#Teenwolf imagine
“You owe me.” “I owe you $20 not a day of pretending to date you to get him off your back.”
Isaac Lahey X Reader
TW; Mentions of physical abuse. 
Word Count: 819
Part two
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You have looked in the locker room, the art room and outside in the quad and still can’t find him. You  woke up this morning, put on the cutest outfit you own and spent extra time on your hair and came up with the best plan.. There is no chance he will say no… Right? 
As you walk into the library you finally spot the messy mop of dirty blonde hair. 
“Isaac! Isaac!” You whisper shout as you walk over to where he is sitting in the ground leaning against one of the bookshelves. You don’t know why this wasn’t the first place you looked. This has always been a safe space for Isaac to come to when he needed to get away.
“Y/N! Y/N!” he whispers, shouts back successfully, mocking me with a cocky grin on his lips. 
Laughing, You walk over and drop my bag next to him and it’s a quiet thump. “I had the most perfect idea, and before you say ‘no’ just hear me out?” You ask with a pleading look on your face. Isaac eyes you suspiciously and slowly nods his head for you to continue. 
Isaac and you have been friends since we were six. Your moms were best friends and would force you two to hangout with each other all the time. Even when he thought girls had cooties. He has always been my favorite person and you did everything you could to protect him. When he would get picked on in school you would tell off anyone who was mean to him. When he would get hurt on the playground you would be the first one to help him clean and bandage his wounds. When his mom died and he started coming to school with bruises and cuts that he refused to explain to you, you made sure that your window was always cracked and unlocked for him to climb through.
He said he always felt safe when he was with you. And since you couldn’t do anything about his dad hurting him, you did the best thing you could think of. You were always there for him. He was your best friend after all. 
“So you know how Matt won’t leave me alone? How he asks me out every time he sees me?” You ask nervously while nibbling slightly on your lip. 
Still looking at you with suspicion he shakes his head yes. “Well I was thinking that maybe. You would pretend to be my boyfriend. Just for a day to get him off my back.” You rushed out. Anxious to see his reaction. 
He’s quiet for a moment, before looking at you like you’ve lost my mind. “Are you crazy? He will never believe that.” He laughs nervously. 
Turning towards him you put my hands together and begged the dirty blonde next to you. “Please Isaac. Please, please. I know this will work and you’re my best friend, who better to pretend to date than you?” 
He rolls his eyes “Why can't you ask Scott?” 
“It’s more believable if it’s you. I mean we’ve been best friends forever, half the school thinks there is something going on between us anyways.” You say with a roll of your eyes. 
It's true. Since Isaac and you have been friends for so long, everyone is always bothering you two about when you're going to start dating. It's not that you don't like Isaac that way. You do. You love him, and he has told you he loves you too. But you both agreed that you should stay friends. You are both too important for the other to lose. 
Isaac looks at you seriously. “I don’t think this is a good idea, Y/N.” 
“I really didn't want to do this… But you owe me Isaac Lahey.” His seriousness drops into a look of guilt.  
He did owe you. After he was turned by Derek, and after he accidentally attacked you, you stayed at Dereks with him for weeks, until he found his anchor. Which by the way he still hasn't told you what it is. 
He sighs in defeat. “I meant I owe you $20 not a day of pretending to date you to get him off your back.” Isaac has never been able to say no to your pouty face, and with everything you did for him in the past he grudgingly agrees. 
“Fine, I will help you. Just know that I think this is a horrible idea.” He states with a half smile. Your smile on the other hand is wide and excited. You throw your arms around him in excitement. “Thank you! Thank you!” you cheer, kissing his cheek. 
“Tomorrow, be ready!” You yell getting up and walking out of the library. As he watches you walk away all Isaac can think about is how screwed he is to fake date the love of his life.
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somestardeww · 5 months
something with stiles x fem!reader ;D
¹reader is punk alternative and is a bit provocative too, but in a confident way. ²contains inaccurate descriptions of college dorms, smut under the cut :)
side note: this was supposed to be something short, maybe a pwp lmaooo
Stiles was never a guy with a lot of free time, as he spent half of his time dealing with the supernatural and the other half was divided between his dream college and taking care of his father, who, even though he was much older than him, left your food automatically, without worrying too much about your health.
So moving into college housing freshman year at the age of 18 was a… frighteningly interesting experience. He feared for his father, even though Scott had assured him he would keep an eye on him. He had also forced his friends to talk to him if something supernatural happened in Beacon Hills (he knew that his friends would try to solve everything themselves so as not to bother him, but there was no harm in trying).
For the first few months he was alone in the accommodation, it seems the universe finally smiled on him; the privacy and peace he had to do everything, from studying to doing nothing, was incredible.
Well, until now. The middle of the college year was approaching, and with it some students who transferred from other colleges to their unit, for various reasons. This was apparently the reason why some dorms had one or no people when they were made for doubles.
Stiles was on his way to the principal's office to find out who he would be sharing a room with when he ran into her.
He doesn't know what he gave himself, but there was something about that person in front of him that attracted him in every way. He didn't realize he was staring until he saw you heading towards him, stopping right in front of him. He thought he might faint.
"you can take a photo, beautiful, it will last longer" She said and smiled. The tone wasn't mocking… it was more of an amusing tone, as if it had entertained her. "What is your name?" You speak, and Stiles takes a couple seconds to reason. Damn, after all those years of liking Lydia he really thought he would know how to deal with female gender better.
"Ah, my name is Stiles! It's nice to meet you. You transferred, right?"
You introduce yourself and agree, and then ask him for directions "Can you tell me which is dominion 53? I was placed there"
Stiles didn't know if he would jump up and down with excitement or if he would curl up in a fetal position for the next few minutes.
That was his dorm.
"It's my dorm, actually" He says and scratches the back of his head, his hair was growing there. Maybe it was time to a cut…
"Then show me the way, sir" You say in a slightly excited way, looking at him.
As you walk and talk through the halls on your way to your own dorm, he can't take his eyes off you. His alternative punk style suited his personality. He also noticed that it was very, very easy to talk to you, as if you had known each other for a while.
When they arrive at the dorm, he notices that you are impressed with the place, looking around for a while and then asking what your room would be. The place was made up of a common room, with a TV, sofa and bookshelf with some books with an armchair nearby and a small kitchen with a fridge, stove and some cupboards, with a table that was full of Stiles' papers, who thought the place very comfortable.
After a few weeks you were already used to living together, and you talked every day like old friends. the table that stiles used in the room slowly started to be used by the two of you, who also began to study frequently together, sometimes spending the night studying some old cold and unsolved FBI case.
One of the only times of the day you weren't together was in your own classes and when you both went to sleep.
And as time went by, Stiles started to hate that last part.
Not that he didn't like sleeping, but, you see, it's not easy to sleep with a painful, throbbing erection between your legs, which starts releasing pre-cum whenever Stiles thinks about you in the privacy of his own room. That was the moment when, outside of classes, he had nowhere to divert the thoughts he had about you.
And he remembered well when you started to disturb his nights: it was when he went to gather the clothes to be washed, since it was his week to do this task, and went to his room. he hadn't found anything out of the ordinary, until the moment he picked up something… wet? He lifts it to see what it was and finds his panties all wet with obvious cum, they were almost dripping with something he assumed was his excitement.
until it got worse lmfao
A few nights after that, he found himself lying in his own bed,
with his limbs spread out while one of his arms covered his own eyes. He was ready to give in to taking a cold shower to try to get rid of that erection that wouldn't go away, because he avoided touching himself too much thinking about you (he would definitely remember this at some random moment of the day and would be embarrassed) when he heard a soft moan. He thought it was something in his own mind with tension, so he ignored it… until he heard it again, louder.
The noises became frequent and then the penny dropped: you were making a fuss. And apparently, I was thinking about him too, if the loud moans that said "Stiles~ oh, fuuucckkk" that you let out were anything to go by.
He stopped in his bed, frozen halfway to standing up as he listened to her sounds, which were getting louder and louder, when his hand automatically went to his own erection, squeezing it tightly as he sighed in relief at the light contact. His hand started moving up and down faster and faster, and he could feel his dick throb every time you moaned louder and he could hear it.
How were you? Was she squeezing her breasts, or was her attention focused solely on her pussy? Was she touching her own clitoris while thinking about his tongue there? He didn't know, but just the possibility that his thoughts were, for the first time, real, he felt his hips rise against his own hands as he tightened his grip on his own cock, increasing the pace almost automatically.
This went on for a few moments, but he wouldn't be able to get there, not with you touching yourself so audibly so close to him. Then he got up and left the room. Without thinking too much, so as not to lose his courage, he went to your door and was surprised by the fact that it was ajar, giving him a partial view of you, wrapped in the blankets with one hand between your legs, obviously touching your own pussy. , while gripping the pillow above you.
He sees your absolutely beautiful breasts move with your heavy breathing and, taking advantage of the exact moment when you moan his name in such an obscene and beautiful way, he responds:
"Yes Princess?" as he leans against the frame of his door, smiling as he becomes deeply distracted by the sight before him.
You look at him in shock, your movements stopping as you stare at him, speechless and analyzing the boy in front of you.
It was no secret to you how attractive Stiles was, and you really didn't know how he didn't have anyone to call hers. From the first moment you were enchanted by him, by how naturally funny he is and how he didn't judge you based on your appearance and style; right now he didn't seem to be judging you… he even seemed horny.
Seeing his expression and how he was behaving you relaxed on the bed, your pussy still pulsing as you gave him a drunken smile, saying "hi Stiles, have you been there for a long time darling?"
"I just arrived, but I've been listening for a while, yes. These walls are very thin, you know" He speaks and you pay attention to him. He turns more towards you as the words leave his mouth, him becoming more comfortable, and gives you the view of his cock forming a tent in the pants he probably wears without underwear.
"I know… why don't you come closer and tell me about it, pretty boy?" You talk and smile, patting the bed in an invitation that wasn't meant to talk about the dorm's infrastructure.
"Gorgeous woman speaks, I obey." He responds, heading towards you.
He gets to the foot of the bed and looks at you, saying "Hi" to which you respond by pulling him on top of you while kissing him.
"Do you realize how much I wanted to do that, baby? Kiss you like that?" You say, wrapping your legs around his hips and caressing Stiles' bare arms.
"I haven't wanted you for as long as I have, I guarantee it" He replies, holding your waist and kissing you on your neck, the trail continuing to your breasts as he feels your legs wrapping around him, smiling at the gesture while squeezing your waist.
"Why don't you show me what else you want to do to me, sti?" You speak finally, looking him in the eyes as he looks back at you, kissing your nipples.
"I would love"
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imagineddworld · 2 years
FBI training (Part 2)
Pairing: Stiles Stilinski x Reader
Summary: The reader is the child of the two most skilled FBI agents of the States. At the FBI training she is paired up with a very determent young man who always finds a way to trouble her.
Words: 5K ( 5004)
Author’s note: I’m so sorry with how late this fic got published. But life got in the way. I also got carried away with this, so sorry for the length of it. Hope you enjoy it.
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It was your third day at the FBI Academy. Things weren’t looking any better for you. The other students still didn’t like you. In contrary, most hated you. Jealousy already crept up to them, which was mostly rooted in insecurities. The most common way they outed those insecurities was through mean comments and nasty glares. Another popular way was by pointing out all your imperfections in order to prove that they were better than you. Besides the students that hated you, there were 2 other groups. The ones who didn’t care about the drama, focussing all their attention on the training. And the ones who were too afraid to do anything at all. If they are nice to you, they thought the other students would hate them too. But if they are rude to you, they thought the supervisors would harm them. They were stuck in an internal dilemma, therefore preferring not to acknowledge your existence.
So overall, you haven’t had any luck on making friends. Even small talk was nearly impossible. The most you got out of them was a small nod or a tight-lipped smile. 
Luckily they weren’t too envious yet. There only had been theory lessons about the basics of the FBI life. A few small writing tasks were given due to next week. But those were easily completed if you paid attention to the lectures. Or in your case, easy to complete because your parents had drilled in the same things when you were a small child. You hoped the bigger tasks would be bearable to complete. Otherwise the other students their enviousness would increase, seen that those task would be easy for you due to your previous trainings. It could go two ways. For some reason you choose the hopeful one, but that desirable future went down the drain as the supervisor announced their next statement. 
‘A majority of the tasks will require you to work in duos. To make it easier, we assigned you a partner that will stick with you till the end of the year-’. As soon as those words left his mouth- echoing through the room- all eyes went to you. A lot showed their meanest dead glare, speaking louder than any words could. They rather die than be partnered up with you. Others wore disgusted expressions, imagining how you would steal the show. Which wouldn’t happen, or at least not your intention to do so; but they preferred to believe their assumptions about you. Another part of the students just wanted to see who the unlucky student would be, viewing the whole situation as an entertaining drama show. 
You tried your hardest to focus on the names being called, but your mind was racing. It was overtaken by stress and worry, a million irrational thoughts were crossing your mind. You feared how your future partner would react. They might scream at you, insult you. They could beat you up, which was unlikely but your irrational state kept it as a possibility. They also could ignore you throughout the training, turning the teamwork into a solo job. Whatever their reaction was, you feared the worst. 
