#the hypocrisy is out of this world honestly
scudevils · 6 months
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ioletia · 5 days
Yesterday I came across a tankie transfem. Which, when you think about it, doesn't really make a lot of sense. Of the states that tankies usually idealize, none of them would allow a transgender person to exist in them. Do you think Maoist China would have been accepting of anyone even the slightest bit outside the perceived normal? No. Stalin criminalized homosexuality; do you think trans people would have been that much more accepted? No. You could argue that under Lenin, the USSR was a bit more accepting of the LGBTQIA+ peoples, but he died pretty quick and was replaced by Stalin- who, again, criminalized and gulaged that shit.
The issue is that authoritarians always go after the weakest groups- such as minorities. They demonize them, ostracize them, and/or end up murdering them. And, unless our gay bombs and dysphoria lasers are in production, the LGBTQIA+ peoples will remain a minority.
Marxist-Leninists or, as they are more easily branded, Tankies, forget that the authoritarian vanguard party are still authoritarian in nature. Before the "one party socialist utopia" pipe dream is realized, there will be blood- and, as history has shown, that blood is often ours (the LGBTQIA+ and minority populations). This is of course assuming that said pipe dream would even allow us to continue existing.
In other words, if you're LGBTQIA+, a minority, a disabled person, whatever, and consider yourself a Marxist-Leninist... Maybe look at the history of that shit. Because theory and practice are two different things.
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mughal-e-qalam · 4 months
relating to the quote, "god give me patience, because if he gave me strength you'll all be dead." so much fr
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jewish-vents · 2 months
One of the things I’ve seen pop up frequently on proPal posts is “*Insert Free Other Country*” and it hit me in the shower that the issues in these other countries are not similar to the I/P conflict and the slogan doesn’t necessarily work.
So I did some digging in the tags. As far as I can tell the “Free *Insert Other Country*” tag first starts popping up in November of 2023. This coincides with the consistent criticism of Western Activists giving I/P more attention than any other issue or conflict going on in the world atm. Around November is when we really first started seeing the calls of hypocrisy getting to the people in this movement.
That’s why their Free Palestine slogan suddenly became Free Sudan, Free Congo and more as well. They’re projecting the I/P conflict onto the ones in the Congo, Sudan, etc… even though these countries are dealing with their own unique issue(s).
And here’s the thing. If you go into, say, the Free Sudan tag, the majority of it is posts about Palestine. They’re just using a tag they made up to make themselves seem more inclusive while focusing on their blorbo and drowning out the voices talking about another conflict. There’s some very good posts in there by Sudanese activists, but they are primarily using other tags that have been around for years.
I’m honestly flabbergasted. We’ve seen these open antisemites and terrorist supporters for months insist they care about other issues, but in reality it’s just surface level caring because their blorbo is all that matters.
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Honestly watching western goyische leftists veer sharply into blatant, violent antisemitism ostensibly due to Palestine inspires a very specific type of rage in me that can only be triggered by ideologically-driven hypocrisy.
It's like watching the anti-abortion people also oppose comprehensive sex education and birth control while lamenting at how many abortions are currently happening. Every single person with more than one functioning brain cell knows that the only way to reduce abortions (not stop them, because that's literally impossible) is to reduce the number of unwanted pregnancies - something for which there are mountains of evidence demonstrating that comprehensive sex education and birth control can accomplish. But they don't want those things, because they allow childbearing capable people reproductive autonomy and freedom. So they DARVO and move goalposts and in general try to pretend it's about protecting babies when it's literally just about controlling women, girls, and people they're misgendering as such. Because if they truly cared, if they were genuine in their beliefs, they would support whatever method was most effective at reducing unwanted pregnancies and therefore abortions.
The antisemitic "pro-Palestine" leftists do the exact same thing by ramping up antisemitism in the diaspora, despite the fact that the main driving force behind Zionism is a desire for Jewish safety. If you make the entire world unsafe for Jews except Israel, and you also want to dissolve Israel, where does that leave Jews? And I get that a lot of people just straight up do not care, genuinely want us dead, but here's the thing: people who are backed into a corner are going to fight for their lives. That is what Israel has done for the last 75 years. They have nowhere else to go, and the more antisemitic you make the diaspora, the more Jews will congregate there out of necessity.
If you don't address the root cause in a humane way, you are never going to make headway and you're literally just spraying water on a grease fire.
