#the lead singer in the orange suit is
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Open Mic Night
Pairing: Soldier Boy x f!reader, Reader POV
Summary:  Soldier Boy and the reader go to a bar on a double date with Hughie and Annie. This takes place beyond season three in alternate universe. Reader is a supe. This technically takes place in my series "Take A Chance On Me," after Soldier Boy and the reader have become a couple, but can be read as stand alone. (I'm so bad at summaries, please forgive me!)
Tropes: Fluff, Age Difference, Protective Ben/ Soldier Boy, Established Relationship
Word Count: 3.9K
Warnings: I'm going to label this 18+ just to be sure because this fic contains dude being super creepy and sleazy, swearing, mentions of sex, sexual innuendo, references to past sex, and Soldier Boy. Ben/Soldier Boy might be a little bit OOC.
Note: This is told from Reader's perspective. Any references to the reader is made using you or your. There is minimal use of y/n. I tried my best to proofread, but nobody's perfect. This is my first time writing for Soldier Boy, so please be gentle. If you don’t like, don’t read, but if you do like, you’re my favorite!
Internal monologue is in italics and is in first person.
Take A Chance On Me Series Masterlist
Music swung low and heavy over the crowded bar from the band on the stage that dominated the central wall of the building. Speakers stood like stoic watchmen, thumping and blasting the haunting music on each side of the stage. Spotlights stung the air, spewing colors of orange, yellow, and green onto the figures that writhed on stage.
It was open mic night. That much was inferred from the collection of mismatched people swarming the edge of the stage where a bouncer stood holding a black clip board.
Each one pushed and shoved, trying to shout over the death march ballad flowing from the lead singers mouth and threatening one another with musical instruments clutched in their hands.
The song is an odd choice. You thought to yourself noting the outfit of the lead singer. He was wearing a bright red and yellow pinstriped suit that clashed with bright pink hair that fell past his waist and was braided away from his face.
How does it not get caught in his guitar?
You were still standing just inside the doorway, staring beyond Hughie to watch the lead singer gyrate and writhe against the standing microphone.
You glance over at Ben. He’s hovering by your right elbow, mouth turned down in disgust, but even frowning he looks just as handsome as ever. His dark hair lies in soft waves over his brow, he trimmed his beard so that it’s more of a dusting over his cheeks and chin, he’s wearing a black t-shirt that makes his eyes a dangerous bright green and a pair of jeans slung low on his hips. Even without his suit he looks flawless, every bit the hero that people believed him to be.
“I don’t understand music nowadays.” Ben continues to stare at the lead singer. "It used to make sense."
“Isn’t he talented?” You laugh elbowing Ben in the side. “Aren’t you glad we let Annie pick the place?”
“I definitely am.” Hughie responds. “I think my life has been enriched by watching that man hump the microphone.”
“Oh definitely.” Annie adds.
“Do you think he’d sign my butt?” You ask enthusiastically. “I carry a sharpie with me at all times just for this possibility.”
“Y/n-“ Annie snorts.
“What?” Ben snaps, turning to look down at you. His eyes are narrowed in jealousy and confusion.
“I’m only kidding Gramps.” Your hand entwines with his. “You’re the only one who gets to see it.”
He doesn’t look pleased, but the nickname you assigned him when you first met often makes him angry.
"Don't fucking call me that." Ben mutters.
“You know you love it.” You whisper back.
“Ew. So don’t need that image-“ Hughie makes a face.
“I don’t need to hear it from you. When we all lived in that safe house and you and Annie had ‘alone time’ I wanted to wash my ears out with soap. Y’all could at least have gone to a room on the other side of the apartment, not to mention Annie took out the power every time.”
“You have super hearing Y/n.” Annie’s face flushes. “And you and Ben weren't exactly quiet either.”
"I won't apologize for that." You shrug.
Someone comes in the double doors behind you and jostles past you. You stumble into Ben’s chest, who steadies you with a hand on your waist. The man doesn't turn around to apologize, instead he continues to walk towards the giant wooden bar on the left side of the room.
You ignore the urge to haul him back by the back of the shirt and make him apologize and one look up at Ben lets you know that he's thinking the exact same thing.
Ben watches the man’s retreating figure murderously and opens his mouth, but before he yells something, you squeeze his hand. Ben's gaze drops to you, anger burning behind his green eyes.
“It’s okay. It’s busy and there’s a lot of people. It happens.” You whisper trying to bring him some comfort.
He wasn’t exactly thrilled about the double date. It wasn’t that he hated Hughie or Annie, you think it was because after a long day he’d rather spend time with you than keep up appearances. When Annie suggested it, it had seemed like a good idea but now standing here in the overcrowded bar it was overwhelming. Ben and you had been on dates just the two of you in a bar before, but it wasn’t nearly as loud or as crowded as this one. You spent the night in one of the quiet booths in the corner, his arm wrapped around you while you listened to the music coming from the juke box, music that Ben actually recognized. Sometimes you think he liked quiet restaurants more, where he could breathe, and relax in a booth next to you. You think being around too many people activated his PTSD.
Ben frowns, but tightens his hand on your hip.
Sometimes you thought that you being there helped. As much as Ben didn't like to admit his feelings, you noticed that his actions spoke more. The way that he let you hold on to his arm or the way that his hand often drifted to your waist when in public made you believe that Ben did depend on having you with him. Plus he never seemed to want to let you go out of the apartment alone. Even with something as mundane as grocery shopping, Ben would come with you. And despite him sighing each time you walked down an aisle and complaining under his breath, Ben wouldn't stay at the apartment when you told him to.
Plus there were the mornings when you woke up before him and noticed how he pulled you to him in his sleep or the mornings when he woke up first and didn’t push you away, instead he liked having your head on his chest watching your gentle breath.
However, the look in his eyes as he gazed around the room at the crowd was not calm or collected, it was bordering on manic. He looked almost like he wanted to pick you up and move you to the corner, caging you in and fighting off anybody who tried to get close to you.
“Hey we are going to go get drinks. Why don’t you guys find us a place to sit?” You say to Annie.
Maybe I need to talk to him alone.
“Sure.” She doesn’t sense Ben’s discomfort and pulls Hughie in the direction of an empty booth that lines the wall opposite the bar.
You gently lead Ben through the crowds, past the bar to a small alcove where the restrooms are.
“Are you okay?” You ask.
“Yeah?" Ben raises his eyebrow and you can imagine his thoughts.
Probably revolving around the idea that he's not a pussy and that he's not afraid of anything.
Sometimes you hated that Ben was so guarded and that his usual emotions circled around borderline toxic masculinity, annoyance, and anger. Well, until you started dating. At the beginning Ben had been nicer to you than anyone else, which meant those three emotions appeared less when you were around. But now, you were slowly coaxing him out of his tough exterior to get him to open up more, difficult, but not impossible.
You knew it was only a matter of time until he opened up more to you. In the few months you had been dating he was already doing better than when you first met- when there was a constant parade of women through the apartment and he tried his upmost to get in your pants. 
“Because if you’re not we can leave right now. I can tell Annie that I’m having bad cramps or something and we can go home. Get a pizza delivered or something? Watch one of your old films?” You look into his face, trying to read his expression, but Ben has mastered the art of hiding his emotions. An infuriating skill, because you prided yourself on being able to read people.
“I’m fine.”
“I promise I’m fucking fine.” He snaps.  His broad figure blocks the view of the singer on stage who has begun to gyrate again.
You hoped the song would be over soon. 
Despite his tone, it didn't make you angry. You knew that he tended to slip into annoyance when he was afraid to tell you what he really thought.
He doesn’t look fine. His eyebrows are pulled down low over his eyes and his mouth is turned down in a frown.
“I’m serious. I won’t be mad if you just want to go home, just the two of us. Being out is supposed to be fun and if you’re not having fun-“
“I swear I’m having as much fucking fun as I can listening to terrible music.” He doesn’t smile.
You release his hand and your fingertips raise to brush back some of his dark locks that have fallen into his eyes. “I just don’t want you to be uncomfortable. I love you-“
 He sighs leaning into your touch.
“I know you think that you have to do this for me, but I’m okay with just going. I know you don’t like crowds or people.” You smile at him, putting as much love and comfort as you can into your tone.
“I’m okay y/n.”
You search his gaze for the lie, trying to uncover how he feels, but you find nothing. “Okay.”
You arch upwards to kiss him hoping that it will relieve some of the tension he was holding in his muscular shoulders.
To say it works is an understatement. As soon as your lips touch his, he backs you against the wall and continues to kiss you feverishly, his hand finding your waist.
I guess that’s one way to channel all that nervous energy.
Ben’s hand begins to sweep lower along your back to grab your butt and bring your leg up over his hip, holding you up against him so you don't have to stretch as far to kiss him. It makes you smile into his mouth, knowing that he was doing that for you, that he cared enough to make sure you were comfortable.
“Ben-“ You breathe.
“What?” He smirks at you. “Didn’t you want me to have a good time?”
“Well yes but-“
“You aren’t having a good time?”
“No? I think I can make you have a good time, a few times before Hughie and Annie notice we're gone.” He begins to nudge you backward in the direction of the bathroom.
“No.” You giggle pushing against his muscular chest, but he doesn’t move.
“Come on doll. Don’t you want me to enjoy myself?” Ben pouts, before bringing his lips down to your ear. "I definitely think you'd enjoy yourself." A shiver travels down your spine. "That's my girl." He smirks, as he begins to kiss your neck again.
“Ben, I do want you to enjoy yourself, but I also don't want to have a good time in the bathroom at a bar.”
“Didn’t stop us last time.” He arches a brow.
“That was much cleaner and we weren’t at a bar with two of our friends.”
Ben frowns at you.
“How about you get me a little drunk, we dance for a bit, and then you get to take me home.” You press a kiss just under his ear, tangling your hands in his hair.
“Or we go into the bathroom for 10 minutes then you get me drunk enough to dance and then you get to take me home.” His hand tightens just under your thigh, rubbing his thumb against your soft jeans.
“You know you want to.” He grins wolfishly. “Have I told you how sexy you look?”
He didn’t have to say it. You were wearing a green top that showed a little more cleavage than usual and your best pair of jeans that hugged your curves. The same pair of jeans that usually made Ben handsy. You had also spent an inordinate amount of time curling your hair before you left the apartment. Plus the green was exactly the same color as his suit, something that Ben loved was when you wore his color or his clothes.
“You have, several times. And I do, but please I don’t want to when our friends are out there waiting for us.”
He sighs, knowing that he’s lost. “Fine.”
Ben reluctantly lowers your legs to the ground, but you kiss him gently on the mouth to kiss away the frown that replaces the seductive smirk he had moments ago.
“Go on. I’m going to go to the bathroom.” He steps around you.
“I have to take a piss. Go on get the drinks. I’m gonna need a lot of them to get through that fucking music.”
“Beer and a whiskey.” Ben winks as he closes the door behind him.
You take in a deep breath to cool down from whatever almost happened, but you saw your ability to say no as a personal victory. Ben was usually able to coax you into doing whatever he wanted.
You hate how easily he won.
You begin the slow trek back to the bar, weaving in and out of the people trying to get closer to the stage or just dancing along to the music. The previous band was gone, replaced by a man wearing a fedora and playing a saxophone. The melody was smooth, and reminded you of what you father used to listen to on long days after work.
Ben would like this song. You think to yourself. You suddenly wished that he was here so he could hold you and sway along to the music, but you knew that getting drinks was equally important.
It would probably take at least two glasses of whiskey to get him out on the dance floor.
You maneuver yourself between two people sitting on stools to talk directly to the bartender. “Hey can I get four bottles of beer and a whiskey.”
“What kind?” The bartender is a blonde girl, pretty, only a few years older than you, dressed in an electric green top and mini skirt.
“Do you have anything that’s really old?” You never got what kind of whiskey Ben liked, just that he often complained that the older stuff was better.
It was a common opinion he voiced.
“Yeah but it’s pricy.” She shrugs
“That’s fine.” You pull Ben’s debit card out of your pocket.
You thought it was weird to use his card, but he kept telling you to even though you didn’t have a shared bank account. One time you tried to pay him back, but he wouldn’t let you and said that it was the man's job to pay for everything.
Another time you tried to pay for dinner and he told you not to worry. But you still felt guilty.
Sometimes you felt like a sugar baby. Given the age difference, it was closer to reality than you would have liked.
You were living together, well, Ben lived in your apartment. He kept talking about moving to a nicer apartment and as much as you wanted to, one day you found him looking at apartments that were worth more than seven times the monthly rent that you were paying currently.
You were going to see one in a few days, but you still hadn’t admitted to him that you didn’t think you could afford it. The only thing that stopped you was how excited he got about going, about moving in officially together in a new apartment that you didn't want to say no. Seeing him excited about something so domestic warmed your heart.
You didn’t know how much money he had, you just knew it was more than you given the fact that he was such a big hero and that he used to be in movies.
You hadn’t had a solid job since you started working for Butcher, who would give you some money under the table but who knows where he got that. You had some money that you inherited from your parents when they died, but other than that, nothing. An unwelcome thought, given the indestructible nature of your powers, which meant there was the possibility you would live forever.
I’m gonna have to start budgeting better.