With a scared, little heart you awaited the dreadful moment where all hell would break loose. ‘(Y/N)(Y/L/N) and -’, the supervisor spoke with a more lifelike voice than his previous monotone one. There was a small pause afterwards. Most students assuming he added it for dramatic effects, but in reality he had stumbled upon the difficult name again. ‘Mie- Miece-...’, his eyebrows knitted together in confusion, trying his hardest to pronounce the forsaken name. Without giving it much thought, you continued for him. ‘Mieczyslaw Stilinski, sir’, your voice was quiet and timid. But none the less the name was pronounced flawlessly. Said boy’s head spun towards you at a rapid speed. He was flabbergasted that someone pronounced his real name correctly.
You met his intense gaze with a shy smile, all of sudden experiencing difficulty looking into his warm, captivating eyes. During your previous ‘staring battles’ he was the one backing out first, breaking underneath your intimidating stare. You had a specific way of looking at someone, making it feel like you were gazing into their deepest, darkest secrets. You could break through the most closed off people by just a simple glance. But that specific skill suddenly failed you. You no longer could break through your opponent - which hasn’t happened before. Since the moment you first met him until now, you were able to read the boy fairly easily. He had set his mind on display. But at the moment it seemed like he had found a new strength to withstand your power
His eyes were clouded with a mixture of emotions, making it hard to read him. As you tried to sense which emotions he was feeling, you only stumbled upon a vague mess of pure chaos - what probably was a close resemblance of the inside of his mind. You didn’t know which thoughts were rushing through his mind, nor could you predict his next moves. It was strange being locked outside of someones mind. It seemed like he purposely blocked you out, withholding your from diving into his darkest depths. He was challenging your skills - something that intrigued you. 
You eventually turned away from him. The intensity of his gaze made your face heat up, painting the surface an uncomfortable bright red. It felt like he was examining every little detail of you - as if he just discovered your existence. It was as if he suddenly saw you in a new light. Perhaps his bubble of wrong assumptions bursted open, revealing him to a whole world of new truths. Or - the most believable one - he had recognized you from the past. Maybe the vague memory that had been fading in the back of his mind finally filled in the blank spots.
You had met him plenty of years ago. His dad, the sherif of Beacon Hills, was struggling with a hard case. It was something he had never stumbled upon before. He was in dire need of stronger agents who had a wider field of experience. As the news reached your parents, they were eager to help right away. They left as quickly as they could, pulling you along on their trip. Their excuse was ‘you could never have enough experience’.
As soon as you arrived in Beacon Hills, your parents disappeared into a closed off room where the sherif and his team were waiting for them. You were left behind in the middle of the chaotic police station. People were rushing around, looking through files and discussing various things. Most of them paid no mind to you. Fortunately a few polite men did acknowledge your presence, allowing you to help with some light work. 
You held some light conversations with the men, trying to get to know them a little, while they had given you some small tasks. You were allowed to go through some files, sorting and reading them while making notes. Even if it was a small job, it gave you a fulfilling feeling. You felt like you were a part of their team. You were consumed by the task, making you less aware of your surroundings. You hadn’t noticed how quickly the time had passed, nor had you noticed the young boy staring at you. 
‘Mieczyslaw Stilinski’, the grumbling voice of the sherif alerted the whole police station of his arrival. He and your parents had been on a trip through town, trying to collect more evidence for the case. All chatter came to a stop as everyone’s eyes shifted from the door - where the sherif stood - to said boy, including yours. Most people lost interest after a few seconds, already being used to this type of interaction between the two. But you had grown a certain fascination for the raven-haired boy.
He awkwardly stared at his shoes, shifting his weight from one foot to the other while fiddling with his fingers. He was avoiding the sherif’s intense stare, who was walking towards him. Once the sherif stood in front of him, he showed the older man an apologetic smile. He received a disapproving head shake in return. The sherif pulled the boy to the side for a quick chat, trying to avoid any listening ears. But you couldn’t help overhear their conversation. It gave you just enough information to make the mysteriousness around the boy decrease, but at the same time it wasn’t enough to lift it completely. This sparked your curiosity even more. 
‘I told you to go home after school’, the sherif said in a hushed scolding tone that dripped with seriousness. The boy was still looking at the floor, mumbling an incoherent answer. ‘Leave the investigation up to the professionals. Being on those grounds as a non-authorized person is against the rules-.’ The raven-haired boy tried to interrupt the sherif’s speech, but got cut off before any words could leave his mouth. ‘No buts, no arguing. I’m letting you off easy. Don’t push it.’ This made the boy whine, stomping lightly with his foot as he flailed his arms around. ‘Don’t whine. Just go sit on the bench until I’m done for the day.’ The boy held a sad expression on his face, pouting his lip for dramatic effect while showing off his big, puppy eyes. But it only seemed to annoy the sherif further. ‘It’s not going to work on me. Now, sit down.. And I don’t want to hear another word until we’re home.’ Even if the man had kind demeanors, his voice and stare were strangely intimidating. With a low grumble the boy obeyed his orders. 
He sat down with a sour face, fumbling with his hands while bouncing his leg. Being around working people without being able to help clearly made him uncomfortable. He was envious of them. He wanted to solve crimes; go through big files, go on investigations and spend long nights figuring out every little detail. It was thrilling to him. But he wasn’t allowed to do anything of those desired tasks. Therefore it wasn’t too unthinkable that his enviousness got fixated on you. He had never seen you around - a sign of you being new in town - but you immediately had been given tasks. While he had been coming here ever since he could walk and always got send to the bench. Speaking of an unfair treatment. what made you better than him. He didn’t meant to put his emotions on display, but he couldn’t withhold himself from staring at you. Only his gaze was a tad bit too intense, nearly boring holes through your small figure. It as an understandable reaction, but it started to get unbearable.
Once you felt his intense gaze fixate on something else, you carefully glanced at him. You tried to take in every little detail of his features. He had captivated your attention. A strange pull from within tried to tug you closer to him - something that was stronger than your other senses. You had this urge to get to know him, to dig through his darkest depths. You wanted to break through his closed off walls. And seen that the case wasn’t going to be solved overnight, you were going to succeed eventually.
As the day came to an end, most policemen started to head home. You gave the files to one of the polite men, while holding another light conversation as he packed his stuff. He gave you a smaal hug before heading out the door. Eventually they were all gone, leaving you and the boy behind. The sherif, his team and your parents were still in the station, but ‘hiding’ in the closed off room. 
You awkwardly stood next to the desk that you had been working on. You were trying to convince yourself to go up to the boy. It would be weird to continue standing there when you could be civil and sit next to him. 
With each step you took, your anxiety levels increased. They were skyrocketing. Your heart hammered against your ribcage. Your throat started to close up, becoming extremely dry while a huge lump started to form. Your longes had difficulty drawing in air. Your hands and knees started to tremble. But none the less, you continued your way towards him. Even if your body reacted so strongly, your curiosity outweighed all the negative effects and emotions. You were determined to get to know him. 
Unbeknownst to you, the boy’s anxiety had increased as well. He had purposely avoided you, trying to be as far away from you as he could. An odd mixture of emotions had swirled through his veins, immediately overwhelming him He was afraid of how he would react to your proximity. Even if you weren’t aware of the turmoil of thoughts flooding his mind, you noticed other small details. The bouncing of his leg intensified, going more rapidly and seemingly getting more out of control. The fiddling of his fingers and other fidgety movements were more clumsily. A tense energy radiated from him. Both your nervous and tense energies started to dance in the air, filling the room with a crushing weight. 
You sat down near the opposite end of the bench, leaving quite some space between the two of you. His eyes were glued to the ground, but weren’t focusing on anything particular. It seemed like he didn’t want you around, making you question whether you should speak up or not. Your mind was flooding with plenty irrational thoughts; the possibilities of how he could react, reasons as to why he wouldn’t want you around and plenty ‘what if’-questions. As the list of thoughts grew, your ability to speak decreased. A few minutes of silence passed by, making the air seem even more tense. Its weight was crushing you even more. But eventually you were able to strain out a small ‘hi’. He mumbled a quiet ‘hey’ in return. You had hoped that your efforts of greeting him would spark a conversation, but instead you were once again met with the heaviness of silence.  
Your determinateness was strong. Even the warning signs being send off by your brain, didn’t stop you from trying to talk with him. ‘What - what are you-you doing here?’, you stuttered out with much difficulty. ‘Waiting for my dad to be done with work’, he mumbled all his words. It wasn’t really the answer you expected. You hoped that he would tell you more about the reason why he ended up at the station. The boy - who goes by the name Mieczyslaw-  had been dragged in by another cop who had been on patrol. It had sparked your curiosity the most. This adventurous, rebellious side, his huge fascination with his father’s job - those were the things that pulled you to him, the things that made him all that more interesting. But he didn’t seem to spill any of those interests soon. 
You just stared forward, leaning the back of your head against the wall. After some other attempts of good conversation starters, you had given up hope. You weren’t going to get anything interesting out of him. He had been very avoidant. So you had given up for today. You would just wait for your parents in silence. 
‘Are- are you new here?’ The suddenness of hearing his voice shocked you a bit. Your brain took a few extra seconds to process what was going on. ‘Oh, yeah. My parents came to help on the case.’ His big brown eyes shot to your face, staring at you in disbelieve. ‘Really?’, he breathed out. The enthusiasm in his voice was clear as day. He didn’t even give you time to answer as he started to ramble excitedly while flailing his arms around. ‘The top two FBI agents are your parents?!! You are the child of the top two FBI agents?! Woow- I -I can’t believe this. You- you..’ 
‘Mieczyslaw’, you calmly said his name in order to try to break him out of his rambling thoughts. ‘It’s honestly less impressive than you think.’ This only seemed to trigger more thoughts being spewed passed his rambling mouth. ‘Are you kidding me?! You are a (Y/L/N)! That must be-’, he abruptly stopped talking. It seemed like he only now realized you had said his name. ‘Wait- you- You know my name? How do you know the correct pronunciation of my name?!’ He looked you dead in the eyes, waiting for your answer. You shrugged your shoulders, not really knowing an explanation. ‘It’s not that difficult’, it sounded more like a question than a statement. ‘Not that difficult?! No one can pronounce my name. That’s why they call me Stiles all the time.’ You shrugged your shoulders again. ‘You really are a special person’, he said, making you laugh. 
Soon you fell into a comfortable conversation. You were thrilled to hear stories about his life in Beacon Hills and his rebellious adventures, while he was overjoyed to hear about your life. You only stopped talking when your parents came into sight. Your dad ruffled his hand through your hair as a way of greeting you. ‘Hope she hasn’t been too much trouble’, he asked Stiles, making a teasing face towards you. You playfully rolled your eyes at him. Before your playful banter could continue, the sherif entered the room. ‘Let’s go home, shall we?’, he asked with a tired smile on his face. 
In the car your parents explained that you’ll be staying in Beacon Hills for a while. They had made small progress today. They might need a few weeks to solve the case completely. This news wasn’t a surprise to you. What did shock you was when they told you that you would be staying at the sherif’s house. He had offered you his spare room. He didn’t want you to end up in some cheap motel. Besides he enjoys the company. 
As you reached the sherif’s house, Stiles seemed overjoyed by the news. He was going to introduce you to his best friend, Scott McCall as soon as he had the chance to. You were going to go on lots of adventures. He rambled on and on, only to be stopped by a slap on the back of his head by his father. The rest of the evening wasn’t very eventful. You all ate dinner, talked about some lighthearted things and relaxed by watching a movie. 
The next morning was filled with Stiles’ complaints. He had to go to school while you were allowed to join your parents on the investigation. Seen that you were only going to be in Beacon Hills for the period of time it took to solve the case, it would be useless to start at a new school. Once you would have found you place, you would have to leave. So your parents deemed it to be more beneficial for you to help them with the small and lighter parts of the investigation. That way the case would be solved quicker and you would get some extra training experience. 
After a lot of arguing with his father, Stiles finally gave in to going to school. But he made you promise to tell him everything once he set foot into the station. You brushed it off, knowing very well that you weren’t allowed to speak about the case with outsiders unless it is crucial and would benefit the investigation process. But he kept true to his word. As soon as school finished, he raced to the station and barged through the door. Once he saw you, he started his interrogation. ‘Stiles, I’m not allowed to say anything about it’. ‘But-’, he tried to argue, but cut himself off as he saw your serious face. ‘We both know the rules-’. You tried to divert his attention to something else, playing into his overwhelming chaotic mind to keep the ball rolling. You just had to tip him off and he would be talking for hours upon hours about various topics. One of those was Scott. He told you about their adventures, the depth of their friendship and all sort of details. Your conversation kept flowing until your parents took you home. This routine continued till Friday night. Stiles would finally introduce you to his best friend that seemed to be a brother to him. You were thrilled to meet someone so dear to him. 
So the next day, Stiles woke you up at dawn. The sun had just woken up, only showing a few of her sun rays through the trees. Your initial reaction to seeing him in your room was to throw a pillow at him, surely when it was this early. Sure, your parents had done this plenty of times before, but you had expected to sleep in at least a little bit while you were away from home. After some convincing you followed him down the stairs with a sour face and lots of groaning. Not that you had much choice since he was dragging you down by your wrist. ‘Was this necessary? You really had to wake me at dawn?!’, you glared while pulling your wrist out of his grip. He mumbled some apologies, but the other words didn’t get registered in your mind. He spoke in a fast pace, fidgeting wildly during his speech. To his claims, he would have jumped out of his skin from excitement and anticipation if he had to wait any longer to introduce you to his best friend.
