#the fox spirit and the little priest
QL of All Time - Round 1: The Fox Spirit and the Little Priest (2021) vs You Are Mine (2023)
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somewhatavidreader · 2 years
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wlw wuxia/xianxia short films
The Hunter, or the Hunted? (1)
I've Saved You Once Again, Little Princess (2, 3)
Three Hundred Years Later (4)
The Fox Spirit and the Little Priest (5)
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danieyells · 2 months
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I wanna hear more of this tanuki theory
So the Tanuki-Haku theory/speculation/observation of the prevalence of tanuki with Haku in (non-story) parts of the game. And with those--and other things--in mind, the possibility that Haku is either a tanuki himself or possessed by one.
To start with, his R card's link bonus is with the Tanook card.
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Next, his SSR has him holding a tanuki mask. In Japanese the title is also "Shinto Priest Who Likes To Make Jokes" or something similar--tanuki are fond of pulling pranks.
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Finally, his guild cat is, in fact, him in a tanuki kigurumi, complete with leaf on his head.
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More incidental things, he has a home screen dialogue saying not to come crying to him if you get possessed by a fox spirit walking around late at night. Kitsune and tanuki are sometimes depicted in competition with one another, since they both shapeshift and deceive people.
(another one of his voicelines, one from during the spring, also has him say ghosts are lucky since they don't get hangovers, and in autumn he drinks while moongazing--and Tanuki, in many stories, apparently pretend to be human to buy alcohol and get drunk lmao.)
Even more incidentally, Haku plays the flute. There's a legend in Japan called tanuki-bayashi where you hear musical instruments--including drums and flutes--at night, allegedly being played by a band of mischevous tanuki. If you follow them trying to find the source you'll never reach it, but if you keep following the music through dawn, you'll wind up somewhere you've never been before. Haku plays the flute after the player ends up in Kisaragi Station, having had been on the train at night before, and takes them back to reality and suddenly it's daytime. . .and what do you know, he takes them somewhere they've never been before. That connection's a little bit of a stretch though.
There's also Gyoubu, a tanuki who helped an insurrection--or, depending on the telling of the story, helped the lord of the castle. . .which could tie in to him being the spy and all, depending on what happens there.
Just. . .there are a lot of things about Haku that could be linked to tanuki and that's probably not a coincidence. And it's like. Okay, how far does that go? Y'know? Less theory and more observation i guess. The theory is more "Haku is a tanuki or is possessed by one."
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diamonds-place · 3 months
Headcanons for the clan members taking care of Reader!MC for your enjoyment (also because I was really sick) (T^T)
note: it is a bit less on the magical side, but plenty of wholesome vibes and fluff <3
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Of course the poor snake male wife is worried sick about you. He was on the edge of tears at the news of your illness (but lots of things make him cry.) Yaku is determined to get you better, this means you're staying in bed, staying hydrated, and getting your strength back. He just loves you too much to leave your side and just wants to get you better. Yaku is such a sweet caretaker, you wish you could be sick for a little while longer.
The ever so stoic vice captain does have a soft side for you, and he often shows it in his actions (while trying to hide it in his face.) He doesn't have much experience in care taking, but he wants the best for you so he researches all he can about the illness that's affecting you. It's endearing the lengths he's willing to go for you to get better, especially with his other obligations. If you tell him he'll probably just brush it off and say it's his duty, but we all know what he really means by that.
At the news of you coming down with something, your beloved idol priest was quick to act. Being an older sibling, he knows a few family remedies that can fix you right up. Not to mention the bedtime stories that just warm the soul and soothe the ache n pains. He would be a heavenly caretaker, at your beck and call, anyone would give up their firstborn to have him look after them. Oli just wants you to get better and hates seeing you unwell. As long as he can help you, he's content and happy.
With a sigh, he pats you on the head and tells you it'll be alright. He is probably the least worried, not because he doesn't care, but because he knows you're tough. You're in good, capable (and big) hands. Since Quincy has lived in the forest for all his life, he'll know a few herbal remedies to get you feeling right as rain in no time. He has a more gentle aura about him when you're welling unwell, probably because he cares about you more than he has you believe. And don't forget little Topper is going to give you some snuggles too!
The poor puppy, Garu didn't know what to do with himself. Garu's poor human is feeling unwell, he was so sad he couldn't leave your side, and I mean it, he never left your bedside. Making sure to protect you from any danger that could harm you while you're so vulnerable. Karu, on the other hand, is frustrated that his human slave is so weak as to get sick. But, he doesn't hold it against you for too long, partially because Garu would be mad at him, but mostly because he just wants to see you get better. A few times a day, they leave little get well soon gifts on your bed.
The old fox isn't completely jaded, at least not to you. Kuya wasn't particularly concerned when he heard you were sick, but who else was going to take care of you? He'll look after you for as long as he wants, mostly because of seeing you at such a low point scratches a certain itch. It's definitely not because he was worried half to death and truth is, you mean the world to him... That's not the reason at all. But, he will gladly entertain you as you get well, and seeing you smile is enough to lift his spirits, reassuring him you'll make a swift recovery.
The sweet, precious, and doting e-droid will not have you sick. Not on his watch! Blade makes it his mission to get you better as soon as possible. He tries out a manner of things from at home remedies he researched to singing to just listening to your needs. He even leads you a cute stuffed toy so that you can sleep easy. He just cares about his precious darling so much and is just so excited to collect cute things when you get better.
