#the first guy in the green suit was instantly my favorite of this band by the way
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rpf-bat · 4 years
To Join The Black Parade
Pairing: Gerard Way x Reader
Genre: Fluff
Summary: Written for Gothtober 2020, Day 11. Prompt: “Death Parade”.
You receive an unexpected phone call, from your old friend Gerard. He asks you if you’d like to play a role, in the upcoming music video, for ‘Welcome To The Black Parade’. But, when he sees you on set, something comes over him, that neither of you ever expected. 
You sat in the studio, in front of a blank canvas. You glanced up at the diploma, hanging in on the wall, in the corner. It was proof that you had graduated from SVA, with a Bachelor of Fine Arts. But, despite being certifiably good at art (on paper), you still felt like an impostor, on days like this, when you had no inspiration at all. 
Your brush hovered over the empty white space, when, suddenly, you were interrupted, by the sound of the phone ringing. As soon as you saw who was calling, your expression brightened. 
“Hi, Y/N,” greeted the familiar voice of Gerard Way. Simply hearing your old friend speak, was enough to make your spirits, instantly lift. 
“Hi, Gee,” you smiled, moving the phone closer to your ear. “How have you been?”
Even though you talked on the phone all the time, you hadn’t seen him in person, since last summer. He had briefly returned to New Jersey, to play a Warped Tour gig. You’d hung out with him afterwards, backstage. It had been so fun - and yet, so fleeting. 
“I’ve been good,” Gerard replied jovially. “I’m sorry for calling you so early, though.” 
“It’s not early,” you chuckled. “It’s like, eleven o’clock.”
“Well, here, it’s only eight,” Gerard reminded you. 
The East Coast was no longer his home base. He had moved to Los Angeles, a few years ago, when his band started to take off. This put him in the Pacific time zone, three hours behind you. 
“How’s California treating you?” you asked. “Still staying in that weird haunted house?”
“Nah, we’re done recording the album now,” Gerard updated you. “We’re actually getting ready to film the music video, that’s gonna go with the lead single.”
“Oh, cool!” you said, interested. “What’s the single’s title?”
“It’s called ‘Welcome To The Black Parade’,” Gerard revealed cryptically. 
“What’s the Black Parade?” you asked curiously. 
“I have this concept for the video - well, for the whole album, really,” Gerard explained. “This guy is like, dying of cancer, and Death comes for him, in the form of his favorite childhood memory.” 
“The memory is….a parade?” you guessed.
“That’s right!”, Gerard confirmed. “I kind of based it off, like, when my dad would take me and Mikey into the city, at Thanksgiving time, to see the Macy’s parade.” 
“Oh, of course,” you nodded. As a fellow New Jersey native, only a ferry-ride away from the Big Apple, you had grown up going to the parade every autumn, too. 
“So, this whole, like, procession of marchers, is gonna welcome The Patient into the afterlife,” Gerard went on. 
“That sounds amazing,” you said honestly. “I can’t wait to see the video, when it’s finished.”
“That’s actually what I was calling you about,” Gerard confessed slyly. “We’re gonna have a lot of extras in this video shoot. Like I said, a whole parade of people. I was wondering, if you might want to be in it?”
“You want me to be in the music video?”, you repeated, eyes wide.
“Yeah,” Gerard grinned. “I just thought, it would be really nice, to see you again, and have you be a part of this whole art project with me.”
Art project. That was one way to describe it. Gerard was a big Hollywood star now, with fans all over the globe. But, he still talked about the album his band was working on, in the same way, that he used to talk to you about the comics he wanted to write. Deep down, he was still the same storyteller that you used to see in class every day.
“Gerard, I would love to,” you accepted the offer, immediately. “I’ve missed you. It’s going to be so great, to hang out again.” 
“I can’t wait,” Gerard said happily. “Don’t even worry about the airfare, I can get the label to fly you out.” 
“Thank you,” you said giddily. You couldn’t wait to see your old friend again.
The flight to Los Angeles was long, but uneventful, and the day of the video shoot, arrived before you knew it. You gasped, when you walked in, and saw the set. There was a huge parade float, surrounded by a desolate, gray landscape. You wondered how long it had taken the set designers to put it together. You felt nervous, as you watched the other extras milling about, most of them already in costume. 
They’re real actors, you thought anxiously. I’m just some random person. 
Your nerves eased, as soon as you heard a voice behind you. 
“Y/N, you made it!” Gerard said delightedly. You turned to face him. 
“Whoa!” you gasped. “Your hair!” 
“I know, it’s a big change,” Gerard laughed, running his hand through his short-cropped, bleach-blonde locks. Last time you had seen him, his hair had been dark, and down to his shoulders. 
“What do you think?” he asked, seemingly a little self-conscious. 
“It’s very different,” you said honestly, “But, I like it. A new look, to signify a new era!” 
“Exactly,” Gerard nodded. “See, I knew you would get it….I gotta tell the guys you’re here. They’re gonna be psyched, to see you again.” 
“I’m psyched to see Mikey, and Frankie, and Toro again, too,” you grinned. They were all old friends of yours. 
“Oh, but first, I gotta introduce you to the director,” Gerard remembered. “His name’s Samuel Bayer. He’s amazing - he’s the same guy that directed the music video for ‘Bullet With Butterfly Wings’, back in the day.”
“No way!” you gasped. ‘Bullet’ was your favorite Smashing Pumpkins song. 
“I know, right?” Gerard grinned. “And just last year, he did some really cool videos with Green Day, like ‘American Idiot’. I’m so happy that we were able to get him to work with us, on this video. I think it’s going to be amazing.” 
“You’re such a flatterer, Gerard,” said a dark-haired man, walking over to you. “Hi, I’m Samuel.” 
“Hi, I’m Y/N,” you introduced yourself, shaking the director’s hand. 
“I heard you’re an SVA grad, too, right?” Samuel smiled.
“Yeah, Gerard and I both graduated in ‘99,” you nodded. “You went, there, too?”
“Yeah, I was in the class of ‘87,” Samuel explained. 
“Wow...small world.” 
“For sure,” Samuel laughed. “Anyway, Y/N, are you ready to get changed into your costume?”
“What am I going to wear?” you wondered. 
“Oh, you’re going to love it,” Gerard gushed. “We had Colleen Atwood design all the costumes for us. She’s incredible.”
“She’s the same lady, who designed the costumes for Edward Scissorhands,” Samuel added informatively.
“Whoa,” you gaped. This really was an all-star film crew. Did you really belong here? 
“Here’s your outfit,” Samuel smiled, handing you in the garment bag. “Go ahead and get changed, we’ll meet you back here in five.” 
“O-okay,” you gulped, suddenly unsure, if you could pull the role off - no matter how small it was. 
“Don’t worry,” Gerard assured you. “I know you better than anyone, Y/N. I’m sure you’ll do great.” 
“Thanks,” you said softly, calmed by his words. 
“I have to go fake-sing for the camera,” Gerard chuckled. “I’ll see you soon.”
You took the garment bag into the bathroom, unzipping it, to reveal the costume inside. 
The jacket, you noticed, was black, with a marching band style collar - pretty similar to what Gerard was wearing, when you walked in. The only difference was that yours was sleeveless. Instead of pants, your jacket was paired with a black skirt. 
You hesitantly changed into the outfit. You flushed, when you looked at yourself in the mirror. The skirt was short - almost too short. 
You didn’t wear things like this very often. You constantly got paint on your clothes, so you never wanted to wear anything too fancy. It would just get ruined. Most of the time, you could be found in oversized sweaters, and ratty jeans. 
I can’t refuse to wear it, though, you told yourself. Even if it feels kind of uncomfortable….Gerard spent a lot of time and money to bring me out here. The least I can do, is play my role, without complaining. 
You walked back onto the set, your legs feeling cold and exposed. Gerard and the band had just wrapped a scene on the float, miming playing their instruments. 
“Cut!” Samuel called. “Okay, I think that was a good take!” 
Done with his part, Gerard strolled back over to you.
“.....Wow,” he gaped when he laid eyes on you, his eyes widening. 
“Wow, what?” you blinked, feeling self-conscious. 
“Wow, you look amazing,” Gerard said, blushing. “I...I don’t think I’ve ever seen you wear something like this before.” 
“Oh, you think it suits me?” you asked hesitantly. You hadn’t expected this reaction. 
“Absolutely,” Gerard complimented. “Have you been...working out?”
“Oh, you mean, my legs?” you realized, blushing. “Yeah, I’ve been jogging a lot…” 
He stared at your uncovered thighs, making your cheeks turn hot. 
“Ah, there’s my Fear!” Samuel smiled, walking over to you. 
“Fear?” you repeated, raising an eyebrow. 
“Yes, you’ll be playing the role of Fear,” Samuel explained, “and this young lady here, will be playing Regret.”
He indicated a petite actress, whose costume was identical to yours. “Regret” gave you a friendly wave. 
“As soon as you’re done in the makeup chair, you ladies can do your scene with Lukas,” Samuel directed. 
“Who’s Lukas?” you asked. 
“Lukas Haas is playing The Patient,” Gerard explained. “He’s a great actor.”
“Oh, our main character,” you nodded. “Ok, I guess I better head over there!”
You were surprised, how Gerard’s eyes seemed to follow you, as you walked away. It was almost as if he didn’t want you to leave his side. 
“Ok, we’re going to start moving the parade float forward!” Samuel announced. “Processioners, I need you to start walking forward, beside it, okay?” 
You stood in line, and at his signal, you and the rest of the ‘parade’ began to march forward, towards the camera. You tried not to glance up too obviously at Gerard, who was standing on top of the float, beside you. The guys were up there with him, in matching marching band jackets. You had to admit, it was a striking look.
Lukas stumbled towards the front of the parade, wearing his hospital gown and slippers. He looked confused, and sad - a befitting expression, for a character, who was supposed to be newly deceased. 
“Ok, cut!” Samuel called out. “Gerard, you’re going to lean over the side of the float, and put the medal on Lukas, okay?”
“Ok,” Gerard nodded, dangling a military-ish cross on a chain. “Like this?” 
“Perfect,” Samuel praised. “Now, I need my Fear and Regret, to come stand on either side of Lukas, okay?”
“R-Right,” you stammered, moving to the spot on Lukas’ right that Samuel was pointing at. 
“Now, Fear and Regret are going to kiss The Patient on the cheek,” Samuel explained. 
“They’re what?” Gerard frowned, his expression turning suddenly sour. 
“It’s in the script,” Samuel reminded him. 
“Just on the cheek?” you clarified. 
“Yeah,” Regret confirmed. “You do one, and I’ll lean in, and do the other, at the same time.”
“Oh, okay,” you shrugged. “I can do that.” 
Sure, it felt a little awkward, since you’d just met Lukas twenty minutes ago. But, at least it wasn’t on the mouth, or anything. 
Samuel signaled for the camera man to start filming again, and you leaned over, in sync with Regret, and planted a peck on the actor’s face.
“Cut!” Samuel shouted. “Ladies, I’m sorry, I need you to do that again.”
“Why?!” Gerard demanded. “I thought that take was fine.”
“Because you were making a face in the background,” Samuel groaned.
“N-No I wasn’t!” Gerard denied, blushing. 
“You were,” Samuel insisted. “You’re supposed to have a neutral expression, and be looking at the camera. But, you were looking down at them instead.” 
“You were pouting, dude,” Frank teased. “Come on, let’s try it again.” 
You repeated the take, leaning over, and kissing Lukas’ cheek again. 
“Cut!” Samuel called again, looking frustrated. “Gerard, the rest of the band was looking at the camera just fine. You’re still staring downwards, with that surly expression.”
“I’m not surly,” Geraed argued. “I was making a totally normal face.”
“No, he’s right,” Mikey shook his head. “You weren’t looking, where you were supposed to look at all.” 
“Let’s give it one more try,” Gerard sighed. “I promise, I’ll get it right this time.” 
I hope so, you thought with a frown. How many times, am I going to have to put my lips on this guy’s face today?
“You know what,” Samuel shrugged, “why don’t we just take a break for lunch, and try again in thirty?”
This was fine with you - you were already bored, with the repetition. You wished you knew what was throwing Gerard off. 
You found Gerard by the craft services table, listlessly eating a handful of Cheetos.
“Are you okay?” you asked him softly, as you filled your own plate with snacks. 
“Yeah, I’m fine,” Gerard insisted. “Don’t worry about me.”
“What is it that you’re having trouble with?” you wondered. “I mean, all you’re doing in that scene, is standing still up there, right?”
“Yeah, it shouldn’t be this hard,” Gerard frowned. “I don’t know….something about watching you plant one on Lukas, is just getting on my nerves.” 
“Why’s that?” you asked, raising an eyebrow. 
“I….I don’t know,” Gerard blushed. “I just don’t want you touching him, for some reason.” 
“You’re the one, who called me, and asked me to play this specific role,” you reminded him. 
“I know I did,” Gerard acknowledged. “I just….I didn’t think it would bother me this much.”
“Why does it bother you?” you asked. “Like, what is it that goes through your head, when you see me do that?” 
“I guess I feel…..jealous,” Gerard admitted shyly, dropping his voice, so only you would hear. 
“.....Jealous?” you repeated, heart pounding. What was he saying?
Gerard’s whole face turned red, and he stared downwards, suddenly very interested in his shoes.
“....Gee,” you whispered, touching his arm. “Look at me...are you telling me, that you wish, I was kissing your cheek, instead?” 
You two had been friends for almost a decade now, but he had never made a move on you, or given you any indication that he desired anything more, than a platonic relationship. But….the truth was, you’d always found him incredibly handsome.
Gerard’s hazel eyes glanced up, hesitantly meeting yours. 
“As soon as I saw you walk out here, in that skirt,” Gerard confessed, his voice soft and husky, “I wanted to kiss you, on far more, than just your cheeks.” 
“....You want to kiss me on the mouth?” you realized, your face and body going suddenly so hot.
“God help me, I do,” Gerard breathed. 
“.....Do it,” you said breathlessly. Secretly, you’d wanted this, for years. 
“But, there’s people all around us!” Gerard said shyly. 
You looked up, and saw that he was right. Actors and actresses were starting to form a line around the table, eager to grab food to snack on. 
“.....Come with me,” you said impulsively, and dragged him by the arm, into the powder room, where you’d gotten changed earlier. 
“Y-Y/N, what are you doing?” Gerard stammered. “This is the girls’ room…..I’m not supposed to be in here….I don’t want to get caught….” 
“Then be real quiet, then,” you shushed him, and pulled him in for a searing kiss. 
His shyness seemed to melt away, as his lips crashed into yours. He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you tighter, as the kiss deepened. 
“....Gee!” you gasped, coming up for air. You never saw this coming from him. 
“Y/N, I want to make you mine,” Gerard panted, eager to taste your lips again. “Mine, and mine alone.” 
