#the dolan twins fan fiction
sucker4sixx · 4 months
Cant stop thinking about how when i was 8 i wrote a dolan twins fan fiction
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Hey lovely, I hope you had a good weekend and please don’t worry about the writing. Don’t rush yourself and once you’re ready to share with us, we’ll be here with open arms!
I’d love to get to know you better so, what’s your most listened to song right now, and what got you writing in the first place? ☺️💕
Hey!! I had a good weekend thank you!! How about you?? Thank you so much, I can’t wait for you to read some of the stuff once it’s finally done🫠
And oooo, I love this question. I’ve been listening to a lot of Taylor Swifts new stuff, I’ve never been a big fan before but this album has me hooked, my fave is anti hero so that’s been on repeat recently :)
And what got me into writing omg, the very first time I remember ever having anything to do with it was when I used to read Dolan twins fan fiction on Wattpad if anyone remembers them ahahahah so embarrassing. Then I started reading peaky blinders stuff on here and that’s when I started writing, (if anyone’s still around from when I used to write that stuff, I love you ahahah) but that fandom seems to have died off a lot so I lost a lot of interest and that was around the time of the euros, and I got hooked on the England squad (like a lot of the country ahahah) so started reading that stuff, and recently started writing. And I’ve loved Sam for a long time so I started to write a little bit for him recently too :)
That was a very long answer to a simple question, I’m so sorry ahahahah❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
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diamond-dolan · 5 years
Safety First
A/N: Yes, I have posted this on another account, but I’m here now so here you go! I suck at titles, summaries, and writing as a whole, but here’s this unedited piece of...something. Also, I’m pretty sure this was a request but I have no idea who it’s from.
Warning(s): None :)
Words: 1,351
Summary: Y/N tended to worry about the ones she loved...a lot. Usually, it was endearing. This time, however, her tendencies are the reason for a not so pleasant argument between herself and her boyfriend, Ethan. Can they move past it?
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“Yes! Gray, that’s GENIUS!” Ethan exclaimed from the next room over, causing Y/N to perk up at the excitement in his voice. 
The three had taken a mini-vacation to the beach for a few days and the boys wanted to film their next video there, but couldn’t think of a good idea. Until now, Y/N supposed. She stood from her position draped over the couch arm, walking into the kitchen with her brows furrowed. 
“I’m guessing you finally have a video idea?” 
“Yup!” Gray exclaimed, already dressed in a pair of board shorts and flip flops. 
“We’re going water-skiing!” The two say in unison, clearly excited. 
“...Water-skiing?” Y/N asked incredulously. “Have you done it before?”
“Well, no,” Ethan started, making his way over to Y/N to wrap his strong arms around her waist from behind. “But we thought we can make it an “Out of Our Comfort Zones” video. Sweet, right?” 
Y/N frowned, turning in his arms so that they were face to face. “Not sweet, E. I heard water-skiing is kind of dangerous… You guys can get hurt.” 
“Oh, come on, Y/N! There’s a place at the peer that offers rides and lessons if we need them, it's perfectly safe. Besides, what else are we going to film if we don’t do this? It’ll be too late to film anything else.” 
“I don’t know, guys. I just don’t like this idea…” 
“Well, you don’t really have to.” Ethan snapped. “It's not like we’re asking you to do it with us.” 
He let his arms fall to his side, his lips pursed indignantly. Grayson raised his brows in surprise. The two rarely got snippy with each other, let alone about something as minuscule as this. 
“Wow, okay.” Y/N muttered, stepping back to cross her arms. “Excuse me for worrying about your safety. I’m such a villain.”
“Oh, don’t do this, Y/N!” Ethan shouted, exasperated. “No one said you were, but hearing ‘Ethan, I’m scared,’ ‘I’m not so sure about that, Ethan,’ ‘But Ethan that’s dangerous,’ all the time gets a little old after a while! I’m not a baby, Y/N, I can handle myself.” 
It was silent for a moment while Y/N processed Ethan’s words. Did he really feel that way about her? Sure, she was prone to worry, but she never imagined that it would upset anyone, let alone Ethan. Grayson swallowed thickly, contemplating making a discreet exit through the back door. After a while, Y/N shrugged. 
“Fine. You know what? Have fun making your stupid video, okay? Lose an arm for all I care.” She pushed past Ethan violently, brushing her shoulder against his bicep due to their height difference. 
“Oh, that was sweet. Thanks a lot, Y/N! Really, I-” Ethan shouted after her retreating form sarcastically, causing Gray to reach forward and place a hand on his shoulder. 
“Dude, don’t.”
“Me, don’t? What about her!”
“What about her, E? She’s just worried about you. God, you act like a real idiot, sometimes.”
“So, you’re taking her side?”
“There are no sides, Ethan! But in this case, yeah. I would. I think you were out of line, bro.”
Ethan sighed. Maybe he did get a little defensive. He didn’t mean to be such an asshole, but the stress of filming a video in time paired with Y/N’s nag-like concern threw him over the edge. 
“...Fine.” He muttered in defeat. “You’re right, okay? But- Sometimes, I just-” He groaned, running a hand through his hair. 
“I know, bro. C’mon, we still have to film.”
“I...should apologize. Plus, we need someone to hold the camera. We can’t film without her.”
“I don’t think she’s gonna want to help now, dude.” 
Ethan shook his head.
“Just let me talk to her, Gray. She’ll come around.” 
Grayson shrugged, taking a seat at the table. “If you think so.” 
Ethan quickly bounded up the stairs and into the bedroom he shared with Y/N while they stayed in the beach house.
“Babe?” He called quietly, slowly approaching Y/N, who was lying face down in a pile of pillows. 
She barely lifted her head, muttering a quiet “go away” before plopping back into the soft mass, her voice hoarse from crying.
“Y/N, just listen for a sec, okay? You don’t have to talk.” He sat on the edge of the bed, rubbing his thighs nervously. “...I’m really sorry for snapping at you, babe, I didn’t mean it. I was just so stressed, ya know? And Gray and I finally came up with a good video idea after so long and when you weren’t as excited as we were, I kind of lost it. Look, I know you worry, and I really appreciate it, but sometimes you just gotta let Gray and I be stupid every once in a while...” He chuckled, frowning when Y/N didn’t move. 
“Baby, I get that you’re mad, but will you at least look at me? Please?”
Y/N sniffled and wiped at her teary eyes before turning her head to peer at Ethan. The corner of his lips turned upwards in a small smile and he leaned forward to brush her hair out of her face. 
“There’s my beautiful girl. I’ll tell Gray we’ll film something else, okay? Do you think you can forgive me?” 
Y/N bit her lip, moving so that she sat upright against the bed’s headboard. She hated it when she and Ethan fought, especially considering how rarely it even happened. Of course, she was willing to move past their little quarrel. 
“I forgive you, and I’m sorry, too, I know you were excited about the video...and you should film it, it’s a great idea.” 
Ethan grinned, leaning forward to wrap his arms around Y/N’s waist, pressing a sweet kiss to her lips. 
“Nah, I’ve got a better idea. Gray and I are gonna see who can make the better sand-mermaid, but when it’s my turn, I’m just gonna bury him in the sand and leave him there for a while.” 
Y/N tried to stifle her laughter but eventually gave up, tossing her head back as she burst into a fit of giggles, Ethan joining in soon after. 
“You’re evil.” She told him, leaning forward to press a kiss to his cheek. “Let’s go  film.”
The two ended up leaving Grayson buried neck-deep in the sand with a nice pair of shell-covered breasts and a mermaid tail decorating the ground in front of him while they walked along the pier, hand in hand. Y/N was sipping on a milkshake, sharing with Ethan every now and then while he ate munched on a churro. If they looked hard enough, they could still see Grayson buried in the sand with the tripod pointed at him. 
“I still can’t believe we just left him there.” Y/N laughed, as she and Ethan reached the end of the pier and took a seat on the wood, letting their legs hang off.
“Let’s just call it payback for wrapping all of my stuff last Christmas.” 
“Wow, you sure know how to hold a grudge.” 
“Only when a grudge is due, I’m not a monster, Y/N.”
“Mhmm,” She joked, causing Ethan to scoff and nudge her shoulder with his own. 
After a while of sitting in silence, Y/N smiled, getting an idea. 
“Hey, E?”
“You know I love you, right?”
“Yeah…” Ethan furrowed his brows. “I love you, too, why?” 
“Good. So promise you won’t hold a grudge for this.” 
“For wha-?” Before he could finish his sentence, Y/N snatched Ethan’s churro, pushing him off of the pier and into the crashing waves below. 
She leaned forward, waiting for him to come back to the surface.
“Hey, Y/N!” Ethan shouted after coming up for air. “I never promised!”
