#the fact that I've been told about the month and a day off birthdays so many times repetitively
enm-enthusiast · 3 days
Birthday Buzz
I want to give special thanks to @suitedwestend for helping me develop quite a few of the ideas and erotic turns of this story. Thanks for being such a great source of inspiration, and I hope to strip you naked in-person someday! ;)
Here's a short little ENM story for you all, I wanted to do a few side projects before ultimately returning to my main series, and hey, if this does well I may make it a separate ongoing series. I've always wanted to do a CYOA-style series, and I'd like to think this one would fit that roll, but lmk what you all think, and please, enjoy!
Mark and Adrian were happily married husbands who were both in their early-thirties, Mark was turning 33 today while Adrian was fast approaching 35 in just a few months. Mark was a tall, muscled bear with a bit of facial hair that he kept neatly groomed, had black hair and bright green eyes. His office clothes always clung on to him tightly because of his big, beefy frame yet he kept himself in good shape, especially his glutes as he had a magnificent bubble butt that sometimes earned him a leering stare or two at the office. Adrian however, was a shorter, lean otter with blonde hair and blue eyes. 
They met in their early twenties at a gay bar and have been inseparable ever since, and got married five years ago, but occasionally they’ll ask a third to join them in the bedroom. That’s just the thing about these two, they’re Kinky with a capital K, into all sorts of scenes. A few in particular that the two had been trying out lately were ENM and Control Toys…
You see, big tough Mark had a shameful little secret…he was a total sub, and was often Adrian’s submissive slave, completely under his husband's control. 
Nowadays, Adrian had been ‘forcing’ Mark to strip naked outside, even streak across their neighborhood at night sometimes, and sometimes threatened to shave off thick Mark’s body hair. As embarrassed and humiliated he often felt at being so exposed…it gave him such a hard-on, his uncut cock often swinging at full mast between his legs as he streaked. 
This brings us to the couple’s latest adventure, however, because Adrian had bought his husband a remote control vibrator for his birthday today, and made him try it out right before Mark had to leave for work…He was almost late because of how lost he got in the pleasure of Adrian making him beg to make the toy buzz inside his ass.
Even now, at work, the mere memory of it made Mark feel a slight stirring in his crotch, which made his face flush red and he instinctively bowed his head closer to his desk to keep anyone from seeing his embarrassed, yet aroused state. Mark silently cursed however, as there was one problem with doing just that…the toy was still inside of him.
It was off, of course, but Adrian had ordered Mark to keep it inside him all day at work, and that he had better not cum before getting home in just a few hours now, promising to show his husband just how grateful he’d be if he did as he was told. Mark couldn’t help but feel a shiver down his spine as he remembered how his husband had leaned in close to his ear and whispered “good boy” right as he was heading out the door. Mark had almost got on his knees right there and then to beg for Adrians cock in either his mouth or his ass, but he managed to keep it together, after all, he had a party to attend at work.
His party, in fact, for everyone at the office had put together a small celebration for him during the last half hour of work today, and he knew they’d be devastated if he missed a second of it. Mark worked in a small office department, made up mostly of men except for management who were all on vacation for the next three days. 
Mark just had one hour left now, he’d celebrate with the guys at the office then head straight back home to his husband, his cock began to throb to near full hardness in his tight office pants thinking about worshiping his husband's cock, maybe even stripping naked outside again?
Snap out of it! You're not 25 anymore, act like it! Mark said to himself, shaking off his arousal as best he could and finished up his closing paperwork. 
As soon as he was done, he looked towards the office clock and saw that the party started in just a few minutes, and he smiled as he got up. Mark’s cock had finally deflated, though his pants still felt strangely tight, especially around his famous bubble butt, he merely shrugged it off, however, and he strutted towards the main office, fully confident he had everything under control…but did he?
Adrian smiled to himself as he knew the party would be starting any minute now, and he looked away from his watch towards the remote of the toy he had made his husband keep inside him as he left for work this morning. Adrian knew and understood his husband often more than Mark did, and suspected, no he knew that Mark secretly enjoyed it whenever Adrian made him strip outside, or rather made him expose himself publicly. Thus, as he prepared to hit the switch for the remote, Adrian knew that his hubby would get his biggest thrill yet as he attempted to deal with the embarrassment of having a vibrating butt plug make him hard in front of his entire office!
Adrian’s own 6-inch penis began to harden in his pants at his husband's ordeal, and his smile never left his face as he turned on the remote, waited for it to connect to it over WiFi, and once the light turned green he pondered which setting to start at…
The remote had three settings: Low, Medium, and High. Adrian had only used the Medium setting this morning and it made Mark near delirious with how good it felt inside him…so he thought why not start small? his fingers didn’t hesitate to hit the Low setting button, and eagerly awaited his husbands return with the results.
Mark had been chatting with his office buddies, Jake and Bobby, when he nearly lurched over as he felt a familiar buzz coming from…
Oh no.
The buzzing didn’t stop either, it started as a low hum that was now rising to a sensual buzz, and it took everything Mark had to not moan as he felt his hole contract around the plug. His face began to redden and blood was flowing elsewhere too and Mark panicked as he could feel his cock hardening quickly.
“Hey Mark, everything okay?” Jake asked.
“Yeah, you were talking about you and Adrian possibly adopting kids in a few years, then suddenly you looked like you just saw your parents having sex or something” Bobby said.
Jake and Bobby were around the same age as Mark, and had known them since his freshman year in college, entering this office together, they were his best buds. As far as Mark knew, Jake was straight, but Bobby he knew was bi, they had a brief altercation in senior year when they were both drunk, and Bobby had sucked Mark’s cock, and Mark had even fucked Bobby. Neither of them spoke of that night again, yet Bobby still desired Mark from time to time, but kept it to himself because he knew Mark was married. If only he knew the opportunities before him…
“Oh…ummm. Yes! Yes i'm fine, I’m perfectly fine” Mark said, fumbling over his words as he used his hands to steady himself between two cubicles, as the buzzing from the toy continued to torment and pleasure him. He shifted his hips to try and hide his now raging hard-on, which was stretching his already tight pants to the limit. Mark should have asked his husband for some new office pants, but he liked how the tight clothing showed off his bubble butt…
He was certainly paying for it now, Mark thought to himself as his friends shared a concerned glance between each other.
“Are you sure you're okay man? I’ve never seen you like this before, if you're not feeling well we can take you home, so come on, just tell us what’s wrong” Bobby said. Mark’s friend was an average man who often went to the gym with his buddies, and was a tad darker with a caramel skin tone than the others yet had a defined physique, and was uncut just like Mark was. He had brown hair and hazel eyes, which were currently furrowed underneath his brow as he started worriedly at his friend.
“Guys, I’m telling you, I’m fine, okay?” Mark said, managing a steady, confident tone with a hint of finality to it that seemed to satisfy them…for now.
Meanwhile, Mark glanced at the clock and he still had another 15 minutes before he could leave, he downed the rest of his drink in one gulp and tried to compose himself as best he could. He could almost curse his husband for turning on the plug while Mark was at work, but…he couldn’t deny the pleasure and thrill he was getting from it. He was being toyed with like this, at his husband’s mercy…and no one had a clue, it made his dick throb even more and he stifled a groan as the pants were becoming unbearably tight.
He continued to chat with his friends and mingled with a few of the other guys from the office, they even brought out a small cake that they had bought for him, the plug was buzzing inside Mark the entire time they were singing the “Happy Birthday” song, and when he blew out the candles. He told no one what his wish was. (You’ll find out later ;)  ).
Once they had finished eating their slices of cake, with only 10 minutes left, things were about to get much worse for poor Mark, as Adrian back home decided it was time to kick things up a notch, and hit the Medium Setting button on the remote.
Just then, Mark felt the plug inside his ass go from a low buzz to something that made him cry out with a loud “Ohhhhh” and he covered his mouth to try and stop himself but it was too late, he exchanged glances with both Jake and Bobby who were staring at him with abject confusion now.
Mark couldn’t find the words, he wanted to fall to his knees, strip off his tight pants, and make himself cum despite the presence of his best friends, the thought of it turned him on a little in fact..he cast his head down in absolute shame as he felt so utterly humiliated that he was being reduced to a wobbling, moaning mess all because of a little toy.
“Mark, seriously, you’ve been acting strange tonight, I’m starting to think you’re not telling us something, I know that look in your eyes, you’ve always been such a bad liar, so come on, spill it” Bobby said in a firm tone, and he said it so confidently that it turned Mark on a little as it reminded him of the way his husband often got him to spill whatever was bothering him.
As Mark tried to open his mouth and answer with a simple need to go to the bathroom, Adrian suddenly switched the plug up to its highest setting, while Mark had been attempting to pull out his phone and text his husband, to beg him to stop. The sudden jolt he felt as the toy's vibration tripled in intensity made Mark whimper and his cock was harder than it had ever been, as he dropped his phone, which slid between his legs and landed just a few feet behind him.
Jake and Bobby stared in disbelief at the display, and as Mark turned around and began to bend over to reach his phone, bending his knees slightly so his tall frame could reach the floor. Mark bit his lip to keep himself from constantly moaning, and swore he could hear the plug vibrating in his ass now. He was so distracted by the plug and his phone that he momentarily forgot how tight his pants were, and didn’t realize until it was too late that the fabric was giving way, it was too much, and he didn’t hear the little rips and tears right at the seat of his pants. As soon as he fully bent himself over Mark’s face went white as he heard and felt a resounding:
The back seat of his pants ripped open, and felt the open air of the office on his bare ass as he had poorly chosen to wear his bright pink jockstrap. Mark was momentarily frozen until he realized that Jake and Bobby were getting a full view of his accidental exposure.  What was worse was that his jockstrap pouch was soft and silky, which made his dick feel that much more sensitive as it hardened in his pants. Once it was fully hard, however, his cock had practically pushed the material away, which made him feel like he was practically commando.
Thus, he felt the cold office air hitting his balls dangling between his legs, his cock too was swinging proudly which only heightened Mark’s humiliation.
As soon as he shook off his initial shock, Mark covered up his exposed bubble butt with one hand and stood right back up, his phone in hand, and slowly turned around. His face was crimson red as he faced his friends, who were staring at him with their mouths hanging open in complete shock, thought it seemed Jake found it a little amusing as he had a slight smirk on his face, but Bobby had a look of something else in his eyes, something Mark didn’t notice as he was too preoccupied with everything going on all at once, it was too much, he was so aroused…he needed to cum.
“I ummm…I need to go” Mark said before quickly running off towards the office bathrooms, and he didn’t even notice that there was only 1 minute left on the clock.
Mark ran, his hand still covering his exposed ass, and quickly reached the men's bathrooms and threw himself into the nearest open stall and locked himself in. Mark had never felt more embarrassed in his life, and he whipped out his phone to text his husband what had happened…
*Wow, you ripped your pants? Better take em off then*
Mark stared at the words Adrian had texted back for a few seconds before processing them fully. The plug was still vibrating but it went back down to Medium setting after Adrian had seen his text. 
*Are you insane?!* Mark replied.
*Well, the way I see it, you can either walk out with a hole in your pants, or you can be a good boy and take them off…now* Adrian said.
Mark didn’t think it was a good idea, but…they were ripped. He pondered what to do as Bobby quietly entered the bathroom…He was intrigued as he had seen quite clearly what Mark had inside him when his pants had ripped, and had guessed that that was probably why he had been acting so strange, and he was eager to try and see more, so he made up an excuse to Jake that he was going to check on Mark while the others cleaned up and left. Bobby quietly crept up towards the stall, taking out his phone and setting his camera up to film in the crack between the stall door. He wanted to save this as potential jerk-off material for later…his dick hardened as he saw Mark inside, his heart thundered in his chest as his friend’s hands fumbled towards his belt.
Mark was too distracted to notice Bobby secretly filming him, the toy was still driving him crazy and he bit his lip again to try and suppress his moans even as his knees felt weak and his cock was eager for release. Mark continued to remove his pants, his hands unbuttoning the top and slowly lowering the zipper…he hesitated for a brief moment before he let them fall and pool around his legs, exposing his jockstrap, and Bobby had to cover his mouth as he finally saw Mark’s exposed cock and balls, not to mention his delicious looking bubble butt…
Mark pulled down his underwear too, slowly pulling his feet out from between them which officially left him half-naked…he wanted so badly to cum but he had to obey his husband…didn’t he? 
Maybe he could just stroke himself a little, relieve some of the pressure, no harm in that, right? God the toy felt so good inside him, he NEEDED this. He positively whimpered and moaned as he slowly wrapped a hand around his thick, pulsing shaft and started to slowly stroke himself. Bobby watched intently, his phone recording everything and his dick was fully hard in his pants as he watched his best friend jerk off.
Suddenly, Bobby looked down at Mark’s discarded clothes, and a wicked idea popped into his head, and he smirked as he reached underneath the stall and grabbed Mark’s ripped pants, jockstrap, even his shoes and socks. Mark didn’t seem to notice, his eyes were closed as he became lost in the pleasure, he was already getting close, he needed to stop.
But he couldn’t, it felt too good, he needed to cum, and he needed to cum now, all thoughts of Adrian’s command were muffled between his desperate need for release and his sheer state of arousal from tonight's events. Luckily for Mark, Bobby decided the time was now as he stopped recording and loudly cleared his throat as he leaned against the bathroom stall door.
“Wow, sounds like a real party in there” Bobby said, smirking to himself as he had hidden Mark’s clothes in the bathroom supply closet.
Mark quickly snapped out of his jerk-off session and covered his crotch with his hands. “B-bobby? What are you doing in here...wait…where are my clothes?!” Bobby said, his voice both full of fear and anger as he knew Bobby had taken them, he felt so embarrassed at how he had failed to notice any of it.
“Oh, don’t worry about them, I hid them somewhere safe, I just thought that considering everything that happened…maybe you’d like to celebrate today by going out in your birthday suit” Bobby said.
“What?! No way Bobby, come on, stop kidding around and just give me my clothes back…please?” Mark said.
“Hmmm, no, I think I prefer you this way, I’m sure Adrian would agree that that thick butt of yours is too magnificent to keep confined in those poor, tight dress pants. I also think you’d enjoy going home fully nude, so you better strip off the shirt and tie soon, before the cleaning guys show up” Bobby said, tauntingly.
Mark was dumbfounded at this turn of events, he could either refuse and he’d be stuck here with a butt plug still going off in his ass, or he could strip fully naked and get out of here now…what kind of choice was that??? Mark thought to himself, but his hands seemed to have a will of their own, as after a moment's hesitation they reached up towards his tie, loosening the knot and unbuttoning the top buttons of his long sleeve dress shirt. Deep down he knew he had no choice…he had to get out of here, he had to get home.
Mark did his best to resist how good the plug felt inside him, and how badly he still wanted to cum, he focused singularly on giving Bobby what he wanted, and he handed over his tie as he began to strip off his shirt, exposing his furry, muscled chest and he refused to meet Bobby’s eyes as he handed over his last item of clothing, leaving him fully naked. His face bled a deep, beet red as Bobby opened the door and whistled as he gazed at his friend butt naked.
“Better get going, and don’t worry, everyone else has left” Bobby said, standing off to the side to let Mark leave.
Mark practically bolted out, his phone and wallet in hand, yet as he sped by, Bobby was quick enough to quickly grab a chunk of his right ass cheek and squeeze, which made Mark yelp but also whimpered a little as his dick twitched at the contact. 
“Have a nice drive home, birthday boy” Bobby said, winking at Mark resumed his exit from the bathroom.
Bobby was true to his word, everyone else left, yet Mark still covered his crotch as he sped out of the office towards the parking lot, and sighed in relief as he checked that he also still had his keys. He stood out in the cold, open night air fully in the nude, and he couldn’t deny how good it felt to be running around completely naked. As for the plug, it seemed Adrian had had his fun, as it either died or turned off as soon as Mark hopped into his car.
Adrian was waiting on the couch when Mark finally returned home, he heard the jangle of his husband's keys and he smiled as he turned his head to welcome his husband home, and was greeted with the sight of his husband without any clothes on.
“Whoa! I told you to take off your pants, not all your clothes…what happened to you?” Adrian said, intrigued, amused, and even a little turned on.