You kissed him again. Your hands twisted into his newly short hair. You’d wanted this forever, but you never expected it to actually happen. He tasted so sweet, and his touch was so startlingly possessive. 
“Honey,” you purred, grabbing him by his jacket collar, “I’m already yours.”
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catracorner962 · 4 years
The Joke’s On Us: A Glitra Halloween One Shot
One of my favorite Glitra writers @teaandsmut requested this prompt “how about Catra and Glimmer both turn up at a Hallowe'en party as Harley Quinn, with Catra as the classic version and Glimmer as the Birds of Prey version.”
I am happy to oblige! 
(Please bare with me I rarely write spicy fics!)
“You know Harley Quinn!” Glimmer pulled on her golden glimmering overalls. “We saw it at the Brightmoon Theatre a few weeks ago, remember?” She squinted at herself in the mirror, trying to redo her pig-tails for the third time that afternoon.
“Oh yeah! That was fun! I thought you meant the girl from Bow’s comics. She has a different outfit though,” Adora answered from across the room. 
“That’s the comic book version, the movie is a little different...can you help me with this? I can’t get them to be even,” Glimmer tugged her pig-tails free, scowling. She couldn’t really blame Adora. It’s not like the Horde had comic books or movies or anything.  She waited while her friend gently pulled her short hair into two equally short pig-tails and stepped back from the mirror. Admiring the overalls, boots, makeup and bright pink sports bra. 
“Not too bad!”
“You look great!” Bow exclaimed, his own costume was that of Batman. Adora, having absolutely no knowledge of Halloween either tried to just go as She-Ra which Glimmer finally convinced her “didn’t count,” and wouldn’t be a real costume for a costume party. She had finally decided to simply wear the dress she wore to the princess prom but Bow had done her makeup to make her look like a zombie.
“You’re going to love it Adora, Halloween is my favorite holiday!”
A day where you can be someone other than yourself, where you can pretend to be anybody and anything you want. Not a princess, not a one day queen, not a commander….
Glimmer broke into a smile as Bow hugged them close, squealing in excitement. 
The annual halloween party, similar to Princess Prom, was hosted by a different kingdom each year and all princesses were invited. This year it was Plumaria’s turn to host. Perfuma had outdone herself, with orange and black lights strung from the tree branches, a table of themed snacks, and some weird herbal tea mixture Perfuma insisted tasted good-despite the sickly green color.
The band played music as people danced, whirled around and mingled. Over on the dance floor, Bow was trying to teach Adora how to dance. Somewhat unsuccessfully. Glimmer giggled, making her way over to them. It was easy to breeze through the party in her costume, nearly unrecognizable. Everything seemed easier, when no one could totally tell she was a princess at first glance. 
“Hey! Guys, wait..”
“Hey Sparkles, see you copied me.” Glimmer backpedaled away from the person she’d accidentally walked into. 
Glimmer curled her fists, cheeks rising in an angry red hue. 
“What are you doing here?”
Catra smirked, raising her brow. A trademark expression that made Glimmer feel like the smallest thing in Etheria.  She scrutinized Catra, critically. Her costume was different...but different. Instead of overalls Catra wore a single tight-fitting, totally unflattering body suit. The right leg and arm colored in black, while the alternating sides were red. Diamonds of red and black flanked each side of the suit, contrasting with each color. Her large ears were tucked into a simple matching jokers hat. 
“...You’re...you’re Harley Quinn too?! You copied me!” Glimmer glanced around the dance floor, though no one else seemed to notice anything. Even Adora and Bow had gone off to sample the buffett. 
“Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery sparkles,” Catra grinned, small fangs gleaming in the low light. Glimmer groaned in irritation, rubbing her eyes. 
Of course, OF COURSE Catra would just show up here and copy my Harley Quinn idea. Of course she would come here just  to mock me! I can’t even have halloween for myself and my friends? Why does she have to ruin everything?
“But hey, you look cute,” Catra flicked the zipper of her overalls for emphasis, leaning closer than necessary, tail flicking like she was ready to pounce.
Irritation quickly turned to spite, which turned to anger. 
I can’t punch her out here, it would draw too much attention, Glimmer quelled the rising pink sparkles in her fist. Her magic practically bubbling to break free. Plus it will ruin Adora’s day...and this is her first halloween party. 
Glimmer grabbed Catra’s wrist tightly, dragging her from the dance floor off beyond the other party goers into the dark of the surrounding forest. Once the music was lost, Glimmer roughly shoved the Force Captain against one of the large trees, pinning her roughly and glaring up at her.
“You’re not  welcome here Catra!” Glimmer tightened her grip around Catra’s collar, the little white pom poms bouncing.  
“Awe,”  she pouted with dejected hurt. “Why not?” Glimmer only rolled her eyes. 
“You committed war crimes Catra!”
“Is that what they’re calling it these days?’ 
Glimmer seethed, 
“And you copied me as Harly Quinn!”
“What’re you gonna do about it?” Catra teased, “sparkle me to death?”
“Don’t tempt me!” Glimmer hissed through grit teeth. Catra’s insufferable smirk only grew, even as she was pinned to the tree. They glared at each other, each minute that ticked by rising heat in Glimmer’s cheeks. Their faces were close, Catra had tipped her chin downward against Glimmer’s elbow, her warm breath grazing across her arm. It made Glimmer’s skin riddle with goosebumps. Despite her obnoxiously calm facade Glimmer felt Catra’s chest rise and fall rapidly. 
Why does she have to look so good? Why does she have to show up here like she rules the place and...and ruin everything! I’ll show her! I’ll...I’ll…
“Do you want to kiss me as much as I want to kiss you?”
“Ha! I’m surprised you even asked!” 
Glimmer stood on her tiptoes, closed her eyes, and leaned in, kissing Catra full on the lips. Hungry and angry and oh so sweet. For her part Catra returned the gesture, biting at Glimmer’s lip with a needy noise, winding her arms around the shorter princess’s neck, pulling her deeper in. 
She’s...warm...smooth...how is she? Why am I doing this? I don’t even like her….do I?
“I hate you,” Glimmer breathed between incessant kisses. “You…-kiss- can’t even…-kiss-...come up with -kiss- an original costume!” Catra pulled back just for a moment, her warmth ebbing away as she leaned against the tree, but she did not unwind her arms from around Glimmer. 
“Oh sparkles, the more we meet the more I’m convinced we’re waaay more alike than either of us would like to admit. Costumes or not.” 
“I am nothing like you!” 
Before Glimmer could react Catra lunged forward, lithe arms going around Glimmer’s waist and instantly spinning her, pushing her against the rough bark of the tree.  The princess let out a startled scream only to be cut off by Catra’s lips once more. She wound her legs around the Horde Scum’s hips, bracing herself. Catra let out a deep throated growl and kissed her deeper, claws nearly sinking into her shoulder. It hurt...but...the pain was only slight and it was welcome. Glimmer reached up, yanking the silly joker cap off Catra’s head and fingering her hands through her wild hair. 
“You like that don’t you?” She breathed. Catra answered, pushing her hips flush against Glimmer’s pressing her harder against the tree. She arched in response, holding on to Catra’s shoulders as they continued to kiss. At some point Catra pushed off the straps of her golden overalls, fingers gliding over her bare shoulders. Claws, Glimmer realized...retracted. 
I didn’t  know she could do that…
Catra stole her from her thoughts once more, kissing her neck, nibbling at her collar bone. Glimmer leaned her head back, laughing with pleasure, holding on by Catra’s hair, tightening her fists and pulling. 
“Hmmmm,” Catra growled, one hand sliding up Glimmer’s waist and holding her tightly. She readjusted herself without coming up from the crook of Glimmer’s neck. Thrusting her hips against the princess in a not so subtle ask for more. Glimmer reached around, taking Catra’s chin in her hand and forcing her head back up to look her in the eyes. 
“Th...this doesn’t...c..change...anything...I...I...s...still hate you!” She panted. Catra only blinked innocently, taking her hand and licking sensually at her fingers and groaned much more lustful than necessary. 
I could stick my fingers down her throat and gag her right here. Leave and go back to the party and let Scorpia or someone find her. Yeah...that’ll show her…
But Catra was already kissing her lips again, ravenously, deliciously. Dominating her in some strange way that Glimmer could not bring herself to refuse. They weren’t themselves after all right? It was Halloween. 
She could enjoy this, enjoy Catra..only for the night. No one would have to know. With shining new confidence, Glimmer quickly teleported out of Catra’s hold, and reappeared right behind her. The Horde Scum reeled in surprise, eyes wide with a moment of fright. It sent a quickening through Glimmer, who seized Catra by the shoulders and shoved her down to the forest floor. This time the Horde Scum did not resist. Glimmer straddled her, leering downward into those heterochromatic eyes, glowing in the dark. Voice low and husky, she whispered, making sure to drag her tongue just a little teasingly across the tender pink of Catra’s  inner ear. 
“My turn, puddin.”
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insertdeeplyrics · 4 years
The new guy
Hello! Well, here you have it, my first Destiel fanfic! I plan to write more, but I wanted this share this one first, as it has been sitting on my computer for around two years. Sorry if it sucks!  Also, any type of feedback is appreciated, as I want to improve my writing skills (which are quite rusty hehehe). Finally, if there are any grammatical mistakes or expressions that are a bit off, I apologize, English is not my first language. I hope you like it! :)
It was Dean’s first day at the force after spending six months away undercover to take out a drug ring. He had been dreaming about this day for ages, not being able to have any contact with his family or friends was difficult enough on its own, but to spend the best part of his time stuck with criminals was just plain torture. Besides, he was not big on changes, he liked stability and routines, that’s the main reason why he avoided going undercover unless there was no other option left. He spent all morning carefully choosing his outfit, trying to feel more like himself than he had been these past few months. As he opened the closet, he quickly spotted his favorite shirt: the light blue one that his mother gave him for his birthday three years ago and that made his green eyes pop. He remembered he used to wear a dark blue tie with it, alongside some grey dress pants, so he went ahead and put the outfit together. He took the badge from his bedside table, wearing it like a necklace. After he left the house, he took a quick glance at himself in the mirror as a small smile crept upon his lips: he might still feel like Jason Damien on the inside, but he sure as hell nailed the Dean Winchester look. Perhaps if he cut that ridiculously long sandy blonde mane he was forced to grow out, he would retrieve a little part of himself.
The drive to the precinct was a rather intense one, as all of Dean’s anxiety started to kick in. What if his partners didn’t recognize him? Or what if any of them had had an accident while on duty and they were gone? What if the precinct was different? What if he was different? Dean rushed through the busy streets of New York, almost running a couple of the red lights. After fifteen minutes of car horns, some blasphemies and taking a wrong turn, he arrived at the 99th precinct. He barely even made it to the elevator, which was closing its doors when Dean arrived. Luckily, one of the men inside noticed the panic in his face and held it open for a few seconds. Dean sent him a grateful look and a quick smile and then proceeded to stress over how he was going to react when he finally saw his friends after some long, hard six months. As soon as the doors of the elevator opened, revealing the second floor of the 99th precinct, he was instantly filled with a sense of relief: everything still looked the same. People were going back and forth all over the office, a phone always ringing on the background, some officers taking statements or locking up some crook. In the middle of the office were his colleagues standing in a circle with their backs turned from him. Not quite the welcome he was expecting. He walked towards them, his heart pounding. Once he was close enough, he noticed a man amongst the group, around whom the circle was created. By the quick glance he took, he saw that the unknown man had raven black hair and a tall and well-built frame.
“Hey, guys! Look who’s back!”, shouted Charlie as soon as she saw the sandy blond man. Everyone turned their attention to Dean, who was instantly tackled with hugs and words of relief and happiness. He didn’t even have time to properly process the situation.
“Oh, how stupid of us!” said Charlie while he was still caught in a whirlwind of people. “Let me introduce you to C. J. Novak —He has been transferred from the 96.” Dean was still a bit disoriented due to the overwhelming welcome, but something changed in him when he was met with the blue-eyed man who was leaning on Detective Rogers’ desk, observing the scene with his hands in his pockets. Now that he was closer to him, Dean noticed he had piercing blue eyes, rather chapped lips, a squared jaw and a five o’clock shadow. He was wearing a white buttoned up shirt that hinted at his worked-out body, as well as some black suit pants.
Dean stretched his arm and put his hand out for C. J. to shake. “Dean Winchester”
“So I’ve heard. Pleasure to meet you.” He had a deep voice, which took Dean by surprise. They didn’t break eye contact once while they were shaking hands. He didn’t feel quite right about the new guy, there was something about him that made him uneasy. For the few seconds —that felt like ages— that the handshake lasted, Dean forgot that there were people around them. He was too distracted by the man’s eyes and trying to figure out what the hell was wrong with him. Tension started to build up between the two detectives, the atmosphere notably shifting to a dense and heavy one.
“Winchester, good to have you back!” the tall and broad frame of his boss, Captain Singer, appeared in front of him, forcing him to remove his green eyes from the new guy. The tension evaporated, and Dean found himself releasing the breath he didn’t know he was holding. “If you don’t mind, I would like to see you in my office.”
“See you guys later” Dean took a last glance to the new guy before he followed the older man to his office.
On the way there, he ran into some co-workers who quickly greeted him and congratulated him for the success of his mission. Once they reached their destination, just a few steps away from the elevator, the Captain closed the door and motioned him to sit down on the chair in front of his desk.
“Winchester, it’s a pleasure to have you back on the team. I know how hard it can be to go undercover, but it really pays off: The Lockwood family has been finally sent to jail thanks to your inside information. You are one of our best detectives.”
“Thank you, sir. All I want to do is go back to my regular job and move on.”
“About that” Captain Singer paused, avoiding eye contact. Dean had been working with the older man long enough to know what it meant. “There had been some changes around here while you were gone.”
There it was. Ever since he saw the new guy, he knew that something was off and that he wouldn’t be the only thing new around here.
“A few of your colleagues have been forced to leave the force due to getting hurt while on duty, Detectives Rogers and Joseph. I know you had worked with them on numerous cases, so I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news. I am also sad to inform you that Detective Masters passed away a few weeks after you left. She was trying to stop a mugging and, while she was chasing the criminal, she suffered a heart attack from which she never recovered. I’m only telling you this because I know how close you two were. Sorry, Dean”.
The news hit him hard. The only thing he could do was just to remain silent, his eyes fixed on the carpeted floor of Captain Singer’s office, trying to process all the information. Hearing about Detective Rogers and Joseph was a bitter pill to swallow, but he comforted himself thinking that at least they were alive, but Detective Masters was a different story. She was the first partner he ever had, the one with whom he worked his first case. It was she who showed him the ropes, who taught him how to be a competent detective. Before leaving, Dean had the hardest time saying goodbye to her.