Y/N’s eyes widened and she quickly scrambled to her feet, turning on her heel and retreating down the pier. 
“Yeah, you better run!” He called after her, swimming back to shore with sweet, sweet vengeance on his mind.
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isnotys · 5 years
Seamless Part 1
Summary: After being Shane Dawson’s assistant for a year, things couldn't have been going better. However, Shane had other plans. He has decided that your next move is to jump headfirst into your true passion and with some unexpected partners.
Warnings: None
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It’s only been a short year after I moved to LA to work as Shane Dawson’s assistant and it has been the best decision I have ever made. After all of those grueling years in college, being an assistant to just any YouTuber would’ve been a hard pass, but this is Shane we’re talking about. I haven’t even been here that long, but he has already taught me so much about the business and has introduced me to the influential people that could potentially help me when I decide to pursue writing as a full-time career. 
By far meeting, Jeffree Star has been the craziest experience of my life, although he has been one of the nicest people I’ve met. However, after the last Jeffree Star series, Shane had said he wanted to do a few more lowkey videos. Like the ones he used to do with just Andrew, Drew and Garret. Something that didn't rely as much on just him and Andrew and this makes a lot of sense because the wedding planning had kept him and Ryland quite busy, even Morgan and I as well.
Shane has never stopped helping people though, no matter how busy he is. That is why he let me have the day off today because he had some people coming over for an interview/video/therapy session and Shane wanted to be able to help them with no interruptions. He was mainly worried about how loud Garret usually is, but he asked us all to stay out of the house for most of the afternoon.
So Ryland, Morgan, Garret and I decided that it would be a productive use of our day to go Christmas shopping. Especially because Ryland and Morgan’s parents are coming to California soon and then we are all leaving for Colorado. Despite it being the middle of December, the LA sun is shining bright and nothing more than a hoodie is needed to battle the not so cold weather. 
I was so honored that they invited me though. Not only has Shane become such an important part of my life, Ryland and Shane have also welcomed me into their family. My family doesn't celebrate Christmas and they live in another state, so they insisted I join them to celebrate it all together. After all, Christmas isn't the same in LA. 
After a long drive in the crazy LA traffic, we hit a few stores in Rodeo Drive and got most of what we were going to gift each other. However, we still hadn't gone to the most important one, Target. 
Just when we were coming into the store we saw none other than David Dobrik accompanied by his assistant, Natalie. I honestly thought that was who Shane was meeting with today so I was surprised to see them there, to say the very least.  We have met a few times before at influencer events, which Shane doesn't go to therefore Ryland and Morgan drag me along, so we just all talked a little and they quickly left because they had to film a bit with the squad. 
After saying goodbye to them, I immediately ask Ryland who was coming to the house today. David was my best guess and that had just been proven wrong.
“Ryland,” I begin to accept that my curiosity has finally gotten the best of me, “do you know who is coming to the house today to film the video?”
“Of course I do, hunty!,” he says smirking and with the enthusiasm and charisma he is known for, “Shane told me last week. But you, especially you, can’t know who it is just yet. It is all part of the master plan.”
“Well if it’s John Green, I think it is in everyone’s best interest that I am informed of what is going on,” I say trying to act unbothered and nonchalant, but Ryland can obviously tell that I am not happy that he isn't telling me anything. 
“As long as there are snacks, there shouldn't be any problem,” Morgan says clearly over with this whole thing. She for sure knows something I don’t. 
“SNACKS! You got that right, Morgan! Snacks and a good movie, that should be the plan for tonight,” says Garret excitedly and begins to laugh.
“Wait, why especially me? Why can't I specifically know about who’s at the house today?” I ask Ryland honestly confused and deadass scared for my job. What if Shane hired someone else and wanted to let me go? Before Christmas? This is the best job I have ever had, I don't want to lose it.
“Don’t worry it’s not what you think,” Ryland says walking away because he just saw some cute wine glasses. Ryland is clearly done avoiding my questions so we just keep shopping until we find what we need.
We finally make it back to the car after this long day and we are on our way home. Hopefully, we can just rest for the remainder of the evening because I am just exhausted. Ryland had picked up somethings and was planning to make a quick, homey meal so we could all have a chill night. Well, Ryland hardly ever cooks so, in reality, I’m the one making the food and Garret is gonna eat most of it before its done. We might need Postmates after all. 
It's about 4 o'clock, but the sun is already setting, which is what I hate most about the winter. We are all in the car heading back to the house and the sun shining bright on our faces as Welcome to the Black Parade plays in the background. Emo? Maybe, but it never goes out of style. 
As I lose myself in the lyrics, and Garret keeps talking about an upcoming Marvel movie, we finally arrive at the house. I am dying to take a warm bath and get out of these clothes because we have been running around all day and it might not be that warm, but I definitely look a little rough right now. As I look at my Lover crop top in the reflection when I get out of the car, I remember that Shane keeps telling me that I wear too much merch, and I am starting to believe he might be right after all. 
We get all the bags out of the G-wagon and when we walk into the patio entrance of the house, Morgan trips and falls. The decorations fly in the air as we all die of laughter. Shane and Andrew rush out of the door to check if Morgan is ok. She is, though we are all mad it wasn’t caught on camera. When we are finally able to stop laughing, I look to the door and I see the last people on earth I have ever expected to meet at Shane’s house. Suddenly it all makes sense.
He was filming a video with the Dolan Twins. 
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dreamingawaydolan · 5 years
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graysons girlfriends insta stories
(inspired by: @clubdolan)
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earfquak3 · 5 years
FLUFF alphabet - e.d.
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Summary: Just a cute little fluff alphabet with Ethan
Warnings: none except a whole lot of fluff
Word count: 1963
A = Affection
Ethan absolutely loves showing affection. He does it all the time. Maybe he’s holding your hand, or kissing your cheek, but this boy always has to touch you in some way.
B = Baby
He obviously wants kids some day. Ever since he saw you play with his baby cousin at Christmas, he can’t get the idea out of his head. He wonders if it’ll have your sparkling eyes and his cute nose, or your beautiful, wavy hair and his pink plump lips. No matter what, he knows he’ll love that baby forever.
C = Cuddling
You already know this boy loves his cuddles. He might not want to admit it but this boy loves cuddling (and being cuddled). On the couch, in the car, in bed or on a beautiful flower field. It doesn’t matter where, but this boy will cuddle. He loves to wrap you in his big, strong arms, and pull you into his chest. You guys spend hours just laying in each others arms, talking about all and nothing.
D = Dates
You guys go on dates all the time. Wether it’s small dates at home in bed, or fancy ones in the expensive Hollywood restaurants. You have mandatory date night every Saturday, because it’s very important for the both of you that you spend time together. It also really helps, if you’ve had a stressfull week.
E = Equality
You can’t really say that any of you wears the pants in the relationship. You’re very good at making mutual decisions, but sometimes you use the ‘puppy eyes’ card, to get your way. Even though it’s pretty equal, who makes the call, Ethan is the dominant one when it comes to the bedroom;)
F = First ‘I love you’
Ethan was the one who said it first. He had randomly blurted it out, while you guys were having a playfight. At first you thought you heard wrong, but after looking into his eyes, and seeing that there were nothing but love, you knew it was true. Now you don’t go a day without saying it at least once. You’re very verbal when it comes to love, because one of your biggest fears, is losing someone you love.
G = Grayson
Grayson is your best friend. You love him just as much as you love Ethan, but in a friendly way (obviously). You three do everything together, and you know each other inside out. People often ask Ethan if he ever gets worried, that Grayson will steal you away from him, but the answer is always no, because Ethan knows you're his, and so do you.
H = Holding hands
Whenever E is close to you, he has to hold your hand. It doesn’t even have to be like full on hand holding, it can just be holding onto one of your fingers, while you're strolling through target. Or playing with your fingers while you're watching a movie, on a stormy night. Also when you're making love, he finds himself reaching for your hand, when he’s nearing his high. Ethan is, and will always be, a sucker for holding hands.
I = Impressions
Ethan was blown away from the first time he saw you. The second he laid his eyes, on that beautiful face, he knew you would spend the rest of your lives together. Of course you thought he was just another fuck boy at first, but as you got to know him, you learned that he’s actually the sweetest kid ever.
J = Jokes
As we know, Ethan loves pulling pranks. Wether it’s on you, Grayson or some third person, he’s always doing some sort of prank. He once pulled a cheating prank on you, and you got so sad he completely stopped pulling pranks on you. Poor Grayson has to take twice as many now:(
K = Kissing
Ethan is always in for a kiss. Doesn’t matter if it’s a full on make out session, or if it’s just a quick peck on the cheek. Ethan loves your lips, and he’s not afraid to show it. 90% of his photos on instagram, are of you kissing, so I think it’s safe to say that he doesn’t care about PDA.