The bartender turns to look for the drinks, while you lean forward on the bar, closing your eyes to listen to the smooth jazz that floats over the crowd.
Someone’s hand slides down your back and grips your butt.
You snort, not opening your eyes. “Ben I thought I told you-“ You turn around to look at who you thought was Ben, but freeze when you realize it’s the pink haired singer from before.
“Hey baby.” The man smiles tightening his grip on your butt. “I saw you admiring me, thought I’d come say hello.”
“Um. Yeah. That didn’t happen, now can you please take your hand off my ass?” You ask forcing your voice into a cool collected tone.
“I think it did.” He doesn’t remove it, in fact he moves further into you, to pin you against the bar. “Did you like my song?”
One word answers usually were a good way of telling people that you weren’t interested, but this man didn't seem to understand that.
“Aww that’s too bad. I’ve got a few others that I can show you. What’s a pretty little thing like you doing here all alone?”
“We’ll see that’s the thing. I’m not alone and I’m going to ask you nicely one more time to fuck off before I break your arm.”
“A little thing like you do that? Come on baby let’s be serious.”
By now every time he said little your eye twitched aggressively. You did a good job of pretending you weren't a supe on your days off. You hid really well in a crowd, a skill that helped you evade Homelander and Vought more than once. Of course it had its annoyances as well. Case and point.
“Trust me. Me breaking your arm is much better than the alternative.”
I should get rid of him before Ben gets out here. That will definitely not end well if he sees this guy.
“What’s the alternative?” He oozes moving so close to your face that you can smell the stale alcohol on his breath.
The man is snapped upwards away from you and into the air.
Ben looks murderous. His usually bright green eyes have hardened into an emerald, his smile turned into a snarl. He’s holding the man by the front of his brightly striped suit, two feet off the ground, so close that Ben’s nose is almost brushing his.
“The alternative-“ Ben’s voice is a growl. “Is that I break your fucking face for touching my girlfriend.”
Why does he look so hot when he’s angry? You sigh to yourself, admiring the way his muscles tense under his black t-shirt as he holds the guy and how the shirt pulls up just enough for you to see the top of his hip where his low hanging blue jeans have fallen.
There’s something wrong with me.
“Whoa man I’m sorry I didn’t know she was yours.” The man stutters, holding on to Ben’s wrists where he still holds him in the air.
Ben is easily a foot taller than him and broader by a mile. Gazing down at him with enough hatred to make the hair on the back of your neck stand up.
As much as you liked Ben like this, you knew you had to do something before Ben killed him. Because as much as he deserved a good beating, the man didn’t deserve to die.
“Ben put him down.” You say.
“Ben please.” You put your hand on his muscular shoulder, feeling the heat of his skin beneath the palm of your hand. “It’s not worth it. He’s not worth it.”
“But you are-“ His teeth are gritted together when he looks at you, green eyes blazing in fury. “He shouldn’t have touched you.”
“No he shouldn’t. But he doesn’t deserve to lose his life just because he felt up the wrong person in a bar.”
Ben’s jaw is locked together, nostrils flaring, but even you know that somewhere deep down he knows you're right. He turns his head to look back at the man. “You’re lucky that she’s more forgiving than I am.” Ben drops the man, who lands in a lump on the floor and turns to look at you.
Ben doesn’t look happy, but he still  takes your hand, preparing to shuffle you towards where Annie and Hughie are watching in horror.
But before Ben can say anything the man on the ground rolls to his feet, more gracefully than you would have guessed and lunges at Ben a small knife gripped in his left hand.
He really doesn’t know when to quit.
Although you know that a small knife will do little to Ben other than piss him off, you react. Before he can reach Ben, your free hand flashes out, fastening around the man's left wrist and you pull his arm behind him at an unnatural angle. His arm jolts, the sharp snap of bone overshadows the jazz music, and the man falls to the ground clutching his ruined arm to his chest with a broken cry. All of this happens within five seconds, too fast for a normal person to see.
“Told you I would break your arm.” You say, pulling Ben away before he can do anything worse to him.
“What happened?” Annie asks eyes wide.
“Total jerk at the bar. I ordered drinks but I think it’ll be better if Ben and I leave.” You glance over at the bartender who is talking to the bouncer and gesturing over at you and Ben. “I already paid so y’all enjoy yourselves.”
“Wait y/n we’ll come with you-“ Hughie says. His arm is draped around Annie’s shoulders where they sit in the booth. You think about letting them come with you, but they look so comfortable and they should enjoy their day off.
“No it’s okay.” You squeeze Ben’s hand. “I’m kinda wiped from today anyway.”
“Are you sure?” Annie asks.
“Yeah.” You nod once, before smiling wide at Annie and Hughie. “Let me know if you find the next Billy Joel.”
“There can only be one!” Hughie shouts as Ben and you weave through the bar goers to avoid the bouncer.
When you finally get outside and start towards home, Ben finally speaks.
“We didn’t have to leave.” He’s still holding your hand tightly, but you can feel the heat of his anger stirring beneath the skin.
“Yes we did. The bouncer was coming.” You stop walking and turn to look up at him. “Plus. I thought it was incredibly hot that you went all Soldier Boy on that guy’s ass to defend my honor.” Your hand drags against his muscular chest, mouth turning up in a sexy smile.
“Oh did you? Because here I thought that you were angry. And that you were going to yell at me for not letting you handle it.” He tugs you forward so that your chests are pressed against one another.
“Nope. Why do you think we had to leave? I want to get you home asap.”
He runs his free hand through your hair, fastening it behind your head, to pull you against him for a searing kiss. “You know, I also thought it was pretty hot when you broke that guy's arm.” Ben whispers against your lips.
“Wouldn’t have expected anything less. Now let’s go home so I can thank you properly.”
Thank you for reading! If you'd like to be added to my taglist for the Take A Chance On Me Series, please let me know :)
If you liked this fic, be sure to try out my other series You Call It Madness But I Call It Love!
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yellowfunnybunny · 23 days
Neon War Paint
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WARNING! Explicit RPF!
Summary: The pre-party was as much for the singers to bond as for the tech crew to catch come breath before the most intense week of the year. No cameras or journalists allowed. Just an excuse to blow off some steam.
CW: 18+!, smut, explicit, mature themes, seriously if you are a minor gtfo.
Neon War Paint
"What do you think of the guy?"
"The blue one?" the girl asked, loudly, to overpower the volume of the music surrounding the two, pointing her finger at the same screen that was filming her. 
"He's cute!" she sentenced, with a wide drunk-ish smirk on her mouth.
"What about his clothes?" the guy insisted.
"It looks nice... it would look better on the floor!"
She quickly covered her mouth with her hand as soon as she finished the sentence. A loud girly scream erupted from her group of girlfriends nearby, deafening Joost, who was watching the video from his pal's phone. 
"Who even is that?" he asked handing back the phone to his friend.
"The Italian contestant" he answered, collecting his phone and handing him a shiny magazine in return. On the front cover there she was, Carlotta Moretti, in a more polished picture than the ones he just saw now. Long black dress, matching the shade of her long ink black hair. Looking straight at the camera in a bored and arrogant look. Chin up and slightly open mouth.
-Damn.- Joost thought between himself.
The article inside offered a much different story than the "sexy young femme fatale" the photographer was trying to sell on the cover. Pictures of her sold-out concerts filled with a young loud crowd, waving at the stage towards a chaotic looking singer. Bright pink mini dress, spaghetti straps loose on one shoulder, no shoes. Her long hair a beautiful whip dancing in the summer air of the city.
-Oh, damn!-
Vibrant orange suit -Orange, nice!- crowd surfing like a vest loose in the ocean.
A neon yellow bikini top -Oh, hello there!- paired with short jeans. The microphone so close to her mouth it gave the impression she was stamping kiss on it. A silver belly piercing hanging loose on her stomach.
"Carlotta Moretti...Carlotta Moretti..." he repeated a couple of times, trying to mimic and "rrr" sound that belonged more to the south of Europe than to his own country.
He chuckled. This week was going to be a lot of fun.
The pre-party was as much for the singers to bond as for the tech crew to catch come breath before the most intense week of the year. Some of the contestant came in bright and early to prepare for the rehearsals of the next days, but for the Dutch contestant, after quick wardrobe check, there was not much to do. So he imposed to himself and the boys to go and check the party out.
One could sense it was mostly for the crew as most of them were already on the dance floor "shaking it off". Terrible playlist, but everybody seemed to enjoy themselves. Other contestants where yet to arrive, as their rehearsal was later in the week, but some showed up already. The Sweden team hosting was shaking hands with other teams and leading them on the dance floor. The Italian one was right behind them. A group of six or seven girls walked excitedly into the area looking around and chattering.
Carlotta walked right by him and led her two girlfriends on the dance floor, holding hands with each of them. He watched her go, wandering if she did even notice him in the crowd. Joost wandered if she even knew what he looked like without the blue outfit chosen for his performance. Once in the middle of the chaos, the girls started letting go of all the composure that dozen of cameras pointed at you force you to have. Carlotta was moving freely, focusing only on the beat of the music and the fun she craved to have. The stress she wanted to relieve in order to focus on this week. Joost watched her intensely -Terrible moves...- but that didn't distract him from how her long hair were moving in the air, how her hips were swinging to the beat, how she smiled at the friends left behind and encouraged them to come join. He didn't miss how her curves filled her mini dress.
He walked in her direction. As he came closer to them, he locked eyes with one of the girls. She kept looking at him and he could see her lips move. She said something to the group he couldn't grasp. But he sure understood how Carlotta started moving much slower on the dance floor. She seemed to think over every muscle moving, how she was swinging her hips, how her hand moved all the way from her side to her neck to move aside her long hair. By the time he reached her, all her friends took a step away and they were dancing far enough for her to have some privacy.
"Hey..." He started.
Carlotta turned "Hey!" her voice was chirpy and her smile full.
"You dance really good."
"You lie really good, too!"
Her quick answer destabilised him. They just had to laugh. Her big eyes squirmed as she laughed. She was wearing a bright blue eye shadow -Great choice...- and a little black dress that she filled plenty around her chest, her stomach and hips. -Damn.- She seemed really curious in the way he was towering over her.
"How tall are you?"
"A little over 1.80..."
She nodded "Yeah, you seem like a big boy!"
"You wouldn't know about it..."
It was her time now to burst into an unexpected laugh. She quickly covered her mouth with a hand and giggled loudly behind it.
In the time they had that quick chat, the dance floor filled up and now it was difficult to dance without bumping into each other. -Where the hell does all these people come from?- Joost started to think. He was to suggest Carlotta to have a drink at the bar, but she already gave him her back and started dancing again. The crowd around them pushed them together and she was careful in her movements not to press on him. The rhinestones on the straps of her dress bounced back the stage light and made her shine. He noticed her skin being beautifully pale, no tattoos in sight. Her hair was lucent and perfectly straight. She turned her head back to watch him.
"Seeing something you like?" she smirked at him.
-... Did I hear that?-
FloRida was encouraging people to go low low low low. She did.
She made sure, as she was standing up again, to brush her back ever so slightly on his chest. Her head was now just under his chin. He couldn't help but brushing his nose against her hair. Coconut. 
Carlotta took his hands in hers and placed them on her hips and she kept moving to the rhythm. She arched her back and that secret rubbing in the middle of a full dance floor had them both giggle.
Suddenly she turned to face him. She poked at his chest with a perfectly almond shaped fingernail.
"Hope you brought that silly blue suit with you" she smiled.
Joost took her hand in his and lowered his head to be at her same height. Their lips barely touching.
"We are getting out of here" he sentenced.
The elevator ride was a movie kind experience, he admitted to himself.
The way they patiently waited for the doors to close before she threw herself at him. He accepted  her arms around his neck and hold her steady, hungrily, with both his arms wrapped around her back. Her mouth was warm, soft and demanding. He felt her fingers running lightly trough his hair and let out a sigh of pleasure. His hand cupped her butt cheek made her groan. She moved to kiss his jawline, a small hand of hers sliding all the way from his chest down to his belt.
The lift doors swung open with a gentle jingle, announcing the right floor.
She took his hand in hers and guided them to her room. The way Carlotta just led the situation amused him. Joost run a hand trough his hair and smiled to himself. She wasn't shy, she knew what she wanted. -She's insane. This is insane-
She stood in front of her room looking for the card to open the door in her purse, letting out a couple of non understandable Italian curses while doing so.
-Fucking adorable-
"Easy now..." he murmured in her ear while grabbing her by the waist. He guided her backwards to press on his groin, to make her feel it. She let out a small gasp and finally found the card key and opened the door. They stumbled inside, almost falling on the ground. She giggled while getting back steady on her feet. He slammed the door behind his back and went for her.
She looked superb. Her chest was falling up and down taking small quick breaths. Her cheeks had the most exquisite pink shade on them. Her eyes were lucid and dark and showing him all the lust, the fun, the messiness they were about to create.
Her vibrant blue eye makeup stood perfectly unbothered on her eyelids.
