#the fourth wall break i think about u often...
batsplat · 5 months
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Jerez 2005 | Misano 2019: Valentino Rossi and Marc Marquez celebrate victory on enemy soil amid booing from the spectators
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0zzysaurus · 2 months
do u have any advice for writing g1 wreck-gar dialogue i have a potentially wreckrod ish thing i wanna write but i find myself drawing such a blank when it comes to his TV talk
I have some advice for this!!
Firstly, consider how much TV-Talk you want to actually give him. Depending on his iteration, the degree to which he actually uses it can be quite different. You can get away with doing none, and you can get away with doing a fuck ton. Some official writers have written his dialogue exclusively in pop-culture references in the past, and others have omitted the language entirely.
In G1 and the G1 Comics including the movie, he uses almost entirely film/television references to speak as well as old-school advertising slogans and small print read-offs. If you really need some inspiration, you can definitely find compilations of classic ad reels on YouTube from the eighties. I would suggest going for mostly UK centric media references because that’s what he leaned toward in the film and the show, but he also said US pop-culture references as well so don’t feel like you have to restrict yourself. He’d put on all sorts of accents to do American phrases so if you wanna throw that in, feel free. He also liked to make music references as well, so any song that was popular in that era has its lyrics up for use. This carries over to Dreamwave, Collect and Save, and all other G1 centric media.
In IDW2005, his references are all over the place, nursery rhymes, music, television, even fourth-wall breaking “meanwhile” reads that aren’t explained by the comic as anything beyond his inane rambling. He was more prone to actually making pretty intelligible sentences in IDW2005 with a bit of an odd cadence, but in general he comes off as at least a little bit more ‘put together’, haha.
Don’t feel like you have to restrict yourself on the time period of the references either — in fact, I think the newer the reference, the worse it ages in terms of readability. Older, more obscure texts come off as far more charming. My excuse for locking his TV-Talk in and around the seventies and eighties is the delay in transmission signal across space — in short, it takes a long time for the signal to get there, hence he’s still working his way along older media despite newer media existing. Or you can ignore all that and give him whatever phrases you like from any era of television.
I’m not actually sure that TFA Wreck-Gar says any TV-Talk. He mostly spouts bizarre phrases disconnected from pop-culture or parrots the words of others. Sometimes he’ll come out with a shockingly coherent comment that contrasts against his absurdity. He will often introduce himself in a tic-like manner whenever anyone describes him as something — i.e. if someone were to approach him and say “Wow, you’re tall.” He would likely reply, “I am Wreck-Gar. I’m tall!” before actually engaging in a conversation.
G1 Wreck-Gar on the other hand actually has several instances of referring to himself in the third-person. Now this isn’t all the time, but occasionally he does do this, — e.g. “Wreck-Gar will put you in good hands” or “Could this be the end of little Wreck-Gar? Oh No!” (<- such a stupid fucking quote btw, poor thang…) Do NOT feel like you have to do that all the time, Wreck-Gar is very capable of saying “I” in his day-to-day sentences.
I would say restrict yourself on not copying too many of his lines from pre-existing media, since it can get a little stale repeating the same phrases over and over, BUT if there’s a good line that you really like and it works in the moment, just use it.
Also, don’t worry about it sounding stupid. Do I even need to say why you shouldn’t worry if it sounds stupid? No, didn’t think so <3
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vldkeith · 2 years
keithtober🔪🎃💢 week two: star pilot🌟🚀 or loner
keith is so annoying, thinking he's all that. lance confronts him about it. (garrison!au)
ko-fi☕️ | 🔗read on ao3 - leave a kudos even if u read on here please!
If Lance had a penny for every time the instructors made Keith do a demonstration for the fourth year class, he swears he’d be a billionaire by the end of the month.
It’s trite to the point of being comical by now, though Lance isn’t laughing at all. He wants to say that every time Keith sighs and steps up into the sim-rig at the request of a teacher, he resolutely looks away, not deigning to watch the too-cool-for-everything student excel again and again seemingly without even trying, but that’s not true. More often, Lance watches with rapt attention, trying to catalogue in his mind every technique Keith uses, every twist and turn he takes, every time he swan-dives and manages to pull out of it at the last second to the shock of everyone present.
It’s amazing. Lance kind of hates him for it.
Once Keith has finished, received the praise from the teacher (with a few sly comments about his behavioral issues, Lance notes with relish), and slipped back into the shadows of the crowd, Lance turns to Hunk, who’d been standing next to him the entire time. The second Lance opens his mouth, Hunk groans.
“What?” Lance says, taken aback.
“Please do not talk to me about Keith right now,” Hunk sighs, scrubbing tiredly at his eyes. “I didn’t sleep well last night. Give me a break.”
Lance glares. “You act like I spend every second of every day talking about Keith. I don’t.”
“When it’s demonstration day? You kind of do,” Hunk replies grimly, his face a straight line. Lance folds his arms against his chest and sulks just a little bit.
He doesn’t even manage to keep quiet for the duration it takes Hunk to complete a single stretch and yawn.
“I just think it’s not fair that they always choose him to do the demos,” he says, staring with narrowed eyes at the teacher, Singletary, as she resets the sim gear for the next group of students. He’d known she was going to choose Keith, since she’s always talking about things he’s done right, but it was still a disappointment to have to cross another teacher off his dwindling list of non-Keith-worshippers at the Garrison.
Lance himself isn’t even on that list. If that gives an idea of how fucking short it is.
Hunk shakes his head, grabbing Lance by the shoulders and forcibly turning him away from the teacher. “How many times do we have to go through this, Lance? You know why they do this, and you know my answer. Come on, buddy.”
“That doesn’t make it fair!” Lance bursts out, shrugging Hunk off and stalking away from the classroom and into the bland, beige hallways of the Garrison. They start the deceptively lengthy walk back to their dorm room. “Like, is this not against every teacher’s code in the world? You’re not supposed to play favorites. Picking Keith to do every sim run is, like, the definition of playing favorites.”
“You think the Garrison cares about that?” Hunk scoffs. “Dude, they don’t care if they’re being unfair as long as we know what needs to be done. We’re in the military.”
“Still,” Lance mutters sullenly, stuffing his hands in his pockets. It’s so unfair. It’s unfair that Keith always gets chosen to do the demo simulations, and it’s unfair that every group, even lowly cargo pilots like Lance, has to leave class to watch it every month, again and again. It’s bullshit, and they all know it, so why don’t they stop it already?
They round a corner, Lance still lost in annoyed thought and Hunk darting exasperated, concerned looks at him every once in a while, when all of a sudden Lance draws up short and stops walking altogether. Hunk nearly slams into him but catches himself at the last minute and, still wobbling, turns to tell Lance to stop playing games like that, when he glances toward where Lance is looking and sees Keith Kogane himself leaning against the wall, staring down at the Garrison-issued tablet in his hands.
All coherent, reasonable thought flies from Lance’s mind, and he actually rolls his sleeves up as he begins marching toward that annoying mullet head bent slightly to stare at the screen. Hunk makes an aborted grab to stop Lance from going, but his heart’s not in it, and Lance easily escapes his grasp.
As Lance approaches Keith, he sees that his screen is filled with black-and-white panels of characters drawn with thick lines and big eyes. If Veronica had taught Lance anything, it’s how to spot a manga, so Lance unfortunately recognizes that imagery immediately. Somehow, that makes him both angrier and more softened at the same time.
“Hey, Kogane,” Lance says a little too loudly, stopping just short of violating Keith’s personal space. Immediately, Keith looks up, confused.
“How do you know my name?” he asks after a beat of silence. Lance blinks, caught off guard for a moment, and then recognizes it for the cruel joke it is.
“Very funny,” he all but snarls, crossing his arms with a glare. “Ha, ha. As if anyone in this place wouldn’t know who you are.”
Keith gives him a confused look, but Lance is not going to fall for his faux innocence again, no siree!
“You’ve got a lot of nerve, you know,” Lance continues, “being all the teachers’ favorite but acting like you’re above this whole thing. You don’t know how good you have it!”
The confused look Keith had been wearing turns sharper, and he clicks his tablet off and tucks it under his arm, giving Lance his full attention. Lance feels his skin warm in response. “I don’t even know you. Why are you mad at me?”
“I’m not mad!” Lance says, mad. “I just think someone should tell you you’re not all that!”
Keith’s lips curl into a sneer. “I’ve got the message, then. Can you fuck off now?”
Lance puffs up at that, spurred by adrenaline and the need to prove that he isn’t a loser, but before he can do or say anything, Keith is pushing past him with rather alarming strength, nearly whirling him back into the wall.
“Hey!” Lance shouts, recovering quickly and jumping forward. Several students turn to stare at him. “Get back here! We’re not done!”
Keith doesn’t respond, and Lance doesn’t give chase. Soon enough, he’s disappeared down another hallway, and Lance turns his attention beyond the ringing in his ears enough to realize that everyone has gone still and quiet around him. He plasters on a decidedly fake smile and rubs the back of his neck, shrugging. Hunk’s palm connects to his forehead.
Sensing that the interesting part is over, the students turn back to their individual activities quickly enough, allowing Lance to slink back over to Hunk’s side and partially hide behind him.
“Wait a minute,” Hunk says, dodging Lance’s attempts to crouch near his back, “I don’t even know if I want to be associated with you anymore, Jesus Christ, Lance. What the fuck.”
“It wasn’t that bad,” Lance argues weakly, but even he can admit that it was a rather...lame attempt at a confrontation. One that left Lance looking like an antagonizing idiot and not Keith. God. Fuck. He fucked up. Is Keith going to hate him now? Doesn’t he want Keith to hate him?
This is only the second time they’ve ever talked, and the first time left Lance looking stupid, too. He’d just been trying to make friends, but Keith had completely shirked his (platonic) advances, choosing instead to isolate himself in a corner at orientation and leave early with none other than Professor Shirogane. It had been...embarrassing, but not quite as embarrassing as this time, wherein Lance had been actively hostile.
“I’m going to go hide in my bed,” Lance murmurs, all of this running through his mind in a blur. Hunk sighs, long and deep.
“When are you going to admit that this crush is out of control?” he says under his breath, but Lance is so preoccupied with his own misery that he doesn’t hear him or pay attention.
“What was that?” he asks, finally turning to face Hunk.
Hunk puts an arm around him, despite his earlier denial of sympathy. “Nothing, man. Nothing. Let’s get your idiot ass back to the room, then I’ll go and get you some ice cream from the kitchens.”
“Strawberry cheesecake, please,” Lance mumbles, allowing Hunk to lead him along.
This is what he gets for targeting the Galaxy Garrison’s star pilot: a big ol’ embarrassing memory to haunt him in the middle of the night for probably years to come.
☆ ☆ ☆
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thesungod · 1 year
hey I just finished the book & wanted to complain somewhere & I saw all ur anons etc about it so I hope this is ok!
but I just thought it was so unbearably...cringe. I can't quite remember how blatant the ‘messages’ were in the other books & maybe it was because I was very young when I read them but I can't remember them being so...unsubtle. & of which were just generally not good. It felt like there was some lesson constantly being repeated, nothing in the subtext to interpret, & I know that it is obviously aimed to younger readers but they still have the skills of inference lol. & Idk I haven't read anything past BOO I don't think but I can't remember any of the others being so relentlessly unserious.
obviously not asking him to write some abstract horror lol but I think even younger readers could engage with a more challenging text. I don't understand the point of the Tartarus plot line (which is constantly reinstated as being this awful, terrible etc etc place) if it's ‘horrors’ are not going to be explored.
what was good in the other books was how we didn't really know much about what happened to Nico there, & could only infer through the very obvious trauma—and even the PercyAnnabeth bits were more mature...I don't know. it just seems like reintroduction if it is less ‘scary’ in a way than the first time around & cheapens in a little. I think there is so much potential that just wasn't explored at all!
plus I just thought the dialogue was so so bad. obviously it's not going to be all serious. but it just seemed like bad one liner after bad one liner to the point they seemed ingeniune & lazy. So much dialogue that could have been used to build a relationship was used to unfunny jokes (which we were constantly being told were jokes! U shouldn't have to tell us a joke is a joke!) & when there were ‘heartfelt’ moments between them they seemed regurgitated out of some trauma self-help book lol. We were told directly of their thoughts about one another so often that the miscommunication & arguing just seemed repetitive...
& I had to half skip thru that later scene of Nico & Piper it was just so so cringe. Don't even know what to say about it lol.
Ok. this has been so long I'm sorry. I'm just too much of a hater....
tdlr: book was bad. characters were cringe.
What I hate is that thanks to this book, my legacy will be being a hater. That’s so fucked up because I literally hate being a hater I enjoy everything my bar is so low.
I watch 99% of movies and think “wow this was fun!”. I liked Pretty Little Liars. All seven seasons. I read the After books. I’m an enjoyer. I love trashy fun.
(Complaining under the cut!)
The problem is exactly that this wasn’t fun😭😭 The messages were so on the nose and blatant. Characters were having conversations for the readers and that’s so bad from a writing standpoint. It was a constant fourth wall and immersion breaking but it was not done intentionally. I got pulled out of the narration all the time.
The dialogues were either “unfunny meme unfunny meme unfunny meme” or self help Ted Talks.
Exactly what you said about Tartarus being scarier because we didn’t know what exactly had happened to Nico. Obviously flashbacks were going to happen, but there was really no subtlety ever, in anything, and i don’t get it because 12-14 year olds can read the Classics, or higher level YA fantasy such as The Hunger Games, and are generally beginning to enjoy a broader scope of fiction. They are not preschoolers. Have faith in them.
Also it’s useless to pretend Rick isn’t aware of his older fanbase. Who do y’all think he’s milking the series for? Newborns that will read it in 10 years? Writing a book for kids that’s enjoyable, even if considered a bit juvenile or simple, for adults too is perfectly doable. “Family movies” are based on this exact concept.
Hell, The Hunger Games is for kids!! Not as young as 10, but still for kids (13-16)!! And look at how it’s written!!!
Overall, I don’t deny that the book is full of important messages and if kids got something out of it, then good. But it’s not well written. From pretty much any point of view.
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yeah i'll give in to my lack of impulse control to infodump/spread propaganda. megapit aka megaman/pit. super smash bros is only correctly enjoyed when you think of silly dynamics with the characters after all. and then go mad when you make it deep (i did this)
both child soldiers, both have some identity problems. a robot who was meant to just be a kid who had no choice but to be transformed and fight against others of his kind, an angel who is the only one of his kind with desperation to prove himself as a hero despite his inability to fly on his own
they're besties u have to believe me. pit is like nintendo's special little fourth-wall breaking boy. seemingly aware of other games- anyways he's a big fan of megaman. and with a history of being in the infamous cartoon captain n, they are often depicted as being friendz (morally correct. best friends to lovers. you know how it is)
the fluffier aspect has megaman being kind of terrible with romantic gestures in the sense that, being a robot, can sometimes not understand social norms. he embarrasses pit with shameless acts of very sappy cliche acts of romance. and pit is SO impulsive and kind of stupid but he makes megaman smile all the same. he brings a lot of joy!!!!
a ship with a robot comes free with angst. rock (which is megaman's name lol) has your classic robot in love predicaments. he was not built to feel at that level but does it anyway. which can cause glitches and spazzes and malfunctions and it scares him!!!!! woagh. and he thinks pit is just so wonderful and deserves a REAL person to be with. sigh
an angel- pure divine life- falling in love with a synthetic mimicry doing the impossible. do you Understand. Do You See
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size difference too btw. megaman is tinie
Okay so not only is this great propaganda, but as a fellow enjoyer of my own robot kid character who just wanted to be a definitely real boy and was forced to fight/be a weapon (and who also has a best friends to lovers ship with him and his own best friend), I am slowly being won over myself 👀
Also heck yeah about the Smash Bros thing; it's part of why I'm such a big fan of CPU Kerfuffle myself. There's so much fun to be had with the dynamics of that game (whether it's with the canon characters or if you're just using them as avatars for your own OCs)
Anyway, great propaganda, great art 👍
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moomoorare · 1 year
Tell me more about Moom! Also, have you decided her pronouns are she/her? I see you also use they/them. (I'm gonna use she/her for this ask bc its what you used in the latest post I think)
Is she from an original world you made? Does she fit in in an SMP? Does she go between SMPs like an insert?
What's her favorite food? Can she be on land or does she have to stay mostly near/in water?
Does she like hugs? Bc id like to give her a hug. If not I'll just wave and smile :D
This ask 🥺 I'd love to talk more about her!! Also yes I'm mostly using she/they to refer to Moom but really He/him works too lol ^_^ She's from axle and i's little server called Snail lovers <3 (it's only us bc i run it on my laptop and it's already pretty laggy, we have fun tho, we do our own things, basically like the hermits).