Mark took a deep breath as he moved to join his husband on the couch, the plug still inside his hole, and as he wrapped an arm around Adrian’s shoulder he finally exhaled and said: “It’s a long story.”
The End.
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bambinambi · 23 days
Nobody Is Your Friend
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Life as a Jyeshta native
I've always struggled with maintaining friendships. I always considered myself to be a really good friend; putting in a ton of energy into my friends' birthdays, checking up on them regularly and always being there for them but I don't believe I've ever recieved the same energy back. Oftentimes, my so-called "friends" wouldn't even wish my happy birthday, get me anything, or plan anything for my birthday. They would rarely bother to check on me, even during COVID. I've had "friends" constantly put me down by ridiculing my physical appearance or intelligence. I've had friends purposefully leave me out of plans because I was no longer fun to be around after my grandmother passed away.
I've had "friends" that I cut off, turn around, and harrass and bully after the fact. I've had friends tell me I was 'trauma dumping' onto them whenever I decided to be vulnerable despite being there for them whenever they needed anyone to talk to, even being told I am not a "good enough support system" despite ALWAYS being there. I've generally had friends demand things of me that they were never willing to reciprocate. As a consequence, I've become quite jaded to the idea of befriending people. I realise that I don't hold friends to a degree that others do because I've seen all the worst sides of how friendship can turn out. I have a solid 5 friendships, and even then, I know they're not as great as the friendships I've witnessed in my life.
Whenever I pursue a relationship with someone, they often end up acting in ways that make me pull back, like deciding they suddenly hate me, talking behind my back, being unnecessarily hypercritical of me, telling people the things I've said to them in confidence, making fun of me behind my back, the list goes on.
On the other side of things, I've noticed an obsessiveness towards me (which I partly contributed to having a Mrigashira moon) relating to this incessant need I've realised that some people have to almost "breaking me down" or "taking me off my high horse" (even when having low confidence), especially if I've "bruised" their ego in a way. I remember two months after I stopped talking to this guy (he would constantly try to prove his intellectual superiority over me), he and his friends posted a video in which he tried to make it seem like he was never interested in me, inspite of the fact that I only started really noticing him because my friends would point out how he and his friends (sometimes in his absence) would always used to stare at me, and try to get close to me.
Thankfully, I've study people enough to recognise that the things people have criticised me about are usually the things they themselves are insecure about in themselves, so I don't take it too personally, but it does get draining.
Another thing I've noticed about the "obsessiveness" is people copying me, like A LOT (watching Claire Nakti's video of Jyeshta confirmed this to me). After adopting my entire personality, dress sense, music taste, and mannerism, these individuals would end up discarding me. It's like they would steal my very essence. That's how I felt after my last friendship that felt like this. At the end of friendship, I was a shell of myself.
Romantic relationships haven't been able to fill the void either, as I feel like the men who are evidently attracted to me always feel a need to humble me or sexualising me but not being serious about being in longterm relationships with me (definitely blame my Lilith and Pluto aspecting almost all my personal planets), and so I remain quite lonely in the world. I also have Jyeshta in the 10th house (the house public image and perception) and Lilith in the 11th house closely conjunct my venus, which opposes a Punarvasu North Node so to say relationships are difficult would be an understatement.
- This is just another unfiltered rant. I feel like one of these days, I should post something more positive, but this year has been nothing but disappointments, and I always keep it real
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kimi240302 · 8 months
Come back to me Part 1
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A/N: Before you read this, I want you to know that my native language is different. So I am very sorry for any mistake. Nevertheless, I hope you will like my story and enjoy it.
Summary: The love story between Alec Volturi and Y/N Swan, was an unexpected one. Both didn't know what to make of each other when they found out they were soul mates. But they worked on it and created a beautiful strong love that not even Bella's hatred for the Volturi could destroy. But as in any good love story, tragedy was impossible to avoid in theirs. It came as unexpectedly as their love itself, and made the Cullens and Bella seem to win, while Alec and the Volturi were losing their light in the darkness.
Alec Volturi x Swan!Female!reader
Main Post / Twilight Masterlist/ Come back to me Masterlist
"I had all and then most of you Some and now none of you Take me back to the night me met I dont know what I´m supposed to do Haunted by the ghost of you"- Lord Huron/ The Night We Met
Helplessness or powerlessness
Alec didn't know exactly which feeling had been eating away at his insides every day for the past two months, or was it perhaps both? Ever since he'd gotten the call from the Cullen Doctor that the woman he loved more than anything in the world was on the verge of death, Alec had felt like he was in a freefall into darkness. He was not present and yet not absent enough to be able to shut off his emotions from the pain he felt all the time.
Lost in thought, he looked down at his mate and ran soothing motions over her hand that lay in his. Y/N was still lying in the hospital bed in the hospital room in the city that Alec Volturi had learned to hate even more in the last two months than he had hated it before, Forks.
He had not been told exactly what had happened to her, because no one knew for sure how Y/N had left the road with her car and ended up in the lake. There was no storm that evening, no wet or slippery roads or anything else that could have caused the accident. The rest of the facts were also just speculation. Y/N had managed to get out of her car, but the temperature of the water was too cold for her to have the strength to swim to the surface afterwards. She had lost consciousness and only survived by pure luck. This lucky charm was called Jacob Black. He and the other wolves had heard the crash and had run as fast as they could to the lake.
"I always thought that our twentieth birthday would be the only bad memory that would burn itself into my brain and never want to leave." Alec looked away from his sister and ran both hands over his face. He felt something he hadn't felt in several centuries, tiredness. The vampire would love nothing more than to lie down next to his mate, close his eyes and simply sleep away Y/N's absence. But he had long since lost this ability, something he had never regretted until this moment.
Jane, who was standing at the window, looked at her brother in shock. It was the first time she had heard him speak since Y/N's accident, she had come back to check on him every now and then and had never been able to get more than single words out of him. The second thing that shocked her was that she and her brother had never spoken about what had happened, not since they had both turned. Jane sat down in the chair next to Alec and looked at him searchingly. "I'll be honest with you, brother, I've forgotten exactly what happened. Either it was too long ago or my memories are trying to protect me." Alec turned to his sister in surprise. "Really? My memories want to torture me, in this case, I guess. I remember every little detail."
He fell silent for a few moments, turned his gaze away from Jane and looked through the window at the cloudy sky. He had to grin slightly. He hated this town and yet its weather seemed to know exactly how the vampire felt at that moment.
Alec noticed how his sister's gaze seemed to bore deeper into his side profile with every passing second of his silence. His gaze lingered stubbornly outward as he continued. "I remember how you, me and mother were eating dinner when the villagers kicked down our door. I remember them chasing us through the forest with flaming torches and insults. I remember how we were captured and dragged to the dock on the shore. How we were tied to a stake on a pyre and insulted further. I remember mom trying to get to us and fighting against the people holding her. I remember how she broke free. How they grabbed her just before the stake and pushed her to the ground. I remember how she was kicked by the people she had known since childhood. I remember her choking on her own blood." Alec turned his head back to Jane. "But you know what the worst memory from that day is?" The blond vampire shook his head. "The flames. I remember the pain and the smell of our skin burning off piece by piece."
There was an intense silence between the two siblings for a few moments.
"Since when do you remember every detail?" Jane's voice had changed to a soft tone that she only used with her brother and Y/N. Alec's eyes drifted to his mate, reflecting the pain of the last few weeks. "Since the day I saw her lying here like that. Since then, I can't get it out of my head that fate always manages to sweeten my life, only to ruin it afterwards." The black-haired vampire jumped up and walked over to the window. "Alec, Y/N is alive. Carlisle…" "The Cullen doctor, doesn't know if she's waking up. He doesn't even know if she'll ever be able to breathe on her own again without that machine." Alec ran his fingers through his hair again.
His gaze wandered to the machine that displayed Y/N's vital signs and beeped along with her heartbeat. He looked at the machine, from which a tube led into his mate's throat. Alec knew that if it wasn't for that tube, his lover wouldn't even be breathing. The vampire took a closer look at Y/N. Alec swallowed, because there was hardly anything left of the girl from two months ago. Her skin was white and stretched against her body so tightly that you could see every single bone. Her cheeks were sunken and black spots had formed under her eyes. Her hair looked dull as it had lost its shine.
"I should have kept her in Volterra and bitten her the first time we met. Then she wouldn't have had the idea to come back here." Jane stood up instantly and stood in front of her brother, drawing his gaze from his mate. She put her hands to her brother's cheek and looked deep into his eyes.
"Alec, if you had kept her in Volterra the day she was dragged into our world without any preparation and turned her against her wishes, do you really think Y/N would have fallen in love with you? Do you think she wouldn't have listened to the Cullens and seen you for the monster you are to that clan? She would have hated you for the rest of your immortal lives. You would never have been able to reach her." Sadly, Jane turned her gaze to Y/N and back to her brother. "If she doesn't survive this, which I hope she doesn't, at least you had a time together with her that you would want to remember. Y/N loved you and always will. Hold on to that Alec, I beg you not to lose hope now."
Alec let his head grow heavier in his sister's hands. "What if I bite her now…. Maybe I can end this nightmare." Alec lifted his head stepped away from his sister and began his pacing. "I should never have let her go to Forks. The Cullens and her sister don't care about her safety like me, you, or the rest of the Volturi!" His eyes wandered helplessly back and forth between his sister's face and the lifeless-looking body of his mate. The feeling of powerlessness spread through him again, drilling into his bones like a disease.
Jane shook her head. "Carlisle said that our poison might just kill her faster and you couldn't stop her from coming to Forks. After all, she wanted to say goodbye to her father. You know she wouldn't have been able to see her father after her transformation." "Then I should have gone with her…" "Alec, you can't undo what happened. So stop blaming yourself." "I can't lose her Jane, I can lose anyone but her." Jane nodded knowingly. "I know Alec." She whispered. Alec stopped and accepted his twin's embrace. He tightened his hands in her top and lowered his head into the crook of her neck.
They were both there when their master Marcus lost his mate and how he was broken by it. They also saw how he suffered every day. Jane didn't want her brother to suffer the same fate. That's why she had taken the message that Y/N wanted to be turned very well. That way, the young girl would be out of the danger of being human. But ever since the call had arrived in Volterra saying that Y/N was on the brink of death, the thought that Alec could end up like Marcus was a shadow of every action the siblings had taken. Jane couldn't lose her brother and even if the blonde vampire didn't want to admit it, the same was true for Y/N. For the young girl had burned herself into her cold, non-beating heart. Jane also knew that it wasn't just her, but every single vampire who lived in Volterra.
Y/N had earned the nickname "The Sunshine of the Volturi". Because no matter how many prejudices the Cullens and her sister had tried to put into Y/N to turn her against the Volturi. The young woman had created her own images of each individual vampire, which placed her in a special role for each one. For the three kings and their wives, she became a daughter, someone they all wanted to take under their wing and show everything the world had to offer. To Felix, Demetri, Santiago, Afton, Chelsea and Jane, she became a sister. For the rest of the Volturi guard, she became a friend. For Alec, she became his companion, the love of his life and his best friend. What united the Volturi was one thought when it came to Y/N; they all wanted to protect her, whatever the cost.
Alec detached himself from his sister completely, walked around her and sat back down by his mate's bed.
"I'm so sick of this hospital room." He murmured. Carefully, Alec reached for Y/N's hand and clasped it with both of his. Slowly, he brought it to his mouth so he could leave a kiss on her fingers. Alec cursed his vampire existence at that moment, more than on other days. Because she had taken away his ability to cry. All he could utter was a silent whimper. Alec carefully placed Y/N's hand back on the mattress. He leaned towards the bed so that he could place one of his hands on her cheek while the other stroked tenderly through her hair. His eyes clouded over with pain.
"Did you know that you are so important to the Volturi that even the kings themselves were here to see you? Although Master Aro could see you through Demetris or through someone else, all three wanted to see it with their own eyes." He paused for a few seconds. "I think by now every Volturi has been here once. Your sister and the Cullens throw a fit every time they see another one of us." Jane quietly sat back down in her old seat and watched her brother closely. He removed his hand from her cheek and placed it on Y/N's hand.
"What I want to say to you, my Love, everyone misses you and everyone prays, I don't know to what or to whom, that you will open your eyes and brighten our lives with your light again. Volterra is so cold and dark without you. I miss you, so terribly that I can't even describe it anymore." Alec bit his lips and squinted his eyes. Jane placed her hand over Alec's and Y/N's. "Y/N I beg you come back to me, don't leave me behind in this world."
Jane opened her mouth to say something reassuring, but she was startled and looked down at the hand she had placed on her brother's and Y/N. Alec's eyes snapped open too, his movements in Y/N's hair stopped.
"Tell me you felt that too! Tell me I'm not going crazy Jane!" Jane just looked stunned at their joined hands and then at Y/N's face. "Alec…" Alec took his eyes off the hands and looked at his sister. She pointed at Y/N with her free hand, "Look!"
Y/N's eyelids twitched slightly and all hell broke loose.
@rosedpetal @bofadeezs
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strrvnge · 1 year
This is a fic request, imagine dr strange x reader, he’s her dads best friend and they both have. A huge crush on each other for a very long time, he finally confesses in an agnsty way when she’s all I thought you cared about me, and it's a slow burn. THANK YOU I have been dreaming about this for nights 😭
I can't explain how much I love thisss!!! Also I'm sorry for taking so long to write this the last past months were kinda weird so... I hope you like this.
This is a bit different from your request, Stephen and reader are already secret dating
(note this request was my excuse to rewatch all too well, also Stephen's kinda an asshole in this)
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So this is our table Stephen must be here any moment. Should we have a drink as we wait?"
Your father had been one of the best professors Columbia had ever seen, teaching there for over 20 years with numerous successful doctors being taught by him, one of them being Stephen Strange too.
In fact Stephen was one of your father’s all time favourite students and for a person as handful as your father that meant a lot. Since you were a teenager you could remember your father speaking of Stephen's accomplishments in family dinners, how great, how bright, how much potential he had. He was like the son he never had.
So even after he graduated due to his admiration for your father and your father's pride for him their relationship turned into a very strong friendship. And then you met him.
Of course both of you knew it was wrong. The age difference was one very obvious problem, the fact he went out for beers every friday with the father too but neither of you could deny the tension between you two.
So it started from shy smiles and lingering looks during dinners, to innocent touches in the little of your back and flirty remarks that to an outsider were just two friends teasing each other (the outsider being your father).
It was just flirting. What harm could it be? you thought
It was all innocent and fun until… it wasn't. The hand from the little of your back moved down to your waist, sometimes even turned into a soft squeeze. Nothing uncomfortable, yet nothing that was enough. You soon found yourself looking over your next illicit affair, dressing up in every dress and colour you knew complimented you, your heart ready to explode as you did so. You soon wanted more.
The problem was that you got it. Everything you asked for.
"Oh here he is" You quickly looked at the entrance of the restaurant and there he was. You couldn't help the little smile on your face. It had only been two days since you last saw him but you had already missed him. Always looking great and handsome and then she came in, took his hand and together approached your table.
"Happy birthday you old man!" Stephen hugged him "Sorry for being late. This is Dr Cristine Palmer"
"It's great to meet you,sir. Stephen has told me so much about you. I've read a lot of your work too. Big fan"
You knew she would come too. Your father said she was Stephen's date, Stephen said she was just a colleague. He needed a date for your father's birthday and "Christine is a very good friend that was available for the night. Nothing more" he had said and had kissed your forehead and you believed him.
"So Dr. Palmer, are you working a long time with Stephen?"
You could still feel his hand around you from your last get away weekend. His kisses down your neck, the hot sun in your face as you sat near the lake, the song you danced to in the kitchen could still be heard in the back of your head and if you focused hard enough you could still feel the overwhelming feeling you swore was love.
And despite that, she was sitting opposite of you. Bright like a rey of sunlight, successful, pretty, your father must already love her but most importantly so did Stephen. No matter how many times he denied it to you you couldn't shake off the feeling.
And there he was, sitting beside her, not ashamed or hiding his face. It made you wonder if that would ever be the case with you? If he would ever be as proud and happy to have you by his side,in restaurants and during walks, in family dinners and even in those dull charity events. Introduce you as something more than his friend’s daughter, as something more than a kid he had to drag along.
