#the funniest thing about it all is I don’t even really take requests I just can’t resist mom zee. her allure
rontra · 11 months
begging crying on my knees for more mom!zee 🙏
the people CRAVE momtanna...they're desperate for her... i'm people. here's two
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pepsiconcoction · 1 year
Bathroom Breakdown | Bang Chan x Reader
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pairing: bang chan x fem!reader
tags: insecurity, comfort, fluff, chan is so sweet y'all, minor explicit language
requested? nope, this was all me baybee!
wc: 1,450
If you had to say, getting in your own head was probably your strongest skill. You do it a lot, more than most people, but the funniest thing is, you don’t even realise you’re doing it half of the time. The thoughts in your head are so common that you truly believe them now, they’re just facts!
The recent topic of discussion inside your brain has been your love life. Specifically, your wonderful boyfriend, Chan. He really is wonderful, he’s kind, generous, funny, smart, and handsome as hell. You consider yourself lucky to be his girlfriend for the past six months. Insecurity has been slowly eating you recently, gnawing at you in the back of your head. You know everything that it’s saying is wrong, and that he loves you, and he’s lucky to have you too, but there’s just something convincing you he’s lying, that one day he is going to turn around and decide to leave.
Sniffling, you fold up a wad of toilet paper and bring it to your face, wiping your eyes one last time. You throw it into the toilet from your place on the cold tile floor and grab onto the edge of the sink to help hoist yourself up. You see your reflection in the mirror and let out a long, shaky breath. You were seemingly done crying, using the last 45 minutes as a good release, and your legs wobbled as you stood. 
You turned on the tap, feeling the cool water on your fingers. Gathering some water in your hands, you bring the coolness up to your face, gently pressing your face, and massaging around your eyes, attempting to wrangle the puffiness of your post-sob face. The cold water was refreshing and helped to bring you back to reality.
A few minutes later you were ready to face the world again, the world inside your apartment at least. Unlocking the bathroom door, you take one final deep breath. You swing the door open and nearly scream. There, leaning against the wall opposite, is Chan. 
“Jesus Christ.” You clutch your chest.
“Sorry, I did text you but,” he trails off. Oh, right. You didn’t have your phone on you, you had left it in the living room.
“Oh, sorry, yeah, it’s in the other room. How long have you been here?” You ask. He must have let himself in with the spare key you had given him.
“Uh, not long, maybe 15 minutes?” He stands up, awkwardly. You think he’s lying to save you the embarrassment.
“Oh,” you say, neither of you really knowing where to go with this.
“I didn’t know you were coming.”
“Are you okay?”
You speak at the same time. Your eyes widen at his question, and you think for a second that you look like a deer in headlights.
“Ah, yeah, I got a free evening so thought I’d come over,” he explains. “But maybe I should’ve waited for a response.”
“No it’s okay, I was just, thinking too much.” You don’t know what to say. He opens his arms and you fall into them, wrapping around you gently.
“Do you wanna talk about it?” He speaks softly into your hair.
“I think I’d cry again.”
“That’s okay, you’re allowed to cry.”
You take a deep breath hearing his words and you feel everything coming back.
“Hey, let’s get you somewhere comfy first, sofa or bed?” 
“Bed,” you mumble into his chest. He’s wearing a soft, black hoodie that smells just like him, the scent of his cologne faintly clinging to the material. With ease, he guides you to your bedroom, and you get into the safety of your covers. He excuses himself for a second, and leaves the room, returning a few minutes later with a few things. Your phone is one of them, your heart crying a little as you read his texts from earlier on the lock screen. He climbs into bed next to you and gets comfy. You keep him at a distance, thinking it would be better to put space between yourself. He insists on at least holding your hand.
“Okay, tell me everything.”
“I’m just feeling insecure. It’s stupid, but I can’t stop thinking about it. I feel like I don’t deserve any of this.” You begin to put it into words.
“This?” he asks, gently.
“You, Chan. I don’t deserve you, and I know I do, I know you’ll say I do, but my brain is so good at convincing me, and I don’t know how to get her to shut up. Like, I look in the mirror and I don’t understand why you love me, like look at you, you’re perfect, I’m not.” You see his eyebrows furrow but you don’t give him a chance to say anything.
“I just feel so fundamentally unlovable, which is stupid, but there’s just something in my head. And I’m so scared, I’m scared that I let you in fully, and get so comfortable with you, and one day you decide I’m too much, or not enough, or too weird, or too something, and you leave me for some stupid or shallow reason that I was a fool to think wouldn’t happen.” The tears are flowing now, not as hard as before but you wipe at them. You’re no longer looking at Chan, but down at your hands where your fingers are pulling threads from the bed sheets. 
“So I guess my head has just decided that you’re better off without me, and I want  to disagree so badly, but she’s so fucking convincing, Chan, I’m sorry.” You wipe at your tears roughly, but Chan quickly replaces your hands with his own, taking your face in his hands gently. His thumbs are wiping at the tears still slowly falling.
“Hey, it’s okay. Just breathe.” You do as he says, and your tears begin to slow down even more. 
“Can I say something?” Chan says after a minute. You nod, preparing for the worst.
“I’m not going anywhere.”
Your eyes look up and meet his, a look of sincerity in his own glassy eyes.
“I could never leave you, not as easy as you seem to think. No part of you could be too much or too little, or too anything for me. I love you. I love all of you. I love the parts of you I’ve seen, and I can’t wait to see the parts I haven’t seen yet so that I can love them too. I know this isn’t easy, I feel the same things sometimes, but you just have to believe me, and if you ever doubt me, I will fight you.” He ends with a chuckle. 
“Okay?” He runs his fingers through your hair gently. You nod, smiling.
“Also, who are you to decide who I love, hm?” he asks.
“An idiot,” you mumble, making him chuckle.
“I decide who I love, got it? I am choosing to love you.”
You nod your head, utterly defeated, and fall into his chest. He catches you swiftly, rubbing your back with one hand and petting your hair with the other. After a few minutes, you pop your head up to look at him. He looks at you questioningly.
“Be honest, how long were you here before I came out of the bathroom?”
“Oh, I, uh, think I heard most of it,” he says sheepishly. You groan, burying your face into his chest once more. You feel him laugh more than you hear it. 
“Thank you,” you say.
“For what?”
“I don’t know…” you trail off. “Loving me? Letting me cry? Being here? Something like that.” You play with one of his hoodie strings, avoiding his intense stare.
“Something like that,” he repeats quietly, half chuckling at your words. “Of course, I'd do all those things, I love you.”
“I love you too,” you say, finally looking up at him. He’s smiling at you, eyes soft. You lean up and press a kiss to his soft lips. He accepts it, indulging you for a few seconds until he pulls back. You’re about to pout but he catches you off guard by planting kiss after kiss on your face. Your cheeks, nose, forehead, and finally your mouth once more. You’re giggling by the time he’s done, and he pulls back, eyes sparkling. 
“Feeling any better?” he asks.
“No, I think I need one more.” You giggle up at him. He rolls his eyes but leans down, capturing your lips in a soft kiss that the both of you are smiling into. The kiss feels right, and for the first time in a little while, the voice in the back of your head is quiet.
taglist (lmk if u wanna be added!): @lethallyprotected
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charmercharm3r · 1 year
wc: 3.7k
Synopsis: A night out leads you to make some uncharacteristic choices that somehow end with you into their bed.
warnings: smut, explicit sexual content, binchanXreader, porn w no plot, threesome, eiffel-towering lol, protected sex, implied chanXchangbin, mentions of alcohol consumption, good cop\bad cop situ lol, cum play, lil bit of ass slapping, oral (m&f), cum eating, slight dumbification
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If you were to tell any of your friends about how you ended up in the bed of the two hottest guys you’d ever seen, they’d laugh in your face and call you a liar. Hell, you can’t even believe it. Things like this don’t happen to you, let alone with two men. You can’t even recall where it all happened, one second you were talking to one of them and introduced you to his buddy, the next you were in their car on the way back to their place. 
It was so out of character for you to even consider talking to them in the first place. The one with dimples approached you first, Chris? Chan? You don’t really remember, just that he had the sweetest smile and voice like honey. He was the one that drove, his right hand slowly creeping up your thigh the entire ride. His friend, a name similar but you could only recall the other calling him Bin, had a kick ass playlist, you had to admit, sultry songs that were equally energizing and made you even more excited for what was to come. Or better yet– who.
You’d decided to call the first man Chris, it feels like a common enough name you couldn’t be wrong. As soon as Chris had put the car in park, the shorter man was already outside your door and opening it, holding a hand out for you to take. You can’t even remember what button they’d pushed to reach their floor, the elevator ride up was filled with tentative touches, one behind you and one in front, distracting you with their hands on your hips and lips peppering light kisses to either side of your neck. The funniest part, you weren’t even drunk. Tipsy, sure, but with enough consciousness to know that you wanted this more than anything.
The lights back at the bar were too dim to have noticed just how muscular they both were. The reflective metal of the elevator gave you optimal view of Chris’ wide shoulders and Bin’s swole arms wrapped around your torso. That sight alone made your mouth water, and next thing you knew, you were being led through a hallway much nicer than you’d expected and into what you assumed was their apartment, body being tossed onto a bed and smothered in kisses.
Honestly, it was a lot more romantic than you were expecting. Not that they weren’t eager to get you naked, but they were taking their time. You couldn’t tell who was kissing you now, just that their lips were incredibly gentle and unrushed. He wasn’t on top of you but instead on his knees next to your side and cupping your cheeks in his hands while you felt the bed dip under the weight of the other.
“Can I take these off?” One of them asked, playing with the hem of your skirt. You tried to respond, but could only moan into the mouth of the man kissing you. “Give her a chance to answer, Changbin. We have all night.” Chris was the one messing with your clothes, playfully moving them around to make your attention scatter.
Changbin was his full name? You didn’t have time to question nor answer before he was speaking for you, “but I like kissing her, such nice lips. She wants them off, don’t you, baby?”
What had come over you? Nodding mindlessly as you let him hike your blouse over your head and Chris tug the skirt down to leave you in nothing but undergarments. Maybe it was the compliments Changbin whispered in your ear, or perhaps how tender Chris was caressing every inch of your exposed skin, but you didn’t feel the need to think with them, not a care in the world other than wanting to please them.
Changbin was on you in the next second and was laying kind, wet smooches up and down your neck, it made you shiver and Chris chuckle at the gooseflesh rising along your skin. “Sensitive, aren’t you?” the dimpled one smiled up at you from your lower half, teething at the elastic of your panties. Another rapid, mindless nod, he grinded his hips into the bed as your hips kicked up, arousal probably soaking the fabric.
“What about these?” Changbin snapped the strap of your bra, “these off next?” You were growing impatient, moving to take it off without answering him and earning an amused laugh from both.
