#the first pic is when i only got her in november
hewwio · 1 year
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Arrested for frog on main
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hedgehog-moss · 1 year
Some plant news! I've been waiting impatiently to see if the stuff I planted last autumn had survived the winter, and it's looking good so far. All my young fruit trees are blooming (quince, cherry, apple, mirabelle)
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The persimmon has no blossoms but some microscopic leaves, I hope it grows more vigorous... I only lost one baby chestnut tree, which seems to have been massacred by a very angry animal. A boar having a bad day? I'll have to plant a couple more this autumn and protect them better. I can just use the remains of one of the many types of fences that Pampe has defeated.
My greenhouse now has to wear a blanket in the afternoons so it doesn't get too hot inside. I planted four flowering shrubs around it in November, so their roots will consolidate the new terraces, and I'm happy to say they are all accounted for—these two have already doubled in volume, they seem thrilled to be there:
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Whereas these two all but disappeared during the winter, the ground just swallowed them; I wasn't too optimistic but they showed up again last month, with timid new leaves :) (The pics are very zoomed in, the resurrected shrubs are about the size of my fist but I'm proud of them)
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Also I found wild redcurrants by the stream last year and I snapped a few small branches and just stuck them in a pot without really believing it would work. Internet said it would work but it seemed impossible. I left the pot outside all winter, never watering it or taking care of it in any way, with these four bare sticks that I sometimes looked at dubiously. It worked!!! They have leaves now! I made new redcurrant plants by sticking branches in dirt, it feels magical. They're my favourite berries too...
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(My project for next autumn will be to propagate elderberry cuttings alongside the fence.) And speaking of berries, I got to eat my first aquaponic-grown strawberry today, it was delicious <3 Congratulations to the 42 fish who are hard at work fertilising the plants in the towers. There are many more strawberries in preparation!
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I leave the greenhouse doors open all day when it's sunny so there are pollinators busily flying in and out, doing their job. I tried to relocate a few ladybirds to the strawberry towers to eat aphids but without success, I think they left immediately...
My lettuce and tomato plants are doing great, but the courgette plants got decimated by slugs despite my efforts to repel them. I ended up buying some organic antislug product a friend of my mum's recommended. I started new courgette seeds, and I'll wait until they're bigger to transplant them to slug territory.
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The little Mexican orange tree is blossoming, and finally making new leaves (the new ones are yellow) after looking worryingly bald for a while this winter. The blossoms really do smell like orange blossoms! I know it's right there in the name but I'm still like oh look at you you talented orange tree, you got the smell of your flowers right on the first try and everything
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Congrats to Mascarille who was looking for the greenhouse entrance in the above pic (she always has to walk around it a few times, she's confused by glass walls) and eventually triumphed over adversity.
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Oh and I'm still getting fresh peas, in homeopathic quantities. I found that they grow well in the middle of winter so I'll plant a lot more this autumn when the towers aren't full of strawberries and herbs; for now I've started just eating them raw like little green candy.
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Last but not least, Louise Michel the new hen has finally learnt how to climb my homemade stairs that lead to the greenhouse! Look at her showing off her new skill, all casually like this problem hasn't stumped her for weeks:
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sgiandubh · 2 months
I'm interested to know whether you came to enjoy Greek music during your many years living in Greece. Do you have any favorite Greek artists or songs that you'd be willing to share? I always enjoy your posts about Greece and all your travel stories for that matter 🙂
Dear Greek Music Anon,
This is a beautiful question and you have made my day: thank you for asking and come back whenever you want, whoever you are - you are always, always welcome!
If you think Greek music is just this...
... then you are touristically biased, Anon. And that is ok, to some extent and not really your fault, because this is exactly what they will have you listen to, when you make the childish mistake to book that Greek Evening on your cruise or tour. For some unfathomable reason, this is what they imagine foreign guests should be shown. But then there is music for their and their friends' souls, something completely different and a whole universe to discover.
This is Greek music to me, Anon:
The best Greek female voice of all times (Callas does not count, for innumerable reasons, we do not discuss a Goddess), Our Lady of the Rebetiko: Haris (it means Grace, by the way) Alexiou. A true Dame Blanche, witty, warm and rightfully worshipped. When I was first introduced to her, I was so moved I almost couldn't open my mouth in awe. I was stupidly glued to my French formulaic praise and I remember I just mumbled something along the lines of 'eh merde alors, fuck it, I just wanted you to know that to me, you are not only the voice of my teenage years: you are the Voice of Time itself'. She laughed and the rest is, as they say, history.
This happened in November 2018, after one of her concerts at the Gazarte hall in Athens: a dificult comeback for her, after a cancer scare. We were very moved and fangirling AF, my Culture and Press colleague (remember her from the Mycenae story? Greek music made us instant friends - I was the only one to know what she was talking about) and I:
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I have blurred my former colleague's face. I am not sure she wants to be seen on Tumblr, LOL. And see, Anon? I really look like an overwhelmed twat, in this pic. Chances are I'd look the same at Landcon 2025 (what was the last price, 149 euros? Sweet Baby Jesus, the results).
Haroula's one time lover (speculation is still rife and many shipped those two during the late Eighties and early Nineties, unaware it was completely true) and probably the Greek equivalent of Sinatra is George Dalaras. A., my colleague, is absolutely nuts about him and as such a big, boisterous presence in this man's fandom. She follows him just about everywhere (I didn't understand her and residually still don't, to be honest), so it's not a surprise I quickly got to meet the guy, after one of his extraordinary stunts at the Klimataria, a well-known tavern and rebetiko joint smack dab in downtown Athens (I think it was one week before I met and befriended Haroula, funny that):
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Now, he looks like a banker. But back in 1993, he looked and sang like this:
This is his greatest hit, if you ask me. Βαμμένα Κόκκινα Μαλλιά (Dyed Red Hair) is the score of a very successful Greek TV series during the Nineties (don't ask, it's very syrupy) and legit one of the most beautiful Greek love songs ever written. But unlike A, I am completely chilled as far as Dalaras is concerned and I think it showed, when we met. He offered an autograph and I said no, just because I am completely dumb, like that. The trouble is, he gently remembered me and he always brought it up every single time we met (at a couple of events and receptions) - how's that for totally embarrassing, eh?
And then you have the opera divas, among which is my dear friend Sonia Theodoridou, one of the best Greek sopranos after Callas. Sonia came back to Athens after a rich career in Germany right in the middle of the economic crisis turmoil. Things were not easy for her and I have to say, bless her heart, she is not an easy person, either (which opera singer is, mind you?). But her voice is magical and she loves to play with it. See what she can do with a really meh song, written and successfully performed by Pandelis Pandelidis, the one-time local Justin Bieber (he unfortunately died in 2016, in a motorcycle accident):
The strange instrument you see in the clip is a Cretan lyra, by the way. I hate it with a passion. But I still love Sonia, no matter what.
