#the goddamn krang
scatterbrainedbot · 1 year
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listen ok, bruises and broken bones are one thing, but sometimes u just gotta check in and make sure ur self-sacrificing dum dum twin remembers how to laugh knows youre still the funny one, even after the almost-apocalypse
(never mind how absolutely terrible that idea is for his very broken ribs and lungs and.... well.... everything)
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sege-h · 1 year
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applecherry108 · 2 years
Hmmm…. So I’ve been rewatching 2012 turtles…. And I’m confused why I thought this version was my favorite for so long. 🤔
Because like… First of all. As it turns out, I only ever saw like. Half. Of season 2. And not too long ago (idk within the last year?) I was rewatching 2003 and that was a more…enjoyable, experience. So obviously, since I never apparently saw much of 2012, I don’t remember or never saw how fucking…mean. They are to each other. How dismissive the entire family frankly is. How goddamn obnoxious Donatello’s April obsession is. How gross the mutants are, like I get that this is modern revival more true to the ‘87 villains and the 80s used “gross” as a genre, but damn.
And I’m in season 3 now and Leo’s been severely injured. Like 3 month coma injured. And struggling with healing/chronic pain. The solution? “It’s all in my head :) “ and now he’s a ninja again. Like… fuck off. Y’all could’ve done something with that. Taught patience, or acceptance, or just management but nahhh, fuck an injury/sort-of disability. It’s just in his head. :) He’s all better now. :)
I’m calling bullshit on the entire vision quest episode, actually. Leo’s pain is just in his head? Mikey’s extremely textbook adhd is just a concentration issue? Raph’s anger just needs to be aimed not addressed? Donnie shouldn’t rely on just his brains? (Even though his resolution was still arguably to outsmart his enemy by using their strength against them???)
It’s like every episode, every aspect, just rubs me the wrong way…
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cheeryembers · 8 months
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“Next I’m standing on that building, looking up at the Krang ship, watching as the portal closes. And I’m so goddamn relieved that it isn’t me that’s closed it. I don’t… I don’t have to go through that again. I never had to in the first place. I’m safe and I’m so happy. Right up until I realise that, if not me, then it’s someone else. One of my brothers. Casey. April. Dad. Fuck, even some well-meaning innocent Joe selfless enough to understand that the whole world means more than just one person. And it makes me feel like the bottom detritus of all matter to have ever felt a modicum of comfort that our roles had been switched.” - Mutant Ninja Midlife Crisis, chapter 13
This story make me feel a lot of emotions… it’s just amazing.
Thanks @mutantninjamidlifecrisis for another great chapter.
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wingstobetorn · 8 months
What you need to know before getting into TMNT
87! Shredder and Krang were definitely gay
All Aprils are queens. All of them.
Every iteration is unique in it's own little way. No iteration will be the same as the last and that's a good thing. This is a goddamn franchise.
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last-hourglass · 10 months
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andromeda-galaxy2877 · 3 months
So a little while ago me and my friend @latersgayt0rs kinda realized something about the ROTTMNT movie.
Leo’s plan at the end made perfect sense.
And I don’t mean that from a writing standpoint— of course that made sense for plot purposes— I mean from an in-universe perspective. Leo’s perspective.
People say it was suicidal, or say he didn’t have to do it that way, which is a totally valid interpretation! But me and Ferr saw it a little differently.
So, let's look at all the facts of the situation. After regaining their ninpo, the turtles all fought Krang Prime (or, Krang One) with everything they had. EVERYTHING.
Donnie fired that big barrage of missiles, Mikey threw an entire goddamn SKYSCRAPER at him! Everyone gave it their all, but when they combined their powers and tried to punch Krang Prime with ALL of that—
He stopped them by simply flicking his fingers. He knocked Donnie and Mikey off the building, both unable to catch themselves so Raph of course had to go save them.
And Leo was left alone.
With all of that prior information, what else was Leo really supposed to do in that situation? 
Sure, he could ask where the others landed and form a portal to get them back up there, but again; Everything. They threw EVERYTHING they had at Krang Prime, and he flung them away like it was nothing. Who’s to say he wouldn’t just do that again? Or kill someone?
Not to mention Leo had to be exhausted. It was nighttime when the movie began, then daytime in the middle, then it looked pretty dark when everything was going on at the end. Maybe that was just dust and debris kicked up by the Technodrome, but hours had passed with no sleep, no rest, only action. Only fighting.
Leo went from the first fight to the Krang to the subway tunnels fight, to the stuff that happened in Metro Tower, to his 1v1 with Raph, to this fight with little to no breaks in between. Physically at least; again, he did not sleep between these times. And emotions had to be going INSANE after Raph was taken.