While you ate breakfast and made yourself presentable, Stiles nagged your ears off. You were glad to leave the door so his endless complaints stopped. ‘Want to race to his house?’ he asked excitedly. You knitted your eyebrows together at his question. ‘But I don’t know the route to his house.’ ‘Well, you don’t have to since you would be behind me anyway’, he said with a wink. This sentence made you switch your opinion about racing him in the morning. ‘Okay’, you held out your hand to shake on it, ‘first a little starter to the lamppost at the end of the street?’ ‘Deal’. You counted down to three. As soon as you said the last word, you sprinted towards the end of the road. He was a few feet behind you. You leaned against the lamppost, waiting on Stiles. ‘How- how did - did you do - that?’, he said in between breaths. ‘Well, short explanation... my parents have been training me to become a future FBI agent.’ ‘Awesome’, he exclaimed. ‘Nah, not really’.
The rest of the way, you talked about the training, explaining some of the tasks to him. But you didn’t really want to go into depth about it, seen that some parts of the training seemed cruel. But it was a family tradition, so you had no choice but to follow through with the training. 
Once you reached the door to Scott’s house, you felt the nerves bubble in your stomach. But you had no time to calm yourself down. Stiles already had ringed the bell multiple times, announcing his arrival. A lovely looking woman with tired eyes opened the door. ‘Of course it’s you, little trouble maker’, she laughed softly. ‘Come in, I’ll go get him’. She left the door open for the two of you , while she went to inform Scott about your arrival. Stiles easily followed her through the house, whereas you had trouble stepping over the threshold. None the less, you still did it, closing the door behind you. Stiles already sat on the couch, watching some show that was playing on the TV. This was basically a second home to him, so it wasn’t all too odd to act this way. But you were new and had trouble feeling as comfortable as him. You awkwardly stood at the end of the hall, not sure what to do next. ‘You can sit on the couch too if you like’ the kind woman spoke to you as she appeared in your sight. She noticed the hesitation in your face, making a ‘come here’ sign with her arms. This motivated you to follow her towards the couch, sitting gently on the comfortable surface. Her charming energy surprisingly had a calming effect on you. ‘Just wait here till Scott is ready’, she smiled before stepping towards the kitchen, continuing what she had stopped to do in order to open the door. 
After a few minutes a tan skinned, raven-haired boy came down the stairs. Stiles greeted him, while you stayed a few feet behind. ‘Hi there’, Scott waved at you. ‘Hi’, you replied back in a small voice. ‘Stiles has told me plenty about you’, he chuckled lightly, giving off the same charming and calming vibe his mother had. ‘Good things only, I hope’, you teased. ‘Of course’.
You guys talked for a while about all sort of things, mostly just Scott trying to get to know you. Even his mom, Melissa, had joined the conversation for a while before she had to leave for her shift at the hospital. This caused you to quickly fall into a conversation with her about her working field, while the boys starter their own conversation. 
You were fascinated by the medical workers, curious how their day actually went. Your grandma and other family members were medical workers and had told plenty of stories about their work. But you never had actually spend a day with them at work. Hearing that, Melissa offered you to tag along with her at tomorrow’s shift. Which you gladly accepted
The rest of the day was spend talking with Scott and Stiles while exploring the town’s secrets. They promised you to go on adventures every weekend, making your stay in Beacon Hills more enjoyable. True to their words, each weekend that passed by ,was spend exploring town. Beacon Hills had many secrets waiting to be unraveled and you made it your goal to discover as many as possible. 
Sadly enough after a month you had to say goodbye to your new best friends. Your bond with Stiles and Scott had grew quickly over time. But the bond between you and Stiles was stronger, seen that you had spend every evening together talking about endless things. 
The day you had to leave was a chaotic rollercoaster of emotions. You were thrilled that the case was finally solved. The criminals were locked up, awaiting their trails. Your parents and the Sherif would keep in touch if he needed further assistant during the trails. But at the same time you were sad - even heartbroken- to leave Stiles and Scott. You were also sad to go home to your old life again - a life full of endless FBI training. 
Stiles and Scott had took the day off of school to make your last day enjoyable. They wanted you to remember the good parts and adventures. So they took you on your last adventure in Beacon Hills, trying to make it as rememberable as possible - hoping to fill it full with laughter. 
When the day came to an end, you had no other choice but to face the sad part. You first said your goodbye to Scott, who had to go home earlier. ‘I’ll miss you’, you said while hugging him, fighting back the tears. ‘I’ll miss you too’. He squeezed you a little harder before releasing you completely. After that he went home with a heavy heart. Saying goodbye to friends was never fun. Now came your goodbye to Stiles. It was harder than you expected. At first you just stood there awkwardly in the hall while your parents where loading the car. It seemed harder to hide your watering eyes, something he noticed immediately. ‘Oh, come here’, he said while opening his arms. You gladly accepted the embrace, holding onto him a bit longer. He did the same to you, refusing to let go after a few seconds. It lasted about half a minute. You both needed that hug. 
‘(Y/N) (Y/L/N), I’m honored to call you - the child of the top two FBI agents- my best friend’, you rolled your eyes while fondly laughing at his teasing. ‘And I’m honored to call you my best friend too, Mieczyslaw’. He reacted the same way you did. It was part of your playful teasing banter. ‘We’ll keep in touch’. You nodded your head: ‘We will’. You stared into each other eyes, seeing them water even more as the time went by. ‘It’ll be alright’, you said while wiping away a single tear that had escaped his eye. ‘I’ll miss you, that’s all’. You chuckled sadly: ‘I’ll miss you too’. After a few seconds of hesitation, you pulled the green coloured bandana from around your head. ‘Here to remember me’, you held it out to him. He smiled fondly at you. Another few tears escaping his eyes, while you started to let out some too. ‘Thanks’, he said while pulling you into a last hug. This time it lasted even longer than the previous one. It would have lasted longer if your parents hadn’t called for you. 
Later on that evening Stiles had found your note in one of his schoolbooks. You left it there while he was getting ready for your last adventure. ‘I’ll miss you, Mieczyslaw xx - (your phone number)’. He immediately texted you. It became a daily habit, for the first few months at least. But as time went on, your conversations got shorter. There was more time in between responses. The daily texting got reduced to once a week and eventually died out to none at all. 
That was the last encounter you had with Stiles. Even if it was so long ago, the faint memory had stayed in your mind. Every now and then you looked fondly back to it. 
-- To be continued --
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chloe-skywalker · 2 months
Not My Decision - Stiles Stilinski
Stiles x reader sister
Derek x reader-ish
Warnings: none
Word count: 1,085
Requested: TW imagine the reader is Stiles sister and u get into an accident and Derek turns u into a wolf and Stiles goes against ur wishes and u get pissed at him for doing so and Peter actually takes care of u - @cokecola4211
Authors Note: I enjoyed the concept behind this request, it was ajoy to write. Maybe a Part 2?
Teen Wolf Masterlist
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“Help!” Stiles yelled out carrying Y/n into the hospital. She was covered in blood and therefore so was Stiles.
“Stiles what happened?” Melissa asked as she called a team over with a gurney.
“Just please help her.” Stiles pleaded as he placed her on the rolling hospital bed. He had to watch as they rushed into emergency surgery. Scott had come running in after he had parked the Jeep for his friend. They Both sat down in the waiting room. It didn’t take long for the others to hear about what happened and soon pretty much the entire pack were in the waiting room.
Melissa came out a few hours later with a sad expression. “She’s stable for now.”
“For now?” Stiles asked with extremely worried eyes.
“I don’t know how long she’ll stay stable for.” She hated having to tell Stiles that his sister was basically dieing. Two kids she’s known their whole lives and practically considered her own at times.
“Mom?” Scott stood up with eyes that begged his mom to not say what he thought she was going to say.
“Its not looking good, hunny. I’m sorry. We should probably call your dad, Stiles.” Melissa bit her lip in solace that they’d probably all have to say goodbye.
“What if I could help? The bite.” Derek spoke up, he was very close to the female Stilinski. They were really good friends and if he was being honest he had a bit of a crush on her. Maybe he could save her.
“No. That could still kill her.” Scottt shook his head protesting, not liking the idea at all.
Derek shrugged his shoulders, trying not to show how much the possibility of Y/n dying affected him. “I’m just suggesting. It would be better to try then do nothing and lose her anyway.”
“That’s not what she would want.” Scott argued back. Truthfully he didn’t know if Y/n would want it or not but she would make comments about how it'd be hard being one would make life. Wasn’t that enough? “Stiles, you know that.”
“Do it.” Stiles didn’t care at the moment what anyone thought. He just couldn’t lose his sister.
“No Scott.” Stiles turned his head to look at his best friend. Stiles glanced down for a second before he continued. “I know it’s not what she’d want but I don’t have a choice. We don’t have a choice. Plus she trust’s Derek…”
Stiles knew Y/n probably wouldn’t want the bite, not without real thought put into it. But there was more of a chance for her to live. If they don’t do it, she dies. If Derek at least tries she might live.
“We have to try. I can’t lose my sister, Scott.” Stiles pleaded with his eyes.
“If the bite doesn’t take, then we still lose Y/n, Stiles.” Scott tried one last time, but truth be told Scott did think it was worth a shot. Y/n was like a little sister to him, he didn’t want to see her die either.
“At least we tried, because Scott we’re gonna lose her anyway if we don’t.” Stiles stated before turning his attention back to Derek. With a nod he stated. “Do it.”
“Follow me.” Melissa nodded at Derek and he followed her.
It was around 45 minutes before they came back out of the room. This time their faces looked more relieved.
“She's stable and improving.” Melissa smiled, happy to be sharing good news.
“The bite worked?” Lydia questioned the older wolf. Hoping she didn’t have to bury another friend.
Derek nodded with relieved eyes. “It worked. I can sense it. Feel it.”
After all, she was his beta now.
“Good. Good.” Stiles nodded, running his hands through his hair.
“You know she might be pissed.” Lydia looked to Stiles with a knowing look.
“Oh she’s going to be pissed.” Peter stated tauntingly, although he too was glad the girl was going to live. She didn’t treat him like the others.
“Then at least I made the decision that saved her life.” Stiles knew he made the right decision. But he really just hoped she would eventually forgive him.
Eventually everyone went home to get some sleep. Derek stayed and eventually Mr.Stilinski showed up. He showed up just in time when Y/n woke up. He was in there for a while before he asked Derek to come into the room. Which really made Stiles nervous.
Derek left the room not long before their dad did. The two shook hands and Derek left the hospital. Stiles was finally told by his dad that he could go see his sister. For a while the two siblings just sat in silence. Till Y/n spoke up.
“I’m different now. You made that choice for me.” Y/n stated looking down at her hands placed on her lap.
“I didn’t have any other choice.” Stiles stated back. Y/n nodded in understanding and Stiles was grateful that she did. But he still had a bad feeling.
“I need a break Stiles.” Y/n said looking at him with eyes Stiles couldn’t dechirer.
“What do you mean?” Stiles asked, confused, now sitting up in his uncomfortable hospital chair.
“I’m going to stay with Peter and Derek for a while. I already talked to dad about it.” Y/n explained biting her lip. It wasn’t an easy decision for her to have made but she needed space right now, and she needed Derek to help her learn to control her new abilities. Peter too, oddly.
“Y/n-” Stiles tried to interject but Y/n shook her head.
“I need time to adjust Stiles. To get used to my new life, the changes to my body and mind.” Y/n told him hoping he’d get why she was doing this. Why she had to do this. Y/n loved her brother but this? She needed time. “I also need time to understand your choice for my future. To calm down and be able to control myself. I don’t want to get angry at you and hurt you. You're my brother, we’re closer than close Stiles. We alway have been. But right now, I’m afraid I’m gonna hurt you.”
“Ok” Stiles couldn’t say anything else. She was angry at him and was afraid she’d hurt him because of her anger. Anger at him for the choice he made for her. Even though she was pissed, she was still protecting him.
Taglist: @padawancat97
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itsjustrosee · 7 days
Tired Stiles Stilinski x fem!reader
Alright if I'm being so honest I just needed a lil break from all the Maze Runner fanfics and to do a small fic, (a bit of a pallet cleanser for me I guess), with Stiles Stilinski bc I love him
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Context: You and Stiles have an established relationship
Warnings: Nothing, just fluff
Wordcount: 868
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You woke up, groggy and tired in the middle of the night lying on top of your boyfriend's chest. Heat radiated off of him, keeping you warm as cool air blew through the open window beside his bed. His chest slowly moved up and down as he let out soft breaths and the occasional snore. His arm was wrapped around your shoulder, his thumb absentmindedly rubbing softly into your skin. You couldn't help but feel so safe and peaceful as he held onto you, even as he slept, as if you could just slip away at any moment.
But unfortunately, your peaceful sleep was interrupted by the dry scratchy feeling in your throat as you breathed in. You took your cheek off of Stiles's chest and glanced over your shoulder at his nightstand. The glass of water you normally kept there for situations such as the one you found yourself in currently, was empty.
You let out a small frustrated sigh as you buried your head into Stiles's chest. You were already dreading having to get up and go to the bathroom sink because it meant that you had to leave the warmth of Stiles and his bed, and you also ran the risk of waking him up in the process.