We shared a lot of things, Sonia and I. Here is our first pic, together with her ex-husband, Theodoros (still a friend):
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These people are those I personally know and like/love. I haven't told you anything yet about the formidable, mythical Maria Farantouri, Mikis Theodorakis' muse or Vicky Moscholiou, another diva (different niche, though). Nothing about Miltos Paschalidis, either, the mathematician turned singer or Alkinoos Ioannidis, perhaps the best Cypriot voice after George Michael. The only reason I won't, for now at least, is that I don't really like mammoth posts. And this is quickly turning into one of those.
But I digressed. You asked me about my favorite Greek song, Anon. It's Manos Hatzidakis' Kemal - a masterpiece with a strong, subversive political message in the guise of an Oriental cruel parable:
Do I know it by heart? Of course I do (and I always, always cry, because I am a sentimental idiot, like that). Singing along with the locals at concerts, in taverns, in your car, on that bus ride, is a mandatory part of the Greek experience. And the most heartfelt homage you can pay to all those wonderful men and women who make our world a brighter, better place.
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hoardlikegoldenirises · 2 months
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I'm posting this now because I'm impatient and also because I just got that commission done by jerribbit (go look at it and admire it 🥰) which is based off of the same thumbnail as this drawing (lol) 'cause I had one of those moments like, "wait this concept is too good for me to not also draw this picture," so even though I paid someone else to draw it, I decided to also draw it. But expanded upon.
anyway it's AU-related and I plan to actually put this in a post with some other images later but I have to like, draw the other images first...
these are both Kaine as he looks in Houston in windowverse; left in mid-october or thereabouts and right in mid-november ish. 2015. he's 26/27/28/6 years old depending on how you start counting. (lol) (he's 27 and a half)
originally, I was gonna put his costume underneath, but I ended up deciding to bare his neck, just for the like... cohesion of the image as a whole.
closeups/details under the cut:
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left pic is Kaine in mid-October ish as mentioned, mid-to-late really... he ran out of medication and he's not doing so hot. some breakthrough spots as his immune system kicks back into gear.
some of those spots (the little ones) are just from picking at his skin though.
then he gets eaten by werewolves.
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also shaves his head. the white pupil is a cataract he's had for a few years at this point. a combo of meds + physical trauma when he was a few years younger.
also it turns out shaving a character's face and making his cheeks rounder really shaves off the years.
he may be going through some shit and adjusting to new medications and so on and so forth but at least he's eating enough ❤️
stop chewing your lips dude. anyway i spent at least an hour on coloring his scars in the second pic lmao, i just enjoy that. Like, lighting? no. texturing? yes. it's just a bunch of overlapping marks of cain. mark of cains. handprints :) a la Spider-Man: Redemption.
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opposite side obviously.
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some red hairs in his scraggly little beard :p
his voice is fried, for the record. that scar is right over his voice box. it's like five years old though, so it's well-healed.
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and then it gets even more fried, probably. this relatively fresh extremely gnarly scar is from getting his throat ripped out by a werewolf lol.
He died! Then he got better. Obv being eaten by werewolves is directly lifted from his Scarlet Spider solo, though not everything is identical.
i had to bullshit the way it looks also cause idk about you but it seems like asking for trouble to try and google, like, "scars from wolf mauling" or something. lmao.
in the windowverse setting, the Other heals injuries but existing scars stay put, and in this case the life-threatening injuries he sustained made new scars rather than healing away to smooth skin, on account of, hey, he got torn limb from limb by werewolves! not exactly a papercut, you know???
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admire his hair. the only reason it's not one big fluff is because of his expensive hair products.
oh yeah blue pullover hoodie because that's what Ben has :)
and the charcoal gray hoodie is a $345 Derek Rose hoodie he got from Saks after Aracely decided that she liked his blue hoodie and it's hers now.
oh right as far as his age goes—
this pic is, as mentioned, how he looks in fall 2015.
he was ''born'' on 4/1/2009 (so if you must be literal he's 6 years old)
he reached 22 the day after Peter's 22nd birthday (10/31/2009) (so he's 28)
but his 22nd birthday wasn't until 4/1/2010 (so he's 27)
according to the birth certificate wally gets made for him in this au he was born on 4/1/1989 (so he's legally 26)
He usually counts from his observed 22nd birthday in 2010 so generally he would consider himself 27 at this point. as long as he can remember his fake birth year it doesn't matter if he forgets what age he's ''supposed'' to be and since he was born in 2009 technically that makes 1989 much easier to remember.
also aracely was born in 1999 in this universe so this makes her both 10 years older than and 10 years younger than him :) which was another factor in why i picked 1989
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chosetherose · 7 months
Taylor and her *M*ysterious bag
Is Taylor trying to tell us Tayvis is ☠️ after the Chiefs/Eagles game on 11/20? 🤔🤡
Taylor wore this bag called “M Frame” toward the tail end of the MH days. I started paying attention to it partly because I thought it was funny the name was almost like a play on the Matty name and “frame” for like staged pics etc.
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Black > White > Freedom
The first time she wore it was in May. We saw it with a black outfit then again the next week with a white outfit then the week after that People confirms Taylor and MH are over.
May 24 (black) and May 31 (white):
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Next, she wore it on June 22 with an Eagles shirt and I remember people wondering about it because the shirt choice felt odd. She just played Pittsburgh but her Philly concert was more than a month ago.
June 22:
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Notably, this wear was a month before Travis told the friendship bracelet story and rumors about them started swirling.
Now five months later she wore the M Frame bag again, this time with stunt orange. (This is also right after pumpkin dropped back to @spade-riddles blog so that could be the real connection if there is one).
November 3:
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Notice it’s facing away from the camera just like she had it with the Eagles pap walk. Makes it feel more linked to that wear than when she wore it during the MH days. She knows what she’s doing and what she wants to show when she calls is seen like this.
Anyway, because hindsight is 20/20 this got me thinking oh hey maybe that Eagles shirt wasn’t random. Maybe it was an Easter egg? When do the Chiefs play the Eagles? Monday 11/20.
Wait what does the M have to do with Travis? Well his middle name is…
➡️ Michael ⬅️
…so this could be a two birds one bag kinda situation.