How do we know he even had the energy to make enough portals to get everyone back up there then be able to portal them/himself around during the fight? 
So, Leo was tired. Leo knew how strong Prime was. And most importantly, he knew the stakes.
If Krang Prime was not stopped here, then the entire world would be destroyed. His family would be killed. Everyone would die.
Leo had NO choice. There was no other choice, no other option for him. No other route to take. 
He HAD to lock Krang Prime back in the Prison Dimension. And the only way for him to do that and keep him inside was to teleport them both.
There was no other alternative that would have worked.
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blueskiesofsaturn · 1 year
I have a very specific fear of the unknown but only when it comes to space because we literally have no clue if anything is out there and your comic is NOT helping man that fuckin mystic energy spike line settled a deep fear for Leo into my bones. I'm now convinced he's gonna see some shit he wasn't supposed and the comms will go silent or he's gonna come back like "Donnie you are not gonna BELIEVE what I just saw" or even worse there's a goddamn Krang on the moon or something like WHAT WAS THAT ENERGY SPIKE DONNIE DON'T JUST BRUSH IT OFF THAT'S WHAT EVERYONE IN A HORROR MOVIE DOES AND THEY DIE FOR IT-
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kiaxet · 4 months
Gimme BTS for both Siblingquest and Lethal Measures, scene of your choice!
Lethal Measures first, because that one's been around for a bit and we have fun here:
If the government wants to get to Donnie or his brothers, all it would take would be one particularly morally bankrupt decision maker to make the call to go after April- And they’d never know, until she failed to check in. Or they’d force her to open her phone and keep checking in in her stead - it’s not like those messages are particularly long or detailed - and they’d never know at all- He pushes away from the screen, letting the chair roll as his mind scrambles. They’d never know- April’s in danger- they’re all in danger- he should’ve known- he’s the tech guy, the genius of the family, the only one with any cybersecurity savvy- he should’ve known- this is his fault- they’re all in danger and it’s his fault- they- he- he- He pulls his legs up against his chest and wraps his arms around them, burying his head in his knees and gasping for breath as his heart pounds in his ears and his brain spins out of control, caught in a cycle of guilt and the looming unknown, and he- He loses time. Slowly, his breathing evens out. His heart quiets down. The world gradually slides back into focus. This is his fault, and he will fix it. Later. After the Krang issue is taken care of. Under observation for the time being means that they aren’t planning on making a move, and he can set up another monitor program to notify him if that ever changes, as well as any other changes they make to the dossiers. Forewarned is forearmed, and he’ll be armed enough to make sure they regret ever thinking about coming after his family- But they aren’t yet. Priorities. He’s okay - he’s fine - he just needs to focus.
It's inaccurate to say I've never seen an episode of TMNT 03 in my life - I'm sure I have; it was just 20 years ago, and all I remember is the opening theme. I sure as hell did not remember Bishop, so he wasn't a factor when this particular scene (read: Donnie realizing a government black site specializing in xenobiology knows about him and his family) - the Government Agency in question was a blank slate for me, and I figured I was already in AU territory and could just keep digging. I wound up with Site 39, who are far more observation-focused and prefer to prevent trouble than cause it, meaning Donnie's fears about the government coming after his family are currently unfounded.
It's not like Donnie knows that.
This poor kid has helped avert an apocalypse, nearly lost his family in the process, made the entirety of his family's recovery his responsibility, is absolutely traumatized and absolutely refusing to acknowledge that (let alone take steps to assuage it), and has decided that a Krang hunt is a good use of his time, because he wants to get rid of the last Real Threat to his family. Finding what he believes is a second Real Threat is a goddamn hammer blow to his psyche. So he immediately puts it on his To Fix list, along with literally everything else, because sometimes Donnie doesn't learn unless someone else hammers it into his head.
I do have fun writing panic attacks - there's something about the mechanics of breaking up sentences and the very- abrupt- nature- of the hyphen as punctuation that really works to paint the picture of a thought process spiraling out of control.
I have had exactly one person who didn't know about it beforehand pick up on the repetition of I'm fine and he's fine and what it means to the story, and I fucking love them.
Siblingquest time! I'm pulling from the little that's published, so as to avoid doing a DVD commentary on something that would currently count as spoilers.
