#the hives fantastical ball
pumpkinsy0 · 2 years
happy mf christmas!!!
u know what that means,,,,hcs!!!!WOOOOOO!!!!!YAYYYY!!!!!!YIPPEE!!!!!!
but yea hcs!!!!!!
•idk,,WHO,,,it was,,,but either the shepards or the curtis’ used those tree shaped airfreshners for cars and used it as an actual christmas tree to put gifts under
•maybe it was when they were lil kids too excited for christmas but hey, who can blame em
•once tim made the BIGGEST mistake of letting pony and curly b in charge of making the sugar cookies cause they over did it w the sugar for they were busy w ‘other matters’
•like they completely fucked up the cookies w too much sugar, someone could get type 2 diabetes just taking a bite out of it
•but hey!!just shake em for a bit before u eat it and youll b aight
•there was this christmas they all did secret santa and pony got tim, but he had NO clue what to get the guy so he just gave him a belt
•i mean it was a good belt so to tim all is fine
•freeze tag will ONLY b played on christmas time
•i hope this makes sense, but darry, soda, and pony all share the same pajama set when it’s christmas for some reason, like pony gets the pants, darry gets the shirt, and soda just takes the lil hat w it
•johnny is a literal god at making hot chocolate it’s canon
•tim makes haitian hot chocolate so yea, also a god
•OHOH and bc haitian independence day is on january 1st, the shepards usually buy all the ingredients near christmas time, and darry’s bday is on the same week so also bday shopping w the curtis gang, yippee!!!
•two bits the mf to buy the nasty flavors of candy canes to “spice things up” and darry got sick and tired of it so two bits off shopping duty for the rest of his christmas’
•so have y’all seen those santa mall pics w those goth kids?? yea angela and curly go to the mall to specifically get a pic w santa
•the pic is one of the tree decorations xoxo
•pony and curly making gingerbread houses???yes pls, only problem is curlys hungry ass keeps eating everything
•i feel like i’ve never seen a mistletoe like in stores to buy, so i’ll just say that pony makes them curly keeps kissing him while he’s making it and just says “we’re above the mistletoe so i think we have to like make out or somethin”
•pony and curly had gingerbread and reindeer onesies when they were like toddlers/babies (that’s what that other pic of them is for, don’t ask y curly has a giant fucking spoon i thought it was funny)
•the shepards (rlly angela and curly) have this thing for decorating their hair for christmas, once curly used christmas lights in his hair, dw no fire was set his hair is fantastic
•dally can’t wrap presents for shit he just takes newspaper and cru,bles it up around the gift to give it a weird ball shape
•soda is such a christmas candle lover, if u bought him a santa’s ass scented candle he’d buy it
•every christmas i’m GONNA bring up the gang calling pony rudolph during the holidays fuck off
•johnny likes taking walks in the snow just staring inside families homes, kinda sad???yea, but he’s on his way to the curtis house so it’s alright he’ll b fine
•steve is actually like the fucking brunch during the holidays, everyone thinks it’s dally but no at least dally finds enjoyment fr home the shitty christmas sweaters and hot chocolate, steve likes nothing except for the occasional snowball fights and everyone being together, other than that he’s out, he hates the snow(its a love hate relationship), he hates how he gets hives in the cold, just cancel the whole thing
•angela and tim fucking LOVE the peppermint chocolates, they’d kill several ppl for it, i would too
•also pony and curly like putting the chocolates on the cookies
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i rlly want peppermint chocolate
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dujour13 · 1 year
OC Tag Game
Tagged by @another-heroine thank you! 🥰
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Siavash - Taurvi - Lucky - Evaniel - Oona - Random - Melisande - Alar Lavellan
Siavash at the moment and possibly my all-time fave ❤️ He came along at a time when I really needed an azata liberator, totally unexpected and the result of several happy accidents in character creation in PWOTR as well as the azata path. Writing him and Woljif has been a joy.
Still working out some details about Taurvi, my tiefling aeon inquisitor of Pharasma turned psychopomp usher. She’s Garundi, raised by Voices of the Spire, and has an obsessive parasocial sort of relationship with the Lady of Graves. As a young priestess she took up wearing a veil as a sign of sobriety and modesty in the presence of the dying and grieving. Right now she and Seelah are growing close and that may become romantic? There will be tragedy.
Homebrew D&D
I don’t even know anymore so I’ll just give an old one: Tessarina “Lucky” Blackfingers, a gnome priestess of Tymora I played in a message-board game long ago.
Evaniel, fallen angel heavy metal singer currently residing in Sigil. Entrusted with the Sword of Truth by his god, which immediately made him an atheist and threw him down from paradise, he has a lot of bitterness and nihilism to share around. He’s had his wings surgically removed by the infamous Debarber of Sigil and after a long and horrible bender with the Sensates has been collected and nursed back to health by a drowned poet.
Lady Oona the fortune-teller, who is actually just really, really good at cold-reading because she gets people. Generous figure, opulent style, secret agent. A woman too wise to let anyone get close. But she gives hugs as fantastic as her advice.
Most aloof/standoffish
Random Fallen, lowest tiefling rogue in the Hive and one bad blood. If he sounds familiar it’s because I have a type ok? But there are some notable differences with Woljif. Random’s really actually bad at heart. He axe murders an old pawnbroker, but in the planes crime and punishment aren’t just concepts.
Homebrew D&D
Aw Melisande, the Sapphire Paladin. Her dump stat is wis and I played it that way a little too hard in that campaign. Got the party into trouble more than once. Really very sweet and well-meaning though.
Smartest Hungriest
Alar Lavellan, Dalish Inquisitor. Rangy little ball of muscle and anger.
OC you’d be best friends with IRL
Siavash would break my heart. I love him but he is just. too much
Probably Oona, or Nikos Tregazian, my sad sack aging Eberron mercenary.
Tagging but no pressure! @undyingembers, @commander-lariel, @silversiren1101, @cassynite, @spyridonya, @desnas, @rhyiona, @iwoszareba
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bak3r · 2 years
‘What’s the Plan?’ Presentation #2
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Other Points of Inspiration: Theatre plays, video games, animations and films that helped inspire my brief.
Ubu Roi: Ubu Roi is a play by French writer Alfred Jarry. The production's single public performance baffled and offended audiences with its unruliness and obscenity. Considered to be a wild, bizarre and comic play, significant for the way it overturns cultural rules, norms and conventions, it is seen by 20th- and 21st-century scholars to have opened the door for what became known as modernism in the 20th century, and as a precursor to Dadaism, Surrealism and the Theatre of the Absurd.
Rimo Cocaron: An off-beat game where players zoom in camera style on items and then suggest them to the participants in a game. For example, the family enjoy a hot-pot and you can suggest adding soy sauce to the mother or reminding the father the heat from the hot-pot burner is intense and getting him to open the window to let the cat out. It's hard to explain, but a great concept.
Katamari Damacy: The player controls a diminutive character named the Prince as he rolls around an adhesive ball called a "katamari" to collect increasingly larger objects, ranging from coins to pencils to buildings, in order to build stars as ordered by his father, the King of All Cosmos.
The Flying Lunar Clipper - The film depicts a group of anthropomorphic fruits and other creatures who win a contest for a ticket on the first flight of a newly found Martin M-130 flying boat named the Flying Luna Clipper. Departing from Honolulu, they embark on a journey across the Pacific Ocean and watch short films on a 200-inch screen during the trip.
Juliet of the Spirits - Fellini’s first full length colour feature is also a homage to his wife, Giulietta Masina. She plays the title role of a repressed bourgeois housewife liberated by a pervasive and sensual spirit world. Fellini’s self-styled ‘adult fairy tale’ is a kaleidoscope of visual wonders complimented by a truly delightful Nino Rota score.
Three Examples of Myself as Queen - Anna Biller casts herself as a melancholic Arabian ruler, a queen bee presiding over a cotton-candy pink hive, and a 1960s teenybopper princess in this retro-fantastic feminist anthem - a colourful musical fantasy inspired by old Hollywood musicals.
Moon: Remix RPG Adventure - a deconstruction of the genre, set in the dreams of a child. Gather love, and save the souls of the innocent beings killed by "the hero".
The Seven Colors: Legend of PSY - This CD-ROM is an adventure game software designed based on the world of the pop music group PSY•S, and can be enjoyed by the people of all generations. Enjoy the adventurous heart-searching journey in PSY•S City full of poetry, graphic and music.
Yoshino’s Barber Shop - Yoshino is a respected barber who ensures that every young boy in her village has the same bowl-shaped haircut. When a boy with dyed hair arrives from Tokyo and refuses to conform to the town's haircut, he sparks a rebellion against Yoshino and village tradition - inciting a proverbial tug-of-war between tradition and new ideas.
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macbetha · 2 years
1, 4, 7, 10, 17 and 25!