She could also fit an smp, since her lore is that she's bound to live in a loop of living as a dormant shapeshifter, many events that bring her to the ocean life and history, discovering the blue axolotl, turning into the vibrant axolotl variant and protecting the ocean sea lakes whatever, its water life, and then dying and being born into a lost axolotl variant that's awakened by activating a ocean circuit again and again... This idea is very new so it's not set in stone yet but the rough edges of her story is what i just vomited above ↑.
Also yes. Imagine this is a role that could be worn by any moom from any universe. So it's a reoccurring loop that happens in a least a branch of the universe. Lol it's a big concept I'd have to expand in the future.
Her favorite food... Mmm. Well she eats lots of golden carrots but that's bc in game, breaking the fourth wall, it's the best food. In lore before turning into an axolotl, she ate a lot of pumpkin pies !! As a axolotl probably cooked cod tho, looks tasty.
She can be on land and is a lot, mostly out of nostalgia of the dry world, but she does need to get in water fairly often to not get sick or weak. She loves hugs, tho she prefers giving them than be caught by surprise lol. I'm sure if u gave them a heads up she'd love a hug tho
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archived-lehkonen · 2 years
☕️ + arsi (i am enabling u pls go wild)
i love him the way salt loves oceans, the way a ship loves its sails, the way astronauts look up a the night sky in wonder, the way my ancestors looked at fire for the first time and didn't have a word for warmth but knew what it meant to be warm. i adore him the same way rust loves to turn metal, the way bones love to break and mend, i love him the way sand loves skin. i see him and i want to eat the sun until its light shines between the spaces of my teeth, drips from the seam of my mouth, pours from the orifices of my fucking face.
he's way too humble for his own good, he's never known what it's like to be mad, and i wish he did. i wish he understood that negative emotions are still emotions, that working through it doesn't mean slinking off into the recesses of his mind until he felt better or forgot about it. i wish he knew that he was levels better than how montreal treated him, better than what the coaches there knew what to do with him. i wish he understood that he was relegated to his status in montreal because of them and not at all because of him. he's a star in his own right, someone who's so defensively responsible and so incredibly hardworking especially on the forecheck (absolutely beautiful, the way he plays. sometimes i watch clips of him shutting down top players and i get shivers). and he's a player that loves the game , loves what he's doing, and i want him so badly to do well in the next few years and i want him to grow and become an even better player and really show montreal what theyre msising out on by shopping him at the deadline.
i get it, in a way, from a very shallow and periphery pov , i understand how arsi became the player that he is today and of course a lot of that is attributed to his move to the SHL from liiga but it breaks my heart whenever i think about the fact that this fucking kid moved to a different country with his older brother after playing too well in liiga, and then point blank was told, "you won't be a superstar here, start over" and was told to work on the fourth line and crawl his way up if he had what it took. he still became so dynamic and powerful in his own right but i often think abotu that, i think about the effect his father had on his mental growth and emotional well being, and everything stings .
and then he was drafted in the middle of the second round instead of the first round, and even then he'd been humble, he'd learned that this was better than not being drafted at all, but what he doesn't understand is that he deserved more than what life threw his way.
also, he's a mousey boy, sort of hunched in on himself and a wall flower but his laughter fills the space he takes the same way light touches every corner of a dark room when the switch is flipped on. he's so funny too, and incredibly quick-witted, and he hates media (who doesnt) but when he's around people he loves, he cannot shut up. im so endeared by him.
and he remains kind and lovely. even after all the shit that's happened to him, relegated to being a third line presence, a shut down player who doesn't contribute offensively even though he has the skill to, someone who'd learned to laugh through the pain, who'd probably looked heavenward once or twice and begged to stay in montreal but got shopped out anyways, someone who for the first time in his life felt unmoored, he remains kind. i dont think i would ever have the grace to face the world if i were in his shoes, i dont think i could look my father in the eye and smile, i dont think i could leave montreal without feeling like id never be whole again. but he did. he did all of those things and he's remained beamish as ever.
his trajectory probably hasn't been what he thought it would be but i am so , so , so fucking glad that montreal sent him off to colorado out of every other team in the league, i'm glad hes playing with teammates who are this skilled, im glad hes got a coach that sees him for what he actually is and not as what his reputation has painted of him. and im so glad that after all this bullshit, he's still enjoying hockey.
send me a topic + ☕️ emoji and i’ll tell my honest opinion about it! 
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roger-that-cap · 4 years
jack pendleton
summary: moving into an apartment to get away from your last relationship was fun all fun and games until you met your extremely attractive across-the-hall neighbor, who makes awesome cookies and even better novels.
author!bucky x reader
warnings: no legitimate warnings besides swearing, it kind of moves just a weensie bit fast but i think it’s cute, minimal angst, I WROTE THIS IN ONE DAY and that is a warning tbh so expect mistakes in this hunk a junk-
word count: 6.2k!
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Searching for your new apartment was a terribly long and boring process, but even you couldn’t deny that finally moving in was heavenly. 
It was the first thing that you did by yourself after having a mutual break up with your boyfriend, and you would be damned if it felt anything but good. He confessed to you that he had fallen in love with a man that he met online. Not only that, but an Italian man that he was teaching English to over a website. He was brave enough to tell you as soon as he realized that he loved the man, so the heartbreak was minimal. 
You never told him, but honestly, you sort of respected him for that. So, with your hidden respect and gratitude, you wished him well and knew that you were going to be the one to find a new place. 
 So there you stood, right in front of your new place with a singular box in your arms, all the others in the smallest U-Haul available to rent that you drove there. You stared at your door for a moment, which read an embroidered C7, and then you fiddled with your keys to unlock it.  
  You had a lot of work to do. 
By the end of the fourth day, mostly all of your things were put away. You didn’t think you had much to begin with, but unpacking made you realize that you had more than you thought. So with your ambitious mind, you got everything done on your own, even the decorations that you had at your last appointment were on the walls. 
 By the seventh day, it was starting to feel like home again. And that called for a celebration. You got your purse and your car keys, your mind already in the shopping mall. 
  As you stepped out of your door, the door directly across from yours opened too. You didn’t pay them much mind besides flashing a smile and turning around to lock your own door, not even looking at whoever it was properly enough to see them. But when you did, you definitely did. 
 A man with long, brown hair and clear blue eyes was staring at you like a deer in the headlights, and you would have thought that he mistook you for a celebrity if it weren’t for the wrinkle of confusion on his forehead. The first thought that came to your mind was that he was as stiff as a board, and that it was almost comical. The second thought that came to your mind was that this man was very handsome, despite the way that he was looking at you like you had just said the dumbest thing known to man. 
 “Um, hello,” you said, not even having to be loud because you were just a few feet apart. You were tempted to be a smartass and say something rude about his incessant staring, but instead, you reminded yourself that you were going to have to deal with the consequences of your smart remark later on. Humiliation and awkwardness every time you saw him was not what you wanted. “Have a good day.” 
  You turned to your left and walked down the stairs, thankful that you lived on the edge of the hall and could just run down some steps to get away from whatever that “encounter” was. 
The mall was utterly packed, but that didn’t matter to you at all. You were there to browse for something that was going to make you even happier after your move, and a few people in line weren’t going to bother you. You went in and out of clothing stores, buying a few things here and there, and then on your way out, you passed by a bookstore. 
  You liked books, you really did. But you were avoiding that store like the plague. For you to go into a bookstore with so many options available, you knew that the safest route for your budget was to know what you were getting from the second you walked in. You stood in front of it for a second, debating on going in without looking online beforehand or just coming back another day. Your own feet answered the question for you, and then you were entering the huge book store.
 The shelves were high and wide and sturdy, dark brown and creating isles. Fantasy, Young Adult, Spiritual, Languages. The genres went as far as you could see. And that meant that if you weren’t wise, you could be buying a book from every aisle.
  You counted the number of shelves, seeing that there were almost thirty as far as you knew, and then took out the two dice that you took with you everywhere, for reasons like this. You were indecisive, and two little cubes with black dots on them were as sure as it could get. They were your Decision Dice. They had never steered you wrong before, and today wouldn’t be the day. You were going to roll twice, and if the sum was a number less than ten, then you would multiply it by two, which was your lucky number.  You liked to make things difficult. 
You saw a woman staring at you with cautious eyes as you bent down and shook your closed hand, and you heard her chuckle when she saw the two little cubes roll out of your palm. 
  “Four,” you murmured once you saw three dots on one and one on the other. You picked them up and shook your hand again. “Three. That makes seven, and seven times two makes aisle fourteen.” You picked up the dice (that you would never admit came from your grandpa’s set of Yahtzee) and walked past the still laughing woman in the science fiction aisle.  
  Of course, aisle fourteen was the aisle that you probably had the least business in. Romance. You almost walked away and went for the fifteenth instead, but then what would the point in rolling be? What would stop you from denying the Decision Dice in later situations? You sighed for a second after your own dramatics and looked the shelves up and down, trying to find a title that grabbed you. 
 You walked up and down the aisle, slowly combing through until you saw a book on the bottom shelf by some Jack Pendleton. You frowned. It wasn’t often that you saw men’s names in the romance section, and when you did, you hardly liked what they wrote. The love interest was always flat or too out there to be believable. The female love interest in men’s books always had to be “not like other girls”, and it was worn out. For some reason, you reached down for it anyway, ready to see what you had already seen a million times before. 
  What you really ended up seeing shocked you. 
It was about a man who served in the army oversees and came back an amputee, and became locked in a love triangle between his physical therapist and his best friend, all the while dealing with his sexuality. 
  That was a lot of man versus self. You wanted it. 
You stood up and without second thought walked to the counter, handing the cashier the book and getting out your credit card. 
You cracked open the book the second you threw your fast food trash away in your trash can. You made yourself comfortable on your little couch and put some light music on in the background, just so that it wouldn’t be completely silent. You didn’t do well with silence at all. 
 It took all of four pages for Jack Pendleton to surprise you again. His writing style was gorgeous and smooth, and you cold tell that he meant every word that was printed on the pages. His diction was brilliant, his descriptions even better. He didn’t give too much or too little, and you were already falling in love with it. 
  The main character, Elijah, was likeable but flawed. Within the first thirty pages, you could already sense that he was gaining feelings that he didn’t even know about for his best friend, Will, who wasn’t named until about forty pages at Elijah’ first physical therapy appointment. Will hadn’t even shown up yet. 
You had blown through nearly half the book when you realized that it was eleven at night, and that you had work the next morning. You swore to yourself and put a smaller piece of paper in your book this time, looking at it longingly and patting it on the spine before leaving it on the small coffee table. 
Work was horrible. It was boring, and you spent the whole first part of your day with a man who was mad at you specifically because you ran out of a special type of shoe that he needed to wear the next day. The store that you worked at wasn’t even really a shoe store. Then, he asked to see the manager. You were the shift manager. He got so pissed that he threw a hanger at you and stormed out, and all you could do was laugh. 
 You were so tired of retail, it wasn’t even funny. 
 You were a little more than a hundred and twenty pages in when there was a knock on your door, and it came right as you were about t flip the page. You resisted the urge to scream, completely and utterly fed up with the public for the day. There was no use in trying to ignore the knocking that already yanked your mind out of the fictional world, and so you left the book on your couch, sticking a piece of paper in it quickly to save your page. 
You swung the door open, expecting to find someone who wanted you to fill out a survey or maybe even someone from maintenance making sure that everything was okay with your apartment. You certainly didn’t expect to see your beautiful neighbor with a pie in his gloved hands and a pink flush on his face. 
  He spoke first. “Hi, I live across the floor,” he pointed towards the door that you knew he lived behind. “I was just coming to bring you a welcoming gift.”  
  You were stunned. The man who stared you down and didn’t even say a word to you was at your door with what looked like a homemade pie, and wow, was that a turn of events. It was something straight out of that cheesy romance section that you were in at the bookstore. “Wow, thank you. You made that?”
  The pink on his cheeks graduated to scarlet. “I-yeah, I did.” 
You couldn’t contain the grin that stretched onto your face. “That’s really kind of you, thank you. I’m sure I’ll love it.” You gently took it from his hands and smiled up at him. 
  “It’s also an apology, for staring at you like that when you were leaving.” You noticed his subtle accent and fought the urge to swoon. He was so adorably shy. “No one’s lived in this one for years, and I didn’t notice you moving in. Kinda scared me.” 
 “You didn’t see the moving truck?” You asked teasingly.
You saw the small grimace on his face, and your smile faltered. “I don’t really go outside much,” he said vaguely, and you felt that you hit a nerve. 
  You shrugged with the pie still in your hands, lips turning upwards at him. “It’s okay, I don’t, either.” 
  You were both smiling now. 
“Well, um,” he started to say, and you nodded your head at him, already knowing that he was about to go. “I have to finish something. I’ll see you later?” 
 “There’s a pretty good chance that you will,” you said, and he gave an awkward wave before turning around and walking away, right into his apartment without another look back. You cursed softly when he shut his door, and you looked down at the pie. 
You didn’t even get his name.
You realized after five days of nothing (and cleaning out the pan of delicious pie by yourself) that you weren’t going to see your neighbor by chance. You hoped that you would, more than you hoped for anything else before. But he was right. He didn’t go outside much. The doors in the building were all so loud that it was nearly impossible not to hear them opening or shutting, and you never heard his once. 
You had to do it yourself. Somehow, you needed to figure out how to see him again without it being incredibly weird, but you had a plan. In your eyes, it was pretty foolproof. Your mom’s chicken parmesan could never go wrong, and everyone liked to eat. You went to the grocery store without even having to roll the Decision Dice and got started on it the second you got home.
When it was done, there was a thin line of sweat on your forehead. You put a note to yourself in your head that the kitchen got insanely hot when you cooked, and you vowed to remember it next time. You took off your fancy apron and the chef’s hat that you wore for fun when you cooked and set it on the countertop. Now, the hard part came.
How were you supposed to get brave enough to bring a plate over to his place? Were you supposed to hope that he hadn’t eaten yet? Or, were you supposed to let him in to eat? Shit, that sounded too much like a date.
With all those thoughts in mind, you walked up to his door, C6, and knocked on it. You realized last minute that you forgot the plate on the table, so dinner was over at your apartment by default unless you did an awkward dash across the hall. The sound of boots coming towards the door were loud and clear, and then the door opened, barely giving you enough time to swallow your anxieties. You got a panging irrational fear that he wouldn’t remember you, but were relieved when he smiled down at you.
“Hi,” you said, sounding more like a telemarketer than a neighbor. “I made chicken parmesan.” It was silent for a few seconds as you both tried to make sense of what was happening, and you kicked yourself on the inside. “I made a plate for you because um, I wanted to thank you for the pie. It was really good.”
His face lit up, and it was like you were given a new burst of life and hope simultaneously. “Oh, thank you! That’s really sweet, thank you,” he repeated, his words getting slightly jumbled up the more and more he spoke. He was so cute. 
You realized that the both of you were just staring at each other, standing with smiles that were increasingly leaning towards more than polite by the second. “I can, uh, bring it to your door if you want.”
“I can come over, if that makes it easier.” Both sentences were spoken at the same time, and it caused you both to apologize once again at the same time. “No, no, I’ll come back with you,” he said when you two finally spoke your own sentences. 
You tilted your head. You were sure that he was shy, you could have bet money on him wanting to eat alone. “Are you sure?”
“Of course,” he gave you a small smile and stepped out of his apartment, and suddenly, you were aware of how he smelled like a bakery. Flower, sugar, apples, cinnamon, the whole nine. Your eyes widened when you smelled more of it when he shut his door. It smelled amazing. You didn’t want to be greedy, but whatever he had in there, you wanted a slice. 
   Your apartment smelled good, but in the opposite way. It smelled like sauce and spices and chicken, like a good kitchen. You almost laughed when you saw his eyes widen after he caught a whiff. His eyes scanned the table that was already set up for one, and he saw all the food in the middle and only grew more surprised. 
 “You did all of this yourself?” 
You didn’t think it was a big deal. You knew how to plate food and you knew how to cook it fine, but it wasn’t too special, in your opinion. It was second nature because of your mother, but you could always go for a nice compliment. “Yeah, I have fun cooking.”
  “It looks amazing,” he said softly, and you smiled at him. 
“Let’s hope it tastes as good.” 
It felt oddly domestic. You got his plate for him and watched him make his first because he was the guest, and you warned him about touching the hot pan, even though he didn’t seem worried about it with his gloves on. You asked him if he wanted wine, water, or soda, and he got his own glass of water after saying that he felt bad making you do it. By the time you sat down and started twirling your fork in your spaghetti, you were starving. 
