#the idea for this got stuck in my head and wouldn't leave me alone :\
zippidi-dooda · 2 months
In the early stages of going over to meet Bakugou's parents you were visibly uncomfortable, nervous, and always coming up with an excuse to postpone the visits.
Your heart was beating in your chest, hands clammy, eyes almost watery. And even though they were endlessly nice and welcoming towards you, something wouldn't let you shake the fear of being around them and you barely uttered a word, the rides home going with complete silence between you and him.
Bakugou of course had noticed and tried asking you about it, but then you'd feel that lump in your throat, not wanting to explain why you were always so anxious when it came to his parents since you didn't even know the reason yourself, you'd quickly change the subject or use any excuse to leave the room.
The avoidance irked him beyond belief, he wanted to snap and ask his questions straight out ... but he didn't want to run the risk of you crying. So, he sends a text explaining the situation to his parents and asks for advice, how should he approach this?
And the next time you visit, he and his father conveniently have to run out for an errand. You of course rushed to offer to go with them, you couldn't bear the idea of being in Bakugou's home without Bakugou, but they refused saying it'd be rude to make the guest do things for them. So, you were stuck. Alone. With Bakugou's mother sitting on the couch right across from you ....
You look down at your sweaty palms clutching your pants, head racing and praying to God she wouldn't want to talk.
And to your relief, she leaves the room.
Ahh ... you'll live to see another day.
You look up slightly to see a plate full of steaming cookies on the coffee table in front of you.
Then you feel the cushion sink next to you and a caramelized floral scent envelops you.
"Glad we got rid of 'em! That boy would have a fit if I showed you these with him around."
Mitsuki was sitting right next to you.
"Well? Go on, grab some, it's rude not to try your host's treats. Brat doesn't like sweets, but these are Katsuki's favorites, I'll give you the recipe later." She winks.
You were dazed for a moment before grabbing one out of fear politeness.
The older lady crosses her legs, opening a thick album you hadn't noticed she'd been carrying and points towards a photo in the bottom right.
"This here is from when we got to bring Katsuki home for the first time. I knew then and there he'd be a pain in my ass. Ugly thing isn't he?"
... what a way to talk about your child.
You lean over a bit to take a look. And a smile makes it's way across your lips. He wasn't the prettiest thing, no, but since you loved him you couldn't help feeling happy at the sight.
She points to another one, "This here is when I caught him getting into my makeup. Masaru had taken the picture since he wasn't paying attention then showed it to me. Nearly chased him down the block when I saw it. Little Bastard was always getting into everything he shouldn't have."
You chuckled through your nose, finally taking a bite of the cookie.
It tasted amazing.
Mitsuki continued to flip through the album, telling you the stories that came with each photo, her way of storytelling garnering a bit a laughter from you and eventually you had your feet tucked on the couch and cheek resting on her shoulder simply listening to her talk. You hadn't even noticed it happen.
She didn't ask you questions about yourself, didn't point out your change in behavior, or even glance your way. It was almost as if you weren't even there. But, you were greatful for that. And she knew.
She had stood when she heard the front door beginning to open and looked at you, raising a finger to her lips, "don't tell Katsuki 'bout this, kay?"
You smiled and nodded, turning around to watch the pair as they walked in.
That was the first time you truly felt comfortable in the Bakugou household.
And you were soon looking forward to each visit, much to Katsuki's relief.
Well, it was relief at first when you were starting to converse and interact more, taking the time to get close to his mom and his dad and asking him about his family on your own.
But then he knew you were getting too close to his family, especially his mom, when you started sighing and asking questions like "Oh, what happened to the Katsuki who would sing just cause he felt like it" or saying things like "You know I think I'm happy I didn't meet you as a kid, we wouldn't have gotten along as well" or even pointing out toys to him like "look, it's just like the one you had as in the past, right?"
Then he knew exactly what made you open up to his family, "Hag's been showing you that damn album, hasn't she?"
And suddenly he didn't know if he should be mad or greatful towards his parents for coming up with their plan to help you grow comfortable around them.
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vixzwrites · 1 year
slytherin boys: pet names for you
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authors note: heavily inspired by them slytherin boys react tiktoks i keep seeing everywhere. readers gender isnt specified.
possible tw: over working yourself (idk), mention of weed/being stoned, bullying possibly if you squint, drinking
Draco Malfoy;
- darling
- i feel like he'd use it in a slightly mocking tone before you guys became offical but after it would the most common pet name he used
"you should leave harry and his friends alone!" Draco wasnt known as the nicest boy in hogwarts, which didnt suprise you after seeing his relentless behaviour to the so called 'chosen one'. "oh yeah, darling?" he quipped back. God he was insufferable.
"darling? you here?" Your boyfriend had just got back from quidditch practice. You could tell he was exhausted the way he stumbled into his dorm already taking his uniform off and slumping it into the washing basket. He worked really hard but you knew best how he could over work himself. When he saw you his face softened. You outstretched your arms allowing him to enter them. "i'm going to take a shower first." At least he was taking care of himself.
Mattheo Riddle;
- bro is such a princess/prince man
- it obviously comes with the princess/prince treatment ig
- similiar to Draco he would tease you with it before dating but after seeing you blush and stutter, why would he ever stop using it?
You had came late to Snape's lesson, which was your first mistake; struggling to find your seat was the second. "sir, there aren't any seats left." Snape glared over at you clearly bothered by your disruption. "well miss/mr (l/n) if you had not arrived late to my lesson, there may have been a seat left for you." and with that he resumed his original task. "there's a seat next to me, princess/prince." Turning your head to meet the one and only Dark Lord's son, only to see him nodding towards the empty seat next to him and his fave plastered with a big smirk. "o-oh, erm... thank you" Did he just call you princess/prince?
It was if your own knees had betrayed you giving out underneath you and causing you to collapse onto the common room couch. You were exhausted all the exams and revision had really taking it out of you, not to mention quidditch practice in the early hours of the morning. "Hey, Princess/Prince." The sound of his voice was comforting and caused you to snuggle into his side. "You okay?" before Mattheo could get a reply, you had already drifted off.
Theodore Nott;
- angel (i couldnt decide between theo and enzo)
- he wouldn't use this to tease you at all he would use it more when he's feeling soft lol
Someone's arms sneak around your waist and pull you close to their chest. Startled, you spin on your heels ready to bitch slap this boy into next week. When you're met with the handsome face of your boyfriend, that idea goes out the window. He pulls you furthur into him and rests his head in your neck. "Hello, Angel. Have you missed me?" You whine causing Theo to chuckle into your neck.
Lorenzo Berkshire;
- sweetheart
- enzo is just a soft boy being raised by women he knows how to treat them right too
The night of the yule ball was finally happening. Lorenzo had made it his mission to get you as his date and when it had finally happened, it was safe to say the boy couldnt be happier. He was on his way to collect you from your dorm. Knocking on the door, he could hear you on the other side before the door opened revealing you in your ball attire. "wow you look- you look amazing. No not amazing, you look stunning, sweetheart." You giggled at his antics. "give me a spin?" You spun showing off the outfit, pansy had helped you chose.
Blaise Zabini;
- babe
- i feel like blaise is very whiny lol and he would definitely drag out the 'e' on babe espeacially when hes stoned (i need to write a fic aboutstoned blaise hes stuck in my head)
Common room parties were common, if you excuse the pun. You had been to many through out your years in slytherin and enjoyed the laughter and fun you had. Right now though , your in need of another drink. Your boyfriend had other plans though and was determind to keep you by his side. He smelt strong of weed and alcohol, he wasn't doing much to cover up the fact he was most definately drunk and stoned. Wriggling out of his grasp, you get up to find another drink. "babeeeee! where you goin?" His words were slurred and his senstences were missing words. He will just have to deal with out you for 2 minutes, you were sure he could manage that.
Tom Riddle;
- lets be honest he'd definitely call you something degrading in and out of the bedroom
- but since we're all delulu he calls you my love
- its a rare occasion as he isn't big on pet names but he does use them
"what are you doing?" Startled by the sudden stern voice, you jump. "i was just seeing if you had a spare tie i could borrow?" You felt shy under his eyes. "oh my love, i didnt mean to scare you." He reached a hand out to you so you could take it and lead you over to his bedside draw. He pulled a tie out for you. "now lets see of i can make it up to you for scaring you."
(sorry that its so short idrk how to write for tom without making him look like a complete dick)
idk if i did this correctly but im pretty sure you can request now and id love to hear other peoples ideas. you can request anything (smut, fluff, angst, comfort etc.) for a drabble headcannon, fic etc. so pls doooo.
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7seas-of-ryy · 2 months
Hangover Cure
Author’s Note: This is an idea I've had for a while! I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it!
Summary: Rhys and Cassian know how to have fun...and distract you from your crush on Azriel :)
Pairing: Azriel x Reader, Platonic!Rhys x Reader, Platonic!Cassian x Reader
Warnings: drinking, let me know if I need to add any others :)
"I swear I will stab both of you with my dagger if you don't stop." You growled at Cassian and Rhys.
"You're not nearly as intimidating as you think." Rhys smirked.
"Actually, I'm kind of terrified of her." Cassian spoke up.
The three of you were walking around Velaris, enjoying an unusual day off. The Archeron girls were all having a 'sister night' and they had offered you to join them but you wanted them to have their time together after everything they went through.
Azriel was off checking up on certain Courts making sure they were all staying in line. Rhys told him he needed to relax and could have the day off but the Night Court Spymaster insisted on it.
Mor had quickly taken off this morning saying she had places to be, which we all knew meant she was off to have a fun time. And Amren was off with Varian.
You were stuck with Rhys and Cassian to keep you company. As you were enjoying the views and shops, the topic of your love life had come up. They wouldn't leave you alone, claiming they were the best wing men and could help you.
After you threatened them with your dagger you had hoped they would get the message that you did not want to talk. Unfortunately, they know you love them like brothers and wouldn't actually hurt them.
So, you asked if they wanted to go to Rita's for a drink because if you had to deal with those two idiots for the rest of the day, you wouldn't be sober.
A couple hours and many drinks later, the three of you were having a good time. Your stomach hurt from laughing so much. Eventually, Cass brought up your love life again and this time your tongue was much looser due to the alcohol.
"Listen, y/n, we just want you to be happy. We know you like someone, you deny every single males invitation to dinner. You wouldn't do that if you didn't already have somebody in your sights." Rhys said
"And whoever it is, is a lucky bastard. You're the best person I know, c'mon tell us" Cass added
"If I tell you, will you two idiots shut up?" You asked and they both nodded quickly, the head motion making Cassian nearly fall out of his chair
"It's... Azriel" you whispered and winced, you never planned on anyone ever knowing about your crush.
"YOU LIKE AZ?!" Cassian shouted and you quickly shushed him
"Shut up! No one can know, and especially not Az. Do you understand me? You are the only 2 that know so if he finds out, I'll know it was one of you and I know where you sleep." you threatened
Rhys was simply smirking at you this entire time, while Cassian's eyes got wide at the threat.
"I was wondering how long it would take you to admit you liked him" Rhys spoke.
Now it was your turn for your eyes to widen.
"You knew???" You frantically asked
"Of course I did. 'Azriel, you look so nice today' 'Azriel, you're so big and strong and sexy and I want you to-" Rhys mocked you and you smacked his arm, quickly shutting him up.
Cassian was nearly on the floor laughing so hard at Rhys' impression of you.
"I do not sound like that! And I have never said that either!" You defended yourself.
"Why don't you tell him?" Rhys asked
"Because he's my friend and he doesn't like me like that." you told him
"But what if-" Cassian started and you cut him off
"Stop. I see the way he looks at Elain. He feels for her like I do for him. And he deserves that happiness, she would be perfect for him. So I will never tell him and you are to never speak of this again. If not for me, at least for him. I cannot lose his friendship." you pleaded, the room starting to feel too hot
The males in front of you understood the fear of losing someone so close to you but they knew their brother liked you too. They couldn't be the ones to tell you. They would just have to get Azriel to confess to you himself.
For now, they would ensure you had fun with them.
"I have an idea, lets go back to the house and get really drunk all night long and have fun and that way, we won't think of any of this sad stuff." Cassian suggested
"I'm in" you and Rhys said at the same time.
Once you got back to the house, you all started with shots. You remember dancing and laughing and then the rest of the night was a blur.
You woke up with a painful throbbing in your head. You were laying on something firm and not comfortable. And there was a very heavy weight on top of you.
"Do you think they're dead?" you could hear Feyre speak
"No, but they're going to wish they were when they wake up with a nasty hangover." you heard Azriel respond
As you opened your eyes, you got used to the light while you looked around. You were on the floor in the living room. There were two large legs on you, one on your torso and one on your own legs. As you inspected further, they belonged to Cassian.
You slowly, so slowly sat up. Turning to look behind you, you saw that you had been using Rhys' back and right arm as a pillow. He was sprawled out, drooling on the ground.
Turning back around, you could see Feyre and Azriel standing watching the three of you with smirks on their faces.
"Good morning darling" Azriel spoke
"Shhhh, not so loud" you whispered
The pair chuckled and Cass and Rhys started to wake up.
"What were we thinking?" Cass asked
"Are you wearing my socks on your hands?" you asked, pointing at him
Cassian looked down at his hands and looked back at you.
"I think my hands were cold and I said I needed gloves so you offered your socks." he answered
"And who's leathers are you wearing?" Azriel asked you, his eyes darkening as he spoke.
You looked down at yourself and realized you were wearing leathers that were way too big on you.
"They're mine. Y/N had warded them so that if anything hit them, it would ricochet off and we wanted to test it out." Rhys began
"Did it work?" Feyre asked
The three of you on the ground turned your heads to look at the wall that had a hole in it. Then you turned to look at Cassian who was covered in drywall. The memories of Cassian running and jumping at you only to be thrown through the wall came back to you.