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xiki-pupper · 5 months
I can understand how Shuro may be a frustrating character to some folks - in fact that is kinda what he is there for, narratively speaking. But it really gives me ick when people just wanna shit on him for "being awful/the worst/an asshole"
The way I see it, the dude is his own different flavor of Autism- repressed, conditioned, awkward, and forced to participate in high society, not to mention the culture clash - and he sees laios just being his own weirdo self and he hates it --- no, thats not it. I honestly don't think he hates laios; i truly believe he hates that Laios gets to be TRUE to himself, and he (shuro) Doesn't get to be.
And it's a feeling I can understand and sympathize and empathize with, as I have been on my own personal journey to try and un-mask and deconstruct and heal myself in a world that has made me feel broken my entire life
People scream "hypocrisy" as shuro sees the same traits between the touden siblings, and is attracted to one whilst hating the other - and yes, I can agree that it's a bit hypocritical, but yall are taking it at face value and not understanding where his feelings are coming from. Shuro doesn't hate laios because he has a special interest, shuro hates that his whole life, he has had to squash himself into a form-fitting box, behave as his family commands, and now he sees laios being free of expectation, just out here being a weirdo, and shuro is possibly feeling that frustrated grief that comes with the late diagnosed autistic situation of "I could have been happy, too, but no, *I* had to be the responsible one"
... at least, that's how I view it. Coz I myself have had those thoughts. And I know, it's NOT a good look for me to be out here admitting that I have felt this way, like for example, maybe I see someone else's struggle with anxiety, whether it's online or in real life, and I have this bitter thought to myself of "yeah, I have anxiety too, but *I* was still forced to be a responsible adult anyway" which makes me momentarily frustrated.
And before anyone jumps my ass about it, NO, I definitely DO NOT think that "if I had to suffer thru it, so should everyone else" that's NOT what I'm saying. But I AM saying that, there is a bitterness, when u see someone who is able to avoid a struggle that you had to endure - that bitterness is NOT thinking that everyone should suffer as I did, but me being bitter that *I had to* at all.
Does that make sense? Coz I really feel like Shuro just gets shit on because people think he's there to interrupt the Yuri and be mean to Laois, and I really feel that he's a whole ass person. And a somewhat melancholic one, at that. He makes me think of how I had to grow up Christian whilst being queer and undiagnosed Audhd my entire life, and I would be very very surprised to hear that a large chunk of dunmeshi fans didn't ALSO grow up this way, feeling broken and stupid and tired, forced to do things the "normal people" way, and then NOT understand how Shuro feels when he sees someone who is in a position to be mostly free of that...
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ataraxiaspainting · 8 months
The End.
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Yan Kafka x F Reader.
Synopsis: Kafka always sits in the front row, despite being part of the show herself.
Warnings: Yandere themes, stalking, thoughts of violence, manipulation, and unhealthy relationships.
Word Count: 1k.
Ten Songs Like This Piece:
Breezeblocks by alt-J
Waltz No. 2 by Dmitri Shostakovich (feat. The Dixie String Quartet)
Swan Lake by HAUSER
Claus by Los Tres
Doin’ Time by Lana Del Ray
Lie by BTS
She’s My Collar by Gorillaz (feat. Kali Uchis)
Cha Cha by Freddie Dredd
Michelle by Sir Chloe
The roses are wilting.
It was destiny, fate. Such pretty things never last forever, after all, even if the entire universe wished otherwise. One way or another, they are meant to fall, like how the sun drops below where anyone can see it, being replaced with the moon, and vice versa. They fall deep, deeper than hell itself, and no one can pick them back up, unless one would be inclined to make a pact with the devil himself, doing horrendous things in his name. But Kafka has already committed such sins, so why deny doing so any longer? It is who she is. It is who you are, to be entangled in her lies and be forced to dance and to sing and to act.
With two gloved hands, she picks up the vase, spilling out the moldy water and the dying roses, the roses she got for you after you sang so well at the opera house, looking so beautiful, into the trash can underneath your makeup vanity, where little clumps of hair and emptied products always meet their end.
She’ll get you a new bouquet later. A new vase too. Perhaps instead of white roses you would like red ones instead? Kafka knows that this vase is cheap too, from one of your fellow divas, whose high notes are not as high as yours and her costumes not as elaborate or as elegant as yours.
“I honestly don’t see why you even try to befriend any of them, darling. They are all envious harpies. They can’t hold a candle to anything you do.”
