#the family side and the tamed sharks side
just-some-user-hunny · 2 months
Bastard readers dynamic in the family...
(Implied yandere targarians, heavily implied fem!reader)
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With Daemon, it's full of one-sided hostility and fire. Ever since he took you from your little home, with your little bed of warm scrapped fur and the comforting presence of your mother, he's been the monster. The monster that snatched you away. His abduction seemed very... Him, to begin with. Spontaneous, mad, rebellious. But something in him drove him to take you. His blood, his dragonfire. Aegon may allow his little silver haired bastards to roam and survive on scraps, but Daemon is too proud of his blood to do so. You are his. His daughter. Your rebellion and fight against him does deal him pain, but it also drives him further. You may deny it as much as you like, but you are his little mirror. His reflection of spitting fire and anger. From a teary eyed toddler stomping their foot, to a mirthful teenager with poison in their eyes- it matters to him. His little dragon.
And since dragons share their emotions with their riders, these controlling and obsessive feelings do not limit to only Daemon. Ceraxes is an extension of your father, another pair of eyes and a tongue of fire that always hovers and opresses you. As a little child, Daemon often took you to ride dragon back upon the blood wyrm- a form of bonding as he liked to put it. Ceraxes would chirp and fixate on you, his mirthful grin wide like a shark as he stares at you. He purrs and growls in your presence, seeing you as a precious extension of his rider. His little human. He's very protective of you, but also very controlling. You step a foot out of line and he's hovering over you like a frightening serpent. There's no fire in his throat, but his frightening teeth glint in warning.
Rhaenyra adores you. You'll be the daughter she never had, and although at first she was furious to see her husband return with a screaming kicking bastard child in his arms, it didn't take her long to fall in love with you.
Although she adores her sweet boys, a small discreet part of her yearned for a precious little daughter of her own. A little girl to dress and adore and spoil, to give her everything. Rhaenary is a warm and loving person towards you, often placating your little sobs and warbled pouts with taking you in her arms and hushing you with soft loving words. Everything is alright, you're ok. If she's not soothing you with motherly words, then she's showering you in gifts of dragon glass figures and dresses. She herself adores her jewels and gowns, so she sees it only fitting that you too get the same luxurious treatment.
Syrax is doting and sweet to you, just like her rider. You're the only other person besides Rhaenary who may touch her. The golden dragon would preen and coo at you whenever you are within her line of sight, bowing her head low for affection. She purrs and coos, huffing hot dragon breath into your face to make you smile- even just a little. She allows you to touch the rough scales on her face, her own smile almost matching the warmth of your stepmother.
Dragon Rides with rhaenary are always more tolerable- the days are always warm and tame, blue skies and her wings riding upon blossoming clouds of gold and lavender. Rhaenary holds you close to her, a buckled harness added to her saddle especially for you.
Viserys is old and soft, and although his presence has always remained as the silvery old willowed man who sits upon the frightening throne made of jagged blades and glinting metal, he has always been passive with you. As your uncle, and the king, hes always handled you with a soft yet dismissive hand. He may not always acknowledge you that often, but when he does, it's always pleasant and filled with ramblings of creative art mediums and whatnot. If you were to ever show interest in his built figures and constructions, he'd be delighted. He may be your first influence into creative outlets- either it be through painting,embroidery, calligraphy, or to his hopes, figure making. Despite your bastard heritage, he's rather accepting of you. His brother is wild and untamed, always off doing something peculiar and explosive- you are the least destructive thing he's created by far. You are also a source of joy for his daughter, Rhaenary, so he cannot be too harsh upon you living in DragonStone.
Balarion is long gone, his monstrously large skull glinting in golden candlelight within the cold stone walls. But viserys often ponder over your fascination with the war dragons remains, and you may get an earful of old stories that sang their songs long ago. Aegon the conqueror... The black dread with midnight flame... Bringing kingdoms to their knees or reduced to piles of ash. Your heritage is a painful one, dear, but it is powerful. You have the blood of Aegon the conqueror in your veins. You have the blood of the dragon. Be proud of it, for you have no choice.
Jacaerys and Lucerys, despite being shocked and confused by your arrival- like any wide eyed little children, grew to love you. They watched with their dark eyes as Prince Daemon returned with a shrieking and sobbing little girl, clutching the skirts of their mother and whispering little words or confusion and curiosity. Who's that? Where's her mummy?
Even when they are made aware of your bastard heritage, they still love you. Jace will often murmur words of encouragement to you when he sees you look upset or down about something, and Luce will happily take you by the hand and lead you off to read and teach you high valarian. You're off-putting at first, still upset with your new living situation. Because they're not your brother's, you don't know them! Your brothers are back at your house, probably still wailing for your return. As a child you were probably filled with stubbornness, often attempting to stray from their sights, hoping to sever any form of connection before it can begin- both from rebellion, but also from fear of betraying your own little siblings. But these boys are stubborn too, and want to do things with you like any brother would. They want you to read to them. To watch them train, to practice languages and swordsmanship, to watch them ride their dragons and impress you with dragonfire and daring swoops. To them, you're their sister. Just please- give them a chance?
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I'll probably get more Cannibal stuff out, but I thought the dynamic of bastard reader within the family would be interesting. I don't often see people expanding on the relationships one would have with their forced families dragons either, considering the dragons are very emotionally connected with their riders, I thought it'd be interesting to expand on this idea!
Also I may do more with team green, but I'm still figuring out what kind of relationships the reader would have with them. I'm definitely making bastard reader close friends with Helaena, she's honestly the chillest person in that whole family 😅
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joelmillerisapunk · 8 months
I'll never stop makin' you feel this good
bfd!joel miller x f!reader
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↳ wordcount: 3,795
↳ summary: After returning to your hometown, you reconnect with your childhood friend Sarah and her father Joel, a retired firefighter. As you spend time with him, you can't deny the spark between you, and soon you find yourself on a date with Joel, where things quickly heat up and the chemistry between you becomes impossible to ignore.
↳ a dom!daddy date
↳ warnings: 18+, dom!Joel, implied age gap, light spanking, fingering, light male masterbation, public stuff? But nothing too wild.
↳ notes: my favorite line became the title since I couldn't find a song I liked. Ty @saradika-graphics as always for the dividers 💓 and tysm for the love and support on all my fics so far. As a brand new writer its been so incredibly validating. I've gained so many amazing followers, moots, and friends in the like two weeks I've been here. I LOVE YOU ❤️
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After being away for several years to pursue your dreams of becoming a marine biologist, you return to your hometown to visit your family and your childhood friend Sarah Miller and her father Joel, a retired firefighter. Sarah was like a sister to you growing up, and you were excited to catch up with her and see how much she had grown.
As you walk up to the Miller's house, you can't help but feel a little nostalgic. You and Sarah used to play in the front yard for hours, pretending to be superheroes and exploring the neighborhood.
Joel greets you with a warm smile as he opens the door. "Howdy kiddo. Missed seein’ ya around," he says, extending his hand for a friendly handshake. And as your hand meets his, he takes in your appearance, he can't help but notice how much you've grown up, how much more mature you've become. He quickly clears his throat, trying to tame his thoughts.
You grin and shake his hand. "Hey, Mr. Miller. It's good to be back," you reply, trying to hide your nervousness.
"Mr. Miller makes me sound old. Just call me Joel,” he says, chuckling.
You giggle, "alright Joel it is."
Joel nods and stands straight. "Well, kiddo, how've you been? You look good."
"I've been really good, Mr. Miller - uh Joel. College is going well," you reply, feeling a little more at ease.
"College, huh? And what do you wanna be when you grow up?" Joel asks.
You giggle. “I'm not exactly five anymore, but I'm going to school to be a marine biologist," you say, your eyes sparkling with excitement.
Joel's face lights up in surprise. "Marine biologist... that's gotta be one dangerous job. You know, I saw a show on Netflix once about shark attacks. I thought a pretty thing like you shouldn't be near those monsters, they'll eat'cha whole."
You chuckle, "Yeah, they're quite terrifying, but I might have learned a thing or two in school.” You wink playfully.
“And just what do you learn about shark attacks in marine biology school?” Joel asks, skeptical.
You smile. “ Don't worry, I'll make sure to keep my professors in the loop," you reply, trying to keep a straight face.
Joel can't help but smirk, “alright darlin’, and moves to the side to let you inside.
After a few hours of catching up and reminiscing about old times with Sarah, it's time for you to leave. But just as you're about to head out the door, Joel stops you. "Uh hey, listen, could I interest you in dinner sometime? I know a good steakhouse nearby. I think we could have a good time and catch up," he says, with a hopeful expression on his face.
Caught off guard, you're unsure if he's asking you on a date, but it feels innocent enough, so you agree. "Yah, that'd be nice, Joel," you say, trying to keep a straight face. Secretly hoping it was intended for more.
"Great! I'll pick you up at eight, okay? Here, I'll text you the name of the place, and you can look it up if you'd like," Joel says, as he hands you his phone with the contact app already open.
You take his phone and place your number in it.
"Thanks, kiddo. Hey, you okay? You look a little anxious for a steak dinner," Joel says, noticing your nervousness.
"Not at all, looking forward to it," you reply, with a confident smile. You place a hand gently on his arm, feeling a warmth radiate between you two.
Joel smiles and says, "Alright, kiddo. I'll see you later, then."
"See ya later, Joel," you say, as you walk out the door, feeling a sense of excitement and anticipation for your dinner date with Joel.
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You're excited as you wait for Joel to pick you up for your dinner date. When he arrives, he knocks at your door, and when you open it, he says, "You ready to eat some steak, kiddo?"
You open the door, ready as ever. “Joel, you don't have to keep calling me kiddo. I'm not a child anymore.”
“Alright, darlin’, let's get going, then.” He holds out his hand, and you take it. When you get to his car, he opens the car door for you. You hurry in, eager to spend time with Joel.
“There's some great steak at this restaurant. You'll love the atmosphere there, it's a classy place. The staff is professional, not chatty, and very good customer service.” He smiles as he puts his car in gear and starts driving”
You smile and look forward as he drives. “I can't wait.”
When you arrive, he gets out and opens the door for you, then locks up his car. “Ladies first. That's how me and your old man were raised.” He laughs as you walk toward the restaurant.
You chuckle, “such a gentleman.” You get to a big glass door, a maitre d' greets you and seats you in a booth at a table for two. “Doesn't look too crowded tonight.” He takes off his jacket and hangs it on the back of his chair.
You take your coat off as well, revealing a very fitted dress. “It's beautiful, Joel.”
He looks at you and smiles, staring at you for a second “You look beautiful, very nice dress. You're much more grown up now than the last time I saw you.”
You feel yourself getting warm as you sit down, “thanks, you're not too bad yourself.” You manage to wink at Joel.
He laughs, “I'm sure you've got a lotta boys chasin’ you.” He pauses for a moment, eyeing you up and down before he continues, “that dress sure does suit you darlin’.” He grins mischievously.
You giggle, “well not exactly the boys I want to be chasing me.” You grin at him playfully. “I'm glad you like it, I just got it, actually.”
“Oh? And who exactly are you hoping to chase you.”
“I dunno, someone a little older, strong, I'm tired of boys.” You look into his eyes. “A real man who knows how to take care of a woman.”
He grins, leaning in a bit “So, you like a dominant man, huh? Would you say I fit the bill?”
You're a little surprised by Joel's straightforwardness but lean in closer, testing the waters a bit. “Well, I'm not so sure just how dominant you are, Mr. Miller, I might need you to show me.” You wink, biting your bottom lip.
He leans in even closer across the table and whispers in your ear. “Don't talk like that, or you're gonna get me all riled up. A girl like you should be careful about what you say.”
You whisper breathily in his ear, "I like a little danger.”
His eyes widen, shocked that you would say something so…naughty. “Are you tryin’ to get me to do something at the dinner table?” He says in a hushed tone. “Don't tempt me, baby.”
“Yes, sir.” You sit back and wink at him, liking his authoritative behavior but still feeling a bit defiant. You run your foot up his leg till it hits his thigh, your gaze locked onto his eyes.
He grins, placing his hand on your leg, slowly moving it up your dress, “You're playing with fire, darlin’.” His hand slowly makes its way up your leg, and you can feel the heat building between your legs.
You look into his eyes and challenge him, "Hmm, well, what exactly would you do with a girl like me?"
Joel's hand is now resting on your inner thigh, and you can feel his fingers lightly tracing circles on your skin. He leans in closer to you, "I think you already know what I'd do to you." You feel a shiver run down your spine.
The waiter comes to your table and asks if everything is alright, but you barely register his presence. All you can focus on is the feeling of Joel's hand on your thigh and the way his eyes are burning into yours. Joel leans back in his chair and sips his wine, never taking his eyes off of you. You can feel your heart racing as you stare back at him, wondering what he's going to do next.
The waiter brings your wine that Joel ordered, and you take a sip, feeling the warmth spread through your body. Joel's hand is still on your thigh, and you can feel him slowly sliding it up higher and higher.
"I love the way you breathe when I touch you. Makes me feel all-powerful." Joel's voice is filled with desire, and you can't help but feel the same way.
You look at him, challenging him, "You think you can tame me, Mr. Miller?"
Joel grins, "I don't like the word tame. I prefer the word... break. If I'm gonna take charge, I'm gonna take it completely, and this dress of yours ain't survivin' the night."
Your heart is pounding in your chest as Joel's hand reaches the top of your thigh. You can feel his fingers lightly grazing your wet panties, and you gasp at the sensation. "Think you can handle this old cowboy darlin’?" Joel's voice is low and dangerous, and you can feel yourself getting lost in his eyes.
You nod, unable to speak, as Joel's fingers start to move in slow circles over your clit. You can feel yourself getting closer and closer to the edge, and you moan softly as Joel's fingers quicken their pace. Suddenly, Joel pulls his hand away, leaving you wanting more. He stands up, offering to help you up as well. "You really think I’d let a pretty thing like you come in public? Come on, it’s time for us to eat in private."
You follow Joel out of the restaurant, feeling dizzy with lust. You can barely believe what just happened. As you walk to Joel's car, you can feel his hand on the small of your back, guiding you towards his black Mustang. You slide into the passenger seat, feeling like the luckiest girl in the world. Joel starts the car, and you take off towards Joel's place.
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You feel so innocent and young next to Joel, but you love the feeling. You follow him through his house until you reach a small room with a couch, a TV on one side, and a fireplace on the other. Joel pours you a glass of wine and hands it to you, his eyes never leaving yours. You take a sip, feeling the warmth spread through your body.
He goes back to the kitchen to just grab the entire bottle. You make your way around, looking at all his stuff. You pick up a small carving, accidentally dropping it on the floor and bending over to pick it up, but your dress doesn't fully cover you. Joel walks back at the perfect time and can see everything, but you don't notice, so he's quiet and sets the bottle down before moving toward you.
"Oh, I like this little maneuver of yours,” Joel's voice is low and gravelly as he takes in the sight of you bent over, your dress riding up to reveal your lacy underwear. He steps closer to you, his hand tracing a path between your legs, stopping just shy of your center. "I like it a lot," he growls, his breath hot on your neck.
You gasp as you feel his fingers brush against your sensitive skin, sending a jolt of pleasure through your body. You're unable to resist the urge to push back against him, wanting more of his touch. Joel takes advantage of your position, his fingers slipping beneath your underwear as he explores your wet folds. You moan softly, your head falling back as he teases you with his touch.
"So, so wet for me," Joel murmurs in your ear, his fingers moving in slow, deliberate circles. "I can feel how much you want me.” You can't deny it - you want him more than you've ever wanted anyone before. You push back against him, trying to get him to give you more. Joel chuckles, his fingers stilling for a moment before he gives you what you want. He plunges two fingers deep inside you, his thumb rubbing slow circles over your clit. You cry out in pleasure, your body trembling as he brings you closer and closer to the edge. But just as you're about to come, Joel pulls away, leaving you wanting. You turn to look at him, your eyes pleading for more.