 You heard him take his first bite more than you saw him do it. “Holy-” he put his hand in front of his mouth. “You made this here?” 
You laughed. “Mhm.” 
“Are you a chef, or something?”
You were flattered. “No, but my mother is,” and man, was she a cook. She could cook anything and make it taste good if you gave her a flame. Always, she had pressured you into knowing how to make a meal, because making a meal meant providing for yourself and everyone else in your family. You watched him cut into a piece of chicken and put it in his mouth, smiling when he gave you the “food look”. “She taught me everything I know.” 
“Well, I’m about to call her and thank her,” he joked, and you giggled, twirling your own fork and getting some spaghetti in your mouth. You tilted your head. It was pretty good. 
  “And what about you? You can bake,” and there he was, all shy again, and you loved it. “Where did you learn?” 
“My father’s a baker,” he said, and a slow smile spread across your face. 
“Well, would you look at that,” you said, nodding your head in thought. He smiled back. 
 “Would you look at that.” 
For a second, just like the two of you had done many times before, you were stuck in a world where there wasn’t anything else, not even the food. It was just his smile and yours, and the fact that somehow both of you knew that the moment was genuine. 
  “I’m so sorry, what’s your name?” He blurted, and you frowned. 
“My name?” A flame of embarrassment and shame shot through you. You were fawning over a man that you didn’t even know the name of yet. You sister would be disgusted with you. “Oh, have we really not said our names yet?” 
 “I guess not...” he said, voice trailing off at the end. 
“Well, good thing names aren’t that important.” 
He gave you an intrigued look. “Names aren’t important?”
“They can be, but sometimes they don’t mean a thing. You can learn so much about someone before learning their name, and when you do, nothing changes what you already know. I cook and I like spending money in book stores, and you bake and stay inside. That doesn’t change after we learn names.” 
 He looked like he had just reached cloud nine. “You like books?”
“Of course I do,” you said, and your eyes trailed over to the book that was sitting on your couch. “I actually took that little name bit from what I learned from a book, so I won’t take credit for that.” 
  “What book was so in depth and interested with names?”
“I don’t even think that the main focus was the name, I think it was the opposite. His name didn’t matter because all that mattered were the emotions that came with him.” You took a second to think. “And I also think that saying his name made it real for the main character, so the dude’s name didn’t come up until he was in mid conversation.” 
  At first, you were worried that you lost him. But you hadn’t. “He was in love with this person?” 
“Madly. But he was his best friend.” You were so excited. You were really talking to a man who liked to read? And one who liked to analyze what he read? This must have been heaven. “For a while, all we hear about is how amazing the person is that he fell in love with and about how he struggled with loving him because he was a man. We knew everything about him before his name was even said and before he was even present, and that’s probably what I like most so far about the book.” 
   Through your rambling, you failed to notice that he was looking more and more panicked. “Um, what’s the book called?” 
   “Here, I’ll just go get it,” you said, standing up and walking over to your couch, pulling it off and walking over to him. You set the book down, and watched his eyes grow so wide that he looked cartoonish. “Have you read it?” 
  He blinked at the cover. “Y-yeah, I’ve read it.” He looked at his watch, swore so emptily that you swore it was acting, and then gave you an apologetic look. “Um, I have to go. I’m sorry.”
  So, you did scare him off. You hid your frown with a polite smile, and tried to remind yourself that even though it felt like one, it wasn’t a date. It was you paying him back for making you something in his own kitchen. “Oh, alright. I hope you liked it.” 
 Maybe he heard something in your voice that you didn’t, because he stopped frantically putting his jacket on to look you in the eyes. “It was amazing, I mean that. And it was very sweet, thank you.”
  This is crashing and burning. What the hell happened? It was going so well! “Well, I’ll see you later,” you called out, and you watched him wash his own plate with a shocked look on your face. “Thanks,” you whispered, and he nodded at you, a tight smile on his face as he wrapped a gloved hand around the doorknob and left. 
Maybe you hadn’t scared him away, after all. 
You had full intentions of leaving him alone until he came to you, if it was ever even going to happen. You only left for work and debated on finding something simple to bake for him to extend another olive branch, but then you decided that you would let the universe control what happened, if anything was even meant to happen in the first place. There was a knock on your door, and there he was, with a pan of cupcakes that had blue icing perfectly swirled on top. 
  Alright, so you hadn’t. 
He gave you the cutest smile, and you couldn’t help but to give one back. “Hi, I’m Bucky.” You gave him your name, too. 
From then on, you two were practically attached at the hip. If you weren’t at work, he was over with you, watching a movie and talking about foreshadowing or how good the book version would have been if it came first. He was also one of the only people you knew who had actually read Tarzan, and you got a kick out of it. You got so close that you even met his little quartet of friends, Steve, Natasha, and Sam, who all liked you after the first meeting. You fit in with them like a glove. 
 Speaking of... “Why do you wear gloves?” You had asked him one day, and he stiffened up like a board. 
“I get cold easily on my hands,” he explained coolly, and you let it go. 
There were little things about him that you questioned every time after he went back home. You questioned how he never left his apartment but made enough money to keep it. You asked yourself how he was so busy in there, and what exactly he did. You wondered why he got so funny when you mentioned the book, and how nervous he was to talk about it when you finally finished it. All of those things slightly worried you, but they had nothing on the one, huge thought that loomed over all the others. 
 You were falling hard and fast for Bucky Barnes. A part of you could admit that you were already on the ground. 
  If started off slowly. You admired his mind and his smile and the way that his eyes shined when he taught you how to bake a perfect cake without all the fancy, expensive supplies. You loved the way that his cheeks glowed when you complimented him or touched his hair or his nose. You loved that he started calling you “darling” and the way that his Brooklyn accent left out the last letter. You loved the way that things with him already felt so natural, like you cooking dinner and him helping you wash and dry dishes after. You were in for the long haul before you could even reach for the door handle of the speeding car, and you didn’t really want to. 
   There was a knock on your door out of courtesy, and you called out for him to let himself in. You were way past knocking, but he was polite. You were tapping away at the keys on your laptop, humming to yourself as you looked into Jack Pendleton. 
  “Watcha doin’, darlin’?” He set down the items you two needed for homemade lasagna and his father’s recipe for some simple pumpkin bread on the counter. 
“I’m trying to find more books by Jack Pendleton,” you muttered, sighing when nothing else came up. “I can’t find anything.”
 “Why do you like that book so much, anyway?” You were far too into your laptop to hear the tremor in his voice. 
 “Because it was raw, and real, and it hurt my feelings.” 
Oh, and it had. Bucky witnessed the result of you finishing the book first hand. He walked in right as you got the first sob out and looked like he wanted to sink into the floor, but he came to you anyway. How were you supposed to know that the therapist, an equally important person in the main character’s life, was going to pass away not even days after he and Will got their happiness? 
  You remembered how he held you the whole time, and that for some reason, he whispered a very heartfelt, “I’m sorry.” 
  “If it hurt you so much, why would you want to read something by him again?” 
“It was brilliant, that’s why, cowboy.” You said, looking up and pointing at him with your fancy little stylus. He broke out into a smile at the name, like he always did. You called him that one time because you caught him watching The Longest Ride, and it stuck. 
  There was a stretched, tense moment as the sound of your typing filled the room. “I don’t think he has anything else out right now, darlin’.” 
“And how would you know, rancher?” 
He gave you that same deer in headlights stare that he gave you when he first saw you in the hall, only less confused. Then he sighed. “What’s in a name, anyway?” 
 You rolled your eyes, but you both knew that you were on the edge of laughing. You could never be serious with him. He was just so full of light. “You’re not going to get me quoting Shakespeare right now, I just asked you a dire question.” 
 He inhaled deeply, his face already boasting a rich scarlet. “How would you feel if I told you that I wrote that book?”
  Your world crumbled beneath your feet. You knew he wasn’t lying, because you knew that he had no reason to lie. His aversion to talking about Jack Pendleton and everything surrounding it made you believe what he told you right as you heard it. You gasped, and then saw him grimace. “Bucky, Jack stole your work?” 
  His face fell. “What?”
“Have you taken legal action yet?” 
  “No,” he said slowly, and then he took in another deep breath, preparing from something. “I don’t need to, because I am Jack.” He said slowly, a small and guarded smile resting on his face. You noticed that he looked the least comfortable you had ever seen him. “It’s a pen name.” 
  Different kinds of humiliation were coming in large, mean waves, and you bit your lip to prevent from talking. You had really gushed over a book right in front of the author the whole time? It was so horrible and embarrassing that you couldn’t even stop thinking about it. You felt like an idiot. “Why didn’t you tell me to stop talking?” 
There was a quick, hesitant intake of breath between the both of you. “Because I don’t want anyone that I know in real life to know about that.” 
You froze. There was no way that he was implying that what was in the book actually happened, right? 
 He took off both of his gloves, and beneath one of them was a silver appendage, very clearly a prosthetic. He was breathing heavily, like he had just lifted a weight off of his chest that was double his own size. You looked at it with a wild expression of your own, trying to make sense of what was happening. 
 “Almost everything in that book really happened.” You closed your mouth. “Some things are exaggerated, but nearly everything happened. Elijah is based off of me.” 
  Oh, fuck. That meant that he was actually bisexual, that he actually fell in love with his best friend, that he actually got his arm amputated after getting a grenade launched at him. His therapist actually died. You had no idea what to say. “I’m so sorry.” 
 “The main thing that didn’t really happen was the semi-happy ending for Elijah and Will. He and I broke up years ago. This all happened years ago.” Your heart broke again for him. “I put it under a fake name because it’s something very personal to me, but I felt like it should have been shared. Thought that it would maybe help some other kid who was going through it.” 
You knew exactly what it was. You had gone through it yourself. If you had read the book when you were much younger, you were sure that you would have been able to find some sort of peace in the turmoil that you caused yourself. Now, you were much better, and you loved the fact that you were part of the LGBT community, but that didn’t mean that the book didn’t mean something to you. 
The book was so raw that you should have known that it was real. There wasn’t a word that didn’t mean something, not a sentence that wasn’t thought out. It was such heavy material with realistic ups and down that you caught yourself relating with Elijah, not knowing that the real “Elijah” was right in front of you the whole time.
“But, um, I write science fiction under my real name, though.” You were too busy thinking about how you gushed about someone’s actual life story, and how that someone just so happened to be your super cute neighbor that you fell in love with. You gushed about his terribly sad life story right in front of him. “That’s why I’m always inside. I’m a hermit writer.” 
You didn’t even get into the science fiction aspect of the conversation. “I would have never read it in front of you or talked about it in front of you if I knew that, I swear.” 
“I know.” He slowly took his jacket off, and then you were seeing his arms in all their glory. It truly was a beautiful prosthetic, and from how much he used his hands, you knew that it was reliable and practical. “I just needed to tell you that.” 
You could sense his unease, and it made you feel wrong. It felt like you were taking steps back. “If this is about you being bisexual, I don’t care about that. That would never bother me.” 
 For the first time since his confession, there was a ghost of a smile on his face. “I know. And I know you are, too.”
“I’ve seen the bookshelf in your room. No straight person reads that many books written by and for the community. And you cuff some of your jeans.” You shrugged, a small smirk on your face. He got you there. “I need to tell you something else.” 
You didn’t know if you were ready for it, but if he was, then there was no way that you were going to stop him. “Of course, go ahead.” 
“First, I should start off with telling you again that all of that,” he pointed towards her computer, “was about eleven years ago. I’m not healing, not recovering, none of that. Yeah, I’m sad about my therapist every once in a while, but I don’t feel anything for the man that Will is based off of anymore. That’s all gone.”
You swore at yourself for feeling butterflies of hope. You squashed them all down and made yourself pay full attention to Bucky, even though your mind was starting to have stupid little fantasies about picnic and stargazing with him. This is what you got for reading romance novels. “Okay, Buck.”
“I’m telling you all of this because I’m pretty sure that I’m in love with you.” Your mouth hung open, and before you could even get a word out, he was all over it again. “I have been for a while now, and I think now is the best time to tell you.” There was a pause for you to cut in, but you couldn’t form a word. “It’s okay if you don’t feel the same way or if you’re weirded out by my story-” 
“I love you too.” You blurted, watching his face become shocked. “I’ve been dying to tell you that, you know?” 
He sputtered, trying his hardest to form a coherent sentence. “Now I know.” 
You felt a smile slide onto your face as both of your racing hearts stilled to a normal, content rate. In that moment, you swore that if someone came and checked, that your heartbeats were alternating, taking energy from each other to make one long beat. You just, clicked.
“It- none of that bothers you at all?”
“If anything, I feel bad. I feel like I intruded.”
He scoffed. “You didn’t intrude, Y/N, I’m the one who published it.”
“I’m going to hug you now,” you warned, and then you two met each other half way. Your face was in his chest, listening to his steady heartbeat. You smiled when you felt him gently brush your forehead with his lips, and all felt right.
You stood there together for what felt like forever but two seconds all the same, swaying a bit subconsciously. “Are you- are you sure about being okay with all of this? I know it’s a lot. And I just kind of sprung it on you.”
There he was. The shy Bucky. You knew that he could be insecure, and you knew that he was insecure about being that way. But luckily, you felt for him so much that you could assure him for the rest of both of your days with no complaints. If it took a thousand times a day for Bucky Barnes to know that you loved him and Jack Pendleton and Elijah Harris, you would do it two thousand times.
 “Out of all the books in the store, I unknowingly chose yours.” Your voice was shaky, but you meant every word you said and were about to say. “And out of all the people in the world, I intentionally, without doubt choose you.” 
If someone had asked you three years ago where you thought you were going to be in life in the same amount of time, you would have told them that you were probably still going to be working in retail. That wasn’t the case at all.
  Your mother gave you a loan when Bucky persuaded you to take your talent and passion for cooking and turn it into a business. You had a medium sized restaurant that you let your mother in on, and you cooked side by side often times. It felt just like it did when you were back in the kitchen of your childhood home, but now you were getting paid for it, quite a bit. 
  Across the street from your restaurant was a bookstore that held a number of books that were written by Bucky yourself, but your favorite by far was the cook book that was technically a baking book, full of all of the recipes that he felt like giving away. 
  You didn’t expect any of that to happen within three years, at all. But what you hoped to happen most of all did, and it was proven by the simple diamond on your finger that Bucky had given you. You wanted him to think that you were surprised when he popped the question, but you weren’t. 
  After all, you could see the outline of the box that he carried for three weeks straight. 
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In these apparently trying times of "lack of content" I was wondering if we could get a glimpse behind the tablet and see how you write! Could you talk about your process and how you keep track of things and parse out your story? Do you storyboard or write rigorous notes? Is it all in your head? I am super curious about your system.
Oh yikes I’m about to disappoint a lot of people. 
Okay, here’s the thing - I cannot physically keep notes because I get distracted and forget to write things down. I’ve tried keeping notebooks for WD!Steven stuff and I have come to accept that it’s only for show. I barely use it. I cannot use my memory on the effort of writing notes - I’d much rather use that energy to remember things in my head.
I brute-force everything through my mind palace. My mind... house... mindshack. 
My process is simple: 
Step 1) THINK
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I constantly get asks that I feel might be good for the comics. I’ve made posts on this before but the main way I decide if I’ll use an ask is:
Is the ask addressed explicitly to Steven (or another character?)
Is the ask not giving away any fourth-wall-breaking information?
Is the ask actually ASKING Steven an open-ended question or TELLING Steven to do something?
If the ask is too vague (”so what do u like”) or gives away too much (“Steven don’t u think ur actually half-human? If Rose had a baby it would be half gem half human. Wouldn’t that be the same as u? You should ask Rose about a gem named Spinel I bet she would freak out!!!!!”) or if the ask is just pushing for Steven to do something instead of asking (”go to the moon base!”) then I almost always ignore it. 
Step 2) Storyboard!
After choosing a question, I’ll sit and… stare at my desk/the wall/twitter without seeing it and instead storyboard the entire comic in my head. Sometimes this happens in a matter of minutes. Sometimes I’ll work it over in my mind’s eye for days before I like it. This includes the dialogue.
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Yes, I do this while driving. I have an hour drive to work. No, I have never been in an accident. My autopilot works really well. I guess. Probably. I often have no memory of the actual drive itself but the comic gets written. 
Step 3) Sketch!
Afterwards I go into my drawing program (MediBang Paint) and sketch out each individual panel on a layer. Sometimes the sketches are detailed. Sometimes they are just sloppy action lines to remind me what I’m going for.
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I script in my head WHILE I’m drawing the sketches. I try out different lines as I go through each panel and see what fits the most. This sketching process takes about 3-5 minutes per panel. 
Step 4) Lineart!
