#the islamic republic of iran
godofstory · 4 months
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update on what's happening in Iran:
Based on the news you have heard that they 'abolished' the mortality police.
but today when I woke up and checked the new, 2 of the famous actresses who took their hijab off yesterday, Elnaz Shakerdoost and Shaghaiegh Dehghan have been summoned by the police.
an amusement park was closed permanently (for now) cause one of the female workers wasn't wearing hijab.
they are lying. they just abolished the mortality police to calm the protests, they don't care about women now as they didn't care all these damn 43 years.
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girlactionfigure · 5 months
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URGENT: Yesterday Iranian volleyball player Mobina Rostami, bravely spoke out against the regime's attack on Israel.
"As an Iranian, I am truly ashamed of the regime's attack on Israel, but you need to know that the people in Iran love Israel and hate the Islamic Republic."
Not long after her home was raided, she was arrested and taken away to an undisclosed location, her social media accounts were shut down, and she has not been heard from since. 
The silence surrounding her whereabouts is concerning, and we can only imagine the horrors she may be enduring for standing up against a brutal regime. 
It's crucial to SHARE Mobina's story and refuse to let Iran silence voices advocating for tolerance and peace.
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Y’all are showing that it was never about hUmAn RiGHts with the fact that no one here has an issue with Iran being in the olympics.
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athymelyreply · 5 months
It’s driving me up the wall that the same people who demand that Israel be dismantled and call for “death to Israel” because it’s apparently an ethnostate (already a very dubious claim in itself), then turn around and praise/idolize the Islamic fucking Republic of all places!!!!!
Are you genuinely that disconnected from the reality of the situation? How far up your own ass do you have to be to not immediately see the massive hypocrisy?
Did you forget Masha Amini? Was she just a trend to you? Are you willing to throw your lot in with morality police, Russian allies, and fascist extremist governments just because you both hate Jews?
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the-ind1gen0us-jude4n · 6 months
It is almost Purim
It is almost Purim, a time to be happy and eat hamantashen. It is a holiday where we celebrate our friendship with the Persian and Iranian people.
But before were all use this opportunity to be happy, I'd like to raise awareness for the Iranian people and their occupation by the IR. Iran and the Iranian people have always been great allies of the Jewish people and Israel, so I think it would be best to try return the favour.
Iran is currently under a brutal dictatorial and theocratic regime who oppresses its people and gives them no rights. It is the main hub and sponsor of terrorism in the middle east.
Don't forget Iran, and don't forget the Iranian people and all they've done for us.
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World Press Photo 2023 award winner.
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queerism1969 · 2 years
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faircatch · 5 months
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girlactionfigure · 3 months
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What we all knew to be true is finally confirmed: National Intelligence Director Avril Haines released a statement today warning the public that the Palestine rallies have been infiltrated, sometimes even led and funded by the Islamic Republic in Iran.
Make no mistake, this is not benevolent support for the Palestinian cause. The Islamic Republic in Iran seeks to destabilize American democracy to boost its own power, and fan the flames of antisemitism.
Look no further than its record on imprisoning, executing, and torturing Iranian activists fighting for their freedom for proof. If they really cared about freedom, why would they treat their own people so brutally?
There’s nothing wrong with being pro-Palestine and supporting Palestinian rights, I know I do. But make sure you know exactly what you are protesting for, and against, and who is telling you what to believe.
Hen Mazzig
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secular-jew · 2 months
Reza Pahlavi, the future leader of Democratic Iran, made a brilliant speech today. Everyone should pray hard that he is successful getting Iran (Persia) back.
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"I am not here to ask for your permission to get rid of the Islamic Republic nor am I here to ask you to do it for us.
The true Iran, the ancient Iran, and the soon-to-be free Iran doesn’t seek your patronage, it seeks your partnership. It doesn’t seek your funding, it seeks your friendship because our interests are aligned in the most unique of ways.
So as opposed to the growing threat of this unholy alliance of the red and the black, what, my friends, might a partnership with the Iranian nation look like? What will it look like when sovereignty over our ancient nation is returned to its true sovereign– the Iranian people?
Iran will once again be the anchor of peace and stability in the Middle East, so you can finally bring your boys and girls home from faraway lands, but, with dignity.
Iran will once again be the center of prosperity in the region and a safe haven for foreign investment – not foreign aid.
Iran will once again be an ally of the United States and a close partner of both Israel and the Arab states and see the Abraham Accords grow to the Cyrus Accords.
Iran will once again be the engine of progress, the defender of freedom and righteousness, not the spreader of terror and evil."
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hey. how's things in iran?
hi friend thanks for asking I appreciate your worry and care.
unfortunately but not surprisingly enough, things have gotten worse.
yes, the mortality police is gone but the governors keep on coming up with new ways to harass women and girls who won't stand their oppression and don't want to wear hijab.
they keep up dropping cases against female actresses who don't wear hijab, they harass student in universities, telling radical religious people to tell people to "abide the law".
Khamenei who's the 'leader' of the Islamic Republic said avoiding hijab is both religiously haram and 'political' haram. wtf is he even saying anymore? idk either but his minions aka Basijis keep on listening to him and THEY are the ones who harass women on streets, universities and etc.
poverty is getting worse as well. inflation is sky high some people can't even eat 3 meals a day and settle for one meal a day, IF they can afford the food which in some families, the can't.
yet the brave people of my country will still fight against those shitty waste of space government. speaking up against them in social media or in real life might cost them their lives even if they live outside of the country but we're fed up. we keep on disobeying your stupid rules, you keep on locking up every place women appear without hijab, lock up and imprison every person who says YOU'RE IN THE WRONG but until when? we should and we WILL win this fight. we've had enough.