Hello! Thank you for asking and I’m sorry the spacing is so jacked up in my answers. Appreciate you! 🌸
One: What font do you write in? Do you actually care or is that just the default setting?
I care so much about the font I write in. I don’t prefer straight fonts like arial; I want a little curve to them. I actually love writing in the font used for the Twilight Saga! It’s called Zephyr. A bit whimsical and very pretty.
Four: What’s a word that makes you go absolutely feral?
Halcyon. Lavender. Carousel. Summoned.
Seven: What is your deepest joy about writing?
Hm. I love most everything about it, even when I’m stumped it’s still a fun sort of challenge. Just off the top of my head, one of the best feelings is when my readers catch a clue I’ve slipped in. Even better when they theorize. I love love love it. Even though I do try to be specific about what I’m trying to get at, I love interpretation and learning about a reader specifically by what they think some certain symbolism could mean!
Ten: Has a piece of writing ever “haunted” you? Has your own writing haunted you? What does that mean to you?
Yesss. Trigger Warning for this answer: Cannibalism / body horror.
I read Tender is the Flesh by Agustina Bazterrica a while back and hooooly. Here’s an online summary:
Tender is the Flesh is a dystopian novel by Argentine author Agustina Bazterrica. The novel was originally published in Spanish in 2017 and translated by Sarah Moses into English in 2020. Tender is the Flesh portrays a society in which a virus has contaminated all animal meat.
So it’s basically hive-mind cannibalism. That’s the only meat in the world not contaminated. Certain people are born specifically for the purpose of being eaten and they use meat processing plants once intended for cattle. The main character works around these plants.
The whole novel is very jarring but there’s one scene where you see one of these humans for eating in detail. I skimmed it since it was so awful but in short, an adult woman was being used specifically for “breeding” (horrible) and her arms and legs were cut off since the plant had no “reason” for her to have them. The scene really showed how detached society was about the whole thing.
I heard the story is being adapted for television and I might watch it but I haven’t picked up the book again after finishing it. The writing was great and the book was very impactful, and I hope it really is being adapted because the author proceeded with the idea fantastically, but whoo that book spooked me good.
As for my own writing haunting me, I’ve only read the first chapter of EWOATT a few times since I published it. Not even three full times, I don’t think.
Seventeen: Talk to me about the minutiae of your current WIP. Tell me about the lore, the history, the detail, the things that won’t make it in the text.
It’s Haikyuu. Fantasy but Medieval Fantasy? Not modern and not in our world. Very inspired by Avatar: the Last Airbender and the political games of Game of Thrones.
It’s also ABO / omegaverse. It’s a huge project so I’m not sure what won’t make it into the story, but there’s different courting methods depending on each nation in the story. So with the nature-focused nation, an alpha would hunt and present an omega with furs to show commitment / interest. Blankets, vests, that sort of thing. The language of flowers is also common knowledge and everyone gives flowers for certain reasons.
In the ocean-focused nation, you would hunt specific marine creatures to show interest. If the creature had bones, you’d bring them to an artisan and they’d make things like figurines, combs, more delicate and fanciful presents.
I’ve had a ball with coming up with stuff like that! I love the different interpretations of omegaverse and exploring how it might work in a specific environment.
Twenty-five: What is a weird, hyper-specific detail you know about one of your characters that is completely irrelevant to the story?
I’ll go with canon inspirations first. For Free!, Haruka canonically looks away from a person when he’s flustered in conversation. Sousuke closes his eyes a lot in general and looks down frequently. Kisumi is generally laid-back but there’s a few times in season three when he appears quite alert and serious in conversations. He’s a good friend!! Nao smiles like he knows how the world will end, we all know this.
In EWOATT, I didn’t mention enough that Haruka’s knees hurt all the time. Nao is just as romantic as Natsuya even if he teases him about it. Remember Nao knows pretty much every sonnet mentioned by Natsuya! 💖
And I can never mention enough that Natsuya absolutely swept Nao off his feet from the start. Nao loooves him. Down bad, friends 💗
Also in EWOATT, Haruka and Nii are cousins via their mothers but they don’t know it.
If I wrote Coral and Bone now, I’d have the sirens sing more and would come up with my own lyrics.
In Haikyuu, someone mentioned on Twitter (I can’t find the tweet, forgive me) Kuroo often cradles his head in hand in conversations and they said this could hint at a lot about his character. I absolutely agree and this has really made me consider his character differently when writing him for the new story! The Haikyuu Twitter community is great about character studies and using canon examples for them.
Thank you for asking~! 🍄🍓
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beels-burger-babe · 2 years
Zeal - what is something you go all out for?
Scary - what's your favorite scary movie?
Pinecone - are you crafty?
Zeal - I actually haven't gone "all out" for a holiday in a long time, but I do go all out for events I make with the Hive! 🥰 I put a lot of work into planning a preparing roleplay slots, fics, and sometimes outifts to have for the event to make it the best experience possible for you guys. (ie. The Hive's Fantastical Ball and The Hive's One Year Anniversary)
Scary - Now I'm not a huge scary movie person since I get paranoid extremely easily so, even though it's not a movie, I'll just say Buzzfeed Unsolved: Supernatural and Ghost Files
Pinecone - Very much so! I have all kinds of crafting supplies that I mess around with and made my own hexigon shelves since real ones are too expensive!
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saphena-magna · 2 years
Swear it's the best that I ever had. And I think that I got it bad. I could wait for a call back, so long, enough for you to play those songs a million times.
Walking home I meet us in many different places. First it’s outside the church, awkwardly dressed in a quilt jacket far too warm for late July. Jumping into your arms, sliding mine down your back transitioning into intertwined fingers. Side by side until you let go and I see myself a couple of blocks away, pacing back and forth in a wide space in front of a closed gate, a few houses next to where we had a birthday party and you didn’t come (you didn’t want to come). I’m crying like an elder daughter, desperately trying to poise myself, my mother on the phone. Always taking your side, always have taken the boys' side, until I say that I feel as if I don’t exist, you slowly slipping away, begging for you to even acknowledge me. She changes her mind. ”Of course, sweetheart. You can’t be with someone who won’t see the fantastic things about you. Maybe he just got worried, knowing he can’t keep up with all of that?”
I keep walking. Religiously stalking your last-listened-to, looking for a message within the lyrics, the general themes, until I realize that maybe they’re about your ex. I’m terrified of finding out who she is because regardless of race (also from a Balkan country? Maybe Asian? Maybe an Elin?) or height (like you? A head below me?) or worst of all, body type (curvier? Skinny? Muscular? Soft?) it will crush me. I already know she’s my opposite and I know what it means. I’ve walked downhill to the ledge where you climbed straight up, back muscles ripping through your dumb navy blue t-shirt, a real life spider man in front of a bootleg child-like Mary Jane in awe. I gave it a go. You pulled me up, and at the top, you pulled me in, and kissed me. In my memory you forbade me to ever do that again because you could not live with even the idea of me getting hurt. I shiver at the sight. It’s a ball drop from my chest sinking down my stomach. It’s a gravitational force. Yesterday, the same route home from the same job where we met, where I thought there was no chance I have to keep away I bet he breaks five hearts at once in any given second walking around looking like that anyway he’s probably really shallow and stupid and vapid with terrible manners and - then you bought me ice cream. And then you wrote down my list of red flags ”just to be sure, they might come in handy”. Then you brought me a jacket when I said I was cold. Then you pulled out my chair. Then you pinned me up against the back of the staff room door, the only place without camera surveillance. Then, there was no going back. Anyway - at the same ledge I had to stop in my track because contrary to the expected course of events the knife stabs are getting deeper, neither fewer nor less well-aimed. Only forceful nostalgia at work these days, with the former anger having left me without shield from it.
Over the bridge unto the built-in steps where I listened to Tove Lo so loud my ears hurt. I remember thinking ”this might be the last time I am walking home to him” and as if the thought was a hive of summer flies I hurried down the stairs as if to dismiss the realization of that I was… yeah. That’s the thing. What was I really doing? I convinced myself I was breaking up with you but it was all very meta in the sense that I knew I was convincing myself that, i.e. that it wasn’t true, I was just telling myself that so that I could survive it, because I thought I knew that the reality of it all was that you were leaving me and I was just in a hurry trying to mold reality into a scenario quickly, quickly, that I could live with. A scenario in which I didn’t have to realize I was the rebound, I was the ugly girl who was dumb and ridiculous enough to ever have thought I had a chance, I was the one fooled and ripped off and laughed at.
I hurry down the steps tonight one more time, like I will be doing a hundred times again, but never again to you leaning against my door frame with your bent smile and bangs falling down before your eyes meeting mine when I finally arrive.
