#the hat is for securing any feathers and plants that might get damaged in a bag or pocket
furiouskettle · 1 year
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A fresh parchment wizard at the @wizardraziw Wizard School! Their bag is always stocked with drawing supplies, sewing supplies, first aid, and snacks. They have many pockets in their coat for emergency Cool Rock Storage as well.
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You know how we have pet costumes? Give Jacob one, make him a cute space cowboy😈😈😈
Please enjoy this little ficlet (that was actually my 3rd attempt to write a fluffy ficlet for this universe because all the other ones kept becoming future chapters lmao)
“This is humiliating. I look like sheriff Woody or something.”
“Aw, I was thinking more like John Wayne Gacy, you know?”
“The...the clown serial killer…?”
Angie pursed her lips. “Wait, who was the cowboy guy in all the old movies? Like, before Clint Eastwood and whatever.”
“That’s John Wayne. Not John Wayne Gacy,” Jacob tugged at the sleeves of his costume and readjusted his cowhide vest. “And I don’t feel anywhere near as cool as him right now.”
She rolled her eyes and crinkled her nose. “That’s because you’re not cool. You’re a grown man playing dress up with a kindergartener.”
“So are you.”
Angie straightened her Native American headpiece and threw one of her braided pigtails behind her. “Yeah, but I know it’s stupid, so therefore I’m doing it ironically which makes me cool.”
Jacob sighed heavily but didn’t argue further, instead tugging his cowboy hat down further to shield his face that burned with embarrassment. Being forced into having playdates with his captor’s coworker was nothing new. He had spent plenty of time being Mibao’s sole playmate aboard the ship, doing the best he could to keep the six year girl entertained and not too psychologically damaged. Being the youngest in a sibling group of only boys, he was a bit rusty when it came to knowing anything about kids. Thankfully, Mibao was more than happy to take him by the hand and show up all the “fun” things she used to either do back home or what she would now do with her “kitty”.
Today’s game of choice was dress up. Every day felt like dress up when it came to the girl’s ever expanding wardrobe; she was always dressed in an obnoxiously puffy and sparkling princess dress fashioned with ribbons and bows galore and always with a matching crown. Fine, no big deal, he could slap a tiara on his head and call it a day, he’d worn worse at the few fraternity parties he attended during college. Nope, not good enough. Mibao had a very specific game she wanted to play which involved him wearing a cowboy costume of all things. A very realistic and detailed cowboy costume, assless chaps and spurs and all. Again, he could...handle it for the most part. The only thing that really bothered him about it was all the coos and giggles he received from both his and Mibao’s captors when he finally came out in his new outfit.
And he knew for a fact they took many, many pictures of him.
It didn’t end there, Mibao still had more requests. Angie needed to join in as well and she was required to be an “indian princess” to partake. Naturally, she was more than happy to agree if it meant getting a break from the absolute nightmare of a captor she had been saddled with. So, now Jacob had to deal with the fact that she would have to watch him play pretend in this ridiculous getup. He could never catch a break with her, it seemed, she always had to catch him when he was in the middle of doing something cringe worthy. She didn’t even look half as uncomfortable as him and she was literally wearing half as much clothing.
Or maybe that was exactly why she was so comfortable as she sauntered up to him, making a finger pistol to tip his hat away from his face. “Cheer up, partner,” she teased. “I think it makes you look cute.”
“I think it makes me look like Owen Wilson from the museum movie,” Jacob replied, hoping the shadow of the brim hid his reddening cheeks.
“Oh my God, you are a tiny little twink cowboy, huh?”
“I’d rather be the gladiator guy.”
“You wish you could pull off being the gladiator guy.”
A rebuttal was on the tip of his tongue when Mibao made her appearance from behind the monitor where she had been changing. This time instead of her usual princess attire, she was dressed...pretty much the same, only this time she had a tiny pair or iridescent fairy wings attached to the back. What a fairy had to do with cowboys and indians, he hadn’t the faintest idea. She stopped when she saw the two of them and stuck out her tongue in childish disgust.
“Eww, stop kissing!” She scolded. “You can kiss the princess later, Jake, it’s time to play!”
