist, but not a surprise at all: Alex still doesn’t know about the plan.
Now can I please introduce you to the highlight of this episode? This reenactment from Portia and Miller who are being puppeteered by their significant other. Is it hilarious? Oh it is by far one of the best things this season, expect it’s pretty obvious that Portia doesn’t think so judging by her annoyed face.
Alex appears and things take yet another bad turn and this time there’s no telling what Rick will do and Portia may face the brunt of it. Alex has a point, their plan wasn’t thought through in the slightest. Alex lashes out at Miller, calling him out on his Anton bullshit (YAS), she calls out Dorothy and her lack of brains and she even calls out Portia for going along with it, which poor Portia, she so doesn’t deserve it but she did go along with it. Alex leaves in a huff only to be stopped by Dorothy asking her not to tell Treville which tells me that she absolutely cares and wasn’t fully comfortable...Yikes.
Episode Takeaway: Ariana and Dorothy are not the best reenactors, but A for effort, also A for hilarity.
Best Inseparable Line: Ariana’s kinda skeezy when she’s wasted. Breton, I actually agree with you for once.
First thought: Why is Portia sad and why isn’t anyone paying attention to her.
Final thought: When is Portia going to snap and when is Dorothy going to get her head out of her ass?
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Hello! First of all I want to say, that I really like yours blog - great work, keep it up! >w
Ah these prompts are always really sad and…fun to write honestly. I hope you enjoy a little angst because you certainly get it. 
And your english is just fine, darling! 
~Mod Whipski 
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Kiba, alone and bandaged to the nines, had only just been released from the confines of his hospital room. It had been a solid four months since that damn war had come to its conclusion, Konoha and he’s wager the rest of the continent still bearing heavy scars from the battle. He’d be one of the lucky ones. A few broken bones, some lost blood, a mild concussion. All thing considered he could have come out a lot worse. Or…not have come out at all.
The man, weary and sore, had taken umbrage at the fact that the medical nin stationed at the temporary hospital set up to ease overcrowding  refuse to tell him anything about the other ninja brought back from the carnage. He’d had friends and family to worry about. Cooped up in an overstuffed room full of PTSD patients and civilians alike for so long had done nothing to aid his concern. He’d decided his first visit would be to the Hokage’s office. Where they kept the death leger.
He’d had felt much better, as he hovered outside of the shattered glass doors, if he’d had Akamaru by his side when he confronted whatever news lay waiting for him. But his companion was with his clan under the care of their own veterinarians. They’d been separated for so long and Kiba was figuratively itching to get back to his dogs side. Or maybe he was literally itching, the rough bandages made it hard to tell. Either way, Kiba was alone in facing the dread growing in his gut.
With a hard swallow the man steeled himself and marched through the shattered threshold. The inside seemed to have faired far better then he would have imagined, though it would obviously take time to fully repair a number of quick fixes had been installed to keep the walls from crumbling. A young woman, obviously just promoted if her new poorly fitting uniform was anything to go by, smiled at him from behind what remained of the front desk.
“Good Afternoon, sir. Can I assist you with anything in particular?”
She kindly didn’t comment on his dishevelled appearance  
“Yeah, um, who do I see about, um, the casualties? I…I just want to know if my friends are alive.”
Her expression morphing into sympathy, the woman ducked down to check the large regulation list she had open next to her. “I-I’m not sure if a finalized list has been made yet, sir. B-But because you are obviously not a civilian I could…probably give you access to the most recent records. Though I believe they’re only identities of those who have been administered into our hospitals.”
“That would be great, if you could.” He shuffles, uncomfortable, as she nods and scurries off into the archives.
It gives him a moment to let the situation really sink in. His hands shaking in his pockets. He’d seen his sister before the end of the final charge. Seen a number of his team mates either being carried from the field or assisting others in escaping. But there was one person he had not seen hide or hair of. Y/n’s whereabouts had remained a mystery after the first charge. Her squad assigned to ambushing any incoming reinforcements.
The woman comes back into the foyer, a few bundle of papers in her arms which she places down into the front desk. She points to individual piles; “These ones are names of those administered to Konoha Hospital, while this one is for the temporary unit.” She then points to hallway he recognises as the old administration section. “There’ll be an empty room down there if you’d like some privacy. ���
He thanks her, scoops up the bundles and hurries off in the pointed direction. They feel light in his arms as if there were less pages then he was expecting. He’s not sure why. Casualties had been numerous, he’d seen so herself.