You are not here, but Kafka’s mouth always has a mind of its own, so it spins lies even when your delicate, lovely ears are not in the general vicinity. Not that she minds it. But yours is what she is quite more so than trifles with, because yours is carefully controlled by her and her alone, and you, as always, don’t get a say. It’s a sort of hypocrisy, Kafka thinks, but she doesn't mind that either.
If she has to, she’ll even sew your mouth shut, your ears shut, your eyes shut, if that is what it takes for you to stay with her. She doubts it would ever come to that, though, because you are always too fragile and too trusting to tell the difference between an Iago and a Desdemona. But the latter role would much better suit you, her little flower, her princess.
You are so precious, but also a treasure prying eyes will always want to touch and see and hear. Kafka would, in all honesty, love to cut their hands and tongues off, if it did not ruin the carefully crafted image she made just for you. Maybe later, though, when all the stage lights are off.
“Lady Macbeth, hmm?” She murmurs.
She disagrees with the role you were given entirely. But, you were not one to stand up for yourself, so Kafka let it go. 
“You really ought to leave this business soon, dearest.” Kafka looks around, her arms crossed, not impressed with the room you were given in the slightest. “You can always just come with me.” She meant it. “Imagine all the sights you would see. All the food you would eat. All the gifts I would be so happy to give you. All the hugs and kisses you would receive from me. Everything… just think about it.”
She could imagine it herself. It is not hard, really, for the mind to reject all sense of logic and bow down to the whim of what is known as human emotions, mortal joys, woes, desires, wants, and needs. She could imagine sitting you on her lap as the ship jumps to the next world she will have to visit, telling you stories of the past, present, and future, as you look on with amazement. You don’t do that anymore, now. She would do anything to see it come back. She would steal a crown and place it on your head, though you having the genuine article does not make you any stronger. If anything, perhaps it would make you weaker to her whims.
“Imagine that…” She sighs, closing her eyes as she smiles. “We can go to Penacony. Your dreams would come true there if I cannot make them true myself. You can sleep on beds worth more than this entire opera house. If only you would let me. I know it would make you happy. I know it would make me happy. So why wouldn’t it make you?”
She would listen to your ultimate pains, and your ultimate wishes, and act accordingly. She loved you. You will too, again. It is only a matter of time, isn’t it? Yes, Kafka thinks, it is fate. 
Kafka always sits in the front row of the theater.
It does not matter whether or not she purchased the tickets for it, the seat, or the show soon to come to fruition. No one dares talk back to her, even security. She finds comfort in that. No one gets in the way of her having the chance to see you. Better yet, no one else sits in the front row when she is present.
So, she watches, one of her legs crossed over the other, her eyes never blinking. During interludes she likes to adjust her makeup accordingly, painting on another shade of crimson to her lips. Art comes in many forms, after all.
Kafka told you that once. As always, you listened dutifully as she taught you to be.
She taught you many things, not just that. She taught you how to read constellations. She helped you learn her vocabulary in the books she gave you, often long fairytales or poems. She preferred it that way when you used to be so eager to have someone be friendly to you and not want to simply use you for their own amusement, not wanting to throw you out of the opera house altogether.
The opera house may rot after it goes up in flames, in the future, if things go her way as it always does, but she’ll stay to watch it all, to take you in as you cry and as she shushes you. She’ll be happy. Maybe you will be too, for her. It matters how good your performance is, if you even want to act anymore, after all.
The lights dim, and she shows her pearl-white teeth as she grins.
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drakaripykiros130ac · 7 months
What is it with this Targaryens are blood supremacists bullshit?
Let’s make some things clear right now:
1. Targaryen blood is superior. It’s not some sort of twisted Nazi belief, like some people make it out to be. It’s actual fact.
Sue the Targaryens for constantly pointing that out and lacking modesty. It doesn’t make it less true.
Their blood gives them godly features and the ability to ride dragons. The hypocrisy of Andals never ceases to amaze me: they have a tendency to complain about how Targaryens have ‘queer customs’ but what actually bothers them is that they choose to keep their ‘superior blood’ within their family and not share it with others. Andals criticize Targaryens for being different and yet trample over one another for a chance to marry into their family so that their offspring would have godly features and ride dragons. If Targaryens are so “bad”, then why don’t Andals keep to themselves too?
2. When did it become an actual problem to want to stick to your own kind?
Valyrians are not originally from Westeros. Their home was destroyed. They found another home, of people who constantly judge them and look at them differently despite hundreds of years after conquest.