"Yes, it worked exceptionally well. Y/N is brilliant in her field." Rhys answered.
"It sent Cassian through the wall, didn't it?" Azriel deadpanned
"You know, I was going to say I feel like I got thrown through a wall so that makes sense." Cassian answered
"Alright I think you three need real rest. C'mon Rhys, lets go lay down. Nesta is coming to bring Cassian home. Az, can you help Y/N?" Feyre asked
"Of course" the shadowsinger responded
He walked over to you and picked you up. His shadows began immediately caressing your face and head. He flew you home and helped you get into bed where you quickly fell asleep.
A few hours later, you woke up. Looking over at your bedside table, you saw a water, a tonic, and a note.
"Y/N - please take the tonic and drink the water. It will help with the hangover -Azriel"
You smiled and did as he told you then you heard some shuffling in your living room. Getting up to inspect, you could hear Azriel talking to his shadows.
"Az?" you spoke
"Sorry, did I wake you?" he asked
"No, I was awake before I heard you. What're you still doing here?" you asked him. It's not that you didn't want him there, but you felt bad because he probably had work to do and you were holding him up.
"I wanted to make sure you were ok," he spoke, then with a teasing tone added, "I take it the three of you had a fun time last night?"
Your cheeks immediately felt hot.
"Yeah, something like that," you answered, "Were you talking to your shadows?"
"It seems they don't want to listen to me right now. Earlier, I was going to go grab you some food but they refused to leave you so I had to leave them here with you. And I was trying to get them to leave you alone so they wouldn't bother you but they are being stubborn." the shadowmaster explained
"They never bother me." you told him and the shadows shot out to you, as if you gave them all the permission they needed.
They swirled all over you and through your hair and you giggled.
"Traitors" he mumbled to them and went to grab the food from the table.
Right as he was about to ask if you wanted to eat any of it right now, there was a knock at your door. It was Nesta and Cassian.
They were holding up more food, Cassian looked as bad as you felt.
"Cassian told me that you outdrank him so I wanted to bring you this food." Nesta spoke, it was the kindest thing she had ever done for you.
"You outdrank him?!" Az sputtered
"Yeah yeah, lets just eat" Cassian said and you agreed
The four of you sat down to eat and Az continued asking you about your night.
"So how exactly did everything happen last night?" he said with a smile
"Well, we were having some drinks at Rita's and then..." you stopped to think of a lie, "they ran out of my favorite drink so we headed back to Rhys' and just continued the drinking there."
"Your memory must still be foggy, Cassian said you went back to Rhys' because you were sad and they wanted to cheer you up." Nesta stated
Your eyes narrowed on Cassian and he froze. His eyes went wide with terror.
"Why were you sad?" Az asked you with concern
"Cassian." you grit his name through your teeth, ignoring the spymaster
"Nesta its time to go." Cassian quickly said getting up from the table
"What-" Nesta started
Cassian practically yanked her from her chair and as they were about to fly away, you and Az could hear Cassian tell Nesta he was terrified of you and something along the lines of you knowing where he sleeps.
"What was all that about?" Az asked you
"Its nothing, I was a little sad so we drank and it was a fun night, that's all that matters." you said quickly
"No, if you are sad about anything at all then it is not nothing." The shadowsinger said firmly
You knew he wasn't going to let it go anytime soon and you needed to rest. So, you told him...most of it.
"Fine. I like someone and they don't like me back." you admitted
"What?" Az spoke and you could see the hurt flash in his eyes but he quickly shook his head as if to hide his emotions.
"Who wouldn't like you back, you're beautiful, kind, and extremely intelligent. Whoever it is, they're a fool." He told you
You let a breath out through your nose, you figured it was now or never. And if you guys were truly as close friends as you thought, then that wouldn't change no matter what.
"It's you." you mumbled
"Huh?" he breathed
"I'm in love with you," you blurted, "but I know you like Elain and I don't want things to be weird between us so I never told you."
"I don't like Elain. Not like that at least. Sure, she's my friend but I'm not in love with her... I love you, Y/N." he confessed
You couldn't believe what he was saying. Surely, he must be trying to save your feelings.
"Az, it's ok. You don't have to do this. I can handle rejection." You wanted him to know you would be ok.
Instead of responding, he stepped close to you and pulled you in by your hips. He moved one of his hands to your face and brought you impossibly closer. Your lips met and it was as if this was everything you had been missing in life.
After a few moments, it started to turn more passionate and he swiped his tongue over your bottom lip. You moaned into his mouth and he groaned at the noise.
Eventually you two pulled apart and you were left breathless.
"Do you believe me now?" He questioned
You nodded, not trusting your voice after that.
"Would you like to finish eating and then go lay down together? You still must not feel well after all that alcohol last night." he spoke
"Actually, I feel great right now. Let's just skip the food and go straight to laying down together." you suggested
"Hmm it seems like I might be the best hangover cure." Az joked
"I think you're right" You told him as you grabbed his hand, leading him to your bed.
Later That Night
"I think Rhys, Cass, and I stole a tree last night" you spoke, deep in thought
"You three are never allowed to hang out alone together again." Az stated
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harufluff · 1 year
asking them to marry you on over the phone (unironically)
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warnings - cursing, but that should be it.
genre - crack, fluff, bf!enhypen x fem!reader, established relationship au
wc - 1.1k
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inspired by ‘you’re here that’s the thing’ by beabadoobee
yang jungwon
was stunned
actually thought he was having a heart attack for a second
he was doing something as simple as eating his gummies when you suddenly blurted out
"oh god- marry me."
man nearly choked on his gummy
more under the cut :))
if you were joking that was a bad idea cause he is fully prepared to marry you right that second >:(
either way, he's flattered
he thinks its honoring that you feel comfortable enough to say that
eventually you convince him to stop freaking out (it took way too long)
but even then, it still makes the heat rush to his face
thankfully it was just on facetime, so you couldn't see the red at the tips of his ears too much
he knows he's down bad fr 😋😋
lee heeseung
on the other hand mr i'm so confident on stage was like a little puddle
genuinely thought he heard you wrong at first
he was just sitting there zoning out for like two minutes and finally snapped out of it when he heard you say
"just marry me, you dork."
you thought it was funny lol 😎😎
probably should have thought that through cause you just messed up his heart with two words
"w-wait did you just- what did you say?!"
poor hee was so confused
"idk what did i say..."
"oh yea lol"
he was a tad bit mad
just a little
literally walked over to your place so he could give you hugs and kisses 😤
park jay
he's been ready for this moment his entire life
literally got mad cause he wanted to say it
it ended with you having to beg him to stop talking
jay was cooking for the boys with you on facetime cause he was bored and everyone else would get in his way
so he gave you a call and you ended up staying on a call with him for over two hours
but the second he started tasting his food like the gourmet chef he is👌👌
suddenly he heard some of the best words he'll ever hear in his life
"ughhh- when we get married will you cook for me?"
poor baby whipped his head around so fast he almost broke it
at this point you were staring at your phone with a blank stare
"you said marriage. you're stuck with me you can't leave me haha sucks for you."
"its ok i didnt want to anyway." 😊
whoops you just killed him with a smushy heart
sim jaehyun
he screamed
long story short, he almost fainted and quite literally did that "mrs rabbit has fainted" thing
the two of you were folding your own laundry together on facetime because, well, he gets lonely
obviously you said yes, because why wouldn't you??
"you look so cute and domestic, i love it. i could marry you this second if i could."
took him a couple of seconds
but eventually your words processed through his head and he SCREAMED
"mhm!! you look cute." 😚
another puddle guess what you're the mop. come wipe up your jake puddle babe
he laid on the floor for a solid five minutes just processing.
anyway now hes at your house still a little jake puddle and he's making you watch movies with him on the couch.
park sunghoon
he was ready 🫡🫡
hoon got the phone and everything. he was ready to make the call to all the family
but obviously before that he took it a TINI TINY bit seriously
a tini tiny bit
basically it was morning and he was on tour so he was sad and alone (besides sunoo who was just offended that he even said that)
babe started drinking water until he heard
"i miss you a lot. when we get married, you're not aloud to do this to me."
spit water out of his mouth
it was kinda gross but did he care? no.
he's a little mean when he's flustered ok?
"wait, you wanna get married to me? really??"
if you could slap him in the face you would, but truth is he was flattered.
he would marry you any day 💘💘
kim sunoo
also went along with it
you were going through all the snacks you found at the market with sunoo over facetime
to say the least he was just excited you were excited
"i got this thingy, and im not really sure what it is but it looks good."
the call went on with you eating the snacks and reviewing
"ill try it sometime then."
"we have to get it together and maybeeee you can buy it??"
"ill buy you any snacks you want, my love." 😋
"ugh marry me already."
next time you go over to his place he had a little toilet paper boquet for you 😊😊
nishimura riki
my babe fr
another one who was a little too confident
you were on a ft with him late at night just for funsies
honestly the two of you were just messing around while eating snacks and making little crafts
anyway he was like quite literally about to fall asleep and he looked SO DAMN CUTE
like his eyes about to close and his lip is getting all pouty and UGH-
"night, ki"
"nooo i'm not asleep don't leave meeeee"
"lol you're so cute just marry me"
"married huh?? you're really that obsessed with me"
aaaaaaand again you're stuck 😋😊
i literally love him sm
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©harufluff 2023
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dazed-and-confused23 · 5 months
Dear Hearts and Gentle People 5
Pure Indulgence
Summary: Cooper doesn't know how he got here, but he's with you, and that's all that matters to him. Now if only the other ghoul that wears a tricorn hat would leave you the fuck alone, he'd be having a much better time. However, for you, he could learn to share.
Pairings: The Ghoul | Cooper Howard x Female Reader / John Hancock x Reader
Warnings: Drinking and drug use. Plans are made some light petting.
Part 2 -> HERE
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John Hancock knows a good thing when he sees one, and you were definitely one of the best things that's he's ever lain his black eyes on. You were a wastelander. He could tell that by the way you held yourself, but the mayor could tell that you hadn't let the world shape you in a bad way. No, you took the world in your hands and shaped it to how you wanted it.
However, he could say a lot less about the ghoul that'd come in with you. He stuck to the back of the bar, feet kicked up on a table, and hat pulled down to cover his eyes. He'd not said a word, only dropped into the chair, but John wasn't stupid. The newcomer only had eyes for you, which made his game all the more fun.
"Well, not every day that someone new comes stumbling into my town," Hancock drawls as he steps up beside you, his voice rough and smokey, "Names Hancock."
He admires the way you cock a brow at him, not impressed what so ever, and repeat him, "Your town?"
John nods, his weathered lips pulling into a proud smirk, "Mhm, yeah. I'm the mayor of this little slice of heaven. If you ever need anything, I'm your man."
His cock twitches in interest when you regale him with a heavy lidded look, your lips quirking in an amused smirk that he wants to wipe away with a kiss, or his dick. Preferably both.
"Well, Mr. Mayor, I'll have to keep that in mind," you say, and Hancock picks up your accent this time and gives you a look of surprise.
"Not from around here, Doll?" He asks you and gets a nod in response. John sees movement out of the corner of his eye and notices that the ghoul has finally moved, stalking across the room to sit at the bar beside you. He eyes John, and something about the ghoul has his hackles rising, and his fingers itching for his knife.
"You makin' friends over here without me, Darlin'?" The newcomer asks, and you surprise John be snickering and bumping your shoulder against the cowboy.
"Wouldn't be me if I didn't. Are you getting jealous, Coop?" You tease and turn to send a wink at Hancock. He smirks right back and shifts in his seat, his knees bumping against your own.
Cooper would very much like to strangle the other ghoul that has your attention, please, and thank you. This guy's like him, whole and complete, not rotting with peeling skin and exposed bone. Fucker was probably handsome when he'd been a human. He doesn't like that you're so interested in him, and green jealousy burns bright in his chest.
"Any man would be jealous," Hancock says and boldly reaches out, his hand landing on the smoothskin's thigh, his thumb rubbing distracting circles. He flicks his black eyes up and locks with Cooper’s own, a dangerous smirk crossing his thin lips.
Coop sneers back, eyes full of blazing fury until you clear your throat and glance back at him. He grins at you, though it's mean and full of teeth with dark promises. An idea suddenly strikes him, and he cocks his head to the side then shifts forward, arm winding around your waist and chin hooking over your shoulder.
"One ghoul not enough for you, Sugar?" He purred in your ear and smirked at the way you shivered, eyes going half lidded with interest at his sudden change in behavior. Cooper met John's black eyes and eyed the other man, "You greedy for an extra set of hands?"
Hancock watched the exchange and smoothed his hand up your thigh, fingertips dipping in between your thighs and stroking along your clothed sex. The sound he makes is closer to a growl, and it lingers in his voice, "I think I can have that arranged."
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thisismeracing · 1 year
Congratulations on 1k <3
Mick + drunk + fluff
Drunk | MS47
⸺ the one where your favorite driver drunkenly confesses his love to you. ✓ mentions of alcohol and food.
⁕ one word, a thousand stories blurb night (CLOSED) ⁕ my masterlist and my taglist
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Mick was usually a very composed guy. He was often the designated driver whenever their friends decided to party, and when he wasn't, he still wouldn't get hammered. That's why Yn was so confused when she opened her door only to find her friend and, at some point, a coworker barely standing in front of her house.
"Mick?" she asked, confusion written all over her face.
"Hi, Yn. Wie gehts?" he slurred, starting to use his native language, and Yn frowned even deeper.
"I'm ok, I guess. You...not so much eh?"
She took a step back and motioned for him to get in, which he did stumbling inside and leaving his shoes at the entrance.