“Anything on the scanner, Donnie?” Leo asks for what feels like the millionth time. “Negative. Even New York’s Finest are having a boring evening.” Donnie sighs and slumps as much as the lightweight battle shell will let him. “You know, Spider-Man never has these problems.” “Nah, Spider-Man has other problems,” Mikey says evenly, finishing a wrist stretch and sliding his brace back on. “Like, all the time. It’s definitely a good thing we aren’t Spider-Man.” “Yeah, and I don’t think Spider-Man could handle being us.” Leo smirks and offers Mikey a fistbump, which Mikey reciprocates and explodes, fingers waggling gleefully. “You know,” Raph says, leaning in, then pauses. “Well, one, Spider-Man ain’t got nothing on the Mad Dogs. An’ two, if nothing’s happening, we could just go home for the night. Raph can’t vouch for Donnie, but Raph hasn’t used his screen time today, and we could go play Smash-” Which is when the sound of glass shattering echoes through the street as a window smashes outwards, a barely-disguised ram yokai barreling through it, something small clutched to its chest. It stops, shaking glass out of its horns and fur, and then hoofs it up the street. There’s a beat of silence, and then- “That was not the kind of Smash Raph meant.”
Most of the writing that exists for Siblingquest right now was written in a NaNoWriMo word sprint haze and cleaned up in post, as it were. This means that a lot of the non-load-bearing prose - conversations, jokes, small interstitial scenes that aren't super plot heavy - was written as quickly as possible and pulls directly from whatever happened to be on my mind at the time.
My roommate and I also spent much of November playing Spider-Man 2 on a borrowed PS5, so it was on my mind at the time. Modern Spider-Man problems, generally speaking, tend to end with messy upheaval and at least one person Emotionally Important to the Spider-Man in question dying a painful but meaningful death. The Hamatos do not want Spider-Man problems, and Spider-Man could not handle the Krang.
("But they handled the Symbiote-" The Symbiote in Spider-Man 2 and the Krang as presented in Rise aren't anywhere near the same weight class. The Krang would body Venom. Being voiced by Tony Todd would not save him.)
(...someone give me a fucked up Krang/Symbiote amalgamate now, please.)
Also, comedy is hard and I am very proud of that last joke.
...also fuck it, have a preview of coming attractions in Siblingquest:
“Oh, nah, I’m thinking Run of the Mill.” Leonardo looks up at Cissy. She probably ought to hop down and join them - she hadn’t been thinking. “You ever been?” Context says it’s a place, likely one that serves pizza, but aside from that, nothing. Cissy shakes her head. “Then we definitely need to go. C’mon, guys, Cissy’s first Run of the Mill visit!” “Don’t gotta twist my arm,” Raphael says easily. “Donnie?” “Far be it from me to turn down the offer of pizza.” A beat. “Though if Nardo puts his Hawaiian on my plate again, I’m taking his arm off.” “Donnie, he needs that-” The arm conversation continues, and Leonardo gestures at Cissy to join them as he and Michelangelo start heading out the door. Cissy finally steps off the rafters and lands on the ground, swiftly catching up to Donatello and leaning in. “It’ll come off easier at the shoulder,” she says, voice low to avoid catching Raphael’s ear, “but you’ll need to pop it out of the socket first.” She puts on speed to catch up to Michelangelo, and only hears Donatello’s incredulous, “How do you know that?” behind her after she heads out the door.
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nerves-nebula · 10 months
[Donnie has Krang. He has his family. Yet he finds himself lonely a lot of the time. And bored. Mostly bored. What does a bored turtle in their late 30s do with unrestricted lab access and alchemical technology capable of creating sentient life? He has a baby about it.]
Leo woke up slowly. The dim glow of the Hidden city through her window tried to coax her back to sleep. He was a morning person—he really was—he just also enjoyed that he didn’t have to get up early.
Leo stretched his arms out in long and satisfactorily motion, clumsily grabbing his gem from the table as he pulled his arm back. She used it to check the time.
[2 Missed calls from SadScientist 3:15]
[3 Missed calls from SadScientist 3:16]
[2 Missed calls from SadScientist 3:17]
[1 Missed call from SadScientist 3:45]
[2 Missed calls from SadScientist 3:52]
[Missed calls from SadScientist 4:02]
[3 Missed calls from SadScientist 4:19]
[3 Missed calls from SadScientist 4:23]
Leo rubbed at his arm, squinting at his gem, confusedly. Why would Donnie call him so early?
Annoyed and exhausted, Leo turned her phone face down, opting to curl into Usagi’s side.
Not even a minute later, Leo bolted upright, shoving away from his boyfriend, incidentally waking him up.
Donnie wouldn’t call him to rant about something stupid, because they had a text chat for exactly that so Donnie would stop calling her in the middle of the goddamn night. So why had he done that? Why would he do that?