After I’ve sketched at least 50% of the comic, I go back in and start doing lineart. I will do this mindlessly - it is only at this point that I allow myself to listen to a podcast, or music, or have a YouTube video running while I draw. (I cannot sketch/storyboard/script with any sort of noise on. Has to be dead silent.)
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The initial lineart process takes about 10 minutes per panel if the panel is simple like the one above. If I go through the process of adding necessary details, patterns, or have to create phone background detail, or draw a background in general, then it will obviously take longer.
If I do color comics, it takes 3 times as long which is why I hate coloring.
For the Lapis arc I also added tones. It was not as annoying as coloring, but it still took me twice as long as an average panel because there was so much layering to be done between the water/lapis’ wings/backgrounds. It was not fun. 
Step 5) Dialogue 
After I finish the lines for ALL the panels, or at least 50%, I start going back in and finally adding dialogue and details. I do the dialogue all at once because it allows me to view the flow more naturally. I end up reading and re-reading the panels several times to make sure there are no repeating words and that it flows more or less like a normal conversation would.
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This takes about… eh… an hour or so for an average 20-panel comic? 
The bulk of my editing is done at this stage. I will go back through and re-read the finished comic several times and try to weed out weird details or typos. 
If I find none, I post it to Patreon, because it’s a guarantee that I will find 3 more immediately afterwards. That’s how posting art to social media works. Also, many of my Patreon patrons are usually kind enough to point out any typos I’ve missed. (MediBang doesn’t have a spellcheck so don’t judge me too harshly…)
And that’s….. it. I post to Patreon, make any last-minute fixes if I have to, and then queue everything to tapas and tumblr. 
And then I immediately begin to worry about the next comic. Because… that’s how it works. 
I understand it’s not exactly a professional process. That’s because I’m not a professional! I’m self-taught, and this comic is meant to be for fun, not for profit. If I make a Season-finale comic or a season-start comic, I typically go through the same steps, except I add thumbnailing to the mix (drawing tiny copies of the pages on post-it notes to see how many pages I can fix it to.)
Hope that was… educational? I don’t know. Either way…
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nihiltism · 2 years
good games on sale rn. will update as I find more
chicory!! (steam and switch from what I can tell) same dev as wandersong with some others from celeste, very very sweet little game. it's like what if a coloring book had impostor syndrome. I like it. low stakes and lots of heart and u get to be a little dog with a paintbrush what more could you ask for
everhood!! (steam) I can't say anything about everhood it's a music based action rpg and it's weird as balls. its themes changed the way I look at life overall but also when I play it I just get a vast sense of (????????). in a good way. it's an experience you gotta experience. it's a ride you will not forget. anyway warning for this one it's a bit sensory overload especially in the visual department, there is a light sensitive mode but it's still a lot.
bug fables!! (steam) ALSO THE SILLY but I love it a lot. it's a paper mario esque rpg where u play as little bugs and the writing is so good. there's so much team banter. I love the dynamic between the main three so much there's literally a button just to banter abt any place and npc and it's my favorite part. it's so good. kabbu is on my fictional dads I wish I had list.
later alligator!! (steam) THE SILLY!! fully hand drawn and very bouncy little point n click featuring various mini games and a lot of puns. the main gator pat crytypes at you at one point. it's got a noir detective aesthetic but it's all silly and I love it dearly
mad rat dead!! (switch) always gonna recommend mrd. it's a rhythm platformer with banger tunes and some people from fake type and also gay rat. it's good. the gameplay is real fun to master but it's also accommodating to new rhythm gamers since the only thing you can lose via dying in stages is a couple seconds off the timer. there's also a demo if ur interested. warning for cartoon gore.
oneshot!! (steam) I do not need to introduce oneshot but I think you all should play it. it's a fourth wall breaking game that integrates you as well as the computer you're playing it on into the experience and it's honestly like nothing I've ever played. I wish 4th wall breaking stuff that messes around with your files and stuff was used for things that aren't horror more often because this game is great. it also has a great (sinking into the moss) core ost if that's anything
pikuniku!! (steam) THE SILLYYYY!! u get to be a red legman and do dance contests and kick capitalists and you get sent to toast hell at one point and it's all really stupid and I love it. it's like dirt cheap right now and it's really funny you should get it. one of the npcs just out of nowhere stops u to tell you to wash ur dishes if u eat something with cheese on it or else it'll harden on the plate. why? god knows. it's great.
I'll get to more later but thas my list for now
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nomazee · 4 years
ushijima wakatoshi x reader
word count: 3400+
content: soulmate au (matching soulmarks), developing relationship, mild angst, ushijima is just Very Clueless sometimes, weird pacing (i can never get the pacing of my writing right :/ )
(hi hi hi!! here’s the ushijima oneshot i mentioned a few days ago. this was something i started working on a while ago but dropped it momentarily to focus on some other stuff. i ended up rewriting it completely and renewing the concept a bit.
this is sort of a different writing style? but that’s mainly because i wanted to adjust the way i wrote to the way the reader’s thoughts came through. i hope that makes sense? and i hope this is still readable!!
i really hope you guys like this one. while soulmate aus aren’t my most favorite trope, i definitely like the way you can twist it to fit your story and make up new concepts branching from the main idea of soulmates.
i think this is the longest work i’ve made?? i’m definitely pretty proud of it!! i hope my hard work paid off and you all enjoy it :)
ALSO: a very quick note. i use the word “furoshiki” a few times in one part of the story to refer to the cloth that people use to wrap bento boxes. if i misused that term please let me know!! i looked it up to make sure i was using the right word but there’s definitely still a chance that i could be wrong. feel free to correct me on that!!
by the way: i’m posting this from my phone right now so the formatting might not all be there. i’m very sorry about that!! once i get the chance to go back on my laptop i’ll make sure to fix everything :)
happy reading !!)
It was common knowledge among those in the Shiratorizawa Volleyball Club that their captain, Ushijima Wakatoshi, prioritized volleyball over nearly everything else.
Even relationships. Even soulmates.
His friend Tendou had laughed mirthlessly when Ushijima first met you, his soulmate. He was there to witness the whole thing, your eyes flitting between the ace’s soulmark trailed beautifully against his wrist and the same mark mirrored on your forearm. You looked enthused to meet him--not overly, hopping-off-the-walls ecstatic, but certainly hopeful enough to elicit a wide smile from you.
“I’m [Last] [First],” you introduced yourself politely, with light hesitance and an extended hand.
Ushijima blinked, looked down at your hand (soft, a red and scabbed cut on your first knuckle, a birthmark on the bony part of your wrist) and then back up at your eyes. He returned the gesture, shaking your hand, giving a polite bow--
--and walking right away.
You blinked in shock. Tendou’s mouth parted in disbelief. His head swung back and he called after Ushijima to no avail. Turning back to you, he gave a short apology and ran after his friend to scold (and tease) him.
Your mind went a bit hazy and in a natural defense mechanism, you tried to convince yourself that you were just dreaming.
You went home. Fell into your bed. Realized you were not dreaming. Cried into your pillow and fell asleep, begrudgingly waking up the next morning and getting ready for school.
During lunch, you stayed in your classroom to eat lunch alone when someone at the door told you a boy was looking for you. (You felt a bit pathetic for hoping that it was your soulmate and being disappointed when you realized it was not him.)
You recognized the boy as the redhead that accompanied your soulmate yesterday. Flinching at the memory, you asked him why he was here.
“I just wanted to say sorry, for the way my friend acted yesterday.” His expression was lighthearted and playful, if anything, but you recognized the sincerity of his words. “He tends to be a little… aloof, sometimes. But I promise you it’s not that he hates you or anything, just isn’t used to this. But he’s willing to talk to you again.”
You tried not to get your hopes up too much, and instead look at the reasonable outcomes of this whole soulmate thing. It’s not like you were really expecting love at first sight--lots of soulmates didn’t end up in a romantic relationship. Hell, your parents weren’t even soulmates but they were still very in love with each other. But at the very least, you thought your soulmate wouldn’t just walk away after meeting you.
You took the redhead’s offer, packed up your half-eaten bento, and followed him to his own classroom a few doors down.
Your soulmate was there--you still didn’t know his name--and his head perked up at the sound of the sliding door opening. His expression was stagnant, which dampered your spirits the slightest bit and made you consider spinning on your heel and locking yourself in the bathroom for the rest of the school day.
You sat with the two of them, knees clenched together and gaze focused solely on the bento box resting on your lap. None of you spoke. Tendou’s eyes flitted between the both of you in expectance.
“So,” he spoke up, thankfully breaking the bout of stifling silence. “[Name], you wanna tell us a little about yourself? We don't really know much about you outside of… the very little we learned yesterday, so…?”
Your mouth gaped and closed rapidly, trying to find a good way to describe yourself without either seeming like an interviewee or a self-absorbed rando.
“I’m… [Name]. I’m seventeen… in class one. I’m in the photography club.” There wasn’t much else to say, you thought. You were a very normal person. Maybe too normal to really be worthy of having a close bond with your soulmate, but a small part of you still sort of hoped.
“Wakatoshi, your turn.”
The taller boy blinked into his bento (hayashi rice, you noted. Something you were able to cook, if you tried hard enough) before speaking. His voice was deep and embarrassingly, you flushed at the way it rumbled within his throat.
“I’m the captain of the volleyball team.”
Okay. So. No age. No name (except for ‘Wakatoshi,’ which you only pulled from what Tendou said). Just his club.
With a lump in your throat and a prickly feeling behind your eyes, you excused yourself politely, bowing, and clutching tightly to your star-wrapped bento before leaving the classroom.
You went home. Punched your pillow before realizing you were definitely not one for using aggression as a coping mechanism and instead crying while making a cup of tea. Went to bed and woke up the next morning trying to forget all of the events of the past two days.
A week passed. Somewhere within that time, Tendou had exchanged numbers with you as a polite formality, a deeper meaning ingrained in his offer (one that you read as, “hey, I know it must be really disappointing to realize that your soulmate has absolutely no clue what romance is and no ambition for anything but hitting a volleyball, but if you ever wanna talk about it then hit me up!” You couldn’t deny that you still appreciated it).
You took the week to avoid interacting with Wa-ka-to-shi, never texting Tendou and asking to eat lunch with them or even showing up at his practice like some of their fans did (you were a bit surprised to learn that the volleyball team had fans). But you had a breaking point, as you often did whenever it came to your faux-shunning.
You texted Tendou, hoping that you weren’t that unlucky that he was still at volleyball practice and had his phone out for the captain to view.
does he like hayashi rice?
“Read” appeared under your text. You waited for the three dots to appear, which took an unnervingly long time to happen.
yup! how’d u know??
he was eating it when i had lunch with you guys.
ur observant!!
i guess. do you guys have morning practice tomorrow?
yup! starts at 7. fourth gym :) see you there!!
You paused. Tendou was nice. Also very observant. Scarily observant, enough to catch onto what you were trying to do. It made you a bit wary, but to be fair, you weren’t really being discreet in the first place.
Your mother asked you multiple times why you were cooking beef stew at nine PM, far past dinnertime. You were scared to admit that it was for a soulmate, so you instead settled for “friend” and she (very suspiciously) let you be in the kitchen.
You packed the food into four bento boxes. One for your mom, your dad, Wa-ka-to-shi, and you. (You couldn’t help the annunciation of each syllable of his name. It was just so fun to say, so fun to click against the back of your tongue repeatedly. You blamed the affinity for his name on your soulmate bond.)
You went to bed. Woke up extra early. Disregarded the concerned look your parents gave you when you left the house half an hour early with two bentos in hand.
Just as Tendou said, there was the squeaking of the volleyball team from within Gym Number Four. You hovered outside, a text sent to Tendou asking if you were allowed to come in as you awkwardly shifted the weight on your feet.
yup!! we’re taking a break right now. just come right in, i’ll be waiting for u at the door
He was waiting for you at the door, but so was Wakatoshi (you figured you should drop the somewhat-annoying pronunciation of each letter), which threw you into a stammering loop as you blinked between the both of them.
“Good morning.” Wakatoshi greeted you politely, nodding his head at you. You repeated the gesture before extending a bento box to him, with your favorite star cloth wrapping it in the neatest way you could manage.
“It’s for you. For lunch. Or dinner. Or whenever. It’s hay-- um, hayashi rice.”
Wakatoshi didn’t take it. You cringed at the lack of action and a familiar lump manifested in your throat. The stoic boy blinked down at the childish wrap and you found yourself wishing you took a solid colored furoshiki instead of this one.
In a moment of boldness, you shoved the box into his chest where he instinctively reached for it and held it.
“I hope you like it!” You said it louder than intended and flinched at the sudden gazes on you from the other members of the team further into the gym. “Have a good day.”
A polite bow, and you were on your way, cursing yourself for taking the effort to make a decent-quality meal for a soulmate, a boy who barely even glanced at you without his friend giving him the hint to do so.
During lunch, you didn’t feel hungry, and the bento sat untouched on your desk for the whole break. You ended up letting your parents have the leftovers when you got home. Your appetite was gone for the rest of the day.
(Tendou ended up bringing you back your box and cloth the next day, wordlessly apologizing for having to be the messenger of your belongings rather than the person you actually gifted it to in the first place. You took it back with a resigned sigh and a thankful smile.)
The morning you stopped by, Tendou rolled his eyes after your departure and he gave his friend a firm, but friendly pat on the back.
“Why are you so awkward, Wakatoshi? That’s your soulmate, you know. You could at least be a little courteous towards her?”
Said man stayed silent, still leering at the patterned furoshiki covering the lunch you made for him--specifically him; the concept sent an unfamiliar fluttering through his chest that he didn’t dare to look into.
“Why would she make this for me?”
Tendou rolled his eyes again, letting out an audible groan.
“I just explained it to you, ‘Toshi! She likes you. You’re her soulmate. You could at least tell her thank you.”
“I will, next time.”
Tendou’s eyes narrowed at that. You seemed like a spontaneous person, from the few interactions you’d had with each other. (That, and the fact that after a week of ghosting your own soulmate you suddenly decided to make an entirely specialized lunch for him.) He wanted to half-joke and say ‘I don’t really know when the next time will be, exactly,’ but figured that may lead into another Q & A With Ushijima Wakatoshi, and instead let the captain simmer in his own contemplation for now.
You didn’t know Semi Eita very well. He was in your class, and you chatted a fairly reasonable amount with him, even going as far as to sit and eat with him in the classroom whenever he claimed he was “too tired to deal with his friends in the cafeteria.” As much of a “friend” of his you could be considered, you didn’t know much of him past what he was on the surface.
Nevertheless, you still knew him better than your soulmate. And that petty realization may have contributed to why you accepted his offer for a cafe date.
Semi approached you during lunch one day, not embarrassed in the slightest when he asked you if you wanted to go to a new cafe with him on Friday. “It can be a date, if you want,” he’d told you, eyes flitting to the side momentarily before meeting yours again. “But it doesn't have to be. We can just hang out.”
A bit flustered, you still accepted his offer, figuring a day out wouldn’t do much harm. He smiled at your response, asking you to meet him at his gym after his volleyball practice ended.
You didn’t think much of it. He certainly didn’t pressure you into assuming it was a date, and if you didn’t like it then you could just turn him down for a second date and move on with your single life.
On Friday afternoon, at five PM like he specified over text, you walked into the doorway of the gym, hovering and watching some of the boys clean up any spare equipment left in the gym. You couldn’t spot Semi anywhere, and moved to back away from the door when a familiar voice stopped you.
“[Name].” The sound of your first name coming from the rumble of your voice unwillingly sent shivers through your spine and you chastised yourself for the reaction.
You looked at him, and there he was--sweaty, all dark-hair and olive-eyes and you hated how flustered you got.
You gave him a polite nod and forced your lips into a smile. Despite you not responding verbally, he (uncharacteristically) led the conversation.
“It’s nice to see you here.” The words felt forced, almost rehearsed on his lips, and you couldn’t help the cock of your head in curiosity at that. “The food you made me last time was very good.” A pause, and his eyes turned to the polish wood floor. “Are you here to bring another gift?”
Wakatoshi was straightforward with his question, and at the unfamiliar aloofness you found your ears turning warm and fingers grasping at each other in habit.
“No, um-- I’m actually here to see… someone.”
“Yeah. Someone.” You didn’t feel like elaborating, and by some sheer luck that you mentally praised the gods for, Semi jogged to your side, changed into his school uniform and a kind smile crossing his face.
“Hey.” He greeted you, turning up to his captain in confusion before focusing on you again. “Ready to go?”
Your eyes were forced off of Wakatoshi’s, and you returned Semi’s expression with a nod. You refused to look the captain in his eyes again, and instead focused on making sure you didn’t trip on the sidewalk while walking with Semi.