“Mind if I?” Chris was spreading your legs and climbing to lay between them on his stomach, clearly grinding his crotch into the mattress. You went to take off the panties as well, but his large hands stopped you, “keep them on for now.” Following his instructions, you watched Chris get comfortable and continue to tease himself through the fabric of his jeans. He took in a deep inhale with his nose pressed to the gusset of your underwear before exhaling just as large with a strangled groan, “fuck. So sweet.”
He took a hard lick at you through the panties, you shivered even more as the tip of his tongue circled your clit. His fat tongue sent warmth shooting up your spine, comforting and blissful at the same time. So much so that your eyes rolled back and you relaxed into the sheets. But before you could completely unwind, Changbin’s lips suctioned to your breast, biting the skin around your nipple before nibbling at the nub softly. The pricks of pain from his teeth was soothed over when the warm muscle of his tongue would lick over it.
The combination of it all was unbearably wonderful, you had no idea what to do with yourself. Your hands moved on their own, burying one into Changbin’s hair and the other into Chris’ to push him deeper into your cunt. You suppose you were moving too much for Changbin’s liking, his big arms slithered around your rib cage to hold your tighter to his face, while Chris moved with your writhing hips. He’d hooked his arms under your thighs and began to moan into your core, vibrations making you helplessly fall further victim to the feeling. Quickly you were becoming undone, opening your eyes for a split second to see the purple bruises littering your chest and breasts as Changbin played with your nipples and Chris already looking up at you through his lashes, suffocating himself in your pussy.
Just as you made eye contact with Chris, he showed off his skills by flattening his tongue against your bundle of nerves and swiping back and forth, hard. The look on his face was almost the same as yours, enjoying himself as though he was the one getting head. Then, he suckled on your clit through your saliva and arousal soaked underwear, making your back arch. The sudden urge to feel something on your lips had you tugging Changbin by the back of his hair from your chest, immediately locking your lips together for a messy, spit covered kiss. His doll-like lips fit perfectly against yours, that coupled with Chris’s plump ones cupping your clit and sucking you in like a vacuum made you see stars, already coming. You moaned into Changbin, hardly muffled and echoing throughout the room.
The only reason Chris had pulled away was because you tapped his shoulder, looking up at you with the lower half of his face covered in slick and a goofy smile on his lips. As you let your body sink into the bed, Chris moved to sit on his knees while Changbin continued to kiss wherever he could, wherever he wanted.
You let your eyes close again and succumb to the warmth that washed over you in post-orgasm glow, though the sound of clothes hitting the floor and belts being undone had you wanting to press your legs together all over again.
“Not tired, are you baby?” Changbin said softly into your ear, brushing your hair from your face.
“Of course she isn’t. She can’t be when we’re the ones who have been doing all the work, right pretty girl?” Chris’ voice was deeper now, teetering on the edge of intimidating as you peaked an eye open to see him now towering over you, shirt discarded and the belt and button of his pants undone. Though, his cock, still covered by his boxers, was hanging over the zipper, heavy and thick through the shadowed outline and so mouthwatering.
Your lack of a response made Changbin grip you by the cheeks, puckering your lips, “better answer him. He doesn’t like silence.”
The nod you gave clearly did not’ suffice, as his handle on your face was accompanied by a harsh tug to your hair, “yes! Not tired.”
Chris leaned over to be less than a centimeter from your face, “good girl.” He pecked your puckered lips and stepped off the bed, ridding the rest of his clothes.
Dazed, you watched as he undressed and Changbin followed. If you thought that they were handsome while clothed, in their nakedness the two men were straight up menacing. Changbin stood a bit on the meatier side, in more places than one as his build looked to be thicker with muscle. Though, that didn’t mean Chris wasn’t built, by no means was he skinny if his incredibly defined abs were anything to go by, traps of his shoulders looking nice enough to nibble on. As you ogled them from your spread out position on the bed, they gave each other a knowing glance, then turned their attention back to you.
“Who d’ya want to stretch you out first, pretty?” Chris asked, crossing his arms over his chest. You took your time to look both of them up and down, eyes lingering on Changbin’s thick thighs and girthy cock hanging massive. “Go on then,” the dimpled man patted his friend on the back, nudging him towards you.
As Changbin climbed up the bed to make his way towards you, Chris mumbled, “I do all the work and still get picked last. You’re gonna make it up to me, pretty.”
“Promise,” you said back to him before Changbin covered your entire view.
Changbin manhandled your panties off, but not without bringing them to his nose to sniff, “you’re right, Channie hyung. She is sweet,” and he tossed them to the side.
“I thought your name was Chris,” you looked over Changbin’s shoulder at the now established older of the two. He was amused, corner of his lip curling as his hand slowly stroked his long dick.
“It is. But we’ll see if you remember your own name by the end of the night.”
“Hey now, it’s my turn,” the younger tipped your chin gently back in his direction. You leaned up to kiss him, which was appreciated by him with an adorning hum. Hands guided one leg around his torso as Changbin readjusted to straddle your other. “Focus on me,” he said against your lips, and it was hard not to when he held you so nicely.
Chris– Chan?– tossed him a condom, which Changbin somehow skillfully opened and wrapped around his dick with ease and without pulling too far away from you. He seemed to like the closeness and the feeling of skin on skin, which only made you want to feel him more.
Your leg around his waist pulled him in, making him topple over you. Changbin giggled and kissed you once more before slicking his fingers through your folds, using the wetness to spread around his cock. He was even bigger when so close to your entrance, it was slightly nerve racking.
“Relax, baby. I’ll take good care of you,” he said, tip prodding at your slit.
“Get on with it,” Chris called from the side of the bed. Your spine shivered at the domineering tone of his voice. 
“What happened to having all night?” You called back, keeping your eyes on the man above you.
“I wouldn’t get smart before I’ve had my turn with you, pretty.”
Changbin slowly pressed his cock in, not breaking the surface just yet. “I’d listen to him if I were you. Because I have been. Appreciate the kindness while the nice one is still on top of you.”
He pushed in further, slowly sliding into your cunt as your arousal slicked your walls even more. Changbin hiked your leg higher to hold under his arm, pressed tight to his ribs as he bottomed out with little to no effort. His free hand not holding up his weight gripped onto your love handles, squeezing as he got used to the rhythmic pulsating of your walls. It took everything within him not to move at the pace he wanted from the getgo, but the little resolve Changbin had crumbled when you rutted your hips up into him, making him slide that much deeper. “More,” you whined, heel digging into his back in hopes it’d make him move.
Changbin caved at your plea and pulled out just to shallowly thrust back into you. The sheer size of him was already making your head spin, and he’d barely done anything. Your head dug back into the pillows, nails clawing at his forearms as his speed picked up and the slapping of skin filled the room. Just as you were building another high, the bed beside you dipped and the heat of another body warmed you. Chris kneeled above your head, cock in hand and leaking with precum. He didn’t need to say anything as he rolled a condom onto himself, your mouth was dropping and tongue hanging out to take him as well.
Changbin sat back and moved your leg higher to drape over his shoulder as Chris climbed to sit on your chest. He let go of his dick to free handedly aim for your mouth, and immediately sighed when your warmth engulfed him. Unlike Changbin’s soft, steady rhythm, Chris was rough, almost animalistic as soon as you’d taken him. He didn’t let you get used to the feeling of him on your tongue and forced himself deeper into your throat, gripping the headboard and using your mouth like his personal fleshlight.
You felt dizzy from lack of oxygen, lack of feeling anything except the pleasure building in your gut, lack of thought from an empty brain. All your morals and values left you as soon as you agreed to go home with them, and they weren’t coming back anytime soon. The amount of stimulation to every part of your body was overwhelming, unable to stop yourself from whimpering as Changbin’s hips became unrelenting in their stride, hitting your sweet spot every time and Chris’s uncaring nature that was painfully arousing.
The effort it took to even mumble the words, “gonna cum,” took more energy than you had to spare. You were only able to catch your breath because Chris finally pulled out to let you gain back some oxygen. Even then, he stole it away as he gripped your jaw open, “hold it,” he commanded before gathering saliva in his mouth to spit into yours. The icky feeling made you shudder, feeling like you should be grossed out, perhaps even turned off, but you were nowhere near it.
Chris turned his head slightly to look back at Changbin, “getting along back there?” The way he spoke about you like you weren’t there made your gut twist even more. Changbin’s thumb swiped at your clit unexpectedly and you clenched around him, a strained groan leaving him, “never fucking better. Wait till you feel how tight she is, hyung. God, I never wanna pull out.”
“Better wrap it up soon, Bin. Wanna cum in that pretty cunt but her mouth is real close to doing me in.”
Chris dipped into your mouth again just as Changbin’s thrusts turned shallow again, messy as he got closer to his high. His thumb rubbing circles into your bundle of nerves made your muscles tense up, trying your best to follow orders. But in your body clenching, so did your walls and apparently convulsing strong enough to milk Changbin to his inevitable orgasm, finishing in a blaze of glory into the condom without stopping his rutting. Quick, staccato’d claps of his skin on yours finished with a loud groan, shoving him deeply into you two more times before pulling out completely.
The burning in your gut diminished as the emptiness overtook you, feeling cold without Changbin’s heat. Chris pulled from your mouth just after, climbing off your chest immediately. He looked back at the younger, whose face was entirely too lax compared to you and Chris, you were jealous. The high forced to fizzle out made your body ache and twitch as neither of them touched you, just watching.
Tears threatened to fall as Chris smiled down at you fondly, “didn’t cum, did you?” He asked as if he couldn’t already tell. You shook your head, no. Chris just tilted his head and raised his eyebrows as you recalled previous instructions.
“N– no,” you choked back a sob as a grin broke across his face.
Chris climbed between your legs and massaged your thighs, “good girl.” The praise made you whimper again. “My turn, pretty.”
As quickly as his soft touch came, it went, Chris suddenly flipping you onto your belly and arching your ass into the air. His big hands spread your cheeks wide and tongue licked another fat stripe up your center, making you shiver in his hold. “Please,” you whined, reaching back to take his hand in yours.
“Look at you, asking so nicely,” Chris said, kneeling tall against your backside and swiping the head of his condom clad cock through your folds. Your wetness resounded through the room, turning to the side to see Changbin at your side and dick at full mass again. He peered down at you, cupping your cheek and sitting on his knees in front of you, pushing your hair from your sweaty face.
Before you could ask for a kiss– knowing Changbin would give it you– Chris was pushing his cock into you, not waiting for you to adjust to the large size difference. While Changbin was thick, Chris hung long, prodding at your cervix with no effort. He gripped at the fatty flesh of your ass in his palms, using it to guide you back and forth moderately paced.
You bit your lip to conceal more moans, watching as Changbin carefully took off the full condom and held it upright to keep from spilling. His hard cock was covered with his own cum, dripping down his balls. He caught you watching too intensely, “I think she’s got a thing for cum, hyung.” Changbin put you on blast for Chris, the neighbors, or anyone out on the street to hear that you wished he’d cum in your mouth. “Want a taste?”