"How'd you get here?"
"So many questions," he mumbled jokingly rolling his eyes, or trying to because he was so drunk Yn swore that wasn't a proper eye roll. "I ubered here, or someone did... I dunno."
Yn took a deep breath and went to her kitchen to get the kettle ready. He would need the strongest cup of coffee and the coldest bath, and she would give it to him because if the roles were reversed Mick would sure take care of her, no questions asked.
"Wait, don't leave me alone, Yn." He stepped into the kitchen behind her and almost fell trying to sit on one of her stools.
"I had no idea you were this needy when drunk," Yn joked and Mick didn't answer. His hands were on the marble counter and he was watching with lazy eyes her every move.
They met when Mick started in F1. Yn worked with Mercedes and was close friends with Esteban, so it wasn't a surprise when they hit it off from the start. Once Mick went to Mercedes, they became even closer, and what used to be platonic, started having its own space in Yn's heart. She was in love with Mick.
What she didn't know at the time was that Mick was in love with her too.
"I had to talk to you."
"And it couldn't wait until you were sober?" she quipped.
"No, I'm terrified I'm-" Yn's coffee machine started its crazy noise swallowing what Mick was about to confess.
He directed his blue eyes to his palm, and he could almost hear a small and sober part of himself screaming that this was not a good idea, that she probably wouldn't be into him that way.
"Let's go, you're getting into the shower. I think I have a sweatpant that's going to fit you just right," she clicked something on the machine and started walking to the corridor.
Mick followed her in his drunk haze, just like he would follow her sober. Lance even joked once about how he looked like a found lost puppy while trailing behind Yn in the paddock.
"Can you hold yourself? Shower without falling in my bathroom or destroying it?"
"Of course!" His offended face made Yn chuckle.
When she reached the door, ready to leave him be, Mick's muffled voice called for her.
"I can shower, but I think I'll need some help with this shirt..." and sure enough Yn turned around to see Mick's torso on display while his head was stuck on his shirt.
Yn's laughter boomed around the walls of the bathroom, and she could almost hear Mick doing the same and being interrupted by a hiccup. She reached for the shirt and detangled him before quickly turning around and leaving, trying to ignore how intimate it felt to take care of him in such a vulnerable state.
While Mick showered to sober up, Yn got him coffee, some crackers, and hungover pills for he would definitely wake up with his head pounding the next morning.
When she walked into the room, he was sitting at the edge of the bed, a towel on his broad shoulders and some droplets of water running from his back to his waist, stopping at the waistband of the sweatpants he was wearing.
"Gotcha some food and coffee to help you sober up, are you feeling any better?" Yn asked, settling the tray on her nightstand.
"I love you," he whispered, and she was thankful her hands were free because otherwise, she would have dropped everything on her bedroom floor.
And, of course, part of her tried to tell her that it was the kind of 'I love you' you tell your best friend, but the second their eyes met Yn knew exactly what kind of confession that was.
"You're drunk, Mick..."
"I'm in love with you, Yn." He started again. "I have been since my first year in the grid, and I'm sorry I'm saying it like this, but-" he hiccups interrupting his own rambling, and then they're both laughing.
There's some kind of relief in finally sharing the truth, letting it free to go around.
"We'll talk about it in the morning, ok?"
"But...do you love me back? You don't even have to love me, you can just like me, do you like me back? I- I've never done this before, how does one ask if the other is in love too, but without sounding like a fool? Or is it just because I'm still a bit drunk?"
Yn giggled, rolling her eyes and carding her fingers to his blonde mop of hair that was still damp from the cold shower. She dipped down and kissed his forehead, and Mick closed his eyes enjoying the caress of her lips on his skin.
"I'm in love with you too, your dork."
"Can you kiss me?"
"We're not having our first kiss with you drunk," she shook her head.
"Oh- Scheiße!- that's actually true! Mhm but wait," Mick holds his pointer finger up as if he's about to state something, and Yn takes a step back to watch him attentively. "I just crashed your cozy Friday night at home- do you still love me? After taking care of me drunk? After I put you through all this trouble?"
Yn rolled her eyes, kissed the tip of his nose, and added, "Yes, Mick Schumacher, I still love you."
"Even after I accidentally dropped and spilled half of your shampoo on the bathroom floor?"
"Ye- Wait WHAT?"
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― ⋆🪩 VOICEMAIL: That was a bit longer than I anticipated lol 1k words, but I hope you guys like it!! yay *forehead kiss* Don't forget to like and reblog this piece!
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scorpioriesling · 5 months
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Random Tropes HC (pt. 1)
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *
Pairing(s): Rhysand / Azriel / Cassian x reader
Warnings: slight sexual suggestions
Summary: Random tropes, and how each would play out, depending on the character... and you, of course.
SR’s Note: I saw a filter on Tik Tok talking about book tropes, and ranking your favorite to least favorite... so this idea came to mind. I am using my top 6 (not in order) for the purpose of this post -- enjoy! Part 2
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Rhysand - "Slow Burn" / "Forbidden Love"
Only he would get involved in something very dangerous, for both you and him
But, he wouldn't care. He had to have you
In this version, you'd be Tamlin's sister, and he knew how dangerous it would be to be with you
At first, you hated him (as your brother taught you) but... over time you realized how shitty your brother was and you started falling for the High Lord of the Night Court
But, like Tamlin, your stubbornness would get in the way
"Keep playing pretend all you want, princess," Gods you hated when he would see right through the walls you tried to put up. "I know it's me you think of when you're alone at night."
When you finally drop the act, Rhysand is... oh boy
"You really like making me wait, don't you?" He would say, breath hot on you ear while he ran his fingers down your arms from behind.
You couldn't even begin to explain how hard it's been to hold out, to pretend you still hate hijm even though you haven't for quite a while.
"Shhh..." He would brush a strand of hair from your face, lips grazing your jawline. "No need to explain anything. I quite enjoy looking at what's going on in that pretty little head of yours myself."
Every time, you feel like you'll fully give in...
Rhysand doesn't mind the chase.
"You know what I want..." he would say. He would always wait until you were alone together, not wanting to cause anything with his enemy.
"... when the time is right." You finish. He would start staying overnight with you, his fingers tracing up and down your thigh but never going much further.
That alone and his eyes gazing into yours as he laid with you... that could turn you to mush.
The soft kisses he'd leave on your cheekbones, toying with the tendrils of your hair...
All for it to end in the morning, him pressing a kiss to your forehead before winnowing back to the Night Court without a trace.
Cassian - "Fake Dating"
Rhysand had not only given his brother the title of War General, but had also supplied him with a second in command.
You'd been taking training lessons from Cassian in a group setting. He tried really hard to keep his attention to other participants fair, but... something about you really stuck out to him.
Maybe it was the way your braid swung when you executed a move he'd only just taught the class; maybe it was the way your leggings hugged the curve of your ass, accentuated when he would have you practice punches and kicks with the punching bag...
It wasn't just your beauty. You were smart, witty, cunning... but also a very skilled fighter.
Cassian wasn't the only one to notice either.
"As the newly appointed second in command," Rhysand said, hands folded on his desk before him. You stood next to Cassian in Rhys' office. "You will be joining Cassian on his excursions from now on." Your eyed widened, and you elbowed the gorgeous male to your right.
"He can't defend himself all alone?" You say, a smirk pulling your lips. Cassian rolls his eyes, but Rhys just stares between the two of you, grinning smugly.
"Something like that."
You got along suprisingly well with the Lord of Bloodshed; he asked for your thoughts, took your advice, and leaned on you for support when you ventured to the Continent together. You'd become... dare you say it... friends.
"Oh come on, everyone's going!" Cassian threw his hands up, still standing in your doorway. You shrugged at him.
"Yeah, but... I don't really know anyone. Besides Rhys, I mean. Even then, he is kind of my boss, so..." You say, folding clothes and putting them in drawers. Cassian plops down on your bed, and when you return for the next stack, he's looking up at you with pleading hazel eyes.
"You don't have anything else tonight, right?" He asks, grabbing a hand in yours. Cassian was very touchy, and though usually you weren't, it was something you decided to let slide.
"I mean... no..."
"Its settled. You're coming with me! I'll even fly us there, so you can wear whatever shoes you want. Don't worry about the walk." He winked and walked out, so... nonchalantly. Like he didn't just reduce you to a pile of putty with his sweet notion.
It wouldn't have mattered if you wore a potato sack, Cassian would have still stared -- but you chose a tiny black dress, and glittering silver heels instead.
His eyes roamed over you when he came to pick you up, and a small chuckle fell from his lips.
"W-wow, Y/N, you look...." He doesn't finish his sentence. You roll your eyes and blush.
"Different than usual?" You supply. He gulps and nods his head, offerring you a hand. You take it, and walk to the front patio of the House of Wind.
"Hold onto me, okay?" He says. You look into his eyes, and he grins at you. "If you get scared, tell me and I'll return us to the ground.
You snort. "Oh please, Cass, do I look like I'm afraid of anyTHING-"
In seconds, his arm has wrapped under your thighs, the other holding you close around your waist. You squeeze your eyes shut, burying your face into his chest. His teakwood scent invades your nose, and you relax a little knowing this is right where you've wanted to be for months.
When you get to Rita's -- you find that you are easily the main attraction. Not only of the Inner Circle, but the place itself. Morrigan is talking your ear off, you politely spoke to Azriel, and even Rhysand has forgone his usual formal appearance.
But, like I said... others in the bar have noticed you too.
"Heyyy baby," a man's hand braces your lower back as you stand at the bar, waiting on the two drinks you offerred to get for your new friend Mor and yourself. You turn, a look of disgust on your face.
"Eew, don't touch me." You say. He only snickers, sliding onto the seat next to you.
"Let me buy you a drink." He says. His eyes are glazed over, and you continue to stare in pure distaste.
"No thanks." You clip. He huffs a laugh and leans closer to you.
"Why not, pretty girl? I don't see anyone else up here takin' care of you." Your face heats. He isn't going to leave you alone. You look over your shoulder, hoping to spot Cassian, Morrigan, Hell, even Rhysand. But you can't see anyone.
You angrily turn back to the loser next to you. "I'll have you know, I could totally kick your ass right now if I wanted to." You sneer. He laughs out loud, scooting closer and putting a hand on your leg. You gasp. "And-"
"And what, doll?" He drawls. You fumble for words, any excuse to get this creep to leave you alone.
"And... uh... and-"
"She has a boyfriend."
You turn, feeling Cassian's large hands bracing your shoulders. You let out a sigh of relief, and shoot him a Thank the Cauldron look.
"Oh... oh Gods uh I am so sorry-" The idiot fumbles, scrambling back and out of his chair.
"Save it. Don't touch her again." Cassian glares, and the guy shoos away. When he is finally out of earshot, you turn and take Cassian's hands in yours.
"Cass, oh Gods thank you..." you say. He gives you a strained smile, eyes flicking between yours and to where your hands now held his.
"It's no problem." He said. You turned, facing the bar as two drinks were slid across it to you. Cassian grabbed them both, and followed you to the booth where his friends sat. He sat one in front of Mor, and took a sip from your straw before handing yours to you.
"Heyyy," you said. He only grinned at you, allowing you to slide into the seat before him. Rhys looked at you with a smirk, and you didn't think to hard what he was getting at because the conversations started up again. Within minutes, Cassian rested his cheek on the side of your head, arm wrapped around your waist, tracing tiny circles on your bare thigh. You sucked in a breath when you caught onto what he was doing.
"Cassie, what are you..." His hand stopped to rest on your hip, and he peered down at you.
"Dance with me?" He asked. You simply nodded, following his to the dance floor where upbeat music played. You faced him, and he once again took your hands in his, swaying with you to the beat. When a more sensual song came on, he moved your hands to his chest, and replaced his on your hips, pulling you impossibly close. With each movement, you felt your heart explode a little more; you knew you cared for him more than usual friends do. But pretending to date would only hurt in the end; you enjoyed this way too much.
"Cass, I.." You started. His left hand moved to rest atop your butt, and your breath caught in your throat. He leaned down to talk over the loud music.
"You... what, Y/N?" Ughhh. Your name sounded so good on his lips.
"I, uh... that guy. He isn't here anymore, so. We can stop pretending." You gazed up at him, his hazel eyes dark and focused on your lips.
"And what if I'm not pretending?"
Azriel - "Enemies to Lovers"
Ohhh he would want you from the get go.
In this version, you'd be Eris's full sister, and Lucien's half sibling.
"What's she doing here?" He would ask when Eris brought you with him to the meeting he was to attend with the Inner Circle.
"Trust me, I didn't want to. Beron made for her to come with me." Eris would say, not missing the glare Azriel pointed at you. You only returned the sentiment.
"What's it to you?" You asked. Azriel folded his arms across his chest, his biceps bulging from the tight black tee he wore. You couldn't help but let your eyes linger for a moment, before returning to his face when he spoke again.
"Whatever. I just don't want any other liabilities." You scoffed, beelining for the door to the meeting hall where the rest of the Inner Circle waited. Your shoulder clocked Azriel as you passed, and Eris chuckled.
"Maybe I brought her for some entertainment," he whispered lowly, following you into the meeting room. Azriel said nothing else as he trailed in last, pulling the door closed behind him.
"So whatever did you need to talk about?" Eris says, taking the seat across from Rhysand. Of course he would, leaving the last two empty chairs across from one another for you and Azriel.
"You know why I've called you here." Rhysand purrs. They begin their conversation, and you feel a tiny tickle around your wrist. You look down and see a slim, black tendril of a shadow. When you peer down at it, it seems to seize its movements. You give a small smile, and it continues its dance around your fingers.
