#the grass and skin shading as my favorite parts
bunny-lily · 2 days
Tether Me - Chapter 5: Part 1
Pairing(s): Geto/Gojo/Reader Summary: Right in the middle of you savoring the beverage and scrolling aimlessly through your phone, a piece of paper was suddenly smacked down onto the wood in front of you. You paused mid-sip and looked at it blankly, then traced the source of its origin up to Satoru’s gleaming, boyish grin. When had he let himself in?
You raised a curious brow at the man, finishing your gulp. “What’s this?”
“That, sweet girl, is a wedding invitation,” he declared with all the vigor of a show host announcing the spoils the victor had attained, “and you’re gonna be my plus-one.”
Your other brow lifted to match the first. “Eh? Since when?”
“Since now,” he sidled up to you, leaning into your space. “I need a wedding date, after all, and I’ve chosen you to be the lucky lady to accompany me.” CW: No y/n | polyamory | slow burn | slice of life | alt au - no curses | fluff | light angst | eventual smut | forgive me, there's internal monologues | I like using big words... | Gojo & Geto are whipped for you | emotionally constipated reader | (most of the tags have been condensed, you can find the full list on my ao3 here) AN: additional warnings: depictions of past abuse and childhood abuse, misogyny, violence, assault/battery. See Ao3 for extended tags. Ch: Prologue | Ch: 1 | Ch: 2 | Ch: 3 | Ch: 4 | Ch: 5 - 1 | Ch: 5 - 2 WC: 10.8k
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The sun is warm today. 
It coats the exposed stretches of skin on your arms and legs in a cozy, yellow glow. Shadows from the leaves dancing on the branches of the tree behind you cast across your face, splotches of blueish-gray that provide a hint of coolness on your relaxed posture.
The sky is your favorite shade of teal, with fluffy, white clouds spread across it far and wide, forming funny shapes and animals that only you can discern. There’s a bunny-looking one that you’ve been following for a while now, watching as it extends its legs while bounding lazily across the eonic, untold cyan. You’ve named it Marshmallow for its resemblance to those bird-shaped, sugar-coated treats.
Which doesn’t really make sense, but you don’t care all that much. It makes sense to you.
So far, the story you’ve created about Marshmallow is simplistic, but it’s giving you something to do. Marshmallow is frollicking in a massive meadow, running around between tall stalks of indigo grass and snowy flowers. She’s celebrating her freedom after escaping the maws of a vicious wolf, bouncing back and forth in joy as she claims the sky as her home, where no wolf can catch and eat her so long as the sun shines through the heavens.
There, she is safe to chirp and thump her little feet and fly as much as she desires, no longer fearing being trapped in the muzzle of a hungry beast.
In the far distance, you can see a smear of dark gray hugging the horizon. It’s not close enough for you to fathom how big it is, but you can tell by the streaks underneath it that it’s raining over there. The flowers will be happy, you think. Fresh water to help their roots spread and their petals bloom.
You like days like this, where it’s quiet and calm. Birds spring from the electricity cables spanning down the length of the street, a bug occasionally buzzes past you, and the air smells sweet.
Your legs swing back and forth lazily over the short cement-brick wall in front of your house. The light stone is brisk under your palms, a comfort in the burn of summer. You’ve already had a crisp icy-pop earlier, but now you’re uncertain if you should have saved it, as the temperature has gone up quite high.
It’s peaceful out here, but, confessedly, incredibly boring.
Yet, you savor it all the same. Anything is better than being in there, where your heart rarely has a chance to settle, always tapping on your veins to keep them active and roaring with blood laced too heavily with poisonous adrenaline. It’s nice to have an opportunity to rest and relax, a rare moment of serenity, even if you do feel a little lonely.
Glass shatters somewhere behind you. Skin meets skin.
You wince.
The world grows a little more dim. The bunny splits in half.
Tranquility can only last for so long under the richly fragrant blooms of the Callery pear hiding you from the sight of those within the house.
“What the fuck is wrong with you, woman!?”
You stand up slowly, your fingers already growing jittery as you brush off the dirt and prickling twigs that dug imprints into the backs of your thighs. The heat no longer bothers you.
“Can’t you do anything right!? Can’t even get me a fuckin’ beer! You’re useless!”
They left the kitchen window open again, the mesh serving to let air in while keeping insects out. It does nil to block sound.
“This is the one fuckin’ time I get a goddamn break from supporting this fuckin’ family, and this is how you repay me? By droppin’ my goddamn bottle of beer?”
You’re scared. You don’t know why you are, he always gets like this. He’s always yelling.
You think you’re used to it by now, you try to tell yourself that you are, but your heart still pounds uneasily in your chest. It feels like there’s ice in your veins, prickling and spreading frostbite in tiny kitten nips. It spreads to your stomach, growing heavy and sinking lower and lower, steel through honey.
You hate being scared. It makes you feel sick. You wish you didn’t have to be afraid anymore.
“I’m out there, breakin’ my back every damned day for you and that stupid brat–” you flinch, “workin’ my hands to the bones, and all I want is a drink to wind down after a long day of work.” It’s midday on a Saturday. He woke up an hour ago. “I ask my lovely, darlin’, sweet little wife to get me a beer, and what does she do?”
You think you can hear a woman mumbling something, but it’s hard to make out over the man’s screams.
He bangs his fist on the laminated kitchen counter, by the sink. Metal utensils stored to dry clink against each other from the force. “Answer me, woman!”
“Speak up!”
“Y-You bumped into–”
“Oh, so, now you’re goin’ off and blamin’ me?”
A sob. “It was an accident.”
“It’s always a fuckin’ accident with ya, ain’t it? Always forgettin’ shit, always lazy, always so clumsy. All you women are incompetent. Can’t even get me a damn drink without wastin’ my hard earned money. The money that supports your livelihood, by the way.”
There’s a hiccuping sound, followed by another bang on the counter.
“Now you’re throwin’ hysterics! You ungrateful whore, fuckin’ manipulative bitch, usin’ crocodile tears. I’ve been so kind, so patient, so lenient with you,” you tried to count the bruises he left on her one time, but you lost track after thirteen. “But you’re just so fuckin’ spoiled, yeah? Damn hag. It’s ‘cause of me you get to sit your pretty ass at home all the time and do nothin’ all damn day while I’m out there, breakin’ myself for a useless bitch of a wife.”
Your nails dig into the tree’s bark for support. A white petal twists and ebbs as it falls from a flower above, landing on your shoulder.
She’s silent beyond short gasps of air and phlegmy sniffles. A stifled choke here and there.
“Don’t ignore me, bitch,” he hisses, then groans in defeat, as if he is choosing to surrender and indulge her. “Agh, it’s pointless, you’re too fuckin’ stupid to understand. You damn women are always so fuckin’–”
He says a word that makes you cringe horribly.
The heavy stomping of boots follows his tantrum, then there’s complete stillness. You wait outside for a long time, hesitating. You want to go to the woman, to comfort her despite your young age and inherent naivety.
You startle out of your skin when you hear the screechy garage door open and hare around the bulking trunk of the tree to hide behind it. Your back presses into the rough material, breaths barely filling your lungs before they’re pushed out again. Your skin crawls at the subdued sounds of the man’s mad ramblings, too indistinct for you to make out.
His tone tells you enough. It tells you he’s angry, and that he’s saying a lot of bad words that you’re not allowed to say. 
Bad words hurt people, baby.
As hidden as you can manage to be, you peer around the calleryana, grimacing at the loud, metallic thump of his car door slamming shut. You watch as the contraption, old with time and lack of maintenance – ‘It’s vintage,’ he slurs, bragging about the red machine like a proud father that treats it better than he treats his own teeth. Better than he treats you. – coughs and rattles down the short length of the driveway.
It turns along the curb, twisting ‘til its nose faces your direction. You jolt back out of sight.
You’ve always despised the sound it makes, the horrid noise passing by you and growing quieter as the car chugs down the gray asphalt. Like a dying goat. Or, cats yowling as they tear into each other in the dead of night. Jarring and uncomfortable, instilling a sense of dread in you.
You wait for a long time like this, staring blankly at the end of the street, holding your breath. You wait for the car to reappear at the turn, to come back no sooner than it had gone. You wait for him to loop the neighborhood. 
If he’s in the same mood, or worse, who knows what could happen. Maybe, he’ll have the courage to pull the trigger and end it all with a swift right hook this time.
Minutes or hours later, the street remains empty, and you exhale the breath you’ve been holding, allowing yourself to cautiously hope he won’t return for a while.
Itchy imprints are left on your palms, the backs of your arms, and upper back as you peel away from the tree and sneak across the yard to the rear of the house. Even though he’s not here anymore, you still walk on your tip-toes and avoid stepping on sticks or leaves.
The backdoor is open. It leads into the living room, with the kitchen doorway on your right. From this angle, you can see the fridge and sink. The cup holding the clean utensils has been knocked over.
You walk forward and turn left, instead. You stick to the walls, where the wooden floor doesn’t creak as loudly, and make your way to the bathroom. The light flickers on, struggling for a few seconds. Its orange illumination is dim and makes you nauseous.
You pull out the stool from the cupboard under the sink and pop it flat, then climb on top to reach the mirrored cabinet above the faucet. It’s a singular, fluid action; a habit, muscle memory honed over time.
You pry open the semi-shiny, scratched panel and dig around through the mess of products inside. You push aside aftershave, old tubes of half-used creams, rusted safety razors, and bottles of miscellaneous concoctions that intrigue and scare you in equal measure.
You collect the needed items, stacking a stocky, dark bottle of hydrogen peroxide, cotton pads, knock-off antibiotic gel, and bandages into your arms. It’s not as heavy or hard as it used to be, and you don’t forget anything after so much practice.
Hopping off the stool, you shuffle your way to the kitchen.
From the doorway, you can see the woman sitting on one of the dining chairs, partially facing you. Her face is in her hands. Her shoulders tremble with mute weeping. There’s green glass and something wet spilled across the floor.
You’re careful to mind your step and veer around it.
If she’s aware of your presence, she doesn’t react, and says nothing. She doesn’t lift her head as you wriggle your gathered spoils onto the table, diligent in making sure none fall off. She doesn’t make any noise as you pull out a chair beside her and hoist yourself onto it. She’s eidolic as you sort the items around into a neat order for easy access.
She only responds when you reach a small hand forward and curl it around her wrist. Your fingers barely reach halfway. 
Her movements are lethargic, tired. She lowers her hands sluggishly and looks up at you, but she has that far-away glaze over her eyes. She’s staring at your face, but her mind is a million miles away, unseeing.
You learned it was useless to try and bring her back to earth when she’s drifted so far off. So, you don’t bother attempting. Not anymore.
There are a couple cuts on her face, one stretching diagonally under her left eye, and one curving from the right side of her chin to partially underneath it. A bruise is swelling along her temple, and an old ring of claw marks adorn her throat like a necklace. Dried tear tracks mar her visage, eyelids puffy and scleras red. He was forgiving this time.
She lets you guide her palms down to rest on her lap. Her muscles don’t twitch as you dampen a pad with hydrogen peroxide and delicately begin dabbing it on the wounds to clean them. The blood, no longer beading and trickling, fizzles under the influence of the solution. You take care to not get any loose fibers caught in the new injuries.
It was nice of him to leave the ones that are still healing alone. He isn’t always this kind.
You’re too focused on your work to notice when your mother comes back to herself. The fog over her irises lifts, replaced with a glassy sheen, but no tears remain to fall.
She looks a lot like you, just older, and fatigued. Faint scars linger and taint her sullen expression. Her eyes are sunken, cheeks hollow. Your eyes are the same color, as is your hair. Your upper lip follows the same curve hers does.
The only difference is your age, what you’ve been through.
Your bruises, along your limbs, weren’t caused by him.
You stopped asking questions a long time ago, too. Around the same time she stopped physically showing any sort of pain or discomfort she might experience from you taking care of her. You smear a thin layer of the gel over the cuts, capping the tube.
As you’re reaching for the bandages, she suddenly grasps your wrists, spooking you.
“Promise me, baby,” she urges you frantically, voice low. Like she’s afraid he’ll hear her, even though he isn’t home anymore. “Promise me you’ll never let a man tie you down.”
You gaze at her – at the shallow cuts on the side of her chin and under her eye, the rapidly swelling bruise on her jaw, the spot forming on her temple – and nod once. It’s not a difficult choice. Hell, you don’t have to think about it to agree. 
All you’ve ever known about love is that it does nothing but hurt those who experience it.
All you’ve ever known about love was taught to you by fists and shouts.
All you’ve ever known about love was that it would break you, like it broke her, if you let yourself fall to it.
Wordlessly, you swear you’ll never end up like your mother.
Audibly, you seal the vow. 
“I promise, mama.”
It’s cold outside.
The sun hid behind the wide expanse of ashen-gray clouds that painted the sky a new color, one of mottled Nile lily and argent. You could make out shallow waves and hills in the skyline, but not much else, the world washed in desaturated periwinkle.
It made for a great environment for pondering.
Months had already gone by since you made your vast move to this quaint little stead, all in the blink of an eye. It was nice; peaceful. The routine you'd built up kept where no other had before, and instead of boredom and mundanity, or the anxiety that came with getting too comfortable, you were enjoying yourself. 
You were content.
In the mornings, you'd eat breakfast with Satoru and oftentimes Suguru, then continue the well-proceeding renovations on your house. In the afternoons you'd work at Granny’s shop, and your nights were free. Usually you'd either go to the park for a while, hang out with your friends, or go straight to either Suguru’s or Satoru's house.
Geto-mama and Geto-papa took a particular liking to you and enjoyed having you over. You learned very quickly where Suguru got his spice tolerance from, the pair of parents being worse than him in overusing various pepper seasonings.
His parents were also ridiculously tall, especially his mother, who stood toe-to-toe with Suguru himself. He was the spitting image of her.
You underestimated how much Geto-mama liked plants until she sat your pretty ass on the armchair in her living room, threw a blanket over your legs, and proceeded to whip out decades’ worth of knowledge on all kinds of husbandry.
Which, actually, was very entertaining and engaging, with plenty of hands-on activities. You were now the proud mother of a cardboard egg carton full of itty bitty forget-me-nots. 
When she told you that she was a kindergarten teacher, it all added up.
She was a blast to listen to, every conversation with her energetic and fun. You had a great time everytime you hung out with each other, leading you to frequently exchange flower and vegetation pictures with her over text. She had some shockingly hilarious husbandry memes, and you’d never seen Suguru come close to pouting before he learned you texted with his mom more than you did him. 
Sure, it was barely a downward twitch of his lips, but he looked so much like a wounded puppy that you had to fix the situation ASAP.
Which meant texting his mother in secret.
His father was vastly different from his mother. The silent type who didn’t speak much, spending most of his free time sitting on the couch, filling out crossword or sudoku puzzles featured in the weekly newspaper. 
You chalked him up to be the type to emotionally close himself off, until you saw him embracing his wife while she cooked, face buried against the crook of her neck while she rambled his ear off about anything and everything. 
You picked up on how he followed her around soon after that, always trailing after her around the house, lamb and shepherd. 
They shared more similarities than you initially caught. He was a teacher, too – a professor of ethics at the nearby college, specifically. Though he wasn’t talkative, he made for fascinating and thought-provoking conversation when he was in the mood to chat.
Suguru was a lot like his dad, you concluded, based on careful examination of the way they interacted with others and the world around them. They were both the wordless protector types, speaking more in gentle touches, subtle expressions, and words of affirmation than with open, boisterous actions. They were observant and highly aware of the emotions of others, and acted well on them.
Which is to say, they could both read you like a book. They knew when you were thirsty or hungry before you did. You weren’t as close to Geto-papa, but despite his quiet nature, he made it clear to you that you could go to him for anything.
Unlike them, Satoru was nothing like his dad.
You met Gojo-sama once, and wanted to keep it at only once if you could help it.
He wasn’t necessarily rude or anything, quite the opposite. He was polite, courteous, and respectful.
Problem was, he scared the absolute bejeezus out of you.
He carried this constant aura of authority with him everywhere he went, stern and straightforward to a fault. Where Ijichi was a trembling mess in front of Satoru, he went ramrod straight when in Gojo Saichi’s presence. He turned himself into a statue, and you couldn’t discern if it was from fear or great reverence, because Gojo-sama was quite kind to him, all things considered.
You were still spooked by the man, though, and preferred to avoid him. Lucky for you, he more-or-less lived in a town a few hours away, far enough to need to take the train, as he was busy working.
The only person you’d seen him cower before was Granny, as she apparently also knew him since he was younger. Whatever that woman was built of, you wanted it.
One day, sometime in late summer, you broke the golden rule of avoiding the park on Thursday nights and very quickly found out why Aoi and her boyfriend fucked there. They went at it like rabid animals – hell, you thought they were animals at first. Then, you saw a bit more ass than you were bargaining for and bolted out of the park, swearing to avoid the bushes they had chosen to desecrate at all costs.
You had come to know most of the more commonly seen townsfolk by name now, but that was about it. You were still introverted, after all. Everyone outside your group was an acquaintance, generally. You knew some people better than others, whether by intention (Granny, Shoko, Utahime) while others not so much (Aoi's boyfriend’s ass), but that was fine.
You sighed softly as you watched lilliputian snowflakes drift past the window of Granny’s shop, your chin propped up on your palm. They stirred and danced, waltzing with one another, then came to rest on the ground.
It wasn’t cold enough for them to stick – winter in this part of Japan was fairly mild – but it was alluring nonetheless.
You couldn’t remember the last time you stopped everything to just…observe. You hardly had enough time to settle and let your lungs fully fill to admire the scenery anywhere else you went. A shame and a waste, you knew that. Some of the places you drifted to were revered for their natural beauty, or hypnotic architecture, or lively communities.
You’d be lying if you said you went to them with the first two in mind. Mainly, you drifted towards densely packed locations. The more people, the more sounds, the less you were able to hear your own thoughts. Clubs, dating apps, friend groups full of names you would never remember, nothing worked.
Being unable to think left you feeling like your sanity was being torn apart by ragged, filthy nails. It made you want to rip into your own skull to wrench out the obnoxious fucking buzzing. At first, you thought there wasn’t enough noise, that the rattling was a result of there being too much room in your cranium that let things clatter about.
Living above subs and stumbling your way into various parties, drinking your weight in liquor until you couldn’t think at all, making out with someone knowing that you wouldn’t be able to handle anything more than light petting, nothing sufficed.
It’s possible you moving to such an isolated valley wasn’t such a difficult thing to believe. Something, something, insanity.
The passage of time seemed nonexistent here. When you arrived, you were slipping into summer, battling the hellish heat under the AC at Suguru’s house blowing on full blast, prancing in the river with Satoru, and now it was snowing. It felt like only yesterday, or at most before yesterday, you had arrived.
The memory of your first night on a floor you couldn’t believe you actually slept on in hindsight was so distant, yet merely a few hours back on the clock of your mind.
Intrusive thoughts – the same that told you to stab your hand, jump off a cliff, fantasize about your worst fears and subsequently having panic attacks because of it – persisted. Hard habits to kick, but they were significantly quieter nowadays. Further spaced out, too.
The voice of the demon clinging to your cervical spine, the one that urged you to run like your feet were on hot coals, had all but gone mute. Sometimes you got the thought, but it was more reflex than anything else.
Maybe, just maybe, you found where you were supposed to be.
“Beautiful, isn’t it?” Granny’s calm voice roused you from your reverie, drawing your attention to her.
Like you, she peered at the slow-falling flakes, following the twirls and spirals they made when a mild breeze caught them. If you had to name the expression she wore, it would be reminiscence. You’d think that, after living here for as long as she did, one would be used to the sight of the year’s first snow. Impassive, even, or perhaps irked by the omen it brought, but the childlike wonder sparkling in her eyes told you otherwise.
You sensed you would never truly get used to it, either. 
“Yeah,” you matched her tone, returning your fixation to beyond the window. “I’ve seen snow before, but never really…”
Granny easily picked up on what you didn’t voice. “It’s quite magical.”
You nodded faintly, unbothered by the countertop digging into your elbow. 
The day was uneventful for the most part.
Geto-mama had stopped by earlier in the day to pass you a plate of mini lemon tarts, which you idly nibbled on while reading. She had taken to using you as a test subject for her experimental baked treats, and (to your massive relief, since you lived in constant fear of Satoru and Ijichi and their calamitous baking skills) she made amazing snacks, and taught you when she had the time to.
Everyone else was busy either completing preparations for the forecasted snowfall, promised to last the week, or they’re already bundled up at home, staving off the frost from within.
Which meant it was slow-going at the shop, but that wasn’t necessarily a bad thing. 
It gave you time to catch up on the new manga series you’d picked up from the shelf of the store after becoming curious about it. It was an odd story, something about a boy whose body was doused in a fire that could never extinguish, but it kept your mind busy.
The tale under your hand was…difficult to stomach. Not for any massive horror or emotional reasons, no. Rather, it was so painfully cringy that you had to periodically stop and take a breath to steady yourself.
The plot was rather good, an interesting concept for a world that would make for a fantastic anime, but the author really enjoyed causing his readers physical pain from the dialogue. It made for fantastic taunting material, though, and Satoru and you enjoyed ripping into the characters.
It amazed you that this author apparently had a popular manga in both Japan and the States that was released only a couple years after this one, because wow. It was bad.
The dainty chime of the bell drew your attention away from your manga in time to see Suguru ducking under the door frame, giant that he was, a furoshiki-clad object in hand. A quick skim over the shop had his sights landing on you, locating his target. His eyes creased into slim lunes, the corners of his lips digging into the plush of his cheeks as he approached you.
You stepped out from behind the counter and oof-ed when his free arm encompassed you and tugged you into his hoodie-covered chest. 
He placed the side of his face against the top of your head and rubbed it endearingly. You never chalked him up to be the type for physical affection when you first met, but here you were, practically getting scented by a territorial feline.
“Hey, you,” he lilted, withdrawing after far too much time passed for the embrace to be considered a normal greeting between friends. His palm stayed in contact with your figure, gliding across the curve of your waist as he was pulling back, seemingly reluctant to part. It raised goosebumps on your nape and along the lengths of your arms.
“Hey, Suguru,” you welcomed, your lips subconsciously tilting upwards. Your heart filled your chest with a warmth akin to the heat the hot chai he frequently made for you. “What brings you here?”
“Brought you lunch,” he explained as he set the object down on the register counter. A succulent scent wafted towards you, forcing you to restrain your stomach in a chokehold around its neck like a crazed mutt. Decorum and politeness were vital in the presence of royalty.
You crooned, grinning wider at him. “Aww, Sugu, you didn’t have to do that.” 
He merely shook his head, tucking his hands into the center pocket of his hoodie. “It’s no problem. You mentioned you never tried somen or nikujaga, so I figured I’d make you some.”
His kindness and thoughtfulness had you swooning, so much so that you had faith even the biting chill of the world outside the temperate shop wouldn’t dare bother you.
“I’m serious, Suguru, you’re too nice to me,” you pouted playfully, to which he shook his head in disagreement.
“No such thing,” he replied, leaning back against the wall behind the counter. He jerked his chin towards the bento box. “Eat before it gets cold.”
Not needing to be told twice, you untied the cloth and pulled it away, further unveiling the mouthwatering scent. The container was still hot as you scooted it off the cloth that you folded neatly, then frowned minutely.
“You didn’t bring a box for yourself?” You asked, worry etched into your brow.
He smiled at you. “I ate earlier, don’t worry.”
“Such a good man, dear,” Granny reappeared, squeezing his arm affectionately. “Your parents raised you well.”
“Thanks, Granny,” he said, keeping an eye on you to make sure you ate. His concern was assuaged when you began feasting contentedly, his shoulders loosening. “How’s the shop?”
The old woman waved her hand loosely. “Just fine. Not many have come in today. Oh, but your mother did.”
He nodded. “She told me she wanted to stop by and drop something off before she went to work.”
“Tarts!” You covered your mouth with your palm to muffle your words and pointed at the plate of half-eaten snacks next to you. “Sho yummy.”
“Ah, her lemon tarts? Those are pretty good.” He approved. “Don’t let Satoru know she gave you those.”
“How is Yoriko doing?” Your sorta-grandmother asked, since the topic was brought up.
“Mom is alright,” Suguru answered. “She’s fussing over the snow, as if it doesn’t snow every year.”
She complained indignantly. “She’s just like her mother, that one. Always worried about the smallest things. Your father is a terrible enabler.”
He snorted. “You think he’s any better? They enable each other, it’s an echo chamber.”
She tutted disapprovingly. “Missing the forest for the trees,” she mumbled, then reached out and patted your head. “You can leave for the day after you finish eating.”
You furrowed your brow. “Really? But, it’s so early.”
“It’s alright, there won’t be much work to do today. You should go enjoy it.”
You were prepared to argue further, but were halted by the hard glare she gave you. “Okay, fine. Thank you, Granny.”
“Good girl,” she patted you one more time for good measure. “Eat up, now.”
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you’re trying to get rid of me,” you teased.
“I am,” she deadpanned.
You balked at her.
A laugh rumbled in Suguru’s chest, and you turned to him with wide eyes. “Can you believe this? She’s trying to get rid of me.”
He cocked his head towards you. “She’s just being kind enough to let me steal you away.”
You grumbled as you stuffed more food into your mouth. “Unbelievable. The absolute gall of you people, passing me back and forth like a football.”
He and Granny exchanged light conversation, talking about his folks’ plans for their farm in the coming spring, once the cold season passes, while you nibble away until the box is empty and you’re stuffed.
“Thank you for the food, Sugu,” you sighed in satisfaction and slid off your stool, stretching your arms above your head.
“You’re very welcome. I hope you liked it,” he spoke as he gathered the bento back into its furoshiki.
You chuffed. “You kidding? Your cooking is always amazing.”
The elder jabbed your ribs painfully with her elbow, making you wheeze. Unperturbed, she cupped a hand around her mouth to mutter to you. “He likes you.”
“Granny, please,” you rubbed the spot she impacted. 
Your further objections were cut off when you found a scarf tossed over your shoulders, the fabric being looped around them a couple times to properly cover your neck and the lower half of your face. The culprit of the surprise attack stood in front of you, now sans his own scarf, as he was diligently securing it in place on you.
“Suguru,” you crinkled your nose at him as he tucked the ends of the fabric into the collar of your sweater. You didn’t fight him on it, but you did feel perhaps a teensy bit child-like with the way he cosseted you.
He merely smiled, cupping your cheek when he finished. “Indulge me.”
Granny gave you a knowing glance from your side.
You freed your chin to stick your tongue out at her before you were stuffed straight back into the scarf. It smelled like Suguru, like tea and spice and him, and you instinctively nuzzled further into the thick material.
“My place?” He moved a section of your hair away from your face so it wouldn’t bother you.
You acquiesced easily, offering to take the bento and furoshiki, to which he declined. You waved goodbye to the weird lady who kept looking between you and your friend while waggling her eyebrows as you stepped out of the shop. You had no idea who she was. What a strange person.
The bite of winter nibbled anywhere your clothes didn’t cover as you met the outside world. Baby snowflakes began to gather and melt in your tresses, and you shuddered as a slight draft skittered past your legs.
His fingers easily slipped into the gaps between yours, palms pressed together as he tucked both of your hands in the pocket of his hoodie. 
That was the thing about Suguru – he knew what you needed without having to exchange words. He was nothing if not perceptive and observant, a caretaker at heart. Likening him to a guardian angel would’ve been an understatement, in your opinion.
It unsettled you at first, the way he would do something for you, whether or not you said something. You were nervous he could read your mind, but extensive testing (consisting of you saying random gibberish in your head) proved he couldn’t. He was simply good at guessing what you were thinking, and was spectacular at planning ahead.
Your thumb rubbed idle circles into the back of his hand, grazing over the prominent knuckles and thick veins there. 
You admired his hands a lot, everything about them. Their size, the roughness of the pads of his fingers, their strength. You liked that, regardless of the feats he was capable of pulling off with those hands, he was always attentive and dovish in the way he treated you.
You enjoyed watching him tear apart old cabinets the same way you enjoyed watching him leaf through a book. Those hands, the ones that dexterously tore out prickly weeds bare, were the same that affixed the fabric keeping your neck protected from the elements in place. Capable of destruction and creation in the same stroke.