Mr. High-and-Mighty isn't so untouchable, specifically when it comes to you and your well-being. Unfortunately, he can't shove all his duties aside for you, but he can keep you close as your health is monitored. When he isn't there beside you, his attendants are there to provide you with anything you could possibly want. A glass of water, your favorite food, or anything else you could ask for. The days Dante is there, he'll fulfill most of your wishes, just don't push him too much or else he'll start complaining. Dante doesn't really mean what he says though because his actions speck louder.
When Rei heard that you were sick, he was a bit surprised but unfazed (maybe he might have something to do with it, who knows.) The curious owl loves his experiments, but he would prefer doing them when you're completely conscience and not a few seconds away from puking for guts out. He does have some medicine at his disposal that will help with your symptoms, as well as won't have any side effects. Just rest, relax, and you'll be fine under his care. He'll even let you snuggle with Father if you want, just don't squeeze him too tight, or you'll mess up his feathers.
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yourwitchybrother · 4 months
Ciao a tutti!
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Welcome to my blog!! I've done an introductory post before but I felt like doing another one that's a bit more detailed and in depth! My name is Robyn, but feel free to call me Robby/ie, Rob, any Robyn related nickname! I use any pronouns, if you're unsure, they/them is perfectly fine!
☀︎ I am 19 years old, though I'll be 20 quite soon! I am currently in University for art history with a focus on museum studies and Italian studies. I plan on pursuing my master's and Ph.D in Ancient Civilizations, and I do a little bit of writing on the side. ☀︎ I am an eclectic witch with about 10 years of experience! I do deity work in the Hellenic Pantheon! My Divine Team consists of Apollo, my patron, whom I am godspoused to and have worked with the entirety of my practice, Mercury, Bacchus, Neptune, Hekate, Venus, Loki. and most recently, Hypnos. Things tend to get a little chaotic around here! I have recently started working with a fox spirit. I also work extensively with the Archangel Gabriel, as he is one of my spirit guides. ☀︎ While formal spell work is not a current part of my practice, I am very experienced in sigil work, deity work, divination (tarot, pendulums, divine signs and dream interpretation, with plans of branching out), and intuitive writing. I'm working on further developing my clairaudience and clairvoyance skills, and I have future plans of becoming a priest for Apollo and, eventually, an Oracle. ☀︎ I am a Cancer Sun, Capricorn Moon, and Scorpio Rising. ☀︎ I am a lover of philosophy, ancient history, ancient civilizations, and art, with a special interest in the Italian Renaissance and the French Revolution!
I am beyond open to baby witches interacting with my page, as I strive for education and learning! I love teaching and my inbox is always open for questions, comments, concerns, and a little bit of guidance whenever needed. Though, as I am an adult, I will not be going out of my way to dm with or private message minors. If there is any indication that you are a minor, I will not be responding to your dms or inboxes. Feel free to leave an ask instead. This is for my online safety and comfort as well as yours.
Every now and again, I may make comments or say things in Italian! I am learning Italian for my future career, but also as a devotional act for Hermes, hence the name of this post and my typical sign-off! With that being said; Blessed be, and may the sun be your guide! A domani <3
Updated on: 6/5/2024
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mcdonaldsnumberone · 2 years
kitsune au bachira
gender neutral reader
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Bachira first reveals himself to you not in his true form, but rather, he comes to you in the form of a playful fox. The priests and sacred maidens in the shrines always advised you to treat animals with kindness and reverence, no matter how inconvenient they might be, as they were all envoys of the gods. All forms of life were to be treated with respect and mercy, and while you considered yourself to be a fairly obedient worshiper, this particular fox seemed to hold quite the attachment towards you. You didn’t think much of him at first, only assuming him to be an odd furball, but you were quickly proven wrong.
It’s impossible to miss Bachira as a fox. His sheer black fur sparkles and shimmers brilliantly under the sunlight, and its dark color provides the perfect cover for him to slink around when it’s dark. The underside of his face is streaked with patches of yellow that remind you of the glimpses you would steal at rich people’s gold accessories, and the fox always trots after you once you start up a habit of pampering him with spare snacks and a generous amount of pats. He loves swatting at your ankles or biting your fingers playfully, constantly vying for your attention no matter how busy you might be.
You would have never imagined the boyish creature that was more of your pet than an actual fox would be more than what he made himself out to be. Bachira reveals his true form to you during your hour of need—almost like a reward for your diligence and altruism towards him. Just when you think you have no way out, the trickster-like animal disappears in a cloud of smoke. When a gentle yet reassuring hand clamps down on your shoulder and an oddly familiar figure emerges from the darkness, the streaks of honey-gold in his hair is absolutely unmistakable. This is your dear fox in the flesh. Only he isn’t a fox; he’s a kitsune.
Bachira becomes so much more playful once he’s revealed his true form to you, and while he has to be more careful about showing himself to you, he visits much more frequently than he might have beforehand. He makes sure to only pop up whenever he knows you’re alone. His favorite is spooking you in his fox form in daytime, trailing after you while he tries to steal your attention as many times as he can, and letting you unwind in his lap once the two of you are alone together at night. You’re one of the rare humans that he allows to touch his plentiful tails, and he giggles as if it tickles when your hands travel a bit too close to the base.