The date-- hang out-- outing-- whatever you wanted to call it went nicely. You both had pleasant, lighthearted, not-forced conversation over very good coffee and you found it enjoyable.
By the end of the night, while Semi walked you back home, you figured you had to address what you were a bit nervous to address in the first place. After explaining your hesitancy towards calling your hang-outs “dates,” Semi ultimately brushed it off, a smile on his face as he told you he really didn’t care too much and would enjoy just being a friend to you.
You were relieved. A quiet voice deep inside your head told you to not let this poor boy get hopeful when you were still trying to settle things with (read: get over) your soulmate. Regardless of secondhand reasoning, you were thankful he was understanding and also thankful he was willing to be a friend.
You found yourself eating lunch with Semi a bit more often than before. It was nice to have someone else’s presence near you while you ate rather than having to sit alone and people-watch through the window of the classroom.
You were startled when Wakatoshi appeared in the doorway of your classroom while in the midst of a conversation with Semi. Noticing your mildly dumbfounded expression, Semi turned around to see where you were looking and looked confusedly at the form of his fellow teammate.
Wakatoshi nodded at him, turned to you, and gave a wave and a very, very subtle upturn of his lips. (Despite the subtlety of the gesture, you had to suppress a gasp that threatened to break past the back of your throat.)
He didn’t make a move to approach you, so you took the opportunity to walk up to him and meet him at the door, unintentionally avoiding the questions Semi shot at you in confusion.
“Hi,” you greeted stiffly. “Do you need something?”
“No. Yes.” Wakatoshi paused, collecting his thoughts. “I was wondering if you wanted to eat lunch with me.”
It was an unexpected offer, one you deemed uncharacteristic coming from the aloof boy. You let your mind overprocess it before cutting off your overthinking and giving him a proper response.
“I’m eating lunch with Semi today. But maybe tomorrow, if you still want to.”
A foreign look of confusion appeared on his face, his brows furrowed together and head tilting slightly to the side. “Are you dating Semi?”
Wow. Okay. Very straightforward. Very sudden. You certainly were not dating Semi, and you didn’t know how he managed to draw that conclusion after seeing you and Semi interact a total of two times in his presence.
“I’m not…? Why are you so worried about that?”
“Because we’re soulmates.”
Your stomach churned in a mix of emotions. You didn’t know how to describe your feelings--it was an ugly mesh of annoyed, angry, confused, and on-the-verge-of-tears. You found it a bit funny that only now he was acknowledging your soulmate bond. It made the prickling sensation behind your eyes only increase in intensity.
“Right. Um, you… you didn’t really do much about that before.” You tried not to call out word-for-word what he did, but figured a jab at it wouldn’t send you into guiltily reflecting on your past actions while in the shower at midnight.
He was silent, avoiding your gaze and finding interest in the cracked wood of the door. Before your subconscious forced you to apologize, you gave a polite farewell and slid the door halfway shut before returning to your seat.
Semi stared at you incredulously. “Are you…?”
“I don’t know, man.” Despite the sudden lack of appetite (yet again! You really were not good at any form of confrontation), you forced yourself to nibble on your food and pushed down the uncomfortable feeling in your stomach.
Wakatoshi made a point to run into at any time he saw fit, which was very often. He’d find ways to catch you in the morning and say hi, and always invited you to eat lunch with him in his classroom. Out of courtesy, you often accepted his offer, feeling a bit surprised (and wary) when Tendou didn’t appear to accompany the both of you. Those lunch periods were spent in jarring silence, Wakatoshi slowly eating his food (cutely, you noted before burning that thought into the fiery recesses of hell in your mind) and you eating yours while sweating and hoping that you didn’t look weird when you chewed.
This routine kept going on for a solid week. You didn’t know what to expect anymore. Other than the lunch invitations and morning small talk, he didn’t make any outstanding gestures towards you to try to get closer. You didn’t know if that was good or bad.
One day, during lunch when you’d hesitantly accepted yet another offer to eat with him (ignoring Semi’s teasing look when you left the classroom), he made another strange offer, diverting from the usual discussions of weather, clubs, and schoolwork.
“I have a game soon.” He started off. “I’d like you to come watch.”
You paused, staring into your rice in an empty hope that it’d give you a clue on how to respond.
“It’s on Saturday. At twelve. The gymnasium isn’t too far from here. I’d like to take you to dinner afterwards.”
Oh. Oh. That was unexpected. And you were expecting the unexpected. Then again, maybe you should’ve figured that eventually he may have made some sort of move after waiting a week with bated breath.
Your lips parted, but no noise escaped. You wanted to accept, definitely, but you also wanted to be a little aware of his intentions.
“Um…” You floundered a little bit, “I’ll see if I can make it. But… um, dinner?”
“Yes.” Though his voice was steady and deep as always, you sensed hesitance in the way his eyes shifted away from yours and into his lunch. “A date.”
It was a relief to hear him just say it rather than beating around the bush. You cleared your throat in habit and scratched the skin of your thumb.
“Oh. Okay. That would… be nice.”
He smiled. It wasn’t the occasional tilt of his lips, it was a smile. Stretched lips, crinkled eyes and all. You lost your breath at the sight and a soundless laugh escaped your lips.
“Yes. I think so too.”
It was a slow start. It would take some getting used to. But you were both willing to guide each other, slow and steady.
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angelsdevils · 3 years
Keigo Atobe x Reader
Title: Missing Undergarments Fluff No Warning
You were the captain and coach of the U-17 tennis camp, you were in charge of the newcomers. You would have been able to do that for the upperclassman and be in charge of them but you knew they were lacking the spirit that you searched in a tennis team. So they gave the position to some idiot, you couldn’t stand. They weren’t normally your problem because the tennis team you were charge was your main priority. You were confident in their skills, mainly because you went to every tennis team, and hand-picked them yourself. 
Right now the upperclassman was giving them a hard time, and you could feel a tick mark appear on your head. It was only the second week and they were already causing trouble for your team. The team didn’t know you were their coach, so when you served the ball and hit Byodoin to back him up away from your team their eyes widen. You also weren’t to keen on him hurting your best friend Tokugawa. You knew they weren’t expecting a girl to be in this camp, so if it was under different circumstances you would have looked at their faces. 
“Oi! What do you think you are doing?” You asked walking down the bleachers, everyone parted ways, Tokugawa’s eyes widen. You were the captain for several years for U-17 camp, before you became a captain and a coach, but you normally didn’t make your appearance until the third or fourth week. 
“(L/N)~san it’s a bit early to be revealing your face to the newcomers don’t you think?” He asked with that irritating smirk. You rolled your eyes walking past him, and checking Tokugawa over, he looked away knowing you were going to scold him later on for this. 
“You need to go to the nurse and explain what happens. I will deal with you later.” You tell him, even though you two were best friends, you always scolded him when he did reckless things.
“Oi did you hear me? I am talking to you?” 
“Put some respect on my name, I showed my face because you and your airheaded team don’t know how to stop messing with my team. So I decided to come here myself to put a stop to it myself.” You said you voice getting darker with each sentence. Byodoin rolled his eyes before smirking holding his racket so it was pointing it at you. 
“No need to be a sour patch, you know this is a tradition for us.”
“It’s also my tradition to beat your ass, every time you do. So what do you say we picked up where you left off at with Tokugawa? Actually no, that would be too easy, I will let you keep your points and I will take his points down and start at zero myself.” You said you could hear the multiple schools of the newcomers whispering about you. 
“Always cocky.”
“No, if we both start at zero we both know I would crush you.” You say. 
“Very well then, ladies serve first.” He smirked, you tossed him the ball which made him narrow his eyes at you.
“If that’s the case then you should be serving first not me.” You said with a cheeky grin that made him growl at you. 
“Wait, miss, you shouldn’t. You will get hurt.” You turned your head, to see a cute redheaded boy that was in the golden pair. 
“Kikumaru Eiji, golden pair with Oishi. It’s fine, trust me I will be fine.” You say the boy’s eyes widen in shock before looking at the others. Just like that the match resumed, Byodoin needing one point to win while you had zero. He served the ball, and just like that, you knew he was aiming for your body. You sidestepped the ball before returning it at a fast, lightning speed. 
Point by point you caught up with Byodoin, and you could see the irritation in his eyes. He was getting angry with himself, and losing his cool in the process. You both were tied now, and he hit the ball just the way you needed. You stood in a position that everyone besides the newcomers knew, and they knew what shot was coming. Dragon Force. 
“You aren’t the only powerhouse, you should know this. Dragon Force…” Byodoin’s eyes widen, and he stepped back as you hit the ball that formed a dragon’s body flying through the air, you knew he would try to return it, but you simply turned your back to him.
“Don’t you dare turn~ your~back to me!” Byodoin yelled but the force of the ball sent him flying into the wall denting it.  “You aren’t a match, never been a match never will be a match for me. You mess with my team again, I will personally make sure you guys are suspended from any games that happen in the near future Do I make myself clear? I chose to take on with training them because I can’t stand half of you red jersey bastards.” You say narrowing your eyes harder. 
“You guys don’t deserve to wear the red jackets, so I plan to remove you guys completely to let them take your places when I am done with them.” You say putting your red jacket on your shoulders, that’s when the younger members realized you were the captain of the entire U-17 camp and must have been their coach. You walked away from them, before heading to the infirmary but were stopped by a member of Rikkaidai’s youngest member, Akaya.
“That was so cool!” 
“Ah, thanks Akaya Kirihara youngest of Rikkaidai’s tennis team.” You patted his head, and continued to walk away, you didn’t notice but a certain captain of Hyoeti’s tennis team was watching you in awe. 
“She is beautiful.”
“Uh, Atobe~kun she is like 2  years older than you.” 
“Don’t care. Oresama will have her one way or another.” Atobe sighed in content before you stopped and looked over at them. 
“ Let’s go  check on Tokugawa alright?” You said, and everyone began to follow you. Atobe made his way up to you, and before he could say anything you raised a hand. 
“Keigo Atobe, Hyotei’s captain.” You said, he felt his heart rate accelerate.
“You can call me or~”
“Call you Oresama? Yeah, not a chance.” You say raising an eyebrow, you heard snickering, and Keigo glared back at the team and they got quiet. 
“It’s good to see you again (Y/N).” Shuji came up to hug you tightly, you hugged back with a smile. 
“Good to be back, I guess.” You laughed nudging Shuji. 
“You know they were highly concern about you facing Byodoin right?”
“I know, but can you blame them? They don’t know me, they just see a small female that looks like she can break easily like glass facing a brute like him.” You say.
“Yeah, even after I reassured them that Byodoin was the glass in this situation they didn’t believe me.” He said, and you laughed. 
“Oi are you two...dating?” You turned your eyes to meet Keigo’s and he looked left out, Shuji looked at you and you both shared the same idea. Shuju was another one of your best friends that you adored and had to scold often for not training.
“She is soon to be my wife,” Shuji said, and you hugged his arms nodding. 
“Oh, I see.”  Atobe dropped his shoulders, the look of defeat on his face. 
“Don’t be down, there are plenty of pretty girls.” You say in a teasing tone.
“Don’t tease them Shuji, (Y/N) you are their coach/captain you shouldn’t be joining in.” You looked up, and you rolled your eyes. 
“ But we are dating.”
“Well, this is news to me,” Tokugawa said crossing his arms. You and Shuji looked at each other sharing the same though once again a smile on your face. 
“Want us to prove it?” Shuji asked Tokugawa looked you both before realizing what you two were planning.
“Oh gross, don’t you dare.” It was too late Shuji pecked your lips, your eyes widen and you slapped his shoulder. 
“Oi! We weren’t actually going to do that.” You exclaimed to Shuji who had a carefree smile on his lips.
“Too late now.”
“I am going to kill you.”
“Gotta catch me first.” 
“Ugh, I hate you.” You say as Shuji ran from you.
“Anything with dating doesn’t listen to them, they aren’t dating.” Keigo’s spirits lifted up, and you could see hope in his eyes. 
“Don’t go getting idea’s Keigo, I date people same age or older than me.” You say, before smacking Tokugawa upside his head. 
“Owe, that hurts!”
“Sorry, are you hurt badly?” 
“Not really, I just can’t overdo it.
“Good, 50 laps.”
“You know the rules no joining in matches against the red jackets unless I or the other coaches arrange it.” You say.
“That is so cruel.”
“I can make it 200 laps. I am being nice because you got hurt during your match.”
“I am going, I am going,” Tokugawa said as he began running his laps. You smiled before yelling towards him. 
“Meet us in the cafeteria when you are done bye~!” You said, leading them to the cafeteria. 
“What are we doing here?” Oishi asked you looked over at him giving him a smile.
“Well when I reveal myself a month later, I always throw a small party for my team, since I revealed myself earlier we are just gonna have the party earlier. So if you want to shower and stuff just meet back here.” You say with a smile, they all nodded cheering that they get to relax a bit. You watched them all leave before Ryoma came up to you, you raised an eyebrow before saying the words you knew you were going to hear from one of them.
“I will beat you, and become the best.” You laughed softly hitting his hat down a bit.
“Go get in the shower you stink like sweat.” You say making Ryoma puff his cheeks out. You left to your room to shower yourself when you finished you went to put on underwear in a bra only to realize they were all gone. Every. Single. Last. Pair. You growled and went to look for pants or shorts only to realized your dresses were left behind.
“OH NO!” You exclaimed eyes widened in saucers, you put the skirt on and your red jacket so no one could tell.
“I can’t go outside to buy underwear,  pants or bra, oh my god. I need... Tokugawa! Come here! You yelled getting to the cafeteria. You held your skirt down, with a blush as Tokugawa made his way to you.”
“What’s up?”
“I need a huge favor.”
“Are you okay? You are red in the face.” He asked worried, your blush increased and you leaned in to whisper in his ear. 
“Someone stole my panties, bras, and pants leaving me with skirts and shirts. If I give you money can you please buy me undergarments?” His eyes widen, a blush covered his cheeks. 
“I-I can’t (Y/N).”
“Please, I will do your homework for the rest of the year.”
“I am sorry. I can’t help I can’t just walk into a girls shop and buy those things.” He said apologetically. 
“Fine, thanks though.” Shuji was the next person you called. 
“SHUJI!” Tokugawa walked away giving you an apologetic smile.
“What’s up?” He asked you blushed before getting it over with.
“Someone stole my pants and ALL of my undergarments. I can’t go by them myself because well I am wearing a skirt with… nothing please go buy me some I will do your homework for the rest of the year. Shuji felt a nosebleed coming on, and your blush darkened, you whined and Shuji shook his head. 
“I flirt with you, yes, but that’s because we enjoy making people think that, but I can’t possibly buy your undergarments. That means I would know exactly what you would be wearing, I can’t I am sorry.”
“Shuji if I don’t get these things, I will never be able to play tennis, I will have to forfeit matches and stuff please.”
“I am sorry but ask one of the younger males. SORRY (Y/N)!” He ran off to tend to his bleeding nose. 
“Is everything okay (Y/N)~senpai?” You turned to see Oishi, and your eyes widen. He is so sweet and pure. 
“Oishi, do you know anyone that has sisters? That isn’t shy? Or something…” Oishi thought for a moment.”
“Eiji, Fuji, Ryoma has an older female cousin. Uhm, that’s all I can think of.” 
“Eiji! Fuji! Thanks, Oishi.”
“Anything I can help with?” He asked.
 “Are you comfortable with shopping for bras and underwear?” You asked, and he blushed shaking his head.
“Then nope, thanks.” Eiji and Fuji made their way, Eiji had a blush.
“I know why you called I am sorry (Y/N) I can’t help. Tokugawa was asking around for you.” Eiji said.
“I didn’t hear what’s going on?” Fuji asked confused.
“Someone stole my pants and undergarments I need someone to buy me some I have money I can’t go out like this.” You said desperate, and Fuji’s eyes opened. 
“Do you know who did it?”
“Nope, I was in the shower, or It could have been when I was at the courts.” You said Fuji puts a hand on his chin.
“I can’t help but if you can’t find anyone, I can get my sister too,” Eiji said, and Fuji nodded.
“Same I can too.”
“Thanks, I don’t want to be a bother to them though.” You say.
“Oh tell Tokugawa to stop asking people I don’t want everyone to know…” They nodded, and you sighed slipping away from the cafeteria, but Keigo stopped you.
“Senpai, do you need to ask me a question?” You turned to see Keigo. You were not about to ask him, but it was like he knew the issue. 
“Did Tokugawa tell you?”
“Just ask me the question.” He said, you blushed groaning but you had no choice. 
“Keigo can you please head to the store. I can’t walk out like this someone~”
“Stole your undergarments and pants? Yeah, I figured that’s what they were doing. Here.” He handed you bags, and you looked into the bag seeing all new undergarments. Your eyes widen and he gave you his famous smirk.