The bones of his wrist were a particular draw to you, you couldn’t help but stare at them whenever the chance presented itself – you swear it’s not in a creepy way. Like a hand fetish, but not sexual. Was that a thing?
Ugh, this was just digging your grave deeper. You had to shift your thought process a hint to the left.
What else could he do with them? You’d bet easy money he’d be killer at knitting if he ever asked his dad to teach him. He had a good sense of textiles, knowing the texture of something before touching it, if he had to at all. 
A flake dropped onto the round of your cheek and you flinched, rubbing at your face with your free hand. As much as you loved winter, you were looking forward to getting to Suguru’s place to get the sprouting wetness out of your hair. You adored snow, but you’d rather snuggle up under a blanket and relax with him.
You craned your head back, taking in the expanse of ash, stretched from mountaintop to mountaintop. 
The crests were sugar dusted, fluffy powder so delicate, you could sink through it effortlessly. Icing glazed down in streaks, brooks and streams frosted by a thin layer atop them. If the town river had a thick sheet of ice over it, you could try to convince your friends to go ice skating with you. 
Satoru would be the easiest to convince, Suguru would be the hardest, and Shoko and Utahime would be somewhere in the middle.
Never having experienced nature to this degree, as you hadn’t given yourself the chance to in years past, you pined for a taste of all of it. Hiking in autumn, swimming in summer, sunbathing in spring…you doubted the snow would be dense enough to ski on, and the mountains were too short and steep, but ice skating was well within the realm of possibility.
Whatever season it was, you were determined to be part of it, and to take it with you.
“What’s on that pretty mind of yours, hm?” Suguru eased you from your daydreaming.
You angled your head so you could see him and still fantasize about flying above the frigid clouds. “Suguru, are you any good at painting?”
His head tilted to the side, woefully reminiscent of a curious puppy. “Painting? I never gave it much thought. Why do you ask?”
“I was thinking of turning one of the walls in my house into a simple mural.”
“What kind?”
You ran your tongue over your back teeth in consideration. “I haven’t decided yet. Nature-esque would be nice, vines and stuff. Nothing complicated.”
“That’s not a bad idea,” he replied, squeezing your hand. “We can look at some inspiration together later, if you’d like.”
You grinned brightly. “Absolutely!”
He reciprocated the smile and reached for his door, making you realize you’d arrived. He hiked the furoshiki up to his forearm and curled his fingers around the knob, twisting it and pushing inwards. In seconds, you went from the crisp sting of wintertide to the protection of his home, shielded from the snow and chill. 
The scent of the food he made earlier permeated the residence, undertoned by a layer of sandalwood and agarwood incense.
While you were wriggling off your shoes, Suguru was undoing your scarf, pulling it off with smooth movements to hang it over the coat rack. His hands took your face into them, large thumbs rubbing over the swaths of plushness under your eyes to thaw them out.
“I’ll make you some chai,” he said, sharp, russet irises darting across your features. “Wanna sit in the kitchen while I do that?”
You nodded, fleetingly nuzzling into his hold to warm the tip of your nose. He obliged you, only releasing you when you were satisfied with the pleasant buzz tingling over your skin. He motioned for you to go ahead while he pulled off his hoodie and put his shoes away.
The walls of his home had become calming to you over time, the path to his kitchen now one you could follow automatically. You’d even gotten your own designated spot at the breakfast table in his kitchen. Sure, it was a two-seater, so it wasn’t saying much, but it gave you that happy, fluffy feeling anyway.
You slid into your seat as he came in, his hands busy with coiling his long, obsidian locks up into a messy bun that he pinned into place with a claw clip. He was always careful with his hair, taking measures to ensure its condition remained pristine and luscious. You admired and spited him for it; the former for his dedication, and the latter for inflicting you with the constant desire to play with the silk strands like a honeymoon lover.
Suguru was structured and organized in everything he did, preparing chai not excluded. Your jaw rested on the curve of your palm, your focus placed on him as he moved around the room with practiced dexterity.
If you were honest, this was one of your favorite things to do.
Sitting in silence while observing Suguru do his thing lured you into a drowsy sort of state. Not sleepy, but definitely cushy and snug, an invisible blanket laid over your back, weighted and heated.
He taught you how to make it – rather simple, once you know – but his tasted better than anything you could ever make. You could’ve been biased, but you wholeheartedly believed he made the absolute best chai.
A mug was slid over the tabletop to you, mouthwatering steam rising from it. You peered down at the milky-brown liquid with hearts in your eyes, hands grasping the ceramic without hesitation. Suguru enjoyed drawing cute things on the surface of the drinks he made, and used a shallow bowl of milk foam and a toothpick to painstakingly doodle a pudgy bear for you to gulp down.
“Thank you, Suguwu,” you crowed happily, almost feeling too bad for the bear to drink him.
“You’re very welcome,” his hand settled on your nape as you lifted the edge of the mug to your lips, gently blowing on the tea, then taking a sip. “How is it?”
You purred. “So good,” you praised him. “Your chai is incredible.”
He chuckled and positioned his index and thumb an inch or so above your hairline. He pressed down, and you stiffened as a sharp spike of pain went through your temple – then you were melting with a satisfied sigh, sliding back into the chair. You had no idea how he knew where to poke and prod to have you turning into putty, but it left you feeling squishy and content, thus you had no complaints.
“Very good, I’m glad,” he said, accepting your compliments, both spoken and silent. “I’m gonna go take a shower. Put the mug in the dishwasher when you’re done, please.”
You nodded and murmured in acknowledgement, relaxing with a dopey smile as you sipped at your chai.
You weren’t sure when it happened, but you’d gained a sort of philosophical appreciation for things like this. Stopping to smell the roses, feeling the snow on your lashes, tasting vanilla and black tea and cinnamon under your tongue, the things you hadn’t bothered to treasure, you now made sure to.
After a few minutes of slouching and drinking lazily, you sat back up and pulled out your phone, unlocking it to occupy your mind.
Right in the middle of you savoring the beverage and scrolling aimlessly through some social media app, a piece of paper was suddenly smacked down onto the wood in front of you. You paused mid-sip and looked at it blankly, then traced the source of its origin up to Satoru’s gleaming, boyish grin. When had he let himself in?
You raised a curious brow at the man, finishing your gulp. “What’s this?”
“That, sweet girl, is a wedding invitation,” he declared with all the vigor of a show host announcing the spoils the victor had attained, “and you’re gonna be my plus-one.”
Your other brow lifted to match the first. “Eh? Since when?”
“Since now,” he sidled up to you, slipping into your space. “I need a wedding date, after all, and I’ve chosen you to be the lucky lady to accompany me.”
Unamused would be a good way to describe your mood. You weren’t very fond of weddings; they were loud, busy, and grossly romantic. Sure, the idea was nice on paper, but spending half a day (or, more often, far more) watching two people slobber over each other in a socially acceptable version of PDA always made you feel gross and invasive, like seeing something you weren’t meant to.
And envious, to some extent, but you preferred to not dwell on that.
“Take Suguru,” you suggested.
Satoru’s nose wrinkled like you waved something expired under his nostrils. “That old hag? No way, he’d kill all my game.”
You scoffed. “And I wouldn’t?”
“Not at all,” he tipped further toward you. “You are the game.”
“Very flattering,” you returned to your phone and tea. “Today I learned that I’m a game.”
He made an affronted noise and curled over you to stare into your eyes, making sure you had no choice but to stare back. “I didn’t mean it like that! Come on, bunny, it’ll be fun!”
You set your cheekbone against your knuckles. “What’s in it for me?”
The Gojo heir puffed up his chest, going full peacock. “A date with me, of course.”
A tempting offer on its own, but not enough. “And…?”
“And,” he continued, “I’ll treat you to anything you like, just name it.”
You deliberated on what sort of ridiculous thing you could ask for that could get him to back off, partially because you really didn’t want to go to a wedding, and partially because you were curious about what the great Gojo Satoru could and couldn’t achieve.
What could you ask of him? You knew money was of no concern for him, in terms of anything your brain could come up with. You weren’t about to ask him to buy you a whole ass estate, no, you were thinking more in the realm of something purposelessly expensive but practical.
You weren’t a big fan of jewelry, hardly wearing the stuff. You’d had enough of world travel as it stood, so a flight to Spain or France or whatever was out of the question.
Your eyes flickered down to his lips unbidden. Plush, pink, parted with anticipation.
A kiss.
You caught the cringe that bubbled up the column of your spine by a hair. What ugly hell did that intrusive thought crawl up from?
Mentally picturing slapping yourself with a sad, wet newspaper and calling yourself a bad pooch, you jumped on the next thing you could come up with.
“Make soap with me,” you said.
Ah, finally, a good idea. You could use some decent soap to scrub your brain wrinkles free of filth.
He frowned. “Soap?”
“Yeah, like one of those soap-making kits. I’ve wanted to try one of those since I was a kid,” you clarified. 
“Done,” he agreed with a serious bob of the head. “What else?”
You blinked. What else?
As greedy as you could be at times, you already felt bad asking for the soap kit. You didn’t like people spending money on you, even if it was on Satoru’s tab. You knew his wallet ran deep, you were afraid to know how deep, but your point remained.
You gnawed the inside of your cheek.
You really didn’t want to go to the wedding, but you did kind of get his hopes up with that soap kit ask…
It’d be a good idea to know who you were up against.
“Whose wedding is it?” You queried 
His reply brought you a vast amount of satisfaction. “Aoi’s and her fiancé’s.”
Ohohoho, this you had to see. The bush-sex-freaks getting married?
Alright, worth it. “Fine, I’ll go–”
“As my date,” he insisted, not letting you finish.
You half-groaned, the sound ribbing more than anything else. “I’ll go to the wedding as your date. Happy, now?”
He cheered as if he’d won the lottery and pressed a giant kiss to your cheek, rubbing his nose vigorously against it for good measure. “Yippee! I knew you’d agree!”
You rolled your eyes, but couldn’t stop the up-quirk at the corners of your lips. “I swear to God, if you’re just using me to get numbers from girls–”
“I’m not,” he sneered, following you as you got up, gulped down the rest of your chai, and set the mug away into the dishwasher. “I wouldn’t dare do that, not when I already have the number of the girl I like.”
Something under your ribs twinged. The girl he…likes?
Whatever the odd pinch of discomfort was, you shoved it aside, refusing to address it. “Trying to get her attention by making her jealous of me, then?”
Duckling to mama, he continued to trail after you out of the kitchen and towards the living room. “Nope.”
You made a ‘hrm’ noise. “So, you’re the one who’s jealous and you’re trying to get back at her?”
You gave up rather easily. “I got nothin’,” you declared, stepping into the living room.
“Don’t you get it? You’re– oh, hey, Suguru,” Satoru cut himself off to greet Suguru, who was reclined in the armchair, freshly showered and casually reading a book. “Didn’t know you were here.”
The nox-haired man halted mid-paragraph and slowly dragged his gaze upwards. A pair of glasses sat low on the bridge of his nose, further adding to that skeptical mom look he had going on. “You didn’t know I’d be in my own house? Yet you figured she would be?” He spoke incredulously and gestured towards you.
Satoru shrugged and dropped himself onto the floor in front of the T.V., tugging open the doors of the cabinet it stood on to withdraw a game controller. “Was lookin’ for her. She wasn’t at my place, since I just left it, and wasn’t at the shop. Next logical place: here.”
“What about the park?”
“In the fuck ass middle of winter?” He jeered. “I’m a himbo, but I’m not stupid.”
“Wow, he’s self-aware,” you commented dryly, climbing onto the couch and nestling into the corner closest to Suguru, tugging at the blanket on the back of it to drape it across your lap. “He did find me here.”
“Touché,” he conceded. “What’d he want from you?”
You used the armrest as a support for your back and tapped open your phone, searching for something to read. “Oh, just an invita–”
“Suguru!” Satoru’s commanding tone clipped through your words. “Play Smash with me!”
The cotton ball sulked. “Please?”
“Pretty pleeeease?”
“Still no.”
“Pretty please with sugar on top?”
Suguru let out a long-suffering sigh. “Satoru, we played Smash just this morning for, like, two hours.”
Gojo’s lour deepened. “Not even if I added ghost peppers on top of the sugar?”
Geto’s upper lip curled. “Gross.”
You set one foot on the floor, keeping your other leg positioned on the couch, and used the coffee table to lean as far forward as you could to pat the absurdly fluffy mop of white Gojo called hair. “I’ll play it with you later, how’s that?”
If fireworks were a person, they’d be Satoru. Dark one moment, then lighting up the sky the next. “Okay! Wanna watch me play GTA, then?”
“Sure,” you assented, entertained by how his giddiness reminded you of a child opening presents on Christmas.
He got into the zone, navigating through the menus with a grace that told you he’d done this countless times. Watching another person play a game could be tranquilizing in its own right; you could turn your brain off and peep the horrors of him crashing a helicopter head first into a street in the middle of Los Santos. 
His manic tittering as he created the most heinous looking vehicle further added to the domestic atmosphere of Geto’s home.
You retrieved your phone at some point to scroll through it, then stopped when you saw a post of a girl showing off her fairy braid. You chewed on your lip, thinking, then dropped your device once you made your choice.
“Lemme braid your hair,” you demanded, making grabby hands at him. 
You couldn’t make a fairy braid as pretty as that, but you could sure as hell make a stellar normal braid.
He took one glance up from his book to you, then he was standing up from his arm chair to sit in front of you at the foot of the couch, already engaged with the words beneath his fingers again.
Satoru gaped, distracted from his game.
“Wh– you never let anyone touch your hair! Not even me!”
The noiret flipped the page as you carefully undid his bun, clasping the clip to the neck of your shirt. “That’s because you’d do unspeakable damage to my hair if I ever let you. Besides, nobody else knows how to treat hair well.”
A blue eye twitched. “Oh, yeah? And she does?”
Suguru opened his mouth to quip back, only to let out the most scandalous groan you’d ever heard when your nails scraped lightly across his scalp. 
Sweet disciples of Jesus H. Christ, what was that sound?
He reclined into your touch, book promptly forgotten on his lap as he tilted his head back and closed his eyes.
“How long did it take you to find a routine?” You asked him, hoping to distract yourself before your imagination took off with the noise now permanently ingrained on your brain. “Your hair is so soft.”
“Trial and error,” he said with a rasp. “My mom has the same hair as me, so I learned from her. You?”
You combed your fingers through his silken locks with a delicate touch, moving slowly so as to not catch and tear any potential knots. Whenever you found one, you carefully untangled it before proceeding. “Trial and error for me, too. My life changed when I discovered leave-in.”
“I think I’m in love with you,” Suguru mumbled.
You burst into giggles, your laughter fueled by Satoru’s baffled expression. In two seconds flat, he had dropped the controller and was directly in your face, brows set with determination.
“Braid my hair, too!”
You snorted horrendously and angled your face away out of embarrassment, Suguru’s chuckle making you laugh harder. “S-Satoru,” you heaved. “Your hair is too short to braid.”
“Don’t care!” He grasped your hand and planted it firmly atop his head, his demands made clear. “Do it anyway!”
“Okay– okay!” You panted, willing the rest of your chortling away. “Let me do Suguru’s hair first, then yours.”
Subdued, he sat on his knees on the couch cushion next to yours, and though he didn’t prod, he very much continued to reside in your personal space. His wide eyes were fixated on your hands as they worked sedulously to curve and twist Suguru’s hair into an elegant braid, intrigued with every shift and swoop.
You were no professional, but you were beaming with pride at the end. Using the claw you’d removed earlier, you folded the braid into itself, then pinned it into place, satisfied.
“There, all done,” you announced. 
Geto peeled his droopy eyes open, but made no move to stand and go back to his seat, fully content to stay where he was. “Thank you, pretty girl.”
Satoru threw himself over your lap, face down as he shoved one arm under and the other over the thigh pillowing his head and hugged it in a hold bordering on a death grip. “My turn!”
His poor parents.
Dealing with an adult Satoru was already hassle enough, considering his impatience and penchant for pestering the living hell out of you to get what he wanted. Kid-sized Satoru was probably eons worse, if the anecdotes from others were anything to go on.
You spoiled him, anyway. 
Your fingers carded through his hair, eliciting a loud purr. Given the significantly shorter length of his hair, you elected to transform isolated sections into micro braids. They held themselves together nicely, the rhythmic and repetitive motions lulling both you and Satoru into amicable quiet, disturbed only by the occasional scratch of pages sliding against each other as Suguru returned to his book.
It took you some time to figure out that Satoru had fallen asleep, his breaths deep and even, cheek squished against the plush of your thigh. He was turned towards you, allowing you to inspect his features closely.
He really was beautiful. 
In gaps of time like this, where he wasn’t bouncing off the walls with energy, you could pick apart the details that made him who he was. 
His brows and lashes were the same shade of gardenia as his locks. Thick petals protected those whirlpools residing beneath, hiding the blue of a moonstone’s shine. His lips formed a natural pout, a tad glossy in the middle, dark magenta lining the inside. 
He had freckles, you discovered. They were faint, virtually invisible unless you were this near to him, but they were there. They dusted across the bridge of his nose and the apples of his cheeks, giving him an extra boost to that boyish charm of his you had become partial to.
He really was handsome, blessed by the heavens, made in their image. 
Your susutake-eyed friend gained your attention with low-toned words, pulling you away from your veneration. “I’m guessing it was about the wedding?”
You took a few seconds to recall what he was talking about, the reason Satoru was looking for you. “Oh, yeah.”
“Wanna be my plus-one?” Suguru inquisitioned.
You exhaled, drawn out and defeated as you laced your digits through the mane of the boy napping on your lap. “Satoru already coerced me into being his plus-one.”
He shrugged. “Doesn’t mean you can’t be my plus-one, too.”
Your brow knitted. “How so?”
Topaz locked onto you. “Simply by being my plus-one. We’ll all go together.”
Satoru stirred as you mulled over it, your motions pausing in fear that you woke him. But, he merely repositioned, his lanky arms moving to encase your waist so he could press his face against your stomach, then he sank back down into deep sleep.
Your heart fluttered, fingers brushing his hair out of his eyes. 
A bird, downy and young, burrowed into the nest behind the defensive embrace of your ribs, and chirped shyly. A fragile thing, one that cautiously set foot into a desolate and hollow place, hoping to fill it with feathers and, perhaps, an emotion akin to devotion.
It’d need compassionate hands to hold it, to nurture it, let it rise and spread its wings wide until they could sprout from your shoulder blades to return what was once lost.
You had to allow it to do so, though. You had to be the one cradling it to where you were most vulnerable, let it seep strength from your pounding heart, but you recognized that your warmth alone wouldn’t be sufficient. You had to let others in, let their hands clasp around yours, let them share the fires of their souls with you. 
In the past, such an idea was inconceivable. The nest had been empty for endless years for a reason, unsuitable for any kind of life, especially a docile and infant type.
You weren’t in the past anymore.
You were terrified to give anyone entry to the darkness that painted the walls of your ribcage, sapping all light that deigned to creep in, but…
How you longed to feel the sun on your skin, to feel the moon crowning you.
It didn’t have to be everybody, no. It could be just them, the celestial bodies you cowered from yet coveted.
Just Satoru and Suguru.
“Sure,” you decreed. “Why not?”
You twisted side-to-side in front of the mirror, examining yourself, dissecting every part of you.
You were standing on the rug in your room – your actual room, the one in your house, rather than Satoru’s. After months upon months of hard work, you were finally able to say you’d accomplished your goal of fixing it up to be properly habitable. 
And, yes, you’d stolen the rug from ‘your’ room back at his place to bring here.
One thing you didn’t consider about living alone after having so long to get used to living with Satoru was how lonely it could be, so the fluffy piece watered that feeling down. 
After you’d made the move here, he insisted the room in his home was permanently yours, and that you’d always be welcome there. Well, more accurately, he begged you to stay. While you were too enticed by the idea of having your own house and being able to live in it, you frequently slept at his anyway. It was hard to beat the repose that came with the familiarity of his estate, and knowing he was close by.
But, the benefit of having a solo-abode was that he couldn’t pester the living hell out of you while you got ready for Aoi’s wedding. 
Your makeup was flawless, as it should have been, given how long you’d been slaving away on it. You didn’t do your makeup often, so you were plenty chuffed with how it turned out. It only took two-and-a-half hours, too! 
…You were smart to start early.
The thin chain around your throat complemented the neckline of the dress Suguru and Satoru gifted you beautifully, glimmering like the sparkling dots decorating the profile of the fabric.
Breathable fabric followed the shape of your body, powdered with microscopic, iridescent glitters that fluctuated with every movement you made, catching the light zealously. Satoru had snuck it in with the soap kit, shutting down each of your attempts to reject the gift. 
Suguru had chosen the style, while Satoru selected the color. You’d be lying if you said it didn’t suit you. 
It was perfectly tailored to you, flattering and enhancing in all the best ways.
You wouldn’t admit to anyone that you spent ten minutes running your hands over your tits, waist, and hips after putting it on. You looked good. Like, good good, the kind of pop and spunk and beauty that you’d swoon over in a hit music video. 
You had a pair of sandals that were miraculously a match, which meant you could not only turn down Satoru’s offer to get you a new pair, but you didn’t have to worry about wearing beaten up sneakers, either. There was no way in hell you were letting that man buy another thing for you. He wouldn’t tell you how much the dress cost him, no matter how many times you banged on his chest and demanded answers, so anything more was out of the question.
He relented after bickering back and forth, giving you the relief to dress up without guilt.
Not bad. Not bad at all.
As you finished fawning over yourself, there was a knock at your front door. Your heart rate spiked and you giggled, giving yourself a second to cool off, lest you looked too eager. No man liked that, you’d been told.
You skipped across your house, pausing to admire the accent wall in the living room. Suguru had painted a fairly simple nature scene on it of tree silhouettes encasing a mountain background, and it’d become your absolute favorite thing. You knew he was good with his hands, and you were elated with the results.
Giddy, you popped open the door, where you found the men of the hour awaiting you.
Oh, hell.
They looked like kings in those tuxedos of theirs, fit for royalty. They were already striking, you wholeheartedly believed they couldn’t possibly clean up any better. Boy, were you wrong.
Suguru’s gorgeous mane was interwoven into a plait that rested over his shoulder, dotted with baby’s breath flowers in resemblance to constellations, courtesy of Geto-mama. Satoru’s tresses were swept back, looking minimally less disheveled. You really couldn’t ask much from his hair, it did what it liked, when it liked.
“Oh, my god,” you said. “I wanna see you in suits.”
Suguru laughed, deep and rumbling, orbs glinting with mischief. “Next wedding, princess.”
“Look at you!” Satoru whistled, checking you out blatantly. “Damn, you look hot as fuck. That dress is perfect on you. Who picked it out for you?” He teased, sapphires glimmering. “I wanna get a drink with him sometime.”
Suguru snorted. “You don’t even drink, Satoru.”
“Doesn’t mean I can’t get a drink with the handsome fella who dressed our girl up so pretty.”
You rolled your eyes at his antics. “You look fantastic, too, Satoru. Both of you! Seriously, you’re killing it! You’re gonna steal all the attention from the groom.”
“So long as your attention is on me, I don’t care,” he winked, taking your hand to ghost a kiss over your knuckles. Heat rushed through your being, adding to the blush you applied earlier.
Suguru bent over, pressing his own to the spot right in front of your ear. “You look beautiful, angel,” he murmured. Pulling away, the two of them presented corsages – one in blue and white, the other in lilac and black. 
You placed a hand to your chest, taken aback and flattered. You picked up on how their corsages matched the flowers they had respectively pinned to their breast pockets.
“And they say chivalry is dead,” you snickered and offered out both arms for them to take and adorn.
They were coordinated as always, neither wrist bare for longer than the other. 
“They’re gorgeous,” you doted. “Thank you.”
Suguru’s palm slid up your forearm, digits pressing so tenderly into your skin, spawning chills under his touch. “Only right for someone as ravishing as yourself.”
You blushed, relishing in the praise. It was alright to indulge sometimes, you considered it a treat for finishing your home renovation. The opportunity was there to let loose and wash away all your worries, you’d be a fool not to take it.
“Coming from you,” you blew him a jesting kiss, which he pretended to catch. “Cheesy.”
“Let’s go already!” Satoru butted in, hooking his arm with yours.
Suguru extended his for you to take, continuing to be the polite and proper of the two. “Shall we?”
“We shall!” You declared. For once, you were excited to attend a wedding.
So long as it was with them, you’d go anywhere.
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banner by cafekitsune ♥
taglist: @kimi01985
54 notes · View notes
theimpishknight · 1 year
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Fake YouTube thumbnail I decided to make (this took so long I started this five hours and 30 minutes ago)
258 notes · View notes
neteyamssyulang · 8 months
Day 23
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Pairing: Neteyam aged up x Fem avatar reader
Summary: You decided to visit your mate during training not expecting the plans he has once you show up.
Warnings: Dom Neteyam, Sub reader, P in V, Marking, Creampie, Choking, Slight Aftercare.
Word count: 1587
Translation(s): Paskalin -> Honey, Yawne -> Beloved, Nga yawne lu oer -> I love you.
A/N: This has to be my favorite one now🤭
Tags: @teyamsatan @pandoraslxna <3
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You made your way to the training grounds before sneaking up and jumping onto your mates back. Neteyam was in the middle of a lesson when suddenly he felt someone jump onto him.
His eyes widened in shock but quickly realized who it was "W-what are you doing?" You giggled before reluctantly getting off him "I missed you."
"Is that so?" He smirked trying to act confident even though his heart was beating like crazy. "I missed you too paskalin" he then gently pulled you close placing a soft kiss on your lips.
"You didn't have to attack me in order to talk to me though" Neteyam teased. "Well I wanted to surprise you" you grin. The male chuckled "You succeed, so what's up?." you shrug "I just wanted to see how the training was going."
"Ah I see, it's going well we're about to start some drills. Are you going to stay?" He silently hoped you'd say yes. "Would you like me to stay?" You say while running your hands down and up his toned chest.
Neteyam winked at you "Of course I would, but are you up for what I have planned?" You raised your eyebrow at him "I am yes."
"We'll see." He trailed his finger on your lips causing you to shiver at the touch. He then slowly brought your faces close together until your lips were mere centimeters from eachother.
"Shall we?" He smirked daring you to make the move. "Oh shut up and kiss me" you immediately catch his lips with yours while wrapping your arms around his neck.
Neteyam let out a deep chuckle against your lips enjoying the way you took charge. He then wrapped his arms around your waist pulling you closer deepening the kiss.
His tongue pressed against your lips demanding entrance which you happily granted. As you allowed him inside he immediately took control exploring your mouth.
A low growl rumbled through him as he savored your taste, his hands trailed down to grip your ass firmly. "T-teyam" you moaned into the kiss.
"Yes yawne?" He murmured letting his lips trace kisses down your neck. His teeth grazed your skin lightly causing a trail of goosebumps to erupt on your body.
"Sh-shouldn't you get back to training?" You say starting to pull away from him. Your mate tsked pulled you back to him "They can start without me, I'd much rather concentrate on something else right now."
Neteyam trailed his lips to the other side of your neck gently biting the soft skin. Shivers ran down your spine as you moaned softly.
His grip tightened as he felt your reaction "You enjoy this don't you?" He murmured sucking on your sweet spot.
"Y-yes" another moan left your lips. Neteyam grinned letting out a throaty chuckle "Then let's cut this conversation short and find somewhere more...private~"
Before you could react he scooped you up bridal style making you giggle. "I know a place where no one will find us" he said as he carried you away to a different part of the forest.
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It didn't take him long to reach his destination. You both were in the middle of the forest, in a secluded glade. The tall trees above you offered shade, the grass soft and lush. It was peaceful, quiet... and intimate.
Neteyam set you down on the ground, and without warning he pressed you against the bark of a tree, his body trapping you.
Your eyes widened but immediately placed your arms around his neck. When Neteyam was sure that you were properly pressed up against the tree, he planted a hand on your waist, holding you still.
"Is this what you wanted, my love?" He whispered in your left ear, trailing his tongue along the sensitive lobe. His other hand was planted against the bark, holding him in place.