A god like him doesn’t have any need for sleep, but there’s something so intimate and sweet about holding you in his arms as the moon makes its daily journey across the star-speckled sky. It’s his way of keeping you safe and within his reach, caring for you as if you were his little pet this time around. He loves wrapping you up in his soft tails, cradling you close to his chest while you doze off. Bachira adores knowing that he’s the last person you see when you close your eyes and that he’s also the first one you see when you open your eyes the next morning. He’ll always be there to greet you with a wide grin and a daring bite at your nose. Even when you grumble and swat at his arms, Bachira never fails to respond with a loud giggle and big hug to start your day off.
Even when he can’t be around, Bachira makes sure that you know he’s watching over you. You’ll come back home to find all of your chores taken care of (albeit you realize your poor sheets have fox fur all over them and that all the pineapples you've been saving have disappeared) and that you’ve been having inexplicable levels of good luck recently. When you confront the kitsune about it, he’ll play dumb and pretends he has nothing to do with it, even though you both know it’s his way of marking you as his favorite. While you might say you don’t need it, it’s still exceptionally heartwarming to know that such a powerful spirit would go out of his way to care for you and make sure nothing harms you.
A love between an immortal and a normal human is difficult, but something about loving Bachira comes so easily. Even as the average person’s faith in beings like him fade in and out with the dregs of modern society, your heart holds nothing but affection towards him. Bachira swears he’s never going to let you go; when the time is right, he’ll stretch his hand out to you and whisk you away to a paradise filled only with spirits like him. And there, he’ll find his happy ending with you by his side—the elusive figures of a satisfied kitsune and his devoted partner weaving in and around the edges of myths and urban legends in centuries to come.
“Hey, heyyyyyy! I’m bored! Quit staring at all these weird papers. I wanna do something fun! Being stuck inside the house is soooo boring, and there’s all these cool things around us we can look at! It’ll be more fun if you come with me! Let’s go, let’s go!”
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The Leper's Prayer (Leviticus 14:1-32; Mark 1:40-45; Luke 5:12-16)
1 And when he had come down from the mountain, great crowds followed him. 2 And behold, a leper came up to [him] and did him homage, saying, Lord, if thou wilt, thou art able to cleanse me. 3 And he stretched out his hand and touched him, saying, I will; be cleansed. And immediately his leprosy was cleansed. 4 And Jesus says to him, See thou tell no man, but go, shew thyself to the priest, and offer the gift which Moses ordained, for a testimony to them.
The Centurion's Great Faith (Luke 7:1-10; John 4:43-54)
5 And when he had entered into Capernaum, a centurion came to him, beseeching him, 6 and saying, Lord, my servant lies paralytic in the house, suffering grievously. 7 And Jesus says to him, I will come and heal him. 8 And the centurion answered and said, Lord, I am not fit that thou shouldest enter under my roof; but only speak a word, and my servant shall be healed. 9 For I also am a man under authority, having under me soldiers, and I say to this [one], Go, and he goes; and to another, Come, and he comes; and to my bondman, Do this, and he does it. 10 And when Jesus heard it, he wondered, and said to those who followed, Verily I say unto you, Not even in Israel have I found so great faith. 11 But I say unto you, that many shall come from [the] rising and setting [sun], and shall lie down at table with Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom of the heavens; 12 but the sons of the kingdom shall be cast out into the outer darkness: there shall be the weeping and the gnashing of teeth. 13 And Jesus said to the centurion, Go, and as thou hast believed, be it to thee. And his servant was healed in that hour.
Jesus Heals at Peter's House (Mark 1:29-34; Luke 4:38-41)
14 And when Jesus had come to Peter's house, he saw his mother-in-law laid down and in a fever; 15 and he touched her hand, and the fever left her, and she arose and served him. 16 And when the evening was come, they brought to him many possessed by demons, and he cast out the spirits with a word, and healed all that were ill; 17 so that that should be fulfilled which was spoken through Esaias the prophet, saying, Himself took our infirmities and bore our diseases.
The Cost of Following Jesus (Luke 9:57-62; Luke 14:25-33; John 6:60-65)
18 And Jesus, seeing great crowds around him, commanded to depart to the other side. 19 And a scribe came up and said to him, Teacher, I will follow thee whithersoever thou mayest go. 20 And Jesus says to him, The foxes have holes, and the birds of the heaven roosting-places; but the Son of man has not where he may lay his head. 21 But another of his disciples said to him, Lord, suffer me first to go away and bury my father. 22 But Jesus said to him, Follow me, and leave the dead to bury their own dead.
Jesus Stills the Storm (Mark 4:35-41; Luke 8:22-25)
23 And he went on board ship and his disciples followed him; 24 and behold, [the water] became very agitated on the sea, so that the ship was covered by the waves; but he slept. 25 And the disciples came and awoke him, saying, Lord save: we perish. 26 And he says to them, Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith? Then, having arisen, he rebuked the winds and the sea, and there was a great calm. 27 But the men were astonished, saying, What sort [of man] is this, that even the winds and the sea obey him?