L = LA
You guys love LA, you really do, but sometimes it’s just nice to get away from everything for a while. Sometimes you go on roadtrips to beautiful places, and other times you fly back to New Jersey for a little time out.
M = Memories
You love making memories together. Like that night Ethan woke you up at 3 am, to go on a hike to the Hollywood sign. Or that time when he tried to bake you a cake for your birthday, but ended up almost burning the kitchen down, so you and Gray had to buy a cake from Target.It doesn’t even have to be big moments, like when he asked you to be his girlfriend, it can also be small moments, like when you came home from a long day of work, and Ethan had done all the laundry even though it was your turn. It’s not always the big things that stick. Sometimes the smaller they are, the more we remember them.
N = No
Ethan can hardly say no to his princess. She doesn’t have to use the puppy eyes that often, before he gives in completely. But he can’t help it. This girl has him wrapped around her finger, and he knows it.
O = Orange
Whenever you’re with Ethan, it’s like you're exploding with colors. Even on the darkest, most grey days, he manages to get all the colors to shine through. Your cheeks turn pink at the smallest things, and when you kiss, it’s like you can taste the rainbow.
P = Polaroids
Apparently it’s not enough to document, all the stuff you guys do on video, but Ethan has his baby blue polaroid camera with him at all times. He always catches the moment. He keeps all the pictures in a box under the bed. It has all kinds of photos. You cuddled all up in a blanket after you had fallen asleep on his lap, or a picture of you post-sex with wild hair, and a huge grin plastered on your face. 
Q = Questions
Being in the spotlight, you guys are constantly being asked tons of questions. Like if you’re engaged, or if it’s true that Ethan was spotted coming up with a chick at the beach yesterday (which was actually you). One time someone started a rumour that you were pregnant, after you posted a picture of you in your sweats. Needless to say the media had a field day that day.
R = Reassure 
Ethan had always been very insecure, so you constantly had to reassure him that you loved him, and only him, whenever you would get too friendly with a guy, for his liking. Although that’s just another reason why you love him.
S = Sad
Just like good days, bad days are bound to happen. We all have our ups and downs, but you guys are just lucky enough, that you have each other, so you don’t have to go through the tough times alone. The other person is always there, welcoming with open arms. It’s not always easy getting up after falling down, but it’s 10x easier when you have someone else to help you.
T = Trips
You guys love to go on trips. Ethan got this stupid idea from pinterest, that he’ll kiss you in every continent (so far you’ve kissed on 4). You also have a map in your room, where you put a red pin in all the places you’ve visited together, and your goal is to fill out as many as possible. Travelling is always fun, but it’s 10x better when you do it with someone you love.
U = Universe
You used to be one of those girls who thought love at first sight and soulmates were bullshit, but after you met Ethan you’re certain all of it is true. It’s like you’ve been missing a piece of yourself all your life, but when you met Ethan you finally felt whole. He was that missing piece., and you're sure you're meant to be.
V = Vaunt
Ethan loves to show you off. He wants everyone to know you're his baby, and oh boy they sure do. When you're in public he makes sure you're always within arms reach, and whenever you do something, he's always the one cheering the loudest. He's your biggest supporter and everyone knows it. And of course it never hurts if he makes sure to leave a hickey or two before you leave the house;)
W = Wedding
Ethan is convinced you're going to get married, and you are too. He doesn’t know when, but he knows that he’s going to make you his forever. Sometimes he catches himself looking at wedding rings through a store window, or he finds himself looking for venues. He can’t help but imagine how it’ll be on that unforgettable day. You would be wearing a beautiful white dress, gorgeous as ever, and he’ll get tears in his eyes when you walk down the aisle. You’ll dance to your favourite song, and when the wedding is done, and all the guests have left, you’ll go back to the hotel, and you’ll stay up for hours talking about all and nothing. Ethan isn’t certain about a lot of things in life, but on thing he does know, is that you’ll be together forever.
X = Xylophone
You had always been a fan of Harry Styles, ever since the one direction days, so when Ethan heard he was playing in LA, he rushed to buy tickets. You got them for your birthday, and you almost started crying out of excitement (let’s just say Ethan definitely got a thank you for the gift if you know what I mean) When the day finally came, and you were about to leave to the venue, you were almost bursting with excitement. Ethan couldn’t help but smile at how cute you were. You sang your heart out to every single song he played, but one song stuck with you more than the others. When Harry was singing Meet me in the hallway, Ethan couldn’t help but stare at you. You were just so beautiful, how did he get so lucky? When you looked back at him with those beautiful eyes of yours, he knew that he loved you. At first you were shocked that he said it, of course you loved him back, but it was just so unexpected. You almost burst into tears, and grabbed his face and kissed him. You don’t think you've said ‘I love you* as many times as you did that night. That song will always hold a special place in your heart.
Y = yearning
Ethan is very clingy, so he has a hard time staying away from you for too long. One time you went away for two days, and he called you, crying and saying that he missed you, on the first night. Of course you would rather spend time in your boyfriends arms, than be at a boring college lecture, but Ethan takes it to a whole new level. But of course that’s just one of the reasons why you love him.
Z = Zebra
Ethan has always been a big pet fan, as well as you. You always talked about getting a pet, but that was kinda hard with Grayson in the house. But you guys made a deal that when you had your own house, you would buy all kinds of pets. Even a zebra!
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flowery-mess · 5 years
Slap | ethan dolan
Another shopping date with your best friend, was what you thought this morning. But if you only knew what was waiting for you.
‘Be there in 10’ was message from your best friend that just popped up on your phone.
You were really excited to see her again since she’s been travelling around the world with her boyfriend. She was away for 5 months and as you think about it now, you don’t know how could you survive that long without her. You know each other since forever and you’re sure that she’s the person you can tell anything and she will keep it a secret. She came back from Bali this Friday and immediately made plans with you for the next day.
You both wanted and needed your day off together just to tell the other one what she missed and what was on your heart.
You were already ready for her to pick you up, wearing a nice red overall, curled hair and lipstick matching your outfit. You went to put your shoes on, made sure that your iron is off and happily left your place.
You didn’t know you were holding your feelings in until you saw her car and her standing next to it. You run to her and started screaming, just like she did. If someone saw you, they probably thought you’re two freaks, jumping and hugging each other like crazy. And you were. Crazy happy that your best friend is finally in the town and you can hug her after those looong five months.
“Oh my god Y/N! You look so hot!” she looked you up and down and lost her words on how good you looked.
“Stop saying that you know I hate compliments!” you said while the red color made it’s way to your cheeks. It’s true, you don’t know how to accept or give compliments. You turn into weird ball of ‘thanks’ and weird smile. “And look at you huh?! You look amazing.” You looked her up and down just like she did few moments ago, but she did look amazing for real. Her skin was kissed by the sun just right, her hair shortened a little and her skin was glowing. You should probably go on the next trip with her if you would look that good when you come back.
“Okay, enough. We both look amazing and blah blah blah. Let’s goooo I want to hear everything I missed in your life.” She literally threw you in her car and run to the driver side.
As she started driving, she asked you the question. What is ‘the question’ you ask? Let me tell you, it’s the question about boyfriend. The usual ‘So is there any boy I should know about in your life?’ or ‘So did you find a boyfriend finally?’ or ‘Tell me about your love life!’ etc etc.
You rolled your eyes, because you were annoyed of how often people ask you this question. Your mum, your grandma, your co-workers or even your little cousin who found a boyfriend in her kindergarten class.
“Nothing interesting.” Was what she got as answer.
“Oh come on Y/N, there must be something. At least some one night stands?”
“You mean me being drunk as hell and sleeping with someone I knew for a half hour? Yeah few of them, but I think I don’t like that anymore. I want something more serious.” You sighed and looked out of the window.
“Well, let’s find you someone today. You look amazing so it will be easy.” You always admired her positivity. She was always excited about the smallest things. And yeah, she found you a few ‘boyfriends’ but it never lasted for long so you didn’t take her words seriously.
After walking through the whole mall and dealing with your friend desperately trying to find you a boyfriend, coffee was exactly what you needed. But let me tell a few stories from today. The one when she made you to put on a t-shirt with a half of heart, you thinking it was some best friend type of t-shirt, but then she came to this random boy and said ‘Hey handsome. Why don’t you try this on and let me find you the other half?’. Good for her that you were still in the changing room and didn’t kick her head off. Or when she asked for a number from a guy who’s girlfriend was looking for her size just two metres away? Amazing.
“Okay that’s enough. It’s probably my destiny, to be alone. Maybe grow old with a few cats in a cabin in the middle of the woods.” It was a joke, but you didn’t have energy to laugh after this day.