"It-it’s what I wanted" you whimpered softly, your mate gave a satisfied smirk and then he was upon you, claiming your lips in a passionate kiss.
This time, he didn't hesitate to let his tongue explore your mouth, to dance against yours. He let out a low groan.
His arms slid up your body, one hand traveling to the back of your neck, the other back to your waist pressing him even closer until you could feel every inch of him... and still, he wanted more.
You moaned into the kiss while moving your hands to rest on his shoulders, The kiss turned more intense, and Neteyam's hands traveled down the backs of your legs, lifting you up.
He purred at the contact, his breath hitching once more against you. Slowly, he started to lower you back so that you were lying on the ground, him above above.
Neteyam continued to let his hands roam across your body. This time, however, he wasn't just simply skimming along your skin... rather, his hands slid under your woven top to touch and grope your breasts. When he felt you shiver and moan against his touch, he knew his plan was working.
Your mate leaned pressing a kiss down against your neck. You moaned his name as your back slightly arched off the ground, He let out a light chuckle and grinned, then pulled your top off to reveal more skin for him to explore.
"You're beautiful when you blush," he murmured, letting his fangs nip at your neck. He gripped onto you waist but not painful, and his tongue left a trail of kisses down your chest.
Soft whimpers left you as you layed your head back relishing in this moment. The sounds you were making pleased him, and he couldn't help but grin in satisfaction... but he didn't stop there.
Eventually, he removed his hands from your waist placing them now by the sides of your head. His tongue started a long trail back up your chest, ending at the crook of your neck... and then he stopped, waiting.
Shuddering you moved your head to the side giving him complete access to your neck, It was all the incentive he needed.
As soon as he got the desired amount of exposed skin, he went at it, burying his head in your neck and nibbling, licking, and, biting. He could tell his pace was getting more aggressive, but it wasn't anything you needed to be scared of...
It was quite the contrary, as your reaction told him that it was more of a turn on for you. You moaned his name as your back arched, your hands now moving to his back digging your nails into him.
He chuckled at that, knowing it would only make you dig your nails deeper. Without a moment to spare, he lifted you up and carried you in his arms, only to set you back down on the ground. But this time, with your back towards him.
"Hands on the tree" he demanded. You gulped but obeyed placing your hands on the tree. You heard him growl in pleasure, and could imagine the smile he was wearing.
"Good girl." Neteyam stepped back for a moment, admiring the sight... and then he got his hands busy with you again, his fingertips tracing along your shoulders, neck, back, hips... till he finally unties your loincloth throwing it somewhere off to the side.
He skillfully removed his own before lining his tip up with your entrance, slowly he pushed inside groaning as your velvety walls clenched around him.
Your nails dug into the bark of the tree as your mate set a brutal pace. Your moans filled the area along with skin slapping against eachother, Neteyam tugged on your kuru making you hiss at the pain mixed with pleasure.
“T-tsa-heylu ma’teyam..” You choked out as his cock started brushing against your g spot repeatedly. Chuckling he obeyed your wish bringing his own kuru infront of him connecting them.
You groaned as the pleasure became more heightened, your legs threatened to give out. One of his arms wrapped around your waist while the other moved to you throat gently squeezing.
“Eywa paskalin…you feel so good wrapped around me” your mate whimpered next to your right ear. He quickened his pace slamming roughly into your already aching core making you reach your climax.
A silent scream left your lips as you squirted coating his lower abdomen and legs with your juices. Even as you came he didn’t stop, he couldn’t.
When you felt Neteyam wrap his tail around your thigh you knew he was close, after a few more thrusts he bit down onto your shoulder as his cum spilled inside of your womb.
The feeling of him throbbing inside your cunt mixed with him biting you sent you over the edge once again. Your both still breathing heavily as he carefully pulled out of you, you whined at the loss but quickly relaxed as he pried your nails from the tree and layed you down onto the ground once again.
He grabbed a cloth from the little bag you always carried and cleaned the mess between your legs as gentle as he could knowing you were sensitive.
After he did himself he put your loincloth back on along with your top as well as his own loincloth before laying down behind you pulling you flush against his chest. “My good girl.. nga yawne lu oer” he whispered in your ear.
“Nga yawne lu oer Ma’Teyam” you smiled before sleep overcame you. Neteyam placed a kiss on your cheek as he too fell asleep holding you.
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botboots · 9 months
unfamiliar familiarity [mirage x reader]
a/n: very soft. very short. hes all thats been on my mind since rotb and i needed to get some of my silly little feelings about this man out of my system. its 6am as i finished this & am posting and its not proofread yet so good luck <3
warnings: none word count: 505 (GN reader)
It was quiet.
The air was still - only flickers of soft wind caressing your skin every now and then. Green leaves above you rustled with it, along with the tall grass only a few feet away. You were comfortably warm sitting under the summer shade of a tree.
Quiet was nice, you thought, settling against the cool metal at your side and letting your eyes fall shut with a deep exhale. A servo rested on your shoulder and you hummed.
You hadn’t felt at peace like this in… however long it had been.
Too long.
You blinked, pulled out of your thoughtless trance by the quiet murmur of your name. Lazily angling your head back, you looked up at the familiar face above you. He observed you for a moment, bright blue optics flicking over your features before soft metal lips parted to give you a soft grin. A warm feeling bubbled in your chest, spreading through to the rest of your body.
Safe, you thought.
Mirage made you feel safe.
“Somethin’ on your mind, pretty?”
A quick huff of a laugh left your lungs. You didn’t reply, just taking in his face; eyes, nose, cheeks and lips. Speaking of…
Lifting an arm, you made a grabbing motion with your hand. Like a child, you knew, but neither of you really cared too much. The mech eagerly lowered his helm, resting it in your outstretched hand. Your eyes narrowed ever so slightly to focus as you reached up with your other hand, thumbs grazing the sides of his face. His metal was mostly smooth - the occasional scratch or scar littered across it. Despite his best efforts to keep his finish clear and shiny, you actually liked all of the marks that were either too small or too deep to buff out. You thought they were pretty on him. You thought he was pretty.
The metal under your palms seemed to warm the longer you stared. When your previous thought returned to you, you gently tugged his helm towards you. He got the message and leaned further down, face mere inches from yours. Eyes flicking from optics to lips, you didn’t waste any more time in meeting him the rest of the way.
Your lips met. He sighed into the kiss, lifting a servo to rest it on top of your smaller hand. There was nothing desperate or rushed in it. It was soft. It was nice. Thoughts melted away as you closed your eyes, running your other hand over his jaw and just focusing on the feeling of him.
Even as you broke the kiss for air you just kept looking at him, caught in the most unfamiliar but simultaneously most familiar set of eyes you’d ever known.
The giant mechanical alien from somewhere out there in the universe who had been the only one to ever make you feel so genuinely safe and cared about tilted his helm.
“So… this definitely means I’m your favorite, right?”
You scoffed, giving him a light swat, “You always were, stupid.”
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can we stay here forever?
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pairing: unspecified Pedro Pascal character (pick your favorite) x fem!reader (no name or physical description other than reader has boobs, have fun babes)
rating: M (just to be safe)
word count: 663
warnings: none? i think? just two people disgustingly in love (but lmk if i missed any and i'll add it here!!!)
a/n: this is my submission for @iamasaddie's moodboard writing challenege! i haven't written any fanfic since 2019 and i'd mostly decided to just give it up entirely but moodboards are my weakness and i just had to jump in. this is my first for the PPCU sooo please be nice, i'm a lil rusty (also 100% not proofed) 😅
It wasn’t until you met him that you realized just how…dull your life was.
Maybe dull isn’t the right word. There’s nothing wrong with predictability, stability, routine. You liked knowing what to expect day in and day out. Sure, sometimes you’d feel a need for more, this crack in your domestic facade. But something or someone would always come along to fill it, even if only for a moment. You were content.
But now? Watching the way his bare chest rises and falls. His mess of curls splayed out on the pillow beside you. The late morning sun spilling through sheer white curtains to highlight the curves of his arms, his nose, the tiny patches of skin peeking through his beard that you so love to press your lips to any chance you get.
Dull is replaced by familiar. Warm.
Days like this are a rare luxury and deeply treasured whenever they come along. Phones off, no need for alarms or scam phone calls about your car’s extended warranty. Only waking when your bodies physically can’t withstand the unconsciousness separating you any longer. The warmth of his arms around you contrasting with the chill in the room, sending static up and down your spine.
When you do finally rise from the tangled web of sheets binding the two of you together, there’s no rush. It’s a comfortable silence filled with jeans zipping, shoelaces tapping the floorboards, car keys jingling as he opens the passenger door for you.
He’s just as mesmerized as you. The way your eyes glow when the sun flashes across at just the right angle. The wind from the open window teasing your hair. Your laugh ringing out over the noise of the dirt road to nowhere. He turns off the truck in the shade of a tree and helps you out, never letting go of your hand as he guides you away. Thick fingers encompassing thin.
You finally find the perfect spot to rest and watch the sun disappear below the tree line and assume your positions from that morning. His bicep shielding your head from the hard ground, you just lay there on the grass discussing anything and everything that floats into your minds. Eventually, you notice he’s been quiet for a while. You peek over to see his eyes shut, lips slightly parted and drinking in slow, deep breaths.
“Is it your bedtime already?” you tease. He breaks out his signature boyish smile and chuckles from deep in his chest. Laughing along, you gently dip the tip of your finger into the dimple that appears on his left cheek before tracing up to the creases by his eyes. He turns into your touch, catching your hand and bringing it down to his lips, the soft hair accenting them tickling your palm. He gently rolls over you, gazing up in awe at his backlit silhouette and your knees drift open to allow him room to settle, blanketing you with his full weight. His focus is locked on you as his fingers caress your hip where your shirt has exposed the skin.
Your eyes drift shut as he kisses his way up your torso, your top riding up further and further as he progresses. He earns a hearty belly laugh when instead of pushing the soft cotton up above your breasts, he simply dives his head under it, nipping at your delicate skin and trailing his tongue down the valley between before ghosting his lips over your collarbone, your neck, your ear. Restrained by the fabric bunched around the back of his neck and your shoulders, unable to pull away, you finally pull him down to you. His arms wedge under you, pulling you flush to his chest. Together, you drown in each other’s touch, sound, taste, smell, willing time to just stop so you can stay here forever.
Most people call it “wasting the day away” except you, because time spent with him is never a waste.
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b4mpyre-k1zz3s · 8 months
Johnny dating a country girl maybe? Or a girl that's just from the south, idk I randomly thought of this I think it'd be neat 😭
All Over Again
Hot summers and hot love in Knoxville, Tennessee.
Johnny Knoxville X Fem!Reader
2.4k Words
Warnings: Highly suggestive content, alcohol, flirting, guns, hangovers, erotic fishing
An: Thank you so much for this request!! Believe it or not, I actually was pondering this idea for a while! XD A good chunk of this is based off of where I grew up (in the middle of nowhere), so most of this definitely comes from experience! That, and I was inspired by these two amazing fics by one of my favorite writers on here, @thedreamydemon !! You all should ABSLOUTELY check her out!! The first scene specificly takes inspiration from this clip of Knox from the Big Brother video that I still just can’t get enough of!! This is maybe the filthiest thing I have ever written. Hope you enjoy! :D
Pop! One beer can fell off where it was propped up on an old piece of furniture in Johnny’s front yard, landing on the half dead grass with a clink before he started on the next one. There was no way in hell you would ever own a gun, but there was just something so sexy about how he handled that thing. Maybe it was how, when he aimed, he’d raise his shoulder just enough to make those too short t-shirts he always wore ride up about an inch above his belt, giving you a peek at the contoured lines of his stomach. Pop! Clink. Maybe it was the way he handled that pump action so skilfully and how muscular his biceps looked when he did, the sun golden against his skin as his sleeves stretched around them. Pop! Clink.
He didn’t seem to notice you until went to take a seat in the lawn chair he had set up on the dirt road few cars ever traversed, cracking open a beer and leaning his Winchester 1897 against one of the metal arms. Sun glinted off of the silver frame of his sunglasses, sweat making his skin just barely glisten as he brought the sweating can to his lips, glancing up at you, “Hey, mama.” Smiling that crooked way he always did, Johnny passed you a beer, “What brings you ‘round here?” The heat wasn't the only thing that had you sweating bullets, but you tried to play cool, “Well…” The liquid soothed your burning throat as you took a swig, “I was thinkin’ maybe we could go down by the creek- cool off a little…” The last part of your sentence lingered in the air, as if to suggest something else that Johnny immediately picked up on. He pretended not to get it just to tease you a little, “Sure thing. In fact , I gotta idea…” Standing up, he dusted his hands off in his dickies, “Why don’t we do a little fishin’?”
Johnny looked at you like you were crazy when you told him you never learned how, “You’re kidding.” Gazing up at him as he stood just a little too close to you, you raised your hands in appeal, “No- completely serious here.” You didn’t have The fainted clue what was so important about knowing how to fish or what your boyfriend found absolutely hilarious about the fact that you didn't. He cooed teasingly, trying to get under your skin a little just to bug you, “Aww, what’s the matter? Daddy never taught you how?” You couldn’t tell if it was the sun or your blush that made your face feel hot. Something in you wanted to wipe that shit eating grin off of his face, but you played civil, rolling your eyes and saying nothing, he responded to your silence, “Well,” One of his hands came to rest heavy on your shoulder, “Not to worry, doll, ‘cause I’m gonna teach you everything you need’t know.”
The shade of the towering Blue Ash trees that flanked the rocky bed of the river provided relief from the blistering heat as Johnny held your hand in his, helping you traverse the uneven terrain like the good boyfriend he was even though you insisted you were perfectly capable of it yourself. His palm still felt cool from his beer as you squeezed it. the decline evened out as you neared the edge of the water, crouching by the bubbling water. Sun streamed through the leaves overhead, dappling patterns on your skin as you peered into the lazy current while your boyfriend sat down near you on the rocks, setting everything up.
“Now, what I want you to do,” Johnny threaded a wriggling pink worm onto the hook, “S’just hold this for me till you feel a little tug, alright?” He snickered saying the last part. You only half listened to him as he explained, nodding to make it seem like you got it, “Mmhm…” Distracted, you could barely prepare yourself before you felt a strong pair of hands grip your hips and pull you back, landing on the lap of your boyfriend. That was definitely one way to get your attention. Handing you the rod stiffly, he positioned your hands around it with his significantly larger, more skilled ones, holding them there for a second as he tilted his head to the side, bringing it right behind your ear, his voice low and soft against the skin of your neck, “That easy enough for you?” Not sure whether you were more turned on or ticked off by his petty behavior, you aired on the former, “Yeah...”
“Good, now…” His hands released from around yours, “the most important part of fishing is payin’ attention.” You could feel him smile against the shell of your ear, the calloused pads of his fingers slipping down your wrists, then your forearms, the only sound for maybe a mile being the woods arround you. “If you can’t pay attention, then…well, you won’t be able’t catch anything worthwhile.” Little tickling touches made you squirm as his hands made their way to your waist, his thumbs slinking down to your lower back as he played with the hem of your tank top, a few of his fingers skillfully grazing the skin underneath it. Ohh, he knew what he was doing. Johnny chuckled at your inability to sit still as you squirmed in his lap, his breath hot against your ear as he whispered, mockingly, “Easy, easy…” Gently, like you wouldn’t even have noticed if your nerves weren’t on fire, his lips found your neck, sucking just barely. You felt Johnny grin at the noise you made when his mouth made contact with your pulse point, feeling the flutter of your heartbeat under your skin. It was twisted, but god, it was hot. He was fucking with you
Your hands began to tremor a little from how fervent he was and you practically snapped, albeit softer than you would’ve wanted, “What- what do you know about fishing anyway?” Johnny’s hands came back up to wrap around yours, steadying them as he pulled himself away from the swollen, pink skin of your neck, murmuring against you, “I know more than you do.” Well, he was right.
Just then, you felt a tug at the end of the line. Thinking quick, you scrambled for the reel, spinning it faster than you thought you physically could. Johnny’s eyes went as wide as dinner plates when he saw the flopping, wet monster of a catfish you reeled in, almost jumping at the sight with you still in his lap, “Holy shit!” He seemed more surprised than you, even though you were the one who caught the damn thing, “What’d you mean, holy shit’? I thought you were gonna take me fishing!” He chuckled in surprise, jaw still a little slack, “Well, I mean- I wasn't thinking about that kinda fish!” It took you a second to realize the stupid dirty joke he made, facepalming. Although that prospect wasn’t entirely awful in your mind, you feigned disgust, “Come on! Y’can’t believe I’m that easy, do you?” Johnny shrugged, “Well, a guy can hope…”
It was rare that Johnny wasn’t outside on a day like this. Usually, he’d be sitting in front of his single wide, drinking his beer on the ‘porch’ he fashioned out of stolen scrap lumber that you never really trusted enough to step foot on. But he wasn’t today, so you decided to be a good girlfriend and pop by. Maybe he wasn’t feeling well. Maybe he needed a little company.
The semi rotted wood creaked unsteadily under your feet as you opened up the screen, knocking gently on the white plywood door that was covered in mildew, as was the siding and just about anything on the outside of that house. Leaning against the door to listen, almost pressing your cheek to it, you called, “Johnny…?” A beat passed before you got a short, groggy response from inside, “S’unlocked.”
The living room was cloaked in darkness from the drawn lacy valance curtains, little slivers of light where they didn’t fully cover the windows stretching over the floor, like a peephole to the mess they hid. A low groan from the couch alerted you to your boyfriend’s presence in the dark. Shutting the door behind you, it took a few seconds for your eyes to get adjusted.
Johnny’s long legs stretched out on the couch, his head propped up on one side and his feet on the other, clad in nothing but his white boxers. Your eyes trailed down from his bare, toned chest, rising and falling with each breath, down his stomach to the trail of hair that led below his waistband that made you practically salivate at the mere sight of. A pink and purple tie-dye bruise the size of your fist sat just to the left of it, drawing your attention to the myriad of smaller bruises and scratches that dappled his body. He didn’t look too hot but god, did he look good. Practically drooling, you tried your best to hide it, “Can I, uh- get you some coffee?” Johnny’s voice was low and hoarse as he nodded, “Yeah…that’d be great, honey.” He laid all sprawled out like that as you gingerly stepped over the crinkling empty beer cans that littered the ground as you prepared a cup for him and yourself.
Returning, you found him sitting up, the arm that was haphazardly thrown over his eyes having been removed as he took the cup, looking up at you. He was sporting a nasty shiner and a busted lip, but besides that the only thing that was really awry was the absence of his sunglasses. Even indoors and at night, he usually wore them to hide his drunk circles, but you always told him they were cute, especially with the dead look he always kinda had behind his eyes. Leaning down, you gave him a gentle kiss on his purple, bruised cheekbone and he winced. You scoffed at his reaction, smiling, “Don't be a baby.”
Sitting down next to him on the couch, Johnny took that as his cue to get comfortable, laying back with his head on your lap. You ran a hand through his hair, his thick locks tickling the spaces between your fingers. The soothing motion elicited a groan from deep in his throat as he stared up at you adoringly. Johnny snickered, his crows feet crinkling up, “Nice view here.” Yep, he was feeling better. “Oh? Y’like the twins?” You giggled, and so did he, still somewhat inebriated, “Mmhm. Love ‘em.”
“Y’know, Rodge’s playin’ the bar tonight.” Johnny cracked a wry smile, “Wanna go?” You weren’t one to turn him down, even if he couldn’t dance sober, much less drunk. Nonetheless, you probably had all of Rodger’s CD’s in your pick up, and he always put on a great show at the kind of honky tonk bars you and Johnny frequented, so it was hard to say no. “Okay, well…” You stroked one of Johnny’s temples with your thumb, tracing an old scar, “If I can get you feelin’ better by tonight, then sure.” He took the hand that was resting on his face and planted a gentle kiss on one of your knuckles, “I’ll make sure of it, doll.”
Johnny always had the fellas over- that is, on nights he wasn't taking you out. They’d build a bonfire on the burnt patch of his lawn and drink and sing Marshall Tucker songs until the sun came up. But on those other nights, when you were out fooling around somewhere far too late- those were your favorite nights- like tonight, nestled snugly under Johnny’s arm in a bar that stank like sweat and booze. Romantic.
He learned how to dance slow from movies, and you could tell from how Johnny stumbled over your feet a little as Rodge started up on a real sappy number about whoring. The lights were all low and his hand sat loosely on your waist, holding you close enough that you could taste the beer on his breath. Leaning down, you felt his forehead rest gently against yours like he was just about to kiss you, but before he could close the distance between your mouths, the song faded out, and applause erupted in the crowd as he wordlessly slipped away from you.
But before you could start panickedly scouring the bar for him, poof! Your boyfriend reappeared on stage, stumbling up to the mic to applause from the crowd. He was somewhat of a local celebrity due to his usual antics and held up to his gutsy reputation with little stunts like this. “Hey, cuz.” Rodger shot him a nod and Johnny grabbed the mic, leaning closer with a grin that could tempt a nun, “I gotta song for a special lady out there tonight. Think y’could help me out?” He shot you a grin as the beginning plucky notes of the next song began. Inside, you felt like one of those teen girls that would scream at Beatles shows, watching your boyfriend drunkenly crooning Johnny Cash to you up on that shitty plywood stage. Well, he was singing it to about a hundred people, all dancing and hollering themselves, but you knew he had his eye on you behind those sunglasses.
The song ended to much applause and excitement, the crowd really fired up from his performance as you stood there, lovesick. All of a sudden you were hoisted off of your feet and into the air! You panicked for a moment before you recognized the familiar cackle of the man who was holding you. “Knoxville!” You wrapped your arms around his neck, giving him a kiss on the cheek, “That was amazing!” He chuckled, cracking a goofy smile, “Thanks, sweetheart. Now, what’d you say we get outta here?”
“That’d be great.”
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dsaf-confessions · 25 days
Idk where im going with this.
Anyways, another way to show how insanely obsessed i am over dave (i would add save instead of davesport but. Eh. DAVESPORT.)
Yall are saying animals like salimanders and snakes and whatnot. HAHAHA. AHAHHQHQHQHQHQ. I have made A NEW CREATURE!!! HAHAHQHQHAHAHQHAHAHAHHAAH!! (It doesent have a name)
Bassicly. I fused a Velociraptor (i love those mother fuckers so much) and a Cat(i also love those motherfuckers alot), mainly lion.
I fused them to create the godforbidden thing the earth shouldnt know of.
Small explanation!!! (Oh shit i can see im not coloring any of this shit) These putrid creatures are born by Eggs, but are mammals. They have the skin of a velociraptor and the talons. Their front paws are shaped more like a reaalllyyy bulky velociraptor hand. (I might put some drawings in the discord. MIGHT. I still have like NO motivation.
Their eggs show if its male or not. The egg itself is purple, but if the egg has black spots its male. White spots its female. HAHAHAH I PROBABLY SOUND INSANE.
They have hooks on the very edge of their feet, near their ankle (Search up cat atonomy, its not the paw) and it can be used to hook onto soft grass to anchor themselves. Thats the toe of the Velociraptors because unfortunately the actual back paw doesent have it... dramatic sigh 😔😔😔😔
Anyways, they come in shades of purple, and very rarely blue. They have a main around their neck, but it doesent encase the full neck. Rather the bottom and top of it. Veru long and comes onto the head, kinda like a mohawk (hence why i was considering making the purple motherfucker have a mohawk) Eyes are inverted except theres a pupil in the white eyes. They behave like cat eyes.
AND MY FAVORITE PART. Okay, on the sides of Daves head (how i draw him) there is these fur tufts. At the base of the those fur tufts is a muscle that can contranct, expand, and bassicly do anything. These fur tufts are communicators for body language. Kind of how a person will start fidgeting with something when nervous or bored, or how a deers ears may perk up in alert.
The movements are bassicly involuntary, with some exeptions at times.
And thats pretty much all I got for my Headcanon dump... for now!! The idea of the creature is still in progress, so yeah!!
(Haha lol i was correct. Im not coloring this shit💀 too much😭)
- Davesport&Teeth/Hands Lover Anon (kinda wanna beat the shit out of tumblr for not letting me be PURPLE!!!)
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meraki24601 · 7 months
Dawn Part 2
This one is for @sublimepainterwitch! Ask and you shall receive (eventually lol). I had a lot of fun writing this and had to filter out a couple rabbits my mind chased as I wrote. Don't worry, that just means there will be a part 3.
Part 1
In the nearly 800 years Whumpee had existed as a vampire, they had seen four dawns. One was when they had first been reborn and didn’t understand the danger until an older vampire saved them. The second and third times were similar to the situation they found themselves in now: injured, trapped, and scared. The fourth was only a few months earlier before they had learned there was a different way to survive without killing.
The trees surrounding the clearing were dense. Only a few determined rays of sunshine could break through the cover and creep closer to Whumpee as time passed. It was just as well. This way, Whumpee could appreciate the colors of dawn coating the clouds above the trees before the sun rose enough to end Whumpee’s suffering. 
Whumpee would have enjoyed it more if it weren’t for the ever-increasing heat. It was stifling even in the shadows. By noon, the weather would most likely be nearly unbearable, even for those who live in the light. A vampire’s body could handle the artificial, destructive flame of a fire, yet the pure, natural heat of the sun was deadly.
That meant Whumpee was officially on their own. Any other vampires or friendly night creatures would have taken shelter. Between the energy lost to the cold iron bear trap preventing them from doing the same and the sweltering early morning, Whumpee struggled to drag themselves as far as the trap would allow to the deeper shade on the opposite side of their tree. The tree’s trunk was wide enough to provide some additional shelter, but it seemed to have been struck by lightning some years ago, and the branches overhead were sparse. It wouldn’t be enough to save Whumpee even if they could keep the trunk between them and the light until the sun rose high in the sky.
It was over. Whumpee would never see their 800th rebirthday. They would never be able to atone for the lives they had taken for so many years. 
Maybe their death would be enough. Just like the hunter had said.
Any skin not covered by their clothes had started to turn red with a light sunburn. Whumpee couldn’t remember the last time they’d had a sunburn. It hurt.
Dew still covered the soft grass an arm’s length away, so Whumpee shifted to lay on their back, letting the cool damp soothe their skin as they watched the colors fade into beautiful sky blue. It used to be their favorite color. They hadn’t thought about their favorite colors for several hundred years. 
The rays peeking through the trees drew closer. Whumpee’s skin began to blister and peel. Maybe it would have been worth it to cut off their leg instead of letting the day take them. Ah well. Too late now. As their eyes began to burn, Whumpee took one last look at the sky and closed their eyes.
“I never imagined a creature, human or other, could look beautiful while in so much pain.” A voice broke the silence of the clearing.
Whumpee startled, their aching eyes flying open to see a hand above them holding something a lovely shade of green. The green filled their vision until the voice spoke again, “I am glad to find you still alive, Vampire. Hunter might not forgive themselves if you die because of their choices.”
Following the hand revealed a human. They stared down at Whumpee, fear and determination taking turns ruling their expression. “My name is Caretaker.” They whispered, eyes darting around the clearing for a moment, “Hunter, who set the trap you find yourself caught in, is my kin. They told us of your situation and their decision. They also informed us of a condition you are as of yet unaware of. You see, Hunter despises taking lives. This is even more true of creatures with advanced minds and feelings. Should you survive the day in the shadow of the trees, it was their decision to set you free, accepting your suffering in the light as payment for the lives you stole.”
An unnecessary breath filled Whumpee’s chest. Their survival could act as penance. Survive the day. Was that even possible?
“It seems, Hunter is unaware of the state you are in now. The cruelty of their punishment.” Caretaker shifted closer so their umbrella protected Whumpee from an approaching ray of light. “For both your sake and that of my family, I have come to make a deal with you.”
Whumpee’s voice felt like it was ripping their throat as they groaned, “A deal? You wish to bargain with a dying vampire? Do you not know how dangerous my kind is?”
“Do you not want to be free of the trap?”
“I do.” Whumpee frowned. “I don’t understand why you would risk your life to save mine.”