Quietly and subtly, you slowly snaked out of Stiles's grip and sat on the edge of the bed but before you could get up and make your way to the bathroom, you heard Stiles mumble.
"(Y/N)?" He asked, his voice soft and husky. You bit back a curse as you turned around to see Stiles's eyes fluttering open, sitting up on the bed with his elbows.
He placed his hand on your forearm, his grip gentle as he spoke again, "Where are you going?"
"Just to get a glass of water," You said, immediate guilt for waking him up settling deep in your stomach. He looked so peaceful while he slept, you hated to have interrupted it. "I'm sorry for wakin' you up, baby," You say softly, leaning in and cupping his cheek with one of your hands, kissing his forehead as you do so.
"It's okay," Stiles replied with a soft smile, as you pulled away, your eyes meeting his for a moment. Even half-asleep, he looked at you as if you had walked right out of his dream, like you were the most beautiful girl he's ever seen. Well to be fair, he looked at you like that and thought of you as that most of the time anyways.
As you got up, you grabbed the cup on his nightstand and brought it to the sink, filling it with water. You brought the cup up to your lips, taking a long sip before finally pulling the cup away, filling it up once more just in case you woke up again.
You walked back to Stiles's room and set the cup down on his nightstand and lied down. This time, Stiles wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you into his chest. You felt his warmth wash over you as he pulled the covers over your shoulders.
You let out a satisfied hum as you wrapped one arm around Stiles's waist, the other resting on his chest as you nuzzled your head into his chest, closing your eyes as you did so.
"No more getting up alright?" Stiles stated almost asleep already, his voice muffled against your hair as he buried his head into the crook of your neck. He inhaled, getting a whiff of your shampoo, a light floral smell that he had grown to adore ever since you both started dating.
"No more getting up, pinky swear," You mumble, slowly drifting off to sleep as well now that you are safely wrapped in Stiles's arms.
"Good," Stiles mumbled, pressing small kisses onto your neck as he stroked your hair.
Right as you were about to fall asleep once more, Stiles whispered, "Is it your turn to cook breakfast tomorrow morning?" He asked quietly.
"Mhm," You replied, not bothering to open your eyes as you replied.
"What are you going to make?" He asked again.
"Um, I'm not sure," You say, slightly more awake this time. "How do pancakes sound?" You ask, lifting your head to meet his eyes.
"Pancakes sound great," He replies, a small goofy grin spreading across his face that you couldn't help but return. You lean in, placing your lips on his in a gentle and passionate kiss.
You pull away and rest your head on his chest once more as he brings you a little closer to him this time. You shut your eyes in an attempt to fall asleep but before you can, Stiles speaks again.
"God- pancakes sound so good right now," He whispers, this time, fully awake.
"Stiles, you'll have pancakes in the morning, it's time for bed now," You say softly, placing your hand on his cheek as you look at him once more.
"Yeah you're right," He says, looking at you and placing a kiss on your forehead as you take your hand away from his face. "Goodnight baby,"
"Goodnight Stiles," You reply, and this time, there are no further interruptions, just blissful sleep.
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Alright guys, sorry if this was a bit bad, I just thought it was cute and I needed something to feed my delusions (I'm sorry 😭)
let me know if yall would wanna see more of this typa stuff
also ima start working on my requests soon I promise
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xo-tins-xo · 4 months
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Stiles x reader
Imagine having a late night walk with stiles
Word count: 416
Imagine having a hard time sleeping after studying for the SATs and deciding to go on a late night stroll. Basking in the moonlight with your arms across your chest while carefully avoiding cracks in the sidewalks because no matter how silly it was, you still believed in superstitions. I mean there's werewolves and banshees for god sake, who's to say that stepping on crack will/or won't break your momma’s back or splitting polls won’t bring you bad luck.
Imagine stiles having the same problem, I mean he definitely wasn’t studying, but he couldn’t sleep either. He sees you walking from his window then sprints downstairs, goes through the front door, and leaps across the street to catch up to you.
Imagine you feel a warm harm on your shoulder turning you around. “What are you doing out here… at night ... .by yourself” he asks “well i could ask you the same thing, but i’m pretty sure we have the same answer” you respond. “Can’t sleep?” “Can’t sleep”
Stiles sees that you're cold and he pats himself thinking that he had on a jacket. Realizing that you’re looking at him funny he says, “If i had a jacket right now i’d give it to you, you know like chivalry.” “woow, thank you for thought stiles” you sarcastically reply while rolling your eyes. “But maybe if we just huddle together we can both keep warm”, you say slightly getting closer to him. Stiles' heart is beating so fast he almost thinks you can hear it.
Imagine stiles getting on to you about it being unsafe for you to be alone this late. “I can’t believe you’d be this reckless, you never know what could be out here nowadays, i mean you see the monster that the pack and i deal with every day and yet-” cutting him off you say “Stiles i’m a big girl i’m pretty sure i can handle myself ok?” You say nudging him with your shoulder “Ok, but next time just call me.”
Imagine that after a couple of laps stiles walk you home. He rubs your hand in between his as he says his goodnights and hesitantly and awkwardly kisses your right cheek.
Imagine trying to convince stiles that he shouldn’t walk home by himself, but he is not going for it.
Imagine stiles not leaving the driveway until he’s sure that you're safe in your house
Imagine finally getting a good night's rest and dreaming about each other
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bunbunbl0gs · 1 year
︶︶ ୨♡୧ ︶︶ ⊹𝒎𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕⊹ ︶︶ ୨♡୧ ︶︶ ✩𝒏𝒉𝒍✩ ✩ 𝒐𝒃𝒙 ✩ ✩𝒈𝒐𝒕 ✩ ✩𝒅𝒐𝒄𝒕𝒐𝒓 𝒘𝒉𝒐 ✩ ✩𝒕𝒔𝒊𝒕𝒑 ✩ ✩𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒓𝒚 𝒑𝒐𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒓 ✩ ✩𝒉𝒐𝒕𝒅 ✩ ✩𝒕𝒘𝒊𝒍𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 ✩ ✩𝒔𝒉𝒂𝒎𝒆𝒍𝒆𝒔𝒔 ✩ ✩𝒑𝒖𝒓𝒑𝒍𝒆 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒔 ✩ ✩𝒂𝒉𝒔 ✩ ✩𝒔𝒄𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒎 ✩ ✩𝒕𝒆𝒆𝒏𝒘𝒐𝒍𝒇 ✩ ✩𝒕𝒎𝒓 ✩ ✩𝒄𝒓𝒊𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒍 𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒅𝒔 ✩ ✩𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓✩
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iamasimperyk · 9 months
I saw ur post about wanting some requests for Dylan O’Brien characters.
I’ve got an idea if ur interested.
The classical one bed trope with reader and Stiles (one or both having a crush on each other/ or having been in a past relationship) and the line: “I miss your arms around me as I sleep, I know it’s embarrassing but u make me feel safe.” And it ends in a fluffy happy ending.
If u don’t wanna write it, that’s totally fine and I hope u have a nice day tho :))
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Safe and Sound
Warnings: fluff, not proofread
Thank you for your request, and I hope you like what I made out of it:)
Of course. It was obvious that the teacher would put you together for this project.
Stiles and you had a short thing for a couple of months until he was too busy with his friends, and you were too busy with school. The two of you broke up on good terms, but after that, you hardly spoke, and every time your friends got together, there was an awkward tension.
It took a lot of courage for you to ask Stiles when and where you would work on your project. "Well, my father works all day, so we can go to my house. Only if you want to, of course." Stiles said as he stumbled over his own words.
And that was the reason why you were sitting on his bed now. Stiles, meanwhile, sat on the floor, his books spread out in front of him. Actually, you were a good team, and your project was almost finished.
"I think that's enough for today, my hand already hurts." You whined and let yourself fall onto the bed.
You heard a little laugh from Stiles, "You know I wrote, and you read."
You were quick to throw a cushion at him, "No one needs to know that," You laughed and got up from the bed,
"I think I should go now." You mumbled before you got up from the bed.
Stiles quickly got up as well and looked out of his window. It was dark outside, "It's 11 p.m., do you really want to walk home?"
"I have no other choice. Somehow, I have to get home." You laughed a little and took your bag.
"I would drive you, but as tired as I am, we would probably have an accident. You could stay here for the night. You can take the bed, and I will sleep on the floor." He suggested.
You didn't expect him to ask you to stay, but honestly, you didn't want to walk home in the dark all by yourself, so you accepted his offer.
"Also, you don't have to sleep on the floor. I don't have a problem with sleeping in the same bed as you." You said quietly, fiddling with your fingers.
You saw him smiling a little before he walked out of his room to get a spare blanket for you.
You two lay next to each other. Stiles turned to the left and you to the right. The two of you didn't say a word, both a little uncomfortable with the situation, but at the same time, it felt like something you used to feel.
When you were about to fall asleep, you heard the sound of thunder. Since you were a child, you were scared of thunder, and Stiles was aware of that.
He was quick to turn to you, "Y/N? Are you okay?"
"Y-yes, of course," You tried to sound brave, but in reality, you were about to cry.
You've always been embarrassed by being afraid of something as normal as thunderstorms. Stiles, however, has always found it cute how anxious you were. He liked the way you snuggled up to him when you heard the sound of thunder.
"You wanna cuddle?" He asked quietly.
All you could do was nodding, and Stiles was quick to wrap his arms around you.
Suddenly, you felt safe again. It was like the thunder just disappeared. Everything just disappeared.
“I missed your arms around me as I sleep. I know it’s embarrassing, but you make me feel safe.” You mumbled without thinking, and before you realised what you had said, you fell asleep.
Stiles, on the other hand, was wide awake now. He missed you all those months, and he couldn't believe, that you lay in his arms right now. Everything was just perfect, and Stiles would make sure that it stayed that way.
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bouncybongfairy · 9 months
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Sleep Away Camp
Stiles Stilinski x Fem Reader
Summary: Beacon Hills High School's annual science camp trip is coming up. Knowing Stiles is going you think this might be a good time to shoot your shot. He ends up saving you from the mimic that followed Scott and Stiles to the camp.
Word Count: 2.5k+
The class dragged on as you watched the clock tick, almost mockingly. It was the day before the science camp trip. The students who chose to go would spend three nights and four days in the California wilderness. Everyone may have been buzzing about the trip for the past couple of weeks, but you were exhilarated. You had taken a day trip with your mom to purchase everything on the suggested list. It was all sitting at home, ready to go in the duffle bag that you had rearranged 3+ times. You were thinking about all possible scenarios of rebellion that were bound to take place. There were rumors about different friend groups planning on sneaking out into the woods and doing god knows what. 
The bell had rung and you were one of the first people to leave the room. You rushed home as fast as you could to get ready before heading back. All the students were supposed to meet in the school parking lot at 4 p.m. to load onto the buses. Your phone was going off like crazy, distracting you from washing your face and fixing your hair. It was peers posting on their stories, all of them were pretty much the same. Girls posting boomerangs of their cute luggage; boys posting stupid, half-serious jokes like: ‘Meet me in my tent for a good time tonight.’ Your face physically cringed when you saw posts like that. Did they think that was going to help them get girls? You noticed that Lyida had texted you, asking if she could give you a ride and if you’d sit on the bus with her. After texting her back agreeing to both you finished up getting ready. Right as you were about to take your stuff downstairs to wait for her, your mom came into your room. 
“Are you ready to go? I can drive you,” she said with her keys in hand. 
“Oh sorry I was about to tell you, Lydia is going to pick me up and drive down there together,” you said, now feeling slightly bad. 
“Are you sure?” she asked. 
“Yeah.. if you want I can text-” you started. 
“No no, it’s okay. I mostly came in here to tell you I love you and to please be safe,” she started, “it had a lot less anxiety the last time I sent you,” she finished, sitting on the bed. 
“How? I’d figure it would be scarier knowing I was younger going to sleep away camp,” you said.
“Well, you were only 11. I knew the teachers would be watching you and you couldn’t keep your eyes open past 11 p.m.,” she laughed before continuing, “I just want to remind you not to do anything you might… regret,” she sighed. 
“Mom, I'm not going to hook up with anyone or do anything stupid. I may be a teenager but I can control myself,” you said. 
She reassured her trust in you before helping you down the stairs with your bags. Lydia had texted you that she was about to be there. After giving your mom a hug and a quick kiss on the cheek, you loaded your things into Lyida’s car. She wasn’t as excited as you were but you could tell she was happy to spend time with Jackson. You, on the other hand, had your eye on Stiles. When you asked Lyida if it was okay if you pursued him, she laughed and was almost insulted that you asked. You liked Stiles ever since 6th grade and figured this weekend would be the best place to make your feelings known. She parked her car and you both walked over to the group of students that were gathered to enter the bus. Stiles and Scott were standing together talking while sharing a bag of chips. Allison and Issiac were standing next to them, She waved when she saw the two of you approach. Lydia and Allison immediately began talking with each other, same with Scott and Issiac. 
“Hey, are you excited for the trip?” he asked, wiping his face with his sleeve. 
“Yeah, I can’t wait to see the stars, it's way easier to see them from the forest,” you said. 
“Oh yeah? I heard we're gonna do a big campfire tonight with smoke and crap,” he said. 
“I’m a little nervous because of all the animal attacks lately. If it's is that bad in the city I'm sure it’s worse in the wilderness,” you said. 