“Oh shut up you know that I won’t let that happen. We will find you a Prince Charming one day, maybe it’s not the right time now.”
“Yeah I guess.” You mumbled in a response. “Let’s just get a coffee and a cake now please.”
So you did exactly that and when you were looking for a place to sit? Your luck showed again and left you the biggest table at the coffee shop possible.
“Let’s just drink our coffee and then go home and watch some movies.” Your friend said, because she could sense that you were getting little angry after this whole day.
So you slowly drank your drinks and made a small talk about her travelling.
She was in the middle of telling you how the nature in Iceland is when someone interrupted you.
“Hi, um, I am sorry but do you have two seats free? There isn’t any free table. If you wouldn’t mind of course.” A good looking boy with brown hair and hazel eyes asked you. An then it hit you. Ethan Dolan. And Grayson Dolan just right next to him. It seemed like your friend noticed too because of her freeze, but she was always the good one with boys so she took it in her own hands.
“Of course we don’t mind. Feel free to sit with us.” She said with a smile on her face.
Both of them smiled right back at you and said thanks. The table was really big, so even though you were sitting together, you didn’t bump into each other or heard what they are talking about. So you two just continued talking about the Icelandic nature.
But after few minutes three girls came to your table, well to the side where the twins were sitting. Fans, you thought, asking for pictures, not a big deal. But that was until you heard “Would you mind taking your shirt off for the picture?” when you heard that, you couldn’t help but spat your drink back in the mug and said simple “Excuse me?”
Do I need to say that the six pairs of eyes were looking right at you?
“Excuse you? Who are you?” the same girl asked.
“I’m sorry, but don’t you think it’s a little inappropriate and embarrassing?”
“Well I didn’t ask you so why do you care?” you could that everyone was feeling uncomfortable right at the moment.
“Well I am sorry, but he’s not taking his shirt off.” You pointed at Ethan, but stared back at her.
“And who do you think you are to say what he can and can’t do?” it was visible that she was getting mad, but so were you.
“Because obviously he’s feeling uncomfortable even hearing the question and probably didn’t want to turn you off, so did I.”
“Calm down you big smart mouth.” She rolled her eyes at you and that was a mistake of hers.
BOOM. You didn’t even have time to stop yourself, but you did it. You slapped her. It seemed like a slowmootion when you looked at her covering her face and then your right hand. What in the hell did you just do?
“Okay that’s enough, let’s go.” You heard male voice say, while you put your hands over your mouth.
Then you felt strong arms take you by your waist and lead you away.
“What the hell Y/N? I didn’t know you’re that bad ass!” You heard your friend’s voice following you, as those strong arms were still placed on your waist.
You stopped at the parking lot, finally turning around to see three people staring at you.
“I-“ you didn’t know what to say. You really didn’t.
“I’m sorry?” you managed to say after few deep breaths.
“For what? For standing up for me? Thank you.” Ethan said with a laugh in his voice, because let’s be honest, it was kind of funny moment. You felt his strong arms around you once again when he hugged you.
“Okay, then you’re welcome I guess.” You hugged him back and finally laughed at the situation that happened while ago.
“Can I buy you another coffee? I mean both of you, we dragged you here and you probably didn’t finish your drink.” Ethan said and looked at his twin who just nodded in agreement.
“I actually have something in like few minutes. I forgot to tell you that I have to look after my neighbour’s kid tonight. They’re going out for a dinner.” Your friend said and you knew right away it was a lie.
“But-“ you tried to talk, but before you finished it, your friend slapped Grayson on his back and gave him a look, because he obviously didn’t see what she was trying to do. She saw Ethan looking at you like at someone who saved his life and she saw a chance of possible boyfriend. So after the slap, Grayson got the hint and tried to make some excuse that you would believe, because he knew Ethan could see what was he trying to do.
“And I have to go pick up my new shoes actually, so you can just go and grab some coffee by yourselves?” he said already walking away so neither of you had a chance to protest and your friend? Already gone.
“They are so bad at this. She doesn’t have neighbours with kid.” You said.
“Yeah, you can just say that they are stupid. Couldn’t make better excuses?” Ethan turned to face you. I mean, you both knew what they were doing. “But yeah I guess we can just grab some coffee by yourself what do you think?”
“I think that ice cream sounds better.” You smiled.
“Then ice cream it is.” Ethan said and opened the door to his car for you.
He took you to this nice cosy place where you had the best ice cream of your life. And you didn’t end up with one ice cream for sure.
You were sitting with a fifth ice cream on the hood of Ethan’s car when he said ‘Thank you’ for like a hundredth time today.
“I swear if you say it once more the ice cream will end up in your face.”
“Okay that sounds terrifying.” You both laughed. It actually surprised you how much in common you two had. He was nice and easy to talk to. You didn’t even notice that the sun was setting down because of how much you were caught in the conversation.
“I think I should take you home. It’s getting late.” He stated and jumped off the hood.
“Yeah.” You looked down at him , ready to jump down on his level, but his actions were faster. He picked you up by your waist and put you down. And didn’t let go off you. You stared in each others eyes for a minute before he spoke up again.
“I will get you home only if you promise me another ice cream date?”
“Well, only if you will take your shirt off.” You both couldn’t help the laugh escaping your lips.
“I will have to think about that.” He pulled you little bit closer, but watched your reaction if you don’t get uncomfortable, because that was something he didn’t want to for sure. “But for real now, can I take you on a date? I didn’t expect to meet you at all, but like, where were you my whole life?” you weren’t sure if he was trying to change the subject with the joke, but you knew you wanted to see this boy again.
“Yes.” Who could tell that this one word would put that big smile on Ethan Dolan’s face?
 So he drove you home, you exchanged numbers and he gave you a kiss on the cheek. Simple, but cute gesture.
“See you later Dolan.” You screamed at him walking towards the place you live in.
“Yeah. And make sure to take your shirt off next time I pick you up!” he screamed back and you just laughed at what he said. That was for sure something that became your inside joke.
So this one is for @matthwatsons and I hope you like it.
99 notes · View notes
grayson-bailey · 5 years
the pergola - g. dolan
instagram stories of boyfriend!grayson 
part 1 part 2
36 notes · View notes
pr1ncessjasm1ne · 6 years
Love Sick
Summary: Y/N reminisces on memories that have led to the confessions of her best friend, [college!]Grayson, admitting his feelings. Word Count: ~ 5,600 Warnings: Cursing, mentions of smoking and drinking, but mostly fluff. A/N: Yikes, this is my first time posting for this fandom and NOT on my side blog, this is also the first time I write with a concept that I really like and needed for myself.  I grew to love it and I might make a part 2, so PLEASE FEEL FREE TO GIVE FEEDBACK AND LET ME KNOW IF YOU WOULD WANT A SECOND PART!!! <3
tags: @cutesydolan @joeyskinnyleg @hmmmethan @ohmydolantwins
My days at university have been exceptionally beautiful during many moments. I was getting to date my best friend, whom I met here. It was an occurrence that I never really expected. It all started my freshman year. It was move-in day, to be exact.
“Mom, it’s to the left,” I instruct her on the other end of the large, blue plastic moving cart that we had unloaded my stuff into from our car. It was move in day for my first year of college, and I was ecstatic to be settled in and meeting new people to make friends immediately. I was also super excited to finally be away from home where I had never been allowed out of the house.
“Okay, number 205, right?” she asks as she slows down in front of the room. I nod in confirmation and move around to unlock the door. I guess I beat my roommate, since it was empty.
“Sweet, I want the bottom bunk!” I smiled at my mom as I started to walk in and she followed with the cart.
“Yay! If you fall off when you’re sleeping, you’re only a couple of feet off the ground!” She teased. She likes to think I’m a huge clutz in avoiding the reality that she’s oblivious to, which is that she’s the huge clutz. But whatever. I rolled my eyes in response and asked her to start putting the sheets on my bed while I go get the second cart with my dad.
The second I stepped out my door, I bumped in to a taller, larger man holding a huge box that hit my face. “Oh shit- I’m so, so sorry!” I heard as I clenched my eyes shut and held my hands to my temple. I open my eyes to find a pair of beautiful, deep green orbs decorated with some thick and sharp eyebrows currently furrowed with concern. 
“Uh… it’s ‘kay,” I giggled. I felt like I forgot the entire English language in that moment. I continued my hold on my temple before he gently removed my hands by the wrists, making me shiver a bit.
“Oh no, did the corner of the box hit you? It looks like you have a little cut.. oh my god, I’m so-“
“Hey, it’s fine! Nothing a little Neosporin can’t fix,” I reassure, “just be a little more careful, please. I’m asking for everyone.” He sports a small smirk and I caught his cute little dimple. The little dimple I didn’t know I would ever come to love so much.