He hadn’t texted her. What if something had happened? What if he was in danger? It had been nearly two hours since the last call. Oh God-
Leo’s catastrophising was cut short by her boyfriend.
“…Are you going out?” Usagi asked, rubbing at his eyes.
Leo realized, he was up and reaching for his swords. Good. “I’m going to Donnie’s.”
“Did something happen?” He asked, sounding concerned.
“I don’t know.” Leo could feel bad about, the zero context she gave her boyfriend later. She jumped out their bedroom window, and began heading towards Donnie’s house.
“Mikey!” Leo calls, catching sight of his brother, sat down on Donnie’s doorstep.
“Hey Leo.” Mikey greeted with a half wave, looking up from his phone. “Did Donnie call you here, too?”
“He told you to come over? Is everything okay? I slept through his calls earlier, and now he’s not picking up.”
“I dunno. Don called me, like an hour ago, and he wasn’t making much sense so I stopped by. Then he just told me to wait outside. It’s been like…” Mikey glanced down at his phone, “half an hour-“
Leo shoved past Mikey, pounding on the door. “Donnie! Donnie answer the damn door!”
There was an immediate loud series of muffled noises coming from the other side, that kept Leo from tearing down the door.
A few moments later, the door swung open and, Donnie filled the doorway, looking exhausted and a little bit frantic.
“Oh Leo, y-you’re here too! Great!” Donnie exclaimed.
“Are you okay?” Leo asked, urgently.
“What, yeah- oh, hi Mikey. You’re still h-here.” Donnie noticed.
“You told me to wait out here while you got some stuff together.” Mikey reminded him, gaze scrutinizing.
“Oh! Right. S-sorry that took a minute-“
“I’ve been waiting here for thirty, Donnie.”
“My bad. I’ve got to g-g-go check on something real quick, though. I’ll b-be right back, for real this t-time.” Donnie began closing the door, only for Leo to stick his foot in the crack before he could shut it.
“Yeah, no, we’re not doing that. Why did you call me so many times this morning?”
“Oh, nothings wr-wrong I just got a little excited and w-wanted to tell you a-about my newest l-little experiment.” The high pitch Donnie’s voice took on as he spoke was strange, but not super out of the ordinary. Donnie just got like that about his experiments sometimes.
Leo, kicked open the door, and pushed past Donnie. Mikey, shrugged and followed in after her.
“O-okay. I guess this is fine t-too. You can come see them n-n-now.” Donnie said, shutting the door behind them.
“What did you do to your house?” Mikey asked, as the three of them moved deeper inside. The floor and every piece of furniture was padded with fabric and excessive amounts of bubble wrap.
“Baby-proofing.” Donnie answered.
“The fuck do you mean, bab-“ Leo started, interrupted as Donnie rushed forwards to open up the door to his lab.
“Hey sweetie, sorry I w-was g-gone so long, but guess who’s here~”
And Donnie began, cooing and, honest to God, chirping at a plant. Only it wasn’t a plant.
“Oh my God.” Mikey said uncomprehendingly at the babbling baby, now being held in Donnie’s arms.
“Donnie, what, and I cannot stress this enough, the fuck?” Leo said. It was too early for this.
“This,” Donnie states simply, “is m-my child. They’re new.” He holds the plant baby up at them. “Aren’t th-they amazing!”
“Oh my God.” Mikey said again, sounding lost between elation and bewilderment.
“Why-“ Leo stopped, reconsidering, “How-“ He was at a loss for words.
“What, even.” Mikey added, sounding like he was holding back laughter.
Donnie stared at them incredulously, pulling the baby back to his plastron, “You g-guys didn’t know?”
Leo pinched his brow, unwilling to process what was happening “How would we know, you didn’t fucking tell us, Donnie?”
“I texted you- oops.”
“Why oops, what’s oops?” Leo interrogated, feeling no small amount of hysterical.
“I did start, texting you…”
“What do you mean, you started?”
“Pasi’s very d-distracting, and I had to get all the necessary details in, but then I r-r-realized, you know what w-would be helpful? A study. Y-you guys would read a study ab-bout my child, wouldn’t y-you. So of course I started m-making observations, but then I r-realized the house was maybe dangerous for a b-b-baby, I don’t actually kn-know. So I fixed it, and while I was fixing it, I realized that I do n-not actually know what baby’s need. So I called y-you to ask about that, b-but you never picked up, but I think I figured it out. Maybe. Also they are very c-cute, which was also distracting.”
Leo wanted to slam his head against a wall. She hoped she was getting that idea across with how she was looking at Donnie, right now.
“Erm- Long s-story short, I never hit s-send.” Donnie finished with a shrug.
Leo’s eye twitched, as Mikey tried to stop his laughter.