"What has your sister said about this arrangement?" Rhys asks, making you look up. Your cheeks heat as all eyes are now on you. What was the question?
"I uh, I think whatever needs to be done is up to the better judgement of my father," you say. Rhysand's eyebrows rise, and Eris glances sidelong at you, giving you a silent confirmation. You're glad you answered somewhat correctly.
Glancing across the table, Azriel is still staring daggers into you. You shoot him a small snarl, and remember the smoky tendril winding around your knuckles. A devilish smirk takes over your lips.
You flutter your fingers, and the shadow follows your command, returning to Azriel. It drifts up his exposed forearm, and slips under his shirt. He shifts uncomfortably, glancing around and swallowing.
"It's settled then. Y/N will reside here for the time being-"
"Wait, what?" You say, realizing you've spoken in unison. Azriel is squirming in his chair, shadow still tickling him as he looks at Rhys with pleading eyes.
"Why would she need to be here?" He asks lowly. You snarl at him, crossing your arms.
"Its obviously not my first choice either, bat." You say. This time he glares back at you. "Don't worry; I won't have anything to do with you while I'm here." You finish, nose upturned as you fix your gaze on your brother beside you again. He leans over and gives your knee a squeeze, pride showing in his face.
"It's settled then." He stands, and you do the same. Eris and Rhys shake hands, and he makes to walk out the door. You trail behind him, as you hear Azriel pleading and begging Rhysand to make you go home.
"She is staying, Azriel. I've already made up my mind. This is the next best move we could make." He explains and Azriel shoves his chair in, the legs scraping on the floor. Pathetic.
"Listen, if anything happens to you here, you just give me a shout, okay? I'll come get you-" You wrap your arms around your big brother. He sighs and returns the hug. You peer over his shoulder and catch Azriel staring at you from the doorway. You snicker.
"I will be just fine, I promise." He nods, placing a hand on your arm one last time before making to leave. The rest of the members have already cleared out, leaving just you and Azriel.
He doesn't wait to pounce on you once your brother is out of earshot, but you know better. You've known better for years; Azriel is always so tempermental. So... ugh, annoying. So, hot.
"Save it Az - you cant't get rid..." You're cut off by his hand gripping your elbow, falling into darkness as he winnows you both. When you open your eyes, you realize you're in a bedroom. A big one, with cream colored drapes and sheets on the bed. You barely take in the scene around you before your hands are pinned above your head against the back of the closed bedroom door.
"Azriel." You say, tone low and menacing. He glares down at you, leaning in towards your face.
"What the hell was that?" He seethes. Your brow raises in question.
"What are you-" You breath is coming in short pants. The scent of sage and sea salt rolls off him, gently caressing your senses as you try to focus on what he asked you. You're a bit distracted, you'll admit. This golden flecked eyes, staring intensely at you. The light dusting of freckles across his sun-kissed nose. His lips that are so close to yours...
"Manipulating my own shadows. Trying to distract me duirng the meeting? What the hell was that?" He breathes. You let a small smile grace your lips. His pull back as he bares his teeth at you, and you chuckle.
"Aww, Az, it's nice to see you still brush every morning -- maybe if you smiled more-" He surges forward, crashing his lips onto yours. Your eyes blow wide in shock, his free hand grasping your hip bone and pulling you close to him. His lips feast on you hungrily, biting your lower lip as his tongue dances with yours, battling for dominance. You can't help but let out a low groan, and his grip on your wrists loosens. When he finally pulls back, gasping for air, you grin mischeviously at him.
Gotcha. Right where I wanted you.
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adventuringblind · 8 months
Let Me In, Please
Oscar Piastri x Reader
Genre: Angst, Mafia AU
Summary: Bodyguard Oscar knows something isn't right, he just wasn't expecting it to be so wrong.
Warnings: Implied r@pe, gun violence, depictions of self-harm
Notes: The request was for Enemies to Lovers, and I tried that... I'm not sure this meets your expectations, but I still hope you like it, Nonny!
Masterlist // Request Form // My Website // buy me a Ko-Fi
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How could she have been so stupid? This was supposed to be safe ground. An area she knows like the back of her hand. All she had to do was walk down the street to Oscar's apartment.
She tried calling him, but he didn't answer. The anxious part of her mind thought the worst.
Yeah, he certainly got on her nerves sometimes. Worse than her brother at times, but he knew when to give her space. Their friendship has been long and drawn out, but he'd do anything for her. He'd made that much clear. Regardless of how she pushed him away.
So, she didn't push anymore, instead she pulled... him down to kiss her.
Most nights he's stay at her place. The dangers of having a brother who runs her father's legacy: everybody is watching for a weak point.
Carlos had been it for her. The one who raised her with the untimely passing of their parents. But then he got busy, so he stuck her with Oscar.
At the time she thought Carlos had just gotten tired of having his little sister around. She knows better now and doesn't lash out at the Aussie for something that isn't his fault.
One block to his apartment. The longest, most difficult walk of her life. Her body hurts, clothes ruined, and skin dirty from his hands. She had no idea who he was, just that her own place isn't safe anymore. Not since he knew her name and managed to completely shatter a window to get in.
She's a mess. The dark streets not helping her mind.
The stairs almost kill her. Her muscles ache from fighting, the bruises rub against her clothes in all the wrong ways.
She reaches the door but hesitates to knock. The sinister thoughts in her head don't want to leave her alone.
She fixes her appearance. A little less wrecked than she looked previously, maybe enough to pass off a nightmare and some stupid anxiety.
She knocks. Oscar answers, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. He looks surprised to see her, but the sleepy smile shows her he isn't upset about it.
He pulls her inside and offers her a mug of hot chocolate. Her favorite concoction of his. It's a drug that soothes her aching soul from the mess she's created.
He takes a seat next to her on the couch. "So, what brings you here so late?"
"Nightmare... you didn't answer your phone so I thought maybe something happened." She avoids his gaze. Eye's studying her, determing if he should push for more information.
"You're brother would kill me if he knew you walked here alone."
"He would also kill you if he knew that we're dating."
"Fair point."
Oscar lends her his clothes to sleep in and tucks her into bed. He's still awake, watching over her dutifully, even as her mind drifts into the peacefulness of sleep.
Oscar doesn't like to snoop. Well, sometimes it's fun, but not when he's investigating the apartment of someone he loves.
Something is off, and he's going to figure it out. Her restless slumber and nails digging into her skin only helped co fin his thoughts.
He'd dropped her with Carlos and went right to her apartment. Only to find the door left open and window shattered.
Why hadn't she told him someone had broken in? Unless it was worse than that... but that wouldn't make sense.
Suspicions confirmed, Oscar heads back to get his lover. Hopefully, not to pissed at her brother. Their one-sided arguments have been getting worse. Enough for him to see how it's exhausting her.
She wants her brother, and he sends her away. She tries to comfort him, and he pushes her away. Enough to get aggressive on a few occasions when he's particularly peeved.
It's been a half hour, so the damage can't be too bad. Oscar speeds his way to Carlos' office, where both of them should be. Anxious to make sure she doesn't feel the need to slip back into old habits.
Oscar and her have been through the ringer with each other. He's seen the worst parts of her and made it a point to love her regardless.
To strong for some, to weak for her brother. It's astounding how cruel people are when they are intimidated by someone. Oscar feels comfortable knowing she can put a bullet through a skull.
Even so, it's jarring when he finds the office door wide open. Carlos is pacing back and forth, ranting to himself in Spanish.
Oscar still knocks before he just waltz in unannounced. He'd rather not get shot. Thank you very much.
"Mr. Sainz?" Oscar doesn't flinch when Carlos whips around and jabs a finger in his direction.
"Don't you dare leave my sister alone again."
Okay, he's a bit taken aback at that. "Sir?"
"I've been notified one of my men was at her apartment last night." Carlos slaps a file of images on the desk.
Oscar has to grit his teeth. The story they depict makes his heart shatter and anger course through his veins.
"I want him dead."
"Understood sir."
He walks out of the office, shoulders squared. Nobody gets to mess with his girl like that.
The cold tile against her body is oddly numbing. It's familiar, a home when her emotions get too much.
Carlos showed her the photos. It hurt enough to make her sick. The bile burning her throat at having to relive the events of last night. The yelling hadn't helped either. Another mess for her brother to clean up.
The blade lays discarded next to her. The blood from her thigh staining the pristine white floor. The sting makes it better. Deserved for causing such a problem. Neccecary for removing the tainted skin. At least what she can for now.
She bleeds away the sins others have committed against her.
The door opens. She doesn't look to see who it is. She already knows. He's wearing his work boots. The ones she's come to be familiar with through this position.
Despite the sleek black color. She can vaugley make out the spots of red.
It's intimate, in a way, how Oscar cleans the blood from both of them simultaneously. He scrubs it off his hands and disinfect her thighs. He uses gentle movements to bandage the deep wounds. Barely moving her in the process.
She hadn't even noticed she was crying. Not until he sits down with her. Careful not to touch her in a way she wouldn't like right now.
She breaks when he bleaches the tiles. The red disappears like it has never been there.
The choked sobs wrack her body. Silent scream, mourning something that was taken from her. The burning in her thighs is a solid reminder of the atrocities she's plauged her brother and Oscar with
Always the problem, never the solution.
"Can I hold you?" His soft voice doesn't help her tears.
"Why would you want to do that? I'm just another - I don't know - dirty problem for you and my brother to deal with?"
Oscar holds his hand out for her to take. She reaches for him hesitantly. She knows Oscar would never hurt her. Not when he shoots anyone who does.
"You are not dirty. You are not a problem. I may joke about it, but I wouldn't have anyone else making my days interesting like you do." Oscar places a soft kiss to the top of her head. "You're the best problem I could've asked for."
"But, I feel gross now." She chokes on her air, suffocating on the feeling of that man's hands on her skin.
"I know it'll be hard, but I also know that you are strong. I'll be there for you when you need me. When you need me to compliment you, when you need to sit in the shower and was away the feelings, hell, even if you punch something, just tell me. Though I'd prefer you not punch me."
"You're not going to leave?"
"Love, I'm your problem. You're stuck with me."
"I guess we can be problems together then."
"Nah, you're not a problem. Just the love of my life."
She rests her head on Oscar's shoulder, hands still intertwined. It's small, but comfortable for now.
She knows Oscar won't push her. He'll be there when she's ready.
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dcxdpdabbles · 8 months
I recently had a dream that wouldn't leave me alone so I feel the need to share it with someone else.
I can't remember the name of the fic that had been rereading at the moment but it's a crossover DC/DP/MLB. In the fic Danny, Damien and Marinette are called the three headed beast. At the time I was also reading a fic with Captain Marvel and I got it stuck in my head that what if Danny, Marinette and Billy were the three headed beast and Damien was their baby sibling.
Like hear me out they were made by Ra's without even Talia knowing. He wanted to raise his potential heir without even his daughter interfering. When the three are about 7 some magic bs with a Lazarus portal happened resulting in them living in a separate dimension for decades away from Ra's before being de-aged and sent bad under their grandfather's thumb (honestly I don't really remember what happened, my dream confused me). Once back they quickly jump ship and fake their deaths making sure nobody's are left to try and revive.
Roughly 2-3 years later Talia had Damien. I don't remember why but he knew about the triplets and had been on multiple family bonding trips with them without Ra's or Talia knowing so when Tim said Bruce was alive he just said ok, called his older siblings sounding sad and said find him. And then I woke up (and thought about it a lot).
Sorry for the rant this idea just wouldn't leave me alone.
I can just imagine Phantom and Marvel being entirely different people. Like Captain Marvel doesn't happen until after leaving the league neither does the portal incident so both Phantom and Marvel are completely different heros. The three went their separate ways once out of the league, yes they love each other (and the baby sibling they occasionally pop in on and kidnap for a few weeks to month to for adventures in dimensions that have different time flows) but they are grown adults they have their own lives they want to lead and they definitely haven't needed a parent in decades.
Anyways I'll stop now I just need to share this.
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That's honestly such a cool dream. I don't read a lot of Miraculous Ladybug crossovers with DC but I do know the show.
It's interesting how all of them would be extremely powerful for their respective hero personas, but no one would link them as the Three Head Beast.
Also since Danny and Billy would be different heroes, I like to think that maybe Danny would have become more like a meta-human instead of a halfa. Maybe it was due to all his dimension-hopping as I can see him being the triplet that would enjoy exploring the Infinite Realms.
Danny has wanders lust- he hates lingering in one place too long so he is always on the move, always wanting to see new worlds and new timelines.
Maybe he would become Clockwork's human lesion as he can't be King. He happily goes to the living realms of the timelines Clockwork needs him to observe for the stars.
Danny believes the stars are a reminder of his freedom because it's one of the first things he saw the day they faked their deaths. He loves seeing new constellations and can't wait to jump lines again to discover new ones.
Billy meanwhile would fall into Magic again but this time it would be his own magic. He has the highest potential in magic to make him a candidate for the Wizard, but his past of being in Ra's thumb mucked up his purity soul bit.
Still, he finds out that "You're a Wizard, Billy" while traveling dimensions and unlike Danny chooses to stay in a lot of them for long periods just learning all he can of magic.
Marinette, unlike her brothers, is much more willing to stay in one place. Yes, she'll sometimes join them on trips or go looking for an adventure but she wanted to build a home. Danny and Billy see it as a cage, far too used to Ra's locking them up to not get itchy to move about, but she saw it as having control.
She picks her house. She picks the dimensions. Marinette is the one that decides when and where she wants to go. Nothing is bigger "I made it out. I survived you" then staying in their native dimension with Ra's on the other side of the world. If he finds her and tries to bring her back, welp she escaped before she can do it again.