Despite the many flaws in the show, there is something that actually stuck with me: when Daemon said, “Valyria is gone. We don’t belong anywhere.”
This actually broke my heart a little and got me thinking: how many Targaryens actually felt like strangers in their own home despite having been born and raised there?
I mean, Andals constantly treat them differently and yet blame them for wanting to stick to their own Valyrian kind (Targaryens, Velaryons and Celtigars).
The Conquest in itself is no excuse. The Kingdoms were divided and at constant war with one another, which destroyed the smallfolk. The Targaryens took away their individual powers, united the Kingdoms and gave the people a better chance at peace. The Andals are pissed because they lost their autonomy? Well, considering what they used that autonomy for, they shouldn’t have had it in the first place.
I applaud the Targaryens for taking charge and conquering Westeros for a better future. I mean, do you honestly believe that they would have been accepted in Westeros if they hadn’t? That they would have showed up with their dragons, asked to be a part of the Andals’ world and they would have been accepted with hugs and kisses? Don’t make me laugh. They would have never survived if the Andals kept control of Westeros.
And do keep in mind that if their intentions were actually bad, the Targaryens would have turned Westeros into the new Valyria. They didn’t do that though, did they? They even accepted and converted to their faith.
3. Valyrians are actually attracted to their own kind. So what? It’s their custom and nature. It’s the one thing they asked for. The only exception. To be able to keep their traditions of marrying within their family, not only in order to keep their blood pure for the purpose of controlling dragons, but also because they feel comfortable with one another. They connect with one another. They don’t want to lose ties with their true home, with their history, language, culture etc.
Andals will never be able to understand Valyrians. It’s called having a connection with someone. It can be both physical and emotional (like it was with Daemon and Rhaenyra). Why is that such a crime?
Targaryens are constantly criticized for wanting to stick to their own kind, yet the Andals have been treating them like strangers for hundreds of years simply because they are different.
Who is the blood supremacist here?
Who are the ones who constantly discriminate and create the division lines? Answer: the Andals.
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blackflash9 · 4 months
How AC3 Depicted the Minority Struggle
A common theme throughout AC3 comes from its iteration of the Templars - The Colonial Rite. The narrative was a lot more charitable and sympathetic to the Templar ideology - so much to the point that you'll often get some of those in the community who have become utterly convinced by their rhetoric to the extent that they've been deceived into believing that they were noble and righteous all along despite evidence to the contrary. Do you know who isn't convinced by them? Connor. The protagonist whom some still pretend was some bubbling deer-in-the-headlights who couldn't comprehend how "right" they were. In fact, Connor didn't think any target he killed was right. He even explicitly questions and poses counterarguments. And how do they respond? They just... call him naive instead of properly answering him. Johnson was killing the Natives who opposed him acquiring their land. His argument was that he could protect the Natives when the British or the Colonists came for them. But when Natives ask him if he is really concerned about their protection then he should give them muskets. To which he replies "War is not the answer". Easy for him to say, he wasn't getting driven off of his land. Not taking up for the Patriots, mind you, because they were honestly no different when it came to Native Americans, but Pitcairn's idea of peace was "better we hold the strings than another". When Connor questions that logic, he gets told he's being naive. Hickey? He brags about how Haytham and Connor are chasing lofty goals while his only goals were tits and gold.
Church was chased down by both Haytham and Connor for stealing supplies from the Continental Army. He was a just greedy hedonist who was trying to justify his actions. Connor counters every point Haytham makes while fighting him at Fort George. Sure, he thought if they helped the patriots they'll probably be on their side (but if Juno was right, the Templars were gonna seize his village's land anyway so there was no way he'd have been able to rescue his people), when Connor asks Haytham what makes Templars so special that they know how everything should be, all Haytham offers are excuses.
And he was in no delusion as to what the Patriots are. He points out Sam Adams' hypocrisy of fighting for freedom while owning a slave, he tells off the Sons of Liberty that they mistake him for one of their own before Achilles mentions Pitcairn. He thought Washington was a good guy before he learned he burnt his village, but in Forsaken Haytham lets go of the grudge he held against Washington because he came to see him as a great leader and better tempered than Charles Lee. So it's not like Connor was completely naive as everyone portrays him to be.