-I will ruin that fucking makeup-
He cupped her face in his hands and went for her mouth, opening it with his tongue and exploring it like the last fruit on Earth. She abandoned herself in the kiss. Her back found the desk in the room and she hopped on breaking contact for just a second. His hands went to find the straps of her dress, moving those aside, to plant hard kisses all over her neck and shoulders and chest. Her hands were entangled in his hair, stroking it and guiding his head to where she wanted to be kissed most. Suddenly she pulled his head back. So fast he let out a groan looking up to her. She placed the most gentle kisses on his forehead and eyebrows. 
That send him to space and back.
His fingertips found the zip of her dress and pulled it down slowly, revealing her body to him. Her skin was so warm and soft he wanted nothing but to drown in it. He posed his head on her chest listening to her heart beating like crazy. He took a nipple in his mouth and made circles with his tongue around it. Her back arched pressing it even harder against his mouth. He bit lightly and let go, a small drool of saliva connecting the two for a brief second.
She got down from the desk and hooked a finger inside his belt, leading him to the bed.
Joost obeyed.
Who the hell was this girl? How could she direct him so effortlessly? Why -God- why did he want nothing but to loose himself in her eyes, her skin, her hair and never come back?
She worked his clothes out of the way and sat on him.
She was watching him intensely while he slid into her, parting his lips and sighing, comforted by her warmth. She intentionally moved slow, amused by the frown of his eyebrows, his eyes closed and the little pearls of sweat that were starting to show on his forehead. She kissed those away. He let out an intense moan when she rotated her hips, such that he buried his face in her chest, his fingers dipping in her sides. His heartbeat was so frantic he felt it in his ears.
"Fuck..." he let out.
Hearing her giggle sent shivers down his spine. He wanted to hear that again. Then he wanted to hear her moan, then beg, then scream. He turned them quickly so she was laying under him. Her eyes widen for a second then she laughed again. It was his time to watch her expression change as he started to move in her. He kept her chin in place with his finger and thumb and locked eyes with her. Carlotta let out a sigh and abandoned herself to his long movements.
She let out a long low moan, casting some Italian deity. Not a curse, not a pray. He chuckled next to her ear, feeling goosebumps grow on the side of her neck, planting a kiss on it right away. Soon after he felt her body answer differently to his strokes and picked up pace. It was the right move: her nails clasped his back and her moans got louder and louder.
Seeing her surrender to her orgasm made his body tense up and then release. He felt the warmth and then suddenly he was shivering cold. Carlotta looked at him, catching her breath, one hand placed on her forehead. She wiped her face with it, leaving streaks of blue makeup on her cheek.
"Alles goed, jongen?" she asked.
His eyebrows skyrocketed to his forehead.
"You speak Dutch?!"
The hallway was crowded and warm, slightly uncomfortable.
All the teams were reunited for their first individual press conference of the week. Joost stood there with his team, shielded by his dark sunglasses and unplugged headphones. His blue suit was hugging him, giving him the impression of being in a bubble. Just behind the small customised curtain the technicians put in between the "off stage" and the "on stage" world, a group of journalist was checking their phones for questions and a bunk of photographer was polishing their lenses. Press conferences were never his favorite, but he knew it was all part of the game. And it always seemed like journalists liked him.
A tall man in an all black outfit and headset passed him, a storm of girls following. Like weird version of a mama duck and ducklings.
Joost lowered his head enough to see from the top of his glasses Carlotta taking her place in the middle of the group. Her friends were hyping her up. She danced around in her black strapless long dress, showing off to her girls and building confidence doing so. She gave him but one glance and a small smirk. She turned him her back, letting a makeup girl retouch her lip gloss and comb once more her hair.
Joost wanted nothing more but to dip his fingers in those hair. From the roots and travel all the way to the lengths. Over, and over, and over... He wanted also nothing more than to close his hand into fist and pull her head back, driving her mouth to his to taste and devour. And exposing her neck to his kisses and bites and feeling her breath caught in her throat and let loose a moan trough those full lips of hers... Last night they were restless. Talking, kissing, laughing, touching.
This morning they parted ways. This week was way too important for too many people.
He had to take a step back.
"You ok, man?" asked one of his team by putting an hand on his arm. He looked back at him and raised his thumb. -Pull it together!-
The same man who let the girls trough dropped the curtain, revealing the singers to the whole world. The Italian group started walking towards their journalists leaving behind the sound of their chatter, the sparkle of glitters and rhinestones of their outfits and - God, help me- the most subtle scent of coconut in the air.
Joost pulled the best fake smile he could and put his steps one in front of the other, marching almost, towards the head journalist of the website nos.nl. The whole interview thing went better than he expected.
"Just one last question, and I'll let you go" the journalist promised "You are surrounded by a representative of almost each European country... Which country would you like to visit sooner?"
He suppressed the urge to bite down on his own lip by forcing an open smile at the camera:
"You know... I spent some time in Italy, recently. I would love to explore it more."
Hello hi! Thanks for reading <3
This is all from my fantasy and not intended to hurt anyone.
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hows-my-handwriting · 10 months
Hobie Brown Headcanons
long post ahead. will put as much as i can under the cut but i will have a.... loose table of contents.
and im not feeding you everything. i need more content to drip feed you later.
the inspo is driving me crazy but the hands are refusing to write.
the table: backstory food british animals
lmk if ppl want this to be split up into individual posts per category. cuz its l o n g
Not based on the comics. purely my own attempt at writing his backstory and his particular villains.
Hobie's Doc Oc was a university professor pressured by Osborn's regime to produce weapons. Hobie had met the guy while crashing a university class, but nothing more than that. Octavius snapped and took the revolution to the extreme. he built a WMD and planned to use it on the city. Hobie talked octavius down and disarmed the weapon.
Hobie's lizard was his close friend and bandmate who got jealous over their lead singer's affections towards hobie. they were close friends until hobie started drifting away. curtis was bitter and never really forgave him. the final straw was when hobie returned in full, having just abandoned his spider suit. the band is back together but curtis still has hard feelings. he knew vaguely about hobie's connection with spiderman but thought that it was some kind of special deal or friendship which was just another nail in the coffin. he turns himself into the lizard and attacks hobie, demanding answers and refusing to listen.
the above is just an excuse to hurt hobie really bad >:3 i love my angst and my beating my muses up. i wanted to break his ribs.
electro was a civilian who just happened to get struck by lightning. he is the sole reason hobie has insulated all of his gear and one of the reasons all of his spikes can shoot excess electricity like one of those funky little electrode balls. hobie took one look at this guy and immediately got to work.
Kraven was a bounty hunter hired and possibly engineered by osborn and fisk to hunt down hobie. classic kraven activities. he tried to drown hobie in the thames. hobie managed to escape but couldn't breathe or eat properly for a week after the attack
hobie's ship was hauled from the local junkyard. It was originally just used as a figure head to lead the charge from the government locked dam blocking off water. it somehow survived so he uses it as his hq.
hobie is immune to his scorpion's venom after being stung so many times and stealing samples of it to build up an immunity. yes it hurt. yes it sucked. but it worked. (loosely inspired by a fanfic)
the above are not in chronological order. mostly.
Hobie's world doesn't have a lot of spices. it's a closed state unless importing 'important' materials like lumber, steel and other sciency stuff, food is a lower priority or just a restricted luxury. the spice trade has regressed to something like the 1600s where foreign spices are held by those in power purely as a status symbol. the common man might have access to salt, sugar and cream, but anything else- especially anything spicy- is a luxury item.
hobie would love spicy food. i just dont think he's gotten much exposure to it. day one out of e-138 he opened a bag of spicy chips in the cafeteria, touched one and exploded.
exotic/foreign fruits fall under this same category but for more legit reasons of travel and lack of safe storage. so for example: mangoes, oranges/citrus, kiwi, pomegranates.
boba would freak him the fuck out. he has no idea what those little jiggly things are and its only made worse when one of the kids inevitably shows him the hamster 'is it worth it' meme. he becomes scarred for life.
if you take too long to take a bite out of whatever you're holding and hobie is hungry, he will just lean over and take a bite out of it. sandwich? bitten. spaghetti? stolen off the fork. chocolate bar? wrapper and bar, gone.
his favorite flavor of cake is chocolate or caramel. sue me im projecting onto him
he holds out his pinky when holding cups. it's just an unconscious thing that turns conscious once someone calls it out. in which case he sticks it out even further
flips the police and the royal family off regularly with the one fingered or the two fingered version. will only respect the french for inventing the creative two fingered fuck you, but nothing else.
has a winter fit that is just like a pile of whatever sweaters he has and two scarves. and long socks that make the space in his tight boots even more tight. sometimes cuts off circulation to his feet.
loves going to pubs and just chatting with people. also loves picking fights with the drunk people. Particularly the irish. he thinks their accents are funny and has long arguments with them while they're both speaking absolute gibberish.
knows french but only the insults. has an arsenal of french insults he will just whip out of his back pocket and drop on someone's head.
not really a british thing but i bet he doesn't know how to ride a bike. he was a) too tall and b) not willing to get his entire skeleton rattled by riding over the cobbled streets of london.
wimpy's fan. (its like the british version of mcdonalds but less popular and less famous. according to my research).
Hobie keeps pigeons. he built a little house when he was bored and was surprised to find three pigeons hiding from the rain underneath it the next day. he didn't really intend to keep them but they nested and he kept bringing them food and water. he did name the brown one hobie jr.
hobie has a cat. again, not really 'has' but rather 'it broke into his boat and wont leave'. he didn't name her because he can't think of a good one. for the longest time he had no idea she was living in his floorboards but later discovered a hole in the side of his boat and found a crawlspace just large enough for a kitten.
he is freaked out by snakes. not as in a fear of snakes. but rather in utter disbelief that they can be the size of a human person. he's read about and probably seen the average snake, about the size of an arm. but anything larger than that will make his jaw drop right off of his face
he did have a symbiote dog for a short time. the dog was badly hurt and the passive symbiote had merged with its body to try and help it. he offered it a place to stay and rest and it happily agreed. it followed him around for the short while they had together and one day went off on its own.
he still sees that dog around (affectionately named 'spider-mutt') and offers it head scratches or belly rubs but they always part ways sooner than later.
loves opossums. thinks they look funny.
part two? maybe....
might add more to this as my brain keeps turning.
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layla4567 · 1 year
"Magic night"
Colin Zabel x Latina reader
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Summary: It was your second date with Colin, you started dating for a few days but you still didn't know each other well enough. You are a foreigner, you came from far away to start a new life away from the problems of your native country. Colin invited you to a bar for a drink, a quiet evening, or not?
Warning: Slightly suggestive, alcoholism, a little angst ,mention of economic crisis, impoverishment of a country and coup, also spanish words but don't worry they will have their translation.
A/N: I want to clarify that I never saw this series (so sorry) but I wanted to write something with this character because he seems very soft, and yes, this is quite specific but I really wanted the protagonist to know Spanish idk why
Sitting in Colin's car seat, I was accommodating the folds of my skirt for the fourth time somewhat anxious, despite being the 2 date I always got a little nervous when I saw him, I just couldn't help but feel a tickle in the pit of my stomach. Apart from the dark blue jean skirt, I was wearing a light black fabric shirt and my hair was somewhat messy with a flower-shaped clip, I knew he liked it. Completing my outfit was wine red lipstick and I was wearing black wedge boots that hugged my entire calf almost to the knee.
The detective who was trying to pay attention to the road could not help noticing from his peripheral vision your hands move, smiling with a free hand he took yours in his
I was looking through the window absently when his soft touch made me turn my head in surprise, fist at his hand and then at his face.
"Is everything alright, darling?"- He smiled as he kept looking ahead.
He had just called me darling? Oh I think that's another thing I like about him to add to the list. Their cute nicknames.
"Yeah, no worries"
His hand was still caressing mine, his fingers tracing slow circles on the back of my hand and on my knuckles. His warmth was making me melt but I tried to keep my composure.
Every time I went out in a car I liked to look out the window and see the buildings or the landscape in general. The sun was going down and the clouds were dyed in orange and pink colors, it looked like a work of art. Focused on the sky, I had not realized that we were arriving at the bar. A neon sign illuminated the car and our faces, there were tables outside and inside.
Colin opened my door and held out a careful hand to help me out.
"You look very beautiful today"- He said innocently
I looked at him with wide and surprised eyes while a shy radiant smile appeared on my face. He couldn't even imagine what those words had done to me, or the hours I spent trying to find the perfect outfit. I tried not to show my flushed cheeks
"Do you really think so?"- I said as if trying to play it down and feigning confidence, although that phrase meant the world to me.
"Of course yes, I'm always honest"
Now Zabel offered me his arm cavalierly inviting me to put his hand in it to walk together towards the entrance
"Well now I'll be honest, that blue suit looks radiant on you"- I told him flirtatious
And it was true, he was wearing a matching teal blue suit, a plain white shirt, and a black tie that matched beautifully. I was so used to seeing him in his typical black coat and dark shirts that seeing him in other colors made everything about him stand out.
Colin chuckled sheepishly as we entered the bar. The walls inside were painted a blood red while the freshly varnished wooden floor shone like a mirror. The bar was full of bottles and cocktails that the bartender was masterfully preparing. There was also a live band playing, a bass player, a drummer and the lead singer. I loved live bands, well, I loved music in general. I remember that for my 15th birthday my mother had bought me a karaoke machine, she almost instantly regretted it, I wouldn't stop using it in my room at full volume.