Eyes big and round, you nodded hesitantly.
Chris continued to work himself up slowly, enjoying the show in front of him. He smirked to himself as Changbin conscientiously leaned back on his hunches and tipped the condom over, letting a bit of his cum spill onto his already soiled dick. Your mouth salivated as you leaned forward to catch the bit that dripped down the underside, tip of your tongue licking it up. Changbin watched you in awe, jaw dropped. In awe, Changbin kept his eyes on you as he spoke to the older, “treat her nicely, hyung. Look at what a good girl she is. She just wants to please us, don’t you, baby?”
Tongue sticking out as you kitten licked him, you nodded and hummed in affirmation.
“Is that right? What do you think, pretty? Do you deserve it?”
You wanted to speak, you truly did, but the infatuation with Changbin’s fat cock and his warm cum was rendering you speechless, only humming again. Chris’ hand came up just to send a harsh slap against your ass, jolting you forward. “Yes! I deserve it!”
“There ya go,” Chris sped up, his hold on your skin growing harsher as his nails dug into it to keep from slipping, but you didn’t mind. In fact, you liked the bit of pain, stomach already growing warm as the knot began to tighten.
Salty taste of Changbin on your tongue, a few loud slaps against your ass cheeks every few thrusts, and Chris mercilessly using your cunt like a toy, you were teetering on the brink in no time once again, already overstimulated from everything that came before. You were still in awe of how quickly Chris switched up on you, one second stopping at nothing to make you cum and the next, not letting you so much as think about the euphoria. Changbin’s constant attention was grounding and so wonderful, you felt tag teamed, like they meant to break you. Lucky for them, they did. Not a thought in your head other than to cum, you were begging for it with Changbin’s cock stuffing your mouth, barely even sucking because nothing could’ve taken your focus away from the knot getting closer to snapping.
Chris could feel you convulsing to no end and in time with his thrusts, feeling as though he wasn’t even pulling out. His head fell back as he pounded into you, Changbin getting off on your warm mouth and his friend and you lost in the pleasure.
He couldn’t believe it as he found himself murmuring, “ah, shit– fuck– gonna cum. Go ahead, pretty. Lemme feel you.”
Under his command, you cried out loudly and let yourself succumb to the white bliss. You don’t know how long you came, just that it went on for so long that you might’ve passed out if the two men weren’t holding you up.
When Chris pulled out, they worked together to lay you on your back, mouth covered in cum and body drenched in sweat. To say you were tired would’ve been an understatement. Exhausted but so, so satisfied. You laughed softly to yourself and smiled at the ceiling.
“Tired, baby?” Changbin kneeled beside the bed, pushing your matted hair from your face and grinning at you sweetly.
 Behind him, Chris tied off the condom and tossed it in the trash, stretching his arms across his chest and smirking deviously. “Better not be. Wouldn’t be fair if we only got to cum once, would it?”
tags: @sensitiveandhungry @babebatterer @aliferousminhoinho @changbinluvr @epiphanynaffit @fawnpeaks @linovely @dumplinbokkieracha @finnydrawss @naturuless @djeniryuuu @hamburgers101 @skzhomiehopper @yesv01 @hyunjinsamdl @angelica-erin-caelius @dazzlingligth @lvrminn @alexis-reads-fics @linaliskz @0002linoskitten @chillichillicrabcrab23 @mercurezed @zerefdragn33l @crissicat13 @binnies-donuts @soldierstantgirl-blog @bakedlilgoonieie @levanterlilyy
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Atsumu fluff au where its enemies to lovers ✌💗🤟💗🤟💗🤟 -ur cousin
Not Another Song About Love
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⭑Pairing : Atsumu Miya x Reader (Romantic)
⭑ Content Warning(s): Reader is female and uses she/her pronouns, reader is implied to have her hair down, swearing, not proofread
⭑ Word Count : 1k+
⭑ Synopsis : In a "playful" argument with your mortal enemy, he ends up confesses his hidden feelings about you.
⭑ Author's Note : thanks for the request girlie 😜 i'm so uncreative that i keep titling my fics with song names whoops
also shit's lowkey ass i can't write pathetic losers like him for my life but i like 'tsumu
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God, you hated him so much.
His stupid dark brown undercut, his stupid droopy eyes, that stupid smug grin on his face–
So how did you end up falling in love with him?
Your “enemyship” – as you called it – started when you two met in 4th grade, and he ended up pushing you off the swing because he wanted to go on the swings with his twin brother. You ended up pushing him off back, and the rest is history.
Honestly, you would have forgiven literally anybody else if they did the same thing when you were younger. But something about his annoying face made you want to punch him. Seems like he had the same thoughts, as he played along with your insults and retorts. After being in the same junior high, you had thought that things would change for the better when you enrolled into Inarizaki.
Boy, were you sorely mistaken.
Because as you locked eyes with the same boy, the same boy who you wished to cut all his hair in his sleep with scissors – your heart dropped. He was too, at least you think he was, because he widened his eyes slightly as he looked at his twin brother and back at you. Then, that stupid smirk on his face that he always had returned.
“I didn’t know you were smart enough to get into this school,” he chuckled. His brother leaned forward to take a look at you, sizing you up before sighing.
“I could say the same thing,” you frowned, folding your arms over your chest.
Atsumu let out a giggle, before stretching his arms. “Well, I have to go to class, dearie,” he mocked. “I’ll see you later.”
You rolled your eyes as he walked off with his brother, fists clenching as your hands returned to your sides.
But that was your first year. Now, you two were in your second year, and it was time for you to…turn a new leaf, perhaps. You were going to apologize to Atsumu for starting an immature “enemyship”, only to end up in another argument with him. Serious or not, you couldn’t tell. You both were just saying what was on your mind – and unfortunately causing a scene in front of the rest of his team.
You don’t even know how this happened. At first, you wanted to apologize, but then you ended up like this.
“Maybe I would’ve confessed to you if you didn’t have such a bitchy personality–” he started, eyebrows furrowing. After he spoke, he widened his eyes, slapping a hand over his mouth.
You were about to come up with a smart response when you processed his words.
“I’m sorry, what?”
“Shut up!”
One of his teammates seemed to be recording the conversation on his phone shamelessly. You don’t know any of his teammates’ names except for Osamu, but honestly, you couldn’t really care less at that moment. Yet from the corner of your eye, you saw him smirk ever so slightly as he held his phone up.
You blinked, taken aback for a moment before bursting into laughter. Atsumu whipped his head around the room, the tips of his ears turning red like his cheeks.
“Stop laughing!” he whined, prideful composure lost. He didn’t even remember that half his teammates were watching, and one was recording.
Yet you didn’t stop, continuing to laugh like he had just said the funniest joke in the world. Well, in your eyes, he did.
“No way you’re serious!” you said in between laughs.
As you calmed down, you looked at Atsumu, smile faltering as you noticed how he blushed profusely, and crescent marks began to form on his palms from how tightly he clenched his fists.
You mumbled, expression falling. You froze in place, face blank.
“Agh!” the blonde cried out. “You’re so mean!”
He suddenly stormed out of the gym, rendering both you and his teammates speechless. In a panic, you ran after him, slamming the gym doors shut.
“Do you think he’ll be okay?” one of his teammates asked, leaning closer to Osamu as he whispered in his ear. Osamu shrugged in response.
“He’s been in denial about his feelings towards her for years.”
His teammate only nodded. “You should go after him.”
“Nah. They’ll get through whatever that was themselves.”
As Atsumu ran out the gym, you chased after him, hand reaching out to grab the collar of his jacket and pull him back. Luckily, you managed to grab ahold of his collar, dragging him back and nearly bumping into him in the process. He yelped.
“Hey, what’re you doing!”
He crossed his arms, looking away from you like a child. You sighed softly.
“Do you really like me, ‘Tsumu?”
“I don’t allow you to call me that–”
“Shut up.”
You huffed, leaning in closer to him. Somehow, he turned a brighter shade of red, his complexion similar to a tomato.
“Don’t get so close to me,” he pouted. You fought the urge to roll your eyes at his antics.
“Well? Is it true?”
An awkward silence fell upon you two after he spoke. You didn’t know what to say. To be honest, now that his true feelings were revealed, you began thinking about the times you felt your cheeks warm up whenever he came up with some cheesy term of endearment to refer to you as. You knew he didn’t really mean them, but it still caused your heart to feel fuzzy. In a good way, of course. Or, when you couldn’t help attending his matches, using the excuse of “wanting to see his downfall”.
“Hm…I guess I like you too,” you shrugged. His eyes suddenly sparkled as his pout was replaced with a large grin.
He leaped out of your grasp, pulling you closer to embrace him. Your head subconsciously nuzzled against the crook of his shoulder, a sigh escaping your lips as he smiled brightly.
“Soooo,” he began. “Are we enemies still?”
“If you wanna be,” you replied.
“...nah,” he stroked your hair softly, fingers combing through your locks.
“I think I’d like to call you my girlfriend, though.”
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ju1cyfru1t · 10 months
Yellow!! How are you? Hope you are doing good! Just wanna say your whipped Donnie?? Soft Donnie?? Headcanons?? :((( it was so cute :((( literally I’m like your pfp rn :((( absolutely adorable
Idk if you are accepting requests (if not you can ignore it!!) but could you do a similar one for either Raph or Mikey?? I adore the disaster twins, but Raph and Mikey get so little recognition, Headcanons or scenarios :( if you are not feeling it that’s totally ok!! Hope you have a good day! ♥️🧡💜💙
I’m so glad you liked it!!! Have some soft Raph hcs 🫶🏻❤️ hope this is alright???
Rise! Raphael x reader
fluff :D, gn reader, romantic
soft raph hcs :(
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- the first time you told him you loved him he just said “thank you” out of panic but tbh it was the funniest shit ever and his brothers never let him live it down.
- More than happy to help you with anything, he is doing it ALL for you.
- Opening and holding every door for you
- You can’t reach the top shelf? Don’t worry, Raph’s got it.
- You need help carrying your groceries in? You need help changing that lightbulb? You need someone to walk you home? Literally anything at all? He’ll be there in 5.
- You’re tired? Sure, he’ll carry you!
- He would pick up hot coals directly from a fire with his bare hands if you asked him to.
- He loves quality time and the little things! Like watching movies, playing games together, having lunch together, almost anything! All that matters to him is that he’s with you.
- He is so scared that he’ll accidentally hurt you yk cuz he’s big and spikey :( so, so gentle
- Treats you like you’re made of glass sometimes
- you make him very nervous, he’s scared he’ll say or do something wrong
- he lacks confidence sometimes, poor Raphie
- will explain all of the Lou Jitsu and Jupiter Jim lore to you as best he can + would insist that you watch all of the movies together (he just wants to spend time with you but he doesn’t know how to just say that)
- tries really hard to think of gifts that you would like
- protective and always looks out for you, not in a possessive way but in the way that he just wants to keep you safe yk? they got a lot of enemies
- “LEO! I told you not to make a mess!” “It was me, sorry-“ “don’t worry about it, let Raph take care of everything.”