Jacob had never been more grateful in his life that the creatures idly watching them couldn’t understand English because he just might have died if they heard. He could feel the heat radiating from his nape to his cheeks, putting his hands up in defense like it could keep Angie away from him.
“Wh-no! We weren’t, we weren’t kissing, Reagan, w-we-!”
Angie only cackled, her amusement stemming more from Jacob’s panicked response than the actual accusation of giving him a kiss. “Yeah, cowboy, you can kiss me later.” She winked and nudged him with her elbow as she walked past to where Mibao was waiting.
He groaned, tugging the hat down as far as it would go even if that meant obscuring his vision somewhat. That was totally fine, he didn’t want to look at anyone right now and he did not want to be perceived either. The child was leading them back over to her designated play area scattered with art supplies and stuffed toys for where they’ll play their game of make believe. Angie was already sitting on her knees by the time he shuffled over and beckoned him with a sly smile to come take a seat on the ground next to her. Jacob obliged, but refused to give her the satisfaction of seeing his beet red face.
As soon as they were settled, Mibao immediately launched into the exposition of the scene they would be putting on, including their roles and superpowers (that only she had because she was a magical fairy queen). Jacob was only half listening; the kid usually forgot half of her own rules in the middle of playing anyways because she wanted to change the story and it wasn’t that hard to follow her game of make believe. Instead, he kept side-eying Angie, who was side-eying him back, and every time they made eye contact she would smile and bump his shoulder with hers.
This was going to be a long playdate.
The lab door slid open as Talan walked in, peeling off his bloodied gloves to dispose of them in Ylva’s waste bin. “I need my human back.”
“Aw, why? They’re all having a ball together!” Ylva frowned, gesturing to the miniature trio on her desk. Well, the smallest one and Talan’s pet seemed like they were having a good time, namely at the expense of the other human in a hat. They all seemed to stop at the interruption, his human fixing him with a sneer that he was tempted to match.
“What the fuck is it wearing?” He asked, ignoring all the little protests he got when he grabbed it and plucked the stupid looking feather thing of its head. “I thought you said it’s not nice to torment the humans.”
Edix scoffed at him, though his annoyance was more from Talan being in his general vicinity than anything. “It’s not torment. They were having fun.”
Talan did not look convinced in the slightest, his eyes sweeping over the pup who was pouting at him for taking away its playmate and the other who froze any time he breathed in its direction. Like owner, like pet, he assumed as it seemed to unconsciously inch closer to where Edix’s hand was resting for a better sense of security. Pathetic. At least his pet had a bit more self respect and wasn’t afraid to try and stab him in the hand with his own tools. Of course, it got a sharp flick to the stomach to knock it off, but he could appreciate the gumption.
Talan rolled his eyes. “Yeah, looks like a real party. So sad to have missed it.”
“Like you’ve ever been to a party to know what it looks like.”
“Says the one that only hangs out with plants.”
“Okay,” Ylva interjected, rising from her chair and scooping up her adorable little human. “You’re right, we should probably wrap this up, Mibao’s going to need a nap soon and she likes to fight her naps when she’s excited.”
That was all the excuse Talan needed to dip out without a formal goodbye, though it didn’t escape the corner of his eye how Edix’s human took a half step forward when he left, almost like it wanted to say something. Even if it did, he wouldn’t have cared. As quickly as he had intruded, Talan disappeared back down the main hall of the fauna department to return to his lab.
Edix stood up as well and tucked the data pad he had been keeping busy with under his arm to keep his hands free. He couldn’t help but smile at seeing how much closer his little pet was standing to him, even if it wasn’t by much, even though it was caused by Talan of all bastards. A win was a win in his book. The hand the human had been partly hiding behind curled easily around it to lift it up, immediately cradling it to his chest as usual. It squirmed for a moment but settled quick enough, a clear sign it was also ready to go back to the lab it was accustomed to. For a social species, the little one always seemed so drained after any playdate Ylva arranged for their pets. Fine by him, it usually meant his human was much more quiet and well behaved once it was back in the solitude of Edix’s company, making for an easier work day.