Everyone dismisses Connor as this naive kid who doesn't know "how the world works", but no one seems to give a convincing answer to the questions Connor asks. Whenever he asks the people in power (or who seek power, like the Templars) what makes them so special that everyone should obey them, they don't have an answer either. What Connor goes through in the game, is what every oppressed group has gone through. They're always told to wait, always told to liberate themselves at the convenience of their oppressors, their grievances are used as bait by those who seek power but they'll forget the same oppressed people who helped them the second they attain power. But their liberation never comes. The only people who can truly liberate are themselves. That's what the deleted monologue was about. His Creed.
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askinkiskarma · 1 year
Ok, so I need to get this off my chest because it’s been weighing heavily on my mind. I’ve never properly addressed this because I honestly think it’s not something that deserves the traffic, but my entire feed has been overwhelmed with negativity and it’s genuinely making me want to not be on here anymore.
1. I age up my characters. No, that absolutely does not make me a paedophile. You don’t like it, the door’s right there, the block button’s easily accessible, i tag my fics, you can block tags, there’s so many things you can do.
2. Throwing words with such horrible and serious connotations around as a hyperbole is not quirky and doesn’t make you interesting, it makes you an asshole who diminishes and undermines real world problems to make yourself feel better about literally the most inane of non-problems.
3. If you have time to give a shit about someone you don’t know on the internet who finds joy in some artistic relief, you haVE TOO MUCH TIME!!! I’m curious how many of you actually have any concern or involvement in anything regarding actual paedophilia, that concerns actual kids, actual real life people.
4. If you do indeed believe that someone who ages up a literal fictional tall blue alien is a “paedophile”, you genuinely, genuinely need to go out and touch some grass, BUT what absolutely KILLS me is the absolute unhinged hypocrisy: you want to think you’re better than me, you denounce my work publicly, and then FOLLOW ME and reblog my Jake smut (?!???!?). Like this actually blows my mind. So in your eyes, i am the scum of the earth, i deserve to die and go to jail cause i am “sexualising minors”, but THEN you’re ok with it when you get off to my smut that you do agree with. HOW?! You must be so flexible cause that’s some impressive mental acrobatics. Congrats!!!
5. YOU CANNOT PICK AND CHOOSE WHAT YOU’RE MORALLY SUPERIOR ABOUT!!! Pls get that through your head. If you can forgive “deviant” behaviour when you’re horny and need a Jake fic to get yourself off to, honey baby, you’re just as bad, cause you’re proving you’re willing to bend your morals for your own pleasure and selfish needs. Like PLEASE BE FOR FUCKING REAL!!!
6. This is for my readers and readers of fics in general - if you like what we write, please, please show it. I have seen/talked to several of my mutuals who want to take a step back because of so much negativity that outweighs the support at the moment. If you want to keep being able to enjoy this content, please show your favourite writers some love, especially at this time.
7. And for my mutuals/besties, please, please don’t get discouraged. I know it’s hard, and it sucks, and it’s so disheartening, but i am here to talk and here to stay, and we can get through this together. It would hurt me so badly to see genuinely talented, beautiful, creative, kind people be driven away by some lowlives with nothing better to do than bully people. Stay strong and know I’m always here for you.
This is the first and last time i will be addressing this. I will not be engaging with these people anymore, and i will be using the block button incredibly liberally going forward. Remember you’re responsible for curating your online experience. You don’t like/agree with something, FUCKING BLOCK ME. I BEG YOU.
That’s all. Stay safe and good luck, my loves. I love you. Xoxoxox
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aho-dapa · 7 months
Tbh there's something about the way Ichigo, Kisuke, and Sōsuke are all reflecting off of each other in canon
Like this is sooooo influenced by my random uraichizen thoughts but
Like, considering Kisuke's Bodhisattva allegory with Guanyin/Kannon and his knowledge of the world, the idea that he preserves the status quo of the worlds by not actively doing anything in comparison to Sōsuke (from what we can see). He is a Bodhisattva in this sense. He's seen the truth, he teaches others the truth or hints at it because true Enlightenment can only be with the self. But.
Then there's the actual consequence of SS and what shinigami have to do to maintain the balance. Kisuke opposes Sōsuke and his views not because he believes it's right, but because he believes that the destruction of the worlds is not acceptable. It's a necessary evil.
Sōsuke has an ego with him wanting to become God, but there's also something almost tragic about his arc with reframing it from his perspective of Soul Society.
Soul Society is not a good place. Honestly horrible to live in. Especially when we find out that they sacrifice souls to hollows and vice versa in the name of balance.