- He wants to take care of you. It’s just how he’s used to showing his love.
- esp from his dumbass brothers (Mostly Leo. Donnie and Mikey USUALLY let you live in peace)
- -> “I thought I told you to leave Y/N alone!” “Whaaat? I was just saying hi!”
- Softens and completely drops his usual intimidating, angry demeanor whenever he sees you and the quick switch is painfully obvious. He just thinks you’re so cute. but don’t worry his brothers won’t forget to point out how obvious he is (LEO)
- idk why but I feel like he would have some kind of stuffed animal that you guys act like it’s your child and you take turns taking care of it 😭 yk what I’m talking abt?
- one time he accidentally called you babe in front of Leo, Mikey, Donnie, and April but denies it ever happened
- would never let anyone say anything bad about you
- really appreciates your private moments when you two are alone, he feels much more comfortable this way
- Hesitant, but he will be vulnerable with you because he knows he can be without judgement.
- Please give Raph any kind of reassurance and he is misty-eyed. Tell him he has nothing to worry about, that he is a great leader and boyfriend and you’re proud of him, too many things to list. TELL HIM HE’S PRETTY.
- He LOVES to hold you to his chest, it makes him feel like he’s keeping you safe that way.
- Stares at you all the time, and is embarrassed if you catch him. “sorry-“
- if he were to call you a pet name, most likely to call you ‘baby’ or ‘babe’, maybe even a ‘babydoll’ if he’s feeling bold
- very very sweet overall :(
ty for reading <333 rlly appreciate all the notes on everything
still working on + accepting requests !
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spence-whore · 2 months
Stressful long days
Damien Haas x Reader
AN i lied, i went ahead and finished this little x reader just now. totaallllyyyy not procrastinating working on a final, whaaaaat? couldn’t be meeee. on another note though, this was the first time in almost five years i have written something like this. i actually used to post damien haas imagines on wattpad whenever i was in my senior year of high school. wild. If this is bad, I apologize. I’m kinda rusty. I’m going to try and get some more up asap though! Remember if you have any requests, please send them my way!
Today has been actual hell. You work in IT at an office and you usually don’t have much to do besides help people here and there. Today, it was like everyone was having problems with the new program that they were all supposed to switch to. You were technically supposed to go home at 5pm but it is now 8pm. You slowly pulled yourself up the steps to your shared apartment with Damien. The only things you could hear around you were others in their apartments, watching TV and faint talking. It was so tempting to just flop down on the step and just take a break but seeing Damien was the reward of pushing yourself up the steps.
“Just a few more steps, Y/N. You can do it.” You whispered to yourself, trudging up the last few steps and grabbing your keys out of your pockets. The sound of little paws booking it to the door thumped from the other side.
“Hi loves!” You just threw your jacket off and dropped to the ground to love on Zelda and Freyja.
“Y/N? Is that you?” Damien’s voice echoed from the living room.
“Nope, just a stranger, breaking in to rob you.” You shouted back while giving the two cats head scratches.
“Ha-ha, you’re just sooo hilarious.” Damien says giggling, while peaking his head around the corner.
“I know, I truly deserve an award for being the funniest.” You just gave him a half assed smile. He could tell from the look on your face and the fact you weren’t roasting him, something was up.
“What’s going on in that little head of yours? Busy day?” He asked while walking towards you and sticking his hand out, to help you up.
“You could say that. Would you maybe wanna just order food and we could relax and watch a movie?” You suggest hoping that he won’t oblige to the request.
“Of course, go change into some comfy clothes and go get on the couch. I’ll get it all set up.” He said with a smile while helping you stand back up.
You took a few minutes to yourself in your bedroom, before getting changed into sweatpants and an old shirt of Damien’s. You took a little bit longer while in the bathroom because you wanted to wash the grime off your face from the day.
You practically threw yourself on the couch and sighed really loudly into the pillow. “Do you wanna talk about it or do you just wanna eat then watch a movie and cuddle?” You hear Damien ask from the doorway. He had a bag that had takeout in it, in his hand.
“I’m just so mentally drained. We started using a new program at work and it did not want to work for absolutely anyone. I was having to delete it and redownload it for so many people today. I didn’t think they would hold me there that long but nope.” You took a really deep breath before turning around onto your back. It felt like tears were starting to well up so quickly in your eyes, one little comment and they would come flooding out. “Will you just come hold me for a few minutes then we can eat? Please?”
Damien didn’t even give you the opportunity to think about everything going on in your head before you were yanked up off the couch into his arms. He was holding you bridal style while you just giggled. “What are you doing, dude?” You asked.
“Uuuuuh, picking up my partner, so I can lay down on the couch and put said partner on top of me. So, I can fulfill their request. You biiiiig dummmmmyyyyy.” He laid back on the couch with you still in his arms then he let you go, so you can get comfortable.
You turned around, on your stomach, so your chin was on his chest and you were looking up at him. “Okay, one, rude. What did we say about name calling?”
He cut you off before you could continue, “We never said anything about name calling because I like picking on you. It’s the way I show my love.” He said while resting his hands on your back and staring down at you.
“Touché and two, I can’t thank you enough for just being so caring. I genuinely don’t know what I would do, if I didn’t have you to come home to.” A smile flooded Damien’s face, as he yanked you up closer to him and he pressed a kiss onto your forehead.
“You would probably go absolutely bonkers, if we’re being honest.” He whispered, giggling whenever you acted offended
You just laid there, tracing your finger alongside the tattoos, trying to not cry. It felt more and more like a damn starting to overflow.
“I’m really proud of you. You have come so far compared to where you were a few years ago. You didn’t think you would even get this position and was terrified about starting your career. You thought your entire college years were going to just go to waste. Look at you now. You have a job, where you are loved. Everyone comes to you whenever they need help, whenever there are many other people they could go to. You are the sunshine in everyone’s day. They know they will never have to deal with someone rude whenever they need assistance. You always keep up this mask like everything is a -okay, so they won’t feel bad for bothering you. I’ve seen you while you’re at work. Maybe, you should see if you can get a day off here soon and we can just lounge around all day.”
You immediately bursted into tears because of his words. You’ll never understand why or how he can put up with you, constantly being so stressed and drained but he does. You couldn’t be more thankful for him.
“Hey, hey. It’s okay.” He whispered pulling you closer to him and pressed kisses all over your face with dramatic signs in between, trying to draw a laugh from you. “Take a moment to just let it all out then let’s eat because I can hear your stomach growling and it sounds like there is an angry goblin inside of you.”
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lovable-liar · 9 months
OMG THOUGHTS: being hasan's partner and another host on fear&? recently started watching the podcast and there's so much chaos going on lol
𝗛𝗮𝘀𝗮𝗻 + 𝗙𝗲𝗮𝗿& 𝗖𝗼-𝗵𝗼𝘀𝘁 𝗥𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿
🔞 One slightly NSFW point
So much to say, so little time…
I’m gonna break this down into scenarios and actual episodes!
QT absolutely lets you come to see Taylor, no questions asked. She loves you.
Will gets you a onesie based on your FAVORITE thing in this episode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RmFb4kgGJ7c&t=2307s
Helping Hasan with his ear and being there to see this and having basically the same reaction as Hasan (41:06): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=urq6k1eL3xw&t=2989s
Your guys’ reactions go viral on twitter and some couples make them into matching pfps.
(Maybe, possibly, trying it out with him?)
Sitting in between him and Will (you would definitely be best friends with Austin and QT but you are by far closest with Will)
On the days that you guys have had an argument, you sit next to QT and Austin sits between Will and Hasan instead, but later in the pod you guys make up:
“Welcome back to the Fear& podcast, today I am joined with my co-hosts: Will, Austin, QT and Y/N.”
“Oh, so I’m Y/N now?”
“Okay- can we just- establish for the podcast. Austin, QT and I got here and found Hasan and Y/N giving each other the silent treatment and I’d just love for you guys to tell the viewers why.” Will points out, sounding very amused.
“He called me Kaya.”
“It was an accident!”
“You think I’m a dog!”
“No I don’t!”
“Yeah, you do! You think I’m a big, slobbering dog!”
But then, Austin and Will get up to help the postmates guy get to the house (because you’re in a gated community) and QT has to take a call, leaving you and Hasan alone (minus Marche.)
“I didn’t mean to call you Kaya.”
“I didn’t mean to! I’m sorry!”
“Sure you are.”
“I love Kaya.”
“I love you.”
“In a way it’s a compliment.”
“To be equated to a big, slobbering dog?”
“No. To be equated to another thing I love very much, regardless of what it is! I mean, at least I didn’t objectify you like Steven Crowder did with his wife recently!”
“You have such a way with words, Hasan.”
“I’m very sorry, though, darling.”
“I forgive you. I’m sorry for giving you the silent treatment instead of talking about it.”
The chaos is INSANE!
Getting to have a gossip section with QT every episode <3
Being SUPER hungover (whether you drank or not) on an episode after going to the Abbey with Austin.
If you crochet or knit (like I do) you definitely make a blanket big enough for all of you to share, you make coasters for everyone (including for guests to take home) and even make everyone their own sweater with the “Fear&” logo on it for every holiday <3
Sitting on Hasan’s lap during this episode because there aren’t enough seats: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cIB-ArzKvAk&t=144s
Schlatt teaching you chopsticks on this episode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eBUQE-LnoaE&t=3922s
Then you teach Hasan how to play and you guys get really competitive over it that you have a whole segment on why Schlatt loves playing it so much and why he would burden such a healthy relationship with such a major competitive sport 
Telling relationship stories <3
Either QT taking your food requests over anyone else, or, helping her make requests!
Being BY FAR the funniest host on the podcast, people ask you if your back hurts having to carry it on twitter
Having Kaya in your lap all the time (when she starts getting bigger, she’s able to lay over all three of your laps at the same time)
You and Hasan often spend hours brainstorming episode ideas, discussing potential guests, and planning the overall direction of the podcast
While Hasan is known for his passionate and outspoken approach, your hosting style balances the dynamic. You provide a more measured and analytical perspective, creating a harmonious on-air chemistry that the audience appreciates
When you and Hasan disagree on a topic, it often leads to passionate debates on the podcast. These debates are respectful and engaging, showcasing your ability to “argue” and uphold a healthy, loving relationship
He will ALWAYS respect and ultimately agree with your opinion on who to bring onto the podcast
You both have your own rituals during podcasts to calm everyone down.
People have made compilations of you telling everyone to “breathe” like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVO9f04c2R0
Decorating the room with trinkets you find!
Decorating everyone’s mic with stickers that pertain to them <3
Giving the table a theme every now and again like making it look like a dinner table during the Mormon episode, making it look like a little laboratory, etc.