We went to the bar and took a seat, the music was nice. The bartender asked us what we were going to drink. Colin had a margarita and I had a gin and tonic.
"Wow, you seem to like strong drinks"- he said
"Over time you get used to it"- I laughed
While the boy in the red bowtie was preparing the drinks as if he were a juggler in a circus, Colin and I began to chat.
"So tell me... what prompted you to move to this place?"
A shadow darkened my gaze and I suddenly became serious, I lowered my head a bit uncomfortable
The detective noticed this so he quickly said
"I'm sorry, I know it's a somewhat personal question, you don't have to answer it if you don't want to."- An expression of sorrow crossed his eyes.
"No it's ok I just-"
I wanted to continue but I felt the weight of a rock in my throat. Even so I took a breath and answered
"My country had just come out of a coup d'état, the whole world had been left poor, we hardly had to eat. I remember my mother crying, the screams of the military. It was horrible"
I closed my eyes so that the tears that were about to appear would not be seen. Colin sympathetic caressed my arm rubbing it from top to bottom which gave me the strength to continue.
"Thank God my family was not harmed. When I grew up I promised my family that one day I would raise enough money to help them financially, even if it meant moving to another country."
Zabel looked at me giving me all the attention in the world and his face showed an expression of anguish as if everything I've experienced had been experienced by him too.
"I'm so sorry about all that"
"Thank you Colin.."- I was able to genuinely smile until my eyes were slanted as if they were two parallel lines, it was comforting to know that someone was listening to me without judging me
The bartender had already finished the drinks and served them to us. We thank him with a smile
"However, now I'm here and I'm not doing so bad, and the best thing is that I'm talking to the most handsome detective in town"- I told him while taking the straw between my lips and winking
I liked to make him nervous
He looked down at his drink laughing as his cheeks flushed slightly. Bingo
"Well, enough about me, now I want to hear from you, you're working on a new case, right?"
"Yes, in fact, I'm trying to make progress on that"
And so he began to talk to me about the details of the case, his co-worker and everything. It seemed like an interesting but dangerous job at the same time, I looked at him carefully while he spoke calmly, I couldn't help but worry about him every time he talked about the injured people who were involved in detective work.
"You're a very brave man"
He looked at me surprised and confused.
"Well, with everything you told me, it seems like you fear for your life all the time."- I tried to sound funny but I was really worried.
"Well you are partly right, this profession is dangerous but don't worry, I know how to defend myself"- He said with a smile to reassure me and put his hand on mine
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
We continued to drink our cocktails, mine was almost empty and it was getting to my head a bit because I could feel the heat of the alcohol in my blood, especially on my face.
Without warning and laughing at who knows that I asked Colin
"Do you want me to teach you words in Spanish?"
He laughed enchanted
"Okay, miss y/n, teach me"
"Do you know how to say party in Spanish?"- I said as I moved my straw in circles inside the glass
He shook his head, amused by my behavior.
"It's said: Fiesta, F-I-E-S-T-A"- I pronounced it slowly so that he can understand me and repeat it
Colin repeated the phrase with a cute American accent, it sounded adorable.
"And job it's trabajo"
The handsome detective tried to repeat the word but failed pathetically, then annoyed and getting closer I told him
"No, no no, not like that"- I gently grasp his jaw to force him to look at me.
"Look at my lips, tra-ba-jo"
He didn't expect that contact with my skin and even less when I told him to look at my lips, he immediately blushed and tried to repeat the word just to give me the satisfaction of listening to him and knowing that he learned the Spanish lesson like a good student. I felt like a preschool teacher
"Yaaay muy bien! oh that's another word haha"-I laughed nasally- "and means very good"
"It seems to me or are you a little drunk?"
I gasped
"Naah, it's your imagination"- I made a gesture with my hand like shooing a fly
Colin seemed entranced by my presence because he kept laughing in amusement.
I leaned my elbows on the bar and laughing like a schoolgirl I told him
"Guess what it means mi amor"
"I-I don't know"
"Oh c'mon. You really don't know?"
"I have no idea"
I framed my face with my hands while blinking flirtatiously.
"Means my love"- I smiled mischievously while biting my lower lip.
The brunette scratched his shirt collar heatedly with an awkward smile.
Suddenly your favorite song started being played by the band
"Ohh my god I love that song! You have to come dance with me!!"- I told him while I grabbed his wrist and dragged him to where the audience was with the musicians.
"Oh I don't think that's a good idea"- Colin said as he resisted my push and sat back down on the stool.
"Pleaseee"- I pouted sadly
"I don't know how to dance, but you go. I see you from here"
"Fineee but you are missing the opportunity to dance with a sexy latina"- I said swaying my hips
I went to the center of the room near where the musicians were playing, waving my arms in the air happily. My confidence was through the roof. I let myself be carried away by the rhythm of the music, moving my legs from one side to the other and my arms making waves while I closed my eyes letting myself go. My clothes were tight to the body highlighting my attributes and my hands ran through my body from head to toe ending on my thighs near my groin while slowly lowering to the ground.
Zabel's eyes widened.
I continued dancing with my eyes closed, my head moved from side to side as did my waist, but in an act of rebellion I went up on stage and grabbed the microphone of the main vocalist.
"What the hell are you doing"- He said irritated and confused
"Oh no, this can't be good"- Colin sighed
"Hellooo amigoos!"- I grabbed the microphone and exclaimed trying to keep my balance
"Tonight I want to dedicate this special song to that pretty boy over there who is sitting at the bar and covering his face"- I said pointing at him shamelessly
The detective covered his eyes with an embarrassed hand and laughed nervously, he wanted the earth to swallow him up
The bassist approached me annoyed and said
"Hey you can't do that he-!"
"Shh!"- I shut him up by putting a finger to his lips - "Now I will sing"
I started to sing a couple of Lady Gaga songs while seductively dancing every movement I did, it was full of elegance and passion, it was in my blood. From time to time he gave Colin provocative glances like a hunter watching his prey. I knew how to dance and capture people's attention, my hips did not stop moving and waving to the rhythm of the songs like a belly dancer, there was not a single inch of my body that I did not move. Sometimes I would bring my attention to my hands either by moving them in circles in the air and gesturing like flamenco dancers or by bringing them to my bust. I think people also liked my voice, I wasn't a professional but I put all my effort and enthusiasm into it. I could hit high notes and some low ones without so much effort.
Detective Zabel didn't know whether to run away or stay to continue enjoying the show, but he looked at me with dreamy eyes and a sparkle of joy.
"Your friend seems funny huh?"
"Uh excuse me, what?"- Colin turned his head in confusion to know who was speaking to him.
"Your little friend, the one in the pretty black shirt, seems to know how to have fun"- The bartender, while cleaning a glass, elbowed him as a sign of complicity while winking at him and then burst out laughing.
"Oh ye-yeah. She's amazing"- This last he said in almost a whisper. This woman aroused new emotions in the detective, and he liked them
Now the crazy singer began to sing in Spanish, although nobody understood her, they enjoyed the music
"SI NO SUPISTE AMAR, AHORA TE PUEDES MARCHAR!" (If you didn't know how to love, now you can leave)
"BOOM BOOM PON A GOZAR TU CUERPO CON EL BOOM, BOOM BOOM PON A GOZAR TU CUERPO, WOOO" (put your body to enjoy with the boom)- I was jumping like I was in carnival while waving an arm in the air
I stopped singing, I was exhausted
"Thank you dear audience, y ahora chupenme la-!" (and now suck my-)
The vocalist, fed up with me, snatched the microphone from me before I could finish the sentence.
"Go insult somewhere else, I have a Colombian cousin, you know? I understood what you said"
I came down from the audience somewhat embarrassed but happy because the people were applauding me happily, it was nice to be the center of attention for 5 minutes
I got to Colin who was still sitting at the bar looking at me like I was a Christmas present smiling with his eyes and mouth
"My, my. You're quite the jackpot"
"Oh what can I say?"- I said modest
"Let's go I think it's already quite late"- He looked at his wristwatch, it was 9:30
Colin Zabel took me affectionately but firmly by the arm, accompanying me towards the exit and then resting his hand on my lower back.
I got in the car together with him and we began the return to my apartment. Colin drove calmly while I still kept the music on my mind, nodding my head rhythmically and rocking my foot up and down. I looked at the streets distracted through the window. I suddenly turned my whole body so that I could face the detective. I rested an arm on the headrest of my seat, looking at him mischievously.
"What did you think of today's performance?"
"I think it was magical"- He smiled and showed some sexy dimples.- "I didn't know you could dance so well, my favorite part was when you took the vocalist's microphone and made him shut up"- When he laughed his nose wrinkled adorablely, he looked like a bunny
"Really?"- I laughed hysterically throwing my head back.- "Ok yeah, that was good"
We continue laughing heartily until I get closer to Colin laughing and resting my hand on his leg. I stroked his thigh coming up a bit near his groin and gave a playful squeeze.
Colin, who was not expecting that, tensed his muscles and clenched his jaw, letting out a contained grunt.
I looked at him biting my lower lip into a smile while still having my hand on his leg.
"Uhmm I-I think the alcohol affected you a little"- He moaned slowly, unable to contain himself.
Music for my ears
I laughed and slowly removed my hand from his thigh.
"I wasn't really drunk..."
Colin turned his head to gape at me, but remembered he was driving so he quickly looked back at the road.
"What did you just say??"
I shrugged as I looked at him, smiling innocently as if I had done some mischief and was about to punish myself.
"Did you seriously think it was my first time trying a drink that strong?"- I said naughty
Zabel snorted
"Please don't be mad, I know it was stupid"- I begged - "The cocktail had gone to my head a bit but not so much that I lost consciousness, I was conscious"- Now totally serious I look at him worried
"I'm sorry"- I sounded like a wounded animal as I looked down at my skirt. I didn't want to play the dead fly but now I realized that what I did was irresponsible
Colin heard the tone of regret in my voice and since he didn't like to see me down he said
"I'm not mad I promise, plus I have to admit it was kind of fun. And no one got hurt so you didn't do anything serious"- He gave me a warm look and a smile that was brighter than the stars in the sky that night.
Relieved, I smiled back at him as he continued driving to my house. Again he helped me get out of the car and walked me to the entrance.
"Well y/n I really had a good time today, I say again that you are full of surprises"
"Aww you don't suck either"
He laughed
We stared at each other's eyes, both shone in a particular way, was it love?
"Well I guess I'll see you another day Detective Zabel"- And without waiting for an answer, I grabbed his face with both hands and planted a passionate but quick kiss on his lips. It was our second date anyway and that's what happens at the end of one, right?
Colin stared at me silently, not knowing how to react.
"See you tomorrow, mi vida"- I smiled even with his face in my hands
He looked at me smiling confused
"I think you'll have to ask me out again to find out what that means."- I said amused as I quickly opened the door and entered my house.
The brown-haired boy stared at the door for a few seconds without knowing what to do, but then he laughed, placing his hands in his pants pocket as he headed towards his car. He would definitely ask her out on another date.
It's not the best I've written, sorry for disappointing the fans of this series 😭
at least i hope i made you laugh
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readyforthegarden · 1 year
Silver Springs - Part Three
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Pairing: Sam Kiszka x Original Female Character
Synopsis: The year was 1976, the season was summer. The days were hot and the nights were hotter. Music was the best it had ever been, especially rock music. Sam Kiszka has been riding the high of being in one of the top bands on the scene, but when his bands tour is accompanied by another up-and-coming band, with a lead singer that gets on his very last nerve, will everything come crashing down or will they end up making music that changes the world?
Warnings: Smoking, drinking, drug use 18+ only, Minors DNI
WC: 1951
🎶 🎶 🎶
Sam was wrong. He was so, so wrong. Harlow only became more grating on his nerves as the days went by. She sang constantly, as she walked down the halls of the venue, from soundcheck, in the bathroom, hearing her through the door as he passed it by. If she wasn’t singing, she was humming. The worst fact of the matter was Josh was enamored by her, constantly bringing her in to listen to something, to harmonize with him, warm up with him. Sam was surrounded by Harlow entirely.
He watched from the side stage in Jackson, Wyoming as Josh and Harlow sat cross-legged in the middle of the stage, hands held up, palms facing each other but just a few small millimeters from touching. They both had their eyes closed, lazy, lit smiles on their faces while they hummed in unison.
“Your aura is so strong, Josh.” Harlow said, her tone of voice in slight awe.  “Your pulsing with energy, I can practically see the colors with my eyes closed.”
“Tell me,” Josh murmured, a smile tugging his lips up at the corner. “What colors am I?”
“Oh you’re a vibrant orange.” Harlow replied, grinning, eyes still closed. “Exuding out all around you, and then closer to your body, yellow.”
“I like that, it sounds groovy.” Josh chuckled. “I don’t know if I can see yours.”
“That’s okay,” Harlow bumped Josh’s knee with her own in the small space between them. “I’ve had mine read before, and I’ve been told it’s usually a shade of purple or more indigo.”
“What do the colors mean?” Josh asked, opening his eyes. Harlow followed suit, yet they kept their hands up in front of them.