“Oresama is amazing, right? I even reported the ones who stole your stuff.” Keigo said, you were about to hug him but stopped. 
“Once I am fully dressed, I am giving you a hug you are amazing.” You say speed walking to your room. Keigo grinned fist pumping in the air, and everyone walked to him.
“How did you know?” Tokugawa asked.
“When I was headed to my room, I heard Byodoin and some other’s say they were stealing (Y/N) stuff, so I recorded them and took it to the coaches.” Everyone nodded and began to party, and you walked out of your room to see Keigo waiting for you. 
“You were waiting for me?”
“Yepp.” You hugged him tightly, and he returned the hug. You gave him a soft kiss to the cheek before heading down to the cafeteria.
“Thanks, Keigo, I owe you one.”
“Just a date will be fine, maybe a dance tonight.” You glanced at Keigo, and he offered you his hand once you both made it The music was loud and you leaned your head back, before looking at him.
“You are serious.” 
“Oresama is very serious.” You looked over to see Tokugawa and Shuji who were grinning at you, you had a blush before taking his hand. You both continued to dance, and Keigo held you close. Even though you were older, you were shorter than him, it wasn’t long before Nioh pulled you away from Keigo and began to dance with you. 
“Puri~not sorry I stole her from you.” 
“Oi~!” Keigo growled at Nioh, you sweatdropped. Nioh danced away from Keigo in the crowd, somewhere along the way, Fuji was dancing with you, than Oishi, than Bunta, then Akaya, back to Keigo, then Shuji. You were confused, amongst the slight arguing you somehow started dancing with Ryoma. 
“How did I even get into this?” Ryoma was confused just as you were, someone pushed someone, and you let Ryoma go and fell into Tezuka. 
“Oh dear, this is getting out of hand.” You said, and Tezuka adjusted his glasses.
“It is now they are arguing who is better at tennis.” You laughed softly, you had your work cut out for you. Just then Keigo appeared at Tezuka’s side. 
“Can I have her back?” Keigo said, and Tezuka allowed you to dance with Keigo. 
“Idiots.” He mumbled, and you laughed softly before pecking Keigo’s lips.
“Maybe I can make an exception for you. After all, you were man enough to buy things no one else was comfortable doing.” You say. 
“You give Oresama a chance I would be so happy.” You laughed softly, and Keigo led you away from everyone. He sat you on the bench outside, before holding your hand in his. You leaned your head on his shoulder, and he looked down at you. 
“So dating now?” Keigo asked and you shook your head. 
“We only met today, but give it time I am sure it will happen in due time.” You say, and he kissed the top of your head. 
“I can wait, as long as you become Oresama’s in the end.” You shook your head with a smile on your face.
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poppywrites41 · 4 years
Captured. Eren X Reader
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Relationship: Aggressive! Eren Jeager x Fem! Reader
Summary: Eren escaped his cell and left to rejoin Floch and the Jeagerists. Left shocked and confused, the remaining members the Survey Corps plan a meeting to find Eren and bring him back.
Warnings: Manga spoilers for Season 4!! Cursing and Smut in the end.
Do not read if you have not read the manga! This has nothing to do with my other fic, Why? Lmao. I just felt like this part in the manga, would be a perfect opportunity for some  r u d e  Eren.
“How did he escape?!” Jean yelled, slamming his fist on the table.
“He made a hole in the wall and sealed it with his titan’s hardening,” Hange said, hands clenching in anger, “If only we had taken more precautions...if only we had restrained him more…”
“Well what happened happened,” Levi said, sipping his tea, “Mistakes were made. Now the brat is out meeting up with those psychopaths. I swear, whenever I see him I will give him the fight of his life.”
“Well now we need to make up and plan,” Armin said, looking at a map of Paradis, “We need to figure out where Eren might be as well as Zeke. We need to keep those two separated.”
“Maybe if we meet up with-” Mikasa was cut off when the doors were slammed open, revealing a seething h/c girl.
“Where. Is. Eren?” Y/N seethed. Everyone was too scared to respond. It is not often Y/N gets mad, but when she does, she’s scary. “Where is that son of a bitch?! I will kill him!!”
“Y/N calm down!!” Armin said, “We are trying to figure that out now. We cannot go around charging after people. We need to make a plan on how to best approach Eren.”
Instead of calming down, Y/N threw a chair across the room which then prompted humanities strongest soldier to tackle her to the ground. “Armin,” Levi said holding down a feral Y/N, “We need a plan by tonight. Eren will be on the move so we need to be fast. I will take this brat out and give you some peace.” Armin nodded and begun devising a plan with Hange, Mikasa, Jean and Connie.
Levi dragged Y/N to another room and threw her inside. “What the fuck Levi,” Y/N growled, “You and I both know we need to leave now to catch up to Eren.”
“Not without a plan brat.” Levi said, “Eren is too powerful and he has somewhat of an army. We need to wait. Now if you aren’t going to cooperate like a normal human being, I will have to lock you in this room for a time out.”
“You wouldn’t dare…” Y/N glared at him.
Levi smirked and pulled out some keys from his pocket, “I will always be stronger and smarter than you brat. Take some time, cool your head and I will come get you before we leave.” With that, the captain swiftly exited the room and locked the door. 
It has been a couple of hours. At least, that’s what Y/N thinks. “What the fuck is taking them so long?” she mumbles as she paces the room, “We need to leave now or else we won’t be able to catch up to him.” 
After pacing the room for some time, she sat down and poured some water into a glass and brought it to her lips. Even though the water was cool, it did not soothe her temper. “UGH WHY AM I STILL HERE?!” she yells and throws the cup, coincidently into the widow, making a crack in the glass.
Y/N stares at the window and looks outside. She looks down and sees the stables and weapons storage across the courtyard. “Fourth floor huh?” she mumbles to herself, “Oh Levi...You underestimate me little man.” Y/N opens the window and climbs out onto the roof. To her left, she sees a ladder descending to the ground. She makes a run for it, not realizing she ran past the window of the room where the gang were making the plan.
While Armin was talking, Levi noticed something blur past the window. He looked outside and saw Y/N running across the roof. Quickly springing into action, while catching everyone inside off-guard, he climbed out the window after Y/N. 
“L/N!!” He yelled, stopping her in her tracks, “What do you think you’re doing?”
“I’m leaving to beat that bastard’s ass, Captain,” Y/N said, “And you will not be stopping me!”
With that, she jumped off the roof and braced herself to hit the ground. She tucked herself into a ball and rolled forward to lessen the impact of the rough earth against her fall, allowing her to get up easily and start running towards the weapons storage. She new she had a small window of time to pick her weapon before Levi hits the ground. She new he wouldn’t throw himself off the roof like her. Y/N looks at the weapons in-front of her. “I don't have enough time to put on my ODM gear….” She said. Then she noticed some ODM blades with their handles attached with some polisher next to them. “That’ll have to do.” she sighed and grabbed two, quickly wrapping them. As she was making her way to the stables, she noticed a revolver on a table. She grabbed it, stuffed it in her belt and went to her horse. When she was about to grab the saddle to put it on, She noticed Levi running across the courtyard towards her. “I guess I’m riding bareback!” She exclaimed as she jumped onto her horse, hands tight on the reigns, kicking its sides, flying out of the camp. “Let’s go!” she called to the horse as she steered it towards the open gate of Wall Maria, running full speed. The open gate was within view, however, she heard the bell tolling. Y/N whipped her head back and saw the bell tolling. “Damn you Levi!!” She howled, “Hya!! Come on boy. Let’s go!” She urged her horse faster, aiming to exit right before the gate closed. As she got closer, she saw her opening closing. “Come on! Come on!” The gate was almost closed. Y/N flattened herself to her horse back as they went underneath the lowering gate, her horse pushing itself faster. Y/N closed her eyes waiting to feel the immense pressure crush her and her steed. But it never came. She could still feel her horses muscles flexing under her as well as its heartbeat. Y/N opened her eyes and looked around her. The wall was getting smaller and smaller. She smiled, “We made it!!” she cheered, patting the horse. “Now,” she smirked looking into the woods, “Let’s go find that bastard.”
Night had fallen, and after several hours of searching for Eren, Y/N decided to take a break. She stopped at an old village near the woods that was left alone for a while. Y/N put her horse in the stables and gave it food and water, bidding her friend goodnight.
While walking to a house that she was planning on staying in, she heard a crash. Y/N jumped behind some rubble and waited. 
“Damn,” a voice said, “Why would people just leave their village without supplies?”
“I dont know man,” another voice said, “But Mr. Jaeger said that this village still had some and that we need it.”
‘Eren!’ Y/N’s eyes widened, ‘They know where he is!’ 
She looked out from her hiding spot and saw two men carrying sacks and throwing them onto a wagon. “Alrighty,” one of them said, “I think we are good to go.” One of them climbed in the back and the other took hold of the reigns, urging the horses pulling the wagon to move.
“I need to follow them!” 
Y/N grabbed her blades and gun and ran after the wagon, making sure to keep her distance.
The place they stopped, Eren’s camp, wasn’t that far away from the village. She watched the wagon pull up next to others while some men approached it to unload the supplies. The two men got off the wagon and were taken by two soldier to a figure who faced the fire. Y/N couldn’t make it out who it was for their back was facing her.
“Where you followed?” the figure asked.
“No sir,” one of the men said, “The village was empty. Like you said, Mr. Jeager.”
‘Eren…” Y/N slowly unwrapped her ODM blades and slowly crept up on the men and Eren, using the shadows to her advantage.
“What did you find?” Eren asked.
“Grain, eggs, pork and potatoes.” the other man said proudly.
“Oh I believe you also brought me a gift.” Eren said smirking.
“A-A...gift? Sir?” they asked.
“Of course,” Eren said standing up to face them, “You both brought me a gift. You didn’t realize it?”
The men shook their heads in confusion, making Eren smirk. 
“Come on out, Y/N.”
Y/N’s heart skipped a beat. ‘How did he know I was here?!’
“Come on Y/N~” Eren said in a sing song voice, “Or else these men die.”
“Don’t kill them!” She said stepping into Eren’s vision, dropping the blades, “They didn’t know I was there!”
“Oh Y/N…” Eren sighs and snaps his fingers. Two gunshots follow and the two men’s bodies soon follow after that.
“What did they do?!” she growled.
“Nothing,” Eren said shrugging, “they were unaware of their surroundings and just plain stupid. I can’t surround myself with stupid people.”
“But they were innocent!” She cried.
“Mr. Jaeger!” some soldiers called as they ran toward them to protect him.
“It’s alright,” Eren said to his men, “She can’t do much. You all go get some rest.”
“I can’t do much?” Y/N growled, “I can’t do much?!” She pulled out her gun and aimed it at Eren, “I can fuck you up so bad you bastard!!” shooting him multiple times until her gun ran out of bullets.
Eren groaned and fell to the ground.
“Just die already,” Y/N said turning around and walking away, “We will defeat Zeke and save humanity. We trusted you, Eren. And you broke our trust. You stupid son of a bi-”
A scorching hot hand wrapped around her throat cut her off, causing her to choke.
“Are you dumb? Or did you forget that you need to slice my nape to kill me?” Eren chuckled in her ear, his breath fanning over her skin, making her get goosebumps.
“Y-You...b-bastard…” Y/N gasps, gulping for air. She tried scratching his skin with her nails, hoping for him to release her, but it wouldn’t work.
“How about we take a walk hm?” Eren said smirking, “That always used to calm you down.”
“How- d-dare you…” she growled. Eren released her throat, allowing her to gasp and gulp down the oxygen her body so desperately needed, and grabbed both of her arms, steering her deeper into the woods.
“Everyone get some rest,” Eren called out to his men, “I will return in a while.”
Once they were out of sight and hearing of his camp, Eren let go of Y/N, throwing her way from him onto the ground. Y/N grunted in pain as she stood up. “You piece of shit!” she yelled as she threw her fist towards his face. Eren sighed out of annoyance as he grabbed her by the wrist and tossed her body a few feet away from him. “Why are you here?” He asked as he walked over to her and pulled her up by her shoulder, “Where are the others?”
“Not *cough* here.”
Eren’s eyes widened with confusion, “So they don’t know where you are?”
“No,” She said as she harshly pushed him away from her, “I came here to either kill you are take you back to everyone.”
“You intend to bring me back?” He laughed, “I believe you have it wrong, sweetheart.” He grabbed Y/N by her hair and brought her face close to his and licks his lips, “It is I who have captured you.”
“Let me go you bastard!” Y/N yells as she swings her legs at him hoping to kick him off of her to allow her time to escape. But Eren is a step ahead of her. He swung his leg under her, kicking her legs out from underneath, having her land square on her back. The sudden pain sent her into a bit of a frozen shock, giving Eren enough time to straddle her legs between his and tie her hands above her head.
“Eren…” Y/N looked up at the brunette with furious eyes, “let...me...go.”
Eren smirked. He liked it when she got all riled up, it was a big turn on for him. He lowered his head to her ear and nibbled on her lobe, causing the girl to stiffen, “Sorry sweetheart,” he deep husky voice said into her ear, “I cannot pass this opportunity up. It’s not often you are rendered immobile.”
“W-What do you m-mean?” Y/N grunts as she squirms underneath him in an attempts to escape his hold and the ropes. She suddenly stopped with a sharp intake of breath when she felt something poke her thigh. Eren gave a low groan of pleasure and began to swivel his hips against Y/N’s. 
“You know,” he said as he pulled her legs out from under him, spreading them open, “I have had my eye on you for a while, Y/N.”
He looked at the h/c haired girl’s face and smirked. Her eyes were looking back at him with fear. He chuckled when she flinched as he reached for the buttons on her shirt.
“Relax. I’m not gonna hurt you.” He said as he unbuttoned her shirt, revealing her sports bra (y’all rlly think girl scouts would be wearin normal bras?lol). Eren placed light kisses onto her neck as he pulled her bra up, revealing her chest.
“P-Please Eren. Don’t!” Y/N said with a shaky voice. 
“Calm down,” He said as he began to knead her left breast, “It’ll feel better if you’re relaxed.”
‘Just stay quiet,’ she said to herself, ‘If I don’t react, he will get bored.’ So that’s what she did. She stayed quiet and looked up at the sky through the trees to distract herself. Only she didn’t notice that Eren had rid her of her pants. She was suddenly brought back to reality when she felt something invade her core. She gasped in pain and looked down to see Eren moving his fingers in and out of her core.
“Welcome back,” he smirked at her, “I knew what you were doing, Y/N. I let you have your little moment of peace, now it ends!” Y/N squealed when his fingers began to move faster within her, rubbing all of her sensitive spots. Her breathing became labored and her hips began to buck into Eren’s hand on their own, chasing her release. Eren stroked her walls with is fingers a few more times before removing his hand before she could, resulting in Y/N yelling in anger and frustration.
“What’s wrong sweetheart?” Eren asked, sounding like a husband worrying about his wife, “Did you need something?”
“E-Eren…” Y/N groaned as she felt her thighs rubbing against each other, trying to create friction to help her reach her high.
“Oh look!” Eren laughed, “the little slut wants to cum.” He grabbed her chin, forcing her to look into his eyes as his fingers went back to her pussy. Y/N whimpered as she felt his fingers enter her slowly, her hips moving to hurry him. “Do you want to cum?” he asks. Y/N didn’t answer and only glared at him, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of her giving in.
Eren then sighed and took his fingers out, earning a sharp exhale from the girl. He stood up and moved Y/N to stand up against a tree. He made sure to tie her legs apart so that she doesn’t move them together and retied her hands above her. “If you don’t want to cum, then I hope you don’t mind if I just leave you like this.” He smirked, “It’ll help making the need to cum go away.” He took a good look at her, but noticed that she wasn’t reacting and that pissed him off. He bent down to where his mouth was against her pussy and began to lick her clit, causing Y/N to shiver. Eren continued to lick and suck on Y/N’s pussy until she was a trembling mess. He could feel her walls tighten. “E-E-Eren!” Y/N cried as soon as Eren stepped back. “I will kill you!!” she screams.
“I will ask you again, slut,” Eren said, “Do you want to cum?”
Y/N breathing was erratic, her mind was in jumbles and she was upset. She couldn’t think straight.
“P-please…” she said in defeat, looking up at him, “let me cum…”
All of a sudden, she could no longer feel any ropes on her. Eren held her in his arms against the tree, “I can’t hold back sweetheart.” Before Y/N could comprehend his words, she felt something spread her walls so much it hurt. Eren grunted while he pushed his cock into her pussy. When he finally got himself in all the way, he felt Y/N tense up and shudder. She was a sweaty, panting mess in his arms. “Did you just cum from me putting my dick in you?” he smirked. He put her on the ground and began to move inside her. He noticed she was holding back her moans so he pinched her side, causing her to gasp. “Don’t hold back your moans,” he grunted as he thrusted into her, “No one can hear you except me.”
