#the first in her family to go to college she majored in molecular biology at texas tech and has a masters in public health from nyu
tramontane-fire · 7 months
It's a federal holiday (presidents' day) and so there are hardly any new jobs, like a weekend amount, and the recruiter has not Gotten Back To Me, no have any of the other jobs I applied to (because of the holiday, not because they don't want to hire me or anything. no one in their right mind wouldn't want to hire me).
Anyway what's so great about presidents anyway? the old ones were slave owners and war criminals and the new ones are tax felons and war criminals. when can we actually get a president worthy of a whole ass holiday?
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vaiztohirez · 6 months
SVSSS College/University AU!!
(mostly STEM, and with assumptions arising from the American systems, bc that's what I know)
Shen Yuan: In accordance with my headcanons for canon, I think he'd still be studying evolutionary biology in this AU. He'd have fun with it, and I think he'd be decently good at it. Same energy as my roommate doubling Chem and Archeology bc Alchemy isn't an option
Luo Binghe: Shen Yuan tutored him once when they were in middle school and high school respectively, and Bingy majored in STEM about it. That and I think it would make sense with his backstory, for him to be studying biochemistry or molecular biology with the intent of becoming a cancer biologist. Like I said earlier, he'd be phenomenal in wet lab because of his skills in the kitchen (and general badassery) transferring to the lab. If he actually had Protagonist Powers I think he'd probably manage to actually cure cancer lol.
To get the relationships right, I think Ning Yingying and Ming Fan have to be studying something related to biology, but I don't have a good enough handle on their characters to decide what exactly within the broad broad field of bio they might be interested in. But I do know that the three of them were put in a study group during intro bio and managed to make that into actual friendship further down the line.
Shang Qinghua: I Knew he had to be Computer Science all the way. As someone who is intimately acquainted with the precise flavor of dying all CS majors are, he's absolutely got the energy. Plus, I had a daydream/plot bunny back when I was taking Algorithms that the type of procedural thinking taught in CS would be invaluable on An Ding. He absolutely still writes a ton to keep some semblance of sanity. If you see him in the CS building at 11 pm typing furiously it's a coin toss as to whether he's writing or debugging lol. He and Shen Yuan made instant hatefriends with each other in the university's anime club their first year, and slowly transitioned to being die-or-die (yes, that was not a typo, they are both dying at the end of this ride lol) best friends.
Literally everyone else I could think of under the cut:
Shen Qingqiu: I think he and Shen Yuan are cousins at most, so the QiJiu backstory can be had in some capacity. Of course, they can't literally be slaves named after numbers in a modern AU, but the separation/reconciliation/etc can happen. I think he's either premed and angry about it, or aggressively going towards academia. Math, maybe? I know those are two very different things, but whatever he's studying, he's mean about it, but very good.
Yue Qingyuan: I think he is in the med school at whatever university he's at. One of those freaks who manages to be dying entirely on the inside instead of the outside. This is why I think it'd be useful to have SJ|SQQ as premed, so their paths crossed. I think SQQ was delayed in enrolling by QiJiu Backstory, which is why they're in different years. He's maybe planning on going into family medicine, I think.
Mu Qingfang: How could I make the doctor character not a doctor? He's out of school, kind of. I think he's doing his residency at a hospital near the university. He's friends with YQY, and is Concerned at the bits of QiJiu Backstory he's picked up over the course of that.
Qi Qingqi: Thinks all you doctor types are a bit insane (affectionate, but deep down). I think she's a graduate student studying chemistry, maybe drug delivery if I had to pick something specific? No real reason, just vibes.
Liu Qingge: The emotionally constipated Sporty Ponytail(TM), so... Sports Medicine, obviously. I think he might be minoring in environmental studies or something, so there's reasons for him to cross paths with Shen Yuan. Story reasons, I mean -- he's doing it because he got interested in high school.
Liu Mingyan: I don't know if it's too on the nose to tie her to a field that'd make her excruciatingly aware of the reasons why to wear a mask, but I think she'd be studying Epidemiology or Public Health, something similar to that. I think she'd be good at thinking on the personal, community, and population levels, and balancing that.
Sha Hualing: So that she has some overlap with both LMY and LBH, and because I just think it fits somehow, I think she'd be studying molecular biology with the intent to go into virology.
Mobei-Jun: Honestly I'm not entirely certain he's in school. I think it might make more sense for him to be running the restaurant location Binghe works part time at. Which brings me to the rest of the demons!
Meng Mo: Head chef of the restaurant Bingy managed to finangle his way to a part time chef position at. No, I don't know how he managed that either, because it's a pretty high end restaurant, and "chef" doesn't tend to be a part time position from what I know. Binghe is just that good at cooking, I guess. Meng Mo is kind of mad about it.
Tianlang-Jun: He owns the restaurant and probably a bunch of other things, but he's rich-person bankrupt because he was suspected of murdering his wife (he didn't, obvs. Honestly it might be funny if Su Xiyan wasn't even actually dead). It was suuuuuper awkward when it came out that LBH was his biological son, but Binghe Refuses to touch business, so Zhuzhi-Lang is the successor.
That's all I've got for now!
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hoursofreading · 2 years
For families recently arrived in the U.S., however, literary study is not always the most urgent priority. One evening, I met a student who graduated from Harvard in 2021 with a degree in molecular and cellular biology and a minor in linguistics. Like Justin Kovach, she described herself as an avid student of literature who never considered studying it in depth.
“My parents, who were low-income and immigrants, instilled in me the very great importance of finding a concentration that would get me a job—‘You don’t go to Harvard for basket weaving’ was one of the things they would say,” she told me. She was a member of the first generation in her family to attend college—the sort of student that élite schools are at pains to enroll. “So, when I came, I took a course that was, like, the hardest course you could take your freshman year. It integrated computer science, physics, math, chemistry, and biology. That course fulfilled a lot of the requirements to be able to do molecular and cellular biology, so I finished that, for my parents. I can get a job. I’m educated.”
She paused, then added, “I took courses in Chinese film and literature. I took classes in the science of cooking. My issue as a first-gen student is I always view humanities as a passion project. You have to be affluent in order to be able to take that on and state, ‘Oh, I can pursue this, because I have the money to do whatever I want.’ ” Nice work if you can get it. “I view the humanities as very hobby-based,” she said.
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delvalentine · 2 years
jjk college au yuta/reader thought dump…
Yuta Okkotsu - Open Studies
- major is currently open studies since he doesn’t know what he wants to do yet, but i feel like he’d easily graduate with honours in whatever field he sets his mind to
- was a loner in high school who longs to change in university despite lacking the confidence, struggling with his self esteem
- the type of guy who gets an all consuming crush after somebody holds the door open for him. so touch starved too he’ll think about accidentally brushing hands with the barista for weeks
- was randomly assigned as roommates with toge and joined the friend group that way
- such immense hopeless virgin energy. never even had a first kiss, shuts down when speaking to anybody ever, ruins his own opportunities because of his own social anxiety… but he just wants to be loved :(
- had a crush on maki and even confessed to her before finding out she’s never had feelings for a man before in her life .. they’re good friends now but the embarrassment still haunts him
- rika is not a curse in this AU but was his first childhood crush he can remember. they parted ways a long time ago but she is alive and well (🥲)
Toge Inumaki - BSc (Computer Science)
- he can talk because he doesn’t have cursed speech in this AU, he just prefers to use sign language or type on a phone so most people will think he’s deaf and leave him alone
- he was happy to befriend yuta and genuinely wants to help him however he can
- very smart when it comes to computers; can easily hack and doxx the shit out of anybody. he can absolutely be heartless towards internet villains and trolls and is somewhat of a robin hood, exposing corruption or sexual offenders etc etc
- exceptionally good at video games; probably a faceless streamer or vtuber who gets hella views because he’s just that good. he’d probably try to get yuta into games too but he sucks so yuta just watches which works for the two of them. he could easily excel in esports but isn’t interested since they’d ask him to show his face in competitions and he hates the idea of fame (and capitalism)
- yuta’s first real friend in uni
Maki Zenin - BSc Honours (Cellular, Molecular, & Microbial Biology)
- raging lesbian. loud and proud. got disowned because of it but she doesn’t regret coming out. she wants to become a famous and successful researcher out of spite to her homophobic parents
- is going to be the one to cure cancer probably. super academically driven and intelligent. captain of a martial arts club despite only being in first year
- affectionate bully, fiercely independent, hates vulnerability & a massive tsundere like canon 🥰
- yuta’s main wingman, always trying to set him up with anybody she can
- she doesn’t talk to mai much anymore since mai didn’t want to get disowned too, but like in canon, she still cares about her sister and is the only family member she doesn’t hate. she does wish mai would’ve supported her openly sometimes but understands why she didn’t.
Panda - BA (Anthropology)
- has heritage from a black parent and a white parent and is also a big guy, hence his nickname of panda, which is the name he prefers to go by. human in this AU
- isn’t it funny for a panda bear to study humans 🤯
- the chillest and most outgoing of the group, also rooting for yuta to find a girlfriend but more lowkey about it than maki
Reader / MC - BSc Honours (Cellular, Molecular, & Microbial Biology)
- a third year in their college
- in the same major as maki and is her upperclassman. really good friends with maki since you both have the same personality type of overachieving, bullying the people you like, and not taking any bs
- you’re not sure if this is the right major even if you’re academically gifted and ‘successful’. but it’s “too late” to drop out or switch majors you think, so you do it just to do it and fulfil others’ expectations
- recently dumped by a long term boyfriend and trying to recover.
- meets yuta at a college party but wasn’t interested (yet!) since he froze up and didn’t say much at the time
- slowly warming up to yuta as he pursues you; gently turning him down as a boyfriend but accepting him as a friend instead
- that friendship starting to feel different when HE becomes different; more forward, more confident, more personable, but still him .. you start to think about him on your tinder dates, wonder if it’d be okay to try going out with him even after rejecting him more than once (he never gave up)
- but you’re nearing graduation and then your ex wants to get back together and your family is stressing you out with demands and you don’t even know what you want anymore because sometimes being a young adult is too much to take
- is he the answer?
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thebookreader12345 · 4 years
Meet the Parents
Pairing: Jay Halstead x reader
Summary: Jay and Y/N have been dating for awhile now, and it’s finally time for Jay to meet her parents
Requested: No
Warnings: slight swearing, mention of having sex
Word Count: 1,596 Words
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“Look at that. Another case solved. We are officially the best unit ever,” Adam spoke.
I laughed. “I mean, you’re not wrong. Hey, has anyone seen Jay?”
“He was just in the locker room,” Hailey informed me as she packed up her things.
“Yeah. Any reason why he looked like he was about to piss himself?” Antonio asked me.
“He’s meeting my family for the first time tonight. I should go talk to him. I’ll see you guys tomorrow,” I tell the team and make my way towards the locker room. When I got inside, I found Jay sitting down on one of the benches, his legs resting on either side of the wood. “Hey,” I greet and straddle the portion of the bench in front of him so that we were mirror images. “What’s going on?”
“What if they don’t like me?” Jay asked and looked up at me.