Doing activities! With the laboratory table in mind, I’m thinking doing those kid’s science kits where you can grow your own crystals, make a robot, and make an erupting volcano!
Making gingerbread houses with everyone (including Marche) even if it’s not the holidays
Painting pottery <3
Writing all your worries and frustrations on a plate, only to smash them behind the paywall <3
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silkjade · 2 years
hello!!! i really enjoy reading ur writing~ like, from the wedding dates post it was love at first read hehe pls keep it up!!
n e wayz, i just got back from a medical operation (it was successful!!) and would it be alright to request some hcs of how diluc, childe, itto, thoma, and al-haitham (separately) would take care of an s/o who’s recovering post-op??? no pressure ofco ^-^
glad your op was successful, anon! ^^ wishing you a smooth and speedy recovery!
genshin men taking care of you after a medical operation
⤀ Featuring— diluc, childe, itto, thoma, al-haitham (written pre-release)
⤀ gn!reader, modern au, mentions of medication, use of pet names (babe)
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he’s taking as much time off as he possibly can to spend with you. if he really can’t be home atm, he’s got his whole team of staff behind him so you’re never alone
the first few days might be rough because of the pain so he tries his best to keep your mind off of it by telling you embarrassing stories of himself, kaeya, and jean from when they were kids
if you need to just vent, diluc’s a great listener; he listens to all your complaints without offering any solutions so go off!
he changes your bandages with the tenderest of touches and places a feather light kiss on top when he’s finished
he isn't really one for television, but will watch with you if you are; who knows he might even get just a teeny tiny bit invested in the reality show you're watching. he doesn't mean to but he'd make the funniest comments (underrated comedian)
but.... he would enjoy doing puzzles with you like a 500 piece puzzle because the 1,000 piece ones can get kind of messy
his driver takes you to all your follow-up appointments so that he can stay with you in the back himself
when you’re well enough, he takes you on short strolls through his vineyard, with your arm linked through his and your head resting on his shoulder. it’s ok you can lean on him, he’s strong
this man has a big family, he is well versed in the art of caretaking. and yet they still show up with a ton of homemade food, remedies, supplies, etc because you’re basically already one of them
he’s actually really strict on making sure you follow discharge instructions, like anything that strays off, it’s:
“sorry, not until we get the doctor’s approval at your next appointment”
childe keeps you up-to-date with all the new tech stuff, so you guys basically have a smart room. ‘alexa dim the lights’ ; ‘alexa turn on the tv’ etc. and he definitely has all the streaming services so you never run out of things to watch
if you’d rather play video games, he’ll let you win without making it super obvious
some oral medications can be a pain to swallow so he makes sure to give you lots of little kisses as a reward
on the more difficult nights, he’ll lay in bed next to you, propped on an elbow with his other hand playing with your hair. it’s very calming especially when he hums and softly sings you snezhnayan lullabies
100% will cook and clean and do the dishes, but doesn’t really want to leave you alone while he goes to the store, so he’s been instacarting almost all your groceries. don’t worry about the expenses though, it’s on him he says as he pulls out his work credit card (it’s actually on pantalone; he texts you that he’ll turn a blind eye to these charges so consider it your ‘get well soon’ gift)
itto is very eager to take care of you since it’s usually the other way around; he’s so grateful you trust him in such a vulnerable state, he just wants to do his best and show you how much he loves and appreciates you
....so he definitely wrote to ms. hina for advice the moment you scheduled your operation
before he goes in to pick you up, he’s in the hospital parking lot giving his boys a speech like
“be extra careful around them and mind what you say alright?” you know this because shinobu recorded it and sent it to you
of course they volunteered to help out with daily errands so that their boss can focus on taking care of you
he brings you flowers when picking you up and a silly little ‘get well soon’ card that makes you laugh because it has a dumb pun
to show solidarity, if you're on a strict dietary plan... he's on a strict dietary plan
your comfort is super important to him so it is a no judgment zone here; maybe you feel weird about things like going to the bathroom or taking sponge baths, but itto is sure to completely reassure you there’s nothing to be embarrassed about
“nothing to be worried about babe, it’s all part of the process. I know what I signed up for”
he decorates your home as a surprise! just a little something to brighten it up since you’re going to be stuck indoors for awhile
pampers you and treats you like royalty. once you arrive home, all the house chores are already done, your pillows are fluffed, need anything? he’s at your beck and call
makes the best homemade meals— delicious, nutritious, and follows any dietary guidelines
also has some ready in the fridge to heat up just incase you get hungry while he’s out running errands
definitely bought those little pill boxes that have the days of the week on them so you have all your meds organized already. he refills them for you weekly too
he's good at reading your moods, so he can easily tell whether you want his company or whether you want some space; he doesn't mind either way, whatever you need
thoma is an overall very upbeat person and keeps a positive mindset, however... sometimes it can get a little...too much? a little overwhelming? but! he understands how frustrating the recovery process can be so he takes it like a champ when you get a little snappy with him
he’s a nerd and a perfectionist, he read up on everything; your procedure, any medications, side effects, recovery, etc and still bombards the doctors and nurses with questions
honestly he is a little nervous since you’re in a delicate state and he doesn’t have a lot of experience as a caretaker
makes you take your medications at the exact hour you’re supposed to; every 12 hours? he’s hounding you at 8am and 8pm sharp
shhh he doesn’t know this but you accidentally caught him on the phone with an old acquaintance from liyue, scribbling down the recipe for an herbal nourishing soup
on your better days, he pampers you by not letting you skip your nightly skincare routine and even applies it for you
can be a bit of a mother hen which is a pretty stark contrast to his usual, more aloof personality. it’s a mental game you’re playing with yourself, counting the amount of times he peeps in to check on you
finally you call him over and he does the thing where he kneels by your bedside to hear what you have to say
“can you just…lay here with me for a bit…?”
and so he does and tells you about his research and projects until he realizes you’ve fallen asleep
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© silkjade — do not steal, plagiarize, translate or repost any content onto any other platform
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whatsk-poppinhomies · 6 months
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Pairing : Huening Kai x F!Reader TW : none ; big fluff ; Beomgyu making a suggestive comment ; Kai being adorable ; Word Count : 1.4k Request : nope! A/N : Hope you all enjoyed the snippets of life! This is the last one and then we're back to the regularly scheduled programming!
“I’m really glad you’re finally spending the night.” Kai said shyly, his hands shoved into the pockets of his hoodie while your arm linked through his. “Don’t mind the guys, they’re kind of… Well… You know.” The rosy tint in his cheeks reached up to the tips of his ears, although you were sure he’d blame it on the chill of the late December air. “You can wear my clothes if you want… For sleeping… Or to just get comfortable. I don’t want you to feel like you have to wear jeans and stuff the whole time because I know that-” 
“Kai…” You cut him off, shoving your own hand into his pocket to give his hand a squeeze. “You’re stuck in your head, you’re rambling.” He sighed softly, lacing his fingers through your own, and his steps became gradually faster. One Kai step was about four or five steps for you though, and you found yourself breathless when the two of you finally reached the building. “Geesh…” 
“Don’t be nervous. It’s gonna be okay!” He tried to calm you, assuming that your heavy breathing and hesitation was due to nerves and not the fact that you felt like you had just ran a marathon just to keep up with him. Even still, the funniest part was the fact that he seemed to be the most nervous right now, his hands fidgeting in the fluff lined pocket of his hoodie, and he was the one hesitating to walk through the front door of the building. “Are you ready?” He asked, and you quickly nodded your head, wanting nothing more than to be inside and out of the winter chill. 
You were shivering inside the elevator that took you up to the dorm room where he and the guys lived, and Kai respectfully kept an arm draped over your shoulder while vigorously rubbing your arm to try to warm you up. “Are you okay with me staying the night?” You asked, feeling the nervousness radiating off of him in the confines of the elevator, and his head nodded so fast that you wondered if he was being honest or just trying not to hurt your feelings. “I can sleep on the couch if that would make you more comfortable. I don’t mind, really.” 
The last thing you wanted was for him to be uncomfortable in his own home, and although this was his idea, you wondered if maybe he was second guessing it now that it was truly happening. It’s not like you would be mad about it though, you had only been dating for 2 months, and while most people would have done something like this rather early on in their relationship, you both just wanted to take things slow and enjoy the fun of meeting up for dates and the thrill of just being with each other when time and schedules allowed. It kept the relationship lively and there was always something to look forward to. 
“No, no… It’s not that, seriously.” He ran a hand through his hair as he let out a slightly awkward chuckle. “It’s the guys and… With me being the youngest… I just know they’re going to tease me and… I don’t want them to make you think differently of me, that’s all.” You glanced up at him out of the corner of your eye, his bottom lip was pulled between his teeth and he shuffled his feet as the bell rang out and the doors slid open. 
“A little bit of teasing from the guys won’t alter my judgment. I like you for you…” You reassured him, wrapping your arms around his waist and giving him a squeeze before walking out of the elevator, leading the way even though you didn’t have a single idea as to where you were going. “I’m excited to spend the night… It’s gonna be fun. We can watch movies and play video games and-” Kai stopped in the middle of the hallway, right in front of a door that looked like all the others, but from the inside you could hear music being played loudly and boisterous laughter that you could only assume was coming from Beomgyu considering the other loudest boy was standing right beside you. 
“You think I’ll be able to sneak you past the guys?” His voice was soft, almost like he was worried they’d hear him through the door, but there was a chuckle building in his chest, although you weren’t sure whether it was from the nerves or whether he was trying to be funny. Either way, you shook your head no, the guys seemed to all be in the main room, like they were waiting for your entrance. It’s not like they had never met you before, it’s just that this would be the first time you’ve ever gone to their home. “Right… Guess it’s better to just get it over with.” 
“Like ripping off a bandaid.” You chimed, and you could hear him gulp loudly as he turned the knob on the door and pushed it open. Silence immediately filled the room, and your thoughts were proven correct as four heads lifted up and now eight pairs of eyes laid upon you and Kai as you both walked in. “Hey guys!” You spoke up, and within seconds you and Kai were rushed as the guys ran over to where you stood. 
“Are you guys gonna.. You know…” Beomgyu was the first one of the boys to speak, his eyebrows wiggling to emphasize the suggestive question. You didn’t even have to look at Kai to know that his face was burning up, you could feel it throughout his entire body, the heat radiating off of him like a space heater. 
Yeonjun scoffed, tittering with his hand over his mouth. “How would they? You know that he wouldn’t move his plushies for that. I don’t even know where she’s gonna sleep.” The oldest teased, and the secondhand embarrassment that you were feeling was horrendous, you could only imagine how Kai was feeling being on the receiving end of it. 
“I… I’d move them for her… I was planning on moving them.” He stammered, and it was cute, but also kind of sad to see him so shy, especially knowing that he was usually the loudest one of the guys, aside from Beomgyu. “Can you guys maybe like… Shut up though?” His shoulders shrugged as if the question was more of an offer, like they had a choice, but you were sure that once your overnight visit was over, Kai would let them have it for attempting to humiliate him in front of you. 
