#the gang goes jihad
cruiseshipmoment · 10 months
The way Dee calls Barbara "Mama" and runs up to hug her before Barbara starts being emotionally abusive. Ouch
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thetrolltolls · 2 years
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we've talked about dennis' sweater paws (thank u @malewifemanhunter) but has anyone talked about mac's sweater paws in s2e2
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gaydennisreynolds · 2 years
big if true??? s2 bathroom statue dog???
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itsalwayssunnyinrc · 2 years
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Barbara: I mean, look at your skin, Deandra. Christ, there is a sun in Philadelphia.
- It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia "The Gang Goes Jihad"
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eemoo1o-sunnyoo · 1 year
Okay, but now I just really want to rewrite Barbara’s debut scene (S2E2) with MacDennis (Barbara and Frank) and the rest of the Gang. I think it would match up really well.
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queereddiediaz · 6 months
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Every Episode of It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia
2x02 The Gang Goes Jihad
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trouticide · 5 months
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drawing a frame from every episode of it’s alway sunny season 2 episode 2: the gang goes jihad
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macden · 4 months
just saw the opening scene from the gang goes jihad on tiktok with hundreds of thousands of likes because as a standalone it’s scathing commentary on israel and a bunch of the comments are like “maybe I should watch this show” my god can you imagine that being your only impression and then watching sunny
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charmac · 14 days
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Cut final scene from an earlier The Gang Goes Jihad script that reveals Charlie and Frank share the futon
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akajustmerry · 11 months
I'm actually making a list of shows that have episodes about Israel's occupation of Palestine. Only criteria is that a main plot of the episode has to deal with the occupation in some way. So far I have:
It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia: 'The Gang Goes Jihad' (2006)
The Simpsons 'The Greatest Story Ever D'ohed' (2010)
Veep: 'Signals' (2013)
Ramy: 'Egyptian Cigarettes' (2022)
If you know a show not on this list that has a specific episode about Israel's occupation of Palestine, please tell me because I want to write about it ❤️
EDIT: this list excludes entire series explicitly dealing with the occupation (ie. Mo). I'm looking for individual episodes in any genre.
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cruiseshipmoment · 8 months
After the Gang accidentally burns down a building, Frank's lawyers suggest an assessment to determine whether Charlie can enter an insanity plea. The results are what you would expect out of the criminal justice system in 2006.
Also featuring the annotated version where I point out all the missed clues and misinterpretations made by the evaluator.
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thetrolltolls · 2 years
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charlie in s2e2
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gaydennisreynolds · 2 years
be hot do crime: season 2 episode 2 - the gang goes jihad
I mean...the title alone.
Number of Shirts Worn by Dennis: 7
Total Number of Crimes Committed: 14 (twice as many crimes as shirts!)
DEE - 3 crimes committed - 1st degree felony for breaking and entering; 2nd degree felonly for arson; 1st degree misdemeanor for stealing Barbara's dog
CHARLIE, MAC, & DENNIS - 3 crimes committed EACH - 2nd degree felony for arson; 1st degree misdemeanor for terroristic threats; summary offense for criminal mischief (TPing the building)
FRANK - 2 crimes committed - 1st degree felony for breaking and entering and 1st degree misdemeanor for stealing Barbara's dog. Baby Frank's first crimes!
Best Shirt: It's never not going to be red sweater when red sweater is an option.
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Overall Episode Rating on Hot/Crime metrics ONLY: Meh. 5/10. Good crimes, loving the felonies guys, but Dennis isn't serving as much cunt in this episode as he usually does </3 step it up baby boy
All outfits worn by Dennis under the cut, with commentary.
He looks sooo rich and preppy <33333 i love him. he looks like he is going to the country club to talk about daddy's trust fund
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the boyfriends energy of this scene elevates the plain grey t shirt. he looks soft and so everymanish here. i would see him on the street and ask him if he is malnourished
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green is a good color on glenn! makes him look preppy again. tell me about your daddy's business deals boy
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THEE do crimes outfit? i love that he was able to put together a fit for his criminal mischief.
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i hate this blue/grey zipup sweater dumbassery. stop this instantly. you know how to dress.
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terrible racist stereotype military outfit...my beloathed. take a lap. you have a picnic blanket on your head.
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BONUS: baby gang family photo <33
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the-garbanzo-annex-jr · 10 months
by Nellie Bowles
→ Hard right goes White Genocide: The right-wing brand of antisemitism is people saying something to the effect of: Jews hate white people. And we’re seeing that a lot right now, all of a sudden, in very mainstream places. 
