#the gabriel series
rwsdarw · 3 months
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this was fun
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vroomvroomwee · 1 year
"Surprisingly, really, given the last time you two met, you tried to destroy him. I was there and I do remember, oh very clearly, the look on your face Archangel Gabriel, when you told my only friend to shut his stupid mouth and die. And I... did not... care for it. "
Theres no amount of fanfiction or wishful thinking that could have possibly prepared me for the satisfaction Davids absolute godly delivery gave me in this scene.
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causalityparadoxes · 3 months
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I am Sutekh, the God of Death | Doctor Who, The Legend Of Ruby Sunday
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a railcannon
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a cannon for railing
I will figure out where to post the noncropped version along with some other more reavelng stuff I'll be making/already made.
I don't really wanna do another social media becouse I shouldn't, and I was thinking about putting it on my kofi behind a "whatever you feel like" tip, becouse well, ya boy just got disabled and needs to afford a neurologist, plus hrt would be nice someday.
Idk how to set up the tip thing. My demigirlfriend suggested making a subscription deal for my spiceworks but I will be hopping fandoms and consistency is the bane of my existence and I just don't want to drag the poor souls who got baited into giving me money into something they're not into.
I'm willing to hear out anyone interested in the full version or just more from me.
Enough oversharing I'll regret when I come to my senses.
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harunayuuka2060 · 9 days
WHB Series #1 (Cont.)
*The angels created by the MC kneel before them, awaiting their orders.*
MC: You’re all quite a handful, but I can’t release you just yet. I need to see if you’re truly worthy of being called my angels.
MC: Hm... What is the first virtue?
The angels: Purity.
MC: What are the fourth and seventh virtues?
The angels: Compassion and Wisdom.
MC: *smiles* That's right. Lastly,
MC: What do we do with pedophiles?
The angels: Kill them without mercy.
MC: *chuckles* You're ready.
MC: Raphael, guide these angels to their destination.
Raphael: *smiles then bows his head*
Raphael: *faces the angels* Let's go!
MC, Michael, and Gabriel: *watch Raphael and the angels leave*
Michael: ...
Michael: Those angels only follow the three virtues you mentioned. Why didn’t you teach them all of the virtues?
MC: Why would I teach them all the virtues when you, a seraph, misunderstood them?
Michael: ...
Gabriel: *smirks* Michael, haven't you learned your lesson yet to never question god?
Michael: *seethes in anger*
MC: ...
MC: *yawns*
Gabriel: God?
MC: Shh, quiet. Let me sleep. *closes their eyes*
Michael and Gabriel: ...
Solomon: I'm impressed.
MC: Yeah, yeah. I'm the goat. *lies down*
Solomon: Looks like you're really exhausted.
MC: Creating angels... Watching my back... Acting like divine... Figures.
Solomon: ...
Solomon: Michael is in your room.
MC: I don't care. I'm tired.
Solomon: ...
Solomon: Surprisingly, he doesn't seem to be planning of doing anything.
MC: Just be on the lookout in case he wants to stab me. *yawns*
Solomon: You're lucky if he doesn't break your neck.
MC: Nah, that's too quick. Bro would torture me than give me an easy death.
Solomon: *chuckles*
Michael: ...
MC: *sleeping peacefully in bed*
Michael: ...
Michael: *sits beside them*
Michael: ...
Michael: You may possess the power of a god, but I will never see you as one.
MC: *turns to their side, facing him*
Michael: ...
Michael: *lies down beside them*
Michael: ...
Michael: *snuggles against them*
Michael: !!!
Michael: *his breathing became ragged, and his face flushed*
Michael: Why... Why do I— *his eyes moved down to their lips*
Michael: *moves closer to kiss them*
MC: *opens their eyes and headbutts him*
Michael: !!! *falls out of the bed*
MC: Ow, my head...
Michael: ...
MC: *glares at him*
Michael: ...I may have disturbed your sleep.
MC: *shoots him on the forehead*
Michael: ...
Michael: ?
MC: Don't be surprised. The act of killing is forbidden in this room.
MC: However, consider that a warning.
Michael: ...
Michael: *chuckles*
Michael: *kneels in front of them, and gently presses a kiss to their foot*
MC: !!!
MC: What the f—
Leviathan: ...
Leviathan: What did you say?
Foras: Seraph Michael... has become obsessed with the descendant of Solomon.
Leviathan, Barbatos, and Glasyalabolas: ...
Barbatos: That's not good!
Glasyalabolas: You didn't have to point that out.
Leviathan: ...
Leviathan: What else do you know?
Foras: He attempted to kiss them on the lips and when he failed... he kissed their foot.
Leviathan: ...
Leviathan: That filthy angel—
MC: *is clearly stressing out* He's trying to play the 'love your enemy' card.
Solomon: Does he? Or is he actually in love with you?
MC: ...
MC: You're supposed to be wise here.
Solomon: *chuckles* Well, you got your first kiss.
MC: Yeah, from someone who has a foot fetish!
Solomon: *laughs*
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pharawee · 3 months
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Love is like starlight in the dark. The stars will guide your heart to find your soulmate. They're not far away. Just look and you will find them.