“Why would you think that? You’re an amazing guy, Jay,” I murmur and take his hands in mine. “And my parents and sister are going to love you.” I leaned forwards and pressed a chaste kiss on his lips, which lasted longer than I expected, but I didn’t mind. When Jay and I finally parted, I rested my forehead against his. “I love you.”
Jay gave me a small smile. “I love you too.” After leaving the locker room, Jay and I packed up our things and headed back to our shared apartment. While we had only been dating for a few months now, we had known each other from work for a good amount of time, so it wasn’t a hard choice to make when Jay asked if I wanted to move in with him. At the apartment, I kicked off my shoes, took off my jacket, and then dragged Jay over to the couch for some cuddle time. I pressed myself against his chest and draped an arm over his waist, him doing the same for me, and just laid against him. Being in Jay’s arms always put me at ease, and I’m sure it did the same for him because I could feel the shift in his mood. For a while, we lounged around the house, but soon, it was time to get ready to go to dinner at my parents’ house.
“Babe, are you almost ready?” I ask and head into the bedroom, only to find Jay staring at his dresser. “Jay, why are you not dressed yet?”
“I don’t know what to wear,” Jay replied.
I chuckled softly and walked over to his dresser, pulling out a plain gray t-shirt and blue jeans. “Put this on. It’s my favorite outfit on you, except when you’re naked, of course.” Jay shook his head with a smile playing at his lips and took the clothes from my hands. “Now go get changed. I don’t want to be late.” Once Jay had finally gotten dressed, we made our way out front where my car was parked and climbed in. As we started driving, I could tell Jay was beginning to get nervous again. It didn’t take long to get to my parents’ house, and as soon as we got out of the car, I wrapped my arms around Jay’s torso. “Just be yourself. Everything is going to work out. I promise.”
“Okay,” Jay mumbled and laced his fingers with mine as we made our way up to the front door. I rang the doorbell, hearing the pleasant jingle go off in the house, and seconds later, the door opened to reveal my little sister, Elizabeth, or Lizzie for short. She was a whole 8 years younger than me, which, when we were little, was a huge difference, but now it didn’t matter too much.
“Hey, Lizzie,” I greet and step forward to give her a hug. Lizzie hugged me back quickly, and when I stepped back, I glanced towards Jay. “Lizzie, this is my boyfriend Jay. Jay, this is my sister Lizzie.”
“It’s nice to meet you,” Jay spoke and held out his hand, which Lizzie shook politely.
“You too,” Lizzie greeted and scanned him up and down before turning to me. “Y/N, why wasn’t I aware that your boyfriend was this hot? I would have put on some nicer clothes.”
“You look fine right now,” I tell her and lead Jay into the living room, where Lizzie’s college textbooks were scattered all over the coffee table.
“What are you studying?” Jay asked Lizzie.
“Uh, molecular biology. Sorry about the mess,” Lizzie muttered and went to clean up her books.
“It’s cool. My older brother actually majored in biology. He’s a doctor over at Chicago Med,” Jay said.
“Y/N? Is that you?” my mother called out from somewhere deeper in the house.
“Yeah. Is dad with you?” I question and gesture for Jay to follow me.
“Of course he is. You know he can’t go 5 minutes without sneaking some food,” my mother replied. I laughed and went down the hallway at the back of the living room, which had the bathroom, dining room, and stairs branching off from it, and at the back of the house was the kitchen, where both my mom and dad were. My mother was busy putting dough into a circular tray while my father was digging through the pantry looking for something to snack on. My mother then looked up from what she was doing, and when she saw me and Jay, she smiled. “You must be Jay. Y/N talks about you quite a bit, you know.”
Jay grinned. “I wasn’t aware.”
“Well, I can see why. You’re very handsome. You and Y/N would have beautiful babies,” my mother commented.
“Mom,” I hiss as I felt my cheeks begin to heat up.
“What? I’m just putting it out there. Do you like deep dish, Jay?” my mom asked.
“I love it,” Jay responded.
“Good. I’ve been making it homemade since Y/N was born. Louis, get your head out of the pantry and greet Jay,” my mom scolded to my father, who still hadn’t emerged from the pantry.
“Yeah yeah, Janine,” my father said and exited the pantry, closing the door behind him. He then extended his hand to Jay. “It’s nice to meet you, son.”
“Nice to meet you too, Mr. L/N,” Jay concurred.
“All right. I’m going to show Jay around. Please do not take out any embarrassing photos while we’re gone,” I urge my mother.
“No promises,” my mother said with a small smile. I shook my head and led Jay out of the kitchen and up the stairs, where we entered the first door on the left.
“Welcome to my childhood bedroom,” I reveal. Nothing had changed since I had moved out to attend college. The walls were a light gray along with the carpet and my bed set, seeing as I had a neutral theme going on. My twin sized bed sat in the far right corner with my desk in the far left. On it were some fake plants, a few picture frames, and scattered souvenirs I had picked up along the years. Immediately on our right you had my dresser, and to our left I had two white beanbags sitting on the floor. Jay headed straight to my desk and examined the pictures within the frames.
“You have not changed one bit,” Jay told me.
“Oh shut up,” I tease. After showing Jay the rest of the house along with the backyard, dinner was finally ready. We all sat down at the kitchen, and that’s when the questions started.
“So, Jay, how long have you been a police officer?” my father asked.
“Not my whole life, like some people may think. I actually used to be in the army. I was a Ranger,” Jay informed my family.
“No shit. I was in the Marines,” my father responded.
“When did you know you wanted to be with Y/N? I want all the details,” Lizzie demanded with a huge smile on her face.
“Um, there was one night after work where Y/N and I were at Molly’s together having a few beers. And as we were talking, I realized that I couldn’t survive without her, so I asked her out,” Jay answered. Finally, after eating dinner and talking for about another hour or two, it was time for Jay and I to head back out to our apartment. Jay was waiting for me by the front door when my mother pulled me aside.
“He’s a lovely guy, Y/N,” my mother exclaimed. “I really like him.”
“Yeah,” I say. “Me too. I’ll talk to you later, mom.” As Jay and I walked out of the house hand and hand, I stopped in my tracks and pulled Jay down so that our lips touched. I could feel Jay smile against my lips as he wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to his chest.
“What was that for?” Jay asked me.
“I love you,” I tell him.
Jay grinned. “I love you too. So, how’d I do?”
“Amazing. My whole family loves you. I told you it’d be fine,” I reply.
“And you were right. What do you say we get back home and celebrate on how well this went?” Jay suggested.
“What are you thinking?” I question.
“Maybe an activity that involves your clothes on the floor,” Jay whispered in my ear, which sent a shiver down my spine.
“You don’t know how turned on that just made me. You better speed home,” I state.
“Oh, I was planning on it,” Jay said.
Tag List:
@prettypyschoinpink @securityfriendly-jay @scarletsoldierrr @lorenakaspersen @virtualreader @carnationworld @caitsymichelle13 @dreamingmanip @campingmonkey @winterberryfox @nevertoofarfromivar @anotherfan07 @giagma @mrspeacem1nusone @i-like-sparkly-things
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bambigoose · 5 years
Big Boyfriend - Tyson Jost
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Sarah groaned, unlocking the door to the ice complex early in the morning on Saturday. It was cold, snowing and all she wanted to go was curl up under her fuzzy blanket to sleep for the next twelve hours. Going to college full time should qualify has a full time job no matter your major. It’s exhausting and all those movies you see of people partying all night long on Tuesdays yeah it happens. However those are the kids that fail out within a semester, especially at the University of Denver.  A private research university in Denver, Colorado tuition may cost you an arm and a leg but the desire to study Molecular Biology from a good school won out. Thus the need for weeknight and weekend job became a necessity.
It seemed like fate when the ice complex was looking for someone to work the concession stand for her desired hours. Mike, a seventy year old man that had been running this place for years found the need for another worker when his wife slipped on the ice and broke her hip. Sarah was more than happy to take over the stand, especially because Mike didn’t mind her doing her homework or reading during her downtime while the practices were going on. It was predictable, ten minutes before practice parents wanted their coffee and ten minutes after practice she had a line of kids looking for junk food. Then she was granted with forty minutes of peace before it all began again.
Turning on the lights for the stand and immediately turning on the coffee, Sarah zombie walked to the register to set up for the day. Mike was in already and likely working on the Zamboni based on the money bag already sitting next to her register. Pulling out the batter she had prepared yesterday she started on the cookies and muffins as the nectar of the gods brewed. As the trickling slowed on the last pot, Sarah attempted to close the oven but her still have asleep reflexes let the door slip right out of her hands. The slam echoed in the empty area, involuntarily causing Sarah to flinch.    
“KID!” she heard a concerned voice scream from the back.
“IT’S ALL GOOD MIKE!” she shouted back.
She needn’t have shouted. Mike had hustled around the corner to check on her. The poor man panting with his hands on his knees, shockingly there was someone else with him. He looked familiar but for the life of her Sarah could not place him. Grabbing Mike a water bottle she walked over and placed her hand on his back to grab his attention smiling what she hoped was friendly and not demonic looking to his companion. “Sorry Mike, you know my reflexes sleep until at least my second cup of coffee.”
“You’re gonna kill me on of these days kid.” He replied, smiling at her. She laughed in reply leading him over to the bar area in front of her work station.
“Either of you want some coffee?” Smiling at Mike’s cute companion while already turning to pour her own and Mike’s because the day that man says no to coffee is the day she brings him into the emergency room. Getting yeses from both, she reached up for a third cup. Mid pour the oven beeped, slowly placing the coffee pot down because she made that mistake once. One time with burns and glass everywhere and you’ll never move quickly with one of these pots again. Sarah spun on her heels, already beaten to the oven my Mikes companion.
He looked up at her while inhaling the intoxicating aroma of the fresh baked cookies. Shrugging innocently, “I figured the person with the awake and functioning reflexes should touch the oven.” He smiled smirked at her, his voice clearly teasing while pulling the pan from the oven and placing it next to the cooling racks. “The end of my cooking ability however ends at this point. If I try to take those cookies off the pan they’ll crumble.”
Their eyes locked as they laughed, “Well thank you.” Sarah paused hoping he would fill in the pause with his name.
“Tyson” he said sticking his arm out to shake her hand unsure why Sarah started giggling with her hand on her mouth. Until he glanced down and realized the oven mitt was still on his hand. He attempted to regroup without her noticing before reoffering his hand san mitt.
Sarah was utterly charmed, she could now place him being able to match a name to the face. He looked different without the helmet and she had to physically restrain herself to just reach for his hand instead of running her hand through his hair and attempt to fix what remained of his bed head. She wondered just how close his bed head and helmet head were alike because if they were she would melt into a puddle right there. “Sarah. Suppose we should switch jobs then. You can pour the coffee for the old man here while I make sure the bottom of those cookies don’t burn.”
“Wait just a minute here.” Mike spoke up from the bar, “Who are you calling old young lady.”
Sarah rolled her eyes at Tyson, “Excuse me, I meant the distinguished gentleman sitting at the bar.” She teased.
“Well now that’s better.” He grumbled.
Tyson laughed, while passing over the over mitt. As he was pouring the coffee, he jumped out of his stupor when a splash landed on his hand. Staring at Sarah’s butt while she bent to retrieve the chocolate drizzle for the cookies was going to be hazardous to his health.