He used his finger to tilt back the wide brimmed hat it had been using to hide its sweet little face a majority of the playdate, earning him a surprised squeak. With the way its baby cheeks were turning an adorable shade of pink, Edix had a fairly good guess as to why it was trying to avoid everyone’s line of sight. Damn, he should have had Ylva take more pictures, this was way too cute for him. It reached up to quickly pull its shield back down and Edix let it with a laugh, cooing as he tugged at its little vest instead which only made it wriggle in distress. Overdramatic little thing.
“Can I keep this costume?” He asked as he followed behind Ylva who was preparing to put her own pup down for a nap. In reality, it meant she was going to have to play with it for at least another half an hour because, much like him, she was a sucker when it came to her human wanting to play. The difference being that Mibao wanted to do anything from coloring to singing to continuing its game of make believe while Edix’s pet always wanted to play chase.
Ylva smiled and shrugged. “Sure, I mean, it’s not like it’s going to fit the baby. It was printed for its measurements specifically, anyways.” Mibao was proving to be difficult in its refusal to relinquish the shiny wings Ylva had designed at its request, something that Ylva quickly made a game out of by setting her pup on the desk and letting it squeal and run while her hands chased after it. That would tire the kid out in no time. She looked back at his human and giggled. “I don’t think it likes it very much, though.”
Oh yeah, that was obvious from the get go, but it didn’t change the fact that it was way too precious for its own good in this type of outfit. Edix actually quite liked the contrast of the dark brown against its pale skin, even more given the fact that it matched the color of its doe eyes perfectly. It was much more appealing than that splotchy green jacket it was inexplicably attached to. He had a feeling it was going to try and strip out of this outfit as soon as it was back in Edix’s lab, provided he gave it its normal suit and jacket to change into. But...maybe he didn’t have to offer it its spare set of clothes right away. Maybe it would just have to hang around in its little boots and hat for a couple hours longer while he finished up his latest report that was just so important to get done. And maybe he would get constantly distracted by how cute it looked while it was definitely pouting at him for not taking off its costume that it took a little longer than usual to finish his work, which meant it spent even longer pouting under its hat.
Decisions, decisions.
Edix waved his hand dismissively. “It’ll learn to love it.”
“Oh, Eddie, don’t be mean to it,” Ylva laughed, not that seemed bothered by the idea of his pet keeping the outfit on for an extended period of time beyond the playdate. “But send pictures if you do.”
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niqhtlord01 · 5 years
Humans are Weird: Space Pirates
A merchant’s perspective.... The crew of the transport ship Morbis Ulta were led down into the holds one by one by their captors. Jenka had kept his head down and hoped that the boarders wouldn’t execute him if he just kept following their instructions and so far his plan was working. The battle had been roughly thirty minutes, but for Jenka and the rest of the crew it had felt like an eternity.  The Morbis Ulta had been part of a merchant convoy running shipments between the Mumbari and Slitch spheres of influence. Each of the transport ships in the convoy were the size of a city roughly but only needed a small skeleton crew to manage them. A couple dozen engineers, technicians, and other miscellaneous personnel came out to a total of less than a hundred souls per ship. Most of the remaining manpower needed was filled out by mechanical helper bots.  Additionally the convoy had been given an escort by the merchant’s guild of three Gemini cruisers. Long sleek ships that appeared as slender crystals glistening in starlight, the Gemini were always happy to lend them out when a profit was to be made for an easy job.  There had been no reported danger in the stellar pathways the convoy was to take and the escort was mainly there to clear a path through a asteroid field that sometimes drifted in and out of the route. The merchant’s guild had calculated it would be easier to use the cruisers weapons to clear a path through the drifting asteroids then it would be to reroute around them.  Jenka was on the bridge running diagnostic checks on subsystems when the convoy reached the edge of the asteroid field. The three transport ships had grouped together and the escorts had taken position around the bow, port, and starboard of the convoy. The rear didn’t need protection as the main firepower would be used to clear the asteroids ahead of them.  They had just begun blasting through the asteroids when all hell broke loose.  