“Then listen, and perhaps then you will understand. Hunter explained the purpose of the trap cinched around your ankle, did they not? A herd of giant wild boar has been consuming large portions of our crops. Should this continue, we will be unable to provide food or money to survive the winter.” Caretaker crouched closer to Whumpee, still out of reach, but close enough to observe Whumpee’s reactions. “My wish is to accept the bargain you offered Hunter. I will save you, and you will kill the herd of boar plaguing this land. There are caves nearby in which you will be able to take shelter until nightfall. Do you accept?”
Barely suppressing a laugh, Whumpee considered the conditions. Even if Caretaker had made the conditions less fair, they wouldn’t have had a choice. “I swear. If you release me, should I survive the day, I will not let the herd see another dawn. Though, would it not be wise to alter the conditions to guarantee the safety of you and your kin?”
“Did you not tell Hunter you belonged to the Vampires who do not willingly consume the blood of humans? I am inclined to believe you.” Caretaker whispered as they released Whumpee’s leg from the trap.
In a motion smooth from centuries of experience, Whumpee twisted to kneel face to face with Caretaker, claws holding their head in place. “For your faith, I swear to leave you and your kin unharmed so long as they do not lay a hand on me.” Then Whumpee collapsed, mind reeling from the quick motions. The world around them faded to black.
Part 3
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Summary: a sunny picnic day described in the most observant and artsy way ever.
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Sunday afternoon picnics had always been your favorite. Especially when it was with him. Your beautiful boyfriend. He was everything to you. A boyfriend, a lover, a soulmate, a friend, everything that surrounded the word love was adequate to describe what he was to you.
There you were, lying down on the vintage tablecloth you had brought. Your head resting half way on the cloth and on the grass, feeling each strand tickle your face as the wind blew them towards you. Your eyes barely open from the raw sunlight shining upon you. A feeling of tranquility welcomed you when you felt the warmth of the sun on your skin. Life was good. You had your legs sprawled on top of your boyfriend’s, who was quietly reading a book.
Relentlessly you sat up, with only one thought in mind, cherries. They were your favorite fruit in the summer. The sweet taste and the dark pigment appealed to you in some strange way. You smile, seeing your boyfriend still so invested in his book, not paying attention to you. His inattentive state made you take the opportunity to stare.
His features were so concentrated. Brows furrowed, eyes examining the words as he read, lips slightly parted. God did he have pretty lips. You could never stop thinking about them. They were so beautifully shaped, so perfectly colored, and oh so tasty. You couldn’t get enough. His hair, dark brown indoors, but seemed rather lighter here in the sunlight. It was tucked behind his right ear, making way for him to comfortably read. A strand fell almost in front of his eyes, shaping his gorgeous face. His fingers, ever so often swiped the pages across in a graceful manner. Slender in their form, they sometimes danced across the pages, marking where he was reading. "What?"
Too focused on his hands, you hadn’t noticed that he was now looking at you.
"We’re you staring at me?" He smirks, nose scrunched and eyes slightly closed by the sun.
"Huh, no .. I was.." you hesitate. " what are you reading?" You ask changing the subject.
"It’s "just kids" by Patti Smith" He said showing the cover.
"Oh, yeah, that book is one of my favorites." You smile.
"I know, that’s why I wanted to read it.." he admits.
You blush looking up at him lovingly.
"And I understand why it’s your favorite. Because of the beauty of her writing, the artistic drive that her and Robert have, together, as lovers, and best friends. A way of life driven by art and music. That’s exactly you. " he smiled.
"Yeah." You smile back happy with his response.
"Just wait t’il you get to the end.." you add.
Going back to what you sat up for, you reached for your tote bag and took out the cherries you had brought. Happy face on, you opened the container, and picked one up between your fingers. They were the perfect shade of red. Dark and mysterious, yet bright and shiny under the sun. In your world, you placed the cherry between your lips, biting it. Eyes closed, you savored the long awaited flavor of the seasonal fruit.
Hyunjin POV:
I couldn’t help but to put my book down when I saw my beautiful girlfriend. She was so ethereal. In her own world, savoring cherries as if it brought the most joy to her. Such simplicity in the action, yet she seemed to find it extremely joyful. I watched curiously as the red pigment tinted her pretty lips. Rightfully so she gave them a lick, erasing the beautiful shade she just had on.
When she reached down to pick another cherry, I stopped her as she was moving it to her mouth, and took it in between my fingers. I shamelessly bit into it slowly, seeing her freeze and look at me. I chuckled before approaching the half eaten cherry from her lips. Slowly, I stamped the rubescent crimson down on her bottom lip. She parted her lips looking up at me without professing. I glided the small berry across her lips, to tint them fully. I smile at my work. Leaned down and kissed her. Slow, and meaningful. We pulled away, still inches away from each other, both our faces lit up with rosie cheeks and love stained lips.
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mcl-mia · 11 months
A Retainer’s Duty
Word count: 20.4k | Rating: T (some swearing) | Zeus Brundle x Hiro Tachibana (Zeusro)
//this is it. this is my magnum opus. never ask me for anything ever again. 
this is also my favorite thing i have ever written, and has been an on and off process for about 2 years. please be nice to me LOL. this is also INCREDIBLY BEEFY, so do not hesitate to read this in its GOOGLE DOC FORM. as a matter of fact, i’d prefer if you did. there’s pretty colored text in that version and it’s formatted much nicer. 
A retainer's duty cannot be taken lightly. It cannot end, even when your life's on the line. Your life is that of your liege's. You are completely disposable and replaceable by the nobility above you. Do not overstep your boundaries. 
Know your place. 
Do not become friends. 
Do not fall in love.
All of these things are impossible to do all at once, which was something Hiro had repeated in his own thoughts many times throughout his life. The latter half of the list of the "rules" his father laid out for him have since become null. If anything, love is the most important part of his relationship with his liege. 
Love: because it's hard to not to fall in love with the biggest idiot on the planet.
Thirteen years together since birth, and things are beginning to change.
"Is that all you've got, Hiro?!"
It wasn't. Hiro won three out of four sparring matches already. He felt bad, and had to let Zeus win at least one. Hiro could go on for ten more matches without breaking a sweat, and Zeus knows this scarily well. 
Zeus, however, was not in as great of shape. Sweat bleeds through his t-shirt, dark as it may be. Zeus' hair is frizzy, his clothes are disheveled, and his breathing is heavy and without rhythm. 
However, his eyes have a fire in them.
Hiro had gone too easy on him, he thinks.
"In general? No. For you? Yes." Zeus pouted, unsatisfied by the fact that Hiro is giving up so readily. "Let's just rest for a bit. You're out of breath, idiot."
"Fine. But, the next round is in ten minutes!"
"Please. In ten minutes you'll be passed out on the ground, and then I'll have to drag you back to your room and have to explain to your sisters that you're not dead."
"I'll be fine. At least sit next to me so you can rest, too."
Hiro was caught a little off guard, but never showed it on his face. Zeus always asked Hiro to rest, and always made sure Hiro was okay as well, but why ask to sit next to him?
"I'm fine. I'm not even tired." Hiro smugly grinned at Zeus, almost teasing him about their physical differences. 
"How lovely. Now sit."
Hiro dropped down to sit next to Zeus, who had been making the "sit down" motion with his hand the entire time. Hiro debated sitting on his hand as a joke, but the last thing he wanted was to hear Zeus complaining about how he got "ass fingers" because of him.
The grass had a slight crunch to it as the middle schooler sat down, a product of the sun beating down too harsh on it during the past few weeks. "Why not sit in the shade? That tree is literally five feet away."
"Who cares?" Zeus scoffed. "It's not like we're going to get a sunburn. You know that my parents control the weather around the manor."
"Still feels weird."
"You're weird."
"Your face is weird."
"Your MOM is weird."
"No no no, my SISTER is weird."
The two boys laughed at their own bickering, with Zeus falling over from how apparently funny the whole ordeal was. Zeus never found Hiro's sister, Kureha, very fun to be around. Kureha had a scary aura around her, and always threatened to "cut Zeus' hair while he slept" if the two misbehaved.
Zeus stared at the bright sky above them, watching the clouds carefully as if he was studying them, while Hiro thought Zeus was a more interesting subject. 
There was no denying that Zeus, visually, was interesting. His natural pastel blue hair and his dark skin were a stunning combination. His sapphire eyes also complimented his complexion, giving him an almost ethereal appearance. It didn't help that Zeus, despite being in his awkward tween years, was already garnering the attention of many of his peers at school due to his good looks. 
However, not a single one of those admirers know how much of a boisterous idiot Zeus really was. Hiro treasured this knowledge, but also sometimes despised it.
"Lie down with me."
"Another order, your highly-ness?"
"Yes. I think you'll enjoy it."
"If you say so?"
More of the grass was crushed under Hiro's body as he laid down, maybe a little too close to the other boy. Maybe not close enough.
Hiro's eyes wandered from Zeus' face to the sky above, his hands resting on his chest. Dozens of small clouds littered in the bright blue sky above them, but there wasn't nearly enough to call it overcast. 
"Hey, that one kinda looks like a butt."
"Oh my god, you're right! But WHOSE butt?"
"I dunno. Yours?"
"Aw, you think my butt looks that nice?"
"I definitely did NOT say that."
"Let it be known, people of the world: Hiro Tachibana thinks my butt looks like it's as soft as a cloud!"
"You really are an idiot, aren't you!"
Hiro lifted his right hand from its comfortable position on his chest and hit Zeus square in the stomach with his fist. A clean hit, nice and sharp. Zeus let out a small yelp and rolled on his side before the two young boys started laughing once more, amused at their own jokes. While coming down from their laughing high, the boys' hands seemed to fall into one another, as if they'd done this a million times before. Of course, they'd never tell anyone else that. That was their little secret.
Small fingers wove themselves together for the first time. It had always been open palms, one leading the other. Neither initiated it, but neither stopped it from happening. The boys didn't shake their gaze from the bright sky above. The only sounds left after their laughter was the rustling of the trees nearby. The little universe they created between them was peaceful and undisturbed. 
That is, until Zeus let out a daydream-shattering yawn. 
"You're way more tired than you thought, Zeus."
"I'm nooot… 'M just a lil'... hhAAAAAUUUnnnghh… sleep deprived, 's all…"
"Classic excuse. Do you need me to carry you to your bed, your sleepy-ness?"
"Dun make fun 'a me! Jus'…"
"Jus'... stay with… me…"
"I said stay with me! Dun make me repeat my… myshelf…."
Zeus rolled slightly over to face Hiro, eyes closed, his movements teeming with drowsiness. Hiro's cheeks started to turn several shades of pink. Zeus would absolutely make fun of him if he actually saw him like this. Against his better judgment, Hiro rolled over to face Zeus as well. Not like he's going to be looking, anyways.
"If it's what you desire, your highly-ness."
"Mmm… thank you, my…. hero…"
Zeus was out like a light, and it didn't take long for Hiro to start getting sleepy as well. 
"My 'hero'... he really is an idiot." Hiro thought briefly.
Hiro’s eyes lingered on Zeus for a moment before he felt them close all by themselves. A small smile crept up on Hiro’s lips as the two drifted off into the world of dreams together. 
Little did they know, but a certain young woman was watching them from afar. She doesn’t dare wake them for dinner.
Nine years together since birth, and so many things are the same.
It was a grand party that was to be held to commemorate the young lord’s ninth birthday. 
This never came as a surprise to the Tachibana family, as they always participated in the events that the Brundle family had hosted in the past. Hiro, despite being so young, has already heard so much about his family’s ties to Zeus’. So much that he is actually starting to get annoyed by all of the lectures his father gives him during their training sessions.
“Hiro, our family is very important to the Brundle family. We exist to protect them with our bodies, our minds, and our souls.” The lessons from Hiro’s father always start the same. “You and your sister are the next generation of the Tachibana name. Do you remember what it means to be a retainer, my son?”
“It means that we are the shields of the royal family. Our duties never end, even when our lives are on the line…”
“Yes, my boy. And what else?”
“It… means we can’t get close to our lieges. If we are too attached, our thoughts will be bad…”
“Exactly. Do you remember your job today, as every year?”
“Yes, papa. My job is to stay by the young lord’s side all night, and get help if he is attacked, or if he is being stolen away.”
“Yes, my son. Now, go get ready with your sister. The party will begin soon.”
“Yes, papa… but, can I ask you something, papa?”
“Why can’t I be friends with Zeus and his protector at the same time? I don’t think that Lord Brundle minds... “ 
Hiro’s father knelt down to meet Hiro’s eye level, and placed a large hand on Hiro’s head. “Hiro, you know the answer to that already. You just told me, did you not?”
“Yes, but…”
“But?” His father’s voice lowered an octave. Hiro’s head tilted down in shame for asking. 
“Nevermind, papa. I’m going now.” Hiro gave a small excusatory bow, much like the ones he always saw the servants do in the estate. Closing the door behind him, Hiro left the room to head to the head maid’s room, where his sister, Kureha, was already getting ready.
Not long after Hiro had left the room, Zeus’ own father entered with a small grin on his face. 
“Come now, don’t you think you’re being a little hard on the boy?” Zeus’ father leaned against the door frame, also slightly amused at how Hiro had not taken notice of his eavesdropping.
“You know I cannot be soft on him, my liege. I cannot let him repeat my mistakes.” Hiro’s father glanced downward at his liege’s legs, one of them made of metal and wood. 
“You know that wasn’t your fault.” Zeus’ father adjusted his stance and shifted his weight off of his prosthetic to approach the other man, placing a hand on his shoulder.
Hiro’s father put his hand on his liege’s and let out a deep sigh. 
“I only want him to be careful.”
Hiro ran all the way to the head maid’s room, and was completely out of breath by the time he reached it.
“You’re late, Hiro!” Kureha immediately hit him on the head for his tardiness. 
“OW! Blame papa for it, not me!!” 
“Shut it. Late is late. Go tell Miss Olivia that you’re here so she can grab your clothes already!”
All Hiro could do was walk away and stick his tongue out at Kureha, who threateningly grabbed her shoe and prepared to throw it at the young boy. Hiro immediately ran into the head maid’s actual room, only to find that Zeus is still being waited on by the seamstresses on the final adjustments to his coat. 
“Hiro!!” Zeus swiftly shooed away the young maid tending to the hem on the sleeve of his coat and ran up to Hiro, giving him a massive hug. Hiro hugged back. 
“It’s about time you showed up! Do you know how BORED I was without you?!”
“‘Prolly a lot.” Hiro grinned as Zeus pulled away, but Zeus still held on to Hiro’s shoulders.
“Oh, Hiro! There you are!” Olivia snapped up from behind a small, messy work desk, where she did a lot of her embroidery. “Come now, dear, let’s get you all dressed up. Our guests will be arriving any moment now!”
“Yes, Miss Olivia…” Hiro reluctantly removed Zeus’ hands from him. “I’ll see you at the party!”, Hiro whispered to the other boy.
“Yes! Until then!” Zeus waved as Hiro was dragged away to be fitted for his own coat.
The party itself was dizzying for such a young boy. Zeus, being the star of the party, was constantly at the center of attention. Family friends, relatives Zeus barely remembers, even strange people who clearly only want to be on Lord Brundle’s good side. Thankfully, nobody outright suspicious-looking has entered the ballroom, as Hiro thought to himself. Despite being so young, Hiro has already been in training to be a full-fledged retainer since he could walk, so it is already very easy for him to spot shifty people in the shadows. 
Hiro was never fond of most people, so he was always close to the young lord, hardly ever speaking to the nobles, unless he was addressed directly… Which wasn't often. Not that Hiro minded, of course. He could always tell which nobles are the “good” ones, and which are the ones that just act good. 
As the night kept dragging on, the golden chandeliers and dark marble floors in the ballroom started to lose their magic for the young boys. The Brundle family always uses magic to change the looks in their ballroom for every large event to suit their aesthetics. Once it was time for dinner to be served, the wizards and Lord Brundle himself adorned the ballroom with many tables. The tables were decorated with long, dark blue tablecloths with horizontal gold stripes around the circumference. In the center of all of them were large glass centerpieces, which looked like two vases stacked on eachother. In the bottom section was a magical candle that burned a blue flame, and on top was a beautiful bouquet of blue anemones, small white lilies, ferns, and gold pearl strands cascading down the sides. At the table for the Brundle and Tachibana families, similar centerpieces adorned the long table, but only had a single tier, and had a long candle sticking out of the top. 
Zeus, of course, was at the center of the table. Hiro always sat next to him, regardless of the function. Zeus’ family lined up on the side next to him, and the Tachibana family sprinkled themselves in between to sit next to their lieges. All for protection’s sake, obviously. 
While everyone else was being served “adult food” (as Zeus and Hiro called it), the two boys had their own dinners that were specially made. As the boys talked between themselves, giggling here and there about the ridiculousness of this whole thing, but never quite loud enough for others to hear, Zeus’ father chuckled to himself while Hiro’s father started to stare daggers at his son’s behavior. Hiro felt a chill in his spine and froze, with Zeus picking up what was happening only a few seconds later. Zeus looked at his own father, who gave him a thumbs up. As people were beginning to finish their meals, Zeus’s father stood and tapped his wine glass with a spoon to garner attention.
“Everyone! Everyone, may I have your attention please?” The crowd of people turns towards the table in the center, staring at Lord Brundle with curiosity. “Thank you, thank you all.” He gives a small bow to the room.
“Tonight is a grand night for our firstborn son, Zeus, and I sincerely thank everyone for being able to celebrate this joyous day in our family.” The ballroom roared with applause, some feeling their egos heightened for being thanked for their presence, while others clapped out of politeness. “Yes, yes. While today is all about our son, Zeus wants us to take a moment and appreciate those who have protected us, and the ones who made this day possible.” Lord Brundle motions to Hiro’s father, and holds his hand out for him to grab and stand up as well, winking at Zeus as he does it. Lord Brundle has done this before, and Zeus knows this to be a distraction. Zeus grabs Hiro’s hand. 
“Let’s get outta here for a bit.” While Hiro’s father was distracted, Zeus and Hiro got out of their chairs and started making their way past everyone. They did, however, stop at Zeus’ mother to let her know that they were “running to the bathroom”, to which she nodded. “Don’t be too long, dear. Don’t forget that we still have the dances coming up!” she grinned. The two boys nodded and grinned back before running off, out of sight from the rest of the guests.
“Everyone, please give a round of huzzahs for the Tachibana family!” was the last thing the two boys heard as they scampered out of the ballroom and out into the rest of the Brundle’s mansion.
The two boys eventually found themselves in the western garden, with the gentle moonlight and the soft glow of the magical lanterns illuminating every step they took. 
The western garden is the most classic of the three that surround the Brundle estate, with it being paved with cobblestone and lined with rose hedges that delicately border every pathway. There are a few stone gazebos, benches, outdoor clocks, and fountains that, despite their age, still look brand new. Zeus and Hiro eventually came to one of the gazebos in the center of the garden, giggling the whole way there as they escaped. They considered it their “secret spot”.
“I can’t believe your dad just DID that!!”
“Eh, he does it all the time. He likes you, so he covers for us. Your dad is too mean!”
“Tell me about it. At least you don’t have to live with him.”
“Oh, man, you’re right. Haha!”
The two boys laughed again, their hands still clasped together from running away. Zeus takes a big, long breath, relieved to be away from the party, even though he enjoys the attention.
“You know, it’s nice to get away from those stuck-ups. These parties can be so boooooring!”
“Boooooooring!!”, Hiro echoed.
“At least I have you with me. I don’t know what I’d do if I didn’t have you!”
“You'd prolly die of boredom.” 
“I’d prolly die of boredom, yeah.”
This gazebo was a special one, because it wasn’t made entirely of stone. The ceiling was made with a hole that had a thick sheet of glass in place of more stone, which made it perfect for stargazing. The ceiling was also painted with the constellations that make up the Queensblade’s night sky, and gold detailing throughout the rest of the pillars and handrails that connected the top to the bottom.
The two boys stared up through the glass, admiring the clear night sky that always seemed to welcome them. If they turned their heads just right, they could see the full moon shining above them. 
“Hey, do you want to know something that my mom taught me?”
"Uh, okay…?"
"Look at those stars over there. Do you see those shapes?"
"I know what const-ull-ay-shuns are, dummy."
"Y-yeah, but my mom told me about these special ones. Look at those ones!" Hiro pointed to two constellations that were side by side. "Do you see the ones that look like a tail and a triangle?"
"Yeeeeaaaah? And?"
"Well, my mom told me that the tail is called Scorpius, and the triangle is Capricornus."
"So what? They're just stars."
"Well, you were born under Scorpius, and I was born under Capricornus. So, even if we're apart, we'll always be near each other in the stars..." Hiro looked away and blushed, a little embarrassed at what he had just said. Zeus looked at the painting above, and his eyes widened in realization. He turned to Hiro with a look of childlike wonder and happiness.
"So… Does that mean we'll always be together?"
Hiro peeked back over to Zeus and nodded.
"That… is so cool!!!" Zeus leapt up from his stone seat with an unparalleled excitement in his eyes. "If we're always going to be together, then I'll never get sad, because you make me happy!" The boy had the biggest smile on his face, and it was clear that he took those words to heart. Hiro's face got even more red at the embarrassment he had just now realized he subjected himself to, but he smiled back at Zeus nonetheless. 
"Yeah… You… make me happy too! So, we won't ever be sad!" 
The two boys giggled again at their vow. This was their happiness that they had discovered. Not one that was planned out by their parents, not one that was faked by strangers, and definitely not one that was forced by everyone else around them. This was natural.
After a short minute, Zeus looked around and noticed one of the clocks in the garden, and realized something very important.
"AUGH! Jeez, what is it?!" Hiro had an almost scolding tone for Zeus, who startled him with his sudden outburst.
"The dances!! We need to go back, now!"
"Oh no! You're right, let's go!" Hiro darted from his seat as well, grabbing the other boy's hand and sprinted through the garden. 
Hiro was a little faster than Zeus, so he couldn't go as fast as he wanted, but the two managed to slip back into the party without anyone else noticing that they were gone.
As the two came back to their seats, somehow, Zeus' father was still thanking all of the staff that made the party possible. He was finally on the waitstaff, which was somehow the second to last group to thank. Hiro considered how long they were gone, and realized just how many people make these parties happen, and that Zeus' father made it a point to memorize the names of everybody in the Brundle house's service. 
"Please, everyone, one more round of applause for all of our waitstaff this evening!... Yes, thank you all. And last, but most certainly not least, I want to thank every single one of you who gave us your spare time to come and celebrate this momentous occasion with us. While the staff here is an important part of making this possible, we would not be here without all of you!"
The crowd let out another roar of applause, with their egos being stroked. Lord Brundle always had a silver tongue, and he was able to use it so masterfully. It never fails to amuse the rest of the Brundle family when he gets to use it to distract his ever-gullible retainer.
Once the commotion had calmed down and everyone had finished their meals, Lady Brundle announced that it was almost time for the family dances. Zeus was to dance with his mother, father, and some strangers that lined themselves up to get closer to the young heir. Once again, Lord Brundle and some of the other servants used technically simple but flashy spells to convert the ballroom back to being the dance hall it once was. The plates were practically waltzed out of the room and into the kitchen to be washed; the centerpieces on the tables morphed into decorations for the curtains, and some were turned into smaller chandeliers to illuminate the currently barren dance floor. 
As the music picked up again, the two boys silently dreaded their physical separation, even though they wouldn't be far from one another. Hiro decided to try and ease the tension from those thoughts.
"Try not to step on any toes!" Hiro gave a playful nudge to Zeus with his elbow.
"Try not to look creepy on the outside!" Zeus joked back. He seems to be a bit more calm, or at least that's what Hiro thought.
The dances that Zeus had with his parents were practiced rigorously beforehand. Zeus had spent many months already practicing his waltz, and was a quick study. 
The dance with his mother, of course, was one of those waltzes. It was a very formal dance, and it gained many "awws" from the mothers in the crowd, especially because Zeus was so small compared to his mother. But then again, he only just turned nine, so that was to be expected. 
The dance with Lord Brundle, though, was much more lively. This dance was meant to impress, and the Brundle family had even brought in a choreographer to make it both child-friendly and full of pizazz. It was almost reminiscent of a flamenco dance, but every step was brimming with magical effects. Blue rose petals swirled around them at all times while they occasionally performed other fantastical spells to the rhythm. It was a dazzling performance, and it got the crowd cheering once again.
Hiro could only stare at Zeus from the sidelines. After all, there was no "Lord and Retainer" dance, not like he particularly liked dancing. He was fine right where he was. It wasn't long, however, until the planned dances were over, and the guests were free to dance among themselves, and perhaps to let one of their own heirs dance with Zeus. And, of course, many of the guests had their daughters line up to get a chance to dance with him. If this weren't a party put on by the Brundle family, Hiro and Zeus could have made a small fortune by making these young girls pay for a dance. 
"You don't need to look so sad every time he dances with someone else, dummy." Kureha practically came out of nowhere and gave a small karate chop to the top of Hiro's head.
"Ow! Kurehaaaa! Not at the party!"
"Boohoo. Nobody pays attention to us, anyways. We're always just extras at these parties."
"That doesn't mean we can't enjoy them… And what do you mean I look sad?! I'm not sad!"
"Your existence is just sad. So, I just thought you were sad." Kureha had a devilish grin on her face. She was four years older than Hiro, so she had a lot more experience with the parties the Brundle family put on, and was already a lot more mature, even though Hiro and Zeus would tell you a much different story.
"Hmph!" Hiro stuck his nose up and turned away from his sister. "Why are you bothering me, anyways? Shouldn't you be with Lady Brundle?"
"She's talking to the other nobles. Father is with her, and it sounds like they're talking politics, so I left."
"Pawl-uh-ticks? What's that?"
"I dunno, but it was really boring stuff. I hardly knew what they were talking about."
"Uh huh. So you came to bother me, because…?"
"What? I'm not allowed to hang out with my baby brother, who I love soooo much?" Kureha pulled Hiro into a head lock and gave him a noogie.
"Aaah! Kureha, no!" Hiro tried to quickly fix his hair before any of the other servants saw, especially Miss Olivia.
"Haha! Got 'ya!" After her successful attempt at annoying her little brother, Kureha's face softened. "But seriously, though. Are you doing okay? You do look a little sad over here."
Hiro didn't know how to answer her. He didn't feel sad, so why did she think so? But, seeing Zeus over there, having fun with other people was making him feel something. Something he didn't know how to describe.
"I… I don't know."
"You don't know?"
"Well, I don't know if I'm sad. I don't feel sad, but I'm not happy, either."
"How does it feel, then? You can tell me anything, you know."
The young boy had to think for a moment before he answered. "Maybe… um… I think it's like being upset?"
"Yeah. Even though I know Zeus will be done dancing soon, I just wish he wasn't dancing in the first place."
"What, you think he's a bad dancer or something?"
"No, it's more like.. I just want to be playing with him right now, and not anybody else, you know? And it… kind of hurts that he"s not doing that right now."
A massive lightbulb went off in Kureha's head. This was her first inkling of what was happening, but she won't ever say her thoughts out loud to anyone.
"Well, you can't always have someone to yourself. That's just selfish, and you may end up hurting them if they don't want to do what you want, too." She turned to her younger brother and gave him a gentle smile. "So… just wait for him. If he wants to come back, he will."
"You sound like mom."
"And you listen to mom. So, listen to me for once."
"Maybe." Kureha shot him a slightly threatening look. "But… Thanks, sis. I'll wait."
And so, he did. Hiro waited until every last dance was done from the sidelines.
After Zeus had finally worked his way through every girl that wanted a dance, he immediately made his way over to Hiro. How he still had energy in him to walk after over 50 straight dances, Hiro will never know. Maybe his dinner had an energy booster or something.
"Hiro, come on! My mom wants to talk to me!" Before Hiro could even get a word in, he was already being dragged away from his wallflower perch. 
"Wh- okay, okay! I'm coming!"
The two boys worked their way over to Lady Brundle, who was still surrounded by many other guests. Hiro looked around, and noticed that his father was back on the other side of the room with Lord Brundle. He must have known Hiro would be dragged away with Zeus, so he simply went to a new "post". He was always sharp, except for when it came to Lord Brundle's distractions.
"Ah, darling! Thank you for joining us." Lady Brundle welcomed her son and Hiro warmly. "Did you enjoy your dancing time?"