But then again perhaps things were better the way they were. A close and private relationship is always best even if they meant your friends and family don't even knowing, right?
Some boring conversations and introductions later the food had come and you sat quietly in your seat having lost all your appetite. No one had asked you a question in 45 minutes.
"So what are you studying?"
You looked at Christine quite confused as the whole table went silent waiting for your answer not having heard your voice for long time. You bit the inside of your cheek as Stephen took a sip of his drink and wrapped his hand around her shoulder looking at you too to speak.
As if he didnt know
And then he gave you a small smile
"I'm studying for a PhD in English Literature"
"Oh that's interesting"
"I had hundrwny different children become doctors but i couldn't get mine to do it’’ your father said with a bitter laugh yet loud enough for the whole table to hear his disappointment and you sighed.
"Technically you'll become a doctor too. Just the different kind one" Stephen smiled and Christine nodded sensing the tension.
She looked so pretty and relaxed it made you wonder if she knew what Stephen was doing last weekend, or perhaps for the past six months.
Actually he had developed quite a routine with you that sometimes had you asking yourself how no one had noticed your affair. Calling him every morning before your morning classes, sometimes even having lunch together, meeting you every friday night for your usual secret rendezvous on the other side of the city. You slept at his place, you ate at his place… it was only a couple weeks ago he was looking around apartments with you in New York, searching for somewhere nearby his place. It was only last weekend you ditched your friends for a little taste of him, a getaway weekend he planned just for the thrill of it. You had turned 25 in his arms for god’s sake.
"Well that was fun" Christine said to Stephen as you walked out of the restaurant.
Soon the dinner was over and while you tried hard not to overthink how comfortable another woman was with your boyfriend you were in a terrible mood.
"Yes it was" you looked over them and you almost wanted to throw up. You looked as she placed her hand on his shoulder, you looked as she kissed his cheek.
"Are you gonna head home, would you want me to call you a cab?" Your mother asked
"It's alright, I can walk her home" Stephen said and you looked up to him puzzled. "A friend of Christine is gonna pick her up so.."
"Thanks Stephen. Well goodnight" your father said and you started walking to your place.
"Your father was kinda harsh on you today" he finally spoke
"Isn't he always?" You murmured under your breath, your eyes pinned on each of your steps not daring to meet up with his eyes.
"Someone's moody"he said playfully trying to lighten up the mood.
You snapped yourself out of your thoughts and turned to look at him for the first time.
Noticing the sadness on your face he halted, wrapping his hand around your waist to turn you around before quickly realising what he did and let you go. Biting your tongue to hold back the tears you looked at him, the look of betrayal and sadness all over your face.
"What's wrong baby?"
Your stomach felt like a knot, tying your insides so tightly you wanted to cry. You knew you probably just played around and it wasn't anything serious for you to be jealous but honestly you didn't know why it hurted so much watching him with another woman. You just couldn't take it.
"You can tell me" He talked sweetly and the concern in his voice almost made you smile. Sure he kissed her but it was you he walked home, your place he spent the nights to, it was you he cared about. And perhaps it didn't have to be official to make it real, perhaps being a secret made it even more special. Right?
Smiling you stepped closer, shortening the distance between you, before pulling him from the collar and kissed him deeply.,
In the end it didn't matter how many women he took out to dinners if he came back to you at night. He was yours.
"Y/N" he laughed uneasily, taking a step back, breaking the kiss.
"What?"You smiled, still a bit fuzzy from the kiss. He looked at you trying to find the right words before finally saying
"I think it might rain. We should walk a little bit faster," he said and started walking as if nothing had happened. Confused, you looked as he walked away, not understanding what had just happened.
"Y/N?" He called your name, noticing you had stood behind.
"I just kissed you and you talk about rain?" You said and he just stared at you waiting for you to quit it and start walking with him.
Instead you stood at your place stubbornly not moving an inch till he answered you. Taking a deep breath he took a few steps closer to you.
"Not in the street, there are people watching" he whispered as if he was talking about something bad.
"Well people we don't know"you said, firmly staying at your place, puzzled by his unusual behaviour.
Biting his inner lip, as he always did when stressed, he looked around quietly, not daring to look at you.
"say something"
"Come on dont do this"
"Do what? You are the one who doesn't want to kiss me"
"What do you want me to say?" He said angrily "I don't want people to see me making out with a kid Y/N. I have a career"
"A kid?"you laughed, looking at him with wide eyes, not believing what you had just heard. "A kid?" You repeated shocked "Was that what I am for you?" You asked, a sudden feeling of anger and betrayal creeping over you.
"Come on dont act like this. Let's go home" he sighed trying hard to avoid picking up a fight with you.
"No!" You exclaimed, taking a step back.
No you weren't going anywhere. How could he say such a thing? After you've been through together you were everything but a kid. "Why don't you want to kiss me? You kissed her"
"Christine is different" he said and then instantly regretted his words.
"Yes she is. Because she's supposed to be a friend whereas I-"
"You what?" He snapped, slowly getting tired of your act "What are you?" You stared at him in shock, your eyes welling up.
"Fuck" he muttered running his hand through his hair. He took a deep breath before sweetly taking your face into his hands.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry" he apologised, kissing your head but you flinched away. "Of course I want to kiss you. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I'm sorry"
"How could you say that?" You asked with a bitter laugh.
"I'm sorry" he said again but it wasn't enough. You hated how that made you feel. You weren't crazy, he didn't want to kiss you and you had to know why.
"I'm not a kid Stephen" you said now more serious, taking a step back to look at him.
"I know"
"Then why wont you kiss me?"
"Fuck Y/N why you have to do this!" He exclaimed and but you just stared at him.
"You kissed her" you murmured
"Don't get me wrong you're sweet and beautiful but none of this was serious and you know it" he said, his voice now low and gentle as if he was trying to explain something to a child. And perhaps he was, because you stared at him wide eyed trying to grasp each of his words, yet everything he said sounded so foreign in your ears.
"No I don't. We never talked about it, for me to know"
"We didn't talk about it because there wasn't anything to talk about." He explained, still not understanding why you were acting like that, his ignorance making you even more angry. "We both know it was -"
"What?! A one time thing?" You cut him off, defensively crossing your arms over your chest "Well don't get me wrong but it was more than one time Stephen"
You couldn't believe he thought of you as a child.
"This was never serious and you know it. Actually it's not just not serious it's wrong too" he finally said and you could swear your heart skipped a beat.
You took a couple steps back, looking anywhere but him, trying to hold back your tears.
"Perhaps if you were older" he said trying to soothe you but you just stayed silent.
"Do you like her?" You broke the silence and even in a city as alive as New York your words couldn't be more loud.
You didn't want him to answer that, too afraid of the answer. Yet you knew, somewhat hoped he would say just the thing you didn't want to hear.
"Y/N" his inability to look you in the eyes was enough of an answer.
"Do you like her, Stephen? Is that why you say this?"
"What no! Stop looking outside for the problem-"
"Oh you can say it. Say I'm the problem but don't deny that you love her"
"Love her?! Are you listening to yourself? We've just fucked a couple time, thats it" he said defensevily
"No Stephen no it's not just fucking. It's messages in the middle of the night, calls, parties, she is involved in every aspect of your life. And the worst thing isn't that you allow it, it's that you like it" you said now starting to get angry
"She's my friend and coworker"
"She's everywhere. Everywhere in your life and I'm nowhere"
"This is exactly why this can't work. You're so immature and needy"
"Why am I wrong? Where am I in your life? Who knows about me except for you? What the hell" you exclaimed looking at the other side.
"What the hell" you repeated now talking more to yourself.
You couldn't believe it after everything you've been through, everything you've done for him, all the lying to everyone you knew, the secrets you kept for him. How he let you all those months love and care for him, when he made you feel so special and sacred. What a fool you were.
"This is embarrassing" he said and you turned around and glared at him.
"You're so cruel Stephen. So cruel" you spat "I don't want to see you ever again"
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youremyheaven · 3 months
U GUYYYSSS storytime:
So I got talking to a guy a little while ago and we vibed realllyyy well. He's lowkey the textbook definition of everything I'm looking for in a guy. He's 6'2, well to do (not rich but does veryyyy well for himself), BULKY BROAD SHOULDERED, Venusian etc
The synastry of our charts is insane 🥵 He had Mercury atmakaraka (remember my Mercury DK?? 😌)
He has a Venus Moon and stellium and he's the most Venusian guy I've ever met,,, he LOVES beauty, art, the female form etc and appreciates it. The way he spoke about it was so hot to me ngl,,, mf was so poetic,, he really knew how to speak sensually without ever being creepy or vulgar
His Mercury AK was in Purvabhadrapada and he had a puppy like softie Jupiter guy personality. I loved the fact that he looked like a WWE boxer (bulky af 🥵) but had the personality of a golden retriever. LITERALLY ALL MY DREAMS seemed to be coming true.
I knew his birthday but not his rising sign. Yk what they say about "if something's too good to be true, then it is" ??? yeah, i just couldn't brush off the feeling that something wasn't right. But I couldn't straightaway ask for his birth time, esp since he's Hindu and will know what's up 🤭😂 ANYWAAAYYYS we're talking and everything and this man is love bombing me HARD and I know it because:
a) I'm a retired love bomber myself
b) This is not my first rodeo
and anyways this 🧔🏻 is talking marriage and babies, he's calling me wifey 😭 (kinda cringe bc he's known me for dayyys but good lord handsome men can get away with anything 😤) and he refers to himself as "husband" 😭😭😭 like "husband's proud of you" and "your husband doesn't want you to apologise" 😭 (ew but he's hot 👉🏻👈🏻) and I let myself have my delulu moment and try to give him the benefit of the doubt bc literally he checks every box 🥹and he's soooo completely fond of me. We used to run in the same circles like 10yrs ago, even though I had no idea who he was and never interacted with him then, he told me that he remembered me from back then and thought I was cute 🥺 and later I took a looooong break from social media and he told me he'd wondered where I was all those years 🥹🥹and then I apparently showed up in his "suggested for you" on IG a few months ago and he instantly recognised me and followed me etc 🥺🥹 he's been tryna hmu for monthsssss now but I was with my ex 🤡and then I was recovering from my ex 🤧 so I didn't pay much attention to it. When he told me all this, it kinda made me melt 🫠 how he kept trying to talk to me even though I repeatedly ignored him etc
And he did everything right. I could text him rn and he'd reply in 5 seconds. He always asked me how I was, remembered things, always sent me like 20 different messages until I replied, showered me in compliments (Venusian men love to pour you with their attention, it can even be annoying lmfao) etc like there was nothing in his behaviour, his tone or his words that was giving me 🚩 he genuinely seemed sweet, caring etc and he loved babies 😩 and sent me videos with his nieces and nephews (man's was manipulator pro max) but YK ME 🤪 when I have a gut feeling ☝🏻 I can't ignore it 🤓 so I was very much waiting for the ball to drop and watch him fuck up somehow 💀 initially I felt sooo overwhelmed by all his love (bombing) that I felt like the bad guy for not reciprocating it or feeling that kind of "love at first sight" thing 🤡 BUT
one day he said "I can't believe I found you after 10 years, that means no matter where you are after another 10 yrs, I'll find you then as well" and I was like 🤨 I thought you wanted to marry me and make me your trophy wife 🧐 huh 👀 and he was all 😂😍haha yes ofc I'm just joking bbg 😍😂 but I knew there was more to it
Finally I got his birth time AND GUESS WHAT???
He's Hasta Rising 💀💀💀💀
Idk if you know already but I don't like Lunar men 🤡 and the minute I found out, I was SCREAMING bc 😭 why would God play me like that???? Put the most perfect guy, astrologically and otherwise, in front of me, I literally have him wrapped around my pinky and HE'S A LUNAR??? why God why 😭
But him & I had come too far for me to dump his ass for no reason 😬 (can't tell him it's bc the sus vibes I got from him was further bolstered by him being Lunar 🤭) so I was praying to God to give me an opportunity where he fucks up so that I can walk away 🚶🏻‍♀️from this situation before things get out of hand
I was texting him the other day and he spoke about how he wants to spend as much time with me as he can before we go out to chase our dreams (move away from this city basically) and I was like 🤨so you're looking for a short term relationship?? And he was like 🥺 no never and I was like why tf would you say you want to marry me and have babies (1 boy and twin daughters 😭🤡💀) if you already know you cannot commit???? And he was like "because we could meet again in a few years and it would be nice to have this plan ready" 💀💀💀💀 HE ACTUALLY SAID THAT AKSKKSJSJDIID brother thinks my IQ is in the negatives bc WTF sort of explanation is that 😭 and i told him "this manipulation might work elsewhere but not on me, good luck tho, bye, I'm done here 💅🏻" and he went 180 and said "I'm so sorry, I was just trying to be funny, please give me another chance, all I meant is that we never know how things go so we can try to work things out but there's no guarantee, please I'm so sorry" 😂😂 and he called me like 3 times and finally said "Can we atleast still be friends? i can't lose you like this" AJSJJSJSJ THE AUDACITY 🤡💀🤡💀
but I just want to say thank you God for showing me his true colours and for giving me the opportunity to exit with grace and dignity and making him feel like a fool 😌✨
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sunilys2 · 1 year
"THE PROPHECY" Kim Sunoo [ Chapter 2 ]
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Pairing: cursed!Sunoo × godness!reader
Synopsis: On a birthbed, a second-born baby of the cis male gender is cursed according to his village's beliefs. A pact is made by his parents in search of prosperity and glory, they believed that the divine goddess would bring to the baby the end of the catastrophes caused by the curse, good omen and carnal luxuries from the reaching of age, condemning his son to a wonderful life until the inevitable destiny, a peaceful end on his deathbed. However, in every agreement there are two sides and some consequences.
Genre: fantasy, strangers to lovers, romance.
Warnings: mention of religion and beliefs, pacts, curses, angst.
Note: grammatical errors, english is not my native language.
The baby was raised with a lot of love and had a very beautiful personality.
There wasn't anyone who didn't like him, his aura was really good, but no one denied the fact of subconscious knowledge that he was a different boy.
Watching him grow up healthy and normal, it was clear he had made a pact with the goddess. So he was like someone lucky, or very unlucky.
Since it was rare for someone to be born in the same circumstances as him in decades, it was really too much of a coincidence. The new moon was approaching, indicating beginnings and womanhood, the moon of the goddess lover of good men.
And with that, winter was approaching too. The sweet boy was about to complete his majority, exactly on a new moon night, like the day he came into the world. His birthday was next month, he was excited.
With the cold front coming, the winds were sounding colder, the night breeze was refreshing and the sky was a little cloudy, hiding behind the clouds and stars.
The Kim were artisan shoemakers, they were still in the family shop, where the boy also worked. Her parents were organizing the shoe store so they could finally go home. They had to finalize the service at the establishment, already closed. Tired from the hard day's work, finishing the last details to leave.
Sunoo was at home with his older sister, today he didn't help his parents in the shoe shop, and right now he was probably resting, it was late and he had a tiring day at the village high school.
Almost saying goodbye to the night, the clock on the top of the old church marked 23:50. Soon the midnight bell would ring, ending the twenty-four hour cycle of this day, starting a new day.
Counting the money at the counter, Mrs. Kim was surprised by an unexpected customer, who woke up the strident noise of the door bell. She well remembered telling her husband to lock the front door and turn the sign to closed.
ㅡ good evening, we are closed now. - The mrs. Kim smiled slightly.
ㅡ good night. - that voice was capable of giving chills, the appearance of the silhouette of a woman who was hiding under a white and delicate cover scared her, that was not common.
ㅡ any problem? What is happening? - the mr. Kim comes out of the underground warehouse, holding his shabby and aged-looking beret in his hands.
ㅡ I told you to close the front door, we've been closed since 6 pm. This lady has just arrived, but we are already leaving...
ㅡ I closed it, dear. - he was confused at that moment, he was sure he had locked the door, as asked by the woman.
Silence settled when the girl took the white cap off her head, her face was young and pretty, lips shiny, surrounded by an attractive pink tone.
ㅡ Are you a foreigner? Need help?
ㅡ not at all. She smiled, but her voice still had an impact.