But she didn't want big adventures or conflicts with Ra's, she was comforted. So Marinette opens a bakery in France, living as mundanely as possible but with years of deadly training under her skin and a strong link to Spirits.
Marinette didn't get her Kawami when the Guardian needed to pass them on, because she wasn't there, but years of Lazarus Water, Ectoplasim of the Infinite Realms, and just her aura she can see them.
Alongside thousands and thousands of Spirits that are everywhere. Some get attacked by her and her little bakery. Marinette allows them to live with her and respects them and their domain, so it's not really a surprise when they start bestowing small Blessings on her. She may not possess a miraculous that powers her up but she has a bag of tricks that are close and her own training that practically makes her a miraculous holder anyway.
And that's them the three heads of the Ra's Three-Headed Beasts- monsters, killers, weapons from birth- who lived on as what they wanted.
An explorer with a love of stars.
A mage with a love of study.
A Baker with a love of everyday life.
One day, when a little ninja wanders into Marinette's bakery on a break from his first real mission, the three gain a new love for their little brother.
Damian may not understand his older siblings desire to not be a cape but he respects them all the same. He still trains every day in the hopes of one day besting them but not to prove his worth.
Only to make Danny, Marinette, and Billy proud.
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Have you played Yakuza 6 yet? If so ya got any kazumaji head canons based off the events of the game?
I absolutely love your ideas for them and I am beyond upset that Majima was barley in the game. Or even mentioned that much.
They did the boi dirty in this game, I swear.
*clenches my ass hard enough to shit diamonds*
oh I have OPINIONS about 6 I'll tell you that but it is good fodder for the kazumaji agenda 👀 I'mma be kinda rambly in this but I promise it all ties together kdjfjkldfkldf
so we all know Kiryu goes off to find Haruka and because I'm a big fan of dadjima, I can only imagine Kiryu lets him know while he's stuck in jail and Majima's just like WHAT
so Kiryu does a lot of self reflection but acting upon it is another matter. I can see Majima chastising him, saying she ran away cuz that's all Kiryu ever does (part of him is still pissy about him leaving in y3) and she's never had a healthy role model other than the king of hypocrisy. Kiryu would go on about how it's just to protect people yada yada but Majima would be like my guy, you left a bunch of kids in the care of your daughter who should not be parenting for you. you refuse any and all help because you think you can do it all on your own. you left me with Daigo who you said I wouldn't be babysitting AND YET—
I just want Majima to absolutely rail into him about how self serving he's acted despite better intentions. like of course Haruka ran away, look how much pressure she was under, what she went through in the idol bizz (maybe I'm a loser but I did not like Haruka's part in y5 that shit icked me), what you (Kiryu) do every time you feel like a burden to people. how naïve it was to think any part of Kiryu's past would leave him behind just because he wanted it to. how his lone wolf thing impedes on everybody else. how in 5 he literally says he needs to stop running from his past and he does it anyway. this game FRUSTRATES ME rrhrrhhrhrr KIRYU FRUSTRATES ME ACK. but also I have a thing for Majima just being angry at him, to actually lash out and spew all those feelings of being left behind or being refused to let help because Kiryu's stubborn. how he let himself be used all those years to help Kiryu out just because he asked and now once again Kiryu's off on his own, never changing his tune about how he doesn't wanna rely on people. Majima's not perfect either and frankly he communicates like shit too but I just want that RAGE to get out and explore how Kiryu would hear him but never listen. makes it all the more tragic when he finds out Kiryu "died."
*tho I must note, as much as it does irritate me, 6 makes sense entirely for Kiryu's character lol. nothing he does in it surprises me in the slightest so while I'm not a fan of the story, it's pretty fitting for him since he's the downfall of his own story half the time. and it's not so simple as just saying Kiryu's to blame. he's constantly forced to deal with shit just as much as he wants to be left alone. he struggles and he tries hard I'll give him that. I don't think he's a bad person for what he aimed to do in 6 but he's not infallible either. and sometimes it's just par for the course. like how he makes the compromise at the end of the game to disappear so his family can be at peace all the while in his history, he's had major problems doing what he's told - never truly disappearing anyway, going about whatever's gonna happen in gaiden. could you imagine if Haruka caught wind that some resting bitch face motherfucker is beating the shit outta armies somewhere? could you imagine her finding out that Kiryu left again?
honestly I think his character is really interesting cuz of this. he has good intentions and I feel like to him there's some expectation that people should understand this, that people should accept his choices. I think it's fun to explore how others react to that - how it's in a way offensive, that Kiryu thinks he knows what's best and how to handle it as if he has all the power and say. how pissed people feel about him shoving them away for the sake of their safety, etc. I don't think he'd listen to Majima tbh but I think it's important that someone unafraid of Kiryu's dumbassery would lay it out how it is to him in a way that cuts, more so than Haruka, Date or like Akiyama could.
ANYWAY, Majima's mad at him lol but can't really do anything atm due to the surrounding circumstances. I like to think he's got some of the Majima family watching out for Kiryu and Haruka if they happened to see them. Nishida at least cuz ain't no one gonna arrest a cutie patootie like him. it's not much but it's a little peace of mind. Majima knows Kiryu's reckless as all hell so he's worried and doubly annoyed that Kiryu doesn't care (about his own safety or that other people are concerned for him).
so since Majima has a fat 5 minutes in the whole game, there's not much to say about his involvement overall (other than oopsie stuck in jail) but I've had some thoughts about what all the jimas³ are doing in the meantime.
all the jimas are grouped together because I said so even tho realistically they'd prolly be separated lol. Daigo and Saejima are handling things well enough but Majima's bouncing off the walls in boredom and nothing irks him more than being stuck in one spot while Kiryu's out probably getting hit over the head with a stop sign and refusing medical attention. Daigo's losing his mind but he can agree Kiryu's bullheaded and talking about that keeps Majima distracted. Saejima does his part in trying to get Majima's mind off things now that they have all the time in the world to catch up on whatever.
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time passes and I'm rewriting the part in 6 where they show up at the end cuz I live in a fantasy world.
Kiryu "dies" and suddenly the three of them are released early, no doubt knowing his death had something to do with it. Daigo gets Kiryu's letter and Majima makes some joke about Kiryu's literacy but a quick scan of the letter makes Daigo's face drop. he reads it and Majima doesn't think it's real. he doesn't know how to feel. even Saejima is in disbelief. but the letter is vague. it's conjecture written by Kiryu of his own death so there's a chance he's fine. Kiryu's fine, he's always fine. he's been shot and stabbed a million times, he's fine.
but it's not long till it's confirmed by Date. Daigo's skeptical cuz his inner punkass doesn't trust cops. Saejima's on the same page but Majima's in full denial whilst also believing it to be true. his reaction is immediate and violent. he wants something to be done, he wants revenge but Daigo wants to follow Kiryu's wish to avoid war. Majima's so outraged he frankly couldn't give less of a shit about Kiryu's wishes so it's up to Saejima to wrangle him back *insert a dramatic fight here.* Majima gets his ass beat and he's just a mess. things move fast though - the fate of the clan is up in the air and he just couldn't care. but Daigo needs him and for that he pulls it together, just barely.
fast forward to when the jimas go into hiding. they get set up in a lil safehouse via Nick Ogata. I like to see it as a basic bitch type of place, very out of the way, very ignorable but the inside is nice enough. they have to stay cooped up as much as possible and it drives Majima insane. he's fidgety, always pacing. Saejima tries to calm him down and it works for a time until Majima falls into another slump and repeats.
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they took a few things with them that they could, mostly small stuff, some clothes and the like. Majima brought along a few of Kiryu's things, namely some pocket cars and a shirt. he wears it often, being very against washing it. Daigo's too stressed to notice but Saejima watches Majima just break down into someone he doesn't know. he's tired, closed off, guilt ridden. Saejima starts to think this is who Majima was after getting out of the Hole. a shell of a person taking blame for things out of his control. losing the will to care for himself as some sort of self imposed punishment for not doing more. seething in silence in the powerlessness.
his beard grows scraggly, his hair is unkept and the circles under his eye grows darker everyday. his behavior mimics his Sotenbori days where everything was for Saejima, all he could think about was Saejima, how he failed him, how if he tried hard enough he could see him again. it's not the case with Kiryu though. he didn't even get to see the body himself.
he's always on his phone reliving memories through photos and conversations. he freaks out when anyone touches the pocket cars and eventually the shirt gets worn out. he's spiraling while the others look on, unsure how to deal with someone whose entire personality revolves around having a fake one.
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Saejima takes initiative. maybe he's seen Majima like this before or maybe he hasn't. doesn't matter because he gives Majima a bit of tough love, telling him to get a grip. telling him that Kiryu wouldn't want to see him like this and, under his breath, he needs him in better shape so they can beat the shit outta whoever was responsible. it's not easy of course. it takes Majima awhile to learn how to live again and frankly he doesn't want to talk about Kiryu but Saejima forces him to - to get comfortable with mentioning him, enjoying the memories they had. letting him know it's okay to be vulnerable. it's not a kind or pleasant recovery but it's there. it's helping.
and perhaps some time under supervision, he goes to see Haruka and meets Haruto for the first time. he tries to keep a strong façade for her but she can see right through him and gets one of those rare moments where he's just quiet. where he's real. she catches him up on things and it's a rough one for the both of them, especially since he has to keep the visit short. she doesn't bother asking him where he's going afterward but he promises to keep in touch and that he does. she sends him a lot of photos and videos of the family and he backseat-parents Yuta whenever possible. Haruka's never been a fan of always having Kiryu at arms length but this arrangement helps her deal with the long distance since there's effort on both ends to stay close.
Majima's not used to having others around to help him cope but he eases into it decently enough without the Tojo Clan on his shoulders. he even gets along better with Daigo who has time now to focus more on himself and the grunge within his soul. he's a silly lil dork and that charm reminds him of Kiryu but in a way that doesn't send him spiraling. he starts to see all reminders of Kiryu in a more hopeful light, one that brings back his energy. for most of their home confinement, Majima wouldn't even go out as Goromi since half his confidence came from Kiryu's support. but now and then, with Saejima and Daigo backing him, he can tiptoe a bit back into his fav dresses, ones that Kiryu gave him, ones that hurt to put on because of the baggage they carry. he doesn't even have his wigs anymore so he assembles what he can, how he can into something he knows Kiryu would have called pretty regardless. it stills hurts but it helps.
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but, he'll always dip back into the pain of it all. missing intimacy and things taken for granted. he regrets his last words with Kiryu were criticisms knowing he's not perfect himself. maybe he's faced with realizations that he can't survive without certain people, that his attachment issues are brought to the forefront for everyone to see. it's ugly and embarrassing and for the first time in a long time he feels very seen. death's always been a reality for him and he's never cared much for it in regards to himself but losing someone so close, so suddenly? without closure or goodbyes? he's forced to deal with the frailty and mortality of someone he thought was invincible.
and it scares him.
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Prompt//Get locked in somewhere together.
Liam Dunbar X OFC Lahey
TW: None?
Word count: 1469
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Clara and Liam never got along. Since the first time that they met at school, they have despised each other. Clara thought Liam to be arrogant and hot headed while Liam thought Clara to be stuck up and a know-it-all.
They have been arguing back and forth for the past ten minutes and the rest of the pack is sick of it. Liam just brought Theo back insisting that he can help with The Wild Hunt, while Clara thinks that they should send him back to the Skin Walkers. While some of the pack agree with Clara, she is being harsher than needed.
“Are you really that dumb?! I mean, is there honestly nothing in that head of yours!?” Clara shouts while waving her hands around.
Liam's face is getting redder by the second. Everyone knows he wouldn't hurt her… again… But they can tell he's getting angrier and angrier by the second. “Well tell me what your great idea is, huh?” He steps closer to her “Just stand around while people get taken?!”
Clara doesn't back down and gets in his face “Of course not! But we should at least try and come up with something better. I mean, how could you be such a dumbass Dunbar?!”
Liam opens his mouth to respond but before he is able to get anything out Scotts steps in between them. “Okay. Okay. You guys are done.” Scott looks to Clara and points upstairs “You, go sit in my room. Take a minute to calm down.”
Clara sends one last glare at the werewolf and stomps up the stairs and slams the door. Taking a minute to cool off as her heart hammers in her chest, she decides to head to Scott's bathroom and splash some water on her face. Letting the cool water calm her down, her breathing and her heartbeat slows.
The door opens and Liam is pushed through, while the door slams shut behind him. He immediately turns around and starts shaking the door knob.
“This isn't funny Scott! Let me out!” he yells banging on the door. Clara leans against the bathroom counter and crosses her arms over her chest.
Scotts voice is muffled through the door “No. You two need to figure out how to get along. Me and the rest of the pack are sick of listening to you two bitch at each other all the time. Figure it out.” With that, Liam heard Scotts footsteps growing quieter and there was no longer a heartbeat to be heard.
Silence overtakes the room. The only noise to be heard is the sound of the bathroom fan that seems to be broken. After ten minutes Liam stops banging on the door and sits on the ground with his back leaning against the bathtub.
“This is all your fault, you know.” Clara states but doesn't look at the young werewolf in front of her.
Liam scoffed while picking at the lint off of his leans. “You're the one being a bitch. I don't even know why you're part of the pack.”
Claras nostrils flare. She was part of the pack because of her brother Isaac. When he was bit, he begged Derek to take his sister with them. She didn't want the bite, but Isaac couldn't leave her alone. They only had each other, so from then on she has been part of the pack. Helping in any way a human could.
It was Clara's turn to scoff. “You're right. I'm just a human, but how many times has this human saved your ass? Too many to count.” Liam rolls his eyes but doesn't say anything. It's true. Clara has saved him on multiple occasions. Clara was just a human, but her fighting skills amaze him. She can definitely hold her own during a fight. He just can't stand how she constantly has to be better than him, and how low she clearly thinks of him.
