#the japanese and czech ones look so so good
Top 10 best RotE covers
So my Top 10 worst RotE covers has been making the rounds again, and it reminded me that I had started a list of my 10 favourite covers. NGL it was much harder to find 10 covers I liked than it had been to find 10 really bad ones, but there are still some gems out there 💖
10. Assassin's Apprentice (Brazilian Portuguese)
This is where you can clearly see that I don't have much to work with in terms of good covers for this series. Do I love this? No. Is it generic-looking? Yes, but the stag and font look badass and the result is effective
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9. Assassin's Quest (Turkish)
Nice and graphic, I really like the tile effect and this red is very striking.
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8. Mad Ship (Romanian)
I'm not sure if the figurehead is supposed to be Paragon or Kendry, but they did take a risk and the result looks cool and very different from every other cover out there.
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7. Royal Assassin (Polish)
What I really like about this one is that instead of looking badass and in charge like in most covers, this Fitz looks sad and lost, so the artist got that right. And the cloak that morphs into a trail of blood is 👌👌
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6. Fool's Assassin (French)
Bee actually looks her age and there's a heartbreaking contrast between this small and lonely child and the pyre burning next to her. Very good one!
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5. Ship of Magic (French)
Althea reaching out to a gorgeous and very dramatic-looking Vivicia with a mysterious atmosphere around them, yessss! Really cool and memorable
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4. Fool's Errand (UK)
A classic, and this spot is for John Howe's covers in general. I don't love them all but there's a very unique and ethereal feel to his art, his use of colours is wonderful and there are always a lot of details to look at.
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3. Fool's Errand (Japanese)
The Japanese editions for Tawny Man look unreal and it was extremely difficult to pick just one so again, this spot is for the whole set. So, so beautiful and imaginative!
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2. City of Dragons (Czech)
I fell in love with this style as soon as I saw it. It looks absolutely fantastic, damn, look at this Alise and the stone statue behind her!! I love that all the covers from this edition of RWC focus on a different character instead of just showing random dragons. The artist has obviously read the books and it shows.
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1. Fool's Quest (UK)
I am not just saying that because this is the edition I own, but Jackie Morris is the queen of RotE covers for me. I have nothing bad to say about her covers, they look stunning and they work extremely well as a set.
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fic-heaven · 4 months
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All for a pair of tits (Ghost x witty! Reader)
Part 1 / pt 2 "where we left off."
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Not edited/ Nsfw/ Kyle likes reader/ a bit of jealous Ghost/ tourism stuff.
🐥omg I made a part 2 as requested 😩 👐???
🐥I hope you guys like it because the first part rocked my page xd I won't stop receiving notifications and someone asked for a second part on the comments so here we go again.
The mission finished faster than Ghost had predicted with the objective captured and the whole building (and most of his other businesses and properties) sealed and under close investigation.
Price had taken it upon himself to finish all the paperwork that same night and urged you all to do the same, so in compensation you'd have two free days to enjoy Prague. And what a tempting plan that was.
When you arrived here, none of you got overly excited of coming to the beautiful, artsy capital of the Czech Republic, thinking you only came here to accomplish the mission and leave, but the moment John offered two days to unwind and explore the city, none of you protested and eagerly obliged. In consequence, your group didn't get more than three hours of sleep before Price woke you all at seven in the morning to leave the hotel and move to another different one.
"Y'guys gotta pay for your own rooms, this isn't part of the work trip no more, so until we head back to England whatever we buy will come outta our pockets."
All of you groggily grunted, nodded or hummed in reply tiredly carrying everything to the taxies. Of course your group was used to getting little to no sleep, but the flight here and the whole acting, acrobatics and paperwork regarding the mission made your tired bodies melt at the mention of a well-deserved two-day vacation.
"Show me the hotel again, cap." You huffed struggling to get accommodated on your seat as you were squished between Soap and your cases.
"Say that again, (y/n)."
"Jesus. Could you, my sweet dear captain, pretty please show me again the hotel we're staying over?" You rephrased in a sickenly sweet voice.
John chuckled handing you his phone from the copilot seat when Soap quickly snatched it before you could take it. You two started throwing hands at one another with curses and giggles and you swore the driver bit down his tongue trying to stay quiet and professional. Mostly because of how intimidating you all looked. But you were sure this guy was more relieved to drive your group of three, feeling luckier than the woman driver assigned to carry one sleep deprived Ghost and Gaz with the rest of the cases.
Talking about the lieutenant. Ghost missed you.
After the mission, the ball, the persecution, the whole talk with Laswell and the CIA, clearing the misunderstanding with the Czech police, the long hours of paperwork, the short breakfast and finally, the taxies' distribution, you didn't do much than groggily muster a good morning his way. Simon was never sure about what was going through your head because you can be very unpredictable at times, but he couldn't get the intense intimate moment you two shared on Soap's room out of his head and hoped you did as well. Of course Simon couldn't also forget the stench of the monster shit that came out of Johnny's anal rectum and cooked for over half an hour in that small bathroom. But fuck, he only had to remember your tits bouncing Infront of the the vanity's mirror and the nightmare would go away fast. Exactly for that reason, he didn't complain when he was paired up with Gaz because he didn't want to be in between you (the boobies' dream) and Soap (the farting nightmare), at least until you guys arrived to the new hotel.
The place was nice, it had an interior pool and even a small Japanese garden Ghost was sure Johnny would love to visit at night to draw and write on his journal, it also seemed like an amazing place to enjoy breaking his two week rate of not smoking after he also broke his two month rate of not masturbating. Yes, you were too impactful for him and also worth falling back to his additions.
The hotel held just a speck of many art styles Prague was known for. You and Gaz were so eager to explore the city that once all of you were inside, as Price had already booked five rooms, you took your keys quickly, planned to take a very quick nap and meet at the reception to eat out. Soap whined that you two weren't including him so you comforted him and apologized telling him about the plan, John also tagged along offering Ghost to do so as well but he was PISSED and none of you knew exactly why.
How dare you leave him out of the plan? Of course you seemed too tired to explain everything to everyone and Gaz was the one who first offered you to make this trip with him, but didn't you notice Simon's intense stare? Didn't you crave to continue where you two left off? Wait, is Gaz looking at you funny? Maybe he was trying to get closer to you, maybe the young lad misunderstood the dance you two had as you managed to get into the criminal's private party and tried to pursue you. Fuck, Ghost has gone nuts. He can't go around behaving like a jealous teenager with a crush.
"Whatever... Just lead the way." Ghost grunted when you all pressed him to join you instead of closing himself on the hotel's room.
Simon was hoping that after you all took the keys and left to your rooms, he could get a word with you alone. But to his dismay, Gaz had you trapped in the hall eagerly monologuing about multiple topics all from the marvelous places you would visit, your tired brain couldn't keep up with everything so you nodded at anything he said with this cute, sleepy face, struggling to keep your pretty eyes open and your sweet smile breaking from time to time to yawn. Simon decided to take mercy on you putting his steel armor on, marching your way to rescue the sleepy beauty from the sharp claws of the talkative dragon. Ghost didn't say a word just threw his cases inside his room, walked your way, picked you up bridal style breaking Gaz from his monologue and took you to your room's door, you lazily opened it when he let you down slowly.
"Nighty-night..." You yawned before Ghost abruptly closed your door, he had already left your case on the wardrobe next to the door before he left you to rest. You'd thank him properly once you have taken an hour of sleep.
When Gaz knocked on your door you were already dressed with civilian clothes, less tactical, more casual. Price wasn't feeling too sure about leaving part of the gear on the hotel but as it turns out, most of the hotel staff knew the captain as they were Laswell's old friends and longtime contacts, it was Laswell who offered Price this hotel and made it all the more cheaper due to her connection with your unit so all your gear and important stuff was safe and closely watched over.
Prague was beautiful.
Gaz had told you about this strange feeling of wholesomeness and wonder one feels when they travel and you didn't understand it up until now. Of course you had traveled before... But only for work stuff. So getting to explore the Prague had made you giddy to feel such thing.
As you two went to the lobby you met Price and Soap wandering about on the hotel's tiny souvenirs shop. There, you also found Ghost, he was wearing a dark blue, cozy hoody with the England's flag in it under an old black and grey jacket, some jeans and a white surgical mask. You approached him from behind, his dirty blonde hair seemed gold near the old lamp's light that was situated on his left side, his brown eyes were inspecting the beautiful postals displayed on the front wall. He seemed bored but you knew the big lieutenant was as curious about this city as all of you. He was so handsome.
"You're awake." Simon simply said, eyes switching from postal to postal.
"Are you excited we're scaping work for two days?" You purred nudging his shoulder with your head as you faced the same wall.
Ghost looked down your way, a small smile under his surgical mask. He can't stay mad at you when you lean to him this way. It's like you suck up all the anger you make him feel with your mere presence and touch.
"It's... Good."
"Just good, huh?"
"Prague is nice."
Ghost was so dry, but even that was endearing for you.
"But...? You rather stay in the land of tea n' biscuits-"
"I'd rather stay in my hotel room with you." He bluntly interrupted you.
You were expecting a comment like this but to actually hear it from your lieutenant was arousing as hell.
"I thought we weren't supposed to fraternize." You smirked teasingly.
But that seemed to dry the arousal from your lieutenant who now stared blankly at you before he moved away as Johnny called you two from the door announcing you were all leaving the hotel.
Well shit. Fuck. Wrong line.
The autumn foliage made Prague look otherworldly, specks of orange here and there sparkled the city and accompanied your group as your eyes marveled on every store you visited and every building you got to see. Gothic, Art Nouveau, Cubism, and Surrealism were the main artistic styles that influenced the architecture and street art of this gorgeous city.
Gaz and Soap had made a list of all the most remarkable places in Prague: Franz Kafka's museum, Tyn cathedral, Prague's Castle, the Spanish Synagogue, the tragic Jewish Museum... Overall, gigantic castles and impressive cathedrals, very interesting museums and street art, it was very hard to pick where to start. You obviously couldn't see it all in two days, but the little time you had was enough to visit some of those places.
You guys spent an hour marveling over anything and everything and were enjoying a second breakfast on a cafe near the very famous Astronomical Clock listening to Gaz fawning over the beauty of Prague saying things like: "Did you know Mozart lived here?", "The second ugliest building in the whole world is in Prague, we must visit it!" Or "Petrin Tower has the best view of the whole city, captain. We'll take amazing pics from there!" Kyle looked so adorable, his young features lighting up in excitement and wonder.
As the clock marked 9:00 the twelve apostles appeared on the clock's building making a show for the tourists to gawk at. Your group included. Gaz almost fell out of his chair trying to capture every second of the show with his new phone (he accidentally carried his old one to this mission and when he got shot, the bloody bullet impacted right on the screen destroying the device but saving his life. Lucky bastard.), Soap also tried to film the show but the dumbass forgot to charge his phone and it died on him just when he opened the camera so you gave him yours instead and he, like a happy kid with a new toy, took it with a grin and begun inflating your gallery with pictures and videos. Price chuckled picking up a new conversation you eagerly joined. The topic? Who was the laziest of you all.
"Soap." Ghost accused running an arm around the back of your chair. You smiled up at him and Ghost gave you a short, soft glance. He didn't seem angry or annoyed anymore, Prague's beauty seemed to work it's magic on calming the Manchester beast.