ㅡ what can we be of help with? - the mrs. Kim closed the cash register and had her attention on the girl.
ㅡ the big day is coming, lady Kim. We have a deal, and I've decided there's something I really want. - icy hands touched the mrs. hands, causing her to be scared, but not repelled, apparently being frozen with fear by the aura of that mysterious lady.
It spoke like a whisper, raising the hairs present in the dermis, slowly entering the auditory cavity, touching all the internal organs, like a frightening sigh.
ㅡ do I know you? Sorry...I don't understand. What would "the big day" be? What could I offer you?
ㅡ you already offered it to me. I came here just to say that the boy is becoming a man and, I confess my interest and incessant follow-up, he captivates my curiosity. Her smile was almost seductive, the feelings at the sight of her mixed together like a motley bomb.
ㅡ what do you mean? I don't understand you. - interfered the mr.
ㅡ ma'am, I'm talking about your precious son. He's a good boy isn't he? I want him for myself, no, he's always been mine and I'm getting ready to get him. My presence here is nothing more than a reminder to remind you of my prophecy. Be it bad, be it good...or be it a set of qualities.
ㅡ so you are...
ㅡ upon being sealed and having the name offered, there are three destinations to be followed, according to the merit of the man. Your son awakens numbing feelings in me, he is too good. He has a handsome face, interesting personality, sweet scent, extravagant aura, and a smile that could kill someone. ㅡ but you know, ever since he landed to rest in his crib, it's been my boy. It's time to say goodbye to parents, this is my turn to have him, I'll take him on his eighteenth birthday.
A burning slap was transferred to the young woman's face, the weeping eyes of an anguished mother were stared at with emptiness, that slap wasn't even tickling that lady, it didn't shake her in any way, it's as if she didn't feel the pain of the impact.
ㅡ don't say a single word about my son, you don't know what you're saying... he will never be an object of value, he's a normal person and deserves rights like anyone else! What kind of goddess are you? It may have helped our ancestors, but it plagued us and cursed our children! Isn't that right, taking my dear son out of sheer greed and ambition? You are a monstrous entity.
ㅡ just as mere mortals depend on divine entities, to be who we are we need humans and their futile needs. If I gave you everything you want, you would be worse people than you already are having so little, you would no longer need to work and earn to have your things and you would live like filthy parasites. Life shouldn't be easy for anyone, what does the one who has everything do? I am a goddess because you make agreements with me, agreements have two sides and consequences, offering me things and receiving things is the meaning of an agreement, and everything happens with your merits. This is divine justice.
Tears streamed down the lady's eyes, losing her mind, but so lost to the point that she didn't know what to say or do.
ㅡ upon reaching the age of majority, accept that your son is the chosen one... - he touched the wrinkled and soft face of the lady, calming her down.
ㅡ ma'am, don't cry. I won't hurt your son, I'll take care of him like a man takes care of a diamond. There is knowledge that this was traced from the birth-bed, a baby sealed with the mark of the goddess, what can you do? You offered me your son, but you can't afford the consequences from the outset clarified, consequences of your knowledge? I want him for myself, a unique boy full of magnitude. A deal will always be a deal. Do not fear his welfare, I am a lover of men, he will live in paradise...
ㅡ paradise...?
ㅡ yes, I will dress him in gold, I will give to him the best. ㅡ she smiled as she spoke. - he's such a good boy, he deserves it don't you think? I will love him piece by piece, I won't let any skin on his body be untouched, I will kiss every part of him tenderly. ㅡ stroked that lady's gray hair in shock.
ㅡ prepare it for me, mrs. Kim? Please. I am happy and looking forward to meeting you in person.
The bell sounded loudly, it was midnight, the young girl disappeared, while that hot tear ran down the face of a repentant mother.
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fallingforel · 1 year
Hi!! I was wondering if you could do numbers 5, 23, 62, 63, and 69 from your prompt list with like the reader being part of one direction and Harry dating her, and she falls for brad from the vamps. Like could it be angst between Harry and the reader where they’re together but then he cheats on her with someone (idk any celebrity or something like he dated Taylor at one point I think) and she goes to Brad and they’re friends but he’s been in love with her since forever and he comforts her and they get together. Also just make Harry completely regret everything if you can (I live for the cheating with no second chance trope, it’s amazing ❤️) thank you so much!! Have a great day!
A/N hi my lovely here it is for you, hope you enjoy and I hope you like it. dont forget those that want to request one the prompt list is here
1,548 words
PROMPTS 5, 23, 62, 63 AND 69: "you made your choice" "they didn't deserve you" "you think that this is easy for me" "I hate seeing you like this" "I don't like you...I love you"
It was a well known fact that I was the 6th member and only girl in one direction, I was also dating harry from my band, on the outside things looked squeaky clean and it looked like we had a perfect relationship but we didn't we fought all the time, Harry was always jealous because I was best mates with Brad from the vamps, Brad and I have been lifelong friends as we both resided from the same part of Birmingham and we also went to school together. It wasn't my fault that I've always gotten along better with boys than I have with girls they were just easier to talk to and the fact that they weren't snakes behind my back.
So you could imagine Harry's reaction when I told him brad was coming tonight, even if he tried to hide it in the best way possible. I still noticed. It was hard not to, however we hadn't had a fight in three weeks and I wasn't about to start one now, I had just finally hoped that we were in an all right place.
"Brads coming tonight. He's in town got a show tomorrow, thought he'd pop by then celebrate with us as the end of this leg is today, was thinking we could go to his show tomorrow"
"mmh, yeah, be nice I 'spose"
"Yeah it would, come on we've got to get ready, we've got a show to perform"
And the show went spectacularly well, I was at my happiest when I was on the stage with my band, with my fans screaming my name it was the most supportive feeling in the world, and I loved every second of it.
Now we were back in our dressing rooms ready to go out, It wasn't often we went out while on tour we'd only ever do it for special things like birthdays, end of legs or if someone new joined our team halfway through. Tonight though, we were celebrating the end of the leg of the tour we were currently on, zayn left a couple of months ago. And with Harry and I on rocky ground we all secretly knew that the band was coming to an end, we were all scared to admit it though, too afraid to say it out loud because then it would all become real.
I'm broken out of my thoughts by a knock on the door, which makes me wipe away the tears I didn't even realise were there, before I'm saying "COME IN" and I'm met with Harry peeping round the door
"Hey, hey. why are you crying my love? What's the matter?" "The bands breaking up isn't it?" "no? what makes you think that sweetheart?" "I mean, with Zayn leaving, you and I on rocky terms, we're all not the same people we were 5 years ago Harry, the bands dynamic doesn't fit anymore"
"Yes okay, zayn may have left, You and I may be on bad terms some of the time and yes maybe we have all changed, but nobody stays the same, it's pretty hard to do that darling, otherwise you wouldn't grow up. The dynamic still works all the same though. So for now, dry your tears, get a fit dress on and lets take our minds off this band breaking up nonsense"
And I do as he tells me joining them shortly in the addison lee taking us into the main part of london, so we could go to a night club. I was sat inbetween Harry and Brad and could feel the tension rising, more so from Harry than brad, Harry was being weirdly possesive with me and it didnt feel in a good way, like it usually does.
Soon arriving at the nightclub we all head inside and Louis takes Harry to the bar to get some drinks for all of us, even he could sense the tension meaning it was bad.
"you did great tonight, y/n/n. Smashed it, if only you could've heard the chanting for your name. It was unreal honestly." Brad says from beside me perking me out of my daydream of nothing in particular.
"awwh, Braddy. You're sweet you" I say placing a kiss on his cheek as a thank you. I've always called Brad, braddy ever since we were in nappies because I was never able to pronounce my L's I soon learned, the name stuck around though.
Having not seen Harry since he went to the bar, and hasn't come back since, It's been well over half an hour now, so I was getting pretty worried. So I decided to ask around if anybody has seen him.
"LOU! You haven't seen Harry have you? Haven't seen him since we got here." "No I haven't. Last I saw him was at the bar, said he was going back to you, that was about fifteen minutes ago" "thanks lou."
10 minutes later Niall comes up to me interuptting the conversation I was having with Brad I had given up trying to find him he clearly didn't want to be found, "I heard you were looking for Harry, I found him, but you're not going to like it" "what Niall, where is he" "mens bathroom, that way" he says turning to point me in the direction of where the mens bathroom is.
Walking into the mens bathroom, I found a sight I didn't want to see, Harry going down on a girl, the girl that wasn't me. "OH WOW!" I shout earning both his and the girls attention. "y/n/n, baby-" "don't you baby me Harry, it is so clear what you think about me." "who the fuck are you?" the girl quips back at me. "his girlfriend honey, actually no his ex-girlfriend. Keep him he's yours he was a slag anyway" "oh thats rich coming from you y/n, I saw you getting close with Brad, a little kiss on the cheek" "we've always been that way and you fucking know it" "oh but it's so easy for you breaking up with me though isn't it, now you can run away with the btec version of me cause it's clear you have a type don't you" "YOU THINK THAT THIS IS EASY FOR ME? YOU THINK THAT I WANT TO BREAK UP WITH YOU? WELL I DON'T HARRY OKAY?, BUT ITS CLEAR WHAT YOU'VE CHOSEN, goodbye Harry, I'll see you soon for the american leg." is the last thing I say before I walk out of the men's bathroom and back to where Brad was sat.
"Y/n? are you okay?" is all he says before I break down crying and he wraps an arm around me. And an executive decision is made between the two of us that he's going to take me back to his for the night.
In the taxi on the way back, I'm still crying and he still has an arm around me. "
what even happened? why are you crying?"
"Harry cheated on me" is all I can muster out before I'm a blubbering mess again
"I hate seeing you like this Y/n all I know right now is that he didn't deserve you, he never has but I've always been supportive of your relationship always been the shoulder to cry on because I'm your best friend and always will be here, and you know that"
And soon enough I'm on Brads sofa, with Brad laying down giving me a hug.
"you want to say something dont you?" I speak up breaking the silence between me and him. "yeah I do, and I don't care if it's the incorrect time, or what but I have to say it now, otherwise I never will, I dont like you y/n I love you, and I have for the longest time, and if you need time to heal I'm okay with that I can wait a little while longer for you darling" he says shocking me to my core, I will admit I always loved Brad, and I don't think I ever stopped not liking him I just think Harry was a distraction while I was away from him.
"oh brad, I love you too" Is the last thing I say before I'm pulled into a kiss from him and we make our way upstairs to his bed where we both reside for the night wrapped up in eachother and if we were to get stuck into each other as well, then that's nobody's business but our own
we're both awoken to a pounding on Brads door, so we both rush down and he answers it, revealing a disheveled Harry who looks like he hadn't slept. He tries to enter but brad pushes him back with the door "she doesn't want to speak to you Harry, You really fucked it this time" "please just hear me out y/n. I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to cheat, I love you so so so so much"
"You made your choice Harry, please just go. I don't want you here, just please leave, be better on yourself" which I was met back with silence and then the turn of footsteps up brads gravel drive was all that could be heard.
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constelationprize · 3 months
Last line tag!
Thanks for @codename-adler for tagging me! I'm having a bit of a moment right now where I hate everything I write (and I'm not cool, and I'm not smart, and I can't even parallel park). Anyway these days I've been hammering around Kayleigh's POV for my Challengers-inspired prequel fic. This scene is supposed to be the start, when Tetsuji first announces the Ravens, but I'm not sure if it's flowing the way I wanted.
Stage lights are so much hotter than they appear. It's like twin suns are trained on Kayleigh's face, making her sweat to the point she isn't sure the heavy makeup they applied on her will survive the night. It's not the first time she's done this – Tetsu and her are old dogs at the press junket by now – but it rankles as if it was.
The host of Late Night with Sam Carter, still unfortunately the titular Sam Carter, has asked his last four questions to Tetsuji alone. That's four questions past her usual limit, but today’s about Tetsuji, mostly, so she's exerting some degree of patience.
She taps her heels against the fake wood floor. Kayleigh can spot Kevin from here, sitting cross-legged behind the cameras, coloring his picture book. Riko is kneeling by his side, eyeing the crayons as if they were a new invention. Kayleigh hums, noting to herself what to get the boy for his birthday, so Tetsuji’s color allergy won’t prove hereditary.
Tetsuji discreetly knocks his knee against hers, and when she turns back, it's to see that Carter has finally deigned to ask her a question.
The reporter laughs at her face.
“It’s very charming to see you so enamored by motherhood, Kayleigh,” she hates the familiarity in his tone. Tetsuji preemptively lays his foot on top of hers, ready to press down if Carter sets her off. “Couple years ago, your priorities were completely different. Not that anyone would blame, you of course – cameras, can you show us a look of young Kevin Day, please?”
Kayleigh calms herself down by thinking about how much of a fuss murdering a man on live television would cause.
“Do not.” She orders through a gritted teeth smile, “My son is not the one your wonderful crew spent time and effort to prepare for the cameras today.”
“Oh, but he's such a darling child!” Carter laughs again, but he does wave the cameramen off. “It's no wonder you have decided to dedicate your time to him. Raising a child on your own must be very challenging.”
He poises it as a question, arching his brows. This has come up in every other interview Kayleigh gave since news of the pregnancy broke out, though she usually can avoid them by forbidding the question on her briefing or ordering them to edit the footage out when they tried to press it. Sam Carter, of course, thought he could get away with saying anything just because he was a live show host.
“I find it very easy, actually,” Kayleigh shrugs, “I am not the first single parent to manage a career and a child, and if you think I am, Sam, I suggest you take your head out of your ass.”
She makes sure to keep on smiling, to let the silence sit long enough that Carter feels forced to laugh as if she told a joke. Tetsuji sighs next to her tiredly, but low enough the microphones won't pick up.
“I have, in fact, just finished teaching a three-month intensive exy training camp in Santiago. Tetsuji has also done wonderfully, helping raise his nephew and setting up the exy collegiate sports bracket with the NCAA. Which, if you don't mind the reminder, is what we were supposed to talk about today.” Kayleigh clears her throat, “So, do you mind repeating your question?”
Carter is not quite red, but she will settle for the quiet fury in his eyes. His hands are firm on the notecards, which is a pity, because she likes to get them to shake a bit.
Well, the night is still young.
I invite @jaywalkers @dayurno @queer-lovebot and anyone else that feels like it to join in if they want to!!!! Okay bye
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flutter2deceive · 24 days
Bitching about financials and job things under the cut
My company announced like 2 months ago that our jobs are being eliminated, but it's like this nebulous thing because they're outsourcing and we need to transfer all our products, so my end date isn't until 3/31/2026. Like that's so far in the future and I'm gonna get severence (at end date, i will have worked there for 20 years literally over half my life) + a retention bonus, so I'll be ok for a little while after the fact i think i hope
But anyway i decided to immediately start cost-cutting 2 months ago:
•canceled subscriptions (canceled hulu, paramount+ (i have a plex server hookup anyway), canceled ubereats (and also stopped ordering from them altogether), canceled or went down a level on my minimal patreon subs)
•signed up for Shell's rewards system (it's literally free and you save at least 20cents/gallon every single time and sometimes more without having to spend any money you just click a button and boom extra 10cents if you fill up on a specific day.)
•haven't done *any* fun online shopping or regular store shopping for that matter
•severely cut down my fast food spending (i'm sorry taco bell ily), and as my friends are in similar financial woes, we've stopped ordering food every weekend and opted to make cheap dinners where we each bring some small component like 1 brings pasta 1 brings sauce 1 brings garlic bread
•this isn't a recent change, but i never go out anywhere for like drinks or to see local comedy shows like i used to frequently do. I'm a homebody who goes into the office twice a week and goes to my best friend's house on saturdays and just sits at home the rest of the time
Even with all that!! My debit card is at $26, my 1 credit card is $3 away from its limit, the other is $21 from its limit. I *thankfully* get my paycheck at midnight, but like... woof!
Last paycheck i was down to less than $100 the day before as well. It's so mind-boggling to me that it's this bad. Partially because I've had some unfortunately-timed plumbing issues and had to pay a pricey deductible (but glad i have the insurance obv cuz of how much the total cost would've been otherwise.) But also partially cuz i feel like shit is so much more fucking expensive than it's ever been!! And the last gallon of milk i bought and properly refrigerated went sour like a full week before its expiration date.