Demons Cast into Pigs (Mark 5:1-20; Luke 8:26-39)
28 And there met him, when he came to the other side, to the country of the Gergesenes, two possessed by demons, coming out of the tombs, exceeding dangerous, so that no one was able to pass by that way. 29 And behold, they cried out, saying, What have we to do with thee, Son of God? hast thou come here before the time to torment us? 30 Now there was, a great way off from them, a herd of many swine feeding; 31 and the demons besought him, saying, If thou cast us out, send us away into the herd of swine. 32 And he said to them, Go. And they, going out, departed into the herd of swine; and lo, the whole herd [of swine] rushed down the steep slope into the sea, and died in the waters. 33 But they that fed them fled, and went away into the city and related everything, and what had happened as to those possessed by demons. 34 And behold, the whole city went out to meet Jesus; and when they saw him, they begged [him] to go away out of their coasts. — Matthew 8 | 1890 Darby Bible (DARBY) The Darby Translation of the Holy Bible is in the public domain. Cross References: Genesis 43:33; Exodus 4:7; Leviticus 13:49; Judges 11:12; 1 Samuel 2:9; 1 Kings 19:20; Psalm 65:7; Psalm 104;12; Psalm 107:20; Psalm 112:10; Isaiah 49:12; Isaiah 53:4; Isaiah 59:19; Daniel 7:13; Amos 7:12; Habakkuk 3:10; Malachi 1:11; Matthew 4:23-24; Matthew 7:6; Matthew 7:29; Matthew 9:9; Matthew 9:18; Matthew 9:22; Mark 1:27; Mark 1:29-30; Mark 1:32; Mark 2:14; Mark 4:35-36; Mark 4:38; Mark 5:1; Mark 5:13; Luke 4:38; Luke 9:57; Luke 4:40; Luke 7:1; Luke 7:3; Luke 7:9; Luke 8:22; Luke 8:34; Luke 9:1; John 4:50; Acts 2:7; 1 Corinthians 16:6; Revelation 22:15
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presumenothing · 10 months
random novel excerpts #4, from book 4 ch 4 (aka 纸生极乐塔 arc):
The 'thousand-year fox spirit' came to lie quietly at Li Lianhua's feet. Li Lianhua looked awhile at that note drenched in fresh blood, then leaned down and lightly stroked its head with a sigh.
Fang Duobing said, coldly: "I was mistaken."
Shao Xiaowu patted both of their shoulders. "No one would've expected for 'it' to let Li Fei go in Jingde Hall, only to kill him here."
Li Lianhua shook his head. Shao Xiaowu could not make out his expression in the dim light, only hear Fang Duobing's cold words: "I already knew ages ago that Lu Fang and Li Fei were closely tied together, I should've realised that with Lu Fang gone mad, 'it' would kill Li Fei next – it's my fault." He struck that tree once, forcefully. "It's my fault!"
The lighter went out yet again. Shao Xiaowu had nothing to say; the killing intent rolled off Fang Duobing. Li Fei's corpse was still slowly dripping blood, one drop after another, like a pained groan.
"Well… in a person's life, there's bound to be mistakes sometime." Li Lianhua said, "If not a mistake here, then a misstep there – after all, you've got to have some topic for conversation when you're well into your seventies and eighties…"
Fang Duobing broke out in fury. "Damn Lianhua! This is a human life! A whole human life we're talking about! Yet here you are still daring to spout utter nonsense to my face, don't you have any conscience at all?"
Still Li Lianhua continued in that longwinded way: "…well… in a person's life, sometimes you do too much or too little, we all make some mistakes, whether intentional or not, whether real or feigned or halfway in between, there's always bound to be burdens, some that you must bear, yet some you don't have to take so seriously… like this one…" He sighed, and said in utmost earnesty: "No one has asked of you, Fang-dagongzi, to be able to anticipate matters to perfection. I doubt Li Fei would ever have thought of expecting you to protect him even when he was dying, so – don't think too much of it, it's not your fault."
Shao Xiaowu nodded, hard, dealing vigorous pats at Fang Duobing that nearly dislocated that elegantly thin shoulder of his. Fang Duobing remained silent for several moments more, before letting out a long exhale. "Why is it that I've never heard you say such nice words the rest of the time, when I'm actually being oh so gracious to you?"
Li Lianhua said, with a serious face: "My words have always been nice…"
Fang Duobing gave a tsk of disparagement. "What now? You haven't caught your 'thousand-year fox spirit', and yet here Li Fei has turned up dead, are Wang-gonggong and the Crown Prince still going to buy your fake priest shtick? Don't go saying I've ever known you at all when they're beheading you and exterminating your whole house."
Li Lianhua answered with cheerful readiness: "Of course, of course, if it comes to that you'll know nobody aside from the Princess, and naturally nothing of me."
necessary (delightful) note: i've omitted it for simplicity but fang duobing jumps back and forth between 我 and 老子 here, with a 本公子 thrown in for flavour. i adore this gremlin so much
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fourseasonsfigs · 9 months
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Chulian on Lake
For today's fig post we have this amazing set - that lights up!
This complex and beautiful set features Zhang Zhehan's lotus spirit Qing Lian (aka Xiao-Zhe) from his advertisement for Jade Dynasty: New Fantasy, together with Gong Jun's Dong Fang Yuechu from the upcoming drama Fox Spirit Matchmaker: Yue Hong.
First, just a few pictures of our ethereal lotus fairy:
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And a few pictures of our stunning Daoist priest:
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That last one in particular is the inspiration for this fig here.
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This set arrived in an enormous, fairly heavy box. I had to ship this air mail because of the electronics involved in it.
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I was a little worried about how big and delicate this set was, but it arrived in perfect shape. Full credit to the fig maker and the factory for cushioning it so well.
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Here's all the pieces. I still think it's incredible all the fragile flowers and stems make it through.
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You can see here the little tiny holes (up at the top by the edges) where you can insert the lotus leaves and flowers. They went in quite easily and were very stable.
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Here's a close up of the electronics. The set came with both batteries and a USB cord. The button there turns on the lake light.