“Okay, you got it. But still, I’m so sorry. Can I do anything?” He asks, without realizing someone was behind him trying to push another cart. It was my dad, bringing in the second cart I was supposed to help him with.
“Y/N, who’s this?” My dad blatantly asks. Grayson drops his hold on my hands and looks up. Dad has never been fond of any boys in my life, saying they were clearly only after one thing. It was no different with any stranger who looked between 17 and 20 years old. He’s a little overprotective, I guess.
“Good question, what’s your name, boy-who-hit-me-with-his-box?” I cross my arms and cock an eyebrow. He shifts his eyes between my dad and I, growing a little red in the face.
“I promise it was an accident- I’m Grayson…” he smiles a bit awkwardly. I couldn’t help but giggle at his reaction to my dad’s glare after I mentioned the incident that brought our meet, to begin with.
My dad completely dismissed Grayson’s existence and asked me to move out of the doorway to bring the first cart in and replace it with the second one. I did as I was told and moved over to let my parents handle the moving for a second.
“Do you need any help with that box, by the way?” I asked, pointing down at the box he had dropped when he grabbed my wrists. He quickly bent down to pick it up and let out a small chuckle.
“Actually, I wouldn’t mind a spotter to make sure I don’t hit anyone else,” he smiled in my direction. How am I supposed to resist that smile? I moved to be in front of him and led him down to the boy’s hall of the residence.
“What number?” I asked, slowing down my pace as we made our way down.
“220, right there,” he pointed me to the door just a few feet away. I helped him steer clear of a couple of parents he couldn’t see, and probably would have hit with his obscenely large moving box. I noticed the door was prompted open, so I let myself in. I let curiosity get the best of me and decided to watch him for a bit.
“Bottom or top bunk?” I asked. He set the box down behind me and dropped to his knees to start unpacking it.
“I want the bottom bunk, but I know my brother is going to use the ‘I was born first’ card to claim it once he gets here,” he sighs. I take the liberty to sit down on the bottom bunk to test it out.
“Hmm. Unless you want to hit your head constantly on the top bunk, I think you dodged a bullet there,” I stated while holding the metal bars above me.
“Same difference, I’ll hit my head up on the ceiling, too. I just don’t wanna climb,” he smiles. He shifts his focus from the box over to me, and I notice he caught a glance of my exposed thighs in my shorts. I immediately felt a bit insecure and I covered them with my hands before standing up.
“True. Well, good luck to you, Grayson. I have to go help my parents before they complain and say I’m avoiding them,” I say while peeping into his box. It looked like a bunch of tech stuff and lost interest for the moment, making a mental note to ask about it later. “I’ll see you around,” I sport my biggest smile as I leave the room.
“Bye, Y/N!”
 I saw Grayson very frequently that year. We bumped into each other nearly every day first semester; I saw him after sociology as I was making my way into the building and he was making his way to class. During midterms season in early October, I would get annoyed of my roommate talking to her boyfriend from back home every single night while I was trying to study. I decided to go in the common room of the residence hall one night and found Grayson taking up an entire table with his laptop, books, and notes spread out as he was studying. That night, he was wearing a white hoodie and gray sweats, looking real cute and cozy. He had his hood up and fidgeted with the strings, which I later found out he did often. He was alone in the common room, which indicated that it was pretty late at night considering that was a popular study space. Even though there was plenty of space, I still sat at the table he occupied because I didn’t want him to feel lonely, even if we were both going to be silently working on our own things. That quickly turned out to be the opposite of what we intended. Every time we started studying, he would ask me random questions about myself and got me rambling for hours. Eventually, this became a problem because we would never really get work done. I found out his twin brother, Ethan, was always playing video games late at night while he tried to study. I didn’t mind that I would hardly get my work done with him. I enjoyed getting to know him every few nights at 3 in the morning until the sun rose and we called it a night and went on with our lives.
Second semester, I found him in my statistics class. Our late-night study sessions, therefore, started to become intentional as well as more frequent. The fact that we both actually needed to study and had each other for support didn’t stop us from getting distracted and talking about literally anything else. I also started hanging out with him in our rooms which eventually led to hanging out outside of the residence hall. We started going to the dining halls together along with his brother, Ethan, and my new friend Alena. Alena quickly made a move on Ethan one night while we were all taking a walk around the lake nearby to stargaze. I was very happy for them when they shared their first kiss together, but it made me a bit sad when I had no one to share an experience like that with. Grayson suggested I should get on tinder, but I didn’t cave then. I was always hoping something would spark between us and bring us together and I don’t think I would have wanted there to be a chance for it to happen with someone else. Not at that time.
Over summer, Grayson and Ethan went back to New Jersey, while Alena went back to her hometown of San Angelo, Texas. I made my way back to my small town in California, which was only a few hours away from our university. I was happy to be back home, but I missed Grayson more than anyone. We started sending one another consistent snapchats of random things that happened throughout our day. Or random selfies with “bored” somewhere on the caption. It always depended on the day, really. But there was never a day I didn’t see his gorgeous face on my screen. At some point in the summer, we started to facetime at night, continuing our late-night chats from the study room. Most times, he would be sending me things to watch on youtube and watch my reaction. It was something we liked to do at our distracted study nights as well. Other times, we would just keep each other company while we played video games or one of us was trying to sleep. It became habitual to fall asleep to the sound of Grayson Dolan’s soft snores even though he had never physically slept next to me. I almost couldn’t sleep the night I moved back up for the second year of college.
“This apartment is sick, [Y/N]! You could throw parties here!” Grayson exclaimed, sitting on my new bed. I let out a small giggle as I sat next to him. “I’m not really a party girl, Gray,” I tilted my head at him. He averted his gaze and stared at his lap.
“You’re right, but I’ll be coming over a lot. This is way better than the small studio Ethan got us stuck with,” he said shifting his eyes back to mine. I felt a slight rush of heat and decided to lay down and stare at the ceiling to shake off the effect Grayson’s eyes had on me. I hadn’t looked into them since the last day before summer, and I forgot how intimidating they were. I always felt like Grayson could see into my soul and take it to keep whenever he laid eyes on me.
“You’re welcome to stay whenever Ethan won’t stop geeking out,” I offered. “But you’re also welcome whenever, and you know that”. I was trying so hard to suppress the smile that threatened to stretch out my cheeks. I felt him lay back next to me, and I shifted my attention to his face.
“Thanks, beautiful,” he almost whispered. I swear if it had been any lower, I wouldn’t have heard him. I almost pretended not to hear it, but my smile and blushing cheeks made it evident. I quickly sat up again, shaking off this feeling.
It wasn’t that I didn’t want Grayson to know how I felt, nor was it that I was afraid of rejection. I genuinely just wanted to keep Grayson around as platonic as I could for as long as I could. I also did not think he was anywhere in my league, but I wouldn’t let that flood my mind. I enjoyed Grayson and his company. His actions and words never crossed any boundaries of mine and I couldn’t tell if that was intentional or not. Regardless, he was my best friend and Alena would kill me if she heard me say it. I tried to tell myself I was just lusting over my best friend because I was horny, and he was the closest guy I had around. Besides him and Ethan, I didn’t have many guy friends who were straight in my life at the moment. And I definitely did not want to pursue Ethan after him and Alena had hooked up one night and she caught feelings for him- BAD. And I can’t blame her. Ethan was amazing, sweet, hilarious, and the tinge bit of annoying was actually endearing on him. However, he was no Grayson to me. Sure, Ethan checked up on me and sent me random memes every now and then. But my second year showed me just how close Grayson and I were going to get.
 It was a cold night during finals week of first semester when I was studying at the library and I got my period out of nowhere. No, it wasn’t just that I was far from my apartment and couldn’t get a pad that made me lose it. It was also that I was so close to failing the class I was studying for, and it was that I had spent 14 hours studying the material that day alone, and that I hadn’t had a proper sleep for 4 days also studying for this exam.
While I was sitting in the bathroom stall, crying my eyes out at 1 am, I tried to call Alena to see if she could bring me a pad or tampon from home. To my dismay, her phone was off and I kept getting sent to voicemail. Just a few minutes later, I got a text from Grayson, who had also been studying with me at the library:
gray<3: hey u good?
I knew he was no stranger to periods and wasn’t one of those boys to get freaked out by it, so I decided to call him.
“Hey, what’s up? You’ve been in the bathroom for a while. I got worried,” he said. I tried to muffle my sobs and get myself together.