I have a decent job and make pretty good money (for now at least.) I have made several cost-cutting measures recently. I feel like I don't *do* anything. And it literally doesn't matter!!
My best friend who has an equally comfortable job told me he had about the same amount of $ as me to last him til his next paycheck too.
And on top of the financial stress, i am so fucking stressed at work because no one knows what they're doing and i keep getting roped into things at the last minute with an IM that says "hey got time for a quick call?" And then i end up having to put together a complicated spreadsheet that is needed by end of week. Why didn't you fucking ask sooner than 2pm on a thursday?! Oh cuz someone who will still have a job at the end of this didn't do what they were supposed to? Ok sure I'll get right on that. And I do. I do get right on that and have it back to you within a couple hours. Because i stupidly care about my job.
Ugghhh i hate everything atm... Except i was able to livestream my favorite singer Terri Clark's debut concert at The Ryman tonight. And i have a ton of Fran/CC fanfics queued up to read. And the Ghosts discord is constantly coming up with the cutest scenarios for H$, my current otp. And i am off the entire next week because next Friday is my birthday. And my dog is snoring.
So i guess it hasn't been such a bad day after all, Charlie Brown... or some such sentimental nonsense 🙃🙃🙃
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illfoandillfie · 10 months
Advent 2023: Day 2
This one was an original idea that I had a while ago. It follows on from the other clone-a-willy fics/blurbs I've written. One and Two.
Warnings: references to pornography/masturbation/anal/oral, piv sex, sex toys (dildos), sex tape. Not properly edited.
It didn’t surprise you that Ben watched porn. He was an adult with a relatively high sex drive, a man who’d had access to the internet during formative teen years, of course he watched porn. You watched porn sometimes too, so there was nothing shocking about Ben doing it. But what caught your attention was the sort of porn he’d been looking at. POV style – the camera showing nothing of the man but his cock, and nothing of the woman but her stretched ass or cunt, occasionally tits depending on position. Admittedly, you didn’t know whether those examples were indicative of his habits. You never intentionally went looking for what Ben had watched. All you knew came from a couple of moments when you’d opened his laptop to a still open browser or walked in on him by accident. Perhaps it was just coincidence that the handful of times you had seen something, it was the same style. Afterall, Ben had showed you porn a couple of times (and vice versa) as foreplay or inspiration for your own sex and none of that had been POV, so he must watch other things. But it did stick with you that he liked the POV stuff, and every so often you’d remember that fact and wonder how you could use it.  
The opportunity came around his next birthday. You’d bought him something he could tell his friends about, but you wanted something a bit sexy too, something just for him. After your conversation about training, Ben had bought a second kit in a different colour and you’d been working on anal training, so you'd originally thought that your first time with the real thing would make a suitable present. But you’d gotten a little too eager a few months previous and had already crossed that bridge. It wasn’t quite as special now that you’d done it half a dozen times. So you were at a bit of a loss what to do, until you remembered the porn.  
You did your research as you waited for a suitable day to record, watching some examples to see what the framing was generally like and what might be included. Truth be told, even after watching half a dozen videos you didn’t totally get the appeal of the POV style. You much preferred being able to see everyone involved fully, but then your tastes trended a little kinkier than Ben’s - bondage and spanking scenes to his fairly vanilla preferences. Either way, Ben seemed to enjoy the premise and so you did your best to imitate what you’d seen the first chance you got, when Ben was out for an entire Saturday with his mates.  
You tried not to rush too much, despite being excited for Ben’s reaction and a little nervous about being on camera. But you wanted to get it right, so you forced yourself to stay calm as you set your camera up, doing a handful of test shots to check your positioning before you were satisfied with the framing. It would have been easier had the clone dildo had a suction base, but you made it work. Riding it seemed like the most sensible option for the type of porn you were recreating, so you figured you edit the video so it’d start with you already working your fist up and down the toy, spreading lube along it’s length. Most of the videos you’d seen during your research had cut in min-penetration if not with the woman halfway to a slightly unbelievable orgasm anyway.  
Once you were ready to go you stripped off and took your place on the bed in the spot you’d worked out. The lube was close to hand, just out of frame, so you squeezed some out onto your palm and raised the toy, trying not to giggle at what you were sure must look like a very rapid erection coming into view. With a steadying breath you got started for real, holding the dildo with one hand as you began to jerk it off the way you knew Ben liked. Then, when you felt you’d wanked it long enough, you moved over it, lining it up and sinking down onto it with relative ease. It felt familiar in the oddly unfamiliar way you’d become familiar with – filling you just the way Ben did but recognisably not him. You had no trouble riding it though, practically forgetting the camera was on you as you lost yourself in the rhythm of it, moaning and telling Ben how good he felt and how much you loved his cock. And then you came, legs going Shakey as you tried to keep the stimulation going until you were through it. Watching back made you feel a little embarrassed and a little perverted and more than a little horny. You hastily edited it, trimming out the awkward beginning bit like you’d planned, then watched it through to make sure you’d stayed in frame. By the time Ben got home you were practically ready to tackle him so you could have the real thing.  
Ben’s birthday fell on a weekday when you had to work. So you decided to leave the present where he’d find it while you were out. You knew you’d be distracted all day wondering what he would think of it, but it was worth it to surprise him. You just hoped he’d send you some sort of text when he’d watched it. Thankfully he did, though it took a little longer for him to find it than you’d have liked. He’d spent most of the day on the couch playing video games, only finding the laptop you’d saved the file on after he’d found your note wishing him a happy birthday and telling him there was a surprise in the bedroom. He probably wouldn’t have worked out the surprise was on the computer without your helpful post it note telling him to press play.  
He called you within the first five seconds.   “Y/N, I bloody love you.”  You laughed, “Hello to you too honey. I take it you got the videos then.”  "There’s more than one?”  “Yeah,” you laughed, “Well, kind of. See, I wasn’t sure if you’d like um,” you paused, realising you were at work and probably shouldn’t say words like cunt or arse out loud, “front or back more. So I wanted to do one of each for you but the back one was a little harder to manage while keeping it in the same, like, style. So I did the front one like that and then did a second one from behind but it’s easier to tell it’s,” you dropped your voice to a whisper and hoped no one was listening, “not you fucking me.”  Ben barely seemed to hear your explanation, groaning as he located the second video, “what time are you getting home?”  “Uhh, not for another few hours I guess. How come?”  “Just wondering if I have enough time to get off to both of them and recover. I’ve never, and I mean this with the utmost respect and love, I’ve never wanted to pound you harder than I do right now.”  You fell into giggles again, nervously checking around you and hoping you weren’t blushing noticeably.  “I’m serious Y/N. You’re so fucking sexy and incredible and god, just looking at how well you ride me has me so fucking hard. I want to ruin you. I want to fuck you so hard you can’t walk for a week and I haven’t even seen the anal one yet. The second you walk through that door I’ll be on you. In you.”  If you’d managed not to blush before you were sure you must be now, so tried to keep your voice as professional as possible, “Well I’m glad you like them. I look forward to this evening.”  Ben hummed, “I think it should be enough time. But I s’pose if I’m not quite good to go when you get here, then there’s two more of my cocks to get you started.”  You bit your lip to keep from whimpering or moaning and swallowed hard before you managed, “That sounds very reasonable.”  “If I wanted to be really mean I’d keep you on the line while I watch so you could hear me getting off to you.  You whined his name quietly, “Honey I’m at work.”  He laughed, “Sorry babe. You just really turn me on. I’ll show you how much tonight.”  “Okay,” you managed, “Happy birthday, love you.”  “Love you too. So much.” 
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sequinsmile-x · 10 months
I love your family fics... A happy marriage, happy kids, unlike what I had. You make my days better and I spend couple of hours before going to sleep reading all your fics. Thank you so much
Hi bestie!
I haven't stopped thinking about this message since I saw it last night. I genuinely feel honoured to help in anyway, and knowing you find comfort in my fics means more than I can put into words.
I've always said that I write because it helps me. It helps get thoughts out of my head, it stops me from thinking when I really don't want to, it helps me channel my creativity in a way that feels productive. And the fact it helps other people in whatever way? That's incredible to me.
Anyway, I thought I'd write you something that is for you. A fic where they are happy and have kids and have the family we all deserve. I hope you can come back to this as often as you need to, and know it was written with you in mind.
So this is for you, and anyone else who might need it!
March 7th. The date that had once been carved on her gravestone and one she didn’t want to be written on her little girl’s birth certificate. 
Words: 3.6k
Warnings: Pregnancy, labour/birth
Read over on Ao3, or below the cut
From the moment she found out her due date, she was determined that it wasn’t going to be her child's birthday. She’d gone as far as doing her own research, comforted by the fact there was only a 5% chance she’d have her little girl on the predicted date. She was further assured by the memory of her son’s birth. Oliver was almost two weeks late and she’d been induced. Aaron always joked that if he could, their 2-year-old son would climb back up inside of her, always keen to be wherever his mother was. 
It mostly calms her nerves down, and lets her reassure herself for months that her daughter wouldn’t be exactly on time, that the day would pass as it did every year with little fanfare. 
March 7th. The date that had once been carved on her gravestone and one she didn’t want to be written on her little girl’s birth certificate. 
It felt wrong. The thought of something so happy, so full of joy as they completed their family, being on the same date as the day she died. The day her life changed forever five years ago, altered in a way she once thought she’d never get past. She didn’t want to associate her daughter, her sweet face still not something Emily could quite picture yet, with the worst day of her life. When her found family’s opinion of her was permanently shifted, when she died to save them, sent to another continent by the man she was now lucky enough to call her husband and the father of her children. 
It wasn’t going to happen, not if she could help it.
Which was why she was absolutely not in labour. 
She’d felt the first twinges in the middle of the night. The discomfort had torn her from sleep, her hand flying to her belly before she was even fully awake. She’d told herself they were Braxton Hicks contractions, something she’d been experiencing on and off for a couple of weeks. The pains had continued but were few and far between, and by the time Aaron woke up in the morning she’d half convinced herself it was nothing and just what came with being very pregnant. 
Denial, she would later realise, was a very powerful thing. 
She gets through most of the day ignoring that the pains are getting closer and the fact that Aaron keeps asking if she’s okay, clearly accepting the fact she was in labour much faster than she was. She shrugs him off, insisting she’s fine as she grips the arm of the couch whilst her stomach tenses and pain rolls over her like a wave. She gets through it, wanting nothing more than to simply make it to the end of the day, to get past midnight so her baby would be born on any other day. 
Jessica comes round to pick up the boys after dinner, something that they’d agreed she’d start to do every evening in the lead-up to the baby being born so she wouldn’t have to come over in the middle of the night if Emily went into labour. Emily hugs Jack and Oliver a little tighter than she usually does as she says goodnight to them, aware, even underneath all her stubborn refusal, that the next time she sees them Oliver will no longer be her baby, and Jack will be an older brother again. 
She’s standing in the kitchen making herself a snack when she’s stopped by another wave of pain, the spoon of peanut butter she’d had in her hand clattering to the countertop. She groans as she leans forward, her elbows on the kitchen counter as she breathes out slowly. She shifts her hips side to side, attempting to ease some of the pressure in her back. 
“Sweetheart, I really think we should go to the hospital” Aaron says, reaching out to rub firm circles on her back, something that they’d figured out had provided her relief during her labour with Oliver, “The contractions are getting closer-”
“They aren’t contractions,” she insists as she cuts him off, her denial starting to sound weak even to herself, “It’s just some back pain,” she looks up at him. She attempts to smile, blowing out a breath as the wave of pain comes to an end, the tension in her body finally lifting, “I have done this before you know,” she says, trying to lighten the mood, to convince him that everything was fine. That she wasn’t having this baby today, “I know what I’m doing.” 
Aaron watches her carefully and sighs as he shifts his hands to her hips and gently turns her to look at him. He sighs as he tucks some of her hair behind her ear, his knuckles brushing against her cheek. He knew what was wrong, what was making his usually logical wife act so out of character, what was making her deny the obvious. He knew the significance her due date held the moment the doctor had told them, the day engraved into his memory just as it once had been on a gravestone that bore her name. He’d been preparing for this eventuality since that appointment, aware that whilst it was unlikely she’d give birth on her due date it wasn’t impossible. 
She’d been defying the odds since the day he’d met her, so why would now be any different? 
“I know what day it is, Em,” he says carefully, his heart twisting in his chest as she tenses. He cups her jaw and rubs his thumb back and forth over her cheek, “I understand what you’re trying to do, but you are in labour and we need to get the two of you to the hospital, okay?” 
She clenches her teeth, misplaced irritation aimed at him flooding through her in an instant. Sometimes she hated how well he knew her, how he could read her like a book. It had been jarring when they first got together before she allowed herself to settle into the comfort of the way he loved her. She’d mistaken the way he liked to care for her as control, the small but loving actions he did to make her day easier, difficult to get used to. Cups of coffee before she’d ask for them, snacks placed in front of her before she even knew she was hungry. His embrace always willing and waiting to hug her, to provide comfort she still wasn’t very good at asking for. She shakes off the irritation, a physical movement of her head that ends with her leaning into his palm, his thumb wiping away the tear that the movement dislodges from her lashline. 
“Today can’t be her birthday,” she says, her voice raw, torn open by emotions she’d stuffed in her chest for months, the words sharp and bitter as they finally escape from where she’d held them captive. She places her hand on her stomach, her arm curling around her bump as she tries to protect her unborn daughter, “It just can’t be, Aaron. I never want to associate…”
She drifts off, her voice catching as she tries and fails to suppress a sob. He tugs her forward, looping his arms around her as best as he can with their daughter trapped between them. He shushes her, his lips against her forehead as he rubs his hand up and down her back. 
“Sweetheart, today might end up being her birthday,” he says softly, shushing her again when she holds on tighter, her fingers digging into his skin so tightly he can feel her blunt nails through his shirt, “But that means it’s the start of something new, right?” He asks, pulling back to look at her, his heart clenching at the look on her face, the unshed tears in her eyes, “It means that today wouldn’t just be sad, it would be good too. A new beginning for us.” 
She sniffs, blowing out a steady breath as she wipes her face, irritated at herself as more tears fall onto her cheeks, “I just hate that he’s in this,” she says, hiccuping through a sob as she speaks, “He tried to kill me, he almost did, and the anniversary of that might end up being the day she's born.” 
“Ian is not in this,” he says firmly but calmly, cupping her cheek to make her look up at him, her gaze having drifted to the floor at the mention of Ian’s name. She furrows her brow and scoffs and he smiles softly at her, storing away yet another moment in their lives when she managed to look intimidating even when crying, “He isn’t. It’s just you, me, the boys and our little girl.” He places his hand on her stomach, linking his fingers through hers, “We’re about to meet her, and that’s in spite of him, not because of him.” 
She blows out a breath as she nods, leaning forward and pressing her head into his shoulder, “You’re right.” 
He smiles and kisses the side of her head, “Really? I don’t think you’ve ever said that before.” 
She hums and pulls away, wiping her cheeks again, “Yeah,” she says, stamping a kiss on his lips, “Plus, my water just broke all over your shoes.” 
He pulls back and he looks between his now wet shoes and floor, the damp patch on her sweats, and the smirk on her face. He leans forward and kisses her, a fierce but quick thing against her lips, before he pulls back. 
“I’ll get you some fresh sweats and grab myself some different shoes, then we’ll go to the hospital,” he says, squeezing her hand before he lifts it to kiss her knuckles, “Let’s go have a baby.” 
She nods, her smile only fading when he’s out of the room again, her hand on her stomach as she starts to feel the beginning of another contraction, rolling through her body as it’s chased by anxiety she can’t shift. 
“Yeah,” she says, blowing out a steady breath, “Let’s go have a baby.” 
She grunts as she leans back against Aaron, whining as her body is barely given a chance to rest, her next contraction already building. 
“Fuck,” she exclaims, squeezing Aaron’s hands tightly, “This sucks. This is so much worse than I remember,” she huffs out a breath, “Why didn’t I remember how much this sucks?”
“It’s nature’s way of tricking us into having more than one child,” her doctor says from the end of the bed, looking up at Emily from between her legs, her hand comfortingly on her knee, “Just another couple of pushes and your daughter will be here, Emily.” 