Does it all mean something? I don’t know. The game is sandwiched between Taylor’s shows in Rio and São Paulo so it would be shocking to me if she went for a stunt. Maybe a split narrative around schedules? I do know we saw this bag right before the MH split, then with NFL gear, and now with orange. That’s the only times we’ve seen it this year that I’m aware of.
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therichantsim · 7 months
#sweet beginnings tag
This tag is all about looking at your past. All you need to do is to find one of the first screenshots you ever took (preferably also published), and post it beside the recent one! And tell everybody when you took that first picture! Oh, and don’t forget to tag your posts! #sweet beginnings tag
So in September 2018, I made this sim which at the time was loosely based on me and my life as an artist. Initially, she was called Simself but as her character developed she needed an actual name. So I named her Octavia Rich or Lady O because I've always liked that name. So much so that I almost named my daughter Octavia.
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Then one day not too long after that there was a public download for a male sim by @budgie2budgie. Mr. Obie Tremblay. He's now one of the main OCs in @trumpets0ng story Always Walker.
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However, since he already had a strong character base and story line I decided to use him as a base for Isaiah Blackburn. November 2018.
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Then I joined NSFT discord and started following sim stories got inspired and started documenting my gameplay and the dialog that was taking place in my head. That's how the beginning of the Blackburn Legacy story "Let It Burn" was born. It was a very very humble beginning. I edited pics on my mobile device, only being able to run my game on low settings, and all I had was about 5 gigs of cc mostly if not exclusively Peacemaker and CAS stuff. Yet a story was born and it was an itty bitty infant and now it's a full-grown ass adult.
Here they are the last time they were tweaked in CAS and the last picture I took of them. My blurbos, my boos, my OCs.
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I miss them. They'll be back soon. We're almost done finding the next Mrs. Blackburn for this legacy story.
I'm tagging @cinamun and @glammoose and anyone else who wants to share their original OC's beginning.
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nastasyafilippovnas · 4 months
hi! do you mind sharing what ts did? i don’t follow her much but have been a casual fan and want to know if that’s something i don’t want to associate with anymore
Hi, so, it's a lot of things coming together that make me really question the kind of person that she is.
It all started back in November when I went to the first one of her shows in Rio, here in Brazil. The weather conditions were extreme, the heat was unbearable, hundreds of fans fainted and/or felt bad (my sister threw up, for instance), and one fan died. TS wrote a half-ass message on her stories on instagram on how she was "devastated", and that was it. The girl wasn't from Rio and her family had to start a crowd founding campaign to get her body home, and only managed to due it due to fan donations. Taylor didn't help the family with anything. Next week, on the last one of the São Paulo leg (because the story still hasn't died here in BR and people were appalled with her behavior), she took some pics with some long-lost relatives of the girl and this was all we got in terms of accountability or acknowledgement of what happened.
Meanwhile, in the US, she was using her PR relationship with Travis to keep herself on the spotlight and kill any mentions of the dead fan (there were a bunch of articles about their relationship exactly at the same time).
A lot of people tried to find reasons for her behavior and defend her, saying it wasn't her fault and it was all due to the company that booked her shows. No one thinks it was her fault what happened, but she couldn't throw a few bucks to help transport the girl's body home? It really felt like she doesn't give a damn about Latin American/Global South fans.
On top of that, there's a genocide going on and she hasn't said a word about it, even though she has a huge platform and we've been seeing artists with a lot less visibility manifesting and actually getting fired/dropped because of their position on Palestine.
But okay, she doesn't "have" to talk about it. She is a singer, not a politician. Fine, that's her prerogative. Does she have to act so aloof and out of tune with everything, though?
In the grammys, she not only managed to make everything about her by announcing a new album, but also dragged her ex down again, by making the title a reference to him. Her ex that, not only never said a bad word about her, but is out there supporting Palestine while being bullied by her fans. Again, she can talk about her relationships all she wants, but, to me, it feels very wrong to keep throwing shade at your ex while being supposedly in a happy relationship. Especially considering how rabid her fans are and how they keep attacking him.
Last straw, today she donated a hundred thousand dollars to the victim of the Kansas Chiefs City parade shooting. That's awesome, except...she never gave anything to the Brazilian fan that died on one of her shows.
Idk, it might not seem like much, but I feel like her only priorities are making money and being on the spotlight, and that she doesn't care about anything else, especially not international fans or using her voice for something good. To me, she is coming off as petty, vindictive, aloof and simply out of touch with anything besides her rich life.
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MY AGGGTM HCS (mostly pipravi)!
-Pips fav colour is dark red
-Ravis fav colour is navy blue
-Pip has always been burnout.
-Pip has the best comebacks possible
-Ravis parents ADORE pip
-I mean they legit have her phone number added, and always talk to her
-pip loves Ravi’s parents
-pip always exaggerates
-Connor would blast Ybwm when he had a crush on pip
-Cara would kiss pip on the cheek
-pips an omnivert
-Ravi also is
-Cara and Connor are extroverts
-Ravi has a really calming singing voice, so every time pip has a nightmare, Ravi would sing to her to help her fall asleep (this hc is inspired by @incorrect-pipravi ‘s hc!)
-the only way pip was able to fall asleep after what happened with Stanley was if Ravi was with her
-they get married when pip is 21 and ravi is 24
-they have their first child (a boy) 2 years later
-mini sal ends up inheriting his uncles dog allergy so they cant get a dog
-they have a daughter named aria 2.5 years later
-random af but i hc that aria was a premie baby
-sal is identical to his dad while aria is identical to her mom
-they are RICH RICH
-their older son Sal is born on November 6, and their younger daughter aria is born in June 28.
-aria is a mamas girl, like she’s attached to pip by the hip
-she Also loves her dad tho
-she’s a picky eater
-Ravi loves to be physically close to pip
-their first time was in a car (don’t ask)
-Ravi cried when he saw baby Sal for the first time bcs he reminded him so much of his older brother.
-they aren’t big fans of PDA but they would occasionally give each other a peck on the lips
-their first kiss was after Ravi spun her around after they confirmed sals innocence
-like I imagine him putting her down and kissing her at the same time, and just as he’s about to pull back from embarrassment she starts kissing him back
-when she overdosed, Ravi refused to leave her side
-Ravi wasnt there when pip woke up, but when he got the call from her mum, he balled his eyes out from relief
-when he saw her after she woke up, he hugged her so tightly, told her to never risk her life like that again, and then kissed her forehead, and then lips😜
-though Ravi is sweet, he LOVES teasing pip when their having yk (again, don’t.ask.)