“I got my period and I don’t have anything with me, Alena won’t pick u-“
“HEY does anyone have a pad or tampon?” I heard Grayson say away from the speaker. “My friend is in the bathroom, she doesn’t have anyth- oh thanks! Yeah I think she’s in the bathroom on this floor,” he said to someone else. I started laughing at his shameless behavior. He was never hesitant to make sure I was taken care of but this was just amusing to me. “Okay a blonde girl is gonna come in there any minute now, she had something useful,” he giggles. I reciprocate the laughter as my heart jumps a little bit.
“Thanks, Grayson,” I say before hanging up.
While small, the gesture stuck with me that night. He also went to the campus convince store located across from the library and bought me some snacks to cheer me up while we studied a bit longer. When we were done, he walked me back to my apartment and stayed the night. When I asked him why he wanted to spend the night during the most stressful time of our semester when he could be bundled up and cozy in his own bed, he said he would rather make sure I’m extra warm and getting cuddled when I was on my period and stressing over exams. This was new territory in our friendship and we had yet to test the waters. We had cuddled before, but it was always for a short period of time and while others were present. Most times, it was when we were watching movies or playing games with a group of people and we were stuck sitting on the floor. I would lean my back against his chest as he leaned against a couch or cabinet. That night, he held me in the same position but laying down, with one arm gently around my waist and the other tucked around my head as he stroked my hair every now and then. It was the first time since summer that I had fallen asleep to the sound of his soft snores. I found myself drifting off easily to the gentle, warm feeling of them against my hair. To say I caught myself falling in love with him that night is an understatement. I finally admitted it but didn’t know where to go from there. It was different from how I had seen him before.
Winter break separated us again, and the facetime calls became more frequent than they had been over summer. It got to a point where I started introducing him to my family over facetime, and he did the same. Nonetheless, I was surprised on Christmas Eve when he facetimed me asking to open the package that he sent me through the mail as a Christmas gift for a reaction. I was in the living room where my family had been gathered to watch a Christmas movie when he texted me to check the mail. I didn’t expect to see a small box and a separate envelope from him in there. Immediately, I ran up the stairs to my room with my family asking what I was doing. I didn’t pay attention to them and bolted straight to my bed as he called. I answered and sat down before opening the envelope first, as he requested.
The first thing I found in there was a hand-written note reading:
First of all, you don’t understand how much I miss you. Seeing you through a screen literally does you no justice. I’d rather be giving you this in person. Second, you’re so special to me. You’re my best friend. And my best friend deserves the best. I really hope you like it. I chose it myself and Ethan said it was nice… I kinda trust him. I just thought of you instantly when I saw it. Lastly, MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!
- Gray”
I think he knew exactly how to pull at my heartstrings by this time, and he knew handwritten notes were one of my favorite things. I kept all the random sticky notes with jokes and doodles he put in my notebooks when I wasn’t looking while we studied at the library all those nights. He didn’t know I kept them all in the back of my planner, sticking them an inch apart to create a collection.
I pulled the next thing out of the envelope, which was three Polaroid pictures we had taken at three different times. The first picture was an attempted selfie that was mostly Grayson’s smile and my eye featuring one of the ears of my cat ear headband. On the bottom, written in sharpie was: “10/31/17 – one of my favorite nights”.
“So we’re dressing up just to hang out and eat candy?” I asked Grayson from my bed, as he sat against it with his laptop open searching for last minute DIY Halloween costumes.
“No, we’re dressing up because it’s Halloween. It’s tradition,” he states sternly.
I didn’t dare question Grayson and his love for holidays. He ended up asking me to do some skull makeup on him, which I did… poorly. And I just stuck on my cat ears that I had laying around for when I wanted to push my hair back while doing my makeup. I went full out with him and drew some whiskers on with eyeliner and drew a pink heart on my nose with lipstick. He insisted we should take a polaroid and the one that came out was the one he sent in the mail. We burst out into laughter after we saw the developed photo because Grayson swore that he had the perfect angle for us to be in frame, and he was totally wrong. But at the time, it was the last of the film he had, and we decided the photo would suffice for memories and we took a few selfies on his phone for better measure. That night ended in us watching Rick and Morty until I passed out in the bed where we were sitting against the wall, and Grayson went home. I didn’t know why it was one of his favorite nights, so I asked him while we were on facetime.
“It was the first night I saw you fall asleep in front of me,” he said with a bit of hesitation in his voice, “all the other times were over facetime.” My lips betrayed me when I tried to hide my smile. I didn’t think Grayson had such fond memories of small things like this as I did. I thought I was the only one.
The second photo was one of Grayson holding a joint in his mouth and I held a lighter against the joint and smiled at the camera. Again, written in sharpie: “11/11/17- baby’s first weed”. I laughed hysterically at this one. This was from the first time Grayson and I smoked weed together, and his first time ever smoking.
“Okay, remember to hold it in your mouth and then when you pull it away, inhale it,” I instructed Grayson. My housemate Kiara had brought home several joints and left them out on the living room coffee table for anyone who wanted them. I was curious to see what Grayson would be like while he was high. Alena was with us, and she had never smoked before either.
“Wait, let me take a picture with Grayson’s polaroid!” Alena exclaimed. We posed somewhat silly, and then I lit the joint for Grayson.
Grayson took a puff of the joint and breathed as I had taught him. His eyes were getting a little bloodshot as he kept taking hits, and they were also a bit hooded and seemed sleepy. I knew he was high when the three of us were sitting in comfortable silence while lightly playing The 1975 from my phone. I heard a slight snort escape him. It took me a little bit to react, looking over to him and giggling inexplicably.
“What?” I asked through a smile.
“I don’t know,” he replied, still giggling. “I just wanna laugh!!”
“It’s the weed, Gray!” Alena cackled out. I couldn’t believe the lightweights that sat on each side of me on the couch. I was also high, but I obviously forgot what it was like when you smoked for the first time.
After a while, Alena felt the sleepiness hit her and she knocked out in her bed, leaving me alone with high Grayson. We sat in the same silence with the light sounds of the music for a while before Grayson admitted he was feeling the munchies hit him. We made our way to the kitchen when I remembered I had some left-over, pre-made cookie dough from baking cookies for Alena’s birthday last month. Right as I put the cookies in the oven, Grayson wrapped his arms around my waist from behind and lifted me up.
“Gray!! STOP!” I squealed and laughed. I would have normally begged him to stop for a bit longer, but he turned me around and sat me up on the counter next to the stove. I choked on my breath a little bit as he spread my legs apart slightly to allow himself in between. I didn’t know what was going on because he had never done this before, but I wasn’t going to complain. His face was close to mine, and I noticed his eyes fixed to my lips, then my eyes, and then my lips again. I couldn’t handle the intensity in this interaction, so I grabbed the cookie dough wrapper and started picking at the bits of lingering dough to stick in my mouth. “Want some?” I asked with a slight shake in my voice, holding out my dough covered finger. He smiled and accepted the cookie dough I held up, licking up the dough and going for more from the wrapper. I didn’t want things to get awkward with Grayson if I had made a move and kissed him when maybe he was just super high and admiring me for no reason.
The last photo was just of me, asleep on his chest with his hand through my hair. This was from the morning after he had spent the night during finals and I didn’t even know he took this. This time, the sharpie just read “12/13/17 – nervous x nbhd”. My heart escaped my entire body and I felt my head start to spin. I knew this meant he wanted me to know that I made him nervous, as The Neighborhood had so perfectly titled their song. I couldn’t breathe, but before I could ask Grayson anything, my mom barged into my room.
“Y/N, come back down please. We’re doing family stuff,” she said eagerly, “don’t be rude by staying up here.”
“Okay, give me just a second mom, Grayson sent me this-“
“Y/N! Now!” she whisper-yelled. I put the polaroids away in my desk just in case my mom wanted to punish me for smoking weed or being asleep on top of a boy.
“Hey, Grayson I’m sorry. I gotta go, but I’ll open the package later?” I bit my finger nervously.
“That’s fine, go do family stuff. I’ll be awake,” he reassures me. I felt butterflies in my stomach knowing I’ll be talking to him later.
While watching yet another boring Christmas movie with my family, I couldn’t help but think about Grayson deciding to put that song title on the picture of me sleeping. What did this mean? Was there any meaning to it at all? I was stepping in more uncharted territory with Grayson, and with anyone. I hadn’t had a boyfriend since the beginning of high school, so I forgot how to interact with boys I liked. I also didn’t get much practice since I was too busy swooning over Grayson to pay attention to any other guys who might have been potential interests. Grayson didn’t make it very clear if there were any other girls in his life, but the more I thought about it, the less I could think of a single time he talked about being interested in a girl. I grabbed my phone and texted Ethan.
Y/N: Hey I need to talk to you        Don’t tell Grayson!!! PLEASE!
Eetee: What’s up??