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rsmrymnt-tea · 3 years
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A thing I did for @beels-burger-babe’s The Hive’s Fantastical Ball event last July 20 ✨ My OC Dolasach wearing this dress but with gold accents instead of silver. Had tons of fun roleplaying and reading everyone else’s roleplays ;w;
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collabwithmyself · 3 years
Amazon being a regional villain is fantastic though. I'd love to know more... Are their grunts delivery drivers? Do they exploit new Pokemon trainers into doing work for them? I'm so curious!
Hive Inc. is... it sure is.
They've got a monopoly on the market in this region and control the PC system. They can see the data of the Pokémon you catch and track occupied balls, and they use this data to not only market more effectively to you, but also jack up the prices of what you may need when you're desperate. Using a Pokémon Center actually costs a fee in this region.
Hive Inc.'s CEO, Hortensia Vainglory, is having research done on the side about the link between people and Pokémon. How they connect, how Pokémon change... she wants to find a way to harness the power of Pokémon while circumventing the need to build a bond with said Pokémon first. Her ultimate goal is to capture and fuse herself with a Legendary Pokémon so she can exert total control over the region.
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tagedeszorns · 3 years
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Titanicus by Dan Abnett
I apologise in advance for my English. It is not my first language and my reading comprehension is unfortunately much better than my speaking comprehension. I ask you to forgive bumpy phrasing and strange expressions!
I finished the novel a few days ago and am very, very pleased. I was well entertained, got the usual Abnett flavour that makes the Warhammer-verse more colourful, and had suspense and adventure.
But of course it doesn't go off completely without friction.
The end seemed rather abrupt to me, some things remained completely unresolved (what will become of Prinzhorn and the crew of the Victrix after the ... differences of opinion? Will someone take care of the remains of this tower? First the leak of the Heresy documents is a civil war thing and suddenly it's enough to say "haha, it was only fake!" and everything is fine again? With two fleets in orbit?) But maybe that will be cleared up in another novel. In any case, I would like to continue following the adventures of Legio Invicta.
And once again Abnett finds it really difficult to include female characters. He clearly tries hard, but doesn't get beyond his usual "diplomat, soldier" and they are also either stereotypical (the emotional Mechanicum woman, the hysterical Famula, the tough-motherly soldier ...) or men with breasts (the young Outland woman got heavy "I don't see gender"-treatment). As far as I can tell, there was not a single woman on any of the Titan crews. No female princeps, moderati or steersman. And that's with over thirty Engines involved. At first I was incredibly positively surprised that there was an Enby character (Sonne), but unfortunately they quickly became "he". Too bad.
But I don't read the Black Library books because I appreciate their authors for their progressive views (I think there's a female author by now, at least that's what I've been told), but because I want to see things explode in the most bombastic, thrilling terms imagineable. Heroic adventures in the grimmest of all the darknesses!
And Abnett delivers that in the best possible way. The description of the engine battles is so wonderful, you can almost feel the earth shaking beneath the god machines. The sequence in which a Titan begins its walk alone gives you goosebumps. You are shown an alien world in which man and machine can no longer be separated at some point - and losing oneself in the depths of a Titan is not a pleasant fate for every Princeps. But each of these men is incredibly proud to be among the best of the best - you can feel it in every sentence. They may belong to the Mechanicum and they may be largely no longer human - but they are something entirely their own. I like that this strangeness is so clear. I'm such a sucker for big machines and Abnett's Titans scratch that itch so good!
Wonderful details like the warhounds getting balance tails and really acting like a hunting pack drew me deep into the action. The glimpse into the heads of the crews was impressive and the strangeness of the Mechanicum was fantastically worked out. The description of the Noosphere was very, very Matrix. I liked it. The Skitarii were also given contour, which for me is often lacking with other authors.
In addition, small, loving details like a glimpse into the shop of a toy maker in the Hive or the confused spirit of an old Moderati make the immersion perfect.
I can also get over the fact that the machines and the staff of the Dark Mechanicum remain pale and do not get beyond the "horrible, completely insane monsters" status. Yes, they are not even allowed to do more than bleat their names like deranged Pokémon. All right, I'll live with that. The loyal engines are all the more colourful for it.
And, of course: Gorge Orwell. That's no typo. 😁
All in all, one of the best Black Library books I've read in a long time. Definitely in my top ten.
Associate Professor Demon Bird Hat says: Five out of five knitting Salamanders' balls of wool.
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Whenever a male bee has sex, their balls explode, killing them. So if you ever see a bee chances are they're a virgin.
meanwhile, female bees die after using their stingers. so female bees die on the battlefield and male bees die in (kinda) childbirth. which is one of like 32 reasons bees are fantastic & intriguing 
(also roughly something like 90+% of honeybees are female, and male bees don’t usually leave the hive so)
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halfway-happyyy · 4 years
Sleep on the Floor
AN: I’ve thought about this concept on and off for a while now, and finally decided to write it down. Alexander and a rather unfriendly acquaintance cross paths again at a music festival, and end up handcuffed together for the day. Under the cut because it’s lengthy 💖
tw: nothing but fluff, friends.
As always, feedback is encouraged and appreciated.
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It was the bright glare of the sunlight glinting off the metal object in the back pocket of her best friend’s denim shorts that initially caught Daisy’s attention. After an hour of scouring multiple maps of Montreal’s many metro lines- (“Well do we need to take the orange line or the green one?” and “Can’t you just google maps it?” and perhaps Daisy’s personal favourite- “We should have just spent the sixty dollars on an uber.”) The trio of friends had finally made it to Parc Jean-Drapeau, where the three-day Osheaga music festival was being held. “Bea, what’ve you got in your pocket there?” Daisy reached toward her without an answer or invitation, and produced a pair of weighted, silver handcuffs. 
Bea lunged for the cuffs back, a smirk in place on her features.
“What on earth could you possibly need handcuffs for at a music festival?” Daisy asked, eyebrows raised in genuine confusion.
Returning the cuffs to her pocket, Bea shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly, the smirk from moment’s ago still tugged the edge of her lip upward. “It’s been my experience that you just never know when you’ll need ‘em. Be good Daze, or I’ll use them on you.” And Daisy supposed that after a couple of choice alcoholic beverages that could start to sound like one hell of a fun proposition.
“I literally don’t see him anywhere Bea,” Hannah sighed heavily.
Daisy glanced at Bea’s better half; a hand shielded her gaze from the onslaught of the sun’s rays as she stood on tiptoes to scan the expansive park around her. “Who are you looking for?”
Hannah dropped back onto the balls of her feet; her bottom lip wedged between her teeth like she was anxious about something. “Did Bea not tell you?” She peered over at her girlfriend, expectantly. “Did you not tell her?”
Bea rolled her hazel eyes and murmured “shit.”
Daisy’s vision narrowed. “What’s going on?”
Hannah squinted over at Daisy, kicking aside a stray pebble with the toe of her pink platform sneaker. “We uh… We invited Alex and some of his friends to join us for the weekend.”
Her mouth suddenly devoid of all moisture, Daisy wished that she had a bottle of beer in her hand, or some other ice-cold alcoholic beverage to distract her from the heat rising steadily to her cheeks. Tongue thick in her throat, she turned to her friends. “You invited Alex Skarsgård to our Osheaga weekend?” Shifting from side to side uncomfortably, Bea eventually nodded her head in the affirmative. Daisy took a deep breath. “I just think that might have been good information to know before now.”
“You wouldn’t have come…” Hannah interjected.
A humorless laugh bubbled up from the base of Daisy's throat. “You’re probably right.” Hives of people from all over the country milled about the green hillsides, a myriad of accents and languages- mostly French, echoed throughout the vast park. Daisy raised her face to the heavens, reveling in the feeling of the late July sun on her skin and sighed heavily.
“What is it about him?” Bea asked quietly.
Daisy's eyes fell shut. “Where would I even begin?”
“Alright, here they come.” Hannah murmured.
Bea offered her dearest friend a sympathetic look but knew better than to touch her just then. “He wants to make it up to you, Daze.”
Daisy swallowed hard and followed Hannah’s gaze to the quartet of men currently striding towards them. He bore a striking resemblance to the man she had known a year ago, though his dark blonde hair was longer now, and stubble shadowed the underside of his chiseled jaw. Clad in a pair of dark jeans, a grey t shirt and a pair of black converse high-tops, a round pair of yellow tortoise-shell sunglasses sat perched atop his head. “I don’t need him to,” Daisy murmured. “Just try and help me keep my distance from him today, alright?”
Bea was apprehensive, but nodded her head in agreement. “Alright.”
“Good afternoon ladies!” Alexander exclaimed jubilantly once he had caught up to them. He greeted both Hannah and Bea with bear hugs like he’d known them his whole life, and not a mere couple of years. When he got to Daisy, she was surprised to see that his grin hadn’t faltered at all. “Hello Daisy. It’s nice to see you again.”  
She offered him a wilted smile. “Hi, Alex.”
