#the headband episode
oceanview15 · 8 months
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anxiouslychill · 4 months
Cave Jivin'!
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An excerpt from my Kataang/Kataango flash fic. ❤️ Also, if you've seen this on tumblr before, it's because my last acct was deleted so here we are 🙃
Summary: Aang's flirting has gotten better. Katara notices. Partly inspired by Episode 2 of Book 3: The Headband. And also the comic Aang's Epic Adventures/Love Potion #8
Aang flitted and flipped around, proudly showing off the dances he learned over 100 years ago, dances that the fire nation generations before them should have passed down. He was enjoying showing the fire nation kids how to express themselves with dance as he had learned to do, but his eyes searched for Katara. He spotted her looking downcast at her table with Sokka and Toph while they seemed to be having a great time. He saw Katara watching him earlier, smiling.  Could it be because he was dancing with On Ji?  He didn't want to assume this, but could it be possible she was...jealous? Aang blushed at the thought. He was only being friendly and showing OnJi some dance moves, but he quickly thought of what he could do to make sure Katara knew who Aang really had his eyes on. 
"Everybody freestyle!" Katara barely heard Aang over the echoing bass of the drums and sat with her chin resting on her palm, trying to look everywhere but the dance floor. She quickly realized that she didn't like seeing Aang dancing with OnJi and her staring at him in adoration, blushing. She didn't blame OnJi, because Aang was, admittedly, naturally charming.  
I have no right to be jealous…Aang is not mine. Katara could feel herself deflate, her stomach sinking, but wouldn't let it show that she was definitely jealous. Katara’s frown deepened, Aang’s approach going unnoticed until he held his hand out to her with a soft smile, a silent invite to dance. Looking up, she met his eyes and instantly smiled, her heart speeding up a bit, but quickly looked down shyly and began fiddling with her hair in the way she did when she was self-conscious or nervous.
"Oh, I-I don't know Aang, these shoes aren't the best and I don't know if I know how to-"
"Take my hand." Aang interrupted gently, his gray eyes so warm and welcoming. Katara didn't hesitate another second to take his hand. She trusted Aang fully.
"Okay." She grinned and allowed Aang to gleefully pull her to the center of the flailing fire nation students.
He whispered in her ear, "Just like water bending practice," Katara nodded eagerly, great idea! Now this she could do. 
Aang and Katara practiced nearly every day, sometimes just to relax they would push a sphere of water in a circle, so that's where they started. They crossed their wrists in a beginning stance, circling. Push, pull. Beginning stance. Circle. Push, pull. Repeat. Soon they found the rhythm of the music.
As they circled each other, more and more eyes became drawn to them and soon Katara looked around to see every pair of wide eyes on them.
"Aang, everyone is watching," she laughed nervously, looking at him to see if he noticed as well.
But Aang's eyes were not on anyone else, no one but Katara. When Aang answered, there was a new glint of self-assurance in his eyes.  His past flirting techniques got him nowhere fast, but right now in this moment, he felt more comfortable than ever to express his affection and attraction for her without actually saying the words. He wouldn't hold back this time. 
"Don't worry about them," Aang said reassuringly. Katara watched as his cutesy smile turned to a smirk. "It's just you and me right now."  
She flushed hotly for a moment, taken aback at first. She had never seen this side of Aang before…and she quickly realized Aang was flirting with her, no hesitation and no uncertainty. This stirred something in Katara, butterflies began fluttering in her stomach, and she instinctively returned his flirtatious energy, showing Aang she was on the same page. 
When they returned to the dance, Katara no longer paid attention to the eyes on them. She only watched Aang, their eyes stayed locked and in that there was a brief moment of unguarded vulnerability that connected them further.
As the music went on, filling the room with its exciting melody, Aang and Katara found themselves lost in a dance that mirrored the deep connection between them. They flowed naturally much like the water they pretended to bend.  The air between them crackled with an electric energy that neither could ignore as they whirled and spun across the dance floor smoothly. 
Aang let himself get lost in this spark that had was kindling between them there in the dimly lit cave. Most importantly, Katara seemed aware of the spark and invited it, reciprocated it even. Aang watched as the background blurred until all he could see was Katara and the way she moved so elegantly, a confident smile playing on her lips. At one point, they twirled into a move that brought their faces mere inches apart, the chemistry between them palpable. Gasps of awe echoed off of the cave walls.
Their moves had become more complex as they added flips and fancy spins, and sweat had built on both of their foreheads. Aang wasn't sure if the pounding in his chest was the drums echoing, or if it was his heart racing from the adrenaline of their connection, either way he didn’t care. 