Hidden in the asteroid belt, three unknown ships suddenly powered up and made a mad dash towards the convoy. The captain of the Morbis tried hailing them several times but was eventually cut off when the Gemini cruisers switched from firing at asteroids to the new ships. Clearly the cruiser commander was not going to take any chances with these new ships and treated them as hostiles.  Energy lances shot out from their guns followed swiftly by a barrage of missiles streaking through the void towards their ever encroaching targets, but these new ships had chosen their ambush point wisely as hardly any of the weapons fire ever reached their shields.  The drifting asteroids acted as a natural barrier and got in the way of the oncoming fire, detonating them into a shrapnel of rock that further impeded the fire. Little did we know that the real danger wasn’t just in front of us, but all around us.  Out of no where a large asteroid smashed into the engines of the Morbis Ulta and crippled her. Jenka remembered being sent flying from the impact and unsteadily rising to his feet to see similar asteroids ramming the other two convoy ships. As one of the asteroids began drifting away Jenka was alarmed to see that booster engines had been attached to the rock and had essentially turned it into a massive missile.  He shouted a warning to his captain who attempted to relay it to the escorts but by then it was two late. From every corner asteroids began moving of their own free will and speeding to the escort ships with ramming speed. One of the escorts took an asteroid right into the bridge leaving it a floating husk voiding atmosphere. The other two switched fire from the enemy vessels and began taking shots at the oncoming asteroids as their gunnery crews began wildly firing in all directions.  To Jenka’s horror he saw a pair of asteroids with a massive chain between them, the kind he once saw at a dry dock on a world he dropped cargo off at. The two asteroids missed a Gemini cruiser but was caught by the chain pulling the asteroids to spin around the escort in a swirling motion until through sheer strain the entwined cruiser was split in half by the ever tightening chain.  The last cruiser didn’t last much longer after that. It had attempted to about face and make a run for it but by then all of the asteroids had begun smashing into it until finally the vessel exploded from the damage.  One by one the enemy vessels pulled up alongside the disabled convoy ships and boarding tubes extended to the airlocks.  The captain had ordered all crews to prepare to repel borders, but honestly Jenka knew the crew would be as useful as a gang of Rakvargs trying to kill a Morgalik with twigs. The real defense would come from the mechanized helpers who were programmed with defense initiatives.  Jenka watch through the bridges security feeds as the airlock doors were blown open and a steady stream of unknown individuals rushed forward. The mechanized helpers were waiting and engaged the borders in hand to hand combat. Their bodies were designed to lift thousand pound cargo containers and easily shrugged off small arms fire.  Jenka began thinking they might have a chance until he saw a massive intruder that appeared to be a Predatoria. The fish like alien rushed several of the helpers and simply ripped them apart with their bare hands as if they were made of paper. Behind them came a far smaller intruder who began throwing small discs that mag-locked on to the helpers and then short circuited them.  It was only a matter of time before the intruders had reached the bridge doors and had blown them open, after which Jenka quickly found himself in his current predicament. After reaching the holding bay that led to the cargo containers behind a reinforced security door. The surviving crew were  put together in a large group. Jenka saw the Predatoria circling them, his mouth wide with a toothy grin as he ran his tongue across scores of razor sharp teeth. Jenka saw the smaller intruder from the screen at a nearby console with a series of wires running to it from a small device. If he had to guess the creature was attempting to bypass security and open the cargo hold doors.  “Captain on deck!”  Jenka’s attention was torn away as the Predatoria made their announcement and the surrounding intruders straightened up.  From down the long hallway leading to the holding bay Jenka could hear a ever growing clanking sound. Through the dark corridor a figure began to take form until finally they stepped into the light of the chamber. To Jenka’s surprise it was something he had never thought to see in person.  A human.  A human woman to be more percise, he noted as his eyes ran along the length of their body. The “captain” as the, Predatoria had called her, was a seemingly young human female. She wore a long brown coat that was nearly touching the ground and a long brimmed hat with a feather sticking out of it.  Underneath the coat Jenka could see a variety of straps and pouches interwoven across a seemingly form fitting black body glove that clung to her like a second skin. Each of the straps was carrying to Jenka’s alarm a different weapon or blade which he imagined she was proficient in. Though the most eye catching feature wasn’t the coat or the hat or the questionable second skin outfit, but a mechanical lump of metal that protruded out where the lower half of her left leg should be.  