Tbh, I ended up asking myself, from this viewpoint, is the Soul Society really worth protecting? Because it's goal is not about protecting people, but protecting the balance. Can the shinigami claim ignorance? Should they even be allowed to when they are complicit in destruction of lives? What would 'life' actually be considered in this universe? Do hollows deserve life as humans do? Except the SS ultimately sees both as a means to an end, hollows are just more of an obstacle.
Effwctively, shinigami are content sleeping on a bed of ground bones. I can see Sōsuke thinking this from a biased perspective.
But he's also not some savior either. He's arrogant and has a callousness to him that conflicts with this more sympathetic view of him.
His anger at Kisuke for knowing the truth of the world and not trying to change it seems genuine. There's an air of hypocrisy to his character I can't shake and it makes me wanna know more about why. Like the question of the greater evil vs the lesser evil.
Except Ichigo. He steps forward, finally knowing himself in full, to defeat Sōsuke, to defeat Yhwach, yet I can't help but feel like he's still so ignorant of the world he lives in. If he learned about their horrors, could he truly stand by in shadows waiting as Kisuke does, or would he become like another Sōsuke, for whatever reason. Or would he become a different path?
Sōsuke is also related to illusion and water, a reflection. We never see his bankai and I would even go so far as to think that he own powers don't work as they do in canon. There's still too many unknowns about him for me to be confident in them. But Ichigo’s own insights about Sōsuke's loneliness is just... it's so tempting to build off of that.
Because those feelings are likely a reflection of Ichigo from when he was a young age and his own confusing powers may have brought only more loneliness instead of understanding or connection.
I can't help but think that Kisuke represents Stagnation and Sōsuke represents Progess. Except poth come with an unsavory taste in the mouth. Kisuke waits, likely works towards a goal, bit it's far too slow for the people that have already suffered because of the world. Sōsuke steps forward, also hiding until he's sure of his strike, and he probably would have won if not for Ichigo. What is Ichigo then?
The only part of the Soul King that's named is his heart, which can bring about miracles, things unexplained due to emotions and desires. It acts similar to the Hōgyoku. Ichigo speculates that Sōsuke may have actually wanted to lose to him and that's... also a lot of implication about Sōsuke's character. There's also the idea that Sōsuke may have built Ichigo up. To what? Defeat him? Stand by his side? To make him less lonely? Or are these Ichigo’s unreliable feelings, are they simply Ichigo’s own reflected onto Sōsuke?
Both of Kisuke and Sōsuke's plans and views come with a price. And Ichigo remains ignorant, but he stills fights for everyone to not pay that price, even his enemies.
In a way, it's like Sōsuke decided to pay a huge price upfront to pay back later, Kisuke is frugal and making sure to balance everything while moving forward but that means people can't attain true wealth within their lifetime. Yhwach decided to destroy the concept itself despite that it means everyone will then have to pay that price.
Ichigo, is just, bursting through all of that. But he's also only one person. And idk, that feels important to how change must be made collectively when it's about a whole society. All Ichigo does is step forward, with other people, like the beginning of a wave.
Like, this is the end of the post but SŌSUKE AND KANAME??????? That alone needs a whole thesis and how it informs both of their characters since the only person Sōsuke actually trusts out of everyone is Kaname
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cloverinsummer · 6 months
Why the hat matter
When you first reads witch hat atelier you may encounter an extra panel at the end of volume 2 of the manga showing you how to draw your own witch hat, and mentions two rules:
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The cap must not have a brim able to conceal the face 
The ideal pointed cap uses a conical design that fully covers the top of the head
These two rules presented in a funny cute extra encapsulates the hypocrisy embedded in the pointed cap witches. The first rule presents an ideal of the witch showing themselves to the world as a trustworthy person through not hiding anything. This way of presenting oneself as trustworthy is embedded in the pointed cap witches culture as seen through the weight they put on having their magic to appear pretty and trustworthy in the eyes of the normal humans under the festival later in the story. But at the same time as the witches want to appear open and trustworthy their existence also is part performance. Pointed cap Witches are forced to hide how they do their magic and their uniforms are designed so they can draw their seals hidden beneath or behind their robes. This contrast is shown through the second rule where despite appearing to show the face the ideal witch hat must be one that hides most of the head, showing that the pointed caps nature is only surface level and starts to fall apart the second you start to think about it.
Meanwhile looking at the brimmed caps you see the opposite. Their hats are originally designed to hide themselves to oppose the pointed caps way of life, but despite this their hats show a lot more of them. For example look at Coustas’ and Ininia’s hats.