“Oh well yeah, I mean I'm sure it won’t be that dangerous. If it was they probably wouldn’t be taking all of us up there right?” he said laughing awkwardly at the end.
“Yeah that’s true,” you said, realizing that the entire bus had already been loaded while you were talking. 
All the seats were taken, even Lidya was sitting next to Allison. Stiles and you ended up sitting next to each other. At first, you were nervous about sitting next to him for the entire ride. Seemed a little too confrontational, especially considering you were going to try and get with him by the end of the trip. However, as time went on, you realized you guys had a lot in common. You were both into sci fi-movies, you both were in the same computer coding class, and both had a rather impressive collection of legos. It felt like the ride flew by because of how engaged you were to each other. You apologized every time your thigh bumped into his and eventually, he scooted closer so that your outer thighs were pressed together. It was getting close to sunset which was making the clouds and sky look beautiful. You were looking out the window for a while, taking pictures of the view. Once the buses arrived, everyone filed out and waited to be directed to the tents. Lydia was complaining because she thought they were going to be cabins. All the tents were on this wooden platform that was about 4 feet from the ground. The ‘tents’ were a metal A-line structure that had a waterproof cover over it. There were these little cots inside, it was three to a tent. 
“Well isn’t this just great, we were camping in the woods and they gave us a literal fort made of sheets to sleep in,” Lidya said. 
“Come on, it’s not that bad. You could tell when we walked in that it was warmer than outside,” Allison said. 
“I think it’s kinda cozy,” you said which made Allison laugh. 
“Like you and Stiles on the bus?” Lydia asked. 
“Well yeah, you were supposed to sit with me. You could have told me that the line was moving,” you laughed. 
“Oh I know, I was doing both of us a favor. You got the chance to hang out with Stiles and Hopefully, he’ll leave me alone once he falls for you,” she said, shoving her suitcase under her cot. 
“You think he’ll fall for me?” you asked hopefully which caused both girls to laugh at such a stupid question. 
It was nightfall now and everyone was making their way to the campfire. It was huge, easily 7 by 7 feet with logs all around it for students to sit. You saw Scott and Stiles sitting on one of them, holding a place for all three of you. He smiled at you when you saw him which made you blush. The two of you went to grab more stuff for the group. Stiles kept catching his marshmallows on fire, incinerating them. You ended up making him four, he inhaled them as fast as you could make them. Eventually, Allison wandered off with Scott, and the same with Lyida and Jackson. You weren’t allowed to go off into the woods but the two of you didn’t go far. It was hard to talk to each other in a serious way when you could barely hear each other talk. Over the loud crackling of the fire and the sheer amount of students laughing and roughhousing. You were looking up at the stars, amazed that they could be so bright. You were pointing out different constellations and explaining how you learned some of them when you played The Last of Us. When you looked back at him, he was staring at you. 
“What?” you asked. 
“Uh- did you like the game?” he asked. 
“Oh, yeah I never really get emotional for the storylines of games but that one got me. Made me reflect on my character, especially because Ellie had no idea what life was like before the apocalypse. So materialistic, oh my god when I replied to it and saw how Joel and his daughter lived before everything my jaw dropped. It was so weird to see them ‘normal’ again you know?” you finished.
“Yeah I get that feeling of you know, -sigh- not cherishing what you have until it’s gone,” he said. 
“Sorry I didn’t mean-” you started. 
“No, don't even worry about it. I’m glad we could spend time together alone like this. These days I feel like I’m surviving more than living,” he said. 
“Me too,” you said smiling. 
After you both hung out in the woods for a little longer before heading back to camp. You even walked back hand and hand which made your stomach flip. The bonfire had gotten smaller and there were less campers outside then when you left. Allison and Scott were making out against a tree that was a few feet out of sight from chaperones. For dinner, the camp had a BBQ, it was simple; just hamburgers and hotdogs with fruit and a couple random sides. Once you both got your plate you quickly realized all the bugs were making it impossible to eat. When you first suggested that it would be better to eat in your tent, Stiles' face went white and then turned a deep shade of red. Nonetheless he followed to the tent and as predicted Allison and Lyida were nowhere in sight. He started awkwardly complementing the decor out of nervousness which made you laugh. Both of you ate in awkward silence for a couple moments but then started talking about the itinerary the camp had planned. Right as the conversation got more serious, the girl came back to the tent. Stiles ended up leaving and they interrogated you about the nature of what happened when you were alone with him. You told them the truth, it wasn’t anything crazy so they were a little disappointed in you. 
The three of you went down to the showering area which was actually quite nice. You thought it would be similar to a hand built out house or something. You weren’t even expecting hot water so it was a nice surprise. They even had electricity, thank god because you didn’t want to go to sleep with wet hair. By the time you were walking back to the tent it was pretty late. After being in school all day and being socially interactive all day long was making you really tired. It didn’t take you long to fall asleep after you laid down. After you’d been sleeping for a couple hours, you heard a tap on the metal frame of the tent. It scared you at first but then you heard a voice. 
“Y/N?” you immediately recognized it as Stiles. 
“Stiles? What are you doing oh my god you scared the crap out of me!” you whispered. 
“Meet me where we talked in 20 minutes,” he whispered and before you could respond he walked away. 
You were taken back for a second but figured you would go. Maybe he wanted to tell you how he felt. Why else would he come and ask you to talk in the middle of the night? You got up, trying your best not to wake up the other girls while changing. It was freezing, to the point where you couldn’t stop your teeth from chattering. You were really scared as you walked toward the trail that led away from the camp. Before you went to bed the camp was bright and full of energy and now it was dark and deadly quiet. You wrapped your arms around yourself to give you a sense of security. Once the camp was out of sight it was even more dark than before. It took you about 10 or 15 minutes but you were finally where he agreed to meet you. You recognized the nearby long that was almost completely hollow. 
“Stiles?” you asked out loud. 
“Are you there?” you asked again when you heard nothing. You kept hearing sounds of leaves crunching and different animals. 
“Stiles!” you called out a bit louder. 
“I’m here,” he called out. 
You were about to call out one last time when suddenly arms were wrapped around your waist and mouth. You were trying to scream and thrash away, whatever had you lifted you up then tucked you behind a tree. 
“It’s me, chill out it’s Stiles,” he whispered on top of your head. 
“What are you-” you started. 
“That wasn’t me, that thing that said ‘i’m here’ we think it’s a mimic. Just be very quiet for a second,” he said, still covering your mouth with his hands. 
He quickly stopped talking as you both peered over the tree. Your heart was pounding out of your chest as you watched what appeared to be Stiles walking past you guys. Tears were now streaming down your face, Stiles was wiping the ones he could reach with his thumb. When Stiles had picked you up from behind you stayed in that position even when he pulled you both to the ground. He was on his feet, in a catcher position and you were sitting on your bottom with your knees to your chest. He still had his arm wrapped around your waist, you could see his arm rise and fall with how rapid you were breathing. After the mimic was out of sight he started leading you in an unknown direction. 
“I’m kinda freaking out right now,” you said shakily. 
“I'm sorry I know this is a lot. You came to my tent and told me to meet up at the spot. I didn’t realize it was the mimic until it was something weird until I came into the woods wandering around looking for you,” he said. 
“Why are you acting so nonchalant about this, I feel like I’m losing my mind,” you said. 
“I’m sorry I can’t explain everything right now but trust me we need to keep going,” he said, it made you nervous to see how scared he was but you held your ground.
“I’m not going to follow you blindly into the woods. I don’t even know what we're running from, the safest place for us is the camp so-” you started but were interrupted. 
“YOU don’t know what’s at stake here. This thing is dangerous, like crazy strong and fast not only that it changes forms so you never know what it really looks like. I really want a chance to be able to take you to the formal and I won’t be able to if we're dead. So I beg of you, blindly follow me and I promise I’ll show you why you’ll trust me to do it again,” he said quietly into your ear before pulling you by the arm, safe to say you didn’t have much to say after that.
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mummybear · 2 months
My Brother's Best Friend - Chapter 6 - Mystic Wolf
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Words: 3523
Warnings: Swearing, Talk Of Mates And Marking, Dirty Talk, Stiles Loosing Control, Think That's All :)
Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Reader/You/Sadie McCall, Theo Raken, Scott McCall, Allison Argent, Talk Of James (OC), Alan Deaton
A/N: Sorry about the wait guys! I'm still really struggling with writers block and I've been really poorly lately which hasn't helped! Anyway< I really hope you enjoy this one! I'm also half way through writing the next one :)
Chapter 6 - Mystic Wolf
Stiles doesn’t speak another word to you, he doesn’t need to though, you can feel his anger pulsing through your bond. He quickly pulls you behind a tree and positions himself in front of you. It's strange, it's almost like the feelings you shared before have been amplified. You take a single step closer to him and wrap a hand around his wrist, trying to pull him back with you. You’re pretty sure you know that voice too and nothing good can come from an amped up werewolf Stiles going face to face with him again, not after the last time.
Stiles lets out a deep growl, one you can feel beneath your feet. Just as Theo steps out from the tree line and into view.
Theo whistles with a stupid grin on his face, “I heard that you’d had an upgrade Stilinski, but shit, even I didn’t see this coming.”
“What do you want, dipshit?” Stiles grits out from between his teeth. You move your hand so you can grab his wrist and intertwine your fingers, before plastering yourself to his back, hoping to stop him from doing anything stupid. Your heartbeat is rapid and nervous, you’re so worried about what might happen right now, and there isn’t a thing you can do to stop it.
“I was looking for Scott. I understand he had a run in with my Beta.”
You’re very confused by this version of Theo, what the hell was he trying to pull. He was like a completely different person. Calm and in control, but you’re certain the monster is lying just beneath the surface.
“Your Beta? What the hell are you talking about?” Stiles asks, irritation and impatience rolling from every word. You can feel his body shaking with tension against your own. 
Theo smirks and steps closer, “you’ve both met him. James? I understand that Sadie knows him very well.”
You can’t help your reaction, it's instantaneous, your breath catches in your throat and you tense, gripping Stiles tighter. Stiles gently squeezes your hand back trying to comfort you, but you feel his rage spike.
“Yeah, somehow that doesn’t surprise me. Keep your bitch in line and the fuck away from my mate. You two belong together. Whoever the hell trusted you to be Alpha needs their head testing. But that’s your problem to deal with, so if you and your godforsaken pack can get the hell out of Beacon hills that would be great.” Stiles’ voice is dripping with sarcasm coupled with annoyance. Even though you’re worried about your situation and how Stiles or Theo might react you can’t help but giggle a little, you’d missed Stiles’ sarcasm.  
“I made myself Alpha. Not that I expect a little runt like you to understand what real power is. We don’t plan on going anywhere. Now, if you’ll excuse me I need to speak to your Alpha.” Theo announces and as he turns to leave, Stiles lets out a warning growl, and you can’t help but whimper in response to it. To your surprise Theo turns around too, his eyebrows raised in surprise.
With a sigh he looks Stiles dead in the eyes, “yes?” 
“One more thing. Keep James the fuck away from Sadie. She’s off limits. Not only is she my mate, but she isn’t interested in his caveman act, or his shit attitude and bad breath. He doesn’t listen and I will stop him, that’s a promise.” Stiles tells him with such steadfast confidence, that you can’t help but blush. You know it shouldn’t excite you this way, but your base instincts seem to take over at your mate defending you, and a noise you didn’t know you could make comes from your mouth. You’re on your tiptoes before you can stop yourself, trying to nuzzle his neck. 
Stiles tries not to react but you feel him relax against you, and without even trying you’ve split his attention. Theo laughs, “Sure, I’ll tell him. But he won’t listen. He will come for her, so make sure you are ready to stop him. I’d say good luck, but I don’t care either way.”
Neither of you have a chance to reply, the second Theo starts to walk away Stiles snaps and picks you up and pins you against the closest tree.
“Such a little troublemaker, Minx. You already know that nobody else is allowed to hear those pretty little noises you make.” Stiles purrs, taking both of your wrists in one of his hands and pins it to the tree above you as he nuzzles your neck. 
You let out a cry of pleasure when his teeth scrape against your skin, you grip him tighter with your legs and roll your hips against him. Feeling his cock straining against his jeans, “you know what I want, Stiles,” you pant breathlessly.
“I’ve already told you, if I start, I won’t stop. As soon as I’m deep inside you, feeling your pussy dripping wet all around me, I won’t be able to stop myself from sinking my teeth into your neck and claiming you.” Even the spoken words seem to have an effect on both of you, your grip tightens on you as you shiver against him. 
He lets out a shaky sigh as he presses his lips to yours softly before pulling away, “this pull between us is getting harder to resist and I’m hanging on by a thread,” he whispers the last part dropping his head onto your chest, carefully releasing your arms. Your hands drop to his head and you softly run your fingers through his hair. He lifts his head and meets your eyes. 
“I swear, I really am doing this for you, I know that’s probably hard for you to believe, or even understand but…” you stop him pressing a finger to his lips.
“I know you are. I can see how hard this all is on you,” you can’t help but giggle at that statement hoping to lighten the mood, and luckily Stiles is unable to hold back his own smile as a blush stains his cheeks.
“Yeah, no kidding,” he laughs with a roll of his eyes.
“You’ve been so incredible, Stiles. I have no idea how you haven’t snapped yet. Frankly, I’d never blame you for that, I couldn’t. Even if I couldn’t feel it through our bond, I know all you want is what is best for me, to protect me.”