"ME!?" Soap almost dropped your phone and you smacked his arm so hard his tattoo could have very well left his skin.
"You know why I favor lazy soldiers on hard jobs? Because the muppets always find creative ways to finish shit faster." John smirked behind his cup seeing how that last wip of his made Gaz and Soap actually compete on who of them two was the laziest just to impress Price. The idiots... You loved them.
And your endearment for the two Sargeants you considered little brothers, was evident in your light chuckles and giggles at each story they told about their laziness. Ghost found himself staring so deeply into you enamoured by your light laughter that everything muffled around him. Price shot your way a teasing wink when he noticed Simon's trance, to his surprise, you winked back and looked back at your lieutenant with the same affection, and instead of showing you any embarrassment Ghost simply gave your arm a soft squeeze with the hand that previously gripped the back of your chair and redirected his attention to the conversation as if you two hadn't just shared an intense staring competition.
Back to the OTHER competition of who was the laziest: Gaz won just by sharing the dumbest anecdote of how a few months back when he was flying to visit his parents, he had downloaded a clapping sound on his phone so when people started clapping as the plane landed he just played the sound at full volume.
You all resumed your trip and kept exploring the city before enjoying lunch at a beautiful restaurant and at the very last minute Price offered to take the Big Bus which would take you on a tour around the city and for an extra amount of money you could go on a river cruise across the Vltava River. To your absolute surprise it was Ghost who offered to buy your ticket and so, all of you enjoyed the guided tour until your team stood up to leave the bus at a certain stop. All of them but Ghost. Price shot you two a knowing look before you parted ways with a rushed goodbye just when Ghost gripped the hem of your hoodie to stop you.
"We are not... Joining the others?" You asked a bit baffled and confused, Simon smiled under the plain white surgical mask, urged you to sit down with him and you accommodated yourself by him with his arm firmly wrapped around your shoulders.
"I thought you'd like to see the river with me." He purred and you shot him a bright toothy smile, your eyes widening.
"We're taking the river cruise!'' You exclaimed.
"...Surprise." He lowly said in a sing-song tone, his cheeks slightly flushed in embarrassment enjoying the delight in your eyes.
"Simon Riley, I never thought you'd be the romantic type." You teased. God forbid you from ruining the moment with your teases once more.
"I can be romantic." Ghost said looking away as if seeking a reaction out of you, name it surprise or amusement or whatever. But instead you huffed, nudged the underside of his chin with your head and nuzzled closer surprising the Lieutenant.
"I'm sure you can, Si." And you said it so softly, with no mocking tone or sarcasm or anything. It squeezed his heart in ways he couldn't imagine possible. That nickname you just called him... You were so adorable, this couldn't get more perfect.
The cruise was surprisingly emptier than he had expected, perhaps it was because of the date, the weather or how expensive it was, but Ghost was in bliss.
You two were cuddling on the spot you had chosen with Ghost resting his chin on your shoulder as you two enjoyed the view of the river, an earplug on your right ear and the other on his left while you listened to a gentle (very romantic and fitting) playlist Ghost shared from his phone, the boat swings slowly as if lulling you, Prague was breathtaking and the multiple orange leaves that rained down from the nearby trees decorated the surface of the river in such way that entranced you two.
Do you know this feeling you get when you instantly think "This is totally going to be a core memory."? Well, that's how you were feeling. And Ghost? He was so at peace with you on his arms on this beautiful scenery right on his favorite season of the year. His favorite person on his arms in a foreign country just after capturing a mafia boss, this must be a dream. Simon craved to say that he loves you right then and there, the fantasy playing on his head of your warm embrace and your lips against his made him feel lightheaded nuzzling his face closer pressing his cheek firmly on yours. His heart skipped a beat when you quickly moved to place a short peck that landed on his surgical mask above the side of his nose. He leaned back and you cursed lowly thinking you messed up until your lieutenant's scarred hands went to take his mask off. Simon looks at you softly, his thin lips spread into a soft timid smile as some leaves from a nearby tree landed on his hair and jacket. He looked beautiful, and he thought the exact same thing about you.
"I..." You whisper breathless at the sight, and for once in your life you couldn't find your words as they were lost at the beautiful view of Simon with that beautiful stern but softened gaze. He looked angelic even, the memories of his enraged bloodied form during battle were lost and forgotten momentarily to make place for a new memory of this handsome man staring at you with so much love and devotion your eyes begun tearing up. Ghost shivered a bit, his smile lightly widening, he could feel the love overwhelming you so much your tears slid down and his heart beat faster. He knew what you wanted to say. He knew his (y/n).
"I do too." Simon said.
He leaned the slightest bit then and you did as well, suddenly too nervous to say anything until-
"Mister! A rose for the wife?" Said an old man that happened to pass by your seats with a bouquet of gorgeous white roses.
"W-wife?" It's the first time you ever heard Simon stutter but you knew better than to tease him about it.
"Sure!" You chirped buying him a rose and he was so stunned his big beautiful chestnut eyes followed every move you made until the old man left and you were placing the rose on his chest.
"A beautiful rose for my beautiful wife~" You snicker.
"I don't think he meant me, love."
"Why! He was looking at me while he said that!"
"Maybe's cuz' the old man's sight was fucked."
"He didn't correct me though!"
Ghost sighs, his shoulders shagging as he sneakily sniffs the beautiful rose on his chest and he couldn't get more pretty. Your hand shot to your pocket trying to find your phone but couldn't. Soap must have kept it when you two stayed behind.
"Shit-..." You cursed, and Ghost's smile widened again handing you his phone but snatching it back when you were about to take it.
"One picture. But only if you're in it too." He said lowly and you complied.
You two posed for Ghost's cracked camera with a sweet smile holding the rose together as the Charles Bridge came to view from behind you and the orange leaves picked height with the chilly, wet breeze of the season. Simon almost strangled you when after snapping the picture you added a small text that said: "Prague's cruise with my wifey~" with an orange leaf emoji and a white heart. Now he has a new lock screen.
Hours passed and after reuniting with the other three at the gates of the hotel, you all agreed it was best to enjoy dinner at the hotel because you had drained your wallets enough for the day. Ghost smirked under his surgical mask when he noted Gaz's bitterness at the sight of your hands tangled and how you were pressing your body against his lieutenant's every chance you had. This really had to be the best break Ghost has ever had.
The buffett from the hotel was pretty nice, although Johnny was so excited of showing you the multiple pictures and selfies he had taken with your phone he sat right in between you and Ghost not noticing the chastising look Price was giving him or the murderous glare from the other broody Brit. Gaz also joined the conversation further separating your attention from Ghost but he'd give you the space, after all, this wasn't a two-people trip.
Price and Ghost ended up chatting together about serious matters implying the CIA and Ghost's worry of being recognized by other gang members if they felt vengeful about the guy they captured during the mission. Ghost was a stern man that took his job very seriously and feared nothing for his life but if something happend to you, specially now that his bond with you had deepened and strengthened, he'd loose his god-damned mind, still, it was a weakness he embraced. To his relief, Price reassured him that everything would be alright and it was them who should fear if they got recognized, that he should leave the matter of the mission be, at least until tomorrow when they left Prague to go back to the base in England. Price's confidence was a huge comfort for Ghost, so he then decided to take his word and enjoy what was left of the trip to focus on you and himself instead.
After dinner, you felt a pang on the chest at the realization that you didn't want this trip to ever be over. Of course there was still work to do and you missed your crappy neighbours and the stripped stray cat you used to feed on your porch each morning and night during deployment.
You sat on the patterned emerald carpet next to the large window that overlooked the city at the beginning of the hall where all your rooms were. It was eleven in the night and you didn't want to sleep, so after some tossing and turning you decided that pondering over your current situation with Ghost near the window like an angsty teenager wearing your cozy pajamas was the best option to kill the time until you felt tired enough to sleep. The others had gone to their own separate rooms half an hour ago, all of them but Ghost, who had left the dining place the first, you thought he was on his room but when you knocked there was no reply. You guessed he needed some space, maybe you had overwhelmed him a bit.
You stared at the night sky from the slightly damp window, looked back and when you saw you were alone you cracked an unholy sneeze that could have woken up the whole building.
"Fuckin' hell. God-fucking-bless you, the hell was that?" You heard someone growl coming from the stairs.
"Woops... Sorry n' thank you. It's fuckin' freezing in here. You know? I should tie you a bell of something, LT. You caught me sneezing now but next time who knows."
You heard Ghost sigh lowly as he finished the rest of the way upstairs joining you on the window. He was still wearing his street wear, you picked a slight smell of smoke on his jacket. He must have gone to enjoy his nightly cig break on the beautiful Japanese garden near the hotel's parking lot after dinner.
"What are y' doing here?" Ghost asked and you slowly turned to give him a side glance that spoke volumes of your turbulent mind. He understood.
He wordlessly sat down near you, heavy arms supporting his weight behind his back. Brown eyes looked across the window and lastly, to you. You noticed how relaxed he had gotten every time you were on his eyesight, it made the pang in your chest worsen.
"Shit... I really don't wanna go home." You sighed mindlessly with a bitter, forced smile. Ghost stares at you again, big, wide eyes picking every detail of your face illuminated by the moonlight coming from the window. "You know, I think that... for me, you are the best part of this trip, Si." He hanged his head low a little baffled by your words but quickly lift his chin to look back at you again. "Today was really fun. Excluding the part when we got lost on our way to the hotel and had to use Google's translator to ask our way here." You spoke lowly with a smile on your lips and a barely noticeable lump in your throat.
Ghost brushed it off with a dry chuckle and shook his head swiftly removing his facemask. "That was one of my three favorite parts."
"Three? Do tell, Lt."
Ghost took some time to reply, seemingly gathering the courage to speak again. "First was the cruise."
"When I called ya my wifey?" You jested.
"Don't push it." He growled but you two knew the real truth. "Second was when we got lost." When you asked why he quickly responded as if it was the most obvious thing "Why. 'cuz I got to spend more alone time with you."
Your heart beats faster in sync with his, you leaned forwards sitting a bit closer with your legs crossed and a loving smile lifting your cheeks, your hands went forwards and Ghost didn't waste a second softly squeezing them with his calloused palms.
"What's your third favorite moment?" It came out as a whisper, your features softening, both yours and his cheeks were lightly dusted in red.
"When Johnny fell downstairs after dinner."
You bursted out laughing breaking contact from his hands to cover your mouth and trying to lower the volume of your laughter. It surely had woken up some hosts because you could hear some bangs on distant walls and doors.
"Really? He fell!?"
"Landed on his butt, he looked like a kid. Now that I think 'bout it, I may have a fourth favorite moment..."
You were about to ask when did he see this if he was supposedly on the garden all this time, but instead you nodded urging him to continue. Ghost was silent then, he seemed to be staring deep into your soul like a toddler on the line of the grocery store, you giggled sweetly at this missing the light tremble on his hand when he reached to pick both your hands with his left one as the other went backwards to his pocket. He pulled out a postal of Carlos bridge, on the corner of it was taped a dry leaf, Simon lowly commented that he picked it from your hair when you two arrived to the hotel. Your eyes were tearing up as you took the postal, an ugly sob scaping your lips as you tried to dumbly smile up at him with a pathetic "For me!?" Ghost smirked at your reaction trying to hide his embarrassment. This explains why he left so soon after dinner, he wanted to rush to the souvenir shop before it closed to gift you a tiny piece of Prague, something to remember the beautiful moment your hearts touched.