“I think guys that collect plushies are adorable, so hush.” You jumped to Kais defense, nuzzling closer to him as you smiled up to your boyfriend who was redder than a tomato at this point. “Do you wanna take me to the room? Maybe I can change into something more comfortable?” You asked, trying to find a reason to get the both of you out of the awkward bubble that the other boys had created. 
Kai was quick to jump on the offer, his arm snaked around your waist and practically dragging you to the bedroom and slamming the door behind him. “Sorry about them….” He muttered, and you could still hear the guys, cheering out in the main room as if something more were about to happen. “I knew they’d be like that… I can move the plushies if you want me to… It’s really not a big deal. I don’t know why they-” 
Your hands cupped his cheeks and you pushed yourself up to press your lips to his, silencing his panicked rambling. “I don’t care what they were saying. They’re like your brothers, they’re going to tease you. That’s what they do.” You assured him, your thumb stroking his cheek, watching the redness fade in his cheeks and then slowly reappear when your thumbs slid across them. “And I wasn’t joking when I said I think it’s cute… So how about… I change, and then you can introduce me to all of your plushies… I can pick my favorite one.” 
The smile that pulled at the corner of his lips had your stomach feeling warm and fuzzy, he was adorable, and you were happy that you could cheer him up and get his mind off the guys at least for now. “Alright, yeah… Just don’t pick my favorite because I don’t think I can share. You can pick any of the other ones though, I’ll even let you take it home to sleep with so you never forget about me.” 
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Hi! I love your writing and I’ve been literally binging through all the fics! I was kinda hoping for a fluff / angsty fred fic 👀
So we all know our beloved Fred dies and I’m kinda wanting to have a fic around that. It starts very warm and calm with possible memories before the war and how happy the two were waiting to get married, start a family etc. maybe a little moment in the morning of their house together waking up and it’s just stolen kisses and happiness 😩
Until the war begins and they both want to fight in it, very bittersweet moment of goodbye between them while Fred tells reader to be safe and how it’ll come back on both of them. During the war we know Fred gets killed and how it could be the reader protects a younger person during the war and that’s how they are killed too. The Weasley family not knowing they were dead until they saw her being placed down on a stretcher beside Fred. It’s just SAD and ya know ANGST. Anyway could be the two of them reuniting in the afterlife Idc!
But if this is too much don’t stress you’re amazing 😩
b i t t e r s w e e t
fandom- Harry Potter
pairing(s)- fred weasley
a/n: ahh i'm so happy you've been enjoying my writting, that makes my day. this brought back plenty of unhappy memories of a ten year old reading it for the first time, but what this really remiend's me of this is the line, "it's been a long day my friend, i'll tell you all about it when i see you again". i hope you don't mind as i hav'nt really written a proper fic on this and i'm willing to try again to reach your expectations, i wish this enlightens your day, and makes you smile a little brighter with love, tiya
requested- yes
warnings- unexperienced writer, not thoroughly edited
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the five times fred weasley was effortlessley in love
sometimes being the funniest person in the room was tiring, but being the most handsome, charming and the funniest was just absolutely exhausting. Fred was the type to always brighten the mood. he was the vibe, but sometimes its difficult to always light the room and be that positive ray of sunshine all the time, for it did take effort but he'd give it his all. But when it came to you? it felt so effortless.
(1) on his knees
Fred Weasley has never gotten on his knees for anyone, he'd never belittle himself to begging and he would certainly never find himself in a position where he would have to bend down. and for a girl? pfft
but he did, oh he did, he did, he did.
he found himself on his knees tying you laces with so much adoration. and a thought went across his mind.
is being this in love even real?
(2) oh for a hello
mind you, you were minding your business and making your way to the next class when the hem of your skirt was pulled, spinning you to the proximity of Fred Weasley's handsome face. you were cornered to a wall with him leaning in as if he owned the world.
(3) privellages
Fred was going of about god knows what and he was being quite annoying. he was upset about you doing some reckless things as if he did not partake in any such activities.
"Freddie". that had shut him up so well ah.
"can i call you that?" you pestered on, watching him immitate a fish. he turned himslef around and started smiling in hopes you wouldn't notice how flustered he's gotten. it was astounding how effortlesley happy you would make him and it drove him crazy.
imma marry this girl
(4) that not so little sensation
Weasley had somehow gotten into your dorm, and to be honest you didn't bother to wonder how. Beacause, when he had a will, he'd find a way, and if he could not find a way? he would pave with his own hands.
he springled and peppered your face with kisses and had his arm tightly around you as if you'd disapear if he let go.
what was that sensation he felt everytime he saw her smile and laugh? it was him being effortlesley in love
(5) die for you
it says you see what you have loved the most in your last, and he was happy it was them, cause its always been them. He felt all the stress, the anxiety and the worry leave him, it was just her, and who could be stressed after seeing that face. it was like a sponge absorbing anything and everything that made you worry.
it's been a long day, he'd tell her all about it when he saw her again
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dreamersparacosm · 2 years
ab prompt: “you could have any girl you want.” - “i have the girl that i want.” 🥺
note ; a little fluff for your evening. well barely. It’s like 1 am oops! thanks for ur request anon
warnings ; none <3
It’s not that hard to discern: Austin Butler is your best friend. You’re his best friend. And that’s really all there should be to it.
But underneath the years' worth of friendships, there is a connection between you and Austin that blurs the distinction between friends and lovers, a natural energy. Everyone would have a difficult time coming across another pair of two individuals that appeared as in love as you two did, despite your ignorance and Austin's objections. The judgement on whether the remarks were complimentary or intrusive was still pending.
It’s just one of those days where you really can’t tell.
What might be the issue, is the way his body slants behind yours as he leans against the wooden table in the crowded bar and engages in pointless conversation with your other friends. Might be his need to constantly press his warm palm against your skin. Might be the intense Californian heat that clutters your mind and turns that tiny portion of your conscience—the one that directs your feelings and actions—into mush, steam-rolled and flattened into a pancake.
Or, it might be the alcohol. There’s too many factors at play as to why you might feel your heart skip a beat every time Austin’s hand wanders down to the small of your back, holding your drunk, limp body up.
You’re not even that drunk. Or, well, that’s what you’ve tried to convince him. Tried to tell him that gin and tonics do not get you intoxicated, and that he’s only trying to send you home to find another girl in the bar.
But in his eyes, you’re about two shots away from finding yourself in the back of an Uber home, en route to your air-conditioned apartment.
He’s talking to you, eyes glossy and golden locks falling onto his forehead, perspiration beading alongside his hairline as he speaks, but your hearing goes mute. You’re still gripping that gin and tonic, bobbing your head like a slinky to appear slightly less inebriated. He smiles, a slight one that shows off a bit of pearl white teeth.
It’s late. Far, far too late. That point in the night where nothing good happens, where too many drinks are consumed, and inhibitions are released into the walls of the bar.
“How are you so drunk?” He’s still smiling like a child, fresh from the toy store, eyes crinkling at the corners.
“I am not!” You declare, holding your near-empty glass of what used to be a gin and tonic (it is now a concoction of melted ice, lime juice, and a splash of gin.)
“You so are,” He takes a swig from his own beer, holding back the gag that bubbles in his throat. See, he’s not a drinker. Not in the slightest. But, for you? He’ll buy out all the top-shelf alcohol there is. “I should’ve gotten you that Uber two drinks ago.”
“Oh, please,” You lean into him, his cologne seeping into your bloodstream and infiltrating your veins. You poke his chest playfully, batting your eyelashes up at him, “You’re just tryna get rid of me.”
“Took you this long to notice?” He jokes, and you let out a laugh as if it’s the funniest thing you’ve ever heard. You giggle for what feels like eternity, but he joins in with a few snorts of his own by the end of your laughing spell.
“You can go find a girl even with me here,” You say. You don’t mean it. You don’t mean that. Your heart burns at the edges, as if someone took a lighter and lit just the corner. Your eyes wander to his lips. If he notices, he spares you the dramatics and doesn’t mention it. Some ignorant part of you is hoping, praying, he doesn’t follow that up with a shit-eating comment.
“Wouldn’t dare do that,” He half-smiles, half-smirks, the cockiness he usually hides so well revealing itself in plain sight.
“Well, ya’ know you can have any girl you want,” Your words are a little slurred, footsteps a little wobbly. He leans slightly more into you, filling the inch-wide gap that you created a few moments earlier. You smell the beer on him, the cologne, the hair products. It should disgust you, make you run out the exit. But, you don’t. Just lean into his body even more, noses almost touching.
“Don’t want that,” He whispers. His bottom lip is tucked underneath his top teeth, like he’s trying to stop the words from tumbling from his mouth. His brain incoherently tells him to stop, like a red neon sign blinking amidst the intoxication.
He’s so close, can almost feel himself kissing you if he imagines hard enough. He knows you’ll probably forget this by tomorrow, after you’ve slept and drank water, and maybe that’s why he says it. “I have the girl that I want.”
Maybe it is that hard to distinguish, to figure out, to take apart piece by piece, because this much is now clear: Austin Butler is not your best friend.
thank you for joining my 3.5k celly! requests are now closed.
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gunilslaugh · 8 months
Could I request their reaction to you being gothic and loving the dark aesthetic please 🙏
Here you go! I hope that you enjoy it! :)
All members √ • – • √
Summary: How Xdinary Heroes are with a gothic significant other.
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photo not mine credits to owner.
Gunil loves that you’re unapologetically you. Your gothic wardrobe tends to be eye-catching. It even earns you some judgemental looks, but that never bothers you and it amazes Gunil. You tend to be a bit more reserved and individualistic, so moments where you rely on him makes Gunil’s heart swarm. Any time he sees something with a dark/all black aesthetic it reminds him of you. He was walking on his way to the studio when he passed a black cat. He snapped a picture of it and sent it to you with the caption. “Look you two are twinning! (It reminded me of you)”. 
Jungsu finds your gothic style very interesting. He feels like before meeting you he has heard the term “gothic/goth” more jokingly rather than seriously, so knowing you had given him the opportunity to truly understand what goth culture is. He comes to really respect it. He’ll sometimes have you pick out his outfit for him, so the two of you can have matching dark aesthetics. He loves to take photos together with you on those days or even just in general. If you are into poetry he will write you little poems. Either sending them to you by text or writing them on sticky notes.
Jiseok loves having a gothic significant other. It’s very fun for him. Once he stuck a bright neon yellow shirt into your all black closet and thought that it was the funniest thing. The unimpressed and slightly mad face you looked at him with upon seeing the shirt is something he won’t forget. He tries to get you to wear the shirt too, saying you should give color a chance. That’s just fun and games though on a serious note he does respect you and your gothicness. He’ll listen to the bands that you like and even recommend some new ones to you.