“I’m sorry” said the Captain. “I understand it’s a lot to digest.” Dean nodded his head, attempting to swallow the lump on his throat. He stayed in silence for a few more seconds, trying to compose himself a little bit.
“Thank you for telling me, Captain.” Singer’s features softened.
“Anyway, I won’t hold you any longer, you can go back to work. And Winchester, once again, good job.” He dedicated him a small smile before burying his head in a never-ending-pile of files.
Once Dean got back to his desk, he retrieved that sense of familiarity that got lost during his conversation with the Captain. Everything was exactly how he left it, his pencil holder sitting at the far left corner of his desk, filled mostly with blue pens and a few pencils that were halfway down their size, some paper clips and rubber bands scattered next to it, the picture of him and his brother Sam on their very first trip to New York on the opposite corner and the all-too-familiar folder full of cases neatly stacked at the side.  Dean smiled to himself: things were still the same. His smile was quickly turned into a furrow when he saw the blue-eyed man from before plop down on the desk right in front of him.
“You’re not Charlie” Dean thought at loud when he saw his partner, taken aback by the sudden intrusion.
“And you’re not Brad Pitt, but I guess we’ll have to make do” the comment took him by surprise. Now he was a hundred percent convinced he didn’t like the guy. “They promoted Detective Bradbury a few months ago, so they moved her to the third floor.”
“She got promoted? That’s good to hear!”
“Yes, it was big news around here. The celebration party was insane.”
“You threw a party?” Dean asked quietly, a pang of jealousy spreading through his chest. He knew it wasn’t fair to feel upset by that, after all, he was undercover, and he couldn’t reach out to anyone.
“Of course! She has been working hard for years to become a Sargent!” C. J. Novak huffed.
“Exactly how long have you been working here?” Dean asked, unable to keep his anger from showing.
 Weeks passed and Dean was now more convinced than ever that the chances of the new guy —he refused to acknowledge that he had been around for more than a few weeks— and him becoming friends were zero to none. Ever since the first day, Dean felt suspicious of him, which lead to becoming surly whenever C. J. was around, which was all the time given that they sat in front of each other. Perhaps some of his negative energy rubbed onto his partner, because, soon enough, Novak started being standoffish. The atmosphere surrounding their desks was almost too heavy for anyone to handle, so they steered away from the negative environment the two men managed to create. That they were practically at daggers dawn took Dean’s friends by surprise, since they knew them both and thought they would have gotten on like a house on fire by now. And every time they asked the sandy blond why he disliked the blue-eyed detective so much, he was at a loss of words. He didn’t know why C. J. got on his nerves so much, all he knew is that he did and that was a good enough reason to not give him the time of the day.
But it all changed once they worked their first case together. Up until that point, they had managed to avoid doing anything together, Dean making the most efforts to dodge the situation. But this time, there was no way out: Captain Singer was tired of the excuses he kept coming out with and gave him the order to work with Detective Novak.
“So, there was no way to talk Captain Singer out of this.” Dean walked to C. J. and threw the file on his desk. He received a long sigh from his partner.
“So, what do we do?”
“I guess we go check the crime scene” replied the green-eyed man with resignation.
Rather hesitantly, they got into a police car and hit the road. C. J. read through the file, since his partner barely gave him time to even see what the case was about at the precinct. The atmosphere in the car was tense, Dean had his jaw clenched and he focused on the road, trying his best to forget that another person was in the car with him.
“So, stabbed through the heart at a dentist office.” C. J. tried to make the air lighter, aiming for small talk. At his partner’s silent response, he went on talking. “No murder weapon and only just one witness, it sure looks interesting. What do you think?”
“I think you should stop talking. Look, I don’t think neither of us is happy with this situation, so let’s get this over with as soon as possible. No small talk, no trying to socialize with each other. I hope this is just a one-time thing, so let’s just stick strictly to business, okay?” C. J. looked at him, frustration clear in his eyes and resumed to sit in silence while gazing out the window.
Ten minutes later, they arrived at the dentist office where the crime was committed. Surprisingly enough, the office floor was completely clean, and if it weren’t for the dead body in the middle of the room, it would be impossible to know that someone had been a murdered. The corpse was lying on his back, a stab wound on his chest. Some other officers were already there, taking pictures and examining the crime scene. The witness, a middle-aged woman with short black hair was waiting outside the office, fidgeting with her hands and her gaze fixed on the entrance door.
“Detectives Winchester and Novak, NYPD. Are you Ruby Campbell?”
“Yes, I am.” C. J. took a notepad and a pen out of his jacket to take her testimony, which earned him a dirty look from Dean.
“So, what can you tell us about last night? When did you find the body?” asked the dark-haired detective with his deep voice, which made Dean’s blood boil for whatever reason.
“I’m the receptionist here. I usually help Doctor Jason close, but I had to leave early because it was my daughter’s school play. When I came to work this morning, I saw that his car was still parked, which caught my attention since he was supposed to leave today to visit his family in Detroit. I went to his office and found him dead on the floor.” The woman told her story with tears in her eyes, and her voice broke a couple of times while she was narrating the events.
C. J. wrote everything down on his notepad and comforted the witness, showing tremendous care and tenderness, which became too much for Dean, who excused himself and went to check the body while his partner made further questions.
“What are your thoughts on the crime scene, Detective Winchester?” asked Detective Novak in a serious tone, trying to engage in a professional conversation.
Dean, who tried to ignore the chills he got when he heard his partner’s deep voice address him as ‘Detective Winchester’, angered at the fact that the other man was still willing to have a conversation with him. He gripped the steering wheel even harder, his knuckles turning white.
“The witness can be ruled out, her alibi checks out, I looked at the security cameras.” The blue-eyed man read through his notes, resolved in carrying on with the conversation even if his partner was giving him the cold shoulder. “What we have to do when we arrive at the precinct is to call the victim’s family, they probably are still waiting for him to show up in Detroit.”
“Just shut up!” roared Dean, unable to take the sound of his voice anymore. “This is hard enough; you don’t have to fill the silence with whatever comes to your mind. I don’t give a rat’s ass about your stupid thoughts and theories on the case. I know we have to work this thing together, but I swear to God, if I have to hear another word come out of your mouth, I’m leaving this car.” He took a quick glance at his partner, who had a furrowed brow and his hands turned into fists.
“Stop the car” Detective Novak said quietly.
“What?” asked Dean in disbelief.
“STOP THE DAMN CAR.” Intimidated by his partner reaction, the green-eyed detective pulled up at the side of the road. “We’ve been working this case for less than three hours and you have been nothing but hell on wheels!” yelled C. J., looking directly into his green eyes. “Look, I don’t care if you have been nothing but a dick to me, even if I had been nothing but nice to you ever since you came back; I’m fine with you bossing me around as if I were your fucking assistant, but what I won’t tolerate is you putting my professional integrity on the line. Whether you like it or not, we are working this case together, so swallow your damn pride, because we are talking murder here, Dean, there’s too much at stake. So, stop behaving like a damn child and start acting like the great detective everyone claims you are.”
Dean was speechless. Once he composed himself from the original shock, he got angrier than before. He knew damn well that he was being more than unfair to C. J., and he hated to admit that the other detective was right. So, he shot him a dirty look, which gained him an exasperated sigh from the blue-eyed detective and drove back to the precinct.
Once they arrived at the office, their tension and bad temper spread through the whole room, like a dark cloud blocking the sun rays, letting everyone know that a storm was coming. The always busy and noisy precinct turned silent, as if afraid to set one of them off. Everyone steered clear of the two detectives, who went their separate ways as quickly as possible, sick of the other’s company. Dean went straight to the coffee room, in desperate need of caffeine to get through the rest of the day, while C. J. went to his desk to start with the paperwork. After twenty minutes, Dean had calmed down enough to go back to work. However, as he was about to leave, a furious Charlie approached him, forcing him to stay in the coffee room.
“What the hell is wrong with you, Winchester?!” she yelled, poking his chest with her finger, while Dean was left with his arms up in the air in defense. “I’ve just talked to C. J. and he has told me about how much of an asshole you have been to him. At first, I thought you were being salty about this whole new partner thing, but this has gone way too far. Pull your head out of your ass, apologize to C. J., and work the damn case.” As she spoke, she got up in Dean’s personal space, until he was backed into a wall, her finger never leaving his chest. Charlie could be intimidating when she put her mind to it. She sent him one last threating look and stormed out the room.
As soon as he processed Charlie’s threat, he straightened himself up and returned to his desk. It bothered him to admit that they were both right, he was well aware of being unreasonable and unfair, but he just couldn’t do anything about how he felt about the guy, he still had this weird feeling about him. However, for everyone’s sake, he decided to put his feelings aside and work the damn case. The sooner he ripped the band-aid off, the better.
He set a cup of coffee on Detective Novak’s desk, who looked up from his computer screen and eyed the beverage confused.
“Consider it a peace offering”, said Dean flatly, as he himself started his computer up, hiding behind its screen while peering from the corner of his eye his partner’s reaction. The other detective looked intermittently at him and the cup, still suspicious of the whole affair, until he finally caved in and took a sip of the coffee.
At first, they exchanged short and to-the-point sentences, a lot of formality still surrounding them. But as the case progressed and they were forced to stay late at night, they evolved from being at arm’s length, to getting along, some would even say they even became friendly. It was during those nights that the two of them bonded, which left Dean wondering why he had been so rude towards the other man for such a long time. By the end of the case, they were both as thick as thieves.
 “Heya, Angel” Dean greeted the dark-haired man as he set a cup of coffee on his desk, a custom he had adopted since they had buried the hatchet.
“How long are you going to keep calling me that?”
“What, you don’t like it? Would you rather I called you Castiel, the angel of Thursday?” replied amused, a playful grin on his face.
“I knew it was a bad idea to tell you my name” said C. J., obviously fed up with the nickname his colleague had decided to give him. Dean just laughed.
“Anyway, I was just dropping by to bring you your coffee. Charlie found a lead on a case she has been working on for weeks and she asked me to be her back-up, so we’re leaving in a few minutes. Any advice?” asked the sandy blond man while leaning against C. J.’s desk, with no intention at all to leave.
“A few: don’t piss Charlie off, follow her every order and listen to her. Oh, and don’t get shot again, I would hate to lose my drink slave. I forgot how life is like when you have to get coffee for yourself.”
“First of all, I technically didn’t get shot last time, a bullet grazed my arm. But don’t worry, you’re not getting rid of me so easily.” Dean winked at his partner, who started blushing. “Though, getting shot doesn’t sound that bad, I might do it again.” He moved closer to the dark-haired man, a hint of amusement in his voice. “I mean, it was really cute seeing how worried you were and how much you took care of me. Also, I heard scars make you more attractive. Perhaps you should get one yourself, that way you could get laid.”
“You know what, Winchester, blow me” C. J. rolled his eyes, trying to remember why he was still friends with such an idiot.
“Don’t mind if I do.” Blushing, the detective punched him playfully in the arm while Dean just laughed.
“Hey, Winchester! What the hell, man? I’ve been waiting ten minutes for you in the car! Stop flirting with Novak and let’s go!” yelled Charlie from the elevator, anger spilling from her voice.
“Gotta go, duty calls” Dean got up from his partner’s desk, putting a hand on his chest, while looking up, trying to add dramatism to the situation, which gained him a snort from his co-worker.
“I meant what I said earlier, Dean! Be careful!” shouted C. J. as his partner was approaching the elevator and meeting with the redheaded detective. He turned around and blew him a kiss. C. J. just rolled his eyes and went back to his work.
“Asshole” muttered under his breath, while a small smile made its way onto his lips.
 “What was all that about, Dean?” asked Charlie once they were on their way to a drugstore, the last place Charlie’s suspect had been seen.
“What do you mean?”
“Do I really need to explain it?” her tone full of exasperation. She was met with the dumbfounded expression of her colleague, forcing her to go on. “The non-stop flirting? The long-lasting eye sex? The heart-eyes you give each other when the other is not looking?”
“Oh, that” Dean suddenly felt shy and awkward. “It’s nothing. You know that I like flirting and C. J.'s so easy to mess with… Besides, I don’t swing that way.” The last comment got a snort from the redhead.
“Yeah, you’re as straight a circle, honey” she muttered under her breath.
“No, I heard you mumbling. What do you have to say?” Dean pressed on.
Charlie remained silent for a few seconds, debating whether she should speak or not.
“Well, this is probably not my place to say and this is something you’re supposed to figure out on your own, but it seems like you need a nudge in the right direction.” She paused, choosing her words carefully in order not to sound rude or patronizing.
“I’m not following” said Dean, confused. His whole body suddenly became tense. He could hear his heart beating in his head.
“Do you remember Lisa?”
“Of course, we dated for three years. But I don’t know what she has to do with any of this.”
“Remember his brother, the one you had a major crush on? Don’t even try to deny it”, she stopped him, seeing Dean was already opening his mouth in defense, “you might have played it off as admiring him for being a firefighter, but man, you couldn’t stop staring at him when he was around, completely ignoring your then girlfriend. You were drooling after him! She even stopped including him in our plans when you were around.”
Dean chewed his bottom lip as he remembered how the aforementioned girlfriend broke up with him, her words engraved in his mind: ‘You have some stuff to figure out, until then, I don’t think you can fully love me.’ He thought she meant something completely different, given that during the last years of their relationship, he was in a dark place and all she wanted was for him to get his shit together.
“And last year’s Christmas party? You probably won’t remember this because you were pretty wasted, but you spent all night flirting with the male bartender, with whom you ended up making out by closing time.”
“I don’t remember that” said the green-eyed detective, his voice small.
“Of course you don’t! You practically drank yourself senseless!” scoffed the redhead. “And now C. J. and your initial so-called hatred for the poor guy. I mean, I spent endless coffee breaks hearing you ramble on and on about him and how much he got into your nerves for doing the littlest of things that no one even noticed. And then you guys declared a truce and began flirting like crazy, getting to a point where everyone tries to avoid you two, because you guys are so chummy, that anyone who is with you two instantly feels like they are third-wheeling.” Dean felt his cheeks burn, as he bowed his head down, looking at his hands, ashamed.
“What are trying to say? That I am gay?” he quietly asked, trying to make sense of what Charlie was throwing his way.
“Well, that’s something you need to figure out,” she said in a much softer tone, “And you know that whatever happens, we’ll always have your back, right?” he just nodded, still trying to process everything, his gaze still fixed on his hands.
 After the heart to heart with Charlie, Dean felt more self-conscious around C. J. He toned down his flirting, which got the other man confused, who had already gotten used to his partner’s overly confident, snarky, and teasing remarks. Dean was also more distracted at work, usually messing up various forms and spacing out during coffee breaks or at lunch, not really listening to his partners’ stories of whatever arrest they had made that day. Those subtle changes didn’t go over C. J.’s head, who started worrying if something of a greater scale had happened to his desk partner.