In the place of flesh was a sleek steel finished section of metal that seemed to be alive as it pulsed and flashed with interconnected wires and lights.  Jenka was drawn away from further observing the captain when a new figure emerged from the hallway. Standing nearly twice the height of this captain, a imposing Hydra lumbered into the chamber on four legs and gazed about with its five heads. These creatures were known to be highly aggressive and yet the human was acting as if only a light breeze had passed her by.  “I will get straight to the point.” the intruder captain spoke. “ I am the pirate captain Amelia Starfeld, and you are all my prisoners.”  She began pacing towards the group of captives and they parted to let her pass. “Do what I say without question and you will all be set free with no trouble. Fail to follow those simple rules and we will not have such a pleasant time.” She reached Jenka and looked down at him as if he was nothing more than a spec of dirt. “Are you the captain of this rust bucket?” The directness of the question left Jenka stuttering to reply to which Amelia rolled her eyes. “Clear this one is not.”  “Wouldn’t be the first time you left someone babbling captain.” The Predatoria joked from the edge of the group. A few of the other pirates chuckled before shutting up when Amelia’s eyes glanced in their direction. “Now is not the time for jokes Mr. Fig.” she remarked.  “Neither is it a time for that ridiculous leg of yours either but you don’t see us complaining about it.” The reply came from over the shoulder of the small alien still working on the terminal.  Amelia firmly planted her good foot in the ground and hefted her metal leg. “Hello? It is a classic pirate motif.” She waved her metal leg for all to see. “All the best pirates from my world had peg legs. Without it it doesn’t complete the outfit.”  “Then all your famous pirates had terrible style.” Mr Fig remarked earning another round of laughter from the surrounding pirates.  “You’re not one to talk either Mr. Fig.” The small pirate remarked again as they pulled out several more colored wires. “You look like you jumped into a dumpster and put on whatever was there.” Mr. Fig looked down at his outfit. “I only wear what I kill. It’s not my fault my prey has terrible fashion sense.”  The small alien finally turned around and flashed a grin under their over-sized goggles. “No, it just means you have terrible sense in picking prey.” The surrounding pirates enjoyed another round of laughter before a warning growl from Mr. Fig silenced them. “If you weren’t so important Mr. Tipples I wouldn’t mind killing you for your tiny outfit. It might make a nice glove to wear so that every time I looked down at it I could remember your last dying breath.”  Amelia stamped her peg leg several times for silence. “That’s enough squabbling you two. My day is busy enough already without fashion talk.” “Yes captain, sorry captain.” came Mr. Fig and Mr. Tipples responses.  Amelia turned her attention back to the captives.  “Simple question then. Will the captain step forward and unlock this door?”  When no one stepped forward Amelia stamped her leg again and the Hydra moved towards her.  “I’m trying to be a team player here,” she said as the several heads of the Hydra wrapped around her, “but my patience does have its limits. Open. The. Door. Now.” She let go of the Hydra who slowly advanced on the nearest captured crew member and began loudly hissing, several strands of drool dripping from its mouths.  “Enough!” Jenka turned around to see the Morbis captain stand up. “I’m the captain of this vessel. If you promise to not harm any of my crew I will open the doors.”  “Bit late for that old timer.” Mr. Tipples replaced the panel and entered a series of key codes. The massive cargo doors began slowly retracting to the cheers of the pirates.  Amelia turned to the captain and smiled. “That was always the plan. We do so abhor violence after all.”  Without saying another word she moved towards the ever growing opening to the cargo hold flanked by Mr. Fig and Mr. Tipples. She was the only one to enter while the other two stood guard at the entrance. “Right lads, you know the drill.” Mr. Fig spoke as he casually pulled something from his teeth and flicked it at one of the nearby captives. “Captain gets first pick of the loot then everything else is divided up.” The pirates nodded eagerly and glanced hungrily at the entrance to the cargo hold imagining what treasures lay within.  Several minutes passed and Jenka couldn’t help but notice that the pirate captain had still not returned. Some of the pirates surrounding them were getting antsy as the time passed and still Amelia had not returned. They cast glances at Mr. Tipples who in turn looked up at Mr. Fig who simply shrugged.  He turned around and called out into the cargo hold. “Captain, everything alright in there?”  