He grins wickedly, his eyes glinting with mischief. "Not yet, darlin’ hold on for me.” Joel stands up, walking over to the fireplace and stoking the flames. You can't take your eyes off of him, watching as he moves with a confidence and authority that makes your heart race.
He turns back to you, his eyes blazing with desire. "Take off your dress. I want to see you." You hesitate for a moment, but the look in Joel's eyes tells you that he's not going to take no for an answer. You stand up straight, reaching behind you to unzip your dress. As the dress falls to the ground, you stand before Joel in nothing but your underwear. He lets out a low whistle, his eyes taking in every inch of your body. "Fuck, you're beautiful," he growls, his eyes dark with desire.
You feel a shiver run down your spine as Joel's eyes roam over your body. You've never felt so vulnerable, so exposed - and yet so wanted. Joel reaches down, adjusting himself as he stares at you. "Take off your underwear, too. I want to see all of you."
You nod, your hands shaking as you slip your underwear down your legs. You step out of them, standing before Joel completely naked. He lets out a low groan, his eyes devouring every inch of your body. Joel reaches down, pulling his cock out of his jeans and boxers. He starts stroking himself, his eyes never leaving yours. "Watch me darlin’. Watch as I stroke my cock, thinking about all the things I'm gonna to do to you."
You can't take your eyes off of him as he strokes himself, his hand moving up and down his shaft. You've never seen anything so hot before. You watch as Joel continues to stroke himself, his eyes locked on yours. You can feel your body responding to the sight of him touching himself.
"C'mere darlin," he beckons, patting the space beside him. As you move to sit next to him, his fingers begin to trace a path up your leg, inching closer and closer to your wet center. Once there, his touch becomes more deliberate, circling your clit with a gentle touch that sends shivers down your spine. You can't help but moan softly, your hips bucking up to meet his skilled fingers.
He stops for a moment and with a firm but gentle grip, Joel guides you to turn over, positioning you face down, ass up on the couch, he finds your clit quickly again as his other hand comes down on your ass with a sharp smack, the sound echoing in the small room. The sting of his hand on your skin only serves to heighten your arousal. His hand comes down on your backside once again, the sound of his palm against your skin filling the room. The mixture of pleasure and pain is intoxicating, leaving you breathless and wanting more. Joel smirks, his hand coming down again and again, the pain mixing with pleasure in a way that leaves you dizzy.
"You like that, don't you?" Joel's voice is low and rough, his fingers still moving in slow circles over your clit. "You like it when I take charge, when you don’t have to do anything but what I tell you, no thinkin’ just doin’."
You nod, unable to speak. It's true - you do like it. You like the way Joel makes you feel helpless, his to do with as he pleases. Joel growls, his fingers plunging deep inside you again. This time, he doesn't stop, his hand moving faster and faster as he brings you closer and closer to the edge.
You moan louder, your hips bucking up to meet his hand. Joel's other hand comes down on your ass again, only adding to the pleasure. Finally, Joel's fingers still, his fingers resting deep inside you as you come hard. You cry out, your body trembling as wave after wave of pleasure crashes over you.
Joel pulls his fingers out of you slowly, holding them up to your lips. "Taste yourself. See how sweet you are." You open your mouth, your tongue darting out to taste your own juices. It's unlike anything you've ever tasted before, and you can't get enough.
Joel smirks, his hand moving up to your hair. He grips it tightly, pulling your head back so that you're looking up at him. "You're mine now, and I'll do whatever I want with you." All you can do is whimper in excitment, your heart racing in your chest. You've never felt so alive. Joel releases your hair, his hand moving back down to your thigh. "Good girl," he murmurs, his fingers tracing lazy circles over your skin.
You lean back against the couch, feeling boneless and sated. Joel leans down, his lips brushing against your ear. "I'm going to make you scream, again and again and again."
Joel stands up, his hands moving to the buttons on his own shirt. You watch as he undoes each one, revealing his muscular chest and arms. Your eyes widen as he kicks off his shoes and socks, followed by his pants and boxers. His cock stands at attention, and you can't help but lick your lips in anticipation. Joel's eyes follow your gaze, a smirk crossing his lips. "Like what you see, darlin'?" Joel steps closer to you, his hands reaching out to grab your ass.
Joel lifts you up with ease, his strong arms supporting your weight as your legs wrap around his waist. You can feel the head of his cock lightly brush against you, causing you to gasp at the contact. He takes a moment to look into your eyes, a smoldering gaze that makes your heart race.
With a gentle yet firm grip, he guides his cock to your entrance, teasing you with small thrusts that make you squirm with anticipation. You can feel how wet and ready you are for him, your body begging for more.
Joel then slowly pushes himself into you, filling you up completely. You let out a moan as he bottoms out, his cock buried deep inside you. He pauses for a moment, allowing you to adjust to his size. You can feel the warmth and tension building up inside you, your body responding to his cock sitting inside you.
With ease, Joel carries you upstairs to his bed, never breaking eye contact with you. Once he reaches the bed, he tosses you down onto it, his body following you down. He positions himself at your entrance, teasing you with his cock. "You ready for me, darlin'?"
You nod, your body trembling with anticipation. Joel thrusts inside you, filling you up completely. You cry out in pleasure, your nails digging into his back as he starts to move. His thrusts are hard and fast, each one sending waves of pleasure coursing through your body. Joel's hands are on your hips, holding you in place as he fucks you. "You like that, darlin'? You like it when I fuck you like a dirty little slut?" Joel growls, his fingers digging into your hips. You moan, your body responding to his words. “Tell me how much you like it, darlin'. Tell me how much you love my cock inside you," Joel commands, his fingers tightening around your hips.
"I love it. I love your cock inside me. Please, don't stop," you beg.
Joel smirks, "I'll never stop fucking you, darlin'. I'll never stop making you feel this good." Joel's thrusts become more erratic as he chases his own release, his cock driving deeper into you with each stroke. You can feel yourself getting closer and closer to the edge, your body begging for release.
"Come for me, darlin'. Come all over my cock," Joel growls, his voice deep and raw with desire.
His fingers tighten around your hips, pulling you closer as he pounds into you. You can feel every inch of him, his thick cock stretching you wide as he fucks you hard and fast.
Your body trembles with pleasure, your pussy clenching around him as you feel yourself getting closer and closer to the edge. Joel's thrusts become more urgent, his hips slamming into yours as he chases his own release.
"Fuck, I'm close," he growls, his breath hot against your neck.
You can feel him tensing up, his cock swelling inside you as he gets closer and closer to the edge. Joel's thrusts become more erratic, his hips slamming into yours as he chases his own release.
With a loud groan, Joel stills, his cock buried deep inside you as he comes. You can feel him pulsing inside you, a feeling you never knew you'd love so much. Joel collapses on top of you, his breathing heavy as he pants against your neck.
You wrap your arms around him, feeling more content and satisfied than you ever have before. Joel's cock is still buried deep inside you, and you can feel him softening as he comes down from his high. You moan softly as he slips out of you, your body missing the feeling of him inside you.
Joel rolls over onto his back, his chest heaving as he catches his breath. You can see the satisfied look on his face, and you can't help but smile, your bodies entwined as you lay together.
Joel's cock is still glistening with your juices, and you can't help but reach out and touch him. You wrap your hand around his softening length, feeling him twitch at your touch. "You feel amazing," you murmur, your fingers tracing the veins that run along the length of his cock.
Joel smiles, his hand reaching out to touch your face. "You're amazing," he replies, his voice soft and filled with emotion.
You lay there together, your bodies entwined as you bask in the afterglow of your lovemaking. You feel more connected to Joel than ever before, your bodies and souls intertwined as you lay there in the peaceful silence, content and fulfilled in each other's arms.
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lilyrizzy · 1 year
dystopia au? 👀
Here you go mate, sorry it's not very fleshed out oops
cw: dystopia au so general misery and pain that comes with that, and use of irl an girlfriend as a character that does not reflect my irl opinions of them!
It’s been eight months since Max last saw Daniel.
When it’s been this long, nights on end of going to sleep thinking about him and waking up from dreaming about him, but never seeing him, he worries how much of Daniel is in his head and how much can possibly be true.
On his worst days, he’ll wonder if he’s real at all, if he’s not some figment of Max’s overactive imagination, something created in desperation of a life barely worth living.
It’s happened before; drivers going mad.
It helps when he wedges his fingers down the side of his mattress and gets to run his fingertips across the worn and yellowed edge of the only picture he has of Daniel. To just feel it there. Taking it out is something that he does less, it hurts to see the blinding white of his teeth, shark-like and bared at the camera in a grin. Torn from an old Red Bull Racing programme, it’s not a real photograph. Not like one Max would take himself on a camera that nobody else would get to see.
Then always, the doubt will linger, because in the crowded rooms full of watchful eyes, it goes like-
“Hey good lookin’,” Daniel drawls with a smirk and something in his eye that Max knows better than to believe, but is exactly what Daniel is kept around for.
Max nods, and Daniel’s eyes bounce away from him, to Kelly, and then to the rest of the party. Kelly tugs him away before Max has a chance to say anything back. Not that he could, mouth bound shut. Not that he would know how to open it even without the muzzle, and not let something of the truth slip out. All the things he’d spent the last two hundred or more endless days imagining saying to Daniel.
Like, I missed you.
Max knows he doesn’t look good because that’s what Kelly's father wanted this time. For him to look skinnier at the start of the season, for his eyes to look sunken in. For it to look as though she has complete control over him, has ‘tamed,’ him, because the leash around his fucking neck is not enough. He’d heard the gasp when they first entered the room, when she paraded him right through the center of it.
They circle the party so that enough people see them together, another part of the show. The car Max will drive this season, which Daniel might get to drive a handful of times if he’s lucky, is spinning on a podium, lights beaming down so harshly that they make the paintwork glitter. It used to excite Max, when he had nothing else he cared about. Fingers itching to touch the body of it, one front wing enough to feed his family for a year if sold in the right place, not that it mattered once he’d made it. It was part of the deal of being a driver, that your family ate well.
Now, looking at it makes him tired.
He tries to both catch Daniel’s eye desperately, and to not look at him at all in varying intervals. Every time their eyes do meet, Daniel’s slide away as though there is nothing to see where Max stands, and Max tries to tell himself that it’s okay. That it is just because Daniel is just as good as playing the game as the FIA is. It’s always been Max who never got the rules.
You’re too fucking sweet, Daniel had panted over him once, holding Max’s hands down against the bed, above his head. Like it was a bad thing, dangerous. Something that might mean Max could hurt Daniel where not many people can anymore.
They make Max go on stage, and Kelly makes them let her lead him up there, too. He says some words about how grateful he is for the opportunity to drive for the FIA, that he hopes they can win another year to bring honour to Red Bull Racing, and when he looks for Daniel in the crowd, he can’t see him anywhere.
Alone, it goes like-
“Hey Maxy,” Daniel says, voice hardly above a whisper but so gentle that all of Max’s doubts gush from him, water rushing back from the shore into the sea.
He opens his arms as soon as the door to his compartment is shut behind Max, and stepping into them is like a blissful lobotomy, everything outside of the room wiped from memory.
For these stolen moments there is just the two of them, their touch moulding each other new again.
“Checo, I do not think he will be driving so well,” Max says later, sweat cooling on his back where he lies against Daniel’s chest. Ear pressed against it so he can hear the thump of his heart, slowing now they’re no longer desperately moving against one another.
It feels a little cruel to wish for that, Checo out, when they all know what happens when you leave the FIA for good. He isn’t Daniel, nobody will paying him for his time and keeping him around.
But Daniel only hums, fingertips tracing over Max’s back. Years ago, when they first started this, Max would concentrate in silence and try to work out if they were letters, a secret message. Now they just feel like random patterns.
“If he did, you could be back in the car all the time,” Max tries again, but still nothing. “This would be better, do you not think, if you could-“
“Maxy, baby, let’s- Let’s not, okay?” Daniel interrupts, sounding drained.
“But- But Daniel, then they wouldn’t-“
The FIA would still let people hire Daniel, if they wanted, but there’d be less hurt. It’s too hard to drive a car and perform well with broken ribs, with bruises on your tailbone. With- With worse.
“Sweetheart, I don’t want to think about racing,” Daniel sighs, and then he’s untangling himself from Max to sit upright, legs kicking round to dangle off the bed. For a moment, Max’s heart stops and he thinks desperately, please don’t go, we still have until morning, but then he sees that Daniel is just lighting a cigarette.
Then he’s getting back in beside Max, pulling him back close.
“I don’t want to think about racing,” he repeats, like he thinks Max will risk their time together fighting him on this.
“Well what do you want to talk about?” Max asks instead, looking up and watching Daniel inhale smoke through his lungs, then exhale it from his nostrils, plumes of it billowing from them like he is a dragon who could breathe fire.
Closing his eyes, Daniel sinks further into the pillows.
“Australia,” he says, and Max smiles.
This is a game Max knows how to play.
“I am almost done fixing the fence in the sheep’s pen,” he begins, tracing his own patterns on the skin of Daniel’s chest, connecting the bruises to mak constellations of pain. “I think I will just need your help to lift the gate back onto it’s hinges tomorrow morning.”
Daniel hums again, then says, “okay Maxy, but after I want to go to the beach. Think you’ll have time to make us some food to take down there, if we pack the blanket?”
Max nods, face pressed so close to Daniel’s chest his lips catch on his skin as he speaks.
“For you, I can make the time,” he promises, like it’s not one thing on a list of many that they never have enough of.
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tk-bubblyboba · 2 years
“Shared Nightmares”
A Tmnt crossover AU 2012 x rise
Or as I like to call it-
“Leonardo goes full poltergeist on a 16 year old”
This is an idea that I’ve brewing in my mental stirring pot for months now. There is not and most likely won’t be a fic for this au, just short comics and drawings.(as I cant write for anything)
Timeline goes as follows :
2012 - post s5 ep9
Rise - post movie
Warning: Major character death, descriptions of pretty tame gore
After the events of the Usagi crossover arc, the turtles are sent back to their timeline where unbeknownst to them, the Kraang have returned after their disappearance.
They plan another invasion, this time with the goal to destroy earth entirely, their army growing in size by the second. The 2012 turtles find out of their plans to late and the city is overrun once more, taking New York and soon the world by storm. Despite their efforts, the turtles are killed, leaving their world doomed for destruction.
In the wake of violence the wooden totems carried by the now long gone Usagi, fall through a pink triangle portal.. with an orange hue?
Now in the rise universe, rise has just defeated the Kraang and the city is slowly recovering as are the turtles.
Leon, who had been strictly ordered to stay in bed and rest, decides that being a couch potato is not fun and sneaks out. Soon he finds an area of the city not yet cleared of rubble and fixed up, possibly a warehouse, it’s there he finds a small wooden totem of a turtle.
Leon takes it home with him, deeming it “Little Blue”, and puts it on his shelf.
That’s when it starts.
It happens slowly, but rise Leo begins to see things out of the corner of his eye. Shadows that shouldn’t really be there. Noises, the lair begins to grow eerily cold at night, the residents having to pull out all of the fuzzy and warm blankets despite it being mid summer. He’d almost constantly feel like he was being watched even though when he’d look around no one would be there.
And from there comes the dreams. Well it wouldn’t really be called dreams and more so nightmares. Each one would be more vivid and more terrifying than the last. Such specific scenarios of giant swarms of rats, weird mutant cars, ambushes of warped foot soldiers with multiple arms, a mutant shark, being abandoned in space, his brothers dying one by one.. but only sometimes they aren’t his brothers. They glitch and warp between them and other turtles he swears he shouldn’t know, but seem so familiar.