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Here's the lake by itself, before the figs go in. As you can see, Yuechu stands in the boat via peg legs. Very seaworthy of him! Qing Lian just lays down however you like inside the lotus.
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Before we put the figs into their respective conveyances, here's a closeup of them. Qing Lian is all curled up and sleepy eyed, and Yuechu is casting a magical fireball of some sorts.
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I could only really get two angles of the figs before they went into the lake, since neither of them stand by themselves.
This was a very difficult set to get good pictures of. One, because I lack any real photography skills, and my phone kept hyperfocusing on certain parts and blurring out the rest. But, as we go around the fig, you do end up seeing the whole thing. So please bear with me!
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Beautiful, isn't it? I love how detailed these figures are - their hair is amazing.
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Here's a top-down view. Yuechu fits in the boat beautifully - the pegs went right in, and he's pretty secure in there. No glue needed. Xiao Zhe is resting peacefully and easily in his lotus.
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We'll do a couple closeups here. He's quite tiny all curled up like that!
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Huh. Is Yuechu conjuring up Qing Lian? It looks like we have a lotus in the middle of that magic. I'm not sure!
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Our lotus lake at midnight! It does in fact light up like a dream. I just went ahead and plugged the USB cord in the wall, so it's a little less beautiful than it would be cordless with the batteries. Still, it's very lovely.
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The fig maker included a double-sided postcard, a matching keychain with the art, the batteries, and the USB cord (that I had already plugged in).
I really appreciate how she included both. This is her first set, and I hope she makes more!
Material: Resin
Fig Count: 513
Scene Count: 36
Rating: Luminous!
[link to the Master Post Index]
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darlingpoppet · 29 days
Which of the previous WIPs are you most excited about and please briefly describe what you have/had in mind for each
Haha I see how it is anon, you wanna make sure I have all the bases covered and answer everything! 😂
Out of the WIPs mentioned on this list, I’m tbh looking forward to all of them because just talking about these ideas gets me hype about them all over again LOL. But for purposes of this ask, I think the one WIP I’m most excited about right now is (once again) the one I’m currently working on, which is “Patrochilles side story” because surprise! It’s actually a small spinoff fic to Liminal Spaces that I decided I wanted needed to write and so I’m planning on posting it during the intermission, between chapters 4 and 5. This fic is gonna be just a little Patrochilles-centric scene that takes place sometime during the timeskip at the beginning of LS chapter 3, and will offer a bit more context and world building (as well as Patrochilles-only sex) that we otherwise can’t get with Zagreus’ limited pov. I didn’t want it to interrupt the flow of the main story though, so a side fic it is!
As for all of my other WIPs not discussed yet, a quick roundup:
Achilles worship pza: a direct sequel to Flourishing Into Greatness whose wip doc was called “Pat worship pza” haha. Even though I was satisfied with Achilles not getting off in that fic I still kind of left open the possibility of a sequel and then my brain went, “ok but what if, tho 👀” It’s gonna be Pat pov!
Kitsune Levi + Priest Erwin: an eruri fic idea I’ve had in my head for a million years, based on collab art from an online game. Erwin is a shinto priest in modern Tokyo who lives a pretty quiet, normal life until a shape-shifting kitsune spirit starts showing up at the shrine. Will also be partially inspired by the Japanese children’s story called Gon, the Little Fox.
MP eruri AU: Yet another Eruri idea I’ve had for a million years LOL (see I had these ideas in my head the whole time during my snk years and then FINALLY I started writing as a hobby and then almost immediately switched fandoms LMFAO) basically this is a canon divergence AU in which Erwin decides to join the Military Police instead of the Survey Corps after the death of his father, and exploring all the what-ifs of that scenario. I’m envisioning a sort of ACWNR-like enemies-to-lovers erotic crime thriller type thing as Levi, recruited by Erwin into this corrupt police organization, learns the truth behind Erwin’s past, his motivations, and eventually helps him gut the place from the inside out.
Patrochilles sex: this one is gonna be a fluffy first time fic… the raison d’etre for it being I wanted to see if I could tap into that best friends-to-lovers joy of making love with someone you already have no emotional barriers with, and it’s just something beautiful and natural you’re sharing together. Hopefully I can successfully get that across! 😤🙏
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QL of All Time - Round 1 (Loser Bracket): The Fox Spirit and the Little Priest (2021) vs HIStory 3: Make Our Days Count (2019)
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somewhatavidreader · 2 years
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wlw wuxia/xianxia short films
The Fox Spirit and the Little Priest (1)
The Demonic Lord and the Virtuous Cultivator (2)
The Courtesan and the Female Scholar (3)
A Search Through Nine Lifetimes (4, 5, 11)
Adorkable Shimei x Shijie (6, 7)
Cat in the Eastern Palace (8)
I Became the Protagonist of a Quick Transmigration Novel??? (9)
Three Hundred Years Later (10)
Cross-dressing Female Bodyguard Meets Runaway Princess (12)
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window-view-orion · 4 months
Identifying the Legendary Spirits
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From the Kayla X "Legendary Spirits" blind box figure collection:
This figure's name is "Blizzard".
She's the rare of the set, so I don't own her. But she's an obvious one! Clearly she's a Yuki onna, a Japanese yokai.
Unbeknownst to me, the idiot trying to figure out who all these figures are on my own, and naively believing the product description that claimed these spirits come from "all over the world" - there is actual documentation on who each and every one of them is, and surprise! they're all Chinese.