 “Hey, Dean-o” greeted C. J., who bumped into him on the coffee room.
“Hey.” Replied the other man softly, not really looking up from his cup of coffee, deep in thought.
“So, how are you?” the dark-haired detective sat down on the chair next to him.
“Fine, I guess.” Dean started playing with the plastic stick, stirring his coffee.
“Is there something bothering you, Dean?” C. J. placed his hand on the other man’s forearm, making him look up from his coffee and directing his green eyes on Novak’s hand placement. “You seem off these days.”
“It’s just that I have recently found something and I’m still trying to wrap my head around it.”
“Well, if there’s anything I can do to help…”
“You have done more than you think.” Dean finally looked him in the eyes and offered him a genuine smile, which gained him another from his partner, easing his worries.
In that moment, Dean realized how hopelessly in love he was with C. J. Novak. He had spent these past few months not only trying to embrace his new-found bisexuality, but also figuring out how he felt about the deep-voiced detective. He initially thought he had a crush and that it would eventually go away, but seeing that he failed to stay away from his partner long enough to get over his stupid infatuation, he realized that it was probably bigger than he had deemed it at first. Still, he was new to all this consciously-flirting-with-guys thing, so he didn’t really know how to express his feelings to him. Besides, there was also the chance that C. J. wasn’t into dudes, so Dean decided that it was better to not act on his feelings and be content with giving him longing looks from behind the computer when the other detective wasn’t looking. It took some more weeks and a lot of soul-searching and awkward family conversations for Dean to finally build up enough courage to go back to their original aggressive flirting, which C. J. received with a smile and a ‘that’s the Winchester I know’. It wasn’t until he eavesdropped on one of C. J.’s phone calls to his sister and he made a passing comment about his previous boyfriend that Dean decided to ask the guy out, as Charlie was so adamant about every time the subject was brought up.
“Morning, sunshine!” like every morning, Dean set the coffee on his partner’s desk while he leaned against it. “Wow, you look like crap.” C. J. had dark circles around his eyes, droopy eyelids, and black strands of hair were sticking out in every direction.
“Gee, thanks Dean, you look stunning as always.” The sandy blond detective was sure that C. J. would’ve rolled his eyes if it weren’t because he was so tired. Instead, he pinched the bridge of his nose.
“Rough night?”
“Yeah” the blue-eyed detective sighed. “My neighbors recently had a baby, and she spent all night crying her lungs out. I barely got any sleep” as in cue, a yawn made its appearance.
“If you want to hit the sack on the break room, I won’t tell anyone. Maybe I’ll even join you, I’ve been told I make a great big spoon” said Dean proudly, moving closer to his colleague.
“Oh, Winchester, ever the tease. Tell me, do you actually plan on following through with all the propositions you have been making me all these months?” C. J. blurted out, leaving Dean speechless.
This isn’t exactly how he had expected to ask the man out, he was waiting for the perfect moment, like going to a shootout and after almost losing his life, he would return to the precinct and C. J. would run to his arms and probably then Dean would have enough courage to ask him on a date. But then again, in his head they were already married with two children, a dog, and a house in the suburbs. So, this was as good a moment as any.
“I am. In fact, how do you feel about dinner tonight at my place? Not to brag, but Charlie has remarked several times that my cooking skills are out of this world.” He tried to sound nonchalant and suave, but a sudden tremble on his voice and the constant fidgeting with his hands gave him away.
“Wait, are you serious? Are you asking me on a date?” C. J. shot his head up and looked at the sandy blonde man, who quickly glanced at him before returning his gaze to the floor, his head bowed down.
“I mean, if that’s what you want.” A smile appeared on C. J.’s face; any trace of tiredness erased from his features.
“Fucking finally” muttered the blue-eyed man. He took Dean’s red tie in his hand and pulled it, forcing the other man to bend forward, planting a kiss on his lips.
Everything leading up to it happened in slow motion for Dean. A million thoughts were rushing through his mind, when he suddenly felt a strong grip on his tie, and then before he knew it, detective Novak’s lips were on his own. It took him a few seconds to take in what was happening, but when he did, he gave into the kiss. When they pulled away, Dean was left dumbfounded, still not a hundred percent sure that if what just happened was real.
“So, tonight at 7.30?” was all that the green-eyed detective managed to stammer out. The other detective laughed, looking him with tender eyes.
“Yeah, I think I can make it.” They smiled at each other. “What took you so long?”
“I don’t know” replied Dean genuinely, going in for another kiss.
9 notes · View notes
Falling (part 2)
 Part 1: https://anythingandeverything1d.tumblr.com/post/615981743290400768/falling
You looked at your watch, the concert was in a few hours and you instantly ran upstairs to get ready, fighting back the logic your brain warned you about and following your heart. You tore your closet open looking for the perfect outfit, but for what occasion. For the first time in months you softly smiled and let yourself think about the possibility of Harry. The nights that you missed so much, his soft hair in your fingers, his dimples, the way he kissed you, the way he laughed and told horrible jokes, all of it. “Ughhh” you moaned leaning back against the wall. “What am I getting myself into?”
30 minutes later and you had thrown almost every article of clothing you owned onto your bedroom floor. You had decided on black skinny jeans, a white crop top, and your hair had been thrown into a half bun (one of Harry’s favorite looks on you) “ugh what have I actually become” you mumbled to yourself while putting on some hot pink lip gloss and grabbing your jacket off the door. You grabbed the envelope with the tickets and opened the door revealing your friend. She looked you up and down with a suspicious glance. 
“Where are you going?”
“Uhh nowhere...”
“Yep, I better get going..” She grabbed your wrist and stopped you. “You're going nowhere looking like that? Really? You expect me to believe that...” You glanced at the envelope quickly and nodded trying to continue out the door. “Whats this?” She took the envelope from your hand and peered inside. “Oh my god. You are not. Theres no way you are going to Harry’s concert..”
“I need to. Okay. I need to know. I need closure.” You ranted on a quick explanation of seeing him at the gas station and the note on the back of the ticket and sighed. “You don't understand...I need to go. I need to move on.”
“Fine then we are going together. There’s no way Im letting you make a stupid rash decision when he bats those eyes and smiles at you. Nope. If you're doing this, we are doing it together.” And with that you smiled, grabbed her hand and pulled her to the car. 
Harry’s POV:
Harry was pacing the dressing room. His mind was moving a million miles a minute but yet everything was focused on one thing. You. He was sweating, so nervous about what the night would bring. He had specifically chosen the pink suit you had picked out for him so long ago. Paired with the black button down he wore on your first date. He picked the outfit specifically for you tonight and he hoped it would work. Of course he hadn’t ever stopped thinking of you, but seeing you at the gas station had sealed the deal. He needed you back in his life. Even as a friend. He knew he had screwed up. It had only been a few months without you but he was crumbling slowly. He was the one who fucked everything up. He hadn’t been present in the relationship for a while. He had dragged you along for the journey. He would leave and not call or text. And then there was Sarah. He never wanted to cheat but after drinking too much it had happened and of course you had been there to see it happen. Sarah was great and Harry had flirted for a while...but there wasn’t a spark. There wasn't anything that was there when you were in his life. He knew the moment you said goodbye that he had ruined the best thing in his life. He got lucky his show was in town tonight and even more lucky that you still lived in the same apartment complex. He left the tickets and passes but had no idea if you would even show up. He just prayed. “Please (y/n)...please come...I need you..” he mumbled with his head down.
“What?” Mitch asked walking in.
“Nothing.” Harry said looking up. 
“Well 20 minutes till showtime.” 
“Okay. Hey is there anyone backstage looking for me or anyone using a backstage pass left in my name?” Harry asked anxiously.
“No. Not that I know of anyone. Who are you expecting Styles..a girl?” He wiggled his eyebrows and laughed as Clare, Sarah, and Adam walked in.
“Oh what’s going on. What are we teasing Harry about now?” Clare asked.
“A girl.” Mitch answered. 
“Shut up guys.” Harry mumbled looking at Sarah. She had agreed friends was better and he was glad because he felt nothing but that. It was still a little awkward though. “Let’s just go. It’ll be great right? We can do this.”
Your POV:
You and your friend has pushed up to the front where the seats were and you were shaking you were so nervous. Of course everyone acknowledged you as you walked in so it took forever to find your seats but luckily the lights were dimming as you sat down. Smoke rolled off the stage and everyone cheered. You stood up slowly feeling a little light headed. You looked up and he was there. His head down. His pink suit. Hair pushed back in a wave and a small smile in the corner of his mouth. It was too much. You pushed back a few rows to where you were no longer visible and sat down collecting yourself. You just listened to the music. He was amazing. His album was amazing...of course you already knew that because you had listened the moment it was released. He really was a super star. You were proud too because he had waited for this moment for years. 
Towards the end of the concert Harry had begun searching the crowd with his eyes. Scanning row by row until he found you. His green eyes locked on yours. His mouth slight parted and his breathing was heavy from the last song. He curved his mouth up into a smile, his eyes never leaving yours. “There’s a song I’ve been working on. I decided tonight to play it. I hope you all enjoy, Ive worked hard on it.” He nodded to the band behind him and the music started.
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“I’m in my bed. And you're not here. And there's no one to blame but the drink and my wandering hands. Forget what I said. Its not what I meant. And I can't take it back. I can't unpack the baggage you left.” His eyes never strayed from yours. You knew what was happening. There were a few songs on the album about you, but this was different. Your eyes clouded with tears and you couldn't breathe. “What am I now, What am I now, What if I’m someone I don't want around. I’m falling again, I’m falling again, I’m falling.” Harry broke eye contact and looked down. Pouring himself into the words of the songs. You sat on the floor and put your head between your legs trying to breathe. Your friend was rubbing your back. Harry got to the end of the song “What if I’m down? What if I’m out? What if I’m someone you won't talk about? Im falling again, Im falling again, I’m falling.” And with that he bowed and ran off stage. The crowd of people slowly began clearing and you were able to breathe a little better. 
“Want to go home now?” your friend asked still slightly concerned at how pale your face was. You shook your head and stood up, pulling the backstage pass out. You ran to the guard and showed him before following him back. It was only a minute before you saw the pink suit. It stood out in a crowd very easily.
“Harry Edward Styles!” you shout, tears already forming in your eyes. He turns quickly and looks at you slightly stunned, and you continue forward pointing a finger at him. “What the hell was that?” You asked. He looked unsure of what to say. Finally he looked at you and sighed.
“That was my new song. What else would it be?” He sarcastically replied.
You didn’t know what else to say. You just stared at him, your nostrils flaring and his eyes intently watching your every move. Your friend came forward and grabbed your hand. “Come on (y/n), you don't need this.” She gently pulled you towards the door. 
“No.” His hand went out and grabbed your other wrist. “We need to talk.” He looked you in the eyes. “Thats why you're here right? Why else would you come?” His tone was harsh and you had no idea why. You looked at him and then at your friend. Your head was spinning again and you felt like you needed to sit down. You reached for the floor and felt yourself falling . “(y/n)!” Harry’s voice now very concerned shouted. Your eyes fluttered close and you hit the floor. 
Harry’s POV:
Harry didn’t know why he was being mean. He felt angry that you came back just to attack the song he had written about her. That he had poured so much energy and emotion into. When you had looked at him, he saw a slight fear in your eyes. You were scared of him and he didn’t want that. He saw you reach for the floor and your eyes close. He knew this, you were fainting. It was something that had happened a few time in the past. Scared him to death very time. This was no exception. He tried to catch your head and cushion the fall. You had hit the floor and he had immediately pulled you onto his lap and rocked you slowly. “(y/n) wake up...youre okay. Just please open your eyes...” He touched his forehead to yours and breathed slowly.
“This is your fault Styles.” your friend remarked kneeling next to him. “You overwhelmed her. You shouldn’t have even given her tickets. You nearly killed her two months ago. You don't even deserve the chance to speak to her.”
“(y/n)...open your eyes. You’re okay.” Harry ignored your friends comments and hummed softly, his eyes closed and his head against yours. 
Your POV:
Your eyes slowly opened and you heard a low and soft humming. Your head was pounding and you were acutely aware of arms wrapped tightly around you. You looked up and saw anxious green eyes staring into yours. Harry let out a shaky deep breath and moved his head back. You awkwardly climbed out of his arms and attempted to stand. You wobbled a bit and he immediately grabbed on and steadied you. You looked at your friend who was watching Harry very closely. “(y/n) can we please talk...alone.” he mumbled looking at your friend. You nodded your head, earning a sigh of relief from him. You looked at your friend telling her it was okay and let Harry pull you into his dressing room. He sat you on the couch and stood in front of you, running his fingers through his hair. “I don't even know where to start...”
“How about at the part where you left these tickets on my porch..” you grumbled watching him.
“I needed you here. I couldn’t get you out of my head after the gas station. It’s been so long...theres so much I’ve wanted to tell you but I couldn't because you blocked my calls.”
“Yeah because you cheated on me Harry. After 5 years?! You broke everything we had built together. All for some random girl?” You were annoyed but when you looked at him tears were falling down his cheeks and that made you sad. You didn’t want him to be upset. He had taken the jacket off and thrown it on a chair in the corner.
“I know....I know I ruined everything. It wasn't supposed to happen, it was a dumb mistake and I will forever regret it. The minute I saw you...I knew. I knew I had ruined the best thing in my life. There was never anything between me and her it was always just a drunk mistake. When you said goodbye I nearly lost it. I knew I would never love anyone but you. I haven't even looked a girl since that night. You're the only one I ever needed. I am so so so very sorry.I know I can’t take anything back but I need you. I can’t let you go, not again.” Your eyes were tearing up again and he reached up to wipe them away. His fingers rubbed my jaw and he leaned closer. You were suddenly very aware of him, his smell, everything. You leaned closer breathing faster and his lips cautiously met yours. You gave in. You fell against him and his hand pulled you unbearably close. He kissed you in a way that made you drown in him. He made the kiss deeper, adding more force and biting down on your lip. You moaned, opening your lips more allowing his tongue inside of your mouth. You sat up and ran your fingers through his hair, playing with the curls at the base of his neck while he trailed fingers up your back. If you died right now, you would be content. This moment was everything your body had been aching for the past two months. You grabbed the buttons on his shirt and went to pull it off. He pushed you back onto the cushions of the couch, your legs wrapped tightly around his waist. “Fuck I missed you (y/n).” He breathed into your ear before biting the soft skin on your neck. Yikes that was going to bruise for sure...
“I missed you too Harry” you managed before turning his head and bringing his lips back to yours. He kissed you like his life depended on it. Like there was nothing else he needed but you. You matched his energy. He had your shirt pulled almost over your head when there was a knock at the door and in walked a girl. She looked familiar..the hair... Harry looked up, his cheeks bright red. You sat up, pulling your shirt down and looking from her to Harry. 
“Sarah.” Harry managed while trying to catch his breath. “Is everything okay?” He looked anxious. 