No reply... “Captain?” Mr. Fig called a second time with a hint of more concern then before.  The surrounding pirates were now growing concerned and hefted their weapons at their captives. Mr. Fig was just about to step into the cargo hold when Amelia suddenly appeared again from the gloom startling them.  “Jesus captain. A little warning next time before yo-” Amelia glared at Mr. Fig and the sudden look of raw hatred and anger on her face silenced him. Jenka noticed the other pirates take a cautious step backwards as if they knew something that look meant and were just as terrified as the Predatoria.  Amelia moved towards the captain of the Morbis Ulta, not bothering to wait for the other captives to move out of the way she merely shoved them violently out of her path.  At reaching the captain she grabbed him by the collar and lifted him to his feet, her eyes glaring like knives into his soul.  “Did you know what you were transporting?”  The captain stuttered as he struggled in the surprisingly strong grip of Amelia. She slapped him across the face sending him flying back to the floor.  “Did.You.Know?” Her voice was as sharp as a knifes edge as she looked around at the rest of the crew.  Jenka was unaware why the cargo would have upset the Amelia so much. All it was were products being sold to the Slitch Empire.  Without saying another word Amelia stamped her leg three times and once again the Hydra appeared at her side. She gestured to the cowering captain on the ground and spoke only one word.  “Feast.”  All five mouths of the Hydra shot open and the creature surged past Amelia. The captain began screaming as the five heads latched on to him and began biting off chunks of flesh one at a time. He cried and shouted for help as he tried to crawl away only for the Hydra to tear into his legs and pull him back.  Jenka recoiled at once putting as much distance as he could from from the horrific scene before him. Several other crew members rushed to their captains side to protect him but the Hydra turned on them just as rapidly. Teeth latching on to throats before ripping them wide open and leaving the gasping crew members bleeding out on the floor.  Jenka turned away from the nightmare unfolding before him to see Amelia camly walking away towards Mr. Fig.  She whispered something to him, then returned into the cargo hold.  Mr. Tipples looked up at Mr. Fig in confusion but with one glance something was communicated between the two of them. Mr. Tipples nodded and then followed after Amelia into the hold.  “Aim for their legs. No kill shots. Captain want’s her pet to have its meals alive.”  Without further orders the pirate crew hefted their weapons to their sides and began firing into the captives. True to their orders none of the shots killed anyone but sent them sprawling to the floor with cries of pain on their lips from the weapons fire.  Jenka tried to stand but was soon himself gunned down.  For a moment he was distracted by the ground shattering pain in his lower body until he heard a growing hissing sound. He barely was able to turn his head around to see All five of the Hydra’s heads now looking at him with starved eyes, blood dripping from their mouths.  Jenka was crying desperately as he crawled away, struggling for every inch that could be put between him and that monster.  The hissing grew louder and louder as he began to sob and claw his way over other crew members laying down on the cold deck.  The last thing Jenka felt was the tightening grip of five mouths latching on to his back and dragging him kicking and screaming backwards to his painful demise.  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A gruesome finish to a space fairing story for sure, but so many questions are left unanswered.  Why did Amelia suddenly break her word and order the deaths of her captives? What cargo was the Morbis Ulta transporting that could so unnerve the Pirate queen of the asteroid belt? Why did her crew stand back and watch their captain’s pet feast on living people?  Find out in the next chapter of Humans are Weird: Space Pirates, A Pirate’s Perspective. 
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sortiarius65-blog · 6 years
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New Post has been published on https://worldofamulets.com/product/powerfull-aluminium-pendant-of-the-kings-of-hell-for-invocation-and-protection/
Powerfull Aluminium pendant of the Kings of Hell for invocation and protection
The Powerfull Aluminium pendant of the Kings of Hell is used for invocation, protection and favors of the great kings of hell. These particular Daemon have proven to be at service of men. Their special symbols have been placed inside a magical circle to ensure the protection of the user. Their power is incredibly strong and can cause damage to the user if not protected properly like iwith this amulet. The amulet let’s the bearer invoke each of them and ask their favor to accomplish the goals stated to the daemon. This is the most powerfull amulet ever made for invoking daemon powers.