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gabrielokun · 5 months
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payaquo · 1 year
Their fingers brushing up against each other, trying to prolong their moment of physical touch they never had before,,, NEIL IM SO BROKEN
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rustingways · 3 months
Things I would like to see in the season 3 finale:
Louis doing a full 180 to punch another vampire for touching Lestat.
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Gabrielle hitting Lestat with the door of his own Porsche, physically dragging him into the car while he is holding on to Louis so tightly that Louis is also dragged in, and then leading a high speed chase as the getaway driver.
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Gabrielle putting Lestat in a headlock while she’s driving, and Louis helping. Lestat’s “lemme at ‘em” ass
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And finally, Lestat being like 🤗🤗🤗omggg Marius smoked all those vamps 🥹🥹🥹 just for meeee 😌😌😌, and Gabrielle and Louis being like “That is absolutely not what just happened.”
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vroomvroomwee · 1 year
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astrum99 · 7 months
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Due to the overwhelming positive response (to me) from the first one I’m releasing Gabriel early 🫶
Here, have him in a slit dress (as he should)
I’ll more or less work through the character master list in sequence, so next up is filth (#filth nation)
prev (V1 & V2) / next (Filth) / all associated posts / character masterlist)
what started this all
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taiturner · 6 months
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Committing to a choice like this, after living how we did — free — I get it. It's hard. It's giving up everything, right up until your own life. But either your heart's beating, or it isn't. Your loved ones' hearts are beating, or they aren't. We take what they give us so that we can live.
the walking dead,  favorite episode(s) of every season season 7 ▶️ episode 8: hearts still beating
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harunayuuka2060 · 1 month
WHB Series #1 (Cont.)
MC: *wearing a face mask* Let's get down to business so I can leave this place early.
Belphegor: ...
Belphegor: *smiles* You're straightforward.
MC: Nah, I doubt you'd be interested in making a conversation at all.
Belphegor: *still smiling* Beleth, you take it from here.
Beleth: Okay, Your Majesty.
Beleth: *clears his throat* *unfurls a map of Niflheim in front of them*
Beleth: You see the red marks, descendant of Solomon?
MC: Yes.
Beleth: Angels are swarming these places.
MC: Ah, so you want me to do some pest control?
Beleth and Belphegor: ...
Belphegor: *chuckles*
MC: *sigh* You devils won't give me a break. *grabs the map and heads straight to the door*
Beleth: Wait! Wouldn't you need an escort?
MC: ...
MC: *looks at the other devils present: Gusion, Bathin, and Harumon*
MC: ...
MC: I'll take the coward cat.
Harumon: Hey! I'm no coward!
MC: ...
MC: Is that a young devil?
Harumon: Young devil? Where?
MC: He's hiding behind that rubble.
Harumon: But descendant of Solomon! No one's living in this place now!
MC: *yells* Oi, kid! What are you doing there?
MC: ...
Harumon: ...
MC: *clicks their tongue* He's shy. *approaches the 'young devil'*
MC: Hey, why are you hiding?
Harumon: ...
Harumon: Who are they talking to?
MC: Huh. What's his name?
MC: Oi, Harumon. Do you know someone called 'Andrealphus'?
Harumon: Yes! He's one of us!
MC: *points* This boy's saying he's his twin.
Harumon: !!!
MC: So you're telling me that I possibly met a ghost.
Beleth: Yes, it could be. You're the only one who can see him.
Bathin: Can you draw what he looks like? We need to confirm if it's the twin of Andrealphus.
MC: What a bother. Someone give me a notepad.
*after a few minutes*
MC: Does that confirm it?
Beleth: Yep, no doubt.
MC: ...
MC: Great. So I can see ghosts now.
MC: ?
Beleth: What is it, descendant of Solomon?
MC: *unamused* He's sitting on my lap.
Gabriel: How could you insult god like this?!
Raphael: It's the truth, Gabriel. God has returned.
Michael: ...
Michael: How were you able to tell?
Raphael: I tasted their blood. There's no way I'm mistaken.
Michael: ...
Gabriel: *fuming in anger*
Michael: In that case, why didn't you bring them?
Raphael: They are worried that none of you would believe them.
Raphael: *his face turned serious*
Raphael: Now seeing your reactions, proves that they're right.
Gabriel: Should I just kill you right now, Raphael?
Michael: ...
Michael: Calm down, Gabriel.
Michael: This could be our lead. Regardless, Solomon definitely did something.
Gabriel and Raphael: ...
Michael: Aside from the information you've got, do you have anything else, Raphael?
Raphael: ...
Raphael: *smiles* God has considered me their most beloved seraph.
Gabriel: *fumes in anger*
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oddmediaforall101 · 4 months
Vol.2 of mashing all my bbgs into one post
After a “long” while of my last post I decided to finally get around to putting peoples requests and recommendations of their fav priests into the format. Keep in mind I don’t know who most of these characters are and I mainly put them in here because they were requested and matched up to the descriptions. Id be lying if I said it wasn’t impossible to squeeze them all into one thing. Thank you all for showing off your deranged priest bbgs!
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