A few days ago while doing more research into this set, I found a 'Kikagoods Collections' youtube channel, and a video where a pair of hands and an AI voice open the full set of these Legendary Spirits, and there, in the pinned comment - a link to three blog posts on Kikagoods.com
Did you know Kikagoods has a blog section? Because I didn't! Do you know how many of these eight figures I identified correctly? Four! Well, three. Well, two and two halves.
First, the unambiguously correct.
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'Forgotten', with her conspicuous bowl of soup, lantern walking stick, and spider lilies in her hair, is indeed the Chinese goddess Meng Po, who stands at Naihe bridge in the afterlife, giving her soup to the dead to drink so they forget their past life and can be reincarnated.
'Bleeding', with her red bridal gown and veil, dowry box, and rakshasa bird companions, is in fact the rakshasa who disguised herself as a bride and blinded a bride and groom on their wedding night, before escaping into the night.
Secondly, the half correct.
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'Painted' is not the yokai ungaikyo, because yokai are in fact, not Chinese. But I did mention in that post the Chinese folktale of the Painted Skin, the demon who wore the painted skin suit of a beautiful woman in order to get close to a man and enter his home, ultimately being defeated by a Taoist priest. This is the true identity of Painted, who is using a bronze mirror to put the finishing touches on her lovely painted skin, and the wound on the back of her head is the seam of her suit. So I knew the inspiration, but didn't identify her correctly.
'Fatality' is indeed a nine-tailed fox spirit, but her inspiration was a little more specific. I did find the story that inspired her, but I didn't mention it in the post, so I'll only count myself as being half right about her. She is specifically the nine-tailed fox who possessed the concubine Su Daji of King Zhou of Shang, the last king of the Shang Dynasty. The fox spirit who possessed Daji was instrumental in the story of Zhou's tyrannical reign and eventual deposing, this story being notably adapted into the 16th century Ming Dynasty novel Fengshen Yanyi.
Thirdly, the incorrect.
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'Mirage', the pearl-holding, weeping mermaid figure, is not a generic representation of mermaid's tears. She is in fact a Chinese mermaid, or jiaoren, who fell in love with a Buddhist monk, Bai Gongzi, though they ultimately could not be together because of the fundamental differences between them. The jiaoren's tears become pearls. This story is from a collection of folktales, Soushen Ji. Without the clue that all of these spirits are Chinese, there was no real chance for me to find this specifically, as I can't even find a full version of it online, just summaries.
'Withered' is playing a pipa like I thought, but she was the only one I fully gave up on finding. Turns out she is based on Yang Yuhuan, or Yang Guifei, or Consort Yang, the favorite concubine of Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty, and one of the 'four beauties of ancient China'. Despite being loved by the Emperor, during an insurrection which forced him to flee from his palace, Yang was used as a scapegoat for the rebellion, and was forced to commit suicide at age 37. Her story was a partial inspiration for the Tale of Genji! I'm so glad to finally know who she is.
'Revenge' cannot be an onryo as I stated because, again, onryo are Japanese. She is in fact the White Bone Demon from Journey to the West! Like so many demons in that story she wants to make Tripitaka into a snack, so she disguises herself as a young girl, then an old woman, then an old man to try to get close, but gets killed by Sun Wukong each time, though this results in his temporary banishment from the group because the disguises were very good and it looked like the Monkey King kept killing random people just coming up for a chat. I've been meaning to get around to reading my copy of Journey to the West for ages, though I'm at least somewhat familiar with the highlights from some of Overly Sarcastic Productions videos on it, as well as some reading in college. I'm very pleased to know her identity, it makes me like her even more!
'Requite' is in fact a cat spirit, good job to me for figuring that out. She's not a thief of any kind, which I was hung up on, and she's not just a generic cat demon either. She is specifically a reference to one moment from the amazing history of the rise of Emperor Wu Zetian, the only female emperor of China. When Wu Zetian got the former Empress as well as the Emperor's previous favorite concubine demoted, then executed, the once-favored Consort Xiao Shufei cursed her before her death, declaring that she would be reborn as a cat, and Wu Zetian as a mouse, and Xiao would scratch her to death. If you're not familiar with her, Xiran Jay Zhao has two incredible videos on Wu Zetian's life and rise to the position of Emperor which I highly recommend.
And that's everyone...isn't it?
Lastly, the one they forgot.
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'Blizzard' is not covered by those three blog posts. But with some new confidence from all this new information and some more googling, I believe I have her. Not a yuki onna, not Japanese, but instead I believe this figure to be the Chinese goddess of snow, Tengliu. She's a pretty obscure goddess, with some places calling her the wife of the wind god Fengbo, and that the snowflake is a symbol of hers. That would explain the jade snowflake on Blizzard's belt!
Aaaand that's it! All eight (nine) of the Legendary Spirits figures identified. I wanted to do all this for me, but if you're a fan of these figures and wanted to know who they are, I hope this was helpful for you too.
Sources below the cut:
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naho-monogatari · 2 years
Soriku -
Imagine - Riku as a serious and dedicated shrine keeper.
He wears a sacred thick robe and tall hat as he chants sutras and waves the holy branches in a graceful motion within the ritual hall.
He is part of an Inari shrine, which means the god he worships also holds fox spirits in high regard. Not quite gods themselves, but worth revering nonetheless.
In the compound there is the main shrine but also smaller structures to supposedly house spirits that also come for worship in the mortal realm.