They have been sitting on the bathroom floor for an hour without speaking a word. Clara starts thinking about how when Liam is quiet he is actually pretty cute. She has always noticed how attractive he was. He is amazing at lacrosse. Watching him play is truly entertaining. They have gym together and sometimes he will do that thing where guys lift their shirt up to wipe the sweat off of their face, exposing their stomach. She cant lie and say she has caught herself staring a time or two, but then he opens his mouth and ruins it. He always has to be so cocky.
Liam knows that she is looking at him. He can always feel when her eyes are on him. She tries to hide it, but with being a werewolf he can sense it. Claras looks always make him nervous, though he will never admit it. She is beautiful and smart as hell. How could anyone not be nervous around her? When they were first introduced by their friend Mason, Liam couldn't stop staring. He was mesmerized. All he wanted to do was talk to her, but she didn't seem interested so instead he did what he always does. Act cocky. Needless to say, she wasn't a fan. From then on the two couldn't stand each other.
His butt getting sore from the hard ground, Liam stands up to stretch. His shirt rose some in the process.
Catching Clara's eyes he smirks. “Like what you see Lahey?” She presses her lips into a thin line. “Until you opened your mouth.” She spits and stands up while glaring at him. She wouldn't admit it, but sitting on the ground while he was standing above her was a little intimidating.
“You know what your problem is? You think you’re so much better than everyone.” Claras mouth gapes open. “I do not.” She whines while crossing her arms across her chest. This causes her breasts to press together and Liam struggles not to let his eyes wander, as she will definitely notice.
“You do. You always have to know everything and you're always correcting people.” He's towering over her now and she's backed up against the counter again. “Did it ever occur to you that I try so hard to know everything because I'm not supernatural like the rest of you and want to help!?” She exclaims, face hard as he takes in her words. No.. That never occurred to him before. He just thought she wanted to be smarter than everyone else.
As if calculating her words his head tips side to side slightly. Then a thought pops into his head. “Well, how come you hate me then? Since we met you decide you hate me.“ Deciding to tell the truth she looks up at him “Because. I hate cocky assholes. And you Liam are a cocky asshole. ” She yells at him, throwing her hands in the air.
“So you hate me?” He asks with the slightest hint of sadness, lacing his cocky tone. “Yes.” Her heart rate picked up and he heard it.
“You're lying, Lahey.” Liam responds with a smirk. The same smirk that she hates that she loves. “In fact, I think that you like me.” He presses closer to her, his nose centimeters from hers.
“I do not.” Clara breaths out.
“You're forgetting one little detail. I can tell when you're lying.” He looks from her eyes to her mouth and back.
Lips barely touching hers he hesitates for a moment. Giving her the choice to push him away. But she doesn't. Instead she throws her arms around his neck and pulls him as close as he can be, crashes her lips to his. He's quick to drop his hands around the back of her thighs and lift her up on the counter stepping in between her legs. She lets a squeal of surprise out when she's lifted.
Their kiss is heated. Hungry. Her fingers scrape his scalp pulling on the longer hairs on the back of his neck, as his hand wanders along her thighs and back up to her waist. Every inch of them is connected.
As soon as his hips come into contact with hers she lets out a little moan. But before they can go any further the bathroom door swings open. They pull away in surprise to see Scott standing at the door with a cocky smirk.
Clara is straightening her shirt and patting down her hair and Liam combs through his. Both of them flush from the heat of their activities.
“You two figure out your differences?” Scott asks with a knowing smirk playing on his lips. Both teens nod their heads. Too embarrassed to speak.
“Good.” Scott nods his head and walks away from the door frame. “Malia! You owe me $30!” He shouts leaving the two stunned teenagers behind.
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yuseirra · 16 days
More about 159~
hahaha XD aw, GOSH this comic is CRAZY, I think it would be fun if I read it as books and in volumes, it's because it's incomplete, and scattered eps that things feel so tense and awkward, I'm sure. It'd have more sense of flow as a volume.
I wrote a lot of things based on my stream of consciousness this morning (because well I draw hikaai and I DO care a lot about character portrayals and analysis) and I want to share it with you all! I reread it after the heat of the moment and I find it really funny,
If you want to feel assured about Ai and Hikaru (and perhaps ONK as a whole) or like the ship hikaai, I feel this is another post that could help you. Like I said in my ch 159 review, if this ain't it, I have no idea where this is going to head and I might as well take a break off from this piece for a bit and get some air. P3R episode Aigis is coming out on the 10th (great timing!) but I think I'm on the right track. I got so many things right since I picked this up thus far :D So for now, here we go again:
This is just my intuition and a piece mostly based on gut feelings.
Ha;; This morning, I saw someone extremely worried about Kamiki and Ai and couldn’t leave them feeling uneasy... I’m not in a position to calm others down, though!! I'm the one who needs to be calmed!! give me time to brace myself!!! I get tense because I care about where the story's gonna go too!!! I analyze characters and make fan works. I HAVE to look into the source material and make sense of things in order to do that o<-< I’m really stuck with this manga, aren’t I? What a ride... Okay I know the character looks a bit out of it. But listen, even if we criticize the character, we should wait for the next chapter before doing so. Come on, what would Kamiki even LIE about in the first place? Let’s sit down and think calmly. Let’s go over the facts.
Honestly, it would have been better for Kamiki if Ai wasn’t an idol. If Ai hadn’t been an idol, Ai wouldn't have had to die for deciding to keep her very kids with him!! Ai was murdered because she was an idol who had a boyfriend and kids(it's an absurd reason but to Ryosuke, that was his reason to go through with it). If she hadn’t loved Kamiki, she wouldn’t have died. This isn’t Kamiki’s fault, of course!! To add, if Ai weren’t an idol, they might not have broken up in the first place. Even if they had broken up, Ryosuke wouldn’t have tracked Ai down and killed her!! Things would have been so much better for this character if Ai hadn’t been an idol. His situation on the matter, It's totally the opposite of Nino and Ryosuke’s!
To Kamiki, Ai was certainly one-of-a-kind and irreplacable, yeah. But from Kamiki’s perspective, Ai was never a perfect, flawless figure that he found the need to idolize. She was someone who learned acting from him, who was clumsy and scattered, who needed his guidance in the beginning. She shared the same pain, opened up to him, understood him, accepted him, and loved him. Even though she gave him a deep wound and they parted ways, even when he thought she didn’t love him anymore, she remained precious to him to the point where he was willing to give his life for her. She was the person he wanted to marry. Ryosuke and Nino would kill her for not being perfect enough, but that’s not who Kamiki is. He’s actually the biggest victim of that incident only after AI herself. If Ai had survived, he might have been able to meet their children, reunite with Ai, clear up misunderstandings, and more importantly, Ai would still be alive. That alone would have made life more bearable for Kamiki than living in a world without her. I keep saying this but I'm sure he wouldn't have leaked the address to Ryosuke on purpose. I wrote many theories about this and I came to a conclusion that it must have been a mistake on his end, after getting drunk from sadness after Ai dumped him in the phone call. What kind of mastermind could he even be regarding this case? He was 19 at the time. It's total nonsense. There is no reason for him to try and attack Ai who tells him she has their children growing smart and healthy. He's lying about it to Aqua to make him feel better about avenging him because he believed that's what him and Ai's wanted.
What kind of grand conspiracy could a character like this possibly be behind? At least when it comes to Ai’s death, I don’t think he’s responsible. Even if he grew mad, I feel like that would have taken place after it happened. So what is it that this character wants? I’ve been curious about that too-
When I heard anime S2's opening, I immediately realized!! He wants to see Ai again! Would Aqua say something like,
Aqua has Ruby, Kana, and Akane. He’s not going to live just to get closer to Ai or live solely for her love. Maybe to fulfill Ai’s wishes, but that’s different.
“Without you, I cannot live anymore
I would sacrifice anything for you
I can’t get enough of your love
What should I use to fill in what’s missing?”
If Kamiki has any goal, it’s this: He's never been seen to have a desire for Ai to be the ultimate, perfect idol. He’s not twisted that way. If he’s twisted, it’s more like, “I’ll give anything for Ai.”
Think about it. If someone you love died, what would you want most? You’d want them to live again, right? You wouldn’t go around committing serial murders saying, “No one can surpass them!” You’d just want to see them again if there was even the smallest chance. That’s the most important thing. Nino and Ryosuke are twisted. They liked Ai as an idol, not as a person. But this person has two cute kids with Ai... even though they never got to see them properly. He says he has paternal love, and I believe that because there’s no reason for him to hate the kids. He was prepared to take responsibility, after all. Wouldn’t he be happy about having kids with Ai? Wouldn’t he find them adorable, especially since they look so much like him and the one he loves? Seeing how much he still cares for Ai, he’d probably love their kids too. He refers to them as "Yours(Ai's) and mine". He’d probably want to bring Ai back for the sake of the kids, if not for himself. He even believes Ai died because of him, so that would only add to his desperation and longing. When someone dies, they can’t come back, so that possibility doesn’t usually cross the mind-
However, It seems that the songs are saying there is some kind of hope for that becoming a reality even if the chances are very slim. To think Kamiki would have wanted to preserve Ai’s image as an idol and that's what's been driving him? No way. That’s exactly what killed Ai. He’d probably be sick of that... He just wants Ai to live. That’s his motive. He’s been hanging onto that.
As for the Hikaai ship, I had been holding off on judgment until Ai’s feelings came out. I felt like I won’t know until I hear from Ai herself how she feels about him so I waited out for quite long till the entirety of the movie arc, until it got its closure-
And it really occurs to me, people don’t seem to realize how much thought and conviction it takes for Ai to feel that strongly about a person.
Ai is scared, has a sensitive soul, overthinks things, is defensive, and gets wary. She’s afraid to love and get close to people because she doesn't want to get hurt.
But Ai couldn't give up Kamiki’s child because they were what she had with him, even while she was afraid it would be a burden to him!! Do you know how much certainty, affection, and love that takes? It doesn’t seem to resonate with people as much as it does for me, it's such a deep and strong feeling. That's what really got me. She was scared, but she still wanted them because they were theirs...and she protected their children with all her heart that point onward.
This kind of love is something that you might encounter just once in your lifetime, you might never get to meet someone like that at all.
So I thought, “Good for Ai. She found someone she loved that much.” Kamiki must have been a really precious person to Ai to make her feel that way.
In my opinion, for someone to make Ai feel like that, they would have to be the kind of person who would give out their every part of their organ, even their heart to her if that's necessary, and still think it’s not enough. And when you listen to the songs, the speaker does really seems to express that kind of emotion. That's why I thought 'Oh, this is definitely Ai's lover. This is Kamiki that's saying these things.'
You have to trust Ai’s judgment. Ai is serious about love, and she found someone to give it to. He's the one person she decided on. She wanted to live her life with him, worried about him until the end, named her children after jewels because they looked like the one she loved. Had her son who takes after his dad so much have the characters "love" and "longing" in his name. That’s how much she adored him.
What does that tell you? And when you look at the backstory, it seems Kamiki thought he loved Ai even more than she loved him.
Then that must mean he must have treated her really well. So, it’s not about whether Kamiki loved Ai or not anymore. That's totally just a given!! What’s important now is what he has done since Ai's death.
In chapter 155, he said he was "going to do what he could for Ai" and left. Then Aqua showed up near him in this chapter saying, “I need to save you.”
When you listen to the songs, the narrator keeps saying they don’t mind dying. This is a character who has already said they could die for Ai. So what will they do? I think they’re planning to die “for Ai.” But is offering something for Ai or dying for her really what Ai would want? No. Ai would want Kamiki to live and be happy, and they know that, but they’re lying to themselves. That’s the lie this character tells. It’s a self-sacrificing but self-satisfying kind of thing. That's why Aqua says the lies "are for his own sake". This also explains why Ai left a message asking to help Kamiki. This character is someone who could go to extremes "for Ai", but Ai didn’t want that, which is why Aqua is trying to stop it.
If this isn’t the case, then I won’t be able to make sense of this manga... Haha, the Persona 3 DLC will be out soon, so I’ll just go play that...
This feels right to me, though. If it’s not, I don’t know what else it could be;;
Maybe Kamiki's been possessed by an evil god? But even if that’s the case, the motive he has would probably still be about "saving Ai".
On another note, Kamiki was so gentle and kind in his tone when speaking to Aqua. He spoke really softly, didn’t he?
If he had been able to raise the kids with Ai, he would have been the type to pamper and spoil them... He'd have been a sweet dad. I feel like Ai really did choose a good guy to father her kids.
The way he speaks to Aqua feels quite similar to the last lines and atmosphere of the lyrics of Mephisto.. something about it will be brought up soon, I mean Aqua's wearing that same clothes.
To Kamiki, Aqua must be his and Ai’s cute son, right? But does he know Aqua’s soul is originally that of a 30-something-year-old doctor? If he’s possessed by an evil god, maybe he is aware of these things. But if he doesn’t, it might be a bit awkward. His son is almost the same age as him inside...
Aqua is Aqua, though? But that thought still made me laugh a little. I could imagine Kamiki suddenly speaking very formally towards Aqua upon figuring out he's actually the doc who aided Ai with delivering his children safely. Kamiki seems like the type to speak with a lot of courtesy... the way he speaks has been very polite. It depends on the character, but I think that is part of how he is originally.