You looked at her again and it hit you. “Sarah?” You looked at Harry again with pain in your eyes. 
“(y/n)....wait. It’s, It’s not what you think..” He grabbed your hand as you stood up. 
“She’s in your band?” You were crying again. Sarah was uncomfortable and moving towards the door. 
“Im going to go...I’ll catch you later Harry.” she left closing you back in the room with Harry. You turned toward him. 
“Really?” You said again looking at him.
“Like I said before, she was a mistake. I was drunk, she was drunk and that's all there is. There is absolutely nothing between us. I swear.” He stood up and walked towards you again. “(y/n), love, theres nothing between me and her. Its strictly work related.”
“Did you kiss her after we broke up? Did the two of you...” You asked staring at him. 
He looked down and shifted uncomfortably, giving you your answer. You wanted an answer though. “Harry. Did. You. Have. Sex. With. Her.”
“She kissed me...we...we just.... The next morning. But I swear I broke it off after that. I told her the truth. There was no feeling. There was nothing. You're all I could think of. I promise on my mums life there is nothing between us. There never will be.” Harry grabbed your hand and pulled you into his arms. He held you while you cried, rubbing your back. 
“I can't do this right now Harry. I really can’t. I...I need to go.” You pushed him away and walked to the door. Turning one last time you looked at him, his eyes shining with tears and you left. 
What do you guys think?? Part 3?? Let me know! xoxo
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heccapeach · 4 years
Hey guys, welcome back to my TED Talk and in one of the last episodes of my TED Talk, I expressed the idea of taking Bellbridge from NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams and transforming it into the fiery infernal chaotic hellscape dubbed as “Hellbridge”. This TED Talk is going to be returning to the subject of Bellbridge. I have thought about an alternative modification of Bellbridge and that alternative modification is taking it and fusing it with New Donk City from Super Mario Odyssey, which is my most favorite area in that game and the game’s iconic area. I came up with this when listening to “Broadway Guide” from the soundtrack of Journey of Dreams. It just really reminded of “Jump Up, Superstar”. That, and I have a knack for taking walks at night listening to various music. However, if I recall, the Broadway Guide song played in a level of JOD where Will and Helen had to travel through the city of Will’s dream and remembering that city, it’s a lot more comparable to New Donk City since it’s more flashy and technical. Which is not much of a wonder of why I was reminded of New Donk City and its festival level. You would think that I should’ve just only mentioned Will’s dream city (I’m just gonna call it Broadway Guide from here on) and compared that alone to New Donk City since they are more alike than Bellbridge in terms of design, but hear me out: when I mentioned Bellbridge at first, I actually meant to be more specific on Bellbridge. I mean the game’s level revolving around Bellbridge itself.
The Bellbridge level’s second part that plays the song “Cruising Together”, which is a very enlightening song that makes you feel powerful and encourages you to make your way through the level itself and where Will and Helen would later find and save NiGHTS, the emotion and power resonating with this song reminded me of the emotion and power resonating with “Jump Up, Superstar”. I mean, they’re both songs that motivate you and encourage you to stay strong and persevere through odds within your journey. Be it through the world or through dreams themselves. They’re both songs that are supposed to get you moving. And they both play during a city-themed level. I just thought of a crossover scenario in JOD within the true climax of the game at the second phase of the Bellbridge level, Pauline (in her festival dress) and her New Donk band come out of nowhere and warp the scenery of Bellbridge to make it resemble New Donk City and starts to sing “Jump Up, Superstar” in order to cheer on Will and Helen. There’s and retro styled scenery or models in the background and fireworks popping in the night sky and you’ll have some of the New Donk people in their black suits and hats and the nightopians appear on top of the buildings dancing and cheering all while Mario eventually runs out of a horizontal retro green warp pipe (the green warp pipes that take you to retro styled level themed around the original Super Mario Bros.) and jumps and flips his way through the stage, “wahooing” all the way and using Cappy of course, since it’s Mario Odyssey after all. Mario catches up and follows the path of Will and Helen, as they fly their way through the now New Donk City-warped Bellbridge. At the ending point of the level, Mario is seen running into another horizontal retro warp pipe, disappearing from the level altogether. Once the story progresses to the scene of NiGHTS getting rescued and fighting the last two bosses of the game (the final phase of Reala and then finally Wizeman himself), the entire New Donk City scenario is treated as if it had never happened. The most likely answer is because Wizeman had warped the scenery back into what it was supposed to look like within the script of the game and its story, meaning Pauline, Mario, her band, and a crowd of her people vanished along with the scenery altogether, as they were nothing but figments of the dream itself at the end of the night. (I’d kill for a mashup remix of Cruising Together or just simply Dreams Dreams and Jump Up, Superstar.)
However, there is a secret Konami code in the game in which upon being entered, unlocks Pauline in her Super Smash Bros. Ultimate spirit form, where Pauline was a truly terrifying and powerful force to be reckoned with. She had the ability to summon Mario in his wedding attire and a Donkey Kong to serve as her goons while she was powerful enough to manipulate gravity and even limit time itself. Her two bodyguards were also immortal as long as she was around. If was defeated, they would be defeated, similar to the logic around Wizeman and his creations in which should he be killed off, all of his creations (like NiGHTS and Reala for example) would be killed off alongside with him. Gosh, I wouldn’t be surprised if Pauline were to eventually become the Wizeman of her own beautiful and flashy, yet nightmarish realm that’s a surrealistic replica of New Donk City within the Night Dimension where she’s still mayor albeit in a more menacing form. She’s powerful enough and a nightmare of her own to fight Wizeman himself. Which is why she is an unlockable secret cheat code in the game. It instantly jumps to the final boss encounter. In the cutscene before the final boss, Pauline replaces the character model of NiGHTS with her own and dualizes with Will and Helen to fight Wizeman. Oh no, now she’s double and that she can now summon Mario and Donkey Kong 2X!!! That, or the additional two summons would just be Bowser and Peach. A dual mash up remix consisting of “D’Force Master” and “Jump up, Superstar” plays during the fight. The script of the story would still remain the same while the gameplay itself would be different. But maybe fans would be more willing to see the story’s script get altered too, hmm? With two powerful nightmares going at each other, this fight sure becomes ironic in of itself. Don’t worry, NiGHTS comes back at the very last scene of the ending and they have absolutely no idea what just happened or that Pauline was even there to begin with. But wait, there’s more! There is an unlockable level after you have entered the Konami code, unlocked Pauline, beat the final boss, and got the true ending, you get a level based off of the New Donk city festival from Mario Odyssey but now structured as a NiGHTS level that features NiGHTS, Will, Helen, Pauline, her New Donk band, the nightopians, the New Donk people, and Mario all at the New Donk City festival where the tall building in the background is replaced with Bellbridge’s clock tower. Mario functions the same as he did in the Bellbridge act 2 level where he’s seen catching up to NiGHTS (who’s dualized with Will and Helen and are now two beings like in the final boss fight) and completing the level in his own fashion. At one part of the level, NiGHTS enters a retro warp pipe and traverses through a Super Mario Bros./Donkey Kong arcade styled area that maintains the NiGHTS level structure now in 8-bit and they defeat the retro Donkey Kong in there and eventually make it to where Mario and Pauline are at which is the end of the original level in Mario Odyssey. Mario is seen dancing near Pauline and eventually the two NiGHTS stop, undualizes and NiGHTS, Will, and Helen all dance along with Mario and Pauline too. The camera then pans to where the full moon and firework explosions are seen at a distance. The level ends.
Now after you’ve entered the secret Konami code, unlocked Pauline, defeat Wizeman, get the normal true ending, then afterwards unlocked the secret level, and complete the secret level, you unlock an extra secret level where Mario replaces both Will and Helen in the part where the player has to play and traverse through Broadway Guide without NiGHTS. Mario maintains his Odyssey controls and moveset, therefore can do much more action than Will and Helen could. Take advantage of your jumping and batting skills in order to reach secret places that contains moons and a bonus level that has a moon at the end like in Odyssey itself. Find Peach and Tiara (Cappy’s sister) who are also touring through Broadway Guide and hear their opinions on the city itself. You are given a moon as a reward. The song of “Broadway Guide” and “Jump Up Superstar” are mashed up together. Anyways, Mario encounters and fights a 2nd level Nightmaren who is.....(Honestly, I don’t know. The chameleon magician that was actually in JOD itself? Jackle? Really, Jackle would be a much better choice and more fanservice! Hell, maybe the Broodals are in this game and their teaming up with the nightmarens for some reason like how in the Sonic Lost World Nightmare Zone DLC where the Deadly Six had teamed up with the nightmarens to beat Sonic but Sonic beats them all in the end). After Mario defeats the 2nd level nightmaren, he achieves a multi-moon and the secret level ends.
Now after you’ve entered the secret Konami code, unlocked Pauline, defeat Wizeman, get the normal true ending, then afterwards unlocked the secret level, and complete the secret level, unlocked an extra secret level where you play as Mario, make your way through Broadway Guide, defeat the 2nd level nightmaren, and get the multi-moon at the end, you unlock an extra, extra secret true climax in which Bowser replaces Wizeman, the grand star replaces the ideya of hope, and Mario replaces NiGHTS. The beginning of the true climax is just the scene in Super Mario Galaxy 2 where after you defeat Bowser and you’re just about to grab the grand star, Bowser jumps out of nowhere, eats the grand star, grows to his titan size again, and initiates the final phase of his fight. JOD’s rising true climax has NiGHTS and either Will or Helen, depending on which dream you’re playing first, find the ideya of hope. But before they could grab it, an earthquake happens and Wizeman comes out of nowhere, steals the ideya of hope, zaps NiGHTS unconscious, then leaves and now the visitors have to take a leap of faith, traverse through Bellbridge, rescue NiGHTS, Reala appears out of nowhere, NiGHTS and Reala fight again in the most boring way possible for them to fight, AGAIN, then NiGHTS and the visitors fight Wizeman, kill him, therefore NiGHTS and all of the existing nightmarens die, the visitors wake up, they’re sad, they achieve their dreams and spend time with their parents and friends, the vanish all of a sudden once Will and Helen meet each other in reality, some asshole turns off the lights and jump scares the visitors and the player themselves, it starts snowing, Will and Helen laugh together, you see either one of them in bed again, and outside of their window, NiGHTS is back and standing on top of the Bellbridge clock tower playing the invisible flute because everthing involving the nightmares in the Night Dimension had reset afterwards. I recall ALL OF THIS because the scenes in both of these respective games are pretty alike. Will and Helen have to fly through a now Super Mario Galaxy styled Bellbridge, rescue Mario, dualize with Mario (don’t ask me how, just roll with it), fight the final phase of Bowser Jr., and fight the titan-sized Bowser and save Peach. I’m getting lazy here, so the ending here is just the same but with Mario instead of NiGHTS. Maybe Rosalina comes out of nowhere in her own titan size like in the ending of the first Mario Galaxy and thanks Mario, Peach, and the visitors and the screen turns white and the visitors wake up.
Also, did you know that Will and Helen are actually alternate interpretations of Link and Zelda within the Zelda Timeline somewhere? Well, now after you’ve entered the secret Konami code, unlocked Pauline, defeat Wizeman, get the normal true ending, then afterwards unlocked the secret level, and complete the secret level, unlocked an extra secret level where you play as Mario, make your way through Broadway Guide, defeat the 2nd level nightmaren, and get the multi-moon at the end, unlock the extra, extra, secret true climax in which the visitors and Mario fight Bowser at the Bellbridge, Mario and the visitors briefly meet Rosalina, the dream ends and you get the same true cinematic ending as before because I’m getting lazy and tired here and this TED Talk is getting really, really long now, you unlock an extra, extra, EXTRA, secret in which by entering another Konami cheat code, you can give both Will and Helen both Link and Zelda alt skins (Will gets the Link costume and Helen gets the Zelda costume and doesn’t have her ponytail so that she could resemble Zelda more closely in her cosplay) that they can wear on another run through their dreams in the game. And I think the ideya of courage, growth (which was originally wisdom in the first game), and....(aw crap, there’s no power, uh...intelligence??? I suppose that’ll have to do.) come together to form their own triforce in the true climax of the game.
Anyways, this was long as hell, I’m tired, and I’m sure you’re tired too, so
Thank you for listening to my TED Talk.
(If you even bothered to do so...)
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hodgepodge-of-rog · 6 years
I have NO idea what to call this fic :’) it’s multi chapter, but is not reader insert. I’m super sorry, but I just really wanted my character LOL. So here’s part ONE!
Tag list: @alexis-the-zombie @ceruleanrainblues if you want to be added, please let me know!
I will be adding visual links to give an idea of what all is going on or whatever. Probably just in this chapter but we’ll see lmao. I do have a face claim for Allie, but I might keep that hidden. Enjoy!
Allison Leigh Baker, was a petite young woman with brown shoulder length wavy hair, glass green eyes, and had a love for music. Self taught with piano and singing, she practices daily at the local music shop to get a break from the electric keyboard she had at home. It was nice feeling the real thing under her fingers, the pedals adding emotion. She always played a specific baby grand, beautiful white finish with gold accents. The sound it gave when it was open was angelic, and she loved how loud it was. It was definitely her dream piano, but there was no way she could ever afford it.
She had always been shy, the first few times she went to the store she used the soft pedal to keep the volume down, and always had the back of the piano shut. She hated being a bother, but she eventually accepted that it was a music store, and people come in to practice all the time. A few weeks had gone and she was soon recognized by the owner, happily welcoming her when she walked in. She soon grew out of her shell a little bit, saying hello and engaging in conversation when she wasn’t playing.
She played mostly Queen, with a few Beatles arrangements thrown in, but it was almost always Queen. She didn’t know as much as her friends did, but she did like their music. Being unable to afford her own record player, her friends would make her mixed tapes from the radio so she could listen to them. She fell in love after hearing “Bohemian Rhapsody”, learning it instantly on keyboard. She mostly stuck to the slower songs because they were easier to learn, but she’d throw in some harder ones occasionally.
She arrived at her usual time, just after lunch, giving a smile to the owner as the bell rang with the door opening. “Hi, Greg!” She called, walking to her weekly piano. “Good afternoon, Allie. Playing anything new today?” He asked, tuning an acoustic guitar. Allie sat down at the bench, her bag next to her. “Yeah actually. I’ve been learning Spread Your Wings.”
“Oh, that’s a good one!”
Nothing more was said, and she raised the cover on the keys, looking to the door as the bell chimed. A tall gentleman walked in, giving a polite hello and wave to Greg, heading for the guitar section. Well he’s cute. She watched him for a little bit longer than she should have, her cheeks flushing as she noticed Greg caught her with a smile. She gave a nervous chuckle before shaking her head and beginning to play. Her body swayed lightly, her arms forming goosebumps. This sounds so good. She thought before beginning to sing as quietly as she could to herself.