Soon enough, the dreams begin to slip into reality. He starts seeing very briefly people or rather things momentarily glitch in the place of his family. It’s once where Raph finds him in the middle of the night and his older brothers form glitches to the unfriendly bloodied face of a snarling, spiky, mutant turtle that he realizes he might just be going insane.
And it’s then, when rise Leo would start to see him.
He’d see something out of the corner of his eye and look over to see the blurry out of focus figure of something. When he felt like he was being watched and turned to face who might be staring at him, that’d he’d find bloodshot eyes, looking right back at him from the darkness. And once, when he looks in the mirror, someone else is looking back..another mutant turtle. It’s gone once Leon scrambles back up from the floor.
Overtime, the hallucinations get worse and worse, more in focus and clear till one day, it happens when Leon is snooping through the med bay, trying to find something to help him pass out. He would turn away from a shelf to come face to face with a ghostly 2012 Leo, body burnt and bleeding profusely from many different wounds. Leon would scream as the lights flicker, backing as far away from his counterpart as the room allows. A small radio on the side of the room blared static suddenly, muffled noises coming from its speakers as the channels change faster and faster. It grows unbearably cold and Leon’s frantic breaths come out in visible puffs as he holds his hands to his ears. He would break and finally scream over the noise,
“What do you want?! Just leave me alone!”
And just like that, 2012 Leo would disappear and the lights would flicker back to normal with a buzz. The radio giving one last blurt of static before the song “Message in a bottle” by the Police plays through the speakers lowly. Something clatters to the ground and Leon looks down at his feet, there laying calmly and tilted to look up at him, was Little Blue.
Rise Leo tries to do the reasonable thing and throw Little Blue away, but the little wooden turtle would simply appear right back on his bed when the slider walked back in. The dreams and hallucinations simply got even worse, much more vivid and 2012 Leo had started to appear for longer, only ever staring. Rise Leon would slowly start to try and make sense of it all, nervously joking to 2012 Leo with small quips that never get a response.
Like a simple-
Rise Leo: “Oh haha ghosty’s back”
2012 Leo: intense staring
Rise Leo: “Ok then-“
2012 Leo would soon begin to mess with the TV, using it to try and communicate. Rise Leo nearly popped into his shell the first time it happened when 2012 Leo decided to turn on the grudge at 3am.
12 Leo would try and leave messages but they would be garbled and hard to understand. His primary source of “talking” being different staticky clips of people talking in different shows, movies, and radio stations.
Rise Leo would begrudgingly listen, as he found doing this atleast helps reduce the nightmares and two, he doesn’t exactly want to piss off a ghost. He would eventually start to decode the messages, until it becomes clear.
12 Leonardo, needs rise’s help(specifically Leon’s) to find the rest of his brothers and save them. Save them all.
12 Leo has it in his head that if rise Leo was able to stop their version of the Kraang in less than a month, surely he can stop their Kraang as well. After all, he is a Leo, and with mystic powers no less.
Rise Leo would then have to explain to the rest of his family, “hey I’m being haunted by an alternate version of me who is dead and needs our help to find the rest of his dead brothers who are all trapped within these wooden turtle totems that we don’t know the location of, ok? Ok!”
And as such, rise is(forcefully) sent off on a fetch quest to find the rest of the 2012 turtles.
After each totem is found, a turtle is added to the “bully a minor” squad, and rise Leo knows hardly any sleep. 12 Mikey has the most fun terrorizing rise Leo and is the second scariest ghost(12 Leo holds that title forever in rise Leon’s eyes)
Rise Don I think would eventually build a device that allows the rest of the gang to atleast see the blurry outline of 2012. They wouldn’t be able to understand them tho, they’d just sound like garbled screechy static.
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hiraeth-witch-11 · 1 year
Into the Unknown
Billy Russo x Reader
Warnings: Billy Russo, murderous thoughts, mentioned gun
Word Count: 700ish
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“Let me get this straight. You’re from another universe where I exist as a fuckin’ fictional character and you’ve come here to change that story’s endin’? Is that right?”
“Yes, I know it’s far fetched-”
“It’s bullshit is what it is. Prove it. Tell me somethin’ only I would know.”
This was such a bad idea. “I have the feeling you might shoot me if I tell you some of the things I know about you.”
“I promise not to shoot you ‘til I’ve heard you out. How ‘bout that, sweetheart?” This man is so much scarier in real life. He’s grinning like a shark.
“I know about Arthur and how you hate being called pretty and your addict mom and Project Cerberus and Agent Orange and Kandahar and what happened to Frank Castle’s family.”
“No shit.” He gives a surprised bark of a laugh. “You were right, that does sound like somethin’ I would shoot you for. Maybe you’re just a spy.”
“Why the fuck would a spy come here unarmed with this sorta reasoning? I have some things on my phone that might help, can I reach for it?”
Billy nods and you pull out your phone. It’s no longer connected to your world, but everything you had open on it is still open. Including Pinterest with quite a few of Billy Russo’s pictures, AO3, and Tumblr. You pull up the pictures first. Ones from when he was overseas and ones of Rawlins.
“How the fuck do you have this?” He snatches the phone from you and starts scrolling.
“I told you. In my world, you are a TV show character. These are from that show and look, these are stories people made based off that show.” You show him a couple tabs left open on your phone, thankfully with some of the more tame fanfics.
“How does it end? My story?” He asks
“It doesn’t end well. But, I want to help. I want to change it.”
“Why? Say I believe all this,” he gestures to your phone and you. “Why would you help me knowing what you know?”
“You’ve had a shit life and done some terrible things, but I think even someone like you deserves someone purely on their side.”
“I’m guessin’ I wasn’t the hero of your show.”
“No, you weren’t.”
“Then who was?”
You hesitate. 
“I’m not going to shoot you, sweetheart.”
“I think you’re going to be upset if I tell you some of the details.”
“Tell me.”
“Frank Castle, he’s the protagonist.”
“And what role do I play? I don’t have a good ending and I'm not the hero. What am I then?”
“You know what you did, Billy. What do you think?” Maybe antagonizing the homicidal narcissistic sociopath isn’t a good idea.
“I think it’s in your best interest to tell me everything you know, now,” he growls and you try not to shrink backwards.
You shake your head, standing your ground. “You’ll kill me if I do that. I’m more useful to you alive, a lot of things happen or will happen in New York that you don’t know about. Besides, it’s more than just what I know, I’ve seen enough to be able to read some of these people. I can help even when things change.”
He cocks his head at you and you know him well enough to see him thinking about killing you, or torturing and then killing you. Maybe this hadn’t been such a good idea. Maybe you should have tried to find Frank and spin things in a way to keep Billy alive. Maybe you should have gone to any of the number of vigilantes in the city. But you had appeared in front of Anvil. You knew you had the chance to change things and you took it. Hell, maybe you are just dreaming and if he kills you, you’ll wake up.
“I’ll deal with you later, I have a meeting to get to. If you really are on my side, you will wait here and not touch anything until I get back. Am I clear?”
“Yes,” you say. Before he leaves, you blurt out just to cover your bases, “Don’t trust Rawlins. He just drags you into messes and makes you clean up after him. He’s more likely to kill you than help you if he thinks you’re a loose end.”
“I know, sweetheart, but thanks for the concern.” Billy smiles at you, without murder in his eyes this time, and leaves you alone in his office, wondering if you’ve made the right call.
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terminatorbuns · 2 years
Revisiting Shiver's role in Splatoon 3 (An addendum to "Frye is the new Marina")
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This is an addendum to "Frye is the New Marina", if you have not read that, please do read it first for context.
A side note first, I've since been informed that Splatsville might be visually inspired by Kowloon, which places it in Hong Kong rather than Japan. This is pretty interesting because it would reframe the Japanese Shiver as also an immigrant, but since Hong Kong is still East Asian she passes much more easily as a native than Frye's much darker South Asian complexion. Frye and Shiver's respective relationships to their race is still mostly unchanged.
Apart from that, I realized that I omitted one other detail about Frye and Shiver in my previous essay that didn't seem significant at the time, but I've come to reexamine its importance. I'll readily admit to having a Frye bias but examining Frye and Shiver as a duo really helped me understand Shiver better and discover reasons to like Shiver, and I've come to the conclusion that I've seriously underestimated Shiver as a character.
I previously said that Shiver should have a gender narrative and be trans or non-binary, and I still stand by that. Shiver displays the signs of a gender struggle and it would be extremely meaningful to a lot of people to see Nintendo do a gender narrative for Shiver. I thought at the time that it would put her on par narratively with Frye, who has a compelling set of traumas and anxieties stemming from her status as an obvious racial minority, compared to Shiver who passes as the majority culture much more easily. However, I've since come to realize that there's another angle to both idols that needs to be discussed, one that gives Shiver a much more compelling role in the design philosophy of Splatoon 3. In fact, the journey to understand Shiver's character has become uncomfortably personal for me in a way that I could not have expected.
1. Opposing Views on Heritage
The one detail I forgot was Frye and Shiver's opposing views on their cultural heritage. Frye had the most struggles with her heritage growing up, but ironically she ends up embracing her upbringing more closely than Shiver. With the new interview we now know that Frye was too busy with dance recitals to make any friends, but Frye ultimately ends up embracing her family's dance techniques whole heartedly and reproducing it faithfully as part of her personal fighting style. Despite struggling to fit in with her small town East Asian community Frye keeps her country bumpkin accent and takes up banditry to give back to the same community that could not accept her. It's in this way that Frye's specialty as a villain shines the most brightly: Frye embraces struggle and loss and recontextualizes them into her strengths.
Shiver is the opposite in every way. Shiver learns a regal theatrical accent to hide the fact that she originates from the same backwaters town Frye is from. Shiver's clan has already changed their older tradition of shark slaying once to shark taming, but Shiver breaks tradition even further by adopting a deranged biker persona and putting motorcycle handlebars on her shark. Shiver dresses extremely unconventionally with a punk fade haircut, visible Sarashi bindings that have connotations with crime and delinquency, and very low cut torn pants. In comparison, Shiver's expression of her heritage feels much less faithful to tradition.
Part of the discrepancy in their personalities is due to the fact that Nintendo is a Japanese company, their audience is more accustomed to Japanese visuals than South Asian. Frye's South Asian aesthetics are inherently exotic and exciting when reproduced more faithfully, but Shiver's traditional Japanese aesthetic needs more modification to be interesting to a Japanese audience. An unfortunate side effect is that Frye feels objectively cooler than Shiver: there's a genuine strength and purpose to Frye's passion for South Asian culture while Shiver's presentation of Japanese culture feels somehow less sincere.
And yet, as I wrote the earlier drafts of this I felt myself drawn more to Shiver than Frye, which took me a little bit  by surprise. It begs the question, what does Shiver stands for, and why would people be drawn to Shiver over Frye? I found that I had little canon lore left to explain my feelings, but it gave me the realization that the tools to understand this must come from my own personal experiences. And so, I'd like to share some of those experiences with you, the reader.
2. Struggling with Tradition
My relationship to my cultural background is complicated. I am an East Asian immigrant in North America, but I was lucky enough to live in areas that were friendly to my demographic. I had a multicultural group of friends and was rarely bullied for my ethnicity.
I say this because the vast majority of my personal anxieties come from my OWN culture and upbringing. I remember a distinct pressure to fit in and not cause trouble, and I was good at it, but I also remember how much it confined my artistic growth until I left the house to be independent. I remember a general unease towards artistic expression in general, the idea that cartoons and games are for children and I should be spending my energy on math and science. I still hide my art from my parents to this day.
I remember, most of all, a grating, xenophobic distrust towards other cultures, and the subtle yet consistent suspicion that anything I did wrong was a result of outside influences. The idea that my progressive politics was a corruption of "Westernization" just because it went against traditional, conservative culture. The often unspoken, but sometimes spoken, fear that my multicultural friends are influencing me negatively through their different cultural upbringings, when those same friends helped me discover my artistic voice in the first place. I remember accusations being made against other POC, some of which are more vulnerable than I am. I remember accusations specifically towards friends LIKE FRYE.
This was the point my analysis into Shiver took a deeply uncomfortable, personal turn, as I started to see my experiences in Shiver. Shiver, who also feels the need to hide a part of her personality that can only be shown to her accepting and diverse friend group. Shiver, who excels at passing for "normal" in a community that is friendly towards East Asians, but has witnessed that same community ostracize the darker, South Asian Frye. Shiver's loose presentation of Japanese culture starts to remind me of all the ways that I myself struggle to celebrate my own culture openly and faithfully, because I've come to associate so much negativity and baggage with it. Through this lens, Shiver's behaviors no longer seem like flaws, but rather defense mechanisms that I have too much experience with.
Now, I have no reason to believe that the original creators of Splatoon 3 had ever intended Shiver to convey such a specifically detailed cultural narrative. What is instead undeniably true is that Shiver ended up representing my experiences in a way that Frye could not on her own. I had previously understood the narrative of Splatoon 3 through a Frye-centric point of view, the huge Frye fan I am, but I am starting to understand that it is an incomplete analysis without considering Shiver's perspective as well. Shiver's role in Splatoon 3 is simply too important to be diminished.
3. Understanding Shiver as a Rebel
For me, Shiver has come to represent a rejection and reinvention of tradition. I've come to realize that what I had thought to be Shiver's weakness could actually be the core of her strength: her refusal to replicate Japanese traditions exactly. As much as she likes Japanese traditions and presenting like a traditional Japanese girl, she's also the first to put an unconventional spin on everything. Her punk hair, her Sarashi wrap, and her motorcycle shark, all symbolize this. Also, the fact that she wears her shoes on Tatami mat stages (the audacity).
As I said previously, a purely traditional Japanese aesthetic would be boring for a Japanese market, so Shiver's design has become an inherent struggle against tradition and normalcy. Shiver wants to be anything but normal, anything but boring. This puts her in direct contrast to Frye, who ends up being the traditionalist of the pair. Frye even has a preference for traditional analog forms of performance like stage plays while Shiver gravitates towards the newer medium of television.
Shiver's friendship with the culturally different Frye and Big Man is, in itself, a departure from tradition. Frye does not have the conventionally attractive TV features for an East Asian audience, but Shiver wants Frye to be on TV. Big Man can neither dance or sing, but Shiver wants him to appear on stage. Shiver's Rakugo specialty is a solo act, but she's modified it to include both of her close friends so they can be on TV together. I would also suggest that this has a special meaning for Frye specifically, whose personality and skin tone has caused her the most difficulty with fitting into a polite, East Asian coded society. As much as Shiver likes traditional Japanese culture, Shiver has taken steps to avoid replicating Japanese culture in a way that would exclude the exceptionally vulnerable Frye: Shiver refuses to hurt Frye.
This understanding of Shiver ties in well with her perfectionist tendencies. From the new interview we now know that Shiver made Big Man revise Anarchy Rainbow 7 times, she's picky to say the least. However, song lyrics are not the only thing she intends to perfect. Shiver's not content with cultural traditions the way they were taught to her: she's searching for ways to enhance her artistry, but she's also searching for ways to include her multicultural friends in her art forms without harming them.
Ironically her experimental perfectionism is also a weakness: reinventing safe, established traditions is inherently risky and Shiver has some hilarious failures to show for it. Shiver's villain persona is a take on the Bosozoku biker gang subculture of the 80's, also Japanese but notably a criminal counter-culture in Japan's history and a far cry from Shiver's usual polite, civil presentation. It's more than obvious that the biker persona is outside of Shiver's comfort zone, as she becomes clumsy and manic in a way that severely undercuts her ability to be a genuinely intimidating villain like Frye. However, Shiver's failures are entertaining and charming in her own ways, and her willingness to fail in the pursuit of perfection is uniquely inspiring.