"Of course, mother!" Zeus flashed a large, sweet smile at his mother. He has always been a bit of a momma's boy. 
"Oh, what a charmer!" cooed one of the guests nearby.
"Tell us, dear. Was there anyone you enjoyed dancing with… the most?" Another guest asked slyly. They wasted no time in getting to the point. Lady Brundle hid her annoyance, but she knew this was coming.
"Oh, um… Well, they're all such good dancers. I don't think I like anyone more than the rest."
"My, my! So fair and kind. Milady, your son is already growing up wonderfully!" The first guest spoke up again. While she tried to hide it, it was easy to tell that she was both hurt by Zeus' lack of favoritism, but not discouraged by the even playing field.
"Ah, yes, thank you." Lady Brundle replied. 
"Well, young man," the second guest bent down to meet Zeus' eye level, "you may want to think about a favorite. You just might end up marrying one of those beautiful girls you just danced with!" The second guest gave a big wink to Zeus. Hiro's cheeks grew a little pink upon hearing the adults talk about marriage.
"Oh, come now, darling. He's a little too young to-" Lady Brundle was interrupted before she could change the subject.
"Why would I think about it? I already know who I want to marry." Zeus said bluntly, but still with some confusion. 
The guests squealed at Zeus' bold statement. A choice! A bride in the making! Lady Brundle almost choked on her own tongue out of sheer surprise. She looked at her son like he had just grown five heads.
"Well now, sweetheart! Now you HAVE to tell us who the lucky gal is! We won't tell her, of course."
Hiro could barely believe these women. He wasn't very experienced in these kinds of social matters, but he could tell they all had ulterior motives. 
"Well… When you marry someone, you want to spend forever with them, right? To never be apart from them?" Zeus turned towards his mother.
"Ah, well, yes… To put it simply."
"Then, I want to marry Hiro!"
Zeus' answer was quick, and made the group fall silent. Hiro couldn't believe his ears. Whispers of "Who is Hiro?", "Is that the Tachibana boy?", and "The young lord wants to marry a boy? How unheard of!" made their rounds in the back of the group with the gossip-mongers. The poor, dark haired boy's face was so red from Zeus' proclamation, and he had to look at the floor out of embarrassment. He wasn't upset at Zeus, however. In fact, he felt warmth and joy. 
Lady Brundle shook her head to regain her composure. "Zeus, darling… Are you sure?" 
"Yes!" Zeus replied eagerly.
Lady Brundle approached Hiro, who was still processing Zeus' words. She knelt down to meet his gaze and placed a gentle hand on his cheek to turn the young boy's face to meet her own. Hiro looked at her with red cheeks and a bit of fear in his eyes. "And what about you, Hiro? Do you want to marry Zeus?" She spoke calmly, and without judgment.
"I… I want to marry Zeus, too!" Hiro's mouth moved faster than his brain. He didn't think about it, he just said what he felt. If he got to stay with Zeus forever, of course he'd say yes.
Lady Brundle stood up slowly, and then burst out into a hearty laugh.
"Well, ladies! It looks as though my son has a favorite after all! Looks like you'll have to try again later!" The rest of the guests could not believe what they had just heard, but they laughed along with Lady Brundle. They thought that, maybe, they WOULD try again later. This won't be the last time they see Zeus, of course. And he only just turned nine, so there is a good chance he'll grow out of it… or at least that's what they all thought.
"Well now, dear, go run and get your father. It is almost time for cake!" Lady Brundle winked at her son, who was still confused at why his answer caused so much disturbance among the guests his mother was with. But, cake! Cake is a good distraction. The two boys immediately shifted gears and started running to Lord Brundle so they could finally get the dessert they had been waiting for.
The party had finally settled for the night after cake had been served. Guests trickled out of the Brundle estate slowly, with some of the women looking more disappointed than others. Not to say it wasn't a great time, and Lord and Lady Brundle personally saw every guest off as they left. 
Hiro and Zeus had already snuck off to their secret spot again, with two large slices of cake that they snatched while nobody was looking. They were surprised that there was still so much left, but that just meant more for them, so they were happy about it.
The two boys spent a long time talking about the party and the super ugly people there in between mouthfuls of cake. Zeus was finally able to relax again, and the night was still relatively young. It was only 8 p.m., so well before their bed time. Zeus complained about the stuffy nobles and almost all of the girls he had to dance with.
"She kept stepping on my toes, Hiro! Did you see that?!"
"Yeah! Who taught her how to dance? Wasn't she older than you, too?"
"Ugh, YES! So weird! My feet are going to have so many bruises tomorrow, I swear!"
"We'll need to get you a lot of ice, that's for sure."
"Ugh…" Zeus slumped in the stone bench, visibly exhausted. Who thought it was a good idea to put a nine year old through so much turmoil?
"At least you were there. You're my hero!"
"Uhh… I'm owned by you?"
"No, not… owning. Hero, like how Garuto is a hero of the Foliage Village?"
"OOOOOH! W-well, it was nothin'..." Hiro's cheeks turned red again, and he had to look at the ground again to avert Zeus' gaze. He couldn't help but ask Zeus the burning question he's had since his last interaction with Lady Brundle "U-um.. Zeus?"
"Did you… mean what you said to your mom?"
"About marrying you?"
"'Course I did! Why?"
"I just… It…" Hiro turned further away from Zeus, trying to hide his red face. "It… made me really happy, but… Why?"
"Well…" Zeus' cheeks also started to turn pink. "Y-you said it earlier! We're never going to be apart, so, that means we'll be together forever! And, well, marrying you is…"
"Marrying you means I want to be together with you forever, and I do, s-so of course I mean it!"
Hiro couldn't help but laugh. 
"Wha- Hey! Don't make fun of me!!"
"No, I… I'm not. I'm just… happy."
"I want to stay with you forever, too, so…"
Zeus perked up when Hiro spoke those words, and his eyes sparkled. He grabbed Hiro's hands excitedly and whipped Hiro around so he could see into his eyes.
"Do you mean it?" Zeus was uncharacteristically serious. Hiro wasn't used to this.
"...Why wouldn't I?" Hiro replied nervously. He looked into Zeus' sapphire eyes, and noticed the warmth of Zeus' hands around his. He didn't quite understand what exactly he was feeling when he did, and his face was still flushed.
"Pinky promise?" Zeus let go of Hiro's right hand and extended his pinky finger. Hiro looked at Zeus' hand, and his face softened for a moment.
"Pinky promise." Hiro wrapped his pinky around the other boy's tightly. 
"Then it's settled! When we're older, we'll get married!" Zeus beamed, and Hiro had never seen Zeus this happy. He couldn't help but smile.
This was their happiness. Nobody could take this from them. This promise is theirs to have. Whether it is kept or not doesn't matter right now, but they just know that everything will end up okay.
Twenty three years together, and things couldn't be any more different.
Sunlight peeks through the curtains of a night class dormroom on a lazy day off. Zeus and Hiro are still asleep in their beds as their blackout curtains are seemingly failing at their jobs. It's almost eleven in the morning, but this is just the routine for a student in the night class.
Zeus is the first one to pop his eyes open, letting out a massive yawn as his body adjusts to being awake. He rubs his eyes and looks over at Hiro, who looks like he hasn't even turned over in the night. Zeus debates on holding up a mirror to his nose to check if he's even breathing, but he's done that before. He then remembers the consequences of doing that, and ultimately decides against it. Instead, he decides to take a nice shower and go through the rest of his morning routine. He doesn't wake Hiro directly, but he's sure Hiro will give him an earful for starting the "stupidly loud shower" while he's still sleeping. It's a risk he'll have to take.
Not long after Zeus starts the shower, Hiro's eyes peel open. Although he notices the shower is on, he's way too groggy and sleepy to care. He sits up in his bed and stares at the dorm, which is covered in a lot of memories from their past few years at Gedonelune Academy. Hiro never understood why, but Zeus was one of those people that wanted pictures of almost every major event that they experienced at the academy. Every single one of them also has little notes written on them, most of them in Zeus' handwriting, but not all. There's a picture of their first day at the academy, when Headmaster Randolph stepped down, when Zeus and Hiro first became prefects, and so many other memories made with the other friends they've made while at the academy. There's even a photo of them chasing after their friends, Liz and Leslie, for… reasons Hiro and Zeus don't wish to speak about. Hiro always thought that was a memory Zeus didn't want on the wall, but Zeus insists on having it "so he doesn't forget what he felt that day", whatever that means.
Still barely processing his surroundings, Hiro slowly makes his way to the kitchenette in their room and starts preparing some much needed coffee for the two of them. Thankfully, the Night Class dorm rooms were nice enough to have such a thing so they didn't have to go all the way down to the communal kitchen every single time. Once the coffee is done brewing, Hiro starts preparing Zeus' cup first. Zeus prefers his coffee with a lot of creamer and sugar, so it has to be warmed back up. He then starts pouring his own… with just as much creamer, but not as much sugar. He thinks that the creamer is sweet enough, especially since they got a cinnamon roll flavored one this time. Hiro's lips curl into a smile as he remembers the debate the two had at the grocery store. 
Now slightly more caffeinated, Hiro goes to make his bed and grab some clean clothes for when Zeus eventually comes out of the shower. Zeus can take a long, long time in the shower, so Hiro decides that he'll get some morning exercise in while he waits. He turns on a speaker on top of his dresser and starts playing some of his favorite bands, then goes immediately into his stretches. He hums along to some of the songs as he continues to stretch as "Honey, Gravity Is Working Right" and "Greetings to the Dark Gray Street Performers" play right after one another, which pleases his inner middle schooler. He then starts doing what should seem like an unnatural amount of push-ups, taking some extra sips of coffee in between reps. Despite his daily workouts, Hiro has always had muscle, but it never really shows. His abs are more defined, sure, but his arms almost always look like toothpicks. He debates on whether or not to bulk up, but decides not to in favor of having the element of surprise. Always better to be underestimated than overestimated, according to his father.
When Hiro starts working up a sweat, Zeus finally comes out of the bathroom. 
"It's about damn time." Hiro chided playfully. When he got up, he then noticed that Zeus only had a towel on. Hiro immediately turned away to gather his own clothes and speaker, a small blush across his cheeks.
"Aw, boo hoo. It's not my fault you don't wake up first." Zeus smirked and went to the microwave to retrieve the coffee he knew would be waiting for him. 
"You can always wake me up, you know."
"Noo-ho-hoooo way! Not anymore!" Zeus takes a big sip of coffee, smiling at how good Hiro makes it. "You are WAY too scary when I wake you up. The way you glare at me makes me feel like my life is in danger!"
"Your life is always in danger with me around." Hiro smirks and heads to the bathroom, still trying to avoid eye contact with Zeus. 
"Hey! It should be the opposite, you bastard!!" 
Hiro gave a nonchalant wave to Zeus before closing the bathroom door and locking it, finally having a truly private moment to himself. After turning on the shower to warm it up (and thanking the gods that the dorms have infinite hot water), Hiro paces over to the mirror, looking himself in the eyes and slapping his cheeks. "Get. A. Hold of yourself!" he whispers to himself, his face growing even more red the more he thought about Zeus.
These feelings weren't new, per se, but they have been difficult for Hiro to understand. Once puberty was in full swing for the two, things just started getting so… different. Zeus got more and more popular, and Hiro started to feel like he was growing further away from him, even though he was always at his side. Their physical intimacy had lowered, too, so every touch felt like fireworks. Hiro thought it was bad at first, and that it was more like burning. However, after the incident where Zeus almost lost his life to a fierga, and after Hiro was possessed by the BBW… He realized that it was a different kind of burning. Instead of a raging forest fire, it was more like a calm bonfire where you roast marshmallows on a clear summer night. Hiro just couldn't quite understand why he was feeling that way with Zeus. He never stopped to think about why, but he knew that Zeus had begun to annoy him in their later years. However, it wasn't in a bad way. After all, if it was that bad, why was he still there, right where he has been for the past twenty three years? 
Hiro mulled over these thoughts while the hot water rushed down his face and body, hoping that the steam would help clear his head. 
Zeus, on the other hand, was still working on his coffee and scanning his closet for the perfect outfit. Something comfortable, but different enough from his usual outfit. He mumbles a quick incantation to show him what the weather outside the academy is like. A nice, slightly warm spring day and a clear night. A perfect day, if you will. He smiles and pulls out some lighter clothes. He settles for a dark blue v-neck tee, tight black jeans that have pre-made distressing, dark brown lace-up boots, gray knit crew socks, and an oversized cream knit cardigan. He also pulls out his favorite pair of sunglasses: circular, reflective blue lenses with gold detailings and a gold, detachable chain. Even Hiro likes this pair, despite not being a huge sunglasses person.
"Perfect." He whispers, pushing up the sleeves of his cardigan to his elbows. He also pulls out a couple of rings, putting them on their respective fingers. Finally satisfied with his choices, he also fishes out a dark brown satchel and throws a couple things he thinks he'll need for the day: his Wolaroid camera, extra film for said camera, photo holder, lip balm, tissues, a small velvet box that he keeps in there just because, etc.
It's at this point Zeus hears the shower stop, and he goes to open the door to the patio and lets some fresh air in (and lets his eyes adjust to the sunlight). Zeus steps out onto the balcony, taking a deep breath. A small wind tickles his nose for a second, which causes him to exhale much more violently than he wanted.
Hiro comes out of the bathroom not long after, fully clothed unlike his roommate, and notices that a half full coffee cup is sitting next to Zeus' closet. Hiro grabs it and his own cup, then slides on a pair of slippers before joining Zeus on the balcony.
"You can just tell me if you don't like my coffee, you know." Hiro jokes as he hands Zeus the cup.
"Ahh, I knew I was forgetting something!" Zeus grabs the cup gingerly. "I forgot to tell you that your coffee tastes like ass."
"Well, I guess I asked for that."
"That you did."
"Then again, how exactly do you know what ass tastes like?" Hiro side-eyes Zeus smugly, taking a sip.
Zeus retaliates with an even more smug grin.
Hiro nearly chokes on his coffee.
"NO. No! Who the hell taught you that?!"
"Randy said it, Azusa told me what it meant and how to say it properly."
"He actually told you how to say 'I eat ass' in proper Hinomotan?!"
"I'm always full of surprises, aren't I?"
"Oh my god. Oh my god, actually." Hiro buries his face into his free hand, shaking from trying not to burst out laughing. Trying to compose himself, Hiro notices that burning feeling in his chest again. He eventually shakes it off, and looks back over the balcony. Zeus turned to Hiro and broke the chaos. 
"Anyways, I've decided that we're going into town today."
"You decided? I have no choice?"
"Nope. I need you to perform your retainer duties."
"Whatever. Anywhere in particular?"
"Well, Jay mentioned that there is a new café that she thought we'd like, and today just so happens to be nice out, so…"
"You wanted an excuse to spend your allowance."
The two shared a look and chugged the rest of their drinks. There wasn't a lot left, but it's the thought that counts. After leaving the cups in the sink, Hiro went to put on his usual boots. In fact, he was dressed much more plainly than Zeus. A band tank top, dark blue jeans, a black and white flannel tied around his waist, his usual belts, and a crystal necklace that Zeus got him a long time ago. It was comfy, and that's all that mattered to him. Once he was done lacing up, he grabbed his katana and tied the scabbard around his less decorative belt. Zeus waited by the door and grabbed their dorm keys.
"Are you ready yet?"
"Yes, your highness."
Zeus glared at him. "I thought I told you to stop calling me that." Was it just Hiro, or was Zeus blushing a bit?
"I'm allowed to rebel against my liege if it's for their benefit."
"Very funny. Let's get going!" 
The trip into town was always a bit of a walk, but all of the students were grateful for how close the town was overall. 
It wasn't long before the two found themselves on Main Street, the town bustling with students and families on such a nice day off. Zeus pulls out a note from their friend Jay, which has the address of the café she recommended. Thankfully, it wasn't far off from where they were. Following that trail, they work their way to a quaint café that has wisteria flowers creeping up the side of the building and hanging over the entrance. The iron and wood sign above read "Café Selune". That's definitely the name she scribbled on the paper.
"Oh hey, dorks!"
Speak of the devil.
Turning towards the voice that called out to them, there stood Jay Abbey. It took them a moment to recognize her, mostly because she was out of uniform and had a completely different hair color than her normal light blue.
"Oh, hey, Jay! What are you doing out?"
"I'm heading down to my dad's wand shop for a visit. I see you're already checking this lovely little café…?"
"W-well, you have good taste sometimes, so I thought we'd get a bite to eat while we're out!"
"But, this was the only thing you said you wanted to do?"
Zeus froze, his ears turning red.
"A-anyways! What's with the hair change? Did you dye it last night or somethin'?"
"Yeah, the white looks nice, but it's weird seeing you without the blue."
"I hate to break this to you guys, but the white is my natural color. I normally use magic to make it blue. If I didn't, I'd never get the dye out." Jay raised an eyebrow and glanced at Zeus.
"Actually… While I have you, Zeus, could I talk to you for a sec? I have some, uh, questions about your lesson from last week!"
"I… guess? Can't it wait until tomorrow, though?"
"Nope. Right now. Alone. I don't have much more daylight left if I'm gonna see my dad!"
Jay grabbed Zeus by the arm and practically dragged him away by force. Hiro would have followed if he didn't have a reason to trust her, but he does. Jay has been a great friend since the Night and Day classes merged, and she's one of the few people who can actually spar with Hiro. She's a bit of a hothead like Zeus is, though, so it's a miracle how THEY have gotten along. Regardless, Jay took Zeus just out of earshot, although she looked almost excited about something? He wonders what questions she had, but last week's lessons were about summoning magic, which was not Hiro's area of expertise. Actually, Jay and Zeus had been talking in private pretty often, and Hiro wasn't entirely sure why. There was something off about what she had said to get him over, but…
"Phew! You're the best. I'll be sure to return the favor later."
"Haha… Anytime?" Zeus seemed a little dazed as they walked back, but not completely out of it. Hiro had seen this before, was she raking him over the coals about something?
"Ah, damn! Look at what time it is! I gotta run, but I'll see you guys tomorrow!" And just as swift as she arrived, Jay sped off into town, giving them a wink and a wave as she disappeared into the packed streets.
"... And there she goes."
Zeus gave a relieved sigh.
"She can be such a damn thorn in my side, I swear!"
"What was all that about, anyways?
"Oh, uh, she just had a question about one of the summoning formulas. She said she couldn't read my writing." Zeus' ears had turned red again, and he scratched the side of his nose. Hiro knew instantly that he was lying, but decided against pursuing why. He felt a pit form in the bottom of his stomach, and wasn't sure where this anxiety was coming from.
"What, were you afraid she was asking me out on a date or something?" Unbeknownst to the both of them, Zeus' joke was right on the money.
"Absolutely not. Nobody would want to go on a date with you, King Kook." Hiro turned on his heels and walked into the café.
"Hey!! At least wait for me, Hiro!"
The inside of the café was just as beautiful as the outside. Exposed dark bricks juxtaposed a large window that let in tons of natural light. There were still string lights that had ivy intertwining with them that hung from the ceiling, likely giving the building a soft glow in the evening. The black metal tables and chairs furthered the overgrown modern city aesthetics as well, seeing as though the rest of the place was almost covered with plants. The two took a seat at a booth closer to the entrance, which had even more wisteria growing around it. Contemplating the menu was tough, as everything on it sounded amazing. They eventually decided to split a large brunch platter while getting separate drinks. Zeus ordered a cranberry and ginger ale soda, while Hiro ordered a blue raspberry ice cream float. Zeus made a snide comment about Hiro wanting something so sweet early in the day, and Hiro quickly shut him down by making fun of choosing to willingly drink ginger ale. 
"I can see why Jay likes this place already, though."
"Oh, yeah. This is totally up her alley. I feel bad for the people with pollen allergies, though."
"Well, there was a sign saying that all of the plants here are on a strict pollen watch, so unless you touch one, you should be fine."
"Huh! I totally missed that."
"Well, the sign was as small as your brain, so I can see why you missed it."
"Ouch. I take you out somewhere nice, and all I get in return are insults? I'm hurt, Hiro."
"You make it sound like I can't go somewhere on my own."
"Never said that. All I'm asking for is a little gratitude when I take you out somewhere like this!" Zeus jokingly stuck his nose in the air and crossed his arms. Hiro chuckled.
"Fine. Thank you, my liege, for allowing me this humble opportunity to dine with you." 
"Eugh. You sound like your dad."
"Ask and ye shall receive."
"Very funny." Zeus started taking out his camera, then went up to the hostess to ask whether or not it was okay to take photos, then headed back to the booth.
"Did they say yes?"
Zeus grinned, slinging the camera's strap around his neck. "Yep. They even asked for one." He held the camera up and took a few photos of their immediate surroundings, trying to get a close up of the flowers around them. Zeus found a lot of beauty in the wisteria around the two of them, but also made sure to snap a few pictures of Hiro as well. Hiro doesn't mind at this point, since he's so numb to Zeus' antics. Zeus looks down at the last picture he took, which was of Hiro candidly staring out the window, with the flowers casting small shadows over his face. He was beautiful, and Zeus smiled at the photo.
"Are you done yet?" Hiro turns his attention from outside to the server bringing them their food, and giving the server a small thank you as he grabs the plates and immediately goes for the fruit salad bowl and picks out the honeydew.
"Uh, never." Zeus retorts sarcastically as he starts to put the photos in the special photo holder he put in his satchel earlier, but leaves one out so he doesn't forget to give it to the hostess before they leave. He then reaches for the honeydew that Hiro has been picking out. "Are you done with that fruit salad? I might want some fruit other than your leftovers, you know."
"Touché." Hiro sets down the small bowl and moves his attention to a few slices of toast and the small pile of scrambled eggs. He takes some of the eggs and places it on top of the slice of toast after he butters it and takes a large bite, and his eyes widen at how good it is. Hiro doesn't always get to eat it, and is reminded of how breakfast food rules. The toast is perfectly crispy, the butter is soft and flavorful, and the scrambled eggs are surprisingly creamy. Zeus holds in a chuckle when he sees Hiro's expression. It was like he was a little kid again, and it's… not a look Zeus gets to see very often. He thinks about taking his camera out again to take a picture of Hiro, but his stomach is overruling that idea. 
Two drinks, half an hour of small talk and banter, and the entire platter of food later, the two begin to settle from their meal. When they get to the last few bites, Hiro speaks up and asks the question that's been lingering in the back of his mind.
"So… What else did you want to do today?'
Zeus half chokes on his mouthful of bacon. "W-well… Did you want to do something else today?"
Hiro gives him the look. "Don't play coy. You said to Jay, and I quote, that you 'wanted to get a bite to eat while we were out'. You have something else planned."
"Ugh…" Zeus swallows and hangs his head in defeat. "You're too sharp sometimes."
Zeus turns his head away from Hiro shyly and averts his gaze as his cheeks shift softly to pink. "There's… There's a fireworks show tonight. I thought it would be a nice surprise if we went, since we have the day free 'n all."
Hiro was stunned. He's not used to Zeus actually thinking out surprises like this. His mind flashes back to his birthday "gifts", like the Eastern Dragon, the Laughing Frog, and then the cards that he and everyone else made him. He still has those, actually. Then it hits him: there was no way he thought of this on his own. He's way too stupid.
"... You could have just asked me to go, then. I would have said yes." Hiro sighs and rests his face on his right hand. He averts his eyes from Zeus.
"That completely defeats the purpose of it being a surprise, idiot."
"Whatever. What time does it start?"
"Uh… 8, I think."
Hiro then looks at the clock on the wall of the café. It's 1 p.m. already, so they have plenty of time before then. Hiro puts the last few bites of hash browns in his face and chugs the rest of his float.
"Well, as lovely as this place is, we can't stay here forever. We have time to kill, so where else do you wanna go?"
Zeus also downs the rest of his soda and covers his mouth when a burp escapes him. "Why don't we go shopping?"
Hiro's eyes narrow. "You really want to spend more of your allowance?"
"I can do what I want!"
"Fine, but if your parents cut you off, it's not my problem."
"Nah, mom wouldn't do that. Dad only would if your dad says he should, and that hasn't happened yet."
"Uh huh. Sure."
The two collect themselves and their items once they're done paying for their meal. Zeus leaves them a generous tip and hands the photo to the hostess, who smiles and thanks him for it. As they leave the shop, a petal from the flowers outside gets picked up by the wind and lands on top of Zeus' head. Hiro chuckles and picks it off, which makes Zeus laugh as well while they make their way towards the shopping district. 
The city of Gedonelune is always bustling with people, and the shopping district is no different. Sometimes it feels like there are as many shops as there are people. People from all over the world come to sell their wares in the capital city, from magical items, to clothing, even to rare magical creatures in some unsavory places.
Hiro watches the people that go by like a hawk - as there is never a time where he is allowed to relax from his duties as a retainer. After all these years he's spent by Zeus' side, Hiro has thankfully only had a few run-ins with “ne'er do wells” and “rogues” who would wish him or his family harm. In fact, most of the time they are both stopping a cut purse here or there. Hiro never likes the danger it poses to Zeus, but he knows that Zeus is a capable wizard in his own right. Zeus never has to worry while he’s out, unless Hiro isn’t with him.
As the two galavant around the town, Zeus has them stopping in almost every shop on the main strip. Clothing stores, magical items, jewelry, you name it. Hiro feels himself growing more tired with each and every department store he gets dragged into, but Zeus appears to be having the time of his life. Not spending as much as Hiro thought he would, but the clothes he tries on and the items he admires sparks a small well of emotion in him. It’s like Zeus is a kid in a candy store, and Hiro finds that almost… cute. 
“Hey, Hiro!”
Zeus’ shout snaps Hiro back to reality. 
“Hm? What is it?” Hiro rubs one of his eyes and yawns. Then he notices the absolute massive pile of clothes in the royal’s arms, and sighs as he knows what’s coming next.
“I’m going to be in the dressing rooms for a while. Feel free to roam around, though - this place has some great stuff!” Zeus’ grin is almost mischievous, like he knows he’s going to take a while. Hiro shifts his gaze to the racks to humor the other man. None of the clothes in here are his style.
“Maybe I will. Don’t take too long, though. You’ve been dragging us so… HAAAAAAUUHHH… long that it’s already 6:30. If you want good seats for this mysterious firework show, we’ll want to be there early.”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. I’ll only be a minute, mom.” Hiro’s eyes narrow at that comment. “Don’t fall asleep on me, though! I don’t want to have to wake you up from that. You’ll sour the whole thing.”
“Uh huh.”
As Zeus zips into the dressing room, Hiro immediately flops down on one of the very comfy looking couches that are in front of the room Zeus has camped inside and spreads his weary legs and takes a deep breath. He leans his scabbard on his chest so it’s not as uncomfortable to relax. He fiddles with the charms on the hilt of his sword, but it doesn’t take long before his exhaustion catches up with him. He hangs his head down and closes his eyes, the noises of Zeus in the changing room and the faint music from the speakers in the store drowning out as he falls asleep, and dreams of a memory.
Fifteen years together, and things are a little crazy right now. 
Playful whispers and quiet laughter fills the hallways of the Brundle estate. It is homecoming night of two boys’ freshman year in highschool, and they have definitely been up longer than they are supposed to have been. After dancing their hearts out at the dance itself, there was a party hosted by a senior that included probably too many things that would be considered dangerous for slightly sheltered teenagers, so of course they had to partake in a little bit of it. Only a little so their parents don’t get suspicious, but certainly enough to have a little unsupervised fun. It’s very late in the night as the two return, although not unexpected from their parents. Hiro’s father, of course, protested such a late curfew, but Zeus’ father overruled it as “Hiro will be with them, Spring of their Youth”, and a whole lot of other things that swayed the stoic retainer into a more lenient state of mind. 