“Tyson here is going to join the mighty mites for practice.” Mike explained.
“You mean he is going to attempt to reign in the puck magnets?” She asked taking the offered cup from Tyson adding in her sugar and cream.
“Well I’m certainly going to try.”
For the first time in a few months Sarah left her post for a few minutes to watch the mighty mite practice. Waving at some of the little boys and girls that were distracted by her appearance and laughing as little Mattie lost his balance while enthusiastically waving to her. Tyson quickly appeared to whisper in his ear while picking him up and skating at her quickly. When the snow from the shower cleared she was greeted by both of them making ridiculous faces at the glass. The buzzer went as she stuck her tongue out at them, waving to head back to her post. The next group of parents desperately looking for coffee would be on their way through the door in just a minute.
A little later, Sarah smiled watching Tyson sign the last stick thrust in his face by an over eager five year old. Putting out the next batch of cookies, since the kids depleted her supply after visiting with Tyson to have everything signed. She sighed looking up and no longer seeing her cute entertainment. Waving to Mattie as he walked past pulling his mom along and retelling every moment of his morning with Tyson in excruciating detail, “I see how it is, I’m just not cute enough for you.” came from her left in front of the bar.
Smirking at him she replied, “Well I have to keep my little boyfriend happy you know, I’ll be just heartbroken when he dumps me.”
Tyson raised an eyebrow, “What about your big boyfriend?”
“You mean my degree I’m working towards? You’d be surprised how few guys can handle coming in second to that.” She quipped, a tad of anger creeping into her eyes.
Tyson’s eyes widened, “Jesus, you’ve met some real assholes.”
Laughter burst out of Sarah, “God you have no idea.”
“Think I could get some of those cookies to go. I’m going to eat them in front of Nate.” Tyson eagerly asked.
Pulling out three while making sure that was enough she accepted the twenty he handed over and prepared his change. Sighing she saw another family had gotten in line behind him, there went her chance to continue the conversation. Leaning forward so she wouldn’t be overheard, “Just don’t blame me if your dragging ass at your game tomorrow.”
Tyson laughed, accepting his receipt while stepping out of the way. “Can’t have that.” He smiled at her. While she served the next grouping of customers, he quickly scrambled on his receipt wrapping it around a twenty and dropping it in her tip jar. Sarah sighed, catching his coat leaving the complex.
At four pm she closed down her register while setting up the next one for the teenagers that worked until ten. Cookies and muffins had been made by her during the day while other practices where going on. Nodding at the two teens relieving her she headed into Mike’s office. He took the cashier tray from her to count it out will she got to work on her tips. Looks like you had a good day today Mike said pointing to a rolled up twenty on the floor. Picking it up and unrolling it she saw a receipt wrapped around it.
If you’re willing to have a big boyfriend and cause heartbreak to a five year old I’m a willing second while you accomplish your dreams. TJ ***-***-****
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desi-pluto · 6 years
知的愛 Chiteki Ai - “Intellectual Love”
Summary: Her intelligence was his aphrodisiac just as his love for literature sparked her desire to read more books - (a tiny hint of NejiTen and SuiKarin as well) College AU
Rating: Teen
For the lovely @uchihaharunoss who loves reading school/college AUs. 
Note: the term "aphrodisiac" doesn't just apply to sex; it’s other definition is: a thing that causes excitement.
Freshmen Year
There she was studying at the grand library of Rikodu Sennin University, wearing a pair of thin framed reading glasses as she was studiously taking notes from her thick molecular biology textbook. Something about seeing a beautiful woman intently studying motivated him to step up his A-game. Especially if that woman has the same hair color of cherry blossoms and eyes like shimmering emeralds. That woman's name was Haruno Sakura. He had heard that she was a one-of-a-kind genius who got a full scholarship in the Rikodu Sennin medical school, and that she was also the apprentice of the infamous Doctor Tsunade Senju ever since she miraculously concocted an antidote to counteract the spider virus.
Here he was sitting on the other side of the library with a friend of his in the middle of a study session. It was getting hard for him to concentrate, because he was constantly tempted to sneak glances
"Hey Sasuke, can I copy your timeline notes of the Tokugawa Shogunate period? If you remember that I didn't make it to class last Thursday." Neji Hyuga, a sophomore from the esteemed Hyuga clan asks him if he could borrow his notes. With a grunt, Sasuke takes out his binder to take out the sheets of papers he took his notes, and then staples them in order before handing them to Neji, "Give them back to me by Friday, Neji."
"But of course." Was Neji's reply before he carefully puts the packet of Sasuke's precious notes in his file.
"Why were you staring at Haruno Sakura?" Neji changes topic.
"Why were you staring at Yu Tenten during basketball practice?" He retaliates with a smirk. Neji's fascination towards Tenten was no secret.
"She was cheering for me Sasuke, like any good friend would." Neji quickly responds with a faint blush growing on his cheek bones.
"Aha, keep telling yourself that Neji." Sasuke continues teasing him mercilessly.
"Don't you have to write a 10 page research paper for Law?" At being reminded of his arduous assignment, Sasuke's face momentarily turns pale at the thought of completing an all-nighter to write his paper.
'Damn it, I guess I'll have to make time to read The Silmarillion tomorrow then.' Sasuke thinks defeated with a sigh. Yes, the pragmatic Sasuke Uchiha has a love for literature. If he had the time, he'd consider joining the literature club, but alas his major forces him to study very hard in order to become a better criminal lawyer than his father; and it would mean reading more books with legal jargon.
"I must leave now Sasuke, I promised Tenten that I wold help her in understanding functional analyses." Neji stands to pack his books, while trying his best not to blush at the prospect of having alone time with Tenten.
"You don't even take calc. 1." Sasuke knew for a fact that Hyuga Neji was probably on the linear algebra level, considering he was known to be a prodigal math genius back in high school.
"I'm the best person to help her Sasuke." Neji haughtily tells him, "you'll understand when someone deems you worthy enough to help them." And with that he left the library leaving Sasuke all by himself on the table.
After Neji leaves, Sasuke with a "hmph" puts on his earphones that were attached to his cellphone so he can listen to his playlist of classical European music from Beethoven to Mozart to Tchaikovsky.
Sophomore Year
"Hey Sakura, my mom's hosting my birthday this weekend, you should come over!" Karin Uzumaki removes her glasses and pouts her lips, as she sweetly invites her for her birthday party.
"Geez Karin you don't need to act all 'cutesy' to make me go somewhere when you know the answer is yes." Sakura irritably answers her. At hearing her confirmation, Karin's expression turns ecstatic and then tells her to wear something nice but not too casual this coming weekend.
"Great, and just so you know Sasuke will be there too." Karin leaves her with a knowing smirk.
Saturday comes and she's the first one to arrive at Karin's birthday party, and is grabbed by the arm to Karin's bedroom. When she goes inside the red head's room, Sakura instantly knew what needed to be done. Which was to help Karin get ready for the party.
"What will make you stand out the most?" Sakura looks through her closet of designer clothes until she hit the jackpot. She took out an unsaturated red tube dress that reached mid-thigh with a black denim jacket to go on top of.
"This will do, it compliments your hair and eye color!" Sakura hands the outfit to Karin and then turns around so she can slip her clothes on.
When she was done changing, she found Karin looking in the mirror with a sad look. "Do you think Sasuke will notice me like this?" She's been having a crush on him since they were in Oto high school but, things recently started to get complicated with their long time mutual friend Suigetsu Hozuki; who's also known to quarrel with Karin a lot. She also wasn't oblivious of Sakura's crush on Sasuke either, even if the pinkette doesn't know it herself.
"It doesn't matter how you look for him Karin, no one knows what his tastes are." She honestly answers, because it was hard for nearly anyone to guess what Sasuke is up to most of the time, aside from his close friends. 'I'd be more worried about Suigetsu not keeping his eyes off of you.' She quietly thinks to her self.
"Don't make this night about impressing him." She gently rests her palm on Karin's right shoulder.
When the house became too crowded for Sakura's liking, she decided to take a seat inside the gazebo of Karin's backyard. Aside from knowing Karin, nearly all the party guests were from said girl's high school called Oto High which was located in downtown Tokyo; plus most of them intimidated the crap out of Sakura. Basking in the fresh night air she closed her eyes and let her body absorb the cool summer wind.
"I thought I'd find you here." Sasuke's voice startles her out of her reverie and causes her to open her eyes only to see that he was taking a seat next to her. She couldn't help but admire his choice of clothing for the evening. Wearing a navy blue collar shirt with the sleeves rolled half way up - exposing his muscular arms.
"Hey." Sakura politely acknowledges him, wondering if he came to return the book he borrowed from her - ironically the book she's had for years in her home, but never finished reading it.
He takes out the hard copy of The Chamber by American author John Grisham from his black satchel and hands it over to Sakura, "It's a pretty decent book, I'm surprised you haven't read it yet." It had everything Sasuke loved to read about; suspense, history, politics, and a thorough examination of America's horrible legal system. Not to say that he loved America's justice system, he is actually appalled by it, from its prevalent racism, gender biases in careers, its lack of healthcare, the amount of countries it destroyed, he hated all of it.
"I'm not quite fond of America's justice system Sasuke, even my dad thought it could've been written better so I chose not to bother after chapter 4." She dryly tells him, which made him smirk a little. "Can't argue with that." He agrees with her while taking a good look at her. The sight of her sitting in the gazebo with that faraway look as she looks upwards toward the star-filled night sky would be the perfect inspiration for a painter or a photographer. Her long pink hair was let loose, her sea green eyes sparkled in the dark, and her choice of clothing was lovely as well, Sasuke observes her admiringly. She chose to wear a white frock that reached mid leg, and a pastel pink chiffon cardigan.
"What is it Sasuke?" She caught him staring at her, feeling genuinely confused, because he never looked at her like that before.
"Nothing Sakura." He gives her a gentle smile, that reminded her of the one her father would give to her mother.
Perhaps she'll finish reading The Chamber.
End of Junior Year
"You want me to do what with you?" He asks her amused, this was just too good to hear from her.
"You heard me loud and clear Sasuke, would you like to go out with me tonight, you know..to hangout?" Sakura asks with her arms crossed, a faint blush decorating her cheekbones.
"Alright," He fake surrenders with his hands up, "I'll see you at 7 at my place, oh and Sakura…" He walks close to her until there's very little space between them and boldly pecks her forehead where her purple diamond tattoo was, and whispers "Thank you." With that said, he goes off to class leaving Sakura with her heart beating fast as she replays the kiss on her forehead.
"Wait, thee Sakura is taking you to the movies?" Sasuke's mom Mikoto Uchiha, eggs her son to tell. "Yes okasan, it's her - hold on," He paused as his cheeks darken a little bit, "how do you know her name?" He never recalled sharing her name to anyone in his family, just vague information that she's a medicine student and came from Okinawa.
"I heard you whisper 'Sakura' in your sleep, when I came to wake you up from your power nap." She wickedly grins at him, causing heat to reach at the back of his neck, now hoping his father won't walk in, in the middle of this conversation.
Just as the clock went 7:00 pm, the doorbell of the house rung. Faster than lightning, Mikoto opens the door with a smile and is delighted to see a pink haired maiden with green eyes in front of her.