It was far easier now to find a vacant room then it was before. What looked to once be a break room had been converted into a storage space. Spare lumber, boxes and various tools strewn about in a haphazard fashion. Kiba pushed out a wooden crate from a small cluster and took a seat, his legs already protesting the strain he’d put on them so suddenly. The stacks of names fell into his lap as he took another deep breath, hands balling into nervous fists, before leafing through the first few pages.
Maybe names he didn’t recognise. But that was to be expected. He couldn’t possibly remember each and every name of the villagers. Sometimes he’d spot a last name he’d know but was unable to match it to a face. With each few pages he’d note a friend. Shino had been administered to the main hospital a day after him. Hinata a few days before that. With each page and name he recognised another weight was lifted from his chest. So many had survived. But the more names he filed through the more nervous he became. Y/n’s name was yet to pop up.
The late stages of dusk had begun to paint the sky red and purple by the time the man had filed through the last document. His hands quaking, a painful lump growing in his throat. He punches the wall in frustration. It moans in response and he cant help but sob.
His walk home is slow. Numb. He can feel his legs screaming for a rest but he ignores them.
Y/n. The most important person in the world to him, was officially MIA. Most likely dead. Her body left to the elements the light in her eyes gone. How was he supposed to feel anything after that.
His sister greats him at the door looking just as worse for wear as him but cheerier. He can’t even smile for her as she pressed the palm of her hand to his cheek, wet and clammy from tears he didn’t know he was shedding. She doesn’t ask questions. Not now. Just ushers him in and lets him know which room Akamaru is resting in.
The giant dog had lifted his head as his master stumbled in, his ears drooping. The man found solace in Akamaru, curling up next to the beast and burying his face in his fur. Only then did he allow himself to cry proper.
The life of a shinobi was laden with hardships. Injuries to overcome, secrets to keep, deaths to accept. All these things he’d understood the very first day he’d stepped foot in the academy but only now did it feel so real. Y/n had been an ever present entity in his life. He could not remember a time before her smile. And now she was just…gone.
Konoha was not blessed with a sound sleep that night, the heartbroken wails  and the sympathetic hounds not easily drowned out
They say time heals all wounds. Kiba was not so sure. Seven months had crawled by, each day seeming more difficult then the last. The village had still barely begun to recover but he’d been expected to return to duty. Patrolling the damaged boarders and assisting the townsfolk. His heart remained heavy.
On this particular day the memories were much worse. A smell would remind him of her, a landmark would conjure a thought, even his own friends faces seemed to morph into her own. It was unbearable. So he had ran. Ran as far as his legs would allow. As far away from his unconsciousness as he could. That’s how he finds himself now, curled up high in a tree overlooking the way in and out of town.
How easily he could leave everything behind. Just run off into the distance and never look back. Never have to relive those memories that filled him with both joy and sorrow. But his loyalty to his kin was too strong and he was stuck in limbo.
Below him, rooting around in the grass and chewing on roughage was Akamaru. Still refusing to leave his masters side.  He’d keep watch over the man, his own heart saddened by his masters mates disappearance. As if the thought awoke his own senses, the beast could have sworn he could smell her still. Earthy and sweet and distinctly like both herself and his master. It carried on the wind, falling across his nose in waves. This couldn’t be a simple memory.
The beast rose to his paws and sniffed before charging off into the horizon catching the man still up in the tree by surprise. He jumped to his feet on instinct and chased after him, determined not to loose anyone else. His apathy had made the recovery from his injuries slow, even now he couldn’t keep pace with the hound who seemed a white blur in the distance. A white blur which had stopped and started barking, tail thumping so haphazardly Kiba thought he might tear something.
He’d skidded to a stop besides Akamaru, arms latched around his neck and scolding him for his behaviour, but the house payed him little mind. Scrabbling to charge ahead beyond excited.
And then, as if a dream, an airy laugher floated through the air. Familiar and sweet, Kiba almost didn’t dare to look. But there, framed by the endless fields beyond Konoha’s walls stood y/n. Leaning heavily on a crutch and head still bandaged. And she was smiling, Tears slipping down her cheeks and falling as fat drops to the dirt below.
Kiba’s arms loosened from their hold and Akamaru was free, pouncing the woman with such uncontained exuberance it had knocked her to the ground. His big tongue lapping up any tears she spilled as she buried her own face in her fur. The man, on the other hand, barely found the strength to move. Dropping to his knees and shivering from head to toe. Y/n, struggling beneath the hounds overbearing love had managed to squirm out and look towards him. Her still bruised body crawling towards him until she was practically in his lap, arms curled around his stunned body, sobbing and quivering and happy.
“I’m home, Kiba. I’m home. I made you wait didn’t I? I’m so sorry.”
And he had taken her in his arms.
And he would never let go.
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