To invoke any of them just say it’s name 3 times followed by: I, (your name) invoke (name of the daemon) to serve my goal. After this you clearly and precisely state your goal to the daemon and finish with: “Go out there and do my bidding”.
The Daemon in this pendant are:
Satan in the Center
His Day is Monday. (best day to invoke him) His Colors are Blue, Red, and Black He is the Sumerian God EA, also known as ENKI which means “Lord of the Earth.” He is also known as Melek Ta’us. Animals that are sacred to him are the Peacock, the Serpent, the Goat, the Dragon and the Raven. His numbers are 13, 666 and 4. [666 is perfection and everlasting life] His Zodiac Signs are Aquarius, the Water Bearer and Capricorn, the Goat. [The Age of Aquarius is the Age for the advancement of humanity] His Planets are Uranus and Venus [the Morning Star]. His Directions are both South and East His most Important Day of the year is December 23, when the Sun is one degree into Capricorn. The day following the beginning of the Winter Solstice is his Personal Day
Beelzebub (Baal-Bael) en el sur
BEELZEBUB is also known as BAALZEBUB, ENLIL, BEL, “PIR BUB”* BAAL ZEBUL and BEELZEBUTH He is also known as the Goetic daemon “BAEL”
Zodiac Position: 0-4 Degrees of Aries March 21st-25th *[March 21-30] Tarot Card: 2 of Rods [From Azazel] Candle color: Black Plant: Fern Planet: Sun [From Azazel] Metal: Iron *[Gold] Element of Fire Rank: King Bael is a Day daemon and rules over 66 legions of spirits. Those who are close to Beelzebub know he is Enlil. This is from him personally. Enlil was the original “Bel” which later evolved into “Baal.” “Baal” means “Lord,” “Master” “Baal the Prince.” Beelzebub/Enlil was a very popular and well-known God who had cities named after him with the prefix “Baal” all over the Middle East.
Astaroth – East
She was known to the Canaanites as ASTARTE, to the Sumerians, she was known as INANNA, to the Babylonians, she was known as ISHTAR to the Assyrians and the Akkadians, ASHTART, ASHTORETH, ASHERAH, and ASTORETH, to the Egyptians, ISIS, ASHET AND ASET, to the Phoenicians, she was known as TANIT-ASHTART and ASHTAROTH. Her Ugaritic name was ANAT.
Zodiac Position: 10-20 degrees of Capricorn December 31st-January 9th Tarot Card: 3 of Pentacles Planet: Venus Candle Color: Brown or Green Animal: Cobra or Viper Metal: Copper Element of Earth Rank: Grand Duke of the Western Regions of Hell; Crowned Princess Astaroth is a Guidance Councilor for both daemons and humans. She deals in mostly human affairs Astaroth rules 40 legions of spirits and is a Day daemoness Astaroth is also The Treasurer of Hell Astaroth is a very ancient Goddess. She has been with humanity, as have Satan and Beelzebub, since the beginning. Astaroth is Satan’s daughter. She did not want this to be known until recently [October 2016]. She has always been very popular, much loved and revered in locales where she was worshipped. Because she has been with us since the beginning, she has been known by several different names, as she has been the Chief Goddess in many different areas and cultures. She has been known as a Goddess of fertility, love, and war.
Azazel-Second South (smaller Circle)
AZAZEL aka ZAZEL, SAMYAZA, SAMYAZAZEL, SHAMGAZ, SHEMYAZA, SHAMYAZA, SHEMIHAZAH, SHAMASH (Babylonian), UTU (Sumerian; The Shining One),* SAMAS (Akkadian), BABBAR (Sumerian), Ashur (Assyrian), SHAMIYAH (Hathra), SEMJAZA
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn/Aquarius (both 1-10 degrees) Tarot Card: Ace of Swords Planet: Saturn, the Lunar South Node (Dragon’s Tail) Candle Color: Blue, Black Metal: Lead Element of Air Symbols: The Eagle and the Scorpion; the Faravahar Number: 20 Rank: Chief Standard Bearer of the Infernal Army Azazel works directly with Satan He is in charge of top security in Hell.