The man who walked in was John Deacon. He didn’t usually come to this store, but being on this side of town and out of strings, he needed to stop by. He paid no mind to the other people in the store, until he heard a very familiar sound. He carefully took a few steps back to see a young brunette effortlessly gliding through his song. His stomach fluttered as he watched and listened, the owner stepping over to him. “That’s Allie. She’s in here every week playing your band’s stuff. She doesn’t think we can hear her, but her voice—“
“She’s incredible.”
John cut him off, a small smile tugging at his lips. Greg huffed a chuckle.
“She won’t know who you are though, John. She just has mixed tapes, never bought an album because she can’t afford it. Keep that in mind when you talk to her.” He gave a wink and nudge, obviously coaxing him to do just that. John nodded.
He watched her as if he were entranced, not realizing he was stepping toward her as the song was ending. He came back to reality, only steps away. “I like that one. Probably one of my favorites.” He said with a cheeky grin. Allie turned to see who it was, her cheeks flushing when she saw it was the cute guy who walked in earlier. “Thank you!” She gave a smile, turning her body to face him.
Oh wow, she’s really cute.
“39 is probably my favorite, but I haven’t figured that one out yet.” She chuckled nervously, her hand fiddling with the edge of the keys. Of course Brian’s song is her favorite. John thought with a mental eye roll. “I like that one too. Did you know there’s a double bass in it?” He loved that she didn’t know who he was, it was a relief honestly.
“I didn’t! That’s really cool.” Her words were genuine, the cadence sincere. She loved learning new things, especially about the music she listened to. The two of them locked eyes, and for a moment, time stood still. Her cheeks tinted a deeper color before the man introduced himself with an outstretched hand.
“John. Greg told me you’re Allie.” She shook his hand with a smile, then giving Greg a sort of side eye. Not that she was upset, but he knew how shy she was. “Yeah, I’ve been coming here for a few weeks.” She said nervously as she tucked her hair behind her ear after pulling her hand from his. John knew that as well, but definitely didn’t want to make things awkward. “Well you sound amazing, your voice too.” He said with a small tilt of his head. The tint in her cheeks came rushing back as she smiled, her feet now messing with the pedals.
It was just about to get awkward before Allie cleared her throat and stepped more out of her comfort zone, reaching into her bag. “Well if you’d want to listen to me play more,” she began to write out her number, handing it to him. “You can call me and I can meet you here. I don’t have a fancy piano at home.” John took the piece of paper and smiled, slipping it into his back pocket. “I think I will, thank you.”
You couldn’t see it, but Allie was freaking out on the inside. She never did these things, but she really wanted to see him again, so why not?
“So, what instrument do you play? You’re obviously here for something and not just me.”
She laughed, John followed suit.
“I play bass guitar for a band.”
“Oh that’s cool, what’s it called?”
Shit, don’t say Queen. He thought.
“Uh, The Kings.”
“I’m sorry to say I haven’t heard of them, but I’m sure you sound great.” Allie smiled, her eyes shimmering. There was definitely something about him that made her comfortable.
“We play fairly often, I can bring you to a show sometime.” John regained his confidence, standing up straight and smiling.
“I would love that! I’ve never been to a concert before.” She had no idea.
“Really? Well then I’ll be sure to bring you to a good one.” He winked before checking his watch. “I gotta get going, I just came for extra strings.” He motioned to Greg who already rang him out, not bothering to even charge him. “Gotta get back to the studio and all.” He said, stepping back.
“Oh, okay! I’ll talk to you later then.” Allie gave a smile and a wave, watching John grab his strings and leaving the store. When she could see he was gone, she let out a huge sigh. “Oh my God…” she said quietly.
“He’s a good guy.” Greg quipped with a laugh. “Insanely talented too. I think he’s taken a liking to you.”
“Thank you Greg, I think I’ll handle it from here.” She laughed back at him. She grabbed her bag, slinging it over her shoulder then closing the piano. “I’ll be back tomorrow!” She waved him goodbye, leaving as well.
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Battle #24
Pond: S/T ( Side 1 )
Alan Parsons Project : Eye in the Sky ( Side One )
Pond: S/T ( Side 1 )
Pond was a band from Portland, Oregon. They formed in 1991 and broke up in 1998. They were signed to the infamous Sub Pop records for their first two albums, and the Work Group records (a sub-label of Sony Records) for their last album. Sub Pop in those days, and Seattle in general, was largely known for one thing. Grunge. Here’s the thing though...Pond technically falls in between those cracks. Their songs have so much more texture and melody and I feel they really were very different, both musically and lyrically. They were...different. Even in a genre that defines itself as different. No, I feel like Pond was really an uncredited steppingstone to bigger things for Sub Pop, branching out and showing diversity. Unfortunately for Pond I feel like they got lost in the shuffle because they are a SEVERELY underrated band. They were only a three piece yet sounded like much much more. I credit a large part of that to Chris Brady’s very bass driven harmonies (he played lots of chords) complimented by the rich and full drumming of David Triebwasser and surrounded by Charlie Campbell’s distinguishing guitar, almost like second vocals. In fact those vocals (again Chris) were unique in and of themselves. Just raspy enough to sound Nirvana-esque but still their own thing. Yes, this album is a masterpiece in my opinion. There is not a bad tune on it. Oh, and I love that there is a Masters of the Universe Whiplash figure buried in the jumble of toys, etc on the cover. This three piece was well suited together but was, as most good bands are, short lived. They went on to form other projects, most notably Brady’s Audio Learning Center (featuring a member of another great and more obscure Sub Pop band, Sprinkler), which has some pretty great songsmith ingredients as well. So Pond really should be more talked about than they are, which is why I am talking them up so much. “Young Splendor” begins the brilliance of this album. Haunting jaunts and darts on the guitar and layers of mesmerizing lyrical lines. It’s pure gold and poetry drenched in guitar feedback that’s perfectly placed. Speaking of perfect...”Perfect Four” is the next song and is just another example of the tight arrangements and talent level of the three piece. “Gone” has those brick heavy sludge moments mixed with the softer sides of emo. Metallic elements mixed with alternative rock. Man I used to hate that term, it was so overused, but it is actually very accurate here. Rock, but in an alternative way. Next is their single off the album, “Agatha”. There’s an interesting video for this one, and some creepy ass cello! Wait what? Just kidding, it’s actually the bass guitar, played like a cello with a bow! How often do you get that in a rock song?! It’s a cool, and indicative feature of this band. Thinking (and rocking) outside of the box. Neat and subtle tricks like the one vocal sung in monotone while the compliment vocal is all higher harmonies. Check it out for yourself, it’s pretty wicked. Lastly is the slow and churning “Tree”. It still has triumphant riffs and tells a little story. This band is so unique. Slow and grooving and locked in. The complex arrangements are just so well thought out it’s practically criminal. The album is a spectacular debut and one of my all time favorite Sub Pop releases. Of course it’s on murky pond scum green wax. Get it if you can find one, you won’t be disappointed. Pond is definitely more than the boring pool of stagnation that their namesake suggests.
Alan Parsons Project : Eye in the Sky ( Side One )
So who is this Alan guy anyway? Well, I am glad you asked so I could look it up because I don’t really know. He was an audio engineer and producer but als9 wrote his own music. One time Alan met Eric Woolfson. Woolfson was also a composer, a pianist, and a singer. So naturally the two of them decided to form a project. I guess they decided to put Alan’s name on it. Almost all the songs on the Project's albums are credited to "Woolfson/Parsons". So then, The Alan Parsons Project were a British rock band active between 1975 and 1990, whose core membership consisted of Alan Parsons and Eric Woolfson. They were accompanied by a varying number of session musicians and some relatively consistent band members. It more or less these two formed a band so to speak. So yeah, the producer basically formed his own band...kind of like how a movie director inserts himself into a scene in the movie. The band's sound is described as progressive rock, art rock, progressive pop, and soft rock. So take your pick I guess. “Sirius" is the first track and is their best-known and most-frequently heard of all Parsons/Woolfson songs. Stadium rock via a symphonic synthesizer serenade. It was used as entrance music by various American sports teams, most notably by the Chicago Bulls during their 1990s NBA dynasty. No REALLY. It was also used as the entrance theme for Ricky Steamboat in pro wrestling of the mid-1980s. So most likely you’ve heard it before. I recognized it instantly. But more brilliantly than that it fades directly and perfectly into their radio hit “Eye in the Sky”. The song is calming and serene. I can remember thinking that as a child when I heard it. It’s just...peaceful. I think it’s the softly sung vocals. It’s on my optical jams playlist, too. (#seewhatididthere) “Children of the Moon” follows with it’s slight yacht rock/dentist office vibe. Lighter fanfare for sure but there are elements of rock as well. It too fades and blends into “Gemini” which is essentially instrumental which in turn fades into “Silence and I”. The whole album reads like a musical or movement of a classical nature. It’s a synthetic symphony. The latter is a building song that crescendos. I’m sure a purposeful contradiction to the descriptions of silence. This one has a Hotel California/Eagles vibe. I do like The astrological, Star and Egyptian theme as well. A nice contrast with some striking similarities for today’s matchup! A very orchestrated and arranged matchup with an unofficial “green” theme as well. Let’s see how it all played out.
Pond is certainly more than just a stagnant pool of water, they are a pool of talented musicians! They managed to burn 150 calories over 5 songs and 23 minutes. They averaged 30.0 calories burned per song and 6.523 calories burned per minute. Yeah, it was THAT close...we had to go to the thousandth!! Pond earned 13 out of 15 possible stars. Alan Parsons had his eyes on the skies. He and his project burned 137 calories over 21 minutes and 5 songs. They averaged 27.40 calories burned per song and 6.524 calories burned per minute! Earning them 9 out of 15 possible stars. Looking only at the numbers...literally down to the thousandths, Alan Parsons Project wins. In my personal opinion Pond was shafted but I play no bias. The numbers don’t lie.
Alan Parsons Project : “Sirius/Eye in the Sky”. Live so you get both...they’re a companion piece after all.
Also, Pond’s “Agatha” because...come on! Those numbers were soooo close!!
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Memories Never Faded (AKA my first fanfic)
Okay so this is my first attempt at something like this. So please be kind. This was partially inspired by three different songs that I just happened to have on repeat while I was writing it. Skin by Rag N Bone Man. Titanium by Madilyn Bailey. And Dancing with Your Ghost by No Resolve.
PAIRING: Reader x Sam Wilson
WARNINGS: Angst, Character Death. I think that’s all.
Memories Never Faded
An old man sits in a chair solemnly looking at an old photo album. He comes across a photo of you. Standing with the old team: The Avengers. The old man scans the photo from left to right he smiles sadly as he looks at the faces of Thor, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanoff, Tony Stark, you, Steve Rogers, Bruce Banner, Wanda Maximoff and the old man himself, Sam Wilson. Mostly he looks at you standing proudly in the middle of Tony and Steve. Tears start to well up in his eyes.
It had been a long time since those days. The Avengers long since disbanded and each member has gone his or her own way. Yes, it had been a long time since those days and he has trouble remembering some events from then, but he never forgot you or the last time he saw you. He could never forget that day. That was the day everything changed.
Past - Pre-mission
You walk into the Avengers compound in upstate New York. You’re only twenty two and the newest addition to the team. You don’t have any special powers but you have a unique fighting skill set that could almost rival even that of Natasha’s, almost. You were smart too. You keep Tony and Bruce on their toes with all your ideas and suggestions. They pretend to be annoyed with you, but secretly they really admire you and love having you in the lab with them tinkering with new gadgets.
Natasha is like your big sister. She’s also your sparring partner. She takes you instantly under her wing. You remind her of her and challenge her in training. You meet her in the training. Sam is there sparring with Clint. You smile at them as you walk over to where Natasha is stretching. You and Sam are close. You do everything together. The rest of the team always teases the two of you about just how close you really are.
“What’s up with you and Sam?” Natasha asks with a curious grin.
“Nothing. We’ve been over this like a hundred times. Sam’s like my best friend.”
Not believing you even a little bit smirks at you and adds an, “Uh huh” before grabbing your wrist and flipping you to the mat. You manage to catch Natasha off guard with a leg sweep taking her down. You’re instantly back on your feet in a protective fighting stance. Natasha flips to her feet but before she can advance, F.R.I.D.A.Y’s voice echoes over the intercom.
“Tony would like you all to join him in the conference room in five minutes.”
“Did he happen to say what it was about?” Clint asks.
“No, Clint, he didn’t. He just asked me to call you to the conference room.” Was F.R.I.D.A.Y’s response.
No one questions her any further. You and Sam walk out of the training room together. He shoves you playfully. You let him walk ahead of him slightly before you run up behind him jumping on his back making him give you a piggyback ride to the conference room. Both Clint and Natasha shake their heads at the childish action but find it amusing enough that they can’t help but laugh and smile at the two of you.
You jump off of Sam’s back just before reaching the conference room. Tony, Steve, Wanda, Bruce and Vision are already sitting at the table waiting for you guys to arrive. You and Sam sit next together as usual, shortly after you sit, Clint and Natasha walk in and quickly take a seat.
Tony pulls up a 3D map of a large forested area with a large concrete building in the middle.
Clint looks at the map curiously, “What are we supposed to be looking at here, Stark?”
“This is a former HYDRA base in Germany, and our next mission.” Steve answering for Tony. He hands around files to everyone at the table. Steve continues, “According to these files HYDRA was doing some serious experimental work here before it was apparently shut down a few years ago.
Sam interjects, “I don’t like the sound of that ‘apparently’. So let me guess, someone has things running again and we gotta shut them down.”
“Something like that.” Steve adds with a nod his head. “I want to go in there with a small team. It’s not a large facility so we won’t need everyone on this mission. Tony we’ll need you and F.R.I.D.A.Y, Nat, Clint, Sam and Y/N. The rest of you will stay here. This should be a simple get in, shut the place down, and be back in time for dinner kind of mission.”
“Aww, no Big Green? That’s no fun.” You joke. You look at Bruce who is trying not to laugh at the joke.
Steve gives you a semi-stern look at makes you stop smiling. He adds, “We want to keep this fairly low-key. Having the Hulk on this mission is kind of the opposite of that.” He looks at Bruce, “Sorry, Banner.”
Bruce shakes his head, “No apology necessary, Cap. If the Other Guy isn’t needed than he’s not needed.”
Steve nods his head. “Okay. Suit up we leave in ten.”
Sam continues to look through the photo album. He’s stopped at one particular photo of you, his favorite one of the two of you together. You’re both in uniform, him in full Falcon gear, wings spread and you in a low cut, sleeveless, navy blue cat suit, with a shoulder holster equipped with two CZ 75 Compact SDP guns and a thigh holster for knives. You stand next to Sam both of you mid-laugh.