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Both of their hats convey something extremely personal about them. For Coustas it’s his connection to flying and nature represented by the feathers on his cap meanwhile for Ininia it’s her strings that show her uncanny way of getting entangled with others. Their hats show a more honest witch and by opposing the pointed caps, they point out that they aren’t that. Despite this the brimmed caps brim also reveal the problems with their ideology. Despite them all showing themselves honestly to the world, their brims stop them from seeing the honesty and reality of the other witches in this group. This results in them not seeing eye to eye and therefor their idea of what a brimmed cap witch actually is wildly differs which results in an unorganized movement that while having an interesting idea gets lost in individuals cruel selfish way of executing is, as none of the others stop them lost in their own idea of what freedom is, never looking beyond their own brim.
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so-i-macedup-abit · 11 days
What do you like so much about this stupid Freak?
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And also!! It would be fun for us to chat about headcanons n other stuff that about WIR on discord ( if you are interested ofc! ), username is DexLxser just in case!
UEHGHEGEHEHEH I'D BE VERY GLAD TO TALK ABOUT WHAT I LIKE ABOUT THIS FREAK... but it's honestly really hard for me to talk about stuff like this since I have no clue how to word stuff most of the time so illjust put this
egotistical grumpy old man. I love. This character archetype. So much. The gull of this 3ft tall man to boast about being the greatest racer in the world, the absolute hypocrisy this man presents in his reasonings as to why vanellope can't race, the absolute JOY he feels when he's toying with ralph in the final part, it's all so satisfying to watch knowing how he ended up in the movie- like "YES, GET FUCKED LOSER!!.. Actually wait no come back your schemes were actually really entertaining to watch"
ALSO the absolute BOUNCINESS in his animation as kc, AGCHDK I LOVE IT-A DNT THE LISP HE HAS AS KC TOO. WHAT A CHARISMATIC ASSHOLE... I love him for how he is as a character but I would not hesitate to mutilate him on sight if in person
as someone who has SAD, I genuinely aspire to have the confidence of this- thing... not to the point where I get the urge to T-bone someone out of jealousy but to the point where I can confidently walk around without having to worry about anything
It's also just "I could make him worse, but whatever the hells wrong with him is genuinely concerning" since writing villainous characters is fun, but I cannot thinkof any worse thing this freak has done to write about
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As for the hcs, I would love to but I probably would take a looong while to reply- sometimes I just completely forget to. Plus my hcs aren't all that interesting since I like sticking to the canon... However I would love to see yours ^^
I may not accept right away since I'm going to sleep soon but hey, desperate to meet people who are willing to babble about this silly with me
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empressgeekt · 17 days
I like to think Peppy didn't knowingly abandon Branch, not like how he knowingly never told anyone about Viva and the other trolls lost in the tunnels. There was a lot of chaos that day and I imagine he put the responsibility of getting the trolling who don't have parents into the hands of orphanage workers and, well, with Trollstice there were a lot of orphans. It isn't hard to imagine they might have forgotten a small, grey trolling or lost him in the chaos. He'd have been written off as one of the unlucky few who never made it out like Viva and the Putt Putts, if Peppy would have known about him at all.
It doesn't change the world shattering fact that Poppy would be thrown face to face with one of her father's hypocrisies, the very one she had just called him out on shortly beforehand when he'd wanted to hide and run away from the Bergans instead of saving her friends. All in the form of a grumpy gray troll who calls Poppy out on her naivety and the fact she honestly believes 'No Troll Left Behind' is anything but a lie her father tells everyone to make them feel better about the people lost, because he's living proof that trolls were left behind.
Poppy: You're a troll? How i have never seen you in the village before.
Branch: I've never seen the village.
Poppy: Where did you come from then?
Branch: The tree?
Poppy: then you had to have seen the village, my dad got everyone out.
Branch: Not everyone, princess. Some of us got left behind.
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greenerteacups · 5 months
Your Hermione (through Draco's loving, rose-tinted glasses) has been one of my favorites to read. He doesn't shy away from her faults but sees her qualities (intelligence! an appreciation for the rules but creativity around them! confidence! a touch - a gallon - of bossiness!) as strengths instead of the annoyances they sometimes appear to be through Harry's eyes in the original books.
You once wrote on your favorite and least favorite tropes for Draco. I'm curious, what are they for Hermione? Was she the character you saw yourself in in the books, or was that someone else?