“Well, everyone interprets them slightly differently,” she explained. “But orange is usually someone who is very happy, happy to be themselves and be where they are and who they’re with, and loves to love. You make friends quickly. Yellow is a general playful spirit, balanced and incredibly smart.”
“Ooh, yeah I like my aura.” Josh laughed. “What about yours?”
“Indigo and purples can represent a connection to a higher self, being able to ‘see’ others for who they truly are. Which I fully believe because I’ve been able to tell when someone has been lying to me quite a few times, I’ve become very intuitive as I’ve learned about everything.” 
“You don’t get to be where you are as a woman in this industry by being dumb, that’s for sure.” Josh smiled at Harlow, and she returned it.  
“I wish more people could see that.” Josh watched as her smile faltered slightly, her hands slowly falling to her lap, breaking their energy connection. 
“They will,” Josh assured her, reaching his hand out and cupping her chin. “You’re a star of your own right, Harlow, much like your namesake.”
“You caught that, huh?”
“Harlow and the Blue Jean Babies?” Josh smirked. “My mother still talks about Jean Harlow and Bombshell. It’s one of her favorite movies.”
“She was something, wasn’t she?” Harlow blinked.
“And you are too.” Josh replied, shaking her head back and forth slightly with a chuckle. He leaned in, lowering his voice as if he was sharing a secret. “You’re gonna be huge, baby.”
“Don’t I know it.” Harlow whispered back, giggling.
Sam felt something tighten in his chest as he watched his eldest brother lean in towards the object of his annoyance, his hand already on her face to hold her in place. Of course his brother would fall for her shit, all that free-spirit nonsense. He would make his move only a week and a half into the tour.
Sam plugged in his bass to the amplifier, plucking the strings and letting the notes thump all too loudly through the speaker, jolting Josh and Harlow apart. He watched her back as Josh stood up, offering her his hands and tugging her up too before she gave him a small wave and moved to leave the stage as Danny and Jake entered. As she passed Sam, leaving behind a trail of her perfume, notes of lavender, patchouli and jasmine floating over to him and causing him to lock eyes with her. Her eyes glimmered as she smiled at him, and Sam merely frowned harder, the lingering image of his brother leaning in to her flashing again in his mind.
“Break a leg tonight, Sam.” Sam only gave her a terse nod to her as he tuned his bass up for the show.
🎶 🎶 🎶
“Party on our bus tonight, boys!” Josh grinned as he strutted into the green room after the show, rubbing his hands together before going to the rider table and picking up the bottles of booze, tucking them under his arms and heading out, not even bothering to change out of his jumpsuit. Sam sighed, hearing Josh making sure to invite Harlow and the Blue Jean Babies.
“Aww, what, you’re gonna be a party pooper?” Jake teased as he changed, using a towel to wipe the sweat from his body.
“I’m just tired.” Sam mumbled, whipping off his jacket. “I just want to get into my bunk and go to bed.”
“Tough luck, rockstar.” Jake laughed, flicking his little brothers arm. “You chose the lifestyle, you gotta stay up all night and party with us.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Sam pushed Jake away, and continued to change, keeping his grumblings to himself in his head. 
As soon as the busses pulled out of the venue, the party was on, Jake, never tired, was already playing a spare acoustic he had stowed away on the bus, enjoying being in control of the music that everyone sang along to. Heady smoke filled the bus and Sam had to admit, he was feeling a bit better, even with Harlow singing a few feet away from him.
He stood next to Billy in the tight space, both of them being on-lookers as Danny gently spun Harlow around to the music, taking the small joint from her lips and placing it in his. 
“This is wild, man,” Billy muttered, taking a sip of his beer as he watched on. Sam quirked an eyebrow at the guitarists admission.
“This is one of the most tame parties I think we’ve ever had.” Sam chuckled. Billy shook his head.
“Not the party…well yes, the party, but the fact I’m here. We’re here.” he shook his head.  “I never would’ve thought it would happen.”
“Life works out like that,” Sam shrugged. 
“Not life.” Billy shook his head. “Her.” he used the hand holding his beer to gesture towards Harlow.
“I’m sure you could have made it here without her.” Sam scoffed, barely hiding his sour feelings. Billy just shook his head and smiled.
“I’ve known that girl since we were in diapers.” Billy sighed wistfully. “I’ve never met anyone else with the determination and drive to do something like she has. We always dabbled in music together, we really thought we were gonna be the next Peter, Paul and Mary, just missing the Peter.” 
“And then you found one, and then a drummer.” Sam chuckled. 
“Yeah, she went into the city one weekend, and came back and was so fiercely determined to make this band happen. My dad almost killed us, running up the electricity bill and making all that noise. But she started going out and booking us shows. Dive bars, legion halls, anywhere that would take us. And somehow within a few months, something clicked and we started booking clubs, and bigger shows, and then you and your brother came into our lives and suddenly we’re on a giant tour with one of the biggest rock bands the world has ever seen.”
Sam sipped his beer again, selfishly thinking to himself that the trajectory of their careers were double because of him, for putting Harlow in her place when she was still just Brandy Lawson, and second for letting them come on the tour. 
“It’s just really incredible.” Sam nodded, smiling at Billy as the smell of jasmine and lavender hit his senses, now mixed with the smell of tobacco and marijuana. Harlow was standing in front of them, slipping the lukewarm beer from Billy’s hand and taking a large swig of it.
“All the dancing and smoke has me thirsty.” she laughed, she turned to Sam. “What are you wallflowers talking about?”
“You, of course,” Billy smirked. Harlow gave him a wicked smirk back before darting her eyes to Sam.
“Me? Well it was all good, I hope.” Billy reached out, taking Harlow’s hand and twirled her around. 
“Just about how determined you were to make it with the band.” Sam regarded her once she was stationary again. Her eyes lit up, the drive that led them all the way to where they were now sparking through the haze in the air. He had hoped the quip regarding her passion would make it feel more like desperation, and embarrass her slightly, but the only glow on her cheeks was from the blush she had worn on stage and the alcohol she had consumed.
“When I want something, I get it.” Harlow replied.
“Is that so?” Sam challenged, raising his eyebrows. The pair stared at one another, a silent conversation existing between them for a few moments before Harlow turned and walked back over to his brothers, joining in on another song.
“She’s not lying.” Billy sighed.  “I’ve never seen anyone say no to that girl. Hell, she could sell salt to the ocean.” Sam watched as Harlow took a drink that Josh offered her, the two of them clinking the rims of their plastic cups together before taking sips. He felt a small pang in his stomach as he watched Josh place a hand on her back, nearly feeling sick that his brother would choose to start something with this woman who only seemed keen on getting to the top. 
Sam finished off his beer before reentering the party, taking the now roach-sized joint out of the corner of Jake’s mouth and taking a long, deep drag from it. Holding the smoke in his lungs for as long as he could, he slowly let out the stream out of his mouth. His eyes lazily gazed around the small area of the bus, and and he couldn’t help but smile as he watched Danny take over on the guitar for a bit, giving Jake a small reprieve to grab a beer of his own and slowing down the pace.
“Busted flat in Baton Rouge, waitin' for a train,” Danny began singing softly, earning some hollers of excitement at the Joplin tune. It only took a few more lines before everyone else’s voices joined his, even Sam’s.
“When I's feelin' near as faded as my jeans
Bobby thumbed a diesel down, just before it rained
And rode us all the way into New Orleans
I pulled my harpoon out of my dirty red bandana
I's playin' soft while Bobby sang the blues
Windshield wipers slappin' time, I's holdin' Bobby's hand in mine
We sang every song that driver knew”  
There was a new air of levity in the entire bus as everyone sat together, singing and swaying. Sam caught Harlow, her arm slung around Billy’s shoulders as they sang, sharing his empty beer bottle as a microphone.
“Freedom is just another word for nothin' left to lose
Nothin', don't mean nothin' hon' if it ain't free, no-no
And feelin' good was easy, Lord, when he sang the blues
You know feelin' good was good enough for me
Good enough for me and my Bobby McGee”
And maybe feeling good was going to be good enough for Sam Kiszka, at least on this tour.
🎶 🎶 🎶
Taglist: @joshsindigostreak @ascendingtostardust @sammysprincess @sammykiszkamyass @belovedsamuel @sunfl0wer-power @indigo-starcatcher @sammyscherub @earthlysorrows @lvnterninthenight @allieisacrybaby @losfacedevil @xserenax-13 @sarakay-gvf @shutupdevvie @myownparadise96 @watchingovergvff @gretavanfleetposts @sacredthefran @josiee-gvf @joshkiszkatoothgap @madneedshelp @gardensgatedaisy @demonrat444 @writingcold @dannyandthekiszkas @lightmylove-gvf @tearsofbri @paleshadow-ofadragon @happy-harpy-stuff @like-a-woman-in-a-dream @starshine-wagner @objectsinspvce @josh-iamyour-mama @mountain-in-springtime @cal-a-bungaa @capturethechaos @jankandjonch @gvfpal
@allybjt @hippievanfleet @weightofbrokenbells @joshkiszkasbadussy @malany-gvf @ruby0antlers @samofthedawn @sacredjake @aim4thedoublee @diditallforyouu @gvfmarge @highladyofasgard @sammysvanfeet@gold-mines-melting @earthgrlsreasy @mountain-in-springtime @forcebond301 @stardust-and-shadows @llightmyllovee @gretavangroupie @comesofarsomehow @starcatcherkiszka @indigofallingsky @hellowgoodbye
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bunbeeplays · 3 months
The Lemon Legacy: Generation 1, Chapter 115 - Every Rose Has Its Thorne
Ophelia's in Del Sol Valley to represent The Main Squeeze at the Starlight Accolades tonight, because their latest single was nominated for Best Song!
I don't think Xander is technically allowed to attend because he's not famous, but the Watcher is gonna teleport him in anyway.
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Xander: Good luck, Lemon Cake.
Ophelia: I'm just happy we got nominated. Thank you for being here though.
Host: Let's get a move on, folks, I can't cash that big ol' check if there's no show!
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The first Accolade goes to Thorne Bailey for being an all around great Sim! Don't know why that's a category, but okay.
Don't get used to this sitting arrangement. The crowd was apparently playing musical chairs during the entire ceremony.
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Thorne: I'd like to thank my beautiful wife Octavia, our son Orange, and our two Neighborhood Stories kids the Watcher doesn't know the names of.
Ophelia can't believe she's in the same room as Thorne Bailey. She wonders if Hector ever did talk trash to him about her…
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Host: And the winner of our next Starlight Accolade is… Some random teenager!
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The random teen is named Sasha and she wore her finest randomized outfit!
Sasha: This one's for my stans who threatened every member of the Accolade Committee. Literally couldn't have done it without you. Rando Army represent!
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Okay, enough "Watcher" commentary, this is me, Kelsey, talking. I have never had a Sim go to the Starlight Accolades but is it ALWAYS this chaotic? Everybody keeps getting up and talking over the host, nobody stays in their seat, or sits in a seat at all! It's a NIGHTMARE
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Host: Our last winner is-
Megumi Ito interrupts with her horrendous violin skills.
Host: Thank you for that, Megumi! You're famous for being a skier and have no musical interests so I don't know why you're doing this but why not.
Even this guy's getting annoyed at the chaos.
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Host: I'm gonna be honest, gang, the Watcher doesn't remember this girl's name and neither do I. She's also some random famous teenager.
Tea Neighjur: Thank you to my FlipFlop followers, and my manager for bribing the judges to give me this award! …I mean the Watcher. Mwah!
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Ophelia: That was… something.
Xander: Sure was. Sorry you guys didn't win.
Ophelia: Eh, brushing elbows with celebrities was kind of fun.
Speaking of… Thorne's getting ready to leave. Ophelia would love to share her side of the story regarding her encounter with Hector.
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Ophelia: I'm gonna try to catch Thorne. You want to come with?
Xander: Nah, I don't want to pass out and flop on the ground, this suit is dry clean only. I'll just get a drink for double the usual price at the bar. Good luck!
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Ophelia: Mr. Bailey, wait! Can we talk before you leave?
Thorne: Apparently we can, because you're doing something besides asking for a selfie. You're a celebrity too, yeah? Pardon, don't think we've met.
Ophelia: Ophelia Lemon. I'm the lead singer of The Main Squeeze.
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Ophelia assumes that's not going to ring any bells for him but-
Thorne: Ah, Orange listens to your music all the time. You've got a good set of pipes. Sorry I didn't recognize you, just haven't had the chance to look you up myself, I suppose.
She's speechless.
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Ophelia: Thank you. That's a big honor Mr. Bailey.
Thorne: Thorne's fine.
Ophelia: Right. Listen, Thorne, if Hector Laurent told you anything about me, none of it is true.
Thorne dwells on this much too long for her liking.
Thorne: Who the bloody hell is Hector Laurent?
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Ophelia: Uh… he's the owner of the wedding venue you got married at. He said you stayed in touch.
Thorne: The bloke with the fedora?
Ophelia: Yeah.
Thorne: I mean, he kept texting me saying if I ever remarried he'd give me a discount, but I wouldn't say we're close.
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Ophelia: Of course that little… Well, thanks for hearing me out, anyway.
Thorne: No problem, dear. Mind if I get an autograph for Orange?
Ophelia: Of course!