He coughs and wheezes, he nearly drops the album but catches his breath and readjusts the book on his lap.
Past - Mission
The Quinjet lands in semi open field in stealth mode. The team disembarks with the exception of Clint who stays in the jet as aerial support.
Sam looks at you before you separate to execute your mission tasks. “Be careful. I don’t need to be rescuing your ass because of your recklessness.”
You scoff at him and simply reply, “YOU be careful!”
Natasha rolls her eyes at the two of you, “Oh just kiss so we can get back to work.”
You just shake your head at Nat’s remark. You and she take off into the woods working your way silently through the trees. Steve follows right behind you. Sam and Tony take to the sky. Sam stays above the treeline keeping an eye on you, Steve and Nat.  Tony flies ahead towards the building to fully access what kind of security system they have in place so he and F.R.I.D.A.Y can dismantle them before the four of you can arrive.
You, Steve, and Nat have no trouble making your way through the woods. But once you near the building that’s when the real fight begins. Steve looks at you and Nat.
“Sam and I have things covered from out here. You two find a way inside and get to the server room. Collect the data.” Steve says.
Tony adds, “There’s a lab near the server room that may have data that may prove useful to us in the future. If you can collect it, Bruce and I can study it and figure out what they might have been doing.”
“Piece of cake.” You say.
Natasha leads the way to the nearest entrance. You both fight your way through agent after agent just to get inside the building. Once inside, you look at the small black band you have around your wrist. A 3D map pops up.
“Okay, so according to this we need to go up a floor and down the main hall and the server room is on the right at the end. That other room Stark was on about is in the same area but to the left.”
Nat simply asks, “Left or right?”
“I’ll take left, you go right. We’ll meet in the middle once we’re done.”
Nat smirks. “Sounds good to me.”
Your job was simple enough. You and Nat we to retrieve any data you could off of the lab servers. Something you’ve done a hundred times. Nat was down the hall in the main server room downloading all the virtual data from the hard drives, you’re in one of the labs collecting any physical data you can so Bruce and Tony can study it. You bag up any vials and covered dishes you find. You’re ready to leave when you turn around to find a lone enemy agent standing in the doorway with a gun pointed directly at you.
You go for your weapon but the agent is faster than you. The sound of a single shot echoes through the halls. Natasha hears the shot and pulls the usb stick just as it finishes downloading. As soon as she enters the hallway she see the agent with his gun drawn. Without hesitation she pulls her gun and fires. He falls to his knees then topples over dead. She runs towards the door of the lab. She sees you sitting on the floor holding your stomach. You’re propped up against the wall, a pool of blood forming around where you sit. Nat kneels next to you.
Nat immediately gets on comms, “We need help in here, Y/N has been shot! Hurry up, she’s already lost a lot of blood.”
Comms must be down because no one answers.
“They won’t make it in time, Nat. You know they won’t.” You hand her the bag of specimens. “Take this. Make sure to get to Tony and Bruce. They’ll want to study it.”
Nat takes the bag from you and once again tries frantically to reach someone, “Can anyone hear me? Y/N has been shot! We need Evac immediately, she’s losing too much blood and I can’t stop it. Please someone answer me!”
Sam chimes in over the comms, his voice is shaky but determined. “I’m on my way. Where are you?”
Nat trying to remain calm but slowly losing her composure. “Southwest corner. Second floor. Hurry.”
You cough. Blood starts flowing out of the side of your mouth. Your breathing is getting shallower as each second passes.
You look at Nat and force a smile. “Tasha, you need to go. It’s okay. I’ve lost too much blood. I know I’m not going to make it back.”
Nat fights back tears. She tries to be strong. “Stop talking. I’m not going anywhere. You need to save your energy.”
Sam arrives breaking through the glass from the outside of the building. He lands and puts his wings away. Immediately he kneels at your side. He looks at you covered in your own blood. He gently wipes away the blood from your mouth.
“Okay, I’m gonna get you out of here. I need you to help me. I need you to put your arms around my neck. I can do the rest.”
Your breathing is much shallower. You can barely keep your eyes open to look at him. Tears freely fall from your eyes. “I can’t.” You say with little strength.
Sam replies with determination, “Yes, you can. I know you can. You’re strong. A hell of a lot stronger than me.”
You start to cry as you look into those dark brown eyes of his. “I’m sorry. I never told you”
A sharp cough cuts you off. Sam shakes his head.
“It’s okay, Y/N. I know. I’ve always known and I’ve always felt the same way.”
Suddenly the room is quiet. Your breathing has stopped. Natasha sobs in the doorway. Sam looks at her.
He clears his throat. “Get that data back to the ship. I’ll be right behind you.”
Nat dries her eyes. “What about Y/N? We can’t leave her here.”
He opens his wings. “We’re not going to. She’s coming home with us”
He picks up your lifeless body and takes off out the window. He lands at the ship still clinging to you.
No one speaks, not a single word.
Sam sobs as the memories of your death come to him. He hears footsteps coming towards him. He looks up to see you walk through the door in your Avengers uniform. You exactly like you did the last day he saw you.
“Sam?” You say softly with a sweet smile across your face.
“Y/N?” He looks at you half in disbelief, but he smiles through the tears that roll down his cheeks.
You reach out your hand for his and he willing takes it. He stands up and once again by your side. He notices he’s once again young and in his Falcon uniform. He looks back to where he was sitting. The photo album is now on the floor, open and facedown. He looks at himself slumped over in the chair, eyes closed.
“You ready for the next adventure?” You ask as you still hold his hand.
“With you, Y/N? Always.”
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pandabearlikes · 9 years
Temporary Affairs
Table of Contents 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17  
Chapter o9.  Chicken Feet  
  “When you said you were going to make a scene, I didn’t know you were actually going to faint,” Jongin laughed through the phone. 
  “You made me faint, Oppa!  Man up and take responsibility,” you replied, thrashing your legs around in bed. 
  “That was hilarious,” he continued to laugh.
  “It was mortifying!  It’s going to be all over the newspapers in the morning!” you whined, only making him laugh louder. 
  “Oppaaaaaaaa,” you wailed. 
  “Go to bed,” he said and you could still hear hints of chuckling. 
  “I am in bed,” you spoke, pouting. 
  “Then go to sleep.  I’ll pick you up in the morning,” Jongin said.
  “By morning you really mean afternoon, right?” you asked and he succumbed to another fit of laughter.  Were you really that funny?
  “I’ll see you tomorrow.  Good night,” he said.
  “Good night,” you replied and hung up. 
  You rolled around bed, in your pjs, trying so very hard to fall asleep but insomnia was taking you captive.  Why did he kiss you?  He probably didn’t hear me tell him to kiss me on the cheek.  I mean, the crowd was pretty loud.  But the thumping of your heart told you otherwise.  Pabo.  Jongin, Pabo!  But his lips were so soft and sexy and sweet and…NO ________ah, staph.  Staph.    
  Despite not getting an ounce of sleep, you got up from bed completely energized.  Giddily, you dug through your wardrobe to pick the prettiest and cutest dress of the bunch.  You slipped on the mint green flowy dress and braided your hair so it looked like a cascading waterfall.  As you bid your mother farewell, you threw on some tall stilettos.  You know…just in case you wanted to kiss him, you didn’t have to tiptoe.
  The moment you walked out of the house, Jongin was already there, leaning against his car with crossed arms.  Oh you, stop looking so handsome. #^$T##%^%^ 
  As always, he opened the passenger door for you and you got in. 
“So, what’s the occasion?  Why are you so dressed up?” he asked, amused. 
  Oh, just a date with the world’s most handsome man a.k.a. my fiancé.  Biotches, step aside.
  “Oh, nothing.  I just felt like it,” you half-lied, “Where are we going?”
  “You’ll see…” he teased and you pouted. 
  Now that you finally observed, Jongin was quite dressed down today compared to his regular suit and tie.  He had on a gray sweater and his hair appeared soft, his bangs covering his forehead.  I still want to run my fingers through it. 
  While you were busy gawking at him, he had already parked the car.
  “_______ah, we’re here.  You can stop staring at me now,” Jongin said, turning off the engine of the car. 
  Omg.  You hid your face behind your hair.  Laughing, he got out of the car and opened the door for you to get out.  With a face of puzzlement, you looked around to guess where your destination was.  The area was populated with street stalls and small cafés.  You turned to him questionably.  He slipped his hand into yours and pulled you to follow him.  And even though your stilettos allowed you to see Jongin from a new height, they were starting to hurt like crazy.  You hid your grimace from your fiancé. 
  He stopped in front of a fried chicken stall. 
  “Here?” you asked.
  “Yep,” he replied, pulling out a seat for you to sit on. 
  The waiters were very friendly and generous.  They laughed and talked with the two of you, even offering to gift you guys extra wings.  Your gaze fell on Jongin as he smiled genuinely at the waiter’s words.  Unknowingly, you found yourself grinning as well. 
  “Does your girlfriend not like you eating fried chicken?” you asked him while gobbling down a wing.
  “I don’t know.  Do you not like me eating fried chicken?” he replied also digging into his meal. 
  “No.  I love fried chicken,” you responded, confused.
  “Then why did you ask me?” he spoke with food in his mouth. 
“Because I thought she must not like it so that’s why you brought me here.  You know, since I apparently have a diet of a child,” you answered. 
  He laughed, “I’m glad you’re actually admitting it”. 
  You pouted and pointed at your attire, “But I’m starting to regret wearing this”.  
  “Nah, you look beautiful as always,” he casually complimented.  Argh.  You flirt, you don’t understand the feels I get when you say things like this. 
  Staring at him, you sighed and placed your unfinished chicken back onto the plate.  He probably doesn’t even see you as a girl because he’s treating you like some guy friend, eating fried chicken with him while watching a football game.  Jongin would never do that in front of his little girlfriend. 
  “Are you full already?” he asked.
  You nodded and pushed your plate over to him.
  “I’m going to go to the bathroom,” you mumbled. 
  At the bathroom, you immediately took your shoes off.  A streak of red lined your Achilles heel.  You touched it and instantly winced in pain.  What a great way to add salt to my wound. 
  “What’s the point?  We’re not real anyway,” you said to your reflection in the mirror. 
  Cinderella will have to wake up one day and give back her Prince Charming to another girl. 
  Sluggishly, you walked back out to reunite with your fiancé.  You discovered him with two plates of bones as he rubbed his stomach in satisfaction.
  “Let’s go, I’m done,” he said.
  You waited patiently as he went into the bathroom to wash his oily hands.  A teenage girl walked passed and stopped in front of you.
  “Hey, are you _______ _______?” she asked. 
  “Mmhm…” you replied.
  “Omgosh, your fiancé is so hot,” she confessed. 
  You clenched your fist under the table. 
  Faking a smile, you replied, “Thanks, I’ll tell him you said that”. 
  “You guys don’t match at all.  He should marry someone prettier,” she quipped. 
Omg, what did this little biotch just say?  You clawed at the bottom of the table to prevent yourself from clawing at her face. 
  “That’s good to know,” you tried to calmly reply. 
  Just as you were about to explode, Jongin returned from his bathroom break.  You watched helplessly as the fangirl rubbed her hands all over your fiancé.  Dammit, biotch.  I haven’t even touched those places before, how dare you.  You narrowed your eyes as Jongin semi-flirted with her. 
  Angry, you grabbed your purse and headed out.  You threw on a pair of sunglasses and stalked off, ignoring the painful sensation of your heels getting sliced more and more with every step you took.  Warm liquid dripped down your shaded eyes and you roughly wiped them away with your hands.  You don’t even understand why you were so upset.  It’s not like she said anything but the truth. 
  “_________ah!” Jongin called, chasing after you. 
  As soon as he caught up, he grabbed you by the arm.  You flung him off angrily. 
  “Hey, hey.  Why are you so angry?” he asked. 
  You don’t respond.   
  “Why do you have sunglasses on?  It’s winter,” he questioned, laughing at your fashion sense. 
  You ignored him again, running over to the street corner to hail a taxi. 
  “Hey.  What’s wrong?” Jongin asked, his tone desperate. 
  He slammed the taxi door shut and waved for the driver to leave.  Still, you ignored him, walking over to another street corner.  Suddenly, he scooped you off your feet and threw you over his shoulder.  You thrashed around childishly but he doesn’t let you down until he was at his car.  Gently, he placed you down onto the passenger seat. 
  “Wait for me right here,” he said and ran off. 
  You crossed your arms and cried in the car.  Why were you crying?  You had no idea why you were crying but you were.  Angrily, you kicked the car seat and buried your face into your inner elbow. 
  Jongin returned with a plastic bag in his hand.  He took the contents out and threw the rest into the backseat.  You stubbornly continued to ignore him, until he lifted your leg onto his lap.  Gently, he took off your heels.  You hissed and finally looked up.  In his hands was a box of bandages.  Leaning down to your feet, he blew on your cut a few times before sealing it with a band-aid.  He patted his lap and you obediently lifted your other leg for him to examine. 
  “Don’t ever wear those shoes ever again.  I’m going to bring them home and burn them,” he said angrily as he wrapped up the other cut. 
  You let out a soft giggle.  Jongin looked up at you, relieved that you were happier. 
  “Then how am I supposed to walk?” you asked, sniffling back your tears. 
  “I’ll carry you,” he immediately responded.
  Butterflies flutter in your stomach and you burst out in a fit of laughter, already forgetting why you were mad in the first place.    
            a/n: I can imagine you guys narrowing your eyes at the screen and thinking, “The longer she writes about them being fluffy and lovey-dovey that means the obstacle is going to be super angsty”.  (╯ಊ╰) MUHAAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA maybe…maybe not  #trollchenpossessed
  Soo glad you guys liked the last chapter :D It’s my favorite along with a few of the later ones hehe. 