-he often flirts with pip discretely when their around others to tease her
-they make out often (don’t.ask)
-Ravi has a lot of pics of pip sleeping and vice versa
-they have a shit ton of 0.5s of each other
-Ravi loves baking/cooking for pip
-Ravi hates it when pip has a panic attack, every time she does it feels like his heart is being stepped on because her panic attacks can be so severe.
-the first time she had a panic attack with him he did cry a bit bcs it sounded like she was in so much pain and he genuinely had no idea how to comfort her, or make it go away.
-after what happened with Stanley, pip had ideas of self deletion.
-she told Ravi this at one point and he held her while she cried for abt an hour
-pip has a shitty immune system so she’s always sick
-Ravi is the exact opposite, he never gets sick
-whenever pip is sick, Ravi would always take care of her (ie:spoon feeding her when she’s too weak to do so herself)
-once tho she had a fever so high ravi had to take her to hospital
-he obvs cried bcs of how worried he was
-ravi has a big daddy dick❤️😜 (joke obviously)
-pip has a key to Ravi’s house and vice versa
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golbrocklovely · 5 months
i'm really lost, can you explain the timeline of Colby going from ms singer to m? just super confused about it all hahah
of course anon, i would love to lol
i'm actually genuinely happy someone finally asked me something like this bc i've been seeing a lot of misinformation and i'm really tired of it.
i'm explaining everything, pictures and all. i'm blurring out ppl's names and sticking to the codes names i've given the girls involved. i get that you can find these names relatively easy, i'm just not gonna be the place for you to do so.
some of the things i'm gonna mention don't have physical proof, bc they were in a live stream or just stuff i didn't take ss of. but trust me everything i'm gonna say is real and not me making shit up.
so… let's start from the beginning.
the first major misconception that i've seen is that colby and ms singer got together back in march, dated until october/november, and then colby just haphazardly moved onto m. ppl say this bc they use the pic of them out that leaked and compare it to the pic of her wearing the same outfit in march on her insta.
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now idk how this got lost in translation, but ppl are trying to say it's m in the pic??? it's not, but cool that you guys want to believe that lol
but again, this fandom is holding onto "oh well, her pic on insta is from march, so that means that a, this pic was taken in march, and b, they have been together since then". respectfully, did yall forget that ppl rewear clothes? just curious.
i also literally saw her, on her story, post the exact same outfit, but in november. so....
the pic of him and ms singer is not from march. it got post on tiktok in october.
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and HERE is colby, at universal horror nights, which is where the photo was taken, meeting a fan.
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now, this might not proof enough, bc he could have just been dating her secretly and this was the first time they were "caught" in public. but let's be forreal for two seconds. first off, in march, he was deciding whether or not to get chemo. and on top of that they were working nonstop to have backlog content in case of him getting chemo. neither one of them had gfs or time for gfs.
on top of all of this, i have more proof that they didn't start seeing each other until september. colby did not even follow her until sept 21ish. i know this bc i keep track of who he follows and when. yes, i know it's weird. idc. here's other ppl he followed at that time:
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the black box is ms singer's name.
now, onto the stuff i don't have proof of - right as all this information was blowing up, ms singer started getting more viewers on her tiktok livestreams. one of the first ones she had after the above tiktok dropped, she was asked during her livestream what's the best date she was on and she said it was one that happened recently, most likely alluding to colby's (with sam in tow most likely with k/la girl).
the biggest proof of them all is that ms singer herself said in a livestream that she didn't meet colby until september. she outwardly said that. i have friends who heard her say that, not just anons that randomly tell me things. actual ppl i have convos with daily.
now, we have to move on to how he got with m. everything this point down will just be complete speculation on my part. the only proof i have is that colby did not start following m until the day after sam's bday. she was at the party after the marathon bc k brought her there (and k was also there obviously).
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personally, what i believe happened was that ms singer was very heavy handed on the fact that she personally wants to get married and have kids soon even tho she's only 21. she said it multiple times on tiktok. idk why you want to rush into that type of stuff, but hey, you do you. that being said, most likely, while they both enjoyed their time together, colby is not exactly ready to settle down and have kids anytime soon. so he most likely backed off of ms singer.
after halloween, ms singer was no where to be found with colby. what i believe happened is since k/la girl and sam were already together, she decided to bring along m to sam's bday bash. m and colby clicked, and they spent all this time together.
now, when it comes to ms singer and k and m being in some weird little drama where ms singer feels slighted - first off, i have no clue about any of that for certain. ms singer continues to be vague, for good reason, and so it's hard to know what happened. if i was ms singer, i too would be a bit pissed if my friend brought some other girl to be around the guy i was into, just bc he wasn't into me. i'm not trying to say all of this isn't messy. it is to some degree, but i don't fully blame k. colby is a grown man. if he wanted to continue his friendship with ms singer after they "broke up", he would have. clearly, it just wasn't in the cards. or maybe he felt awkward being friends with her still after moving onto someone she knew/is somewhat friends with.
okay, i think that's everything. if there is anything else you need me to explain, feel free to ask. the only reason i really wanted to answer this kind of ask was bc i've heard some whispers via comments on tiktok and twitter and whatever else that some fans think or believe that sam cheated on kat with k just bc ms singer (who is good friends with k) and kat knew each other. bc they think the timing of everything is "suspicious".
first off, kat and sam broke up in march. ppl mistakeningly believe ms singer was in the picture around this time, which is why they think k/la girl is also in the picture. that's just factually not true. secondly, sam was literally fuckboying his ass up during the summer: he followed multiple asian girls (like almost 10) in julyish before during and after japan, danced and spent the night with that random girl that was on jc's stream during his party (while colby had fun with her friend, mind you), and then ppl speculated that he had a thing with niki going on too. that boy was having fun during this period prior to september, which is when he ACTUAL started seeing k/la girl. and third, if sam or kat cheated on one another, i'm 99% certain we would have known way before now. they literally explained in their break up video that nothing actually happened, sam just wasn't ready for marriage. not to mention, if he did cheat, YALL AIRING IT OUT IS NOT THE WAY TO DO IT. if they were hiding something like that from us, realistically it would be for good reason. it's not your business to share that intimate of details.
and before anyone gets on my ass about that comment, everything i'm sharing with yall is already public info. i'm not speculating, minus what happened between ms singer and la girl. but even bits of that have been told by ms singer herself so… don't come for me lol
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The Aragon/Cleves Curse: A History
This is kind of a joke and kind of not. The Aragon/Cleves first cover combo has proved to be quite problematic for our alts! Today, I’ll be detailing every actress affected by this “curse” in any capacity.