"When we were at Johnny's room before the mission, when we were about to..." He coughed a little awkward "That's not how I wanted it to go. That wasn't how I wanted this to start." Simon explained motioning a hand between you two.
You smiled softly inspecting the postal and letting out a chuckle filled with affection when you saw that in the back was scribbled: "Prague made me your wifey, and you my white rose." With a tiny doodle of a skull with a rose on its eye socket.
"I love you." Simon blurted and your eyes snapped up to see him smiling at you so softly you felt like you'd faint right then.
"I love you too... Shit I... Wow." You laughed once more perplexed by how deep and emotional this was getting, you shook your shoulders trying to compose yourself "But I didn't get you nothing back..."
Simon stood up and offered you his hand, you took it without hesitation. "You gave me this." He murmured pressing a finger to your chest.
"My tits?"
"Idiot... Your heart. Come on, (y/n)..." He growled annoyed and you snorted.
"I also gave you a rose." You reminded him and that brought his smile back quickly. Ghost mauled at his cheek with a nervous smile looking down the carpet between you two, his hands were now on your waist and yours rested on his shoulders.
"Wanna... Pick up where we left off?" You offered and Simon squinted his eyes a bit confused until he realized what you meant. "This time without Johnny's shit n' the way." You mused.
"By all means..." He joked as well. And you two smiled softly at each other, relief clouding your senses as if a weight had lifted from your shoulders.
His lips were on yours quickly, it startled you at first as your arms went to his neck, one of your hands deliciously tugging at the hair from his nape. He growls in your mouth, tongue licking at the line of your lips demanding you to open it for him and you comply engaging your tongues into a beautiful slow dance.
You two kissed and moaned into each other's mouths as Ghost blindly guided you to his room, one of his hands pawing at every part of your body as the other froze to firmly grip at your right breast squeezing with enough force that you hissed, but then your own moan broke your complains when he bit your lower lip, fingers pinching at your nipple, his right hand abandoned your ass to quickly unlock the door. It was a tedious task when your hands were feeling everywhere they could. With little struggle you opened the door with a kick and rushed inside, both of you taking your clothes off with each step you took closer to the bed as giddy laughs followed scaping your mouths involuntarily. You looked crazed as if what you were doing was a first, as if you both hadn't gotten mistaken for a married couple a few hours back, as if what happened in the other hotel before the mission was nothing but a beautiful fantasy you had made up while getting ready and waiting for Soap to finish his business. How silly but how heartwarming it felt when the moment you turned back fully bare to look at Simon, your naked lieutenant hurried to lift you by your ass and tackled you to the bed bouncing together at the abrupt drop, loud chuckles erupted from your smiling faces. Simon looks at you from above, golden locks ruffled with a smile so wide it shapes his eyes crescent, soft pants followed the rhythm of your own heaving chest.
"You are so beautiful..." You don't know who said it, as this moment felt so surreal your bodies went autopilot.
He caged your body with his then, hard shoulders lowering so he could press a loving much slower kiss to your mouth, your eyes flutter closed, the atmosphere turning more sensual and heavy. The darkness of the room hid your bare, battle-marked bodies from the world, only a speck of moonlight that came from the window to your left badly covered by the curtains, it helped you see a little of Simon's blissed, flushed face as he kissed every inch of skin from your higher half until his face was right above your breasts, his kisses went slightly longer tasting your skin, his warm tongue lick at your chest as if you had poured sweet honey over your nipples. You arched your back bucking your chest to his mouth with a moan when you felt his teeth brush the delicate surface of your hard nipples. He went feral then, big hands massaging your sides, he nudged his head from side to side switching from tit to tit kissing and licking feverishly at every inch of skin he reached. You gasped loudly when his hands shot to grab both your breasts to sandwich his face compleatly, he loudly growled with a "Jesus fuck..." when your legs tangled with his and your wet cunt kissed the underside of his hard cock.
You two were so excited and lost on the foreplay that you missed one crucial detail, Gaz's room was right behind you. So when Simon slid inside you (easily with how wet you were), the gasp that left your lips and the loud grunt that scaped his startled Kyle while the Sargeant was reading his ebook while listening to music. His new music now consisted on a rhythmic thudding on the wall, the headboard of his lieutenant's bed quickly picking pace mashing against the paper wall that separated the two rooms, your sweet moans turning desperate and high pitched when he heard a loud curse coming from the other male.
Simon lifted his chest from yours leaning his whole torso backwards with the support of his left arm, his right hand groped and massaged your thigh while his hips feverishly snap up to hit at your sweet spot. You two were already panting as if you had been at it for hours and not minutes the intensity of the shared feelings (and Kyle's ear pressed against the wall as his hand went under his pants). Your chest heaves, you struggle to contain your sweet moans as Ghost pistons his hips against yours, loud claps and curses fill the room, Simon's enormous sex pulsates inside of you feeling the way your walls squeeze him painfully hard.
"Fuck you feel amazin'... Keep squeezing me, baby... That's it-"
And you wanted to do it, you really did, but you knew that if you did, this would end up quickly. You two were already sweaty, lust-filled eyes fixed on one another until you slightly moved your thigh out of his field of view and quickly his eyes shot to your bouncing breasts and Simon no longer cared of you weren't squeezing his cock, his pace picked up and deepen, the head of his cock punching a whole on your stomach. You squirmed, loving moans turning urgent seeking more and more of the delicious pain his giant cock was giving you. It was a struggle to move your waist closer to his while he was shaking the whole bed with the force of his thrusts, Ghost launched forwards, both hands gripping at the headboard with delicious growls and moans of his own, his pace slowed when he felt your legs wrapping around his waist and your nails dig on his back. He saw heaven in your eyes while you bit on your lower lip, your hips moving upwards milking him for your life, the sweet gasps and groans that he graced you with as he allowed you to do the job caused your cunt to squeeze his cock so hard you managed to push it out.
"Fuuuuckin'-..." He groaned out halting you with his hands roughly gripping at your hips and bullying his cock inside you. "-Hell.....!"
You yelled when he picked up a violent pace, the smacks against the wall stopped abruptly making Kyle groan, Ghost had smacked a hand on the surface and pushed the whole bed a few inches backwards because he swore that the way the forniture was hitting the wall with your lovemaking was making a hole.
Lucky for Gaz, he could still hear pretty well the bed bending and fucking breaking as well as your sweet voice singing a song only dedicated to Ghost who was smashing your cunt so hard, squelching and slapping noises could be heard with clarity. A few moments later, with Simon pining you into a breeding position pushing his hips downwards rubbing his balls on the underside of your sex and his hot mouth firmly pressed on your left breast muffling the loud moans he tried and failed to contain, you panted out you were about to cum, so Simon, with few slow but hard and calculated thrusts, managed to find your end before he quickly lifted himself from you and rushed to your upper half stroking his red cock with angry fast strokes. Beads of cum covered your chest and hit your tongue when you opened up your mouth expectantly. "Jesus... Shit... You vixen..."
You giggle breathlessly swallowing down his cum and try and help guide him back into the bed when the poor lieutenant winced and almost fell backwards when he tried to take a step back.
"We'll be leaving tomorrow... Might as well recover quickly, Lt. The night is long." You whisper on his ear when Ghost tucks you on his chest. "I need your cock inside me again as soon as you can get it up again." That earned you a shiver from the behemoth of a man who, with a quick peck to your temple moved to hover up your body.
"You are one insatiable bitch with a whimsy kitty..."
"Tell me you don't love it." You say licking his ear.
"I love it, and I love you." He said with finality, his thumbs brushing your cheeks lightly and you sighed softly.
The night went on quicker than you'd have liked. By the morning, poor Ghost had to put cream on his whole genitalia with how far you two had gone. Still, he had the best few hours of sleep he has ever had, with your bare body spooned by him, head on his arm and his other hand cupping your tits. You didn't know, but he had taken a selfie with you gently snoring a few seconds before you had awoken and instantly rolled to face him and cuddle properly with a groggy "mornin'..."
Ghost loved this. He imagined himself awakening every night on with you on his arms and he felt a kind of peace and tranquility he never thought he'd be able to feel. Sadly good things don't last, and it was Johnny who had awoken you two by the door to have breakfast and leave to the airport.
All of them were a little surprised but played it nice when they saw you freshly showered and with Ghost's oversized clothes rushing to get dressed in your own room. Price had this look of amusement that never seemed to leave him, Johnny was confused as hell and Gaz had this big bags under his eyes that said enough about his restlessness the night prior.
Some hours later, your group was flying to England where Nikolai claimed he'd wait in the airport to take you all to the base.
Now, If you remember the long conversation about who out the lot of you was the most lazy, it was Gaz.
So when the plane was reaching London and the passengers started clapping and congratulating the pilot, you all turned to Garrick who lazily rolled his head your way with this bored look, lift his phone and pressed a finger on the screen without even looking, instantly, a clapping sound came from it and your team started laughing, classic Gaz. Though Ghost's low chuckles died slowly when he got to see a tiny glimpse of the screen, the clapping came from a video that showed total darkness until he managed to make out the shape of Gaz's hotel room wall. That same wall that connected to his room. So the clapping came from behind the wall, when Ghost was balls deep inside you.
The Sargeant noted the sudden lack of laughter from his lieutenant so his eyes pointed his way, face still bored and slightly exhausted from the flight, the kill shot was when Gaz made this casual shrug that made Ghost remind himself of the oath he made to always be loyal to his team so he wouldn't strangle Garrick right then and there.
"Guess I was also too lazily not to clap my own hands on the video, y'two made me the favor." He winked and Ghost launched his way. Fuck his oath.
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incognitobobcat · 5 months
Headcanon Tomáš
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Photo Source: @jojogreg8441 on Twitter
Name: Tomáš Vrbada
Birthday: July 11, 1993
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Birthplace: Prague, Czech Republic
Languages: Czech, English, Chinese (dialect unknown), learning Japanese
Fighting Style: Ninjitsu and Pencak Silat
Weapon: Karambit
Religion: formerly Catholic
Favorite Colors: Silver and light shades of blue
Favorite Foods: Svíčková, Řízek, Rajská omáčka, Madam Bo’s cooking, homecooked meals, Gyoza, and food from the Osaka night markets (ie. Kuromon), enjoys food in general
Favorite Beverages: Water, Pilsner, milkshakes, and some juices
Favorite Pastimes: movies and tv shows, music, walks in nature, traveling, enjoying various foods from restaurants and night markets
Favorite Actor: Johnny Cage
Favorite Movie Genres: Action, adventure, suspense, psychological thrillers, comedy, and whatever else from other genres that appeal to him.
Favorite Music: Contemporary music, alternative metal, classical and soothing instrumental music.
Favorite Dating/Hangout Spots: Osaka night markets, cozy and casual and cozy restaurants, and romantic and peaceful natural spots.
Personality: He is stern, intimidating, and quiet on the outside. He is able to command the respect from his subordinates. He is assertive in a firm and confident way. As a trained assassin under two established clans, he is true to his oaths and never backs down from kombat. He is loyal, courageous and deadly in his profession. As a person, he is kind, gentle, soft-spoken, eager to help and caretake others. He is intelligent and kind. He enjoys favorite past times with people he likes to hang out with and a woman he’s interested. He can be funny and is a good actor.