He faltered a beat before turning to the three men next to him. Daisy knew by the sight of them that they had to be related to Alexander in some way, each one a wide-eyed and giraffe-like carbon copy of the other. “Ladies, this here is my good pal Oskar, my kid brother Valter, and my other brother Bill.”
And God said, “Let there be Skarsgård’s,” and there were Skarsgårds.
Bea cleared her throat. “Alright, gang. Shall we check out the rest of the park? Find a watering hole?”
Alexander held out an arm before him. “Lead the way, friend.”
“How long are you guys here for?” Hannah asked as they made their way into a beer tent on the platinum grounds.
“Just for the weekend. Then I'm back to New York for a couple of meetings and then uh… these guys and I,” He winked at the three men next to him. “Are supposed to be in Stockholm for a wedding next week.” Alexander reached into his back pocket for his wallet and approached the bartender behind the counter. “Hey there. How are you?”
"Fantastic." A miniscule fan in the corner of the tent did little to blow any actual cool air around, and a slick sheen of perspiration bloomed over her neck and forehead.
“You must be pumped to be able to hear all the music from here!” Bill beamed at her.
She smacked the wad of pink bubblegum in her mouth, her expression deadpan. “Absolutely ecstatic.”
Valter cleared his throat to keep from laughing.
“Alright then. Uh,” Alexander squinted at the black chalkboard drink menu above him. “What have you got in the way of alcohol for shots?”
“Vodka. Gin. Tequila.”
He turned to the group, gaze expectant. “What are we all in the mood for?”
“Vodka!” Had been the resounding answer, and Daisy didn’t think she’d ever been more ready to shoot straight liquor in her entire life. The alcohol was rough, and it stoked the fire already roaring in the pit of her belly, causing beads of sweat to bloom on her forehead. They milled about for another fifteen minutes, and Daisy was awed by how much alcohol the seven of them had been able to consume in such a short amount of time. Some drinks came in the form of grotesque shooters- “We drink these all the time back home!”, others had taken the shape of ice-cold beers beneath the salvation of another tent. It occurred to her that the breakfast she had consumed a couple of hours ago was insufficient for the poison now in her system, and that down the line, it might pose a bit of a problem. For now, Daisy was simply content to sip whatever she was given, and to enjoy the first full day of her vacation.
Their first set of the weekend was the Foo Fighters- and by some stretch of a miracle, the festival gods had blessed her with a spot in the crowd that made for a fantastic vantage point of the stage. She was naive to assume that it would happen again, so she watched Dave Grohl dominate the crowd in unbridled awe, and without a care in the world. And when they played My Hero- she joined along with the sea of people around her and sang her heart out to every single word.
After the set ended, the seven of them managed to touch base again beneath a patch of glorious shade. “It’s come to my attention that you and I have some unfinished business, Daisy.” Alexander had to yell to be heard above the roar of the white noise around them.
Even surrounded by hundreds of strangers, Daisy felt inexplicably naked beneath his gaze and she shifted uncomfortably on the spot. “You don’t owe me anything, Alex.”
“I owe you an apology, Daisy.”
A sigh exited her mouth in the form of a puff of air, and she eyed the people walking past her with mild contempt. “Just for one day, just one, I want to know what it feels like to be tall at a concert.”
“I know how you feel, Daze.” Hannah fanned a hand in front of her face in a useless attempt to keep the sweltering heat at bay.
Valter laughed and traded sheepish expressions with Bill. “Unfortunately, we don’t.”
Alexander clicked his tongue and glanced down at her, azure eyes glittering mischievously. “View from down there not so great, huh?”
His tone brimmed with mirth and Daisy’s skin prickled under the heat of it; the urge to smack the smirk from his face was all-consuming. She stared up at him, pointedly. “As someone who probably shares- at least most- of their genetic makeup with that of the Brachiosaurus, I wouldn’t expect you to understand what it’s like.”
His guffaw was loud and booming, and it caused Daisy’s heightened blood pressure to soar beneath the scorching Montreal weather. “Yeah, well, every woman in your maternal bloodline for the past one hundred years was probably four foot eleven, tops. You take what you’re given, kid.” Silence hung between them and Daisy shot Bea a look that simply said, ‘you did this to me, and eventually you will pay for it’. Alexander cleared his throat, oblivious to the mounting tension. “Look, if you want I can hoist you onto my shoulders for the next set and then you’ll know exactly what it’s like to be tall at a concert.”
Daisy took a deep sip of her beer, her defiant gaze trained on something unseen before her. “Your concern for my experience here is heartwarming, really it is, but believe me when I say that I’d rather suffer down here.”
Alexander shrugged and shook his head in mild amusement. “Suit yourself then, half-pint.” Venomous words threatened to erupt from her throat, but they stayed lodged where they were, because just then and with the expertise of someone who was inexplicably well-versed in the act, Bea had managed to clasp a silver handcuff around Daisy’s left wrist. She stared at it in alcohol-induced amusement, and suddenly everyone around them was laughing. She lifted her arm to try and shake her wrist out of it, but a heavy weight dropped it back down to her side, and the realization that the other half of her cuff was bound to Alexander’s right wrist, was sudden and all-consuming. She swallowed hard. 
“While admittedly funny for the first few milliseconds, I’m going to have to insist that you unlock us now.”
Bea levelled her honeyed gaze with Daisy’s and smiled sweetly. “Relax Daze. You’ll be free of each other by nightfall.”
All Alexander could do was howl. “Nightfall? Good luck-" He managed in between fits of laughter. “Getting the kid to last half an hour!” When his laughter had subsided, he cleared his throat and glanced down at Bea, his blue gaze twinkled roguishly. “C’mon Bea. Let us out, hm?”
Bea shook her head and patted the miniscule outline of the key in her pocket. “Last set of the day. Nightfall. I promise.”
There had been protests from both sides, but for as strong-willed as Daisy knew her best friend to be, she also knew that she wasn’t in the business of giving in easily and the pair of them gave up trying while they were ahead. While mind-numbingly irritating for the first few hours, the all-consuming heat eventually zapped Daisy of her ability to care about anything except for cold drinks and air conditioning, and she supposed, begrudgingly, that there were worse people to be chained to for a day. It was only after their lunch of tacos and beer from a local food truck- Daisy and Alexander sat atop a bed of grass, knee-to-knee, that they realized they had managed to get split up from the rest of the crew. But if either of them had been worried about it, they didn’t let it show. “Who are you most excited to see play here?” Daisy asked for no reason, other than she could think of nothing else to say.
Alexander tipped the neck of the beer bottle to his lips with his free hand and took a hearty gulp. “Who am I most excited to see? Who are you most excited to see?”
She rolled her eyes. “You can’t answer a question with a question. Besides, I asked you first.”
He pursed his lips together as if he were thinking hard about it. “The person I am most excited to see, have been waiting all year for… has to be Cardi B.”
She stared at him, deadpan. “You’re kidding.”
“Actually, I’m not. I’d tell you to confirm with Valter but he is, very conveniently, missing in action.”
Daisy laughed suddenly, and it was a laughter that came in waves and spurred on his own, each of them nearly doubled over as they gave in to their fits. “Gonna to do the WAP?” She breathed out when she could manage it, wiping away traces of saltwater with the pad of her thumb.
Alexander feigned solemnity. “Listen, I would do the WAP dance right this very minute if it weren’t for these cuffs.”
“I believe you.” She giggled.
"I'm glad." His face broke into a beam that put sunshine to shame. Draining the rest of the bottle, he set it back onto the grass and cocked his head to the side. “And you? Who are you most excited to see?”
Daisy stared up at him, the answer had been ready on the tip of her tongue, but something in his eyes stopped her dead in her tracks. “You have the loveliest flecks of gold in your eyes, did you know that?”
Alexander’s gaze fell to the grass beneath him, his smile painfully shy. “Let’s find us some more beer then, hey? Up on three.”
“Good plan. But we have an issue to resolve first,” Daisy murmured.
Alexander faltered; his head cocked to the side in question. “You mean- apart from the one where we are currently joined at the hip until Bea decides to take mercy on us?”
Daisy nodded. “Right. Besides that one. I have to pee… really bad.” He opened his mouth to say something, but a chuckle roared from the base of his throat instead, and Daisy swore it was like hearing laughter for the very first time. There was an infectious joy to it that made her want to make him laugh like that for that for the rest of her days.
“Alright. Let’s find you a washroom.”
It hadn’t been a difficult venture; platinum tickets holders benefited from the use of private on-site washrooms, and it occurred to Daisy that the astronomical price for the ticket was worth it, solely based on that luxury itself. “I’m sorry that this a thing you are being privy to.” Daisy muttered as they squeezed into a stall together.
He shrugged his shoulders. “Oh, I’ve been privy to worse things, kid. I’ll turn away.”
As Daisy hiked her sundress up her frame and squatted above the toilet, she reminded herself that revenge was a dish best served cold, and that one way or another, Bea would pay.