VICTIM #1: SHEKINAH MCFARLANE West End Alternate, 15 August - 12 October 2019
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(pic 2 - @/89samwithacam, pic 3 - @/bonniebritainphotography) Shekinah initially had second and third covers in her contract but only had enough time to rehearse her first covers because she was already casted as principal Cleves for the second UK Tour. Just the first of many who were denied debuts...
VICTIM #2: ELLA BURNS Australia Swing, 25 January to 5 March 2020
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(pic 2 - promotional material, pic 3 - taken by cast member) Ella did cover all six roles, but she only got to debut Aragon and Cleves before the production shut down due to COVID-19. She also ended up being the only swing that didn’t return when the production re-opened. This example seems out of step with the others in this list, but it’s too big not to mention.
VICTIM #3: CASSANDRA LEE UK Tour Alternate, 24 October 2019 - 9 March 2022
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(pic 2 - @/daisygalforgphotography, pic 3 - @/paigeleigh_photography) For the three years she was in the show, Cassy somehow only played her first covers despite both her fellow alternates on tour Jennifer Caldwell and Harriet Watson hitting swingo. This, allegedly, was by her own choice.
VICTIM #4: PAISLEY BILLINGS West End Alternate, 16 November 2021 - 16 October 2022
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(pic 2 - @/daisygalforgphotography, pic 3 - @/snappy_six, pic 4 - @/mattpartphoto) Paisley is the first Aragon/Cleves alternate to debut a second cover: Parr. That was the only other cover she got to debut, however, and she was the only swalt to leave at cast change. Her fellow alternates, Roxanne Couch and Danielle Rose, got to do 5/6 and a swingo, respectively. Note that this was Paisley’s first musical theatre gig and it might have been her choice to stick to 3 debuts.
VICTIM #5: KELLY DENICE TAYLOR Broadway Standby, 22-27 June and 17-23 July 2022
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(pic 2 - unknown, pics 3 & 4 - taken by cast) This is a tamer example, but Kelly (of the Aragon Tour) had gone on standby on Broadway two separate times. This first time, she only covered Aragon and Cleves. She never needed to go on that time. The second time around, she covered Aragon, Cleves, and Seymour. That time she ended up having to go on -- as Seymour.
VICTIM #6: GRACE MELVILLE UK Tour Alternate, 10 March 2022 - 23 April 2023
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(pics 2 & 4 - @/isaacgrinnellphoto, pics 3 & 5 - taken by cast member) Our most recent victim is Grace, who is the first Aragon/Cleves alternate to debut both second covers - those being Boleyn and Parr. She, unfortunately, hit a snag early on in the tour with Aiesha Pease’s departure. In the time that Grace had to serve as temporary principal Cleves, Leesa already debuted both of her second covers! Grace had time to catch up when Jaina left and Leesa had to pull temporary principal Howard duty for a time, but eventually she still ended with 4/6. With Grace having played her last scheduled show just a couple days ago, yet another swingo has been denied.
POTENTIAL VICTIM #7: MONIQUE ASHE-PALMER West End Alternate, 18 October 2022 - Present
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(pic 2 - @/snappy_six, pic 3 - unknown, pic 4 - @/myheartofstonexo, pic 5 - taken by cast member) And so I bring you to our latest A/C Alt, Miss Monique Ashe-Palmer of the West End cast. She actually has the most decent chances so far of subverting the curse, as we’re about halfway through the current cast’s run and she has debuted both second covers. However, she still does lag behind fellow newcomer alternate Leah Vassell in terms of debut dates and she has the least amount of shows performed among her cast. Time will tell how the curse treats our northern queen!
Now, I’m not calling Six racist, but something has to be said when every doomed A/C alt has been black. Six tends to typecast black women as Aragon and Cleves and that’s totally on them, but the curse part is obviously a series of unusual coincidences and not anyone’s fault -- I think. Regardless, it’s been very interesting to track these sorts of things and I might make similar posts like this in the future.
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neattequila · 1 year
Harry's Style Evolution (by an actual stylist) Part 3: Fine Line Era! Part 2 of 2*
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Gorlies I can't believe I hit pic limit on the first Fine Line Era post (I can believe it, I have so much to say.)
Anyway this is Harry's Style evolution part THREE part TWO (like how they made Breaking Dawn two movies ya get me?)
*PLEASE read part 1 first. That is linked HERE!
January of 2020 feels like it was a lifetime ago, but here we are. Fine Line the album just came out in December and after preforming the full album twice, once in LA and once in London. Harry's back in London for award season.
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The pics aren't revealed til later but H rings in the New Year in the INFAMOUS "But Daddy I Love Him" shirt <3
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Later in January arrives at Radio one in a gorgeous Bode jacket carrying Gucci's Jackie purse.
But girls (gender neutral) get comfy because it's time for the Brit Awards and the look we need to talk about is this one.
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LISTEN!!! The girls that get it GET IT! Because this was EVERYTHING EVERYTHING!!!
To DATE I think this is the best award show look he's ever worn, contending only with the leather suit at the Grammy. I really thought this was going to be the new style. It's sexy, it's slightly punk, it's BRIT POP references chock full!
The Mary Janes, the Brown suit with the purple sweater and blue lace color with the pearls and the HAIR! THE BRIT POP PUNK HAIR! This was *chefs kiss* I am absolutely devastated that we never got anything like her again.
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Also at the Brit Awards he wears this yellow suit paired with purple necktie, and Treat People With Kindness pin. For his beautiful falling performance he wears a full lace ensemble including gloves. This night is also includes my blog name's origins.
Fine Line promo continues and Harry wears a myriad of cozy outfits.
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In New York he wears a JW Anderson cardigan, later to become TikTok famous with the "Be Healthy, Eat Your Honey" shirt and Gucci jeans. Later he wears another sweater vest (staple of the FL Era,) and for NPR's Tiny Desk he wears a Gucci mohair sweater.
At the beginning of the end March 2020 Harry's shoot for Beauty Papers comes out. One of my FAVORITE editorials he's ever in.
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These photos are gorgeous, camp, sexy, kind of eerie. He's photographed and directed by Casper Sejersen who I think absolutely killed it. Beauty Papers always has amazing queer camp shoots and I highly recommend paying attention to them.
The world goes into lockdown and H releases the previously recorded "Watermelon Sugar" music video "Dedicated to touching."
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Most of the ensemble is Gucci but some pieces were vintage thrifted including the loose-knit tank (right.)
Harry grows out his facial hair and becomes even sexier somehow.