Zeus, of course, ended up being the more popular of the two boys, both at school and the party. It happened almost on day one, even. Puberty was hitting the two boys particularly hard - and boy did it his Zeus like a truck. Hiro became more known as Zeus’ shadow, and is mildly popular by default for it. Zeus could never tell if it was because people actually liked him, or if they wanted to get in good graces with his family. He found it all rather shallow, but didn’t mind the attention nonetheless. Both at the dance itself and the party, girls (and some boys, even) lined themselves up for a chance to simply talk to the young royal. Hiro didn’t like any of it, but he was enjoying himself at least a little bit in seeing Zeus be so popular. Hiro kept towards the back, but rarely left Zeus’ side. Or, at least a 30 ft radius of him. He participated in some of the games that were going around, but he doesn’t really remember all of what was said, or even what was played. He does remember that a senior spiked the punch with alcohol at some point, which he immediately noticed. Zeus, thankfully, managed to grab his last cup before it was spiked, so he didn’t have to drink any of it. Some of the seniors tried pressuring him into doing so, but Zeus really knew how to shut that kind of thing down. He never caught on to the fact that someone spiked it, though, Zeus just thought they were being weird. It also helped that Hiro shot a searing glare at anyone who persisted, and was quick with his magic when others tried to add a little extra into Zeus’ drink. Other than that, the boys had been enjoying their time, mingling with the others and staying out way later than they should have. When the time comes for them to leave, the two are in a daze over their first real, actually peer-ran party. No adults, just people their own age. It was exhilarating, but also exhausting. The two flew on their hoverboards all the way home, speeding down the quiet, dark streets of Queensblade as the cool night breeze brushed against their smiling faces.
The way Hiro remembers the way home is a little hazy, but he does remember having to sneak into the manor and running through the hallways, Zeus’ hand on his as they work their way through the lavish halls. Moonlight spills through the large windows, yet Hiro only has tunnel vision for the boy in front of him. Everything else is a blur of dull golds and silvers, colorful paintings and vases become splotches of color as the faint candlelight lights their way through the halls. He can’t tell if it’s the small taste of freedom he had at the party, or if he’s just a little too sleep deprived, but his focus on Zeus is just… different, than what he’s used to. Like he can’t explain it. Maybe it was because he had to focus on him all night, he thought. 
The two eventually find their way back to Zeus’ room, and the two immediately collapse on the young royal’s bed, awkward hands still intertwined. They’ve been doing this quite a bit now, holding each other’s hands. It always feels so natural between them when it happens, too, as if they don’t even have to think about it. Always in private, though - never in front of others. 
Hiro can barely remember how the conversation started, but he remembers where it ends up. It’s not something he could ever forget.
“It’s so strange. Are… parties always like that? That was so different from any of the ones we’ve had here.”
“I know what you mean. It felt like a different world out there. It’s really, really weird.”
“Yeah… But, ugh, some people were being so weird about the punch at the end there. ”
“Hah, yeah… I never expected anyone to actually spike it.”
“What do you mean, ‘what’?”
“Someone. Spiked it? As in, like, drugs? Did I almost eat a drug?!”
“No, you moron! Alcohol. Likely vodka, I think. I don’t know, something that’s clear and works fast, I guess.”
“Uuuuuughhhh. No wonder why people wanted me to drink more of it.”
“There were quite a few people out to get you for that.”
“Yeah, don’t think I didn’t notice that part. Although…”
“I guess… no, nevermind.” Zeus’ grip tightened on Hiro’s hand. 
“Go ahead, say it. You can tell me.”
“It’s just… I dunno. There were a lot of upperclassmen there, and a lot of them seemed to be weirdly into me. I just thought, you know… If something were to happen between, you know, me and one of them…”
“That’s… a weird thing to think about when some of them were definitely trying to get you drunk off your ass.”
“Hey, to be fair, I thought they might have been trying to be nice! And you know, some of them were kinda hot.”
“Oh my god, you CANNOT be serious!”
“But what if!!”
“What if nothing!” Hiro lets go of Zeus’s hand for the first time in what must have been over an hour. He leaps up from the bed and stands in front of Zeus, arms crossed and now looking very sternly at the other boy. “What could you possibly hope to think about the ‘hot’ people who were trying to take advantage of you?!”
“Okay, well let’s say, hypothetically-” Hiro narrows his eyes. Zeus sits up, starts to sweat and can’t meet Hiro’s eyes. “If, for some reason, they weren’t doing that, and, uh… You know, if, maybe… Maybe something happened between us…”
“I don’t know, I guess I’m just nervous that because I haven’t DONE anything, uh… You know. Romantic? S-sexual?” Hiro softens his gaze, and drops his arms. “If… If I made a fool of myself, and then they told everybody about it…”
Hiro sighed and sat back down. 
“You… really are an idiot.” Hiro’s face flushed at the idea of Zeus being… “together” with anyone else. He doesn’t know why he feels that way, but something deep inside of him felt like it would be wrong. He also doesn’t know why he says what he does next.
“You could… you could always practice with me, you know.”
It was hard to see in the dark bedroom, but both of their faces had turned as red as can be. Zeus looked so shocked at Hiro, and Hiro was so sure that he had just ruined everything. He doesn’t even know why he said it! Did he even mean it? Was it even okay for him to mean it? All of these thoughts rushed through his head.
And there it was. “I-I’m sorry. I…” Hiro felt his world crashing down. Out of sheer embarrassment, he turned away from Zeus and curled up into a ball. He felt his head and heart pounding. Silence fell in the bedroom for the first time, and Hiro hated every second of it. Hiro contemplated just getting up and leaving right then and there, but he could barely move. 
“Do you… mean it?”
Zeus’ soft, almost eager voice was the first to break the silence. 
“I… don’t know. I…”
“Hiro. You can be honest with me, too.”
“I… I want to be.”
Zeus reached a hand out and placed it on Hiro’s shoulder. His hand was gentle, nervous, even. “You want to be?”
“I just… Would it be okay, you know, if I said that I did mean it?” Hiro barely understood what was happening with him. What has come over him? And why now? What the hell is so different for him to be so bold with the person who he cares most for? 
“I-I don’t think I’d be okay with anyone else, weirdly enough… So, u-um… Yes. Yes, I, uh, think that it, um, would be okay.” Zeus turned his head away, his face still flushed as he spoke. 
Hiro shifted his body to once again face Zeus, his eyes wide. Were those tears he felt, as well? Hiro’s face was too hot to feel anything, and it was too dark for Zeus to tell. 
“I… okay. Yeah. Okay.” Hiro wiped his warm cheeks, just in case. He has never felt so relieved in his life. Even if this is just for the night, even if they both forget it by the morning, or act like it never happened, Hiro won’t forget it. 
The room fell silent once again, the two boys avoiding eye contact. It was awkward. Very, very awkward. Somebody had to break it.
“Do you want to practice now?” 
Spoken in unison, they turned to finally look each other in the eyes, almost fearful of the other’s answer. 
“Oh- Uh..”
“No, no, uh, sorry…”
“No, no it’s okay! Um.” Hiro took a deep breath. “Hoo. Okay. Okay. Let’s just, uh, start over.”
“Y-yeah! Okay. Starting over. Right now.”
“Yup. Right now.”
Hiro took another deep breath, this time making a motion with his arms to center his breathing, much like his father taught him before. Zeus copied him, then took Hiro’s hands in his own, holding them as if he was holding a treasure. 
“Okay… Hoo.” Zeus was staring hard. “Hiro, w-would you like to practice… now?”
Hiro nodded, shifting his eyes to his and Zeus’ hands for a moment.  “Alright. U-um…”
“W-what is it?”
“I-I… I’m going to kiss you now.”
“Right now?”
“Y-yes! Don’t make this any harder than it needs to be!”
“I-I’m not trying to!”
“Well talking isn’t making it any easier!!”
“Well then just do it already, you idiot!!”
“Argh, just, shut it!” Zeus moved his hands and cupped Hiro’s cheeks, moving his face closer to Hiro’s. Hiro closed his eyes and braced for impact.
When their lips finally came to meet, it wasn’t great. Zeus just kind of pressed his lips on Hiro’s and stayed there for a little while. The only other sound in the room was their heartbeats racing. After a brief moment, Zeus pulled away, still keeping his face close to Hiro’s, foreheads almost touching.
“U-um. How was that?”
“... You could use some work.”
“What do you mean, use some work!? I’m doing my best here!”
“Here, look.” Hiro grabbed Zeus’ chin, adjusting his jaw so Zeus’ lips would be slightly parted. “Keep your lips slightly parted. Relax your lips, you’re way too tense.”
“You make it sound like you’re an expert.” Zeus huffed. 
“Hush. Now, when you kiss, offset your lips from theirs just a little.” Hiro was nervous, but leaned in again. “Like this.” This time, with Hiro taking the lead, it was much better the second time around. Well, better for two kids who have never kissed anyone else in their entire lives aside from pecks on the cheek for family. Pulling away for small breaths here and there, the two kept “practicing” for… quite a while. The kisses did get better every time, and the one kiss turned into 10, 20, what must have felt like 100. If this were a cheesy teen romance movie, this would be where the camera circles around them with every kiss. Their kisses also got sleepier over time as well, the two climbing on each other and back fully on the bed. Their hands wandered never too far down, but just enough to either keep balance and to gently hold the other when the time called for it. The two eventually found themselves laying down, bodies entangled so tenderly and innocently. It wasn’t long until the two eventually got worn out, and started drifting off to sleep after a long night. By the time morning would come, Lord Tachibana would not find his son in his own room. By the time morning would come, this would be first and last time doing anything like this. No more practices.
Hiro laid on Zeus’ chest, arms grasping Zeus’ shirt softly, Zeus’ arms wrapped around Hiro, one hand intertwined in Hiro’s soft raven hair. It feels as though this was a dream, one Hiro doesn’t want to wake up from.
“OI, HIRO!!”
And then he does. 
“Yeesh, it’s about time! I’ve been trying to wake you up for, like, five minutes now!”
Hiro peeled his eyes open much like he did when he woke up the first time today, his face a grimace from being woken up so harshly. 
“Good.” He growls as he sits up, rubbing his eyes. “Are you finally done?”
“For your information, technically yes, but it’s already 7:45! You have been asleep for over an hour!”
“And you’ve been in the dressing room for over an hour?!”
“Details details, we have to go!” Zeus grabbed Hiro’s wrist and pulled him up, practically bursting out of the shop. Hiro had to act fast or else he was going to lose his sword in the store.
“Ack- Zeus! Will you slow down?!” Zeus’ hand was still attached firmly on Hiro’s wrist as they darted through the darkened Gedonelune streets, the street lamps lightly lighting their way as the sunset starts to fade on the horizon, pink and orange clouds dancing above them as they ran.
“No way! If we slow down now, we’ll miss it!”
“There’s going to be more than one firework, you moron! Jeez, where are we even going, anyways!?”
Zeus didn’t slow down, though. He led him through several alleys, trying to avoid running into other people as much as possible. Street lamps started to brighten, and they were almost a blur as they rushed past all of them. Zeus eventually led them to a point that was almost on the outskirts of the town, a small, cute little park with a large fountain in the middle. Clearly this wasn't a popular spot for watching the fireworks, because there was hardly anybody else there. Having ran what felt like a marathon, the two boys were breathing heavily as they finally got a chance to rest. Zeus flopped right in front of the fountain, spreading his arms and legs out. Hiro bent over, using his knees to support his upper body so he didn't fall over, before realizing that sitting was a very good idea.
"You… are so… fucking lucky… that we… are both in shape…" Hiro could barely speak between deep, hitched breaths. "If you ever… make me run like that… ever again… I will cut off your legs."
"You… would never…" Zeus grinned at Hiro, despite his entire body feeling like it's on fire. "Your dad… would kill you… if I ended up like mine." 
Hiro didn't dare give that a witty comeback. He just decided to hit Zeus square in the stomach with the scabbard to his sword. Zeus let out a big "OOF" before clutching his stomach in pain, and then laughing. Hiro was way too tired to laugh, but he did let a small chuckle escape. Before he knew it, Hiro was doing his usual scans of the area, looking for anything or anyone suspicious. He didn't see anything just yet, but he got the strange feeling like there was someone watching. Not maliciously, but…
The sudden explosion of the first firework of the night startled Hiro. He looked to the sky, and there it was: a shimmering red firework. Next came dazzling showers of golds, greens, purples, and blues. Shaped like flowers, cats, and even some like stars, each and every firework that went off seemed to dance upon the twilight sky of the city. Somehow, that idiot managed to pick the perfect spot. This was the perfect place to watch them - and the two were far enough away so that way they didn't have to worry about the sound of the fireworks blowing out their eardrums.
"See? We made it just in time!" Zeus peeled himself off the ground and sat next to Hiro on the fountain's edge, brushing his cardigan off as he sat. "The rush was worth it!"
"I'm more amazed at how you found this spot. It's perfect." And very unlike Zeus, Hiro thought. There was no way he thought of this on his own.
"Isn't it? I saw this park in a little brochure not too long ago, then I saw where the fireworks were being lit… then BOOM! Great idea!" Zeus beamed, placing his hands proudly on his hips.
"Mmhm." Hiro does not remember seeing any kind of brochure like that in their room at all. 
Zeus started taking out his camera for the second time (at least, to Hiro's knowledge - god only knows what he was doing in the dressing room), trying to focus on getting the perfect shot of the fireworks in the sky. He took a few unsuccessful ones, which he was saddened by. Hiro just kept his eyes on the sky, but occasionally stole a glance at Zeus whenever he would make disgruntled noises. This was nice. Zeus eventually got the kind of picture he wanted, then turned his attention to taking a selfie with Hiro. 
"What are you doing?" Hiro rested his head on one of his hands.
"Come on, just one picture of us!"
"I think you've already taken enough pictures of me today. I saw you taking some at the café." 
"This is different!!"
"Wha- how?!"
"Because I didn't get one of us! Totally different. Now shut up and smile!" Before Hiro could get another word in, Zeus was already smiling at the camera, making a peace sign with his other hand and snapping a photo. Hiro sighed once he was done.
"You are incorrigible." 
"Ooh, five points for such a big word!"
Hiro glared daggers at his liege, quickly doing a partial draw on his sword and flashing the blade to intimidate Zeus.
"Yeesh. Tough crowd." Zeus put his photos and camera back into their respective cases in his bag, carefully switching it with something else. Hiro didn't see what it was, but Zeus did like fidgeting with random things in his bag.
After a few moments, something started eating at Hiro. It had actually been eating at him all day, but this was the first time he spoke out loud about it.
"Zeus. Why did you really want to go out today?"
"... Whaddya mean, Hiro?"
"Look, Zeus. I've known you for longer than I'd like to admit. You're not exactly yourself today, and I don't know why."
"Pretty sure I'm the same as I've always been."
Hiro straightened his back and sat up properly. "No, you're not." He chided as another gold and blue firework lit up the sky. "You've been acting weird all day."
"Yeah? How so?"
"Well, for starters…" Hiro stood up, crossing his arms as he turned his attention to Zeus. Zeus knew this pose well. Hiro is about to get on his soapbox.
"Not only did you 'just decide' to go out into town today, you deliberately hid the fact that you wanted to watch these fireworks."
Another boom echoes. Zeus is looking at the ground. 
"Next, you have a very weird and secretive conversation with our good friend Jay that leaves you practically speechless." 
Another. This time in reds and silvers.
"You want to go shopping, yet I didn't see you spend a single damn lune! Which I have never seen you do!"
Four booms at once.
"And you were in such a rush to get here, when any other place in the city could have done just as well! Seriously, Zeus, did you think I wouldn't notice?"
Another. Zeus meets Hiro's intense gaze sheepishly. "Hiro, I…"
"You what? Seriously, are you okay?" 
"Yes, I'm fine!" Zeus stands to meet Hiro's height. Hiro was always a little shorter than Zeus. "I just… I need to ask you something, Hiro." This was a look Hiro had not seen on Zeus' face in years. Only in a memory, now.
"I just… I don't know how to ask it right."
"You don't know until you try."
"I know, I know! Hoo. Okay." Zeus slapped his cheeks to recenter himself. He then looked Hiro right in the eyes as he spoke.
"Hiro, what do you think you are to me?"
Hiro was stunned, to say the least. He gave Zeus a thousand yard stare before he could even think of a proper answer.
"I, uh…"
Another boom. Blue and red this time.
"I-I'm your retainer. I'm the one that keeps you safe. What else am I supposed to be?" Hiro couldn't look Zeus in the eyes anymore. He was really blindsided by that question.
"Go on."
Another boom. Blue and red again.
"What do you mean, 'go on'? I don't understand…" Zeus reached a hand out to place on Hiro's shoulder. Hiro brushed it away.
"I… I think you have more to say."
"Zeus, if this is another one of your jokes, it is really not funny. I really don't know where you want me to go with this."
Another. Green and blue.
"I just want you to talk, Hiro."
"Talk about what?! You are my liege. I am your retainer. I keep you safe, you pay me. Actually, you don't even do that." Hiro turned away from Zeus. What does he even tell Zeus anyways? That he has been traumatized by his father's teachings and that is preventing him from truly becoming close with Zeus as they age? That he has feelings for Zeus he can't even describe because he's never asked anyone else about them, nor has he ever felt them towards anyone else? 
Four more booms, all blue and green.
"I am your retainer. How many times do I have to say it, you idiot?! I am your royal shield, nothing more." Why did he feel his eyes welling up? Why is his chest burning again?
"... Is that really how you feel?"
Hiro nodded. Another boom. Blue again.
"I know my place, Zeus. I don't know how you haven't learned yours yet."
"Hiro." Zeus reached out and grabbed Hiro's wrist. No escape this time. 
"... Do you know what I think you are to me?" Hiro didn't answer and kept his face hidden from Zeus. Another boom, red flowers.
"You are the most irreplaceable person in my life. You are the one that is always there for me, whether I like it or not." 
"... Because I have to be."
"I don't believe that. If you didn't want to be here, you'd be watching over Lulu and Belle." He was right.
Another boom, red and blue flowers. 
"Hiro, you are more than a retainer to me." Zeus tightened his grip on Hiro's wrist. Hiro could swear that he could hear Zeus' heartbeat. "You are my best friend, my partner in crime, my most trusted confidant."
Zeus walked around Hiro so he could see his face. Zeus was taken aback by the tears welling in Hiro's eyes. Zeus cupped Hiro's cheeks with both of his hands, drawing himself closer to Hiro. Hiro's heart was about to burst.
"I need you to understand how much you mean to me, Hiro. I'm sorry that I'm not great at saying it out loud or expressing it, but I mean it!"
Another boom, purple flowers.
"You are not my royal shield, Hiro. You are my royal treasure. My hero." Zeus' cheeks flushed a bright red as he spoke. Hiro didn't notice it before.
"You… You absolute moro-"
Before Hiro could finish his sentence, Zeus' lips were on his. 
Another, all blue and gold. 
This wasn't practice, this was… real. When Hiro got over the initial shock of what was happening, he was hesitant to kiss back. He was scared, but, against his better judgment, let his guard down for the first time in years and wrapped his arms around Zeus's neck, pulling him in closer. Zeus deepened the kiss when Hiro did this, and Hiro let him. The tears that had been welling in Hiro's eyes finally escaped. The burning in his chest turned to butterflies, almost as if they had finally been freed from a lifetime of captivity. When they finally parted, both of them were out of breath for a moment. Zeus rested his forehead on Hiro’s, still gently holding Hiro’s face in his hands.
“...Are you sure you’re feeling alright? Was that… practice?” Hiro muttered through trembling lips.
“Hiro, I am completely fine. That wasn’t practice.”
“But why all this? Why now?”
“I… don’t want to bring it back into the light.”
Hiro had already had a guess for what Zeus meant. 
“... You can say it. I don’t mind.”
“Are you sure?” Hiro nodded again. “Okay…” Zeus was still blushing, but he looked at Hiro in the eyes once more. Zeus always loved the golden brown color that they were.
“When I was… In that coma, during your prefect trials…” Hiro hit the nail on the head. “I had a dream. I had a dream where you died instead of me. You were covered in so much blood, and I could barely even live with myself.” Hiro remembers staying by Zeus’ side every day and every night he was in that coma. He remembers Zeus stirring in his unconscious state, sometimes they did seem like he was having a nightmare… “I… saw your funeral. I had to console your mom, tell your dad that you died doing your job like he wanted, Kureha didn’t even speak to me. My family was constantly by my side, asking and making sure that I was okay. I had to spend the rest of my life without you. It was hell, and I don’t ever want to live like that ever again, dream or no dream.” 
Another boom, reds, blues, and golds.
“... I think I understand.”
“But do you understand how important you are to me?”
Hiro felt more tears falling down his cheeks. Not like he could do anything to stop them. Hiro swallowed hard before speaking. “It’s… hard for me to. You are such a moron, and I…” 
“Hiro, forget everything you’ve been taught for a minute. What do you want? How do you actually feel?”
Hiro blanked for a moment. Another boom, all gold. He tried clearing his mind, taking the time to think about what he wanted for a change. He thought about all of the years they’ve spent together, all the times Hiro had protected Zeus, all the times they just… had fun together. He reminisced on his own feelings, and he tried so hard to figure out what it was he had been feeling throughout his entire life. The burning in his chest, the static he would get every time they touched, how he was always so calm and how everything they did felt so natural, so right. 
Another boom, gold and red. 
And then it hit him. He finally connected the dots, how did he not realize this sooner? 
He’s been in love with this idiot his entire life. 
Another boom, purples, blues, and golds. 
“I..” Hiro’s voice was almost a whisper as he spoke. He still wasn’t comfortable saying it out loud just yet. “I-I think that… maybe… I just want to stay with you. For a long time.” 
Zeus wiped the warm tears from Hiro’s eyes. “I think you can do better than that.” He grinned.
“Shut up, you idiot! This is difficult enough as it is; I can’t just let go of the mindset that’s been drilled into me since I was born! What else are you expecting me to say?!” Hiro took a small step back from Zeus, moving his hands and placing them on the royal’s shoulders. He averted Zeus’ gaze once again.
Zeus ran a hand through Hiro’s silky raven hair. Another thing he hasn’t done in years.
“I want you to say that you love me, too.”
“I love you, Hiro Tachibana.”
Another boom. Blues, whites, golds, and reds. 
Hiro froze. He didn’t know he needed to hear those words, but they broke him in all the right ways. Hiro felt his knees go weak, and his composure simply lost. He fell to his knees, clutching the bottom of Zeus’ cardigan, his face red and stained with even more tears now.
“Hiro…” Zeus knelt down to meet Hiro once again, getting to an equal height once again. The young royal grasped Hiro’s hands with his own, removing Hiro’s hands from his cardigan and holding them in his hands so, so gently. Zeus had never seen Hiro like this - was he being too forward? Was this too soon? Did he misunderstand everything about their relationship?
“Y-you don’t have to say it back, actually. We can just… take our time. Yeah, at our own pace! So please, don’t cry…”
“Y-you are such… a moron…” Hiro choked out through stifled tears, wiping his face on his arm to try and wipe away the tears that just wouldn’t stop coming. 
“I have… been… in love with you… for years.” Hiro tightened his grip on Zeus’ palms. “Every day of my life, it feels like. I… I can’t bear to think about you not being in my life. I was so beside myself when… when the fierga…” 
“I know.”
“I don’t think you do, Zeus! You are my whole goddamn world! You want me to say it, so I’m saying it!” He lightly punched Zeus with his left hand, nothing unusual for him. “I’m so fucking in love with you it hurts! It hurts me because I didn’t think we would ever go past what we always have been! I thought…”
Zeus didn’t say anything. For the first time in a while, that is. He simply listened.
“I thought that you would never love me back. I always assumed that you’d fall in love and get married to some girl, or your parents would marry you off to some noble, and I… I would just get tossed to the sidelines like I always have. Like the rest of my family always has.”
Hiro punched him again, a little harder this time. Another boom, purple and gold once again. 
“I love you so much, Zeus. So, so fucking much.” If you told him 10 years ago, when they were just kids sparring under the midday sun, that he would be in love with his best friend, Hiro wouldn’t believe you. Zeus used his newly freed hand to wipe Hiro’s tears once more, tenderly grazing his thumb against Hiro’s cheeks. He then grabbed the back of Hiro’s head and brought their foreheads together once more. Hiro had never seen Zeus so gentle. He was always so boisterous, loud, and so full of life that it sometimes annoyed him. Hiro always expected Zeus to just make a big, vibrant showing out of his love- he never expected such a muted confession. 
“I love you too, Hiro. More than anyone.”
“... Can you kiss me again?” Hiro asked sheepishly. 
“Of course.” 
This kiss was so much more gentle, so much more loving, so much softer than any other. Hiro once again pulled Zeus in closer, one hand around the back of Zeus’ neck, mirroring the one Zeus had on his own. This second kiss felt like it was too short, so they went in for another one. Another. Even more. A kiss for every year they missed being like this, as though they were making up for time lost. Zeus wrapped his free hand around Hiro’s waist, supporting his weight as they leaned deeper into every kiss. This was a dream, or it felt like it, at least. 
By this point in time, the sky had turned completely dark, but the streetlights and fireworks were still gently illuminating them as they embraced. This almost felt like a dream, much like the one Hiro had earlier. How was it a memory and a prophetic dream all at once? He will never know. Time seemed to stop for them in this wholesome, private moment of their own. Everything was falling into place, and this was only the first step towards the rest of their future. More fireworks boomed in every color of the rainbow behind them. Hiro’s tears finally subsided.
When they needed to catch their breath, they just stayed in place, not saying anything - basking in their newfound intimacy. Zeus pulled away first, reaching back into his bag and pulled out a small, velvet box. Hiro looked confused at first. He’s seen the box before, but he always thought it was just a case for Zeus to put his rings when he was washing his hands. Instead, Zeus hands the box out for Hiro to take. 
“I, um, also got this for you, too.”
“Just take it!”
Hiro did. “Am I allowed to open it?”
“Wouldn’t be much of a gift if you didn’t, now would it?”
“Heh.” Hiro fidgeted with the box for a moment, tracing his fingertips on the velvet before properly opening it. 
Inside was a gorgeous, thick banded silver ring with a light blue sapphire stone the exact color of Zeus’ hair inlaid in the center. On the sides of the ring were their constellations - Scorpius on one side, Capricornus on the other - and raised filigree of the same lilies that always adorned the Brundle estate’s table centerpieces. Hiro took the ring out of the box, in awe of the attention to detail put into it. He then saw the etched wording on the inside of the ring.
“For my hero.”
“... This is moving a little too fast, Zeus.” He was such a cheeseball, Hiro thought. He almost started to cry again.
Zeus’ eyes widened, and then he started to panic. “N-no, wait!! This is NOT what you think it is!!”
“What the hell else am I supposed to think when you give me such a nice ring, idiot?!”
“Just, argh! Look!” Zeus pulled out another, similar ring from his bag and held it out for Hiro to see. This one, while similar in size, was golden and had a beautiful black opal inlaid. It also had the same constellations, but had cherry blossom filigree instead. 
"I'm not proposing, okay?! I mean, I would still like to, you know, one day, but not right now! They're just, um…"
"... More like promise rings?"
"Y-yeah!" Zeus scratched the back of his head, almost reflexively. Hiro smiled and put the ring on his right ring finger. 
"This is still all… very sudden. But thank you, Zeus."
"It's… no problem." Zeus smiled back. He loved Hiro's smile, fangs and all. The only thing Zeus ever wanted to do was to see it. Zeus placed his own ring in the same spot.
Hiro shifted his body and scooted closer to the young royal, resting his head on Zeus' shoulder. Zeus put his arm around Hiro immediately, allowing Hiro to take in even more of Zeus' insane amount of body heat. They sat and watched the fireworks for a small while, silent once again. Simply enjoying the moment and all that it entailed, the fountain bubbling softly beside them. 
"... How did you know?"
"How did I know what?"
"How did you know I would reciprocate? And why me, for that matter?"
Zeus sighed. "I pour my heart out, confess my love, and you still need more?" Zeus brushed some of Hiro's bangs out of his face. 
"You are going to have to get used to it. I'm not even close to being done with interrogating you."
"Well, for starters, you're not exactly subtle."
"The hell does that mean?"
"Hiro, do you remember when we went to our first homecoming dance? When we were still teenagers?"
Hiro froze. Was he fucking psychic? "... Remind me."
"Heh, gladly. When we got home, I was sooo damn insecure. I was like, 'ohh my god, I'm a virgin, what if those hot upperclassmen try to seduce me and figure out I haven't even kissed anyone!'"
Hiro chuckled at Zeus' retelling. "Yeah?"