“Wait, wait, why’d you tell us to wait outside if you thought we were here to see your kid?” Mikey managed.
“…I am doing a lot of things at once r-right now. Also they’re d-distracting.”
“Donnie, I called you eight times on my way over here!” Leo pushed.
“I assumed you thought the c-calls were unrelated. Also, w-would you not have come over to meet your neph- niec- Pasiflora.”
“Why didn’t you pick up any of them?”
“I was busy.”
“No u weren’t!”
“Fine, I was d-distracted.” Donnie said cooing at his baby again, “L-look at them. Look at them distracting f-face.”
“Are you sure we d-don’t want to give them m-more of a warning?” Donnie asked, as Leo texted Raph, Casey, and April.
Leo glared at him, “If I don’t get a heads up that I’m uncle before meeting your kid, neither does Raph.”
Donnie shrugged, and went back to staring at Pasiflora intently, as Mikey held them.
“So… is it a girl or a boy?” Mikey asked.
“They’re a p-plant, Mikey.”
“Fair and based.”
There was a knock at the door.
“It’s unlocked!” Donnie called.
“Hi guys, Casey and April are going to be here in a bi-“ Raph started as he walked in, only to stop as he catches sight of the baby in Mikey’s arms.
“I’m uncle.” Mikey chirped.
“I hate it here.” Leo countered.
“She means she’s aunt.” Donnie tells the entire baby in his brother’s arms, with a solemn tone.
Raph sat on the couch carefully crocheting a sweater, as he tried to process that Donnie had just made a child. Because he felt like it. And that Raph was now a whole uncle-
“Can I hold them?” Casey asked, as Donnie finished feeding Pasiflora.
Donnie looked extremely hesitant, but eventually transferred the baby into Raph’s boyfriend’s hold, “Fine. But be careful, they’re fragile.”
Casey immediately started baby talking at them, absolutely enraptured. Then Pasiflora bit him.
Thankfully, Donnie’s house had no shortage medical supplies; April bandaged up Casey’s arm.
“Why did they bite him?!” Leo asked, seemingly the only one concerned by this.
“I think it was pretty cool. I didn’t know babies could bite people that well.” Mikey said.
“Well I think, your ur child is clearly possessed, but they’re also the cutest thing I’ve ever seen.” April noted, Casey nodding his agreement, as he pulled his sleeve down over the bandages.
“Why do they have teeth?” Raph asked, twice as concerned as Leo had sounded.
“For eating.” Donnie answered simply.
think you sent this before, but it was different back then. i like the revisions! anyway here are the parts of this that made me laugh:
she jumped out her window
donnie forgetting to send the text
why do they have teeth
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anime-greek · 11 months
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quick art of Naro before he came back to the past.
Explanation: Small idea I had (unsure if it’ll stay) that Naro was put into a krang fighting arena under prime’s command to teach the newer generation that they’re nothing compared to the old (also to teach Naro how to kill Krang without his powers). Yes, there is more krang out in the universe in the AU and Naro meets them. I am stupidly developing the species for the AU just for like 2 goddamn paragraphs of mentioning anything related.
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publiccmenace · 1 year
"It's Not About You"
Note: It is your prerogative to enjoy and play with the take I am criticizing. While I think it is wrong, that does not mean you are not allowed to have fun with it. I am autistic and literary analysis is my love language.
So the other day I was having a conversation with my buddy @ganymedesclock (who I'm currently dragging into turtle hell) about the popular take on the line "it's not about you" in the rottmnt movie. This post seems to summarize the fandom's interpretation pretty well. While I do think Leo would internalize it as pro-martyrdom, that is because he fundamentally misunderstands it. He takes the line "it's not about you" and makes it about him.
Here's the thing about the invasion: did Leo fuck up with the key? Absolutely. But you know who else fucked up? The people who were responsible for keeping track of the key. Warren and Hypno for stealing it. The Foot for using it. There are around five hundred or so years of successes and fuckups tied to the Krang and the key.
The invasion is not about Leo. It was not his fault. "It's not about you" certainly does mean 'pull your head out of your ass and get it into the game' but it is also a message of 'this is not personal and you should not internalize as such.'
Leo takes Raphael's sacrifice in the movie very personally. He makes his brother's sacrifice about him, out to be his fault because he feels guilty for it. Leo is not responsible for Raph's actions. He didn't make Raph do anything. Both of them made a difficult call in a tough situation and had to deal with the consequences of it. If Leo had been able to say "this isn't about me, I don't need to fix this by myself because it wasn't my mistake alone that led to this, this whole situation isn't about me and I cannot be expected to solve it by myself," well, we would have had a vastly different movie.