Riku has never seen any ‘spirits’, and as he’s entering adulthood, he’s ashamed to admit he doubts they even exist.
His dedication to his craft, his way of life, is in direct conflict with is declining beliefs. Has all this hard work, training, memorising all been for nothing? - He starts to pray harder, longer - desperate for answers.
One night, when finishing his personal prayers and returning to his room - Riku notices light coming from one of the smaller shrines.
He makes his way over swiftly.
The smaller shrines were built to ‘house’ fox spirits mostly, because of this they were built to accommodate a creature of fox size. So why on Earth would there be a light on?
‘If there are trespassers inside, come out immediately! This is sacred land.’
Despite feeling confident, Riku knew something was different the moment he spoke. It was almost as if his voice was echoing, echoing off of the trees and the shrine’s panels, right back at him.
A small door, made for a fox, creaked open. Riku was shocked that the structure could even move - he was beginning to think they were sealed off, all for show.
But he was quickly thrown out of this thoughts - Is this really the spirits? Riku needed answers and this could be what he’s been looking for.
He crept closer, and peered in. He knew this would be disrespectful but he had to take this chance. He -
A hand touched his chest,
and darkness enveloped him.
He woke up slowly, he took in his surroundings. Why was he in the high priest’s personal quarters?
‘Looks like a spirit had a bit of fun with you last night, my boy’
What? Riku looks down -
He’s only in his briefs and covering his naked torso is hundreds of ancient characters written with a calligraphy brush and ink - sutras, proverbs and even a little drawing of a cat. His front and back is littered with them. Both beautiful and unorganised.
What on Earth? He moved slightly and heard jingling, he also had beads, braids and bells tied over him. Over his biceps, his neck, his thighs - he was too embarrassed to say, but it feels like some string and beads were tied beneath his briefs over his private areas.
The priest spoke again ‘some of these braids are from our holy reserves, the spirit must have liked you to bless you in this fashion. Riku, you must pray for your gratitude in the shrine hall when you are ready’.
Riku felt confused, and even a little scared - He doesn’t remember anything… was this truly the work of a spirit? Does this rectify the doubts in his faith? He wasn’t sure but it certainly didn’t feel like the answers he wanted…
What if he went back? The spirit supposedly liked him, will Riku believe if he sees the divine with his own eyes?
For a week Riku secluded himself and contemplated, he avoided any of the shrines, meditating without any rest.
He made his decision.
The next night he went back to that small shrine with purposeful steps. He put on a strong face despite his trembling hands.
The shrine door was already open. But this time the lights weren’t on.
Did he miss his chance? Riku knelt to the floor, he didn’t realise how much hope he had in this plan, all for it to be too late.
After a minute of self pity he began to collect himself, and stand up from the ground- then he noticed it -
Fireflies, not flying, but walking along the ground. They were coming from beneath the shrine and heading towards the woods.
Riku watched them for a long while, then he inhaled. he had nothing to lose so he followed them behind the shrine, into the woods.
The forest was dense, it was a nature reserve funded by the shrine to protect some of the larger blessed trees. You could tell they were blessed by the sacred rope hung around their trunks.
Riku had walked towards one of those very trees. And in its branches were lanterns - but they were odd. They were dim and green as if the fireflies had climbed in themselves to light them. The whole area was awash with green, making it eerie to see.
Suddenly all the lanterns and the firefly lights went out.
It was pitch black - you wouldn’t be able to see your own hand in front of your face.
Riku stood still.
A hand touched the top of his neck, over his collar and trailed all the way down, softly. Riku could feel the long nail through even the thickest layer of his robe. He tried not to shiver.
‘Hello, you’
The voice was light, bubbly, but it had a certain ring to it that was not of this world. Riku stayed silent.
The hand stayed on his back and started to draw circles in between his shoulder blades.
‘…Sorry about the other night, by the way, sometimes the mischievous fox takes over - we could resist such a cute shrine boy’
‘A-are you really a spirit?’
‘Yep! Still pretty new to it all - it wasn’t long ago I was human too. It’s strange - I feel like I knew you then.’
The hand came up and held his chin. Riku couldn’t see anything but it was clear the spirit was assessing his face.
‘Do you remember my name, Riku?’
He jolted with shock, this being knew his name.
‘Uh, no, I don’t think I do’
Damn, what if this offends the spirit? Riku tensed, bracing himself.
‘…Maybe this will help you remember…’
The hand on his chin moved to cup the left side of his face, near his ear. Another hand came up to the right side.
The creature had long nails that massaged his scalp, gently but somewhat sensually.
Riku couldn’t help but melt, his tense shoulders relaxing without him noticing. His ears were a sensitive spot.
The spirit giggled, Riku blushed but didn’t move an inch.
The spirit moved in close, Riku could hear the wind chimes jingle as the creature came forward.
It kissed him squarely on the lips.
Soft at first, but the kiss quickly deepened full of passion and slightly of… desperation?
Before he knew it Riku was kissing back, trying to match the intensity of creature in front of him. Riku felt a single wet drip on his cheek, but he was to enchanted by the kiss to notice.
The creature slowly stepped back, wind chimes jingling.
Riku’s head was dazed, he let out a sigh and without thinking he softly said -
Riku blacked out for the second time.
Thank you for reading ☔️
I envision sora to be wearing a breezy kimono with arms covered in henna-like tattoos, with long - dangerous looking nails.
He only ever uses them to tease Riku’s sensitive spots.
Is he ushering Riku into the light, or corrupting him? Riku’s too bewitched to know yet.