"You must be Sakura! Please do come in." The elder woman grabs the younger one by the elbow to pull her inside.
Remembering her manners, Sakura clears her throat and with a traditional bow she says "Konbanwa Uchiha-san, I am a close friend of your son, and I would like to take him out to the movies with me. Rest assured, I will not take any advantage of making him pay for the two of us just for the sake of traditional gender roles, I will -"
"She gets the point Sakura." Sasuke comes right next to her as he helps her straighten her back to stand up.
"Well you sure are a chivalrous woman." The ebony haired woman chuckles at the slightly nervous young lady standing next to her son. "I mean you're both adults, so I don't see the point of you asking for my permission. Just don't get lost in any alleyways." She jokingly says a little bit. 'It's not everyday a girl comes to me to ask Sasuke out on a date.' She thinks to herself amused. 'Just friends. I see, as if I was born yesterday.'
"Have fun kiddos!" She sees them go out the door, and once their gone she feels her body relax and with a loud voice, "You can come out now Fugaku."
"So that was Sakura." Fugaku walks next to his wife with a mini smirk forming on his usually serious face. "I never expected her to be so unique."
"Neither did I dear." She agrees as she rests her head on his shoulder.
Sakura couldn't contain her excitement, ever since her self-discovery of having feelings for Sasuke, she's been wanting to see if he might also like her beyond friendship. She was tempted to grab his hand and hold it firmly in her's, but she didn't want to make him feel uncomfortable as she fails to not reach for his hand before he caught her.
"What are you doing?" He whispers so the other occupants in the cinema wouldn't hear him.
"Just stretching." She answers in a steady tone.
"Is that so?" He comes near her ear as his breath tickles when he adds, "is it not because you want to hold my hand, like lovers do?" He further agitates her until she aggressively grabs his much larger hand and grips it in her smaller one. "Yes. Yes Uchiha Sasuke I like you a lot and I would love for us to be real lovers." She confesses to him. "However, I won't force you to be in a relationship just because I wish it. We can continue on as friends and forget this entire conversation." She stiffly finishes and tries to let go of his hand but Sasuke unexpectedly tightens his hold on her.
"We'll talk it through when the movie is done." He tells her without turning to her. They resume to watch the rest of the Batman movie in silence.
When the movie finished, Sasuke without hesitation offers his hand to Sakura which she takes and leads them outside the cinema.
"We're going back to my place." Sasuke leads them to the train station, "Don't ask any questions."
After 40 minutes, they arrive to his fancy neighborhood while holding hands. Once their in front of his door, he rings the bell and was surprisingly welcomed inside by his father.
"Come in you two." Fugaku gives a small grin at the two of them.
"I have something important to tell you and mom." Sasuke says loud enough so his mom can come out of the kitchen, which worked because she arrives to stand next to her husband.
"As of today Sakura and I will begin to date." He says it so bluntly that Sakura's eyes widen like saucers at him. 'How is he saying this all with a straight face?' Her heart thumps loudly at Sasuke's reciprocation of her feelings.
"We're happy for you son." Fugaku pats Sasuke on his left shoulder with a proud smirk on his face.
"How about you stay the night with us Sakura-chan? It's almost midnight anyway." Mikoto side glances Sasuke with a knowing grin 'you brought her home so she wouldn't leave, you're not that slick Sasuke.'
"Arigato-gozaimasu Uchiha-san, I'll be gone by morning." Sakura promises, even though she could've called a taxi to drop her at her 1 room apartment.
"You can sleep on Sasuke's bed for the night, and he'll sleep on a futon. Sound good to you kids?"
"Yes ma'am." Sakura agrees with the conditions.
When they arrive in Sasuke's bedroom, Sasuke hands her a disposable tooth brush and a pair of black trousers and shirt to wear.
When it was time to sleep, Sasuke gently pulls Sakura down next to her on his futon and they just stare eye to eye for a long time. An old habit of their's. Not before long Sasuke caresses her cheek and leans closer to her until she places her lips on his. The kiss was tender, romantic, and longing with love.
Before things would go out of hand, Sasuke reluctantly pulls back and pecks her forehead before saying "Goodnight." As he urges her to lie down on his bed at the same time he lies on his futon.
This was just the beginning of a new chapter for the both of them.
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Let’s Talk About Jewel Plummer Cobb
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     Jewel Plummer Cobb is a well-renowned American biologist, cancer researcher and academic administrator. She is also in the Connecticut Women's Hall of Fame for her groundbreaking research on skin cells that produce melanin and how they become cancerous.
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    Jewel Plummer Cobb was born in Chicago, January 17, 1924, to two loving and driven parents, Frank and Carrabelle Plummer. Her father, Frank Plummer was a Physician Graduate from Cornell University and one of the founders of the Fraternity, Alpha Phi Alpha. Her mother, Carrabelle Plummer was a schoolteacher. She was enticed by the medical field, because of the strong roots her grandfather, a freed slave who became a Pharmacist Graduate from Howard University and her mother who always enforced the importance of education. Although she came from an upper middle class background and a hard-working well to do family, she would still have to go to Chicago public schools for African Americans. Not letting this stop her determination, she used this to drive her to work harder. She would teach herself science with scientific journals and book in her father’s grand library as a supplement to her education. While in high school, she took extra biology courses to prepare her for further studies in the field of science.
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     After high school, Jewel Plummer Cobb was ready for college and determined to take Biology by storm, however, she wasn’t ready for the discrimination she would receive at University of Michigan. In 1942, segregation was still prevalent and as an educated African-American woman in a Caucasian male dominated field, she was not accepted among her peers. All African-Americans (undergrad and grad) were put into one dorm and was not granted the same access to education as everyone else. Some classes and majors were not offered or allowed to be taken by an African-American. After much consideration and help from her Dean, Hilda Davis, she decided to transfer to a private historically black college, Talladega University in Alabama. However, Talladega did not accept her credits from University of Michigan, so she would have to start over as a Freshman. Not allowing it to sway her, Cobb was put into an accelerated program and worked through summer sessions until she was able to take the exit exams for most of the classes she had already taken at University of Michigan. She graduated with a B.A. in Biology in 1944. Cobb continued her studies and went on to earn a Master’s in 1947 and Ph. D in 1950 at New York University in Cellular Biology.
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    Jewel Plummer Cobb had exceeded expectation and was well on her way to having a promising career. Although she had all the qualifications to become a doctor, she did not want to work directly with the ill. Cobb wanted to focus on the theoretical research on prevention of diseases in the human body.
   By 1952, she had established a dominant margin in research for cancer cells in University of Illinois. She put her focus towards the relationship between melanin and cancer cells. Aligning herself with cellular biology instead of molecular biology, because she wanted to study the synergy between living cells and not the molecules and atoms that create sells. Cobb also became a fellow member in National Cancer Institute (1950-1952). She detected that Methotrexate, which obstructs the growth of distinct cells in the body that progress too quickly ("Methotrexate." Drugs.com. Ed. Leigh Ann Anderson. Micromedex®, n.d. Web. 08 Dec. 2016.) is highly productive in specific cancers remedial process (specifically skin and lung cancers). Methotrexate has remained the most common chemotherapy treatment today.  
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   While at University of Illinois, where she became the director of the Tissue Culture Laboratory (Education Committee, Tissue Culture Association 1972-1974). Pigmentation research (black or brown pigments) was the first analysis she began, to find out more about its protective properties and its capability of preventing ultraviolet rays from harming the human skin cells. She progressed this research through academia as a researcher and assistant professor at New York University in 1955.
    Through the 1960s (60-69) she was a Biology Professor at the Sarah Lawrence College. One of the main things she worked on at the time was Melanoma, a tumor of melanin-forming cells, typically a malignant tumor associated with skin cancer ("The Definition of Melanoma." Dictionary.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Dec. 2016.).
    After a marriage, a son, and a divorce in 1967. Jewel Plummer Cobb found herself at Connecticut College as the Dean of the school and Professor of Zoology. She assisted students in minority status, by creating private pre-dental graduate programs, which provided an ideal for other college programs that did not have many minority students in the medical field. Cobb continued to do her research, however, by 1976, she wanted to stick to the administrative side of teaching. In 1979, she composed a paper, “Filters for Women in Science, which was published in the book, Expanding the Role of Women in Sciences, and later redistributed in the Annals of New York Academy of Sciences,” (Notable Black American Women, Book I, Dona L. Irvin, Jennifer M. York, and Ralph G. A.
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   By the 1980s, Jewel Plummer Cobb moved to Douglass College. She was once again a Dean and Biological Science Professor. She strived to launch programs for minorities in the science field. Cobb also went to great lengths to educated the community on how underrepresented minorities are in the science field. The paper established a correlation among educational bureaucracy and filters, suggesting educational bureaucracy makes it extremely hard for women to enter science sectors. Also like a filter, systematic education and social environments produce a mentality in which a women were mostly hindered from studying math and science. Even if they did pursue a career in a science field, university tenure and equal pay would not be distributed to women.
    In 1981, took a position in California State University (USC) as the President. She continued her crusade for equal opportunities among minorities and better quality education for all students. Cobb also received state funding to build a new engineering, computer science, and general science department for California State University. Built an apartment complex for students to dorm, converting California State University from a commuter’s college to a full on residential college.  She privately funded the gerontology center on California State University Campus as well as create the first President’s opportunity program for ethnic students, to bring in the underrepresented.  
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   In 1991, Cobb became the principal investigator for Southern California Science and Engineering ACCESS Center and Network. This organization searched for students that were specifically minorities that had interest in majoring in the sciences and fund their education.
   Jewel Plummer Cobb persisted at California State University to advertise minority students to join both the science and math programs.  She stablished a program where members of the faculty can tutor students on an individual basis for better chances for them to succeed. Cobb has gone through many lengths to speak out in the media about the imbalance number of minorities in science labs. She is hopeful that the numbers will eventually level out and minorities will frequent in all types of professions, not only a selected few. For her efforts and accomplishments, Cobb has been awarded and nominated, including twenty-one honorary doctorates from numerous universities and research grants.
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Bradley-Holliday, Valerie. "Cobb, Jewel Plummer: The Black Past: Remembered and Reclaimed." Cobb, Jewel Plummer (1924- ) | The Black Past: Remembered and Reclaimed. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Dec. 2016.
"Jewel Plummer Cobb, Biologist." Jewel Plummer Cobb, Biologist | African American Registry. Cultural Programs of the National Academy of Sciences, n.d. Web. 08 Dec. 2016.
"Cobb, Jewell Plummer." Contemporary Black Biography. Encyclopedia.com, n.d. Web. 08 Dec. 2016.
"Jewel Plummer Cobb." Jewel Plummer Cobb | Connecticut Women's Hall of Fame. Conneticut Women Hall of Fame, n.d. Web. 08 Dec. 2016.
Jewel Plummer Cobb, "Filters for Women in Science," Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Vol. 323, 1979; "Jewel Plummer Cobb," in Who’s Who Among African Americans (Farmington Hills, MI: Gale, 2003); Biography of Jewel Plummer Cobb.
"Methotrexate." Drugs.com. Ed. Leigh Ann Anderson. Micromedex®, n.d. Web. 08 Dec. 2016.
"The Definition of Melanoma." Dictionary.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Dec. 2016.