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dawnthefox24 · 2 months
*Kiriko,Illari,D.va and Brigitte are all thinking what to do for Venture birthday clearly lost in thought in the kitchen trying to figure how to spend it with them* Illari: Okay so...Any idea who has a great birthday gift for Sloan? Kiriko: I mean I could take them to Hanamura and Kanezaka for the history but knowing the Hashitmoto clan I don't think so. D.va: I mean I could go to Korea but... Illari: But? D.va: I just might get distracted.... Brigitte: I could take them to the Ironclad Guild, Though with Sloan they might touch things that my papa wouldn't like. What about you Illari? Illari: It's a bit complicated... Brigitte: So basically we've got nothing. Illari: yup. Kiriko: *sighs* ditto. D.va: *nodding*Uh huh! Brigitte:*sighs softly* *Soon Cole walks in the kitchen and noticed that all four of them seemed to be stuck in the dumps* Cassidy: You kids alright? D.va: We can't figure out a good birthday gift for Sloan! Cassidy: Oh well honestly it fairly easy for me since I'm just going to take them cultivating. Brigitte,Illari,Kiriko and D.va: WHAT!? Cassidy: Yeah, okay tell you what. What does Sloan like to do? Brigitte: We'll they enjoy history... Cassidy: Okay and? Illari: Their fascinated by culture... Cassidy: Good and? D.va: Uh...Um... Kiriko: *slams her head on the table*OH MY GOD WHERE STUPID!! Cassidy:*smiles* There we go, Sloan is an archaeologist so take them somewhere its fun for them and boring for you. D.va: No...No you don't mean.... Cassidy: Yup you guys are going to the Museum! D.va:*groans* NO! Illari: But wait a minute, Cole why are you taking them cultivating? Cassidy: I like listening to Sloan ramble about old medicine and plants with how it was used back then and horrors of how people thought it could cure blindness. Brigitte: That sounds...Dark Cassidy:*rolls his eyes but sighs a bit* Part of history, anyways glad to be of help and also I'm going to get you the V.I.P Passes to the Museum. Kiriko: Thanks Coyote! Cassidy:*rolls his eyes* Alright also remember their very easy to entertain. D.va: Yeah,Yeah, Thanks Cole we'll take it from here. Casidy:*chuckles a bit and walks off leaving them alone* Alright see ya. *Soon Venture birthday rolled around, as Cassidy and Venture returned from cultivating since they left early in the morning picking a few plants and flowers* Venture: That was so much fun Cole! Cassidy:*chuckles softly* Of course glad you had fun and yes I'll plant the Foxglove and the Easter Lily in the garden okay. Venture: AWESOME!!! *With that being said Kiri,D.va,Illari and Brigitte showed up as they smiled* Venture: Oh hey guys! D.va: Come Sloan where going somewhere for your birthday. Venture: Oh where are we- Illari:*hands them a V.I.P pass as she smiles* Where going to the Museum of Cultural History, Happy birthday Sloan. Venture:*looks at the V.I.P pass and is smiling like no tomorrow* AHH This is so exciting!! The best birthday gift ever!! Come on! Come on! Let's get going!! Brigitte:*rolls her eyes but smiles* Alright then where driving Come on Hana, Kiri, Also happy birthday Sloan. D.va: Hey come on Sloan and Happy birthday. Kiriko:*chuckles* Happy birthday you Mole. Venture:*takes off running to Brigitte car* LET'S GET GOING! Cassidy: You guys have fun and please don't get into trouble like last time. Kiriko and D.va: What we won't! Cassidy:*crosses his arms and raises a brow* Brigitte: *goes after Venture* We'll try! Come along guys! Cassidy:*watches all four of them go after Venture as he sighs before chuckling* This is going to be one hectic of a birthday for Sloan...I hope they have fun.
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kenjakusbrainstem · 1 year
Affection (Kenjaku x Reader)
Hello <3 so I decided to try my hand at taking requests, and this one was for @midnightshade's prompt of 'something softer/more domestic' with Kenjaku. I was wracking my brain all weekend trying to come up with a good plot but the backstory of it all wasn't fitting right for me so I just got down to the meat of things! Hopefully this is along the lines of what you wanted, as I'm not the most well versed in domestic. It was fun to play around with the idea though and just admire Kenjaku though. Enjoy~
Kenjaku's large hands felt heavy in your hair. Fingers running through your soft strands, nails scraping gently against the scalp. This was a rare intimate moment between the two of you. You sighed softly, the way his fingers could be so soft with you when he was usually reserved with his affection was comforting.
It wasn't often that he was able to drop in to see you, even less often that he stuck around for more than just a small conversation or a night visit. So you chose to savor the moment, nuzzling your head into his leg as you rested it on his lap.
The fluttering of pages above you pulled your gaze upward. Kenjaku turned the page of the book he was reading, some book a curse friend recommended to him if you recall correctly. That wasn't important to you though, you took in the relaxed look on his face. He seemed at ease, as comfortable as you were. Though he could be hard to read at times.
Geto Suguru wasn't the first face of his that you'd seen, but it was a very attractive one, you couldn't deny. You knew seeing him go through different bodies was special. It was something that he shared with very few individuals over the years, so you felt lucky to be by his side still. Though it did make reading his moods a bit more difficult as he took over a whole new set of facial features.
You held no complaints though, smiling softly to yourself as you took in his sharp jawline and amber eyes. Long tendrils of black hair falling freely around his face and shoulders, it almost softened his more masculine features.
Eyes trailing up from his lips and eyes to the line of stitching across his forehead. Every now and then you caught yourself staring at them, knowing that his true self was right behind that line. While the body was still Kenjaku, you couldn't help but want to be closer to the real him.
"Enjoying the show?" Kenjaku asked playfully, eyes not leaving the book in his hands.
You felt your face flush a little at being caught staring. His fingers in your hair stilled, hand cupping the back of your head. As if he were forcing you to keep your eyes on him even if embarrassment wanted you to look away.
"Just admiring your features, I don't get to see you very often with how busy you've been lately," You said, pouting even if the complaints were hollow. Holding his work against him is something you wouldn't do, though you had to admit, having him with you like this was much nicer than being alone.
Kenjaku chucked lightly, a small smirk forming on his face. He looked down at you, stretched across his lap like a small animal. It was like you were a pet to him, something he kept around for companionship when he got too lonely in his near immortality.
The thought of being kept around like a pet didn't offend you the way it probably should have. You were content in your role, the infinite lust for knowledge inside you was sated by him often. The way he pushed the boundaries of science and jujutsu had you hooked.
You moved to sit up, Kenjaku allowing you to move freely and closing his book to allow you to now sit in his lap. His arm came to rest on your back, holding you steady, while the other rested on your thigh. His touch always warmed you, and this was no different.
"Oh you don't feel neglected, do you darling? How will I ever make it up to you?" Kenjaku's kind words dripping with sarcasm. His voice was low, teasing as he spoke. Eyes staring straight into you as if he could read your innermost thoughts.
It made you squirm.
"I want to kiss you," you said bluntly, hoping he would know what you meant without you having to ask. You knew he preferred when people were forward, but there was still something odd about asking for affection like this.
Another small laugh left his throat as he leaned forward, lips pressing against yours hotly. The soft kisses quickly turning into something more passionate. Kenjaku's tongue heavy in your mouth as the two of you shared the kiss that you requested.
Pulling back suddenly, he continued to smirk at you, as if his own cheeks weren't flushed the way yours were.
"Is that all you want?" Kenjaku asked, strong fingers digging into your flesh.
You couldn't quite find the words to convey how you felt. How he wasn't quite right about what you wanted in the first place.
Taking initiative you moved yourself up and into a position where you were straddling his thighs. You looked down at him as he did you so many times, and smiled. Knowing that for once, he probably didn't expect what you were about to do.
Slowly bringing your hands up, you held the sides of his face still. You brought your lips down, pressing a soft kiss to the line of stitches across his forehead. You could feel the slightest tensing of his body underneath you as your fingers slid further up the sides of his face.
Gently, you pulled at the stitching along his forehead until the string came lose. Moving one hand up and into his hair you slowly lifted until you could see the pink tissue of his brain exposed to you.
Kenjaku himself, exposed to you.
He was still and silent as you again moved yourself closer.
You pressed your lips softly to the hot, wet tissue that was the man you cared so deeply for. Trailing kisses down the brain until you were met with the teeth you had been shocked to find out existed. This was something you had thought about since the first time you had seen it.
The mouth was open when you pressed your lips to it, snaking your tongue inside you were surprised to find him eagerly kissing you back. The slight nip of his teeth against your lips felt good as you coaxed his tongue into your mouth.
The sloppy kiss lasted longer than you'd expected as he hadn't moved to stop you. The sound of his vessel panting reached your ears by the time you realized he was gripping your sides so tightly they'd surely be bruised.
Pulling yourself back you could see the fluids, saliva maybe, dripping from where the stitching used to be and down his face. The look was too erotic, too intimate of a sight for you.
Gently you placed the top of his head back where it had been before. You brought your hands up, planning to stitch him back together as you've seen him do before. Before you were able to though, his hands shot up and held yours still in an iron grip.
"You're not stopping that soon, we're going to finish what you started," Kenjaku's voice was shaky, he sounded as if he were on the brink of climax already.
You knew you were in for a long night.
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little-emerald-snake · 9 months
Smutmas Day 29
“Fucking is a reward but you haven’t been a good girl.” - Ominis Gaunt X F!MC
602 words
Tumblr media
Warnings: apology blowjob, oral m receiving
She’d gone against his advice again, resulting in winding up in headmaster Black’s office getting scolded for wandering off campus and getting stuck in a tree of all places.
She had gotten stuck in the tree and missed curfew which had resulted in nearly half the school going on a search party for her in the middle of the night.
To make it all worse Black had summoned Ominis to walk her back to her dorm, the one student who’d told her beforehand that this expedition would be a bad idea and that it would bite her in the ass later.
She followed behind him, his glowing wand guiding the way back to her common room in near silence. “Ominis. Please, you don’t need to punish me with your silence. I’ve already been punished. I feel bad that I went against your wishes, truely.”
Ominis remained silent, continuing along with heavy boot falls. “Ominis ple-“
He spun on his heel causing her to crash into his chest as he sighed heavily. “No, you don’t get to be sorry only when you know you got caught. You could just listen for once maybe and you wouldn’t find yourself in so much trouble all the bloody time. Ever think of that?”
Her head sunk in shame but his hand stopped her, forcing her to look into his unseeing but still angry eyes. “No. You didn’t think of that. Instead you wake up and ponder, hm, how can I go against Ominis Gaunt today? What can I do to piss him off this time?!”
She looked around at the empty corridor they were in and licked her lips nervously. She knew there was only one way to tamp down his anger but she could really get them into trouble if she got caught here.
She sank to her knees, fingers flying up to his trousers. Ominis’ breathing hitched but he made no move to stop her. “You already know that fucking is a reward, but you haven’t been a good girl.”
She shakes her head and pulls his growing erection from his trousers with a smirk. “We aren’t fucking, this is only for you. This is just the beginning of my apology.”
She sits up on her heels, taking him into her mouth with a satisfied hum. He smells so good here, the masculine scent of him making her wet between her thighs already.
He gripped both her hands, placing them on his thighs. “Don’t move these hands. You aren’t allowed to play with yourself tonight. You deserve to be punished.”
She hummed around him greedily, rolling her tongue over his sensitive head. He sighed pleasurably, using the hand not holding his wand to lace his fingers into her hair. “Fuck, you’re way too good at this.”
She took him to the back of her throat, breathing through her nose so she wouldn't gag. His eyes squoze shut, a low guttural growl leaving his lips. “Holy fuck, gonna cum…”
She doesn’t stop, doesn’t even move till his fingers tighten in her hair and he leans back against the wall for support. She swallows around him and with a broken groan he’s cumming down her throat in hit thick ropes.
Once she’s sure he’s done she pulls off with a pop and grins happily, licking her lips. “You taste so good, Omi.”
He huffs and buttons himself back up before gripping her shoulder and dragging her toward the Slytherin common rooms. “You’re gonna stay with me tonight. Can’t trust you not to relieve that dripping cunt the second you’re alone.”
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cheolsfae · 10 months
𓃭 Ateez when they aren't your bias
Requested: nah
Genre: Fluff, slight angst if you force it
Warning(s): Use of a pet names, a few swears, Seonghwa's gets a little suggestive? But it's miniscule. 💕
Reblogs are appreciated
His pride was a little bruised, sure; but he didn't mind it one bit. He wouldn't give you a hard time about it either. He knew who you were going home with at the end of the night. Until he saw the two of you alone. He didn't like it, but that was because of what he knew. Odds were, Hongjoong had no idea that he was your bias. He still didn't like you guys bonding that closely without him around. He trusted you 100%. He also had full faith in Hongjoong not to do anything but with the two of you alone, it rubbed him the wrong way. Every time you two sat near each other, he'd end up putting himself in the middle. He'd wrap an arm around you or put a hand on your leg. It was kind of cute to see him be a little jealous over you. It was really sweet. But one night, Hongjoong had called you out to pick him up because he'd gotten a little too tipsy to drive himself home. You quickly got dressed and started heading for the door when Seonghwa stopped you. "Where are you going?" Once you explained what happened, he threw on his shoes, and the two of you were out the door. When you got to the club, you busted out of the car and went to go in and find him. You came out with Hongjoong hanging off of you, barely able to walk. Seonghwa helped you get him into the car, clearly annoyed with Hongjoong. "Relax," you told him. "He just got a little drunk. It's not like we were doing anything anyway." Seonghwa shook his head, "I know. But I don't like how you just rushed out to get him. He could have called me or someone else." He crossed his arms, frustrated with you. He didn't like that you came rushing to your bias' aid whenever he called. Or at least that's what it felt like. "He's my friend. Of course I'm gonna go when he calls. I'd do the same for you." He side eyed you, "I'm your partner. I hope so." You rolled your eyes, he was overreacting. It really wasn't that deep. "I could do without the bad attitude." You said. "I don't know why you're acting like this." He sighed, he was being pretty clear about the situation he thought. "Because you are rushing to his aid all the time. He's your bias, I get it but I'm your partner." You furrowed your eye brows. Was he being serious right now? You could not believe that this was what he was choosing to be upset about. "So wait, let me get this straight. You're upset because I came to come get our drunk friend who happens to be my bias?" He nodded, you rolled your eyes. "You do know I love you, right? That I'm with you right? That I chose you right? No one else but you. Joong doesn't even come close to you. Untouchable." Hongjoong decided this was a good place to poke his head out the door and shout that he was ready to go home. And to tell the both of you that you needed to get a room and quit being love-y dove-y. You both ignored him and kept at your guys' conversation. "You aren't leaving me for him?" you were astounded. He was really thinking that way? "Never! Is that what you were worried about?" He didn't say anything, confirming your suspicions. "You're stuck with me. Whether you like it or not." You smiled, pressing a quick kiss to his nose. He chuckled lightly. Hongjoong again, poked his head out from the car door, not to say anything to you guys but to barf. "Come on, after we get him home, I'll show you how much you mean to me."