She tries to steady her shaking hands as she signs an autograph for the son of the biggest musician out there.
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Thorne: Thanks, love. That'll earn me some cool dad points.
Ophelia: Being Thorne Bailey isn't enough?
Thorne: Apparently not. Kids.
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Thorne: Pleasure to meet you, Ophelia. Keep your chin up. You'll have your own Accolade someday.
Ophelia: Thanks, Thorne. That means a lot.
Fan: OMW your faves could never!!!
Ophelia: Do you ever get used to the fans?
Thorne: Yeah. Honestly the ego boost is nice. Take care.
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Thorne disappears into the night. Ophelia might not be going home with a trophy, but some kind words from a 4-star celebrity are good too.
This fan is definitely going to go home and write Ophelia Lemon/Thorne Bailey fanfic but she's too happy to care.
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Ophelia tries to go back in to check in on Xander but someone approaches her.
Fan: Wow, Ophelia Lemon, in the flesh! I gotta say, the Accolades were totally rigged this year. We stan our citrus queen!
Ophelia: Oh! Thank you!
Fan: Can I have your autograph?
Ophelia: Sure!
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Ophelia tries to get back in the building several times but fans keep coming up and asking for hugs and selfies. How can she deny the people that have given her the opportunity to keep doing what she loves?
When she finally pulls away from the crowd, she runs into Brytani.
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Ophelia: Hey, Brytani, remember me?
Brytani: You're making yourself awfully hard to forget, kid, and I mean that in a good way. You're popular tonight.
Ophelia: I guess so. I've never had this many fan encounters in one night before. Guess it's a coincidence.
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Brytani: Honey, come on. Thorne Bailey knows who you are. He barely remembers who I am and we dated for like a year.
Ophelia: I think he just knows me because Orange listens to me.
Brytani: Thorne doesn't strike me as dad of the year. He must be hearing your name elsewhere too.
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Brytani: And not just that, he had a CONVERSATION with you. Thorne doesn't speak to anyone that's not a 4-star celebrity besides his own wife and kids.
Ophelia: Well, I'm not a 4-star celebrity and he spoke to me.
Brytani: I'm really gonna have to spell it out for you, huh.
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Brytani: Ophelia, you made it. You're a 4-star celeb.
Ophelia: Wh-What? We didn't even win an award tonight!
Brytani: Only like one of those are given fairly. You think anybody's reading Tea Neighjur's legacy thread? Nope! It'll be your turn soon, my fellow Proper Celebrity!
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Brytani: Trust me, I can tell. You'd be sparkling if the Watcher hadn't turned that feature off.
Things did feel… different. Maybe Brytani has a point.
Ophelia: Oh my Watcher! I think you're right!
Brytani: Go out there and pose for that crowd. You've earned it.
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Ophelia basks in the flashing lights as some of her fans whisper excitedly amongst themselves and others take pictures of her and shower her in praise.
"She's slaying tonight!" "YASSS QUEEN!" "Mommy! Sorry. Mommy! Sorry. Mommy! SORRY! MO-"
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Ophelia tries her hardest to stay humble, but just for tonight, she allows herself to be a little self-absorbed. After all, becoming a Proper Celebrity is something to feel good about!
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While all of this has been happening, Xander's just been enjoying his drink, unable to talk to anybody else at the bar because they're all celebrities.
Octavia's waiting for her husband, because she's too juiced to realize he already left without her lmao
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hjh-ceilo-monster · 1 year
Double Trouble : MYG x JJK
Summary : Being with one hot and popular singer was difficult. Then, how about two?
Inspo. : D-Day Concert the final | Bts 10th anniversary firework show [ Yoongi alone in his concert was lethal enough. Adding Jungkook on the stage...oh, god...they literally burned the stage.] Photos & Gifs : reserved for rightful owners 
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Author POV.
The crowd screamed as the lead singer growled.
The light threw different shades here and there, from red to purple to blue and orange.
"Party party yah!"
Another deep growling joined. The chorus excitedly popped up from the hydrolic lift floor.
Now both of them held the arena's attention completely. Looking into one's eyes, they started battling their voice.
To level up the fight of dominance, the bass and drum went wild, matching their singers' energy. While the keyboard, as a backbone of this song, calmly matched the beat.
"I swear they were too much sometimes. How are they going to do the interview after this?"
The manager looked at the monitor and sighed. Despite complaining, he knew he could do nothing.
"They were always like this...always."
Y/n spoke. Watching them proudly, the old memory flashed in front of their eyes. The image of them in their school uniform collided with the now version of them. The sight made them chuckled.
Well, that really was how Yoongi and Jungkook are.
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10 years ago
"Why are you here?"
The both of them pointed at each other. Their expression showed nothing but irritation.
"Brief intro for you guys. This is Jungkook, our new member. JK, this is Yoongi, our lead singer."
Y/n introduced the two to each other, even though, it looked like they had already known each other.
"So this is our new chorus? Can he?" Yoongi smirked while provoking the newcomer.
"Can't I be the lead singer. I bet I'm better than this old man." Jungkook, who cared nothing about seniority, challenged Yoongi for the position.
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And that was how everything started between the two. Their journey of chaotic friendnemy.
"I still remember how they fought no end. They even broke into fist fight."
Y/n smiled at the old memory. They could feel the nostalgic shock yet delight as if it happened yesterday.
That was understandable though.
Because....they were the cause of the fight.
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"Dipshit, you can compete with me on anything, but not Y/n."
The side of Yoongi's lip had some blood seeping. His hand painted red so did his face.
"Why? If you like them, say it! I'm not like you, Agust. I like Y/n and I have guts to say what I feel."
Jungkook shout out his confession, even though, the left side of his cheek got a bruise. His blood was boiling as the older stopped him from his plan.
Y/n stood in front of the door, frozen. They didn't want to believe what they had just witnessed.
"It shouldn't be like this." Y/n mumbled to themselves.
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For months, Y/n distanced themselves from the band. The rest of the members couldn't hide it and told their singers why Y/n didn't show up at their studio. The two of them kept apologizing to Y/n afterward.
Well, that was in the past. Now everything between them was good. Their feelings, their problems, everything fell into their places perfectly.
"Y/nie how was it?" Jungkook was about to throw his sweating body toward them, however, Yoongi was quicker.
"Not so fast, kid. We gotta get change first."
A giant bunny pouted before following Yoongi to the changing room. Y/n giggled at the two of them.
From enemy to brother, their relationship was like a roller coaster.
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*In the changing room*
"Everything's ready." The staff adjusted suit one last time before let Yoongi and Jungkook go.
"Hyung...this is it. Will they say yes?" Jungkook asked his older friend. His hands were shaking.
Yoongi didn't answer anything. The older one seemed to be well-prepared, yet his eyes couldn't hide his worry.
As much as they wanted to hear a yes and quite confident about it, deep down they were a tiny part that prepared for the rejection.
No matter what they wanted, in the end, it wasn't something they could control.
"Let's go." Yoongi spoke and lead the way.
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"They are late. Is everything alright? Aren't you guys have a special ending before the concert end?"
Y/n asked the rest of the band.
"We know nothing...really. The staff only told us that those two would like to perform something special for the ending of this tour."
The bass player replied and glanced at other members, having the same expression as Y/n.
They all were confused.
The string of lights started shooting up into the sky. And the next moment, the firework bloomed, lighting up in the middle of darkness.
"It has been 10 years we were together. Spending year and year after you, in every difficulty we always find hope..."
Jungkook's voice suddenly came through the speakers. The firework still went on, blooming in various patterns.
"As a special day, at the end of this successful tour, we wanted to express our love and gratitude to our first fan..."
Yoongi then continued the script.
"Every practice session, every lyric, every beat, they won't exist if it wasn't you who kept encouraging us...."
"We fought a lot. We cried a lot. We acted like kids around you, yet you were never tired of us two..."
Jungkook chuckled as he ended the sentences.
"Thank you for being here. Thank you for not giving up on us. Thank you. We hope this letter touch your heart. How we wish there is a word that has a greater meaning than the word love to say to you..."
The two of them said in unison.
"Y/n-ah, let's be together always...and for the rest of our lives, shall we?"
One final blow of the firework lit the sky.
'Will you marry us?'
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A/n note : That's it. I hope you enjoy the os. Seeing them together on the stage and other performance from Jimin and Namjoon with Yoongi make me want to fastfoward to 2025 so bad. Well, I chose this pair because of the chemistry when I saw the fancam. I thought it would be nice to put them into frienemy mode with and oc who bond them within the relationship (+ a litle romance)
Thanks for reading. See you next session
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riaki · 8 months
RIKOOOOO HI HELLO i saw ur wip game and now im breaking in to ask abt (u already know 😭😭) two tickets, please & his nails are painted coffee…. AND AND bestfriend’s sister too … if it’s ok…. IM SO CURIOUS im gonna devour these riko >:33
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HI ARI 😽😽 not u breaking in i’m scared 😭 putting u n @mossmurdock ‘s asks together :3
ok!!! first the makima fic..
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the first thing you notice when you enter the cinema lobby is that it’s practically deserted.
it’s like a ghost town, except the tumbleweeds are empty popcorn bags stained with grease, and the cacti are the railing banisters that fail to be organized in a way that suggests there’s ever a coherent line for tickets. it smells of cleaning products that failed to do their job and the tacky perfumes teenagers like to spray, and a little bit of mold. the whole feel of it is unnerving; it’s almost like a liminal space, with empty corridors that seem to stretch on forever, following the ebb and flow of the wave pattern on the carpets littered with stray candy wrappers and paper straws.
really, it’s a dump.
the second thing you notice when you enter the cinema lobby is the lady standing at the entrance to the hallway which contains all the theaters; she’s looking at a poster. something sci-fi ish; a little too gory for your taste, with a grim-looking doctor holding a bloody syringe that’s far too big to be in proportion. it’s a funny contrast; the girl has pretty orange hair that looks like it’d turn a deep shade of gentle auburn with age, like the leaves on the trees when autumn paints the world gold and red. it’s done in a neat little braid; the plaits are slightly messy, but you can tell she’s put effort into making them look presentable. even though you can’t see her face, you know it suits her. she looks like she’d be one of those petite, delicate girls, like a fragile flower. yet, she seems entranced by such a tacky poster.
is that strange?
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i don’t have much written bc i’m still apprehensive about writing makima… she seems like such a challenge i’m not ready for 😭😭 but i will try my best for u two >:3 these are all also kinda old so the writing style might be inconsistent
the coffee shop sugu fic next!!!
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you sidle up to the counter, next to the girl who’s eyeing her drink with absolute distaste, nose winkled in disgust. you wonder if he accidentally gave her black coffee. but you can barely bring yourself to care when it’s your turn to place your order— standing in front of the counter, fiddling with the ring on your finger as you find your eyes drifting over every corner of his face; the dark gauges on his ears, the gentle smile that has his soft lips curving upward so gently they make you feel like you’re the sweetest thing in the world to him.
“hey there. what can i get you?” he asks. his voice is smooth; it sounds like he could be the lead singer in an indie band. at that thought, your gaze drifts to his fingers, watching as they drum over the marble countertop.
you look up at his face again when you give him your order, listing it off like muscle memory as the other half of your brain works double time to memorize his face, and you curse whoever decided not to give the employees nametags, inadvertently condemning you to work up the courage to ask this pretty vulpine coffee boy his name.
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this is SO OLD. i highly doubt i’ll be able to finish it but if u like it ari i’ll try :’3
bestfriends sister is for an ask i got a while ago so i havent rlly been writing for it….
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”do you smoke with shoko a lot?” you asked quietly, watching as his thumb runs over the lighter’s wheel. he flicks it a few times, scraping and scraping ‘til a fire finally blooms, a bright phoenix stuck in a cage of gasoline and metal.
“sometimes. she got me into it.” suguru answers, taking a deep drag. his adam’s apple bobs in his throat, ever so slightly. for a moment, you wonder what it’d be like to sink your teeth into it and watch him bleed red like a pomegranate in a vampire’s jaws.
“she told me you don’t like seeing her do it, though. so neither of us do it as often.”
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yeah… idk what i’m going to do with this one but whatever i’ll figure it out 🤞
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cinebration · 2 years
Wolf Among Sheeple (Riddler x Reader, Edward Nygma x Reader) [Request]
I see! Okay well- there is absolutely no Batman Forever!Riddler content out there and I really, really need it, so I'd like: Reader is a former coworker of Edward's, the only one who would be interested in his ideas, they had chemistry but he was too meek; she now runs into him as the Riddler, mad chemistry still, making out ensues- can lead to lovemaking but ONLY if you want to.. ////—Requested by anon
This one also got buried, and I sincerely apologize for only now getting to it.
Warnings: gunshots, blood
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Gif Source: henry-cavill
This was the last time you were letting yourself get strong-armed into a fundraiser gala. Surrounding by a crowd of well-dressed faux do-gooders, you were more than out of your element, more than a fish out of water. The urge to flee grappled with the urge to launch yourself onto that garish podium, snatch the microphone out of the pitchy singer, and level your best insults at the sheeple gathered beneath the sweeping arches of the ballroom’s ceiling.
You endured another inane conversation between your boss and some loaded bastard who couldn’t tell the difference between a neutron and an electron, much less the fact that a brown suit and burgundy tie didn’t go together.