"Webfiles." Jewel Plummer Cobb. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Dec. 2016.
“ Photos of Jewle Plummer Cobb. Jessie’s Blog” http://jesselatour.blogspot.com/2014/07/jewel-plummer-cobb-life.html
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elbertoko · 5 years
Today, on the day of the 6014 Mandaue Pride, and the eve of the org’s HIV National Testing Day, The below speech was circulated through email which resonated what I truly believe in. I read through it and made me feel feelings; that whatever we do in life we have to give our best; that in everything we do no matter how hard it may be, we have to be selfless, and do what we can for the people.
Without further ado, the speech thus far.
'My name is Isaiah Paolo Atienza Lee, and I am not your valedictorian. I am not the best, I am not the brightest, and I am here speaking to you right now because all the other summas backed out. I’m somehow supposed to talk to you about honor and excellence, so let me start with my story.
When I was in first year, I almost got kicked out because of Chem 16. I wasn’t even bad at the class. I just had a habit of scribbling on my forearm during exams, which was—in hindsight, understandably — interpreted as cheating. After an unchecked exam and a lot of stress, I ended up with a diagnosis of Asperger’s syndrome. On the whole, it was a less than ideal way to get psychological support and an 1.00 in Chem 16, but I didn’t fail the class, I didn’t get dismissed from UP, and I didn’t jump off a bridge. I could have, but I didn’t. That might not sound a lot like honor and excellence to you, but that’s the point.
The College of Science is made up of brilliant people. We can’t deny that. The College of Science is also made up of people who pretend to be engineering majors when questioned about their student numbers and people who tasted their Chem 16 unknown analysis samples out of desperation. We can’t deny that either. And we all answered our exams on bluebooks that might have varied in paper quality and might have shown different scores, but they all had the same message printed on the front: University of the Philippines, 1908, Bird, Honor, Excellence.
Our valedictorian is Mao Leung. He has a weighted average of 1.0375 and a girlfriend. I do not have a weighted average of 1.0375, and most of you won’t either. I’m not going to talk about who doesn’t have a girlfriend, because this is supposed to be a happy occasion. Mao Leung is a great guy, but we can’t all be like him, and that’s okay.
Prodigies are a curse for those who need a curve on the exam to pass and a blessing for the general public; as a whole, people tend to look at the people with the best averages and pin all the country’s hopes on them, leaving the rest of us to wonder what we’re supposed to do. The truth people have difficulty wrangling with is that not only do we not need a messiah, messiahs cannot solve our problems. This country just needs honor and excellence from every single one of us, every single day. Whatever it is you do, do it well, and do it for the people.
Are you going into a career in science? There might be days when you have to run PCRs from 7 to 12. That’s 7 in the morning to 12 midnight, by the way. Do it. There might be times that your graphs would be publication-worthy if only you could get rid of one annoying data point. Don’t do it. That is honor and excellence.
Are you going into medicine despite your teachers’ laments? You might end up spending most of your nights running on adrenaline and Dunkin’ Donuts because you have to stay in the hospital. Stay. There might be an occasional addict suffering from a shabu overdose that you have to tie down to a stretcher because he won’t stop kicking you. Treat him, and treat him again when he comes back. That is honor and excellence.
Are you going to get a girlfriend because studies first no longer applies? She might be angry at you for no easily identifiable reason. Stay calm, listen, and talk things out rationally. After an argument about taking relationship advice from some guy who was supposed to give a valedictory address, you might see a book she would like. Buy it for her. That is honor and excellence.
Are you going to be a full-time parent because you had a successful relationship? You might proudly send your child to UP only to learn that your precious iskolar ng bayan has turned into a class-cutting, DRP collecting, tuition-burning machine despite your warnings. Wake them up in the morning, give them their allowance, and support them without nagging. See to it that they march and that you get to be with them. That is honor and excellence.
Are you just thinking of going to UPTown Center for a celebratory dinner after this is done? You might have a hard time parking because, wow, that is a lot of people. Don’t hog the disabled parking spaces. You might be hungry because the ceremony was too long and parking was nigh impossible because you left the wheelchair spots alone. Be nice to your waiters. They have names. Address them by name, follow up your orders without snapping at them, and say thank you the way you would like to be thanked for doing a good job. That is honor and excellence.
Are you going to do anything at all in your life? Whatever it is, do it well, and do it for the people. Do it well if doing it well is clocking in 70 hours a week at a world-class research institution. Do it well even if doing it well is just staying awake for five more minutes to finish a chapter or a boring lecture. Do it well when it matters, and do it well even when it doesn’t. And do it for the people. Do it for the people even if you don’t like the people. Do it for the marginalized even when they don’t appreciate it. Do it for the privileged even when they cause Katipunan traffic. Do it for the people whether the person in question is a drug addict in the emergency room or your waiter at UPTown Center or a stranger on the internet or even just yourself, because it’s not about the gratitude, or the credit, or the reward, but about the people, and the work. That is honor and excellence.
The unphotogenic, non-headline-grabbing, narratively-unsupported fact is that large-scale change happens in fits and bursts and stops, and often on a scale you can’t see with an electron microscope. We hold ourselves up to unreasonable standards and are subsequently disappointed most of the time, when what matters is the work we do in increments, the lab hours that we log, and the people we encounter.
You might not make your own transgenic crops, but you can disabuse your family of any erroneous notions they may have about Bt talong. You might not eradicate crime in 3 to 6 months, but you can avoid catcalling. You might not make it to the newspaper’s front page, but you can make it to your mom’s proud parent Facebook post.
We often look to larger-than-life figures to celebrate honor and excellence, from Miss Universe to near-perfect-GWA graduates. I’m not saying it’s wrong to do so, but I believe the first place to seek it is within ourselves.
My name is Isaiah Paolo Atienza Lee. I am not the best, but I am good enough, I am not the brightest, but I am a UP graduate, and I am not your valedictorian, but I am going to tell you all to go out there and show the world what we’ve got."
~ Isaiah Paolo Lee (BS Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, summa cum laude, Class 2016)
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whirlybirbs · 6 years
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pairing: college!peter x reader rating: all audiences welcome to this fluff what to listen to: roll up by fitz & the tantrums a/n: for the anons who gave me some ideas, here is the start of a potential series? or, as i would say, peter crushes on his TA.
After months of applications and tours and accepted student days, Peter had finally settled on MIT.
(It had helped that Tony had written his recommendation letter. A lot.)
September brings a new leaf.
Peter trades in the hustle and bustle for NYC for that of Boston. It is less shiny, less new. He likes it though; likes the cobblestone, the spirit, the history and the rhythmic rattle of the T under the Kendell stop. The late summer breeze is crisp as Peter shrugs his hoodie on, bagel dangling from his mouth as he chews and launches himself up the steps towards the quad.
His sense are in a haywire; it is the new environment. His sunglasses are maybe a little darker than they should be.
A week ago, his phone had been buzzing with kissy emoji from Aunt May, a good luck text from Tony and of course Ned -- his friend had settled in only a few T stops away at Harvard. The first day of classes had come and gone, bringing it with it an overwhelming sense of belonging. For once, Peter didn’t feel like an outlier.
The only text Peter is paying attention to this morning is yours, though.
pls help me study for my bio quiz later, peter, i am begging u
It makes him laugh. Peter grins, dimples digging in a little bit as he settles into a quick pace. Strawberry converse beat against the jagged cobblestone.
I mean, he wasn’t going to lie to himself -- you were, like, gorgeous. And funny. And you thought it was cool that he’d binged the entirety of Jason Todd and the Outlaws in one night. The fact that you’d excitedly added him on Facebook last Friday after class was enough; he’d messaged you, asking if avoiding the chicken at McCormick was a smart move.
You were a sophomore. You knew the ropes. Peter is totally using it as an excuse.
it’s literally the second week??? who is giving quizzes already??? who’s THAT evil???
You’re laughing, crossing the quad on the opposite side of campus when you get his texts.
It was only happenstance you two started to become friends. His first class, an 8:30am entry-level history course run by Professor Frankfurt (which was really just one big Captain America fanboy session) happened to be the class you’d decided to TA for -- and in turn, the class you’d first met Peter in. Forced to sit front row after arriving late -- he’d had trouble finding the Tang Auditorium -- he ended up being the one to sit next to you.
He was wearing a Saint Motel t-shirt. You’d stopped him after class, nervously chirping your admiration of that particular album. He’d stuttered in surprise. You were a little mortified, mostly since you had realize how pretty he was. He had big brown eyes and dimples. Dimples.
From that point forward, it was like you couldn’t escape him. He joined the Broadcasting club -- and you’d laughed out loud when he walked through the door wearing a different Saint Motel t-shirt. Comic Roundtable wasn’t safe either, as Peter Parker had suddenly become the fresh face among the small club of eight. It truly culminated when you realized Peter had taken up residency on Danny’s floor -- the R.A. was a fellow Anthropology major, and one of your closest friends.
So, yeah, texting him and asking for help on a Gen Ed Bio course quiz was kind of pushing it. You wanted to hate Peter, honestly -- as a freshman he’d already met a handful of prerequisites through his famed Stark Internship, working his way through a good half of the first year Computer Science and Molecular Biology course load. The air at MIT was competitive, but for some reason Peter didn’t feed into it. You felt okay admitting a fault.
It wasn’t like you were going to go to Academic Computing. They’d definitely roast you for not understanding cell structure and osmosis and all that other shit. You were an Anthropology and American History double major for god’s sake. You didn’t need that stuff in your brain. You needed room for other things.
So, you text Peter back.
it’s prof steck. don’t play urself. stay away from her. but is that a yes??? bc if it is i’ll swipe for u at baker!!!
Peter’s slipping through the auditorium doors when he texts you back.
Your phone buzzes on your desk, and you laugh a little when you read the message.
only if u buy me mozzerella stix!!!!
He shoulders you as he sits down. The touch is enough to light up Peter’s nervous system; he ignores the happy tingle that creeps up his back.
The stack of graded papers is jostled a bit by the movement -- Frankfurt had done an assessment on Wednesday, intending to get a gage for what he was working with in the class. So much for syllabus week. You, of course, had been tasked with grading. Not that you minded, though, it had distracted you from asking Peter to come out with you on Saturday night.
“You know,” you chirp, “Baker has make your own stir fry tonight...”
“No way!” Peter’s voice clips a bit, high and excited, “Then forget the fried cheese sticks, buy me stir fry.”
“Only if you don’t make fun of me,” you hum, rolling your eyes a little, “This quiz on is the simple stuff and I don’t know why, I just don’t get it.”
“Well,” Peter chides, settling back in his seat. His fingers dance across the trackpad of his laptop, waking it up, “Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell.”
You deadpan.
Peter grins. It’s toothy.
“Is that what the Stark Internship taught you?”
His laugh is boyish. Those dimples are back. Your chest caves a bit, face hot with a gooey expression. What the hell is wrong with you? Going gaga over a freshman?
“Naw, memes taught me that one.”
“Oh,” you wave your hands as Professor Frankfurt throws himself into the auditorium in a huff, “Even better.”
You’re both silenced into a hush as the rest of the first year class follows suit. Professor Frankfurt calls roll. Your name is called after Peter’s. You hand out the exams, and then sit beside Peter for the rest of the class, basking in the warm glow of his semi-permanent smile.