You being gothic is what caught his attention first. It made him want to get to know you and he’s so glad that he did. You will occasionally refer to him as your honorary goth boyfriend, since he does have some likes and qualities of the goth culture. He will have you paint his nails black for him and he will do the same for you. It takes him longer than it would if you just painted them yourself, but you don’t mind. You like the warmth that radiates from his hands as he carefully paints your nails.
Hyeonjun finds a liking to the gothic style. Meaning that he also likes your gothic style and admires it. He really takes an interest in your accessories and often borrows them from you. Whether it’s rings, bracelets, or necklaces he likes them all. Will buy you two matching accessories that you both can wear together. Hyeongjun will make note of your favorite songs and secretly learn how to play them on his guitar. Then he will just randomly play them for you. The brightest simple breaks out on his face about how happy you got over him playing your favorite song(s).
At first he didn’t understand the full meaning of what being goth/gothic was. After you explained it to him, it fascinated him. The first time he opened your closet he was stunned. It was black, it almost looked like nothing was in there, just one big shadow. If he feels like being funny he will come to you dressed in bright, vibrant colors, completely contrasting your bright aesthetic. He makes it his goal to see you wear something colorful. He enjoys listening to the music that you like and sharing songs with you, but sometimes those songs are completely out of pocket like Orange Caramel Catallena.
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gaybananabread · 3 months
Can you do Stan, Ford, and Bill (gravity falls) headcanons? If not that’s completely fine! Take your time!!
☆⑅Felony Trio Headcanons⑅⁠☆
(Stan, Ford & Bill)
~No idea if these three have an actual group name or not, but this is what I'm going with. You can't tell me they haven't committed at least one a piece, accidentally and/or on purpose. These sillies will always have a special place in my heart as one of my earlier obsessions. Thank you for requesting!~
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Silly con-man gives me ler-leaning switch vibes. Loves wrecking his family, but wouldn’t mind the occasional giggle-fest.
Over the years, he’s developed the elusive “can say the t-word whenever” power, though it definitely didn’t used to be that way. Ford reminds him of that whenever it’s most annoying.
Can easily admit that he likes tickling others, but receiving it? Yeah, good luck. He’s willing to die on that hill.
A bit rare, but he will get lee moods. He’s a “ride it out in silence” kinda guy, but Ford can sometimes catch onto his bullshit (definitely not bc he does it too what-)
If he DOES try and solve his problem, it’ll be in the most roundabout way possible. Provoking his brother, teasing his great niece and nephew until they try something, you name it. If it works, it works.
Worst spots are his armpits and the area right beneath his belly button. Enjoy watching him lose his mind if you target either one ♡
Melt spot is his ears. You can’t tell me his goofy ears wouldn’t make him giggle his heart out; he’d love every second of it.
Very gruff, choppy giggles. Sounds kinda like he’s been chain smoking, then saw the funniest thing in his life. When you really get him going, deep and rough belly laughter. Occasional snorts if you wanna kill him.
When he gets in a ler mood, he’ll either bother his overworking brother or mess with one of the kids. Sometimes his family can tell, though he won’t normally admit anything.
Such a wonderful asshole of a ler-
Teases, smart-ass comments, horrible dad jokes, and more! Definitely the one to go to if you want a shameless wrecking.
“You’re a lil’ squeak toy, huh? I just squeeze your side and- yup, just like that.”
“Ya know, you could’ve just pushed me away by now. Don’t worry, I noticed.”
“You sure squirm a lot, don'tcha? Like a lil’ worm, could use you as fishing bait!”
“It tickles? Wow, that must really suck for you.”
Pretty good with aftercare. He'll ruffle your hair and tease you, of course, but he lets you lay on him while the TV plays. Fair trade, honestly.
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Can you really tell me he isn't at least a little lee? After all those years with little to no comforting contact, he loves a good giggle fest.
Making his great niece and nephew laugh, though? Even better.
He doesn't always get that feeling, so I'm going lee-leaning switch.
If you even mention it around him, he'll blush, no matter his mood. It's real bad when he's lee.
You can kinda gauge if he's in a mood by just saying the t-word (if you can, that is)
If you don't have that magic, then he's still pretty obvious in other ways.
Extra stuttering, constantly adjusting his glasses, eyes lingering on your hands, wobbly smiles. If you've got eyes, you'll be able to tell.
Will deny it at first, but it's pretty flimsy.
“I-I don't know what you're talking about. I survived the roughest interdimensional plane there is. I don't need…that.”
He falls apart the minute you wiggle your fingers at him.
Worst spots are his hips, followed by his ribs. A few squeezes to either will have him snorting up a storm.
Melt spots are his ears and the tops of his thighs. Like his brother, his ears are lovely to run a feather across for both him and the ler. He loves gentle traces on his thighs, though. Have him a melted, giggling puddle in seconds.
He loses tickle fights on purpose at least 76.4% of the time. Don’t ask me how I got that number: I just know.
His ler moods are rare, but if he’s feeling a bit distant from his family, he’ll try and piece things with some giggles.
Soft, playful ler. He never wants to go too far, but he isn’t afraid to goof around and tease while he’s at it.
“I think I’ve got a leg up here, huh? Thanks to my extra fingers, this has gotta be at least 20% more ticklish~”
“You really do blush quite a lot. It’s pretty cute to watch.”
“As a scientist, it’s my job to conduct experiments. Let’s try now. Hypothesis: if I get your worst spot, you’ll laugh at least twice as loud as you are now. Time for the experiment~”
The moment you say stop, even if you don’t mean it, he pulls away. If you want more, you’ll have to ask him.
Pretty great with aftercare. Will absolutely cuddle you, maybe even tell some stories if you’re interested. He’s got plenty from his time in the portal, though he keeps the angstier ones to himself. Any tale he tells is almost guaranteed to make you smile.
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Believe it or not, the chaotic dorito does like tickling. In fact, after him and Mabel’s interaction, they seem to randomly plague his thoughts at the most inopportune times. It goes in either direction, his moods as random as his personality.
Considering this, we’re gonna go straight-up switch.
These moods are especially hard for the demon to satiate. His friends are insane, but none completely batshit enough to try something like tickling him. When he needs a fix, he usually has to outsource it or suffer until it goes away.
On the off chance he does outsource, he goes for one of the Pines twins. They’re hesitant to let him in, but he’s a sweet-talker. Once he’s inside, it barely takes an hour for him to provoke someone into wrecking him.
His spots vary based on the body he’s inhabiting. The one time he was tickled in his own (Weirdmageddon incident, don’t ask), he found that his hat and feet got him laughing the most.
(don’t come at me, his hat re-grew flesh when he got shot in it)
He doesn’t really have a distinct melt spot, though he loves being tickled right beneath his bowtie. It makes him kick and squirm, but it also makes him incredibly giddy.
I’d tell you to run for your life, but it won’t do you much good.
Evil, sarcastic and rough ler. Good luck breathing o7
The kinda dude to go for all your worst spots first, and only explore the softer side if he’s wanting to spice things up.
Can and will generate any tool he feels like to wreck you (surprisingly enough, he’ll ask first)
Boundaries really need to be set before anything happens. Otherwise he’ll just go until he feels like stopping. If you look on the brink of passing out, he’ll quit, but other than that nah.
VERY teasy, with a large handful of sarcasm and sass.
“Geez, you laugh really loud when I get ya here. Mind dialing it down? I don’t wanna go deaf before I’m 20 million.”
“Ha! You snort? I’ve gotta hear that again, c’mon!”
“You’re confusing. You say ‘no, go away,’ but you haven’t even tried escaping. I’m supposed to be the crazy one here; mind explaining?”
“Wow, this is driving you nuts, huh? We’re gonna match!”
Not super great at aftercare unless you ask. He can make any snack or drink you want by snapping, and he knows some great rom-coms to doze off to (don’t ask why unless you wanna go for round two).
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st4rwon · 1 year
for the 300 event:
glue song x jeongin 💕💕
glue song
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jeongin x reader
contains: lots and lots of fluff, light angst, friends to lovers
word count: 1k
a/n: ty so much for the request, this was extremely fun to write! sorry for how long it took i’ve had a lot going on TT hope you enjoy <33
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you and jeongin have been by each other's sides since you were in diapers. you don’t think you've ever been apart from him; he was always there for you, during your greatest successes and your failures. the two of you had a special bond, something you have never felt and would never feel with anyone else.
though sometimes you wished that wasn’t the case.
you loved jeongin with your entire heart, and you know he did too; the only difference is that your love was romantic while his was platonic. but how could you stop yourself from having feelings for him? he was the funniest, kindest, and most understanding person you had ever met. but you could never dream of doing anything that would harm the friendship you had with him, so you kept your lips shut.
it was a typical friday afternoon. you and jeongin typically went to a cafe together before heading to your favorite local arcade. you both ordered your usual before sitting down at a small table by the window.
"so anything interesting happen this week?" jeongin asked, tapping his fingers on the table while waiting for your drinks to arrive.
"hm nothing much really, just the usual," you answered, trying to recall anything from your week, but the only thing you could think about was the way that the sunlight landed on jeongin’s frame perfectly.
"what about you?" "well you know that one guy i’m partnered with?" you nodded, remembering his complaints to you "well he finally decided to put in some effort towards the project, but i’m still pissed. i mean, he could’ve put some work in during the start." jeongin huffed. "well at least the project is over now, and i doubt your ever gonna see him again" you said, trying to brighten his mood. "yeah you’re right" he replied, smiling back. you always knew how to make jeongin feel better. he thought about the stressful nights where he would rant to you for hours about how upset he was, but you were always there to comfort him through it all. though you weren’t aware of it, jeongin loved you the same way you did. he had been in love with you for a while, but he only realized it recently.
the worker placed the drinks on the table, snapping jeongin out of his thoughts. he said a quick thank you to the server, pulled your drink towards him, and took a sip. "i still don’t get why you buy this drink; it tastes gross" you giggled at the look of disgust on the boy’s face. "then why do you have to take a sip every time i get it?" "i don’t know, maybe one day it’ll taste good" he answered, but he knew that the words that were coming out of his mouth were false, jeongin knew that the only reason he would even put that concoction drink near his mouth was because he loved to see the smile on your face, followed by the laughs about the expression he made.
after finishing your drinks, the two of you headed to the arcade, which was conveniently just a 3 minute walk away.
once you got there, you got a card and started playing. first,  you started with basketball (where you brutally defeated jeongin), followed by some space invaders.
"jeongin what are you doing? THERE IS ONE AT THE BOTTOM!" you said, frantically trying to kill it, but it was too late. "funny how we’ve been trying to do this for years but have never been able to beat this level" jeongin chuckled.
though the communication between the two of you was great, two-player games were never something you could both do together.
you took turns picking out games to play until both of you wanted to take a break, so you both found a table to sit at.
you thought about all the days you had spent here, it brought you so much joy. "kinda random, but i really enjoy spending time with you" you said, looking up at jeongin, he moved his hands across the table, placing them over yours. "i do too, even if you suck at games" he replied, earning him a playful slap on the side. "though in all honesty, i don’t know what i would do without you, without us. what we have is really special to me" he said, making your cheeks hurt from smiling so much.