Ideal Woman: Tomáš likes a soft and gentle personality who can really connect with him on an emotional level. He values kindness, compassion, and empathy. He needs a partner who can give him the emotional safety and space to be vulnerable. Being a giver himself, he loves it when a woman graciously and enthusiastically accepts his gifts and chivalrous gestures. He also wants a woman who can handle his constant need for reassurance and appreciation, so constant attention and physical touch are very important to him.
Turnoffs In A Woman He Dates: Abrasive, angry, negative, careless with how she words things (straightforwardness is a gray area as it varies from individual to individual), blunt to harsh, overall oné who isn’t “feminine” in behavior. Fiercely independent women are frustrating for him to deal with. He may not be aware of this: even though he has fought alongside strong women who are fierce warriors, he has traditional views of how his woman should be and prefers her to be meek and dependent on him, as it feeds his masculine ego and need to look after someone who is weaker.
Deepest fears: To expand on the last point mentioned above, Tomas’ need to look after someone weaker stems from his past traumas of losing loved ones. He has a fear of abandonment. Subconsciously, this is his way of being in control of what he views as his and those who he sees are in need of his help. This brings him alot of gratification and allows him to feel like he is in control, sometimes in an intrusive way.
Furthermore, When Tomas feels he is not being seen and recognized for his acts of kindness, this will further fuel his fear. When someone can do for themselves what he desires to do for them, he interprets this as a message that he is no longer needed, and therefore discarded.
Turn Off For A Potential Partner: Once Tomas has decided that you are the woman that he wants because you check all of his boxes and meet his needs, he will physically and emotionally latch onto his partner. He would want to be with her as much as he can. Tomas is a very physically affectionate person and will want to cuddle, hold hands and make out as much as possible. He loves frequently having sex as a way to pour himself into his partner and bond with her, and it helps him de-stress, so he will make sure that he gets this as much as possible. This may drain the woman, especially when she is tired or not in the mood.
If the woman isn’t on the same level as Tomas is regarding falling in love at his pace or is more reserved regarding his physical and emotional needs, is not ready to open up about the details of her life, or cannot be emotionally present for reasons ranging from business to tiredness to being with girlfriends, he can get frustrated, insecure, and extremely jealous, to which he will verbally express this making him come across as whiny. If she is careful with her body and not want to have sex during certain times of the month out of fear of unwanted pregnancy, Tomas may eventually accuse her of making excuses to not want to be intimate. In his mind, there must be something wrong with him or she may be falling out of love that she’s distancing herself from him. Repeated reassurances may fall on deaf ears as he may shut down and walk away, or argue her points in such a way to make her feel guilty. The woman may feel obligated to give in to soothe his fears and build resentment over time or she may have to end the relationship.
Tomas expects his partner to be able to pick up on what he is feeling and can’t shut down when his partner doesn’t. Because he fears abandonment, he can be emotionally selfish where he will emotionally manipulate his partner with guilt trips on how much he has done for her, her not appreciating him, and playing the victim to get reassurance and physical affection from her. This may make the woman feel like her efforts are not good enough, which affects her self-esteem, she may feel abused and and be emotionally drained to the point of apathy. Her pulling away from him will further trigger his fears and Tomas may cry and beg, promising to change. If she chooses to stay, things may get comfortable for the old habits to come back. If she walks away, Tomas may double down on his efforts, making it even harder for her to leave.
These behaviours only manifest behind closed doors when you are his person. Outside of that, things are normal to untrained eyes.
Healthy Tomas: If he is healthy and secure in himself and his partner, Tomas is the most giving to her beyond the physical. He will make her feel like she is his priority and she will feel emotionally safe and contained by him. He is empathetic and is attuned to her moods and needs. He also knows when he needs his space and can communicate clearly with his partner, and vice versa. He is also able to walk away from a toxic relationship or once he feels that a relationship has run its course while holding on to the good memories. Tomas is respectful of his partner’s refusal to be intimate for her reasons and will make sure that her needs are taken care of when she is tired or stressed while putting his feelings aside. He is a great friend and lover, and wants to build a family with his future wife when she is the one. He will make an excellent father and husband and would die to protect his family.
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misiahasahardname · 9 months
i’ve had this long list of td surname headcanons (and i guess some of them are nationality headcanons) for a while and haven’t done much about them, so…
here are each generation’s surnames! (except for rr since i’m not too confident about them)
gen 1:
harold norbert cheever doris mcgrady V
cody emmett jameson anderson
lindsay tyson
noah könig (german)
eva barta (czech)
izzy clark
owen fraser
trent evans-grant
gwen kennedy
heather ryeo
bridgette summers
leshawna simelane (south african iirc)
beth spring
devon ‘dj’ joseph
alejandro burromuerto (spanish)
sierra kauffman (german)
tyler wilson
ezekiel miller
courtney cortez (spanish, or from somewhere where they speak spanish primarily)
duncan butcher
katie wan (malaysian)
sadie peterson (originally was gonna give her a romanian surname but here is peterson)
justin kāne (hawaiian)
geoff jasper
gen 2:
josef ‘jo’ kaczmarek (Polish)
brick macarthur
anne-maria chahuán (chilean)
michele ‘mike’ russo
cameron corduroy wilkins
rudolph ‘lightning’ jackson
staci sterling
zoey gates
dawn oakwood
scott brackin (irish)
dakota milton
sam stevens
beverly ‘b’ jones
gen 3:
ella ito-courtemanche (japanese and french)
scarlett montgomery
max mayhem (yes. i’m actually giving him that as his surname. get sillyed)
jasmine reynolds
shawn tremblay
dave korrapati (indian, more commonly in telugu-speaking areas)
sky sanderson (i was a bit uhm. stuck with this one. i looked up ‘cree surnames’ but found only three. i went for this one but i’m still uncertain.)
amy martin
samantha ‘samey’ martin
topher mccann
rodney rogers
sugar silo
beardo mbomio (equatoguinean)
leonard howe
gen 4:
nichelle ladonna (italian)
bowie davis
emma fletcher
julia hartwell-hughes
priya khan (indian)
millie carter
chase boonmee (thai. it means ‘reliable, generous, loyal’. ironic)
raj ghosh (indian)
wayne watterson
mary-kate ‘mk’ yí (chinese. in honour of fai yí, my beloved)
damien reid
hezekias ‘zee’ guzman (argentinian (it means ‘good man’ which is what he is!!!))
rhinffrew ‘ripper’ bowen (welsh (WELSH RIPPER REAL))
caleb garcia (hispanic)
axel sanchez-guðmundsdóttir (hispanic(?) and icelandic. yes, apparently ‘axel’ is an icelandic name!)
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object-obsession · 19 days
| Combined post #2 | Low-budget horror movies featuring sentient objects as killers
Inanimate Object Characters List | Entry: 41
I have seen none of these and I never will.
This is a bunch of randomness, but as trash as these movies may or may not be (just kidding, ain't no way they are good), they must be included. Otherwise, I would not be able to honestly finish this list.
By the way, the images are gonna be small with these ones.
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Movie: Killdozer (1974) | Object: bulldozer
I'm not sure if I had even heard of this movie until today.
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Movie: Death Bed: The Bed that Eats (1977) | Object: bed
Look at that title. I'm sure this one is already as bad as it sounds...
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Movie: Attack of the Killer Tomatoes (1978) | Object: tomatoes
I think this would work better as an animation like the cover, but in reality, it's a low-budget live-action movie.
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Movie: Ferat Vampire (1982) | Object: car
It's a Czech movie. And I had definitely never heard of it until today.
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Movie: Blades (1988) | Object: lawn mower
Apparently a parody of "Jaws"... I have no idea either, man.
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Movie: Amityville 4: The Evil Escapes (1989) | Object: lamp
This movie revolves around a demonic lamp or whatever.
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Movie: Battle Heater (1989) | Object: heater
It's a Japanese movie. Also looking ⁿᵒᵗ ˢᵒ promising, am I right?
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Movie: I Bought a Vampire Motorcycle (1990) | Object: motor cycle
Are the vampire motorcycle and vampire car from Ferat Vampire related to each other...?
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Movie: Amityville: It's About Time (1992) | Object: clock
Who thought it was a good idea to make more Amityville movies?
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Movie: Amityville: A New Generation (1993) | Object: mirror
I... I give up...
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Movie: The Mangler (1995), The Mangler 2 (2002), The Mangler Reborn (2005) | Object: laundry press
I saw the ending... It enough for me to decide not to watch it. Only today, I found out it has a two sequels. How?! And why?!
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Movie: Killer Condom (1996) | Object: condom
Do I even have to say anything...?
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Movie: Deathbed (2002) | Object: bed
No more bed horror movies, please.
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Movie: The Red Shoes (2005) | Object: a pair of high heels
It's a Korean movie.
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Movie: The Wig (2005) | Object: wig
It's a Korean movie... again.
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Movie: Evil Bong (2006), Evil Bong 2: King Bong (2009), Evil Bong 3: The Wrath of Bong (2011) | Object: bong
And there is a WHOLE FIESTA of Evil Bong sequels. THERE'S 10 FRICKING MOVIES. Indeed, these three are not even all of them.
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Movie: Road Train/Road Kill (2010) | Object: road train
No, it's not a train, it's a kind of semi-truck, apparently.
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Movie: Killer Piñata (2015) | Object: piñata
Its design is pretty funny, honestly - but the movie's rating is not.
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Movie: The Sand (2015) | Object: beach
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Movie: Attack of the Killer Donuts (2016) | Object: donuts
The fact that they made this not even so long ago is embarrassing.
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Movie: Bed of the Dead/The Dwelling (2016) | Object: bed
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Movie: The Car: Road to Revenge (2019) | Object: car
Walmart Christine, I suppose.
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Movie: The Drone (2019) | Object: drone
Killer drone goes brrrrrr. *someone's neck falls off
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Movie: Bad Hair (2020) | Object: wig
Some concepts just somehow keep on returning, despite yielding bad results (almost) every single time. Like cars, refrigerators, beds and (most surprisingly, in my opinion) hair.
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Movie: The Killing Tree (2022) | Object: Christmas tree
The rating is so bad, that giving it a try is too risky. And that title is foretelling as well. I don't trust such a title to be of a good movie.
✨ 36 movies FINALLY COVERED ✨
This undoubtedly will be the longest post. If people in the future decide to make more low-rating sentient object horror movies, I'll be sure to add them to this list if I come across them. If I don't and you noticed their existence, LEMME KNOW (please).
Okay, so I also have come across a bunch of short films revolving around sentient objects, but this list is long enough as it is right now already. So if you are curious, I'll just leave the link down here and you can check out the IMDb list I found yourself:
Inanimate Objects Horror (imdb.com)
I'm a tiny bit annoyed, because it took me a whole while to compile this list, but only after I found most of the titles myself already, I found this list. But oh well, at least some titles I have been able to add because of that list. And there are some titles here that didn't appear in that list, so in the end, some of my work was still useful.
Lastly, quick mention of Annabelle and Chucky, because even though they are technically objects, they resemble humans and aren't eligible for this list. However, the characters are quite popular among some horror lovers, so hence this shout-out.