Y/N: Okay I need you to be completely honest with me right now
Eetee: Ok…? I always am but ok
Y/N: Yes. So does Grayson like me??
       Read at 9:47pm
I got nervous as he left me hanging for a good 15 minutes.
Eetee: I can’t tell you anything either
Y/N: What do you mean?
Eetee: You’re asking someone who was sworn to secrecy on this subject. Shouldn’t that give it away?
Eetee: Btw that should be a totally obvious answer, but I can’t insinuate anything. Just talk to him
Ethan knew Grayson was in love with me. Grayson had told him about every single time he got me to smile so much that my faint dimples started showing. Grayson told him about every snapchat I sent him while he held up his phone and said “Isn’t she so cute?!” Ethan was there every time Grayson came home from hanging out with me, feeling sad that he couldn’t find the courage to confess how he felt. Ethan was also there the night Grayson got high and came home giggling hysterically. He knew he had smoked, but what he didn’t expect was to hear Grayson tell him how he almost kissed me. He almost found the courage to act on his feelings, but I made cookie dough our “cock-blocker”.  Ethan wanted to tell me all of this right then, but Grayson made him swear he wouldn’t spill a word to me because he wanted to do it himself. He needed to find the right words and the right time.
I decided to leave my family once again, claiming that I was tired and promised to come back down if I couldn’t sleep. It was a cheap excuse, but my family finally let me go and I immediately facetimed Gray as I locked the door to my room.
“Hey again,” he smiled through his barely open hoodie. He was snuggled up in his bed and looked so perfectly cute. I could never get enough of him.
“Hi, sorry about earlier. I’ve been so eager to keep talking to you.”
“It’s okay. Go open your present,” he flashed his toothy smile as he commanded me to open what he sent.
“You know you didn’t have to get me anything, right? The pictures are amazing, and I was so close to crying before my mom came in,” I admitted.
“Cool, then it worked. Now open what I WANTED to get you because I know I don’t have to get you anything,” he chuckled. He knew I was stubborn about gifts and I hated being materialistic.
But when I opened the package, I didn’t expect to see what he had gifted me. It made my heart stop for the second time tonight, but also start racing faster than it was already going. I stopped fighting my smiles at this point. “Gray….. what the…?” I whispered.
“Just wanted you to know how much you mean to me.” He said sweetly. It was a beautiful, dainty gold necklace with a small crescent moon adorning that I had seen in a jewelry store we checked out when Ethan wanted a new chain and we tagged along. It was very pretty but I couldn’t afford it and I had honestly, completely forgotten about it. I’m surprised Grayson remembered how much I loved it when I saw it.
“Why did you- when did you- what?!” I was out of words. This was the most attention someone had ever put into a gift for me. Even though I didn’t wear jewelry often, I knew I was going to be rocking this necklace every single day just because Grayson had gifted it to me.
“I know you love the moon, and you loved that necklace so much. I saw it in your eyes when we were at that store. I went back like a month later by myself and got it. Saved it for Christmas.” Grayson sounded really proud of himself, and honestly, I was too. This was such a sweet gift and it truly made me want to be the first to confess how I felt and get it over with.
“Grayson, I love it. Thank you so much,” I gushed, “god, I love you…” I said quietly. I felt an awkward silence fall on us, and I was unsure as to if he heard me or not. I kept my focus on the necklace to avoid seeing his face if he had heard me.
“Y/N… I need to tell you something….” He said quietly, losing his short-lived confidence. I looked at my phone screen to see him tucked behind his hoodie that he had pulled the strings on, only his nose and some of his forehead visible. “I’ve had a major crush on you since we met, and my feelings just keep getting more intense. I wanted to tell you in person, I swear-“
“It’s okay, you have told me in person,” I cut him off reminiscing in all the memories where I left myself wondering if he liked me or if it was just a delusion of mine. The pictures and his confession of said “crush” was enough confirmation that I had been waiting for.
“What do you… oh, the pictures?” He chuckled, opening his hoodie a little more, to peek through. “Yeah, I was hoping you caught on eventually… I just- I’m not sure how to tell someone I like them, so…”
“It’s fine, I love the pictures. I love the necklace. I’m so, so happy right now, Gray.”
We spent that night on facetime until 5 in the morning in my time zone, but he was up until 8 in the morning, where he had to go open presents with his family. We talked about our different memories where it was obvious that we had feelings for one another and we both felt like the other was not into them. I laughed at how he thought the time I changed in front of him was because I thought of him as a brother. But I was very drunk, and he walked me home that night to make sure I was okay. And I needed help getting out of the dress I had worn because the back zipper got caught on something and fell off completely. Everyone else in my apartment was still out partying and Grayson was the only person around, which was fine by me. I pranced around in my underwear after he helped me out, hoping it would be a bit amusing or maybe spark a bit of innocent, drunk fun between us. He admitted he was also drunk that night, being overly tempted to finally kiss my lips as well, and touching my bare skin made him too nervous to make a move. He didn’t want to send the wrong message, so he avoided contact with me until I needed to be tucked into bed when he kissed my head through my hair. I hardly remembered that, as I was pretty wasted. But, he told me how nervous he was I’d get weirded out by it.
This is where it really started.
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arcticdolans · 6 years
Christmas Morning with G
Summary: a short but sweet blurb about early Christmas morning with Grayson (read the title lol)
Warnings: none, bad writing
Words: 180-200
It was a cool Christmas morning and you awoke to a gentle breeze against your back. Cracking open your eyes, you saw Grayson's large figure wrapped heavily in blankets. You sighed almost longingly as a small smile played upon you lips at the sight of him; his head adorned with messy curls, eyes shut, rosy lips slightly parted and soft snores escaping his nose. You shuffled closer to him in an attempt to regain some of the warmth you had lost from the lack of blankets and entangled your legs with his, cherishing these last few minutes of rest before your kids would most likely charge into your room in anticipation for the presents that awaited them. Raising your hand, you brushed a few stray curls away from your husband's head, allowing your fingers to linger on Grayson's cheek for just a moment before returning them to the confines of your blanket. Eventually, Gray's breathing changed pace, and he shuffled closer to you with his eyes still screwed shut.
"Morning baby," he murmured.
You smiled softly. "Good morning love. Merry Christmas."
One of Grayson's eyes squinted open in confusion and you let out a giggle. He groaned playfully and suddenly threw his huge arms around you. With a quiet squeal, you wriggled even closer into his grasp, resting your head alongside his broad chest. The two of you had only been lying there for a few seconds before you heard the light pattering of footsteps racing up the staircase.
"Ma! Daddy! Santa came! Come see!" Your two toddlers screamed in unison before thundering back down the stairs.
You lifted your head up and placed a small kiss on Grayson's lips, causing him to smile.
"Merry Christmas baby girl."
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dolanspacemendes · 6 years
This is not edited and was written quickly but I hope you like it.
Anytime I imagine dating Ethan (or one of the twins) I always imagine it from a fans point of view. Like, it’s still me who’s dating him but from a fans point of view. Does that make sense? Like the fan watching the YouTube video q&a with me. Or challenges ft. Me. Or the little snapchats on his story that have me in them. Or live streams that they do and I casually walk in the room to get something and make a short appearance and have a really short conversation with Ethan like,
“Oh and babe,” she turned around to see what Ethan needed,” I love you”, he said casually as he had his head turned over his shoulder. She walked from the doorway to give him a kiss. The camera only had half of Ethan’s face so the viewers couldn’t see it that well but they knew what was going on. They heard Ethan whisper something to her while she was close, she nodded and laughed and then left closing the door behind her.
When y/n closed the door Ethan and Grayson were looking in that direction. Grayson for a moment longer, then they both turned back to the live video with thousands of viewers. Ethan had the biggest smile on his face for the rest of the video.
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spiffydolan · 6 years
Who are your favorite writers? I need some to follow
If you click on a name and it doesn’t take you straight to their masterlist, I couldn’t find one. You can search their blog tho for “grayson dolan imagine” and anything they’ve written will come up :’)
also, let me know if some of these links aren’t working… I did a weird thing in the middle of this post and had to redo some of it. I think it should be all good tho. Thanks for asking :’) I actually was looking for some new ones as well, and I found quite a few. Enjoy! I hope I was able to help ♥️
Another list of recommended writers
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isnotys · 5 years
This Love
Summary: After a long week at Paris Fashion week working for Louis Vuitton things get a little tense between you and Grayson. But then things take an unexpected turn. 
Warnings: None
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It has been such a busy week. It is truly a dream to get to be part of Fashion Week and even better to get to do it with all of my friends. However, I never thought it would be this crazy. We’ve barely slept all week with all the fittings, interviews and photoshoots. Despite all this, I haven't been able to take my eyes off of Grayson. 