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europesroyalsjewels · 7 months
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Empress Farah's Diamond Tiara ♕ Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran
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Of all the countries in the world, the Iranian people and the Iranian regime might be the most divergent. You have the barbarous, murderous, genocidal regime on the one hand, and you have the Iranian people cheering on Israel on the other hand.
This is the flag of the Iranian people.
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The flag of the Islamic regime is not.
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luminalunii97 · 2 years
Recently, 227 out of 290 members of Iran parliament voted to execute those who were arrested in the past 8 weeks of uprising. According to Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), the number of arrested protesters are more than 14,000 people. Islamic republic has a long history of mass murders. In the 1988 massacres of political prisoners, more than 30,000 people were executed. In 2019 protests, the government killed more than 1,500 protesters during the internet shutdown. They never stop their criminal ways because blood and bone is the foundation of their reign.
These people, who have the dream of freedom in mind, are going to be sentenced to death if international human rights organizations don't do something about it. We're not talking about nameless faceless people. These 14,000 lives have friends and families, pets and lovers. Let's get to know some of them:
This is Hossein Ronaghi. He is an iranian blogger and human rights activist. He's also a computer programmer and one of his activism areas is internet restrictions and how to go around them. He has a long history of political activities and since 2009 protests, he has been a political prisoner on and off. During current protests, he was called to turn himself into Evin prison or his family will be in danger, so he did that. But even though he was there voluntarily, security forces violently attacked him and beat him. Currently he's in prison with broken legs and no medical attention and a 46-day-long hunger strike. His life is in danger.
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These are Elaheh Mohammadi and Niloofar Hamedi, the two journalists who covered Mahsa Amini's murder news. This is not the first time the government arrest and punish someone who spread a crime news instead of arresting those who committed said crime. Media freedom is a joke in Iran and those who speak the truth get silenced. A while ago in an interview with Shargh daily, the newspaper Niloofar works for, she addressed sexism in her field of occupation and explained: "sometimes a female journalist would think with herself maybe I should just give up this job, this job has many safety issues and the salary isn't good at all. but most of them stay. Women journalists never give up."
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This is Fatemeh Sepehri, a political activist. She oppose Khamenei leadership and demands a democratic future for iran. She's a mother who lost her child custody to sexism. Her husband was a martyr of Iran-Iraq war. Her brother is also a political prisoner. She was kidnapped at the beginning of current protests and is being kept in solitary confinement.
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This is Leyla Hosseinzade, former Tehran university student. She didn't believe in hijab and still doesn't. She refuse to wear hijab while in jail and that put her in a dangerous situation with security guards. She's currently on a hunger strike.
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This is Faezeh Barahui, a young Baluchi girl who was arrested during protests in Zahedan, has been in prison for weeks.
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This is Fetemeh Mashhadi Abbas, a professor in Shahid Beheshti university of medical sciences. She was kidnapped and is now being kept in Evin prison.
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This is Toomaj Salehi, Iranian rapper who's songs are mostly protest songs aimed at the regime. He was brutally arrested and is under heavy torture at the moment.
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This is Nazila Maroufian, a journalist who's in Evin prison because she interviewed with Mahsa Amini's father.
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This is Marzieh Ziari, a women's rights activist in iran who was arrested and her current condition is unknown.
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There are many many many more people. This is just a thin list of more known ones. According to HRANA, among all these arrested citizens, 1,941 of them have been identified and their arrests have become publicly known, 438 of them are university students. Children are among prisoners too but their number has not been reported. The wellbeing or placement of some prisoners are not known and that causes a lot of concerns.
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weemietime · 3 days
Y'all are stupid if you don't understand that the IRGC are directly responsible for a significant portion of current anti-Israel sentiment in the West. And their goal, in case you don't understand this, is to increase support for radical Islam.
The IRGC itself took over Iran and forced its citizens to adopt Islam, and it's so insidious that people to this day who cry about Israeli "colonialism" actively call Iran an Arab country.
I will give a shit about your Israeli "colonialism" when you give equal air space to Arab and Islamic imperialism and actual colonialism which is why Hamas openly says that their goal is to destroy Israel and replace it with yet another Arab and Islamic ethnostate.
People use the term ethnostate to apply to Israel when Israel is the single most diverse and liberal country in the Middle East while ignoring that every single Arab country around it is an ethnostate that rejects those who aren't Arab or Islamic.
I will give your arguments weight when you can point to a country in the Middle East other than Israel who have a 20% Jewish population with equal rights as the Arab citizens. I'll bring some popcorn and then starve to fucking death before you are able to do so.
The Houthis perpetrated a genocide of 200,000 people and the IRGC actively encourages Westoid idiots to make Tik Toks saying shit like "based Houthis," and then "I oppose genocide" lmfao, gooooooooo fuck yourselves.
Zero Jews in Yemen, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. All Jews ethnically cleansed or murdered. Israel has a 20% Arab population with equal rights as its Jewish civilians but Israel is the ethnostate, and y'all don't even realize that this rhetoric you are spewing comes from an Islamic imperialist state who actively work to destroy Iranian and Persian culture.
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