“You know it’s not a date, right?”
Your roommate has her fists halfway into a family sized bag of doritos. Netflix glows from the top bunk. You’re fixing your hair in the mirror hanging on the door.
“I know, but,” you sigh, “He’s cute.”
“He’s a freshman,” she waves as The Office drones on, “He’s fresh meat -- dead in the water. That’s social suicide, you know. At least wait until after Rush Week.”
“Peter doesn’t seem like the fraternity type.”
“That’s not a bad thing!” you huff, tugging your hair up and away, “Seriously, there’s a reason why you keep getting your heart broken by dumb boys.”
“Is it because I have an affinity for beefy rich assholes named Brad?”
“That’ll do it, honestly.”
“Fair enough,” she tosses a grin your way, “Good luck on your dinner date with Peter.”
“It’s not a date!”
It’s not a date.
Totally not?
Why is he so nervous?
Oh god, his hands are sweating.
“I’ll have the sweet and tangy sauce, please.”
The box of stir fry is handed to him -- you’re already digging in with a goofy grin on your face. You much on the lo mein noodles happily. You’re covering your own nervousness well. Thank god for deodorant because Peter has you sweating -- literally. It had climbed into the high 70s by late afternoon, leaving Parker in a t-shirt that seemed too tight to be legal and a pair of shorts. He was tan. And he had freckles. Everywhere.
Your hair is swept into hazy curls by the late summer heat. Peter watches the curls along the back of your neck as you both work your way through the check out in the dining hall.
You both make your way to the Hayden Library, strides slow. The sky looks gold, and the clouds glow in the deep blue of the September evening. Traffic drums on, but you both are locked into conversation. Nothing is breaking it -- not even the wave of friends across the street.
“So, New York, huh?”
“Yeah,” he laughs, taking a bite from his takeout container, “My Aunt told me that if I ever went to a Red Sox game, she’d murder me in cold blood.”
“Yikes,” you chatter, “You’re missing out -- I mean, no Big Papi anymore, but Hanley Ramirez is a big deal. Be a shame if you never saw him play in Boston.”
“Are you trying to convince me to go to a Red Sox game?” Peter’s voice hitches, “Because that’s not happening.”
“C’mon, the Yankees suck,” your smile is challenging and Peter laugh as you take a few steps ahead, turning around to watch him as you skip backwards, “Turn to the dark side, Peter! It’s more fun! We have a green monster.”
“I think I’d rather take the Hulk, honestly.”
“Me too,” you wink, “Bruce Banner is an absolute babe.”
Peter laughs at that -- loud and rowdy in the late summer heat. It’s intoxicating.
Your takeaway boxes have been abandoned, licked clean, in favor of a biology textbook and notepads. Though, it wasn’t a welcome abandonment. You wanted to pull your hair out. It showed.
Your lips are pulled into a pout. Peter watches your brows screw together. The study room is filled with the chatter of a Bio101 Youtube video he’d pulled up, hoping to explain osmosis and semipermeable membranes and the importance of saline.
“See?” Peter’s pen taps the screen, “From high to low!”
“Sounds fake,” you hum, mushing your cheeks together as you lean on the wooden table, “But okay.”
“It’s not fake! It’s science.”
“So,” you lean back, waving your fingers, “... magic?”
“Basically,” Peter shrugs, “My formal title after grad school will be Wizard.”
“I want to be a wizard.”
“Then --”
“And make this whole quiz disappear.”
Peter drops his head into his hands, laughing softly as he rubs his brows together. You were getting it, albeit slowly. He couldn’t say he really minded losing his Monday night to you -- in fact, he found himself enjoying this a little bit too much. Your knee brushes his under the table as you shift, eyes drawn back to the video.
His skin tingles. Hot and prickly.
“How about one more hour of studying?”
“Thank god,” you whisper, “I can do that.”
“Power hour?”
“Power hour.”
He walks you back to your dorm.
Even though it’s in the opposite direction of his.
“I hope I helped,” he sighs, “Even if it’s a little bit?”
“You helped a lot -- seriously, I think I’m a wizard now.”
You blossom with pride as he giggles, eyes screwing shut as his head falls backwards. His converse scuff against the pavement as he shoves his fingers into his pockets. Peter glows under pinks and yellows of the streetlights. It’s cute. You wind your own fingers together, toeing the ground.
There’s a weighted pause between you both. Brown eyes burrow into your own.
It’s broken by the door to your dorm swinging open and a group of guys bustling by. It prompts you both to laugh again.
“I’ll see you on Wednesday, then?”
“Yeah! And, uh, I’ll let you know how I do on my quiz!”
“Make me proud!”
He waves, you wave, and you swear it’s the warmest you’ve ever felt.
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armeniaitn · 4 years
AEBU Announces Its 2020-2021 Scholarship Fund Awardees
New Post has been published on https://armenia.in-the.news/society/aebu-announces-its-2020-2021-scholarship-fund-awardees-52041-18-08-2020/
AEBU Announces Its 2020-2021 Scholarship Fund Awardees
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PASADENA, CA – The Armenian Educational Benevolent Union (AEBU) Scholarship Fund Committee proudly announces its 2020-2021 award recipients.
AEBU Southern California Chapter grants annual scholarships to undergraduate students of Armenian descent, enrolled at an accredited four-year university across the United States. This year, the AEBU Scholarship Fund Committee was very pleased to have received a big pool of applications from highly qualified candidates. Faced with the pleasant challenge of going through dozens of deserving applications, the review committee decided to award six individuals instead of five, to receive the $1500-award in recognition of their academic excellence and community engagement.
Due to COVID-19 social distancing restrictions, the planned award banquet will be replaced by a digital broadcast. “We are very happy to have had the opportunity to learn about our promising and talented young Armenians from all over the United States,” said Vasken Khodanian, Chairman of the AEBU Scholarship Fund Committee. “We are very proud of their achievements and community service. We wish them all continuous academic success, bright professional future, and humility in serving humanity.”
The AEBU 2020-2021 Scholarship Fund’s awardees are:
SERA AINTABLIAN – Pasadena, CA Sera Aintablian has been a long-time member of the St. Gregory Armenian Apostolic Church in Pasadena, AGBU Girl Scouts, Nor Serount Armenian Folk Dance Group, and organizations within her local community. She leads weekly Armenian lessons at the church’s Sunday School and was actively involved in organizing a book drive to benefit the only Armenian school in Fresno, California by donating more than 300 books in Armenian. Sera will be attending UCLA, majoring in Microbiology, Immunology, and Molecular Genetics (MIMG).
Arman Ghazaryan was born in Armenia where he was engaged in programs to help children with leukemia and other blood diseases, provided tutoring and support to children at Nubarashen boarding school and the Tigranashen community school located in the bordering area with Azerbaijan. After completing his first quarter at UCLA in 2016, Arman was called up to active military duty in Armenia. He is now back and ready to resume his studies at UCLA, majoring in Business Economics, with a minor in Statistics.
ALEXANDRA KASPARIAN – East Williston, NY Alexandra Kasparian is majoring in Biology at Lafayette College on the East coast with the goal of becoming a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner. Alexandra has been involved in local youth organizations like AYF, ACYOA, Camp Haiastan and her church’s basketball team. She has also been active in leading roles in several campus organizations. And most importantly she’s the founder and president of the Armenian Student Association at Lafayette.
DANIELLE KURKJIAN – Altadena, CA Danielle Kurkjian is an undergraduate student at San Diego State University studying for a bachelor’s degree in nutrition and planning to receive her master’s degree in Dietetics. Danielle has joined multiple organizations for promoting Armenian culture and organizing fundraisers to benefit Armenian families in need. Danielle has also volunteered to serve the homeless within her local community. At SDSU, she became a member of the ASA, to help Armenian students on campus, encourage their educational goals, and create a network for building relationships that could support them through their professional lives.
EDGAR SAHAKIAN – Glendale, CA Edgar Sahakian will start his first year at University of California, majoring in Biology, with a minor is Armenian Studies. Having lost his father, Edgar focused on his studies, and found strength in community involvement and performing arts. He’s an alumnus of and a volunteer at the Lark Musical Society. Edgar was recognized by the Glendale Board of Education and the Committee for Armenian Students in Public Schools. He received the Michael F. Escalante and Top Student Awards, respectively.
MARK TOPOOZIAN – Fresno, CA Mark Topoozian is majoring in Biology at the UCLA and preparing for medical school. Mark grew up engaged in numerous programs benefiting the Armenian and local communities. He served on the Chamber of Commerce Junior Board of Fresno, learning about local politics and business. During a visit to Armenia with his family, Mark was involved in philanthropic services to assist people in the poor villages, building a house through Knights of Vartan Fuller Center, and delivering sporting apparel to the village of Darbnik using proceeds from Farmer’s Market he organized in Fresno. This year, Mark was nominated by the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society as Student of the Year and honored at the Fresno Metro Ministry’s annual banquet for initiating and directing the Food Recovery Program.
Read original article here.
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ricky-najjar · 5 years
About Me
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When I was growing up, it was expected that I would become a doctor. Since I could practically remember my mother and father kept introducing me as “Future Dr. Najjar.” It was a pair of shoes I knew I couldn’t fill in, I wasn’t particularly gifted in biology, nor any sort of math. I was forced to go to tutoring every day when I was in elementary school, they hoped it would knock some sense into me then. By the time I was fourteen, my parents dream of me becoming a doctor became less realistic.  
I grew interested in reading at a young age, I was picking up books well above my age group since I was seven. By the time I was ten, I found myself bored of fiction and started working on biographies, historical non-fiction, even reading encyclopedias to keep myself informed. I was eleven years old when I read my first Abraham Lincoln book. The first of the collection was 800-pages, it was considered to be the “end all” of biographies for this great president. I read that in a month, and the second one in six weeks. It was around then I consider my love for history to have blossomed into a full obsession. Every year for my birthday and Christmas I begged for another book, when I had my fill of Lincoln I went after Jefferson Davis, Ulysees S Grant, Robert E Lee, and the Civil War entirely. I started making connections with them, comparing the author’s thesis as to why this horrible American tragedy occured. For my senior project in high school, I wrote and presented a paper on the continuing effects from the Civil War. Not only did it gain attention in my district, but to the rest of Pennsylvania as it was published in the newspaper the following week. I was given a scholarship to continue my studies in college. While I was ecstatic to major in History at the University of Pennsylvania, I knew my parents were disappointed. 
College was a different experience altogether, I had to say goodbye to my family and friends every semester in order to live on campus. Out of everyone, it was the hardest to say goodbye to Elisabeth Robinson, the friend I’ve had since I could walk. We were two different sides of the same misunderstood coin. Her parents had similar dreams for her but she chose a different path. I was really the only one who understood her, and her anger issues that stemmed from her parents. She would visit me any chance she got, each time it was known that her parent’s anger against her and themselves was wearing down on her. When I was living in my own apartment by my junior year I offered her a chance to stay, and she denied due to her own dreams taking her elsewhere. It was for the best, at that point I was studying for my GREs and getting ready to go to grad school.  