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Like fr. This is the hottest he's ever been. Left he wears a hoodie that he made himself printed with photographs of philosopher Alain de Botton, and paired with the vintage military jacket he was wearing in Japan during 2019. Middle I just think this pic of him is so hot, and right he wears a custom Bode shirt.
September 2020 Harry becomes the first man to ever be on the cover of Vogue!
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Y'all I was so excited when this first came out. So imagine when I opened the magazine and saw the absolute trash outfits they put him in for it. Like literally all of these outfits are some of the worst he's ever worn. Like honey clean up! Vogue is here!
The only piece I adored from this whole shoot was the custom Bode pants. Bode has a chokehold on me and I wish Harry L would've featured more of them in this shoot.
In October of 2020...
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The MV for Golden is released after being filmed in Italy and heavily features both Gucci and S.S. Daley pieces. The Eliou necklaces he covets make their first official debut in this video as well.
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In November he films (released in December) this performance for iHeartRadio. He's wearing head to toe Gucci with a custom Eliou necklace. His hair and this performance is so dreamy. (Left)
He also starts filming Don't Worry Darling *crowd boos* and among his cozy on set looks this is my favorite. The pictures of him this day really made me go gaga. He wears a Free & Easy shirt paired with Elder Statesmen sweatpants and New Balance sneakers.
It's 2021 baby! Harry rings in the new year by releasing the video for TPWK with Phoebe Waller Bridge
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We're jumping to March 2021, I'm scared to hit pic limit again lol, with the GRAMMYS!
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Harry wore three! outfits to the Grammy's where he took home his first ever Grammy for Song of the Year. All three looks were Gucci and all featured feather boas which he never wore again! Which is odd because it really seemed like it was going to be a tour staple, but wasn't!
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Throughout the summer and into fall his personal style is very casual, this makes sense. We're still in a pandemic and everyone is trending to a more casual fit sense. I had to include the pink beanie because every time I remember that it's $112 I go inside. Girl I got the same one for like $10 from Forever21 5 years ago!
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In April Harry stars in a Gucci campaign along with many other celebs (left,) he also attends the Brit awards in May (Right) wearing a Gucci ensemble that isn't bad but is nothing to write home about. This is the first time we see him in Gucci Gazelle sneakers which will later become a staple.
September the long awaited Love on Tour officially starts!
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The tour kicks off in Las Vegas with a fun sparkly Gucci outfit, and continues with these suspender/open shirts/high waisted pants that we saw on the Fine Line cover. These outfits are underwhelming but do ultimately make sense.
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The tour outfits really do blend together, the full collection can be found HERE, so here are three of my favorites <3
We'll end our Fine Line coverage with the first annual Harryween!
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Harry wore custom Gucci ensembles for both, one dressing as Dorothy and one dressing as a pierrot.
Next is Harry's House Era!
Thank you again for all the love, and for bearing with me when I had to split these into two parts!
See you next time <3
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alarrytale · 2 months
Hello Marte!
A little ask for you as I just want to understand it all completely - why was H saying "We're all a little bit gay, aren’t we" that big deal? He said it after years again during my show in Vienna which also makes me wonder if it was because he knows his "iconic" quotes and how popular it became or it´s just his sublte way to express he´s gay but if he´ll say it every other show it won´t be that big deal.
Also wondering about the missing English breakfast while on tour gif from like 2013-2014? Hope you´ll remember which one I mean, it was from some interview on red carpet I guess, H was wearing beige jacket and he´s holding microfone and fonding like crazy while looking down to the floor. What was the context and why it was such a big deal for larries? I know that Louis said he has a proper english breakfast and how happy it made him for some interview last year while touring in US but that gif with H was during 1D so Louis was with him all the time.
And my last question. How do you think Louis deals with H stunting when it comes to him doing pda with those women? We know they both were really jealous about each other in the beginning and it breaks my heart both of them had to deal with their closet this way and went that far with acting straight that they had to do pda. But imo it´s worse with H ´cause he´s a big celebrity with his womanizerTM image and him doing pda always end up in tabloids ´cause we all are meant to see it. Idk but it makes me really sad whenever I saw him kissing his stunt and that´s not how gf harries like call it "you´re jealous ´cause it´s not you, he will never date you" but it´s just makes me so weird to see him go this far and cross this intimate line and I just don´t want to see him doing this while I´m just a random person but...how Louis must feel? And especially during that awful 2 years of h*livia when she was clinging on him like crazy thinking she can actually make him fall in love with him, the yachtgate 2.0 when she touched him while he was almost naked, he had to kiss her etc. Idk how hard it can be for H but imo it´s much worse for his real partner.
Hi, anon!
It was a big deal because it was the first time (and one of the only times) he's said the G-word (gay). He also basically admitted to being gay. He hid it behind a claim that everyone is a little bit gay (that's just not true). I think he said it because he knew he could get away with it (it did create plenty of headlines though).
About the english breakfast incident. I think you're mixing things up a bit. 1D was performing on Good Morning America in november 2013. They were interviewed on stage between songs, and they were asked what they miss the most when they're away from home. Louis answered a good fry up and started to explain everything that's needed to make a perfect English breakfast.
We all know he can't cook for shit, so someone at home most be cooking this for him to miss it. Harry looked particularly guilty lol. It's just domestic!larry and confirmation that H cooks breakfast for L. H also confirmed he was single in this interview, so it was good times.
I think L deals okay with H stunting and doing PDA with women. I think it was harder for him in the beginning. I also think it's harder for him when H isn't getting along with the beard or when fandom buys into the stunt. I think both H and L approach their stunts like an actor. For all we know it's rehearsed, discussed and maybe they even got intimacy coordinators involved. H knows how hard it felt when L was stunting with E, so they've both gone through it and know how the other one feels. I think L is busy doing his thing and he isn't exposing himself to the stunt articles, narrative and pictures. Why would he? If seeing pics of H doing PDA is hurting him, or he's seeing H hurting while doing it, he won't look. He knows how this goes and is used to it by now.