“Always,” Stiles smiles and lets out a breath. You unwrap your legs from his waist and he carefully helps you onto your feet.
“I shouldn’t have let that prick get away though, I need to text Scott.” 
“Tell him we’re going to see Deaton now if he needs us.” 
Stiles quickly does as you say, though it’s obvious he’s reluctant to even let go of you for a minute. 
“Are you sure you’re ready?” he asks, as worry pulses through the bond.
“I promise, Stiles. Nothing that he tells me will change my mind. I’ve wanted to be with you for as long as I can remember. A few obstacles or difficulties won’t change my mind, I’d have been there for you even if it was just as your friend. This just makes me more invested to make sure that you turning into a wolf hasn’t harmed you in any way.” 
“That means more than you know, especially given all this fucked up shit going on. Just don’t speak too soon, please. I can’t get my hopes up yet, it will kill me if you decide against us.” He sighs as his phone pings before you can reply, and he looks to find Scott has messaged back.
“Scott says they’re with Deaton at the clinic already. Are you ready for this?” he asks, holding out his hand for you, which you eagerly take hold of.
The entire walk to the clinic is quiet between the two of you, but it’s nice, oddly comforting. Not that you have any idea what the two of you might face, but this time together with no pressure at all makes a change. It feels like it’s been non stop pressure since Stiles first burst back into your life. You can’t quite work out how it’s been such a short time since then, less than a week ago you had been planning to move on from him for good because you couldn’t wait for him forever. Now here you both are, walking down the street hand in hand, wondering what on earth the next few hours will hold for you both. Whatever it does hold, you just hope that Stiles will be okay, because you would never tell him, but you terrified whatever type of werewolf he is might be dangerous for him. Though you’re not worried he’d ever hurt you.
Stiles gently squeezes your hand, pulling you from your thoughts.
“Hey minx, I can feel you thinking… literally. Talk to me,”
You huff out a laugh. “Sorry, I’m okay. I guess I’m just wondering what Deaton will say about us, about all of this. I’d just like to have a year where something massive and life changing doesn’t happen, I dunno. Ignore me,” you sigh, a slightly self-deprecating laugh leaving your mouth.
“Don’t do that, don’t downplay this shit. I get it. Everything with Scotty has taken years to settle down. Last year you lost your best friend in some shitty accident, then all of this with me. You have every right to feel the things you’re feeling. Just promise me, you won’t shut me out. I want to be there for you, like I said even if you decide against us going forward with our bond. I would never hold that against you, I’ll never stop being there for you. You’ll always be a part of me.” Every word he speaks settles around you like a comforting blanket, and you can’t stop the grin from breaking out on your face.
“Thank you,” you whisper, emotion clogging your throat as you blink away your tears. “I can’t believe you said all of that without any sarcasm attached. And to think I was considering moving on from my obsession with you a week before you came back.” You can’t help but laugh when he tugs you to a stop and steps in front of you with his hand over his chest.
“I should be offended by that,” he smirks, stepping closer and pulling you into his arms. “Guess I’ll just have to count myself lucky I came back in time to stop that momentary insanity huh?” 
You wrap your arms around his neck, his eyes glow purple as you lean in and softly press your lips to his. His hands settle on your hips when you pull back, “this bond packs a damn punch,” Stiles chuckles with a slight wince while resting his forehead against yours. It’s only then that you realise you’ve stopped outside the clinic. 
You swallow thickly feeling the way your body reaches for him, almost like your soul is reaching for his own. It’s actually painful when you both pull away from each other, so Stiles takes your hand once again. You walk backwards slowly in front of him, with a grin.
“You sure you don’t want to just go back home. We can finish this right now Stiles.” 
“Fire. Minx, you’re playing with fire,” he rasps, as a blush creeps up his neck and he adjusts himself in his pants and rubs at the back of his neck.
You both walk through the door and come face to face with your brother, who quickly pulls you into a big hug, you melt against him as you wrap your arms around him.
“I’m so glad you’re okay, Sadie.” He lets go of you and gives Stiles a quick hug too.
“Did you guys have any trouble on your way over here?” 
You look at Stiles who lets out a huff, “yes. We should talk after… well this.” 
Before Scott can reply, Deaton walks into the room.
“Ahh, Stiles, Sadie. Good to see you both. As we discussed Scott, I think it’s best if this conversation is between the three of us. We’ll call the rest of you back soon.”
With a nod of his head Scott and the rest of the pack leave the clinic. You, Deaton and Stiles gather around the examination table. Stiles reaches out and wraps his fingers around your own, and you let out a shaky breath, “It’s okay, me too,” Stiles assures you, a barely there smile on his lips.
“Are you both sure you want to talk about this now?” Deaton asks thoughtfully, looking between you both, you’re certain your nerves are written on both of your faces.
“Kind of need to, Doc. We’ve agreed, the sooner we know what we’re up against the better,” Stiles tells him for both of you, unconsciously edging closer to you. 
“I would have to agree. Have you both been doing okay? Adjusting? I realise it’s only been two days but you seem relatively calm, all things considered.”
It feels as though your skin is itchy and you know the only thing that will stop the itch, so you do what your body wants and tuck yourself under Stiles’ arm. Blushing when both men stop to look at you, “sorry,” you whisper a little embarrassed.
“No need to apologise, it’s perfectly normal. I’m honestly surprised you lasted that long, I have to confess I’m also impressed that we’re even still able to have this conversation before you’ve fully mated with one another.”
Stiles clears his throat, “so… where should we start, Doc?”
“Well, from the little we know about the wolf you seem to have, it is a very rare kind. It’s also not known why and how people gain this particular type of wolf. However, there are a few things I can tell you. One of the main things is that we have no idea how the Mystic Werewolf occurs, only that as I say it’s extremely rare. It’s also been told that the Mystic is one of the only wolves able to resist the true Alpha’s influence, and in fact your power could rival that of Scott’s power. We also know that Wolfsbane doesn’t have an effect on you, at least, not to the extent it does on every other wolf. Once the two of you are mated, if that's the path you choose, then you’ll be able to mind link with each other, but only with each other. There is also the distinct possibility that Sadie might gain some of your powers, once mated. Although, if you choose to become a wolf, Sadie, there is a high possibility that you’ll also become a Mystic wolf. No matter who is the Alpha of your pack, your mate will consider you her Alpha, Stiles.” Deaton pauses, watching you both carefully as you both try to digest everything you’ve heard.
Stiles swallows hard and you’re sure you heard it, “okay. My first question is… is Sadie safe with me? Am I dangerous? To her, to anyone else?” 
Deaton frowns a little in confusion, “Stiles, I can see what this means to you. But I assure you, you’re only as dangerous as any other werewolf. As much as Scott is to Allison, though from the amount of restraint you’ve shown I know that your bond to one another is incredibly strong. There are some whispers that the Mystic wolf can shift into a full wolf and control the transition so they don’t lose themselves to the animal. However, that was one rumour that I couldn't confirm. But if you want my opinion, Sadie is safest when she’s with you.” 
You feel Stiles sag with relief as you press close to him, almost like his scent is stronger now you’re inside again. The rumble that leaves his chest makes you whimper and his fingers grip you tighter, pulling you closer. 
“If I make her mine, mate her, will she turn or is that a separate thing?” Stiles asks, his voice almost a growl now, you can see his wolf in his purple eyes, feel him clawing to take you.
Deaton swallows looking between you both, clearly the tension in the room has gone up quite a lot in the past ten minutes, and Deaton can sense that Stiles is barely holding it together.
“No, it’s completely separate. Marking is something that must be done while you’re mating. Changing someone is completely separate.”
“Alpha, please,” you whimper, feeling the cramps in your stomach again, but these are so much worse than anything you’ve ever felt before. 
Stiles growls and pushes you up against the closest wall. You whine a little at the pain but that’s soon forgotten when you feel him press against you. His breath is hot and fast against your mouth. His hands are fists beside your head pressed into the wall. You arch towards him and lick your lips desperate to feel his skin against yours.
“Doc? Does mountain ash work on me?” Stiles snarls, as his fists slam through the wall by your head.
“As far as I know.” Deaton responds calmly. 
“Do it, please. Stop me. I can’t do this here. We’ve waited too long, I won’t take her here, not like this.” Stiles whispers, eyes never leaving yours even when Deaton leaves the room.
You keep your eyes locked on Stiles as you begin to tug at your coat. Feeling the sweat rolling down your neck, you're unbearably hot. Stiles licks his lips as his eyes fall to your breasts, still covered by your t-shirt.
“Fuck. You want it, don’t you, my little Minx.” 
You lean in close, your breathing ragged and push up on your tiptoes and press your lips to his ear. “Told you I’d still want you. My big bad Alpha,” you purr, wishing he’d move to grab you but he keeps his hands buried in the wall.
“Stop it, Sadie. I’ll hurt you right now and I don’t want that.” 
You hum out a pleased noise as you look up at him, “Make it hurt then, baby. I wanna know, when you take me and make me beg for it, where are you gonna put your mark?” Stiles only growls low and deep in response. You tip your head to the side and bite your lip as your fingers skim the side of your neck, “here?” you ask breathy and desperate, “or here?” you whisper once more, brushing your fingers over the top of your breasts. Tipping your head back you expose your throat to him, desperation clawing at you painfully. 
Stiles finally snaps and leans forward and you feel his entire body shudder as he licks up your throat and nips at your chin. He rips one of his hands from the wall and his hand gently smoothes over your breasts with a gentle squeeze, he uses a little more pressure his hand pushes over your collar bone and comes to settle around your throat. He buries his nose in the side of your neck and inhales deeply.
“All fucking mine, taste so fucking good.” Stiles groans deeply, you squeeze your eyes shut as you feel the last of his control snap. 
However, before he can make contact a cloud of dust envelopes the pair of you and Stiles is ripped away from you. You hear a massive commotion but you can’t react. All you can do is sink to the floor, unable to hold yourself up anymore on your weak legs. You are vaguely aware of the snarls and growls just across the room, but all you can do is whimper as you collapse to the floor. The world around you goes dark as you slip into unconsciousness.
Stiles POV
I stop fighting Scott to get back to his sister the second that I hear that whimper and I watch, helpless and terrified as my mate collapses to the floor. I whimper helplessly pushing at Scott much less aggressively, desperate need and terror clawing at me. I’m unable to take my eyes from Sadies still body as Allison drops down beside her to take her pulse. I can hear her heartbeat but I allow it, what the fuck have I done. I drop to my knees as I look at her laying there in a heap, helpless and all I can think is that this is all my fault. 
Scott gets down beside me as he rests a hand on my shoulder, he meets my eyes. 
“Don’t go there, Stiles. Not your fault. You’ve both waited way longer to mate than is usually even possible. I know why you did and I’m glad you got all of the information before doing anything, we’ll all get you both back home. You both need food and rest, then go from there.” 
I give him a stiff nod as I slowly make my way towards her and carefully pull her into my arms, holding her close to my chest. I will make this all right, I’ll make everything perfect for her.
Tags: @julzdec @lettersofwrittencollective @mogaruke @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone @lilulo-12 @charmed-asylum @defenderrosetyler @emilyshurley @foxyjwls007 @mylovelydame21 @akshi8278 @peaches007 @stylesismyhubs @peachyyybabyy @fantasy-myth1 @death-unbecomes-you @coffeebooksandfandom @magssteenkamp @screamxqueenx94 @brien-odylan @riseandshinelittleblossom @ceceliaking-18 @mrs-mitch-rapp93 @missindecision @deans-number-one-fan @onethirstyunicorn @flintthegoodboyo @ilovewriting06 @sexualtensiongrowing
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Prompt//Get locked in somewhere together.
Liam Dunbar X OFC Lahey
TW: None?
Word count: 1469
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Clara and Liam never got along. Since the first time that they met at school, they have despised each other. Clara thought Liam to be arrogant and hot headed while Liam thought Clara to be stuck up and a know-it-all.
They have been arguing back and forth for the past ten minutes and the rest of the pack is sick of it. Liam just brought Theo back insisting that he can help with The Wild Hunt, while Clara thinks that they should send him back to the Skin Walkers. While some of the pack agree with Clara, she is being harsher than needed.
“Are you really that dumb?! I mean, is there honestly nothing in that head of yours!?” Clara shouts while waving her hands around.
Liam's face is getting redder by the second. Everyone knows he wouldn't hurt her… again… But they can tell he's getting angrier and angrier by the second. “Well tell me what your great idea is, huh?” He steps closer to her “Just stand around while people get taken?!”
Clara doesn't back down and gets in his face “Of course not! But we should at least try and come up with something better. I mean, how could you be such a dumbass Dunbar?!”
Liam opens his mouth to respond but before he is able to get anything out Scotts steps in between them. “Okay. Okay. You guys are done.” Scott looks to Clara and points upstairs “You, go sit in my room. Take a minute to calm down.”
Clara sends one last glare at the werewolf and stomps up the stairs and slams the door. Taking a minute to cool off as her heart hammers in her chest, she decides to head to Scott's bathroom and splash some water on her face. Letting the cool water calm her down, her breathing and her heartbeat slows.
The door opens and Liam is pushed through, while the door slams shut behind him. He immediately turns around and starts shaking the door knob.
“This isn't funny Scott! Let me out!” he yells banging on the door. Clara leans against the bathroom counter and crosses her arms over her chest.