"Yeah! And do you remember what your reaction was?"
"Blocked it from my memory."
"You said, and I quote: 'You could always practice on me, you know'. I nearly fainted!" Zeus always had a spot-on impression of Hiro. 
"Hm. What else?"
"What else? We then made out for like, the next two hours! You even made fun of me for kissing you horribly."
"You could use some work." 
"Like THAT! That is the exact same damn thing you told me that night, too!"
"Sounds like you haven't gotten much better these past 8 years, then!" Hiro laughed at his own joke.
"Oh, shut it! It's not my fault that my coach was incredible and then decided to never teach me again."
"You are so not blaming me for that."
"I think I can!"
"Uh, no. You were the one who decided to act like it never happened ever again."
"... We just got busy, that's all. We didn't get much time to be alone after that."
"Zeus, we've been roommates for the past four years. We have had plenty of time."
"It's totally different! What was I supposed to do, just walk up to you and say 'Hey Hiro! Not sure if you remember the happiest day of my life, but can we practice kissing again? No homo, full bi!' Absolutely not."
Hiro snorted at the "no homo", trying to contain his laughter.
"Besides, you seem like you've been really annoyed with me these past few years. I was hardly even sure that this," Zeus waves his hands around, gesturing to the both of them, " was even going to work. I have been nervous about this for weeks! I didn’t expect you to be such a crybaby about it, though."
“Who the hell are you calling a crybaby?!” Hiro couldn't deny it, maybe he has been just a little too mean to Zeus. Not like he's going to stop any time soon, but maybe he'll make it clearer that it's just banter. 
“Regardless, why me, though? You still haven’t answered that.”
“Coulda sworn I did. But, sheesh, you sure know how to make me talk.” 
“It’s my specialty.”
“Uh huh. Suuuure.” Zeus adjusted his grip on Hiro’s arm, then used his free hand to hold one of Hiro’s, intertwining their fingers like they did so many years ago. “If I’m being honest… It’s always been you, Hiro.”
“What do you mean?”
“Hiro, we’ve pretty much always been together. I’ve always loved you, I think. I’ve done a lot of thinking about my ideal partner, and who I wanted to marry. Hell, I thought about the kind of person you would like best, because I knew you’d still always be by my side.”
Zeus raised his free hand and placed a kiss onto the back of Hiro’s. What a dork.
“Eventually, it just all came back to you. Every road, every thought, just back to you, every time. Plus, I wanted to keep my word.”
“...Your word?”
“Well, yeah. I told my mom I wanted to marry you when we were kids, right? I actually had a conversation with her when we went home last, and she was still holdin’ on to that. She kept asking me when I was going to propose, the nerve!”
“Oh, my god.” Hiro covered his mouth with his free hand, trying really hard not to burst out laughing. Lady Brundle is hilarious. 
“Hell, even Kureha butted in on the conversation and asked me when I was going to ask for ‘permission to wed her precious baby bro’! I nearly lost my mind, I tell you!” 
“Wait a minute, even Kureha knows?!”
“Are you kidding me? She was like, the first person to see that we were so stupidly in love with each other, even before we knew it! And boy does she not let me forget it.” 
Everything started making sense, now. Kureha’s torture of Zeus was her being a protective older sister. The witch was testing him all along, making sure that Zeus knew exactly what he was getting into. 
“Oh. Oh, it’s all coming together now. That sneaky little…”
“Right?! She’s going to be so happy when we go back and see them next time, I bet.”
“I don’t think my dad will be, though…”
“Won’t know until we go back and tell ‘em. I think my dad will convince him that it’s not a bad thing, though.” 
“Ugh, yeah, your dad is quite convincing. I still don’t know how my dad keeps falling for his bullshit.”
“You can’t survive being head of a prominent noble house without having a silver tongue, I guess.”
Hiro squeezed Zeus’ hand, smiling softly as more fireworks danced in the sky. This was nice, Hiro thought. 
“You know, I’m still not convinced you thought of all this by yourself.”
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?! Am I not allowed to be romantic?”
“You don’t have a single romantic bone in your body, moron. Who was it that helped you with all this?”
Zeus muttered under his breath, turning his head away in a huff. 
“What was that? I can’t hear you.”
“It was JAY, okay! Are you happy now?!”
Even more dots started connecting. Hiro practically jumped away from Zeus, his normally tired eyes wide with surprise. 
“OUR Jay?!”
“Yes, OUR Jay! She told me about the fireworks, the park, hell, she even coached me on what to say to you, and how to respond. She was a fucking demon about it!”
“I cannot believe her. Is that what you were actually talking about earlier? I knew you were lying to me about what you were talking about, but I didn’t even begin to imagine it would be THIS.”
“Ugh, you really are too sharp for your own good. Yes! She was reminding me to ‘shut the fuck up for once’. We went over the plan, and she reminded me about everything she taught me. Quite harshly, might I add!”
“Sounds like Jay, alright. How long has she known?”
“For about three weeks. That’s when I got the rings made.”
“Oh, so those were your idea. Didn’t think you had it in you.”
Zeus scoffed. “‘Course they were! I was actually planning on giving it to you for your birthday, but then Jay told me about the fireworks, and I just, kinda… let it slip to her. She was crying even harder than you were when I told her! Going on and on about how she’s ‘so happy I finally realized it’ and that ‘she’s been trying to wingman us the entire time she’s known us’, and a whole bunch of other shit.”
“Bet you twenty lunes that she’s going to start crying again when we tell her your plan was a success.” 
“Oh come on, that’s not even a fair bet! You know for a fact she will.”
The two of them laughed again, thinking of how silly everything had been. The two enjoyed the rest of the beautiful fireworks together, and began to start walking back to the academy once it ended, hand in hand the entire time. When they left, Hiro could swear that he saw a faint flash of white hair in the distance behind where they had been the whole time. He decided to ignore it, for better or for worse.
They talked extensively on the way back to their dorms, thinking about how each and every one of their friends would react to the news. They came to the conclusion that they weren’t going to tell everybody just yet, only a select few. Lucious was definitely going to be the first to know, although they knew he was going to make fun of them endlessly for it. The path back to the academy was peaceful, with only a few other students making their way back to the academy as well. It was too dark for anybody to see them at this point, so they simply ignored them. They knew they still had prefect privileges, so it isn’t an issue for them to still be out so late, but they still snuck their way across the dimly lit grounds. When they finally reached their dorm, they both shared a bed for the first time in years, and also the first time so intertwined. No matter where they went, they would still be able to give themselves private, intimate moments. Perfect moments that would be in their memories for a lifetime. 
This was their new beginning. Starting over in this way wouldn’t be easy, but loving each other is the easiest thing they’ve ever done.
Twenty eight years together, and things are about to change for the better.
News of the young royal’s wedding was heard across the continent. People all over came to see the wedding, with many people wondering who the heir to the Brundle estate was to marry. 
Many close friends of the grooms’ were in the wedding party, of course. Lucious was Hiro’s best man, and Jay was to be Zeus’ best woman. Caesar, Alfonse, Liz, and even Klaus were a part of the party as well. Kureha was of course by Hiro’s side as well, and Lulu and Belle were dual flower girls. Jay cried the whole ceremony, and so did the boys’ mothers, of course. Especially when Hiro’s father started walking Hiro down the aisle. All of their other classmates and family members were in the front rows, who were hooting and hollering every chance they got. 
Their wedding outfits were nothing less than extravagant, of course. Zeus’ was in a dark navy suit, adorned with cream colored cuffs and lapels. The same lily filigree on the ring he would be wearing for the rest of his life inlaid with delicate gold embroidery. He also had a large, fur lined cape that draped across the floor, the fur white as sparkling snow and the fabric a deep black on top and red on the inside, the crest of Queensblade adorned on the back. Hiro was dressed in traditional Hinomotan wedding attire, a black silk montsuki and gray hakama with silver cherry blossoms embroidered at the hems. His haori was also black with the same cherry blossom embroidery as the hakama, and the Tachibana family crest adorned the back of it. Hiro’s father had helped him get dressed, of course. Small words were whispered to Hiro by his father before letting him go, telling him how proud he was. Words not often spoken, but appreciated nonetheless. 
Their vows were soft, heartfelt, full of emotion. Many spectators were surprised at how the young royal was marrying his retainer, which was simply unheard of until today. Many of the noble women and their daughters wept over the fact that they now knew they had no chance at marrying into the Brundle royal family, as the two men’s vows made it clear just how much in love they were. So many photographs were taken, and Luca was specially commissioned to do a painting of their ceremony, which still hangs above the mantle of the Brundle family estate. 
The reception was an absolute rager. Hiro and Zeus of course out-ate everybody, easily eating three plates a piece, not including the cake (of which they ate one of the tiers all by themselves). There was plenty of dancing, singing, and genuine merriment for all who came. Hiro and Zeus had the time of their lives, surrounded by the people they love most. 
“I still can’t believe this is finally happening.”  Lord Brundle gazed softly from the sidelines as his son danced. 
“Finally? What do you mean, my lord?” Drink in hand, Hiro’s father settled next to his liege. 
“Oh come now, old friend! Don’t tell me you haven’t seen this coming since they were children!”
“And you’re telling me you have?” 
“Of course! Why do you think I always let them sneak off during my speeches?”
The look on Sir Tachibana’s face was one for the history books. Lord Brundle immediately burst into a hearty laughter. “Oh, oh dear! Don’t tell me you never noticed!?”
Sir Tachibana’s face turned bright red. He turned his face away from Lord Brundle in embarrassment. “My focus has always been on you. I never falter from my duty.”
“Well, you certainly faltered in your duty as a father.” That comment got a searing glare from his retainer. “Oh, you know I jest. You’ve raised splendid children.”
“I should hope so. I’m proud of him.”
“Hm, that’s not the impression I got.”
“No, I am. It’s… not the outcome I expected, but he followed his heart. I think, in some way, he even taught this old dog a new trick.”
“Oh? And what is that, exactly?”
Sir Tachibana stared at his son, softening his expression. A small smile crept upon his lips.
“When he was young, I think I was too harsh on him. I always told him to stay firm in his resolve. I told him that keeping his distance was best, as I had done with you. He ignored every single word I told him…”
“And that’s a good thing?”
“I didn’t think so at first, no. In fact, I was furious.”
“As you always are.” Another glare as Sir Tachibana takes a sip of his drink. Lord Brundle gave a smug grin in return.
“Anyways. I was upset at first. I nearly lost my temper, in fact. But Hiro was so honest and true to himself… Once I saw that, I realized that I was wrong.”
“Hiro taught me that the best way to protect someone is to love them, not distance yourself from them.”
“Aw, warmed your cold heart, did he?”
“Must you continue to chide me, my lord?”
“Oh, you know I only tease. I’m simply glad that you’ve come around to it.”
“Of course. I was going to one way or another.”
“I knew you were. It’s a shame you realized it now. If you had realized it sooner, then maybe things would have been different between us.”
“Wha- Milord!” Sir Tachibana’s face flushed a bright red. 
“ Ha ha! Another jest, dear friend!” Lord Brundle slapped a hand on his retainer’s back. 
“... You are truly incorrigible, my lord.” he grumbled. 
“Only for you. I’m just looking forward to seeing where they’ll go from here.”
“How so?”
“Zeus is about to take over the family, you know. He’s always lived his life to the fullest, so I’m wondering how he will fare as a Lord. He may be as charismatic as I am, but he’s never been… The smartest, if you will.”
“You don’t need to tell me twice. Well, Hiro will be with him, so I’m sure he’ll be fine.”
“... I’m sure he will.”
150 years together, and they are both long gone.
A young man with stark white hair travels the world, finding himself in Queensblade for the first time in a very long time. As he tours the vibrant streets, he finds himself entranced by the markets and dazzling flowers that lined every corner. He asks for directions to the Brundle estate, and gets a very quick answer. He buys a fresh bouquet of lilies and cherry blossoms, a now common pairing in Queensblade, on the way as a gift. 
When he arrives at the gates of the Brundle estate, things are not like he remembers when he went to the wedding so many years ago. Not like that wasn’t to be expected, of course - it has been well over 100 years since then. A gentle breeze tosses his long, braided hair as he approaches the northern garden - a newly added garden compared to the other three. The gates to the Brundle estate are always open - at least, the one leading to the northern garden is. The paths leading to the actual estate are closed to the public for safety reasons, courtesy of the Tachibana family. 
The garden is as gorgeous as the rest, and seems to be more of a mix of the western and eastern gardens. Gorgeous marble paths, roses, and cherry blossom trees adorned every corner, and many stone gazebos and benches allow for many people to rest as they stroll through the garden. A large pond with many artificial waterfalls spreads throughout the garden as well, with many Hinomotan and Queensblade styled bridges going over them. Massive butterfly koi float all throughout, and there are a few stands that are filled with koi food so they can be fed. As a result, they are very friendly. The white haired man leans down over one of the bridges, putting one of his hands in the water. The koi swarm him, and he chuckles at the sensation of their toothless bites. He makes his way towards the center of the garden, where a large, bronze statue resides of his old classmates. Others have already come and gone with their offerings, leaving very similar flowers to the ones he had already bought. As he approaches the center statue, he is stopped by a young woman with raven hair and golden eyes.
“Oh, are you also here to pay respects?”
“Yes, I am. Are you of the Tachibana family?”
“Good guess! Indeed I am. How do you know of my ancestor? Or are you just another history buff?”
“Oh, no, nothing of the sort. My… great grandfather was a classmate of theirs. They were kind to him, and he attended their wedding.”
“Oh, my! You have quite the connection, then.”
“They weren’t close by any means, so I’m sure I’m not as lucky as people like the Goldsteins or the Baroques.”
“Regardless, I think it’s wonderful that your ancestor got to spend time with them. Lord Zeus and Lord Hiro were some of the most influential people in the history of the Brundle and Tachibana families. I’ve heard many stories of Lord Hiro’s devotion growing up.”
“Well that is wonderful to hear. I’m glad to hear that my ancestor was able to be a part of the lives of such influential people.” The young man places the bouquet at the foot of the statue, and clasps his hand in prayer. There are two plaques that adorn the base of the statue. 
“I’m glad it is. Oh, well, I should be going now! Thank you for sharing your story with me. Please don’t hesitate to come by again!”
“Of course. I would love to stop by again.” 
“Oh, what is your name? I would love to put you on the list of special guests for the yearly public gala.”
“... Leon.”
“That’s a nice name. I’ll make sure you get on the list. Thank you, Leon! I hope to see you there!” The young woman ran off towards the main estate, waving goodbye as she did. Leon waves back, a small smile on his face. He’ll have to remember the gala, as now he has something new to look forward to.
He focuses on the plaques, finally able to read them. A soft smile appears on his face as he reads, thinking of all the shenanigans his former classmates got into while they spent their days at the Gedonelune Royal Magic Academy. 
“Here, on this day, we dedicate this statue to Lord Zeus Brundle and Lord Hiro Tachibana. Innovators for their time, Zeus is remembered for his exceptional leadership of the House of Brundle, leading it to a new age of prosperity unlike any had seen before. He is also remembered for being a pioneer of summoning magic, as his formulas are still being taught in schools to this day. Despite his grandeur, he never hesitated to call himself the ‘pinnacle of all things, alive or dead’. 
His husband, Lord Hiro Tachibana is remembered for his unyielding devotion to his husband, even before the two were married. He was Lord Brundle’s stalwart protector first, and his most trusted partner second. Lord Tachibana is also remembered for being an instrumental figure in opening up the doors of trade with Hinomoto, his ancestors’ home country, and leading both our beloved Queensblade and Hinomoto to having a wonderful relationship and economy. He is also known for being one of the best swordsmen in the history of Queensblade.
It is said that the two were hardly seen apart, and their love was stronger than any diamond. With Lord Brundle’s charisma, and Lord Tachibana’s wisdom, the two lead the country into a great era. 
Even in their old age, their love persisted. Surrounded by many friends and family, they both passed away within one minute of each other, conceding as though one could not live without the other.
Here, they stand to remind us not only of the great times our country has had, but also as a symbol of true love.
–Donated by the Goldstein, Baroque, and Abbey Families of Gedonelune–”
Leon clasps his hands together and says a small prayer for his old classmates before he puts his hands in his pockets. He glimpses up at the statue once more, fondly. As he leaves, he hears the sound of two children behind him. He twists around and sees two young boys, no older than 5. One with bright, crystal blue hair, the other with the same raven hair as the woman he met before. 
“Come on, we’re going to be late!”
“Ah– wait, please! I can’t run that fast!!”
Leon smiles once again, and turns around to continue his journeys.
Those kids will be just fine.
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oakthcrn · 5 months
❤️‍🔥🔥 listen,
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Send me a "👀❤️‍🔥" for how my muse would react to having a erotic dream of your muse, or "❤️‍🔥🔥" for a drabble about an erotic dream my muse has had of yours.
accepting @proofwhisky
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Lark had gone to bed in the fleeting hours of Christmas Eve. The party had lasted well past the time she had made her leave. The Shelby brothers were still celebrating she assumed as she bid her goodnights to the family. It had been a wonderful party full of cheer and laughter.
She had even indulged in just a little bit of brandy, after all, the latest score had been a big one. Arthur bragged about his boxing while the others were caught up in song. Though, not Tommy. Lark found herself craving more and more to be in his presence and she was beginning to believe the feeling was mutual.
What had started as a simple gesture of politeness now became something Lark enjoyed. Those quiet moments sitting together and invoking some sort of small talk but lately, it seemed all they needed was to find each other and sit together in silence. Even their late-night rendezvous had become something more meaningful to Lark.
She adored those moments when he sat with her late into the night as she tinkered away repairing some firearm while he told her about his day. Ever since that intense moment in her shop, her feelings were beginning to shift.
Now that she was snuggled in bed and drowsy from drinking, sleep would claim her as thoughts of Tommy Shelby rippled through her mind. When did she let him so close to her heart? It wasn't supposed to be like this. Her plan had been a simple one. Hide among the Shelbys in exchange for her talent at gun repair. She had no intention of anything beyond that.
Yet...the visage of Tommy Shelby entered her mind. How he sat so close beside her in the open meadow of wildflowers of violet and orange. The sun had set behind the vast horizon and melted the world in a shroud of pinkish hue that slipped into a faint shade of purple. Twilight was her favorite time of the day. The summer breeze caressed her skin through the thin fabric of her summer dress. Just as the blinking lights of the fire flies glimmered she felt Tommy Shelby lean in and bury his face into the nape of her neck.
An awakening shiver prickled along her spine as she sucked in a soft breath. His lips connected to her supple skin and trailed soft kisses along it. Her heart began to flutter as he meandered to her collarbone. The way her name sounded lyrical as it fell in soft breaths from his lips.
Her back arched as she felt his hands slip under her blouse, his fingertips working to massage her skin as he took his time exploring her. His kisses traveled back upwards and with one fluid strike of his hand, he snatched her chin between his finger and thumb. It wasn't rough like she'd imagined it to be, but meant to hold her attention solely on him. A besotted sigh escaped her parting lips as her cheeks became flushed. Her body pressed against him of its own accord. As if it was the sign he needed; he captured her lips in a possessive kiss. It made her head swim as her eyes slid closed. The overwhelming power of his scent; was a mixture of whiskey, leather, and tobacco. It tantalized her senses and left her wanting more; needing more. She needed him in every way he could give her.
She felt her back meet the plush terrain of the meadow and when she opened her eyes, he was on top of her. A drumming of excitement rushed through and pooled between her legs as she took in his visage. The great Thomas Shelby of the Peaky Blinders would have her. He would take her and make her forget all else.
❝ T-Tommy.❞ His name came out as a soft mewl. Light and desperate. She needed him.
Her hands shot out then and made short work in unbuttoning his shirt. She slid it off his form and let it fall into the deep grass. Her emerald gaze was fixated on Tommy. She memorized every contour of his torso and chest. She admired every muscle, every imperfection, every scar. God, he was perfect in his imperfection. Her fingertips took their time as they ghosted over his skin. He was warm and hard. Even the marred parts of him were exquisite to her. Her hands slid onto his back as he leaned in and did the same. He had peeled every bit of clothing from her. Her skin prickled against the cold air as his kisses returned.
Another shiver rushed through, a soft gasp as his hand slid up and down her thigh. Her fingers worked the hard muscles of his back, her nails dragging over his shoulder blades and down his back in long slow strokes. She could feel his mouth travel from her collarbone and down her chest. His lips met with one of her breasts. He took the nipple between his teeth while a free hand teased the other. Thunderous arousal rippled through her core as her back arched more, wanting more. Her nails dug gently into his skin and as if that spurred him on, he continued his journey downward. His hands gripped her thighs and she couldn't help but part her legs for him.
Soft, methodic breaths escaped her as he planted kisses over her lower stomach and hips. She found herself biting her lip to keep from moaning too loudly, her hands coming to rest on his shoulders. Her womanhood was gleaming with a slickness caused by his relentless teasing. She panted heavily as she watched him through half-lidded eyes. He nestled himself between her legs and her heart was pounding so loud from the anticipation of what was about to happen. Her jaw clenched, her body already beginning to tremble, waiting for his touch. How she wanted to feel his tongue delve inside her depths. She wanted to writhe as he took her. She wanted to think of naught else but him.
He indulged her. A loud gasp parted her lips as she felt his hot, sweet tongue filled her.
❝T-Tommy! ❞ she found herself crying out despite her attempts at being quiet. Her back arched as her hips gently began to buck against his chin. He was feasting on her as if it was his final meal. Her hand found a place in his hair and buried it there as she gripped the soft tendrils. She wondered for a fleeting moment if he would eat her whole. Her eyes closed fully as she felt his tongue slither and dip deep into her while his thumb teased her clit in a slow circular motion.
Fuck, this was dangerous. Lark moaned again and again. She bit her lip again as a soft smile spread across her lips.
❝ J-Just like that.❞ she begged softly.
Such ecstasy. She couldn't form a single thought, all she could do was focus on him. The more he feasted on her, the more aroused she got. Just as she felt herself reaching that point of no return; her eyes shot open.
She was no longer in the beautiful meadow with a shirtless Tommy Shelby. She was back in her little room peering into the dark. She was alone and certainly not being loved on by her boss.
Slowly, Lark sat up in bed, her body flushed from the fleeting dream she was happily enduring. She pulled her knees up to her ample chest and hid her flustered face in her arms.
❝ Oh...this isn't good.❞ She grumbled as she tried to put the wonderful dream out of her mind. Some lines weren't supposed to be crossed and yet her heart was determined to cross them. She nuzzled her face in her arms for a moment before exhaling a breath. She could've sworn she could still smell the faint scent of him but there was nothing but silence.
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middleearthpixie · 2 years
Heat Wave
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A/N: I wrote this for @fizzyxcustard, who’s been an amazing friend during more than one rough time. It’s my way of saying thank you for being there to listen. 💜
Summary: On the hottest day of the year, you’ve sought relief in a lake tucked within Sherwood Forest. You thought no one would bother you. But you were wrong. And when Sir Guy of Gisborne appears when you’re already in the water, the air isn’t be the only thing searingly hot… 
Characters: Guy of Gisborne
Relationship: Guy of Gisborne x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Flirting, hints of stalking (but not in the menacing, dangerous way)
Rating: T
Word Count: 3,765
Summer was the least of your favorite seasons and the bakery was your least favorite place to be during summer. It wasn’t too bad in the mornings, when the air was still cool and dew glistened off the leaves and grass and the breeze came soft upon your skin. By mid-morning, however, it was all you could do to not melt into a puddle somewhere between the kitchens and the front of the shop. The breeze faltered. The sun blazed. The temperatures climbed until you thought melting was your only option.
And this summer was by far the worst. Day after day, week after week, there was only relentless heat, the air so heavy and damp that stepping into it was akin to having a wet sheet wrapped about you. Couple that with the heat from the ovens and the layers of clothing your father made certain you used to cover yourself, and you had one miserable day after the next.
But today was the worst of them all. So bad that even your father could no longer tolerate it. 
He mopped his face with his apron. The sweat beading his forehead mingled with the dusting of flour that always clung to him to make a sticky-looking paste that smeared across his skin. He grimaced. “This is madness,” he grumbled, untying the apron to nearly rip it from him. “We’ve not had a single body in here since early this morning.”
Your hopes rose. “Do you wish to close?”
He nodded. “There is no point in remaining open. I wish only to go and sit in the shade for a bit. Perhaps pay a visit to the Gander for a pint. Hopefully it will rain later and the air will cool for tomorrow.” He shooed you toward the door. “Go. Enjoy a bit of leisure time, then.”
“Thank you, Papa.” You smiled as you tugged off your apron to toss onto the work table, pushed up onto your toes to brush his scruffy cheek with a kiss, and then hurried out before he changed his mind. He seldom closed the shop early and even more rarely allowed you to go do as you wish, preferring to keep as close an eye on you as he could. His greatest fear was something would happen to you, he’d told you in a drunken confession one night, or that he’d lose you, just as he’d lost your mother so many years earlier. 
He was a gruff, rather strict man, but you knew he loved you, knew that he was so strict because of what happened to your mother. Still, when he relented and gave you a bit of freedom… well, you’d be a fool not to take it.
He often hinted that he’d like you to marry, that he could use another set of hands in the bakery, that he would like grandchildren. You managed to laugh that off for the most part. There was only one man you wanted and your father would never agree to allow you to be in the same room with him, never mind take him as your husband.
You tried not think about that as you left the bakery through the kitchen door, and hurried down the narrow, rock-strewn path leading away from the bakery, away from the village, and further into the woods. The lush foliage and thick tree canopy provided respite from the blazing sun, but it was still not much cooler than the village. Still, as you made your way deeper into it, the sound of rushing water reached your ears and that alone was enough to make you feel cooler.
The lake was fairly large and quite deep in the middle and you had no idea if the king would mind you making use of it. But at the same time, you didn't care much and since no one ever bothered you there, you figured it was fine. And even if it wasn’t, you were so hot, so sticky—between sweat and flour and the fine grit of sugar—you couldn't wait to submerge yourself. You’d take your chances at this point. That was how uncomfortable and grimy you felt. 
The water was placid, its surface mirror-like in its calmness, and the only sounds came from the birds in the treetops and the occasional frog. Although you hadn’t seen a soul on your way in, and all around you was mostly quiet (save for those songbirds, which you didn't mind so much) you still looked about in all directions. The last thing you wanted was for someone to happen upon you now.
But all was clear, so with a hint of a smile, you began peeling off layers. As the air finally reached your overheated skin and the sweat evaporated, you felt a bit cooler. By the time you were down to only your chemise, you almost shivered. It was the dampest of the layers and you peeled it off with relish, then let it fall atop the small pile of your clothes. 
You made your way to the lake’s edge. The water lapped ever so gently along the sandy shore, warm as it sluiced about your ankles. But even warm, it brought a smile to your lips for it was cooler than the air around you. 
With that, you waded out and when the water was chest-level, you dove beneath the surface. The water was like velvet against your skin, and despite its warmth, refreshing. You remained underwater for as long as your lungs would allow, and when they reminded you that you needed to draw breath, you kicked for the surface, slicing through it as if you were a selkie. You broke through with a laugh, just happy to be free for the afternoon and no longer a sweating, sticky mess in a hot kitchen or the equally stifling shop.
“Do you do this often?”
You froze at the low, deep voice, the words laced with amusement, and swept your hair from your eyes to find you were no longer alone. And what was worse?
It was him.
Sir Guy of Gisborne, the sheriff’s second in command and a man almost everyone in your village both loathed and feared. He was cold and cruel, sometimes seemingly reveling in the tasks he carried out on the sheriff’s behalf, and no stranger to violence.
But to you, he was a man misunderstood by so many. One you were certain had some kindness in him somewhere, as you didn't believe anyone was entirely good or evil. You’d only ever spoken to him a few times before now, when he’d come into the bakery when he knew he’d find apple pie or tarts for sale. You didn't know much about him, but you knew apples were his favorite thing and he should only know how you made sure that when apple season was upon you, and you were up to your eyes in tarts, pies, and turnovers, you always put some aside so that when and if Sir Guy came into the shop, you could give it to him.