Alexander and Daisy’s afternoon continued in the same fashion; they attended whatever sets piqued their interests, lost track of how many people commented on their unusual predicament, and satiated their parched throats with lots of cold alcoholic beverages. Finally, the golden sun began to sink low over the Montreal skyline, and the temperature drop that came with it was a welcome reprieve to the day's stifling heat. They found themselves amidst a healthy crowd of people, all breathless and ready for one of the final sets of the evening. As she waited for the band to take the stage, Daisy suddenly felt exhausted beyond all measure, but also satisfied in a way that she hadn't been accustomed to in years. She could pin it on the alcohol, or the heat, or that she had finally allowed herself a couple of days off to do whatever she pleased. Deep down, she knew it had nearly everything to do with her current company.
“Where did you go just now?” Alexander asked.
Daisy glanced up at him, confused. “What do you mean? I’m right here.”
He seemed unconvinced. “You were a million miles away.”
A shiver wracked her body that had nothing to do with the current weather, and she gestured to the stage. “The Lumineers. These are the guys I'm most excited to see.”
Alexander beamed down at her. “Well then how lucky am I that I get to see them with you.”
Two men entered the stage just then, one stepped up to the microphone, and the other took a seat behind a drum set. Daisy didn’t realize she had been holding her breath until the opening beats of Sleep on the Floor rang out into the humid air before her. A cacophony of cheers erupted from the concertgoers around them, and goosebumps bloomed in patterns over her arms when the bearded man began to sing.
Pack yourself a toothbrush dear
Pack yourself a favorite blouse
Take a withdrawal slip
Take all of your savings out
‘Cause if we don’t ever leave this town
We might never make it out
I was not born to drown
Baby come on
“The key is gone.”
The day’s final concert had done Daisy in, and she was inexplicably tired now; her legs heavy like lead, eyelids threatening to shut on their own at any second.
“What do you mean the key is gone, Bea?” She heard Alexander ask. His voice was level, but there was an underlying tinge of frustration to it that made Daisy’s stomach sink.
“It’s… it’s gone. I had it in my pocket earlier and now it’s gone.”
Daisy yawned wide, the urge to lay down on the patch of grass beneath her was almost too tempting to bear. “I’m tired, Alex.”
“I know, kid.” He pressed a quick kiss to the top of her head. “Where did you last have it?”
Bea tugged the edge of her lip into her mouth and shrugged her shoulders, helplessly. “I last had it in my pocket.” Dozens of people pushed past the group on their way out of the park; on their way home to waiting bathtubs and beds and Daisy was unbelievably envious of them.
“Alright. This is what we’re going to do,” He sighed. “The four of us are going to get into a cab, we’re going to head back to the hotel, and Daisy and I will meet up with you guys right here tomorrow morning. If the key still hasn’t turned up, we’ll have to figure something else out.”
“I’m really sorry about this, guys.” Bea muttered lowly.
You absolutely should be, Daisy thought.
Hannah cleared her throat, her arms crossed tight across her chest. “Are you alright with this Daze?”
She nodded, wordlessly.
Their uber ride back to the hotel only spanned the entirety of fifteen minutes, but it seemed like a lifetime to Daisy. She drifted off on Alexander’s shoulder to the lulling sound of muted Swedish between the three men, and when she was gently tapped awake by Alexander, the car was parked outside of the Four Seasons. “Come on, kid. Let’s get you into bed, hm?”
“This is fancy…” She murmured, as she slid out of the open car door and into the humid evening air.
Valter laughed heartily. “Just wait til you see where you’re staying, Daisy.”
The boys bid themselves goodnight, with Alexander slinging his free arm around each of their shoulders in a half-embrace. He waited until he knew Bill and Valter had made it into their elevator safely, and then led Daisy to a discreet elevator off the lobby, which they rode to the top floor wordlessly. She wasn’t sure what she had expected when the doors opened, but her breath hitched in her throat as she drank in the room in which Alexander was calling home for the next three days. “This is-
“A lot, I know.” He murmured. They wandered past the single king bed, into the next room, whose expansive bay windows offered a breathtaking view of Montreal’s twinkling downtown lights. Daisy gazed down at their entwined wrists, at the small metal chain that bound them together, and marveled at how a mere twelve hours had the power to change everything. “Daisy, I’m sorry.” Alexander spoke above a whisper now. “I’m sorry for leaving you behind last year.”
She took a deep breath, the words thick at the back of her throat. “I never should have put you in a position where you felt that you had to choose between your career, and me.”
Alexander’s fingers found hers, and he squeezed them thrice. “You waltzed into my life when I least expected it, Daisy,” An incredulous sigh pushed past his lips and he shook his head. “A breathtaking hurricane of a woman. I made the decision to ask you to dinner, I should have showed up.”
She smiled tiredly. “You showed up today, Alex.”
He leaned towards her, pressing his lips to her temple, and his laughter rumbled through her and warmed her in ways sunshine never could. “And look where we are now.”
She gazed up at him, at the deepened creases next to his eyes, and the subtle flecks of gold among a sea of blue, and in that moment, she hardly cared if they ever found the key at all. There was an effortlessness to that truth that felt akin to breathing. “Nowhere else I’d rather be, Alex.”
When Daisy's eyes opened in the morning, the weight of Alexander's impossibly warm arm hung snug around her clothed stomach, the cool metal of his cuff a stark contrast to her warm inner arm. The Montreal sunlight pouring in through their bay window glinted off a miniscule key-shaped object on the rug a few feet away from where they lay, and a small smile tugged her lips skyward.
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𝟛𝟙 𝕕𝕒𝕪𝕤 𝕠𝕗 𝕗𝕚𝕔𝕞𝕒𝕤: 𝕕𝕖𝕔. 𝟝
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in which jack, rose, and the doctor decorate the tardis christmas tree.
pairing: nine x rose // rating: general // read on ao3. // read yesterday’s prompt. // @doctorroseprompts​
If he'd explained it once, he'd explained it a hundred times: there was no night, no morning, no afternoon, no teatime on the TARDIS. Which meant that, fundamentally, there was no Christmas on the TARDIS either. 
No winter, no holiday season, no Yule.
But that meant precisely nothing at all to the humans on board.
"What's this one?" she asked, dangling an ornament like cut-glass that hung from an elegant silver hook. The light from the time rotor sparkled through it like a prism, painting Rose's face in shades of light.
"It was a gift from an Ice Queen. Long extinct, but they made the most fantastic ice sculptures." He would've stopped there, only Rose was looking up at him with a rapt expression. "It looks like glass, right? But it isn't. It's ice, held in stasis."
With a happy sigh, her wide eyes returned to the ornament dangling from the tip of her finger. "That's amazing," she breathed. "So, will it break—if we hang it up? Or… melt?"
Behind her, Jack's voice came down the ladder. "Nope," he declared, thoroughly stealing the Doctor's thunder. "Ice Queens were very careful with their work. In fact, their sculptures were designed to last millennia—to be gifted one was a sign of permanent respect. Or," he added, eyes sparkling, "as a token of undying love."
He almost groaned. Trust Jack to turn it into something completely other than what it was.
But Rose looked enthralled, and she gaped up at first Jack and then himself with what looked like an extremely conflicting mix of envy and awe. "That's so romantic! Was she in love with you?"
"How should I know?" he snapped, though she wasn't the source of his irritation. No, that honor belonged to the smirking Captain looking decidedly innocent next to the Christmas tree. While he fussed with the tinsel draped over the sweetly scented boughs, the Doctor was left awkwardly trying to explain his prior relationship to an eight-foot-tall, flying offshoot-organism of a pan-dimensional hive mind who had been dead for billions of years. "We didn't have much time for conversation, as I was a bit busy trying to keep her ice hives from melting." Sulkily, he added, "She could've just been grateful for my help." 
"Oh my god," Rose cried. "She did, she fancied you!"
"She totally did," Jack unhelpfully supplied.
The Doctor rolled his eyes. "If she did, it wasn't exactly undying—she's gone now."
There was no good way to say something like that, but he made an effort to sound untouched by it—unbothered in the knowledge that, for all his saving, the Ice Queens went extinct anyway. It wasn't a unique case; it was an inevitability for most species he encountered in the universe. Completely normal. Even humans, in the end, would be gone. And—if his bad luck held—he'd outlast them all.
Rose, sweet and sensitive Rose, pulled herself up off the floor, choosing to abandon the box of bright bits and bobs in favor of sitting beside him on the jump seat. "I know you don't want to talk about it," she assured him. "I just—"
Her arms slid around him, squeezing tight. With Rose's warm head against his shoulder, he could nearly forget about the end of the universe. It was a long way off, and she was here and warm and present and alive.
Across the room, Jack looked on smugly. When the Doctor caught his gloating, he rolled his eyes and then narrowed them in a glare. Jack, being Jack, only blew him a kiss.