4. Contrasting Shiver and Frye
Frye's still my favorite member of Deep Cut: she's peppy and likable, and her design tells the story of a cultural underdog that's extremely sympathetic and easy to root for. She doesn't have to represent my specific personal experiences to be my favorite. That being said, I think I now have the tools to understand the ways that people might find Shiver to be more appealing.
Shiver holds a lot of symbolic power for people that struggle with family and heritage, having seen those things harm either themselves or their friends. Even at a surface level many fans have already noticed the way that Shiver defies basic gender and social norms in her visual design and have found a sense of attachment to that. For people like me, Frye's fearless optimism towards her cultural roots isn't always helpful because I don't want to replicate those cultural traditions the way I have learned them. I'm deeply scared of accidentally replicating the hurtful aspects I've been taught to associate with my cultural heritage in a way that will hurt my friends. I want the inventiveness required to change my traditions into something more positive, and the courage to sometimes fail in the attempt. Shiver passes for "normal" in a society that easily accepts her, but that doesn't make her less interesting than the underdog Frye. Shiver speaks to a set of very real cultural anxieties that is just as compelling as Frye's, and both of their perspectives are required to complete the core narrative of Splatoon 3.
Splatoon 3 is a narrative about many things, but the most compelling narrative of this game is the dual commentary on cultural heritage that Frye and Shiver represent together. Frye is the cultural misfit that wants to be normalized, that wants her culture to be accepted despite being different. She represents an optimistic sense of traditionalism, one that sees the positives of traditional artistry and the value they can bring into the future. Shiver is the culturally normative girl who craves change, who is easily bored of rigid traditions and is eager to reinvent the past. She represents a healthy skepticism towards tradition, one that sees the dangers of harmful traditions but believes in the opportunity to change them into something healthier. The two perspectives form a symbiotic relationship: Shiver helps Frye to imagine a world where the dominant culture changes to be more inclusive of Frye, and Frye helps Shiver identify the positives of Shiver's traditions that should be retained in Shiver's quest for cultural innovation. It's a powerful, mutually-beneficial relationship that helps both artists visualize and achieve their respective artistic goals. It's beautiful.
I would do more to justify Splatoon 3 as a narrative focused on cultural heritage, except I don't actually have to because Nintendo straight up TOLD US their intentions in game. There's a key piece of cultural context in the original Japanese text that is lost in the English localization that really clarifies the design philosophy behind Shiver, Frye, and Splatoon 3 as a whole. We have to discuss the Bankara movement.
5. Bankara
I've written about this before but Splatsville is named Bankara city in Japanese, in reference to the specific Japanese Bankara counter culture movement of the early 1900's. Bankara was created in direct opposition to the Haikara movement, which was a fashion and cultural movement caused by Japan's rapid modernization and Westernization at the time, represented by western style "high collars" (Haikara). Inkopolis is called "Haikara City" in Japanese, in reference to the hip Western style Streetwear and music that previously defined Splatoon. The Bankara aesthetic mostly consists of traditional Japanese garments, kimonos and geta and such, the least Western stuff possible, to signal a discontentment with Japan's assimilation into Western aesthetics. At the same time these clothes were worn in a ratty, disheveled manner to signal a discontentment with traditional Japanese culture as well, as it had allowed the rise of the Haikara movement in the first place. A rejection of the new and the old. Later successors of the Bankara aesthetic include the Bosozoku biker and delinquent aesthetics, which consists of school uniforms worn in deliberately disheveled styles, fused with traditional Japanese elements such as Sarashi wrap and geta (sound familiar?). 
Shiver and Frye's entire city is named after Bankara so of course this duo is themed after the Bankara movement as well, it's so obvious in hindsight. Frye and Shiver together represent the dual focus of the Bankara movement: Frye represents a preservation of heritage in the face of modernization and homogenization, and Shiver represents a rejection of outdated traditional values. Both of them wear traditional garb as a reference to the traditionally Japanese garments that defined the Bankara movement, except Frye puts a twist on the concept by wearing traditional South Asian clothes instead. Shiver's secondary Bosozoku biker aesthetic also falls under the Bankara umbrella. The original Japanese name for Anarchy Rainbow is "Bankara mixed modern" (in English, no less), clearly signaling Deep Cut's design philosophy as a reimagining of the Bankara aesthetic for a modern, multicultural audience.
I must point out that Splatoon 3's take on the Bankara aesthetic is deliberately modified in some key ways. The original Bankara movement was largely a right wing men's movement that centered toxic versions of traditional masculinity and prioritized an insulation of Japan from foreign cultural forces. Deep Cut immediately recontextualizes the goals of Bankara by being majority female led (trans versions of Shiver would not have been considered traditionally masculine, either), and including the multicultural friendship between Shiver and Frye. In this way Splatoon 3 borrows from the aesthetics and themes of Bankara as a counter culture movement without condoning its original goals; Splatoon is intended as a progressive, inclusive space, after all, if the fanbase is any indication.
In these very changes we already see the push and pull between the ideas that Shiver and Frye represents: there's a desire to retain the counter-culture themes and cultural signifigance of Bankara while disregarding its original, dangerously right wing meanings. It's fascinating how much Shiver and Frye's designs naturally reflect the design process behind Splatoon 3 as a whole, whether intentionally or by accident. It's also very frustrating that the English speaking audience kind of has to dissect all the themes of Splatoon 3 the long way around through tiny context clues, when the Japanese audience is given it directly in big shiny text. Either way, Splatoon 3 has succeeded in crafting a dauntingly complex multilayered narrative on the evolution of culture, both as a reinvention of Bankara and as a reinvention of Splatoon as a franchise.
Splatoon is so deep, you guys.
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alphinias · 2 years
Hot Cocoa
They were playing an outdoor movie downtown.
Typically it was a summer event. All shorts, bug spray and vendors handing out ice cold Pepsi, but the week before Christmas was an exception to that rule. Once a year, the residents of Kildare pulled up with their fuzzy blankets and hats and bundled up to watch whatever Christmas movie they happened to decide on.
This year, the honor went to Jim Carrey running around in his fuzzy green Grinch suit.
Ward packed up the entire family, as he always did to town events. Rafe had kicked his playstation across the room at the news, but to Sarah it was an opportunity to show off the cream UGG mittens she’d bought on the mainland weeks ago. They looked amazing with her sweater, and in North Carolina, excuses to wear them were few and far between.
Sarah waved at Scarlet and Caroline and beamed when Victoria complimented her mittens. The movie was a classic, and the cute sophomore boys from the back row kept making too convenient eye contact every time she looked over.
The prospect of the older boys was new and exciting, but Sarah’s attention kept getting pulled to the little styrofoam cups clutched closely by passerby. Every group of kids she saw seemed to have them, and with every one her mind drifted closer to a rich peppermint hot chocolate from Starbucks.
There was a stand in the corner of the field, as there usually was. Rafe would say the pogues were there to try to weasel more money out of them, but Sarah’s mouth was watering.
“I think I have to have some of that hot chocolate,” she finally announced, blinking up at Ward. Rose was cuddled into his side, looking like she’d rather be literally anywhere else, and Rafe was nowhere to be seen. Had no doubt skulked off behind the screen to pour back some shots with his friends.
But Sarah had stayed, ever her dad’s perfect pretty little prop.
“Sure, sweetie.” Ward handed her a few bills. He glanced over at Wheezie, who was collapsed in the grass, burrowed so far into her blanket they could hardly see her eyes. “Get some for you sister, too.”
“No thanks,” Wheezie grunted, from within her mound of fluff.
Ward raised his eyebrows. “Never mind, then.”
Sarah crawled to her feet, the cold seeming to bite at her face more with the increase in altitude. Call her a baby, but forty-five degrees with no sun might as well be Antarctica as far as she was concerned.
Two boys idled behind the stand selling hot chocolate. One of them had his apron pulled up over his face, the bottom flapping up and over his head. The other made slow eye contact with Sarah, jaw going slack as if he was a guppy fish and she was a shark with all her teeth bared.
The second boy’s hand flew out, slapping his friend on the chest, and the friend sputtered, apron flapping down. The motion nearly sent his hat flying off his head, and he scrambled after it, miraculously managing to slam it back against his head before it slid off.
She recognized them. Well, she recognized them mostly.
She knew John B and Pope in the way it was impossible to forget a face close to her own age on an island so small. They hadn’t gone to middle school with her, and she doubted she’d see them in high school, either. No doubt they attended the public school with most of the other kids on the island, and especially those from the Cut.
John B adjusted his hat again, which did nothing to tame the mass of curly hair poking out from underneath it. Strips of pink crept underneath the freckles dotting his cheeks and the bridge of his nose. He seemed a lot taller than the time she’d seen him last summer cleaning out the neighbor’s pool.
He was cute, she realized. Really cute.
“Uh, hi-hey,” he managed, in a voice like all the air had left his lungs. Pope still stared. “How are you?”
Sarah giggled. “I’m great.”
“Uh, what can we do for you?” John B asked. His hands plopped on the counter with the air of someone trying and failing to be smooth.
“One hot chocolate, please.”
“You got it.”
John B took her money and passed it off to Pope, who still hadn’t spoken, and then shuffled around at the rear of the stand, pulling out a cup from a stack arranged with the finesse of a hippopotamus walking a tightrope. There was a tiny crash, like something somewhere had fallen, but he didn’t flinch.
Somehow, this made a thought occur to Sarah. “Oh! Could I get extra whipped cream?”
Pope gaped at her. Turned to gape at John B, whose eyes glinted at her from in under his cap. He blinked several times, and some indecipherable language passed between the boys. His eyes trailed to the cup of steaming liquid in his hand.
John B finally threw an arm around Pope’s shoulder, and the leaner boy’s mouth snapped shut. “Uh, we’re fresh out of that—Got some marshmallows, though.”
Sarah didn’t get what the big deal was, but was left with the distinct impression that they were somehow laughing at her. Judging her, like an off brand of the girls at school whispering about one another’s outfits.
Her brow wrinkled. “Oh, that’s fine.”
Somehow, Pope had managed to count out her change. He passed it off to her, stiff as a board, and John B followed it with her cup of hot chocolate
The marshmallows were small, bent, and more than a little stale, but she offered them another smile over her cup. If it was a little stiffer this time, then it was no one’s fault but theirs, she decided.
“Thank you,” she said, and then it was the turn of the little boy in line behind her.
There was a distinct feeling of disconcertion nagging at Sarah, even as she stopped by the edge of the field to say hello to Scarlet. They exchanged the news that Victoria had dumped Denny after receiving his less than stellar Christmas gift, which would have been hot gossip if not for the fact that Sarah’s attention lingered on the little growing gang of pogues over by the stand.
Two more had joined them; JJ Maybank and Kiara Carrera, she was fairly sure. JJ was in short sleeves and a pair of shorts, and the sight had Sarah clutching her hot chocolate more tightly. Her family wouldn’t have even let her out the door without a jacket.
They appeared to be closing for the night, even though the movie was only halfway over. Sarah dragged her attention away from them and made her exit with Scarlet, intent on returning to her nest of blankets and enjoying her hot chocolate in peace.
Just as she turned to head back to her row, something slammed into her, dipping her elbow precariously downward.
Her Styrofoam cup plummeted to the ground, its beloved contents coating the grass. She looked to her mittens instinctively, and somehow, miraculously, they had been spared from staining.
Two flannel jacket clad sleeves stretched out towards the fallen hot chocolate, as if he were still hoping to catch it.
“Oh, God—I am so sorry,” John B said. His friends were halfway across the field, either oblivious to what had happened or laughing at him.
“I can’t believe I did that.”
“Take mine,” John B insisted suddenly, cup thrust under her nose. Sarah had hardly had time to blink down at it, half comprehending, before he was blurting, “I didn’t drink out of it yet, I swear.”
He nudged the cup into her hands. Sarah had the wild thought that if she hadn’t been wearing mittens, their fingers would’ve brushed.
“I’d get you a new one but we kind of ran out of packets.”
“You don’t have to-“ Sarah cut herself off. He looked so sincere, so panicked, that she corrected, “Thank you.”
“You too.” John B’s mouth hung open, like he was trying to process what he’d said. He took two backwards steps, pointing at her with both hands in some lame imitation of finger guns. “Uh, Merry Christmas.”
“You too,” Sarah teased, but he seemed to miss her grin. Had already disappeared into the crowd somewhere with his friends so quickly that she didn’t even know if he’d heard her.
The hot chocolate was mediocre at best. A little watery, and it didn’t have the little peppermint flakes like the ones she would have ordered when she was out, but its pleasant heat radiated through her mittens.
She took another sip, and she couldn’t help but think about his eyes. Deep, rich brown, swimming in the tiny constellations of freckles across his nose, and warmer than any drink could ever be.
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cyberghost-scout · 1 year
My merformers mermaid lore explanation
After a couple years of doing mermay. I made up something cool and lowkey scifi.
An continuum of these: link link2 link3 link4
~They are an ancient species. The earliest of their kind resembled more like a water chimera that appeared in the fossil record as our ancestors crawled out of the waters.
~They were a fixture of human fascination and fear thanks to cave art near coastal areas, tales of sailors, carvings, and oral lore.
~Many theorists believed it to be like first contact with aliens as they are techno-organic. They lean more toward the organic side as they do not appear robotic and function like other animals (Like cyborgs from Ghost in the Shell but much more squisher).
~It's perplexing to many scientists. They live long lives-- some pocket of mermaids resembling extinct species still alive next to the modern extent ones. (If anyone is wondering --- megalodon mermaids are sadly extinct.) Big- they are also much more extensive in size than one would imagine and have muscular upper bodies as they pull themselves out of the water onto beaches or rocks, so they are very good at ripping someone apart.
~ Atlantis was confirmed. It is still murky as to why it disappeared, but a solid hypotenuse was something to do with some titan-sized mermaid battle. They rarely exist today, followed by severe flooding.
~And they're like humans. They are sentient (Despite what big for-profit aquariums would tell you and that super 1 % would say to you). Sure, they speak human langue only if they are domesticated species or choose to learn, and they have their own culture and speech. But it took a painfully long time to learn all this, thanks to humans being dumbasses, capitalism, and xenophobia—mainly the fear of the unknown, despite being alive along with us. And general mermaid pods like to keep their distance from human settlements. You can imagine the effort the humans realize they are like us were fighting for their rights.
~ However, in recent years- the mermaids are fighting back, throwing all the trash and nets in large fishing boats that destroy coral. Wailing ships, getting disabled, and then being dumped near beaches as a form of settlement. They learned the wrecking of those ships would lead to oil spills. So it was getting harder and harder to deny that these beings are sentimental like humans.
~ Freshwater mermaids are considered mellower than salt water, and tame ones are friendlier than wild ones. But when push comes to shove- it will not end well for any human if a mermaid feels the need to protect themselves.
~ There are pods, they tend to form as a family or considered family and usually be close to each other. Tropical waters move around a particular territory, while colder ones migrate to warmer waters. But they do build underwater city-like structures. Centuries of cultivating the coral and using sunken materials for the coral to latch on and grow, building lovely towns for some of the larger pods or particular species, some even made cities with eerie crystals- no human had ever set their eyes inside these cities, not even underwater cameras can not get inside only the outer walls of this sacred forbidden cities.
~ Shiny glass and metals are scarce materials that are useful for sea creatures. Mainly because the ocean wears down the items- so it's used primarily for symbolism, courtship, or to look pretty. So bone carvings and barbs are much more valuable as weapons, armor, and practical uses. However, any resourceful mermaid large enough can take advantage of sunken metal ships.
~ Some humans consume mermaids- it's debated whether eating their flesh is even considered safe to eat the meat of a mermaid.