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ocprompts · 11 months
UHHHH HI. EXPLOSION EMOJI. love your blog btw :3 found it via sneep snorping through a follower of one of my sideblogs's tumblr (b!david is very cool)
SO BASICALLY i have these four little guys who are in a BAND together !! their names are BENNETT, PIPER, NATHOS, AND ASH !! i plan to make a videogame about them and one of my closest friends helped design two of them (more like redesign really, i made the four guys before i decided on them being in a band together and so their designs were all over the place and so i made their designs more coordinated with eachother, and my friend redesigned piper and ash with me mentioning the basic things i had in mind) (i also very slightly changed the redesigns (as in i literally just made ash's eyes purple to match with xer jacket color and some other tiny things HGJFIKM))
gonna just copy and paste their artfight bios here, wouldve done the links but you need an account to actually view the links HGANKFJN
Name: Bennett Hubbard Nickname/s: Benny Boy (jokingly) Age: 21 Birthday: November 3rd Species: Human Height: 6'2 Gender: Male Pronouns: he/him Sexuality: No one knows Relationship status: Single Occupation: Bassist for the band The Drawing Board, burger flipper on the side Personality: A bit blunt, but means well. Will stand up for what is right. Likes: Music, his friends, sweet and spicy food (not at the same time), bugs Dislikes: Ignorant people, pickles (will only eat them when he absolutely has to)
Name: Piper Cline Nickname/s: N/A Age: 21 Birthday: May 24th Species: Human Height: 5'5 Gender: Female Pronouns: she/her Sexuality: Pansexual Relationship status: Single Occupation: Keyboardist for the band The Drawing Board, repairwoman on the side Personality: A bit shy at first, but once she knows you well enough, she'll trust you with her life! She's a bit of a nerd. Likes: Music, her friends, science Dislikes: Pretty much anything wet and squishy. Sensory issues </3
Name: Nathos McBride Nickname/s: Nate, Natorade Age: 21 Birthday: July 14th Species: Human Height: 6'4 Gender: Male (transmasc) Pronouns: he/it Sexuality: Pansexual Relationship status: Single Occupation: Drummer for the band The Drawing Board, side job TBD Personality: Super sweet! He's calm and collected, and ready to take on anything, as long as it isn't too caught off guard by anything that comes across. Likes: Music, its friends, stuffed animals Dislikes: Rude and arrogant people
Name: Ash Lopez Nickname/s: N/A Age: 21 Birthday: February 16th Species: Human Height: 6'4 Gender: Non-binary Pronouns: xe/xem Sexuality: Greysexual Relationship status: Single Occupation: Guitarist for the band The Drawing Board, side job TBD Personality: Literally the silliest guy ever. Chronic practical joker. Likes: Music, xer friends, bright colors Dislikes: Being taken advantage of
i also put the 4 of them into separate rps !! the one bennett is in is the only one thats started. also that where i got the nickname benny boy from (but the things that happen in their respective rps arent considered canon, more like an au, also that would be wayyy too much trauma to stuff into them when im already gonna give them trauma in the videogame story itself HGAKFJNDCJKM)
ANYWAY !! here they are, bennett piper nathos and ash respectively :] formatting is bad so have One Giant Ash
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and heres piper and ash, drawn by @pastel-bleu-art !!!
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a bit hard to tell from the pics (ILL MAKE A BETTER REF SOMEDAY ...) but piper is a bit chubby :] ANYWAY thats about all i have to say about em because i dont wanna say too much because of GAME SPOILERS ... but just. quick synopsis: they are chosen by the great goddess oda to save the universe by defeating the cacophonous six !! but shit goes down. oh and btw i feel that it's important to mention that they are essentially weezer but gay /silly
i LOVE gay and silly people <2
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foxgloveinspace · 8 months
@thoseeyeslikefire @absentviolet @kyloreno-911 (if anyone else wants to be tagged in my knitting updates and wants to tag me/us in their knitting updates just shoot me an ask!! And I'll try to remember to do so! Also If I'm supposed to be tagging you and I'm not, just tell me please!)
This is a long one!! And It's in the middle of the week cause I was waiting for yesterday, cause I got a little yarn haul, and then I was super excited and cast on with some of the yarn lmao.
I'm talking a lot about knitting plans today too, along with some of my w.i.p.s.
Firstly, my halloween/skulls cardigan is on hold for the moment, just cause I don't have enough yarn to finish it. I am almost done with side one, and I have used two and a half skeins, and I only have two left, and I'm on row 27? I think, of 31. I think. So I'm gonna get another skein this week when we go grocery shopping, and hope that it will be enough lol.
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the first pics of the post, lol. You may be going 'Fox, didn't you just finish this hat?' the answer is yes! But while i was making it, my mom fell in love with it, and so I cast on another one immediately after. I am probably gonna finish this up today, but I decided to include pics, cause I'm keeping it in this really cute halloween bag my aunt gave me.
I am not mad about making another of these hats, I love the pattern (its the Ryegate Hat), and this yarn. I am so in love with this yarn, it's the Light Weight Essential Cotton Yarn by K+C. I love it so much in fact that I think I have more knitting plans with it. In this color too, cause it will be perfect for the project I have in mind.*
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next we have part of the yarn haul, lmao. I was too excited when I got new sock yarn and immediately cast on a new pair of socks. I am making A Little Hocus Pocus socks, and I am making them with Paton's Kroy Socks Yarn in the color Midnight Orchid. It reminds me a lot of the genderqueer flag, but that wasn't the reason I got the yarn lol. I honestly just saw it an fell in love with the colors, and it didn't hit me that it matches my flag until I cast it on. I just thought it looked very magical.
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the second part of my yarn haul are these beautiful skeins of Fishermen's Wool from Lion's Brand, in the color oatmeal. This is also kicking off my knitting plans for the future part of the post this week. This yarn is going to be used for a Gaia Shawl, which will be my Birthday Shawl for this year. Last year I started a tradition of casting on a shawl on my birthday, I made a Campfire Cozy shawl, and I knit on it during November and December and then I lived in it in January and February. I'm very excited to have a new shawl in the family tbh, even though I mostly wear them around the house. I don't know if this one will take me as long, and the Campfire Cozy has SO many textures, and the 'lace' portion was so complicated I started it over at least twice. I was also watching The Musketeers while knitting that lol, so that didn't help my concentration.
But because I can't cast that on until the 26th, I'm going to be picking back up my pass the honey cardigan, its been off to the side for a couple months now. I think I was just frustrated with it tbh. I like it a lot, but it was going to be a gift, and now it's just...... Here. And while I do like it a lot, I also feel a bit guilty about it?? Cause I tried so hard to make something my sister will enjoy wearing, and I couldn't find it at all. Very sad about that. But I do want to finish it, and I also think I have an idea about something I could make her in the future. But yes, I do want to finish that cause I think it will be great to wear in January.
*And Lastly, going back to the Light Weight Essential Cotton Yarn by K+C, Next month, a sweater pattern from the.creabea (Rebecca) called the Stick Season sweater will be coming out. And I am head over heels in love with this sweater. So I am going to be knitting it in the same yarn as the hats I've been making (both cause I have some left over, and because I think it will be amazing in this yarn). She also just has some absolutely beautiful knitting patterns, and I want to knit her patterns that are coming out for advent season this year too. I think her other sweater pattern that just came out, the Alder Sweater, is absolutely beautiful, but I am very intimidated by it, lol. Maybe one day I'll give it a try.