There's this temptation in a crisis, to say if I had been smarter, if I had been faster, if I had been somehow better, this wouldn't have happened. To somehow establish that you were in control of it, that it was about you, because if it's about you, then you can deal with it.
"If I had to guess, I think the original meaning of the line might be a metaphor for growing up. When you’re a child your thoughts & the way you perceive the world around you tends to revolve a bit around yourself & your own feelings & as you get older you tend to become more mindful of others & how your actions affect them." OP of the linked post says. This, I think, succinctly summarizes a flaw in the common fandom interpretation: we know exactly how Leo would internalize this line, but we do not seem to understand what it actually means. As you get older, you do tend to be more mindful of others and how your actions affect them, but I think that's only half of the thematic equation. You also begin to understand that the actions of others are often unaffected by you. The person who snapped at you is likely having a bad day, you did nothing personal to offend them. It's not about you.
This post here brings up another fascinating point about Leo as a character: He's a chessmaster. He works best when the situation is about him, so that he can be in control of it. Chess is about the pieces, sure, but it is more so about the person playing it. That dichotomy, of being someone who loves the spotlight but works best in the shadows, is such a fascinating aspect of Leo's character. He's somewhat of a Coyote figure, in that he's a trickster who works best when he can play his opponents' ego against them. Consider S2E1 Many Unhappy Returns, where he spends the entire time running rings around Big Mama because she keeps her attention on the performance he's putting on. She's focused on Leo, instead of the plan he is carefully constructing. Leo makes it about him, not the deal he's making, not his dad, not anything else, and it works really goddamn well.
There's a real trend of amping up Leo's self-sacrificing nature for angst, which like, glad y'all are having fun. However, I do not think it is the most interesting reading of his character. His tendency to self-sacrifice intertwines with his chessmaster traits: you cannot win without sacrificing a few pieces and knowing what you're willing and able to lose, and we all know that Leo cares a lot about winning.
His need to make everything about him is definitely a deep-seated insecurity thing, however it is also responsible for that deep-seated insecurity. If everything is about him, if everything is personal, everything is also his fault. "It's not about you" is as much a comfort as a scolding. It essentially translates to "LEO YOU ABSOLUTE SIXTEEN YEAR OLD BOY STOP TYING YOUR SELF-WORTH TO YOUR OWN FLAWED PERCEPTION OF HOW OTHER PEOPLE VIEW YOU AND ALSO STOP TAKING EVERYTHING OTHER PEOPLE DO PERSONALLY MOST TIMES IT REALLY REALLY HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU. YOU ARE NOT THE ONLY VARIABLE EVER."
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kimberlyannharts · 1 year
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LAST TIME ON MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS/TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES II: Krang got jealous of both the Turtles’ and the Rangers’ new fits so he decided to dress himself up in the Megazord to beat out everybody.  But meanwhile Rita got rid of the top of Casey’s helmet and that turned him evil somehow?  idk.  Not everyone can handle fashion.  It’s the finale of MMPR/TMNT II, MMPR/TMNT II #5!
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- As I’ve said before I don’t usually cover preview posts in the main one but it’s important for context: our favorite cash cow, Green Ranger Shredder, is back in business
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- Sorry to both of you but we already know from canon that if Zordon ever dies he will be Frankensteined back to life against the wishes of literally everybody 
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- Brainwashed Casey in the last issue of the book was not needed at all (especially when we’re already dealing with Boring Guy Is Brainwashed over on the main series.  I need these writers to stop trying to rip off Green With Evil without really understanding why Green With Evil was so good) but it’s still funny to me how he’s acting more loyal than he did when he wasn’t brainwashed
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- it’s a weak bunch of men who can’t support women’s wrongs!!!!!!!!!
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- Dragon Turtlezord looks good.  Kind of typical for a Dragonzord combination at this point.  But Dan Mora pulls it off because goddamn can he draw a mech blueprint!!!!!!!!!!!!
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- that’s right bitches CANON human TMNT designs!!!!!!!!!!!!!  The best thing about this series was giving the Rangers canon fursonas and the TMNT canon humansonas.  god bless
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- i already ranted about this so.  top ten moments that should empower me as a woman but just made me mad instead.  right up there with Red Ranger Amelia 
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- I apologize for accusing this series of not giving the MMPRs any exploration as characters because Kim had a clear arc of not being a furry to becoming a furry.  Love that for her
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- Shredder jumping from Krang to Rita to Zedd, bisexual icon!
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n30n-le0n · 1 year
[It had to come to a head eventually. Leo just wouldn't have guessed it would be so soon.