~ Ghostwire is an escaped and surviving feral shark mermaid, an oddity as Domesticated mermaids do not live in the wild (always turn into snacks to the wild population if one escapes and is not rescued on time). She was lucky to be picked up by a Fedelis who wanted kids. Now she grew up in the wilds, is huge, and easily not some mermaid to mess around. Her sister survived, but she's separated into a facility. The Grey Ghost and Golden Menace, respectfully.
~ Ghostwire has cryptid status for trying her best to avoid humans and wild mermaids who heard of her but have not seen what a domesticated mermaid looks like. Phantasma is on the government's watch list (Wally the Walrus.) but she is loved by all, especially the internet.
~ Despite the fact Ghostwire chooses to not wear any fabric or beading or armor as a habit of keeping her allegiance hidden from her days as a scout. But later on, she'll don simple cloth tied to one side of her hips. The tie she also uses would be strung with the beads Flow gave her.
~ Two predominated pods are known to be influential in influence. Autobot and Decepticons; Ghostwire and her pod used to be part of the Decepticons before realizing that things were drawing the line. Primarily due to the former pod trying to destroy anything human-related-- at the price of the good humans and other mermaids. They all peaced out.
~ Delta Queen is still a hot momma of an octomermaid who runs fun little night parties, being the center star.
~ Fedelis adopted Ghostwire, later Flow, and he will adopt Phantasma if he can. He's in the older generation-- a few Liopleurodons left. He instead spends his time with family. But he will not stop fighting to keep his pod safe.
~ Flow got separated from her parents after a failed human poaching incident. The wrapping around her body is the nets that grabbed and tried to haul her up to the surface (Like spoiler: like Perrito's sweater.) now it's been repurposed showing off her rarest finds. She has a fine gift of finding treasure for trading.
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jsheios · 2 years
I know that Shiver most likely doesn't come from the Octarian domes and probably lived in the Splatlands on the surface their whole life in canon, but I raise you this idea:
Newly escaped teen Shiver being taken in and adopted by a clan of sharks. who also tame non-evolved sharks
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aewhore · 4 years
A night of fun ~ Rhea Ripley x reader
(A/N: This is an AU based on The women’s War Games match in 2019,(pls watch this match before reading, also just watch it again if you can because it's stellar.)where instead of Candice it's you and Rhea vs all team Shayna. I also tried to keep the match section short so there may be a bit of time jumping but it shouldn't be too jarring.)  
Summary: You’re Rhea’s Girlfriend and you both have a very hard fought wargames match and have a fluffy celebration after in the locker room 
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You stood on the stage with the rest of your team, Trash talking to the other side, as you awaited Shayna’ entrance. When she finally strolled out onto the ramp you look to your left to see your girlfriend of 3 years Rhea Ripley staring not only daggers but the whole kitchen sink at the soon to be former women’s champion. As soon as you all turn to your respective teams to strategize who will enter the cage first, You see Io strutting down to the steel structure. Seeing her act so cocky makes your blood boil. “You want her babe? Go get her” Rhea says daring you to get the payback she knows you deserve on your former best friend turned enemy. You storm down to the rings after Io and as soon as you're both locked in the cage, the fight is on. You and Io lay into one another, letting every built up emotion add extra blow to your strikes but as soon as you start to maintain the upper hand over Io the timer runs out and Bianca is added to the mix and you're quickly fighting a losing battle as you are down at a 2 on 1 disadvantage. You can hear Rhea yelling encouragement from the cage but it's hard to listen when all you can focus on is how you can feel the sickening bounce of your head meeting the canvas as Bianca powerbombs you 3 times before chucking you into the steel cage wall. After a head splitting running dropkick to the head from Io, you were thankful to hear the countdown start as it indicated you were getting a teammate in the cage.   
You look up at the sound of the buzzer to see Rhea making her way down to the ring. “HOLD TIGHT BABY, RHEA’S BRINGING SOME TOYS” you can’t help but do a double take as at home that would mean something completely different but you see her reach under the ring for garbage cans and kendo sticks and you know your night of fun has barely begun. You hear the crowd start singing ‘Rhea’s gonna kill you’ and you can’t disagree as you help set up a bridge of chairs for Rhea to put Bianca through. Before the bridge can be used a brawl breaks out with Io coming back for more as the timer runs down again meaning team Shayna would be getting another teammate setting you and Rhea at a 3 on 2 disadvantage. You hear Kay Lee Ray enter the cage before you see her as she lays you and Rhea out with chair shots to the midsection and back. Out of the corner of your eye you see Kay lee and Bianca setting Rhea up on the chair bridge, a bolt of adrenaline runs through you as you run to knock Bianca off the top rope before she can do damage to your girlfriend. You start to beat down Bianca in the corner when you feel Kay Lee and Io underneath you setting you up for a suplex onto the pile of chairs below. You’re pulled backwards in the blink of an eye and immediately your vision goes white for a split second from sheer pain alone. You look over to see Rhea wraith in pain after a 450 from Bianca, You reach out your hand and she squeezes it to show you she’s still in this fight with you. The sound of the buzzer indicating that your team was getting a teammate filled you with relief as the playing field would be evened out for yourself and Rhea. However this relief quickly turned to confusion as you saw the mayhem at the top of the ramp. You watch on in horror as Dakota viciously attacks Tegan. You hear Rhea’s screams of frustration as reality sets in, your team is two down, This match is now a 4 on 2. You see Shayna laughing from her shark cage on the ramp as she realizes that the victory is almost guaranteed to be hers, but as long as there is air in your lungs you are going to win this match for Rhea. 
You look over at Rhea and you can see she’s panicking “How are you not fucking terrified right now?” You can tell she’s confused by your calm demeanor. “Compared to the family get-togethers I’m forced to attend twice a year, this is actually rather tame.” Rhea cracks a smile at this, her panic seeps through “We’re screwed Y/N!” she quietly grumbles to you, “Well, if we're going down, why not make all these bitches hurt real bad as we go down” You and Rhea share an evil laugh as you turn your attention back to the other girls that were locked in the cage with you. To hell with the number advantage, you both weren’t going out without a bang. Yourself and Io were brawling in one ring, Rhea was left with Bianca and Kay Lee in the other as Shayna strolled down to the cage to enter and start the match. Io got the upper hand over you and forced you to watch the 3 on 1 attack on Rhea as Shayna entered to officially start war games. As the match progresses you equalize Kay Lee and Io with a DDT to hurry over and save Rhea from Shayna handcuffing her to the ropes. You and Rhea cautiously stand in the no man’s land between the two rings as you silently give each other permission to to be as reckless and deranged as you both see fit.  
You were catching your breath as you look up to see Rhea has Io in the Prism trap but suddenly you feel someone drag you off your feet into the air by your neck and it's too late when you realize it’s Shayna and she has you in a standing kirifuda clutch. You’re trying to scream at Rhea not to let Io go but your lack of air supply prevents anything from coming out. You scratch at Shayna’s eyes and she releases you at the same time that Kay Lee attacks Rhea to release Io. As the match rages on the violence keeps building and building. Spot after spot, you and Rhea keep kicking out, you both keep each other in the game. You watch as Rhea handcuffs herself to Baszler and you can’t help but hold your breath as the energy in the arena builds in wait to what Rhea is going to do now that she has the upper hand, literally, over the women’s champion. An earth shattering riptide onto awaiting chairs and Shayna is out for the three count. As soon as Rhea is freed from her handcuff you sprint to her in your well earned victorious celebration. Rhea lifts you off the ground and spins you around in a bone crushing hug that only she could give. She lets you down and you both hobble to the back after basking in the crowds' rapturous applause. 
As you both make your way back to your shared locker room Rhea is stopped by Triple H as he congratulates the both of you on a fantastic performance and begins talking to Rhea about her upcoming title shot. You began to zone out Hunter’s words as you stared at Rhea’s practically glowing face, her hair was chaotic as it stuck in every direction but still managed to frame her face perfectly. Her pale blue eyes beamed with pride and joy as she saw the championship within her reach come next takeover. Before you know it Hunter is bidding his farewell as Rhea slips her arm back around your midsection pulling you into her side as you both finish your victory lap in your locker room. As you go to you bag you turn to ask Rhea how she’s feel only to discover she had flopped face down into the sofa. You chuckle to yourself as you hear her start to loudly fake snore. You turn back to your luggage as you start to strip out of your gear. ”Oh wow” you hear Rhea damn near moan as you turn towards her in only your bra and underwear. “I have a confession to make.” Her words were slurred, eyes almost comically wide. “I...I’m super gay and hopelessly in love with you.” You can’t help but burst out in giggles at Rhea’s “confession” You see Rhea pout as you put on your shirt. “I...I know...we’re dating, sweetheart. We have been for a while now” she slowly gets up from her lying position on the couch to hug you from behind “I know that baby girl, and what a happy while it’s been.” Rhea loving says as she lays gentle kisses at the base of your neck. “I couldn’t help but notice.. You have a matching set on” Rhea’s hand move to rub your hips and up your sides, “I knew we’d win so i thought I’d give you a nice bonus when we got back to the hotel.” You feel Rhea let you go as she rushes back to her luggage to frantically pack everything. “Well what are we waiting for let’s go” You can’t help but fall even more in love with her as she comedically “packs” (more like violently throwing your things in the general direction of your bag) your things and rushes out the door to start the second act of your night of fun. 
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bluefuckboy · 4 years
Summer Jasmine ✨
Kiribaku A/B/O (Omegaverse)
Alpha Kirishima and Omega Bakugo
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Summary: Bakugo has been a single father for three years, after a one night stand with an unknown Alpha resulted in him becoming pregnant. He has always struggled with being an Omega, but has been successful at hiding his true identity, including now while raising his daughter, Yuki. After an incident at preschool, he is called into a parent teacher conference. But what was supposed to be a simple meeting turns out to be a twist of so called “fate.” Bakugo questions whether the difficult journey he’s endured has led to this Alpha, whose scent is like a peaceful, summer breeze.
I’ll be posting the full fic on AO3 soon. It’s about 10 chapters or so and approximately 15K. The name comes from a song released in 1972 called “Summer Breeze” by Seals & Crofts. I’ll explain more when the full fic is released, but go give it a listen as it’s a good, calming song.
This is the first chapter with a note at the end on how the a/b/o universe is structured for this fic
Trigger Warnings: implications of assault against Omegas (including brief mention of attempted rape), mpreg, mentions of abortion, issues dealing with self-hate and struggles with gender identity in terms of secondary gender of a/b/o, later chapters are nsfw
@slackslumber I’m sorry this turned out to be a light novel
Bakugo glanced up at the plate next to the classroom door.
Kirishima E.
He inhaled and ran a hand through his hair, which he had attempted to tame in vain. It wasn’t his first parent teacher conference. Yuki was an unruly child and was becoming even more so as she got older. This time she had tried to bite the ear of another kid and Bakugo was prepared for another dull lecture from a dull teacher who didn’t know a thing about actually raising kids.
He let the breath he had been holding out and gripped the doorknob, giving it a turn. The room was set up like any normal Pre-K classroom would be. There were little brightly colored chairs in groups, large matts with the letters of the alphabet and numbers adorned the floor and model planets hung from the ceiling.
At the front of the classroom was a large desk at which sat a man with bright red hair that was pulled back into a short ponytail. He was dressed in a nice button up, sans tie, with the top couple buttons undone. Rimmed glasses sat perched atop his nose and he pushed them up with the butt of a pencil as he stared at the stack of papers in front of him.
Bakugo cleared his throat and the man looked up.
“Oh! Sorry,” he got up and went to extend a hand to Bakugo, “I’m Kirishima, you must be Yuki’s dad.”
“Yeah, that’s me,” Bakugo replied, shaking the hand offered to him.
Kirishima was tall and Bakugo opted to stare at his feet clad in worn dress shoes instead of trying to meet the amber eyes of the teacher. Kirishima motioned for Bakugo to take a seat at a chair that had been moved in front of the desk.
Bakugo sat down, crossing his arms out of habit. He tended to keep to himself and that extended to his interactions with other people. He didn’t want to draw any extra attention to himself.
Kirishima seemed to be the complete opposite. It was clear he was well suited for the job he was in. Bakugo could see children’s drawings hung on the wall behind Kirishima. Little stick figures with crude faces. There were a couple that had a character with spiky red scribbled on top of its head. They had shaky letters drawn next to the stick figure that read “Mr. K.”
Kirishima moved the stack of papers to the side, and set his glasses atop it. He gave Bakugo a toothy smile and Bakugo noticed the sharpness of his canines. His brow furrowed and he tensed a bit. He didn’t particularly care for Alphas, so he was usually a little wary around them.
But Kirishima’s eyes were soft and warm. There was a small scar by one of his eyebrows and Bakugo noticed he had the makings of crows feet at the corner of his eyes despite his youthful appearance. They were probably from smiling so wide that he looked almost like a shark.
Kirishima picked up the pencil he had earlier and twirled it as he said, “I hate having meetings like this, so I’m sorry if I seem a little bit unprofessional.”
Bakugo didn’t reply and Kirishima continued, “Yuki is wonderful. She’s very bright for her age and does great with her grades. But she seems, hmm, how do I put this.”
He tapped the pencil against his temple in thought, his bottom lip sucked under his top teeth. His expression turned to concern as he spoke again.
“It feels like Yuki is lashing out, so that’s why I wanted to talk with you.”
Bakugo sighed and rubbed the back of his neck as he said, “I can make her apologize to that boy and his parents. We had a conversation about using our words and stuff.”
Kirishima waved his hand. “No no it’s not that. Well, it is a part of it. But not the main reason I called you here.”
Kirishima sighed and sat back in his chair. “I care a lot about my students. It’s kinda silly but I think of them as my own kids sometimes. So I want them to do well. But not just in school.”
His cheeks tinged red slightly. “I know it’s not my place to butt in on people’s personal lives, so I apologize if I offend you, but I’m just concerned that this might be something for Yuki that is bigger than the classroom.”
He turned to reach behind him, grabbing a picture off the wall that Bakugo hadn’t noticed during his initial glance at the artwork. Kirishima placed it in front of him and Bakugo looked down at it.
It was a picture of a little stick figure girl with a bright pink bow in her hair. She was standing next to a figure of a man who was holding the black line that was the stick figure girl’s hand. The word “Daddy” had been written next to the figure in legible handwriting that must have been from a TA or something.
The background of the photo was scribbled with a blue sky and green grass, with a little house in the distance. But there was an area that was left blank, a white spot on the other side of the girl. Her little stick hand was surrounded by the white, almost as though she was trying to reach for something. “Yuki” was written in large shaky letters at the bottom of the paper.
Bakugo’s heart clenched as Kirishima spoke softly.
“This was from a week ago. We had draw your family as our art project. I don’t want to pry or assume anything, but when I asked Yuki what the white spot was, it seemed to make her upset.”
Bakugo could feel his cheeks getting hot. He wasn’t sure how to reply. It was obvious that he didn’t have a partner, and being a single parent wasn’t unusual. Rather it was the fact that in their society he wouldn’t be considered Yuki’s father.
Bakugo’s silence made Kirishima redden a bit more and he said, “I’m sorry if this is sore subject. I’m just concerned.”
“It’s fine,” Bakugo spat.
The words came out more defensive than he meant them too and Kirishima’s eyebrows knit together closer with concern. Then he asked the question Bakugo always dreaded he’d hear.
“Can I ask you about Yuki’s mother?”
Bakugo swallowed and tried to compose himself before speaking again.
“I’m raising Yuki on my own. Her mother is…”
He trailed off as his heart started beating faster. He was always so cautious and he knew that he should tell Kirishima to mind his own god damn business. But something about the calmness in Kirishima’s voice and his genuine smile made Bakugo feel like this was a safe space.
He tried to push down the ball of anxiety buzzing in his chest as he gripped the sides of the chair and said quietly, “It’s Yuki’s father, not her mother. I… I’m the one who gave birth to her.”