Emily whimpers, a sound she would later deny entirely, and rests her head on her husband’s shoulder to look up at him. He’d climbed into the bed behind her hours ago, taking the same position he had when she gave birth to Oliver, her support both physically and emotionally as she brought their child into the world. She looks at their joint hands and sees the time on his watch. 
11.35 pm 
“Maybe she can wait 25 minutes,” she says, looking at her doctor, “It’s just another 25 minutes.” 
The doctor exchanges a quick look with Aaron. He’d pulled her aside when they arrived, giving her a very abridged version of what was happening, why his wife was so hesitant to give birth today. He knows Emily wouldn’t thank him for it if she knew, but he wanted to keep her and their little girl safe, even if it meant enduring her wrath at a later date. 
“Emily,” the doctor says, her smile so kind it makes Emily ache, “give me your hand.”
She nods, unclasping one of her hands from Aarons and reaching out to her doctor, letting her guide her until her fingers touch the top of her baby’s head, tears springing to her eyes as she chokes out a sob.
“She’s got so much hair,” she breathes out, her voice shaking almost as much as she was. 
“And she’s almost here,” the doctor says, “We don’t have 25 minutes.” 
Emily nods and leans back against Aaron, reaching for his hand again, her body starting to take over, pushing despite the fact she really doesn’t want to. She falls back against her husband again as she takes a moment to breathe in between pushes, aware that with every passing second, she gets closer to having her little girl in her arms.
“It’s all your fault you know,” she says, squeezing his hands tightly, “She gets it from you.” 
He chuckles softly, his lips against the side of her head, “She gets what from me, sweetheart?”
She groans as the next contraction starts, “Being punctual.”  
Her words turn into a scream as she pushes for a final time, her body sagging into Aaron’s as the piercing cry of a baby fills the room. Emily breathes out and it catches in her chest as her daughter is held up for her to see and she reaches her shaking hands to hold her.
“Congratulations,” the doctor says, her words, and everything other than Aaron and the baby in her arms, fading away as Emily looks at her daughter's face for the first time. 
“Hi sweet girl,” she says, tears spilling down her cheeks as she holds the still-screaming baby against her chest, “Look at you,” she looks up at Aaron and isn’t surprised to see he’s crying too, “Look at her.”
“She’s beautiful,” he says, kissing his wife, “I love you so much,” he murmurs against her lips before he looks at the baby, now slightly calmer as she settles against Emily, “Hi princess,” he says, his eyes taking in every feature of her face, committing it to memory because he knew how much of a thief time was, how quickly she’d change right in front of him, “You look just like Mommy.” 
Emily chuckles, “Sorry about the nose, baby,” she says, rubbing her hand up and down her daughter’s back, shifting to press her lips against her forehead. She looks up at her husband, “What time is it?” 
Aaron looks at his watch and then back at his wife, blowing out a slow breath before he answers, “It’s 11.50, sweetheart.” 
She chokes out a noise somewhere between a laugh and a sob, shaking her head as she looks back down at her daughter. 
“That’s okay,” she says, her voice still shaking, overwhelmed with hormones and emotions she can’t find the name for. Suddenly everything she’d spent months worrying about didn’t seem to matter. She doesn’t feel sad, or disappointed, two things that seem impossible as she looks at her newborn’s face, but instead she feels happy, overwhelming joy she never thought she’d get to feel at this time five years ago, “That’s more than okay,” she strokes a finger up and down her daughter’s cheek, “Happy birthday, sweet girl.”
Emily smiles as she rests her head on Aaron’s shoulder, looking down at the baby girl in his arms. They were snuggled together in her hospital bed, both of them exhausted but happy as they stared at the latest addition to their family. 
“Jess said she’s on the way,” Aaron says softly, looking at his wife. She was beautiful in her exhaustion, ethereal almost with her hair in the braids he’d done for her after she’d showered, “Apparently the boys are very excited to meet their sister.” 
She hums as she reaches out to touch the baby’s head, stroking over the thick dark hair that was impossibly soft, “We need to think of a name,” she says as she continues to stroke her hair, “None of the ones we thought of seem right.” 
They’d gone back and forth for months, arguing over girl's names ever since they’d found out they were having a daughter. Nothing seemed like it fit their little girl, especially now they were looking at her. The baby starts to fuss and Aaron immediately hands her to Emily, smiling at the sight of his girls together. 
“I have a suggestion,” he says as Emily settles the baby into her arms, her smile soft as she looks up at him.
“Yeah? What is it?” She asks rocking the baby as she calms down, content to be in her mother’s arms. 
“Alba,” he replies, reaching out and adjusting the blanket around the baby, “It means dawn, or sunrise,” his smile turns shy as she stares at him, her expression unreadable to him for once, “Since she’s our family’s new beginning.”
She chuckles, the sound wet as it catches in her lungs, and she shakes her head at him, “How long have you had that in your back pocket?” 
He shrugs, “Since we found out your due date,” he says, watching as she looks back down at the baby, nerves making his heart seize, “If you don’t like it-”
“I love it,” she says, cutting him off as she looks at him, her smile wide, “It suits her. Alba Hotchner.” 
“Alba it is,” he replies, leaning forward to press a kiss to her lips, his hand cupping the back of their daughter’s head, “Hi Alba.” 
There’s a knock at the door just before it opens and Jessica’s head pops around it, “Is there a tiny baby in here?” She asks, her smile soft, “I have two very excited little boys out here.” 
Aaron stands up, “Come on in.”
As the door opens fully he grabs Oliver, hauling the toddler onto his hip as he makes a beeline for his mother. 
“Remember what we said, Ollie,” he says, walking over, his other arm around Jack’s shoulder as his eldest is more controlled in his excitement. 
“Gentle with Mama and baby sissy,” Oliver says, his thumb in his mouth as he looks at Emily, his smile wide as he rests his head on Aaron’s shoulder, “Hi Mama.”
“Hi sweet boy,” she says, making sure Alba is tucked safely in the crook of one of her arms whilst she wraps the other around Oliver once Aaron eases him onto the bed, “I missed you.” 
Oliver snuggles up into her side, a little rougher than she can take, and she hides a wince, never wanting to scare him, “Missed Mama.” 
Emily smiles at Jack who was standing next to the bed peering into the bundle in her arms. He beams at her, the same excitement in his eyes that he had when he first met Oliver a couple of years ago. There were moments when she wondered if Jack missed when life was just him Aaron, when it was quiet and he didn’t have a little brother, and now sister, splitting his parent's attention and following his every move, but then there were moments like this. When she saw the love in his eyes, the joy she’d been a part of, her role in helping Aaron fulfil his final promise to Haley something she held dear. 
“Jack, Ollie,” she says, looking between her sons, purposely ignoring the clicks of both Jess and Aaron’s camera phones as she speaks, “This is Alba.” 
“She’s so pretty,” Jack says as he looks at his sister and then back at Emily, “She looks like you, Mom.” 
Emily unwraps her arm from around Oliver and cups Jack’s cheek, pulling him in his kiss his forehead. She still wasn’t entirely used to him calling her Mom, and part of her hoped she never would be. That it would always make her feel as overjoyed as she had the first time, that random Tuesday morning when she’d shifted from Emily to Mom with little fanfare from the little boy. 
“Thanks, sweetie,” she says, “Do you want to hold her?” 
Jack opens his mouth to say yes, but is cut off by his younger brother, his voice a little too loud in the otherwise peaceful room.
“I want sissy,” he insists, his eyebrows furrowing in a way that never failed to make him look exactly like Aaron. 
“You can both hold her,” Aaron says, stepping forward to pick up Oliver and placing him in the large chair next to the bed, “Jack, you sit next to your bother.”
Jack nods enthusiastically and does as he’s told, “I remember what to do,” he says, wrapping one of his arms around his brother, “We have to be gentle, and make sure her head is supported.” 
Emily hands over Alba to Aaron, ignoring her instinct to snatch her back even though she wasn’t leaving her line of sight. 
“That’s right Jack,” Aaron says, handing Alba to Jack, making sure that she was safely in the laps of her brothers. He stays close, his hand under Jack’s elbow to provide additional support. He turns to look at his wife as he sees a flash go off, and he raises his eyebrow at her when he sees her phone in her hands pointing at them all. 
“What?” She asks, raising her eyebrow in challenge, “You can take pictures and I can’t?” 
He winks at her before he turns his attention back to his children, softly talking to the boys as they ask questions about Alba. Jessica walks over too, leaning over the back of the chair to look at her niece. Their conversation fades out as Emily looks at the picture of her husband and children on her phone. She immediately sets it as her wallpaper, wanting it as a reminder of what she has now, what she had been able to create for herself despite everything. 
Her new beginning and happy ending wrapped up all in one, the soft epilogue she knew she truly deserved. 
Tag List:
@ssa-sparks, @lukeclvez, @lyds102, @glockleveledatyourcrotch, @hotchnissenthusiast, @danadeservesadrink, @ssamorganhotchner, @emilyprentissisgod, @notagentprentiss, @freesiasandfics, @emilyshotchniss, @thecharmingart, @paulitalblond, @hancydrewfan, @camille093, @whitecrossgirl, @moonlight-2-6, @rawr-jess, @florenceremingtonthethird, @jareauswife, @ms-black-a, @beebeelank, @aubreyprc, @zipzapboingg, @psychopath-at-heart, @criminalmindsgonewrong, @fionaloover, @kinqslcys, @prentissinred, @ccmattis-22, @denvivale317, @thrindis, @hotchsguccitie, @cmfouatslota77, @alexblakegf, @aliensaursrex, @prentissxhotch, @emobabeyy, @victoiregranger, @stormyweatherth, @wanderingdreamer009, @ssablackbird, @luhwithah, @lex13cm, @prentiss-theorem, @dont-emily-me, @mrs-ssa-hotch, @jocyycreation, @itsmytimetoodream, @hotchnissgroupie, @controversialpooh, @capsshinyshield, @canuck-eh
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moonbread123-wattpad · 4 months
The Red Means I Love You
TW: death, murder, yandere themes. New charcters (from my wattpad fanfiction- Abhishta, Y/n's Indian best friend; Alex- Y/n's twin brother, Abhishta's lover or suitor), some use of hindi.
Type: fluff + angst
Pairing: Yandere!Harry Potter x Indian!fem!reader
Year: Sixth year
Summary: A mysterious murder has been discovereed on the Hogwarts express, and the culprit may be closer than expected...
Feel free to leave comments, I love reading them
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Y/n was running along the corridor with her owl and trunk, looking for Abhishta, when she found Harry and was soon absorbed in a  conversation with him. Or rather, she ranted on about random things while he listened intently, with his lopsided grin. The grin which always sent butterflies flying in her stomach.
Suddenly, a tall boy ran into her, knocking her off her feet. And as cliché, as it sounds, Harry caught her under her arm, breaking her fall. He was yelling at the boy, and Y/n realized his hands were balled into fists.
'Harry' the girl said to divert his attention.
'Yeah?' he said, all his attention suddenly fixed on her.
'I need to look for Abhishta.'
His face looked bitter for a second. As though the idea offended him.
'I saw her a few compartments down. I'll show you.'
As she entered the said compartment, Abhishta caught sight of the boy and grinned knowingly.
'Thanks, Harry!' Y/n said to the boy and turned to Abhishta 'No' she added blankly.
'You know it's true.'
'Just because it was true for you doesn't mean it's true for me.'
'He's my future jijoo until I'm proven wrong.'
'Look behind you' Abhishta said.
Y/n did as told and saw Harry smiling at her from outside the compartment.
'I think you should meet him.'
Y/n sighed. 'Do not tease me when I'm back' she mumbled and walked, out shutting the door behind her.
The boy smiled 'I got you some food' he said, handing her a bag. He was already in his robes. His clothes were in his hands. Blue shirt, red sweatpants- wait, weren't they grey?
'Thank you' She replied. She looked into his emerald/blue eyes. Harry tucked a flyaway hair behind her ear. A soft wolf whistle sounded somewhere (or rather a hoot since Abhishta couldn't whistle). There was a silent agreement: this would never be spoken of. 'You didn't have to.'
'I was passing by so I thought I would.'
'See you around then?'
'I'd like that.'
Y/n entered the compartment.
'What are you wearing? On your wrist?'
'A bracelet. Harry gave it to  me. On my birthday last year.'
The other girl faked a look of anger.
'The profanities I could hurl at you right now are countless. I've won the bet for a whole seven months and three days.'
'Just because I'm wearing his bracelet does not mean I like him.'
There was a sudden commotion outside. A scream. A few more yelps, shrieks and gasps, footsteps running down the corridor. Y/n looked outside. A group of people was huddled around the washrooms.
'What's going on?' She asked.
'I really don't know...'
At the Great Hall, a rumor spread like wildfire the next day.
Someone was murdered in the train washrooms. A boy with curly hair. He was found killed in a muggle way. His throat was almost slit. There were multiple stab wounds. He put up a fight, judging from the fact that his wand was in his hand, albeit half of it was blown away. There was a muffling charm on that stall. It seemed to be a slow, painful death.
Y/n and Abhishta were walking to the library after breakfast.
'Y/n!' Harry's voice called.
'Good morning,' he smiled as he caught up.
She chuckled 'You came here just to greet me?'
'Well, no. Do we have any classes together?'
Alex appeared suddenly.
'May I borrow your friend?' He asked Y/n.
'I'm busy I-' the other girl started.
'Thanks', he said as he whisked her away.
'The fuck boy-', she protested.
And Y/n was left with Harry.
'I think we should walk to class together' Harry said.
'I noticed some boys look at you when you laugh. You know how boys are.'
Did he just say he finds her laugh attractive? 'You're a boy.'
'I'm not like them.' 
A boy ran up to them.
'Y/n L/n?'
'That's me.'
'Madam Pince tells me you have a spare key to the restricted section-' he pulled out a note 'Can you accompany me?'
'I'm a little busy for now, sorry.'
'Surely you  can make some time?'
'She can't, didn't you hear her?' Harry snapped.
'Harry it's okay', Y/n said, startled. 'It's just accompanying him to the library', she said as she handed her the key and he stalked off, muttering something.
How could he steal her from him? How could he dare to take her away?
Y/n suddenly realized. Curly hair... The boy who pushed her on the train...
She grabbed Harry's wrist. His eyes widened and his face became flushed.
'Harry... did you kill the boy?'
'Why would I?'
His pulse increases. A flicker of... something came over his face. A manic glint. His face twisted in a sickening grin. Y/n noticed they were alone. Somehow she hadn't noticed where they had wandered. This wasn't Harry. This wasn't the boy who'd skip stones with her. The awkward yet sarcastic boy whose smile sent butterflies in her stomach. This wasn't him.
'Why would I, Y/n?' He repeated, with a voice of deadly calm. His eyes now half-closed, as though finding this amusing.
A hand extracting a blood-stained knife from his robes.
They could stay together now.
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billthedrake · 2 years
I held on to Travis's shoulders and fucked harder. My son and I had been having sex for the last two months, each time I came to Chicago, and it was like we couldn't get our hands off each other. Sneaking in a fuck or a blowjob before a business meeting, or holing up in Travis's condo or my hotel room for a marathon session.
But up till now, the sex had been gentler. I'd seen my son let loose in a couple of his OnlyFans videos, but part of me didn't want to treat him like a porn star or escort. He was my son, my only son, and for all that I'd learned about him, for all that had developed between us, I was still a protective father.
There was still Trav's buddy Mike in the picture. MusclePupXXX, who I banged a couple of times recently. I didn't want him to suspect anything between me and Trav, I suppose. Besides, I got a kick out of the way that compact muscled dude egged me on. I leaned to get very physical with Mike, and the more I did, the more he seemed to crave it. It was hot, animalistic sex, like I never had with my wife. I may be a schmuck and a half, but I was enjoying the hell out of my mid-life crisis.
I'll blame the fact that it had been five solid days since I'd gotten off before my early November trip to Chicago. I told Kate I had a day of meetings I didn't had and honestly said I was tacking on an evening to hang out with our son. That gave me three whole nights in Chicago. I'd probably have time for MusclePup Mike if Travis didn't drain me dry.