For the end of the song, Aang took Katara’s hand and twirled her into a dip.  His heart still raced with new desire that their connection had ignited, as they stared wide eyed and grinning at each other, faces flushed and both out of breath.  Aang knew he could release her now, the dance was over, everyone was cheering, but there was a magnetism holding them there for a few moments longer. 
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Thabk you SO MUCH for reading! 💖 But wait, it's not the end yet! ❤️ Please take a look at my AO3 for the rest of the story, you dont even have to be a member! What went down between Katara and Aang after they escaped the fire nation that night? Could a simple dance mean something deeper than what they intended? If not, why were they suddenly so nervous around each other? 😉
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hyunpic · 2 months
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lilith-91 · 22 days
There are only two episodes in book 3 completely dedicated to help fire nation civilians in need. Two episodes who bring perspectives of the fire nation citizens (and not only the royals), the affects of war on everyone, and what is important in order to save the world
Two Aang and Katara CENTRIC episodes
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Two victims of the fire nation, two survivors and the two most empathetic characters of the series :)
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Rory Gilmore and Jess Mariano wearing red in The Bracebridge Dinner
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ynseeun · 3 months
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blueishyellowish · 1 month
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this user is a fan of antennae
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derpiedoxie · 1 year
Relatively long post warning cause I still can’t figure out how to do cuts on mobile
Since I haven’t posted any art here in a while I felt like I should probably show something, so I thought I’d post what I consider my best piece of art that I’ve done so far, even thought I made this almost half a year ago now
I actually wanted to post this earlier, but I wasn’t sure if I should since I focus more on sun and moon stuff but I think I can make this pass. I’m really proud of this so I want to show people!
Now that the ramble’s out of the way, I present thee:
N my boio <3
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And for one some pictures of some of the process!
(I am so sorry for the bad quality for two of the pictures, I was lazy so I just took a picture of the screen)
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the--firevenus · 6 months
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Atla been taking my brain again so I decide why not make self insert oc >:) it's fun!
Meet hikaru, born in fire nation and raised there resulting in them not knowing well of their air nomads heritage, upon realizing they can airbend (via accident) she decide to travel around in hopes to make amends of her two different roots.
(Image Description in alt cuz I know my handwriting is a mess lol and close up under the cut :D)
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I have not decide the time line for them but I don't really care lol :))
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cienie-isengardu · 5 months
Lo and Li and their (not) looking after Azula and Zuko in "The Beach"
I have talked a lot about Zuko and Azula lately because “The Beach” episode gives a lot of context for their relationship, but it would be a crime to omit the most funny detail (implication) coming from this episode: the presence of Lo and Li.
Those two older women were introduced into the series as Azula’s teachers (that definitely fueled her unhealthy sense of perfectionism) and some sort of advisors before the princess recruited Ty Lee and Mai on the hunt for Zuko, Iroh and later, the Avatar. The story alone gives little about Lo and Li, but considering their relationship and influences on the princess, we can assume they had, if not outright trust, then at least Ozai’s approval to keep an eye on his “precious”, prodigy daughter. As they were the only adults connected to Fire Lord and at whose house the Royal Siblings and their friends stayed in "The Beach" episode, I thought of them as not really nannies, but more like chaperones.
Zuko and Azula faced Avatar and survived, Mai and Ty Lee proved to be capable of beating down full grown men one on one (or more precisely, one vs many). So fine, ok, Ozai may trust his kids to be able to defend themselves - if the thought about their safety even occurred to him at all. But Zuko and Azula are, and I can’t stress it enough, teenagers sent on vacation and teenagers may do stupid stuff for fun just to taste the little freedom granted them. So it makes sense to me that Lo and Li should supervise the Royal Siblings, because vacation or not, they are still prince and princess, the precious heirs to the throne. And like, Zuko is with his girlfriend (official fiancee?) and you can never be sure what teenagers in love and with buzzing hormones will do, right? Same with Azula, who as we learn through the episode, will happily grab the occasion to flirt with a  handsome, popular boy and the innocent kiss turned out quickly into her passionate rant: “Together, you and I will be the strongest couple in the entire world! We will dominate the Earth!”. 
Azula’s mind really jumped from casual fun (no harm done if Ozai won’t learn about it) to the conclusion that boy she knew for what? a few hours at best will be her boyfriend and part of the future (military?) plans and understandable Chen freaked out and ran away. The taste of freedom affected even Azula, our so emotionally composed, clever girl, because again, a teenager, adolescent curiosity, lack of supervision and buzzing hormones are a dangerous mix. 
(I suspect Zuko getting Mai pregnant would be less scandalous than if Azula - the princess - ended with a bastard child at the age of 14/15. If Ozai would even allow the kid to be born.)