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torybrennan · 7 months
seizure covers ranked
okay part 2 here we go
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the classic. i love that they tried. i really do. but this is how we end up with tory "moose hands" brennan. hi with the weird cropped haircut. shelton is not japanese. ben is not native american. 7.5/10 they made choices for sure
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uk tory version and french version. the brighter option is definitely better and they fixed the moose hand on both of these. same casting problems. who took a bite out of shelton's shoulder. no brendan anywhere to be seen. 8/10 for uk, still 7.5/10 for france
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italy why do you insist on the ugly blank font. tory i'm so sorry the dutch put you through the weirdest filter imaginable. extra points for the inclusion of brendan but still a 6/10 for both
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us, polish, czech. it's pretty good. 6.5/10 i miss tory but at least brendan's name is on it
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another uk cover and another czech cover. the ropes are accurate but the time of day is wrong. i actually really don't mind this one. 7/10 for uk 6.5/10 for czech because they included brendan but why did they make it crustier
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i can't believe i didn't look closely at this one until now. this SLAPS. i can totally tell who is who in the boat, and it's even kind of an accurate rendition of sewee. no brendan but damn i might overlook that. 9/10 this is good shit
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uk what the bleeding fuck is this. there are no mountains in the lowcountry. 2/10 jesus christ
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plebeiangoth · 11 months
Have some Halloween movies in no particular order
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The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra is a great time, if you can find it. It's a love letter to so-bad-it's-good horror movies from the 50's and 60's which were all ambition and no talent e.g. Plan 9 from Outer Space and Manos The Hands of Fate. One of the funniest and most quotable movies I've ever seen!
House is as gorgeous as it is spooky and goofy! If you've not seen it, you're missing out. It's made by a director who made advertisements and a lot of the special effects are what would have been common in Japanese ads at the time.
Martyrs goes on the list for that one asshole who needs something extreme. Not that it's a bad movie, of course. But if you're that asshole and have yet to see it, have fun! If you don't know what I'm talking about, this film is not for the faint of heart and I mean it! Look up "French extremism" if you're curious. Again, if you've not seen it and don't like lots of blood and gore and little left to the imagination, this is absolutely not for you.
Valerie and her Week of Wonders is a gorgeous example of Czech new-wave, about a girl becoming a woman in a village of vampires! Strongly recommend this one if you like House, it's super colorful and whimsical!
Tetsuo the Iron Man is my idea of a more fun kind of extreme film. This is one of those movies I've seen several times and can't seem to remember the story, but suffice to say it's a wild ride about a metal fetishist who becomes sort of a metal monster in a similar fashion to Tetsuo in Akira becoming a giant flesh monster. It's got a very goofy tone and is shockingly wet for a movie about rebar.
The Thing is never not fun. I'm sorry to say I don't know my Carpenter as well as I should, I'm just too stuck on how much I love The thing and may never move forward. Yes I've seen Halloween, just I like The Thing better.
The Devils is a movie you can't watch in your home in a legal capacity, Warner Bros is never releasing this one on home video. Rest assured you can find it. It's a Ken Russell film about a whole convent of nuns (the Mother Superior played by Vanessa Redgrave) are so in lust with this priest, played by Oliver Reed, that they all fein demon possession to evade persecution. The complete version of the movie includes a scene in which all the nuns bang a crucifix. It's one of those movies I say the production team went to "the cool face store", because wow there's a lot of cool looking faces!
The Rocky Horror Picture Show, because there will always be virgins
Young Frankenstein was Mel Brooks's only funny movie. Fight me! (men in tights was okay i guess)
Bram Stoker's Dracula. What more need I say?
I can't easily pick any one Jan Svankmajer film, so this is the Svankmajer portion of the list. For the uninitiated, he was a Czech stop-motion animator who made these hyper realistic claymation films, often with a dark context. My favorite feature length films of his are Alice (a telling of Alice in Wonderland), Faust, and Otesanek (his final film and magnum opus, aka Little Otik aka Greedy Guts, based on the fairy tale Otesanek about tree-root baby turned vore-monster). His films aren't necessarily scary, just very unsettling and disturbing.
Hellraiser 2 because I haven't seen it yet and people keep telling me it's the good one, as if the first one wasn't delightfully generous????
The Witches is a movie that upset my very Christian grandmother one time when I was a kid, watching it on TV at her house. I don't think she understood the point that the witches aren't the good guys. I know it's irrelevant, I just thought it was funny. I miss you, Nana.
The Worst Witch. Can someone tell me where to watch this? I never saw it before and I wanna see some tacky Tim Curry schlock
eXistenZ is a movie which I only saw for the first, second, third, and fourth time ever one week last year and I'm ashamed as a Cronenberg fan that it took me so long! Not necessarily his most Halloween-y movie (I'd argue that would be The Fly), it's just a lot of fun.
Think I'll stop there, that's a good sized list.
Add your own recs! What do you watch this time of year?
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kala-basaa · 8 months
i have a question
do you even plan on doing a bundle order type thing with the rings/bracelets? like getting all of them on one order/listing on etsy?
you did a great job with them, they looks so cute and cool! {that's partially why i'm asking because they all look great and i want them all but my wallet will hate me if i do it}
Hi there! 👋 You're my second ever ask on here 😌✌️ Thanks for stopping by!
So, to answer your question briefly, no. I do not plan to put all the rings and bracelets into a single listing. But this is for good reason, I promise!
Firstly, it would be redundant to add all the rings and bracelets into one listing as I already offer bundle deals on each individual listing (i.e. the SDJ Collection with the main cast has an option in both the bracelet and ring listings to get one of each boy at a discounted price).
Also, it, unfortunately, costs a bit extra to make these listings as well as format them properly to show up in the correct categories on Etsy.
Secondly, I mentioned that I offer options in each of the listings to get one of each boy at a discounted price.
Typically, each bracelet I make costs $14.50 while each ring costs $7.50. If you select that you want ALL the boys in that collection, these are marked at a discounted price.
For reference, here's some screenshots of those prices as they show up in my shop ✌️
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The full base price of buying 4 bracelets would be $58 while it would be $30 for 4 rings. On these listings, I offer the 4 bracelets for $50 while the rings I offer for $26. That's about 13% off the full base price for each accessory type.
I also run two separate sales in my shop to help with costs as well.
One of them is that there is 📦Free Shipping (Domestic only)📦 for orders over $50 PLUS 13% off your entire purchase if you order 2 or more items from my shop.
So, hypothetically speaking, ordering one of each boy from the main cast, rings and bracelets, would cost $88 for the full base price.
But using the discount price I offer for both accessory types would bring the price down to $76.
Plus the added 13% discount from ordering 2 or more items would apply as well, making the final total to $66.12 before taxes PLUS free shipping.
I know my prices aren't ideal for everyone, but these are the prices that work for me while also giving buyers a chance to save a bit of money along the way. I try my best to be as accommodating as I can for everyone.
Please note that the materials I use to make these accessories are of high quality! The metal findings on the bracelets (clasps, chain, etc.) are all made from stainless steel while the beads I use are either Japanese or Czech glass from name/designer brands (kind of crazy how there's designer name brands for beads of all things). These materials don't come cheap and are factored into the cost of each item accordingly.
I apologize if this is still rather expensive for anyone who is interested in purchasing the entire collection. Unfortunately, I am unable to modify the prices to be even lower lest I risk experiencing a loss on my end.
I really do appreciate you reaching out about this as it allows me to break the costs down for those who are curious about that process. I hope this answers your question and provides a bit more insight!
- Kala 🧡
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katyspersonal · 1 year
*kicks in the door*
1) What would their social media page/activity be like
4) Physical headcanons (sleeping habits, favourite food, all that)
8) Made-up connections with other characters that weren't in the canon (friends, enemies, whatever)
9) Headcanons about their past
Have a good one!!!
YOOOOOOO! I didn't expect this!! Finally, a chance to talk about her! (Also, a small bit ahead - I tend to call her Julie instead (Czech variant of Julia), as it is a more proper translation of her name, and I use Yurie sometimes for ease of a communication. There used to be a post by Saintmic about names but TLDR; the エ (ye) in her name ユリエ (yu-ri-ye) is not silent, and it is a different name than the existing Japanese name Yuri (ユリ or sometimes ゆり).. Besides, Soulsborne games always have a character with a variant of this name (such as Zullie, Yulia or Yuria/Julia))
(Asks from this ( x ) meme)
1) What would their social media page/activity be like
Hahaha... I imagine her as being someone whose page is mostly reblogs. 90% of them are from Willem x) But really, though. She would often not find what to say by herself, but would share some based takes - criticisms of modern culture, spreading awareness of some interesting statistics, journal articles that are based on cold and hard facts without any propaganda (good OR bad)... Her personal posts are rare and are either pictures + texts about something from her ordinary life, or vents. However, she'd constantly get the "DELETE THIS" DMs from Laurence (for reblogging some statistic about "effectiveness" of the Healing Church's procedures). Surprisingly, Willem himself never gets any flack despite being the OP of the posts she reblogs to begin with xD
4) Physical headcanons (sleeping habits, favourite food, all that)
Julie normally prepares her breakfast, lunch and dinner in advance, just so she would not have to get distracted from routine work (that tends to occupy her strongly). She cannot care less about her food being cold or even getting stale for that matter. But she behaves differently during her time of caring about Rom as a human; Rom tends to forget to eat as well, and for HER Julie is willing to make sure the food is fresh from the oven and is in its best quality.
She ends up chugging too much blue elixirs later in her story, exactly for the side-effect they are giving - to numb her brain. Julie never had a drinking problem prior - be it the holy blood, the sedatives, the blue elixirs or even actual alcohol, but she got a chance to drink with Fauxsefka a little too often and developed the habit very soon.
All her character sliders have the number at 0 except for arms that has 130 (middle), soooo. Her strongest part is her arms - not too muscular, but strong. If she ever must fight without weapon, she will exclusively fist-fight (or hit one's vulnerable spots, should they lack enough armour). Her punches are not strong (her STR is only 13), but she knows where and how to punch for maximally damaging effect (SKL is 33).
I used to think that she was bald for the same reason as Willem and Slime Scholars (so, Arcane?), but hair falling out from Arcane would not explain her notably bushy EYEBROWS, so I ended up deciding she does have hair tucked under that cap. I also decided to bridge the gap with learning about her NPC data colors too late by having her dye her hair brown or black-ish sometimes. Even prior that, I've had a running gag with drawing her with different hairstyle every single time, but by now she developed more tomboyish look in my interpretation!
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She has an eagle sharp eyesight, is able to effortlessly read the tiniest letters without magnifying glass, or even looking in too close, for that matter. Others joke that she developed it by working with literal eyes too much; most of the jars with eyeballs were prepared and preserved by her!
8) Made-up connections with other characters that weren't in the canon (friends, enemies, whatever)
Damian: Fun fact, him and Julie were my next ship after Micorom (before I made Rom Mico's sister instead)! I've noticed that both her and Damian qualify as "failed" members of their respective factions and it snowballed... xD Since then a lot of headcanons were rearranged, but I still enjoy the idea of them as a ship! However, by now them just being close friends works better; Julie is Rom's caretaker, no dissimilar to how Damian basically became Micolash's "butler" before he noticed, so the two are a bit too attached to their (slightly crazy) blorbos to devote to significant romantic relationship otherwise. But, Damian and Julie always had a lot to talk about, and always were the most responsible people in Byrgenwerth (the type to always volunteer to clean the classroom after lessons, to decorate everything for the holidays, etc etc...).