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woundgallery · 1 year
Anna Kamienska from Industrious Amazement
*     *     *
I dreamed about a beautiful silver fish dancing on the table.
*     *     *
A strange, long dream, extended like a film, full of details, about the afterlife. A child, a big girl already, comes into my room. I know she’s the spirit of a dead child. I make the sign of the cross on her forehead and chest. She sees it as affection, she’s pleased, she leaves unwillingly. Suddenly the room is filled with the dead. Lec is among them, smiling as always, kind and a little ironic. We kiss. I ask him what this all means—so many dead people in a dream.
“It’s an omen,” he says.
“Death?” He nods.
“I’m going to die?” He nods again, looking in my eyes. I feel a rush of joy. I awaken in the night and see some kind of strange light running through the kitchen and the entry. I run out. A short circuit, all the sockets have burned out. I open the bathroom door. A gaping hole. The bathroom has collapsed, the bathtub hangs down, through the fallen floor I see children sleeping in the room below, already flooded with water. I dress quickly to go save them. Someone’s waking the children, getting them out, the water subsides. A boy is playing with a lamp and falls down dead, charred. I hear a cry.
I walk upwards along some rafters and climb a strange little tower. Suddenly the tower trembles and falls on me. I’m killed. I feel a great numbness throughout my body. I rise, get out of the dead body, but for some reason, there are always two people, as if the body were keeping me company. We leave. We go through the world, road, street, city, gray sky.
I say, “Well, look, there’s everything in the afterlife.” We’re surprised. Children fly through the sky. I learn to fly as they do, I can fly, but only down low for now. My companion struggles.
Flying through a gate. Like a concentration camp. Wild dogs and foxes. It’s terrible, but it ends.
The heaven or hell of writers. A crowd. It keeps getting bigger. Finally it dawns on me that I’ll find J. here. I tell someone his birth year, 1908. He should be here. But I don’t see him. I call his name. And suddenly he’s here! He’s sitting farther off and comes up to me. We rush at each other and hug.
“I missed you so much!” I tell him.
“I know. I know everything. We’ve been through a lot.” We enter each other through our hug. Finally we’re one person.
I want to see Mama. But she’s not a writer.
“No problem,” someone says. “Mine came here too.” I go and look. There’s Grandma with a suffering, pained face, but Mama’s not here. I yell, I call: “Mama! Mama!” I enter an unexpected open space. I clamber through white tombstones, and there, up above, I catch sight of a great shining sea. Three large stone heads emerge from the sea. Peace. I know that soon . . . End of dream.
I’m walking next to some priest.
I say: “It’s strange, I don’t need to pray to God here.”
“Because you were thinking about Him at the moment of your death.”
“No, I died suddenly,” I tell him.
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jhapalitimes · 1 year
Netflix's Delightful Animated Gem "Nimona" Captivates Audiences of All Ages!
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In an exciting turn of events, the highly-anticipated animated film "Nimona," adapted from the beloved graphic novel, has finally arrived on Netflix. This captivating production, once entangled in a tumultuous production journey, is now ready to enchant viewers worldwide with its magical story. Originally developed by Blue Sky, the studio behind the iconic "Ice Age" series, "Nimona" faced unexpected setbacks when Disney closed the animation studio following its acquisition of 21st Century FOX. However, thanks to the unwavering determination of directors Nick Bruno and Troy Quane, along with the support of producer Megan Ellison, British animation studio DNEG, and the Netflix platform, "Nimona" was rescued and brought to life in all its glory, true to the creators' original vision. Set in a futuristic medieval world, "Nimona" follows the adventure of Ballister Blackheart, a knight wrongly accused of regicide. Enter Nimona, a rebellious shape-shifter with an uncanny ability to change her appearance. Determined to aid the kingdom's most wanted man, Nimona embarks on a thrilling journey that will captivate both young and old. What sets "Nimona" apart is its remarkable blend of fairytale wonder and a poignant exploration of adolescence and identity. The character of Nimona, brought to life from the pen of ND Stevenson, the graphic novel's author, resonates deeply with their personal journey. Just as Stevenson faced their own identity crisis before embracing their transmasculine, non-binary self, Nimona grapples with her own sense of self in this mesmerizing tale. Breaking new ground, "Nimona" boasts a non-binary protagonist, a first for a production of this magnitude. Nimona's use of neutral pronouns is lovingly honored in the Netflix adaptation, even reflected in the subtitles of the original version. The film's inclusive message seamlessly intertwines with its lighthearted humor, making it impossible not to be charmed by Nimona's endless transformations, including a hilariously terrifying little boy guise. Enhancing the film's rebellious spirit, the soundtrack features songs from iconic metal and punk rock bands like The Dickies, The Dollyrots, and Judas Priest. These musical choices perfectly complement Nimona's infectious energy and unyielding determination. With its inventive storytelling and a perfect balance of entertainment and depth, "Nimona" has undeniably triumphed. Despite the challenges faced during its production, its arrival on Netflix promises to reach an even wider audience, spreading its powerful message of tolerance and acceptance. Following the recent success of Guillermo del Toro's "Pinocchio" at the 2023 Oscars, Netflix appears poised to conquer the mainstream market once again with "Nimona." This remarkable achievement not only recognizes the film's undeniable qualities but also celebrates the unwavering resilience of its creators. Prepare to be captivated by the enchanting world of "Nimona" as this delightful animated gem is now available for streaming on Netflix. Read the full article
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