Jealous, jealous, jealous. He absolutely did not like that Yunho was your bias whatsoever. He hated it. He didn't mind you two being friends – that had nothing to do with it. It was that he was your bias in general. So when it was just Yunho and you alone, he hated it. You weren't supposed to have anyone but him in your mind. He'd felt like it was cheating. It definitely was not, but to him, it felt like it. He sat on the couch for you in the dark. Waiting for the minute you got home to speak to you about the whole thing. You walked through the door, flicking on the light, surprised to see him sitting there with his arms crossed. "I had a talk with Yunho today." He was going to be coming in hot, not giving you his usual warm greeting when you got home. "Missed you too. I would have assumed you talked to him. He is your teammate, after all." He got up from the chair, moving closer to you. "He told me something." Immediately, your mind started reeling. Had Yunho told him about what you said about him being a little messy or something similar? You guys were pretty close. You told him a lot, so Yunho had the dirt. "Oh? What did he tell you?" Playing dumb was your safest bet right now. You hadn't done anything wrong, but who knew what he was thinking. "He's your bias?" Ah. That's what it was. "Oh, that. Yeah. What about it?" You were happy it wasn't anything serious. It's just a little silly thing. "Why am I not your bias? Why are you looking at other men and not me?" You laughed a little, wrapping yourself up in him. "You are the only one I look at. He's just my friend, it doesn't mean anything." He pouted. The man was still fuming. "Maybe not to you. But to me, it does." Valid. It was anything but a big thing to you. You hadn't considered how it would affect him. "I'm sorry." Sincerly, you were. He stood there just staring at you, still fuming. "I understand why you're upset. I really do not look at anyone else in a romantic or lustful way. Just you." He nodded his head. You squished his face and cooed at him, "Now turn that frown upside down." You giggled. He huffed, giving into you. He couldn't be upset with you for long.
He hadn't minded, initially. But that all changed when he had seen some post you had made about Yeosang being your bias on social media. At first, he was taken aback. He wasn't really sure of what to think about it. Then, after a few minutes of letting it register what he'd seen, he'd gotten a little irritated with you. You didn't even make posts about him. How could you be out there making posts about Kang Yeosang but not him? It wasn't right! He marched over to where you were in the bedroom on your shared bed, scrolling on your phone. You glanced up, smiling sweetly at him. "What's up, love?" You asked going back to your phone. He plopped down on the bed next to you. His face buried down into the pillows, groaning loudly. 6ou put down your phone, giving your full attention to him. Again, you asked him what was wrong. "Why do you post about Yeosang but not me?" You blinked blankly. That. He'd seen that. Of course he did! No, you weren't trying to hide it from him, but you just didn't think much about it. It was just a shit post to you but it meant much more to him. You rubbed his back, trying to consol him. "It was just a shit post. Did you even read the caption? I was complaining about my day. It wasn't like I was professing my undying love to him or something." As soon as those words left your mouth, you regretted the phrasing of them. His head snapped up from the pillows, looking you dead in the eyes. "You love him?" You lightly hit him playfully, "No! Are you insane? I love you and only you!" He sniffled, his eyes had been watering. Not exactly crying but close to it. "Don't you ever think anything different." He moved from the pillows to bury his head in your waist, nodding his head. You gave him a kiss and played with his hair as he drifted off to sleep.
You had been in the kitchen, messing with the latest album you'd gotten. When you opened it up, you had squealed when you started looking through the photo card realizing you'd gotten your bias, San. "Look!" you shouted waving it in his face, "I got him one this one! I haven't gotten a San one in that last few albums you guys put out, but I got him! Finally!" Yeosang stared blankly, trying to comprehend you. The last couple of albums you'd gotten were meant for you. They were all his photo cards previously. He'd purposely made sure you would get them. He thought he was your bias this whole time but apparently not because you never squealed this excitedly when you pulled his pretty face. You looked at him all giddy and then it fell almost immediately, seeing that his attitude was different from yours. "What's wrong?" He shook his head, placing a false smile on his face. "Nothing, happy you got your card." Het turned awkwardly away, he didn't want you to see how irritated he was with you. You didn't know what to do so for the time being, you dropped it. A few hours had gone by and he made little to no conversation with you. When it was time for bed, he hadn't kissed you goodnight like he usually did. You were weirded out by it. You tried to brush it off but it was eating you alive, you flipped over to face him, "Yeosang." He was already drifting off to sleep, so he only hm'd you. "Wake up, we have to talk." You sat up in the bed, turning on the light which fully woke him up. "What?" He asked, blinking trying to readjust to the bright light. "What's wrong?" He rubbed his eyes. "I don't know, you tell me." He was completely lost, he was only half awake. "What? Nothing's wrong." You crossed your arms. "Something is because you aren't acting like yourself." He was sitting up fully, now listening properly. He furrowed his brows, trying to figure out what he had done differently than normal. "Oh," he started as he leaned in to kiss you. But you had pulled away from him. Yes, you were upset about that but that wasn't the main issue. He rubbed the back off his neck, still confused. "You've been acting weird all day. You've hardly spoken to me." He was hoping you hadn't picked up on that. He wasn't one to address such things. He had a tendency to ignore the issues until they went away but this wasn't going to go away. You weren't going to let it go until the beef was squashed. "You know that photocard of San..." You let hm continue on, "The reason you hadn't gotten him in a while is because I'd been the one to make sure you'd gotten mine instead. I thought you'd be most happy getting my card but I forgot to do it this time." So that was it, all because of a photocard. "But I was wrong, clearly San is your favorite and not me." He was wilting as he continued to speak, his voice dropping in volume as he pressed onward with his story. You readjusted, placing a small smile on your face, "I was happy getting your cards. You are my favorite person in the whole world. San is only my bias because he's my closest friend. Nothing more than that. I swear." You held up two fingers, close together, "Scouts honor." He chuckled at your goofy behavior. You moved in closer, giving him a quick kiss, before snuggling into him. "Feel better?" He nodded his head and the two of you drifted off into dream land snuggled like a couple of bugs in a rug.
Heartbroken! Oh, this poor baby! He was crying like you wouldn't believe! You had asked him one night if he had a bias in the group, like who was his favorite out of his members. You weren't surprised when he had answered Wooyoung. But when he had asked you the same question, his feelings got hurt when you had said it was Mingi. He was expecting it to be himself (or maybe Wooyoung, he was okay with that). You wrapped your arms around him, dotting his face in kisses. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm sorry." You said as you continued your actions. He was acting like he wasn't liking it. Like he hated the attention. He really tried not to show that he was not eating all of it up. The man thrives off of P.D.A., so of course he was loving all of it. "But Mingi? I'm better looking than him!" He whined. You laughed, "Nah, I don't think so." You teased. Of course he was! He was your boyfriend after all! No one was more handsome than him to you, but you wanted to give him a little trouble. He was being so cute! Who could resist him? "No, I'm better looking than him! And I'm cuter!" You shook your head, "Only one of those things, babe." You stuck your tongue out at him, playfully. He furrowed his brows, which was he? He was both in your eyes, it was so much fun teasing him like this! "I'm both, what do you mean?" He tackled you, kissing you all over your face, making you giggle. He was now giggling too, playing like this was fun for you guys. "Yes, alright! That's enough, you're both! Perfect even!" You shouted, laughing as he continued his actions. "I better be!" He laughed, giving you one last kiss before stopping. At least, he wasn't broken up about it anymore.
Wooyoung. Huh, he never would have guessed. He would have assumed your bias to be him. So when you told him it was someone else, he wasn't too happy about it. He was kind of crushed about it. But he was trying to conceal it and not doing a very good job at it either. Almost right away, you'd known what was bugging him. You had tried coddling him like you usually did when his pride had gotten wounded, but that wasn't working. Or at least, not the method you chose. Squishing his face and telling him how pretty he is, wasn't going to cut it this time. You opted to something else. Something a little more meaningful, maybe a little more love-y dove-y. So tonight, when he got home from a long day of work, he had seen the candle lit dinner you'd made for the two of you. But he had gotten home a little too late, you were asleep on the couch, and the food had long since gotten cold. He sighed upon seeing all the effort you'd put into it for him. He crouched down by the couch next to you, trying his best and failing, not to wake you up. "Mingi?" You said in a sleepy voice, "You're home! I missed you." You pulled him closer to you, giving him a kiss. In that moment, he knew he couldn't be mad at you over something as silly as a bias. He knew exactly how much he meant to you. You didn't even have to say anything. He knew you wouldn't trade him for anything in the world and vice versa.
Now, he could see Jongho's appeal. He really could! He was handsome, he was cute in his own way. However, in Wooyoung's eyes, the youngest had nothing on him. There were more things he had to offer than him. He was better looking, he was sexier, etc. The guy was making it a complete competition. Now, when the silent competition had started, you hadn't even realized it was happening. It started with little things here and there. First it was who could eat the quickest, then it turned to who could to more push up, who could break the most apples. It was like every time Jongho had won a competition, Wooyoung would get more aggressive with it. It was starting to take a toll on the younger. The whole thing was getting worse and worse as time went on. Finally, you'd had enough of it. One evening, Wooyoung had challenged Jongho to a drinking contest. The younger was protesting while Wooyoung had continued egging it on. "That's enough, he doesn't want to. Leave him alone." you said, he was working your last nerve at this point. He looked at you with an unreadable expression. "Aw, come on! It's just one game!" He whined. "Stop, he already said no and I'm telling you to knock it off." It was like a parent scolding a child. He grew eerily quiet, "You don't have to protect him all the time just because he's your bias, babe." he was clearly very bitter about the whole thing. You raised your eyebrows in response to it. "Jongho, sweetie," You started, clearly pissing off your boyfriend further. Good, he was being an ass anyway. "Can you give us some privacy please?" He nodded and left the two of you alone. You crossed your arms, utterly pissed and annoyed at him. "Care to explain or defend yourself?" He sat for a second in silence playing with his fingers, he wasn't really sure what to say. He knew what he was doing was wrong, he just wasn't ready to vocally admit it yet. "I... I was jealous that he's your bias and not me." He mumbled. You blankly stared at him. Duh, that much was obvious. He was making it blatantly clear that he was jealous. "I know. But it was the way you talked to me or rather chose not to that pissed me off not to mention the way you've been treating one of your closest friends." He didn't know how to respond to it. "I'm sorry." He was playing with his fingers, you could hear his voice crack. The man was on the brink of tears. "I understand if you want to break up." You furrowed your brows. Was he nuts? This wasn't something to break up over, at least it hadn't lead to that point. You cupped his face in your hands. "That's not happening. Just because he's my bias doesn't mean anything. I want you and only you." You kissed his forehead. He nodded, "I'm sorry." He apologized again. "I forgive you but I think you owe Jongho an apology." He sniffled. After a few minutes of coddling him, he got up and went to go make up with his friend.
He did not mind at all that Seonghwa was your bias. Jongho felt so secure that you would not leave him for the older. He knew in his heart that you wanted to be with him and if for some reason in the future that you wanted to terminate the relationship that he would let you go and let you be happy. Or at least, that was his theory. When he had asked you the other day about who your bias was in the group and you had answered Seonghwa, he honestly did not know how to respond to that. What really was there to say? Was he a little upset? Sure, but it wasn't like you had meant any harm by it and he was the one who asked. He hated to admit it, but a small part of him had hoped you had said him. Or maybe just lied to save his ego a bit. "So.. Seonghwa..." he started off one evening when the two of you had been sitting on the couch watching a movie. "What about him?" you asked. "Nothing, never mind." he quickly answered. He wasn't really wanting to have this conversation out loud yet. In his head, he was more than ready, but actually having it was a completely separate thing. You let it go for now, you figured if it was something important he'd tell you. Until he pulled the same stunt a couple of days later, with the two of you in the practice room. You were going to let it slide again but you didn't because you knew it was only going to result in more of the same. "What about him?" Again, he tried to sweep it under the rug but that wasn't going to fly this time. "Tell me." He was silent. Again, he was not ready to have this conversation. "Is this about him being my bias?" His eyes shot up to yours, jaw slack in surprise. You nodded, you'd hit the nail on the head. "Okay, he's my bias and what?" He didn't really know what to say, he'd adverted his eyes, opting to stare at his feet. "Have I left you?" he shot up quickly. "No, and you'd better not leave me for him!" You smirked, laughing a little. There was the little feisty man you'd grown to love. "Wouldn't dream of it. So stop thinking I will!" you playfully shoved him. He felt a little silly thinking that way. "I wouldn't trade you for anything in the world." You said before giving him a little hug. The poor guy needed it.
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