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Chapter 1:Sleep Away Camp
Donny: Hey so I’m Donny and I’m from earth. Brookhaven, Ga to be exact. However, that’s not where we are now. Let me back up so you're not completely confused here. My full names Donald Archer the 4th and I’m a Freshman in high school. I needed a summer Job to keep me busy. So me My best Friend Sierra and My cousin Kimber decided to try being camp counselors for underprivilege children. Sierra’s Twin brother and his friends tagged along due to the alone in a cabin with no real adult supervision part. Cue the slasher movie music. So let’s get back to me I’m 15 a Scorpio with medium brown hair. I’m also a cock sucker. Maybe being a camp counselor was a bad call for someone so vulgar. I enjoy fall winter and yeah that is about it as far seasons go. My favorite color is green and I have an older sister named Dana. The pretty blonde Victoria secret model is my cousin Kimberly or Kimber for short. Her favorite colors Pink so you may catch her wearing a lot of it. Her parents are never around so she spends a lot of time at my house or alone in her pool house. She me and Sierra are really close Her dad Malcom is my mom’s brother. Next off we have Sierra Cotton. Sierra is of black heritage and is the snarkiest girl I know. We became friends instantly in 6th grade when she and her twin brother Chris moved from Queens, New York. Her favorite band was Flyleaf. So we bonded over our love for their totally not Christian music. Remember how I said some of his friends tagged along. Well Sierra’s mom thought she could pull a fast one and get the house to herself for four weeks. SO  she easily talked the pot head Chris into going. Chris and me are cool with each.  Sierra is older than Chris by a couple of minutes so she’s always a bit bossy with him. She embarrasses him around his two friends Joaquin and Grayer a lot. Which leads us to our resident asshole in black Joaquin Baldwin. Yes he’s a Baldwin. He’s attractive cunning and all the things I myself look for in a male sex partner but he’s a mean-spirited bully and I hated him. I wished the black plague on him.. He and I were acquaintances at one point until he moved away to some place called Oildale in California.. When he returned all his hair had grown out and he was totally weird but not on crack. He and Chris never met prior to Chris moving to Brookhaven but he quickly reconnected with Grayer and thus they formed a masculine 3 some. Next, we have Grayer Osbourne. Grayer is the resident pot head he’s big into conspiracy theories and is your guy if you want to score some weed. He and Kimber were once extremely close but following Kimber’s sister’s death had a falling out. Grayer is extremely nervous at times so his weed helps him with his anxiety inability to not freak out.. Our final member of the team is our wild card a complete stranger to us in the beginning. Her name was Heather and she was an 8th grader and daughter of the owner of Camp Knot Krystal Lake. We were tasked with picking her up so that all the counselors could arrive together. So we all piled into a van and headed for Heathers. Joaquin and Grayer brought the weed.. We pulled up to Heathers 30 minutes after leaving My house. Her house is a medium sized one in a subdivision. She comes out in high wasted jean shorts a hoodie and a brown shirt with brown boots. Her hair is long wavy and pushed to the side. She’s 5/3 and skinny with pale skin. She sits next to Kimber who is wearing a hot pink cardigan, a flower dress pink ballet slipper. Her hair is ash blonde with pink tips .It’s wavy and down but the sides are pulled back. Sierra is wearing a Misfit’s tank top a mini skirt thigh high black socks, a black choker and combat boots. Her hair is jet black and in braids. Joaquin has a mohawk a black sweater with the sleeves rolled up black skinny jeans and combat boots. Next to him is Grayer who is rolling a few joints. He has shoulder length red hair and freckles he’s pale as snow. He’s wearing a black Bring me the horizon shirt. Black skinny jeans and checkered shoes.   Donny is wearing a Egyptian printed shirt and a brown vest Khaki skinny jeans and beige shoes. Next to him is Chris who is wearing a red flannel shirt Jean shorts and red slipper shoes. After they get started on the road for a little they begin to talk. Joaquin: So I hope everyone likes Metal cause um yeah I don’t really care what you like. My car my rules Chris: Fuck you too. He turns the radio on. News Reporter: Hurricane Lucy has turned into a category 5 and Is headed toward Florida. Meanwhile China is experiencing extreme heat changes. In Australia it’s snowing. It’s almost like the movie The Day After Tomorrow. All over the globe things are going bad. Donny: That movie was terribly inaccurate. Joaquin: Yeah well so is just about everything Hollywood puts out. You comfy can you read the map?
Donny: Yeah I’m fine.
Chris: They put things out? I thought they were all remake happy this decades. Grayer: that and super hero movie after superhero movie. He switches the station to another. “Faith No More-Epic” begins playing everyone stays quiet until they exit the neighborhood. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HsqhV8kDkBw Kimber: So Heather, what does this camp look like? Sierra: She just wants to know how hard she will have to rough it. Heather: Well we have no wifi but the cabins have air condition and basically anything you could ask for.  We have nightly camp fires with the kids and for the most part it’s a pretty easy job. Just do activities with the kids and hang out. Kimber; Sounds better than sitting in the pool house all alone all summer. Heather: you’re parents not in town? Donny: Are aunt Colleen and Uncle Malcolm ever in town? Heather: You two are? Donny: Cousins. Joaquin: Twinkie eyes on the map before we get lost. Heather: are you sure you don’t want me in the front I’ve been going every summer since I was 6. He ignores her and keeps driving. Grayer: Uh Heather you smoke? Heather: Weed? Yeah a little here and there why? Chris: He’s always looking for new clients is why. He’s not smart enough to low key advertise. Kimber: Must be the weed killing all his brain cells. Grayer: That is a myth browski. Heather: So how do you all know each other? Chris: Sierra here is my twin sister, Kimber as you already know is Donny’s cousin. Grayer and Joaquin are friends of mine from elementary school. Sierra is friends with Kimber and Donny so it’s kind of like a big group that kind of exists without ever really being around each other. Sierra: What he means is we know of each other but we rarely chill unless to smoke at Kimber’s.  Do you have any siblings? Kimber nudges her. What? Oh shit I forgot sorry. Heather: it’s fine yeah his name was Austin but he went missing two years ago. Kimber: Yeah we kind of did the research on the place afterwards. Heather: Oh So you heard about the freshwater sharks then? Kimber: Fresh water sharks? Joaquin: She’s kidding blondie. Kimber: Oh right anyways umm yeah where did you get those shorts? Heather: Forever 21 at Lennox. Kimber: we must get some and soon. Grayer: I am going to pass the blunt to Joaquin first since he’s driving then he’ll pass it to Donny and so on or whatever. Heather You want to join us? Heather: Sure .Kimber what exactly do you have in that big purse of yours? Kimber: Oh umm you caught me. My whole closet basically. I brought some Jeans my pink cow girl boots a crop top. My curling and flat Irons tanning lotion. A Bathing suit My makeup bag a Mirror candy and a lighter in case I want to smoke later. Heather: You fit all that in that bag Sierra: She’s very resourceful. She’s also got suit cases. Heather: I only thought to bring playing cards Uno and the basics. You know we have consoler t-shirts we wear right. Kimber: Really? They come In pink? It’s my favorite color. Heather: Neons yes. Joaquin passes the Joint to Donny who is reluctant to take it. Joaquin: Hey twinkie hurry up and take it before I get burned. Donny: Are you sure? Joaquin; What you scared it’ll be like kissing me? Donny: No It’s just you barely smoked it Joaquin: Dude take it now. He burns his finger. Great now I’m burned dude just look at the map and get me there. I’m might wreck now that I have to drive one handed. They continue smoking until everyone is hungry and they stop at a Taco Bell for lunch. The Boys sit together while Heather the girls and Donny all sit together. Grayer: So Kimber is looking good. Joaquin: Dude just try and fuck her already, this crush has been going on for over 10 years. Grayer: Has not and you can’t just go up to a girl and be like hey let’s fuck. Chris: has so. And Uh Joaquin you’re one to talk you have something to confess? Joaquin: What do you mean? Chris: You specifically asked for Donny to sit up front with you. If you’re gay dude it’s cool. Grayer: Just don’t be a bottom. I hear that it hurts. This one dude got set to the hospital with rectum bleeding. Joaquin: Aint no dude putting anything up my ass. If you must know it’s because he’s the only one of you I know can read a damn map. That heather girl is too much of a know it all for me. Chris: I dare you to go over and kiss him. Grayer: No dude no! That is way wrong. Joaquin: Twinkie! He yells across the Taco Bell. The girls look over Sierra gives Chris the evil eye. Chris:  Sorry He umm yeah. Joaquin: Donny I uh I like your face. Want to suck them together. Kimber: He’s good but you can try the whore house we saw on the way here. Joaquin: Funny. The girls turn back around. Sierra: I got an Idea. Kimber: what? Sierra: Let’s pour a laxative in their drinks. My mom packed me some incase I got constipated. She pulls out a thing of Milk of Magnesia. Donny: apparently you get constipated Kimber: I just got the irony of this conversation. Heather: I’ve never had the shits from Taco Bell. Donny: Can you pour a whole bunch in Joaquins? Sierra: certainly. The boys all 3 get up to go to the bathroom shortly after giving Sierra the chance to spike their drinks. They all hop back in the van  afew minutes later. Mid conversation Joaquin begins to feel the effects. Joaquin: ah shit my tummy hurts I’m gonna have to pull over. Grayer: Dude mine too hurry up. Chris: Wait a minute my drink looks kind of milky! Sierra. Joaquin: What? Chris: She spiked our drinks. Joaquin: With what? Chris: The laxative my mom gave her. Kimber hands Grayer some toilet paper. Kimber: Have fun. Chris: You are so dead! Sierra: I never confessed to anything. The boys quickly run out of the van to shit the girls wait a little but then decide to leave and see what is taking so long. A Storm seems to be approaching. Heather: Did it suddenly get cold to you guys? Kimber: now that you said something yeah. Donny: Kimber is that bag not extremely heavy to carry? Kimber: Kind of but I had to pack a lot of stuff for reasons. They finally reached the boys who are playing in a lake. Sierra: how cute they’re bathing together. Joaquin: Only because you gave us the shits. Kimber: Aren’t you worried something might bite off your manly parts. Joaquin: It’s called wearing underwear. Heather: did you guys check for leeches? Donny: Clearly they haven’t seen stand by me. Grayer: Shit dude it’s fucking cold. I think I’m going to head out. Joaquin: Pussy. Grayer: suck my dick. He quickly swims to the edge of the lake and gets out to sit with the girls. Kimber notices blood coming down his leg. Kimber: Grayer oh my god check your pants I think you’re bleeding. he reaches into his boxers and spots a leech on his penis. He rips it off and begins screaming like a girl. Kimber runs over to him to calm him down. It’s ok. It’s ok. Sit down I’ll um get you a band aid. Donny: Hey there are leeches in the water get out! Joaquin and Chris do so and find a ton of leeches on their body,  They spend the next 20 minutes picking the leaches off. Joaquin: We don’t have to be at the camp site until tomorrow right? Heather: I mean My dad’s expecting us but no we don’t set up until tomorrow why? Joaquin: Let’s uh you know camp out. Kimber: are you crazy have you seen the discovery channel. Heather: No why? Kimber: The mer-fish it like totally eats people. Heather: You’re kidding right? Joaquin: we have sleeping bags I don’t see why not. Plus, I don’t feel like driving anymore. Chris: I’m in. Sierra: how fun camping with a bunch of boys. Grayer: I’m in if Kimber is. Joaquin: of course, you are. Donny: I’ll stay. Kimber: Ok fine just let me get my sleeping bag. that night everyone is hurtled around the fire smoking a blunt. Heather: So I called dad and he was worried but said to have fun. Kimber: you guys realize this is how every Friday The 13th movie starts right. Joaquin: Nobody have sex and will be fine. Donny: we smoked weed so we already broke a horror movie don’t. Joaquin: shit you’re right. It’s getting cold out. Chris: whoa look up at the sky. It looks like. Sierra: a circle right above us. Grayer: you think it’s aliens. Chris: Illuminati confirmed. Kimber: Is this really all boys think about? Sierra I’m afraid so. Joaquin: as opposed to what girls talk about make up and marriage. Kimber: So what you don’t plan on getting married? Joaquin: I don’t plan on dating, relationships are pointless. Heather: My parents have been together for 25 years so not all of them. Joaquin: That’s good for them, Not everyone is so lucky. Chris: and this has nothing to do with your abusive step father. Grayer: Ah shit you had to do it. Joaquin jumps him and they begin to fight. Sierra: is this really necessary? Donny: it’s a straight guy pride thing. Kimber: I didn’t realize they had that with the amount of girls they brag about sleeping with. Sierra: and then they want to call us sluts. Heather: They don’t plan to do this in front of the children, right? Grayer: These two you never know. The fight goes on until Joaquin punches Chris into the water and starts to drown him at this point everyone steps in to save Chris. Kimber: So now that you’re all wet and covered in leeches again can we please eat? Sierra: Eat what? Donny: You mean you didn’t pack food either? Grayer: I have gummy bears. Kimber: You have edibles not gummy bears. Joaquin: You have a pole and some wire? Heather: Why so you can fish? Joaquin: Shit no so I can strangle and beat Chris to death. Chris: He’s kidding. Joaquin: Try me again Bro. Chris: Truce I promise never to bring up your countless issues again. Joaquin: Oh fuck off. A gentle breeze begins to blow. Kimber: You know second thought maybe this camping thing is a bad idea. Can we leave before mer-fish appears please? Joaquin: Yeah I think we should grab our shit and go. Donny: It’s 3 hours away and it’s already night. Joaquin: And you can sleep all day tomorrow. Heather: Nah my dad usually wakes us up early. Joaquin: Why did I want to do this. Chris: Not touching that one. Sierra: let’s just go. Everyone piles back into the van and they head off. Joaquin: So do I keep going on 285 or what? Donny: Huh? Oh right yeah will be there in about another 3 hours if you do. Joaquin: That isn’t what I asked Twinkie? Donny: Yeah 285 north. Joaquin: Great. How’s Uh Dana? Donny: who my sister uh she’s fine. Why? Joaquin: Small talk Idk everyone else asleep and this is a long drive. Donny: It’s just you never speak to me Joaquin: Aren’t you always with the girls? Donny: Yeah Joaquin: Well I’m not. I don’t like groups. Sure Chris and Grayer are ok but too many people and you’ve got a problem. Next thing you know the cops are involved Donny:That happens to you? Joaquin: I’m Sure you’ve hear about the parties me and the guys go to. Donny: Chris and I barely speak. Joaquin: Well yeah I get into a lot of cop trouble. it looks like it’s about to start pouring. Oh how I wish I was asleep right now. Donny: Same I hope we get our own cabins. Joaquin: Same Grayer snores like a mother fucker. Donny: Well that will be fine. Joaquin glances to the back of the van. Joaquin: Stop by my bed and I’ll make sure you don’t hear anything. Donny: lovely gay jokes Joaquin: Sorry, I can be a little mean sometimes, I’m just unsure how to talk to you. You seem so unapproachable. Donny: I’m unapproachable. You’re the broody sits in the corner sulking one. It’s extremely scary. Joaquin: and you’re the flamboyantly in your face talkative one whose an expert on every subject. All I’m saying is it’s hard to compete Donny: So because you think I’m smart you don’t talk to me. Joaquin: basically. But uh yeah I’m having trouble seeing the road. Donny: I think going straight sounds like a good idea Joaquin: let me roll down my window. He see’s the road clearer but he’s getting drenched. He swerves the van a little. Donny: Well that will wake them up. Joaquin: This weather is crazy. I should pull over Donny: Wait hold on. Joaquin: What why? Donny: That bright light ahead. Joaquin: What is that other driver doing on this side of the road? Don hold on I’m about to do some crazy shit they don’t allow in driving school. He swerves the car right into the light which turns out to be a space time portal. The car is suddenly floating into a dried up river basin. Everyone at this point is awake and concerned about their safety.
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