Towards the game events they do become enemies though, as Damian has to face it that Rom has to die for at least a chance of stopping Mensis ritual, and Julie won't have that. It would further wreck him, of course, as he just keeps losing the scholars that were close to him.. but let's hope that the good ol' 'nobody REALLY can die in Bloodborne' works hahaha. ALSO! When I explored the idea of lucky charms to block out the 'evil' telepathy, I had Damian to wear a silver bell tied with Julie's trademark blue ribbon; she gifted it to him upon their parting!
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Fauxsefka: They have had a lot of tension between each other ever since being Byrgenwerth scholars, and frequent disagreements. Not really enemies, but their personalities do not mesh well at all; Julie is level-headed despite her grumpiness and Fauxsefka is easily deluded although 'friendly', Julie is open-minded but Fauxsefka is prone to fanatism and black-white thinking, Julie often chooses passive ways (such as preferring to not touch Mensis ritual and slowly 'evolve' people) but Fausxefka will take active, decisive actions (such as running off and forcibly evolving people into Kin so they can't become beasts instead). They are opposites that not complete each other, but tend to argue. Fauxsefka called Julie callous and vile on multiple occasions, Julie called her crazy and deranged in return. Even the last time they've interacted, they were fighting exactly over Fauxsefka's idea to return to her experiments, and she told Julie that she should have known better than to believe she'd understand her. Granted, they were trying their best to get along for years, but some people are just not compatible.
Iosefka: She is Fauxsefka's twin. Despite sharing more in common with Julie, Iosefka is a more tender and malleable pushover than her, so she'd tend to go along with Fauxsefka most of the time rather than argueing.
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However, that made Julie a little bit of a 'therapist' friend for Iosefka, and she knew more about her than even her sister. Iosefka entrusted Julie about supporting Micolash's ideas more (at the time), and Julie was the best to hear her out, as someone both critical but not controlling. (Besides, she already used to it, as Rom outright idealized Micolash...) Their friendship was a bit one-sided, but Julie appreciated the trust, and Iosefka appreciated being given space and perspective.
Edgar: Julie liked him more than she'd want to admit, it is as if the guy embodies exactly the kind of a person Julie wishes she was but simply can't be. Not because she is 'bad' but because she is Julie, not Edgar! xd In fact, she envied him, both in good and bad ways. She also had slight fear that he'd 'steal' Rom from her that she'd repress. Most of all traits, she appreciated his independent, non-conforming thinking! Although Julie, likewise, didn't fit into Choir, but her reason was to side with Willem's approach much more. Edgar though? That guy was an unhinged, unbreakable individualist, questioning anything (including even the most sacred and dogmatic things) and anyone (regardless of their age and experience). Yet, this also ended up the trait she resents him by now, since Edgar, sent to spy on Micolash, ended up "thinking that Micolash's ideas make more logical sense". Funny enough, fuming mad at Edgar for being a 'traitor' was the most sincere moment of bonding and agreement Julie ever had with Fauxsefka in her entire life.
White Church Hunter (yes, the one in Research Hall): Vasylissa was Willem's Julie before Julie was Willem's Julie x) Julie tends to develop bonds that are either tense or unequal, but these two had a rather warm bond. The only reason they didn't become girlfriends is because Julie already was too attached to Rom and Vasylissa was always busy with something. But as a very responsible scholar, Julie would get praise from Vasylissa often, down to receiving headpats (that made her blush). Vasylissa would also often find herself pleasantly surprised by Julie having already completed some tasks she thought she'd have to do! They repeated the dynamic in the Research Hall a lot, except now they'd occasionally have cup of tea to bitch about Laurence xd I think it could've been a cute ship in an AU though!
Micolash: Had it not been for LAWS OF THIS LAND- errr, Damian and Rom, Julie would have probably hated him! It doesn't change the fact that he is completely lost on her after going completely batshit (even on his own faction), but being close with two people that loved the guy for years made Julie well aware of his tragic past and sympathetic traits. She simply could not feel hostile towards him, he basically became a friend-in-law, but could very well see Micolash was a dangerous person. She'd attempt to sneak on him without Rom knowing to check whether he was up to something, but either Micolash would be aware and tangle his traces... or Damian would catch her and carry her away like a puppy sdhfgds Rom's love towards Micolash had rubbed onto Julie so much that even if the siblings were to fall apart or one hurt another, she'd try to reconcile them and be a mediator between the two.
Laurence: Unlike what was going on with Fauxsefka, her tension with Laurence was more similar to animosity. Less heated but more 'genuine' conflicts, that stemmed from clashing ideologies rather than clashing temperaments. None of them wanted to become an "enemy" to each other, but it just so happened that Julie OFTEN had something to say against him. She, like Willem and Vasylissa, resented him wasting himself to the ambitions and the plan that was not promising much success in the long run; Laurence pretentiously expressed sadness about her being a very responsible and hard-working asset yet 'having' to always go against him... all that. The difference is that when Laurence would cringe and fail, Julie would feel genuinely concerned about his future, but should Julie make a mistake, Laurence would be gleeful.
9) Headcanons about their past
My impression about her is that if she'd always been the goodie-two-shoes A+ responsible pupil, she'd likely burn out by the time she enrolls in Byrgenwerth! So I'd say she used to be more mediocre kind of kid and teen, only developing the hard-working and respectful attitude over age. You know, as if to compensate for "missed" opportunities in the past!
She'd had a bit of a hard character since childhood, and unfortunately no help or guidance for it. Grown-ups would either not give her much mind as the "no fun" kid or try to make her smile by giving her candy or small gifts. Julie ended up even more aloof and sulky child, feeling like nobody could like her the way she was. It did not help that when she DID try to connect with her peers, they'd make light-hearted jokes about her deigning them with presence at last.. that only made her feel MORE reclusive.
But she'd find a productive outlet for her pent-up aggression in defending the bullied kids with her fists and winning! Along with that, she'd often do boring voluntary job for school all alone, just as long as she could be busy with something. Over time, that formed a circle of thankful, well-meaning people around her that remembered her kindness and other good traits even into young adulthood. None were quite close friends, but under sense of having 'contributed' to the society despite a rocky start in life, Julie started to grow softer.
Julie was one of the people who joined Byrgenwerth only 'after it became cool' (ie not for archeology, but for weird ancient arcane secrets)! She got an impression that over there, people had finally re-discovered something humanity needed but had lost and forgotten. It was a struggle though, as her parents tried to argue that she was on her way to 'simply study something interesting', that did not seem to promise much career opportunities. She felt very guilt and uneasy about her decision, that only had faded when she met Rom and formed a bond with her.
Thank you for asking me! <:3
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Express your love for anime, gaming, and boba tea with the Anime Boba Tea Tire Cover! Perfect for Grateful Dead fans, it protects your spare tire in style Celebrate Your Geeky Passions with the Anime Boba Tea Cover Embrace Your Inner Anime Cat with the Boba Tea Tire Cover Unleash your love for anime, gaming, and all things kawaii with the Anime Boba Tea Bubble Tea Gaming Gamer Ramen Cat Spare Tire Cover! This vibrant accessory features a delightful design that combines your favorite Japanese-inspired elements, including a playful cat, steaming ramen, and a refreshing boba tea. Made from durable, weather-resistant materials, this tire cover not only protects your spare tire but also allows you to express your unique style and passion for anime culture. Let your vehicle reflect your love for all things cute and quirky! Perfect Fit for Grateful Dead Enthusiasts Designed specifically for Grateful Dead fans, this spare tire cover ensures a snug and secure fit, enhancing your vehicle's style. The elasticized backing and reinforced stitching provide durability, so you can hit the road with confidence. With its eye-catching design, the Anime Boba Tea cover transforms your spare tire into a statement piece that celebrates your love for anime, gaming, and the Grateful Dead. Turn heads and start conversations as you showcase your passion for all things geeky and groovy. A Purr-fect Gift for Anime and Boba Tea Lovers Looking for a unique gift that combines anime charm with a touch of gaming and boba tea goodness? The Anime Boba Tea Bubble Tea Gaming Gamer Ramen Cat Spare Tire Cover is an ideal choice for birthdays, holidays, or just because! This whimsical accessory is a delightful way to spread joy and express your love for all things kawaii. Give the gift of self-expression and let your loved ones celebrate their true colors with this meaningful and stylish tire cover! Product Detail For Anime Boba Tea Bubble Tea Gaming Gamer Ramen Cat Spare Tire Cover, Grateful Dead Spare Tire Cover rproof PVC leather material, this cover is both functional and stylish, with unique sublimation printing on the surface for a personalized touch. With a soft, non-scratch backing and easy-to-clean surface, this tire cover is perfect for use on Jeeps, trailers, RVs, SUVs, trucks, or any other tire with the corresponding size. Note Please note that due to varying monitor and light effects, the actual color of the item may slightly differ from the images displayed. Printing technology DIGISOFT™ and Dye-sublimation Style Spare Tire Cover Gender Adult, Youth Color Printed with different colors Size Types: No Camera Hole, With Camera Hole Available in a range of sizes, including 27 inches, 28 inches, 29 inches, 30 inches, 32 inches, and 34 inches, our PVC Leather Spare Tire Cover is designed to fit most spare tires with ease. Brand Sparetiredepot.com – Premium Printed Brand Shipping from United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Germany, Poland, Sweden, Czech Republic, Mexico, Brazil, Australia, HongKong and China An African Victory Menelik II Battle Of Adwa Spare Tire Cover, Rav4 Spare Tire Cover Key features: Our covers are UV-stabilized and water-resistant, ensuring they can withstand tough weather conditions, and each one is custom made just for you. Plus, our simple slip-on design makes installation a breeze, so you can protect your spare tire from sun damage, bird droppings, rust, and dirt in just seconds. Feedback Us: Should you find dissatisfaction with your acquisition, we sincerely urge you to get in touch with us so we can rectify the issue at hand. On the other hand, if you find your purchase satisfactory, we kindly ask that you consider leaving us a positive review. Your feedback not only aids us in maintaining the quality of our products but also assists potential customers in making informed choices. Our ultimate aim is to ensure absolute satisfaction for each and every customer we serve.
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coreytravelogue · 29 days
Hakone, Japan - August 25, 2024
Today is my last day in Hakone, I figured I would write up my time now while waiting for my laundry in the dryer to finish drying but also I imagine Monday will be too much of a crazy day trying to get to Tokyo and from there navigate Tokyo to my hotel, drop my bags there and rummage through Tokyo till check in time then rummage through Tokyo some more.
I will be in Tokyo for technically 7 days, I feel I needed that much time to get the gist but thinking about it now I wish I set aside one more day here in Hakone. I am not really ready to leave to be honest I just love this place. Mind you I don’t love the heat but the heat is all over Japan and that can’t be helped but Hakone has won me over with its beauty, chill nature and it’s love for Evangelion or maybe acceptance of Evangelion as that is one of the main reasons why I came here.
About the same with Kyoto but I always heard good things about Kyoto, Hakone I heard of through Evangelion lore. The more I looked into this place the more it seemed like it was worth going.