The long and lingering hug eventually had to end, if only because Rose was determined to get the tree finished by bedtime. With a final squeeze, she released him and returned to her spot on the floor, where she set about carefully unpacking more ornaments. They were many, and varied. Preserved popcorn balls from Earth, dried jungle flowers in resin from Deva Loka, a dancing figure made of nuts and bolts that Ace had constructed and he had sentimentally wired. So many memories were contained in Rose's small, gentle hands.
And eventually, she pulled one of theirs out.
A pink, sparkling ball—perfectly ordinary-looking, except it was lit from within and would glow like a jar full of fireflies. She'd seen it at a night market on Harlequin Three and had been spellbound, standing at the stall for nearly ten minutes while the air glittered and glimmered around her.
Rose glanced up. "Is this…?"
"You wanted one," he answered, struggling to look nonchalant in the face of her beaming, brilliant smile. Eagerly, she shook the ornament and waited for the light to kick up and flicker inside—and when it did, she wore that same expression of joy he'd seen her wearing that night, in the middle of the street, surrounded by fairy lights.
It wasn't like the ice sculpture—it didn't scatter rainbows over her face—but the humble pink ornament did shower her with warm light, making her skin glow peachy gold. When she held it near to her face, she appeared to be the one lit from inside.
But her silent appreciation only lasted a moment before she scrambled back to her feet, handed the ornament over to Jack, and launched herself at the jump seat again, with all the force of an effusive human girl. 
As her hands scrabbled under his coat to hug his ribs, the Doctor shook his head in gentle amusement. He'd always known she was an amazing creature—her enthusiasm for things never flagged or failed—but this was the response he lived for. Simple, uncomplicated joy. It was why he took her to see the wonders of the universe, and then to ice cream shops in Soho, and then to the media room for rotten television. Everything was wonderful to her; everything was a joy to behold.
He settled his cheek against the top of her head. "Like it?"
"Love it," Rose nodded, burrowing further into his chest. "You really are a soft old alien, aren't you?"
For a moment, he thought about denying it. But it was—or wasn't—Christmas, and he thought he could let himself have a moment of indulgence. Lowering his voice, he whispered, "Yes, but don't tell anyone." 
Despite himself, he found his eyes flicking up to Jack, who had stayed mercifully silent during the exchange.
Jack, who was smiling fondly at them both as Rose giggled, her nose pressing into the wool of his jumper.
"Secret's safe with us," she whispered back, before taking a long breath, then breathing the warm air back into his chest. His hearts picked up tempo in response, as if seeking out her warmth. Despite himself, his arms shifted to tighten around her, unwilling to relinquish her human warmth and the glow of her beautiful heart near his.
Everything had to end, but—as he sat in the light of a tree celebrating a holiday he didn't put much stock in—he felt safe in that knowledge that everything had its time, too. And his time could not possibly be better spent than it was, here. Now. Together.
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Dangerous Minds
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Those of my readers who haven’t known me long may not know that I was once a corps member of Teach for America. I taught 10th and 11th grade English for about 5 weeks, then I was told on a Friday about my “involuntary transfer” to another school in the district, where I’d be teaching 7th and 8th grade English instead. I went from having about 110 students to about 190. My classroom had no books (textbook or otherwise), no pencils, no paper, no markers or chalk, but it DID have one of those folding lamps that come out of the ceiling at the dentist’s office. The kids had been in there for 5 weeks with a rotating roster of subs; they’d done no schoolwork of any kind. I was teaching in a very poor area of the city, and my students were predominantly Black and Hispanic. One of my 10th graders wrote his first personal essay about getting shot the previous year. I say all this to tell you that when Chad asked that I review Dangerous Minds, the 1995 adaptation starring Michelle Pfeiffer of the true story of Louanne Johnson’s experience teaching in inner city schools in California, I was prepared to laugh it off as a cringey, Lifetime-movie representation of my experience. Is that what I got? Well...
For the most part, what I got was a ball of anxiety in my chest. It’s well-worn territory, obviously. A teacher bonds with their students from the wrong side of the tracks, and ends up learning just as much from them as they learn from him/her. Usually poetry or music features heavily as a tool that can set the students free from the depressing circumstances of their lives. Depending on the rating, usually a student dies, and the teacher learns just how Important their job is, so they commit to it even harder even though it pays no money and garners no respect from the administration who just doesn’t “get it.” But these cliches and stereotypes and broad strokes exist because at their core, they’re true, and they make me anxious and uncomfortable and I can’t laugh at them or Michelle Pfeiffer being a Nice White Lady because I’m too busy being angry about the systems we put in place that straight up abandon so many kids, all in the name of white supremacy.
Some thoughts:
Oh we’re starting right off the BAT with “Gangsta’s Paradise.” Fantastic news. Two things I associate so strongly with this song is skating around the skating rink in 2nd grade and buying the Weird Al cassingle of “Amish Paradise” and wearing it out. 
Ooh, the score was composed and performed by Wendy & Lisa! Love that, you don’t see nearly as many film scores as you should composed by women.
God, the salary is $24,700 a year and Louanne acts as though that is appealing - I can’t tell if that’s because it was 1995 or because teacher salaries are so dismally low that this feels like a good salary?
This scene in which Louanne goes into her classroom for the first time and the kids are all shouting at her and getting in her face and sexually harassing her and throwing paper balls at her is giving me stress hives. 
Also her friend Griffith (George Dzundza) saying, “You wanna teach, so teach! All you gotta do is get their attention” is rather disingenuous. Trust me, you can have their attention, and still not be able to teach. 
I’m excited to see Sally-Can’t-Dance from Con Air as Raul (Renoly Santiago). He’s honestly fantastic in this, with a tough exterior but a sensitive and gooey inner sweet boy. All of the teens give pretty solid performances, but he’s a real standout.
I recognize this is based on a true story and Louanne Johnson’s lived experience, but I am not sure it’s wise for any teacher, regardless of grade or subject, to be teaching her students how to fight each other. Or taking them to dinner on what looks to outsiders like a date. I know some people have a problem with the bribery (giving her students candy for speaking up in class) but I have no problem with it - you get paid to do all the dumb stuff you don’t want to do at work, why shouldn’t kids be compensated for going to school if they don’t want to be there? External motivation goes a long way to building up internal motivation.
Mm I do love me some Courtney B. Vance, but he’s such a quiet, condescending ass in this. It’s a different vibe than I’m used to seeing in a principal in a movie like this. 
Ooh, Griffith grading papers and saying “What a fuckin’ idiot” is a real mood. 
“Since when has the Board of Education done anything for us? We barely get fuckin lunch” is legit. The lunches my students were served in summer school were some of the most horrifying things I’ve ever seen. One day it was spoiled milk, white bread, and pickles. And one of my students put his in a microwave that was hidden in the back of my classroom behind some dividers and left it for a week. And just so you know, as stomach-churningly awful as that sounds, the day I found “pickle man” as my student called him, isn’t even in my top 5 worst days teaching list. 
I like Griffith, and I’m glad Louanne has a friend, but frankly I’m not that interested in these interludes between them - they really feel like they slow down the momentum from the scenes of her in the classroom slowly earning the kids’ trust. The pacing is kind of a mess, because the most dynamic sections all revolve around the kids in the classroom, and I feel like that only makes up about a third of the movie. 
One thing I know for sure is you do not get in the middle of a fight between students. I have a friend who worked in the same district I did who interrupted a fight and got punched in the face because of it. And her principal blamed her. 
Oh wow the way the soundtrack picks up when Emilio finally engages in the class is some kinda cheesy. And it continues through the rest of the scene to a distracting degree. Oh Wendy and Lisa, I hoped for better. 
Can I just emphasize that to reach these kids, Louanne uses her experience as a LITERAL MARINE by demonstrating she can kick all their asses, and then she bribes them by paying for 25 kids to go to an amusement park for the entire day with her?
Also, even if they like and respect her now, I call bullshit at any scene in which ALL of  the kids are A) sitting in their seats or B) silent, and especially C) both. 
Um suddenly feeling some weird vibes with Louanne and Raul having a dinner date at this fancy restaurant by themselves. Also, the double standard here is pretty telling - there’s no way this scene makes the movie if Louanne had been a male teacher and Raul was a female student.
Wait wait wait, she’s also loaning Raul $200? Like, is this why I didn’t make it as a teacher? Because I wasn’t a former Marine taking students to amusement parks and fancy dinners and lending them money? I was 25 and could barely afford rent. Maybe teachers who have enough money to take care of themselves are better equipped to take care of others. Idk, I’m just spitballin here.
Oh “Gangsta’s Paradise” is happening again! We already heard the whole song over the opening credits but now it’s happening again about 3/4 way through. I mean this song is definitely the best thing about the film, so I get it, but it feels weird that they think we wouldn’t notice it playing to completion twice.