Just as you were about to open your mouth and say as much, chaos exploded on the far end of the room. Shouts of surprise and startled screams swelled to fill the space as smoke rolled across the ballroom floor.
“Fire!” someone screamed.
You scrutinized the flow of the grayish-white cloud as everyone around you panicked. “Smoke doesn’t behave like that,” you muttered to yourself.
You concluded it was dry-ice fog just as a figure swept through it, revealing themselves in a shockingly bright green suit peppered with question marks of a darker shade. A half-crazed laugh preceded it, echoing around the large space over the cries of terror.
Your head snapping up, you fixed your attention on the figure. Behind the laugh was something you recognized, though you couldn’t quite put your finger on it.
“Did someone say fire!?” The figure swept off his green bowler hat, revealing hair a shocking shade of orange. “Somebody call the fire department! I’m smoking!”
You snorted, the only sound of amusement from the crowd as armed men spilled out from behind the figure, brandishing their machine guns in the faces of the nearest fundraiser patrons. To your amusement, the loaded bastard from moments before nearly swallowed the barrel of one. To your delight, the man pissed himself.
Laughing to himself again, the man pranced around the room, waving a heavy cane with dangerous intent. You tracked his movements, didn’t even bother to conceal the wicked smile pulling at your lips.
“This is a robbery and a kidnapping and a hostage situation, folks!” The man leapt onto the stage, hip-checking the lousy singer aside, and put his lips on the microphone. “I suggest more screaming and running. That’ll help us decide whom is what.”
A scrawny man sweating rivulets down his face and neck spun on his heel to your left and sprinted toward the doors half-hidden by heavy draperies.
The man hit the floor, blood spraying from the new hole in his chest.
“Congratulations!” The green-suited man clapped his hands together. “We have our first dead hostage! Who wants to join him?”
Shrills screams filled the space.
“The sound of success. Oh, I do so love to hear it.”
The intruder’s men began roughly corralling the crowd, brandishing their guns and using their fists, elbows, and feet with impunity. You plotted a route through the press of bodies, circumventing the attackers while nearing the stage. When you were close enough to touch the stage’s skirt, you called up, pitching your voice just enough to be heard above the pandemonium at that range, “Edward!?”
He jerked his attention toward you, eyebrows scrunching over the thin green domino mask over his eyes. He gasped, jaw dropping. Overcome with surprise, he could only gesture at you wildly, your name stuttering over his teeth.
You laughed, drawing the attention of everyone else in the room. “I can’t believe it!”
Edward dropped down from the stage, landing in front of you with a flourish of his cane and hat. Another laugh ripped from your lips as he tore the mask from his face, white teeth gleaming in his wide smile.
“My God,” he drawled, sweeping his eyes over you and your dress. “Please tell me you haven’t sold out to these sheep.”
“God no,” you answered, disgust coloring your voice. “You spoiled my fun, actually. I was about to let them see a wolf.”
His smile widened further, a keen glint in his eye sending a thrill through you. “A wolf, you say?” He suddenly stepped into your space, one hand grabbing you by the hip to draw you flush against him. Peering into your face, he purred, “My, what large teeth you have!”
A low chuckle rumbled in both your throats. You ran the tip of your tongue over your teeth, the movement slow. Edward’s eyes followed the action with a hunger that made you buzzy. It had been so many years since the old excitement had coursed through your veins.
You leaned forward, your lips ghosting over his. “All the better to bite you with.”
A sharp wolf whistle threatened to burst your eardrums, but all you felt was desire as Edward crashed his lips to yours, devouring you. His cane pressed into your back as he pressed you tight against himself, the lack of space between somehow still not enough. Sparks danced down your spine, fire burning at all your nerve endings, bolts of electricity darting through you.
You pulled apart with an obscene, wet sound that made you flush with arousal.
“You should’ve done that years ago.”
He grinned, one hand reaching down to palm your ass. “Edward was too much of a chicken shit to do anything about it then.”
You arched an eyebrow at him. “Who are you if not Edward?”
“The Riddler, baby,” he declared, throwing back his head and rolling the r for effect. “I’ve got a riddle for you.”
“Lay it on me.”
“God, I love a lady who isn’t afraid to play.” Clearing his throat, he projected his voice for everyone in the room to hear. “What animals prance in human skin but share not one brain cell between them?”
You glanced over your shoulder at the crowd, a wicked smile pulling at your lips. “Sheeple.”
“Bingo to the smoking hottie!”
Riddler spun you around so that your back pressed against his chest, leaned down to whisper in your ear as you both stared at the crowd. “Who should we start with first?”
You scanned the horrified faces, then pointed with your chin.
Your boss squealed.
Your laughter soared with Riddler’s to the roof.
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acaplaya-musings · 2 months
Voiceplay Visuals - You're A Mean One, Mr Grinch
Jumping ahead by two years now into 2020 (figured I wouldn't have much to say about Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas, sue me), to when VoicePlay released their cover of You're A Mean One, Mr Grinch. This wasn't actually released in December, but in fact the 27th of November! (eh, close enough).
You might have heard at some point in your life that the original singer of You're A Mean One Mr Grinch was also the voice of Tony The Tiger, the Frosties Cereal mascot. Well that man was Thurl Ravenscroft, a name you should be at least somewhat familiar with if you know Geoff's solo content (see my post (linked here) on Headless Horseman for a little more info). And so who better to sing lead vocals on this than the modern-day Thurl Ravenscroft himself, Geoff Castellucci? Geoff was also in charge of both the song arrangement and the video for this! Good for him! And of course this features the lovely Adriana Arellano, in her second ever VP collaboration since the Frozen 2 Medley in December 2019.
There's a strong chance I may hit image limit for this one - so much to screenshot and talk about! But let's get started and see how I go!
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Let's start off by acknowledging the obvious: The VoicePlay 'Who's'! I.e. the guys plus Adriana done up like residents of Whoville, just like in the movie! (Or movies, I suppose, since there are 3 film iterations of the Grinch movie now)
I've seen/heard a range of opinions on the "Whoville Look" from reactors. Some were like "aww how cute/cool! Just like the movie!" Whereas some think it's just a bit strange (myself included, lol rip). But regardless, it's very professionally done, and shoutout to Makeup and Creative Arts (which I believe includes Rick Underwood?) for it!
Also I'll leave my thoughts on clothing for later screenshots, but I happened to be looking at their footwear here, and it's a little amusing to me that I commented on Eli wearing black sneakers with thick white soles in Mission Jingle Bells (just like in Creep and In The Air Tonight), because guess what shoes he's wearing here!
(Also is it just me or does Geoff wear boots a lot? I'm gonna have to start paying more attention to his footwear in videos, lol)
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"Hey Grinch, you're a triple-decker sauerkraut and toadstool sandwich... with arsenic sauce!!"
Not a visual thing but I couldn't help but call attention to the fact that J's line here is in fact lifted almost fully verbatim from the last line of the original version, from a verse that's not included in VoicePlay's cover (though they include all the rest of it, more than the live action movie does).
Okay I probably could grab some additional amusing screenshots from this opening banter bit, but eh, there's plenty of other stuff in this video to talk about anyway.
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Okay, outfit talk time!
Layne: Not sure what the deal is with the pink and black shirt is but I don't totally hate it, and the white suit jacket is nice (and becomes especially fitting later in the video). And of course I have to mention the little carrot pin on the lapel! Carrot Lord for life! 🥕
Eli: I like the jumper! (Or "sweater" if you will). I kinda want it ngl, except I'm much more of a jacket person, and I wouldn't be able to wear it in December anyway - too hot!
Adriana: Am I only just now noticing that her top thing shows her midriff? Maybe. The makeup is cute (makes the 'Whoville' makeup stuff look a bit less weird), and the knee-high boots with the jeans are a Look ngl.
J None: Aqua/turquoise jumper (or sweater) with blue jeans and black boots. What can I say? Next!
Geoff: This dude loves wearing scarves, apparently! Wore one in Baby Its Cold Outside, in the Frozen 2 Medley, and also in his cover of White Christmas, which I'll be eventually be getting to! Also a green scarf over an orange shirt? This is colourful for him! 😁 (Oh and obligatory tick for both smartwatch and wristbands!)
(Also the fact that they didn't include the Welcome Christmas bit in the MP3 track or make it its own mini track is a crime ngl)
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The big green man (creature...thing...) is here! Time for the actual song to begin!
Also Geoff looks so confused here pfft
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From confused to scared? You good there Geoff? 😂
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"Well you were flat! And... stinky!"
We have no clue who The Grinch is, just that he was "provided by Makeup And Creative Arts", and he's a hired actor or something? Whoever he is, he did so good in this video - utterly hilarious, absolutely nailed it!
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That's a bit more like it!
Also Geoff wearing something red! Another rarity! (And like most times, he looks fantastic)
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I love the grin that Geoff has for most of this video, makes me so happy 💜
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That cake was real, apparently - there's a credit for it in the description, says it was provided by "Quarantine Dessert Company" (so a fairly young business then, given this video was made in 2020)
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Apologies for the blur shot but I wanted to point out how The Grinch taps Adriana on the shoulder, and then very quickly his hands come up from the bottom of the frame and grab the cake, so quickly in fact that there's a few frames, like this one, where both The Grinch and his hands are in the shot at the same time! How? Is it editing trickery? Nope! It's actually just one of the VoicePlay guys (can't remember who - it might've even been Kathy) wearing "Grinch gloves" to do the stealing (the benefits of me now being a VP Patron! Access to BTS knowledge!)
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Eli Eyebrow Raise! It's been a while <3
Also he's definitely worn that hat in a fair few videos - Top 10 Disney Villains, Frozen 2 Medley, Rich Man/Girl, just off the top of my head (new photo compilation idea - recent-ish appearances of Eli's bucket hat turned fedora /j )
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ELI! Why would you smell it?? 🤣
When Mortius reacted to this video, he made a comparison between this scene and the "Dead Dove: Do Not Eat" scene (from Arrested Development??) that became a meme, and yeah that's pretty much it! What did you expect?
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Aw, shoutout to Layne <3
(Also nope not doing a screenshot for the "termites in your smile" line, I don't care that they're fake!)
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Pfft, Grinch looks so happy with himself!
Also give the rubiks cube to me! I'll solve it in like 2-3 minutes! Hell, I often solve a 5x5 Rubiks Cube for fun and relaxation while watching YouTube, and I can sometimes get it solved in under 7 minutes!
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"More rapid than eagles his coursers they came, and they whistled and shouted and called them by name!" "..."
This bit is of course not from the original Grinch song, but actually part of the poem A Visit From St Nicholas, aka The Night Before Christmas. Given this was Geoff's arrangement, I have to assume this was Geoff's addition (and let's be honest, it's on brand, lol)
(Also I love how Eli and Adriana are looking to the left, in the Grinch's actual direction, but J and Layne are still looking ahead, and Geoff is looking to the right 😂)
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"Oh, erm, *ahem*, On Max!"
(Also if I had a nickel for everytime VoicePlay did a song from an animated movie where Geoff was on lead and Layne dressed up as the movie protagonist's dog, I'd have two nickels? Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice)
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"You need a baaaathhh! Yeah!"
Oh these idiots, god I love them 😂💜
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"Your heart's a dead tomato, splashed with moldy purple spots" (yes, also lyrics from the original version)
(AND if I had a nickel for everytime Voiceplay released a video in 2020 where Layne pretended to be a silly chef/waiter, complete with silly French accent, I'd again have two nickels)
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If you know my posts, you should know that I love when Geoff gets to belt out a line in a video, and well, I definitely do! 😁
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Yes! Sing it!
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Grinchy has had ENOUGH! 😝
(Also I only just realized when planning out the post in my head earlier today that Geoff is the only onethat The Grinch doesn't really mess with (despite him being the lead singer of the song!)
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Ah bless <3
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"Alright get off me... Too long!... This is embarassing."
(Grinch honey I would happily swap places with you in a heartbeat! Embrace the embrace!)
Okay, I just managed to scrape in underneath the maximum image limit for a post, with no need to "economize", thank goodness! More fun posts to come! Until next time!
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biscuits-of-bagend · 2 months
DnDoc, Space Band #6 - The Greatest Band in the Universe
Part 1 Part 5
Previous story: DnDoc, Coming Home
I finished reading the Space Band book (this was based on the album originally) and it turns out the scene would be slightly different if I based it properly on the canon. But I think changing it would entail too many spoilers and since I genuinely recommend this book whether you have kids or just want to warm your inner child, I decided to leave it as is.
It had turned out that their early arrival was the main culprit for the quiet streets, rather than an epidemic of stardust overload. Eventually the standing area before the enormous, U-shaped stage had started to fill up - but with Rogue, Ruby and the Doctor safely ensconced right down the front. There was another barrier separating them from the stage, and the three of them waited patiently up against it as the anticipation started to buzz.
   After he'd had the thought about The Earthlings' core demographic growing up, it had occurred to Rogue that maybe they'd have raised a new generation of child-fans and the three of them were going to be the only adults there. But luckily there were plenty of other adults, some in old and faded Earthlings t-shirts that didn't quite fit anymore but would work well enough for the sake of nostalgia. All things considered - the encounter with the sick person, the anxiety about the crowd, and the continually confusing hybrid stranger-boyfriend relationship he had with the Doctor - Rogue was actually feeling pretty excited as the sun went down and the music started up.