My first day was the open air museum which I was hoping was going to be like the Sapporo Open Air Museum in that I could Jayne hat whatever I liked. Hakone’s was much prettier but also most restrictive in that many of the statues could not be touched, some have pictures taken of. I was still able to get some Jayne hatted but that was a bummer. Went from breakfast/lunch at a restaurant and for once the server seemed to genuinely like me there versus uncertain. After being around many other white tourists lately I can understand how the Japanese are a bit tired of visitors, I get it.
After checking in I decided to walk around the Gora neighbourhood and was continuing smitten with the landscape and countryside. The day ended with a communal dinner where I met a few French people and one Czech. A lot of French and German people seem to travel to Japan.
Yesterday I hit the ground walking through the old Tokeidai Road to the Hakone checkpoint. I am not a hiker but that was a fun hike. From there I walked the harbour side then took a pirate ship ferry across to Togendai. From there I took a gondola to the active volcano there and immediately got reminded of the Magma Diver episode of Evangelion. Ate black eggs to extend my life by 28 years (ha) then made my way full circle back to the main station to have Eva ice cream and ice drink. From there I decided to go and have the area’s craft beer and immediately enjoyed it. Best witbier I have had in Japan along with best vegan pizza. I am not vegan but I felt like having something a little healthier for once since much of my food lately has been ham and cheese wraps for breakfast and ham and cheese sandwiches for dinner.
So here I am what is left to do here, I was going to go to Gora park to check that out and the glass blowing thing there. Followed that up with Chisui Falls, go to the Eva store for more ice cream and ice drinks because I am such a mark for Evangelion, head back to Gora and maybe have a few beers at the Gora Brewery.
I would like another day here just to chill and area walk but time is shorter and my wallet is starting to cry. I just feel at home here, I feel like if I was Japanese and spoke Japanese I would love to live here.
One thing I have noticed that is unique to Hakone outside of the other two places I have been to is that it runs rather short hours. I sort of like that about the place like you run by our time we do not run by yours. Just because you are on vacation it doesn’t mean we are at your whim. The area closes pretty early which is fine by me anyway since I am a early bird and early sleep so it fits with my schedule perfectly. This whole place fits my schedule and me perfectly.
I needed this bit of quiet. Tomorrow and the remainder of my time I Japan will be go go go. So happy I chose to come here, I will definitely be back here someday if I come back to Japan that is. Either way if I come back to Japan I will be back here. Laundry should be done now.
Shazbot nanu nanu
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brews-and-pubs · 1 year
Saucy Brew Works, Sandusky OH
17 June 2023
I stopped at the Saucy Brew Works in Cleveland a couple of years ago. Sandusky seemed like a good stopping place this year and since I'd been to Small City Taphouse on my last visit, I decided to try the new Saucy Brew Works here. (Spoiler: I'll definitely do Small City if I come this way again.)
Although you can't see from this photo, Saucy is right near the water of Sandusky Bay on Lake Erie and I imagine they do a huge business in the summer; there's an outside area in addition to a lot more inside space than I show here:
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Since I arrived shortly after 2pm and didn't want to sit outdoors, I figured I'd do the "seat yourself at the bar or a high-top table" option; since a high-top would require ordering at the bar anyway, I sat at the bar. And sat. And waited. And sat. And waited. The bartender -- who turned out to be quite nice even though not quite on top of things -- noticed me right away and said she'd be right with me, but her sense of time and mine must have been quite different.
Eventually, I was able to order a flight (and food ... although she forgot what I ordered and came back about ten minutes later to ask what I'd wanted):
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All of these beers were decent, but they all reminded me of new wine -- somewhat rough around the edges. The descriptions run left-to-right on the top row, then the same for the bottom row.
Separate Czechs (4.1% Czech Pilsner) - This was very acceptable, quite pleasant, and good on a hot day.
Up the Hill (4.9% Munich Helles lager) - I actually liked this the best of the six and ordered a pint of it later (which was an odd experience in itself ... but more on that after a bit).
Swing Juice 2023 (4.9% Kölsch) - I love a good Kölsch, and while this was tasty, it wasn't what I was expecting from this style. I briefly considered doing this as the pint but thought better of it the more of the flight glass I drank. It just wasn't right for today.
Kado (4.1% Japanese style lager) - This is brewed with toasted rice and Japanese Sorachi Ace hops and I was worried that the rice might be too much, but it wasn't. In the end, this was a very close second to the Helles for a pint.
Juicy Asap ( 6.5% American IPA) - It was a beautiful color -- as were many of these -- and I did like it, but not enough to repeat. They say this is their best-selling IPA and I can see why that is, but it wasn't quite what I was looking for today.
Electric Lettuce (7.5% American IPA) - I love the name, but of the two IPAs, I'd take the first. I can't even quite say why, but this one just didn't make the cut in some way. Perhaps it was the wild mix of fruit flavors?
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Even though I'd planned to get something else, I ended up ordering the exact same meal I'd had at their Cleveland location, the pepperoni pizza, and it was even better here. That crust is thin and crispy, just the way I like it, and I love that it's the perfect size for a meal. No bloated feeling after!
Finally, there was the pint of Helles:
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I don't know, maybe she thought I wanted it to go? Is that even a thing here? At any rate, I took the sippy cup lid off and drank it straight out of the plastic "glass."
So, having tried Saucy Works in two different locations ... they're not a bad choice, but far from what I've come to expect on these drives. I'll give them a miss in the future unless I'm out of choices.
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umichenginabroad · 2 years
So much yummy food at home + in Berlin
Dobrý ráno,
Since I'm traveling on the weekends, I've been starting the week by catching up on all my homework and miscellaneous errands. My Tuesdays are half days, so I'll typically head to the library and grind out my assignments. Last week, I also decided to get groceries because I've been spending wayyy too much money on my trips and eating out...
There's all different types of grocery stores in Prague, ranging from supermarkets to little corner stores. My favorites have been Tesco and Albert primarily because of their location and selection (+ both have rewards cards). Shopping was really overwhelming at first; most of the products don't have English on them and packaged goods look a bit different as well. But the camera feature on Google Translate has definitely come in handy! I probably took like 50 pictures to translate when I was there. The first time I went shopping I was looking for sweet potatoes (sladká brambora) and fully though I had bought a normal potato (brambor) lol. Oooh also as a little tip, the baked goods section is super cheap and makes a great snack or meal (Lidl definitely has the upper hand to both Tesco and Albert and it's close to where we have classes).
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Tesco grocery haul -> stuffed peppers & Albert's raspberry pastry
Over the weekend, a group of us headed to Berlin. I've never been to Germany before and wasn't really sure what to expect. All I knew was Berlin has wild nightlife and a ton of history due to World War II. I'd have to say both were true :)
We took a free walking tour on Saturday of some of Berlin's top attractions. It was fascinating to learn more in depth about locations like the Holocaust Memorial, Reichstag, and Berlin Wall (pictured below). For example, the preliminary fence that would later become the wall was basically built overnight. The government forced young men to construct it and by the time they realized what they were doing, it was too late. I'll definitely be doing more of these tours in other cities I visit, and if you ever go on one make sure you remember to tip! (about 10 euros, for reference)
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I've never seen the sky so pretty -- sunset at Brandenburg Gate
The rest of the weekend was more exploration of the West and East sides. We managed to hop on every form of transportation (S-bahn, U-bahn, tram, bus), yet we still walked so much that my feet ACHED every day. The weather made it that much harder haha; it was cloudy, snowy, and freezing cold most of the time. I still had such a good time though!! The people made the experience for sure <3
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Out and about, day vs night (ft the Berlin TV Tower)
Also, cannot rave enough about the food. Currywurst, brautwurst, döner kebap, and pork knuckles are a few of the iconic Berlin foods were had. Kebap is DELICIOUS, and we had it twice. All you could hear on our bus back was us munching on our kebap hehe. There was also so many other cuisines! We tried Indian, Taiwanese, and Japanese, and they were equally as delicious 😋
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It's actually so nice to be back in Prague and kinda crazy that hearing Czech again came with a comforting feeling. I get to see some friends from home next weekend, so look forward to what I'm up to in London with them!
Catherine Jiang Computer Science Tech Career Accelerator in Prague
Czech Words
Dobrý ráno - good morning
sladká brambora - sweet potatoes
brambor - potato (different endings for singular and plural forms)
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tilbageidanmark · 2 years
Movies I watched this Week #103
The Passion According to Andrei is the complete (3 hours and 26 minutes) version of Tarkovsky’s ‘Andrei Rublov’, about the life of Russia’s greatest icon painter. A biblical cinematic Tour de Force, which is No. 26 on the S&S Director List of greatest films of all time.
Russian film studio Mosfilm has uploaded the 4k extended version of Andrei Rublev to Youtube (together with many other Russian classics).
Going through Kogo-nada’s ‘Oeuvre’:
🍿 After Yang is the acclaimed Near-Future sci-fi story about love and loss around a racially-mixed family whose robotic child malfunctions and can’t be repaired. It’s a very slow, low-lighted, low-key (too low key!) and very slight, where so much is left unsaid. High up on ‘Gentle Cinema’ lists, it is indeed melancholy and introspective, subtle and lyrical, but without a payout. The little girl who played the adapted Chinese daughter was fantastic.
🍿 Kogonada chose his pseudonym from a screenwriter who frequently worked with Yasujirō Ozu. He started his career as a video essayist, and made the leap into full feature making. Breaking Bad // POV was his first, breakthrough video essay. Hands of Bresson, a beautiful short for The Criterion Collection. Wes Anderson // Centered is perhaps the best short introduction to WA style. And Way of Ozu makes clear his spiritual connection to the Japanese master.
More of his earlier shorts are on his old Vimeo stream.
🍿 But my biggest discovery was his dreamy debut feature, Columbus which he also beautifully-wrote and edited. (Slideshow Above). This was an intimate, modern Ozu-inspired tale about spaces, deep and quiet and emotionally fraught. Strangely, I looked for it on movie-lists for architecture nerds, and didn’t find it on any. Pure & unforgettable, it’s a 10/10 for me.
Marty, Paddy Chayefsky’s 1955 Oscar drama about an ugly, “stocky” butcher Ernest Borgnine looking for love. It’s hard to imagine his greatest role to be a romantic lead, but there he is, a 34-year-old Bronx bachelor who’s routinely rejected and is tired of looking for a girl. A sweet look at the type of people not usually depicted in movies. 7/10.
First watch: Roland Emmerich’s subversive big-budget spectacular, The day after tomorrow. Maybe because I haven’t see many disaster blockbusters like this, i found it terrific from the very first majestic moments of the opening spot. A prescient scenario that looks today less science fiction, and more as our near-future global collapse. 8/10.
My first two by Czech renegade Jan Němec:
🍿 The whole nearly-wordless, harrowing nightmare Diamonds of the Night follows two young concentration camp escapees, as they run from the train taking them ‘there’, through woods and marshes, trying to evade a persistent shooting party of old farmers, and all the while haunted by memories and hallucinations. With an opening shot that is considered ‘the longest tracking shot in the Czechoslovak cinema's history. Ambivalent horror - 8/10.
🍿 His most famous satire A Report on the Party and the Guests, as if Kafka were to start shooting comedies. A group of jolly party goers are trapped by another group of bureaucrats while frolicking in nature. Anti-authoritarian political allegory.