I graduated Magna Cum Laude with my Bachelor’s Degree in History in May of 2008. With that I was given the opportunity to finish my schooling at George Washington University in Washington D.C. It was prestigious, at least in regards to working in the museum industry. A degree from there would open many doors for me. My family threw a large graduation party, only because my cousin Karim had also graduated from Yale - top of his class and in molecular biology. When it was our chance to give our thank you speeches he went first, telling everyone about his plans to become a surgeon and bring our family name up in the world. When it was my turn to give one, I simply thanked my mother and father for pushing me to my absolute limit in getting my degree. I can still see my father sighing and taking a long swing from his drink. 
Leaving the area was the best decision I made in life, I felt like I finally became my own person in Washington D.C. It was a nice change of pace to be surrounded by people who loved history just as much as I did. Those two years of my life went by quickly, and before I knew it, it was time to defend everything I had been working on since I could remember. My thesis was a continuation of everything I had read up on since I was young, it was something I grew to be passionate about and protected at all cost. When I was hit with the questions from everyone in the group, I instantly had an answer as soon as it was asked. My professors were impressed, proud, and everything else that they should be. When I returned the news to my parents, they expressed some sort of happiness - just not to the same extent. 
I came home for a week after I walked across the stage one last time. My mother insisted on throwing another graduation party despite my pleas not to. It wasn’t nearly as big, and most of the people there used it as an excuse to drink without judgement at four in the afternoon. I hid in my room for most of it, reading my own thesis for the hundredth time to myself. Despite what everyone else thought of my degree, this was something I could be proud of for the rest of my life. I was asleep when I heard a faint knock on my door, and without warning Kathleen Robinson entered my room. She expressed how sorry she was that Scott and Elisabeth couldn’t attend, citing that they both were at different parts of the world. I didn’t really care, considering I had lost contact with Lizzie after she hastily made a decision to move to Brazil and do missionary work. I couldn’t tell how drunk Mrs. Robinson was, but she seemed so sure of herself when she started coming on to me. Despite my best efforts to push her away, we ended up together that night. 
I tried to stay in Washington for as long as I could, getting a mediocre job during my first summer out of school. Money became too tight, my loans were starting to collect up, ultimately it forced me to move back home. I was thankful that a former professor pulled some strings to get me a manager’s position at the Museum of the American Revolution back at home. During my time at home Mrs. Robinson continued to show her interest in me by coming over every day to “speak to my mother.” When she went to the kitchen that's when her true intentions started, telling me how handsome I’ve gotten over the years, how she’s missed me, stuff that made my skin crawl at first. The more she came over, the more comfortable I got with her. She ultimately won this sick game she created with me through persuasion, all while her family and my mother and father remained clueless on it. 
I lost any remaining respect I had for myself in those few months. Any time I tried to breakaway she pulled me back in, telling me I would be worthless without her. I started to believe her, even going as far as agreeing with what she was telling me. I am worthless. Hopeless. No one could ever love me like she did. I started lying to my parents as to where I was, and when they questioned I argued that I was an adult and could go wherever I pleased. If Mr.Robinson was away on a business trip, it was almost expected I would come over. That first year back home is almost a blur to me now, one that would continue to haunt me for the rest of my life. 
Elisabeth finally came home, and with nowhere to go she moved back in with her parents. Things got complicated from there. Her mother tried to find different ways to invite me over, later at night, during my lunch, sometimes she would come to my house unannounced and demanded my attention. My cracking point was when Lizzie invited me out to lunch one day and told me that she missed me. She said that the last few years had helped her anger issues in many ways and she was ready to move on. She kissed me then, and unlike her mother it was genuine, sweet, like she actually did love me. That night I informed her mother I was done playing her little game. To my surprise, she was okay with it. My life seemed to go right for a little bit. I was doing better at my job, Lizzie and I were in love, and more importantly we were officially getting our own place together. Her mother never said a word to me, even when I was over at her house to see her daughter. It was like something about us moving forward startled her, and after a year and a half of us being together - she broke the news while I was helping her pack. She didn’t believe her at first, but when I didn’t deny my actions she grew disgusted and kicked me out. Our little bit of happiness was cut short. 
I couldn’t stay in Philadelphia any longer. I had to move back to the place that had given me the closest thing I had to peace in my life. I was given a chance to come back when Ford’s Theater called me in for an interview, practically giving me that job the second I walked in. With my life in full swing once again, I took what little pride I had left and ran away from home. 
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quipsnsnips · 7 years
I saw something similar to a character development, but more of what they were ‘supposed’ to be and how they ended up. so here’s my take on it.
karleigh 🌻 (karls): she originally started out as a classic aries type of character (lmao fire sign), but became waaaay softer as I worked her out…
•still obsessed with sunflowers, a Kansas piece of trash at heart. •did a lot of alternative modeling for easy cash as she was figuring life out in her early 20’s, but kind of regrets it now that she’s older and has a foster son/soon to be adoptive son (the internet’s forever). •is realizing a lot of things she thought she knew about herself are turning out to be different, is discovering herself again as she learns to really open up. •diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia at 5 years old, was in remission after chemotherapy & other forms of treatment. currently has myelodysplastic syndrome. very rarely talks of this, doesn’t like talking about it at all. •would’ve gone to med school if she had the guts, but didn’t have that kind of self-confidence. she stuck to what she knew she could do best; helping others through social work (wants to work with kids in schools). •froze her eggs as a last ditch effort incase she wants children of her own in the future, doesn’t/can’t ovulate anymore. •pretty self-conscious about her music tastes (they’re not even BAD) because it seems like everyone she knows has a musical talent or connection, keeps a lot of it to herself as a result so she doesn’t inadvertently alienate herself. •is a helpful nugget who would give you the only shirt off her back if you needed it & listens to anyone’s problems at any time. •is way too trusting/kind/understanding and ends up being betrayed often or taken advantage of (& usually lets them keep doing it unintentionally because she’s too forgiving). •is a bit codependent at moments, but in the end it boils down to whether or not she cares about you 'cause if not she couldn’t care less. there are happy mediums to this for her in friendships of course, but not when it comes to love.
caitlin 🌷 (aka caity or cait): karleigh’s younger sister that was meant to be really innocent and shy, yet snarky and witty but she ended up being a total fucking sass.
•still pretty pure, didn’t lose her virginity until she was 19. (still dating the guy to this day) •was originally supposed to be a pediatric oncologist, but I really liked her more as a cardiothoracic surgeon. (she’s cutthroat, I felt it reflected her better) •is a complete smart ass. sarcasm and dry, witty quips are the languages in which she speaks. •has always been the overachieving child because she felt the need to compensate for everything her parents went through with her older siblings. (josh was a rebellious shit, karleigh was sick) •ridiculously, grossly, stupidly smart. took college courses in high school and had her associates by the time she received her diploma. •as a result graduated college with her bachelors (biochem) in two years; also played volleyball, and was president of her sorority (she’s a try-hard, w/ no life~) •currently works as an LAFD EMT while she puts herself through med school & enjoys it greatly. (ended up with her Dad’s first responder instincts/drive/“hero” complex) •not known to many (since she rarely talks about it) but is a huuuuuuuuuge sap for her boyfriend, who is the first/only guy she’s ever dated. though they’ve been exclusive for close to three years, all of what he does gives her MAD butterflies and brings out her cute, awkward traits as a result. (his phone calls, seeing texts pop up, seeing him in person. everything makes her insides go !!!!!!!) •family-oriented, but extremely career driven as well. feels the need to prove herself a lot as a female in her ruthless & competitive field so she rarely talks about a future home life she eventually desires. (has never admitted to anyone to this day that she had a dream she’d married Anderson and woke up with a stupidly cheesy grin across her face. happy-sighed infatuatedly for the duration of the day) •would never, ever, EVER say it out loud because she’s ridiculously independent and prides herself on it but would also probably follow Andy anywhere if he genuinely asked her to come with. is the type to fall hard but work her ass off for both their dreams to come true. •is certainly Karleigh’s younger sister, but now that they’ve aged into their 20’s they’re a lot closer than what they were growing up. practically best friends instead of annoying siblings. jokes that Karleigh’s her flowerchild and maybe she should’ve been the baby sister instead. •acts like a hard ass, and is incredibly strong as a person, but has moments. she shuts herself up and people out after difficult calls. cries until she feels confident she’s gotten it all out. she has a warm, sensitive soul but is rather picky as to who gets to see it. (Karleigh & Anderson basically)
ryan 🌼 (Karleigh’s AU daughter): I have two ~developments of her, one’s AU and one’s kinda canon so I’m just gonna go into AU. They do blend together at certain moments, but that’s to be expected because she’s still Ryan overall.
•grew up rather similar to a tomboy thanks to Callum & the Xinx boys. doesn’t click very well lifestyle-wise with her other cousins (mirabelle & bethany) as a result but still loves them and hangs out nonetheless. •nicknames include Ry and RJ, mostly Ry. (RJ was what her mother called her). •has a bit of a temper, quick tongue and wit. hell hath no fury like a ryan scorned. isn’t nearly as forgiving or compassionate as her mother was (to a fault), but is still a sensitive person with a lot of empathy. tries to stay reasonable and levelheaded as a result yet often finds herself blowing up here and there. •will insult you/hit you where it hurts if you humiliate or make a fool out of her. she hates feeling like an idiot so if you’re the one who caused it, you’re probably going to hear some blunt, unapologetically harsh words. •at 13, went to live with her aunt & uncle (Caitlin/Anderson) when her mom died in a freak car accident. has a voicemail Karleigh left her the morning of and to this day hasn’t deleted it. would lose her mind if she ever lost the audio for good because it’s all she has. her worst fear is forgetting what Karleigh’s voice sounds like. •finds comfort in the fact she shares a birthday with her Papa Grady, as his favorite story to tell her is how much he wanted her mother to have a baby of her own. Ry’s a living, breathing granted wish of his. Every July 11th the family throws a large party and they have a good time with it. (ryan believes they started this after her mom passed so she wouldn’t feel so alone on that day.) •rather quiet, finds it hard to make friends as easily as some people do. ryan prefers depth in her friendships and relationships. (she’s already lost the most important person in her life so meaningless acquaintances are just that to her—meaningless) •she’s a no bullshit person, has a one strike and you’re out policy. won’t blow smoke up anyone’s ass. either you mesh with her or you don’t. is an introvert so her feathers aren’t ruffled when someone doesn’t want to be friends with her, she’s usually secretively thankful. •ever since she first learned about DNA and the concept of genetics/heredity, has been absolutely fascinated with learning more about it. her major is molecular biology and she lives for it. •is in a bit of an inappropriate situation with an older family friend of her aunt and uncle, and is mortified they’ll find out and think less of her for it. (is actually being preyed upon by someone twice her age yet doesn’t exactly get that, thinks it’s a mutual 'arrangement’ of sorts. it’s not, he’s a real scummy dickweed).
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miniminuit · 7 years
I love being a theatre kid like my family was at a neighborhood picnic today and my mom was introducing me and my brothers to our neighbors and she’s like “the eldest just graduated uc berkeley and he majored molecular biology with an emphasis on immunology, the second brother just finished his first year of college as a computer science major, and the youngest (me) is still in high school” and the lady turned to me and said, “that’s great! what do you want to do when you graduate?” and I looked her in the eye and said, “ideally, Broadway” and she was so taken aback I saw her face go blank for a moment and then she just started to laugh and my mom was so embarassed it was hilarious
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allegivnce-blog · 8 years
   character sheet:   T h e   A l l e g i a n t .