We have been friends for a while, two years almost, but I have always liked him. What’s not to like? He has the most amazing, outgoing personality, beautiful hazel eyes, irresistible lips, and he's built like a God. But anyways, we’re just friends and that’s it.
It was late in the evening and our day had consisted of an early makeup session, a photo shoot, and we had been to a LV show. Currently, we were at an afterparty and if it weren't mandatory for me to be here, I wouldn't be. I have been keeping my distance from the twins because I just don't know how to conceal my feelings for Grayson anymore.
The event is full of classy French elites that are enjoying cocktails while the dimly lit room is filled with high fashion and strategically placed hor’d’oeuvres. 
Suddenly Emma emerges next to me. “Hello, Ms. We have been looking all around for you,” she says sarcastically. 
“I highly doubt that,” I say signaling at the twins talking with some beautiful models from the show.
“Grayson asked me why you have been acting so weird,” she says looking into my eyes. I look away, but when I look at the twins, Grayson is looking right at me. I feel his stare burning my face, so I give my drink to Emma and leave the party.
My mind is flooded with a thousand thoughts per second. I shouldn't have let myself feel this way, this is my own fault. I cant stop my heart from racing this fast, no matter how many deep breaths I take. I shouldn't have come to this trip.
I walk for a good five minutes and I finally see it. With blinding lights up to the very top. The Eiffel Tower right before me. I try to calm down, slow down my thoughts and enjoy where I am, even if it is just for one second. Until I feel a touch on my lower back. I jump at the feeling and turn around to see him, Grayson. 
“What are you doing here by yourself, y/n?” he asks concerned.
“I just needed to get some air,” I answer avoiding his stare.
“I don’t believe that for a second, y/n,” he's raised his voice a little now, I look at him and he’s looking at me angrily, his jaw clenched. My heart is about to beat out of my chest. He continues, “You’ve been acting weird all week, what did I do now?”
“Nothing, I have been trying to focus on the work we had to do this week,” I say looking past him. 
He doesn't believe my bs at all, though he seems a bit calmer now and reaches to hold both of my hands, “You know you can tell me anything,” he says almost whispering. 
I don’t know what to do, it feels like I have been cornered. Yet, I don't want to lose his friendship. Plus, he can have any girl, why would he choose me? But I can't keep holding on to this.
“I like you,” I say looking at the ground.
“I know you do, that’s why we’re friends, but you’ve been acting like you’re mad at me,” he says cupping my face with his big hands and obviously clueless of this whole situation. 
“No, Grayson. I have feelings for you,” I say firmly pushing his hands away from my face.
“Oh,” he says as if something just clicked, “That makes sense.”
“Am I that obvious?” I ask on the brink of losing it.
“No, what I mean is, I knew something was going on, but I am not good with reading between the lines, you know?,” he laughs. “But,” he starts as he gets closer to me and grabs me by the waist, “I like you too, I just didn't know if the feeling was mutual.”
I get on my tippy toes to press my forehead against his, “I just couldn't tell you, I didn't want to lose your friendship.” 
“You’d never lose that,” he says looking into my eyes, “but I guess we’re not friends anymore.”
“Wait, why?”
“Because I have feelings for you too, silly,” he says teasingly and then lifts me a little to give me a gentle kiss. 
“You showed up just in time,” I say and he smiles and kisses me again deeper.
The lights of the Eiffel Tower stand high above us and illuminate the night as we kiss passionately. I’m never letting go of him now.
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dreamingawaydolan · 5 years
Who’s ready for some gray angst tm? 👀
(i didn’t forget about the hs!bf e don’t worry y’all xoxo)
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earfquak3 · 5 years
Thunderstorms and kisses - g.d.
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Summary: There’s a storm, and Gray is a bit scared, so you come to rescue the day.
Warnings: none
Word count: 542
The day started out with a beautiful azure blue sky, with the sound of birds chirping. It seemed like the perfect day for a hike or a picnic, until a big grey cloud started making it’s way over the big city of Los Angeles. 
I was sitting on the couch in a pair of grey sweatpants and one of Grayson’s hoodies, when I got a text message.
Dumb bitch💜: Can you come over?:(
Me: Of course, did something happen?
Dumb bitch💜: I’ll tell you when you get over here
My heart dropped to the floor, and I jumped off the couch, threw on the first pair of shoes, and jogged down to my car in the pouring rain. I got in the car, drenched in water, and sped over to the twin’s house. My head was only focused on Grayson, so I didn’t even notice the 3 stop signs I ran. The windshield wipers were on full blast, as I pulled into the twins driveway. I didn’t even care about how wet I got, as I ran to their door. I was only focused on getting to Grayson. Normally, the twins would lock their door incase any fans found their way to the house, but the door was unlocked, so I could just walk straight in. The house was completely dark, and no sounds could be heard except the rain slapping against the roof, and the occasional thunder and lightning in the background.
“Gray?” My voice echoed through the house, but there was no response. Tiptoeing, I made my way through the dark house, and into Grayson’s room. There was no light in the room, but I could sense a figure laying under the covers on the bed.
“Baby is that you?” A small yes could be heard from under the covers, followed by a couple of sniffles. I frowned, and made my way towards the bed, and got under the covers. As soon as I laid down on the bed, a pair of strong arms pulled me into their embrace.
“What’s wrong, baby?” The frown on my face evident in my voice. My hand made it’s way up to his face, and brushed some hair out of his face. His sad, teary eyes looked into mine, and he let out a heartbreaking sob. My heart dropped, and I instantly pulled him to my chest, and started playing with his hair to calm him down. It hurt my heart to see him like this.
“I don’t like the thunder.” His response was a mumble, and almost inaudible. I pulled away from him, with a small smile on my face, and looked into his eyes, that were flooded with tears.
“It’s okay, baby. I’m here now.” I pulled him closer to my chest, and kissed the top of his head. He snuggled closer into me, and squeezed tighter around my body. 
“I love you, Gray. And I'll always protect you.” He sniffled, and looked at me with his tear stained cheeks and hazel eyes.
“I know. I love you too, princess.” We looked into each others eyes and for a second it felt like time stopped. No rain, no thunder or lightning. Just us. And for that second, all I felt was love.
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flowery-mess · 6 years
Daffodils | grayson dolan
This is my firts piece of writing. I wanted to show you guys how my writing looks and I would love to know your opinion. I am working on longer works and I want to be 100% sure with them.
So please let me know what do you think and how do you like it.❤️
He got me beautiful yellow daffodils because he knows they are my favourite.
A bunch of blooming daffodils infront of our little shared house.
I picked them up and noticed the little note that was pinned to one of the stems.
‘I love you.’
Simple, but beautiful.
I opened the door and was welcomed with lights off in our living room.
But then I noticed the little path of candles that lead to our backyard.
Every tenth candle was little bigger than other ones and had Polaroid picture next to it.
First was from our first date.
Grayson took me to this lonely field where we had picnic. He took picture of us when I fell asleep on his bicep. Still one of my favourite pictures.
Second picture was from the day we had our first fight.
I was waiting for him infront of the cinema for an hour. He told he will meet me right after his football training. I was kinda sad we didn’t spent time together before the movies, but he was captain of our high schools football team so I understand that. But when he called me after hour of waiting for him that he can’t make it tonight and he is sorry, I lost it and yelled at him over the phone. I was really sad and cried the whole time I was walking home. Later that night my mum called me down and told me that someone is waiting for me  outside. And there he was. With yellow daffodils and his stupid cute little smile and ‘sorry’ escaping his lips. I couldn’t be mad at him, don’t blame me for that. I took the daffodils from his hands and put them infront of my face so he couldn’t see the smile growing on my face. And that was the moment he took this picture of me.
Third and last picture was from our getaway weekend when we told eachother ‘I love you’ for the first time.
I knew Gray has off –week with football so I got us a getaway spa weekend. As we were walking down the street our hotel was in, we were talking and admiring the beauty of those old buildings. It was fall and 7PM, so the sky got grey and wind got colder. We were alone at the path next to the river when Gray stopped walking and pulled me into his chest. His chin was on my head as I wrapped my hands around his waist and enjoyed the beautiful moment we had. And then he said that. Those three words every human wants to hear from their loved one. “I love you.” Were the words that made me look up and look into his hazel eyes that had little sparkles in them. For a few seconds I couldn’t do anything just smile and relize what he just told me. “I love you Gray.” Then it was his turn to smile and bend down to kiss me.
Then I followed the little candles. I saw lights and more flowers in our gazebo and I also saw Grayson.
I opened the glass door that were dividing me from the beauty that he set up.
“Happy anniversary my love.”
That was the moment I realized that this handsome man has my heart. I realized that he is the love of my life.
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