He frequented the shop often, coming in day after day, at various times. And when he did, you’d smile, all the while hoping he didn't notice how you stammered over the simplest words. That he didn't notice how you blushed, and you were positive you blushed like mad. Your face simply grew too hot for it to be anything but a blush whenever his blue-eyed gaze alit upon you. 
But if he noticed, he never made mention of it. He’d smile and inquire as to how your morning or afternoon was going. The his smile was just that, a genuine smile and not the smirk you’d seen him flash so many times before at other people. For you, his smile reached his eyes—his beautiful, piercing blue eyes—and you’d find yourself wondering just how many people ever saw that version of his smile. Somehow, you didn't think many did. You didn't know why, but it just seemed to you they probably didn’t. 
Those were the minutes you cherished the most, the short time he stood before you, and when he’d take his leave, it seemed as if the shop itself grew duller. You didn't like to think about where he was or what he might be doing once he left. You’d heard the rumors, you’d seen him in action for yourself. There was no way you could put him on a pedestal. He wouldn’t last ten seconds there before he toppled off. But at the same time, you just knew there was far more to him than what he let the world see. 
It was madness, to be sure, but you’d admired him for so long now, watching him as he’d pass by the shop windows astride his black gelding, and you’d sigh, just wishing he would take notice of you beyond the girl in the shop who blushed and stammered like an idiot whenever you tried to speak to him. 
Well, now he had noticed you. But this was not what you’d had in mind when you’d wished he would finally do so. 
Still, there he was, standing beyond the boulder at the far end of the lake, the sunlight slitting through the treetops to shimmer along his longish, wavy, raven-black hair. His eyes were piercing blue beneath ebony brows and you wondered how he didn't melt in his leather trousers and gambeson. It didn't escape your notice that the dark hair at his temples looked damp, but other than that, it could be the middle of winter for all the discomfort he showed. 
This was the first time he’d ever spoken to you outside your father’s bake shop, the first time you’d ever encountered him on your own. You’d daydreamed about it, and at night, imagined all sorts of wonderful scenarios in which you happened upon him or vice versa. But you’d never imagined it would be as terrifying as it was exhilarating, or that your heart beat wildly against your ribs and your mouth would go as dry as the heavy dust that lingered in the air because the earth was so parched. 
“I—I beg your pardon?” The words were difficult to push out, sticking slightly in your throat. 
He leaned against that boulder, both hands splayed against it, and raised one eyebrow. “This lake belongs to the king, you realize. Have you permission to be here?”
“I wouldn’t know who to petition for permission. And besides, I am harming no one by taking a dip. The king would have no cause to be upset with me,” you told him, proud of yourself for keeping your voice calm and even while your insides flipped and flopped like a fish out of water. The water was almost to your shoulders, but it was fairly clear and you wondered just how much he could see from his vantage point. Heat swirled through you at the thought he might be able to see all of you. And yet, you really didn't think he could, especially as you tread water, which broke up the surface enough to obscure you. Or so you hoped. But then again, perhaps coming face to face with naked women was something with which he was quite familiar and gave no thought to.
You didn't want to think about that. 
He pushed away from the rock, folding his arms across his chest. “I could arrest you for this, you realize. Trespassing is a crime, after all.”
Your gut curdled at the smooth authority in his voice. He could, of course. And you didn't doubt that he would do so without a second thought if the spirit so moved him. But, at the same time, you had the feeling he would do no such thing, that he wouldn’t be so cruel with you as to humiliate you in that way, that he would never order you to march from the lake to stand before him with your charms exposed for the world to see.
At least, you hoped he wouldn’t.
You drew in a deep breath, inwardly trying to convince the butterflies in your belly to calm down, which they refused to do, of course. Still, you swallowed hard as you forced yourself to ask, “Are you going to, then?”
A slight smile came to his lips. “Do you wish me to?”
You continued to tread water, although your arms were on the tired side. “What do you think my answer would be?”
He didn't answer right away, but just stared down at you. The flutter in your belly worsened as he then pushed away from and came around, the rocks, over to where your pile of clothing lay. He glanced down at it, then back at you. “Does your father know you’re here?”
You weren’t entirely certain how to answer that. If you offered up that no one knew you were there, it could be a terrible mistake. But if you lied and said of course your father knew, and it got back to him… he would be beyond furious and would probably demand Guy do the honorable thing in marrying you as everyone would have believed him to have compromised you.
A sticky situation, indeed. 
Still, you shook your head slowly. “He does not. And I would appreciate it if you’d not say anything to him, either.”
“It is not my business to out wayward daughters,” he replied smoothly, leather creaking softly as he shifted his weight from one foot to the other. “But, it’s not exactly wise to admit no one knows where you are, either, you know.”
The butterflies beat your insides with far more force now. “I should have lied to you, then?”
“To me?” He shook his head. “No. I’m not about to hurt you. But what if I’d been a different man? You could find yourself in serious trouble.”
“I’ve been coming here for the last several weeks, since this blasted heat arrived. You are the first soul I’ve happened upon, or who has happened upon me, in that time.”
To your surprise, his eyes seemed to soften as he ventured closer to the edge of the lake. “Most of the village knows this area is off limits to them. They are far more concerned with obeying the laws than you are, apparently.”
As the sun had begun its descent and the air cooled somewhat, so did the water. Now you felt a hint of a chill. You’d have gotten out long before now, had Guy not come along. His arrival left you in a bit of a pickle. You certainly couldn't emerge from the water, but at the same time, it was almost too cool for comfort now and your teeth were beginning to chatter.
“I was too hot to care,” you replied as if it was the most obvious reason in the world. 
To your surprise, he chuckled. His laughter was like his voice, deep and smooth, like rich black velvet, and it rolled over you to make your skin actually tingle. 
“And if I were to arrest you, would you care then?”
Apprehension mingled with the cooling water to prickle along your skin. “Are you going to arrest me, then?”
“I’ve not yet decided. But tell me something,” he paused, “do you think I don’t know?”
“Do I think you don’t know what? I’m afraid you’ve lost me, Sir Guy.” 
“The slice of apple pie, the tart, the turnover, that always just happens to be left when I come into your shop, regardless of the time of day.”
You lifted your shoulders in a shrug, water rippling away from you as you did. “I know you like apples.”
He smiled then, and it stole the breath from your lungs. How amazing a smile could be, how it turned a serious, dour expression so much lighter. How it made a serious face so handsome that for a moment, you forgot how to breathe.
“Have I thanked you?”
“You’ve not, but I don’t mind if you don’t.”
“Still, I’ll thank you just the same. Your kindness is very much appreciated.”
“You’re welcome, Sir Guy,” you replied with a slight bob of your head. Your arms were tired. You were growing colder by the moment. You wanted to get out and dry off, but at the same time, you didn't want him to leave, either.
And that left you in a quandary as you just looked up at him. “If you’d not mind,” you began slowly, “the water is making me cold now.”
“Then it would seem we are at a bit of an impasse,” he replied, moving closer still.
Your teeth chattered a bit harder now. “An impasse?”
“Are you coming out?” That brow quirked a bit higher. “Or am I coming in?”
“I—I beg your pardon?”
“You heard me. Are you coming out, or am I coming in?”
Your brain whirled with how to respond to his unexpected words. His smile set your blood to a slow boil and for so long, you’d dreamed of this moment, but you never thought it would actually come true. 
He held your gaze as he slipped from his leather gambeson. Beneath it, he wore a yellow linen doublet that bore a rather large wet patch spread across the front. But then that was gone and you could do no more than stare, for the sight of him erased every last hint of a thought from your mind. 
Dark hair sprinkled across his bare chest and you swallowed hard at the sheen of sweat against his skin, at the muscle that lay thick across his shoulders and wrapped down along his arms. You had to force yourself to look away from that enticing display and so slowly slid your gaze back to meet his, your cheeks growing warm at the knowing smile curving his lips. He knew you studied him and knew you approved of what you saw. There was simply no way for you to hide it any more than you could hide the blush you knew stained your cheeks once more.
“You cannot be serious,” you finally managed to force through your lips, shaking your head. “It would… why would… you could not.”
“I can.” He reached for the fastenings on his leather trousers and your heart actually skipped a beat as he tugged them open. “And I will. Unless you wish to come to me. But, I feel I should confess that cold water seems far more inviting than this hot, sticky air. At least for now, anyway. It’s still so terribly warm out here, you know.”
“Sir Guy…” Apprehension swirled through you, mingled with hints of daring and wickedness. More than anything, you wanted him to join you, wanted to see if your daydreams even came close to touching what it would be like to have him take you in his arms and do whatever might come to mind. But at the same time—“If anyone were to see you… to see us…”
“No one is about. And no one will venture this far in. You said yourself that you’ve been coming here these last several weeks without seeing a soul.”
“It’s true, but—”
“But what? You’re right, you know. No one will bother us at all.” He crouched to unlace one boot, then the other, and when he straightened, he lifted first one foot, then the other, to tug each boot off and let it carelessly fall to the ground alongside your pile of clothes. “I’ve seen you here more than once. But, I’ve yet to see anyone else. I think the odds of us being discovered are slim to none, love.”
Ordinarily, you’d be tongue-tied, your cheeks burning, your tongue a lazy slug refusing to behave, but aside from your initial shock, you weren’t at all uneasy in his presence. Besides, you certainly you did not miss his murmured endearment and that made you bolder still as you offered up what you hoped was a pert smile. “They all fear you, I suppose. And what do you mean, you’ve seen me here?”
To your horror—well mostly your horror, but also to your delight… maybe more delight than horror, if you were honest with yourself—he stripped off those leather trousers and your mouth went dry at the sigh of him. Oh, he was perfect. 
Water sloshed softly as he joined you, slogging toward you. Water swirled about his knees, his thighs, his hips, as he said, “I mean just that. I saw you earlier this month, when the weather first grew so warm, and followed you. And since then, I’ve made a note at what times you favor.”
Indignation swirled through you, shoving aside the delight. “You’ve… you’ve been spying on me?”
“Watching you. Or, more aptly, watching over you. To make certain no harm befell you.”
“Yes.” He reached you then, only what was shoulder deep for you was only chest deep for him. “You have to take care in these woods. You know not who you might meet.”
“Such as you?”
He smiled. “Am I so frightening to you?”
You looked up, meeting his blue eyes, held them, and slowly shook your head. “You aren’t, no.”
He smiled. “Good. You’re safe with me, you know.”
“Am I?”
He nodded, reaching to catch your hand. Your palms met, and he linked his fingers with yours to gently pull you closer. “You are. As I said, I’ll not hurt you. I give you my word.”
“Sir Guy—”
“Guy is fine,” he interrupted softly, and you shivered as his free arm slipped about your waist. That arm tightened. You thought he’d pull you against him. You hoped he would. You could only imagine what his solid body would feel like against yours.
You looked up, meeting his gaze once more, your mouth dry. “Guy… what—what are you doing?”
Water sluiced around you, warm once more, and you forgot all about your chattering teeth as he loomed over you, all broad shoulders and wide chest. He bent toward you and whispered, “Something I’ve wanted to do for weeks now, months even, but had not the courage. Unless, of course, you wish me to leave you be.”
“No,” you shook your head, “I don’t wish that at all, Guy.”
His smile grew lupine, his eyes sparkling with mischief as he leaned closer still and his lips just barely brushed yours as he whispered, “Good.”
Tag List: @tschrist1 @i-did-not-mean-to @lathalea @linasofia @fizzyxcustard @legolasbadass @kibleedibleedoo @xxbyimm @arrthurpendragon @exhausted-humxn-being @rachel1959 @laurfilijames @sketch-and-write-lover @sherala007 @enchantzz @knitastically @notlostgnome @myselfandfantasy @ggfamert @medusas-hairband @guardianofrivendell @jotink78
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rantsintechnicolor · 2 years
While picking crab apples, I am grumpy
It seems appropriate to be in a funk while picking crab apples, to be crabby while picking crabs. In my younger days, I might have let those negative emotions linger in me, let it ruin my day. But these days I’m constantly tempering and reframing my attitude, trying to balance them or outshine them with the brightness of happy thoughts so the darkness in me withers. Somes days it’s easier than others. Some situations are easier than others. As an example and for your entertainment; the good, the bad, the ridiculously detailed description of picking crab apples.
Crab apples are not always very tasty; the acids are often sharp and the tannin is bitter, and often at higher levels than most apples in a smaller package. That doesn’t mean they are useless. Children might enjoy using them as projectiles in a homemade slingshot, but they are still edible. They can be pickled and then thrown in salads or on cheese plates. They can be part of an amuse bouche, appetizer, or snack. They make a lovely jam if you want to take the time to de-seed them. They can be juiced; the fresh juice of a crab apple is some of the best apple juice I’ve had the pleasure of drinking. It’s more balanced. The acid and tannin are strong enough to cut through the cloying sweetness. And the juice from this particular variety is garnet red, dyed by the skins.
This particular variety of crab apple is so beautiful. It’s probably Dolgo, but the farmer before the current farmer lost the records of what was planted. There is a service that could sequence the genes for us, and maybe someday when we are flush with cash. The fruit is dark red (a favorite color), sometimes round, but mostly oblong like a grape. They are usually the size of cherries, and they don’t get much bigger than a large strawberry-- not a freaky large strawberry, like a regular large strawberry. When slightly under ripe, they are bright crimson and they appear to glow, perhaps because they are small enough that the brightness of the sun shines through them. When they are perfectly ripe, they are burgundy but still glow, and the native yeast on skin gives them a satiny, bluish sheen. When very ripe, they are a dark aubergine. And they smell amazing. Floral and spicy. 
Crab apples are such a pain to pick. They are used to pollinate the rest of the orchard so they are scattered throughout and finding the trees feels like hunting the trees. At least now we know they are every third row, every ten to twenty trees. And it’s fine, when the orchard is mowed. Woe to the pickers when it isn’t. The grass is chest height and it leaves sticky sap on my overalls. If it’s not the grass, it’s the prickly ox tongue (Helminthotheca echioides), teasel (Dipsacus fullonum), and sometimes the native thistle (Circium occidentale), which is so beautiful and makes my heart happy. These plants all evolved with prickly defenses, and the thistle is especially sharp. They have decided to grow taller to get out of the shade of the trees to get their chance at attracting a pollinator and competing for the sun’s light. There are times I get whacked in the face, and when my face itches later, it stings when I touch it because there are microscopic spines in my upper lip (they’ll work themselves out eventually, right?). 
Their small size also makes them a pain to pick. It takes so much longer, so much more time to pick the number needed to get a decent amount of juice, and crab apples usually yield less juice than larger apples. It’s great when the apples grow in clusters, but if I miscalculate and bump the branch, apples loose themselves, and shower me. They bounce off my hat, my chest, my face. This is fine, even comical, if the apples are perfectly ripe and a happy accident when they fall magically into the picking bag. But I have lost all the rest to the high grasses in the unmowed orchard. Oh well, there is another tree fifty feet that way.
Pollinator trees like these are rarely pruned, because the fruit is not the goal, it’s maximum bloom, maximum pollen production; as long as the bees can get in there, it’s all good. The canopy is tight and tangled. The suckers (rootstock) have been allowed to grow straight up and produce fruit. While reaching to get those perfectly ripe apples, my hat gets knocked off my head, branches hook on my clothing and gloves, arms get scratched up as I fight to get into the tree, and then fight again to get out. I’ve even got a little scratch on my face to accompany those microscopic spines. The tree has been allowed to grow so tall that branches must be bent and pulled down to harvest. Invariably, the branch slips out of my hand, and fling the apples off, all over the orchard, miles away as far as I’m concerned, and I’ve lost that precious quarter of a pound. Then there is the soreness of the arms from reaching up to pick. And the crick in the neck from looking up. And woe to me that brings no sunglasses to protect my eyes from the bright sunlight and the tiny debris and dust falling out of the tree, inevitably finding my eyes. 
It is a tragedy when I get to a tree too late, when the tree becomes what I call an apple sauce/vinegar tree (ASV), when Nature has made apple sauce in the tree. The flesh of this apple is white, but it darkens quickly to a pumpkiny orange; the high levels of tannin oxidize quickly when exposed to the air and is responsible for the color change. It’s the same color when it has become apple sauce on the tree. When I grab a cluster of seven off the ASV tree with one hand, it doesn’t feel right. Normally, I would just open my hand into the picking bag and let them fall without looking, but when I feel the unsettling squish I have to sort the mess of eviscerated apple guts clinging to the firm apples, their skin washed in the juice of the squished apple (I’m so glad I didn’t forget my gloves). These apples, that are sauce on the inside, barely cling to the tree, and when they fall into the picking bag, they must be removed immediately or before storage, before they have started to grow mold and spoil the rest of the apples in the bin, crate, or lug. When those apples shower me, I feel a sickly squish of them if they hit my face. I find them later in my clothes with a wet spot around them, because I have inadvertently juiced them between my layers of clothes as I harvested. If I approach a tree that smells like vinegar, I walk on to the next one, because all the applesauce apples will have begun fermenting on the tree and are useless for my purposes. 
Then there are the insects. Ticks. Ticks hiding in the tall grass. Oh, the anxiety they create. A quick internet search to the county health page will tell me tick bites rarely result in lyme disease in this county. I’ve never been bitten, but they do make my skin crawl for hours after seeing one. The flies. When it warms up, they are seeking my moisture and a cool place to rest. They want to get in my eyes, my nose, my ears. They wiggle into my waistband, under my bra strap, and they bite. And those bites itch for a month. Most recently, I was bothered by fleas. The deer that access the orchard bring them. And they bite hard. My neck, my hairline. I have to whip off my glove and scratch them off. “Fuck off!” I yell after the fifth time, then wonder if they even have ears (turns out they don’t). They get stuck in my fingernail but jump away before I’m able to slice them in half with another fingernail. For hours, my skin is crawling and every drip of sweat on my chest, my back, and my legs could also be an insect in my clothes getting ready to bite me.
On top of all these annoyances, I can pile my own personal hell; cramps. The pain is a distraction in itself, making me clumsy and slowing me down when I have to breathe through it (woe to me if it is time to refill my little IBuprofen bottle and I have only one pill left, and yet one pill is better than no pills). The cramps are an affront to my very being on a good day, but on a hot day when picking an ASV tree with biting fleas while losing apples to my clumsy hands, while poked and tripped by sharp plants… “Shut up,” I tell my uterus, knowing it doesn’t have ears.
All the while, I remind myself; how beautiful is this day, how perfect this August weather, how romantic these trees, how gorgeous these apples. How amazing will be these flavors from the juicing of these tiny treasures. How wonderful they will make the cellar smell. This will all be worth it, I tell myself. This will all be worth it. And maybe next year we’ll get out a few weeks earlier, and finally remember to bring a stick and a drop cloth so we can knock the apples out of the tree, instead of fighting and bending the branches. Seriously. After three days of the above, I still forgot to bring the right tools for the job, which is all the tools for the job! 
Stupid cramps.
I would now like to read a ridiculously detailed story about being grumpy while fishing for crabs.
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i-like-turkey · 2 years
Said goodbye to my happy place trail today. Pics and details under the cut.
My favorite place to trail run is nowhere near my soon to be former residence, but it’s worth the trip cause it’s the best trail ever.
This is what the trail usually looks like:
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This is what it looked like today:
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Look at all the grass!!! Thank you, Monsoon!!!
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Unfortunately for me, I kinda needed a machete for most of it. This was actually one of the better parts. I couldn’t stop to take pictures at the more overgrown areas because giant ants were everywhere and if you stop they will crawl up your legs and bite you. I was hopping rock to rock like the ground was lava for a good portion of the trail 😂
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Some of the new growth included massive, sturdy shrubs. I tried to squeeze through two of them, but they held their ground, knocked me off course, and right into a cactus:
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I stopped to take a picture, but left them in until I finished my run 😂
I didn’t beat my usual time, but that’s mostly because I was stopping to take pictures and not exactly keen on rushing through it. Had the trail been a little better maintained, I would have done it twice. 
Now I am home and:
Sunburned: on the back of my shoulders. I always burn there cause I sweat the sunscreen off. The rest of me is a few shades darker.
Bruised: my shins and arms are a mess from some of the bigger rocks.
Scraped: every bit of exposed skin is raw from all the new growth.
Bloody: a couple of my toes got crunched and started bleeding. That’s normal cause I’m ping-ponging off rocks as I run. I don’t always land cleanly, so my toes smoosh in odd ways and it can get gross. I also tore the bottoms out of both my shoes cause lots of the trail had washed away leaving sharp rocks and that made the last third of the run more interesting 😂
Dehydrated: I was fine on the trail, but the drive home took twice as long. I can normally push 90 on the road, but it was backed up for almost 60 miles, my AC couldn’t keep up, I blew through the water in my front seat, and there was no where to pull over to get the stuff in my back seat 😬
Happy:  My body hurts, I’m ready to eat a horse, and I feel like I need to sleep for a week, but to me there is no better feeling in the world. I’m the happiest I’ll ever be when I’m out running in the desert and in the immediate aftermath when I can feel everything that I did. I’m going to miss this trail so much. It might be a long time before I can go back, but I’m thankful that I got to do it one last time.
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cottoncandyswisherz · 1 month
everybodys type
um, this is based on the song im the shit by sexyy red. this song will always hold a special place in my heart, as it should all of you. luv yall! stay safe!
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bf!matt x black!reader
warnings: HATERZZZ, swearing, suggestive content
when i say her bsf name is maddie i dont mean the icon ms. filipowicz, i mean my besties name is madison and we call her maddie so madi haters, grow up, touch grass and eat my ass<3
toes white, pussy tight, im all these niggas type. brown skin, tatted up, bad bitch dont give no fuck.
the club was booming. everyone was having a good time dancing and rapping along to the music that vibrated the walls.
y/n sat in her section, with her boyfriends tatted arm slung around her shoulder. this was how she loved to be. in social situations but in her own world with the people she loves.
the people being, her man (matt), her bestfriend (maddie), and her mans brothers (nick and chris).
everyone was vibing. maddie had found a girl to dance with, chris was somewhere with his girl of the night, nick sat comfortably on the side of the couch opposite y/n and matt.
moral of the story is, everyone was at peace.
that until a girl with a lifting lace approached the section with a stank expression.
"can i help you?" y/n asked, a quizzical look on her face.
what is shawty doing over here? was the thought going through her mind.
"um, i was just wondering if i could get a picture with, um, with matt."
oh no it's a fucking groupie... at that moment she just pulled out her phone and made herself busy because what matt did after that had nothing to do wit her.
"um, im kind of chilling with my girlfriend right now." matt said, pulling y/n closer into him.
"girlfriend? her?" the groupie pointed at y/n in shock, an almost disgusted look on her face. "she doesn't really seem like your type..."
who the fuck... now was the time for the girlfriend in question speak up.
"i mean i think im everybodys type." y/n looked the girl dead in her eyes with a smile. "but i cant be too sure. whatchu think baby?" she looked at her boyfriend and stood up, pulling her blue shades off her face to rest on her forehead.
matt couldn't really see her in that moment because she was wearing a black shirt but he had her body memorized.
despite her short stature, y/n had long legs that were elongated by her platforms. her tits sat perfectly with no bra, but the bra and tied black & blue tee she had on did wonders, flaunting the solar system tattoo she had on her abdomen. with all of that being said, his favorite part of her body was her face. her small nose, full lips, defined cheekbones. she was perfection personified.
he didn't even have to answer the question as a crooked smile graced his lips. he motion for his woman to come to him. patting his lap he said "come here."
and she did. she sat with her back to his chest and turned her head to place a sloppy kiss on his lips. then she grabbed his chin and turned her head to super groupie with a smirk.
"i eat hoes like you for breakfast." she said and waved the girl off.
she heard the girl scoff and stomp off, but she ignored it and turned back around to her man, who was now gripping her waist from behind her.
"you alright?" he asked, rubbing circles on her bare waist.
"im perfect." she hummed and gave a quick kiss. "are you alright?"
"not even gonna lie, im kinda hard right now." she smiled and pulled him in for another kiss, this time deep, and with intent.
she turned all the way, straddling matt and continued the kiss, moving from his soft lips (shop space camp) to his neck, peppering kisses and licks from his jaw to his ear, before pulling away and looking him in his eyes.
"yall are fucking gross." nick, who they'd forgot was there, groaned.
the couple laughed and y/n dug her face into the crevice of matts shoulder and neck, before raising back up and tellin him what she wanted.
"take me home matt." she whispered
taglist: @mattslolita @hoesformatt @dazednmatthews
niyah speaks����
first fic!!! be brutally honest pls. if its corny tell me and ill end my career now.
remember that if no one loves you, mommy loves you (and my mommy i mean me)
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carlageddon · 10 months
Painting The Tusked Marauders of Gauntwood
So my pile of shame is ever growing, for those outside the hobby, a pile of shame is usually a stack of built or un-built miniatures that sit there, as grey as the day they were manufactured, waiting for their turn to get painted... More often than not, people's pile of shames only ever grow...
I got back into the hobby last year by getting HeroQuest (the original), followed by a 3D Printer, followed by having the 12 year old boy inside me being crushed by the bitter disappointment that no-one in our local Games Workshop or "Friendly Local Gaming Stores" are at all interested...
So I've been doing some printing and doing some painting.
So here's the start of The Tusked Marauders of Gauntwood from Daybreak Miniatures.
So I am still a beginner, I want to be as good as the likes of Sergio Calvo or be able to paint to the unrealistic standard you see on the box art on any Warhammer figure. It maybe an impossible goal, but it is a goal, the only way I can get there is practice. I don't like the idea of sharing my painted miniatures online, but I know we all got to start some where.
So with so much grey on my glass shelves, I've started with The Tusked Marauders of Gauntwood.
I generally start by doing the bases to everything in that faction, this then standardizes what they all look like. I like doing bases, it's either Green grass on Rocks, or Rocks with other Rocks. Bit of a base coat, followed by a wash or two, followed by a base coat & layer, and a clean black rim to make them tidy.
After the bases, I worked on Dongli Smite on Head Runner, (*coughs* Squig), working on the Head-Runner first, then on Dongli Smite. I sort of made my first mistake, I was trying out different reds on the Head-Runner, got it to how I liked it, then by the time I came to do the second model, Krimli Smite on Head Runner, I'd forgotten which paints I'd used. (I guess it makes the models unique, but I would prefer them to look the same).
Problem with these the goblins are tiny, so it's hard to get every detail (or in my case, any detail). It's not a fault, and in hindsight I should of printed them bigger, (although the Head Hunters would of been too big?) just my current painting level isn't quite there yet to get all the details. Luckily, base coat green on the skin, silver on the armour, wash the skin with a green, was the armour with Nuln Oil, and it makes it look a lot better than my skill is actually at. (it also took me a while to notice they are wearing little leather helmets).
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Then onto the Spiders, I was really looking forward to trying out a few new things here.
Learning from my mistake of not painting simular miniatures together in stages, I painted both spiders together. Painted them black, then dry-brushed them up to a dark blue.
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Using a bone colour for it's claws, shaded, re-added base colour of the top, followed by a lighter bone colour, then a very faint brighter cream to highlight the tops.
My favorite part of the spiders were the markings on their torso - painted this area as white as white would go then using Vallejo Blood Red with some Red Ink did a few layers with this to make the red stand out. Then I had the bright idea of doing a thin black line around the outside to try and make the markings stand out even more, this was OK, but not the effect I wanted, then almost ruined the lot by putting a pink line on the edge of the markings... lesson learn't quit whilst you are ahead.
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Painted the tiny goblins in the same way. Base coat, wash, drop mini, snap leg, search for leg under the desk, glue leg, get angry as glued leg to hand, repaint broken parts, highlight with original base coat, then highlight again with a lighter green.
I used the Butchers Knife on Havor Split on Black Weaver to practice my wet-blending.
Then to get them on the bases with out gluing myself to the wall.
Out comes the fake-Dremel I got for Christmas that I get moaned I don't use. Drill a long thin hole in the bottom..
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Feed a cut up paper-clip in one end and glue, then drill a hole in the base, feed the paper clip in and glue. Sits in there nice and securly.
I also need to spend some more time working out how to take better videos and pictures of the miniatures. Open to any suggestions any one might have.
So there we have it. First and the largest of The Tusked Marauders of Gauntwood done.
Now to move on to the rest of those pointy little goblins.
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