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❛       Isn't it IRONIC ?                                She'll take care of EVERYONE,                                    Except     H E R S E L F .        ❜
{ *** TW:  Child abuse, war, death, mental illness }
NAME: Calista Levine NICKNAMES: Callie, Little Deer AGE: 20 BIRTHDAY: September 28th 1996 HOUSE: Unaffiliated, currently  GENDER: Female PRONOUNS: She/her
MOTHER: Camilla DeMarco  FATHER: Birth father: identity unknown, never met. Stepfather: Zared Levine (DECEASED.) SIBLINGS: Tomas Levine FAMILY: Grandmother and Holocaust survivr, Bella DeMarco
FACE CLAIM: Odeya Rush RACE/ETHNICITY: Israeli NATIONALITY: Israeli HEIGHT: 5″4 WEIGHT: 121 lbs BUILD: Mesomorph HAIR: Long, curly, though she usually blowdries it wavy or straight FACIAL HAIR: N/A HAIR COLOR: Dark brown EYE COLOR: Strikingly blue SKIN COLOR: Tan DOMINANT HAND: Left ANOMALIES: Slight deformation of left ear, inferred due to the repeated subjection of physical contact; A slight limp that’s only noticeable when she’s physically exhausted, having never fully recovered from a detonation she suffered while working in the Israel Defense Force (IDF) SCENT: Laundry detergent, home cooked meals, sometimes faintly of latex and rubbing alcohol ACCENT: Israeli PHYSICAL DISABILITIES: Slight limp, however this has yet to prove problematic LEARNING DISABILITIES: None noted ALLERGIES: None noted DISORDERS: PTSD, prone to migraines, insomnia, anxiety, and panic attacks FASHION: Bohemian chic, lots of floral and long skirts in the summer. In the winter, she’s clearly not acclimated yet to the cold, but insists on bundling herself up in sweaters and mittens and pompom hats. NERVOUS TICS: Aversion of eye contact, twisting at the rings on her fingers or bracelets on her wrists, lip worrying, nose twitching, mouth quirking QUIRKS: Always has candy with her, refuses to leave home without her first aid kit, prefers reading from books than the computer, rarely leaves the house unless it’s to walk her pup or head to the hospital, makes lots of references to scientific facts in everyday speech, rambles on tangents about random things she’s read
HOME ADDRESS: "Wherever Tommy lives” RESIDES: Bucharest, Romania.  BORN: Tel Aviv, Israel RAISED: In Israel with her birth mother and stepfather VEHICLE: None registered, has a license, however. Opts for public transport, bikes, and walking to reduce her carbon footprint. PHONE: Samsung Galaxy S5 LAPTOP/COMPUTER: Macbook pro PETS: Her little mutt, Bella, named after her grandmother since they both have an amputated leg and require a prosthetic 
HIGH SCHOOL EDUCATION: Completed COLLEGE EDUCATION: Completed with honours and early graduation, now has her M.D (Doctorate of Medicine), is in the midst of completing her residency  MAJOR: Pre-medicine (biochemistry & molecular biology) MINOR: medical neurobiology CAREER: Training to become a doctor, specializing as an Emergency Medical Specialist and Family Medicine Physician EXPERIENCE: Basic training, 1 year of service in the IDF as a medic, 1 year of internship, commencement of residency EMPLOYER: Hospital of Bucharest TRAINED IN: emergency medical && family medicine physician specialization, basic training from IDF, eidetic memory, advanced knowledge of medical innovation with respect to chemistry and engineering, archery, horseback riding
POLITICAL AFFILIATION: Unaffiliated RELIGION: Reform Jewish, used to be conservative Jewish BELIEFS: “Despite everything, I still believe people are good at heart.” MISDEMEANORS: None on record, potential charge in the pilfering of medicine from the hospital FELONIES: Has never been arrested, but will be sentenced to life incarceration should she return to Israel for abandoning her military duties halfway through her mandatory serving TICKETS AND/OR VIOLATIONS: None noted DRUGS: Occasionally medical for insomnia and anxiety. SMOKES: Never. ALCOHOL: A glass of wine on occasion, usually on the holidays for prayer purposes DIET: Kosher diet, tries to restrict herself to home cooked meals but long shifts at the hospital means she usually eats what she can when she can
ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: Panromantic SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Greysexual MARTIAL STATUS: Widowed CHILDREN: None yet AVAILABILITY:  Betrothed to her textbooks LOOKING FOR: More puppies
LANGUAGES: Hebrew, Yiddish, Arabic, English, Romanian, Italian
PHOBIAS: Fear of failure and defeat, claustrophobia, thantophobia { fear of death or dying }, losing Tommy, fear of violence, fear of explosions HOBBIES: Archery, learning/ reading, drawing, horseback riding, dabbling in medical engineering, treating syndicate patients from home, cooking, and baking TRAITS: Sincere, introverted, genuine, empathetic, anxious, self-belittling, loyal, self-loathing, inclusive, naive, quick to trust, curious, finds the best in others SOCIAL MEDIA: None
LOCATION: Her bed SPORTS TEAM: Maccabi Tel Aviv GAME: Flashcards MUSIC: Indie SHOWS: Scrubs, anything on Discovery Channel  MOVIES: Documentaries RADIO STATION: None noted FOOD: Watermelon, shawarma  BEVERAGE: Iced hot chocolate COLOR: Florals & Pastels, notably peach and rose 
MORAL ALIGNMENT: Neutral Good “The Benefactor” MBTI: ISFJ MBTI ROLE: The Defender ENNEAGRAM: #2 ENNEAGRAM Role: The Helper/Giver/Mentor TEMPERAMENT: Phlegmatic -- Water -- Getting WESTERN ZODIAC: Libra CHINESE ZODIAC: Rat PRIMAL SIGN: Vulture HOGWARTS HOUSE: Hufflepuff ILVERYMORNY HOUSE: Pukwudgie TAROT CARD: The Star &&. Strength TV TROPES: Scientist vs. Soldier; All-Loving Hero SONG: “How Far I’ll Go” by Auli'i Cravalho (Disney’s Moana)
IDEOLOGIES: “Be good to your fellow humans, you never know what their stories are.”
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murfreesboronews · 4 years
Ella Morin’s a year away from continuing her mission to be a doctor in preventative medicine and community health.
In May 2021, Morin plans to graduate from Middle Tennessee State University and pursue a joint medical degree and master’s in public health.
For years, Morin, who is from Knoxville, Tennessee, has had a heart and compassion for her fellow man. The rising senior Honors College student, who majors in biology and Spanish with a minor in general science, has a gift for medical volunteerism and shadowing.
Her lengthy volunteer efforts have helped land Morin the Harold Love Sr. Outstanding Community Service Award. Near the end of the just-completed spring semester, Morin also received the MTSU Student Organizations and Service Community Service Award for 2019-20.
Morin joins Briana Brady of the University of Tennessee-Chattanooga, Danielle Contreras of Belmont University, Mallory Fundoras of Austin Peay State University and Miracle Walls of Maryville College as student honorees.
The award is named for Love, the late representative who established the first awards in 1991. Love would help a constituent in need, even if it meant giving from his own pocket.
Individuals selected to receive recognition represent many aspects of community service/volunteer work, public and charitable service and leadership roles in local organizations. They serve as ambassadors for community service among the diverse Tennessee higher education communities.
“It’s a way to reconnect with the mentors and volunteers — this award is really for them,” Morin said of what the honor means to her. “… It’s cool to bring people together, to thank them and show gratitude when I can. This is very humbling.” Because of the coronavirus pandemic, she reached out by Facebook to tell them.
For the third consecutive year, an MTSU Honors College student has received the Love award, including Morin’s boyfriend, Gareth Laffely, who earned it a year ago, and Robert Owen, who captured the award in 2018 when Honors Dean John Vile was recognized as a recipient in the faculty category.
As for the most recent recognition, Morin said she “is honored to receive the MTSU Community Service Award,” which came with a commemorative vase and plaque and certificate signed by Deb Sells, vice president of Student Affairs and vice provost for Enrollment and Academic Services, and university President Sidney A. McPhee.
Morin is a longtime volunteer in Tennessee and also in Roatan, Honduras. She utilizes her Spanish and medical skills to serve as a translator for medical clinics and as a triage nurse assistant in Honduras and Murfreesboro at the Saint Thomas Health Partners-Saint Louise Oak Creek on North Highland Avenue.
“It is an honor to work with the community while training,” Morin said. “It keeps me going and reminds me why I’m doing what I’m doing.”
She acknowledged Peggy Stranges, owner of the low-income medical clinic in Honduras, and those associated with the Saint Louise clinic, who provide the $20 co-pays for people without insurance and drive from as far away as Kentucky for medical care.
In the summer of 2018, Morin completed a volunteer internship with Drs. Stacy Zuniga and Susana Goleas at the Loma de Luz Hospital in Balfate Colon, Honduras.
Morin had a “game-changing experience” as a translator for Dr. Stephen Mills, an obstetrician and gynecologist, on-call at night at a hospital in Brookhaven, Mississippi.
Morin’s father, Travis Morin, has been a full-time pastor of a nondenominational church in Roatan for eight years. Her mother, Tish, is a family and marriage counselor. Grandfather Raoul Morin is a doctor who lived in Honduras for three months and plans to return after being in the U.S. for a short time.
At MTSU, Morin is an Honors College Ambassador and managing editor for the Scientia et Humanitas, a peer-reviewed research journal. She conducts research in cellular and molecular biology.
She is a certified nurse assistant and holds Red Cross automated external defibrillator/CPR and Professional Association of Diving Instructors Rescue Scuba Diver certifications.
“Ella is very deserving of these honors,” Vile said. “She’s a tremendous representative for MTSU and the Honors College.”
Morin played piano at Beechgrove Cumberland Presbyterian Church, which is pastored by Vile, when the congregation previously met for Sunday morning services.
To learn more about the Honors College, call 615-898-2152.
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Rising senior Ella Morin of Knoxville, Tennessee, recently received the MTSU Student Organizations and Service Community Service Award for 2019-20. The Honors College rising senior is shown with the vase and plaque with accompanying certificate. She also was named one of five Harold Love Sr. Award college honorees earlier this year. (Submitted photo)
Ella Morin, left, an MTSU Honors College student from Knoxville, Tenn., volunteers with Honors College executive aide Cindy Phiffer in serving cake at the Phi Kappa Phi initiation event in November 2019. Morin is a member of Omicron Delta Kappa. (MTSU photo by Cat Curtis Murphy)
Ella Morin
MTSU Honors College rising senior Ella Morin of Knoxville, Tenn., gives a thumbs-up while collecting supplies on a medical mission trip to Honduras. She is a double major in biology and Spanish, utilizing the language skills as a translator and wanting to attend medical school after graduating from the university. (Submitted photo)
MTSU Honors College student receives MTSU, Harold Love Sr. community service awards Ella Morin’s a year away from continuing her mission to be a doctor in preventative medicine and community health.
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