   Rogue felt as old as the Doctor himself as the band walked on. Of course they weren't kids anymore. When Rogue had been little part of the appeal was that the three members of The Earthlings were also children. But they must now all have been at least forty, if not a little older. The three original members were all still there: George the bassist and lead singer, Neila on lead guitar and Bari "Bash" Bashar still bashing away on those drums, like he had been his whole life.
   George looked out at them all, lapping up the screaming. Rogue himself didn't scream, but he did grin and clap like a child seeing sea-lion tricks for the first time. The whole band were wearing their signature orange space-suits with their name tags on the front and the Earthlings logo on the back, and George's hair was dyed a sort of silver-lilac colour and gelled straight upwards.
   "Hey everyone," said George, which was greeted by another massive scream. "I don't suppose anyone knows… WHAT RHYMES WITH SAUSAGE?"
    Half the crowd shouted "NOTHING" and the other half of the crowd just continued to scream incoherently. Rogue's hands flew involuntarily to his forehead as the moment hit him. He ran his hands through his hair, doing his best not to mess up the Doctor's carefully sculpted styling. How was this happening? How was he finally seeing The Earthlings live after all this time, and with the Doctor?
   And then they were off, straight into one of their huge hits, 'Nothing Rhymes with Sausage.' Yeah, as an adult, the songs were kind of silly. But every time Rogue glanced at the Doctor or Ruby to see what they thought they seemed to be bopping happily along. The Doctor was in the middle, with his left arm around Ruby's shoulder and his right hand on Rogue's back. At one point the Doctor's hand ventured slightly downward into the back pocket of Rogue's jeans. Rogue raised one eyebrow but smiled indulgently at him. Childhood, teenage years, the approach of middle age, ancient millennia - it was all starting to blur together into a timey-wimey mish-mash.
   But then Neila started playing the most wicked guitar solo, one that grabbed Rogue out of his daze. His memory zero-ed in on a very specific time in his life. He was fourteen, it was summer, and he was spending his holiday playing Shredmaster on his games console. It was different from other music-based video games. All the other games had instrument-shaped controllers and you had to press various buttons to simulate playing. With Shredmaster, you had to plug in a real guitar. Suddenly Rogue remembered the day he finally got one hundred per cent on expert mode for this song. He'd hundred per cented at least twenty Earthlings songs on guitar, he remembered, including some of the ones they'd already played.
   Before he knew what it was doing, the fingers of his left hand had started retracing their steps over invisible frets. Neila caught sight of him and gave him a joyful smile. Her jaw dropped open as the guitar solo got more and more intense and Rogue still didn't miss a note. Then when they reached the climax Rogue tipped his air guitar upwards to the sky and wiggled an imaginary whammy bar, his heart soaring with the final C-note.
   As the guitar part settled back into a steady rhythm, Rogue realised that the Doctor and Ruby had both turned to watch him instead of the band. So much for indulging himself in a bit of light air guitar in the mirror when they were looking the other way.
   But then there was a screech of strings, and the steady rhythm stopped.
Part 7
@off-traveling-in-the-stars @casavanse @monster-donut @letsargueacrossthestars (let me know at any point if you no longer wish to be tagged in each post)
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nonbinarycharmybee · 9 months
How was Sonic symphony? Tell us everything
god it was so good i wish time travel was real so i could re-experience it over and over <3. literally everyone was dressed up - i saw a kid in a blue suit, someone in a sonic onesie, someone wearing an orange dress and bow, someone wearing a sonadow t-shirt (I was wearing my red dress and black leather jacket, shadow represent) - and I saw so many plushies. everyone cheered when the sega jingle played and people would cheer or "aww" at what was happening onscreen. in between some of the scores the conductor would talk a little, like thanking us for coming, asking how many people have been playing sonic for five or ten or thirty years, and introducing the next one. there was an instrumental version of believe in myself with clips of tails from sonic adventure including one where he picks up a human and throws them into the ocean (everyone laughed at that) and a slow instrumental version of it doesn't matter and they debuted a new video for sonic unleashed! THEN. after intermission crush 40 came out and started playing i am all of me while clips from shadow 05 played on screen and people got HYPED. (i'm shy but after a few songs i was singing along too lol.) they also played this is what i'm made of with clips from sonic heroes and in his world from sonic 06 and knight of the wind and fist bump and endless possibility and open your heart and escape from the city and undefeatable and break through it all and the last one they did was live and learn and they did the thing where the lead singer holds the mic out to the audience for the chorus :3. 10/10 would definitely go again.
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Monday, 26 June 2023:
Palomine Bettie Serveert (Matador) (30th Anniversary Matador Revisionist History reissue released 7 July 2023; original released in 1992)
I remember when this album came out, I saw it endlessly in Record Swap in Champaign. My brother must have been living in Champaign by then because I remember telling him, "what is this? I hate this album cover and I just keep seeing it everywhere." I honestly don't recall his answer outside of 'they're a Dutch band but I've not heard them.' Back then albums were cheap as sin and I decided that six bucks, maybe seven, was a reasonable price to find out what a band sounded like that produced one of my least favorite album covers. Times were ripe for that kind of discovery back then. Today, you do not drop $35 to discover what a band sounds like that release a debut with a trash album cover.
I got the album home and wow did I fall in love with the lead singer's voice, Carol Van Dyk (no, she is not Bettie Serveert). This became an immediate favorite album in absolutely no time, from the titular track to Tom Boy to Sundazed To The Core, and no sooner did I discover I loved this album, I immediately fell for the album cover. Long story short, because I could talk about this band endlessly, the Betties are one of my very favorite bands: I have a poster of the band on my wall, their much derided fifth album Log 22 is easily one of my most cherished albums (along with their fourth album, Private Suit, which was my Album of The Year in 2000) and there is nothing I wouldn't buy from this band (including another favorite known as In A Cabin With Me & Stupid by Me & Stupid). I absolutely love Bettie Serveert. If I won the billion dollar lottery, I'd not only pay off my brother's bills and support him, I'd give the Betties enough money so they could quit their day jobs and get back to making music.
Above you see the cover of the album I once abhorred until I played it and then you'll see the back of the album. Below, you can see a close up of the hype sticker on the album cover.
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This album came with an inner sleeve, just like it did in 1992. Below, you'll see an updated version of that inner sleeve (updated because it mentions their website which didn't exist in 1992).
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Back in the day, this album came out on black vinyl because colored vinyl was a rarity back then even if Bettie Serveert's follow up album, 1995's Lamprey, came out on...orange vinyl. Now Palomine is pressed on orange vinyl. (Wonder what Matador will do for Lamprey...or will they even bother?) See the shots below. (It looked like rain when I shot this photo yesterday. And it finally rained...about two drops. My lawn looks like I live in New Mexico.)
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Below are both sides of the record label.
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Since this is Matador's "revisionist" history, they have added a bonus 45 to this reissue. Nevermind the fact that in the UK on the 4 AD off-shoot Guernica, it actually came with this same 45 in 1992. It's still a revisionist history for the US. Anyhow here is what the bonus 45 looks like in the sleeve.
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And outside of the sleeve, followed by the Sunshine Shot.
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And here are what the labels for this bonus 45 look like.
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randowriters · 2 years
D&F: Here is the first of the three fics made! Hope you all enjoy it!
Lily: Hey, originally this was suppose to come with a picture, but I wasn't able to finish it in time. I will edit to include it when I do. (Edit: I added it!)
DJ awaits for Freddy.
They'll be finally alone tonight, surrounded by the beautiful stars that twinkle up on the ceiling. He stands there in the huge room that is illuminated with chandeliers and wall lamps. A mixture of hesitation and excitement fuels the music man as he tries to stand still. His hand reaches up and tugs at his collar. This is a first for the robotic spider. He doesn't want to mess this up…
He can't mess it up…
Sounds of instruments begin to play. DJ looks up. His eyes met the animatronic bear's gaze. All of the disc jockey's anxieties melt away as he watches the glamrock descend from the staircase. A red suit that glitters as though the lead singer was from the starry sky, with the jacket open to reveal the light blue vest underneath. Freddy looks…stunning. Everything about the outfit compliments the orange glamrock's charming smile and wonderous complexion.
Which says a lot about the spider animatronic's purple suit, laced with a yellow ruffle. His outfit didn't do much to make him stand out, just enough to make him look good enough. Still, the robotic spider felt his body being drawn to the glamrock leader. As Freddy took his last step to the clear surface of the floor, DJ extended his hand to him. An inviting grin upon the animatronic's lips, offering to do the one thing he never thought he would do:
To dance with another.
The robotic bear takes the hand, and let the disc jockey guide them to the center. A gentle pull to close the distance as the spider animatronic's arms embrace the glamrock bear. Only his hand, that continues to hold Freddy's hand, remains in place. DJ felt the lead singer calmly rest his other arm on him.
Right, the giant animatronic will take the lead.
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The steps are slow, ensuring that the music man avoids stepping on the robotic bear's feet. The orange glamrock happily beams as they dance. Such a feeling is contagious, the animatronic spider couldn't help but do the same. Over time their movements increased until they were in sync with the tempo that played around them. Lost in each other as their bodies sway with grace masterful skill.
As if the two animatronics have danced before…Together…as one.
“DJ…” Freddy uttered for the first time since they began. The soothing nature of his voice was comforting for the disc jockey. “DJ…” the glamrock repeats again. This time, he pulls his hand from DJ's hold and tenderly touches the robotic spider's cheek.
“DJ, wake up.”
The animatronic giant slowly blinks his eyes. Staring back at him was glamrock leader, wearing no suit, just his normal attire. “You fell asleep.” He informed. The spider animatronic examines his surroundings. The extravagant ballroom had disappeared. Instead, they were in the basement decorated with makeshift items to give the illusion of a starry night outdoors. The television that S.T.A.F.F. Bots helped roll in displaying the credits on its screen.
The movie…DJ fell asleep while watching the movie. “Oh…” guilt starts to form as the music man frowns, “Sorry, didn't mean to…” The bear animatronic shakes his head, “No, it is alright, we are staying up a lot longer than usual.” True, Freddy the gang had to do some extra practice for an upcoming performance. He didn't want the smaller animatronic to feel bad for missing their movie night, so he stayed up longer to make sure it happened.
Honestly, the disc jockey should have known better, since his battery core needs the sleep to recharge. “Still, this was my idea to not reschedule and I left you hanging.” replies DJ. The smaller animatronic nuzzles against his cheek, “You still kept me company regardless.” The robotic spider smiles, the orange glamrock always knew how to cheer him up. “That's very sweet of you to say.” He said as he returned the gesture.
It is then that Freddy's face perks up. “How about I handle tomorrow's movie night? That way you can get a bit of rest while I'm busy.” He suggested. The giant animatronic blinks in surprise. Well, he was the one to set up the arrangements of their dates. However, that was mainly because of how restrictive the music man's situation is for them. Yet…for the glamrock to offer like this felt…nice. A genuine smile forms on the animatronic spider, “Of course.”
It wouldn't hurt to let the lead singer take the lead of their little song and dance.
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ibtk · 1 year
Book Review: Witches of Brooklyn by Sophie Escabasse (2020)
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4/5 stars
After the sudden death of her mother, eleven-year-old Effie is sent to live with her Aunt Selimene in Brooklyn. Older than her sister by a generation, Selimene and Emily (and, by extension, Selimene and Effie) were near-strangers, and Selimene is none too happy with this unexpected arrangement.
As if being foisted off on a prickly, unwilling relative isn't bad enough, Selimene and her roommate [insert a hundred question marks here] are capital-w Weird. As in, Selimene's outrageous(ly fabulous) fashion brings to mind Iris Apfel; they have a pink "dog" named Lion; and strangers pass through their home on the daily to be treated by the duo, who are acupuncturists and herbalists. Or at least that's their cover story.
When a bout of anger accidentally causes her to breath life into snakes otherwise safely contained in a painting in her classroom, Effie discovers that she's a witch - just like Selimine and Carlota! Newly in training, Effies's idol - the singer Tily Shoo - shows up on their doorstep late one night in need of help. But she's ... kind of a terrible person? Can Effie put her feelings aside and help Selimene and Carlota help Tily? Or will Effie's anger get the best of them all?
WITCHES OF BROOKLYN feels like a warm, spooky hug (picture: fresh-out-of-the-oven chocolate fudge brownies topped with pumpkin spice whipped cream). Selimene, Carlota, and Effie are quite the trio, and I loved watching them all warm up to each other. Their Brooklyn brownstone (?) is as charming as it is seemingly endless - I so want to visit their underground witch's laboratory (it has a library! curated by a talking suit of armor named Francis!). And how can you beat a magical dog? (you can't!)
I especially enjoyed how Escabasse manages to work in a message about separating art from the artist - it seems like a pretty mature argument for the age group, but Escabasse addresses it in a deft, age-appropriate way. (Which also leads me to wonder if Tily's red-slash-orange face was a deliberate choice, ahem.)
I can't wait to see what these witchy ladies get up to next!
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