He'd been lingering around the firehouse for several days--or maybe it was weeks, days had tended to blur together for him ever since the Krang situation--getting used to the "being trapped in another dimension" situation along with everyone else. He'd been introduced to the rest of the team (with some glares thrown in Peter's direction whenever he thought the man wasn't looking), and had even learned that he wasn't even the only person displaced from his home dimension residing within their headquarters. Apparently there was another Ray lingering around too, something which had made Leo's head spin trying to comprehend. How could there be two versions of a guy just....floating around? Eventually he'd just resolved to not think about it too hard--this situation was weird enough without adding extra layers to it.
Other than that, the days passed relatively normally. Or at least, what passed for normalcy in his current day-to-day life. He played pranks, he joked with the team, he pleaded to go out on busts. He ate substandard pizza from some carryout joint, he entertained them, he patiently tolerated Egon's poking and prodding and questioning about how his powers worked and how the portals knew where to send him and so on and so forth. He asked to drive the Ecto and only grew more and more petulant when he was denied. In a way, it felt like he was back home with his brothers. It felt normal. Organic, in a way. It felt safe.
But even safety had to come to an end.
Leo had already had a restless night, plagued by nightmares that left him startling awake and trying to regulate his breathing. Upon the third occurrence of this, he sat upright, groaning and pressing the palms of his hands into his eyelids in exasperation.]
Goddamn stupid night terrors. Ughhhhh. Why won't you just let me sleep--
[Go get Egon, you stubborn son of a bitch. He'll understand. He'll probably sit up with you and--]
Nope. Nuh-uh. Not happening. I've been annoying enough. He doesn't need me pulling him away from....important science work or whatever. It's fine. I'm fine.
[At least, he was fine until the small nightlight conveniently chose that moment to flicker and die, plunging the room into an inky blackness.
Fuck. FUCK.
Leo wasn't afraid of the dark. He wasn't. It was just that the dark reminded him too much of the prison dimension and how dark it had been, and how fetid the Krang's breath had been as it had snarled in his face, and---
And there were suddenly red lights shining in the darkness, too bright and too sinister to be of any comfort, and Leo found himself jolting backwards, breath stuttering in his throat as a shrill yelp escaped his mouth before he could help it. He couldn't help it. He knew he had to stay quiet, stay quiet doN'T LET IT SEE YOU, but it escaped his mouth almost instinctually, primally, before he could stop himself. How had the Krang come here, how had they managed to escape the prison dimension, they couldn't be--]
[He wanted it to be a yell. He was pleading for it to be a yell, but instead it came out as another strangled, panicked yelp as he flailed backwards, a loud and panicked hiss sounding from between his lips as his shell collided with something metallic, as he felt that chill again and heard the words slithering out of that toothed maw--
I've come for you, little PEST. You will not escape my grasp so easily THIS time.
Fuck, where were his swords, he had to....he had to teleport away, make a portal, something, anything, but he was tangled up in the stupid blankets and he couldn't move and he couldn't breathe and--]
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cazzle-dazzle · 2 years
I live blogged my thoughts while watching the ROTTMNT movie in the notes app
Here it is:
* Oooh it’s finally out!!
* What’s this? A video game perspective?
* Casey’s trans???
* Oh nvm it’s in the future
* Casey’s son?
* LEO SWORE?!?!?!
* Well there’s a bit detailed blood, is this gonna be gritty?
* Ok what the fuck is happening
* Oh no I hate time travel plots uuuggghhhhh
* There’s gone be hella second hand embarrassment, huh?
* Art style is looking HELLA good tho
* How are future!Casey and Cassandra!Casey gonna interact?
* Calling it now, Raph’s gonna die and that’s why future!Leo tells future!Casey “not everything is about you”
* Yay it’s the worm and the Hippo!!
* Sick ass chase scene
* Always here for big brother Raph content
* Leo you little shit
* Ayy April!!
* I love women using their wits for mischief
* Bro DO NOT walk up behind someone in the dark tf
* Oh no poor kids gonna be throwing straight gasoline onto the fire that is Leo’s ego
* At least now Leo’s gonna have to be responsible over someone right?
* Ok introduction was not nearly as second-hand embarrassing as I thought it would be, good
* Why do the Foot Clan insist on causing problems?
* Why not escape pod just Splinter?
* oh I loooovvvve the art style <3<3<3
* Damn this is dark
* God, I love Donnie
* Indeed it is Mikey, the future is harsh
* “Were”? I mean I was kinda thinking something happens to Donnie since he didn’t show up in the beginning but “WERE”??????