And what Lo and Li were doing the whole episode? Either giving some cryptic speech about how Ember Island is a magical place or encourage kids.
“Time to hit the beach!“ they said
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while never bothering going with kids there
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(or did Lo and Li have fun on their own ignoring the bunch of their temporary wards?).
And when Azula, Zuko and Ty Lee talked about Chen and why Azula didn’t betray their Royal Family status (and presumably of going to the night party)? Again, the two old women did nothing besides giving some more cryptic advice and saying “to the party!”.
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Like, they were totally okay that Fire Royal Siblings (in range of age from 14 to 16) planned to stay at house of unknown boy(s) for the whole night. Again, Zuko is 16, at best almost 17, but Azula is 14 (at best 15) and I don’t think this is an appropriate age to let a girl - especially the princess you are responsible for - go to a party with presumably much older boys. 
(Unless this is why Azula demanded Zuko, her older brother, to be invited alongside her? Not like he checked out if she is alright before he was kicked out for the fight with Mai over some guy but I guess, with a sister like Azula it is easy to assume she doesn’t need babysitting, because Azula could and would kick Chen or anyone else’s ass if they pissed her off). 
My point is, Lo and Li could give the girls and Zuko some serious talk or at least ask to be careful or anything the supposed chaperons should say (or like,  outright demand from Zuko to keep an eye on his younger sister and the noble girls as the oldest and you know, the guy). Because Azula is first and foremost a princess, the same as Zuko is the prince and like, the Royal Family does not need any teenage drama and scandal (and from the previous episode we know Azula and Zuko are now the public figures at the capital).
I’m not sure if perceiving Lo and Li as some sort chaperons to the “banished for a weekend” Royal Siblings was author’s intention or not, but there is something incredible funny how those old women introduced as strict teachers criticizing Azula for not perfect hairstyle while she is working on her lighting technique - a skill absolutely amazing to have at the age of 14 - won’t even bother to keep an eye on the same girl and just let the whole bunch of emotionally stunted and traumatized teenagers freely roam on the “magical” beach and go to night party to total strangers. It is pretty hilarious if not a bit sad. Because wow, Ozai did not give much fuck about any of his kids one way or another. 
Aaand this is what I get when rewatching ATLA as an adult lol.
I know this is animations for kids/teenagers, but what if Chen didn’t freak out? Would Azula be curious enough to experience something more than just a kiss? And well, we assume Chen and Ruon-Jian are in age close to Zuko & Azula (as if they were adults they would be enrolled into army, I think?) But there is still a room for them being older than Zuko who himself is two years older than Azula. Also, them inviting Ty Lee & Mai specifically for how they look without bothering to ask for their name and the way a group of boys cornered Ty Lee to the point she needed to chi-blocking all of them kinda gives me the feeling the party was an occasion for them to pick up girl for night or something along the way. Dunno if I read the scene/intention right but it gives that vibe I guess…?
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starryluminary · 6 months
Do I have enough concrete evidence to claim Lindsay has prosopagnosia. All I’ve got right now is it’s the only reason that makes sense to me why Lindsay can’t remember Tyler’s Tyler in world tour. What if she literally can’t remember his face
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lovelyladylavie · 8 months
The reason everyone thought Aang was a bad kid/troublemaker automatically when he went to the Fire Nation school was because he didn't have a top knot and it appeared like his head was recently shaved and was growing back.
Everyone in this clip has their hair long and up.
The teacher must have made some snap judgments on his appearance and comportment alone and must have factored that in.
Judging by how big a deal it was when Zuko and Iroh cut theirs off, they must think Aang must be pretty bad and was sent back to the homeland for re-education.
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take-that-you-rock · 10 months
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One Scene from Every Episode
3.02 The Headband
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bisupergirl · 2 months
did you like melissa benoist's interpretation of supergirl?
unfortunately i did not. i answered an ask a while ago where i talk a little bit about why i'm not a fan, but essentially, i think they borrowed far too much from clark's character (christopher reeve's clark specifically) when writing her and that's like, one of the most annoying things you can do to her in my eyes.
it's been a while since i've seen any of it, but i think they did a good job with her whenever they let her feel upset about krypton's destruction or being one of the last of her people, it's just how she was written as "kara danvers" that really irks me.
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trainingdummyrabbit · 9 months
sorry besties all the art was secretly a long ploy to get u to look at my little known blorbos. yeah it was a trick. i deceived you. anyway theres this character named sirica who--
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writeronartblock · 6 months
Started reading the Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint webtoon
All I can say for now is that... If a high schooler misunderstands your relationship with your dearly detested as one of explicitly romantic connotations, then I think you should choose your next words wisely before more people think you're practically married (◍•ᴗ•◍)
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