Scotts voice is muffled through the door “No. You two need to figure out how to get along. Me and the rest of the pack are sick of listening to you two bitch at each other all the time. Figure it out.” With that, Liam heard Scotts footsteps growing quieter and there was no longer a heartbeat to be heard.
Silence overtakes the room. The only noise to be heard is the sound of the bathroom fan that seems to be broken. After ten minutes Liam stops banging on the door and sits on the ground with his back leaning against the bathtub.
“This is all your fault, you know.” Clara states but doesn't look at the young werewolf in front of her.
Liam scoffed while picking at the lint off of his leans. “You're the one being a bitch. I don't even know why you're part of the pack.”
Claras nostrils flare. She was part of the pack because of her brother Isaac. When he was bit, he begged Derek to take his sister with them. She didn't want the bite, but Isaac couldn't leave her alone. They only had each other, so from then on she has been part of the pack. Helping in any way a human could.
It was Clara's turn to scoff. “You're right. I'm just a human, but how many times has this human saved your ass? Too many to count.” Liam rolls his eyes but doesn't say anything. It's true. Clara has saved him on multiple occasions. Clara was just a human, but her fighting skills amaze him. She can definitely hold her own during a fight. He just can't stand how she constantly has to be better than him, and how low she clearly thinks of him.
They have been sitting on the bathroom floor for an hour without speaking a word. Clara starts thinking about how when Liam is quiet he is actually pretty cute. She has always noticed how attractive he was. He is amazing at lacrosse. Watching him play is truly entertaining. They have gym together and sometimes he will do that thing where guys lift their shirt up to wipe the sweat off of their face, exposing their stomach. She cant lie and say she has caught herself staring a time or two, but then he opens his mouth and ruins it. He always has to be so cocky.
Liam knows that she is looking at him. He can always feel when her eyes are on him. She tries to hide it, but with being a werewolf he can sense it. Claras looks always make him nervous, though he will never admit it. She is beautiful and smart as hell. How could anyone not be nervous around her? When they were first introduced by their friend Mason, Liam couldn't stop staring. He was mesmerized. All he wanted to do was talk to her, but she didn't seem interested so instead he did what he always does. Act cocky. Needless to say, she wasn't a fan. From then on the two couldn't stand each other.
His butt getting sore from the hard ground, Liam stands up to stretch. His shirt rose some in the process.
Catching Clara's eyes he smirks. “Like what you see Lahey?” She presses her lips into a thin line. “Until you opened your mouth.” She spits and stands up while glaring at him. She wouldn't admit it, but sitting on the ground while he was standing above her was a little intimidating.
“You know what your problem is? You think you’re so much better than everyone.” Claras mouth gapes open. “I do not.” She whines while crossing her arms across her chest. This causes her breasts to press together and Liam struggles not to let his eyes wander, as she will definitely notice.
“You do. You always have to know everything and you're always correcting people.” He's towering over her now and she's backed up against the counter again. “Did it ever occur to you that I try so hard to know everything because I'm not supernatural like the rest of you and want to help!?” She exclaims, face hard as he takes in her words. No.. That never occurred to him before. He just thought she wanted to be smarter than everyone else.
As if calculating her words his head tips side to side slightly. Then a thought pops into his head. “Well, how come you hate me then? Since we met you decide you hate me.“ Deciding to tell the truth she looks up at him “Because. I hate cocky assholes. And you Liam are a cocky asshole. ” She yells at him, throwing her hands in the air.
“So you hate me?” He asks with the slightest hint of sadness, lacing his cocky tone. “Yes.” Her heart rate picked up and he heard it.
“You're lying, Lahey.” Liam responds with a smirk. The same smirk that she hates that she loves. “In fact, I think that you like me.” He presses closer to her, his nose centimeters from hers.
“I do not.” Clara breaths out.
“You're forgetting one little detail. I can tell when you're lying.” He looks from her eyes to her mouth and back.
Lips barely touching hers he hesitates for a moment. Giving her the choice to push him away. But she doesn't. Instead she throws her arms around his neck and pulls him as close as he can be, crashes her lips to his. He's quick to drop his hands around the back of her thighs and lift her up on the counter stepping in between her legs. She lets a squeal of surprise out when she's lifted.
Their kiss is heated. Hungry. Her fingers scrape his scalp pulling on the longer hairs on the back of his neck, as his hand wanders along her thighs and back up to her waist. Every inch of them is connected.
As soon as his hips come into contact with hers she lets out a little moan. But before they can go any further the bathroom door swings open. They pull away in surprise to see Scott standing at the door with a cocky smirk.
Clara is straightening her shirt and patting down her hair and Liam combs through his. Both of them flush from the heat of their activities.
“You two figure out your differences?” Scott asks with a knowing smirk playing on his lips. Both teens nod their heads. Too embarrassed to speak.
“Good.” Scott nods his head and walks away from the door frame. “Malia! You owe me $30!” He shouts leaving the two stunned teenagers behind.
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*If you’re interested in being on my taglist, please let me know!*
My asks are open for requests!
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barbswo · 2 months
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“My heart is missing,” Theo tilted his head, closing the book in his hands and putting it down on the desk. Liam blinked. Theo’s way of saying ‘hello’ was less than encouraging.
For a second he battled the urge to yelp “Where have you been?!” in a voice that would remind most people of Molly Weasley, but settled for a less emotional option.
“Are we talking metaphorically or?..” Liam turned on the lamp by his bed (he never really liked the over-head light, and his wolf seemed to agree), sat down and wondered whether his life had become a tad too weird if a sentence “my heart is missing” didn’t freak him out.
“Liam, of course my literal heart is gone from my chest, and yet I sit here and read your stuff,” Theo rolled his eyes, “it’s an old hobby of mine.”
Liam threw a lacrosse ball at his head, too overwhelmed to do anything else, but Theo caught it by his ear and flashed Liam a toothy smile. “Troubles aiming, captain?”
“Hoped it would break your nose,” muttered Liam, “and please take your feet off my desk, you are not in a musical.”
Excerpt from 🍏“Hunting Hearts”🍏 — out NOW on ao3!
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arosesstorm · 1 year
teen wolf characters as wolves ⋆♡⸝⸝💌⊹
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stiles stilinski - eastern wolf
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scott mccall - eurasian wolf
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allison argent - arctic wolf
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lydia martin - red wolf
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derek hale - black wolf
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malia hale - Ethiopian wolf
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isaac lahey - himalayan wolf
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liam dunbar - gray wolf
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© 2023 of Mia (arosesstorm). All Rights Reserved.
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Request: @inlovewithafairytale " Some fluff, that reader has her period and he is there... i have my period right now and honestly need some comfort😂😭"
I got you gurl bc same and writing this caused my to focus to shift away from my freaking cramps 😂 To start off with there's a bit of a back story, but bear with me on this
Here you go!!!
You were unique, like most supernatural creatures. But you were even more special than most, all because of Deucalion. You had been in his Pack when you were younger and he killed your parents, and he couldn't bring himself to harm a child. So he took you in under his wing, caring for you as his own and even giving you the bite when you turned seven after you had a close call with an Omega because you couldn't defend yourself. But after the bite, things changed.
You started manifesting abilities unlike anything Deucalion had ever seen, and it scared you how he began treating you as more of a weapon than a human being. So you ran away. You ran as fast as your little legs could carry you to a truck stop, where you spent the night in the back of a truck, not realizing the driver left halfway through the night with you in the back. So when you woke up with three people hovering over you, it sent your mind into high alert, shooting up from your sleeping position and backing away from the strangers. A man with a badge on his shirt held his hands up, saying you were safe and that he wouldn't hurt you.
You eventually warmed up to the the man, letting him carry you out of the back of the truck and to an ambulance, which the other two people were now waiting by. He rode with you to the hospital, telling you stories to keep your mind off it, holding your hand as the two people wheeled you into the large building. They wheeled you into a room as the man continued talking to you, until he was interrupted by a woman with brown hair entering the room.
" I heard Travis Richards found a stow away in the back of his truck."
" In deed he did."
" Is this her?"
The man nodded, stepping back from the bed a bit as the woman pulled on a pair of blue gloves, replacing the man and smiling, putting her hands on her knees and bending over a bit.
" Hi there sweetheart, my name's Melissa, I'm going to be helping Sheriff Stilinski out with you to make sure you're not sick, is that alright with you?"
You nodded as she smiled brighter.
" Good, can I see your arm?"
You nodded again, holding out your arm as she wrapped something around it, squeezing what looked like a ball and watching where the little needle went.
" Ok, blood pressure seems good, can I have a little listen to your heart?"
You nodded as she putting the thing around her neck into her ears, the end she held going to your chest.
" Ok sweetheart, just take three deep breaths in and let them out slowly."
You did as she said, taking the breaths and letting them out slowly as she set the thing back around her neck, turning to the man.
" There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with her, her blood pressure looks normal and I didn't hear anything wrong with her breathing or heart, but we should probably keep her overnight just to make sure."
" Are you sure?"
" Yes, it's best in situations like this to see if any behavior changes happen after a-"
" Pst!"
The two adults looked at each other before looking at the door, seeing two little boys peeking into the room from the hallway. The woman, Melissa sighed.
" Boys, I asked you to stay in the staff room-"
" What are they doing here?"
" Sitter had an emergency and had to drive home to Washington, they've been here the last two hours."
" Mom? Who is she?"
Melissa smiled at the little boy, grabbing his hand and leading him into the room and towards the bed.
" This is Y/n, Scott, can you say hi to her?"
" Hi."
" Mr Travis found her and called the hospital for her."
" Why? Is she sick?"
" No, she's not sick sweetheart, he just wanted to make sure if she was sick or hurt that she got taken care of."
" Oh... Well is she better?"
She chuckled softly, standing up and looking down at her son.
" Well how about this, I still have an hour until my shift is done, so how about you and Stiles keep her company and ask her things. Do you want to do that?"
He thought a moment before nodding up at his mom, seeing her smile.
" Ok, just stay in here and I'll come grab you when it's time to go home."
" Ok."
Melissa and the Sheriff left the room, leaving you to stare at the two little boys. They both hopped up on the foot of your bed, holding out their hands.
" Hi Y/n, I'm Scott."
" Hi..."
You shook his hand, look at the other boy, who was smiling cheekily.
" I'm Stiles!"
" Hi..."
" Is it true you slept in Mr Travis' truck?"
You nodded hesitantly, the boys eye lighting up.
" Woah... That's so cool! What was it like?"
You eventually began talking more with the two little boys, talking yourselves into a nap, snoring away when Melissa and the Sheriff came in to retrieve their children, deciding against it when they saw to two boys sleeping by your sides. After that and after you told the Sheriff about how you ended up in the back of the truck, he and Melissa decided to care for you since you had said you had no family. They fed you and gave you clothes, they enrolled you in school, and gave you all the love you had been missing the past few years of your life. They eventually took it a step further by essentially adopting you, sharing custody of you as they both grew to love you like their own daughter. As for Scott and Stiles, they became your best friends and adopted the roles of your self appointed big brothers, even though they were only a few months older than you.
But nonetheless, you three did everything together, from homework to classes to sports, you were almost never seen without them. And then Scott got bitten, and it changed everything. You had been supressing your abilities for years and a few weeks after Scott told you and Stiles, you came forward to them about your abilities. Stiles immediately began researching your abilities to try and help you figure out what you were, obviously, and you got along with them even better than before, you even hit it off pretty well with Scott's girlfriend Allison. But you guys went through a lot in the years after, from one of your classmates turning into a lizard to Scott rising to full status as a True Alpha when he bit some kid.
It was after that someone you didn't expect to see ever again returned, your second and third grade crush Theodore Raeken. He had always been really nice to you, so it didn't really surprise you when he continued to after you got reacquainted. You hung out for hours sometimes after you were done with practice and got lost on time when you were with him. So when he asked you out, you had to stop yourself from screaming to keep from looking crazy. And it was the best thing ever, finally being with someone who loved you as much as you loved him.
But like all couples, there were days when one of you was having a tough time and let it out on the other. You guys had had a little fight after Theo saw a guy flirting with you at a party and he had stormed off. He had been ignoring your calls and texts for almost a week and it pained you, especially on this week. You had been feeling like crap since yesterday, especially since you didn't have Theo. Your period had started and you were left with the worst cramps, and you had nobody to talk to since Scott was with Stiles and your mom was at work.
So you ended up going into the bathroom and looking at yourself in the mirror for a few minutes before you started just bawling, sliding to the ground and curling into a ball. A few minutes into your crying you heard the door close and a voice call out your name.
" Y/n? Anyone home?"
You pressed your face into your arms as you let out another cry, hearing footsteps coming towards the bathroom as the door knob jiggled.
" Y/n? Hey, what's wrong baby?"
"G-Go away Th-Theo... I don't want t-to talk to y-you..."
" Baby, listen, I'm really sorry for getting so mad the other day, would you please just talk to me?"
" I s-said I'm f-fine..."
" Baby, you're crying, you're clearly not fine. Just please let me in and tell me what's wrong."
You sniffled, staying silent as you reached behind you to help pull yourself up onto the edge of the bathtub, feeling something run down your leg. You touched and saw the red substance on your hand, your eyes watering again as you sobbed into your clean hand, hearing Theo jiggling the knob again.