Sometimes I love luxuriating myself in a sappy, obvious and uncomplicated romance story, especially if it stars Diane Lane. Paris can wait is Eleanor Coppola (Francis Ford’s wife) in her narrative directorial debut. 50-year-old Lane is such a babe, so following her on a road trip from Cannes up north with a flirtatious gentlemen, one of her husband's French business associates, is good for the eyes, and good for the heart. 7/10.
2 with David Bowie and 2 with Derek DelGaudio:
🍿 I read that composer Ryuichi Sakamoto just released his "last" streamed home concert as he struggles with terminal cancer, So I hurried to re-visit Nagisa Ōshima’s classic Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence for the first time in 40 years.
Not only did Sakamoto composed the terrific score, but he also played the only interesting character in this stilted war film, Captain Yonoi, who falls in love with the Bowie character, a blond Adonis rebel without a real cause. Takeshi Kitano was in it too. It did not age well. 3/10.  🍿 “I am The Roulettista”... 3rd or 4th re-watch of Derek Delgaudio’s In & if itself, a 2021 interactive staged performance / personal discovery / art installation, centered around magic and identity. Enigmatic exploration of personal pain. With cameos by Marina Abramovic, Bill Gates, Tim Gunn, others. 8/10. 
🍿 The Prestige is Christopher Nolan’s ‘mystery’ movie a bout a rivalry between two magicians, which Derek Delgaudio “consulted” for. Bowie played Nikola Tesla sporting a big mustache and a bad accent.
I didn’t like the few Nolan’s films I saw (except maybe ‘Momento’), and I started watching this twice before. But the atrocious acting, dreadful script and bland story made it very hard to finish, and I had to bail out in midpoint. 1/10.
Three short films by experimental pioneer Maya Deren:
To be honest, I never heard of this avant-garde artist, until seeing her name on the new Sight & Sound poll. Meshes of the Afternoon is the 16th best movie of all times? The 40th Best American film ever? A 1943 silent surrealist done by a young Hollywood outsider, who claimed that "I make my pictures for what Hollywood spends on lipstick”? I didn’t expect to like it that much, but then I wanted to see more:
At Land, another 15-minutes silent, experimental film, very “artsy” and modern, 100% noncommercial, and so Not-American.
A Study in Choreography for Camera, a very short glimpse of an abstract dance piece.
Related: Agnès Varda 2015 short Les 3 boutons. A 14-year-old girl, her three goats, and abstract dreams. In colors.
2 Without Adult supervision:
🍿 Boys alone & Girls alone: What Happens When a Group of 12-Year-Olds Is Left with No Supervision for Five Days? As part of a British reality TV series in the late 2000s, two sets of 11-to-12-year-old children, one group of 10 boys and another group of 10 girls, were left by themselves in a house for 5 days. They had food, bedding, games, paint, toys, bikes, furniture, etc. They had each taken a cooking course beforehand. None of the children had met before. So what happened?
🍿 That BBC series reminded me mostly of the ‘7 Up series’ and the story of Lord of the flies. Peter Brooks adaptation of the novel was a grim and smashing of the ‘Noble Savage’ myth. Kids become little fascists, if nobody stops them.
Antonio Marziale's unsettling debut short Starfuckers, about a Hollywood director with a habit of inviting pretty male escorts to his house for paid sex and unfulfilled promises of stardom. An intimate power-play revenge thriller.
First watch: Charlie Chaplin’s A Burlesque on Carmen, the 2-reeler version from 1915. Edna Purviance is the girl, and Chaplin is not the tramp, but a silly officer. It ends with an untypical murder-suicide!
"Just one more thing"... I didn’t know that just before he did ‘Duel’ and among his early television work, 24-year-old Steven Spielberg directed the very first episode of Columbo: Murder by the Book. A 100% competent debut that included Peter Falk making an omelette to the victim’s wife.
Sammy challenged me to watch the new Mia Goth slasher X (2022), and predicted that I won’t last more than 30 minutes. Since I usually refuse to watch horror movies, I was surprised how low-key “normal” the first half of it was, and was able to finish the whole lot. It leaned heavily into classic horror tropes, like ‘picking them one by one’ from ‘The Texas Chainsaw massacre’, The ‘Grande Dame Guignol’ from Psycho, The old ghost lady from ‘The Shining’, even the alligator attack from ‘Jaws’. 2/10.   
🍿   I should watch Chungking Express again! Also the few of Wong Kar-wai’s films that I haven’t seen yet (’Happy together’, ‘The grandmaster’, etc.)
Throw-back to the art project:
Russian icon Adora.
(My complete movie list is here)
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innmains · 2 years
Best sleep tracker app iphone
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You can use Sleep As Android with or without your smart watch or wearable sleep tracking devices such as Pebble and Mi Band.
Using this app, you can also receive useful advice to improve your sleep quality, set bedtime notifications and remind yourself when it’s time to go to bed, set little tasks to get out of your bed such as scanning a QR code you locate in your bathroom, solving math problems or shaking your phone, and more. Sleep as Android’s Smart Alarm wakes you up in the most optimal moment, Lullabies help you fall asleep in a much easier way and the Anti-Snoring feature detects when you’re snoring and uses vibration or sounds to make you stop. As the name suggests, it is only available on Google Play Store and it’s been downloaded over 10 million times so far. Next one is Sleep as Android by Ubrandroid. It also offers Pillow Premium for $4.99 per month and for $27.49 per year.
You can download and use this sleep tracking app for free. Pillow supports 11 languages including English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Czech, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Russian, Japanese and Korean, But if you’re looking for something more… quantified, then Pillow is well worth a look.” – The Guardian ”Tracking my sleep is easy: my children and cats take turns to wake me up throughout the night. ” The app is excellent.” – The New York Times However, it’s best to use it with an Apple Watch. You can also use this app without an Apple Watch, simply putting your phone next to your bed. It also lets you listen to important audio events during your sleep such as snoring, sleep talking and sleep apnea. Just like SleepCycle, its smart alarm clock finds the most optimal time to wake you up and its detailed sleep reports enable you to analyze your sleep. Pillow is one of the best Apple Watch sleep tracker apps that helps you sleep and wake up better with its very advanced tools. So, if you’re an Android user, you can continue with the 4th app. The third one in our best sleep tracker apps list is Pillow by Neybox which is only available on the App Store. If you’re planning to use Fitbit Premium, you can try it for 3 months free.
You can download and use Fitbit for free but if you’re looking for more advanced features, you can get Fitbit Premium Monthly for $9.99 and Fitbit Premium Annual for $79.99. You can use Fitbit to track basic activity stats but in order to use it to track your sleep, improve your sleep quality and access the app’s sleep tools like Sleep Score, you need a Fitbit tracker or a smart watch/Apple Watch. It’s available on both Android and iOS stores. Let’s continue with Fitbit which is, in fact, a workout app but it is also very good a sleep tracker app. Sleep Cycle also offers a Premium Plan which costs $49.99 per year. You can use many of the features it provides for free. It’s also one of the best Apple Watch sleep tracker apps enabling you to get even more detailed analysis as Apple Watch is able to monitor your heart rate. It also provides you with very detailed sleep stats and graphs enabling you to analyze and improve your sleep quality.Īll you need to do to use this app is to connect your phone charger and put your phone near your bed before going to sleep, so that it can track your sleep without any interruptions. Sleep aid lets you relax and fall asleep very easily and the app wakes you up when you’re in the lightest phase of your sleep. Sleep Cycle aims to help you relax, sleep better and wake up feeling more energized with its advanced sleep tracking features. Personally, I used to find it very difficult to wake up and get out of my bed but a friend of mine recommended it to me and it’s my best sleep tracker app since then. The first on our list of the best sleep tracker app is Sleep Cycle which is available on both Google Play Store and Apple App Store. In this article, we’ve brought together the best sleep tracker apps that will allow you to improve sleep quality with advanced features and detailed analytics.Īlso Read: The 5 Best Yoga Apps for iPhone and AndroidĪlso Read: The 5 Best Sleep Apps for Apple Watch But these sleep tracking apps will help you relax, fall asleep and get up easily and quickly, maximize your sleep quality and receive very detailed analysis on your sleep. Falling asleep and waking up can sometimes turn into a ‘’nightmare’’ for many of us.
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smokyvrbada · 2 years
For the prompt thingie 2) and Bi-Han :)
Hey lovely! I'm so so sorry about the delay, got behind on some college stuff 😕 but anyways, here are some of my favorite personal hc's I have for our favorite grumpy cryomancer <3 Hope you enjoy!
❄Favorite Bi-Han HC's❄
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Warnings: brief suggestive themes, mentions of blood + violence + death, very brief mentions of anatomy, mentions of abuse, slight angst, Bi-Han being a lovable asshole
Bi-Han is a surprisingly good swimmer, and he also taught Kuai how to swim in their youth too. Sometimes after a long and grueling mission, he'll seek out some of the frozen lakes and streams around the temple and take a dip to wash away the blood and grime. Just imagine him skinny-dipping in clear frozen water oml
Learning languages is one of the Lin Kuei's top priorities when it comes to molding assassins besides brutality, as it helps efficiency when going to other countries to get intel and carry out missions. With that being said, Bi-Han is multilingual, speaking fluent Chinese (Mandarin and Cantonese primarily) and English. He can also understand basic Czech phrases (thanks Tomas) and the bulk of Japanese.
When Bi-Han was a younger student, the only people that he associated himself with (besides his brother) were Hydro and previously Sektor. What was once a friendly rivalry with Sektor became bitter jealously as they grew older, it only escalated further when Bi-Han became Sub-Zero. Hydro was a mentor and sort of like an older brother to Bi-Han; he disappeared when Bi-Han was in his late teens, and only the Grandmaster seems to know what happened to him.
Most of Bi-Han's scars are on his torso and arms. Some of the smaller ones on his forearms and hands mainly come from punishments he endured while he was young, but most of them are from mission-related injuries. When Bi-Han freezes himself or just parts of his body, very rarely the sharp edges of the ice can leave small, accidental cuts; this happened more often when he was still mastering his abilities.
He also has one tattoo on his forearm; it's the Lin Kuei symbol in his shade of blue, but it's small and always hidden under his arm garments (I remember seeing Lin Kuei warriors with the symbol tattooed on them in MK Conquest?? and I do think they mark warriors in that way).
After Bi-Han took up the mantle of Sub-Zero, some problems rose between him and the higher ranking Lin Kuei (mainly Sektor). With Bi-Han essentially becoming the pinnacle of the Lin Kuei, it also meant that Kuai would be left at risk in the lower ranks. Although Bi-Han went on to become a colder version of himself during his time as Sub-Zero, he still looked after and protected Kuai Liang (and sometimes Smoke) under wraps. Even after Bi-Han's passing, Kuai still remembers his narrow escapes of punishment that wouldn't be possible without someone pulling strings.
Everyone knows if or when Bi-Han is around because the temperature drops immediately. I'd like to think that cryomancy heavily based on emotions well; so if Bi-Han is in a relatively good mood, very light ice forms around and the temperature of a room drops steadily. But if Bi-Han is very pissed off or in an extreme amount of stress, thick layers of ice begin to form around, and sometimes icicles and frost form on his skin. This makes it hard sometimes on missions, because targets begin to feel like something is wrong from the sudden coldness.
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