"gosh i love you so much innie" it took him a minute to process your words, there’s no way you meant it in the way he hoped you did.
"do you love me the way i love you?" he mumbled, "what?" you questioned. did you hear that right? "oh uh, never mind" he dismissed "jeongin, do you like me?" you said, tilting your head a bit, "yeah… i do. but if you don’t reciprocate my feelings that fine, i’m sorry if i ruined our relationship-" "innie shut up for two seconds" his eyes opened wide "i like you too stupid, clearly we were both too dumb to see it" you laughed as he shoved you
"you made me so scared" he frowned, you got up from your seat and walked around the table over to him, slowly moving your face towards him before finally placing your lips over his. the kiss was short but sweet, you pulled away and saw the grin on jeongin’s face, "that make you feel better?" you questioned teasingly, "hmm i don’t know" he pondered "i think your gonna have to do it again" jeongin smirked "already hooked on my kisses?" "i missed out on years of kisses, you’re gonna have to make it up now" you giggled at his response, "we’re literally in public you baby, i’ll give you kisses some other time" but before you could pull him to get up so you could both play some more games, jeongin turned you towards him and cupped your face, giving you a small peck before getting up to go find some games to play. "ooh this one looks fun!" he pointed out, still wearing a smirk on his face. you laughed and headed over to where he was.
if you were to be stuck with anyone, you would always choose jeongin.
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please don’t spam like posts, repost, translate, or use my work without my permission. all work is fictional and only used for entertainment purposes. © azurez 2023
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jungwnies · 1 year
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synopsis . wooyoung as a boyfriend !
genre . romance, fluff, slightly suggestive ! wc . ~0.9k !
requested by anon ! sorry for taking so long to do this :C thanks 4 waiting
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A » Affection - How affectionate are they?
this man is so affectionate :(
he’s very vocal about the way he feels about you
will always let you know how much he loves you
B » Bonding - How often do they bond with you?
all the fucking time
there is literally no time this man is not strengthening his relationship with you
he’s so focused on making sure the relationship is healthy and trusting
the bond is eternal when it comes to wooyoung
C » Communication - Do they keep in touch with you when they're away?
he’s one of the facetime people
he facetimes you allllllllllll the time
after a performance
before a performance
during a performance break
he also texts you a lot but not as much as he calls you
he prefers talking to you vocally rather than talking through texts
doesn’t matter where he is
he will always make time for you
D » Date - How often do they set up a date for you two?
i don’t think he does dates often
i think he pulls up to your house a lot though for a real netflix and chill session
probably falls asleep at your house
dates don’t really exist
unless it’s the anniversary day
E » Essential - What is the thing that is important to them?
you, his members, his family
everybody he loves is important to him
F » First - Were you his first?
you are unfortunately not his first
i don’t think he’s had a lot of partners
but you are definitely not the first
you’re just the one that lasted LOL
G » Gross - What is the thing he hates in your relationship?
he hates when you don’t understand him or listen to him on an emotional level
he just wants to be loved and understood
if you don’t then he probably would break up with u
H » Holding Hands - How often do they hold your hands?
i don’t think he’s a hand holder but he’s definitely a hugger
i think he keeps you close by keeping an arm around you
hand holding isn’t really his thing
I » Intercourse - How are they in 6? (yk what I mean by 6)
wooyoung got some moves fr LOL
he definitely knows how to work with your body and how to please you
he also knows how to make sure he’s also getting satisfaction
the pleasure is always mutual during sex
J » Jealousy - How jealous do they get?
wooyoung is a healthy jealousy kind of guy to him
it’s okay to be kind of jealous
just not over protective or toxic about it
his jealousy is cute
he just gets clingy and whiny LOL
K » Kiss - How good are they at kissing?
he’s got skill
in the beginning he wasn’t very good
but with time his kissing skills got irresistible
L » Love - How do they show their love to you?
quality time
physical touch
hes very showy and vocal when it comes to how he feels
he’s genuine always
M » Mad - How often do you argue?
not often
maybe never
just playful lighthearted arguments from time to time for spice
N » Naughty - How do they deal with you annoying them?
he annoys you back LOL
play fights 100%
O » Open - How often do they open up to you?
he opens up pretty quickly
but he also doesn't reveal everything immediately he's pretty open
doesn't mind talking about his feelings all the time
P » Pet names - How are they with pet names?
LOL he loves them
he thinks they're the best thing ever
comes up w/ the most funniest or even some of the dumbest names
Q » Quiet - How long can they stand silent treatment?
literally not long at all
he likes to think that he lasts a long time in silence
but he doesn't
he gets whiny after a while
R » Ramble - How often do they talk about you to others?
all the time
he is so proud to have you
he doesn't make his whole personality about you though
S » Soft - How soft are they to you?
very soft also
he is suchhh a flirt
T » Think - What reminds them of you?
every little think reminds him of u
every time he gets food he thinks of you
every time he sings he thinks of lyrics that remind him of u
just allllll the time
U » Unhappy - What makes them break if you break up with them?
all the memories
the small dates that were the best
all the moments he hugged and kissed you
ur scent
ur touch
everything makes him break
V » Vacation - How are they with long distance relationship? (That had nothing to do with the word but I am running out of ideas)
not good
he needs you all the time
every tour he asks you to come
offers a plane ticket
all-paid-expense tour across the world LOL
W » Wholesome - The most sweetest thing they ever did to you?
just all the little moments where he remembers the smallest things about you
X » Extra Headcanon
when you come home from a long day and he's off
he plans the sweetest at home date
probably cooks a meal, not sure if it's edible but definitely has backup take-out food
a movie
u name it
just so calm
and a bath 😮‍💨
Y » Young and beautiful (how long does it last?)
a long time if not forever
Z » Zzz - How do they sleep with you?
he puts an arm over you
and a leg over you
literally a cuddle bug
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taglist : @duolingofanaccount , @kendalllovestxt , @fairyoftaehyun , @nanamik3nto , @seuomo , @sup-dallyboy , @simplyaghostsworld , @risuue , @jonecb-97 , @sooandbubbles [ open - bolded could not be tagged ! ]
2022 © jungwnies
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archivalofsins · 1 year
The Clock Over Orquesta Milgram crossover is interesting.
We get to see the prisoners enjoy what seem to be their off-day hobbies or interests together. Mahiru, Yuno, and Haruka start off at an amusement park, a place they've all shown interest in for different reasons throughout Milgram's canon.
One of Haruka's favorite foods is cotton candy, and the memory that's stuck with him the most is one of fireworks. Two things heavily associated with amusement parks.
Q.20 What’s the most expensive thing you’ve ever bought for yourself?
Haruka: Cotton candy.
Yuno: I can’t really remember. Maybe a plush toy?
Yuno states a simple date at a park would be nice in her first trial written interrogation.
Q.06 What’s your ideal date?
Haruka: I don’t know.
Yuno: Actually, just going to a park or something might be nice.
Mahiru has always been heavily interested in romance. Be it novels, manga, or dramas, all these things at some point or another can feature amusement park dates. Experiencing such a romantic setting surely make her heart skip a beat. Something she admits is happiness to her.
Q.16 How would you define happiness?
Shidou: The promise of an unchanging tomorrow.
Mahiru: When your heart skips a beat.
Kazui and Amane are asked if they went to an amusement park then what ride would they get on during trial one. Kazui says the merry-go-round and Amane bluntly stated she's not allowed to go there. Since that was just a hypothetical, it really didn't tell us much about how Kazui feels towards them or if it'd be a place he'd choose to be during his off time.
But the second part tackles what Kazui does in his free time well. He's a gym guy through and through. The funniest thing about this is when I told Star a while back, "Man, if Kotoko just went to go to a gym, then she probably wouldn't have ever killed anyone." This thought made seeing how she reacts to the gym in the crossover like a kid who's just been taken to a playground for the first time in their life very funny to me. Kotoko, please get hobbies.
Contrary to her, Kazui is in his element and has even begun instructing other people on the best ways to exercise. This shouldn't surprise anyone since Kazui did go to and graduate from a sports college.
Amane: Kazui-san, I’ve noticed that you’re the oldest among us here, so…… I’ll get straight to the point. Are you smart?
Kazui: Hm? Haha, asking yet another question that’s hard to answer. I mean, I did graduate from university, so I’d say I’m reasonably…… ah, but it was just a sports university so maybe not…… I’m not especially confident. Why are you asking? What’ve you got there…… textbooks?
Amane: Yes, I made a request to the guard. So, I was given a selection of study materials. It’s somewhat of a hobby of mine. If you were good at studying, I was considering asking if you could teach me some things.
Kazui: *sigh*, geez, back when I was your age, I didn’t want to study at all…… If that’s what you want, then your best bet is probably to ask Shidou-kun or Yuzuriha-chan. They both look like they took their studies seriously.
Kotoko not being well-informed about gyms makes sense as well. Taking into consideration that she was studying law and mostly doing investigative work on crime before being placed in Milgram. Her physical fitness acumen might be limited to self-study that primarily focused on self-defense or offensive skills. This could be why she's so comfortable with getting the jump on people or fighting those who have already been restrained. Surprise attacks are usually implemented when someone knows they may not be capable of successfully attacking someone head-on. Then, as we with Mikoto during the intermission, the downside of these sort of attacks are they can only work once.
If she doesn't finish off the person immediately, they'll be more on guard or wary of her in the future.
After taking all this into consideration it's really fun to think about what we'll see the prisoners who haven't appeared yet doing and who they'll be with. Futa, Muu, Shidou, Amane and Mikoto all haven't shown up yet. We know that Futa enjoys video games and watching sports. Mikoto enjoys eating pretty expensive food and so does Muu.
Amane enjoys studying, but her mv has elements related to game shows within it. Plus, there are educational games as well. This means she and Futa could end up in the same area with Shidou. Though this is a very good time to find out exactly what Shidou enjoys to do and I think it would be funny to see Futa, Muu, and Amane stuck together while Mikoto is stuck with Shidou someone he finds it difficult to speak to.
However, if they stick to group of three then pair of two pattern chances are it will be Futa, Shidou, Amane then Mikoto and Muu. Though I don't know how long the crossover is meant to run so that's just speculation it could be a three trial thing like Milgram, and they'll all appear together. Oh, the other funny thing was seeing Yuno perfectly illustrate the milgram voting system in response to the first judgment.
Like, oh forgiven, well that doesn't matter. I'll do it anyhow like that sign is gonna stop me. Just to then go I think you're the ones not getting it. Haruka enjoys this sort of thing. This was a great illustration of a long-standing but understated point of Milgram. While the verdicts change the atmosphere, they won't really force the prisoners themselves to change or stop them from doing anything.
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