And a million times over - thanks for creating such a rich, beautiful text. I've been reading fanfiction for 10 years, and this is one of my favorites.
Thank you so much! Hermione was my favorite character, and as a bookish, socially challenged kid, most definitely the one I saw myself in the most. She made it seem cool to work hard and try, which was not the vibe of my school at the time, and she was the character that I imprinted on. Honestly, it's cheesy, but she probably changed my life.
My favorite version of Hermione is probably "loving hierophant." I like her bossy, righteous, imperious, book-smart but stupid about people, and most of all, a wonderful, wonderful hypocrite. Hermione holds everyone to incredibly high standards, including herself. That means she believes in people intensely and gets cross at them easily when they disappoint her. She's sensitive about certain topics, especially the "not having friends" thing, but she hates the vulnerability it brings up, so she responds by getting defensive and redirecting attention to things she's good at, i.e. books and rules. This is also her reaction to vulnerability in general; Hermione needs to be In Control, and intimacy is the one area where that's literally impossible.
She's capable of observing her own faults in others much more easily than she is of observing them in herself; she'll criticize Harry and Ron for being tactless and then turn around and say something incredibly rude without blinking. This also applies to Harry's inability to pick his battles; Hermione's a little better than he is, but they both have different triggers, and she's not necessarily less bellicose than he is. (This doesn't stop her from lecturing him about a need to "be the hero" in OOTP, one of my all-time favorite Hermione Hypocrisy moments, because. Babygirl. Doctor, heal thyself.) She's scrappy and once she's engaged someone as an enemy, she fights with no holds barred; rules are for people who choose to play by them, and once someone breaks them, she's willing to open the umbrella of what she can do to deal with them. She doesn't have the most consistent moral code in the world! She's often inconsistent, and that's what's wonderful about her. She's a realistic depiction of a fifteen-year-old girl who cares just so fucking much, about everything, all the time, and is furious and desperate and passionate and brilliant, and wants to solve every problem, even when it means contradicting herself. She's still figuring herself out, and I love that about her. I love that she's wrong sometimes. I love that she's rude and messy, and she isn't good at expressing her needs.
In my view, the core tension of her character is her desire to be righteous and her absolute determination in pursuit of her goals. She is an ends not means type of person, and that's a decent philosophy when your enemies are dragons and dementors, but the minute you start dealing with people, your moral bets are off. This is the place where I think canon leaves her, and it's the place where the best fanfic takes her up.
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dragonagecompanions · 6 months
How do you think Sera & Solas (including pre-romanced & romanced) would react to a dalish inquisitor who is just like "Honestly, I never really believed most of the stories about the old elven gods, but I still follow the practices out of respect to my clan and because it tends to ruffle the feathers of those who would rather see me submit."?
Solas: There is wisdom, often, in conforming to an appearance to hide ones own individuality—it would be hypocrisy himself to think otherwise. It is good their inquisitor has a healthy skepticism for what they are told, for the Dalish fairy tales of benevolent gods is far from the truth. Perhaps, should he bring the world that was back from oblivion, that attitude will serve them well.
Romanced: He loves her too much to shatter the illusion until they stand together at the final eluvian. Seeing the truth wash over her is almost as painful as watching his magic tear her asunder, and yet the Dress Wolf will not allow his mate -and oh it pains him to acknowledge what they might have been!- to go into this new world unknowing if what comes next. To see the horror that it brings does not please him, nor watching herself curse her own folly for ignoring the stories.
They were only that. The truth is much darker, and she was right to doubt.
Sera: Little people know. They know that the too good stories that chanters and divine types are too good to be true, and so whatever elfy dribble the Dalish are going on about must be more of the same. Andraste might love them all and be singing at The Maker morning to night, but that doesn’t feed the hungry or keep the big ones from stomping down. Good to have a leader who knows when the songs are just that, no matter whose singing the songs.
Romanced: It’s…good. She never expected to find love, certainly not with an elfy elf with all the Dalish ink on her face, but she did and her Inky is…woof. Everything and a side of pie. But the pie would be all mushy and maybe rhubarb if Sera’s best girl was always kn about Mythal and bla bla and wanted the Red Jenny to care about all they old gods locked away cause a wolf took a piddle on them. Better this way.
She’s still not sure why Solas choked on his stew so badly that he needed Cassandra to actually pound his back to get it out, but it was funny as all get out to watch.
- Mod Fereldone
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