The admonition seemed to hang in the air and Bakugo hung his head. It shouldn’t be something he was ashamed about. Male Omegas were rare and it was even rarer for one to be able to give birth. They called it a “True Omega” and the odds were about one in a nearly half a million. It was a rarity that was often exploited, which was why Bakugo had kept it secret, even from Yuki when she asked why she didn’t have a mommy like the other kids at the playground.
The classroom was deadly quiet and Bakugo’s adrenaline was nearing the fight or flight stage, but then Kirishima spoke again.
“I’m sorry. I had no idea. But don’t worry, I’m not gonna tell anyone. I care about Yuki a lot, so I promise I won’t make things any more difficult. And if I can help in anyway, I’d be more than happy to.”
The offer caught Bakugo off guard and he finally looked up. Kirishima’s expression was one Bakugo had only seen on the face of characters from the movies he used to watch as a kid. A look that made you feel safe and protected, almost like a knight in shining armor. Kirishima smiled and it felt like a weight had been lifted from Bakugo’s chest. Even the air seemed clearer and he realized his knuckles had turned white from his death grip on the chair.
He let go, but regretted it as his hands started shaking. It felt like he was coming down from a panic attack and he felt the wetness of tears on his cheeks. He flushed from embarrassment and ducked his head into his lap.
It was mortifying, but he couldn’t stop and his whole body trembled as he wrapped his arms round himself. Fat tears were rolling down his cheeks and he wanted to melt into the floor. But suddenly there was an aroma like a summer breeze.
It wrapped around him and as he inhaled shakily his trembling started to stop. His whole body felt like it was being enveloped in a warm embrace from the inside out. It was a comforting, almost faintly familiar scent and he could feel his muscles relax as the tears gradually started to subside.
A tissue appeared in front of him and he realized that Kirishima had come around the desk to kneel beside him. Bakugo reached out a shaky hand to accept the tissue. As he did, the tips of his fingers brushed against Kirishima’s.
It was the briefest of contact, but it felt like little sparks had ignited from where the pads of their fingers had touched. Bakugo looked to see if Kirishima had experienced a similar feeling, but his face was still etched with worry. His hand on the back of the chair did tighten slightly however and Bakugo’s heart rate went up despite not knowing what he was expecting.
But then Kirishima was standing up again, taking the smell of the summer breeze with him. It made Bakugo realize what had happened and he looked at Kirishima with an expression between anger and fear.
“Did you just use pheromones on me?”
A/B/O Universe Notes
Alpha/Omega changes occur at puberty
Secondary sex characteristics manifest. Alphas will go through a growth spurt and will eventually grow their “fangs.” Omegas will have their first heat. Both will begin to emit pheromones and part of growing up is being able to control them. However, thanks to modern medicine, blockers makes it much easier.
70% of the population is Beta
Betas are essentially normal humans. They can procreate with each other and don’t experience a rut or a heat.
20% of the population is Alpha
They are considered a superior form of human. Physically they are usually a bit taller, able to gain muscle very easily, and have lots of stamina.
A unique characteristic of the Alpha are their fangs. They manifest during puberty and are attached to glands in the Alphas mouth. During arousal, while in rut, or even a rush of adrenaline can cause an Alpha’s fangs to descend slightly from the gum line and is referred to as “baring.” The canine teeth are connected directly to the glands and are the sharpest and most prominent, but the lateral incisor will also sharpen slightly during puberty. When an Alpha bares their fangs, the canines will become extremely pronounced. When marking, the fangs are used to puncture the skin and can secrete fluid from the glands in order to mark an Omega.
An Alpha will experience a rut occasionally. During this time they will become fixated on mating and can become irrational. Ruts are sporadic and with the help of blockers, most Alphas are able to avoid rut.
10% of the population is Omega
Generally thought of as the “weakest sex” Omegas are usually smaller in frame and it is hard for them to gain muscle. They can become pregnant regardless of gender, but male Omegas are not common. Impregnating a male Omega is also extremely difficult, unless they are a “True Omega” Most male Omegas are recessive.
The Omega experiences an estrus period, or heat, once a month. It will make them want to breed, same as the Alpha’s rut. Unlike a rut, blockers have no effect on the estrus period. During the estrus, an Omega will become wet, secreting what is referred to as slick, making it easier for an Alpha to enter them. For female Omegas it is secreted vaginally, for male Omegas it is secreted anally. However, male Omegas often produce significantly less slick during the estrus period and the chances of pregnancy are very low.
True Omegas are a phenomenon where the body is fully Omega, regardless of gender. The person will be able to be impregnated easily, even if they are male, and their estrus periods are often more intense. The percentage of True Omegas that have been reported is less than 1%.
Between Betas it’s exactly how it works in regular humans.
Between an Alpha and an Omega there are a few more factors. Pheromones play a part in intercourse, both in initiating and during. Slick makes it very easy for an Alpha to enter an Omega. During intercourse the Alpha is able to “knot” an Omega if significantly aroused, or in rut. Knotting lets the Alpha stay connected to the Omega for an extended period of time. Ejaculation is delayed while the Alpha is knotting. Once knotted, an Alpha will ejaculate numerous times into the Omega. Knotting can last for a few seconds, to over an hour. The physical knot is a gland at the base of an Alpha’s penis that will swell in the Omega, causing them to become stuck together until the Alpha finishes ejaculation or is rendered incapacitated.
For Betas it is around a normal gestational period of 9 months. For Omegas it is shorter, usually around 4 to 5 months. Children of Omegas tend to be on the smaller side, regardless of the parents genders.
Fated Mates/Pairs
This is regarded as a fantastical idea, but has never been proven as fact or fiction. A fated pair consists of an Alpha and Omega who are so compatible, it’s almost like fate has brought them together. Some claim to have experienced almost a supernatural pull to their partner, but scientists have labeled it the evolution of compatibility making it easier for Alphas and Omegas to select the best mate for them.
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internalsealpanic · 4 years
Lesson Learned
summary: Pinning exercises are a lot easier when you ask nicely.
a/n: The backstory to this piece was that I went to the church part of our discord server and told people about me being thirsty about Slade and they collectively went: DO HIM. The reader does have a backstory which boils down to rich girl from a crime family is a little shit because I thought this would have a funny dynamic with Slade.  Special thanks to @batarella and @knightfall05x for proof reading and giving me ideas. Would this count as my one entry for kinktober? 
warnings:  This is straight up smut. Please read responsibly. Brat taming, strength kink, daddy kink, orgasm denial, and hinted size kink. (Hilariously half of these were by complete accident.) There is some injury mentioned but not too graphically. Both characters are assholes.   
Slade was on the ground, his head was swimming even as the sharp shriek of sirens rang loud in his ears. His senses were at once too sharp and too unfocused. Whatever drug he'd been hit with had to have targeted the nerves in his muscles too. He couldn't move. Not substantially anyway. Not in a way that would actually help him.  Through the haze he hears the clicking of heels against the floor, then a sharp pain shoots through him when said heel dug into one of his still closing bullet wounds. 
 You stood above him, your shark's smile hidden behind your mask.  "Well old man, I didn't think you would be caught this easy. I might need to rethink this meeting." You hummed tapping your chin as you lean down your heel digging further into his flesh. It's a tactic your sister had taught you. People were less inclined to think clearly when in excruciating pain.  If Deathstroke was this easy to capture, was he really worth your money? 
 He was watching you, blue eyes looking defiant. You whistled low. You liked a hard negotiation. It kept things more interesting. The rapid footsteps of men drew you out of your contemplation much to your annoyance. You debated on just paying them to go away. It would make your life easier but there's a chance these men were truly loyal to the man you had just paid a visit to.
 You weigh your options. His reputation may be enough to keep your siblings away. Maybe just long enough 'til their petty little war is over. "I'm going to hire you-"
 "-this assumes I'm going to say yes"
 You snorted. He noted the confident roll in your shoulders, the kind of cocky self-assured gesture of someone who knows they're going to win.  Every movement, every angling of your form deliberately used to show a difference in power and lack of respect. In short, it made you very punchable.
 "Your statement assumes you have a choice." You chuckled tilting your head to the side in challenge. He scowled at you and you try to keep the sheer delight you feel out of your body language. You weren't sadistic by any means but for one, brutality was practically bred into you, and two, you are, what your darling eldest brother had so kindly put, a  little bitch.  "I'll tell you why you'll say yes to my proposal." You said stepping off of him and pirouetting towards your duffle bag. "One, I'm offering your more than a million dollars in cash for the simple job of training me-" You observed his face as it remains carefully impassive. You expected as much. You heft your bag into your arms and unzip it rummaging through the cache of weapons you had stored just in case plan A through F failed you. "Unless we're associated, I'm the only one walking out of here with any money for their troubles." You said tossing the severed head of his target in front of him. You gave him an all too pleased grin. 
 You find yourself pinned down again in the span of 15 minutes, face squished against the training mat, your arms pinned behind you, and most annoyingly your ass raised while your bastard of an instructor laughs in your ear, his lips dangerously close to your ear. You hiss and bristle feeling the fibers in your muscles burn from the uncomfortable angle they've been forced into.  You squirm trying to buck him off but his strength rendered your efforts moot. His enhanced strength keeps your body firmly between the sweat-covered mat and his large, toned body which just made you bite your lip to keep anything vulgar from escaping you. 
 You were 110% sure he was fucking with you at this point but any smart remark you had was either smothered by the mat or died whenever you felt acutely aware of your skin against his.  
 "Get off of me, old man," You snarl, making a futile attempt to kick him off with one of your legs. He chuckles at your weak attempts, the reverberations from his chest pressing against your back sending a thrum of excitement rolling over you concentrating into more distracting areas. You can't see it but you know he's grinning smugly above you and you can't decide whether it's your horniness or your anger that will win out. You sincerely hope it's the latter. 
 "C'mon, kid, you can get out of this," He encourages but you don't miss the playful mockery dancing in his tone. You squirm and wriggle and sigh. "Just let me out," You demand, politely. He doesn't budge. You turn your head to pout petulantly at him. That doesn't do anything either. 
 You sigh again. You hated pinning exercises with a carefully cultivated passion which you would normally direct at whatever instructor was dumb enough to force it upon you. However, that wasn't really possible as of this moment. One of the reasons for this hatred was that you were never pinned down unless you wanted to be, even then they were usually too hesitant to follow through so you never really saw any practical use for the skill. That is until last week when you found yourself being pinned down by the Red Hood which was honestly a fantastic position if you weren't trying to get away from him. Apparently, the large man didn't take too kindly to being shot at even when your very professional self explained that you were in fact a decoy. After you were entirely unable to slip his hold, you begrudgingly agreed to let Slade teach you a few maneuvers. The other reason was that you liked being pinned down. Your body is far too enthusiastic about the feeling of being pinned down. You're pretty sure you've expended more energy into suppressing your thrilled shivers than you have trying to get out of any of the holds he's demonstrated so far.  The fact that he was an attractive asshole with no shirt did not help.    
 "Maybe if you ask nicely, princess" He drawls his teeth grazing your ear, beard bristling against the sensitive skin of your shoulder. You bite back a groan and stop the cant of your hips. "Or are you even capable of that?"
 "I am, sir" You grind out but it sounds too breathy to be threatening. You feel the curve of his lips against your shoulder.
 "Dunno, brat, I've never seen you do it," He taunts pressing closer to you. You're suddenly aware of just how close you two are. You hate how the way he called you brat sent thrills up your spine. You try to even your breath but you're entirely too feverish both body and mind. You had to think of something before you were lost in a haze.
 You nudge your arm one last time before an idea strikes. A familiar shark-like grin spreads like wildfire across your features. Pressing your ass against his crotch, you roll your hips, the movement slow and deliberate and painfully tempting. Sure, it was a dirty trick but 1) he never said anything about using your assets 2) you've been wanting to do that since the first hold. You feel his muscles tense and you can't help but radiate smugness.  Your smile vanishes, however, when he rolls his hips against yours giving you a feel of his hardened length through the thin fabric of your gym shorts. The slow, tantalizing friction against your core draws out a vulgar moan from you. 
 "Do you wanna run that by me again, brat?" He whispers low and husky emphasizing the last word with another grind of his hip. You pant, hips answering back with their own desperate movement. You want to let your hips keep moving, to make him move, to feel his cock against your core but pride flared in your chest. "Make me." You bite out. "I really should teach you some manners."You feel the low rumble of his answer in response seemingly amused by your continued resistance. He rocks his hips against yours drawing out another breathy moan from you. Out of spite you bite your bottom lip and rock your hips in tandem with his. What did you hope to accomplish from this? You don't know but it certainly felt good. Your skin feels hot and oversensitive as your bodies continue to move at this rhythm. The feel of his muscles rippling against you makes you arch your back. You wanted more but you had too much pride. As if spurred on by the movement, he presses a kiss on your shoulder and sucks at your flesh, a rough hand grips your waist tight enough to bruise. "Slade!" You choke out losing your composure.  The cry sounds more like a plea than you would like. You sound so small and needy beneath his ministrations. 
 Distilling your anger into your weakening limbs you try to buck him off again. You make a small noise of triumph when he budges but whine when his grip on you just gets tighter. "Not quite, princess,"  
 He flips you onto your back. A hand pins both your arms above your head as he situates himself between your legs. His lips capture yours in a rough kiss, the type where you feel two bodies fighting each other for dominance. His teeth bite lightly against your bottom lip asking for entrance. You open your lips less in concession and more of a challenge. The wet muscles of your tongues entangle. Your nose is filled with the musk of him. It was overwhelming. You moan into the kiss and you feel him smile into it. Another small victory. 
 Slade ends the kiss having undeniably won the match. You try to move your hand to punch the grin off his face but again your hands don't budge. You curse his enhanced strength halfheartedly as the feeling of the heat coiling in the pit of your stomach takes over. Instead of diving back in for another kiss as you expected, Slade trails kisses down your jawline, your throat, and your collar bone leaving very defined very visible hickeys. There was something oddly possessive in his actions.  The look in his eye was predatory. 
 You, foolishly, let your attention wander to your hands seeing what angle you could possibly force them into so you can slip his grip and maybe turn the tables. Your attention snaps back to him when the pressure around your chest loosens and the distinct sound of a zipper fills your ears. Your eyes widen as you watch as he unzips the front of your sports bra with his teeth. Your breath catches even as your chest fills with the lack of constriction. Your too hot skin is grazed by the training room's cold air. He places a kiss in the valley between your breasts but when you whimper and move slightly urging him to proceed. He moves on to your stomach. "Asshat" You seethe through gritted teeth. You let out a groan of frustration. You were going to kill him. You honestly don't care if you've just wasted half a billion dollars on this asshole. 
 His kisses drift down to your inner thigh drawing a moan from you. Slade chuckles seeing your desire seeping through the thin fabric of your shorts. He isn't entirely surprised considering how unsubtle you are about your interest. A rare moment of embarrassment blankets you. Your legs try to close but rough hands pry them apart placing them on his broad shoulders. You bite your lip when he plants a kiss on your inner thigh. Your lips are puffy and red at this point, looking delicious as you panted. Slade wonders how your lips would feel around his cock but he decides he'll save that for another time. He hooks his fingers on the waistband of your shorts and his eye widens momentarily when he doesn't feel a second layer of fabric underneath it. He looks at you incredulously.
 You shrug trying to keep the mischief off your face looking absolutely unapologetic. "It's laundry day-" You shrug a little amused that this is the detail that caught him off guard. "-I did tell you I had stuff to do~"He also supposedly had stuff to do but, apparently, you were stuff. He chuckled and without dignifying your comment with an actual response, he rips your shorts off with ease and tosses them somewhere behind him.  A complaint or a threat, you weren't entirely sure, died on your lips when his tongue gave your core a nice long lick. A loud, needy keen escapes you. Your hands now free from his grasp dig into his scalp.  Pleased with your reaction he continues. His skilled tongue exploring your core hitting spots you didn't even know were there. Your hips meet to match his pace as he fucks you with his tongue. You whine when he withdraws his tongue but mewl loud and wanton when you feel two rough fingers stretching your insides. His mouth latches onto your sensitive bud, fingers pumping in and out.  You throw your head back not being able to contain your moans.