Y/N tried to keep it together, but all of a sudden she could feel another orgasm coming. She could not longer hide her noises. “Eren! Eren I’m close!” She moaned into his ear. Eren brought a hand down to her clit and rubbed her pearl, causing her to moan, as he pounded into her hips harder. “Ah! Eren please! Please I’m so close! Eren! I-Mmf!” Eren silenced her with his lips as he continued his assault on her pussy, Y/N greedily returning the kiss. He could feel her tightening around him, bringing him close to his high. He detached his lips from hers and placed them on her neck, giving her hickies and love bites. “Eren!” Y/N says hazily after her second orgasm, “Inside...do it inside please!!” Her arms wrapped around his neck, looking into his eye with her big sparkly e/c ones. Seeing her looking so fucked out, brought Eren over the edge. He gave one final thrust as he held Y/N close to him while he spilled everything he had into her womb.
After a few minutes of them laying together in each others arms, too tired to move, Y/N brings a hand to Eren’s face, turning his attention to her. “Eren…” she said with tears in her eyes, “Let’s go home. Please.”
Eren smiled, making Y/N think he would agree, but that smile turned into a smirk and what he said next broke her heart in a million pieces:
“Oh sweetheart, you’ve been captured. I cannot let you go.”
Welp. There’s another Eren fic. Hope y’all enjoy! Sorry for any mistakes!
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kidney9-9 · 4 years
Can I request a Bucky x reader where you're there with Steve & bucky at the snap and watch as Bucky turns to dust? And it completely wrecks your whole world. Especially when you find out you're pregnant and Steve steps in to help in those 5 years until they reverse the snap? Then Bucky comes back to the avengers tower (U don't have to follow the movie) he sees you and Steve and a child together and panics , scared you'd moved on from him with Steve? Sorry this is long & specific. Thank you! xx
Hi sweetie! Hope you enjoy this :) thank you for sending this in! also I’m sorry it took so long! A little note for this story: the snap that brought everyone back happens randomly, and we’re sort of ignoring everything that happened in endgame haha! I also only included just a few characters in this because I wanted to sort of strengthen the bonds between them all :)) also nothing romantic happens between reader and Steve!!
Bucky x Reader/Steve x Reader (Angst/Fluff) Warnings: anxiety and a little swearing Word Count: 3k
“Bucky!” You screamed, dropping to the floor as you watched him fade away. Steve dropped along with you, trying to pick up whatever was left of your fiancée. You sobbed when you opened your eyes, seeing the dust, and you quickly started to gasp for breaths as Steve watched you quietly. “We’ll get him back. Wherever he is.” He tried comforting you, but you kept shaking your head violently, “No, just…” You trailed off, as your head started to pound.
Weeks after his and half of the world’s disappearance, you couldn’t cope. You tried leaving everything and everyone behind when you found out about the baby. His baby. You didn’t know what to do. Everything hurt, and you started to freak out some more when you realized how harmful it might have been for a baby to grow up in such a dark and depressing world. Everyone was depressed now, seeing as most were affected by the snap.
When you were at the lowest point, packing your bags after you booked a flight to the middle of nowhere, Steve was the one to find you leaving. “Y/n? What are you doing?” He asked you, stepping in close to look down at your bags. You shook your head at him with tears running down your face, as he sighed, picking up your bags and dropping them on the floor next to the two of you.
“Steve, I can’t be here anymore…” You trailed off, with a scratchy voice. Steve furrowed his eyebrows at you, as a flash of anger and frustration hit him, “What do you mean?” He questioned you, but as he made eye contact with you, his face softened, as you started to cry harder.
You sniffled, glancing down to your stomach, giving it a soft pat, and a dry laugh came out of you. “I’m pregnant. Fuck, Steve, we were supposed to get married in four days from now, and I’m fucking… Why did it have to be him? I want him back for our baby.” You sobbed out, head dropping on Steve’s chest as his arms circled around you to bring you closer. His heart dropped at your confession, and he breathed in deeply, trying to find the right words to say.
He hugged you tight, as tears started to form in his eyes. “We’ll… Bucky will come back, I know it. I’ll support you as well.” He whispered down to you, trying not to choke on his words. You nodded back into his chest, sniffling and feeling relieved that at least one person knew, especially since it was Steve. He was Bucky’s best friend, and one of the people you trust the most.
“Thank you,” You mumbled into his chest, as the two of you hugged for several minutes. In that hug, you could feel the pain and lost he had for Bucky, and how well he was trying to hide it, but he couldn’t with you. You were sure that he could feel the pain from you as well, the emotional distress from watching Bucky dust away in front of you, and knowing you were pregnant.
Steve helped you as much as he possibly could, and you to him as well. The two of you grew closer than ever, forming a sister-brother type bond that almost resembled how him and Bucky were back in the 40s. He helped you find a home close to the Compound, but far enough away that you wouldn’t run into people from there.
When you bought a crib for your soon to be born baby, Steve painted it as a surprise for you, which made you cry. He painted the boards in colors like Bucky’s theme, and he even wrote out the date to which the two of you met. You remember sobbing and crashing into Steve’s arms, because you honestly would have never expected that, and when he told you everything would be okay, you believed him. When he was at his lowest point, barely able to complete missions without breaking down, you would talk to him on the phone for hours. You reminded him of every little story that Bucky had told you before, about his childhood. You also started retelling stories of you and Steve together, laughing at the memories the two of you built.
When you were in labor, Steve was the one the hospital called, since he was your emergency contact. He came in when you were pushing the baby out, and the two of you were in for a surprise since you didn’t know the gender. You gripped his hand tight as he whispered, “You got this!” and other encouraging things. When the baby finally came and you got to hold the baby, you and Steve gasped in surprise, seeing the baby was a girl.
You glanced up to Steve with a tired smile, both of you sweaty from the intense situation, and then you glanced back down to your baby girl. “Her name is Rebecca. Becca for short.” You mumbled to the nurses, as they smiled back to you, writing the name.
“And last name?” They asked you, and this time Steve spoke up for you, slowly laying his hand on the back of Rebecca’s head, “Barnes.”
A year ahead, the three of you were doing better. You still felt down by Bucky’s disappearance, but Becca and Steve always managed to cheer you up. Steve did as well, but whenever he looked down to Becca, he swore he could see that charming smile Bucky had all those years back. For her first birthday, you invited over a few of your friends, including Natasha, and Steve was already there, helping you. He made the same cake his mom and Bucky’s mom used for birthdays. You two always spent every second you could with Becca, Steve saw her less because of his work as an Avenger still. 
Natasha realized by that time, that Steve would start slowing down his work because of you and Becca, seeing that Steve basically became an uncle to Becca, and a brother to you. She started to slowly become the head of the Avengers, but Steve didn’t mind, seeing that he could spend more time with you and Becca.
When the anniversary of the snap passed the first year, Steve promised and vowed to you that Bucky would return, and the three of you would spend a happy life together. But when he said that, you frowned, gazing at him worriedly, “It would be the four of us, Steve. You are a part of our family.”
For Steve’s birthday, you and Becca surprised him with a trip to his old home, where the owner had quickly agreed to allowing the three of you come in. He couldn’t be more shocked, seeing and feeling the memories from his childhood. Seeing you and Becca there felt natural to him as well, as he slowly started accepting the fact that you were no matter what, family now.
By the second year, Becca was walking and giggling and talking. She recognized Steve as her dad, but the two of you embraced it. Steve started staying at your home more often, to the point he had his own room, with his own things. You and Steve started having such a similar relationship like him and Bucky to the point he would feel himself tear up by some of your actions. When he called you an asshole out on a limp, thinking it was funny, you instantly responded with “bitch”, and Steve couldn’t help but let a few tears drop. He couldn’t help but compare to him and Bucky’s nicknames, and when you saw him cry, you comforted him the same way Bucky would.
You still didn’t give up hope about Bucky coming back and finally meeting your daughter. You even called Bucky’s sister, to which Steve was shocked to hear about. She was ecstatic to hear from you and Becca and recalled lots of her childhood with Bucky. She only influenced and strengthened your hope he would come back. Even Becca would start randomly point to Bucky’s pictures to the wall and smile.
By the third year, you and Steve started to crack. It was so long already, that you started to feel stupid that Bucky would ever be back. You often dreamed of him smiling to Becca, picking her up with a beam of pure happiness, and kissing your cheek. When you tried talking about your dreams with Steve, he would always shut you down. He started to wear thin. He thought of millions of ways to get Bucky back, and only seeing you and Becca started to agitate him more. It felt like he was already here, but he wasn’t.
Becca started to push Steve away whenever he tried to visit by the end of the third year. It only hurt everyone more, and Becca discovered the truth about the man in the photos on the wall. She only reacted to seeing Bucky in the pictures as her father now, not Steve.
The fourth year rolled around slow. Every day felt like a drag to you, and your only happiness was Becca. You couldn’t help but criticize yourself, thinking you were a shitty mother. You would do absolutely anything for your baby, and that was all you focused on. You cut out the branches of Bucky and Steve in your mind, after seeing Steve start acting recklessly on television and missions. Becca didn’t realize any of this because you left the photos hanging on the wall for her to have some form of hope.
Steve felt like shit for cutting you completely out. Natasha even called him out for it, suspending him for a week, to “get his shit together” and talk to you. He missed you and Becca, and of course Bucky. He thought of Bucky every day, feeling massive guilt for letting his friend drift away. Everything he did, he blamed himself for whatever consequence it played off on Bucky. It was his fault that Bucky fell off the train, and it was his fault now that Bucky disappeared. Was Bucky dead, though? Steve didn’t know what to think, but guilt ate him away for months.
But one day, you and Steve came to terms with the idea of meeting again. He called you early one morning, the day before Becca’s birthday. “I miss you thre- two. I know I’ve been a… a bitch lately, and I’m sorry. I want to talk to you guys again.” He whispered into the phone, glancing at the clock and frowning at the early time. He wondered why you were up so early.
“Oh,” You paused into the phone, closing your eyes with a heavy sigh. “Yeah, yeah, that’s okay. Later today okay? Like three?” You asked, getting up from bed, and strolling out of your room. You peeked your head into Becca’s room, smiling to see she was still sleeping soundly.
When you and Becca showed up to the Compound, Steve was outside waiting. He looked different from last time you saw him in person, and you sighed when you saw the circles underneath his eyes. “Are you alright?” You asked him, standing a few feet away from him. He hesitated to take a step forward, but he did anyways, clearing his throat and nodding a yes back to you. He glanced down to Becca, smiling softly as she pouted to him.
“Are you the bitch?” She questioned, making your eyes widen in shock and you gasped. Steve laughed out in shock as well, smiling down to her, “Yeah I am,” He paused blinking as she grinned to him, sticking her hand out properly to shake. He took it hesitantly, after looking to you to get permission, when you nodded, he smiled back.
His smile dropped slightly when he realized how similar Becca’s smile was to Bucky’s. He glanced back up to you, and you could already tell what he was thinking. “She acts like him too. Sassy but cute,” You shrugged back down to Steve. He nodded and moved his hand away from Becca. He smiled again down to Becca as she blew raspberries at you as a joke.
“Want to go inside and talk?” Steve offered, breaking the small silence that took over after the mention of Bucky. You nodded to him, grabbing onto your daughter’s hand as the three of you walked in. She gasped in amazement of the technology that surrounded the three of you, and you grinned down to her, mumbling, “Momma used to work here.”
Becca quickly glanced up to you and furrowed her eyebrows together, “What? No, this is for superheroes.” She quickly denied, making Steve laugh out, “Your mom is a superhero.”
Becca declined that as well, waving her hand in disbelief. You shrugged back to Steve, seeing she wouldn’t want to learn about it now, as the three of you took a seat. When he smiled back at you, and launched into conversation, it felt like you all were back to the same relationship as before.
The fifth year came by fast. Everything between you and Steve, and Steve and Becca cleared up fast. You even moved back into the Compound after Natasha offered you a desk job, saying she needed your help for watching over missions. When the two of you moved into the Compound, Becca had her own room next to yours, thinking it was amazing. She brought over every single photo of Bucky she could find, saying he’s always there for her.
When everyone came back on that day, you and Becca, along with Steve were out in the yard, playing around.
Bucky found himself in the same exact place he dusted off. It was all a shock and panic to the world, as everyone who left, returned suddenly. He didn’t know what to do, but he found one of the jets they used, quickly buckling himself in and shaking as he pressed the destination in. He had no idea what to do, how long he’s been gone, where everyone is. So, he pressed the only place he knew Steve and you would be for sure, the Compound.
With the speed of the jet, it took around four hours. He didn’t have any connection to anywhere, as he tried logging into the databases, instead he went online. Seeing the date made his heart drop to the floor, and he couldn’t help the loud gasp to come out of him. By the time he landed, he stumbled out of the aircraft, trying to breathe in and out properly, searching for you and Steve.
The Compound had changed slightly, it seemed as though the building had more to it than last time, as Bucky tumbled over to the entrance. He pushed the doors open with a sigh, glancing all around the room, but seeing no one he recognizes. He ignored all the yells from the people around him as he pushed passed them, heading over to the other outdoor area.
He stumbled through the doors, seeing you first as you were standing closest to him. “Y/n!” He yelled out, rushing over to you. You gasped in immense shock, as Steve and Becca stood up, hearing Bucky. You quickly ran over to him, tackling him into a deep hug, as the two of you started to cry. Steve held Becca back as Bucky hiccupped over his tears, “I love you so much, what happened?” He sobbed out, squeezing hard.
You squeezed him back just as hard, still in shock. “I love you. I love you so much, Bucky. Oh fuck, I missed you so much.” You mumbled back, tears rushing down your face. When Bucky opened his eyes again, still holding onto you, his eyes drifted over to Steve and then to Becca.
“What the fuck?” He muttered, stepping away from you, as assumptions started circling around in his head. Steve shook his head at Bucky, seeing what was happening as you furrowed your eyebrows at him. Bucky backed away, starting to feel a panic rush into his system as Becca glanced up to Steve, holding his hand, then back to Bucky with a shocked face.
You shook your head at Bucky as he started to feel his throat turn raw with emotion. “Yo- fuck. You two? It’s been five years…of course.” He pushed his hands into his face, feeling a shudder of panic creep over his spine, making him breathe in shallowly.
“Bucky no,” Steve spoke up, taking a step next to you, as you leaned down after Bucky collapsed down. Your hands went to his back, running up and down as he tried backing away from you again. “Bucky, we didn’t… Steve and I aren’t together!” You tried explaining, as Bucky started coughing from the pain in his chest and throat from his anxiety.
“Who- who is that?” Bucky pressed out, not believing you and Steve. “We waited for you Bucky! We didn’t get together or anything, and I know this might freak you out but,” You cut Steve off by shaking your head back up to him.
“Becca. Rebecca Barnes, born months after you left. Bucky, I was pregnant…” You trailed off, as Becca moved closer to you, reaching out for her dad.
Becca cleared her throat, sitting down next to Bucky as he looked up to her, with amazement. “Hi you’re my dad? Momma told me a while ago, and Uncle Steve tells me stuff about you.” Bucky felt a surprised chuckle leave his mouth as he glanced back to you.
“Are we parents?” He whispered to you; eyes widened to Rebecca. He of course recognized the name, making his heart clench again. He glanced back up to Steve as he smiled down to him. “Yeah, we are.” You smiled back to him, making Bucky look back to Becca.
He quickly pushed himself in front of her, picking her up in a hug, and tears started rushing down his face again. “I’m so sorry. I’m so, so, sorry I wasn’t there. You- I don’t know what to say, but you’re very beautiful, oh my, you look just like momma and me!” He rambled as Becca squeezed him back, giggled at his words.
She was also crying from the shock, but when she felt you and Steve rub her back to comfort her, she smiled, “I love you.” She called out to everyone, as Bucky chuckled again, completely shocked. “I love you too.” He mumbled back, ignoring the look Steve gave him, smiling almost teasingly.
Marvel Tag: @lozzypoz321 @peepeeparkerr Steve Tag: @donutloverxo @peppamultifanimagines 
All taglists are open!
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deadlyweapon10 · 4 years
Paring: Mina Ashido x reader
Synopsis: Where Y/n secretly crushes on her fellow classmate, Mina Ashido.
Words: 3.5k
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Earthy warm, rich, with a hint of sour components along with heaviness of a cocoa.
The aroma of a simple yet delectable coffee wafted into the nose of the (hair color) as she inhaled its exotic scent. A warm feeling growing in her stomach region as she sipped said drink from her favorite one-of-a-kind mug.