Asmodeus – Left top
Rank: King, Manager of the Gambling Houses in Hell. Asmodeus was of the order of Seraphim and he carries the title “King of the daemons.” He governs the many realms of pleasure. He prefers to be summoned bareheaded [without a hat or head covering] and he teaches the arts of astronomy, arithmetic, geomancy, and craftsmanship. He answers all questions, discovers and guards treasures and gives the ability to read the thoughts of others. He confers invisibility, and can break up marriages/relationships. Asmodeus has a human Mother and his Father is a God. He has jet black hair with a braid down his back, and has an olive complexion. Asmodeus is extremely courteous and very much a gentleman. He is soft spoken with a smooth voice. Asmodeus is a very pleasant daemon.
Fleruti – Top Right
Rank: Lieutenant General Fleruty has the power to perform any labor during the night. He can also cause hail stones to fall in any place. His subordinate daemons are: Bathin, and Eligos
Fleruty has a golden aura with gold-gilded wings with white feathers. He is muscular with a fair complexion. He has long curly blonde hair that is below his shoulders
Satasnachia – North
Rank: Commander in Chief Satanachia has profound knowledge of all the planets. He has power over all women and girls and he provides animal familiars. His subordinate daemons are: Prulas, Amon and Barbatos.
Lucifuge Rofocale – Mid Right
Zodiac Position: 20-24 degrees of Libra October 13th-17th Tarot Card: 4 of swords Candle color: Black Plant: Wild Rose Planet: Mercury Metal: Mercury Element: Air Rank: King Focalor is a Night daemon and rules 30 legions of spirits He has power over the winds and the sea and causes ships to sink and cause death by drowning. He will not hurt anyone or anything, if asked not to. He appears as bald, with a robe that has bright shining silver and gold highlights. His wings when he shows them are covered with glitter like his robe. Lucifuge Rofocal is patient, polite, and soft spoken.
Belial – Left Botom
Zodiac Position: 5- 9 degrees of Pisces February 24th- 29th Tarot Card: 8 of Cups Candle color: Orange Plant: Mullein Planet: Jupiter/Neptune Metal: Tin/Neptunium Element of Water Rank: King Belial is a Night daemon and governs 80 legions of spirits Belial distributes presentations and titles. He reconciles friends and enemies, and provides familiars He can assist one with job promotions and helps to gain a higher position. He can bring favors from others, even one’s enemies. Belial was Prince of the Order of Virtues. Belial is thin, smaller than most of the other daemons and has platinum blonde hair
Decarabia – Right bottom
odiac Position: 10-14 degrees of Pisces March 1st-5th Tarot Card: 9 of Cups Planet: Moon Metal: Silver Element: Water Candle color: Black Plant: Lunaria Rank: Marquis Decarabia is a Night daemon and rules 30 legions of spirits He knows all of the properties of and the powers of plants and stones, and provides birds as familiars. He has short curly black hair with fair skin and black wings with red stripes. He has a blue aura that gives off a lot of heat.
  Necklace with Round Pendant 1.25″ Pendant is made of aluminum and features a polished-scallop edge 18″ Brass necklace (with electroplated nickel, silver
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All seals must be personalised. Only personalised keys and seals produce the desired effects. Don’t use them as the effect they produce in you might be nothing, or the seals can harm your health. You are warned !!!
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#Angels, #Arcangels, #Asmodeus, #Astaroth, #Azazel, #Beelzebub, #Belial, #Decarabia, #Demons, #Fleruti, #KingsOfHell, #LucifugeRofocale, #Satan, #Satasnachia, #SilverPendantAsmodeus, #SilverPendantAstaroth, #SilverPendantAzazel, #SilverPendantBeelzebub, #SilverPendantBelial, #SilverPendantDecarabia, #SilverPendantFleruti, #SilverPendantLucifugeRofocale, #SilverPendantOfTheKingsOfHell, #SilverPendantSatan, #SilverPendantSatasnachia, #Spellcaster, #Spells
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