 "Look at me, brat," The command is deep and resonant. Your whole body buzzes with excitement. Slade can see your eyes dilate as his voice drops an octave. 
 "Yes," Your breath hitches when he doesn't move. "Sir" You add as a concession hoping it was enough. You felt your pride waning from the small piece of power being given away. Thankfully, he rewards you with another long lick before you can dwell on it. Slade watches as your face twists in pleasure trying your best not to throw your head back. You see the smugness on his face even when half of his face is buried between your legs. You don't attempt a threat simply because you don't trust whatever comes out of your mouth to be coherent. You were so close. You rock your hips trying to chase your high. Your skin is flush and glistening with sweat. You were so close. He feels your walls tightening around his fingers. Another needy keen escapes you as you were about to tip over the edge. 
 The motherfucker pulls back. You snarl at him but it comes out sounding more like a needy croon than anything else. He chuckles at you even as he captures your lips for another kiss. His tongue is thick with the taste of you. Your hand tangles itself into his hair while the other tugs at the waistband of his sweatpants.  He pulls away giving your lips one last nip before his body is off of you. It's funny how just moments ago you wanted him off of you badly enough that you'd play any dirty trick you could think of but now your skin is burning for his touch.  He takes off his sweat pants and his engorged cock slaps against his abs. It takes every brain cell at your disposal not to drool at the sight of it. He was BIG. You wonder briefly if he would even fit.  
 He spits on his cock rubbing his head against your thoroughly soaked folds. You mewl. A playful look in his eye does not go unnoticed but you were far too preoccupied with other concerns. Thankfully, so did he. Slade eases into your pussy in slow shallow thrusts. You can physically feel your walls stretching inch by inch as he works his way into your tight pussy. He can feel every bit of resistance your pussy is putting up. It's his turn to hiss when he finally bottoms out. Your walls cling to his member trying to milk it for all its worth. You drag your nails down from his shoulder to his arms. You pout when his skin heals immediately. You wanted to mark him as he did you but apparently, his healing factor was not up to being kinky today.   
 He laughs at your little protest and gives you a quick kiss. He begins to thrust shallow and languid. Your lips are locked in, sensually nibbling at each other's lips. You arch your back pressing your chest against his musculature savoring every bit of stimulation you could get.   You cant your hips against his urging him to go faster. His large hand grips your hips and pins them down. The coil in your stomach grows tighter at the ease at which he stops you. You feel him grin against your hot skin. 
 "Didn't I say I would teach you some manners?" He pulls himself out leaving you feeling hollow and wanting. You're pretty sure if you weren't drunk on your arousal the look in your eyes would be nothing short of murder, however, this was not the case, Whatever venom you had in you vanished in a swirl of neediness that racked your body. Your cant your hips uselessly trying to find friction only to be met with cool air. 
 "Slade pleeeeaaase!"
 You gasp, as a sharp stinging sensation on your pussy knocks the breath out of you. Slade gives you an expectant look. 
 "Sir, plea-"
 Another slap. Your back arches.  You’re panting heavy, mind swirling and searching. 
 "Daddy please!" The words tumble from your lips thoughtlessly. You both freeze. Slade's face is unreadable making you want to shrink away and let the earth swallow you whole. Panic rises in your chest until you feel his hips slam against yours. The force is enough to knock the breath out of you. He manhandles your body to fuck you at a better angle. His grip on your thighs tight and bruising. You whimper when he dips his head down near yours pressing kisses to your jaw and the pulsating flesh of your neck leaving your mouth free to moan his name like a mantra.   A deep resonant growl rumbles in his chest sending thrills through your skin into your spine. Your hardened nipples drag against his chest as they bounce with his pace. His cock pumps in and out of you at an animalistic pace. You were absolutely going mad over his rough pace but it wasn't enough to push you over. You were both so close.
 "Daddy, please! I- I need-" Slade's cock twitches. His pace goes from animalistic to punishing in the space of a heartbeat. He growls into your ear as he reaches down to rub your clit with skilled, calloused fingers. Your walls tighten around him as you go over the edge.  Your orgasm hits you in a flurry of heat and electricity. He fucks you through it as he chases his own. He pulls out his cock. Ropes of cum covering your chest and your stomach. 
 He lays beside you pulling you close. You moan quietly still feeling the aftershocks of your orgasm. He nuzzles his face into the crook of your neck, planting an open-mouthed kiss. You ease into his hold and close your eyes. 
 "See how easy your life is when you're a good girl, princess," He whispers mockingly into your ear. You raise a middle finger at him too fucked out to care whether it actually conveyed as much venom as you wanted it to. 
Thanks for reading! Next week will be our regularly scheduled fluff unless I get possessed by the thirst muses. 
tag list:  Tag list:  @batarella , @anothertimdrakestan , @lucy-roo , @multifandomgirl-us , @idkmanicantenglish ,@birdy-bat-writes ,  @boosyboo9206 , @americasmarauders , @l-horizondepeu , @arestorationofbalance  , @cloudie-skay , @knightfall05x
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aomineavenue · 4 years
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Interviewer: Hello, fellow fans of aomineavenue productions! Today we’re here with the main cast of the upcoming production “SHARK TANK” and have prepared a few sets of questions that will give you a little insight of what it’s about. ━━ direct yourself to the masterlist of shark tank here.
━━ Akaashi Keiji; “I will never love you the way you want me to.”
[I]: Hello there, Akaashi-san! We’re so glad you’re able to make it to today’s interview.
[A]: I’m happy to be here. 
[I]: Let’s get down to business, shall we? Your line for the promo of Shark Tank practically screams angst, can you give us a little clue on what it’s about?
[A]: Well I can’t really disclose on such an important information but I can say that particular part in the production does indeed scream angst but I do think the fans will be able to love that scene. 
[I]: Do you love the role that was given to you?
[A]: It certainly is something I’ve yet to portray as in aomineavenue’s works and I think it might confuse the fans as to why such a role was given to me but I’m really happy with what the team has made so far. I can’t wait for everyone to see this.
[I]: As we know so far, Y/N will be choosing out of the three male leads in the production. Can you tell us more about the relationship between your role and hers?
[A]: Without disclosing too much, I think the relationship between the two based on the timeline of the story is pretty much on edge or rather rocky due to their current situation. They have mutual feelings for each other but the circumstances around them keeps tearing them apart.
[I]: Yikes. We can’t wait to see that. 
[A]: And I can’t wait for everyone to see it. I hope I don’t disappoint the fans who will be viewing this story. 
━━ Daishou F/N; “Why can’t I live the life I want to?” 
[I]: The huge star of every show is here everyone! Welcome L/N F/N! It’s an honour to have you here with us today. 
[Y]: Thank you so much, I’m really happy I could be here today. I’ve been so excited for everyone to see this. 
[I]: This time around, based from what was given to us, you’ll be portraying as Daishou Suguru’s little sister. How is it like working with Daishou-san?
[Y]: Ah! Yes, well, he’s literally a burst of energy to be around with. Though we may not be actually siblings, working with him in this project, i can definitely say that we treat each other like siblings now. 
[I]: Was the cast in this project easy to work with? 
[Y]: Oh, definitely. Everyone is such a sweetheart and so welcoming. I’m really happy with the cast. Everyday has been a blast, to reading lines to filming episodes. 
[I]: Tell us more about the character you’re portraying. 
[Y]: Well, my character is someone who has been through a lot of hardships with her family. Due to the family environment, she had to step down from what she loves doing best to avoid the scandals. It really took a toll on her, so instead of doing something she really loved, she stayed away to avoid any unnecessary drama. She just wanted a peaceful life. 
[I]: Tell us more about the love interests of your character. Who do you ship your character more?
[Y]: Oh, I don’t kiss and tell. Let’s just say that even I have a hard time choosing myself. 
[K]: She obviously chooses me. 
[O]: My character was obviously better.
[A]: Keep dreaming. 
[Y]: Excuse me? This is my interview.
━━ Kuroo Tetsurou “I only came back for you, what more do you need?”
[I]: My, Kuroo-san, welcome! How is your first project with aomineavenue productions? 
[K]: Ah, it was honestly very intimidating at first but you know, you get used to it along the way. Especially with such a great team. 
[I]: Can you tell us more about the character you’ll be portraying?
[K]: Ah, my character is someone who followed his dreams and left someone he dearly loved. He actually regrets after awhile and never really got over things. 
[I]: Wow, such a spoiler! I’m sure the fans will love it. Is that how your character’s relationship is with the main character?
[K]: I cannot confirm or deny anything. I guess that’s up to everyone to figure out along the way. 
[I]: What a complete tease! What should the fans look forward to?
[K]: I’d say the very dramatic scenes between each love interest. Though, I must do so say myself, the relationship between my character and the main character is pretty tamed compared to the other two. 
[I]: Somehow, I have this feeling that I should doubt that.
━━ Miya Osamu “You were the only woman I’ve ever wanted.”
[I]: It’s a pleasure to have you here with us, Osamu-san. How has working with aomineavenue productions going so far? 
[O]: It’s a blast, honestly. I’ve had other projects with aomineavenue and it’s been great. Working with Y/N, too, has been a wonderful experience. 
[I]: I’m so glad to hear that. Based on our survey, you were highly voted on by the fans. What does that feel like?
[O]: Ah, really? I ddin’t expect that. That’s truly an honor, I hope I’ll be able to live up to everyone’s expectations. I can’t wait to rub it in ‘Tsumu’s face that I was picked for this current project. 
[I]: Tell us more of the character you’ll be portaying in Shark Tank. 
[O]: The character I’ll be portraying is extremely loyal, as you can see from the line given from the promo. Based on the timeline where the story will go, my character will be going through certain lengths to help certain people. 
[I]: Your character will be portraying as a heir to a big entertainment company, am I correct?
[O]: Yes, that’s correct. Basically, he has a lot of resources to help the other characters in their sticky circumstances. 
[I]: Would that mean that your character will probably be the knight in shining armor for our main character?
[O]: That’s for everyone to wait and find out. Either way, I can’t wait for everyone to see this upcoming series. We’re pretty excited ourselves. 
━━ aomineavenue “I’m sleep deprived, please.”
[I]: Hello, Mia! It’s great to finally have you back here with us. 
[M]: Ah, I’m pretty excited myself. It’s been awhile so, please be nice to me as I’ve yet to write something good lately.
[I]: So do tell us, what is the inspiration with Shark Tank?
[M]: Honestly speaking, it was a different story when i first posted about Shark Tank. It was going to be more complicated and angsty but I didn’t think it would fit well for a SMAU setup, so i rearranged a few things and hopefully this will be better. The previous points from my original story idea, will also be migrated to the new plot idea for Shark Tank but it’ll be on a totally different setting. 
[I]: When should we expect the first release of Shark Tank?
[M]: I would say about next week. I haven’t been around much lately due to personal reasons, so I’m still settling back in and rearranging my thoughts. Hopefully, I’ll be able to follow through. I expect weekly updates with this one. My goal is to update at least every Saturday. 
[I]: Will we be getting more romance than angst in this work?
[M]: I can’t really say. The current start of the story mostly revolves around getting to know each character and start of a dramatic arc. But I would like to confirm that romance is indeed in the cards for this story, whether it may be between main characters or side characters that will be present in the story as well.
━━ do you have any questions for the author? send them here. To be added to the taglist for Shark Tank, fill up a form here. 
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tinydragonstories · 3 years
Heat vs Steele pt 7
Logan’s vision was blurry as he soared across the sky with his clothes in his talons. He knew the people could see him, but the only thoughts in his mind were escape and hide. And there was one place he had been told could protect him for years if need be, with walls strong enough to hold an army back and a moat deep enough that it was dangerous to swim lest sharks nibble your toes. He glides down to the old family castle and stashes his clothes in the southern tower in case he changes back -he didn’t think he would, but he didn’t exactly want to return home naked if he did- then pulled the drawgate up with his teeth. He locks it with a boulder he found, setting it on the ropes, and curls up to rest his newly grown, sore wings.
His glasses had shattered in the transformation and he feared he may have seriously hurt Virgil despite his attempts to avoid the now tiny human. He remembered his vision becoming much more narrow and spitting flames at the wall as his bones shifted and grew, breaking and reshaping themselves under the muscles and scales he was growing. His horns had gotten stuck in the roof and in the process of getting them free, had whipped his tail directly into the human still in the room, sending him flying into the four poster bed. He remembered hearing footsteps and crashing through the window and wall to escape. He had immediately headed for the only safe place he knew he could go to in this form, his family’s old home.
He chuffs and smoke billows from his nostrils as he kept his eyes locked on the drawbridge. As the sun set, he felt them droop, until he was softly snoring in the courtyard with his tail over his snout.
Roman didn’t sleep that night, standing on his balcony with the blue fabric in his hand. He was running his fingers over the smooth silk as he looked over the Elmarian landscape. His expression is neutral and thoughtful as he listens to the silence. Usually, Patton would be asleep and snoring by now, but his servant was currently in the medical wing watching over Virgil. He remembered how he had run in and immediately positioned himself by Virgil’s bedside, rubbing the back of the unconscious guard’s hand. He wondered, would Logan do that for him if he was injured in his pursuit of this beast? Would he watch over him as he healed, hold his hand, and say sweet things to make him feel marginally better?
He doubted it; -his fingers close around the royal blue cloth- Logan wasn’t like that. He was colder, more defensive, and passionate about the sciences. But he was the one Roman had devoted his attention to for the time being. The object of his affections, although they didn’t seem to have an effect on him. Perhaps words weren’t the way to his prince’s heart, nor great deeds. Perhaps he was like Roman’s brother, and the way to gain his attention was through spending quality time with him. Remus had always seemed happier when Roman came with him on those strange quests he went on to tame wild beasts and gather flora for his should-be-illegal-but-not-quite-illegal garden. Roman’s still not sure how he still has it after a plant nearly took his head off, but he does and Roman has stayed as far from it as possible.
But his point, perhaps Logan does not see the value in great deeds or sweet words like most royalty. Perhaps instead he values time and the people he spends it with, it would explain the bond with the guard that’s constantly at his side.
The prince shakes his head and turns to face the room he had been staying in, looking over the decor. There was a painting of one of Logan’s ancestors fighting a great fire breathing beast hanging on the wall opposite the bed. Roman examines it for a moment, scoffs, then turns to the light armor he had worn on his way here that was currently on a stand to prevent rust. It was just a metal chestplate, leather wraps for his forearms and thighs, and the helmet he had refused to wear unless they were engaged in battle. He turns to the rising crescent moon streaming light into his eyes and secures the first leather strap of his chestplate on.
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kdramachitchat · 3 years
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Episode 2 dives into Yohan’s past and how he became the monster he is today. The episode also adds a surprising meeting at a charity function and a bomb explosion.
The Devil Judge episode 2; The Yellow Porsche
Dinner and family gossip
The episode begins as a continuation from the last scene of the pilot episode. The 3 judges gathered together and Judge Yohan invited his colleagues for a meal. Jinjoo seem unaware with the tension between Gaon and Yohan accepted the invitation. Gaon not saying anything, Yohan mentions that he didnt have to go but eventually accepted. Back in the office, Gaon asked Jinjoo is it ok for someone to yawn while crying. After that Jinjoo added new information, she said that Yohan is basically a rich guy an heir of their family and the dinner will be a gourmet. During dinner, they get to know Yohan personally moreso on Jinjoo though and Gaon keeps quiet. Yohan mentions during dinner that he hunts. Yohan mentions that he is similar to a animal with the way he eats. Gaon says that Yohan is a pampered prince since birth then a flash back of him at his home that says otherwise. Dont judge the book by it’s cover Gaon. His late father is a loan shark and father’s his father’s footsteps.