Michelle Pfeiffer is doing everything she can to make this movie feel less cheesy and more real. Like, you can tell she’s really trying with her performance. Of course, it’s not like the character is a huge challenge acting-wise, but she is definitely committed to the part and can walk the line of both accessible and tough. 
This scene where Louanne tells her class she is not going to be there next year, that what happened to Durell and Lionel and Callie and Emilio made her too sad to stay has not aged well at all. And it’s certainly true to life, and I say that as someone who did the same thing. It’s not something I’m proud of, but it’s a reality - the fact that I’m a nice white lady is exactly the reason that I can choose to leave when things get too hard. Just because the kids convince her to stay at the end in this very rushed “all’s well that ends well” way doesn’t sweep this scene under the rug, and it shouldn’t. 
Ope, “Gangsta’s Paradise” shows up one last time in the credits for good measure. 
Side note: after the film, I researched Louanne, and she’s still teaching, which honestly made me emotional (in a good way). And I’d like to point out the racist ass bullshit the studio and screenwriter Ronald Bass pulled by changing the poems the students read to Bob Dylan lyrics when Louanne originally used rap lyrics from popular artists in ‘89-’90 to teach the kids about poetry. 
Did I Cry? No, but I did get heartburn from anxiety flashbacks.
This genre of film is easy to mock and parody because it tells the same story and hits the same beats to the point that they’ve become cliche. Ultimately, the truth at the heart of the movie (which is the un-nuanced and candy-coated depiction of Johnson’s real memoir, My Posse Don’t Do Homework) is that high schoolers crave someone who will see them and validate them, someone who is willing to put in the effort. The quality of the package that truth is wrapped in varies, and this one certainly leans in hard on stereotypes that feel like cheat codes rather than any real illuminating depictions of living teenagers. But as cringey as it is to watch, maybe it’s not a bad thing to remember that all people - including those who are trapped in poverty and all the cruel injustices that entails - want to be seen and valued for who they really are. 
If you liked this review, please consider reblogging or subscribing to my Patreon! For as low as $1, you can access bonus content and movie reviews, or even request that I review any movie of your choice.
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6 Methods to Get Rid of Bees Naturally in United States
Most of us are aware of the vital job that bees do for the planet, but having bees around our homes can present a bit of danger since they sting. Then there is the problem of how to get rid of bees and their hives without using toxins.
Learning how to get rid of bees naturally can come in quite handy for those who want to get out there and tackle the problem themselves. Below, we are going to talk about why we should find ways to remove bees without killing them, why we should remove bees from around our homes, and six ways to get rid of bees naturally. It’s time to learn how to remove bees so that you can enjoy your yard and home without worry about getting stung.
Bees Are Important
Usually, when we think of bees, we don’t think about them in a good way. The first thought that comes to mind is being stung. We understand that. Bee stings not only hurt us but also kill the bees. But let’s not forget that bees are vital to our planet.
Bees are responsible for a lot of the food other mammals and humans eat. Yes, there are other methods of pollination, but bees are responsible for about one-sixth of the pollination that occurs, and they pollinate a number of agricultural plant types, i.e., our food.
Bee and Wasp Control
The very work of pollination is a wonderfully natural way to maintain our system of food production. We already hear of food shortages and people starving. This problem would be accelerated if there was a decrease in bees.
So do we need bees? Yes. But there are times when we need to be wary of bees.
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Why Should You Get Rid of Bees
Allergies to bees: There are people with allergies to bees so severe that they could die from a simple bee sting. If there is someone in your family with a bee allergy, it is essential to do what you can to make sure there are no bees around your home. Learning how to get rid of bees is a piece of knowledge that can save them a visit to the emergency room–or even save their life. Bee Stings: Most of us have been stung by a bee at least once in our lives. We can all agree that bee stings hurt. If you have a bee nest or hive near your home, the chance of bee stings greatly increases for you and your family. Some bee stings are worse than others, and sometimes the location of the nest, like in the ground, can increase the chance of multiple bee stings for your children or pets, which may be out playing in the yard. Aggressive Bees: Bees can be bad enough when they aren’t feeling aggressive, but sometimes they can amp up and go on the offensive. The reasons why they can become more aggressive include a lack of flowers in the area to pollinate. Other stressors are hot weather and feeling a need to protect their nest. The possibility of dealing with bee aggression is an excellent reason to look for ways to get rid of them from your home.
How To Get Rid of Bees: Home Remedies
There are numerous ways to get rid of bees naturally. Some of these methods are safe for the environment but kill the bees, while others are safe for both the bees and the environment. Below are six ways to get rid of bees.
Call a Beekeeper: If you live in an area where you can find a beekeeper, this is an amazing first choice. Beekeepers are professionals when it comes to working with bees. A beekeeper would more than likely love to take the beehive and take care of the bees and keep them alive. Soda: Bees love sweet liquids. This method involves cutting a soda bottle or can in half and filling it up with a very sweet soda, then placing it in an area where you have noticed a lot of bees. The bees will be attracted to the soda and come to drink it. Note, this method is environmentally friendly but will kill the bees as they will eventually drown in the soda. Moth Balls: There are some smells that bees don’t like and mothballs are one of them. To use mothballs, hang them near the bee nest or nests, and eventually, the smell will deter the bees from coming back. You can also hang mothballs in different places around your yard to keep your entire yard bee-free. Vinegar Spray Solution: Vinegar spray is a great natural way to get the bee out of your yard, as well as simple to make and use. Just mix equal amounts of water and vinegar in a spray bottle, shake and the mixture on the nest when the bees are sleeping, at night, as well as around plants where you tend to see a lot of bees. This mixture will kill the bees, so make sure you remove all of the dead bees. Cinnamon: If you find a hive and want the bees to relocate without killing them, consider sprinkling cinnamon around their hive every day for about a week. The smell will send the bees looking for a place to relocate. Repel Bees Using Plants: A great way to keep bees out of your yard without having to remove them or kill them is to plant bee repelling plants around your home. Having these plants around your home should prevent bees from even stopping there. Citronella, Mint, and Eucalyptus plants are good bee repelling plants and easy to grow. If you’re not much of a gardener, try citronella candles to help repel many types of bees.
When To Call In a Professional
There are going to be times when calling a professional will be your best option, even if you are comfortable attempting to get rid of the bees yourself. Bees can make nests in tricky spots like the ground, in the siding of your home, and other hard-to-reach areas. This is what professionals do for a living, so tap into their expertise.
We understand that getting the bees away from your home is essential to you. We also understand that bees are crucial to the earth and do a fantastic job at helping provide food and beauty to the planet. Finding a way to keep your family and the bees safe is a top priority for Environment Pest Management as it is for you.
If you would like more information about bee removal in United States, give us a call. Pest control is what we’re all about, and we would be happy to help you.
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omnipokemonproducts · 3 years
The Ultra Beast Question
“She’s late.” Leigh was already at her patience’s end with Simmons. Vonnegut could not help but agree with her but just sighed. They were going to be meeting with Simmons, who had just happened to capture a UB, in particular, the one entitled Xurkitree. Plus considering her ‘specialty’ of interstellar pokemon, she was the best consultant.
The doors to the briefing room opened to an underwhelming sight. A middle aged woman with dark complexion, with a contained hairdo that still was messy all over. The most striking item was a pair of glasses that could not hide the dark spots under her eyes. Around her waist were four pokeballs all strapped to her not-fanny pack, one of which would be the talking point today. The woman who looked not out of place at all was Simmons Bērōnī.
“What kept you?” Leigh folded her arms and shot her a glare. “We have been waiting for fifteen minutes.”
The woman waved her hands as if to pacify her colleague’s concerns. “Take it easy. Jubjub just found a song they liked and wanted to dance to it.”
“Jubjub?” Vonnegut finally voiced his own concern and confusion.
The young woman reached into her not-fanny pack and clicked the ball open. To both his colleague’s shock the UB itself was as bizarre in person as the data they had been given showed...all quashed by one article of clothing on its neck(?). Closest to what could only be described as the bulb of the mon was a small bow tie. It was a clip on, but it seemed it was attached well enough to where it would not fall off.
“This is Jubjub. They can generate a lot of electricity and has been charging my phone the last few days.” To demonstrate Simmons took a phone charger from her pocket and stuck the plug end into the alien. The latter did not even react.Her phone emitted a small sound, to signify it was charging. Suddenly music began to play from the phone, followed by the electric alien to dance while making some small unknown noises. “I have noticed that is generates massive amounts of electricity when happy that are more stable and consistent than if it is agitated or in pain.”
“Great. Fantastic.” Vonnegut curtly replied. “We need to cut to the chase. Simmons, we need your expertise to develop a means of stopping any inter dimensional invasion.”
“Ah right. Well to be frank I don’t think these Ultra Beasts are merely an inter-dimensional threat. I think this could be the most recent encounter with pokemon from a potential far away planet and they have discovered transportation before we could.”