I met my son at his place, and not only did he look just incredible, his sweater and jeans molded to his porn-star body just right, Travis had that look in his eye. Horny. Hungry. I'd stopped feeling guilt about fucking my son. This was just too powerful and addictive.
We tried to kiss softly at first, a peck with some gentle tongue. Travis actually laughed when he pulled back.
"What?" I asked.
His blue eyes twinkled. With a sly grin he reached down and cupped my erection through my jeans. "I love your dick, Dad."
That got a deep groan out of me. I felt my chest puff out and my hips adjust their stance in a little swagger. "Yeah, buddy?"
Trav bit his lip and nodded. He seemed almost shy now. "I've been thinking about you ravishing. You know, really tearing into my ass."
The next kiss wasn't soft, at all. My mouth pressed hard against my son's and my tongue plunged right in. I was now walking him back into his place, toward his bedroom. That five-day-load impatience calling the shots.
We stripped quickly, eyes eating each other up. My son was a month away from his 26th birthday and I was a couple of weeks from my 53rd. Even beyond the taboo of our sexual affair, I wondered what a hot stud like him was doing with an old fart like me. But Travis was rock hard, Viagra hard as he peeled down his jeans, showing he'd gone commando with nothing between that beautiful dick and his clothes.
"Ready for an incest fuck, Dad?" he growled, peeling down the bedsheets.
My own dick twitched at those words. I actually thought of getting a Viagra prescription to keep up with my son's sex drive on these trips, or Muscle Pup Mike's for that matter, but so far I hadn't needed it. "Gonna fuck my own son," I hissed, getting into the thrill of vocalizing this for the first time.
My words made Travis's nostrils flare. He reached in the nightstand and grabbed some lube, then tossed it to me. "Don't use too much," he instructed. "I wanna feel that Dad cock entering me."
"You'll feel it, buddy," I grunted. This was like the primal connection I had with his porn-star buddy Mike. Only better.
We were gonna get whisker burn from how hard and deep we were kissing, but we couldn't help it. Our bodies met on the bed and we made out roughly, rolling around like we were fighting for dominance. Maybe if Travis had made a move on me, I would have let him try. I'd been thinking idly about that possibility, I had to admit, even if I didn't feel ready for a guy to fuck me. Not yet.
Thankfully, Travis needed me in him. As I rolled on top of him, he needily wrapped his legs around my waist and humped up into me. We ground against his perineum and crack and moaned into our rough kiss.
"You drive me wild, son," I hissed.
Travis's hands clung to my naked body. My son was strong, all right, and the legs seemed to pull me in tightly.
"No foreplay, Dad," Travis his. "Just put that dick in me."
I managed to apply some lube to my prick and push it down. Not a perfect aim at the ultimate target, but Travis met me half way, moving his hips to line up my dad dick. The slickness and Travis's professional hole were a match made in heaven. I enjoyed working my way inside him. Gentle mini pulses of my dick at first, then actually penetrating my son.
"Incest fuck?" I prompted once I breached my son.
Travis's eyes went open. The dimples disappeared from his face as he reacted in ecstatic surprise, but it was the same, cute as fuck Travis. My blond hunk of a son. "God yeah. Fuck me Dad. Fuck my hole." He gripped me even tighter, drawing me in. "I can't get enough."
"Me either son," I replied. Now openly pounding him. "Look forward to every goddamn Chicago trip."
My hips were a mile a minute and Travis was there with me for every one. Looking up into my eyes with love and lust and a hunger I don't think I'd even seen in his best videos.
"How you want it, Dad?" he asked me about a minute and a half into that treatment. "How you wanna fuck me?"
"This is good," I said with lust clogging my voice.
"Hell yeah, it's good," Travis grinned, those dimples coming back. Fuck. "But you got JakeTheJock in bed with you. How you wanna do me?"
I had to stop my fuck, suddenly.
Travis looked up excitedly into my face. "You cumming, Dad?" he asked, turned on, but maybe impatient at my quick trigger.
I shook my head and let out a deep breath. "Not yet. But almost," I said. "Fuck!" I looked down at my son. Trusting and willing. I ran my hands along his porn body. I knew what I wanted. "I keep thinking of that video you did with Cornfed Daddy," I said. I'd confessed to Travis that I watched his videos, but we hadn't done this either, talk about them in bed.
But his reaction made me feel ok for bringing it. He was downright proud of being a stud who had sex on camera. "Yeah? Which one?"
"The last one," I said. "The one you posted a couple weeks ago. You on all fours, Cornfed Daddy railing you hard." It was lewd to talk to my son this way, but that was part of the turn on, for sure.
He gave me an affectionate smile. "Dad, you don't have to be jealous..." he started.
"I'm not fucking jealous, son," I growled, maybe a little too aggressively. I slowly pulled out and showed off my slickened erection. A match for my son's porn-star dick. "I just have a five day load in these balls and I need to pound it off, bad."
"Oh fuck, Dad," Travis hissed, scrambling out from under me to get on all fours on the mattress next to me. He'd kept his body lightly tanned, from the tanning bed or his trips to Palm Springs or Spain or wherever, I didn't know. I just know he was a muscle stud offering himself to me. I got behind him and ran my hands along his bare flesh.
Travis arched his back into my hands then hiked his butt up back at my crotch. "This what you've been dreaming about, Dad? Railing me from behind?"
"Fuck yes," I hissed, my cock was rigid and I ran it against his lightly furred crack and over his hole. Sometimes Travis shaved completely smooth but lately he'd been letting the blond fur grow back in. I loved it both ways.
"Don't fuck me like your son," Travis urged, his voice getting needy now. Fuck me like JackTheJock. Or like you fuck Mike."
I'd have to have a conversation with my son about how much he knew about me and Mike - or worse, how much Mike knew about me and Trav. But I wasn't thinking with my head right then. I just wanted to fuck. My dick pressed back into Travis.
"God yeah," my son urged. For a dude who'd started off as a total top in his videos, he could be an eager, skilled bottom, too.
"Take it," I urged, now holding onto Travis's shoulders and leveraging my cock in and out of his now opened hole in fast succession.
"How many times you watch that vid, Dad?" my son asked me. "The one with Cornfed Daddy."
"Lost count," I answered. "Couple of times a day. It's my favorite." It was wild to talk about this with my son.
"Make me forget him, Dad. Fuck me better than Steve does."
It was the first time I'd heard Cornfed Daddy's first name, and something about that tripped my competitive urge. I really went at it. Railing Travis. Dumping my load in him. Fucking his own cum out of his balls.
We collapsed on the bed in a sweaty puddle next to one another, exhausted and catching our breath. Finally we gripped each other's hands and looked at one another, meeting each other with a broad smile.
"Didn't go to hard on ya, did I son?" I asked. Maybe too late to ask that question.
"You came pretty close," my son joked. "But it was incredible." We met in a kiss, gentle this time. My dick wasn't going down but I lost that urgency from just now.
"I don't wanna intrude on your private life, Trav..." I started.
"Please," my son said. "You've watched all my videos, Dad. You can ask anything."
"So... are you dating anyone?"
My son actually blushed. But he answered honestly. "Not exclusively, but I've been kind of seeing Steve for the last year."
"Cornfed Daddy?" I clarified.
"The very one. He's a nice guy, really. He kind of plays up the dominant thing on camera."
"I'm happy for you, son," I said.
"Jealous?" Travis asked with a teasing smile.
I exhaled. "What do you want me to say, son?"
"I want you to say you're jealous." He turned to face me and ran his fingers along my upper body. There was something so unbridled about Travis's embrace of his sexuality. It intimidated me and inspired me both.
"OK, I'm jealous," I admitted.
Travis gave a contrite expression, like he realized maybe we were entering dangerous emotional territory. He reached down and touched my penis, still full and heavy on my belly. "For what it's worth, you fuck better than him, Dad."
My dick twiched. "God, Trav," I hissed. My son had a way of driving me wild.
"My turn for a question," he interjected. "What's going on with you and Mike?"
I turned on my side to face him. "What do you think is going on?" I prompted. I had to know how much Mike talked.
"I'm not dumb, Dad," Travis said. "I'm pretty sure you're fucking him. Just wasn't sure if there was anything else."
"Nothing else," I said. "I don't think Mike's the dating type."
"That's what people assume about porn guys," Travis said thoughtfully. He looked over at the clock. "What time is dinner?" he asked.
"At 7," I answered.
Travis grinned and scooted up to me. His hard body damp from sweat. "In that case, we have time for another round, Dad."
I met him in a kiss and wrapped my arms around my son. This time would be a slower fuck. I actually felched for the first time, eating out Travis's soft, fucked pucker and tasting my own seed there. I took my time, getting off on the intensity of the act and the nastiness of it, too, before I leaned up and placed my son's calves on his shoulder. Then I fucked him a second time. Sensual, steady thrusts into him, as I looked down on him and silently urged him to give it up for his dad. No words, just a silent, physical connection, father to son. I made sure he came first, then I gradually ramped up my last thrusts to get the necessary stimulation to orgasm. His eyes on me, full of wonderment at watching his father cum, were enough to get me across the finish line.
We showered together, no longer in fuck mode. At least I was pretty damn spent. As I soaped Travis's muscle I had a deep appreciation and envy of his body. "I need a personal trainer," I said, articulating an idea that I'd been entertaining for a while.
"You're hot as fuck, Dad," Travis said, reaching out to feel up my own dad bod. "But if you want, I have a couple of trainer buddies in KC..."
"They in the business?" I asked, partly out of curiosity, partly out of concern.
Travis shook his head, laughing. "No, straight as an arrow. Guys I knew from highschool football. But they could get you into whatever shape you wanna be."
"Your mom's gonna.." I said, before I stopped myself.
Travis knew why. I tried not to acknowledge my infidelity in words. "It's OK, Dad. Like I say, guys have needs. You're not gonna leave her are you?" I could see behind his sexual sureness he still looked at me as his parent, in addition to his lover.
"No, Trav, I'm not leaving her. I'm not going to win husband of the year award, but she's not going to find out." I'm not sure how I was so sure of that fact, but I was. Maybe because the scenario was so wild and implausible, that Kate couldn't possibly suspect it.
The put my son at ease. We soaped up more and shampooed our hair, then rinsed off.
"Dad, are you really jealous about Steve?" Travis asked as we dried off. Maybe now that it was no longer in bed, he had more concerns.
"Not really," I answered. "I mean, if it really bothered me, I wouldn't be watching those videos over and over, would I?" It was incredible how I'd gone from shy to up front about discussion my addiction to Travis's OnlyFans site.
"I'm pretty good in those, right?" my son grinned.
I stepped up and placed my hands on his hips, standing face to face. My dick was plumping up again. Maybe I wasn't completely spent. "The best. You're sex on legs, you fucker," I growled and kissed Travis again, softly.
Looking back, that visit was a turning point in my and Travis's relationship and a huge turning point in my life.
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mins-fins · 1 year
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SUMMARY . . . a letter to his first love, kum junhyeon, and the memories that follow.
PAIRING . . . kum junhyeon x male!reader
GENRE . . . fluff+angst (deadly combination)
WARNINGS . . . none i'm pretty sure!
WORD COUNT . . . 777 (wow shorter than i expected!)
NOTES . . . here we go with junhyeon!! haha, can't tell if this is supposed to be sad or cute but you can decide that for yourself
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dear kum junhyeon,
it's been a while, it has. i like to think that i'm a consistent person, but the last time we talked was almost three months ago, and i just wanna check up on you! i hope your okay, how's the performance art major going? i know your passing with no issue, you've always been insanely talented, i have no doubt that your the star student, especially with how much of a lovable person you are.
i hope you haven't forgotten me, because i haven't forgotten you. i know you've responded to my letters, all of them, but it's been three months, and even though this might make me sound like a clingy bitch, i assume you'd forget me already, because.. i just don't really think i'm memorable. i also just wouldn't be surprised if you forgot me at all, because your busy and having fun, i wish i could be there with you, but the world really just hates my guts.
if your interested, art has been going well. my teachers have told me that my paintings are so good that they could get accepted into an art museum someday, you told me that once, remember? when we were twelve and you saw my painting of that house by the lake, you told me i was gonna become the next 'da vinci', which resulted in me punching you in the shoulder.
i dislike thinking about the fact that we haven't talked for the past few months. i constantly check my phone and frown when i see no notifications from you. did you know, the picture i chose for you is the one from your twelfth birthday, when i put icing on your noise. you always said that photo was embarrassing, but you looked cute, even though you would always vehemently deny that.
it's difficult these days, you know student loans and all, but thinking about you always seems to help me forget about all the horrible stuff going on in my life (you better not call me cringey in the return letter), because.. i don't know, i just like thinking about you for some reason. years ago, i could have never imagined myself saying that, but now, it's kind of hard to go on without you, if you get what i mean.
i could never imagine my life without you years ago..
i hate writing like this, because.. well— i sound stupid when i write about stuff like this. sometimes, i wish i could have convinced my parents to not move me to new york for college, but then again, i am "successful" now, so i guess in the end it all amounted to something. of course, i still have a long way to go, i'm only nineteen, there's still so much for me to do and accomplish, but it's disappointing to think i have done this all without you by my side.
i still have that painting you made me, your a really talented artist, i can't believe you called it "just a small hobby for when i'm bored", when you've made some better paintings than me, and that's saying something. i miss you, like a lot, junhyeon, writing my feelings on paper makes me feel stupid, because expressing myself through writing has always been difficult for me to do, as i've told you before.
i know what we have has always been a little complicated, our feelings are mutual are they not? i'd like to think i'm right in this instance, hopefully, because it would be super embarrassing if i was wrong, but at the same time, how long will it be until we see each other again? how long will it be until i actually get to see you face to face and tell you how i feel all over again?
this is getting kinda depressing, sorry, i just— i really miss you a lot okay? this may come off as desperate and stupid, but honestly, it gets kinda difficult knowing your all the way across the ocean and i could be right there with you if the circumstances were different, but alas, not everything is gonna be in my favor, i realize that now.
anyway, kum junhyeon! it'll be nice to catch up much more personally sometimes, if we ever get the chance to see each other in person once again, which is probably highly unlikely but hey! we all need to have at least a little bit of hope.
of course, make sure to take care of yourself, love, stay hydrated, and get a full eight hours of sleep everyday, i'll talk to you again soon :).
xoxo,♡ y/n
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fallen-gravity · 1 year
ghosts of their hometowns
I've had to leave behind a lot of friends // Let's make a promise. Whenever we drink this soda, we'll think of each other. That way, I'll never forget you, and you'll never forget me
Molly recalls something from a past hometown, and gets caught up in her own head about it.
Scratch comes forward to tell her that he remembered something, too.
Call it intuition, call it instinct, call it something else entirely, but when Molly feels the sudden need to dig through her phone’s calendar history, she’s not gonna sit around and ignore it. She just has this feeling that there’s something she’s supposed to do today, or at the very least, that there’s something she used to do on this day every year when she was younger, but she can’t quite place what it is off the top of her head. 
Ever since the Great Soda Height of Two Days Ago, Molly hasn’t been able to stop thinking about the past. She knows there’s only so much a person can remember over the course of a lifetime, but ever since Scratch said he couldn’t remember anything from his life, she’s found herself incredibly self-conscious about the things she does and doesn’t remember, and she’s even gone as far as almost looking through her Box of Sadness for things she made herself forget. She’d already told Scratch she’d be there for him no matter what he remembered, so she figured that she should at least extend that sort of kindness to herself, right??
But…no, she knows that’s never a good idea in the long run, and for all she knows there could be sobgoblins around every corner just waiting for her to open it so they can swoop in and sap her of her joy. Yeah. That’s definitely why she’s avoiding it. For safety. 
At least this time she’s just checking her phone, so she doesn’t even have to think about that stupid box. Still, she’s grateful that from an outsider’s perspective it just looks like she’s scrolling through her social media feed, because Molly knows for a fact if any of her family members come by to ask her what she’s up to that she’s just gonna wanna hide under the covers and pretend that nothing’s happening. She scrolls past hundreds of past events she’d logged in her calendar, most of them from her past year in Brighton alone, until she finally reaches an event marked “MOVING DAY” with a broken heart emoji on each side of the alert message. 
Bingo. All she needs now is to scroll back a few days, and then she can finally put this behind her once and for-
That’s what today is.