Since they’re talking about family, Yohan mentioned about Gaon’s family who was in neck-deep with debt. Gaon is pissed that Yohan has been looking at his records. Yohan added that Gaon’s father lost his money to a con artist which led to his father committing suicide. Yohan’s father was in a money lending business and tells Gaon that everytime his debtor killed themselves he goes to confess.
The Yellow Porsche
While Gaon was walking home on the opposite side of the road we see a man driver a yellow Porsche. He was driving quite fast and was about to meet someone. While the man was driving, he talking to someone on the phone discussing something about having something set. We see homeless people out on the street eating their meals beside a truck with the Social Responsibility Foundation signage. The man continues to drive and drives into them, blinking his lights and honking at them. Driving madly he has hit a homeless man and Gaon sees the incident across the street. The man steps out of his car and does a insincere apology to the homeless man.
The porsche guy shows up yet again and on the otherside a child at backseat with the mother driving. The 2 cars got into a accident and Gaon saw it. The porsche guy does the same thing like the first time and just leaves without taking care of the victim. Gaon mentioned that he’s seen the car before and the driver gets pissed with how he doesnt like it if people get in his way. Soohyun and Gaon tries to catch the culprit, we then see Yohan driving his luxury car trying to catch him as well. Yohan eventually stopped him and damaged his car. Yohan ended him by finding stash and giving out a public transportation card after. Soohyun is shocked to witness this scene of Judge Yohan acting like this in the flesh.
The yellow Porsche guy happens to be a CEO at a food company. He did taste testing with a dislike reaction. One of the staff said that they try their best to scout top head chefs despite the lawsuit threat. He’s been trying to get the exact recipe with spending his own money but couldnt copy despite having top chefs. He’s copying someone else’ recipe but the CEO/Chairman is never satisfied. The CEO is hiding pills on his desk and his reminded by the flashback scene of him and Yohan. Once the ceo guy leaves he meets Yohan again. Yohan reminds him about his public transportation card. Yohan compares him to a fresh bait.   
President and Ministry of Justice
Both important figures were discussing the results of the 1st trial and how its a joke to have 235 years worth of imprisonment. She asked if it was a plan conducted by the President. Ms Cha pointed out Yohan’s fake crying while calling out the victim’s names but President defended Yohan and tells her it was difficult to shed a fake tear or try to act. They both also talked about how the President is leading a country who’s currently in danger. President realized something about her comment stating that the loss of Chairman Joo is a big deal for her, also adds how she was able to put countless Chairman’s behind bars. So why would she get so upset about Joo? Hmm. The President is beginning to become curious about their relationship and jokes that he used to be an actor with wild imagination. He also stated if the trial orchestrated by her but the foundation wont approve. Ms Seo didnt seem unhappy. Ms Cha then meets up with Mr Seo afterwards with Ms Jung not allowing her to enter. Ms Cha made a rude comment and eventually made her enter. Ms Cha is mad and asked why Mr Seo teamed up with Yohan behind her back. Mr Jeo says that having the public’s back may not be so bad which came to Ms Cha’s conclusion, President Heo convinced Yohan on his own. Ms Cha wont just watch as people turn their backs on her and she’ll definitely do something about it. Mr Seo then requested her to leave.
Ms Jung asked Ms Cha if the 1st trial was that bad, but the ruling party gave a 17%. Since the Ministry of Justice is the next in-line for the Presidential position, for sure many companies will be in-line to support her but why the fuss about Chairman Joo. She apologized once again for crossing the line since she’s just a mere secretary, hehe.
Gaon thinks otherwise
Gaon and Jingho talks about Yohan and how surprised Gaon was that Yohan didnt let Chairman Joo off the hook. Itll be harder to find the motive and think that there’s some deal behind it. Looks like everything went well with the trial but still they cant mess it up and Gaon will look further into it. He’s still bugged with the doctor and Yohan from the first trial. Jang Kiyoung who is a witness, Gaon asked Yohan if he trusts what he said. Gaon commented how weird it is for him to change their statement and Yohan said he must’ve have a guilty conscience. Gaon is still isnt convinced as it seemed that he had another intention. Citing an example on making the defendant deliberately look like he murdered the victim. He also added that Yohan looked happy to get along with him. He observantly noticed how different he acted then all of a sudden after that, Yohan became quiet. Flashback of the witness scene and Yohan commented howcome Gaon kept focusing on him and asked if what he’s doing is intentional. Because of the way Yohan said his words, Gaon thinks that’s the reason why the defendant changed his statement and admitted professional negligence.
Yohan answered acting like what the fuss was about because it turned out well. Yohan only cared about the trial turning out right but Gaon wants constitutionalism.  Gaon asked if there is another reason and Yohan said its like a unjust game. It looks like Gaon just wants justice for the victims (especially with his backstory) and Yohan gave him a reality check. Gaon stormed out with a recording on hand.
Soohyun starts investigating on Mr Jang Kiyoung the witness from the first trial. Then we see someone else spying on Soohyun and informing whoever he’s speaking to, eventually finding out to be Yohan. Yohan said that Gaon came to see him too. Yohan thinks to why there’s a courageous witness. Yohan also was able to find the spy device under his desk. Gaon is in trouble. She eventually calls Gaon and finds comments on online articles after searching about Mr Jang stating how Yohan is called the devil. The more they seem to be connected.
Charity Show
Gaon and Jinjoo were called at Yohan’s office, they were invited to be at the production’s and the Social Responsibility Foundation charity fashion show event. The charity will be donating millions of dollars. Another tense eye connection happens between Gaon and Yohan...Awkward... Gaon looks away and Yohan observed the reaction. Jinjoo also mentioned how the chairman of the board is famous as the nation’s advisor. Gaon being the textbook judge declined, he says that its wrong for a judge to be at a event like that while looking at Yohan. The head producer invited them because they want the public to receive a sense of hope. They arrived at the event and the host asks them a question each especially to Yohan. The host states that the public shows a strong trust with Yohan and is watching him closely. Yohan promises that he will fighting for Korea’s just society with his life on the line. Jinjoo gets introduced to Mr Seo who is acting like a disgusting prick by Ms Jung and she’s left alone with him. Yohan saves her on time.
Yohan and Ms Cha meets at the event and congratulates him despite the surprise. They both pose for the camera and Ms Cha asked if he plans to do that again.
Yohan and Ms Jung meets once again too. Ms Jung warns Yohan that the owner does not like twist and turns.
Ms Cha introduces her husband and eventually her son who is the same guy from the Porsche incident. Oops. Plot twist.
Ms Jung talks to Mr Seo and makes a observed statement. She says that Yohan is not tamed enough. You can never tame a monster.
Gaon visits a pastor
Gaon continues his investigation on Yohan starting from his past. He visits a church talking to a pastor who knew Yohan and says how different he is from others. The pastor notices how Yohan has a gloomy expression on his face and kept quiet most of the time. A flashback of a young Yohan smashed a bird on the head during class to stop it from flying around. The classmates started calling him names and a monster. They continue to treat him as a invisible classmate. The pastor calls him a devil but its nothing compared to what happens next. The classmates started treating him badly and yet they're the ones acting like a monster. An incident at school happened when the items of the upper class kids were missing and the blame was on them, Yohan was the cause of that incident. At that moment, Yohan eventually became like a devil.
After the event, Gaon went back to Yohan’s office to check on the spy device but eventually Yohan caught him. While they were talking Jisung hears a beeping sound only for Gaon to realize that its a bomb. The bomb exploded and Gaon saves the both of them.
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baebeyza · 4 years
Pros and Cons of all the TF shows I watched [updated: Unicron Trilogy and BW Neo]
Update info: Whyever the hell I wrote this and why people care about my opinion is beyond my current understanding, but @chaoticgirl23 asked for the Unicron Trilogy I hadn't watched back then, so- Also decided to write down if I actually like the show or not xD
(also I removed wfc, because I cant really judge after all with the show not being finished) My personal opinions + stuff that can be dubbed controversial and problematic, so beware for racism and sexism! But also beware of my idiotic attempts at humour
G1 (loved the show with all my heart)
- The original show
- big cast of loveable characters
- Really awesome human side characters
- Very clever and witty dialogue
- fucking batshit insane
- Rodimus Prime is babe
- apart from Arcee, female autobots being treated like a subspecies and only appearing in like one episode (3 if you are generous)
- Motherfucking country called “Carbombya”
- Some human characters are actually shit (those boys from B.O.T)
- Rodimus fucks as a human and not as a robot
- Everything animated by AKOM
- Galvatron’s portrayal as a person with brain-damage reads as ableistic (Personally I still love his G1 version more than the others I’ve seen)
- The “You’re only truly disabled if you lose your courage” line from Chip, it was explained to me that it’s ableistic as well
Headmasters (loved the show)
- exciting plot
- characters die, fuck yeah
- Planets get destroyed, fuck yeah
- <3 ~ Power of Friendship ~ <3
- Sixshot is babe
- Everything about Cyclonus and Wheelie
- Rodimus fucks off after episode 10 and never comes back
- Arcee going from warrior to secretary
- If you come from IDW I have to break it to you that Chromedome is straight
SuperGod  Masterforce (loved the show with all my heart)
- A darker and more serious storyline if you’re into that
- Lots of character arcs and well-written characters in general
- Decepticons having a more family like dynamic
- Decepticons with a level of depth to them
- Redemption much
- Ginrai is babe
- This show’s focus is on the humans so if you don’t like human TF characters, this aint for you
- The character Cab has a level of racist stereotyping - he comes from a fictional country in Oceania called Karin and the depiction of that country is everyone living in wood homes and having no electricity. (The show plays in the future so that makes it worse) Cab himself gets introduced as a Tarzan kinda dude who can talk with animals.
While I found Cab himself not bad as a character, the problem with how his background is written sure is stupid and insulting. There isn’t a lot of focus on his country in the show however, but it’s still there
- There is a scene in which the boys Shuta and Cab spy on girls during swim class (they get called out and apologize for it though and the “fanservice” scene itself is really damn modest and tame)
Victory (loved the show)
- Similiar fun tone as G1
- lovable cast of idiots
- Exciting episode plots
- Leozack is babe
- The only two prominent female characters are love interests and nothing else (which is drop in quality when compared to Masterforce, which had Minerva as a fleshed out autobot with agency and Mega as an interesting female villain)
- Leozack never punches Deszaras in the face
- Fucking retcons the destruction of Mars in Headmasters
Beast Wars (loved with all my heart)
- Really compelling story and characters!!!
- Well written dialogue
- Wonderful character animation
- Dinobot is HONOUR and babe. Also I’m crying
- Megatron and his bullshit
- Megatron and his bullshit
- That stupid love triangle subplot in season 3
- Some major plotline not being fully developed (the Vok plotline)
Beast Wars II (liked the show)
- The Predacons in general
- Lio Convoy (the Optimus of the show) having a son
- Galvatron is babe and so is Starscream
- Maximals are lame apart from Lio Convoy and the arc with his son Lio Junior
- A lot of uninteresting characters an episodes
- The Jointrons as racist mexican stereotypes
- Only female robot is part of a love triangle (even more annoying than the love triangle in Beast Wars)
Beast Wars Neo (liked the show)
- Big Convoy being a lone wolf turned teacher was a really sweet story to follow <3 How he and his team learnt to trust each other over the course of the show was really nice!
- Unicron in this show was a delight
- D-Navi was always fun
- Magmatron was a rather nice Decepticon leader
- Heinrad is babe
- No girls (Boo!)
Beast Machines (very conflicted, tend to dislike)
- Plays entirely on Cybertron
- Explores themes of technology and organic life forms and really tries to be something different and deep
- The last episode is really nice
- Jetstorm is babe
- No fun allowed - the maximals are really frustrating because we only ever see them being angry and fighting and a lot of them only show us their worst sides
- The maximal character models are HIDEOUS
- You may not actually like the philosophical aspect of the show, especially when you think too long about it and realise it’s kinda shit
Robots in Disguise 2001/ Car Robots (liked the show)
- New continuity! New story, new take!
- Funny and lighthearted
- Cute characters
- Sky-Byte/Gel-Shark is babe
- Ultra Magnus/God Magnus is a fucking jerk and I love it 
- Sideburn/Speedbreaker’s gag about loving red sport cars and chasing after them - it’s played as a joke all the time but I can see that stuff making people uncomfortable when they see the female driver trying to get away from him and his catcalling (Apart from that I do like him a lot though)
Armada/Micron Densetsu (disliked the show)
- Lots of feels between Megatron and Optimus
- Starscream's arc
- The ending arc
- Jetfire was babe
- The pacing was unbearable
- Half the time the characters didn't act like people and I was confused about almost every conflict, action and point they made. It's not a great story when I watch episode and need an hour to figure what the hell the story even was
- The parts I liked in concept are not helped by how unnatural and weird the characters acted at times. I liked the ending, but how they got there was so weird that I just can't enjoy it
Energon/Superlink (loved the show)
- Megatron/Galvatron - Everything about him
- The japanese voice acting was fantastic!
- Really nice death scenes (I love death scenes btw)
- Mirage/Shockfleet being in love with Megatron
- Bringing back old names apart from Megatron and Optimus
- Rodimus being an equal to Optimus was a nice touch
- The few scenes it was 2D animated
- Jetfire/Skyfire is babe
- Animation
- The "for the toys" thing kinda ruined some characters, where instead of getting the toys as completely new characters, they killed old ones and brought them back with a new model. It did suck story-telling wise (and me, loving death scenes, get annoyed when a death scene gets ruined by bringing the character back). So you got all these character arcs that feel like the just stopped
Cybertron/Galaxy Force (loved the show with all my heart)
- Love the setting and world with all the different colonies and how they were explored ~
- Optimus Prime, this one is my favourite version of him!
- Vector Prime, they should bring him back
- All the different leaders
- The friendship between the characters- this show has my favourite set of Autobots from all TF media
- This also has my favourite Mega&Star dynamic
- Starscream himself is so well done here!
- Jetfire/Dreadlock was babe
- Megatron was lacklustre. When it came to him and his dynamics with other characters (apart from Starscream), he was hardly written as a person with feelings. He never reacts to anything happening within the ranks of Decepticons and it is really disappointing, because there was a lot of potential! (with Flame Convoy and Chromia specifically)
Animated (loved the show)
- Character writing, plot and themes!
- Lighthearted tone but enough scenes that dig a little deeper
- Really nice and smooth animation
- Optimus is baby
- The chins
- No 4th season
Prime (loved the show)
- Best friggin fight scenes and animation in general
- Really exciting plot 
- Ratchet is babe
- Predacon Rising exists
- Characters dying for budget reasons (Just don’t hire celebrities when you cannot pay them for more?)
Robots in Disguise 2015 (it's okay)
- ...the Stunticons are babe
- characters never developing and learning the same shit over and over again
- almost no interesting villains
- even the interesting ones being shoved aside a lot 
- no real built-up for the climax
- lots of filler and not enough time spent on the actual plot of a corrupt Cybertron goverment
Prime Wars Trilogy (loved the show with all my heart)
- Megatron, everything about him, he’s babe
- I really like the soundtrack
- Bad storytelling, both narrative and visual
- Horrible or mediocre voice acting
- Static and bad facial expressions
- Static and bad character animation
- Feels like no one involved in the production had any idea how to tell a story
Cyberverse (meh)
- Really cute as fuck
- Big cast 
- Astrotrain is babe
- No time for character arcs, they just jump from set up to conclusion with nothing in-between
- Unfocused plot that jumps from one idea to another
- Megatron broke my heart and I hate him
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