She snuggled into her jacket as she sat outside on the chair that was placed on the deck. With the sun barely rising, the air was perfectly warm and gentle, flowers beginning to bloom and birds chirping, typical for spring weather.
As she sat there with a smile on her face daydreaming away the sound of a door opening brought her back to reality.
"Jeez it's barley 6:30 and you're already up? You're the opposite of Aizawa-sensei I swear, always up while everyone is asleep! Have you even eaten yet?" Said the red-head as he walked into the view line of the coffee-filled (hair color) as a chuckle escaped past her lips. "We've lived in the dorms for a month and a half and every single time you catch me out here it's always the same questions Kiri."
The gentle blow of a breeze passed by as the sound of a busy buzzing bee was faintly heard.
Kirishima smiled. "Do you have any plans for today? I'm trying to see if Bakubro, Sero and Denki are down to go to the arcade. If you're not doing anything then would you like to go with us?" He asked while sitting on the chair next to her. The girl thought for a few seconds before opening her mouth. "I would but I feel like reading today. Besides I'd rather let "the boys" have their fun and do whatever it is that you do."
The sound of an apple being bitten into broke the silence, crispy yet sweet. The second Kirishima swallowed he started talking yet again. "You know, "
"Mina is also coming. You should take the chance to confess-"
"EH?! I have no idea what you're talking about Kiri! Where did you get that idea that I like her. No wait more importantly how did you find out? Ahhhh I practically just told you I do-" Having out her mug down minutes ago, the girl who was in the middle of freaking out continued talking in a fast speed as images of said female flashed in her mind, making her stumble around with her words.
The poor girl could feel her heart thump in her chest and felt all warm inside. If there's anything that could get her to react in such a way then it was simply by mentioning her crushes name. Oh how easy it was to get her all worked up.
"Woah woah calm down! Forget I said that alright. But seriously hang out with us, you need to get out more often. I mean how is it that you have such good fashion sense yet you never leave your room unless it's for food or classes?" He spoke while rubbing the back of his neck, a smile plastered on his face. The both of them stood up at the same time with him grabbing the apples core in one hand and the girls mug in the other before handing it to her. She nodded.
As they walked into the building, now dubbed as their home, they walked through the lounge past the dining room and into the kitchen. Clearing his voice while walking to the blue sofa he looked back at her, "We're gonna be leaving at around 12 to get lunch and then to the arcade that's in the mall. See ya." "Alrighty! See you in a bit."
•°¯'•• 🎀 𝒯𝒾𝓂𝑒-𝓈𝓀𝒾𝓅 🎀 ••'¯°•
Having been back in her room for just around two hours gaming on her counsel, she got up and looked at the clock on her pastel (favorite color) wall. 'Mm it's only 9:15. I should go shower now so that I have enough time to dress on my very own existence and to choose an outfit.' That means I have two hours and forty-five minutes, which means at least a good hour and thirty minutes to shower and that leaves me with an hour and fifteen minutes which then means I have a good thirty minutes to think about my life while sitting on the corner of my bed in a robe and forty-five minutes to get ready. Perfect.'
And with that she grabbed her towel, bathrobe, shampoo and conditioner, razor (only if you shave, if not then forget that), body soap, deodorant and comb. Taking a quirk look to see if she has everything, she walked to the bathrooms that she shared with the other girls and instantly began her shower. (If you're african american/any other person I didn't include and you wear a wig then instead of shampoo and conditioner you grabbed a shower cap to protect it. I heard it's not supposed to get wet but correct me if I'm wrong.)
•°¯'••   🎀  𝒯𝒾𝓂𝑒-𝓈𝓀𝒾𝓅  🎀   ••'¯°•
After her shower she made sure to brush her hair to untangle it before it went back to being straight/wavy/curly. (If you're like me and you have curly hair then obviously you have to put curl smoothies, protection sprays, etc.) and young-life crisis thinking, she began to look through her closet. Before picking out two different options.
(Option 1)
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(Option 2)
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After a minute on deciding what to wear, Y/n choose the (1/2) option and quickly slipped on the clothes before putting on her shoes. Glancing at the clock and seeing that she only had ten minutes before they were gonna meet up she grabbing her phone along with earbuds/airpods and closed her bedroom door before soon heading towards the elevator.
Scrolling through her phone she clicked a song and began humming along to the lyrics.
By the time she arrived in the lounge, a new song started playing. Looking up she soon spotted the group and started to walk to them when she realized a certain person was missing. "Hey guys where's MinaAAA!" She shrieked as a pair of slim arms wrapped around her body and a head full of pink hair and yellow beady eyes peaked freon behind her. "Hey silly. I'm right here and ready too rumble!"
'Thump.. Thump.. Thump..'
Y/n's heart started to beat like crazy again once her brain processed what just happened. Before she could even talk someone started talking. "Let's get going you extras. I'm hungry and I don't wanna wait around all day." Ah yes, Bakugou. "On it bro." Denki replied as Mina stepped from behind me and walked up to Sero and striked a conversation with him. Speeding up a bit Y/n walked next to Kirishima just in time for Denki to start cracking jokes.
"Hey L/n why do bees have sticky hair?" He asked as Bakugou and Kirishima were listening. "I don't know, why?"  "B-because they use honeycombs!" He shouted as he busted out laughing while Y/n giggled. "How do you idiots find that funny? Is your humor that broken." Bakugou muttered as he turned his attention to Sero's and Mina's conversation.
Feeling sorta left out from the group due to the fact that she doesn't exactly hang out with them as much (except for Mina and Kirishima), she took out her earbuds/airpods and turned on her music again. This time 'it's not u it's me' by Bea Miller and 6lack started playing.
Smiling to herself she began to sway a bit to the music as they neared the mall. As cliche as it sounds, music was always there to comfort Y/n. No matter what would trouble her, she'd always turn to her favorite playlist. Once they all entered the mall and headed straight to the food court she turned off her music and tuned in the the groups conversation.
"Hey L/n," Sero began as the girl turned her head to gaze at him and hummed quickly to show that she was paying attention. "What are you gonna get to eat?" "The only place I ever go to grab my food. I'm gonna head to (restaurant) to grab my usual." Nodding, he soon turned to Mina and quickly talked. "Mina since you said you wanted to try something new to eat you should totally go with L/n." "Holy cow dude! You're totally right." She said as she pumped her fist in the air and walked towards me. "Let's go L/n, I'm super starving." Grabbing my hand she started dragging me. "H-hey broski you're going the wrong way." She chuckled as the Pinkette stopped in her tracks, said a loud "Oops." And took the girl in the right direction. (Is Pinkette a word? Probably not.)
Once both girls ordered their desired meal and sat down, they began to eat in peace for a good few minutes before Mina's phone rang. Smashing the accept call, she out it on speaker. "Whafs uf-" She managed to say as her mouth was filled with food. "Hey Pinky, tell L/n that me and the guys decided to skip the arcade and headed to Game Stop and grabbed the new Cyberpunk game. We're currently on our way to the fast-food place near the school and then we're heading back to the dorms." A loud Denki said, as we heard grunts and insults from Bakugou from their side of the call.
'Wait wouldn't that mean that Mina and I are now alone... Is this considered a date? Of course not. As if she'd even like you.' She thought as she then asked Mina why they suddenly decided to switch their plans so suddenly without saying a word in the first place until now. Without a word the girl hung up the call and continued eating.
"N/n you know that American movie where the princess and prince turn into a frog for the whole movie and then they fall in love and miss then poof, they're human again?" Mina asked breaking the silence that once stood there. "Hm? Oh yeah! 'Princess and the Frog'. I watched it before. Sucks how African Americans finally got recognition from Disney and instead they get bullshit since the two main characters are frogs for three/fourths of the movie!" The (hair color) shouted angrily as she stabbed her food. Laughing at the girls reply, Mina leaned forward in her seat. "You know that dessert they show in the movie a lot? Beignets? I wanna try one so bad." Both girls sat in silence as they got lost in each other's eyes.
'Thump.. Thump.. Thump..'
Feeling her heart flutter, her gaze shifted back to her food. "How about we buy the ingredients and make it? I made it once for a school fair and everyone seemed to like it. Only if you're down of course!" "Wait for real? Like for real real? Big bet let's hurry up and eat!" And with that the Pink haired girl began scarfing down her food, cho.king a few times.
Once they were both done and cleaned up after themselves, both girls left the area and walked to the supermarket. The duo sparking a conversation about their hobbies and interests, soon made it into the supermarket. Walking down aisle after aisle grabbing ingredients left and right, Mina suddenly grabbed Y/n's hand. "Since it's Saturday me and you should totally have a sleepover in my room. Let's go grab more snacks!" And just like before, she dragged you out of the aisle and into the candy and chips one. 'My poor wallet.' Y/n thought as she silently cried. 'Then again if it means I get to hang out with her more ... Ahh! I need to be more social with her. I mean we do talk a lot but I get so freaking flustered and it messes me up. Then again at least I can talk to females unlike Midoriya. Ha in your face!' Feeling pumped the girl grabbed the snacks that were occupying her friends arms, shoved them in the basket and speed walked to the check out line, payed for everything and with both girls holding two bags in each hand they soon began their journey back to the campus dorms.
•°¯'••   🎀  𝒯𝒾𝓂𝑒-𝓈𝓀𝒾𝓅  🎀   ••'¯°•
Entering the dorms, both females headed straight to their rooms and quickly changed. Mina wearing blue shirts with a yellow shirt while Y/n wore (f/c) satin shorts along with its matching tank top.
Both now in the kitchen with aprons on, they took out the items they brought for the beignets and placed it on the counter. 'MISS YOU!' by CORPSE was blaring from Y/n's phone as she bopped her head and hummed along to the lyrics while she added the warm water, sugar and active yeast in a bowl and whisked it while Mina measured the other ingredients, which Y/n soon regrets for the face that a mess of flour was all over the counter.
After mixing the rest of the ingredients in the watery liquid and letting it set on a lined baking sheet, Mina took out the fryer and added oil so that it could be ready for later. "Hey n/n can I play a song?" "Of course silly. I wanted to change the song anyways." Laughing like a maniac, Mina grabbed the phone and quickly typed away before placing the phone back on the counter.
"Somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me
I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed
She was looking kind of dumb with her finger and her thumb
In the shape of an "L" on her forehead"
The voice of both Smash Mouth and Mina's rang out in the air as the girl started singing the lyrics. "Heyyy you should sing with me! Come on." She said as she twirled around the kitchen floor. Giggling as she put the bowl filled with the dough in the fridge, she began shouting the lyrics right along with Mina.
"Well the years start coming and they don't stop coming
Fed to the rules and I hit the ground running
Didn't make sense not to live for fun
Your brain gets smart but your head gets dumb
So much to do, so much to see
So what's wrong with taking the back streets?
You'll never know if you don't go
You'll never shine if you don't glow"
Now moving her head to the beat, both girls grabbed each other's hands and began dancing like crazy with not a care to the world, swaying their hips side to side as they sang the next verse with all their heart.
"Hey now, you're an all-star, get your game on, go play
Hey now, you're a rock star, get the show on, get paid
And all that glitters is gold
Only shooting stars break the mold"
As they continued singing, they began to clean the dishes and put most of the ingredients they wouldn't be using anymore away and took out a pair of tongs, paper towels, powdered sugar and honey from the cabinets. After a good 30 minutes past Mina turned on the fryer, the familiar 'click' of the knob sounding. Taking out the bowl from the fridge, Y/n placed the soft, glutinous dough on the now flour dusted counter and began following it out with the rolling pin until it was a good quarter inch thick and began to slit the doughy flesh making two inch squares just as Mina grabbed a few pieces and dropped it into the hot oil.
As time went by, they were finally finished frying. All they had left was to dust powdered sugar and drizzle honey to it. The second they did so, they took half the batch with them along with a few drinks and the snacks they brought and went to Mina's room. Closing the door on their way in the brightly pink room, they sat down on the bed and hopped on Mina's laptop to watch 'A Slap On Titan'.
"Armin had broken the silence as the video zoomed to the top of the wall, the starry night sky coming into view. "Do you ever with that humans could photosynthesis?"
Eren surprised with the sudden question, instantly replied. "What? No."
"I do... I think it'd be cool to be a plant." The scene then changed to show the Survey Corps coming back from a mission."
Liquid shooting out of her nose, Mina laughed as she grabbed a tissue and wiped her face, watching as Y/n pressed a pillow against her face to muffle her loud laughter. The now chuckling girl took the pillow from her face and noticed Mina's smile that was directed at her direction. Shooting back a toothy grin, she got lost in her eyes yet again.
'Ah jeez she saw me laugh... She looks so cute.'
"You know the beignets were really good." Mina said as she scooted next to her and leaned her fuzzy head on the girls shoulder. "You think so? I hope the others enjoyed the ones we left for them. I'm so happy we got to spend today together! I would have never expected this to happen ya know?" 'Play it cool Y/n. This is no big deal at all, she's probably just a bit exhausted from all the walking and baking we did earlier. Yeah, that's right-'
"You know, I'm the one who told the boys to leave us alone and to head back to the dorms."
That caught her off guard.
"Excuse me?"
Humming to herself, Mina life's her head slightly to look at the (eye color) girl. "Listen silly, I know when it comes to academics I'm not exactly smart, but when it came to you it was easy to figure you out." Furrowing her eyebrows in confusion, she urged the girl to continue talking. "I know you like me." Y/n's breathing stopped for a second, her heart beating rashly against her chest. How was it possible that the girl she's secretly liked from a distance knew? "Listen I-" She was cut off as a pair of soft pink hands covered her mouth.
"Hold up! Hear me out before you start talking. I sorta found out a few weeks back when I overheard you tell Iida about your feelings. Ever since then I confronted him and I made up this plan for both you and I to hang out alone. Like a date but it's not a date since you wouldn't know? Ahh anyways after I came up with the plan I began noticing how you'd act completely normal around the other girls, but when it came to me you'd barley mutter a word, despite you being super-duper confident." Y/n felt herself breathe again as she stared at the girl, her eyes now filled with curiosity and her head amused at the girls statement. She took the words to heart and found it to be true when she said she'd act differently around her. I mean how could she not when her heart would beat fast, her stomach flutter in nervousness and her brain would completely shut down on her.
"So wait... You like me?" She spoke slowly to make sure her voice wouldn't just randomly give up on her. Now sitting up straight, the pink haired girl nodded as she shyly smiled and rubbed the back of her neck. "I do."
'She likes me..'
The second her brain processed the two words, she locked eyes with her and then shut them down before slowly leaning forward. The feeling of her plump, powdered sugar dusted lips faintly against hers before both girls lips soon meshed into one and began harmonizing as if creating a symphony. It felt passionate and intense, yet delicate and sweet.
Sweet like the honey from the beignets they had moments ago. The floral yet earthy taste now onto her very own lips. Deliciously golden and wild. The strong fragrance drifting slowly to her nose, similar to a white dandelion falling slowly to the ground after being blown by the wind on a vibrant, sun-filled day.
They both soon pulled away, gasping a bit for air. Y/n felt her body get warm as she realized what just happened. "I like you, Mina. A lot. And I'm glad you like me too." She finally confessed. "Finally n/n, I've been dying to hear you say that. Now then let me ask you this, will you be my girlfriend?" Mina asked, her eyes shining as bright as a star in the dark. Y/n leaned forward and kissed the girls nose before speaking. "I'll be happy to be called yours," Both girls soon in each other's arms, held one another until she spoke again.
"Out of all the pretty girls in this world, I'm glad to share this space with you."
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caeloservare · 3 years
I love the quick and slightly dry narrative present in your narrative. There's often a breaking the fourth wall feel about it, in the best way. And it also suits Ironwood, especially in later volumes. Like it speaks the same way his tired soul would and the same dry humor you give him, too, so it fits.
Mutuals, come into my inbox with something you like about my writing, and I’ll answer with something I love about yours!! ❤️
// Ah, I'm so happy you think so! ;u; I just like poking fun at my own muses, if they're being stupid and James is very stupid, but I'm really happy that it fits together well as whole.
I don't think I've had a chance to point it out, took me a while, but I noticed some time ago that you write only Qrow's name in lowercase and somehow this tiny detail speaks so much volumes. About his self-worth, how sees the world, what has importance and what doesn't. Starting all the sentences so hid it a bit, smoothen out the difference as if his whole inner world holds no huge importance, so it meshes well into a specific style and it is a really interesting detail to fish out. I wish I noticed sooner his name, not just sentences.
It's just one detail, but I wanted to tell you how much it hits once I finally noticed it and I don't really have words to be more specific than that your writing is great and I like reading it 💖
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