" Baby, please just let me in, I- Why do I smell blood?"
You could hear him inhale through your sobbing.
" Y/n, why do I smell blood coming from in there?"
You let out another sob, Theo banging on the door.
" Y/n, please open the door baby! Please! If you don't open this I'm breaking it down!"
You covered your eyes, your sobs and the sound of Theo's door banging filling the bathroom.
" Y/n, you have about three seconds to let me in before I break this door down! Three! Two! One!"
On the count of one, Theo broke into the room, the door swinging open as he quickly knelt in front of you. You covered your face, not wanting him to see you cry as he tried to pull your hand away from your face.
" Baby, what's wrong? What happened?"
" G-Go away Th-Theo-"
He pulled your hand away from your face, moving his face down to look at you.
" Hey, hey, hey, what's wrong? Why are you crying baby?"
" P-Please just g-go away..."
" No, you're my girlfriend, do you really think I would leave you alone when you're crying? No, I wouldn't, just tell me what's wrong."
He looked and saw your hand with blood on it, a drop falling onto the bathroom floor, not seeing any visible wounds on you. Then he saw the bit of blood on the inside of your thigh, sighing out of relief.
" Come on baby, let's get you up."
You didn't resist, sniffling and hiccupping as Theo pulled you up, leading you out of the bathroom and I to the kitchen and over to the sink, turning on the water and pushing you down gently into a chair. He grabbed a washcloth and ran it under the warm water, turning the sink off and crouching in front of you, placing his hand on your thigh and rubbing his thumb against your skin gently.
" Baby, can I help you?"
You nodded a bit, your face covered by your arm, laying your head down on the table. Theo took your hand, wiping away the blood from along your fingers as he listened to your suppressed hiccups, gently tapping your leg. You moved your legs and Theo took your other hand, placing the washcloth in your hand and putting it on your thigh, moving your hand for you to clean the blood away. You let out a shaky breath, a tear dropping onto the table, Theo's hearing picking up on the quiet sound. He tugged on your hand a bit, speaking in a quiet and gentle voice.
" Hey, Y/n, look at me."
You turned your head, your head laying on your arm as you looked at him, your eyes glassy. He brought his hand up to your face, placing it on your cheek and brushing away a tear.
" What's going on, baby? I haven't seen you like this since we were in grade school."
You sniffled, your leg beginning to shake.
" I-I... I-I got so sc-scared that night... I-I convinced m-myself I wasn't g-good enough for y-you and that's w-why you left... Wh-Who am I k-kiding... Y-You are..."
" Baby, don't talk like that-"
" It's t-true... I-I'm a m-mess..."
" What are you talking about? You're beautiful baby."
" N-No I'm not... I'm a m-mess... Y-You're just b-being nice... Y-You're probably d-disgusted with m-me..."
" Baby, I've never seen anyone more breathtaking than you, you could never disgust me."
He smiled the most genuine smile you had ever seen him do, his eyes literally sparkling as they looked at you. He stood up, gently grabbing your face in between his hands and looking down at you.
" So, I don't want to see those beautiful Y/e/c eyes of yours with anymore tears, I don't wanna see it. You hear me?"
He mock yelled in a lighthearted tone, making you let out a small laugh, causing him to smile.
" There's my girl. Now, we aren't going to go back to this at all, ok?"
You nodded.
" So, you're going to go upstairs to your room and change into something cozy, then we can watch whatever you want, I don't care if it's something I don't like, we're going to watch it, ok?"
You nodded, Theo smiling and leaning down to place a kiss on top of your head, his hands rubbing up and down your arms.
" Ok, go change, I'll be waiting down here."
You nodded once more, standing up as he pressed a quick kiss to your cheek, pushing you gently towards the stairs. You laughed softly, going up the stairs and to your room, going into the bathroom and changing your entire outfit, walking down the stairs in a pair of sweatpants and one of Theo's shirts you had taken underneath your Beacon Hills Lacrosse jacket. You walked into the living room, seeing Theo setting down a bowl of popcorn beside a dozen other of your favorite treats.
" What's all this?"
" Snacks for you, your mom has a bag of them she keeps hidden away for occasions like this."
" You have my mom keep a hidden stash of my favorite snacks?"
" Yeah, obviously."
Theo walked over to you and grabbed your hand, pulling you into the room and down onto the couch. You giggled, nestling yourself into his figure.
" So what do you want to watch?"
" Can we watch Camelot?"
" Of course we can."
" Thanks baby."
Theo smiled, scrolling through and clicking on your show, setting the remote down as the episode started.
" You hungry?"
" Mhm."
Theo sat up, reaching over to the table and grabbing a bowl, setting it in front of you as you looked at it. The bowl was a yellow one filled with an assortment of candy, but only yellow ones. You looked over your shoulder at him, seeing him watching you.
" What's this?"
" Candy, I know how much you like it and how the yellow ones are your favorite, so I took some time to put all your favorites together, that's the more sour candies. We have Skittles, Sourpatch Kids, Lemonheads, Sour Gummy bears, Sour Gummy worms, and lemon drops."
" Did you and my mom happen to plan any chocolate anywhere in all this?"
" Yup."
He sat up again, grabbing another yellow bowl, setting it next to the other bowl.
" This one has Mr Goodbars, M&M's, White chocolate Lindors, only the Yellow Reese's pieces, Yellow chocolate covered almonds, Sixlets, and some white chocolate covered in yellow sprinkles."
" How did I get such a great boyfriend?"
" Guess you were just lucky, now shut up and watch your show."
You giggled as you turned back to watching the show, putting a piece of candy in your mouth every few seconds, Theo nuzzling his face into your neck and pressing soft kisses to it every few minutes. By the third episode, your eyes were growing heavy and you stopped eating your candy. Theo smiled to himself, carefully sitting up and putting the bowls of candy on the table before laying down again, turning off the TV as you turned into him, murmuring sleepily.
" Why'd you turn it off..."
" Because you're obvious tired."
" No I'm not..."
" Oh really? Then what time is it?"
" It's only like 7..."
Theo chuckled, brushing some of the hair away from your face.
" It's almost 11 baby, just go to sleep."
" But I'm not..."
You paused, yawning before speaking again.
" Sleepy..."
Theo smiled.
" Ok, sure, come on."
Theo moved his arm under your waist, pulling you up and on top of him, laying your head on his chest as he played with your hair. You struggled to keep your eyes open, your lids growing heavier as you spoke quietly.
" Theo?"
He hummed back, moving his head a bit to look at you.
" I'm not tired... But you probably are... You can sleep here... I'll just hold you while you sleep..."
He laughed a bit, stroking your hair and nodding.
" Ok, you're right, I am a bit tired. Thank you for the offer baby, I'm just going to rest here tonight."
You nodded sleepily, looking up at him a bit. He held your chin gently, pressing a soft kiss to your lips, keeping his lips pressed to yours for a few seconds, whispering.
" I love you..."
" I love... You more..."
Theo smiled, placing an arm over your waist and the other on your shoulder, pressing a soft kiss on your head.
" Goodnight baby..."
And with that, you were out like a light, Theo following not to long after you. A few minutes later, your mom, Scott, Stiles, and Lydia all entered the house, arguing about something as your mom stopped. She smiles to herself.
" Scott..."
He continued talking loudly, not hearing her.
" Scott!"
" What-"
" Sh!"
He halted, following the gaze of his mom to the couch, seeing his younger sister asleep on the couch, sleeping soundly with her boyfriend holding her close. He saw Stiles look at them, elbowing him before he could get a word out.
" Ow! What the hell was that for?!"
" Sh!"
He lowered his voice, rubbing the spot he had just been elbowed.
" What? I don't like what I'm seeing."
" Stiles, grow up a bit, they're just sleeping."
" So? Sleeping leads to cuddling which leads to canoodling which leads to making out which inevitably lead to sex! I don't him sex-ing up my little sister!"
Your mom rolled her eyes, pushing the boy and the red head out of the house, bidding them good night and locking the door.
" Good night Scott."
" Night mom."
He left up the stairs, your mom looking at you sleep, sighing and grabbing a blanket. She fanned it out over you before kissing her fingers and pressing them gently to your forehead and leaving to her own bedroom, knowing you were in the hands of someone who would never intentionally do anything to hurt you.
Thank you so much for this request! I really enjoyed writing it!!! Requests are open for any story you want! Thank you my lovelies!!!🤍🤍🤍
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xo-tins-xo · 4 months
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Stiles x reader imagine
Summary: Just moving to town and finding sanctuary in a certain brunette.
Word count: 594
An: i really hope you guys like my first ever imagine, more to come soon❤️
Could you imagine just moving into Beacon Hills from a bustling city like Houston TX, or New York. The small , almost eerie , town is completely different than what you’re used to. Everyone knows each other, there's no large intricate highways, and theres like one fast food chain, and everywhere else is a mom and pop shop. You felt like an outsider, the energy was just so different from back home.
Can you imagine just moving in across the street from Sheriff stilinki's house because he and your dad used to be old drinking buddies.
Could you imagine unpacking all your Mr. Toad figurines and other useless trinkets when you catch two brown haired boys staring at you.
The taller one holding binoculars  in his right hand while his head was turned looking at the door, The other boy staring right at you as he keeps hitting his friend’s shoulder to get his attention. The taller boy, with the buzz cut, looks back with embarrassment. You mouth pervert to them and close your curtains to only find out they are still very sheer. Embarrassed by it you just turn away and continue packing.
Imagine stiles seeing the moving trucks up and down his street. He's curious, not many people move to beacon heels. He sees a black Chevrolet truck pull into the drive across the street. At first he's sees a man, but then you get out next. He's bewildered. Not only was there a new kid, but a hot new kid!? He needed a closer examination and of course he called scott for backup, there's no way you're this hot and not supernatural. Scott and Stiles were extremely embarrassed that they got caught for peeping, but it wasn't like that they swear!
Imagine going to your first day of school, You hoped and prayed to not run into those peeping toms, You hoped they went to some delinquent school miles away. You go your whole day without seeing either one of them, until you head to the office to drop off some paper you had your teachers sign. Just your luck, the guy right in front of you is the tall brunette. He turns around and shows this baffled look, his face calms and he starts nervously scratching his head. You give your paper to the front desk and try to go on about your day. Before you could reach the door you feel a warm and .....clammy hand around your wrist? "Can we talk?" he asks, "In private?" he says sparing a glance to the front desk lady who rapidly turned her head away when she realized we were looking at her.
Imagine heading to the library with stiles and him explaining that he wasn’t trying to peep on you, he was just curious about who was moving in. You taunt him a little but ultimately choose to forgive and forget.
You immediately click with stiles but not so much with his friends, They give you weird looks and lydia always has something backhanded to say which really pisses you off. Although you and stiles talk , y'all tend stay in your separate friend groups.
Imagine having stiles drive you around in his jeep to show you all the great food places to eat off campus.
Imagine talking to stiles through flashlight code at night since yalls windows are across from each other
Imagine taking walks late at night while holding each other to ward off the cold breeze as you try to get to the bottom of why you both can't sleep, could y'all be soulmates?
- i really hoped you guys liked reading this🙏🏼. im sorry if its super detailed i wrote this late at night🤸🏽‍♂️
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thesleepy1 · 1 year
I've Missed That Too
A/N: @sterekotypes on Tumblr asked me to make my fic longer and their comment was just so sweet. :D So I did it! 
Pairings: Stiles Stilinski x Derek Hale
Summary: Stiles gets back to Beacon Hills after the events that lead to Allison being brought back from the literal dead. Let’s just say he’s a little confused and a little bit angry. 
Word count: 339
Warnings: Sad Derek 
Part 1
“I don’t blame you, Derek,” Stiles sighed, rubbing his eyes with the palm of his eyes. His flight had been late. He had only gotten back at three that morning and he had been too tired to question the oddness of Beacon Hills. It wasn’t until about noon that he learned about what happened while he was away. “I just wished someone was nice enough to tell me my husband and son almost died. I don’t want to find this sort of thing on my own, you know.” 
“I’m sorry, Stiles.” Derek would never admit to it but he pouted when he made Stiles upset. It was an involuntary expression. His lips would just turn down into a frown whenever Stiles was remotely displeased with him. “I didn’t want to worry you. I handled it.” 
“You should know by now that you don’t have to do it alone, Derek.” Stiles approached the wolf with practiced ease. He took Derek into his arms and although he was not tall enough to tuck Derek into the nook in his neck, he sure as hell tried. “I could have helped.” 
“I know,” Derek mumbled into Stiles’ skin. “It just happened so fast. All I could think about was making sure Eli made it home safe.” 
“I know, babe. I know.” Stiles pulled back and found Derek. He kissed him. It was soft. Oh so soft and tender. “I’m so proud of you for keeping our baby safe.” 
“I almost lost him so many times,” Derek sniffled into Stiles’ arm. “He transformed. His eyes were so amazing. I wish you could have seen him.” 
“I’m sad that I missed it,” Stiles admitted. He rubbed Derek’s arms firmly. “But because you were with him, Eli can show it to me himself. Right?”
“I feel like an idiot.” 
“You said it yourself,” Stiles teased. “I didn’t prompt anything.”
“Shut up, Stiles.” 
Stiles laughed, the stress easing from his brow and shoulders. “I haven’t heard that in ages.” 
“I love you, Stiles.” 
“I’ve missed that too.” 
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