All four of the Think Tank member’s groaned. Simmons’ tried and true theory: anything new, even the god-like pokemon, always came down to aliens. “Do you have any basis to this?” David was often the one who had to do most of the leg work to prove she was wrong. During the few times she was right he had to confirm it, which only fueled her alien hunter tendencies more.
“Yes actually. In fact I have cross referenced a few reports from the Aether Incident, some other reported sightings, as well as my own testimony.” Reaching into her fanny pack, she pulled out a small tablet and pressed the screen to allow an image to appear projected via hologram. In there, stood a long, lanky humanoid pokemon. Its appearance looked feminine.
“This mon for instance is known as Pheromosa. These pokemon tend to operate in swarms, and are the strongest combat wise out of all the ultra beasts reported. Most tend to operate in a hive mind of a leader.” Pressing another button on her tablet it switched over to an image of the same Ultra Beast but most of its body was black. “Except these black ones are always independent agents, as they are able to operate independently of the swarm. They have also been seen giving some kind of orders to their white counterparts.”
David was at least impressed. Of course he would need his own combat data and his own tests, but this could yield fruit. “And these are the only two you have so far right?”
“I don’t have the pheromosa. Darren Ida was the one who caught most of those. Granted he had suffered some injuries related to said capture. One took a bite out of his arm, but his arm is still intact. Just in a cast now.” All four think tank members would need to interview Darren Ida, despite how difficult it could be to work with him due to his cold and hostile demeanor.
“So what is our new course?” Mercy chimed in, finally speaking up after being silent as to not have to talk to Simmons. “Do we reinstate project Quantum Leap?”
Vonnegut grumbled. It had been a long time since he mothballed that department since the last discovery of a variant of gothitelle that had crash landed in Sinnoh. The goal of operation Quantum Leap was research into pokemon with potential alien or dimensional origins. He had Simmons, but he had a lot on his plate now and out of everyone here, she was the most adept at leading it. For now.
“Yes. Simmons we will leave that department to you. You will be given a budget and a number of resources to do as you see fit on the Ultra Beasts and everything that can be verified adjacent. Do not spend any money on any frivolous side projects.” The malamar knew that giving her complete control of this department would be a bad idea, so he would need to have someone oversee her.
“I have a demand.” Mercy sounded stern and forceful, which was surprising to the other think tank members. “You are to not talk to any undead staff members on anything other than anything related to your project.”
“Oh shit.” Leigh muttered under her breath. She knew exactly why Mercy had said that.
“If it about my own research into echtoplasmic pokemon, I’m sorry if I offended you or anyone in the support group you run. I just don’t think it is healthy for any of them to cling onto false memories. Forcing memories of people who have died is amoral and not healthy. It will just lead to dissociative identity disorder for them. They need professional medical help.” Simmons did not sound mad, but she sounded just as stern.
As she said that Mercy’s eyes got wide and her fangs starting to become more pronounced, with a low snarl.
“Alright that’s enough.” Leigh felt inclined to cut this off before it got uncomfortable. “Simmons get yourself in order so David and I can establish the basis for you to work with.”
“Works for me. I’ll get started right away.” As quickly as she came in, the scientist put Jubjub back in their ball and left the room to somewhere not even she knew.
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beels-burger-babe · 3 years
To Be a Royal
***Hello Ladies, Lords and Noble Persons of all kinds! Welcome once again to the Hive's Fantastical Ball! I was going to post this one later after a different fic, but I want to make sure I get at least one fic out to you guys, sooo enjoy this one now! This fic was one that I was all too happy to write. It's quite short, but it's sweet and I personally love it. I hope you enjoy it!***
Summary: In honour of their hard work and loyalty in the Devildom, MC has been knighted as Layde MC of the House of Lamentation. The coronation and ball were a sweeping success, but now the real work of a noble person begins. Barbatos works with MC to try and teach them the manners and protocols of being a royal in the Devildom.
You were practically bouncing as you followed Barbatos into the royal study.
It had been a week since you were crowned Layde MC of the House of Lamentation and protector of the human world. Today your training for your new life was finally beginning.
You turned to Barbatos and beamed in excitement. "So what first? Do I learn how to pass regulations? Do I learn my duties in the Devildom court? Am I going to have to learn to ride a horse?"
Barbatos chuckles and places his hands on your shoulders as he leads you to a table that he set up and sits you down. "Those will all come shortly. For now, we focus on the basics: how to present yourself and proper manners and etiquette."
You blinked at Barbatos and frowned. "Wait. You're giving me a manners lesson?"
He sat down across from you in a fluid smooth action and raised an eyebrow at you. "Who else do you think would teach you? Lord Diavolo?" he laughed and shook his head. "I think not. I adore my Lord, however, I can barely keep him following etiquette as it is."
You snorted and hunched over as your shoulders shook with laughter.
Barbatos took in your posture and the very improper chortle that was coming from you and sighed in amusement. "I see I have my work cut out for me," he tapped the table twice to get your attention looked softly at you. "Let's begin, shall we?"
You glanced down at the teacup sitting from of you and casually lifted it with two fingers. "What are you going to teach me? How to stick out my pinky and lift my nose up at peasants?"
Barbatos raised an eyebrow at you as he stood and snapped open a book with one hand. "Oh? So you think this will be easy?" He looked down at the book, and began to read off, "No nagging, bragging, sweating, fretting, slipping, tripping, slurping, burping, twittering or frittering allowed," he smirked as he noticed your shocked expression. "Stay present, stay pleasant, stay proud."
You chuckled nervously as you set down the teacup. "Y-You're...You're joking right?"
Barbatos smiled and showed the book cover to you. "The Devildom's Guide to Royal Etiquette doesn't allow joking, Layde MC. That was only the tip of the iceberg, as you would say in the human realm." his eyes scanned over your sitting form. "For example, as you are now, your shoulders are hunched, you back is against the chair, your legs are casually spread. You are leaning on the table in embarrassment on your elbows, and the way you picked up that teacup earlier was simply disgraceful."
You winced at the blows to your ego and hunched down even more. "Geeze, way to give it to me lightly Barbs."
You jumped as his hand came to rest on top of yours. Looking up, you found the butler affectionately looking down at you. "Fortunately, you are not untrainable like Mammon, my Layde. There is hope for you."
He moved away from you once more and pulled out his chair so that you could see what he was doing. "You must sit away from the back of the chair, your back straight with pride, shoulders back and chin high. Your legs should be closed, as is proper, and tucked at an angle under your chair," you watched as he carefully demonstrated the actions as he spoke of them.
You knitted your eyebrows in concentration as you slowly mimicked his movements until you were mirroring him.
He smiled at the sight and nodded in approval. "Good. Now table manners."
He sat with you for the next two hours going over which cutlery to use when, the proper way to hold a teacup and pour tea, what it means to rest your knife and fork on a plate in different positions once finished, and how to use and lay your napkin. All the while, he kept constant surveillance on your posture and your conversation manners. Eventually, he rose and gestured for you to do the same. He slowly began to walk around you with his hands tucked behind his back. "You did well today, Layde MC. There is still much to go over, such as you posture," you shivered as he ran a hand down your spine before placing slight pressure on the middle of your back. A second hand came just under your chin and gently lifted it. "We have covered a lot today. You can come back tomorrow and we can continue this lesson," his eyes sparkled as his hands dropped and he moved into your line of sight once more. "I must admit, my Layde, I am quite grateful for these lessons and the time that it allows us to spend together," he took your hand into his own and gently kissed the back of it as he bowed lowly. "I shall cherish this time."
Your cheeks flushed as you stared wide-eyed at the charming butler. He casually fixed his gloves, as though he hadn't just caused your brain to short circuit. You took a step towards him. "Barbatos, I-"
He chuckled and met your gaze once more. "Remember your lessons, MC. You are a noble person, and I am your butler and teacher. Although I do admittedly care for you," his expression softened to reveal a look of pure love and adoration; you felt your breath catch in your throat, "it would not be proper for us to become anything more than close friends. You are dismissed for the day, my Layde."
You could only watch as Barbatos scooped up the book from the table and left the room. You blinked at the spot where the butler once stood and rested a hand on your chest. You could feel your heart pounding within the confines of your rib cage.
The noble and their servant. A forbidden love story told throughout the ages, and yet, you had never thought that you would be able to call the story your own.
***Did I just write an entire fic based off of Barbie's The Princess and the Pauper's "To Be a Princess"? Yes. Yes I did. I hope you guys enjoyed the fic and thanks again to everyone taking part in the Ball!***
Taglist: @thegrimgrinningghost @henry-and-the-seven-lords @satans-beloved-riv @cosmixbun @sufzku @pebblesgengar @victoireshaven @obey-mes-treasure @kissed-by-a-dementor @yukihaie @justtiarra @mammoneybb @obeys-world @poly-bi-mf @armycandy10 @burrixino
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