* Wait I thought the turtle tank thing was 3D animated, is it stop motion?? That’s so cool
* Oh it’s only gonna get worse isn’t it???????
* Chekhov’s mysterious government acid
* Uh oh, the turtles are split up even more
* Fuck I knew they die
* Casey’s being a bit harsh tho, this is Leo before YEARS of growth of course he’s gonna be inexperienced in leading
* Oh I love the art style 🥰
* Ayy teamwork
* God, Mikey’s naivety HURTS to watch LIKE BUDDY U’RE GONNA GET HURT
* I’m gonna need so much fluffy content after this goddamn ;-;
* Man “portal opening over New York City” sure is a popular trope
* Plz tell me Raph finds a way to resist the Krang’s influence oh please oh pleas e
* Well that is some mass destruction
* I will never get over ROTTMNT’s visuals they’re SO GOOD
* as cool as this Casey is, WHERE is the other one??
* I’m kinda surprised how well they’re balancing the dark/serious stuff with the comedy
* Yo is that the construction site from the first episode? Nice callback
* Yay for Donnie trying to conquer his fear, but ain’t that gonna Krang-ify him too? Like the direct contact gonna infect him
* Donnie you better not fucking die with your shell exposed
* He is a spaceship
* Ah yes Leo, the moment of realization
* Damn this movie goes HARD
* HE’S BACK!!!
* Oh everything’s ok now, they’re gonna win
* It’s all uphill from here <3
* Oh shit
* Death
* Or not
* Oh is Mikey gonna get his magic hands??
* It didn’t work?
* Oh not the left behind brother again
* Damn there’s still 20 minutes left?
* Oh boy
* Oh he gonna sacrifice himself
* not the fucking “catchphrase” that’s so Leo 😭
* KID IS WHAT, 15??? POOR BOY 😭😭😭
* No, no, no bring him back Casey!!! Use the swords!!!
* Oh they’re ok now 😭😭
* Except April & Splinter still have that deranged Krang
* Oh got encased in chemicals, good
* This is really cute, but I’m still confused about the other Casey
* Glad she was out kicking ass too 🥰
* Wish we could’ve saw it tho
* The end <3
* Good movie 👍
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grub-dot-website · 2 years
Instead of tmntposting in a huge long thread let’s do different posts lol
Hello nonexistant tumblr following it’s me your local disaster and while I’m still locked from posting on twitter let’s make more insufferably long TMNT posts! Yay! I wanna rank the movies so let’s do it
TMNT (1990): 10/10 no notes love you jim henson
TMNT 2 - Secret Of The Ooze: 3/10 literally what happened? This movie is the epitome of failed potential! It seems like they drafted a story that would have got into the turtles origins while introducing Krang/Utroms, Baxter Stockman, and Bebop/Rocksteady; then the studio looked at it and said WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE WHERES SHREDDER??? bitch he died!!!!! Casey Jones (who has vanished under mysterious circumstances?) crushed that loser in a garbage truck!! Augh it makes me upset and I’d like to rewrite it and make a proper sequel to the best TMNT movie of all time
TMNT 3: 0/10 do I even need to write about this one? Tempted to give it a half point for having Casey but like they could have at least made him... do something in the movie?? Anyway yuck bad vibes
TMNT (2007): 8/10 OOH this is a good one, I’m biased because it’s my childhood but GodDamn this is a good flick. I love that the turtles are played by proper voice actors instead of celebrities, relegating the big names to secondary characters. CHRIS EVANS IS CASEY JONES??? WHAT???? Anyway yeah some great turt dynamics in this one, the Leo/Raph fight scene is raw as hell and the whole movie is just a great package, I’d love to venture back into that TMNT universe someday
Turtles Forever (2009): 5/10, I felt compelled to include this because it exists? That’s the highest praise I can give it. I like that it kinda fixed the TMNT 2003 S7 artstyle but that’s kinda it???? The 80s turtles sound absolutely AWful and the comic turtles just,,,, aren’t right. Credit where credit’s due for keeping everyone on-model regardless of what dimension they’re in.
TMNT (2014) 2/10 Nope! Not gonna even touch it! Yikes! Sorry bayverse fans but uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh can’t do it
Rise of the TMNT: The Movie (2022): 8/10 So good!!! sO SO good I love it so much! If you thought the show had great animation you’re in for a treat!!!! I felt like the plot was a little all over the place but the emotional beats were incredible!!!! LEO steps up! It’s great! Cassandra got totally shafted though which made me sad, she’s my fave
Anyway Uhhhhh I’ve probably forgotten something but who cares, go watch the 1990 movie it’s the best fucking thing I’ve ever seen
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