It’s her old best friend’s birthday.
Molly’s closest friend in the whole world, from the town she’d lived in before her family moved to Brighton. 
From the town her parents were certain was gonna be the last time they moved.
Her best friend, whom after hearing that Molly had to move again, promised that she’d text every day. 
Her best friend, whom Molly hasn’t heard a single word from in ten months. 
Well, now Molly almost wishes she hadn’t checked her phone at all. If there was a metaphorical way to pull that memory right out of her ear and shove it into her Box of Sadness never to be seen again, she’d be doing that right now.
She sighs, and places her phone down on her nightstand face down so she doesn’t have to look at it anymore.
Ugh, Scratch is so lucky he doesn’t have to remember any of that junk. He’d probably be glaring daggers into her for even entertaining the thought, but anything would be better than being hit with all of these complicated feelings on a sunny Sunday afternoon.
As if on cue, like just thinking about him somehow reactivated the curse that brought them together, the hatch door to Molly’s room swings open as soon as that thought leaves her head, and Scratch cautiously comes floating into the room. She’s about to question why he didn’t bother floating up through the ceiling below like he normally does, but then she notices that he’s holding a bottle close to his chest like he’s petrified of anything happening to it.
“Scratch?” Molly sits up straighter, and he startles at the sound of his name, yanking the bottle away from her general direction like he’s afraid she’s going to take it away from him.
Molly frowns. Ever since they went and found that bottle for him, Scratch has been acting…off. He told her that it didn’t trigger any memories, and she doesn’t want to pry, but it makes her so sad, because it’s not hard to tell that there’s something he’s not telling her. He’s jumpier, more reclusive than usual, and any time Molly or anyone else around him mentions any kind of soda in passing conversations, he flinches.
Oh corn, it didn’t remind him of something triggering, did it? Molly would feel awful if she forced him to remember something deeply upsetting to him, and even more so if it made him never want to touch his favorite drink ever again. All she wanted to do was help, but it’s becoming evidently clearer and clearer that she should just stay out of his business altogether. She doesn’t want to, but if all she’s ever gonna do is make things worse, then maybe it’s for the best just to leave things be. 
“Scratch?” she tries again, quieter this time, just to make it clear she’s not trying to pry. He doesn’t seem entirely lost in his head anymore, which is a good sign, but she’s still worried about the way he cautiously places the bottle down by his dollhouse before approaching her. 
“Somethin’ on your mind?” he asks as he plops down on her nightstand, tilting his head ever so slightly to one side like he’s trying to get a good read of her expression. It seems like he’s in okay spirits, but Molly’s no stranger to faking a smile and moving on with her day. She brings her knees to her chest and gives herself a hug before she continues. 
“I’m…really sorry about the other day,” she sighs. “I really wasn’t trying to make you upset or anything. I just thought, you know, I have all these happy memories of my past from silly little triggers, and I thought it’d make you happy if you had some of those too, ‘cause you’re always saying you don’t know who you’re supposed to be, but…” She drops her head in shame. “I feel like the only thing I’ve done was make you feel worse. I know you said you didn’t remember anything, and I don’t wanna force you to talk about something that makes you so upset, but…you’ve been acting so weird. Like, I get that you were scared to find out about your past before you had that soda in your hand, but even now…you’re so jumpy and avoidant that it has me thinking that you…haven’t been completely honest with me.” 
Out of the corner of her eyes she can see Scratch’s eyes widen, and she waves a quick, dismissive hand in the air before he can start spiraling again. “...not that I’m upset at you! If you really don’t want to talk about it you don’t have to, but…if you did remember something, and it was really upsetting, I just…wanted to apologize.” 
A deafening silence falls. For a few moments there’s no reply, not even the sound of an indignant snort or a hum of quiet acceptance. And it’s not like Molly was expecting a lengthy reply, but…she was still accepting something. And she’s about to accept his non-response as a response and move on, but a cold hand on her shoulder pulls her from her thoughts. 
She looks, and Scratch has the most complicated expression on his face that she’s ever seen on anyone. Is he tired? Sad? Relieved? Happy she apologized? Molly’s not entirely sure.
“That’s, uh…actually what I came looking for you to talk about.”
It is?
“It is?” Molly’s posture perks up, but tries to contain herself in case he’s coming to her with bad news. 
“Yeah,” Scratch rubs awkwardly at the back of his head. “And, well, you’re right about one thing and wrong about another.” 
“Wazzat?” Molly tilts her own head to the side, which makes Scratch laugh so quietly Molly almost doesn’t even hear it.
“I haven’t been honest with you about not remembering anything,” he crosses his arms and glares at her, “but it’s not something you should be apologizing for.” 
“What do you mean?”
“I mean-” Scratch pinches at his temples like he’s got a headache, “It’s not your fault or anything, you know? You didn’t know what was gonna happen if you went and found that soda for me. For all you know, it was probably just gonna be a one-and-done thing, right?”
“Well, yeah, but…” Molly adjusts her position so she’s facing him more head-on. “I still don’t see why I wouldn’t have to apologize if whatever you remembered was so terrible it’s got you flinching every time we talk about picking up soda from the store.”
“Because I didn’t remember a terrible memory,” Scratch says so matter-of-factly it catches Molly off-guard, “Or, well, not terrible in the way that you’re probably thinking.”
“No?” Molly asks, trying her best to ignore the fact that she can feel her heartbeat getting faster and faster the longer this conversation goes on. “How so?”
“Well…I remembered someone, for one thing” 
Molly’s so surprised by the revelation that she slams both of her hands down onto her nightstand. “You did?” she squeals, loud enough that it echoes around the whole room. “Who? How?” 
Although Scratch laughs at the sudden shift in her enthusiasm, it’s not long before his metaphorical shoulders are drooping and he’s taking another seat on Molly’s nightstand. “That’s…the thing. I don’t know.” 
“Oh, Scratch…” Molly tries to reach out and place a comforting hand on his shoulder, but he unknowingly moves away from the gesture before she can.
“I know she was really important to me, but I just…I can’t place a name, and I only remember one little conversation, but…” he looks at his hands. “Nothing else is coming up. I’ve tried taking more sips of the stuff to try and help me remember more,” Scratch gestures to the soda bottle across the room, “but nothing else is coming up, and I’ve been afraid of drinking the whole thing because once it’s gone it’s gone forever, and that’s the only lead I’ve gotten in my entire afterlife, you know?” He rubs at his temples again, squeezing his eyes shut, but then he lets out a sigh. 
“Anyway…” he waves that thought off with a wave of a hand, like he already knows thinking about that too much is gonna cause him to spiral in a different way entirely. “I don’t even remember what I looked like, if you could believe it, but I remember her. I think she was about…eleven, twelve? So I must’ve been around that age too, but…” he trails off, like he wants to add more, but he doesn’t seem like he has the right words to articulate what he wants to say.
“Awww, you remembered a childhood friend?” Molly coos. “That’s so sweet!! What’s so terrible about that? I know you said you couldn’t remember her name, but what’s stopping us from looking for her once you do? She’s gotta be somewhere in Brighton, right?” she happily kicks against the side of her bed, “I could even ask Ollie if he knows how to access the list of resident names over at Brighton Retirement Castle to see if we can find a lead there, and even if she’s only got relatives or friends there, we could ask them if they know where she-” 
“That’s the problem,” Scratch interrupts, crashing her train of thought right into a brick wall. “Look, kid, I really appreciate the enthusiasm, but you could look under every pebble in Brighton and you’re not gonna be able to find her. Yeah, I’m happy that I remembered someone important to me, and yeah, it’s a sweet sentiment, but…” Scratch sighs. “The only conversation I remember having with her is when she was getting into a moving van. Even if…by some miracle that she returned…” he shakes his head in defeat, “I doubt there’s any trace of her anywhere in town. Not even one you or mister research specialist across the street could find, no matter how hard you look”
“Scratch…” Molly frowns. “I’m so sorry…”
Despite the fact that he is decidedly not okay, he still finds the opportunity to glare at her teasingly. “What did I just say about apologizing?” He jabs a finger in Molly’s direction, but the goofy look on his face is gone just as quickly as it had arrived. “Anyways,” he clears his throat again, “It got me thinking, you know? Because the only reason I even remembered watching her drive away at all is because we had this secret pact, you know? That every time either of us drank a Surly Sid’s we’d remember each other. And okay, maybe it worked because I did remember her this time, but…” it doesn’t take a lot for Molly to notice that his hands are starting to tremble, “what about all that time after that? All the years that probably passed since the last time I saw her, all the time I spent as a ghost wondering who I was supposed to be, all the time I spent feeling like I didn’t matter to anyone? What happened then? Is the world so cruel to me that it made me forget who could’ve been the only person who ever cared about me? And even if she wasn’t, and I had a whole bunch of people who cared about me, why don’t I remember them? Is there something else I have to do to remember them? Did they move away too? Did I forget them on pur-”
“Scratch,” Molly grabs him firmly by the shoulders to cut him off, because at this point he’s trembling so hard his ectoplasm is looking closer to a pot of boiling water. “It’s okay” 
“It’s not okay!” he exclaims, but his ectoplasm seems to be returning to its normal shape and texture. Good. That’s a sign he’s trying to ground himself, at the very least. “I forgot someone who cared about me! After I made a promise that I wouldn’t!” He’s not crying, not yet, but it’s not hard to see that he could start if he were pushed just a little further over the edge. “She counted on me and I let her down.” He’s returning to shutting himself in, slowly and subtly shrinking in size as he continues. “I’m such a bad friend. No wonder so many people think I’m the-”
Molly quite literally snatches Scratch up in her hands before he can finish that sentence. He’s small enough at this point to fit into the palm of her hands, and Molly’s not sure whether to take it as a good sign or a bad sign that he’s not struggling to escape.
“Scratch…” she opens her closed palms to look him in the eyes. “Do you think that forgetting about your promise makes you a bad friend?” 
He doesn’t reply with words, but after a short pause he silently nods his head. 
“Do you think that forgetting about your friend makes you a bad friend?”
He nods his head.
“Even though you made the promise to never forget her a few decades ago?”
He nods his head one more time, but he raises a tiny eyebrow at the question, which has Molly suppressing giggles. 
“Scratch, are you kidding? Of course that doesn’t make you a bad friend!”
“It doesn’t?” He replies, sounding genuinely surprised, and Molly drops her hands to her side as he returns to his normal size.
“Of course not!” Molly offers him her best smile. “You said you don’t remember anything else about her because she moved away, didn’t you?” She places a hand to her chest. “As the friend who’s been on the receiving end of that more times than I can count, I hereby Molly McGee guarantee that I can speak on behalf of your old friend and promise that forgetting doesn’t make you a bad friend.” 
And okay, yeah, maybe she’s saying these things to comfort herself, too, because she gets it. She’s always been the friend who was only around for a scarce amount of time. She was always the friend who made promises to keep in contact, and she was always the friend who found herself staring at a blank inbox on her phone after little more than a month. Sometimes her old friends were the ones who dropped out of contact, and sometimes it was her, too busy unpacking and readjusting to new schools that it slipped her mind entirely. And in those times when it was her, Molly often found herself dealing with all these anxious thoughts; has it been too long to reach back out? Do they even want to talk to me anymore? Would they be mad at me for taking too long to get back? And all worrying ever did was prevent her from reaching out at all, and because she rarely saw any of them take the initiative to message her first, she’d always jumped to the assumption that they really didn’t want to hear from her again, and that they really were better off without her.
But those times she did find the bravery to reach out first? All she was ever met was with intense kindness. Key-smashes, dozens of messages containing nothing but heart emojis, and in a few rare circumstances, even a phone call from said friend sounding like they were sobbing from how happy they were to hear from her. People are inherently good and kind, and even though Molly knows Scratch doesn’t share her optimistic view of the world, she knows that deep down he believes that there are good people out there in their world.
He sure seems to think that way about her.
 “Look,” Molly starts. “You’re probably gonna think this is just good ol’ Molly ‘Optimism’ McGee talking,” she pats herself on the chest, “but I promise you that forgetting about someone is never gonna make you a bad friend. It’s like Libby said. People grow up and people move away. Stuff happens sometimes.” She shrugs to look casual, but she can’t help the beaming smile from spreading across her face. “Moving away doesn’t make you a bad person and losing touch with a friend who moved away doesn’t make you a bad person. But do you wanna know what makes someone a good friend?” 
“Keeping your promises.” 
Scratch looks baffled. “I thought I made it pretty clear that I forgot about that promise.” 
“Very true, my good Scratch, but I never said that forgetting about a promise and breaking a promise were the same thing.”
Scratch visibly opens his mouth to respond, but closes it just as quickly. “I don’t follow.” 
“I mean…you said that you made a promise to remember each other every time you drank that soda, right? And ‘cause I’m assuming Surly Sid’s was discontinued while you were still alive, you didn’t get to drink too much of it after that! So if this is the first time you’ve been able to drink it since it got discontinued, and you still thought of her after you drank it, doesn’t that mean you still kept your promise to remember her?” 
Scratch opens his mouth again, raising a finger presumably to point out that actually, here’s the thing, but all at once his hand drops to the ground with a comedic splat, and the only way Molly could possibly describe the look on Scratch’s face is bug-eyed. 
“....Oh.” is the only word he can manage, and it’s little more than a whisper of hushed awe. 
Molly laughs at that, and grabs him and pulls him to her side so he can’t get lost in his head again. “Y’see? You’re not a bad friend. You defied the odds of life and death for her, my guy; I think that makes you a fantastic friend.”
She can tell that Scratch still isn’t really feeling up for words, so she appreciates it more than she can possibly express when he tips over to lean on her and mumble a quiet thanks. 
“And I know this doesn’t help too much with remembering your friend’s name or any of that, but, for what it’s worth…” she waits for Scratch to look her in the eyes before continuing, “I promise that I’ll never forget you.”
Scratch laughs at that, and reaches an arm up to pat her gently on the head. “You too, McGee. I promise I’ll never forget you, either.” 
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cowboylikedean · 9 months
the nicest thing that happened to you this year?
The nicest thing that happened to me this year…………�� Wow, that’s a long story. 
The short of it is… I fell in love. I started the year with one partner, and I end the year with 2. 
The longer version is really sweet. See… Years ago, I had this friend. He was everything to me… like really… My whole world in a person. I loved him so so SOOOO so sO much. We lived together on and off for four years from 2014-2018. About halfway through that time, I caught some feelings. Not crazy feelings, but I did want a QPP with him. Basically, I wanted exactly the relationship we already had but with commitment and labels. I never told him. Well, I have now…. lol But I never told him back then. 
Anyway, there’s a long story that you’d have to come off anon to hear, but basically, he ended up in a relationship with someone who was, by his own admission, not a nice person. This guy sucked. Awful person who honestly, I’d rather not speak of publicly.. Anyway the two of them left town and when they did, that awful guy wrote a really long mean post about me which my friend liked. 
This broke my heart into a billion pieces. For the next 5 years, I cried and pined. I missed my friend. He was a part of my heart I knew I’d never get back. 
Until I did. The day after my birthday, this friend apologized to me. The greatest birthday present of all time! And then he told me he moved back to town!!! Even better!!!! We hung out, and instantly we were us again. 
So I got my friend back!! Except this came with all the feelings I had before. But this time, something was different. They were stronger, for starters.. and then the scariest thing is I thought they might be……… returned. So in the month of September, I went back and forth in my head about telling him and what to do about the fact that like….. I really wanted to be his partner, and I was pretty sure that he wanted to be mine. That the relationship structure I had in my head would be welcome. 
And then October happened. We saw the Eras movie together on October 13, and something clicked. And I’ll leave personal details out because honestly, they’re not for public consumption… But essentially, we spent the month of October evolving our relationship. We went from friends, to an undefined queerplatonic thing… in November, we added definition. We confirmed this had become a partnership, then we did labels… and somewhere in there the unthinkable happened and I, romance repulsed aromantic extraordinaire, ended up with romantic feelings. We dropped the platonic part of our labels. 
And so the nicest thing that happened to me this year is that I ended up in the first truly fulfilling romantic relationship of my life with someone I spent the last 5 years missing with my whole soul. And that's the guy I've been callling sweetheart the past few months!! What a joy, right???
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