And that's it from me this week! Thanks for reading if you made it to the end, happy knitting and crocheting y'all!
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maxverstepponme · 1 year
tell me more, I wasn’t around the peaceful dilara days or the other girls so im invested? 👀 // Ok, here we go. Starting with Sabré, we will also have to talk about Mikaela. In 2016, while still dating Max, Mikaela gave an interview to a swedish newspaper and said that Max started sending her messages in November 2014 and they first met at a circuit in 2015. In November 2014 Max was already dating Sabré (I think Mikaela didn't know that). I must say that I always found the relationship with Sabré the most bizarre Max has ever had (and that includes this shitshow with K) because it always seemed to me that he had zero real interest in her. She lived in the USA and he was in Europe. They barely saw each other during the months they were together (I remember they being seen together only 4 times in 6 months), and in addition to already showing some interest in Mikaela, Max also followed several other girls while he dated Sabré. Sabré spent the New Year with him in Amsterdam and man was all night long on a liking spree on pics of models (poor Sabré, lol). Now let's go to Mikaela. Max cheated on her with Joyce Godefridi. The press in Belgium and in the Netherlands reported that he contacted Joyce through instagram when he got promoted to RBR, and even visited her in Belgium after winning in Barcelona in May. Max and Mikela broke up in June, and the day after Mikaela's management confirmed the breakup, Joyce finally posted Max on her snapchat. Mikaela spent months being shady towards Max, posting a bunch of pics with different men, and cryptic messages on snapchat like "know your worth", "better to be alone than with the wrong person", etc.. She even attended the race that took place right after Joyce posted Max on her snapchat (Joyce wasn't there, and Max and her didn't even make to the second week of July). Finally Dilara. Max and Dilara were seen together in public for the last time during the testing in Barcelona in February 2020, and something happened during those days because Max followed a dutch men's magazine that posted half-naked models and followed one of the models they had just posted. During March he followed a few women, and at the last week of that month fans noticed that the number of posts in Dilara's account had suddenly decreased, and there were no comments from her under Max's most recent posts. Two weeks later, Max was caught donating money to a titty streamer on twitch. By the way, in 2019 already there were moments when Max followed random women and these moments coincided with times when he was not seen with Dilara in a while. Then they'd be seen together again and he'd unfollow those women shortly after. Who knows if their relationship wasn't falling apart a year before it actually ended. See how always had a pattern of Max start following other women when he loses interest in the current girlfriend. He always let it slide when he falls out of love and wants something new. He just can't hide. The only thing that would make it different with K is if she suddenly dumps him and we know she won't do that. So don't waste your time with theories, insiders and speculations about their relationship until we wake up one day and see at least 5 thirst trap models among Max's recent follows. FYI: During the 7 months that Max was single in 2020, he followed over 100 different women (including K and Salome)
True, but I don’t think he can follow women now tho, Kelly literally has his log ins 💀 Remember the time around the block gate? “Max” was unfollowing women -he even unfollowed a friend or smth-, and the moment someone said it was Kelly behind it, the unfollowing stopped LMFAO.
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thenightlymirror · 7 months
Trying to unpack today
Was supposed to be off at some meeting all day. They decided I didn’t need to go. I didn’t. But I was sort of looking forward to seeing some old friends. They said they missed me. That was nice.
Started work and all management and admin staff were at the meeting. The sales manager was late. Two counselors weren’t coming in, and the others were late. The superintendent was asked to help at another cemetery.
Two burials were basically ready for tomorrow.
Irina calls me to say that a big stone they were waiting until today to install for the family has a giant scratch in it. $25,000. Something like that. I get there and the superintendent is filling it in with black marker. She’s watching.
I call the engraver to see what he can do. He’s out somewhere else all day. He’ll come in tomorrow.
No one is doing the paperwork I’ve asked them to. And now there are suddenly two more burials for tomorrow. (Guess it was a good thing I was there.)
Ricky is missing a permit for the burial that is about to happen that he isn’t here for. Nice. Also, he has a signed document with no space number on it. Also for tomorrow. He sends me a cellphone pic of the document via text message. I print it out on the Konica.
I come over to help the sales office and get stuck there for the rest of the day.
I’m mostly trying to get the burial paperwork finished, but if they make me wait, they can also make me do their jobs as I wait. Bit of a pickle.
Family comes in and their marker is backwards. Woman comes in to yell at me because her monument isn’t installed. Who said it would be? New guy. November 2nd. Amazing guess. Wrong.
A woman calls and says she needs proof her mother and grandmother were buried in the Jewish parts of the cemetery. I can tell her where they’re buried, but she can’t have our documents. What the hell for? Rabbi needs them or else her daughter can’t get married. She just keeps telling me to xerox some legal documents “for Jewish purposes.” Oh. Well if you put it that way.
The thing is, I want to just make her a map, and maybe say, yeah they’re here. Signed, Me. But I cannot find documentation for her mother anywhere. Fucking anywhere. I try fucking everything. Finally, she just goes to work. I say I’ll call her tomorrow. I’m going to have to get up on this ladder and just go through interment books to find her.
So of course there’s a line now. It’s only me in this office. I have a totally different job that is managing the headstones in this giant cemetery, which would just be a golf course, except for all the headstones. But I’m here. Woman wants to by evergreen grave coverings, for a couple people. A little cash. A couple credit cards. Wants to see the silk flower collection. It’s in the back and no one’s pulled them out in a month.
Sometimes people come in asking about markers and, I swear to fucking God every time, yes, they bought one, but they never designed or “ordered” it. It’s just money sitting in a bank. Every fucking corporation these days is just the First Bank of Starbucks. So they’re like “Where is it?” and it’s like, Did you say Simon says? I’m sorry. Then it doesn’t exist. It’s still just frog eggs in the swamp.
They aren’t doing my blind checks still, they’re out standing services.
A woman comes from Arizona having a panic attack and wants her mother’s unused plots. Just because. Maybe she could have called for a thing like that. She’ll wait for the manager.
I end up staying an extra hour. One file for a burial tomorrow just hid on a counselor’s desk for hours. Woops.
One still isn’t done. The other never got dug. It’ll get done tomorrow. Instead of getting more stones in.
New guy said “…You’re so calm.”
I don’t show my face much in the other office, because they just expect me to be the receptionist when I’m there. New guy’s never seen someone in that space not writhe in hysterics immediately. I was. I was.
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