Let’s start with The Daily Wire: Candace Owens, a charismatic black conservative, has been harshly critical of Israel. Daily Wire co-founder Ben Shapiro, an observant Jew, was recorded at a private event saying her rhetoric was “absolutely disgraceful.” Candace Owens then posted: “You cannot serve both God and money. Christ is King.” Okay. Random time to bring that up, but okay? 
Then Candace went on former Fox News anchor Tucker Carlson’s new online show. And there, things got weirder. Here’s Tucker Carlson admonishing the Jewish philanthropists who are now refusing to donate to Ivy League schools. Those donors are put off by the woke antisemitism, but Carlson is mad they supported the modern Ivy League to begin with.
“I get why donors are mad. I have no problem with that at all. However, then I thought, well, wait a second, if the biggest donors at, say, Harvard, have decided well, we’re gonna shut it down now, where were you the last ten years when they were calling for white genocide? You were allowing this. And then I found myself really hating those people, actually. You’re okay with that? On what grounds were you okay with that? You were paying for it, actually. As you were calling my children immoral for their skin color. You paid for that. So why shouldn’t I be mad at you? I don’t understand.”
Candace Owens replies: “And obviously, you have a ton of white people that are asking that question, and they’re being called antisemitic, and I think that’s wrong. I think these are meaningful questions that deserve to be answered.” 
Adding to the chorus now is Elon Musk, the owner of Twitter/X. First, a random Twitter user responded to a prompt about what Hitler got right (I wish I was kidding) and wrote the following: “Jewish communities have been pushing the exact kind of dialectical hatred against whites that they claim to want people to stop using against them. I’m deeply disinterested in giving the tiniest shit now about western Jewish populations coming to the disturbing realization that those hordes of minorities that support flooding their country don’t exactly like them too much.” Then Elon Musk himself responded to that random user, writing simply: “You have said the actual truth.” 
And then here’s Charlie Kirk, founder of conservative youth group Turning Point USA, defending Musk: “It is true that some of the largest financiers of left-wing antiwhite causes have been Jewish Americans.” It’s not news that American Jews tend to be liberal. What’s being implied now (and in some cases said quite out loud) is something different, a deep and old conspiracy. And everyone toying with it knows that.
America: we’ve got it all. We’ve got Soviet antisemitism against Israel and Jewish particularity; we’ve got right-wing antisemitism around the question of do Jews want to kill white people and also are they white or what? The gang’s back together. And Jews are screwed.
→ Recess jihad: A Brooklyn parent group has been organizing students to protest the war. The teachers are on board. And so we have scenes out of Brooklyn this week of 700 students from some 100 schools marching, yelling pro-peace slogans like “Fuck the Jews.” Or there’s this great call and response the kids were doing as they marched. Call: Takbir! Response: Allahu Akbar! The kids stopped by some Jewish-owned businesses and did their chants. It was organized by the official parent advisory board, which is funded by taxpayers. I used to think “children are the future” was a hopeful phrase. . . anyway. Takbir! 
→ This man was almost the UK’s prime minister: This week, longtime Labor Party star Jeremy Corbyn refused to call Hamas a terror group, even as a very assertive Piers Morgan pushed him. It’s fun TV to watch because Morgan asked and asked (14 times!) and Corbyn refused, got mad, and eventually just crossed his arms and rolled his eyes. 
But we already know the answer. Here’s Jeremy Corbyn in 2009: “Tomorrow evening it will be my pleasure and my honor to host an event in Parliament where our friends from Hezbollah will be speaking. I’ve also invited friends from Hamas to come and speak as well. . . . the idea that an organization that is dedicated towards the good of the Palestinian people and bringing about long-term peace and social justice and political justice in the whole region should be labeled as a terrorist organization by the British government is really a big, big historical mistake.” 
And this week Corbyn’s brother, former politician Piers Corbyn, called October 7 a “false flag” operation. “The whole thing, whatever happened, was done with the connivance of the government of Israel or they used what happened as a pretext, it was a prepared thing. . . . It was a false flag operation. . . . A bit like Pearl Harbor.” Just like Pearl Harbor. Looks like brother Corbyn has been watching a little too much TikTok. 
In America, presidential candidate and professor Cornel West said this week that the Hamas terrorists were love warriors: “We dish out love warriors and freedom fighters every generation, which means that we stand in solidarity with anybody who’s occupied.” 
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eemoo1o-sunnyoo · 1 year
So Dennis got his slapping abilities from his mother, I see.
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mosthatedsunny · 10 months
the gang gets cursed loses s16 - we’ve now reached the point where we can get onto the fun polls; the worst of the worst.
these ones will be the same as before - one a day, two episodes against another, but we’ll be doing s1 vs s2, s3 vs s4 etc etc rather than the most hated continuing to the next poll.
have fun :]
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